#i'm sorry i censor words like that i don't want to get hate
anti-ao3 · 6 months
What is the worst fandom you know about?
Oof... that is a very hard question to answer, lmao.
Out of the fandoms I've been a part of... well, S/outh P/ark probably takes the cake for me. Both the dudebros and the ppl on Tumblr who insist that the show is super progressive are incredibly annoying. I hate to say that I was part of the SP Tumblr and I drew fanart and even wrote fanfiction (mostly dumb romance but nothing harmful I believe).
Another one I despise that is worth mentioning is D/etroit: B/ecome H/uman. That fandom is incredibly racist. The game itself is horrible, appropriating American Black History, making "pacifism" the only choice that will get the "happy" ending, treating the female characters horribly (typical from David Cage), and other writing issues. But the fandom? It's even worse. They only care about the buddy-cop part of the game and they transform it into B/rooklyn 99. They also care more about two white characters who barely have development or screentime than the other two main characters - these being Kara, the female lead, and Markus, the one who leads the Android Revolution. Just so you have an idea, I didn't even know who Markus was before I actually played the game.
Now for fandoms I'm not a part of... besides fandoms ruled by dudebros like Star Wars, I would say H/arry P/otter, D/SMP, T/aylor Swift, H/azbin H/otel, and O/FMD for now. I think they all have something in common. Like their fans will act like you're oppressing women and other minorities if you say you don't like any of these interests/people or if you point out real problems in them. And O/FMD really got on my nerves when someone made a fucking petition to bring the show back - and I think that person just ended it and took everyone's money. So.
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pale-fairytales · 7 months
I don't really like to get political but I feel a need to talk about this;
It's so funny. It's so funny to me that the people pushing for KOSA also criticize other countries who do the exact same shit (i.e., China, which from what I've heard (and correct me if I'm wrong please) censors a lot of things) and hate their guts. The fact that they're pushing for censorship directly violates one of the amendments of the constitution (which is free speech) and it baffles me that they think this is okay. But hey these are also the same people that won't do anything about gun violence or school shootings and who want to take away bodily autonomy and gay/trans rights so why am I even surprised.
For the love of god, if you can, help stop KOSA. Not just for fandom purposes, but for the fact that it impacts people who want to transition, people who want/need abortions, it impacts a way that human beings can seek out human contact in an increasingly lonely world where things are growing bleak. Not only that, but the people who are suffering from genocide (8 FUCKING GENOCIDES IN THE WORLD BTW) may not be able to get help or get the word out about their condition if a big chunk of the world can't access the content that helps said people.
And I'm sorry, but if you really cared about children's safety, you a) would do more about school shootings, b) would fix issues that put children in danger (shockingly hunger/malnutrition is still an issue in the U.S.A. just not in the same way as in a war-torn country), c) would fix the foster-care/adoption system, and d) teach parents to have some common fucking sense not to have 5-year-olds on the internet watching age-inappropriate stuff (like 5 year olds listening to Sexxy Red or Ice Spice)
Censorship is bad. It's bad because it can genuinely put lives at risk. If you're for the KOSA bill, don't pretend like it's because you care. You don't care about people—you just want to control them. Just like the people you and its instigators hate so much.
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zeichannnnn · 3 months
⚠️ In regards to the natlan controversy (and Sumeru by proxy)
Do NOT accuse people of being racist just because your skin colour cannot be found in a game. Learn to know that people don't live in the same situation as you.
Please read this fully for the reality of things I'm sorry for getting political, skip if you don't want to interact
I’m kinda sad at the fact that a lot of people are quick to hate, judge, and scrutinise Hoyo without understanding the situation.
With recent teaser of Natlan characters, people are rightfully upset at the fact that the characters shown to hail from Natlan… don’t exactly look the part. With characters lighter than my own skin tone (I’m a Chinese Southeast Asian by the way, heya) people are calling hoyo bullshit and accusing them of being a racist for failing time and time again at giving us characters with POC shades of skin. Now I’m not here to defend Mihoyo for their actions, or to tell you to stop being mad at the situation being the way they are. No, I’m here to shed you some light of how life is as a game company under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Xin Jin Ping (XJP cause I won’t be bothered to type his whole ass name)
I've highlighted points of each section
Any pages that requires translations, I recommend using DeepL instead of google translate because you can check the meanings of specific words and it's translation are better (imo)
Skip to the last part if you just want a summarised version
Before we get into the nitty gritty that is Genshin drama, I'll give you a run-down on what and how China works.
check the part "In relation to Genshin's design choices and how China's beauty standard influences it" if you want to go straight on to the point
People’s Republic of China
is a Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic. This means that China is under a one-party (Chinese Communist Party) rule with communism ideology on how they rule and govern the country and socialist standards for how they manage their economy and everything else. [.]
The CCP holds a very nationalistic view
[.] which is commonly used as propaganda [.] for them to garner either sympathy or control over the people of China. These nationalistic view, in its raw and most rudest form, simply states that Chinese people are pure by upholding traditional Chinese culture (that's not even traditionally Chinese, more or less more catered towards communism and the CCP's ideologies which are that they're great and everyone else is wrong) and not mixing themselves or tainting themselves with things that are not pure (i.e. anything that isn't Chinese, from China, belongs to China) This nationalistic views, which glorifies China and detests anything foreign (i.e. culture, language, people, etc.) have led to a lot of xenophobia being built and nurtured inside of China's society [1] [2] [3]
Aside from the CCP's nationalistic views,
China's society is very censored and monitored by the CCP
[.] Google, YouTube, or more specifically, the internet itself is heavily banned by the government, electing the people to use the CCP's private internet that allows them to be monitored 24/7 through IP location and private information. [1] [2] [3] [4] Aside from heavily monitored and controlled internet access, people in the real world are also actively being watched and monitored through CCTV with facial recognition features and an AI that can predict people's action (yes, exactly like the akasha, and yes, Sumeru arc is based on reality, I won't talk about it here but feel free to read between the lines and compare it with the sources and news articles I'm about to drop on you) [1] [2. Behind paywall] [3] [4] [5]
With its censorship in mind, let us talk about what brings us all here:
the gaming censorship in China.
In order for a game to be published in China, whether it's made by an indie or a multi-billion dollar company, the game has to go through a complicated preliminary test made and assigned by the CCP to play, test, and go through your game before publishing it anywhere in Chinese media [.] This test includes you company's paperwork, your game's paperwork, the things you're displaying in your game, and the story it's trying to tell. There are not that many rules on what should and should not appear inside of your game, such as: polyamory, the undead (in both graphic and non-graphic manner), etc. That should be considered tame and should cause no problem, however, we do have a problem with one of the rule given which is: Emphasizing Cultural Sensitivity.
Emphasizing Cultural Sensitivity
in the article I've mentioned before, describes it as "Games should impart “correct” information on politics, law, and history, as interpreted by the authorizing agency." Now what does "correct" information entail? Who fucking knows because truth is relative. Facts, when in the eyes of the CCP, are relative to what they believe is to be right and what they want us to believe is right.
Now with that out of the way, let us get into the main deal.
(not to be confused with Hoyoverse/Cognosphere which is their international branch) is a is a Chinese video game development and publishing company, founded by three classmates from university Cai Haoyu, Liu Wei, and Luo Yuhao [.] That means that Genshin Impact's development, ever since it was at its infancy, first-established days, and updates until the near future, are all subjected onto that game censorship law that I mentioned earlier. Now you might all be wondering, what does all of those rules have to do with genshin characters having dark skins? To that I point you towards the fact that MiHoYo and the CCP are and have been actively working together ever since around September 2021. [1] [2]
Cooperation between MiHoYo and the CCP
Ever since Genshin Impact's massive hit both nationally and internationally, its massive fanbase has hit the internet no one has ever seen before. It is the first ever Chinese game that has gotten world wide acclaim and with that, new eyes begin to look upon China. It is no surprise to anyone that Genshin is very particular about showing and promoting Chinese culture to the outside world. Genshin has somehow become the face to Chinese culture in just a year, with limited events such as Lantern Rite and Moonchase festival to showcase China's cultural beauty. With world-wide acclaim comes a price, wherein the CCP no longer treats Genshin as "another game" but a tool that they can use to promote and advertise themselves into the global population.
Begin the censorship and micro-manipulation of things in Genshin
New gaming censorship dropped after the Genshin Impact became a hit in the industry, with even Venti and Gorou as examples of characters that should not appear in media published in China (effeminate man) [.] In additional to the list I've linked in the "the gaming censorship in China" section, a lot more additional rules have been added to that list, such as: queer representation, morally grey character, but I what I want you to look at more is the section where "historical elements, including characters, maps and clothing, should conform with mainstream accounts." in addition to that, a self-regulation pact was made between game companies and the CCP that bans any and all content that is deemed "politically harmful" and "historically nihilistic." Now focus more onto that "historically nihilistic" point, what does that mean?
Historical nihilism
is a term used by the CCP and many Chinese scholars to describe research or discussions deemed to contradict an official state version of history in a manner perceived to question or challenge the legitimacy of the CCP [.] TLDR; it's a term used for when what you're saying clashes or goes against what the CCP said. Why is this important you may ask? It's because that now, at this point, if anything Genshin does something—whether that'd be plotline, design etc.—that the CCP thinks shouldn't exist or be represented, they have the lawful right to block or stop it from reaching the final product. Now this, this is what happened to Genshin's Sumeru and Natlan cast.
In relation to Genshin's design choices and how China's beauty standard influences it
white has always been a predominant part of modern Chinese beauty culture, for some reason (I don't know and I'm not going to go that deep into it, research it on your own if you're curious) In fact, it's not only China but also Asian culture in general. White skin has always been hailed as pure and beautiful here in Asia, where the line "as pale as the moon" is a common compliment to give to someone. Skin colour that are tan or even darker are connected to being dirty or stinky. Despite the younger generation not really adhering to that view, the older generation (calling out the CCP here) upholds that standard till this day. Pin straight hair, round eyes, pale white skin, and a thin figure are the standards put upon those born as female. Their male counterpart are not that different, with lean and fit being the preferred body type rather than big muscles or bulky forms.
The reason behind why this is the case is because of Asia's strict social code in rules and appearances. We must appear prim and clean, that means no dyed hair, no tattoos, no piercings, and minimal make-up. Anyone that goes against those rules are regarded as delinquents or deviants that usually break the rules and do criminal activities (despite it not being the case) Having a bulky stature also applies to that list, regardless of what gender you are, and especially for men. You're regarded as dangerous, criminal, bad influence if you look like that in public (this is why we don't have that much bulky characters gang and why we were robbed of heavy muscles Itto orz) (he deffo was very bulky in the original design, probably similar to the Nobushi but it got nerfed in final product)
Given all of that in mind, it's no wonder that Sumeru's and and Natlan's casts are mostly white... but were they always that way?
The original skin colour design for Natlan cast might've been darker than what we have in the final product.
As a lot of people have mentioned (especially with the many beautiful edits I'm very fond of) the character designs for Natlan's new up-coming rosters looks better with darker skin tone. Take for examples this edit right here:
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taken from @ rarepairz on twitter [source]
Their designs (with darker skin tones) seem to pop more, giving highlights onto their clothes and accessories in comparison to the original design. Here are more examples of this happening:
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taken from @ Wabs_nabs on twitter [source]
It is especially clear to anyone with basic colour theory that the colour used for designing the clothes and accessories and highlights in the hair look better with darker skin colour. There is *intent* on making it this way in comparison to woeful ignorance of making them look white as hell. If they were to intentionally to make the characters look white, they would've chosen a better colour for the clothes, less bolder ones and eye-popping ones to contrast with the already luminescent light that's emitting from the skin.
And this is not the case for only Natlan, by the way! The same thing happened when the Sumeru cast was first leaked. Case in point this:
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taken from @ animuswonder on twitter [source]
and my personal art of Cyno and Nari:
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Look at how much contrast there is between their colour palette or how much resonance there is, with Cyno his more cold-colour attire and hair, in comparison to his deep dark warm skin or Tighnari that's the epitome of a "spring girl" like come on man. There's INTENT in those designs, to have more darker shades than they are in the game. Sadly, they just can't do it due to censorships. Why? Because, as I have mentioned before, darker shades of skin are represented as dirt here in Asia as we glorify pale skin more.
The representation of uniqueness and differences in Chinese game is not common due the fact that most Asian countries are homogenous, which means they prefer everyone and everything to be the same, to look the same, and follow and do the same things. They do not advocate for uniqueness, they do not advocate for individuality, they advocate for us to conform and to follow like a sheep in a herd. Because of that, most people spend their whole life trying to whiten up their skin, keeping them light, and those who are darker than most are shown prejudiced and scrutinised.
Mentioning again the fact that MiHoYo and the CCP are working closely together, Genshin Impact is currently being used as a cultural weapon by the government. With MiHoYo showing numerous time that they've donate and support Chinese cultural heritage, the CCP is using that fact and holding control over Genshin as a way to promote and advertise sympathy towards Chinese culture and the Communist regime by proxy. It's like how your parents are getting you to eat broccoli brownies in hopes that you'd eat normal broccolis and other vegetables by proxy. Everything and anything that Genshin shows in its game are now under close inspections of the CCP and colourism especially will not fly-by their radar.
In conclusion
Your anger and hatred towards the new characters’ designs are justified, however the person you aim those anger and hatred should not be towards Mihoyo, or Liu Wei, or any of the staff members but towards the situation and the laws and the local government MiHoYo has to adhere to.
We're already lucky to have MiHoYo even wanting to represent and shpw different cultures from different parts of the world, telling us engaging stories, and incentivising us to think more and to be be more of us instead of following the crowd and to judge those in power (if you are literate and have the ability of a 6th grader, you know the theme Genshin Impact is showing in its story). In a world where they aren't able to live as freely as people outside of mainland do, they shouldn't have to put their life at risk by creating a game that goes against the CCP's laws that will lead to a deduction to their social points (yes, those actually exist, WAKE UP). Yet they do, they update every month, telling stories, creating characters with many characteristics that goes against Chinese gaming laws, just for us to enjoy.
Do NOT accuse people of being racist just because your skin colour cannot be found in a game. Learn to know that people don't live in the same situation as you.
You are right to be mad, you are right to be upset, but do not condemn them for something they hold no power to. It's between their lives and your fantasies and if you choose to value your delusion over their livelihood then that just shows what kind of a person you are.
Where's this conviction towards other game companies aside from MiHoYo? Where's the rightful air when it comes to companies that breathe much fresher air? Do they not have the same responsibility? Or is it because you actually do not care and merely want to point your unbridled emotions towards something or someone? If so, you're pointing at the wrong person.
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mirrology · 4 months
Can I ask a boothill with an adopted child/teen reader that's hps (hyper sensitive) and also has parental trauma
(You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable 🐧)
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ノstar .ᐟ ʚɞ
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୨୧ No matter that love's gone, We just see it shining. We've traveled very far, I'll keep a leftover light burning. So you can keep looking up, Isn't that worth holding on? — star, mitski.
boothill & gender neutral reader. platonic | wc: 1.6k
tags/warnings: decided to go with hc's for this one since I didn't know how to write it in fic format T_T. teen reader, reader is a galaxy ranger and really well versed in technology. they can fight pretty well, reader also hates the ipc. boothill is a bad influence. mentioned child abuse, child neglect, reader has a "mom" and acts a little like blade when near her, erm character death (not reader or boothill)
notes: aaaa sorry that this is so late! Hopefully, this is what you meant by "hypersensitive." If not, then just let me know, and I'll change it, ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
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— The two of you met when you were beating up some IPC goons on a planet that they had recently wanted to take over. You had been there gathering materials to set sail to your next destination, you were on the hunt for a certain IPC employee. One who you once knew.
— You couldn't just stand back and watch those IPC scum send that planet into spiraling chaos. So, of course, you beat them up without breaking a sweat. That's where Boothill had found you, he was impressed that someone so young had such skill in combat.
↳ You huffed as the remaining IPC personnel ran away with their tails between their legs. A slow sound of applause came from behind you, causing you to turn around, a deadpan evident on your face. You were met with a man with dual colored hair and what seemed to be a metal body, “I'm not gonna lie, you've got skills, kid.” He had said, a smirk on his face.
— Once the both of you got to talking, he found out you were also a galaxy ranger and that you also absolutely hated the IPC, you both really had many things in common. You had asked him for help in getting to your destination and he agreed pretty easily, claiming that he had “some time to spare”
— Although you had spent little time together, you felt comfortable around him, he never pushed your boundaries or forced you to do things you didn't want to. Boothill’s vocabulary surprised you, instead of cursing normally his words were censored. You would have offered to try to fix his synesthesia beacon, but just the thought of touching someone made your skin crawl. The ghostly touches of people who you once considered family etched onto your skin.
— Once it came to part ways, you didn't want to do so. You shyly admitted to Boothill that the thought of not seeing him scared you a tad bit. He looked surprised but then gave you a bright smile and told you that you could join him on his adventures, and so a strong bond between the both of you was born.
— When Boothill infiltrated the IPC headquarters you're the one who hacked into their system. With your experience, it was relatively easy, although Boothill would not let you go inside with him. He couldn't risk putting you in danger, even though he knows you can put up a fight.
— When the both of you escaped the headquarters after causing absolute chaos, Boothill brought his hand up to your head as he tried to ruffle your hair. He was surprised and slightly hurt when you tensed up and quickly moved out of the way.
— Boothill thought he had made you scared of him somehow, even though you had no reason to be afraid. You noticed his downcast expression and you quickly told him that he did nothing wrong, it was just…
↳ Your heart pounded in your chest, your hands were sweating. You reached up and gripped a strand of your hair in your hand as a sheepish expression painted your face. “I'm not the best with physical touch,” You blurted out, albeit bluntly. “Whenever someone touches me — even if it's just a brush of their fingers, it feels like needles are being stuck into my skin” You huffed, clenching your fist and your eyes downcast. Boothill's expression softened, his once frown lifting into an understanding smile. “Thanks for telling me, bud.” He nodded, his fingers twitching at his side, as if wanting to reach out to you. Yet he respected your space and refrained from doing so.
— Now that Boothill knew about your hypersensitivity he made no attempts to touch you, preferring to give you gifts instead. Whenever you do something that makes him proud as a father would a child; he takes you out to get your favorite food as a treat. Of course verbal encouragement is also a thing he does, giving you a “I'm proud of ya’ kid!” and a pointy grin.
— It's canon Boothill is pretty wealthy from all of those bounties that he hunts and he doesn't exactly know what to do with it. So he definitely spoils you at every chance he gets. Want a nice Keychain you saw in a shop? He's handing it to you right now. How about a nice piece of clothing or a cultural food from the planet that you're visiting? He's got the clothing in a bag and is urging you to try the food.
— Even though you both have your moments of happiness, the both of you still have purposes you stick to. You had gotten a lead on where that person was and you were going to do everything to catch up to them and make them get what they deserved.
↳ “You.” You hissed walking towards the woman in an IPC uniform, kicking another unconscious employee away. You gripped your weapon tightly in your hand, the woman widened her eyes in terror at your sudden appearance, she fell on her bottom, scooting away from you as you approached her. As she backed away she didn't go far, her back hitting a wall not too long after. Your unhurried footsteps resonated through her ears, making her breath pick up as she clutched the dirt underneath her in an attempt to ground herself.
You stopped in front of her, eyes full of unbridled anger. “(N-name)?!” She squeaked, putting a hand out infront of her to reach out to you. “What are.. how are you-” She was cut off as the back of your weapon slapped her intruding hand away. “You don't get to say my name.” You glared at her, your tone icy cold and unforgiving. She tried to speak once more but was once again cut off, “You left me to die! If it wasn't for my quick thinking, I would have been dead by now!” You said in a firm tone and pointed your weapon straight at her, leaving her no room to move or else you would attack.
The woman tensed up and a bead of sweat ran down the side of her cheek, “Honey… I had no choice! You would only weigh me down, you have to understand!” She had the gall to call you “honey” this woman no longer had the honor of doing so. The words stung, even though you no longer felt any affection for her… they brought back memories that you would rather forget. You clenched your teeth and watched as she rambled on and on about how “it was for your own good” and that “you should try to understand her situation” before she would get another word out, you sound your weapon, officially slicing her throat.
The blood splattered onto your stoic face, you watch as she choked on her own blood, eyes wide and filled with panic as if her life was flashing before her eyes… you hope it hurts.
A set of footsteps came from behind you, judging by the jingling of metal and their heavy footsteps you could tell who it was. You reluctantly turned around to meet Boothill's concerned gaze, “Er.. ya’ okay kiddo?” He scratched the side of his face as he pointed out the tears that prickled at the corner of your eyes. You stared at the ground and slowly nodded “I don't entirely hate her, but she didn't deserve to know that… even in her last moment” You muttered as more salty tears filled your vision.
— You and Boothill headed back to your ship, all while you were still occasionally shedding tears. Boothill, seeing the state you were in, offered you a warm, fluffy blanket and a warm drink; hot chocolate.
↳ You sniffled and held the blanket that was over your shoulders to your chest. You were sat on a cushion on the floor of yours and Boothill’s ship, knees tucked towards your chest in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. “Heya kiddo, I got ya’ some hot chocolate…” Boohill plopped down next to you on a matching cushion and held out the mug that was in his robotic hand. His hand was placed below the mug so when you reached to get it, you both wouldn't accidentally brush fingers.
The both of you sat in a pregnant silence and you occasionally sipping on the warm drink provided to you. Boothill stared at you from the corner of his eye, your gaze was focused on the window, giving you the view of the vast space. “She was my mother, you know” You suddenly broke the silence with your blunt words, Boothill’s eyes widened a significant amount, yet you continued.
“Even though she claimed to love me, her actions hurt and her words even more.” You put your mug down beside you and snuggled further into the blanket. The cyborg's face softened into something different, almost sad, distraught. His teeth clenched in anger at the thought of you being hurt by that woman, something ugly bloomed in his mechanical chest.
“But now she's gone,” Boothill started, making you turn your head to look at him with a surprised expression. “She can't hurt you anymore nor anyone, not when I'm around” He grinned, his shark-like teeth out on display. Something in your chest felt warm, it was different but not unpleasant. You offered Boothill a small smile then took a deep breath and raised your pinky up, “Pinky promise?” your voice a bit shaky, but your eyes were filled with determination.
Boothill slowly brought his pinky up, gently intertwining it with yours. They were barely touching but it was progress, “Promise.” The cyborg nodded firmly.
Tears pricked at you eyes, not in sadness nor anger, but relief.
“Thank you.”
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
when raider met sweet pea
1k words  | analysis of raider!Joel x f!reader
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Raider Joel Master List 
This is a peek inside early, unevolved raider joel in the original fic from March. We know how much he’s grown since then, but he’s done terrible, inexcusable things, and he knows it.  NOTES: You're referred to as sweet pea in this, Joel's pet name for you. General HC followed by Q&A. Thank you @milla-frenchy for always having good Qs. I have great Qs from others too that I'll get to as I can (looking at u @javier-penas-wifexx420, and others). To raider's pr team, sorry for going back in time but FIWB. WARNINGS: References to noncon, assault.
Here’s how I HC what happened under the surface:  When Joel interrupted the men from taking sweet pea, it wasn't a noble rescue mission. Mainly, he was fed up with the men and wanted to put them in their place. But then, one of the men used the butt of his rifle under her chin to make her look up, and this is what unlocked or triggered something in Joel:  She looked at Joel thinking he was saving her, and something in her face had a subconscious effect on him -- like he saw her hope and appreciation, and saw someone looking at him like he was a good man who mattered to them. It made him feel needed, which he hadn’t felt for so long that he didn’t even recognize the feeling, or know how to feel it, much less what to do with it.
That moment created the tiniest crack, a minuscule window into the man buried under the persona built by trauma and the apocalypse. The crack was too tiny to change his behavior yet, but that tiny window allowed him to see a glimmer of something else possible and allowed him to subconsciously connect with her in a way he hadn't connected in ages.  From his raider persona, everyone is pretty 2D, so consciously, he's not seeing or treating her (or anyone) as a real person at this point. But that moment still resulted in a “spark,” like a magnetism, and the crack in his shell grows over time. 
When he takes her inside: it was likely unusual that he took her somewhere private. Normally, he does things in front of the other men to show dominance (see Stash House).  Subconsciously, that tiny part of him wanted to feel like a protector, and taking her somewhere private may have been his pathetic idea of a protective gesture, physically picking her up and taking her away from the worse (more violent) guys.
He takes her to the room intending for her to suck his dick by default, but I don't think P in V was always his intent:  He doesn't threaten or mention fucking her upfront when he’s telling her what’s going to happen.  He tells her she's gonna suck his dick and to be a good girl and it'll be over quick. While she sucks him, he decides he has to have her (be inside her).  He says "alright sweet pea, now pull down your pants for me." He was acting on his primitive urges and what his body wanted in that moment for whatever reason -- he's a raider and has a huge sense of entitlement. Even though his escalation wasn’t out of malice, the effect is that he made the attack worse. He’s a bad person and a r*pist, and he knows it.
(Note, I’m only censoring this word because other people censor it and I sense some people find it jolting to see even if they read noncon. I'm not censoring it to try to make him look better. His past is a part of him, there's no getting around the fact that he's a r*pist. He's the last person who would want it forgiven or excused. He kinda hates himself ). 
Q: I've been wondering if he could have done to other women what he did to sweet pea in the 1st chapter
He did at least make other women suck his dick in the past. As for how he sees his past behavior now, it'll come out eventually, not like an OOC monologue, like a word in passing or implied here or there.
Q: I think you wrote somewhere that Joel didn't approve of the behavior of some of his men with women, and that Carter wasn't like that (was I dreaming?)  
The men who had sweet pea at the beginning of ch 1 are more physically aggressive and violent with women, physically forcing them and hurting them, whereas Joel calmly told sweet pea what to do (while he was heavily armed) and didn’t physically hurt her. The other men will smack them around and gang rape them. Joel feels like that behavior from men is weak, like if you're going to physically hurt someone, pick on someone your own size. He doesn’t feel moral superiority for this (I mean he doesn't see himself as a good guy), but he sees himself as stronger and more dominant than men who need to hurt a weaker person.
Q: Why is he so possessive and jealous, since day 1? In failed rescue : "He describes you. Joel’s jaw clenches and his eyes darken.  He waits a beat before answering." I love that 😏 but it's super fast. Did she trigger something in him from day one?
When he initially decided she's his so quickly, most importantly, he means she's not anyone else's. He's in charge, he's claimed her, he's dominant, and he's the boss. That was his original intent and he didn't expect it to go further than that.  But it goes beyond that because of the moment explained above. So it's also his primitive instinct that she's his, and that’s what you see when her bf describes her in your quote. Whatever connection or feeling was created by the way she looked at Joel made her special, and he couldn't let go of it. So she became like a precious possession at that point. Since then, he’s slowly evolved to where she’s not just a possession, but certainly still his. 
Thank you so much for reading. I really adore everyone's interest and investment in raider!Joel. If you love raider joel, please interact with his fics -- it's always better late than never. Comments mean a lot no matter how small, and reblogs mean a lot regardless of blog size. I know most of raider's fans started as lurkers, and I don't judge for your lurking era. Most of my tumblr bffs started as lurkers.
Ik the tense is all over the place in this sorry lol
TY ILY 🖤🖤🖤
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sleepybabybees · 6 months
Time for more shenanigans because I enjoy doing these-
Honestly- expect everyone at this point-
Price: Are you a painting?
Nik: What-?
Price: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Price: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Price: Graves is still mad about it, but me and Nik were drunk and thought it was funny.
Price: Are you ready to commit?
Nik: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Price: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Laswell: ...I'm gonna kill him-
Nik: katie- no-
Laswell: Caw caw, motherfuckers.
Laswell: Where the devil is Graves?
Nik: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Price: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Laswell holding back a laugh: I hate that I found that funny- fuck you-
Price: Are you good?
Laswell: In what sense?
Price: Generally.
Laswell: Oh, definitely not.
Price: Fine! Judge all you want but...
Price, points at Nik: Married a lesbian.
Price, points at Graves: Left a man at the altar.
Price, points at Ghost: Fell in love with a Scottish soldier
Price, points at Laswell: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire.
Price, points at Soap: Lives in a box!
Graves: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Nik: >:O language
Laswell: Yeah watch your fucking language
Ghost: Okay, who taught Laswell the fuck word?!
Price: 'The fuck word'.
Soap: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Laswell: Oh my god they censored it
Price: Say fuck, Soap.
Laswell: Do it, Soap. Say fuck.
Ghost: If I fall…
Price: I’ll be there to catch you.
Nik: *looks at Graves* What if I fall?
Graves: Then I’ll fall with you, never leaving your side.
Soap: *watches these two interactions*
Soap, to Laswell: And if I fall?
Laswell: I’ll be the one who pushed you.
Nik: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Laswell: No.
Gaz: I did not.
Ghost: I may have actually forgotten one.
Soap: Also no.
Nik: Oh good, neither did I.
Price: *Exhausted sigh*
Alex: I never said I was gonna get back together with them. But I was thinking, they're in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave them a call?
Alejandro: No. No, Alex, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth. Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost. Number four: Alex calls Farah. Number five: Rudy gets eaten by a shark.
Rudy: I’m Rudy, and I approve the order of that list.
Rudy: Farah, I have a couple of words to say to you.
Alex: Please let those two words be “I’m sorry.”
Alejandro: I’m ready with the bleep button if not.
Rudy: Those darn tall old people.
Farah: Darn em' indeed.
Alex: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough.
Alejandro: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead.
The Squad:
Alejandro: Hahaha.
Alejandro: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Alejandro: That's ridiculous, Rudy doesn't have a crush on me.
Farah: Yes, he does.
Alex: Yes, he does.
Valeria: Yes, he does.
Rudy: Yes, I do.
Alex: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Rudy, exasperated: WHY?!?
Rudy points at Alejandro: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
Rudy: Hey Farah, wanna third wheel on my date with Alejandro tomorrow?
Farah: Sure.
Rudy: Alex! Wanna third wheel on my date with Alejandro tomorrow?
Rudy: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Farah & Alex: ...
Alejandro: Rudy...
Alejandro: I love you.
Rudy: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Alejandro and Rudy kiss passionately*
Alex, to Farah: You owe me 20 dollars.
Alex: *tapping fingers on table*
Rudy: *taps fingers back furiously*
Farah: …What’s going on?
Alejandro: Morse code. They’re talking.
Alex: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Rudy: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Alejandro: Why are your tongues purple?
Alex: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Farah: I had a red one.
Alejandro: oh.
Alejandro: OH.
Rudy: You drank eachothers slushies?
Soap: Why is Gaz crying on the floor?
Ghost: he's drunk.
Soap: And?
Ghost: he saw a picture of Roach's husband.
Soap: But he's Roach's husband?
Ghost: I know.
Ghost, referring to Roach and Gaz: Those guys are dorks.
Soap: Yes, but they’re our dorks.
Soap: Who would you swipe right for? Gaz or Ghost?
Roach : I would delete the app.
Soap: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Gaz: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Ghost: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Roach : My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Roach : How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Gaz: *blushing* I—
Ghost, butting into the conversation: Soap is perfect, thanks for asking.
Eskell: You really believe in Shepard?
Oryn: Mmm… Luckily, he believes in himself enough for the both of us.
Shephard: Is this your plan B?
Eskell: Technically, this is plan P.
Shephard: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Eskell: Yes, but I marry Oryn in plan M.
Oryn: I like plan M.
Shephard: *Reading a letter*
Oryn: Well, what does it say?
Shephard: It’s a confession letter. It turns out Eskell killed my pet rock.
Oryn, about Eskell: Can I tell them they look nice?
Shephard: Sure.
Oryn: Can I tell them I respect them?
Shephard: Maybe, if they ask.
Oryn: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?
Shephard: …
Shephard: I’d save that for later.
Eskell: *pitches an idea*
Shephard, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!
Oryn, under their breath and dialling laswell: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Horangi : That sounds super! Doesn’t that sound super, Konig?
Konig: No.
Horangi : I think I speak for Konig when I say it sounds really super.
Konig: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Horangi : Peonies, why?
Horangi : Were you going to get me flowers?
Horangi :
Konig: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Horangi : I want a bf.
Konig: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
Konig: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Horangi : Okay.
Konig: And make out during the scary parts.
Horangi : Th-
Horangi : The scary parts.
Horangi : Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Horangi , taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.
Konig, entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f-
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shyvien · 11 months
Here are 100 random quotes from Mammon!
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Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they're minor spoilers)
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“I want to [CENSORED], [CENSORED], and [CENSORED] like there's no tomorrow!”
“Hey! No touchin'! Grrr..!”
“Hey! So you're just gonna ignore me, are ya?! ...Also, I SAID you're too close! Don't get near MC! And NO touchin'! I won't allow it!”
“I don't want to have anything to do with someone like you! That's it. we're done! It's over! ...gr ...! ...! Dammit! Like I could ever really say that to you! I love you, MC! And I'II NEVER break up with you, okay?! NEVER!
“Hey, whoa! Whaddya think you're doin', huh?! You want a piece of me?! IS THAT IT?!”
“Come on, I was just kiddin' around! Now go on and unblock me. ...I'll tell ya a funny joke if you do. "Who's got two thumbs and needs some company?" 👍 "THIS GUY!" 👍 At least gimme a pity laugh, will ya?!”
“Right now it's just you, me, a bed, and no one to bother us.”
“Oh yeah? Well do me a favor and look into your crystal ball and tell me how many times I'm gonna sock you for that smartass comment.”
“I don't THINK so! Like, don't go marryin' Asmo, MC! If you're gonna marry someone, marry m...m-m-m…..m-m-ME! MARRY THE GREAT MAMMON!”
“Y'know..I wouldn't have pegged you as someone who likes to stir up trouble. But you have some pretty interestin' ideas up there in that head of yours, don't ya?”
“Whoa, hey there. Those are some pretty harsh words. Is there some sorta bad blood between you?”
“Look at those cheeks of yours. What's up with those, huh? How'd ya like me to give 'em a little poke? ...Like that! ...And that!”
“Would ya look at that? The Great Mammon really has an eye for spottin' shiny and expensive things! Who knew such a little shop would have uncut gems like these? Hehehe, come to daddy...”
“What's this here...an emerald? You're a looker, aren't ya? Wanna come home with daddy?”
“Lemme go! I'm not gonna rest until l've landed one really good hit on Levi!… Beel! Lemme go, ya muscle-bound son of a...! …All right, bring it on! Do it...see what happens!”
“Man, what's got your panties in a wad all of a sudden?”
“Yeah-heah-HEAAAH! Sweet, sweet treasure! COME TO PAPA!”
“No frickin' way!”
“Geez, I oughta wrap you up for pullin' a stunt like that!”
“Y'see, I was plannin' on hanging out with MC in my room today. And I wanted to create a romantic atmosphere, y'know? So I lit about 500 candles, and the room caught on fire. Scared the bejeebers outta me!”
“You think a little w-warnin' like that would be enough to s-s-scare me off? He thinks I'm gonna stop s-s-spyin' on him because of that? As if!”
“Folks around here won't let us forget it. But they're just labels. By now, no one knows better than us that labels don't mean anything.”
“Th-That's so coooohohohohold! Ahahaha! Why you guys gotta be so meeeeean?”
“C'mon, man. Make with the mouth openin'. The rest of us are waitin' for our turn.”
“Yeah, I know what you're thinkin'. How'd I turn out to be so awesome? You can tell I've been through both highs and lows, and that I'm self-assured and totally sexy.”
“If I can land a nice, clean blow on Lucifer just once, then whatever happens, happens.”
“And I hate the way you lock eyes with Lucifer...and then like smile and stuff... Don't do that, okay? Don't even breath in front of him, okay?!”
“Exactly. Nothin' of value is missin', except for the stuff I sold.”
“That's rough, buddy.”
“You might not know what I'm talkin' about, but I know what l'm talkin' about! Quit showin' up in my dreams uninvited! Ya gotta give me time to prepare before you go bustin' in like that!”
“D-Dummy! Don't go makin' me say it!”
“Have you forgotten? I AM evil! Demon, remember?”
“What? No, you must be mistaken, Your Wonderfulness. I said absolutely nothing of the sort.”
“Whoever's disturbed my...*yawn* my sleep... I got a pile driver with your name on it”
“Hey, you sure you'll be satisfied with just leaving things at my head?”
“If you're wondrin' where I'm at, that means ya got it bad for me, don't ya? ...Please don't pull that "stay" thing on me.”
“Levi, you son of a-- You just full-on PUNCHED me!”
“Eh, still... It feels nice when you run your hand through my hair like that. So l'll go ahead and let it slide.”
“Wha? No, I wasn't tryin' to make fun of ya... Little guy.”
“Damn straight.”
“Anyway, he said he'd be willin' to lend me money again if I managed to pay back everythin' I owed. Obviously, there's no way I can, so I pretended not to have seen anythin' and ran like hell.”
“Nighttime's when I kick into gear! Let's go out on the town! Your treat!”
“I'm still laughin' my ass off over here!”
“You're the only thing more dazzlin' than a gold credit card! Almost blinding, I'd say!”
“Final boss, my ass! Listen up, 'cause the Great Mammon's got some truths for you haters!”
“Just this once, l'II let ya film me in a bathtub full of money! How's THAT for fan service?!”
“So? Waitin' like a good boy's gone and earned me some kinda reward, right?”
“I'll raise my favorability score with MC lickety-split, profess my love, and win this game before you even know what hit you!”
“...Aww. ...I mean, now listen, you! Dammit. You really play dirty, you know that...?”
“Ah, there ya are! How'd you like to hit the casino with me, huh?! Right now! I'm feelin' lucky today. REAL lucky!”
“Just so we're clear, I ain't afraid of no horror movies. Not even a little! Not even a teensy-tiny bit, all right? Like, seriously.”
“Just to be clear, it's not like l'm afraid Lucifer might catch me if I go alone. That's not what this is about. Seriously, that's not what this is about! For real, it isn't!”
“I've got some serious business opportunities lined up for after classes tomorrow. I'm talkin' makin' some mad cheddar, yo! If Lucifer asks about me, tell him I was called to the human world by the witches, would ya?”
“You don't sleep until I do, you got that? And would ya look at that?! The ol' Sandman forgot to sprinkle his magical sand in my eyes! So strap in, buddy! We got a looooong night ahead of us!”
“Listen, Lucifer is gonna be all over my ass once he finds out…”
“No need to worry your pretty little head. I'll be around for meals and sleep. The bed's pretty big, after all”
“Yeah, a real gold digger, that one.”
“I wasn't about to give in to that jerk's demands. I've got more self-respect than that. So, I told him what the deal was: I get the room rent-free and he can shove his two-year contract where the sun don't shine. But then that snake threatened to snitch to Lord Diavolo and Lucifer if I didn't pay up.”
“Cheap shot callin' a guy stingy cause he's lookin' out for his pal.”
“Bet your wonderin' how a guy like me-drownin' in debt, frozen credit card, more lint in his pockets than Grimm-“
“Using my power and influence, I'll push you through the auditions and get you the chance to model, no strings attached! Well, maybe one string: front and center's all mine. Hope the edge is good enough for ya!”
“I swear, I'm not tryin' to pull a fast one on ya, MC, ol' buddy ol' pal!”
“We're pals, right? If ya really wanna know the details, I'll tell ya for 500 Grimm. If you've got the cash on-hand now, I'll tell ya for half the price. So, what'll it be?”
“Hey! MC! Why ya runnin' BUDDY?”
“Ya know, just a peek! So, help me out by opening the door, just a little?… But I caaaaaaaaan't! Open the door and let me see already!”
“My dear sunglasses just took their last breath... I kinda accidentally killed them. I crushed them...with my rear end. That's right, my poor sunglasses...and bum.”
“I'll whip up my special cup ramen! I'll bring it up in a bit, so just sit tight.”
“Look, l'm sendin' ya a ping! So get your butt over here, pronto!”
“Seriously, I'll bust my ass and get there at Mach speed!”
“Crap, that really does make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks, MC. I love ya a whole bunch, too!”
“I got a raffle ticket when I went shoppin' today, so I tried my luck, and booyah. Jackpot, baby!”
“I've got jack all to do! JACK ALL!”
“Listen to what I'm saying, dammit! Can't someone shut this guy up?!”
“Huh, ya don't say. Whoopsie.”
“If you're thinkin' of saving that picture of me on your D.D.D., I swear I'll put a curse on ya! I'll make it so that you never find money layin' on the street again! And don't you forget it...”
“Jealous? Wanna join me, right? Well, this isn't the sorta place that humans can just go lollygaggin' about in, so keep your pants on.”
“Haha! That's all ya got?!”
“It's an honor to be fightin' ME!”
“Muahahaha. ALL points for MAMMON! Bow down to me!”
“Hehehe, I'm feelin' GOOD today. I got ya somethin'!”
“Oh...? Yeah, that's the spot! Right there!”
“That's a good human. You're gettin' the hang of it, aren't ya?”
“Yo. So ya dropped in to pay Mammon a visit, eh? Good on ya!”
“Missin' the Great Mammon, were ya? Heh, welcome home.”
“Hey, not there! That tickles!”
“What are ya, a spoiled brat?”
“I guess everyone's like that with their first. Who knew ya could be so cute. Hey, why dontcha be more greedy? That way you'd really win my heart.”
“Hey... Oi... All right, already! Pay attention to me!”
“Hey, can't ya be gentle?!”
“Ya know what do to, doncha? Thanks!”
“Eeeew, take that back. Give it to someone else.”
“Hahaha! Is that all ya got? It's nothing compared to Lucifer's swing!”
“Don't think you can get away with this!”
“Here, I got a present for ya! Beach time, you and me! Let me show you how well I can swim!”
“Also, I'm goin' wakeboarding but... I'm gonna bring you along too, 'cause ya know, I like hangin' out with ya and stuff.”
“A Red Demonus after a long day's work is the best! Why doncha grab one too?”
“It's cool if we chill here and drink together, yeah?”
“This looks so flippin' good!”
“Hey, why don't we go this year? Keep the date open, all right?”
“They're very nice, so I thought it woulda cost ya a pretty penny!”
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Couple extra for my boy
“You wanted to match with me, ya say?! Cute!”
“Someone put a photo frame in your room, right? That was me. You were eyein' it up in the shop so I bought it. You put a picture of everyone in it, but I really wanted you to put one of just us t... Never mind.”
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I love this goofy fucker
𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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rosesanddracula · 5 months
I have so many Mori headcanons, so I decided to share 5 with you. I'm just pointing out that I imagine a Mori who is not weird like in the manga, in a universe where he would be nice and Elise would be his daughter, so no hate please.
1. First, I like to think that he is goth and that his favorite band is the cure (it's a bit cliché but shhh) // (wtf, cliché in English is really spelled like that? I don't really speak English well, I use a translator, so sorry if some sentences don't make sense)
2. I think he has some piercings...like A LOT of piercings ( I imagine him with a tongue piercing, one in the eyebrow, snake bites, many in the ears, bridge, septum and one in the n!ppl€ ) // ( idk if I should censor this word or not )
3. I think he plays guitar and violin, and has a red electric guitar
4. his favorite music is "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths
5. he loves space, planets and all that, the planetarium is one of his favorite places (if you ship fukumori, I think Fukuzawa could CLEARLY take Mori to the planetarium). He also really likes films, I think he's really passionate about cinema, and he really likes Tarantino films.
(Et s'il y a des français qui veulent avoir les headcanon en français, hésitez pas à me le dire)
little pastel drawing btw, because I love pastel
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robbie on a monday
annie got coffee with her brother robbie at the cafe near her office. he was finishing school. just filed his paperwork for graduation. annie was beaming.
"how are you, though?" he asked her. "dad says you're being kinda weird."
annie laughed. "dad talks too much. i'm just a little bored in my relationship and i'm acting out."
"acting out how?"
"cheating on him," annie said.
"poor ryan," robbie said.
"no, not poor ryan," annie countered. "he's emotionally and physically absent."
"sorry," he said. "just too busy with work?"
"yeah but i'm busy with work too and i can still have sex."
"ok, chill out. honestly, is work hard for you?"
"are you saying my job's easy?"
"no," he said, earnestly. "you're like, very smart. school was always easy for you. i feel like work is the same."
"sometimes i feel that way," annie said. "but i don't know. i think i'm so desperate for excitement that i'm fucking up my patients."
"go skydiving or something, then," he said.
"not a bad idea, honestly," she said.
"no, you're too clumsy. you'd die."
she laughed. "maybe."
she went back to her office after and texted her father "don't tell robbie i am being weird."
"that was not my choice of words."
"ok, well, that was his impression."
"how are you, then?" he asked.
"i don't know. weird!"
she'd been sending nudes to jeff every day. he was only ever moderately enthusiastic and sometimes outright critical. "your tits don't look as big from that angle," he said to one. for some reason it made annie want to impale herself on his (only-average sized -- ryan was bigger) cock.
she told julia about it. not about jim, which was over as far as annie was concerned. she told her about jeff. julia was scandalized but enthusiastically so. "ryan has such cuck energy anyway," she said. "you deserve a mean himbo who will obliterate your pussy."
jeff obliged her on monday night, telling her to get naked for him as soon as she walked in the door, and proceeding to pound and degrade her for two hours. annie was so thriled.
he took pictures of her, too, which annie loved. she touched her clit while he fucked her, she played with his cum, she spread her ass for him.
when she got home, she found a bag by her door, full of her stuff from ryan's house. he'd written a note: "whore."
"oh fuck," annie said. and then her phone started blowing up.
she concluded after a few minutes of panicked texts from julia, hatespeech from her and ryan's mutual friends, and expressions of support and solidarity from other women in her life, that jeff had sent ryan the pictures, and ryan had posted them online.
she found them quickly. she was tagged in them, after all. he'd censored the photos on his instagram story, though not well. her tits were scribbled out but her bald pussy with jeff's cock in it was still visible.
julia, jim, and robbie all showed up at annie's apartment. she was less hysterical than they'd probably assumed she'd be, but she'd also taken two xanax immediately. julia and robbie sat together reporting the photos, which were also on twitter. annie went to the bathroom and threw up, and had to change her shirt. jim helped her with that, which was kind of ironic. in a couple of hours, the photos were down, the hate texts had stopped (julia had blocked all their numbers on annie's phone -- annie had briefly felt a pang of relief that her work email was not currently logged in on the phone, just in case she somehow came across emails from jim. when annie had her phone back she found them and deleted them) and the support was still rolling in. and they were all drunk and stoned.
annie went to bed -- robbie would crash in her bed with her and julia and jim would stay on the couches.
"sorry you had to see those pictures," she told robbie.
"it's fine," he said. "i mean you looked good anyway, who cares."
julia texted her. "don't come out, we're having sex on your couch."
"what if i want to watch?" annie replied.
"ok," julia replied. "come watch."
annie got out of bed.
robbie came out a few minutes later -- by then julia was naked and riding jim's cock. annie sat across from them, watching jim's shaft go in and out. robbie was on the other side of the couch. julia beckoned him closer -- she was facing him. he came over to the edge of the couch, which was low enough that julia could reach out and grab his dick over his shorts. then she pulled it out. annie tried not to stare at her brother's cock as julia stroked it and licked his tip as she bounced up and down. he was big, and so hard that it was standing straight up.
jim came first. annie watched his cum start to collect in rings around the base of his cock as he groaned and grunted. when he pulled out, julia climbed up higher on the couch to suck robbie off more enthusiastically. annie and jim both watched. he came in julia's mouth, and she threw her head back and swallowed it.
"wow," annie said. she was still dressed in the post-vomit pj's she'd been helped into by jim. julia walked over to annie and confidently pulled her shorts and panties down. "this will be so different without the neglected bush," julia said, opening annie's legs.
annie watched both men as their eyes flickered around. julia's ass. annie's visibly soaked panties laying open on the floor. julia's fingers and tongue on and in annie's cunt. annie's mouth as she gasped "fuck, fuck, fuck." annie had a loud, cathartic orgasm. she laid on the couch in a heap as robbie went back to bed. a few minutes later, she got to her feet and wobbled in after him. she slept next to him in her bed fully bottomless, having left her shorts and panties on the floor.
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pinksmonkey · 6 months
Roblox Has A Problem
Hey everyone, sorry for the more serious post today, but I have an important issue I really need to talk about and bring attention to.
Recently when I was trying to upload one of my autistic pride designs to make a t-shirt on Roblox, I was sent a moderation warning saying this:
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(And this was the image I uploaded btw):
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Obviously I was annoyed and frustrated by this, so I contacted Roblox and sent an appeal message.
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Today I received a response from Roblox Support saying this:
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Does this action seem fair to you? Because it doesn't feel fair to me. I ranted to one of my autistic online friends about it after, where we discussed it in more detail and you can understand more of the context around why this is so messed up. (I got permission to share these screenshots.)
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I know Roblox moderation has never been great, it's always had its issues. But as annoying as that is, in this case I feel like it's crossed a line. This isn't just about Roblox either, this is about how society views autism and the lack of autism education in general. I'm not just upset because I can't post something on Roblox, I'm upset because my voice as an autistic person is being silenced while other products on that platform are clearly mocking autism, and I'm trying to teach people about us. This is completely unjustified, and it sets a scary precedent when marginalized groups get censored for talking about their own experiences. Yes, Roblox is for all ages, and we should keep conversations appropriate, absolutely. But autistic people's existence, disability in general, is not inappropriate, kids should be learning about it. We don't need to discuss eugenics and hate crimes towards disabled people on Roblox, of course not, but I should be able to mention my identity without fear of being punished.
Basically, censoring the word autistic doesn't protect autistic people from hate, bullying, and discrimination, that is still happening regardless. What it does do is make it harder for us to fight back and stand up for ourselves, teach people about the realities of autism and normalize us as human beings. It's doing more harm than good, and that's what I hope Roblox can start to realize.
If you agree with me and want to make a difference, please reblog this and share it as many places as you can. We need to send a message to Roblox, and show them that silencing autistic voices is not ok. Obviously, be civil and respectful though, I just want to have a peaceful conversation about this problem, and hopefully Roblox will care enough to hear us out.
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xclowniex · 3 months
Sorry but why the hell is it so “bad” that someone says “r word” when talking about the act of sexual violence?
God forbid people try to censor words that could be triggers for other people my lord
1. R word also refers to the r slur for disabled people too
2. There are better ways to care for people's triggers than just "r word". Like that is only good if you are trying to get around an algorithm, not as a censor.
3. Bestie I hate to break it to you, but like.... I doubt that person, who sent a blatent lie, which said lie is rooted in antisemitism, care about people's triggers. Like they were not sending that ask in good faith. Do you really think that someone is going "mmm let me send this lie to a jew because I'm mad they talk about antisemitism. Wait- almost forgot to censor a word, don't want to trigger anyone"
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
Thoughts, Headcanons and Comments on Negaduck (My AU).
This here is more of a commentary blog and maybe a rant, it can also be considered as a headcanon blog and also for Negaduck fans (which I feel like the majority will curse me A LOT for not agreeing with either group, OG and DT 2017). For those who want to, they can read it as they wish, but I'm already advancing that it's LONG and will have some low-level words (I'll censor it, but it's still worth it). Feel free to leave comments about your opinions... And preferably, the comments should be healthy...
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So... I woke up these days and thought to myself... "Do you know what would be good today? Talking about a character idolized by the majority of Fandom as the best villain in Darkwing Duck and a hidden passion for many people and suffering hate from everyone ? YAY!!! =D" (yes, I have self-love... Don't worry, this is just a joke).
Me after this blog:
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Ok, clarifying something for everyone here... I like Negaduck himself, I really like his concept and even his personality. Characters that are basically chaotic, crazy and the reincarnation of evil itself, I love that concept. My problem with Negaduck is kind of his Fandom... People put him on a pedestal and say he's the ultimate villain and the rest is just the rest... I'm talking about a kind of toxic part of the community, like those who make meaningless or simply problematic ships (sorry for those who ship, but Darkwing Duck and Negaduck would NEVER happen in this ship, they are literally mortal enemies and in OG it's worse because Negaduck is an alternative version of Drake). My problem is not the character, the problem is his toxic fans and the fact that he is always considered one of the best villains and blah blah blah. Guys, I see Negaduck as a good antagonistic figure to DWD. The vision of what Drake could become if something went wrong. A criminal genius who has no scruples about getting what he wants and who will do the worst things in the world to get what he wants, including threatening his own companions, the Fearsome Four, with death. A psychopathic maniac who is so toxic that he is basically disgusting and chaotic. Think of classic Disney villains who were the antithesis of evil, like Jafar and the Evil Queen. They're almost pure evil, but they're still charismatic. Basically a villain we love to hate.
Having already spoken my vision, let's move on to the Headcanons and also criticisms of both Negaducks (the OG 1991 and the DT 2017). Just remembering that I like both versions, but I have my criticisms of them... It's never an attack on the fans, it's just constructive criticism and my view of the character. And let's start with what people apparently idolize the most... Negaduck/Jim Starling from DT 2017. Starting with the most controversial one here that will cause me more attacks from the fans, but ok! =D
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The story they made for Negaduck is, to say the least, curious... He was the original actor in the Darkwing Duck series in the Ducktales Reboot universe, whose career took a break after the series ended and he wanted to return in the new film. His name is Jim Starling (pause to praise the idea of the name and her reference, the team is to be congratulated on this honor), he is apparently a duck in his 40s and, apparently, serves to draw a parallel with the DW of original series. The original protagonist of the series that many people followed and to be the antithesis of Drake Mallard, who is the new modern Darkwing Duck of this generation. There are things that I genuinely like about this new Negaduck, like the fact that he is his own character and not an alternative version or copy of Darkwing, the metalanguage with the original Darkwing Duck being a series in Ducktales and things like that... My problem is what they did, the execution... I don't know, I don't like how they wrote Jim, he often makes parallels with the OG protagonist Darkwing Duck and seems to demonize him, while exalting the current Drake Mallard who is nicer, the which I honestly don't like. Besides... WHAT THE F*CK DO HAPPENED WITH JIM AT THE END?!?! A CRAP SCENARIO FELL ON HIS HEAD AND HE BECAME GOO, THEN HE BECAME NEGADUCK?!?! What did they give the screenwriters?! Give me, I want 2 of these...
Okay, calm down... Back to focus... I don't like how this ending happened, it kind of takes away the idea that he's a human and makes him turn into a mutant, which I don't approve of since the fun part is that Darkwing Duck and Negaduck are human, but they're impressive they survive something that would kill them (like old cartoons) and don't get a scratch. The justification they gave to Drake is good, that he always stands up because he has impressive willpower and that he is stubborn. But Negaduck... No! I would change that yes, Jim would survive even though that thing fell on his head and crushed him, but it would have just been a "scene" that he did, but he would appear injured and, if he appeared again, it would show him with scars from that incident . It would be much better... Now, his motivation... It's kind of whatever... I don't hate it, but the way it was done I didn't think it was cool, even though the justification was valid. I've seen some people making fun of him that he just "wanted attention", which is kind of true... But considering that ND is evil incarnate, you can accept it. Oh, and one last aspect that I liked and that was in the classic series... When Negaduck is completely unstable and basically insane, his eyes become spirals. That's awesome, I'm not going to lie. :³
Alright, now let's move on to the 1991 version of Negaduck from Darkwing Duck. Here they will probably give me a lot of hate attacks too...
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Negaduck OG is the counterpart of Darkwing Duck from the Negaverse, an evil version of Drake Mallard who went to the Primeverse for who knows why and is wreaking terror in St. Canarian... He is the leader of the Fearsome Five, a criminal genius and also one of the most dangerous villains. That's in the sense of... He has a BUNCH OF GUNS THAT HE TAKES OUT WHO KNOWS WHERE AND EXPLOSIVES THAT COULD DESTROY THE ENTIRE CITY!!!! Besides, he is a genius criminal strategist and basically almost destroyed the city and even the multiverse in one of his madnesses. For that reason alone, I really like the concept, a person who basically represents chaos in person (Paddywhack doesn't count here, because he's literally a chaos demon) and who is one of Darkwing Duck's smartest villains who almost defeated him. My main problem with him is... He's basically a version of DWD from another universe and he's evil. I don't know about you, but this sounds so generic... There's this with Superman, Batman, Spider-Man multiverse story and "What if"... It's not that I don't like opposite versions of heroes, I do... But when it's a separate character from him. Reverse Flash, for example, is a completely different person from the Flash, Dr. Zoom. Making Negaduck just an evil alternative version of Darkwing is a bit boring because it's a bit limited... Besides, they didn't properly explore the Negaverse itself... ND is a good character, yes, but it's just this lock that makes me think: "Really? One more? Okay...-_-". I like what DT 2017 did, separating Negaduck from Darkwing Duck, in the sense of giving him an identity and not making him an "evil Darkwing Duck from another reality", making Negaduck his own person. Negaduck's parallel with Darkwing Duck becomes more interesting and palpable, whereas in the OG it's kind of a tired trope. There are certain versions that I applaud standing up, like the Hulk and Batman with one of them, but otherwise it's written in a generic way until...
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But then... After complaining so much, I just want to say something... This in no way makes one version better than the other, each version is different and they all have their mistakes and successes. I've seen people comparing both versions and saying that the old Negaduck was better than the 2017 one, but I think it's slightly stupid. Each version is for a different audience, if you liked it, fine, if not, that's fine too. I've seen @o-dandelion-o compare both versions and say that the 2017 ND is a crybaby (I would personally give that to the 2017 Drake, but ok...) and that the 1991 ND is superior... It was probably a joke , but it's worth highlighting... Guys, it doesn't make any difference to me! I'm a writer and I can play the character any way I want! I don't agree with the vision of certain artists, and that's okay! I respect their vision! Only that! I want to make it extremely clear that my version of Negaduck mixes these two, the original and the 2017 version. I took the concept of him being his own character, Jim Starling, but I kept the chaotic and evil incarnate essence of the original. It's an alternative universe created by me and my friend, that's all...
Anyway... I think that's it, thanks to whoever read this... Until next time...
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Final arts made for @anniesilveratl2 .
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mauesartetc · 1 year
I've seen it stated in a comment on reddit that Blitzo "deserved what happened to him at Ozzie’s. He forced himself on M&M’s date and then went out of his way to draw attention to himself KNOWING fizz was there. The entire event was a result of his own actions. Hell, Stolas treated it as an actual date and at least tried to make an effort to be sweet."
They also said:
""I’d like an acknowledgment of Blitz being the one who was in the wrong and admitting it himself. Stolas may be an out of touch rich aristocrat yes, but Blitz was neglecting him and taking advantage from the start. Stolas arguably had no reason to suspect that objectifying blitz was a problem considering he never seemed bothered by it until Ozzy’s. I’d like to think the hospital scene is what is starting the process of Stolas finally realizing blitz can’t be helped until he helps up himself and deals with his issues."
And I'm like: wtf? Are you seriously making Stolas into the injured party despite all the cr*p he has done? Hes the one who has apologizing to do; for objectifying and fetishizing Blitzo all while looking down on imps.
The last part stinks of not wanting white/privileged people to take accountability for microaggressions based on the excuse of them being "innocent".
Sorry, I know this is wildly beside the point, but:
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Dude, this is Tumblr, not TikTok. You don't have to censor yourself here. You don't have to make every word you write commercially viable. It's okay. Be free, little bird! Spew expletives left and right if you feel so moved!
I want everyone to feel free to speak their minds on this blog, and if that includes a few naughty words, so be it. Besides, I'm pretty sure no one's getting in trouble at work for reading a post that contained the word "crap".
Anyway, to the more pressing issue at hand: It's important to recognize at all times that these are fictional characters, not real people. They are puppets whose actions are dictated by writers. Yes, giving characters the illusion of agency when writing stories is a great way to engage your audience, but when analyzing stories, you have to focus on why the people who wrote them made the choices they did. Debating which character was in the wrong, or which character was more wrong, or which one should apologize, yadda yadda yadda, is a futile fucking exercise if you don't include the writers' intent in that conversation.
Let's look at Blitzo. He pretty objectively caused most of what went down at Ozzie's. He followed Moxxie and Millie, he invited Stolas, he drew attention to himself when he knew people who hated him were present. Now that last one seems pretty stupid, like the kind of mistake no one of sound mind in the real world would ever reasonably make. We could spend all day speculating what about his personality would lead him to do this, whether it's zero sense of self-preservation, a subconscious desire for self-sabotage, or simple inability to keep his damn mouth shut, but here's the thing: Other Helluva Boss characters have the same problem. To reiterate what I said here:
"Why did Octavia fully forgive her dad, no questions asked, even when he couldn't explain why he cheated on her mom? If Loona hates being around Blitzo so much, why didn't she just stay with the succubi on the beach? [...] Why did Moxxie make a huge romantic gesture in an environment where such gestures are frowned upon? [...] Why did Stolas bring an imp to a couples-only club despite knowing it'd ruin his reputation?"
The answer to all these questions is "because the plot demanded it." The writers wanted a certain outcome and wrote themselves into a corner before they could reach it organically. Instead of putting themselves into the characters' shoes or retracing their steps to make the endpoint feel like a logical conclusion, they just said "fuck it" and brute-forced the easiest solution, causing the result to make no goddamn sense.
Given the level this writing is on, it feels kinda pointless to argue with internet strangers over which character was in the right and which one wasn't. Subsequent episodes haven't addressed the events of "Ozzie's" (at least not in a way that means anything), leading me to believe the writers never cared enough about them to spark any sort of in-depth conversation. So why should we?
Honestly, this person just sounds like a Stolas simp. It's kind of a leap to assume they don't want real people of a certain race and class to bear responsibility for their actions. It's not that deep. None of this is that deep.
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Playful "interrogation" (Style tickle fic)
This is a tickle fic (strictly sfw both characters are kids)
I am shipping Stan and style
Contains feet tickles
Some swearing (I censored them a bit :>)
"cmon Kyle, I know you have a crush, everyone at school is arguing about who it is!" Stan said to an annoyed and flustered Kyle
"I do not have a fucking crush!" Kyle yelled his voice going up a defensive tone
"Then what's with the blush? Huh" Stan teased
It was true Kyle had a big crush on someone. God knows how anyone found out but no one actually knows who it is. Kyle didn't really want his super best friend to know his crush so he was VERY embarrassed about the situation.
"shut up Stan!" Kyle said and hid his embarrassed face "quit teasing me a$Shøle I don't have a crush"
"hmm am I gonna have to make you tell me, Kyle?" Stan asked and wiggled his fingers towards his flustered friend, making Kyle's face go around 3 shades of red, darker.
Kyle felt his heart beat fast at the sight and he knew what was coming for him. He'd been tickled by Stan a ton of times and I mean he couldn't really say he disliked it.. oh what am I saying he loves been tickled by Stan but this time was different because he knew that he had something to confess.
"nohoo Stan don't" Kyle giggled backing into the corner "can we just move on from this whole thing I don't have a crush and tic-...doing that isn't going to make me feel any different.."
(Kyle can't say the t word to save his life)
"nope dude I'm not letting you get away so easy, b1tch" he teased and pounced on his red haired "friend"
"stahan nohoho this is so gahay" Kyle laughed and tried to squirm out of his crus- best friends's grip failing.
"I haven't even started yet" Stan laughed with Kyle and felt his face become warm and he hoped his blush wasn't noticeable
"JUST DOHO IT ALREADYY" Kyle yelled because he couldn't take the anpicitation (I can't spell)
"really dude? You want tickles that bad? Wow" Stan asked and started to claw at the giggling boys sides
"nohoho DUDE STOHHOP" his giggles turned into a loud boyish laughter
"hmm you gonna tell me your crush??" Stan asked but he didn't really care about that anymore he just wanted an exscuse to tickle Kyle :3
"noho dude I dohont have on- NAHAHA STAN NOT THEREE QUIT IT" he was cut off by Stan lifting up his shirt and Tickling his belly quickly
"dude tell meeee" he pleaded and tickled his ribs
"NOHOHO I DONT HAVE ONEE PLEASE STOPIT" He yelled and shook his head frantically making his hat fall off.
Kyle rarely took his hat off which Stan didn't get because his hair is so damn fluffy.
"ehehe I guess you want me to tickle right here don't you?" Stan asked and scratched his ears
"NOHOO PLEASE I CANT F#CKING TAKE ITT" he laughed and wriggled around like his life depended on it.
"just tell me your god damn crush then!" Stan said and smiled at his adorable "friend"
"NEHEVEERR! DUHUDE F#CK OFF" he cursed and forget to deny that he had a crush
"DUDE YOU DIDN'T DENY IT YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Stan gasped and continued to tickle Kyle's bright pink ears "cmon you can tell me, I'm your best friend Kyle"
He was more genuine and less teasy when he said that last part.
"NAHAHA I HATE YOUU" Kyle yelled not really meaning it "STAHAPPP"
"ouch dude that really hurts my feelings" Stan joked "you know that was mean of you i think you deserve a punishment"
"NOHOHO IM SORRY" Kyle giggled he'd been tickled by Stan too many times to know what was coming
"too late Kyle" he teased and grabbed the extremely Flustered boy's foot and Tickling his toes
"don't worry I'll stop after this dude I don't wanna kill you" Stan said telling the truth
"I don't really care who your crush is ,well maybe a little, I just wanted to tickle you lol"
After a few more minutes Stan stopped leaving Kyle slightly disappointed but happy he could finnaly breath properly.
"you okay dude?" Stan asked and put his hand on Kyle's stomach (Kyle was laying down in a puddle of giggles)
"yehes, dohont touch meheh" he giggled still feeling phantom tickles on his stomach due to the light touch
"Oop sorry" Stan said and laughed a bit. He always loved seeing Kyle so giggly he found it so cute.
"I hatehe youhou" Kyle said and grabbed Stan's hand and held it.
"your litteraly holding my hand dum@ss" Stan said and laughed
"my crush.....is....you.." Kyle whispered
WOOO cliffhanger should I make a part 2?
That took alot of motivation out of me so don't expect another long fic anytime soon 😭
Tell me what y'all think maybe I'll write more south park someday
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shapelytimber · 1 year
Finally finished this comic for class, hope you’ll all enjoy it :) (and I really hope it won’t get flagged even tho I censored the ending-) (ok this is my second time posting this- second time the charm I hope :(( If you want the uncensored version you can just dm me)
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Oh boy what a journey- I had to rewrite this so many times jgotjgpfjn I hope you little queer people will relate to this more than my very het very cis 50 yo male teacher who did not understand it one bit- (more on that along with the french version vvv because I need to rant a bit- ok a lot)
Ici pour la vo et mon sel a ce que je vois <3 anyway joyeuse pride et bravo les lesbiennes
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That man did not understand the relation between the vampire narrative and the gay narrative (he did not see a link between the two and told me the second half in the 70s would alienate the audience that would be interested in the "vampire and gore" narrative ???), he told me "your greatest desire being a curse if it came to be makes no sense because the two words are complete opposites and thus a contradiction" ( sir???? That man never had a fantasy, hated someone viscerally or just heard of the concept of an *oxymoron* apparently ok cool cool), he did not know about the lavender menace (ok I was expecting that) but because of that he told me that having that long of a time skip was nonsense (like it's not a very cliché trope of the vampire narrative) and that it was not realistic that she only found *someone* after 150 years (u know, like homophobia, comp het or just slow self discovery are not a thing ??? Especially for a woman born and raised in the 19th century ??) (But ig that led to him telling me that I should consider that since I was an expert in my field (that field being lesbianism), I should not consider specific terms or reference to be understood by *most people* mhkglmglgkgkgkk guys I'm a lesbian expert now) and cherry on the top : he thought that it was not logical for her to be happier after becoming a vampire, because she ends up having to hide it and vampirism is a curse. (Never mind she killed her shitty husband, freed herself, and found a community ig). Overall he found it confusing, two story that have *nothing* to do with each other and not explained enough.
Like seriously I know I'm not good at writing (I usually don't do it very much-), that's why I choose to do a very cliché vampire narrative, and I was expecting to be called out on it (like I hit nearly every trope : killed someone accidentally, hiding your vampirism, the long ellipse, gay) not ending up having doubts I was even able to write french ??? He had some very valid feedback to give me, but the vast majority of them I just found baffling-
Oops sorry for this long ass text-
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
Remove Problematic CCs
Section 1 part 2
Charlie's Problematic past
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Charlie did in fact apologizes as stated before, I'll give them the tiniest bit of credit, sometime they get it right, but as for using it in his apology, I'm sorry that's stupid, he censored the word firstly and did so to make it Clear what word he said.
But hey it's kinda ironic isn't it, how the non English side was getting drag for the N word and Now Charlie for the B word.
Full fuckin circle.
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Also I hate when people say only blank is allowed to forgive, I disagree, you can accept someone's apology if you're not the targeted audience JUST DON'T GO TWITTER AND RANTING ABOUT HOW YOU FORGIVE THEM you can forgive just don't talk about it.
It's weird behavior to say, oh it's not your place to forgive them, public statements are made for a reason, don't make people feel guilty for forgiving someone.
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Quaickty has a lot of things on him from his early YouTube days, let me say me and big Q are the same age and I was watching him as a teen laughing along, if I wasn't mature enough to see the error on his behavior I can't except him to.
He did however apologizes
Okay lighting round
Veggeta allegedly made fun of Non binary people he has yet to apology. (I say allegedly because the account posting proof was deleted and now all we have is hearsay)
Take with a tablespoon of salt.
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Carré made fun of an Asian who raid him I have yet to see an apology
Fitmc interacted with the dubed "racism mobs" and got called racist as a result, He has not apologize.
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OK I need y'all to stay with me on this don't jump to anything let me explain, Which is one of the reason I decided to do this draft.
Cellbit keeps catching strays for being an "Abuser", now here's the thing. He WAS a toxic boyfriend, that was over Seven years ago, since then he's seen a psychiatrist and moved on to a relationship with Lore and the victim doesn't want it brought up anymore.
Tô call Him am Abuser seems a little misleading because it make it sound like he hit her, it was emotional abuse yes that's still abuse and just as important but like they're is a moral difference right?
I chopped these up together because he says a lot and image limit, but I hope I get the point across
I'll leave a link for you can read it yourself.
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