#hp women
teacup-tai · 2 years
Hello! How about top five favorite hp women? Thank you! 💕
Yeeees let's do this, I'm doing it thinking about the books:
Hermione Granger
Bellatrix Lestrange
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall
Ginny Weasley
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natuart · 3 months
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I love #Harrypotter but I totally hate all of JK Rowling's transphobic comments. I wanted to make a drawing, it seemed appropriate that it be in the month of June . Amo #Harrypotter pero aborresco totalmente todos los comentarios transfobicos de JK Rowling. Queria hacer un dibujo, me parecia apropiado que sea en el mes de Junio . instagram, tiktok, youtube, twitter, threads: _natu_art_ . . .
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marauderstars · 6 months
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JKR is now calling trans women “trans identified men” - while still somehow preaching about the ways that men police “femaleness.” JKR and her allies are the only ones who are allowed to gatekeep who and what counts as a woman, apparently. The hypocrisy here is multilayered - she rebukes someone who has a particular idea of what a woman is, and yet she herself has constructed a similarly limited idea of what a woman is - one that excludes trans women. But also - it’s not an accident that all the targets of this kind of transphobia (“protect women’s sport,” “protect women-only spaces,” “some trans women are abusers”) are trans women - not trans men. Under the guise of feminism, she denies the identities and rights of some of the most vulnerable and systemically oppressed women alive today. Trans women are women. To deny that because it doesn’t conform to your “sex-based” definition of womanhood - THAT is the very definition of misogyny.
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sattelite-of-love · 4 months
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apoetsworld · 1 year
Minutes. Seconds. After watching the Barbie Movie.
Sirius, James, Peter and Remus: IMAGINATION, LIFE IS YOUR CREATION
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
me watching a little girl in the single digits innocently explain to me that jk rowling is who she aspires to be when she grows up:
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expectopatronum18 · 5 months
I'll never understand why Lily is always just portrayed as a perfect social justice warrior who's some golden standard for the boys to try and reach up to and who's right all the time instead of an actual, flawed person. We hardly have anything about her in canon, so why do ppl insist on sticking to the same trope? I have often seen lily being portrayed as rather complex, in the sense of examining how the society impacts her, but not in the sense of being her being flawed or not immediately (or ever) right about/ good at everything
Prejudice is ingrained in the wizarding world, those fuckers like to hate on literally everyone, so there's a huge chance that their literature is going to be biased as well. Give me a lily who's trying to understand and navigate this completely new world with mythical creatures from scratch and who believes what the society tells her about them (even decent wizards like the Weasleys had certain prejudices, like against werewolves,half giants, and house elves,it's not just the Slytherins and DEs, so how can she tell what's right or wrong immediately?), and who takes a while to understand that it's the same sort of prejudice she's facing (much like ppl in the real world). Give me a lily who doesn't immediately, or ever, completely understand the complications of politics and the upcoming war as well as, say, characters like Sirius because, well, she's still a child who's new to all of this, and it's not the sort of thing she's ever had to concern herself with (unlike Sirius who grew up in a family that placed heavy influence on social standing). Give me a lily who's ready to make excuses for Snape not out of any reason that would make her look sympathetic, but simply because it wasn't affecting her personally until now (before anyone tries to point to that incident of her calling Snape out on his friends hexing Mary McDonald, she only raised concerns about Snape's company coz they performed dark magic, not because of their racist beliefs).
Or if that's too much to handle, we could at least stick to the few flawed things she does in canon. Like when she doesn't care to listen to Snape's version of the werewolf incident and relies on rumours instead, or when she almost smiles when Snape's pants are being exposed in front of a jeering crowd. People try to spin that around too to make Lily's perspective understandable and sympathetic, and sure, everyone has their own takes, but idk, there seems to be this great necessity to make it such that she's not viewed in a negative light for anything
Hot take, but ppl like to go on abt how women in fiction or in the fandom are critiqued too much, how people can't handle complex female characters, and how much they support women's wrongs, but they always end up confining female characters to being Good and Right all the time and characterize any constructive criticism/negative portrayal of the character as being wrong or mysoginistic.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Things in the HP fandom that ✨just don’t make sense✨
Ship wars
Loving Draco but hating on Ron
Calling Snape abusive while glossing over the fact that the series takes place in an old-fashioned magic school 30 years ago.
Thinking it’s valid that just because you hate a character you can disregard their trauma
Wolfstar shippers who bash Tonks for no good reason (you can obviously not ship Remadora and ship Wolfstar, but why hate on her when she genuinely did nothing bad?)
Insisting that George should’ve died instead of Fred (that’s so disturbing??? wtf is wrong with y’all?)
Excusing literally everything the Marauders did by saying “they’re just kids” and not acknowledging that Snape was the same age
Hating on Cho, Fleur, Tonks, and Lavender (hm I wonder what they all have in common)
Hating Percy when he has an extremely realistic and understandable story and felt genuinely overlooked by his family (which he was).
Calling 9 year old Snape a creepy stalker
Acting like Hagrid was a perfect angel just because he was kind to Harry
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aropride · 3 months
barnes and noble i went to today has a little tiny pride section diagonal from their huge harry potter section. -_-
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
Draco: I have to leave in ten minutes, and I have got absolutely no idea what to wear, Pansy!
Pansy: You’re actually so cute, all flutter over your first date with Potter!
Draco: Is this pastel too gay?
Pansy: Have you ever seen a straight pastel?
Draco: Okay, well, I’ve narrowed it down to these two robes. Which do you prefer?
Pansy: The linen.
Draco: Are you sure?
Pansy: Why do you care which robes? How long is it gonna be on really?
Draco: Oi! I am a good boy. I am!
Pansy: Draco.
Draco: Yeah, all right! The linen then!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
yeah u can put "i hate jkr" and "fuck terfs" in ur tumblr bio but. can u listen + reflect when a trans woman criticizes hp fandom without immediately getting defensive.....
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”If I could draw I’d draw fanarts!”
“If I could draw I’d draw my OCs”
“If I could paint I’d paint all the ideas in my head and become rich!”
If I could draw and paint I would completely erase this portrait of J.K Rowling in a book from my childhood, and draw a picture of Imane Khelif there instead.
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This is my copy and it’s in Swedish, btw.
The original title of this book is Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2. It’s the second book out of two. This is the first one.
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These two books were my childhood. Do you have any idea how empowering it is for a young girl like me, feeling alone in a world that seems to become crueller by the day, a girl who feels unheard by adults, to read these kind of books? I have plenty other books like these, too! These were my two favourites.
Two books filled with strong, powerful and cool women who have changed the world in one way or another! Reading these books inspired me so, so much as a little girl. I couldn’t get enough of these two-page stories about women who were brave and stood up for what was right. Women from so many different countries and backgrounds. It was beautiful. These books were how I found out about most of my biggest idols today: Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, Anne Frank, Emma Watson etc.
As I said, these books are my childhood. Another series of books that played a huge part of my childhood are the Harry Potter books.
As a little kid, I had no idea about who Joanne truly was. All I knew was that she was an author, and I dreamed about becoming an author one day. And Joanne had written one of my favourite series of all time. Of course I looked up to her! I especially remember looking at the drawing of her in Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2, admiring it very much.
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I have grown up. I still love Harry Potter, the series played a massive role in my childhood and it’s been there to comfort me in my hardest times. But I do not support the author, now that I’ve heard about and read the tweets she has made about trans women. It’s disgusting, what she’s said about trans women in the past, what she still says, and what she’s tweeted about Imane Khelif recently… I’ve knows for years now what she’s all about.
It hurts, you know. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, it hurts to know that the series I love so dearly, the series that always makes me feel better, is written by a person who has no respect whatsoever towards half of my friend group and other trans people. None. She is a horrible human being, and it hurts to know that.
Knowing that her face, her name and her story is written in yet another book in my bookshelf, that her presence is constant in my room, makes me sick to my stomach and has done so for a long time now. Ever since I remembered a while back that she’s in this book, this wonderful book about women who have made the world a better place and continue fighting daily, women I look up to so much… I’ve had this sick feeling in my stomach, because she does not belong in this book. She isn’t a feminist. She excludes trans women from womanhood and accuses cis women of being trans or intersex based on their strength and talent in sports. Based on a supposed high level of testosterone? Joanne is cruel, and she’s rude, and she is not a person kids should be taught to look up to. Not after all she’s done.
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Earlier today, I was thinking about this again. And as so many times before, I wished that I myself was a talented artist. This is something I’ve thought about before, but for different reasons. I’ve always wished I could draw portraits and pretty paintings. Fanarts for my favourite ships that I can only picture in my head but not transfer to paper. I’ve always loved drawing, but I’ve never been too good at it. Now I desperately wish that I was.
Because if I was a talented artist, I would grab my pens and paint and brushes, and I would cover up the portrait of J. K Rowling in my book. I would make a whole new portrait in its place, a portrait of another woman I look up to, a strong and beautiful and brave woman. A women called Imane Khelif.
And I’d get rid of the page full of facts and stories about Rowling, I’d tear it apart and throw it away and replace it with the story of Imane Khelif, the one woman Rowling cannot tolerate because of her talent for boxing. I can write. I can’t draw, but I can write. I so wish I could do both right now, because if I truly could trust myself with fully remaking two book pages, I would do it without hesitation.
Imane Khelif’s story deserves to be told. J.K Rowling’s story deserves to be told with seriousness, and grief because of what she has become. This woman could have been a successful author and a beloved feminist, and she could have left it at that. Sadly, she chose a path of hatred and cyber bullying. She chose this journey for herself, and I am sorry for everyone who got their childhood ruined because of it. Heck, I’m sorry for her even, but I still know in my heart that she has no excuses for what she has done. I despise her.
Kids need to be warned about TERFs, not trans women.
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Collage made by @thingsmk1120sayz (I will delete it immediately if you ask me to, love <3)
I stand by Imane Khelif. I stand by the girls who grew up to be strong and wonderful women, the women who made their childhood dreams reality and won medals in the Olympics, the women who became successful artists, the women who reached their goals and ended up writing bestseller books loved by generations.
I stand by them, and I love them. But I feel nothing but hatred and pity towards J. K Rowling. Fuck her twisted beliefs. Much love to Imane Khelif!
Edit: I would like to clarify, Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2 was released 2017. I have no idea when Joanne started spreading her transphobic views on social media. Feel free to educate me on reblogs and comments! Anyways, I don’t think that the authors of this book, Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, meant to cause any harm by putting Rowling in their book. Either this was before Rowling started tweeting transphobic things, or the authors didn’t know about her being a TERF (I doubt the latter). So please don’t send any hate to these wonderful authors! If you want to send them questions regarding their books, I’m pretty sure you’re free to do so! xx
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
you can’t use the lack of canon content about the girls to justify not liking them or writing about them or talking about them and then like or write about or talk about evan or regulus or james or frank or literally ANY of the boys
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that-bitch-kat3 · 6 months
marauders era characters by my daylist:
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marlene mckinnon
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thevisitmaxxedfriend · 2 months
You want to fix her. I want her to destroy me. We are not the same.
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t1oui · 3 months
had an idea for two of my ocs that wouldn't work for them but i think it would work for jily so here's my thoughts
toxic singers jily except they're not toxic towards each other, they're toxic towards everybody else. (this isn't based on my kink is karma by chappell roan, but that song goes PERFECTLY with what i'm thinking. keep this in mind for later)
at first they're in a band with a few others, let's say dorcas and sirius. at the beginning lily is dating dorcas and james is dating remus, who isn't in the band.
see, sirius is the one who wanted to start the band. he's the one who's dreamed of being a musician. but james is the one everybody likes. james is the one people want to sing. james leaves sirius behind and starts writing songs with lily instead.
eventually, james and lily start their own band where it's just the two of them. everybody loves them and slowly they're spending more and more time with each other rather than their partners or friends. when dorcas breaks up with lily, it's a surprise to no one but them because they've been engrossed in their own little world. remus wants to talk to james but he can't because james is putting his friendship with lily over anyone and everyone else.
(their concern for james, as friends of his, is how sirius and remus meet)
finally, finally, james and lily decide to take a little time at home, and remus breaks up with james. and this is where the whole "my kink is karma" relation comes in, because that song is basically remus watching james become less and less like the person he fell in love with, spending all of his time with lily. he watches the two of them push everybody away, convincing themselves (and each other) that they're not the problem.
remus gets to be happy with sirius while james and lily ruin their lives without even realizing. remus gets to watch their 15 seconds of fame collapse out from under them, gets to start a new band with dorcas, sirius, and marlene where sirius gets all the spotlight he wants. remus gets to laugh when james and lily come crawling back to their old bandmates, to him, and beg for forgiveness. because it's too late, obviously. they had their choice, and they chose each other.
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