#i don’t have much money for it these days but someday i just know i’ll see all the places i want to !
oddballwriter · 7 months
Calling Them your Husband
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Warnings: nothing really 
Author’s Snip: I just wanted to make some tooth-rotting fluff so enjoy
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
When you call him your husband, it was originally a joke, sort of
Your friend called you while you were out doing errands with Steven and they asked what you were doing, to which you said "I'm out with my husband getting stuff done."
Steven just blushes and does that goofy little smile he does because he's never heard you say that but now he wants to hear it all the time now
You guys are in a long committed relationship together and you two have been living together for some time now but he's been too anxious to ask about possibly getting married some day. Not knowing if that's something you want or if you just want to cohabitate as a couple instead
But now that he heard you refer to him as your husband (even if it was a little joke) he wants to marry you in a heartbeat so that you can actually call him your husband and he can call you his wife/husband/spouse
He just thinks about it the whole day but doesn't say anything to see if you will call him that again in case pointing it out will cause you to stop. He is a bit more affectionate though, sneaking in a pick on the cheek or something and secretly making goo-goo eyes at you
When you get home and you aren't in range of seeing it Steven starts looking up engagement rings and prices to see which one would look nice on you and try and save up money
Steven also starts to subtly, at least as subtle as he can be, ask you about if you want to get married someday
He's such a dork though, bless his soul, in his brain he's just kicking his feet and giggling. He's looking at prices for venues and planners already.
Marc Spector
Marc has it in him to get married, we know that
But in his mind he doesn't really see himself as "husband material". He thinks that he's got too much baggage that you'd have to deal with if you were married
He acts like you two haven't been living together and splitting the bills and stuff, which is sometimes what marriage is, in the most domestic way possible
To him, he can't really see himself being able to do the whole marriage thing all over again
That was until some drunk creep was hitting on you while you and him were on a date and you told the guy "I'm with my husband" which warded that guy off
For some reason you calling him your husband while you locked your arm with his just washed those feelings of doubt out. Something about it just made him feel so confident
Like "Yeah I'm their husband! Back off!"
After that Marc was more open with himself about the idea of letting that title back into his life and getting to call you his spouse too
He more so likes the ability to call you his spouse. Possessiveness is in him and by god does getting to call you his spouse feed it
Marc will ask about the idea of marriage sometime after that just to see if you like it
If you want to get married then he's on board. But if you think cohabitating suits you better then he's fine with that too
So long as you're there together and you love him then he's content and happy
Jake Lockley
Damn right he's your husband
Honestly ever since you two got serious with your relationship, became committed to each other, and moved in he's just been like "We are married now" in his head
He's never said that out loud but he knows that the feeling is there with you too
It wasn't until you semi-jokingly called him your husband when some girls were checking him out and you huffed and puffed about it
"What's the matter? I wasn't flirting back." "Well, excuse me for not wanting some giggling college girls to be eyeing up my husband."
And that just... made him feel something, in his heart and in his pants
No but seriously. After that night cohabitating and acting like a married couple wasn't enough. He needs to put a ring on you and vice versa
He will go down to town hall and get those damn papers and buy the rings right now
Jake was originally just going to wait until you said that you wanted to get officially married, but he just can't anymore
In the morning you guys are going to buy rings, get the papers filled out, and planning the wedding
He's got the wedding planner on speed dial and a house with a picket fence in the nice part of town ready to go, just say "I do" please
Honestly at this point he never wants to hear his name come out of your mouth ever again. To you, it's either "hun" "hunny" "dear" or "sweetheart"
Light of his life, air in his lungs, fire in his loins
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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aliceintheworld · 20 days
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Pairing: TattooArtistJungkook X NaiveReader
Summary: "I shouldn't be watching a man undressing, especially not from the house next door."
Warning: Intolerance, toxic religion, parental relationship, Jungkook taking off his clothes 😮‍💨🤲 very dumb reader.
A/N: This is my first fanfic on Tumblr and my first BTS one. I know, it's embarrassing. The story isn't that great, and it probably shouldn't be the first one I post here, but the characters took on a life of their own without my consent, and I've been writing this since 2022 (fuck), so here we are. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language and that the reader is extremely annoying. See you on the next chapter! Thank You.
Next Chapter
Chapter 1
I organize the things from the bazaar as I go through the accessories spread out on the table. It's a calm easy task and I've done it more than a thousand times, so even with my eyes closed the job is done masterfully. My mother is next to me, quietly, listening to music on an old radio that she refuses to throw away. It seems that, since it's a radio she got as a teenager, the object has a deep meaning for her and she doesn't even like the thought of exchanging it for something more modern. I hum along too, trying to tune my voice in some parts where the music gets harder and the notes get higher.
Usually on the weekends, every Sunday, my mother and I go to church and the bazaar after the service, to raise money and help the pastor's project. Pastor Leen is a good man and always helps everyone in need, so this semester, during these last months of the year, he has been focusing on the animals that live on the streets. Everyone in the community who goes to church participates and helps in whatever way they can, whether through donations or fundraising, like my mother and I do. That’s why we gathered some clothes and items for the church bazaar, and with the sales, we can do our part. It's exhausting, but rewarding in the end.
During the week, I study at the university in my town and work at the library, so there's not much time for rest, but I like having a busy life. Although I know that, for some people, my idea of a busy life might not seem busy at all. At twenty-one, I’m supposedly supposed to be somewhere else in the world, enjoying my youth and partying with my friends, but strangely, I never wanted that. Whether it’s because of my mother, who always instructed me not to follow that path, or because I’m just introverted, I’ve never gone to parties or had adventures that I could look back on later. The most out-of-the-ordinary thing I've ever done was drink beer when I was eighteen and regret it the next day, feeling guilty for being influenced by a friend.
I’ve never left this town. I’ve never dated. I’ve never been to a party. I haven’t done many memorable things in life. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll regret not having these experiences someday, but I’m so tied to the way I live my life that it’s hard to change, even just a little. Habits are hard to break, whether for better or worse. I’m pulled from my thoughts when the store door opens and Mrs. Jeon walks in with a smile on her face and two heavy bags in her hands. I quickly get up intending to help her, but my mother is faster.
“Good morning, Eunji,” Mrs. Jeon greets my mother, letting out a relieved sigh as the weight of one of the bags is lifted from her hands. “Good morning, Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m fine, Mrs. Jeon. How has your week been?” I ask, taking the other bag from her. I peek inside and notice that it’s full of men’s clothes, judging by the size and the predominantly dark colors.
“Radiant, actually. My son arrived in town last night,” she says, her smile widening. I’m surprised because I didn’t know she had a son. Mrs. Jeon moved to town six years ago, and I don’t recall any son visiting her or her mentioning him. This is the first time she’s spoken about it, at least in front of me.
“Your son, Jungkook?” my mother asks, curious, and our neighbor nods, still beaming. “Doesn’t he live in Seoul?”
“Yes, he does. But he’s been expanding his business, and I invited him to visit, and coincidentally, he decided to open a branch here,” she explains, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. My mother instantly flashes a smile. An interested smile that I know all too well.
Of course, because I’ve never dated, my mother is always trying to set me up with someone. Not that I want her to. I never asked her to make all this effort, much less to convince the church ladies to introduce their sons just because I’m single. It’s embarrassing, as if I’m not capable of finding someone on my own without my mother’s help, but she doesn’t listen, even when I had an honest conversation with her asking her to stop trying to play Cupid.
"What kind of business?" my mother asks, and I try not to roll my eyes. For a woman of God, she worries way too much about money and status. It's a controversial topic that has led to arguments between us in the past.
"He's a tattoo artist. He owns a tattoo studio in Seoul," Mrs. Jeon explains with a proud smile, and my mother's face immediately turns serious. The charm of a potential son-in-law is lost. Of course, no one is ever perfect enough for her—or for me, in her eyes.
I love my mother. She’s strong, and many times I look up to her when making important decisions, but she judges people too harshly. Ever since she joined the church when I was younger, she’s changed. She changed her clothes, the way she speaks, and even her thoughts. I can’t even remember what she was like before, and even though all these changes were a support for her after my father passed away, some aspects of the situation still bothers me. The fact that she believes people are going to hell just for having different opinions and ideas is one of them. Of course, I don’t argue with her about it and rarely express my point of view. If she knew how I really thought, I’d be a princess locked in her room, with no peace and even less freedom than I already have at home.
"He's a tattoo artist?" my neighbor nods, not noticing the bitter tone in my mother's voice. I decide to step in, anticipating some sharp comment from the woman beside me.
"Mrs. Jeon, thank you so much for the clothes and for your help. Just today we had three customers, and the clothes you donated sold very quickly," I interject, changing the subject. The tension in my shoulders eases as my neighbor shifts her focus to the bag in my hands.
"Oh, no need to thank me. I want to do as much as I can to help the animals. I adopted a puppy last week and I’m in love!" she says, placing her hands on her cheeks with joy, and I can’t help but smile. Mrs. Jeon is one of the few older people from the church that I enjoy talking to.
"What’s his name?"
"Gureum. He’s an angel," she says, forming the small size of the puppy with her hands.
"Gureum? Don’t tell me he’s all white," I guess, laughing at the name.
"He is!" she laughs with me, jingling the keys in her hand. "Anyway, I hope we get plenty of donations this month. I can't wait to see the results of our work."
"That’s true, Misuk. This month the winter will be harsher, so we have to act more quickly this year," my mother continues, and the conversation shifts to the church project. I feel more relieved as the minutes pass and Mrs. Jeon leaves. Not because of her, of course, but because of the situation itself. My mother is very straightforward and usually says what she thinks, no matter who it hurts. I don’t want my relationship with our neighbor to be ruined just because my mother doesn’t know how to hold her tongue.
"Did you hear what she said?" Eunji asks, her eyes wide, one hand on her chest as if she’s deeply shocked. "Her son is a tattoo artist! Do you think he has those awful marks all over his body?"
"Probably, Mom," I sigh, trying to focus on the clothes Mrs. Jeon just brought. "And Mom, don’t talk like that. She’s our neighbor."
"Even so! Y/N, that only happens when parents don’t know how to properly guide their children. How can a mother, who goes to church, let her son go down such a horrible path in life?"
"We don’t know how her son lives, and it’s none of our business, Mom!" I try to keep calm as I fold a large black T-shirt, but then I remember that before organizing the items, we have to wash them, and I couldn’t be happier about that.
Usually, the clothes are washed at our house, and my mother still has to stay at the bazaar for a while longer. Honestly, I don’t want to be around her listening to how good of a mother she was just because I go to church and don’t have a tattoo on my arm. It irritates me, and it’s hard not to let her notice, but for the sake of peace, I try my best, nodding and agreeing with all the nonsense she says.
"Mom, I’m going to take all these things home and get everything ready for the bazaar, okay?" I try to force a smile, but my face feels stiff. My head is throbbing, and I can’t wait to get home. I’ve been out of my room all day, and there’s nothing more exhausting than that, at least for me. She murmurs in agreement, probably annoyed that she can't keep talking badly about Mrs. Jeon’s son, but I don’t care and just leave.
I regret it a little halfway home because the bags are heavy, and even though the distance isn’t long, it’s hard to carry all the clothes by myself. I arrive home out of breath. The sky is overcast, with dark gray clouds covering it, but I’m sweating as if I just ran a marathon. I laugh a bit at my lack of fitness, promising myself that I’ll start the morning walks I keep putting off, and I head to the laundry room to start organizing the clothes.
When I open the bag, I’m surprised by the items. Not only are they of good quality, but I’m also certain they don’t belong to Mr. Jeon. He dresses well, but not in this style. I can hardly imagine him wearing black jeans or a heavy jacket. I’m intrigued by who the owner might be, but I don’t waste time pondering it, too tired to unravel mysteries that aren’t even important. I leave the laundry room once everything is organized and head to my room, throwing myself onto the bed.
My room isn’t particularly special or different, but what I love the most about it is the bookshelf filled with books covering almost the entire wall. It was my dream from a young age to get a job and buy every book I was interested in, and luckily, that’s been possible since I started working at the library. It’s the perfect job for me, even if it’s temporary. I’m studying literature to become a teacher, and I can’t wait to start working in my dream job.
I sigh and pull my phone out of my dress pocket, too lazy to take off my clothes and go shower. I groan, placing my hands over my face, knowing there’s no escaping it after being out of the house all day. There’s no way I’m going to bed like this. Reluctantly, I get up and untie my hair, which falls in waves, heavy against my neck.
I bend down to grab the hem of my dress and start pulling it up, feeling even more tired. Today was such a long day. I can’t wait to go to bed and sleep until tomorrow. I take off my socks, lifting one foot behind the other, and as I head to the towel inside the wardrobe next to the bed, I unhook the bra that’s been bothering me all day. The relief is so immense that I let out a sigh, touching my breasts with my fingers and playing with my nipple, hardened by the cold air.
On my way to the bathroom, I stop and look at the window when I notice that the neighbor’s window—the one that had never been opened until now—is, in fact, wide open. I need a few seconds to realize that there’s someone on Mrs. Jeon’s balcony, and worse, it’s not her on the other side. It’s a man. The most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life.
I hide behind the bookshelf in my room, afraid that he might think I’m spying on him, but for some reason, I keep watching him with curiosity, hypnotized by the way he moves around the room and among the furniture. His dark, wavy hair falls over his face when, out of nowhere, he starts pulling his shirt over his back, taking it off lazily while focusing on the phone in his hands. He gives a small smile, almost as if he subconsciously knows the effect he’s having on me. My heart beats hard against my chest, and my breathing quickens; my mind fills with fantasy images of his pink lips and large, seemingly soft hands.
He is... gorgeous. Different. With tattoos all over his body. One of his arms is completely covered in designs, and his chest is adorned with images that I can’t quite make out. My mouth waters as my eyes roam over his strong back and shoulders. His pale skin glows under the dim light of the yellow lamp, and it’s hard to catch my breath. It’s like observing a work of art. A forbidden work of art, I know. It’s wrong. But I can’t convince my mind that I should stop. The man, still a stranger, smiles at his phone as the screen lights up his face. Unlike his body, which exudes sensuality and is intimidating, his smile is sweet and gentle, and the most charming I’ve ever seen. He tosses the phone onto the bed, unbuckling the leather belt around his waist and deftly undoing the buttons of his jeans. That’s when the trance that literally had me delirious breaks. I slam the window shut, desperate at my own madness.
What was I doing? How could I have seen a stranger stripping like a complete pervert? I feel so bad, guilty for having crossed the line and done something as wrong as this. I gulp, covering my face with my hands. I let out a tortured sigh and feel my heart racing uncontrollably. I am sweating, as if I had done a heavy workout, when in fact, I had been standing still the entire time. I peek through the gaps in my window to see the room in Mr. Jeon's house, but I can't see anything anymore and I don't have the courage to open the curtains and try to look at the man again.
It's the first time in many years that I have felt something like this. Could it be desire? I can't remember the last time I felt anything like this. I recall having a small and first crush on a boy at school, something innocent, when I didn't even know what it meant to like someone romantically or as a friend. This was, throughout my life, the only consistent experience in recent years. It scares me that suddenly I feel something different for someone, even if it's minimal. I let out a sigh and cover my face, embarrassed by my own behavior. To make things worse, I'm not even wearing clothes. I rush to the bathroom and close the door, staring at myself in the mirror. I am so dazed that even my cheeks are dark red. I close my eyes tightly and head to the shower, trying to let the water wash away my thoughts. It doesn't work. I spend the whole night gazing at my bedroom window, full of images that I can't forget or erase.
I have a normal day after the almost exhausting night. I study in the morning about different approaches with children on the autism spectrum, which I find completely interesting and complex, and then I work in the afternoon at the college library on campus. This is actually great because I can study even during my work hours with free access to all available books, which has saved my life in recent months. The first semester of classes was tough, but this second one has been terrible, with piled-up assignments and deadlines that are almost impossible to meet, at best. My life has revolved around this routine, and the ordeal of exams hasn't even started. On my way home, I stop at a convenience store to buy something to eat and bike towards my house, which, honestly, isn’t very far but is extremely tiring.
I get home exhausted, collapsing on the sofa almost immediately. My mother appears from the kitchen with a serious face and a tense expression, as if something very grave had happened.
"You won't believe who invited us to dinner." she comments, placing one hand on her hip.
"Who?" I ask, just out of courtesy. Besides not being hungry, I'm not interested in the subject, too stressed with college stuff to pay attention to my mother.
"And what's the problem, Mom?" I roll my eyes. Until yesterday, my mother had no problem with our neighbor, and now she acts like the woman is forbidden or not good enough to be her friend.
"Did you forget, YN?" she asks, crossing her arms. "Her son, the one from Seoul, will be at the dinner."
I turn pale, my mouth dry. How could I have forgotten this? College has consumed all my thoughts during the day, but I would never forget that man. The man I saw through the window is Mrs. Jeon's son, I suppose. I concluded this after spending the whole night mulling over my thoughts and reliving that body and face, which I can’t even recall without blushing. I’ve already eaten at college and feel satisfied, but the first thing I do when my mother mentions the dinner is smile.
"I’ll go with you." I affirm, unsure. If my heart raced so much from a distance of Mr. Jeon's son, I can't imagine what will happen if I see him up close. But I'm so curious that I can't avoid it. I want to see him. I want to prove that everything I felt last night wasn’t just a product of my imagination tainted by romance novels.
"The truth is, I wanted to cancel the dinner."
"You didn't cancel, did you?" I ask, trying not to sound too desperate. My mother shakes her head, which makes me sigh with relief.
"No, but I'm curious about the guy. I want to see what he's like and make a better judgment about him. I just ask that you don’t get involved with that kind of person. He’s a tattoo artist and lives alone, so young. Who knows what he does alone in a city like Seoul." she says, and I agree with a noise in my throat.
I’m also curious about him, Mom, but not for the same reason as you. I stay silent as I go upstairs to my room. I look for some slightly nicer clothes without much expectation but I don’t have anything different from conservative or old. I feel sad for no reason and convince myself that it doesn’t matter what I choose to wear; a man like the one I saw last night will never be interested in me, no matter what I put on. I quickly shower, then, after my mom calls me from downstairs, I look at myself in the mirror, staring at the dark blue dress that goes down to just below my knees. I roll my eyes and simply go, with little enthusiasm.
My mom has a bowl with a freshly baked cake, and after saying it's for the neighbors, we head out. It’s the house next door, but the short walk feels like an eternity to me. My heart races as we approach, and I let my mom lead the way, walking ahead. She knocks on the door with three taps, and we don’t wait long before Mr. Jeon appears. He’s a man in his fifties, but very handsome and friendly, wearing a long-sleeve shirt and comfortable house slippers. He smiles at both of us, still holding the doorknob and giving us space to enter.
"Good evening, Eunji, good evening, Y/N." he greets us. I nod, a little embarrassed. Unlike Mrs. Jeon, I don’t see him often, as he is very busy with work and doesn’t attend church regularly.
"Good evening, Yejun."
"Good evening, Mr. Jeon. Thank you for having us." I smile, genuinely grateful. I truly like the couple, as every time I see them, they always treat me very well.
"What a polite girl, isn’t she?" he says to my mother in a joking tone, then looks at me kindly. "You don’t need to thank us. We love having you two here. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable."
"I brought a cake for after dinner." my mom says with a smile. "Where is Misuk? I want to give it to her."
"She’s in the kitchen, finishing organizing things. Shall we go there?"
I follow them in silence, having little to do. My mom is more accustomed to the environment, as she comes here a few times for church meetings. I take a few steps toward the kitchen when a noise on the stairs catches my attention. Then he appears, and like magic, everything I felt before resurges, ten thousand times worse. I catch my breath as I see him slowly descending the stairs. He is much taller than me and different from what I imagined, now up close.
His eyes are dark, bright and large, which strangely complements his sharp jawline. His lips are a beautiful pink that makes me run my tongue over my mouth, enchanted by their apparent softness. Pink is now my favorite color. He exudes a powerful aura with his heavy clothes and his body built like a big mountain towering over me, but when he smiles, I am captivated. His smile is sweet, friendly, and inviting, making me want to get closer. However, the thing that catches my attention the most is the eyebrow piercing. My God. What a man.
"Hello, how are you?" he says with a boyish smile, and I blush instantly. I try to maintain a mantra in my mind, repeating several times: calm down, calm down, calm down! "My name is Jungkook, are you my mother’s neighbor?"
"Y-yes." I stammer and almost instinctively close my eyes, frustrated with myself. He smiles even more, squinting his dark eyes as if he finds me amusing.
"Nice to meet you. What’s your name?" he asks with a soft voice, and I feel embarrassed for not having said my name earlier.
"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you." This time I don’t stammer, but I speak so quietly that I fear he might not have heard me.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. My mom talks a lot about you." he says, confirming that yes, he did hear me.
I open my mouth to try to say something, but suddenly my mother appears. I don’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. I wanted more chances to talk and discover new things about him, but all I was managing to do was look like an idiot who hasn’t left the house in years, completely antisocial. My shoulders slump, and I follow my mother to the dining room in silence, feeling embarrassed. I can almost feel Jungkook’s presence behind me, but I don’t have the courage to turn around and glimpse his expression. I almost automatically remember him taking off his clothes, showing the tattoos that are now hidden, and I flush even more, almost choking on my own saliva.
"Good evening, Y/N!" Mrs. Jeon smiles at me, already seated at the table. I feel guilty for almost drooling over her son earlier but I smile, greeting her in the same way.
"Good evening, Mrs. Jeon. The smell of the food is delicious, as always." I say, seeing the vegetables on the table and the meat next to it that looks divine. If I hadn’t eaten earlier, I’d be attacking the food, with respect, of course.
"Always so sweet, Y/N." she smiles. "Please, have a seat. Jungkook, sit next to her." she requests. I try to not choke again, just nodding, watching the man I am incredibly attracted to sit to my right side.
His parents and my mom engage in a lively conversation, and I try to pay attention in case they ask me something, but the truth is, I can’t follow along at all. Jungkook eats in silence and occasionally answers my mother’s questions, which I’m sure are meant to gather more material for judgment when we get home, but I can’t follow any of the reasoning. Besides being handsome, polite and kind, he also smells good.
With the clothes he wears and the tattoos decorating his body, I would swear his perfume would be woody and strong, but it’s quite the opposite. His scent reminds me of spring, or nature like a field full of flowers. It’s a scent I could absorb all day. Lost in thought while I play with the fork on my plate and the cabbage kimchi I served myself, I don’t notice him coming closer to me and my ear. My whole body shivers with his breath. I try to not make it too obvious, but I think it’s in vain since I hear his soft laugh even closer to my neck.
"Do you want to go to the kitchen, Y/N?" Jungkook asks in a whisper so close that I look around just to make sure no one is watching, especially my mother, who seems to have already formed a prejudiced opinion about him.
"Why?" I ask in a whisper, confused.
"I want to ask you something." he smiles crookedly, which makes me even more disturbed. I nod, still unsure about what I’m agreeing to. He quickly stands up, and I almost instantly follow him. When we get to the kitchen, he turns around quickly, watching me attentively, crossing his arms over his chest.
"W-what do you want to ask me?" I swallow nervously.
"I was thinking whether I should talk to you about this, but after meeting you tonight, I think it’s for the best, anyway." he says with a serious face. His previously relaxed attitude changes completely, as if all the fun from earlier had drained away.
I become worried, my mind filled with questions, until something occurs to me. What if last night, somehow, he realized I was watching him? My body turns to jelly at the thought, and my heart beats faster as I look at his face. I would die, seriously. I would fall to the ground and never wake up again. My hands tremble as I wait for his question.
"Are you and my mother very close?" he asks in a whisper, this time with a weak voice, looking at his own intertwined hands. I nod in agreement, even more confused. Since Mrs. Jeon moved to my city, we’ve become something like friends, despite the significant age difference. I consider her, even if mistakenly, like a mother.
"Yes. I think we have a close relationship. Why the question?" he shifts uncomfortably. He tries to smile but can’t. I am worried but silent, waiting for his answer.
"My mother is sick, Y/N." he says quietly, with a weak voice. My eyes widen at the news. I never imagined this is what he wanted to talk to me about. From his seriousness, it seems to be something very grave. "That’s why I came to the city. She had depression years ago and last month she tried to take her own life for some reason."
"She didn’t tell anyone, I’m sure." I say as much as I can, still shaken and shocked. Mrs. Jeon seems so happy lately that I could never imagine something like this. My eyes fill with tears, but I try to contain the flood of emotions inside me, embarrassed to act this way with a previously unknown person.
"I know. I was shocked when I found out." he explains, running his fingers through his dark hair as if he were tired. "She wants to spare people from the situation, but I wish everyone could know and support her. She shouldn’t be thinking about anyone’s well-being right now, except her own. That’s why I came to Busan, to take care of her."
"I understand." I whisper with a lump in my throat. I want to take his trembling hands and assure him that everything will be okay, but I don’t have that much courage. I wish I were casual and authentic and had the ease to simply say what I’m thinking. It’s the first time that not being this way makes me upset and sad. I wish I could be someone else right now. I wish I could help more.
"I apologize for bringing this up so suddenly. I hope I haven’t ruined your evening. I’m sorry." he smiles awkwardly, puffing his cheeks, and a previously hidden dimple appears. His face turns red and I can’t help but like him even more.
"Don’t worry. Really. Thank you for telling me the truth. I want to help in any way I can. I'll try to keep her company more often."
"Thank you so much, Y/N." he smiles, with his eyes shining. "I knew it was a good idea to tell you the truth. I knew I could count on you."
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fiyaa-xoxo · 11 months
Hello~ I apologize to flooding your ask box.
I just found out that according to Trey, he said Heartslabyul students are allowed to ask for anything for their birthday... It i's one of the Queen of Hearts' laws after all ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
So, can I request a scenario/headcanons that the reader/mc/Yuu ask to borrow Heartslabyul students out for a date or sthg for their birthday... What kind of things they will do and how will they react to such request and such...
Thank you and apologies if this request is hard to write 😅 Hope you'll have a lovely day 💕
Law No. 538 of the Queen of Hearts: The one with the birthday are allowed to ask anything for their birthday. Yuu's request to have a date with the Heartslabyul boys!! How will they react and what will they do in their date? PT.1 (Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, & Trey clover)
Hello you mustn't worry about flooding my ask box because you'r the only who has requested some writing from me. I'll do my very best to write your request, i truly hope you enjoy what i've written. Its not the best since i didn’t know what to write for some of them.And i’m teribly sorry that this request is long due i’ve been having writers block.
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Riddle Rosehearts
✧˚ · . Red, Riddles face even redder than his hair. At first you thought that he was mad at you but he was just flustered. You two decided to have a private tea party in the middle of the rose maze. Riddle asked trey to bake your favorite sweets! And if your not super into sweets trey made some other foods fit for your taste. Everything was prepared just for you though some parts of the tea party were against the Rules Riddle did his best not the change anything since it was how you liked it. 
✧˚ · .When you two finished eating the food trey prepared Riddle handed you something “My Dearest Rose, since today is a special day your birthday i made sure that everything is perfect even my gift. I do wish you will enjoy what i have bought for you” After Riddle said that you opened the elegantly wrapt red and black box inside held a Stunning Rose Ring.  “Riddle.. Its beautiful thank you so much” 
“ Im glad you liked it i do wish you wear it someday My rose.This ring shows how much i love you.” By the end of the day Riddle dropped you off at Ramshakel And pulled you into a kiss and bid you a goodnight. When you closed the door you were a blushing and smiling mess.After that day you swore to yourself you’d always wear and keep the ring safe.
Cater Diamond 
✧˚ · .When cater heard what you said he was over the moon! “Aww our Y/nie wants to spend their birthday with me!! Don’t worry Y/n i’ll make sure you’// enjoy our little date 😉” You two decided to café hop everything you two bought will be payed by Cater so don’t you worry about losing money! Cater kept on taking pictures of you and the food. He couldn't help it you just looked so pretty. When you offered to feed Cater some of your Sandwich he made sure to take pics of it. 
✧˚ ·After you guys left the Café it was around sunset. Cater lead you to a park when you got to the park the tree’s were filled with lights and there was a fountain in the middle it looked so magical! Cater brought you near the fountain and handed you a orange paper bag. “Happy birthday Y/n i hope you like the gift!!” When you removed the wrapping paper that was on top of the bag it showed a painting of you and cater “Riddle nagged me to do some painting to get off my phone so. I made this for you!” “Hope you like it” “Cater i don’t like it..... I love it!! thank you!!!” “nice to hear Y/niee, i have one more gift too” After Cater said that he pulled you into a long kiss. Cater dropped you back to your dorm and gave u another peck on the lips.
✧˚ · When you got changed into something more comfortable your phone had lot of notifications from Magicam. You were tagged in a post with a lot of pictures from today even a pic of you and cater kissings!! but you remembered Cater didn’t take any pictures when you two got in to the park. Little did you know Cater used his unique magic and made the other caters hide behind bush's and climbed tree’s just to get pictures.Oh and the picture cater gifted you is safely placed on top of your nightstand.
Trey Clover
✧˚ · .Trey was quite shocked when you said you wanted to go on a date with him for your birthday.But he was also touched that you wanted to spend time with him. You decided to take a cooking class. Since trey is mostly good at baking you thought why not also enhance his cooking skills. The two of you arrived at the cooking class located in a restaurant near the plaza of the town. " Welcome, Welcome!!" said the hostess in the front " Are you two love birds here for the cooking class?" both you and trey blushed when the hostess addressed you two as "love birds" "a-ah.. yes we're here for the cooking class.. but we arnt a couple yet.. haha" said trey. "Ah my apologies i thought u two were with how cute you both look together.But moving on please enter this room, this is where the cooking class will be held." said the hostess with a smile.
✧˚ · You can trey entered the room which held a kitchen in. You both go seated and the class begun. "Hello everybody i am chef Andre, for today we will be learning how to makespaghetti and meatballs from scratch." The chef explained and demonstrated how to make the noodles and sauce and now he let you and the other attendee's start making on your own. Trey started off by making the pasta and kneading flour and eggs. "This is just like making dough in baking" said trey. You couldnt help yourself from staring at Trey. He has his sleeves rolled up exposing his forearm. Trey was well built himself. As you stared at him u didnt see that he threw a bit of flour at you "finally i have your attention again" he said chuckling "a-ah sorry about that.." u said
✧˚ · "Dont worry about it im just about done with the pasta and the sauce is done too" TIME SKIP You and trey finally finished cooking and was now cleaning off the flour he threw you. "sorry about that" trey said as he held your chin cleaning off the flour from your face
as he smirked. "Its fine" you said blushing. The pasta you both made was being packaged for you two to take back home. You both left the restaurant and walked back to the dorm. When u made it back to your dorm trey was walking with you towards the front door before he suddenly stopped "Ah wait before i forget here my gift for you y/n" he said smiling. He gave you a green colored big box. As you opened it held your favorite dessert. "I made it myself. It took me multiple tries to get it perfect just for you...Ah one more thing..." he took out a pair of van cleef black clover earrings . "I hope you like them" he said looking at you. "Trey... i love them thank you!!" u then went closer to try and kissed him. "Thank you for making today even more special" you said smiling ear to ear. "Its my pleasure y/n. Now go head inside i'll see you again tomorrow" he then winked. "Ah and dont forge to brush your teeth after eating the dessert" He gave u a kiss on your cheek then waved goodbye.
Requests are open!! ^^
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skyward-floored · 8 months
I think I’m coming down with a cold again and possibly have a fever but I’m here to scream about the update some more anyway! (and analyze a bit but mostly scream). Dawn part 7 here we go!
(All images belong to @linkeduniverse <3)
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First off I have to say this was my favorite panel I think, it’s so pretty. The faint glow! The colors! The cape over his shoulder! Amazing. This truly was Sky’s update, I loved every bit of focus he got. Jojo fed us well :D
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So it looks like I was wrong about Sky reading everyone’s mail. He just immediately took off after the mailman instead (and spent all morning chasing him ha!),
Side note but I love the npc guy. He’s simple but still Zelda-y. the character design in this comic is just👌
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Looks like the mailman has a list of who he’s supposed to deliver to, or at least that’s my guess. It could be a map maybe, but that probably wouldn’t do much good since he’s time traveling?? How does he do it. Don’t question the magic of the postman I guess.
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*green hill zone music intensifies*
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Shoutout to Sky’s face here, I make the same expression when I’m trying to chase after my nephew and stop him from eating crayons
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This looks like a postcard no joke, I'd frame this and put it on my wall. Plus the way the trees were done in the background is really neat, there’s something just really pleasing about this panel. Also the return of Sky: Just Standing There
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They’re all bein silly <3
...except for Four. Because I think him and Warriors both realize that Sky isn’t just telling them what he was doing all morning— he’s got something important to say, something they all actually need to know.
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(Downfall duo laughing together I love them)
Also I agree with everyone saying Warriors is close to snapping— they’ve all had a pretty stressful 24 hours, but Warriors has been breaking up arguments and repeatedly checking on everyone while they’re struggling, and... I don’t think he’s had a break. Take a nap bud, please?
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SKY TALKING TO FI MY BELOVED he's hoping there’s enough of her aware to help him dowse hhhhh. And then he’s so sad she didn’t seem to hear him waahhh 😭
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It doesn’t look to me like she truly helped much, but maybe Fi gave just enough of a nudge for Sky to find the postman’s footprints? Even in her sleep? She is glowing just a bit there... Interesting to think about.
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It’s confirmed that the postman uses the portals! And that the Shadow is alive and kicking! Uh-oh! (Also does anyone else think this one seems more... firey? Then the last one? Maybe it's just me).
And the chopped-off darknut head is still there too.... and I’ll bet you twenty rupees somebody is going to kick it when the Links go through the portal later. (My guess is Wild but I’d put my money on Legend or Wind too).
I’m also really curious where that portal leads... My guess is either Twilight’s Hyrule or Sky’s, based on what hints we’ve been getting, but I really don’t know. It’ll be fun to see!
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*Wind rapidly thinking of at least three conspiracy theories*: SUS
Also an amazing expression from him I’m laughing so hard, he really said 3:<
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Tag yourself I’m Four
Also Sky just chugging away at the stamina potion, poor guy XD he must be beat from all that running around, I hope he has some more time to sit before the Links get moving.
(And I mentioned this in another post, but Legend looks so alarmed at this information, as does Wild... it’s not going to be pretty when they cross paths with the Shadow again, that’s for sure)
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I love when Time breaks out the dramatic language... makes me remember that this guy is going to be the Hero’s Shade someday (who’s speech is 99% dramatic things).
Now the Links just have to decide what to do next... will they stay another day at the inn for Twilight’s sake, or get moving right away? Is Four going to confront Twilight about the dark magic he uses to turn into Wolfie?
So many questions... but in the meantime I will gladly continue to reread this amazing update, I really loved this one :D
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your first day with your alien husband
General Plot: You finally get your glasses fixed and begin sorting out matters of becoming an archduchess
Word Count: 3.5k
Kherae alien x female reader with glasses
W: a bit of angst, sfw alien fluff
Tags: @almostoriginalartisan @lizzhearthz
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“I want you to teach me more about managing the family estate, brother,” Dessin said as Idreod choked on his morning coffee. It was one of the few human inventions he really admired. It was bitter and earthy. Delicious. He was annoyed his brother was spoiling it. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked sharply, setting down his mug. “Why this all of a sudden?” 
He set his jaw. 
“I’ve been useless in the past, but I’ve grown up a bit. I want to be an asset to our family. You don’t think I hear the way the staff snicker about me? They think all I’m good for is perfume recommendations for their girlfriends. That was fine when I was young, but now I want some responsibility,” he said. 
“Dessin, this is work,” Idreod said, “not a game. If you want to play around I’ll give you a hundred million credits and you can invest in human cryptocurrency or the stock market. I’m told it’s amusing.” 
He growled. 
“You are always like this!” he snapped, “how can I grow if you are always treating me like a child?” 
“Don’t throw a tantrum. Why don’t you visit Gedra for a few days? Get your dick sucked and meet a new plaything,” Idreod said, already bored with this conversation, “I’ll send all your friends this time in celebration of my engagement, all expenses paid. You can call it my bachelor party, isn’t that what human men have?” 
He made a noise in the back of his throat. 
“You are not taking me seriously, Idreod!” he growled. 
Idreod barked out a tight laugh. 
“Of course I’m not Dessin. You’ve never done anything serious in your life and that’s fine. You’ll never have to want for anything, so why are you so upset?” 
He stood and glared at him. 
“You are so sick, brother. You get off on being superior to everyone but deep down you’re just a lonely fool. Someday you’ll find yourself alone with a knife in your back,” he hissed. 
Idreod rolled his eyes at him. 
“Will you be the one to put it there? Then who will pay your pleasure house bills, Dessin? Don’t be foolish. The humans have a saying. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you little brother.” 
He jumped up from the table, knocking his chair to the floor and stormed out of the room, which was just like him. 
If he really wanted something he would build it for himself, not beg his big brother for a position. He thought.  Idreod could give it to him, but then he would just get bored in a few months and return to his lifestyle. He wondered for a moment if he should just indulge him a little. He would get bored after all. 
Perhaps he was still a bit bitter from the day before because he shook the thought away. I am too soft on him already. He behaved with impunity, despite how it tarnished their family name, spent money lavishly without a thought for how it was made, and was generally a poor representative of the Zovith family. He didn’t owe him little kindnesses. 
He picked his coffee back up, determined to retrieve his good mood. In a few minutes he would meet his lovely fiance and begin her training. 
“That was so fast,” you told the optometrist as he handed you your new pair of glasses.  
“Yes, Kherae manufacturing technology is much more advanced than human,'' the Kheraen doctor said. 
You pulled on the pair and blinked at him as your world came into focus. Like most Kherae he was handsome, but quite a bit older than you with heavy lines in his face and silver tipping his once jet black horns. 
“You know we can have your vision corrected,” he offered, “it is a simple procedure. You’ll suffer a day of blindness while the nanites restructure your lenses, but after that your vision will be perfect.” 
You smiled at him, just happy you could see. 
“Actually, that might be nice,” you said. 
You’d always wished I had good vision, being legally blind was such a limitation. He smiled at you. 
“I will have a consultation added to your schedule,” he said gathering his tools, “we’ll be in touch soon.” 
You thanked the doctor and finished the breakfast the maids had brought you when he left. 
A few minutes later Airies appeared and you got a proper look at him for the first time. He was a lean Kherae, with their signature purple skin and spade tipped tail. His horns were short and stuck out of neatly cropped black hair in delicate arcs. 
“Archduke Zovith will see you, my lady,” he informed you, gathering you up and leading you down the hall to his office. 
You were impressed with the decor now that you could see it. Everything was done in tasteful neutral tones with pretty Kheraen art hung on the walls. Aries noticed you looking and stopped. 
“If there is anything not to your liking, my lady, please let me know and we will change it,” he said, “the archduke has given you free reign to decorate as you like. He doesn’t really care about such things. This office looks the same as every other office on Kherae, it would be nice if you would freshen it up for us.” 
You nodded and hurried along after him. Your heart pattered in your chest. You were about to see your husband for the first time. 
“(Y/N), you look lovely this morning!” you looked up to find Dessin standing in front of you. He was taller than Airies and a bit bulkier with messy golden hair that just covered his ears and black eyes. His horns delicately curled back on themselves in smooth rolls. He was certainly more good looking than you imagined and you blushed a little remembering that you’d kissed him on the cheek. 
“Good morning Dessin,” you said, trying to hide your blush with a little bow.
“Are you on your way to see my brother?” he asked, seeming a little flushed and out of breath. 
“Oh yes,” you said, “he wants to teach me how to manage the estate.” 
Dessin’s face turned chilly for a moment. 
“So he will teach you but not me,” he growled.
You frowned. 
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” you asked. 
He shook the dourness away and smiled, revealing bright white teeth. 
“No, not at all (Y/N). You can’t say anything to offend me,” he said, taking your hand suddenly and kissing it. Your cheeks felt like hot irons. 
Airies cleared his throat. 
“I think we should be going now,” he said tightly. 
You nodded and pulled your hand away. 
“See you Dessin,” you said and followed Airies into Idreod’s office. 
Golden eyes gripped you when you walked in the room and you stumbled into Airies’ back. 
“My lady!” he exclaimed, catching you, but you were looking at the Archduke. 
He was a beautiful male, looking like some kind of god out of a fairy tale. 
His skin was deep plump, making his bright golden eyes shine like polished coins. His hair was spun gold, that fell in a thick sheet down his back. Large, black horns curved backwards in a shallow bow. He had a painfully handsome face. You could see the resemblance with Dessin, but he was so much more, the kind of face that broke spirits. His aura leaked complete power and esteem. 
Large hands splayed across the desk as he rose. 
“Are you well?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. You felt the urge to brush his delicate, gilt eyelashes with your fingertips. With Airies’ help, you steadied yourself and nodded shyly. 
“Do your glasses work properly?” he asked. 
“Yes, thank you for sending the doctor, he was very nice,” you replied. 
“Leave us,” he said to Airies, waving at him sharply. 
When we were alone his eyes inspected you from top to bottom. He smiled coolly and you felt a shiver go down your spine. 
“You are dressed befitting an archduchess,” he said, opening a drawer in his desk. 
You looked down at the purple dress the maids had given you in the morning. It was a scalloped, boat neck, A-line that fell neatly at your knees. They’d even done your makeup and hair to look pristine. Being fussed over would take some getting used to, but you could appreciate having your eyeliner done perfectly every time. 
“You should look like this every day, because you will show up to do business every day,” he explained, “but as a Zovith you must be even more extravagant. Our title is recognized and our rank must be easy to identify when we enter a room.” 
He crossed the room holding a square box, opening it to reveal a platinum and diamond brooch with a large emerald at the center. You swallowed thickly as his large fingers manipulated the delicate piece of jewelry and fastened it to your chest. 
“I’ll give you a new one every day, ” he said, quietly, his eyes intently searching yours. 
You felt your cheeks burn. 
“That’s really too much,” you mumbled. 
He frowned and stood up straight. 
“It is not,” he said, curtly, returning to his desk, “you will have something new every day. My wife will exude a certain status.” 
You crossed your arms. 
“Idreod, isn’t that a bit wasteful? New jewelry every day? Wouldn’t it be just as impressive to open an orphanage or start a food pantry? You can put your name and glitter all over that if you like!” 
He glared at you, but you were becoming more immune to his intensity by the second. You weren't sure why, but he didn’t exactly scare you. He was a lot for sure, but not frightening. Seeing that you weren’t backing down, he blinked and tapped the button on his desk to call Airies. 
“Send in Mr. (Y/LN)!” he barked.
Your heart fluttered as your father entered the room. 
“Daddy!” you squealed, jumping on him. He held you tightly in his arms, breathing into your hair. 
“I was so worried about you ladybug,” he murmured, “you shouldn’t have done this. Please, let’s go home. I’ll sell the shop and we’ll get out of town together. It doesn’t matter.” 
He inspected you carefully. 
“He hasn’t harmed you, has he?” 
You shook your head. 
“No, Idreod has been very…thoughtful,” you said diplomatically. 
He glared at your fiance. 
“Look Mr. Zovith. I know my daughter is very headstrong and foolish, but I’m not okay with this. I’m taking her home right now. This deal is off.” 
“Daddy!” you shouted indignantly. 
He looked at you. 
“Well you are! What were you thinking selling yourself to an alien?” he snapped, “did you think I was just going to give my only daughter away? I’d rather die!” 
“You would have died!” you countered, “Typhon would have killed you!” 
“Which would have been preferable to this!” he went on. 
“Mr. (YLN),” Idreod broke in, “I didn’t bring you here to negotiate. As the father of the future archduchess, you have a role to play as well.” 
Your father’s mouth dropped open. 
“A role to play? Let me tell you-” he started. 
Idreod held up his hand. 
“Mr. (YLN), what kind of future do you want for your daughter? Do you want her to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder while you scrape together enough to keep the wolves at bay every month? Who will that loanshark try to sell her to next? Did you know someone attempted to kidnap her on her way here? Who do you think that was? Together, we can provide her a life and I can promise protection. The life she deserves, as royalty.” 
He tapped a tablet on his desk. 
“This is an employment contract. Last night I bought a chain of laundromats. I can’t allow you to keep the one you own, but if you sign this, you will be president of this company. You can see your daughter as much as you like as long as you agree to appear at necessary functions. You also agree to sign a sworn statement saying I met your daughter after I hired you as president.” 
Your father gritted his teeth. 
“I’m not selling my daughter,” he said. 
Idreod gave him a cool smile.
“You are not,” he said, “you are becoming a Zovith.” 
You took your dad’s hand. 
“Daddy, please. Just do this…for me? I wish I could have saved the laundromat, but I won’t let you die if I can do something to stop it,” you said.
He looked at you and rubbed his eyes. 
“Ladybug. It’s not about the-” 
He sighed and crossed the room to Idreod’s desk. 
“Fine,” he said, swiping his finger across the screen, then he glanced up. 
“If you hurt her,” he said, “I will do anything and everything I have to do to end you.” 
Idreod seemed unmoved by his threats, but nodded anyway. 
“Of course,” he said, “I wouldn’t assume any less, but I assure you (Y/N) is in the best hands. I don’t just see your daughter as a means to an end, Mr. (L/N). She will be my precious wife and will be treated like fine china.” 
You weren’t sure if those were placating words, but they shocked you just the same. 
Your father nodded, seeming a little defeated, but still suspicious. 
“If you don’t mind reviewing your new role with my assistant Airies,” Idreod said, “(Y/N) and I still have business to attend to today. There will be time for you to reconnect after work hours.” 
You gave your father an optimistic smile as he clutched the tablet in his hands like a lifejacket. 
“Everything will be alright, daddy,” you assured him. 
It took a few more minutes, but you finally convinced your father that you were safe and he could leave the room to go on with his day. 
“Thank you for saying those things,” you said, when he was gone, “I think it helped.” 
I nodded at her. 
“We are a team,” Idreod said, “I only act to benefit both of us.” 
Your eyebrows bobbed up, but you nodded. 
“Oh…okay,” you said, folding your hands and looking down at them. 
“There’s something we need to do,” he said, “follow me.” 
Idreod was hesitant to do this, but it needed to be done. As Idreod led you past Airies’ empty desk to the first floor of the building, his subordinates couldn’t keep their eyes to themselves, all curious about the new Archduchess. 
He called his personal driver and had you carted across town to the local botanical gardens. 
“What are we doing here?” you asked as he helped you out of the car. 
“We have important business,” Idreod told you gravely. 
He led you through the garden, which he’d reserved just for you the night before. Ahead of you, clouds of butterflies flitted here and there from where he’d had them released for this occasion. 
The roses were in full bloom and the air was sweet with their fragrance. 
“When I came to Earth, you know what stunned me the most?” he asked. 
You looked up at him, pushing your glasses up on your nose. 
“No,” you said. 
“The varieties of flowers,” he commented, brushing a finger over a fleshy bloom, “the foliage of Akhet is mostly purple with few flowers, but Spring here is like its own festival, full of life and color.” 
He looked at you. A flower petal had fallen in your hair. 
“No flower here is quite as lovely as you, though,” he said, plucking the soft scrap from your head. 
Your cheeks burned and he kneeled in front of you, removing the little box from the pocket he had hidden there. 
“(Y/N), will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Idreod asked, presenting you the ring inside. He hoped he was doing this correctly. Aries had suggested some movies to watch for this moment, but he wasn’t sure if it was having the desired effect. Your face darkened and your mouth fell open as your eyes widened. 
He frowned. 
“Did you change your mind?” he asked. 
You blinked and then your eyebrows jumped up. 
His face looked suddenly, actually, quite horrified. It was shocking on such a usually composed alien. 
“...I mean no! Wait..I mean. Yes…I will marry you,” you said, straightening your dress, nervously. 
A genuine grin bloomed on his face for the first time that was not related to someone else’s death. Your acceptance was far more satisfying than he expected. He felt warm and tingly all over. He reached out for your hand and you shakily held it out to him. 
Your fingers were trembling while he slid the ring on to the right one. 
He stood and took your arm. 
“Come, let’s take a moment to celebrate before we have to return to the office.” 
You nodded up at him, your face flushed. 
He led you to a pagoda in the center of the gardens where he’d had his staff set up a violinist and some champagne. 
“You arranged all this?” you asked, seeming stunned. 
He looked down at you. 
“Of course, is it not traditional for human brides?” Idreod asked. It was possible he had misunderstood some cultural nuance. 
You blinked at him. 
“Um…I guess so…Usually the groom does something special,” you mumbled. 
“Then what’s wrong?” he asked. 
Your eyes became a little wet. 
“It’s just all so lovely. I never expected…I’m sorry, I’m getting a little emotional,” you said. 
“Have a glass of champagne,” he offered, releasing your hand and popping the bottle for you. 
He handed you a glass and you took a thirsty sip before giving him a wet smile. 
“Maybe I’m just a little sad,” you said, sighing, “this is so perfect, almost like I had always imagined it, but I thought it would be with someone who loved me.” 
You gouged him with your honesty, but there was something so pure about it, he couldn’t really be hurt. 
He tipped your chin up to him. 
“You are so lovable, (Y/N),” he told you, “do you believe in fate?” 
You blinked at him. 
“I don’t know. I’ve never had any reason to,” you said. 
“In Kherae culture it’s believed that the goddess guides us to our fated mate, our perfect counterpart,” he explained, unsure if he should even be saying it, “I never put much stock into it to be honest,  but if it’s true and I have a fated one. I hope that it's you.” 
Your cheeks darkened again, but he refused to let your chin go and instead leaned his head down to press his lips against yours. 
Idreod had never kissed before. It was some kind of magic. 
Your heart exploded in your chest as you felt his soft flesh grazing yours. He tasted sweet and tart with champagne on his lips. His fingers flew to your cheek, drawing you closer. You wanted every ounce of him. His tongue slipped past your lips, exploring you and you welcomed it. You had no way of knowing this but you could have taken whatever you liked, as fast or as slow as you wanted it. From that moment forward, everything that was his became yours. 
When you parted, you stared up at him, your fist clutching his chest while he panted. 
Airies cleared his throat and you both looked up to find him standing patiently to the side. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Master,” he said in his usual polite way, “but the schedule demands we move on, unless you would like me to cancel your afternoon appointments?” 
Idreod straightened himself and collected the glass from your hand. 
“No, you’re correct. There’s a lot to get (Y/N) caught up on.” 
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altoace · 1 year
I love X-Men Evo, and I have hundreds of incorrect quotes saved. I love all of these dumb teens (as well as Logan and Ororo) very much.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Scott: No, I’ll tell you what the problem is! The problem is—
Lance: {holds his breath and covers his ears}
Scott: Great, that’s just what your brain needs. Less oxygen.
— — — — —
Pietro: Isn’t it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they’re annoying?
Pietro: Imagine if people did that to other people? I would’ve been dead years ago!
— — — — —
Rogue: Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
— — — — —
Kurt, during training: Hey, who wants to see an impression of my mother?
Scott: Kurt, no.
*Kurt teleports out of the room*
Scott: KURT, NO!
— — — — —
Scott: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Kurt: Plane tickets?
Evan: Concert tickets?
Kitty: Prostitution?
Scott, eyes closed, holding his shades: Glasses.
— — — — —
Lance: {walks in}
Todd and Fred: {making horse noises at each other}
Lance: {walks out}
— — — — —
Tabitha: Every now and then, I like to do as I’m told just to confuse people.
— — — — —
Kitty: {running away from mutants working for Magneto while on the phone}
Scott: Where are you?!
Kitty: I don’t know! You tell me!
Scott: Any sort of notable sign or something?!
Kitty: Umm…staircase!
Scott: Anything else? Like a room name?! Any item that’s unique?!
Kitty: Fire extinguisher!
Rogue, muttering under her breath: She’s gonna die…
— — — — —
Kurt: When life gives you lemons—
Rogue: Squeeze them in people’s eyes.
— — — — —
Evan: Someday, in the distant future, people will once again be capable of hearing the phrase “what is love” without also feeling the primal urge to respond with “baby don’t hurt me”.
Kitty: So at that point, people will say “baby don’t hurt me”…no more?
— — — — —
Wanda: Can you pass the pepper?
Todd: What’s the ~magic word~?
*Wanda begins chanting*
Pietro, panicking: JUST TAKE IT OH MY GOD
— — — — —
Xavier: I admit, I was wrong to give up on you all so quickly.
The Brotherhood: Good.
Xavier: However—
The Brotherhood: No, no however. Just be wrong. Just live in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it.
— — — — —
Lance: Where’s the yogurt? I thought you went to the store?
Pietro: {incoherent mumbling}
Lance: Huh?
— — — — —
*at the zoo*
Lance: So, what are they in for?
Kitty: This isn’t prison.
Lance: So they can leave?
Kitty: Well, no but—
Lance, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one killed somebody.
— — — — —
Xavier: Do you know why I chose you as my first student?
Scott: I assumed you lost a bet.
— — — — —
Scott: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Evan: “Best smile”.
Kurt: “Nicest personality”.
Kitty: “Most likely to start a bar fight”.
Rogue: “Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one”.
— — — — —
Jean: Evan, if we get out of this alive, I will kill you.
Evan: So what’s my incentive to live?
— — — — —
Kurt: Are you a morning person or an evening person?
Scott: If I’m lucky, I get a good few minutes in during the middle of the day.
— — — — —
Scott: Sorry I’m late. I broke down on my way here.
Rogue: Is your car okay?
Scott: Car?
The X-Men:
— — — — —
Lance: Mystique is gonna try and have you killed.
Scott: I can’t say that surprises me.
— — — — —
Kurt, about Tabitha: I don’t know what she’s planning, but I can tell you two things. We won’t like it, and it won’t be legal.
— — — — —
Pietro: Of all the things I am low enough to do, how could you even doubt if that was one of them?
— — — — —
Todd: Why are only roosters allowed to start the day screaming?
Lance: Because we live in the same house and I will murder you.
— — — — —
Scott: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club.
Wanda: What club?
Rogue: The hating Magneto club.
Wanda: The fuck? I should be the leader of that club.
— — — — —
Kitty: Guys! Logan just fell down the stairs!
Ororo: And what did he say?
Kitty: Should I skip the swearing?
Ororo: Yes.
Kitty: Then he fell in silence.
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bishopsbeloved · 7 months
my girl 💌
lucy gray baird x fem reader
Lucy Gray would do anything for you. You want to celebrate Valentine’s Day? She’ll sell her soul to give you the day you deserve.
so much fluff, mentions of sex, 1.6k words
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Lucy Gray Baird has always thought of Valentine’s Day as a pointless, commercial event institutionalised by the Capitol.
The Covey has always rejected these kinds of capitalist holidays imposed solely for the purpose of making money, and Valentine’s Day is no exception to that rule. Lucy Gray doesn’t need the Capitol to tell her when she ought to celebrate her beloved. No, she’ll do that all year round. (As if the Covey don’t have their own festivities, anyway. Lucy Gray wakes you on every solstice with a bundle of flowers she’s picked from the woods, not bought, and poetic affirmations of her love.)
It hadn’t really occurred to her that you’d want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, to be honest. This is the first one you’ll be spending with her as her girlfriend, but you’ve known each other a long while and by now you’ve surely picked up on her indifference to the subject. This year she goes about her business as she always has, politely averting her gaze when she sees vendors at the Hob trying to pawn off Valentine-themed goods, and bringing you flowers or sweet little trinkets at any time she pleases. But if Lucy Gray is one thing, it’s hopelessly devoted to you, and she would do anything under the sun to bring a smile to your face. So when she hears you make an offhand comment to Tam Amber about wondering what this year’s Valentine’s Day will be like, her entire stance on the matter is instantly changed.
“You’re whipped beyond comprehension, Lu,” Barb Azure laughs as she watches her younger cousin fret over her plans.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think of anythin’, Barb Azure, I just need your help,” Lucy Gray replies distractedly, kneading the dough of the bread she’s making with vigour. “So are you helpin’ me? Or no?”
On the morning of Valentine’s Day, Lucy Gray Baird kisses you awake, her smile so sweet you can taste it on your tongue.
“Mornin’, baby,” she says sweetly. She’s already up and dressed, and her skin is vibrant with the fresh-found dew of the morning. “Brought you flowers.”
“Morning, Lu,” your heart fills with warmth, “you’re the sweetest.”
“Happy Valentine’s, my sweet girl,” she murmurs, pulling you close to her, littering kisses atop of your hair. “Lord, I love you more’n anything.”
“Love you so much, Lucy Gray,” you whisper, toying with her fingers. You keep coming back to her ring finger, and solemnly swearing to yourself that someday you’ll find her a token of your love to wear upon it. Today isn’t the day — you’re both so young, still young enough to be Reaped — but you know that when the time comes you’ll give yourself over to Lucy Gray forever.
“When you’re thinkin’ that hard I can hear the bits in your brain whirring,” Lucy Gray tells you, eyes sparkling with mirth. “It’s real cute. What’s on your mind, darlin’?”
“Wanna marry you someday,” you mumble. Lucy Gray is rarely caught off guard, but this gets her, and her cheeks flood with colour. Her smile, though, only widens.
“I— it’ll happen someday, baby. I’ll make sure of it.”
You help one another get dressed, all giggles and teeth and hearts on sleeves. Outside it’s warm, the warmest it’s been all season, and you can feel winter breaking as life returns to the dormant earth beneath your feet.
“What’s today lookin’ like, Lu?” you ask.
“Thought we could go to the lake.” She grins easily at you, and it’s contagious.
The two of you amble through the woods, hand in hand, content to take your time together. The whole sweet sunny day stretches out in front of you, warm and dry (Lucy Gray takes one look at the clouds in the sky and determines today will be free of rain throughout, and in seventeen years she’s not been wrong yet) and full of love. Your eyes are fixed on her, the way hers are constantly darting around, not necessarily on guard but more eager to take in all the world has to offer. Every little detail is of significance to Lucy Gray. How her brain works is a beautiful mystery to you, but you’ve learnt she has a way of reading her surroundings, and she can see signs of the future in the earth as easily as she can breathe. Barb Azure says she’s a walking oracle. A few times she’s tried to explain to you how she notices what she does. There’s always a kind of sense to it, but you’ll never get it in the way she does. You’re more than content to sit back and watch her in her element, though. You just feel grateful to be by her side, your one and only, your angel among men.
“Look.” She stops you to point at two four-leaved clovers at the roots of a tree which have grown together so much that their stems are intertwined. “That means you’n me are forever.”
Your stomach swarms with butterflies. “Sure hope so.”
“I know so,” she tells you, brown eyes bright as she presses a kiss to your lips.
The little earthy plateau above the jetty of the lake, the one protruding from the flowers and trees, has been absolutely transformed since you saw it last. The thick, sturdy picnic blanket often used by the Covey on adventures has been laid out beautifully, and is held in secure place by rocks piled on each corner. Ever so carefully arranged atop the blanket are comfy pillows and a picnic for two, with the food set out all pretty in little jars and bowls and handkerchiefs. From where you’re stood you can see a few different kinds of bread and cake, freshly pressed jams, and fruits and berries. Even with how much of this she could’ve foraged, it shakes you how much tesserae has gone into this. Propped against the bough of a tree is her beloved guitar, with her little notebook of songs beside it.
You let out a little noise of surprise when you first lay eyes upon the scene. Lucy Gray fights a losing battle in trying not to smile at how fucking cute you are.
“What’d’you think?” she asks instead, not quite looking at you, toeing at the ground. “Barb Azure helped me with all the bakin’, n’then me’n the boys dolled it up all nice. They were real helpful.” (You know exactly what she means, too. Clerk Carmine is shaping up to be a real painter, he’s got an artist’s eye, and you know this kind of thing would be right up his street.)
You’re in awe for a moment, not even sure what to say. Lucy Gray’s dark eyes blink at you hopefully. She’d never say it, she’d rather die than say it, but you know that the ever so subtle tension to her shoulders, the slight tilt to her chin phrase a silent question.
“It… it’s so gorgeous, Lu, I can’t even, thank you,” you manage. Her posture softens and she steps forward to cup your face in her hands.
“I wanna treat you how you deserve, baby,” she tells you sincerely, and then pecks at your lips before her arms drop down to her sides again. “Now c’mon, or the damn flies’ll eat before we do.”
The two of you stay at the lake together for hours. Perhaps you wouldn’t have picked a February picnic of your own volition, but just as Lucy Gray predicted the weather’s so gorgeous you’re sure she must’ve charmed the skies the way she does with everyone else. You voice this thought to her, and she only laughs, her smile reaching her eyes as she feeds you another berry.
Eventually, as the sun begins to set above the two of you, painting the sky in pinks and golds, the air grows cooler, and you find yourself shivering in Lucy Gray’s arms. Ever-vigilant, she notices.
“Awww, is my baby cold?” she coos. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.” Her hands ghost your sides teasingly, and you blush.
“Shut your mouth, Lucy Gray.”
She gasps, feigning offence. “Why, I thought you liked it wide open.”
You let out a noise of surprise, and hide your face in her hair. Lucy Gray laughs heartily, and cradles you to her, telling you over and over how sweet you are. The moon awakes her silver tongue, though, and as the skies get darker she trips you up again and again with filthy words which, eventually, turn to filthy actions.
Once the act is over, once Lucy Gray’s mouth has been put to good use, the two of you swaddle yourselves in all of the blankets and lie in a little cocoon, gazing up at the stars.
“Thank you, for today,” you whisper, so close to her that you don’t have to move at all to kiss her cheek. “Means a lot.”
She shrugs, nonchalant. “You honour our culture, you join in and all. This day was important to you, I wanted t’honour yours.”
You laugh softly. “You’re sweet. …I don’t think I would call the Districts my culture.”
“No?” Lucy Gray asks, genuinely curious. You shake your head. “What is, then?”
“Don’t know. I got nothing. Just what you teach me.”
She lets out a hum of amusement. “Yeah? You wanna be Covey?” She says it with humour, but the hope in your eyes has her straightening a little. “Y— you do?”
“If you’ll have me,” you say shyly.
Her heart swells against the bars of her chest. “If we’ll ha—? Darlin’, I want this more’n anything,” she tells you lowly. “We love you. I love you. You’re one of us.”
“I’m yours,” you whisper.
“You’re mine. I’m yours. My girl,” she murmurs, fingers beginning to comb through your hair. You press your cheek against hers, so overwhelmed with love for her, and continue to gaze up at the stars with your love.
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 months
Someday when I have a more consistent schedule I really do wanna have a YouTube channel. And I’ve wondered about sponsorships. I’ve gotten offers on this very blog before to participate in one of those stupid ads for drop shipping crystals that project your birth sign or whatever that I’ve turned down.
I’ve wondered though. Because on one hand sponsors pay good money and money is a thing that is required to live in this day and age. But also I feel like if I ever took a sponsor nobody could ever fully and completely trust my opinion on anything again.
There’s this YouTuber I love whose channel is called Swell Entertainment. And she comes across as being very honest but also she takes sponsorships. And a big part of her channel is review content. So sometimes I wonder if she’s pulling her punches slightly because she still wants to be marketable. But I don’t hold that against her because she’s living in LA for god’s sake and sponsorships provide much more reliable income than other methods.
It’s kinda sad that advertisement is almost required to make a living creating internet content.
I pay for YouTube premium not just because I wanted to get rid of ads on my smart tv, but because creators get more money per view from YouTube premium subscribers. I can’t afford to subscribe to a dozen patreons but I can afford one cheap subscription.
I hope if I ever have a channel big enough to have sponsorships I either take them extremely rarely for stuff I actually care about or don’t take them at all. Because I want to be able to just have opinions about stuff openly. But the sad truth is that money can be an issue. So. Who knows? I certainly don’t hold it against people who take sponsorships. That’s just how the industry works nowadays. They need money to live. And if you have adhd which many creative types do contractual deadlines can really help you get stuff done. And sponsors can get you experiences like vacations and luxury hotel stays and free reviewer copies of books and video games. Who can blame them? There’s so much stuff available to you from sponsors that can improve your quality of life and help you make your business better. Money to hire editors and voice actors and writers and animators, buy better equipment, rent out a sound stage.
But. Idk. A lot of those sponsored products aren’t that good. And a lot of people are susceptible to advertising. It works on a lot of people. Especially when it comes from a face they trust.
The tradeoff to take sponsors or not is a difficult one. Honestly and truly. And it’s very probable that I’ll never be popular enough to actually have to make a decision on these things. But I still think about it every time I see a sponsored segment. What levels of calculation have gone into that? None? A lot? I’ll never be allowed to know because that would be bad for business.
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 2
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: If you read my Christmas Advent stories then you may be familiar with this story already, however, I've been working hard to turn it into a longer fic/novel and as such a few things have changed (hence the reposts). I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want me to add you to the taglist for this story.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Once I finally finish work for the day I’m utterly exhausted. I trudge back to my tiny apartment down the road and collapse on the couch. Just as I start to finally relax the smell of chocolate, coffee and old milk causes my nose to wrinkle in disgust. I force myself to get up, shower and change into fresh clothes. As I’m not planning to move from the couch, let alone go out anywhere for the rest of the day, I just slip on an old, comfortable hoodie and sweatpants. As I go to put my dirty clothes in the hamper, I remember the coaster. It’s now a little squashed and stained, but it’s still readable. 
So I take it and my phone out and then collapse on the couch again. Feeling slightly reinvigorated, I decide to text the number, just to check if it’s real or a fake he made up on the spot. 
Hi, uh…I’m just realising I didn’t get your name earlier…  Who is this? How did you get this number? It’s (Y/N), from Mamma Jo’s Coffee and Chocolateria. I dumped a drink all over you. I just wanted to know where I can send the money for a new shirt. Seeing as you didn’t get to drink the hot chocolate I made you. Oh, hey! If I tell you my name you have to promise to keep it to yourself Same with this number What are you, a spy or something? I can’t tell you anything until you promise Otherwise, my agent will want you to sign an NDA Alright, Mr Fancypants, I promise not to tell a soul I met you or give out this number Regardless of who you are Thank you My name is Jensen Nice to meet you, Jensen So how much was your shirt and how do you want the money? Venmo? Cash? PayPal? Direct transfer? Don’t worry about the money It’s fine But I have to do something I feel so bad I wasn’t looking either If you’re absolutely certain, I’ll leave you alone before your agent gets worried Wait So you really didn’t recognise me? Sorry to burst your ego bubble Maybe you’re just not as important as you think you are. No, it’s not about my ego I’m just used to people asking for pictures or autographs And the paparazzi It’s a nice change to meet someone who doesn’t have a preconceived idea of who I am Alright, so who are you? Other than Jensen then If you don’t mind sharing of course Or do I have to sign an NDA for that sort of insider info  I’m Jensen Ackles I am an actor  That flash earlier in the cafe was paparazzi So you’ll likely be on the front of a bunch of magazines as my mystery girl When that happens you will have to sign a NDA, but I’ll handle everything else You’re just best off steering clear of me Actor? Were you on that Paranormal show? Supernatural? Yeah that’s me Sorry, I haven’t seen it. Maybe an episode here and there but I’m pretty busy Don’t get much time to watch TV Honestly, I’m glad you haven’t  It makes it easier to talk to you If the actor thing and potential NDA don’t bother you I would love a do-over Are you sure? I don’t want to make things complicated for you With paparazzi or your agent I’ll handle all that What are you doing tonight? I really wasn’t planning on leaving my couch But you may be able to persuade me How about I join you on that couch? Or you join me on mine? I really don’t know you Right Sorry That was too forward No, it’s ok I just think it would be better to get to know each other first Sure Of course When is your next day off? Saturday Damn, I work this weekend How about Monday evening? I’ll be on a plane by then I’m only working here for the weekend Guess it just isn’t meant to be then Maybe not now But someday Maybe someday Can I keep texting you? Sure
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A/N: If anyone knows of a better way to showcase the text messages, I'd love to hear it. On other platforms, I use left and right alignment, but I'm unsure how else to do it here.
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months
Using only lyrics from music, convey the dreams of each of your oc’s
You said OC’s, so in addition to the Until I Found bois (which I’m not so sure count as original characters so much as re-envisioned versions of the characters) I’ll also be doing songs for my babies from The Future and a Robot
Leon: "But I have a plan... and I will be remembered -- I will be great -- Just wait and see! You'd better wise up, 'cuz I'll rise up! BRING ON ANY CHALLENGE! And someday soon, I swear -- I don't know how or when -- but I promise you, I'll never be invisible again! Someone will notice... me."
‘Phael: "I can't be what you expect of me... and I'm not what I seem... but I would love to know you --! Is it dangerous... to dream??"
DvD: "I will make you proud! I will make you have faith in me. I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past. I will save the day, and come back here triumphantly! 'Cause I long for that look of surprise when you see your son rising at last! The pride in your eyes when you see your son rising at last!!"
Michael: "Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll wake you up, cure your aching, take your walls and start 'em breaking -- now that's a deal that seems worth taking! ...But I guess, I'll leave that up to you."
April: "One normal night, that's all I want, that's all I need from you. One normal house without a mouse to feed a plant or two!”
Karai: "As a child you would wait and watch from far away, but you always knew that you'd be the one that worked while they all played. In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream... Here we are, don't turn away now - we are the warriors that built this town!"
Draxum: “The rule of the land, it's so crucial to obey… Believe in yourself, or you won't be appreciated -- Don’t you overthink it, JUST DO WHAT I SAY!! Lay the politics out before me, whatever it takes to get my glory!”
Big Mama: “Money, money matters most! Money, money I can boast -- Money, money, make a toast to -- Money! Money! Money!” OR "Come live with us in the garden… there’s a room waiting for you… come on, come on, come on! Just let us adore you…”
Lloyd: “So now I'll sing for you 'til I can't talk! I've been teaching myself to speak for when the music's not enough. I'm gonna be just like you and never stop, mm-mm. But since I'm made from you, do you think I could be someone like you?"
Julia: "And when I find my hope Imma bring it on home!”
Harris: "I don’t know when… I don’t know how… but I know something’s starting right now! Watch and you’ll see, someday I’ll be part of your world!”
Imogen Love: “What good’s a dreamer without a believer? We all just need someone to care! One who might listen and root for our wishes, someone to simply be glad that we’re there — what good’s a hand if nobody needs holding? When everything else falls away… if no one believes her, what good’s a dreamer, anyway?”
Ms. Delilah Emelyn: “One way, or another, I’m gonna find ya -- I’m gonna getchya, getchya, getchya!”
Dr. Alger J: “Can't wait to meet you! So join the animatronic family! We open real soon; try your best to hold onto sanity.”
If you can guess the songs the lyrics are from, you get 10 points
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corazondebeskar-reads · 11 months
well it's love, make it hurt - ch. 9
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nine: it doesn't feel a thing like falling
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: You discover the Razor Crest has a cell for bounties. Mando is more than happy to make use of it.
Warnings: bdsm, established relationship, dom!Din Djarin x sub!reader, restraints, caging, spanking, cockwarming, oral (m receiving), gags, aftercare, soft dom Din, no y/n
Originally written for Kinktober Day 24 - brat/caging, inspired by @absurdthirst’s wonderful prompt list.
also on ao3
You hadn’t managed to catch Vanda at the coordinates Madame Anissa gave you, but you had managed to get a tracker on one of his associates’ ships. It takes a little of the pressure off, which is good because chasing these fuckers is eating up your fuel budget.
You’d caught a little easy money on the way and stopped to drop them off. Vanda and his gaggle of ex-ISB are just a few planets over. You're up in the cockpit, Mando punching in his calculations for the nav, when you notice a soft hissing noise from below.
“Shit, those idiots didn’t reconnect the seal,” he says, moving to stand.
“I got it.” Better than taking over the jump. Someday, you'd pay better attention or ask him to teach you, but right now, you'd be about as much use as a Wampa herder on Tatooine.
When you get into the back of the ship, it takes a few minutes to figure out how to engage the re-sealing process. You haven’t technically been back here. When you first started flying with Mando, you had peeked, but the carbonite bodies were too unsettling.
You were more than happy to let him continue to haul them to the ship and ice them.
It’s not too complicated of a system, so once you're satisfied you won’t be poisoned from a gas leak, you close and lock the panel.
And then you see it.
To the left of the empty carbonite storage is a small cell with floor-to-ceiling bars, big enough for one large being. Mando always froze bounties, and it hadn’t occurred to you that the Crest was even equipped to hold an alert quarry.
You reach out. Like your hand is drawn to it without your consent, testing the lightest touch with the pads of your fingertips. It's cold and rough metal. You wrap your hand around a bar and shake, but it has no give.
“What are you doing?” Mando says.
You jump about an inch out of your skin. “How are you so fucking quiet?”
He doesn’t bother to answer you, instead slowly looking you up and down. “What are you doing, cyar’ika?”
“Oh, um.” You let go of the bar. “Just, uh.”
He cups your cheek in one gloved hand. “Just a little curious?”
“Yep, and now I’ve seen it, so.”
His grip tightens, holding your jaw when you move to sneak around him. “No, don’t run off.”
Oh, kriff. His voice is low and breathy. You try to hold very still.
He chuckles. “Go on, cyar’ika. You can take a closer look.”
You don’t move, don’t dare look away.
He reaches behind you and punches something into the keypad. The door pops open, the metallic vibrations reverberating in the small room.
His hand lowers to your shoulder, and he pushes, oh so gently, until you take a step back. And another.
He shuts the door. The lock slides into place with a clunk and a sharp beep.
You’re still staring at each other. You wet your lips with the tip of your tongue and step forward, grabbing the bars in each hand.
“You going to keep me locked up in here?” You’re not sure where the boldness comes from, but you put on your best pout.
“Maybe I should. Keep you out of trouble.”
“I won’t be any trouble. I’ll be good. Promise.”
You both know he’s going to let you out. You have to be buckled in for takeoff. But just for a moment, you’re entranced.
He laughs. “I don’t know. Sluts like you don’t know how to be good.”
You’re aching. Dripping. Salivating.
“Please, sir?”
“You have one chance,” he says, reaching to open the cell. He pulls you out by the arm. “Get your ass in your seat and be buckled before I get up there.”
You scramble to obey. By the time he climbs the ladder, you’re squirming, one knee jerking up and down in a fluttering rhythm.
He doesn’t say anything. He looks you over and then straps himself in. By the time you’re on the route, you’ve nearly edged yourself in anticipation. So when he unstraps himself and moves about the cabin without giving you permission to get up, you whine.
“I thought you were going to be good?” he calls from somewhere behind you.
You swallow down the next whine, but you’re losing the battle.
He goes back to his seat, legs spread wide. “What are you waiting for? Get over here.”
You gasp. “But—”
“But what? Make yourself useful, or you’re going back in the cell.”
You feel a little lightheaded. This isn’t his style, but it’s fucking thrilling. You scramble to unbuckle and situate yourself on your knees at his feet.
He looks down at you, helmet tilted. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
“Maybe you do have a brain in there somewhere and not just a warm hole,” he says.
You can’t help the desperate groan that escapes your waiting mouth. He sticks two gloved fingers in, pressing down on your tongue.
“Listen,” he snaps his fingers in front of your face. “I have things to take care of. I don’t have time to keep you out of trouble. So what you’re going to do is sit here and keep my cock warm so I can keep an eye on you. Understood?”
You nod, which pushes his fingers deeper into your throat. He pulls his hand out and slaps you across the face.
“I expect an answer when I ask you a question,” he says.
“Yes, sir.”
He slaps you again. “That wasn’t a fucking question.”
You moan.
“Yeah, I know. All you can think about is cock.” He pulls his out, and you move to take it.
He grabs you by the hair and holds you an inch away. “You’re going to hold still. No licking. No sucking. You’re only here so I have a warm, wet place to keep my dick.” And then he shoves you on it, pushing your head down on his lap.
It takes a lot of effort to hold still. You swallow a little too hard once, and he swats you on the ass.
His arms wrap around you, and you think maybe you can relax, after all. His scent and heft are soothing, and his embrace is nice.
Until he reaches for the datapad, and you realize he’s using your back as a fucking table.
You moan, eyes rolling back into your head, and he spanks you harder.
He pulls you off by your hair. “You really don’t want to be distracting me right now,” he says and pushes you right back down on his cock.
It’s agony. Every so often, he twitches a little, or precum leaks out, and you can’t do anything about it, and your throat aches. Not because he’s hurting you but because you need it, you need him. You don’t mean to, but you rock back and forth a little.
He doesn’t pull you off this time. He wraps his hands around your neck and squeezes the sides. It doesn’t last long, just enough that you start to feel tingly, and he lets go. Somehow, by the light of the stars, you hold still when he releases you.
“Oh, good girl,” he croons, rewarding you with a soft caress on your cheek.
You do okay for a while. It feels like an hour, but you have a bad feeling it’s only been five or so minutes.
The worst part is that you can’t stop thinking about what he’s doing on the datapad. He sure as hell doesn’t have work of any kind. The idea that he might be sat there watching a holo or reading while you suffer makes you a little petulant.
When you just can’t take it anymore, you start to test your boundaries. He doesn’t react when you squeeze your throat just a little. You press your tongue gently against the underside of his cock. You shift a little to ease the ache between your thighs and earn a hit for it.
You whine, and he yanks your head off his cock. “Naughty girl. You just can’t help yourself, can you?”
“No, sir.”
“That’s not an acceptable answer.” He yanks you up so your top half is dangling off the side of the seat, holding you down securely by the waist, and spanks you.
There’s no build-up, no breaks. He doesn’t even make you count. You’re getting dizzy. All you can do is lay there and take it, huffing little moans and yelps. It hurts, and your skin is burning, but you’re rolling your hips against his leg.
“Are you going to cum from this?”
You moan, trying to grind down on his knee.
Smack. “Go on then, slut. Cum.” He doesn’t let up, landing sharp, hard strikes while you fall apart.
Once you’ve ridden out the aftershocks, he runs his hand across your ass. The gloves are rough, leaving you whining as they scrape your raw skin.
“Well, we can hardly consider that a lesson learned. Get down there and wait for me by the ladder.” He lands another hard hit to your ass once you’ve stood.
When he gets down, he pushes you against the wall and cuffs your wrists behind your back. He uses your arms to steer you to the back of the ship.
“No, please,” you beg. “I can be good, I promise.”
"Then you should have been good upstairs. Too late for that now."
He pushes you against the bars, laughing when you yelp from the cold. “Open wide, cyar’ika.”
You do, and from behind you, he fits a ring gag into your mouth and secures it behind your head.
“What do you do if you need to use your word, pretty girl?”
You snap your fingers three times behind your back.
“Good girl. Now get on your knees in the cell.” He pushes you in and locks the gate.
You drop down, wincing as you hit the durasteel floor. But your head is fuzzy, and your clit is throbbing, and the only thing that matters is Mando.
You’re looking up at him with wide eyes, offering yourself up to be consumed. He reaches down and tugs you by your collar until your face is pressed against the bars. There’s just enough room for him to shove his cock into your mouth.
“Go ahead, suck it.”
You whine, flattening your tongue and licking, but you have no way to get more of him in your mouth and no way to properly worship it.
He feeds a little more of it in. “I thought you wanted to suck my cock, cyar’ika? It’s right there.”
You whine again, saliva pooling and dripping to the floor.
“What, you need some help?” He grabs a handful of hair and holds you there, thrusting deep into your throat.
It’s not enough. You ache for him. His thick cock fills you and bruises the back of your throat, but it’s not what you need. It’s not what he’s ordered you to do, and you aren’t used to not being able to obey.
He sees the tears before they fall and brushes them away. “I know, cyare, I’m being very cruel to you. But I have no choice. You were being so greedy.”
Your eyes roll back into your head, and, even though you know it’s convoluted, it makes you feel better. You’re not disobeying; you’re suffering for him.
Your chest hurts. The ache spreads through your arms and brings more tears to your eyes. You need him. You need this.
His thrusts are getting rougher, and you’re having a hard time thinking at all.
“You’re taking it so good for me, sweetheart. You want my cum?”
You whine desperately around him.
Mando thinks about teasing you. But he can’t, not when he can see the adoration and devotion in your eyes. He relaxes his grip on your hair, sliding his hand to gently cup your chin, and pushes deep into your throat to cum.
You moan, drinking him down.
When he pulls out, you lower yourself to rest on your legs. He punches in the code and helps you out before sitting on the floor right there in the chamber and pulling you into his lap.
He unhooks the gag and eases it out of your mouth, rubbing gentle circles on the hinges of your jaw. You’re looking at him with a trembling lip and something on the edge of desperation. He removes his gloves and tosses them to the side, running one bare hand up and down your arm and sliding the other between your legs.
“Oh, cyare, you’re soaked. Let me help you.”
You’re hoping for something rough to shake away the rawness; he knows that. But it’s not what you need, so he rubs soft circles around your clit. You shudder and jerk, but he holds you tight with his other arm.
“Shh, just let me take care of you. Let me make you feel good.”
You dig your fingers into his tunic and tuck your face against him as you try to ride out the sensations. It’s so intense, and he’s barely touching you.
He knows you’re close, but he doesn’t change a thing. You’re going to break anyway.
It’s agony. Exquisite, terrible pleasure. Your abdomen feels tight, stretched like a slingshot, and you’re not sure if he’s going to let go before you snap. But you trust that either way, he’ll put you back together.
You bite down on his arm when he tells you to cum. You don’t mean to, but the scream that wrenches out of you is too much to bear, and your body can’t help but follow its instincts for self-preservation.
Luckily, unlike in a fight, you don’t tear his flesh or his shirt. He groans, deep and long, holding you against him even as your body rides through the aftershocks.
“Fuck, that was beautiful,” he says after you’ve released him.
“M’sorry,” you mumble.
“No, don’t apologize. You okay?”
You nod, but he knows you.
He knows you in his heart, and he picks you up and sets you in the bunk just as you start to sob. He climbs in and holds you to his chest until you calm down.
“Ner kar’ta,” he murmurs, pressing his helmet to your forehead. “Thank you. You’re so good to me.”
You don’t have the energy to talk, so you press kisses against his chest and snuggle in. You were drifting off when he nudged you.
“Cyar’ika, you’re shaking. That was pretty intense, and I’d like to get some food in you.”
You whimper and bury your face in his shirt.
“You wanna stay down here, read in the bunk?” he offers. “I can leave the door open if you need.”
He tucks you in. “I’ll be right back.” He ducks upstairs for just a moment and returns with the datapad, setting it on your lap and handing you a full canteen and a few of your favorite amethyst sweetbreads.
“You can shut the door,” you say softly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I know you’re right there. But I…I dunno.”
“You liked being locked in, huh? Makes you feel safe?”
You nod, relieved that he understands what you couldn’t find the words to explain. Plus, you want him to be able to eat. You dutifully take a drink and eat a cookie so he can stop hovering.
When he closes the door and goes to make dinner, you turn on the datapad to read, but can’t fight the curiosity and flick through to figure out what he was doing while you had a mouthful of cock.
Your mouth drops open. That evil nerfherder. “You finished my kriffing crossword?”
His unmodulated laughter echoes through the hull.
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seraphirism · 1 month
Hello there again! (●’◡’●)ノ I’m the anon that asked about Falin and wanted to thank you for your detailed explanation on her!! I knew she was a bit of creep from what Google translate told me (someday I’ll evolve to actually understanding jp) but not that much of one. Like geez, I knew Akuneko showed the ugliness of humanity but I didn’t think they’d go that far. >~< As much as I’d hate to say it, I’m a little sad she wasn’t utilized more as a sub-villain. Then again, I guess we’ll probably be seeing her in some flashbacks maybe (holding out hope) of elf man.
Speaking of elf man, I’m actually terrified of whatever Studio Wasabi is going to release late August (╥_╥). I really really hope they let Belen become a butler though but that brings up the question of who the other two butlers are gonna be. We haven’t had any hints about them but then again they did the same with Teddy and Hanamaru so who knows. Maybe they’ll all be some kind of fantasy related race? Or something akin to that assuming elf man is gonna be one of the four…ahhhh!! So many questions!! But please Studip Wasabi, let our butlers be happy I say!
Side note but if Belen really does become one of Aruji’s butlers then I hope he still has his cat ears
hii, I hope you’re doing well 💖! and thank you for the feedback \(//∇//)\!!
and yes! i second that sentiment wholeheartedly! see, none of the villains in aknk are written in a half-baked manner; if they are villains, they do more than enough to deserve their titles.
[unlike media, especially these days, that have villains that kill a man on screen to show how terrible they are, have little to no backstory, just a pretty face (so fans can spend money on them and romanticise them), aknk antagonists are not like that.
you end up hating them (because their crimes are truly inexcusable in every way possible), yet you can’t help being intrigued by them. ]
why was Falin so entranced with beauty that she kidnapped people that fit her criteria and sold them? what prompted this? it wasn’t love for money or material. not to mention, she grew up in an ordinary village. why did she become the way she is?
why was Fubuki so lost in his greed for power and wanting to get ahead of the Grobaner family? with him we can make guesses (unlike Falin) but it’s still not explained—we don’t know his childhood, whether he had authoritarian parents that forced him to be this way or an event that changed everything in his life. why did he want to create enhanced humans so badly that he was willing to experiment and kill children and in the end to find an alternative for the devil butlers with Grobaner family so he could get ahead of them?
anyway, you get the gist! all antagonists in this game are really interesting.
that’s I wanted both Fubuki and Falin’s past shown in detail so we could get to understand why they were the way they are! unfortunately, we won’t end up getting too much information about Falin; but Fubuki is alive and i don’t believe his story is over just yet.
[also, it’s so funny that both of them had met canonically and Falin had proposed to him but he rejected her 😭]
I’m also holding hope that when elf guy’s backstory gets explained, we will get information about Falin! since there are earlier survivors (her captives) who managed to escape; we might get their perspective.
there is no doubt in my mind that elf guy is getting playable; like i can already imagine his initial ssrs, his interaction with Aruji/us, how he’s going to be in Halloween event (if he gets playable by then?)
but with Belen, my heart is unsure 😭 I really want him to become playable. though if does become playable, studio wasabi will make sure to break our hearts with each update before making him playable.
I used to think that the writers of aknk add some soft content in the main story after each really sad/upsetting main story episodes. but um considering we got the stuff with Lato and then Boschi’s whole chapter right after, hehe I’m not so sure 😃
i think you have a good guess going with the next coming butlers (excluding elf guy) being from some fantasy race. we’re kinda slowly getting focus on the Western region, the one governed by the green-haired elf looking guy, Elboa.
considering the last two chapters were focused on and in East (Falin and Fubuki both being from East), it shouldn’t be unlikely that with subtle focus on the West in chapter 4, that we will be delving in it in the coming chapters.
so to spice things up, the writers might add non-humans to our long list of butlers ✨! I hope they do, it will make things interesting since we’ll get a focus on the respective regions the fantasy-races are from, how different they are from humans and so on!
[bestie, with all love, i don’t think those cat ears are staying 😭💗 i want them to stay too! because it gives Belen this distinctive appearance from the rest and with how much we’ve seen him with them, the cat ears should be a part of him. but he didn’t have them before his demon took over him.]
and i kinda did some research on Belen’s demon, Beleth, and he has a cat-like appearance.
so i think Belen might have Miyaji’s case going with him. where he’ll get those cat ears and tail wherever MC/Aruji summons his demon for him or wherever he is under the control of his demon (that’s happening now.). otherwise, he’ll have his normal appearance since he is human. that’s totally my guess though.
but it’s entirely possible that his cat ears might stay when he wakes up later because he had them for so long and all (?)
the other butlers don’t have their features change under the influence of their demons (besides having a red hue surrounding their one eye and the black hue surrounding them) or when Aruji summons their demon for them besides Miyaji. with Miyaji, later during his arc, when he loses control to his demon, he’ll also have his animal ears too (i think at least!)
but i can’t wait for Belen! he’s going to be so adorable (๑>◡<๑)!
with elf guy (god, if i have to call him elf guy one more time, I’ll —) I do have a gist of how he’ll be like. but with Belen, while we do have flashbacks that show his personality, I’m not sure that’s exactly how he’ll be like when he wakes up.
he’s been sleeping for 2000+ years in this state where his demon has full control over him (and we do know demons try to weaken the butlers by showing them nightmares or showing them good dreams so they can lose their grip on reality and yield to their demon). so when Belen wakes up, he’s going to have gone through hell 😭 so I think he won’t exactly be the cute, reliable person he was before his demon took control of him.
i think he might even have problem with communicating, even basic tasks like eating and walking to a certain extent at least. he hasn’t performed them in 2000+ years. yes, he was frozen in time but they should show some signs of having trouble with his daily tasks etc (please studio wasabi, I’m begging you 🥺)
that would make for some very interesting content too! from being the reliable older-brother-figure to now having trouble with everything and relying on people around you. I hope after his case is wrapped up (he’s woken up and all) we get some focus on his life in the devil’s palace and his interaction with everyone (like a 5.5 chapter?).
[i forgot to add; i also don’t understand Japanese, in case if I’m giving the impression that i do! i understand it like at an N5 level but i studied it at home. that’s why i hope i don’t give the impression that my explanations have no chance of being wrong somewhere; i rely on deepl and other tools like that too 😭 i hope we both end up learning it completely someday somewhere in the future…]
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anyway, it was lovely talking to you, anon (*≧∀≦*)💞!! i can’t wait for the next update (and I’ll talk everyone’s ears off on tumblr) so let me know your thoughts when you get around to reading it ✨! i might post an explanation of the updates for people who don’t have the time to read the main story update.
i am manifesting those cat-ears on Belen 😀 and for him to become a butler; if they don’t, we’re going to raid studio wasabi’s headquarters by dawn ✨/j and i need more content about Falin! in elf guy’s content, we better get information about her.
have a wonderful day, anon (*^▽^*)💖! looking forward to your thoughts on the main story (whenever it drops!)
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thewavyphoenix · 3 months
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CHUNGKING EXPRESS: My Journal Entry (5/30)
Initially, this post was supposed to be about Days of Being Wild, but I didn’t finish the movie because I’m still trying to sync up the subtitles on VLC media player. Perhaps it was for the better, because I gave myself a chance to experience an oriental classic in Chungking Express, and I don’t think I could’ve picked a better moment in my life to have watched this movie than now. There’s a lot I want to say about this movie and I think I’ll divide it into two parts — my personal reaction and my analysis on the cinematography and other technical components. I don’t plan on writing in too much detail here, although with enough pacing I could write an essay on this.
I couldn’t help but feel floored when I came to the realization that I was watching four stories being told, two at a time. Every story was reflective on intimacy in avenues I didn’t even anticipate. The four main characters all had an ambition yearning to be curbed and personally, Officer 663 & Faye was a story I felt consistently more invested in. I was drawn to Faye for her child-like insouciance and I think it was absolutely rad how she played a character based on herself. The film itself is escapist, and her character yearns for love and excitement within her life. In a way, it felt like looking in a mirror — I feel seen when she talked about saving money so she could live life in the way she desires to! I felt passion in the way Officer 663 looked after her too. Oh, to have lost a woman he loved dearly and still find it within himself to take care of a girl he just met in that manner…
Along the way, I also picked up on recurring motifs of togetherness. The planes on 663’s ex’s back, the goldfish, and even the song choices reflect that — so much symbols within the script are interconnected within each other. My favorite motif though is Officer Qi-Wu’s “love you for 10000 years.” For me, I feel that love in many aspects can be undying, contrary to Qi-Wu pondering if love could in fact expire (I couldn’t imagine fighting tooth and nail for fruit with a two day shelf life remaining. I digress though.) I’ll have nothing short of love for the faces of my loves past, and future. If anything, watching this movie reinforces the type of partner I know I’ll be someday: a patient, self-less lover.
What truly hit close to home for me was the progression of 663’s loneliness. At a point, he was lead to believe he was chasing love in a place he wouldn’t find it in and it made me feel melancholy because of how relatable it was. His old lady is happy with a new man and the new flame he’s embarked on — is she invested enough to reciprocate the infatuation? Some things just hurt more than being alone. The performance was a vibrant reminder of how far from guaranteed love truly is. However, if the desire is real, you don’t flinch from the flame within you.. However, if the desire is real, you don’t flinch from its flame.
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aiilurociide · 6 months
I'm stoked to continue seeing the development of your story! Your art, world-building, story-telling, etc, have come so far since I first started following you years ago. At the same time, I'm over here sobbing cause the @newdawnoldfaces account has disappeared and I can't look at the character headshots anymore XD.
🥺 Oh I’ll cry-
Gosh, thank you so much, sincerely. To have your continued support, love, and enthusiasm truly goes such a long way for keeping me driven, and I can never thank y’all enough for that — especially those of you who have stuck around with the story since near the beginning <3
The story itself is finished! I have a very clear idea of what the story is meant to portray, several important details and clever foreshadowings I’m especially excited to enact, and where the plot will reach out. I just have to iron out some of the specifics and do a little bit of restructuring here and there, with some minor world building tweaks, before I’m ready to start sharing… And brand new headshots with full character profiles are one of the biggest things on the list ;) So don’t mourn the old ones too deeply!!
Admittedly, the main reason it’s taken so long for me to feel comfortable enough actually unveiling things is because my housing situation is very unstable at the moment; it wholly depends on my grades in college, and seeing as I’m on academic probation at the moment, it’s been… Stressful, to say the very least. So most of my energy has been poured into my schoolwork and trying to stay afloat there, or trying to save up money via commissions just in case I do end up homeless. I’ve got vital medications I need that have to be paid for, after all…
So unfortunately, Ailurocide isn’t my primary focus at the moment, as much as I wish it were. It probably won’t be given my full attention and love for some time, as disappointing as that is not only for all of you, but for myself as well.
But rest assured that it will come out someday in full! And that I am so excited to begin sharing it with you, and watching everyone unveil the mystery, mythos, and magic that Ailurocide has to offer <3 And know that I appreciate everyone’s patience, kindness, support and encouragement so so deeply — and that messages like these truly make my day, every time.
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JHS - Twisted Feelings (9)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Warning: mentions of threat, blackmail?
A:N: you can find a layout image of YNS apartment at the end! Just for easier reading I’m marking any English in ITALICS, I wasn’t going to update BUT I had a little free time I leave to see yoongi next week so this will probably be the last update until I’m back!
Ch.08| Masterlist | Ch.10
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When you got home it was dark, you ate, showered and climbed into bed. You were intent on turning your phone off for the night, wanting to disconnect from the world but the reminder that Hobi had asked you to let him know you got home safe stopped you.
You reached across the bed to grab the device, bridging up his contact chat.
YN: got home safe, thank you.
HS: You don’t have to thank me, did you eat?
YN: Yeah, did you?
HS: I did, had a luxurious pot of ramen.
YN: wow you really live the rich life.
HS: only the best of the best, nothing beats the reduced section in the convenience store. 🍜
YN: I’ll have to try it someday. 🤞🏻
YN: oh no
HS: What’s wrong?
YN: I still have your shirt I was planning to return it today but with all the drama it slipped my mind, I’ll give it back tomorrow I’m so sorry.
HS: Keep it.
YN: I couldn’t do that, it’s far too valuable.
HS: I eat cheap sale section ramen, I don’t have much a care about money nor the value of possessions. I liked the shirt, I brought it, I wore the shirt, you needed the shirt, I gave it to you.
YN: I don’t like taking things from people.
HS: You’re too much like Yoongi Hyung. Don’t think about it too much, if I want the shirt back I’ll ask. For now, take care of it for me. Okay? :)
YN: okay, thank you. :]
HS: Im heading home now, I’ll see you tomorrow if we cross paths after your class with Jungkook. Go easy on him.
YN: I’ll try to! Go safely, Goodnight.
HS: Goodnight. 😇
You shuffled over onto your other side, shoving your phone under your pillow before wrapping the covers around yourself.
Today definitely had been one of the worst for a while, you had this sickening feeling. You’d only been working there a few days and so much had happened already, it made you really think about the things they would go through, the things they had been through the duration of their career thus far. Maybe you could ask Jungkook, he seemed to like you. Maybe Hoseok would tell you but you postponed the idea for now, the worry of upsetting them or seeming overly invested was probably a bad take right now.
You let yourself drift off, your brain reluctantly shutting off the thought of who could be threatening you. The dark boundless space of sleep provides you with some much-needed rest.
Or so you hoped.
Your alarm went off at 6 am, normally you’d groan and ignore it for a few minutes but today you were already awake, tracing patterns in the white walls after a restless night. Nightmares occupy your dreams, a faceless figure attacking you at your childhood home. Fitting for the current situation.
You dressed down today, black slacks and a black shirt to match. Not feeling interested in putting together an award-winning outfit, you were already exhausted there was no need to spend any extra energy on things that didn’t require it.
You were nearly ready when the faint sound of your phone vibrating stopped you, the initials JJK on the screen.
“Hello?” You picked up, resting the phone between your cheek and shoulder as you put your socks on.
“Noona?” Jungkook called, it sounded as if he was whispering. “Are you busy?”
“I’m getting ready to come in now, is everything okay?”
“Don’t come into the company, it’s really busy and there are reporters outside.” He explained you could hear voices in the back although you were unable to make out who.
You considered following his advice but decided against it, work is where you should be. “I should still come in, we are supposed to have a lesson today.”
“We can still have it, I talked to the managers and they agreed it’s okay to have it at vision.”
“What’s that?” You checked through your bag, making sure you had everything necessary to teach.
“It’s somewhere we use a lot, it’s a cafe. The managers know the owners, it’s safe.” It makes sense why you’d never heard of it, cafes weren’t your go-to.
You hummed in response. Sliding your card into your purse. “Send me the address and I’ll get a taxi there.”
“It’s okay.” He laughed. “The manager can pick you up, they said we will go past your address anyway.”
His voice sounded different through the phone, if you hadn’t seen him face to face before you’d never pictured he looked the way he did. His bright eyes and soft expressions not matching the rough voice he had. It was most likely from their recent rehearsals, you’d known other idols to lose their voice especially when rehearsing for a tour. “Sure, just send me a text when you’re downstairs and I’ll come right out.”
“Sounds good, bye Noona.”
“Bye.” You dropped your phone at the sound of the call ending, you wouldn’t have enough time to eat breakfast but admittedly that was your fault. Besides, it’s not like Jungkook would mind you eating at the cafe - well you hoped. You still found yourself feeling unsure at the lines between you all. You were a staff member and technically they were your boss or at least they were more valued, what they wanted was what you give them, that is if you want to keep your job.
You finished up both your hair, skincare and make-up in 25 minutes which definitely was a new kind of personal record, you knew you had unanswered messages from NaRae but she would understand that things in your life had picked up suddenly.
The only call you were waiting on was from Jungkook so when your phone went off you were positive it was him, not even glancing at the name before accepting.
Deep breaths filled the line, almost as if someone had been running for an extended period of time. You pulled it back only to see a no-caller ID message.
“Who is this?” You weren’t one to get scared easily but this was different, you felt too aware even more so when the heavy breathing was the only response given to you. “Hello? I asked who is this?”
The voice was distorted giving you no clues to their identity. “Stay away from them.” You didn’t ask who, you knew what it was about, running over to your windows you looked around.
Seeing nothing out of the ordinary you put the phone back to your ear, perching yourself on the kitchen stool. “I don’t know who you are but this has to stop, I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“You’re a liar, I don’t know why they would employ you. What if I told them about Jung-woo.” You felt your heart drop at the name you hadn’t heard for years, the incident being one of your most traumatic. “I know all sorts of things about you. I want you to help me find all sorts of things too. When I call you better answer or I’ll make sure everyone knows about you.”
You didn’t have time to respond before the call was over, you didn’t know if you had the ability to. You hadn’t heard that name in years, distant memories from your childhood creating an unsettling storm without you.
You wanted to call Narae, tell her about it, try to figure out who knew and how but you didn’t have time, you watched the familiar black car pull into your building and a text notification light up your screen.
JJK: outside Noona.
YN: coming!
You weren’t sure if you could make it to the car without throwing up, you’d never felt more regret about work. Your sullen face was a deep contrast to the grin Jungkook was wearing, clearly in a good mood.
You greeted both him and the manager as you got into the backseat of the car your seat beside the singers, you noticed your hands shaking as you clipped on the seatbelt but still forced a smile. “How are you today Noona?”
“I’m fine. I thought we could take a simple English test today it’s an online one and it will allow me to see where we should start. Do you know the alphabet?” You tried to seem as professional as possible even with your worried mind.
The younger laughs, nodding. “I know the alphabet I’m not that far behind.”
You laughed with him, yours much more half heated than his. “It’s important for me to know, it’s like someone learning Korean without knowing Hangul. It wouldn’t work.”
“I suppose so, although you could still learn the meaning of words and how to say them through videos.” He countered, his head resting against the window.
“Ah but imagine how much easier it would be if they learned Hangul and then could read and pronounce them without the videos. You won’t be able to watch videos on stage which is why it’s good to understand and be able to speak even basic English.” You explained, folding your fingers against themselves.
“I guess but is there like an easy way that I can become really good at it? I want the hyungs to be surprised.” You found his take endearing, you could see from your position that they were all close. “It must be fun to know English.”
“It’s become very normal to me now, I do prefer doing everything in Korean though.” It was much easier, even if you did have an extensive understanding of the English language.
“Can we talk in English?” He was so excited and it was your job to indulge them in any teacher matter, you smiled at him and nodded. Your brain seemed to filter out once you said hello in English.
You wanted to take notes but the bumpy car ride would have made them a mess so instead you formed a mental diary ready to take note of his current abilities. “What are you doing today?”
“I am taking class for studying English!” You loved his enthusiasm, his accent a clear mix of false American and Korean. “With teacher.” He tacks on.
You giggle at his grand gesture to you. “Good! Now can you tell me your favourite things?”
“I like…” he trailed off looking around for something to point out. “Oh, I like art!” He pointed out the window to a mural that had been painted along the side of a building. “I wish I could get out and take pictures” he mumbled in Korean, a sadness to his tone.
“Why, we can ask to stop?” You continued in English.
He shook his head. “No, busy, lots of people can look.” It was clear English wasn’t the most difficult for him, seeming to have a good grasp of the language, certain letters could be pronounced softer but somehow his choice of tone fit his personality. The exposure to it whilst they spent time overseas definitely had helped give them an advantage when it came to learning. “Unsafe.”
“Maybe you could come back later at night and take some?” You hoped your solution fixed his dulled excitement but it just drew a deep sigh from him.
“I guess.”
“Do you ever feel like you miss things?” You couldn’t stop yourself before the question was out. “Don’t answer that if you feel uncomfortable I’m sorry if that was over the line.”
He rushed to answer. “No no it’s fine, I don’t like to be sad because I’m privileged. I get to experience so many wonderful things and meet so many wonderful people but sometimes I wish I enjoyed the simple things in life, taking a walk on the street, going for a meal, going to see a movie.”
You could understand the wish, it was simple and yet for someone who had so much money and the ability to do so many extraordinary things there were so many simple ones that he just couldn’t have. Things money couldn’t buy. “I can’t relate to it but I do understand. It’s okay to feel sad about things though, sad emotions are okay as much as thankfulness.”
He gave you a nod. “I can see why Hobi Hyung likes you so much. You’re kind. We are here by the way.”
The sudden revelation threw you off, it was nice to be liked. It was a quaint area, there was no foot traffic. You could see why it appealed to the members. “It’s nice here.”
“Let me take the bag.” He held his hand out and you handed it over, thankful to give your shoulder a break from the weight, even if it was for a few minutes books are heavy. “You should try the cake they have here, it is so fresh.”
“They bake it fresh?” Many of the cafes in Seoul despite being trendy and cute usually had a funky taste, it was rare to find a fresh cafe.
“Fresh?” He looked at you for a few seconds before seemingly understanding what you meant. “Yes. It’s the best, I’ll buy us one for the trouble.” He laughs holding the door open.
True to his word - and your refusal - he brought you both cake and a coffee that was 3 sizes too big. The lesson had gone smoothly, Jungkook understood most things and tried hard to understand others. The earlier call dance around the outskirts of your brain, the distorted voice coming back now and again.
You knew you should tell the management but the threat of no name exposing something so private made you hesitant, instead you settled on calling NaRae once you got back home. The manager returned three hours later to pick you both up, dropping you off before taking Jungkook to the company. The younger explained that he had some work to finish.
You ran into the convenience store down the street, grabbing some snacks, gimbap and ramen. Dinner would have to be quick tonight, you’d already called NaRae who said she would come over right away after hearing your worried tone and you didn’t want to keep her waiting.
You arrived home, a knock following just after you’d taken your shoes off. You opened it to find a slightly tired-looking NaRae who offered you a plastic bag before stepping inside. “You look like you went to a funeral, why is your outfit so…sad?”
You ignored her comment brushing it off with an eye roll. “What’s this?” You peeked inside, slowing the door with your foot. “Food?”
“Dumplings.” She smiled, already reaching to grab chopsticks and bowls from the cupboards in your kitchen. “Didn’t seem like you had a great day I thought it would help. Go sit I’ll make it.”
“Oh, yeah thank you.” You handed the bag back over to her and took a seat at the table as she brought over the food, the smell already causing your mouth to water. “They smell so good.”
“So what’s wrong?” She sighed, picking up her own chopsticks.
“Someone called me today, they told me that I should quit.” You started out, wanting to gauge her demeanour before continuing.
She gave you a confused look, you always loved how she has the inability to mask her emotions with a straight face. Her open expression earned you both a few issues in the past. “Is that all? I thought someone had sent you a dead bird or something.”
You swallowed your food, scoffing lightly at her extreme take. “They knew about woosung.”
At the mention of the name, she choked on her food, her eyes widening at you. “How, Woosung? That’s confidential right?”
“No one knows. You haven’t told anyone right?” You question her sheepishly, your eyes trained on her food rather than herself.
Her hand reached across the table, her nails painted a sheer pink with flower decals on them. “I would never tell anyone about that, maybe it’s just a name they went with? Are you sure it’s not an old friend or even a distant family member?”
“Rae you already know the entirety of my family line, besides we both know I’m not the most popular.”
“I guess that’s true.” She sighed, you pinched her hand in response, not missing the undertone of her comment. “Ouch for one and have you told the company for two?”
You shook your head, releasing her hand. “No, I don’t want them to find that out. Do you think I should?”
“No absolutely not, that would damage your reputation. Do not bring this up to the company or the members okay?” Her eyes were wide, almost fearful.
You could understand why though, she knew the Jung-Woo story, anyone who knew the Jung-Woo story was fearful, especially for you.
— AN — (apartment floor plan)
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memelleity · 2 years
the mask of zorro sentence starters
❝ why are you still here? ❞
❝ children should not have to see the things we do. ❞
❝ if you will excuse me, i'm missing my own party. ❞
❝ you would murder them to capture me? ❞
❝ stay for dinner. ❞
❝ you are a traitor to your country and your class. ❞
❝ ____ was never yours to protect. ❞
❝ you'll live with the knowledge that you have lost everything. ❞
❝ touch my brother again and i'll kill you. ❞
❝ i thought you were tied up. ❞
❝ i am the backbone of this gang. without me, it would fall apart. ❞
❝ i want you to know that i consider this an honor. ❞
❝ please don't touch me. ❞
❝ ____'s dead. ❞
❝ consider this a fool's apology for ever doubting you. ❞
❝ you are not happy to see me, so let’s stop pretending. ❞
❝ who, in your entire history, has ever helped you? ❞
❝ the time has come to take our destiny into our own hands. ❞
❝ where did you get that? ❞
❝ why should you be sorry? ❞
❝ you're in no condition to fight. ❞
❝ get out of my way, old man. ❞
❝ would you care to try again…? ❞
❝ you're welcome. for saving your life. ❞
❝ he's trained to kill. you seem trained to drink. you would have died quickly. ❞
❝ i can teach you how to take revenge and live to celebrate it. ❞
❝ why are you so eager to help me? ❞
❝ i can't believe it. i never thought that i would be standing here. ❞
❝ where were you all these years? i thought you were dead. ❞
❝ i can see we are not going to spend much time talking. ❞
❝ do you know how to use that? ❞
❝ this is going to take a lot of work. ❞
❝ time for a drink. ❞
❝ lesson number one: never attack in anger. ❞
❝ you look better than ever. ❞
❝ be careful, there are dangerous men about. ❞
❝ the years have been kind to you. ❞
❝ it’s just like the old days. ❞
❝ i broke the fourth commandment. ❞
❝ did you kill somebody? ❞
❝ i try to behave the way my father would like me to, but my heart is too wild. ❞
❝ his face was half-covered… but something in his eyes captured me. ❞
❝ i forgive you. ❞
❝ you have done nothing wrong. the only sin would be to deny what your heart truly feels. ❞
❝ you're a thief. a pitiful clown. ❞
❝ ____ was a servant of the people, not a seeker of fame like you. ❞
❝ i am tired of waiting for you to tell me i am ready. ❞
❝ choose your weapon. ❞
❝ if you want to be of service, you can join them as a spy. ❞
❝ look at me. this is the most stupid thing i have ever done. ❞
❝ a nobleman just says one thing and thinks another. ❞
❝ ____ is a true nobleman. he will never look a servant in the eye. ❞
❝ my father was very strict. ❞
❝ are you a man of vision? ❞
❝ i am a man in search of a vision. ❞
❝ sheep will always need a shepherd. ❞
❝ heroism? a romantic illusion. ❞
❝ heroism is something to aspire to, not sneer at. ❞
❝ all that shooting guns, racing around on horses… gives me a frightful headache. ❞
❝ a woman's grasp of politics. what can i say? ❞
❝ may i have the honor of this dance? ❞
❝ were you looking for something? ❞
❝ i apologize if you're offended. ❞
❝ there is something i want to share with you. a vision. ❞
❝ you are living in a dream. ❞
❝ welcome to hell's outhouse. ❞
❝ i steal gold and money. but you steal people's lives. ❞
❝ your voice is so calming. ❞
❝ i know what it is like to lose a loved one. ❞
❝ when i see you, i remember what it felt like to be a father. ❞
❝ your mother would be proud of you. ❞
❝ i have to ask you... have we ever met before? ❞
❝ to be able to see through the eyes of an enemy is a valuable thing. ❞
❝ where are my manners… would you care for something to drink? ❞
❝ you ought to fire your housekeeper. ❞
❝ you are more than you pretend to be. ❞
❝ maybe someday i will see what i look like through your eyes. ❞
❝ it is beautiful. how much does it cost? ❞
❝ how can i do what is needed when all i feel is... hate? ❞
❝ we should destroy the evidence. ❞
❝ bend over! ❞
❝ whatever it is you have stolen, give it to me. ❞
❝ i don't have the time to give you the proper instruction. ❞
❝ do you surrender? ❞
❝ i'm not going with you. ❞
❝ there's something i must do. it’s a personal matter. ❞
❝ you taught me to see beyond personal feelings. ❞
❝ you are too young to understand. ❞
❝ all the work, all the training, all the wise words, for what? ❞
❝ ____ is all i have left. i am not going to lose her again. ❞
❝ i think my horse could run this army better than you. ❞
❝ i warned you long ago you would never be rid of me. ❞
❝ i'm not here to stop you. ❞
❝ you cannot imagine how i have dreamed of this moment. ❞
❝ if i die, the truth dies with me. ❞
❝ only one question. how would you like your remains displayed? ❞
❝ drop the sword. ❞
❝ did you miss me? ❞
❝ there will be other days, other battles to fight. ❞
❝ you are like your mother. same eyes. same mouth. same spirit. ❞
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