#i have stayed awake at night because of how much i want to grow a beard
chuluoyi · 6 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 03:12 A.M 」
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tw: pregnancy. just a little something based on ask~ gojo annoys you on daily basis, so now you return the favor and he can't refuse it bc you're his baby mama😋
a part of gojo's love entries
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“satoru— your baby is hungry,” you pouted, poking his cheek repeatedly. “sa-to-ru!!”
it was 3 in the morning, and ideally, you would have been sleeping... only that suddenly you were awoken by rumbles from your growing belly.
yet your husband was still sound asleep without any care in the world, prompting you to poke him until you succeeded in making him hear you out.
satoru begrudgingly cracked his eyes open, still having his face tucked under the blanket and yawning. “ngh, sweets… what is it?”
his sleepy voice was thick, low and raspy. usually you’d swoon and leave a hickey or two on his neck but not now, as the overwhelming hunger made you almost curl.
“baby is craving mochi,” you said, eyes shining up to him ever so innocently. “get it for me, satoruuu.”
“oh?” if he wasn’t awake before, now he was after hearing your nagging tone drawling his name. he faced you and drew you closer. “what do you want again, hmm?”
“ice cream mochi!!”
“oooh that.” satoru scratched his head at the memory of him eating the last of it yesterday. “but we ran out of them, sweetheart… wait till morning, yeah? i’ll go to market to get some.”
“can’t baby wait a few more hours, hmm?”
“no! want it— now!”
satoru blinked at your insistence. you looked positively adorable while sulking at him too.
“why mochi all of sudden, huh?” he decided to humor you. “you used to say they taste bland.”
“that’s because of your sperm infecting me,” you sullenly accused. “and don’t pretend you haven’t been feeding me mochi for weeks. baby likes it more than i thought.”
“hey! don’t bash my sperm! they did no wrong and completed the deed splendidly!”
“you’re just a one-time donor, don’t be smug.”
he whined and you huffed, before suddenly your stomach grumbled loudly and you curled up. “mmhm.”
“hey… what’s wrong?” satoru quickly sat up and placed his hand on your baby bump. “really hungry? wait, i’ll get you something to nibble on first.”
he rummaged through his work uniform and found several bite-sized chocolate bars he brought around, and unwrapped the foil. “here.”
you immediately devoured the treat to sate your hunger, but still, your baby longed for more—
“mochi…” you mumbled despondently, your expression turning heartbroken. and one second later satoru realized how much he wanted to squeeze your cheeks, and relented.
“okay, okay, sweets~” he gave your head several comforting pats, making you look up. “i’ll go and get the mochi, yeah? you stay put and wait for me, 'kay?”
“yay.” a little smile bloomed in your face and satoru chuckled, finding you so unbearably endearing.
and so, for you, he ventured out to the closest 24-hour convenience store, picking up some ice cream mochi along with other treats to replenish your stock, before teleporting back home.
he was expecting that you'd still be all sulky while waiting for him, but instead, he found you peacefully asleep, hogging his pillow.
each breath that caused your chest to rise and fall made you appear all the more vulnerable and soft in his eyes.
you looked so irrevocably precious to him. his sweet little wife... in that moment, satoru felt like he was the luckiest man alive, getting to have you as his.
“you naughty girl.” he let out an amused laugh before reclaiming his spot next to you. the hold you had over him— you made him go through the cold night air, and now you were monopolizing his pillow and he had to resume sleeping without one at all.
and yet all he could feel was love. for you and your baby, as he pulled you close to his chest.
“both of you sure love teaming up against me, huh?”
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lovifie · 6 months
Well, I Wasn't On That Tunnel ❤️
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Please don't look too much into the plot holes. Canon can suck my ass, I'm making my own, xoxo 💋
Pairings: Ghoap x Reader.
Warnings: Poly relationship, mentions of death, mentions of guns, rotating POV (mostly Simon's), Spoilers → amnesia, smut, voyeurism
That was the last thing Ghost heard of you.
It's been months since Johnny and you were declared KIA on that mission. 
You weren't even meant to be inside, you were the medic, you were supposed to wait outside. 
But the moment Makarov shot Johnny he panicked.
Ghost panicked.
And Simon panicked.
You came in running, panting for the effort of carrying with you the medical bag half your size. 
You were the one who told them to run. To go after Makarov and kill him. 
You were trying to wake up Johnny, Ghost knew it was a lost cause. He couldn't find the pulse, he was gone.
His Johnny was gone.
The last thing he expected was that he was about to lose you too.
Once outside, he kept looking at the tunnel. Waiting for you to come out, whether it was dragging Johnny's body or alone; it didn't matter. You needed to get out.
But after the tunnel collapsed and you didn't get out, it was Price who finally pushed Ghost away.
He barely remembers getting back to base, doesn't remember what Price kept telling him on the helicopter, doesn't remember skipping meals for days, doesn't remember crying himself to sleep for weeks.
But he remembers your face, he remembers Johnny's face.
Oh, what a coward he was. 
Two people that he loved, that found their way under his skin right into his heart. Two people that Simon wanted to grow old next to, two people that made Simon want to wake up every morning. 
And he was still not brave enough to confess his feelings to neither of them.
He used to stay awake late at night dreaming about how he would do it. After a long time of debating with himself, figuring out what those feelings inside of him were.
Until he figured out it was love, only to them have to face the complex situation of loving two people at the same time.
But even how complicated of a man Simon Riley was, when it comes to his wants it all turns simpler. If on the menu there are two dishes that he likes? He is getting both, obviously. Why choose?
So if all his lonely and twisted life he had never loved anyone, now he suddenly fell in love with two people. He wasn't going to give up one of them and their love just for society's norms.
Murder is also against society’s norms, and he gets paid for it. 
But it was too late now.
Maybe it was for the better.
He could lie to himself, agree that he never confessed because it was not his destiny. 
Not because they would have not loved him back. 
Not because they would have been scared of him.
Not because they wouldn't have been able to see past his mask. 
Not because they would have rather dated each other than him.
It's easier like this.
Simon knows how to mourn a loved one. 
What he doesn't know is, how it's possible he got a message from you this morning when you died four months ago.
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You are stepping out of the shower, skin warm from the water and baby hairs sticking to your forehead; when someone knocks on the bathroom door.
You furrow your eyebrows at how hard they knock, the whole door shaking with it.
“Calm down, I'm almost finished.” You grumble, pulling the towel around your body. 
You drag your feet over the towel on the floor to walk closer, and open the door annoyed by the insistent knocking.
“I told you I am almost finish-” Your words are cut off by the barrel of a gun right on your face.
You don't even have time to panic, because you immediately recognise the stupid skeleton gloves holding the gun.
“Simon?” You whisper,scared that if you talk any louder he will disappear. Price and Gaz are behind him, slowly lowering their gun when they see it's you.
There is a glistering layer over Ghost's eyes that if you didn't known any better you'd think are tears.
You push his gun down, the man still immobile as if you were the ghost; and you jump into his arms, circling his neck with your arms.
“It worked! It finally worked!” You exclaim, tears slowly running down your cheeks. “I have been trying to contact any of you for months, it finally fucking worked!”
Ghost struggles to tell whether you are laughing or crying, a mix of the two. But he can't focus on that, he can only focus on your skin under his gloves.
God, how he hated his gloves right now. 
He bites the tip of his finger, pulling the glove off spitting it somewhere. And he snakes his hand under your towel.
He knows is improper, perverted even; but he needs it. He needs to feel your warm skin under his palm, your heart beating loud and fast. 
He surrounds your waist, hands big enough to rest on your ribs, right under your chest. 
Boom, boom… boom, boom… boom, boom…
He sighs, melting onto you, his tears getting absorbed by the mask on his face. He hugs you tighter, daring you to slip from his fingers again.
He bites his lips, copper taste on his tongue, to prevent himself from sobbing.
But the sobs can be heard, and Ghost it's almost disappointed with himself until he notices your body shaking.
It's you who is crying.
And he panics again, pulling back to look at you and you cup your face, apologizing. 
“I'm sorry. I tried my best, I really did.” He can barely understand what you are trying to tell him between sobs. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”
He shushes you quickly, he understands; the survivor’s guilt is a special kind of poison. But he understands, he feels it too. 
“It's alright, love. You are alright, everything is going to be alright.” He hugs you again, resting your head on his chest. Mourning Johnny will be easier if you are together, he now hates himself for thinking you were dead; for accepting it.
For mourning you for months and now having you on his arms. 
Warm and breathing. 
He can only imagine what you went through. 
You entered the tunnel because he called for you, and then he left you inside with a corpse. 
How did you get out?
How did anyone see you get out?
How did you find a house?
How did you survive alone with the guilt?
Are the scars on your shoulder for getting out or were they always there?
Were you trapped under the debris?
For how long?
But that doesn't matter, he knew you were strong. That you were clever. That you were better than him. 
He already knew that. 
Gaz and Price remain silent, reading in the situation that there is something underlying that they don't know. Letting the two of you, have your moment. 
It's only when Gaz hears the almost unnoticeable steps get closer that he moves, turning his body and almost dropping his weapon in the process when he sees him.
“Johnny?” That's all he is able to see.
And that's all that is needed to hear.
Price and Ghost whip their head around like they have been smacked, coming face to face with the man.
There are still bandages on the side of his head, he looks thinner, less muscles, sunken eyes and dark bags. But it's Johnny. 
A scarred, angry Johnny. 
Holding the pistol on his hands pointing to Ghost's head.
Looking at him as if Simon was his greatest enemy.
“Johnny…” He tries to talk to him, keeping you behind his back by instincts.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” Johnny shouts, his hands are shaking.
That explains it, why he look like a madman, why he looks so scared under the rage, why he keeps trying to look under him.
“Johnny, it's alright.” You finally say, moving from behind Ghost, softly pushing his arm back. You walk ahead, still only on the towel; and you walk up to Johnny. You rest your hand on the pistol, pushing it down with ease. 
You raise your other hand to the men, the signal of “wait”.
Johnny looks at you with utter confusion, eyes shaking moving around your face for any kind of explanation. His hand move around you, checking for any damage; the hand that doesn't have the gun clinging to the towel. 
You cup his face between your hands, the man bending down slightly to make it easier for you to reach; you whisper something to him making him relax almost immediately. 
And then you kiss him.
On the cheek, right beside the nose making him close his eyes for a second.
But it feels like a stab on Simon's heart. 
He tries to think rationally, you were just calming him down. He knows Johnny is always desperate for physical contact, that's all. Nothing else. 
He really tries to think logically, but logically the two of you are dead and buried under a tunnel. Not standing at the end of the hall, kissing and comforting each other. 
Something about it, about the possibility there is something more going on between Johnny and you; sends Simon's inner gears spinning. 
He sees the virtual space between the two of you, slowly getting in the shape of his body.
You whisper something to Johnny, he nods, touching your forehead with his for a second, before walking back. Looking at Simon with hate on his cerulean blue eyes. 
You sigh, watching Johnny move and turn to the three still shell-shocked. 
“As far as I can tell…” You whisper, once you are close to them. “He only remembers up to when he was 20, little more, little less.”
“So he doesn't remember anyone?” Price asks after a moment.
You shake your head. “Not that he hasn't asked me about, he asked about some people but I don't know them. He thought I was a nurse when he woke up.” You explain.
“What happened in the tunnel?” Gaz asks, looking behind you to check Johnny is not back. “How did you get out? And him? He was dead.”
You shake your head again. “Not yet. Almost… but not yet. I-”
“Bonnie! You want coffee or tea?!” Johnny's voice makes everyone jump.
“Coffee, please!” You answer without skipping a beat and turn to them. “I'll explain it later, alright? It's not the place nor the time.”
Price nods once. “Get dressed, I'll contact the pilot to let them know we are flying back tonight, right?”
“Roger that.” The three of you reply almost by muscle memory.
“I'll be fast, don't rile him up.” You say, before entering the bedroom closing it behind you.
Ghost feels Price's eyes on him. 
What's between you and him?
What's between you and Soap?
What's inside his mind?
“Tea is ready.” It all gets interrupted by the amnesiac man calling them to the kitchen.
They walk together, sitting around the table. Gaz and Price find it almost easy to talk to Soap, about how happy they are to see him again, about how they are flying back later, easy chatter.
But Ghost can't. 
Not when Soap finally smiles at Price making fun of Gaz's cap and Ghost's breath is knocked out of his chest. 
That's his boy.
Breathing and warm.
Just like you.
He knows it's the universe talking, telling him not to fuck it up again.
Still, he feels his heart sink every time Soap looks at him with such a sour look. Offended even. His boy.
That would jump at any opportunity to impress him, to earn his respect, his affection. Now locked like he wanted to stab him on the chest, twisting the knife in the process.
He knows it's because of you, the way the man stared at his hand as you pushed it out of the towel didn't go unnoticed by Simon. 
Not the greatest first impression. 
Does it count as a first impression if he has known the man for years? 
You walk into the kitchen not much later, Johnny's eyes lightening at seeing you; his saviour. 
You walk past Ghost, your arm resting on his shoulder as you bend down to slightly knock your head against Soap's.
And that's it, that all Simon's needs. To be involved. He doesn't need to be in the middle of you two, he is fine with being in the sidelines, but he needs to be a part of it.
He knows you are on his side, you remember him unlike Johnny. You can be the bridge to get him to Johnny; to keep Johnny from running. Make a pack with him; keep the two of you close.
A turmoil of emotions keeps spinning inside Ghost's head, all the versions of himself wanting to be right.
The part of him he thinks is unable to love telling him to let the two of you alone, you are better of without him.
The part of him he thinks is unable to be loved telling him to not even try, save himself the rejection. 
The part of him that is still unsure of what even are his feelings telling him to not get involved, that it would only confuse the two of you.
But then there is also that part of him. The part called Simon Riley; that still holds onto the chance of loving and getting love.
And he looks at you and Soap, the way Soap looks up to you. The way he used to look at him. 
“Let's pack our things up, Johnny.” You say, patting Soap’s back. “The sooner we are back home, the better.”
And you smile at Soap so kindly, so wide, so warm.
He understands how you managed to calm Soap down. Waking up from what he assumed must be something close to a coma after getting shot on the head, not remembering anything, in pain, alone. And then you appeared, so soft and so kind.
He wouldn't blame Johnny if he was already in love with you, with you being literally the only thing he knows since waking up. 
Johnny stands up, walking out of the kitchen but looking back to make sure you are walking behind him. 
The two of you disappear down the hall, voices low as you move away.
“I can't believe they are alive…” Gaz comments, sipping his tea.
“Neither do I…” Price answers, sipping his. “Bloody necromancer…”
And you are, Simon was also dead before meeting you. 
“I'm gonna check on them.” He says, downing the beverage on a gulp that burns down his throat. 
He stands up, Price and Gaz look at him as he does. They are going to talk about him as soon as he gets out, but he doesn't care. 
He has made his choice.
He loves you.
He loves Johnny.
He walks down the hall, seeing the door ajar.
His hand reaches the knob when he hears it.
His blood running cold.
It's your sweet voice moaning the name. 
The unmistakable sounds of kisses inside the room.
“I don't like how he looks at you, bonnie.” The man whispers, his breathing unstable.
“He's your best friend, Joh-Ah!” You moan, interrupting yourself as you speak.
“I don't care! I don't know him. You are mine!” The man grunts, the sound of skin slapping slowly becoming more and more clear. 
“Johnny…” You moan again, and Simon is sure that he can hear your cunt squelch around Johnny's length. 
He opens the door the slightest bit, just enough for his eyes to see the way Johnny has you bent over on the bed. 
With you laying on your stomach on the bed, legs hanging from him without strength to push yourself up. Johnny behind you, a foot on the ground and the other on the mattress as leverage to keep sinking into your weeping cunt.
Neither of you bothered to take off the clothes, simply lowered the pants enough for Johnny to get inside of you. Your pants pooling on your ankles, legs limp with the rhythm Johnny has settled.
Simon wishes he could see your face, pleasure painted on your expressions with your face buried on the mattress. Johnny keeps your hands on your back, keeping you pressed against the bed. But the only thing he can see is Johnny's back.
So he sees perfectly fine when the man turns his torso around, still thrusting into you, and looks at Simon.
He looks straight into Simon's eyes, who panic just for a second for getting caught peeking into their room, into them together.
But the Johnny smiles, not the adoration-filled smile he used to gift Simon with. Instead, is the smile filled with pride that he only kept for after winning a match or catching an enemy.
Johnny raises his hand to show him his middle finger.
As he mouths “Fuck you.”
And Simon wants to laugh.
Johnny wants to play?
Then they'll play.
Game's on.
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Taglist: @whos-fran @thevoidwriting @sklt987659 @kayden666 @dumb12bvtch1212 @thatonepupkai @darkangel4121 @risingofjupiter @spadekip @herefor-tojis-tits @soupinasock @marymustdie @arbesa-mind @cmbghost @multifandomheathenannie @tooloudarts @panikk-attackkk @reap3erslov3 @mothsdrabbles @ghosts-hoe @cassiecasluciluce @sleepdeprivedkat @lunamoonbby @hatterripper31 @contractedcriteria @cod-z @jaguarthecat @savagemickey03 @fraserbraw @rosiehale23 @keiva1000 @sw33tsnow @viisgrave @theloneshadow24 @loveandplanet @sobbingnshtting @dprmoon @simpsallthetime1997 @ladyxtiger @soapsmohawk-16 @nina6708 @katreintjie @sacvh @mothymunson @archenillo @thesinsoflust @sodavrr @yuki2129 @mikaronn
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decojellyfish · 1 month
Hi everypony! This is the official part 2 of Bite!
You guys have no idea how much I appreciate all the love I've been getting for my past fics! Thank you all so much :)
------ Hybrid AU! TF141
Retired Fight Dog! Ghost, Soap, and Gaz x Retired Fight Dog! GN! Reader x Owner! Price Reader is only addressed as ‘you’
SFW ~ Angst to fluff
Warnings: Very brief/occasional swearing, mentions of self-hatred and depression
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "Come Wander with Me - Jeff Alexander" 0:09 ━●────────── 2:47 ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷
───♡───────────── Beginning It had been a week since you’d run away from the Price household. You couldn’t bring yourself to ever turn around, to ever look back at the house. You temporarily returned to your old lifestyle, hiding in the shadowy alleyways, dumpster diving for food, etc. But as the days passed, the guilt and shame would eat away at you. Your portions of garbage food would grow smaller and smaller before you gave up on eating altogether.
Any kind of food, no matter how clean or rotten it was, never felt like it was deserved. You would rot away in a pool of disgrace, staring up at the sky. Whether it was the middle of the day or two in the morning, you were lying in a dirty alley and gazing at the never-ending sky. You couldn’t even retreat to your happy place, it was corrupted now. Whenever you tried to run into escapism, you were abruptly snatched back into reality as images of your attack flashed across your mind.
You weren’t deserving of your happy place anyway. You were given a chance to live in a warm home, warm fresh food whenever you wanted it, clean clothes, and even a bath. And you threw it all away because you were too scared, you couldn’t escape the past. You would rather stay willfully trapped in the past than lean into the future’s welcoming arms. You had practically slapped the future in the face. Spit in its face, even.
You couldn’t go back there, not after what you did.
The boys had been looking for you, any chance they had. You knew this because you had close run-ins with them before you would run as far away as you could from your current alleyway. You were right back where you started—square one. You hated square one, but now, you felt like you deserved to be permanently chained to it.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The Price household was barely holding it together. That faithful afternoon, when Price and Gaz returned from their trip to the grocery store. Price had worried he left the door open, then seeing Soap’s patched-up state and Ghost residing on the couch, his head in his hands. Until that is when Ghost and Soap retold what happened. Albeit, Soap interrupting constantly with tears in his eyes.
He felt that it was all his fault. He was the one who reached out to you, violating your comfort zone without even realizing it. Soap just wanted to scoop you up in a tight bear hug, with your consent, and apologize to you over and over again. None of them knew where you were. Your scent was hard to track down, even for Soap or Ghost. Nevertheless, they would all look for you whenever they were out. Sometimes even Gaz would stay up late, ruining his sleep routine as he stared out the window, hoping he could see you in the distance.
He never did, but that didn’t make him give up. When he came back home from the grocery store that day, Gaz was so excited to share his favorite treats with you. The box of treats remained on the countertop, waiting to be opened. Gaz was waiting for you to come home to open it, like a welcome (back) home surprise.
Even Price would lay awake at night, wondering where you were. Which alley you were in, what you had found to eat. Sometimes he would wonder if you were even alive at this point. The first place he thought to check was the pound, maybe you’d turn yourself in. Next, he checked the shelter, maybe you were brought there. But alas, you were nowhere to be found.
Ghost was even starting to sneak out at night, patrolling the area for any sign of you. Soap would often tag along with him, he felt that since he was responsible for your departure, he was equally responsible for seeking you out and bringing you back.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The sun was beginning to rise. The sky, hour by hour, gradually brightened up from dark indigo to light blue. It had been nearly two weeks since your sudden escape. You were sure that you were far away from the Price household, maybe even a town away from them. Waiting for the day to pass again like it had the other ones, your monotonous schedule was interrupted by a little sound. A little ‘clink’.
Looking over, you saw an ivory plate with four treats on it. You looked up, finding the perpetrator who dared to give you food. It was a woman, she looked kind. But you felt that her kindness was deserved elsewhere, maybe for another hybrid that didn’t fuck up the chances the universe gave them.
“Go on, sweetie.” She smiled at you, “It’s okay to eat, you look hungry.” She was knelt by your seated form, showing no signs of leaving. After nearly thirty minutes of just staring at the woman, the plate of treats, and a spot on the sidewalk, you hesitantly approached the plate. Grabbing a treat, you looked up at her, almost as if wanting her approval. “There you go, eat up.” Her voice was like a campfire, warm and safe.
You had slowly eaten all the treats and now, were following the woman like a lost puppy. Well, you kind of were one. Only that you were willfully lost. Your sunken eyes followed her as she walked up the few steps of a hybrid shelter.
Staying at the bottom of the stairs, you looked up at her as you began to protest. “Oh, no, I- I don’t need a home…” “Well of course you do, lovie.” She smiled down at you, not understanding what was going on in your head. Of course, everyone needs a home, it’s just that you were a bad pup. Bad pups don’t deserve homes or food. You only ate the food she offered you because she wouldn’t leave you alone.
“C’mon, pup, it’d nothing to be scared of. Everyone is deserving of a warm place.” She smiled down at you, quickly trotting down the steps and grasping your hand. Despite your constant protests and objections, she pulled you into the building and you were suddenly hit with so many smells of different hybrids. It was overwhelming, you wanted to leave more than you already did. But you were now in the custody of the shelter, there was no getting away now.
At the shelter, you didn’t do much. You didn’t do anything. You never left your cage, you always had your back turned to everyone but the wall, even when sleeping. Even in captivity, you didn’t eat, didn’t play, and you never communicated. There was even a rumor around the shelter that you didn’t have a voice or face. That was only with the new members, though. It’d been another week since you were brought here, and you were growing more and more hopeless by the day.
Why? Why was the universe giving you more and more chances? You’d only end up throwing them away, why wasn’t the all-knowing universe catching on?
You didn’t get it. You didn’t get why they kept trying to feed you, replacing the uneaten food in your bowl with new food. Food that would also stay uneaten. You didn’t get why they made sure you drank at least a little water each day. You didn’t get why they cared. Why did they care about you so much?
Why did they care so much about someone who threw away every chance they got, because they couldn’t trust anything supposedly good in this world?
You had grown quiet. What was once a fearsome fighter dog, one that was well known for their vigor and bloodthirst, was now a meek little pup. Scared, not knowing what they did to deserve this life, this pain, this distrust of every single being around them. You would find yourself getting angry again, angry that you didn’t get a cozy life like the other pups, and when you were offered one, you ran away.
Bad pup. Bad pup. Bad pup. It repeated in your head like some twisted earworm that had engraved its home into your brain.
Unfortunately, your only outlet for this anger was your tears. But you didn’t want anyone to hear your suffering. You still wanted to be seen as a scary fighter. So you waited till everyone in the shelter was asleep, this meant everyone, so you would end up waiting till three or four in the morning to just silently cry your heart out.
You would grip at your hair and the clothes you still got from Price, and you would sometimes clutch your entire face as you desperately hid it to muffle your sobs and hiccups. You would cry for an hour or two, then you would be asleep by sunrise. It was your little routine by now. Hey, at least that meant you were getting used to this place.
Sometimes, there were nights when you would cry harder than other nights. Mostly ones where a hybrid was adopted, a constant reminder as to how unwanted you were, or the ones where you couldn’t stop the constant flashes of your past fights. All of them. Ones with actual fighter dogs, ones with domesticated dogs that were just trying to live their lives, and Soap. None of them deserved what you did, not even the fighters that wounded you that you ended up wounding back just as harshly if not, worse. They didn’t deserve that. No one deserves that. Soap didn’t deserve to be the victim of your outburst. No one did.
You didn’t deserve this life, you didn’t deserve to be a bad pup. You didn’t want to be a bad pup anymore. You would desperately cry out to the universe, in your head, that you didn’t want to be a bad pup anymore. You wanted to be a good pup. You wanted to play in the park with other dogs, you wanted to have a bath every week, to go on walks, to eat your favorite treats, to wear your own clothes that didn’t have holes from rotting away. To have a kind owner.
You wanted Price. You wanted Gaz, and Soap, and Ghost. You wanted to take back that chance, you would plead every night to get it back.
But as much as you wanted to get that chance back, it didn’t come.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Price never stopped his search. None of the boys did. But while the boys would sleep throughout the night, Price was now spending his time in bed constantly searching for any sign of you on his computer.
Finally, he came across a photo of you. He had to do a double-take when he saw the date of the photo. It was recent, and you were still wearing the t-shirt from your first day at the home. He had to make sure he didn’t wake up any of the boys with the slight cry of joy and relief he let out at the revelation that you were safe and in a shelter.
He made sure to save the address of where you were. It surprised him that you were so far from his home, but he was happy you looked like you were safe at the moment.
That morning, Price was up and early. Already dressed, he began to cook breakfast for his boys. They all had their morning routine of having breakfast and usually chatting with each other. Gaz and Soap, however, had grown quiet the past few weeks. Price and Ghost could tell they were heavily affected by your disappearance, Soap was more guilty than Gaz was saddened as well as missing you.
Price would interrupt the difficult silence that they’d all grown accustomed to with a clearing of his throat. “I’ll be out for a while today. I’ll be visiting an old friend.” He didn’t want to say who he was seeing specifically as that would make all the pups want to come with him. It would overwhelm you if all the dogs came in with him just to see you. He knew you would need a slow reintroduction to the idea of becoming domesticated.
A few murmurs of acknowledgment made their way around the table as the boys ate their breakfast. It was clear they were all trapped in their heads, stuck in their thoughts.
An hour later, Price got in his car and drove to the shelter where you currently resided.
He stepped into the building, already beginning his search for you again. He looked at each cage, wondering which one you were in. It wasn’t until he had finally caught a glimpse of a familiar t-shirt that he let out a sigh of relief. Kneeling by your cage, he carefully watched your back slowly rise and fall with each breath you took. He could vividly imagine the empty look on your face, how you were trapped in your head and stuck with your thoughts.
Price couldn’t blame you for wanting to be alone, he could sense the guilt dripping off of your curled-up form.
“Hey there, pup.” He spoke softly, you could hear a little smile in his voice too. You couldn’t help yourself, you looked over your shoulder at his gruff face. You did it so quickly that it made Price chuckle a bit, “Yes, it’s me. The old man.” He joked, running a hand over his facial hair. You stayed quiet, your head returning to its original position of staring at the back of your cage.
Letting out a little sigh, Price got slightly comfortable by your cage. “...the boys and I, we- we’ve missed you. We’ve been lookin’ all over town for you…” He continued to speak with a soft tone, his voice almost like a gentle, forgiving embrace. “I wanted to let you know that- we’re not mad at you. Nobody is, not even Soap. He misses you, I think, the most.” He laughed a little. “I know you’re scared, pup, I don’t blame you. You and the boys came from a very scary and cruel place. I’ve seen, multiple times, what that kind of life can do to a dog.”
Looking over at you, Price took in your tired appearance. “What you did… yes, it was bad. But you were scared. You did what you felt was necessary to protect you.” He paused. “Soap feels guilty himself, he didn’t mean to set you off. And he wants nothing more than to apologize for himself, and forgive you too.”
“He wants nothing more than to keep you safe. You know, he’s already been going on and on about being your guard dog when going on walks and at the park.” He laughed a little, looking over at you again.
That made you think to yourself. Soap wanted to protect you. Soap, the dog that you violently attacked in a fit of fight or flight senses that flooded your brain at that moment. It made you feel even more guilty, causing you to clutch at your shirt as a form of biting back the tears that were forming in your eyes.
“Now, you have every right to answer this question however you please, okay?” He looked at you, noticing how you looked over at him again, a subtle sense of curiosity in your dull eyes.
“Would you like a second chance to come back home?”
You were riddled with embarrassment as you followed Price out of the shelter, your tail could not stop wagging. And it was wagging hard. Your tough exterior was being betrayed by your brain, directly wired to your tail and making it wag like you had just one first place at a dog show.
It didn’t stop even when you were seated in Price’s car, audibly swishing against the material of the car seat. You were just so happy. You were happy Price had given you a second chance, the universe gave you a second chance to have a go at this whole domestication thing. After you had convinced yourself you weren’t deserving of one, the one person who you wanted a second chance from had come in and given it to you.
You weren’t going to mess it up this time, you weren’t going to lash out, you were going to see your old foes as new friends, and you were going to cherish this second chance for the rest of your life.
Price chuckled at your swishing tail, putting his phone down after sending a text. “I’m glad you’re happy, pup. You deserve to be.” He smiled at you, his thick, greyish mustache curling as if smiling too. He put on some jazzy radio station and began to drive back home. He even held your hand for comfort, after he offered his hand over the cupholders anyway. “It’s gonna be okay, dear. You’re gonna be okay.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The boys were all waiting by the front door, waiting for you to step through that door at any moment. After Gaz had received a text from Price, saying that he’d found you and was bringing you back, he had quickly informed the other two. Gaz had taken the liberty of setting up your little bed on the couch, lighting a little ocean-scented candle on the coffee table, and even setting a small plate of his favorite treats next to the said candle. The treats were just for you, like a little welcome-home gift.
His only orders for Ghost and Soap were to look sharp, making sure they weren’t still in their pajamas when you arrived, as well as having Soap fix up his mohawk.
Once all was said and done, the house was ready for your long-awaited return, the boys stood near the front door with bated breaths as they waited to hear Price’s car pulling into the driveway. It was about five minutes of waiting when they finally heard a vehicle arriving at the house.
Gaz’s tail was wagging, he was excited to greet you and hold you once again, happy that you were now safe and sound. Ghost was happy too, not as much as Gaz was, but still happy to have you back with the rest of the group. He was a little excited to see how you would adapt to a domesticated life, he could tell you were starting to like it before you left.
Soap was nervous, almost terrified. His tail was halfway tucked between his legs as he tried to maintain a good posture. He didn’t know what your reaction was going to be to see him again, he could already see you adamant on avoiding him like a virus. Maybe even barking at him to leave you alone, calling him a bad dog. In his eyes, he was a bad dog. He didn’t respect your boundaries when you were just settling in, he was the main reason you were gone in the first place. As much as he tried to keep himself straightened up, his eyes were full of shame, guilt, and worry.
The front door would open with a quiet click of the handle, and a tiny creak as it opened. Price was the first to step inside, letting you come in at your own pace. As you entered, you would look at the boys with surprised eyes. You hadn't expected them to be waiting for you, you thought they would be doing things around the house.
Gaz was smiling from ear to ear, opening up his arms as he silently asked for a hug. Taking a bit to get used to being in the house again, you eventually walked closer to him, accepting his embrace. “Welcome back, friend…” He hummed, resting his head on your shoulder as he closed his eyes. You slowly returned the hug, wrapping your arms around his broad frame with a gentle squeeze.
After nearly a minute, the two of you parted from one another. Ghost would gently pat and rub at your shoulder, a silent way of welcoming you back. “Good to see you back. We missed you.” It was the first time you’d seen Ghost smile at you. It felt… strange. But in a warm, welcoming way. Those three words nearly tore you up, ‘we missed you’. After weeks of imagining the group saying ‘good riddance’, ‘finally, they’re gone’, and ‘I never thought they’d leave’ constantly in your tortured mind, ‘we missed you’ blew all those thoughts away. It made you tear up, but you managed to blink them back and gulp down that burning lump in your throat.
You turned your gaze to Soap. The minute you locked eyes with each other, it was almost as if all your guilt and shame were shared with him, and his was shared with you. The day you saw Soap cry seemed to be an impossible thought. But it was happening right in front of you. Although he wasn’t a sobbing mess, you could tell he was holding back. And you were sniffling just as much.
With a deep shaky breath, he mustered up the courage to finally tell you what he’d been choking back ever since you’d run away.
“I’m sorry, pup. I’m sorry for not respectin’ your boundaries. I should’ve known you needed a bit o’ space, especially around Ghost and I. I- I just-” He sniffled, regaining himself when he felt his voice cracking. “I just wanted you t’ know that you’re safe here. No more fights, no more fear, no more worryin’ about when your next meal is gonna be. I just wanted you t’ feel safe, I… I want you t’ know that you’re safe, pup. We all are.” He sighed.
When Soap finally looked back up at you, staring at the ground in shame, he saw you choking back tears and sobs that were tearing at your throat. His eyes widened, “Are you okay, pup…? ‘M sorry if I said anythin’ that made you feel- bad.”
You shook your head in response, “No, no… I’m sorry too.” You wiped at your eyes as you sniffled. “I shouldn’t’ve freaked out on you like that. I had zero right to attack you, to hurt you the way I did that night. Especially after all you guys have done for me. I just- felt so guilty, I couldn’t come back. I thought all of you were gonna be so mad at me, you were just gonna kick me right out onto the streets again.” Your voice began to shake and crack, and your concrete walls began to crumble down. “I didn’t wanna face that, so I figured I could just do it all for you guys.” You hid your face away into your hands.
“I don’t feel deserving of the food, of these clothes, of anything you offer me.” You sobbed. “Not after what I’ve done, what I did.”
Soap watched the way your scarred ears folded back against your head, your tail nearly tucking itself between your legs, the way your shoulders shook with every uneven breath you took in or let out. He lightly brushed his calloused hand against one of your arms, making you look up at him with your red, puffy eyes.
“...do you need a hug?”
Your throat burned more than it ever did, causing you to whimper and nod as you began to audibly sob and cry, not being able to hold back anymore. Soap opened his arms and held you. He held you in such a gentle, forgiving way, that it was almost as if you were made of thin porcelain. Clinging onto him, you sobbed into his shirt. Your muffled cries and violent hiccups were soothed by one of his hands slowly caressing circles into your back.
“You do deserve all these nice things, pup. With all th’ shit you’ve put up with?” He chuckled slightly. “You deserve it all…” He smiled down at you, softly nuzzling into your hair.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Putting on a new set of clothes that Price had gotten you from the store, you stepped out of the bathroom after having your first bath back. They were comfy, nice, soft, and baggy too like wearable blankets. You had snuggled into your makeshift bed that Gaz had set up, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders.
Gaz happily watched as you tried the treats he’d set out for you, his tail wagging when you gave him a nod of approval. “Don’t spoil dinner just yet, pup. Food’s here!” Price called out from the front door. Price decided it was an order-in kind of night, so the group settled on take-out Chinese food.
Soap and Ghost made sure to handle the food order, their appetites combined making them wannabe food critics. Your mouth watered when the smell of it hit your sensitive nose, as well as the other dogs. Soap had also picked out a movie for the group to watch on this special night, he loved movies.
The group was sitting around the coffee table, their plates and mouths full of delicious food. Yours too. You were all sitting silently, captivated by the adventure unfolding before your eyes on the TV screen. For a brief moment, you were brought back to reality when you went to stab some more food with your fork.
You took the moment to look around. You were surrounded by what would be your new family, all in warm clothes, with nice hot food in your stomachs, and a nice warm home with decent air conditioning.
You were clean, you weren’t hungry, and your wounds from the streets had been taken care of. The you from a few months ago wouldn’t believe it, even you couldn’t believe it a little bit. That you were safe. You were looked after. You were loved.
And you deserved it all. ───♡───────────── End
Again, thank you so much for the love and support! If you have any requests or asks, feel free to submit them!
------ Taglist: @venavanup @draculauraspage @tf141gloryhole @obnoxiousbag @chanel-princess-world @ssc7514
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formulawolff · 5 days
jealousy, jealousy - t.w.
pairing: fem!reader x dbf! toto wolff
word count: 2.1k
warnings: age gap, smut (oral - male receiving!), questionable power dynamics, cursing, vague toxic vibes from toto, allusions to sex, slight choking, poorly translated german, dominating vibes from toto for sure, writer has no idea how university in europe works, dad's best friend! trope, reader is lowkey a little brat, dirty talk, yadayadayada
a/n: here is the highly anticipated second part of sunbathing! and yes, it is loosely based off of jealousy, jealousy by olivia rodrigo. i hope y’all enjoy this just as much as the first part! <3
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no matter how hard you tried to shake it, it lingered.
it was always present, nagging away, gnawing at you. nearly consuming you whole.
it kept you awake at night as you tossed and turned, your mind wandering, wondering what could have been.
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what could have happened if the two of you were alone that day. how he could have made you feel. how he could have fulfilled every single one of your sleazy, dirty, downright sinful fantasies.
how he could have fucked you like the whore you were for him, aching for some sort of relief from the fiery desire burning within.
you were desperate. desperate to replicate the way he touched you that day. desperate to hear that sickeningly sweet lust dripping in his words. desperate to squirm under his intense gaze, his mocha depths picking you apart.
no toy in your nightstand drawer even came close. there was no porno that could even recreate the memory. there was nothing that could satisfy the craving.
the craving to feel toto wolff spread you open and tear you apart.
ever since that summer afternoon, you maintained your distance. you stayed as far away as possible, ensuring that you remained upstairs whenever he came over for a couple drinks. you would purposefully only pop into your dad's office if you knew toto was out. there was one morning where you fibbed that you had an upset stomach, just so that you didn't have to tag along for another dinner on his luxurious yacht.
of course, you didn't want to avoid him. but you knew you had to.
simply because the mere sight of him was enough to bring you to your knees.
although, missing numerous grand prixes did have it repercussions.
while your dad was in the garage, you would be at home in bed, scrolling endlessly through social media. in turn, a nasty, unsettling feeling began to bloom, only growing with each passing weekend.
and that feeling was jealousy.
to put it simply, you were envious of the girls. how they were able to prance around the paddocks every weekend, donning the latest designer clothing and sipping on the finest champagne. giggling among one another as their boyfriends zoomed past. gossiping about everything and anything, from their sex lives to which one of their manicurists perfected the glazed donut look.
you longed to be with them, to join their elite status as a formula one wag. you ached to be that it girl, strutting into the garage, unbothered as tik tok pages buzzed and tabloids raved.
yet, with the man you had in mind, you knew it wasn't attainable.
not in the slighest.
there was no world in which you would be toto wolff's girlfriend.
it simply was never going to happen.
and facing that fact? fuck, did it have you spiraling.
it left you dejected and defeated, wanting nothing to do with anything and everything related to formula one. the sport you once loved was now a stark reminder of what you could not have.
an innocent dream crushed by the harsh weight of reality.
however, your withdrawn nature did not go unnoticed. by the third or fourth weekend spent home alone, your father decided it was time to "go out and socialize!" and "keep your mom company while he was at work."
you couldn't fight it any longer, either.
you had to attend the hungarian grand prix.
whether you liked it or not.
of course, your father was oblivious. he teased you, wondering if it had something to do with that "verstappen boy" or "that chuck leclerc fellow." although he did not press, you knew that he was aware it had something to do with a boy.
well, not just any boy.
a man. a fifty-two year old man.
his best friend and boss, at that.
so, here you were, using your mother as a shield as the two of you hung out in the garage. with carmen mundt and lewis hamilton's mom, nonetheless.
"so, how is university going?"
a delicate voice floods your right ear. blinking, you realize that it was carmen trying to speak, heat flushing into your cheeks as she giggles, your mom chiming in.
"she's been a little spacey today, so you might wanna make sure her antennas are adjusted correctly."
"mom!" you hiss, eyes narrowing into slits. however, you suck in a breath, turning to carmen, "i haven't started yet, but i am excited about this semester! i have a lot of classes online, so i can work while i travel."
"that's great!" carmen gushes, her lips forming a radiant grin, "i understand how difficult working on the go can be at times, but i have full faith that you'll have another great semester. your dad informed me that you were quite the scholar."
"oh please," you scoff, rolling your eyes, "i'm not that-"
"guten tag miene damen. i hope hospitality has been treating you well!"
your breath hitches in your throat as that brassy voice fills the air, his thick accent seeping into every word.
"toto!" your mom rises to her feet, wrapping the team principal up in a tight embrace, "it's nice to see you!"
"wie ich sehe, hast du den kleinen mitgebracht," the team principal shoots you a wink, folding his arms across his chest, "it's nice to see you, again. i don't think i've spoken to you since-"
"the afternoon we went out on your yacht," you finish, heart thudding against your rib-cage as he nods, "i've been a bit busy."
"is that so?" toto arches a brow, his tongue swiping along his lower lip, "busy with school or?"
"preparing for the semester to begin," you respond, a shiver running down your spine as he maintains eye contact, "i begin my last year of university in a few months."
"very good," the team principal clicks his tongue. tilting his head ever so slightly, he shifts to your mom, "would you mind if i stole her for a few minutes? i don't think she's gotten to see the upgrades we've made to the car."
"oh please," you mom waves a hand, "you know i don't mind!"
"well," his attention floats back to you, his elbow extending, "would you like to see the car?"
"sure," you mumble, your knees nearly buckling as you stand, "as long as i'm back before the first session."
"i'll have you back in no time," giving one last wave to the women, you hesitantly accept his gesture, linking your arm with his, "you better make this quick."
"is that right?" he counters, "you can relax, you know. you don't have to be so tense."
exhaling, your shoulder droops, "sorry. just a little nervous."
"you of all people know i don't bite," as the two of you weave through the garage, he chirps greetings to members of the crew.
as he strolls through a door, you realize that you were not looking at the new cars. in fact, the cars were in various pieces, the engineers tinkering away as you passed by them minutes ago. he was leading you in the opposite direction of the garage, deep into the paddock, far away from your parents.
"the cars were in the garage you know."
toto clicks his tongue, his gaze directed toward the sprawling labyrinth of hallways and doors. his pace picks up, and for a moment, you find it a bit difficult to keep up with his lengthy strides.
yet, he doesn't speak, eventually coming to a halt in front of an office space. he pauses, shoving a hand into his pocket. fishing out a lanyard, he flashes a badge in front of a black square. at the top of the device, a light beams green, the lock turning.
his hand wraps around the handle, pushing the door open. he draws the blinds, taking a brief moment to scan his surroundings, ensuring that the two of you were completely concealed.
swallowing thickly, you shift in place. the air is still, thick with tension as toto turns on his heel, coming face-to-face with you.
in that moment, you swear there's a crackle, as if there was some sort of electricity. a hand cups the back of your skull, bringing you in close.
"where have you been?"
his inquiry is harsh, almost as if he was scolding you.
"home," your lip trembles as he studies you, taking in every little mole, every little scar, and the way your eyes glimmer in the dim light, "i've been at home."
"avoiding me or avoiding the what ifs?"
"both," you sputter out, the word thready as he leans in even further, your mouths only millimeters apart, "i was scared if we saw one another again, i would put you in some sort of fucked-"
"you're adorable," the team principal coos, tilting your head back, "absolutely precious."
"why do you say that?"
the tip of his nose brushes against yours, his voice merely a whisper.
"because no matter how badly i want to fuck you right now, i still have some sense of control."
"then what are you going to do?"
"feel those pretty little lips around my cock. get on your knees."
"t-toto," you stammer, fighting a moan as his mouth drifts down your jawline, planting sloppy kisses down your neck, "i-i don't know if we should-"
"just say the word and i'll walk you right back to mommy and daddy."
adrenaline courses through your veins, your mind scrambling to form a response as his fingertips glide along the waistband of your jeans, tenderly stroking along your heated skin.
the angel on your shoulder was telling you to walk away, to end it right now before it grew into something more.
yet, the devil was a little bastard, reminding you that you finally had him alone. the filthy fantasies that clouded your dreams at night could finally be fulfilled.
and who knew how long it would be before an opportunity like this arose.
it was now or never.
licking your lips, you lower to your knees, the coolness of the concrete littering your limbs with goosebumps. toto dips his head, prompting you to proceed.
"show me how much of a good girl you really are."
bringing your hands to his slacks, you hastily undo the buckle of his belt. hooking the waistband of his boxers, you slide them down, eyes widening at the sight before you.
his hardened cock, far larger than your fantasies, was before you, stiff as the blood pumped through it. his tip was a rosy pink, tinged with the glow of lust. there were several veins prominent, wrapping around his length.
sticking your tongue out, you swirl around his tip, humming as his legs shake momentarily, pleasure crashing over him like a tidal wave. his chest rises and falls, breathing ragged as you begin to take him in your mouth, lashes fluttering as one hand wraps around the base.
"that's it," he pants, fingers tugging at your roots while your cheeks hollow out, "you take it so well. good girl."
spit begins to dribble from your lip as you begin to bob your head, your hand pumping along his length. with each stroke, you can feel him tense, his jaw clamped tight.
you can feel the bruises forming as obscene noises bounce off the walls, the team principal's grip loosening by the second. you're soaking wet, the juices pooling between your thighs as his head falls back.
fuck, did you like this.
no, you loved it as he shuddered against you, his voice breathy, barely audible.
"y-you're going to make me cum. f-fuck you're going to make me cum."
seconds later, you feel it.
threads of cum spill down your throat, his hips bucking against you, "good girl. get every last drop."
pulling away, you swallow, the team principals' hands finding yours. fingers intertwine together, helping you to your feet.
"come here."
mouths mold together, the kiss blazing with passion. a tongue slides along your lower lip, delving in. it's pure bliss, breathing life into your lungs as he brings you in closer than you ever thought possible.
the tender moment is brief, leaving a tingling sensation that buzzes all the way down to your toes.
"we will finish this," eyes interlock, a finger sweeping along your jaw, "i promise."
"when?" the inquiry tumbles out, "when will we see each other again?"
"as soon as possible," he murmurs, "promise me something though, schatzi."
"that is?" you arch a brow, wondering what could possibly come next.
"promise me that you won't let another man near you until i get to finish what i started."
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master taglist: @ts1m1kas @joalslibrary @bxuzi @swifth0lic @dounib67 @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @invictax @pretzelsarenice @lizxoxeth @marknolee @f1kenzzz @statuewoman @jeannealicette @chuxk-lerclerk @manianoola @lokideservesahug @noooway555 @vimayxo @p3rcyp1g
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Something angsty like the batboys reaction to reader in the hospital! I don’t think we have enough angst here
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The moment he hears that you were hospitalised it was as though he had a pit developing in his stomach and that it was growing ever larger.
His mind wanders towards the worst case scenario as to how you had gotten hospitalised in the first place and that no matter how hard Jason tried to stop thinking such things, they only continued to get progressively worse the more he tried to ignore it.
He was worried out of his mind about you and somehow found a way to blame himself for not being there for you, not keeping you safe and letting you risk the chance of dying somewhere he couldn’t find you. Jason knew you were in safe hands at the hospital, but that knowledge did very little to ease the ache within his chest as he managed to find the room you were in and felt his heart break at the state you were in.
‘Oh baby bird.’ He whispered as though any louder would physically hurt you as his eyes wandered to the machines you were hooked up to. He hated the sight of the heart monitor even more as it beeped at him rhythmically, showing him that you were alive and well, but he couldn’t help but think of each beep as a mockery towards him and his failure to be there when he should’ve.
‘You shouldn’t be in here hooked up to all these machines.’ Jason said a little louder this time as he sat down on the chair beside your bed, immediately grasping at your hand and squeezing it gently. ‘You should be home with me, cuddled beneath layers of blankets only to complain about how warm you get, but when I suggest you stop cuddling me. you then become stubborn and hug me tighter knowing damn well your making things worse for yourself.’ Jason chuckled softly at the warm memory, but that quickly died when he saw your face and being reminded that you were stuck in a perpetual slumber.
A coma is what the doctors said you were under and they had no idea whether or not you’d awake from it, but insisted that he should talk to you regardless.
So Jason swallows down the lump in his throat and takes a deep breath. ‘Your stronger then this sweetheart. I know you’ll wake up and will call me a soft teddy bear for worrying but I can’t help but worry about you. I always will worry about you because you mean so much to me, and I don’t want to ever think I’ll never get to see your beautiful smile or hear your laugh ever again. I don’t want that.’ Jason said as he finds himself praying to whomever was listening to keep their filthy hands off of you as he also pleaded you case to keep living.
He didn’t know what he could do other than hope that you healed accordingly and wake up so he could smother you in affection and never let you out of his sight ever again.
Jason doesn’t want to loose you but felt as though he was starting to run out of options the longer you’d remain in this coma. So he vows to himself that he’ll come here on a daily basis to talk to you in hopes that it would keep you away from the edge and back to him, preferably back to him and his arms where you belonged.
‘I’m not giving up on you little bird, for you never gave up on me when you should’ve. So I’m here, I’m right here I’m not leaving.’ Jason says to you and he keeps to his word as he stays by your side the whole night.
Once Dick is made aware that you were hospitalised from Bruce or Barbra, his smile drops from his face as he quietly excuses himself and starts making his journey to the hospital that you were residing.
The sight before him when he arrived at the hospital left Dick with an ache in his heart as he wordlessly sat down in the chair next to you, vowing to himself then and there that he wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. ‘You’ve scared me sweetheart, still scaring me if I’m being honest.’ Dick said as he eyed the monitors with distain as they hook onto you almost like leeches instead of their actual purpose.
He just wanted to take you home and care for you himself but knew he couldn’t.
‘I know I don’t confide in you about my thoughts and feelings and that’s mainly because I was afraid, afraid of how you’d see or think of me afterwards for you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.’ Dick confessed as he risked running a hand gingerly down your cheek, becoming upset when you didn’t lean into his touch like you usually do and tries to keep his composure as he continues.
‘If you wake up- no, when you wake up I promise to be more open with you, more honest with you as I don’t want this being the end of us when I have so much I’ve yet to share with you.’ Dick was quick to wiped away at his eyes when he noticed his vision begin to blur and the persistent sniffling he was doing before pulling out his phone to show you pictures of you, himself and Hayley as though that would somehow pull you out of your coma. ‘Hayley is missing you right now, she needs you as much as I do and I don’t think I have the heart to tell her I lost you because I don’t want to loose you.’ He admits as he puts away his phone and cling onto one of your hands desperately.
‘I need you here with me and Hayley, happy and healthy and laughing and in our one little fairy tale life where nothing else matters but us.’ Dick says softly as he presses kisses to your hand, trying his hardest not to break down into tears, but found it harder and harder to keep it all together when the person he cared for most was in a coma, and with no foreseeable future of awaking from.
‘I don’t want to be alone again…please don’t leave me alone and wake up as soon as you can…please I don’t ask for much but I don’t think I can handle loosing you sweetheart. So please, please remain strong and wake up.’
Leaves the room without another word, uncaring that he might come across as rude or disrespectful, but to Damian you were more important then anyone else and he wasn’t about to waste time with them when you were hospitalised.
Once he had gotten to your room in the hospital he immediately felt his facade crumble as his breath catches in his throat at the sight of you attached to so many machines. Damian could feel him heart rip in two the longer he looked at you that was followed by the need to search for the people who did this and pay them back tenfold.
However Damian knew that you needed him more then ever right now and that his thirst for revenge would have to be put to the side for the meantime, and if it was for you Damian would do anything just to see you open your eyes and tell him that you were okay; However he knew that reality wouldn’t bless him when you were deep in comatose.
So while he was alone with you Damian allowed himself to silently shed a few tears that he had been holding in the entire journey to the hospital, he didn’t know what to do. You were hurt, really hurt and Damian had never felt more useless than he did in this moment as he looks over your form and finding more reasons to simultaneously feel unbridled rage and sadness.
So without realising he had found himself resorting to one thing he thought he’d never do, beg.
‘Please open your eyes my treasure,’ he starts, ‘call me Dami, call me whatever your heart sees fit and I won’t complain about it, not once. I just want you to open your eyes and tell me that everything is going to be fine, that we’re going to be fine.’ Damian trails off as he finds his eyes blurred with more tears that didn’t fall until he was forced to blink.
‘Don’t leave me. this is all I ask of you, for I do not wish to face a life where you are unceremoniously taken from me, I do not wish to live a life we both promised to have without you by my side.’ Damian admits as he reaches for your hand, lifts it and kisses the back of it all the while closing his eyes, squeezing out the last of his tears as he tried to clam his breath but found no avail in his attempts. ‘Don’t take them away from me. I know my hands are tainted with blood, but spare their soul until you can claim mine.’ Damian could feel himself being torn apart at the idea that his pleas for your life weren’t enough to who ever was listening to him in this moment of vulnerability.
‘They are my heart and my soul and they are worth life more than I am. Their soul is pure in comparison to mine, tainted from a young age but I would do anything you ask of me if it meant keeping them safe and alive.’ Damian opened his eyes to look at your oddly peaceful face and felt the ache within his chest grow more into something more painful that he ever thought possible. ‘Torture me all you want I can handle it, but leave them out of it. I can’t stand seeing them hurt or in pain. Seeing them in pain tears at my soul at its very foundations, cracks my heart into a million pieces as I’m left bleeding profusely from imaginary wounds. Let them live, that is all I ask.’ He finishes as he found a fresh wave of tears brining his eyes as he now leaves it up to time to determine your fate.
Damian will forever hate feeling helpless when your life was considered.
Tracks down the exact hospital you were in and doesn’t waste a moment in heading over there as fast as he could.
He didn’t know the severity of your situation but he wasn’t about to risk a single second doing nothing.
So when he does arrive at the hospital he wishes what he was seeing before him was a dream, a bad dream and that if he pinched himself hard enough he’d wake up to you in bed besides him and no machines hooked onto you.
He didn’t like the sight as it made him feel violently sick but he couldn’t bring himself to leave you alone here, not when you were in a vulnerable position such as a coma.
Tim doesn’t say much as he sits himself by your side, watching with seemingly dead eyes as your heart monitor reminds him that you were alive, while they might’ve been comforting for some, it wasn’t enough for him as he needed to see you awake and fretting over him for how long he stayed up for or the lack of sleep. He needs to see you awake and well to believe that you weren’t gone from his life entirely, not comatose or hooked up to every machine in existence.
He felt like a failure somehow, he was supposed to keep you safe and yet failed to do that, and was now faced with the idea that you might stay like this for months on end without any real progression. If he could easily track where you were in the hospital, then how come he didn’t do the same before you had gotten seriously hurt? Where was the logic in that? he was meant to be one of the smartest detectives in Gotham and yet he couldn’t use everything at his disposal to keep you safe from harm.
What a joke. Tim thinks to himself as he forced himself to look at the damaged you sustained, using it as a reminder of how easily it was for you to be taken from him when he wasn’t on guard and keeping tabs on you.
He didn’t want to promise anything aloud in fear that reality would somehow work against him and take you away earlier than expected. So he just sits there and allows himself to feel the guilt, the fear and the pain that had been building up within his chest from the moment he heard the news, to where he was now. He fisted his jeans angrily as he let the first wave of tears stream down his cheeks, audibly sobbing to himself as he chants to himself;
‘Please wake up, you’ll be okay. Please wake up, you’ll be okay. Please just wake up and take me out of this nightmare, I don’t want this to be real. I’m not ready to loose you yet.’
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 2 of obsessive!Johnny
(Part 1 is here)
Johnny’s there when you wake up. Eyes so, so blue, hands fidgeting. You’re in a bed that’s not yours, in a room you don’t recognize, with a man you’re fond of but know nearly as well as you’d like right now.
“Don’t scream,” he says as soon as your eyes are open.
That’s not a very good thing to say to someone, you think hazily. Your head hurts. You don’t scream.
“Listen, I know how this looks,” he continues. He can’t sit still. Keeps scooting closer, then away, then twitches like he wants to touch you, then twists his fingers together. “But you passed out in the alley and I didn’t know what else to do.”
Oh right. The alley. Those creepy, aggressive men. Well, the one man and his shitty friends. You remember Johnny flying from the bar like a bat out of hell, one of them knocking into you, and then your head bouncing off the brick wall. Right.
“You… could have taken me back inside?” you venture.
There’s something off about Johnny. Something in his darting eyes and awkward smile. Something that warns you to tread carefully for there are traps hidden around your feet.
“No, I know, I realized as soon as I got you in the car…” He scratches nervously at his scruff. You were just thinking earlier that night that it’s growing in nicely. “But… but then I got to thinking.”
Alarms start ringing in your mind as he meets your eyes. A strange, fervent glint in them you’ve never seen before.
“The world is so dangerous, hen. It’s safer here with me, where I can protect you.”
You shift. There’s something around your ankle. It jingles when you move again. Johnny knows you notice it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he hurries to say. “I was afraid you would run if I wasn’t here when you woke up. You hit your head it would be bad for you to run.”
Your heart is starting to pound, so hard and fast you can barely hear your own voice over it. Somehow, blessedly, calm and even.
“Okay… okay, soap that’s fair. Can we take it off now that I’m awake?”
“S-soon. Soon, Bonnie. There’s just - listen I want you to stay. I have to know you’re safe. I can’t… can’t function when I think about getting hurt or-or with other men…”
He’s working himself up and thats bad. That’s very bad. Especially considering that you’re his only outlet for these made up scenarios.
“Hey, hey,” you murmur, instantly getting his attention. “I think I get it. You… you just want to protect me. You like me.”
His expression melts, he leans in towards you.
“More than like you, hen. Oh, so much more than like.”
Oh. Oh you see now.
You draw in the slowest, deepest breath you can manage through trembling lungs. It’s still not enough.
“So please understand,” he continues. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen but… but I can’t let you go now. Not when I know you need someone to protect you.”
You don’t understand. You don’t understand at all.
But you don’t need to. You just need Johnny happy with you. You need to keep calm, because that will make him happy. It’ll keep you safe.
“O-okay,” you force yourself to say. “I’ll stay… at least for a while. Okay?”
Even as you say it, you can feel tears spilling over. You life and hopes and aspirations fading like smoke. Johnny makes a distressed noise, scrambles to grab onto your hand. Is still, somehow, so gentle as he strokes his thumb over your knuckles.
“I know, it’s a lot all at once, I’m sorry.” He almost sounds like he means it. “I’ll make it all up to you, I promise.”
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strnilolover · 10 days
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚ Moonlight Tears ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♡ Sweet!Bf!Matt x Sad!Gf!Reader
♡ Warnings : some crying, other than that it’s fluff
♡ wc : 637
♡ A/N : I literally need Matt to just hold me at least once while I’m crying. I feel like he would be so sweet and understanding and so comforting because he hates seeing his girl cry.
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
It was way past the time you normally were asleep by. Tossing and turning in bed while Matt slept soundly next to you, your movement not causing him to stir much.
As you flopped over one last time, you read the clock. 3:15am. You sighed turning over onto your back, staring at the ceiling as you felt your mind move rapidly through many different thoughts.
Normally you would’ve been asleep by now, cuddling up against Matt as your soft snores echoed in the room. But tonight was not that night. Your stressed mind caused you to stay awake, dark thoughts swirling in your brain as you tried your best to shut them down.
Sighing, you felt your face begin to grow hot as your throat closed. Tears rolling down your face as you turned over to face away from Matt, muffling your sobs as to not alarm him.
To no avail, Matt stirred. His body shifting as he groaned softly, head lifting from the pillow to figure out why you were so far away from him on the bed. And that’s when he saw the light shakes of your body.
He frowned, turning to face you fully in bed on his side. Scooting closer, his arm wrapped around your middle, pulling your back closer to his frame as your tears continued to roll down your cheeks. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?” He questioned, hand rubbing soothingly over your stomach.
You shook your head, trying to escape his grasp but he wouldn’t let go. “I-I’m just — having a h-hard time sleeping.” You choked out quietly, “too many t-thoughts.”
Matt knew that you struggled with depression, anxiety too. Your mind keeping you from enjoying so many things that you once enjoyed. His hand on your stomach moved to your hip, slowly turning you over to face him now.
His other hand came up to your face, stroking his thumb along your cheek, wiping the tears. “Everything will be okay angel, just focus on my heartbeat, okay?” He whispered, pulling your head against his chest as he rubbed soothing motions on your back.
Your face buried in his chest, your cries slowed, only slight sniffles being heard. His heart was slow, the rhythmic thumps soothing your whirlwind of a mind. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, encouraging you to breath, talking to you as if you were such a fragile being.
You didn’t mind. Eyes closed as your mind started to calm itself, arms wrapping around matt in return. You took a deep breath, body going lax against his as he continued to whisper calming words to you.
Once you felt you were okay enough, you pulled back slightly, tilting your head up to look at him. His blue eyes already looking down at you, you smiled weakly. “Thank you Matt — m’sorry for waking you.” Your voice was quiet as you mumbled the words past your lips.
He shook his head, “no, no we’re not Gonna do that,” he said firmly but gentle, his hand coming up to cup your face. “I’m always here for you. You could wake me up even if I’m fucking exhausted, and I wouldn’t hesitate to help you.” He deadpanned, a smile tugging at his lips.
You smiled back, nodding your head in understanding because you knew he was right, despite how much you wanted to argue back.
“Good.” He whispered, pulling you back into his chest. “Now get some sleep okay? I’ll be right here in the morning. M’not letting you go.” He mumbled, head coming to rest on top of your own.
You nodded, tipping your head up quickly to peck his neck before snuggling deep into his chest. Your eyes growing heavy as you were finally able to fall asleep, Matt’s arms feeling like a safe haven — like your own comfort home.
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
© strnilolover
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coldfanbou · 22 days
Manor: Shared Fun
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New Manor part with a little fun with Moonbyul and Nayeon. Maybe Nayeon is going to take up Moonbyul in the future.
Length 2.3K
Mreader X Moonbyul X Nayeon
You open the door to your new home. It’s a good-sized apartment named after Moonbyul; something meant to hide you. Moonbyul pushes past you, walking into the new apartment, “Oh wow, this is pretty nice. I should’ve asked you to get me a place like this.” The detective looks around the apartment building, scanning the new furniture. “You’ve got pretty good taste,” she says, sitting herself down on the sofa. “When you handed me that list, I had no clue what I was looking at, but I see if I ever need to get someone to redecorate my place, I can call you. There should be some beer in the fridge.” 
“Yeah, If you need it, I can always help. It’s the least I can do,” you reply, heading to the kitchen and returning with a few beers. You hand one to Moonbyul, who quickly cracks it open, and you offer the other to Nayeon. She hesitantly accepts it, opening it and taking a sip before recoiling. 
Moonbyul points and laughs at Nayeon, “Haha! You can’t drink!”
“I can, too!” Nayeon yells back, taking a long drink from the can. She keeps the alcohol in her mouth, struggling to swallow. She manages to but grimaces. 
Moonbyul continues laughing, “You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.” She sips her drink, letting out a long breath as she relaxes. “Hey, you don’t mind if I stay here for the night, do you? I kind of just want to drink and relax.”
“You’re more than welcome to stay the night.” The three of you sit in the living room drinking until you grow tired. From there, you head to your bedroom and Nayeon to hers. You hand Moonbyul a couple of blankets for her to use as she sleeps on the couch. 
You lay awake in bed, though, unable to go to sleep. Leaving home was something you had imagined would occur because of different circumstances. You sigh and take a deep breath as you stare at the ceiling. You’re tired and want to rest, but something gnaws at you. You wonder where exactly things went wrong. Your ex cheating was the big explosion, but where had you gone wrong? 
A knock on your door breaks your train of thought. You get out of bed and walk to the door, opening it. It’s Nayeon. Her nightgown stretches to the floor; she’s clutching part of it in her hands. “Hey, I can’t sleep. Do you mind if I slept with you? You know…we’re both going through the same thing I thought-”
“I get it, Nayeon. Come in.” You walk back to bed and climb in; Nayeon follows. She faces you, staring at you silently for a few minutes before huffing. “So we’re on our own now.”
“Yeah, we are. What are we going to do?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, I guess so. There’s something else too. I-I want to date…you.” Nayeon’s voice goes to a whisper at the end of her sentence, growing shy as you linger on a response. “Say something.”
“I appreciate that, Nayeon, the thought that is. I don’t know if I’m ready to date yet. This isn’t a no; it’s just…I don’t know. We have so much to do now that we’re alone. I want you around, though; I just don’t know if I’m ready. And don’t think this is about sex; it’s not. I’m just- we’re going through a lot.”
Nayeon sighs but smiles at you. “I know.” She cups your cheeks. “I just think being in a relationship with you puts my mind at ease, you know? Like, I have someone to really rely on. I’ll stay with you; let’s just not put a label on ourselves then. How does that sound?”
“That sounds good.” You pull Nayeon in, holding her against you. She digs her head into your chest, smiling as you both become drowsy and fall asleep. You hold Nayeon as you continue to chat, your words slowly becoming mumbles as you find comfort in Nayeon.
The following morning, you wake up with Nayeon in your arms, facing away from you but keeping her body next to yours. She used your arm as a pillow, drooling on it as she slept. You sneak away, getting out of bed and leaving the room. 
In the living room, you find Moonbyul lying face down on the floor. Her blanket barely covered her nude form. It covered her top half but left her ass wholly uncovered. You drag the blanket over her, covering her body before heading to the kitchen. You check through the fridge, but you don’t see any food. “What are you looking for?” You look over your shoulder and see Moonbyul standing behind you, still naked. She rubs her eyes and repeats her question.
Your eyes are glued to Moonbyul’s body, taking in every curve. “I, uh,” you shake your head and start again, “I was looking for food, but I guess I need to go grocery shopping.” 
“Yeah, you’ll need to do that handsome.” Moonbyul pats your chest and pokes her head, seeing an empty fridge except for some beers. 
“Ya! What are you two doing?” You look over and see Nayeon standing at the kitchen entrance. “Moonbyul! Why are you naked?”
Moonbyul looks down, noting that she was naked. “Is there a problem with that? I like sleeping like this.” A smile creeps onto Moonbyul’s face, “Ah, are you jealous?” Moonbyul reaches into your shorts, grabs your cock, and strokes it slowly. “He’s already hard. I guess he liked what he saw.” Moonbyul says, teasing Nayeon. 
“He’s like that because of me! I was right next to him all night.” Nayeon says as she grabs the bottom of her gown and lifts it over her head. Both women were naked now, and seeing their bodies got you hard. Nayeon walks over to you and pulls down your shorts before grabbing your cock. “You’re hard because of me, right?” You’re silent, only able to groan the women’s names as they stroke your cock.
“I’m sure it’s because of me.” Moonbyul glances at you and kisses your neck. “I’m the better fuck, right?” The older woman kneels before you, releasing your cock and moving Nayeon’s hand aside. Nayeon watches with surprise as Moonbyul plants her lips on your cock, allowing the tip inside her mouth. You moan Moonbyul’s name as you feel her tongue slowly swirl around you. After watching Moonbyul begin to suck your cock, Nayeon kneels too. She’s anxious about losing you and willing to match Moonbyul’s actions. Moonbyul meets Nayeon’s gaze and smiles. She moves back, moving her lips alongside your shaft and allowing Nayeon to work the other side. The younger woman does so; Nayeon presses her soft lips against the side of your cock and runs it along your shaft. You moan, struggling to contain yourself because of the two women. You place your hands on their heads, guiding them along your cock. Moonbyul fights you, staying at the tip of your cock and moving her tongue up and down the tip. Nayeon follows suit. Precum leaks from your cock, and the women lap it up, almost fighting for it.
They can feel your cock begin to throb; Moonbyul pulls away and stands up. Nayeon pauses as the older woman bends over the kitchen table and spreads her cheeks for you. Moonbyul teasingly sways her hips, telling you to fuck her using only body language. Getting the hint, Nayeon does the same, bending over next to Moonbyul. With both women offering you their bodies, you struggle to make a decision. You know that you’ll be living with Nayeon for some time, and it would be better to maintain a good relationship with her. As much as you want to fuck Moonbyul first, you get behind Nayeon and press your cock against her entrance, driving your cock into her slowly. As Nayeon moans, Moonbyul pouts. The older woman chuckles before standing up and running her finger along your chest.
“I guess I’ll wait for my turn.” She says before kissing you. You moan into the kiss. The pleasure you got from thrusting into Nayeon’s cunt was great. You grip the younger woman’s waist, holding her still as you speed up. Moonbyul watches Nayeon’s body quiver, smirking as she listens to the younger woman’s moans. Moonbyul breaks the kiss and squats down, getting under Nayeon. She drags her tongue along her slit as you thrust into Nayeon, flicking her clit. Nayeon feels the older woman’s tongue and cries out. She places all her weight on the table, her legs unable to hold her up as Moonbyul continues to pleasure her, using her skilled tongue to repeatedly flick Nayeon’s clit. “You taste so good, Nayeon. I might get addicted.” Moonbyul remarks in a low, sultry tone.
You felt Moonbyul’s tongue, too, and while it gave you some pleasure, it was nowhere near what Nayeon was feeling. The younger woman was tightening around your cock, her walls clamping down as she was rushing toward her climax. Nayeon began to whimper, the tightness in her core becoming tighter, her body tensing up until she exploded. Nayeon shuddered as she squirted her sweet nectar onto Moonbyul’s tongue. She felt ashamed for cumming so quickly, even though two people were working her over. On the other hand, the older woman greedily drank it all, only missing out on a few drops as they ran down her cheeks. As Nayeon’s orgasm ended, Moonbyul ran her fingers along Nayeon's slit, making the younger woman tense up.
“You came, I guess it’s my turn now.” She teased, rising from under the younger woman and placing herself on the table. You pull out, on the verge of cumming. Moonbyul spreads her cheeks for you again, “I want that cock somewhere else this time, handsome. This tight ass needs to be stretched. Get me ready, will you?” You glance at Moonbyul’s puckered asshole and then move your eyes over to Nayeon’s wet cunt. Pushing your fingers into Nayeon, you coated them in her juices before moving your fingers over to Moonbyul and pushing them in. The older woman groans, a giant smile on her face as she feels you play with her ass. “That’s it, get it nice and wet.”
You repeat the process a few more times before becoming satisfied. Grabbing your cock you press it against her asshole and push in. You and Moonbyul groan as you stretch her asshole, pushing apart the brown hole as it takes the tip of your cock inside. “God, you’re big,” Moonbyul grunts while you continue to push yourself inside. The tightness of her asshole was something else entirely. You could hardly control yourself. You gripped Moonbyul’s waist and thrust the rest of your length inside, cumming inside her. Moonbyul gasped, her eyes rolling back as she felt your warm cum pour into her. “F-fuck,” she groans, her toes curling as she revels in the feeling of being filled. Your cum continues to pour into Moonbyul; when you’re finally done, you begin thrusting. Moonbyul bites her lip, the pleasure flowing through her body as she feels your cock stir the cum inside her. 
You were nearing another climax quickly, having become more sensitive after your orgasm. Still, you were determined to make Moonbyul cum, so you continued thrusting deep into her ass. You kept one hand on Moonbyul’s waist and moved the other to her face, hooking her mouth with your fingers and pulling her back. Her tongue wagged in the air as you continued thrusting. Recovering slowly from her intense climax, Nayeon looks at the look of utter bliss on the older woman’s face and recognizes that she’s something else entirely. She watches in awe as your continued thrusts bring Moonbyul to orgasm. Her ass squeezes your cock, and you're about to cum. Nayeon notices the look on your face and kneels, pushing on your thigh to get you to pull out of Moonbyul. Her body reacted before her mind had time to register what she was doing. Nayeon drags the older woman down to the floor and presses her face against Moonbyul’s, giving you a large canvas. You cum at that moment, painting their faces. Nayeon opens her mouth, some drops of cum landing on her tongue while Moonbyul is fully coated with not a single drop making it into her mouth.
You take a step back and look at the women, your cum staining their pretty faces. The women look at each other, with Moonbyul chuckling. The older woman places her hand under Nayeon’s chin and drags her tongue across the younger woman’s cheek. “Not bad, Nayeon. I think I’d enjoy another session with you, just us, though. I want to see what your body can do.” Nayeon felt the heat rise to her face; she was stunned at the older woman’s words. “What? Did you think I was interested in your friend over there? Don’t get me wrong, I like a good cock, and he has one, but I like women a little more.” Moonbyul licks Nayeon’s other cheek, this time making the process slower. “You don’t have to answer now, but I’ll leave you my number if you ever want to have a little fun. I can even teach you some things.” 
Moonbyul grabs the edge of the table, using it to stand up. “Well, that was a great way to start the day.” She says while wiping the cum from her face. “Let’s take a shower before we get you two used to your new lives.” Moonbyul takes Nayeon’s arm, helping her to her feet before leading the two of you to the bathroom. 
Today was the first day of the rest of your lives.
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shunsuiken · 7 months
DON’T FORGET WHO’S TAKING YOU HOME (and in whose arms you’re gonna be).
pairing(s). kaeya, childe, ayato, kaveh, neuvillette x fem!reader
genre. fluff
wc. 200-400 for each character
an. AND SING WITH ME 🎤🎤 SO DARLING SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR MEEE michael buble literally left no crumbs with this song i had to write about it omg + ALSO happy valentines day everyone !!! i may not have a valentine this year but im happy to post this for anybody feeling a little lonely today !! you are so so loved okay ?!!! come and collect a kiss from me before reading on 💋 MUAH have a lovely valentines day !!! <33
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kaeya alberich
you’re really good at hiding, kaeya thinks to himself with a huff and a smile on his lips. searching all over the plaza for you was making him break a sweat in his navy blue tuxedo. with another turn around the corner he decides to remove his tuxedo jacket for the time being, folding it over his arm to carry instead.
“no, no, no klee! stop it! you can’t play with your things here, if you blow things up-”
“-master jean will put me in solitary confinement…”
oho, kaeya recognises these two voices very well. he finds it so hilarious that at the end, his feet lead him right to you! not even a single thought was processed as he turned the corner two seconds ago but here you are.
he hides behind the large potted plant, listening to the conversation you and the beloved spark knight share. he stays there until it becomes quiet between you two.
“kaeya, you peacock, i know it’s you.”
kaeya lets out a baffled noise, finally showing himself from behind the plant, offended by the ridiculous nickname you gave him. “snowflake, how dare you?”
“klee, don’t eavesdrop on people like this man when you grow older, yeah?” you point animatedly at your lover, who’s folding his arms and scoffing at you.
klee only giggles, nodding her head. “i gotta go find albedo now!” you watch as she skips off towards the plaza, waving goodbye.
you then turn towards your next problem that stands behind you. “i thought you were out dancing?”
“i was, but they’ll start playing the last dance soon and how can my last dance not be with you?” your lover walks towards you, pulling you closer by your waist with his free arm. you immediately wrap your arms around his neck, smiling softly at his intentions.
you hear an announcement echoing from the plaza before you can reply, and you figure it might have been mika because of how timid the voice sounded.
“good evening everyone, please bring all your friends and company over for the last dance of the night!”
“sounds like our queue.” you slide your arms off his shoulder to grab his hand, pulling him with you without warning.
“oh snowflake, hold on-” kaeya almost trips on air and the sounds of your laughter bounce off the concrete floor and walls as you drag him down the staircase leading to the plaza.
you can never refuse ajax’s request for a dance, because he won’t take no for an answer. especially when it comes to dancing. your feet hurt so much. you’re so ready to just fall on top of your bed and go to sleep. but the only thing that keeps you wide awake, heart pumping and everything is the look on your lover's face.
his gaze usually has this inhumane and dull look to them, but you find that whenever he looks at you or when he participates in something he loves, his gaze finally twinkles. it works so miraculously too. like all of a sudden life was returned to him and he could see.
the smile on your lips grows when you think about this. you think it’s sweet how you’re one of the reasons that the life in his eyes returns.
ajax notices the tighter grip you hold on his forearm, making his lips curl in curiosity. “what’s going on in your head, baby?”
you zone in on the situation, you’re still dancing, and you shake your head in response. “nothing, ajax.” you want to keep your thoughts to yourself but when ajax smiles at you like that, with the most expectant look on his face, you can’t help yourself. “actually, i just thought about the dance.”
he twirls you around to the music before connecting arms with you again. “you just thought about the dance?” his brow quirks in amusement.
“no, no not like that,” you say with a sheepish chuckle before continuing, “i just thought that this number is the longest one so far.”
“well of course,” ajax responds with an eye smile. “it’s the last song.”
“it… is?” you look up at ajax while trying to fight the urge to look anywhere else.
if this is the last song… and you’re dancing with him… then that can only mean-
when the choreography allows ajax to pull you against his chest, he leans down so he can whisper in your ear, “you will be my final dance partner tonight.”
kamisato ayato
these few days at fontaine have been strumming the strings of your heart like a guitar—ayato has been spending so much time with you that you’re beginning to think of such ridiculous conclusions. his eyes that linger on your face, his hand that hovers on the small of your back when leading you out of a hall and it’s just these little things that he does with you that makes you want to claw an entire curtain off its rod. one time he even poured you a glass of wine before taking a sip with the same glass—it’s like he’s forgotten he’s the yashiro commissioner!
thoma and ayaka barely bat an eye. but also, they’ve known ayato for much longer than you have since you were a recent (and lovely) addition to the little family. so… perhaps this is just how he acts?
“uh-huh, when he’s courting someone that is.”
the sentence that thoma said offhandedly is the only thing that rings through your mind. but your thoughts must’ve shone through your expression because ayato is quick on his feet to smoothly guide you off the dance floor, gloved hand still holding yours as he brings you to a less crowded area—the balcony.
“you appeared to be distracted, that’s why i pulled us away,” ayato breaks the silence and your train of thoughts.
he’s still holding my hand—is what you’re repeating in your head. your eyes can barely focus on a single object within your field of vision. your bottom lip quivers at the revelation you’re carefully starting to uncover.
“i am not distracted,” you inhale sharply when you accidentally meet ayato’s gaze. “i…” your brows crease as you try to get words out of your mouth.
ayato brings your hand up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand and you can physically feel the blood rush up to your fingertips. “would my lady like to return to the hotel?”
your voice leaves your throat in but a hoarse whisper, “what did you just call me?”
you hear a chuckle from ayato and it makes you snap your head around in embarrassment. this new term of endearment rolls off his tongue way too easily, the rascal must have been practicing!
“oh no, no, no, my lady, you must look at me,” a grin appears on ayato’s face at your attempts to hide your expression and when he finally gets you to look at him, you’re caged between his arms.
“why would you call me that?” you whine at his teasing.
“well i just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore,” ayato murmurs, a dust of pink decorating his cheeks. “will you allow me to call you that?”
three hours. it’s been three hours since you and kaveh decided to learn a cute couples dance routine ‘for funsies’. whose idea was this again? weren’t you two supposed to be just friends? doesn’t kaveh have a client meeting tomorrow that he should be preparing for?
“so we do this—then this and then we’re supposed to oh—!”
the silence is deafening. the song playing in the background fades as you both stare at each other, even mirroring the same expression. eyes as wide as saucers. lips just inches from connection.
kaveh’s breath fans over your lips and you can hear the audible gulp he makes at the closeness. he’s also entirely aware that the red in his cheeks has reached his ears by now. while you, on the other hand, have started hearing the percussion of your heart in your own eardrums.
“o-oh…” your legs are frozen in place and hang on a second, why haven’t either of you let go?
his hand is respectfully sat on your waist, while the other is occupied holding your hand. you hear him inhale and it grabs your attention before you can get anymore lost in his gaze. his gaze observes your lovely face, eyes flickering from one feature to another as he whispers, “has anybody ever told you you’re pretty up close?”
you shake your head ever so slightly. “no.”
kaveh likes this answer, humming as he ponders for a moment.
your eyes sparkle when that handsome smile of his appears on his lips. he chuckles shortly at your expression, your palm feels so warm when connected with his.
“i’m glad i’m the first to tell you.”
“oh dear, neuvillette,” you chuckle softly, walking towards him as he takes another sip of his water. he stands in a more secluded corner of the hall, briefly greeting guests with a nod of the head. which is why he stands out like a sore thumb—arctic white hair, designer blue suit and a piercing gaze.
but that gaze doesn’t fool you. the dragon sovereign is probably pondering on retiring for the night and is only still present to keep up with appearances.
“yes, lady y/n?” it’s to nobody’s surprise that he heard you from metres away.
when he turns around, your eyes immediately land on the problem you’ve sensed since you returned from the dancefloor.
“your tie,” you reply, standing in front of his figure, nonchalantly raising your hands in preparation to adjust the garment. “will you allow me to fix it?”
the gears in neuvillette’s mind pause abruptly at your question. he certainly has no problem readjusting his own tie. his hands aren’t holding anything else other than his cup of water—which he can definitely put down on a nearby table!
but why can’t he bring himself to say no?
the ‘of course’ leaves his lips faster than he would have liked, but that’s no matter, your expression shows no sign of displeasure. instead, he watches your sweet smile brighten.
when your fingers reach the tie, neuvillette notices how you tiptoe to reach him. so he does what any normal person would do—he leans down.
it catches you off guard, the tips of your fingers just slightly grazing against his neck in the process. you profusely apologise in whispers to which neuvillette can only chuckle at.
“it is no trouble lady y/n, i appreciate the kind gesture.” the corner of neuvillette’s lips curve, his hands neatly tucked behind him as he allows you to redo his tie.
neuvillette’s lips only seem to further break into a smile as he watches you pat on the tie in completion.
“there, all finished.” you look up at the iudex, chuckling, “you ought to learn how to do this yourself.”
neuvillette hums, “perhaps you could teach me.” he takes your hand, gently brushing his lips against your knuckles before kissing it. “but for now a dance shall suffice, would you care to join me?”
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simplyreveries · 9 months
Hiii!! Can I request headcanons for how the overblot crew holds you?? Btw i really loved reading your posts! You're such a good writer
holding you; overblot boys
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riddle rosehearts
as mentioned before, riddle is usually the one held- he is a shameless little spoon haha. he prefers to be against your heart as he holds you tightly and lets out the longest sigh as if to let go of his stress and tenseness melt away just by being with you like this.
he doesn't necessarily ask to cuddle or anything, but you can tell when he's craving some of them from you. he just hadn't realized (and frankly still hasn't) how touch starved he is so once he's comfortable, he's hooked.
riddle can’t help but lean against you sometimes, usually when he’s having a hard time during the day as dorm leader and responsibilities, he tries ever so hard to keep up with. if you’re just sitting next to him talking to him or showing him something on your phone, you’ll notice him inching closer and closer to you until your arms are pressed together and leaning face his real close to yours. if you happen to point that out, he'll quickly move away all flustered.
leona kingscholar
he holds onto you all the time because you’ve become his own pillow when he’s wanting to take a nap. you’ll find yourself just deciding to spend the night at his dorm when too much time passes— not like you really can go anyway when he only holds you tighter whenever you shift.
leona is a perfect person for you if you’re naturally cold because he is a heater… he is always so warm when against you. I guess it’s good because his dorm can get chilly with the outside open to it, so you’ll only find yourself curling more against him anyway.
seriously though he like refuses to let you go unless you complain that you absolutely need to go or something. even then he's such a grump when you have to leave. especially when he's laying on your lap like the audacity?? agdjsjdk
if you’re shorter than him he’d do the thing where head yours your head or shoulders as an armrest because he’s such a jerk like that. he does it so nonchalantly too.
azul ashengrotto
undeniably clingy with you whether he wants to admit it or not. he is constantly drawn to you and your presence whenever he's around you. "i've missed you all day, pearl" he'll dramatically sigh and tell you woefully how tired and overworked he is as he puts his arms around your waist and lay his head against your shoulder burying his face into your neck.
azul prefers to be face to face when cuddling,, he likes to look at you. he loves it when you have easy access to cover his face with kisses and he can grab your hands and press his lips gently to them.
you’ll find him often putting his gloved hand around your waist and keep it on your side, he does it really without thinking. he’ll just be beside you and talking to you about something and find a way to keep a hand on you.
jamil viper
have you seen scarabia?? his room?? he's got a bunch of pillows and they're always so soft and so comfortable when he's holding you... though there are sometimes when you playfully hit him with them and he has no choice but to get you back as well. that probably was the first time you've seen him so lively.
he has a habit of holding you from behind when sleeping. like leona, he is naturally a warm person as well. he has your back to his chest and his head in your hair.. jamil is really shameless about it. he feels content in your presence and scent.
jamil falls asleep rather easily around you, its a bit funny if you're more so a night owl because he does try to stay awake around you as you talk and do whatever. as you sit up on the bed, he'll be lying beside you with his arms around you. but he can't help but feel his eyelids grow heavy and drifts to sleep.
vil schoenheit
vil is very gentle... idc what anyone says. whenever he's holding you close and cuddling, he loves to have his hand anywhere on your skin as he'd stroke your back, your arm, waist... wherever he feels like in the moment. it feels light and feathery, i just know his hands are incredibly soft too. he can't help but softly laugh whenever he sees you start to feel ticklish from it.
if you ask him to, he will hum songs for you, you get to hear his pretty voice. It’s definitely a special privilege you get by being his. you’ll get to hear your most favorite songs too; he’ll sigh and teasingly tell you you’re quite the demanding one when begging him to him your favorite songs and melodies.
he loves when he can smell the perfume/cologne just any fragrances on you. especially knowing its ones he's given and gifted to you. he enjoys the idea of you wearing something of his own like that.
idia shroud
he was so nervous to do anything even as simple and cute look that at first, even though he desperately wanted to. you’d have to initiate it first then he’d follow along and wrap his arms around you. Idia would shove his face and hide it somewhere on you, though you can feel his lips curve into a smile when it’s against your neck hehe.
idia usually always has some sort of show or movie on though, it makes it a lot less nerve wracking for him when you’ve got something like distracting. but also he totally loves just lazing around playing video games with you laying against him.
okay but once he is more comfortable be prepared for him because he definitely is pretty clingy and wants his hands on you a lot… he’ll be drained after some dorm leader meeting he was forced into participating in and he collapses onto the bed just wanting to be with you. you'll feel his cold hands snake around you and he'll snicker when you get so surprised.
malleus draconia
malleus is such a big sucker for affection from you. he doesn't even seem to care where he is or who's around him, he just sees you. he loves putting his arms around you from behind your back and hugging you. sometimes he'll slowly shift side to side in a sweet manner.
pleaseee he loves it when you absentmindedly play with his long hair. he’ll let you do whatever you want to it, he thinks it’s funny however you choose to do it. but adores it most when you're just combing your fingers through his hair. he'll close his eyes and have the most content smile on his face.
when malleus is holding you, most likely deeply asleep curled on him, his favorite thing to do is look at you... oh, so blissfully and trace your features on your face with his fingertips, lingering right on your lips. malleus has this energy around him where he'll end up feeling like the safest place you can be, ironic enough with the stigma other students hold around him. this man treats you like glass.
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
Hey you!
I have an Eddie fluff request - he's in love with his best friend and has no idea she secretly feels the same, too chicken to tell her, but one night when she sleeps over at his, in the same bed he whispers everything he can't say in words, no idea that she's actually awake, hearing everything. So she starts "falling asleep" everywhere to have him tell her more about how much he loves her and when he voices concern about her being so tired "perhaps you need some vitamins supplement?" she confess that she has only pretended to hear him tell her he loves her, because she was chicken too
Very cute fluff! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Bedtime whispers
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Eddie fell in love with his best friend over the years. They met in high school and connected instantly. Eddie felt safe around her and she was his protector. Whenever he got bullied, she saved the day. It was hard not to be smitten with her.
But he would never admit that to her. He finally had someone in his life that he refused to lose. She meant more than a friend to him. He valued their friendship and would hate himself if he ruined it. She was an amazing girl and he wanted to keep his claws in her.
Everyone else saw what he saw, which meant he had to bite his tongue whenever she dated someone or was interested in someone. It made his stomach drop and everything inside of him hurt. Luckily, the boys never lasted, he might have been the reason but she didn't need to know that.
With how close they were, they always had sleepovers. It was one of Eddie's favorite things they did together. They talked all night, watched movies, and ate everything Wayne bought that week. He loved laying next to her and feeling her warmth. He loved tangling their legs together underneath the covers and her head on his chest. He couldn't help but wish it lasted forever. As she dreamed, he daydreamed of marrying her and growing old.
Eddie turned off the lamp as they cuddled into bed. His back hit the mattress and she cuddled into him. Her head was on his chest as she sighed in delight. There was a comforting feeling Eddie provided and his smell was like a hug.
Eddie heard her breathing get softer and her body gets heavy. It was normal for her to fall asleep first. Eddie always struggled but he didn't mind laying still for her to cling on to. He looked down at her and softly ran his fingers through her hair.
"Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret from your other half?" Eddie whispered. She was asleep and he needed to say everything on his chest so he could sleep.
"It's hard. When I look at you, I wish I could say what's on my mind. I wish I could tell you how I fell in love with you and keep falling."
Y/N hoped he couldn't feel how fast her heart was racing. She didn't want him to know she was awake, so she stayed still. After a few seconds, he began to softly snore.
Y/N never stopped thinking about Eddie's confession. She felt the same as he did but was always too scared to say something. She thought it was funny that they both felt the same and were too chicken to say anything about it.
She wanted to hear more, she wanted to hear every thought Eddie had about her. So, she decided to "fall asleep" a few times to see what he had to say.
"Tired?" Eddie asked, Y/N faked a yawn and placed her head in Eddie's lap. The movie she already had seen a thousand times played in the background. She didn't mind to miss it as she closed her eyes.
"A bit," she lied, humming softly when Eddie began to play with her hair. Y/N tried to slow down her breathing to show that she was asleep.
She listened to the movie as time passed.
"You asleep?" Eddie whispered
Y/N stayed silent and tried not to smile as Eddie softly touched her face.
"You have the prettiest skin, I always think about caressing your cheek, and placing my lips on yours. It's hard not to stare and think about it when you apply lip gloss. Your lips memorize me." Eddie whispered as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
Y/N kept it going.
Week after week she "fell asleep" to listen to him.
"Your eyes are my favorite"
"I love how easy you fit in my arms"
"You have the sweetest perfume and I love that it lingers on my sheets"
"I get jealous when guys ask you out"
"I'm in love with you and I always will be"
"No one comes close to you"
"If I ever got the courage, I'd ask you to marry me"
"Tired again? Do you need to see a doctor or take something?" Eddie asked, he was concerned by how much she seemed to need to sleep.
"What?" Y/N laughed as she looked up from Eddie's lap.
"You've been tired lately. I'm concerned somethings off with your health." Eddie explained, his hands working through her hair.
"Oh, I don't think it's anything to stress about," Y/N tried to brush him off but he looked worried.
"Is there something going on at home?"
Y/N sighed and sat up.
"Eddie, look," she said, "I've been pretending to sleep because I like hearing things you say about me."
Eddie looked like a deer in headlights. The terror was clear to see on his face.
"I love you too, and I've been too scared to say it. And hearing you confess everything to me, even if you thought I was sleeping, I want you to know what I love about you." She said as she placed herself in Eddie's lap.
He swallowed and nervously wrapped his arms around her.
"I love your hair, your soft eyes, I've dreamed of kissing your lips," her thumb traced his bottom lip, "I love your jokes, your dirty mind, and how creative you are. An-"
But Eddie heard enough, she confessed she felt the same and he didn't want to wait another second. He placed his hand on the back of her head and brought her lips to his. He moaned as she finally felt the feeling of her lips against his. She tasted like a dream.
Y/N whimpered as she lost her hands in his hair, the kiss deepening as Eddie took control of the kiss. He picked her up and moved her on her back. Their lips connected as he settled on top of her and slipped his tongue into her mouth.
"Fuck," Y/N moaned as Eddie pulled away, their lust-filled eyes staring at each other.
"Agreed," Eddie panted out
"Do it again," Y/N demanded as she pushed Eddie's head back down. He gladly listened, his tongue working inside of her mouth as his hands moved up her thighs and landed underneath her shirt. His fingers caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.
Eddie tested the waters as he rocked his hips into her, his cock twitched as she whimpered and moved her hips back. They were so lost in each other, their bodies hungrily moving against each other. Their tongues battled and Eddie grabbed her free hand to bring it down to his pants. She got the hint and rubbed him over his sweatpants.
The couple jumped apart, Eddie gulped as Wayne stood over the couch with his hands over his eyes. Y/N refused to look at him, staring at Eddie.
"I'm glad you two figured this out finally, but please Eddie keep it behind your bedroom door." Wayne declared before he walked off into his room.
Eddie looked down at Y/N with a nod, "So bedroom?"
Y/N scoffed as she reached and smacked Eddie with a pillow. "You are an idiot."
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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tunastime · 6 months
do androids dream of electric sheep?
I am nothing if not a vessel for self-indulgent docsuma, especially @shepscapades's dbhc self-indulgent docsuma. sometimes you fall asleep in the lab, and sometimes your friend feels compelled to make sure you're okay <3
(3964 words)
Doc sometimes slips into daydream.
It’s not unlike him. He’d been doing it for some time now, some fix halfway between awake and Sleep Mode. Not quite his mind palace, but still wedged into predictive processes, still trying to work to replay memories. In quiet moments, more often than not, he finds that it’s easier to slip away, to tuck himself into his work, drafting, or building, or walking thoughtful circles and let the mechanical parts of his mind slip away into calculation.
In those same dreams, he tries to calculate the probability of events with what he has, blocking out the movements of who he knows best, who he may be able to pinpoint. He works in quiet as his mind runs in the background, wondering how conversations may go, how actions could be perceived. He maps what might happen if someone got hurt, or if someone needed help, or if someone fell asleep in the lab. Someone. Just anyone. He tells himself it could be anyone, but he would be lying if he didn’t know who.
It was hard, right—it felt wrong if he didn’t. Something he was designed to do, put to waste because it felt silly to imagine waking his lab partner, his friend, making sure he was alright, helping him. Was it wrong to want to be helpful? Was it wrong to want anything? It feels—it’s silly. Want was such a human word. He’s not sure he can really want at all. The paper in front of him is getting fuzzy around the edges, though, as he forces himself back into his true waking mode, and focuses on the task in front of him, now a line of text in his eyesight.
Doc leans hard on his hand, cupped around the side of his jaw as he studies the plans in front of him. He’s long since set them to memory, easily recalled with the summon of command, but he works out the fine details of the draft in front of him, still unsatisfied with his new creation. He works quietly, mentally mapping the lists of supplies he might need, the time it may take. If he were to concentrate the slightest bit more on the display in the corner of his vision, he might note how late it had gotten. Without any windows down here, the night sky can’t leak in, which means Doc doesn’t know it’s gotten dark until Xisuma starts to yawn or he manages to peek outside. 
He sets his pad down, eyes skimming the surface. Right, and where was X, anyway? The space, ever growing, up, down, sideways, that he used as his lab had gone still and quiet some time ago. Enough for Doc to take note of. Enough to be a little odd, he would assume, even for him, and the behaviors he knows well from Xisuma. Xisuma didn’t just wander off without a word—he was much too narrative for that. Doc sits up, hand falling to the table. 
“X?” he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. The room stays quiet, aside from the hum of recirculating air and electronics. Doc taps his hand against the table—it was some sort of tic he’d picked up from Ren, a sign of his impatience. He couldn’t shake the habit of mimicking it while he was thinking.
Okay, right. Last time he saw X. He gathers up the recall of the path Xisuma would’ve taken from his side, checking over his work at Doc’s request, and around the lab itself, looping back to a series of benches to work on. Leaning from his spot, he tries to pinpoint the peek of green helmet or shoulder piece. He finds neither in the direct line of sight, though, and slowly, bracing his prosthetic arm on the table, Doc stands. 
It’s a gentle quiet that fills the room, nice and easy and soft to step through as Doc makes his way around the space. Despite having another work bench quite close, Xisuma had a habit of leaving his stuff about, flitting between projects as he saw fit. It was interesting, sometimes, to watch him move around the room—not that Doc had done any of that. He seemed to bounce from point to point, sometimes staying still for hours, unmoving, lost in work. It was in those hours that Doc found himself watching, just for a moment, studying the shallow curve of his nose and the way his hair fell into his face from behind his helmet. 
His office is here, too. Though it’s no different than any other working space in terms of equipment, the space itself is fully outfitted, lined with tools and a large work table, his computer, a desk with a chair. Through the glass, he can see the shape of Xisuma at his desk, likely too caught up in whatever he had been working on to notice Doc’s concern. Doc pauses as he slides open the door, standing in the doorway, announcing himself to the cluttered room.
“Xisuma,” Doc starts. “I know it’s late, if you want to head home, I’m sure I can finish…”
Xisuma is slumped over on  his desk as Doc enters. There’s a brief moment, no more than a second, where Doc’s mind spins a scenario hard and fast, the crumpled shape of Xisuma over his desk. But he can see the slow rise and fall of his shoulders. He registers the slow, steady heartbeat in Xisuma’s chest, and his shoulders sag with relief. He stands in the doorway for a moment. Xisuma looks small, head pillowed on his arms. He’s still running a series of code on the console next to him, which illuminates the back of his head in pale lines of data. His hair falls half loose across his shoulder, like he’d forgotten to finish tying it away from his face, and the slow, deep breaths make it seem like he’d been sleeping here a lot longer than Doc realized. He’s without his helmet, too, which sits beside him on the desk, discarded.
Long enough to get a sore neck and complain about his upper back hurting. Long enough to worry that he might not be getting enough oxygen. Doc sets his shoulders. There’s something in his chest that feels like it skips—regulator, pump, or otherwise. They work in tandem to produce whatever fluttery feeling invades the space where his ribs should be. He presses the heel of his synthetic hand against the depression of his chest, rolling his wrist. The feeling fades for a moment, shuddering through his wrists like it might rest there. He was never going to get used to it, was he?
He steps into the lab proper, sticking his hands into his pockets. He picks his way around the room, trying to walk quietly around it. Xisuma stays asleep, shoulders rising and falling in that even tempo. Doc crouches beside him—Xisuma is properly slumped, back curved forward as he rests. What little Doc can see of his face is soft with sleep, eyelids fluttering just so. When X doesn’t move, he rests his palm over the curve of his shoulder, gentle and slow. He tries not to focus on the fact that so much of his face is exposed to him, aside from just his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He’s seen him before, briefly, every so often, but it was so different watching him now, calm and comfortable. Doc forces himself to focus.
“Xisuma,” he says, voice dipping low and quiet. He runs his hand over the part of his shoulderblade he can reach. He pats the high of his back. “Xisuma, hey…”
X takes a long breath in, making a squeaky sort of sound high in his chest. Doc feels him hum out from under his hand.
“Doc,” he says, voice rumbling in his chest. It was a tired sort of rumble, just on the edge of being rough with sleep, just enough to bring that feeling back to Doc’s internal components, like thirium was sludging too quick too warm through him. He huffs a little breath, a sound caught in his throat.
“You fell asleep at your desk, X,” Doc says, not able to weasel the amusement out of his voice. He runs his hand over his back again, just to see Xisuma’s eyes open tiredly, and shut again. It was so unlike the version of him that he knew in his mind, seeing him savor the brief contact, even from Doc. Especially from Doc. Xisuma was always the one reaching out for him, repairing or correcting or studying. All with purpose. There was no lingering touch between them. And though this had its purpose too, Doc lingered, feeling Xisuma breathe under his hand. 
“Sorry,” X mumbles, finally moving to lift his head, to open his eyes. Doc’s hand slides away as X sits up, over his back and back to Doc’s side. Xisuma blinks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the heel of his hands. A frown comes between his eyes as he tries to focus the world around him a little clearer. Like it were mimicking the score across his cheek and nose, there’s a fine indent pressed into his cheek. Doc smiles at him, scrunching his nose in a way he’s seen X do a hundred times. 
Xisuma jolts, half reaching for the helmet beside him. If Doc were to really look, he might see the pink-red flush over his cheeks and ears.
“Sorry—I didn’t…”
There he lingers, halfway to reaching. Doc looks away from him, purposefully averting his eyes.
“I don’t mind,” he says. “You have to be comfortable too.”
Xisuma hums, smiling a little, hanging his head as he leaves his hand on the table.
“Hah,” he says, ears still pink. “Right. Sorry, sorry, Doc. Didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s okay,” he says. “I didn’t know where you had gone off to, so I figured I would come make sure you were okay.”
X nods. Doc watches him twist around, hearing the faint give and pop as his spine adjusts to sitting upright. 
“‘M alright,” he says. Then he laughs a bit—the sound is airy and half in his chest, enough to shake his shoulders but more of a wheeze than anything else. Everything fit so well to the timbre of Xisuma’s voice, it seemed, be it the way he moved about, or the way he laughed, or the way his shoulder sloped or face was shaped. Not that Doc had been looking. Regardless, Xisuma sighs, and smiles back at him.
“Just embarrassed is all,” he manages. “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate you.”
X leans back in his chair. Doc watches him resettle and hum to himself as he gets comfortable against the plush backing. Doc makes a clipped sound, reaches out and moves away again, halfway between shaking him awake and letting him sleep.
“X,” he says. “Would it not be more comfortable if you were sleeping in your spare room?”
Xisuma frowns. 
“Would be,” he says, eyes still closed, mumbling. “It just gets awfully cold in there. ‘N if I’m perfectly comfortable in here, why not stay tha’way?”
It’s almost amusing, the trickle of stubbornness that leaks into the tired slur of Xisuma’s voice. It’s almost endearing. He watches X fold his arms over his chest, armor only partly discarded, watches his face wrinkle as he notices and tries to rearrange himself. Doc smiles, something that he simply can’t help—it feels so right, considering how ridiculous this is. He considers his options and weighs the success rates, the action taking a fraction of a second in time, though the scene plays out in his head in full.
“Because you’ll hurt your back,” Doc says plainly. X frowns, clearly mulling it over. There—that’s one that Doc knows, that face, where X slips into thought and worries the inside of his cheek and works his jaw. Doc raises his eyebrows, as if to question him without saying anything, without Xisuma even looking at him.
“Mhh,” Xisuma huffs. He pulls his knees up. Somehow, he manages to fit himself into his desk chair, curling his tall body over his knees and leaning sideways into the back. Doc hums, makes the approximation of the sound he knows.
“Xisuma,” he says. “I’m not going to let you sleep in that chair, you know. You are being stubborn.”
“M‘kay, okay…” Xisuma wheezes, finally uncurling himself.
It takes him a second. Watching Xisuma stretch and blink awake is like watching him come to life. He stretches up and around, face pulling as he likely unsuccessfully shakes the tension from the line of his spine. As he twists, he freezes, face scrunching all at once as he winces, hand shooting up to cup his neck.
“Ow. Jeez.”
He can see it tight in his shoulders and neck, even as X deflates, looking up at him blearily, still slightly slumped in his chair. His eyes shut again. 
“Xisuma…” Doc says, mouth twisting.
X sighs.
“‘M fine, Doc,” he manages to murmur out. “Just’a sore neck. Mm’exhausted.”
“Sounds like you need a real bed, mm?” Doc replies, setting his hands on his hips. Xisuma peeks at him, one eye opening, and shutting again.
He sees the fraction of a smile lift the corners of X’s mouth.
“Sure, sure…”
Doc looks over Xisuma’s face. With his eyes shut, face softening, hair tumbling over one shoulder, he looks comfortable. It’s as if someone took a brush to his features and smoothed out any hard edge—either that, or the static has leaked back into Doc’s vision. He feels a chug in his chest and his joints as he locks up.
X hasn’t moved. Doc reaches out, tapping his knee. Xisuma huffs, clearly startled from the half-sleep he’d drifted back into.
“Too tired t’stand,” he manages. Doc makes a questioning noise.
“I think you can make it,”
There’s a beat of silence. Xisuma cracks an eye open again, shuts it, furrowing his eyebrows. Doc watches him curiously, mind running through the list of possible scenarios. He’s made it part way when Xisuma says:
“‘M using you t’stand, then.”
And he makes a little, amused heh, before he says:
“That’s fine.”
There’s something he means to say alongside that, but as soon as X’s very warm, very human hand makes contact with the fabric of his lab coat and the cool synthetic of his arm, he loses focus. He should be used to this—the amount of times X has performed his routine maintenance, sweeping his hands over the replaced shoulder joint to check for seams, or made sure the regulator functioned, or backed up personal data, fingers skimming the shallow port at the back of his neck. He should be, but that contact alone sends a prickling-warm jolt up his arm. It feels foreign to let the touch linger. But Xisuma lingers regardless, hand flat against the space where Doc’s left ribs should be. He’s gone from holding, to simply sitting there, arm bent at the elbow, held weakly up. 
“Mrghh…” he complains. Doc taps his elbow, trying to jolt him back awake.
“C’mon, X, you can get up.”
X shakes his head slowly, his hand finding the inner curve of his prosthetic arm, squeezing just once, like he’s remembering it’s there. Then, X leans into him, all at once, slumping into his chest. Doc lets out a wouf in surprise. He holds still, aside from the simulated breath in his chest. After a moment, Xisuma makes a small, tired sound, almost like a laugh.
“Houfh,” he mumbles. “I, mm, don’t…don’t think ‘m gonna make it, Doc.”
“Mhm…” Doc chides. 
Xisuma laughs again, lying still for a moment, voice still heavy with sleep. There’s a moment where he shifts, and there’s a small, painful noise that he makes.
“Ow, mrrgh—ow, okay—” he gripes. Doc’s synthetic hand finds the curve of his shoulder, patting gently.
“Oh, X—just…stay still, mhm?”
“Mm,” Xisuma says tiredly, “Alright.”
As much as he wants to move him, X is still wearing that damn armor.
Doc lets him lean into his chest as he tries to weasel off the bits of armor left over. It’s a struggle, keeping X comfortable and trying not to pull him around awkwardly, while trying to remove his chestplate with one hand. Once the armor pulls away, he resettles him, slowly scoops one hand under his legs. Something about this, about the way Xisuma leaned heavy into him, felt so painfully human he feels it curl up between the wires connecting his regulator to his side fans.
“Ready?” he says, mostly to the top of Xisuma’s head.
“Mmh…” X murmurs.
He hefts him into his arms, settling him against his chest. When Xisuma sighs, it’s profound and heavy and he tucks his face into Doc’s coat. Doc can feel the remnant of heartbeat from where his arm rests behind his back, thudding away behind his ribs. His breathing stays even, though shallow. One of Xisuma’s hands clasps over the back of his neck, keeping him still.
It’s a careful walk to Xisuma’s spare room. Doc is careful not to bump anything, measuring the subtle rise and fall of his chest as he walks. He drifts back to sleep, though, through the lab, through Doc shutting the lights off. He’ll have to come back through to power down their various computers, but for now, the dull white-blue glow illuminates the room. He carries him into the halls and through and to his room. It’s smaller than the room in his base by a sizable margin—just enough for the essentials. X stirs as Doc pauses to flip on the lamp, the light warm and yellow briefly illuminating the room. This can’t be a daydream, now, with the way X sighs and wriggles himself free as Doc pulls back the quilts and lets him down. He sits down with him, and the warm shape that Xisuma makes curls toward him, just a fraction, as he pulls the blankets over him. 
Part of Doc knows that Xisuma won’t remember him carrying him to bed, or making sure he was warm, or keeping the light on so he wasn’t disoriented when he woke. Xisuma sighs, sinking into the pillows, expression relaxed and content. Doc hums.
“That’s better, yeah?” Doc says. He reaches out, instinct, want, desire, something, hammering away in his chest, as he brushes hair from X’s face, tucking it behind his ear. He brushes through the hair close to the base of his neck, across his cheek with his synthetic thumb. His dark hair is fine and soft and it must be a daydream—or it isn’t and he was right, because there have been moments like this in his head. Wondering if Xisuma would let himself succumb to soft comforts. He’s spent his own share of time lying next to him, ignoring the way Xisuma curls up next to him, pretending he himself didn’t move closer when Xisuma lies still. It was this dance that Doc didn’t understand, that he wasn’t sure if he was overthinking. Or overstepping. But Xisuma shifts, pressing his cheek to Doc’s synthetic palm, and Doc suppresses a shudder. It sparks something that could’ve been painful right up his arm and through his chest, bright and warm and staticky. 
Doc hums, smiling to himself. Something like a dull thrum knocks in that space of his pump, pushing itself a little further, a little harder. It was sweet. X trusts him, not only to see him without his armor, but to help him to bed, to help him sleep. But Doc lifts his hand away, feeling that ache, the nervous shudder through his system.
X makes a sound, then, something small, eyes fluttering as Doc pulls away. Doc pauses.
“Mhh,” X manages. Doc swallows—he shouldn’t have to. That’s not something he should have to do, or be able to do, but the action just feels appropriate. It goes right along with sighing and laughing, and as he does it, Xisuma says:
“Thanks,” in a small, soft voice, and, muffled, and slightly slurred with sleep: “Didn’t have’ta stop.”
“You’re supposed to be sleeping, Xisuma,” Doc says. He can feel his temperature tick up several notches, no doubt a blue flush coming to the high of his cheeks, the bridge of his nose. He laughs, just a bit. “Did I wake you up?”
X sighs, stretching as he does.
“No,” he manages. “No, y’didn’t…”
“Oh,” Doc says. “Were you awake this whole time?”
Xisuma nods slowly. Ah. Ah. Doc dismisses a temperature notification.
“A little.”
“Mm,” Doc hums. “Silly Xisuma.”
Xisuma laughs. The sound is high and a little fuzzy and a bit caught in his throat. His bright eyes blink up at him and shut again as a smile settles on his face. 
“Doc?” he asks. 
Xisuma yawns, smothering it with the back of his hand, just barely. He tucks that hand close to his chest, curling up further still under his thick comforter. 
“Could you…could’you do tha’again? The…” Xisuma lifts his hand, miming a brushing motion as he does. Another temperature warning, higher than the last, blips into Doc’s field of vision. It’s immediately dismissed, but he pulls in a breath, quiet, trying to turn it into a soft laugh.
“I can do that,” Doc says gently. Gingerly, he brushes his fingers through X’s hair, sliding back against his head. He combs through, lifting his hand to go back to his forehead, back to cradle his skull. X’s eyes fall closed again.
Doc can tell the moment that Xisuma truly slips into sleep. He lingers in his space, tracing out the base of his skull with his thumb, taking in the sensation of warmth and contact and stimulation, fingers flickering white up to his wrist. He wishes biting down on his tongue would do anything. He wishes that the hollow of his chest didn’t hold a weight that no diagnostic could fix. He felt too awkward and stilted and not nearly gentle enough. But as Xisuma stays asleep, he draws his hand away. He mumbles his good nights as he stands slowly, shutting out the light and wandering from the room. 
He makes his way back into the lab. He replays the memory of Xisuma’s small smile, the fine line of his scar as he’d pressed his face into the pillow, the way he’d relaxed against Doc’s touch. He replays the memory, again, and again. It has to be a daydream. Has to be. There’s no other logical explanation to all of that.
Maybe that would explain the ache in his chest, far too human to be his own.
Doc goes back to work. He sits down at the lab table, spreading his arms as he braces against the white tabletop. He furrows his eyebrows. Something doesn’t feel right, too warm or out of place. He feels gross. Not gross bad, maybe, gross different? Broken? Not broken, maybe. Weird. Wrong. Out of place. It doesn’t make any sense. Or it has, and he’s refusing the obvious answer. Xisuma didn’t ask for any reason. Xisuma asked because he was tired, and tired people do silly things, and silly people are a handful, and Xisuma is a handful—a lovely one. Doc shuts his eyes. His chest hurts. It’s an awful hurt, actually, less painful than it is just weird. He thinks for a moment he might be better off if he left, maybe the weight of whatever lingered in his memory would be better off if he were to take a break from standing in the same spaces. 
He sends Xisuma a message. From his office, he hears his com ping.
Docm77 whispered to you… Xisuma I’m stepping out, sleep well :-)
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wands-natsthing · 6 days
𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭?
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Hellooo this is chapter 2!! I hope you enjoy it. If there's anything you guys would like to see for this little thing please let me know!! Also I will be trying to update this fic at least once a week maybe either on Wednesdays or Thursdays and then posting a request or something on the weekends. 
Feedback is more than welcomed, pls like and comment I enjoyed sm reading and replying to them and if you would liked to be tagged pls leave a comment
Warings: This is like previous high school student x teachers kinda sorta reader was 18 when that was happening tho no smut yet but will be implied in the future. That’s all i think but if you recognize anymore lemme know pls!! 
Word count: 1.3k 
Summary: You didn’t see Wanda anymore after the cafe incident but you go to the schools open house and see here there and have a talk. (I'm so sorry i'm shit at summaries)
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 You didn't see Wanda around anymore after that. School was lingering around the corner, with the hot summer air turning into a cool breeze. You had comfortably settled into your new apartment, adorning it with various fall decorations. 
The open house was coming up in a few days. It was an event filled with eager students and their curious parents about the upcoming school year. Although you weren't required to go because you weren't a teacher, you wanted to. You needed to know if Wanda still worked there.
Technically, you could check the school's website and browse through the staff directory, but you wanted to see for yourself. You wanted to see with your own eyes whether the classroom still looked straight out of a Pinterest board. If the fairy lights you both had hung during a shared lunch still twinkled from the ceiling, if her favorite cinnamon and vanilla-scented candle still filled the room with its soothing aroma?
You wondered if her teaching methods had changed. Had the years hardened her patience, or did she repeat herself as often as needed? Did she still listen more than she spoke, or did she talk over students? Did her words continue to carry the same weight as they did all those years ago? Would they still keep you awake at night pondering over what she said? 
You had so many questions you wanted answers to, but simultaneously, you were afraid to know the answers. What would you do if everything had changed? What if this wasn't the same Wanda from five years ago? Physically, she looked the same, but what would that matter if she had changed from within? 
Realistically, you knew that asking her to stay exactly the same was impossible. A lot can change in five years. You should know you have grown a lot yourself, but that didn't mean you liked it. 
And who was that woman? 
You asked yourself this question for weeks after seeing her that day in the cafe, constantly fighting the urge to try and stalk her. It's not like you could, anyway. You didn't even know her name, let alone what she looked like, as her back was facing you, but that didn't stop you from obsessing over her. 
Were they together? Were they married? How did they meet? When did they meet? Was it long after you left, or did she move on quickly, and your shared turkey and cheese sandwiches didn't mean as much as you thought? 
There were just so many questions. 
The day of the open house had arrived. You sat in your car, staring at the familiarity of high school. From the outside, it looked exactly the same, with the red and blue colored letters spelling out "Go Ravens!!"
Your heart pounded in your chest as you observed the array of cars in the parking lot, heightening your anxiety. You contemplated the idea of simply driving back home, but just the possibility of seeing Wanda again was too irresistible to resist. 
The clock was ticking, and with each passing moment, your dread only seemed to grow. 
How would she react upon seeing me again? 
Would the awkwardness be palpable, or would she greet me with the same warm smile she did in the cafe? 
And what about me? How was I supposed to act around her? I certainly had to do better than last time. 
Taking a deep breath, you force yourself out of the car. The walk to the entrance felt longer than it was; each step was heavy with hesitation. You thought about the day she saved you as you entered the hallways filled with eager parents and students. The noise seemed to fade into the background as you made your way to where her classroom used to be. Your usual fast-paced walk is now turning into you dragging your feet. 
Before you even turned the corner, you heard the same laugh you did in the cafe with another voice. Your heart skipped a beat. Without thinking another thought, you turned the corner. 
There she was, Wanda, standing outside her classroom wearing black slacks and a white long-sleeved ribbed shirt tucked into them. Her hair was lightly curled down her back, and her feet adorned a pair of black loafers. 
She was engaged in conversation with a parent, and her passion for teaching was evident in how she used her hands to talk and the sparkle in her eyes. You hesitated, not wanting to interrupt but unable to pull yourself away. The parent soon left, nodding and offering a polite goodbye. 
As they moved, you saw her again, the redhead from the cafe. 
What was she doing here?  
She was leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile on her lips as she watched Wanda interact with the parent. 
Your eyes met. She turned to tap Wanda to get her attention and pointed at you. You stood there awkwardly, unsure of how to approach her. 
When she looked at you, the recognition on her face was immediate, and a warm, genuine smile spread across her face. "It's been a long time," she said softly while grabbing at your hands, using the same soft tone she had last spoken to you on graduation day.  
"Yeah, it has. Too long," you replied, the weight of the years settling between you both. You stood there for a moment, staring before you were brought back by the sound of the woman's voice that was standing next to her.
"Hey, Wanda, I can take over here for a while if you guys want to catch up."
"Are you sure? I mean, I know it's a little busy, " she asked, looking around at all the parents and students.  
"Yes, go. I'll be fine here; I can handle it, " the red-headed woman reassured her while pushing her farther in your direction. 
"Okay, then let's go somewhere less crowded," Wanda said while leading you away. 
As you walked to a quieter area, neither of you said a word. The silence wasn't necessarily awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either. Inside, you were freaking out. 
What were you going to say? What if she told you to leave and that she never wanted to see you again?
It wasn't like you could fulfill her request if that's what she wanted. You needed this job; You could not go back home. 
The less crowded place turned out to be a janitor's closet. The smell of dirty mop water and ammonia was prevalent in the air. 
Wanda turned to lock the door. Once inside, you both looked at each other, wondering what to say.
"You look really good, so grown up," she whispers more to herself than to you while taking her left hand to brush a piece of hair behind your ear before hesitating and bringing it back down to her side. 
You noticed that when she brought her hand back to her side, a silver ring with an oval-shaped diamond lay upon her ring finger. Has she gotten married?
"Thank you, so do you. Look really good, I mean," you stutter over yourself.
Wanda blushes with a slight chuckle, "Thank you."
"Of course," you smile.
Tension lingered in the air as both of you had questions but had no idea how to ask them or if you even should.
Wanda is the one to break that tension.
"So, um, not that I'm not super happy to see you because I am, but what are you doing here?"
Excitement swirled inside, hearing that she was happy to see you.
"I, uh, I got a job here as a library media assistant. I will be working in the media center, you know, checking out books and teaching computer programs."
"Really? That's great. You always loved the school library. I remember how you used to beg me to bring the class at least twice a week."
"Yeah, I'm really excited about it."
While you were trying to be present in the conversation, you really had a one-track mind.
"Who's the woman that was standing outside the door with you?" you asked.
You can tell Wanda hadn't been expecting your question by the way her eyes widened.
"Oh um that's Natasha, After you graduated I started teaching a co-taught english class and well she's the co-teacher." She paused before confirming the suspicion you had earlier. 
"She's also my wife…" 
Lemme know whatcha thinkkkk
@nebthetautora @esposadejoyhuerta @w4ndsversew0nder
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evnnkinard · 1 month
decided to do a little re-write of this ficlet because i wasn't happy with it. adjusted a few sentences, added in a few paragraphs, and over 800 extra words later, i like it better. i think.
buck opens his eyes, and then immediately forces them shut again. he groans, softly, and buries his face further into his pillow, away from the early morning sunlight peaking it's way into his room.
he gives himself a moment, slowly reacquaints himself with being awake, and allows full awareness to filter back into his brain in soft, hazy increments; he feels the sleep warm pillow under his cheek, first, and notices the chill settling on his torso from where he's pushed the covers down to his hips sometime in the night, next. hums, quietly, unconsciously, when he finally registers the warm, solid body of his boyfriend lying next to him; the line of heat down his side, his thigh, telling him that they haven't moved an inch from each other despite a whole night having had the chance to separate them in their sleep.
he opens his eyes again, then, and blinks, forcing the sleep from them, feels helpless against the soft smile already forming on his lips. he rolls his head to the side, and pauses, has to take another moment, his breath catching momentarily in his chest at the sight that greets him.
tommy's still gone to the world, his face already turned towards buck, slack and beautiful in his sleep. his hair's an unruly mess on top of his head, product having loosened and freed his curls in his sleep. his crows feet have smoothened out, only traces of the deep, happy lines that they are in the day, and his lips are parted, soft huffs of air escaping with every breath he takes. buck wants to bottle the sound; wants to bottle every sound. hopes he gets to hear it again and again and again.
he stays there, head turned, looking, and just breathes, for a moment. takes in his boyfriend, takes in every little detail that he can, every feature, every line, every mark, and ingrains it into his memory, not because he's afraid- although, maybe, just a little, because he still can't quite believe that he gets to have this sometimes, that he gets to have tommy -but because he's greedy, because he wants to learn and know and have every piece of tommy that he can, every part of tommy that tommy's willing to hand over of himself, wants to hold them all close and show them all off and tuck them all away inside himself, safe.
buck's helpless against the way his heart swells steadily in his chest, then, and aches, so softly, so sweetly, as it grows with the amount of fondness, affection- emotions he's not quite ready to put a name to yet, he feels, more and more, everyday, for the man lying next to him.
he decides, then, a little desperately, that looking's not enough, that he wants- needs, to touch. he doesn't think tommy would mind, he never does; always welcomes buck's touch, his endless affection, with soft features, happy eyes, a pleased smile, always makes room for him and his need to be close, never gets annoyed, or acts like it's too much, like buck's too much. he always, easily, returns it back, like it's something he wants, enjoys, and he's not just indulging him. like he wants buck close to him, too.
buck turns onto his side, and shifts closer, and then closer still. he rests his head in that safe space where tommy's shoulder meets his neck and brings a hand up to his chest, trails his fingers over tommy's skin with gentle, barely there touches, doesn't want to wake him, and moves his fingers down his chest, his side, carefully, so carefully, over his scars, and then across his stomach, coming to a stop just below his belly button. he brings his hand back up, and then repeats the process, again and again.
he gets lost in the movement, the world outside his bed quietening, narrowing down until all he knows is tommy. he lets his mind wander, thinks about the previous night, about how he'd cooked tommy dinner, and how tommy had refused to let him wash up afterwards. how he'd directed him away from the sink when he'd tried, and gently, firmly, nudged him into sitting on a stool at the counter, how he'd pressed a quick kiss into the side of buck's head, then, and how the feeling of his lips, the butterflies they'd left behind in his stomach, had lingered long after he'd moved away.
he thinks about, how, after the last plate had been put away, his boyfriend had dried off his hands, pulled out his phone and put on a playlist of slow songs. how he'd walked back over to buck, set it on the counter and held out his hand, eyes sparkling, crinkling, in that way that buck was quickly, quietly, becoming obsessed with, and said, dimples on show, "dance with me, evan." how they'd danced in the kitchen, then, song after song, smiling and giggling and trading, soft, slow kisses.
he thinks about how he hadn't wanted tommy to leave at the end of the night, how tommy hadn't wanted to leave, either. how, inbetween kisses, he'd pulled away from tommy's mouth, breathless, and tipped his head forward, gently resting his forehead against tommy's own. how, in the space between their lips, he'd asked, "stay?" how tommy had answered, easily, always so easily, "of course."
he thinks about how easy it was to fall into bed together, like they'd done it a thousand times before, and how they'd kissed then, unhurried at first, but quickly turning heated. how one of tommy's hands, big, and rough, and burning into buck's skin with every touch, had wrapped around them both, while the other had pinned his hips to the mattress.
how tommy had cleaned them both up afterwards, and then pulled buck into his arms, held him, warm, safe, and stayed.
he feels tommy start to shift beneath him, then, feels his breathing change as he hums contentedly, the sound vibrating softly through buck's fingers as he trails them back up to his boyfriend's chest. he stops there, and presses his hand down, palm flat against tommy's skin, and feels his heart beating, strong and steady; thinks, fleetingly, before pushing the thought down with a reminder of too soon, too soon, that he'd carve out his own to keep it that way.
tommy shifts again, then, brings up one of his hands to rest against the nape of buck's neck, and teases the hair there with his fingers. the other, he places over buck's own hand, still sitting over his heart, and squeezes, tangling their fingers together. there's a kiss dropped onto the top of his head, then, and a gravelly, sleep soft voice murmurs, "morning, evan," into his curls.
"h-hey, good morning," bucks says, and tucks his face further into tommy's neck. hides his smile, giddy, pleased, and his lightly flushed cheeks, there.
the fingers at the back of his neck stroke a little more firmly, tommy's nails scratching lightly, every now and then, against his scalp, and buck all but purrs, and melts further into his boyfriend. the hand holding his own moves, and then there's two familiar fingers hooking underneath his chin, nudging his face away from it's hiding place and bringing it smoothly up until their lips are brushing, but he doesn't move any further, doesn't kiss him like buck was expecting him to.
he holds buck in place, flicks his eyes between buck's own, soft, happy, the most beautiful blue, and says, "yeah, kid, it definitely is a good morning," and then before buck's cheeks have the chance to so much as tint, even slightly, he dips his head down the rest of way and catches buck's mouth with his own. his whole body sighs into the kiss, tommy swallowing his little, happy moan as their lips meet.
it's over before he would like, tommy pulling away with one last peck against his mouth. he runs his thumb across the edge of buck's jaw, lips red, smile soft. buck leans into the movement, unconsciously, and says, even though it's the last thing he wants to do, "we should get up. shower. get breakfast."
"mmm, yeah. not yet. wanna kiss you some more first."
and then, suddenly, he's being moved. tommy's hand travels from his chin down to his chest and he can't help the embarrassing sound that escapes him as he's manoeuvred, expertly, onto his back, tommy's weight pressing down onto him, pinning him, as both of his hands come up to bracket either side of his head, leaving his boyfriend to look down at him.
he can feel his whole face flushing at the movement, the heat quickly travelling down to his neck, his chest, as he lets out a stuttered breath, and says, "o-okay. that was hot," and settles one hand against the back of tommy's head, curls his fingers into his hair, a little, and brings the other to rest lightly against his shoulder. he thinks, privately, about how he's going to have to ask tommy to do that again, sometime.
tommy laughs and smiles down at him, his whole face a perfect picture of mischeif. his eyes roam over buck's own, down to his lips and then back up again before he leans down, slowly, eyes glinting, and purposely misses buck's mouth; drops a kiss to his nose, instead, and then his cheek, his jaw, and starts to trail kisses down buck's neck. his breath hitches in his chest, and he can't help the small sounds, and gasps, that leave him as tommy's morning stubble scratches gently against his skin on his descent.
he stops at buck's collarbone, and then slowly makes his way back up, tracing the path he followed down, before finally, finally, reaching buck's mouth and kissing him there. he slides his tongue, teasing, against buck's bottom lip and buck opens up for him eagerly, tangles his fingers further into the short hair at the back of tommy's head and tries to drag him closer, still. he moans, happy, when tommy gets the message and presses further into him, the heat of his body sending sparks through buck's own.
tommy kisses him until he's breathless, and they're both panting into each other's mouths, and then only gives buck a moment before he's sealing the gap between their lips and kissing him, again, and again, and again.
they don't make it down for breakfast for a while.
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calist4r · 3 months
Suguru was spiraling
His mind was constantly on the run, too many thoughts to simply turn it off. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed you two shared as he sighed carefully to not wake you up. It’s not the first time he had woken up in the middle of the night, brain working on overtime. It’s also not because he’s suffering from nightmares either, to simply put it he’s just constantly thinking about his purpose in life. His purpose his in your life.
Just you.
‘Great… another late night.’ Suguru exhales before looking over at you, sleeping soundly. He always thought you looked beautiful like this. At peace where you didn’t have to constantly worry about him. He loved you so much, he really did. A part of him knows that he doesn’t deserve you.. doesn’t deserve to love you. But he’s selfish. You’re the only good thing in life but he knows he’s going to take that for granted. Suguru watches as your chest rises and falls softly, your brows suddenly furrowed as if something was bothering you in your sleep. He didn’t like that. He wanted to reach out and smooth out the lines between your forehead. To make sure you were okay even if he wasn’t, wanted to reassure that it’ll all be alright.
There’s a moment of silence before he can hear slight rustle of the bedsheets as you move. He turns towards you with a look of surprise on his face, still thinking you were asleep. It’s takes you a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness before he can hear your tired voice mumble out.
“Suguru…?” The sound of your voice wavering through the air sends a shiver throughout his body. He brings a hand up to gently nudge a strand of hair that has fallen in front of your face.
“Hey… I-I didn’t mean to wake you… go back to sleep.”
You smile softly at him as you shake your head softly. “No it’s okay.” A pause. “Why are you awake anyway?”
Seeing that smile even in the dead of night, causing him to smile faintly in response. Though, the smile faded when he heard your question. Why exactly was he awake? The question was simple but he didn’t want you to start worrying, knowing the state he’s in.
“Yeah I’m fine.. just couldn’t sleep is all.” He spoke quietly, running a hand through his hair as he leans against the headboard. You look at him before nodding and sitting up as well.
“Well then I’ll stay up with you then.”
Suguru glances at you when he sees you sit up. He can’t help but feel a little guilty though. You need sleep, you shouldn’t be staying up with him… But another part of him, didn’t want to be alone either…
“You know you don’t have to. I’m fine really… I don’t want you to stay up with me.” He said to you but it came out as more of a soft plea than anything.
“Hmmm..” Tilting your head before smiling at him. “We can just be tired together.”
That made him almost laugh softly as he looked at you. There really was no arguing with you, you were going to be too stubborn. He couldn’t deny how good it felt to have you with him.
“I guess if I’m suffering I should have some company, huh?” He said half jokingly causing you to giggle.
“Exactly!” There was a slight pause as the room grows silent once again. The look on your face going serious. “Suguru….?”
He looks up at you when he hears the serious tone of your voice, his expression going from slight amusement to a bit of concern in just a moment
“…yeah?” He asked quietly, turning his body on the bed to face you properly. The familiar worry of him thinking he had upset you in some way creeping into his mind.
There was a slight hesitation before you spoke again. “You.. you would tell me if something was bothering you right?”
He was a bit taken aback by the question, his eyes widening just slightly, the thought that you saw through him and knew already that something was wrong filling his mind. But, after a brief moment he smiles faintly, nodding his head at you and reassuring you.
“Oh course I would…” He shifts closer to you on the bed.
“Right… just making sure is all.”
He could see through the thin veil that you weren’t buying into his reassurance, and it wasn’t like he could blame you. You knew him too well and could tell if he was truly telling the truth or not. As he looked at you his smile falters slightly, almost sad..
His voice was quiet as he gently took a hold of your hands, intertwining your fingers with his own, staring down at your intertwined fingers, his grip slightly tight.
He was quiet, hesitating for a moment as he squeezed your hands gently. His mind was debating if he should come clean about it now. He knew he would have to, but the thought of bringing you into his turmoil, that’s what scared him the most.
“You’ll be… you’ll be there no matter what right?” His voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he stared down at your intertwined hands. The grip becoming tighter.
“Of course, what makes you ask that?”
He was silent again, taking a pause to get himself together before he looked at you, his grip on your hands not relenting in the slightest. His eyes were serious as he stared into your eyes. “..I just need to hear it..” He mumbled out again. It wasn’t often that he showed a vulnerable side. It was usually only you that got to see it.
“Okay. I’m not going anywhere.. no matter what.”
It was like a weight was lifted from his shoulders when he had heard your answer and he relaxed his grip on your hands, a deep exhale left his lips as he did, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had felt this way. He scooted himself closer to you, leaning over and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace against his chest.
The furrow in your brows is hard to miss. “Did you have a nightmare or something?” You ask him softly.
He holds you tighter in his arms when he heard the question, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he mumbled out a response. “Something like that..” He said quietly, his voice slightly muffled from speaking directly against your skin.
You wish that at that moment you had said something else. That you had asked what exactly was going on in his mind at that moment. There was a part of you that knew.. you just didn’t want it to be true. Everyone knew that Suguru has been acting different the past few weeks. ‘Fuck’ why couldn’t you just say something? The only words that were able to get out were “something like that?”
He was quiet for a long while, his face still buried into your neck, as it seemed he didn’t want to look you in the eye as he spoke to you, and his voice was quiet, almost whispered against your skin.
“…Just.. couldn’t sleep. Just a lot on my mind.” He mumbled out. Again, it was a half truth. There was definitely alot on his mind, more so than just not being able to sleep.
“Right… I’m sorry.”
He lets out a soft exhale when he hears the pity in your voice, almost feeling bad for making you worry about him like this. He pulled back from you now, looking you in the eyes before he reached over and gently caressed your cheek with nimble fingers.
“Hey.. don’t be sorry. It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about me, okay?” He said quietly, a faint smile on his face as he tries to reassure you.
“Do you mean that? That you’re really okay.” There was a worried expression painted across your face.
He’s quiet for a moment as he looks back at your expression, seeing the worry in your voice and knowing just how much you care about him. He lets out a deep exhale in a sigh before he nods slowly. “Yeah… I’m really okay. I promise.”
There’s a slight pause before he speaks again.
“..You worry too much..”
“It’s cause I love you. You state before a yawn escapes from your lips. “I have to worry about you.”
He can’t help but chuckle slightly when you speak, the words causing a warm feeling in his chest, like they do every time you say them to him. He smiled faintly and leaned forward, gently resting his forehead against yours, letting out a soft sigh as he does.
“I love you too..” He mumbled out quietly before he saw your face twist and a yawn escape your mouth, causing a sly smirk to appear on his face.
“..Go back to bed, you clearly need more rest.”
“Hey I’m not even sleepy at all.” There was a slight pout on your face, determined to not let him see the sleep evident on your face.
He chuckled again at the pout on your face, his smirk growing as he saw your furrowed brows, staring in amusement at you before he raised an eyebrow. “You just yawned. I’m pretty sure you’re tired.”
“You’re tired too.. you look like you haven’t slept in weeks.”
He huffs slightly at the comment, knowing the truth behind your words. He was clearly tired, the bags under his eyes were a dead give away. But he didn’t want to admit to that yet, he didn’t want to worry you anymore.. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I’ve slept a bit..”
Another half truth, another lie.
‘Why is he lying?’
“Did you actually?”
He tensed slightly at your question, realizing you weren’t buying any of it. You always seemed to be able to tell when he was lying about something, no matter how slight. He tried to keep the nonchalant look on his face, his eyes darting away from yours for a split second, as he spoke again.
“..yeah, I did.” He mumbled out, another clear lie.
‘Why… why didn’t he just tell the truth then? You could’ve helped him. It didn’t have to be like this, didn’t even have to end like that’
You just nod. “Well.. I guess that’s alright then.”
He felt a pang of guilt in his chest when he saw you nod, believing his words. He knew he shouldn’t be lying to you. He didn’t want to, but he didn’t want to burden you with this either. He shifted on the bed slightly, his long slender fingers gently playing with your hair as he still had his forehead pressed against yours.
“Good.. now go back to bed. You need your sleep.”
Another yawn escapes as you nod. “Yeah.. goodnight Sugu. See you tomorrow…?”
He smiled faintly when he saw you yawn again, knowing you still needed more sleep. He could hear the slight tiredness in your voice. At your question he nods his head in response.
“Yeah, goodnight..” He said softly.
That last bit, ‘see you tomorrow?’ it sent a chill up his spine for some reason.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, his voice slightly cracking ever so slightly.
That had been a week ago. It’s been a week since Suguru left you. Left everyone. Been a week since he decided that he didn’t want to save lives anymore, but to destroy them.
‘Why… why did this happen?’
Thats the only thing you can think of as you sit up in bed, the space next to you painfully empty. The room painfully silent. If only you had said something. Maybe if you held him a little tighter. Then maybe.. just maybe.. he would be right next to you. It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
‘See you tomorrow?’
“…what a fucking liar.”
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Ooh, Okie dokie! (I forgot to label myself in my little question haha - it's me, 😊 anon!)
Can I request Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu having a crush on an Autistic Reader?
The reader is mostly nonverbal - only speaking using short words/sentences - unless they're talking to someone they've grown to really trust, to animals (such as their crow companions), or about animals - which they have learned lots of trivia about. They may also stim - usually by rocking side to side when bored or flapping/clapping their hands when excited. They're happy to receive physical contact but can be overwhelmed by constant loud noise (such as shouting or music.)
(I hope that wasn't too long - I hope you have a lovely day! ✨)
The Kamaboko Trio With An Autistic S/O
Characters: Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Insouke Hashibira Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I haven't written for Demon Slayer in such a long time so the characters may be slightly OOC. These are also fairly short, just noting! But, I do hope you enjoy this! Have a great rest of your days/nights!!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Nothing ⚠️
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╚═════ Tanjiro Kamado ══════════════════════════╝
😺 When Tanjiro first met you, he was slightly confused as to why you rarely spoke longer sentences. But, in his fashion, he put that behind and stayed positive around you
😺 Whenever he notices your stims getting worse or more erratic, he holds your hand and allows you to mess with his. He also likes seeing how you would help Nezuko with her hair, using the physical action as another way to use a stim
😺 He is amazing with animals himself, getting along with pretty much every creature he finds. So, when you walked around the Butterfly Mansion with small birds and one of your pets, a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel that you named Kiyoshi, he got along with the cute rodent quick and easily
😺 Whenever you are set to be on a mission with him and the others (Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko), he tries to keep them quieter so you don't get overwhelmed
😺 Sometimes, he enjoys staying awake at night and ask you about some animals that he has either seen around or was wondering about. Such as a Japanese Macaque or a Sika Deer
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╚═════ Zenitsu Agatsuma ════════════════════════╝
⚡ This guy, oof!
⚡ He had a hard time understanding you at first. But that was mainly because you rarely spoke and were extremely loving to almost every animal that you guys came across
⚡ I mean, you literally would attract any other Slayer's crow, which made Zenitsu roll his eyes stubbornly. How come you were such an animal magnet while his own crow (or rather sparrow) pecked at him whenever he tried holding him!
⚡ Anyways, he does like seeing how you handle demons, putting your own issues behind just to help out anybody in danger, whether they were children or adults or in between
⚡ Zenitsu may not show it fully, but he does like watching you play with your pet Koi fish when they were swimming around in your/Mitsuri's estate's back pond
⚡ No doubt simps even harder whenever you mess with his hands or wear his haori. He literally stands there with a goofy grin on his face as he giggles at your actions
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╚═════ Inosuke Hashibira ════════════════════════╝
🐗 Inosuke is a very rambunctious person by nature. And he is surprisingly good around animals, due to growing up alongside them all his childhood
🐗 So, when you came around and seemingly calmed down a boar in front of him, he yelled your name and asked how you knew what they were thinking, in which you laughed and tried explaining to the best of your ability
🐗 He also had great hearing and understanding of body language. So if you were to speak with a lower tone or not be able to finish a sentence, he understands what you want to say without asking you to repeat like others
🐗 Smiling at him also makes him feel good, so whenever you do so if you can't gain the urge to speak to him, his chest puffs out as he goes on a rant of 'of course you smile at the King of the Mountain' and whatnot
🐗 By far the second best with an Autistic reader when it comes to this trio, the way he grew up helps him understand you better than the others easily
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