#i genuinely do not know how i ended up liking jack howl but he’s very likeable
skriblee-ksk · 3 months
wowow it’s twst 4th anniversary!!! yippee!!!
this key stuff looked so cool so i made one for my twst yuu oc (that i did NOT post yet bc fear) and one for myself (self-indulgence):
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it rlly made me remember why i’ve been banned from designing (by whom??? idk)
Time to spill some irrelevant me facts about twst!! I actually got into the game a year ago but then left because i could not. fit it into my interests back then, but then i came back and got obsessed with it. augh. also i ended up really liking jack howl for some reason.
Anyways this is so silly!! I had fun!!
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citystars · 11 months
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(★)―――includes: Savanaclaw dorm
(★)―――synopsis: relationship headcanons
(★)―――warnings: none! If anything pls tell me <3
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Leona Kingscholar!!
So he's very prideful and arrogant, which leads me to believe he likes PDA. If you dated him, he'd show you off endlessly, especially around his dormmates.
His love language is physical touch. It ties into the whole PDA thing. He likes showing you off
It can be as small as his hand resting on your hip, or to him bragging to everyone that you're his and that's that! No one else has you.
If anyone makes you upset ohhhh he’s pissed. Your feelings are really important to him. Leona is extremely protective of you and whoever hurts you will never hear the end of it
Also, he gets jealous easily!! It irritates him when someone starts to become reallyyy friendly with you, and he desperately tries to keep you away from people. He also claims he isn't jealous since he is the best option for you.
He can fall asleep in three seconds? So he likes napping with you!!
Sometimes you're tasked with waking him up... yeah that's a hassle. He ends up dragging you into bed and you're both late for your class
Dates with him are pretty chill
prefer private ones over public ones
He might simply take you to the garden and lie down with you in his arms
Or he might take you to see the star if he's not sleeping that is.
Something about you calms him, your mere presence could lie him to a deep sleep
The gifts are full of everything.
Everything from him buying you launch all the way to fine jewels you saw while you two were out
Leona cares about you but doesn't want to show it too much like he does with most things.
He genuinely worries that you will get sick of his lazy, uncaring attitude
Overall the big cat loves and cherishes you
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Ruggie Bucchi!!
this little gremlin-
the kind who enjoys taking pictures of you while you sleeping peacefully.
He knows just where you are most open to being tickled, and he does it without hesitation. He finds it fun pulling pranks on you. (pranks are his absolute favorite).
He purposely puts a small amount of ice cream on your nose in a joking way
"Shi Shi Shi!, you have something on your nose,"
Undoubtedly, his arm must be sore from the playful hits you give him in response to his terrible jokes.
You are always there to help him with dorm chores.
In return, he showers you with acts of kindness and service.
He is truly husband material.
He surprises you with random cheek kisses and gently holds your hand. :(
"Ohhh, I just couldn't resist kissing your cheek! I hope that was alright,"
He is always willing to assist you with any requests, even those from Leona.
Though he may not admit it, he adores it when you lovingly scratch the back of his ears.
When it comes to date, he loves the peace and quiet of alone time together.
His favorite thing to do with you is laze around, days off with you are always a highlight
he also likes to lean on you when you two are sitting somewhere and he gets bored and or tired which can be a little challenging for you if you're much smaller than him since he just rests his whole body and weight onto you
like he would hold your hands at random times and try his best to make you smile and laugh
He can play both small and big spoon when cuddling
Quick kisses every day
he puts a lot of effort into your relationship and it's the small things he does for you that you love so much about him yes of course by now he compliments you and from time to time makes slight remarks about how important you are to him which you love and definitely appreciate.
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Jack Howl!!
Oh, let me tell you about Jack, the self-proclaimed protector! He's the kind of boyfriend who's always got your back, even if you're perfectly capable of handling things yourself.
Now, here's the thing about Jack: he's got a secret soft spot. he absolutely adores head pats. Seriously, it's his guilty pleasure. But he'd never admit it out loud.
In return for your attention, Jack shows you just how much you mean to him. He's all about acts of service and quality time. Need something from a high shelf? No problem, he's there to lend a hand. Craving a small snack? He might have something in his bag
And let's not forget about physical affection. Jack loves it when you run your fingers through his hair or give his ears and tail a little pet. It's like his personal therapy.
And don't even get me started on surprise kisses and those long, tight hugs. He craves that reassurance that he's doing things right and that you're head over heels for him.
When it comes to spending time together, Jack is all about the chill and calming activities. Whatever helps you unwind, he's game for it. And trust me, he'll make time for you whenever possible. He's quite the pro at remembering important dates and noticing any changes in you. That's because he genuinely pays attention to anything about you <3
Loyalty is Jack's middle name. He's devoted to you and your relationship.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself "borrowing" his wardrobe more often than not.
And here's a fun fact: Jack loves it when you brush his fur while he's in his wolf form. It's like a bonding experience for both of you.
Oh, and he absolutely adores seeing that beautiful smile of yours. It's like his personal mission to make sure you're always beaming with happiness.
Now, let's talk about Jack's thoughtful side. This guy goes above and beyond to make sure you're doing well. He'll send you sweet texts just to check in on you, and he's always got your back with little gestures like slipping a water bottle into your bag, just in case you forgot one.
When you two are alone, he becomes a total love bug. The affection and love he showers you with are off the charts.
All in all, Jack may be straightforward, but his heart is definitely in the right place. He's the kind of guy who knows how to make you feel special and loved. Consider yourself lucky to have him by your side.
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cat-mentality · 9 months
More of my favorite silly qsmp headcanons that have zero evidence in canon
The Spanish version:
Willy has creeper dna and he can communicate with them
He however has literally declared the whole species his mortal enemies, and the feeling is mutual
For some reason turtles really like Willy, Tallulah's turtles once staged a break just to hang out in his base (Philza was not pleased)
Vegetta and Rubius fought once and Rubius cursed him to be a werewolf, it was supposed to be temporary but Rubius legitimately forgot about it and Vegetta kinda of likes it now
Vegetta as a result will sometimes howl at the moon and he is like, weirdly, into smells, especially Foolish's for some reason
No one really questions it even if Maximus is the only one who knows he is a werewolf
Maximus is one of the only humans in the Island so he just takes the weirdness on strike, nothing fazes him
Maximus doesn't won a single matching pair of socks and its on purpose
He also owns more sunglasses than he does furniture
Roier is a spider hybrid and he can climb walls like one, he uses that power to scare the living shit out of people
He doesn't do it to Rivers anymore because one time her first response was to set him on fire and then yell at him while he was burning
One time he also took her makeup without asking and she chased him around with a ax
Mariana recorded the whole thing
As a payback Roier stole his glasses and Mariana had to walk around the Island seeing jack shit, he ended up groping so many people by mistake that he legitimately buried himself into the sand until Luzu made him some new glasses
Arin will sometimes hang out inside of people's machines just for fun (He is the one that taught Pierre's machines to swear)
Arin and the codes are enemies with benefits (Luzu refuses to acknowledge this)
Pol pulls out the "old man" card literally every time something mildly inconveniences him or when he wants someone to do something for him
Roier and Quackity always end up getting falling for it
One time Willy and Vegetta blew up a part of his studio and he dead ass pulled their ears and made them redo the whole thing
No one has gathered the courage to ask Pol what he is, but let's just say that when he says old, he means old
He and Abueloier are childhood friends
The reason Missa takes so long to come back every time he leaves is because he has the worst sense of direction ever, he has inadvertently managed to map out the whole Island when he just wanted to find a river.
The mobs just kinda stopped attacking him at some point because it genuinely made them feel bad, they will try when he is with someone else and some token attempts from time to time but mostly they just ignore him
Quackity will say the most absurd things about the Island with a very straight face and he always end up tricking at least one poor soul in believing his bullshit
Quackity can speak to ducks and they have very long and deep philosophical conversations about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe
Luzu one time found him while he and the ducks are discussing the dangers of capitalism and he just backed away very slowly
German got lost trying to walk around the Island and he still haven't found his way back, on a good note he has been adopted by the slimes because they like his shirt
Rivers can talk to chickens and they obey her orders, Mariana was once chased down by an army of chickens and he still doesn't know how that happened
Luzu can literally sleep anywhere, he once feels asleep in a bush of thorns
Roier however can only fall asleep in the best sheets with the most luxurious mattress, but he sleeps like the dead, Quackity likes to play a game called "how many random objects can i stack in Roier before he wakes up"
Roier still doesn't know who does that
Missa doesn't know that he can be really fucking scary when he approaches someone in the darkness and he has hurt his feelings many times when people screamed when he wanted to say "hi"
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twistmusings · 2 years
Who would be the Worst at flirting?
Oh this is going to be so fun omg. I should say ahead of time that I personally headcanon that no one in NRC has any game whatsoever considering the ghost marriage event, but I do love to pick on the boys.
Which TWST characters would be the actual worst at flirting?
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is... rather sheltered. He truthfully has always been so strongly focused on his studies and making himself stronger that he's never really put much thought into romance in general. He might have a concept of how flirting should be based off of novels he's read, but real life isn't a novel. He simply doesn't have the experience to know how to flirt well.
Riddle is very... earnest about it, if a bit misguided. His approach will be very much storybook prince. It's probably sweet, similar to the desire to protect that he expressed in the ghost marriage event. And while that's sweet, those sort of vows of protection and undying love aren't exactly attractive if the person he's interested in isn't already dating him.
It's giving:
"You remind me of a rose: beautiful and delicate despite your thorns."
"... So you're saying I would cut someone if they mess with me too much???"
He gets very flustered if they call him out for having incredibly cheesy lines and no game. He will ask his friends for advice. That's a bad idea because, spoiler alert, no one he knows is really great at flirting.
Deuce Spade
He's SO bad at it but in a very sweet way. He gets really nervous about romance and tends to overthink what he says a lot, so his pick up lines always fall flat.
He usually ends up getting frustrated after a few failed attempts and resorts to other means of trying to get his point across.
He shows up with flowers wearing a dapper little suit and it's very silly because it's obvious that he wants to impress them... but it's very much giving "Please go to prom with me?".
He definitely asks his mom for advice on how to flirt.
Trey Clover
A good way to phrase it is that Trey is... a nurturer. He likes to take care of people. As sweet as it is, it definitely isn't necessarily setting anyone's heart to racing. It is extremely easy to mistake his flirting from his normal nurturing nature.
When he does try to flirt, it's usually kind of blunt and unflattering. He doesn't mean for it to be, but he definitely will point out something he thinks is cute and then give no context to the fact that it's cute. "You have a very loud laugh." "You keep getting whipped cream on your nose when you eat." That sort of thing.
It might genuinely seem to come out of nowhere if he asks them out because that's how much his flirting blends into just his normal conversation style.
Jack Howl
Jack SUCKS at flirting. Plain and simple. He might start to say something that's an attempt at a flirt, but he catches himself every. Single. Time. He gets embarrassed the moment he realizes what he's about to say and just turns it right around and backtracks.
He tries his best to be aloof and cool and he sucks at that too. It's easy to see that he cares, and beyond that it's easy to see he's interested in them, but holy shit he's laughably bad at making a move.
His eventual solution is to just... be kind of direct. "Do you want to go get lunch with me?" or "Want to go swimming with me or something?" It's not super romantic, but it's very Jack and it's charming in it's own right.
Idia Shroud
If they're waiting on Idia to hit on them, they're going to be waiting for approximately the amount of time it's going to take to get to the heat death of the universe.
To say he doesn't make an effort... well that's not an exaggeration. In fact, he actively tries to drive off people he's interested in by outlining that he's a weirdo. And that they're a weirdo for hanging around him.
In fiction he knows a lot about what he thinks flirting should be because he plays dating sims but... he would never know how to apply any of that in real life.
God save him and everyone around him, though, because his pining gets so fuckin bad. He just won't take the first step because he's not brave enough for it.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus sucks at flirting but not for the reason that everyone ELSE sucks at flirting. He sucks at flirting because he does it accidentally. He will say something that seems to check every box for him to be hitting on someone and then if they flirt back it's like he's been hit by a train.
"I hadn't realized that it came across that way..."
He actually wouldn't be a bad flirt if he put his mind to it, but he usually just opts for doing acts of service for someone he cares about. He's got game in all the wrong places...
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saintvalentinex · 1 year
7 Comfort Movies
so I was tagged by one bestie of all time @wretcheddthing and man I can’t wait for you to judge me on these
1. The Nightmare Before Christmas
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This movie is number one because it’s quite literally when I gained sentience. It’s my first true memory. My dad came home from Blockbuster and held the VHS up in his hands for little 3 year old me to see, and told me he got it just for us. Jack truly has become a father figure to me over the years and he makes me cry from how much I love him. Plus Henry Selleck and stop motion animation my fucking beloved.
2. Sinister
Okay I can explain. This was one of the first horror movies I genuinely enjoyed when it came out and it still holds up. I love it and I’ll defend it with my life. It’s got good jump scares, and the married couple remind me so much of the Torrance’s from the Shining if they actually loved each other. It’s heartbreaking. And sphookie.
3. Howl’s Moving Castle
This stupid wizard gave me so much gender euphoria as a kid for real. That and it always made me hope one day I’d go on a grand adventure like this, before realising life can be what I make it. I’d say so far it’s going the way I want it to.
4. The Magnificent Seven (2016)
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I’m always a slut for a team of people who really fucking shouldn’t get along who end up being a found family fighting side by side against all odds. That, and I’m very happy to see someone who’s mental health trauma reaction is almost like mine. Idk. Makes my little brain go brr and do a little dance. Anyway, I love westerns and this is a very good film because I said so.
5. Before Sunrise
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Get fucked I love this movie KSNSKSKSK 🤍 I’m a sucker for romance movies where you never know if they’re going to get back together, and both characters are so fucking interesting.
6. The Woman in Black
Oh look another horror film on here! I really loved the book growing up and I enjoyed the different yet still very heartbreaking approach they took with the film. Like sinister, the scares still hold up and it’s very sphookie. But also prepare to get your heart ripped out.
7. Midnight Mass
I know I’m cheating on this one, but I don’t watch a whole lot of “comfort films”. They rarely get to me like tv series do, and this one deserves to be on this list. Exploring how the divine can be a monster if you let it, mental health issues and religious trauma… chefs kiss. If you somehow have missed this Netflix series, I highly highly implore you to check it out.
And now I shall tag! @whitefoxes @somethingscarlet13 @vexchief iiiii don’t have a whole lot of people to tag so if you wanna do this feel free to ?
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multificimagines · 2 years
Hello! May i request general relationship headcanons for the 1st years? Plz and thank you 😊
Ace Trappola
•Ace certainly has his downsides, but one plus to dating him is that he’s not afraid to be honest with his partner. This can be beneficial, because his partner isn’t stuck playing games and trying to be a mind reader, and Ace expects his partner to be honest with him in return. On the other hand, he’s not one to spare his partner’s feelings, and tends toward being insensitive and harsh in any criticisms or negative opinions.
•Ace is very good at making his s/o comfortable in the relationship, even without actually trying. There’s never any pressure to act, look, or be a certain way, even in the beginning of the relationship, because he likes them as they are and they like him as he is, so why would they change from how they were before when they can just be themselves?
•Well, there is one thing that changes: Ace really likes to show off in front of his partner. To be fair though, that’s not much different from how Ace was before, but he somehow does it more now when his s/o is watching. Sometimes it works out well enough for him, other times it backfires and gets him into trouble.
Deuce Spade
•Deuce has a tendency to trip over his own feet (metaphorically speaking) when it comes to relationships. He messes things up a lot, he can never say the right thing, he unintentionally and sometimes even completely unknowingly ruins the mood—hell, even his confession to his partner was a bit of a disaster. The thing about Deuce is that he’s aware of these shortcomings, and never lets them stop him. What matters to him is that he cares about his partner, and they care about him despite all of that. It’s embarrassing that it happens so often, but if they don’t mind, then neither does he.
•He stresses over when exactly is the right time to do certain things—for example, he worries over whether it’s okay to kiss his partner for weeks before he actually kisses them the first time. He just doesn’t want to move too fast, make them feel pressured, or scare them away, but he also feels like he has to be the one to initiate these things. He’d die before directly asking any of his friends for advice though, so he just suffers in silence and overthinks it.
•He’s protective of his partner. That’s probably a given, though—he’s dedicated and loyal to his loved ones, and that includes them now. For all of his moments where he insists he’s only doing things for personal gain, Deuce is one of the only characters who would intentionally put his life on the line for his s/o if they were in danger. It’s not a gut reaction, it’s a conscious decision that he cares about this person, and he doesn’t want to stand by while they get hurt, even if it means he gets hurt instead. He can take it—he was a delinquent, after all, so he’s no stranger to taking a hit or two.
Jack Howl
Wrote some here.
Epel Felmier
•Epel sometimes goes to Vil for advice when he’s not sure how to approach something in his relationship with his s/o, but Vil’s advice rarely ever feels in character for Epel. It’s easy for his s/o to tell what was genuinely something Epel thought of, what was something that was suggested by Vil or Rook, because there’s an obvious difference in how Epel would approach things himself and how he would approach things under his mentors’ guidance. It’s not that he doesn’t play the character of a charming boyfriend well, either—it’s just that his s/o knows him well enough to see the discrepancies.
•Epel really, really wants his s/o to rely on him. He’s not the strongest or most masculine person, and he’s particularly insecure about the latter, but he wants to be someone who can be there for and protect his s/o. He knows he doesn’t have to, but he wants to, and oddly enough, having a partner ends up motivating him even more to find out and learn to utilize his own strengths.
•Epel’s favorite dates are picnics, because they’re a nice balance of romantic but still in his comfort zone, since he grew up in a rural farmland. He thinks one day he’d like to take his s/o on a picnic date on his family’s farm, maybe when the relationship progresses and they’re ready to be introduced to his family.
Sebek Ziegvolt
Wrote some here
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takuyakistall · 3 years
to yuu.
Note: I wanted to write short HCs for each character as they wrote the letter when I finished reading everyone's thank you messages (◕ᴗ◕✿) ! All of them are very cute and I couldn't help but get some midnight rot so I had to write it down. Here's the link to the post where every message is listed down. Before you start reading, just a heads up, most of these are written in a romantic light. I also recommend reading the letters themselves first before heading here.
Characters: All students + Grim (Excluding Ortho)
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Riddle Rosehearts
"Dear friend," Riddle thought that it was the most appropriate way to address you—or at least, that's what his brain is trying to make him think. Ever since overblotting and you helping him snap out of his frenzy, he had difficulty in labeling what exactly you were to him.
Before everything, you were supposed to be just a mere acquaintance to him and yet here you were sending him gifts out of the blue. The general "rule" towards receiving gifts was to give the giver your thanks. Albeit the better option was to thank you personally, he thought that maybe a letter would be better so that he can sort out his thoughts.
Friend. He nodded, proceeding to write down the rest of his message until he realized that this was an opportunity to invite you to tea with him under the pretense of paying you back for the gift. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he continued writing.
Surely, you would accept his invitation, right?
Trey Clover
"Hey you," was that too casual? Too rude sounding? Trey shook his head as he stared at the two words. He hadn't been expecting a gift from you and frankly, he was more than a bit surprised. Though perhaps he hadn't read the "gift" part when he suddenly started writing down questions about what you liked.
He immediately started thinking of how he should pay you back—gifts? He doesn't know your taste that well. Favours? Hmm, he's not too sure about that one. That's why he decided to ask, if there was something you wanted—he'll do his best to find it for you. A tempting offer, right?
It seems like you have to tell him that this wasn't a trade.
Cater Diamond
"Helloooooo," he started off. The extra amount of Os he used was proof that he's trying to take this occurrence casually. Though in the inside he was absolutely beaming. Gifts never fail to put a smile on his face, especially if it came from someone you didn't expect to give you a gift or someone special to him.
In this case, it was probably the latter. He took a small break as he stared at your gift, wondering what he should write. A small smile took over his face as he picked up his phone and snapped a few selfies of him with your gift with a caption before hitting the post button.
"Received a gift from a dear friend, isn't it amazing? ♪"
Deuce Spade
"Friend," Deuce rarely got to experience receiving gifts from friends to one another judging how his past years were spent as a delinquent. To say that he was happy to receive one from you was an understatement, he was over the moon.
He felt the need to mention it to you with a huge grin on his face. He thought of various ways to give you something back as he let out a small hum, he felt like he was having a field day. He signed the message and told himself that today was going to be a great day.
Ace Trappola
"Hey you," Ace was terribly suspicious of the fact that you sent him a gift out of the blue. Were you trying to buy him silence over something you did? Were you trying to convince him to do your homework for you? A lot of questions springed up inside his mind but not once did he think that it was just a genuine, sweet gift with no ulterior motives hidden beneath.
He knew that you would get mad at him if he continued to suspect you so he said that he was kidding in all caps with three dots after that—which didn't help his situation at all.
He felt awkward trying to convey his feelings like this and he ruffled his own hair as he told you that he just needed to tell you something later, when you're face-to-face. That would make it easier for him to speak.
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Leona Kingscholar
"Good day," Leona uncharacteristically typed. He felt like he was being held at gunpoint by his past etiquette teachers as he tried to think of an appropriate response. If it were up to him, he would've just slapped a "thank you" on a piece of paper and asked Ruggie to give it to you.
Though he thought that perhaps it was better for him to actually put in effort for once. Even if it seemed like his so called effort seemed like something he just stole from the internet—that was more than enough, right? He'll just put his signature at the bottom and ask Ruggie to give it to you.
Ruggie Bucchi
"Hey you," a big grin took over his face as he wrote down his first few words. He wasn't as experienced as other people when it came to writing down messages of gratitude, he once tried consulting Leona about it—asking how to make it sound decent only to be met with an answer that went like: "Just put whatever."
And that's what he did! Truly, he's thankful for receiving a gift. For a split second, he wondered if he should share it with the people back in his homeland. Though he pushed that thought to the back of his head as he signed the bottom of the paper with his signature. He'll figure that out once he gives the letter to you.
Jack Howl
"Friend," he doesn't know what to say it's embarassing. Even in letters, he still manages to retain that straightforward yet somewhat roundabout personality of his. A tinge of embarrassment seeping through the letter.
He wished he could've just talked to you in person instead but alas, he was stuck here trying to rack his brain for words. In the end, he felt like it was best to keep it simple—the slightly demanding tone at the end was the result of him getting flustered at the thought that it's possible that it could be a date between the two of you.
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Azul Ashengrotto
"My dear friend," Azul couldn't count the number of times he had crumpled a piece of paper and threw it into the trashcan only to get a new one—rinse and repeat. Jade and Floyd had to stifle their laughter when they saw how distressed he was over a single message. Though, perhaps that was the fruit of his unconventional feelings towards the giver.
He didn't want to sound too stiff and professional to the point that he sounded like a robot but also, he didn't want to sound too casual to the point that you might find it weird. He had to let out a small sigh as he ruffled his hair, another piece of paper thrown into the trash can before deciding that he should just play it safe and give you a free drink.
Jade Leech
"To my dearest," oh no. His hand slipped and accidentally made his greeting more intimate than it should be, he could go back and change it but—fufu, where's the fun in all of that? His lips tugged up into a smirk as he continued writing, knowing full well that what he was implying would evoke an interesting reaction out of you. But, if that wasn't enough to stir you up a bit then why not put a little more something? He was a prick this way.
He spotted an empty space on one of his shelves in the corner of his eye, glancing at it for a few seconds before an idea popped into his head. A smile that barely showed off his sharp canines, hidden beneath his gloved hand.
"Truly. Would I lie to you?"
Floyd Leech
"Little shrimpy," he grinned. Floyd was in an especially good mood today after receiving such a thoughtful gift from you. He played with his pen in hand, spinning it around as a distant look took over his face when he tried thinking about the reason why you gave him a gift out of nowhere.
Knowing that Floyd pays a little more attention to you than others, he was bound to be curious and he was more than eager to find out—there's always a reason behind someone's actions, after all. He tried expressing his intent to get the answer out of you which came out a little threatening but if you saw the look on his face there's no mistaking that it was an even bigger threat than you initially thought.
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Kalim Al-Asim
"Hey love," Kalim was as straightforward as ever. Not a single filter as he wrote down his raw feelings. There was no reason for him to hesitate especially now that he was practically about to shake from pure joy—he was incredibly close to signing the letter and hopping into his magic carpet to give it to you personally but Jamil was there beside him to stop him if he ever does that.
Though that didn't mean that it was gonna stop him from wanting to ask you out on a magic carpet date with him, he'll just have to explain to Jamil when you accept his invitation. That is assuming you'll accept, right?
Jamil Viper
"Dear friend," Kalim practically forced him to write a letter back to you. Jamil wasn't an ingrate, he knew when to show gratitude when it was appropriate but he preferred thanking you in person. He had to settle for this in the meantime, he thought that maybe he'll just invite you to Scarabia to talk about what he could give in return.
He hadn't really expected a gift from you, especially with all the trouble he might've caused you due to his overblot. Though he didn't think it was all that bad. In fact, he felt a little relieved that you didn't hold any grudge against him.
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Vil Schoenheit
"My dear," Vil had an unmistakable smirk placed upon his lips. The choice of words he wrote managed to give out a slightly smug vibe as he stared at your gift on his desk. Impressed by your ability for finding him a suitable gift, he decided to give you a little bit in return.
His smirk slowly turned into a gentle smile as he imagined your face probably tearing up at the thought of him giving you a signed card, he couldn't help but put an offhanded comment near the end. But it was quickly followed up with a single bit of rare praise from him.
Rook Hunt
"Hey love," Rook was always one to act dramatically whenever he had the chance and even in letters, he managed to sound dramatic. As soon as he realized that you had sent him a gift he started gushing about how wonderful it was and how inspiration was raining down on him like tiny droplets.
What's a better way to let his raw emotions out than poetry? That's right, this man wrote you a poem expressing how he feels because of your gift. He almost forgot to say his gratitude because he got carried away but thankfully, Epel pointed it out to him before he could give it to you.
Epel Felmier
"Dear friend," he rarely got any gifts from anyone outside his relatives so when he saw you give him a gift, he was excited to say the least. There's always a certain joy you can evoke in a person when you give them a gift it was almost euphoric for some. He thought that it was sweet of you to give him a gift and decided to give one back with a small message.
Friend. For some reason, it felt a bit off addressing you as that but he quickly shook his head and shot down that thought. As for his gift, he prepared a little something he made himself. Hehe, he's quite proud of it too!
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Idia Shroud
"@YOU" it was interesting how Idia didn't bother changing to formal speech when he decided to give you a thank you message for your gift. He's typing the same way he would to his friend, namely "Crimson Muscle", but perhaps that was because he didn't know of any other way to talk to you without sounding unnatural or weird.
People would normally not even think about giving him something and yet you gave him one. He couldn't help but smile a bit when he said how you were a bit of an oddball—he came up with various nicknames for you inside his head. Most of them being different words for the term "weirdo". Yet they always had a hint of affection whenever he would think of it.
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Malleus Draconia
"Dearest," Malleus started off. It was rare that he received gifts from people outside his family or nobles back in the Valley since a lot of people found him intimidating—terrifying for some, even. He was glad that you felt comfortable enough around him to show simple gestures such as these. Upon receiving your gift, Lilia noticed how it came from you and urged Malleus to write his thank you message differently from how he usually writes it.
Did you perhaps know of the legends surrounding the Thorn Witch...? If so, then maybe he could sneak in a little joke. The gift of beauty and the gift of song—ah, nevermind. He pursed his lips slightly, he'll just handpick a gift for you himself. A small gargoyle statue, maybe. Or he could ask the other members of Diasomnia to help him.
Lilia Vanrouge
"My dear," his lips formed a small smirk. Lilia appreciated all surprises, big or small. Though, in particular, something about your surprise gift made him more excited about it than usual. Was that just his old age getting to him or was it something else? He couldn't be bothered to think about it that much.
As a form of gratitude, he weighed his options. It was either giving you a gift back or letting you ask a favour of him. He thought the latter would be more acceptable until an idea popped into his head as his eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. He knew you didn't know what it exactly meant but he gave you his signature nonetheless—he'll leave you to figure out.
"Hey you," Lilia taught Silver that it was common courtesy to show gratitude when someone gives him a gift. He tried thinking of countless ways to say thank you with his old man bugging him to ask you out on a date instead in the background. In the end, he paid Lilia no attention and instead went with the standard short message and giving a gift back.
He urged himself not to fall asleep as he typed out his message even though he already let out a yawn without him noticing. He glanced at the screen blankly, wondering if he forgot to add anything until he slowly felt himself snoozing off. Head resting on the keyboard and typing out whatnot. When Lilia arrived at the scene, he didn't bother waking him up and just sent the message as it is.
Silver was so embarassed the next day and refused to talk to Lilia temporarily.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human," he didn't even try addressing you as anything else other than that even in letters. When he found a gift lying by his room, he was a tad suspicious but loosened up when he read the tag attached to it. As stated, it came from you and the gift was meant for Malleus—wait, what. Sebek scrunched up his face as his eyes scanned the words printed on it.
"To Sebek Zigvolt" This was a mistake, right? Sebek was a bit flushed but quickly shook it off by saying how it was probably a subterfuge or whatever that was. There was no way it was for actually for him, right? Surely, you must've sent this in hopes of hearing more about the great Malleus Draconia. Right?
That is... Wonderful!
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"Dear underling," it was cute how he made an effort to write you a letter despite being in the same dorm wherein he could just talk to you directly. But perhaps he was so touched to the extent that he wanted to do this—did you give him tuna? He struggled thanking you properly and ended up boasting about how he was going to be the greatest sorcerer.
Even though he called you underling at first, he couldn't help but soften up a bit. That didn't sit right with him somehow, he didn't know why. He let out a groan as he racked his head for a more appropriate word until-!
Partner... Sounds about right.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
This idea just hit me like a train. How would twst boys react to WAP from Cardi B?? 😂😂😂
I'm trying to ignore the fact that I might've never discovered WAP without this request...🗿
Warning(s): What should I even tag as the warning idkk ckcjxjsjsjdjdjck- Mentions of WAP's lyrics, mentions of nsfw, Warning for Idia's part bc I think it went a bit too far-
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Riddle Rosehearts
Heard of this song named WAP being trending between students -> Searched it up -> Riddle:... Riddle: *Turns off his phone*
Bans WAP from the whole Heartslabyul afterwards, and every student found listening to it will have to face Riddle's: "NOOOOOOO- NO WAP IN THIS HOUSEHOLD - GO TO HORNY JAIL OFF WITH YOUR HEADS YOU UNWORTHY CREATURES- "
Trey Clover
Searches: "What does WAP mean?" before wards and after reading the search results he decides that he doesn't really need to listen to the song itself anymore.
He just clears his browsing history and returns to baking cakes. Nothing has happened, he knows nothing.
Cater Diamond
He is the guy making those "Night raven college react to WAP!!" videos on magicam. His reaction videos get over 100k views and people from all over the Twisted Wonderland start following this dork for them.
Who cares about the WAP itself? As long as he can gain followers over these videos he doesn't care how the song is supposed to be.
But at last Riddle discovers his videos by finding other dorms' students laughing over them and forces him to take them down💀 Man, Riddle really did ruin his once-in-a-life time chance for becoming popular.
Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade
Riddle has banned WAP Heartslabyul so they're going to illegally listen to it. It was Ace's fault though, Deuce is innocent.
Ace searchs up the music video, Deuce just sees the thumbnail and tells Ace that he doesn't think that this is going to be a good idea but Ace cuts him off by asking him not to be such a chicken-
Though they had to stop because Deuce was all shaky and embarrassed after just 20 seconds :"Stop this-STOP THIS- I CAN'T DO THIS- WE'RE STILL TOO YOUNG" and Ace had to stop to shut Deuce because they could've gotten caught at any second because of his unholy screams.
[a few minutes later...]
Deuce: It was saying DOORS in this house
Ace: Bruh what the- we both know it was saying Wh*res.
Deuce: Y-you dirty minded bastard!! It was clearly saying doors in this house!
Ace: Why the hell would they say doors in this house!??? It was wh*res!
Deuce: Doors!
Deuce: DOORS
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Leona Kingscholar
See he might be a jerk but he hasn't yet gotten to the level of appreciating this way of presenting women in songs-
He's just going to pretend that WAP doesn't exist,but most of the Savanaclaw on the other hand are going wild because with WAP, now he can't even take a peaceful nap without WAP being looped in his brain.
Ruggie Bucchi
WAP isn't beyond his power, he's handled stronger songs.✨ He'd regularly rap WAP in public when he's feeling like it.
Now he goes around to recommend WAP to naïve students and taint their virginity by making them listen to WAP without knowing what it is-
Jack Howl
Catches Ace and Deuce listening to WAP and ends up listening to it because of them. He doesn't knpw what to say...
He isn't mad, just disappointed. Disappointed parent noises. Out of all these students, why should he best buddies which these two?
Time to drag Ace and Deuce to a corner and give them a long speech on why young men their age need to be focusing on mastering skills and achieving success through these golden years instead of violating rules and tainting their pure minds.
"Trappola-kun, Spade-kun, you've greatly disappointed me. You need to be more mindful of your actions as fellow freshmen of night raven college. Is this how the future's great magicians are going to be? How do you think your parents would feel about this new habit of yours? Have you thought of how despicable women are being presented through such songs? Are you going to support such a taboo message toward ladies?"
And Ace and Deuce end up having to listen to him and think of their bad actions for the rest of the day...
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Azul Ashengrotto
[Before listening to WAP]: He hears of this WAP song being super trending between students. What might it secret be? What kind of magic would make a simple song so hecking popular? He has to find out.
Azul thinks that by learning WAP's ways, he might be able to produce songs that are even better for mostrolounge and even start his very own music company! But before that he needs to listen to wap itself...
[After listening to WAP]: ...He discovers what kind of magic is making it so popular, but decides that it'd be better for him take a step back from the world of music for now. Yes, he's traumatized
Floyd Leech
"Hey hey koooeeebiii chaaannnn have you seen my new dance~?" ah yes, he's got the WAP dance and he's proud of it. These are the time when he's genuinely thankful for getting to have human legs.
But the WAP dance isn't his only target, he realizes that Jamil doesn't seem to want Kalim to know anything about WAP, but thankfully, Floyd is going to be kind enough to bless the young Kalim with his wealthy knowledge on WAP. ✨
Jade Leech
"My...my...that was savage," Jade is amazed, it's quite wonderful how these fragile creatures can go from Micheal Jackson's smooth criminal to WAP in a matter of years.
He's still having trouble keeping up with latest human trends and popular songs but, he's slowly liking humans a lot more than before. These creatures have already reached the level to make put p*rn in music, impressive.
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Kalim Al Asim
He hears students whispering about an epic song named WAP during the classes, and of course he'd be intrigued!
He looks up the song but Jamil has already blocked his access to any sources that he might find WAP in, yet Floyd was kind enough to lend Kalim his phone to let him listen to this masterpiece. Later on, Floyd tells him about the WAP dance and bam, Kalim is addicted.
"Everyone watch me! I've got the WAP!"
Poor Jamil doesn't know which is worse, having Kalim signing it loudly in the dorm or watching him showing off his skills in that WAP dance in public. It's time for Jamil to go on a long, long trip and never come back until Kalim graduates from this school.
Jamil Viper
Listens to WAP once, is going to spend the rest of his life pretending that he has never heard or watched it. The most ironic part about it is how he watches the music video instead of just listening to the song and...the snakes. Good lord the snakes- He isn't sure if he likes snakes anymore.
The snakes part seriously traumatizes him but not like Kalim does when he asks Jamil to learn him the WAP dance. And heck no Jamil isn't going to learn him how to dance like a wh*re. At this point, he decides to deny WAP's whole existence.
Kalim: At least tell me what a WAP is!
Jamil: Worship and prayer.
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Vil Schoenheit
Hasn't listened to WAP and refuses to do so. He's got standards.
Rook Hunt
"Bravo!!! These Mademoiselles have taken the art of music to a whole nother level! Beaute! 100 points! 💯" (...what else did you expect him to say?)
Just as always, no one can really tell if Rook really liked it or not but from the way he acts he seems to be... intrigued. Apparently WAP starts to get too famous in school and Rook would always be the first one to find out if a student is secretly listening to WAP in public, so he doesn't mind popping up and reminding the students not to listen to such a potentially stimulating song so carelessly: "Monsieur (x), it's adorable to see you appreciating such a glorious piece of art in this lovely day, but I don't think that all of these students staring at us right now are yet prepared for such a beauty,"
Epel Felmier
He just asked Ace for some music that'll make him sound more badass and Ace gave him the WAP:
Epel listening to WAP be like:😳😶😨😕😭
His face is redder than a tomato after the first 30 seconds of WAP, but Ace tells him that he'd be the bravest human being ever if he takes the urge to listen to this in front of teachers.
Tries to dance to WAP and make a video with it to upload on magicam, but Vil catches him in the middle of process.💀💀💀 The video turned out pretty good though. It looks just like a mother (Ehm- Vil) getting into her child's room (Epel-) and finding them doing some crazy shit.
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Idia Shroud
He's the silent and seemingly shy dude who's listening to WAP in the highest volume under those head phones during classes.
Divus Crewel: CaF2(s) + Br2(ℓ) → CaBr2(s) + F2(g)...
Inside Idia's headphones: " ~ Wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~"
Bonus: He once forgets to connect his headphones to his tablet before playing WAP:
[Wap is being played at max volume inside Trein's class]
Idia: *Thinks that the sound is coming from his head phones*
The classroom: "Beat it up, n*gga, catch a charge
Extra large and extra hard
Put this p**sy right in your face
Swipe your nose like a credit card"
Trein: 😳
Students: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Crowley about to jump down: 🤭
Idia still not realizing what the hell is going on: 'Lucy lucy baby~ hihihi- wait- why they all staring at me now...? Did they hear me internally flirt with Lucius?'
No need to say what happened to Idia after this...
Ortho Shroud
No WAP for him. You may find him reacting to "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" if you're interested.🗿
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Malleus Draconia
Thank goodness he just finds the censored version of WAP... Listens to the whole song, but doesn't understand most of the lyrics. The "Put this cookie right in your face" part confuses him the most, he doesn't get it. Why would you put a cookie in your face? Is this something humans usually to do with their desserts? Like, would they put ice cream in their faces too?
Virgin dragon keeps on asking people, including Lilia, to tell him what it means to put a cookie in one's face, yet no one seems to give him any proper answers ):
Perhaps human music just isn't his thing, he's getting back to sad violin noises which he listens to when he isn't invited.
Lilia Vanrouge
WAP go brrrrrrr. Our sassy grandpa is legit in love with this piece of gold and all of the humans for achieving such a glory. The beat is superb and the lyrics are: Delicious, motivational and creatively written.
Even better, WAP has an unofficial but smexy dance too. Old man Lilia is never too old for performing a sexy physically challenging dance.
You can now hear savage rock sounds combined with WAP playing in the background coming from his room when he's vibing in the afternoon.
(I can totally see him wearing a neko maiden costume while dancing to WAP and you can't tell me otherwise)
Finds WAP in papa Lilia's playlist...
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sweet mother of love Sebek feels like listening to WAP has taken his virginity away-
He is a good boy, no, he once was a good boy. He's no longer the worthy man he used to be now that this unholy song has tainted his soul.
Legit feels guilty and and sinful after WAP, so you can find him praying for forgiveness to that Malleus portrait in his room every night.
"Oh young master forgive my thoughtless deeds, I beg for your mercy upon me now that I've sinned..."
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Dire Crowley
Not saying that a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing, but a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing- Everyone bow down to the Headmaster, the most gracious of them all 😩😩😩👌🏻
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Please, don't blame him. Birby is under too much of pressure after the very recent overblot cases and he needs a way to let go of the stress😔😔😔
Is illegally selling copies of the WAP because most of the dorms had blocked access to this song for the students...
"Helloooooo little demons I've got the WAP! In stuck now-"
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fairestwriting · 3 years
slams open your door/ one angst request for a childhood g/n reader with deuce, ace, jack, ruggie and vil coming right up! "if we're still single by 30, let's get married! (for housing benefits lol)" it was a childish promise made in jest, but the boy never forgot. in the end, it ends with unrequited/pining feelings from one/both sides that cant be returned due to bad timing/prior engagements/etc when they reach of age (go hogwild with the scenarios lis!!)
(slams my hands on the table) yes yes yes yes YES i love this trope
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Deuce Spade
You make the promise to him after you confessed to your crush sometime in 7th grade and got rejected, left to cry by yourself behind the school. Out of all your friends, only Deuce came to comfort you -- And so you, in your dramatic childish glory, feeling like you’d never find anyone to love, tell him the two of you should get married if you’re single by 30.
Deuce remembers every detail of that event down to how your eyes gleamed with the tears, how the light of the sunset casted that golden glow on your hair -- It was when he knew he loved you. It took him a while to find the right words to describe the feeling, but he’d been feeling it for a long time.
He doesn’t pursue you because he feels like he’ll grow out of it. You go to NRC together, the two of you against the world, and it’s like everyday he falls in love a little more. You support him through his attempts of being a honors student, and on the day of your graduation, the first thing you do is hug each other tight, cheering about how you made it, you finally made it.
You don’t lose contact with each other even after school. Deuce and you are basically attached to the hip, meeting up every other week to talk about college and then your jobs. Through all of this time you’re friends, both of you go through a handful of relationships each, but none of them are really serious. As you approach 30, Deuce remembers that promise from back then.
When your birthday comes up, you’re sort of gloomy over recent breakup, and Deuce, naturally, is the first one to be there for you. He shows up in the morning with a gift and makes you breakfast, your dear best friend warming your heart once more. You rant about your latest partner and exchange anecdotes about how last week went before everything goes silent, and suddenly his hand is hesitantly on yours.
“D-Do you remember, um.” He begins, face flushed. “That promise we made in middle school? That if we were single until 30...”
You blink. Really, that? It felt like so long ago -- It was hard to remember even. You can barely catch what he was going to try to say before you laugh your middle school self off, snickering at how naive you were -- Something in Deuce seems to shatter, then, and his hand retracts. It’s so fast you can barely tell what’s happening.
And he stays with you through the birthday regardless, of course he does. He’s your dearest friend, isn’t he?
the rest is under the cut cause... its long
Ace Trappola
You hated Ace, initially. You met in kindergarten and he was the worst, literally. Always pulling pranks on everyone and acting just so infuriatingly cheeky, your 5 year old self learned real rage through that little redhead boy who always hid your things just to get a rise out of you.
One day you decided to prank him back, causing massive trouble in the classroom that ends with the two of you getting intensely scolded, and that’s how, somehow, a beautiful friendship blooms. Ace gets this sparkle in his eyes when you’re done getting yelled at, and says that the two of you should be friends and work together on doing this to other people.
Since then you two became inseparable. You’d never stop bickering, but you also never left each other’s side. The two of you were a menace, an absolute terror to your teachers -- Whether you were a good kid before meeting him or not didn’t matter, Ace is great at being a bad influence.
Near the end of 4th grade, you begin hearing about how one of your classmate’s single parent was getting married again. This sparked a big conversation between your class, somehow, with everyone declaring who they wanted to marry. It was a silly childish thing. When your turn comes, you proudly announce that when you grew up, you’d marry Ace if you hadn’t married anyone else by 30, ‘cause no one else would choose him but me! You snicker after making the comment, amused at how mean you were being, but somehow your snarkiness seems to fly over Ace’s head.
It’s a thing that happens that you two never really talk about again, but it ticks in the back of his mind for his whole life as you two grow up. Even entering middle and then high school, he always remembers it when he goes through some sort of romantic disappointment. You really were the only one who always stuck around, after all...
Years go by and somehow you’re still by each other’s side. Every birthday that passes Ace thinks about it a little more, he wonders if that promise from ages ago was true. When your 30th birthday comes up the promise is constantly in his mind, he’s driving himself up the wall with expectation. And he doesn’t even know why he’s feeling like that, really, you two are just childhood friends, right? There’s no reason for him to be feeling so... like this.
Eventually, he just blurts it out, a couple days after said birthday. You two are probably just hanging out and ranting about work when he goes “Hey, you remember that stuff you said in 4th grade? About, uh, us getting married?” And you go silent for a beat. His heart races as he wonders what the hell he’s doing, even.
But you laugh it all off. What, that stuff about marrying you? Yeah, I was such a dumb kid. I was right, though, look how you’re still single, you joke, and it feels like a punch to the gut to Ace. He laughs awkwardly with you. Yeah, sure, how foolish the two of your were for thinking of something like... you two... being together like that...
Jack Howl
Jack was, before everything, the scary boy in your 2nd grade class. Beastmen weren’t exactly common at school, especially wolves like him, so he ended up sticking out quite a lot. Most kids, your friends included, thought he was far too scary to approach. And Jack himself seemed to be fine with that, not really interacting much with anyone.
That was all he was for you until, one day, an older kid gets mad at you during lunch for bumping into them and staining their shirt with juice. They’re about two or three years ahead and so much taller than you, you’re genuinely scared -- And who would know that in a moment like this, the one kid in your class you weren’t very fond of would stand up for you, convincing the bully to go away.
Afterwards, Jack asks if you’re okay, you two end up eating together, and the rest is history. You find out he was actually really sweet, despite seeming so tough, and you get comfortable with it. Jack was always a reliable, loyal friend, someone you knew you could count on.
This included when your friends started being weirded out by you for getting close to the scary boy in class. They get it in their heads that you have a crush on him and tease you for it, which makes you upset, but Jack stands up for you again. This was enough for you to be pretty starry eyed at the age of 7, so you declared that, hey, who cares about what these mean kids are saying! Maybe you and Jack should be together anyway. Actually, if you two got to 30 and you were still single, you should get married! Jack gets just as starry eyed as you, and you seal a pinky promise that day.
What you never knew, though, was that he wouldn’t grow out of it -- Because as time goes by and you two grow up alongside each other, it ends up slipping your mind. You meet new people and learn new things, getting into some relationships here and there, and though you’d taken the promise seriously for a bit when you were a kid, it was just something you laughed about now.
You don’t even remember it on Jack’s 30th birthday. You’re one of the first people to show up to the small gathering, naturally, you had known each other since forever. You’re teasing him about how he was so perpetually single even now, that you were reaching “marriage age”, and this seems to fluster him a bit.
“Well...” He starts, his ears going slightly limp. “I wanted... to keep that promise, you know. From when we were kids.” His voice is quiet, uncertain. It’s different from how you usually hear him talk, and you have no idea what he’s talking about. You question him about it, and he’s wide eyed when he realizes that you actually forgot.
He questions you about it. How could you forget? You two actually made a pinky promise about it -- But you’re just confused as to why he’s bringing this up, saying that of course it wasn’t a big deal, you two were just kids when it happened! Was he really expecting something from that? And when you ask him that, he’s silent.
Needless to say, the birthday is soured. Jack asks for you to leave, it’s a mess. You don’t know what you did wrong, exactly, just like you’re not sure how you could possibly fix this.
Ruggie Bucchi
“Partners in crime” was the only possible way to describe what sort of relationship you had with Ruggie. It starts in elementary school, you’re walking around in a farmer’s market near the slums and you catch him taking a handful of apples from a stand, without paying. Your eyes are wide as you remember who that boy was, a classmate of yours, and despite what your family had taught you about stealing, you walk up to the person taking care of the stand, and start chatting with them to distract them.
You’re not sure what really made you want to help this boy you barely knew, but it turned out to be the one thing in your life you’re the most grateful for, because the next day, when he sees you again in class, he runs up to you to thank you so many times in a row. And since then, you two started spending time together.
And you got along so well! Ruggie got along with most of the other kids and you had some friends of your own, but nothing was compared to how close the two of you were. You two scheme your way in and out of trouble through your school days, and at one point you can barely imagine your life without him.
Sometime mid 6th grade, your classmates start talking of crushes and dating and such, which gives you a lot to think about. You’re a bit upset that you seem to be the only one who isn’t in on the new fun, so one day, when you’re hanging out with Ruggie, you complain about feeling like you’d be single forever. Ruggie laughs and says that if no one wanted to be with you, then no one would want to be with him either. You still wonder what that meant.
In a fit of childishness, you say decisively that if you two were single until you were 30, you’d get married. Looking back on it, you can’t tell if you were kidding or not, but Ruggie and you shake hands mid-laughs, like you’re sealing a deal.
So time goes by. You don’t think too hard about that promise and Ruggie... doesn’t seem to, either, you actually wonder what’s going through his head often, because he rarely tells you what he’s thinking. You end up going to NRC together, to both of your families’ joy, and that just ends up making you closer, as two kids from the less-privileged side of the Afterglow Savannah in such a prestigious academy...
Your bond ends up really fire-forged after those four years, so it’s no surprise to anyone that you’d still be close even after you graduate, even as adults. Nothing could break a friendship like this.
You think about it on the day of your 30th birthday, when you’re out for drinks with Ruggie to celebrate. Really, how the hell did you stick to each other’s side for so long? You ask him as you loop an arm around his neck, and he grins. “Well, maybe we should get married like you promised then, y’know... when we were brats.” He says, a little quieter than your previous conversation. There’s a hint of some kind of different feeling there that you don’t catch at the time, scoffing at him and going, yeah, in your dreams.
The rest of the night goes normally, though you don’t hear from him for a couple days afterward... and when you do, he barely looks you in the eye. You wonder if anything bad happened, if you did anything wrong.
Vil Schoenheit
When Vil Schoenheit moved into your town, everybody was talking about him before he even really set foot into the classroom. Everyone had seen him somewhere -- The poster boy of villainy in all your favorite movies, a kid with a pretty face and a haughty aura.
You’re as curious as everyone else to meet him, though you don’t really share that strange vindictiveness the other kids seemed to have, angered at Vil himself for what his characters put others through. It’s so stupid, you thought, isn’t he just the actor? He might actually be nice.
When he arrives into the classroom, people are about as annoying towards him as you expected. Their disdain towards Vil bothered you, he’d barely said anything to others and yet they were already pegging him as a mean, arrogant person. So stupid, you repeat to yourself, and you decide to talk to him normally, and that’s how your ages-long friendship came to life.
Vil wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met. You come to find that he’s rather haughty, yes, and very strict with pretty much everything, but he was also very kind deep down, and willing to help you with anything you needed. He was a good friend. He was also, as you came to find out as you grew a little more, astoundingly pretty. With people disliking his “villainy” or not, by the time you’re starting middle school, he already consistently gets confessed to.
You’re a bit jealous. Not because you wanted Vil for yourself, no, he was just a good friend, but you wished people would find you as attractive as they found him, sometimes. You express that to him when you’re walking home together one day, and he laughs it off, saying it wasn’t as good as you thought it’d be. Still, you make him promise that if you were single by 30, he’d have to marry you, because if he just let you die alone, he’d be a bad friend. Vil seems strangely mesmerized by that, but he agrees.
Time goes by, you get to watch each other grow. Even with all the people going in and out of Vil’s life, he seems to keep you closer to his heart than everyone, and you never really lose contact with each other. Even when he’s busy, with movies or modeling or school, he still makes time to check up on you, and you see each other often.
When you’re actually nearing 30, Vil has reached a sort of stardom that burned your eyes just looking at, and you were so goddamn proud of him it was real. Somehow, he still makes time to show up for your birthday, after about a month of not really seeing each other -- And he spoils you to death on that day, the two of you spending all of it together and talking until it was late at night.
As the sun is about to rise, though, Vil’s chattiness subsides. About as sleep deprived as you, he says, softly “So since we’ve gotten there, and we’re both still single... maybe we should fulfill that promise from years ago, shouldn’t we?” You take a moment to process it, it’s tough remembering exactly when you made such a promise, but eventually you do. You feel like that should’ve been a joke, but the way Vil looks at you isn’t saying joke at all.
You sort of laugh it off either way, though. What, that silly promise? You ask, are you rubbing it in that you’re prettier than me? I can still find a partner looking like this, y’know. You think it’s funny, but Vil suddenly falls completely silent.
He then sighs, almost wistful, and says “Sure you can” before the conversation progresses... you’re not sure what happened, but life goes on after that like nothing happened. Deep down, Vil is feeling stupid for having taken the promise to heart, like he should have known better... but if you never really meant it, then what could he do but give it up? Even though it was the thing he wanted to do the least... he valued your friendship too much to do something that could possibly ruin it.
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commissioned matchup for @sleepy-kat14 !
Note: I reserve the right to not do any matchups, requests, or prompts sent in without commission if I don’t want to. However, with a commission I can guarantee it will be written, and be out in a timely manner.
Did someone say, ‘big strong boy going soft’? Yeah, that’s Jack for you. He acts all rough-and-tough when in reality, he cares so much it’s embarrassing. He’d love your friendly, kind side a lot (especially since it makes up for the fact that this man is a walking cactus) but I think he’d also be wary of you being too nice, or putting the needs of others above your own. And he will call you out on it, too; if someone is taking advantage of you and you don’t realize it, Jack will be straight up with you and also help you formulate ways to get out of that situation. For this reason, he can be a little suspicious of someone new getting friendly with you; not necessarily because he’s jealous, but because he wants to make sure you’re safe.
Not to say he doesn’t get jealous. Hoo boy, you’re in for it with this man; wolves are naturally territorial, and Jack is no exception. He is also very committal—wolves mate for life, after all. If he starts dating you, he’s in it for the long haul, and this means he is not taking any bullshit of other people flirting with you. You’re his, and everyone needs to know it!!
But just as much as you’re his, he is yours. Mr. Mans is positively WHIPPED for you. You have officially earned Scary Dog Privileges. He is at your beck and call 24/7, and anyone who makes fun of him for it better have good dental insurance. His love language is acts of service, so this man is constantly looking for ways to serve you. It’s safe to say that you will never again be carrying your books to class, Jack’s got it. But this also means that he has an overwhelming need to Feel Helpful, so make sure you let him know how much you appreciate it!
He’s also the kind of person to push himself to work hard, but never so much that it takes a toll on him. So he’d support your work ethic (it’s one of the reasons he fell for you) he’s also good at making sure when to cap your limit.
Also dude. He is definitely in the top 10 of my tier list for Best Cuddlers. He is!!! So big!!!! He can wrap his whole self around you with no sweat. I hope you like going to bed early, because as soon as you are in his arms and he falls asleep you are not going Anywhere. 100% will hold you like you are the most precious thing on earth (which you are, to him) if you’re feeling overwhelmed, insecure, or just need a break from the world. He may not be the best at words all the time, but he will ALWAYS show he cares for you, no matter what. If Jack is anything, it’s reliable.
Alright, it is my personal hc that Jack prefers his partners on the heavier side. It’s not an end-all be-all, of course, but he’s a big dude! He doesn’t want to have to feel like he might break you with one wrong move (although he’ll probably act like that anyways). Also he 100% has stretch marks of his own, mostly on his legs and abdomen. Have you seen the SIZE of this man? I just know there was a period in his life where he was growing like a weed and his family genuinely didn’t know when he was going to stop.
Botany. Yes. We all know how this man feels about cacti.
Overall I think this would be a perfect match!! You guys fit so well together, emotionally and physically, and I think you would bring out the best in each other :)
Ah yes, another Tough Guy who’s actually Soft. But for real, this dude is an absolute sweetheart; he has no problem showing the world how much he adores you, and cannot express how lucky he feels to have you care about him, too.
He really likes how you’re so kind and caring and accepting of others, especially since he knows how intimidating his past can seem. But he also knows where to draw the line; he recognizes when someone’s being walked all over, and he will be having None Of It with his sweetheart. He’s still a bit of a delinquent at heart, loathe as he would to admit, so he can have a tendency to get jealous, especially if it concerns some high-class honor-roll preppy kid that he knows he can never be. But he wouldn’t tell you, no. He doesn’t want to make it seem like he’s overbearing. You’ll definitely have to coax him out of that habit of hiding the negative feelings away, and make sure to let him know that you chose him, not anyone else. Lord knows he’ll tell you the same thing, ten times over.
Look, we all know that Deuce may not be the brightest bulb in the shed, but he tries! And he really loves how hard you work, too; it only motivates him to do better, be better. You will find yourself more often than not tutoring him and bring him up to speed on everything that’s happening in his classes. He finds it much easier to listen to you—just as long as he doesn’t get too distracted by staring at your pretty face. You can’t blame him, really.
Deuce is definitely a guy who Does Not Care what his partner looks like, so long as they accept him for who he is. And he may be awkward about it (babyboy hasn’t even had his first kiss yet) but I know I just KNOW that this guy is an absolute cuddlebug. He craves it, the feeling of holding you (or you holding him!) and just feeling so warm and safe… It’s intoxicating, really.
Overall, he’s another guy who would go absolutely weak in the knees for you and love and adore you until you forget what it feels like to be lonely.
Want to commission a matchup for yourself? Check the link in the pinned post! They’re only 5$, and the content is flexible. DM us asking for Osa (me) with any questions you might have :))
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
The One That Got Away by whatacunningboy [words: 4,694]
Hannibal Lecter had this macabre air to his name. Everyone knew who he was and in what he specialized in—assassination was his trade and no one questioned it. He could make anyone disappear with a simple trick or two. He never missed a target, he was quiet, and swift. Yet, he missed the biggest target of all.
Ethics & Aesthetics by fragile-teacup [words: 106,330]
Pride and Prejudice omegaverse AU
Beginning and Ending by LittleUggie [words: 36,888]
19 year old Will gets cornered in an alley right before his first heat. Hannibal steps into help him out and decides he wants to keep the young omega. Will eventually comes around, against his better judgement. Let the mutual manipulation and power games begin.
I Could Just Eat You Up by orphan_account [words: 32,604] 
Hannibal breeds Will. A love story in bodily fluids.
Sirens Wail by Breakmybones [words: 48,495]
Will has been an Omega since his eighteenth birthday. He's been a Beta since his twenty-third. Finding a mate was never a priority - staying out of the spotlight and keeping his secret was. Enter Hannibal: dark, dangerous and keeping secrets of his own, Will knows what he is from the beginning, but he's more interested in understanding the beast than slaying it.
Bright Hair About The Bone by MissDisoriental [words: 484,669] 
In a world where omegas are little more than trophies to be bought and sold, Will Graham has done the unthinkable by escaping a forced bonding. Already in high demand as a profiler, Will's determined to find freedom on his own terms.For Hannibal Lecter the outlook is far more straightforward: a slow, systematic seduction of the most uniquely captivating omega he's ever encountered.As the shadow of a new and terrifying serial killer falls over Baltimore, the stage is set to redefine all accepted meanings of passion, temptation, horror and beauty – and to discover the ecstasy of a genuine love crime.
Not Interested by Watermelonsmellinfellon [words: 64,333] 
Will Graham, an Omega of forty-four years, finally finds himself interested in an Alpha. The only problem... that Alpha is not interested in him! And he can't stand it!
The Only Place I Can Hold You by snapdragonpop007 [words: 27,865]
“Hello, Jack.” These past two years had not been kind to Will Graham-Lecter. The solitary confinement that Chilton had promised would help had only seemed to make the omega worse. “I was wondering when you were gonna come talk to me.” Will hadn’t looked up from the book in his hands. He was running his fingertips across the pages, and when Jack looked a little closer he could see that it was full of photographs.
Friends To Lovers by Sirenja, TigerPrawn [words: 8,008] 
When Harry Met Sally AU
Consortio by kelex [words: 23,088] 
Every Omega in the land is brought to the lord on the evening of their first heat. Lord Hannibal usually doesn't choose to exercise that right, but this night's offering is too much for him to pass up. A virgin Omega in his first heat, with brown hair, blue eyes, and a spirit that can't be broken.
Sharing A Bed by TigerPrawn [words: 4,150] 
Will, Hannibal, Jimmy and Zeller are sent to Butfuck Nowhere on a case and the small hotel has messed up the booking leaving them with only 2 rooms between the 4 of them. And specifically Omega Will having to share with Hannibal, the only Alpha on the trip.
Stormchaser by YouAreMyDesign [words: 6,465] 
One thing, Hannibal knows absolutely; Will is empty, all the time. He aches to be filled.
Pathology by YouAreMyDesign [words: 14,129] 
In his periphery, Hannibal's head tilts. "Tell me," he purrs, "how exactly does one your age come to enroll in an FBI training facility?"
There Will Be Bells by Entropyrose [words: 36,639] 
In Georgian England, male omegas are very rare diamonds. Baron and Baroness Graham have a plan to build their wealth and social status by offering their son Will's hand in marriage to a mysterious older Duke, an Alpha named Lord Hannibal Lecter. Will's personal feelings need not apply.
Alpha Mart by slashyrogue [words: 63,164] 
Will needs an alpha. After years of fake knots, half-assed suppressants, and his own damn hand during heats he’s reached the end of his rope. He doesn’t do dating so he decides to waste his life savings and hype with the current trend. Alpha Mart.
Enchanted By Your Name by CarnivalMirai [words: 9,207] 
“Now, my husband would prefer it if I got the job done quickly.” He says, slashing down the back of each gag as he passes each man, watching as the silk falls gracefully to the floor. “However, I want to have some fun. Considering you’ve troubled my husband so much… it’s only fair, right?” One of the men whimpered fearfully. Or: The name "Will Graham" is a name you'll only ever hear once.
I've Been Building Black Ships by cloudsarefluffy [words: 8,116] 
Alpha Hannibal moves to the States with his sister Mischa after being overtly done with the fancy life of a count, and his blind omega neighbor gives him an insight into love that he never quite expected.
A Rare Find by hit_the_books [words: 5,379] 
Life as an omega bookseller can be quite lonely. However, as the owner of Graham’s Books, Will Graham is reasonably content. That is until he meets—long-time customer and crush—Doctor Hannibal Lecter in person for the first time. Attraction blossoming between them both, Will agrees to a dinner date with the good doctor.
We All Have a Hunger by 1ntothew1ld [words: 12,260] 
Hannibal will ensure a properly slow and painful death for an alpha who allowed a beautiful young omega to go to waste as this one has. Too skinny for his own good, a stuttering and humble mess. The likes of the omega in front of him belonged at Opera houses and in million-dollar mansions, not scrounging for his next meal. Meek and afraid in some disheveled row house. When he finally looked back up the alpha had to conceal the utter punch to the stomach that meager glance was, blue eyes full of innocence but also hunger.
The Doctor Is In by Kummerspeck7 
Will nearly scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe you'd want anything other than a delicate flower to adorn your side, keep your ostentatious home, bare you the exact number of children you want--No more, no less-- all while being available at your whims." "Not at all." Hannibal disagreed. "I would no more put a wilting flower in my home than in a bouquet given as a gift. Tell me, Will, is that how you are treated? Forbidden from work, cloistered inside and used at Mr Brown's discretion?" "My Alpha's discretion." Hannibal looked pointedly at the curve of Will's neck, free from a single scar. "Not yet he isn't."
Sugar by Sweaty_dogman [words: 12,659] 
Hannibal finds himself hung up on his friends mother, desperate to find ways to spend time with the omega. Will Graham is a beautiful, kind and single omega. The young alpha finds himself struggling to keep his emotions hidden.
No One Falls the Way We Fell by HigherMagic [words: 9,206] 
Five years ago, Hannibal's mate died, leaving him with their young daughter. He's tried to move on, but Abigail keeps interrupting his sleep and insisting that she can see her mother in her room at night. Hannibal turns to Alana for help, and Alana gives Abigail a doll, someone to talk to and help her accept her mother's passing. Once the doll arrives, though, strange things start happening in Hannibal's house. It's impossible to consider, of course, but if anyone could defy death and return to them from beyond the grave, it would be Will.
Proud of You by CarnivalMirai [words: 11,748] 
Will worked right up until labour to make money, through all the sickness and fatigue and swollen ankles, he worked to bring his little boy the best life. And it has paid off. As of last week, Hannibal has sent off his university applications. Medicine at Johns Hopkins, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, and the University of Pennsylvania. He’s applied for a scholarship at all of them, and Will desperately hopes he gets it. He knows he will. He’s Hannibal, after all. His baby can do anything.
Venus Is Bright by wolfgraham [words: 7,237] 
Tomorrow, he tells himself, tomorrow he'll set new rules, boundaries. He'll tidy up Hannibal's room and give him the talk, and download Matefinder on his phone. But is it so bad? So bad to wish that the world outside the two of them would just disappear and leave them be?
Creator by Caidepgun, wolfgraham [words: 5,589] 
Will and his son, Hannibal, have an unusual relationship.
My First, My Last, My Everything by TheBl00dyFl0wer [words: 14,930]
Will Graham's encephalitis gets out of control and messes with his hormones, mutates him. May I present: Will Graham, the first known Omega.
Room 205 by HotMolasses [words: 9,220] 
Will is an Alpha, but in name only. He's a hotel maid at the Graham Bed & Breakfast. He considers himself a freak; an Alpha with no knot, who dreams of a powerful Omega to dominate him. He's pretty certain that because of this, he'll be alone for the rest of his life. Then he meets Hannibal Lecter.
Howl by multifandom_fanfic_writer [words: 7,083] 
When omegas go into heat, they go feral. Only an alpha strong enough to subdue them is a worthy mate. Will Graham has never found anyone worthy. After all, there is only one alpha Will plans to submit to – and he doesn’t even know their name.
Careful, He Bites by maxxeoff [words: 10,328] 
Will Graham is a feral child. His dad died when he was five, and he lives with a wolf pack until he has his first heat. He's found, brought to Baltimore. Dr. Lecter takes an interest in him.
Predator by eijirouN_17 [words: 7,619] 
Will hasn't presented, he doesn't give off any scent at all so everyone, including himself, assumes he's a beta. Then Will goes into heat. At a crime scene. In front of everyone. And Hannibal tries so hard not to go feral.
101 notes · View notes
abbysfrenchbraid · 4 years
Beach Day Imagine
alright I give up on trying to find a header for this one, there are no nice pictures of Abby with short hair.
anonymous said:  I have a request for a beach day imagine? It could be after the end of the game, just a nice day on the beach heh :)!
This is set after the end of tlou2, Abby and Lev have arrived at the Firefly base on Catalina Island and the reader has gotten to know them over the last weeks. Today they’re taking the two newly healed outsiders to the beach. 
This is the first thing I’ve written in a while so I apologize if I’m not fully back in my best form, feedback is very welcome!
Warnings: light swearing, pushing someone under water playfully, mention of injury by being crushed under something heavy (ask to tag!)
about 5.6k words of pure fluff :)
“Hey, look what I got!”
You looked up from the gas canister you were currently using to fill up a truck’s tank and felt a warm rush of happiness fill your chest. Lev had just entered the garage and was holding out a red backpack.
“The teacher gave it to me so I finally have my own. And it’s even my favorite color!”
You stopped pouring the gasoline and screwed the lid back on the canister. 
“Hey, you. So what are you bringing in your new backpack, then?”
The scrawny boy jumped on the back of the truck and crouched down, flipping the bag over and dumping its contents on the platform. With quick fingers, he arranged all the items to lie in a neat line, tapping them as he listed: “Water bottle, sandwich, apple, lighter, knife, towel, swimming trunks. Abby said not to take the bow because it’s a secure area.”
You nodded. “Good job, you’re fully equipped.” Catalina Island was a completely safe zone, the Fireflies had made sure of that. During the last few years, patrol teams had combed through the entire island killing infected and now anyone coming in from the mainland had to spend two days in quarantine to ensure their health. Carrying around a knife or gun at all times was just a habit none of the people who had ever fought infected or other groups would ever let go of. 
“Lev? You in here?” Lev had been concentrating on putting all his supplies back into the backpack and you both jerked up when you heard the familiar voice in the corridor. It had been weeks and she still had the same effect on you. The tall blonde stepped through the doorway and your breath caught in your throat. She was wearing green cargo pants and black combat boots as always, but you could see the blue fabric of a swimsuit peeking out at the neckline of her grey t-shirt.
“Oh hey, there you are. Are we ready to go?”
“Your hair!” you exclaimed, in awe at the beautiful freckled face that was looking at you with excitement. Abby smiled and instinctively rubbed the back of her head that was now cut short. When she and Lev had arrived three weeks ago, they had looked horrible, dehydrated and full of bruises and cuts, their faces marked by the sun and the pain they had had to endure. Abby hadn’t said a word about her obviously violently cut hair but Lev had told you that she had always worn it in a long braid before the rattlers captured them. You tried to imagine her with long hair but it just didn’t seem fitting for the woman standing before you. 
“I got it done today, Mario is a saint. Do you like it?”
Lev squinted at her for a moment, then he solemnly said: “It suits you very well.” 
She had apparently finally gotten around to visiting your colleague, another mechanic who also worked at a barber on the side. Most men and some women just pragmatically shaved their heads themselves, but there were always a few people who wanted something more complicated. When Mario had visited you at the medical station after your accident and gotten to know your two new roommates, he had immediately offered his services if they ever wanted a haircut. Lev had declined, explaining that he always shaved his head himself, but Abby had thanked him and promised to come around when she was allowed to leave medical. 
You smiled at her and before you could stop yourself you blurted out “You look hot.” 
The blonde laughed and even though you felt yourself blushing, you knew you had said the right thing. She really did look hot. Mario had shaved her sides short and fluffed up the top, letting a few strands fall into her face. You wanted to reach out and gently brush them back, but you stopped yourself and snapped out of your daydream. 
“Okay, my bag’s already in the front. You all set?”
Abby nodded and put her backpack on the back of the truck, positioning herself to jump on.
“Wait, can I sit in the back? I’ll be careful, I promise. I’d just really like to see what it feels like,” Lev pleaded. You looked at Abby who just rolled her eyes and grinned.
“Alright, kid. But no standing up, and if it gets bumpy you hold on tight!” 
She squeezed the boy’s shoulder and grabbed her bag, circling around the back of the car to get into the passenger seat. Lev gracefully jumped in the back and closed the hatch, looking at you with a glint in his eye you had never seen on him before. For the first time since the two had arrived here, he seemed genuinely happy and excited. 
You sat down in the driver’s seat and started the truck, maneuvering out of the parked cars around you and giving the porter a signal to open the garage door. Your hand still felt weak and fragile as you switched gears and drove through the two front gates or the base, absentmindedly clenching your fist and stretching out your fingers to get rid of the sensation.
In the corner of your eye, you could see Abby giving you a slightly worried look. 
“You okay there? I can drive, too, if you want me to.” 
You bit your lip in frustration and shook your head. 
“Thanks, Abby. I just need to get used to using this stupid hand again.”
The blonde rolled down her window and let in the salty breeze, leaning her head against the frame and closing her eyes as the sun kissed her face. 
“Alright. Just let me know.”
Turning onto the road down to the beach, you sighed and tried to let go of all of your anger and discontent with one long exhale. It would get you nowhere.
You had been lying underneath a car to fix some spots that had rusted through when your lifting jacks had made a weird noise. Even though you had been quick to try and slip out from under the car, you hadn’t been fast enough. The wheels had been taken off to change the tires and as the jacks collapsed, the side of the vehicle crushed your arm, your ribs and left you with internal bleeding. 
It had been no one's fault, just a terrible misfortune. After undergoing several surgeries and spending four weeks in a hospital bed, two battered strangers had been carried in and kept you company for the next few days. 
The WLF soldier also had a few broken ribs, several cuts and stab wounds. Other than a few bruises, dehydration and the extreme sunburn they had both suffered, the small Seraphite was surprisingly well off, and while you two older women had been laying around in your own misery, he had started trying to cheer you up, help your recovery and motivate you to look forward to the days to come.
Both of you had started carefully training your injured limbs again and encouraged each other on the tiresome, difficult journey back to health while Lev had explored the base, made some friends and working with a trainer to teach others how to shoot with a bow and arrow. Now that you were finally out of the medical wing and able to move without being in excruciating pain, you had decided to take the two out for a deserved day off. 
You rolled your window down and inhaled the fresh sea breeze, immediately smelling the salt and hot sand, the earthy aroma of the bushes lining the road and the sun warming up the air and promising you a wonderful day. Without thinking, you let out a scream of joy and laughed into the wind that pulled on your hair and invited you to play. You turned to beam at Abby, who looked amused and a little surprised. Before you could say anything, you heard an attempted wolf howl from the back of the truck and looked in the rearview mirror. Lev was kneeling in the middle of the platform, his head thrown back and his hands at his mouth to amplify his cries. He took a big breath and howled a second time, laughing afterward and stretching out his arms to the side.
A small noise drew your attention back to your passenger. Abby was looking out of the window and her torso was shaking slightly. For a split second, you thought she was crying, but then her little chuckle grew into loud laughter and she whooped, also stretching out her arm and making wave motions with her hand. 
“Jesus, Y/N, you’re amazing! This is amazing!”
She looked at you, eyes wide with excitement and a grin stretching across her entire face. You felt like your heart was going to explode. This really was amazing. You took another turn and there it was: the sea. Blue and wild, sparkling like millions of diamonds and dancing in the sun, calling out for you and inviting you to jump into the waves and join the celebration. 
You decided to just drive down all the way onto the sand; the truck was made for the terrain and there was no reason to walk if you could just drive up to the perfect spot. 
“Lev,” you yelled, “wanna choose a good spot?”
“Yes,” he screamed back, “over there by the palm tree?”
“Got it, boss!” You geared down and drove onto the sand, carefully testing the terrain. The car seemed to have no problem with the ground and you pressed down the gas, whirling up the sand behind you and making Lev scream with excitement. You came to a halt next to a sturdy palm tree and the boy had jumped off the back before you had stopped the engine. 
He had taken off his shoes and immediately started hopping to the patch of shade, cursing about the hot sand and letting himself fall onto the cool safe haven provided by the tree. Abby laughed and got out herself, opening her backpack and throwing him a big blanket. 
“Here, make yourself useful.”
Lev jumped up and started stretching out the fabric to make room for everyone, then he unpacked his towel and swimming trunks. You grabbed your bag and went over to the two of them, putting your towel down and stopping in your tracks when Abby suddenly pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a sporty blue bikini top. Her abs had practically exploded in only a week; the last time you had seen her stomach had been when she had gotten rid of the hospital gown and announced she was going back to training. Her skin was ivory, a ton of freckles spreading over her shoulders and arms. There were still a few bruises on her ribcage, already yellow and almost completely faded, and her upper arm was marked with a fresh, pink scar.
“What are you staring at? Don’t you wanna go swimming with us?” 
Abby laughed at you and hopped around as she tried to take off her tight pants without falling over. You shook your head to get your brain running again and side-eyed her, trying to hide a grin. 
“Sorry. You’ve already built so much muscle, it’s amazing.”
The blonde looked down and lightly slapped her stomach. 
“Thanks, must be the food here. I’m getting back on track.”
You had already slid out of your pants and quickly took off your shirt now, a little shy about your black bathing suit. But there was no need to worry, now it was Abby’s turn to stare. Her mouth was slightly ajar as she looked you up and down, her hand hovering about her abs as if she had frozen for a second. Finally, she snapped out of her admiration and raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, without the bandages and all.”
While you two had been busy drooling over each other, Lev had already changed into his swimming trunks and now seemed to be calculating how many steps it would take to get to the water and cool his burnt feet. 
Abby stepped closer to you. 
“You ready, Lev? Bet I can beat you both to the water.”
The boy didn’t hesitate one second. He started like lightning, his red pants blown up by the wind as he yelled “ouch, fuck, ow,” trying to lengthen his jumps. Abby winked at you, then she started sprinting after him. 
“Come on, Y/N!”
You quickly took off your socks and ran after them, loosening your ponytail and enjoying the feeling of the warm, soft hair dancing on your skin. Lev had beat Abby and was squealing as he jumped into the waves. The ex-WLF reached him a few seconds later, running into the sea and immediately diving under just to come up again with a scream of joy. She opened her arms as you came running towards her, cursing the hot sand and ready to tackle the blonde with full force. 
She turned to the side and dodged your blow at the last second, letting you crash into the waves and jumping on top of you, pushing you under the surface for a second before pulling you up and blowing a mouthful of water into your face. You gasped for air as the two laughed at you, already plotting your revenge. 
You slapped Abby’s shoulder but her rock-hard muscles easily took the hit. She raised her eyebrows at you and gave your shoulder a seemingly light push that made you topple back into the water. How was she so fucking strong?! You let yourself float on your back for a second, then you dove under and grabbed the surprised soldier by the ankles, digging your fingernails into her skin and pulling her feet out from under her. Pushing off the sand with your feet, you dragged her legs with you so she was pulled underwater. She managed to free herself and you both came up at the same time, laughing and coughing. 
“That’s what you get, shark,” you grinned at her. 
“Wait, are there sharks here?” A half-panicky, half-excited voice from further out told you that Lev had swum quite a bit and was now suddenly overcome by the realization that you three weren’t the only ones in the sea. 
“Yeah, big ones,” Abby yelled, “you better watch out.” 
She winked at you, then she took a deep breath and dove in Lev’s direction, who was facing the opposite direction and didn’t notice the big figure swimming towards him. As expected, he suddenly shrieked, started flailing his arms and fought with something that was pulling him under. When he realized what was going on, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he yelled Abby’s name over and over, trying to get her off. Her head broke the surface next to him and she shook her head, water spraying in all directions as her hair danced in the sun. 
She was roaring with laughter and held out an arm for Lev to hold on to while he caught his breath. 
“Believe me, kid, as much as you love them, you don’t wanna meet sharks face to face.”
He sighed and turned to look at the open water. 
“I know. Maybe we can drive out with a boat sometime and try to see them.”
Abby rubbed his shaved head. 
“You are unbelievably okay with danger, young man.” 
He smiled at her with so much love and admiration in his eyes it made your heart feel like it was going to explode. These two had found each other. You slowly swam towards them and turned on your back again to float, Lev immediately copying you and looking at Abby to do the same. 
“We shouldn’t be in the sun for too long, you two are still not fully healed.” 
Abby groaned and splashed some water in your direction. 
“Let me just have this for a moment, please.” 
You felt a twist in your stomach. She had just been having fun for the first time in forever and you had to ruin it by reminding her of what she had been through. Why couldn’t you just shut up and let her be? You turned to look at her and were surprised to see her smiling at you, nothing but warmth and appreciation in her face. 
“You’re right, Y/N, I know that. Thank you for taking us here and worrying about us.”
Lev had his eyes closed, but he nodded and mumbled something in approval. 
“Come on.” Abby lightly tapped your arm and nodded in the direction of the beach. 
“Let’s head back.” 
“Can I stay here a little longer?” Lev sounded far away, completely at peace as he soaked up the sun and the salty air. 
“Of course, but make sure you don’t swim further out, okay?”
The boy just hummed happily. Both of you didn’t say a word as you and Abby swam back, your mind spinning faster again as she took her last steps out of the water in front of you. Droplets were running down the back of her neck, the curves of her back muscles, butt, and thighs highlighted by the reflections of sunlight on the wet skin. 
She turned around and absentmindedly slicked her dripping hair back, showing off her biceps and abs as she stretched and waited for you to come out of the water. 
“You think the sand is gonna be less painful under wet feet?”
You stumbled out of the waves with little elegance but managed to stay standing up as a wave crashed around your calves. 
“I don’t know, I think we should make a run for it.” 
“Fair,” she nodded and held out her hand. “You ready?”
Ignoring the jump in your chest, you took her hand and she held yours tight, encasing it completely with her cool fingers. 
“Let’s go!” Both of you started running, squealing and laughing as the sand burned your soles once more. You almost fell several times but Abby’s steel grip caught and held you up every time. Slightly out of breath, both of you reached the shade of the palm tree and let yourselves fall on the towels. Abby still hadn’t let go of your hand and you tried to hold your fingers completely still so she wouldn’t notice and let go. 
You were both lying on your backs next to each other, panting and looking up at the green branches above you dancing gently in the sea breeze. Watching Abby out of the corner of your eye, you promised yourself you would always remember this moment. The heat of the sun peeking through the branches, the last drops of saltwater running down your torso, the stickiness of your skin as it dried and left behind tiny salt crystals, the rushing of the waves and the cries of the seagulls. The beautiful blonde next to you, her chest moving with every breath, the little specks of sunlight on her face and her mouth, slightly open as she looked at the sky, deep in thought. 
It felt like this was the first day of your life, like you had been somewhere else every day before, somewhere grey and bitter and hard with little joy and too many worries.  You never knew life could feel like this, like riding a wave, like soaring through the summer air, easy laughter, and warm touches. You were free. 
You suddenly noticed that Abby had turned her head to face you, her eyes burning into your skin like the salt that was prickling your cheek with tiny needles. Holding your breath, you slowly turned towards her and were immediately pulled in by her gaze. 
This woman had been by your side almost constantly for three weeks and you had known for a while. What you felt for her was deeper than any connection you had ever had with anyone. She understood you without words and she was never too much for you, as others often were. The blonde made your heart skip beats and your brain often stopped working when she was around, but you still wanted to be by her side every possible second. Through all the pain and trauma and all the terrible things that had happened, you two always found something to laugh about and a way to forget everything for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. 
As you finally released the air from your lungs, you could hear the shakiness in your breath and the rush of your own blood in your ears. It was so loud that you were sure Abby could hear it, too. Your fingers twitched slightly and she immediately tightened her fingers around yours. Slowly, her eyes wandered to your lips and now it was you that could hear her breath catch up in her throat. The distance between your faces was small, maybe a hand’s width, but it felt like miles. It was the feeling before doing a handstand or jumping off a high platform, a move you had seen others do countless times but felt impossible to you, like an invisible wall in your chest stopping your breath and movement at the same time. 
Abby softly ran her thumb over yours, her hazel-green eyes piercing yours. Your racing thoughts came to a halt. You could count every freckle on her face, every tiny salt crystal on her lashes, the faded scars from past battles. She was breathtakingly beautiful. 
Just as she lifted her head ever so slightly to move even closer, there were distant thumps on the sand and you could hear Lev crying out in a mix of joy and pain. You expected Abby to snap back and let go of your hand, but instead she just smiled, sat up and yelled: “Come here, quickly! You don’t want me to have roasted children’s feet for dinner, do you?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lev speeding up towards you.
“I’m not a child, Abby!”
He came to a halt in front of Abby, quickly glancing at your intertwined fingers before frowning at her. She patted the towel next to her. 
“Alright then, sir. Come sit with us, we’re currently being hypnotized by the palm branches.”
“What’s hypnotized?” he asked as he let himself flop on the towel. 
“Lay down and you’ll see,” Abby said as she lifted her free arm and rested her head on her hand, staring up at the sky again. 
“It’s the feeling of watching something - or someone - and completely getting lost in what you see. Your head gets all quiet and you’re willing to do anything the person hypnotizing you says.”
Her thumb was drawing circles on the back of your hand.
Lev let out a big breath as he solemnly folded his hands over his stomach and looked up at the leaves waving back and forth. 
You all lay there for a while, not speaking, just soaking in each other’s presence and the untainted beauty of the world in this very moment. Abby’s touch sent electrical waves through your arm right into your heart, filling your chest with liquid gold and having you fight down an ecstatic squeal of happiness. Did this mean she actually felt the same way? 
In the midst of all the joy you felt in that moment, there was a tiny voice in your head telling you that this was just an exceptional situation and things would go back to the way they were once you returned. Abby liked you, that much you were sure of, but was she really willing to go a step further and open up to you like that? Trust someone with that kind of vulnerability?
You swallowed hard, trying to fight down the tiny storm of panic brewing in your throat. There was absolutely no reason to ruin this moment for yourself. You let go of Abby’s hand to prop yourself up on your elbow, turning your body towards her. 
There was confusion in her eyes and a slightly worried look.
“Everything okay?” she whispered.
Looking up over her shoulder, you saw that Lev had fallen asleep. He looked like a little vampire, pale from the lack of sunlight on his newly recovered skin over the last weeks, lying stone still in a perfectly straight line with his hands still folded. 
You lay back down just a little bit closer to Abby than before, this time facing her completely. You could feel her breath on your lips and couldn’t stop yourself from raising a hand to push a strand of hair out of her face. She closed her eyes for a second at your touch, then she leaned into your hand. You cupped her cheek, drawing your thumb over her cheek and her bottom lip.
“More than okay,” you breathed as you ran your fingers through her hair and down the back of her neck, making her shiver despite the heat. 
Slowly this time, you sat up and whispered “Come with me.” 
Both of you stood up and now it was you that held out a hand. The Firefly took it and you both hurried towards the water again, trying not to be too loud and wake up the boy in your care. 
Finally on wet sand, you sat down and pulled Abby down with you as the water lapped at your ankles. 
You took a deep breath, glancing at the blonde’s questioning look and quickly looking down at your feet. 
“I’m so glad we finally got out of the base and came out here. You guys haven’t even seen all the beautiful places on Catalina. We could do this more often, I know my way around the Island.”
Abby drew circles in the sand, the tracks of her fingers immediately washed away by every new wave. Squinting against the sun, she softly said: “Yes, I’d like that. It really is beautiful here.”
Your heart was pounding again. What were you thinking, taking her away alone without even knowing what to say? She was obviously waiting for you to tell her something Lev shouldn’t hear. You wanted so badly just to tell her how you felt, but your head was just completely devoid of words. 
She had mercy with you. “Where else would you like to take me?” 
Her? Alone? You bit your lip, trying frantically to come up with something good. 
“There is a bay called Little Harbor, the water is bright turquoise and it’s on the west coast, so you get some amazing sunsets there. There’s a hunting cabin there, too, back from when we hadn’t fully secured the island yet. I could get a friend in admin to give us a check-up mission, let us check the electricity and stock up the hut. Only if you’d want to, of course.”
Abby nodded. “That sounds amazing. I’m cleared for missions starting next Monday, I need to start doing my part anyways. We could go whenever it fits your schedule.” 
You smiled at her. “Great. I’ll let my friend know.”
“Are we going to stay there overnight, then?” 
You could hear the amusement in her voice. She knew she was making you all flustered and nervous and was just teasing you now so you elbowed her, stifling a laugh.
“It could be arranged.”
She placed her hand on your knee, looking at you to catch your reaction. You couldn’t help but blush and pressed your lips together, trying to hold it together. 
Her face was now directly next to yours, her breath warm on your cheek again. It took everything in your power to turn your head and look her directly in the eye. Well, you tried to, but her eyes were on your lips again, her tongue quickly running over her bottom lip only to disappear again. 
And finally, after weeks of uncertainty, of pining and yearning and trying to get her out of your head, she grabbed the back of your neck and gently pulled you in. Her lips were incredibly soft, cushioning your movement as you pressed your mouth on hers, desperately trying to stay in this moment forever. She tasted like the sea, but her warm skin still smelled like the forest. It always did. 
You leaned into her, deepening the kiss as she put her arm around your shoulders and ran her hand over your thigh. Nothing had ever felt better than this. 
The blonde pulled away slightly, peeking at you through long eyelashes and licking her lips again. 
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” she confessed, never releasing your gaze.
“Me too,” was all you got out under your shaky breath before she kissed you again, sweet and smiling, placing tiny kisses on your cheeks and jawline before moving up to graze her lips over your nose and forehead. 
“I’m so lucky,” she mumbled against your temple. “After everything Lev and I have been through and of all the places in the world…”
She wasn’t the type to speak much about her feelings and this was probably the most you would get from her for now, but it was more than enough for you to understand. You rested your head on her shoulder as you both stared out to the open water. 
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve never felt like this with anyone before.” It felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest. You knew this was a lot to reveal, but you trusted Abby to not get scared away easily. 
“You know, Lev is going to be so relieved.” Abby snorted and turned around to see if there was any movement in your little camp, but the little Seraphite seemed to still be enjoying his afternoon nap. 
Your brows almost hit your hairline. “You’re gonna tell him right away?” 
She laughed and slapped your thigh before tightening her grip around it.
“Sure, he’s been listening to me debating my next step for the last week. He was so excited for today because he thought you’d make a move.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“He has zero faith in me, you know. He knows I easily face any kind of danger and I always win my fights, but he thought I didn’t have the guts to kiss you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, Miss Warrior, you’re the toughest. I remember Lev telling me something about crane bridges?”
She acted shocked. “I trust him with all my secrets and he just goes and tells you about them? What a little brat.”
You both had to laugh; it was clear that no one loved Lev more than Abby and no one could ever really be angry with him. 
“No seriously, I tell him everything. He’s all I got left.” She looked down and smiled to herself, no bitterness or sadness in her voice but a deep appreciation and nothing but love for her partner through thick and thin. 
Her last sentence stung a little, but you knew it was going to be a while before Abby would know just how much she could count on you to be there for her. Trust had to be earned. 
You spent the rest of your day in the shade with Lev, eating the fruit you had brought, playing cards, reading, and stealing kisses while the boy went for another swim in the ocean. Lev was sad you couldn’t light a bonfire as it got dark, but you had to get back in time for dinner. 
Both you and Abby promised him another beach day with stick bread at the campfire as soon as you both found the time again. Meanwhile, he could try to find some friends to come along. 
As you packed up your things, the sun was setting behind the green hills of the island and painting the sky pink, orange and purple, delivering a spectacle almost as wonderful as the one going on inside you. 
Lev jumped on the back of the truck without asking this time and both of you got in the front. The drive was quiet, all of you deep in thought, reminiscing about the day you had had. 
“Thanks again for doing this,” Abby said, playing with a strand of your hair. The windows were rolled down and the cool evening air was dancing through the cabin, filling your lungs and clearing your mind. 
“You’re very welcome.”
“I can’t wait for our cabin trip. A sunset just for the two of us,” she remarked, looking at you from the side. 
Finally back on the main road, you placed your hand on her thigh. You had wanted this for so long and now you would do everything in your power to win Abby’s heart entirely. 
“When do I see you again?” you asked, scared to hear the answer. 
“Tomorrow morning? You could pick me up from the gym for breakfast if you want. I’d offer to train with you but I think your doctors would feed me to the sharks.”
You laughed at the thought; it had taken forever to convince the medical staff to let you go today. It was going to be a few more weeks of physiotherapy to get your body back on track. 
“Okay. I’m pretty sure they’re making pancakes tomorrow. A commander’s birthday, I think. Pick you up at 8?”
She placed her hand on top of yours and squeezed it. 
“I’ll be waiting.”
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aio-rya · 3 years
"Give me a sign" — Leona x reader
One shot requested by: Anon
『Btw anon, I'm sorry I didn't have the Anon mode on until like two days ago.』
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Days kept going on as [y/n] started being fond of everyone they met at NRC, specially the Braincell Squad along Epel, Jack and yeah, Sebek, who sometimes joined them too. Most of the time, when they were not causing trouble at their dorms, they gathered at Ramshackle for "studying". Though there was one day a week [y/n] used to sneak out, following Epel around to his Magift practice.
The last time they saw a game was when they were hit conveniently by the disc thanks to Grimm's movements, but [y/n] was not really interested on the game, oh no —those getaways were to see someone. Indeed, the same person why they lurked around Savanaclaw with Jack by the end of the day. And everything was fine until...
"What the hell are you doing here, herbivore?" the lion man asked behind them. [Y/n] froze right there, crouched behind one of the seats of the bleachers.
Did I forget telling that [Y/n] felt Leona doesn't like them? Well, now you know.
"I... Epel" they answered nervously and without context, putting a strand of their [h/c] hair behind their ear. "He forgot his water bottle and..."
"Tsk. Whatever you are doing here, do it fast and go away" he interrupted, rolling his eyes and passing by them as if that never happened.
And this was the day to day of [y/n] and Leona whenever they got to see each other. The matter was that he, Leona Kingscholar himself, felt sort of intimidated by the little human —why? He didn't know. It was sort of an allergic reaction or something, he felt his heart beat harder, his cheeks burning hot like feber, sort of a knot on his stomach and words flew away from his head.
"Hey, Kingscholar! I... Brought you these" [y/n] said as they extended him two special meat sandwiches from the cafeteria.
Leona turned around on his napping spot, looking at the human, then at the food and then, he turned around again, giving his back to the little one, who still held the sandwiches towards him.
"I Don't need them..." the lion said, and dismissed them with a movement of his hand, "Ruggie has already brought me something".
"I... I See" the human said, withdrawing his hand. "Then... You're gone. Again" they sighed while realising Leona's breath got a slower pace, he was asleep. There was nothing to do but leave; said and done.
Lucky was the big cat that they've already left when his ears twitched on signal that he was not sleeping, his eyes slightly opened, listening to the human voice with a trace of worry left behind. "It couldn't be sadness, or is it?" he told himself, turning to face the glass ceiling of the Botanical Garden with his hands behind his head.
"You really dismissed [y/n]'s food? They even fought with me for that since there were only three of those things left, ya'now?" Ruggie's voice snapped him out of his trance as the hyena threw a packed meat sandwich over his stomach. Then he heard a wrapper being opened as he sat down, looking at his friend at the moment he bite a sandwich —exactly the same like the one he threw at him a few seconds ago.
Ruggie realized about that and stopped, "What?" he asked towards Leona, still munching a piece of sandwich, when the lazy lion lifted a finger pointing directly to the food. "I'm not giving it to you" he stated in a possesive tone, holdingh tighter his food.
"It's not that” the dorm leader growled, “But... You said there were only three left..." Leona mumbled, unwrapping his food and starting to bite it too.
"Oh yeah, [y/n] gave it to me when I passed them back on the front gate of the Garden. They only needed one for his raccoon friend, even though, they got the other one for you” he continued munching while explaining the ruckus they caused on the cafeteria for those limited dishes. "Hey Leona!" Ruggie snapped his fingers in front of him "Are you okay? It's not like you to space out that obviously."
"I think I'm sick" he reflected out loud while making a pitch of his empty wrapper to the rubbish.
"I think you're lazy~ shishishishi"
"Don't go too smart" Leona shot him a wry look and sighed. "I think I'm allergic to that herbivore or something like that."
"What? C'mon, you're not serious" Ruggie sneered. Leona grunted, "Okay then, why do you think that?"
"Because..." He turned away, aware of his blush. "When [y/Ln] is near, my chest aches and I feel as I wanted to cough; also my stomach feels strange, as if I were hungry but also anxious? And there is this thing on my face... I run a fever every time that herbivore is near...."
"But I like its smell. Or its presence" he finished with nothing more than a whisper.
"I see!" the hyena almost shouted, starting the lion, "You love them."
"Another joke like that and you're gone" he stared at Bucchi, angry but ashamed.
"Oh man... I'm just being honest" the blonde shrugged starting to walk away, "do as you wish but be careful. I don't how for how long [y/n] is going to bear you."
"Maybe he was tired", Deuce tried, quietly.
"Told you", Ace seconded him. "He's just like that, you cannot change him and... Have you thought that maybe he just doesn't like you? I mean like... Around him as he do with anyone else?"
"He was nice once" [y/n] tried to bring as an excuse, "After the Blot thing, he was someway nice. But... I did something wrong?"
Jack shook his head, "You should forget him. He's not the one, and I'm sorry about this but Ace is right..."
"Can I record that?" Trappola laughed, trying to open the camera of his phone.
"Shut up" Howl snapped, joining the laugh while hugging the little non-magic human between them.
"I think I can handle it. I mean... Nothing lasts forever and this little scratches heal with time" they tried to smile, eyes teary.
"Hey, we're here!" Epel cheered, "if you need to cry, to talk or you just want to mess around a little, call us!"
"That's why I call you my friends" and finally, the genuine smile appeared, "I'll sleep on it, I swear".
And both of them did: Kingscholar and [y/Ln]. Unfortunately, they reached two very opposite conclusions.
The little herbivore began to let go of their feelings, now they were no longer around Savanaclaw or the Magift training or even on the third years classrooms, they were free. Of course it still hurted whenever someone mentioned Leona, or at the Dorm Leader meetings or even when he was lurking around the cafeteria. Specially the last one was odd of the lion, and everyone around him noticed —even Vil started asking around what in hell happened to him.
"Ah, Ruggie-san" he said with velvety voice.
"Prefect Schoenheit" blonde hyena answered.
"Is Leona okay? He has been... Nicer than usual"
"Ah, you too. In fact, he's not really fine. His heart is about to break" Ruggie said, a bit worried as Vil gasped, not as an act but in genuine surprise, "his herbivore grew tired of him..."
Well, you see... Since [y/n] started getting rid of their unrequited love, Leona accepted it. And now it hurted so bad every time he got to see his herbivore: there was no "H-hey Leona..." or "Hello Kingscholar!" or any kind of cheerful greetings, everything tuned into a cold "Good morning/afternoon, Prefect Kingscholar", "Excuse me, Prefect Kingscholar" —they even stopped bumping into him, no more visits to his napping spot at the Botanical Garden and even when they got to Magift practice, Epel will always arrive alone. The knot in his stomach and the fever on his cheeks turned into a harsh pain on his throat and a burning heat on his eyes.
Meanwhile, Braincell Squad and first years club was proud, their little human finally was free and not depressed by the mistreatment of the Prince.
A couple of months passed until one evening, after clases, [y/n] made their way back to Ramshackle when heard someone sobbing, that scared them since Epel was having a hard time. By following the noise, they bumped into Leona and immediately tried to avoid him, but the lazy lion was not that slow; he walked quickly and grabbed their shoulders.
"Please, stop avoiding me" he said, not bothering on hiding the trembling of his voice.
"I... I am not" they said slowly, "Pref--"
"Don't" he grunted painfully, "Come back to call me Leona with that lively loud voice. Wake me up from my naps again, stare at me in the hallway so I can stare at you when you look away..." He sobbed again, weakening his grip, about to let his arms fall, "I... I am sorry."
"Why... Why are you apologising?" they asked, turning around to face him.
"Because I treated you so bad, and I... Thought I had an allergic reaction... To you" Leona whispered, [y/n] giggled.
"As far as I know, you cannot be allergic to a human" then they caressed one of Leona's braids, he stared at their [e/c] eyes, a pale gleam reflected on them. "It's fine, don't worry. We can still be friends".
He shook his head and caught them between his arms.
"I have denied it for too long. You deserve more, I was so mean, but I don't want to be just a friend" he explained tenderly, burying his nose on their hair, aspiring its sweet perfume.
"Leona, I'm not sure--"
"Just give me a sign..."
Silence. They just stayed like that, holding each other, [y/n] biting his bottom lip as Leona rubbed their back. When he finally was ready, understanding the situation and letting go of them, he got interrupted by a hold on his collar.
Then, a soft, sweet and warm pair of lips slammed against his.
It was a kiss full of fear and sadness that slowly turned into a gentle one. Full of untold feelings that tangled and finally were silently confessed.
"Is this enough?" the human asked, caressing his lover's cheek.
"It is more than enough... My loved herbivore".
—・ Φ・—
I melted with Leona's soft side, I don't know where I got the inspiration but I felt this took too long. Hope you like it too!
«Please do not repost or translate without permission»
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yan-twst · 4 years
That one request with a crush on lesbian mc with the dorm leaders really got my heart thumping💓💓💓. Can I request a crush on lesbian mc this time with the first years? 😳😳😳 I really love your writing thank you sm❤❤ Hope you're doing well!!
once again hell yeah lesbians rise up!!!
ace trappola
ace is like. ok well this sucks for HIM a little bit because of course he managed to crush on a girl who just so happens to be a lesbian
but he’s also just... kind of relieved? it’s way less awkward to be turned down because of that than if just... if she was straight and just turned him down.... just thinking of that is horrifying
he might try to talk about his past relationships with her because uh, bonding between people who... like women...? but it kinda backfires because she just reaffirms he was kind of an asshole to his ex girlfriends. he might even be forced to call them and apologize
all in all, ace is just glad to keep one of his closest friends. it’s a thousand times better to have a little one sided crush that simply can’t be returned on his friend and continue being friends, than if he were to date them and then it didn’t work out and the friendship was ruined
being the little shit he is, he won’t hesitate to find the situation hilarious. is it fun to be a lesbian stuck in an all boys magic school? whatever kind of accident or magic that sent her here really did her dirty. doesn’t she know of all the prestigious girl-only schools out there? too bad! she’s stuck with The Boys
this revelation is also very very good for his own sake. ace used to get jealous when he saw her hanging out with other men, especially if she seemded to be too friendly with them- and he’d usually just express that displeasure with teasing or just huffing and crossing his arms. 
now? oh, he feels nothing but smugness when he sees another dude being suspiciously kind and cooperative with her- because if they really are trying to subtly flirt with her, welp, then they got a big surprise coming and he finds it hilarious to know they’re gonna get the same surprise he did
deuce spade
deuce is the kind of kid who somehow has like, lesbian aunts he hangs out with, and at the same time does not know what a lesbian is. don’t ask how that works because he doesn’t know either until everything clicks in his brain
deuce’s immediate reaction is to get flustered. it’s a mix of embarrassment because now he feels like he should have noticed sooner...? and also because he’s mortified he might have annoyed or offended his friend
he apologizes for crushing on her, despite her telling her it’s really not a problem? it’s flattering, really? deuce is so busy apologizing and fretting because he, bless his heart, genuinely feels like he did something wrong
you know that trope of the slightly dumb but golden-hearted jock who is besties with the lesbian? this is that. it’s quite literally that
deuce still wants to bring her over to meet his mom even if it’s just as a friend. he’s talked too much to his mom about how amazing she is, so now he has to introduce her to his mom. he- he’ll make sure his mom understands it’s not a dating thing!! don’t worry!!
deuce becomes even more wary of the students that try to get close to his friend now. before, it was infuriating to see the boys all be so keen on getting close to the one single girl in the whole school, but he tried to reason that if she liked to meet new people, he shouldn’t get in her way, but... if it’s flirting, deuce has no problem acting as her personal guard to shove clingy and hard-headed dudes off
jack howl
fun fact there are records of homosexuality amongst grey wolves
in fact this isn’t even something that shocking to jack...? maybe it’s because there’s a handful of gay beastfolk in his pack so he simply doesn’t assume people are straight by default, so when his crush tells him she’s a lesbian he’s like oh fair enough
sure, it’s not like he isn’t a bit sad; he did have a crush and it’s never easy to let go of those emotions. but once again, he did kind of always consider this as a possible outcome, so it’s not like he’s completely thrown off his groove
besides, even though he might act strong and tough, it’s clear jack is a complete softie and values his friendship with her more than anything else. he lets her have some of his cacti when baby cacti grow in their pots. he doesn’t let just anyone touch his plants
if there’s one change, it might be that jack becomes more insistent on taking her out to train with him. in his own words, she’s “gotta be strong to support her future wife” or something- it’s his way of looking out for her
he’s simply so, so glad things turned out fine. being as hard-headed (as tsun, as she calls him) as he is, he had refused to even acknowledge he had a crush for a long time, and once he did, he was stressed it’d ruin this... just really nice friendship he didn’t think he’d find at NRC. but once everything is all talked out, it’s like a stone has been lifted off his chest. he’s fine, she’s fine, they’re still friends: this is all he could ask for, really
epel felmier
you cannot convince me epel’s little farming village didn’t have at least a couple little old gay grandmas that all pretty much adopted him as a grandson and all baked apple pies for him and gave him little embroidered handkerchiefs for his birthday. this is a fact and you cannot change my mind
when his darling first tells him she’d just... never be able to feel the same way, he’s crushed at first. it’s more of the shock of the rejection than anything else: he hears all she says, but he’s not listening
it takes a couple hours for it all to sink in. oooh. ooooh. ooooh it all makes sense now
he’s so embarrassed about how he first of all never bothered ask if she was even into men, and second of all how he reacted to being turned down for the most logical reason on earth, that he’s fretting over how to apologize. he almost considers asking rook for help but quickly realizes that would be the worst decision he could ever make.
he wants to show that it’s ok!! even if he got turned down and even if he did crush on her it’s cool and he still wants to be friends!! he’s a man and he’s only going to get manlier so of course a romantic relationship could never work, but... he still wants to maintain their friendship!!
he most likely comes over with a carved apple and an apology so genuine that his country accent slips out heavily. everything he’s said he still means! even if it’s just as friends, he still wants to take her to his hometown to pick apples, and he still wants her to be on front row when he’s playing magift- because she’s his closest friend!
sebek zigvolt
honestly yeah this works out yeah
sebek’s biggest stressor is that his crush doesn’t let him concentrate on protecting lord malleus. silly little romantic thoughts about his friend make him get distracted for one second and then poof lord malleus has gone to explore some abandoned building and now him and silver have to comb the entire campus to find him
he’d actually planned to bottle it up until it went away, but it wasn’t going away, so lilia pushed him to confess saying he’d “feel better once he got it out”. and what he got from it was a gentle rejection and an explanation that she’s actually just into girls, which was... a relief??
sure, it hurts a little. a lot, actually, because sebek is already terrible at managing his emotions. but once he looks at the situation, he... feels like it’s actually quite a good deal
he gets to keep his closest friend (although he’d be dead before saying something so cheesy about them), his little crush has been popped and deflated so he can go back to guarding malleus, and it almost feels like there’s just... more trust between him and her?
in the end, sebek is just happy to have someone to be friends with, even if he’d never admit it. sure, he might say lord malleus is all he needs in life, but lilia can attest that sebek looks equally as happy- if not happier- when he’s hanging out with his friend than when he guards malleus
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Out of Time (6)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 6032
Previously: Vlad and Maddie talk about cores. Clockwork gives some answers and proposes more questions. Dani shows up at Val's.
Now: Some exposition before Dan and Danny round 2 - ghost zone edition. Fight scene (T rated, cw for choking)
Link to the next chapter will be in the replies once posted. As always - please let me know what you think!
"Let me get this straight," Valerie started, eying the young girl across from her from the stovetop. She turned the pancake over in the pan and nudged it slightly. "You just happened to show up a few days ago from the Ghost Zone and just… hung out in the town when Phantom put the shield up? All on your own?"
Dani nodded, putting another piece of her pancake in her mouth. "Yep," she said, mouth full. "Not hard really – ghosts don't need to eat much. With that shield up, none of the natural portals have opened in the city – and I wasn't just going to leave."
Valerie put another pancake on the table before pouring more batter into the pan. "And you didn't reach out to your cousin because…"
Dani frowned. "Something's wrong," she said worriedly. "This isn't like Danny; this shield … whatever reason it's up is because he wants to protect the town. He and the Fentons must be facing something big and I don't want to get in their way."
Valerie turned the stove off, adding the last pancake to the stack between them, before she plopped herself at the table. Putting her head in her arm, she looked across at the young girl with a frown. "I don't think Phantom would mind. He seemed pretty worried about you the last time you were here."
Dani smiled. "Of course he wouldn't," she agreed. "The Fentons would love for me to stay too. But they've done so much for me and I don't want to be a burden. Or Danny worrying about me on top of everything else." She grabbed another pancake from the stack between the teens and helped herself. "Besides, other than the Fentons… my only options were you, a Ghost Hunter, or Vlad. I figured I'd chance it."
Valerie frowned in disgust at the mention of the mayor. "Yikes."
Sensing the girl's conflict, Dani waved her off. "It's fine. Vlad gets all of us at the beginning. Besides, you and Danny worked together to save me; figured you couldn't be all bad."
Valerie opened her mouth to argue that she didn't regularly team up with the ghost kid but stopped herself. This kid was all alone and was worried about Phantom, the only tangible relative she had. While Valerie had her opinions about the ghost teen, she couldn't burst this girl's bubble. Besides, if she managed to get information from the girl, it'd be a bonus.
"Sorry about dinner, Dad's working the night shift and pancakes are my go-to in times like this."
Dani grinned. "Are you kidding? Pancakes are the best! I mean… I didn't even know what they were until now!"
Valerie chuckled; she knew she liked this kid. The two girls sat in a comfortable silence for a little bit, before the news bulletin from earlier that day repeated with sharp shrill. Dani whirled around, the grin sliding off her face as she watched the fight from earlier. "Danny…" she whispered worriedly. The half-ghost turned around, distraught. "Is he okay?"
Valerie sighed; wincing again as she watched Phantom fall right after his last attack, Lance Thunder appearing to a repeat of what he witnessed. "I don't know," she answered honestly.
"We need to help him!" Dani exclaimed, a ring of light appearing at her waist. Valerie stared at it for a moment, remembering how the ghost girl transformed, before running and putting her hands on Dani's shoulders.
"Hold up - That was hours ago," the older teen replied soothingly. "There's no way of knowing where he would go if injured. Or if those ghosts were on his side."
Dani pouted, the light disappearing. "But –"
Valerie sighed. "I know you're worried, but Phantom's – and I can't believe I'm saying this – strong. I'm sure he'll be fine. The blasted ghost just doesn't stay down. If he's not back to his insufferable self by tomorrow, then you should worry."
Dani stared at the girl, a look of confusion dancing across her face before it lit up in realization. "Oh," she exclaimed softly. "He didn't tell you, did he?"
Valerie frowned in confusion. "Tell me what?"
"Nevermind," Dani replied quickly, brushing her off. She smiled gratefully. "You're right – I'll call the Fenton's tomorrow. If anyone knows where Danny Phantom might be, it'd be them." Valerie's face went from curious to uncomfortable very quickly. "What?" Dani asked, worried that she might have upset the girl.
Valerie looked away from her. "That'll be all you," she said, cheeks turning red. "My only contact with the Fentons is through Danny. He and I might be civil, but I really don't want to talk to my ex about this. He gets enough ghost stuff from his parents."
Dani was silent for a moment, before smiling from ear to ear. "Hold up….Danny Fenton is your ex?" she asked sneakily. Valerie nodded, bewildered as the two teens stared at each other. Finally, Dani burst out laughing, pointing and making noises.
"What!? He's scared of ghosts!" Valerie continued over the girl's laughter. "If we stayed together, ghosts would use him as bait to get to me!"
Dani laughed harder still, tears in her eyes. Valerie sighed glumly, watching as her new house guest laugh herself to the floor.
Everything hurt. Everything. The raw energy that now flooded him was only just holding Dan at bay. The evil ghost yelled something over the strong crackles of electricity and howls of the wind. Was this what Clockwork warned him of? Was this all he could do? It couldn't be.
He was tired – run ragged from everything he endured. He let his own powers push outward, feeling not only raw but core energy expend out of him.
The Ecto-Storm released – pain….the world exploded in pain.
Green eyes met a pair of fearful eyes in a distance – two pairs? –
An explosion and it all went dark…
Danny gasped as he awoke, looking around widely as he readjusted from his nightmare. He was sitting with his back against his door, looking inward into his room. Did I just pass out? Everything seemed so much bigger from down here, so far away. Danny frowned as he remembered his conversation with Clockwork and Ethelwulf. Was this another glimpse of the future?
Danny stood slowly, grabbing the door quickly as his knees buckle. He felt his core shift violently at the sudden movement. "Come on," he muttered, shaking his head. Almost as if responding, his core quieted and he felt stronger, standing up on his own. Danny frowned -There were no sparks violently going through him, his base powers were holding. If Sam was right… then what he just saw will happen. Danny shuddered as that thought went through him, bile rising from the back of his throat. "Get a grip," he muttered. "It could be worse."
Sure – keep telling yourself that Phantom voiced from the back of his mind.
A small explosion from downstairs erased his rebuttal. Danny furrowed his brow as he opened the door cautiously. Another sound, this time from an ecto-gun, came up from the lab. "Hello?" Danny called from the top of the stairs. When no response came, he sped down the stairs and down to the lab. "Mom? Dad?" As he reached the bottom he stopped, suddenly taken aback by the commotion in the lab.
His parents were at opposite ends of the lab; his Mom was facing off against Jazz and Sam with various weapons and tactics while his Dad, Ethelwulf and Tucker were hunched over at the main console in deep conversation. He looked at both ends of the lab, half amused, half relieved at what he was walking into.
"Overwhelming – isn't it?"
Danny jumped as Clockwork appeared beside him, his time staff resting on the ground softly. Blue eyes met red for a moment as the world continued beyond them. Danny chuckled slightly. "Nah, I'm used to it," he replied with a genuine smile as he turned back to the multiple activities of the lab.
Clockwork stared at Danny, regarding him in pity. "That's not what I meant," the old ghost told him. Danny's smile fell slightly, but he didn't look at Clockwork. "I would be surprised if it wasn't overwhelming; you're only fifteen. You've had to deal with Time in ways none of us have before. Just remember you are not alone; you do not have to suffer through these visions on your own."
Danny said nothing, standing in silence next to the Time Master as he watched his friends and family interact with each other. "You're right," he said, finally turning to Clockwork. Clockwork raised an eyebrow, inviting the boy to go on. "I had another vision. Whatever these things are, the one thing I know is I'm going to face Dan." Danny crossed his arm and frowned in thought. "If only there was some way to find out –"
"No," Clockwork interrupted sternly. Danny jumped, wide-eyed at the tone. "Even if there were, the less you learn about the future the better." Clockwork floated lower to the half-ghost's eye level. The harshness in his eyes softened slightly. "Trust me Danny, having the knowledge of time is one thing; having to make decisions based on that knowledge? It is the greatest burden of all." The boy's blue eyes met the tired, sad red eyes of the ghost and saw the turmoil behind the words. They stood staring at each other for a few moments, before Clockwork sighed, looking upward. With a small nod, Clockwork disappeared abruptly, bringing Danny's attention back to the occupants of the lab.
He looked between his parents again, realizing none of them had noticed his entrance. Deciding that he didn't want to be hit by a stray ecto-blast from Jazz, Danny made his way over to his father, mentor and best friend.
Sensing movement, Jack looked up from the screen briefly, before beaming. "Danny! Perfect timing!" he boomed, waving him over. "We were just going over your files."
Danny frowned apprehensively. "The ones on Dan?"
"No- the other secret Ghost files," Tucker said sarcastically, not looking up from the screen. Danny glared half-heartedly in his direction, but gestured for him to continue. "I've been pointing out the attacks we know he has for sure – this way we can figure out how to defend ourselves." He typed something into the computer, hitting the final key emphatically. Blueprints for a large ghost shield appeared on the main monitor. Finally, the dark skinned teen turned to half-ghost. "Your parents have a large shield schematic ready to go – they're just missing one thing."
Danny blinked. "Which is?"
"Dan's ecto-signature," Jack replied. Danny looked at him wide-eyed. "If we can specify the difference between you and him, we can adapt the shield's programming to keep Dan out and not hurt you in the process." The larger man put his hand on Danny's shoulder, making him stumble. "If we can get that shield up and running, you can heal up properly."
Danny shot him a grateful smile. "That's a great idea!" he exclaimed. Danny's eyes ran over the screen, recognizing some of the data on the screen. When he realized what was missing, he frowned slightly. "This isn't going to be easy – while Dan has half of my ecto-signature, he also has half of someone else's."
"Right," Ethelwulf confirmed, yellow eyes scanning a different screen. "Though from your files, you indicate that Dan had shifted forms to look like you and that he has a heat core. However, ghost cores don't change much at a molecular level – even when altered."
"Think of it like water," Jack continued. "Molecularly, stays the same but its form shifts; Even when frozen or as a gas."
"We believe that this secondary ecto-signature was a catalyst for your core to shift," Ethelwulf explained. "If this alternate version of you had an ice core during the time of the merge, then it changed into a heat core during this process but did not drastically change your ecto-signature."
Danny looked between Ethelwulf and his father in confusion. "Doesn't that mean we have the same ecto-signature?"
"Not quite," Jack said. "Remember, Jazz sent the boooo-merang into the zone to find you. It keyed into you – not the other you. Don't you see?"
Danny looked at Tucker for assistance. "Not really," he admitted.
"Basically even though it might be small, there is a difference between your ecto-sig and Dan's," Tucker answered determinedly. "All we have to do is figure out what aspect is more like Plasmius' ecto-signature, reverse the coding to prevent that ecto-signature being the one kept out of the shield and we'll be all set."
Jack blinked, before turning to Danny suddenly. "Wait - Plasmius is the other ecto-signature!?" he asked incredulously. Tucker flinched under the glare Danny sent his way. Danny sighed, nodding but did not elaborate further. The boy's demeanour changed; reserved and subdued. Jack frowned as his son stared at the schematics, hardened blue eyes lost in thought. "Hey – this is a good thing Danny! We have all the pieces we need to create the shield." He nudged Danny slightly, smiling reassuringly at his son. "It's a solid plan. You just have to trust us."
Danny shot his father a small smile. "I do," he said gratefully. Jack clapped Danny on the shoulder once more before turning back to Ethelwulf in conversation.
Tucker chuckled. "You seriously need to lighten up," he joked. "Between your Dad, Ethelwulf and this Techno geek, this shield will be up no problem!"
Danny smiled at his friend's enthusiasm and attempt to make him feel better. "I don't doubt it," he said. Danny looked his friend up and down, finally realizing something was different. "Tuck…. What are you wearing?"
Tucker smiled widely, puffing out his chest. The red beret was still there, but instead of his street clothes, Tucker was in a mustard yellow jumpsuit with dark green gloves and boots. Over his chest, he had two straps creating an X full of small pouches. "You parents thought it was time we had our own jumpsuits in case we have to be in the field. We got to design some of those jumpsuits that your Dad didn't have a chance to dye orange yet."
"We?" Danny asked, raising an eyebrow. Tucker rolled his eyes exasperatedly, muttering something under his breath before pointing to the other side of the lab. As Danny's eyes followed, he noticed his sister in an almost identical jumpsuit as his Mom's with the same X pattern as Tucker's on her back.
When his eyes found Sam, his breath hitched in his throat; her jumpsuit was a deep purple with black boots and gloves, with a small black flower on her back. She too, had straps along her torso, but most had a few ecto-guns attached at her back. She flipped gracefully in the air, a smug smile on her face as she dodged his Mom's staff and released the Jack-o-Nine tails, leaving the older Fenton unarmed. He couldn't keep his eyes off her; the world's sound disappeared as she became the only thing he could focus on. She was… he couldn't even describe what he was feeling right now. Vaguely, he heard Tucker talking at him, but it was drowned out by his heart pounding in his eardrums.
"Come on Space Cadet," Tucker said, smirking as he pulled the boy away from the console and toward the sparring women.
"What?" he replied dumbly, blinking owlishly at his friend.
Tucker chuckled. "Oh man," he murmured to himself. "Sam better appreciate this."
"What!?" Danny asked again, his voice going a bit higher in pitch.
Maddie waved her hand in the air, stopping the sparring match as the two boys approached. "You girls are getting much better," she said confidently, putting a hand on her hip. "Jazz – your weapon control is steadily improving. You might be able to handle the weapons that require higher precision now!"
"Finally!" the red head exclaimed in triumph. She wiped her brow and turned to Sam. "You've got to teach me that sliding tackle you used on Mom – it was wicked."
Sam smiled proudly. "Definitely." Noticing her two best friends on the sidelines, she turned slightly toward them. "Next time, we can give these two a run for their money."
Tucker held up his hands in surrender at the girl's suggestion. "I'm all for training, but not for getting destroyed by you. You do that enough in video games. Right Danny?" The boy in question did not answer, continuing to gape unbecomingly at Sam. Tucker sighed and locked eyes with an amused Jazz.
Before Jazz could comment on her brother's state, Maddie tugged her arm away from the group of teens. "Come on Jazz, let's help your father with that shield," she teased, a small smile across her lips.
"Mom!" Jazz whined, watching her opportunity to tease her brother move farther away as her Mom dragged her from the teens.
Sam watched them go, confused, before turning back to her friend. "What's with him?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion. Tucker shrugged, looking exasperated. Sam waved her gloved hand in front of Danny. "Hello? Earth to Danny?"
Danny blinked as he stepped back. "Purple!" he blurted out, startled. Tucker covered his face forcefully and groaned at his friend's lack of control.
"Purple?" Sam repeated, confused. "Oh! You mean this!" She gestured to her jumpsuit. "Pretty cool right? I was going to use black, but it'd look too much like yours." When Danny didn't say anything else, she frowned. "What? Not Goth enough?"
Finally shaking out of his stupor, Danny shook his head. "Just… purple's a nice colour on you," he said. Sam blinked, before her face turned slightly pink, making Danny's go slightly pink as well.
Tucker looked up at the ceiling in exasperation as his two best friends continued to stare awkwardly. "Hopeless," he said with a sigh. "Utterly hopeless." Deciding that it was time to break whatever spell they had on each other he turned to the half-ghost of the group with his hand on his hip. "How are you doing after today?"
Danny made a face. "It's… a lot," he said after a while. He turned away from his friends, staring at the portal as memories flashed before his eyes. "You guys weren't there – at the end I mean. How close it was. Now… it's a whole lot bigger than just beating him."
Sam frowned. "The time visions?"
"Not just them," Danny admitted, looking briefly at his family at the console. "If I was him-"
"Which you're not," Tucker said pointedly.
"Which I'm not," he agreed sardonically. "I wouldn't want to recreate the accident. I would want revenge." Danny started pacing, frowning in worry. "That battle this morning? He was toying with me – trying to see what I can do. Now he's somewhere in the Ghost Zone planning who knows what and I have no idea how to stop him."
Tucker and Sam looked at each other before turning back to their now worried friend. Tucker moved first, grabbing Danny's shoulder and stopping him in his tracks. "We don't know his plan," he started determinedly, "but we might be able to find him." The dark skinned teen gave him a triumphant look as he pulled out what looked to be a small gaming controller with a screen on it. "Meet the Fento-drone."
"A video game Tuck?" Sam asked deadpanned.
"Not a video game – the best invention ever!" Tucker exclaimed. Danny rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, bemused. "Mr. F and I developed it. We can send in a couple of these bad boys into the Ghost Zone and have them look for your older jerkface of a self. When this is hooked up to the main system, we can control where they go." Tucker turned to Danny. "Your Dad said he wanted to add a couple things too – give it the ol' Fenton charm."
"That… actually might help," Danny said excitedly. "How many of those are done?"
Tucker opened his mouth to answer but shut it quickly as shrill, loud alarms suddenly came to life around them. The trio of teens turned back to the console, watching as the red lights flickered across the faces of the Fentons. A computerized voice sounded from above.
"Ecto-Exdous Alarm activated. Prepare to kick ghost keister!"
A flurry of movement appeared at the other end of the lab as both Fenton parents turned off the alarm pulled up the Ghost Zone Radar. The little ghost icons seemed to be in waves, the largest in the middle.
"I haven't seen that many ghosts since the Ghost King!" Jack exclaimed. "Tucker! Lend me a hand!"
"On it!" Tucker yelled, running toward the larger man, Sam at his heels.
Danny stayed back, watching the radar worriedly. If this is anything like the Ghost King, the ghosts are evacuating. He glanced at the waves, seeing a few icons break away from the large mass of ghosts toward the back and front. His eyes found the group the furthest away from the portal and the lone figure at the back. Dan - He was sure of it.
"Are any of the Fento-drones ready for launch?" Tucker asked, frantically typing in code through the system.
"Only two," Jack replied. He turned to his wife. "Mads, what's the containment system like?"
Maddie looked up from her screen to Jack. "95% - but that's nowhere near enough to house that many ghosts!"
Danny frowned, watching the screen from afar. No one seemed to notice his presence anymore, the radar attracting their complete attention.
"What will you do?"
Danny jumped as Clockwork appeared beside him. "Don't do that!" Danny exclaimed angrily. "If you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of something here!"
Clockwork rolled his eyes. "If you haven't noticed, time has slowed down." He replied, deadpanned.
Danny's eyes widened – Clockwork was right. Everything moved in slow motion around them, from the typing keyboard to running for weapons. He looked at the Time Master in confusion, but Clockwork cut him off.
"What will you do?" he asked again. "Time will not be slowed for much longer."
Danny looked back at the radar screen; one sole ghost moved quickly, gaining momentum as the rest of the ghosts slowed. His hand curled into a fist as time started to move normally.
"The first wave of ghosts should reach us any moment," his father yelled.
Danny looked toward his friends and family, all questioning their next move – if he was going to act, it had to be now.
"Should we close the portal?!" Maddie yelled back. Suddenly she stood up straight. "Wait…. Where's –"
Steeling his resolve, Danny locked eyes with Clockwork for a moment before he took off. He jumped up and he transformed, illuminating the lab in white light.
"Danny!" he heard his Mom yell after him as he flew quickly, diving into the portal.
The vast, empty space of Ghost Zone swirled magnificently as he flew toward the crowd at top speed. They didn't deserve this. No one deserved to be part of this. He had to get to them before -
Danny stopped suddenly, taken aback at the ghost's sudden appearance in front of him. "Box Ghost?" he exclaimed, confused. Remembering why he was here in the first place, he shook his head. "Where is he?" he asked seriously.
The Box Ghost looked at the young Phantom in front of him. "Runaway Ghost Child!" he said with wide eyes, grabbing Danny by the shoulders. "The other Phantom is too powerful. He's destroyed many realms with his sonic attack!"
"Ghostly Wail," Danny corrected impatiently. "Where is he Box Ghost? What's holding him back?"
The Box Ghost frowned worriedly, looking away. "The Far Frozen started to form ice shields as we ran," he started. Danny could see the larger crowd getting closer. "But he broke them suddenly. We thought we were getting away but he came toward us out of nowhere. Skulker and Ember told us to head for your portal; they're fighting him now."
Eyes narrowing in frustration, Danny broke away from the startled ghost. "Listen Box Ghost," he started, looking at the amount of ghosts headed his way. "I need you to lead those ghosts through my parents' portal and up into Amity – just like when the Ghost King attacked. Tell my parents to be ready to close the portal as soon as everyone gets through."
"Me!?" the Box Ghost exclaimed incredulously. "What about you?!"
Danny ignored him. "Go!" he yelled, taking flight again as he headed deeper into the Ghost Zone.
As he passed over the crowd, he heard calls of "Great One!" from below. A quick scan found a large group of yetis flanking the outer perimeter of the mass of ghosts, Frostbite among them. He flew down towards them, floating in place. "Get to the portal," he ordered quickly. "I'm going to hold him off long enough for everyone to get out safely. Find Ethelwulf – he and Clockwork will explain." He took off again, ignoring any of the calls from the group of Far Frozen workers. As he passed the last of the escaping ghosts, he stopped. In the distance he could see a lot of debris, islands that used to house ghosts turned to rubble.
How could he cause this much damage so quickly? He asked himself, distraught. He gasped, brought out of his musings by explosions up ahead. His hands balled into fists and eyes narrowed in anger. Danny shot forward toward the fight. Dan was not getting to Amity Park – not today.
Skulker fired another round of rockets from his suit's armour before dodging behind a floating piece of debris toward Ember. The rockstar ghost scanned her green eyes over her boyfriend's bodysuit as she quickly restrung her guitar.
"Remind me again why we're risking our necks to help the others get out of here?" she asked bitterly.
Skulker reloaded his blaster and a few more rockets quickly, chancing a small glance around their hiding spot. "Because nothing can get past the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter and Ember McLain," he replied. "I don't see him."
Ember scoffed, turning the dial on her guitar up. "Who is this guy anyway? He has the dipstick's little symbol on his chest but that is definitely not Phantom. Not unless he aged himself up."
Skulker's eyes narrowed. "No, but his head will make an excellent addition to my collection." The ghost hunter turned to Ember. "We'll move on my signal. Three – Two-"
"One," Dan's snide voice came from above the pair as a strong ecto-blast came barrelling toward them. Skulker and Ember flew sideways, in opposite directions, dodging as the blast hit the large floating rock they hit. Ember jumped on her guitar, surfing through the zone and sending a flurry of blue flames to the spectre as she passed. Dan merely put up a shield, watching with a grin as she came to a stop a few yards away. The flames petered out, making him drop the shield. "What? Can't stand the heat?" he asked menacingly. Blue flames appeared in his hands as he flung them outward, a set of flames thrown in the shape of an X toward the ghost diva. Ember jumped off her guitar, grabbing its neck as she dodged. Pulling the guitar close to her, she played a loud chord, sending two ectoplasmic fists back at the evil spirit. Dan flew upward, flipping over the attack as he sent his own ecto-blasts back. He landed forcefully on a floating rock, laughing slightly as he felt his boots sink into the earth.
His ghost sense flooded his nose as he sensed the robotic ghost behind him. Dan turned, bringing his right knee upwards and into Skulker's abdomen. The ghost grunted in pain as Dan grabbed his arm and swung him around, throwing him straight into Ember. The two ghosts cried out in pain as they tumbled through the air. "Too easy," Dan gloated, igniting his hands in green ecto-energy one more time. He threw another ghost ray at the pair. Skulker flew out of the way quickly, but the ray hit Ember sending her flying, her limp body rolling through the air.
"Ember!" Skulker called out to her, stricken. Her body came to a stop, floating in place, unconscious. With a roar of anger, Skulker flew towards Dan, two large blades appearing from his forearms. "You'll pay for that abomination!"
Dan waited, evil grin still plastered on his face as he waited for the emotional ghost in front of him. As Skulker aimed for his stomach, he created an opening, letting the blades go straight through with no injury.
"Was that supposed to hurt?" Dan asked, eyes narrowing. Skulker gasped as Dan grabbed his shoulders, lifting him above the ghost. "I think you have your priorities wrong here tin can." Dan threw the ghost, sending another blast towards the hunter. It hit Skulker straight on, sending him flying upward. He managed to steady himself just as he heard Dan speak again. "Why face me when your girlfriend is the one in danger."
Skulker's green eyes widened as he realized what the ghost was about to do. Skulker rushed over to his fallen comrade, covering her with his own body as he felt the blast connect with his armour. He gritted his teeth, biting back a cry of pain. Skulker turned back to glare at the spectre, parts of his battle suit falling into the abyss of the Ghost Zone as the blast subsided. Ember stirred briefly, but didn't awaken. Holding the pop star's form close, Skulker held out his right arm, taking aim with one of his rockets.
Dan smirked, crossing his arms. "Oh please," he said. "You can't defeat me; you had 10 years to, what, put my pelt as a throw rug? I know your whole playbook Skulker – there's no way out of this."
Skulker lowered his weapon, wide-eyed. "Ghost child?" he questioned, confused.
Dan chuckled. "Not quite," he drawled, red eyes shining gleefully. "Not since I ripped out my humanity." He flew up to Skulker's level but still had lots of space in between them. "Now, time to send my younger self a message."
He inhaled deeply before releasing his sonic attack, ripples of energy erupting from his mouth. Skulker closed his eyes, hugging Ember tighter as he braced for impact.
It never came.
Skulker's eyes flew open as merely three feet away Danny Phantom, the one he knew, held a large ecto-shield in front of them, holding the attack at bay. "You!" Skulker yelled over the older Phantom's attack.
Danny's arms shook from strain as he held the shield against Dan's wail for a few moments. He turned his head slightly toward the ghost behind him. "Get to the portal," he told him as he wail pushed him backward. "I'll distract him until then."
Skulker frowned, looking between the two Phantoms in confusion. "How…" he started, before looking down at Ember worriedly.
Danny followed his gaze guiltily as Dan stopped his attack. The younger ghost turned his attention back to the older, dropping the shield. "Hurry," he said, watching Dan apprehensively. Skulker didn't need to be told twice; he took off toward the human portal, leaving the two Phantoms facing off.
"I see you got my message," Dan told him snidely, watching in amusement how Danny's face contorted in rage. "Now, now – don't get all worked up."
"You're not getting to that portal," Danny told him coolly.
Dan laughed at his naivety. "You always did have such childish motives." Dan flew, standing upright as he got closer Danny. The half-ghost bristled, ready for an attack. "You think I want the portal Danny?" he asked, floating beside Danny's left. Dan moved around the teen, appearing again at Danny's right. Danny's head whipped to the other side. "Let me let you in on a little secret – I can take the portal anytime I wish." Dan's wrist came alive with an ecto-blast, launching it directly at the teen.
Anticipating the attack, Danny teleported away from the blast's trajectory - reappearing at one of the destroyed land masses. "I think you missed, old man," he taunted, throwing a series of ecto-blasts toward his older self. Dan growled, dodging the attacks with ease and flying directly for the teen. Danny braced himself as Dan collided with him, blocking Dan's flurry of punches the best he could. Going on the offensive, Danny brought his knee up to Dan's chest, pushing him away from the spectre. They flew at each other again, matching each other's blows evenly. Eventually, they broke apart, Danny slightly panting from exertion while Dan merely stood, crossing his arms.
"Tired already?" he provoked with a small smile.
Danny's eyes widened slightly as he looked Dan over; the evil Phantom showed no sign of weakness. Time to rethink this distraction. Danny took off toward the portal, flying through the destroyed islands that littered this part of the zone. Looking back, he saw Dan following closely. Danny's eyes and hands lit up blue, sending a set of icicle spears toward Dan. Dan merely swatted the icicles away, gaining speed toward the younger boy. Slightly panicked, Danny teleported again, trying to get as much distance as he could away from his future self.
Dan continued to fly toward the boy, eyes watching as Danny continued to teleport away from him, using the floating rubble as cover. He smiled, identifying a pattern as Danny continued to move. Dan waited until Danny teleported again, disappearing as he teleported to where he anticipated his younger self would end up. Arriving at the same point at the same time, Dan grabbed a hold of Danny, pinning him against a rock. One gloved hand moved to the boy's neck, squeezing tightly as he struggled under Dan's grasp. Danny glared at him as he struggled, attempting to break free and breathe easier. "It would be so easy to kill you now," Dan hissed, squeezing tighter. Danny's eyes widened as he started to gasp for air, legs kicking desperately to break free.
As Danny's vision started to fade, he heard a charging of an ecto-weapon before Dan was blasted off him. Danny gasped; coughing as he finally was able to breathe again. Dan was thrown a few feet away, stunned slightly at the two sleek saucer-like robots, each proudly displaying the Fenton logo on the top. Finally regaining himself, Danny floated up to one of the robots, smiling gratefully. "Thank you Fento-drones!" he exclaimed. Turning to his future self, he sent a stream of ice to the stunned ghost, freezing him in place.
Nodding determinedly at his work, Danny leapt up in the air and headed straight for the portal. It only took him fifteen minutes but he saw it – the swirling green hexagon that led to the lab. Relief only started to sink in before he heard a roar of anger behind him. Glancing back, he saw the burly ghost sending streams of ectoplasmic energy outward, aiming for the Fento-drones and him in the distance. Danny frowned, stopping on a small floating island close by. He watched as Dan lashed out, sending one of the Fento-drones into stone and ripping through the other one with ease. Red eyes locked with green, hungry for vengeance as Dan once again moved, blasting through any object that stood in his way.
Danny sighed, digging white boots into the ground as raw energy bubbled up inside him. His right eye lit up an electric blue as energy poured out of his fingers. He held his hands up; creating an electrifying green shield of energy that covered not only the portal, but it's surrounding areas. Dan stopped, watching the shield grow in disgust until it engulfed the portal.
Danny dropped to his hands and knees, panting as his eyes slowly returned to their normal green. Blue white sparks of electricity surrounded his aura as he gritted his teeth, glaring up at his future self. Try getting through that he thought vindictively.
The last thing Danny saw before he teleported was a slow, deliberate smile spreading across Dan's face.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Beans Camo・Voice Lines
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● Event: Happy Beans Day (April 27 - May 11, 2020) ● Exclusive Cards: Azul, Jack, Jade, Cater
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Cater Diamond - R
Unlock Card “Something feels a teensy bit off... Maybe we should go patrol around.”
Groovy “Were you surprised to see how reliable I actually am? Just kidding!!”
Home Setting “Maybe I should show you a senior’s pride.”
Home Transitions “As your senior, I’ll tell you all about Happy Beans Day! Pay close attention, ‘kay~?”
“Prefect, I can’t remember—are you athletic? Maybe we should figure out our roles while we’ve got the time.”
“Just because this is your first school event doesn’t mean you need to be nervous! Remember it’s all a game. Let’s have fun~♪”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “This is nice! Feels like we’re all set, right? I’m counting on you, Prefect ♪”
Home Taps “This is our team emblem. It’s designed to look like the feathered hats of those peasants who struck down the monster.”
“I heard the magic harp in Happy Valley was shaped like a beautiful girl. I wish I could’ve seen it~!”
“Jade’s really level-headed, isn’t he? He’s got a super mature way of talking too. Doesn’t really feel like he’s my junior.”
“Don’t you think the popping colors on this uniform are just perfect for Magicam?”
“Are you curious which pocket I stashed my beans in? Let’s see, I wonder which one~”
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Jade Leech - SR
Unlock Card “What do you say we work together? We are on the same Peasants Team, after all.”
Groovy “Bean shooters have an awful lot of power in them. Do take a look.”
Home Setting “My preparations are complete.”
Home Transitions “I would never normally wear clothes with a print this bold on them... I’m a little uncomfortable.”
“Cater will take any opportunity he can to post pictures onto Magicam. That’s a habit I don’t have.”
“Azul has been eager about this since this morning. I’m curious what sort of battle plan he’s come up with... Heheh.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “If you wouldn’t mind, could you come along with me? It’s rather lonely by myself.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You’re really quite peculiar. I’ve started to realize you’re always playing a key role.”
Home Taps “Magic beans whose stalks reach the heavens... If they really exist, I’d like to try growing them as well. They seem like they’d get Floyd excited too.”
“To prevent bias in fighting power during Happy Beans Day, leaders and vices from the same dorms must be on separate teams.”
“Truth be told, I’ve genuinely been looking forward to Happy Beans Day. Is that a surprise to hear?”
“I take off my earring whenever I’m running around. With all this jumping and jostling... You never know if it might catch on something.”
“You seem to be troubled... I promise I’m not hiding anything. I am very much your ally. ...This time.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You want to take a photo for the memories? Heheh, has Cater rubbed off on you? Alright, let’s take one.”
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Jack Howl - SR
Unlock Card “This is the perfect chance to test your strength. I’m going to win this fight with no one’s power but mine!”
Groovy “I’ll get my revenge no matter what... Get ready!”
Home Setting “I’m gonna capture anyone standing in my path!”
Home Transitions “I’m not going to say that I want a fair match. I want to show off all this massive power I have!”
“Beastmen have a sharp sense of smell. So we’re really good at games like Happy Beans Day, where one of the main focuses is finding the enemy.”
“They said these are magic camouflage jackets, but can the enemy really not see them...? What does it look like to you?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You’re really pumped up about this. ...But us Monsters are gonna be the winners.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Have you been keeping up with your fitness? In this game, the key is not just your speed, but also your endurance.”
Home Taps “Beastmen usually wear neckband headphones that clasp around our ears. ...What? It’s not that weird.”
“These uniforms are made with really sturdy material. Heh, so this game’s really that intense, huh?”
“Apparently the peasants that killed the monster didn’t have any special abilities at all. I guess when you’re up against a powerful foe, your tactics are more important than your own power.”
“Azul from Octavinelle... He’s really clever, but everything he says and does always seems to have a catch. I don’t trust him.”
“Oi, quit poking at me. I’m not hiding anything under here.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I’m glad I ended up on the Monsters team. Precise work like aiming beans at a target isn’t really my thing.”
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Azul Ashengrotto - SSR
Unlock Card “Happy Beans Day... I will be the one to take home this win.”
“I’ve been very much looking forward to this day. I don’t believe you have anything to lose being my ally.”
Groovy “You’d like to team up with me? I don’t mind. I’m the sort of man who’s very kind to my connections.”
Home Setting “Stay tuned for the battle plan I’ve come up with.”
Home Transitions “It’s refreshing to see me in outfits like this, isn’t it?”
“Running, jumping, throwing... Athletics on land is all just a game in the end.”
“Next Happy Beans Day, I’m thinking of... Huh? You think it’s too early to start getting ready? What are you saying? It almost feels too late.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You can control your power with your wits. I’ll show you what that means.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I hope we end up on the same team for Happy Beans Day next year. Having you here... seems like it’d come quite in handy.”
Home Taps “The camouflage pattern on our jackets depicts the club the monster was said to have used.”
“The monster that stole the harp possessed exceptional magic power. They say he could instantly transform between a giant and a fly.”
“Some theories suggest that the peasants who killed the monster were in a group of three. Three-man squads do seem to be rather efficient after all.”
“Have you finished all your stretches? You need to warm up before going into battle—er rather, before playing sports.”
“You think I have something in my pockets? Heheh... Some things are better left unknown.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “They don’t have Happy Beans Day where you come from? ...But there’s an event that’s sort of similar? Oh, how interesting.”
Duo Magic Azul: Jack, let’s put our plan into action. Jack: I’ve told you to stop bossin’ me around, Azul!
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