#i may be drinking while upset but oh well!
valleynix · 11 months
hours of sorrow. here is boy
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10 notes · View notes
sordidmusings · 11 months
Loose Lips (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: Fulfillment of this request! Thank you for making a request dear anon 💕 I really hope that it's what you wanted because it kind of grew into a whole thing 😬 also this is going to be this week's Thirsty Thursday!
@fanaticsnail brilliantly suggested this song for the fic!
Word Count: ~5.7k (~3.1k of smut 💀)
Warnings: Fem!afab!reader, NSWF very naughty indeed, praise, degredation, p in v, chop chop tomfoolery, overstimulation, creampie, dirty talk, dom!Buggy, jealous and heavily possessive Buggy, manhandling/forceful treatment, Gossip time with The Girls (probably ooc but let me have this), trashing your partner (he deserves it), allusions to gaslighting and emotional abuse, starts with humor then just needy but then devolves into lots of smut I promise 💀, some fluff at the end cuz I had to
~Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of endless perversion~
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Buggy had the most shit-eating grin, and it only grew wider with each word you said. He was sunk deep into his chair, feet thrown on the table in front of him, nursing his fifth beer. Taking another gulp, he eyed you over the rim of his tankard. You were only starting your third drink, but to his delight that was enough of a buzz for you to loosen up. Normally, you were quite the skittish little thing around him, and while it was cute he wanted to see and know more of you. He’s always been quite infatuated with you and wished that he had more time with you to sate his want for your presence (and to fuel his fantasies). Tonight, that wish was granted when you had seated yourself next to him instead of your normal drinking buddies on the crew. It may have been Mohji’s usual seat, but whatever you claimed in his presence was immediately yours to him. Mohji was also easy to convince with a warning glare and sharp nod to the chair beside Cabaji.
Speaking of your usual drinking buddies, one in particular had taken to giving Buggy quite the sour look. It only fed Buggy’s smugness more. He wasn’t exactly a fan of your boyfriend in the first place. His dislike was quickly turning into disdain as well with the picture you had been painting for him. It was filled with unappreciated gestures, expected caretaking with no reciprocation, and an absolute bulldozing of your emotions. Clearly, this man boy didn’t deserve you. Possibly not even a spot on the ship with how poorly he’d been treating Buggy’s favorite. That’s probably why said boy was looking so pissy and threatened over there in his corner with your friends. Buggy raised his drink in a sarcastic cheers to him while you were distracted with a joke Cabaji had made at your partner’s expense. When your chuckles tapered off, your face started to pinch with apprehension.
“I feel kind of bad. I mean, you’re his crew and captain and I’m just here bitching to you,” you lamented. Your eyes widened with a sudden thought and you groaned. “Oh no, I must sound like a bratty teen gossiping about their partner.”
“Sounds like you’ve already tried talking it out with him,” Cabaji said. At your shy nod, he continues, “Then fuck it - you gotta get it out.”
“I know, but it’s all so stupid and trivial.” You were hunching back into yourself, staring down at your fingers while they played with your glass in your lap. There’s a flick on your forehead, and your head darts up to see Buggy’s hand floating back to him.
“S’not stupid if you’re upset,” he asserts, much to your astonishment. Buggy always struck you as more of the “suck it up buttercup” type. Wait, he was; you’d seen him bark or laugh at pouting crew members more often than not. You had seen him give some comfort, too, but it was always for something inarguably large in scale. Unexpected sympathy from the torch you’ve held longest should have been enough for you to cheer back up, but the vicious fight you’d had with your partner this afternoon still had all your thoughts trending negative. The confrontation had been brewing for a long while, but knowing it was coming didn’t shield you from the hurt.
“Then it’s pathetic,” you argued. “I mean, only sad lovers in sappy plays cry themselves to sleep right?” You tried to play it off as a joke, but the laugh you used to chase it was hollow.
“You’ve been crying?” Mohji asked, worry showing in his face and voice. Next to him, Cabaji scowled and Buggy sat up straight, even placing his feet on the floor.
“Yeah but I’m just being dramatic; I’m a bit oversensitive,” you said, echoing the words your boyfriend had long worked into you.
“No,” Buggy bit out. “I’ve seen you stare down pirates twice your size, coming at you cussing and swinging. You passed the berating month when you got here, and that has had lesser pirates sob their way back off the ship. Hell, you’ve been stabbed and you were more concerned with your friends crying about it.” Buggy snorted and shook his head, distracting you with the way the blue hair swayed from his hat. His heavy leather boots plonked back on the table, rattling the cups and plates, and he shuffled back down into his seat. The look he gave you was bordering on offended. “You’re not dramatic or too sensitive.”
You think your heart may burst - did he really have such a strong opinion of your character? You may have sought Buggy’s presence out because you were upset and you feel protected around him, but you never would’ve dreamed that the outcome would feed your infatuation such a hefty meal.
“He’s been feeding you bullshit hasn’t he?” Cabaji butted in, tone full of contempt.
“He might have… been the one to tell me that first,” you answered hesitantly. Your brows furrowed. Did you really think that of yourself or had he thought it loud enough for the both of you? Was he the only one who thought it? You became stuck looking for answers in the dark liquid in your cup. Meanwhile, the looks Buggy gave your boyfriend had taken on a lot more accusation and threat than teasing.
“See now that’s pathetic,” Cabaji scoffed with a roll of his eyes. “A man who has to belittle his partner is no man at all.”
“Yeah, he’s probably scared ‘cause he knows half the crew would gun for you if you left him,” Mohji laughed. It got you to perk up a touch and giggle with him. Buggy’s hard expression eased at the sound and the sight of a genuine smile pressing at your cheeks.
“Ah, some actual attention would be nice,” you sighed wistfully. Your voice became bitter when you muttered, “Besides digs and requests for sex of course.” Buggy choked on his drink, causing him to pound on his chest in an attempt to recover quickly. The other two were hooting at both your partner’s and Buggy’s expense.
“He’s that bad that he has to beg for it?” Cabaji snarked gleefully.
“Unfortunately,” you grumbled, pouting into your drink. “I don’t really find him attractive anymore either.”
“Oh no, sweetcheeks,” Buggy admonished, “You should not put up with some manipulative brat who can’t even please you.” Beyond his distaste for seeing you upset and mistreated, his glee at the wedge between you and your partner left him feeling fluttery. He did have a small pit twisting in his gut though; why would you even go to him if you were barely attracted to one of his most handsome men?
“See, this is why you’re my favorite,” you sighed dreamily, smitten from hearing him send a pet name your way and from his persistent defense of you. Your words and the lovesick look you gave Buggy had him short circuit. He needed to grab at this train of thought and pull the whole thing from you.
“I’m your favorite?” Buggy rushed out. Cabaji and Mohji smirked at each other before looking back to see how this played out.
“Well, um, yeah it’s always been you,” you mumbled. Before you could stop it, your mouth kept moving. “I’ve always wanted you but felt stupid doing anything about it. You’re just really impressive with how well you run the ship and with your chop chop thing and how you don’t turn people away because they’re different and you’re always there for us when we really need you and also your hair is really pretty and you’ve taken really good care of me - um - all of us and you’re so strong and really hot doing like anything and I should-” you finally took a breath “-I should shut up.”
Buggy stared at you wide eyed, mouth agape. The duo next to him was trying to keep in their snickers and doing just an awful job of it. You took another gulp of your drink for something to do. Gods, you don’t think your face has ever felt so hot. You cleared your throat and said, “I think I should-”
“You’re breaking up with him,” Buggy told you. You blinked.
“I am?” you asked, not upset with the idea but confused at the sudden order.
“You are,” Buggy confirmed. His drink was placed on the table with a firm clunk, which his feet echoed on the floor. When he stood before you, you had to crane your neck up to see him with how he loomed into your space. His expression was one you’d never seen on him before; he looked ready to snatch you up and bite down. His sea-green eyes glimmered through the shadows cast across his face. He jerks his chin at the drink in your hand. “That’s your third right?”
“Yes, Captain, my um-” you gave an embarrassed smile “-my mouth gets affected far before everything else.”
“So you feel okay?” he checked one more time, eyes boring into your own and making you feel naked. 
“Yes, Captain.”
“Good,” he started, leaning even more over you and placing his gloved hands on your cheeks. The fabric felt soft and warm and you found yourself leaning into it. “Then you are coming with me.”
Buggy stepped back, leaving his arms with you. One moved around your back and the other behind your knees. They lifted you up and brought you to him in one smooth motion. You still yelped without any jerking, bringing attention to yourself from many of the drinking pirates crammed below deck with you. Flustered, you hid your face in the soft fur lining his coat. Buggy turned to his two highest ranked men. He took in their shit-eating grins and sneered back, mostly in jest.
Buggy moved his look over at your group of friends and most importantly your (ex-)boyfriend. While your friends mostly looked confused (and one giving a thumbs up), the idiot of the hour was livid. Buggy smiled slow and wide, making his canines shine threateningly in the flickering lamplights, and he detached a hand just to flick his fingers in a cheeky wave.
“Cabaji. Mohji.” They straightened at his tone. “Let that one know he’s no longer on my crew and he figures out a way off the ship by tomorrow night or I’m throwing him overboard.”
“Aye, Captain!” They both cheered, tipping their drinks his way.
“Now,” Buggy said softly. He turned and began walking in long strides, expertly weaving through the passing plates, flailing arms, and spinning bodies of his merry band of misfits. The gentle bob and sway of being in his arms managed to settle your scrambling heart and mind, if only a bit. He paused when he reached the stairs to the upper deck. The cheek he leaned down onto the top of your head calmed you even further. “You’re coming with me to my cabin to make up for lost time. Okay?”
Your heart thudded strongly and pressed up at your throat. Your eyes burned. He was still checking in? To give yourself a moment to get rid of the lump in your throat, you turned your head and gave a few soft kisses to the base of his neck. Even through his cravat, the action made him shiver. Finally, you answered, “Yes, Captain Buggy.”
The flight up the stairs and to Buggy’s cabin was much swifter and more impatient. Both of you found yourselves thanking the Gods for his devil fruit abilities when they let him open the way without sacrificing his hold on you. He refused to release you until he was kicking his door shut behind him and tearing off his jacket. You took the time to admire the way the muscles in his arms moved as he threw off his hat. His upper body popped up and flew to you so his legs could work at toeing off his boots. You welcomed him to you with open arms and grasping fingers.
Buggy’s grip around you was demanding, one hand fisted in your hair and the other fisted in your shirt. You happily listened to their directions, pushing further into him and offering him your lips. His decorated eyes closed and his painted lips dove to feel yours, only to stop just a hair short. 
“After this you’re mine.” His voice rumbled against your chest and his lips tickled against yours with each syllable. There was a jolt as his legs got back to his body, causing your lips to brush in the closest mimic of a kiss yet. You whined right against the brush of his red lips and pawed at the front of his shirt to ask for more. “Say it.”
“I’m yours, Captain.” The words were barely out of your mouth before he was stealing the breath from your lungs. The kiss immediately became open mouthed; he had needed to taste you since he set eyes on you and he had deprived himself of the chance long enough. It was full of dancing tongues, eager lips, and bumping noses and it was better than you had let yourself hope for. 
“You have any idea how long that fucker kept you from me,” he growled. His arms kept you to him in the fervent kiss but his hands flew off to start undoing your pants. Their movements were jerky and rushed and the tugging at your pants made the garment rub pleasantly across your skin. Your body felt alive with the taste of his lips, the pressure of his arms and the pulling of his hands.
“You’ll never think of him again,” Buggy promised darkly between kisses, while his hands began harsh tugs to get your pants and underwear down. When you were stepping out of them, he finally moved back far enough from you to let his hands work on ripping your shirt over your head. Buggy’s lips were back on you before your hair even had time to settle back into place. He nipped your bottom lip and kissed his way to your ear. His hands were making quick work of your bra. “I’m going to replace every bit of his touch on your body with my own.”
Shivers trembled through your body at the feeling of his words being breathed into your ear. The tingling sensation bouncing under your skin only intensified when his hands wedged between your chests and began thumbing at your hardened nipples. While he started walking backwards to the bed, you set on undoing his too numerous belt buckles. You needed to feel his skin on you now. At your unhappy moan, Buggy had his hands help you.
“Impatient?” he teased. He got another whine for his answer. At last, all his belts were undone. The thick one from his waist thunked onto the floor and his shirt followed soon after, pushed off by hurried hands sweeping from pec over shoulder. You hummed at the feeling of his chest hair against your palm and his muscles flexing and moving in your grip. Your arms then wrapped behind his neck, pulling him in to feel his chest press to yours. You jumped at the unexpected feeling of his chest hair teasing at your nipples, making them send pleasant tingles across your skin. His arms wrapped around your waist to pull you in just as tightly, making you feel caged and at his mercy. Groping hands separated from his arms to work at the flesh of your hips and ass, the fabric of his gloves causing extra friction.
Buggy’s lips had made their way back to yours, trailing burning kisses and red paint, and his prodding tongue slid back through your parted lips. Your hurried fingers pulled the bandana from his head and scratched across his scalp, setting his hair free. Blue waves cascaded down to tickle your arms and sweep at your cheeks. Your hands broke through the curtain of his soft hair to rid him of his cravat. While your hands continue seeking ways to touch him, his hands left you to swiftly yank each glove off. When his touch came back to you, Buggy moaned loudly at the feeling of your bare, flushed skin under his fingers and palms.
His hands massaged their way down to the backs of your thighs. While he sat himself down on the bed, he used this grip to pull you into his lap. You shivered and moaned as your bare pussy finally got some friction against the leather of his pants. Even through the thick material, you could feel his length twitch against you. An iron grip clamped onto your hips and set the pace of your needy grinding. “Fuck, sweets, you’re gonna ruin my pants. That wet already?”
“Can’t help it,” you whined. “I’ve wanted you so long.” You emphasized your words by grinding down more firmly against him, sliding easily through your slick on the supple leather.
“Fuuuuck,” Buggy groaned low, throwing his head back at the sensations sparking through him with each push of your hips. He pressed back into you with more insistence. “Wanted to take more time with you, treasure, but you’re making it fucking hard.”
He used his chop chop powers to stay attached to you again, separating from his feet so he could float you two to the center of the bed. The weightlessness and tipping of your balance shot adrenaline through you and had your weight increasing the pressure of his hard on against your clit. You dragged nails down Buggy’s chest in your bid for stability, earning a grumbling moan from him.
You may have been the one on top of him, but it was clear from his controlling hands and commanding lips that he was the one in charge. You’d let him keep that power forever if it meant you kept getting to feel his touch tearing into you and taste his skin and tongue and teeth. The smell of your own arousal mixing with the hazy scent of him emanating from his body and sheets had your muscles turning liquid, save the ones helping your hips lure pleasure from his. 
At the next drag of his hips across your cunt, you felt the pressure slide downward and leave you. Your thighs still felt his torso squeezed between them but the lack of support under your pelvis startled you and you began to pull back.
“No, no, sweet thing,” Buggy soothed, “Stay right here.” He trapped you to him with a hand to the back of your head and the other gripping the back of your shoulder. Your sense came back to you a little bit, reminding you of the chop chop fruit, and you relaxed slightly. Foggy eyes watched you as your muscles loosened and you eased back down for your mouths to meet again. The hand in your hair became a fist, urging you even closer, while the other disappeared. The feel of smearing makeup added to the delicious mess of the kiss, all wet lips and sliding tongues.
You slowly raised your hips up in the air, pressing your chest more firmly into his and relieving your thighs of the burn from keeping yourself hovered. Your elbows took the rest of your weight and your hands clung to Buggy’s shoulder and bicep. The air of the room sent a chill through you with how it contrasted to the wet heat you had presented. You weren’t chilled for long though; the draft of the room suddenly stopped reaching you and the bed dipped between your knees as a weight settled there. You felt knees nudging the inside of your own further apart and you happily let them, eagerly arching your cunt even higher.
“Such a good fucking girl,” Buggy growled against your lips. Warm skin met the back of your thighs then the plush of your ass. You let out chirping moans, muffled against his mouth, in burning joy when you felt the slide of his bare cock drag through your lips. “Such an eager little bitch for me; you ever go ass up for him?”
“No,” you panted. “N-no -hah- never, Captain.” Buggy nipped at your lips before he started his way down to your neck. You eagerly arched your chin up and out of the way, getting rewarded with a boiling hot lick across your pulse. Between his ravenous mouth and grinding hips, you were losing track of anything but the impulse to chase what feels good. And all of his touch ravaging over you felt so fucking good. 
The way your hips circled back into his had Buggy losing his mind - he needed to grab at every piece of you, feel you under lips and tongue and teeth and nails, and he needed to feel your warm swollen walls wrapped around him. A thought occurred to him and his mouth flung to your ear.
“Has he ever fucked you raw?” It came out as more of an angry snarl than real words. “Did you let yourself be his little slut?” Hips pressed forward meanly, nearly lifting your knees off of the bed with how he was forcing you to arch. “Answer me.” A hand clamped onto your jaw. Fingers released your hair to dig into the sides of your neck.
“No, sir!” you gasped, delicious pain bringing you back some clarity.
“My perfect girl.” You felt the grumble of his voice vibrate from his chest to yours. Your jaw was released. The punishing pressure on your spine eased as Buggy backed off, only to use his free hand to guide your hips back into greedy grinds. You wanted his handprint marked there forever, and Buggy wouldn’t disappoint. The grip controlling your neck jerked you to look him in the eyes. They were blurry and black with lust, looking like they would be quenched by nothing less than swallowing you whole. “Waiting for your Captain to be the one in your cunt? Already knew that you’re my whore?” The clumsy huffs and moans of “yes” that spilled from your mouth went straight to Buggy’s cock, each one making it throb against you.
“Let me.” His knees pressed at yours and you spread even wider, opening up enough for your clit to constantly rub between the base of his cock and his heavy balls. “Gotta be inside you - own every part of you.” His dominating grip on your hip forced the long grinds into tight circles weighted on your clit. Buggy tugged you down in a quick, needy kiss, tasting the whines on your tongue. “Fuck, give it to me; be mine and I’ll fuck you like this every day, buy you anything you want, do anything you want.”
You were so close already, head buzzing from his rabid pleas and the restricting grip into the sides of your neck. Your heartbeat had moved to pound between your hips, matching the rhythm of his hips grinding into you. If it weren’t for his hand at your neck, your head would’ve lolled forward to leave you drooling against his chest.
Buggy’s detached hand slid over your ass to guide the head of his cock to press at your twitching entrance. The moment he was lined up, his hand flipped down to cup your mound and grind the heel of his palm over your swollen bud. His head stretched you wider than you’re used to and you were already tripping over the edge when you felt yourself pop over the rim of his tip. “Gods, fuck, sweets, you feel like heaven.” He kept sliding in, the stretch not easing as he worked you open. “Never -nnngh- leaving this cunt.” The forearm around your back forced you into his chest even harder. “Gonna tie you up and fuck you all day, shit!” His hips finally met yours, rooted right above the palm still massaging at you.
The first drag back, full of his mushroomed tip pulling at your clenching walls, was your favorite thing you’d ever felt. You could only manage its deliberate push and pull, ending with a shove you felt pressing through your stomach, three more times. “Yes -hahh- yes, y-yes -nnnnghaahh- yes, yes, yes yesyesyes”
Bright pleasure tore up your spine to explode in your head and fizzle out through your every muscle. Your eyes screwed shut, your feet kicked up to clench by your jolting hips, and your fingers dug and trembled into Buggy’s skin. You shoved your head down, forehead pressing into the sweaty side of Buggy’s neck, open mouth gasping out hot air and high pitched moans. Distantly, you heard him darkly muttering, “Fucking hell, good slut, goddamn you’re perfect -mmmmnnhh- my perfect girl.”
Buggy’s grip on you became bruising as he held off on cumming with you. He’d just barely got a taste of the squeeze of your cunt and he needed more. He’d grit his teeth in desperation when he felt you milking him so soon after he had adjusted to the blissful feeling of sinking into you. Now he was absolutely sure he was going to steal you away and keep you forever. He needed to feel your pleasure and desperation at his touch every second of every day for the rest of his life.
“Such a whore, so eager to cum for me,” Buggy praised. He was brushing your hair from your face with shaky fingers, guiding you back from your orgasm. He continued his steady thrusts into you but eased up on his palm when your body went limp. You looked absolutely pathetic slumped against him, ass held in the air still being used for his pleasure.
“That stupid boy ever get you to sound like that?” he goaded. The closest you got to giving a response was a breathy “nuh”. Buggy kissed at your hairline and began picking up the speed of his hips. “That’s what I thought. Now be a good pussy and milk me dry.”
Buggy’s thrusts became punishing and insistent, chasing the blissful pulsing clench of your cunt that he felt at the end of every full stroke. The heel of his palm jostled your clit with each slap of his hips against you, slipping easily against you from how much he had you dripping. Even so, your nerves burned in a way that was just slightly too much. You arched harder to try and lighten the sensation but that only angled your hips so that he hit his hand harder on each thrust. Every impact felt like an electric shock, knocking a high and breathy moan from you each time.
“Sounds so good, treasure, keep singing for me,” Buggy moaned, breath tickling the top of your ear. He wanted to slow himself down to hear you longer, taste you longer, feel the hot wet plush of your pussy forever, but he couldn’t control himself no matter how hard he tried. His body clung to and plunged into you, driven by uncontrolled instinct. He needed to grab and consume you until he couldn’t tell where you ended and he began. He’d finally admitted to himself how much he was dying to see and own all of you. Now he had you blissed out and pliant against him and he could no longer stand living without knowing the feeling of emptying his cock into you.
“Captain,” you hiccuped, “C-Captain Buggyyyyy, ‘s too much.” You tilted your head up to moan and bite at his neck, needing something to ground you. The salt and heat on your tongue cut through some of the blinding haze. Your fingers kept digging at him to find  some kind of anchor in those slick, tensing muscles.
“You can do it, sweets,” he encouraged breathlessly. “Just -fuck- just be my good whore, just let me hahhhave my fill and I’ll -nnngah- help you rest.” You managed a weak “yes sir” between your moans and whines and Buggy’s hips managed to give you even more. Every nerve he touched inside you was scorching and screaming with the delicious friction and stretch of him pounding into you. Buggy felt the same searing bliss ripping through him, emptying his mind of everything but desire and possession.
Buggy groans, “So close! You’ve been soooooo fucking good for me, my perfect slut.” The hand at your neck had switched back into fisting your hair, so he could drag you up and moan right in your ear. The palm at your clit became a tightly circling thumb and your limp body jolted back to life, clawing, grinding, shaking, and gasping. “That’s fucking it, treasure, need you to cum again and -ahh- I’ll fill you up.”
You used whatever strength you had left to bounce back on his hips. Your used muscles were pounding and swollen, but the praising sounds and extra friction you got with each move had you never wanting to stop. You never knew how good it felt to be fucked hard enough for the force to ripple through the flesh of your ass and thighs and stomach and breasts and you’d do anything to keep feeling it. The crushing grip on your hip kept you steady any time you faltered from your trembling muscles and blanking mind. You don’t think you’ve ever felt like this, so completely insatiable, so deliciously overwhelmed, so voraciously claimed. The blazing signals shooting to your head from between your legs started to burn so bright that they were losing detail. That was until all four of Buggy’s fingers touched the very base of your stomach and pushed down hard. 
“Buggy! Buggy! Buggy!” You kept yelping, and his eyes rolled back from the sheer ecstasy of hearing you like this. You were already tight, muscles clamping down hard and winding up for your orgasm but this… There was a firmer pressure with each stroke, especially when he knocked as deep into you as you could stretch, and he was drooling at the fact that his fingertips could feel him fuck himself into you.
“So good, holy shit -hahnngh- you feel so fucking good, treasure, gonna cum,” Buggy was beside himself panting and groaning out for you. His fraying voice became biting and fierce, rabid with need and absolute command. “Need you to cum - cum for your Captain.”
“Yes, sir, yessir please please,” you sobbed into his chest feeling so close but also already over the precipice and feeling everything and numbing out. Your body was going haywire with how good and how much everything felt and you needed something to hold onto. 
“Good fucking girl, good -nnnngh- you’re mine, mine, mine-” Buggy’s voice was all gravel and possession and he chanted the only word he could manage when his balls pulled tight and his dick began to twitch. The clapping of his hips stopped, replaced with deep long grinds that had the weight of his jumping dick play with every inch of your walls and you were gone. You keened and sobbed out at the force of the feelings bursting through you and you could do nothing but quake in his grasp. The hot feeling of his cum pumping into you, cockhead tapping down at the push of his fingers on your stomach, had your eyes rolling back and your legs going limp.
Buggy was pretty sure he lost a minute or two there while he wasn’t able to think past hot, wet, and good. All he knew was that he finally got you and it was better than he ever imagined. His heart stuttered at the feeling of your panting breath cooling his chest and your sweet fingers clumsily trying to draw shapes on his skin. They kept falling limp between attempts due to the strength of your exhaustion, but you were adamant in your need to show him affection. His face split in a dopey grin. Buggy just knew you’d be the perfect little love and now you were his perfect little love. A smug snicker interrupted his heavy breaths from knowing he stole you away from that shithead, and he was going to make sure to pamper you so you’d stay and never have to cry to yourself again. 
Buggy nudged you to the side so that your spine would get some relief from arching. He couldn’t have just let you straight down without your hips being forced down under the weight of his past the edge of his torso. You weren’t allowed to go far though; he felt as if he’d tear apart anything that interrupted all your skin to skin contact. You hummed deep in relief at the change in position and nuzzled your face into Buggy as thanks. He kissed his bright smile onto the top of your head and began massaging a hand into your lower back. This time you moaned at the relieving feeling, earning a chuckle from him.
“Better?” Buggy asked. 
“So much,” you answered. Your eyes and muscles felt heavy and your bones were made of lead. Your breathing had become soft and slow and steady in tandem with his, beginning to draw you under with the promise of a fulfilling slumber. You managed to mumble, “Thank you, Captain,” before you were gone. A more lingering kiss was placed on your head this time. While your mind wasn’t there to receive it, your body felt it and shifted just that much closer into Buggy’s warmth.
Buggy sighed, thinking of the mess that the two of you and the bed were and how much work it’ll be to do the necessary cleaning up. A large problem was detaching you from himself and an even larger and more difficult one was mustering the will to remove himself from you. He gave in to the comfort of holding you, pulling a spare blanket from a basket across the room to lay over you both. Still in deep sleep, you hummed contentedly at the new comfort and warmth, melting Buggy’s heart further. He peppered a few more indulgent kisses onto your temple and hair before snuggling his cheek down into you. He’d decided a little nap wouldn’t hurt.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
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zweiginator · 2 months
What if divorced!art gets dragged to a club one weekend by his foundation-buddies and he obviously doesn’t want to but he forces himself and then it turns out that escort!reader is also there with her friends and they see each other outside of «work» for the first time… And her friends doesn’t know about her escorting so maybe they recognize him and maybe she goes to talk to him because her friends says she should «flirt more»🤭 And then ofc he fucks her in the dirty club bathroom
divorced!art upset because he hasn't seen you in weeks. everything has been busy since he hit the ground running with tennis again. practice after practice, signing sponsorship deals, galas and charity fundraising. and you had been busy too. art didn't know this, but you're a student as well. you didn't tell him not because you didn't want to share your life with him, but because it made you feel juvenile. of course, it's university and you're almost finished with your degree after five and a half years instead of the usual four--but you still feel dumb talking about that part of your life with him. for you to bitch about group projects and essays about political science while art is upset about custody battles and petty divorce politics--it feels trivial.
but your friends want to celebrate the semester being freshly over. just a few more summer classes for you and you will finally graduate. you'll finally get to hang up your hat and say goodbye to escorting. to that taboo little secret that's been dragging your eyes into sunken purple holes for the past fourteen months.
and your friends don't know, of course. it's impossible to explain to a group of girls whose parents pay for tuition and books and groceries. gas, clothes and even the designer heels they wear to the club they're standing in right now--that you need to do this. for money. to survive.
no, it isn't ideal. but this is the real fucking world and sex sells.
so they think you're prudish. they've never seen you have a boyfriend or flirt because that's your job every other day of the week. to pretend to be in love. to fuck lonely assholes and pretend to care about their lives. to believe them when they say they aren't a bad husband. that men have needs.
they urge you to flirt with men at the bar. but like always, you're just not interested. and all the men in this shitty tavern-bar-turned-college-club are all the same. middle-aged men who shoved their wedding bands in their back pockets to pick up pussy from a doe-eyed girl in her twenties.
none of them are remotely attractive. and you're thanking your lucky stars that you don't recognize a single one of them.
your friend taps on your shoulder. "there's one hot guy here. you may recognize him. he's kinda famous."
you down the rest of your drink. "oh really? i doubt i'd be interested."
but she points to a man leaning against the bar way off in the corner. sad eyes and salt and pepper hair that was once dirty blond; you've seen his baby pictures. he's tall and in love with you and you with him and you could strangle him right now because he hasn't returned your calls or texts in over five days.
"art donaldson." your other friend sighs. "he's a tennis player and i'd fuck him if i didnt have a boyfriend."
it's then that art turns around. likely feels the eyes of six girls burning into the back of his skull. he's holding a beer bottle and he looks forlorn, his typical woe is me demeanor that makes him so fucking attractive to you. lights up that neanderthal part of your brain that makes you want to fix the unfixable.
and then he smiles. it makes you blush and your friends, not knowing the tendrils of your history together that have now become rooted in the ground beneath you, tell you to go for it.
"he's staring right at you."
you know that. art knows not to make it clear he knows you; it would open up that whole can of worms.
so he waits for you to come to him and you pretend to be nervous which isn't that hard because you are already.
when you get to him, he whispers in your ear.
"they don't know about your job, im assuming?" he wants to wrap his arms around your waist but he refrains.
"they don't. but they know you, and they're very fond of you. they want me to flirt more."
art flags down the bartender. he gets you a gin and tonic, remembering how you liked the one he made for you that first night at his hotel room. you were just trying to make him feel better.
"well im glad im the lucky man." he sits down on a stool and hooks his leg around the stool next to him to bring it closer. he motions for you to sit and your friends are all staring at you but pretending they aren't.
"me too. although i don't know how much you deserve it." you take a sip. "given how you haven't responded to my calls in awhile."
art takes your drink from your hand, sets it down. he rests his hand on your lower back.
"im sorry honey. i haven't been meaning to be an asshole. there's a lot going on with tennis and everything."
you run a hand through his hair. "i get it." you feign a frown. "you just may have to make it up to me." and when you uncross your legs, art can see your thong. he tenses his jaw.
"i do need to make it up to you, don't i?" he takes a swig from his beer. "i'll tell you what." he glances around, at the bathroom door swinging open. "why don't i go to the bathroom to freshen up and you come check on me in a few minutes, yeah?"
he's so close you can smell the beer on his breath. you nod and he goes toward the bathroom.
your friends want to come over and ask you all about it, but then you're knocking on the bathroom door with your special knock. the one that only you and art know.
he pulls you inside, and the bathroom is dingy with a flickering light and graffiti on the walls. drawings of dicks and crude words but art sits on the toilet seat.
"c'mere." he reaches out to you and you go to him. a pavlovian response that makes you so fucking wet to be near him. to be on his lap like you're supposed to be. he kisses you like he missed you because he has. he's not supposed to. his lips trail wet, hot kisses up your throat and he's greedier than usual. dragging your pussy over his throbbing erection. he's only wearing his briefs on his bottom half and you tug at his shirt because you want to see all of him. feel all of him. he does the same to you. panting into your mouth because his cock rests between your folds. nudges against your clit as you grind on him.
"fuckin' ruined pussy for me." he throws his head back and you grab his jaw to kiss him. sloppy and disgusting but you love the taste of him. how your lipstick melds into his saliva. drips down his neck like you're a vampire taking him for everything he fucking has.
"yeah?" you rake your nails down his chest and take his cock out. it's bare against your pussy, your panties pushed to the side.
"nothing turns me on anymore. nothing gets me off. only you. that tight fucking cunt."
he never talks like this. so crude. but you love drawing it out of him. milking those dirty words as you stroke his heavy cock for him. people bang on the bathroom door but neither of you fucking care.
you sink down on him. you do it all at once. you're addicted to how his hips spasm and his eyes roll back and he lets a strangled moan-groan hybrid escape him. he holds onto the flesh of your ass as you fuck him.
the porcelain of the toilet creaks unsteady below you and you're completely on top of him, your feet behind you as you fuck him harder and harder. but he asks for more because he wants you more.
"fuck me--fuck me--" he repeats it over and over. guides you up and down and up and down his cock from base to tip. "your pussy was fucking made for me. i need it, i need it--"
his mouth hangs open and you can't believe he's yours like this. you want him to cum but then again you don't because then he can't be inside you anymore. and that's precisely where you want him.
his jaw is tense and his neck pulses with his heartbeat as he presses his forehead to yours.
"i want you--" a moan. "to hit me. i want you to fucking claim me."
so you smack him, and his arms wrap tight against your waist because he's cumming and he wants it to stay like this forever. but if it can only be a few more minutes, that will do too.
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samandcolbyownme · 9 months
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Summary: Anon request - "so can you maybe write a fanfic where the reader is in a relationship with Colby, but he cheats on her at a party, so to get him back, she cheats on him with Jake but when he finds them in a room getting busy he decides to join"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of drinking and smoking (weed and cigarettes), arguing, mean/hurtful things being said, Colby cheating on reader, reader getting even, threesome, choking, biting, hair pulling, scratching, rough unprotected sex, cream pieS, just filth
HUGE disclaimer: I KNOW Colby is a sweetie and wouldn't do any of the things I'm about to write, same with Jake so please don't take any of this serious. I'm already hurting writing them as assholes but also kinda excited. I also made up some people to make the one shot go smoothly - enjoy!
Word count: 7.2k | not edited
Part two
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"Y/n. Are you about ready? With the traffic we're going be late." Colby peaks his head inside the door, smiling when you turn around, "Yeah. I'm ready."
"Wow." His eyes move up and down your body, "That dress looks amazing on you."
You can feel the heat in your cheeks riding up, "Oh.. thanks." He walks in, hands sliding over your hips, "You picked a good one." He presses his lips to your forehead, "Now come on. I can't wait to show you off."
Your hand slides into his as he pulls you towards the doorway. The last few days, something has been off.
Something in your gut telling you not to go to this party, but you didn't want to upset Colby. You knew he was looking forward to this for a while now, so you pushed the feelings away and went anyway.
As you're in the car heading to the party, Colby glances over at you, giving you a smile, "Are you excited?"
You shrug, the feeling in your gut returning, "Yeah." You smile with a nod, "Kind of."
"Kind of? Do you not want to go?" He frown slightly and you shake your head, "No, I want to. I just have this weird feeling that I can't seem to shake."
"I'm sure you'll be fine when you get drink or two in ya." He lays his hand on your knee, hand gripping the wheel as he takes off from the red light he was stopped at.
"Yeah, let's hope." You laugh slightly and look out the window. As you pull up, you can already tell it's going to be a packed house party.
"Maybe that's why." You mumble and Colby looks over at you after he parts, "What's why?"
"There's a lot of people." You look at him and he chuckles, "It's all people you know, baby. Now come on." He gets out, walking around to open your door.
Everything was going good.
"Ayooo." Sam yells from across the parking lot, Kat hanging on his arm, "Hey, y/n!" She waves and you wave back, taking Colby's hand into yours as you walk towards them, "How are you?"
Kat nods, "Better once I've gotten a drink." You nod, "I know what you mean." You walk in with the small group, looking around as the music fills your ears and the smell of weed fills your nose.
"This is going to be so much fun." Sam kisses Kat's cheek, "I'll go get you a drink." Colby looks down at you, "Whatcha want, babe?"
You smile, "Surprise me."
"Ooh, livin on the edge. I like it." Colby kisses your head and jogs to catch up to Sam.
"You two seem to be doing very good." Kat smiles and you nod, "Oh yeah. Never a dull moment, you know." She laughs, sitting down on the small couch, "Yeah, with Colby you never know what to expect."
You didn't really think that applied to your relationship, but you'd soon figure it out.
"Ain't that the truth." You laugh and look over as the boys walk back with the drinks, "Here you go." Colby hands you a drink and you sip it, "Mm. That's good."
"Fruit punch and vodka." He moves next to you, laying a hand on your back as he continues to talk to Sam.
You look at Kat, "We may as well be dating because it sure seems like our boyfriends are boyfriends."
She laughs and looks over at Sam, laughing harder as he looks at her, "Who has a boyfriend?" She points between him and Colby, "You guys."
Colby laughs, "I mean.. I don't mean to brag or anything but.." you all laugh and you shake your head, still sipping on your drink.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A little while later, you're inside, standing in a group with more people, Jake, Johnnie, and a few others you know well.
You've had a few cups and you were feeling tipsy, you had a small buzz going on. You were giggly with Kat and few of your other friends.
"Need another?" Colby asks and you look down at your half full cup, "No." you look back up at him, "I'm still good for now."
He nods, knocking back the rest of his, "Be right back." Colby walks away and Kat grabs your arm, "We should totally be partners in beer pong."
You nod, "Oh my god! Yes!"
She turns to Sam, "When Colby gets back, bring him over to the pong table so we can play against you guys."
He nods, "Okay. Where'd he go?" He looks around and nods when he sees him getting another drink, "Found him. Okay we'll he over."
Kat grabs your hand, pulling you over to the already set up table, "Okay, which end do you want?" You look and point to the other end, "That side."
You both move to the other end, perfecting the set up of the cups as they walk over, "Alright." Colby says with a smirk, "Who's ready to lose?"
"You guys apparently." You smirk, eyes on Colby, "Losers have to shotgun."
"Deal." Sam and Colby say in unison. Sam rolls a ball over, "Well shoot for who goes first. Good luck babe.”
Kat picks up the ball and tilts her head, "Thanks, you'll need it." She shoots her shot and makes it. Sam makes his and makes it.
"Alright. Our turn." Colby picks up his ball from the water cup and moves it around in his fingers, "Go ahead, babe."
You smile and shake your head, focusing on the cups. You make yours and Colby misses. Sam smacks his arm, "Dude. What the hell."
"Sorry. I was distracted." He winks at you and you roll your eyes as you smile, "Mhm."
Halfway into the game, each teach has two cups left and you've drawn a crowd, mainly for commentary on the playful and flirty trash talking.
Although, you're kind of distracted by Colby looking past you occasionally. You can tell he's looking in your direction, but not at you.
And that's not like him.
You glance behind you, seeing a girl with a smile plastered on her face. You follow her gaze and you know exactly who she's looking at.
You take a deep breath, focusing on the second to last cup - making your shot.
Kat shoots, missing hers, giving the guys a turn.
Colby shoots and misses, usually you'd say something to tease him but at this moment, you don't want to risk saying something that might actually embarrass him.
"What? No trash talk?" Colby holds his arms out to his sides and you just shrug. Kat nudges you and leans in, "Your whole mood just changed."
"I'll tell you then." You say as you catch the ball before it bounces off the table. You sniffle, holding the ball up to take your shot.
You miss and let out a sigh, "hurry up and end this game for us Kat."
They all laugh like you said a joke, but there was nothing funny about it.
Kat makes her shot, giving the boys each a redemption shot, which they both miss. You grab your empty cup, walking away from them as you make your way to the alcohol table in the kitchen.
"Hey. What's going on?" Kat follows you, walking up to your side, "You just got like really mad."
"Is it that noticeable?" You cringe and sigh, "Sorry."
"Whoa. Hi. Its me. Kat. I just won the game for us. Why are you-"
You cut her off, "Colby wasn't looking at me."
"What do you mean he wasn't looking at you?" She looks at you confused and you glance to the door, looking down at your full cup, "The girl behind us. He was looking in my direction but he wasn't looking at me."
"I don't think.." she shakes her head, "No. there's no way Colby would do that. Say something to him. Talk to him."
Sam and Colby walk through the door. Colby is silent as he nods his head for you to come off to the side. You take a silent breath and walk over, avoiding eye contact with him.
"What's going on?" His stare holds on you and you continue to stay quiet. He looks over at Sam and Kat, "Give us a sec guys."
They leave the kitchen and he rubs your arm, "Hey. Talk to me."
You look up at him, "Who were you looking at during the game?"
He looks at you confused, shaking his head slightly as he tries to comprehend what you just asked him, "Who was I what? What do you mean? I was looking at you."
You shake your head, clearing your throat as you try not to let the tears take over, "The girl.. behind Kat and I, she was watching you."
"Jake was standing behind you doing weird motions to try and throw me off." Colby laughs, "I can even go get him and have him-"
"No." You shake your head, "That's fine. I believe you."
"I only have eyes for you, y/n. You know that." He tilts your chin up, rubbing it gently with his fingers, "I love you."
You smile, nodding while his hand is still on your chin, "I love you." He leans in, pressing his lips to yours before leaning back, "Come on. Let's go watch Jake and Johnnie fuck shit up."
He lays his arm over your shoulders and you walk out with him.
Throughout the game, Colby would yell stuff to Jake and look down at you, rubbing your back as he smiled at you.
Maybe you overreacted?
Maybe you needed another drink.
You finish what's in your cup, "Do you need another?" Colby hands you his empty cup, "Please." He kisses your cheek and you smile, turning to go towards the kitchen.
"See." Kat says walking next to you, "Everything is fine. Plus, if he was looking at her, he was probably looking at how awful those extensions are."
You laugh, "Yeah, they are god awful aren't they?" You make the drinks, swirling them around a little to mix them up before you guys head back out.
Everyone is cheering as you walk up to Colby, "What happened?" Colby takes his cup, "They just made both balls in one cup which means they automatically win the game."
"Oh shit. Good for them!" You watch as Jake slowly spins with his arms out to his sides. He accidentally hits Johnnie in the head and you can tell he tells him not to stand there.
You laugh and shake your head as they walk up to you guys, "So. Who wants to play the winners?"
You look at Kat, "Why not?"
She laughs, "Alright. Well give it a go." She walks over to the table with you and Sam and Colby move closer to talk.
"Ladies first." Jake rolls the balls over the table and you smile, "Awe, how sweet of you ladies to let the prettier ones go first."
Jake's jaw drops and Johnnie looks at Jake, "You couldn't have just shot for the first turn? Idiot."
You and Kat laugh, making each of your shots and Jake stares at the table, "Oh fuck." He looks at Johnnie, "I think.. we're screwed."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"And that's game." You look at Kat, "We're good at this."
Kat laughs and nods, "I'd say so." She looks at Jake and Johnnie, "Good game, fellas." She grabs her cup and walks away.
"Let me know if you wanna get screwed again." You laugh and pick up your cup, walking to go find Colby. You see Sam and Kat, but don't see him anywhere.
"Where Colby?" You look at Sam and sip your drink. He shrugs as he bops to the music, "Last I knew he was  with a few people taking shots."
"Taking shots?" You scoff quietly and roll your eyes as you take a long drink, "Nice." You walk around, looking all over for him, but you still don't see him.
"Hey, have you seen Colby?" You ask Mason and he shakes his head, "No, sorry." You nod, moving back through the crowd.
You go back to Sam and Kat and lo and behold, Colby is standing there with two shots in his hands. He turns as Sam points to you and he smiles, clearly a lot drunker than when you left him to play another game of pong, "Hey baby! I got you this!"
You take the shot class from his hand, "What is it?"
He takes his, "Just take it."
You sigh and take it, almost gagging when you feel the burn of tequila in your throat, "Oh my god. Colby! That's teq-uila."
You lay your wrist over your mouth and he purses his lips, "Fuck, sorry. You don't like tequila, sorry. I forgot."
You give Kat a look and she nods, "Why don't we go dance?" She nudges Sam, obvious that she filled him in on why there was tension in the air with you.
Sam nods, "Yeah, Colby. Let's go shake some ass, brother." Colby laughs, "Fuck yeah. Let's do it." He reaches for your hand and you take it, smiling slightly.
You make your way onto the dance floor as Yeah! by Usher starts playing.
"This is my jam!" Colby yells out as he grips your hips, moving his own and you can't help but laugh. Sam watches in horror as Colby dances and Kat covers her mouth to not laugh.
"Go Colby!" Sam yells, waving his hand in the air, "Go Colby!"
Soon everyone around you was cheering Colby on, chanting, "Go Colby! Go Colby!"
the song ends and you shake your head, laughing as he walks up to you, "why didn't you dance?" You lay your hands on his chest and you laugh, "You were the star of that song, babe. Good job though."
He laughs and sighs, "I need another drink, do you?" You nod, "That would be nice, do you want me to come with you?" He shakes his head, "No because I'm going to make you a surprise drink." 
"No tequila please." You yell as he walks away and your attention is turned to Jake pulling Johnnie onto the floor and dancing around him like he's a stripper pole.
"These two fucking kill me." You say to Kat as you laugh. She nods while laughing, "Poor Johnnie."
Everyone starts cheering for Jake and he eventually starts laughing as walks off, leaving Johnnie to stand there clueless on what to do.
He soon walks off and you look over towards the kitchen, "What's taking him so long?" You mumble to yourself. You look to Kat, "I'll be right back."
She nods and watches you walk away. You walk into the kitchen - no Colby, but what you assume is your cup sitting there because it has the same color lipstick you're wearing printed on the lip of it.
"What the fuck?" You sigh, walking over to make your own drink. You turn around, looking side to side beside walking back out.
"Hey." You stop Jake and he looks at you, "What's up?" You look around, "Have you seen Colby?" You look back at him and he looks around, "I seen him go into the kitchen but not after that."
You nod, giving him a quiet, "Thanks." As you go to walk away, he grabs your arm, "Is everything okay? I've been picking up on some tension."
You laugh slightly, trying to make light of it, "You can feel that?"
"Honey, you can Scooby doo cut that shit like a pie and  serve it on a glass plate." He tilts his head, laughing at his own joke, "Yeah. I can."
"Scooby doo that that.." you laugh, "Yeah that's what I was afraid of."
"Come with me." He turns and walks towards the sliding glass doors and you give one last look before following him when you don't see Colby.
"Have a seat, miss. Talk to therapist Jake." He sits down and pulls a cigarette out of the pack. He extends his arm out and you shake your head, "I'm fine."
"Suit yourself." He lights it and takes a drag, "Now, when did, whatever is going on, start?"
You laugh and let out a sigh, "When we were playing beer pong. I swear he was staring at a girl who was standing behind me. But I talked to him and he said you were also standing behind me doing stuff to distract him."
Jake stares at you for a few seconds, "I was force feeding shots to Johnnie. I meant I came in towards the end but I wasn't standing behind you guys. I was more off to the side."
You clench your jaw, "Huh.. okay. Well that makes sense as to why I didn't see you then."
"What girl are we talking about?" He crosses his leg over the other and rests his elbow on the arm rest of the chair.
"I don't know who it is. All I know is that her extensions are horrific and she should sue her hair dresser." You raise your brows and huff, "She has brown hair, it was half up, half down. Wearing, I think a pinkish purplish two piece dress thing."
"I think you're talking about Casie. And if you are.." Jake takes another drag, "You don't have anything to worry about. Colby can't stand her."
You nod, "Well, that's a good thing.. I think." You finish your drink and crinkle the cup in your hand, "I just.. okay. I had this really weird gut feeling about coming here tonight and I just.."
You sigh and look at Jake. He leans forward, "Colby would be the absolute, most dumbest mother fucker in the world  if he did anything to ruin your guys relationship."
"Yeah." You nod, laughing as you convince yourself that you're just causing a bigger thing within your own mind, "You're right."
You sigh and stand up, "Thank you, therapist Jake."
He smiles and holds his hands out, "Anytime. Anytime."
You walk back inside and something is off. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it's just you, you can't shake it.
You walk into the kitchen, making yourself another drink before walking back out. For some reason, something tells you to walk to the back of the house.
As you round the corner, you stop in your tracks. Your hand crushes the liquid filled cup, a constant stream falling out of the split sides.
Colby has that girl against the wall, hands on her hips as his tongue is in her mouth. She opens her eyes, smirking at you as he starts to kiss down her neck.
You see her mouth, "uh oh" and giggle as Colby leans away. He looks at her then turns his head, eyes going wide as he realizes that he'd just been caught ruining the once perfect relationship.
You turn, walking away before he even steps towards you.
"He- whoa. Hey. Hey." Kat holds onto your arm as she stumbles with you, "y/n. Hey. Wha-"
"Colby was kissing that girl. Kissing down her neck while pinning her against the wall." Your anger bubbles up more as you repeat what you just saw, "Fucking asshole."
Kat is as a loss for words and you sigh, "I need a minute." You pull your arm away from her and she immediately rushes to Sam to tell him the awful news.
You go outside, walking down towards the cars as you try to hold it together. You bend down, laying a hand on the back of a car.
It just so happens to be Jake's car.
"There better not be puke on my car." He laughs slightly as he leans out of the door, quickly coming to the realization that you are in fact not puking.
"Hey. What's going on?" He gets out, bending down to get to your eye level. He brushes hair from your face and drops his hand, "He didn't."
You look at him and nod, "Mhm. Had her.. pinned up again the wall.. kissing on her neck. She was absolutely loving the fact that I caught them. Exactly what the bitch wanted, too."
You scoff, looking away as you shake your head.
"I'm- fuck. Im so sorry." Jake drags his finger over the rocks, "Can I do anything?" He shifts forward, resting on his knees, "What can I do?"
You look at Jake, locking eyes with him, "I-" you stop yourself from saying something you might possibly regret later, but right now, you weren't looking to flip out on Colby.
You weren't looking to be made a fool in front of the hundreds of people that were here.
You were looking for revenge.
"I want.. to get him back." You keep your stare on Jake and he shrugs, "I mean, if that's what you want to do.. then go talk to him. Get him back, girl." He laughs slightly and you shake your head, moving closer to him, "No.. I want to.."
Your eyes jump back and forth from his lips to his eyes before grabbing his blank tank top and pulling yourself into meet his lips with yours.
At first he's shocked, leans away and stares at you. He licks his lips, a slow smirk growing on his lips, "Yeah, fuck him."
He cups your face, pulling you back in to kiss him. Your lips move with his, moaning quietly against his as you feel a sense of power wash over you.
"Do they have empty rooms here?" You lean back, tilting your head and he raises his brows, "Oh, you want to take this all the way?"
You nod, "Only if you're okay with it."
"I've done worse things. I'll meet you upstairs." He quickly gets up, shutting his car door and makes his way inside.
You slowly stand up, looking around to see if anyone saw what just went down. Luckily, you didn't see anyone, but a part of you wishes someone had.
You wipe under your eyes, your mind on one thing right now.
Jake waiting for you upstairs.
As you walk in, rounding the corner, you run into someone. You step back looking up and instantly shake your head as you see Colby looking down at you.
"No. Mm. Not doing this here." You go to walk around him to the stairs but he grabs your arm, "Please.. can we just talk?"
"Talk? You want to talk?" You scoff, "okay. Fine. Let's talk." Your voice isn't quite a yell, but it's enough to get the attention of the people that are close to you, "let's talk about how we are now obviously not who we used to be."
Colby stands there, looking from everyone staring then back to you, "Y/n."
"You wanna know why we aren't who we used to be? Because you had to go.." you step towards him, "..and fucking cheat on me."
Colby frowns at your voice cracking, "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? For what? Not remembering that you have a girlfriend?" You lay a hand on your forehead and sigh, "You know what. Fuck you. Fuck you." You push him slightly, "How fucking could you?"
The tears are now on the verge of winning and your heart shatters more when you see Kat standing there with tears in her eyes.
Colby is silent. Unable to find the right words to say, not like there is any.
"Now, if you'll excuse me." Your voice goes almost silent as you walk away. Quickly making your way up the stairs case.
All of the doors are closed and you just pick one and walk in, shutting the door behind you. You turn around and jump slightly when you see Jake sitting on the bed, "Long time no see."
You laugh slightly as you wipe under your eyes, "I just slightly lost it on Colby."
"As you should." Jake tilts his head as he leans back, holding his body up with his arms extended behind him, "Should have clocked him too while you were at it." Jake bites his lip, "Now that would have been sexy as hell."
You laugh slightly as you walk over to him. You stand in front of him, looking up and down his body as you slowly move to straddle his waist.
He moves one hand forward, placing it on your thigh, "What do you want to do here, y/n."
You slowly push his tank top up his abdomen, "I think you know what I want to do." You look up at him and he nods, "Yeah." His hand drags up and down your bare thigh, "I think I have an idea."
You lean forward and his hands move to your ass as he lays back. You flip your hair behind you and lean in to kiss him.
The slow make out quickly turns into a heated, full of passion and revenge make out.
His hands slip under your dress, squeezing your ass as you grind down on his growing bulge. Your voice is quiet, "Fuck me, Jake."
He can't help but smirk as you kiss back his jaw and down his neck, "please." You beg in a whimpered tone, "I need you."
He rolls over, laying his body over yours and your hands immediately move to help him undo his pants.
He frees his cock, pushing your legs open more with his hips.
He pushes your panties to the side, running his fingers up and down your folds a few times, "Shit, you really want this don't you?"
You nod, "I've always found you hot. I can admit that now, right?" Your smirk goes away as soon as he pushes his fingers inside of you.
You whimper, trying to moan quietly as he slowly pulls them out and pushes them back in, "You're so much hotter to me now."
He leans down, lips crashing onto yours as his fingers work in and out. You lay your hand on his cheek as you reach down with the other one, gently wrapping your hand around his cock.
He pulls his fingers out and leans up, spitting into his hand so he can coat himself before rubbing the tip against your pussy.
He watches his cock go into you before leaning back down, lips brushing over your cheek as you moan, "Fuck." Your nails dig into the skin his tank top doesn't cover and you drag them outward, "Jake."
He groans lowly into your neck as he starts to slowly thrusts his hips. He kisses up, making his way back to your lips. Your fingers lace in his hair, tugging slightly as your leg lays over his back, "Yes, yes, yes!"
You were so in the moment you didn't hear the door open then close. You look over Jake's shoulder, smirking when you lock eyes with Colby, "Uh oh."
Jake leans up, looking at you confused before he follows your stare and quickly gets up, covering himself.
Colby's stare is on you.
"What the fuck is this?" He points between you and Jake and you shrug, "What the fuck was that downstairs?"
Colby sighs, "That wasn't.."
"What? Wasn't what it looked like? Because, correct me if I'm wrong but.." you sit up, "That definitely looked like you were cheating on me."
"It was a fucking kiss, y/n. I didn't put my fucking dick in her."
"Yeah, but I bet you wanted to." You lift your hand and drop it, "That was the goal, right? From the moment you stared at her through me at the pong table?"
He shakes his head, "No. none of it was planned okay."
"Then why were you kissing down her neck, pulling her closer to you? Doing all the things you do to me?" You cross your leg over the other, leaning back on the bed, "I am just so.. fucking mad at you. I wanted you to feel how I felt."
Colby stands there in silence, you can see his anger bubbling up, and you knew what he wanted to do.
But you weren't going to make it easy for him.
Jake points to the door, "I'm just go-" he starts walking towards the door but Colby's words make him stop, "No. Jake. Stay."
"Yeah, Jake. Stay. I'm not done yet." You look over at Jake and bite your lip.
Colby chuckles, "Mm. I see what's happening here. You want to what, punish me? Fine." He motions to Jake, "Punish away."
Jake stands there, thinking about the situation.
"Was she a good kisser?" You look at Colby and he shakes his head, "Not even slightly good." You raise your brows, "Mm."
"Come on, y/n. I don't know what you want me to do." Colby scoffs, laughing slightly, "Do you want me to watch you fuck Jake? Is that what you want?"
You shake your head, "No. I want you to share me with him as you tell me just how sorry you really are."
Jake's eyes are on you, leaving you alone with Colby wasn't happening.
Leaving you in general wasn't happening.
He wasn't done with you, either.
"Well, are you going to try and fix this. Or are you going to go down and ki-" Your words are cut off by Colby over and pressing his lips to yours. You wanted to throw him off, push him away.
Anything, but you couldn't.
You needed him.
You needed Jake.
You needed them both so bad you were aching. If this was the last time you were with Colby, might as well make it a good one.
For Jake, not Colby.
Your anger didn't just go away, you still wanted him to feel like his heart had been ripped out.
"Need you both." You gasp out as Colby sucks a mark into your neck. You look over at Jake, reaching out for him. He comes over, taking your hand into his.
Colby's hand slides down your body, slipping in between your thighs. Jake moves to sit down next to you, his hand lays on your neck, squeezing slowly as he leans down to kiss you.
You moan into his mouth as Colby's fingers slip inside of you. Your hand moves to Jake's half zipped jeans, gripping the waistline of them, "Please."
Jake lets go of your neck, moving his hands down to undo his jeans.
Colby clenches his jaw, pulling his fingers out as he tilts his head, watching you watch Jake. His eyes follow your hand as they wrap around his cock.
He doesn't like it.
Not even in the slightest little way.
You shift around, leaning forward so your ass is in the air. Jake focuses on you because he knows Colby isn't happy.
But as he should be, right?
You stick your tongue out, dragging it up the underside of Jake's cock, earning a low moan from him.
Colby shakes his head, looking away as he cocks his jaw. He clears his throat and you pay no attention. You wrap your lips around the head of Jake's cock, moaning slightly as you take more of him in.
"Fuck." He whispers lowly as he lays a hand on the back of your head, "Just like that." He pulls his lower lip between his teeth, tilting his head back slightly as he looks over at Colby.
If looks could kill, Jake would be dead.
Colby looks away, walking around to get behind you. His hands push your dress up more, moving it to around your waist before sliding his hands over your ass.
His hand lifts up, coming down in a hard slap, earning a whimper from your lips. You continue bobbing your head, swirling your tongue, putting all of your focus onto Jake.
Colby pulls your panties away from your body, holding the over with his thumb as he works on getting his cock freed with one hand.
You feel his spit run down over your folds and it drips onto the bed. He moves forward, rubbing his cock against your folds before slowly pushing it, a groan leaving his lips.
You dig your nails into Jake's thighs, fighting back the urge to moan.
You lift your head, a string of saliva still connecting you to Jake. He wipes the corner of your mouth and gets down, getting on his knees at the side of the bed.
His hands cup your cheeks, leaning in to kiss you as Colby’s hands grip your hips harsher. You whimper, failing at what you were trying not to do.
You moan into Jake’s mouth and push your hips back to meet Colby’s. Jake runs a hand through your hair, his other hand cupping your chin as his thumb lays over your lips.
You wrap your lips around his thumb, tilting your head back as Colby thrusts all the way in and holds himself there.
“You still want me?” Colby asks in a cocky tone. Your eyes meet Jake’s, “No. I want Jake.”
Jake looks at Colby and Colby chuckles as he pulls out, “I see, you wanna see who fucks you better.” You roll over onto your back, “Go fuck yourself, Colby.”
You reach up, pulling Jake down on top of you. Your knees resting on his hips.
“You know.. maybe I will.” Colby sits down and wraps a hand around his cock, “Go on. Don’t let me stop you.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole.” You roll your eyes, trying to focus on Jake and not let Colby get under your skin anymore than he already has.
Jake reaches down, holding his cock steady as he pushes into you with a low groan. You gasp, wrapping a leg around his waist as you moan, “Fuck.”
You really weren’t just moaning for show, Jake really knew what he was doing.
You can feel Colby’s heated stare on you as you drag your nails across Jake’s exposed shoulders.
Colby really didn’t like this, as to why he fixed himself and just sat there, but you both were too stubborn to just call it quits.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Jake whispers in your ear and you move your head to kiss him, moaning against his lips.
Colby sat there in pure anger. Watching one of his closest friends fuck his girlfriend.
Ex. Girlfriend.
“Fuck, fuck.” You whimper, back arching off the bed, “so close.” You lace your fingers in Jake’s hair, tugging as you feel your orgasm roll in hard.
Your leg tightens around his waist as you clench his cock, pulling him closer to his own.
“Fuck, y/n.. you got-“ he reaches back taking one of your legs and pinning it up so he has room to pull out. He groans as his thrusts grow slightly sloppy, meaning he’s almost there.
You gasp when he pulls out, biting your lip as you feel his cum string over your thighs, running down to pool on the bed.
You turn your head, breathing heavy as you meet Colby’s stare with your own as Jake stands up to dress himself correctly.
“Are you happy?” Colby’s words are quiet and you laugh slightly, “You mean with Jake?” You nod as you sit up, “Yeah, I really am. He knows what he’s doing.”
“Mm.” Colby runs his hand over his face, “Can we have the room please. If you’re done.” He looks at Jake and Jake crosses his arms, “I don’t really feel comfortable leaving her with you.”
“I’m not going to fucking hurt her, asshole.” Colby shoots, “I just… we need to talk.”
“I don’t think we need to talk right now, Colby. Because the things I want to say to you, won’t be nice.” You wipe off and stand up, fixing yourself, “I just really want to go the fuck home. I should have never came to this fucking party in the first place.”
“Mm. So you’re just going to leave me here after the betrayal I just witnessed?” Colby scoffs, “I see how it is.”
“It really seems like you’re forgetting about what I witnessed downstairs.. if you really want to get technical, I guess it was a betrayal times two.” You roll your eyes, “I’m not doing this. Jake..” you turn to look at him, “Can you take me home?”
“You’re done? Just like that?” Colby asks and you look at him, “I was done the minute I saw you looking at her through me.”
You walk towards the door, Jake following you out as you make your way down the steps.
Eyes are on you, of course, and you hear people asking about the scratches on Jake’s shoulders, but you ignore it all.
You walk out, making your way to Jake’s car and getting in. You pull your phone out, laughing when you see the amount of missed calls you have from Colby.
Jake gets in, “So where to?”
“Colby’s, I need to get as much stuff as I can.” You look out the window as he drives forward.
“Then where?” Jake looks over at you and back to the road, “Do you have any family here or anything?”
“All a few hundred miles away.” You shrug letting out a sigh, “I’ll figure it out.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A week later
“So.. wait..” Kat shakes her head, “You and.. Jake? In front of Colby?” She rests her fingers on her forehead, “That’s.. actually crazy.”
“Colby didn’t tell Sam any of that?” You raise your brows as she shakes her head, “Nothing. He closed up completely after coming down that night. He didn’t speak to no one. Not even Sam.”
“Wow.. you know he’s bad when he doesn’t even talk to Sam.” You chew on your lip, “Did that girl and him..” you trail off, eyes moving to look at her and she shakes her head again, “No. she went up to him but he ignored her. She threw a drink on him and that was when he made Sam take him home.”
“She threw a drink on him?” You scoff, “What a bitch.”
Kat nods, “It literally took all I had and a few people telling me not to make a scene. I was ready to go to war for you.”
You smile, “That’s why you’re my best friend.” You sigh, “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“As long as you need.” She reaches over to pat your hand and stands up, “I have to go meet Sam for lunch, do you want me to bring you anything back?”
You shrug, “You know what I like.”
She nods, “Call if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk.” You nod, “I’ll be fine, but thank you.”
She smiles as she leaves and you lay back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Your mind goes back to that night, thinking about Jake and Colby. Together.
You shake your head, not really wanting to be upset right now because a part of you does feel bad, but an even bigger part of you is glad you did it.
You’ve been talking to Jake everyday, mainly him asking you how you’re doing and just chatting about his new videos that he’s putting out soon.
Anything to keep Colby off of your mind.
Your phone rings and you sit up. You reach out to grab it and you freeze up when you see Colby’s name across the screen.
“Fuck.” You whisper and take a deep breath before picking up your phone. Your thumb shakes over the answer button and you hit it right before the call is about to end.
You’re silent as you wait for Colby to speak first but he’s doing the same thing you’re doing.
“I don’t know why I called.” He chuckles nervously, “I-I’m sorry.”
“I take it Sam left you to meet up with Kat for lunch?” Your voice is quiet and he sighs in relief at you speaking, “Yeah. Yeah.”
You pick at your nail polish, eyes searching the room as you think of what to say next, but nothing comes up that’s worth saying.
“I’m sorry.” Colby’s voice shakes, “We shouldn’t have went to that party. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.”
“Doesn’t matter anymore.” You mumble, quickly swiping away a stray tear, “Everything is said and done and I-“
Colby cuts you off, “I just wish I could go back to that night. I know I can’t change anything but I’m willing to do anything it takes, y/n. I fucked up.” Colby sniffles, “I fucked up, big time.”
“Yeah. You did.” You bite your thumb nail and sigh, “I’m not sorry about what I did with Jake. I need you to know that.”
“No, no I don’t expect you to be.” He laughs slightly and you sigh, “What’s so funny, Colby?”
“Nothing it’s just..” he laughs and sighs, “Nothing.”
“Mm.” You nod your head and he sniffles again, “I was pissed, of course I was pissed but at the same time..” he trails off and your heart starts to race, “but at the same time? What Colby?”
“I was so fucking turned on with it.”
His words catch you off guard, “What did you just say?” You sit up slightly and he sighs, “I’m not repeating it. You heard me the first time.”
A small smirk toys with your lips, “which part?”
“All of it.” Colby answers quickly, “as soon as I walked in… seeing him on you.. seeing him in you..” he pauses for a second, “I just.. I wanted to kill him but seeing him give you that mu-“
“What are you saying?” You ask, “Are you saying you want me to call up Jake and have him meet us for another threesome?” You laugh because you think he’s joking but when he doesn’t say anything it clicks, “oh,” you lay your hand over your lips, “You’re serious.”
“If it will get you to come back to me, I’m willing to share you with Jake. I’m willing to do anything, y/n. I swear.”
You go quiet as you push a few buttons on your phone.
“You there, babe?” Colby asks and you smirk, “Yep, hang on.”
You add Jake into the call, “Jake, hey.”
“What’s up sugar lips?” Jake asks and you laugh, “Colby has something he wants to talk to you about.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Wowza. Okay. Please tell me how this was.. a part of me feels like it isn’t as good as it could have been but another part is like holy shit. I wrote this.
Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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zeestarfishalien · 10 months
Unwanted Farewells
[Day 5 DPxDC Week: Jason Todd // Soulmate AU // Funeral Rites ]
• Anger Management ship (Jasmine Fenton x Jason Todd) No relevant warnings beyond the usual DP stuff
Jazz has always had it the worst. Danny might have been the one to die but Jazz is the one who lost not only her soulmate, but her little brother too. It doesn’t matter that he’s still around, he knows the grief weighs on her sometimes. She overcompensates by being a massive mother hen and general pain in the neck but he tries not to get too upset with her about it.
With Dani with an “i” fresh out of high school and Jazz’s birthday coming up soon, he wants to do something special. He spends a lot of time bribing Ghost Writer in order to research his idea out.
It’s probably the most time and effort he’s put into a project that wasn’t about space.
Proposing the idea to her is the one big thing this all hinges on. He’s not 100% sure she’ll be on board with this but he’d like to try.
And trying is what kicks off the first part of his plan. It’s a little awkward to bring up the fact that he doesn’t have a grave and would like one. It’s almost physically painful to see the grief it brings to Jazz’s eyes. She tries to hide it but Danny has always been able to read her better than he lets on. It’s part of the process though. He needs her to see how this goes and feels. How it’s a celebration of life and honoring those who have passed and not just a somber reminder to the living of what they’ve lost. He needs her to see what it means to him. And what it would mean to her soulmate.
He makes the grave marker of course. They’re not about to buy one when he has the strength and abilities to carve it out himself. He makes sure that it’s vague unless you know him. No names, no identifying markers like age or dates. It’s simple and meaningful for him.
{May he rest here between walks among the stars, our friend and brother beloved}
From there it’s pretty much all fun and games. Literally.
Same brings the games while she has Tucker pack out the food. It’s a combination of some of Grandma Ida’s homemade desserts and various junk foods. Even Tucker brings some cookies his mom helped him figure out how to make.
Jazz is in charge of the drinks while Danny and Dani handled all the decorating. It’s a combination of solidified ectoplasm, his ice, and various flowers they’ve gathered and strung together in a flower chain.
It’s a smashing success and he sees something in Jazz release. Some niggling worry or grief she carried that is no longer there.
Now, he decides, it’s time for part two.
What throws part two for a loop is when Dani with an “i” brings up that she’d like a grave and proper funeral rites as well.
It’s not a setback. Definitely not when he sees how much more relaxed and content Jazz is at Dani with an i’s wake.
It’s only a couple days from her birthday when he brings it up. The funeral practices for soulmates are as varied as they are sacred. He proposes her options via a PowerPoint he put far too many hours into.
By the time he finishes rambling, she’s got this sort of startled look on her face.
He twists his shirt in his hands as he stands awaiting her judgement. The longer she’s silent, the more convinced Danny is that she’ll reject the whole thing and not talk to him for a month.
Okay, maybe a week but still a week is a long time.
Suddenly Jazz is crying and oh ancients he’s really messed up this time. She’s not even mad just straight up upset by his offer.
But then she’s hugging him, telling him she loves him, and thanking him.
It’s not as hard as Danny feared to actually track down the location of a Jason Todd who died before Jazz reached 16 (she never wanted to look him up before, didn’t want to know what she was missing) and the day before her 25th birthday Danny, Dani, and Jazz all pile into her little car to make the drive to Gotham, homemade foods in tow.
Danny and Dani made sure to swipe one of Vlad’s special rich dude credit cards to fund their trip and the stop at multiple flower shops to get enough flowers to make flower chains and crowns for all of them.
It’s closing in on evening, the day of Jazz’s birthday when they finally roll up and upload everything. They didn’t bring any lights, but none of them really need much light to see for eating food and drinking sodas. Jazz brought some jasmine tea and an extra cup to place on Jason’s grave. They make a funky, dark evening of it, but finally Jazz grows more somber and keeps taking long looks at the gravestone so Danny and Dani decide to make themselves scarce.
They’re about halfway across the cemetery when out of the shadows steps the looming menace of Red Hood.
“The fuck are you doing at that grave?”
It’s not his voice or his tone, but the sub vocal ghost speak that makes Danny and Dani freeze up ramrod straight.
That’s a revenant and they’re trespassing on his resting place without permission.
So of course like any sane person, Danny says something stupid. But he just can’t believe out of all the ridiculous coincidences to exist in the world, that Jazz’s soulmate is undead like him seems just too far to believe.
Almost late despite having the day off work bc I had to go shopping and bc of where I live, shopping is essentially a full day affair. This is shorter than I’d like it but I also kinda enjoy where it ends XD imagine their next moments however you please or feel free to add onto this.
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shadowed-dancer · 2 months
Villains and Their Fates - A Tragedy Would Have Been Fine By Me
I've seen a lot of people who try to write off frustration with the league's fates by saying "you just wanted them to survive" or "you're just upset your favourite character died". And while that may be true for a few people, I know that it's at least not true for myself (which must mean there are others who feel the same way). So today I'm here to share my thoughts. Despite liking the villains and wanting them to be redeemed, I was also willing to accept a well written ending if they died. I just wanted to ramble a bit about the three main villains (mostly Toga) and how I felt a tragic ending could have been improved.
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The only villain I felt should have lived is Dabi, but that's more because of the awkwardness his unconfirmed death caused for Shoto (read this beautifully written analysis for more). If Dabi had to die, he should have died on the battle field OR in the hospital surrounded by family where he gets a few last words in. Leaving his fate unconfirmed leads to the ruined Shoto arc, but is also just weird for a character who has existed for so long. You're telling me that even Overhaul gets a confirmed ending but DABI doesn't?
I've also talked a bit about how Endeavor's survival ruins the subplot, and in 426 he continues by making Touya's final appearance about him (rather than the two brothers) but that's something I've talked about too much. If Endeavor has to be alive and hogging screen time, the least Hori could do is imply Touya will survive rather than die, so at least Enji isn't literally stealing time from his other family members to have some interaction with Touya.
If Touya has to end up in that machine, an ideal ending would have been the doctor saying "it will be a gruelling and near-impossible uphill climb to recovery" and then Shoto can smile and say "he's done it before". Boom. Simple as that. Leave it open, but at least on a positive note so we can assume that the family will have plenty of time to reconcile, as opposed to an unknown (but limited) amount of time that Enji vows to use to talk to him (yeah I know it's supposed to be a sweet gesture but even Touya calls bullshit on it). Let Shoto and Touya eat their soba, damn it!
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For Shigaraki, my grievances extend to the writing of the entire final battle between him and Deku. As such, I don't have much to say aside from that because it really is just a product of poor writing. Neither were really allowed to talk before the big moment (hell, the vestiges were narrating Deku's emotions half the time like "he must be upset, this quirk meant so much to him". Why not let him tell us???) and the back-and-forth of Shigaraki being destroyed and then not only to be destroyed again was too much. It felt sloppy and hard to follow, and once you figured it out it just felt dumb. It's as if each chapter needed some massive reveal, but the story had done it so much at this point that it just felt tired and like it was happening "because Hori said so", and that should never be what drives a story.
Speaking of "because Hori said so"...
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Oh Toga. Out of all the villains, I actually liked her confrontation the most. (Lies. If Dabi vs Shoto was the end of Dabi's fight, THAT would have been the best. But the Endeavor fight ruins it). Despite having limited screen time, Toga and Uraraka had a surprisingly well-built dynamic. Their few interactions were actually meaningful and created a strong foundation for a fight, and at the very least they had more of a personal connection than Deku and Shigaraki ever did. I think that Toga giving her blood to someone she loves (as opposed to drinking/taking their blood like she had said the whole series) is a beautifully tragic end to her character, but still something that could have fit.
To me, the problem comes with how she died. Let me replay the scene for you: Toga stabs Uraraka in the stomach and Uraraka bleeds too much because she keeps moving around. Toga then realizes she doesn't want Uraraka to die. To save her life, Toga has to do a blood transfusion with herself as a donor and she dies because she has to give ALL her blood.
Now... sure. Ok. Fine. Yeah. Maybe by real-world logic this makes sense. I guess. Whatever. But within the world of MHA, this setup is laughable.
Here's a list of things characters survived (or at least, they survived LONG ENOUGH to get to a hospital rather than dying on the battlefield): Deku shattering his bones with 1 million percent, whatever happened to Best Jeanist when AFO attacked him, Nighteye getting a massive spike through the torso, All Might with "his entrails strewn across the ground", Bakugo becoming Swiss cheese, Grand Torino being punched so hard a crater forms beneath him, Touya being a literal flaming skeleton, Bakugo's heart exploding, Edgeshot becoming a worm. Mirko getting a limb ripped off and then running full speed at Shigaraki. That's just off the top of my head, I know there's probably more.
But you want to tell me that Uraraka getting stabbed and then moving was a fatal wound that required ALL TOGA'S BLOOD? ALL OF IT? The reason Toga's death bothers me is that the setup cheapens the actual moment of sacrifice. It feels preventable, so when she tells us that Uraraka is going to die without her blood, all I could do is roll my eyes because I'm not allowed to use critical thinking skills, I have to just accept what Hori says and take it at face value.
If the author wants you to live as Edgeworm despite saying you were gonna die, you can. But if the author needs a stab wound to be fatal and require ALL of someone's blood? Well tough luck bud, that's just how it goes. Mirko can run and move all she wants after having a limb ripped off, but moving a bit after one stab wound is fatal. Why? Because I say so.
If Uraraka's wound was actually serious then this ending would have been a beautiful tragedy. But as it stands now, the ridiculousness of her wound makes it all feel preventable.
Oh, there's also the fact that Toga switching blood types when she transforms was never established, but I've rambled enough.
That's it. Thanks for reading!
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hanwiore · 1 year
pls pls pls write one where a waiter keeps flirting with y/n and she ignores his advances and eren gets so proud that he takes her home and rewards her for being a good girl AHHHH!!
ughhhhh 😩😩
Eren decided to take you to a nice dinner on a Saturday evening, your hair freshly done, nails freshly done, eyelashes freshly did just during the morning and the afternoon just for this day, just for this date. You loved looking good with your man because he also looked good as well, he got fair compliments as well as you and maybe you even more so, i mean who wouldn’t like a woman like you with a body like that?
Your black dress sat nicely, pushing your boobs together with your gold chain on, ysl heels clicking against the marble like floor while you waited for your waitress to come. “I like the restaurant layout, it’s nice.” You hum, lips pouting with your chin in hand. Then you look at your man, hair down, face clear and lips pink spreading into a gentle smile. He also worn his gold chain, wanted to be like you, but his has your name.
Something about the way your necklace has no trance of Eren’s name but his do made butterflies form in his stomach, like you had him on a leash. Your eyes looks down at his black button up shirt, ironed and clean. You bit your glossed lips but was interrupted by your waiter. “Hello, i’m Nathan and i will be you guys waiter for today. May i start with your drinks…ma’am?” Eren side eyes the waiter like you guys weren’t here together so he should have suggested the drinks together.
He brushed it off as thinking it was some type of mannerism. “Mhm yes, i’d like a blueberry pomegranate lemonade. Whatd’ you want baby?” You smile and eren takes notice you also notice the mans attention towards you. “I’d like water, for now.” He hums, and the waiter stays there for a second, looking at you and then moves away. You go back simply looking through the menu humming along to the piano music in the back.
It wasn’t long before the man came back, with only one drink. And you would of known, it was only yours. “Hm, wheres the water?” You asked as you sat up, the man blushes and fidget on his toes. “Oh silly me, I must’ve forgotten, distracted by a beauty.” you frown and roll your eyes, “yes my boyfriend really is a beauty.” You laugh slightly and the man stands still giving eren a glance as he sits there smiling at the man. “O-oh im not gay i was t-talking about-,” you scoff and told him to go the water.
“It’s so hard being a sexy woman eren, im tired already.” You fake yawn. Eren bites his lip and nods a little. You almost thought eren was upset, thinking if you said anything that may have made the waiter think you were head over hills, but that was before you got home, before you even stepped foot through the door.
You were slammed against the wall behind the front door, wet lips kissing against your coco butter smelling neck. “O-oh gosh.” You breath, barely even understanding what just happened. “My pretty baby, so loyal and so fucking sexy.” He groans in your neck. Grabbing on your thick thighs and spreading them, your heels click against the floor when you almost stumble over. “H-ha t-thank you,” you moan when his hand goes and cups around your fat lips through your red laced panties.
“Had me hard in the restaurant baby, just f-for fuckin breathing.” He rubs two fingers on your swollen clit that throbbed, “wanna please you so good right now, for being such a good girl yea? you so pretty baby, tell me what you want. I swear to you i’ll do it.”
Thats what has you face down and ass in the air on the edge of the bed while Eren stands, fucking your sloppy pussy while both of your hands spread your ass cheeks, seeing your wetness all over his dick, he moves his dick out slowly only to thrust back in harshly, shoving every inch up in you just to hear you gasp and grip on your own ass. One of his hands move up your back and grip the back of your neck and his thrust turns faster, now hitting you all up in your spot that has your toes curling.
“R-right there daddy.” Your moans turn quiet, now only your mouth open and drool on your pillow. “Right there baby? It feels good right there?” He says it so sweetly and nice as he kept his pace up, spitting on your tight hole that never been touched and he circles his thumb right there, your pussy clenches around him and his moans, moving his hand from your neck just to smack your ass. He shoves the tip of his thumb in your hole and you moan loudly,
Moving back and forth on his thick dick, creaming on it, “D-daddy! m’cumming, pl-please ugh fuck.” Your crying now, you move one of your hands from your ass cheek to your clit and start rubbing furious circles on it, you felt your stomach feeling funny before the wetness begin to seek out of it through your finger tips. You sniffled and cried. “Yea mama, just like that. Such a good girl for me hm? Deserve the world pretty. mhm deserve it all.”
“I’m almost finished with you baby. 2 more.”
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meanbossart · 4 months
I finally thought of a question! What does your Astarion think of all that's happened to him, now that it's all Over, and what does Drow think about what he knows about Astarion? Does he ever contemplate and compare, does he have passing thoughts like "Oh yeah, he told me this" brought on by nothing in particular? If Drow or Shadowheart were to bring it up either when drinking, or after a heated moment, what would happen?
Thank you so much for your art and your words! Your handle on Drow made me really crack open my Tav like a nut
(I use some dialogue excerpts from for A Novel Experience here to illustrate my points that some might consider to be spoilery, I don't think it's stuff that would affect one's reading enjoyment too much. Still, just figured I would mention it for anyone who minds it.)
In regards to Astarion, it is understandably complicated. I think the way he's found to get by so far is by not dwelling at all in what has happened. He's tried to turn the symbolic new leaf that night in the cemetery and likes to think of himself as not only freed, but a new man open to what life has to offer him and unburdened by his past - when memories rush back, he pushes them away. When something bothers him for reasons that relate to his past experience, he tries to push past the discomfort because he doesn't want to be defined by it. He is fairly self-conscious of being seen as a weakling or a victim, especially when he's constantly confronted by DU drow's utter indifference to his own past.
He has, by all intends and purposes, done well. He understands that he's a grown man who's been given a second chance at un-life by an exceptionally lucky turn of events, he absolutely does not want to waste a second more of his own time by being sullen, broken, or guilt-striken. He thrives for as long as his past doesn't directly confront him - but when it does, the avoidance catches up and he very easily loses his cool.
His feelings regarding the decisions he made underneath Cazador's palace are mostly rigid. He's happy to not have Ascended and content that the spawn were set free, but he does not like to dwell on what their lives may be like moving forward and, if ever discussing it, does so with callousness and indifference, shutting down the conversation before it can begin. While he doesn't bask in the feeling, he does take the smallest bit of pride in the fact that he has sacrificed eternal power for the freedom of thousands - when doubt arises and he's haunted with the could-have-beens, he soothes himself with the fact that his sacrifice had a purpose.
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DU drow has no moral quandries with what Astarion did while under Cazador's control or regard for the people he victimized at all, but he dwells constantly on the suffering he's endured. He flip-flops between thinking of Astarion as a perfectly capable individual and someone who is overly sensitive and finicky the moment something upsets him - someone who needs protection. He has a grand hero's complex about him and at times difficulty trusting Astarion's capacity to make his own choices - since he didn't have the opportunity for such a long time. He isn't controlling, but Astarion knows him well enough to read the doubt in his face even when he's quiet about it.
Interestingly enough, this seems to mostly apply to when Astarion's ideas go against his own, or make him feel powerless or unneeded in some way or another. He's perfectly happy to go along with his impulses otherwise - even when they seem to be made in bad judgement.
It also applies to intimacy for a while, with DU drow proceeding to avoid sex even after he's rid of his urge - not only because he's still afraid of his own desires, but also because he doesn't trust Astarion to express his agency during the act.
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But that's an issue that they solve fairly quickly (well, ten-chapters-in quickly. sixteen if you only count when they first have sex since the events of the game) , especially as Astarion asserts himself as the more dominant half of the relationship.
I don't think either DU drow or Shadowheart have the nerve to use Astarion's actions while enthralled against him. DU drow because he doesn't care or thinks he's held accountable in any way, and Shadowheart because she knows better. That said, things do come up between him and other characters and then - well. He doesn't deal well with it at all:
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Stephanie: Let's make some water together! Follow me! First you get your flavor packets!
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Tim: Flavor packets?
Dick: Where's the water?
Jason: How do you make water? What does that even mean? Just go to the faucet.
Stephanie: Silent! Next you get your cup!
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Stephanie: You following me, camera guy?
Tim: There's no camera in here.
Bruce: Just let her do her thing.
Stephanie: Thank you, now you fill the cup with lots of ice!
Stephanie slides over the bucket with ease. She scoops the ice in.
Stephanie: Now we-
Jason: We haven't even gotten to the water part.
Stephanie: I'm at that step! I said silence! Next is the agua. Bottled agua!
Stephanie pulls out a giant bottle of Poland springs water, unscrews the top and pours into the cup. Everyone except Bruce and Damien look on confused.
Stephanie: We toss the bottle-
Alfred, appearing and leaving quickly: In the trash.
Stephanie chuckles nervously and tosses the bottle in the trash and not the floor like she had planned.
Stephanie: Right in the trash, not the ground. All right, we get our flavor packet-
Dick, pointing at the cup shaking: But it's already water. You already made water.
Tim: Still confused on that. The ice is water too so you made more water?
Jason: You're not going to put that sugar in the water are you?
Stephanie, her left eye twitching: Bruce.
Bruce: Shut up until she finishes, children. I will lower your allowances if you speak before she finishes.
Dick: ...
Jason: ...
Tim: I don't even get paid, but whatever.
Stephanie: Thank you. Where was I? Oh, right, flavor packets! One flavor packet? Two flavor packets? No, three! One orange and two purple.
Damien claps in support of Stephanie as she rips open the packets and pours the orange one in first.
Stephanie: Now we do a little stir with our trusty straw.
Stephanie pulls out a hot pink metallic straw.
Tim: I-
Jason slaps his hand over the man's mouth, he wasn't losing that $5,000.
Stephanie: Purple packs. Pour, pour, pour, and I stir a little. Stir, stir. Annnnd, finished!
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Stephanie takes a sip from her metal pink straw. Stephanie nods satisfied. She makes this gesture 👌🏾
Stephanie: Perfect!
Tim, eyes dart to Bruce.
Bruce: You may talk.
Tim: Where's the water? Where's the water! I ask once more...
Tim starts breathing heavy: Where's the water?! Cuz all I see is that you made Kool-Aid!
Stephanie, offended: That's not what I did! It's flavored water.
Tim: It's not even that- Someone else go.
Tim rubs his head frustrated.
Jason: That stopped being water when you put in the "orange and purple packets". Your freaking voice there.
Stephanie: No you are not the type of people that decide to call this not water because I happen to put in flavor packets!
Dick, upset: It's not!
Stephanie: Bruce says it is!
The Wayne boys stare at their father.
Bruce: It's technically still water and it taste good. I'm not going to deny that.
Stephanie: If the Batman agrees with it, then it's officially great!
Damien: Can I try some then?
Stephanie: Of course you can, because I happened to have a second prepared in this fridge.
Stephanie brings out the second "water"
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Damien takes the glass, shrugs and takes a sip.
Damien: Hm... Yummy, flavorful, I like it.
Damien and Bruce clap.
Stephanie: Yes! It's low calorie too.
Dick, holding his head down: You stupid... water has no calories you added calories!
Tim: Is this a thing? Did we miss a stupid thing?!
Jason takes the second glass and chugs it without the straw.
Jason: I will just pretend that it's water, to be nice, but wow that is so sugary!
Stephanie: Excuse me for not wanting to drink plain water which tastes awful sometimes.
Tim, losing his patience: You- I- You- I can't talk. I actually can't talk. I drink coffee, coffee is not just brown water!
Stephanie, rolling her eyes: Well yeah that would be really weird to call it brown water... look who's the idiot now.
She takes a sip from her water while giving the boy a judgemental look
Damien chuckles.
Damien: That's you Tim, she's making fun of you.
Tim: Ha ha I'm leaving now. This was a waste of my time.
Tim leaves.
Dick follows but turns around quickly to say: Also how do you say water tastes bad? It's meant to replenish the body, not have a Kool-Aid flavor! Strange, strange person!
He leaves.
Jason: Hm, well I do drink Gatorade, so I'll give this a shot.
Bruce: She uses a lot of packets, you might find one that you like the most.
Jason: What's yours?
Bruce: Kiwi strawberry I think.
Damien: I want whatever this is.
Stephanie: Welcome to the good side boys.
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I See You, Darling (4)
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[Astarion x reader] A little longer than usual, I hope that’s fine for all of you :,DDD I didn't want to cram too much into the post though, so the segment at the end might be continued in full detail, or maybe not! Let's see.|Word count: 2.9k.|
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, allusions to sex, a few ooc characters, reader being a dumbass and wahtnot.
Part 3 here!!
Masterlist here!!
A party is being held at the camp in the heroes’ honor, which greets you with a lively crowd that you’ll hopefully meet again soon. And with a gathering this large, you’re bound to garner attention. But with a constitution as poor as yours from the night before, a round of drinks is the last thing you want. 
Alternatively: A bloodless human tries to balance respectfully participating in a drinking party, while also not drinking at all. 
The sun rises, the warmth of its rays gently waking you in the absence of the campfire’s flames. The soft chirping of the birds greet you a good morning as your eyes slowly open, ready to greet the day as a new opportunity arises.
Is what would have happened in a more idyllic scenario. Instead, you bolt awake with a pounding headache, worse than any hangover could possibly feel like, and quickly rush to get up. By the sheer brightness of the light that burns your newly opened corneas, it is far later than when you usually wake. And breakfast still hasn’t been made. 
“Well, good morning sleepy head.” One of your companions, Gale, says as he fixes his belongings. Readying himself for the skirmish that was about to take hold later on in the day.
“I’m very  sorry for waking up late. It won’t happen again.” You bow your head low for a moment before he waves you off.
“Oh come now, we all have our off days. Besides, I think the rest would agree with me when I say what you made for us last night was more than enough to last us ‘til morning.” His statement is punctuated by the lively sounds of the others training. Ready and well rested for whatever may come.
You look around. None have seemed to mind your temporary absence, so you endeavor to double check with everyone leaving and ensure that they had a sound strategy with the necessary materials and weapons should there be a need for failsafes. You remind them of certain notes that some of them have informed you about but failed to share with the rest of the group. 
‘While goblins typically go down faster than other opponents, they have no sense of honor nor pride which gives way for them the opportunity to use more underhanded tactics. But they also aren’t very bright, so you can convince the others to let them infiltrate the camp and eradicate them from the inside out.’
As the rest disperse, finalize their plans and check their supplies, your favorite character approaches you much like he usually does every morning. Only this time, you see that he looks very pleased. A more vibrant spark in his eyes as he opens his mouth to speak.
“Thank goodness you’ve finally woken up.” He looks at you, in the same way an old friend of yours would when they’re seconds away from telling a joke. 
The look fades soon enough though as he breathes out. You wonder if it’s because the joke isn't funny anymore, or if he never had a punchline to begin with.
“You looked a little ill last night, but you’ve certainly recovered.” Recovered isn’t the word you would use to describe your current state of feeling almost half dead, but you don’t bother correcting the details.
“And you look particularly vibrant today, Astarion.” The itch of your neck intensifies as you return a pointed look at him as he frowns.
“Oh, of course! Now, don’t be so upset. I will admit that I got a little carried away, I apologize.” He pauses. The frown remains on his face for a while before it is erased with his usual expression of confidence. 
“But let’s not fall out over this.” He moves to stand closer to you, taking your hand to his as he nears it to his lips as he continues. 
“We need each other.” 
And whether its done purposefully or not, you see his fangs peek out from his mouth and a shiver courses through your body.
You slip your hand out of his own in a panic and interject. 
“I know that much already, and I trust you not to let what happened last night happen again. I also apologize for not noticing sooner and dealing with the situation better.” You hold your head down a bit to apologize but quickly meet his gaze gain. “But I do need to know what we’ll have to feed you from now on.”
The look of confusion, and perhaps even shock that was once swimming in his eyes dissipates before you can notice them when he swears upon his resolve. “No innocents, you have my word. After all, you know what I am now. I can fight with all my weapons–” He grins, allowing you a clearer view than what you had earlier. “Teeth included.”
“And if I happen to drain the occasional bandit during a fight, what's the harm? They’re just as dead.” He makes a very compelling argument, at least to your standards.
You sigh, satisfied for now. You’re confident that none of your party members would end up at the mercy of his fangs, and you’re more than sure they would be able to overpower him more than your attempts did. But the same sentiment cannot be shared for possibly important, plot driving, characters that you might meet later on.
So you propose something to strengthen your trust that the unlikely will stay the unlikely.
“Look, I’m–” You breathe in, almost as if you're trying to suck back whatever courage washed over you back in as you steeled yourself for what you were about to say next.
“I’m not against you feeding from me, but!” You punctuate the last syllable as you see his grin growing wider. “We need to discuss things beforehand. No prowling over me while waiting for me to wake up or to sink your teeth into.”
The proposal greatly delights him, as is evident in his response. “Of course! That sounds eminently reasonable. I shall wait patiently until you suggest we… dine together. But until then: no more late-night surprises. You have my word on that.” 
After that, he makes a joke about feeling ‘peckish already,’ and quickly gathers the rest of the party to leave on their adventure.
You promise them a feast when they came back as the victors that they are. What you forgot, after what felt like weeks in the real world, was the crowd that would come filtering in to celebrate their heroes’ achievements as well.
When you saw the tieflings from the grove traveling alongside your companions, you knew they had come to celebrate. And you blanched at the thought of the provisions they’d be seeking to pair with their drinking. It’s been so long since you went through this event, and you no longer recall if they even ate anything during the party.
You look at your bubbling cauldron–– a bigger one as you had anticipated a few acquaintances accompanying them–– but you wager that at least a little extra things to nibble on won’t hurt to have. You still have quite the amount of camp supplies in the trunk, but you keep it reserved for the camp’s use only. So you smile at your returning comrades and alert the others that stayed behind for your reason to leave and that they can begin eating dinner. 
While others told you it wasn’t necessary, the rest just nodded with a smile and yelled that they’d wait for you to return. You return quite too quickly though, all the while informing them why you’re keeping the communal chest in your tent as you spy the child that tried to steal and swindle the group a few days prior approaching with the rest.
They have a laugh and you quickly proceed with your plan to find at least a few consumable berries and nuts or seeds to accompany the drinks later on. 
But foraging for said consumables near dark is a choice not for the faint-hearted. You came to realize this when you heard the low grumble of a large animal, thankfully far from your form. You turn to look behind you, taking great care to do so as slowly as possible so as to not alert the mysterious creature.
In the clearing, you spot a rather dark looking bear and you feel a cold sweat begin to form on your temple. Hands, growing wet in the dangerous situation you’ve placed yourself in. This wasn’t the same as being drained to death by a vampire, that, you could at least reason with. But a wild animal? With your lack of magical prowess and lesser knowledge of connecting with nature and the wild, you would be finished if it were to follow you.
The small pouch of nuts and wild berries stayed holstered on your waist, but the bear’s eyes that were previously low on the ground are now trained on you. Almost as if it were caught doing something it wasn’t supposed to be. 
You freeze. You forgot what the basic policy was around brown or black bears and therefore couldn’t do much about your current predicament. There shouldn’t be a bear around this area, not unless they had traveled from far away, or that this bear was one of your future companions.
And while the latter isn’t impossible, you most certainly did not want to gamble your life on a possibility. So you tried to compose yourself, returned the gaze of the bear with a shaky and careful nod, and turned back to return to camp. Figuring that the amount of tidbits you gathered would have to suffice.
 When you return, the company you shared seems to be in high spirits. Some more than others. But conversation was plentiful and you smiled as the tieflings cheered for your comrades. You quickly got to work and began to chop the nuts into thinner pieces. Something you learned to make the appearance of something look more abundant than it really is.
While you were chopping away unfortunately, you nick your finger along the way and silently curse. Unfortunate, but not an unforeseeable outcome given the booming drums of the bard that plays oh so nicely with your bloodless state. You quickly, but neatly, arrange the provisions on two small platters, and position them near the larger gatherings. 
“Flitting around like a hummingbird as always, I see.” A familiar, but not immediately recognizable voice greets you as you pass them. You turn and you see an unexpected acquaintance with a bottle in their hand and an incredibly charming grin.
“Dammon! How lucky of me to run into you.” You genuinely were elated to see him. You didn’t see much of him later on in the game, and being able to interact with him beyond the opportunities given to you was certainly nice.
“I could say the same. Though you’re as lively as you usually are.” There’s no malice in his tone, only an innocent observation, yet you feel embarrassed to have been seen scuttling about like a bug.
“I– promise I’m more organized. I just didn’t expect us to be having any guests.” He takes notice of how you push your fingers into your palms repetitively, a small action that soothes you.
“I think you’ve done more than a fine job already. The celebration is for you all, and it was us who planned to come and might’ve put your friends on the spot.” He later takes notice of the cut on your finger as well.
“Speaking of,” He gingerly grasps your hand, looking to you for permission, but you’re too confused to respond with anything he can understand. “Shouldn’t you be taking it easy for the night? You’ve done enough. And if what happened at the grove tells me anything about you, I’m sure they’ll survive even if you settle. Just for a bit.” 
He leads you nearer to the water and produces a small washcloth to clean a bit of your finger as you respond. “The grove? They did that on their own. I just um, take notes.” You sit on a fallen tree, your head still fuzzy, as you observe his crouched form. Inspecting the cut as he cleans it. 
A curious interaction. Not one that you’d expect from an non-romanceable NPC, but an interesting one nonetheless. And it would seem that someone had found it equally as interesting, if the way he scrutinizes you had anything to do about it.
He chuckles in turn. “If modesty is how you like to live, then I won’t impose.” He smiles and gets up as you continue your conversation. You don’t recall if the tiefling has ever had this much screen time, but his voice is rather lovely so you don’t complain about it.
You end up discussing quite a bit, but you focus on what can be done about your party. Specifically Karlach as you worry for the future and you’d like to have answers for her when he isn’t around during your journey. He doesn’t have much idea of what else can be done, but he does mention that he should have something by the time you meet him again in Baldur’s Gate.
You do remember that you might meet him a lot sooner, but you don’t mention it explicitly. You do, however, advise him to be extra careful around the oxen as they can be rather unpredictable this time of year.
As you continue, you notice his eyes flit up every now and then. Like something was catching his attention ever so often. You ask him about it and he actually laughs at your genuine inquiry. “It looks like I was wrong. Your friend there looks like he’d like his turn for your company.”
You turn around and you don’t immediately eye anyone looking in your direction. You were never the subtle type, so you looked around, blatantly searching for someone. It was a bit odd to see.
Your eyes do eventually train on his, but he doesn’t necessarily look like he wants to talk to you. Sure, he’s scowling away, though that’s not out of the ordinary at all. Besides, he has a bottle of something that you hope is helping him relax.
Still, perhaps Dammon saw something you didn’t so you politely thank him for his company and excuse yourself.
You greet the others that regard you as you walk past them. Declining the offers to drink and excusing yourself politely when you were asked to stay a bit. 
As you approach him, a tiefling tries to strike up a conversation with him. With a bored look, he dismisses them and turns to look at you. He takes a sip, sneers, and begins his rant now that you’re situated in front of him.
“I hate it. This is awful.” 
“The…wine?” He looks at you as if he should be mad, but a hint of amusement surfaces past the expression anyway. 
“There’s that, but I’m talking about the tieflings. We killed some goblins to save the others. The tally of lives didn’t change much. But what do I get for my hard work? A pat on the head, and vinegar for wine.” He looks down the neck of the bottle, swirling its contents before handing it out for you to take.
You look at the bottle, then him, warily. Modern alcohol is already a wonder to you, and this medieval mead could only do so much worse. Still, you take the bottle, and take a very small sip.
It’s a heavy, rich, red. Dry and sharp. You make a small sound of shock as you keep the liquid in your mouth. Offering him an awkward smile and a nod as you do.
“Ugh, see what I mean? Awful.” 
“All I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?” You would think that after an entire day of fighting whatever was out there he’d be tired. Apparently not. 
You sigh, ready to reprimand him and that he should just enjoy the night, but you stop when you feel his unburdened hand reach out to you. Eyes, boring into your own as he propositions you.
You’re here. Face in the grasp of a character you’ve longed to romance with what little time you’ve had away from your scholarly pursuits. Yet meeting him in strange, yet not all too unfamiliar, territory stirs uncertainty within you. Because while he doesn't have a knife at your throat like he did when your character first met him, it certainly does evoke the same sentiment.
‘To, “make me his”, is that right?’ While the idea is tempting, that statement alone can have various interpretations. And you didn’t want to hedge your bets on the one that made your heart race for all the wrong reasons.
Thankfully, he releases his hold on your visage. Only the gods know how much his touch alone can influence you, and you struggle to stand upright.
“I’m– very,-- truly, sorry, but don’t you think you have the wrong person? I mean,” You gesture to yourself with both hands, a cut visible from the labor in the few hours prior to the large festivities going on.. “Uh…in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly in a position to make any um, lucrative offers.” 
 He looks at you, a familiar expression graces his face. He leans his weight on one leg, and you struggle to recognize what his body language is conveying. This is one of those instances you wished you had the dice roll mechanic of the game at your disposal. 
“Why, that hardly matters, darling. What matters is that you’re here.” He takes a sip from his bottle, the very same that he allowed you to partake from moments prior. Only this time, without the sneer at the aftertaste as he continues.
“But then again, what’s a sinner to do when faced with the very embodiment of chastity?” A smile graces his face, but it’s one that is all too perfect. As if he’s rehearsed the same song and dance enough to save him lifetimes.
“Let’s wait until things quieten down. Once the others are asleep we’ll find each other.” 
You have no idea what to expect. Well, you do, but you’re not very sure if this is necessary. You’ll just have to find a way to continue the story without having to go through with this. For now, at least. 
“We’ll see about that, Astarion.” 
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, @auszimbo, @maruichio, @iamsexytrash, @craig-mywifeisdead-boone, @grimissleepy, @fandomsfanman, @bitchyzombienacho, @r1kk, @ancuninstar, @izuoyarmin, @gracemisconduct, @kiinokochii, @marina-and-the-memes, and @life-is-hard-m8 for asking to be tagged!!
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jackiepackiee · 5 months
Not your Typical Confession
Chuuya x Reader
Gonna edit in the morning
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Chuuya Nakahara was an enigma to all of those lucky enough to have met him and live to tell the tale.
Stronger than stone, a certain kind of elegance akin to nature itself. Brilliant as blossoms off the trees of spring. Loyalty bleeding throughout every vein. Onto vines of care and protection he let grow to only his closest companions.
One of which was you.
So when you see him kick back his motorcycle stand before walking towards the entrance of the port mafia, you feel intrigued.
A tug on your heart that seems to physically pull you in his direction.
Mouth moving faster than your feet.
“Wait up!”
He hummed in his usual late night tired tone.
Stars barely visible from the city lights blowing the scenery up in a warm glow.
Rain just having calmed moments before, when he turned you could see the contact his boot made with a little puddle.
Dreary was the night.
And dreary were his eyes.
“Hi! Just me.”
God, was your bright tone infectious.
“I noticed that.”
Something was off. A lack of sarcasm that his words always held. Mean in textbook, but humorous in tone.
This was cold.
“…no need for attitude.”
Suddenly that stupid little puddle was really catching your eye.
“Yeah, well no need to be a nuisance. And we still stand.”
Did his voice always have such a desolate tone? Maybe with his enemies on harder missions, or when Dazai said something that seriously made him upset.
“I need a drink, so read the room and scram.”
Oh wow, maybe his tone is just this cold. And maybe he did need that drink.
“I- well… umm.”
“Spit it out. You can’t seriously ha-”
Fuck his tone, and fuck that stupid puddle.
“I’m only ever nice to you, but tonight you’re so mean!”
One drop of water falls from a leaf, then two, then…
“I’m always mean.”
“Not to me.”
Drop three.
“Well I’m not always nice. So the point you’re making is? You can’t make me happy, so give up.”
“…what happened?”
You could feel your heartbeat in your fingertips. It was faster than normal, as if you were in some high intensity fight.
“Just work. So forget about it.”
His eyes rolled back, the kind of thing a child would do when they didn’t get what they wanted.
“What? I said for-“
“No! You’re being a total dick to me as of late and for that I think I deserve to at least know why.”
Rarely did you stand up to your friends. Stranger or enemies, sure? But this was out of imagination for your actions.
Had the world stopped spinning? Maybe it had, because time definitely stopped for the both of you.
Air was even still. Not daring to bother your outburst.
“It’s not fair, I hate it. I hate this, I hate us! When we are “friends” one day but the next you act as if you want me gone.”
Not a single part of him reacted. On the outside, at least. Every stab wound he’d ever obtained could not have been this painful combined.
To see you break.
“Maybe I do care too much. Maybe I do overthink your every little action, but there isn’t anything else good for me to focus on.”
His voice had changed, for a quality you could notice. To something soft. One he always used after a tough mission of yours while comforting you. Soothing you with gentle words and petting your hair.
But something new was there. A sense of desperation.
“Am I all you have here?”
Never had silence felt so haunting. Slowly carving the scene into a sculpture of perfect stillness.
“I have these beautiful thoughts, and a world that fascinates me. Societies I can look in on and be a part of. Ideas that I may only ever understand in the moment, and actions that I make knowing I’ll regret them even after I die. But people? You’re the only human I can actually trust.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Fuck, I didn’t mean to swear, wait. Shit- wait! Damnit…”
His hat tipped low so you couldn’t see his eyes.
“I hate to swear around you.”
His arms crossed over his black suit. Red shirt still visible from underneath his arms and jacket.
“That’s not my confusion.”
“I know. Just… I can’t bring myself to stomach the idea that I’ve been neglecting you.”
He spoke with a hesitation on the words of confession.
“Neglect is a bit much.”
“Not when you’re the only thought I like to have on my mind.”
Brown/blue eyes flickered up to you. He fiddled with the cuffs on his suit sleeves.
“I think too much, but for so many thoughts you’re the only positive one. And I’m sorry for neglecting you.”
“I don’t have anyone else either.”
He was vulnerable. Never had he ever willingly showed that side of himself to a single person he’d ever known. He’d cried, he’d screamed, but never once had he put down his strength and displayed his feelings in such a way.
Ready for whatever punishment you could cause. Taking those now exposed feelings and plucking each heart string until they all wore down. Snapping at a delicate touch.
And this was his reality. That he hated caring for you.
And yet he’d die before he’d stop caring.
Only now was he aware of all this.
“Why now? Why now have you been getting further away from me?”
“Because I can’t admit to myself that I need you.”
There it was, the hideous truth. A truth that he only just now came to terms with.
“I need you, because I love you. Well, at least I think I do? You make the world so bright. Every morning is worth while, and work is worth the fight. I have to stay healthy so I can protect you. See that smile every day. And when- when you call me human. It’s all there. All I need, you.”
If Chuuya wasn’t human, then what could explain this intense urge to pull you close and tell you all that’s good within you? What he loved.
So he did just that. Pulled you into a close hug, down into his red work shirt that smells of cologne.
“I love you too, Chuu. More than I ever realized.”
Maybe this wasn’t the perfect confession, but perfect isn’t irrelevant when you’re in his arms.
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unluckiestmember · 8 months
how do you think BES characters would react to reader getting sick? i have a feeling taigen would have no clue what he’s doing lmaoo
Coming right up!
Blue Eye Samurai X Sick! Reader
Characters: Mizu, Taigen, Ringo and Ito Akemi
Tags: Established Relationship, Overprotectiveness, Fluff, Worrying boyfriends and girlfriends, Taigen being Taigen
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: If I ever get sick, take me to Akemi! XD
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“What’s wrong?... Don’t tell me you got sick? Fine, let’s see what I can give you…”
When you got sick, Mizu wasn’t very quick to realize it. It wasn’t until after a fight did she realize you were sloppy in execution and your movement. That’s when she realized you weren’t feeling so well. Though her cooking skills are not the best, she will do her best to brew up some hot soup for you and even go to villages to find proper medicine for you.
At first she’ll keep her distance so she doesn’t catch your cold, but after many nights of seeing you struggle against your infection she just can’t help but hold your hand tenderly and kiss it while rubbing circles with her thumb. The worse your sickness gets, the more she’ll pamper you and the more worry seethes into her. She may keep a level head, but she’s genuinely concerned for you. As soon as you feel better, expect her to keep an eagle’s eye on you. She’ll be damned if she loses you to a common cold. She’ll be damned if she loses you to anything.
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“Drink it. Stop being stubborn- As cute as that is, I need you to drink this medicine. Hurry up.”
Taigen is quicker to notice when you catch a cold. He can just tell you’re not yourself physically and emotionally. So expect this man to stop everything to make sure you’re alright. Mizu will find it annoying, yes, but Taigen will not let her annoyance stop him from trying to make you feel better. He’s not the best at making medicine, soups or even tea, but he tries his best and even asks Ringo for assistance.
Being the kind of person he is, expect Taigen to tease you while you’re sick. Not ruthlessly. With love. He will go to the ends of the Earth just so you can get rid of your cold and risk everything as long as you’re okay. When you do get better, Taigen will still have you take medicine and drink soups. Yeah you may be fine now, but for all he knows the next common cold is around the corner! If you gently assure him you’re okay, he’ll be a good boy and lay off.
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“As soon as you’re done with your soup, why don’t you lay down? Rest is the best medicine next to. Well. Actual medicine.”
Ringo is quick to know when you are sick. If you cough, he’ll ask if you’re okay. But when you start coughing and sneezing up a storm, he will stop traveling and make shelter for a while. He’s very calm when you are under the weather, worried yes, but also calm and collected. He will give you soup, warm up a bath for you as best as he can and make sure you sleep somewhere just as warm. While you’re sick, he will tell you stories in hopes of seeing you smile and even hear you laugh. Just seeing you happy makes him happy.
When you have recovered from your sickness, Ringo will hesitate to stop giving you assistance, but is more lenient to give you space. He will still stay by your side and check up on you, but he won’t be helping you twenty four seven out of worry. Just expect a shower of kisses and many bear-like hugs.
Ito Akemi
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“You’re sick? Oh, my darling. Don’t worry, I’ll have service fetch you the best remedies, okay?”
Akemi automatically knows when you are sick. You can cough once or let out a baby sneeze and she’ll proclaim that you’re sick. She will have all of her servants go around Japan to find the best medicine to knock the cold out of you. All while staying right by your side to check your temperature and ask endlessly if you are alright. Akemi is extremely worried when you catch a cold and can’t focus on anything else except you in these circumstances.
Her people will be upset that she’s spending every waking hour taking care of you, but she doesn’t care. You come before everyone else. When you finally get better, she will shower you in love and playfully scold you to not get sick again. But everyone shouldn’t expect to get their princess back immediately because she’ll be too busy giving all of her energy to you for a few days.
If you got any requests for Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING guitarists WooSan x reader
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ‼️ use of the word slut, oral , vaginal, anal teasing. Dom San , Soft Dom Wooyoung, mouth fucking, degradation
SUMMARY Sans grown a little too tired of how mouthy you are, So he and Wooyoung decide its about time you learned your place in the band.
MORE | Day 13 of the Groupie Love Series
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Since joining the band you wouldn’t say that things were going completely smoothly. Since the moment you joined you and San had been at one another’s throats which the rest of the band found absolutely amusing especially Jung Woououng. Wooyoung had never seen anyone get San as pissed off as you would get him. While wooyoung loved how mouthy and bratty you would act at times, San hated it, and anytime you spoke all he wanted to do was put you in your place. Your little prissy spoiled attitude completely pissed San off. Tonight was the night he just about had enough of your mouth.
You had just come back from the afterparty of a friend of the band and you were completely drunk off your ass. After you having spilled a drink on the dj in your drunken state, Wooyoung and San were forced to carry you out.
“Are you fucking kidding me, I thought you were watching her?”
“Well I was warning her and then I happened to not be.”
“Wooyoung are you fucking serious? If you were going to bring us someone to join the group at least find us someone that knows how to be a grown fucking adult.”
“Oh fuck off, you’re always bitching about something.” You spoke up from your place on the couch, getting up you slowly make your way over to Wooyoung and sit on his lap, something you had usually done since the two of you were quite comfortable with each other now. His hands immediately rested on your waist, rubbing your sides reflexively.
“Oooho hear that Sannie, princess thinks you’re always bitching.” Wooyoung found the whole situation amusing as always, San on the other hand was not amused.
“Well princess have you ever taken a moment to realize i wouldn’t be bitching if you weren’t such a spoiled fucking princess that cant even think for herself.” He responds leaning in close finally shutting you up over and for all
“Lets not forget why you’re here sweetheart, prissy little nepo baby that got cut off by her parents. Remember you work for us sweetheart, you may be part of the band but you can be dropped at any moment. Then what will you do sweetheart hm?” He swipes his thumb over your lips and Wooyoungs grip on your waist suddenly falls down to your hips.
“Can’t do anything without us sweetheart can you? You’re so dependent on others now that you dont have mommy and daddys money to fall back on. Hell you can’t even think for yourself without asking Wooyoung or your best friend for some sort of approval.”
“I think you hurt her feelings Sannie she has nothing to say now.” Wooyoung chuckles, his fingers gently brushing over your neck.
“Did he upset you sweetheart hm?” Wooyoung places a soft kiss on your neck sending a shiver down your spine.
Between Wooyoungs kisses and Sans words you were completely stuck. San was absolutely correct, and it made you hate him more. For the first time in your life you were alone, you had to make your own money, your own decisions. You had never had to work for money or earn your parents approval like now. You hated it, you hated having to think for yourself, you hated that things weren’t coming as easy to you. So yes you fell dependent on them, dependent on them to tell you what to do, how to act, at this point you didn’t just need their approval you needed them to have complete control over your life so that you wouldn’t have to worry about a damn thing.
“Fuck you.” Was all you said as you looked into Sans eyes and he simply laughs in response. He could tell he struck a nerve.
“Aww you hear that she wants you to fuck her.”
“Jung Wooyoung Shut the fuck up.” San simply laughs at how quick the tables have turned and you’re now cursing out Wooyoung. Wooyoung immediately grabs your face and forces you to look at him.
“I think its time she learns how to speak to people Sannie.”
“I say she’ll end up bottoming out and having to use her hands.” Wooyoung chuckles as San who was now standing in front of you with a fistfull of your hair in his hands . They spoke about this like it was some kind of game for them. Like they found amusement in using you and humiliating you and you hated that it worked in getting you worked up. You hated that part of you had been wanting this, for them to fill that empty void you felt in yourself after realizing you had nothing to offer to the world. If it weren’t for your parents, your musical talent wouldn’t have even gotten you this far. Maybe the two of them could fill that emptiness inside you and make you feel useful.
“I can take it.” You finally speak up, earning an amused look from both Wooyoung and San. Wooyoung's little sweet and gentle act had gone away immediately. While san now stood towering over you you could feel the way Wooyoung was pressing your ass up against his bulge.
“Well look she finally knows how to speak again hm? Won’t speak to defend herself but wants to speak when it comes to getting used like some pathetic slut.” San brushes his thumb over your cheek
“I bet she’ll be a good girl for us now right sweetheart?” Wooyoung looks at you and flashes that heartwarming smile of his as you give him a nod. He gently caresses your thigh. Compared to the San he was a lot more calm and gentle but surely that wouldn’t last.
“Go ahead and Look at San Princess.” Wooyoung demands and San immediately lifts your head forcing you to stare into his eyes to distract from the pain of Wooyoung stretching you out.
“So when it comes to taking dick she listens so well, but can't follow simple instructions?” San chuckles and shoves his fingers into your mouth to make you quiet down while Wooyoung completely bottoms out inside you.
As your eyes remained locked on Sand , Wooyoung took advantage of the moment and lifted you up before slamming you back down onto his cock. When the pain subsided the way he stretched you out and the lewd sounds that spilled from his lips upon you clenching around him made it feel like heaven.
“Holy fuck.” Wooyoungs head immediately fell back onto the couch and his nails dug into the skin on your waist as he adjusted to how tight you were.
“If you keep clenching like this I’ll cum quickly.” He breathes out earning a snicker from San.
“Open up Sweetheart.”San demands before pulling his fingers from your lips. He loved the way your sweet eyes gazed into his like you were ready for him. As your mouth hangs open he smiles and immediately shoves in his entire cock down your throat, completely bottoming out.
“Maybe this is what you meant for sweetheart, being a needy little toy.” He growls, his head falling back as he takes in the feeling of your mouth around him. Grinding his hips against your face as Wooyoung finally starts to move fucking into your cunt from his seat on the couch beneath you. He then forces his fingers between your folds. He releases a moan at how easily he's able to bury his fingers into your soft cunt. The squelching sounds immediately earn a groan from each of them.
You took Sans thrusts so easily, eyes trained on him above you as you begin to suck, one hand on his thigh to keep yourself still and the other on your breasts. Falling into the rhythm was surprisingly easy and felt very fucking natural with the two of them. You were quite occupied on all ends with Wooyoung fucking up into you, one of his thumb’s rubbing over your asshole as if threatening to push it in. You were feeling overwhelming pleasure on all ends, you bounced against Wooyoungs thrusts, forcing you to take San further down your throat each time. This was your opportunity to show both men you were worthy of them being chosen by Wooyoung.
While San and Wooyoung seemed to be lost in the sensation of both your holes.You on the other hand, you were a moaning mess, fingers digging into Sans thigh as he fists your hair and fucks your throat. The slurping and gagging noises that spilled past you lips were enough to make him cum right then and there, but he didn’t, he just kept fucking your pretty lips as if he were trying to permanently shut you up.
“You’ll be responsible for taking care of her throat after this jackass, she's our lead singer.” Wooyoung grunts out as he watches you gag and choke on his close friend's cock.
“Should have thought of that before she got mouthy” Following his words San forces the rest of his dick down your throat earning a cry from you as you feel the head of his cock excessively abuse your throat.
It was starting to become too much for your body to handle for your first time and your body jerked Wooyoung's lap earning a soft coo from the latter.
“Looks like sweethearts ready to cum already.” He grunts as he uses the one hand placed on your hip to make you bounce in his lap.
You were basically Squirming in his Wooyoung's lap now, overstimulating now, setting in as he mercilessly drilled into you until you felt him twitch against your walls. Wooyoung was no longer being gentle and San was now rocking his hips, fucking your mouth and muffling every moan that threatened to escape your mouth. You simply whimpered pathetically, clawing at his thigh, clenching around Wooyoung, it pulled a grunt from him, he pulled you down harder onto him forcing a cry from your mouth which was swallowed up by Sans cock.
Without any warning san forces himself to reach the back of your throat as he finishes in your mouth. Shooting his load into the depths of your throat, while Wooyoung panted and moaned behind you. You squeezed your thighs together and he let out a choked moan, thrusting harder, you moved your hips so he was grinding against you as he thrust, bumping against your from behind.
He paused his thrusting, one hand came down to under your thigh, pulled your leg up to your chest. As he speeds up his pace the sound of skin on skin grows loud throughout the tour bus and as if on cue both of you cum in unison. Your head falls back onto Wooyoung's shoulder as you struggle to catch your breath.
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penkura · 27 days
You want ideas, I'll give you ideas owo I know you like Zoro too, so best of both world I assume. Reader got hit during an attack and when reader wakes up she can't remember anything/anyone at all. Zoro/Sanji is in a realtionship with reader and feeling unsure if reader forgot it as well. Reader is super shy/nervous and interested in some else. (If you go for Zoro as bf, maybe reader is interested in Sanji and the other way around) Another idea: You've been dating for a long time and Sanji still hasn't proposed. One evening you get impatient and are completely drunk and proposed to him. He loves you but reject it, cuz he believe that this is a "Man's job" to do.
Of course this would work for others as well if you don't see Sanji in this kind of scenarios :) If you need more inspiration/prompts (especially Law/Penguin/Shachi) hit me up. My mind is overflowing with ideas right now.
Take care of you <3
I love the second prompt and may have to come back for the first one later on. 👀
For now though! Sanji gets more attention from me, and I made this one in a modern setting, hope that's okay! 💚
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It’s very rare for you to indulge in alcohol as much as Zoro normally does, but for once you’ve let go and decided to have more than what you usually do. It’s not your fault that you’ve been seeing your friends get engaged or married lately and it makes you feel like you and Sanji are way behind the rest of them. You two have been together for a few years, but he still hasn’t proposed or even asked you to move into his apartment with him, what’s the deal? It’s been so long, you just want to know you aren’t wasting your time with him.
Okay, maybe it is all on you, since you haven’t even voiced this to Sanji, only to Nami and Robin, the two looking concerned when you cried over your drink to them, before they started to drag you to Sanji’s place for the night. You sleep over there enough as it is, you really should just move in already, even Nami has said that multiple times.
Sanji isn’t even expecting you that night, you’d told him you were going out with Nami and Robin, so he’s surprised when they bring you buy and you’re a crying, drunken mess when you see him and you’re shoved into his arms. For a moment he worries someone did something to you, he’s ready to find out which bar you’d gone to and fight whoever upset you, before Nami just sighs.
“She’s upset with you, so you better hurry up and make it right.”
He’s confused, but Sanji doesn’t question Nami as she leaves, instead turning to you when you whine and snuggle your face in his shirt. It makes him smile and kiss the top of your head, before you push yourself off him and give him a glare that doesn’t really work with you being drunk.
“My love, are you all right?”
“No……I’m mad at you…”
He tilts his head, especially confused when you lean against him again. Sanji takes that as his cue to lead you into his kitchen and start making you some tea, after he gives you a glass of water. He’s got to start sobering you up, it might be the only way he gets an answer out of you as to why you’re upset with him. While he works, Sanji has you set at the table with a glass of water, but the tears in your eyes while you watch him don’t go unnoticed, he gives you a slight smile that makes you try to glare again.
“What is it, love?”
“I wanna marry you…”
You pout with a nod, as Sanji goes back to making your tea. It’s like he doesn’t even care, you just you want to marry him. He should be happy about it right? But he just ignores you almost, and it makes you even more upset.
“Will you,” you hiccup a bit which makes him smile, “will you marry me…?”
Taking a breath, Sanji waits a moment before he responds to you, wondering if you even realize that you’ve said. You’ll probably forget by morning, but he should clarify things for you.
“No, my love, I can’t accept that proposal. “
“Why nooooot?”
“Because it’s my job to ask you that.”
You stay quiet after that as Sanji finishes making you both some tea and brings it over to you. You don’t touch your drink for a few minutes, Sanji asking if you were okay while you look at him still with tears in your eyes.
“…why haven’t you asked me yet?”
Another deep breath, Sanji sighs and places a kiss on your forehead, causing you to lay your head on his shoulder. He hopes you’ll sleep quickly, but you put your arms around his shoulders and just look up at him, though he can tell you’re starting to doze off so he doesn’t push for you to drink more of your tea, instead picking you up and taking you to his bed to tuck you in.
“Because,” Sanji makes sure you’re properly in bed and asleep before he smiles to himself while he watches you, “It’s not your birthday for a few more weeks. But I promise, I’ll ask you then.”
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quikhs · 1 month
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Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo had been onto something and that makes you worried since he's been escaping from your guys 'rules' in the household. And that's lead to confronting him about it.
-> timeskip!shoyo is being slick (but not rlly) so you had to catch him and shred him to pieces/jk. Establish relationship. In general, fluff bc shoyo in angst? *Heart shattered.*
wc : 670 (drabbles)
A/N : theme makes me want to scream, legit had to search for a divider for a few mins and ended up using the ones in my gallery :')
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Goodbye and welcome kisses are a must.
Either when it's Shoyo or you going out, which meant leaving one or the other. Showing love through small pecks, intertwining your pinky with his became somewhat of a routine as a greeting and goodbye. Even when in such a rush, this tradition has no exceptions, as it's a must.
So when Shoyo just disappears, leaving no trace behind except for a 'I'm going!' and the sound of the door shutting, perhaps he's too late for training? Or he had forgotten about—there's absolutely no way,not a bit would he forget the kisses you always share.
Or has his brain got a memory loss? The thought lingered in your mind as you kept on with your daily tasks before taking your leave as well. It happened tomorrow once again, then the next day.
Now, that's suspicious, Shoyo.
But before you can catch on, he always leaves earlier than he normally would. In addition, it makes things worse because that's even more suspicious.
Yet, you wouldn't put an accusation against Shoyo; he's a sweetheart. There's no way he would do something behind your back, maybe.
And that's how you are waiting near the door, awaiting his figure to leave the house with a goodbye kiss because, you’re sure, if this keeps continuing, then you'll be crazy by the end of the week. For your sanity, you have to put an end to this.
In simple terms, you wouldn't let it slide today.
And when Shoyo finally rushes to the door, just to be greeted by someone with a big, wide frown like a pouting child that made him chuckle. Although he tried to refrain from it because that means you're upset. As he picked up his sports shoes, sliding them on easily without any disturbance—only your frown.
Just as Shoyo is about to open the doorknob, holding onto it, you say, "My kiss?" The sharpness in your voice, the glare that could just pierce his back, he swore it was (very) scary for someone who's lovely. Shoyo's head slowly turned to face you with a sheepish smile as he pulled his hand from the knob.
Of course, you noticed.
And how doomed Shoyo is now.
"Aw, miss me that much?" he teases while taking you in his arms, wrapping you close to him before pecking your lips as per usual.
"Well, a certain someone may have forgotten the rules here," you retorted, still keeping the slight resentment in your tone. As a result, Shoyo cackles.
Okay, he's been caught.
"Oh, I definitely owe Atsumu a drink after this," he muses while keeping his arms under yours. Alright, that got your attention fully.
Atsumu? Drink? What is he on to? Shoyo only cackles more when he sees the confusion written on your face.
It turns out Atsumu had made a bet with Shoyo. That if he managed to go without a goodbye and a welcome kiss for about a week, he'd buy Shoyo a drink. Now, everything clicked together like a complete puzzle. Although your nose scrunched at his words before he brushed his against yours playfully.
Maybe that's why he's been running away...
and Shoyo earned a gentle slap on the shoulder from you. "You—fine, no more goodbye kisses then!" you said, trying to escape from his grasp, still upset by how he just acted so casually. "No, wait! I love your kisses!" Jokingly, Shoyo tightened his grip and hoped to never let go.
Well, not now at least.
Perhaps he should do this again; your reaction was absolutely hilarious (and sweet), although he'll keep that to himself since telling you that, would just earn another slap from you.
And how Atsumu was grateful for you because the drink was definitely a blessing. After that, Shoyo noted to not put anything involving love and affection between you two, since in the end, he'll lose anyway.
But did he regret it? Nope, witnessing your reactions towards his (feigning) dismissal of your shared intimacy is the best.
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The Meet Cute - Ace's Story - Epilogue
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Source for pic
Firestarter Epilogue
Word Count: 3196
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader, slight NSFW (It's mature, not explicit), slightly sugestive behaviour, flirting, jealousy, frenemies, sexual tension, miscommunication, unresolved tension, slight angst, slow-burn, romantic comedy vibes, alternate universe modern setting, swearing, drinking, fluff, feelings realisation, denial of feelings.
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You intended to have some alone time, to reflect and heal, but your childhood friend's older brother, Ace, seems to be there just to upset that fragile peace you're striving for. He's a flirt and a womaniser. But why does he also have to be so handsome and perfect? And how long can you resist his charms?
Notes: This is it everyone, the ending...! I loved writting and sharing this story with you, I hope you had fun reading it as well! Tell me all about it - in an ask, in a comment, in a message... go ahead! I love to read your opinions! In the meantime, be sure to check the new poll (for voting on the next story of the meet-cute series). Also, if you want to check out my 100 followers event, feel free to do it! Full disclosure, answers to requests may take a while! Thank you for reading this! I do hope you enjoyed it!❤️
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn
Masterlist for previous introductory chapters.
|Previous Chapter|
“Oh God! Oh my God!” Ace's cries of despair near your head make your heart throb. In fact, everything hurts: your chest, head, arms, legs… Groaning and gasping for air - why does it seem like you are drowning? Why does it feel like air is the sweetest thing in the world? - you try to ground yourself. 
You don't quite know where you are or how you got here. But Ace is with you, peppering kisses into your hair, crying happy tears and you know it must've been something bad. 
“Luffy!” Ace yells, popping his head outside of the… ambulance? “I'll ride with her. You can take my car. Oh, fuck. Shanks…”
“I'll go to him, Ace. We'll meet you at the hospital. Go.”
“Ace…” You manage to croak but your throat feels very dry and the pounding in your head is increasing exponentially. There's also a loud ringing in your ears and a brightness in your vision leaving you light-headed and dizzy. 
“I'm here love. I'm here.” Love? You try to smile but it's such an effort that all you can produce is a grunt. “You're probably confused, right?” Confused is an understatement. That's what you want to say. But you can't because it hurts. 
You feel the engine of the ambulance roar to life and hear the blaring of the sirens as you're rushed to the hospital.
“You were in a car crash. Probably because of the rain. Your car toppled and you hit your head and-...” He sighs and you understand that it was something bad because his eyes are puffy and red and he can't stop squeezing your hand and placing gentle kisses on it as the EMTs tend to a wound on your head. 
“Oh!” You gasp before he can continue. You remember! There was a cat in the road, you swerved to avoid hitting it. “Ace!” You try to move but you are strapped to the gurney to keep you stable. Ace's eyes widen at your desperation, trying to calm you down. “Ace, there was a kitten in the middle of the road! Call Luffy please! See if they can find it. Please! Oh God, please, I didn't want to hit him.”
He soothes you as he reaches for his phone, realising the state of panic you are in and knowing it's best to do what you ask when you're in this state. After a brief conversation, his eyes are back staring at yours. The EMTs have stopped fussing over your wounds, probably patching them up as well as they could before you got to the hospital.
“He’s going to look for the cat, don’t worry. Just focus on getting better, love, okay?”
Oh, love again! 
That’s right. There is something important that you have to share with Ace. Your brain feels fuzzy and filled with fog. It’s hard to think straight with the incessant pounding in your head.
Shutting your eyes tight and taking another deep breath - feeling pain spread from your chest with the effort - your unstrapped hand reaches for his face, cupping his cheek with all the strength you can muster.
“Ace.” His hand cups yours and he lays a soft kiss against your palm before setting it back against his face. “I don’t know if you heard, on the phone… I need you to know, I-...”
“I love you too.” He whispers, his face closing in on yours, foreheads touching - being careful to avoid the wound on your head.
A half-sob, half-chuckle leaves your lips, your chest wracking with the effort, making you wince from pain and Ace tries to soothe you with a gentle kiss on the lips. “It’s okay love, don’t speak now. We need to get you well.” He sighs as he lays another peck. “I thought I lost you. God… I…” His eyes shut and his lower lip trembles slightly.
From his reaction and the hurt in your chest, you get the sense that your heart might have stopped. He must have been so scared. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Ace.”
Ace reluctantly lets you go once you arrive at the hospital. He’s told that you will be assessed, observed and taken care of. He knows that it’ll probably be a while before he gets to see you again, since you have a lot of lacerations that need to be tended to, as well as monitoring, ultrasounds, X-rays, blood work…
But he isn’t going anywhere. 
And neither are you.
As he sits in the waiting room, trying to create a comfortable spot to spend the next hours in, Luffy and Shanks arrive, both looking worried and distraught, Shanks much worse than Luffy: dishevelled hair, worry lines across his forehead and eyes, trembling lips and his face paler than milk.
Ace instantly rises, facing him with a grimace. “Shanks…”
The older man lets out a low wail as he embraces Ace in a one-armed, crushing hug. “Thank you, Ace. Luffy said you were there, that you…” His voice falters into a ragged breath. “That you brought her back.”
Shanks wobbles on his legs and Ace grabs him, helping him sit on the nearest chair. 
“If I lost her, Ace… I… I…”
“I know, Shanks… I feel the same.” Ace sits down next to him, patting his shoulder, a sympathetic smile pressed to his lips. “But she’s going to be just fine. They’re patching her up now.” 
Ace keeps telling him that you are going to pull through, that you are strong, and he keeps nodding, as his only response. Looking up at his pupils, and noticing the rapidness of his breath, Ace turns to Luffy. “Luffy go get a nurse, I think Shanks is in shock.”
As Shanks is carried inside for monitoring and help, Ace slumps back down in his seat, Luffy imitating him on the chair next to him. 
“She will be fine, you know?” Luffy says, with a reassuring pat on Ace’s back. 
“Yeah… I know…” They sit in silence for a few moments before Ace speaks up again. “Loof, what about the cat? Did you find anything? She was feeling pretty guilty about hitting it.”
“Oh! I did! I left it with Franky at the station. The little guy was pretty scared, all wet and hungry. Franky said he’d take care of him.”
Ace chuckles and exhales a long sigh, his head falling back as he leans into the seat. “I’m glad. She’ll be happy to know that.”
“Get some rest, Ace. I’ll be here if there’s news.” Ace nods and closes his tired eyes.
After being treated and observed, the doctors inform you that you will have to remain a few days in the ICU because, as you suspected, your heart stopped for at least ten minutes, and they need to make sure the organ is working properly and that there are no cognitive impairments to your brain. 
They let you see Ace and your father and Luffy though, and you feel so happy to see their smiling faces. Shanks is holding back tears as hard as he can, but he does not let go of your hand for a second. Luffy jumps, ready to hug you enthusiastically before Ace pulls him back by the scruff of his shirt, reminding him that you are heavily injured and your friend settles for a fist bump.
Ace keeps staring at you like a lovesick man, and you can’t stop smiling at him.
You are feeling exhausted and in some pain so, after Luffy assures you he found the kitten and that they will take care of it until you are released from the hospital - making you cry happy tears - your visitors leave you alone so you can rest. 
Ace comes back, though, after begging the nurse for a few more minutes and, since he’s Ace and the nurse is a woman, she lets him in. You heard the conversation through the closed door so you greet him with a tired, cheeky smile.
“Flirting your way to see me again, are you?”
“Guilty as charged.” He laughs and pulls a chair to sit by your head, letting his hand rest near your cheek, which he keeps stroking lightly. “I need to be with you a while longer. If you’re up to it. I don’t mind if you fall asleep. I just need to be near you.” His voice drops to a whisper. “To hear you breathe.”
You feel your eyes warm up with unshed tears and slide your fingers through his locks, settling your hand on his cheek to cup it so he can look back into your eyes. “I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, Ace. I really am.”
“It’s not your fault, love.”
“I know… and maybe if I could take it back, I still wouldn’t. Because I needed to be with you, to let you know that I love you and that I’m all in. I don’t care about the girls from your past, they’re just that, past! I’m your present, and I’m all in, Ace. I am. I love you.” Your speech leaves you breathless and inhaling turns a bit painful, so you take a moment to breathe slowly, adjusting to the new pressure in your chest that the doctor said would remain there for a while. 
His smile lights up his freckles just the way you like it, and he reaches in to give you a sweet, mellow kiss, that melts your heart - and is cut short because of your need for air. 
“I love you too, Firestarter. And I’m all in too. You are the one for me.” He tucks your hair back and smiles cheekily. “I’ve known that since my nose went up your ass on those stairs.”
The heartfelt laugh that leaves your lips is both painful and exhilarating. 
The next two days are spent in the ICU, being constantly monitored and checked. Your visits are very limited and short, though there are two nurses Ace is familiar with who allow him to stay longer. He says it’s because they think it’s lovely the way he feels about you and that yours is a love story for the ages and should be eternalized in a book. You know it’s just because he’s hot and has a cheeky smile.
You take all the time with him, though.
And it’s still not enough. 
During those off-hours visits, he sneaks into your hospital bed, very carefully, and holds you in his arms, kissing you, murmuring sweet nothings into your hair and making promises of dates, dinners, trips you can take together after you’re well. It feels nice to make plans.
If you weren’t in such pain, you could almost say you were in bliss. 
After being released from the ICU, you are transferred to the general ward because your arm and forehead lacerations still need to be tended to, and your fractured ribs need attention. 
Ace keeps coming every day. And on the nights when the nurses covering the night shifts are his acquaintances and turn a blind eye to his presence, he even sleeps with you. He brings you small treats - Sanji bakes you some delicious lemon cookies and you get to eat two of them before Ace gobbles up the rest, leaving you in a laughing fit; He tells you all the hot gossip he hears in town - because, somehow, Ace always ends up knowing everything about everyone - and sometimes he just sits by you, a blissful smile on his lips as you indulge in each other’s company. 
Nami, Vivi, Robin and some other friends come to visit you as well, all hoping for your fast recovery. Shanks informs you that your car was completely trashed and that Kid declared a time of death on the thing. It will be missed. 
Luffy says he and the kitten are now best friends and that it has become the fire station’s mascot, so you’re pretty happy with that outcome. The kitten gets a home and the firemen get a distraction for all the downtime. Ace begrudgingly admits that ‘the thing’ is adorable, and you have to agree. 
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After almost a week in the general ward, you are deemed fit to be released from the hospital, being given a follow-up plan with appointments and exams to be taken. Ace listens very carefully to the plan you are supposed to follow, the pills you need to take and the exams that you can’t miss, and you have no doubt that he will make you follow it to a tee. 
You can’t help but feel a little sorry for the dismayed look on your boyfriend’s face when the doctor advises no sex for at least six to eight weeks. He starts to resign himself to the situation, knowing he will do anything for you, when the doctor says that less strenuous activities than intercourse might be explored, as long as they don’t tire you or put your body in uncomfortable or stressful positions. 
And now Ace looks like a kid who was just told Christmas morning is tomorrow and he gets to open his presents early. 
You’re pretty sure he’s already planning all the naughty things he can - and will - do to you, which leaves you giggling before you leave the doctor’s appointment.
The weeks go by slowly and sometimes boredom settles in. Your job hunt was, obviously, put on hold, and you can’t even help Shanks with the most basic of chores around the property. All you manage to do is some cooking, baking and, when Shanks isn’t looking, cleaning some cupboards and organising them. 
Ace helps your dad around the property whenever he’s free from fireman duty and you noticed, ever since you were in the hospital, that Shanks has warmed up to the idea of having Ace as your boyfriend.
You know it was because of what he did when you had the accident. Shanks believes he owes Ace your life. 
And in reality, he does.
Ace told you all about that day, after much coaxing on your part. You needed to know exactly what had happened and you knew he needed to share those moments so he could also move on. 
You can feel the desperation in his voice when he recounts all that happened and how useless he felt, how terrified he was when he thought he would lose you. It’s an emotional moment for both of you, but very healing.
And your relationship keeps growing, from a small bud to a beautiful flower. 
You’re quite nervous when you bring up the topic of moving in together, knowing he still struggles with living with his grandfather. It’s not that he doesn’t love him, you know that, but they do butt heads a lot. Still, given his past track record, you’re not sure if it’s a step he’s ready to take and it scares you. 
“Firestarter, it’s like you can read my mind.” He kisses your nose affectionately and pulls his phone from the back pocket of his shorts. “I’ve already marked down some favourites, take a look and see if you want to schedule a visit.”
How are you so lucky to have him?
“Good news, your heart is in perfect condition, your lacerations have healed - though there’s still some tenderness and bruising - and your ribs mended perfectly, as well. You are completely healed.”
You sigh and squeeze Ace’s hand, letting the doctor’s words sink in. It’s been a rough couple of months, but now, you are in perfect health. 
And you and Ace are in such a wonderful place in your relationship. You’ve never been this happy. Sometimes you wonder if it’s all a dream and you’re about to wake up, but you know it’s not because Ace makes sure to remind you every day that he’s very real. 
He makes you complete. He makes you happy. 
He’s the one.
“Thank you, doctor. I appreciate all your help, but I hope I don’t see you too soon.”
The doctor smiles at you and Ace before getting up to show you out of his office. “I don’t want to see you in this office at all! A quick hello at the store is fine with me.”
You all laugh as you say your goodbyes, your hand squeezing Ace’s in a tight grip as you lock eyes with him, a silly enamoured smile on both your faces. 
In the parking lot, you lean your back against his jeep, just like you did a few months back on your father’s property, happiness filling your entire being. You reach up and circle your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, pulling him down slightly, a sultry smile pressed on your lips. 
“So, we have that apartment visit scheduled, but it’s only in the afternoon… what should we do with our time? You did take the day off…”
Ace’s lips curve upward, his sun-kissed freckles moving mischievously as his hands settle upon your hips, digits digging into your plush skin, and he presses his body against yours. 
“Oh, what should we do, indeed… such a tough question.” His lips ghost over yours, sending a tingle down your spine, fire spreading its tendrils from your belly to your core, warmth filling you completely. “You have been deemed completely healed. I think we should celebrate.”
His lips turn and he presses them against your jaw, moving down to your neck as he licks softly.
A sigh escapes your parted lips. These months have been rough. There’s always been an intense attraction between the two of you and this time without sex has already taken its toll. Granted, after a few weeks you and Ace experimented with other sexual activities that didn’t involve penetration, as to not exert yourself. It had all been tremendously fun. But now that you have been cleared, you both need more. 
“How do you plan on celebrating, Ace?” Your fingers entwine in his dark locks, tugging slightly as he sucks on a particularly sensitive spot near your earlobe.
His chuckle vibrates against your skin, making you mewl softly at his touch. The touch that never ceases to amaze you because it always feels like it’s the first time, like something new and strong and so good!
“I have a few ideas. I think you’re going to like them.”
“Oh, I think I will…”
He pulls back, his eyes filled with intensity, pupils darkening with desire as they bore into yours. His hand parts with your hip for a moment only to cup your face tenderly. “I love you, Firestarter.”
Desire and love mingle, creating an intense emotion in your chest. It translates into a perfect warmth that spreads through your entire body, fills your heart and leaves your head spinning. 
God, this man is something else.
“I love you too, Ace.”
And if at first his lips press softly against yours, moulding perfectly and falling in tandem into a familiar dance you have grown accustomed to, soon they are demanding and begging for more, as his tongue teases yours, leaving you both panting. 
He’s right. You should both celebrate. Because a love like this doesn’t happen every day.
And yours is meant to last.
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