#i don’t know - i do love hal still though that hasn’t changed
demonicimagery · 2 years
homestuck reread: i actually like dirk a lot more this time
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westofwonder · 1 year
DC Comics Sept. 2023 Solicitations initial thoughts
Okay, wanted to do one of these again - y’know - for fun.
I’m excited for the Batman & Robin book mostly because I want there to be a Batman & Robin book! Di Meo on art is the clincher. Williamson keeps attaching himself to good artists. It’ll look good to say the least.
Birds of Prey is going to be an uphill situation; if it tries to be “funny” I’m gonna have to cut it loose earlier. But I want a book with Dinah and I want a book with Barda. I like Cass. Thought Zealot was gonna be my hard sell. The Harley of it all isn’t easy, but I’d be lying if I didn’t see how that would work. I wouldn’t do it, but then I’m not a professional writer. Hopeful.
I have to finish BB: Graduation Day to even consider the BB ongoing. I’m at a wishy-washy opinion. Jaime being a college kid makes me feel so old.
Nothing wrong with the ideas of the new Flash ongoing, but Spurrier hasn’t really sold me on previous stuff he’s done. Deodato on art is intriguing to say the least. Might trade-wait at the very least. It’ll depend dot dot dot.
I haven’t been enjoying the back ups to GL, so GL: War Journal is a pass.
I’m dropping Catwoman after Knight Terrors; I’m not really interested in Gotham War.
Why is there a Penguin ongoing? #Rhetorical
Whatever keeps happening in the Brave and the Bold title I am not a fan of it. Would be fun if this book took a direction out of World’s Finest book. More books should be like World’s Finest.* *Subject to change.
Are people sleeping on TEC? I don’t know - one person I know says it’s really good and that’s it. Most Bat-readers are not talking about it. Could just be me.
Stuff keeps happening in the Nightwing book I see.
The Harley solicitations are still doing that, huh? SKIP!
Ivy has Rogues now?
Had anyone else been given the Wonder Woman title, I most likely have been on board. King is a lazy, overrated writer. That is all. I should be for finally having a writer focus more on the lasso and less of turning Wondy into “Warrior Woman,” but still: KING! Pass!
.The Power Girl ongoing is happening? I thought that was a joke! No thank you!
Fire and Ice miniseries will be fun.
Hoping the Sinestro stuff ramps up in GL.
Shazam still looks fun. Haha, “Grexit”
Titans still feels like Taylor at his worst. No thank you!
Cyborg is still an “of 6″ miniseries so I think I’ll ride that wave out.
Melnikov better just be a guest artist! No offense!
Action still seems fine - so that’s good.
Parallax Hal! EEEEEEE! Did GA switch to ongoing?
I think Hawkgirl will be fun and fine. No big worries there. Would love a Hawkman book though again that doesn’t get lanced by a stupid event.
Has anybody been paying close attention to the Man of Tomorrow? Do people remember the Robins book?
Steelworks still sounds good.
Never been a modern Doom Patrol fan - sorry.
Already have a Perez Wondy #1 Facsimile edition, DC!
The Donna focus Tales of Titans issue has me curious - TO SAY THE LEAST.
I don’t have room for more black label books!
Don’t read Fables; don’t read White Knight
And not collected edition for Wondy except Evolution. Oh well
Stuff will get added, stay on the list, dropped from the list, and ignored completely. Not a bad September tbh.
Could be fun. It’ll be fun to see which books don’t feel at all changed after Knight Terrors - but I feel like completely stopping the line for two months is for that purpose and that purpose alone. It’s like that sometimes.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
A Painful Reunion (Michael Gray x reader)
Summary: After getting shot Michael wasn’t expecting many visitors apart from his family. Seeing you again, after so much time, was almost as painful as getting shot.
Author’s Note: for @retromafia​ 5K celebration!!! I chose the song ‘I Will Always Love You’ by Dolly Parton which inspired this fic! I decided to write someone different this time and it’s my first time writing for Michael. Hope you enjoy the fic!
Peaky Blinders tag list: @stylesofloki​, @ohshititsfenharel, @lenaskyler02
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary​, @imjustassaneasyou​, @spngingerbread21​, @layazul​, @lov3vivian​
“There’s someone I brought with me who wanted to see you.”
Michael looked sharply over at his foster mother. She looked nervously down at her hands, as though she wasn’t sure if she had done the right thing. She gently squeezed his hand as the door to his room opened and shut softly.
“Hello Henry.”
Michael froze, his hand squeezing his mother’s. Rosemary gave him a soft smile as she gently removed her hand from under his. She gave it a soft pat as she stood up.
“I’ll leave you two to catch up.” She said
You smiled at Michael as you took the seat that Rosemary had just left. An awkward silence settled over the two of you. Michael looked as his hands as you bit your lip before saying,
“It’s been awhile. Hasn’t it, Henry.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Michael winced with how harsh it came out. Even you blinked in surprise at his tone. He had never spoken to you like that before and guilt immediately curled up in the pit of his stomach.
“Alright,” you coughed, “Mich-“
“Or that.”
Seeing you again, after all that time, made Michael realise just how out of place he was. He had never felt like less a part of the family as he did while lying in that bed. However, seeing you and his foster mother again made him realise that Henry was dead. There was no way he could ever go back to that life. He never wanted to hear his name, his real name, come out of your mouth.
“Alright,” he could hear the smile in your voice, “Hal.”
Hal. That silly little nickname you gave him that only you called him. His breath hitched at it as he realised just how long it had been since he had heard it and how much he missed you saying it. You reached over and took his hand, replacing the warmth from his foster mother.
“Hal,” this time the warmth was gone and replaced with worry, “You are ok.”
“I got shot.” He said dryly, “Isn’t that why you’re here.”
“I don’t mean that.” You said, rolling your eyes
“I’m… fine.”
“You’ve always been a terrible liar.”
Oh, how Michael wished he could tell you. How he wanted to tell you everything but he didn’t want to drag you into this world that he so blindly entered. But he couldn’t do that to you, he couldn’t taint you in the same way that he had. You gave him a bitter smile.
“Do you remember when we were younger,” you said, “When we skipped school that one day? It was summer and we stole apples from Mr Jones’ tree. And you said to me-“
“One day, I’m going to leave this place. I’m going to leave it all behind and make something on myself.”
“Yeah. Do you know what else you said?”
Michael did. His promise to take you with him. To give you everything you desired. He still craved the life he dreamt up for the two of you. But now, well, now things had changed. He didn’t grow up to be the man he wanted to be, the man he wanted to be for you. You deserved someone better.
“Well? Do you?”
All those memories of the times the two of you spent had once been so sweet were slowly turning sour. A nice, safe boring life, that’s what he could’ve had with you. You deserved to be happy and you wouldn’t be happy with Michael Gray but would you have been any happier with Henry Johnson?
“Right,” you grimaced, “And that’s it?”
“You’re not safe here.” He said
“I know.”
“Then why did you come?”
“Because you’re my… friend.”
The last word hung heavily in the air. You both knew that it wasn’t true. The two of you weren’t friends.
You were far more than just friends.
This unspoken truth that filled the room. You entwined your fingers together and Michael relished the sensation. A feeling of love that he hadn’t felt in so long. Something so pure and untainted that someone like him was deserving of. He had left you behind when he promised he never would. Yet, he was certain that bringing you to Birmingham would only lead to your death or unhappiness.
“You’re getting everything you ever wanted,” you said, “Everything that you’d been dreaming of.”
“Not everything.”
You closed your eyes and you raised his hand and pressed your forehead against his knuckles.
“If I stayed, I’d only be in your way.”
No, no you couldn’t be leaving. It had been so long since he had seen you. You couldn’t be coming just to tell him that you’re leaving.”
“No,” Michael cold feel the rising panic, “No, you wouldn’t. It was always going to be us. Remember?”
“Yes of course I remember,” you let go of his hand, “But I would  be in your way. I miss you Hal but you don’t need me to hold you back from achieving your goals.”
“No, wait-“
“Plans change,” you stood up and brushed the dust off your skirt, “I understand that better than anyone. I knew that as soon as you left our village.”
You bent down and pressed a kiss against Michael’s forehead. He leant into the kiss and he felt you smile against his skin. When you broke the kiss you pressed your forehead against his.
“You’re wrong,” Michael said, “You would never get in my way.”
“But me,” he gave a despairing chuckle, “I would fuck your life up. You deserve to life a long and happy life.”
He reached up and cupped your cheek, brushing a thumb over your cheek bone. A tear fell down your face and Michael brushed it away. He hated to see you cry.
“Fucking look at me,” he said, “Look at what happened to my life. I’ll always have the memories of us together.”
With all the strength he could manage, Michael pushed himself up and pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes as you leant in the kiss. It was everything you dreamed of and yet you could taste the bitterness in it. The first and only time that you would kiss the man you love.
“I will always love you.” Said Michael
“And I you, my Hal.”
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let me be your ruler.2
Warnings: guns, dubcon, noncon, handjob.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (dark!mob!) Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You try to forget about Peter but he won’t forget about you.
Note: I hate that I am the way that I am. I wanted to keep this to two parts but you know me. 
Anyways, I’m excited for this and hope you are too.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Drowsy in the afterglow of sex and alcohol, you fell quickly into a deep sleep. You didn’t even change before you sank into bed. You hardly recalled the elevator ride up or stumbling into your apartment and tripping around the shadows to your room. It was only a fractured journey from the car to your mattress.
You woke as your phone vibrated under your pillow. You must have buried it there before passing out. You groaned and rolled over as you dug it out. There were several notifications next to a single name; Peter. You thumbed through each message; written in the same tone as his voice. Demanding, without question.
‘Great night, Princess.’ ‘We’ll do it again Saturday.’ ‘Wear something nice.’ … The messages escalated smoothly from doting to commanding. It jolted you back to the night before, the way he seemed to just thrust you through the night. The dress, the drinks, the men, the guns…
You sat up, your panties crooked on your hips. You muttered and swiped away the messages. You weren’t seeing him again. You couldn’t. You had stuck your toe in too deep already. It was best to nip these things in the bud. Not to let yourself get dragged in so far you couldn’t see the surface. 
Peter was more than mysterious; he was dangerous.
You went to the kitchen and waited for the machine to grind as the scent of coffee filled your heavy body. You drank too much, did too much. You still felt Peter’s hand between your legs. It made your chest tight and your head spin. You looked down at your body, the red dress wrinkled and askew.
You left the coffee to brew and retreated to your room. You tore off the dress and your panties. You pulled on a cotton shirt and loose pajama pants. You stormed back into the kitchen and shoved the clothing in the bin. You snatched your phone from the counter and swiped up the lock screen.
‘Sorry, I don’t think this is going to work out.’ You typed. Your hand shook as you hovered over send. You heard Halle’s door and you pressed your thumb down. You looked up at her before you pulled up the block option.
“How was your night?” She asked as she inhaled the aroma of your morning ritual.
“Eh, you know, another dead end,” you pushed your thumb down and the conversation disappeared. “Just not my type.”
“Really?” She whined. “He seemed so nice. And he liked you so much.”
You blackened your screen and placed your phone face down. “Well, you know, things don’t always turn out.” You shrugged and pulled out a mug, “You want some?”
“Are you at least going to tell me about it?” She pouted. “And yes, lots of sugar.”
You poured her coffee and handed her the sugar dish. You frowned at how much powder she scooped into her cup but it was her most endearing trait. She knew what she wanted and she didn’t care what anyone thought.
“Uh, well, it wasn’t anything special. He took me to a party but… I don’t know. What kind of first date is that? Take me somewhere I don’t know anyone…” You ran your finger around the rim of your cup. “Maybe when I was younger but now.”
“You sound like such an old lady,” she snickered, “Oh my god!” She stood straight, “Are we old?”
“I am, but you’ll always be young at heart, Hal,” you rolled your eyes.
“So you’re not going to try a second?” She prodded.
“I don’t think so,” you cradled your mug, “He… hasn’t even messaged me back.” 
You hated lying but Halle had gotten you into this mess and you knew she’d harp on you for not even giving Peter a chance. But you had. He wasn’t what he seemed and you didn’t want to stick around and find out what exactly he was hiding.
“What?” She huffed. “Well, fuck him then.” She sipped from her coffee and her lips curved as she swallowed. “Wait, did you…”
“Hal, come on,” you snipped.
“Oh, fine, but you know, maybe if you got laid, you wouldn’t be so uptight.” She teased.
“Not this again,” you groaned and slid your phone off the counter. “You know what, I got work to do.”
“Uh huh,” she hummed as you turned to leave, “Work. When did you get so old and boring?”
“One of us had to,” you called back over your shoulder, “And we both know you’re never growing up.”
Your phone was pleasantly still for the rest of the day. You felt a twinge of guilt having blocked Peter but then you recalled the men and their holsters. You found your mind drifting away from your work and your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought back. 
The company he kept added to the uneasiness in your chest. Steve was friendly but arrogant. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, what was it he introduced you as, “Peter’s girl”. And that man, Bucky. He didn’t seem too fond of Peter but the way he’d grinned at you, as if he knew something you didn’t. Well, he did, they all did. Your head stormed as you tried to figure out their secret.
You shook off the curdling paranoia and hunched as you squinted closer at your computer. You made yourself focus as you skimmed the tight font and added your suggestions in the margin. You sent off your edited draft as your stomach groaned; empty and churning from the acidic coffee.
You grabbed your phone and your mug as you stood. You checked the time. Almost noon. You grumbled and went back to the kitchen, thankfully empty as Halle had left for work an hour ago. You set your cup down and expanded your notifications. A single phone call from a private number and a new follower on your mostly empty Insta.
You opened the neglected app and hit the notification. The profile was emptier than yours. the profile pic was just black and there were no posts. The name gave you no hints as it was obviously generated by the site. 
You went back and a comment popped up on the picture of your and Halle at last year's winter market. ‘Gorgeous, Princess.’ You read and reread the two words as you leaned against the counter. You bit your fingertips and went back to the mysterious profile. You hit ‘block’ and locked your phone.
Surely, he’d get the hint sooner or later. It was one date and the man seemed to have no trouble with women. He’d move on and you’d both forget about that off putting night. You just had to wait him out.
A week rolled by as you kept yourself busy with your work. The phone calls stopped after the first day and you had no more peculiar alerts awaiting you. Your plan had worked. It wasn’t exactly the best; it was a bit cowardly, actually. Yet, knowing how Peter was and how ‘no’ seemed beyond his vocabulary, you had more faith in your evasion than his understanding.
As the weekend approached, Halle convinced you to come out with the girls. You had eluded those opportunities for the past year as you found yourself disillusioned and disinterested in the club scene. You felt as if you were aging out of it and seeing all those fresh-faced coeds assured you of it. Even so, the girls liked to dance and in their words, you need to ‘let loose’.
You couldn’t disagree. You had been on edge and the mounting emails in your inbox didn’t ease the stress of everything else.
With a pre-drink burning a whole in your stomach, you pulled on a pair of flats as your bag hung across your chest. You were comfortable but not stuffy in your tight jeans and the bright pink top with the criss-cross straps. You felt pretty good and the vodka made you optimistic.
You headed down to the street and caught a cab. The dread evaporated the closer you got and as you pulled up to the front of the flashing club, Molly and Desiree waved at your approach. The four of you joined the line as you searched out your ID.
“So,” Molly said, “Halle told us about your little date!”
“Date?” You blinked. “Oh, yeah, that didn’t pan out.”
“Of course,” Desiree scoffed, “That guy was so cute though.”
“Yeah, he was nice, but we just didn’t…”
“He’s ghosting her!” Halle interjected, “Didn’t even text the next day, ugh.”
Halle crossed her arms and you nodded. You weren’t going to correct her, you didn’t need the other two piling on about your dormant love life. You came out to have a good time, that’s what they promised you, and you didn’t want to think about the night that still stood so vividly in your mind.
As you stepped up to the bouncer, he barely looked at your card. You were almost offended as he waved you through and carded the next party more closely. You glanced around at your friends but they hardly seemed bothered. Well, only Halle had reached that big three-o with you, and the other two girls still had a year or two to go.
Madonna’s voice pumped from the speakers as you neared the bar. You looked around at the streaming lights and the bodies shadowed in the strobe. You were surprised you recognized the song and you nudged Desiree as she waited for Molly to order the first round.
“What’s up with the music?” You asked.
“It’s retro night! Duh! Just for you!” She giggled and you elbowed her harder.
Molly turned and passed out the plastic cups with their thin straws and you followed Halle to the low stage where the smoke machine billowed. You coughed at the taste of the fog and sucked on your straw. You began to sway as the other girls led the charge. You could help but be enlivened by the deep base and the energy all around.
As you danced, the girls yelled back and forth about their recent drama. Desiree’s date had been more successful than your own, Molly was certain she was in love with Charlie? You still didn’t know. And Halle was just riding the vibe.
You finished your drink and the other girls stacked their cups in yours before you crossed the stage to leave the garbage on the table just beside the platform. 
You looked over at the bar, pondering another, and your eye was caught by a figure who seemed out of place. The cut of his suit, the way he leaned on hand on a stool, and the intense gaze sent in your direction startled you.
You blinked and stumbled over to the single step down to the floor. You pushed through the bodies, nearly tumbling as a tipsy guy crashed into you. You got to the bar and looked up and down it. Girls waved their hands to get the bar tender’s attention and guys sidled up to them. 
Bucky was gone. It was him. Maybe the air was filled with smoke and the lights were flashing like a siren, but you were certain. Why was he there? How had he found you among the city? Among the reverie in that club? Why had he been watching you? And where had he gone?
You went to where you’d seen him and searched the perimeter of the bar. You went back through the club and slipped past those just getting in. You tapped on the bouncer’s shoulder and he grumbled before he turned and bent to hear you. “What is it?”
“Did you see a guy in a suit leave? Dark hair and--”
“There’s a lot of people here,” he shrugged you off.
You snarled and turned back. You got ahead of the flood of new arrivals and fought your way back to the three girls on the stage. As you walked up, Halle pouted and grabbed your elbow. “Boo, we thought you were getting another round.”
“No, no, I…” you squirmed and tried to get back into the rhythm, “I had to use the restroom.”
“Well, how about now? Wanna refill the tank?” She jibed.
“Uh, sure,” you picked at the purse. “Be right back.”
“Make mine a double,” Molly called after you. “Thanks.”
Despite drowning yourself in alcohol, you barely slept and when you did, you were back in the club, staring at a man you never expected to see again. You wondered if maybe you’d imagined it or if Peter had sent him after you or if it was someone else and you were just tipsy and blind. Whatever it was, you couldn’t shake the foreboding that followed you into the next morning.
Your Saturday was painful and lazy. You spent your hangover on the couch and barely saw Halle as she cowered in the dim light of her room. You fell asleep there and dragged yourself to bed just before nine. You really were old, or at least, getting there.
Sunday slapped you in the face after another night of disjointed dreams. Peter and the room full of men, Bucky at the bar, and static in between. Responsibility called you from your mattress and you cleaned up and dressed for your weekly trip to the grocery store. 
As you came out, Halle was glaring at her phone. “What’s up?” You asked as you shoved your wallet in your purse. “You coming to the store?”
“I got called in for one.” She pouted. “Tell me why I fucked that asshole?”
“Shit, Hal, I’m sorry. Well, I’ll just do the shop myself.” You frowned, “Let you get ready to deal with all that.”
“It’s all because he fucking texted me on Friday and drunk me decided to reply and then… urgh, why do I do this?”
“I don’t know why you’re asking me?” You grinned.
“Oh, please go before I throw this at you,” she shook her phone, “And don’t forget my oat milk.”
“Whole milk?” You asked as you slipped your shoes on, “Got it.”
“Don’t,” she warned.
“Alright, alright. Hopefully I catch you before you go,” you stood and grabbed your keys from the hook. “Have fun with Mr. Bossman.”
“Shut up,” she buried her head in her hands, “Oh my god!”
You tried not to laugh as you left. You felt bad for her as you didn’t know what you’d do in her situation. Looking for a new job had been her first thought but the market was never very good and the man who was driving her away, wasn’t exactly a shining reference.
You took your usual route to the grocer. You had your list on your phone and loaded your cart. You filled the reusable bags and set off for a very inconvenient subway ride home. Your arms screamed as you carried the load up your street and struggled to find your keys at the door. The elevator was too slow and you ended up hauling it all up the stairs. You were out of breath as you got to your apartment.
You turned the knob just a little and kicked open the door. You stomped in and dropped the bags. “So, I got your damn milk--” You stopped short as your voice collided with Halle’s. She was already dressed for work but her braids were still loose. She stood behind the couch as she talked to your unexpected visitor.
“Oh, there she is,” she said snappily, “I wouldn’t blame her for kicking you out but I’ll leave it up to her.” Halle turned to you, “Look who’s here. Only took him a week to come around.”
“Hal,” you said softly as you set the bags down. “What--” You lowered your voice, “Why’d you let him in?”
“So he can apologize to you,” she huffed loudly and passed you to close the door, “Don’t you worry, I still gotta finish getting ready so you have lots of time to hear him out.” She looked at him sharply.
“Really, it’s…” You gulped as you peeked over at Peter. He sat calmly in the chair as he watched you. “Yeah, okay.”
She marched into her room and as her door closed, you reluctantly approached the back of the couch where your roommate had just stood. You stared at Peter, uncertain what to say. You hadn’t been prepared for this; for him to be there in your apartment, your home.
“Peter,” you ran your hands over the couch cushions.
“You lie to everyone you know?” He asked. “As I recall, I’m not the one who’s been… ‘ghosting’, as your friend says.”
“I…” You shifted and picked at the seam, “Look, I told you it wasn’t going to work--”
“You barely gave me a chance. Gave us a chance,” he said as he pushed his legs apart. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Well, you know, I have work and it’s just not a good time for me right now.” You sniffed. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but--”
“Ha, princess, I don’t hurt so easy,” he smirked, “Why don’t you sit down and we can talk properly… finally.”
You scratched your brow and cleared your throat. “I don’t think we need to do that.”
Your voice trailed off as Halle opened her door again. She swept out and you waited as she scooped her purse off the counter and sidestepped the groceries still sat on the floor.
“Gotta go,” she sang, “I’ll see you after work.” She stopped by the door as she wiggled into her heels, “Let me know how you deal with… him.”
“See ya,” you said quietly and watched her go. You looked back at Peter slowly as he chuckled.
“What did you tell her about me?” He wondered.
“Nothing. Really.” You said. “I have your jacket. You want it back--”
“Sit,” he gestured to the couch. “We’ll worry about that later.”
“No. Peter, please. I’m just not interested, okay?”
“You seemed pretty interested in the car,” he purred, “Seemed real interested.”
“I…” You looked at the wall and squirmed. “I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You were asking for it in that dress,” he intoned. “Now,” his movement drew your eye as he reached into his jacket, “I don’t like playing things like this.” He pulled the pistol from its holster and rested it on the arm of the chair, his hand firm on the handle. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.”
You stared at the gun. Your blood burned hot and you felt blindly as you came around the couch and dropped down. Your eyes never left the muzzle. Would he use it on you?
“Oh, princess, don’t you worry, I’m just getting comfortable.” He taunted. “Now, I’ve been tryna figure out where I went wrong. I got you a pretty dress, I took you to a nice party, I fed you champagne, and I even gave you a little dessert,” he mused and his lip curled, “So I gotta confess I’m confused as you why you’ve been hiding from me.”
You were paralyzed. You clutched your knees and gritted your teeth. You didn’t know what to say. You’d convinced yourself that you’d never see him again. Your method was tried and trued, at least, when it was used against you.
“Don’t be afraid. You can tell me. I really would prefer the truth.” His finger slid along the short barrel as he spoke. “So?”
“I… Peter, I don’t think that we would, uh, work out. Look, I don’t like guns and…” Your lashes fluttered, “I don’t really know that I wanna be around someone who carries one. Not too mention, your friends--”
“My friends. Princess, your mine. They won’t touch you.” He raised his chin. “They’re not that bold.”
You were silent. Your heart pulsed loudly and you took a breath. You stood cautiously and crossed your arms. “Peter, we talked. I told you my reasons. I think you should… go.” You said as firmly as you could.
He laughed again. His cheek twitched and the smile fell away from his face. He rose slowly and turned his gun to tuck it away under his jacket. His eyes never left you as he did.
“You really want me to go?” He asked.
You nodded and held your breath. “Yes.”
He threw his hands out and clapped them against his pants. He shook his head and crossed the room. You turned to watch him as he passed and suddenly, you were thrust towards him. His hand was on the back of your neck as he pulled you against him. He held you tightly and you felt his gun poking through his jacket.
He grinned, his lips only an inch from yours. “I’m going, princess, but not without you.”
“Let go of me!” You struggled with him. “Get off!”
“Princess,” he warned as his fingers dug into your neck, “Settle down.”
“No, I told you to go.” You hissed as you grabbed his wrist. “Please.”
“Let’s get this straight,” he said, “You don’t tell me what to do. Even if it gets me hard.” He crushed his lips to your suddenly and you wrestled with him, your teeth grazing his lip before he pulled back sharply, barely escaping a bite. “You don’t wanna do that.”
His hand went to your chin and he looked you in the face. He rubbed his nose against yours and growled. You beat on his chest and he squeezed tighter.
“Shit, let’s not just rush out of here,” he released you, “You should get those away before they spoil.”
He stepped back and placed his hand on the front of his jacket, where his gun was hidden. You gaped at him and your eyes flitted to the door.
“Ah, don’t worry, we’ll be on our way soon enough,” he said, “So long as you hurry up.”
You swallowed and he moved with you as you went to the bags. He blocked the door as you pulled the straps apart and began to unpack shakily. You dropped a can and it rolled along the floor before he stopped it with his foot. He kicked it back and leaned an elbow on the door frame.
You picked it up with several other cans and went to the cupboard. You snapped the door closed as you felt around the drawer with your other hand. You heard a click and looked to Peter as he aimed his pistol at you. He tilted his head. 
“Don’t do that,” he intoned as your hand lingered just inches from the knives inside the drawer.
You went back to the spread of groceries and tried to ignore him as you put everything in its place. As you bent to fill the crisper, he purred, a sizzly ‘princess’ under his breath. You finished up and packed the bags one into the other. You left them on the counter and again, he put his gun away.
“Princess, let me tell you something,” he gripped the door handle, “I don’t take that out without using it very often so don’t press my patience.” He turned the knob slowly, “I’ve waited on you long enough.”
The car ride was tense and long. Peter drove you uptown and you watched out the window helplessly. You rubbed your palms together nervously as they dampened with sweat. He’d taken your phone when you reached for it. He tossed it and it was somewhere on the floor.
He drove past the condos and the walk-ups and continued on nearly the exact path he’d taken on the momentous night. Another grand house awaited you but you remained in the seat as Peter climbed out. He opened your door and still you didn’t move. He reached across you to unbuckle the seat belt and grabbed your arm. He jerked you out onto your feet and sighed.
“Peter,” you begged, “What’s going on? Please, you’re scaring me.”
“Princess, have I done you wrong?” He asked but you didn’t answer. “I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re hurting me right now,” you wriggled your arm and he shoved you ahead of him.
“In,” he demanded as you stumbled up the rounded steps. “Now.”
You opened the door and stepped inside. You crossed the marble floor of the foyer as he directed you from behind. He followed at a pace, close enough that you couldn’t flee. Even if you did, you wouldn’t make it far.
“Pete,” the voice startled you and you stopped at the bottom of the wide staircase. Bucky stood in a doorway to your left. His gaze moved from you to Peter and back again. “I didn’t realise you brought company.”
“You’re still here?” Peter snipped.
“Was I supposed to leave?” He sneered. “You got me and Steve running around and you’re gonna kick us to the curb.”
“You don’t look very busy to me,” Peter growled and neared to rest his hand on your lower back. He leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Upstairs, turn left, the room at the very end. I don’t like hide and seek, you got me?”
You nodded and looked at Bucky again. His mouth slanted knowingly and his tongue poked out for just a moment. You turned up the stairs and left Peter behind. You reached the top and listened for a moment to his muffled voice.
“You and Steve do your fucking job and leave me alone. Understand. I don’t want to be bothered.” Peter snarled.
“Oh, I wouldn’t wanna be interrupted either,” Bucky snickered. “Not with her.”
“Go,” Peter barked. “Now.”
“Ay, you might be Tony’s man but you still gotta watch yourself,” Bucky warned. “This little arrangement isn’t gonna last forever…”
You went to your left and to the door at the end, like he said. You entered and couldn’t help but gasp at the immense bedroom. The black and white decor was expertly matched in marbles and exotics woods, plush velvet and polished sconces. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury.
You didn’t close the door. You glanced around dumbly and stood in one spot as you feared you might break something. You wrung your hands as you heard the steady footsteps and you spun as Peter entered. He looked even more agitated as he cracked his knuckles.
“Sorry about that, Princess,” he said, “Now where were we?” His eyes roved the room as he thought, “Ah, yes, an apology.”
“Apology. I…”
“Should I close the door?” He raised a brow, “You’d be surprised how sound carries in here.”
You frowned and he laughed as he swung the door shut. He neared you and bit the tip of his tongue as he considered you. His brown eyes bore into you and you took a step back. He stayed near and caught your wrist. His other hand fumbled with his belt and he let out a slow breath through his nose.
“Princess, I’d love to treat you how you deserve but you gotta be good to me too.” He pulled on your arm and twisted as you tried to resist. You hissed and he pushed your hand against his crotch. “I don’t forgive easy but I’m sure you can change that.”
“Don’t... don’t make me do this,” you uttered.
“Oh, but princess, you did this,” he pressed your hand around his bulge. “You take care of me and I’ll do the same.”
You parted your lips to argue and he grabbed the back of your head. He kissed you roughly and guided your hand to the top of his boxers. He slid your fingers under the elastic and urged you on, wrapping your fingers around his dick with a groan.
He squeezed until you gripped him firmly. He led your hand up and down as he held you to him, his hot breath filling you as it picked up. He forced his tongue into your mouth and you clawed at his jacket as he kept your other hand around him. He parted from your mouth at last and pressed his cheek to yours.
“Keep going, princess,” he purred as he slowly withdrew his hand from around yours. “You don’t wanna use your hand, I might think of something else.”
You quivered and slid your hand up and down his length. He nuzzled your neck and nibbled as he moaned against your skin. You could only move your hand as you stood against him stunned and rigid. He gripped your waist as you felt him tense and he murmured hungrily.
“Oh, princess,” he breathed and pushed his pelvis against your hands as he came. 
You felt the slick heat seep down your hand and slowed until he was breathless. He stilled your hand with his and carefully eased your hand from his pants. He stood straight and eyed your glistening fingers.
“Shit,” he swore as he caressed your cheek, “You made a mess of this suit.” He dropped his hand to the front of his pants as he smiled. He inhaled and pushed his shoulders back. “I forgive you, Princess.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
It's Who We Are Underneath That Defines Us
Kyle Rayner x Batsis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.9K Warnings: Explicit Language, Slight Angst
Author's Note: Really gotta make the story where the Batfamily learns she and GL are dating. Enjoy! -Thorne
“Hey babe?”
She hummed absentmindedly, her eyes still trained to the stars above. “Yeah, Kyle?” Fingers twitched against her palm, then laced with her own; a heartbeat pounded against her skin, like a pulsing speaker, causing her to look over at him. “Is everything alright?”
Evergreen eyes met hers and he murmured, “Do you ever think about what life would be like if you weren’t a superhero?”
She blinked, the question giving her a slight pause. Leaning closer, she propped her chin in his shoulder and teased, “Thinking about how you could’ve had an apple pie and picket fence life, Kyle?”
A grin crossed his lips and he glanced over at her. “To be honest with you, (Y/N), I’m more of a cherry pie kinda man.” His gaze dropped, and his eyes roamed her body. “Blame Warrant on that one.” She rolled her eyes, but the laugh she gave him showed her amusement. Kyle paused, his gaze searching her face. “But back to my original question...what do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t a vigilante?”
(Y/N) inhaled deeply, rolling away from his shoulder and laid on her back, her eyes scanning the immense field of stars above them. “I don’t know, honestly. I’ve never really given it much thought.” Raising her hand, she traced the scars across her expanse of her arm with her eyes. “I’ve been training to be a vigilante since I was ten years old...helping people is all I’ve ever really wanted to do with life.”
She looked back over at him. “But since you asked, if I wasn’t a vigilante, I’d probably be a stuck-up rich bitch who overcharges her dad’s credit cards and throws hissy fits when she gets told no.” Kyle snorted, and she giggled.
After a moment of silence, he looked to her and asked, “Would you ever change anything you’ve done?”
The question he’d given her had been one she’s asked herself so many times. What if’s rising to the tongue of a girl too afraid to choose a path other than that of the least resistance, but ultimately keeping them contained and taking the hardest ones anyway. (Y/N) bit her lip slightly, the memories of every mistake, every wrong choice, flashing behind her eyes like lightning in a storm. The fingers laced though hers squeezed gently, dragging her from them, and she glanced back over, her eyes tracing the wisps of hair at his temples that had fallen from the gel he’d put in it earlier.
She blinked, then gave him a smile, her voice soft as she replied, “No...I don’t think I would change a single thing.”
Kyle’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he questioned, “Why not? Hasn’t there been a time where you’ve screwed up monumentally and couldn’t change it?”
(Y/N) watched him carefully, the words toying with the tip of her tongue as she asked calmly, “Are you talking about what happened to Alex?”
His face momentarily darkened, a mixture of anger, hate, and self-loathing, then it fell, and she saw the pain and regret in his eyes and heard it in his voice as he muttered, “I’m talking about everything that I’ve done wrong.” He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees, the heel of his tennis shoes scraping against the brick of the roof. He let out a heavy sigh, causing her heart to tighten, and she rose beside him, curling her arm through his.
They stared at the city across the water, then she murmured, “When I was sixteen, I accidentally shoved someone over a support beam during a fight.” He eyed her, silently wondering what had happened and just what the hell this had to do with his issues. “Didn't mean to, of course. But he grabbed me from behind, and I did what I'd been trained to do—react. I freed myself and made the distance between us. But I misjudged the force of my kick and he tumbled over and down about a hundred feet onto concrete.”
She paused, thumb rubbing the back of his hand. “When my family and friends saw what I’d done, even if it were an accident, a lot of them decided to keep me at an arm's length. ‘She might kill again’, they said, ‘If she’s killed once, she’ll do it again...there’s no way we can trust her anymore.’ Eventually, I stopped patrolling with the Titans and Teen Titans. Hell, I even stopped helping the Justice League. I did my own thing by myself because no one trusted me anymore. ‘Til this day, there are some people within the superhero community who shun me and don’t trust me. And at every meeting, somehow, someway, it's always brought up.”
(Y/N) looked over at him, squeezing his hand again. “Wherever I go, whatever I do, that follows me. It’s never going to be let go, and it’s certainly never going to be forgotten. However, despite those problems and feelings, and what occurred in the past, that accident doesn't define meor my actions. Yes, I unintentionally took someone’s life, but I’m not a murderer. I carry that burden with me, and I always will and while I can't change what happened, it drives me to make sure that I don't make the same mistake again.”
She let go of his hand, slipping her legs on either side of his body, her hands coming up to cup his cheeks; she caressed his cheekbones with her thumbs, staring into his eyes, and mustered the sincerest voice she could. “Kyle, what you’ve gone through, the people you’ve lost, the people you’ve saved, and the friends you’ve gathered along the way? That’s not who you are...it’s what you do with it that defines who you are.” His eyes widened slightly, and his lips parted to speak, but no words fell from them.
(Y/N) gave him a warm smile and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his forehead; she pulled back and murmured, “It may not mean much, but I'm proud of you, Kyle. You make me proud every single day.” She watched him exhale shakily, and she swore she could see the damn inside him breaking as he lowered his head, his arms reaching to pull her against him.
She shifted, perching in his lap, and let him bury his face in her neck. Kyle let out a breath, but it felt more like a soft sob, and heat blossomed against her skin where his lips touched.
He let out a sound, crossing between a groan and grunt as he told her, “I love you, (Y/N).”
She hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck, her lips brushing his temple. “I love you too, Kyle.”
They stayed that way for a few minutes, simply holding the other. Providing the anchors needed to keep their spirits alive. Eventually, (Y/N) pulled back and dragged his face away from her neck, huffing a laugh when he whined lowly from the loss of contact.
She reached up and wiped his face. “You look like a kid who was told no to ice-cream before dinner.”
Kyle let out a chuckle, moving her hands away and rubbing at his face vigorously. She climbed out of his lap and sat beside him once more, and he looked over at her wondering, “How do you manage to stay so positive outside the mask? To be the same person in costume and out?”
(Y/N) went silent, thinking for a moment, then she said, “A few years ago, I asked my dad the same thing, and he told me, ‘It doesn't matter who we are underneath the costume or out in the real world...it’s what we do in or out that defines us. If the person you claim to be isn’t the same person inside and outside of uniform, you don’t need to be wearing it.’” She glanced back over at him, nudging him in the ribs. “Don't worry about it though, you’re still a dork inside and out of G.L.”
Kyle let out an amused scoff, placing a hand against his chest. “I can't believe you would insult your boyfriend like that. A dork? I’m hurt.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, looking back at the city. “Kyle, you doodle in the middle of J.L. meetings, and it’s usually caricatures of my dad strangling Hal, the Joker, Jason, or Dick…typically it depends on what’s going on during the meetings and who’s been a pain in his ass for it.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but shut it, then raised a pointer finger at her. “Alright, you have me there.”
(Y/N) looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. “Of course I have you there, Dork Lantern...” She gave him a grin, wiggling her eyebrows and quipped, “I sit and doodle with you.” The two of them laughed, and she rested her head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh. “I could stay with you here forever.”
Kyle nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Me too.”
A moment of silence passed them, and as they were enjoying it, a voice called out, “Oi! Kyle! Queenie! Are you guys up there!”
She let out a groan, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “So help me God, I can’t enjoy anything without dumb and dumber sticking their noses into it.”
Kyle looked over at her, his eyebrows furrowing as he pointed out, “But there’s only one?”
(Y/N) raised a hand in a ‘wait’ motion, then she waved it and, “Of course they’re up there Little-wing. The roof is where all the teens go to make out.”
Her eye twitched, and she leaned over the ledge, shouting, “The only person who’s made out on the roof is you, Dick. And it was with Kori after you guys broke up...AGAIN.”
A scoff sounded below followed by, “Hit me where it hurts why don't you!” She rolled her eyes, huffing, then he asked, “Is Kyle up there with you?”
“And what’s it to you?”
“Just wanted to make sure you guys are acting appropriate.”
“Dick...I am older than you. Kyle and I are both older than you.”
(Y/N) turned to Kyle and mouthed, ‘Wanna get out of here?’ He flashed her a grin, then a strike of green blinded her, and he stood before her in his Green Lantern suit. He held out his hand. A beam of green light surrounded them, and a moment later, (Y/N) felt herself drop into a seat. She looked around, a grin appearing on her lips as she ran her hand along the dash of the constructed car.
“Kyle, are you trying to woo me with my love of nice cars?”
He matched her grin, laying his unoccupied arm across the seats. “I don't know...is it working?”
She nodded, sliding over into his side. “Yes. It is.” He chuckled, and they started moving, leaving her two brothers yelling for them.
“Kyle! Are you letting (Y/N) ride in the Green Machine?! You never let me do that!”
“(Y/N)’s my girlfriend, Jason!”
She leaned across Kyle, glaring at Dick and Jason. “Go do something productive with your time, losers.”
“I am hurt, Jellybean! I thought you loved me!”
“Only when I can get something out of it!” (Y/N) glanced at Kyle and grinned. “Hit the gas G.L. Don't let ‘em catch the taillights.” He smirked, and they waved as they left Wayne Manor behind them.
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
A Wealth of Love
Pairing: Hal Carter x Reader Word Count: 5618 Warnings: fluff, light angst
Summary: The only thing Hal Carter is wealthy in is love but will his forbidden romance last when his past comes back to haunt him?
A/N: This is my submission for @baezen​​​​​​​​​ The other guys writing challenge. My prompt was “Those things you said yesterday…Did you mean them?” Thank you to my love @all1e23​​​​​​​​​ for beta reading 🍕❤️ pic source (x)
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Bright sunlight streams in through the windows made brighter by the all white finishings of the large kitchen. This particular afternoon is a hot one, more humid than the last few days and Y/N knows that not everyone can enjoy the comforts of her family’s perfectly air conditioned home. 
A quick search through the cabinets and she finds two large mason jars. Pulling open the fridge she takes out the pitcher of lemonade and in the oversized pantry she pulls out the container of muffins she made earlier that morning. She hums a tune mindlessly as she fills one jar with lemonade, nearly startled by a voice behind her.
“Is this really necessary Y/N?” her stepmother asked, with frustration laced in her tone.
Y/N is quiet as she sets the pitcher down, screwing on the lid and making sure it was tight. With a quiet roll of her eyes she resumed what she was doing. 
“At least you aren’t using the good glassware.” Y/N ignored her snippy comment, having learned not to engage her in conversations like this. 
She sets her items in a basket, filling the other mason jar with ice as the final step before she leaves through the backdoor, finally letting out her own frustrated huff when she was no longer in earshot of her stepmother.
Y/N walked down the freshly manicured grass of the expansive acreage to get to the large white barn where Hal Carter was hard at work. He was the stable hand and has been working for Y/N’s family for almost two years. 
Hal was six feet tall, with strong arms made stronger every day by the work he does. The outline of his muscles could be seen through the plaid button downs he would wear and sometimes take off on the days when he was already overheating in thick jeans and boots. A gentle smile accompanied beautiful blue eyes and soft brown hair that would start to curl when sweat soaked his strands. 
Y/N liked seeing Hal, not just because of how incredible he looks as sweat shines over his body- the image of him lifting his shirt to wipe at his brow, exposing a perfectly carved stomach will forever be seared in her mind- but because he’s kind to her and he doesn’t expect anything from her unlike the rest of the world.
Her father doesn’t understand Y/N’s silly little dream of being a teacher. She had just completed her first year of having her own class and honestly he had hoped the whole ordeal had turned her off. He doesn’t see the point of working anywhere that pays so little and she’s tired of having arguments with him about forgetting his own roots, busting his ass with two jobs and still barely making ends meet until he found success with a patent which launched his business. He would scoff at his past, ashamed of the fact that he wasn’t born into wealth like his wife. 
Unlike her father who felt she should be at a job earning a lot, Y/N’s stepmother didn’t understand why she wanted to work at all. If it were up to her she would have her married off to William Archer III. He was an investment banker who also came from money like Y/N, having attended the same private school but that’s where their similarities ended. 
Y/N was disgusted by his attitude and how little William cared for anyone other than himself. He was a spoiled rich kid that hasn’t worked a real day in his life and never would. His company was his father’s as it was his father’s before him, and the only thing William was actually good at was profiting off the backs of those who work ten times as hard at a fraction of what he makes. 
William constantly pursued Y/N because she turned him down. He liked the challenge, thinking of her as nothing more than game to be hunted, another one of his hobbies that Y/N despises, but instead of mounting her head on the wall he’ll mount her on display around his arm as a picture perfect trophy wife. 
Hal was surprised by Y/N’s refreshing demeanor from the start. He knows his role as staff but unlike the rest of her family Y/N has never made him feel less than. She was a kindhearted soul and quite frankly sometimes he doesn't believe she’s actually related to them. 
The first time Hal met Y/N he was cleaning out one of the stalls in the stables. He took a moment to pause and wipe the sweat from his brow, nearly jumping out of his skin when he saw her standing there. She was beautiful, there was no doubt in his mind about that, and even more beautiful as she stood there flashing a radiant smile as she apologized for scaring him. She was coming in to check on one the horses, Percy, to see firsthand if his stomach issues had gotten better.
The smell alone in the stables was enough to keep her family away but Y/N didn’t mind at all, grabbing a manure fork of her own before Hal had the chance to protest so she could inspect the droppings herself. 
“He’s doing much better now Miss Y/L/N,” Hal said. She took note of the slightest hint of a Midwest accent in his voice though it was mostly undetectable. 
“I’m so happy to hear that,” she beamed, setting the fork aside and stepping forward to see the horses enjoying their day on the open lawn. She spotted Percy grazing on the grass and her heart lifted, glad to see that he was doing better. “Oh, and it’s just Y/N,” she said, looking over her shoulder back at Hal.
The formality her parents required from those they employ is not for her. Y/N knew they were privileged to have a group of people working for them, in the house and on the grounds; but Y/N always felt her parents would forget that these people were actual humans with lives that didn’t and shouldn’t revolve around their family and not robotic slaves meant to carry out all their wishes without complaint.
Hal gave a respectable nod to her, curbing his smile to a professional one as he excused himself back to work. 
Their interactions increased over time, especially with Y/N spending a lot of time with her favorite horse Penelope. She liked to brush her down and bring her apples she picked from the trees on property, and whenever they went riding Hal couldn’t take his eyes off her.
When Y/N was saddled up on Penelope’s back it seemed like it was the only time she truly felt in control of her life. It was true. Riding allowed her the time to clear her mind and with the wind in her hair she let go of everything outside of that moment.
But there was one thing that she couldn’t shake from her thoughts, Hal Carter. 
It didn’t take long before for their friendship to develop and quite soon after a forbidden romance. It was something they worked hard at, deleting texts right after sending them, hiding their pictures together. Y/N’s stepmother had a tendency to snoop so she did everything she could to protect their relationship. 
Hal tasted the lemonade from her lips, his calloused hands wrapped around Y/N’s waist, backing her up towards the wall to steal more of the sweetness he couldn’t get enough of and he didn’t mean the drink. 
Her lips were soft against his, a heavenly touch that set every part of him aflame. The idea of sneaking around made both their hearts race, every noise keeping them on edge with “what ifs” racing through their minds. If they were caught Hal would surely be fired and though they wouldn’t have to hide their relationship any more that’s not something Y/N wanted.
Hal rarely spoke to her about money; she understood and didn’t push the issue. She knew his financial situation wasn’t the best and that despite her parent’s attitude towards the staff they actually paid them surprisingly well. It wasn’t something he ever flaunted but it wasn’t something neither of them could deny. 
Still, he couldn’t help but feel like all of this could slip away from him, that one day Y/N will wake up and realize what a big mistake she made. She could date anybody, someone her parents’ won’t turn their nose up to, someone who could afford to take her out. Not even to a fancy place because Hal knows she doesn’t care about that but he’s ashamed he can’t even take her anywhere. 
“Darlin’, you deserve everything.” The corner of his lips sunk into a frown as he sighed, “And I can’t give you that.”
“Hal, I have everything and I don’t want it, I only want you.” 
He was shocked by her admission, still finding it hard to believe. “I’m nothing Y/N. I have nothing. I’m lucky I even have this job.”
She brushed the hair away from his eyes, letting her hand move down cup the soft skin of his cheek, warm against her palm. “What do you want Hal? You don’t have to work for my family forever. Whatever’s holding you back I’ll help.”
He smiled, taking her hand off his cheek to kiss the delicate knuckles of her skin. She knows what he’s doing, changing the subject when he doesn’t want to answer. Again, she doesn’t push him.
“Follow me,” he said, letting go of her hands. 
They walk along the fence of the pasture, down the slope of a small hill before they stop at a bright red maple tree. Hal adjusts Y/N to stand in the right spot, his solid frame behind her, leaning in as he points his finger up between the branches.
“Can you see?” he asked, and she tried to follow the line of sight for his finger. 
She isn’t sure what she’s looking for until she sees it, the slightest movement of a robin moving its head, spying on them from her nest.
“She’s been sittin’ on those eggs for a week now,” Hal said, smiling because he knows Y/N’s love of animals is not just for horses. They’ll be hatching soon and he can’t wait to bring her to see them. 
If this is what their dates are for now then Hal doesn’t mind it at all. Any time spent with her he’s grateful for but Y/N knows she’s been gone for too long and knowing her stepmother she probably set a timer the moment Y/N walked out of the door. 
Back in the stables she packs up the empty mason jars and reluctantly says goodbye. Hal holds her close as they kiss, the slip of his tongue in her mouth makes her yearn for more. A soft hum bubbles in her throat before she grabs the back of his head, deepening the kiss as their tongues dance together. 
They get carried away and Hal falls back into a pile of hay, protecting Y/N in his arms as she falls on top of him. With a final press to his lips she gets up, extending her hands out to Hal to pull him up. He helps wipe off any hay that may have gotten attached to her, watching her figure get smaller the further she walks away from him as she makes her way back to the main house.
With a heavy sigh Hal gets back to work, knowing for now their secret is kept by the horses, the only ones who seemed to be rooting for them. 
“What took you so long?” Her stepmother scowled, throwing her a sharp accusatory glare. 
Y/N rolled her eyes, opening the basket to take out the mason jars. Over her shoulder she responded, “You know how I like to spend time with Penelope.”
As she washes the glasses Y/N can’t see the disapproving shake of her stepmother’s head, especially as she sees a strand of hay stuck on the fabric of Y/N’s leg. She doesn’t say anything. The clack of her heels echo through the large home as she stomps her way out of the kitchen, not liking this one bit.
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Y/N comes down the grand stairway when dinner is ready, her hand languidly gliding down the banister. It’s not that she didn’t want to eat with her parents, she didn’t mind their company as long as they didn’t pester her about the things that parents do, but she was tired of seeing them. 
Going away for college had been a wonderful escape, to be Y/N Y/L/N, regular college student and not the girl with a rich family. Her father was right, teaching does not pay well but she isn’t doing it for the money. However she did need to save a bit so she could move out and finally be on her own. She had assets in a trust fund but she refused to use them, wanting to prove to her family that she didn’t need their money.
“There she is,” the somewhat familiar voice of a man called out.
Y/N lifted her head, frozen in shock to find William Archer III sitting at her dining table. 
A cheshire cat smile stretched across her stepmother’s face. “Look who came by!” she feigned surprise. Y/N knew her stepmother had called him the moment she left to see Hal. 
There was plenty of space at the table but most of the chairs had been removed, leaving only one open and unsurprisingly it was next to William. Y/N plastered a smile to her face and held the back of the chair, moving it as far away from him as she could before she was scolded by her stepmother. It was embarrassing, especially when her father chimed in to remind her that they don’t treat guests this way. If only they knew what he was really like. Reluctantly, she returned the chair to its spot next to him though she kept a greater distance than where it was originally. 
Y/N wondered if she was the only one who noticed the way William would speak wildly with his hands, these big gestures that involved movement of his whole body giving him an excuse to adjust his chair again and somehow he had ended up right beside her. She ignored him as best as she could, moving her leg away each time his hand “just happened” to brush against her thigh. 
She tries her best to be pleasant despite the very unpleasant circumstances, making small talk when William didn’t talk over her. 
“Hal says the robin chicks will be born soon. I can’t wait to see them,” Y/N beamed, her smile fading as she caught the tail end of her stepmother’s eye roll. 
“Oh, I didn’t know Hal was an avian expert now. Honey perhaps we should give him a raise, a man with such an extensive animal background,” her stepmother said sarcastically.
“That’s because he is one!” William chimed in, bursting out with a round of belly aching laughter, a duet with her stepmother’s own cackling.
Y/N expected that from her but she was even more disappointed to see her father snickering. 
“That’s enough!” She slammed her hand against the table, the flame of the candlesticks wobbling back to a steady flicker. “I’m sick and tired of all you thinking you’re better than Hal or anyone else just because you have money. It’s disgusting.”
Her father clenched his jaw, “I know you like to forget this Y/N but you have money too. Stop acting like it’s something you’re so ashamed of. I worked hard to give us what we have.”
“Did you?” she asked accusingly. “Because it’s been so long since you had to bust your ass like Hal I think you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a decent person!”
Her stepmother balked in disgust. “Young lady you do not speak to your father this way.”
Y/N ignored her as she got up from the table, stomping her way out of the house. The evening air was cool and she felt immediate relief on her skin that burned hot after her emotionally fueled eruption. Her stepmother has always been a snob but she hates the fact that her father has lost touch with reality. 
She pinched the bridge of her nose upon hearing William’s voice, the last person she wanted to ever see. Hal was in the distance, working late and she was hoping to say goodbye to him before he left. Now that William’s here she can’t. 
Turning around she huffed, not hiding her contempt. William’s hands were up in a small attempt to convey that he wasn’t looking for trouble. 
“Are you okay?” His tone seemed sincere but Y/N kept her guard up. “I know you don’t like me but I do care about you Y/N. I always have.” 
She knows better than to trust him but something inside her breaks and she lets out a shuddering sob. Y/N didn’t want to feel the way she does about her parents but she can’t help it. She wished her parents were better people, she wished she could openly speak to them about how she feels, and not having to hide her relationship with Hal. She wishes things were different.
William hesitantly offers a hug and in desperation Y/N takes it, crying against him. “It’ll be okay,” he comforts, rubbing her back.
With her back turned she doesn’t see the smirk on William’s face as he spots Hal in the distance. He lets Y/N pull away, feeling comfortable enough to have gained his trust for a moment before he acts. Like a leech he grabs her face, forcing her lips to his, his tongue probing forcefully into her mouth.
Y/N is pushing him off with her hands as best as she could, scrunching her face and whipping her head around to get away from him. Her efforts don’t take her very far as his lips get closer again so instead she kicks him in between his legs. 
William doubles over in pain. “You little bitch!” he sneered, grabbing her by the hair as she tried to run away. 
His clenched hand raised to her but immediately felt his arm wrench back. He was turned around forcibly by Hal, whose own fist socked William right in the jaw. The hard punch took the coward down and while he was busy screaming expletives Hal went to Y/N.
“Darlin’, did he hurt you?” The softness of Hal’s voice brought tears to her eyes that fell down her cheeks as she shook her head. She found true comfort in Hal’s arms, apologizing for what had happened. “Shhh, you have nothin’ to apologize for,” he reassured her. 
“You’ll pay for putting your hands on me y-you… dirty lowlife scum!” William threatened, walking away from them. 
Hal’s jaw clenched with anger but Y/N’s gentle palm caressing his cheek made him release his tension. 
“I’m sorry Hal,” she said, and once again he stopped her but this time with a soft kiss to her lips. Y/N had nothing to be sorry for but on nights like this Hal felt sorry for her, thinking she wouldn’t have to go through this if she gave her heart to a better man than him.
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There’s a knocking at her door and before she can get up her stepmother has already let herself into Y/N’s room. “We need to talk about what happened...” she said, settling down on Y/N’s bed beside her. Y/N braced herself for a lecture before her stepmother finished. “...after you left.”
Relief washed over her believing the serious look on her stepmother’s face was not meant to scold her but about what happened with William.
“I hope you saw what I’ve been telling you, William is–”
“William? Y/N no, this is about Hal.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed with confusion. “Hal?”
“He assaulted William. Your father and I need to reconsider his employment.”
She stared at her stepmother in disbelief. Was she actually naive enough to believe what William told her? Y/N answered her own question as her stepmother continued to talk about “poor William” and how he had to drive home holding a bag of ice to his face.
“William is a liar. He forced himself on me! Hal was only trying to protect me. How do you not see this?”
Her stepmother took Y/N’s hand in her own, awkward and unsure if this felt right or not. She was unable to have children of her own and perhaps that’s why she treated Y/N so poorly from the start, resenting her and never truly accepting her as her daughter. Y/N was passed off to au pairs and maids to be cared for as her stepmother went shopping or to the spa. Y/N has always felt disconnected to her stepmother and even more so now.
“Sweetheart, I know men like Hal. They’re fine to look at but they can’t provide for you, not the way William can.”
“You don’t know the first thing abou–” Y/N’s cheek stung at the unexpected slap she received. 
“Don’t tell me what I know because I know exactly what you’ve been up to with Hal. Stay away from him. Hal is not the one for you.”
Y/N rose from her bed, stomping as she paced in front of her stepmother, waving her finger in her face as she told her off. 
“I’m leaving. I’m going to get Hal and we’re leaving and there’s nothing you can do about that!”
“He isn’t here.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed at her stepmother, her nostrils flaring, teeth clenching together as she hissed, “What did you do?”
“Nothing! He asked for the day off, though his days are numbered. As soon as we find someone to take his position…” her stepmother said without hiding the joy in her voice. She sauntered out of Y/N’s room feeling proud, not giving a single care she broke down crying. 
Her vision was clouded by tears as she texted Hal, wondering why he didn’t tell her he wouldn’t be there today. It took a few hours for him to respond, every waiting minute adding to her anxiety but when he finally did she was able to take a deep breath. Hal reassured her that he was fine and wondered if she could meet him later. 
Y/N told her family she was going shopping as she headed out, instead she drove to Hal’s. They were only twenty minutes apart and yet they lived in such different worlds. The homes in Hal’s area were older, small ranch style houses on lots smaller than her home’s driveway. She had so much more than this community and yet they had everything she wanted. 
She sees a dog being walked by a couple, hand in hand as they stroll down the sidewalk not worried about hiding their love. Y/N comes to a stop in the street to let the children playing move to the side. She gives a friendly smile as she slowly rolls past them, seeing their happy faces in the rear view mirror. She wonders if anyone can see how she aches behind her smile, desperate to be as happy as them one day. She parks behind his truck on the street and texts that she’s there.
When Hal came to New York he was sleeping in his truck, desperate for a place to stay. His friend Peter offered him a room which Hal helped close off and renovate into an unofficial one bedroom apartment in the back of the house. Peter needed the cash to pay his mortgage so it worked out for both of them. 
Y/N had been over a dozen times but Hal was embarrassed every time she did. His place was small but he kept it as nice as he could. He didn’t have much furniture, a bed, a pretty beat up looking couch, a small table that barely fit in his small kitchen. She told him over and over how she didn’t care about material things and deep down Hal knows that but he can’t help those feelings anyway.
She runs into his arms, enveloped by his warmth as he squeezes her tight. “I missed you darlin’,” he cooed as he tips her chin with his fingers, pressing his lips to hers.
“What happened today?” Y/N can’t help the worry woven through her words.
He takes her by the hand and they sit on his bed; he never liked Y/N sitting on that dirty couch of his. 
“I had something to take care of today… for our future.” She looks at him with hopeful eyes. “I had some trouble in my past, surprised it didn’t catch up to me yet to be honest. Once this is over I can work anywhere, we can live that life we want darlin’.”
Tears roll down her cheek, their path altered by the curve of her smile. Hal’s thumb brushes them away gently, bringing his lips to her forehead and after the softness of her lips. Clothes are slowly discarded and Hal takes his time making love to her, joining her passionate cries with moans of his own as they peak together to the heights of bliss.
He cradles her in his arms, his fingertips grazing soft circles over her back as they lay together for as long as they could, knowing Y/N would have to leave soon. The time comes sooner than they wanted and with reluctance they get dressed. 
A knock at the door startled them both, the sound of a voice even more shocking.
“Y/N! I know you’re in there!” her stepmother taunted, banging roughly against the glass pane of the screen door.
Her jaw dropped open in shock as she could only think about what a psycho her stepmother was. “Did she follow me?” Y/N whispered to Hal, panic washing over her. 
There was no point in hiding anymore, not if her parents really were firing Hal, and if that was a bluff they most certainly would now. 
Hand in hand they proudly step out from his door onto the small pathway on the side of the house. It’s there when Y/N’s jaw drops in shock to see William standing beside her stepmother, the two of them standing shoulder to shoulder with two police officers.
“That’s him,” William points at Hal, a smug look plastered on his face. 
A man as tall as Hal took a step towards him, roughly separating his hand from Y/N’s as he began to cuff his hands behind his back, reading him his rights as he walked Hal towards the police car parked crookedly in the driveway. 
“What are you doing?” Y/N pleaded for an answer. 
William answered her question, informing Y/N that Hal had a warrant out for his arrest for auto theft in Kansas. She realized that’s what Hal must have been talking about. 
“I have friends everywhere Y/N and I will make this harder for him unless…” William tried to lace his fingers with hers but Y/N quickly snapped her arm away. 
She watched helplessly as Hal was stuffed into the back of the car, wiping away the tears that began to fall. Her stepmother sauntered up beside her, making some comment about how appalled she was that she had a fugitive working for her, that’s when Y/N snapped.
“Enough! I don’t give a shit what you say. Fugitive or not Hal’s a better person than you’ll ever be. I love him, I love him with every piece of my heart and I’m going to do everything in my power to stop this.” 
The car drove away with Hal craning his neck around, not knowing if he would ever be able to see Y/N again.
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“Hal! Are you okay?” Y/N said, hugging him with all her might. 
The breeze on his skin felt nice but it was nothing compared to having her in his arms again. “Much better now darlin’,” he replied, squeezing his arms around her. 
Hal spent the night in jail, calling Y/N to ask for her help. He explained everything, that back in Kansas he had borrowed his friend Alan’s car to take a girl named Madge out on a date. Alan’s jealousy got the best of him and he reported the car as stolen. They haven’t spoken since.
Once Y/N got Hal’s call she contacted her attorney, sought out every Alan Seymour she could find before she narrowed it down to the one he went to college with. She spent all morning working with the attorney to have him stop the extradition proceedings and arrange for bail instead. She couldn’t think of a better thing to use the money from her trust fund on.
“I’m so sorry about all of this darlin’, I never meant for it to come out like this. Alan coulda taken it back then but he was still mad ‘nd probably worried about lyin’ to the police.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Hal,” she assured him, cupping his cheeks with her hand. He pressed against her palm, his lips pulling into a small smile as he looked at her. “I can’t believe my stepmother had you arrested. I hate her. I hate my father. I hate what they’ve become. Let’s go away together.”
As the words fell from her lips every part of Hal’s body stiffened with worry. He was about to ask a question before Y/N interrupted him. 
“I’m done with them Hal. I don’t care how hard I have to work to put this behind us. We’ll get through this together because that’s how I want to spend the rest of our lives.”
It was hard to hide the way Hal’s lips were pressed into a thin smile. He didn’t tell Y/N the full story, that Madge came with him when he left Kansas, to get away from her family too. By the time they got into Missouri she turned around, realizing she couldn’t leave them. 
This was different though. Hal didn’t care if Madge came or not, he didn’t feel the same way about her as he does with Y/N, which is why this is so hard for him.
“Those things you said yesterday…Did you mean them?” Hal asked, holding her hands in his. Y/N nodded and Hal let out a sigh. “I love you too Y/N but I can’t ask you to choose between me and your family.”
Her heart skipped a beat but not in the way Hal had made it done in the past. This pain was sharp in her chest and she would have fallen down if Hal hadn’t been holding her. Those were the last words she expected. 
“But you’re not asking Hal, this is my choice.”
“I know darlin’ but trust me on this, if we ran away we’d be happy but in the back of your mind I know how you’d feel, wonderin’ if your parents were okay because I know deep down you love ‘em and it would break my heart to see you tryin’ to cover that up. I can’t put that on you.”
“Hal, please…” she cried. “Don’t say this.”
This is the last thing Hal wants, Y/N is everything he’s ever wanted in life but things were always too good to be true for him. He was doing this for her even though it hurts, because Y/N deserves the best. 
“I love you Y/N, more than anything in this world. I know I can’t ever repay you for gettin’ me out, and I know your parents think I’ll never be good enough for ya but–”
“You’re wrong son.” 
A familiar voice has their heads turning around to find Y/N’s father standing there. 
“Dad? What are you doing here?” Y/N was confused, unaware of the way she took a protective step in front of Hal.
“I came to bail out Mr. Carter but it seems you’ve already done that. I wanted to tell him that Mr. Seymour has been contacted and he will be revoking his initial claim.”
“Sir, I appreciate that but I can’t ask anything of you,” Hal began.
“You didn’t have to. I owe you an apology for my wife’s behavior. She was wrong and after I heard the truth about what happened with William I owe you a thanks as well for protecting my daughter.” 
The corner of Hal’s mouth turned upwards as he replied, “You don’t have to thank me for that sir, I would take a bullet for Y/N if it meant she’d be safe.” 
“I can see that. You’re a good man Mr. Carter, a hard working man that reminds me of the person I was a long time ago.” Her father shares a look with Y/N, nodding his head ever so slightly. “And I see the way you love my daughter, that makes you good enough in my eyes.” 
Her father extends his hand towards Hal who is hesitant at first to shake it, waiting for the other shoe to drop but the sincerity in the eyes of the man before him sets his mind at ease. The two men shake and soon enough Y/N is back in Hal’s arms.
The weight is lifted from their shoulders knowing they have her father’s support, not only in Hal’s defense but in their relationship. Hiding is in the past and Hal couldn’t be happier. The truth is no matter what he told Y/N before Hal knew he wouldn’t have been strong enough to let her go.
As Hal held Y/N in his arms he vowed to never again feel ashamed about material things he didn’t have because Hal was rich where it counted, in his heart.
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
So I know you wrote a star sapphire Dick au, but I raise you a star sapphire Jason au—he always seems to love everyone around him a lot more than they seem to love him and he just wants to be loved so badly poor baby
Hello Anon! I loveeee this idea! You didnt specify a pairing so I've made it gen. Let me know if you have a pairing in mind. I've left it open for ideas.
All are welcome to slide into my DMs with ideas for star sapphire!Jason.
Lanterns Lead Home
The first moment of consciousness Jason Todd has after being beaten to- not death apparently- is warmth. 
The fuzzy feeling of being held by what must be twenty different pairs of hands pulls him back as he wakes. Every broken sob and desperate scream that wants to rattle free of his chest melts away into nothing. The air itself seems to vibrate with something sweet that he can’t put a name too. Every draw of breath fills him with kindness until he can recall the feeling-
Tender touches chase away the bruises and scars until he can’t remember if they were ever there. Soft and caring caresses cup his cheeks and soft lips kiss away his tears. It’s too much and something that he’s been without for so long. For a moment he thinks of Catherine. Who she had been before the drugs. The thought of her breaks something in his chest. He cries and what seems like dozens of voices echo out validations. They sing back welcoming calls to release and let go.
So Jason does but he’s still floating. Still in the warm embrace of what he realizes must be his sisters. They must be because they call him that over and over and over again. A cup of something sugary comes to his lips and he gulps it down greedily. It coats his insides sweeping through him like a scolding saccharine syrup.
Consciousness starts to slip again but insistent slaps to the face jolt him awake. 
‘ Not yet. ‘
He knows what the words are but his ears don’t actually hear them. The woman over him has blue skin and gorgeous eyes that see into everything he is. He wants to turn away from it but she holds him steady. There is another cup. She makes him drink and this time Jason feels like he’s suffocating. 
He swallows more cups until he feels like he's at his limit. Then the hands are moving him and the rocking motion makes him feel sick. He passes from one hand to another until someone is bringing him to his knees in front of a huge glittering basin. 
“ Purge Ja’s Purge and be reborn. “
He feels dizzy and sick. Like he’s still rocking. He clenches onto the cool surface ahead of him. He tries to collect himself but memories start surfacing like bile in his throat. He remembers everything in startling detail. It all flashes before him until he flies forward and purges. 
He shakes and shudders through it. The loud cheers after every heave grounds him in support. Many hands hold him to stop him from falling in but no one stops him from emptying everything that he is into the quickling filling basin. 
He trembles and they replace that one for another. He can’t believe there’s more to give but everytime he feels peace a vile memory twists up and sends him face first into the bucket. By the time he’s thoroughly wrung out and empty- gentle hands pull him up. He doesn’t fight as he’s taken by many hands to a cool pool that bubbles against his skin. It fizzes and sizzles but doesn’t burn as his body is submerged. His eye lashes flutter. 
He gets a vague glimpse of blue skin and pinks and then someone tells him to hold his breath. 
He does and goes under. Everything goes black. 
Most Pink Lanterns don’t need to go through the rebirth. At least that is what Ja’s has heard from the others. The ring finds them before anything bad can happen. Usually during high emotions of love or joy something Ja’s has felt little of. Or well maybe that isn’t quite right. 
He does love, he loves everything. He loves hard, fast, passionate and ferociously but sometimes it feels like there isn’t any left for him. Sure he’s had people care for him, but to choose him first? To love him first…. Wilis loved money, then Catherine loved the drugs, then there's Bruce who loved the Crusade and Alfred… well Alfred could never love him more than Bruce. 
It had been that that drove him to Ethiopia in the first place.
He remembers everything in startling clarity now. His birth, his life, his death and of course both rebirths. It’s hard to forget the feeling of splitters digging into your fingertips and the taste of mud as you dig yourself out of your own grave. Who knows how long he had been wandering Gotham in a fuzzy haze? No one found him, no one had been looking for him. At least that's what he thought until he saw a pink glow.
The star sapphire. His star sapphire to be precise. 
Lost in the memory he gently touches the gem. It’s a wonderment, meeting the sisters of the lanterns corps and of course… getting permission to be- well who he's always known himself to be, Ja’s as they call him.
It had been freeing to be allowed to be nurturing. To be allowed to be tender and to care. Despite the changes that he’s gone through he feels more like himself than ever before. Like his body suddenly fits and he is grateful for the Zamarons for allowing him the ceremony. They honor his pronouns, as they all honor and celebrate femininity as its essence and not as sex or gender. Ja's has learned nothing if not the suffering of smothering his divine feminine in his last life. 
Now he is free.
( He tells himself that's why he hasn’t gone home to Gotham. Not because the existence of the third Robin Bruce has replaced him with. )
He does a good job at ignoring his old life and memories for the most part too. The few indulges he allows are watching digital transmissions of different versions of pride and prejudice with his sisters. Even in space nothing seems to beat human literature, something that Ja's gets to share with the others. He learns how to love deeper. Not only himself but more importantly everyone and everything. Mostly in the emotional sense… while the others- well Ja's isn’t quite ready for the sexual sense yet. 
Like many of the Pink Lantern Corps he has yet to meet his soul mate. 
The thought flutters low in his stomach. While he could easily show someone their love in his ring, the power didn’t work for star sapphires themselves. They simply had to wait for the pull and circumstance when they would feel the electricity in the air. Other members in the corps said that the feeling is indescribable. Like swallowing lightning or crashing into a planet with nothing to cushion the fall.
Though unfortunately, most of his sisters felt that with every good looking creature they came across. 
Ja's takes a drink, lounging about in the Green Lanterns station. They’re taking a short interlude before heading back home. One that the others are taking full advantage of.  It’s kind of embarrassing how the revealing costume and reputation of his corps makes others stare. He hears the whispers and feels the eyes on him just as clearly. 
It’s stupid because he isn’t even the best looking of them all. In a universe full of aliens most lanterns find humans rather dull. He hears the giggles as the others flirt. That’s all it is sometimes, flirting. While other times- Ja's turns the blind eye to Nadia’s wink as she disappears with a lantern down the corridor. He doesn’t flush long familiar with their games. Still a little part of him feels empty.
If only he could give as freely as they did. 
The chair next to him creeks making him sigh. Great, another lantern trying their luck. Couldn’t they tell he just wants to finish his drink in peace? He turns around to give the person a piece of his mind, anger already hot on his tongue. 
That is until playful green eyes fall on his. Ja's immediately tries to escape but Ryner grabs his wrist.
“ Well if it isn’t my favourite Star Sapphire. “
Ja's knows there’s no way he’s going to be able to pull the other off without causing a scene. He gives one more futile tug while Kyle just raises an unimpressed eyebrow. He groans just as the lantern orders himself his own drink. 
“ What do you want Ryner? “
The green lantern only lets go when he’s sure Ja's won’t run. Which is funny considering the fact that he's always running. Whether it be from bad guys, suitors or most times his sisters. It’s something that comes from growing up on the streets. The only place he’s ever felt safe had been… warm memories of the manor and Bruce's smile tug at his heart.
“ What makes you think I want something Ja’s? “
The very clear inflection of his voice Ja's wants to say. The other human has always made himself a pest whenever their corps comes to visit. It’s probably because they are both humans and around the same age. Not that they’ve really spoken about how they both ended up here. 
He doesn’t answer Ryner and takes a sip of his drink instead. The playful smile on the green lantern holds no matter how long Ja's ignores him. 
“ So I'm going down to Terra thought maybe you’d like to come? Apparently Batman could use some extra hands. “
At the mention of Batman Ja's interest piques. It’s rare to hear about anyone from his former life. Of course he does look through mission logs from time to time. It’s public access in the lantern corps library after all- but otherwise it's uncommon for Bruce to ask for help. The last thingJas's saw was Batman, Nightwing and Robin rescuing Hal from a villain he didn’t recognize. 
Ryner is either ignorant to his inner conflict or ignores it. 
“ It’ll be fun. You know Bats never lets us in his city. Could be nice? We could get a burger afterwards. Maybe catch a movie. “
It sounds like a date. Ja's would think it’s one too if he hadn’t told Ryner exactly how he feels about those things. He’s a nice guy, not bad looking from what he can see… but still he needs- well he wants the spark. 
He meets the boyish smile with a frown but it does nothing to make it go away. He shouldn’t. He’s done pretty well ignoring both earth and the bats. Still the big huge heart in him wants. He wants to see Bruce again and help him. 
A tiny part of him wants to go home and pretend like his dad still loves him even though he’s gone and gotten a new kid. One who’s probably in Ja’s room with all new clothes that are fitting of a good son. A loved son. 
Ryner bumps shoulders with him pulling him out of his head. His ring had begun to flicker a bit from the emotional distress. The other human places a hand over it to block the light and Jason let’s him. It’s a distraction. 
“ C’mon Ja’s Earth isn’t like you remember it. Let me show you a good time? “
That stupid hopeful smile and the shy way Ryner really looks at him hurts. He’s weak to things like this. People actually caring about him. He’s practically starving for it. He swallows down his protest. After all it would probably be nice to see his family again. They probably wouldn’t even recognize him. He could go and help and then maybe take up Ryner on his offer for a burger. 
Something light. Something Casual. 
“ Fine.. That sounds ok- I’ll go. “
Ja's wishes he could ignore the stupid happiness radiating off of the other lantern. 
“ Swear to God Ja’s this is going to be so much fun- You aren’t gonna regret it. There’s this one place that serves burgers like the size of your head and the art on the wall is just so hilarious- “
Ja's rolls his eyes as he finishes the last of his drink. 
“ Shut up Ryner and don’t make me regret this. “
The green lantern mims zipping his mouth shut and Ja's laughs.
Turns out he’s actually right as well. 
Jas's hasn’t been to Earth in years and it really shows. The place looks different. Even Gotham in all its dirt and grime feels foriegn to him. He joins the other lanterns in their job of catching and sending the aliens back to a prison at the corps. It’s fun with the little quips the Green Lanterns seem to toss back and forth between one another. Jason isn’t used to it but it’s a vibrant kind of energy that leaves a smile on his face even while he’s fighting. 
With the group supers the battle is over quickly. Quick enough and Ja's finds himself disappointed. He doesn’t know why but ever since they’ve been back in Gotham he has been positively vibrating. It’s new and exciting and maybe it’s because he caught a few glimpses of familiar capes and blue. 
When they all land on the roof for briefing Ja's feels like he’s about to burst from the excitement. 
This time when Ryner bumps into his shoulder it isn’t quite as annoying and he bumps back. It’s playful and light which seems to be the mood with them all. That is until Batman comes down with his dark dramatics.Jas's goes stone still at the sight of him. A blue and Black shadow follows behind before the bright colors of Robin pop up the edge of the building. 
It’s- strange to him. Like being on the wrong side of a mirror. He takes in what he can see of Bruce’s face from under the mask. The worn lines seem just too deep to be on the man he thought of as his father. Even Dick’s posture feels different and the new Robin… Well Ja's wishes he could say he feels anger but if anything he just feels- strange. There’s also something else. It’s slow and thrumming in his mind like he’s running on outdated software. His entire body itches all over and all he wants is to get closer. He needs to be closer. Close enough to touch, feel and just make sure they're real. That they are who he remembers and not just a figment of his imagination-  
Ryner nudges him and Ja's hisses under his breath. 
“ We gotta go. Didn’t you hear the man? “
Ja's had not heard him. The soothing quality of Bruce’s voice always made it hard to focus. The dark timber of it has always been more relaxing than menacing in his opinion. Just- being so close to them but not with them feels so strange. He knows he has to go over there. It’s been years and he probably doesn’t even fit in space left. There's anxiety at the thought, to go home he'd be willing to cut away any parts of him that he needed to. He swallows. It’s a sad and small mindset, something that he’s supposed to be better than by now. 
“ Heard him say what? “
Someone clears their throat and now there’s all eyes on them. Apparently they weren’t being as quiet as they thought.
“ That your help has been appreciated but you are not welcome in my city. “
Hearing it and knowing it are two different things. While Ja's always knew how Bruce felt about metas and supers, actually being told to leave is equal parts hilarious and frustrating. The itch that has been nagging him turns into an entire rash. He takes two steps forward but Ryners hand stops him from closing the distance. He shrugs off the touch, it doesn’t feel right. 
“ Yea? And who decides who comes into Gotham. Last I checked I have a birth certificate sayin i’m Gothamite and that means I can come to this cesspool whenever I want. “
He spits the words in the accent to prove a point. He’s giving away too much- too much information. He knows how Bruce obsesses over identities. It's not like the corps where everyone knew everything. A few people look around and Jas's suddenly feels even smaller. Ryner pulls him back and he can’t get himself to move. He just stares at Bruce hoping- wishing that the man will know it’s him. That he’ll close the distance and hug him and hold him. That he’ll smell like home like he always did when Jason could fit on his lap. 
Because as many sisters as he has now he only has one living father, brother and grandfather. He only has them and Jason wants so badly to be told that he could have them again. Space has never felt like much of a home. As much as the others made efforts they’re versions of love and his are different. He clung to the idea of meeting a soul mate and being full but now that he’s actually in front of Bruce he just wants to be here. With his dad. 
The shush on the roof is eerie. Ryner pulls harder and this time Ja's stumbles back. 
“ Ja’s lets go. “
The hardness of his voice spurs him into action. Bruce doesn’t move. He doesn’t move an inch and it hurts so badly he thinks he might die. When the lanterns take off he hesitates for just a moment. His eyes find Dick’s hoping for…. He doesn’t know what. When their eyes meet his heart pounds and his blood rushes in his ears. The blankness he gets back makes him flinch.
His eyes flicker to the Robins and the innocent wide eye stare is just- too much. He feels like a spectacle. His eyes flutter around and soon he realizes just how out of place he is. Not like he ever fit to begin with. 
Shame rolls over him. He staggered back a few steps. No one moves and his throat goes dry. He turns and flies after Ryner in mortification.
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I'm back :D
Headcanons on sleepover (Boys and Girls)?
Girls First!
#1: Zee NEEDS to be Host if it's the whole group
Zee hosts as often as she can because she likes sleeping in her own bed and not having Babs' dad knocking on the door every 5 minutes.
It's also hard to coerce convince the girls into magical makeovers if she has to be alert about using her magic.
Also...she is positive that Commissioner Gordon suspects her of murder. (He doesn't, he just has the naturally narrow eyed thoughtful look)
Zee, in other words, prefers to host their sleepovers.
#2: Babs is a Wriggler, Kara is a Thrasher, Jess is a Talker
Diana, Zee and Karen are relatively quiet sleepers. Like sure Diana snores a bit and Karen might drool and Zee might shift in her sleep but they are NOTHING compared to Babs, Kara and Jess.
They are nightmares to sleep with. Babs wriggles in her sleep and babbles too. Especially if she's stressed. She'll be talking utter nonsense. Literally like 'waffles have feelings too' or 'butterfly fart machine'. No one shares a bed with Babs because she is known for stealing the covers and wrapping herself in them. Like a Babs Burrito. And if you try to take some back she will shove you off the bed. Still very much asleep.
Kara, she is a hazard to people everywhere. At least if you don't know how to control sleepy Kara. The girls know the control word 'go back to bed' but that only helps them when Kara tries to fly away. If she's kicking and or punching it's doom. Typically her erratic attacks are sparse and weak, so just like a pro-wrestler but badly aimed, but still...no one sleeps within 5 feet of Kara Danvers.
And lastly Jess. Jess is not much of a physical threat while asleep. She stays in the same position and doesn't even drool or snore or anything. But in the middle of the night you might hear a yelp, or a drawn out very loud groan. That's Jess, she groans a lot in her sleep, regularly. And if she's extremely stressed she'll even mantain conversation. Very poorly. Kara tried once. It went like this.
Jess: The moon, is just a ball of cheese.
Kara: Oh? Can your eat it?
Jess: Like a rock
Kara: What do you mean?
Jess: I'm nice, you're mean.
So yeah...they can share a bed with this chic and they have. That's why most if them sleep with headphones tucked into their ears.
#3 Movie Night
Karen hates horror movies. They creep her out and Kara is obsessed with them.
In fact while Karen and Kara argue about which genre to watch, romance or horror, the rest of the girls watch them fight.
Which is more amusing then it sounds.
#4 Diana can't cook
Diana is a girl of many talents but she can not cook. Not a bit. Not even instant mac and cheese.
Babs has tried to show her how to make a burrito- failed.
Jess a salad- failed.
Karen, some stir fry- failed.
Kara, warning up some pizza- failed.
She just can't cook. Moving on.
#5 Babs is generous with everything BUT her stuffed animals.
These are things she has said:
"Rest your feet somewhere else, Kara"
"Burrito Bat Butch hasn't cuddled with anyone but me, ever. Hands off!"
"Listen, if you wanted a pillow you can just ask- you don't have to treat General George Jennings like that!"
"Give me the bear, Karen. Give me the bear."
#6 They can't do a proper Binge Watch with each other.
Babs drinks a lot of soda and munches on a lot of snacks so she has to constantly use the bathroom. Insisting they can keep watching but of course they pause anyway.
Zee cannot step away from her phone. It's always vibrating with emails and messages and she is too invested in her rep to put it down. She is the type of gal who likes texting while watching a show. This drives the other girls up a wall because then Zee insists they catch her up.
Kara cannot, for the life of her, sit still. Even though they are curled up on the couch, one of the girls leaning into Kara's side, or having their head on Kara's lap. Or anything, really. Kara breaks the comfort because she cannot sit still. She shifts too often, changes the legs she tucked under her, stretches her back. It is annoying because then the girls around her need to shift too.
Jess gets restless quickly. She predicts the ending or loses interest when the plot becomes to predictable. So then she starts, trying to be subtle, looking through her schedule and doing school work. Its more infuriating because when the girls ask pointed questions she almost always gets it right.
Diana is of course knew to the world of man and stills doesn't get everything that is happening. Sometimes she misunderstands the plot completely and they have to rewatch the episode, explaining everything that time. This makes the watching chunky and somewhat less enjoyable. Usually Zee is the one to do the explaining. No one blames Diana of course, but still.
And Karen? She just wants to see if her ship lives. She is a fangirl through and through and has to scream into a pillow every time they have to press pause. Which is three to five time throughout a single episode.
Now for the boys,
#1 Food Competition
Barry eats a lot. Barry is never sure how much is enough. Barry can eat a supermarket out of business if he was particularly hungry. Hal knows this. Still his pride won't accept it so every time Hal challenges Barry to eating some disgusting amount of sauce or drink.
Sometimes Hal wins.
Barry has a sensitive stomach.
But usually not.
Steve doesn't really care how close any if the dudes sleep to him.
Barry doesn't either. In fact its likely he'll fall asleep on someone else's sleeping bag with his feet propped on one of his teammates stomach.
Garth will probably end up trying to cuddle up to Hal or Barry or Steve or any of the boys.
Hal will most definitely fight him on that. What can you say? He's the Type A male. But he really won't bat an eye if Garth does it when Hal is already asleep.
Oliver will sing love songs to his bro's, flirting hard as hell...up untill Hal, Carter, or Steve smack him. Where he pouts and let's Garth and Barry soothe him.
Carter doesn't like being touched in general so like hell he's going to let any of the boys near him. Or hold a conversation with him. He will just sit in the corner of the room, quietly observing. (He is most definitely trapped in the home where they are hosting the sleepover).
#3 Make Him Laugh
Another challenge.
Whoever makes Carter smile or *le gasp* laugh is deemed royalty.
Usually it's Barry. Who didn't even try. He just tripped over something.
Barry wins a lot.
#4 They Order In
Hal refuses to cook on principle. Rather be fed.
Oliver doesn't like getting butter on him since it'll 'destroy' his complexion.
Garth can't cook.
Carter refuses to feed anyone. He'll cook for himself and no one else.
Barry always offers but he is a forgetful cook and they feel bad throwing out whatever abomination he makes so they force it down. Of course, they learned to order in before Barry offers.
Steve can cook but he is very precise about the recipe, double checking and stuff so being fed takes forever if they let him start.
They arm wrestle to decide who chooses what they eat so yea...Carter always picks. Steve usually pays. Barry too. Everyone else is broke as hell.
#6 They butt heads.
All the dam time.
Hal is stubborn and Oliver is prideful.
Carter refuses to cater to anyone.
Garth is immovable if he wants to be.
Steve is trying to compromise but no one listens to the voice of reason over their own shouts.
Barry eats ice cream. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
#7 They Reprimand Hal
These are things they have definitely said at least once during a sleepover.
"Goddammit Hal! She's my science partner! How am I supposed to look her in the eye now?"
"Do you value your life? Yes? Then please refrain from speaking."
"Shut! Up!"
"Who are you calling stupid, stupid!"
"I'll tell Carol."
"The hell, man? Were you born with the unexplicable urge to be an asshole?"
"Go to bed, perv!"
Ah well, imma close it off here. Very lovely prompt. Headcannons are always fun. 👍
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story-collector · 4 years
This time it’s green lantern style
This entire thing is going to be based of an oc that I have not yet actually created...just fyi...
The Green Lantern I chose..*dramatic drumroll*
Hal Jordan!
Let’s make something clear...I don’t read a lot of the comics (I try but I don NOT have the attention span for that)
I watch mostly Batman based movies
And what I saw...I didn’t like
I know in one series (I believe it’s Young Justice) they are trying to decide who to let into the league
The other green lanterns already in the league are steadfastly against Hal joining the league
He is childish, immature, irresponsible and they just off about him
They don’t give him a chance
If you want to go off the live action movies (which I am entirely tying that into this AU) Hal was the FIRST and ONLY human to ever be a green lantern
We can pretend the others came a little later
So let’s say he was the first green lantern on earth
He fought hard to protect the planet (it’s that one animated movie when the JL first meets and it has Cyborg and I think Shazam’s origins in it... I forgot the name)
He was the only green lantern, fuck they didn’t even know he existed till he showed up
But the big three found him to immature and slowly edged him out till he didn’t become part of the league
He was like okay, what ever, I’m still a hero and this is still my planet (and sector of space) to protect and I’ll keep doing that
He’s a little hurt but it’s okay
Until the other green lanterns show up
When he became green lantern he was one a very tight schedule and had to learn a lot of things on the fly because he couldn’t get a full training from the green lanterns
And after he defeated the threat he just kinda...forgot, to bust protecting the planet and his people
So compared to a lot of new lanterns he is very undertrained, but no less serious
Now the other lanterns show up
And they are almost immediately brought into the league
And.. he has to admit, that kinda hurts
He was the first
And now he will be the last
They got more training and despite him being their senior as a lantern, the act like the bosses of him
The act superior to him and treat him like trash
It hurts
And brings down his self esteem a lot
The other hero’s still hang out with and talk to him like nothing is wrong
Like he hasn’t been slighted
And pushed to the side
He realizes they just keep getting his hopes up only to let him down later
And he just kinda sits on it and simmers and it gets worse and worse and suddenly there’s a red lantern ring coming right for him
Now this is where and OC would come in
I’m making the example female because I have never seen a female Green Lantern and there might be but not a popular one
Suddenly the ring is stopped by a ball of green light
Another green lantern
This one female, her eyes glow with an unearthly shine, even with her mask
Her hair seems to float around her and she has marks across her face and horns on her head
She’s not human, but she came in the direction of earth
She motions for him to follow her and she opens a portal to the green lantern base
The other lanterns can’t meet his eyes
They know why he’s here and they know where they failed, she made sure of that
She releases the red ring to some heavy duty greens and the salut her as she walks with him down the halls
She’s short, barely coming up to his shoulder, but it is very clear who has the power here
She brings him to a nice sitting room and deactivated her ring, and to his surprise, removes it
He had never seen a lantern remove their ring at the HQ and barely ever on earth
She sits him down and explains as much as she can
She’s not human, but she has been living on earth since Krypton fell
(For this AU I’m going to make the Krypton sector a fairly toxically radioactive place so only few species can withstand it, green lanterns can with the glowing shield around them, but not without it so they couldn’t stay on the planet)
This was her sector as she was one of the only green lanterns that could withstand the radioactiveness of the planet
Her home sector was much the same before it was destroyed by war
She reveals that she protected this sector on her own for millennia, through generations of the royal family (I’m making Superman the last prince of Krypton ok)
She was devastated when it fell because she wasn’t strong enough, to injured, to tired, to save them
She saved Supes pod and brought it to earth, a place she knew vaugely from her own planets war
Krypton was gone and she felt like a failure so she set down her ring and hadn’t even looked at it for almost 40 years
Until she caught wind of a lantern on earth
Who wasn’t fully trained
Who was treated like shit
Who was slighted and used and manipulated
And basically said fuck it, I’m going to train another lantern
Now she was one of the first
One of the oldest lanterns (though she didn’t look a day past 25 if Hal could say so himself)
She knew all the wisdom he would need
And she would stand beside him and protect the Milky Way sector
Hers were gone, so the elders reassigned her to the Milky Way and assigned Hal as her apprentice
They knew that he was destined for greatness and that he would blossom under her training
They agree to keep their knowledge of each other and her reassignment between each other
The other earth lanterns did not protect the sector like they were supposed to
So they would do it themselves
So she brought him under her metaphorical wings and trained him
And he became better
And because I love batman so much let’s say she lives in Gotham
And she’s fairly high up their on the social scale
Obviously she can had and transform her very not human characteristics flawlessly
And she’s been around for millions, if not billions of years, she’s basically a goddess I guess
So she knows her way around money and the good hustle
So she probably knows Bruce Wayne
And probably knows he’s Batman, not that he knows this
So there’s a gala like mabey a year after Hal starts his training
And he’s a fucking fast learner, which is good because the galaxy really needs its protectors
(Some how the JL haven’t noticed that their are next to no alien attackers in the last year, the word has spread and no one wants to go against Kryptons Guardian and her apprentice)
She’s literally shown him the universe
(And this isn’t necessarily a love story, I’d like to think of it as brother sister relationship that they end up developing,or like best best friends, but not lovers)
Anyway Wayne Gala
She’s invited and as a regular guest she is allowed to bring a guest
So she Chooses Hal
She knows that the rest of the JL was invited and some other hero’s as well
And she makes sure Hal knows as well
She tells him he doesn’t have to come
But no, with her guidance he has grown so much more confident and fuck it he’s probably almost as scary as her now and can almost as easily command a room
He’s come far
So they show up
And at first no one really recognizes him
He’s changed
He looks more confident, but he’s still got that childish spark (she told him she never wants him to lose that)
He has a new haircut
And the suit
It matches her dress
Green, for justice
So they don’t recognize him at first
Now the OC is a regular so while Hal gets them drinks and brings their jackets and her purse to Alfred (“a pleasure to see you here Master Jordan”) OC is found by one of the batboys
Let’s say Dick
Because he loves the lady’s
And he brings her over so Bruce can show off this lovely lady, and powerful business partner off to his friends
She know who they are (the other two lanterns are their and for some reason they feel very nervous around her)
She introduces herself and somehow she senses Hal come up behind her and introduces him without even looking
They all sweat drop
And then they start talking
They share story’s together, and laugh and act like nothing is wrong and it all comes to a point to where she responds to a story from... let’s say one of the other lanterns (sue me, I don’t know their names)
And she’s all like “oh that reminds me of this one time on Krypton”
And Hal is like “oh you mean the time...”
And the others are like wtf, who is this girl
The party ends and they go home, but that’s just the beginning
I don’t know what else to put so feel free to add your own stuff!!
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duskbornbaker · 3 years
Torchwood!Tommy Character Profile
1) What name did they go by as a Kine, and what name do they go by now? Why and how did they choose this name, if it’s different?
Born Tomàs Baker, they were primarily called "Tommy" in life and that continues. As it's been 80 years since they were registered legally dead, they have decided to take on a false surname, as well as to keep Torchwood from knowing too much about them. They borrowed "McDonnell" from their crush from when they were alive. Though, this is moot, as due to a backfire of a ritual, Torchwood 2 now knows their real name.
2) What year were they born (or how old would they be in life), and what age do they appear? What age do they feel?
They were born in 1907 and died in 1925, so they look like an 18 year old, though with the infirmity they experienced and just life being what it was at the start of the 20th century, their "18" looks a little older. They can often pass as early-mid 20s without too much difficulty. In truth, they are 101 years old. The year is 2008, the pyramid has just fallen and to some degree they feel so young and vulnerable. Old World Kindred tend to be older. Princes have held these positions since, some of them, the establishment of the Camarilla nearly a millennium ago. But then, among the Kine they work with, they feel ancient. People reference pop culture from any of the time while they were in the Pyramid and it just flies over their head. They feel out of place among these oh so young and fragile humans. Thankfully, Seòras helps them feel a little more okay with it. Agent Lennox, being nearly 50 years old, also doesn't get the references. They sometimes sit there while Cami and Ash talk about some movie or internet trend and just let the conversations wash over the two of them, absorbing nothing.
3) Which Clan do they belong to? How do they feel about their Clan?
They were Embraced into Clan Tremere and House Tremere. Though, lately, people have started questioning the truth of their affiliation. They're a Thinblood, after all, do they really deserve the title of "Tremere"? This all is compounded by the fall of the Pyramid. The House is in chaos and the childer are unreigned. Kindred openly rebel against their sires and the new House Ipsissimi has been formed. Generally, the Anarchs accept both their status as Thinblood, some among the 14th Generation even going so far as to call the term a slur. They are the Duskborn. Duskborn are burgeoning into a new Clan within the Anarch movement and while Tommy is yet to be forced to choose between the two, they know the time is coming. They are yet to make a decision.
4) Which Predator type do they most align with and why?
Currently: Bagger. It's part of the conditions of their employment. No feeding off living humans. Tommy has given a taste for the blood of corpses, its disgusting but, occasionally a welcome change, as well as animals, honestly somehow more unpleasant than the former and coming with the added issue of needing multiple vessels to even lend themself a somewhat satisfying meal. No, bagged blood is the best of the options available. Further, they don't have to steal it. Torchwood buys the bags at the same rate a hospital would pay and it simply comes out of the food budget. Yvonne *does* question why their food budget is so high, but as of yet hasn't pursued the issue too closely. Thankfully, Lukas covers for Tommy. It's a precarious situation, but one that balances for now.
5) Who Sired them, and into what Generation were they Sired? What’s their relationship with their Sire like, and what were the circumstances of their Embrace?
They were sired by their sister: Somhairlín Baker into the 14th Generation. They were scheduled to be Embraced anyway, by Sam's sire, but before the date was supposed to come, they were struck in a motor vehicle accident while in Galway seeking medical treatment for their chronic anemia. Anemia caused by Sam's clandestine use of Tommy as a Cloven Blood Doll. Somhairlín, feeling guilt, Embraced Tommy. Their parents died. The two bonded closer than in life. This would eventually be a source of great pain in Tommy's life as, in early 2008 following the F1rstlight attack on the Vienna Chantry and the Head of the Tremere Pyramid, Tommy felt need to murder their sister.
6) What level of Humanity are they? Has this changed over the years they’ve been dead?
Tommy's Humanity is very low. Due to the practices of the London Chantry and a development of growing Noddist and Cainite practices, Tommy ended up on the Path of Caine during their time in London. They moved to London to escape Thinblood persecution in the post-War era and it was for naught. In London, Tommy hid themself as Sam's ghoul, and Sam, in turn, entered them into a Blood Wedding, a situation where two Vampires bond themselves to the other threw drinking each other's Vitae. This created a feedback loop where both of them sunk to deeper levels of depravity match for match. And, under Hal Grove, Regent of their Chantry, they began doing research into the Thinblood condition.
The research consisted mostly of Embracing new Thinbloods and finding the limits of the condition: could they use disciplines, could they bond, could they be tapped as a source of Vitae... all of these answers proved to be "sometimes" and the Baker siblings lost grip on their humanity with extreme speed. Since the Fall of the Pyramid, they have been slowly clawing their way back; first: onto the Path of Humanty, a dangerous feat to attempt without personal guidance, and then slowly up the ladder of morality. Now, they sit at humanity 5 -- 6 through 8 being the usual extremes of the average human being.
7) Which Disciplines do they possess, and which do they favor using?
They have the traditional disciplines of Clan Tremere: Thaumaturgy, Dominate, Auspex, but they favor Thaumaturgy. In their role as offensive specialist they favor the paths of Flames and Nebulism. The former as a means of attack and the latter to disable enemies or clear a building of civilians.
8) Who are their Touchstones, if any? / 9) What are their Convictions (moral opinions and standings they hold fast to)?
Cami. A fellow Agent of Torchwood who vouched for them to become member of the team. She represents a value of trusting others judgements. As they say "I take pride in the goodness and strength of my friends and that they, being as such, should care for me."
Lukas. Their boss, the head of Torchwood 2. They keep Tommy in line and enforce the value of the preservation of human life. As much as Tommy is frustrated that Engstrom is blackmailing them to keep them in line, to some degree they are thankful.
10) Do they belong to any sect or are they independent?
They belong to the Anarchs. Hard to be a Camarilla Tremere when you collapsed your old Chantry and murdered your sire. No Camarilla Tremere will touch them. They wouldn't bleed on Tommy if they were on fire.
1) What did they do (as a career or in general) before they were Embraced?
They were a Seminarian, studying to be a Priest. Now, that is just completely out of the realm of possibility.
2) Do they still have mortal family or friends, or descendants of those people? Who were they closest to during life, and is there anyone they’ve contacted after their Embrace?
Still, no. Again? Yes. The people they knew are dead and tracking them down would be dangerous. Once, they tried to find their namesake McDonnell's descendants, but lost track of them when they moved to the New World. Thus is unlife. A series of disappointments. And what would they have said anyway? 100 years ago I wanted to kiss your grandfather? That's not going over well. It's as good a reason as any not to keep pursuing.
3) What were their hobbies, skills, and interests?
They knit. They were rarely able to make the trek to the school at the other end of the island in their youth and so they took up crafts. One of the neighbors had sheep and often sold clothes. With Tommy's health the way it was, they sometimes couldn't get out of the chair for days and spinning wool into yarn by hand and kniting the yarn into fabrics. It was nice. They were always cold so now they had sweaters and blankets to keep themself warm. They also sold some of their wares in town, or, the neighbor sold them and split the profits. A necessary source of income when their father was out at sea so long and money became scarce.
4) Did they have any vices, addictions, or mental illnesses? Which carried over into death?
They smoked. The doctors suggested it as means of strengthening the lungs with hopes of helping them build up the energy to walk. Obviously, this was counter intuitive. When they did feel up to it, and the night air was fresh and cool, Tommy and their friend Larry McDonnell would sneak into the chapel and "borrow" a bottle of communion wine. Red-faced and dizzy, they would fall in love with him over and over again, afraid of what it meant, but craving the times when they felt brave enough to reach out for him. Sometimes Tommy felt like maybe Larry felt something in return. It was hard to peel the alcohol from the desires from the truth, and so they never truly acted on it.
5) What were they most afraid of in life? How has this changed?
They were most afraid of their homosexuality. Did this mean they were going to Hell. Did they have to worry about dragging someone else down with them... This has changed in that they have largely given up on the Catholic faith. Perhaps they'll come back to it, they feel a draw to spirituality to fill the hole left by their lapsed Noddism and worship of their Domitor-and-Thrall. They've attended services a few times lately and it seems like some of the opinions within the flock are shifting. They don't want to get too attached but reattajing to their human faith is helping them feel just that much more Human, an addicting feeling.
6) What were their goals and ambitions in life? How has this changed?
Their goal at the time had been to squash their sexuality with faith. Now, they have embraced their queerness. It's a struggle many days to treat themself with kindness in that front. Hell, it's a struggle most days to treat anyone with kindness. But they're getting better.
7) Did they follow any religion or spiritual paths in life? How did that change when they died, if at all?
They were a Catholic in life, hoping to become a Priest and then in Unlife first abandoned religion but then got drawn in by the lures of Cainite Noddism. Now, with the Fall of the Pyramid, they feel a call to that old religion once again. Who knows where it will take them.
8) When they were Embraced, what was the aftermath like? Did they fake their death, do their loved ones think they went missing, etc.?
Their family died along with them so they faked that they died, too. At least they don't have to worry about their parents thinking they're missing.
1) What have they spent most of their years as a Kindred doing?
Most of it has been spent researching their condition. Now, they are one of the most knowledgeable , probably in the world, on what it means to be a Thinblood.
2) What’s the entire lineage of their bloodline, from them all the way back to their Clan’s Antediluvian? Is there anything in particular that they and their grandsires all had in common?
They were primarily raised by their grandsire. Sam's sire took them on as a second childe, even though they had planned to wait maybe 10 years. So, Tommy got the same education as their sister. His sire, however, I haven't thought as much about.
3) How do they adapt to the changing times around them? Do they still uphold values, styles, or other things from the past?
They definitely dress a little bit out of time. And what's not anachronistic is absolutely horrible. They dont, however, adapt very well. They haven't gone through the back catalogue of media Cami gave them, cultural milestones and things that have happened... Just a few months ago, Tommy found out man had touched foot on the moon. They are more than a little behind the times.
4) Do they have a coterie? What position do they take in that group, if so? Otherwise, do they have any notable Kindred (or other creatures) friends?
Their "coterie" is probably the Torchwood 2 team, deapite being Kine. They serve as a blaster with magic on call they can destroy threats and protect their lives -- especially Lukas Engstrom, who, if he dies, will release a catalogue of all the information he has gathered on Kindred to every intelligence agency in the world, a threat Tommy doesn't take lightly.
They are also connected to Alastríona "Cass" Balach. She is Tommy's sponsor in House Ipsissimi and, by human standards, their Sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous. The disguise is simple wordplay, but the Ipsissimi hide themselves within the Crowleian "Astrum Argenteum" which they in turn have using Alcoholics Anonymous as a front. This also serves as an out for Tommy. They couch their cravings for human blood in terminology based around Alcoholism and thus they are given a space to discuss their emotions. At meetings is also where a Ghouls of Balach's will give them study materials if need be. New rituals and information about the next step on one of their Paths. It's a pretty nice arrangement.
5) Which of their Clan’s stereotypes apply to them? Which do they act against, or embody the opposite of?
They are a neurotic mess. A perfectionist to their core, and sometimes they apply that perfectionism outward becoming a domineering person. They are secretive and dangerous. They have spent decades engaging in unethical magical experiments. Truly, they are quintessential Tremere.
However, they fight to change that. They want to be a better person and a better Kindred. They want to look at a person and not feel a desire to take them apart and find out how they tick. Thankfully, Engstrom keeps them in line on that front, with the actually follow8ng through of it anyway.
6) How do they feel about the Antitribu of their Clan?
Having very nearly been one, they understand the allure. The draw of Vampiric Supremacy and the willingness to bring human kind to their knees, however, they also pulled away. Once their eyes were clear they put their very existence on the line, revealed to the Prince that they had been a Thinblood illegally living in her domain and turned on the Cainites to bring the White Hall Chantry down. They fear the Tremere Antitribu. Their sponsor was also former Goratrix and, bearing the Mark of the Traitor, she was a fullfledged member who partook of the Vaulderie. Whatever brought her out remains to be seen, but Tommy wouldn't have an in at continuing Thaumaturgical Studies without her, and for that, he's grateful.
7) Have they Embraced anyone? Ghouled anyone?
They have, but not to keep around. And having lived in the Blood Bond for decades, they never want to do that to anyone else again.
8) Do they prowl, or is there a city they permanently reside in?
They seem to have settled in Glasgow, as much to be close to their new Sponsor as anything else. And, with their membership in Torchwood 2, they hope to stick around for a long time.
9) What’s their haven like?
They live at the Glasgow Hub: the basement of a nondescript Warehouse in a district of Warehouses, itself hidden by Vampiric magics. They have a private room to live and sleep in near the entrance. When they sleep, they are the first line of defense if something should come in. They protect the themself and their partners with another spell that will wake them immediately if a danger disturbs their residence.
The Hole itself is cozy. Not very big, about the size of a studio apartment. A single room with a bed, a bookshelf, and a fridge to hold Blood Bags. Not too much going on otherwise.
10) Do they believe they are descended from Caine, or do they follow a different path?
They do not believe they are descended from Caine. They have looked at the information Ash has managed to draw from them and it appears that Vampirism may be of extraterrestrial origin. Its exact origin is unknown, but alien stock seems to rule out the concepts purported by Noddism. And, after a period of time otherwise, they are back on the Path of Humanity.
11) How do they feel about Diablerie?
They wonder often. They wonder if they should have Diablerized Sam. Sure, it's a crime in the Camarilla, but they are no longer Camarilla, and they wouldn't be a Thinblood anymore. They would be a stronger force to reckon with, more able to protect their team... But it's a dangerous line of thought. And there's nothing doing, now.
12) Regardless of whether or not they adhere to Camarilla rule, have they ever broken any of the Traditions?
13) Do they believe in Gehenna? How do they feel about Thin-bloods, and do they believe they’re a sign of the end times?
Absolutely. Most of them. Respect of Domain and Hospitality. Their existence is a violation first of all. And they killed their sire. Even with permission, that's still a violation of the Traditions.
14) Have they ever Frenzied? What happened?
Not anymore. Its been a long unlife, and it was even longer thinking their own existence would draw the death of their people closer. But, they have learned to shrug off these kind of Noddist teachings. And they don't think the world is going anywhere any time soon.
The moment the Blood Bond broke, they frenzied and drank someone to death out of rage. An innocent person dead because they couldn't keep their cool. Other than that, no. They have kept themself well fed these years. And tht hope to keep it that way.
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supermanshield · 4 years
But not all of them, he loves
If anyone’s heart is big enough to love two people, it’s Clark’s. 
This deals with polyamory and open relationships. Clark/Lois and Clark/Bruce. The main focus of the fic is Clark/Bruce, but it’s angsty.
Words: 2,896
A/N: The timeline/continuity on this is weird, maybe. The boys are still quite young (I imagine them at the end of their 20s in this), have maybe been superheroing for a couple years max. There is a league.
Read on AO3
Jimmy’s chosen the place. He’s absolutely star-struck and aware of the company he’s in, but keeps it cool as he leads their little party into a relatively quiet bar in downtown Metropolis. Barry had suggested a karaoke place in Tokyo, and Clark had to remind him that not everyone he wanted to invite would be able to fly, run, or teleport there. So, Barry is here, in civvies, and Hal with him. Behind them enters an eerily human-looking J’onn, and John Stewart, even though he’s not in the league anymore, but he tells a damn good story and Clark wouldn’t want one of his closest friends to miss his bachelor party. Pete has flown out here all the way from Smallville, just for him.
As if by miracle, Bruce has shown up too, although he keeps looking over his shoulder when they’re still out on the street, high-collared jacket and baseball cap obscuring his face. Clark is happy to see him take it off once they’re inside, but some of that fades when he notices the stiches above one of his eyebrows and makeup covering a bruise on his left cheek.
When they’re all finally settled around a large table tucked into the back of the bar – it’s quiet, even for a Friday, but you can never be too careful, and Clark is happy he let Jimmy choose the location because he obviously knows his way around Metropolis nightlife – Oliver walks in, large grin plastered onto his face. Bruce looks as if he wants to castrate him, grumbles something about discretion and leaving any society reporters at the door. The two billionaires argue back and forth a bit, Clark hears Oliver mention something about it being fine that he parked his helicopter on top of the Metropolis branch of Wayne Enterprises, and yes. They’re complete. The night of his bachelor party is underway.
Lois is with Diana, Cat, and a couple of other friends. Clark has offered to let everyone choose, they didn’t have to do the traditional men-women thing, but Diana said she would choose Lois’ bachelor party over his any day of the week. To which, of course, Lois was absolutely rub-it-in-your-face for about a week. That Wonder Woman wanted to party with her, and not with him, and somewhere, Clark can’t wait to hear what they’re getting up to right now. Everything at its time, though.
He orders everyone a round of drinks, Hal claps him on the back (which he immediately regrets and Clark is the one to apologize), there’s toasts.
“Are you nervous, man? I know I was,” Hal starts. “They say nothing changes, it’s just a piece of paper, blabla, but it does!” Everyone laughs. “I’m telling you, the moment you get back from your honeymoon, you’re knee deep in domesticity and no more going out.”
“I don’t think that will be much of a problem with Lois, Hal. Although we did have that a little bit when Jon arrived. But Lois couldn’t wait to get back out.” It’s Clark’s turn to laugh.
“If anything, she’ll start dragging you out to more things,” Jimmy adds gleefully and winks at Clark.
“Anyway,” Oliver starts, holds up his glass. “Last night as a free man!” Clark’s never really understood that. Lois has already captured him a long time ago in so many ways. All of them he loves, but he raises his half-empty glass anyway.
The table settles into a comfortable chit-chat, more jokes about Clark, stories of the early days of the league, memories and laughs. Somehow, his gathered and stray group of friends mixes surprisingly well, for which he’s grateful. Maybe this really won’t be so bad, and tomorrow will be the best day of his life (or so they say).
Amid the chatter, he looks at Bruce on the other side of the table, utterly out of place between their friends in a dark brown bar and jazz music playing softly. As Clark talks and laughs with the others, Bruce looks back at him. The gaze unsettles him, as it always does, makes him question things, as it always does. It shouldn’t. Not anymore.
(He’s chosen. A long time ago in fact. Lois is the one that waits for him, all the time. That doesn't turn him away. The one to make him laugh and feel at home in a city where no one knows each other. The one that holds him at night when the world has been too much. Bruce can simply never be that.)
“We should stop,” Bruce breathes, inch away from his mouth and the wall of the cave wet behind his cape.
“She’s okay with it.”
“To what extent?”
Clark sighs, swallows. “I don’t know, exactly.”
“That’s something you might want to consider discussing.” Bruce turns away before he can come up with a reply. The rock crumbles under his hand and Bruce tells him to leave when he reaches the computer.
“… and then Hal went and actually asked her for it! You should have been there!” The group’s laughter pulls him out of his thoughts and he laughs along meekly when Pete taps him on the shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.”
“Not getting cold feet are we, Clark?” Oliver asks.
He looks at Bruce. “No.”
The night eventually takes them back out onto the streets, half of them already stumbling as they make their way out of the small bar, but the cool night air sobers them up. Jimmy hangs onto Clark’s shoulders, Barry tries to jump onto his back for a piggyback ride, but Clark is fast to blur away, too fast for Barry, who, despite his fast metabolism, is a little intoxicated.
“So, what now? Night’s still young.”
“That it is, Hal. If you’re on the west coast.” Oliver has his hands in his pockets, Bruce’s cap is back over his eyes.
“Hey, supes can just fly around the world and spin back the clock a little, yeah?”
“You know I can’t actually do that, right? Ask Barry.”
“Nope, not tonight. I’ll throw up.”
“Not to mention you’ll mess up big time.”
“Any other good joints around here, Jimmy?” John asks.
“Plenty. What do you say, Clark? Another bar? Something more adventurous?”
“I have an apartment close to here,” Bruce cuts in. “Bar’s fully stocked.”
“Of course you do.”
“Don’t you?” Bruce raises an eyebrow at Oliver. “Comes in handy when I have to keep an eye on a certain Superguy around here.”
The small crowd looks at Clark, awaiting answer. “Sure,” he shrugs. “It has a nice view.”
Lois is pregnant at home on the couch and he’s in an unfamiliar bed, away from her. The apartment feels cold, not kept by Alfred, and only illuminated by a bright moon streaming through the sheer curtains draped across large windows. The bed sheets are white, the walls light, and the corners angular, modern. A bigger contrast with Bruce’s bedroom at the manor is near impossible.
“I don’t know what you want anymore, Clark,” Bruce says as he rolls away from him, sits up. “Don’t you like this place?”
“Bruce. You bought a penthouse in downtown Metropolis. For what? To be closer?”
“It seemed convenient.”
“Don’t talk to me about convenience when I could fly to Gotham in less than a minute.”
“You know what I mean.” When the baby arrives.
“Bruce,” he starts again. But gets stuck, because what does that mean? He swallows, makes a decision in the span of a second. “I won’t be here. He’s going to need a dad. Lois needs me.”
“Okay. That’s clear.” Bruce gets up. “Okay,” he says again as he walks to the bathroom.
Yet after that, there’s the bed, cold and warmed up by their bodies on a chance night, or a take-out dinner on the couch, a documentary running quietly on the large flatscreen TV while they talk. Lois never asks, but only because she knows. Jon grows healthily, strong, Lois falls asleep in Clark’s arms, and he feeds Jon in the middle of the night.
Now, the apartment smells clean, the fridge is empty but the pantry fully stocked. And the bar, as Bruce said. Two couches face each other in front of large windows, Clark knows which door leads to the bedroom. He doesn’t look at it.
Bruce switches on all the lights, it floods the place in yellow. It’s bright in a way Clark’s never seen it, he realizes. He pulls out a couple of bottles, asks the others what they want. A mirror of Brucie Wayne, host and not how Clark has ever seen him, here.
“You been here before, Clark?” Jimmy asks.
“Yes,” he admits.
“Sweet place.”
The group gets comfortable on the couches, Bruce suggests they could play pool, and Clark has a hard time imagining Bruce doing anything so casual. He wonders if he’s good at it, if he’s played here before, with anyone else. The pool table is new.  
John draws up some kind of a tournament, teams are formed and bets are placed. Clark sits on one of the couches next to Bruce, watching the others play, another beer in hand and Bruce has started a glass of whiskey. He’s savouring it, clearly enjoying the flavour and laughs at Barry’s jokes, J’onn’s overly serious tactics at the pool table. Clark can’t get a grasp on how normal Bruce looks, how calm, as if nothing will change tomorrow. Here, of all places and it’s somehow not fake.
He realizes, Bruce brought them here to abandon the illusion that were those slow, quiet nights. It’s a normal apartment, he says with this. It will be, now. After tomorrow. A comforting thought as much as a terrifying one.
The cashmere of Bruce’s turtleneck is soft under his fingers when he reaches out to him and there’s a glint in his eyes that Clark is unable to read, hasn’t seen in a long time.
“Can I try a glass of that too?”
“I didn’t know you were into whiskey.”
“Hey, it’s my bachelor night. I got taste buds.”
Bruce smiles. “Sure.”
Clark leans against the large island counter as Bruce reaches for a whiskey glass that he could have easily found himself.
“It doesn’t have to end,” he says to Bruce’s back.
“Doesn’t it.”
The soft kitchen light hits Bruce’s shoulders just so, accentuates his jaw, and makes him yearn for simpler times. Bruce on one of the bar stools, humming as he tastes the food Clark’s cooked for him, same light, same cashmere sweater. Who was the one to complicate it anyway? Briefly, Clark wonders if he’s made a mistake by asking Lois to marry him, but no. Bruce is the mistake. Clark was just the one to make it.
“I mean,” he starts. “I don’t know. What difference does marriage make, anyway?” Clark laughs. It comes out hollow.
“This ended a while ago, Clark. Tonight is merely closure.”
Bruce is right, of course. “Okay.”
Bruce hands him the glass, their fingers touch, and that’s it. He sends him a look, one that says are you, though? but Clark doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he just walks back to the living room. It’s his turn at pool.
Not an hour later Clark finds himself on the bed, the carpet in front of him only illuminated by the faint light reflected off the clouds over Metropolis. Raindrops stick to the large windows as they trickle down, and isn’t that ironic? Rain in Metropolis the night before Superman gets married.
“Thought I might find you here.” Laughter and yelling drift into the room before Bruce quietly shuts the door again.
“I just needed a minute to come to terms with the fact that we just... broke up, I think?”
Bruce stays in the middle of the room. “You knew that would happen. You chose.”
“I did.”
“Then stop with the guilt. I’ll be fine." His expresssion softens. "I have a kid to take care of now, too.”
“He’s great,” Clark smiles. “I know you will be.”
“Worried about yourself then?”
“I think I’ll just miss you. Miss this.”
Clark gets up and walks past Bruce. The glass of the window is cold under his touch, the street far below them. Bruce's fingertips white, his palm pressed flat again the glass, same view. He kisses Bruce's neck, tells him he loves him. He chooses those moments carefully, when it barely registers, when Bruce is almost physically unable to respond. But he makes sure he knows, anyway.
“Me too.” Bruce’s hand is on his arm now, turning Clark towards him. Bruce has captured him too, in many ways. But not all of them he loves.
(It’s hard to love Bruce Wayne. It’s hard not to love him.)
A tentative smile forms on Bruce’s face. “Last night as a free man, right?” Bruce’s offer is tempting, they’re already crowding each other’s space, heartbeats loud and it won’t take much more now. But that will only make it harder. Clark shakes his head. Still, he hugs Bruce closer, caresses his temple, mindful of the stitches on his brow. Bruce leans into the touch.
“Why does it feel so wrong to love two people, Bruce?”
Bruce huffs. “Society. Most people don’t have a big enough heart. Plus, partners cannot deal with the jealousy.”
“But you do.”
“I’m not Lois, nor is she me.”
They could never replace one another. Clark’s breathing feels restricted, his throat thick, in spite of Bruce’s comforting presence. “What if I don’t want to choose?”
“Then don’t.” Bruce’s hand moves up along Clark’s arm. “Then don’t.”
He isn’t sure who starts the kiss, but their noses touch, breathing the same air, lips brush. There’s no tongue. It’s not a start, not tonight. It’s an end.
“I’m sorry.” Sorry for loving you. Sorry for choosing Lois. Sorry for everything we did together.
“Don’t be.” Bruce is the one to make sure there is some breathing room between them again, his hand lingers. “You and I both know I've always been number two. And I... was okay with that. It was enough. In fact,” he chuckles. “It was almost too much.”
The cave is only illuminated by the blue light of the computer monitor as Clark lifts Bruce out of his chair, already fast asleep. Alfred watches from a distance and thanks Clark for arriving so fast. On those night, he sleeps next to Bruce, just to keep him in bed. On nights that Bruce pushes him away, stuck in a case and his anger almost palpable, even Superman admits defeat. Clark waits for him upstairs and eventually leaves through the window before dawn to go back to Metropolis, bed unslept in.
He’ll make sure Bruce is fine without him. Alfred knows who to call.
“I want to move out to the farm with them. Jon needs room to grow. Rao knows I did.” He smiles at the memories of Kansas, yellow fields and endless sky where he learnt to fly, where he could be himself.
“Stubborn. Thinking you can take Lois out of the city.” Bruce doesn’t know they’ve already talked about it. “But that’s good. I’ll make sure to visit with Dick and Alfred.”
“We can play baseball.” Outside, the rain has stopped, the sky slowly turning lighter.
Bruce throws him something as he walks back to the door. The key to the apartment. “Stay here tonight.”
“It’s morning.”
“Whatever. I’m going home, I’ll see you at the wedding.”
“Catch some sleep,” Clark tries before Bruce opens the door, but he’s already gone.
In the living room, the others are in various states of consciousness. John and J’onn, back in his alien form, are still wrapped up in their game of pool, Barry and Hal asleep on the couch and Jimmy and Pete passed out on the other. The coffee table between them is littered with beers and glasses. Oliver has his forehead on the cool marble of the kitchen island. He turns his face to Clark.
“Bruce just left without saying anything. What happened?”
Clark thinks, shrugs. “Not important. He gave me the key, we can stay here until we’re ready to go to the wedding in a couple hours.”
“A couple hours…” Oliver groans.
“Is that an early wedding gift, Clark?” John asks from over by the pool table.
Clark looks at the key in his hand. “No,” he chuckles. “I’m pretty sure he’ll want it back.”
“I’ll never understand the guy.”
“Don’t even try. That’s what we have Clark for,” Oliver says to the marble counter.
“I mean, I like to think I’ve got a pretty good grasp of him, but he surprises me too.” His soft insides contrasted by a hard shell, blackened by trauma and the night. His cryptic language that is like a puzzle for Clark to unfold, understand, reciprocate. They’ll still have that, have friendship. And the memories of time spent together.
In the distance, he hears Bruce’s heartbeat speeding back to Gotham. With him, doubt that leaves Clark, replaced with a light and excitement. He looks out the window up at the blue sky over the city. He’s getting married today.
He regards his friends, a bunch of gathered individuals, outcasts like himself who have found each other through Clark, through the purpose of trying to do good. “Who wants breakfast? I’ll go get eggs.”
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everythng-is-blue · 5 years
Second Chance
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hey guys, i’m back and i bring you dad!harry bc who doesn’t love him lol, i really hope you guys enjoy it!
   The days Harry came over to pick up or drop off Haleigh were days that definitely didn’t look forward to. I mean, I did look forward to the fact that some of those days he was bringing our daughter back, but seeing him was the part I was always disinclined to. And though Haleigh was old enough to understand her parents weren’t together anymore, I still felt awful that in order to spend time with us she had to leave one for the other. It also didn’t help matters that Harry was engaged to some other woman as of a few months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t care what he did or who he was with, but at one point he was convinced the only person he could see himself with was me. But I guess things had changed.
Today was one of those dreaded days, but sadly Haleigh was getting picked up. We’ve had this arrangement for almost two years now, so we were more than used to the whole thing. I was honestly glad that things weren’t nearly as awkward as they were in the first few months. I always felt sick to my stomach the night before Harry was supposed to show up at my door. Now I still have a bit of anxiety when he comes over, but I try to ignore it for my daughter’s sake.
“You have everything ready?” I asked Haleigh as I entered her room.
She zipped up her bag and grabbed her stuffed bunny off of her bed. “Yep!”
“Alright then, let’s go wait out in the living room for Daddy, okay?” I said and she nodded, following me out of the room and sitting with me on the couch.
We watched a bit of tv, and after a while, we heard a knock on the door. Haleigh jumped to her feet, grabbing her bag and running towards the door.
“You better slow down!” I called after her.
When I caught up to her the door was open, and Harry had Haleigh in his arms as he hugged her and swung her back and forth.
“How have you been, my love?” He cooed.
“Good,” She answered. “Look, I got a loose tooth!”
“Really? Let me see!” He said excitedly, watching as she wiggled her loose tooth.
“Cool, right?” She asked.
“So cool! Let’s get inside and shut the door, yeah?” He said as he put her down. “Don’t want your Mummy getting after us because we let flies in.”
Haleigh giggled. “Yeah, Mummy hates flies. We had two inside yesterday because Mummy’s friend let them in.”
I laughed as well. “That wasn’t yesterday, babe, that was last week.”
“Oh,” Haleigh said, seeming confused, then laughing at herself.
I pat her on the head. “It’s okay, you silly.
“Was this a guy friend or a girl friend?” Harry asked cheekily, throwing me off guard. Why was that any of his business? He’s engaged, and not to me. And I can hang out with whoever I please.
“A boy!” Haleigh said, and I hid my face in embarrassment.
Harry raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“It was just Khalid,” I crossed my arms. “We’re working on a song together,”
I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to explain myself, but I really didn’t need him questioning me anymore.
“Ah,” He nodded, that smirk he used to always have plastered on his face. “Well, good for you. Can’t wait to hear it,”
He hadn’t smirked at me in years. What was up with him today?
“Well, you guys should be off,” I sighed. I knelt down and opened my arms, Haleigh running up and hugging me tightly. I looked up to see Harry slightly confused by my sudden dismissiveness, but quickly changed his face once he saw that I had noticed, running his hand through his hair as he looked away.
“I’m gonna miss you, ladybug,” I held onto my daughter, not wanting her to leave.
She giggled in my ear. “I’ll miss you too, Mummy.”
I sighed again as I let her go, kissing her head. She walked over to Harry and grabbed his hand, him taking her bag and carrying it for her.
“We’ll see you next weekend,” Harry said.
“That you will,” I grabbed the door behind them as they walked out. “Bye, Hal!”
“Bye!” She said back as she waved at me. I waved at her too, then closed the door.
Later that night Niall and Julia came over to my place, and we talked about anything and everything. It had been a while since I had seen the both of them, with Niall working on his album and touring, and Julia touring as well.
“So, any development in the baby daddy drama?” Julia asked eagerly, adjusting herself on the couch so she was facing me, trying her best not to spill her wine in the process.
“Not really,” I furrowed my brows. “Though, he seemed kind of different when he picked Haleigh up today.”
“Different how?” Julia questioned.
I looked around the room in thought. “Like, when Hal said something about Khalid coming over the other day, she said I had a friend over and he was like, ‘a guy friend or a girl friend?’ Like that was any of his business...”
Julia looked at me in surprise. “Wait, what? He really asked if you basically had a guy over or not? That’s crazy,”
“I know right?” I agreed. “And then, when they left he said, ‘we’ll see you next weekend.’ Which wouldn’t seem weird to anyone else, but any other time he’s picked up our daughter in the past two years he always says he’ll have her back the next weekend, or she’ll see me next weekend, never we.”
Niall, who had been weirdly quiet since Harry was brought up, took a swig of his beer, then said, “You seem like you don’t know so I guess I should tell you... Harry broke off his engagement a few weeks ago.”
My eyes got wide, and Julia almost choked on her wine. “Excuse me? So no one thought to tell me this sooner?”
“Hey, I thought he would tell you himself,” Niall put his hands up in defense. “And I’m his friend too, so I really shouldn’t be saying anything.”
“Wait, so why did they break up?” Julia asked him.
He sighed. “I dunno, he’s been real cagey about the whole thing. I mean, we’ve talked about it but he never says anything directly about the reason behind it. You know how he is, doesn’t like answering questions.”
I blinked slowly. “I guess that makes sense why he’s acting different.”
“Do you think you’d take him back?” Julia wondered. “Like, say he brought Haleigh back and then asked if he could talk to you, and then asked you if you would give him another chance. Would you do it?”
“No,” I said very quickly.
Niall gave me a look. “Come on, (y/n), you guys were together for four years and you have a kid together.”
“You’re telling us you really wouldn’t take him back?” Julia matched Niall’s look.
“Yes! I mean... I don’t know,” I said indecisively. “Yeah, we were together for a long time, but you both know how things ended. We argued so much towards the end, we said so much shit we didn’t mean, and then he walked out on me. I felt like I failed my daughter because I couldn’t get her father to stay with me.”
“But your main problem was that you felt he didn’t have enough time to spend with you, and he has time now.” Niall pointed out.
“But you can’t just expect her to want to jump into things all of a sudden,” Julia sympathized. “It’s been years since they were together and things were okay between them.”
“Not to mention he’s been with someone else,” I added bitterly. “Who he proposed to, he never did that with me,”
“Exactly,” She gestured towards me. “Plus, a lot can change in that amount of time. Hell, I’d be hesitant too,”
Niall exhaled. “You have a point, but I know what hasn’t changed in the past couple years, which is how he feels about you.”
It had been a few days, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation I had with Niall and Julia. Even while I was working on the song with Khalid, and while I was in a very important meeting with my management team, my mind was on Harry. I had come so far since we ended things, or so I thought. For a while, I didn’t even think of him unless it had to do with Haleigh. But now he was constantly stuck in my head and it was almost driving me insane.
After a long day of working in the studio, I got home and went straight to my room. My mind was exhausted and I was determined to get some rest. As soon as I closed my eyes my phone went off. I whined in disappointment, then grabbed it off of my nightstand.
When I glanced at the screen my eyes went wide, and I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. But I wasn’t, I had definitely just gotten a text from Harry.       
Sorry if this is a bit forward, but there are some things I’d like to talk to about and my Mum and Gem have Hal for the night. Would you be up for a drink? If not I completely understand.       
I took a minute to collect my thoughts before answering. I knew he was going to tell me what Niall already had, but he said he had things to tell me. As in plural, not singular. What else did we need to discuss? I took a deep breath, then texted back.       
i guess that’s fine, and you’re lucky it’s anne and gemma, or you would be getting an ear full for not asking me first
I’m sorry, I wanted to ask you but I figured you didn’t want to hear from me. I’ll send you my location so you can meet me here. You have to come through the back, though. Paps are outside already but they think I’m across the street.
Harry sent you his location.
alright, i’ll be there in ten
See you then. x
I was extremely anxious as I drove to the place that Harry was at. Mainly because it was the first time in a long time that we would be alone together, but also because it happened to be at the place we had our first date. I had no clue if he did this on purpose or what his intentions were, but my heart was beating out of my chest already. I parked behind the place, then went in the back way when an employee Harry and I had gotten to know let me in. He told me Harry was upstairs, so I quickly made my way up, trying my best not to be noticed by anyone. When I got upstairs I saw Harry sitting alone at a table, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. I sat down in front of him, and he smiled at me.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” He said nervously, finishing his drink.
“No problem,” I replied.
It was quiet for a moment, and I could feel things getting awkward pretty fast.
“Been a while since we’ve been here,” Harry spoke up, looking around the room. “Lots of memories,”
I sighed. “What are we doing here, Harry?”
His eyes snapped to me, his smile fading. “Um, I need to talk to you...”
“About?” I looked at him expectingly.
He looked down at the table, popping one of the last few remaining fries on his plate into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before he spoke. “I, um, I ended things with my fiance. Well, ex-fiance now,”
I didn’t know what to say, or if I should act surprised or not, so I sat there silently. He looked up at me.
“You don’t seem surprised...”
I laughed sadly. “Because I’m not, Niall told me last night. Something you didn’t decide to do until now. Why are you just telling me this? It wouldn’t be any of my business if we didn’t have a child together but we do. I should be one of the first to know whenever major changes happen in your life that may affect her.”
“I know, (y/n), I’m sorry,” He apologized. “Again, I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t think you wanted to hear about my relationship. I didn’t think you wanted to hear from me at all,”
“Most of the time I don’t, to be honest with you,” I said coldly. “But that affects my daughter, so I need to know. Did this happen while she was with you? Does she know about this?”
He hesitated, not daring to look at me. “Yeah, she does... Told her not to bring it up around you...”
I scoffed, surprised by the amount of nerve this man had. “You asked our daughter to keep things from me? She’s six, Harry!”
“What am I supposed to do, hm?” It was his turn to act coldly. “Let her tell you that we had argued in front of her? That we had decided to break things off while she was in her room playing?”
“Yes!” I raised my voice, then remembered where we were and lowered it. “I expect you to tell me everything. You don’t get to keep shit like that from me, you know I would never do that to you.”
He sighed loudly, trying to calm himself down. “I apologize, okay? I should’ve told you, and I won’t do it again.”
“You expect me to just let it go since you apologized, don’t you?” I laughed, crossing my arms.
“Please, (y/n),” He pleaded frustratedly. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go at all.”
“How did you want this to go?” I asked incredulously. “You wanted me to be okay with what I was just told?”
“Absolutely not,” He shook his head. “But I thought we could handle this without arguing.”
I rolled my eyes. “Clearly you’ve forgotten what the last few months of our relationship were like.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything,” He looked me in the eye. “I haven’t been able to think of anything else but our relationship for the past two years.”
I chuckled at his comment. “You forgot about it long enough to propose to some random woman. Who you had just met very soon after we had broken up, by the way.”
“No, I didn’t,” He countered. “Sure, I made some stupid decisions, but I made them so I could try to forget about my love for you. And I was an idiot for thinking I could, because she broke up with me because she knew I was still very much in love with you.”
I sat there in shock, not sure what to think of the information I was just told.
“I know that we said shit we shouldn’t have, and I know that I left you, but if I could take it all back I would do it in a heartbeat,” He continued. “Nothing makes me happier than being with you, (y/n).”
“Nothing’s going to change, Harry,” I breathed, wiping away the tears that were now falling down my face. “We’ll just argue about the same things and end up in the same place.”
He shook his head again. “No, we won’t. We’ll figure it out, I’m almost done with my second album and I haven’t even started planning the next tour. I have plenty of time right now.”
“And when you end up not having time, then what?” I asked.
“I’ll make time like I should have before.” He answered. “And whenever I need to go out of the country for long periods of time you and Hal will come with me, as long as that’s what you want. And we’ll come with you if you have to do the same. I won’t ever choose work over you, and I’m never leaving you again, (y/n).”
I looked away, trying to fathom what was happening right now. In a perfect world, I would take him back in a second, not worrying about the future or our busy schedules, but this isn’t a perfect world. I was terrified that things would just end up the same, or worse. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry and all of the good times we had. And I wanted Haleigh to have her parents together. I had denied my feelings for him so much that I had convinced myself they didn’t exist anymore. All the while, they were there and hadn’t changed in the slightest. I was terrified, but I wanted Harry to make me feel safe like he used to.
I looked into his begging eyes and couldn’t help but feel my heart break all over again.
“Please give me a second chance,” He tried again.
I thought for a moment, and I could tell that he anxiously awaited my answer. 
“Fine, okay,” I told him.
Shock overtook his face as he heard my answer. “Really?”
“Yeah, really,” I giggled, wiping away my tears again.
He practically jumped up out of his seat and came over to hug me as I stood up. He squeezed me so tightly I could barely breathe, but in that moment I didn’t care. After a moment he pulled away just enough to rest his forehead on mine, the both us laughing as we cried, a surge of different emotions going through us all at once.
“So does this mean you’ll love me again?” He asked me, his thumb rubbing my cheek.
“Who says I ever stopped?” I answered, causing him to beam down at me, then kiss me passionately.
I was the one to pull away after a while, keeping my eyes closed as I enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms again.
“You know, I think I’m gonna need a ride home, I’ve had a few drinks.”
I opened my eyes to give him a questioning look. “You were planning this the whole time, weren’t you?”
“Maybe,” He smirked at me mischievously.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Alright, fine, I’ll do it because it’s the right thing to do. But I know you’re not drunk, so don’t start acting like you are all of a sudden.”
He chuckled, following me out of the pub and getting into my car.
The next morning I was sat in Harry’s living room, watching tv alone while he was in his kitchen making us some food, when someone knocked on his front door.
“Could you get that, love? I’m sort of busy in here,” He yelled.
I got up, walking towards the door nervously. I looked through the peephole in the door to see Gemma holding Haleigh, and took a deep breath before opening it.
Gemma’s smile fell as her jaw almost hit the floor at the sight of me.
“Mummy!” Haleigh exclaimed as her eyes landed on me.
“What is going on? Why are you answering my brother’s door?” Gemma questioned me.
“Glad to see you too, Gem.” I chuckled, grabbing Hal from her and hugging her tightly.
Gemma laughed as well, placing Haleigh’s bag down. “I’m sorry, I am happy to see you, you’re just the last person I expected to be on the other side of that door, is all. Did I miss something, or?”
“Yeah, Mummy, why are you here at Daddy’s?” Haleigh asked me.
“Well, guys, we’ve got some news, we—“
“Would you look at this, three of my favorite girls all in the same room again,” Harry interjected cheerfully, and I turned to glare at him.
“Yeah, about that, (y/n) was about to tell us some news?” Gemma said expectingly, her hands on her hips.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” I continued, Harry mouthing ‘sorry’ to me. “We’ve decided to give things another try.”
“So you’re back together?” Haleigh asked excitedly.
“Yes,” I answered her, then turned my attention to Gemma. “But we’re taking it slow, so things won’t be like they were before for a while.”
“Yay!” Haleigh squealed as she hugged me, Harry joining in and hugging us both.
“I give it a week before Harry’s moved back into your place, two tops,” Gemma teased, and I shook my head at her.
Harry pulled away, taking Haleigh from me. “Hey, Daddy’s making some food, would you like to help?”
She nodded quickly, and he rushed off to the kitchen, causing her to laugh loudly. As cute as that was, I realized he was probably rushing because he forgot about the food for a moment and was probably burning something.
Gemma raised an eyebrow at me, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, you spent the night, hm?”
“How do you know that?” I said playfully.
“Why else would you be here before noon? Especially when we had Hal last night.” She questioned.
I chuckled. “Okay, I did, but before you—“
“You guys hooked up, didn’t you?!” She poked, nudging me with her arm.
“No!” I gasped. “We did nothing like that, thank you, I slept on the couch.”
She looked me up and down. “Mhm, whatever you say, missy...”
“Gemma, I swear nothing happened!” I said. “I wouldn’t lie to you,”
She looked at me for a moment, then smiled at me mischievously. “Just wait until Mum hears about this,”
    thanks for reading! i’d really like to start posting more frequently again, so if you have any requests for imagines please send them my way!     
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 136
Chapter Summary -   As the Early Man premiere looms, Danielle gets more worried about it, but Sophie and Nacelle both try to settle her nerves. When the day comes, how will she deal with it all?
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
NOTES - Yes, I love slagging Michael's accent, I won't apologise, there's no malice behind it :)
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1
‘Elle, this is too much.’
‘Just be grateful that come next Christmas, I will have someone else to annoy with this too, so I may not go as mad.’ She laughed.
‘“May not”?’
‘No promises, if Emma has a girl, I will probably still go as mad for boy’s clothes for your two.’
‘’Or you will just buy three of everything if she has a boy.’
‘Yeah, that’s fairly likely as well.’ Danielle acknowledged.
‘Are you alright with the premier?’ Danielle stared at the cup in front of her, not answering. ‘You’re scared.’
‘F….ing terrified.’ Danielle corrected herself as she looked at Kit who seemed to realise that that was the most opportune time to pick up a word he shouldn’t.
Sophie moved Hal to her other knee. ‘It’s not as bad as you make it out in your head, you know?’
‘People from all over the world will be sitting behind their computer screens and judging me, A - because they think they know me and B - because they think that Tom is theirs and not an actual human being.’
‘That’s only taking in a small number of his fans.’
‘Those are the ones that bother me, people being curious or people actually realise that even though they adore him, he is his own person, them I can handle, they don’t even have to like me, I just don’t like the negative people.’
‘Do you read what they say?’
‘Don’t, you will only upset yourself. You have seen what they have written about Ben and myself, negative people need to be toxic about others, it feeds their need for negativity.’
‘I know.’ Danielle looked at her cup again.
‘Have you spoken to Tom about this?’ She shook her head. ‘And why not?’
‘Because I can see he is stressing about my reaction to this and he is absolutely terrified I will scarper because of it, so if I voice my terror, he will react accordingly, ie overreact as I am doing and we could very much end up in a bad place as a result and I am not risking us for some stupid fear I have.’
Sophie pursed her lips, knowing that she would not convince Danielle to say anything to Tom. ‘I think you should tell him, but that is only my opinion.’ She stated politically before looking at her son, who was chewing his fist. ‘Not another one already.’
‘Toothsies.’ Danielle declared with a funny face causing him to giggle.
‘How do you do that?’
‘I have no idea, he is probably just laughing at my accent.’
‘It hasn’t changed since you came over, has it?’
‘Not that I am aware of, my family said nothing of it changing when I went back for a few days. They’d be the first to point it out.’
‘Michael Fassbender has an odd accent.’
‘Well, he is from Kerry, that’s a normal statement for people from there. But it does seem to be a slight mix of both London and Kerry.’
‘Have you met him?’
Danielle shook her head. ‘Is he even around these parts anymore?’
‘He moved to Portugal with his wife, I think, apparently, Brexit did not make them feel welcome anymore.’
‘Understandable, I get a few comments about being a “Paddy” here taking British jobs.’
‘Actually, what will you do when Brexit happens?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Will you stay?’
‘I am not leaving unless I have to, I came pre-vote, so hopefully, I am not going to be booted out. Worst case scenario, I can marry for a passport, that’s still a thing, right?’ She joked.
Sophie had to laugh but nodded her head slightly in agreement. ‘Is that what you planned? It’s as good a reason as any these days.’
‘And I am laying down my foundations in advance for immigration too.’ Sophie laughed again. ‘I don’t know, I suppose it is different for me than for Fassbender, my partner is British, his is….Swedish isn’t it?’
‘Think so.’
‘So they don’t have ties here such as family. We do, Tom could never move out of the country, leaving his mum and dad behind.’
‘How was Christmas with his mum?’
‘Amazing, I love it so much, we have all the joy of family, but we still have our own space.’
‘So you don’t think you will sell now?’
‘I spoke to him about it, he really did not like the idea and looking at the reasons, I can see it makes a lot more sense to keep it than to sell it. So no, no selling.’
‘And you are okay with that?’
‘Yes.’ The confidence in her voice made Sophie smile, it was clear Danielle was happy with her statement.
Sophie decided to give her more advice. ‘You will be fine, stay with Tom, let him know if you are scared and most importantly, be honest with him. Ben was the exact same, you can see him asking more than once if I am okay, Tom will do it too. And smile, they want to accuse you of being unhappy so much, don’t give it to them.’
‘Why are they so in need of putting others down?’
‘Because they are miserable and spiteful, two personality types prone to loving bringing others down. You will do fine, don’t fret.’
Danielle just nodded in response.
‘Elle?’ Tom knocked on the bathroom door. ‘Darling, Nacelle is here, I told her to go into the spare room, far more space in there for her to set herself up.’
‘Okay, just a sec, I am fighting with my hair.’ She walked out of the bathroom. ‘I am shaving it all off.’
‘Please don’t, it’s cold out, you’d regret it.’ Tom smiled, looking at her attempts to get it to do what she wanted. ‘You get your things together, and go over to her, alright?’
‘Thank you.’ She leant up and kissed him. ��I don’t know why she insists on being here this early, am I that ugly?’
‘You are nothing of the sort.’ Tom chastised. ‘Didn’t Emma take four hours to do hair and make-up the day of her wedding.’
‘In all fairness, I never saw a more beautiful bride. The make-up only accentuated her features. She looked incredible.’
‘You looked so beautiful too.’ Tom smiled. ‘I fell utterly in love with you in every way that day. Before the wedding, while you were helping Emma, my feelings grew, but that day….I realised later what it was but I remember seeing you, walking down the aisle with Jack’s best friend and being utterly flabbergasted, you took my breath away.’ He placed his hand against her cheek. ‘Why did I waste two years? We could have had so much more time together.’
‘We both were not smart enough to take our heads out of our asses. And things happen for a reason. Who knows, if we had gotten together then, we may not have lasted.’ She pointed out. ‘Or we could be married now and be parents or perhaps we could be divorced, or just planning a wedding, we can never tell, all we can do is accept what is and change things moving forward if we are not happy with it.’
That startled Tom slightly. The idea of them married, must less as parents was a step that he thought they were a significant distance from at present. In all truth, he would see that as more of a reason to be angry at himself for not just saying something that day as they were eating or even ask her to dance, but he said nothing and missed out on two more years with her.
‘Hey, Earth to Tom…’ He turned to see Danielle looking at him. ‘Are you alright, love?’
‘Yeah, I was just thinking.’
‘Oh dear.’ He gave her a small playful warning look. ‘I better go get ready for this.’
‘So must I, I will be back soon.’
‘Are you going somewhere?’
‘I am going to the barbers.’
‘Are you getting everything cut off?’ She eyed him warily.
‘Not at all, just groomed.’ He consoled, smiling as she relaxed. ‘This is going to stay for a while yet.’
‘Good, I love it.’
‘And if I have to shave and tidy?’
‘I like you like that too.’ She smiled, kissing him. ‘Go. This is going to take me a serious amount of time.’
‘Not at all, you are so beautiful already, Nacelle just accentuates it.’ He assured her as he gave her a kiss and left the room and going down the other room to the curious looking makeup artist. ‘She is just out of the bathroom.’
‘I’ll have her ready for you.’
‘I will get you both something on the way back from my own appointment.’ He smiled as he left.
‘Don’t call me that.’ Danielle growled as she came to the bedroom door. ‘Hey.’ She hugged her friend.
‘You look scared.’
‘I am scared.’
‘It’s nothing. And you have your own knight in shining armour, let’s get this started.’ They walked into the spare bedroom which had a large vanity table with a mirror. Danielle sat in the chair and watched as Nacelle looked at her before grabbing a few things. ‘We’ll get your hair in a few rollers, a nice tousled look will go well with your dress.’
‘I trust you.’ Danielle smiled, looking at the outfit she was wearing before Nacelle put a cloak over her to protect her clothes and started attacking her hair with rollers.
‘You really need to consider getting an ombre done, it would suit you so much.’ Nacelle insisted.
‘I need to worry more about the grey hairs.’
‘Shh, you have only a few.’
‘I spent the last thirty minutes pulling out some.’
‘Try doing it with my hair and then talk to me.’ Nacelle confessed, making Danielle feel a bit better, the pair talking about anything and everything as Nacelle worked on Danielle’s hair and then makeup.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Darkwing Duck: My Valentine Ghoul Review aka A Bad Episode Even by Valentine’s Day Episode Standards
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Welcome back Darkwings of the Night. It’s time to go back to St. Canard for the very review that got me to finish up my look at the episodes that should’ve lead up to Just Us Justice Ducks and the episode itself last month. While I probably COULD have reviewed this one before finsihing that as continuity’s pretty loose here, I wanted to see Negaduck’s proper introduction first. So was it worth it?
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Yeah while I was glad to get one of my retrospectives done and free up some room for other stuff, this episode..was an objective disapointment and might be even worse than “Brush with Oblivion”. If your curious to know why and aren’t already lobbing a harpoon at me for bashing an episode you liked, join me under the cut. 
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On PAPER this episode sounded really good. Negaduck trying to seduce Morgana back to crime and in general after Darkwing once again neglected her is not at all a bad premise and the in episode conflict of Darkwing’s obnoxious supscioson of his girlfriend being an ex con, COULD’VE been really interesting. But there’s a reason Could’ve was in all caps folks: This episode is not very well put together and it’s gender politics have aged like fine santa liquor left split in a bathtub surronded by toxic waste for 20 years, and tastes just as bad. Trust me I know. My colon still hasn’t recovered. So let’s get into WHY shall we? 
So we open with a date in a graveyard with Darkwing and Morgana, unsuprisingly though Darkwing isn’t the fondest of their meal which... look like someone scrambled the Star-Spawn of Cthulu. He’s going to be pissed.. especially once I try some. Look i’m very curious and very hungry. 
But things take a turn when Darkwing brings up diamonds, because he’s fully insensitive enough to bring them up in front of his girlfriend. She does take the truth in stride: he’s not proposing he’s simply hung up on a case of diamonds going missing, and no solution and thus might have to cut the date short. She offers to go with him but he shoots her down, saying the last time she helped she turned him into a rutabega.. instead of you know TRAINING her and helping her on her aim.  Then the episode looses me.. and about how long into the episode are we exactly? Not taking the theme song into acount?
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Yup. It takes around 2 minutes, with some change. for the episode to become absolutley terrible. But first off Morgana suddenly flies off the table claming he dosen’t trust her for being a former criminal and zaps him in vengance.. which is assualt. Cartoony assault sure but it still hurts and his reactoin is STILL pure feer as he’s turned into some kind of ball... I mean.. it’s not like he can’t fight crime like that. Some of the best have done it. 
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But still she goes to physical violence at the drop of a hat this episode and Darkwing seems more than a little afraid of that happening again. Just... wow.  I thought, having finished the Legend of the Three Cablleros, i’d be done with writing so poor a character comes off as a domestic abuser, mental in that case phsyical here, but here we are. Now this is untetional so I don’t blame the writers as much.. but I still heft some blame on them for being SO bad at writing a woman that she can’t get angry without phsyically attacking her partner or grasping the implications there. 
Oh and it gets worse. Yes, it somehow gets worse from “Morgana attacking darkwing for upsetting her”. Darkwing proves to be pretty vile himself, as when Morgana accuses him of not trusting her due to her criminal past.... he says “You know what they say once a crook always a crook. “
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My.. fucking.. god.... the show is stacking unfortunate implications on top of itself like lego bricks. And yes attitudes towards prisoners were much worse back then, I get that. Dosen’t make it tolerable to HEAR someone spouting that bullshit, let alone our protaganist. And while it doesn’t make her right to shoot lighting at him, as she does after this or attack him before... it does mean he’s a massive, mentally abusive dick who refuses to trust his partner who reformed FOR HIM, just because she used to do crimes. It takes a special kind of bad writing to screw up so badly that two of your heroes are immensley unikeable in the span of minutes but they did. CONGRADULATIONS DUMBASS!
So yeah Morgana breaks up with him and he tries to go after her  and Gosalyn, who was there the whole time with eek and squeak,  decides she needs to get the two back together. 
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I mean at least Gosalyn MEANS well. As a result despite her helping them not being a good idea, she’s one of the most likeable characters in the episode. At least for now. The most likeable?
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Yes. REALLY. Now granted he’s as much of a bastard as always; After seeing Morg’s tantrum he wants to seduce her back to evil to help with his diamond scheme, unsurprisingly he’s the one stealing them and his plan to do so.. is not all that bright as he fakes being good to get into her good graces.. forgetting that he’s going to need to show her he’s bad again for any of his plan to work, as during the climax i’ts revealed he’s using a candy company as a front for diamond smuggling. Now granted that.. is actually really clever as no one’s going to think to check a shipment of choclate boxes for diamonds unless their tipped off and he even mentions starting a candy company earlier, so that being his scheme dosen’t come out of left field and i’ts  a clever misdirect that you’d THINK he was lying about the Candy Company.  But while Negsy doesn’t’t escape the contagious case of stupidity everyone’s got this episode, he’s still entertaining as ever and Jim cummings manages to make saying “Well be the best of pals” pants crappingly terrifiying. So Negaduck is a delight as always even if his plan makes little sense, as his way of going about it is still clever: he fakes being good and both uses this to make darkwing jealous, thus making him seem irational, and to provide a shield and also forces himself on their valentine’s date. He even gets past Morgana rightfully beign supsicous by playing to her past. So yeah not the best plan OVERALL but damn if he still isn’t awesome.  They visit a carnival, ah feels like home, though this one has a freak show where MORGANA feels like she’s home. After trying to fry Darkwing and making him look like the bad guy Negaduck manages to seperate the two in the tunnel of love then use darkwing’s own jackassery against him by claming he left saying once a crook always a crook. He hten.. comes on way too strong, first asking if she’s thought about going back to crime when they get back to her place and then isn’t resceptive when he just tries to fully turn on the charm. Oh and Darkwing walks in and thinks his gilrfriend is cheating despite her not returning Negaducks affections because he’s a douchebag.  Gosalyn is in the house at the same time as after Negaducks earlier deception, Eek and Squeak flew her back to Morgana’s house to use the Necronomiduck, which talks like he just walked out of Beast’s house because of course he does, and gets a love potion.. which they accidently spray on Darkwing instead. So we do get one of the few GOOD parts of the episode where Darkwing acts all buddy buddy to negaduck and Negaduck even gets rid of him just by telling him to go jump off a cliff. And the combination of Drake acting all sachrine again, much like posiduck, and Negaduck’s clear annoyance and confusion is just comedy gold. 
Sadly that ends and Drake returns and a fight breaks out with Morgana accidently freezing darkwing and when trying to freeze negaduck, he simpy reflects it back the obsconds with her ice cube. 
While Gosalyn and co thaw her dad out, Negaduck explains the whole choclate scam and Morgana refuses and they fight, with Negaduck covering her in chocolate.. then darkwing when he shows up as you’d expect. Darkwing however has buzzsaw cufflinks, a wonderful 60′s batman type gag, and saves them both.. btu the love potion ends up on Gosalyn who covers her dad and possible step mom in frosting
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Thankfully it wears off fast, and morgana gets the idea to put the love potion, which is air born into the gas gun, finally getting Darkwing to trust her and blasting Negaduck, then suckerpunching him when he gets close. Oh and despite her plan being VERY obvious , Darkwing STILL questions her flirting with the guy. 
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So the day is saved and we end with him questioning her order at dinner that night and her .. attacking him. And Gosalyng saying “Well you always hurt the ones you love”
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Final Thoughts: .I do not like this episode. I do not like it on a moat, on a boat or with a goat or in any way shape or form even though that breaks the ryhme. Reviewing it only had me finding MORE problems with it. Morgana and Darkwing are so unsympathetic here, with her violence towards him making it seem like “Aw all couples are just the woman chasing the man around with the frying pan.. or lighting bolts in this case” even though that’s sexist as hell at BEST and makes light of domesdtic abuse towards men at worst.  Darkwing gets off no better, being THAT kind of asshole who assumes just because someone used to be a criminal they always will be. Which even in pastiche makes no sense as I can name tons of superheroes, a who USED to be criminals or villians: Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Luke Cage (Before becoming a superhero), Scott Lang Ant-Man, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Cassandra Cain, Simon Baz, Mach 10, Songbird, Quicksilver, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Emma Frost. And that’s not getting into the number of heroes, including many on this list, who went evil fo ra bit and came back from it.. some of whom are on this list. Usually his black and white insanity schick works but the episode does nothing to punish him for it and instead makes Morgana seem just as irrational by attacking him. 
While this episode dosen’t use the love potion badly, thank god, with morgana even calling it a bad idea.. i’ts all I can give it outside of negaduck. The love potion and negaduck gags are both great.. but everything else is just so toxic and odious it makes it very hard to enjoy. And so.. this wins the DUBIOUS honor of being the worst Darkwing Duck episode i’ve seen so far. The plot’s weak, filled with horrible outdated ideas even by the time this was made, and no one is likeable, even Negaduck wears out his once he starts getting a bit too pushy with morgana. All in all a waste of potetial and a good episode. Until the next rainbow, this episode can step on a rusty railroad spike and get tetnus. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
It Had To Be You
Ch.26: I Am Who I Am // Story Masterlist
Fandom: The Flash
Pairings: Barry Allen x Female OC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Bell-en. The last syllable has an emphasis so it’s not pronounced like ‘Helen’ would be.
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Chapter Summary: Barry comes face to face with Eobard Thawne, the man behind his family's destruction. Belén is on the opposite side as she's down one more Palayta.
{Previous chapters}
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"After an epic street battle with the Reverse-Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light…" Caitlin stopped reading from the futuristic article to look over at Barry, the man still in shock. "The date is from the future," she said, although she didn't know if this was a good or bad thing honestly. Everything was so confusing. "April 25th, 2024."
Barry looked for the sentence that Caitlin had read, forcibly tearing his eyes from the article's authors underneath. "When I fought the Reverse-Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries."
"But if that's true then it would implicate that Dr. Wells, or whoever he is, is also...from the future," Caitlin blinked, quickly looking back to the article.
Cisco spoke up finally, but not about the current problem. "I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suit. And the white on the symbol? That's dope." But then his initial happiness faded. "Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This... wow. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy. Not as trippy as the name on the byline though." And then he smirked. "Annah-Belén Allen?"
There was an indescribable expression on Barry's face. Once again his eyes were drawn to that name. It gave him a little...ping? No, no, a definite wham in his heart. That was his Bells, his Bells with his name. At some point, despite everything bad, they'd gotten married. She was his wife.
Oh boy, that made his mind spiral with different thoughts all at once, some of them leaving him a bit red.
"Mazel tov? Cisco slowly went, both he and Caitlin assuming Barry was still in the middle of processing the news.
But suddenly, an entirely different voice responded. "Hebrew. Ancient language of the Jewish people."
"Uh-uh. What the hell was that?" Cisco quickly scanned the room.
Barry snapped out of his stupor momentarily to face the problem. "Is someone here? Hello?"
A blueish holographic head appeared just in front of the three, giving them a fright. "Good evening, Barry Allen."
"Uh... H-hi…" Barry and the others took a large step backwards. "You know who I am?"
"Of course. Barry Allen, director of Central City Police, CSI Division."
"Director?" Caitlin repeated. "I guess you get a promotion."
Gideon continued, "Also known as The Flash. Founding member of…"
But Barry didn't care to listen that ending. "What are you?"
"I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness."
"AI. Sick," Cisco said, clearly impressed.
"You know Dr. Wells?" Barry asked.
"Do you know who he really is?" further asked Caitlin.
"I don't understand the question," Gideon responded.
"I... I mean, what is he doing here?" Barry explained better. "W-why did he come here?"
"To kill you," the bluntness in Gideon's response made everyone freeze.
Cisco's phone vibrated and he quickly pulled it out of his pocket. "Wells is in the building."
Caitlin snapped her head his way. "What? How do you know that?"
"I put a tracker on his wheelchair," Cisco explained and immediately Caitlin shifted disapprovingly. "Which, if we're wrong about him and he is paralyzed, I'm going to hell for that one. He's in the Cortex. Ask questions fast."
Barry had many questions to ask but there was one he needed answered. "Why did he kill Nora Allen?"
"Because he was angry."
"About what?"
"That you escaped."
Barry felt dumbfounded, honestly, to learn that his mother died because he hadn't.
Cisco, who remained on his phone tracking Wells, spoke up. "He's on B level. He's coming this way."
"What does he want from me?" demanded Barry.
"For you to be The Flash."
"Maybe that's why Wells let the particle accelerator explode, so that you could become The Flash," Cisco remarked from behind.
"Why?" frowned Barry, who took a moment to think. "I mean, for what reason?"
"Guys, we got to go. He's almost here," Cisco said, tapping Barry on the arm. "Hurry!"
But they had only made it halfway when Cisco stopped them. "Wait a second. Wait. What if HAL over there tells Wells that we were in here?" he pointed to Gideon whose holographic head remained in place.
"That would be bad," Caitlin blinked.
"If I can get into its operating system, maybe I can disable its memory core…" Cisco theorized, and prompted Barry to ask Gideon for her operating system. After taking a look at such system, Cisco scoffed. "Yeah. Nope. That's not gonna happen." He quickly checked his phone again and panicked. "Guys, he's in the corridor."
Feeling desperate, Barry resorted to just simply asking, "Gideon, could you just, like, not tell him that we were here?"
Gideon surprised them all by responding, "Of course. I will accept any command given to me by you."
"Barry. Come on," Cisco motioned them to get going again. "We got to get out of here."
Barry shook his head and remained right where he was. "Wait, wait, wait. Why would you accept my commands?" he asked Gideon.
"Because you created me."
That answer left Barry even more stupefied. He let the others drag him out of the room.
~ 0 ~
"Hey," Iris tapped Belén's desk and laughed when Belén's eyes snapped up at her in shock. "Snap you out of some good fantasies?"
"What - no!" Belén shook her head, lowering her pen she'd been chewing on while thinking.
Iris put down a freshly printed out paper on the desk and tilted her head. "Then why did you look so spaced out?"
"I just...I'm worried over Maritza. She's been gone for a week and I still don't know where she is nor why she left," Belén leaned back against her chair, almost biting blood off her lower lip from the force.
"And she hasn't even tried to call Axel yet?" Iris asked.
Belén shook her head again. "No, and that's what gets me. She just got up and left us."
Well, that wasn't entirely true, Belén thought. Maritza left a short, cryptic letter for them explaining she was leaving. Of course, it didn't really explain anything.
Belén, I'm sorry. I am so sorry but I can't do this anymore. I've been drifting for months now and my actions have finally caught up with me. I'm not brave enough to do it, to face you all, so the only thing left for me to do is go. I love my family, and I love my son but now Axel is better off without me. I'm not the mother he deserves. Please look after him, you're his favorite aunt and I know you love him almost as much as I do.
I'm sorry.
- Maritza.
"It has been a week since she left...why not go to the cops?" Iris was cautious in how she said that. She didn't want to make Belén think about the fact something bad could've happened to Maritza.
"Yeah... I've been putting it off hoping that Maritza would come back, but...maybe it is a matter for the police," Belén figured she would talk to Barry about it and then decide if STAR Labs could handle the job right now - what with investigating Wells being an almost full time job - or if she should really leave it to the police. After all, she did have ties to the police both in Central City and in Starling.
"You want me to come with you during lunch?" Iris was up and ready to help if Belén needed her, but Belén shook her head.
"No, thanks. I just have to do some thinking first."
"Okay," Iris didn't even want to know what it would be like being in Belén's place at the moment, but she would be there if Belén needed her. "Do you want to talk about some new topics for this week's paper?"
"Yes please," Belén admitted it was nice getting to some normal issues of life, even if it was just for a bit. Iris was really good at reminding her that she did have a normal life despite everything.
Iris beamed and slid her paper over to Belén. "Okay, so check this out. I've been trying to figure out more about that blue guy that showed up at the Mayor's auction bit - remember him?"
"How could I forget?" Belén mumbled as she began skimming the single paper.
"Well, I thought he reminded me of someone and then I realized that it was the same man who once broke into this place, with that Plasticine woman and Pixel, right before you were kidnapped," Iris said, beginning to speak a little more fast the more she got excited over it.
"Also remember that," Belén made a face.
"But all of a sudden he's just disappeared. And do you know the crazy part? That other woman, Plasticine, she's sort of gone too…"
"So you want to write about them now?" Belén wasn't sure if this was the best idea, writing about her brother's comrades. It could provoke them into coming back and worse.
"Yeah, I mean, I think no one's realized that we got a got like a little band of evil metahumans in the city," Iris smirked. "I thought we could be the first. And...you know…" she leaned forwards on the desk to speak in a hushed tone, "...maybe you could ask the Flash to give you some info about them?"
"Iris," Belén sighed, although mildly amused.
"Oh c'mon, he has a crush on you so you know he'd do it," Iris playfully jabbed Belén on the arm. "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
"I can't believe we're still on that topic," Belén rolled her eyes and handed Iris her paper back.
"Be grateful I haven't told Barry about that," Iris said, playfully pointing at Belén. "He'd go ballistically jealous. Who wouldn't be if he was the competition?"
"Iris," Belén rubbed her forehead.
"N-n-n-no, don't worry, I won't tell anything about it," Iris promised seriously. "But could you please just ask about the metahumans? Please?"
"Okay, fine," Belén said, just to get Iris to leave it alone. "I will see what I can do…"
Iris beamed and promised her she would earn a nice Jitters if it all went well.
Barry could not find himself focusing on anything right now that didn't get him a step closer to taking Wells - or the Reverse Flash - down. It was all so confusing not to mention horrifying. It was no wonder Singh called him out on his lack of productivity at work. But then, it only lasted a minute or so until Singh too was distracted with something else of his life - marriage. That only sent Barry into a further state of overwhelm. That theme wouldn't stop, and it appeared it wouldn't stop with Eddie either.
"Oh my God!" he nearly fell backwards when Eddie showed him the engagement ring meant for Iris, tucked inside a small turquoise box.
Unfortunately, Barry was not the only one to see.
Belén could barely contain her squeals as she crossed the lobby to reach the two men. "I saw a turquoise box! Where's the turquoise box!? Show me the turquoise box!" She wiggled her fingers excitedly. Eddie was half amused and did as told lest she hit him. Belén gaped at the beautiful ring inside. "Oh my God," she smiled and looked up at Eddie.
"You can't tell her!" were his first words, making her chuckle.
"Secret for a secret," she raised a hand in solemn swear. "So have you thought of how how you're going to do it?"
"Well-" Eddie was going to explain his dilemma but Belén, just too excited, cut him off as she began to ramble on much she typically would.
"Oh! Are you going to do like the traditional, but cliche, hide-the-ring-in-a-piece-of-cake thing? No wait-" she looked to the side, quickly thinking of something else, "- it was a breadstick. I can't remember what movie that was. Or are you going to have like an airplane fly in the sky writing the words 'Iris, will you marry me?'" she made a gesture of each word with her hand. She stopped smiling a little when she saw both men staring at her. "What?"
"You thought about all this?" Barry was the one to speak up, though after clearing his throat.
"Well, what kind of girl hasn't thought about her wedding?" she countered, crossing her arms. "Haven't you thought about it?"
And just thinking about the future article again made Barry quickly shake his head. "No! I have never thought about us getting married, nope…"
Belén, more amused than annoyed, pointed out, "I never said about us. I just asked in general." Barry stiffened, his face quick to give up a flush. "But it's nice to see you're already nervous about it." She laughed and turned to Eddie. "So, what's the plan?"
It was then that Eddie could tell them his problem. "I was gonna propose tonight. All right. But I went to Joe to ask for his blessing. He said no."
"He did?" Barry repeated, confused.
"Repeatedly. I need you to talk to him, find out why…"
Barry made an apologetic face, "Uh, Eddie…"
"Look, I know me asking you like this, it's a little awkward," Eddie amended, "But you know how heartbroken Iris is gonna be if she finds out that Joe's not on board."
"He will most definitely do it, Eddie," Belén assured the man, then placed a hand on his arm, beginning to giddy up again, "And then we can plan the perfect proposal! Eek!"
"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it so much," Eddie said to both of them, and couldn't help get excited when he added, "And so will the future Mrs. Thawne. Iris Thawne..." he tested the name, chuckling, "Sounds pretty good, huh?"
"I think she's going to wanna hyphenate," Belén teased when Eddie left, chuckling to herself as she looked back at Barry and added, "That's what I wanna do."
"I have a feeling you wouldn't," Barry mumbled to himself but the moment she turned her head in his direction he jumped to change the topic. "What can I do for you, Bells?"
Belén got serious pretty fast, and judging by her face Barry knew exactly what she wanted to talk about. It was the topic he'd been desperately trying to get brave enough to be honest about.
"I'm really worried about Maritza," Belén felt like a broken record the way she talked so much about her sister's disappearance. "It's been a week and she hasn't called, texted, or returned from wherever she left to. I've tried looking for her myself in her old neighborhood but she's just not there. I'm thinking about finally going to the cops. I mean, for all I know, that letter could've been forced or forged. Do you think STAR Labs has time to look for Maritza or should I just go directly to the cops?"
In all the time Belén had been talking, Barry had tried to get some courage to speak up. He was trying - really trying - to tell her the truth about Maritza. He honestly never thought Marirza would choose the coward's way out and abandon her son and sister, leaving him to tell Belén the truth. Over the past week, he'd been working hard to convince himself that it wasn't his fault Maritza left. After all, he offered her the chance to come clean to Belén - he offered her the opportunity to mend her mistakes. It wasn't his fault Maritza chose wrong.
That was a difficult thing to accept when he kept seeing Belén so concerned and even scared over what happened to her sister.
"Barry?" Belén's voice brought him back to the present.
His eyes snapped back to her and realized he'd been silent for over a minute. To her it must have appeared like he hadn't heard a word of what she said. Fortunately, Belén was much smarter.
"What's going on with you? You've been so...distant with me. And whenever you do that, it's because you're not telling me something," she crossed her arms and looked him over, up and down.
"I-I just have a lot on my mind," Barry rubbed the back of his neck. It wasn't a lie, but the way he said it made Belén even more suspicious.
She looked at him in her special way - a look all too difficult to look away from - and frowned. "So get one thing off your mind right now. I'm all ears."
Stop being a coward, Barry berated himself. Belén deserved the truth and he really wanted to say it but...he couldn't imagine her reaction. Already she was having trouble dealing with her brother's reality and now he was going to add a second villainous sibling? But how could he word it to avoid a bad reaction?
"Barry," Belén said with annoyance lacing her tone. Perhaps it was because of everything on her plate that she got so irritated with him so quickly. She turned away and started heading for the elevator.
"Belén, c'mon," Barry sighed and went after her.
"Barry, I have enough problems and the last thing I want is an argument. So-" she pressed the elevator button, "-I'll just go and cool off. Maybe it'll give you time to speak up about whatever it is you're keeping from me."
"You're mad at me..." Barry threw his head back, scrunching his face for a moment.
Belén stepped into the elevator and turned to him with a flat face. "No, I'm irritated. And tired. And confused. But I've told you all about it. So sad you can't do the same."
Barry felt the sting of her words and even more so when the elevator doors slid shut. Thanks a lot, Maritza, he felt actual anger towards that woman.
~ 0 ~
"She's mad," Barry crossed Joe's living room, retelling the argument he had with Belén with Cisco and Caitlin. They were waiting on Eddie and Joe to come back from work so that they could talk about their findings in STAR Labs.
"Well, here's an idea - and it might be a good one," Cisco sarcastically turned his palm up beside him, "Why don't you just go ahead and tell her that Maritza is Plasticine."
Caitlin, who sat next to Cisco on the couch, was shooting Cisco a glare. "Because obviously that's not an easy thing to say." Barry made a gesture at Caitlin, thanking her for being much more understanding.
Cisco shrugged his shoulders. "Better Belén be angry at Maritza than Barry, right?"
"Dude, that's not it," Barry brought his hands to the back of his head. "I am trying to tell Belén it's just..." he once again gestured to Caitlin, "It's not an easy thing to say. I mean, how am I supposed to explain to Belén that, apart from her brother, her sister is also an evil meta who has killed and robbed and basically made our lives miserable for almost a year now?"
"Yeah, okay, I see your point but Maritza ran and if you don't say anything it'll just get worse."
"Cisco's right," Caitlin said after a minute. "You decided to give Maritza a chance and - I'm sorry if it sounds mean - but you basically gambled and lost."
Barry loved his friends but right now, he was irritated that they were right. Thankfully, Joe and Eddie arrived so Barry jumped at the opportunity to change topics. Once Joe learned what Belén had, he couldn't help become the father figure who scolded the children after they did something bad.
"Really? For three very smart people, that was really stupid. What if Wells had caught you in that…"
"Time vault," Cisco thought to help.
"Okay," Eddie shook his head, looking confused, "I know we've seen a lot this past year, but time travel?"
"I did it," Barry blurted and quickly received looks from the others. "Or I will do it, I mean…"
Eddie looked flatout done. "Excuse me?"
"One of the two speedsters in Barry's house the night his mother died was Barry. I mean, The Flash," Cisco began to explain. "He was there. Which means that one day in the future, Barry will travel back in time to that night."
"Okay. Actually, I wasn't talking about that. I kind of already time traveled," Barry said, thinking it was best to just tell them the truth now. "By accident."
"You did what?" Eddie asked.
"I was running to try and stop a tsunami from hitting the city…"
"And when was that?"
"A few weeks ago," Barry replied then looked at Cisco, "Right before you started getting those dreams."
"Oh, you mean the ones where Wells uses his super-speeding hand to shred apart my heart?" Cisco sarcastically said. "Those?"
"Yes, right. So, what if they're not dreams?"
Now it was Caitlin giving him a look. "What else could they be?"
"Memories. What if, that day, Cisco found out that Wells is the Reverse-Flash, and then Wells killed him? But when I ran back a day, I changed the timeline so that event never happened."
"If it never happened, how can Cisco remember it?" Joe asked thoughtfully.
"Because I'm clearly special enough to remember my apparent death," Cisco had answered pretty glumly.
"Maybe we should try to expand on those memories then," Eddie hummed. Cisco's eyes snapped to him, appalled at the idea. "I'm just saying maybe there's something else in those memories that could help us figure out this mess."
"He's right," Barry finally spoke up, the thoughts of the alternate word consuming him for a moment. "We have to access Cisco's memories somehow. Somewhere in his subconscious is the key."
"The key to what now?" Cisco frowned, seeing the others begin to go with the idea.
"Getting my dad out of prison."
"And how are we going to do that?" Eddie inquired next.
"We're gonna get Wells to confess to killing my mom."
And the idea was born.
"Auntie Belén, what are we going to have for dinner?" Axel asked for the third time as he and Belén walked down the street. Well, Belén was carrying him on her hip and doing her best to not drop her bag with her laptop inside. She'd already taken an early day off work and had to pick up Axel from a babysitter Maritza used to have, since Mrs. Andrews wasn't going to be home today. That babysitter had been pretty upset Belén was late to pick up Axel.
"Um, I don't know yet," Belén felt awful keeping Axel like this but she was doing her best to pay all the bills now while maintaining a solid babysitter for Axel and doing her full hours at work.
Axel was interested in her hair, never noticing how quickly his aunt was going down the block. "I'm hungry."
"I know, sweetheart, I know," Belén shifted him a bit and nearly dropped her bag had it not been for a sudden gust of wind catching it.
"Barry!" Axel grinned at the meta who'd appeared in front of them. "Hi!"
Barry offered the boy a light smile before looking at Belén, who wasn't smiling back. She reached for her bag, which almost caused her to drop Axel.
"Let me help you," Barry said after helping her straighten up.
"I'm good, thanks," Belén said curtly and held her hand for the bag he still held onto.
"Bells, don't do that," Barry quietly spoke so that Axel wouldn't catch on they were having a rough moment. "Let me help you into the house."
"I don't need your help," Belén thought that was the biggest lie she ever said. She always needed his help.
"Auntie Belén, I'm hungry," Axel let his head rest against her shoulder. "When can we eat?"
A sigh slipped through Belén's lips. She met Barry's look and felt guilty for letting her nephew starve just for her problems with her boyfriend. She didn't have to say anything for Barry to know, so she moved around him and continued towards her house.
"Can we have macaroni and cheese?" Axel asked her but Belén honestly couldn't see herself cooking at the moment.
"How's about some pizza instead, hmm?" Belén walked down the front yard and up the steps to her door.
"With pepperoni and sausage!?" Axel's head popped up from her shoulder.
"Of course," Belén put him down to search for her keys. She patted her pockets for a minute but stopped when Barry leaned beside her and stuck her key into the door. She dropped her hands to her side and kept quiet as Barry opened the door for them.
Axel ran right in. "Can I call the pizza? I want to order it all by myself!"
Belén walked in after and searched for phone. Once again, Barry stepped in with her phone and bag. She couldn't help glower as she snatched both items. "Thank you," she said politely. "You can go."
"Bells, c'mon," Barry reached for her arm but she stepped away.
"As you can see, I don't have time to argue again," she spoke quietly while her eyes watched Axel go for his toys left on the couch. "As of late, I don't have a lot of time in general."
"Then let me help you," Barry motioned to himself. He vanished and reappeared in all of ten seconds holding two boxes of pizza in his hands.
"Aww, Barry, I wanted to order all by myself," Axel playfully stomped his feet towards the dining table.
"Sorry, Axel," Barry smiled at the boy then looked at Belén, gesturing to the pizza boxes in his hands. Belén crossed her arms and stepped aside so that he could leave the boxes on the table.
Barry put down the boxes of pizza on the table and gave Axel a plate. Axel eagerly opened up the top pizza box and crinkled his now. "Ew, why is there chicken on this pizza?"
"Because that's your auntie's favorite kind of pizza," Barry glanced at Belén, the woman shifting on her feet. "Pepperoni, chicken and ham."
"Eww," Axel promptly pushed the box away and reached for the second box.
"Bells?" Barry called the woman over but she refused to move from her spot.
"Can I get my juice?" Axel turned back on his chair to see Belén. He put his hands together and pouted. "I promise I won't spill."
Belén hated having both of their eyes burning on her so she sighed and let Axel go on. "Only one juice pouch."
"I only have one left," Axel's reminder that she hadn't even gone grocery shopping made her slap her hands over her face with a groan. She wasn't getting this at all.
"I'll go buy some soon, I promise," she dropped her hands and saw Barry coming up to her. "Look, thank you for the pizza, I'll pay you back-"
"-now you're just offending me," Barry said with a flat face. Belén rolled her eyes and shifted on her feet. "Belén, there are so many things going on right now that the last thing I want is to argue with the person I care about most. Really, I just want to hold you tight."
Belén looked up at him, and without saying it out loud, Barry knew she felt the same. "I'm so tired," she closed her eyes and slumped her shoulders.
"I know," Barry moved around her so that he could hold her from behind.
"Mrs. Andrews couldn't babysit today so I had to practically beg Maritza's last babysitter to watch him for today and she screamed at me because I was late picking him up," Belén started rambling and of course Barry let her go on until she'd need to breath. "And then I had to leave early from work so that I could pick him up so that was a fun conversation with our editor. On top of that Iris is asking me to ask the Flash about some information on my brother, Pixel, Plasticine and Azul-"
"Auntie Belén!" Axel came running out of the kitchen waving his juice pouch above his head. "I need more juice!"
Belén shut her eyes and let her head hang. "And I have to go grocery shopping because I'm starving my nephew."
Barry only slightly smiled behind her. He knew she was under excess stress and it killed him that he held the biggest stress bomb she'd hear. He tightened his grip around Belén and planted a kiss on her head. "You're doing the best you can and look, Axel's doing just fine."
Belén raised her head to see Axel wiggling his bottom on his chair. He took a big bite of his pizza and hummed despite having a good chunk of food in his mouth. He looked like any ordinary four year old having dinner.
"I can't do this forever," Belén admitted quietly. "I'm his aunt, I'm not...I'm not a mom. I don't know what to do when he cries at night. I definitely don't know what to do for dinner every night for a four year old. Me? I can make frozen food and I'm good to go but he...he's four. He needs nutrients and vitamins that I have never looked at." She paused to take in a deep breath and exhale. "I gotta find Maritza."
Barry closed his eyes for a moment, willing himself to speak up. "Bells..." his arms let her go, allowing her to turn around. "Maritza..."
Belén watched him struggle with his words that didn't even spell a coherent sentence. It concerned her, honestly, when she saw how much conflict she saw on his face. "Barry," she put a hand on his arm, essentially stopping him in the middle of a stutter. "This thing that...you can't get off your mind, is it about me?"
Barry pursed his lips together and gave a small nod. "Yeah..."
"It's not good, is it?"
"No...it's not."
"I don't like being kept in the dark of things, you know that, but if you're having that much trouble telling me...it has to be something really serious," Belén crossed her arms and did her best to not be so impulsive to get the information out of Barry. "I don't know what it is, but I really hope to know sometime this week."
That was fair, perhaps more fair than Barry deserved. He didn't know how, but he would tell her the truth by the end of the week. He had to. "I promise you I will."
Belén took that deal with a nod of her head. She turned back to Axel and saw he was covered in pizza sauce already. "I also discovered that I am not good at getting four year olds to take baths."
Barry laughed behind her. "That's every four year old, Bells."
Belén groaned. The more she thought about things, the worse she felt. Knowing this, Barry endeavored to distract her.
"Make a list of what you need for groceries," he left her and came back with a pen and notepad.
"Right, cos I'll forget," Belén figured and took the pen and notepad from him. She jotted down the things she remembered straight off the bat and when she kept pausing every so often, Barry started speeding through their kitchen.
Axel laughed from his seat. "Auntie Belén, what is Barry doing? Is he being silly?"
Before Belén could answer, she felt the pen and notepad disappear between her fingers. Barry came to a stop in front of her. "Uh, so you also needed Cinnamon Toast Crunch, definitely more apples, some bananas, a couple more pasta boxes - you guys eat a lot of pasta!" He threw her a look.
"We're Italian," Belén reminded him.
"And spaghetti! I want spaghetti tomorrow!" Axel exclaimed.
"Gonna need more spaghetti," Barry said, pointing at Axel before jotting it down too. "Does that sound like it's everything?"
Belén nodded her head. "Yup. I guess I'll get up earlier tomorrow before work and-" But she stopped after being slapped in the face by Barry's trail of wind.
Barry returned a minute later with grocery bags but of course he put those away where he thought they belonged, since he never really went through their kitchen before. "Done!"
Belén raised her eyebrow at him, momentarily surprised but soon she started to smile. "Thank you," she walked up to him and hugged him tight.
Barry gave her a light sway and kissed her head. "Would you like to have some dinner?"
"Please," she chuckled.
~ 0 ~
The following night everyone save Eddie and Iris gathered in Barry's lab to conduct the memory goggle experiment. Caitlin had set up the controlling computer for the project while Cisco made himself comfortable on a small bed brought in for the occasion. It would, supposedly, allow Cisco to delve into the other world where his 'memories' were originating from.
"So, just for the people that don't speak geek-" Belén gestured between herself and Joe smiling innocently while the three scientists with them have her looks, "-how is this going to work exactly?"
"Yeah, Cisco is going to put the glasses on, fall asleep, and start dreaming," Caitlin simplified. "It's not that hard, actually."
Cisco scoffed as he took the goggles from her. "Yeah, except I'm pretty sure I die in this dream. If I go back into it, am I gonna die in real life? I mean, what are we talking about here? Is this Inception or Dreamscape?"
Joe held out a glass of milk for him. "Here. Drink this."
Cisco eyes said glass looking mildly offended. "What, am I five?"
"Just drink it."
Cisco sighed, figured why the hell not, and took the glass. "Okay, I'll drink it."
"You're gonna be fine, Cisco," Barry said as he took the now empty glass from him.
Cisco took I'm a deep breath as he placed the goggles on and laid down. Caitlin began to monitor. "Okay, the glasses are emitting a low-level delta wave which should help you fall asleep."
Cisco nodded. "Okay. I gotta warn you, though, usually it takes me a long time." But his slurred words betrayed him. "I mean... I'm not saying I'm, like... an insomniac or any…" he fell asleep mid sentence .
"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up," Joe remarked, causing Belén to snicker.
"Now we know for when others start to ramble on and on," Barry ended up saying, and looked right at the ombre-blonde.
She gasped. "You'd do that to me?"
"If you keep insulting me," he shrugged.
"I'm so sorry," she said and kissed his cheek. "Better?" Barry nodded silently, although his smirk said it all.
"He's entering REM. It's working," Caitlin announced, sounding surprised her idea had worked.
Barry moved closer to speak with Cisco. "Cisco. Can you hear me? You're dreaming, bud."
Cisco suddenly spoke back, but his words were slow and dream-like. "Whoa. Guys, this is mad freaky."
"Okay, um, where are you?"
"Um, in the Cortex. I mean, I know I'm just dreaming that I'm in the Cortex, but it feels so real."
"Cisco, focus please," Belén said. "What exactly are you dreaming about?"
"Caitlin just left. I asked her to take Wells to Jitters."
Caitlin looked at the others in confusion. She had no recollection of such event.
"Why... why do you want Wells out of the lab?" Barry asked him.
"I think he might have tampered with my work. I need to check. Okay. Okay, I'm walking to the bunker." There was a moment of silence before Cisco sudddnly said, "Oh, man, I love this shirt. I thought the dryer ate it."
Joe had to laugh - the kid got distracted so easily!"
Belén, downing her own laugh, once again made sure Cisco focused.
"Okay, okay. All right. Now I'm running tests on the containment system. This data... It doesn't make any sense. All the supercapacitors... They were all still fully charged. There's absolutely no reason that the Man in Yellow should have escaped. Oh, my God. It was just a hologram. He tricked us."
Everyone now looked at each other stunned.
"Oh, God, Wells is here!"
"Cisco, it's just a dream. He can't hurt you," Caitlin reminded him.
"You better be right about that!"
"Eobard Thawne…" Cisco said, but it didn't sound like he was talking with them at the moment.
"Thawne? Like Eddie Thawne?" Joe asked, making the others think of the connection.
"You killed Nora Allen," Cisco continued.
"Nora? What about my mom?" Barry quickly asked.
"He's confessing," Cisco answered.
"He... he didn't want to kill her. It was you, Barry. He was trying to kill you."
Caitlin had gone back on the computer to read Cisco's vitals. "His blood pressure's 200 and his heart rate is 147. Guys, he's losing higher brain function. Cisco, you're gonna be okay. It's just a dream. You're gonna be okay."
But Cisco continued to grow in panic. "His hand... It's vibrating. He's gonna kill me! Oh, God!"
Caitlin went mad going between Cisco and the monitoring computer. "He's gonna have a stroke."
"Get him out of there!" Belén shouted frantically.
"Help me, please!" Cisco pleaded, still in his dream. Caitlin remained on the computer trying to get wake him up, eventually jolting him with a bit of a spark. "Aah!"
Caitlin gave him a sideways hug. "You're okay. It was just a dream. You're okay."
Cisco panted as he slowly came back to the real world. "Oh, God. It felt so real."
Barry felt his phone vibrate and picking it up he was greeted with Wells demanding where he was. Nervous, he couldn't come up with a right answer.
"A fire. A huge fire just erupted," Wells finally explained.
"A fire? Where?" Barry turned to the others, putting him on speaker so everyone else would hear.
"New Brighton. Bradford Tower High-Rise.c
Joe blinked. "I know that building. That's where Captain Singh's fiance works."
"On my way," Barry said, hanging up and speeding off
~ 0 ~
As it turned out, Wells was very good at keeping his charade of a kind man only wanting to help. He had helped Barry discover a new ability that enabled the metahuman to suck up all the fire in the site and save everyone. Things like this made Barry even more confused on Wells' intentions. Who goes through so much trouble to help the enemy just so that in the end he can kill the enemy?
Eobard Thawne, apparently - whoever that was.
That's exactly what Barry told Joe later that night when they returned home. If he didn't tell someone Barry was sure he'd go crazy. "We have to get him," he insisted, "I don't know how but we have to get him to confess." But then, another "bad idea" popped in his head. "He thinks of Cisco as a son, maybe.. maybe if we set everything up right, he'll genuinely let his guard down with."
Joe was on board with the idea, thinking for the moment it was the only one that would work. "Well, then we need to do a better job protecting him than I did protecting you."
Barry gave a tilt of his head, puzzled. "I'm not sure what that means."
"Barry, this is all because of me," Joe began, "I never should've let Wells take you from that hospital. None of this would've ever happened."
"If you hadn't let him take me, I would be dead, for sure," Barry argued back.
"But even then, I knew something wasn't right. Everything in my gut was telling me not to trust him, but I did, because I was so desperate to see you okay."
"Joe, this isn't your fault," Barry affirmed. "It's not your fault. Look, every bad thing that has happened to us - to all of us - is because of him. And now he's gonna pay for it."
At that moment, the front door opened and Iris walked in, hearing the last of the words. "Who's gonna pay?" she asked distractedly while closing the door behind her.
Quickly glancing at each other, the two men devised a simple, yet plausible, excuse.
"Just a new criminal we're trying to catch," Barry said.
"Oh, hope you do then," Iris said, heading for the staircase.
"What are you doing here anyways?" Barry asked her, catching Joe giving him the warning to keep everything quiet. He headed out himself afterwards.
"Oh, I was going to stay over at Belén's tonight but I realized I forgot some of the things we use over here."
"Like what?"
"Girl stuff," Iris laughed. "Not sure you're actually interested in that, are you?"
"You caught me," Barry mocked defeat and began making his way to the staircase himself when Iris stopped him.
"You are a very bad boyfriend, though," she pointed at him, her accusation filled with purposeful exaggeration but still managing to get Barry worried.
"Why?" He frowned. Although then he started making up a list that could give more than sufficient reasons to back up Iris' statement.
But of course, Iris knew none of those and came out with something different. "You are supposed to be over there, not me!" She playfully hit him on the arm. "What kind of boyfriend doesn't stay with his girlfriend who recently started living all alone?"
"The...kind that hasn't been invited yet?" was Barry's answer, and he thought it was a good one.
Iris rolled her eyes at him. "You are so new at this."
"Walk me through it oh great one," Barry sarcastically waited for her.
Iris tried her best not to smack him for that and just continued to explain. "It's a big house and she's lonely there. I'm not saying stay every night but a couple times just to show her she isn't alone would suffice."
"That...makes some sense…" Barry said after thinking on it. "But, I mean, we haven't been dating for so long. Wouldn't it be kinda weird?"
"Only if you make it weird," Iris answered in a tone that implied it should be obvious. "This is your problem: you overthink everything. This isn't science. You don't have to stay in her room on her bed, hell you don't even need to spend the night there, just...wait till she falls asleep, wait until she's at peace and can sleep for the night."
"Yeah, I can do that," Barry nodded, moving to leave again when Iris stopped him.
"But for tonight, she's mine," she smiled cheekily and finally started up the stairs.
"What - hey!" Barry called after her.
"You snooze you lose! It's my night!"
"Unbelievable," Barry was left to mumble downstairs, resigning to a night without his Bells.
The next day, everyone was set in the bunker room where the old trap for the Reverse Flash was meant to be caught. Caitlin and Belén were the last to walk in, and the latter carried a red folder with a rather serious face.
"We just talked to Dr. Wells. He's attending a lecture downtown, won't be back until 5:00," Caitlin informed them.
"All right, Cisco, you know when he gets here you need to be working on the trap so he sees you set off the hologram," Barry said.
"Hold on, isn't that, in your dream, when everything went all…"
Cisco cut Joe off by making a rather shaking gesture with his hand, meant to hold something. "Kali Maaa Temple of Doom. Yeah, that definitely happened."
"Please tell me your super intelligence figured out a way around it?" Belén gave him a weary face.
Cisco smirked and nodded. "I'm ready for him." He turned and made it into the trap. "I originally designed the force field to keep a speedster from getting out. But I've reversed it. Now it won't let one in." Holding a small remote-like device, he pressed a button and made a reddish forcefield build around the trap then becoming invisible. He gestured Barry with an index finger to try it out.
Barry cringed internally as he prepared to take a whack from the barrier. "Back up," he warned the others as he got into position. Taking a deep breath, he ran straight for the trap...and was repelled strongly. He crashed into a metal, wheeling, table and landed on his side over the ground.
Belén rushed over to him. "Barry, are you okay?"
The metahuman turned on his back, eyes wide and blinking fast as he came back to normal. "Ah. It works…"
"Does it make me a bad girlfriend if I wanna laugh?" asked the struggling woman as she helped him sit upright.
"Absolutely," Barry sent her a face.
"Good thing I don't wanna then…" Belén looked away holding back the biggest laugh possible.
"Okay, as long as I'm inside, Wells won't be able to get near me," Cisco said as he stepped out of the trap.
"And Bells and I will be in the Cortex watching and recording everything that happens," Caitlin glanced at the woman to see if she was still coming with her.
"Yes," Belén turned around, setting lose part of her smile.
"And as soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'm moving in," Barry said afterwards.
"So what do I do?" Eddie asked, looking at him for further instructions.
"Wells also threatened Iris, so if something goes wrong here, we need you to keep an eye on her until Wells is neutralized," it was Joe who had answered, and despite their problems Eddie took it seriously.
"I'll always keep Iris safe, Joe," he said in a low mutter and walked out of the room.
Confused, Joe looked at the others and was met with a sharp look from Barry. "What?"
"Come here," Barry nodded for Joe to follow. The two made it into the corridor where they could talk freely. "So, um, Eddie told me what happened, that you kiboshed his proposal."
Joe sighed. "That was supposed to be between him and me."
"I so agree with that. But I'm also curious," Barry admitted. "Eddie is a great guy and we both know he really cares for Iris-"
"I know that," Joe cut him off to agree, but it only confused Barry even more.
"Then why did you tell him no?"
"Because right now is just not the moment," Joe said as if it should have been obvious. "Wells is out there, looking for advantages, and if he knows about this...what do you think he's going to use against Eddie? Against us all?"
"Stopping them from getting married won't keep Iris anymore safe or put her in anymore danger," Barry clarified. "In fact, if anything, it'll just hurt Iris more to know if you don't agree to this."
Out of everything, Joe knew Barry was right.
~ 0 ~
"Everything's set," Caitlin announced after turning one of the computers off for when Dr. Wells returned.
"Positions, everyone," Cisco took in a shaky breath as he started leaving the cortex.
"Uh, Barry, wait," Belén grabbed the red folder she had originally brought with her and caught up with said metahuman just outside the cortex.
"Bells, we gotta-"
"Just one moment, please, it's important," she promised, gesturing to the folder. "It's about Iris."
"Wh-what's wrong with her?" Barry dreaded. For someone who didn't know anything about metahumans Iris seemed to get into trouble most!
"Last night she slept over at my place-"
"I know," Barry said, still disappointed Iris had beat him to it.
"She tricked me, Barry, she tricked me into getting information on metahumans to create this," Belén handed him the red folder for him to get a look himself. "She's created this entire profile - a good case - about a conspiracy of the Particle Accelerator and STAR Labs."
As Barry began going through Iris' work he began to see the numerous cases of metahumans that had attacked the city throughout the year.
"She's connected dots. She knows that whatever was released into the atmosphere the night of the Accelerator was the night everything strange started. She knows how metahumans got their powers."
"U-uh…" truly Barry could not come up with any coherent words at the moment.
"She thinks STAR Labs knows about this," Belén finished with a sigh. "And she's pretty convinced this is how the Flash and the Azalea got their powers. Worst part is : she wants to publish it."
And that's when Barry realized the problem. With eyes wide, he looked up to her concerned face. "We can't let her do that…"
"I know but it's a bit difficult shooting it down without making myself look suspicious," Belén pointed out. "She says this is what happened to my brother too. I only managed to get her to let me see all this but she's going to show you next - she's looking for the scientific perspective."
"Oh great, so now I have to shoot her down," mumbled Barry.
"Not shoot down but...maybe tell her it's all wrong?"
"I mean...I guess I could come up with some sort of story…" Barry sighed and closed the folder, already beginning to come up with bits of a good excuse.
"Oh thank you," Belén took back the folder, promising to keep it safe. "Knew you'd come up with something."
"I'll look into that tonight, promise," Barry assured. "Now I really gotta go," he planted a kiss on her head and rushed to get into position.
Belén turned to do the same in the cortex room.
~ 0 ~
Just as planned, Dr. Wells had returned about an hour after five and had gone first into the cortex room where Caitlin and Belén were - discussing Belén's current article. Upon asking for Cisco, he was directed for the Bunker room on account of Cisco 'finally figuring out what went wrong with their trap for the Reverse Trap'. Wells was out of there within the next minute.
When Cisco met with Wells, he no longer donned his glasses nor wheelchair.
"You're him," Cisco began the play, "The Reverse-Flash. Joe was right this whole time, wasn't he?"
Wells condescendingly laughed. "Good ol' Joe. Joe West had his doubts all along. Even from that first night in the hospital, Joe knew something wasn't right. Cops... as inconvenient now as they will be in a hundred years."
"You killed Barry's mother. I want to know why," Cisco demanded, knowing that was what Barry was waiting for - the confession that would set his father free.
Wells moved towards the man, cleverly explaining, "It was never my intention to kill Nora. But from my perspective, she was already dead. It just happened sooner than it was supposed to."
Barry looked at Joe helplessly after that 'confession' but Joe shook his head, whispering. "No. That's not an admission."
"You're not gonna get away with this," Cisco warned Wells, but it didn't look like his words affected Wells in anyway.
"I'm not gonna get away with it?" he instead walked for Cisco but as soon as he was an inch from the trap Cisco activated the force-field. "Oh, you're smart. You're smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart."
Cisco's smug face faded the moment Wells took step into the trap.
Wells raised a hand meant to strike Cisco the same way that he had killed Cisco in the alternative timeline. Cisco stumbled back but the man was nearing him. Joe rose from his hiding spot with Barry, quickly shooting Wells with three bullets.
"No!" Barry panicked and sped to catch the bullets, but was only able to catch two of the three. The last one struck Wells right on the chest. "He didn't confess," Barry ran a hand through his hair as they stared down at Wells on the floor.
"Cisco!" they heard Caitlin and Belén running into the room. The two made their way towards the trap.
"Are you okay?" Caitlin asked their affected friend.
Cisco couldn't stop staring at the now-dead Wells. "Yeah. I'm never ever gonna sleep ever again, but, yeah, I'm okay."
"Tylenol works," Belén distractedly said, the corpse of the man who killed her father taking it all away.
"He's dead. He didn't confess. Joe, this was it," Barry felt an overwhelming helplessness fill him up. "My dad's gonna be in prison forever."
"Barry, I'm sorry," Joe profoundly apologized to him.
But then Belén yelped. "Oh my god - what is that?"
They all stared as 'Wells' corpse reverted back to that of the metahuman Hannibal Bates, without a face.
"I told you this before-" the real Wells spoke over the speakerphones of the room, "-I am always one step ahead...Flash. Allow me to reintroduce to you Mr. Hannibal Bates and his incredible ability to transform into any person he touches. I knew that ability would come in handy. I did not expect it to come in handy this soon."
"You used him! Like you used all of us!" Barry shouted angrily, wishing the man would be there facing him.
"Well, he served a purpose. Didn't take much convincing. Just the simple promise of his freedom."
"You ruined my life! All our lives!"
"We stood by you after everything that happened," added Caitlin, pretty much matching everyone else's anger.
"I can see how this must be difficult for you to understand, but trust me, your lives now are so much better because of what I have done for you," Wells had the audacity to tell the group.
There, Belén had to speak up, full of anger herself. "You're saying that my life got better because you murdered my dad?"
"That was another accident," Wells revealed, fueling her up even more. "But what's one more alteration to the timeline?"
Belén raised a hand to her mouth, it was something else to hear that her father had - originally - supposed to live longer. She'd been robbed - her father been robbed of his life because someone greedy had an "accident".
"Though I have to say I was never anticipating to create an evil version of Plasticine," Wells' words caught everyone's attention. "I guess I interfered too much with Maritza's timeline as well."
"What?" Belén immediately looked to the others to see their reactions. Seeing that no one, not even Barry, wanted to look her in the eye pretty much summed up that she was the only one out of the loop - well, her, Joe and Eddie.
"You want to kill me, go ahead. I'm not gonna fight you," Barry's words made Belén snap back to the present. "But just tell the police what you did. Get my dad out of prison!"
"I don't want to kill you, Barry. I need you," Wells corrected. "And…I also did not anticipate, as difficult as the past 15 years have been for me, how much I would come to love working with you. With all of you. And yet, that does not change what needs to happen."
"Then face me now!" Barry ordered in a loud shout.
"Oh, we will face each other again. I promise you. Soon. Very, very soon."
Cisco's phone vibrated with a new alert. "He's in the time vault!"
Barry wasted no time and sped out of the room, ignoring his friends' calls for him. He came into the time vault but only saw the empty costume display and Wells' wheelchair. What he did come across, however, was a wide panorama of various hidden cameras set all over his friends' environments. There was one of his lab at work, many in STAR Labs, some at Joe's, some even at Belén's home and work. But the one that stood out was that of Eddie's place.
"Oh my God, Iris," he soon realized she was the only one left out of the loop and thus the easiest to get to. Wells hurt everyone and Iris was the last one to deeply affect.
Everyone had relocated to the cortex when Barry returned.
"We have to find Iris," he told them.
"Why?" Joe asked, already alarmed.
"Wells. He's been watching all of us. He has surveillance footage set up everywhere. Our homes, my lab at the police station, Central City Picture News."
"Barry," Belén was scowling at him, of course furious with him and everyone else. "We're gonna need-"
"I'm sorry, I tried," Barry said before disappearing with a call to Cisco to get him the location of Iris and Eddie.
~ 0 ~
Just as Barry had feared, Wells had indeed gone after the out-of-the-loop person of the group. Eddie of course couldn't help with just one gun and was easily thrown to the side of the bridge they stood over.
Iris recognized perfectly the man in yellow but was frozen to her spot. "I know who you are. You killed Barry's mom. But you don't have to hurt anyone else."
But without saying a word, Wells raised a vibrating hand as he neared her. Iris' had never felt her heart beat so fast. Thankfully, Wells realized in time someone was coming and so left the place, but not without taking Eddie.
"Eddie!" Iris fell forwards in her shout but was kept sustained as Barry arrived.
"Hey, Iris. It's okay. It's me," Barry spoke through a modulated voice and with a blurred face.
"He took him. The Man in Yellow, he took Eddie-" Iris frantically tried explaining to him, thinking maybe he could catch up and find Eddie.
"I promise I will find him, okay?"
In tears, Iris stopped moving and looked at him. "What is happening?"
"Don't say anything to anyone. I swear to you, I will bring him back, all right?"
Iris saw that as he was going to leave her and reached for his hand, only to feel a struck of small electricity between her fingers and his when he sped off. And she remembered one person who had given off the same feeling long ago. But that had to be impossible, because...because, well...he would...he would have told her…
"Barry?" she was left to wonder on the bridge.
~ 0 ~
The night was of a full defeat in all aspects. To learn that for a year you had been played was something indescribable. But now to know that not only had her twin brother gone dark, but her older sister too.
Betrayal came nowhere close to describing what Belén felt.
She sat on the couch holding one of her favorite photographs of her family and just...released her feelings. Axel had been put to sleep upstairs so she was free to cry as she pleased. She wondered where her body could produce so much water honestly, but it wouldn't stop. She looked at her family, her brother who had meant to be with her still. Her brother who wasn't supposed to get powers; her sister who wasn't meant to lose her husband. They were supposed to be there at home with her.
But Eobard had ruined that.
Maritza had meant to be living with her husband, Christopher, with Axel. Hell, maybe she would have even had their second child by now. She knew Maritza always wanted two kids, Chris had wanted the same.
But Eobard had ruined that.
And then her father. Her father, the true accident, had meant to grown older. He was supposed to be working at his beloved job. He was meant to be there for her, for greatest milestones. Now there wasn't even anyone to walk her down an aisle in years to come. She knew that was one of his desires. He had done it for Maritza and always talked about the day his littlest girl would one day marry and move out
Eobard ruined that as well.
And then there was her. She was never meant to have all these losses. She wasn't meant to be living alone with her nephew, wondering where the hell her sister was. She was meant to be a journalist who danced on the side. She was meant to be normal. But now there she was, crying her grief in a silent, lonely home.
Thanks to Eobard.
The faint knock on her door brought her no surprise. She got up, leaving the family portrait on the couch as she walked up to the door. She reached to open it, knowing exactly who was on the other side, but was reluctant.
"Bells, please open up," Barry quietly called from the other side. "We have to talk."
"Now?" she couldn't help the sourness in her voice. "Now you want to talk?"
There was a brief silence but Barry willed himself to talk. She deserved far more than what he gave her. "I tried to tell you, but...but I couldn't find the right way."
Belén leaned against the door, closing her eyes as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. She had thought about it, honestly, about the way Barry had been acting as of late. It made sense knowing what he knew about Maritza.
"It's my fault everyone's suffering. This Thawne man came after me and he ended up screwing up so many lives to get what he wanted from me. Look what he did to Caitlin and Ronnie? To the real Harrison Wells? And look at what he did to you. He hurt you and then he made me hurt you. Maybe it would've been better if Iris never introduced us, that way you wouldn't be here now."
Belén leaned away from the door and turned around to open it. She met Barry's overwhelmingly guilt-riddened face. "I would never regret meeting you," she said quietly.
"I ruined your family like he ruined mine. And you deserve better," Barry felt like that was the plain truth and it broke his heart.
"Thawne ruined our lives, Barry, not you," Belén cleared from tears from her face. "You should have told me about Maritza the moment you learned about it."
"I know-"
"-but I can understand it was a difficult thing to do," Belén said, honestly meaning it. If roles were reversed, she would have debated and kept quiet too. "But you-" she reached for both his hands and pulled him inside the house, "-are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and if it weren't for you, I would have cracked ages ago. You are the reason I stand here today, the reason I wanna help people. Because of you, I am who I am. We are not going to let Thawne get away with everything that he took away from us. We deserve better, and we're going to make sure we get what we deserve."
Barry nodded and pulled her into a much needed, tight hug.
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inquistior-a · 4 years
got an ask on the old blog about why hal doesn’t wear a prosthesis  (by the way, i have no negative feeling towards those who do, nor am i implying that it is wrong or ableist to have an inquisitor use a prosthesis, as prosthetics and making that choice can be part of the process of positive recovery and are good)  and i’m copy / pasting my meta on it here because !! it’s important
studies have shown that amputees whose loss of limbs results in the resolution of a psychological conflict tend to have an easier time accepting their amputation and tend to have less adverse somatopsychic symptoms if they fall within a certain range of personal / life stability. hal is a grown man, nearly 40 by the events of trespasser. he is well past forming his sense of self and purpose, the last remnants of that struggle having been largely resolved by his embracing the role of inquisitor and dedicating himself to that cause. he is also a man who was used his body all of his life, who feels strongly rooted in his body as his self, and that unity of the mental and the physical as a wholeness of self.
his relationship with the anchor is not a positive one. to him, a non-mage with little experience in being ‘touched’ by magic, it feels invasive, to the point that he develops a level of dysphoria between his sense of his physical body and hand / arm that is occupied by the anchor. it is very difficult for him to feel as though it is his hand, his arm. he is instinctively fearful / hesitant to touch others with that hand, and hyper-aware of its use. as has been often shown to be the experience of those who endure elective amputation to resolve an illness / malignancy, hal has an easier time accepting the physical loss. he even feels some psychological relief over the easing of the dysphoria that the anchor caused him to develop, a sense that he is wholly himself again at last, that a malignant, foreign ‘something’ has been removed from him.
any functional prosthesis built in the canon setting would be constructed at least partially magickally—probably largely magickal in order to have relating muscle triggering and functional fingers / wrist / etc. though hal is not afraid of magick in any sense, and very much sees it as a natural force / state, he is not a mage, and he doesn’t consider magick to be a natural part of himself, if that makes sense. i don’t know of a better way to explain it than something similar to the difference in how people who grow up near the shore perceive the ocean compared to someone who grows up inland and visits the sea from time to time. he loves and admires it, it’s beautiful, but he’s always aware of the vastness of it, the danger and the unknownability and the ‘otherness’ of it—magick, not the sea, halwn grew up by the sea. because of this, the prospect of a magickal prosthesis makes him uneasy and can trigger that same sense of dysphoria caused by the anchor.
the exception to this would be a prosthesis constructed for him by someone he is close to, whose magickal energy he is familiar with. i’m a big believer in the ‘signature’ touch that a mage has, that they as a conduit of fade energy change the ‘feel’ of that energy, so that the product bears their sort of aesthetic or sensational fingerprint. a magickal prosthesis made for him by someone whose magick he was used to being surrounded by / could even be comforted by would be something he would enjoy using, though i think he’d still prefer to just be in his body during his downtime / in private.
he would rather be just himself, at last, and even though he isn’t physically as he was before, he can accept that because it seems to him like it’s fitting that he shouldn’t be the same after what he’s experienced, and it further reminds him that he is wildly, blissfully fortunate, even ‘touched’ by the maker, to be able to emerge from the last five years. he isn’t the same but he doesn’t feel incomplete or lessened due to his loss of limb, and therefor he has no impulse or drive to replace the loss of function. by the point of trespasser, the anchor has caused him enough consistent pain / discomfort that it is not really a complete feeling of loss of function, as his hand has not been wholly functional / pain-free on a daily basis for nearly a year  (it hasn’t been pain-free since the anchor was bestowed, but it has become rapidly more unmanageable in the year preceding the exalted council).
because he is not comfortable with a generic magickal prosthesis, his other options would be largely cosmetic—and he simply doesn’t see that as necessary. as i’ve written of before, the anchor as a ‘deformity’ caused him to experience enough surface ableism in his daily life that being viewed as ‘abnormal’ for being an amputee is not a fear or shock for him, and does not cause him to suffer due to body image / self-esteem / etc. hal’s relationship with his body and his evaluation of its worth is largely skill or function based, and his focus is on restoring that loss of function by adaptation rather than replacement. i do headcanon that he tries out a functional shield prosthesis when adapting his combat style / learning to fight with a one-handed scale weapon  (he’s a two handed warrior originally)  but ultimately decides that he doesn’t favour the use of a shield, making it irrelevant.
all of this makes it sound like hal flew through the experience, but that’s ofc not true. amputation, especially unplanned / non-elective amputation, is a traumatic experience. while his stable sense of self and his age is a benefit in helping him accept and process the experience, and move on, studies have also shown that such people, who process the loss more quickly, have a tendency towards phantom pain / sensation. hal suffers from frequent phantom pain and sensation for nearly a year after amputation, and sporadically past that, particularaly when falling asleep and waking. the circumstance of his amputation, as well, cause him to suffer from ptsd that mostly manifests as these phantom sensations as well as nightmares, resulting insomnia, and some intrusive thoughts in the form of memories and sensation-memory.
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