#i realize that with the way this show works they would probably just screw around a bit and leave it at that
demonic0angel · 5 months
What if Jazz replaced Dan in another timeline?
CW: attempted murder via strangulation
Also on AO3 here :)
"Could you leave me alone?!" Danny shouted. "Stay out of my business!"
Jazz looked affronted. "How can I stay out of your business if I'm also part of your business?!"
Sputtering, he cried out, “Just— Just leave me alone!”
“No! You’re not taking the proper safety precautions! You’re going to get hurt one of these days and I’ll laugh in your face! You’re always so reckless! It’s not my fault that I have to watch over you!”
His eye twitched as he crossed his arms. “I’m not a baby anymore! You can’t control me like you used to when I was a kid! I’m a teenager and I’m way more powerful than you! I don’t need you to watch over me!”
“Danny! Don’t be so stubborn!” She insisted. “I’m just asking you to be safe!”
“I said. I. Don’t. Need it!!”
Danny had enough and stormed away from her. Jazz cried out, "Get back over here!" but he ignored her and continued walking.
He ran into his room and threw himself on his bed. He stretched out his hand, went partial ghost, and then locked his door. However, Jazz didn't follow him inside.
Danny groaned, burying himself in his pillow. He loved his sister, but sometimes, her love for him was just too overbearing! He couldn't stand the feeling of being watched over and babied like she had always done since he was a child, but he quickly realized that he had probably overreacted. Danny grimaced, realizing that he would have to apologize to his sister soon, but he was mentally exhauated.
Just as he pushed the idea of apologizing to her to later in the back of his mind, his phone rang. He picked it up with an exhausted, “Hello?”
“Dang, Danny, what’s going on with you?” Tucker asked, sounding concerned and also amused. He was holding his camera in one hand while the other held the phone to his face.
Danny groaned. “Jazz is being a total control freak again! I can’t even go out without her having to force more equipment onto me! I’m sick and tired of her always being in my business!”
“Dude, that sucks, but she’s looking out for you! Cut her some slack.”
“I know, but it’s so annoying. I wish she could understand that I’m not a baby anymore.”
Tucker hummed. “Mhm.”
Danny huffed and although Tucker’s expression didn’t show it, he realized that he was bringing down the mood somewhat.
“How’s Boston?” He asked.
“It’s cool,” Tucker said with a smile. “Do you want a pen or a keychain for your souvenir?”
“Oh screw you!” Danny laughed, pretending to be annoyed by the lackluster presents.
The phone beeped again, and Sam jumped into the call. “What’s up?” She said, a pair of sunglasses on her nose while a wide brimmed sun hat covered her face in shadows.
Danny sighed, reminded even more of the fact that his two and only best friends were on vacation. Even Valerie couldn’t spend time with him, too busy working for an internship under her dad.
Danny’s own parents were in Virginia, trekking on the Appalachian mountains to find more ghosts.
So basically, Danny was alone. With his sister.
“Oh! Sam! How’s Greece?”
“It’s great. I’ll bring you guys here in a few weeks,” she promised, turning her camera around so they could also take a view of the busy streets.
Tucker put his hands together and pretended to pray to her. “Oh, great Sugar Mommy Sam, please deliver us to Greece soon.”
“Never mind. Tucker, you’re staying home. I’m taking Danny and the two of us are going to eat souvlaki and seafood, look at Ancient Greek monuments, and learn about the lives of the fallen gods without you.”
Tucker gave a cry of pretend panic and Danny laughed too, already comforted by the sound of his two best friends and putting away the thought of Jazz.
They chatted for a few more minutes before Sam and Tucker had to leave, although not before promising to bring him souvenirs.
Danny laughed and smiled but when they left, it slipped off of his face. He sighed, pressing his head down onto his pillow again, dropping his phone carelessly.
Was a single summer without anyone bothering him too much to ask?
After a while, as Danny lazed about, he finally got up to get lunch.
When he went down to the kitchen, Jazz was sitting at the table, a book open in front of her alongside two plates of food. The one that wasn't directly in front of her was underneath a Fenton™ heating lamp.
Now the guilt mixed together with the irritation.
He knew that he was supposed to apologize, but he couldn't help the hostility that rose up in him. No matter how much he felt guilty, he refused to back down. Danny stomped to his seat, pulling back the chair and taking the plate. Then he began eating without saying a word.
Jazz peeked at him from behind her book a few times.
Danny scowled before looking up. "What?"
She hesitated, and then finally said, "Danny, you know that I love you, right?"
Oh Ancients, here she went again.
Danny loved his sister, but he couldn't stand how she tried to act better than him simply because she had more "experience" than him living in the world. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't truly relate to him and his experiences.
"... just get out with it," he snapped, putting down his fork and slumping back in his seat.
Jazz's eyebrows furrowed, disapproving but she didn't say anything about his disrespectful appearance.
"I know that you think I'm controlling, but I'm doing this for your own good. You're only a kid, and you're being forced to fight against ghosts. Of course I worry! We can never know for sure if you can beat up everyone you see... so I just want you to be safe. That's why I—"
"Jazz." His voice was hard. Jazz startled at the sound of it, looking shocked. "I'm not a baby. I'm my own person, and I don't need your help! You putting your nose in my business doesn’t help me!"
Jazz flinched and then glared back at him. "Well, I wouldn't have to, if you would listen and be careful!"
"I'm plenty careful! I'm literally the most careful person you'll ever know!" Which wasn't true, but Danny was incensed enough to say anything.
"Don't you lie to my face! Danny, you are so—!"
That was when there was the sound of something popping and the both of them turned to the door in confused silence. The sudden appearance of a pair of slow, clacking heels against the floor made the both of them tense.
No one should've been home but them.
So who was this?
With his hands underneath the table, Danny transformed halfway, ready with a ghost ray if it was an enemy. His ghost senses told him that it probably wasn’t a ghost, but he still had to be careful. Jazz picked up her plate, ready to toss it at a moment's notice.
The person who entered their home stopped at the door to the kitchen.
The first thing Danny noticed was that she was tall. Freakishly tall. His dad was the tallest person he knew, and this person wouldn't even be completely dwarfed by him if she was standing next to him.
The second thing he noticed was that she looked just like Jazz, only older. Her facial features were all the same, the same sweet smile, the same heart shaped face, the same long hair. The only thing that was noticeably different were her eyes, which shone with a light that he had never seen before and watched with a focus that almost unsettled him. She was dressed in a trench coat and a dark dress shirt. Her heeled boots clicked on the floor, drawing attention even further to her monstrous height.
This woman, this older doppelgänger of Jazz, paused at the doorway, studying them before she gasped and then rushed forward to pull Danny into her hug.
"Danny! Oh, it's you!" The Jazz lookalike cried, and her hold was tight and warm, pressing him against her chest like she was trying to absorb him through her skin. Danny stumbled and then just stayed in her embrace, dumbfounded. Her hug felt familiar, just like the hand that cradled the back of his head and the other that rubbed at his back.
"Jazz?" Danny blurted, eyes wide.
The Jazz clone pulled him back, smiling through teary eyes and nodded. "That’s right. It's me, Jazz."
Jazz was probably as confused as Danny, but she didn't hesitate to stand up and take a closer look. The older version of Jazz continued to hug Danny while Jazz flitted around them nervously. The two of them sank to the floor and it took a moment for Danny to understand what was happening before he pulled away, bewildered.
Something flashed through the Jazz clone's face too quickly for him to decipher.
"I'm sorry, but what? What's going on? If you're Jazz then... why are you in the past?" And why had Clockwork not said a single thing?
The Jazz before them pressed a hand against Danny's cheek. Her skin was gloved, and the coolness of the leather against his skin made him shiver. The look in Jazz's doppelgänger's watery eyes was intense and focused, her lips pulled into a small smile. "I am Jazz Fenton. I came here in hopes of finding a world where I could live."
Both Danny and Jazz became excited immediately.
"Wow! You're so beautiful! You're really me?" Jazz asked excitedly. "What do you do in the future? What's our job? Do we have a partner? How is everyone in the future?"
"Jazz! Let her breathe!" Danny felt a small sense of vindication for correcting his sister. However, he also looked at the older version of Jazz eagerly, wanting to know if he remained a hero and if their city was alright, if he got married to Valerie, and if Sam and Tucker were still his friends.
The older version of Jazz paused before she pursed her lips. "I'm afraid... it's not great in my timeline. That's why I came here. To escape." A flash of a strange smile crossed her face but it disappeared before Danny could try and decipher it.
He blinked, his stomach dropping as he tried to understand what she was hinting at. "Are you saying... that some of us are dead?"
The older Jazz smiled sadly. "You're all dead. I lost you, Danny. I lost you, Mom, Dad— I didn't even have Sam or Tucker. Everyone is dead. Humanity has been almost completely wiped out. I'm the sole survivor of our family in that world."
Both Danny and Jazz were dumbfounded.
A pit immediately formed inside of Danny's stomach as his blood turned cold.
The sole survivor? Humanity was almost wiped out? What on earth had happened in that world??
"Wait... you mean everyone? Like everyone everyone?? What happened?" He asked desperately. "Wasn't I a hero? How did I let this happen??"
How could this have happened? How could he have been so careless as to let everyone but Jazz die? A small part of him was a little happy that Jazz of all people survived, knowing that she was resilient and strong, but the larger part of him just felt sad. His core ached with the thought of her being alone in a possibly devastated world.
"Everyone died after you died," older Jazz said in quiet resignation. "People started dying in droves... there's only me left in the entirety of America."
Jazz clasped her hands over her mouth in horror, while Danny clenched his fists. "How did we die?"
"You... our family was at the Nasty Burger, when an accident occured and then the entire place exploded. You were on your way there when... you also got caught in the accident. Even your powers weren't enough to keep you alive when you were in the middle of such a large explosion." She looked down, her expression twisted in sorrow. "I was at home when it happened. And then... I was alone."
Danny's stomach twisted itself into knots. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and he didn't know what to say.
Jazz whispered, hushed, "... it sounds like Dan."
Danny had to agree. However, older Jazz looked at the two with confusion.
"Dan? Who's that?"
Danny blinked. "You don't know...? Oh, it's because your timeline is different. Er, Dan is an alternate version of me. He's kind of like you, but more evil."
Jazz sighed and explained, "Danny from that timeline watched us die at the Nasty Burger too and then he started killing everyone. He's a little similar to you that way. But then he went to our world to try and kill us all again, so we trapped him in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz stared at them, her mouth open in shock before she burst out into laughter. The sound of her bell-like laughter was sweet, but the context was jarring and Danny and Jazz couldn't help but share a look of 'what the heck?'
Older Jazz eventually quieted down and she said softly, "How interesting. You're saying that he also had his family killed and then he killed everyone in his world?"
Something was definitely wrong but Danny didn't know what. Jazz was the one who replied, and she nodded slowly, "Yeah."
"You defeated this Dan?" Older Jazz looked at Danny with bright eyes.
Danny slowly nodded. "He's in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz smiled, her eyes narrowing into crescents. "How quaint. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but could I stay here for a little?"
Jazz startled and said, "Oh! Your world is destroyed, right? Yeah, y-you can stay if you want!" Then she flushed red at her stuttering.
Danny raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he turned to the Jazz from another timeline. "We should find you another name. Something like... Minnie?"
"From Jasmine? If you say so, Danny," Minnie said amicably. "Call me Minnie then, to avoid confusion."
"Are you hungry?" Jazz asked. Minnie shook her head and stared at her with half lidded eyes.
Jazz noticed the look and asked, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just so innocent."
For some odd reason, it didn't sound that nice coming from her mouth.
However, Danny wasn’t that concerned about it, more preoccupied with the presence of his big sister from a post-apocalypse world. They pulled her to the kitchen table anyways and thus, Minnie joined the duo for the summer.
Minnie spent a few days with them. As the only actual adult in the house, she quickly took control over the house's chores and Danny was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to do his daily chores with her around. Jazz had griped about it, but Minnie laughed it off.
She seemed to enjoy the domesticity of their daily life, content to be doing anything, even something as mundane as folding clothes as long as Danny was within her sight.
Losing him must've hurt her a lot. He understood. He had, after all, also gone completely crazy after losing his family in another timeline.
She had many similarities to Jazz. However, she was also different from Jazz in that she was far more capable. When she was worried about him on his patrols, she would just follow him out instead of nagging him. With her long legs and advanced technology, she was able to keep up with him and even catch a few ghosts herself. Even when he flew over the city, she could find him wherever he was and defeat ghosts along the way.
Minnie soon proved herself to be a more advanced and grown up version of herself very quickly. She was mature and patient, with a quiet confidence to herself that didn't come as naturally to Jazz. The age and grief that she had experienced had surely attributed to her mature personality, but it couldn't be denied that Jazz would grow up into an awesome person.
It kind of made Danny proud in a way.
Look at how cool his sister was!
Like now, Minnie was tinkering with her watch, a sleek and black piece of technology that she used to get here. Danny and Jazz had learned that Minnie taught herself bioengineering and weapons manufacturing in order to cope with her stress and depression. Apparently, she was currently learning how to program robots in her world.
If Tucker was here, he would probably fall onto his knees to beg her to take him in as an apprentice.
"Is that what you used to fight in the future?" Danny asked, pointing at the watch. The two of them sat in the kitchen, both in their own little world.
Minnie hummed, taking a screwdriver to take apart a piece. "No. I had something else helping me."
He blinked at the wording. "Oh. Can I see it?"
"I'm afraid not," her tone was very kind and she stopped working to pat his hair, "It couldn't come with me."
He didn't pay much attention to her after that, just soaking in the attention before she went back to work.
He laid his head on his arms, closing his eyes to the sound of Minnie fiddling with her machinery as he thought about the past few days.
Minnie had been a welcome addition to their household, not only because she took over the role of the adult in the house, but also because she was a calming presence between Jazz and Danny. She had quickly become a mediator between him and Jazz. Their fights had lessened in quantity because of Minnie's presence, but the quality had definitely gotten worse in animosity. And while he and Jazz weren't getting along, Jazz and Minnie were the exact opposite.
He didn't really know what he had expected, but he had thought that Jazz and Minnie's relationship would be as hostile as his with Dan's. Instead, the two of them were friendly and Jazz even had a bit of hero worship towards Minnie. Which was a bit narcissic, but he could understand it.
"Where's Jazz?" Minnie asked suddenly.
Danny opened his eyes. "She's in her room."
"Did you two fight again?" She asked, putting down her tools to raise an amused eyebrow at him.
Danny frowned.
"It's not my fault!" Ever since Minnie had arrived, Jazz had grown even more overzealous with her overprotectiveness. Danny was completely over it. He was a growing boy! He didn't need to be coddled any longer!
He didn’t like fighting with his sister either, but was he so wrong in believing that he could be on his own? Jazz had her own problems fo worry about. It was just like his childhood, when she would disregard herself and the opportunities given to her to take care of him. It infuriated him, saddened him, and made him ashamed all at once.
He just wanted to prove himself. He wanted to be seen as an adult, not a little kid like she believed.
He unleashed his grievances to Minnie, who was quiet and thoughtful the entire tale.
As he was finishing up his complaints, he huffed. "I just want to be taken seriously."
"She just loves you. I would know, I also love you very much," Minnie said.
Danny blushed pink at that but he continued to insist, "I know! But I'm a superhero! I need to be able to take care of myself without my big sister hovering over me like a helicopter mom!"
Minnie laughed softly. "Maybe you just need to prove to her that you can take care of yourself. We did grow up taking care of you after all."
He just groaned.
Minnie looked at Danny with a small smile for some time. “Danny,” she began softly, “how would you feel if I stayed here indefinitely?”
Danny blinked, a little bewildered by the topic change, but he then returned the smile. “That’d be nice. You could help us out around the house! I think we could convince mom and dad to let you stay. And you and Tucker would probably get along, since you two work with technology!”
Minnie stared at him with that ever present smile on her face. The way her bright eyes peered into him was intense with its color and piercing scrutiny.
In some ways, she was even more haunting than him, who was an actual ghost.
Minnie then chuckled a little. “That would be nice. But I can’t exactly stay in a place that already has a Jazz Fenton.”
Danny blinked. “Really? Why?”
Minnie replied, “We’re both alive, that’s why.”
Then she paused, tilting her head.
“Do I need to be worried?” Danny asked.
Minnie shook her head slowly. Her expression was considering, like something had just popped into her head to make her think. She was thoughtful, before she finally smiled even wider.
“I’ve forgotten how smart you were,” Minnie finally murmured, reaching some unspoken conclusion.
Danny tilted his head, asking a silent question.
Minnie smiled, a flash of her pearly teeth enough to get his hair rising. “But that’s alright. We’ll soon have all of the time in the world for me to relearn your habits.”
And from then on, she wouldn’t answer any of his questions. No matter how much he pressed, she did not say a word. Danny was hesitant, but in the end, he let it go.
He had begun to realize that Minnie had a darkness to her that was sometimes really unsettling. She didn’t seem like she noticed it or purposely kept it down, but it was quite creepy to see it when it rose in her eyes. Sometimes, he wondered if she knew that she couldn’t hide it and if she knew that it made Danny’s skin crawl when he saw it.
However, he wasn’t too concerned about her inner darkness or whatever she was talking about.
No matter what, he knew that any version of Jazz wouldn’t intentionally harm him.
He’d probably find out soon anyway.
The day ended quietly and night began quietly. It was still early dawn when Danny crawled back to his bed after a long night of patrol around Amity Park. Although he was exhausted, he was filled with a sense of pride and happiness from protecting his city once more. His muscles ached and his eyes stung from being awake for so long, but he knew that because it was summer, he could sleep the whole day away.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a bang and a knocking sound, like something had fallen to the ground.
Startling away from his light doze, Danny sat up from his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he trudged out of his room to investigate what it was.
He poked his head out of his room and called out to her. “Jazz? Are you alright?”
The sound seemed to have come from her room.
There was only some muffled noises.
Had she fallen down from her bed?
Not entirely that concerned about what Jazz was up to, Danny called out again, “If you need help, just call Minnie! I have to get some shuteye!”
He began to close the door, but then paused.
His core was tingling slightly, a bad feeling rising up in his throat.
Danny sighed, cursing his own Obsession before he went to Jazz’s room and then knocked on her door. “Are you okay?” He asked.
There was another faint noise but Jazz didn’t seem to be replying.
Danny sighed again, now a little more annoyed, before he opened the door.
There, on the floor, was Jazz. Straddling on top of her was Minnie, her hands wrapped around her throat and mouth, pressing down at her throat with an unsettling smile on her face, like she wasn’t trying to kill Jazz at that moment. Their red hair was scattered around and the room looked like there was a bit of a struggle.
Jazz was still struggling, muffled noises coming out of her as she wriggled underneath Minnie, but Minnie’s weight and frame kept her settled as she began to choke the life out of her.
The two of them paused as they stared at Danny. Although Jazz was wide eyed and still trying to twist out of her grip, Minnie didn’t look alarmed and only smiled sweetly.
However, in this moment, she looked just like the Devil.
Danny stared, dumbfounded for only a split second, before he immediately reacted and transformed, blasting at Minnie with his ghost rays.
“Get off of my sister!!” He shouted, his heart nearly choking up his throat as he noticed Jazz’s weak kicking.
Minnie laughed quietly and her watch flashed, lighting up instantly with a shield that rebounded Danny’s ghost ray. Jazz whimpered and knocked her head against the ground with her flinch.
Danny didn’t relent, shooting out more and more beams as he desperately flew over in an attempt to throw Minnie off.
The shield bounced him back, making him land painfully onto the wall. His vision shook and his bones felt like they were rattling inside of him. His breath was punched out of him in an instant and he gasped, blinking away the stars in his eyes from the pain.
“What the—?!”
“Oh, Danny,” Minnie crooned. “I’m from the future. You think I don't have the technology to defeat halfas like you?”
Danny gasped, struggling to find air, and hit her with an energy ring in desperation. The shield blocked it once more.
“Minnie!” He tried to reason urgently, “You don’t have to do this! You don’t need to do this!”
How could he have trusted her so much?
How had he not know that Minnie's darkness wasn't just from grief? That her darkness actually came from the killings she had probably done and that she wasn't as simple as she looked?
Had Danny's underestimation of Minnie caused Jazz to be hurt?
Minnie smiled, and the expression on her face was mocking and sweet. It made Danny’s blood curdle in his veins and he clenched his fists, knowing that he had to find a way to bypass Minnie’s shields and save Jazz.
He had to find a way to buy some time!
“But I do. I can’t stay if there’s two living versions of Jazz Fenton in one world. We’ll pull apart the fabric of his universe. If I want to stay, I’ll have to get rid of her.”
Her hands slipped down from Jazz’s mouth to press against her throat.
Jazz began coughing, tears filling the corner of her eyes as she clawed at Minnie’s hands. Her face was almost looking blue as she tossed her head around in an effort to get away. Her fingers could not even pull at Minnie’s watch. Her legs kicked weakly and she tried to buck off Minnie, but it was useless.
Danny had never wanted to curse the fact that Jazz grew up to be such a strong woman more.
Danny couldn’t watch this anymore.
“Please! Please, we can find another way!” He pleaded, almost getting on his hands and knees as he begged Minnie to spare Jazz’s life.
He would do anything as long as his big sister got to live.
“There is no other way,” Minnie’s voice was impossibly and jarringly gentle. “I want to stay with you. So I’ll just have to kill her. But it’s okay. You’ll still have me after she’s gone.”
The thought of it made Danny sick.
Jazz struggled weakly as Minnie’s grip seemingly grew in strength.
Danny was full on panicking now.
“No! No, please, you can’t! You can’t do this!”
“It’s alright, Danny. I’ll still be here, even if she’s gone. I’ll still be your big sister,” Minnie said soothingly, but it only frayed his nerves even more.
He would lose it if he lost Jazz. If Jazz died, he really would go crazy!
Minnie paused, just as Danny threw himself at the shield again, only to be thrown off. In that moment as Minnie was distracted by Danny’s self-sacrifice, Jazz was able to get the barest amounts of air into her lungs to speak further.
“I-I have an idea.”
Suddenly feeling like Jazz was going to make the stupid decision of letting her psychopathic doppelgänger kill her, Danny cried out, “No!!”
Jazz ignored him. Minnie similarly took her eyes off of him to inspect her younger counterpart.
“Y-You’re lonely, right? What if… what if we give you Dan? The one from the other dimension? He’s also Danny and you could go back to your world with him…”
Minnie looked at her with a considering gaze, her hands still wrapped tightly around her neck.
“You’re saying that I take Dan off of your hands?”
She tilted her head. She didn’t seem adverse to the idea.
Danny could not believe that Jazz was genuinely negotiating with the crazy version of herself that was actively trying to kill her.
Jazz nodded weakly, tears being squeezed out of her eyes as her lips turned white. Her feet scrabbled on the floor slightly as she struggled to speak.
Danny couldn’t breathe either.
“Yeah,” Jazz said hoarsely, and Minnie watched her struggle for a little longer as she thought about it.
Danny wanted to drag her off and he nearly did so, but Jazz seemed to have a plan and he didn't want to ruin it. However, he thought to himself that if he saw any sign of Minnie finishing the kill, he would tear her apart.
Minnie was still, her hands continuing to press into Jazz’s windpipe. Then she let go and got off of Jazz with a beaming smile. She dusted herself off as Jazz finally caught her breath, coughing hoarsely, and Danny couldn’t do anything but stare at the two of them in horror. Standing on top of Jazz, Minnie then reached down with a hand to help her up.
“I’m sorry about that,” she said, her voice calm and sinisterly sweet, “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
Jazz shivered hard and turned to Danny with wide, wet eyes. Danny felt his heart drop in his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to push away the despicable clone that was on top of his sister.
“D-Danny, go and get Dan.”
Immediately, Danny wanted to refuse.
He looked at Minnie, who didn’t look offended as she watched the two of them with interest. Her hand was still stretched downwards in the air, waiting for Jazz to take it, like a demonic entity that was waiting for her to sell off her soul. She just stood there, tall and long-limbed, like some sort of skeletal grim reaper.
The worst part of it all was that he couldn’t fight back against her. Dan was full ghost, and he was able to be fought off. However, Minnie was human, and she had built the technology necessary to combat him.
How could he have forgotten that she was an adult with all of the time in the world to create the tech needed to take him down?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Danny was still weak and it was the worst feeling in the world for that realization to sink in.
Even worse, Minnie was his sister.
Danny could fight himself all day and feel no remorse— which would give him another therapy session if he ever told Jazz this— but his sister? His big sister, who had cared for and protected him since the day he was born? His big sister, who had taken care of him more than their parents? His big sister, who despite all of her shortcomings and his flaws, loved and cherished him?
He couldn’t.
He was scared.
Even though Minnie was probably evil incarnate, she was still his sister. His big sister who he also loved with all of his heart.
Danny looked at Jazz again and despite how she was shaking and teary eyed, she gave him a hard look and ordered, “Go!” before she turned her head around and took Minnie’s hand.
Danny took off.
He raced down to the basement, immediately blasting the cabinets open with his powers. If he could have focused, he probably would’ve opened it a little less destructively. However, his sister was still in the same room as her evil doppelgänger and he couldn’t think. His chest heaved with his hurried and quick breaths, his vision felt blurry, he was a mess.
He needed to hurry.
He needed to get back to Jazz before anything else could happen to her!
Danny grabbed the Fenton thermos that contained Dan and then flew back up to Jazz’s room, immediately slamming the door open. Jazz sat on her bed, shivering, with Minnie standing beside her, tall and impossibly towering.
Danny threw the thermos towards Minnie, who caught it with a gleam of delight in her eyes as her lips stretched further. She cradled the thermos to herself closer, and smiled.
“Thank you very much,” she said softly, nails tapping against the metal like she was testing its durability. She looked down at the thermos and the way she held it was like how a mother would hold a baby, careful and affectionate.
It only sent chills down Danny’s spine.
He could not forget the image of her choking the life out of his sister.
Danny grabbed a blanket and threw it over Jazz, pulling her closer to him. Jazz squeaked but didn’t say a word. Danny glared at Minnie, shielding Jazz with his body as he snapped, “There. You have the thermos, so leave.”
Minnie smiled. “Alright,” she said. “I will take this with me. Would you like a replacement for it?”
“Just leave!”
Why did she insist on acting so kind despite having no problem in killing others?!
Danny was freaked out even further by the contrast in her actions and her words, and he clutched Jazz to himself, glaring at Minnie with all of his might. No matter what, she had to leave. He wouldn’t stand for this psycho to be anywhere near them again!
Minnie paused and then smiled. She walked closer and Danny immediately blocked Jazz from her view, fear rising once more as he tensed like a hostile cat. All of his hair rose and he couldn't help the growl that climbed up his throat.
Minnie reached forward and Danny immediately blocked it. She dodged past the weak move and reached... behind his ear.
She pulled away something small and black, making Danny freeze.
What was that?
Why was it attached to him?
Minnie chuckled, looking amused by his reaction. She pocketed the small device and then with a zap, she pressed a button on the watch on her wrist. A blue-green portal opened up, flickering with sparks and little lights. Something dark and shadowy writhed within, unable to enter but the sight of it made Danny's skin rise with goosebumps. Jazz gasped when she saw it, but Danny didn’t let go, not until he knew for sure that Minnie was gone.
Minnie held the thermos in one arm as she said, “I’m leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality. Oh, and another thing… be careful, Danny. I’m sure you don’t want what happened to me to happen to Jazz, after all.”
The smile on her face was eerie, a calm and simple smile that made her eyes narrow and her expression even more insidious, like she was cursing them. Horrifyingly enough, Danny could recognize the love in her eyes. She loved him, and this love paired with her grief made her this way. Despite everything, she loved him and it made Danny’s blood go cold and his chest feel warm in unison.
Suddenly, he couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you do in your dimension after I died?”
Minnie chuckled, a foot already stepping over the edge of the portal, disappearing into its depths.
She smiled at them both, her expression radiant.
“I killed everyone, of course.” Her tone was so cheery that Danny didn’t have time to truly process her words before Minnie then went through the portal and disappeared completely.
Both Jazz and Danny remained silent.
Danny was suddenly struck with another epiphany.
Minnie and Dan were exactly alike, weren't they? Two siblings who lost each other and then decided to go on a killing spree to vent their anguish.
Danny was overcome with the sudden, overwhelming fear that he and Jazz were destined for unhappiness.
Then slowly, Jazz reached out and touched his hand, which clutched at her shoulders, unknowingly shaking.
“Danny, you alright?” Her voice was a croak, beaten raw from being squeezed out by Minnie’s hands.
Danny immediately dropped onto his knees onto the bed, pulling open the blanket to look at Jazz’s throat.
Around her neck was a ring of dark bruises, already turning a deep purple and red, spotted with the imprints of Minnie’s fingers.
A bloody taste filled Danny’s mouth as he bit his tongue to suppress his rage, and he felt the urge to open up a portal so he could beat up Minnie, screw her identity being his older sister from another timeline!
“I should be asking you that!” He cried, hands tremblingly tracing the marks. “Are you okay??”
Jazz didn’t reply, just reaching out to pull him close. Danny slumped against her hold and returned the hug, holding her tight. He hated it. He hated how powerless he was, how he could do nothing against Minnie. Even now, he was powerless as she held him. He couldn’t even do the right job of comforting her. If anyone else saw this, they would’ve thought that he had been the one who was attacked instead.
“Are you okay?” He asked again, voice weak. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay,” she whispered. She put her head on his and they sat in silence for a little while.
Danny felt sick. His shame and self-blame all mixed inside of him and he couldn’t help thinking that he was useless.
He hadn’t even been the one to save her. She had done that all on her own.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, after some time.
For being mad.
For being weak.
For dying and leaving her alone in another world.
Jazz hummed. “It’s okay, little brother. I forgive you.”
Danny clutched at the fabric of her shirt and said, “I-I’ll try to keep myself safe. I’ll take care of myself. Then we’ll both live long lives and by the time we’re 90, you’re going to wish one of us dropped dead so I could stop annoying you!”
It was a promise.
Jazz said, “I wouldn’t think that.”
Danny buried his head into her shoulder, careful to avoid her fragile neck and he felt something hot rush to his face, threatening to leave his eyes.
He clutched at Jazz like she was a lifeline as he said in a small voice, "I-I... we'll always be together, okay? You'll always be my sister and I'll always love you, even if you annoy me. You'll love me even if I'm annoying too, right?"
"Even if you're a pain in the butt, I won't ever leave you," Jazz promised, laughing a little.
Already feeling the mood brighten, Danny perked up and said mischievously, “We’ll see about that. I’ll chase away all of the boys and girls that come near you.”
“Even the girls? I’m not sure if I should be proud of you for being inclusive or annoyed that you’ll be keeping me single,” Jazz joked, and the two of them laughed.
Jazz rubbed her cheek against his hair when their laughter finally died down.
"I'm sorry for being too controlling. I'll... I'll try to keep it cool, okay? But promise me that you'll be safe. And that you'll try to come back to me no matter what, even if you lose the fight."
Danny nodded in silent acceptance of her apology, clutching at her shirt again. Oddly enough, he was reminded of when they were children, when Jazz used to be the only other person in his life.
He had Sam and Tucker now, but sometimes he wished that he was still a child, tucked into his big sister's embrace while she chattered on and on about nonsensical things that only toddlers could care about, when everything was normal and kind and made sense.
Danny loved Jazz. He loved all of his friends and family. His Obsession was one that formed around protection, but most of all, it formed around his family. He would still be happy and whole if his family was with him, even if the city they lived in was different. Dan and Minnie were just different facets of their reality. They had lost their family and in their grief, they took it out on the innocent lives around them. Like them, Danny's Obsession lied with the ones he loved, not the place where they lived.
But he was different from them.
His family wouldn't be the first ones to die and leave him.
In many worlds, Jazz and Danny lost their family and lost each other.
But in this world, they were still together. Blood continued to tie them together, and they were still a team of brother and sister, protecting and caring for each other.
In this world, their family wouldn’t be so tragic.
And that was a promise.
Would you guys like a short continuation for Dan and Minnie? :3
I need to write more sibling fics for these two, I’m kind of obsessed. I love codependent relationships and I think I nailed it in this fic, but sometimes I wonder if it's too sickly sweet 😅 this fic is full of the headcanons that I have for dp, can you tell?
I hope that any of you won't dislike Danny for being a kid. Both he and Jazz have their character flaws and I hope it shows within this fic :)
In Minnie’s world, Jazz was the sole survivor of the Nasty Burger incident, and she lost her mind right after she was taken in by Vlad. After that, she began to create biological weapons and unleashed them on the world. She killed all of the scientists that could oppose her and then she just watched the world die. She’s 100% insane but you won’t notice it bc she’s trying to convince herself that she’s normal. As such, she acts calm, pretends to be pleasant, and her only noticeable abnormality is that she doesn’t react to things like a normal person. She has endless amounts of patience for a lot of things bc she spent most of her years watching people die slowly. Inspired by this tumblr ask I got
Minnie actually had a plan to kill Jazz, but a weapon was too messy so she planned to drag Jazz to a portal and then kill her in a different place. However, Danny was approaching and Minnie changed her mind to just choking Jazz in the little time she had left. That’s why her plan seems a little amateurish. (Otherwise, Jazz would actually die and that isn’t the point of this story 💀)
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
So I’d like to request a Draco mafia fanfic. Where someone disrespects the reader and it angers him.
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Pairing: Mafia draco x fem reader
Summary: Draco is a far man he hears bullshit all day but they cross a fine line when it comes to you...
Word count: 729
Warning: language, offense things are said about females [not by Draco], mentions of blood, use of a gun
Universe: mafia
A/n: okay I was supposed to post this at three in the morning but I fell asleep before I could 😭 anyway hope you like it I loved this idea and I had so much fun with writing it so thank you anon and please SHOW SUPPORT IF YOU READ THIS
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Draco was never interested in the conversation that took place during these meetings. He just needed the deal, but occasionally he'd run into these talkative bitches who wanted to drink whiskey and complain about their wife's, hints why he called them talkative bitches. They complain all the time. He couldn't care less. Why were they bitching when they had enough money to stop worldwide hunger? They didn't do shit.
They've just been drinking and buying. He thought it was funny they had so many complaints. They were more women than their wives and they [their wives] did more than them. They cooked, cleaned and had babies. The least they could do was let them spend money on the things that make them happy.
"Yeah, like how do rich and wealthy men attract poor sluts," said one of them. Draco couldn't give a shit about his name he wanted to say it was Oliver but the topic made him snicker as he listened in.
"Okay, I mean, I earn all the money just for them to spend."
Probably 'cause you sit on your ass like a lazy bitch that nobody wants to be around, so she's out there screwing one of the drivers.
"All I'm saying is I make the money, I should be decided who spends it and it damn sure shouldn't be going to fucking diapers and sippy cups."
"Amen to that!"
You should have used a condom, selfish motherfuckers.
"Poor Draco over their quiet as a sleeping baby, your wife got you tied down?" Draco took a look at the bald man, but failed to reply which caused laughter to fill the room.
What the fuck is so funny?
"Don't worry man I get it, I had one just like that whore wife of yours working the pole for money. Had no talents before you right?"
Draco glared, his blue eyes turning dark as he let out a dry laugh.
"What the fuck did you say?" The room fell silent as the question left his lips. All eyes were on him for his mistake.
Draco thought he was a straightforward man. He had two rules, one of which was to make the deal so that everybody would be happy and no one would die, and two, not to disrespect the queen.
When Draco met you, you were a stripper, but you had to pay college tuition and your job at the café didn't cover everything. Of course, when you got together, he paid it all for you. You were studying now peacefully and he was satisfied with you kicking your feet up and working hard for your degree, but sometimes people made the mistake of disrespecting you the way this fat fucker did and he did not take well to people talking about you at all.
Now the guy wasn't stupid. He knew once the room went quiet, he made a mistake. Draco's hand was placed on his weapon and an inhuman glance was on his face. Everything was intended to be simple. Come to the casino, make the exchange and leave, but he couldn't let that pass, because you weren't a whore at a club. You were the queen to the biggest Mafia leader.
"Come on, man, you're not seriously upset about some bitch." he laughs, swallowing his fear.
"Look, I'm sure she would understand that it's all a joke. I didn't mean any harm, it's just the truth after all."
Sure, you might but Draco didn't find it amusing and you weren't here right now. Draco stood to his feet from the leather couch, aiming the gun at the prick resting into the chair, his eyes wide in fear as he realized what's to come. The gun fires. The loud noise with the muzzle flash sending a fire colored hue through the room as one bullet is shot through his head and the other in his nuts.
The blood splattered on his face like paint flickered on a canvas, Draco's jaw clenched as he pulled the trigger. He took the gun placing it on a red napkin before he wiped it clean putting it back.
"Get rid of this pig and get my fucking money." he says, walking from the private room and heading home to you.
If you didn't get it from what just happened, you don't mess with the queen. That's a warning.
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@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Chapter 3 of down the rabbit hole
Chapter one here , two here , four here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/warnings? IDK: Will just keep mature okay. Minors get out. Heavy mention of alcohol, blackouts, drunken shenanigans, hints at SA, awkwardness,
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
WARNING I do not have this all written out, I do have it plotted out, but it may be a little slower for chapters to come out. Please bear with me. If you know a Beta to edit please send them to me.
Thank you all for the support! This gets cute and flirty. Let me know what you think. ***
The bar is a hole-in-the-wall place, with the fifteen or so crew and four actors the place is packed. It’s laid out with a bar at the front, couches, and comfortable chairs in the back. You find a spot closer to the back, a gin and tonic in hand. Trevor is talking with Decon at the front, the two men are practically making out. You chuckle and sip your drink. Rebecca from Costumes sits beside you, the woman is all fluid grace. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” She smiles and sips her drink, short hair with sides buzzed, various botanical tattoos draping down her shoulder. Piercing brown eyes and a soft face that always had a small smile. She was draped in all black, which was of course fitted perfectly. 
“It’s going pretty good, nice to get out after a long week.” You reply, watching people mill around the place. You knew almost everyone here, aside from a couple of the extras. Most folks were chatting and drinks were flowing. 
“Oh man, it sure has. I am happy they stuck me in the studio for the next week.” 
“I will take the studio over driving any day. The city is atrocious to get around on a good day. Add in construction I would rather take the studio regularly.” You reply, having lived here for close to a decade and there was never not construction. You weren’t even sure what the construction was for anymore. 
The two of you chit-chat for a while, going over different projects. Discussing a little about the union politics and the fact that the industry was saturated because of the fifteen film schools. It’s nice, even welcomed. You’re now on your third drink and the world is getting a little tipsy. Rebecca has moved over, and Neal from props is talking to you. He was discussing some builds he was looking at doing for a Sci-fi show coming up at the end of the year. You listened intently, you had always loved props and had considered moving to that department at some point. 
The night carries on, you are buzzed now. The realization that you are going to need to get an Uber is at the front of your mind. You make your way to the bar in sesrch for some much needed water. When you look over to see Trevor grinning and moving towards you. 
“Hey sweety,” He says, words tripping over each other. The man was also as drunk as you are. “Me and Decon are gonna probably share an Uber to his place. Do you want to catch a ride with us?’
His eyes are bright if a little fuzzy, Decon is staring at him with hunger in his face. You can’t blame the man Trevor was fine as hell. If he wasn’t gay as a unicorn, you’d be tempted. 
“Umm, I am pretty sure that you both live at the other end of town from me,” You are surprised you can actually remember where Trevor lives, much less that Decon was in the same area.
“Oh. Well,” His face screwed up like he was trying to solve world hunger and not how to get home. 
Walton emerges from the groups of people, his face is slightly flushed, but out of all of them, he is probably the least inebriated. He takes in the three of you, you can see the wheels turning. 
“What is going on, if you’re arranging a three-way I will have to excuse myself, I hate being a fourth wheel,” The man chuckles at his own joke, Decon looks slightly confused looking between all of you. 
You let out a small snort, “No, just figuring out rides home. I live in the opposite direction of these two.” You gesture to the two men who are heavily leaning against each other. 
“Nonsense, I will make sure you get home safely,” Walton says looking at both of them. “You two lovebirds go and have a wild night. I will make sure the lady will get home.”
“You sure Mr.Goggins,” Decon asks, he is a good head shorter than Trevor but built thicker with shaggy blonde hair.
“Walton,” He smiles, “Definitely, she will be taken care of.”
“The lady also agrees,” You sigh, leaning slightly against the older man. You can feel how warm he is, it’s hard not to rest against him
“Okay,” Trevor chuckles, “Have fun, don’t do anything I would do. Or. You know do.”  
You watch Trevor and Decon stumble out of the bar. Part of you is jealous that they had someone to go home to. You relax and going to find yourself a spot on the couch. A moment later Walton slid in beside you. You’re happy your face is already flushed from the alcohol as his thighs touch yours. 
“Hey,” He says in a hushed tone, sipping of what smells faintly of scotch. He hands you a glass of water which you greatly appreciate. 
“Hey,” You reply, meeting his gaze. “How are you fairing?”
He smiles and looks around the room, “Honestly, I am kind of over it.”  
You giggle looking around at the same time. A few people had left, some people lingered in groups, and a few had divided into pairs. The mood has chilled out a little, the music dropped down a few notches. It’s comfortable and cozy, but that might be liquor. 
“It could be worse, we could have to work tomorrow.” You look back at him. The man was now staring at you as if every word you said was important. You fail to hold his gaze, damn liquor was making you melt.
“Mmm but at least I’d get to hang out with you,” He said with a crooked smile gracing his lips. You were pretty positive the man new the effect he had on you. 
“Oh stop,” You giggle, shaking your head and taking another sip of water.  “I know you enjoy the days off as much as any of us.”
“Suppose I do, it doesn't change the fact I like getting to spend time with you.” The Southern slipping in, making you almost choke on your drink. 
You roll your eyes but relax beside him, part of you just wants to lean against his chest and let the alcohol relax your inhibitions. You both talk about traveling, you had spent a few months traveling around the Philippines, Taiwan, and Korea. He talked about being in Japan, and China. Sharing info on some of the favorite foods you had a chance to eat, and how you both looked forward to traveling again in the future. You decide in haze to have a few more drinks, as the two of you continue to chat about the future. 
When the bartender calls closing you go to stand and the whole world spins around. You nearly fall over but someone grabs you before it all goes dark. 
Light is peering around the blinds, and you groan at the splitting headache and nausea filling your already foggy brain. Reaching around you find the side table, a bottle of Tylenol, and a glass of water. You take two tablets and bury yourself under the covers, falling into a restless sleep. 
There is more light now, and though your headache is marginally better you still feel like you’ve been run over by a truck. Blinking a few times you realize you’re not in your room. This room is fairly close to the size of the apartment you live in. The walls are basic contractor beige with generic artwork. There is a closet, two side tables, a darkened bathroom, and a chair near the end of the bed where you can see your jacket and purse sitting on it. Your phone is on the side table, plugged in, beside you along with a powerade and glass of water. Swinging yourself out of bed you are grateful to see you are still dressed, sans shoes, socks, and your jacket. Your clothes are uncomfortable but not as if they had been taken off and put back on. You straighten yourself a bit, rubbing your aching forehead. You grab the water and drink most of it. It makes your stomach lurch and for a moment you briefly wonder if the water is going to come back up. 
Settled, you quietly walk over to the attached bathroom. You don’t bother turning on the light, already knowing that you look like hell. You grab a face towel and wash what was left of last night's eyeliner and mascara off.  Making sure to clean the towel well so that it doesn’t stain. You take out your braids and rub at your sore scalp. Giving yourself a moment on the toilet before washing up and rubbing more cold water on your face. You feel a little more human than when you walk back to the room. That cold stone of anxiety rolls around and you try and push it away. Whoever had brought you here hadn’t done anything. You were currently safe and could catch an Uber home. 
Gathering up your things and the bottle of Powerade you slowly open the door. There is the faint sound of music coming from down the hallway. You tiptoe down the way hoping to see a front door to slip out of. At the end of the hallway, the place opened up into a kitchen/living room area. A man was standing in the kitchen singing the song that was playing. The door out was across from the kitchen.  
It wasn’t just any man, it was Walton. Hair fluffed up, wearing a pair of christmas pjs, and white cotton top. Singing and dancing around the kitchen. You freeze and wonder if you should go back into the bedroom and throw yourself out the window. Maybe there would be a fire escape, or maybe you’d just let yourself be swallowed up by the pavement instead of facing him. Letting out a small breath you push yourself into the light of the day, feeling completely at a loss. You weren’t going to be able to sneak out, might as well get the awkwardness over with. 
“Umm. Hey,” You squeak, placing your things onto a chair at the small dining table. 
Walton jumps and turns back to you, his glasses nearly falling off his face,a brief moment of fear is erased by a big smile. “Hey! You’re up. Sorry, did I wake you?” Pushing up his glasses with the back of his wrist. 
You shake your head taking a small sip out of your bottle. The smell of bacon and pancakes makes your stomach growl. How you could be both be hungry and hungover should be studied by scientists.
“No, I am usually up early.”  You give a weake smile. It was true, even on your days off you were usually up between seven and eight. 
“I made breakfast?” He looks so out of place and nervous, pointing to a couple of plates. His usual charisma was replaced with jittery energy. Then again you’d probably be nervous too if one of your drunk co-workers slept at your house.
“That sounds amazing.” You say grabbing both full plates and taking them over to the table. You have no idea what the hell you’re doing, all you wanted to do was leave. At the same time, you were not going to turn him down. The thought of him being disappointed was worse than the awkwardness of staying. 
He slips into the seat beside you handing you a fork and knife, placing some maple syrup on the table. Getting up, again, to grab two mugs and the pot of coffee, he whirls around the place grabbing some cream and sugar too. 
“Thank you, umm for breakfast,” You say, not really sure how to feel about the whole situation. You had very hazy memory about the rest of your evening at the bar. Most of it was just blank. “How did I end up here?”
Walton’s face falls as he looks at you, “Oh, shit. I should have told you. Probably don’t remember coming here.”
You nod your head, suppressing a smile at how flustered he is.
“I tried to bring you home, but you won’t give me your address or wallet. Kept saying you weren’t bringing home ‘no random man’. Kept trying to convince me to just put you in a cab .” 
You laugh at that. “Of course I did.”
“Trevor wasn’t answering so we brought you here. Ahh- I promise nothing happened. I just took off your shoes cause they looked uncomfortable. Plus socks in bed always feel weird.” The jumble of words spilled out as he looked at you for reassurance. 
Your hand finds itself resting on top of his wrist. “Thank you, I appreciate you not leaving me at the bar.” It was kind of him, most people would have just dropped you into a cab and be done with it. But of course, Walton would make sure everyone got home safe, the man was gentleman. 
Walton looks shocked at the last statement. His hand slips up and takes yours. It feels weirdly natural, his larger hand engulfing yours as he rubs his thumb of your fingers absentmindly.
“Oh no. I would never leave you- at a random spot.” He says quickly adding the last bit as his cheeks go slightly pink. You briefly wonder why he would be so flustered, you wouldn’t have blamed him for just letting you take a cab. 
“You're a good man and the food smells amazing.” You smile back, squeezing his hand slightly. It felt so easy just to sit here at the table holding hands. 
Both of you dig into the food, and despite still feeling hungover the food hits the spot. Walton explained as best he could the rest of the night.  You had apparently also hit Leonard, his driver when the man had held your waist trying to help you into the vehicle.
“I will make sure to apologize to him on Monday.” You make a face. “Probably a good reason for me not to go out so much.”
Walton looks taken aback by this, “Leo will be more than fine. I can guarantee he has dealt with the worst. Plus besides that, you were very much welcome company.” 
“Still though.” You shake your head. You grab his plate and stack it before bringing it to the sink. 
The habit of putting things into the dishwasher is in full effect. You help him clean up, and it all feels much too easy. You take a sip of water, the headache still lingers and all you really want is a shower and some sleep. Silently you scold yourself for letting the night get away from you. You had never been a bigger drinker to begin with, and letting yourself get black-out drunk was not exactly something you wanted on your resume. 
“Thank you for- umm- looking after me. I should really get going.” You say feeling flustered, thinking about the fact that you’d love to just crawl into bed with him. Let him tell you stories of his travels as you drift off to sleep. Maybe you could both have a shower and then-
“Can I drive you home?” Walton wakes you from your daydream. “If you are comfortable with me knowing where you live-”
You blink a few times, trying to get your brains to string a few words together. “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve already done so much for me.”
He shrugs, “It’s really not a big deal. I promise” 
Your resolve crumbles, what were you supposed to do to disappoint him and say no? No there was not disappointing this sweet man. You’d do near anything just to see him smile. 
Walton drives you home, you’re surprised he drives something as utilitarian as a Toyota  4runner. At the same time, who are you to judge, you have been driving the same Honda Accord for almost a decade. You both chat about the city, Walton seems enamored with the mountains, so close to the sea, and tons of places to explore. You talk about your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and Walton recommends a few decent bars. The chatter is easy, it’s always been easy you realize. The pace and flow were as if you had been talking to him for years ike you were old friends. 
“That’s me,” You say with a weak smile, the idea of having to go home wasn’t as appealing. Your tiny little studio apartment, with its leaky windows and smoke-smelling hallways. At the same time, you know you can’t stay in the vehicle all weekend. 
“So it is,” Walton says, he looks almost as disappointed as you do. “What time should I pick up Monday?”
Taken aback by the question you look at him with your mouth open.
“Your car is still at the studio.” He replies that little mischievous glint in his eye. You wonder if this was his plan all along. 
“Oh. Dang-it. It’s alright I will catch a bus.” You say, trying not to be dismissive but also not wanting to bother him. Realistically he probably had better things to do then pick you up. 
“No. I insist. I was the one that invited you to the bar.”  Walton states a small smile growing as he watches you. You realize that you aren’t going to be able to say no to him, and at the same time, you don’t want to either. 
“I will be outside around 6 am if that works?”
His smile widens, making your heart do little backflips, “Sounds good, I will see you then.”
Chapter four
*This was so much fun to write. I am excited to see where things go next! As always likes comments reblogs are greatly appreciated .*
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
Rick C137 x Reader dating Headcanons!
This one is for the Rick simps! I usually don't do stuff like this, buttttt I like making headcanons soooo, also all of these are sfw! I don't think I'll do NSFW unless it's like- by super popular demand- But I doubt it.
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I feel like he would be a very jealous person, if he saw you hanging out with some other person, he would start getting possessive and would probably throw a sulking fit, then when you ask him he won't tell you, but it would be obvious why. He's like a giant man-child sometimes, in canon he's a very jealous person
He would be very physically affectionate with you, but he would probably tense up whenever it's returned, he's not uncomfortable with you or anything, he's just autistic as hell and is uncomfortable with physical touch in general.
He would be pretty protective of you, he's just protective about people he cares about in general. But there's also the added paranoia of what happened with Diane. He would kill anyone who touches you, and would badly hurt anyone who DARES to insult you. He's a weeee bit overprotective.
He would really value your time together, and his love language would be a mix of quality time and acts of service, he would just want to spend a lot of time with you, and would do nice things for you, but he would downplay it like it's no big deal, even when he does big gestures.
He would definitely call you names like baby, sugar, etc.
He would definitely be a bad influence, like if you said that you'd prefer not to drink, he would probably be like "C'monnnn baby, don't be lame." and would do stuff like that.
He would be extra affectionate when drunk, since he has less filter when he's drunk.
Whenever you cancel a date, no matter how good of a reason you may have, he would be EXTREMELY salty, he really values quality time and would be super sulky and stuff.
He would probably wanna take you on adventures but would leave you out of more dangerous ones, since he cares about your safety, even though he'd probably be bad at showing it.
He would probably want to cuddle and stuff, but wouldn't want you to cuddle back, because, as mentioned before, he likes giving physical touch, but doesn't like receiving it because he's autistic and we love him for it :)
He has a massive soft spot for you, and you're probably the only person he would act soft around since he's less guarded when it comes to his romantic interests
He would have trouble showing appreciation, but he does love and appreciate you, he's just not ok. He would also have trouble apologizing, even if he screwed up royally, but he would feel guilt at times, but probably wouldn't at others
He would sometimes go on weird, unhinged rants, for example, if he ever proposes to you, it would definitely be in an unhinged, but weirdly sweet rant, and you would probably feel flattered and terrified at once.
He would definitely say "Rick and [Your name] 100 years!" Since he says that in canon when it comes to his favorite people [Morty, Birdperson]
His flirting would get explicit pretty quickly, it'd be fine if you guys were alone, but he definitely would do it in front of your family and friends and stuff, either because he doesn't realize that that wouldn't be the time, or he simply doesn't care, your pick.
He would rarely, if ever compliment you, not because he doesn't love you, but because he's like physically incapable of showing affection through words, because he's traumatized and we love him for it.
He wouldn't say "I love you." a lot, because he has trouble with love due to *cough* Diane *cough* but he would show that he loves you, in his own unique way.
If he ever moves in, he wouldn't put in any work or do any cooking, he'd just be extremely lazy and would probably leave dirty laundry and beer cans everywhere.
He would be uncomfortable with PDA if you initiate it, but he would probably initiate it at times
You'd be the only person (Besides like, Morty) who can calm down when he's upset.
You'd be the only person who can talk him out of doing stupid and dangerous things.
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
show me how to lay my sword down long enough to let you through - clone^2 ch2
[My parents don’t get up until seven, and they’re in the lab by eight. They typically don’t leave the lab until after I get home.] Danny says as he leads Damian into the kitchen, the automated voice of the translator AI cutting through the air easily. Damian stuck close to his side, eyes narrow and a snooty look of disdain stamped on his face like a printing press while his eyes flit around the room.
The kid had woken up immediately upon Danny shuffling out from beneath his desk, and he had to scurry back to avoid being skewered by Damian’s katana. He bumped into his desk in the process, and the muffled thud it made against the wall had Danny praying that his parents wouldn’t wake up from the noise.
(“I should’ve confiscated that.” He muttered, gripping the table with white knuckles and mouth pursed into a thin line. The business end of Damian’s katana staring him in the nose.)
(He should’ve expected the baby assassin to sleep lighter than a feather. His mistake, of course. Damian realized quickly after where he was, thankfully, so Danny didn’t have to fight him off in his room. The noise and mess that would make would have surely woken up his parents, and he still hasn’t come up with an excuse as to why Damian was even there.) 
So now with Damian awake, Danny decided to just go ahead and give him a quick tour of the house so that he knew where everything was. Fuuuck, it was only setting in now that he had to leave the kid home, alone, all day.
(Maybe things will be fine. Murphy screwed him over already with this, he has other people to torment, surely. Like the other heroes, for example.)
Wherever Damian’s ‘League of Assassins’ was situated, it was probably ten times nicer than Danny’s house. That is, if Danny’s assumption from the look on Damian’s face was correct. 
Breathing out through his nose, Danny leads Damian over to the fridge, his fingers digging into the phone screen again. [I don’t have an excuse ready for why you’re here, so please don’t get seen by them. They spend all day in the lab so you should be able to roam the house freely.]   
He feels like the butler from a period drama set telling the down-on-her-wealth noble lady the rules of the manor, while she was staying with a fabulously wealthy nobleman of higher standing. It felt ridiculous. But it was unfortunately necessary, he can’t imagine what kind of reaction his parents would have to Damian — and what kind of reaction Damian would have to his parents. 
Damian scowls at him and says something in Arabic, spitting it out like acid while his arms cross over his chest grumpily. Danny stops and turns to him fully, raising a deadpan eyebrow. Damian repeats what he said, looking at Danny like he wants him to spontaneously burst into flames. 
They stare at each other for thirty, uncomfortable seconds, with Danny keeping his deadpan steady, before finally he silently holds his phone out. Damian breaks their staring contest to look down, and his surly expression deepens. 
Grumbling under his breath, Damian snags it out of his hand. Danny counts his fingers as he pulls his hand away. 
(When he counts all five still there, he drops his arm back to his side.) 
[I will stay hidden, for now.] Damian spits out, looking supremely disgruntled. It’s kind of endearing, but endearing the same way a tiger cub was. Cute, but undoubtedly dangerous. Rather than handing back his phone, Damian speaks into it again. [But figure out what to tell them. I am above hiding.] 
“Planning on it.” Danny mutters, nodding sharply before taking back his phone and turning back to the fridge. Before he even takes the handle, Danny pushes his hair from his face and leans forward, pressing his ear to the door. The metal is cold on his cheek, but he barely pays it to mind. 
Ecto-contaminated food didn’t have nearly enough of a signature to fully trigger his ghost sense, but it did make a strange, buzz-humming sound that felt more internal than external. Like the sensation that Danny himself was humming instead.   
From his peripherals, Danny can see Damian staring at him with unconcealed bewilderment, his apparent surliness temporarily forgotten in favor of looking at Danny like he was an idiot. “Madha tafaeala?”
In lieu of answering, Danny just holds up a finger at Damian. Something the little dude really doesn’t appreciate, as he immediately scowls at Danny and makes that ‘myeh’-like expression that kids do when they’re trying to give someone they don’t like attitude without actually saying anything. The one that, as far as Danny is concerned, doesn’t have a real term for but everyone knows what it is anyway. 
Either way, Damian makes a face at him that does, briefly, succeed in irritating Danny. He says nothing and cranes his ears instead, trying to catch if there’s any internal buzzing coming from inside the fridge. His hand drifts instinctively to the counter, where he and Jazz had moved the knife block for this exact reason. 
…Will he have to hide this with Damian here? He hopes not, the last time the knife block got moved he forgot, and had to strangle a half-eaten chicken from the fridge after it came back with fowl vengeance. 
When he doesn’t hear or feel anything out of the ordinary, he leans back and swings the door open with ease. Rows upon rows of liquid-jellied-solidified-whatever-it-was-feeling-at-the-time ectoplasm sat in glass canisters, tupperware, and bottles on the shelves. Glowing green in between the stuff that was actually food, and washing a buzz over Danny like someone just draped him in a weighted blanket. 
(He should clarify. Ectoplasm does exhibit its own signature that’s too weak to signal his ghost sense, but that buzzing-humming feels more like the painless tingling of when part of his spine falls asleep. Except everywhere, and the feeling is heavier in his head. It’s oddly comforting. Nostalgic; like the smell after the snow’s freshly melted and the weather is warm. It is very much not like the ominous, buzzing-humming-intent of a partially reanimated chicken that’s regained some of its sentience and wanted revenge.)  
Behind him, Damian makes some kind of squeaking sound. Or maybe it’s more like a yelp. Either way, it’s alarmed and loud enough that Danny turns around with half a jumping heart and a ‘shush’ on the tip of his tongue. 
“​​Ladayk ma' lieazir!” Damian hisses, pointing behind Danny at the canisters behind him. Damian’s eyes narrow into slits, and he hunches up like a stray cat that’s been cornered. “Min 'ayn hasalt ealaa ma' lieazir?!”
Danny follows the point of his finger, and sees the ectoplasm canisters behind him. “The ectoplasm?” He asks aloud, looking back at Damian in bewilderment.
Apprehension tightens slowly in his chest. Damian used that word again — and Danny only catches it because it was what Damian had been calling him last night, in the warehouse. He thought it meant ‘stranger’ or something — but, he glances back at the ectoplasm in the fridge.
Was Damian calling him ectoplasm? 
He knows what ectoplasm was? 
What had been a steady tightening in his chest suddenly fastens like a noose. Danny reaches for one of the canisters just to make sure, and Damian watches him tersely as he curls a hand around one of the canisters and pulls it forward. He doesn’t take it off the shelf, but he does gesture slightly with it. “This?” He asks, “The ectoplasm. Is this what you’re talking about?” He knows he has a translator on his phone, but he doesn’t think he’ll need it for this. 
He recalls the word Damian used, and frowns. “The- the lazeer? Laziere?” It’s an embarrassing attempt at trying to repeat it, but Damian understands what he’s saying anyways and nods sharply.  
“Niema, ma' lieazir. Kif lidayk.” 
Danny really doesn’t like that Damian knows what ectoplasm is, and he really doesn’t like the idea that his League of Assassins place knows about it too, and seemingly has access to the physical stuff. This feels too much like going swimming in the ocean and feeling something brush against his foot. 
Now he really needs to make sure that Damian never makes it back to the League. The idea of a bunch of assassins finding out that his parents can make ectoplasmic weapons terrifies him, just a smidge. (Just what has he gotten himself into?)
Putting the canister down and pushing it away from the ledge, Danny reaches for the milk instead, his heart beating uncomfortably in his ears. A discomfited “Hn.” comes out under his breath as he plucks the jug off the shelf and shuts the door, it closes a little more forcibly than normal. Danny reaches for his phone. 
The word ectoplasm doesn’t translate into Arabic, he checks before he says anything. Danny reaches over Damian to put the milk on the table as he types, still frowning uneasily. [It’s ghost stuff.] He says, and then says aloud: “Ectoplasm.” 
“Ec-to-plasm.” Damian repeats curtly, lip curling. Danny nods curtly.
Rather than repeating himself, Danny types into his phone again. [You’re not allowed in the lab without me. Don’t touch the ghost stuff in the fridge, it’s dangerous.] He says, [I was listening to the fridge because the food likes to come alive and attack, if you need food from the fridge, grab a knife.] He’ll try and show Damian how to listen for reanimated food later, it’s a little harder without a ghost sense but the food moves, so he’ll show him how to listen for that.  
Damian scoffs; “'Adhhab hayth 'urid 'ayuha almuhtal.” and reaches out to take the phone from his hand. 
Rather than letting him, Danny pirouettes away, holding his phone over his head, “Nah-ah-ah.” He says, watching Damian’s face twist indignantly into anger. [We’ll talk more later, I want breakfast and you’re probably hungry.] 
(Is he avoiding? Absolutely, he is. But it’s early, and Danny is much too tired to entertain the impending doom sinking into his chest like snow caving in a roof. He needs to do something about the information that a league of assassins has access to ectoplasm, but that something is… being put on the backburner for now.)
(Maybe he’s just catastrophizing — he’s gotten pretty good at that over the years. Maybe he’s putting too much weight on the idea; maybe he’s just sleep deprived. No, he’s definitely sleep deprived. Either way, he’s putting a pin in the murder group for now.)  
Danny turns for the pantry, and takes about one step before he remembers the phone in his hand. Twisting around, he plops it onto the table for Damian, and then marches over to the pantry for the cereal. 
The oven clock reads six-twenty-eight, and that doesn’t have Danny feeling all that great. He said earlier that his parents got up at seven, so they only have thirty-two minutes before then. Then another ten or so before his parents come down for breakfast. Mom takes the shower first, and dad comes downstairs to get started on breakfast. Sometimes it's cereal, but he likes making eggs if they haven’t been irradiated.
The pantry swings open and Danny pulls out a box of cereal, his brows furrowed in thought. Dad will want to talk to him if he sees him — so it’s for the best that Danny and Damian finish eating before dad makes it to the hallway. He turns and glances at the time again. Six-thirty. Thirty minutes. He puts the box onto the table and grabs their bowls and spoons. 
There’s a look of apprehension on Damian’s face as he puts everything down, his fingers curled around Danny’s phone. His eyes flick up to Danny, and then he holds up his phone. [Is this what you eat?] He asks, before eyeing the table again. 
Danny can’t stop the quiet snort that escapes him, his thoughts quieting for a moment as he slides into his chair, before reaching over and plucking the phone out of Damian’s hand. [Sorry bud, it’s all we’ve got time for before my parents get up.] 
Damian makes a disgruntled face, and sits down. 
(He idly makes a mental note to wrangle out of Damian later what kind of foods he likes. He’s not too bad at cooking. He’s better than Jazz, at least.)
They make it back up to Danny’s room by six-fifty-two, just as Danny hears his parents shuffling around in their room. They’re up a little earlier than normal. His mom’s limb, quieter footsteps already padding for the master bathroom. Danny is closing the door when he hears a familiar thud, and the low, sleepy groan of his dad sitting up and putting his feet on the ground. 
Damian bounds away and is already situated on Danny’s bed when he turns around, fingers snatching his katana from beneath the pillows before he turns and sits stiffly with it in his lap.    
It was a bit of a ridiculous sight: despite being awake for nearly an hour, Damian’s bed-head hadn’t changed a bit, with a tangled bunch of curls jutting out from one side of his head. Pair that with him still wearing Danny’s NASA tee (and being swamped in it), and the katana, and Danny was half tempted to snap a picture. Again, he was finding himself endeared.
He does end up sneaking that picture as he strides over to his closet to rummage for clothes. 
[I’ll try and think of a way to get you home.] He lies as he shifts through the shirts on the hangers, typing with his thumb, and tilted halfway with his phone jutting out for Damian to hear. [But that’s gonna take a while, so we should get you some different clothes soon.] There was no way he was letting this kid wear the same thing every day, this might take weeks. 
He yanks a yellow turtleneck that Tucker got him off the hanger and tosses it out onto the bed. It lands next to Damian with a quiet thump, and the kid shuffles away from it with a glare as if it's personally offended him. Danny stifles a smile and walks out, grabbing his hoodie-jacket from its spot on the door and tossing it onto the bed as well. 
Damian grumbles something, then holds out his hand for the phone. Danny hands it to him as he passes by, going over to his desk to pick up his gloves and grappling hook, before turning to his bag. 
[I am not worried about the time, Mother will come looking for me.] Damian tells him, sticking his nose up into the air and missing the cold seize of Danny’s heart and the tensing up of his shoulders. His mother. Who was probably also an assassin from the assassin club Damian was made from. 
(A blood rush sends stars spinning around in the corners of Danny’s vision, and he pauses in order to stare blankly at the top of his half-opened backpack. He quickly blinks it away, and unzips his bag fully to shove his gear into one of the larger pockets.)
He hums low, turning to look at Damian with a fake smile plastered on his face. “That’s great, bud.” 
(It should be a good thing, but he can’t quite shake the whole ‘assassins’ thing. Specifically… well, all of it. It’s all giving him a headache to sort through.) 
Damian scoffs at him, [I cannot understand you.] 
Danny snorts unwittingly, turning and shoving his gloves into an inside side pocket just as Damian throws his phone at him. He catches it before it can slam into the wall — or Danny’s head, and puts his grappling hook into his bag before typing into the translator. [I said that it’s good. I’m glad your mom is looking for you.]
That was another lie, and he felt bad that it had to be. Damian rolls his eyes at him, and Danny stuffs his phone into his back pocket and grabs his hook. 
When his bag is accounted for, Danny finally focuses on getting dressed. He moves out to the bathroom to change, admittedly hot-footing it a bit so that Damian is alone for the least amount of time possible. He passes a sleep-mussed Jazz heading for the stairs, and she pauses to mess with his hair.
“Did you stay up all night again?” She mumbles, her fingers catch on a few tangles, but slide out at the end easily. “You don’t have bedhead.”  
Danny pauses, half-distracted by the feeling of her hands in his hair and the urge to hurry through getting dressed. “Only a little.” He says, scurrying away and opening the door to the bathroom. “Was workin’ on a case.” 
Jazz frowns at him, and he closes the door before she can say anything. 
(He’s in the middle of brushing his teeth when he remembers that Damian will need other essentials than just clothes, and immediately starts compiling a mental list.) 
He’s got half an arm through his jacket when he leaves the bathroom, his attention split between getting it on and typing into his phone. When he opens the door, there’s quiet, rapid footsteps shuffling before he sees Damian hopping back onto the bed, staring at him stonily and like a kid who was acting like he hadn’t been doing anything. 
A smile tugs at the corner of Danny’s mouth, and he types into his phone to add something before hitting play on the translator. [I have to head out now, you can look around my room if you’d like. Don’t touch the brown files on my desk, I’ll be back after school ends. I should have a game plan by then. Don’t be seen by my parents.] 
As it speaks, Danny strides over and grabs his backpack. Damian’s eyes follow him the whole time, and Danny slings his bag over his shoulders and stuffs his phone back into his pocket. 
Damian nods curtly at him, and before Danny leaves he reaches over and plucks a hairband off his dresser, pinching it between his teeth. 
“Okay, I’m off.” He repeats, voice slightly muffled by the hairband as he starts pulling his hair up. There’s a huff from Damian and a knowingly annoyed look, and Danny’s smile grows a little out of amusement. He tugs the tie out from his mouth and twists it around his hair. “Be good, Damian.”
Green eyes narrow at him, and Danny hurries out of the room, closing the door behind him. 
(He was a little — no, scratch that, a lot apprehensive about leaving Damian here alone for most of the day. He was worried about his parents, perhaps a little too much, and he was worried about Damian recognizing the ectoplasm in the fridge. He’s worried about the whole thing with these ‘League of Assassins’ people, and he’s worried about how he’s going to explain Damian’s presence to his parents. And he’s most especially worried about how on earth he was going to convince Damian to not return home.) 
Instead of going for the stairs, Danny turns and hurries over to the end of the hallway where the ladder to the rooftop is. There’s a lot he needs to think about, too much for him to want to walk with Sam and Tucker.
The nice thing about people is that they don’t really ever look up.
Danny: hey i’ll meet you guys at school
Tucker: did something happen during patrol?
Danny: something like that
Danny: i’ll tell you in class
Sam: alright. Hop safe
[Danny liked Sam's message]
(if continued)
“I know.”
“I know.”
“I know!” 
Danny drops his head onto his desk with an unceremonious thump, groaning low with his nose smushed into the wood. Sam’s hands, buried in his hair and in the midst of messing with it, stills to let him. Some of the strands slip out of her fingers and pool around Danny’s face, causing a curtain. It tickles a little. 
Maybe he should have just walked to school with them, telling them about Damian probably would’ve garnered less attention that way. He can feel the gazes of their classmates — or at least, the ones not slowly filtering into the room — turning onto them, and burning into his head. 
But running over the rooftops, albeit only until the residential area ended, was sorely needed. It didn’t help clear all of his thoughts, or really much of any of them, but it’d chased away the worst of his anxieties about it. Like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy room. 
(This has been, officially, the longest… five hours of his life. And he’s had many, many long five hours in the last two years.)
(Pariah Dark and his evil future self are tied for the record of being the longest twenty-four hours of his life. Finding out he was a clone doesn’t count — it was still ongoing, and distressingly permanent.) 
Tucker makes a noise, and Danny turns his head just in time to see him drop into his desk beside him, lifting his hat to run his hand over his curls with a look of disbelief. He’s staring unseeingly over Danny’s head for a whole of two seconds before looking back down. 
“So he just — what, popped out of the ground? Like a daisy?”  
Sam continues with her ministrations, and her fingers brush against his neck as she straightens his hair down his back. It’s soothing, enough so that the sleep-soreness of his eyelids becomes a lot more evident to him. 
“Hn. Something like that. If the ground was a once-in-a-lifetime portal and the daisy was a murderous six year old.” He mutters, blinking slowly to try and keep himself awake. Sam’s nails scratch behind his ears, gathering up his hair again to finger-comb out the tangles, and he sighs quietly in content. 
He sees Tucker suppress a smile, and he can practically sense Sam doing the same thing. Danny stares, did his ears do the thing again—? 
“You don’t think a ghost had something to do with it?” Sam asks him, her voice staying low as she tugged out the knots in his hair. “It’s really strange that…” She pauses. Danny can feel her lean against his chair, and he lifts his head slightly as Tucker leans in too. “..that Damian just appeared in front of you right after you got done with fighting a ghost.” 
Hrm. She was right. It was weird. ���I hadn’t thought of that.” He says quietly, “I was too busy trying to get him to stop attacking me.” And after that he was busy trying to get them both home in one piece, and then after that was the whole identity crisis—
And he’s gonna stop there before his tired mind latches onto that spiral again. 
Sam and Tucker’s mouths press together worriedly, and Danny finds himself frowning too. “Maybe I can sneak into the Zone sometime this week and ask one of the Ancients.” Frostbite knew a lot about the Infinite Realms in general, but Pandora might know more about strange magic. 
He could try Clockwork, but finding the clocktower always feels like a scavenger hunt, and getting straight answers out of the ghost is like trying to catch the wind in a bag. Danny normally wouldn’t mind, he kinda likes the challenge, but now is not a good time for that. 
Either way, it was just another thing on his long list of things to do this week, on top of everything else he had to do since acquiring Damian. He could feel a stress headache coming in, and it was only — he takes a quick glance at the clock — eight-fourteen. Yeah, longest five hours of his life. And counting.
Hrrm. “I just can’t believe my luck.” He complains, of all people to clone, of all kids to end up being cloned. It had to be the one kid who, by technicality, was his biological son. That thought alone felt like a tsunami about to swallow him whole. It was confusing, and complicated.  
It shouldn’t have to be.
The thing is, Danny doesn’t view Damian Wayne as his son. Not by a long shot. Damian Wayne was Bruce Wayne’s son. But just like how Ellie isn’t Danny, and Danny isn’t Bruce; Damian is not Damian Wayne. And Danny still doesn’t view him as a son, and obviously Damian doesn’t view him as a father. But it all feels like a strange gray area, like a merry-go-round that’s not turning off, and it wouldn’t have to be if his parents hadn’t been fucking careless with their DNA samples— 
It’s been four months why does he still feel so raw— 
Tucker snorts roughly, bringing Danny out from his head. 
He breathes in deep, blinking quickly, as Tucker leans back into his chair. Sam starts sectioning off Danny’s hair. “Yeah, fair enough,” he says, “bad luck is my schtick though, Danny, so don’t go start encroaching on my brand.” 
“Your brand?” Sam repeats, voice lilting upward. Danny can imagine she’s raising an eyebrow at him, and he snickers both at the thought and at Tucker. 
Tucker’s eyes light up at the sound, and he grins like he’s won a prize. “Yeah, my brand! You know, Bad Luck Tuck?” 
Danny snickers louder, adjusting to sit more comfortably. “I thought your brand was Too Fine Foley.”
“I can have more than one brand.” 
Sam snickers this time, in the midst of braiding Danny’s hair. It feels fantastic, Danny hums lowly, sinking like putty into his desk. “I’m pretty sure that’s called a monopoly, Tuck.” 
Danny laughs quietly, blinking lizard-like. “Tuck Driver.”  
Sam barks out a harsh laugh, and it trails off into stifled chuckles as Tucker’s jaw drops. The wide grin on his face betrays any potential upset he might have though. “That’s the mania setting in.” He says, voice thick with laughter, “That’s the fucking sleep mania talking right now. Take a nap, dude, we’ll wake you up when class ends.” 
Sleep sounds great actually, and he’s gonna do it soon anyways with Sam still doing his hair. But— “I’m not done talking about Damian.” He protests, but his eyes are closing on their own, as if all they needed to hear was him agreeing to sleep to do it. 
Tucker waves his hand, “It’s not like we can’t talk about him later; nap first. Your eyebags can’t get any darker.” He assures, “Don’t worry, we’ll take notes for you.”
“Hnn… fine.” Danny says, and lets his eyes close. He’s out like a light in minutes.  
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noaltbruh · 2 years
Hey! If you do request right now could you please do bucci gang’s (+trish if you want to) s/o reacting to them coming home badly injured after failed misson, and s/o’s like “alright, lemme just love and comfort you♡."
(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
Have great day/night!❤️
Hi there! 😊 This request is very sweet, I really enjoyed writing this :)♡
(Why do I always get so carried away in Fugo and Narancia's bits Istg)
[Also, it gets rather sad at Abbacchio's part...Sorry]
Bucci gang being comforted by reader after a rough day <3
Giorno 🐞
Giorno is a perfectionist at heart, he knows what he has to do and is only projected on reaching his goal, no matter what it may be.
So, when he realizes that his mission was a failure, he feels absolutely devastated. How could he have screwed up so bad? How could he have ruined such an important task? How is he supposed to be a good Boss of he can't even take care of a mission.
As soon as he comes back home, he'll immediately shut himself down, he doesn't want you to be a part of his failure, to know about how incompetent he was, he knew you'd be disappointed in him.
Me may not even greet you once he arrives, only heading straight towards the bathroom to take care of his wounds.
You're not deaf, however, and you quickly notice that someone else is at home. When you knock on the bathroom door, he may hesitate a bit before admitting to be in there.
He asks you not to come here, which greatly alarms you. When you try to question if everything is okay, he answers with a simple "yes", hoping to calm you down.
It doesn't work obviously
So, when you step in and see him healing himself, you can't help but feel your heart breaking a little. Why would he hide for you when he needs help?
Then, it hits you that it's exactly because he needs your aid that he didn't want you to notice him. You ask him if it was about that mission he had to take care of, and he mostly just nods in response, not having the courage to admit through words that he couldn't do it.
When you start insisting on helping him feel better, he immediately declines, claiming that you don't need to worry and that it's his fault of he ended up like this, so he needs to handle it.
Despite this, you refuse to leave and gently take a sit next to him, assisting him in any way during the healing process. Giorno doesn't have the heart nor the energy to tell you to let him be, even though he wishes you would.
After you're done, you invite him to take a rest while you go and prepare something for him. The golden boy isn't able to argue with you further in the mental state he is, and just accepts to make you happy.
When you come back with a cup of tea and a blanket, he softly thanks you for your kindness and takes the mug, slowly taking small sips out of it.
You untie his hair and begin to play with it, you know he loves it just as much as he loves caressing yours. If you look closely, you will probably notice him blushing a little...He doesn't like to be so vulnerable around anyone, he hates this weak side of his.
He doesn't understand how you could be so nice to him even after he failed, he just...Doesn't think he's worthy of love, if he's not the best all the time.
Yet, even if he doesn't get it, he's deeply grateful to have you by his side. The thought of you leaving him if he shows you how miserable he is still haunts his mind, but your care for him helps him push it away, even just for a while.
Bruno 🤐
If Giorno couldn't accept failure, Bruno is no better than him.
He feels ashamed, he's supposed to be the Capo and make sure that everything goes well. What sort of leader can't even do his job right? How can he help anyone if he can't even take care of himself?
Shame and disappointment walk right beside him, as he pitifully comes back home. He hates for you to see him like this, he's supposed to protect you and keep you safe...Yet he barely made it out alive of something he should be able to handle with his eyes close.
Once you come to greet him and see him in such conditions, he tries to play it cool, since it aches his heart to see you worry about him. He won't be telling you anything about the result of the mission, it's better if you don't get involved in this subject.
It's not hard for you to read the situation though, and can tell that something clearly did not go as planned. Even so, you decide not to push it and simply invite him to relax a bit, hoping to take his mind off whatever may be troubling him.
One of the best way to help Bruno calm down would be to prepare a bath for him, maybe adding some perfume or special oils to the water to create a more enchanting effect.
However, convincing him to let you do so will not be an easy challenge. He will try to hold you back, to tell you to go back to what you were doing before and that he can handle himself. He doesn't want you to waste energy in putting him out of the pathetic state he ended up in, simply because he wasn't strong enough.
Even so, his insistence may cause him to get even more exhausted, backfiring at himself. Staring to zone off, he'd instinctively lay his head on your shoulder, letting you guide him to the bathroom.
Once everything is settled and you two get inside the bathtub, Bucciarati doesn't have any force left to try and oppose. He simply watches you, feeling his eyes getting heavy as you wash his hair and maybe even kiss his wounds.
Being the head of the team is hard, and everyone needs a moment to rest. Taking breaks doesn't align with the life style the man is accustomed to, but for once...He lets you handle it all, he lets you be in charge...Of him.
And he'll always cherish your care.
Mista 🔫
Mista doesn't take failure as seriously as his two friends. He knows that mistakes can be made and doesn't condemn himself nor the ones around him for screwing up from time to time.
Even then, it was kind of a punch in his ego's guts to mess up like this, the pistols always do a great job with taking an enemy down. He's annoyed that things turned out this way, but at the very least, the stand user was eventually tracked down and he got out of it alive, so it could have gone worse.
What really bothers him is how heavily he's injured, dude can barely stand on his own two legs and is bleeding quite badly. All that he wants is to go home and relax a bit, before he freaking dies from blood loss.
When he does so and you come to open the door for him, you're taken aback by the conditions the boy has ended up in, and the gun covered in red surely is not a good sign.
With that being said, he does have a tendency to get heavily hurt every time he's given an assignment, so you're confident in being able to help him.
He doesn't try to avoid the subject and just seems a bit reasonably annoyed when telling you what happened.
You tell him to wait for you while you go and grab something to patch him up with, to which he agree with no big deal. He thanks you and gives you the biggest grin his aching body allows him to muster up.
Mista is that kind of person who loves to show off, to demonstrate how tough and confident he is. Even so, he must admit that, maybe even just once in a while, being the one who gets spoiled with attention does not feel bad.
After, at the very least, the wounds have been taken care of, the two of you will probably order some take out while watching pretty woman for the millionth time together.
He loves physical contact and the feeling of having you so close to himself does make him feel quite nice. You won't be letting go of each other all night long, the Pistols will most likely be the ones to answer the door in your place.
You can see Mista's satisfied smile as he makes himself comfortable on you, putting his head on your shoulder and taking off his hat to feel more comfortable. He just adores the feeling of your bodies being so close to one another.
If you were to caress, or even just touch his shoulder, you'd basically see him melt into your arms. He'd close his eyes as the noise of the Tv slowly drifts away from his mind, letting him enjoy the moment of pleasure as much as he can.
Soon enough, the rough day he's been through is nothing but a past memory.
Narancia 🍊
Although it may surprise you, Narancia takes succeeding in missions very seriously. He wants to show the others that they can trust him, that he isn't some...Stupid good for nothing.
So, when he fails and probably someone else has to step in to finish the job, this boy feels useless. He doesn't even think about how badly he got hurt on the spot, all his mind is focused on is what a disappointment he is.
Despite how optimistic he usually tries to be, he just keeps on murmuring to himself on the way home how he always screws up everything, and can't do a single thing without needing help.
When he finally steps in, it takes you half a second to realize what happened. Seeing your boyfriend being under the weather is a rare circumstance, but a horrible one too.
You can guess that the reason why he's feeling this way is because of how the mission went. So, you don't ask him any questions and simply tell him "welcome back", trying to comfort him with a sweet smile.
He forces a little grin in return, not wanting to make you worry too much, but his body language speaks in his place, as he basically lets himself collapse on you. You're probably going to have to carry him to the nearest couch, and go get something to handle his wounds.
Once you do so, Narancia is just laying there all sleepy. As soon as you sit next to him, he immediately cuddles up in your chest, with his eyes half closed, just wanting to feel your warmth.
Be gentle with him while he's like this, this is a threat.
He doesn't say a single word, he just lets you aid him, feeling like he doesn't really deserve your affection, but not being able to say no to it.
Once you're done with his scars and bruises, he mumbles a quiet "T-Thank you..." and looks up at you with a living glance.
Rubbing his back, kissing him, caressing his hair...It doesn't matter how you decide to comfort him next. He just wants you to hold him, feeling the warmth of your touch and the comfort of your voice.
He clings to you as tightly as he can, just enjoying the sensation of being safe in your embrace. Narancia doesn't need anything but to know that you're there and that you won't leave him, even if he messes up.
The way you shower him with love and don't look down on him for being so clingy truly makes him feel special. He can't put in words how glad he is to have you in his life.
So, for once, the chatty and outgoing Nari just...Stays quiet and still, slowly dozing off as you keep on cuddling him to sleep.
Fugo 🍓
Sadly...Fugo is not new to failure. Having a stand like Purple haze sometimes feels like nothing but a weight on his shoulder. His friends fight bravely and risk their life, while he has to worry about not killing himself with his own power.
Mix his self-doubt with his anger issues, and you get a deadly combination. After the disastrous mission and before heading home, he's going to have to keep himself from fucking up anything or anyone in his range.
Filled with frustration, he'll let out a desperate scream of rage, before finally getting in the car and driving, risking to break something in it with any out of control movement.
He won't even greet you when he comes back to the villa. He'll probably try to distract himself reading something, only to realize that he's not able to focus on a single word due to his wounds and his mental state, probably tearing the pages apart in the heat of the moment.
You hadn't noticed the sound of the door opening before, but the noise of the poor book being destroyed surely did not go over your head. As soon as you walk in the living room and see your boyfriend, you instantly rush in his direction.
You put your hand on your cheek, not worrying about his agitated state, just wanting to comfort him as soon as possible.
Preoccupied, you ask him why he hadn't told you he had come back, to which he replies with a look of shame and avoiding eye contact, trying his hardest not to lash out at you.
You notice some of his blood had stained your hand, he might have even died if he didn't treat those wounds now, what was he thinking?!
You run up to bathroom as fast as you can, coming back with a first aid kit, alcohol and too many bandages to count.
He tries to tell you to stay away from him, that he's not seriously hurt and that you shouldn't be near him as he's still feeling enraged for what happened.
Despite his warnings, you continue with what you're doing, not even actually listening to him, as all your attention is set on making sure you don't miss a single wound on his body.
He annoyingly asks if you're even hearing what he's saying, but in the moment he realizes he's starting to raise his voice, Fugo just sort of...Shuts down.
He doesn't want to accidentally harm you or risk taking his anger out of you when you're just trying to help. He'll be damned if you suffer just because he's incapable of emotions in check.
Still refusing to look at you once you're done, he tries to find the courage to speak up and thank you for everything you've done, when suddenly you just...Leave.
The gesture leaves him confused. Did he say something that hurt you? Were you mad at him? Did he come off as ungrateful for not showing a bare minimum of appreciation for what you had just done?
Before his thoughts can take the hold of him, thankfully, you come back with...A bowl of strawberries?
You set it on the coffee take and take one with a small fork, sitting next to him once again. You thought some fruit would have helped cheering him up, and might have restored his energy, even just a little bit, considering how exhausted he seemed to be.
You hold him close to yourself and invite him to open his mouth for you to feed him. To no one's surprise, this highly flusters him, and he appears a bit reluctant to do what you say.
After some persuasion, he accepts and lets you do whatever you want. He'd never say it out loud but...He actually really enjoys you caring for him so much.
The way you don't let his anger stop you, the way you're always ready to offer him a hand when he needs it, the way you love him with all his flaws...
He may not like himself, but you do, from the bottom of your heart...And as long as this doesn't change, that reflected love will be enough for him.
Abbacchio ⏮️
Let's be honest, I can't help but think that Abbacchio also feels some sort of hate for his stand. Maybe not as much as Fugo does, but he sees it as a distant reminder of his guilty past and his uselessness in battle.
Despite how much he hates it, he can't be anything more than support for actual competent people, while all he can do is just watch from the sidelines.
Because of this, failure is not something he hasn't dealt with in the past. There have been plenty of occasions where Moody blues just...Wasn't enough.
And this hurts him, it hurts him deeply, more than he could ever put into words.
Yet, he's so used to it that he just...Stays neutral. Once the task has been handled by someone else, he doesn't say or do anything. He's just...Apathetic, and very, very tired.
He doesn't want to see or talk to anyone in this state, so when he comes back to the villa, he simply grabs the first wine bottle he can find and starts drinking it from top to bottom, non-stop.
As no one had come to greet you, you found it suspicious how there seemed to be sort of of noises coming from the kitchen. Walking into the room to check what was going on, you just stood shocked at the image of your heavily hurt partner chucking down a whole bottle of alcohol.
At the spot, you're not sure of how to react, you only approach him and try to take the liquid away from his hands, to which he resists, giving you an empty stare. He just wants you to leave him alone and let him drown in his self-humiliation.
When he sees the worry and desperation in your eyes, however, Abbacchio finally starts to feel something: remorse. It felt like your gaze was just begging him to let you help him, and it hurt even more than his failure.
As soon as he puts the bottle down, you don't waste any further time and drag him to the bathroom to take care of all his wounds. How could he just ignore them like that? They were even deeper than you had thought at first, if you hadn't done anything, there may have been some...Serious consequences.
Once you finish, he still doesn't react, you can't tell what he's feeling or thinking, so you just...Hug him, tightly, not aware if you're trying to comfort him or yourself.
Slowly, but surely, you can feel his own arms wrapping gently around your back, you could have sworn you almost saw him cry. At last, he finally murmurs a "I'm sorry" and doesn't let go until you do.
After this, the two of you head to your shared bedroom. You had made sure to warm the entire villa before he came back, you wanted him to feel cozy since you knew this mission was stressing him quite a lot.
This happens to be one of the very few times were Abbacchio accepts being comforted, or just...Receiving love in general. Physical contact greatly weirds him out, and he's usually the one to be cuddling you, not the other way around.
So, when you actually take the lead this time, the man doesn't really oppose, but it takes him a while for him to get habituated to it.
You pull out his pair of headphones and the two of you start to listen to his favourite tunes together. You knew this was his favorite playlist and he always listened to it if he needed a break from everything.
Everything, but not everyone.
Because at the end of the day, although his words or actions may sometimes leave you on the edge, it takes nothing but a glance in his eyes, to realize that truly, he's deeply thankful for your love, even if he keeps on screwing up.
Personally, I don't really think Trish would become part of Passione after meeting the rest. Don't get me wrong, she'd still 100% live with them, and with you, but I believe she'd rather pursue her career as a musician than a mafiosa.
With that being said, let's say that, for example, as a one time thing, the boys were to ask her for help during a mission, and she accepted.
...Boy, she won't take it well.
This is because she saw this request as a way to prove herself. After spending so much time being sheltered and protected, this was the perfect chance to remind everyone that she could handle herself perfectly fine.
And she failed.
As soon as Bruno and the others interfere to keep her from getting harmed any further and kill the enemy... She may even start crying. Not out of pain, but out of sport for how incompetent she is.
It doesn't matter how much she tried, how much she thought she had grown, she still needed someone to do what she couldn't on her own, she was weak.
Despite their attempts at comforting her, Trish brushed them off and heads home before anyone else, wiping the tears off her face because there's no point in crying over it.
You greet her with a warm smile when she steps in, excited to know how the task went. Her cold "hi" and the bruises on her, however, already give you all the answers you needed.
You try to ask her if she needs anything, if she wants you to help her with her scars, but nothing. After a quick "I'm fine", she storms off and goes to get the first aid kit herself.
You knew she could be stubborn and that she shoved you off like that, it meant she really didn't want to be bothered. Even then, you couldn't bring yourself to just...Stay there and do nothing, it almost felt like abandoning her at her lowest, even if it's what she thought she wanted.
You softly knocked on the door and walked in, only to find her struggling to patch herself up due to any other wounds hurting as soon as she tried to handle a single one.
She couldn't help but blush in embarrassment in the moment the saw you, she felt like an inept, not being able to even cure herself, especially after it was her fault she ended up like this.
Again, you ask her if she needs any aid, but this time, more aggressively, she yells at you to let her be, that she's tired of asking other people for help, that she's...Strong on her own.
...Needless to say, tears start forming in her eyes once that last bit leaves her mouth. Pained by seeing your darling in such distress, you gently hold her tight and tell her that it's okay not to be able to overcome everything on your own, that you'd always be there to support her and that you think she's already strong.
As an answer, she just...Softly sobs on your chest, handing you the alcohol and everything else, holding tightly to you as she feels her pain slowly disappear.
After that is settled and her tears are dried off, Trish already feels a lot better, her green eyes look a bit brighter than earlier.
You carry her to bed as she gives you a small, sweet smile. Once you put her down and lay next to her, she lets her head fall on your lap, giving you permission to rub hair hair, despite usually preferring not to.
Some beauty masks and painting each other nails while watching something cheesy on Tv will lift her spirit up like nothing else. From the relaxed expression on her face, you can see that her doubts and worries have started to dissipate.
Gaining her full trust may not be easy, and it is a matter of fact that she does close herself off and pushes everyone, even her loved ones away when she feels threatened. Yet you never give up on reaching out to get, because you know that despite her denial, she just wants for nothing more to tell her that she's enough and doesn't to prove herself to anyone.
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
there's a part in his home tour where he shows his friends wisdom teeth and a screw that im pretty sure was in his body at one point... and he says he's going to give it to a special girl... so I was thinking what if one night the reader is staying at his house and he comes in with the screw wrapped and she opens it and just gives a him a look, like 'really 🙄🤨'
Oh my goshhh! I’ve been so excited to write this pleasssse. It’s so funny let’s gooooo (also side note I came up with this guy Jack bcs idk he needed to be there so yeah)
Warnings: reader gets a knee screw bahaha mention of wisdom teeth. Tooth rotting fluff. Mathew being weird because he is and that’s why we love him. Also I’m bad at point of view and tenses in my writing so their are probably mistakes… also use of Y/N, and M/N (middle name)
Mathew had just gotten home from a day of shooting a new small film he’s in. He didn’t see you this morning and didn’t get to see you, so he had been ecstatic to come home to you.
“Y/n?” He called, but no answer. Mathew figured you were out at the store, or with friends, even though it was slightly odd of you not to at least leave a note. “Y/nnnnn!!” He sang through the house on his way to the bedroom. Before he could open the door he heard a familiar laugh behind the door. “What are you doing?” He asked as he came into the room very unexpectedly. Although he wasn’t sure what was going on, a smile was still plastered on his face at the idea of seeing you after what felt like so long.
“Sorry, I’m sorry!” You apologized through wheezes.
“What? What is it?” He was giggling now because your laugh was so contagious. Though as you shook your head he realized he was now on a mission to figure out why you were laughing so hard. “Lemme see your phone!” He demanded in a more playful than scary tone. You shook your head once more. “Y/N!” His voice cracked.
“No Matt! No!!” You said between laughter as he pried the phone from your hands.
“This is my video,” he was confused. How could a tour of your guys’ own house be funny?
“Yes I know.” You said catching your breath.
“Why are you laughing at this? This is literally your house?” ‘Wow’ you thought ‘he genuinely doesn’t know how funny his personality is’.
“You showed them our fireplace,” you raised your eyebrows in hopes of him catching on. But he didn’t. “With Jacks wisdom teeth!” He still didn’t know what was funny. “Annnnd,” you dragged out the nnnn. “Your KNEE screw!”
Mathew smiled at your explanation, “yes.. that’s because my knee screw is in a very special place,” he would’ve continued but you cut him off.
“To give to a very special girl?” I questioned.
“I don’t want your knee screw..”
“Well, who else would I give it to?”
“No one should GET your knee screw Mathew!” You shouted but not angrily. You were giggling again.
“Fine!” Mathew sighed with defeat and flopped next to you on the bed. “I’m so sleepy.” He sighed into your shoulder, attempting to get as close to you as possible. “Go to sleep, babe.” You answered wrapping an arm around him and letting your own eyes droop as well.
Mathew would have slept in. He loves to sleep especially after work. But the prank master himself had a brilliant idea that couldn’t wait another hour.
Mathew slips into the living room as quietly as possible. Luckily you were sleeping soundly. He takes the screws out of the fire place, double gift wraps them, and then places them in a bag.
You stretched out of bed, feeling the cold space next to you. “Mathew!” He was cooking in the kitchen, way too excited to see your face when you woke up. “In here honey!” He called through the house.
You stumbled out. Clearly having just woken up. “Why are you up?” You asked rubbing your eyes, “and cooking?” Mathew just shrugged. “YOU’RE EVEN WEARING SLIGHTLY PRESENTABLE CLOTHES AT 10AM!” You exclaim in your best morning shout. Mathew just shrugged. “Spill it Gube.” You deadpan.
“I got you something!” He says excitedly. Too excitedly. ‘This has happened before’ you thought. ‘Mathews middle name was prank, and he’s done it too many times’.
“What is it?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s for you!” He smiles.
The gift bag was beautiful. A little notecard read ‘for a very special girl’.
“This feels suspicious, Matt.” I continued to unwrap the small box. My jaw dropped. ‘He wouldn’t’
But oh he would, he did. He was making a terrible attempt at containing his laughter. I looked up at him. There were no words. An eye roll and dead pan did the job perfectly.
“I wish I could apologize!” He wheezed. “But it’s too funny!” He was snorting for goodness sake.
“You are ridiculous Mathew Gray Gubler!” I made the meanest face I could to avoid laughter.
“You are adorable Y/n, M/n, Gubler!”
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actualbird · 1 year
What are your headcanons with Raven other than his behavior from other asks :0. for me I think he loses that "Luke" spark/light in his eyes like whenever he goes into work mode like Childe loses his in the abyss.
OHHH what a lovely ask!! thinking abt my hcs for this was rlly fun, so thank you for sending this in, i adore thinking abt raven!luke MWEHEHEHEHE
so here are my General HCs on Raven!Luke (which i realize only after writing everything center a bit on his outwards expression/presentation and aura)
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and just to add onto it, this is probably what people around luke also notice first and notice most when he gets like this. after all, luke's demeanor when hes Not in raven mode is just always full of so much energy and vibrance, whether hes exhibiting positive emotions (his happiness is like a sunrise!) or negative ones (his anger is like FIRE FIRE FIRE U CAN SEE IT BURNING IN HIS GAZE) but raven....the light is Gone. people around him know suddenly and horribly—with a mounting sense of dread dripping into their mind like a leaky faucet—that theyre dealing with Something Different
2 ) i think his voice goes cold, deep, and chillingly calm—and stays that way, no matter what
this is where i start to deviate from canon a tad.
i play alternating between both s-cn and jp dub, and between those two i ADORE how the VAs make their voice Different when they make the shift from luke to Raven. jp dub tends to take the deep voice route, while s-cn goes for that coldness that always delights me to hear. i love that, i love being able to hear the shift. though where i deviate from the canon voice acting is that there are moments where Raven gets aggressive or is aiming to intimidate, and that aggression/dominant posturing shows in the voice acting (usually either in a growl kinda element to the voice or in raising one's voice) and....i dont want that to happen as much in my ideal raven hcs jHVHFKJSD.
dont get me wrong i think it is so juicy when it does happen, but the raven i envision stays calm, almost aloof and uncaring, no matter what. you will not be able to get a rise from this guy and you will be able to Hear It. raven's voice stays cold and that temperature, so to speak, doesnt rise
(and i'll explain why in my 5th point, bear with me ok HAHA)
3 ) his movements/actions take on an eerie kind of perfection and confidence
where regular luke brings an endearing personality in everything he does, raven!luke brings a kind of flawlessness that you'd expect not from a person but from a well fashioned weapon.
i feel like the best way to explain this is through comparison so......
luke pearce would take apart a gadget in unrestrained glee. if there was someone to talk to, he'd babble to them about what he finds interesting about the gadget, a few unscrewed screws would roll off his desk and he wouldnt notice for a bit in his sheer focus on the gadget itself, he'd grab a notepad to messily scrawl notes and tuck the pencil behind his ear and then later forget where he put that pencil. luke pearce taking something apart is a scene of enthused discovery.
raven would take apart a gadget with smooth, fluid, silent movements. there is no delight in his gaze, no surmiseable reaction from his expression. you wouldnt be able to tell what hes thinking at all as he goes through the motions, and his motions are clinically perfect. it doesnt feel right to watch a human being and see nothing betrayed in their actions. before you know it, raven's broken the entire device into its key components and taking whatever it is he needed from it. raven taking something apart is a scene of dissection and singleminded purpose.
does that make sense? like, discovery vs dissection, enthusiasm vs disinterest, enjoyment vs utility, and above all—human imperfection vs unnerving perfection.
luke is delightfully messy and bounding with personality in how he moves and acts, you can tell what he likes and enjoys and values in simply how he holds himself. in everything luke does or interacts with, he leaves a part of himself there on it, as he was affected by it and affected it in return. it's like leaving fingerprints of personality on everything he comes across.
raven is the opposite. hes not leaving fingerprints. because thats evidence to implicate and he wouldnt be caught dead making a rookie mistake like that.
4 ) luke is a battering ram but raven is a shadow looming over your shoulder
one of my favorite canon scenes of raven is actually the very first time we see him: in luke's route of Mysteries of the Lost Gold
im talking about the scene where luke first makes contact with joshua ott. so many fun raven things in that scene, but what i wanna highlight was how luke in raven mode intimidated him. first by calmly calmly dislocating one of joshua's fingers, and THEN!! MY FAVORITE FAVORITE BIT!!!!!: by threatening to paralyze him and leave him for someone who will surely kill him
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(god thank u to the people over at tot wiki for transcribing this scene here)
this bit, to me, is Peak Raven
he couldve started beating joshua up, we knew by this point already that luke is a combat powerhouse and incredibly strong and was well within his capabilities to be administering much more pain. but he didnt. that, to me, is more the Luke way of going about things.
and thus to me, raven is all about evoking dread and horror in a calm and assured manner.
like, we didnt even know if luke was telling the truth about that syringe containing a muscle relaxant. he Could have been telling the truth, he already did have tranquilizers, but we didnt know. most of the intimidation came from the mere threat alone. something about raven makes you believe that he Will make your nightmares come true, even if he hasnt made them come true yet.
5 ) in general...the Raven in my mind strikes fear into people because people intuitively know theyre dealing with something thats got its heart shut down for a bit
i read an anecdote somewhere i cant remember, but it basically went along the lines of: when youre in the wilderness, if the environment's natural noise—crickets, bugs, distant sounds of mammals scurrying about, birds chirping—if all of that suddenly goes quiet; you are in danger. because it means a predator is nearby.
thats what i imagine Raven's entire aura and manner of presenting to be like
there is no obvious aggression, no anger, no heartbeats raised no adrenaline. these things, to me at least, are more markers of luke than of raven, and every time these things show in raven, thats actually raven breaking character and showing the luke under the cold mask. because luke is human and flawed, there are things that set him off into rage, things that trigger the fear in his heart into fight or flight, things he'll go down kicking and screaming trying to protect in utter desperation. these are emotive qualities, and no matter how volatile emotions can get, theyre also avenues for connection, communication, empathy, etc etc.
the Raven in my mind is devoid of that. and thats exactly what sets people off.
raven doesnt need aggression or excessive force, hes completely confident in his abilities and that the other person will fold. if they dont, he'll make them. he doesnt need anger because he has nothing to be angry about, nothing he values more than getting the job done and thus seemingly nothing to leverage against him. raven doesnt need adrenaline. he wont even have to run. the moment youve seen him—or rather, the moment he sees you—the world suddenly goes quiet in the worst way; you are in danger. a predator is here.
and he already knows hes got you.
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themissinghand · 1 year
Dr. Stone: Growing Up With Stanley Synder
Note: Received a request from anon but sadly lost the OG request message. Thanks for the request though! Always open to taking requests, and for other fandoms as well! 
Summary: Headcanons of what it would be like growing up together with our favourite sniper king. 
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader! 
Warnings: Spoilers for the characters, but no canon plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
Childhood Friendship:
Stanley Snyder has been friends with you since you were kids. It’s not really a choice, considering you two were practically neighbors, and your parents being friends with one another. 
Even so, Stanley felt like you two just clicked upon the first meeting. 
Stanley never thought you two would share many similar interests and hobbies.
Often, Stanley would spend countless weekends with you, playing sports, watching movies, discovering hidden gems in the city, and pranking others. 
Stanley’s family were incredibly supportive and happy that their son were getting along with you so well. So they often invited you to go over whenever your parents had work overseas.
They encouraged open-mindedness and respect between the two of you as you two sometimes fought and got mad at each other for little things. 
Stanley learned to apologize and forgive, how to be stern and patient, and be the kind and responsible “other brother” in your friendship
Back then, he was just your childhood friend.
Realization of Feelings:
Stanley began to realize his feelings for you when he was in high school. 
He found himself blushing around you and getting nervous when you smiled at him. 
He cared for the little things, and didn’t want to disappoint you when he got in trouble with his guy group.
Stanley became increasingly protective of you, always looking out for your well-being. 
He'd insist on walking you home after school and making sure you were safe.
Sometimes, he would even go out of his way to take care of you when you were sick.
Stanley developed a habit of calling you at night. Asking about your day, and tell you about his. 
He loved these late-night conversations, just you and him, sometimes sharing stories, gossip, dreams, fears, and secrets. 
Stanley found comfort in these talks, and it was during one of these moments that he admitted to himself that he had a crush on you, and can’t let you go.
Courting & Confession:
Stan isn't afraid to show his affection, like offering to carry your backpack or complimenting you about your looks, knowledge or personality.
He often buys you food and eventually became your personal professional driver.
Stanley reached out to his closest friend, Xeno, about his feelings, seeking advice on how to confess. 
Xeno encouraged him to be honest with you but also cautioned him to respect your boundaries in the case that feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
(Xeno was sure that it would be, that sneaky little Einstein)
One day, Stanley finally mustered the courage to tell you about his feelings. 
Stanley and you sat together under the beautiful night stars during one of your many weekend hangouts, and it was then he blurted out his confession. 
“Hey Y/N, you know, we've been friends for so long…practically since babies. You know you were really ugly back then.”
“Oh shut it, like you weren’t a brat.” A shared nudge and chuckle.
“Hey, there's something I need to tell you." 
"Yea? What is it, Stan?" 
"Well, it's just... ah screw it, I really like you. Not just as a friend. I mean, I like you a lot. More than I've ever liked anyone.” 
From your looks to your personality to funny moments and lovable times, his rant went on for a bit like a kid describing his favourite cartoon.
"Damn, I know it's probably weird to hear, and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But can you give me an answer soon?” 
Stanley closed his eyes and waited patiently for your answer. At this time, he really wanted to smoke.
"Stanley Synder, you dummy. You know, I've been feeling the same way.” Stanley felt a hand on his shoulder, waking him up. 
“I was just too scared to say anything."
"Yeah, really. I've liked you for a long time too, Stan. No matter how much of an annoying show-off and-." He pulled you into a little hug which cut you off, but you didn’t mind. 
The hug now felt a little differently than before.
You two stayed like that for a bit, relishing in the peace and quiet, in relief.
"So, what do we do now?" 
"How about we keep being us? We don't have to change anything about our friendship, just add a little extra something."
“Hmm, that sounds perfect.”
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booboodaddysblog · 5 months
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Warnings: alcohol, therapy with a psychologist, self-pity, bad mood
Words: 2823
Hour after hour passed, day after day, week after week. He didn't even realize when almost an entire month flew before his eyes. Almost a month when he last saw Marg and talked to her.
He wasn't doing very well. He was sleeping badly, eating badly... Even work wasn't going well for him, but he was going to work. He didn't want to sit at home. He didn't give up like the previous time he betrayed her. Now he was trying to be stronger, but...
- Colin! Why do I smell alcohol from you again?! - Mare pulled over and stopped the car halfway to the place they were just about to search.
Colin looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. He lowered his head, looking at his hands.
- I don't know...
- What do you mean you don't know?! Is this about Marg? - she said a little softly.
- Yes... - he closed his eyes and sighed deeply.
- I know you screwed something up, but I don't know all the details. You know I don't like to gossip. I know everyone around me is talking about it, but I haven't been focusing on it.
- I don't think I'm really coping...
- How often do you drink?
- Usually only in the evenings... after work… - he finally dared to look at her.
- At home or in a bar? - Mare wanted to know every detail.
- The bar and the house. Does it matter? - he raised his eyebrows.
- How much do you drink a day?
- Mare... I really... okay… beer... about four... hmm... - he sighed again - I also drink whiskey... three glasses... usually... - he whispered.
- Oh fucking Christ, Colin! You have a fucking problem! How long have you been drinking like this?! - Mare shouted at him again.
- Hmm... about a month... - he looked out the window, he didn't want to look at her anymore. Perfectly aware that in this way he shows that he is weak.
- Today you will meet with my psychologist. If not... I will inform our chief that you can no longer work with us. You will probably return to your previous workplace. Unless you are fired - she threatened him with her finger - yes... this is a threat and a warning at the same time, Colin! - Mare started the car again - let’s go back to work!
Colin looked at her with terrified eyes. Talking to a psychologist was the worst solution to this problem. He was afraid of psychologists. The only plus was that it wouldn't be their police psychologist. At least his problem would remain a secret... for a while.
It was time to meet with a psychologist. Colin's thoughts were racing in his head and he felt sick. He felt dizzy. He sat in the waiting area outside the office and felt like he was about to throw up. He quickly walked over to the water dispenser and poured a full cup. He drank it all. He was breathing heavily while leaning his back against the wall.
- Mr. Zabel? - the psychologist lady looked out of the office to invite another patient inside.
- It's me, here I am… - Colin said nervously, pushing away from the wall. He pulled a tissue from his pocket and wiped his sweaty forehead with it. He followed her into the office.
- Please sit on the couch and relax. You can also lie down. As you are more comfortable - she sat down opposite him in an armchair.
Colin looked at her confused. Finally, he sat down on the couch. He tried to calm himself down. "I can do it, I can do it," he repeated in his mind.
- Now that you are comfortably seated. Let me start by saying that my patient Mare, has arranged for you to see me, because she is worried about you - she corrected the glasses on her nose and opened her notebook.
- Yes? I think so... I guess so… - he replied uncertainly.
- What is your problem that someone has started to worry about you, Mr. Zabel? - she clicked a pen to start taking notes.
At this sound Colin jumped up slightly on the couch. He was so focused on his thoughts that such a sound had a bad effect on him.
- I...
- Please do not be afraid. Everything we talk about here will stay just between us. I want to help you. Please, allow me to do so.
Colin silently nodded slightly in confirmation.
- Hmm... I... have been drinking too much lately - he focused his attention on his fingers.
- Can I know why?
- I can't cope with private problems. Too much going on at one time - he sighed deeply and forced himself to look at her.
- I understand. What's the problem? - she began to write something in her notebook.
- My girlfriend is pregnant, I mean fiancée... it's almost two months and... - he slightly raised himself on the couch trying to see what she was writing down - What are you writing there?
- Please sit down and don't look. These are my private notes, which will make it easier for me to understand you. But I can't show them to you - she pressed the notebook to her chest so he couldn't look.
- Aha… - he furrowed his forehead and sat down on the couch again. He reached for the water decanter and poured water.
- In that case, please tell me why you are not coping with the fact that you will soon be a father? - she put a pen to her lips, looking at him and waiting for an answer.
Colin noticed this and focused his gaze on her lips.
- Sir? Mr. Zabel? - she snapped her fingers in front of his eyes.
- Oh, sorry - he swallowed his saliva loudly - well... hmm... why? It's just that I've always been used to the freedom in life to... it scares me that I can't afford this child. I can't afford to get married. I can't afford a bigger house. I'm not even ready to tell my mother that she's going to become a grandmother - he said it quickly and wasn't sure she understood everything.
She stared at him for a moment before speaking again.
- Hmm... Mr. Zabel... it's really... hmm... to be honest you are not the only man in this world who has such a problem. Everyone tries to deal with it differently. Some escape into sports, others into work... and still others into alcohol - she shook her head with dissatisfaction - you chose the worst solution. And you know it very well.
He looked at his hands again. He drew in air loudly and let it out through his mouth.
- Yes, that's right... this... I wish I could stop drinking. Or rather, I would like to be able to deal with problems differently.
- I see that you are an athletic man. How about the gym? Do you go to the gym? - she raised an eyebrow with curiosity.
- No... I don't have time for that. I usually run in the morning and sometimes do a workout at home. I get home very late. I don't have time to go to the gym.
- I understand... maybe sometimes... I have an idea. Maybe you will start keeping a diary. You will describe in it all the things you are afraid of and can't cope with. Then you'll read it and start thinking about whether it makes sense and whether you can do something about it - she noted something in her notebook - I think it's a good idea. I don't want you to come to me without meaning to. I know that you can cope with the current situation. Everyone struggles with this. Not only men. Believe me. When too much happens in our lives at one time, you can go crazy. A person starts having doubts and thinking too much - she got up from her chair and walked to her desk. She reached for her business card and handed it to Colin - please, take this and use it only when you really can't handle your thoughts - she smiled at him.
Colin took the business card from her and looked at it silently.
- Please also promise me that you will stop drinking. You are a young and handsome man. Please don't waste your life over such foolishness as alcohol. You may lose your family and your job. I'm sure you don't want that.
He got up from the couch and sighed.
- You calmed me down a bit. I mean you didn't calm me down. You made me realize that I have a chance to somehow cope with such big changes in my life - he extended his hand to her to thank her.
- I believe in you. And believe me, women really don't like it when they smell alcohol from a man - she also extended her hand to him.
They shook hands while smiling gently at each other. Colin nodded his head confirming that her words had reached him.
- How much do I owe? - he reached into his pocket for his wallet.
- No... no. Please, put it back. I don't want anything from you. This was a meeting on the basis of getting to know you and your thoughts. Mare asked me to simply unlock you... unlock your thoughts. You were locked up - she smiled - you were only here for half an hour and I can already see that you are more relaxed. That was the plan for this meeting - she went to the door to open it for him - please take care of yourself and don't do stupid things. Because through foolishness you can lose the trust of everyone around you.
- You are right. I'm going to the store to buy a notebook and I'll write down my thoughts, or at least I'll try - he left the office - thank you and goodbye, or rather, I hope not to see you again.
- Goodbye, Mr. Zabel - she closed the door behind him.
He left the building and headed toward the store. He went inside and moved toward the stationery aisle. He selected a notebook and paid for it.
He was about to order a cab to go home when a restaurant caught his eye. He glanced at his watch.
- It's only 8 p.m. Last drink. I'm done with it tomorrow. Definitely - he moved towards the restaurant.
He went inside and sat down at the bar. Next to him on the countertop he put a notebook and his phone on it.
- What can I get you? - asked the bartender.
- Whiskey, thanks - he pulled a few bills from his wallet, placed them on the bar and moved them toward the bartender.
The bartender handed him a glass of amber liquid. He reached for it and looked at its contents.
- One last time - he said to himself and took a sip.
Colin didn't just drink one glass...he drank three. He was barely sitting on the bar stool. Lately, such an amount doesn't affect him so badly. The bartender refused to pour him another shot of alcohol.
He leaned his elbows on the countertop and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply and slowly. Suddenly he felt a touch on his shoulder. It was light and gentle. He wasn't sure if he thought it was delusion or if it was really happening.
He opened his eyes and looked at her. He felt like he was dreaming.
Marg was here with Roby. They had come to the restaurant for dinner. They were about to sit down at a table when Marg noticed Colin sitting at the bar. He didn't look good. He looked drunk and sad. He was alone. She walked up to him and touched his arm.
- Colin? Baby? What are you doing here? Are you all right? - she sat down next to him, waiting for an answer.
He looked at her with misty eyes. The fact that she was here and approached him as if nothing had happened between them really amazed him.
He rubbed his eyes to sober up slightly. But it didn't help much. Alcohol was raging through his veins. He tried to look at her with the most sober expression he could get right now.
- I just... just had to have a drink - he said slightly confused. Not wanting to go into the details of his mental state right now.
She looked at him with sad eyes.
- You know very well that you shouldn't drink - she grabbed his hand and squeezed it - Were you at work today?
He really didn't expect her to show him any affection now. He had the impression that she had been more frigid towards him at first, but now she was actually nice. But that touch… It was almost as if she had already missed him. Or maybe it just seemed that way to him. It was impossible for things to go back to normal.
- Yes, I was working today... - he said, nodding slightly.
She smiled slightly at him. But in truth, she was sad to see Colin in such a state. She thought he was over it.
- Colin? I have a request. Could you order a cab and go home? Tomorrow morning you have to get up for work. Please don't drink. That doesn't help at all, and only makes things worse. You will feel bad. Believe me. And remember, I didn't leave you, we just have a small crisis. Everything will be fine. I love you...
- But… - he fell silent for a moment.
He was really surprised to hear these words. And the fact that she was still worried about him was also nice. He felt that maybe the situation really wasn't as hopeless as he thought it was.
- Okay, I'll do it... - he was even able to smile a little more after she said those tender words. She was right, he needed sleep, but he knew he would definitely wake up with a hangover.
- In that case, I'll see you at work tomorrow. I've been to the doctor today, he gave me permission to work because I feel better - she kissed him on the cheek - shall we have lunch together tomorrow during the break at work? - she whispered in his ear.
He smiled and felt warm at heart. He really liked the idea. He missed her so much. But he didn't want to show it to her.
- I would like to have lunch together tomorrow, yes... it would be nice to talk to you again... - he said in a slightly trembling voice.
- Great. I'm really happy. Okay, well I'm going back to my friend. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you - she kissed him on the lips and laughed like an excited teenager - Oh, you taste like a whiskey, bleh, but I love you anyway! - she laughed again and walked away towards the table where her friend was sitting.
- I love you too...
He watched her walk away without even bothering to finish his drink. He was actually quite pleased that she came up and talked to him. But that kiss on the lips? She could have given him a kiss on the cheek, then he wouldn't have gotten so hot. He undid a few buttons of his shirt at the neck and loosened his tie more. He drew in the air deeply.
Marg noticed that Colin was watching her and smiled at her. She waved him off and sent him a kiss. She was pleased with this chance encounter. She had not seen him for almost a month.
Colin reached for the phone and ordered a cab. After a moment, he got up from the bar stool, put on his coat and headed for the exit. He deliberately walked past her table and touched her shoulder, smiling. He staggered slightly because of the alcohol he had consumed, but she believed he would be fine tomorrow.
He went outside and looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. He felt more confident as he walked past her table. He tried to take his steps correctly, but it didn't quite work out.
- You are pathetic, Zabel! - he shouted toward the sky and laughed.
One part of his body wanted to stay there with her, but the other longed to be back home to start getting ready for tomorrow. He needed to sober up.
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
Capture My Heart
Title: Capture My Heart
Author: adenei
Trope: Muggle AU
Brief Summary: Work meets play at a work picnic/team bonding event. Hermione gets a little more than she bargained for when a certain redhead is held captive during a healthy team bonding game of Capture the Flag.
WC: 2,541
TW: n/a unless you count excessive forearm mentions
What am I, twelve?
  Hermione paces back and forth in front of the currently unoccupied ‘jail cell.’ Really, it’s a piece of rope tied around a few trees just off the beaten path of the trail that is her team’s home base. Swiping through her phone, she’d rather be anywhere else than playing this stupid game at the stupid company picnic. 
  Don’t they realize she still has a ton of work to get done? Cases never end for a public defender, especially not when certain detectives seem to be a little too good at their job, putting deadbeats who can’t afford their own lawyer behind bars.
It’s not his fault. She should be grateful that there’s someone who actually does their job and takes it seriously, but her workload is screaming otherwise. And since her department refuses to hire an additional person, Hermione will continue to aim all of her resentment at him.
  Now, if only the other side would just capture her team’s flag so they can be done with this God forsaken children’s game. Then she can get back to the office. Yeah, that’d be great.
  Bored out of her mind, Hermione goes back to scrolling the newest set of case files that were emailed to her that morning. It’s the only thing she can do considering she was given the most boring position on her team. Like a group of lawyers and paralegals are going to catch and apprehend a bunch of detectives. And even if they did, what was she going to do? Hold them in contempt? Honestly.
  A rustling from nearby catches her attention, and she locks her phone before shoving it into the back pocket of her jeans. At least the fall weather and smattering of dead leaves on the ground prevents anyone from sneaking around too stealthily. 
  “Oi, Hermione, where are you?” Ernie MacMillan, her desk partner, calls from down the path.
  She rolls her eyes, though no one can see her. “Right here, where you left me, remember? To guard an unoccupied makeshift jail cell.”
  “Hey, not my fault McGonagall forced you to participate. And lucky for you, it won’t be unoccupied anymore.”
  “Yeah, right.” She scoffs. “Like any of you caught one of those egotistical prats.”
  “Hey, I take offense to that!” The second voice makes her freeze, a shiver running up her spine.
  Of all the people, does it have to be him?
  Hermione might not just be resentful of that one particular detective for keeping her overworked. It might also have something to do with the fact that he is extremely attractive, charismatic, and all around swoonworthy. And she’s not the only one who thinks that. He’s also way out of her league given all the single straight women in the county building have a crush on him. 
  And who wouldn’t? With messy waves of striking auburn hair that’s faded on the sides, piercing ice blue eyes that can spot the assailant in any situation, and a lopsided smile that’s not only welcoming but inherently trusting, it’s hard not to be attracted to him. But that’s nothing to Hermione. Sure, he’s easy on the eyes, but it’s his intelligence that turns her on—that and the infuriating way he always rolls his dress shirts up to his elbows, showing off his perfectly sculpted forearms any time he books a criminal. 
  If he ever is single, she assumes it’s never for long. There’s probably a line of women waiting to date him. Not that she’d know or anything. She refuses to delve that deep into his personal life—if for the sole fact it’ll kill the tiny shred of hope she has for something as minimal as getting a drink with him sometime.
  Screw getting a drink with him. You’re about to be left alone in the woods with nothing to do. Take advantage of the situation!
  Oh my god, no. Get it together, Hermione.
  Right. Even as images of potential scenarios flow through her mind, she shakes them out of her head. The last thing she needs is for Ron Weasley to see her drooling over him. Especially since he and Ernie are fast approaching.
  “Well, it certainly wasn’t meant as a compliment,” she retorts, unwilling to let him get under her skin.
  Before the detective can speak again, Ernie cuts in. “Yeah, well, try not to insult him too much. Even holding one hostage increases our chances to win.”
  “I thought jailbreaks were against the rules?” Hermione asks. Not that she cares. She’ll willingly let him go in five minutes just to have her peace and quiet again—if only to daydream about him behind his back.
  Ernie makes a big show of shoving Ron into the makeshift jail cell then looks back at Hermione. “They are. So make sure he stays there.”
  “Or what?” Hermione crosses her arms. “You’ll make me buy coffee for the floor Monday? Sorry, I can’t. I have a full day in court.”
  “Again?” Ernie groans.
  “Yes, which is the reason I’d prefer to be back at the office and not in the woods for a silly picnic to begin with.”
  Ernie grimaces and attempts to placate her, even though they both know it means little to nothing in their field of work. “At least there’s overtime?”
  “I suppose. Though it’d be nice to have a weekend to myself once in a while.” Then Hermione turns to the captor and grumbles. “All thanks to you.” 
  “On that note, I’m going to get back to the rest of the team.” Ernie backs away a few steps, then takes off at a jog.
  Hermione side-eyes the bane of her existence—pointedly as she leans against a tree. Ron holds up his hands in defense. “Hey, don’t blame me for doing my job. You’d think crime rates would start to go down eventually.”
  “Please, Ron,” she chides. “You of all people should know that crime is always going to exist.”
  He saunters—fucking saunters—over to her and props himself against another tree, once again showing off his forearms. Of course he’s still managed to highlight them despite dressing casually with jeans, a heather gray t-shirt, and a dark blue flannel unbuttoned over it. It’s in striking contrast to her jade sweater, jeans, beige peacoat, and brown leather boots.
  Ron looks at her through his light blonde lashes. “So what do you suggest, Hermione? That I not do my job? Turn a blind eye to evidence in an investigation or stop asking key questions during interrogations?” 
  His gaze never falters, and she can’t help but feel like it’s piercing through her, like he’s trying to solve the mystery that she is to him. It’s uncomfortable in all the right ways, sending jolts of energy through her and making her forget where she is and what she’s doing. In all honesty, it’s making her want to jump his bones.
  Which would be completely unprofessional.
  Ugh. This is why she tries to avoid work functions outside the office. It’s much easier to avoid her attraction in that environment. But here, in the woods with the sun shining through the trees and the foliage creating a warm ambience, it’s hard not to let her imagination run wild. It’d be too easy to let herself believe he’s eyeing her with the same want she’s been harboring for over a year.
  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she forces herself to say. “Just, I don’t know, try a little harder to suggest other lawyers. I’m only one person, and I can only do so much.”
  Ron twists his mouth and cocks his head as he thinks about her suggestion. “I guess I could, but then what excuse would I have to come see you if I’m not delivering cases?”
  His playful demeanor hosts an undertone of seriousness that causes Hermione’s breath to hitch. This time, she’s the one to search his eyes for a deeper meaning, but she’s absolutely terrible at reading people. That’s why she took the public defender position—it was meant to be a stepping stone while she strengthened her abilities to read a jury. Then, she’d be able to go after the job she really wanted. One that would help her do some good in the world. 
  Giving up, she decides to just ask him outright. “Why would you think you need an excuse?”
  “Because detectives don’t usually hang around with attorneys.”
  “Probably because all they do is pile on more work for us.”
  If ‘they’ means Ron and ‘us’ means her, then yes, that would be true.
  “So, you’re saying I could drop in to say hi whenever I feel like it?” Ron raises an eyebrow to accompany his question.
  “If you want, but then people might think we’re friends…”
  He pushes himself off the tree and steps toward the rope separating himself from her. The motion sends an uninvited thrill through her. “Aren’t we?”
  “I figured we were closer to work acquaintances.” 
  She shrugs, attempting to keep things light and breezy while her body is on fire, desperate for her to open herself up to something more. But she won’t. Not yet. Especially when she’s wary of his intentions. After all, the rest of his team is vying for their stupid flag that’s somewhere on the grounds of the park. 
  His hand claps his chest, and he makes a show of stumbling to his knees. “Oh, you wound me, Hermione.”
  “Please, stop being so dramatic.” She lets out an unbecoming snort through her laughter. He grins at her and she rolls her eyes. “This better not be some ploy to distract me in an attempt to get the flag.”
  Ron stands back up and places his hands on his hips, once again flexing his forearms. God, she hates it so much. “Come on, Hermione. If I cared about the game, I wouldn’t have let myself get captured.”
  She bursts into more laughter. “Yeah, right. There’s no way you got captured on purpose. That’s even more suspicious.”
  “Because all I’ve listened to this week is how ‘we have to take down Weasley.’ How you’ve ‘single-handedly won the game for the last three years.’ Who’s to say you’re not distracting me just to get closer to your goal?”
  “Maybe my goal isn’t the flag this time.” There’s something about the way he says it that wipes the smile right off her face. 
  “W-what?” she squeaks.
  “Maybe I got captured under the guise of sacrificing myself for a teammate to get closer to the flag when really, I just wanted to spend time with you outside the office.”
  Despite the fact that her heart is positively pounding in her chest, she keeps up her front with an eye roll. “Why?”
  “Because I like you.”
  The words hang between them as she blinks blankly at him. “I—you—�� She swallows hard. “You do?”
  Tentatively, he lifts the rope and steps underneath it. The tips of his ears are pink, something she’s noticed every once in a while but never thought anything of it.
  “Uh, yeah. Thought it was obvious.”
  Oh my god, is this actually happening?
  For a moment, she’s completely enraptured by the way he inches closer in an almost tentative matter. But then her mind chooses logic and once again blares the warning signs that this is a game.
  “Not as obvious as ‘no jailbreaks,’” she reminds him.
  He stops and she inwardly kicks herself for ruining the moment—if there’s even a moment to be ruined. But then he grins at her and takes another step forward. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
  She can hardly believe it. Hope rushes over her again, and it’s all she can do to try and keep it contained. The last thing she needs is for him to see how completely enamored she is with him. Even still, a little giggle escapes her throat as she volleys a quip. “That’s rather bold, don’t you think?”
  “Maybe. But hopefully it’s worth it.” 
  “Why?” She quirks an eyebrow at him, the unknown meaning behind his words suddenly sobering her.
  A million possibilities flood her mind until he offers a sheepish grin and elaborates. “Because maybe I’ve forfeited the game for personal reasons.
  “Personal reasons?” she repeats. 
  “That center around asking you out.” 
  Asking me—holy shit.
  He waits for a beat as Hermione stares, slack-jawed, at him. Then, he adds, “So, uh, any time you want to put me out of my misery and let me know if it was a wise choice would be great.”
  He’s serious. He’s actually serious. Ron Weasley came here with the intention of asking her out. He could have any girl he wanted, yet he’s here, alone with her, detailing his plans of asking her out.
  She wants to savor every moment. Taking her time, Hermione steps closer to him, memorizing the hope in his eyes, the worry on his browline, the way his cheeks are completely red like he’s embarrassed. Then, a smirk forms on her lips. “That depends.”
  “On what?”
  “You technically haven’t asked me anything yet.”
  “Oh. Oh. Well, uh, would you want to grab dinner or something?”
  “Hmm, I don’t know.” Hermione taps her chin. “I’ve got quite the case load right now. I really shouldn’t. Next week is going to be brutal. There’s no possible way I could give up part of my weekend. Unless…well, I suppose I could be persuaded.”
  Even though she’s messing with him, she still finds herself succumbing to his gravitational pull. Because despite it all, the last thing she wants to convey is the possibility that she might say no. Of course, she’d have to question his detective skills if he could ever believe that.
  Thankfully, she doesn’t have to. She’s not quite sure where the brazenness comes from, but she doesn’t resist the pull urging her even closer. Her hand reaches up, sliding the soft fabric of his flannel between her fingers, which invites him into her personal space, and he grasps her hips. 
  For a moment, she forgets that there’s even a game going on, and that they’re at a work function—one she’d very much like to leave right now if at all possible. But first, there’s another thing she’d prefer. And luckily, he doesn’t make her wait.
  His voice is suddenly husky, filled with lust as his eyes flit down to her lips. “I think that can be arranged.”
  She tilts her head up as he leans down. Their first kiss is gentle, tentative, as if he doesn’t believe she’s given him permission. But from the moment their lips meet, the fire within her reignites, and Hermione wants more. Hungrily, she reaches up, fingers combing through his hair, urging even closer and deepens the kiss.
  Ron moans, squeezing her hips as he backs her into the nearest tree, and if she’s not careful, she might just let him do whatever he wants to her right then and there.
  That thought seems to snap her back to her senses, and she breaks away, her eyes taking a moment to catch up to her mind. Though heavy, she forces her eyelids open and meets his gaze. “So, dinner?”
  Ron nods. “Don’t think they’ll miss us if we leave early, do you?”
  “Not a chance.”
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
Lets talk about Vlad and Danielle's relationship (and Danielle's character as a whole)
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Danielle/Dani Phantom is a character that was introduced in the Season 2 episode ¨Kindred Spirits¨. She shows up in Danny's house and later reveals to be a half ghost just as Danny. Around half of the episode we get the twist that she is a clone made by Vlad and she is his ¨daughter¨.
We know how the rest goes, with help of Danny, Danielle realizes that Vlad is using her and in reality he doesn't care about her because she isn't the ¨perfect human-ghost hybrid clone son¨ that Vlad wanted. Dani helps Danny fighting against Vlad and she runs away after seeing how her ¨father¨ didn't exactly love her.
The episode as whole is very entertaining to watch and Vlad and Danielle's manipulative relationship is interesting to analyse. It shows how Vlad is so obsessed with his plans that he can't see that he has what he wished for so much (someone who sees him as a father figure) and screws it up. Danny gains a new ¨relative¨- someone who is just like him, human-ghost included.
The problem for me is that a lot of what happens in this episode doesn't feel ¨earned¨: The same episode that introduces Danielle it is the same one she rebels herself against her own father figure. We don't know enough about Dani aside from the fact she is more energetic and likes to eat a lot, is a girl and younger than Danny. This is one of the reasons of why some fans couldn't bring themselves to care about her or prefer to ignore her existence as character.
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If this series had been more serialized, what i would have preferred was for Danielle to have her own character arc in which she grows to befriend Danny and others from his social circle and learn that she was fed with lies about the Fenton family from Vlad. Maybe how Jack isn't this terrible man Vlad told her about or just not as bad. That Jack and Maddie really love each other, etc.
We could have seen more of how Vlad and Dani's father-daughter relationship worked and how Vlad acted as a father figure to her. It would have helped a lot with giving characterization to Vlad and Danielle (specially the later). Their relationship in the series previous Kindred Spirits is ambitious, not leaving clear how Dani was raised by Masters.
In result we could have had a more interesting character than who is Dani in the series and her having a proper arc that builds to her realizing Vlad's true nature and her rebelling against him, being a better payoff than Kindred Spirits.
Leaving that aside, lets talk about the relationship they have in Kindred Spirits and some extent D-Stabilized and what could happen between the two if she shows up in AGIT sequel and Vlad wants to keep making amends.
In Kindred Spirits what we see is that Vlad sees Danielle as his ¨pawn¨. He calls her his daughter a few times, yes, and he still does after this episode. What i'm trying to say is that Vlad cares about how useful Dani can be to him and when he got his perfect clone, she would probably turn into a ¨mess he wouldn't clean up¨.
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One thing i want to discuss, based on what the episode shows, is that Vlad in general doesn't raise his voice nor threatens with hurting Danielle during the episode. Most of the time he speaks to Danielle in his usual ¨normal¨ manipulative way, similar to how he talks to Valerie. He fakes caring about Dani and ¨acts nicely¨ around her, leading her to believe that he does love her as a father would.
When he notices that Danielle had been listening to everything him and Danny had been talking about the clones, he manipulates Dani by telling her she misheard what he was saying and he wants to save her from her destabilization (gaslighting)
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So when Danielle goes to capture Danny and returns to Vlad, Vlad talks about how still needs to extract the mid-morph DNA example. He asks Dani to force Danny's transformation by overshadowing him. Dani points out that the other clones that did that melted and she could get hurt because of that. Vlad insists in saying that is fine, Dani questions him again and that is when Vlad loses his patience and reveals his true nature to Danielle.
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As i talked about earlier, Vlad ¨cared¨ about Danielle as how useful she could be to him. Vlad believes that Dani exists to follow his own orders, seeing her as a pawn. This is a whole theme with Vlad and how he sees people, but i don't want to get too off topic.
Dani, at hearing this, she cries for a moment before getting angry and freeing Danny from his prison and helps Danny with fight against Vlad, making the perfect clone getting destroyed in the fight. She later punches Vlad (human form) in his face, telling to stay away from Danny and some hours after she says goodbye to Danny, going around to explore the world.
The fact that Dani decided to change sides for Vlad just snapping at her makes me believe that, again, he probably didn't threaten her that way before and he mostly used subtle emotional manipulation towards her as how he does through the episode. In my personal interpretation, i think Vlad was mostly very emotionally neglectful of Dani while raising her. He likely filled her basic needs like giving her a place to sleep and food but he would ignore her most of the time, avoiding to get attached to her and his focus being in the ¨perfect¨ clone. It is what makes sense to me the most me based on their interactions in Kindred Spirits
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For months Vlad acted as an absent father, not caring what happened to Danielle as, again, she wasn't useful to him. Dani would go from one place to the other, having to steal food to survive on her own. It wasn't until around the events of ¨D-stabilized¨ he looked for Dani to study her ghost-hybrid structure, since she hadn't melted and lasted longer than the other clones did.
In here Vlad sees Danielle more as ¨object¨ he is looking for to get what he wants. He doesn't care about melting down Danielle and if this destroys her completely, since his goal is to study the remains of her DNA. He refers to her as his ¨daughter¨, in way like she is his own possession and he can do whatever he pleases with her.
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An interesting detail is that there is a moment that Dani hints at still seeing Vlad as her parent figure, since she asks him if he is planning on looking for something that could stabilize her structure. It is a sad moment to see because part of her still cares about Vlad in spite of how he treated her.
What Vlad does in ¨D-Stabilized¨ is where he messed up the most in his relationship with Dani. All that happened previous this episode was terrible, but this is where is at its most twisted, putting Dani in danger on purpose to get DNA from her. It is a whole different level to snapping, threaten her and being manipulative.
If you were to ask me, i think Vlad's worst sin in the series is how he treated Dani. As she is his own daughter and was someone that actually loved Vlad. He really screwed up his chance to have something he looked for so long, because of his own obsession of how the clone should be ¨perfect¨.
Having all this in mind, how them meeting again and Vlad trying to make amends with her in A Glitch in Time sequel could go?
Well, for one i think Vlad should be the one looking for Danielle if he wants to make amends with her. It would be a good idea if someone else went with him, like Danny. That way Dani could feel more sure that she isn't being lead into a trap and the other person could explain the situation to her. She could feel more secure having the word of someone who she trusts rather from Vlad's and she may give him a chance to talk to her.
From there it is rather complicated to guess what could happen. The two most common brought up options is that Dani goes to live with Vlad in his mansion or she goes to live with the Fentons (if in this context Danny's secret is out to his parents).
If it is the first option, i think it would be suitable for Vlad's character if he wants to make up for how he negleted Dani all that time post Kindred Spirits. As i have talked in other post, Danielle is Vlad's daughter and it would fit hi give a place to Dani since she is his own responsibility. Of course, this is something that she herself would have to choose, since she would have a roof and a place to stay, but also she would have to coexist with the same parent figure who mistreated her so poorly. This could lead to a lot of complicated feelings and things she probably would rather forget for a long time. It wouldn't be something easy for her to deal with.
In case of the second option, she would have to live with strangers she doesn't know about, but they would be people that she doesn't exactly have a bad history with and she would feel more secure of herself rather than living with Vlad. Danny would also be there along with maybe Jazz, so she would be with someone she considers family at least. In all, i believe she would feel more happy than staying with Masters. However, i think before she fully moved in, Jazz and Danny would have to make their parents do some changes. Jack and Maddie can be... chaotic when it comes to raising their kids, unintentionally negletful and prone to playing around with their gadgets. It would be a good idea for both of them to change some habits for Dani to be safer around the house and pay the proper enough attention to her.
Another third option some people have brought up is Dani staying with someone else, usually the Grays being a possibility. I do agree with this idea, because then Dani could live with someone she doesn't have a bad history like she does with Vlad with nor they would have a not exactly safe environment like the Fentons do. If she stays with the Grays, she would be with Valerie, who is someone she is familiar with.
If Dani chooses staying with someone else that isn't Vlad, then Vlad could help with paying the things she needs (food, education) and maybe do some visits every once in a while to check on Dani, depending if she feels like it. He would still making amends with her but keep his distance if Dani wishes for him to stay away.
One thing i think it would be good is that Dani didn't forgive Vlad or she doesn't it for a long time. If there is one character that is more entitled than anybody else to not forgive Vlad, that would be Danielle. I think it would be more than fair for her to do that and it would be great for Vlad to understand that some people won't forget the things he has done to them and he has to live with that.
In all, Vlad and Danielle's relationship has to be the most messed up of the dynamics Vlad has with other characters. I already explained that my reasoning behind this is because he is supposed to be Dani's father since he created her. If Dani shows up in AGIT sequel, it is going to be interesting to see how the two could interact and how Dani is going to react to Vlad apologizing to her for his actions. It is definitely one of the things it would cost the most for Vlad to make amends for, considering how badly he screw it up with her.
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mixelation · 1 year
some kushina jr/tobirama thoughts
they meet mid-to-late teens bc kushina jr has no planning skills and they invented time and dimension hopping with no way to get home, so they just show up and realize they've fucked up and now they live in the woods. the senju-uchiha war is still in full swing, and the only relevant difference between this timeline and canon is tobirama is a woman
tobirama's personality is NOT all that different, and she fucking hates uchiha. she runs into kushina jr and tries to murder them even as kushina jr flaps their arms around and tries to explain they're from the future. uh huh. nice try. tobirama fails to kill them though, and kushina jr unfortunately remembers tobirama is supposed to be a time-space jutsu expert so they won't leave her ALONE
tobirama: anija i have gained my own annoying uchiha, but this one is delusional
madara: who in the fuck is this. i've never seen them before in my life
kushina jr: (jazz hands) time traveler....!!
tobirama: what the fuck
now tobirama wants to know how this was even possible >:( get BACK HERE, kushina----!!
i'm thinking the main effect the gender change has for tobirama is that she has a lot more social pressure to be a certain way than before. kunoichi ARE expected to fight and screwing around with experimental jutsu is fine, but also she's expected to be pretty and traditionally feminine for her future husband and gets more comments about how she's wasting her time if experiments don't work immediately (which they rarely do because that's just how experimentation is). she's discouraged from seeking leadership positions except in very specific domestic ways even though she's often the most competent person in the room. men get weird at her when she's stronger, smarter, and faster than them in a way men don't get about other men. she keeps getting scolded for rude speech. which like... all that is not going to stop her, but now she's grumpier and more aggressive
also bc tobirama is someone who likes clearly defining rules and then sticking to them, i think she'd have a lot of internal conflict about her expected role As A Woman versus what she would LIKE her role to be.
kushina jr is very open to just babbling about the future, and tobirama finds herself, like.... extremely curious about it despite herself. both as like someone who likes having knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but also in this horrible disney princess way where she kind of wishes she'd been born in kushina jr's time. yes please tell her more about fulfilling clan duties without having to give birth
anyway kushina jr figures out how to leave after a couple months but they fucked up in that because they went to tobirama for help, tobirama now ALSO knows how to timeline jump and obviously she follows. after all, they don't know the rules of time travel, and kushina jr might fuck EVERYTHING UP
tobirama: we should identify some timelines were don't care about fucking over and run some experiments
kushina jr, who grew up hearing stuff like that all the time: yeah okay sure
i don't think any version of tobirama thinks super hard about romance but i can see her watching someone flirt with kushina jr and suddenly feeling blind jealous that is VERY alarming. like no she has never once before considered dating until hashirama picks out her husband to strategically marry to strengthen the clan or whatever is going to happen, but also, kushina jr is HER annoying uchiha in the woods
kushina jr after they become Official: i know you'll be busy being hokage and all, but i was kind of hoping you'd help me run the uchiha clan too
tobirama, brain completely shutting down: wait. wait. what
kushina jr: like when we get married?
tobirama: WHAT
kushina jr: did i not tell you i'm the heir
tobirama: WHAT THE FUCK
tobirama is not emotionally prepared for "marry," let alone "marry the uchiha clan heir from the future." she is so emotionally unprepared for this sentence she forgets to remember they probably wouldn't let a woman be hokage for at least a few decades. if anyone is going to have two jobs across two timelines, it's going to be tobirama---
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vellichorom · 3 months
that post regarding papa.isa / papa.iwa doing numbers so i'm going further in-depth about my thoughts because i'm So Right
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-- @/Zoeyhoshi, quoted around the time the Focus On the Hawks manga was initially set to be released;
( this is not an official description nor is it stated in the manga but could Probably be inferred by the given timeline of the game & regardless likely doesn't go without precedent; )
okay so now that that's out of the way,
here's a bunch of ryuuji & isa/shuu relationship thoughts that have caused me such brainrot ;;
perceive this as papa/isa & i kill you;
to ME ( & this is rather flavored with headcanon so bear with me ); ryuuji kawara, a man realizing a baby & then some beforehand too late that he's just No longer in love with his wife / girlfriend, spends ALL of his time possible at work, with his team of prodigy teenage exploits, honestly just dicking around & refusing to- you know, be a Responsible Grown Ass Man & do something about his life,
& he starts doting on the sad little partridge who's thrown himself into his work to an unhealthy degree & is no doubt having a hard time just being ALIVE after being orphaned & physically disabled by a terrorist attack when he was just a baby, practically hovering over his shoulder, making sure he eats, gets out & has fun, & this is EASY for ryuuji, because they both have a mutual interest in science - as well as each other. ( not in a weird way get out of here, )
& isa's been given the short end of the shit stick ALL his short life thus far; he was born into a rich family that abhorred him since day one for Never being up to their standards, has resented them & felt nothing for anyone around him Since day one, was involved in a terrorist attack that Physically fucked him up for the rest of his life, & was almost immediately indoctrinated into the extremist hawk party at like. age 6 & stayed with them onward. CAN YOU IMAGINE,
so isa's growing up in a sterile, hostile environment & having his progeny used to develop techniques & weapons against humankind. i can't imagine it's the warmest place to RAISE an already jaded child, let alone when they're destined to become the smartest one in the new world order, but i digress.
IN STEPS RYUUJI, showing him all the warmth & kindness that he's yet to experience from ANYONE in his life before, & oh my god. it's wonderful. it is indescribably luxurious- it's so fantastic that ryuuji kawara would be the Only Person that shuu would show respect for, the only person he'd ever do ANYTHING for, the person he would somewhat come to live for, no matter how much he denies it or portrays ryuuji like a fool under his breath.
ryuuji imprints on isa as though he were his own child & finds fulfillment & content enough just to pal around with him for the rest of his days, & isa imprints on ryuuji as though...
he were everything to him, likely. of course, construed to the mentally & emotionally stunted shuu iwamine as Romance, or something along those lines. familial feelings Must have died with his parents, & you want to tell him they probably just transferred to ryuuji during the extremely stressful period toward the beginning of shuu's young life? get out of here,,,
ryuuji loved isa & isa loved ryuuji & shuu still loves ryuuji !!!!! a man admired for his brilliance who also showed shuu the most tender affection he has ever felt in his whole life & that has warped him beyond belief & kind of caused almost everything in hatoful boyfriend to happen
& my god can you imagine being ryouta finding out about this; can you imagine your dad abandoning you prior to your birth & putting all his love & care into someone who screwed you & all your friends & literally almost all of your society over because of it. i can't help but imagine he tries not to dwell on it but... ouh, the resentment he harbors in his heart about it... unfathomable,
OHH my emotionally distant & stunted horrible idiot BASTARDS ryuuji & shuu..... not a week goes by where i don't think about them,
i hate them so much
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here's also the abridged discord post version of this post jic i left out some details i wanted to discuss & i think i did
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Something was different about Gotham. Sure the streets were relatively the same, but the buildings seemed different. Less run down. Newer. 
They passed a fire station that had an electrical board that showed any events, the weather, the time and… the date?
“Holy crow? It’s 2023? Does that mean I– does that mean I time traveled?” That would make him 21– nope, 20 because it was April. His birthday wasn’t for another 4 months. “This is so cool. Can I meet me?” Was he in college? Of course he was, there’s no way he would throw all that away. Did he get another growth spurt? He was probably cool. 
“I’m pretty sure you got de-aged, since you’re still wearing your suit. I think if it was time travel you would’ve showed up in your…” Stephanie glanced back at him like she had just realized something, but immediately shot her eyes back on the road “Robin costume.”
Wait. He wasn’t still Robin? A grown adult being Robin did seem kind of silly though. Dick had become Nightwing when he was 18. They kept calling Jason “Red Hood” . Was that what he called himself now? How in the world did he convince Bruce to let him use guns? Why did he use guns?
Steph lifted a finger to her com, “Um..quick question, who’s in the cave right now?” 
The question didn’t echo in Jason’s ear so he assumed that maybe she’d switched to a different frequency. Which was kinda rude, but also maybe polite because the reverberation is kinda annoying.
“Ok good, Oracle already filled you in. We’re coming up on the cave, Agent A, maybe you should put a sheet or something over the case.” a pause, “How am I supposed to know? I didn't know you people then.” she looked at Jason again, “He still has the white streak in his hair. If that helps?”
“I dyed… my hair?” He tried to get a glance of himself in the side mirrors and sure enough he had a streak of white near his forehead, “ Cool .”
They got to the cave, which had a lot more bat-themed vehicles than Jason remembered. No duh, it’s been like five years. 
They got out of the bike and walked further into the cave. Well, Stephanie walked, Jason waddled because his pants and boots were way too big. She turned around with her phone and took a picture with a shit eating grin. 
“What- hey! Delete that!” He reached to grab the phone but she moved it just out of reach. Screw her and her tallness.
“No can do, bitty bird. It’s not often I can get blackmail on the Big Bad Red Hood.”
She was basically a stranger and now she has a picture of him. Sure she was let into the batcave, and Bruce probably trusted her, but that doesn’t mean he was comfortable with her taking pictures of him. Jason’s eyes felt like they were burning in shame.
“Miss. Stephanie, don’t tease Master–” Alfred was cut off by a hug, 
“Alfie!” Jason couldn’t see Alfred pale in his arms. Because other than the white streak running through his hair, Jason looked almost exactly how he did before he… left. For Ethiopia. 
Alfred wrapped his arms tightly around him. Afraid that if he let go, Jason would run away and he would lose him for a second time. “...Jason.” 
Jason shifted in his arms, because hugs with Alfred were never this long, even when he was hugging Dick. Did Jason not see Alfred anymore? Nah, that could never happen. Even if Jason was angry at Bruce (which he couldn’t be for that long) he would still try to see Alfred at least once a week. But the hug felt good.
Alfred cleared his throat before letting go, “Dear god, you are practically swimming in those clothes. I’ll see if I can find something that might fit, Master Jason.”
And before Jason could thank him, Alfred was gone. 
He started walking deeper into the cave because if it really was 2023, there’d better be much cooler technology and if there wasn’t, Jason was gonna be really disappointed. 
But of course, since Jason was wearing clothes that were meant for someone who was Bruce’s size, he stepped on the leg of his pants and tripped on his boots while trying to catch himself.
“These boots are ten sizes too big.” Jason totally wasn’t whining as he kicked them off and started aggressively rolling up his pant legs, “You could probably put these pants on a giant and they’d still be a nuisance to keep up.”
There was a huff of a laugh that did not sound like Stephanie’s. “Well, you are usually kind of a giant, Jason. You probably scare more badguys than Batman.” There was a teen in pajamas offering a hand out to him, “I’m Duke.”
Jason accepted the hand, “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you, but I don’t think it’s possible to be scarier than Batman.” Who was this kid? He seemed about Jason’s age. Did he know Bruce was Batman? Was he the new Robin? 
Duke shifted from side to side, “Yeah, you’re right, I was just trying to start up a conversation.”
Alfred came back into the cave with a pile of clothes in his hands. “After you change, Master Jason, meet me in the medbay. I’m sure Master Bruce will want to run some tests.”
That meant he was about to be poked and prodded. And ever since Jason’s mom died–
No… It can’t end like this… Gotta get you out of here….I’ll save you mom…It’s locked! 
“Master Jason?” Alfred had placed a hand on Jason’s arm. 
“Thanks Alfred.” Jason took the clothes with shaky hands. That flash of– maybe a nightmare, left him feeling clammy. He could see Stephanie walking over to them and Duke was looking at him with a slight frown. They couldn’t see Jason like this, scared of what his own brain conjured up for no apparent reason. So he quickly headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, to wash away the sweat. Not the fear. 
He had… a lot of scars. Scars that he didn’t remember getting. The two most concerning being the one on his throat, and the Y shaped scar running down his torso. If Jason didn’t know any better, he would think it was a scar from an autopsy. But he was very much alive. 
Jason peeled his eyes away from the mirror and hopped into the shower. He felt like somehow, he was intruding his own privacy. And he was grateful for the turtleneck that was slightly too big because he wasn’t sure if the scars were something he wanted everyone seeing. Because the clothes he was wearing before seemed to cover them up.
Jason could hear the roar of the batmobile. Bruce . Yeah, maybe things have been kinda rough between the both of them recently, but Jason was confused, and scared, and all he wanted was his dad. 
Except by the time Jason had reached the Batmobile, it wasn’t Batman coming out of the driver's seat, it was–
“Dick?” Jason had to do a double take. His costume was a lot more muted. Less blue and more black. Also, since when did Bruce let Dick drive the batmobile? 
Two other people were coming out of the batmobile too, but before he could get a good look at them, he was engulfed in a hug. Which was weird. Really weird. Because Dick rarely hugged him. 
Dick pulled away, “I forgot how small you used to be.”
“I wasn’t going to point out how old you look, because I’m a nice person, but you look old. ” Even with the mask on, Jason could tell. Well, it was less physical, and more of a vibe. There was a different aura of maturity surrounding his older brother. He seemed to be less of a ball of rage and more… Well, calm. 
There was a mumble that came from near the batmobile.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”
The kid, who was maybe the same age as Jason. He held himself in a way that screamed, I’m better than you . And he had the Robin ‘R’ on his chest. But the costume held little resemblance to the normal Robin suit. Almost all the colors and light had been stripped from the costume. It fit the vibe of Gotham, but it couldn’t be Robin. He also got a sword. A sword. “Are those my clothes?”
“I dunno. Alfred gave them to me.” Jason pulled the sleeves over his hands and crossed his arms. 
Emo Robin was looking at him funny. Jason could see the puzzle pieces clicking into place. Before the look was covered by a look of arrogance, “Tt” and he stalked off. 
Dick watched as Emo Robin went to the cave's bathroom, and then looked back to the third person. The girl who had come out of the passenger seat of the Batmobile. 
“Remembers. Recognizes.” She shrugged and locked eyes with Jason. 
She had a mask in her hands, and was wearing all black with the signature yellow bat. The way she was looking at Jason made him feel like she knew everything about him, but it didn’t feel wrong. If anything, it was kind of comforting. He offered her a little smile. 
“I am Cass. Your big sister.”
Jason felt his smile widen even more, “I’ve always wanted a sister.” 
She just ruffled his hair in response. 
Jason looked back to Dick, “um… where’s Bruce?” Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to ask the dude who was almost constantly getting into screaming matches with Bruce where he was, but Dick was driving the Batmobile, which meant they have to have made up in the past 7 years. 
“He’s just tying things up with Commissioner Gordon. So he sent us ahead.” Dick gaze was searching his face. “Do you want me to ask him to wrap up sooner?”
As tempting as that was, Jason shook his head, “Nah, he’ll come home eventually.” 
Dick opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then shut it, “I’m gonna go change. I’ll be back.” 
That… was probably the most awkward conversation he’s had with Dick. And that was saying something, because that conversation before Dick officially passed the mantle of Robin to Jason had been pretty tense. This was tense in a different way. 
“Master Jason?”
“Oh! Right! Sorry Alfie. I’m coming.”
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starzgaze · 1 month
hope you don't mind me ranting rq--
i constantly think about your yan!Hae-In and yan!Jinwoo ideas because they're so fun to mess around with.
bc what if the readers honest to god reaction to either of then confessing to then was "i don't feel the dame way.. you wanna see this cool bug i found?"
that OR the reader is a little freak of a poet and writes romance novels with concerningly detailed cannibalism scenes and is more interested in the shadow ants than either of them.
also i'm planning on writing a fic about the cannibal poet reader, but it's going to take a while because i'm shit at writing-
LMFAOO IDC IF U FLOOD MY INBOX ITS FINEEE more people to talk to anyway because im a bit of a pussy to talk straight up to my mutuals sigh
also thanks i actually have alot in my drafts its just most of them are unfinished and i have no idea if i should let them see the light of day or not... same with w.jc , chi, and sjw sick day fic LMFAOO uhhmm anyway!!
that's actually something i lovvee experienting with lowkey especially as someone who takes a big looong time to realize 'oh they liked me" and it's been fucking months since they confessed but anyqay I actually act like that most of the time it's pretty bad anywaaay this is funny as hell with yandere jinhae who's TRYING their best to make you swoon even if they're not the best with romance but you still don't... budge... bur hey you'll show them some cool colored bug you picked off the side walk! that's hopefully not a mutated monster that escaped a dungeon.
anyway more on the first idea this probably either ends really well or horribly depending on how both jinwoo and haein receives this ooooooorrr the circumstances really on how much they both value you but since im a freak for borderline this is insanity why are you writing this type of literature let's say that if you rejected then you have one swordswoman who accidentally fucks you up psychologically (I don't see haein someone who would do it willingly or deliberately gets enjoyment from it) but with jinwoo its a bit complicated to say because each person has a different take on how jinwoo perceives romance and how he processes feelings but since its my post im going with it's probably borderline fucked up if we consider the fact the more he levels up or grows the more apathetic or inhumane he becomes! im gonna abuse the hell out of this concept
but anywya with jinwoo u're probably gonna either get straight up kidnapped OR because you're lowkey desensitized and carefree that maybe kidnapping doesn't really have any affect on you then he might just sends weird eldritch horrors depictions of death and darkness when you're about to sleep so now you need a cute bug themes night light to sleep because no way you're letting some death incarnate screw up your sleeping schedule.
also those two as an attempt to maybe sway you might get into bugs or whatever little interests like jinwoo is having small consultations with beru or has him on standby everytime he spends time with you or haein overcoming her trauma (this takes place after jeju island) and learns and starts to love bugs just for you to reciprocate her feelings then these two quiz eachother on who knows more and what not it's literally amusing to see them debates over fuckinf caterpillars when you returned with take out because they insisted hanging out with you
anyway now on the latter I LOVE LOVE grotesque depictions of love especially like with murder OR cannibalism like how probably eating eachother is like a way of showing affection and how now your love will always be inside of them (literally) or something along the lines!! it's actually so cool how it's portrayed in media i need some suggestions actually anyway in the context of jinhae and mc being a poet uhmmm I'm not sure because i suck at making poems so im not the best on how to... make this work... i hate writing poems but I'll stick witj the theme of being a romance horror writer but not what you think of like colleen hoover or whomever the fuck wrote haunting adeline (god please i hope those books gets SMITED off the face of earth because this has stained dark romance to the point i dont even wanna acknowledge dark romance as a genre).
if you're a popular horror writer who specializes on creeping out your readers but still somehow delivers a good message or screwedd up message in between the lines of ripped boddies and intestines then jinhae has probably heard of you before like definitely.
like the themes of your books or poems to other people seems to be very disgusting or only written for the shock value but maybe to jinwoo or haein they have a whooole different meaning or one of your books/poems struck them really deep they got into a bit of a rabbit hole going through your collection as an author. i can definitely see both of them becoming fans and attending meet and greets.
oh my god a thought came to me and it's basically how would these two act in the internet if your name was beinf slandered like because your books or poems is not well perceived by all because you would occasionally write screwed up romance that you do not condone at all!! it's all for the sake of symbolism and experimentation with the material but anyway these two would have different reactions to this
for example haein seems to be the type to not be sooo like... like how do i explain this shes the type to have an anonymous account and goes to those forums to have actual discussions and tries to be civil as she can be when she tries to convert these haters why they should like you because i can't see her going as far to try to find this individual's address BUT but im just saying if ever that same hater was in the same dungeon raid as haein, there's no guarantee that haein will probably let them... die and say it was an accident.
anyway jinwoo is less interactive on the internet and is more of a lurker but he's probably the definitely the type to send ominous messages and then appear on their doorstep next morning or even minute if they're that unlucky LMFAO. another case of missing people otw!!
oh and i lowkey love the whooole idea of if you have a writer darling no matter how screwed or how fluffy their stories are the person or people who loves them will try to recreate this. yeaaah i can see this happening with jinwoo and haein and the tiny competition they have is who performed it better.
like for example if you written a poem about the elegant slashes of a sword on how it glides so easily through certain monsters, haein would try to replicate the feeling and explains to jinwoo that she obviously is better at portraying at this because she is a certified swordswoman or something along the lines and honestly jinwoo can't exactly argue against that because she's right but he won't admit it
then with paragraphs that depicts the most grueling experience of death and what not is something jinwoo is really familiar with and he's the type to copy it by doing it on random monsters he encounters in dungeons or even certain monarchs if they're that unlucky or jinwoo feels a biiit experimental LMFAO yeah okay what my brain is fried.
oh talking about darling being a horror romance writer, the moment jinwoo introduces his shadows or you find out about you become absolutely infatuated with them and the whoole idea like especially they're permanently serving death that's a pretty neat idea to you.
you start to write more and talk less to jinwoo and mooore to the shadows, it's pretty funny to see but you didn't notice the fact jinwoo is fuming in the background as he watches you get into in depth discussions with igris and bellion about their past lives and how you'll implement their experiences in a poem
yeha kay thats it my brain wugh dead bye uhm yeah talk to me more i love this sm thanks for food for thought
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