#i don't know if this is how kit and jack were directed or if it was their own choice
wylanslcve · 1 year
I love the way S2 showed the difference between how Jesper approaches a high-stakes situation in comparison to Wylan, specifically in the scene where they sneak into Pekka's estate by entering through an open window. Jesper practically jumps from the windowsill and then twirls his gun, whereas Wylan gently lowers himself from the windowsill before lightly dropping himself down when he's crouched close enough to the ground.
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We know that Jesper thrives off chaos and spontaneity, hence why he leaps from the windowsill and immediately twirls his gun: he's diving head-first into the action. He actively seeks fights because of the thrill they bring him, because he "always felt better when people were shooting at him". You can practically see the adrenaline coursing through him.
Wylan slowly lowering himself until he's close enough to drop down is more careful and deliberate than Jesper's leap, and it shows the complete opposite: Wylan is more cautious and wary than Jesper because he doesn't thrive off the chaos of a fight. He doesn't find anything thrilling about being in a dangerous situation, especially when you consider his sheltered upbringing. (I say sheltered because, though abusive, his household never exposed him to the dangers of Barrel life. This is made clear in Crooked Kingdom when Wylan is reliving his first months in the Barrel, thinking about how "he might not have been happy at his father’s house, but he’d never had to work for anything. He’d had servants, hot meals, clean clothes. Whatever it took to survive the Barrel, Wylan knew he didn’t have it.") He doesn't want to get in trouble or get wrapped up in these sorts of situations because that's not who he wants to be - he doesn't want to be a criminal.
However, he inevitably leaps from the windowsill too (just when he's crouched low enough to do so) rather than slowly sliding off it and onto the ground, exemplifying how, despite how he doesn't want to be a criminal, he still contributes to the task at hand and gets involved in these types of situations. His hesitancy doesn’t paralyse him regardless of the fact that he doesn’t want to partake in criminal activity. Whether or not he wants to do it, this is the path he's decided to pursue and he needs to do his part.
This difference is also exemplified in the scene in S2E5 where Zoya and Tolya are recruiting the Crows for the heist to steal the Neshyenyer blade. When they offer payment for the Crows’ contributions, Jesper responds with “I like the sound of that” before taking a shot of something. In a way, it echoes the “time for a heist!” scene in season one, emphasising Jesper’s willingness to go on a heist due to the thrill it brings (as well as the prospect of a monetary reward). On the other hand, while Jesper is enthusiastically agreeing to Zoya and Tolya’s request, Wylan is giving him the bombastic side-eye due to Jesper's willingness to accept the mission without hesitation.
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Again, Wylan can't fathom how someone could be so willing to go on such a mission, so he's side-eyeing Jesper in disbelief and almost disapproval but he's also not at all surprised because this is Jesper Llewellyn Fahey. Remember, Wylan doesn't thrive off adrenaline rushes the way Jesper does - he's only doing all of this because 1) his entire motivation is to "make his money, get out of town, and never speak the name Van Eck again" and 2) he pretty much has no other choice because he makes it very clear that "he would sell himself in the pleasure houses of West Stave before he’d ask for his father’s mercy".
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The guest PT 12
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"You actually really like these people, don't you?" Fagin asks Jack
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" He laughed, popping a nut into his mouth.
"Help me, Bob, I'm bully in the alley!" Rotty sang.
"I see Big Kit and his boy, Alfie, are doing all right for themselves. It goes to show that there's more out there than just ambergris." Fagin mused.
"Fagin, just enjoy your coin, and drink your rum." Jack shook his head in amusement.
"I am. Don't mean I can't be working. It's how a thief stays sharp."
A woman comes.over and sits on Jack's lap, "No. Thank you." He says to her politely.
"You still thinkin' about your fancy skirt? Who's distracted now from the sacred purpose of drinking, eh?" Fagin quips. Jack sighs.
"I just don't understand it. She keeps telling me I should be with Belle but I kissed her and I felt nothing." He runs a hand through his hair.
"ahh well women so rarely say what they mean."
Fagin fumbled in his pocket for a moment before passing a wrapped cloth across to him. "You'll be needing this soon I suspect." He nods.
Jack unfolded the cloth allowing a small silver ring to fall out.
"What is this? Who did you steal this from?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"No one, well...it was Nancy's."
Jack felt his heart stop at mention of the name.
At that moment the tavern doors burst open and red coats came rushing in. Chaos lost control.
You walk into the hospital, trailing along behind Belle and Fanny. You had made sure the younger sister used peppermint instead of peppers for the jelly she had made. You had to admit it was becoming harder to recall the TV show and what happened in it. After all it had been almost two months since you had arrived in Port Victory. At times you could almost forget where you had come from, if it wasn't for the dreams. Every night since you had fallen you had the same dream.
The sight of Hetty made you smile.
"Nurse Beggett, can I speak with you a moment?" You ask, allowing the sister to wander off up the stairs. Hetty nods and leads you into the nurses room.
"I need to talk to you, about your cousin." You say.
"Of course. What do you need to know?"
"Did she have weird dreams?" You ask nervously. Hetty stops folding sheets and turns fully to you.
"Yes, she called them visions. We didn't believe her but she would say she saw other worlds. Places where the people were different but also the same."
You breathe a sigh of relief and nod.
"Okay. What happened to her?"
Hetty's eyes dropped briefly.
"Honestly, we don't know. One day she was here the next gone."
There is a rush of movement and noise in the corridor and you both rush out. Hundreds of people are being rushed in all around you.
You rush straight to work helping the influx of patients. You had worked in the emergency room so many nights this felt almost normal for you.
You hear Hetty call out.
"Some doctors would be nice!"
Quickly after you see both Belle and Jack coming in. Jack is frantically trying to help patients into beds and looking for the Professor. Your eyes meet his. He breathes in, opening his mouth to call to you but you turn and rush away. If you were busy with a patient he couldn't talk to you. Could he?
This influx was more than what you thought, Jack explained to the prof that Gaines had ordered this massacre and you recalled the episode.
"Bully in the Alley." You said to yourself. Upon hearing you Jack turned to face you.
"What did you say? You know something don't you?"
"I'm sorry, Jack." You say looking at the young man lying in the bed. Jack sighed.
"Can we talk?" He asks you, "later can we talk?"
"There is no need, everything is as it should be." You say and walk away.
"Let her go. I'll talk to her later." Belle says as she moves across the ward.
"Jack, this is a lot more complicated than you think. Y/n is a foreteller." Hetty said across the bed.
"Like your cousin?" His head shoots in the direction you had walked.
"Jack, patients now, love life later." She demanded. Jack nodded and went back to helping the patients.
Slowly the sun began to rise outside, Jack and Belle stood over Alfie Wilderkins.
"There's nothing more we could have done. Not with bleeding like that." Jack explained to Belle, "Hetty, have you eaten anything at all?" He asked. The nurse looked as if she was half asleep.
" No time." She says continuing with her work. All the staff had been cslled.in o er night to cope with the amount of patients. You watch them from the door. Gaines pushes past you knocking into your shoulder as he walked by.
"Captain Gaines, I will be speaking to my father!" Belle spit out at him.
" Have you come to finish them off? Blinded in one eye, a fractured skull, and a ruptured femoral artery!" Jack half shouted.
"All the results of resisting lawful execution of a warrant And that's young Alfie Wilderkins if I'm not mistaken. This is a very good day indeed." Gaines grinned.
" I want the men responsible court-martialled." Jack growled.
" Well, that would be me. You'll need to tell the Governor his right hand is a criminal." The Captain almost laughed.
"Yes. That is a very good idea." You say, causing him to turn round to you. He curled his top lip for a moment.
"Arrest them. They're accomplices." He orders his men pointing at the patients. Belle runs to the door and puts her arms out to her side.
"They need medical care. I can't let you take my patients."
"They were never your patients, Lady Belle. They're my prisoners. Stand aside." He takes a step closer to her, " Your father indulges you. If you were my daughter..." you slide between them putting your hand on his chest.
"She would run away. Like your wife." You his. Gaines narrows his eyes on you.
"And what would.you know of family?" He says.
"More than you. Tell me how is your wife's lover, oh sorry I mean your closest friend." You keep your chin turned up towards him as you speak.
Gaines steps forward his hand beginning to raise, but he's stopped by Jack gripping him.
"No, Jack let him hit me." It's your turn to step forward your face close enough to whisper to the Captain, "Where I come from, women hit back and harder."
Gaines let out a growling huff, his lips moving like he wants to say something else. He turns back to Jack, "Pity you didn't strike me, Dawkins." He said before marching from the hospital. Belle follows him.
"Your father can stop this!" Jack shouted.
"Where do you think I'm going?" She shouted back. Jack takes a step toward you but you retreat slightly.
"You removed your bandage?" He said quietly. You look down at your arm and twist it.
"yes, I needed the movement, I'm alright. It's okay, the pain is minimal." You assure him before once again turning away.
"Right. Here we go. Hair of the rat." Fagin poured the secret Whiskey into two mugs handing one to Jack.
" I need to find what Gaines cares about the most and rip it from him. Hit him where he'll howl." Jack says, hand lent on his hand.
"No, Dodge, provoking the lobsters head on, that's not our way."
" He's turning this place into a floating prison yard." Jack argued
" Which it technically is. And what's priceless in a prison? Contraband. He's done us a service, he's turned liquor into gold. And you know what's useful about me being on your ward? I got word from an injured farrier, about where they're takin' all that purloined grog.
"Gaines is knocking my patients' skulls in, and all you're thinking about is nicking grog!"
"It's because we're pickpockets. We're not the cavalry. We melt into shadows, we spot our moments, we survive. Now, I've got a man on the inside. Literally." Fagin laughed.
"These people matter to me, Fagin." Jack spat out
"Ah, very pretty. That's a lovely sentiment. Very noble." Fagin sat across fr.him
"Look, a stagecoach goes by with a year's worth of grog. Flashbang's hiding inside one of the crates..."
" What happened to you to make you so shrivelled with self-interest? Cold winds, Dodge. Cold winds. A stick with brass tacks on it that fell on me back no matter how much I begged. A belly that gnawed and never got filled, except for gruel or filth, and creeping hands in cold alleys and the dark nights without a roof. All right, I get the idea." Fagin explained making Jack feel small. "Yes. Things that you and Oliver never had to worry about, because I always made sure you boys had a blanket and a fire and a meal, and the means to get them when you was grown."
" Then why not show some of that same sympathy to these people now?" Jack implores.
" Look, you can give yourself to this crowd if you want, you can pretend you've found a home. But most people are bastards who will cross you as soon as spit and then when the night turns, the only one who'll be loyal to yourself is yourself, and me." Fagin continued.
"Until it inconveniences you."
"You're one to talk. You get a hole in your chest and you want to fill it up with crime, 'till Lady bloody Cheekbones twitches her skirt, then you drop me and you piss off. Well, I'm your family, Dodge. I'm your home, when you condescend to acknowledge me." Genuine hurt filled every word Fagin spoke.
"y/n is not just a fancy skirt. She isn't one of them." He fights back, turning his eyes to the floor.
"Could have fooled me." Fagin almost walked away until he saw the look on Jack's face. He had seen it once before. Many years ago, utter devotion to another person without question. A set of eyes that would remain in his mind forever in his memory and devotion that got the girl killed. He stepped back to the man that was once his beloved child, gabbing him by the shoulder and squeezing.
"I'm sorry, my boy. We'll get him, soon enough. Give it time, but lad, don't fall in love lad. It'll ruin ya."
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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Who's That Girl? Masterlist
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This has been sitting unfinished for a while, but I was feeling the need for some comfort today, so here's some George comfort around what happened the day Lewis announced his contract with Ferrari for '25 on. enjoy :)
Knock knock.
Knock knock knock.
"What could you- Ada?" George's tired face meets mine of worry, my hand still raised to knock again. "What are you doing here?"
"Pops just told me," Is all I can think to say, his already dejected face falling even more.
"So he hadn't told you either?"
The scoff that leaves me is involuntary, my arms crossing. "He knows better. If Lew had told me I would have talked him out of the shit show he's walking into."
"Why are you here, Ada. How did you even get my address?" George asks, leaning against the door frame.
Oh. Why did I not expect this question.
"I wanted to check on you," Is the answer I go with, looking back up. I wish I didn't. He looks like he's about to cry. "Okay, that's it," I fuss, his face falling into confusion before I'm stepping forward, wrapping my arms around his stiff body and dropping the bags I had brought with me to the floor.
He stumbles back momentarily, enough for us to fully enter his apartment and the door to close, before his arms actually wrap around me once more, his head falling into the curve of my neck.
"He didn't even tell me it was going to happen," His words meeting my ears, muffled but clear. "One minute I'm having breakfast with your father, the next it's hours later and he's calling me to let me know that Lewis is leaving."
Pulling away, I hold him at an arms length, running my hands up and down his arms like I do with Jack when he's upset. "None of us could have known what Lew was planning."
God, why must he look so completely like a kicked puppy.
"If you keep looking so sad, I will have to hug you again," I threaten, and while we both know it's a joke, he appears to ponder it.
His brows raise as he looks down at me, "You won't be hearing any complaints from me."
"Georgie, if you wanted another hug you can just ask," I feel the need to assure, not entirely sure if I am reading him right.
"Could I possibly have another hug?" He's asking regardless, resulting in a well deserved eye roll as I pull him back in.
"Bloody hell, if I knew you were a hugger I would have made this offer years ago," I joke, his laugh making me smile. Pulling back once more, I maintain my hold on one of his hands. I could get used to this. But it's only in my dreams that it's a reality. "I brought you dinner and some wine to help with the pain. I suggest a night of cheesy television and comfy clothes."
His fingers are wound with mine, his other hand reaching over to join in the tangle of fingers, fidgeting. "Will you be staying?"
"Oh, I don't want to overstep, I just wanted to be sure that you were okay," I'm not sure I could survive alone time with him. We're always around Lew or Pops or anyone else.
Fingers pausing, he chuckles, moving around me to take the bag I had dropped in our hug. "I wouldn't have mentioned you staying if I didn't prefer for you to," He clarifies, glancing up with a goofy smile after seeing the contents of the bag. "And it looks like you've brought enough comfort food that I am going to be needing help eating it."
Oh this man.
"Okay, I'll stay," I agree, his face lighting up just the slightest bit. "But," I begin, poking at his chest, "You will let me warm up the pizza and pour the wine and everything else! No fighting!"
Now he doesn't look as light. "My mother raised a gentlemen-"
"And you will be respecting your mother's wishes by listening to me. Or I'm calling her and filing a complaint."
"A complaint?" His brows raise at that. "Ada Wolff, should I be concerned? You suddenly know where I live and now appear to have my mother's phone number?"
Stealing back my bag with the hand that we had still been holding each others in, I march myself to what I think is the direction of the kitchen, successfully finding it and making myself at home.
He's followed, like I assumed he would, leaning on the back of the stool across the island, looking far too attractive in a tee for just a man.
"You're the one who introduced Alison and I your first year with the team, it is not my fault that she and I have bonded," I can't help the joy that fills my heart at this, the Russell monarch quickly having become my favorite person to spend GPs with outside my family and Alex Albon's girlfriend Lily.
"I never said I had an issue with your relationship," George is quick to assure, "I actually quite like it." He assures, cheeks rosey.
"Glad at least one of us appreciates the bond that the other has with their parent."
And he's standing at full height, stealing the pizza I've placed on a pan I'd found and tucking it into the oven. "I'm not that close with your father."
"You have literally spent the night in my house after parties," I can't help but deadpan, hands finding themselves on my hips. "You can't tell me you're not close."
Based on the shade of red that his cheeks acquired, he knows I'm right. He might as well be considered one of my fathers best friends.
"In other news," He mutters, making my mouth gape open.
"That's my saying!"
He's smiling even more now. "What movie or show would you like to watch?"
"It's really up to you Georgie, I'm here for your wellbeing," He knows, but I feel the need to find him. "What do you have for platforms we can choose from?"
He waves me to follow, dropping himself on his sofa and tapping the spot beside him. "Netflix, Hulu, and we can sign up for almost anything."
"Have you seen How I Met Your Mother?" I ask, curling myself to be sitting towards his tense body. After every bad race he always carries his sadness, and often anger, in his shoulders up. Right between his eyes.
He doesn't answer, just clicks through until the sound of Ted Mosby's voice is playing through the livingroom.
"Do you have a headache?" I can't help but ask, noticing how scrunched his face is.
"No," He hums, glancing over. "I'm just stressed, a lot is going on."
Nodding, I feel the need to explain that I'm well aware, that Pops gave me the run down before I left his office. "I'm sure, you're about to be the first driver with a new teammate."
"I'm not terribly worried about a new teammate, after driving with Lewis as a teammate, I've been fighting for my life for my entire contract," George's laugh is what answers, although the action doesn't seem to help his muscles.
"It's clear something is stressing you, Georgie," I mumble. "Do you want to know what Susie used to do when I was stressed?" His eyes are gentle, soft blue meeting my own as he nods.
"Susie came into my life when I was young, I mean, I was nine when she married Pops, and already stressing about what I had to be doing to go somewhere in my life," I can feel his body shift, but my eyes are trained on my hands. "It was the first time after their marriage that Pops had been confident that Susie and I were comfortable enough around each other to leave me with her while she was away. I had woken up from a nightmare, a stress dream as my therapist put it, and I had forgotten Pops was away, so I had gone into his room to talk it through, as we'd always done. When I opened the door, I woke Susie and she was so worried why my little ten year old self was up so late. So she called me in and put a pillow in her lap, and had me put my head on the pillow," His hand has found mine, fingers gently linking with my own. "Susie just let me talk and talk and talk, and at a certain point she started drawing patterns around my eyes, little figure eights and such."
"Did it help?" It's the first time he's spoken since I started, but I can tell he's heard every word.
The smile that comes to my cheeks is nostalgic, nodding. "I was sleeping in the next five."
"Could-" He begins, hand gripping mine stronger than before, "Could you maybe do that for me?"
"The figure eights?" He's nodding, a hesitant smile being what I'm faced with.
I don't answer verbally, but I pull one of the soft pillows into my lap, patting the top of it in indication of an answer.
And God his excited little look as he quickly shifts around, wavy blond hair falling back gently.
"Close your eyes Georgie, I've got you," I whisper, tapping his chest.
Ten minutes later, he's out.
Fuck, the pizza!
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jackhues · 1 year
matthew tkachuk as peanut’s dad:
basing this off of what went down at the bruins vs panthers game last week where matthew yelled “ur wife’s a whore”
let’s say mama starts getting back into the dating game when peanut is 2/3, matthew has been dating around before baby is born.
matthew finds out that mama is dating someone else the day before he’s supposed to play nucks or devils and at the game he yells at 1 of the brothers “ur sisters a whore”.
the absolute RAGE the brother feels & his teammates not even holding them back and helping him beat the ever loving shit out of him. maybe brother gets ejected or suspended from the game(s) and when mama is telling them that was not necessary (not knowing what he said), brother explained the situation and is like “you don’t deserve to be treated and spoken about like that” “ur to good for him”
ahh omgg!
mama's not even dating really, she just went out on a few dates with someone she was introduced to, and matthew hears of this and absolutely hates it. like the problem is that he loves mama (in his mind), but he can't trust himself to be there for her and peanut. so at the game, matthew just scoffs in brother's direction after they check him or smth, and goes "ur sisters a whore".
quinn: he's frozen. like he's actually frozen and matthew repeats it. chaos. quinn literally launches himself at matthew, forgetting that they were ever friends. no one talks about his sister like that. the teammates don't know how to react at first, bcz quinn doesn't fight, but they snap out of it, knowing that there's no damn way they're gonna let matthew get away with saying that. the flames team tries to pull them apart (those who didn't hear what matthew said are getting involved in fighting) and everyone just loses their shit. quinn's suspended for three games, and mama shows up at his door the next morning, wincing at his bruised face. she's applying an ice pack and shaking her head, telling him, "you didn't have to do that. it's over, me and matthew. there's nothing to fight about." quinn's literally shaking with rage at the reminder of matthew, and he tells his older sister what matthew says. mama freezes, ice pack against quinn's cheek, eyes watering up. quinn's muttering angrily about how it's okay for matthew to date but the second mama sees someone, he's gonna act like an angel. quinn shakes his head, pulling mama close, the two of them holding each other. he whispers, "u were too good for him. he doesn't deserve any of it."
jack and luke: red. red literally takes over jack's vision and he doesn't remember what he did after. he watches the replay, seeing himself attacking matthew, while the other devs back him up. matthew just takes the damn hits, he doesn't even return them for once. the two've always had a rocky history on the ice, but this ones the worst. luke, who heard the comment and is the only sibling on good terms with matthew, joins in on the fighting. that's when matthew realizes he fucked up. when jack and luke come home, mama's waiting on the couch for them, the first-aid kit already ready. peanut's asleep in the room, and they're all trying not to wake her. mama silently cleans their wounds, even though the athletic trainer already cleaned them up. "you don't have to fight him every time ur on the ice," mama tells jack. she turns to luke, "and i thought you were okay with him. don't turn into jack. i can't handle two of you." and luke just shakes his head, dropping it into mama's lap and tries not to cry bcz he hates matthew and hates everything except mama right now. jack's eyes are red, he's trying not to cry, while mama's already crying - he hates making mama cry. jack tells mama what he said, "after every thing you did for him, you don't deserve to be spoken about like that. i'm not gonna let anyone speak to you like that."
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What to do when you are a leafling: life death and pikmin
Sherry floated beside Yonny and tapped him on the shoulder, she tapped until Yonny’s attention was caught.
“All Glow Pikmin are Yonny, I died when papa sent me to fight a giant Arachnorb with metal and flesh. It shook me off and the next thing I know I'm missing my ears and I'm a glow Pikmin!”
Yonny perked up at the mention of flesh and metal, his eyes lit up with curiosity and he listened with rapt interest. “I thought Cyborgs were fiction.”
“What are cyborgs…OH! Is it when a being is a mix of metal and flesh?”
“Yes! Sherry i want to find this creature someday, once i manage to fix up my condition of course. It sounds so interesting to see.” Yonny exclaimed, he held Sherry closer and smiled. His hand touched his chest again, his expression changing from a familiar smile to a frown. Yonny floated silently to the ground, letting his feet touch the ground before he turned to the direction of the hideaway.
“Yonny? I-i-i didn't think of asking before but why? Why are you here?” Sherry said, her voice wavering a little as Yonny stopped in his tracks.
“I am the doctor of the rescue corps, we were sent here by a distress call of the Hocotactian ship the SS Dolphin and its captain. However the seven of us were separated thanks to a mysterious force that crashed our ship.”
“Papa crashed thanks to a mysterious force and–”
Yonny turned on his feet and went right near Sherry, she let out an eep and readjusted the pen she had tucked behind her nonexistent ear.
“That’s the Captain we were sent here for! you worked for him! Where is he now?!”
“um…I don't know. Papa wasn’t a part of the Connection so I don't know.”
“I should've known. Wait a moment Bernard and Dingo are a part of this Connection. I could ask them.”
Meanwhile Dingo had taken off his suit, he rolled it up and put it to the side next to Bernard’s suit. He sighed and sat down.
“Shouldn’t we talk to Yonny?”
“Yonny has Sherry.” Dingo shrugged. He laid down and stretched. He looked at his hands and stayed quiet. The leaves seemed to sway and move when he moved his hands. Bernard sat down next to him and took off his shades. He had one green eye and one brown eye, a trait rarely seen from those native to Nijo.
“I don’t know how long Yonny was with Sherry before we reunited but listen, we need to support each other and find a way back home UNDERSTAND?”
“I do! Don’t yell at me like that. Fine, I'll talk to him. Come along Jack. You’re coming too Bernard!”  Dingo said with Jack happily following beside him. Jack twittered and climbed onto his shoulder while Bernard walked beside him. The group walked into the dark, the soft green glow in the cave growing clearer with every step.
In a flash of light, Yonny appeared right in front of them.
“Yonny! I…I’m…um…” Dingo started, he dug his hands through his hai—leaves—hair leaves once.
“What is it? Trying to comfort me after I have found out I am actually dead?” Yonny sighed.
Everyone took a moment before the silence was broken by Dingo blurting out: “You’re dead?!” 
“Yes, which is all the more reason we need to defend a luminknoll. As long as we have even one sample of glow sap we can wait until rescue to refine it.”
“Great, does this mean another fruitless defense.”
“No. We can learn from past mistakes, tonight will be different, come, the night has already begun so suit up.” Yonny said with a tinge of laughter behind it. He floated by while the others followed.
Up aboveground, no monsters have thankfully come around yet. Dingo was walking around the luminknoll alongside Bernard while Yonny floated near the top
On the ground Jack was digging through Yonny’s emergency kit, they rustled and dug a bit deeper and took out a sharp metal toothpick.
“It’s a pikmin sword!” Jack said, holding the small sharp stick triumphantly.
“That’s a toothpick for cleaning teeth. Yonny told me that.” Sherry flew down.
“It’s a sword!”
“Whatever you say.” Sherry said, writing down some notes, she then touched the tip of the toothpick in curiosity. The toothpick began to glow much like the luminknoll. Jack waved it around excitingly, swishing it around.
“It’s a glowing sword now! A sword that chases away the darkness! Dingo! Look at my cool sword!” Jack said, they happily ran up to Dingo.
“Check out my glowing sword!” Jack squeaked.
Dingo knelt down to look, it glowed like a glow stick or that one time he dreamt about glowing for three nights in a row.
“That is very nice.”
Just when Jack was about to answer, there was a bone shaking cry, everyone looked up and Yonny floated down, fear was clear in his eyes.
“I saw a creature made of fog with glowing red eyes, Sherry called it something…”
Jack froze up and dropped their sword, they were shaking and muttering.
Dingo looked into the distance, there was a cloudy creature that had a small red dot for a mouth and nudged forward on two arms. It tossed its head back and let out a long sorrowful cry.
(yes the toothpick is a legend of Zelda reference.)
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amchara · 2 years
Weather Change (Kit/Ty)
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn (Kit/Ty), original characters
Wordcount: 5,121 words (one-shot to kick off The London Files)
Rating: Teen, cw description of serious injuries
Summary: It’s been almost five years since an epic line-up of Shadowhunter heroes and their allies closed all the portals to Hell. Now, demons are scarce and the Nephilim are searching for their purpose in this new world. Centurion Ty Blackthorn has been sent to London to investigate a potential new threat, while Kit Herondale has taken up a post helping to rebuild the London Enclave. But when their first patrol goes horribly wrong, Kit and Ty realise there may be larger problems emerging in the Shadow World, drawing in not only Shadowhunters but their mundane friends and Downworlders alike…
Notes: Post-TWP established Kit/Ty. Set in the same 'verse as Effortless but you don't need to have read that story to understand this one, except to know that Ade and Ellie are Kit's school friends from Devon.
(This is the last of my Ao3 reposts before I begin posting the new fic tomorrow. This story could be considered the prologue to it, so highly recommend reading it before the new one. ;)
“I hate London,” Kit said, as they sat on a narrow, slippery ledge of a building above Commercial Road, in the city’s East End. It was drizzling lightly and despite their weather-proofed gear, he could feel the wet drops slowly inching from his neck down to the rest of his body.
Ty glanced over, giving Kit a sceptical look. “You don’t- you kept talking about how excited you were to come back and patrol with the London Institute. And have proper chocolate again. And the fact you’d be closer to Jem, Tessa and Mina. And-”
“Yeah- yeah, okay,” Kit said, interrupting. “But we’re trading hot L.A. summer weather and perfect surfing conditions,” he grumbled. “For this miserable August night.”
“So it’s just the weather then,” Ty said, with a small smile on his face. He wasn’t looking at Kit anymore but his eyes were scanning the poorly-lit street in front of him.
Kit huffed in mock outrage but he conceded the point. “Yeah, fine- it’s just the weather. I am looking forward to using that fireplace when we get back.”
After arriving by Portal earlier that morning at a hellishly early time, they had ensconced themselves in the historic Herondale townhouse on Curzon Street, with preserved decor and plush interiors. Kit had then discovered the fireplace in the corner of the room they had crashed out in for a few hours to adjust to the time difference, and Ty, being the type fascinated by fire, had also agreed they should light it once they had returned from patrol.
“How much longer do you want to wait here until we move on?” Kit asked, as he stretched his neck, shivering at the cold water inching into his ear.
“Five more minutes and then we head down to Tower Bridge,” Ty said. He took out his phone and covering it from the rain, checked something. He looked up and frowned. “But this was the most likely location, according to the reports.”
“Right- but these attacks and sightings have been reported all over London, right?”
“Concentrated in the east though,” Ty reminded him. “But not related to Jack the Ripper loca-” he stopped and straightened up on the ledge. Kit mirrored his position and looked in the same direction. With his night vision rune, Kit could see a flicker of odd, greyish-yellow light flicker at the edge of a nearby building
Ty had already started climbing down, his long limbs nimble as he made his way to the ground. Kit followed with less finesse, careful with his handholds on the slippery surfaces. He jumped the last few feet and stood beside Ty, who had already pulled out an unlit seraph blade from his belt, his face intent as he followed the willowy light as it vanished around the corner.
Kit came to stand by Ty’s shoulder. “Seraph or non-seraph weapons?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Demon attacks had dwindled in the past few years after the dimensional portals had all been sealed but Shadowhunters continued to carry seraph-created weapons regardless, for mopping up and- in Kit’s opinion, because they were the iconic Shadowhunter weapon. But they weren’t as useful as in the past and these new ‘wraith’ attacks, as the reports had called them, were unclear as to whether seraph blades worked or what weapon was best to defeat them.
Ty turned slightly and he showed the small handheld crossbow in his other hand. “Both, I think,” he said.
Kit nodded. He pulled out his own selection of adamas weapons and traditional ones.
Then they rounded the corner and prepared to fight.
Shit, Ty’s injuries were bad. Under the dim street lights, his blood looked as black as his hair as Kit lifted up his shirt. The tough gear fabric had probably prevented the worst of the damage but that wasn’t saying much, Kit thought. Ty looked down at the massive gash on his side, the glass, mud and rubble mixing with his blood and his eyes widened as he looked up at Kit. But he didn’t say anything, just kept breathing in small, shallow pants.
“Ty…” Kit gripped his hand, forcing himself to also take slow breaths as he assessed it. It looked bad, he thought, but he could tell almost immediately it wasn’t life-threatening. But having trained a bit with Tessa and Catarina in field medicine, he knew that this type of wound wasn’t one that could be healed with a few iratzes - it would required cleaning the debris out first, several salves and other steps, including blood loss runes, before even a simple healing rune could be applied.
“It’s not going to kill me,” Ty said, in a low voice, squeezing Kit’s hand back, as if to reassure him.
“No- but it’s going to be fucking unpleasant to deal with,” Kit told him. “It’s okay though- let me just figure out how to best get you help.”
Ty nodded, his face relaxing in trust as Kit pulled out some gauze from his small medical pouch on his weapons belt and gently packed the wound. Then he gave Ty a quick kiss on his forehead, amid the dark, damp tangles of hair and pulled out his phone.
He called a number but it rang through. Kit looked at his phone and frowned… one other option to try before they had to make their way to Westminster and call on the Silent Brothers. He looked over at Ty, and could see that the colour of his face had drained to an even paler alabaster and Kit knew that he was working with limited time before Ty passed out from the blood loss.
Hey, do u know if ade is working at royal london tonight? x
kit!!! thought you werent back until tomorrow! Yea i think so but im not his keeper or girlfriend so dont rely on me. Xxxxxx
Kit’s phone buzzed again.
u still on for brunch at spitalfields? i want to hear all about u and tys la exploits Xxxxx
yeah xxx
Kit clicked his screen off. He wasn’t entirely sure they would be up for a tell-all with Ellie in the morning but it was easier to say yes at the moment, given how relentless she would be otherwise.
He drew an amisso rune on Ty’s abdomen, just below the wound and giving him a reassuring squeeze on his arm. “Here’s the plan,” he said. “We’re going to head to Ade’s work and see if he can get the glass out, that way I can do proper iratzes on it.” He also quickly sketched the Silent Brothers diagnostic rune that he wasn’t supposed to know but Jem had taught him anyway. Good, no internal bleeding.
Ty’s eyes opened. “To a mundane hospital?” He sounded surprised but he let Kit help him to his feet and they started slowly making their way out of the narrow alley. Kit kept glancing upwards but it appeared the wraith had disappeared, at least for the moment.
“Yeah- it’s just a couple blocks from here,” Kit said. Or, at least, he hoped his memory was correct. He knew it was only a short way from Commercial Road.
They picked their way through small side streets lined with Victorian-era terraces, blocky modern flats, Bangladeshi fabric export businesses and fried chicken shops, guided both by Kit’s faint memory and google maps until they reached a bulky blue and grey building complex and Kit could see the sign that read: Royal London Hospital. Supporting Ty, he could feel his shallow, painful breaths and Kit suspected he had also broken or bruised some ribs when he had been thrown into the shop window.
He and Ty followed the signs to A&E around to the front of the building, skirting around the bright yellow and green ambulances and slipped through the sliding doors, two black-clad young men invisible to the eyes of the mundane patients sat around them.
Fortunately, it didn’t take too long to locate Ade. Kit could see him standing at some kind of station, his tall frame with his back to Kit, talking to other nurses and doctors. Kit was just about to figure out how he could get his attention when Ty suddenly buckled in his shoulder. Kit looked over in alarm, and could see Ty’s eyes fluttering and Kit could hear a steady drip, drip, drip of blood around Ty’s shoes.
“Kit- I uh,” Ty said weakly.
“I know, I know,” Kit scrambled to find a spot where he could lay Ty down. Most of the cubicles were occupied in the small treatment area and there weren’t many side rooms either. But then he spotted a small linen cupboard area and he hustled Ty over and had him sit on several piles of them. He hoped the mundanes wouldn’t notice the blood- while they were glamoured, their blood was not.
As Ade next walked around, Kit slashed a line through his glamour rune with his stele, and reached out, pulling Ade into the area they were hiding in. And was rewarded with a punch in the face.
“Arghh,” he said and Ade dropped his defensive boxing posture once he realized who was in front of him.
“Kit?” he said, his voice rising in disbelief and he ran his hands through his black curls as he took in his friend. Then he narrowed his eyes. “You’re bleeding. What the fuck are you doing here? Are you hurt?”
“It’s not mine, it’s Ty’s,” Kit said, and Ty, with white-faced effort, also removed his glamour.
Ade let out a small whistle as he took in the scene and the injured Shadowhunter in front of him. With a professional air, he took in Ty but his voice was sharp as he glanced over at Kit. “Why can’t you heal him?” He gestured. “With your - you know, glowy magic.”
Kit couldn’t help but wince. Even a few years on, it hurt to think about what he had had to give up in the fight to save the world. “Sorry, fresh out of it. We need your help.” He quickly outlined Ty’s injuries as Ade knelt down and looked briefly as Kit lifted up Ty’s shirt. His dark brown eyes assessed Ty and his hands were gentle as he lifted up Kit’s field bandage. Ty, who normally didn’t like anyone other than Kit and his family touching him, shuddered briefly but didn’t move otherwise, his grey eyes half-closed. Kit touched his shoulder and Ty leaned into him.
Ade sat back on his heels. “Right I need to see the patient in cubicle four but lucky for you, I’m supposed to go on my break once I finish with them.” He handed Kit a few wadded-up linens. “Use these if the bleeding continues but it looks like you’ve stopped the worst of it. At least, until I look at getting those glass fragments out.”
“Thanks, Ade,” Kit said. “I owe you.”
Despite the late hour and his tired face, Ade’s face split into a wide smile. “You do, mate- this is my first week as a junior doctor. I did not need injured Shadowhunters on my shift on top of everything else.” He clapped Kit on the shoulder as he stood. “Back soon.”
“So, by my account we probably broke about five laws tonight,” Ty said, his voice raspy and exhausted as he sat down on the narrow bed.
“So, fewer than usual,” Kit said, shrugging. “I’ll take the win. Shirt off - let me give you the necessary Marks and then we can finally sleep.”
He could see Ty’s focus on him, and knew that he wanted to talk about the way the patrol went down and why Kit hadn’t called any of the London Enclave. But that was a conversation for the morning. He deflected. “Since when are you worried about laws? Usually you’re keen to whip out the Blackthorn motto whenever we encounter a roadblock that can be solved with a good rule-breaking.”
Ty gave him a wan smile. “Not worried- I like to keep track though.”
They were Ade’s small staff accommodation room, less than a block away from the hospital.
Ade had tossed Kit his key after he had finished picking out the glass and cleaning Ty’s wound. “There’s no way Ty’s going to be in any state to travel back to your place tonight- unless,” he gave Kit a speculative look. “Unless you can teleport?”
Ty had let out a short laugh as he leaned on Kit to stand up. “Not yet.”
Kit knew he could call Tessa and ask for a Portal - but it was three am on a weekday and while he knew Tessa wouldn’t care, he didn’t want to risk waking Mina.
He had shaken his head and Ade nodded. “So use my room until I’m done with my shift. I should be finished and back around eight.”
While it might’ve been polite to refuse after all his friend was done, Kit had been both physically and mentally exhausted and a close by bed sounded like heaven.
Ade watched them go. “And you’re sure on-”
“No blood transfusions,” Ty said. “I’m not even sure our blood is compatible with yours.” Ade did a quick double take and looked like he wanted to ask questions.
“It’s fine- now that the glass is gone, I can do something about that with runes,” Kit had reassured Ade. “And we’ll be out of your hair by morning- thanks.”
Kit bit his lip as he concentrated on drawing the necessary healing runes on Ty’s torso. An agony rune - meant to heal more serious injuries - and a couple of iratzes and amisso runes. He paused and assessed Ty’s state before he drew a sanglier - a blood replacement rune. It was a powerful rune but could be dangerous if the bearer wasn’t strong enough. But given what Ade said about blood loss… kneeling in front of Ty, Kit could see that although he looked drawn, his colour was better than it had been under the bright hospital lights and his face was no longer tight with pain.
He bent down and drew the intricate rune. A hand came down on his head, and he could feel Ty stroking his hair in an absent way, hissing slightly as the Marks took effect.
Kit took a moment to just breathe, in the moonlit room. He placed a kiss on Ty’s hand and then moved to take a place beside him on the bed, slipping his arm beside him in an embrace taking care not to jostle where Ty was healing. Ty leaned his head against Kit’s.
“Lie down,” he said after a few minutes. Ty stirred against him and Kit realised he had almost fallen asleep. He didn’t protest as Kit helped him lie down, his eyes already shut by the time he hit the pillow.
Despite his exhaustion, Kit didn’t move to sleep right away. He watched Ty’s bare chest, a swirl of black marks and pale skin, rise and fall slowly. Shadows pooled in the delicate bone structure of his face and Kit was reminded of the first time he had met Ty. How beautiful.
He sighed and kicked off his boots and stripped off his gear. On Ty’s injured side, the temporary staples that Ade had put in were slowly falling out, as the skin knit back together and Kit grabbed them so Ty wouldn’t roll onto them in his sleep. He tossed them in his hand, small flashes of silver, as he attempted to put together the chaotic scene that had preceded Ty getting hurt.
The wraith, a blurry humanoid figure of greyish-yellow fire, had spotted them as soon as they had rounded the corner and had taken off with unbelievable speed. They had given chase, Ty much closer to catching up to it and Kit trying to keep up. Ty had managed to corral it in a narrow alley behind a housing estate and Kit had run around the back of the buildings, attempting to cut it off.
But between that time, something had gone badly wrong and Kit had turned up to broken glass and an alarm going off and Ty lying scarily still in the wreckage of the storefront window, and the wisps of the wraith running away.
Beside him, he could feel Ty stirring and a hand pulled him down onto the narrow bed. “Stop trying to solve it now - I’ll tell you everything in the morning,” Ty whispered in his hair, his voice thick with sleep. “Come to bed,” he said.
“All right,” Kit said, leaning down to kiss Ty’s temple and the responding happy hum from Ty helped ease some of the tightness in Kit’s chest. He curled up around Ty’s warm body, listening to the steady patter of rain against the window as he fell asleep.
Kit woke up to his phone buzzing on the side table beside him. He fumbled for it but was prevented from it by Ty’s arms tightening around him.
“No,” Ty muttered sleepily.
“Ty- I have to-,” Kit disentangled his limbs from Ty’s and attempted to reach again. But before he could, a brown hand reached up and handed it over to him.
Plucking his phone out of the air, Kit peered over the side of the bed. Ade blinked in an owlish manner from the nest of blankets on the floor. “You’re welcome,” he said, yawning widely.
Kit looked down at his phone which read: 11:37
“Shit,” he said. “Sorry- we forgot to set alarms and-”
Ade waved him off. “Don’t make a habit of it but I’ll forgive you this one time.” He grinned. “Plus, you both looked so sweet, ye mighty Shadowhunters all curled up like a couple of puppies.”
Kit fought the urge to blush. “Yeah, we’re adorable, we know,” he said. Speaking of… he turned to look over his shoulder to see Ty now awake and following the conversation. Kit sat up fully and he took a moment to check in. There were a few shadows under Ty’s eyes but he noted Kit’s look-over and he nodded.
“I’m better,” Ty said, to both Kit and Ade who had also popped up to check on his patient. Ty sat up, still bare-chested, and swung his legs down, standing up to show Ade the side that had been injured.
Ade whistled as he took in the practically-healed skin. “Incredible,” he said.
“Yeah,” Ty said, with a small smile. “Go ahead- ask the questions you want to,” he threw a glance over to Kit. “As Kit said last night, it’s not like we’re going to get in trouble for breaking a few more laws.”
“You have no idea how much I’d like to take you to a uni lab and run some tests,” Ade said, wistful. “I know that-”
Kit could see a familiar investigative gleam in Ty’s eye and interjected. “Maybe another time we can go over how we can completely smash the Clave rule of no mundane medical treatment more than we already did… but I think we had a fairly good crack at it last night and we should head out and let you sleep, Ade.”
He looked down at his phone, noting the seven new whatsapp messages he had received. “And Ty and I need to go buy some clothes that are suitable for meeting up in public with Ellie.”
“Buying clothes?” Ty looked a bit out, he generally wasn’t a fan of shopping.
“I’ll be quick,” Kit assured him, patting him on the thigh. “But we can’t go out looking like we’ve not changed from the BDSM club.”
Ade smirked as he took in Ty only in his gear trousers and the fact that Kit’s gear was currently in a pile on the floor. “I mean, you could. It’s London mate and East London at that… but do you really want to give Ellie that much ammunition? Alongside that?”
Kit was confused until Ade pointed to his hair, which had come out of its tie over the course of the night. “Oh, right,” he said, suddenly remembering that Ellie hadn’t seen his new hairstyle. He shrugged. “I mean, it’s only fitting I have the right hipster clothes to match, right?”
Ade cackled. “Truth.” Then he sobered. “Right, so you going to be all mysterious and broody demon hunters and disappear again for another six months? Or am I going to actually get an explanation this time?” he sounded disapproving.
“Nope, no radio comms silence from Faerie this time around. We’re-” he jerked his head over to Ty, with a smile. “We’re both assigned to London for the next little while. So it’ll be our base.”
“Lit,” Ade said, and he reached over to give Kit a fist bump, and offered one to Ty as well, who reciprocated after the slightest hesitation.
“Are you coming for some food too?” Ty asked, his eyes focused on Ade’s shoulder. He pulled on his gear shirt, and grabbed his airpods out of his pocket.
Ade hesitated. “I should probably sleep a bit more before tonight’s shift.”
“We’ll buy you coffee,” Ty said. “And breakfast.” Kit looked over at him, suddenly suspicious. It wasn’t that he thought Ty and Ade didn’t get along- they had met several times, in Devon and the one time Ade had visited L.A. but Ty’s voice held a note of… something else. Ty noticed his gaze and he shrugged. “We owe him.”
“Yeah, of course-” Kit said. “Anything you want at Spitalfields…”
He figured Ty would let him know what was up soon.
Being the middle of the summer and a rainy day at that, Spitalfields Market was busy, the crowds buzzing under the steel and glass roof. Kit, Ade and Ty bought their food quickly from the surrounding food stalls - a savoury crepe for Ty, some spicy noodles for Kit and a large pulled pork sandwich and black coffee for Ade - and then retreated to the outdoor tables under a covered awning to wait for Ellie.
She arrived shortly after, a whirlwind figure in a floral dress, a light denim jacket and oversized sunglasses despite the rainy day. Her hair was a deep mauve colour, with a fresh undercut on one side and swept behind her multi-pierced ear on the other.
“Kit!” She jumped on him from behind, giving him a kiss on his cheek, and Kit turned and picked her up into a hug, her vanilla and peach scent flooding his senses. He set her down and she popped her sunglasses off, to give him a severe look with her bright blue eyes. “You’ve gone full L.A. again, I see.” She reached up and felt his bun.
Kit swatted her away. “Hey, the man-bun has gone transatlantic, we saw several just in front of Liverpool Street Station alone. Plus, you know it looks good on me.”
She pursed her lips as she gave him her usual once over. “Yeah, fair. It seems to be the never ending trend… at least you haven’t gone for the scruffy facial hair too.” She grinned though, and sat down, looking across to Ty and Ade.
“Ti-bae-rius, looking gorgeous as always,” she said, winking at Ty.
Ty, who had become used to Ellie over the years, said evenly. “Hi Ellie.” And continued to eat his crepe, his eyes switching between watching the interaction in front of him, and taking in the surrounding area.
Ellie turned next to Ade. “Ade.. you look- tired as all hell,” her voice was sympathetic. “I thought you’re on nights all this week?”
Ade nodded. “Yep. But I had an interesting night when this one-” he nodded at Kit. “Dragged this one looking half dead,” he pointed at Ty, “into my A&E department last night.”
Ellie’s jaw dropped. “Ooh- that’s why you texted me!” She poked Kit. “Right- spill the tea, now!”
And Kit launched into the official reason why he and Ty were in London, explaining Ty’s new posting to the European Centurion office (Ade: “Even post-Brexit?” Ty: “I don’t think the Clave follows mundane politics that closely”), and Kit’s subsequent invitation from Evelyn Highsmith, the ancient head of the London Institute, to help rebuild the London Enclave.
Kit didn’t explain the other reason: that Ty, alongside Anush and some of the other highly specialised Centurions had been called in to investigate the recent appearance of the never-before-seen ‘wraiths’ and determine what kind of threat they posed to the Downworld and Shadowhunters.
Kit looked over at Ellie as she lit her third cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke away from the table but the wind direction had it drifting back over them. He could see Ty getting irritated from the constant smoke, and to be fair, Kit was as well. “Those things will kill you,” he said to Ellie.
“Live fast, die young- isn’t that the Shadowhunter model anyway?” Ellie said lightly, holding the cigarette up in her hand.
He gave her a look, and gave the tiniest of nods over to Ty. Ellie took the hint. “Well, to be fair I never was one anyway, so I suppose I can’t use the excuse,” she said, and she stubbed it out.
Ellie gave him a bright but brittle smile before looking away. Kit was troubled by it and mentally made a note to reach out later to her to see how she was doing. He knew from her infrequent texts that she was back studying at a London university after she had taken some time off after her mum’s death. But he wondered more about the Shadowhunters comment - Ellie, as a mundane with the Sight - had almost completed the training program at the Shadowhunters Academy a few years ago, before she left when her mother had first been diagnosed with cancer. She hadn’t returned to it and given the circumstances Kit had never pressed her on it but now he wondered if he should.
Ellie nudged him. “So… other than your boyfriend almost dying last night, what else is new with you both?”
Ty frowned at that. “Bit soon, Ellie, thanks.”
Ellie waved it off. “Let’s move on from the past, I always say- are you still listening to those true crime podcasts, Ty? Any new recommendations?”
Ty accepted the peace offering, and the conversation moved on to lighter things, as Kit caught up with his friends and Ty joined in until he grew bored of their switch to British mundane politics, and pulled out his newest book. Ade went and bought a box of sourdough donuts and they were all pleasantly full by the time Ellie jumped up, looking at her watch and saying that she had a tutorial at three and needed to leave and Ade decided he’d try to sleep for a few hours before his next shift. They left with promises to text and arrange other meetups, now that Kit and Ty were going to be based in London for the next while.
Kit sat back after they left, and enjoyed people-watching from his side of the table, while Ty nodded along, earbuds in, as he read his book. Eventually, as it so often did, Kit’s eyes were drawn back to Ty. The way his long, graceful fingers flicked through his paperback back, the way his narrow but muscular body filled out the black undershirt and jeans that Kit had bought from a trendy shop on Commercial Street, covered by the white and grey plaid shirt that matched his eyes, the same colour as the cloudy skies above.
Ty could feel Kit’s eyes on him, and he put down the book, and paused his music. He watched as Kit reached out to trace the Voyance rune on his hand. “I’m fine, you know.”
Kit let out a long breath. He had been of two minds in the morning whether they should’ve just canceled on Ellie but last night’s escapades didn’t appear to be still affecting Ty. Or he was being very good at hiding it, which had occurred in the past… but Kit didn’t think that was the case now.
“I know,” Kit said. “But we need to talk about last night with that wraith and-”
“And why you didn’t want to call the London Enclave-” Ty said. He tilted his head at Kit. “Was it to do with the fire message you got right before we went out?”
Kit wasn’t surprised Ty had mostly figured it out- and to be honest, he hadn’t intended to hide it anyway, just focus on it when they had returned from the patrol. “No, that was just a check in from Aline asking if we had made it okay and to chew me out for leaving the training room in a mess before we left.” He dug out his phone. “It was this anonymous text that says ‘the London Institute is rotting from within. Tread carefully, Herondale’.”
He handed his phone over to Ty, who read the message and then hit a few buttons, which Kit assumed was the additional tech side stuff that he was good at.
“Intriguing,” Ty said, handing back the phone. “I can try tracing it when we get back.”
Both he and Kit considered the townhouse, which had last been updated in the 1960s and didn’t have many modern conveniences, such as wifi. The few times they had stayed in the past, they had used hotspots.
“Maybe you should visit Blackthorn Hall to do it,” Kit said. “Dru and Ash are there this weekend, right?”
“Yeah,” Ty said. “Plus, Julian’s wanting us to come to dinner as soon as possible.”
“Sounds good,” Kit said, standing. They started making their way back towards the underground, idly discussing the reasons for the message - Kit suggested it had to do with the fact that he had heard there were still remnants of the Cohort that hadn’t been kicked out - before he asked Ty his initial thoughts on the wraith encounter.
“I’m not sure,” Ty said, his face serious, as they picked their way around a busker. “It had surprisingly fast reflexes when I had it cornered and its strength was also unexpected for its size.” He looked over at Kit. “I’ll be more prepared next time.”
Kit nodded. He put his hands in his pocket, hoping that Ty took his own advice. “Okay-” he sighed. “Looks like there’s a few more things we need to be aware of, now that we’re here.”
“Oh, also the fact that Ade had vampire glamour on him,” Ty said conversationally. “We should look into that too.”
Kit stopped short. “What? How could you tell?” People streamed around them into the entrance of Liverpool Street station, no one paying attention to the conversation.
Ty rolled up his sleeve, showing Kit one of his many Marks, one that Kit wasn’t familiar with. “Remember me telling you Divya and I have been working with the Spiral Labyrinth to develop a glamour-detecting rune? This is the prototype.” He looked thoughtful. “I’m fairly certain its vampire glamour… could also be warlock but that tends to have more of a windy feel than bone-chilling cold feel.”
“Right,” Kit said. “We’re fixing that one straight away.”
“Agreed,” Ty said. “But I have no doubt we’ll be able to sort it out quickly,” he said with a graceful shrug.
Kit laughed. “Yeah, it is us, after all. Holmes.”
Ty smiled at Kit. “Watson.”
Then they went underground, letting the bustle of London continue above.
New story - "Herondales Don't Fail" starts posting tomorrow!
Taglist: @dontmindmyshadowhunting @sandersgrey @of-same-steel-and-temper @thomastaircompassrose  @thechangeling @mferraz @kestrafagnor @gabtapia @alldagayships @blindbandit1515 @silvermagnolias @chaotic-halfblood-kit @fighting-god-69 @lifeofbrybooks @all-this-panic-still-no-disco @heloisacosta23 @kitheronthorn @idk-i-just-really-like-tsc @t0wergirl @immortal-enemies @ahumanbeingtryingherbest
23 notes · View notes
murphy-kitt · 3 years
Scream - Day Two
“Danny!” Maddies’s scream slices through the street.
Worry for her son consumes Maddie as she and her husband battle a surge of ghosts outside Caspar High School. Students are scattered everywhere, and the woman can’t see where her son might be located.
He’s always running away in ghost fights, and comes back with the most awful injuries. He probably thinks they haven’t noticed the bloodied bandages in the bathroom bin, or the missing gauze from the first aid kit.
She can’t see any familiar black hair or a flash of white t-shirt as she briefly scans the gaggle of teenagers, then resumes shooting point blank at an animalistic leopard ghost. Goo explodes everywhere, promptly swallowed up by a Fenton Thermos out of nowhere.
Looking up, she spots Phantom floating a few metres above them, attaching the Fenton Thermos to his belt. How he obtained one, she doesn’t know. Most likely he stole it.
“I can’t see Danny anywhere.” Booms Jack, his eyes shining with worry as he slams the Jack o’ Nine Tails into another leopard ghost, which whines and disintegrates.
If Jack hasn’t seen him, then where is Danny?
The ghost boy uses his stolen thermos to clear up the ectoplasmic remnants of the second leopard, and she feels anger build up at the sheer cheek of the ghost, thinking he can help them and thinking that they’re allies. But she pushes that away for now, concern for Danny’s well-being more important right now.
“ Danny !” She screeches again, her voice broken with worry, as heads turn to look in her direction, their faces stricken with concern and confusion.
The response that follows, is not what anyone is expecting.
“What?!” The ghost boy yells furiously, looking down at them both, his green eyes flashing. He splays his hands outwards towards them and questions, “What do you want?”
Maddie splutters, and Jack’s jaw drops.
The crowd of once chattering students is silent.
How dare he think she was calling for him. How dare he assume they were allies—
Suddenly, Phantom seems to come to a realisation, as his eyes goes wide, and he pushes back into the air, further away from the couple, “Oh— oh no. I didn’t mean that.”
Why did he respond to her? It was clearly a shout meant for her son — unless he didn’t know her son's name was Danny — but that didn’t excuse that he’d replied.
They’re ghost hunters. They’re not supposed to be all chummy with ghosts, and ghosts certainly aren’t supposed to think they’re friends. If anything, she’s a bit concerned at Phantom’s attitude. Was he asking for a second death wish?
Why did he even answer anyway? There’s no legible explanation she can come up with that would make sense.
Narrowing her eyes, her grip on the ectogun tightens, and she points it up to Phantom.
“Nope. Nope. You don’t wanna do that.” He shakes his head frantically, but instead of backing away, he floats closer till his feet brush onto the road.
“Why did you respond to the shout for my son?” Maddie snarls, her eyes narrow, and the ghost’s eyes widen in realisation.
Unless… he’s done something to Danny?
Before everything, Danny never really had an aversion to ghosts, in fact he was quite enthusiastic to learn about their profession. But now…
He’s the complete opposite. He hides at the sight of them, not returning until hours later. There’s a look in his eye like he’s seen awful, awful things.
As if…something had happened to him. Something traumatic.
Involving ghosts.
And it would make sense for a ghost, who’s got a possible connection to her son, and a possible obsession, to respond to anything to do with her baby boy.
It could also explain why Phantom’s trying to be so friendly with them, because whatever he’d done to Danny, he probably thinks the blow could be lessened if they were allies.
As if that’ll happen.
“I—it was an accident!” Phantom splutters.
“An accident?” Maddie scoffs disbelievingly, her brow raising. Her gun is trained upon the ghost. “You're involved with my son, I don't know how, but if you go near my boy again, this gun is the last thing you'll see."
“What?” Jack asks in shock, his eyes flicking from the ghost to Maddie, then back again, his expression darkening, “What did you do to Danny?”
“I didn’t do anything to your kid!” The teenage ghost yells, “Why would I even do anything?”
Exactly. Why? What was his motivation to traumatise her son so much?
Is it them? Is it the ghost seeking revenge for all the times they’re shot at him? Is it the ghost acting malevolent and doing this to their boy deliberately so it can enjoy the torment of seeing them worry for Danny?
Shame pools in Maddie’s stomach as she stares at her husband, his face concerned at her guilty look, unknowing, oblivious to the fact that they’re the cause of this. All this time, they’ve been the reason Danny got manipulated by this ghost. They failed to notice what was going on.
But now… her finger dances on the trigger.
She has the opportunity to end this. To get justice for Danny, and to free him of this torment, whatever Phantom is doing to her son.
“This is for my son. And all the torment you’ve put him through.” She announces broadly, and Phantom flinches, putting his hands up defensively.
“No— please! I didn’t do anything to him, I never have! Please, just let me explain.”
His words are frantic, pleading; desperate and frightened as they fall from his lips.
For a moment, Maddie believes him. For a moment, she wants to listen to his explanations. For a moment, she forgets that the ghost in front of her is a ghost.
A ghost that’s hurting her child.
He looks just strikingly like Danny did the other day, when he entered the kitchen, his blue eyes scarred with fear and shoulders hunched, fists clenched.
But that also reminds her that this ghost is the potential cause of that terror. That day, they'd also had a bad run in with the ghost himself. They'd won, and Phantom had ran off to wherever he did after a fight, defeated.
Now though...now Maddie isn’t sure what's caused any of this.
Because Danny still isn’t here.
“Explain.” She says slowly, still keeping her gun focused on him.
“Alright. Okay. Just give me a minute.” The teen stammers, his eyes scanning around nervously and darting all over the place, before finally landing on her. “Look, I don't really want to say this in public, I don't like talking about it."
"Talk, or I'll shoot."
Nope. Phantom isn't leading them away from the crowds. His plan won't work. He's not leading them somewhere to then attack them, away from the people so his image still remains squeaky clean. She's not taking chances; she doesn't know why he responded to the shout for Danny.
The ghost frowns, and looks around wildly again, before sighing tiredly, and sinking down until his feet touch the ground.
"What could a ghost even be keeping private anyway?" Jack blurts beside them both, "It's not as if you have a life with anything happening in it."
A hurt look passes Phantom's face before he frowns and grits his teeth.
"My past life, that's what! I don't like talking about that, and I'd rather keep that behind me." The ghost finishes, and both Fenton's lower their guns just slightly.
Phantom's past life is never something they've really thought about. But what does their son have to do with that?
"What does our son have to do with this?" Jack asks blankly, and Phantom's facepalms.
"For one minute will you just believe me when I say this isn't about your son!" The ghost wavers as he shouts, "Sure, his name is Danny, but it doesn't mean he's the only one!"
"What are you getting at?" Maddie asks, confused. Another Danny? Is there someone Phantom knows from his past life called Danny?
But that wouldn't explain why the ghost responded to the call of Danny-
She flushes in embarrassment.
"You thought it was for you, didn't you?" Jack asks, his gun dropping to the floor.
Phantom nods.
"I think you’ve already guessed, but my human name was Danny. When you said my name, I thought you were calling for me at first, but then I realised it was for your son." The ghost admits, as the crowd around them shuffle uncomfortably.
None of them had ever really thought of the concept of Phantom ever having an actual name. He was just Phantom.
This is news to Jack and Maddie.
The ghost — he wasn’t connected to their son at all. He wasn’t trying to get revenge on them. He wasn’t torturing their son to obtain a reaction from them.
He just shared the same name.
It doesn’t mean she’s fully trusting of Phantom yet, but Maddie feels this small snippet of information unlocks a door of the enigma that is Phantom.
However it is still weird to think that her son shares a name with a ghost. Of course, Danny is a common name, but it’s still quite jarring. But it must be more jarring to Phantom.
To lose his life, then be called by a name he hadn’t heard in months, years maybe. Maybe for just a second, he’d thought it was someone from his past life shouting his name out.
But that’s just speculation. And it led to her almost destroying Phantom. Simply because of a misunderstanding.
She almost destroyed someone’s son.
But I didn’t — and neither did Jack.
Tonight, when she returns home, she knows she’s going to give Danny the biggest hug of his life. Knowing that out there, somewhere in Amity Park, a mother’s arms lie empty with the lack of her own Danny, now a phantom.
And when she sees the terror in his eyes, or the burns on his arms, she won’t speculate why or how, as much as her mind wants to wander.
She’ll let him explain in his own time.
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imekitty · 3 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
The idea for this part came from The gangsta of love on FFN. Thanks!
The front door opened. Jack and Maddie sat on the living room sofa and looked up as Danny limped into the room clutching his middle.
"Hey, honey," said Maddie. "Done working on that project with Sam and Tucker already?"
"Oh." Danny straightened and dropped his arm down to his side. "I thought you said you and Dad were gonna be working in the lab today."
"We'll be going down soon," said Jack.
A red splotch stained the lower part of his shirt. Danny turned his body away from them so it was hidden.
"I just have some more homework to do." Danny pointed to the stairs. His voice sounded strained. "I'll be in my room."
"Okay, sweetie. I'll bring you up a snack later," said Maddie.
"No!" shrieked Danny.
Jack and Maddie stared at him. Danny folded his arms against his body and smiled, a thin film of moisture brimming along his lower eyelids.
"I don't need anything," he insisted, turning his face away and discreetly wiping his eyes. "I'm not hungry."
"You sure?"" asked Maddie. "I could make you a sandwich."
Jack studied her expression, her innocent, sweet smile as she clasped her knee.
"No. No, I'll be fine," said Danny, gasping just a little.
"Well, do you need any help with your homework, then?"
Danny gritted his teeth but forced another smile. "No, I think I'm good."
"Your dad and I are happy to help if you need us, you know."
Danny kept his face away as he stared at the floor. "I… Yeah, I know you are."
His hand moved to hover over the red stain on his shirt, clenched and then loosened as he lowered it back to his side with shaky, labored motions.
"Go ahead upstairs to your room," said Jack. "Before you lose the motivation to do your homework."
Danny nodded. "Yeah. Right."
Jack and Maddie watched Danny climb the stairs. He gripped the rail tightly as he took each step one at a time. He disappeared out of sight down the hall.
"He's really hurt," said Jack in a low voice.
"He must've encountered a ghost while he was out," said Maddie. "He's probably going up to his room to dress his wounds."
"Do you think he knows how?"
"Well, I imagine he'll learn pretty quick, won't he? We know he has a first aid kit in his room."
"His side seemed to be bleeding quite a bit." Jack stood. "Maybe we should make sure he knows what he's doing."
Maddie grabbed his arm and pulled him back down onto the sofa. "We can't, Jack."
"Why not?"
"You know why not."
"We can feign ignorance, we can just pretend we believe any story he comes up with to explain it."
"We need to see how Danny deals with this on his own. No interference from us."
"We've stopped ghosts from hurting him too much or ghost hunters from catching him before. How is this any different?"
"He's safe here. He's under our roof. He's not in any danger."
Jack glanced up the stairs toward Danny's room. "But he really looked like he was in pain, Mads."
"He has exceptionally good healing abilities," said Maddie. "He'll be all right."
Jack stared in the direction of Danny's room a little longer before giving up.
Later that evening, Jack hid and watched Danny come down the stairs, tenderly nursing one side of his body while putting all his weight on the other leg. He paused at the base of the stairs to catch his breath, bending over slightly.
Jack wished he could offer Danny his arm as a crutch.
"You coming to dinner, Danny?" called Maddie from the kitchen.
"Yeah," said Danny. He stood tall and walked forward, putting more weight on his injured side but wincing with each step.
Jack followed behind, pretending he didn't see anything.
The following day, Jack took note of Danny's walk. He did not seem to be limping as much but he would place a hand on his side every time he turned too quickly. He slowly lowered himself into his chair at dinner, flinching as he settled into it.
At the end of the night, Jack watched Danny take the stairs one ginger step at a time.
"He's still hurt," said Jack down in the lab.
"He is healing quickly," said Maddie, writing down notes about her observations. "He's amazing, isn't he? Just wish I could lift his shirt to see how he's healing under there."
Jack agreed but knew it wasn't for the same reasons she had.
The next day, Danny walked in through the front door slumped over and shivering.
"How was school, Danny?" asked Maddie from where she sat on the living room sofa.
"Fine," Danny stammered. He stopped at the base of the stairs and folded his arms, tucking his hands under his armpits.
"Lot of homework?" asked Maddie.
"Yeah. Gonna do it right now," said Danny through chattering teeth.
Jack studied him, noting the flushed color in his cheeks and the droop of his eyes.
"You feeling okay?" asked Jack.
Maddie shot him a scolding look.
"Mmm hmm." Danny nodded and massaged one side of his head. "I'm just feeling kind of tired. Long day at school."
"Maybe you should take a nap before tackling that homework," said Maddie.
"Yeah. Okay. Good idea." Danny nodded again, swaying on his feet. "I'll just—um—okay, I'm going up. Let me know when dinner's ready."
Danny gripped the handrail hard as he climbed each step. Jack watched until he was out of sight.
"Jack, remember we don't want to influence Danny too much," said Maddie. "Let him tell us on his own if he's not feeling okay after a ghost-related incident, don't ask him."
"So I was just supposed to pretend I didn't even notice how terrible he looked?" asked Jack.
"Yes. You were."
"So if he comes in with a hole blown through his shoulder or a missing arm, we're just supposed to act like we don't see it?"
"No, of course not." Maddie spoke evenly, as if she were explaining something that should've been obvious. "If we see that he is trying to hide an injury or condition from us, we go along with what he wants."
"But Maddie, what if he has an infection from that injury he sustained a couple days ago? You saw him shivering, that's clearly a fever."
"I did tell him to go take a nap. I don't usually approve of him napping right after school."
"You think he's going to just sleep off this infection?"
"No. I didn't say that." Maddie sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "He does seem to be exhibiting signs of an infection. I wonder why his body is having trouble healing. I wish I could know what sort of injury it was. Or perhaps Danny did not dress it properly. Or—"
"I told you he might not know how."
"Well, you're the one who wouldn't let me put a camera in his room."
Jack stared at her. Almost in disbelief. Almost.
"None of this matters now," said Jack, more calmly. "We need to do something. We can't let that infection get any worse."
"I'll get a prescription for some antibiotics and get him to take them somehow." Maddie tapped a finger to her chin. "I'll tell him they're vitamins. Or maybe break them up and slip them into his dinner each night. Supplement them with probiotics at breakfast so he hopefully doesn't notice the side effects."
"Are you joking?" asked Jack.
Maddie looked as serious as always.
Over the next few days, Danny stopped shivering, the color returning to normal in his face.
Maddie flashed Jack a triumphant smile as she broke apart the last antibiotic capsule and mixed it in with a serving of mashed potatoes on Danny's plate. Jack turned away from her.
Danny entered the kitchen. No limping, no gasping with each step.
Healthy again. For now.
Later, around midnight, Jack walked past Danny's room after sneaking some fudge from the kitchen downstairs. He could hear Danny crying on the other side of his closed door.
Jack stared at the door for a long time. He imagined Danny lying on his bed. Or perhaps curled up on the floor.
"Don't," Maddie whispered from down the hall.
Jack tore away and went to join her in their bedroom.
Part 13
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limen-lime · 2 years
what is iris going to do for jack?
"Shoes off at the door," Iris called over her shoulder. Her voice echoed through the empty first floor as she stepped up from the entryway into the expansive main living area, the kitchen just beyond.
From beneath the kitchen sink, she removed her first-aid kit, which she always kept handy. Lavender and Hazel were accident-prone children, and Iris spent many summer days kissing skinned knees and stroking hair as she poured foaming iodine onto bleeding hands. The two boys who had been unceremoniously dumped into her front yard looked like they might need a little more than she could give. But she would do her best.
Tristan Emrys hopped onto the kitchen counter and removed his broken sunglasses with a sigh. "These were my favorite."
Jack Halley chose the more reasonable approach of collecting a chair from the dining room table before he sat down nearby. He was silent. His eyes were unfocused as he stared down at the tile floor of the Espinosa's new kitchen.
Iris was worried he might have a concussion and put a gentle hand beneath his chin to lift his head. She took a pen-light from the kit and flashed it in each eye just to be safe. When she was satisfied that he didn’t seem to have any apparent brain damage, she said, “I think you’ll live."
"He must have a hard head," Hazel grumbled and leaned her hip against the counter top, arms crossed over her chest.
"Hazel, will you find yourself in my makeup bag and bring it here?" Iris asked.
Tristan screwed up his dirt-smudged face in confusion.
Hazel huffed in annoyance, but she turned and stalked off in the direction of the boxes piled high next to the door anyway. Iris guessed what the boys could not know, that Hazel had really been frightened to see them crash like they did. To see Jack's eyes so wild with fright. Iris might have been an empath of sorts, but her daughter was the one who felt things like the ocean does, overflowing and often violent. She hid her fears behind a sea wall of minor aggressions, but Iris knew how fragile those breakers could be.
While lost in thoughts of sea salt and floods, Iris lifted Jack's hands to inspect them. "Some of these cuts might need stitches, but I should know better once I clean them up."
Jack's eyes kept trailing back to the kitchen window, which looked out on the forest beside the house. "I swear I saw something out there."
Iris nodded her head. "I know, but you seem to me like a very tired young man in need of some rest before we discuss what it is you saw. Hmm?"
Jack turned his gaze back to her. "You don't believe me either."
Anyone else who looked in Jack Halley's eyes would see the nameless color of them. Hints of green, gold, and gray. They would see half a dozen fitful nights of very little sleep. They might even catch a glimmer of the anger that had lived, burning inside of him long before loss brought his life to a bloody stand-still.
When Iris Espinosa gazed into them, it was like what happened when other witches peered into a bowl of dark liquid or an antique mirror poured from silver. She saw through the eyes into something deeper.
To Iris, eyes really were the window to the soul.
She saw Jack’s hopes in shades of summer green. Hope was usually a soft, glowing thing, a heart of white and a halo of whatever color the soul associated with the related emotions. They bobbed like fire flies through memories and future dreams. Jack was still boyish and rough-hewn - a series of stick and mud forts, late-night campfire stories, and the splash of cold water on bare shins. He hoped for simple, concrete things.
Iris’ heart instantly ached for him.
His fears stood high above in flickers of fiery gold. Burnished in fire so hot that Iris nearly lost hold of his chin. They gleamed a hammered-out sheen, armored dragon scales, a monumental serpent. It towered in the mind’s eye, all phantasm and claws. Jack tried to pull away as he felt the fear rise within him.
But that tumultuous gray sky swallowed the beast. Like clouds hiding away the sun behind their hands, they swept out over a wind-tossed sea, and the boy was lost among the gray. This was not hope or fear at all. It was something Iris knew well. Need, want, desperate, aching, empty. This boy was missing something, and he likely had been for a while. He didn’t even know what it was anymore, that thing to fill the void.
Iris drew back.
Jack stared. “What did you do to me?”
“I want you to tell me,” Iris said softly, “everything you remember about that night.”
Jack opened his mouth - whether to protest or explain, she was not certain - but she stopped him.
“Not now. You’ve had a long morning, and what we need to discuss is going to take a lot more than you’ve got to give right now. Do you understand?”
Jack almost shook his head before he realized that he did understand. “Ma’am,” he said politely - Martha raised him to always be polite if possible and especially to people who could unabashedly hold your gaze for as long as Iris could, “do you need some help moving in?”
Iris turned her gaze to her daughter next, who had just returned with herself, a bottle of witch hazel water (the plant she was named for). “Yes, I’d appreciate that. Wouldn’t you, honeybee?”
Hazel stared for a few moments longer than she thought she should. Their magic was very different, but she could still see when Iris had been working. Something like dreams hovered around her, a cloud of miracles. Magic bending over and around itself to grant Iris Espinosa what she wished.
“Sure,” Hazel said finally, “we’d love some help.”
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alj4890 · 3 years
Angst Prompt
Dawn’s Early Light
(Part Three to One Fateful Night)
As requested by many of you.
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(Liam x OC) in a one shot continuation of the angsty One Fateful Night.
A/N Here's some happiness to the angst so many sent messages about. I know it is still bittersweet in a way, with Riley being dead and all, but I think it gives our favorite prince a chance to find true love after all. On another note, I had at one time considered Liam meeting someone in Washington D.C. in another story where Riley died the night of the Homecoming Ball in Book 2. I guess this makes up for deleting it and never posting, LOL.
Part 2 The Dark Before the Dawn
 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09   @gkittylove99 @krsnlove   @mom2000aggie @twinkleallnight @lodberg @sweatyrysconnoisseur ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Dawn’s Early Light
Somewhere in Maryland...
Liam grimaced at the voice coming through loud and clear from his cell phone. The one time he convinced Bastien that he could travel on his own and the man still made certain to call every hour.
"Yes?" He huffed.
"Your current location?"
"That at the moment is a little difficult to pinpoint." Liam squinted through the pouring rain. "One of the roads was flooded and the numerous detours have sent me further east of D.C."
He could hear frantic mutterings in the background, papers shifting and clicks from computers.
"Pull over and we will try to locate you." Bastien ordered.
Liam looked about at the flour lane highway, barely able to see five feet ahead of him. "There isn't a spot to do so. I'll call once I find a safe place."
"Your majesty," he could hear the frustration in his Head of the King's Guards' voice, "this is why I insisted we fly down together."
"And I knew this was my last chance to take a road trip of sorts." Liam countered. "You worry too much, Bastien."
"And you don't worry enough." Bastien muttered. "If you haven't found a place within the next hour, I am coming to find you."
"Make sure to bring a rowboat." Liam teased. "That's probably the best way to travel here."
His jest was met with silence.
"Bastien?" Liam glanced down at his phone and saw the call had dropped. Tossing it back in the passenger seat, he continued on down the road.
Outside of Annapolis...
"No!" Autumn pleaded when her tire burst. "You've got to be kidding me!"
Pulling over onto the shoulder of the highway, she tried to call her parents.
"Gee, thanks for no bars." She grumbled, chucking her phone back into her purse.
Reaching for her coat she prepared herself mentally to change her own tire.
Why did Dad have to make it so boring? He knew I wouldn't pay attention!
It had been ten years since she had sat through that lesson, day dreaming of the cute guy who sat next to her in chemistry class.
And just like her lack of luck with Mr. Chemistry, she was about to fail miserably with her tire.
She pulled the flashlight and tools out her father insisted she keep in her vehicle at all times and stepped out into the rainstorm.
"Any creepy serial killers out there," she yelled towards the darkened woods that lined the highway, "now is NOT the time to mess with me!"
She paused in removing the jack from her trunk. "That goes for any wild animals unless you're the helpful kind from fairy tales."
She snorted at her own joke as she set reflectors along the road. "And if you know of any princes, do send them my way."
"Alright car, you and I have been through it." She patted it's side. "All the snow storms in Pennsylvania. New jobs. New apartments. Ex boyfriends." She knelt by the flat tire. "Let's get through this and I'll treat you to a tank of premium gas."
She removed the hubcap and blinked when a pair of bright headlights pulled up behind her.
"Didn't I specifically demand no serial killers?" She muttered to herself as she saw the silhouette of a man start walking her way.
"Pardon me?" A cultured voice called out. "Are you in need of any assistance?"
She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the light. "I wouldn't say no to some help."
Her mystery person stopped a couple of feet away from her and studied her tire.
"Where's the jack?"
She handed it to him and watched as he expertly began to raise the back end up.
"Here's the tool kit." She handed it over, discreetly keeping a screwdriver in her hand in case he was a psycho.
"I hate to keep you out in the rain, but could you shine your flashlight here so I can remove the lug nuts?"
"Right. Of course." She dutifully lifted it where he directed.
"Perfect." He turned to smile at her. "Thank you."
She blinked at how handsome he was. "I, no problem. I should be thanking you."
"My pleasure." He looked around. "I don't suppose you know where we are, do you?"
Oh no. A hot psycho. Just my luck.
"Um, don't you know?" She took a cautious step back.
"I've never been in this part of America before." He explained, unaware of her trepidation. "I lost GPS about two hours ago."
"Oh." She relaxed and stepped closer. "We're about forty-five minutes from Annapolis.
"How far is that from D.C.?" He asked.
"About forty minutes or so depending on traffic." She tilted her head. "Let me guess. You're a politician or aide of some sort."
He chuckled. "Not really."
"You certainly don't sound like the men in Washington."
"Oh? And how do they sound?"
"Arrogant jerks. Every last one of them. Even the mailroom guys act like they rule the world." Her nose wrinkled.
"Ah." Her handsome stranger removed her flat tire and placed the spare on. "Not fond of men in power, I take it."
"Not really." She squatted next to him, hoping she would remember his actions in case she had another flat tire some time in the future. "I guess there's bound to be one man out there who actually wants to serve the people instead of having them serve him."
"I see." He glanced over at her. "I like to think there are honest rulers out there."
Her brow furrowed. "Rulers?" She studied his profile. "You're not American, are you?"
He shook his head. "No."
"Where are you from?" Her eyes narrowed in thought. "Your accent is hard to place."
"Cordonia" he grunted as he tightened the lug nuts. "Have you heard of it?"
"It sounds familiar." She muttered.
"It is a tiny but beautiful country in Europe." He explained.
"Isn’t every European nation?” She teased. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of of one that I would turn down a vacation to.”
He began to lower her car back down with the jack. "All done."
"I don't know how to thank you." She pushed her wet hair back, wondering how horrible she must look as she picked up the safety reflectors
"No need." He smiled warmly. "Have a good evening, my lady." With an instinctive bow, he turned and walked back to his own car.
"My lady?" Her lips quirked with humor. Perhaps the fairy tale animals had sent her a prince. "Hey! Wait!"
He paused with his car door open. "Yes?"
"There's an all night diner a few miles ahead." She took a deep breath. "Would you like to follow me there? We could dry off and I could buy you a piece of pie as a thank you."
Her hero's smile grew brighter. "I'd like that. Lead the way."
"I'm Autumn." She held her hand out as they waited to be seated.
"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Liam." He took her hand and bowed over it.
"Is that how people greet one another in Cordonia?" She asked.
"It is the norm from where I grew up." He responded with a sheepish grin.
He shook her hand. "Is that better?"
"Your way was fine." She glanced down at their clasped hands. "I just feel a little under dressed for such a proper greeting."
"Nonsense." Liam continued to hold her hand. "A little water logged perhaps, but lovely nonetheless."
Her lips parted in surprise.
"Just the two of you?"
The pair turned toward a waitress.
"Yes." Autumn replied. "Just us."
"Follow me." She sat them at a table and handed over some menus. "What can I get you to drink?"
"Coffee, please." Autumn replied.
"I'll have the same." Liam added.
"Coming right up."
"Autumn?" Liam tested her name. "Were you given that name due to being born in the fall?"
She shook her head. "My parents have a warped sense of humor. I was born in April."
He laughed causing her to smile once more.
She thought his laughter had such a warm encompassing sound that made her want to hear it often as she could.
"They also wanted to have their kids' initials for Pennsylvania." She rolled her eyes. "My older brother, Patrick, took care of the P while I completed it with an A." Her own laughter bubbled out. "Then my unplanned younger brother was born and threw those initials out the door."
"What did they name him?" Liam asked.
"August, since he was born in January. Being that he was a surprise, they went with another A name to have an, aaahhh, moment at the end of P.A.."
Liam shook with his laughter over her parents. "They sound delightful."
"They sound that way," she teased, "but when you live with them..." Her smile softened. "They really are great parents and my brothers aren't too bad either."
"I have an older brother." He told her. "Leo and I were never as close as I wished we could have been. He spends so much time traveling and exploring the world that I don't have the heart to pressure him into coming home more often." A sadness came over him. "I've never seen him so happy as when he sends me pictures from his latest adventure."
"He's a wandering soul." She added.
"Precisely." Liam refocused on her. "And a wanderer withers and dies if tied down."
"What about your parents?" She asked.
"My mother died when I was very young and my father passed away about five years ago." He explained. "I'm close to my stepmother, Regina. She and Leo are all I have left for family."
"I'm sorry." Autumn mumbled. "I didn't mean to dredge up painful--"
Her breath caught when he laid his hand over hers. She thought she could actually feel herself getting lost in his blue eyes...which was something she teased her friends over every time they mentioned something like that. Yet here she was, finding herself falling for a man who changed her tire in the rain.
He gently squeezed her fingers. "Nothing to apologize for. I miss them but I am done grieving."
As their waitress brought them a fresh pot of coffee, Liam realized how true that statement was. He was done grieving for all of his lost loved ones.
"Now then." Liam looked up from his menu. "Do you work in Washington?"
"I do." She replied. "Not in a political aspect though."
"What do you do?" He asked.
"I'm an archivist at the National Air and Space Museum."
His expression brightened with interest. "I've always wanted to visit the Smithsonian. To work and preserve the very fabric of your nation's history must be fascinating."
"It is!" She leaned forward as she became more animated about her work.
Deciding to prolong this conversation, the two ordered a meal before indulging in pie.
Liam listened, asking questions that only made her more excited in sharing this piece of her life.
It was rare for Autumn to find anyone interested in what she did.
"Right now, my team is working on digitizing everything we have on rocket tests during the 1950's." She explained. "Reading through the vast paperwork, various film and photographs, all audio recordings; I get to sift through every bit of it for our records."
"I once assisted an archivist at the palace library." Liam told her. "I discovered long ago manuscripts and journals in a hidden nook." His smile softened at the memory. "It was all by accident. My best friend and I were playing in one of the ballrooms when the soccer ball we were kicking around struck a piece of the baseboards, causing a hidden door to open."
Autumn's eyes widened. "It's a wonder you didn't get in trouble with the palace curators. They do not appreciate anyone playing around the exhibits."
Liam chuckled. "I was lucky the curators were fond of me."
"You knew them?" She asked. "Were they family members?"
"They aren't family, but I did know them." He replied, being deliberately mysterious about who he was.
He hadn't had a normal conversation in years. When she didn't recognize him, he felt a lightness he had felt on that long ago night in New York. He had forgotten how it was, how it made him feel. So often, people said the things they thought he wanted to hear. He missed the back and forth of sharing personal tidbits.
Autumn grimaced when she realized she had basically dominated the conversation for nearly an hour.
"Enough about my work," she smiled at him, "what do you do? Did you come here for business or to finally see the Smithsonian?"
He chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee. "As much as I would prefer spending my days wandering through museums, I am here to meet with government officials."
Her nose wrinkled. "I’m sorry. I do not envy you for that." Her eyebrow lifted. "What's the government like in Cordonia? Do you have a prime minister or something similar to our president?"
"We are a constitutional monarchy with the king as the Head of State." He explained.
"I see. Then you work in some capacity for him?" She continued. "You must to be here for meetings."
Liam lowered his eyes. "I suppose you could say that."
"So what's your job title?" She persisted. "Are you a member of the house of lords or whatever you have? Aide to the king?"
"I have a higher position than anything like that." He hedged. "Which is why I'm the only one to attend these meeting the next couple of weeks."
Her brow furrowed. "The king doesn't handle stuff like that?"
"He does which is why I'm here." He focused on her eyes. "The king is the only one to handle the approval for trade agreements and maintaining friendly relations with other countries."
"Then why isn’t he..." She burst into laughter. "You really had me going there for a moment." She shook her head at him. "Nice try, but no king travels alone on highways in a Nissan Altima."
"I do when I want to appear a regular man." He explained.
"Because isn't that royalty is all about?" She giggled some more. "Living life as a middle class man."
"I'm sincere." He argued. "I really am the King of Cordonia."
Her laughter died. "And just when I thought you weren't mentally unhinged." She sighed while picking at her piece of blueberry pie. "I knew you were too good to be true. No man can be both selfless and handsome without a few screws loose."
Liam's elation she found him attractive caught him by surprise. It wasn't that other women had not said similar to him at various functions. It was that he actually felt attracted to her too.
"I can prove I'm the king."
"How long have you believed you were king?" She asked. "Any chance you've thought you were someone else at one time? Napoleon Bonaparte? King Tut?"
He snorted on his laughter. "I've been king for over six years now. The rest of my life was spent as a prince."
"Uh huh." She poured them each another cup of coffee. "Guess that explains why you weren't banned from the palace for playing soccer."
"It is my home." He pointed out.
"Sure it is." She patted his hand. "And I'm sure you're the best king out there who knows how to change a tire."
"I only know because my best friend taught me." Liam explained. "He was one of the few people in my life who did not allow me to become a spoiled prince."
"Right." She smiled at him. "It's been great and all." She reached into her purse for her wallet. "And I do thank you so much for your help with the flat tire, but I should go."
"You don't believe me?" He asked.
"I believe you believe it." She said cautiously.
Liam quickly pulled his phone out and handed it to her. "Look up Cordonia."
"Just because you think you're a king doesn't mean you can order me around." Her eyes narrowed in warning. "Besides, I wouldn't use your phone. You'd probably have me looking at some doctored photos of yourself."
"Forgive me I didn’t mean to make it sound like a command." Liam ran a hand through his hair. "I've never met anyone who didn't believe I am who I say."
"First time for e everything, huh?" She hesitated when she saw his disappointment. "Fine." She searched for her phone. "I'll play along if you find our waitress. I'm going to need more pie as I research you."
He grinned while doing as she asked.
Autumn wandered of it was because it was the middle of the night that made her sit here with some guy claiming to be--
"No!" Her eyes darted from the images of King Liam of Cordonia to the Liam sitting at her table. "You're really a king?!"
"Would you care for another slice of blueberry or a different type of pie?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Blueberry." Her jaw was still dropped.
"Another slice of blueberry please for the lady and I'll have a slice of apple."
"Why on earth are you traveling lone highways in Maryland?" She asked when their waitress left.
"I flew in to New York for a few meetings with U.N. representatives. Our representative is new to her job and I wanted to encourage her." He explained. "Then I suppose I caught a bit of wanderlust from my brother and wanted to drive down to D.C." He took a bite of his new slice of pie. "It's rare I am able to convince my security team to let me out of their sight, but there are times when I like to be alone with my thoughts."
"I guess you have a lot of people demanding your time." She conceded.
"I do, which is why I make time for the people and activities that are important to me." He looked up at her. "Experience has taught me how fleeting time can be and we should make the most of every moment we are given."
"I like that." She cut into her slice with her fork while scrolling through images of Cordonia. "A lot of people get so easily wrapped up in their work and don't realize that they are missing out on so much more."
"Are you one of those people?"
Autumn paused chewing to consider his question. "Sometimes. I can get so wrapped up in a project and shut out the world going on around me." She shrugged. "Then something happens to shake me back to reality."
Liam grinned when it hit him that his being confirmed king had not changed the way she spoke to him.
As if reading his thoughts, her fork clattered on her plate. "I can't believe you really are a king." Her head tilted as she studied him. "You really don't act like how I imagine one would."
Liam folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. His bright blue eyes held her gray ones. "How should I act?"
She snorted. "For one thing you wouldn't have stood out in the pouring rain to change a tire."
"Aren't fairy tales filled with princes rescuing damsel in distress?" He countered.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "It isn't like you slayed a dragon."
"According to your imagination, what should I have done in that situation?" He countered, delighted with her not putting him on a pedestal.
"First off, if you were on a," she made quotation marks with her fingers, "road trip, you'd probably be in a limo since your private jet is tucked away in a hangar somewhere."
"But then I would have a driver and thus not able to be alone." He reminded her.
"True." She propped her chin on her hand and smiled. "We'll forget the car then since you are chivalrous and in need of a break." She gestured with her free hand around the diner. "A king wouldn't come her, happily order food, nor be willing to sit here for hours listening to some girl talk about museums."
"Why not?" Liam asked. "He could have been hungry since he had been lost for a while."
"I guess that's a reasonable possibility." Autumn muttered.
"And if he wanted to know more about the damsel he rescued, then shouldn't he be at least willing to remain here with her?"
"Maybe." She forced herself to look away from him. "Then again, maybe this is a night for things out to the ordinary to happen." She asked their waitress for their check.
Autumn shushed his arguments, insisting on paying for his meal.
At that moment, Bastien and some guards walked in.
Liam's eyes widened. "Bastien? How did you find me?"
"We have a tracker on your phone, your majesty." He explained. "We really need to get you to Washington. You have an early morning of..."
Liam tuned him out and focused once more on the lady he had met tonight.
"It's my fault." Autumn spoke up. "I wanted to thank Liam with some pie for his help earlier."
She stood up and held her hand out. “Thank you again for helping me.”
Liam pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Autumn."
"I..." She could feel her entire body blush with that simple touch. "I'm happy to have met you too, Liam." She grimaced. "I mean, your majesty. Should I curtsy?"
He chuckled. "Just Liam with no curtsey is fine."
"Liam no curtsey." She winked at him. "Nice name for a king." Nodding farewell toward his guards, she slipped out of the restaurant.
Liam watched her drive off from one of the windows.
He wondered if he had just met the one.
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grassie · 4 years
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((Am not sure this is an OC because she is based on me in some way 😂))
Grassie Aldenhart,
She was born on earth, where the humans live. Carefree and curious she is, she found a mirror that she has never seen before on the attic and suddenly she felt she was being pulled into the mirror. Due to the shock, she couldn't scream, falling constantly in darkness. Then, a hand offered her a help, she grabbed it with instinct, hopefully to get out from this darkness.
6 months after adapting to the Night Raven College, she was brought to the magic mirror by the principal, Crowley. Half a year ago, the mirror said she has no magic so she had to be thrown to Ramshackle. But now, it's different. The magic mirror said she belongs to Diasomnia, despite she can only use one type of magic, Ice.
Therefore she received Diasomnia's uniform, and starts to live there. Much better than Ramshackle she thought.
Her love interest is actually Divus Crewel, her Alchemy teacher. Which is why she excels at that to gain his attention. Crewel would probably noticed her feelings already, but he is aware that he is a teacher, and Grassie is his student.
As an extrovert, she actually could befriend with everyone, including Malleus or even Floyd with his mood swings. One person she is not really close to is Riddle Roseheart, due to her rebellious nature and she can't really stand on too much rules. Still, Riddle is a good friend if she wants a company to go horses riding.
Her relationship with Heartslabyul students? Great! She has been constantly invited to the tea party because she eats a lot and apparently she can guess the ingredients of random cookies and cakes with her eyes closed. Though she is a bad cook so she never went in the kitchen. As a person who is easy to laugh, she laughs a lot when Ace & Deuce are at it again. Watching them feels like watching stand-up comedy. Cater always took a selfie with her when she visits and Trey gives her dental care kits because she had been eating a lot of sweets.
Relationship with Savanaclaw? Besties! She is the only manager of the basketball club, and because of that Jack has actually asked her to be the 'manager' in Savanaclaw, along with Ruggie (he is the mother of this dorm afterall). Once she had a great idea and asked Jack to lift her up while doing morning jog. It was a great memory.
Leona pique her interest, thus Grassie always wakes him up. She accompany him playing chess sometimes, though she is really bad at it. Leona could've just paid zero attention to her, yet he founds her amusing with how she perceives. Though she always loses to him, she never gives up and while playing she tells him stories about her day or her past. Plus, she is the only person he lets to sleeps on his bed if she feels sleepy or tired. Sometimes they take afternoon nap together!
Octavinelle, or Monstro Lounge is where she hangs out and apparently Grassie is Azul's personal financial advisor. During her time on earth, Grassie has always been the one who can manage her money and good with money-talks. Azul sees this potential, and when he offered her a contract, she actually read the details and did some negotiation to ensure more benefits on her! This suprises not only Azul, but also Jade & Floyd. The deal was made after tough negotiation. Azul and Grassie could be in the same wavelength in terms of intelligence and strategy.
She doesn't always visit the lounge everyday, but she made sure she always visit on saturday or sunday night. On the weekends, Azul plays piano, and her eyes always locked to him whenever he plays. One time Grassie asked Azul to play a song for her called 'Part of your world' on the piano, in exchange for her pay for that day. Since Diasomnia's uniform makes her out of the place whenever she visits, the twins prepared her a special velvet-made slit dress in purple for Grassie to wear whenever she visits. On flying lessons, Grassie can be seen try to teach & company the Octavinelle boys to fly, she herself loves height and flies around!
Grassie eats a lot. She is a foodie, which is they type of person Kalim likes! One of her bestest friend is actually Kalim. They are really on good terms. They fly around with Kalim's magic carpet and threw a sleepover party together. (She is also Kalim's financial advisor)
Jamil's cooks are one of her favorite in the world. Kalim & Grassie always visits him when he is cooking, or cheer on him when he dances. When Kalim is asleep, she would have a private talk with Jamil, mostly him telling about his relationship with Kalim and their past. Jamil sees her as a Kalim's friend at first, but when he tries to hypnotize her and it doesn't work, he starts to look more into her background whenever she visits apparently.
Makeup is one of Grassie's bestfriend, she can always pull off almost any look. And that's when Vil Schoenheit noticed her. He asked her about her makeup and from there they become best friend! Grassie appears on Vil's MagiCam sometimes, mostly either she does her makeup on him or vice versa. Some of his female followers envy her, but she couldn't care about that. Though Grassie is pretty neat in terms of makeup, she can't really do her hair. Vil or Rook always ready to help their dear friend.
Btw Grassie and Rook are the only ones that has seen Vil bare face.
Apple is one of her favorite fruit, so Epel would cut her apples and show off his skill which always made her in awe.
Extrovert and a very introverted person? Doesn't sounds they would get along well at all. Yet Grassie used to play a lot of game during her time on earth, which is why she gets along with Idia, dorm leader of Ignihyde. They play a lot of games together in Idia's rooms, even he showed her the hologram technology, and she thought that this dorm is way more advanced than current technology in Earth. Though Grassie always loses whenever she plays games with him, the only game she'd won is rhythm game. Ortho sometimes asked Grassie to help Idia to get out of his room too.
On one night though, Grassie was about to return to Diasomnia, when Idia stopped and told her to be careful around Malleus. Idia found something about her using his tech, he is aware that she is human from earth yet she has something in her that even his technology couldn't decipher. All he knows is green-colored magic aura inside her body on abnormal scale, which most likely from Malleus since he is the strongest mage in the whole college.
Diasomnia, her dorm. Grassie has been staying there for almost a month now. Her loyalty is low because she used to hangout with everyone and she is the opposite of Sebek personality. Plus, she sleeps in different places. On weekends she would sleep in Octavinelle, during afternoon you would find her napping in Savanaclaw, of course she sleeps in Scarabia because Kalim often invited her for sleepover party. Or you can also find her sleeping in Ignihyde if she played too much game with Idia. At least 50% of the time she sleeps in Diasomnia.
Sebek used to hate her because apparently after she came to the college, most of Malleus's attention is directing toward her. Slowly he grows fond of her, because she is attentive when he taught her Taijutsu.
Silver? Her companion when she sleeps in Diasomnia. His hair really attracts her attention and she would unconsciously touch his hair. He doesn't mind that. And he is always be the one that shield her if Sebek was about to snap at her.
Lilia is fond of her, mainly because she is a wholesome interesting human being, different from Silver and other humans he had met before. Plus, both Lilia and Grassie are superdupermegaextremely bad cook. And she always agrees to Lilia whenever he plans for something fun but evil in a way.
The only one that company Malleus when he visits abandoned building is Grassie. He doesn't really bring people along with him, but he wants her to be by his side. The great mage founds her beyond interesting, the way she laughs and eats, and when she is negotiating thinking for the next comeback until her face scrunch sometimes. The way she touch his horn because she was infatuated with it, which he always thought that his horns will scare her off.
One time she entwined her fingers with him when they were strolling around the college at night, and she told him what had happened to her today. Her smile under the moon, her laugh that echoes in his mind. The Malleus Draconia himself never thought that this girl has such a big power inside her, clearly not magic. He remembers once when he wasn't invited for a meeting, so she drags him to the meeting room and asked Crowley : "How could you don't remember this man with 2 metres in height, with horns and glowing green eyes? I should be the one that in charge of attendance now."
Grassie has actually been thinking of what Idia said that one night. She can't see what's so dangerous about this poor uninvited tall mage. He is strong, but that doesn't mean he is scary, she thought. For her, she is the best company in this college.
Malleus himself noticed her feelings toward Crewel. But he keeps silent about it, because in the end she will fall for him. How? Little did she know, the hand that pulled her from the darkness is his. The magic inside her body came from him and is what makes her can do a little bit of ice magic, and to prevent her from getting hurt or hypnotized. And that's why Jamil could never hypnotize her.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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A Strange New World Chapter 9 The Hospital
Claire has sank to the floor, cradling her bleeding arm. Ellen takes charge. “Brian, go get some towels for her arm.” He hurries off to do it.
“God, I am sorry. So sorry.” Willie keeps saying.
“Brother, it is not your fault. Whatever is going on in your head, we are here, Me, mam, and da. We love you.” They speak in Gaelic. Brian returns with two towels. They are quickly wrapped around her arm. The blood leaks through.
“We need to take her to the hospital.” Brian nods and sits down by his sons.
“Come here to da, Willie.” He does, crying the fat tears he hasn't shed since he was a wean. Brian cradles him in his arms and speaks Gaelic words of love over him.
“Claire, we need to take you to the hospital.” Jamie says, as he joins her and his mam.
“I will be okay, really.” Her eyes are heavy. She just wants sleep and doesn't know what a hospital is. Jamie goes and gets a plaid off his bed. He wraps her in it.
“Come lass. You trust me. “ She does and allows Jamie to lead her out.
“Take care of Claire. I've Willie.” She hears Brian say to Ellen.
They enter the car, Claire sitting between Jamie and Ellen. She rest her head on her shoulder and closes her eyes. “Don't go to sleep Claire.”
“Just resting my eyes.” She mumbles.
“Hurry Jamie!” He does, speeding towards Inverness, making the hour trip in half that time. He stops in front of the A&E, jumps out and runs in.
“Help! My friend has a bad cut that won't stop bleeding.” An orderly and nurse, pushing a stretcher, follow him back to the car. Claire, now unconscious, is placed on it and rushed back. Ellen and Jamie are told to wait.
She come to with a ton of strange people standing over her. She pulls herself up and away, screaming loud enough to be heard in the waiting room.
“It is okay, Miss Beauchamp. We are..” But her screams drown him out. “Go get the folks that brought her in.” the doctor directs.
Jamie and Ellen rush to her side. “Shh Claire. These are doctors and nurses. They will fix your arm. Naught to be scared of.” Jamie sooths.
“She had an unusual childhood. Never been in a hospital before.” Ellen tells the medics. They nod and, with their patient calm, check out her arm. Jamie holds her other hand as they give her medicine to put her to sleep.
“She lost a lot of blood. We will keep her overnight to replace it.” The doctor tells them as the suture kit is set up.
“Go home to Willie mam. I will stay with her.” She gives her son a look that says she knows what he is feeling, hugs him, kisses Claire’s cheek, and does.
“How is Claire?” Brian asks when she walks in.
“Sleeping. They stitched her arm. Keeping her overnight to replace her blood. Willie?”
“He cried himself to sleep. Poor lad.” He had moved him to his bed. He now sits by him stroking his curls.
“A lot of pain and hurt. Our lad needs peace.”
“Aye, and our new daughter, healing.” He puts his free hand out and Ellen joins him, taking a seat in his lap. She places her hand on her son's heart.
“Mary, Michael, and bride, be with our son and new daughter. Mary, touch his heart, Bride, renew his spirit, Michael, defend him from, and defeat the demons in his brain.” She prays in Gaelic.
“Amen. Go to bed, my heart. I will sit beside him.” She kisses her son's forehead, kisses her husband, and does.
Brian lays and hand over his sons head and heart. This is his duty as his father. “Michael, fight for my son's peace. Defeat the demons in battle for his soul. Mary, heal Claire.” He prayed throughout the rest of the night.
Claire comes awake again. She lays in a strange bed with strange tubes coming out of her arms, one with clear liquids, one with red. She grabs one and tries to pull it out.
“No Claire.” Jamie's hand covers hers. “They are replacing your lost blood.”
“Where is this? What?”
“The hospital. You wish to be a healer in this time. This is one place they work.”
“Oh.” The doctor comes in and asks how it happened. A quick thinking Claire explains that she was trying to make a late night snack and the knife, she was slicing with, slipped.
“Well, you are alright now. Miss Beauchamp, were you married before?”
“Yes why?” the doctor looks to Jamie. “Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of him.”
“As you wish. We ran tests on your blood. One test came back positive, for syphilis. Now, it is early and can be treated with penicillin. You will be okay.”
“Sorry. The nurse will bring the medicine in.”
“I won’t die?”
“No. The penicillin will clear it up.” The doctor leaves and the nurse comes in. She adds a bag to the medicine entering her arm.
“The penicillin.” She explains before leaving.
“Jamie?” he has been quiet throughout. “You don’t think me a loose woman?”
“Och nae. I know it came from one or both of them.”
“Frank or Jack. Horrible, immoral men!” He is glad to see her angry. It was god.
“Aye they were. Dinna faah lass. I am here. Going nowhere.” He takes her hand. She relaxes under his touch.
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ravenempress101 · 4 years
~Fellowship with the Lodge~Hiram Hurt Au *Requested* Angst and Fluff
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Thank you for requesting Darling thank you for letting me write this for you.this one is angst but fluff lord same i had to make this one i was getting desperate but i hope you love it
Definitely request some more!
Hiram lodge walks in with his unbutton white silk puffy shirt. Y/n looks up from her crossword puzzle and scans Hiram holding  up 2 brown bags at yourself. He smiles at her, placing them on the glass table in front of the black couch you're sitting on. Y/n placed her crossword on the table and attacks the brown bags opening them and claps her hands together grinning at the white boxes with a japanese symbol on them
“Yay Chinese thank you mr.lodge”
Y/n cheering as she seized one of the boxes out of the bag. unfastening it to appear Kung pao chicken. As she grabbed the chop sticks. She sets them up in her hands and begins to capture one of the pieces of food and apprends it in her mouth.
“Princesa you're always welcome and it’s hiram” hiram grabbing a box of rice and chopsticks and strutting toward his big office desk. Y/n and him were having company between each other just talking about everything and anything while he does work for the jail. Lucky you haven’t gone there yet since you have arrived at riverdale among some charges that were placed on you.
“Yes mr.lo…. I mean hiram sorry i know i get ahead of myself sometimes” y/n smiles capturing a piece of chicken and stuffing her face.y/n glanced at hiram and down back at her food smirking.hiram glimpse back and a laugh escapes his lips. He loved that you could express yourself to a man that hid his darkest secrets. A man that was always feared but y/n took the fire and never got burned.
“Well I’m glad you are here keeping me company”
Hiram took his daze off y/n and looked right back toward the computer screen reading as he was captured with his paperwork scanning over the words he grabbed his bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass with a single ice cube and started pouring the raven liquid in the glass. When he was done emerging it in his glass. The air filled with brown liquid spilling on the floor followed by shards of glass.  Then the painting on the wall of a “woman dressed in black” the woman was now wearing a gaping hole in her dress.
“Oh my god what was that”
Y/n threw her food on the ground as a silver bullet went gliding into the pillow of the couch and feathers fell in the air and on the floor. Y/n let out a high pitched scream and dived on the floor to escape the round of bullets that were making their way in the room that y/n and Hiram were in.
He loosen his shoulders and stood up from his desk being unphased at the bullets. He fixed his tie and then he commanded yourself
“stay here and don’t get up”
Y/n nodded at him and stayed on the floor as she lodge. Y/n started hearing pounds of footsteps on the marble floor. Then y/n was streaming from her spot. The person had her by her foot. Y/n tears welled up in her orbs attempt to place her fingers on the floor trying to stop the sliding, But the person has gotten yourself by your foot to meet with him by placing his hands around your throat and slightly grasping your neck. Restricting the airway to breathe.
“Hello love where did the so called daddy go”
When y/n comes into contact with the person that had a hold on her, y/n eyes soften and her mouth falls open in shock. Staring at the chocolate orbs furrowed eyebrows. Jaw clenched revealing a vein. His hair all messy and wet form the sweat flaring up on his forehead. y/n knew she was in for it when they both were going home.
Your soon to be crazy ex demanded y/n was choking as he raised yourself higher in the air. y/n feeling his ring index finger pinch her throat. Y/n squirm in his grasp grabbing at his muscular arm. Y/n thought this was the end until sweet pea let go and yourself collided on the floor. Y/n captured her neck and her breathing was gaining life back. Her chest rising and falling rapidly. Y/n spilt out tiny coughs and view at the greaser.y/n said in between coughs blinking back tears that were forming.
“Sweet pea, baby don't do this your gonna get me fired”
“Well that would be wonderful so he won't look at you anymore”
Sweet pea smirked at yourself and squinted evilly at yourself. Y/n laying hopeless on the ground. Y/n threw her body on her stomach. Trying to claw back at him to trip him. Her body is becoming weak with every move she makes. Sweet pea strutted petite inches away from yourself when you were close.  Smirking at the agony he placed on yourself. Your hand was red and it was getting puffy as y/n kept digging her painted nails in the marble floor constructing your way to him.
“Awee hun come here to me cmon”
Sweet pea taunting towards yourself as he took his pistol out of his pocket and cocked his gun while aiming right at your puffy bloody hand. Y/n viewed him, tears welling up in your eyes at the person she loved so much, going insane for his love that he always enforced then y/n began to scream.
“Help hiram help”
As sweet pea pulled the trigger of  the gun. The bullet flew toward the marble floor and bounced off onto one of the lights as the bulb broke in front of yourself. Piercing the rough skin of your palms. Whining in agony Hiram ran toward yourself and saw sweet pea holding the gun at her about to take another shot but then Hiram tackled the man. They both collided with the floor. sweet pea dropped the gun, turning himself and Hiram. Sweet pea was on top of hiram. He towered over him Throwing a left hook colliding with his jaw. Hiram’s face flared up with blue and purple marks as his head went toward the other side. Hearing Hiram winces broke your heart. Sweet pea toss the punches broke your soul.
“Please stop please you’re going to kill him”
Hiram heard your screams and threw a right blow at his side. Sweet pea’s body flew to the other side and onto the floor rolling off of hiram as Sweet pea's frame goes limp laying on the floor knocked cold. Then Hiram slowly stood up from the ground. Coming towards yourself making sure you were safe. He seized your arm lifting you from off the floor. Y/n stood up but when she was about to lean into Hiram,
“No hiram he’s about to”
Y/n saw the dark figure hold his hands up with a figurine and strike Hiram over the head with it and He collided with the floor holding his head that was dripping with blood. Then sweet pea repeatedly started kicking Hiram. He kicked his diaphragm.his breathing hitching with every impact. The kicks have gotten harder and quicker.
“See y/n this is what you brought upon yourself”
Next y/n stagger over to the side table.becoming silent, sneaking over towards her object she needed to obtain.The erupted sound of punches being thrown in the air. y/n reaches in the drawer and pulls out a pocket knife. When y/n limps quietly behind a angry sweet pea.
“This is gonna hurt me more than it's going to hurt you”
She raises her arms above her head and  lunges the pocket knife into his back. The greaser winces and stops kicking Hiram. Sweet pea falls to the floor and stiffens under the impact. Red droplets begans spilling out his mouth.He lays there, a pool of blood starts forming.
Y/n reaches for hiram. Pulling him up and throwing his arm over y/ns neck as they both stagger to the grey chair in front of the red and orange amber burning over the fireplace.
“Lord he put up a fight” Hiram wincing while holding his bruised rib cage. He laid in the chair. His heavy inhale and exhale trying to ease the pain. Y/n scanned over Hiram and held her hands to his blue and red face.y/n whispering to hiram
“Hiram omg your all bruised up”
Y/n running her hands over him. Y/n feeling all the cuts and bruises that were forming. Why did her crazy ex have to ruin such a goodnight for both of them. He was just focusing on business and y/n was just there taking care of his house and what needed to be taken care of. Y/n couldn’t deal with seeing Hiram mutilated so badly. It broke her heart scanning his handsome face covered all in wombs.
“Get me the inseptic”
Hiram said while tilting his head toward the direction toward the first aid kit. Y/n got it and came back over to him and opened the med kit and then she brought out the alcohol bottle with a white towel.y/n poured the clear liquid on the towel. Then placed it on Hiram’s bloody lip. He watched your every movement like a hawk.
“Hiram im so sorry i know i’m fired i cant believe… i just can’t”
Hiram cut in your babbling and boomed toward yourself and grabbed your soft hands running velvety circles on the palms calming your ranting.
“Is that why you come in with bruises hun, you could’ve told me what he has done”
Y/n started back patting the bloody bottom lip. Cleaning the remaining blood that was left. Hiram stared at your concerning face.while tears streamed down her cheeks y/n said without remorse
“I was scared and alone to talk to anyone hiram he just started doing this’
‘When i just hired you?’
Hiram asking yourself with a side eye.
Y/n started to break down while whipping her stained filled cheeks while scanning at all the damage sweet pea as done to his demeanor. y/n was so hurt from all this seeing hiram struggle for his inhales was her biggest fear.
“Yes, I can’t believe he did this he’s insane’
y/n guiding the rag over his puffy cheek. Dabbing gently at the blood that covered the rag. Y/n was moving toward his sharp jawline. Y/n couldn’t help but admire how he was authorizing yourself to clean himself up.hiram began to say
“He isn't insane anymore’  scanning at a lifeless shell in his studies. He was gonna have to bury him sooner or later with the help of yourself.  Y/n began to trail down his neck getting hypnotised in his caramel skin. Y/n swab and added medicine on his neck while placing a small bandage on the bruise and then y/n started unbuttoning half of his shirt and seeing his exposed rib cage and his caramel chiseled chest.
“You know you can tell me everything and anything, i'm here to protect you princesa”
Hiram knocking you back to reality. Her face forming a grin fragile at the statement of reassurance.y/n nodded as she started applying gauze to his rib cage. Tapping the womb making sure the gauze covers the mess that was made on him. Then y/n starred right back up at hiram
“Thank you for that I promise I’ll repay you”
y/n said while standing up and placing the med kit back where it was. Hiram found his strength as the powerful man he is patted his lap for an invite for her to sit upon. Y’n took the offer and sat on his lap. Hiram sneaked your arms around yourself. Engulfing yourself in a hug and began to whisper
“Hey you are by cleaning these wombs and being here with me”
Hiram whispered toward yourself. As y/n felt the warmth of the fire that burn and hiram's muscular popping vein arms hug your frame he placed a small peck on the back of shoulder feeling his bruised kiss lingered as y/n laid her head on his board shoulder staring at the open flames that appear Y/n felt a wave of safety and reassurance take a hold on your insanity by a man that was no longer feared .
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five-hour-anxiety · 6 years
@zerogettie  @spacevirgil  @tree4life25 @thebiggestnaturaldisaster@pailettehazel @jordandobbertin @thecityofthefireflies @the-fabulous-kimball @azuranightsong @virmillion @erlenmeyertrash @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch  @the-sanders-sides @punch-you-with-friendship @captaincantatrice @clovenpinetree @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @aplaceinthevoid @zennyo
Word Count: 4500
Warnings: panic attacks, arguments, haunted houses, talk of demons
Pairing: platonic analogical
Summary: Logan and Virgil run a vlog together, and have decided to film in a haunted house.
“Virgil, for the last time, ghosts aren’t real.”
“Yes, I know that! You know that! Roman and Patton don’t, though, so we need to go ‘ghost hunting’ to prove it once and for all!”
 “I understand where you are coming from, but do we really need to do this? There must be a better approach to the issue – one that will not cost as much and save us the tour of a condemned building.”
 “Oh, that’s hilarious – you think I want to step foot in there? My anxiety is spiked at the thought of what could go wrong on the way out there, much less once we actually go in.” Virgil sighed and ran his hands down his face. His grape colored bangs fell back into place, and he blew on them in an annoyed manner. “Unfortunately, Roman has access to our Twitter and already made a poll.”
  “You mean to tell me-”
 “Yep. The people want a ghost busting episode.”
 “Why on Earth did I give him the password for the account? What was I thinking?” Logan brought his tie up to his mouth, and Virgil strained to hear the muffled curses over the mouthful of cotton.
“Roman basically just challenged you to a giant game of chicken – a public one, and are you really gonna let him win that easy?”
 “Grammar, Virgil, but you have a point. I cannot let that day-dreaming ditz best me. Clear your weekend schedule, we are going on a… what did you call it? Spirit pursuit?”
 “Okay, first – I have no weekend plans as that would require having more than three friends, and two – it’s a ghost hunt so unless you want me to meme the shit out of you again, never call this a spirit pursuit again.”
 “Oh, please, our audience does not need another joke – it’s bad enough you got everyone and their cousin to call the video blog ‘The Theory of Real-Activity” instead of its official name.”
  “Look, that’s better than ‘VirgeofDiscovery’, and it’s a vlog Logan stop trying to sound smart for once in your life.”
“I think that I saw this on Buzzfeed Unsolved, once. Just put the flashlight down and ask… something… to turn it on.”
“You know this won’t work, right?” The camera’s mic picks up Logan, who was exploring another room. “And it’s Buzzfeed, why were you watching that garbage?”
“Because I love Shane Madej, the only perfect human.” The camera swings upward so that we see Virgil’s face, and he points at the lens. “You can all quote me on that – make sure he knows that Virge from The Theory of Real-Activity loves his work.”
“Oh my God, Virgil, are you using our video blog in a sad attempt to get your internet crush to notice you?”
 “I-No! It’s a squish! And stop calling it a video blog!”
“If I were as childish as Patton, I would begin to sing one of those schoolyard chants about you and Mr. Madej sitting in a tree.”
“Well, gee, thanks for-”
“I am going to rap it instead.”
“Virgil and Shane, sitting in-” The camera stops recording.
 “Alright, do we have everything we need? My bag has a portable charger, extra batteries, and some water bottles as well as the camera I plan to use.”
“I have the salt.”
 “Virgil, didn’t we agree that ghosts aren’t real?”
 “Yes, but you can never be too safe. Besides – Patton wouldn’t let me leave without it, so now we have a pound of salt.” Virgil shook it around and shimmied. Logan groaned, and reached for the other’s bag, looking to see if anything else was in there.
 “Oh, I see you have a first aid kit – that’s a good addition. You also have the snacks, flashlights, and a camera but I don’t see your stress ball? Are you sure you wish to go without?”
“No worries, man, I got it in the car.”
“Why is it in your car?”
 “Roman had to drive me to my therapy session, and the chariot-”
 “You mean that disgusting minivan?”
 “Yeah, the chariot. Anyway, I have it in there because Roman was driving.”
Logan frowned at the thought, knowing that the man often bragged about having a lead foot while driving. Virgil just shrugged and hoisted his bag over his shoulder, shaking the salt container as he went out the door.
 “Hey, we both made it to the office in one piece, it’s all good. Moving on, we should probably do the intro before we leave the house. Get at least one shot with decent lighting.”
“Ah, yes, that is a good idea – do you wish to hold the camera or should I?” Logan locked the door behind him, making sure the spare key hadn’t been moved in case he misplaced his set.
“I’ll film, whenever you try to do anything in selfie mode you trim off half our heads.” Virgil threw his bag in the trunk and moved over to the passenger side door.
 “Why is it whenever we go anywhere in i car you refuse to drive, Virgil?”
 “If you didn’t leave your car at the university this weekend, we would’ve taken yours. And driving makes me anxious.”
 “Then why do you own a car?” It was a question Logan asked frequently, and never got a satisfying answer to.
 “I have a car because I’m too lazy to skateboard everywhere.”
  Logan rolled his eyes, and slipped into the car, taking the keys from the lanky man. He tied his hair back into a ponytail and motioned to Virgil to start filming.
 “Sup everyone, we still need an official video intro so keep sending in ideas. And I’m sure that you read the title, so y’all know we’re going on a ghost hunt today.”
 “Please, Virgil, don’t make it a clickbait title. Please don’t hurt me like that.”
 “I do what I want, nerd.” Logan groaned and started the engine as Virgil continued to talk, only interrupting to correct the brand name and to offer his stance when Virgil asked if he believed in ghosts. Despite his easy tone, though, Virgil seemed tense and his shoulders were drawn up close.
 The drive was by no means a long one, but by the time they finally reached the old house, Virgil had somehow managed to go through his entire playlist, having skipped each song after one or two measures. Logan found it annoying but said nothing, as he could see Virgil gripping his stress ball out of the corner of his eye.
This wouldn’t end well.
 “Logan, Logan it turned the flashlight on please, please tell me there’s a logical explanation for that!”
“I don’t know! Maybe it’s a faulty battery, or… or the switch isn’t fully on so it’s flipping between its off and on mode!”
 There’s a high-pitched scream, and the sound of footsteps retreating. The recording cuts to Virgil’s camera and shows Logan sprinting away as fast as he can.
 “So, this is the place – leave it to Roman to pick a fucking mansion.”
 “Yes, well, I would expect no less from him. The Victorian style is quite breathtaking, despite it’s less than perfect condition.” Logan was leaning against the car, cleaning his glasses. Virgil shifted from foot to foot and fiddled with the straps on his bag.
“Do we really have to go in? We could just tell Roman there was like, a cop here or something, and he of all people should know that trespassing on private property doesn’t end well.”
 “I do not believe breaking and entering the theatre to steal a prince costume is quite the same, Virgil, and Roman would find that story compelling. No, we would have to mention that the officer was angered by our intent to enter a condemned area – we would at least have Patton on our side with that.”
 “Please don’t remind me of how unsafe this is. Not while I’m holding the car keys.”
 “You won’t drive anywhere.”
“At this point, self-preservation would let me do anything.” Virgil sighed and threw the keys at Logan. “Just hold on to these – don’t think you want me driving off without ya.”
 Logan hummed in agreement, pocketing the keys as he walked towards the front door. By the time he reached the porch, he looked back to Virgil who still hadn’t moved. Logan gestured towards the door.
 “Okay! Fine! But if something happens, this is all on you and your ego!”
 “If I recall correctly, you were the one who wanted to come here.”
 “Well, I changed my mind. C’mon, let’s just get this over with. Camera’s rolling.”
 “Logan, this isn’t funny!” The camera picks up a breeze from Virgil’s jacket as he sprints in the direction he thinks Logan went, his cries ignored.
The camera shifts suddenly, and we come face to face with the man himself. Virgil had stopped running and is standing in the front room.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I was back in Logan’s basement listening to him rant about Mothman again.” He sighs, putting his free hand behind his head. “I’d rather listen to him confess his undying love for the thing than be here, choking on dust.
 “But! Instead, I let Roman win – which, by saying that, I feel nauseous – and now we’re here running around a death maze. There’s a ton of rusty nails and if we get cut on those we aren’t gonna get to a hospital in time. I think I saw a bat earlier? And where there’s bats, there’s disease-carrying mosquitoes. Not to mention those jacked up stairs.” The camera focuses on a flight of rotted stairs, the floorboards broken and, in some spots, missing altogether.
 “Yeah, stairs aren’t supposed to be bouncy. I’m just-I’m just gonna call Patton and see if he knows what to do from here.”
“I think there’s more dust in here than in Aunt Patty’s attic, and that’s saying something.”
 The house was older than anything the two had ever seen, and there was a fine film of filth covering every available surface. Logan couldn’t help but notice the numerous cobwebs and think of Patton – specifically, how much the man would hate being around so many.
  “Hey, do you, uh…” Virgil moved his flashlight over to one of the webs and stuttered out a few more false starts. “Do you think any of the spiders who made those things are, like, poisonous?”
 “If there are any venomous spiders, they will not bite you unless you give them a reason. They cannot eat you, so there is no purpose in wasting their venom on a large creature like you.” This seemed to calm the taller man down, and Logan moved over to the staircase.
 “Hey, don’t go up those, nerd, I already checked them. They’re not safe – the wood’s so rotted it’s squishy and soft.” Logan nodded and made a mental note to locate a different way upstairs.
The two continued to look around for a while longer, not finding anything remotely interesting. After about half an hour of quiet observation, Virgil suggested they started filming, claiming that the sooner they wrapped this up, the sooner they could drive away and never come back.
 “Salutations, class-”
“Logan, you’re boring.”
 “I am talking like I normally do, Virgil, how else should I speak? Like Roman, perhaps?”
 “God, no, please. Anything but that.”
“Well, in that case – greetings one and all! We’ve finally arrived at our grand destination and have been parading around the grounds for a few hours!”
 “I will throw this salt at you.”
 “Little grains of salt are no match for a prin- oof!”
 “I told you I would.”
 “You threw the entire container at me! Like a savage!”
 “What, you can pretend to Roman and I can’t?”
“Okay, so calling Patton was a bust. He told me to use the salt like a weapon and I had to tell him I already chucked it at Logan’s face.” Virgil snickers, running a finger under his nose. “That was the best thing to happen today if I’m being honest. Pat didn’t really appreciate it, though.
“Roman was also a wasted call – apparently he’s at some audition and when he answered, well, he just started screaming about newspapers.” Virgil pauses, and we hear something shatter off-screen.
“H-Hello? Demons?” The camera slowly pans across the room, almost making a full circle as even more thumps can be heard. Before it can finish, Virgil screams and drops the camera.
The screen is filled with static.
It had been about two hours, and in that time Logan had somehow managed to: find a way upstairs, provoke something into turning that flashlight on, proceed to run upstairs, get lost, and find a new respect for supernatural beliefs.
 “I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I believe in ghosts now.” His words echoed around the attic, unheard by anyone but him and perhaps the mouse he saw earlier. At least, he hoped that’s what it was. He couldn’t stand the thought of sharing space with a rat.
 “I believe in ghosts, so can we stop playing this juvenile game? How on Earth do I get back downstairs?” He waited for an answer as the logical part of his brain scolded him for speaking to thin air.
 He didn’t get one.
“This is ridiculous, I should know better.” He paused and listened again. “If I change my mind and say ghost are not real, will one of you tell me how to get back downstairs?” Logan removed his glasses and began to pace the room. The amount of dirt that had gathered on his frames was astounding – perhaps he had stumbled through a cobweb in his hasty exit.
“Well, what would Patton do in this situation? At present, he may make a joke about his poor eyesight and lack of- ow!” As he spoke, Logan ran into an old china cabinet – it didn’t fall, but he still held his breath as it swayed back and forth.
“Well, that was embarrassing,” Logan whispered, moving to the front to see if anything was inside. He found a few plates and teacups, though none were particularly impressive. If he were Roman or Patton he may have found the painted flowers beautiful, but he wasn’t, and he didn’t. The maroon one rimmed in gold paint did remind him of a set Roman owned, however, and made a mental note to come back for it if there was time.
But first, he had to find his way downstairs and reunite with Virgil.
“So, as you may have seen – though I can’t be sure because obviously, I do not know how this will be edited – I was forced to make a hasty, yet calm, retreat from the study.”
The screen cuts to a replay of Logan fleeing the room, and trombones play as he screams. Text pops up and it says “logan lies” in comic sans.
“After my exit, I managed to find my way upstairs and now I am unsure how to get down – much like a cat climbing a tree. But I did stumble across a cabinet full of teacups that I think a friend of mine would enjoy. I have also concluded that there are too many mothballs in this house and I will not cross meeting the Mothman off my bucket list today.”
Logan crosses the room as he paces, chewing on his lip in between sentences. “Despite my own disappointment, I find myself upset the most over being separated from Virgil. I do not believe he is well – I am ashamed to admit that I have only now realized he was suppressing a panic attack as we drove out here.
“To be quite honest, camera, there is a very good chance this footage won’t be posted online. It depends on how Virgil is doing and whether he is okay with releasing footage taken of him during an atta-”
Logan trips and falls into the china cabinet once more, a plate shattering upon impact. The camera swings around to show the floor and a trap door that was slightly ajar. A ladder falls from the floor, designed to be hidden when not in use.
“Well, here is my way down. This ladder does not look up to code,” He steps down on a rung, testing his weight, “but it should hold long enough for me to get down.”  He begins his descent but stops suddenly. Logan moves over to the cabinet and pulls out a teacup, placing it carefully in his bag. His footsteps are heavy and echo as he travels down the ladder.
At the bottom, he screams out Virgil’s name.
  “Virgil! Virgil, can you hear me?”
Logan shook him hard, but he got no response.
 “Virgil, please, you need to get up. I need to know you are okay.” Logan had spotted him collapsed in the middle of the room and jumped down the ladder as soon as he could, forgoing the last four rungs and sliding over to where Virgil lay.
“Mm, not so loud Logan. My ears are ringing.”
 “Well, I expected that. You must have hit your head when you collapsed – can you tell me if I sound muffled as if I were underwater?”
 “No, everything’s just beyond loud.” Virgil winced as he sat up, Logan taking note of where he grabbed his head.  “Logan, are you okay? You’re crying!”
 A quick swipe at his eye revealed that a few tears had formed and escaped.
 “Well, of course – I am not without a heart, Virgil. The sight of you sprawled out like that was… immensely alarming, to say the very least.” Logan’s breath shuddered, and a few minutes of silence passed between the two, interrupted by an occasional hum from Virgil.
 “The ringing is gone.” The silence was broken, and with its absence came Logan’s ability to breath deeply.
 “That is wonderful, Virgil.” Logan stood up and dusted his jeans off before offering a hand to the other man. “May I ask what circumstances led to you losing consciousness?”
“I don’t know.” Virgil kicks at the floor. “So, don’t ask.”
 “Well, may I share some theories I have developed?”
“Knock yourself out.” Logan winced at the phrase, and Virgil mumbled an apology as he collected his equipment.
 “Virgil, I knew you were edging toward a panic attack on the way here – so I would like to start by offering a sincere apology for not saying anything sooner.”
    “Don’t. I didn’t tell you, so it’s my fault. I just didn’t want you to worry too much – or to turn around. I know Roman would have given you a hard time if we didn’t film an episode here, so I figured I would just deal.”
 “As I have told you many times, there is no ‘dealing’ with these situations alone in our friendship. Regardless, I knew you were not okay and didn’t say anything.”
 “God, Logan, can’t you let me blame myself for once? At least let me share the blame.”
“Fine, we shall share at your insistence. Moving on, I believe the building panic caused you to experience an irregular breathing pattern. I deduce that the lack of oxygen led to you losing-”
“No. You’re wrong.”
 “I beg your pardon? You just told said you did not know what happened how can you say I am wrong?”
 “Because it’s embarrassing, okay?! Damnit, Logan, it’s embarrassing how bad this attack was and how ridiculous my shit brain makes me react.” Virgil strode away, and out of the room, calling over his shoulder.
“Just help me film some stuff so people don’t know that the passing out act was real. I’ll lay down over there, and just… I dunno we’ll improvise.”
“Is it wise to publish this footage? Roman and his teasing be damned, it is more important that you are okay, Virgil! These cameras likely have footage of you panicking and us arguing! Are a few views really worth it?”
“Yes, because I wanted this episode! I put the poll on Twitter, not Roman, okay? So please, let’s film something stupid, make the whole thing look staged, and leave.”
 “Please, Logan.”
 “No.” Logan crossed his arms and stood up straight. He was taller than Virgil, and his glare was cold enough to give Virgil goosebumps.
 “I’m sorry, ‘no’? Oh, so now you say no! Not when I asked to come here, not when I asked for demons to turn a flashlight, not when-”
“Virgil, stop this. You are behaving in an immature manner and this needs to stop. How was I supposed to know that you wanted me to tell you ‘no’? I am not a mind reader, so you cannot blame your poor communication skills on my inability to instantly know what you want.”
Virgil said nothing. He glared at Logan and sat down on the floor, eventually inviting him to do the same. They sat there for a while, as both needed time to calm down before speaking.
 After what felt like an eternity later, Virgil finally spoke up.
“I’m gonna start, but you need to let me finish before you cut in, okay?” Logan nodded, and Virgil took a deep breath. “I wanted to film at a haunted house because I knew we would get way more views than we normally do.
 “I thought, hey! More views means more add revenue – and yes, I know it’s not a lot – but with that extra money, we could start building up the funds to rent an apartment. I’m sick of living with my parents, Logan, and I know you are too.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, Virgil, but I would rather endure a few more years with them than have you hurting for the sake of loose change.”
 “Yeah, well. What’s done is done, I guess.” Virgil sighed and leaned over on Logan. “I lied, you know. I do know why I passed out earlier.” He sighed and buried his nose into Logan’s shoulder.
“I will not deny that I want to know why, Virgil, but I do not want you to share if you are uncomfortable.”
 “Heh, well, maybe you’ll learn something new – did you know that anxiety can make you see hallucinations? Specifically, when the fight or flight stuff kicks in?” Logan raises an eyebrow but remains silent. “When the, uh, the – instinct, for lack of better word – kicks in, your pupils dilate.
 “And when that happens, the sudden light change can cause a person – like me – to see shadows and figures at the edge of my vision.”
 “Fascinating – but I assume this is a rare situation and does not happen to you often?”
“No, it doesn’t. But it did when… did you break something upstairs? Because something shattered, there was a lot of thumping, and then they just- appeared. I think that made me panic even more, and then yes – the lack of oxygen probably did the rest.”
“Ah, yes, I fell into a cabinet of china, and I believe a plate was shattered. I apologize for my involvement.”
“Nah, no worries about that. It was just shoddy circumstances. And,” Virgil looked up, offering a weak grin to Logan, “As cheesy as it sounds, we are probably a bit closer than we were before this whole trip.”
“You are right, that is extremely cliché. I appreciate the sentiment, however, despite how infuriating your statement is. Shall we film the ending of this video, now?”
Virgil snorted, pushing himself up using Logan’s shoulder.
“Yeah, let’s this thing wrapped up.”
  “Virgil! Virgil, please get up!” Logan is frantically shaking Virgil’s shoulder, his voice wobbly. The camera has been left on after being discarded in a hurry.
“Logan… Logan no, don’t- don’t go in the closet.”
 “I spent ten years in the closet, I have no intention of going back in.” Logan sniffs as he speaks, and Virgil gasps awake, shooting upward.
“Huh? Wait, what happened? …Why would you go back in the closet?”              
 “You said not to go in there – what happened to you?”
 “I don’t- I don’t remember. There was a- I think I saw something, Logan. A shadow, maybe?”
 “You must have seen my shadow as I came down the ladder.”
“No, I don’t think so.” Virgil pauses and stares at a spot on the wall behind Logan. “Where is the ladder you came down?”
 “To your left.” Logan gestures with his head as he hoists Virgil to his feet.
 “That means it couldn’t have been your shadow. The light wouldn’t have hit you correctly to cast a shadow over there.” Virgil points to a closet off to the side of the ladder. “Besides, the shadow didn’t look… well not to be cliché, but it didn’t look human.”
“Preposterous.” Logan has moved over to the camera, and the screen goes black as he picks it up. A few moments later, it’s aimed at Virgil as he talks about what he saw in detail.
“…and it had, well they weren’t horns per say, but they were definitely not something that’s on your head, nerd. But, whatever,” Virgil rolls his eyes, “I can tell you don’t believe me. Let’s just get out of here.”
  Logan hums in agreement, and the screen goes black.
  “Goodbye, murder house, see you never!”
 “Well, this footage is unusable.”
 “Wait, why?”
 “I am not ending the video with you flipping off an old house.” Logan sighed and turned the camera off. Virgil pouted and turned to finish packing the equipment into his car.
“Hey, I know what I’mma call this video. ‘Logan finds a body’!” Virgil spread his arms out in emphasis, narrowly missing Logan’s face in the process.
 “That is absolutely morbid, Virgil, and uncharacteristically short.” Logan shut the trunk with a slam and fished the keys out of his bag as Virgil moved to the front seat.
 “Yeah, no, it’ll have emojis in it, the vlog title of course, and-”
  “By chance, will it be the proper title?” The car started with a roar, and the two were met with a blast of warm air. Virgil scrambled to open his window and Logan quickly shut off the air flow. “Because the channel is called ‘VergeofDiscovery’, not the childish pun Patton came up with.”
 “The Theory of Real-Activity is an amazing name, and I will fight you on this. You’re just jealous that you didn’t come up with it.”
 “Keep telling yourself that, nerd. Pass me the aux cord.”
The drive home was lighter than the last one – Virgil never once changed the music and the two could be heard screaming along as they flew down the road. The stress ball remained in the cup holder, untouched until the next big adventure.
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