#i need someone to pat me on the back and call me pal
canigohomenoow · 1 year
manifesting being in my promising scruffy young teen with a troubled backstory and a mouth on them who is on a mission and accidently finds an unwilling father figure but then you both secretly grow to like each other over the course of life or death situations era
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cumikering · 10 months
Possessive best friend Soap x reader
1.6k | angst, bullying, swearing Operation Sabotage: Soap crashed your date (Part 2) Idea from @ceilidho
Soap stepped into the quiet restaurant with an easy smile, not taking long at all to spot you. He could recognise you from anywhere even with your back to him. His smile turned into a cocky grin as he walked over to the table of two, his boots thudding.
He watched as your date looked at his figure approaching, his words trailing off. You blinked at his sudden withdrawal, and when you turned to see what had stolen his attention, you were met with the sight of Soap.
He grabbed a nearby chair, sitting next to you and your date with a chuckle. “Hey, you. Fancy seeing you here.”
You tried not to roll your eyes, pretty much knowing what was to come already. “Hi, Johnny. I’m in the middle of a date,” you said through gritted teeth, gesturing at the man across you.
“I’m sure the lad wouldn’t mind,” he dismissed. “Oh, sorry, where are my manners? I’m Johnny. What’s your name again?”
“Daniel.” He let out a nervous chuckle, shifting his gaze to you, as if asking what was going on.
“Nice to meet ya, pal.” He didn’t even try to mask the smack as a pat on the back.
You sighed. “Johnny, don’t you have other things to do?”
“Not at the moment, just want to catch up with my buddy here.” He shrugged, turning to Daniel. “So what were you guys talking about?”
Daniel seemed to have recovered from the interruption, going back to his easy-going self. “I was talking about my time in uni,” he began, before taking another bite of his pasta.
You stopped listening, severely distracted by Soap’s uninvited presence at the table as you moved your food around your plate. You always did this - you shut down when you were upset, as to not overreact and make a fool of yourself. If you kept it cool, hopefully Soap would get bored and leave you and Daniel alone soon enough.
Soap nudged you, pulling you back into reality.
“Hey, I thought you didn’t like guys who bounce their legs?”
In a burst of self-consciousness, Daniel’s leg stopped under the table.
“That’s none of your business, Johnny.” You stabbed your fork onto your food too forcefully, not lifting your gaze.
“But you told me it really irked you. Just like when people eat with their mouth open,” he replied, feigning innocence.
Daniel let out a cough at the comment, turning a little red.
You let your fork drop to your plate. You didn’t mean to make it ring that loudly in the room. “Sorry, I need to go to the loo,” you announced to no one, not daring to look at Daniel. Your heavy seat dragged across the carpeted floor before you left.
You were glad the bathroom was empty. You took a few deep breaths with your hand over your chest, going over to the sink when you were a touch calmer. With your hands supporting your weight, you leaned in, looking at your own figure in the large mirror.
Yes, you noticed Daniel bounced his leg – it was one of the first things you noticed of him. Yes, he chewed with his mouth open, even spoke with his mouth full. Yes, these things peeved, no, vexed you. But he was funny and smart, handsome enough with a light stubble, and from what you could tell, handled difficult situations well (like keeping his composure while getting humiliated by a third-wheel on his first date).
You tried to give the man a chance, clutching onto his redeeming qualities, but with each flaw called out, it felt like your attraction towards him drained.
You knew you had to be realistic. It’d been months of online dating, and you’ve met no one you were genuinely interested in. You were frustrated, near hopeless. You knew full well no one was perfect. Yet at this rate, you’d find nobody, not when you couldn’t stop holding every potential partner up to Soap. You knew no one would be as playful and fun as him, as loyal and strong, and you’ve accepted that. But after all these years, why couldn’t you let go of the fantasy of being with him, or even someone like him?
Soap wrapped a heavy arm around Daniel’s shoulder. “Mate,” he began.
Daniel turned to Soap, tearing his gaze away from your body disappearing as you rounded the corner. He took a large gulp of water, before looking back at Soap.
“Did I mention I’m Special Forces? I’m a Sergeant.” Soap watched as his eyes widened. ”We bench press recruits to warm up, usually about your size,” he added, nodding to himself.
“That’s wonderful,” he said, looking away.
He retraced his arm. “Och, I didn’t mean to scare you, pal! I thought we were getting to know each other. Daniel Harris, was it?”
Another uncomfortable chuckle. He didn’t remember mentioning his last name.
“Hey, you still live in Brentford, right? On Clifden and Brooks Road?”
This time he looked genuinely spooked as his brows shot up.
“Any plans yet for your wedding anniversary? October is fast approaching.”
Colour drained out of Daniel’s face. He stood. “I think I better go,” he croaked.
“Aww,” Soap cooed, the smug smile wider. “The very least you can do is pay for the meal, no?”
He pulled a few notes from his wallet with a shaky hand, placing them on the table.
“Och, away an bile ye heaid, pal!” Soap snapped, shooing him away. “Yer a fockin’ disgrace, ya prick!”
With that, Daniel quite literally bolted out of the restaurant.
You stayed in the loo for a few more moments, making peace with yourself as you regulated your breathing further. When you’ve cooled down enough, you walked back to the table with your head held high, determined to tell Soap to piss off as rudely as he’d interrupted your evening.
But Soap was the only one at the table, in Daniel’s seat, leaning back onto the booth. He smirked, his brow cocked. Before you sat down, you noticed the wad of cash, stark in the middle of the table.
“Where’s Daniel?” you asked, alarmed.
“Sorry, lass. He said something came up.” Soap shrugged. “He paid for the meal though. Good lad.”
Your stare narrowed at him as your fists balled on your sides, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Just before the first tear fell, you stormed off the restaurant, ignoring his calls for you.
Clouded with anger, you walked away far enough until it occurred to you you had nowhere to go. Daniel had picked you up for the dinner and you were left with not even the satisfaction of slamming your own car door shut and screaming to your heart’s content in private. You stopped, knowing Soap had followed you close behind, recognising the distinct thud of his boots.
“Hey,” he muttered as he approached you, a hand almost touching your shoulder, but decided against it.
You wiped your tears with the back of your hands before turning to him. “What’s your problem, Johnny! This is not the first time you’ve ruined my date!”
He softened as he saw your tear-stained cheeks. “Lass, I’m just looking out for you.”
“I told you, if you have anything to say, say it civilly not during the date. You keep embarrassing me!” You couldn’t help raising your voice, more tears flowing out. “At this point, I think you just don’t want to see me happy. I’m trying fucking hard here, Johnny! Just because you don’t want a relationship, doesn’t mean you get to ruin my chances.”
He blinked, the air still between the both of you.
“I’m sorry, lass,” he said, eyes on the ground in remorse. “You know that’s not true.”
You hated how pretty his lashes looked. “No, you’re not fucking sorry,” you spat, wiping at your tears again. “Seriously, what’s your problem, Johnny? Are you scared we won’t be friends anymore? I’m royally sick of this. You’re making me fucking miserable.”
His gaze snapped to you, equally fervent now. “Me? I make you miserable?” he repeated in disbelief. ”Ye know wha ma’ problem is?” His head cocked to the side. “Ma’ problem is tha I fockin hate hearin those Tinder pings an knowin it’s nae me who’s makin ye smile at yer phone!”
Soap’s accent always got thicker whenever he got fired up. You usually understood him regardless, but this time you frowned. What you heard was so outrageous, you second guessed your hearing.
“Am fockin sick of seein the lot of arseholes ye meetin, when am right here!” He gestured at himself. “Wha the bloody hell do all these blokes hav tha I daen’t?”
“Johnny,” you said tentatively, taken aback by the sudden change of demeanour. “What are you on about?”
“Why are ye so blind tae me?” he softened. “I thought I made myself clear. All these years I’ve been trying to get you to notice me, to see me as more than a friend.”
Your eyes widened, not believing what tumbled out of his mouth. You watched as his lips parted, his chest moving under his crisp white shirt. For the longest time, you had wanted him to wrap his strong arms around you, pull you close against his broad chest before pressing his sweet lips on yours. And here you finally were, hearing the words you previously could only imagine from him.
“I like you too, Johnny,” you muttered against his neck, arms wrapping around him.
You heard the smile in his sigh.
First fanfic. Would appreciate feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks :)
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imagine-silk · 3 months
Fallout 4 fellas react to a really short sole survivor trying on their clothes and having them be waaay to big XD
Thank you <3 love reading your posts :)
》For whatever reason I can never find anything comfortably too big for me that looks nice weirdly enough. Tragic.
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【Codsworth】 "Mum/Sir, I don't think you should be wearing that."
Of course he had spare parts laying around. That included his outer plate. It's 106 lbs of a single sheet metal that makes up his body that is very easy to hide in considering how big he is and how small you are. There is absolutely no way you can walk with it on, you have to sit in it.
【Danse】 "Take that off. It's dirty."
He is a very meticulous person and keeps everything in check, so he knows the only way you got his jumpsuit is if it's dirty. He averts his eyes as you immediately panic and shuck it off.
♡If Romanced; He still looks away.
【Deacon】 "Looking good."
He has a lot of clothes and surprisingly he knows where all of them are. So when one of his costumes goes missing he knows you took it. You're the only one who could have took it. If you take his glasses he has a million other pairs. Nice try.
♡If Romanced; He'll wear an outfit to match. Can't have Bonnie without Clyde.
【Hancock】 "Well ain't you a sight."
He's not a tall man by any means so seeing you make his shirt into a dress is funny to him. He'll take off his coat and put it around you to see it drag and watch you trip over yourself.
♡If Romanced; He'll find any excuse to put you in his clothes.
【MacCready】 "Get your own."
He's not too happy about you touching his stuff. That being said, he doesn't do anything but complain. Which is saying something because he has ripped his jacket off of someone before.
If Romanced; Strangely he'll complain more, fishing for affection for his 'services'.
【Nick】 "You need a map to find your way outta there, doll/pal?"
He'll tease you, obviously. There he was reading the paper and you walk in with his coat wrapped around you. The lengths he goes not to laugh would make a hiker blush.
✧If Platonic; He'll pat you on the head and call you 'kid'. He thinks it's the cutest thing and let you borrow it from time to time.
【Preston】 "There's my coat."
He was looking for it all morning only to find you wearing his stuff on accident. It never occurred to him you might have taken it. He has no strong feelings about it. If you don't immediately give it back he won't ask for it, he'll just change into something else.
♡If Romanced; He'll drop his hat on you too. You give it back though because it slips down a lot.
【X6-88】 "Why are you wearing my clothes?"
The clothes he wears are restrictive and not very comfortable, even his surfacer clothes. But for you it's more than accommodating, too accommodating. He will ask for his clothes back though.
♡If Romanced; It awakens something in him. The fact you can bring the Commonwealth to it's knees and be so small it wild.
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Blue Blood and Rain [2]
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King John X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info •ko-fi•
Summary: The King invites Hugo for a ride. And for some reason, you too.
Series Masterlist
A/N: I have still totally made up servant/nobel dynamics because I wanted to and also let's forget about the plot of the film, yes?
Warnings: overuse of italics, typos, power dynamics because he's the king, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 2522
“Need any help there?” The Earl of Delton’s voice ran up your spine like a clammy hand. The implications were clear. 
You shouldn’t be here.
And you couldn’t agree more. 
“No thank you, my lord.” You said as curtly as you could get away with as you mounted the horse in one quick smooth motion. 
Hugo beamed, missing Delton’s jibe because of course he did. “She’s a better rider than me, Johannes.” He said happily, addressing Delton. 
Delton raised an eyebrow, keeping his gaze solidly on you for a moment before he turned to Hugo and began discussing their lands. 
You breathed in deeply, trying to calm yourself and shrug off your nerves. But you kept thinking back to the night before. To you encounter in the stables. 
Part of you had thought it was a dream, believing that there was no other way to explain it. But then, after breakfast, a servant had come to Hugo to tell him that the King had requested he join him for a ride and small hunt. 
Which had been fine. 
Until the servant almost mentioned you had been requested too. 
Hugo had practically preened. “Invited by the King!” 
“This is an exceptional opportunity to increase our standing with him,” Edith had been equally giddy while you helped her son get ready. Your stomach twisted itself in knots. 
Would the King call you out as a harlot the second he laid eyes on you? Would you be thrown from the castle without a single coin to your name? 
“He must have been impressed by my praising of you yesterday.” Edith smiled warmly at you.
You swallow. “Me, my lady?” 
“Of course!” She laughed, “I told him all about your prowess with a bow.” 
“As did I!” Hugo grinned. “He surely must want a demonstration.” 
You nodded uneasily. 
“Now, now,” Eidth patted your shoulder affectionately, “do not worry, do not dwell on it. Nothing you can do would cause embarrassment to our name.” 
“Hmm.” You nod and try your best to smile. 
When you’d arrived with Hugo at the stables, you had helped him mount Stefan and assumed you would be accompanying the group of noblemen on foot. 
The head stablehand had surprised you though, recognising you from the day before when he saw you with Stefan. 
“You’re Earl of Bowhale’s servant, yes?” 
You nodded. 
He had smiled kindly, “his Highness requested this horse be made ready for you.” 
“For me?” 
Your utter look of dismay made him smile again, pityingly. “For you.” 
The horse was a chestnut stallion, a hand smaller than Stefan. You had stroked him a little, trying to get a judge of his temperament. 
Stefan had whinnied, obviously not liking that your attention was on someone else. 
You give Stefan a sympathetic smile. “What’s his name?”
“Alaric.” The head stablehand nods. 
“Alaric.” You repeat.
“One of the King’s own.” 
That doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
You wait a little nervously outside with the others.
“That’s a fine horse you have there, my lady.” The young man smiled at you as he encouraged his own horse to take a few steps closer to you. You recognised his family crest as Whitehaven.  
Your mind short circuited a moment, trying to explain that this wasn’t your horse and that you were not a member of a noble house at the same time. Your mouth hung open, panic gripping your chest as you started to speak. 
And that was when a nearby servant announced the King. 
You jumped, forgetting yourself for a moment, until everyone else bowing around you reminded you to do the same. You kept your eyes trained on the floor.
“Now, now, there’s little need for that.” You can hear the amusement in his voice as he addresses the group. “My ego isn’t that big.”
There’s a light chuckle amongst the nobels, and you relax ever so slightly. 
As you look back up though, his eyes are trained on you. 
He smiles and you look away quickly. 
Heat rises to your skin as you feel his eye roam over you for a long moment before he clears his throat and gently pulls on the reigns of his horse. “Let’s head out.”
There are twenty one of you in total. The King, seven nobelmen, and thirteen servants. 
You fall to Hugo’s side a step behind, mirroring what other servants seem to be doing for their corresponding lords. 
The King leads. He talks candidly to the other lords, ignoring you completely and you start to relax. 
The group follows the trail into the forest, all being far too loud to actually hope to catch anything. But you’ve gathered that this is much more of a ‘let’s have a chat’ hunt, than ‘we need to find dinner’ one. 
The servant of Lord Shepten rolls his eyes when his master drones on about the lack of rainfall the past two months, and you both share a smile. 
Despite the Lord’s bemoaning the stream running parallel to the trail is moving strong. It widens, quickly being joined by other streams and becomes a small river. The water level isn’t particularly deep, easy for a horse to move through without getting their rider’s feet wet, but the bank is sunken down and steep. A bit of a sudden drop, and not something that you, or a horse, could easily climb out of. 
As the time stretches on you fall further back as Hugo moves closer to the King. It’s nice to see him so exctied, passionately talking to the King about his lands.
You’ve been riding for nearly forty minutes, the Earl of Delton being the only person to fire a shot. A waste of an arrow at some bird he couldn’t even see properly, when you come to a makeshift bridge across the river. 
The King stops. 
The bridge itself looks… uncooperative. Rickety. And narrow. Barely wide enough for one horse at a time. But you can see the care that has been taken in making it. How the wooden logs have been tied and stacked. 
“We’ll cross here.” The King says. 
A few of the Earl’s exchange looks. 
“Here, Your Highness?” Delton questions, a touch of nervousness in his voice. 
King John smiles at him, but the expression is anything but kind. “Is that a question?” 
“No sire, I…” Delton swallows and his manservant speaks for him.
“My lord was simply checking that he heard you correctly, your Highness.” 
King John nods to the servant. A much politer action than his words to the Earl. 
“Should we dismount?” The Earl of Cotington asks.
“No need.” The King clicks his tongue and flicks his reigns, his horse moves surely, smartly walking over the bridge with no trouble at all. When he has reached the other side you notice the King clicks the fingers of his left hand and your horse moves forward without your command. 
“Hey,” you pull on the reigns. 
“Pay no mind,” the King calls from the other side. “Alaric doesn’t like to be outdone.” 
You glare at him as your horse moves across the bridge, before you remember yourself. You catch the King’s grin of amusement at your expression as you look away.
“Seems your servant can’t control such a beast.” Delton says to Hugo, loudly. 
You bite your lip and barely manage to resist turning your head and telling him that his mother is a whore.
You miss the scowl that crosses the King’s face at Delton’s comment.
Just as you suspected, the bridge is firm and steady, and Alaric moves with intention. 
But nerves swim in your stomach, pull at your lungs. There was no way that Alaric moved simply because he wanted to. King John had signalled him with that click. 
The second all four hooves are on firm ground the King’s horse moves back a step. There’s a small crunch, then crash as the bridge collapses into the river. 
There is an exclamation from the other side, the Earls all shouting over the top of each other in a rather dramatic display. 
The King however stays calm, a small smile on his lips when you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“It’s fine!” He calls out to the others, silencing them immediately. “We will cross further up and travel back to the castle and meet you there.” 
There are some faint grumbles and exclamations of dismay before King John guides his horse towards the path, grinning wildly once his back on turned to the Earls. “Come on, servant.” He hisses. 
You swallow nervously and follow him further into the forest. 
It’s only a few paces until the path widens and he falls back so that he is riding next to you. 
You stare straight ahead, every muscle in your body tensed. In your peripheral vision, you can see him looking at you with a bemused smile. 
He lets the silence hang for a moment, seemingly savouring your discomfort. 
“Did you sleep well?” He asks politely enough, though there's an undercurrent to his tone that riles you up. 
You frown as you look at him and he chuckles. 
“You certainly did run off quickly last night.” 
You look away from him quickly, hear rising to your face.
“I should be insulted.” He continues to tease, but panic still grips your chest.
“I did not mean to cause you insult, I…” you blurt out and then pause when you see his expression and scowl at him. “You’re mocking me.” 
“Only a little.”
Your frown deepens and he laughs. The sound is not unkind. 
“You made the bridge collapse, didn’t you?” You ask.
For a moment you think he’s going to deny it, but he nods, still grinning. “I did.”
“It was set up to.”
“Yes but how-”
“Let a king have his secrets.” He smiles sweetly and it’s infuriating. 
You seethe for a moment, breathing deeply. “You also have Alaric well trained.” 
He raises an eyebrow at you.
“To come to you whenever you gesture.” 
Genuine amusement blooms on his face. “I am pleased that you didn’t miss that.” It sounds oddly like praise coming from his tongue. 
“All this just to talk to me?” 
He shrugs but nods.
“You could have just ordered me to see you.”
“Now, where’s the fun in that?” He moves a little closer to you. “Besides wasn’t this more theatrical?” 
You can’t help but smile slightly. “I did not know you had a love for the dramatic, your Highness.” 
“One must have their vices.” He says quietly. 
You both ride in silence for a moment. 
“What is your horse's name?” You nod your head towards the white mare. 
She pulls at the reigns slightly when she hears her name. 
“I didn’t take you as a lover of Arthurian legend, your Highness?” You inject a slight tease into your voice hesitantly. 
But you needn't have worried, his eyes light up happily. “It seems there’s a lot of misguided views you hold about me? I am to be feared. I have no love of stories.” He tuts in jest. “Someone must be spreading false rumours about me around the kingdom.” 
He looks at you again and your stomach twists. It’s such a gentle gaze. Something you feel almost undeserving of. 
You shake your head and look down at your reigns. 
There is another stretch of silence, but this one is more comfortable. 
After a while, you come to a clearing and the King reaches out, lightly touching the back of your hand. He points to the far side where deer are grazing.
For a moment you think he means for you to draw your bow, but he just looks at them happily. “They often graze here.” 
“You hunt them here?” 
He shakes his head. “Not in the meadow. I like there to be spaces that the deer feel as ‘safe’, it encourages them to stay in the forest and not move too far on.” 
You nod.
“We could stop here for a moment, rest?” The question in his voice gives you pause. It seems strange for a noble to ask your opinion like this, let alone the King. 
“Are you tired, your Highness?” You tease and he chuckles as he dismounts. 
To your surprise he moves to your left side, his hand outstretched to help you down. You swallow, a little giddy as you touch his fingers, allowing him to help you get down. 
His other hand lightly touches your hip as your feet touch the grass. 
“Should we hook their reigns to a tree?” You ask, gesturing your head towards the horses.
“No need,” he keeps a hold of your hand. “They will not wander.” 
Both Guinevere and Alaric have started to nibble at the vegetation underfoot. 
King John guides you to a tree. It is old, with a thick heavy bark and a wide canopy. 
“I used to sit under this tree as a child and read.” He smiles at the memory for a moment before he looks back to you, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. “When I was trying to hide from my Princely duties.” 
“I did not take you as someone who would shy away from your responsibilities, your Highness?” Your voice comes out surprisingly sure of itself despite the nerves squeezing your throat. 
His grin widens. “Well, it looks like that someone who spreads false stories about me is at least whispering one positive one into your ear.” He reaches out, using his free hand to softly touch your cheek. 
You swallow nervously, the action making a loud clicking sound. He seems to take great amusement at your obvious distress and leans a fraction closer.
“Why did you run off so quickly last night?” He raises his eyebrows at you playfully. “I didn’t even get a goodbye kiss.” 
“I’d argue that you did.” You whisper, your voice timid. But he laughs kindly. 
“I suppose you could be correct.” He drops his hand from your face, but extends his arm. 
You take it, a little hesitantly. 
You walk around the meadow, the King stopping and pointing out different plants and trees as you go, giving you snippets of facts and tales he’d read or been told, before you make your way back to the horses.
He offers to help you mount, and you accept without a second thought. 
Your nerves had all but disappeared by the time you near the castle. His company has turned oddly pleasant as he continues to talk. But what is the most puzzling thing is how he stops, asks you your thoughts and listens intently to your answers. 
Just before you both enter the castle grounds he stops you, and places a pendant in your hand without a chain. It’s heavy, bearing the seal of the King. 
You frown, but don’t get a chance to ask any questions. 
“Come to my rooms tonight, after dinner. Show that to the guards, they’ll let you in.”
“Your H-”
“I’ll take ‘no’, as a personal slight.” He grins wickedly, giving you a quick wink before he turns Guinevere and trots into the grounds. 
Thank you so much for reading!
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sonicstalker123 · 2 months
Genshin dating headcanons for some of the characters:
Xiao is the kind of guy who’s a bit of a tsundere. He’s not normally the one to give his partner nicknames, but when he does want to give his partner nicknames, it’s something cute like “darling”, “my beloved” or “precious”. He’s protective and even though he doesn’t show it, he’s somewhat possessive of his partner. If they’re hurt in any way, all hell will break loose. He will make them regret it. If Xiao is away for his Adeptus duties, he will write his letters whenever he gets the chance. If his partner goes on a quest, he would “I love you, please stay safe. If you need me, call out my name. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”
Itto is the kind of guy who is an idiot but a lovable idiot. He loves giving his partner nicknames, but ones he would love most are “honey”, “sweetheart”, “babe” and “lovely”. He is protective and possessive of his partner and will gladly protect them from anyone and anything. If his partner got hurt, Itto would summon his gang and take care of whoever or whatever hurt his partner. He gets very protective if his partner falls asleep on him, he wants to make sure that they’re safe from everything and hold them close. “I’ll make sure that you’re safe while you rest, darling, nothing can harm you.”
Scaramouche is the kind of guy who is also a tsundere. He would call his partner “idiot”, but in a loving way if that makes any sense. He is very protective and he may not show it, but he’s also possessive, but not to an unhealthy degree. If his partner got hurt? He would personally deal with whatever/whoever hurt them. He would hurt them brutally. If his partner accidentally hurt themself, he would deep down be very worried but not show it and mutter “don’t do that again, you fool.” He would definitely say “they may be an idiot, but they’re MY idiot. If you dare call them an idiot, I’ll make sure you regret it.”
Tartaglia/Childe is the kind of guy who is always optimistic but secretly has a dark side that his partner doesn’t know about. He gives his partner nicknames such as “comrade”, “darling”, “dear” and “beloved”. He is very possessive and extremely protective of his partner. He doesn’t completely show it, but if somebody harmed them in any way possible, he would make sure his partner is alright and “have a talk” with them aka personally dealing with them and will not hold back. He will have his moments where he will let them live, if his partner is nearby. He will also buy them gifts, like, all the time because he loves spoiling them.
Gaming (my beloved) would be the kind of guy to be a total sweetheart to his partner, showering them with gifts. He loves to kiss his partner on their forehead or their cheek very often and keep in touch with his partner if he’s away for his Wushou performances and bring them souvenirs like all the time. He would hold their hand (if they’re comfortable with it) when he and his partner are out together. If something/someone threatened his partner, he would protect them and say something like “sorry pal, you can’t threaten them like that!” He would love to hold his partner close to him and give his partner head pats.
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lotus02lavish · 5 months
✐✎ Yandere! Samurai Jack x Gn! Reader
➳{Never Ending Love}➳
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"They call me Jack, Samurai Jack."
《🌹↬Headcanons 🧠// Romantic 💋// Samurai Jack 💌// Violence 💘》
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·⊹๑⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
No longer the suffering of loneliness staying in his travels far and wide since you always accompany him, you are the one that makes Samurai Jack feel comfortable and perfectly natural with his full trust in you. No matter what happens next, he never wants to abandon you.
Always overprotecting you from anything in this dystopian future, especially from Aku. If that foul demon ever dares to lay a finger on you, Samurai Jack will definitely be merciless than he ever was before, and make sure that shape-shifting master of darkness does not have evil plans involving you anymore. "This fight is only between you and I, Aku!"
When a wicked creature or a new twisted robot is able to capture you as a bait for the samurai to come and rescue you, Yandere! Samurai Jack will not rest for days and will never stop looking every single place for you. By the time the stoic hero eventually found you, he cold-bloodedly sliced the kidnapper into ribbons, rage and brutality taking over his mind. "How could you take [Name] away from me!?"
‧₊˚⊹‧˚₊ The Royal Samurai runs towards you and gently pulls your head into his beating chest, reminding you that his heart is beating for you. Samurai Jack really misses hugging you tightly while fully smelling your scent and patting your back for comfort.  "Don't worry..." Samurai Jack whispered in a gentle tone, "I am here now; you are safe."
Samurai Jack is extra clingy to you, and he many times asks politely: "May I carry you?" "I want to hold you, please?" "Can I keep you this close?" Before picking you up in bridal style, cuddle, rest his head in your lap, and put your head on his shoulder.
If someone else is foolish enough to get near you and is flirty with no manners, Samurai Jack immediately pulls you closer to him, and he sends a death glare at the one who dares bother you. When you are not looking, Samurai Jack quietly eliminates the foe in a blink of an eye and pretends nothing happened.
꒰💌!🌸꒱ "Who confessed first?" To answer that lovely question, it is clear that Samurai Jack reveals his feelings to you. "I have fallen in love with you and will stay that way to the end of time. My love, are you able to see? Our relationship is intended to be."
"Ooh! From the looks of it, I think they're definitely yer type, laddie." Samurai Jack obviously asks his friend, the Scotsman, for guidance on how to be boyfriend material. His best pal just laugh his ass off to see the legendary warrior messing up his flirty and corny lines because of you. At the same time, the Scotsman is still supportive and gives a thumbs up to Samurai Jack becoming a maniac by impressing you with the 'water beetle' and 'peacock dance' moves. You confusedly join with the silly samurai and laugh together.
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Yandere! Samurai Jack does not need to stalk you since you likely prefer to be close to him and not wandering everywhere away from his sight. Even so, he does not let his guard down.
Samurai Jack thinks it is cute that you get jealous when some ladies approach him in an attempt to woo and compliment him. The Samurai happily tells those women that you are his significant other, and he will always remind you that no one can ever be your replacement.
"Not even death itself can stop me from protecting you." Samurai Jack does not let death take both of you apart. He cannot lose you. You are the one makes him still feel alive in the faraway future of Aku's. If you die, Samurai Jack will go insane and do anything to bring you back to life. He even also willing to go to the underworld in search of your soul!
As a friendly reminder that Samurai Jack's patience can grow thin, he lashes his anger at you once in a lifetime. This Japanese Prince felt in deep remorse and cannot forgive himself.
This Japanese man positively showers you with the 'princess treatment' every single day and enjoyably intertwined your fingers with his. What is more comforting in the night is the time when he hold you close to his chest for warm and you caress his head.
When Samurai Jack interlocks his fingers with yours and gently swing each other hands back and forth while walking or running together to the faraway lands, he will smile happily, and his cheeks will start warming up. The shy Samurai thought that he is holding the hand of a sweet angel from sacred heaven. (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞ (っ≧ω≦)っ
Thereafter, Samurai Jack is touch-starved and patiently waiting for the perfect time and place to be in your warm embrace. Surely, he willingly obey each word you command him. You want him to untie his hairbun down to brush his long hair? Settled! You need to heal his scars and wounds while kissing every boo-boo you find at every inch in his muscular body? With pleasure 😏
You pointed out that he reminds you of a cat because of his eyes, his lips, and his silly acts sometimes. The samurai chuckles as he kisses your forehead and says: "You thought of me as your kitten? I am flattered."
The wandering samurai knew the gaze on each other's eyes with adoration had deeper meaning than words that left to be said. However, Samurai Jack and you cannot stand eye contact too long since both of you end up blushing so much and look away shyly.
What a wonderful feeling for the prince charming to experience a true love kiss with you! it feels like a sweet fairytale. Oh, he has lovely dreams of you are his spouse, returning to his right time and beloved home together, and living happily ever after.
In the alternate ending, Jack ultimately realizes that he belongs with all of his friends, including you wearing a crown like his, standing by his side to look upon the bright future ahead, and united to vanquish Aku once and for all time. Finally, you and Jack spend a life of endless bliss. And in years to come, the two of you will reminisce how both of you have brought to the story to an end...
≫─ "I cannot let you go because...without you by my side, I will not have my happy ending."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·⊹๑⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
The Red Means I Love You - Madds Buckley
♡ --- "Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling." --- ♡
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amalia-uwu · 4 months
Final Exams
Undertale by Toby Fox! The rights go to the respective owners!
Sans x Female Reader, Sans & Female Reader
Warnings ⚠️ : angst, anxiety
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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels:
Inspired by fudgelling-away's comic @fudgelling-away and my exams.. :')
Sequel “Exams Day”
So, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I'm giving finals.. I wrote this to keep my sanity. Ha!... *sighs*
First Person's Point of View
I was a 5th years student in the university.
2 lessons. That's all it was for me to take my degree...
Yet, it seemed too much..
Sans.. Heh, Sans was visiting me, bringing me snacks patting my  shoulder, giving me hugs, encouraging me!
Heh, he even caught me many times not reading and just slacking off. Heh...
I always loved the face he had when he caught me red-handed.
He looked intimating yet I knew he wanted only the best for me..
I tried to read. I really tried.
But, by the time I began third year; I began feeling the grip on concentration slipping away.
So much studying. I went through everything fighting with tooth and claw for a job I loved so much.
I enjoyed reading!
Is just that now, I..am struggling..
Was it my age? Was it other problems I was trying to solve and got overwhelmed? Was it a combination?
Maybe a combination...
Now I was just tired. Everything seemed too much. Yet, I kept trying...
Even though my stomach felt like someone had made it a tight knot.. I kept trying.
Even though I felt an invisible hand gently touching my chest.. I kept trying.
Anxiety drowned me.. Squeezed me. I kept trying.
No matter what. I kept trying.
Eventually; I had enough.
It was one of these moments where I was sitting on the chair.
The book, laptop, opened in front of me.
I was reading but, the words didn't make sense.
Concentration had given up hope on me..
I lowered my face. Hands crossed on my lap. My hair covering my face. My lips in a tight line. Teeth clenched.
The air shifted, I knew who was about to appear.  "heya pal" I heard his deep soft monotone voice.
I felt a soft hand wrapping my shoulder. My hair were still covering my eyes.
"i brought you some snacks. coffee, fruits and some sweets. i see that you are studying, nice! call me if you need anything!".  He gently let the dish down with a soft sound.
He gave me a soft pat on my shoulders and let go of me.
I didn't want to speak but at the same time, it would be rude..
All this trouble for me... The least I can do is thank him.
"Thank you!" I said  softly with strain and mentally slapped myself...
Sans stopped. He turned around, something in my voice felt wrong. "are you okay?"
My shoulders began shaking. "Of course".
A couple of tears ran down my eyes. I removed my glasses.
Sans walked and stood next to me. He pulled the second chair and sat down.
He carefully brushed my hair to the side.
He gently took my face. Rough bones on my chin and cheeks. I refused to look at him.
"what's wrong?" his soft masculine voice held concern, care.
"Nothing". I said bluntly, hoping he'll go and just leave me alone!
"i'll count on 3", his phalanges moved and touched my shoulder, firmly yet gently.
Oh man; I should have known better, he won't let go so easily. I said nothing.
He began counting.
I refused to look at him and speak.
"2.5". I stayed silent.
"2.9". Ugh! I looked at him.
"Okay, I'll tell you! ". I held no malice, just slight annoyance, yet relief..
He stopped. I could understand that he was listening.
"Its the exams.. Im tired. My concentration has abandoned me... It's getting too much! I only have 2 lessons, yet I can't concentrate. I just can't... It's not like I don't want to, I can't concentrate! Plus, other worries... ".
He gently hugged me and caressed my back. Eventually I broke... I kept talking.
Telling him my fears; losing the ones I care about, staying alone, my physical appearance, my weight..
Everything, was spilled before him and he kept hugging me.
I buried my face on the crock of his neck. His soft hoodie a pleasant sensation on my face. Our sternum touched. He could feel my heartbeat on his sternum and I could feel his soul and soft magic trying to comfort me. He was warm in touch.
He waited for me too stop crying, some of my tears stained his hoodie.
He caressed my back. His phalanges through my hair.
Soon my tears faded to hiccups and shaky breaths.
He waited another couple of minutes before talking.
"assuming you fail is there another chance?" he asked pulling me away, his cyan eyes looking at my brown ones.
"Of course, either I take other lessons in summer or I give the same ones on September" I answered while cleaning my eyes with a napkin he gave me.
"okay, if you fail, is it the end of the world?" he never broke eye contact with me. I tried to keep my eyes on him but I felt shame for breaking in front of him.
"N-No..." I lowered my face. He raised it up to look at him. 
"will someone take your head?" his voice was so soft and caring...
"No.." My breathing became even.
"its gonna be okay! can you at least try?" he put both hands on my shoulders, he hugged me.
"Yes, *sniff* yes I can". I answered hugging him.
His scent sure calmed me down.
Wait... Was that a mixture of lavender and lotus? Heh... Really?
"do you like my fragrance?" he asked turning his head slightly. I nodded "Yeah.. The perfumes are comforting.. You always smell nice!".
He was silent for a while. He nerver smelled bad, even tho he could go days without a shower. He always smelled nice around me.
I could feel in my sternum, how his soul flattered. Ha! I got him shy and aaawww coochie coochie coo!
After a couple of seconds? Minutes? "go put on  one of your favorite dresses, add a little makeup and come here. im waiting". He said softly breaking the hug.
I looked at him dumbfounded but complied anyway.
I put on my blue dress with small navy blue flower designs.  I fixed my hair, added soft makeup and went to meet him.
He was waiting reading one of my books.
"I'm ready! Sorry you waited so long" I announced. He looked up at me and smiled.
"hm.. come with me". He grinned stretching his humerus.
I nodded gently holding him. I closed my eyes and I felt the wind shifting. The ground shifted under me.
"here we are" he informed.
I opened my eyes. I was at the beach, the soft breeze caressing my face. The sound of waves filled my ears.
We walked by the seaside.
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Photo by Travis Rupert from Pexels:
The salty smell, the breeze, the waves, him, alleviated my worries.
"Sans?" I asked timidly.
"hm?" his attention was on me; Oh stars!! I'll never get tired of those soft cyan eyes.
"Thank you! I mean it! For everything! May I treat you with some food?" you hoped he will say yes. Come ooonnnn!!! Say yes!
He smiled and nodded "sure, got something in mind?"
"You okay with sweets?" I asked, he wasn't picky but needed to know anyway, maybe he wasn't in the mood for sweets today.
"sure" he grinned and shrugged softly.
"Waffles?" I asked fixing my glasses and playing with the end of my silk black belt.
He chuckled "heh, sure! lead the way girl" he said.
I nodded, took him by the hand and leaded him to my favorite place.
I caught a glimpse of him grinning softly.
It took some minutes for us to go there. Once we did ; We sat down, there was glass in front of us, the sea and the palm trees, the road our view.
I ordered hazelnut praline with biscuit, and caramel ice-cream waffle.
While Sans took the milk chocolate with biscuit and vanilla ice cream.
We ate and chatted a little bit. I went to the bathroom and paid as promised.
We walked a little bit then he took me home.
"Thank you Sans"
"don't mention it moonlight" heh, that was a nickname he gave me. Along with «starlight».
He knew I was a shameless selenophile (someone who loves the moon).
I entered my home, took a shower, put on my pyjamas and laid down.
I texted him
you: Thank you I had a great time with you today!
Puntastic: heh, me too! but please try to worry so much! it will be okay!
you: I'll try! Thank you again! Goodnight! Sleep well!
Puntastic: you too!
I put the phone down. I laid down and closed my eyes with a smile all over my face.
I'll try whatever happens... Happens.
It will be okay, I'll be okay!
The end 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
One Shot away from Heartbreak - Joel Miller x reader
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Joel’s POV
Waking up is the hardest thing I’ve had to do since the outbreak. I didn’t think I’d ever wake up again when Abby was smashing that golf club against my head, I knew it was the end when she raised it above her head with both hands but the blow never came. There had been a crash, a yell, a gunshot and the hard thud of a body landing next to mine before everything fades to black.
“Y/N,” I groan out, eyes burning from the adjustment, “Where Y/N?”
“He’s awake!” Ellie’s voice rings clear before she’s appearing in my field of vision, along with Tommy, but no Y/N.
“Where’s Y/N?” I try to sit up but they push me back down and the throbbing in my head begins, “Where is he?”
“Whoa! Calm down pal, he’s right there. He saved your life.” Tommy pats my shoulder and I follow his gaze to the bed next to mine.
My heart sinks at the sight of him. He’s asleep, his chest rising and falling comfortingly, but He’s a wreck. His face is bloodied and bruised, a bandage going from his left eye to the corner of his right lip. He’s shirtless and in a pair of his old tattered trackies and his stomach is a galaxy of bruises as well as what looks like a healing gunshot wound. His left leg is in a cast and his face scrunches up in pain every so often.
“Oh Doll,” comes out in barely a whisper as I reach for him but he’s too far away, “What happened?” I look back at Ellie and Tommy as they help me sit up.
“He shot Abby, Abby was gonna kill you and he came charging in guns blazing.” Ellie gets excited at the action as he always does, “He shot her in the head in one shot then went after anyone when tried to go near you.”
“I’ve never seen him so angry Joel, He wouldn’t let anyone near you. Even the rescue party Ellie called for.” Tommy adds, shaking his head fondly, “Whatever happens, you need to keep him.”
“He’s scary when he’s angry.” Ellie rubs the back of her neck which is something she only does when worried.
Y/N was angry. He’s never angry. He’s the calm in the whirlwind of crazy this world has become. I wish he were okay, that he didn’t have to be angry. He deserves the world and everything good in it, not the ugly or violence.
Ellie and Tommy are moving, heading to Y/N and they oh so carefully begin pushing his bed closer and closer until our frames connect and oh god I can feel him. He’s alive and he’s real and all I can do is grip his soft hand in mine as I squeeze my eyes shut not wanting to cry as I hear the pair leave us be. 
It’s a few more hours of me drifting in and out of sleep before I hear it, my name “Joel?” It’s mumbled and followed by a hiss of pain. His eyes are fluttering open and those brilliant sunflower orbs are gazing up at me, blinking away the blurry vision from waking, “You’re here.” He whisper, dragging himself somewhat upright and he’s so close.
His breath is ghosting over my lips and his free hand is pressed against my cheek as his eyes become glassy with tears, “Oh god, you’re alive. I was so scared when I-“
I surge forwards, shushing him with the press of my lips on his and it works because he’s kissing me back and I’m pulling closer and he’s gripping my hair and scrabbling at my chest and i’m-
Someone clears their throat, pulling us apart. It’s Dina. She’s got an eyebrow raised as she forces Y/N to lay back down but doesn’t separate our beds while lightly scolding him, “You need to stay laying down until I say so Y/N. I’m not having you re-break your leg a third time now that Joel’s awake.”
Third time?! I look between Dina and Y/N as Dina begins to check over Y/N’s wounds and change the bandages. Dina doesn’t have to say how when Y/N looks away sheepishly - Y/N re broke it trying to get to my bed to check on me.
“Both of you need to get some rest,” Dina turns her stern gaze to me and I’m slinking down the bed until I’m laying down, Y/N’s hand already outstretched and searching for mine, “Sleep.”
I feel my eyes drifting shut before the door even shuts behind Dina, the familiar smell of Y/N engulfing my senses and the feel of his hand in mine knowing he’s safe. We’re safe.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
The Hustle | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: You and Rooster play a little game of Pool and you end up hustling him.
A/N: Your call sign is Hustle because you had tricked many people. This is also gender neutral. Also sorry if the pool is not the right rules or whatever I have never played pool before.
The minute Bradley walked into the Hard Deck he didn’t see any of his friends but he did see you alone at the pool table so he took his chance. A pretty person alone he just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
You were at the pool table just hitting some balls well attempting to. When he came up to you “you know your supposed to hit the ball right” he chuckles “I know but I just can’t seem to hit it” you say flashing him a smile. “Here let me help you” he comes behind you and positions the stick “it’s like this” and you hit the ball smoothly and the striped ball went in. You squeal “thanks” he shrugs “no problem I’m Bradley” you take his hand “I’m Y/N” for a while you and Bradley play well mostly him showing you how to play.
His friends had walked in a little bit ago and saw you two. They just let it happen knowing exactly what was about to happen. Rooster needed to be knocked down a few pegs in their opinion.
“Here’s an idea how about we play a game you vs me? We can even bet on it” You say “I don’t think so I don’t want to cream you plus I’d feel bad taking your money” “oh come on please. If not money around of drinks” you beg. “Ok fine a round of drinks but only us two” he says “yay” and you two shake. “You break” he says setting it up. This was always one of your favourite parts they always let you break first. You give him a light smirk before breaking you shoot stripes and make it. You look over to Bradley who’s in shock “Lucky shot” you shake your head before making every shot after except for 2 and the eight ball. Bradley was shocked how was this possible “your up pretty boy” he shook walked up to the table and took his turn only making 1 in. You next turn you won “ok pretty boy I’ll take a Y/D” “no beginners luck again” you smirk time to earn some money “ok $50 and a round on you” “your on” and you two shook hands. "You can break first this time" You spot Phoenix in the growing crowd and wink. To which she just rolls her eyes at your antics. She knew from personal experience what was happening.
Rooster did better this round but you still killed him. "Pay up" you say holding your hand out. Rooster grumbled and handed you a $50, "Hey Rooster I see you met Hustle" Phoenix say coming and patting him on the back "Who?" "Hustle they are joining our division" you smirk "yep Y/N "Hustle" Y/LN at your service" "Oh great now I see where the name comes from" Rooster says "don't worry pal she's done it to all of us. Her first victim was Hangman I think he lost like $200" Coyote says coming up behind them joining the conversation. "But about that drink" You say giving Rooster a look "i'm going i'm going" and he leaves to your drink.
"hey Penny" "Rooster hey your usual?" "no not this time just Y/D" "ah got played by Y/N" he makes a face "How'd you know?" "I saw you two playing and that's their usual" he nods pays and hands you your drink. "Thank you kind sir and your tip" you say handing back the $50 "no you won that maybe not fair and square but it's yours" you shake your head "nope I always give the money back" he takes it "thanks" "no problem besides I just like hustling people for their reactions not their money" he nods and walks away to Phoenix. "Hey Hustle you actually buy that one or hustle it out of someone" you smirk "oh Bagman when was the last time I actually paid for my own drink" he smirked "so whose the loser who got played" "well he's not a loser, I think he's kinda cute and he's right over there" you say pointing "oh Bradshaw" and Rooster looked over. "You fell for good ole Hustles trick here" Rooster rolls his eyes not wanting to do this "yeah but sounds like you lost $200 I only lost $50" "go big or go home"
You say stepping in between the two men "ok ladies now there's enough room for all of us. Now come on Bradley you can tell me about your call sign and I promise I won't hustle you" Rooster nods and you two sit down next to Phoenix and Bob.
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chellesdump · 8 months
Sana Potter - MiSa (2NA)
"All Sana wanted was to watch her favorite series of movies alongside her members but when everyone tells her they are busy she gets so upset. That is until big sister Mina comes to the rescue making Sana feel so magical and happy "
word count ─ 1.2k
tags ─ little! sana, big sis! mina, autumn, harry potter, cuddles
notes ─ This is for the Magic prompt, so of course it had to be Sana Potter. So enjoy :3
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Sana woke up refreshed after the relaxing night she had, which meant that all her energy was recharged, she tried to decide what she was going to spend the day doing, but no matter how much she tried to come up with any idea she just couldn't think of anything, that was until a voice call for her from somewhere within the house.
“Sana! You just got mail” said the voice which seemed to be Jihyo from the living room.
Sana ran towards where she heard Jihyo, grab whatever thing the mailman just brought for her, thanking the leader with a “Thank you Hyo, love yah!”, she ran back to her room to open the package. Inside was her new blanket hoodie, it was Harry Potter-themed, with all the characters displayed in a pattern, so this gave her an idea of how to spend the day away.
She was watching… HARRY POTTER.
Now she only needed to find someone to watch the movies with, since watching them alone isn’t the most fun thing to do, so her adventure to find a movie pal started, she went to find Momo in her room, but when she was about to open the door remembered that Momo was in Japan for a schedule.
After Momo’s room she went to look for Hyo, she was sure she would want to watch a movie with her, “Hyo! Wanna watch Harry Potter wif’ me? I gots a new blanket to watch it” excitedly asked Sana with a glimmer in her eyes, but disappointment came when Jihyo told her she couldn’t right now since she was called into a meeting but maybe later.
Then she went to find Jeongyeon, maybe she was willing to watch at least one of the movies with her, but as such had been her luck Jeong wasn’t able to do it either, “Sorry Sha but I’m taking Peanut to the vet for a checkup, but you know I’d be more than happy to spend time with you if I could” sadly told her the older girl giving a pitiful pat on the younger’s head before going out the door.
Finally, she went to Nayeon’s room to ask her to watch the movies with her, but upon arrival, she found Nay was getting changed, “Where you going?” asked Sana clutching her stuffed Hedwig plush against her chest, “Oh Sana! Didn’t hear you enter, but to answer your question I’m taking the maknaes to their doctor's appointment” answered Nayeon fake whispering the last part before chuckling, but she found that Sana’s gaze was on the floor and she was so quiet. 
“Is something the matter baby?” questioned Nayeon stuffing her purse with the necessities for the day, “Wanted to watch Harry wif’ you Mama, but you busy” sadly answered the Japanese girl burying her face on the plushes back, this broke Nay’s heart but she needed to take the girls to the doctor, so with a heavy heart told Sana that if she was still up to it when she came back from the doctor they could watch the movie together.
Sana was sulking in the living room, stray tears came out of her eyes and quiet sobs dominated her body, this made her even more upset as she wasn’t supposed to be mad at the girls for being busy because they told her that if they could they would do it but for someone as little as she was at the moment it was beyond upsetting.
Mina came into the living on her way to the kitchen to grab a beverage, but stopped in her tracks upon seeing the upsetting scene of Sana quietly sobbing on the sofa, she went towards the sofa and sat beside the crying girl asking her what was wrong.
“Mitang!” yelled Sana launching herself to hug the penguin girl, “I w-wanna watch Ha-harry but everyone b-busy, no one watch mo-movies with Satang” sobbed the Shiba Inu retelling how everyone had things to do and so she was alone, Mina gave her a hug before getting up and going to the kitchen before heading to her room.
Sana got even sadder and more upset seeing how Mina just went back to hiding in her room ignoring the older one, she was getting mad at hearing all the ruckus that Mina was making from her room. Every once in a while she would see Mina coming into the kitchen, grabbing something, and retreating back to her room, this same pattern lasted around 20 minutes with the only difference of sometimes going to the linen closet instead of the kitchen.
It was about the 15th time Mina came out of her room and ignored Sana, and she was fed up with it, except this time Mina came straight to Sana and extended her hand out for her to take, with some apprehension Sha took the offered hand and followed Mina to… Mina’s room, why would she finally decide to invite Sana inside when she had been ignoring her for the last 20 or so minutes, since she was upset she made her thoughts known.
Mina began laughing, which made Sana mad about how she could be cruel to Sana for voicing her feelings, the penguin quickly recovered from her laughing fit and reassured Sha about how she wasn’t ignoring her and that they were there to give her a big surprise. Opening her door Mina let Sana inside and showed her what she had been preparing the last 20 minutes, there was a blanket fort surrounding the TV, and there was a wide range of bowls with snacks that Sana loved, some were even Wizarding World-themed, it was so magical looking with the fairy light hanging from the makeshift ceiling of the fort.
Sana’s heart warmed up and once again the tears made themselves present in her eyes, Mina got worried, “Did you not like it Satang? I’m so sorry” mused the penguin, but Sana was quick to say the contrary, “Like it? I wuv it Mitang!! Fank you for this you da best sister I could have!” finished the Shiba hugging the sentimental ballerina.
Once both girls were calm enough they started watching the first movie of the series, drinking the butter beer (non-alcoholic, of course, they are Alcohol Free) Mina had made with so much love and eating all the snacks. After the first movie had ended and the second one was around the middle Sana was so relaxed that falling asleep was imminent, before letting her heavy eyelids win the fight against sleep she let Mina know how grateful she was for her doing all this just to make Sha happy.
“Of course Satang, that’s what big sisters are for. We are here to make our tiny sisters happy, I love you so much” whispered Mina leaving a tiny but filled with so much love kiss on top of Sana’s head cuddling her harder and also succumbing to sleep’s arms. That’s how the rest of the members found them with happy smiles plastered on both their faces, Nayeon and Jeongyeon picked them up into the bed, tucking them under the covers and leaving them to rest… not before taking a photo to save the warm moment between the Japanese girls.
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If you’re doing the drabbles still: Gus telling Creature about what Gatlus was like before the G3 invasion? Or just the two trying to bond sometime after the events of the game or between bounties
The drabbles are open, always 🤲 Thank you for the ask ^^
Here's to two sweet lil' guys bonding while BH and the rest of the team are out kicking butt. (and a tiny bit of existential angst)
"Hey, Gus, Gus," Creature called out.
"Huh - What-" Gus jerked awake, "What's up pal?"
He'd dozed off a while back, during a particularly boring part of a documentary on Earth sea slug reproduction that Lizzie had put on to annoy Gene. She’d “hidden” the remote by the staircase, before heading out, leaving the trio of Gene, Creture, and Gus to watch the thing.
Gene only complained for about 5 minutes, before falling asleep, and Gus was quick to follow. He hadn’t quite realised how exhausting a life of bounty-hunting would be, and didn’t complain too much, if at all, when Bounty Hunter left him and Creature at home during this one mission.
Creature on the other hand seemed utterly unaffected by fatigue. It seemed like the added stress of constant near-death experiences was comparable, or even lesser than, that of constantly having a dozen kids.
“Were you sleeping?” Creature asked.
“Yes pal,” Gus blinked in annoyance, “Did you wake me up just to ask that?”
“No, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead.” The Gatlian shrugged, as much as his shoulder-less body would allow.
“I was just sleeping, why would you-”
“This movie Lizzie put on, it’s got me thinking,” Creature turned towards the TV, he paused for a second, his gaze lost in the wavy colourful shapes of sea slugs merging into a singular non-distinct mass of alien bodies, “We are the last Gatlians out there. Our planet is gone, and we will never be able to repopulate it again, just the six of us. All our traditions, songs, dances,” he nudged towards the screen, with a melancholic look painted over his face, “We’ll never be like them. My little freaky babies … they will never get to have little freaky babies of their own. You know?”
Gus was at a loss for words. Sure, he knew what he needed to say, which just so happened to very closely align with what he wanted to say, but Creature’s unprompted nihilistic philosophic speech had taken him by surprise.
Thankfully it seemed that Creature’s children were unaffected, as they spent the few minutes they had staring at the mating sea slugs in silent and confused awe.
“Ah, I’m sure there’s more of us out there,” Gus scruffled over and gave Creature a little pat on the shoulder. “Bunty Hunter will keep looking, and so will we. We’ll be alright buddy, we’ll rebuild. There might no longer be a home for us on Gatlus, but we made a good home for ourselves here, don’t you think?”
Creature turned to face Gus, earning him twelve displeased groans from his back.
“You mean that? Because I don’t think you mean that, not after how you got mad at Kenny for destroying our home planet,”
“I mean, he literally caused the downfall of our fucking-” Gus cut himself off, shaking his head. There was no use getting worked up over something Creature didn’t remember, and couldn’t possibly understand.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
“You know, there’s something we could do before the others return. Bounty Hunter won’t get it, and Lizzie might yell at us, but it was somewhat of a tradition back on Gatlus. When someone close, like a best friend went on a very long journey, and we didn’t know when they’d return we’d throw them-”
“A surprise party?” Creatrue excitedly interrupted.
“No, not a surprise party. A bucket of Takeocot purée.”
“A what now?”
“Takeocot purée. I’ll show you how to make it. Well, we usually did it before they left, for good luck and to repel mud-bugs on their travels, but I’m sure they’ll get our meaning.”
The smile on Creature’s face was contagious, and Gus couldn’t help but mimic the grin. It had been so long since he’d engaged in casual tasks like this, and even longer since he’d done anything Gatlian.
“How are the two of you gonna make whatever that thing is, considering you have two arms between the two of you, and no way of getting down from this coffee table?” Gene suddenly interrupted.
“Aaah – I thought you were sleeping!” Creature exclaimed.
His children hissed at him again, in reaction to the loud noise.
“I woke up when you said repopulate,” Gene scratched his face. “Do you want me to call Lizzie to help you with your mushy-mushy bonding activity?”
“No thank you,” Gus dryly stated.
“I mean, he’s not wrong about us only having two arms,” Creature tried to argue.
“Two plus twenty-four,” Gus nodded towards Creature’s babies.
“Oh, right.”
With the roar of a dozen babies who were just told to stop watching TV, Creature’s children hopped off his back and helped the duo down from the coffee table before carrying them to the kitchen, as per Gus’s instructions.
When Gene straightened up on the couch, attempting to catch a peak of what they were doing, one of the babies ran up to him and hissed at his face. He would have bitten him too, had he not puffed out of existence that very moment.
“You know Gus,” Creature spoke while Gus rummaged through the cupboard he could reach, in search of the necessary ingredients, “We should do this more often; you telling me about stuff I’m supposed to remember, me telling you about how hopeless the future would be without my friends.”
“Sure thing, pal.” Gus smiled in reply, “Just maybe without the hopeless future part, next time.”
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` Peaceful Reader AU ` [ 1 ]
- Madness combat x reader
Warning : Death(?) , Trigger , Emotional (?) , diseases
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---------------- Start ----------------
" what-.what do you mean My child won't last more than two years? "
" We are sorry, your child has a very weak body. So they also had other diseases. We can't help them. "
One Doctor spoke and stare at the weakling grunt name ' y/n '
" the best You should spend time with your child before they can rest for eternity. "
After speaking, they left the room.
Your Pov :
I started to look at my mother She cried and hugged me tight, I feel weak, can't do anything, just lay in the hospital waiting to die.
" mom, don't cry.. I'm still here hehe.. "
I hugged my mother with a smile.
" My dear. I just-.. *sob* just feel unfair. "
Her words hurt my heart again.
" Can you at least smile at me? I want to see your smile again! "
" I-I will try.. "
She smiled at me as her tears fell. She kissed my forehead and left the room. She left two lilies on the flower jar. I hold 1 Lilly and look at it .
" I wish someone could help me be normal again, I don't want to be a weakling .. It's so alone.. I want to be free and be myself again.. "
I mumbled and stare at a lily. Later, an unknown door opened. I saw a mysterious figure in a cloak with stars on they face. They walked up to me and touched my forehead. I feel very warm and relaxed.. Unconsciously, my eyes began to close.
" Wake up , Weakling "
I heard a strange sound calling my name. I feel very dizzy.. but try to focus around.. Just a moment! Where am I?!!!
" Ah, you're finally awake "
"Excuse me, where am I? Who are you? So what am I doing here?? "
I have a lot of questions in my head. but don't want to ask-
" You're in my realm, I'm The Maker "
" The Maker?.. Hmm "
" You don't need to know much about me, weakling "
" Alright ! But can you tell me what I'm doing here?? "
I asked Them to know his answer.
" You should calm down. You're here because I have a job for you. "
They spoke and looked down at me.
" a job? for me? I'm only a child not even older. "
I mumbled and glance at him.
" Easy work, don't worry, you will become sane grunt, But the incurable disease remains with you. "
They began to go down on my level. he smirk about how short I was.
" Uhm.. Can you tell me what incurable disease means? "
They stunned at my word, like somethings very wrong about it?
" Didn't that doc tell you?"
I stare at they and shook my head.
" Hmm. Incurable disease in this sense is 'Ice blood' You will feel cold all the time and have a weak body. But I wonder why you can survive longer than normal grunt.. because the disease can only kill people in 2 days. "
They stare at me and pat me like I'm a little puppy.
"But it can also make grunt around you relaxed and calm, you know? "
They began to carry me and floating up, I see many stars on the sky It so beautiful.. I never seen this before..
" Well the job is live as sane grunt and make grunt around you calm . "
They closed my eyes and send me somewhere.. Will I able to be warm like that again?
- Present Time -
Somewhere at Nevada
Your POV : It been long time that I Live in Nevada and still not die yet-Many people died from the three criminals by joining the AAHW. But good for me I don't join the AAHW things.. Because I have a weak body plus Fighting is not for me, remember the job that the maker told me? yes ' live as sane grunt and make grunts around me calm. ' I rarely to show up on the public or many place, so many people don't recognize me.
Let get back to the point.. I'm sitting with a friend named.. ' Hank J. Wimbleton ' I know he's crazy person but he not attacking me and asking me for being his pal. I feel so curious right now- I decided to whisper to him.
" hey! how was your day "
Hank turn to me, damn he look so scary too.
" Good. "
" that's a great, I will go now we can hangout tomorrow ! "
I nervous about his answer would be..
" can I follow you. "
Yes, Like I thought he would said that
" no no! hank.. I want to have my personally space too- "
" You know that, you can't stop me. "
" If you follow me, I will not let you hangout tomorrow. "
I sigh and hug him before walking away, he stunned about 5 minutes and wave back at me.
walking away from him is not really good choice but I will let him choose about follow me or go back to his place. I walking back to my house that look like abandoned house, of course.. I made my house look sinister so nobody will enter my house while I'm resting :)
I opened the door, inside my house clean don't even have trash on the table or on the floor. I walked up to the second floor. there only have a bed for one grunt, I changed my clothes and took off the scarf and hat. another day of life , another day of memories .
" Don't worry about your life time, [ Y/N ] . "
" You are their weakness, you know? "
(( hello! this is my first time that writing this stuff if there have some mistake . I'm apologies! TvTT
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Inner Monster and Friend
Summary: Moon Knight system meets their first werewolf. They have a lot more in common than they think. Special guest star: Jack Russell. Werewolf by Night cross over. 
Warning: Minor violence.
Word Count: 4405
Word Prompt:  Moon
“Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night?” Khonshu’s voice echoed through Marc’s mind as he stared down at the creature before him. 
“He’s so small. Marc, look at him.” Steven had been the one to take the creature out. Marc had given it a hell of a run around and fight, taking slashes and bites that even the suit took a minute to heal. Finally Steven had gotten around it and slammed it over the head with his batons. 
It had let out a sound not unlike that of a dog getting kicked and Steven had immediately gone on a string of heartfelt apologies to the unconscious thing. 
“What the hell is it?” Marc took over before Steven could start petting it. 
“It’s not a jackal.” Steven supplied. 
“No shit.” Marc sighed. “Looks like a…” He didn’t want to say it. 
“A werewolf.” Steven knelt down near it and rolled it over. “But he’s so small!” 
“Yeah I heard you the first time!” Marc picked up the creature and was happy it was small, considering he had to carry it across the city. “If this is a werewolf, you know what that means?” 
“That they are real!” Steven’s glowing eyes went wide. “My stars.” 
Marc hefted the fuzzy creature over his shoulder and started to make his way down the street. This was awkward. 
“No. I mean, yes they are real. But that’s not what I’m getting at!” He huffed, thankful for the super strength the suit provided. “It means that in the morning he’s going to be a man again!” 
“Oh.” Steven mulled it over. “OH! Poor man. It must be terrible for him.” 
“Yeah well, he’s still a monster right now. We need to get him somewhere safe before he wakes up and tries to eat people again.” Marc picked up the pace. 
“Where are we taking him?” Steven glanced around nervously. He really hoped it wasn’t to his own flat. There were so many very breakable things there… 
Marc paused. “Uh. I don’t know. I figured we could lock him somewhere. Leash him to something in the flat?” 
“We bloody well are not!” Steven put the breaks on and held up one of the animal’s large clawed hands. “Look at these! One wrong slash and it’s bye bye Guses!” 
“Alright. Where are you going to put him then?” Marc felt the creature shift slightly. “We need to decide quickly. It can’t be good to keep bashing him over the head.” 
“I’m thinking I’m thinking!” Steven looked around the street. “Oh! We’re close!” He turned around and started to backtrack down a street. 
“Close to what? Where are we….No! No! Bad idea! There’s no good place to leash him! He could get out and demolish the whole place! Not to mention the amount of dangerous things I have stored in there!” Marc tried to put on the breaks but Steven was determined. 
“Oh please, it’s not like he’s going to set off a rocket launcher or grenade bin.” Steven chuckled. 
Marc was silent. 
“...Marc, please tell me there is not a bin of grenades in there!” 
“Marc Spector are you kidding me?” Steven turned down a street and looked up at the storage facility. “What kind of maniac keeps a bin of grenades just sitting in a storage locker?” 
“Where else was I supposed to keep them? Not like I could hide those in your flat! You’d have pulled a pin or something!” 
“I don’t care how you do it, but you are going to get rid of those ASAP.” Steven grumbled under his breath. “Probably has enough TNT in there to blow England off the bloody map.” 
“I’ll call up my pal Frenchie later. I’m sure he can off load them on someone…” Marc sighed. He carefully avoided telling Steven about the other things he had stored in there, like the actual rocket launcher he kept in the back. 
“You got the keys?” Steven patted the pockets on his fancy suit. He wondered how the suit worked. Did it hold his things and Marc’s things separately? Was it some sort of pocket dimension? 
“Yeah. Gimme a sec.” Marc set the creature down and removed the suit completely. It always felt draining to take it off. All the extra power and strength and healing it provided would slip away, leaving behind the regular tired and beaten up man inside. Now with sharing with Steven, it seemed to take a little extra out of him when it left. 
He patted his pockets and pulled out his keys. Opening the door, he checked to make sure everything was still undisturbed then lifted up the creature with considerable more effort this time. 
“Hey, a use for your old cot!” Steven piped up as they lay the creature down across it. “Here I thought this was just a waste of money each month.” 
“Great. Now what? We hope he stays knocked out till sunrise?” Marc moved to his storage bins and started moving them around, hoping that maybe he still had some rope or chains or zip ties or anything to help contain the creature. “It does turn back at sunrise, right? Is there a set time? Like does the sun have to be fully up? Or is it like at five on the dot?” 
Steven sank down a little. He knew Marc didn’t like him seeing what was in the bins. It was why Marc still kept it all separate from their shared space. He didn’t like being judged or feeling Steven squirm as he looked at the guns and knives. There were also personal items locked away in there that Marc couldn’t bring himself to get rid of but that were too painful to keep around. 
Marc pulled out some heavy duty ropes and moved to the creature. He hesitated then started with tying his hands behind his back then roping his ankles together. He had nothing to tie him down to but maybe this might be enough. At least to slow him down a little. 
“We’re on watch duty then.” Marc sat down on a trunk and tapped his fingers on his knees. If that thing so much as sneezed wrong he would suit up and prepare to beat it unconscious again. 
“He’s not really a monster, is he?” Steven pondered. “Look at him. Not at all what I thought they’d look like. I thought they’d be bigger. Harrier. More teeth. More muscle. Just… Scarier.” 
“Steven, we fought him for an hour. He’s big enough.” Marc sighed loudly. 
“Well he was scared is all.” Steven gestured to him. “He’s a wild creature! How’d you like it if once a month something horrible happens to you and it’s painful and scary and suddenly you’re out somewhere you didn’t expect to be and people are mad at you and hurting you!” 
Marc frowned and looked at his watch. “I don’t know. Doesn’t mean he should just be out there hurting people. You see a wolf out in the forest and it’s majestic, you put that same wolf in a school yard and your views on all that majesty go away real fast.” 
They sat in silence for a long time. Steven insisted they trade off to give one another a break, though Marc never really left Steven alone. Thankfully the creature seemed to have been exhausted as it continued to sleep. Turns out fighting two moon god avatars really took it out of you. 
Steven was on watch when the creature suddenly let out a pained whimper. It snarled and thrashed in the restraints, pulling and clawing at anything it could reach. 
Steven got up nervously and looked around as if trying to find some sort of guide on what to do when your imprisoned werewolf tries to escape. 
“Uh…Uh… Oye!” He clapped his hands to get the beast’s attention. “Hey! Stop that! That’s not nice!” 
The beast stopped and stared at Steven as if noticing him for the first time. It took a careful sniff then growled lowly. 
“Hiya. Uh… Remember me?” He waved. “Yeah, sorry about that. Didn’t want to whack you like that, but you were chewing on our cape. You know, if you’re hungry, maybe I can find you a steak or something. I know this nice, fancy place. I could ask for it extra rare? Is that why you act out? Cause you’re hungry?” 
The creature snarled loudly and part of the rope snapped free. 
“Bollocks. Suit!” He summoned the suit quickly and pulled out the poles, ready to start bashing over the head again if he had to. “Come on, now. I don’t want to fight you again. I’m sorry if we startled you before. Stupid pigeon said a traveler was in danger and we came across you about to snack on this poor bloke! What are we supposed to think?” 
The creature eyed him, no longer pulling on the ropes. He watched the sticks wearily. 
“See these?” Steven held up the sticks. “Don’t try to run off or eat me and you don’t have to worry about these.” He put them away slowly. “See? There’s a good dog.” 
“Steven.” Marc spoke up anxiously. “That is not a dog and I do not want to have to fight that thing again. Give me the body.” 
“Well if you don’t scare it then you won’t have to fight it!” Steven huffed. “I got this.” 
The beast was staring at him with wide eyes, following his every shift and movement. It looked tired. The kind of exhaustion that comes from too many nights and too many days bleeding into one. The look of a human who had wondered too many times if this was going to be the last night. If this was the last time. 
It was a look that Steven had seen on Marc’s face far too many times. “He’s hurting.” Steven sat back down and removed the mask. “Almost morning. I think you’ll make it just fine.” 
The creature lay back on the cot, snuffing the air and squirming lightly. It was distressed by the ropes but didn’t dare try to escape again. Something had pacified it. Perhaps, Steven reasoned, it was how close dawn was. The transformation was probably exhausting. 
Steven stepped forward and held out a hand, thankful for the protection of the suit. The beast eyed it warily and bared his teeth. Rope was nothing compared to pure desperation and the beast knew if he truly desired it, he could be free. 
Steven swallowed hard. “Hey. You’re okay.” He held out his hands, palms open to show he held no ill intent. The beast stared at the white gloves as one might stare at the moon. “You know,” Steven smiled bright, “I’ve touched hundreds of thousands of moons with these hands. I wonder if you can sense it.” 
“Steven, what are you doing?” Two voices of caution spoke up at the same time. Both had sensed the danger, but one was starting to move closer and closer to the front. 
“He looks sad.” Steven slowly moved closer and placed a hand lightly on the creature’s arm. “If you promise not to eat me, I’ll untie these.” 
The beast grunted loudly, huffing as it tensed from the unfamiliar touch. When it didn’t immediately go to bite, Steven was encouraged. 
“See? Not so bad, is it?” He moved lower and started to carefully undo the ropes.
 “Bad idea. This is a bad idea. What if it breaks out?” Marc tried to push forward. 
As if sensing the switch, the beast growled and snapped in warning, pulling its hands free and crouching down on the cot. It reached down, clawing at the ropes around his ankles till they fell away in shreds. 
“I don’t think it likes you.” Steven pushed forward again and grinned. “Don’t mind him. You’re a good boy. Marc’s just a grumpy head sometimes.” 
He smiled as he watched the beast relax again, just a little. 
“See? Almost morning. You made it through the night. About time to rest up, huh? Let someone else drive for a while. I know the feeling well, mate.” Steven sat back down, giving the creature space. 
As if on cue, the beast let out a distressed sound then started to transform.  Steven cringed as the body before him twisted and curled up on itself. 
They watched the fur fade, the sharpness soften, and the eyes deepen with sadness. 
It was over quickly and a man lay where the beast had been. He was indeed small, his frame trembling in exhaustion as he tensed and cringed with the remains of urges that were not his own. Things inside that screamed run hide fight survive in a language that he now only vaguely understood. 
His eyes fluttered open and glanced around, seeking comfort and the knowledge that he was safe. His eyes slid over Steven in confusion, taking in the bright white suit. “Moon…” He mumbled as the suit blurred in his vision. 
“Hey, it’s alright. You’re safe.” Steven let his suit disappear. He wondered if the suit carried any of the properties of the moon. Did it affect the wolf in the same way? 
“Sí. Estás seguro.” The man muttered, not understanding the statement. “The wolf is asleep again.” 
Marc took over, getting up and moving to a storage bin to find clothes. He hoped old fatigues would be okay as he pulled out some rough clothes still lightly dusted in sand and gunpowder. He set them beside the man and cleared his throat. 
“Mnh. Lo Siento. It takes a while to let it go. I just… Do you have coffee?” He slowly sat up, cringing as his head swam and the world was still too raw. He could smell the old grease and gunpowder around him. He could also smell old blood that was carefully packed away somewhere deep under the weight of sweat and pain. It made him nervous. 
“I know a place we can go once I’m sure that you’re in control.” Marc crossed his arms and stared down at the man. A beast was one thing. A man holding the power of a beast was ten times worse. At least with a beast of the night he knew what to expect. 
“Yeah yeah. Just the residual confusion. Passing of the torch is always rough.” He waved a hand and offered a pained smile. “Just waving at my enemy as we pass by each other. There he goes. See you in a month. I hope not, but I know better.” 
Marc felt Jake rise up and pull. It was not like him to ask for control. Especially when around new people they didn’t know. He tensed a moment, wondering if there was a danger that he had not seen but that Jake had. 
Jake pulled again, this time not asking. He stared down at the man. “Dios mio. I know you. Jack?” 
Jack stared up at Jake in confusion for a moment, startled to hear his name. Comforted to hear his name. It helped to pull him back into himself. Grounding and confirming that he was indeed the man and not the monster. 
“You are!” Jake grinned. “Jack Russell! I saw you at the club a few times!” 
Both Steven and Marc raised eyebrows at that. They didn’t think Jake was the night clubbing type. 
“Not that kind of club, idiotas.” Jake bristled a little, embarrassed. “Dancing. He plays the guitar and sings. He is not bad.” 
Jack slowly sat up fully and started to pull the offered clothes on. “Yeah… I remember you now.” He sniffled a little, his senses still heightened. He could vaguely make out the smell of the man before him. It was strange. The light aftershave. The mixture of different types of soaps layered on from different days. The oil in his hair. The faint faint smell of cologne that he had worn to the club a few times… But under it all he could smell the person. 
He could smell the pheromones that seemed to fluctuate. The stress hormones that raced up and down constantly. The anxiety and the chemicals that shifted over and over and over. This was a man that moved like the tide. 
Jack shook his head and exhaled forcefully, clearing the scent from his nose. “You played two nights ago. It was very lovely.” 
Jake blushed. “I’m just an amateur.” 
“Excuse me.” Marc took hold. “Hate to interrupt this reunion, but I’d love to address the werewolf in the room.” 
Jack looked up, startled by the sudden change. The accent had suddenly gone from a familiar South American to angry American region. Even his body had changed stance and the scent of stress and pain had returned. 
“Hey now, there’s no need to be rude.” Steven chided. “Let’s get the man some coffee. I know I don’t function without my morning cuppa.” 
The accent jumped the pond and the posture sank in on itself, growing smaller and softer. Hormones shifted and anxiety rose a little but stress melted away. 
“What…” Jack stared a moment. He shook his head to clear it and glanced around again, taking in the storage unit for the first time. He also noted the shredded ropes on the floor. “Who are you?” 
“Oh! How rude of us.” Steven flustered. “I’m Steven! With a V. That was Marc. Pay no mind to him. He’s got no manners.” He mouthed the word ‘American’. “Before that was Jake. I think he’s a fan of yours. Yep. He’s telling me to shut my yap so I’m pretty sure he’s a fan.” 
Jack sighed and stood up, slipping his feet into the large boots provided. “Jack Russell. Pleasure to meet you, I hope.” He still wasn’t sure about this person. Persons? He had absolutely dealt with stranger things. He was a stranger thing, by his books. “May I inquire about last night? I didn’t… You know… Is everyone okay?” 
“Yeah about that.” Marc cut in gruffly. “We found him running through the streets about to jump some guy. There was no trail of carnage that we are aware of, so maybe we caught him in time. But you need to work on that. You can’t just let that thing run rampant!” 
Jack stared at him for a moment, his head cocked to the side slightly. He slowly nodded. “Thank you for stopping me. I normally don’t run rampant. I have a system, you see.” He brightened. “It is normally a very good system! There are safety checks in place. I have been doing this a long time. Usually it works well.” 
“So what happened this time?” Marc tossed him a jacket. The man looked smaller in Marc’s heavy duty combat clothes. It was easy to see the strain in his face and how his hands trembled just a little. 
“I’m willing to bet it was the man you stopped me from jumping.” He grimaced as he pulled on the coat. “Hunters. They go around trying to eliminate things like me. They’ve been on my tail since… Well there was an incident and I pissed a few of them off.” 
“You’re the traveler of the night…” Marc mumbled under his breath. “Stupid cryptic bird…” 
Jack adjusted the coat and shoved his hands deep into the side pockets. He felt something cold and metal touch his fingers and he pulled out a set of dog tags on a chain. Marc Spector. He carefully put them back in the pocket. “So. About that coffee?” 
“Of course!” Steven smiled. “Jake knows a place. His favorite spot, really. That I’m aware of. Unless the club has coffee.” It was a light and playful jab that hit home as Jake took over. 
“Okay, Hermano, enough!” Jake huffed grumpily. “This way, Amigo. Warm you up then get you home. I suggest that you move your home, though. The guy from last night lived the encounter…For now.” 
Jack stared at the man a moment then looked away. “Do you do this a lot?” He winced as the heavy door was pulled open with a clang. It was worse than a hangover in many ways. 
“Take werewolves out for coffee? You would be the first.” Jake made sure to lock the door behind them. 
“I mean… I have vague memories of last night. There were two men in white. I assume they were both you?” He rubbed the back of his head, feeling the ghost of a bruise there. He was at least thankful for the added healing and thick skull the curse provided him. 
“Marc and Steven.” Jake nodded as they walked out to the street. “They say they fought him for some time. He’s pretty scrappy, that one.” 
Jack paused as they stepped into the light. It didn’t matter how many times he saw it. The sunrise after a full moon was always something to behold. Warm and cold at the same time. Fire in the sky burning away a night of terror as it let the color back into the world. 
“You talk about it like it was someone else. Not me endangering people or causing havoc.” Jack laughed lightly. “Like the monster is not inside me all the time.” 
Jake was silent a moment, his hands deep in his own pockets as he walked. He looked uncomfortable, as if these clothes did not quite fit him right. 
“The beast lives inside of you, it doesn’t mean he is a monster.” Jake quietly looked back at him a moment. “I don’t know how it works. Do you become him? Does he become you? Is it really just you that loses sight of who you are and takes on a different form each time? He acts and you feel. The deeds he does are on your hands, but you did not do them. It is a feeling that… That we know well. Questions we have asked ourselves at different times.” 
“You have D.I.D., don’t you?” Jack chewed on his lower lip. “Real people that share a body. Caused by trauma and created as a way to protect yourself.” 
Jake looked back at him in mild surprise. “Yeah. Three of us. Most people don’t understand.” 
“I researched it many years ago…” Jack shrugged slightly then looked away. “I thought that…” 
“You thought that maybe it was a good way to look at what you had going on?” Jake chuckled. 
“I meant no disrespect!” Jack flushed. “I just… Sometimes it is nice to think that you might belong to something that would understand. Someone that might be like you.” He shook his head. “Ah, it was a long time ago. I don’t want to shoehorn myself into something I am not. The last thing you need is a monster like me pretending that when the beast comes, it isn’t me.”
“It’s not D.I.D.” Jake shrugged. “But you are only the first person I know who has immediately believed us and accepted us without flinching once. Maybe there is some common ground there.” 
They walked in silence the rest of the way, both thinking about how it must be for the other. There were a million questions, but each question could be thrown right back at them and they did not have answers. 
After coffee, Steven yawned back to the front. It had been a long night but he was still too excited to sleep. “Do you have a safe place to go? Anyone watching out for you or anything? My flat isn’t too far from here. You can stay as long as you like till you decide where you’re going.” 
Jack smiled. “Yeah. I know someone. They usually watch out for me on these nights. He just isn’t a big fan of London. Too many people. He’s pretty shy. If I could get your address though… I can wash and return your clothes.” 
Marc gave him a look. Jack realized that grumpy seemed to be Marc’s resting expression. He did seem to be warming up to him. “Keep it. I don’t need those. I have way too much stuff in there. Old baggage really. Steven keeps harassing me to clear it out.” 
“Thank you, Amigo. For all your help. And thank you Steven for keeping me..him…us calm. It helps the transition.” Jack patted them on the shoulder. “It is always nice to know I can count on someone to keep me safe…and everyone else.” 
“We protect the travelers of the night.” Steven grinned. “It’s sort of our job. Especially if they follow the path of the moon.” 
“I have no idea what you are talking about, but I appreciate it all the same.” Jack grinned back. “Oh! Before I forget!” He pulled out the dog tags and held them out. 
They stared at the tags for a moment. A conversation was going on behind the eyes and a struggle. At last, a hand came out and took them, quickly shoving them into his pocket. 
“Gracias. I will make sure they go back.” Jake shrugged. “Some baggage is more painful than others. Still can’t throw it away, though.” 
Jack nodded. “I understand. I really do. If you ever need to talk… Well I honestly don’t know how you’ll reach me. Perhaps we will just find one another again in times of need.” 
Steven grinned. “I think we will. I have a feeling that if we really need to find you, I can just ask our…well he’s not really a friend. More like an absolute dick, but he means well…sort of.” 
“It’s complicated.” Marc sighed. “We have connections. I’ll leave it at that.” 
Jack nodded. “And I’m sure I can sniff you out if I really need to.” He tapped the side of his nose with a wink. “I should get back. Ted is going to be a mess if I don’t go see him soon.” 
“It was lovely to meet you!” Steven grinned and waved as Jack walked down the street. He continued to wave until Jack turned the corner, and with a little wave, he was gone. 
They stood there for a moment, watching the empty street. At last he shivered and yawned loudly. “I wonder if vampires are real.” 
“We are not befriending a vampire.” Marc groaned. 
“So they are real?” Steven looked around nervously. 
“Yeah, but they are not as cool as werewolves.” Jake smirked.  
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Royal Woes
Sonic x Sally Acorn
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".......Sonic?" A soft voice called out before a chipmunk stuck her head through the door. The blue hedgehog didn't answer. He sat on their bed, doing nothing but staring at the crown in his hands. A symbol of his new title away from being a famous hero and blue speedster. When he still didn't answer, she stepped into the room. Closing the door behind her before going over to the bed. She sat next to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sonic. I can tell if something's wrong with you. We've been together for too long." Green ryes looked at her."........How did you know I was here?" "Bunnie told me she saw you come this way. Now....What's wrong?" He sighed befoe reaching up a hand to run over the quills on his head. "I don't know, Sal. It's just....Uh. This whole King thing has been really overwhelming lately." "Really? Like how?" "All these decisions. Taxes. Laws that make no sense. Sal. I went to visit Tails today and some meat-for-brains guard nearly beat him to a pulp because he happened to hug me dive bomb style. He now has two black eyes and bruises all over. How am I supposed to explain that to his parents?" She silently listened. "And now I get no privacy or any slack from those councilmen. If I go visit my family, I'm followed. If I talk to one of my gal pals. Like Rouge or Vanilla. Everyone makes a big deal about it because those girls aren't you or related to me. If I go for one five minute run, everyone wonders where I go. I can't even go for one minute without being watched, or judged or suspected of something I didn't even do. And It's stressing me out!!" He reached up both hands to grip his head and the crown fell to the floor with a metallic clatter. She looked at him surprised. This was going on? How did she not notice? "I don't know how much longer I can put up with this, Sal. I'm starting to think I might have to step down as King or something. I can't be stressed out so much. If I can't handle being King......then I have no business being King or deserve to be." "......." She furrowed her brows before picking up the crown off the floor and holding it to his face. "Do you see this? Do you know what it stands for?" "Uh....." He looked between her and the crown confused. "A King?" "Yes. And do you know what qualities makes a king deserving enough to wear this?" "......." "Nobility. A selfless, good heart. The wanting to help others and keep them safe. Being someone to rely on when trouble starts. Being someone to be able to love. Funny." She reached up to place it back on his head at the last word. "You have all those qualities and more." ".........And being handsome?~" She giggled. "That's not really a need-to-have, but it doesn't hurt." She playfully nudged him, which he smiled at. "The point is....You are a good person. And a good person is more than derserving to be king." "......You know what, Sal? You're right! I guess it was just the stress talking." She patted his shoulder before reaching to quickly peck his lips. "I'm glad you feel that way. O' King of Speed.~" "I do. Queen of my heart.~" She smiled before getting up and walking to the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" "I have some councilmen and guards that are just begging for me to talk too." "Yeesh. Well.....good luck." "Oh. They'll need it."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I JUST BINGED THE SWEETIE READER SERIES I NEED MORE (respectfully) i love the way youve been writing it, i adore the flashbacks. YOU ARE TRULY TALENTED !!!
WHATS NEXT? are they telling harvey? is the reader leaving him?
also idk if its just me but i kinda like harvey and the reader together
Buckle up 💜
Bruce paced in front of the fire and took a deep breath, "Harvey-"
"If you're about to tell me you want in on date night I'm not really sure Y/N would-"
"First of all, ew no. Second of all, I need you to shut the fuck up for a second."
Harvey froze, blinking rapidly and sank into a chair. Bruce didn't swear often but when he did, it had the same effect as a slap.
"Y/N is fucking dying. She has cancer and it's-"
"No," Harvey said flatly, "This is a joke right? She can't. She'd have told me. We were going to-"
"No," he said again, standing so fast the chair behind him toppled to the floor, "This is a bad fucking joke right? She put you up to this-"
"It's not a joke, Harvey. I made her show me the records. I'm looking for someone who can help but-"
"How could she not tell us? Tell me? God- fuck. Do her parents know?"
"No," Bruce sighed. "She didn't want them to know. The only reason I know is that Alfred caught her out. And I caught him looking for doctors and-"
"But why-"
"You know why," Bruce said smiling sadly.
"At first I thought you called me because someone told you I was looking at rings- figured you were going to yell at me. Or offer to buy something flashier." Harvey blinked away tears and took a deep breath. "God. If Falcone gets a hold of this it's gonna get ugly."
"Ugly how?" Bruce asked, pretending he didn't know. Blood only went so far. Even for Falcone and you'd been a thorn in his side for years- the only reason you hadn't been gunned down was that you'd been a good girl and faithfully cared for your grandmother as a little girl.
"If he doesn't put a hit out on her himself and make her a martyr before pinning the job on someone else, someone else will kill her to make it look like Falcone can't keep his house in order- Even if everyone knows he doesn't give a fuck about her, it's either an opportunity or a bad look."
"Why now?"
"If she's already dying what difference would it make?"
Bruce fidgeted next to Alfred while they waited at the door, and when you answer it, beaming and let them inside, the smell of something cooking- something warm and comforting caresses them.
He isn't sure what he excpected. But. It's a comfortable little house. A piano sits in front of a window and a woman, not much older than Alfred sits in a chair. It's worn, but cozy looking. She has snow white hair and an arm that her stroke had left withered, tucked close to her body. But she had the same lively eyes and genuine smile that you did.
"Grandma, This is Bruce. And Alfred," you tell her, making introductions as you put away a vacuum cleaner, "This is my grandma Rosie."
"Pleased to meet you," Bruce mumbled.
"Sit, Sit," she insisted, "Tell me everything about you. Do you play an intrument?"
"No," Bruce admitted.
She tutted, "Such a pity," she scolded, "You've got such lovely hands-"
Bruce isn't sure what to say to that, all he can do is nod. "Grandma," you explain, coming to his rescue, "Was a music teacher before her stroke."
"Everyone should know how to play something," she said, patting your arm with her good hand when you bring her a fresh cup of tea and set about putting refreshments out for them. "My sunshine is a marvelous piano player."
"Really?" Alfred said, pleasantly surprised, "If I'd have known I would have asked you to play for us one afternoon."
"I'm not-"
"She's very shy," Rosie said, eyes teasing when she noticed you getting flustered.
"Dinner is going to burn if I don't-" you rabbit off, headed back to the kitchen and Bruce isn't sure if he should follow you or not.
"She'll make someone a nice wife one day," Rosie said, giving Alfred a wink that Bruce couldn't see as she watched his pale cheeks darken.
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shyvioletcat · 1 year
“Goodnight, my love.  Sweet dreams.” For MoA, maybe an Elsie scene 😍
I thought this prompt was so sweet I just wrote a little something for it. Like a little tiny bonus chapter. I’m hoping that it might just get me back into MoA gear for you all. Please enjoy!
~ Made of Ashes Masterlist ~
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Today had been hard. 
Aelin was exhausted, bone tired, in every speakable way. Her body, her mind—both were ready to give up on her. Today was one of those days that mother’s talk about, the ones where you just need to sigh heavily and remind yourself that you start about tomorrow and one bad day wasn’t going to define you as a mother. Elspeth had become the embodiment of clingy. She had either been attached to Aelin’s hip of boob, there had been no debate for anything else. It could have been a sleep regression or a growth spurt or a sudden new wave of awareness of the world. Whatever it was, Aelin was struggling to keep her patience, was touched out and desperately needed some space. And more than that  it was times like this, she understood how people talked about motherhood being lonely. You were with someone the entire day, but the conversation wasn’t riveting and it was just a cycle of tasks that were essential for survival. The focus that came with keeping a baby alive and happy tended to block out everything else. Aelin knew that her friends and family were right there. They just weren’t in the thick of it like Aelin was. There were things only she could do for her child and sometimes that just became so isolating, especially when she was doing all of it as a single mum. 
She could only thank the gods that it was bedtime. 
“Elsie, baby, don’t fight it,” Aelin pleaded with her daughter as she wrestled her into her pyjamas. Already bathed and fed this was the final task before Elsie could go in the cot. 
Elsie rolled but it somehow worked in Aelin’s favour and the zip sang all the way up to the collar. Aelin sighed, watching as her daughter lay on her stomach, looking around the room. Unsurprisingly she wasn’t content with that and she dragged herself around in a near perfect circle so that she could face her mother. When her green eyes focused on Aelin sitting cross legged on the floor, Elsie’s face broke into a beaming smile. 
Aelin laughed softly, smiling back. Nine months old and Elspeth was still working very hard to have her mother wrapped around her little finger. As if Aelin hadn’t been that way since the moment she was born.
“Come on, my darling. Let’s get you to bed,” Aelin said, gathering Elsie into her arms and then standing. 
The sleeping bag that Elsie slept in was already laid out on her mattress, so Aelin positioned her on it and zipped that up too. This was where the gamble was going to be—if Aelin would be allowed to leave the room. Some nights Elsie did great, all Aelin had to do was put the music on, pat her back for a while, and she would be happy to settle herself to sleep. With how today went, Aelin knew that wasn’t likely. 
Aelin moved away from the cot to start the speaker and her fate was decided. As soon as her mother was out of her direct eye line Elsie started crying, the persistent kind—the same three notes followed by draw out attention seeking cry over and over again. 
“I’m right here, Elsie. Just hold on. I’m right here,” Aelin called out, pressing play on the old phone that was hooked up to the speaker.
Her voice wasn’t enough, the crying kept up until Aelin was reaching into the crib and holding Elsie to her chest. Hushing joined the symphony of noises in the room until Elsie’s cries and then whimpers quieted, then Aelin’s voice eased off too. She’d been bouncing Elsie to soothe her but she was getting tired after their long day together so Aelin retreated to the comfort of the rocking chair. 
“There we go, how’s this?” Aelin said, looking down at tear glossed eyes. “I’m right here with you. Just you and me.”
Elsie reached up, little hand sweeping across Aelin’s cheek. She turned to kiss that tiny palm, before it dropped to the collar of the shirt Aelin was wearing. They rocked back and forth, the motion matching the rhythm of the music. Aelin hummed along, having heard it countless times in the last nine months. After a while Elsie’s eyes began to close, long slow blinks like she was fighting to stay awake.
“Go on Elsie, you’re tired and it’s time for sleep.” Aelin said softly. “Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams.”
“Mmma,” Elsie mumbled, making Aelin smile. “Mama.”
Aelin’s breath caught, her heart flipping. She was sure it was a fluke, and that Elsie had just mumbled off random sounds. She had looked it up, it could be months before Elsie said any real, meaningful words. 
Elsie’s eyes peeked open, watching, waiting. “Mama.”
This was real, what Elsie was saying was real. 
“Yeah, Mama’s here. Mama’s right here,” Aelin’s voice was tight as her emotions started to overwhelm her. 
That reassurance was what Elsie needed and this time when her eyes closed, they stayed that way. Aelin remained in the chair longer than she had to, too absorbed in the moment to let it go just yet. Today had been hard and lonely, but there was a little bright light at the end of it.  Aelin kissed her daughter’s forehead, watched as her eyelids fluttered. When she was sure Elsie wouldn’t wake up if she moved, Aelin eased herself off the chair and laid the baby down in the crib. The transfer was always a stressful time, waiting to see if the jostling woke up the sleeping girl. Aelin literally sighed in relief when Elsie just stirred a little and then laid out with her hands bedside her head. Aelin crept from the room as quietly as she could, slowly pulling the door closed behind her. Freedom at last. 
She headed to the lounge room, picking up her phone she had left on the coffee table. Even though Aelin was exhausted and tired and really should go to bed, this was the time that she had to herself. This was when she could catch up with all the messages she had missed during the days and not feel so lonely as she communicated with adults or just distracted herself with mindless scrolling through social media. 
There were a lot of notifications on her lockscreen, Aelin gave them a quick flick through before unlocking her phone. At the front of her mind was telling the world that Elsie had called her mama. It still made her heart swell. 
Aelin was about to make the sappiest social media post of her life when a new text popped up on her phone. It was from Fenrys, and she tapped right on it. 
>> Hey, is the little princess asleep yet? Haven’t heard from you much today so just wanted to check in. I hear there’s a sleep regression around the corner.
Over the last few months, since Elsie had been a newborn really, Fenrys had become one of Aelin’s closest friends. Out of everyone, he was the most free of obligations and had used a lot of his free time in helping Aelin with whatever she needed. The friendship had been unexpected, but without it Aelin wasn't sure how she would have coped. Fenrys also hadn’t shied away from all the baby things Aelin tended to info dump him with, sometimes he went and did his own research so he could be included in the conversation. And right now Aelin found that he was the one she was most excited to tell about Elsie’s new development. 
<< She is. Today was long and tiring. But you’ll never guess what happened.
Aelin was grinning at her phone waiting for him to take the bait. 
>> What? Find that dress for her you were eyeing off on sale?
<< Even better than that. Elsie called me Mama
Sending the message off made Aelin squeal. This was a peak motherhood moment.
>> WHAT!? That’s amazing. Congratulations Mama!
She sent off her thank you and a GIF of someone bowing, he sent back a crowd of people applauding. 
>> With that out of the way, time to enact my plan. FEN will be next. 
Aelin laughed, feeling far too giddy for the exhaustion running through her body. 
<< Wanna watch a movie with me?
It wasn’t the first time Aelin had asked, they’d been doing this for a while. They’d pick a movie, watch it together from their separate apartments in different parts of the city. 
>> Yeah, sure. You’re pick this time.
Aelin turned on her TV and pulled up Netflix, considering what might be the most entertaining to the both of them. Or rather, what might be fun to make Fenrys suffer through. It was just unfortunate that she couldn’t see his pain in person. And maybe she could do something about that. Not tonight, of course. But… her phone was in her hand before she could reconsider.
<< Hey, what if like, on Saturday or something you come over and we watch a movie together. 
She didn’t know why she’d sent the message, maybe it was the need for adult contact. Fenrys’ reply came quickly
>> I’ll bring dinner. That way I can hear firsthand how smart the little girl of yours is. And enact step one of my master plan. Lorcan is gonna be so pissed.
Aelin laughed, the rivalry between uncles was in fact hilarious. Lorcan was the winning horse thus far, much to Aedion and Fenrys’ disappointment. It was something special to have all these people around her who loved her daughter unconditionally. How could they not? She was adorable. With plans made Aelin felt a bit lighter, Something to look forward to in the next few days kept to the same pattern of today. And hanging out with Fenrys would be fun. She was very much looking forward to it. 
<< Can’t wait.
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