#i chose rosier because why not
luneengene2 · 6 months
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(Hogwarts AU)
• Slytherin!nicholas x Hufflepuff!fem!reader
• Warnings : short au, death of parents, mention of not good upbringing, quarrel, grammatical errors, (tell me if there is anything missing)
• A/N : Trust me, I'm totally in the Slytherin!nicholas loving phase...
The whole of Hogwarts knew that Nicholas was the rude and temperamental type of Slytherin. He gets angry easily if something bothers him, he doesn't even hesitate to fight anyone who always gets in his way or annoys him, even professors are no exception.
Nicholas grew up to be a temperamental person because of his stepfather's harsh upbringing. His biological father died when he was a baby, and his mother remarried an Englishman six years later. However, in the 9th year of marriage between his biological mother and stepfather, his mother died due to a sudden heart attack. Nicholas was raised harshly by his stepfather, Evan Rosier. Many people said that Evan did something like that because he also loved Nicholas, but Nicholas didn't feel that way. He felt that his stepfather was just making him a puppet that he could control at any time. Nicholas stuck with Evan because Evan was the only guardian he had. Moreover, he was only seventeen years old, which meant he couldn't make decisions at will.
In fact, Evan was so controlling over Nicholas, Evan was also the one who chose Nicholas' mate. Evan matched Nicholas with one of his friends' daughters who was in Hufflepuff. You. Nicholas was matched with you because of business matters between Nicholas' step family and your family, not purely because they wanted to unite the two families. The match made by Evan of course made Nicholas furious, he couldn't rebel much.
However, everything changed when Nicholas saw you for the first time. You weren't like the typical pureblood girl he usually imagined with an arrogant and spoiled nature. In fact, you are very gentle, caring and kind to everyone. In less than a month, you succeeded in making Nicholas truly fall in love with you. Even though at first you didn't like this match, you slowly accepted it well.
Nicholas, who has a temperamental nature, never shouts or even curses at you. He can't change his temperamental nature, but he won't want to show that bad nature to you. If you get into an argument, he will stop the fight if you are around. Or he will calm down if he just hears your voice.
Your relationship with him became stronger when Evan and your father decided to engage you to Nicholas so quickly. Your status as his fiancé makes Nicholas have a sharper protective side. He hates anyone talking bad about you. He hates you talking to strange men. He hates anyone who always disturbs your peace. He hates everything that makes you sad or even cry.
"Y/N!" You jumped in surprise when you heard Cedric's voice calling you in the Hufflepuff common room while you were reading a book during your break.
"Yes, Cedric? What is it?" You asked with furrowed brows, Cedric looked panicked, his breathing was labored. "Your fiancé got into another fight," You immediately gaped and got up from your seat. "Again?! This time with who?!" You were immediately no less panicked than Cedric.
"Matheo Riddle, they are fighting near the black lake, no one can stop Nicholas yet," You slapped your forehead when you heard Cedric's answer. Without further ado, you immediately ran to the black lake to stop Nicholas.
"Riddle bastard! I will really kill you this time!" Nicholas shouted thunderously, he punched Mattheo mercilessly. Mattheo, who is usually reliable against anyone, is now having difficulty responding to Nicholas' punches or even avoiding him.
His friends even had difficulty separating Nicholas and him, or even no one dared to separate the two of them.
Why did the two of them get into a fight? It all started with Nicholas who was composing a beautiful poem for you near the black lake, and at the same time wanted to refresh himself too. And suddenly, Draco Malfoy's gang came, starting to make sharp sarcasm at Nicholas. At first Nicholas didn't care, but when Mattheo suddenly said indecent words aimed at you, Nicholas was immediately provoked into extraordinary anger.
On the black lake, things already looked tense and chaotic. You let out a rough sigh because Nicholas' Slytherin friends could only scream without any action to separate Nicholas and Mattheo.
You approach the chaos with ragged breath, trying to stay calm too because if you panic, you feel everything gets even rougher. "Nicho," The Slytherin students there immediately looked at you when you called out to Nicholas softly.
Nicholas didn't hear you, he was still busy beating up Mattheo. "NICHOLAS!" You shouted sharply and loudly enough for Nicholas to hear your voice. Your breath was out of breath from yelling that hard, you weren't used to it.
Nicholas immediately looked at you when you shouted his name, but his hand was still holding Mattheo's shirt collar tightly. You approached Nicholas, smiled slightly and took his hand. "This is not good, stop it okay?" You spoke softly then caressed his cheek. Nicholas' hand which was still holding Mattheo immediately threw the curly-haired man away.
Nicholas kissed your palm which had been on his cheek. And yeah it's true, he's very calm when you're by his side. It's really changed drastically.
"You should have ignored Riddle's words earlier. I don't want you to be complained to Professor Snape for getting into a fight with him," You said while stroking his hair gently, currently he was lying in your lap.
"I don't care if I complain to Snape, Mattheo deserves it, he can't talk bad things about you," You chuckled when you heard Nicholas' words. "I'm used to things like that, besides you know how I am. Just you understanding me is more than enough, Nicho," You said softly, then played with his fingers gently.
"You know, you are very precious to me. I can't be silent if someone talks bad about you, you are a part of my life, and a part of my life like myself, they should not be humiliated, miserable, and look bad," Nicholas said looking into your eyes softly. One of his hands reached out to stroke your hair. "I have lost both of my biological parents, they are part of my life that has been lost, but God sent you as if to be medicine for me. I was 'healed' after meeting you. Therefore, I always want to protect you well, I don't want God to take you from me because I can't protect you," Hearing that from Nicholas, you were always deeply touched. He really experienced major trauma because he lost the valuable people in his life.
The sweet words and promises he said to you weren't just sickening talk, he really kept his word well. He always proves his promises and words to you, never breaking them in the slightest.
"I love you," This has been a thousand times (?) Nicholas has said things like that to you, and he will keep saying them, maybe until you and he grow old together.
You responded to his words by giving him a sweet kiss on his lips, while allowing him to 'channel' his love for you through his actions.
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artemisia-black · 24 days
Some of my Writer’s notes for my Regulus fic 
I wanted to explore the impact of Orion’s absence on Regulus. Particularly as I read Sirius’s take on BCS as being partly a projection about Orion and Regulus: 
“Nasty little shock for old Barty, I’d imagine. Should have spent a bit more time at home with his family, shouldn’t he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while ... gotten to know his own son.” GoF
So Regulus is ripe for grooming in Orion’s absence: 
“ felt more real and urgent than anything his father had ever taught him.” 
2. Also the opening scene emphasises how I view the Black’s relationship with Power : 
This idea of power is key to how I view the Black’s relationship to blood supremacy. They enact their ideals through the political/social systems and there is canon evidence for this: 
“Araminta Meliflua . . . cousin of my mother’s. . tried to force through a Ministry Bill to make Muggle-hunting legal.” OoTP
In this example, Araminta wants to ensure what she is doing is legal (that’s not to say she doesn’t do it anyway), and she uses her clout to try and force the bill through. This is interesting for several reasons. It mainly demonstrates that the Blacks want the oppression that flows from their beliefs enshrined in law and that their bloodthirsty tendencies need to appear to follow laws/have a veneer of respectability.
I express this in the fic using the following motif: 
“The Blacks had always believed in keeping a velvet glove on their iron fist” 
3. Regulus also feels Walburga’s absence and this further drives him into Bellatrix’s clutches: 
“His pulse quickened, a rush of heat flooding through him as her dark, intense eyes flashed before him—eyes that burned with a fire both mesmerising and terrifying—a gaze so reminiscent of his mother’s yet far more dangerous.”
4. I wanted Regulus to come across as very sheltered and Naive so I juxtaposed his fantasy of murdering the man from the newspaper with the reality of murder. I chose to have him keep repeating why he was doing it and keep telling himself that he was about to become a man much like a single minded child: 
 “He wasn’t just a boy anymore; he was about to become a soldier. “ 
5. He was specifically instructed to use Avada Kedavra because it causes the most damage to someone’s soul. 
6. I view the deatheaters as a gang who operates on ‘blood in, blood out’ hence murder being the price you pay for admission. 
7. I wanted taking the mark to feel Pyrrhic. Reg vomits up Kreacher’s celebratory meal and feels awkward for having to bow. 
8. The hot mess that is his hookups with Evan Rosier- Reg is so repressed and so fixated on pleasing his family that he doesn’t know who he is.
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atlasdoe · 11 months
Unpopular Marauders opinions
i'm bored so here are some opinions that i'm too scared to say on any other platform
Deciding that Pandora Lovegood had to be from a death eater family (Rosier, Malfoy, Lestrange) was the worst thing this fandom ever did to her character
The fannon characterisation of Marlene McKinnon gives me massive self inset pick me vibes and i hate every part of it (and i really mean every part of it)
This fandom isn't misogynistic y'all are just too demanding and expect the fandom to be the exact same as any other where we have a hardcore cannon source for every one of these characters and ships. we do not. we know more about Barty Crouch Jr then we do about Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadowes combined. it's unrealistic and stupid to expect everyone to care about the same characters and ships to the same capacity as you do when we are not watching/reading the same thing. (if any of that makes sense)
Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier and pretty much every single other death eater were villains. it's okay to like them and want to expand on them but stop trying to make every bad guy secretly good
We cannot keep blaming Dumbledore for everything. Dumbledore had nothing to do with half of the deaths that you are accusing him of. blaming Dumbledore and headcannoning that he obliviated Mary and turned Regulus away and all that takes away from everyone else's characters, sacrifice and choices
The Marauders weren't child soldiers. They had a choice on if they wanted to join the Order or not and they chose to because they're Gryffindors and they're The Marauders and probably thought of themselves as some invisible hero's. They don't need to be seen as victims to Dumbledore for them to be tragic
There is a cannon and you cannot be mad at people for wanting to stick by it
Similarly Fannon Sirius is against cannon. Sirius is one of the primary adult characters in the Harry Potter series. He is literally the title character to the fan favourite book/film. We have so much information about how he acts and "oh Remus i'm your little bitch please let me sit on your lap because i'm only small" ISNT ONE OF THEM
Death to alpha male Remus. DEATH I SAY
This fandom is so obsessed with making every character tragic that the word has lost all meaning. It is possible for Mary to be happy yknow???
Someone in the fandom: "hey look at this cannon character who seems quite interesting" The rest of the fandom: "how can we make this character have some kind of relation to every other character that we already care about??" IM SO SICK OF IT!!! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE DATING EVERYONE
Stop trying to change the name of the Slytherin Skittles. Yes it's a stupid name but it's somehow stuck and you're not changing that. just let it be
I ship Remus with anyone who is not more then a year younger then him and i mean literally everyone. Give me Remus and Voldemort fanfic for all I care
I've already said this before but the prank is overrated
Leave my girl Emmeline alone. Why are y'all shipping her with Barty?? Why are you making her the other women to Marlily?? Why are you making her anything but a Ravenclaw?? Do you hate her?? She hasn't done anything to you😭😭 (no but seriously tho i get that headcannons are headcannons but Emmeline is my girl and i have been expanding on her character since 2019 when no one gave a rats arse about her so seeing her shipper with BARTY ruined my life)
That's all i can think of for now please don't hate me but if you wanna talk send me an ask or reply cause i love talking about this kind of stuff :)
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infinitewolfstarr · 8 months
About me & links:
Name: that’s a secret xoxo gossip girl
Age: 20+
Pronouns: She/Her
Hogwarts house: Slytherin 💚
Fave ship: Wolfstar
Fave colour: Sage green
Fave animal: Cats & Highland cows
Important mention: I am a diehard swiftie. that is all.
AO3 links:
Completed fics:
I didn't sign up for this :
(Chapters: 24 Word count: 103,272)
Sirius Black is single and loving his life, he is adamant he does not want children- it’s the whole reason he split with his soulmate, Remus Lupin. However, one day a terrified four-year-old named Leo Black is dropped off on his doorstep and changes his life forever.
Wolfstar endgame
Parent Trap:
When Sirius Black and Remus Lupin divorced, they decided to cut all ties and made a bad decision. They chose to separate their identical twins and take full custody of a baby each. Years later a chance encounter at summer camp leads to twins Teddy Lupin and Leo Black trading places. The twins are both as sneaky as the marauders once were and work together to find out why their parents split up, how they met and trick them into falling in love again. Most importantly, they get to meet their other parent for the first time and spend time with them. However, it’s not as straightforward as they thought it would be and soon everything starts to fall apart as family secrets are unveiled and feelings get hurt.
Is it over now?:
Barty Crouch jr is an Italian tattoo artist based in LA, he’s used to being around celebrities due to his famous clients. He’s a player, a menace to society and he has commitment issues to go with his daddy issues(let’s not mention the sprinkle of mental health problems and hidden insecurity). He’s normally fine around the famous lot, couldn’t give less of a shit about them but when his celebrity crush,singer Evan Rosier,starts coming in regularly to get tatted- Barty starts falling hopelessly in love and he hates it.
On hold:
All fics on Infinitewolfstar are on hold because my sister found my account and I’m scared but I will update eventually😭
His silent world is on hold because Parent Trap is occupying my brain 24/7 atm but it will get finished eventually- sorry!
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impishtubist · 9 months
I’m in my early 20s (please don’t ask me about TikTok though, I don’t know what’s going on there and I’m too afraid to ask now), and I know some of the fans around my age are here because we grew up reading the books and watching the movies, we’re just old enough to have been around when the movies were kind of at their peak. So, that’s why some of the younger fans are here
Related to this, I think the ones who don’t interact with canon are born of “death to the author,” because I think that had you said pre-2017 all your knowledge came from fanon, you would have been laughed at. But now, we have an influx of fic from quarantine, people who will not read anything from the author due to her atrocious beliefs but also won’t simply read the wiki to get summaries, and a focus on creating “new” ships to distinguish themselves from old fans which circulates until we get the same iterations of people who are essentially OCs. E.g., will I ever shut up about how all these people somehow ignore that the only canon thing we know of Evan Rosier is that this man was loyal to Voldemort to the death and chose to go out fighting rather than surrender? No because the fanon version of him acts like he was forced into this via his parents when we have no indication of this and canon supports more that he was more like Bellatrix—who tortured two people and practically orphaned their son when Voldemort fell and blatantly proclaimed that she and the others would be rewarded when Voldemort returned rather than denying her loyalty to stay out of prison—than say, Regulus—who backed out when he realized what Voldemort was like.
Yeah, I've heard people say that they won't read the source material because of the author, which is all fine and good, but then..........again, why are you here? ('You' in general, not 'you' as in OP). There are so many other pieces of media you could get into where you can read the source material because the author isn't terrible, like ???? If you're that against canon, I don't see a point in being here at all. You're just turning the characters into OCs and stripping them of everything that makes them interesting. Leave the fandom to people who unfortunately got sucked in before the TERFness was revealed 😂 Also, if you're going to create fan content anyway, it seems weird that the line you'll draw is not reading the books. You can just pirate those? And not give her money?
But yeah go off about Evan, we stan 😂
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starsmacabray · 1 month
marauders era hot take because I keep hearing about this and have received a couple hate comments:
yes, canonical slytherin characters were bad people (severus, barty crouch, evan rosier, etc). why does that mean i can’t write them to be good people? or by god, morally grey people? in no way does that mean i am supporting JK Rowlings absolutely barbaric belief system, it means that characters are fictional, and i can portray them in any way I chose. does that mean I am excusing their (again, fictional) prejudice? No. i believe that anyone, regardless of how they came about, should have the opportunity of being good, too, even if i am the one to create it.
all in all, people- relax. these are made up people with made up problems. so what if I spare them a little bit of pain and make them happy in another lifetime? it is the people who are bleeding who lash out the loudest. smh
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Regulus Black absolutely loves his name. I mean who wouldn't, he's named after a freaking star. And in Regulus' opinion, it's the most beautiful star in the world. Although Sirius Black would strongly disagree.
Regulus, although he loves his name, hates it at the same time. Is that possible? Maybe not but Regulus doesnt care, he loves and hates his name and no one can change his mind.
Regulus has told a lot of people he hates his name, if you count Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch jr and Pandora Lovegood as a lot like Regulus does. And even they think Regulus is barking mad usually giving him reasons why when it comes out in a conversation.
Regulus tunes them out.
When asked why Regukus hates his name
'Would you like to be named after your great uncle who followed a noseless, sadistic blood purist?' Is always his response. And whoever asked this question would look at Regulus like he was mad because everyone at hogwarts thinks he follow that madman, not many people know that Regulus ran away to the Potter that summer.
Regulus would walk away from them.
Another thing Regulus hates about his name is the lack of creative nicknames.
All Regulus hears is 'Reg' and 'Reggie' and he is tired of the lack of creativity.
So obviously when James Potter suddenly called him 'lulu' in potions class while their partnering one day, Regulus' heart skips a beat or two.
'Good morning lulu' James Potter says as he all but struts into potions class, with Sirius, Remus and Peter following close behind, and in Regulus' opinion looks like a walking wet dream.
*Regulus would deny this fact till his death though.*
Regulus looks up from his book and raises a lazy eyebrow at the boy who has come to a stop at his table "lulu?, couldn't you come up with something better?"
"Merlin James, lulu? seriously?" Sirius says from his spot beside James
James, like the unbothered idiot he is, just shrugs and sits in the chairs beside Regulus.
Regulus immediately gets a whiff of James' body soap. Is that Lavender? "And what might I ask are you doing here Potter"
"Well, I shit at potions and your the best in the class so I thought we could partner up for this class, and if your willing maybe for the rest of the year?" James potter, like the shameless buffoon he is, smiles at Regulus and this makes Regulus loose all sense of reasoning for 3.5 seconds, and this gives James the impression that Regulus has agreed.
Regulus had but James didnt need to know that.
After regaining all sense of reasoning, Regulus look to Sirius to see what he had to say on the matter, just to find his brother making heart eyes at Remus John Lupin. The fucking werewolf. Regulus loved Remus, why wouldn't he the man loves all the books he loves and unlike his brother and friends, he was calm.
And to no surprise of Regulus, Remus was making heart eyes back at Sirius.
Regulus would have said something to them but professor slughorn chose that moment to walk in.
Regulus would never admit it but he enjoyed having James next to him during class.
Regulus would also never admit he loves it when James calls him lulu.
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lenoraslament · 7 months
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Lenora’s Love: A Tom Riddle Fanfiction
Chapter 20: Tom Riddle the Romantic
Warning: Fluff, Soft Tom, like the sweetest sugariest Tom, Bad Poetry, DeathEater Romcom vibes, like Crucio me so I can burn for you…
She gasped as he slowly entered her, her lips brushed against his. "Oh Tom" she breathed.
"I love you" he said his mouth dropping onto hers.
Tom sat up in bed. It was plaguing him badly. These dreams. Nightmares. Wishes. It was early, he opened the curtains of his room and the sunrise spilled onto the floor.
  He showered and dress. A crisp shirt and slacks.
When he came down the stairs, Mulciber, Avery and Nott were seated at the dining table.
  He sat down and they wished him a respectful good morning. His jaw was tight, he read the paper. Abraxas walked in, looking at Tom for a moment before sitting across from him.
  "My lord" he pushed a second cup of coffee across to Tom.
  "Good Morning Malfoy" he said grabbing the cup and taking a drink.
"If you're not going to leave her alone-" Abraxas started, Tom slammed the mug down so hard the hot coffee splashed onto the table.
"FOR-" he remembered that somewhere parents were lurking, "fucks sake" he continued in a harsh whisper.
  "My relationship with Miss. Rosier is not your business" he muttered, Mulciber pulled out his wand and cleaned the spill, Avery and Nott remained quiet spectators.
"But it is, my lord" he said, "She's a pure blood wizard, her parents are important allies, and now she's one of us".
Tom scowled, "so!?".
Avery put his hands through his hair frustrated, "you're sneaking around with her like she's one of your whores".
"She is a lady" Mulciber added much to Tom's chagrin, "so I think what Abraxas is suggesting, my lord".
"Is try dating her for Merlin's sake" Nott finished.
"What's the point," Tom mumbled.
"Because you love her" Lestrange said, from the counter where he was pouring his coffee; silently he witness it all.
"I'm sorry my lord, but this unnecessary back and forth is distracting you".
All of their mouths dropped, "we all heard you, when she was dying. You love her, so just date her so we can get back to business"
Tom tapped his coffee mug, his hand was red from the hot coffee spilling onto it. He looked at Abraxas who was no longer frowning at him.
They're right. Tom hated that.
They all hung on his silence, Tom realized he had never taken anyone on a date. With pure blood women he only socialized with them for reputations sake and with other women well, they stayed behind closed doors.
   "I don't know how" he said plainly.
Avery snorted and Abraxas punched his arm.
"I can help you" Nott said.
Tom looked up embarrassed and Abraxas smiled at him cautiously, "We'll all help you".
"Except Lestrange," Nott said,"he's worse off than you are".
Lestrange harrumphed angrily.
   Lenora came down for breakfast late. She had taken her time getting ready after she slept in. She chose a blush pink dress that hung off her shoulders, for once she let her hair down, creating soft waves with her fingers. She dabbed some jasmine oil on her neck and light pink color on her lips and cheeks.
   "Dear you look lovely" her mother said kissing her head.
  Her father was speaking with the elder Malfoy and Mulciber. They gave each other a co-conspiring smile when they saw her. She sat nervously, not sure why every adult seemed to be staring at her. Where are the guys?
  "I think I'm going to go take a walk-"she started to stand.
"NO" they all cried.
Her eyes widened, and she sat shocked.
          Tom had spoken to her father before she came down. Even though charming people was his forte, he found himself feeling nervous.
  "May I, take your lovely daughter on a date Mr. Rosier?" he even kept a cringed smile as the other adults laughed and grilled him for details.
          Abraxas had gone with him and helped field any comments that embarrassed him.
        "Yes, of course Riddle" Mrs Rosier patted her husband's arm, "We are so happy to see you two...be friendly again". She finished looking at Abraxas face nervously shake his head at her.
Olivine burst into the dining room, "Lenora!" She said grinning, "I need your help".
Lenora looked around at the smiles of the adults she knew most of her life, what was going on?
"Um with what?" She looked at her suspiciously.
  Olivine looked around for help, "with..."
"Flowers dear" her mother jumped in, "for dinner, she needs help with arrangements. Since you helped Abraxas with hers".
"She did?" Olivine looked surprised, Mrs. Lestrange rolled her eyes.
Lenora looked even more lost, and looked to her own father who watched the scene play out with amusement.
"Just go with her Lenora" he smiled warmly so she went.
Tom held a bouquet of flowers, in one hand, in the other he was reading the note that Nott and Avery had been working on.
  "You make the birds sing?" Tom scrunched his nose disgusted.
"Two hours you've been working and that's what you come up with!?"
"There's more..." Nott said looking sheepish.
Tom read down the page of flowery, romantic nonsense.
"You make grass grow!?" Tom looked at them incredulously, "I'm not reading this".
Abraxas grinned behind him,"So don't, just speak from the heart" he said .
"I asked for help!" Tom threw the note on the floor, "this is not helping!".
  Mulciber looked at Olivine, "the anticipation is making him too nervous, just got get her"
     Lestrange sneered, "so we can get this over with please"
Tom held out his wand and Lestrange took off around the house away from him.
"Relax" Abraxas fixed Tom's tie, "you're going to do fine"
"I wouldn't have to do this at all if you all wouldn't have butted in" he moved away from Abraxas' fussing with his suit.
"This song and dance is so unnecessary" Tom groaned smacking the bouquet of flowers on his leg, "this is so stupid. Stupid stupid-"
Lenora stood behind Tom and the rest of the boys eyes widened. Mulciber grabbed Avery, Abraxas and Nott to apparate them away to the other side of the house.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He continued not noticing them disappears.
"My lord?" She asked him, "are you okay?"
Tom turned around his face was red, he seemed nervous and agitated. So unlike himself.
  He held up the bouquet of half crushed flowers, "herbivicus" he muttered and they were repaired.
  "Are those for the table?" Nora asked.
"What table? No. They're for-" her eyes traveled from the flowers to his nice suit and the eyes.
"You" he finished awkwardly.
"Thank you" she took them gingerly from his hand, "What for?" She couldn't quite meet his gaze anymore, her stomach fluttered.
  Tom couldn't tell if she was happy or mortified. Why was it so much easier just to kiss her? Charming he could be. Genuine? It was painful.
  "You make birds grow" he said and cringed.
   She giggled with her hand to her mouth.
  Tom was going to kill every one of them, this. is. humiliating.
  He began to walk away, she quickly grabbed his arm.
  "Stop" he said.
  Lenora shook her head, "I'm not even sure what is happening".
  He could see Abraxas peering from the side of the house, Tom gave him an exhausted glance.
  Abraxas pointed to his chest theatrically, from the heart.
  Tom sighed and took her hands, her eyes met his searching for a clue as to why he was acting so strange.
  "Lenora. I have to apologize. I've taken liberties these past few days with you"
  She drew away hurt, "oh...so it was a mistake"
"Yes" he saw her eyes look down disappointed, "but only because I respect you".
He looked up at Abraxas who pointed more aggressively to his heart, emotions dumb fuck he thought annoyed.
"I more than respect you I-" Riddle managed.
"Yes?" She said looking back to him as he took another deep sigh.
Finally, he sighed putting both hands on her face, "I care for you...deeply. I would like to take you on a...date".
  Lenora could only stare in amazement. She realized in that moment that this was something she had wanted her whole life.
"I'd love to Tom" she smiled as he cupped her face.
Tom let his lips linger over hers. She tilted her head and met his kiss.
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moiravim · 11 months
Roughen up Part 2: Friends
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Roughen up Masterlist
Marlene McKinnon
I sit with Lily and Mary in our dorm. We're getting ready to sneak into the Slytherin's party tonight. Usually people don't mind. The only people who aren't invited are the marauders, but that's no surprise.
I chose a bright red dress. Not because I'm in gryffindor, but because I like the colour. It matches my red lipstick and my bright red eyeshadow.
The dress is short and form-fitting. Some may say I dress for the guys, but in reality I'm dressing for the girls.
I've known I'm gay since first year when I grew a crush on my best friend, Mary. She told me she was straight and not into me. So I moved on.
Sometimes moving on is wearing a hot dress and going to a Slytherin party. I quite like the Slytherins. They get picked on a lot by the other houses.
But the Slytherins always throw the best parties. Who knows where they get all these drinks, and how they don't get caught. But it always works.
The only Slytherin I really know is Sirius' sister. And even I know little about her. Noone does. I don't think Sirius even knows her.
"Hurry up!", I hear Lily call, breaking me from my thoughts. I put my brush onto my vanity and leave towards the door.
"I'm ready. Let's go", I respond. Mary is wearing a pink dress, and Lily in green. They both look great.
I'm ready for this party. I'm ready to get away from Lily and Mary. They'll never understand me, and they'll never understand what it's like to be gay.
They both have multiple options for who they can date. Sirius is likes Mary, along with another Ravenclaw in our year. And don't get me started on Lily... Snape and James are both obsessed with her.
I'll never find a girl in this school who would love me. Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier in a muggle school.
That's when I remember how homophobic muggles are. Possibly even more so than wizards and witches.
I just wish things were easier. I wish I could find someone else like me. Someone to love.
Remus Lupin
Sirius and James just got back to our dorm. I close the book I was reading and sit up. I look at Sirius in the eyes to see tears filling them.
I know it's wrong to say, but he just looks so beautiful like this. He always looks beautiful.
Liking Sirius is my biggest secret. I'll be in my grave before I tell anyone about it. About him.
For now, all I can do is make him happy as a friend.
I pat the spot next to my bed, motioning Sirius to sit next to me. He does.
"What's wrong, padfoot?", I ask as I rub his back with the palm of my hand. He looks at the floor while he responds.
"It's my sister. She's being... A bitch". I know she's done nothing, but I don't want to upset him more.
"What did she do? Is everything okay?", I ask while I draw shaped on his back. He looks up at me for a moment before looking back down.
"Nothing, really. She just... I don't know. I feel like she's not the person I thought she was. I feel like... She's becoming our parents, and I can't do anything about it", he vents so me. I nod understandingly.
"I think you can do something about it. I think you should talk to her. Clear things up. You don't have to, of course", I recommend. This time he nods.
He doesn't say anything after that. He stands up and goes to his own bed. I wish he'd just stay here for a little longer.
I think I love him. I like him more than I've ever liked anyone else.
But he can't know that. I'm his best friend. I love being his best friend. I push down all the thoughts of him being more than a friend, because all they are is false hope. Sirius Black is false hope.
Pandora Rosier
I sit in the library by myself. It's pretty empty in here for a Friday night. I heard some Slytherins talking about going to a party, that must be why.
I'm trying to do my potions homework, but I just can't focus. I thought the library would have less distractions. It doesn't.
There's one other girl in the library. A slytherin who's in my year.
My brother was supposed to come help, but he's probably being dragged around the place by his boyfriend, Bartemius Crouch jr.
The two of them are chaotic together. Evan makes Barty more confident and Barty makes Evan loosen up a bit. You'd think that's a good thing, but it really isn't. Barty gets into trouble because of his confidence, and Evan already has no motivation.
In my opinion, my brother should be focusing more on school. The only good part of their relationship is how happy they make eachother. So I geuss it isn't all bad.
I'm getting distracted again. I really need help with this.
Maybe I should just quit. I don't want to ask the random Slytherin for help, but I feel like I need to. So I do. I get up and walk to the table she's sitting at.
"Excuse me? Can you help...? I can't understand this", I explain hopefully.
"Oh. Yes, I can", she says.
She seems surprised that I've asked, but she happily excepts my offer. I guess I had nothing to worry about. I sit in the seat next to her as she makes room on the table for my class work.
She starts to explain it and suddenly everything makes sense.
"Thank you so much. Usually I'm great at potions, but for some reason I got mixed up with today's lesson", I say.
She nods and responds, "of course. You can ask for my help anytime. I'm almost always in the library from three to five".
I leave the library with a smile on my face and the feeling that I may have made a new friend.
A/N: hey!! Chapter 2 came out sooner than expected. This is because I got ahead on school work and had extra free time. I may not be able to write the next chapter until Sunday so don't get your hopes up!! Sorry, hope you enjoy. You can leave any requests, I may use them.
@jegulusposts @thestarslittleking @doingyourmom069
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birlwrites · 10 months
I was going through your dark lord wip tag because I was in the mood for Lore etc and I noticed that you've talked about all of the other Black family members, but you've only very rarely mentioned Andromeda, in both answers to asks and in ttdl itself. So I was wondering if you could tell us about her? I'd like to know how you think of her. Is it spoilery to reveal if we'll get to meet her sometime in atfhv?
we probably will meet her at some point but she'll be a very minor character because i had to stop somewhere - but yes i have plenty to say about andromeda!!
as far as the cousins go, growing up, andromeda, being the oldest second oldest bella it doesn't *matter* we're *twins* second oldest, was generally the Voice Of Reason. she was very sensible, which is exactly why regulus and sirius always, Always fell for it when she told them bullshit stories about pegasi actually being normal horses who jumped off cliffs and flapped their legs really hard until they sprouted wings. all horses can do this, it's just that most of them don't want to. unicorns sacrificed their ability to sprout wings in exchange for other magical powers. regulus and sirius believed this for years. along with much other bullshit andromeda made up
she was close with her mom and the rosier side of the family, and while she and bellatrix were very close, they weren't inseparable the way regulus and sirius were. she was a slytherin prefect, and prefect meetings were how she met ted - eventually they were paired together for rounds, at which point andromeda's already-flagging devotion to her prefect duties completely bit the dust, and their rounds were not what i would call Productive. rather, that was weekly (or twice-weekly!) Secret Date Time
also, i'm not saying that andromeda running off with a muggleborn was part of what inspired bellatrix to dive even deeper into blood purity as a sort of revenge on her not-sister, but i'm not Not saying that
andromeda knew she was going to leave for a long time before she did it - first she was working up the nerve, and then she was just planning it. she pulled away from her family a bit, but slowly enough that people just thought she was growing into a more reserved adult than she'd been as a child (which is exactly what narcissa Actually did). it took years, which is a good moment for me to say that in this universe, andromeda didn't run away straight after graduating from hogwarts - she did it several months after turning 20, shortly after the conclusion of the summer social season, to be exact
she'd been out of hogwarts for years (and keeping up a secret relationship with ted the whole time, secret in the sense that she'd met his entire family and was acquainted with his friends and Nobody Was Allowed To Breathe A Word To Anyone Who Didn't Already Know), she'd laid the groundwork to leave and like. find employment, and at that point, after years of looking for a way to make it all work, she was ready to go
she didn't *want* to leave, i should say - but the political climate in britain was swinging back towards blood purity, and her family would never accept her relationship with ted, and she spent a long time coming to terms with the idea that she didn't want to live her life stuck in a family like that
and she chose her moment carefully - right after the summer season ended, so her family wouldn't have to deal with it during the season, and by the winter solstice banquet, it would hopefully have mostly blown over. that meant her only options were times when narcissa was at hogwarts for her final year, but if anyone could skate through That social situation and come out the other side unscathed, it would be narcissa, and also andromeda was just done waiting for a perfect moment that would never come. she figured if narcissa reached out to her, she'd apologize for the timing - then narcissa never did.
andromeda doesn't want to be controlled - that's not to say that she's this wild person who's all over the place and doesn't want to plan ahead of think about the future. just the opposite, actually. it's that she's very confident in and resolute about her own ability to create a good life, and she doesn't want to be told she's doing it wrong for stupid superficial reasons. she didn't leave with the intention of cutting herself off from her family (although she did fully expect that *they* would cut her off) - it was more about setting a boundary and making clear that she's in charge of her own life. and if house black couldn't handle that, too bad for them
she and bellatrix have the same voice, but also they don't. bellatrix talks faster and sounds more lively, and andromeda talks more slowly and has settled into her voice more - people who know them both are often surprised to realize that it's not that bellatrix has a higher voice and andromeda a lower one, it's just that they use their voices differently. first impressions of her are that she's pretty mellow, but she's actually just very good at planning out how to do what she wants, in such a way that it means that if andromeda gets sharp or aggressive, it's because something's gone wrong in her plan and she's pissed because now she has to use brute force to make it work
but also andromeda is just. ruthless about her priorities. she wasn't always, but she decided to be around when she decided to leave. if she got caught up thinking about side concerns (my sisters will be upset; i won't be around to try to sway my family away from blood purity; i'll miss my mom; etc), she'd never get what she actually wanted - which was her own life going the way she wanted it to
she hasn't been a target for recruitment into the order because dumbledore doesn't think she cares much for the greater good, and he's not wrong, although he's not totally right - andromeda cares very much about the war. she cares about making sure ted and nymphadora (who's almost 4 atm) will survive it. she won't go into the fights and put her life on the line, because she has people she's decided to be there for, and she's not going to change her mind on that, especially not if dumbledore tries to do it for her. (but, like, she'd be willing to support from a non-combat role, so dumbledore is partly wrong)
the main reason that i don't talk about andromeda much is simply that her absence has made much more of an impact on regulus than her presence has. she left when he was 9, and while they spent summers at black manor together, andromeda was the least likely of the sisters to spend time playing with her kid cousins, especially as she grew more set on leaving. she left around the same time as arcturus and melania's deaths, and orion ascending to the lordship, and then sirius diving into a heap of blood traitors at hogwarts - it was a time of so much turmoil that andromeda leaving isn't even really its own separate Event in regulus's brain. just a part of those couple of years.
there's 'the before times,' when they spent summers at black manor with their grandparents and their cousins including andromeda, and 'the after times,' when they spent summers in london, only visiting their other family, and also regulus barely saw sirius, which, ngl, he cared about much more than he did about andromeda leaving
she's living her best life, tbh - or rather, her best life possible under the circumstances. she doesn't even know sirius was disowned; she avoids the society pages, because when she used to read them, they just made her incredibly sad. she certainly doesn't know sirius didn't end up in slytherin
(also, while i'm rambling, it's not that none of her family reached out after she left - it's just that the letters she got were just trying to persuade her to come back, as opposed to attempting to keep in touch. once she married ted, the letters stopped immediately, except for the one informing her she'd been disowned. neither of her sisters wrote to her - they were both reeling, and pissed off, and intending to give her the silent treatment when she came back, and then she Didn't.)
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former friends
sat down to write 'til my dying day last night but ended up writing emmeline and pandora post first war angst instead. so here, have this: (this was intended as platonic but i feel like it can also be read as romantic from pandora's side)
wc: 1,148
On top of a hill behind a house in the shape of a rook, stands a place of rest. It is not quite a graveyard, and there no bodies buried there, no uneasy souls to haunt the people who live within it's space.
Emmeline approaches the gravestones and spits on them.
"Why did you bring me here?" She asks, keeping her gaze on the plaques. The first one reads beloved friend, the second beloved brother. Emmeline feels rage forming in the pit of her stomach. That word doesn't belong there, to these people. There is nothing about them to love anymore.
At least not for Emmeline. But for the woman that is standing behind her, they were worth loyalty that they didn't deserve.
"Because I wanted to see you, because I miss you." Pandora says, and Emmeline scoffs.
"You lost the right to miss me when you sided with them." There is venom on her tongue now, spitting poison onto every person she talks to. It has been this way for years, she can no longer remember what it felt like to be soft.
"I didn't choose a side." Pandora says, stubborn and unyielding, like she's always been.
"But you did.” Emmeline argues, and her voice is raspy and ragged. “You saw the snakes on their arms and you still let them be in your life. You chose them."
“They were my friends.”
“I was your friend!” Emmeline snaps, turning around to face Pandora. She looks both sixteen and sixty, both light and heavy. She has a baby strapped to her chest, a child that Emmeline has never met, a child that she should have met. She takes a deep breath, holds it for as long as she can until it starts to burn her lungs, then releases. “And you sure as hell didn’t choose me.”
"You chose to erase six years of history." Pandora says. Her voice isn’t the same anymore, changed by years of screaming matches and curses. It’s a wonder their vocal cords still work at all, Emmeline thinks. “You love them, I know you do. You can say whatever you want to your new friends, tell whichever lie helps you sleep at night, but I know you want them back just as much as I do.”
“No, I don’t.” Emmeline shakes her head. The lie comes easily, after years of practice. She has told it to herself and to Dorcas and to every person in the Order. She tells it to her reflection in the mirror everyday, repeats it like affirmations whenever she looks at the stick and poke tattoo on her leg that she let Evan do in sixth year; the one matching with Barty, the design that Regulus drew for them.
I hate them, she thinks, I hope they rot in hell. Fuck Regulus Black, fuck Evan Rosier, fuck Barty Crouch Jr.
Sometimes, she’ll say fuck Pandora, too.
I hope their deaths were slow and painful, I hope Barty suffers for the rest of his life.
On particularly hard nights, she’ll drink half a bottle of firewhiskey and she’ll wish that Pandora is miserable for the rest of her life.
But now, when she looks into her former friend’s eyes, looks at the bundle of white hair resting against her chest, she can’t quite bring herself to curse her.
“I miss you.” Pandora says, and Emmeline knows it’s true. Pandora is many things, but a liar is not one of them. She and Emmeline are opposites that way. “Don’t you miss me?”
“I can’t forgive you.” Emmeline lies again, because she can’t help it. Cruelty sits at the tip of her tongue, the truth lays buried deep inside her chest.
Pandora looks hurt by it, and in this moment Emmeline hates herself more than she hates her former friends.
“I am not asking you to forgive me, or them.” Pandora says, taking a step forward. She is eye to eye with Emmeline and stares her down with a courage that Emmeline has never possessed. All she wants to do is look away, avoid Pandora's presence because it is easier to tell herself she never wants to see her again that way. Easier to lose someone you love when you're not seeing them everyday. “I want you in my life again, Emmy, I want you in Luna’s life. You were supposed to be her godmother, you and Re–”
She cuts herself off but Emmeline knows what she was going to say. You and Regulus, my best friends, my child’s protectors. Guilt is an ocean in her mind that she dives in daily, anger is the sand she lays on when she dries herself off.
It wasn't always this way. Before any hints of war, before there were lines drawn and sides chosen, before Emmeline chose Dorcas and her friends and Pandora chose the friends with the Dark Mark on their arms; before all of that, they were a tight group, a family.
Emmeline, Pandora, Evan, Barty, Regulus.
But now the war is over and Regulus and Evan are dead, Barty is in Azkaban, and Emmeline and Pandora are still on a battlefield but Pandora is laying down her weapons, waving a white flag while Emmeline is still aiming an arrow at her chest.
“I love you, Emmy.” Pandora says, her eyes filling with tears. It breaks Emmeline’s heart, rips it right out of her chest. “I want you back.”
She could stay, could go inside the house and meet Pandora’s new life and be a part of it. She could stop fighting and she could admit that she misses her friends. She could hold Luna in her arms and tell her bedtime stories.
She doesn’t. Instead, Emmeline chooses to break Pandora’s heart in return.
“I’m leaving.” She tells her, voice firm and leaving no room for arguments. “Mary and I are moving away.”
“Mary,” Pandora spits her name like it’s poison. “Mary Macdonald, isn’t it? Your new friends’ friend. You’re choosing her instead of me.”
Pandora turns to look at the gravestones and Emmeline wants to ask her if it was worth it, if they were worth it. She wants to say I told you so, to rub it in Pandora’s face that she made the wrong choice, and has lost Emmeline because of it. That Evan, Regulus and Barty were never going to change, that she should have cut them off like Emmeline did. That she should have chosen a side and that it shouldn't have been theirs. She wants to poke at Pandora's wounds until they are as big and bloody as her own. Until there is no hope of healing.
Was it worth it? Would you do it again?
She doesn’t, though, and Pandora simply nods and says, “I hope you’re happy.” before going back inside her house.
Emmeline is left standing in the ruins of her own heart.
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
FIC LIST! (open if you're curious I guess)
commissions for marauders fanart are open!
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CURSE BREAKER (OR HOW TO FIND ANSWERS) : 6th year Regulus Black is trying to break a curse casted one millennium ago by a welsh wizard, and James just happens to know a bit of Welsh thanks to Remus. Hogwarts, No Voldemort, Forced Proximity, Jegulus, Oblivious Idiots, Fluff, Tiny bit of Angst, Happy Ending, Background Wolfstar, Marylily, Dorlene, Rosekiller. >270K words
IF YOU BE THE MATCH, I WILL BE A FUSE (BOOM) : Regulus' friend from his photography class needs help to complete a portfolio, because his model cancelled last minute. His brother, Sirius, happens to model here and there. Wolfstar, Model AU, Remus as a Photographer, Sirius as a Model, Nude Modelling, Modern AU, Background Jegulus, Marylily, Dorlene, The Black Brothers have a good relationship. >20K words
SHALL I COMPARE THEE TO A SUMMER'S DAY? : There's this school festival organized on campus, and all the cinema students present a project. At the end of the semester, everyone on campus is invited to come and watch them. The next one starts; it's starring James Potter and Regulus Black. One shot, Jegulus, Modern AU, Experimental writing, Cinema students, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Romantic AF. 13K words
LET THE FEAR YOU HAVE FALL AWAY : Regulus is supposed to have this arranged marriage with a girl his family chose for him, from the same rank as him, and he's supposed to ask her during the wonderful ride of the Pole Express, that ends up under the Northern Lights. Until a charming waiter catches his eye. Titanic-like fic, Major Character Death, Angst, James Potter has an insane amount of rizz, Victorian Era. 15K words
IF I WANTED RAIN, I WOULD HAVE ASKED : Regulus is working for Cloudpunk, a semi-legal corporation specialized in deliveries, located in Nivalis. He's doing his job, until he has to pick up James. A rather annoying passenger. And he doesn't usually take people with him. Until he realises why he had to pick James in the first place. Ensues a real hide and seek, because if there's something Regulus will never do, it's to surrender to anyone. Cyberpunk AU, Jegulus, James is on the run, Regulus is badass af, Dystopia, Angst, Fucked-up society, based on the video game CloudPunk. 35K words
A MAN ON THE HORIZON : Regulus ran away from his family with his horse. One problem. It's the middle of winter, there's a snow storm, and he has to cross the mountains. James is alone in his ranch when he rescues a stranger from a snow storm in the middle of the night. A story on how to find each other in the middle of nowhere. Cowboy AU, Fluff, Jegulus, Background Wolfstar, Happy Ending, Cowboys and Stetsons (that's the plot), Cute cows, James is Head Over Heels, Regulus is figuring out stuff. 13K words
THE BEST OF YOU, HONEY, BELONGS TO ME : Evan and Barty burying a body together. In 1884. It's definitely not the first time they're doing this. That's it, that's the plot. Rosekiller, Insane Boyfriends, Murder Husbands, Burying a Body Together (As a Form of Love), 1880s, Psychopaths, Unreliable Narrator, Religious Symbolism (slightly), At Night, Insane Barty Crouch Jr., Morally Grey Evan Rosier. 7,5K words
KISSES THAT HURT : Sirius is dating Remus. But Sirius always kisses his best friend James goodnight. Remus doesn't like to share. Hogwarts AU, Prongsfoot, Wolfstar, Unrequited Love, Goodnight Kisses, Angst, One Shot. 2K words
KISS ME IN THE DARK : One night, during a prank, Sirius and James hide together in an alcove of the library. But in the dark, things can happen easier... Hogwarts AU, Prongsfoot, Boys kissing, Friends to Lovers, Pranks, One shot. 1,1K words
JANUARY'S WHITE NIGHTS : Lily Evans has to retrieve a folder to expose a corrupted politician during a mission, and she meets Ghost, a strange person who just happen to be there too, at the same moment, in the same place, for obscure reasons. Pandalily, Spy AU, Modern AU, Badass Characters, Coffee Shop (somehow), First Meeting. 10K words
YOU WILL REGRET : When they go on an impossible mission, James get caught, and Regulus and Sirius are ready to overthrow the whole world to find him. Jegulus, Spy AU, Modern AU, Lots of Blood, Badass Characters, Black Brothers team up together, Mature Rating. 13K words
YOU, TELL ME : The first mission Remus Lupin and Sirius Black have to do together. Sirius underestimates the new recruit, and he ends up proved wrong. Wolfstar, Spy AU, Modern AU, Lots of Blood, Mastermind Remus Lupin, Blood, GUNS, Badass Characters, First Meeting. 11K words
WHY NOT YOU : Peter feels awfully bored these days. He works for The Order, an organisation that sends its spies all over the world, but he... is just a prop maker. He doesn't do all that exciting stuff. Good thing he's suddenly assignated to making sure Xenophilius, who came back from a mission half-dead, is getting better. Silvertail, Spy AU, Fluff, Kinda crack, Stuck in a lift, Forced Proximity, Aromantic & autistic Peter. 13K words
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Wait, we also know Evan hung out with Snape and the Lestranges, since Sirius lists them in that cave scene. He says the Lestranges are a married couple in Azkaban so who knows what Rabastan was off doing (utterly hilarious though considering we know Rabastan got arrested right along with them but Sirius either has no idea who Rabastan is or just ignored the guy entirely. I get that it’s more JKR probably not having the exact details fleshed out about who everyone was that got arrested with Bellatrix, or just not considering that “married couple” does in fact exclude the single brother, but still funny), there’s Rosier and Wilkes who were killed a year before Voldemort fell and presumably this is the duel that killed Evan Rosier (unless Evan’s the dad and the son died around the same time as his father and the Rosier family is having a real bad time in 1980, but both Wilkes and Rosier fought to the death rather than get captured, and as you mentioned, this was before Voldemort’s fall so it wasn’t part of the rounding up Death Eaters that the Ministry did after), and there’s Avery (same Avery that is likely related to one of the original Death Eaters and did some kind of Dark Magic to Mary MacDonald, and claimed the Imperius curse to escape Azkaban, which is a bit funny when we know Rosier and Wilkes simply chose death). All in all, a group of terrible people. We can safely guess that Evan, assuming he’s the Rosier that Sirius talked about, was an awful person if these were the other people included in the group
Yes, but I'm skeptical of taking Sirius at his word here.
So Sirius says Rosier was killed the year before Voldemort fell. Crouch says that Evan Rosier was caught and killed shortly after Karkaroff was. Karkaroff's trial scene is after Voldemort falls and the Ministry is rounding up Death Eaters. I suppose Karkaroff could have been caught and languishing in Azkaban for a year before he decided to name names. Plausible that he wouldn't want to snitch until after Voldemort fell. But it's also possible Sirius is confusing his timeline. Or maybe the aurors had it out for the Rosier family.
And you know what, I don't know why I said "Evan was going to be arrested for crimes" like I think the Ministry is just and righteous. In my head I was like, "well, they can't just arrest him for following Voldemort, that's not a crime, he had to have been wanted for actual crimes!" What am I saying? This is Crouch Sr.'s Law Enforcement Department. They can hurl people into Azkaban on a gut feeling and let people go in exchange for gold. But I still think it's a safe bet that Evan was either caught in the act of committing a crime or was caught because he was known to have committed crimes.
I also don't know what Sirius is on about with the Lestranges. Bellatrix is almost a decade older than Sirius and Snape. She was not in school with Snape. When and why would the Lestranges be hanging out with Snape in this alleged gang of Slytherins who all turned out to be Death Eaters? We see how Bellatrix acts towards Snape in HBP. You're telling me they were friends? They weren't friends. They weren't hanging out. I don't believe it, Sirius, sorry.
But you know what, actually, I'm on board with Rosier and Snape being friends. Suits my purposes just fine. Because look, I'm not trying to say I want to see Snape turned into a cinnamon roll. I don't want that. I don't know anyone who wants that. But I do feel some type of way about him getting left out of the "Death Eaters are actually just tender misguided souls" movement. What is the criteria for inclusion here? Vibes?
Ok, sorry. Evan keeps very sinister company. And it does say something to me that Evan didn't try to use the Imperius excuse. Either a) his crimes were so heinous and renowned he figured he might not even get a trial or b) he was proud of his crimes and didn't want to pretend that he didn't freely and willingly choose to commit them. Or both!
As far as Rabastan goes...maybe he and Rodulphus and Bellatrix have a polyam situation? Brother husbands in the truest sense? But Sirius does say couple, so that doesn't exactly work.
Alternate theories:
Rabastan was never a Death Eater. The Longbottom torture was all Rodulphus and Bellatrix and Rabastan and Barty came along for the ride but they were outside skipping stones and gazing deeply into each other's eyes or whatever and had no clue what Rod and Bella were up to in there. He and Barty were at the trial like "yeah, no, guys, this is a huge misunderstanding, to be perfectly honest we were down the road shagging, we don't know wtf is happening here actually." Rabastan is super bitter about the whole thing. He wanted nothing to do with Voldemort. After the Azkaban breakout, Rodulphus has to kill Rabastan because he knows Rabastan is plotting to torture and kill him and Bellatrix in revenge. RIP.
RAB isn't Regulus Arcturus Black's initials, it's short for Rabastan. Rabastan stole the Horcrux and, um, Regulus is in Azkaban with the Lestranges I guess.
Rabastan doesn't actually exist. Or Rodulphus doesn't exist, it's a fight club situation and Rodulphus is just Rabastan's unhinged alter ego. That guy at the trial? Dumbledore was tripping on something at that trial, he hallucinated a whole fourth suspect.
The crack fic possibilities based on that single line are truly endless. Also, I did a quick Potter Search for mentions of Rabastan's name and apparently there's a Death Eater named Jugson. Who tf is Jugson? All we know about him is he seemed to want to help Nott and Malfoy's like "no, Nott can get fucked" 😂
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ofalicex · 2 years
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W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
Everybody agrees. It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me; These two used to be best friends, they were pretty inseparable. And then Alice changed, and then she left. Both sets of parents claimed Alice to be the problem, and it just stuck. The pair haven’t been able to see eye to eye since, with the latter thinking it is all Alice’s fault. (1)
I broke their heart ‘cause they were nice; Alice was pretty hung up on Frank for practically her entire Hogwarts career, not that she said anything to most people, since she wrongly thought he was taken. She did date someone else, but it never worked out, mostly because Alice’s feelings were truly someone else, and she couldn’t get over it. (1)
I rewind thе tape but all it does is pause on thе very moment all was lost; This person was there when Alice left the Rosier’s and was disowned. Her entire world was falling apart, but this person was there to hold Alice together. When Alice reflects back on this time she knows she owes an awful lot to this person, and Frank, whom without she probably would have fallen completely apart.
If I'm dead to you why are you at the wake, cursing my name, wishing I stayed? This person confuses Alice. She’s supposed to be dead to all the purebloods, but somehow this person keeps trying to convince her to return, despite knowing Alice’s beliefs. They keep telling Alice her sins can be forgiven, that she made a nice pureblood marriage, and people will forget. All it is doing is getting on Alice’s nerves, and one day she will break, and it will not be pretty.
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. Alice has a few close friends that have become like her family. The family she got to chose. They are the ones that could look beyond society’s expectations and just accept Alice. But she’s already lost one family, and Alice is eternally scared that it will happen again.
You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding. Someone that Alice was close with, especially after she left the Rosier’s. But more recently, after Frank’s struggles at work, the person has pulled away completely, and it has left Alice confused. It was not expected at all.
W A N T E D  P L O T S 
You did a number on me, but honestly, baby, who's counting? Someone from her past trying to convince her to come to the dark side. Could be the same person trying to convince Frank too, someone who realises the Longbottoms are a strong pair who need to be on the right side.
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes. Alice has been taking on a lot lately, with work and making sure Frank is okay. Something has to slip, and she is probably going to get hurt. 
Updated; 22/10/22 
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Orion Black offers Remus more money than he could've dreamed of. The only condition? Stay away from his son.
(This got way fluffier than I anticipated towards the end)
A slow smile spreads across Orion Black’s face as he writes something down on a piece of paper, and slides it over the broad, wooden desk towards Remus. “Read the number on that paper,” he says confidently. “And tell me again how much you love him.”
To Put a Price On Love
“How much?”
Remus hardly dares to move under the intensity of Orion Black’s scrutinizing gaze. The man is sitting behind his polished wooden writing desk, one large hand holding a pen hovering above some sort of notebook.
Remus is visiting the Black Manor for a couple of days, finally meeting his boyfriend’s family. Much to Remus’ dismay, his boyfriend had been reluctant to take him home, but after some insisting on Remus’ part, he finally agreed. After the first day of staying at the posh manor, Remus had changed his goal of making his boyfriend’s parents like him, to making his boyfriend’s parents not kill him in his sleep.
Orion and Walburga Black are stiff, formal and standoffish people. Their noses are constantly scrunched up in distaste, and their lips pressed in a thin line. They hardly say a word to Remus, and Remus hasn’t once seen them smile. He honestly can’t even imagine it. Where his boyfriend’s silver grey eyes are bright and sparkling with vibrant energy, Walburga Black’s eyes are cold and empty, while Orion Black’s gaze is hard as steel.
That gaze is now intently fixed on Remus, and Remus feels like he’s being weighed and found wanting.
To say he was wary when Orion Black suddenly placed a large hand on his shoulder and asked him, no, commanded him, to come to his study, would be an understatement.
“Ex- excuse me?” Remus stammers.
“What amount do I need to write down to get you to stay away from my son?” Orion Black says slowly.
Remus glances down at the notebook, that he sees is, indeed, a check book, and back up at Orion Black’s face. “I... I think there’s some kind of misunderstanding.”
“I’ve been here before, Lupin, was it?” Orion Black says, with a hint of impatience in his voice. “Everyone has a price, so why don’t you save us both the time, and tell me yours?”
“That’s not... I’m not...” Remus sputters. “I love your son!”
Orion Black smiles wryly at him. “So did many of the others. But as the number got higher, they realised they didn’t love him quite so much after all.”
Remus feels a wave of anger course through his body. He hasn’t even told Sirius he loves him yet. How dare this man just brush off his feelings like that!
“Look,” Remus says. “If you don’t approve of me for your son, then I suppose there’s little I can do about that, but you cannot make a situation go your way just by throwing some money at it!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, boy,” Orion Black says sharply. “Let me give you a free lesson here. There’s nothing money can’t buy, as long as you have enough of it. As the amount I’m offering increases, this so-called ‘love’ will decrease. You don’t have to like it, but that’s just how the world works.”
“Why is it worth so much to you?” Remus asks. “Have I somehow offended you?”
Orion Black lets out a humourless laugh, that doesn’t make his eyes look any less like ice cold steel. “Believe me, boy. If you had offended me, I would’ve used a different way than paying you to get rid of you.”
It’s a threat, and a barely veiled one. Remus feels a chill creep up his spine.
“No,” Orion Black continues undisturbed. “It has nothing to do with you personally.” He sighs. “If Sirius wants to be rebellious and... have relations with the occasional boy, then so be it, but I’ll make sure his provocative behaviour won’t go too far by timely dissolving these delusional attachments. Whatever Sirius has to get out of his system, in the end he shall marry Druella Rosier, as has been promised.”
“That’s ridiculous!” Remus exclaims. “You’d bully your son into a marriage that’ll make him miserable?” Remus shakes his head. “I want no part in this.”
A slow smile spreads across Orion Black’s face as he writes something down on a piece of paper, and slides it over the broad, wooden desk towards Remus. “Read the number on that paper,” he says confidently. “And tell me again how much you love him.”
Remus glances down at the paper, and gasps.
“So, how much did he offer you?”
Sirius is standing in the doorway of the guestroom, leaning against the doorframe, arms folded over his chest. He’s watching Remus pack his bags with an expressionless face.
Remus doesn’t look up from his attempt to stuff his jumpers in the bag. “Hundred thousand.”
Sirius whistles through his teeth. “That’s a new record! What did you do? Did you tell him you love me? That always seems to drive up the price a bit.”
“I did,” Remus replies flatly, still not looking up from his packing.
“Fabian did too, but still, he only managed to get to sixty thousand,” Sirius says. “Gilderoy tried to play the ‘but I love him!’-card, but he was so insincere, even my father wasn’t fooled.” He lets out a bitter laugh. “I guess you don’t have much of a negotiating position when your eyes light up with greed the moment you see a check book. Caradoc never claimed to love me. I think I preferred that most,” he adds pensively. “He never pretended we were something we weren’t. Just took the money and left. But then again, I don’t think he even got to twenty thousand,” he finishes with a shrug.
Remus just looks at him for a while, before turning back to his packing.
Sirius follows his movements. “Hey, that’s mine!” He exclaims when Remus picks up a leather jacket and puts it in one of the bags. When Remus doesn’t respond and proceeds to fold up Sirius’ old band t-shirts, Sirius grabs his arm, forcing Remus to look at him. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m leaving!” Remus shouts angrily. “And I’m taking you with me! I won’t allow you to stay with these people who won’t let you be who you are, and who think they can force you into a marriage you don’t want by bribing the people you care about to abandon you!” He takes a deep breath. “Besides,” he adds dryly. “I doubt your father will let me stay in his house after telling him to shove his check book up his arse.”
“But why would you...” Sirius shakes his head. “What’s going on, Remus? Please, I need you to explain.”
Remus’ expression softens upon seeing Sirius’ wide eyes, filled with a mixture of hope and disbelief. “I didn’t take his money, Sirius,” Remus says softly. “I meant it when I told him I love you, and no amount of money will be worth losing you over.”
Sirius’ eyes frantically search Remus’ face, and he seems to find some sort of confirmation there, because the next moment, he flings himself at Remus. He clutches to him and presses his face in his hair. “I wanted to believe... I wanted to trust... I wanted to think that you’d never.. But I’ve been disappointed so many times before. I started to think I just wasn’t...”
“You’re worth it, Sirius,” Remus whispers. “You’re worth a thousand times more than any amount of money. They’re all idiots. Everyone who chose money over you. And you know what? I’m glad for it, because now I get to have you.”
“You have me, Remus. You do.” Sirius pulls away slightly, so he can look Remus in the eyes, while tears are shining on his cheeks.
Remus brushes the tears away with his thumb and smiles. “So, are you ready to leave your luxurious manor with servants on your beck and call, to come live with me in a cramped flat with no idea how we’re going to pay rent next month?”
Sirius smiles back. “I’ve never been more ready for anything.”
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celestialevie · 3 years
SPEAK NOW // REGULUS BLACK x Parkinson! reader
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Headcanon inspired by Speak Now by Taylor Swift and Grey's Anatomy 10x12/13 where Jackson stops April's wedding.
Regulus and you go way back in time. Going from only knowing each other through Evan Rosier, to being friends, to dating and becoming best friends to breaking up knowing in the end their families already had chosen other people for them to marry, so they decided to go back to being only friends.
About a year after their Hogwarts graduation, the Black family recieves an invitation to the event Regulus has been dreading since the day you two broke up.An invitation to the wedding of Y/N Parkinson and Theodore Nott. Despite him being engaged to Alecto Carrow, he was heartbroken seeing the invitation, it's as if it finally really made it real that you won't be the one he'll be waiting for at the end of the aisle. One thing he knows he can do is only wish you were aware of how much he still loved you.
Did it hurt knowing you'll be marrying someone who's basically a stranger? Withouth a doubt. You felt as if the day your fatih has been sealed is coming closer and closer, the clock was ticking inside of your head. Whilst Theodore Nott wasn't the worst person you could've been promised to, he's definitely not the person you would've chosen for yourself. What Regulus and you had in the short time you were able to be together made you the happiest to this day still. It was incomparable. Regulus was your home.
The day of your wedding is offically only a week away, and you felt like you're on a verge of falling apart. The last minute preparations were being secured, elves were working ever harder than usual which was heart breaking to you. Elves trying so hard to please your parents (especially your mother) while all your parents did was give them more jobs. Merlin forbid your parents give those elves even a 10 minute break besides when they're being sent away for the night. The wedding was being held in the Nott family manor so your future in laws were also treating elves just as wonderfully as your parents. It was no surprise why they chose Nott family for you to marry into, when they're basically the same. Only thing that was comforting you was secret letters you were exchanging with both Regulus and Evan. They understood you more than anyone. Evan was thankful his family hasn't promised him to anyone yet so he gets to enjoy his freedom a bit longer. Both Regulus and you were envy of him, but at the same time, glad he wasn't being forced into marriage with someone he doesn't love. Regulus would tell you in his letters how he couldn't stand being close to Alecto, how she's clinging to his side every time she can. It made you appreciate Theodore knowing how to respect personal space.
The morning of your wedding is here. Your mother acting like a chicken without a head, running around the manor, yelling at almost everyone who even dares to just as look into her eyes. Talk about going crazy. Your father on the other head, couldn't be bothered. Drinking already despite it only being 10 a.m. Theodore was arguing with his family about something god knows what, and your head was just about to explode. Who would've thought that the bride would be the calmest one. Few hours later you were all dolled up and ready. The guests have arrived and were sat down on their assigned seats, ceremony was just about to being, Theodore waiting for you on the other side of the aisle.
Regulus was surprised to say the least, when he saw his brother Sirius and James Potter there in the audience. Evan was sitting on one side of Regulus whilst his ''beloved'' fiance was on the other side. Regulus leaned closer to Evan, whispering to him. '' Why are my brother and that Potter friend of his here? '' Evan shrugged his shoulders. '' I assume y/n invited them and got away with it because they're pureblood. Or maybe they sneaked in, wouldn't put it past them. '' Regulus nodded his head, leaning back into his seat, trying to ignore the feeling of Alecto's arm being wrapped around his. A moment later, the music had changed and there you were, standing with your father by your side, ready to walk you down the aisle, looking as beautiful as an angel you were.
Officiant was talking, but you weren't really listening. With you peripheral vision you could see Regulus with Alecto and Evan surrounding him. Officiant asking the audience if someone has anything against this marriage, to speak now or to forever hold their peace.
Suddenly, Regulus decided to screw his family nad stood up. '' I love you y/n. I am still utterly and truly in love with you. There wasn't one second since we broke up that I hadn't stopped being in love with you...'' everyone was in shock, but Sirius. First time in a long time, Sirius was proud of his little brother finally standing up to their parents. ''...Merlin knows that you belong with me. And I know you love me too. So please, come with me. '' you dropped Theodore's hands, quickly running towards were Regulus was standing, waiting for you with open arms. He picked you up, grabbing his wand and apparating you two away to the safe place. '' I've never been happier you spoke up. I am so in love with you Regulus. '' you craddled his face between the palms of your hands, foreheads pressed together, softly whispering. '' I had to save us both from horrible faith. You and I, we belong together. ''
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