#i got high last night on an edible and that usually fucks me up the next day. and like. i still feel fucked.
wibta if i keep having sex with my friends dad? nsfw warning
i (20s cismale) got invited by my friend (20s nonbinary) to try out some new edibles they made last thursday. this isnt too weird because both of us are unemployed (they get disability, i get money from unemployment, and we both live with our parents) and usually during the day their dad (50s cismale) is at work so we get the house to ourselves. well last thursday was different because i came over late in the night when their dad was home, and he offered to make me some dinner too. i get the munchies really bad so i was immediately like yes please and thank you while i fucked off to my friends room. we played some smash bros while we waited for the cookies to kick in, and when it started to hit his dad called us both out for dinner. dinner was great, and his dad is super chill — so he let us raid his alcohol cabinet. i dont think he knew either of us were stoned for the record (im naturally really quiet/dont make eye contact, my friend sounds high 24/7 naturally) so i dont think he was like trying to get anyone drunk or anything. my tolerance is pretty good but my friends is shit so it didnt take long until they were like blackout drunk and passing out on the couch, while their dad and i were both drunk too (not blackout but pretty drunk, and i was still high) and sitting on the opposite side of the couch next to eachother
important fact about me - i crossdress like femboys or whatever theyre called. i like looking really feminine and cute and confusing people. im not trans or anything like that gender is just a game and i am winning it. but i do tend to dress up in very egirl/goth gf clothes if you know what i mean, and i look pretty convincing ive been told (friend tells me i would pass for ciswoman with the makeup on). i think their dad maybe forgot that i was me (he usually sees me in boy clothes) and he started hitting on me? i didnt think i was gay or bi either until he started doing it and i got really flustered but i didnt stop him? again i was fucked up so the attention felt really nice despite it being my friends dad. but anyways he kept getting closer until he kissed me, and it felt nice so i let it keep going? which was probably super fucked up in retrospect. but anyways stuff gets hot and steamy, their dad doesnt bother lifting up my skirt, one thing leads to another and we have sex. he definitely noticed im not a girl during that (its pretty hard to miss lol) but he didnt stop so we kept going for a while
after we were done he and i passed out on the couch in a kind of awkward position, we both woke up in the morning and i think thats when he realized im me, but he didnt seem to freak out even though hes straight?? or at least i thought he was straight. but we had sex again in the morning and then when my friend woke up we all had breakfast and i went back to my friends room and we hung out more and got high again. while we were though i accidentally spilled the beans to my friend, and they FREAKED out on me and said that i was so gross for doing that, and they cant believe that it happened, stuff like that. they kicked me out of their room and their dad had to drive me home because i was shaking bad from it. but while their dad drove me home i was super pissed and mad and not thinking straight (haha) and so i tried to convince their dad to take a detour so we could fuck again. and he was like, okay sure, so we did?? but now i feel horrible for doing it knowing that it grossed my friend out so much, but i really like their dad and he seems to like me too, and i want to keep banging him :(
What are these acronyms?
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ramhaiba · 2 months
𝖯𝗈𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾 (𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖠𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗎 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)
𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝓃𝑒, 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒
a/n: this is a rewrite of one of my old (and incomplete...) stories! the original
chapter contains: blackmail, kita x reader (side) series contains: college au, sexual themes, violence, kidnapping, tea
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You hated Atsumu Miya since your freshman year of high school. You don’t think you can name one good thing about him. From his annoying voice to his stuck-up personality, you hated it all. 
It wasn’t like he was your biggest fan either- you still remember his dramatic reaction when he found out you’d be going to the same college as him. 
To quote him, 
“Jesus Christ- you obsessed with me or something? Gotta follow me all the way to college too” 
You can barely believe that you used to be his friend before high school, sharing some of your best childhood memories with the former nice boy.
Now, he’s just a scumbag who likes to go out of his way to make you miserable.
But yesterday, was the last straw…
Everyone knew you had a crush on Kita…well- everyone but Kita. 
And Valentine's Day was the day you were gonna man up and finally make a move. You spent all night making chocolates for him…which turned out well- it was edible at least! 
You knew that there was a big possibility that you’d mess up on your words if you verbally tried to confess to him, that’s why you settled for a love letter. You spent hours trying to write that one-page letter. There are at least twenty crumbled-up failed attempts of you trying to write a love letter. However, you settle for the best one, keeping it safely in your pocket. 
Unfortunately, on the day of Valentine's Day- you had a class with Atsumu Miya. At least you also shared that class with a good friend of yours- Usagi. 
You loved that girl but she was one of the girls who fanned over Atsumu. She probably gave one of the hundred Valentine’s chocolates that lay on Atsumu’s desk. 
You walked over to your desk, trying to ignore Atsumu’s bragging about all the love letters he’s received. You settle the chocolates that you made for Kita on your desk, praying that they won’t melt before you give them to him.
“Holy shit what’s that?” Atsumu asked, voice annoying as always, propping his hands on your desk, and leaning over. 
“None of your business” you responded, trying to move the chocolates away from him. 
“She’s going confess to Kita!” Usagi spoke up, the chance to talk to Atsumu being too exciting for her to remain quiet. 
“Usagi!” you yelled, turning your head to look at the embarrassed girl. “S-sorry it just came out” she mumbled. 
Your attention fell back to Atsumu as you heard him laugh. 
“Oh man- I feel so bad for Kita, he’s going to have the ugliest girl on campus confess to him? Talk about social embarrassment am I right?” Atsumu teased, wiping away a tear from laughter. 
“Fuck off for once, Atsumu” you scoffed.  Atsumu paused his laughter, eyes narrowing as he looked at your pockets. “What you got in there?” he questioned. 
“Nothing that concerns you” you replied, shoving your hands into your pockets, probably crumbling the love letter. 
“Well good luck on your little confession, Y/n. You’re gonna need it” Atsumu commented, a sinister smile on his lips as he walked away. 
God- what was he planning? 
During lunch, you were walking to your usual table, holding your tray of food in your hand. Just in a few hours, you’ll be confessing to Kita and god you’re nervous. You keep repeating the same phrase in your head,
The worst thing that can happen is that he says no. 
The worst thing that can happen is that he says no. 
The worst thing that can happen is that he sa-
Suddenly, you felt a strong force bump into you, almost everything that was peacefully lying on your tray spilling onto your shirt, hissing in the uncomfortable feeling of your drink drenching your shirt. You looked up to see that Atsumu was the one responsible for the mess. 
“Asshole, watch where you’re going” you huffed, trying to wipe away the food on your shirt. 
“Wow, I am just so sorry, Y/n” Atsumu commented, giving you a passive-aggressive smile as he tried to help you clean off your shirt. 
“God- I hate you” you replied, slapping his hand away as you stormed away. 
Thank god, your dorm wasn’t too far away- however, you did miss your next class because of your sudden need to change your shirt and shower. 
The clock struck three- it was finally volleyball practice..AKA the time that you’d be confessing your feelings. You stood in front of the gymnasium, chocolates in one hand, the other reaching into your pocket for the letter
Wh-where is it? 
You panicked feeling your empty pocket. Then you heard Atsumu’s voice in the gymnasium, causing you to slowly open the door, and take a peak. 
“Kita, I’m not sure where to start with this letter. There are just so many things I feel for you. Every time I learn more about you- you just manage to make me fall deeper for you. I just get so nervous when I’m around you but excited at the same time. Is this what love is? And I really hope somewhere in your heart you- 
Jesus Christ! this is the comedic goal” Atsumu burst into laughter, holding a letter in his hand that he seemed to be reciting. You felt your heart stop, your blood going cold as you listened to all the laughter in the gym.
Everyone was laughing at you stupid- stupid letter, well...everyone but Kita.
“Who wrote the letter?” you heard Suna asked Atsumu. 
Atsumu looked around the gym, finally making eye contact with you through the gap between the door, 
“Oh, don’t worry ‘bout that, it’s ain't anyone important” Atsumu responded, a smile across his face as he crumbled the paper before throwing it into a trash can.
You ran- you ran all the way back to your dorm room, the tears in your eyes making it hard to see as you crashed on your bed, cursing out Atsumu through the pillow shoved in your face.
The chocolates you made for Kita were crushed and thrown out in your trash can. 
It wasn’t long til your sadness morphed into fiery unstoppable rage. 
You needed revenge- so you came up with the perfect plan.
Unlike most students on campus, Atsumu and Osamu lived in a house nearby- god they were lucky to have rich parents. 
You showed up in front of their house night- it was so late at night that the whole neighborhood was silent. In your hands was a crowbar- 
You thought to yourself, holy fuck this is crazy. But you were so fucking exhausted from all the harassment Atsumu has given to you for years. You had to do this. So you sneaked into their garage, prying it open with a crowbar. 
You knew there was only one thing that Atsumu loved almost as much as he loved himself.
That damn stupid orange car he got for his birthday. 
You remember the countless times when he would drive that expensive car around your house his deafening trashy music blasting from his car. The painful memories of the gas from his car would blow into your face and give you a nasty cough.
You shoved your hands into your pockets, taking out your silver key to your dorm room. 
You hovered your key in front of the door of his car, hands shaking.
“Fuck it” you mumbled, dragging your key across the orange vehicle, leaving a white line on the paint. 
It made your anger and sadness disappear…for a second.
You were painting his car with the scratches done by your trustworthy key for at least ten minutes, getting lost in high of your revenge. 
The sound of footsteps descending downstairs interrupted your high, causing you to dash out of the garage, slamming the door behind you, hiding behind a tree as you heard
Atsumu’s response causes you to laugh back home. Who cares about forgiveness? Revenge is truly the best feeling in the world. 
You were discussing yesterday’s event with Usagi- you told her almost everything besides… your very illegal form of revenge. 
“My beloved, Atsumu did what?” she cried in disbelief. “You mean that monster, Atsumu?” you corrected her. 
“I’m sorry that happened, are you okay?” she asked. “Oh, I am “ you replied, smiling while thinking of the event from last night. 
You turned your head, expecting Atsumu who came to annoy you…instead, it was Kita. “I’m sorry if you’re busy but may I talk to you for a moment?” Kita politely asked. You glanced back at an eager Usagi who was waving you off to shut up and go with him. 
“Y-yeah, sure” you replied to Kita. 
Kita held your hand as he led you to a more secluded part of campus, unaware that you were screaming in your head at the gesture. 
“What did you want to talk to me about?” you asked, praying to god he didn’t find out it was you to write that embarrassing letter.
“Well, I didn’t see you yesterday. So I didn’t have the opportunity to give you this” Kita responded, opening his bookbag, gently taking out a piece of chocolate wrapped in a pink transparent bag. 
I-is this what you think it is? Is this a confessio-
“Y/n, I wanted to tell you that-”Kita said, snapping you out of your flustered thoughts. 
“Oh, Y/n, I found you!” Atsumu sang, waving his hand as he ran up to you. You cringed at the feeling of Atsumu wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “Kita, I need to steal sweet Y/n for a moment. It’s important” Atsumu confessed. 
“If it’s important then I suppose it’d be selfish for me to say no” Kita responded. “Great, she will be back in a flash” Atsumu beamed, tugging you away to a different section of campus.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Couldn’t you see I was busy” you huffed.
“There is nothing more important than spending time with me” Atsumu replied. “You’re such a narcissist” you insulted. 
“And you, sweetheart, are a car wrecker,” Atsumu remarked, stepping closer to you with every word, arms crossed to emphasize his biceps. 
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about” You laughed in disbelief, trying to act dumb. 
“Ain’t I the luckiest man in the world to have security cameras?” Atsumu confessed, a smile on his lips as he waved his phone, a video of you committing the crime on the screen. 
Fuck-fuck- Fuck you’re so screwed. You’re going to get charged with trespassing and Destruction of property. You’re so going to get kicked out of school. 
“W-why haven’t you shown this to the police already” you stuttered, voice cracking, hands shaking at your side. 
“I wanted to give ya a better option” Atsumu hummed. “What are you trying to say” you replied. 
“You’re going to be my sweet girlfriend for a month”
“What? You’re not serious. You hate me like I hate you” you scoffed in disbelief. “Are you going to question me or be a smart girl and take what I’m offering?” Atsumu uttered, leaning over to your ear, his breath heating your neck. 
“Only for a month?” you repeated, hands forming a fist to your side, sucking up your pride. 
“Only for a month” Atsumu confirmed, pulling away to show you his smile. “Fine” you huffed. 
You walked back to Kita, still shaken up from what had just occurred. “Y/n, are you okay? You look worried” Kita questioned, reaching over to hold your hand in his. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. You wanted to tell me something?” you laughed away his concerns. Kita adverted his eyes, a faint red appearing on his cheeks as his lips turned into a subtle smile, 
“I just wanted to know if you had feelings for me…because I admire you. I want to be with you. If you’ll allow me to” Kita confesses, finally having the courage to look back at you. 
You couldn’t believe it, your heart was about to bounce out of your chest until you saw the demon- Atsumu Miya behind Kita, 
“Reject him. “ he mouthed.
Why couldn’t Kita confess next month? 
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teecupangel · 1 year
I wonder if there are times where Desmond could come off as terrifying without meaning too? Like he's just doing something he thinks is mundane, but whoevers near by is like no Desmond normally people don't climb buildings that high. Or no we all aren't professional knife throwers when we are boredly throwing knives
(I have a thing for Outside POVs so here's a pre-AC1!bartender!Desmond being weird and low-key terrifying.
Note: his fake name in this little fic is Derek Milton because he's not that imaginative)
“Hey, Ted.”
“Who was the bartender last night?”
“Oh, you mean Derek? He’s been working here longer than any of us. Pretty chill guy. What’s up?”
“Uuhh… nothing. It’s just…”
“Ooohhh. You got Derk’ed, didn’t you?”
“Got what?”
“Wait. Hey, Laura! Newbie got his first Derk’ed!”
“Congrats, man! You have your bingo card?”
“Bingo card???”
“Here. So Derek’s kind of a weirdo. If you get bingo, you get a free drink on your next shift. So… which one did you see him do?”
“The center says ‘family cult or hippies’?”
“Yeah, that’s a freebie but you gotta look out for that. Mia missed hers ‘cause he just said it and then started talking about edible grass. Oh, that’s the top-left one, by the way. We also count if he talks about edible flowers.”
“The middle right one says BnE?”
“Breaking and entering. But you gotta ask him to do it. Kinda like a consent thing to him. Anyway, if you forget the lock combination of your locker or you locked your car or you’re Jake and your ex locked you out of your apartment after she left you as a final fuck you after learning you fucked her stepmom, you call him and he’ll unlock shit for you free of charge. We usually give him a bag of chocolates as a thank you. He has a sweet tooth. If you really wanna say thank you, he really likes Banoffee pie from Starbucks.”
“Uuuhhh… this one says badass knife?”
“That one is when you see him do cool moves with a knife. You’d usually see it if he’s cutting garnish, especially when there’s like a drunk bachelorette party that he’s trying to impress. They give him extra tips when he’s being flashy.”
“And this… uuhh… kick ass?”
“That’s pretty self-explanatory, I think? Just look out when he kicks anyone out. He’s usually the one who takes out the violent ones.”
“We have a bouncer, right?”
“Yeah but he’s like… a martial artist or something? Anya once saw him kick the ass of a dude three times his size. Anyway, you get that space if you see him kick ass. And, don’t call the cops. We don’t want any cops around here.”
“Uh-huh. I can see why…”
“So, which one’s you saw last night anyway?”
“Uh… he told me not to serve some guys because they were mobsters? Said he’d take care of them?”
“Oh, that counts as ‘badguydar’.”
“It’s like a gaydar but for really bad guys. He can spot them, like, in a flash.”
“……… Are we sure he’s not… ex-CIA or something?”
“… Would you like to join the betting pool we have on that? Highest bet we have at the moment is ‘secret child soldier government program’.”
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12raccoonsinadress · 2 years
Plz do so we need more male reader fics🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
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It's Not Gay If You're High: Sero x Masc!Reader (Smut)
Word Count : 2,333
Third POV
You and Hanta sorta had this thing going on. It was a casual thing that happened about once a week every Friday. You'd both meet up in his room and get high together, then you'd hook up. There was nothing complicated about it and neither of you ever really bothered to put a label on it. It was just kinda... A thing. Truthfully you always found Hanta hot, but you didn't want to mess up the thing you had going on. You were mostly satisfied just getting high and fucking in his dorm room, then cuddling together til the high wore off. And to your knowledge, he liked it that way too.
It was yet another Friday night, so as usual, you grabbed your snack bag and headed over to Sero's room. You didn't bother knocking. He didn't really seem to care anyways. He sat up from his beanbag, grinning at you in that way that made your insides all twisty.
"Hey, man. You ready?"
You nodded, smiling.
"Yeah. I restocked the bag."
"Did you get the good chips this time?"
You reached into the bag and tossed him the bag of honey mustard chips. He laughed a bit.
"You wanna flip the coin for whose top and bottom now or later?"
"Let's do it now."
You dropped your bag by his bed, flopping down onto the other side of the beanbag and leaning back. Hanta pulled a coin from his pocket and flipped it.
"Call it in the air."
He caught it, showing it off triumphantly.
"Guess you're getting fucked tonight, dude~"
You sunk into the beanbag with a bright red blush, grumbling.
"I bottomed last time."
"And it looks like you're doing it again, bottom."
He teased you. You groaned, hitting him with a small cushion that was on the bean bag. He laughed.
"Ok, ok, chill, man. Here."
He held out the plastic bag of gummies.
"I maaay have already taken some."
He chuckled, flopping back down as you took the bag and popped a couple. Hanta put on some music to just vibe while you both waited for the edibles to kick in. You sighed and leaned back. You were both quiet for a minute. Then, Hanta started.
"How would you feel if I invited Denki next time?"
"To what?"
"This. Weed stuff."
You furrowed your brow some.
"What about the sex stuff?"
"We don't have to do the sex stuff, man. We'll just chill."
For some reason, you didn't like that idea. You liked Denki. He was mostly pretty cool and you liked hanging out with him, but this was your and Hanta's thing. Weed stuff and sex stuff. Together. The two of you. Why would that need to change? You spoke in a sort of harsh tone.
"Can't you guys do weed stuff like- some other time though?"
He looked at you kinda funny, chuckling a bit.
"Damn Y/n, I knew you liked my dick and stuff but is that jealousy I smell?"
You blushed hard, and when you spoke in your defense, your voice cracked.
"No! I'm not jealous!"
Sero was surprised by your small outburst, he didn't think you were genuinely upset. His smile faded some. You felt the embarrassment starting to sink in.
"Wait. You're serious?"
"No- fucking- no, man, it's fucking whatever. I don't care. Give me the bag, I'm taking more."
You wanted to forget any of this conversation was happening, but he held the gummies hostage.
"No way. You're gonna tell me why you're acting so weird first."
"I'm not weird. You're weird. Now hand over the drugs."
"I didn't think inviting Denks would piss you off, man. I thought this was just a casual kinda thing. I mean, we never said it was anything else so I just assumed-"
You got up, thoroughly embarrassed and flustered.
"I'm just gonna go chill in my room. Keep the snack bag."
Before you could escape to hide for forever, Hanta had gotten up behind you and grabbed your wrist.
"Dude, wait, let me finish."
"No, it's whatever, I'm sorry I made it weird-"
"Listen. You know if you didn't want this to be a casual thing you just had to ask."
You took a pause.
"I wasn't sure you really swung that way first of all."
He snorted.
"Yeah. I just let you fuck my ass every other Friday because I'm straight. If I've done anything ever to make you think I'm straight, I sincerely apologize, dude."
Well, now you just felt kinda silly. Of course Hanta of all people wasn't straight. He smirked a bit, leaning over you now.
"And I meeeaaan, if you wanted to, I dunno, make this a serious thing I wouldn't be opposed."
If your blush had died down, it was back in full force now.
"Really? Like, actually you'd wanna go out with me?"
He leaned in close to you, close enough to make your heart flutter and your hands start to get sweaty. He spoke in a calm, quiet voice.
"Does this answer your question?"
He kissed you, but not in the rough, sloppy way he'd kiss you when you guys were fooling around. This kiss was different. It was soft and gentle and firm. There was no room left for you to doubt that he was serious about this between you. He broke the kiss, pushing you back into the beanbag chair, making a bit of a bolder move, and climbing on top of you. He pressed his lips back to yours, keeping it innocent for now. Finally, after a long moment, he broke the kiss and looked down at you. You looked back at him completely breathless. He smiled a bit.
"How was that, Y/n? Did I get my point across?"
You'd shove that smug look off his face if you didn't also want to pull that same face back down into another kiss. You huffed softly.
"Yeah, man. I think I get the idea."
He grinned.
He plopped down next to you, wrapping an arm back around your shoulders and relaxing.
"Once the Maryjane kicks in, I'll remind you."
He said with a smirk. You snorted.
"Never call it Maryjane again. You sound like a cop."
He chuckled.
"What would you prefer I call it, fellow kid? Molly? Devil's Lettuce? The Green?"
You elbowed him, laughing. He laughed too.
"Shut up and hand me the snack bag, you nerd."
About half an hour went by as the two of you joked and ate snacks casually, waiting for the edibles to kick in. Hanta sighed, relaxed. You felt that familiar, pleasant feeling sink in. You typically started feeling it before he did anyways.
You looked over at him. He was really pretty. Do you call guys pretty? Well, typically people refer to guys as handsome. It's weird how compliments are specific to how people are. Regardless, Sero was pretty. Not to say he wasn't handsome. The word handsome just seems to imply this specific type of visual aesthetic. You'd say Kirishima was handsome, or, say, Iida. It didn't fit him. The other extreme would be beautiful, and even though you wouldn't say he wasn't beautiful, that word didn't seem right either. You'd say Momo or Todoroki was beautiful. They have that elegance that you'd usually associate with the word. No. Hanta was pretty in the same way you think you could look at Tokoyami or Jirou. It was the subtle ways he just was. The way he existed in space, taking up just the perfect amount of it. The way his laugh wasn't like some romance movie bullshit but was so real yet such a fantasy at the same time.
Your thoughts were swiftly interrupted by the feeling of a soft, wet kiss on your neck. You'd been so zoned out staring at him, you didn't even notice him dip his head down to do that. He chuckled.
"You zoned out, my guy."
He mumbled into your neck. You huffed softly. He continued.
"You just can't get enough of me, can you? Bottom."
You huffed a bit, relaxing into his touch, tilting your head back to give him space.
"Shut up."
You mumbled. He chuckled, climbing on top of you and continuing to kiss your neck lazily. You placed your hands on his waist casually, just for the sake of touching him. He slid his hands up your shirt, pulling it off you with relative ease. You copied him, though he leaned back and pulled it off himself before tossing it aside. You smiled. He was so hot. Not ridiculously built like maybe Satou or All Might or whatever, but he had a nice lean muscle that kept him from being scrawny. He was pretty much perfect in your opinion.
"On your knees, twink."
He joked, slipping his arms under you and attempting to flip you like a pancake. You chuckled, rolling over onto your tummy. He pulled your pants off, getting up to get off his own. You looked back over your shoulder at him.
"Wow, bro. Taking my pants like that? That's pretty gay."
He snickered, climbing on top of you.
"No, no it's not. It's not gay if you're high, dude."
You chuckled. This was nice. It was almost like nothing had changed. Just the both of you goofing around and having a good time together. Perfect.
You were very quickly stopped from having yet another internal monologue by the feeling of your maybe now boyfriend grinding into you. You raised your hips a bit, propping up on your knees. He grabbed your hips, holding them in place, squeezing a bit.
"If we're dating or whatever now, can I officially say this ass is mine?"
You pushed back against him a bit.
"Only if you bottom next time."
"Whaaat, no fair."
"Totally fair."
He (though not really hard) smacked your ass. You gasped, surprised since it wasn't something he typically did. He snickered.
"My ass."
"You are an ass."
He did it again before pulling your boxers down. He chuckled a bit, squeezing your ass. He reached over to the snack bag.
"You brought it right?"
"Yeah, if course I did."
He rummaged around in the bag before pulling out the little bottle of lube. He put some on his fingers, before pushing one into you. You did your best to relax. The whole process was just easier when you weren't tense. He hummed a bit as he worked on opening you up. He wasn't necessarily impatient, but he was definitely excited for this time. This time was different because this time you were his completely. Soon he'd worked up to two fingers, moving at a steady pace. You held on a little tighter to the bean bag, simply enjoying the feeling. Once he was pretty sure you were good, he ditched his boxers, then he paused. You looked back over at him.
"You good?"
He looked at you with a more serious expression.
"Let's get on the bed this time."
"Uh ok."
You got up and so did he. He pulled you over to the bed, pushing you down on your back this time. This was defiantly different. Usually, you guys just did it on the bean bags, and the person on bottom would be on their knees. You gave him a puzzled look.
"I want to see your face this time."
You blushed. He was being more intense than you were used to, but you didn't mind it. In fact, you found it kinda hot. He grabbed a pillow and moved it under your hips so they were raised before he slotted himself between your legs to lean down and kiss you lovingly. You kissed him back. His lips tasted sweet and also like chips, which was kinda nice. He leaned back so he could adjust himself into the right position to start pushing in. You bit your lip, watching him. It was so nice being able to see what he looked like while he did this, seeing how good you were able to make him feel when he did the same for you. He leaned down to kiss you again as his hips slowly started to rock back and forth. You groaned softly into the kiss.
His hands held on firmly to your hips as he slowly but surely started to pick up his pace. He broke the kiss so he could hold a better angle and keep his new pace steady. You moaned out, letting your head tip back and gripping tightly onto the sheets. He half smiled through his own ragged breathing.
"Fuck... I should have had you on your back weeks ago. You're so hot."
You only managed a small groan in response. He let a small laugh as he picked up his pace, going rougher now. He wrapped his hand around your dick, moving it as best he could in time with his own movements. He always made a point of making sure that if you were on the bottom, he got you off first. With the newly added sensation, it wasn't going to take you long to get there. Before too long you were moaning through gritted teeth and cumming in his hand. He worked you through it before letting go and giving it a few more thrusts before he finished too.
You both took a long moment, just breathing. He pulled out, huffing a bit. He grabbed some tissues off his bedside table and clean you up before flopping down beside you.
You both laid there in silence for another minute before he turned to look at you.
He grinned.
"Sooooo, boyfriends?"
You smiled a bit.
"Nah, dude. That's gay."
He rolled his eyes before rolling onto his side facing you and wrapping an arm around you. You leaned up and kissed him. You got really lucky. Your best friend was now also your boyfriend. And you wouldn't change that for the world.
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rottenlittlefink · 4 months
Ummm so I fell asleep high the other night and ended up having a pretty fucking realistic lucid dream?? Weed usually keeps me from dreaming and I haven’t went lucid during a dream since I was in like 2nd grade? More about it under the cut, ig
I’ve never attempted lucid dreaming before because I find it a pretty daunting task for some reason. It just never interested me, which most would maybe find surprising. But I did do a short mindfulness meditation before falling asleep, so maybe that had something to do with it. Wild. I literally never do sleep methods during shifting attempts, as I prefer awake methods + I’m taking a break from shifting rn.
Okay, so, I fell asleep high as giraffe pwu$$ay on edibles this past Friday night after surviving a stressful week + working fulltime. So, then I begin to dream, which is surprising asf! Weed usually keeps me from dreaming (or it just keeps me from remembering my dreams if it’s true that we dream every night, but ANYWAY -) it’s a surprise to me that I didn’t just fall into a dreamless sleep like always. Or when I do dream, it’s just some nonsense. I did do a 10 minute meditation shortly before falling asleep, so I guess that had something to do with it.
So, my lucid dream begins with a pinprick of bright white light in the darkness. Then it gradually increases in size and brightness until it completely overtakes my vision! It didn’t even hurt my eyes?? My eyes are usually pretty sensitive to rly bright light, so this would have hurt. But it was just pleasantly warm??? And it oddly had an old analog tv screen overlay? Like when u stare at it for too long and you can see the RGB color overlay. And then, the bright light lasted for a short while but I still got to rly gaze at it.
This is when I went lucid! Something then told me to start visualizing and affirming and then, gradually, a variation of one of the scenes I usually visualize during my shifting attempts gradually began to fade into view, starting in the dead center of the white light. Something told me to just let go and I just did. Without a second thought. I then began to speak, and guess what! I spoke in my desired voice! And one of my comfort characters was there! And it felt so realistic for a dream. It only lasted for a few minutes but yeah, I genuinely think this dream was from my guides letting me know exactly how easy shifting is and that im over complicating it!
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frogsandfries · 11 months
I started practicing on my graphic novel last night. I've been struggling to figure out how I want to color my graphic novel, and I've figured out that at least one of the things I was lacking was the language of what I wanted to improve on.
I started watching digital illustrators share their coloring process, and I was like, sure that's great for a one-off. I need to color a graphic novel and I can't spend twelve hours on one frame if seven, almost eight, hundred frames is just getting started. I tried to find some graphic novel and comic illustrators, but for a while, all I was able to find was guys who were still doing old-school today on modern computers. The methods they showed seemed painstaking and incompatible with the programs that I have on my android tablet.
It makes sense that I was facing a skill gap, since I have no fucking idea how to color digitally. But I finally, finally found this one guy who was addressing what you're supposed to do with your colored flats. Watching that, first, with all the lassos and aliasing, seemed way too complicated to be quick or quicker, but the way he explained the interplay between highlights and shadows, some things just clicked. Flats should be quick, it's kind of like priming your canvas with specific colors to assist your shading and highlighting. I'd been neglecting my highlights. I could be more aggressive with my actual shadows.
Since I haven't been coloring anyway, what better time to go over aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllll the issue one coloring that is done, and improve it.
So I started. Then I had just a little bit of an edible ands got distracted doing on-the-ground investigation into why someone would bind a fanfic and started reading the fanfic in question.
So far, I still don't understand. Is it....... like a library of Alexandria thing? Like, is it the having something you treasure, and now it's in real-space, and maybe it's safer-ish from the internet? Is it a tribute?
I guess this particular fic has been hand-bound more than a few times, and those individuals did it different to the person who inspired this line of first-hand, serious inquiry. So I guess that's something to think about: Each of these individuals, since they don't have the creator of the fic or a publishing house team to tell them all to do the same thing, with their varying skill levels and patience levels and access to like, printing resources and maybe even formatting resources, are all going to create a unique book. It is kinda pre-print-press, when if you wanted a book, you had to know the owner of the book. If you wanted a copy, it had to be hand-copied.
I'm just trying to imagine going over to a friend's house and pulling a book that maybe looks only slightly out of the ordinary and finding that it's a fanfic, and this book is handmade. I'm trying to imagine what, in some areas, could be the utter frustration of finding a printer to run the job. Like, the city I live in is hardly a printing mecca. We have Office Depot, Office Max, and some over-size printers, and that's about it. Not to bring up my ex-girlfriend like I always seem to do, but in Milwaukee, it felt so easy to find a printer to do quality prints. I guess I'm a little frustrated to live in a city that, while creative, isn't artsy, y'know? Like, there's a creative culture here that is deep, deeply rooted and will resist essentially gentrification. I guess that's essentially what I'm asking for.
I don't make enough time for reading anything. It's usually not fun for me, since I have a bit of trouble focusing my eyes on the specific way you need to do to read. But last night, slightly high, with very interesting content that I probably couldn't personally find on a bookshelf, was pleasant. Of course, I was mostly reading out of the curiosity of why this would be bound.
On the other hand.......... shouldn't most fics get bound offline? Y'know, for the library of congress or other archival purposes.
And then I'm trying to think, like if I'd never had an inkling to try to publish my graphic novel and people were out there, one day in the hypothetical future when it's done, binding my graphic novel so they can pull it off the shelf one day long after I've decided to pull it from the internet or the sites I put it on have become defunct. How would I feel? Would I feel charmed, flattered, embarrassed, annoyed? I can't see myself being angry; that's not really my thing. Someone hand-binding any kind of book is really cool, whether it's a simple journal, an artist book, or a fic. Anything that gets people creating. Making and doing is so good for the soul, especially in a world that wants to make it quaint and out-moded to make and impossible to repair. No one should make, everyone should consume.
Speaking of making, no one is ever going to fan-bind a graphic novel that's less than fifty pages and incomplete, and it isn't going to color itself--although, if it could, that would be fantastic. I used to hate drawing. Now I hate coloring.
I think I will grab some colored pencils next paycheck. I was thinking, if I clean up the lineworks digitally, maybe resize them just a little bit, and especially, turn down the opacity, so instead of being full black, they're more like a ghost-line. Then I could still have at least a lineless look/effect.
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
i just ate 60mg thc
tryna get zooty today and frankly i don’t know how much i should take because i don’t have a full feel for my tolerance this go around. whenever i used to smoke weed, i swear i breathed in more smoke and vapor than i breathed air, so edibles had almost 0 effect on me unless i took a fuck-ton and that would usually make me pass out
got sober for a couple years and only started using weed again a few months ago. i’m in school full time, so i don’t get to vape often during the day, and i even don’t vape as much at night because once my meds kick in i fall asleep pretty quickly
then i only just introduced edibles back into my life a week ago, and that day i believe i ingested ~40mg total, with my dosing spaced out over about 10 hours
took edibles sunday and more edibles monday and i was out of them by tuesday i think? picked up more on thursday. took ~7 that night? friday i took 10mg in the morning, and then in the evening i took more spaces out a bit. this morning i woke up and there was ~63mg left in gummies in the bag i’ve opened, meaning i consumed ~37mg since thursday, most of that being consumed last night
so idek lol. i want to get high as fuck today but i don’t want to fall asleep and i can’t tell how much i should take to reach that perfect place
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#diary#personal#drugs#disordered eating#god i cant fucking tell whats happening at all. i have no clue whats going on. im just fucked#i got high last night on an edible and that usually fucks me up the next day. and like. i still feel fucked.#alcohol#i also drank a beer which made things much worse lmao. whoops. but like everythings blurring together badly.#like. 30 mins ago is actually now and i have no clue whats going on really. its great. but... i wanna be higher.#i want to like. disolve. i dont rly care how. i just really dont wanna exist or feel or do anything anymore.#everything is stressful and hurts.#...i talked to a friend today. and honeslty im not sure how i kept it together.#im both fine and not. is it the drugs? its probably the drugs. wonder why im.always affected so much.#it pretty much terminates my memory which is already fucked.#and like its distorting my perseptions which makes me feel like i both dont exist but also exist too much#i went out on a walk earlier and everything was so bright and pretty and i was just like. is rhis how it usually is?#cuz idk. it never feels like that. everthing always looks so grey to me. eveything always looks greyed out .#i just... try not to look at it all really. but like it felt like i could hear things clearly without just. shrinking.#it was nice. it was really really nice.#self harm#now i just wanna spend the next week in bed hurting myself.#maybe its better doing drugs. cuz i gotta at least leave the bed for money to buy more drugs.#but...if im just depressed or something i just wanna sleep through the day. and week. and month#im not joking when i say i dont wanna exist anymore.#im so tired and overwhelmed with my ocd#i just. somwtimws wanna kill myself.#i think.thats the drugs talking tho bc i was fine yesterday.#but idk. im so out of it. i really wanna chat to a friend but i dont want them to like. have to put up with me whoops#i really hate myself sometimes.#suicidal ideation
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Nonbinary Claire goes to Dean "can I borrow some of your shit my boobs don't go with my outfit today" even though they don't fully come out and he's just. Oh. Okay that's a thing now.
anon i’m in love with you 
(did i tell anybody about the dream i had where i was at a wlw conference, met and started dating kathryn newton, and we both started taking testosterone at the same time? no?)
Dean’s just putting flour in the sausage for his massive batch of biscuits and gravy when he hears footsteps coming down the hallway. He swears lightly; he thought he’d have at least another half hour before anyone was up (except for Sam, but he’d already gone out for his run and Dean already made up his stupid little green smoothie for him). The biscuits wouldn’t be out for fifteen minutes. 
“Hey, look who’s up early!” he turns and greets Claire in a caricature of a jovial parent. She’s still dressed in her plaid pajama pants and one of Kaia’s overlarge sweatshirts, this one with the random name of St. Mary’s College in Indiana emblazoned across the front. Her hair’s a rat’s next as per usual at this time of day, and it manages to cover up her grimace at Dean’s high volume so early in the morning.  “Damn, you look like shit. You and Kaia party last night?”
She gives him a look. “We’re in an underground nerd bunker in the middle of bumfuck Kansas, how are we supposed to party here?”
 Dean shrugs. “I dunno, Sam, Cas, and I have never had trouble.”
 “Yeah, well, you’re old.”
Dean throws a towel at her which, being a towel, ends up three feet short. She snorts. He turns back to his sausage and adds some milk. “Well, hate to break it to you, kid, but we’re still like ten minutes out from any of this being edible.”
There’s a weird moment of silence, but Claire jumps into it after a beat so Dean thinks he must’ve imagined it. “Oh that’s fine, I was gonna shower first anyway. Nah I just wanted-” she starts over again, her voice taking on a newfound casualness that Dean recognizes as forced. “Can I borrow some of your shit?” she weights the word shit with some kind of meaning Dean is baffled by. “My boobs don’t go with my outfit today.”
Oh. That kinda shit. Dean freezes for a second, back turned and mind trying to scroll through all his interactions with Claire to see if he’d missed a coming out. Nope, definitely not. So this was it, then. Fuck he loved this kid. “Oh, yeah, uh, sure thing,” he turned the burner down to simmer and strode past Claire, waving her to follow him back to his room so he could dig through his drawers. “Alright, my newest ones’re probably too big for ya but I think I’ve got a couple of old ones in the...” he reaches blindly into the back of his drawer and digs around. He can feel Claire shifting behind him, looking anywhere in his room but at what he’s doing. He pulls out a small black binder a little streaked with deodorant and tosses it to her. Another tan one gets thrown her way a second later, this time a half tank style, and she only catches that out of instinct. She looks up at him.
“You can keep those. Not like I’m gonna shrink back to that size anytime soon.” he grins, and she grins back at him. 
“Yeah, I noticed.” she sends a scathing look to his stomach, and he narrows his eyes at her. 
“Hey!” he points a finger. In the back of his mind is his memory of the first time he’d bound his chest, hidden in a shitty motel bathroom, and slept in the tub so he could be in a room with a lock, in case John came home early. He’d woken up in a panic attack in the middle of the night with sore ribs and no air in his lungs. “No sleeping in them, take ‘em off after 8 hours, and don’t even think about trying to run in one.”
She rolls her eyes at him then salutes. “Aye aye, cap’n.” Then, “You think I run?” she scoffs. She moves to leave ahead of him, then pauses in the doorway. “Thanks.” she says quietly. 
“No problem.” She starts off down the hallway and he calls after her quietly. “Hey, do I need to be calling you anything else?”
She turns halfway around. “Nah. Wouldn’t mind if you called me they either though.” 
He grins. “Okay. I can do that.” She nods and keeps going. “And hey, absolutely no fucking hunting in those either!” He whisper-yells at their back. They wave him off and disappears into their room.
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Smoking 🍃 w/ Your Boyfriend Fred Weasley...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader  Prompt: Thought this was an interesting idea since I think we can all agree the Weasley Twins were def dealers lol
 (I’m still on vacation I just had this one in my drafts so I finished it up)
Warning: mature, sexual, weed, smoking, swearing, probs more.  If mentions of drugs makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t like it, don’t read this please! as implied by the title, this is literally all about what smoking with Fred Weasley would include 
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-      Okay lets face it
-       Everyone and their owls know Fred and George Weasley were the best, most trusted, ‘flower’ dealers in Hogwarts 🍃🍃
-       You knew this before you started dating Fred
-       It just came as a bonus after getting together
-       Fred and George are almost always a little high
-       They sell carts, wax, edibles and flower
-       Like they’ve got it all, and the best quality
-      Their edibles are only for the brave; half the time you get an out of this world high, and other times, your skin is bright pink for a week from their trick
-       Lee Jordan also helps them with sales, the three of them are by far the biggest stoners in your year- probably in the whole castle
-       Seeing as most Slytherins’ did lines in the bathroom and in their dorms, Fred and George hardly sold to Slytherins
-       Most of the money the twins make goes towards saving for their dream joke shop
-       But Fred loves to buy you gifts when he has the chance
-       Like flowers, a bracelet, butterbeer, candies, books, etc.
-       He adores spoiling you
-       Fred never makes you pay if you wanna pick up from him
-       But he usually prefers you smoke with him or him and George
-       “You’re just so adorable when you’re high, sweetheart, I don’t wanna miss a thing. Plus, I’m scared you’ll tweak like a minx if you’re alone.”
-       Munchies galore
-       You guys will smoke late at night in their dorm with Lee
-       George is the designated snack man and will sneak into the kitchen before your smoke session
-       Lee shoves towels under the door and closes the vents
-       You would probably be the one enchanting the room so the smell doesn’t get out, but Fred really couldn’t care if anyone smelled it
-       You’ll usually smoke out the window, then trudge over to Fred’s bed and plop onto of him
-       “Jeeze, I think someone took one too many hits.”
-       Fred, George, and Lee will mess around, laughing loudly as they pass a blunt amongst the group
-       If it’s your first few times smoking, you’d probably just sit in Fred’s lap on the ground, staring off at the floor
-       Fred loves to tease you when you’re high
-       “Earth to Y/n- come back to us please.”
-       “Lovie, you’re eyes, they’re bloodshot as hell!”
-       Lots of kisses
-       You guys don’t make out too much after smoking as it’s nearly impossible for the both of you
-       Dry mouth is a bitch
-       Fred is vvv handsy when high
-       Like he needs to be touching your skin somehow
-       Whether he places you on his lap with his arms around you
-       Or laying together in his bed
-       Or holding hands on your walk back to the castle after smoking in the forest
-       Likes to pinch your butt when you’re walking up the stairs
-       He doesn’t really like when you’re high in public
-       He can tell when you’re nervous and start getting fidgety, so he’ll ask you to go on a walk with him to calm you down
“Angel, let’s go to the lake, yeah? Think you could use some fresh air, love.”
-       Fred will help you if you’re using a bong
-       “Here, love, just breathe it in until I tell you to stop and I’ll lift the top.”
-       Whoever coughs first is labeled as a ‘little bitch’ according to George
-       Fred scolds Lee and George when they try to make fun of you for coughing
-       Like will murder them with his eyes and slap ts out of George’s arm
-       “Leave her alone… you know she doesn’t smoke as much as us… it’s completely normal, darling.” “Merlin’s sake, Fred. We’re just teasing her, mate. I think you could use the hit next him, maybe it’ll calm your hormones.”
-       George and you will have heated life debates
-       “No, George! Dinosaurs were here before people!” “That is not true, Y/n. Humans ruled the earth before those vicious stompers came roaming about. The dinosaurs- or should I say dinomurders- they killed all of humanity! They stomped on them, trapped the kids in those jeeps trying to eat them and ruined the kid’s fun and made destroyed the theme park-“ “George… that’s Jurassic Parks. It’s a fucking movie, you git.”
-       Fred likes to wrap his Gryffindor tie around your head and putting his sweaters over you “Aw, you look so cute, darling. I love seeing you in my clothes but my favorite thing is seeing you with nothing on at all.” “Fred! You can’t say that in front of George and Lee-“ “Oh believe me, Y/n. We sleep only feet away from you two- we’ve heard a lot worse. A lot worse.”
-       You guys will just lay around laughing for most of the night
-       You favorite times were when Fred and George would start talking about their childhood and sharing hilarious stories
-       George likes to mess with Fred when he’s high
-       For example
-       He’ll throw his arm around you and lazily lean into your side
-       Fred would watch closely from only a few feet away
-       George would then whisper into your ear, causing giggles to erupt from your chest
-       Which makes Fred jerk in annoyance
-       The weed didn’t help control his jealous- it magnified it if anything
-       Typically, he wouldn’t care since he knew George and you were extremely close friends
-       But Fred always got a little more… horny and possessive when the weed hit his bloodstream
-       Fred would pout until you noticed him and would comfort him
-       “Freddie, what’s wrong, bubba? You look so sad, aww.”
-       His jealously would diminish the second you moved away from George to his side
-       He loves when you hold his hand
-       Your favorite thing to do when high is play with his red, vibrant hair or when he would stroke and pet yours
-       Fred likes to attempt a braid in your hair
-       But he just ends up twisting two strands of hair in a coil then wrapped your black hair tie at the end
-       The gleeful, proud look on his face afterwards melted your heart so much you couldn’t tell him he failed miserably at a braid
-       You guys will place bets on who will slump first
-       It’s usually you or George
-       Fred and Lee will stay up until morning talking about life, school, quidditch, life goals, and anything else
-       Nights that you did get high with Fred in his dorm, he’d always insist that you sleep in his bed
-       He didn’t like taking the risk of you walking alone to your dorm room and risk getting caught
-       The last thing he wanted was you in trouble when he could’ve prevented it
-       You guys like to sneak into the kitchen after hours and make edibles together
-      Preferably marshmallow bar edibles or cookies
-       You liked to bring things with you for your smoke sessions with the twins
-       Like coloring books
-       A blanket, since Fred only sleeps with two which just seems criminal
-       A water bottle !!! this is a must
-       And some vanilla cherry Chapstick, Fred’s favorite
-       Fred’s favorite spot to smoke in along the Black Lake at night
-       Coming here with Fred will usually end with the both of you swimming in the lake
-       Whether it’s because he pushed you, you pushed him, or it was decided in the moment mutually that midnight was the perfect time for a swim
-      You liked smoking out by the lake as it was relaxing and fun with Fred
-       But you much preferred his dorm- it was the safest option by far
-       Fred loves getting high alone with you
-       Typically in his room as your roommates didn’t want people constantly in and out of the room as where Fred, George, and Lee were used to it
-       They made a handful of sales from their dorm room
-       Like a sinful amount 
-       It was by far the easiest way
-       Fred would light some candles before you arrived
-       A variety of sweets and snacks were sprawled against his bed
-        And warm fuzzy socks laid out for you 
-       He’d pack the bowl, then open the window
-       A blanket was thrown across the ledge so you could sit more comfortably
-       “What a gentleman!”
-       After smoking, Fred would carry you back to his bed
-       Most nights, you guys would just cuddle and whisper to each other
-       Fred never misses an opportunity to kiss you
-       On your lips
-       Forehead
-       Cheek
-       Nose
-       Neck (which will usually lead to something else with this boy)
-       Anywhere
-       Continuously giggling all night
-       Fred and you share your high thoughts
-       “But, just hear me out here. Is there another word for synonym?”
-       “Babe, who do you think came up with the alphabet? And how the fuck did they put the alphabet shit in alphabetical order.” “Darling, I am way too baked to even remember what fucking goes in an alphabet.”
-       High sex
-       Fred makes you feel so comfortable
-      Compliments you profusely 
-       Lot of laughing
-       He lovesssss going down on you when you’re both baked
-       Cause you make the cutest little noises, euphoria taking over your sense
-       He can stay down there for hours just basking in your sweet moans
-       Favorite is missionary so he can see every reaction gracing your face
-       Is only brave enough to try new sex adventures when he’s either high or drunk
-       Discovers that you both very much so enjoy his hand wrapped around your neck as he thrusts into you
-       And when you get on top
-       His touchy side comes out the most in these moments
-       Sloppy sex
-       But still vvvv fulfilling and pleasurable
-       He’ll whisper in your ear as his pace quickens
-       “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. So pure but so dirty just for me.”  
-       “Merlin, you’re bloody breathtaking with my fingers in your mouth, angel.”
-       “Freddie, you feel so good.”
-       You both finish within a matter of minutes, never lasting long when in this state
-       “…That was the best sex I’ve ever had, ever.” “Fred, lovie, you say that every time we have sex.”
“Cause it just keeps getting better and better!”
-       Cuddling for the rest of the night
-       Always making sure you’re dressed before George or Lee turn in for the night
-       Fred would fall asleep first when it was just the two of you
-       He talks in his sleep, nearly every hour he’d mutter something
-       In an odd way, you found it comforting
-       Especially when it’s your name he’s mumbling
-       Falling asleep in Fred’s arms
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bigtiddies44 · 3 years
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Summary: You get a new tutor and he looks pretty innocent and harmless. Boy were you wrong.
Pairing: Jungkook x female character
Genre: Smut, FWB!au, University!au, Fuckgirl!au, F2L!au
Wordcount: 1k words
Authors note: I really worked hard on these chapters and I hope you enjoy. Feedback and tips on how to improve my writing is appreciated by the way.
Chapters: Prologue , Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Side stories: Drabble #1
You wake disoriented trying to figure out where the hell you are. Soon you realize you’re in your bed and relax. You’re still a little bit high from that edible you ate last night. Eyelids are still heavy as hell and with your sense of touch being delayed you get up and drag your body out of bed. The moment you stand up your legs start shaking and the area is between your legs is sore. You wince knowing exactly why and keep making your way towards the room door to open.
Waddling into the kitchen you see your roommate Min Yoongi with an open water bottle in his hand. He watches you with a raised eyebrow noticing how your walking.
“Hey, Ms. Penguin.” You flick him off and open the fridge grabbing a water bottle of your own.
“So where were you at the party?” He asks taking a quick swig of his water
“Just hung out. Took an edible from a random Freshman you know the usual. What about you?” You lean against the counter across from him opening the water bottle and chugging it. You hear him hum making it very obvious he didn’t believe you but answered your question.
“Almost got in a fight with a guy. Got shit-faced you know the usual.” He sees your legs shaking and snickers. “Somebody blew your back out.” He cackles loudly”.
“Don’t start,” you warned but of course as usual Yoongi keeps going.
“Look at your legs bro. He fucked you up.” He keeps laughing.
My cooch is hurting and this man thinks it's a laughing matter. I didn’t laugh at him when he came back from his dick appointment why he gotta do it to me.
You slam your now closed water bottle on the counter, “You know what I don’t have to take this. I have important business to take care of.” You turn around and waddle out of the kitchen making him laugh even louder.
“The fucking waddle!” He continues to laugh as you walk out of the kitchen and as fast as possible you go to your bedroom. You soon realize that you have a tutoring session today with Jungkook. Jungkook. That name made your head spin. He was so different last night the complete opposite of what you saw in your first session together. It sent chills down your spine just thinking about it. That was a dangerous man and you’re not gonna sit here and act like you didn’t want it to happen again. Cause you certainly did.
You sigh shaking yourself out of your thoughts. Heading to the bathroom you take a quick shower and throw on an old hoodie and some sweats. Starting your journey to the library making sure to tell Yoongi bye. 
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After a short walk, you finally make it to the library on campus and you find Jeon in the far back waiting for you scrolling on his phone and you walk towards him. 
Look at his little outfit man. How can he walk around looking so innocent when he was all up in my ear last night calling me all kinds of names. That man is a demon.
You sit down making your presence known and his face goes red when he sees you.
I know this fool isn’t blushing.
“Hey.” He says nervously. 
Oh, fuck off!
“Hey.” You reply casually
“How are you today?” He asks.
“Pretty good. My legs really hurt though. They won’t stop shaking for some reason.” You tease him looking him straight in the eye. He blushes and quickly looks away trying to hide a smile almost like he’s proud of himself or embarrassed you can’t really tell. He doesn’t even say anything just moves on to starting the lesson.
“Um, so what exactly do you not understand?” He was fighting back a smile, face as red as a tomato.
“Pretty much all of it. Everything around first quarter I understand, but for this quarter every single unit has been kicking my ass.” You turn to look at him and notice his face has gotten more serious nodding his head at your words. You can see the gears turning in his head.
He grabs some of the textbooks on the table, “I think the best thing to do is just go over every units we’ve done so far this quarter.” He pushes four thick-ass textbooks toward you. You look at them trying to figure out how you’re gonna get through all of these but Jungkook interjects already knowing what you’re thinking. “I know it seems like a lot but it’s worth it. Today we’re just gonna go over the first unit though.” He pulls out one of the books in the stack. “Get your notebook out.” you already know this man is about to get to work. 
He explains every detail he needs to and makes sure that you write down the important information. He got so into it he pulled his sleeves up getting close to you and pointing out sentences in the textbook. You got distracted every now and then watching how his eyebrows would furrow when he reading certain paragraphs. This man was so just mesmerizing one second he’s all timid and shy the next he’s got you face-first in a mattress. The biggest challenge you’ve had to face when it comes to any guy you’ve dealt with.
“Alright, we’re pretty much out of time.” He leans back in his chair, “I want you to go through the rest of this textbook and take some notes before our next session.” you nod your head. You finish packing up and just as you’re about to say bye he starts talking, “Y/n, can I talk to you about something before you go.” you turn to him already knowing what it is.
“Yeah, what’s up.” he stands there for a couple seconds trying to get himself together before he speaks.
“About last night.” He scratched the back of his head nervously.  “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.” You knew what he meant by “hang out” and you couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness. 
“Honey I don’t do relationship.” His shoulders sag in defeat but it doesn’t last long as soon as he notices you walking towards him with a mischievous look in your eye. “But that’s doesn’t mean that I don’t wanna fuck you again.” He looks at you confused as you get closer to him. “And I have a feeling that you wanna do it again too,” you whisper to him and you can tell he’s holding his breath. “Am I right?” he nods his head looking you in your eye and you notice something, his eyes don’t look as innocent anymore. It’s the same look he had last night and your legs almost go weak. 
“Call me anytime you want.” You look down and see the erection he’s sporting through his skinny jeans and smile. “You’ve got my number.” You grab your backpack and walk away.
 Leaving him to deal with that little situation you caused.
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thismaydestroyme · 3 years
Hi bbyyy! Prompt request here: 63, 58, 70 and 65 🥳 Good luck!! No rush, ofcc 💖
63: “Do I really want to know?”
58: “What kind of sick dream is this?”
70: “Not our brightest idea.”
65: “I volunteer myself to go last.”
It’s a Friday night you and Harry always try to make time for Bill. You’ve known Bill for the longest time. You introduced Bill to Harry because Bill is very protective over you and he wants to make sure that Harry isn’t going to hurt you. When they finally met two months ago they instantly clicked. It felt like they were supposed to find each other. Now all they want to do is hang around and get drunk and that’s what your Friday nights usually consist of.
You hear a knock at your small apartment door which Harry doesn’t like because according to him, ‘I need a bigger place.’ Who’s going to tell him that being a body piercer doesn’t make that good of a money where you can have a big ass window where it can touch the ground and the ceiling. “Hey.” You greeted Harry by opening the door so he could walk in. “Hey baby.” Harry said, giving you a kiss on your plump lips. Tonight he tastes minty.
“Did you get the stuff?” You asked him. He dropped the brown bag on your coffee table and sat down on the brown old couch you found on the street when you were moving into this damn apartment. “Nope. I just decided to bring a bag and have it empty.” He said mockly. You roll your eyes and you walk up to the coffee table to see what he has collected for us. Two bottles of Tito and Altoids?
“Open it.” He said amusedly.
You put your hand inside the bag to see what’s inside. If it’s fucking Altoids you will beat his fucking ass. You open the lid and you notice six red gummies. You turn around to look at your boyfriend. He's already staring at you all smugly. “How much?”
“15? What the fuck?! That’s nothing. You know it’s hard to get us that high and especially that we are sharing we’ll only get two each.” You said putting the edibles down, stomping your foot and planting your ass next to Harry. “That's all I got. Stop being a brat.” He said. You let out a whine because you wanted more.
Harry was getting sick of you complaining so he grabbed your face making you have to stare at him, “I think you should stop fucking complaining right now or you will be sorry. Now apologize. Right now.”
“Sorry daddy.” It wasn’t very audible of how strong Harry is smooching your cheeks with his fingers.
“That’s what I thought.” He said all sinisterly.
You and Harry are on the couch, your head on Harry’s lap. You only had one shot and Harry had two and right now you both are just enjoying each other company until Bill arrives. There’s a knock at the door that has you feeling your heart drop in your ass because you were too in the moment.
“People need to start just texting me when they arrive.” Pulling yourself up and having Harry chucking at your remark. You walk up to the door. “Hey darling.” Bill said, leaning down to give you kisses on your cheeks. Bill looks over Y/N and licks his lip making eye contact with Harry. After Bill finishes greeting you, he walks towards Harry which leaves you closing the door and walking back to the living room.
Bill just stood there gawking at the goods Harry brought. “How much is it?” Bill said, making eye contact with the edibles.
“15.” You and Harry said together.
Bill nodded his head and sat down next to Harry. You sat right next to Bill. Bill is between you and Harry. “I missed you.” Harry said looking at Bill playing with his cuticles. He does that a lot when he’s nervous. “I know.” Bill said, glancing at Harry giving him a smirk.
“So,” Bill clapped his hands together, rubbing it back and forth. “are we ready to get semi high together?” Bill grinned at both of you guys waiting for your responses. You and Harry nodded. Bill leans forward to grab the tin where it holds six of our edibles.
You, Bill, and Harry took the edibles and now all of you guys are drinking Tito. The edibles aren't too strong for you guys because all three of you guys built up your tolerance so drinking vodka isn’t something you should be worried about.
“We should play a game.” You said having your head on Bill’s lap this time while he plays with your hair. You don’t know what Harry is doing but you’re pretty sure he’s okay because he hasn’t said anything for a while. He tends to get quiet when he’s under the influence. He worried that he might say the wrong thing.
“What should we play?” Harry said.
“Umm… I don't know. Maybe Truth or Drink?” You said just throwing ideas around. Not sure if they’ll agree to it.
“Sure. Why not,” Bill agreed, “however, I volunteer myself to go last.” He said laughing, throwing back the little liquid he had left in his glass.
“Okay.” You said trying to have your thoughts sorted out. “Harry.” You said waiting for Harry to respond, but he only gave you a hum to show that he’s listening. “What was the last dream you had that made you think it was real.” You said staring up at the ceiling fan waiting for Harry to respond. After a couple of seconds passed and not hearing Harry respond to that question, that piqued your interest. “Harry.” Bill said, also noticing it’s taking Harry way too long to answer. You got up to see Harry's facial expression. You weren’t expecting for Harry to be looking down, chipping his black nail polish which you helped him paint a couple of days ago.
“Harry! Why aren’t you answering?” You laughed not sure why it’s taking him so fucking long. “Do I really want to know?” Bill asked just being a nosey little creature that he is. “It’s embarrassing.” Harry finally said, still not looking at you or Bill.
“What kind of sick dream is this then?” You are even more curious because Harry isn’t the shy kind. He isn’t afraid to share what he is thinking, but this time around he is.
“Harry, if you don’t want to tell us you don’t have to. Just drink. However, if you do decide to share… then just know we’re not going to judge. You should know that by now.” Bill said reassuringly. Bill is good at making people feel comfortable when he’s in the room. That’s why he’s your best friend.
“Fine.” Harry finally said. “I won’t go into great details but maybe a month ago I had a dream that we had a threesome. By ‘we’ I mean you, me, and bill involve. It felt so real. Too real. That’s it.” Harry rushed out his word and went back to ruining his nails which you painted. There was silence after Harry said that. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but there was silence.
“It wasn’t our brightest idea to play this game.” Harry said, feeling afraid that he might have ruined the vibe. His friendship with Bill, and losing his girl. He wished that he never opened his mouth but he did. Now he has to sit with that idea that he ruined all good things.
“That’s hot.” Bill said. Leaning forward to have the Tito bottle. He put his mouth on the bottle, swinging the bottle back so he could drown that thirst he didn’t know he had. “I’m down if you two are done.” Bill said, placing the bottle between his spread legs while you’re just staring at Harry. Harry isn’t staring at you because he was worried what you would think of him.
“I’m down too. Sounds like fun to me.” You said. Harry whip his head so he can look at you.
“What do you think Harry?”
send me more prompts.
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stableoftheunstable · 3 years
a/n: this hasn’t been proofread so good luck :D
inspo for this was someone on tumblr 😓😓
warnings: degrading and slapping is heavily used, swearing, smoking,
stoner eren >>> 😁😁
for music vibes:
The light of your phone gleamed with a text that read "you coming?" Briefly you glanced at your phone before replying with a simple "yeah, be there in 5" grabbing your stuff off your bed you headed for the door and quickly you glanced at yourself in your mirror, your old joggers and random hoodie you found on the floor stared back at you in the mirror. You briefly sighed before leaving your dorm room, after hopping down the stairs you reached Connie's dorm, before you could even knock the door swung open almost as whoever opened it could hear your enduring footsteps and to no surprise Jean lured over you, his eyes almost pierced through your skin, "you look hot" he said as he shot you a cheesy grin. "oh, shut up you perv" your eyes rolled before you pushed him aside, "eesh... sucks to be you Jean," Connie's voice echoed as you walked further into the room. Sasha and Connie laid on the ground unbothered by what was going on around them and Eren sat on Connie's bed scrolling through his phone.
Without a care you collapsed onto the bed next to Eren, his icy eyes peered at you before gently sighing and went back to scrolling through his phone. "Are we getting high or what, I got places to be." he asked clapping his hands together, Connie shot his head up and directed Eren towards the container kept in a spare draw. "sure, he does," Sasha whispered to Connie followed by the two of them laughing. Fascinated your eyes stayed fixated on Eren's movements, his hair was thrown in a messy bun and the rings on his fingers clanked on the containers.
"You can stop staring y/n" Sasha giggled before throwing food into her mouth. Awkwardly you mimed towards her to shut up, " ew jeager? You could do better," jean snickered , Eren rolled his eyes at him and went to respond before he was interrupted "Like you're any better" Connie chuckled adding in his two cents with Sasha cheering him on before sitting , "Bro you literally have no hair," Jean snapped towards him, you and Sasha snicker at Jeans remark as Connie murmured "shut up..," Eren slid back next you and pulled out the grinder from the container, "you roll?" Eren asked with his azure eyes looking down at you "Of course she can't, she doesn't smoke like that" Connie uttered, the rest of the group laughed as you kept your face stern. He wasn't wrong you've only smoked a few times and had a few edibles but never actually made it. Eren furrowed his eyebrows awaiting your answer.
With no idea if you actually could you nodded as Eren slid he tray onto your lap, aimlessly you stared at the tray your eyes grew wide as you tried to remember all the times you've seen Connie do it. Noticing your blatant confusion Eren laughed before taking the tray back "I'll do it for you, don't worry princess" he softly chuckled as you felt yourself crawl back into your skin due to embarrassment, as much as you don't want to get butterflies over one of your oldest and closest friends, but you couldn't help but melt under his voice and the little pet name he called you, you and Eren sat their aimlessly looking at each other with what felt like pure and utter lust.
"Listen lovebirds, eye fuck in your own time" Jean sneered looking at you and Eren, his face displaying his clear jealousy. In the far corner of the room Connie and Sasha who laughed what appeared from Connie's phone. They looked more like a couple than ever his head laid in her lap as she circled his lower back, you couldn't help but feel jealous. Not at them but at what they had with each other it was cute to be honest, they'd always seem happy together and honestly went hand in hand it was a shame they didn't just commit.
Eren rolled the blunt in his calloused hands, his eyes fixated on aligning everything right every breath he exhaled was softer than the last, his tongue tried to lick along the rolling paper however his piercing kept getting slightly in the way. Eren turned towards you and asked, "do you mind just licking across for me?" His slightly hooded eyes locked into yours he brought it towards your mouth as hesitant as you were, you swiftly licked the paper catching some loose specks of weeds on your tongue, you could see his gentle smirk as he looked down on you, the silver if his tongue piercing peaking through. "Thanks, beautiful" he whispered before rolling the joint. Your stomach churned as butterflies fluttered violently his thanks making them worse, your cheeks violently blushed.
The reflection of the rings on his finger showed a bright gleam as they wrapped around his index finger, the loose sleeve of his hoodie rolled up and a fresh tattoo peered from his sleeve, a Japanese dragon swarmed up his forearm with his veins lightly popping up leaving them on display, his hair was thrown up into a sleek messy man bun showing a freshly cut undercut that shaped his face. You couldn't help but stare at him in all this glory as much as you hate to admit he looked attractive as the lights of Connies room hit him or maybe it was how late it was? But something pulled you into the idea of him, breaking rules, risking it all just for each other.
By the time you finished swatting the ideas of him from your mind, Eren was done with wrapping the blunt and searched for a lighter. Jean noticed your infatuation with Eren "Eren, do you clean your tongue piercing after every bitch you fuck?" Jean spat out; his face screwed towards Eren.
Why was he being so hostile?
You had no clue, yes you had a thing? But that was so long ago, like years ago. Sasha abruptly lifted her head and b-lined her eyes to meet with yours, the two of you tried your hardest to communicate with each other trying not to draw attention to yourself.
Looking at Jean in utter disgust, "No shit bitch. Of course, I do. Do you wash your hands every time your fingers are deep in a girl?" Eren found the lighter and sat back down. After Eren's words the room fell flat "Jean please tell me you do." Connie questioned scared of the answers he may get back. The room paused and all your faces turned to Jean waiting for the obvious response of yes and yet no reply. "BRO, even I wash my hands" Sasha uttered after going over her words, "What do you mean 'even I wash my hands' huh?" Connie asked lifting his head from Sasha's lap. Sasha's eyes dilated in worry before swiftly saying "I meant 'I'd' !!". Connie, still naive as ever got rid of his confused face and laid back in her lap making Sasha look up and mouth 'thank god' before diverting everyone's attention back to Jean. You giggled at Sasha catching on what she was saying followed her lead on diverting the attention. "That's just so wrong... all the times I took stuff from your hands-" you couldn't help the look that grew on your face. "I usually just shove my fingers in her mouth. You know? Let her take care of it" Jean stammered. "And it gets worse... Jean stop talking" Connie shook his head in disbelief. "Jeez I'd hate to be the girl fucking you wow" you stated, "Just for that you're getting this blunt last," Eren voiced.
Following from his words Eren pursed his lips and lit the blunt in his mouth, he softly inhaled allowing the smoke to filtrate his lungs before he exhaled it all back out and his back slumping along with it, the smoke blew in your direction clouding your sight. Through the smoke Eren's hand reached out to you with the blunt intertwined in his fingers, without hesitation you picked it up and placed it upon your lips you tried to inhale but you felt the smoke roll to the back of your throat causing you to cough it all back up, choking on the smoke laughter from Sasha and Connie echoed throughout. Caving of embarrassment, you handed the blunt to Sasha while trying to regain the saliva back to your mouth. As the smoke cleared Eren asked if you were okay as your eyes drew tears from the failure of inhaling. "You need to relax your body y/n, otherwise it'll roll back" After being passed round in a circle the blunt ended back in Eren's hand.
"Wanna try something?" he asked, the huskiness of his voice coming through. Trusting him you nodded "Follow my lead okay? Don't tense up okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Eren pulled you closer towards him his cologne radiating onto yours, he took a long hit from the blunt and instead of exhaling he approached your slips and slowly blew smoke into your mouth. At this point you were inhaling the smoke at the same time he blew it towards your mouth. Your body almost froze. You felt beyond intoxicated, Eren rested his empty hand on your bottom lip, slightly pulling it down make it available to intake the smoke. He pulled away revealing the cheesiest grin you've ever seen him have, Eren tilted his head down to your ear and whispered "Good job princess" before passing the blunt to someone in the midst.
A "holy fuck" slipped from Sasha's mouth as the smoke draped into your mouth, your head filled with thoughts, wishing you could of edged closer to just kiss him. Despite the thoughts you could feel the high start to hit, you traced your fingers up Eren's bare forearm all the way to his lips and dragged it back down. The whites of his eyes were being dragged by the redness his high pulled on, his hands clung to your waist as you fell onto his broad shoulder. Despite Eren clearly being high he still took his turn hitting it. Each time your body moved along with his. Through the midst you saw Sasha whisper to Connie "But its MY dorm" Connie complained as the two of them stood up with Jean following, "Oh shut up just stay at mine for the night, Hitch is out, "Sasha winked towards you and mouthed 'call me' before closing the door behind her, leaving you and Eren alone.
Eren's fingers circled your waist ever so lightly, barley caressing your skin, you let out a giggle as his touch tickled at your skin, You peered up at his high blue eyes that looked down at you. The sexual tension grew as you sat in silence. Your mind stayed racing at the thoughts of him, noticing your infatuation Eren moved his had from your waist to your neck his hands wrapped around your neck softly, the warmth of his hands engulfed your neck as the silver rings that wrapped around his fingers sent shivers down your spine. Your eyes followed his veins up his arm before he softly used his index finger to lift your chin up and made your eyes align. Icey blue eyes aligned with yours ; they went from a timid shadow almost into an intoxicating bliss. "can i kiss you?" he softly asked, your heart sunk over the weight of his words as butterflies grew. A smile grew across your face as I violently blushed 'yeah,' you whispered smiling and without hesitation.
His lips connected with yours, the roughness of his lips against your soft ones, ignited a feeling inside your stomach you melted into the kiss and kissed him back in a slow and sensual kiss, his hand that was pressed against your neck slowly tightened enough for you to still breathe. Trying to not break the kiss you climbed on top of him, dangling your legs on either side of him.  Unknowingly a breathy moan escaped from your mouth to his as the metal of his tongue piercing slipped against yours, instantly you could feel his grin against your lips. His hands roamed from your neck to your waist as he covered your neck in slow yet sloppy kisses, slight groans escaped his mouth as marked your skin. Your arms draped around him as you tugged on his surprisingly smooth hair the cold metal made everything better in your eyes. His hands traced their way down to the wetness that grew in your underwear, "fuck already?" he groaned in-between kisses. His words echoed throughout your mind, as  Eren's hand met your hoodie and he lightly tugged onto it begging for you reassurance. Pulling away from your neck his eyes aligned with yours, your forehead pressed against his. "I want you " he whispered on your skin, his intoxicating charm drove you crazy, "you have me " you replied. 
 Without skipping a beat, you guided Eren as he removed your hoodie leaving his hands to crawl against your skin to cup your breasts, your back arching towards the cold of his hands . His calloused fingers unclipped your bra and tossed it towards the side his thumbs ran over your nipples, the contrast between his cold fingers and your warm body made you clench around him. Eren pushed you down until he could latch onto on of your breasts his tongue swirling around your nipple, his cold piercing let a tingling feeling push down your spine. You buried your head into his shoulder as you moaned at his aggressiveness, his dick grew beneath you causing him to curse under his breath briefly. Eren blatantly chose to tease you, softly intoxicating you with every small move. Eren wasted no time pulling down his boxers,  kicking them away while you raised your hips just wanting him buried inside of you as soon as possible. As gently as he could he slipped your underwear off and lowered you onto his  begins to pull in and out of you slowly, getting used to the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, his face scrunched up in pleasure much likes yours, your hands gripping the sheets so tightly and you couldn't help but mumble out Eren's name. "Say that louder Princess, " he groaned as he placed his thumb onto your throbbing clit. You threw your head back, your back following soon after. With Erens eyes glaring at your body up and down you couldn’t help but blush more than you already were. your walls grazed his dick, luring him back in each stroke igniting a flame in his eyes, the burn in his eyes stayed stable trying not to overstep boundaries, noticing this words slipped out of your mouth as he abruptly stroked into you, “is that all you got?” you asked your hands circling his back, your words caused him to slower his pace as the flame in his eyes grew. after waiting for a reaction, abruptly his hand slapped against your already hot skin testing the limits, he waited for your reaction even though you face stared blank in shock, he could feel you pulsate around him. “do you like that?” he asked, with emotions bubbling you nodded burying your face in shame, his spare hand reached your chin pulling it closest to his face, his lips barley touching yours, “use your words princess” the words made his lips graze yours as the pet name went straight to your core. “y-yes i do.” you stuttered as he abruptly thrusted into you. Eren chuckled at your face as he grabbed ahold of your wrists, tightly gripping restraining you marking your skin every way he possibly could. “that’s going to mark me, don’t go so hard” you groaned, you hated the idea of anyone knowing what was going on, hickeys already cascaded up your neck, you didn’t need your wrists printed too. “why, you don’t want anyone to know how much of a whore you are for me” a grin plastered over his face, “ too bad, people need to know who you belong to princess,” he whispered at you ear before softly biting . the whole time Eren kept his thumb plastered over your clit as you rocked yourself into him making him twitch inside of you, “ you feel so fucking good” he groaned, the room filled with sounds and degrading words from Eren turning you on “Eren— i’m so close-“
“i prefer daddy.” His head tilted peering down at your tear filled eyes. “ daddy please? just let me-“ you moaned out, your words flew out before you could even process what was going on, Sweat dropped down from you forehead and you hair dropped down from the hair bands hold. “god your so messy,” he chuckled at the screams that scored through your throat. You could feel yourself hitting your limit, yet holding yourself back at Eren’s past demands. “you can cum princess,” he tapped at your thigh and seconds after you felt yourself go hazy, white specks flooded your eyes as you felt Eren also hit his limit. Both flushed your eyes lined in silence and all you could say was
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awkwardgtace · 3 years
When Corus Moved In
I wrote up something about how Mira reacted to Corus moving in. He's not exactly a gentle person so Mira was not happy.
tw are I guess cursing and a violent outburst. Honestly still not sure what should be a warning please tell me any I should tag if I have them :)
When Corus Moved In
Mira had been living in the walls of this house for a few years now. It wasn’t too hard to get what she needed, the humans were elderly and seemed to have poor eyesight. They may also just be oblivious, either way Mira liked it. She’d had a few close calls, one time she was grabbed, but she acted like a doll and was let go pretty quickly. They usually mumbled about forgotten toys. Outside the house perimeter had some useful herbs and mushrooms which made it easier to avoid them after a close call. All in all, she didn’t mind being sent here after she was seen in the store, the humans she lived with could be much worse.
One of her routine trips told her everything was changing. The elderly humans were visited by some younger ones, probably Mira’s parents’ age. The younger ones said they were sending them to a ‘nursing home’. She figured it wouldn’t be a big deal and they’d come back soon enough. A day later she learned how wrong she was, there were a lot more humans around making a lot of noise putting things in boxes. She made a few risky moves to get materials, which turned out to be the best move when a week after no one came back to the home.
Mira considered moving to another house nearby, but she was told to be an outpost in case of emergency. It had been years since anyone from her home came here, but she couldn’t risk it; she still cared about them all. She switched to focusing on rationing all the food she had and maintaining a better supply of the edible plants nearby. She had already been over prepared so it wasn’t a terrible position to be in. She took advantage of the empty home too though, making some better entrances and closing old ones. Time was passing slowly and no human had come by in a long time, but she was preparing to deal with anything that happened.
It was an abrupt change one day when she heard the front door opening, luckily she was already out of sight. A young man walked in, one of the taller humans she’d seen so far. He looked angry and Mira sighed, an angry human could be trouble. He left the door open as he carried box after box in, it had to be a human planning to live here. At least she’d have less trouble in winter now. She took her chance to run back to an entrance to the walls nearby when she heard another human call out to him. She heard something about traps and grimaced, if he placed mouse traps it could make her life more troubling. She would just deal with it though, avoid triggering them long enough to make him sure it was pointless.
She was a little surprised when she heard the new human say he didn’t like to trap small animals, maybe his angry look was just from moving. She realized how wrong she was when he shut the door once the other human left and started mumbling insults at her. He seemed good at pretending he wasn’t mad so she decided to watch him closely. She slipped back into the walls and went to confirm all her entrances were covered up. She wouldn’t be taking anything from this one until she learned his patterns too much of a risk.
“Fucking Hell!” the human screamed. Mira flinched. He was loud, he screamed a lot and it had only been a few days since he finished unpacking. He never really left and stayed up late, which left her few safe times to head out. Today he seemed angrier than normal, something he was doing seemed to be problematic. She sighed and made to gather the materials she’d stored in the walls here, only to freeze when something came through the wall. She nearly screamed at the intrusion, never expecting something like this. It was pulled back and she heard the human scream fuck again.
She inched forward and poked her head out, he wasn’t looking over here. Checking over his hand that looked to be bleeding a little. She went wide eyed as she realized he’d punched the wall and broken through. He turned back and she ducked down quickly, hoping her hair and eyes didn’t stand out. A shadow cast over the hole and she felt her breathing pick up, this was a violent human. He could kill her without knowing it, she needed to move all her things out of this room’s walls. They needed to be as high and as low as possible. She heard a sigh and jumped a little, terrified he saw her and that was a response to her presence.
“I’m gonna have to call Zeke again,” he mumbled. “I really need to work on this shit, at least it’s not a rental anymore.”
Light filtered in through the hole and Mira was quick to make her move. She grabbed everything she could carry and rushed to her closest path, dropping it and rushing back. Anything to signal her presence had to be out of these walls as soon as possible. She kept pausing by the hole and looking out, he wasn’t focused on it at all giving her time. He seemed focused on his screen again. She was given plenty of time to gather everything, then she heard him move. She was close to the hole and quickly moved to hide, poking out to watch once he moved past. He stopped at the door to the room, punching it like he had the wall seemingly still angry. The door broke a bit from his punch too and Mira shivered. Everything she saw cemented that he couldn’t find her. She quickly finished gathering her things and ran off.
Corus just sighed angry with himself. His outbursts had been getting better, but he clearly was an idiot for trying a rage game this early. He gave up on anything else for the night turning his back to the door and just climbed into bed. He texted Zeke for their help, and was met with about eight disappointed gifs. He put his phone down on his night stand and faced the wall. He grimaced at the hole, but just closed his eyes. He started making a mental list of things he’d get to keep around his desk, things to focus on instead of just hitting something. He stayed like that for a while, unable to really sleep, still quite worked up. He opened his eyes and thought he saw something purple by the hole. He shook his head and rolled to face away from the damage just focusing on sleep instead of any plans.
Mira was panicking. She had come back to do an extra sweep just in case, but saw the human sleeping. She poked her head out to see better, nearly screaming when she met his blue eyes. She would need to rely on her food stores for a while longer after that, she had to be careful not to make a mistake especially now. She’d run as soon as she’d met his eyes, but didn’t hear him get up. Hopefully he thought she was a dream and things would return to normal.
She went about her daily life after that mostly ignoring the loud bangs from when the human lost his temper. She knew how to be careful, always out with a hood to hide the lavender shade of hair. She still flinched and got terrified when she saw a hole in the wall that wasn’t there before, but it seemed like the human at least tried not to do it and fixed them quickly. She’d managed to see him stop himself a few times, but she could only imagine how strong he must be to break things like that. Months were passing without a problem and she’d keep it that way. Although she couldn’t stop the nightmares of when she got caught in the store mixing with his strength and violent streak.
There were a few more close calls, once where she heard him say something about a bug. She couldn’t just stop watching him though. It didn’t help she couldn’t move, too concerned someone would show up here and have to deal with this human alone. This was a dangerous place to live, a human who broke the walls as easily in anger, could do so just as easily after spotting her. She had considered warnings she could leave, most falling flat. A note wouldn’t last, and just disappearing could make things worse for anyone else sent away like her. So she stayed and Corus continued his attempts to control his anger. The situation was rocky for both of them, and it stayed that way until the day they met.
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 18
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on, on Mayans M.C., are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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It was a quiet morning in the Teller-Reyes residence. Nina woke up to Angel’s beard tickling her neck, as he nuzzled up to her; still sleeping like a baby. His arm was locked around her in a vice grip, but Nina desperately needed to pee; so, she kissed his forehead, before scooting downwards in the bed, to get out from under his hold. He muttered something unintelligible, and Nina smiled to herself as she slipped on one of his flannels, and snuck quietly out of the room.
After handling her business, Nina went through the living room – hearing Angel beginning to rouse and get out of bed – and headed into the kitchen. She smiled through the serving hatch at the biker, who returned the gesture, and walked into the bathroom; rubbing his eyes. He’d put on a pair of sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips, and Nina couldn’t help but think a couple of impure thoughts about what was hiding behind them.
As she began searching the cabinets for something edible, Angel got out of the bathroom, and headed towards the bedroom again. Nina found a box of pancake-mix, and turned to the fridge to see if there was any chance Angel had stored anything other than beer and stale pizza in there – preferably, milk. Something small, with long antennae scuttered across the floor; and she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Angel…!”, she squealed, and climbed onto the counter. “What the fuck?”, she heard Angel roar. He came storming through the house, and barged into the kitchen; his gun drawn. “Where are they?”, he growled, his eyes scanning the kitchen. Nina was shaking, and she pointed at the bug, which was calmly wiggling its feelers on the floor. “There…”, she croaked.
Angel let out a deep breath. “Fuck, I thought someone had come to…”, he began; before looking at her, as she sat, hugging her knees, on the counter. “Ma’… It’s just a cockroach”, he smiled. “Get rid of it!”, Nina demanded. Angel sighed, and grabbed a newspaper, getting ready to fold it up. “No, don’t kill it! Take it outside…”. “Are you…? Shit, whatever…”, Angel muttered, and gently picked up the cockroach. While Nina moved backwards on the counter, to get as far away from the bug as possible, Angel carried it out the back door; muttering to himself all the way. He came back a few moments later, and reached out to help Nina down to the floor. “Nuh uh. Nope. Wash your hands first”, she said. Angel rolled his eyes, went over to the sink, and washed his hands. Nina watched him, to make sure he was thorough. “Call an exterminator, or burn down the house. Those are your two options”, she growled. Angel rolled his eyes. “You know, it’s your fault it was in here. They like clean houses”, he said, and pulled Nina off the counter with a firm grip on her waist. His shirt rode up her hips, and he smirked at her. “No panties?”. Nina scowled at him, and pulled the shirt down to cover herself. “I’m gonna take a shower; and don’t tell me roaches like water, ‘cuz I’ll run naked out the front door; and you’ll never see me again”.
She went into the bedroom, and dug out some clothes from the drawer Angel had cleared out for her few belongings. Angel had followed her, and when she went to pass him; when he halted her with a light hand on her hip. “I could go in with you… Squash any little monster that tries anything”, he offered. “No thanks. But you can get me some coffee. Extra strong…”, Nina said. When Angel pouted, she relented, and gave him a small kiss. “I though you got enough last night…”, she smiled against his lips. “I never get enough, querida”, Angel replied, and moved his hand to give her butt a little squeeze. “I’ll go cook up your next high”. “Thank you, papi”, Nina said, and slipped into the bathroom. “That’s not fair. You know what it does to me, when you call me that”, Angel called after her. “I’m locking this”, she replied, and closed the door behind her.
When she’d finished her shower, Nina got dressed, and did her makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that she looked well and fucked. Not in the bad way, though; quite the opposite. She was practically glowing, and had a brand new hickey on her neck. She smiled as she ran her fingertips over it.
Angel had left a mug of coffee on the table for her, and after having put on her shoes – she was not going barefoot before she was sure she wasn’t going to step on a stray roach – she grabbed it; before going to stand in the doorway to the bedroom. She nipped at her hot drink, and leaned against the wall, while watching Angel tying his boots. He was wearing jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt as usual, and she studied his tattoos, as his skin moved over his muscles. “See something you like?”, Angel asked, and stood up from where he’d been seated on the edge of the bed. “You know you look good. I don’t need to bolster your ego”, Nina grinned. He walked over to her, and nabbed her mug; taking a sip, before handing it back. His cut was hanging over a chair, and he put it on. “And now you look even better”. “You’re objectifying me”, Angel said in mock offence. “I’m just saying… That thing belongs on your back”, Nina chuckled. “I’m glad you still have it”.
Angel walked up to her, and placed a finger under her chin. “You just want me for my cut”. He leaned in to nibble at her neck, and Nina hummed in delight, when his hand travelled under her top, and began stroking her bare skin. “Do the patches turn you on, mami? I could kneecap Riz; get him off his bike for a while. They’d need a new secretario; and I’d get another one for the collection”. “That’s not funny!”, Nina chided. Angel chuckled. “I’m just kidding. Just thought you’d like to see me with a bit more flash”, he said. “I thought I proved to you that rank doesn’t matter”, Nina said, set down the mug, and tugged at his beard playfully. “If it did, it would have been Packer balls deep in me last night”. Angel looked seriously at her. “Now, that’s not funny”. “I could go call him right now… He could be here in about three hours”, Nina teased, and pulled out of Angel’s arms. “Two, if I offer him a blowjob for the extra effort”. Angel let out a sound between a growl and a hiss, and Nina ran to get away from him.
She managed to reach the kitchen before he was on her, attacking her body with tickles; and making her squeal from laughter. She was thrown over his shoulder, carried into the living room; and deposited on the couch. Angel stood over her with a hard look on his face. “Ain’t no one gonna be balls deep in you but me, mami”, he growled, and threw himself at her. Nina was almost crying from laughter, as he once again began tickling her. His hands moved between her thighs, and Nina tried clenching them together, but Angel was stronger, and forced them apart. “I’ll be good. I promise!”, Nina shrieked. “I know you will”, he smirked, and cupped her crotch; rubbing her through her shorts. “Only good girls get to…”.
His phone started buzzing on the coffee table. EZ lit up the screen, and Angel picked up the call with an annoyed grunt. “What? I was about to…”. His face dropped. “Yeah, man… of course… No, I’ll go do it myself. It was my fuck-up… Yeah… See you then”. He hung up, and sat back on the couch; sighing deeply. “What’s wrong?”, Nina asked, getting up to sit next to him. “Pap went by my mom’s grave. He saw what I did…”, Angel said gloomily. “I gotta go fix it”. Nina took his hand, and kissed it. “Do you want help?”, she asked. “Nah, you shouldn’t be out in the open… And I was the one who… I gotta do it alone”. He looked down at the floor. “I get it”, Nina said. Angel got up to stand, and pulled Nina with him. “I’ll take you to the yard, and then go take care of it”. “Ok. Then, maybe… drop by your pap’”, Nina said. “Just say you’re sorry”. Angel shrugged. “I’ve given up apologizing to the old man”, he said. “I’ve done too much shit. I’d be there for a year”.
Nina put her arms around him. “He loves you. And he’s proud of you”, she said. Angel let out a short scoffing laugh. “It’s true! I saw it, when he came by the clubhouse… And I know onething you did, that he’s happy about”. “What’s that?”, Angel asked. “Well, he likes me”, Nina shrugged. Angel’s frown turned into a bright smile. “And I did you…”, he said. “You make everything dirty”, Nina chuckled. “You know it”, Angel said, and patted her bottom. “Let’s go”.
Nina went to grab her helmet, when Angel frowned again. “What?”, she asked. “I know that thing has sentimental value to you; but I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s unsafe”, Angel replied. Nina chewed her lip. She knew Angel was right, but not using Jackson’s helmet felt like a weird betrayal. “I really don’t want to get another…”, she said. Angel sighed. “I’m gonna say something that you might piss you off”, he said. Nina looked at him warily. “If we get in a crash, you’ll end up just like him”. A jolt of pain went through Nina’s heart, and she blinked away a tear. “He wasn’t wearing it when… Maybe if he had…”. “He didn’t wear it, because he chose not to”, Angel said. “By wearing it, instead of one that fits you, your kinda choosing that outcome yourself”. Nina shot him a sad and slightly angry look. “Why are you so fucking smart?”, she asked. “Because my helmet fits, and my head is safe when I go down”, Angel said, and smiled softly at her.
Nina put down the helmet on the workbench, and picked up the one she’d borrowed from the club. “I’ll get you a new one like it”, Angel said. “Uh huh”, she muttered, and went towards the front door. Angel stopped her, and cupped her face in his hands. “Hey… Te amo, ok?”. “I love you too”, Nina whispered, and wiped her eyes.
She gave Jax’s helmet one last look, before they left the house.
Once at the yard, Angel kissed her goodbye; and went to take care of his mistake. Nina spent a little while keeping herself busy; both to get back in the groove of the clubhouse, and to keep her mind of Angel’s face as he’d driven away. He’d been glum, and she knew he’d need her once he returned.
Bishop waved her over to join him and Taza at their table. “What’s up?”, she asked, as she sat down. “I talked to Palo”, Taza said. “The handover is set for three days from now”. Nina swallowed thickly, and clenched her fists on the table. “Which means we’re in a rush to find the snitch”, Bishop said. He must have interpreted her expression as fear, because he reached over, and patted her arm. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you. I promise”. “I know. I’m still just feeling shitty about letting someone else take my place”, she said. “And what happens after that? Am I supposed to hide for the rest of my life, so Palo doesn’t discover that I’m still alive?”. She sighed, and shook her head. “We’ll keep working on finding something to use against Palo”, Taza said. Nina shot him a look of actual fear; though not for her own safety; but his. “Call around for your old acquaintances down south”, Bishop said. “Some of them have got to still be alive…”. “I’ll look in to it”, Taza said.
“Either way, we still have to plan the handover”, Bishop said. “Palo understands that we can’t do it publicly; because we’re breaking our rules of protecting family”. “So, what?”, Nina asked. “A dark van in an alley?” “Actually, we’re thinking another party”, Taza said. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”, Nina gasped. “Just once, I’d like to enjoy drinks and good times without having to fear for my life”. “You’ll be perfectly…”, Taza began. “Safe. Yeah; so you tell me”, Nina said. “We’ll have a full house of guests; meaning Palo won’t draw on you the minute he sees you”, Bishop said. “Then we do the deed somewhere on the yard, away from the clubhouse”. “Do the deed, as in let Palo kill some woman”, Nina said. “Basically”, Bishop said. “You don’t have to worry; you won’t be there for that part”.
Nina closed her eyes; as if doing so would make the two bikers disappear in front of her. It didn’t work. When she opened them again, Bishop and Taza were still there; looking at her intently. “Ok… In that case, I guess I have a party to plan”, she said, and got to her feet. “Any special requests?”. “No dried apricots this time”, Taza said. “I’ll buy an extra bag, just for you”, Nina smiled sarcastically. “Anything else?”. “Yeah”, Bishop said. “Lockdown is back on for you. Just in case VM tries anything before then”. “Great. I’m grounded again”, Nina said. “I’m not staying in that fucking trailer, though”. “Fine”, Bishop said. “But you don’t leave the clubhouse during the day, and it’s straight to Angel’s, and straight back, every day… And Angel keeps a loaded gun within arms-reach at all times, when you two are alone.”. “What else is new…”, Nina grumbled. Taza chuckled. “You’re lucky. We were considering having someone watching you when you sleep”, he said. “You wanna watch me and Angel in bed?”, Nina smirked. “Go ahead. We’ll give you a show”.
She got on her feet, and went back towards the bar. EZ walked into the clubhouse, lugging a case of beers. “Yo, prospect. Where’s your brother?”, Taza asked. “We got a load this afternoon with his name on it”. EZ put down the case, and shot Nina a short look. “He’s taking care of some family shit”, he said. Nina swallowed thickly. “Yeah, I heard about your mom’s grave. Someone seriously fucked it over”, Bishop said. “Do you need to go?”. The warmth in his voice was surprising. “No. Angel wanted to take care of himself”, EZ muttered. “Well, let me know if you need help finding who did it. Shit like that, we don’t let slide”, Bishop said. “Thanks… but we got it”, the prospect said.
Nina smiled thankfully at him. Angel didn’t need to add to his guilt, by being chastised by his president; EZ knew that as well as her.
Angel arrived at the clubhouse a little before noon, and gave EZ a short nod, before going over to put his arms around Nina. He stood upright, and tried to keep a cool demeanor; but Nina could feel the sadness and guilt stream through him. “Come on…”, she muttered, and pulled him by the hand, into the back room; where Angel instantly buried his face in the crook of her neck. Nina held him tight; stroking his back, and kissing his temple. “Do you wanna talk about it?”. Angel pulled back, and looked at her. “The place was trashed”, he said. “It wasn’t that bad. It was just a few bottles”, Nina said. “She would have whooped my ass, if she was there to see it”, Angel said. “No she wouldn’t. If she was anything like you, she’d understand that you were in pain”. She kissed his lips softly. “It’s like I let her down again". He was doing his best not to shed tears. “What do you mean?”.
Angel met her eyes for a second, before sighing. It was as if he had to force himself to tell the story, because it pained him so much. “The night my mam' died, I was supposed to help her lock up the shop". He paused for a second, as if gathering strength to continue. “I decided I wanted to go to a party instead, so EZ went there instead of me… He found her, shot". Nina let out a deep breath; her heart breaking slightly. “I was supposed to be there… I didn’t protect her, and I made my kid brother have to deal with what happened… He went to jail, ‘cuz he shot a cop; chasing after the killer… I did that". It was agony to hear Angel retell the tale, but Nina owed him to help carry the burden of his story; as he had helped her. “You couldn’t have known, Angel…”, she whispered in his ear, as he once again hid his face against her neck. “I was getting drunk and high, while some shithead killed my mam'; and EZ went to jail over it”.
Nina was beginning to understand the reason for Angel’s tendency to self-hatred; though she didn’t agree with it. He had an ego the size of a small country, sure; but when it came to how he thought of himself as a person, Angel had trouble finding any value there. This tragic event changed his life, and the life if his family, and Angel thought that he was the reason for all their woes.
She looked at the fragile man in her arms, and she wished she could make him love himself as much as she did. “Angel… listen", she said. “You didn’t kill your mother. You didn’t send EZ to jail. The fact that you weren’t there, doesn’t make you guilty of anything… Someone else decided to pull that trigger, and you could have just as easily been hurt, or even killed, if you’d been in the shop that night. Your father and brother would have lost both your mother and you”. Nina put her hands to the back of Angel’s head, and forced him to look down and meet her eyes. “You are not to blame for everything bad that happens around you". “I don’t know… It feels like it”, Angel sighed. “That shit with Dani… It put those kids in danger; made you leave… I’m a fuck-up”. Nina cut him off by pressing her lips against his. “Stop… Stop acting like you’re not worth anything. You mean the world to me, and talking like this about yourself… It’s insulting!”, she said. “What do you mean?”. He looked adorably confused. “Well… you’re talking shit about my man…”, Nina smirked. “Where I come from, you would get your ass kicked for that. And it’s such a cute ass; so, I reallydon’t wanna have to do that”. She slid down her hands, and pinched his butt.
Angel finally let a smile form on his face. “Te amo, cuervo”, he said, and kissed her deeply.
By lunchtime, Angel was in a much better mood. “I’m telling you, mano; she was sitting on the counter, like all crying and shit”. There was a roar of laughter from around the table at his story. “Over a fucking cockroach?”, Gilly grinned. Nina handed out a round of cokes, putting Angel’s bottle to her own mouth, before he could take it. “Get your own drink, hero…”, she sneered. “Where’s the beer?”, Gilly asked, staring at the bottle of soda in his hand. “You’re at work. Beer later”, Nina said; her voice reminding herself of a schoolmarm. Angel laughed, pressed a kiss to her temple, and went to grab a cold coke from the fridge himself.
Apparently, when he came back to the table, he wasn’t finished making fun of Nina’s encounter with the cockroach that morning. “You were hilarious, ma’. Angel, save me. Oh my god. Please, no. I’m so scared!”, he said, his voice high pitched and exaggerated. “I didn’t sound like that; and the thing was the size of a dog!”, Nina growled. She shuddered at the memory. “Haven’t you ever seen one before, up north?”, Ez asked. “Not this big. And not in people’s houses. They hang out in crack-dens", Nina said. “Then crack-heads keep cleaner houses than SAMCRO", Coco sniggered. “They like it…”. “Clean. Yeah, I got it", Nina grunted. “Which is bullshit, by the way. I googled it, and those little bastards leave shit all over the house; and they can cause asthma attacks…”. “I already called the exterminator; relax, ma'", Angel said. “I’ll relax when our house isn’t trying to kill me anymore!”, Nina snapped, and instantly felt her cheeks burning, at her use of the word our. She cleared her throat. “Don’t you have a load to get to?” Angel smiled brightly, and leaned in for a soft kiss. “Yeah”, he said, and looked at the others. “Let’s go”. The guys all got up, and left the clubhouse to get to work; and Nina got back to her own duties.
Camille came in a little while after. Since she had started helping out behind the bar, a lot more drinks were being spilled; and quite a few beers met their end on the floor, before she could serve them. The red-head was enthusiastic about her work; but she wasn’t truly cut out for it. Whenever she poured shots, she’d get more liquor on the counter, than she got in the glasses. In spite of this, Nina was thankful for the help, as well as the company. Nina hadn’t seen Letty or Gaby since she came back, and was seriously lacking some feminine conversation. Nina liked Camille. She’d been through hell and back, but was still standing, and not letting a bad experience get in her way of trying to be happy, and finding a place of her own to thrive in. Before long, they were laughing and sharing stories about club life; and though Nina could have done without the details about Camille’s sexual escapades with the Mayans she had come to see as brothers, she spent the next couple of hours in a good mood.
“They really like you around here, huh…?”, Camille said, after Riz and Hank had come in, and both of them came over to give Nina the welcome back hug she hadn’t gotten the night before. “I guess… I like them too”, Nina smiled. “It’s just crazy… You haven’t been around that long, but you’re like family to everyone”. Camille looked at her inquisitively. “I pretty much grew up in a club like this”, Nina said. “I guess being here just comes natural to me; and they sense it”. Camille chuckled, and nudged her with her shoulder. “Come on… You have to have a secret”. Nina thought about it for a moment. “I don’t treat them like gods, like some women around here do”, she said; and instantly felt her cheeks burn. “I mean… present company not included”, she lied. Camille shrugged. “I don’t know… They are pretty awesome. It’s like, when they put on their cuts, they become… They’re just so amazing”. Nina laughed at this. “Camille; they’re just men”, she said. “Give them their favorite beer and tell them their bikes are rad, and they’ll think you’re heaven-sent”. “Really?”, Camille said. She began wiping down the counter for the third time since she’d arrived, and Nina left her too it.
Coco peeked in through a half open door, and looked at Nina hesitantly. “Yo, niña? We finished work. Can we get some beers now?”, he asked. “Sure, Coco…”, Nina laughed. “I got it!”, Camille smiled brightly, and quickly grabbed a round of cold ones for the bikers returning from work. “Be my guest”, Nina shrugged, and went to check on the bathroom situation. Gilly had been in there, after gulping down a large serving of chimichangas – extra cheese. To her relief, the damage wasn’t that bad; but she still set up an extra air-freshener. Camille hadn’t returned by the time she came back to the bar, and Nina decided to go check she hadn’t dropped the beers all over the porch.
Once outside, she found no beer on the porch, only Coco and Gilly smirking, and shaking their heads. They were looking in the direction of the row of bikes, where Camille was leaning against Angel’s bike, talking with an enthused expression about something; and he was smiling and nodding casually, his beer in hand. Camille licked her lips, and pushed out her breasts. It was like a flashback to the day after the party, where Daniella had been trying get it on with Angel; and Nina had to stop herself from running over and hiss at the woman to back the fuck off. “He might need some help”, Coco muttered at Nina. “Yeah…”, Nina said.
She walked as calmly as she could towards Camille and Angel. Camille hadn’t noticed her coming, and kept up her flirting. “I noticed that’s your favorite, so I thought I’d bring it for you”, she said. “Thanks. That was nice of you”, Angel said, and locked eyes with Nina; looking relieved. “I’m just gonna…”. Camille walked towards him, and put her hand on his lower arm. “I really like your bike, Angel. Maybe we could go for a ride some time…”. “Camille, can I talk to you?”, Nina called out. Camille turned around, and looked at her with a confused expression. “Is something wrong?”, she asked. “I’m gonna go… over there”, Angel said, and edged away from Camille; moving towards the porch.
Nina walked all the way over to Camille, and blew out a deep breath; trying to remain calm. “I’d really appreciate it if you stop flirting with Angel”, she said. Camille frowned, and shook her head in puzzlement. “But… you said…”. “He’s off limits”, Nina declared. Camille laughed a little. “I know you guys were together, before you went away for a while...”. "You saw us together last night!", Nina exclaimed. "Yeah; but just last week, he was with Daniella...". “Angel is mine”, Nina said. “I’m not gonna repeat myself again. If you want to hang around here, you keep away from him”. “So, you’re like his old lady?”, Camille asked. “Yes… Now, go inside. Bish’ and Taza need refills”. Nina was surprised at her own ability to keep her voice as level as it was. Camille nodded. “Yeah, sure. I didn’t mean to…”, she said. “It’s fine. We’re good. Just don’t do it again”, Nina said. Camille walked back towards the clubhouse, avoiding eye contact with the three bikers who had watched the interaction. Once the door closed behind her, Coco and Gilly made a show of slow clapping at Nina. “Fuck off”, she sneered, and went back towards the porch herself.
Angel came down to meet her, and Coco and Gilly went inside the clubhouse. “You know I didn’t…”, he began. “No, I know”, Nina cut him off. “I was just… marking my claim”. She shot him a sly smirk, and Angel put his arms around her, pulling her close; so that her could whisper in her ear. “That was fucking hot, mami”, he said, and kissed her neck, before leaning back again. “And thanks. She was getting butt prints on my bike”. “Only my butt gets to leave prints there”, Nina grinned. Angel’s eyes lit up. “That gives me an idea…”. “We’re not having sex on your bike”, Nina said. “At least not on the yard. Too many eyes”. “Then let’s take a ride somewhere…”, Angel said with a smirk. “I can’t… I’m on lockdown again”, Nina groaned.
They walked back towards the clubhouse, Angel’s arm around Nina’s shoulders; when he spoke again. “Do you think my bike would fit through the front door of the house?”.
Tags: @cole-winchester @doloreschanal
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ramen-rambles · 4 years
HC: Getting Stoned with Kaminari
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
Warnings: 18+, tw: drugs, weed/marijuana, high sex
Word Count: 1.0K 
Summary: Pretty self-explanatory, just some headcanons about getting high with our favorite discount pikachu. NSFW under the cut! (wait, isn’t this whole thing nsfw, technically?)
A/N: This was entirely based on the thirst post that I sent to Lyssa on anon like a long ass mf time ago. I told her I’d get around to writing it someday and has been sitting in my drafts since so LOL. Great, now I wanna get stoned :( and don’t mind me, I’ll just be putting in some of my music recs here too haha whoops~ also, can you tell that I am indeed, a crackhead
Taglist: @burnedbyshoto
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
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Probably one of the biggest stoners at UA, along with Sero and Shinsou
Also one of those people who skips class to go to the “bathroom” and take a hit from his Juul or wax pen 
Not surprisingly, Kaminari was the one who first introduced you to the idea of smoking weed
You were a bit hesitant at first but you were honestly really excited because you’ve always wanted to know what it felt like and now that the opportunity came up, why not take it?
The first time you two got high, you guys smoked out of a bong, decorated with stickers, of course
Prefers smoking sativa-dominant hybrids (like Blue Dream), but doesn’t mind a good indica
Doesn’t really take much for him to get high, he’s a lightweight — which is surprising, considering how much he smokes
Although, he likes eating edibles since the trip lasts way longer, but hey, you can never go wrong with a good ol’ bong rip  
Had to literally teach you how to do it because you seriously had no clue. Burning the cherry? Clearing the chamber? Why did you have to cover the carb? Wasn’t that a nutrient??
He found it really cute, actually
“Step aside, babe. Let me show you how it’s done”
You literally took one huge rip and well, shit. 
You didn’t really expect to get hit that hard but once you recovered from your coughing fit, it was overall, a very pleasant feeling
He asks the dumbest questions, even more so than usual
You two get helllllla munchies
He has an entire ass playlist on Spotify of good tunes to vibe to while you guys trip balls in his dorm room (ex. The Less I Know The Better, Ode to Viceroy, Cuz You’re My Girl, I Like U, etc.)
Tries to show you cool tricks, like the french inhale or the dragon, but ends up making a fool of himself and you two almost choke from laughing too much
Denki becomes a lot touchier too; his all-time favorite position is when he rests his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair, eyes closed as you both of you began feeling more and more relaxed
Teaches you how to shotgun smoke which somehow turns into a very heated makeout session
Kaminari becomes super horny
Like he is 1000% a horny stoner
But honestly? You ain’t complaining
He starts by placing his hands on your thighs, slowly trailing up higher and higher to your breasts. Kneading and caressing your soft mounds, pinching your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt
You somehow end up on top of him while straddling his waist, slowly grinding your heat against his growing erection
He nuzzles his face against your neck, kissing and giving kitten licks along your jawline. Your hands rubbing up and down his arms, trying to contain your breathy moans
You take this as an opportunity to grab the bong and take another hit, grabbing the lighter and dragging the smoke out of the chamber before roughly pulling Kaminari by the hair, aiming for his lips and exhaling the smoke into his mouth
“I’m a fast learner, aren’t I, baby?” You say through teasing pants
This makes him go absolutely fucking feral
At this point, you literally can’t keep your hands off each other
Kaminari’s hands finding their way down under the hem of your shorts, rubbing your clit and spreading your slick across his fingers before slipping one of his digits inside your throbbing pussy
You return the favor by pushing him down on the bed, positioning your cunt over his face as you place your mouth over his hard cock, essentially doing the 69 position
Once you’ve both grown impatient from all the teasing, the moment he slides himself inside you is just so overwhelming
The way he fits around your tight wall and the clench of your cunt around his length almost proves to be too much as the drugs only elevated both of your senses, making every move that much more pleasurable 
His thrusts are sloppy — as one would expect, considering how fucking high he was
You meet him with a wet and messy kiss as you both can no longer hold on, soon reaching your ends
You two cum at the same time, you crying out his name like a chant as he came inside you with a loud groan; continuing to buck into you slowly as you try to come down from your post-orgasm highs 
Once you both clean up, you guys take a few more hits, ash the bowl, and call it a night 
He places soft kisses along your face and forehead, tracing your shoulders, the nape of your neck, just anywhere he could reach
You two end up cuddling all night, getting comfortable on the bed, your head cushioned in between his shoulder blades, just riding out your trips, asking each other stupid questions; before you guys eventually doze off, sleeping well into the next day
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・
Would you guys like to see anymore HCs for any other of the boys? Send in some requests~ ✌︎('ω')✌︎ Thanks for reading!
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