#i saw something of like that one person dancing with the stage light while performing and am thinking about it for Shiloh
dispotatorulzz · 6 months
Ok I have such a fun idea for Shiloh s dancing with light scene and also Emizels scary house scene listen .
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eufezco · 9 months
Synopsis — It's hard to get your life back on track when the Capitol has gotten inside your head but Finnick is there to help you. You were enjoying a party in District 13 when you discovered something that triggered you.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ And I break down, then he's pulling me in. In a world of boys, he's a gentleman ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Finnick looked at Katniss and considered himself a lucky man.
Although both of them had managed to get back the loves of their lives, their situations now were quite different from what they were used to. Finnick now looked at Peeta and realized how the Capitol had completely destroyed the friend he made in the games, making him incapable of telling the difference between what was real and what the Capitol put in his head. Finnick saw the sadness grow in Katniss' eyes as she and Peeta couldn't spend more than five minutes together without him wanting to jump on her neck.
You, on the other hand, had your moments of lucidity.
Finnick considered himself lucky for being able to enjoy the person you were before the Capitol took you, but the longer those moments lasted, the worse your breakdowns were.
Even though he considered himself luckier than Katniss, it wasn't being easy for him either. He hated to see you fighting the medical team from District 13 while they were trying to inject you with a sedative and the way he had to hold you so they could do it. He hated to see you with your hands and legs tied to the bed as you tried to free yourself from the straps that held you to the mattress. He hated to see your eyes red with rage, the way you flinched when someone made an unexpected move next to you, and how you could not help but be alert to everything that was going on around you.
But Finnick also appreciated when he saw you smile, or talking to someone who wasn't him, or seeing that you had changed your clothes that day or enjoying your meal in the dining room. The way your eyelashes fluttered when he spoke to you like he was the most magnificent thing you had ever seen, how you were always looking to have some sort of physical contact with him whether it was sitting too close at the table or something more subtle like seeking for his hand in the crowd as you listened to the words that Alma Coin pronounced.
The Capitol caused irreparable damage but they had not been able to take everything from you.
―Let's give a huge round of applause to Sarah and Mike from District 11!
The two siblings had been singing since dinner was over along with their band. The lights in the dining room were dimmer, not the cold white ones that gave you a headache every time you went inside. They had set up a small stage and some decorations on the ceiling. Alma Coin knew that Christmas was close and wanted to do something special to raise people's spirits, and it seemed to be working because after dinner, people had stayed to listen to the siblings sing, and some had even encouraged to go out and dance.
―We still have time for a couple more songs, any requests? ―The boy spoke into the microphone, looking at the audience.
It was your hand that rose.
Finnick and Katniss who were sitting at the table with you looked at each other. You got up from the table and walked to the stage, well, you didn't feel your feet moving on the floor, it was more like you were floating. You were enjoying the little concert so much that you had managed to remember all the lyrics of the songs that they had performed when just a few days ago you couldn't even remember your name, your feet moved under the table following the rhythm of the instruments and you even hummed some of the words.
Both siblings approached the edge of the stage and bent down to listen to the title of the song you were asking for. They looked at each other, satisfied, and more than approving your request. You went back to your seat at the table, happy, and before Katniss and Finnick could ask about the song, the little girl called your name through the microphone.
―Why don't you come and sing with us? ―She asked you in her sweet voice. All the people in the dining room were waiting for your answer, some you knew were encouraging you to come up like Haymitch and Effie, and others you knew were judging you just by the way their eyes were on you like Gale, but you didn't care because since your return you had never wanted anything so much as to get on that stage with those two kids.
Finnick held your hand, his eyebrows drawn together. ―Are you sure?
You nodded and showed him a little smile, reassuring him.
They welcomed you with smiles and sweet gestures to show you where to stand. They had placed a microphone in the middle of the two siblings for you.
―May I? ―You asked for the guitar the young girl was holding. She showed you a smile and gave it to you. The guitar felt out of place in your hands, as if it was a stranger and it was the first time you were meeting each other. That was not the truth, the truth was that you had been playing the guitar for as long as you could remember. You liked to play it for the children at District 4 while they sat around the campfire in the sand accompanied by Finnick and they sang with you. But now it all seemed so far away and the instrument felt odd in between your fingers.
You coughed to clear your throat without realizing that you did it right into the microphone. Finnick smiled at how innocent that had been and you smiled embarrassed. ―Sorry.
The two siblings from District 11 were looking at you with their big eyes and with smiles of comfort on their faces, waiting for you to start singing but all those people staring at you was all you could think about. You couldn't remember how the lyrics started.
Finnick nodded at you from the audience.
Can't take my past Can't take my history
The little girl sang for you. There was a friendly expression on her face. Her eyebrows were raised as she was singing the beginning of the song and she nodded as she looked at you, trusting that you knew the words and helping you with her kind gesture to find them.
You could take my pa But his name's a mystery
Her brother continued singing. A similar expression was on his face. Apart from your friends and Finnick, you had trouble finding people who trusted you in District 13. You didn't blame them because even you found it hard to trust yourself.
Nothing you can take from me Was ever worth keeping Nothing you can take Was ever worth keeping
Your voice didn't sound as you expected, it was still the same sweet voice as always. You expected to have completely destroyed it after all the screaming you did at the Capitol, but no, your voice was still there, just as Finnick remembered it. He was trying very hard not to burst into tears because he knew you were watching him.
The band played the song perfectly on their instruments while you tried to follow them on the guitar and more people listening to the lively rhythm of the song came out and danced in the center of the dining room.
Can't take my charm Can't take my humor You can't take my wealth 'Cause it's just a rumor Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping
Those lines you were singing meant so much, it was like pulling the middle finger to the Capitol. He had never seen you so happy since before the Quarter Quell. There was a smile on your lips while you sang, your body moved to the rhythm of the son, your hands moved skilfully on the guitar, and the boy and the girl from District 11 danced on the stage around you.
―Come on. ―Katniss stood and Finnick looked up at her with his green eyes glassy thanks to the tears.
―Come on where? ―Finnick asked.
―We're gonna dance.
Katniss took his hands and dragged him to the dance floor.
Thinking you're so fine, thinking you can have mine Thinking you're in control Thinking you'll change me, maybe rearrange me Think again, if that's your goal
You laughed into the microphone watching them and you handed the little girl her guitar back. You came down from the stage to join them. Katniss stepped back when she saw you coming and you followed Finnick's movements. He had always been a very good dancer so you let him lead you. You twirled around, laughing, until you were so dizzy that you had to wrap your arms around Finnick's neck, your fingers digging into his hair while his arms went around your waist.
―You were amazing. ―He told you, speaking a little louder so that you could hear him over the music. You hugged him again.
―I love you so much.
Finnick cupped both of your cheeks and kissed you. ―I love you too. ―He said before the group of little girls pulled you by the arm so you'd dance with them.
He kept dancing or something like that with Katniss but with his eyes fixed on you. The girls were being so nice; two of them held your hands while the other two were dancing on their own. Their hairs were tied up in braids and they even asked you if they could braid yours later.
But all of a sudden, you let go of their hands and took a few steps backward, bumping into the people dancing. The girls looked at you worried, had they done something wrong? ―No, no, no. ―You mumbled to yourself.
Finnick stopped and approached you quickly, pushing people out of his way when he saw the change in your mood. He took your face in between his hands, looking for your eyes but they were focused on something that wasn't him. You pushed him once his hands cupped your cheeks, only making eye contact with him for a few seconds and then going back to focus on something else.
When Finnick decided to follow your gaze, he felt a wave of heat form in his lower body and rise to his head. Cressida was behind Castor, directing how the shots of you dancing with the girls should look like. By that time you already left the room.
You tried to record a propo a few days after your arrival in District 13. Heavensbee, but especially Coin, were very insistent that you should do it. They said that your rescue and your dedication to the revolution would bring hope to the people resisting in the districts. You weren't too sure about it, much less Finnick and Katniss, who could see how bad was your state to be exposed to something like that.
You were still in a daze, confused with everything that was going on, and very weak physically when you stood in front of the camera in the ruins of District 13 covered with white roses. The smell of the flowers made you fall to your knees in the debris before Finnick could catch you and throw up everything you had eaten since you were taken out of the Capitol.
―I'm okay, I can do this. ―You said, wiping your mouth with the cuff of your uniform, but it was not true and you found out that when you got in front of the camera. Castor pointed the lens at you while Cressida repeated behind him what you were supposed to say. The spotlights were on you and also were the eyes of the president herself, who had come to the surface to see you film the propo, and suddenly you were back at the Capitol, sitting in front of Caesar Flickerman, drugged to the point where you could not remember your name just the words they'd been repeating for you to say during the interview. Your outfit was tight, your face was covered with powder and make-up so that the bruises would not be visible.
―Don't make me regret rescuing you. ―Alma Coin said to you with a smile on her face before the propo. Something similar to what he told you when the Capitol took you out of the arena.
―Don't make me regret not killing you.
After that day, only one type of images of you was broadcast for the rest of the districts to see and they were of you living your life in District 13, recording you when you didn't notice and taking advantage of the moments when you were doing well to show it to the rest of the nation and obviously, without your consent.
Finnick was not happy with that decision and he made sure to make it clear at the meeting at which it was discussed, shouting, running his hands over his face, offering himself to do all the propos they wanted. He was desperate to get them to let you recover in peace.
Katniss agreed with Finnick. She did not like the idea of turning you into a product to fool people into thinking that everything was fine, much less without having your approval. Haymitch and Effie were silent but neither did they agree with what Alma Coin wanted to do with you and Beetee suggested other options but nothing was as valuable to Alma as your image.
The only ones who openly agreed with Heavensbee and Coin were Cressida and Gale. She said that it would be good for the spirit of rebellion and that they would do it so discreetly that you would never know. On the other hand, it seemed like Gale had a lot to say even though he didn't know you at all, and because of that, he ended up in the infirmary that afternoon after he replied to Finnick's complaints by saying:
―There are times when we have to do things we don't want to do, you should know that better than anyone else.
And Finnick couldn't help himself and get up from his seat and before Gale could finish speaking Finnick's fist was already against his cheekbone. That same hand with which Finnick hit Katniss' friend was now smacking Castor's camera into the floor, a gasp could be heard from the people who had stopped dancing to see what was happening. Finnick pointed at Cressida with his index finger, threateningly.
―I warned you to keep that shit away from her.
Katniss was fast to intervene, stepping in between Finnick and the woman. She looked at Cressida with pure rage but knew she couldn't do anything with all those people watching ―Go find her.
Finnick approached the girls you had been dancing with. He knelt by their side. ―Did you see where she went? ―He asked kindly to them, perfectly hiding his nervousness. One of them pointed at one of the doors and he immediately knew where you were. He flashed a smiled to her as a thank you.
―Have we done something wrong? ―She played with her hands.
―No, she was having lots of fun with you. ―Finnick caressed the hair at the top of the little girl's head and stood on his feet.
―When you find her, please tell her we still want to braid her hair.
You were sitting on the floor, holding your legs close to your chest. You had already hidden in that place several times before. It was Katniss who found the first time because it was the same place where she would hide right after she was rescued.
You moved back and forth, mumbling words that Finnick could not decipher, and with your head down, your forehead resting on your arms. When you heard Finnick's footsteps getting closer, you tried to escape him, crawling backward and watching as he quickly approached so that you couldn't get too far away. He fell to his knees in front of you, grabbing your cheeks again to make you look at him.
―It's me. It's Finnick.
You analysed his face, your eyes moving fast across his face looking for any friendly features on that face but all you could see was the face of a traitor. Your lips trembled as they continued to mumble I don't think I can forgive him for what he's doing, Caesar. I didn't know Finnick Odair was like that, I didn't know he would join the rebellion. What you do in the games is one thing but what you do outside the arena is what defines you.
―You're safe. We're in District 13, you're not there anymore.
You're right, Caesar. He has tricked me into thinking he was someone he is not. I thank president Snow everyday for helping me realize.
―You're from District 4. We live together. Our house is near to the beach. You won the 72th Hunger Games. We went back to the arena for the Quarter Quell. The Capitol took you. I'm Finnick Odair. I was your mentor along with Max.
If he were watching this I would tell him to think for himself. It's not too late to start doing things right and stop this war, and if he is unrepentant and this has always been his true self, Caesar, I think I may have never lov...
―You're here with us and we will protect you. Katniss is here at District 13 and so are Johanna and Peeta.
...I think I may have never lo...
―You're okay, baby.
...I may have never...
You hugged Finnick tightly against you, your eyes wide open and your hands shaking from the strength you were putting into holding him to be able to feel he was real. ―I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's going on. I feel like I'm losing my mind. ―You cried.
Finnick shook his head while he held you almost as strongly as you held him. He kept whispering sweet words until he felt how your body began to relax. Finnick carefully pulled you away from him so he could use his thumbs to wipe away the tears running down your cheeks. ―It's fine, I'm here with you. It's not your fault, they've done horrible things to you but you're with me now, you're safe. They will have to go over my dead body to get their hands on you again.
He helped you to move so that you were sitting on his lap, with your head resting on his chest and his arms around your body. When some time passed and you calmed down, he could see it in the way your body had stopped shaking and also because you had stopped sobbing a while ago but you didn't want to separate from him, Finnick decided to try to cheer you up.
―Do you know who told me where you went?
You shook your head, really curious.
―Those new friends you made on the dance floor.
You pressed your lips into a smile, you were having so much fun with those little girls...―They were so cute, I must have scared them.
Finnick shook his head and kissed your temple. ―Not at all. They told me they'll wait for you. They said they wanted to braid your hair.
Now you really smiled, snuggling into his chest.
―Do you want me to take you to our room?
You shook your head, making yourself comfortable in Finnick's lap. It was not the most comfortable or welcoming place to be but he didn't want to rush you to leave. He was aware that they would be looking for you two, they would take you away from him and lock you in a room next to Peeta's, thinking that you were a menace and putting you in a place where the screams of the boy next door would drive you crazy.
―We can stay here for as long as you want then.
You hummed in response, closing your eyes and focusing on Finnick holding you in between his arms. Thanks to your head on his chest and the silence, you could hear Finnick's heart and you were relieved because it was the realest thing you had ever experienced. Its beats were peaceful but still managed to quiet all the noise in your head.
You were so immersed in Finnick's heartbeat you would swear yours was beating so hard against your chest because it wanted to escape your body so it could be closer to his.
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the-grimm-writer · 8 months
Dabi with a darling who's obsessed with her art, her art being ballet
Cue vantom of the opera music ballet addition.
Also, I'm genuinely so sorry this took so long. I'm getting better at answering requests, I swear 😭😭😭
Tw: stalking, paranoia, mentions of unhealthy habits, kidnapping.
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You were used to people staring at you. Their eyes glued to you with pure admiration as you gracefully glided across the stage, moving your body in ways that took you years to master.
But this felt different. You felt someone's eyes burning into you with such intensity that any normal person would've broken down from it. Yet if you were one to break, you would've never made it very far. So you continued your performance like chills weren't running down your spine.
Heroes were hard to please. The world's top elite, coming to the theater to watch you, dressed in their finest night apparel. But the moment you started, all their doubts would wash away, watching silently with fascination once the music started.
The crowd broke into applause once you finished your dance, standing up and yelling their praise. It always made those long, painful nights of practice worth it.
As you bowed, you looked up to the audience, your blood running cold as you saw bright blue eyes from the back, hiding away from everyone else. Like a ghost, only you could see.
By the time you get down to greet the audience and discuss your performance, the man with the glowing eyes is nowhere to be scene. You don't know why you look for him, going past the darkest part of the theater and peaking in to see if he's still there, watching you.
Even your walk is elegant, your posture is perfect, back straight, and head held up high. Your voice was soft and feminine as you spoke to the people as they congratulated you.
"That was a stunning performance, my dear!" A tall, balding man with round, thick rimmed glasses eagerly shook your hand, yet you could tell by his crisp black suit and the beautiful younger woman that looked to be in her mid twenties or early thirties that stood by his side looking at you that he obviously had money. "When will you be performing again?"
"I'm here every night, thank you very much."
You smiled like he didn't give you the creeps. One thing your master didn't have to teach you but were thankful that he did. How to keep your admirers happy while maintaining a distance from them.
It continued on and on. You knew most people who attended the theater were wealthy, but you didn't care. You had all you wanted right now. So even as they introduced themselves, you didn't bother to remember their names. Always changing the topic if one got too bold with you.
A dancer's career was like a star, your balletmaster used to tell you. Shine too bright, and it would burn out quickly.
That's what you liked about it being busy, not being able to stay and talk to one person for too long. So whenever someone made you uncomfortable, you easily excused yourself and moved on to the next person. Sometimes, it would last for hours until you were finally able to leave.
There was a continuous cycle in your job. After you perform, you'd go to bed, get showered then something to eat, and then rush back to the studio in the early morning to practice. It was your favorite time to do it. When the sun was on the verge of rising and it was still dark outside. You could practice in peace with no prying eyes to judge you.
Turning the lights on, you walked onto the stage, dressed in your practice outfit. Skin tight nude colored leggings, a black leotard with a small tutu connected to it, and pointe shoes you just recently replaced and broke in. Your hair up in a tight bun, completely out of your face.
Taking a deep breath, you stood on the center stage and got in position, pretending like it was an actual performance as you danced.
It was always something you reminded yourself of when you got the lead role in dances. And whenever you didn't get what you were striving for and it felt like your world was going to come crashing down.
Yet still, you would dance until your feet bled and you physically couldn't anymore. It was painful yet an addicting feeling each time you overcame a boundary you once had and turned it into a new move you mastered.
"Why did you stop?"
Spinning around, you were about to stop until you collided with a person. You were about to apologize, thinking it was one of the other performers or the janitor until he spoke up.
You gasped in shock, turning around and stepping back from him. Those cerulean eyes were something you could never forget. Ever since that night.
"It's you..." Fear twisted in your stomach as you looked at him.
He chuckled at this, casually stepping forward towards you. "I knew you'd recognize me."
"Dabi..." You said breathlessly. It wasn't difficult to know who he was when he was always on the news. Heroes' warning is to be on the lookout for a deadly villain litered in patched scars and black hair. He smirked, knowing you'd seen him before.
"The theater is usually the last place I'd hide in. Too many witnesses." He stepped forward, making you go back. "But those idiots didn't even notice me. Not that I could blame them. That was quite the performance you put on."
You backed away, and he could see in your costume that your body was stiff as a board. Trained to have perfect posture even when just having a discussion with someone.
"Those fools don't deserve you, you know." He spoke up, his voice low and raspy. "They'll do what they do with everyone that has a talent. They'll make you dance like a puppet until you break."
You were stiff as you stood there, watching him circle around you on the stage. "I know what I signed up for," you said softly.
His eyes narrowed. "Then you're just as foolish as they are."
"It's ironic, you know," Dabi chuckled darkly as he stood behind you, placing his hands on your waist. "My father... he always strived for perfection. But even his most precious creation isn't enough for him."
You didn't blink an eye at his cold tone. Used to getting degraded and talked down to whenever you messed up even the slightest in front of your master and the instructors. So brutally harsh it could make even the villains with the blackest of hearts cry.
"Surely you understand," you argued back. "To love something so much, you'll continue to do it even if it kills you."
Though you didn't have a strong or flashy quirk, you made it up in your abilities in ballet. Pouring your heart and soul into your performances so even the untrained eye would be able to tell you aere the best at what you did.
You touched him like the fire that was dancing in his veins. The thing that consumed him aside from his needs for vengeance. Though he knew that obsession ran deep in his genetics. It was just something he never thought would hit him until that night he first saw you.
"That's because perfection doesn't exist."
His breath hit the shell of your ear, hot just like the rest of him, yet it sent shivers down your spine. "Yet here it is in the form of a little dancer."
You could tell how bitter it made him. You understood the feeling well. Every ballerina knew how it felt to be rejected and pushed to the side whenever a younger, prettier dancer came in and took the place they spent years working to get.
"Were you ever warned?" He mused. "Some hero or fuckin rich pig with too much time on his hands could ever use their power and money to snatch you up?"
Of course you were, and you hesitantly nodded your head. Nobody ever thought it would happen to them until it actually did. Hell, Dabi bet his mother thought she'd never wind up in an arranged marriage with his father, abused and locked away in an institution after making her have four children with him.
"I'm my father's son, after all." His scarred hand ran down your smooth cheek, down your chin until it wrapped around your throat and pinned you against him, his other arm snaking around your waist. "Men like us, when we see something beautiful, we have to own it, keep it for ourselves."
"You don't have to be like him." You protested, your heart racing in fear. Dread filled you at the thought of him taking away everything you spent your whole life working for.
"And you don't have to be a dancer." He retorted. "Sometimes we don't have a choice in life (Y/n). Now you're coming with me."
You tried to pull away despite his hand wrapped firmly around your throat, threatening you. "No! You can't do this! I have to perform tonight. I have to-"
"This is a lovely place," he cute you off. "Something even I could appreciate." His grip on your neck tightened as he held his other hand out, making you watch as bright blue fire appeared out of his hand. "Such a rich history. It would be a shame if it all went down in flames."
You weakly nodded your head, bursting into tears as you looked at the stage, the theater, your home on last time as he let his flame die out. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. His strong arm held you in place with ease as he walked away.
"Don't worry," he said softly, his smile wide and twisted as you cried. "You can still dance for me."
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jwanniie · 8 months
hii, can i request g!p hanni? they're from different groups and both have a secret crush for eo, they have a big tension after Hanni's performance
Omg I love the idea anonie, do you want part two with the smut?😚
Hmm baby?
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Hope u enjoy it babe! Not proofread wrote this half asleep🤓
Those colorful stage lights,the music on full volume, idols and fans cheering are all you could hear and see, You don’t honestly blame them how can they not when she completely devoured that stage. The way her body moves to the rhythm of music and the way she is dancing like there is no tomorrow. And oh, let’s not forget the vocals that came straight from heaven.
When the shortest 10 minutes of your life were done the award show was probably going to end soon, idols getting ready to leave and get their award you took one last glance at Hanni and she looked like she saw you, smirking and not breaking the eye contact. She felt her pants being to suffocating for her length and you felt your folds sticking to your panties. Hanni performed her solo stage just for you, for you to see her and be amazed by her and she honestly succeeded. You quickly got flustered broke the eye contact continuing moving with your group. Hannis group, NewJeans is going to be the last to leave since their performance was last, specifically Hannis performance.
Your group was in their room taking off the make up and changing into more normal and comfortable clothing. You were just sitting on the couch not really talking much you hoped your members wouldn’t notice and let you stay her while they go home ,you really wanted to wait for Hanni to finish. You got out of your thoughts when one of your members asked, “——are you going to take off your make up and change or…?”
“You guys can go home, I will be here for a while, maybe help them clean or something and if I get tired and ready to go I will call the manager to come pick me up” you replied with a warm smile not wanting to make them worry or anything. They agreed not wanting to argue with you knowing how stubborn you can be, you bid your members goodbye and hugged all of them.
Once you were alone you changed into more comfortable and normal clothes and took your make up off, when you were completely done. You grabbed your stuff and went towards the door where “NewJeans” was in a big font, it was pretty risky move. Knowing all of the members could be in there you decided to knock and what happens,happens.
You were met by the oldest member Minji her features couldn’t be ignored, you smiled at her and introduced yourself, she of course knew you since your group was pretty famous. She invited you to come in and all of the members came and greeted you one by one till one last member was left, Hanni.
She came with the biggest grin on plastered on her face, the tension was very high. Your cheeks immediately turning into a tomato and heart beat picking up. She knew the effects she had on you, she felt the same tension but tried to play it cool, you sat with her members for a while, laughing and giggling, while also sharing idol struggles.
Her members excused themselves since, they wanted you both get to “know” each other and spend some time alone. Once they left the tension came back but even more intense now.
“Did you like the performance?” Hanni asked with the most seductive voice while slightly bringing her hands closer to yours. At this point you were practically aching down there, your feeling down there made you completely out of this world not even knowing what Hanni said, she got you out of your thoughts when you felt a hand brush against your thigh “I asked something baby and I expect an answer, I don’t like saying it twice” her voice an octave lower with seriousness in it. She got closer to your face “hmm baby?” She questioned, you didn’t know what she even asked but you just decided to agree “y-yes” voice barely above a whisper. She smirked at your response her personality and voice was totally the opposite of the camera, in real life she is more teasing and playful, you loved both of her sides. Now that you realized how close your lips are, the urge to kiss her so so strong, it’s now or never you thought. Soon you felt a plush pair of lips against yours…
Do y’all want part 2 with a smut??
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ellie-24 · 1 year
Just A Fan
A/N: I recently saw all the 1977 Hawaii pictures again and oh they make me so soft every time. His health failed him, his personal life frustrated him, but he looked so happy and relaxed on this (last) vacation and really enjoyed himself.
Sooo I had to write a little something for dear Big Daddy Elvis. It's literally just horribly self-indulgent fluff. Enjoy!
This is also a veeeeery late response to the writing prompt: "Isn't that mine?"
Word count: 3.3 k
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March 11th 1977, Polynesian Cultural Center, Hawaii
Cara noticed him right away. Of course, she's been looking for him. Word got around at campus that he would be here tonight and to say she was exited would be an understatement. Unfortunately she of course wasn't the only one who heard about it. She already dreaded the masses that would form around him, waiting to get a glimpse.
Others might say they wouldn't have recognised him right away when he entered the open-air pavilion. In fact, at first it seemed like nobody noticed him at all.
His jet black hair and sideburns more grown out and partly hidden beneath a white, frizzy bucket hat. The sparkly, heavy jumpsuits he usually wore replaced by a comfortable looking light track suit, emphasising the sight swell of his belly. Beautiful blue eyes hidden behind tinted glass. She hoped he'd take them off, even if just for a second so that she could see them. It's not like never seen his eyes, she'd stared at them longingly for hours and hours, never growing tired of them.
Whether she was staring at his face on one of the numerous records she owned, pausing his movies to fully take in a particularly cheeky expression that she loved so much or just sitting in front on the many, many posters on the walls of her dorm room, pretending he was looking right back at her.
He looked different. Different than he looked on stage, different than he looked on those posters, different than he looked 10 years ago. She was very well aware of that. The whole public was aware of it. Not only aware of it, but bothered by it, apparently.
The amount of mean spirited headlines she's read, plastered at the front of cheap tabloids at the gas station, at the supermarket, seemingly everywhere she went. Everywhere for the entire world to see. Surrounding, following, haunting her.
Cara never understood it. Her love for him never faltered, after obsessing over him throughout her whole childhood her fate was finally sealed when she saw him live for the first time in 1972. She was just 15 years old and she vividly remembered begging her parents for weeks, months to take her to the concert. Two more followed in 1974 and 1975 and each time she just fell in love with him more and more. Since moving to Hawaii for university she hasn't had the opportunity to see him again. But now he was here, closer than he'd ever been before and she felt like a giddy teenager again.
Cara pondered for a while, tugging at the hemline of her short sun dress, her eyes laser focused on him the entire time. The native dances presented on stage weren't the main attraction, at least not for her. There were of course whispers in the audience with most people risking a short glance towards the King of Rock'n'Roll sitting among them, but nobody really dared to approach him and instead appreciated the actual show. It was refreshing to see him as part of an audience enjoying other people's perfomances.
In a motion she didn't quite register herself she got up and started walking. She wouldn't talk to him. No, she really didn't want to bother him when he was on vacation, with his guard down. He seemed so content not having to perform at the moment and she didn't want him to feel like he had to just for her. It's just that she wanted to see him up-close. And if she had to pretend to go to the bathroom to walk past him, coming as close as possible even if it was only for a passing glance, she'd do that.
"Hey, isn't that mine?" She heard him say when he was within earshot. He looked at the brown-haired man sitting next to him, who she quickly recognised as Charlie Hodge. Elvis snatched a glass of what looked like orange juice from his hand and laughed as he brought it to his lips, leisurely sipping on it.
Cara halted against her will, freezing at the spot. Seeing him like this, so relaxed and carefree was a wonderful sight and she couldn't tear her eyes away from him.
He suddenly rose from his seat and she urged her body to move and not just stand there and stare at him like a complete lunatic. He had his head turned back towards his group as he walked nearly bumped into her, only catching himself last second.
"Oh sorry, honey, I didn't see ya there." He gave her a quick once over and promptly beamed at her, making a pleasant shiver run down her spine. "Ain't ya just a sweet little thing?"
Cara's eyes widened as she realised he just talked to her. He just talked to her. She wanted to say a million things but the words got stuck in her throat. This was it. Her chance to talk to Elvis Presley and she was about to mess it up.
It seemed like hours passed where she just stared up at him, not able to utter a damn word. Head spinning, she felt her knees going weak.
"Hey honey, ya alright?" His voice was now latched with concern and she continued staring up at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
Her mind raced, trying to think of something to say, preferably something smart. At least she managed to open her mouth now, but only a little squeal came out. It would've been better if she'd just kept her mouth shut entirely. The spinning got worse and her ears started ringing as the moment dragged on and on. His beautiful, more than familiar voice became a dull background noise and she couldn't make out what he said.
"Aww, you're a little nervous? Don't got no reason to, sweetheart, promise. I won't bite, okay?" He drawled with his signature charming half smile.
Cara has dreamed of embracing him her entire life. How many times she's pictured it, holding him, letting him hold her. Being so close to him, pressing her body against his, feeling his warmth. She's thought of this scenario at least a thousand times. Her arms around his neck as he kneeled over the edge of the stage, leaning down to give her a kiss.
Never in a million dreams it would've occured to her that the first time she'd hug Elvis Presley would be because her legs went limp and she had to physically hold onto him to prevent herself from falling as her vision blurred.
He momentarily grunted as she leaned against him for support. "Hey, hey, honey, careful. I gotchu, you're alright." His arms wrapped around her middle, holding her steady before moving her towards a cushioned seat. He sat down with her splayed sideways across his lap, her back resting against the armrest.
Once he had her settled on his sturdy thighs he extented one arm and gestured around as if shooing away somebody. "It's okay, Charlie, I got her." He rasped, sounding a bit winded.
His scent surrounded her as she was pressed against his soft, yet strong body. An immediate feeling of comfort and safety rushed through her and she subconsiously tried to get even closer to him.
His whole body vibrated when he cleared his throat and she gasped when he shifted again, adjusting his grip on her. Now her head rested against his shoulder, if she moved just a little bit lower she could probably feel his heart beating rapidly.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" His voice was calm next to her ear.
"Cara." She whispered, black spots still dancing before her eyes.
He nodded, his whole attention on her. "Cara, that's nice. I'm Elvis."
She blinked up at him. Had he really introduced himself right now? "Yes, I know that." She breathed, her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief and wonder and her eyes shining.
He chuckled softly and carefully brushed some strands of hair from her sweaty forehead. "Now, Cara, I want ya to take some deep breaths, okay?"
She did as she was told as best as she could and slowly her head felt a little less fuzzy. He's pulled down the zipper of his track suit somewhat, exposing his wide chest, golden chains resting over the thick, dark hair.
This had to be a dream.
"Honey, what are ya doin'?" He asked when he saw her fingers digging into her waist, his voice a bit alarmed. He removed his shades to give her a stern look.
Cara swallowed hard when she looked into his eyes and her voice trembled when she spoke up. "Pinching myself."
It took him a moment to register but then started laughing heartily, his belly shaking against her. "You're a cute little thing."
She's essentially passed out in Elvis Presley's arms. She wanted to die. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his whole entourage staring at her, assessing the situation. They must think she's completely crazy. "Oh god, this is so embarrassing."
"Nah, no reason to be embarrassed, little one." He murmured and threw a look over his shoulder, waving the curious onlookers off, telling them with a glare to mind their own business.
"I'm sorry." She attempted to get up, despite her ears still feeling like someone stuffed cotton in there, but he quickly tightened his hold on her before cupping her chin.
"Don't apologise, little. Ya just gonna stay here for just a minute."
She'd stay for the rest of her life if he'd let her. In theory. But she really didn't want to make this even more awkward and weakly shook her head. "Uh-"
"Those little legs and feet are still a bit weak." He interrupted her with his strong hand moving towards her thighs, rubbing and squeezing her softly, silencing her in an instant.
For a moment she just stared up at him, lost in the gentle and caring look in his eyes. She had to, she just had to do it, she thought as she reached up and gently cupped his cheek. The feeling of his soft skin against hers made her jump, still not quite believing that this was really happening.
His fingers moved to brush over her ankle, toying with the clasp of her platform sandals. "Gotta take these off, don't want you to fall the second I set you down again."
Cara just nodded and continued to stare up at him, her eyes moving rapidly as she tried to take in every little detail. The way his plush lips hung open the tiniest bit. The way his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he worked on her shoes.
When he tilted his head slightly and offered her a view of his neck she could see black strands of hair sticking out from beneath the hat. Just as she wanted to start playing with them he turned his head back and looked down, catching her studying him. From that angle she could see his small double chin.
"Not even close." She whispered to herself, barely audible.
"What's that, honey?" He asked and briefly leaned over her to put her shoes aside.
"Not even close." She repeated and blushed as she realised she had to explain her thoughts now. "I mean, uh, seeing your face on screen, or from a distance when you're on stage." She shrugged. "It doesn't even come close."
"What, the wrinkles so bad?" He joked, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.
Cara shook her head. "Doesn't come close to how beautiful you are."
He leaned in closer with his lips pursed and brushed through her hair as if inspecting her scalp. "Ya sure ya didn't hit your pretty head somewhere?"
"No, I didn't. I really mean it." She whispered with a frown, not liking his self-depracating comments.
He paused and looked down with a bashful smile after a few seconds. "Oh, thank you, sweetheart, that's, uh, a-awfully kind of you."
"Just honest." She shrugged and carefully ran her fingers over his cheek again, through the course, yet soft hair of his thick side burns and wiped away some of the sweat that had gathered there.
"Stop, honey, it'll go to my head." He gently chided her as she kept complimenting him.
"I hope so."
He averted his gaze and resumed to stroke her ankle, gently massaging it now. There was a bit of pink on his cheeks and Cara marveled at the fact that she was able to make him flustered.
"You know, when I was at one of your concerts two years ago a girl next to me passed out as well and I had to take care of her for like twenty minutes. I was so angry at her." She let out a small laugh at the chaotic memory.
"You've been to one of my concerts?"
"I've been to three." She nodded with a proud smile.
He raised one eyebrow. "Three? Lord, should have saved that money for college, little one."
"It was worth it..." She trailed off, not sure if she had the nerve to continue talking.  "I always hoped to get a kiss, at least a scarf. Each time... But I never quite made it to the front."
"Aww, honey." He cooed ruefully as if he was personally responsible for her bad luck. As if it truly bothered him.
It was only a second later that she felt his pillowy lips against hers. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and she froze while he casually made her biggest dream come true. He didn't just peck her lips, instead he lingered, even added a bit more pressure until she closed her eyes with a sigh.
They were complete strangers, yet the connection between them was very palpable as he kissed her slow and gentle, his finger grazing along her jaw. His breath fanned over her cheek and tickled her slightly, causing her to squirm a bit in his arms, but his soothing touches on her body calmed her down somewhat. When he finally pulled away from her the dizzy feeling returned and she squeezed her eyes shut before opening them again, blinking a bit disoriented.
Elvis saw the colour draining from her face again for a second and let out a small laugh. "Stay with me, sweetheart." He softly patted her cheek.
"Uh-huh." She responded, waving away. "No, yeah, I'm good."
He looked back to Charlie on instinct, his head whipping around, before turning back to her. With a frown he slowly scratched his neck, looking regretful. "I don't have a scarf, little. Uh, I-I'll give you this. That okay for you?" He removed one of the golden rings he was wearing, pulling it from his ring finger and holding it out to her.
"Oh, no I can't take it." Her eyes widened and she raised her hands in protest.
"But now I want ya to have it." He slipped it onto her thumb, and gently held her clammy hand in his, completely engulfing her.
Cara stared at the glittery piece of jewelry on her hand, the metal still warm, wondering what she'd done to deserve this. "Oh, thank you." She choked out, tearing up a little.
He drew circles over her temple in a calming way. "You're welcome, sweetie."
"I'm a mess." She laughed nervously and closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from flowing. "I'm talking to Elvis Presley and I'm a mess."
"Shush, little, you're not a mess. I don't wanna hear any of it."
"I'm sorry."
He shook his head and ran his thumb over her lips, making her breath hitch. "Now, what are ya being sorry for? Quit apologising, okay? I get to hold a pretty girl in my arms. Made it worth to come here in the first place." He chuckled in an attempt to cheer her up, to make her smile.
Now it was Cara's turn to blush furiously and his grin widened. "Finally got some colour in your face again. You're feeling a bit better, honey?"
That was a good question. Was she feeling better? She wanted to weep, laugh and yell at the same time, but he didn't need to know that. Instead she just put a hand to her burning forehead and smiled a little. "I think so." Her voice sounded a bit hoarse, the emotions still overwhelming her.
Elvis made no attempt to get up however, let alone loosen his grip on her and continued to gently massage her bare calf, apparently not yet ready to part with her. Luckily she felt the same. So they just enjoyed the feeling of being close to each other, a mutual understanding between them.
"Ya, ya wanna come and see my next show?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.
She nodded so quickly, she almost hurt her neck. "I'd love to. But-"
He brushed through her hair. "I'll make sure you're gonna sit in the first row. I'll arrange it. Then I'll give ya a scarf."
"You already gave me this." She pointed to her thumb.
"But you wanted a scarf, honey, it's that simple. And you'll get a scarf, you'll see." He insisted as he grasped her hand pressed a few kisses to her knuckle.
"Elvis." She paused and bit her lip. The amount of times she said, cried, screamed his name, one should think she's used to it. But using it to adress him directly felt incredibly strange.
He continued toying with her fingers. "What's on your mind, honey? You want another kiss?" He drawled with a small smirk, making her tummy flip.
What she wanted to say to him is that he was too kind. Way too giving. That he shouldn't be so worried about pleasing her, she was just a fan. That she enjoyed kissing and hugging more than anything else. But by the genuine and earnest look in his eyes she realised how much he needed it for himself. Doing everything in his power to make her happy, to satisfy her like they were old friends or possibly lovers, even though his girlfriend Ginger Alden only sat a few feet away from them.
She pressed her lips together, deciding not to voice her thoughts and just said the two words that came to mind, that she'd wanted to say to him all these years. "Thank you."
He furrowed his brows and licked his lips. "What for?"
She held his gaze and put a hand on his chest, feeling the thick patches of hair under her fingers. "For being you."
He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down and he sniffed once, his nose scrunching up. That tender look on his face nearly made her melt as they just looked at each other, forgetting the world around them and all its problems. Then he nudged her with a lopsided smile. "Ya want that kiss now or what?"
A smile tugged at her lips as well and she managed a small nod, mentally preparing herself. She was sure that if she continued talking she would just start crying hysterically so she just grabbed onto the soft fabric of his track suit, slightly pulling him down.
He started to lean down, but before he could touch her lips again he opened his eyes with a playful twinkle. "Just don't pass out on me again, little one."
She could do that for him, she knew she'd do anything for him. Just like he did everything for her, driving her crazy and keeping her sane at the same time. And she knew she'd treasure that moment forever. She had a feeling he'd treasure it as well.
Thank you to my lovely sister wives @be-my-ally @thatbanditqueen @vintageshanny @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain @peskybedtime @from-memphis-with-love @shakerattlescroll
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey, it's me again, really liked your last hc about mumon and musashi, sorry if it's too much for these characters, they are my favorite along side others but thas not the case.
Could you please write retsu, mumon, musashi, baki and sukune(if you don't know who he is he is basically a sumo fighter from baki)with a very shy and small realder that is a belly dancer and perfoms for big crouds and audiences.
Thank you for writhing these headcanons, they allwyas surpass my expectations :)
A kiss on the cheek
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I still don't write for Sukune, just because I don't know how to write about him yet 💕 Thank u so much for reading.
Situation: Shy and small reader that is a belly dancer / Lector timido y pequeño que es bailarín de vientre
Characters: Baki Hanma, Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
His jaw dropped for the first time, was everyone seeing the same angel he was seeing? It was something new, a halftime show at a competition he attended, so he was in the front row.
The movements of the S/O stole his breath, he was a little embarrassed to pay so much attention to the movement of their hips, but he simply couldn't take his eyes off them. The sequins that shone with colored lights, the ruffles tied around their waist that floated with every movement, and the elegance with which their hands danced along with their figure, was something he had never seen before.
He came up to the end of the halftime event, when the S/O had already left to freshen up and take a break. Baki didn't know what else to say besides that he really liked the presentation, the S/O nodded silently without looking directly into his eyes with a slightly heated face.
You imagine two embarrassed teenagers trying to talk to each other when everyone notices that they like each other, yes, that's what the scene looked like from the outside.
The S/O was probably the first to escape, while Baki was still trying to make his brain work again. He smacked his face in regretting not having said more, something better.
He is preoccupied with thinking about the S/O the rest of the event, if he's lucky and fast enough he might look for them again to talk to them, maybe ask for their number too.
Baki really liked S/O, he thinks they're so talented and cute, he's a little sorry that they're so shy, but that won't discourage him at all.
Jun Guevara.
He saw the S/O during one of those big presentations and he was simply enchanted, the way they moved, the hypnotic eyes that focused on no one in particular and that outfit that seemed to make them glow in the light. Just captivating.
Movements so well-groomed and elegant that they only called him to look, just gorgeous.
He approached as the show came to a close, he braced himself to receive a flirtatious or even arrogant personality, the S/O was a beauty he was willing to put up with a lousy personality for.
Big was his surprise when the S/O looked at him shyly as he mentioned how dazzling they looked on and off stage. They thanked with a small voice and tried to escape Jun's gaze.
"Is that a timid little thing we have here, hm?" he chuckled when the S/O shrugged without looking back at him, they seemed smaller than they already were.
He let the S/O go before overwhelming them too much, but not before introducing himself in a nicer way, he would try to attend their next performance to have a better chance.
Jun thinks they're cute, just that shyness and dazzling performance of them is refreshing. He wants to see them more.
Mumon Katsuragi.
He's a bit cheeky in his look, the S/O will definitely notice him in the audience. He just thinks they're awesome, it sure took a lot of effort and their practices being able to do those kinds of moves.
His favorite part is the dress, the sequins and ruffles make the outfit sparkle under the artificial lights magnificently. The S/O seems to be covered in gold.
He's probably the one to start the standing ovation, no one was slow to follow because it was definitely a great show.
He sneaked to the back so he could see the S/O, waiting for them in the hallway with a small bouquet of flowers as a gift. He perked up as soon as he saw them come out of the staff room in a different outfit, second show, he guessed.
"You were amazing out there," he says with an easy smile, offering the gift. The S/O embarrassedly accepts the flowers and thanks for the compliment, Mumon watches as he cringes in on themselves in pity.
Mumon is calm and nice to create a good atmosphere with which the S/O would be comfortable, he makes them laugh and tries to make them enjoy his company.
Mumon thinks that S/O is just beautiful, their shy personality gives them a different air, he tries hard to be friendly and not bother them so they can connect with each other.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The S/O can DEFINITELY feel Musashi's gaze on themselves, and who can't?
Musashi watches almost engrossed in the dance they do, all the glitter, music and colors spinning to give S/O a fantastic atmosphere that makes their performance hard to ignore.
He walks through event security like it's nothing, just because he wants to get a closer look at this flashy person after he's disappeared backstage.
The movements replayed in Musashi's mind like a lucid movie, every twist and turn he witnessed etched into his brain.
The S/O shifted uncomfortably under the samurai's watchful eye, the man having cornered them as they stepped out of the staff area, stuttering when they asked if there was anything they could do for him.
Musashi cocks his head and watches them closely, making the S/O more nervous, only to let go of the comment "you're cuter up close".
Musashi probably doesn't understand why they are so nervous after his words, he was being sincere, what's wrong with that?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi and the dojo students took him to see the show, he wouldn't have gone on his own. He watches over the entire show, especially when the S/O comes on the scene.
He gapes throughout the dance, the lights glowing in bright colors bouncing off the S/O's body and attire throughout the dance. The students of the dojo note how his eyes do not stray from the S / O.
S/O's movements were so hypnotic and well-cared for that he couldn't help but wonder how long it took them to achieve such impeccable movements.
He ignores the teasing of his companions at the end of the show when they imitated his expression, Retsu would be a little more focused on getting flowers.
He went to see the S/O with flowers in his hands, the others also accompanied him, and he praised the act of the S/O as soon as he saw them. He saw them laugh nervously as they accepted the detail, "I want to congratulate all the effort you surely put into your dance, it was incredible"
S/O stuttered with gratitude at Retsu's words, and the complicit looks of the karate fighters, before saying goodbye to him to return to their duties.
Retsu was captivated by the impressive presentation of the S/O and by the cute embarrassed expression they made when he praised them, he really hopes that their paths will cross again soon.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Se quedó con la boca abierta la primera vez, ¿acaso todos estaban viendo al mismo ángel que él veía? Era algo nuevo, un espectáculo de medio tiempo en una competencia a la que asistió, por lo que estaba en primera fila.
Los movimientos del S/O le robaban el aliento, le avergonzaba un poco el prestar tanta atención al movimiento de sus caderas, pero simplemente no podía apartar la mirada. Las lentejuelas que brillaban con las luces de colores, los volantes amarrados a su cintura que flotaban con cada movimiento y la elegancia con la que sus manos danzaban junto con su figura, era algo que jamás había visto antes.
Se acercó al final del evento del medio tiempo, cuando el S/O ya se había marchado para refrescarse y tomarse un descanso. Baki no supo que más decir además de que le gusto mucho la presentación, el S/O asintió en silencio sin mirarlo directamente a los ojos con el rostro un poco acalorado.
Imagina a dos adolescentes avergonzados tratando de hablarse mutuamente cuando todo mundo nota que se gustan, sí, así era como se veía la escena desde afuera.
Probablemente el S/O fue el primero en escapar, mientras que Baki todavía trataba de hacer que su cerebro funcionara otra vez. Se golpeó la cara al lamentarse por no haber dicho más, algo mejor.
Está ensimismado pensando en el S/O el resto del evento, si tiene suerte y es lo suficientemente rápido podría buscarle otra vez para hablarle, quizá pedirle su número también.
A Baki le gusto mucho el S/O, cree que son tan talentosos y lindos, se lamenta un poco que sean tan tímidos, pero eso no lo desalentara para nada.
Jun Guevara.
Vio al S/O durante una de esas grandes presentaciones y él simplemente quedo encantado, la forma en que se movía, los ojos hipnóticos que se concentraban en nadie en particular y esa vestimenta que parecía hacerle brillar bajo la luz. Simplemente cautivador.
Movimientos tan bien cuidados y elegantes que solo lo llamaban para que mirara, simplemente precioso.
Se acercó cuando el espectáculo llego a su fin, se preparó para recibir una personalidad coqueta o hasta arrogante, el S/O era una belleza por la que estaba dispuesto a soportar una pésima personalidad.
Grande fue su sorpresa cuando el S/O lo miro con timidez mientras él mencionaba lo deslumbrante que se veía dentro y fuera del escenario. Agradecieron con una voz pequeña y trataron de escapar de la mirada de Jun.
"¿Es una cosita tímida lo que tenemos aquí, hm?" se rio cuando el S/O se encogió de hombros sin devolverle la mirada, parecía más pequeño de lo que ya era.
Dejo ir al S/O antes de agobiarlo demasiado, no sin antes presentarse de una forma más amable, procuraría asistir a su siguiente actuación para tener una mejor oportunidad.
Jun cree que son lindos, simplemente esa timidez y lo deslumbrante de su presentación son refrescantes. Él quiere verles más.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Es un poco descarado en su mirada, definitivamente el S/O lo notará entre el público. Simplemente cree que son impresionantes, seguro que les tomo mucho esfuerzo y practica el ser capaces de hacer esa clase de movimientos.
Su parte favorita es la vestimenta, las lentejuelas y los volantes hace que el traje brille bajo las luces artificiales magníficamente. El S/O parece estar cubierto de oro.
Probablemente es él quien inicia la ovación de pie, nadie tardo en seguirlo porque definitivamente fue un gran espectáculo.
Se coló a la parte trasera para poder ver al S/O, le espero en el pasillo con un pequeño ramo de flores como obsequio. Se animó tan pronto como les vio salir de la habitación del personal con un vestuario diferente, segundo espectáculo, supuso.
"Estuviste increíble allí afuera", él dice con una sonrisa tranquila, ofreciendo el regalo. El S/O acepta las flores con vergüenza y agradece por el cumplido, Mumon ve como se encoge sobre sí mismo por pena.
Mumon es calmado y simpático para crear una buena atmosfera con la que el S/O estuviera a gusto, le hace reír y procura hacer que disfrute de su compañía.
Mumon cree que el S/O es simplemente hermoso, la personalidad tímida que tiene le da un aire diferente, se esfuerza por ser amistoso y no molestarle para que puedan conectar entre los dos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
El S/O DEFINITIVAMENTE puede sentir la mirada de Musashi sobre sí mismo, y ¿Quién no?
Musashi observa casi ensimismado el baile que hace, todo el brillo, la música y los colores que giran para darle al S/O una atmosfera fantástica que hace que su actuación sea difícil de ignorar.
Él atraviesa la seguridad del evento como si no fuera nada, solo porque quiere ver de cerca a esta llamativa persona después de que desapareció tras bambalinas.
Los movimientos se repetían en la mente de Musashi como una película lucida, cada movimiento y giro que presencio se grabaron en su cerebro.
El S/O se movió incómodo bajo la atenta mirada del samurái, el hombre le había acorralado cuando salió del área del personal, tartamudeando cuando le pregunto si podía hacer algo por él.
Musashi ladea la cabeza y le observa de cerca, poniendo más nervioso al S/O, solo para dejar ir el comentario "también eres lindo de cerca".
Probablemente Musashi no entienda por qué están tan nerviosos después de sus palabras, estaba siendo sincero, ¿Qué hay de malo en eso?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi y los alumnos del dojo lo llevaron a ver el espectáculo, él no hubiera ido por su propio pie. Está atento a todo el show, en especial cuando el S/O entra en escena.
Se queda con la boca abierta durante todo el baile, las luces brillan en colores llamativos rebotando en el cuerpo y la vestimenta del S/O durante todo el baile. Los alumnos del dojo nota como sus ojos no se apartan del S/O.
Los movimientos del S/O eran tan hipnóticos y bien cuidados que no pudo evitar preguntarse cuanto tiempo le tomo conseguir movimientos tan impecables.
Ignora las burlas de sus acompañantes al finalizar el espectáculo cuando imitaban su expresión, Retsu estaría un poco más concentrado en conseguir flores.
Fue a ver al S/O con flores en manos, los demás también lo acompañaron, y elogio el acto del S/O en cuanto le vio. Le vio reírse nerviosamente mientras aceptaba el detalle, "quiero felicitar todo el esfuerzo que seguramente pusiste en tu baile, fue increíble"
S/O tartamudeo con agradecimiento ante las palabras de Retsu, y las miradas cómplices de los karatecas, antes de despedirse para regresar a sus obligaciones.
Retsu estuvo cautivado por la impresionante presentación del S/O y por la linda expresión avergonzada que hizo cuando lo elogio, realmente espera que sus caminos se vuelvan a cruzar pronto.
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sophietv · 1 year
Kaylor : The Eras Tour
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First thread I'll import here is this one: Every Kaylor references on The Eras Tour
On Twitter I update this thread from time to time when I find new things, not too sure how it works on Tumblr 😅 But I'll figure it out!
So here's all the Kaylor references I could find while watching the concert, TikTok and by my beautiful moots on Twitter.
Let's start with a Kaylor classic! Daisies:
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There is daisies on the necklace she wears during Lover Era.
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Daisies on the ceiling during Love Story (Karlie's favourite song)
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Daisies on the piano during the surprise songs.
My personal favourite: Karlie's birthday:
During Bad Blood - wich is Track 8 of 1989, there's a 3 light up on the ceiling.
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8/3 = Karlie's birthday
The letter K now:
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During Invisible String, you can see the letters KK light up in the audience.
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This person found out that if you mirror two Ks, it gives a diamond. Just like the stage.
Sadly I screenrecorded it when I saw it and forgot to take note of who did this, so I can't credit...
Now the 2014 VSFS :
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In Bad Blood Taylor on the screen wears something odly similar to what Karlie wore during the 2014 VSFS
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Notice the floor that look like a chess game? Taylor recreated it during the Mastermind set.
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And during the 2014 VSFS Taylor sang style and walked hand in hand with Karlie, well she does the same with one dancer.
More than that, with Karlie she walked exactly 16 steps.
With the dancer, she walks exactly 16 steps.
But she also points at the dance in the exact same way that she pointed at Karie.
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The Eye Theory :
There's also A LOT of eye theory references during the show.
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During Delicate
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During My Tears Ricochet (PS I don't remembre where I took this picture, so if it's one of you, tell me and i'll credit you)
Also some pointed that the dilated pupils made them think of the Best Best Friends staring contest and Karlie's eyes.
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During Illicit Affairs
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During Fearless
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During Mastermind. At some point the diamond look like an eye.
Other Kaylor Flagging:
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During the reputation intro, the hands are not Taylor's, but looks a lot like Karlie's.
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At the end of Delicate, the stage looks like a giraffe neck as pointed out by Gaylolore on Tiktok.
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In Style when she sings "take me home" New York city appears on the screen with the sun moving toward something.
And there's a golden path illuminated in the streets.
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The sun also appears on the screen during surprise songs.
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The new Lover necklace has butterflies on it. (In the Best Best Friends video, Taylor described Karlie as a Fairy Butterfly, and there's also the ME! mural...)
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The Folklore cabin is a replica of the Castro cabin where both Taylor and Karlie stayed at Big Sur.
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Source: Kaylortruther on Twitter
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The Delicate performance has a lot or ressemblance to this Caroline Herrera commercial Karlie did.
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The entirerity of The Last Great American Dinasty with the Karlie look alike and their interactions.
Ok that's about it for the Kaylor references I could find in the tour visual.
I'll probably do a part two for all the Kaylor Koicidences that happened during the tour too. because there's A LOT.
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juno-of-wonderland · 10 months
Hello. I got an idea after listening to these songs - requiem ver chogakusei Alien Stage - sweet dreams. Namely, that Yu has the magic of music (more precisely, magic manifests itself when Yu sings or plays musical instruments, sometimes when he dances). And I would like the guys to catch Yu during one of these actions (dormitory wardens + Jamil). Just imagine how Yu sings requiem and magic begins to appear in the form of flames/shining stars/flowers, etc.)
you brought me some memories and I love ideas involving music, most of my entries are made with a POV playlist and I swear I tried to do it in dorm order, but I was blocked so I wrote who already had one (yes, I I do everything disorganized and then together) and as my limit is 7 characters, I believe you asked to change Kalim for Jamil, if not, just let me know and I'll do his THANKS FOR THE REQUEST
Azul Ashengrotto
-Azul was ending the day and going to his room -but the kitchen lights were on, which made him frown, don't people know how much energy can cost? -as he was approaching, he heard a small voice singing "I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something" -he sneaked in to see you and his eyes widened -there you are, washing the dishes, a normal thing, if it weren't for the small bubbles forming around you and the water apparently wanting to come out of the sink -he was certainly stunned for too long for you to stop your work and look at him -you stare at each other in silence -he clears his throat and says he appreciates you staying until everything is finished, but it's already late and he's going to walk you to the mirror -if you act as if nothing had happened or don't know that anything happened, he will understand that tiredness is causing some kind of jock -if you seem nervous, then he knows that what he saw was your secret… that he can use later
Malleus Draconia
-this man loves the night, we all know, but you didn't expect him to show up today -you start singing outside the ramshackle and doing a very small and centered dance -it's not really a dance, it's just a swing -small flowers bloom next to your feet as you says "Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree" for the second time -and the dragon is watching everything -he is surprised but delighted by your performance, he finds it adorable -he only talks to you when you finish -Malleus asks about your magic with interest, but if you don't want to talk about it, he won't insist, even if it upsets him -please sing him another song
Idia Shroud
-a miracle happened and this man was outside his room -he wanted to play a new game with you -Idia just didn't expect to catch you singing alone in a completely personal and shameful moment -he planned to sneak out, he was really going to do it! but your voice is so jahavsbgsjsbsfgssnj he sounds like an otome boy, stop doing this to him! -you start another song "one vague, misjudged view like a faint flower gone insane " -and that's when he realizes, small spark of fire dancing on top of his head -he leans over from where he was hiding, to get a better look… and ends up tripping and falling -Please don't do anything to him! he didn't want to peep! -if he has the courage to mention what happened while you were singing and you look confused, he will get excited like "I think you unlocked a power because you were brought here like in an isekai… in fact you are already in one isekai" -if you are aware of this ability, it will be your little secret, he will keep this information and fulfill the promise
Vil Schoenheit
-Vil was going to her dorm, to take you on a comparison trip -This man's ears are trained and he doesn't even need to open the door to see that you are singing -he ponders whether he should go or not, he chose to stay and open the door slowly and you sing "if i became a butterfly, so free"
-and look at his surprise when he saw you beaming like a crystal while (trying to) clean -several occasional sparkles and butterfly's swirling around you -you get scared when you see him -"your performance…" Vil begins "it wasn't bad, but I'm disappointed that you hid your magic potato" he's serious -after all, his magic suits you, he wants to know why you don't tell anyone, but he won't be invasive, he will be… subtle
Jamil Viper
-I couldn't think of an excuse for this guy to find you, so let's get to the basics -he was passing in the hallway when he heard his voice coming from an empty room -he pulled up next to the door and heard you sing "Lord, Please when the song is over, save me please My Father, My Universe Take away the small and weak me" -and when he looks at you and literally sees stars dancing with you -this man is bewildered, I think tiredness has finally caught up with him -but he remains silent, without interrupting you, you seem so carefree now, he doesn't want to take away that feeling -At some point he will leave, you won't even notice it -he needs to see this again and make sure it wasn't something in his head
Leona Kingsholar
-Now I Live in Darkness Bring me brightness Show me proof you hear my sound Live in darkness Bring me brightness Show me proof you're here now -His ears twitched at that, why does someone always have to show up at the botanical garden and disturb his sleep? -Leona intended to go back to sleep when he recognized your voice -he decided to sit down and look at the free and private show he was getting -…why are there rose petals surrounding like a hurricane and why are flowers blooming on the bushes? -he remained quiet, his mind loading until you noticed him -this guy has a mischievous smile on his face -"it seems that the herbivore hides several little things, doesn't it?"
Riddle Roseheart
-you had offered to help paint the roses -you were bored and started singing "Sweet Dream, it's today, wait for me I'll go see you soon, woo~woo~woo" along with small movements -a crown of flowers began to form on his head and roses as red as blood surrounded the garden -like when you hear a familiar voice behind you, you even spill paint on yourself -"since…since when can you do this?" -Don't try to pretend you didn't notice -he is willing to listen and help you control this magic better -he thinks what you do is really beautiful…just don't say it out loud
I hope I got the songs you said right
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A/N: For me, when inspiration hits, it's usually through pictures. And when I saw this one (credits to the owner), I felt the absolute need to write something for our beloved Sammy. I had this in my drafts for a while and I decided to let it see the light of the day, finally.
Word count: 3.7K
Pairing: Sam x female!reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+ONLY, graphic sexual content, language, fingering, protected penetrative sex.
Summary: A charismatic bassist catches your eye while you are working as a photographer in a little concert venue.
Concert photography had always been one of your favourite hobbies. It certainly didn't pay the bills but you couldn't help it, you really loved it.
So, whenever you could, you always packed your gear and camera and lived your dream for the night.
You worked as a freelance photographer and, tonight, you were in an intimate lovely little venue in the heart of your city.
Being able to picture the love and dedication of fans and the absolute passion some musicians showed on stage was what really kept you going.
The rush of adrenaline you felt around you right when the artist got on stage didn't wear off for days, just like the lingering post concert depression.
It was something you cherished and couldn't find anywhere else but during live performances.
Witnessing the magic happen from your special spot right in front of the stage was just the cherry on top.
Feeling the deep vibrations of the drums and the shivering caused by particularly well-placed guitar solos and powerful singing was absolutely like breathing for you.
But if there was something you really adored, it was being able to hear the low but heavenly strumming of the bass clearly, something you almost never could do only listening to music with headphones.
No, for that you had to go to concerts and live them in person.
That's why you almost always took the side of the stage where bass players were.
Of course, you usually ran around to get the best shots of every member of the bands and their fans, but you couldn't deny the steady pull that somehow made sure you always went back to your favourite spot, right in front of the bass player.
Tonight was no exception.
You found yourself, photographer pass and camera around your neck, in the few metres of space that separated the crowd from the stage.
You shivered with anticipation as, in the darkness, you heard the first few notes of a guitar echo through the venue.
The fans were screaming in front of you and when the lights finally turned on, illuminating the stage, they were going absolutely wild.
Nobody was on stage yet, but your hands were shivering a little.
The beginning of a show always made you feel a bit anxious, but in a very good way.
You heard a few more notes and, this time, you could pinpoint the source of it.
The guitarist made his entrance surrounded by artificial smoke and positioned himself on the left side of the stage.
In the meantime, the drummer sat down in front of his kit and another slim figure approached your side and sat down behind the keyboards.
You started taking a few shots of them and then the singer made his entrance too, causing the crowd to become even more chaotic.
You were waiting for the bass player, but nobody arrived.
The group you were photographing was young, but you didn't know much about them. From what you could see and hear, they were very talented.
You decided to go up the stage to be closer and take the best shots you could.
You flashed your pass to the security and they let you in. It was nice to be able to go up the stage and see the audience from the same perspective the band saw it.
The keyboardist was too entranced by his music to pay any attention to you when you snapped a few pics of him, his beautiful keyboards and organ and his talented fingers dancing on them. His dark hair, cascading on his shoulders and in front of his face, gave him a mysterious aura.
Right next to him, there were two beautiful basses, one dark and another bright pastel green.
You took a good look at them and you felt relieved that there was going to be someone playing them soon, but you didn't know who.
When you approached the drummer, he made eye contact with you and smiled kindly. His hair was long, curly and wild, making him look like a rockstar from the 70s. Taking a closer look you could see he was wearing eyeliner. He was beautiful. You took a few pics of him too, making sure to capture his strong arms and expressions of pure bliss while he hit his drums.
Then you moved to the guitarist side. When he saw you he smiled at you a little more smugly and winked, making you blush. You smiled back and snapped a picture of him flicking his long hair backwards while moving his fingers expertly on the fretboard of his Gibson. You did a close-up of his fingers sliding on the strings as he finger picked his electric and another one of his gorgeous face as he kept the pick between his lips.
Afterwards, your attention was captured by the singer, dancing and jumping like a madman around the stage with a golden cape and a nice white jumpsuit with embroidered feathers.
When he spotted you, he came closer and put on a show just for your camera, grinning. His eyes glimmered with mirth as he played with your lens. It was a real pleasure photographing him.
You snapped a few pictures of the fans and climbed off the stage and went back to your usual spot, to the one you thought was the bassist's side.
You lifted your gaze on the stage and froze.
The keyboardist was already watching you as he got up from the stool and grabbed a bass, the surf green one.
He slung it across his shoulders and came closer to the edge of the stage as the crowd behind you started screaming and waving at him.
You snapped a few pictures of him before he started playing and you felt a little shiver run down your spine when you saw the little smirk playing on his lips as he towered above you from the stage.
He was stunning in his pastel pink suit and you couldn't take your eyes and lenses off him.
When he started plucking at the bass strings the vibrations reverberated in your entire body.
That's exactly why you loved bass.
He played with such passion that your camera was glued on him. You tried to focus also on his other bandmates but you couldn't help it, you had to watch him, he had cast a spell on you.
And it seemed that his eyes and smirk were always directed towards you, his piercing gaze was making you blush. He was very talented, just like the others, and being able to watch him from this close was a real pleasure.
He was absolutely shredding those strings and the vibrations you heard in your body were heavenly.
You couldn't take your eyes off his fingers, bending and plucking the strings and he noticed, his smirk deepening and turning smug.
You blushed and decided to change place, his gaze was starting to burn and you couldn't take it anymore. You went to the guitarist's side and stayed there, but your mind and eyes always went back to the bassist, even though it was a little more subtle than before.
The concert finished too soon for your liking. You could have listened to these boys all night.
As the fans started exiting the building, you went to pack your gear and started to head out from the side of the stage.
You were alone walking down a corridor when you felt strong hands grabbing your shoulders from behind and pulling you in a dark room nearby.
The door closed behind you with a loud bang making you jump and leaving you in complete darkness except for the faint green light coming from an emergency exit sign above your head.
You saw a figure in front of you, tall, lanky and dressed in pink.
You knew who it was, but you were too shocked to speak.
He didn't utter a single word, he kept staring at you, standing in semi-darkness, with his chest heaving slightly and his hooded eyes.
He motioned with his hand to the door and you knew he wanted to tell you that you could leave, if you wanted.
You turned around quickly, grabbed the door knob and stopped.
You could hear your heart beating deafeningly loud in your throat and ears, your hands were shaking and you felt weak at the knees.
You couldn't deny the whole situation was having an effect on you, but it wasn't at all the one you should have had.
Being trapped in a room with a complete stranger shouldn't make you feel butterflies in your stomach, but there you were.
It didn't help in the slightest that the complete stranger was the very attractive bass player you had been drooling on for the whole concert.
At least he gave you a choice.
Your hand slowly slipped from the doorknob and landed on the key underneath. You could feel his burning gaze on the back of your neck since he couldn't see what you were doing.
You took a deep breath and made up your mind.
You turned the key in the lock and slowly turned around.
You couldn't finish the motion as his strong hands and body pinned you against the wall next to the door.
He smelled of incense and you felt intoxicated by him.
He didn't waste time and captured your lips in a searing kiss.
You were too shocked to act and he took the lead placing his hands on both sides of your face and taking advantage of a sigh from your part to deepen the kiss.
You felt his warm soft tongue licking his way in your mouth and your hands flew to the back of his neck, bringing him impossibly close to you and making him groan lightly at the proximity.
He clouded all of your senses: the sound of his heavy breathing as he kissed you, the intense incense smell that radiated from his body, the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the sweet taste of his lips and the fact that ten minutes before you couldn't take your eyes off him grounded you there.
He could do anything he wanted with you, you wouldn't complain.
He parted your legs with his knee and you slid your hands into his soft luscious hair, gaining a slight nip on your bottom lip from him.
You moaned lightly when his hands lifted your tshirt and came in contact with the bare skin of your back.
He broke the kiss and looked at you intensely in the eyes, panting, silently asking for permission to take off your t-shirt.
You nodded and he eagerly took it off, leaving you in a simple black bralette.
He started kissing your neck, nipping harshly at your collarbone.
You decided that he should match your state of undress and your hands slowly let his jacket slide off his shoulders leaving his chest free.
A thin layer of sweat was shining on him, making him glow eerily in the faint green light.
You were growing wetter by the second.
When his hands reached for your jeans, he stopped once again to silently ask for your consent.
You nodded eagerly, throwing your caution and modesty to the wind.
He yanked them open and pulled them off your legs, kneeling down in front of you and removing your shoes.
You bit your bottom lip at the sight and he smirked as you blushed.
He raised to his feet and your hands brushed over his chest and down his abdomen, reaching the hem of his pants. You slipped the tip of your pointer finger inside them, but he was quicker.
He got rid of them in a second, letting them pool at his already bare feet. You felt his gaze on your lower half, tracing the tip of his finger on the band of your underwear and making goosebumps rise on your body.
He smirked once again and kissed you deeply pushing his entire body against yours again.
You didn't stop the faint moan that escaped your lips when you felt his still clothed erection press right against you, making him groan deeply in his chest.
One of his hands flew at your throat.
His thumb pressed under your chin making you bend your head backwards and holding you still as he kissed you sweetly.
He was taller than you and towered over you, so your head was draped back against the wall.
His other hand traced on the straps of your bralette and dragged them down your shoulders. Then he dragged the item off your body, completely, leaving your upper half exposed.
His hand dipped between the two of you and cupped your heat, making you bite his lip mid-kiss at the contact.
You nodded without waiting for him to ask for your permission and his eyes lidded even more than before.
He bent down slightly to kiss your breasts, grazing his teeth on your nipples and making you whine.
Then, he pushed your panties to the side keeping eye contact, tracing a single finger along your slit.
You groaned and the muscle in your abdomen clenched.
He put a bit more pressure to his fingers and stroked your clit, making you shudder.
He bent down and removed your panties, then stood and grabbed the back of your right knee, placing your leg high on his hip, holding it there with a strong grip spreading you more for him and then touched you again.
Fuck, he is skilled with those hands, you thought.
He was making you loose control pretty quickly as your head fell backwards against the wall.
You felt his fingers move exactly in the same way that he plucked at his bass, strumming your folds like he did with his strings.
Two of his fingers sunk so deep inside of you making tingles and shivers run up your spine.
When he bent them forward you saw him grin slyly at your trembling and groaning.
His thumb kept torturing your clit and your eyes rolled back at the sensation.
Not even your fingers felt that good, you wanted him to stay there forever.
You felt him press himself against your thigh and snaked a hand down to caress him through his tight boxers.
He groaned and bit down harshly on the junction between your neck and shoulder, bending his fingers mercilessly inside of you nudging your g-spot again and again.
You came muffling your cries in the crook of his neck.
Once you came down from your high, he was already staring at you with hunger in his eyes.
Your leg was still on his hip, his grip on you like iron.
You hooked your fingers in the elastic band of his boxers and dragged them down, slowly.
You gasped at his size and averted your gaze from him, embarrassed.
He grabbed your jaw, shifted your gaze back up on his face and watched you closely for any sign of insecurity about the situation.
You smiled at him and he did the same, eyes turning sweet and then playful as he let
your leg fall from his hip and bent down to retrieve something from the back pocket of his pants.
After a second, he stood, towering again over you and kissed you breathless again.
You could feel him hot and hard pressed against you, your hands grabbing his hips and descending on his ass bringing him closer to grind on you.
He gasped, but stopped you, opening the condom with his teeth and sliding it on, groaning.
Then he leant his forehead against yours silently asking for permission again.
The fact that he wasn't talking was driving you insane.
You nodded, biting your lower lip as he chuckled, grabbing your leg again and planting it on his hip.
You felt his tip brush against your overstimulated clit and jolted.
His hand that wasn't on your leg pressed your other hip strongly against the wall and, with a swift, harsh thrust of his hips, he entered you.
The stretch stung deliciously and left you out of breath, completely.
You winced loudly, hiding your face in the crook of his neck and biting him like he did to you before.
Your breathing was laboured and your eyes squeezed shut.
He snickered through clenched teeth at your reaction, but stayed still to allow you to relax and adjust to his size.
You tried to relax and heard him sigh as you did your best to do so, deciding to wrap your other leg on his waist, too, bringing him even deeper.
You raised your head from his shoulder and kissed him, squeezing his hips and allowing him to move.
He didn't need to be told twice.
He slid almost all the way out of you and slammed back in again, making your head tud against the wall and cutting the wind out of your lungs.
He wasn't being sweet, but you absolutely loved it.
You bit his bottom lip mid-kiss and he groaned, repeating his previous motion and pushing you against the wall by your throat, squeezing lightly and making you gasp.
One of your hands gripped the hair at the base of his neck and brought him closer in a kiss that was almost only tongue and teeth.
You couldn't take enough of him.
Your other hand was on his back, sinking your nails in his muscles and making him moan in your mouth.
A moment after, he broke the kiss, grabbed the back of your left knee that was wrapped around his waist too and pushed your leg against the cold wall, spreading you even more and thrusting in, making you bite hard on your lips, trying not to scream.
He kept doing that and you felt yourself spiralling closer to release, again.
It was almost impossible for you to keep quiet because of the way he was moving.
Every thrust felt so deep.
Suddenly, the hand that wasn't gripping your leg came to your mouth, silencing you as a particularly harsh thrust nudged your g-spot and grazed your clit, at the same time.
You didn't know the reason for his reaction, but a few seconds later you understood.
You heard footsteps approaching outside, very close to the door and fear invaded you.
He kept moving, his dark gaze burning into your eyes, but he made sure to be quiet and keep you quiet at the same time.
You heard someone touch the doorknob, but thank God you had turned the key in the lock.
Then you heard the sound of footsteps slowly fading away and you sighed in relief.
He picked up his pace then and kept pounding relentlessly inside of you, making you clench tightly around him.
The hand on the back of your knee was keeping you grounded against the wall and you were sure he was leaving a big dark hand-shaped mark on you.
You were biting your bottom lip so hard you were about to break the skin, but when his hand went to your core and his thumb began stroking your clit again in swift thigh circles, you almost screamed and pleaded with him to continue.
A few seconds later you were coming with a muffled cry in the crook of his neck and he followed you closely, his release filling the condom as he grunted with a harsh bite on your neck and a final strong thrust of his hips.
He collapsed against you on the wall and you did your best to keep the two of you steady with your hands on the wall.
You were both covered in sweat, exhausted and your chests heaved.
His hands were on either side of your face on the wall and you were both trembling because of the exertion.
He grabbed your hips and pulled out of you gently making you wince again, removed the condom and then leant his forehead against yours and you heard his beautiful voice for the first time.
"I didn't want to hurt you, I am sorry" he said, voice raspy and deep.
"Don't worry. As you can tell, I liked it" you answered him blushing because of what you two just did.
He stroked your cheek kindly.
"I have never done something remotely close to this in my entire brief concert photographer career" you told him sheepishly.
He grabbed your chin between thumb and index finger and spoke again.
"Well, love, I liked that very much, we can do this whenever you want. By the way, my name is Sam" he said, eyes never leaving yours.
"Nice to meet you" you told him your name and he smiled.
"It was a real pleasure meeting you" he said and winked at you.
You both got dressed again, and just before exiting, you heard footsteps outside.
You looked at him frightened and he motioned with his index finger on his lips, signalling to you to keep quiet.
You heard a voice shout in a harsh tone "Samuel, for the love of God, where the fuck are you! We are leaving in five, with or without you"
He snickered silently as presumably one of his bandmates was sent back to look for him.
He waited as the sound of footsteps faded away then grabbed you by your waist and pressed you once again against the wall.
His mouth was so close to your ear you could feel his lips moving, causing you to get wet again.
"What about round two tonight love?" He told you in a hot whisper.
You shuddered as one of his hands grabbed a handful of your ass and then slipped something in the back pocket of your jeans.
"I'll be very happy to see you there, but it's your choice, love. Bye" he gave you a peck on your lips and then was out of the door, leaving you there alone and flustered, struggling to process what had just happened.
You tried to catch your breath as you retrieved what he pushed into your pocket.
It was a business card of a nice hotel in the city centre, along with a key card. On the underside of the paper there was something scribbled in elegant handwriting.
I'd love to see the pictures you took tonight. What about a private session? ;)
Room 726.
You absolutely didn't know what to do. When you exited the dark room and made sure nobody saw you, you headed out of the venue, in the warm night, with a tangled mess of thoughts in your mind.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hello. I'd like to leave a request. So recently I was listening to "River" by Bishop Briggs so I thought, what if someone danced to this song for Crosshair? The idea is, reader is Batch's doctor and enjoying a few days on land she goes out with some friends to 79. The boys arrive later and they all sit together. It's happening live performances at 79, singers, dancers, but none can really rock the bar, you know? Reader's friends comment on her dancing skills, making Crosshair laugh and daring her to get up on stage and dance. Pissed with him, the reader accepts the challenge and during the performance comes to dance exclusively for him, teasing him. I would be the happiest girl if you could finish it with a smut. xoxo
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Author's note: I find it so funny when people come into my asks with such specific prompts, I feel like I'm trying to make someone's daydream come true XD I hope you enjoy kind anon. I'm not a going out night type of person, but I hope I captured that fun confident energy this prompt has :3
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, dancing, Mentions of alcohol, Sex in a bathroom, Slightly rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Porn with just enough plot i can barely saw it's not pwp
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Sometimes you wonder if there's a specific word for how you feel whenever you get back to Coruscant after a long while away.
Time feels like it passes so fast, but yet so, excruciatingly, slow.
It's been roughly two months since you've been back on solid Coruscanti ferrocrete, and it feels like you've been gone for two years. When you'd once joked about it, Hunter mentioned that it was how they'd all felt shortly after graduating from cadets and being send out into the field, so maybe it had something to do with light speed travel. Or something of the sort.
Either way, unimportant. There's drinks that need to be drank.
Some are just water while some are varying degrees of hard liquor, all spread across the table in a lazy, unorganized fashion.
You'd first told your friends about 79's after the Batch had invited you here for the first time, and you were eager to share. It's a nice place all and all, you enjoy the energy. Some of the other dive bars around the nearby districts, at least the ones that don't charge half a fortune for every sip, tend to attract not so friendly people.
79's is cheap, easy going, and the troopers are flirty- but keep their hands mostly to themselves.
Before you'd left Hunter had mentioned that they might be coming close behind to get a bit of a rare break as well, gods know they probably need it just as much as you do. So you've been glancing at the doors every now and again, looking for that brushed black armor for the past hour.
"Are they even still coming?"
You'd casually mentioned their potential coming a few minutes ago; And one of your friends, the one with a real penchant for bad boys and not the best decision making skills when five or more drinks deep, is very eager to meet them.
They know which one to avoid flirting up, anyways.
"They'll be here. They're usually pretty late anyways. If something came up, I'd be getting the same call as them." You are in their squad after all, so if they have to go out on a sudden mission, it would be extremely doubtful they'd even consider leaving without you.
But speaking of them...
Not minutes later you finally see them enter, easily spotted by their dark palette contrasting with the sea of white plastoid. They always stand out, and at least in this particular setting, they enjoy it readily. Quickly you all move to find a spot where you can all sit together, making sure to bring your drinks, both new and already half down, with.
Needless to say the Batch livens up the party significantly, which was a much needed boost given the slow state of the night so far.
For awhile the live music and show had largely been existing in the background; A good show, but nothing worth maintaining your entire attention. Especially since now that your favorite troopers are here, it's even less so important.
But now that it's currently between acts, it seems one of your friends has gotten herself a devious idea.
"Why don't you get up there and show them how it's done? Like at that one bar on-" You quickly shush her before she manages to regale a tale you don't exactly want retold in this state, rolling your eyes. But it seems the mention of a story has already caught particularly Crosshair's interest, and she quickly goes about spilling the memory once you no longer stop her.
"There was a open mic night at this one bar, and she killed it. Everyone thought she was a paid performer." Quickly she gestures to the stage, which is surrounded by tipsy, flushed faced clone troopers. They're awaiting the next performance, if there's even going to be one. Your friend speaks up again, pleading with you while Crosshair and the rest of the Batch look on curiously.
"Come on! It's open! Go up there!"
You're not exactly opposed to the idea, but you also don't feel like leaving the party behind so to speak. You're just about to shake your head and refuse again, when Crosshair speaks up at your side. He's been leaning back in the seat the whole time, one of his arms lazily against the back of the seat elbow close to your shoulder and forearm dangling down.
"Oh come on, gonna leave everyone guessing now that we know your little secret?"
Crosshair has his eyebrows raised, watching you. It's clearly bait as he sets it out like this all the time, but you're in the mood for taking a bite.
"Maybe I will. The mystery will make me seem even better than I am."
He rolls his eyes, and with a distinctly sarcastic flavor to his voice, responds.
"Whatever makes you feel better, Doll."
Now a little miffed despite you are the one who bit his fishhook, you scrunch your face and look at him, while he seems almost overwhelmingly smug. When you ask why, he responds with:
"Mystery?" A scoff. "Why don't you just say you're too scared?"
Well now he just wants a fight.
You don't know what comes over you at that point; Maybe it's the vibe, the drinks, something else or all of it combined, because it feels like a blink from being there under Crosshair's arm, to convincing the bouncer to let you at the mic.
Thankfully it doesn't require much, as it seem all the rehearsed performances were finished for the night, and now the mic was pretty much open to anyone willing and able to give it a shot.
Considering you that person, you take it into your hands and decide to give it 110, hoping to at least shut Crosshair's fat mouth.
The rest of it is all a blur; A series of sung words and perhaps some dancing that might not of been entirely appropriate, had the crowd not absolutely ate it up.
Whats the point in singing and not dancing anyhow? You think, hips shaking from side to side in a slow but perfect pace with the beat of the music. Once the first song finishes, you feel enough of a high that you decide to do another, and it doesn't seem anyone is going to complain at you for doing so. It's a bit of a slower one, so you can't exactly help the way your body sways unconsciously back and forth with the music.
Mid-song however you take a look upward and spot the Batch far in the back, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech turned at the waist an arm over the back of the seat to watch. Crosshair however as you eyes locked right on you while you sing-
And he is fucking furious.
At least it seems like he's fuming, it's sometimes hard to tell. Though it's pretty safe to say he's more affected by this little stunt, to say the least.
You don't go back to the booth once you finally manage to sneak off stage through demands for more, as by the time you enter the hall to go wash up in the bathroom quick, you find Crosshair is leaning by the wall waiting. When he spots you, his body rises off the way in a way that gives away how tense his body is, shoulders straight.
He must've come back here the moment you left the stage, intent to cut you off and steal a moment with you alone.
"You looked like you were having fun up there." His tone is tense, but you respond to it with your usual quips.
"I did. And did you like the show?"
Normally saying those sorts of things is how you try to disarm his attitude, but it only serves to make it worse this time, as you smile at him with the confident smirk of a job well done. You feel positively bubbly now after having that much fun, and seeing Crosshair stewing over what you assume is his failed dare.
The show had all been for him, so he better have enjoyed it. Not to say you didn't enjoy preforming. Maybe your friend didn't have such a bad idea after all; You wouldn't be so resistant to doing so again if the opportunity arose.
You take a few steps closer to Crosshair, anymore and you'd be brushing chests, seeing his pursed lips.
You barely have a chance to say anything else before he grabs you shoulder and kisses you, his other hand reaching for the handle of the refresher door. It's empty, and so he pushes you in, locking it behind him near instantly. By the time he does his mouth is already back against your own, teeth brushing against your bottom lip.
There isn't much room to maneuver at all in here; It's so tight being really only meant for one person. As such in order to get a bit of breathing room you end up on the countertop, knees parted to let him in the moment you're able.
You'd originally come with a coat, but having long since shed it before going up on stage, Crosshair has unimpeded access to the soft skin of your neck.
"Cross!" You say when his hands grip your thighs tight, squeezing the soft flesh beneath his gloved palms.
"Everyone's gonna wonder where we are..." Your sentence fades off, feeling his lips on your skin and the coldness of the mirror on your back. The hem of your skirt has already gotten pushed up nearly to your hips from sitting in this position, and it only takes one tug from Crosshair to fully send it there and reveal your underwear.
"I don't care."
You didn't really expect him to, but his strained comment is still amusing none the less.
His lips roughly trap yours again in a kiss as he fumbles to remove the one piece of armor he needs to, throwing it aside with a loud thunk as it hits the ground. There's not a care in the galaxy for it right now, as all of his attention is on you.
You can't help the soft sigh that leaves your lips as you feel his hand brush over the heat of your cunt, as he tries to tear away your panties. When he realizes you have stockings on over them, he lets out something you can only describe as a growl in frustration.
"How many fuckin' things you got on under there?" You can't hold back the small giggle you let out.
"In a hurry?"
It'll be easier- and faster, if you kick off your heels, doing so before Crosshair loses his patience and just tears runs all the way through the razor thin fabric. The heat of his fingers is palpable through it, as he pulls your stockings and underwear in one bunch down to your hips. You have to rise up on your palms a bit to try and help, before they get yanked down enough that they dangle around one ankle.
Swearing that you can feel his nails make little dents in the skin of your ass even through his gloves, he grasps your hips tight and yanks you to the edge of the countertop and even a bit over, legs dangling precariously before they wrap around his hips. In that moment you can feel his hips grind against your almost of their own accord, and the feeling sends a jolt right to your clit.
The fabric of your dress is a deep red, perfectly matching the splash of worn red paint that adorns his armor; Exactly what you'd thought when you'd bought it. You're glad it's served you so well so far.
"I'm pleased you liked my little dance so much,"
You say with a laugh, feeling him fumble with the fabric of his body glove just out of view. One arm wraps around his neck, fingers playing with the short grey hair at his nape, while the other tries to keep you steady and on top of the countertop. Not as if Crosshair would let you fall, anyhow. But it still is in the back of your mind, within the tight confines of the refresher this isn't much room at all and if you stretched your legs out fully, you'd just be able to touch the opposing wall.
"Everyone did. They couldn't look away from you."
Oh, so he's a little jealous, you think. Never thought you'd hear him near admit he was fuming over some drooling shinies, but there's a first time for everything.
"Who cares about them; It was all for you." You didn't care that anyone else had been looking at you but him, even beyond the stupid dare.
Freeing his cock from his body glove you feel the heat against your bare thigh, stealing a quick kiss and feeling the tiny bit of stubble dotting his jawline. It'll be gone tomorrow so it's military appropriate, but for now you can enjoy the rough feeling on your skin as his fingers brush against your cunt.
You have to inch even closer, more precariously so his cock can press up against you, teasing your entrance as as your cunt drips. Your legs are lazily wrapped around his hips, and only tighten as he slips inside of you, the rough edges of his armor stiff against your skin.
He doesn't really have much else to wear beside it, not that you mind its being on.
"You're the one that dared me,"
He hears you whisper his name under your breath as he pushes his way into your cunt, over the sounds of more random music outside the door. Though you can't hear it for much longer; As it's drowned out by the sound of rough panting and clothed skin on skin, muffled by the fabric of his body glove. It quickly becomes stained a darker black from where your cunt drips onto it.
"I dared you to go up there and sing," He grits his teeth in a rare lapse of stoicism, hissing through. "Not do that." A rough jerk of his hips cause you to gasp, as he feels like he's going to drive right into your stomach. The angle makes everything tighter, so much closer, and your cunt flutters around him.
"So I can't do that again?" You sound breathless, but the mirth in your voice still shines through.
He scoffs, lips on the corner of your mouth.
"Just do it where only I can see you."
The air between you both is thick with hot breath and flushed skin, and you'd love nothing more than to rip this dress off if not for the fact that you aren't at your apartment- you're instead getting railed in the bathroom at 79's.
Your chest feels like it's going to bounce out of your bra from the way he's fucking you; Having to adjust top of your dress to avoid it spilling out. It's not back in presentable fashion and would be quite easy to tell how your evening's been going, but right now you could barely care.
You just want to cum fast and hard, eager to chase that peak as Crosshair tries to drive you into the mirror at your back.
You're going to feel it in the morning if he keeps this up, feeling the way his cock grinds against your already battered, oversensitive nerves. Hell, you're already feeling it right now; Your muscles ache tight, fingers prying at the edges of his plastoid armor. If he didn't have it on, he'd surely have nail marks on his shoulder blades.
"Gods, fuck Crosshair, I'm so close,"
Your stomach is tight and twisting in knots, and your swear you can feel your heartbeat in your cunt your thighs shiver and shake. Your head lolls back hitting the mirror as you moan, legs tightening around him as your orgasm wracks your entire body.
He keeps fucking you through it even if slowly, driving his cock as deep as he can given the position. But even if he did slow, there's still an aggressiveness, a desperation to it all. Everything is in the heat of the moment, even his almost incomprehensible mumblings, some that are your name, and others praises that he'd feel to open saying out loud without an aura of cockiness.
His hand grips the back of your dress enough to leave wrinkles and probably be close to busting one of the seams, pulling you bottom close as he fully bottoms out inside of you. His hips slow to an inconsistent, shallow movements as he finishes inside of you, some of his own cum leaking out around his cock as he slows to deeper, longer thrusts while his body ratchets down.
When he finally stills, body now far loosen and relaxed than he'd been minutes ago, you still feel the way your cunt flutters as your muscles ache from use.
"Let's go back to your apartment." He suddenly utters out, still slightly out of breath. Your head rests against his shoulder, the cold plastoid cool against your flushed skin.
"Can I get my coat and say goodbye to my friends before you usher me into a taxi?" Crosshair rolls his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. You don't disagree that perhaps somewhere more private is a better place to be, and you slowly attempt to pull up your stockings and underwear enough to hop off the counter; Crosshair not helping, but ready in case you stumble. Once on the ground you're slipping up your underwear, feeling the slickness of your cunt dampen them ever so slightly.
"Was that dance not good enough farewell?" You roll your eyes. Your one heel is easy to find, the other takes a moment to slip on sounding strained as you bend over to put it on.
"Like I said; That was just for you." Crosshair doesn't respond, looking away as his pursed lips twitch in thought. It takes a moment to adjust the hem of your dress, before you feel ready enough to reach for the door.
You quickly rush to grab your things and say goodnight to everyone, attempting to defuse any curious questions as to your absence post performance. Tech tries to inquire as to Crosshair's absence, but the sniper quickly snips the conversation stating he just needed to tell you something, before saying he needs to grab a taxi and removes himself from the firing line for anymore questions.
And now he needs to bring you home, conveniently enough.
Wrecker seems disappointed that two members of the party are leaving, but once more food and drinks arrive in front of him he quickly gets over it. He'll probably be too drunk to remember most of the night anyways, and Hunter will end up the same if Tech doesn't cut him off.
After getting a 'stay safe' from Hunter it's a quick jaunt outside into the cool evening air, when Crosshair is standing with a hailed Taxi stopped right behind him. He's looking right at you, leaning against the outside as you come closer.
"All finished?" He says, arms crossed. You watch as he moves to the side to let you in, and you just look up at him and smile as you slip in, saying:
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Join the taglist here: @seriowan @simp-legend @nekotaetae @chad-something @coffeyorky @merkitty49 @lokigirlszendaya @totesnothere04 @get-wr3ckered @rebel-finn @mandoloriancookie @therealnekomari @loverofclones @notthatfanfictionwriter @lucyysthings @jennrosefx @fxlsealarm @crosshairs-wife @sinfulsalutations @Rennyboo9 @pb-jellybeans @jediknightjana
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stilespeters · 2 years
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It started with a cowbell
pairing: Evan Peters x gn!reader
a/n: i actually started writing this before the videos and pictures of the wedding came out, but i added it into the story because its fitting
word count: 4579
summary: After performing at your best friend's wedding, you meet a shy guy. Who knew a cowbell could be the start of a blooming romance?
warnings: alcohol, cheesy pick up lines, fluff
taglist: @about-a-peters
I literally forgot who else wanted to be in the taglist so send me an ask if you want to be in it, i'll write it down properly
“Clare, everything ready?” you asked and Clare gave a thumbs up as she plugged in the guitar. Florence who stood behind the keyboard also gave a thumbs up, and Brett behind the drums did the same. You tapped the microphone in front of you to check if it was working. You were looking at the crowd in front of you and they all looked at the stage where you were standing on.
“Alright, can I get everyone’s attention, please?” you smiled as everyone went quiet and you scanned the room to spot the bride and groom. The room was lit with spherical lights, and the spotlight was aimed at the stage.
“Can I get an applause for the newlyweds? To my lovely best friend Noah, and his lovely wife?” Everyone clapped their hands and cheered as they looked at the bride and groom. You smiled when you saw how happy he looked and you continued. “Looking at you now is so weird considering it feels like we were in the playground just yesterday. It’s like a snap, and suddenly 20 years have passed.” you let out a sigh “I wish the beautiful bride the best of luck with him. As a person who spent almost their whole life with him, trust me you need that luck.” Laughter was heard from the crowd “Anyhow, let's get this party started.”
The guitar of Clare was heard and you grabbed the microphone in your hands as Florence began to play the piano. When Brett joined in with the drums and Clare and Florence vocalized harmonies in the background, it felt like you were flying. The way you swayed your hips and head to the rhythm and the way you smiled uncontrollably. This was where you belonged. On the stage. It didn't matter that it was at a wedding or bar.
Everyone was having a good time, and as you got to the riff, Clare walked to the front and did her solo on the guitar. You glanced around the faces who were dancing, and you saw that everyone was smiling and dancing.
Until you scanned the crowd to see two people in the back at the tables who didn't even glance at you. One being your ex, and the other being his new girlfriend. The cheers and joyful sounds were dozed off, and your smile faltered as you clenched your jaw. The girl was leaning in and whispered something in his ear, to which he laughed, and it looked like they had a blast with just the two of them.
However, you weren't gonna let them get to you, instead, you were going to sing your heart out. You closed your eyes and tilted your head upwards as the riff ended and you got to your part.
For the rest of the night, everything went smoothly. People were now more scattered around, and only a few stayed standing at the stage still singing.
Your other friend Terry had come up the stage to play piano for a while and you had stood beside him as you both sang. His voice didn't match the music at all, but you didn't really care because it was really funny. The Bride’s little brother was filming you two, and you knew you were gonna show it to Terry the next day when he was more sober.
That’s when Clare started playing the tune of uptown funk by Bruno Mars on the guitar, and a man in the front row started clapping his hands on the beat. He was exactly on beat, however his claps were almost muted due to the loud music. You got an idea and you walked to the front and stepped off the stage. He smiled at you as he continued clapping, and you grabbed an object that laid at the side of the stage. It was a cowbell.
You then looked at the man and handed him the cowbell and he knew what you were implying. As the beat kept going on, he started ticking the cowbell with a stick and you moved back to the stage.
You started singing again, and the man with the cowbell had the perfect rhythm and beat. You had never seen him before, but the way his face scrunched up as he kept hitting the right spot made you laugh. He was dedicated.
After the song was finished, you had a break. Flo, Brett and Clare were playing more soft music without lyrics, and you decided it was time to go to the bar. For the whole night, you only drank 2 champagne glasses, since you couldn't be drunk on stage. That would be unprofessional. Now it seemed like the right time to drink.
You sat down on a stool and sighed. Your voice was kinda sore from singing the whole night, and you ordered a drink.
After 3 drinks in, you looked around till you looked to your right, only to get a jumpscare of your ex and his girlfriend on top of each other. They were this close to tearing each other’s clothes off, and your face contorted in disgust. “Sweet jesus.” you muttered as she practically swallowed him whole.
You continued glaring at the couple until your view got blocked by a person who sat down next to you. His side profile was visible and you recognized him as the man with the cowbell.
He ordered a drink and you sipped your own. He didn't seem to notice you. “Hello.”
The man looked at you before looking around him. Seeing that no one else was within 4 meters around him, he realized you were talking to him. “Hey.” He had somewhat of an awkward smile.
“That was pretty impressive, you with the cowbell.”
He chuckled. “Thank you. That was pretty fun, I’ve never tried that before.”
You smiled back at him and raised your eyebrow suggestively “You should join our band, your instrument can be the cowbell.”
He smiled at that and you took a sip of your drink. “I mean, you got the rhythm. I’ve heard people play that instrument before and they couldn't even get one beat right.”
He didn't answer, instead he just gave you a another friendly smile. He then looked back at the stage and his attention was elsewhere. After a minute or so of silence, you sighed and took another sip of your drink. “I’m bothering you, aren't I? I’m sorry I’ll leave you to it.” You were about to stand up with your drink at hand but his hand on your arm stopped you. The man retrieved his hand quickly once he realized.
“No, no you’re not bothering me at all. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.” He interjected and you felt a bit relieved. “You have an amazing voice by the way.” You noticed that his voice was very soothing. It was soft with a raw undertone.
“Thank you,” you felt your cheeks burn up. Not because a cute guy complimented your singing skills, but because you were always like that when someone complimented you. It was a plus that he was a cute guy.
“I’m Y/n by the way. You’re Mr…?”
“Mr Evan?” He laughed at that and shook his head. “I’m Evan Peters.”
You already felt the alcohol in your system do its thing, so you left your drink where it stood. Evan however did the opposite. He drank more of his drink and he then cleared his throat “You’re a friend of the Groom right?” He remembered your short speech before you sang and you nodded.
“Yeah, Noah and I go way back.”
“How did you meet?”
You chuckled at that when you remembered how you and Noah met. “We were neighbors and went to high school together. We met at the playground when I lost Pookie, a teddy bear I carried around everywhere. Noah found it near the sandbox and retrieved it for me. From there on out we became inseparable. It was true sandbox love.” you grinned as you closed your eyes, remembering the day like it was yesterday.
After a second, you opened your eyes and saw that Evan was looking at you. “What about you? You a friend of the bride?”
“Yeah, we met last year via mutual friends. I don't see her and the others that much because of work, but she has never stopped contacting me. Two months into our friendship she joked that if she were to get married, I'd be the first one she’d invite, and she kept that promise when an invitation arrived at my apartment.”
“Wow, I mean, I knew Sofia was a wonderful person, she was the first girlfriend of Noah who didn't bitch about me being his girl best friend. But hearing that she kept her promise makes me even happier for them. They compliment each other so well. They’re both amazing people.”
“Yeah, I spoke to Noah. He seems like a great guy.”
It was silent for a moment again, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It felt nice. The music in the background played at the perfect sound, not too loud and not too low. It was soft, and it was perfect for the atmosphere in the room. The lights behind the cabinets where the drinks stood, illuminated Evan’s face. And as he was looking down at his drink you scanned his face, and you noticed he wasn't just cute. He was really handsome. From the way his pupils were dilated to a mole that was on the tip of his nose.
He looked up at you and made eye contact. As he raised his eyebrow with a knowing smirk on his face, you quickly looked away and pretended you weren't staring at him. Your cheeks were starting to burn red and you heard Evan let out a chuckle.
You decided to talk about something so that you would feel less embarrassed. You adjusted in your seat and looked back at Evan again. You cleared your throat.
“So uhh, you said you didn’t see Sofia because of work, what kind of work do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I uhh…” he began and he seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't want to scare you off by saying he was an actor. “I travel for work.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
“Yeah, I get to see some really cool places.” He thought about the press tours he went on and the dozens of comic cons plus the locations of shooting his films and series. He wasn't gonna say that though. “What about you?”
You sucked the back of your teeth and avoided eye contact.
“At the moment I just take small gigs with my band. I love being on stage. I used to be a dancer. Until I had an injury on my ankle and they told me I could never dance professionally again,” Evan scanned your demeanor and he saw that you were picking your nails. “I’m so sorry, that must have been so hard.”
“Yeah,” you sipped the last remaining liquid in your glass. “Dancing and singing were both my passion, but although I loved singing, dancing was my whole life. Luckily I had Noah and my band when it all came crashing down, they helped me get through the tough times. I just know that the stage is where I belong. On the stage, I feel free. I wish I could be on the stage while dancing, but singing on stage is also amazing.”
“What style of dance did you do?” You looked up at him and saw he was genuinely curious. You had encounters where people wanted to get away from you as soon as you started talking, but there was no sign of discomfortness in Evan’s eyes.
“That’s so cool.” he mused and you nodded. “It is. Just standing on stage and performing a dance that’ll bring people to tears, is just so revelating.”
“Was it hard? Trying to commit to it?”
You nodded slowly “Yeah, it was. I used to practice everyday. I put so much dedication into training day and night, and my diet. I have low metabolism and they wanted me as light as possible so the other dancers could lift me. It was really hard to constantly eat the same stuff. Everything was definitely not easy, bellet sounds fun but it’s not all rainbows unfortunately.” Evan’s eyes softened at your words and he pressed his lips together. He had a look of sympathy for you, since he knew exactly what you were talking about. He himself was also tired of constantly eating the same thing for his diet. You and him weren't so different from each other.
“It sounds like you finally have a breath of fresh air.”
“Yeah, who knows it might've been for the better. If I didn't get that injury I would've probably been training right now. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to sing at my best friend’s wedding. I probably wouldn't even have this conversation right now with you.”you let out a chuckle and laughed.
“You talk to strangers a lot?”
“Only ones who don't scare me and look like a serial killer. If they look like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer I’m out,” you joked and Evan let out an awkward chuckle. “My mom always said to me that I shouldn't talk to strangers. But talking to strangers can sometimes be much more… liberating than talking to people you know. I will never see 9 out of 10 strangers I talk to again. Meeting new people is just so much fun. I can have meaningful conversations without getting attached because I’ll never see them again.”
Evan hummed at that. “I never saw it that way, but I see what you mean.” He took another sip of his drink as he leaned a bit forward and raised his eyebrow. “You never secretly fall in love with a stranger?” You bit the inside of your cheek and shook your head.
“Never, I have a policy that it never goes that way. I don’t get attached to them.”
He hummed at that. You had noticed he was more of a shy person. You had said more words than he did, however that was more of his personality contrasting yours. You had always been comfortable around strangers, but you didn't blame others for being more careful.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before any words could leave your mouth, a moan from the right. Evan and your head snapped to the sound and you saw that your ex was practically eating his girlfriend’s neck. Your smile once again faltered and you pressed your lips into a thin line. Evan looked back at you and had his brows raised while having a look of discomfort. “Looks like Noah and Sofia aren't the only ones getting lucky tonight.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled and you sucked the back of your teeth while narrowing your eyes at the couple. “That’s my ex. He’s the brother of Noah.”
“Really?” Evan’s eyes widened “Oh shit, sorry I uhh.”
“It’s fine, honestly I’m over it.” you wanted to vomit when they started laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk as well.
“They are very…” Evan tilted his head and squinted his eyes. “Passionate?”
“Yeah, he wasn’t like that with me at all.” He stared for a few more seconds and when he turned back to look at you, his eyebrows were raised and his mouth was slightly agape. He let out an awkward chuckle and shook his head. You however, couldn't take your eyes off of the couple and had a concerning look on your face. Eventually you looked back at Evan and sighed deeply.
“You know, the first thing he ever said to me was ‘If I were you, I’d want to have sex with me’.” You mimicked your ex’s voice and you heard Evan hiss as his brows knitted together.
“My god, that’s so bad. He actually said that?”
“Yup. I thought he was so funny, but thinking about it now, just makes me question if he really meant it. He’s always been full of himself, a total narcissist. It wouldn't even surprise me if he actually wants to bang himself.”
“That sounds horrible.” He couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about it and you joined him. “Yeah. The worst part is that I actually fell for it. I spent three and a half years with him. His last words to me were ‘Well I’m so sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have slept with my pilates instructor, but we haven't slept together in weeks, what did you expect? When are you gonna get over the fact that you can't dance anymore? You can’t really blame me. A man has needs.’”
"What a douche." he replied and you took a sip of your drink and looked down.
“I’m laughing about it now, I’m belittling him in my spot. But the big difference between him and I is that he is on top of his career right now and I’m here, taking small gigs with my band. He has the girlfriend of his dreams, and I am talking to a stranger about corny pick up lines and how my ex fucked his pilates instructor,” your lips formed into a thin line and your eyes narrowed.
You let out a chuckle and looked back at Evan. You gulped as you scanned his face. You didn't see anything out of the ordinary that might indicate he was annoyed by you, but due to previous experiences you couldn't help but overthink. You didn't know what exactly was going on inside his head and that scared you. “I talk too much. The alcohol is getting to me, my filter is coming off. I’m annoying, sorry. I look like shit.” you chuckled but Evan shook his head and frowned.
“Stop saying sorry, okay. I enjoy listening to you.”
You looked up at him and scanned his face “You do?” He nodded.
“Yeah, like I said, I like your voice. It’s soothing. I like listening to you. I don't think you look like shit at all. I think you look very beautiful. I don't get why you’re talking down on yourself like that.” You didn't expect for those words to have such an impact on you. You couldn't remember the last time words did that to you. You smiled lightly.
“That’s very sweet of you.”
You broke eye contact and looked at your drink.
“Your ex though, he sounds like a total asshole.”
“Yeah, thinking about it now makes me cringe hard. Like, the pick up line was enough of a red flag, but at the time my favorite color was red. Pick up lines are super corny in general.”
You buried your face in your hands and groaned. “I fell for a stupid cheesy pick up line.”
Evan placed his hand on your shoulder and rubbed soothing motions. “Come on, they’re not all bad. Okay maybe your ex’s pick up line was bad, but there are probably good ones out there that actually work.”
“Well then Mr Peters,” you looked up from your hands, and folded them as you leaned your chin onto it. “Hit me with your best pick up line.”He sucked the back of his teeth and thought long and hard.
His eyes lit up “I’m not into watching sunsets, but I would love to see you go down.” You snorted and covered your mouth to muffle your laugh. “That one is so bad. Please don't tell me you used that on someone.”
“I just did, on you.” you laughed a little louder this time. Evan joined in. “Come then, give me your best pick up line.”
You cleared your throat and looked at him suggestively and lowered your voice in a sexy tone. “My doctor told me I have vitamin D deficiency, wanna come back to my place and save me?”
He gasped and placed his hand on his chest for dramatic effect “My my my, how could I ever say no to that proposition? I’d cure you faster than the speed of light though, I got a big vitamin for you.” he placed emphasis on the word 'big' and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You broke character and tilted your head back as you let out a laugh. You then looked away and sucked the back of your teeth as you shook your head. You tried to hide away a snort, but you just couldn't stop it from coming out of your throat. You ended up leaning forward this time Evan laughed with you. Your ex was long forgotten as you continued.
“You’re funny.” you mused and slowly your laughter died down. “So what’s the catch?”
“I mean, you’re an attractive guy with a good sense of humor. You look decent, you smell nice and you have a great taste in… well everything. What’s the catch? Did you run over a kid on the way here? Are you a spy? Do you work for the Russian government? Are you a serial killer? Who is in your trunk?”
“So many questions,” he laughed and you shook your head. “I blame the alcohol.”
He looked down at his hands and sighed. He bit the inside of his cheek and then looked back at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m just… me.”
you tilted your head slightly “I like that, you being you.”
Evan had a smug look on his face. “Careful, I think you’re beginning to get attached to me.”
You gasped “I am not getting attached, okay, I have taste.”
Evan looked hurt as his mouth opened slightly “That is so mean, I called you beautiful just 5 minutes ago.”
You leaned a bit forward and laid your hand on his arm. “I’m kidding, I actually think you’re endearing.”
“Yes, your smile. It’s endearing, your smile makes me feel something. It captures a lot of emotions.”
“What does my smile make you feel? What emotions do you see?” he asked out of curiosity.
“I see…” you began and you scanned his eyes while squinting yours. “I see sadness. Your eyes stand vulnerable, something has happened that took out the joyfulness. Then again, I also see dedication, like a glint of hope and happiness. Your smile is genuine but it misses a spark. It misses a spark to ignite the fire in your eyes,” you continued. “A smile doesn't have to be happy necessarily. It’s the layers of emotion beneath the eyes that makes it… human. The emotions could be happiness for example. Pure joy. Whatever it may be, all smiles are beautiful. Your smile, however, makes me feel something.”
Evan’s eyebrows were raised. “Dang.” He didn't break eye contact. “For someone seemingly drunk you do have your way with words.”
You saw him fumble with his fingers on his lap, and you knew you touched a vulnerable string. “You’re right though.”
You didn't speak, instead you supported your head with your palm and gave him a supporting smile. “I look back at my life and I’m thinking: what the hell am I doing? This isn't me. I don't enjoy this. Sure I’m grateful for the countless opportunities I got to have in my line of work, and I love the experiences and the people I met along the way. But…” he stopped and you saw that he was conflicted. Whatever he did for work was clearly bugging him. You felt bad for him as you saw him fumble over his words.
“You don't have to tell me,” you began “But if you do, I’ll be listening to every single word. I mean, I don't think we're gonna see each other again after this. So, fuck it. What have you got to lose?"
Evan opened his mouth but before he could say anything, a presence was next to you. “Y/n!”
It was Florence. “I need your help, Clare is missing, and we need to pack in our equipment," she then noticed Evan who sat next to you and she looked back and forth between you two. “Oh I see you’re occupied.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll search for her.” you looked at Evan and smiled. “Wanna tag along on this adventure?”
He pressed his lips in a thin line. “I think I’ll drink a couple of more of these and then I’ll come with.”
“You sure? Once I’m gone it’s pretty hard to find me.”
Evan opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted again. This time by sounds on his right. “You like that, baby?” Your ex was feeding his girlfriend a drink, and it wasn’t even five seconds before Evan looked back at you and cleared his throat. You held your hand open for him to grab, and he gladly accepted.
“Let’s go.” you laughed at that.
"Clare!" you and Evan both yelled. You were walking through the hallways, trying to find any sign of Clare. "Maybe she's in the bathroom?" Evan asked.
"Maybe," you looked around. "She might ran off with Brett, Florence has tried to couple them together for over a year. Brett and Clare have great chemistry and lately they have been quite secretive."
You stopped walking and but your lip and you looked aat Evan. "Maybe they're hooking up."
As you wakked further down the hall, you suddenly stopped walking when you heard a noise. You held out your arm for Evan to gesture to him to stop, and as you focussed on the sounds, you recognized the voice of Clare. However, they weren't just normal sounds. It were grunts and moans.
"Everyone is getting lucky tonight." Evan chuckled and you snorted, following with laughter. "Florence is gonna lose her shit when I tell her that Clare is hooking up with Brett. Her dream is finally becoming reality." You knocked on the door twice and the moaning stopped. "Clare?"
"At least let them finish." Evan whispered and you swatted his shoulder playfully. "Clare we need to grab our equipment."
"I uhh, I'm coming!" Rummage was heard on the other side of the door.
Evan looked at you and couldn't keep in a snort even though he tried to hide it with the back of your hand. It made you join him and after a few seconds the door opened. You both looked in anticipation, expecting to see Brett and Clare do the walk of shame.
Only it wasn't Brett and Clare walking out. It was Clare and a girl you didn't recognize.
"Nancy?" Evan questioned dumbfounded and his jaw hit the floor. Yours was on the floor as well and you kept looking between the two women.
"Clare..." you were absolutely baffled as you pointed at them both, "I... you... you're..."
"Surprise..." she looked down and your brows were furrowed.
You were so shocked that you were at a loss of words. "This is the biggest plot twist I have ever seen in my entire life," you stammered and after a few seconds you let out yet another snort which resulted into laughter. Clare who was as red as a tomato started laughing as well, and you brought her in for a hug.
"I love you," you hummed and she let out a sigh of relief. Evan smiled as he looked at you hug Clare.
"Don't tell Florence and Brett please. I wanted to reveal it to them tonight."
"Of course." Clare sniled at that and grabbed Nancy's hand. Nancy looked at Evan. "Hey Ev, have a nice night you two." Together they smiled once again at Evan and you and then they walked away.
Your gaze remained on the backs of the two girl's, after they both disappeared behind the corner, you let out a sigh.
"Florence will absolutely lose her shit. I'm sure she'll be supportive, but knowing what kind of person she is, she's probably gonna have to adjust for a second. Her dream of Brett and Clare together is totally crushed."
After a while, Evan looked back at you and as you looked at one other, you both started laughing. You supported yourself on Evan by grabbing his shoulders, and you leaned in as your head hit his chest. "This night keeps getting better and better." Evan mused and you nodded.
After your laughter died down slowly, you leaned against the wall while Evan stood with his hands in his pockets in front of you. You looked at his shoes and you noticed his eyes lingered on your face. "What?" you looked up at him and his fingers went up to your face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" you felt your cheeks redden as he placed a stranded hair behind your ear. As his fingers touched the skin of your earlobe, your breath hitched. You felt somewhat of a tingle where his skin touched you, and you wondered if this was the thing people talked about when they said they felt abspark at the first touch.
"You have a beautiful smile."
You broke eye contact with him and looked down. Damn it, why is this man so charming?
After Evan's hand retrieved, you cleared your throat and looked back up at him. "I uhh, I should go help the others with their equipment."
Evan nodded, "Yeah, I should go back too."
It was silent for a few minutes, and you both looked at each other, his gaze lingering longer on you than yours on him. It felt like you were both realizing the night was coming to an end. You both knew that this was just another random encounter with a stranger. The possibility of you two seeing each other again after tonight was very low. The thing was, you were intrigued by him, you wanted to get to know him better. And truth was, he wanted to know you better as well.
"So-" you both spoke in unison.
"You go first-"
"After you-" you blushed and your cheeks hurt from how much you've smiled tonight.
"Listen, Y/n," Evan began feeling a bit more confident, "I know you have this whole policy thing going on, but I really liked talking to you tonight."
"I liked talking to you too."
He smiled at that, and he was somewhat relieved that you felt the same. However, he felt the magnitude of the situation when he remembered what he did for a living. His previous relationships have shown that dating while being in the spotlight isn't something fun or easy. He was afraid he could never give his all to a person because of that. He knew the roles he took as an actor were dark, and he knew that he stayed in a dark place for a long period of time. The effects that it had on him was very harmful to him in the long run, and he didn't want anyone else affected by that.
But as he scanned your face and saw the sweetness in your eyes, he just wanted to get to know you better. He wanted to give it a shot. Even though he was scared, he wanted to commit. He was also just a human who needed love and affection. Even if it's just for tonight and he won't see you again after that. The alcohol in his system made him even more confident than before, and he stepped closer to you. “You know what, I’m not ready for this night to end."
“Me neither," your breath hitched as he leaned his head a bit closer and you could feel his breath on your face. "The night is still young, wanna do something crazy?" you mused.
Evan gulped, his adam's apple wobbling, and he smiled down at you. "You know what, fuck it why not," the corners of his mouth curled up "What did ya have in mind?"
You didn't answer, instead you cocked your head and raised your eyebrows suggestively. You then laid out your hand for him to grab. For the second time tonight, he grabbed it gladly, and you guided him through the halls.
Something told you that you might be a little attached to this man.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member is a cute copycat
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! :D
The request: Ok what if the 10th member is like or has hobby of copying other member action, like when dahyun smile she copying it. jeongyeon prank twice, she copying it. Jihyo angry, she copying it. And where the concert, 10th member saw other member twerking and she copying too and the other member is in shock.. that's funny
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N gazed out at the crowd, the electric energy of the concert coursing through her veins. She was the youngest member of TWICE, a talented and vibrant girl group that had taken the world by storm. Though she was the newest addition to the group, she had already made a name for herself with her remarkable skills and infectious personality. However, there was something about her that made her different from the rest. Unbeknownst to her, she possessed an extraordinary ability, a talent for unintentional mimicry. It was as if her very being was a mirror, reflecting the actions and emotions of those around her.
Y/N's unique ability first became apparent during a rehearsal. As Dahyun smiled brightly at her, the maknae felt an overwhelming urge to mimic her smile. Her lips curled into a mirror image of Dahyun's joyful expression, much to the surprise of the other members. From that moment on, her impersonations became an unintentional part of her identity. One day, during a break in their rigorous schedule, Jeongyeon decided to play a prank on her fellow members. With mischievous intent in her eyes, she slyly approached her kiddo and tickled her side, causing her to burst into fits of laughter. Much to everyone's astonishment, Y/N's laughter quickly turned into an uncanny echo of Jeongyeon's own mischievous chuckle.
The members of TWICE couldn't help but be entertained and sometimes even perplexed by Y/N's involuntary impressions. Jihyo, known for her strong and fiery personality, found herself at odds with Y/N on occasion. Whenever Jihyo expressed her anger, the younger girl unconsciously mirrored her frustration, creating a comical display of synchronized emotions. The concert was the grand finale of their tour, an extravagant spectacle that fans had eagerly awaited. The stage was set, the lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted with anticipation. TWICE took their positions, ready to give their fans an unforgettable night. As the music blasted through the venue, the members unleashed their energetic dance routines. Y/N watched as her fellow members, lost in the rhythm, broke into an impromptu twerking session. The shock on her face was evident as she witnessed their bold moves, but within seconds, she found herself mirroring their movements, much to the astonishment of the rest of the group.
The stage erupted in a symphony of laughter and disbelief as the members tried to maintain their composure while witnessing their sweet child's unwitting twerking show. The crowd, initially enthralled by TWICE's performance, was now doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces. Y/N, unaware of the hilarity she had inadvertently caused, continued to twerk, completely lost in the moment. The sight of her synchronization with her fellow members was both endearing and uproarious. Even the most composed members struggled to contain their laughter. As the song came to an end, she finally realized what was happening. She looked around, her face flushing with embarrassment as she saw her members, still shaking with laughter. She couldn't help but laugh along with them, her infectious joy spreading through the entire venue.
The concert continued, the incident becoming an unforgettable highlight of the night. Y/N's mimicry, once seen as a peculiar trait, had now become a beloved and cherished part of TWICE's performances. Fans eagerly awaited the unexpected moments when the golden maknae synchronization would surprise them. As the curtain fell, the TWICE members gathered backstage, still buzzing with the energy of the concert. Y/N smiled, feeling the warmth of her sisters' acceptance and the love of the fans who embraced her unique talent.
At that moment, Y/N realized that her copycat ability was not a burden but a gift. It connected her with her fellow members on a deeper level, setting binds of giggles and love. She had unwittingly brought joy to countless people with her synchronizing acts. From that day forward, Y/N embraced her talent with open arms, using it to bring smiles to the faces of her fans. She became known as the unintentional entertainer, the girl whose actions echoed the emotions and antics of those around her. Y/N's mimicry was characteristic of her own, reminding everyone that no matter the differences, they were a family, bound together by laughter, music, and the joy they brought to the world. And that made the unnies that were looking at the bright smile on their youngest's face have only one thought:
We are proud of our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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captain-mj · 1 year
Angels of Digitalism
I have the Rock Star AU y'all ordered! Changed it a little to explain why Soap is interacting with them. Will do a part 2 if asked. Very heavy on the GhostRoach
Soap saw the ad and almost flipped. Simple ad honestly. Digital artist needed. Decent pay but there was a line that said they would be open to negotiation. All of that was interesting sure. 
But the thing that drew his attention was the name of the band asking. 
Angels of Digitalism. 
His favorite fucking band was asking if someone could help them with some digital art. 
Something he did all the time!! He was looking for jobs right now and this was perfect. 
Soap applied immediately and almost immediately got a reply back. A little surprising just how fast they responded. 
“Can you get transportation to this location?” He followed it up with an address. 
Soap checked the distance. “Yeah, it’s not too far.”
“Good. Be here as soon as you can. Like…. Right now.”
“Oh! Okay!” Soap rushed to get dressed. He tried to find some of his better clothing that followed the aesthetic of the band. Ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. After some thought, he decided to do a plain one. He didn’t want to wear a band shirt in case it came off weird. Wearing one of their shirts may seem obsessive but wearing someone else’s may be off putting. A few minutes later and he realized maybe he was putting a little too much thought into his shirt. 
Soap rushed over there and while in the car, he thought over the band. So on paper, there were three members. Ghost, the back up vocalist and guitar player, Roach, the main vocalist, and an unknown masked member that goes on stage and fucks with a computer occasionaly. All of them wore masks, covering all of their faces but occasionally letting their hair down, but the third member didn’t even have a name. There were also drums and other instruments, but they weren’t done by a person, but by algorithms and bots. It was part of the appeal. A mix of techno and old style punk that was the whole point. Soap genuinely loved the music, but there was also the performances. It made sense that they’d need a digital artists. A lot of it was based on lights, colors and costuming. Well… So were most performances Soap realized after thinking about it for a minute. But he loved watching their concerts. 
The two of them danced so well. Both of them being so attractive did not hurt. During the last performance, Roach had been shirtless and he did some… Soap had watched Magic Mike and that had been the closest thing he had seen to the dancing he had done on Ghost, all while he continued to play guitar like nothing was happening. 
Also, there was occasionally a person that appeared. It was always confusing because they could never be photographed but 
Soap already knew he didn’t really have a chance. He was not going to be the y/n in a fanfiction who gets either of them. Let alone both of them. 
He got there faster than he expected and rushed out so he could go inside. 
There were two men standing out front. One of them looked… vaguely like Ghost. A little smaller, but he supposed the stage may make him look bigger. The other could be Roach. A little bigger, but… stage stuff. 
Yeah. Stage stuff. 
The smaller one was Hispanic and had a grey hoodie on while the other had a long sleeved tan shirt on and jeans. Both smelled like cologne, but the taller one smelled like he drowned himself in the stuff. 
“Hey.” The American accent out of “Ghost” caught him off fucking guard. “Soap?”
“Cool. I’m Alex. This is Rodolfo.” Neither offered their hands to shake so Soap kept his by his sides. 
Soap nodded. “Ah. Little surprised you guys told me your names.”
They stared at him blankly before Alex laughed. “I’m not fucking Ghost. He’s inside. Still wearing a skull mask. Roach is also inside. I’m just the guy running the computer.”
“I’m their manager. You think I look like him? He’s a twink.” 
Alex glanced at Rodolfo and motioned to him. “I mean… aren’t you also a twink?”
“Get fucked. Anyway, no. I’m not Roach.” Rodolfo sighed. “We have a laptop that’s hooked up to the backdrop. Anything you draw on the laptop appears there. We need you to design some things. Also, do you do traditional art? Like painting and stuff?”
“Cool. We’ll double your pay to also paint the backdrop. Three colors that correspond to the lights. Each disappears when a different light is on.” Rodolfo started to walk and Soap quickly followed to keep listening. “You paint the stuff. You made the designs. We have three weeks to do.”
“What designs do you need?”
“Ghost and Roach will tell you. Basically they’ll show you the routine and you design something around it. They seemed pretty excited about this one since Ghost won’t be playing the guitar.”
“Oh? Why won’t he be playing?”
Soap stared at him for a moment before realizing he was being serious. “What?”
“Injured his wrist so he can’t play.” Rodolfo looked at him.
“Won’t that prevent him from performing?” 
“Oh, it’s fine. It’s not in a cast.”
Soap frowned and just vaguely nodded after a minute. “Yeah, okay…”
“Anyway, come on stage.” Rodolfo stepped up on to the stage and Soap followed. Silks, like those from an acrobatic performance, were hanging above them and there was someone wrapped around them high above their heads. 
“Roach. Come down and meet Soap.” 
Soap looked up and watched him spin down, twirling and he tangled the silks right before he hit the ground. 
Okay, that was the exact size he expected. Roach only had a medical mask on. He had medium brown hair that fell around his ears and bright green eyes. Right now, he only had sweatpants and socks on. 
Yeah, definitely a twink. Though he was toned. Probably from his performances and constant practice. 
“Nice to meet you.” Soap kicked himself for his awkwardness but also was happy he didn’t stutter. 
Roach looked him up and down before meeting his eye again, just staring. 
“My name is Soap. Like Rodolfo said.” Soap tried, feeling a bit awkward.
“He won’t talk.” Ghost, he could tell by the fact that his voice was both really deep, gravely and clearly from Manchester, spoke right behind him. Soap definitely did not jump out of his skin. He glanced around but Rodolfo had disappeared. 
“Oh. Like a pre concert thing? Makes sense.”
“No. He’s mute.” 
Soap frowned. “I… I feel like I’m missing something.” 
“He can’t talk. Is that a problem?” Ghost growled at him and Soap looked up at him. 
He was a little scarier up close. Tattoos went all the way up his arms and he had his skull mask on. 
“N-no! Not at all! Just how do you guys… sing?”
“He uses a vocaloid. Obviously.”
“Oh. Yeah, no one knows that.” 
Ghost laughed for a second. “Seriously?? No one?”
“There’s an entire conspiracy theory about it actually. Because his jaw doesn’t move.” Soap glanced at Roach, noticing he was blushing. For a second, he thought he may have embarrassed him before noticing that no, he was just laughing. Roach looked at him, clearly smiling and happy and Soap started to feel flustered. 
Ghost hummed. “God our fans are stupid. Im retiring.”
Soap frowned. “Man i really thought it was just the three of you guys…” So his favorite band had more hands on deck than he thought. 
“Nope. Anyway, since Rudy left, I will show you where to go.” Ghost showed him the laptop and both him and Roach watched over his shoulder. Soap quietly opened it, deciding not to bring up how unsafe it was to not have a password. 
“So what did you guys want me to do?”
“So we’re going to have lights flashing on and off that will change the coloring. We’re going to be covered in different paints so there will be tons of color. We need a background in black and white that’s going to follow us during our routine.” 
Soap nodded. “Let me see your routine real quick. I want to draw the lines of movement so that I can make sure I match it.”
The two of them nodded and a second later he heard music he didn’t recognize. Before he could get excited at potentially hearing brand new music, he realized it was Mitski. 
They practiced using Mitski. 
Soap had a lot of feelings about that. 
The two of them circled around each other, both of them masked but wearing much less clothing. There was also the fact that there were no bright lights or makeup to obscure them. 
Soap recorded their performance and watched them. 
Ghost grabbed Roach suddenly and spun him, Roach’s legs going around his waist as they moved. They separated and Roach started to dance along the beams with Ghost all but chasing him. Roach grabbed one of the silks and jumped out of Ghost’s grasp, slowly twirling. They slowed for a second, but Soap wasn’t sure if it was part of the routine. The two of them had made eye contact and they seemed to be enveloped in each other before they went back to moving. 
Their dancing was beautiful. Soap wondered if they were professional dancers or just picked it up due to their performances. Roach moved like a gymnast, twirling in the air and moving with an unearthly grace. 
Finally the song ended and Roach ended up in Ghost’s arms, the two of them just staring. 
Soap paused. He thought Alejandro, the artist they occasionally hung out with, was dating Roach. 
Well, now that he was thinking of it. Alejandro said he was dating someone in the band and Soap had just found out there were a lot more members than he thought. 
He thought so hard that he almost missed the quick kiss Roach gave Ghost’s cheek before stepping away and looking at Soap. 
Soap gave him a thumbs up and cut off the recording. He then drew a mockup of the general lines of motion, making them a little big so if there were slight deviances, the designs would still follow their movements. 
Soap sat on the couch in the back stage area and started to draw. They moved around him and occasionally one of them would look at what he was doing, give criticism and then keep going. He kinda thought that should’ve gave him more instructions if they had opinions but so far all Ghost said was “Get creative”. So a black and white canvas that follows their movements. No theme. There would be colors. Fantastic. 
Soap tried to put… something together. He was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder by Alex.
“Want coffee?”
“Oh. Sure?”
“Good.” He handed Soap forty dollars. “Go get coffee for everyone please. I’ll text you our orders.” 
Soap stared at him but Alex was already wandering off. Look, technically everyone else seemed to also be working hard. Alex was clearly coding something, Ghost and Roach were still practicing and working on music and Rodolfo had a small pile of paperwork in front of him that he clearly needed to get done. Some of the slips of paper had giant red letters and that didn’t look promising. 
But he was also working!! What gives??
After silently fuming about it for a minutes, but ultimately deciding that Alex already gave him the money, Soap went and got the stupid coffee. Rodolfo had an iced caramel macchiato with six extra shots of espresso, Roach had a white chocolate mocha, Ghost had a shaken espresso and Alex had a black coffee. Soap stared at him for a minute to see if he was being pretentious, but he seemed to genuinely like the coffee. 
Like a freak. 
Who likes black coffee from coffeeshops? You make it at home or its just not good. 
While staring at Alex, he watched him kick his leg into the table and it bent. In Half. Not at the knee. 
Soap gagged and Alex laughed. “It’s just a prosthetic. Don’t worry.”
“How did you lose your leg?” Soap asked before wincing. “Oh, sorry. Don’t answer that.”
“Nah, it’s cool. I lost in the war.” 
Soap blinked, trying to do the mental math to think of Alex’s age versus the wars in the area.
“Not like the military. It was me, a dumpster and some raccoons.”
Soap stared at him, trying to figure out the joke here. There was a joke. What was the joke?
“Yeah… the Dumpster one. Lost two raccoons that day. What a waste. They were good dumpster diving buddies, ya know?”
“I’ve never went dumpster diving.”
“Really?” Alex looked so genuinely surprised Soap felt like he should be offended. Instead, he just walked away. 
Soap settled down with his own drink, something unfortunately low in caffeine since he had to be careful with his meds, and started working again. He wanted to get rough sketches of the animations for the background, animations would work better plus they were projecting anyway, he wanted this to be cool and impress these guys even if they were… much more… 
Alright, so they were kinda losers. Still hot though. Even the scary small one. 
The lights went out across the entire venue and Soap let out a… less than manly scream. A phone flashlight lit up in front of him and he blinked.
“Uh… Which of you is it?”
Roach tilted the light so it illuminated his face. He smiled at him and offered him his hand. Soap took it and Roach gently led him outside. It had gotten dark and only now did he realize how long he had been there. 
Roach looked at him for a moment before punching his shoulder and texting him. 
“See you tomorrow - :)”
Soap felt so giddy at having the Roach’s phone number now. “See you tomorrow. When should I come by?”
“We’ll be arriving at 12 so any time after that works.” 
Ghost, Soap could tell because who else would have a helmet with a skull on it, turned on his motorcycle and waved to them. Roach rushed over and got on the back, arms wrapping snugly around Ghost’s waist. Ghost gave a two finger salute to Soap before they both left, leaving Soap to stand there. 
Not the most eventful first day, but they would be working together for at least two weeks. Maybe longer if he could convince them to keep him around. 
Soap finally let the little freak out he had been holding in since that morning in. 
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yjyt85r98r · 13 days
Aikatsu song reviews: One Step
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Aikatsu Stars' pop type songs have a slightly more chill and mature feeling compared to the pop type songs from the original series.
This is one of the rare Aikatsu songs in which the chorus (or at least the first half of the chorus) has less going on compared to the verses. The song that came out after this one, TSU・BO・MI ~To The Vivid Future~, did the same thing, although I think the latter took it further than this song did. This one reduces the instrumentals to create a very focused, slow, sound that brings more attention to the beat, which had been in the background up until that point. But even when it returns to the full instrumentals, the impression it leaves isn't all that dynamic, at least not to me.
The voice-like thing (vocoder?) at the end of the chorus sounds eerie, yet oddly soothing. It's probably the part of the song that stands out the most to me.
I feel like my interpretation of this song is different from other people's. I've seen people describe it as danceable EDM, and a lot of people seem to REALLY love this song. Whereas for me, while this song is definitely electronic, it feels less upbeat and more chill, and I don't particularly like or dislike it. It felt like it would go somewhere, but I was waiting for a climax that never came. Still, there’s something a little bit nostalgic and reassuring about it.
Yuzu uses a slightly more mature tone here, to contrast against Yume and Ako. I think it was a wise decision, or else Yuzukushou's vocals might be unbearably squeaky.
There are some parts of the song where the vocals – mainly Yume's vocals – sound far away. I assumed it was some kind of weird effect they'd applied, but then I saw someone else mention it, and now I wonder if it was a mixing issue.
They're just your run of the mill anime song lyrics, but the place in the anime where they appear makes them feel a little bit melancholy.
There are lyrics about friendship, but SKY-GIRL's leader is paired with the rivals she dreams of beating, and Yuzukushou is a hastily-assembled group of random idols, one of whom only joins for personal gain, and the other one joins because her usual best friends are both away. The characters bicker and hang out and have fun throughout those episodes, but you can sense the underlying tension. This song is sort of like a patch of light in a cloudy sky. When I think about it for too long, I almost want to cry, which isn't the usual effect you get from a pop type song.
Too energetic for the song, especially the part near the end. I get that, in the anime, this is supposed to be a really dance-focused performance, but...
The way the stage goes dark and rainbow stars appear during the chorus is awesome, although visually it screams "party" even though musically it's more of a low-key breakdown section. The UFO from Diamond Happy makes a brief appearance during the solo line of Yume/Yozora.
Maybe it's just the way I see this song, and how I can't extract the song from the anime, but there's a little bit of dissonance between the cheerful, casual visuals and the heartfelt nature of the song. It's like, there are fruits and sunglasses and comic book words on the stage, but is that really what this song's about? Nevertheless, I like the stage design.
Good points: The vibe, I guess? I can't really explain it but it's a vibe Bad points: When the vocals feel quiet/far away??
Rating: 7/10 Personal rating: 5.5/10
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lightbarebunnies · 8 months
Hello hello! I saw that there was one more matchup slot open and was like “hey, don’t mind if I do!”
So… about me. I’m a 19y.o. transmasc person (he/they). I’m a Pisces (cusp Aries) sun, Aquarius moon, and Capricorn rising, my MBTI type is ENTP, and my enneagram type is 8w7. I stand at 160cm (5’3”). I have shoulder length naturally wavy (I straighten it) strawberry blonde hair that I highlight with platinum blonde. I also have hazel eyes, pale skin and freckles.
Generally I dress in a mix of business casual and gothic aesthetics, combining stuff like your typical button-up shirt/dress pants combo with combat boots and long jackets/trenchcoats. Also tying bows around the neckline of collared shirts in the place of a tie, or wearing a bejeweled tie. I’m also quite the fan of blazers haha. In terms of jewelry, I usually wear cuff earrings (my favorite being a silver snake that slithers up my ear), and finger armor style rings, or ones that are designed to bend with your finger. I also do wear makeup, but usually it’s only eyeliner, and then a bit of eyeshadow and some rhinestones near my eyes in a color that matches my outfit.
I’m a sophomore in university, majoring in music with a concentration in vocal performance. I’ve been taking private vocal lessons since I was in elementary school, and music has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’m also an amateur composer (although my teacher does say I’m a mature writer for my age, which is something I’m definitely proud of, hehe.) I’ve also been an actor since I was small, so I spent a lot of my formative years on a stage, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Although, I will definitely say, growing up in the entertainment industry and around so many people I grew to idolize made me a bit of a perfectionist in regard to my own work. I hold myself and anything that I make to a very high standard, but that’s because I want to see it be what I know it can be. I’m also a bit of a busybody since I’m almost always performing, composing, or working on college work. I do love it, though! Every day I’m always improving my craft, and working closer to finally being the musician I know I can be.
Outside of my professional life, though, I’m much less uptight, especially regarding myself, although music is still my lifeblood. I was on my debate team in high school, too, though. In terms of non-music related hobbies, I enjoy roller skating (I go every week), drawing (markers are my main medium), writing (I’m working on a gothic horror duology, but I also roleplay, literate to advanced lit), playing games (I also play Magic: The Gathering biweekly), dancing, and visiting museums (art exhibits or historical houses, there’s some preserved mansions nearby the theater where I work and perform nearly every day, and they’re my happy place, I go on my birthday nearly every year). I also read tarot, and I have a collection of crystals that grows by the day haha.
Some favorite bands/artists from outside of Ensemble Square would have to be Laufey, Frank Sinatra, Kaya, The Mechanisms, Evanescence, Dreamcatcher and Ali Project.
My love language is primarily compliments and acts of service, especially as I’m growing more comfortable around a person, since it takes me a second to be comfortable with being vulnerable without the safety of the stage lights and a role to feel safe behind. I’m more comfortable with hugs once I know someone well and we’re both clearly comfy with the idea of it. (Also, late night texts, usually driven by creative ideas.)
Hopefully this isn’t too much 😭 I did get a bit carried away, I was like “what else can I say” haha. I’m really curious to see how this goes!
Hi, hi! Your result will be under the read more to maintain the surprise surprise, while my thought process will be displayed below – it is entirely skipable <3
Initial Thoughts: Ah, ENTP… the dream partner MBTI /j I think Pisces-Aries cusps are incredibly interesting given how drastically different the individual signs typically are, but you being an 8w7 matches your sun sign perfectly? I love that for you!
Basically, 8w7 desires freedom and a feeling of self-control, while also not stomping those around them into confirming to them. You would get along best with someone slower paced, to build friendship before you move on to partnership – a sense of trust needs to be built so you can feel secure.
Initial Selection: Rei, Shu, Eichi, and Tatsumi are the four I ended up picking to examine further.
Rei: Old man no.1… He’s definitely the type who needs time to get close to someone before opening up about his true self at all. Rei is an INFJ, which may seem like an opposite to ENTP, but in reality they gel well together because their differences are so complimentary. You’d be able to give Rei new perspectives, while also keeping him from getting to deep into his own head.
Shu: INTJs tend to get along exceptionally well with ENTPs, providing deep and meaningful discussions and generally understanding each other far more than other MBTI types do. As a 1w9, he can relate to being an advocate for others to maintain their individuality and freedom (… I mean, look at how he gets frustrated with Mika for not embracing his own unique sense of creativity) but he also might nag you for not having as much ‘tact’ as he does.
Eichi: Eichi is a Capricorn, which gives him that strong ‘get things done’ work ethic as well as a general sense of passion and tenacity. Pisces-Aries cusp is unique in that it’s basically a more determined version of Pisces. You’re both able to be honest, and Eichi won’t absolutely dominate your personality with his own – while you both have your individual passions, you can appreciate the other’s.
Tatsumi: The layers of Tatsumi Kazehaya are not meant to be pealed back by just anyone, which is why I think the two of you would make a pretty good match. Like Rei and Eichi, he’s an INFJ. The biggest difference between the others is that he’s a type 7, which is your wing. You’re both more cooperative, warm people who are generally pleasant… so forming that initial bond will be easy and eventually you’ll get to a mutual sense of trust and comfort.
With all of that in mind…
I'd match you with Shu!
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It’s definitely a slow burn, but once that fire starts it’s going to be impossible to put out. Even if you do something to absolutely infuriate him, he’ll be adamant on letting you know rather than ignore you or brush it off.
Music will definitely be the place your bond begins. He loves your creativity, especially in the various mediums that you enjoy, and the passion you have for music as a whole will spark that initial attraction. When hit with an idea that he can’t quite get out properly, he’s going to want to talk it out with you. Your varying perspectives will be more than enough for him to trust you with having a part in his creative process.
Given your similar need for time to develop a full relationship, things would progress slowly but surely. Museum trips for inspiration slowly start turning into dates, he’ll start to reach for to your hand when in a more populated areas, you might catch him looking at you more than the art.
Once you’re properly together and have established your romantic relationship, Shu is going to want to do more for you. He’ll offer to do your make-up, make you accessories to match a certain outfit you particularly like, and… if you’d let him, he’d certainly want to make some sort of matching attire for the two of you to wear. He’s proud of you, of being yours, and he’d like others to know that much.
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waaayoutofline · 1 year
Please don’t be in love (with someone else)
Based on ep 6 of GAP the Series// Mon x Sam
This fanfic contains…: fluff✨, angst🌪🌪
Warnings: None.
Word count; 3226
Summary: Situated on the events that took place in Jim… Martha’s (my bad) wedding. Basically what was Mon thinking and feeling during the party and after she left. Obviously written while listening Enchanted by Taylor Swift because it just felt perfect.
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Mon was standing in one of the classiest and elegant rooms she’s ever been to, shifting uncomfortably on her feet in the middle of the fancy, crowded environment. She was feeling so out of place while being surrounded by all these important people of high status.
If anyone noticed her discomfort, they were kind enough not to share it.
The night was awkward enough, Mon was currently next to Mr. Kirk, who had the nice gesture of driving both her and Yuki here. The young man was kind and an overall good boss with a cheerful personality, he took care of his company and subordinates.
A gentleman really. The kind of man you would want to take home to your parents.
And yet, Mon could not erase the fake smiles and forced laughter every time he was around. It didn’t make sense, Kirk had been nothing but kind to her, so why does she feel like running away from him? For a lot of people, he was seen as an attractive and charismatic person, and yet Mon felt nothing but annoyance and discomfort every time she saw him. For some unknown reason, she couldn’t stand his groomed hair and easy going and boyish smile. The sight of it made Mon, who wasn’t a drinker by all means, have the necessity of ordering something way too strong for her.
Luckily for her, the show presenter finally got on stage, creating emotion within the crowd.
“It’s time for our special show dedicated to the bride and the groom, prepared by the cool bridesmaids! Are you all ready for the show?”The crowd cheered, yelling an enthusiastic “ready”.
“Are you ready?!”
“Yes, we are!”
“Okay. If you’re ready, then, let’s enjoy the show!” Everyone started yelling in encouragement, and it was enough of a distraction to Mon. Curiosity makes her buzz, Sam was one of the bridesmaids. The “oh so cold and fierce” Lady Boss was about to do a performance for her best friend's wedding. The thought alone made her giggle.
Her awkwardness vanished as the lights went down. The curtains lowered and the volume of the music raised, only to reveal the silhouette of Lady Sam. Mon was definitely enchanted by the sight, and she was grateful that the darkness in the room was enough to make her blushing cheeks go unnoticed.For red not being Kuhn Sam's favourite colour, it definitely suited her. She is wonder struck. Mon had all her senses pulled at the older woman by a magnetic force that should’ve frightened her, but instead left her aching for more.She was smiling, and hence she smiled too. Their eyes seemed to connect, and Mon just couldn’t look away. Her dance moves were the cutest thing, and she did them in a flawless manner. Isn’t there anything she wasn’t good at?
Probably not.
“Sam is very cute. Don’t you agree, Mon?” Mr. Kirk suddenly says, as if reading her thoughts and sensing her pure affection for the brunette, but Mon doesn’t dare to take her eyes off the stage, she can’t. Not even if everyone in the room is able to see how truly mesmerized she is.
“Yes, so cute.” She answers honestly with a sigh. “ I can’t get my eyes off her every move.” Well, maybe too honest, but that’s something she’ll overthink later on.
“I’m curious how her dance moves are so spot-on.” He keeps saying. “How did she find the time to do this?”
“I agree. I was with her all the time, and I never saw her practice her dance once.” Yuki sent her a sided look, but Mon was far too gone to notice.
“Or maybe…she did it before she went to bed?” He proposes, but that just didn’t make sense because…
“She didn’t do that.” Mon blurts out. Kirk frowns with confusion.
“You’re saying it as if you were sleeping in the same room with her?”
Oh well, shit.
After an admittedly pathetic and weak excuse that Mr. Kirk seemed to believe, Mon sighed in relief. Alright, she just couldn’t go and say things like that. We are talking about her boss here. Her superior, her mentor, her idol. Definitely not the kind of person that you imply that you spend the night with. Even if it was just for work.
… Even if they didn’t precisely do any work.
Just the fact of the two of them simply being friends was odd enough, given the fact of their social differences. And even for friends, it was odd to sleep in the same bed and share the same clothes the day after and the activities prior to that such as sharing a playful conversation while kis-….Sam did a heart with her two hands, and Mon was released from the spiralling thoughts. Their eyes connect yet again, and she almost combusts when Kuhn Sam looks straight at her with a bright smile,long and dark hair falling perfectly around her shoulders. …. What was she saying?
“I think today is a good day. I think I should do something, Mon.” Kirk speaks again, and Mon looks away, the heavy feeling of discomfort clawing her chest overcoming the lovely feeling from before. Something. Kirk wanted to do something while looking at Khun Sam as if she hung all the stars in the sky. A weight dropped in her stomach, she really didn’t want to know what that something meant and yet-…
“What is it?”
“I’ll give you a signal when I’m ready, but I need your help.” No. No she couldn’t…she does not want to-
“Y-yes, that’s fine.”
Kirk gives her a last satisfied smile before turning his head up front. A big grin dedicated to Sam, her fiancé.
Suddenly the marble white ground is very interesting.
“You look so beautiful today.” She blurts out when Lady Sam approaches, getting ahead of Mr. Kirk. Just a compliment. Nothing weird about it, right?
Sam blinks, once, twice. “Do I usually look ugly?” She replies with a blank stare. Mon gives her a nervous smile. Oh, she’s always so gorgeous. But luckily, that thought doesn’t transform into words. Kirk chuckles.
“Well… Sam is embarrassed that you gave her a compliment, so…” Right, because Sam always hides what she’s truly feeling. And Kirk knows her better anyway.
Sam ignores this remark. “Why didn’t you attend the morning ceremony?” She gets slightly closer, and Mon can’t help but to lean in, too. “I was lonely.” The CEO huffs. So cute. Mon wants to bite her nose.
“Surely, there were many guests of honour in the morning session, so I decided to attend the evening party.” She answers, but Sam just sulks some more before putting distance between them. A spark of hope ignites. Did Kuhn Sam miss her?
“And why did you just arrive?” She asks without a hint of genuine interest and a much less soft look.
“I had to pick Mon and Yuki up before coming here, of course.” That seems to alert Sam, who tilts her head slightly.
“Huh? Why did you have to do that?” She gives Mon an odd look, an eyebrow arching perfectly. Kirk looks at her with confusion at the sudden change of mood.
Before the tension increases, Jim arrives with a cheerful look alongside her husband.“Hey, lovebirds. You’re taking the spotlight away from me. Wanna take my wedding?” She jokes. “You’re way beyond straightforward. Meanwhile, the other person is a total opposite.” Jim says smugly, eyes never leaving either Mon or Sam. And Kirk notices.And the awkwardness between the three increases tenfold.
Mon watches as Kirk and Sam are dragged away alongside her other friends. It leaves her right at the beginning. Uncomfortable. Out of place. Stuck right where she stands.Feelings that she knows all too well, given the fact that she came here from England at a young age.
Mon never had a proper sense of belonging.
Don’t get her wrong, she has a loving mom, and she found a new dad along the way, but she still feels somehow left behind. At school in England, at school in Thailand. At his biological dad’s summer house. At University later on. Sometimes at work, even. Either she felt like too much, or too less. Swayed by a sea of people that only seems to perceive or understand a specific part of her instead of the whole. And his loneliness never went away, not fully.
Until Sam locked eyes with her across the room. Oh, those eyes.The effect they had on Mon was beyond everything. She still remembers the first day she saw them. The feelings they brought. Time may have passed, but they still had the same spark as they once had. For someone so cold, she had the most fiery eyes.When a younger Kuhn Sam looked at her for the very first time, Mon felt seen. Understood. She felt that for once, she was seen as Mon.
Not Mon “the halfie”
Mon, the teachers' daughter.
Mon, the kid of a broken marriage.
Just her. And as if Sam could read her thoughts, she looks at her one more time. More soft. More heartbreaking.
Please, don’t take your eyes off me.
“What about you, Mon? What about you and the Horn?” Tee asks, bringing her back to reality once more.
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, has she told you if she likes you, or vice versa? How did you confess and all that? Let us in a bit.” Kade pushes, Mon sneaks a stare at Lady Sam once before answering automatically.
“I’ve always liked Lady Sam… I like her a lot.” An honest answer with an honest smile. The surrounding group grunted in annoyance, leaving her confused. Wasn’t that what she was supposed to say?
“Urgh, Mon! Not as “like” as idolizing her, but ”like” as a lover, you see?” Yuki explains with an affirmative hum for the others. Oh, well. That just can't do, can it? Mon obviously likes Lady Sam, she always has. From a distance. So why complicate things? Besides…
“Lady Sam has Mr. Kirk. She's taken.”
Even when Khun Sam won’t stop looking for her from across the room.
“Everyone, attention please!” The bride says up stage, “I, Martha, totally forgot to do one important tradition for weddings. “ That gathers everyone attention. Wedding tradition? Mon hasn’t really assisted another wedding besides her father's with her current wife, back when she was younger, so she didn't know exactly what it was. “So I’d like to invite all the single ladies to come to the front of the stage now. Right here come.” All go to where Ji- Martha indicates, but she stays put for a while, leaving the almost empty cup on the table.
As if sensing her distress, Kuhn Sam approaches her in elegant, calculated strides. A pout forms on her face as she lets herself be dragged away by the taller girl.
“Bouquet. I'm here for the bouquet!” Kade smiles with excitement along Yuki, who nods enthusiastically. Sam lets go of her hand, leaving Mon’s hand fidgeting with her hair. That rings a bell. The single girl who gets the bouquet thrown by the bride, it’s the next one to get married, wasn’t it?
“Okay, ladies. Are you ready?”Ji- Martha turns around, bouquet of flowers in hands.
“Bride, are you ready!?”
“3…2…1…and toss!” Martha does so, the beautiful bouquet flying towards them. Mon applauds with a small smile, wishing for one of her friends to get it. It doesn't give her time to react when it suddenly makes contact with her hands, almost dropping it to the ground. Surprise written all over her face as the realization hits. Huh.
Now, Mon could have done various things based on the recent events. She could have kept her sight on the pretty red themed bouquet in her hands, could have lifted her head to look at Jim - Martha with a sheepish smile, perhaps even hold the bouquet up in the air to show it with victory. But she didn’t do any of those. Instead, she did something that took her by surprise.She turned her head to her left, right where Sam's already awaiting brown, dark eyes were shining underneath the lights. This fact makes her heart skip a beat. Time seems to slow down like in those cheesy romcom movies as they gazed at each other. Mon blushed at the realization that she didn’t even think about looking at the woman next to her. She just did.Which admittedly enough was strange. Why not search Yuki’s for example. She was her friend, it would only be natural to share the moment with her. Perhaps even flex. But she just wanted to see Lady Sam.
The answer should’ve come easily enough from the way Sam was looking at her. So soft. So warm. A fire that could burn you to ashes.And as Mon contemplated if to let herself get burned, she couldn't stop from wondering. Wondering if this meant something. If, somehow, it was all meant to be. Just for a second, shared in the secrecy of their eyes and with rushing hearts.
Time seemed to slow down yet again. Only that this time, it didn’t feel like Mon was flying high up in the sky. More like getting wrecked by a reality that she forgot for just a moment.“I’m so sorry everyone for having to interrupt the party” A strong, confident voice interrupts. The clapping stops, and when Sam attention gets off her, Mons smile drops off almost instantly. “Since today is a good day, I think it’s a good time to do something I have always wanted to.” Jim’s expression also drops. Mon can just wait. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, some with curiosity, others with annoyance. “I beg you pardon” Kirk excuses as he parts the crowd easily enough. A new feeling of anxiety rushes over Mon as he gets closer to her, his eyes with pure determination. The new married couple glance at each other, communicating in a way that only lovers can.
As Kirk stands in front of Sam, Jim shares a stare with her, trying to say something with pitiful eyes.
“What are you doing?” Sam inquires in a monotonous voice, not liking the sudden attention.
“We've been friends since we were young. We’re partners in our business.” Why is he stating the obvious right in the middle of her best friend's wedding, she doesn’t seem to know. “We’ve been through tough times together. But we have ever once let go of each other’s hand. From today onwards, I’d like to take another step in our relationship.”Everyone is staring at the sudden confession. All eyes are on them. Sam looks at Mon. And then he kneels.
He kneels and something within her shatters like glass.
Clueless, clueless Sam frowns. “What is it? You hurt your knee?”
Jim’s husband's eyes open widely, staring right at her wife’s also perplexed expression. Maybe because they didn’t see it coming. And because it was right in the middle of their wedding party. But Mon doesn’t seem to register anything but what is right in front of her.Practically everyone exclaims with surprise, and a new sound of clapping fill the room completely, resounding onto the high, pristine white walls.And finally, there it is. The dreading question that makes her blood run cold.
“Marry me, Sam.”
“Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!”
Mon stops breathing. Stops feeling anything but the sudden pain in her chest. She barely senses some worried glances from the couple besides her and the other friends of the group from below the stage. Almost feels the caring and gentle touch of Jim.
What’s happening to her? Why does everything hurt all of a sudden? Sam looks at her yet again with melancholic, apologetic tainted eyes.
Her forces leave her body, hands dropping the bouquet in her hand, which falls with a sordid thud. Tears sting in her eyes, her lips quiver in a way that she can’t get a hold of. Time slows, and slows and slows until it feels like it’s trapping her, suffocating her. Sam look away yet again. Now fixed on Kirks euphoric expression.
And then it feels like the bubbles explodes and she can finally move. Only for her to run. Becaus before she knows it, her legs decide to go for their own and get her out of there. Not seeing the way Kade advises Sam, who doesn’t even blink before going after her.Tears stream down her face uncontrollably, blurring her vision almost completely until the point where she can barely see where she is going. It’s like her instinct gets a hold of her, controlling her body completely as she goes down the stairs without her miraculously falling. She must be looking like a wreck, blushing in a manner that only happens when she is frustrated.And her senses are so clouded, that her name yelled by the very reason of her deplorable state falls hopelessly onto the reception room, never arriving at its destination.
Her bed felt cold as she fall in it.What is happening to her? Why can’t she stop shaking and crying? Mon hugs herself as she always does when feeling unwell in a feeble attempt to self sue herself, not wanting her loud cries to wake her parents.In the dark of her room, a question will keep her until 2AM. Why is she so upset? Why does she feel like her heart is breaking at each exhale? It has been hours, and she is still wide awake, facing the wall of her room. A wall covered in pictures of Khun Sam. Flashes of all those years back, admiring her idol in a way that her friends called over line obsessive.
But it really was just admiration. But this…this is heartache.
She sighs with melancholy. When meeting Khun Sam, Mon was totally surprised at seeing how different she was respecting the version she idolized all those years back. But it was wonderful to get to know her, this time up close and in a sincere way that left her heart fluttering. She thought that it was the very first page of being close. But the marriage proposal felt like the story line ended. Even though she already knew that she was meant to marry Kuhn Kirk, the act of seeing the man actually asking for her hand felt like a slap in the face.All the repressed thoughts that Mon held back while being with Khun Sam broke since the moment she started leaving too soon from the party.
Perhaps they got too close. But what did she truly want, huh? For Sam to be at her door? For herself to open up and find the gorgeous CEO with a reserved, yet beautiful smile? And then what? What would Mon say?
Please don’t be in love with someone else?
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you?
The truth of it all made the faint traces of sleep vanish completely,leading her to a restless night, not knowing that right outside was a hesitant Kuhn Sam who had indeed followed her all the way home but never dared to go beyond waiting at her door.
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