#idek dont ask!!!!
flymold · 1 year
one thing abt ai and the mainstream climate of entertainment is that it's made it clear we need to celebrate weird imperfect offbeat art more than ever. the ai art i see floating around is pristine in such an uninspired way it's made me rethink my relationship w creativity entirely. i'm less concerned with creating polished works than i am with creating and consuming the bizarre, the messy, the challenging. i want my brain to go ❗️ when i see something beautiful - not because it's a perfect clone or amalgam of populart/contemporary style but because it stirs the worm in my heart that feeds on what it means to be human!! it wriggles in delight at the taste of fallibility !!!!! make weird shit and dance with your shadow!!!!!!!! canonize the magic of being human by giving the absurdity of it form !!!!!WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN THE EFFICIENCY OF OUR CELLS!!!!
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dieubius · 1 year
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uhhh. bruce wayne modelling gig. have a good day 🥰
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kevinsdsy · 2 months
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all for the game social media au — summer olympics edition (pt. 2): i’ve literally been watching olympics football from 3pm til 11pm today so i think thats reason enough for me to post another part even tho the olympics officially start friday SHDJDHD
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obsessive-jan · 2 months
Average small guy Fernando on his tippy toes
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stevie-petey · 5 months
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at arm's length
You fixed his hair and made a face in the mirror, just to get him to laugh, and you smiled when it worked. “I think you look handsome.” “Yeah, sure.” Steve pushed you away, though his arm stayed loosely wrapped around your side. He had always somehow done this, holding you at arm’s length with a possessiveness to it.  You would come to learn that the possessiveness never really goes away. Not in the way either of you may wish for it to during nights two years from tonight. 
Summary: you and steve found each other when you were eleven; he's held you at an arm's length ever since, suffocating you
Rating: general, suggestive themes
Warnings: toxic relationship, heavy angst, allusions to sex, some stancy, fem!reader, use of y/n, not proofread so pls be kind
Words: 2.9k
Before you swing in: where did this come from ? no clue ! this is pure angst though, no happy ending, all just heartbreak and a very toxic steve. beware. prepare. have fun !
Neither of you know how it started.
You aren’t sure when you allowed the lines to be crossed. Steve isn’t sure when he realized he wanted to cross them. 
One night he had simply wanted to crawl through your window.
And, one night, you let him. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you always whisper against his skin in between highs and desperation. 
“I know,” he always kisses the patch of skin just below your ear before encasing you, silencing you.
You’re not sure if he kisses the patch of skin as a promise or as an apology. For what he’s putting you through, for the ignored glances in school, for the way his body stills when someone says your name when he’s around, for the way you always see it.
Afterwards, Steve never stays long. He picks up his clothes as the quiet in your room overwhelms him. He feels your eyes follow him in the dark as he gets dressed and you remain in your bed, sprawled out wanting, waiting, mourning. 
There’s never any malice or anger in your eyes when you watch him, and sometimes Steve resents you for it. He wishes you’d make it easier for him to leave. 
Instead you always watch him with interest, a slight glint in your eye as if you know more than he does; Steve wants to mold a crease between your brows and turn your mouth down with his fingers so that your face isn’t as angelic and understanding. 
“Drive safe.”
Your whispered words are the final blow to the thin wall of glass Steve hides behind. You wish him a safe journey home every time he drives to your house to climb through your window and take more from you than he deserves. 
He hates it.
He hates you. 
Yet every night Steve crawls through your window.
And every night you let him in. 
No one knows how it started.
Your friendship with Steve Harrington was an oddity within Hawkins. 
One day the two of you sat down together during lunch in the sixth grade, and the entire middle school cafeteria went quiet. Everyone had stared at you and whispered, wondering who you were and why you were sitting with someone above your rank, someone who ran with kids like Tommy Hagan.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you had mumbled to Steve, tugging at your sweater with an insecurity you can only feel when you’re eleven. 
“I know.” Steve hadn't seemed to feel this same sense of insecurity at eleven as he popped a french fry into his mouth with a shrug, uncaring. “But who cares?”
You remember looking down at your food, embarrassed and unsure about it all. You’d been standing at your locker merely minutes ago as you looked around helplessly, lost in the school your mom had promised you’d enjoy this time. 
Then Steve had found you.
He had been on his way to the lunch room, late to meet up with his friends, when he had seen you. He will always remember the way you’d been holding yourself, then. You were drawn in, looking around the empty hallways with a wonder in your eyes, despite your obvious fear, that Steve had never seen before in someone his age. 
Steve couldn’t help himself. 
He had asked if you were lost and the way your eyes widened at his question made something within him stir. He watched as a blush spread across your cheeks, shy and nervous, and Steve knew then and there that he couldn’t ever leave you alone. There was something in your eyes, in the way you had looked at him in that moment with that same wonder that had made Steve stop in the first place. 
Soon enough everyone in Hawkins Middle watched as your friendship unfolded. 
It was innocent enough, almost imperceptible to those who weren’t paying attention, but everyone knew. 
Steve was never outwardly friendly with you following your first day meeting him, although he was inseparable from you in his own ways. He would walk you to your classes and always sat a few seats behind you so that he could keep an eye on you. Everyone saw how his eyes never left you. 
You never asked why Steve wouldn’t include you with the rest of his friends. He never introduced you to them, yet he made you promise that if they ever said anything to you that you’d tell him. You promised him, swore to him that you would, and the promise seemed to calm something within Steve. 
“Why?” You had asked him afterwards, not understanding why it seemed so important to Steve that you’d tell him if his friends were ever mean to you. 
“Because you’re my friend.” He stood by your locker as he waited for you to gather your books. People walked past the two of you, whispering as they always did, but he had learned how to ignore them.
You remember frowning, feeling a pit forming in your stomach at his words. “But they’re your friends, too.”
“No, they’re not.” Steve scoffed at you and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.
“But you’re always with them.”
He looked down at his scuffed sneakers, then. “They follow me around. I don’t mind it that much, my dad says it makes boys look cool.”
“Your dad?”
Steve will never understand why he had told you about his dad that day, but he would come to learn that you always somehow made him weak against the things that darkened his mind; how you were always the one he confessed to.
“Can we go to class now?”
“Sorry,” you grabbed the last of your books and closed your locker. You smiled at Steve, you will always remember how hard you had tried to calm him down, make him comfortable around you, and you will always remember how you had placed your hand on his arm. “Let’s go to class.”
Steve flinched at your touch, and you would come to learn that touches weren’t something he was accustomed to; how it would be because of you that he learned what it feels like to be warmed by someone’s fingertips. 
Steve isn’t sure when he became King Steve. 
He thinks it was sometime during his freshman year of high school when he shot up a few inches during the summer and grew his hair long. 
It had been your idea, growing his hair out, because you knew he liked it when you played with it.
“I look like a douche, Y/N.” Steve groaned when he had looked in your mirror. Sometime between sixth and seventh grade, he had started going to your house after school and on the weekend. He claimed it was because your mom was always nice to him, but deep down you knew it was because he enjoyed having you to himself. 
You fixed his hair and made a face in the mirror, just to get him to laugh, and you smiled when it worked. “I think you look handsome.”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve pushed you away, though his arm stayed loosely wrapped around your side. He had always somehow done this, holding you at arm’s length with a possessiveness to it. 
You would come to learn that the possessiveness never really goes away. Not in the way either of you may wish for it to during nights two years from tonight. 
But two years ago you leaned into the arm that still held onto you and played with the hair that had only grown long because of you. “I mean it, you know.”
Steve’s eyes met yours in the mirror, and he saw the wonder there again, though now that you were both fifteen with a shared history, the wonder was now accompanied by a fondness that Steve couldn’t bear himself to look into for long. He loved your eyes, he loved the way you looked at him, but it always burned. 
Thick silence had started to crawl in between you two, then. 
Steve had grown a few inches and his jawline had sharpened and his skin evened out. One day, before your very eyes, he had stopped looking like the eleven year old boy who found you in the hallway. As you stared at him in the mirror that night, you realized just how beautiful he had become, and somehow, even then, you knew that this beauty would strangle you.
The silence had started to grip your neck, so you cleared your throat and tried to pretend that nothing had changed, even though everything had changed in that moment. “It’s late, your parents will want you home soon.”
“They probably don’t even notice I’m gone right now, Y/N.” The moment had been broken and Steve now felt the same fury that had been building within him ever since he was eight. The anger threatened to spill over, but Steve had come to learn that his anger only scared you, so instead he had tried to find another way to quiet the waves within his mind. “I have a better idea.”
“Is that so?” 
“I spend the night.” Steve winked at you, he knew that you sensed his brewing anger, and he desperately wanted to reassure you that he wouldn’t ruin this.
You froze, as if you knew even then that this would be a shift within your dynamic with him. You called Steve your best friend at this point, and while he never said so out loud, you were his best friend, too. At school, you didn’t have many friends, but Steve had now become surrounded by both boys and girls, all vying for his attention, and though he still never introduced you to them, you knew even then that you were the most important person in his life. 
As your eyes met Steve’s in the mirror once more, for a moment you could see the eleven year old boy again, and he’s the reason you say yes.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you reminded Steve for the tenth time that night as you looked over at your door to make sure it was locked. Your mom would’ve killed you if she had ever found out Steve never left. 
“I know.” Steve crawled into bed next to you and collapsed with a huff. He wrapped his arms around you and you were weak against him.
You’ve always been weak against him.
You’re not sure when you first lost Steve to Nancy Wheeler.
They met when you were all in middle school, and yet somehow she hadn’t caught his eye until you were juniors and she was a sophomore. 
He had dated other girls before, but none had been like Nancy; she was the only one who truly caught his eye. 
You watched as he became infatuated with her. It happened slowly, and then all at once. He stopped walking you to class, stopped sitting a few seats behind you, stopped asking to spend the night. 
Steve still saw the wonder in your eyes, though. He still saw the fondness that burned his skin and ground into his bones. He saw your eyes in Nancy’s, and it infuriated him. He loved the girl, he knew he did, but somehow you were always there.
Even after you stopped asking to see him, to sit in his car and drive, to be his best friend again. 
Somehow, you were always there. You were always there, long after you stopped calling yourself Steve Harrington’s best friend and he stopped feeling the need to miss you. 
Then, one night, when Steve had been on his way to pick Nancy up to go see a movie, he drove past you sitting on a park bench with someone’s arms thrown over your shoulders. He remembers feeling the wind being knocked out of him at the sight, he remembers the possessiveness that clawed so deeply into his chest that he had been afraid for a moment that he was dying. 
He doesn’t remember changing lanes and parking there in front of you.
He doesn’t remember the way your face fell when you saw him.
He doesn’t remember the way the guy who had been wrapped around you stood up, asked who Steve was and why he was bothering you.
All Steve remembers is that he no longer saw the fondness in your eyes when you looked at him. The wonder had been gone. 
“Y/N?” His voice hadn’t sounded like his own. Your name hadn’t left his lips in months; it felt like exhaling after breaking an oath. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you had shaken your head at him, somehow knowing Steve’s feelings before he did. He would come to learn that you had always known his feelings for you, long before he was ever able to figure them out himself. You looked at the guy next to you, your date for the night, and shook your head again. “Not here. Not right now.”
“I know.” But Steve hadn’t known anything. If someone had asked, then, what his name was, all he would’ve been able to answer with was yours. He was yours. “I… I know.”
“I think you should leave, buddy.” The guy you’d been with said, and Steve remembers now that his name had been Jamie. He had been on the soccer team, someone he had once shared a drink with at some stupid party last year. 
Steve cleared his throat and avoided your eyes. You knew too much. You knew too much and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d spoken to you until then. “Have a good night.”
And then he was gone. 
Steve broke up with Nancy a week later. 
You never saw Jamie after that night. 
Neither of you know how it started. 
But you know how it will end.
Steve doesn’t, but you don’t blame him. 
He sneaks in through your window most nights and takes from you what you’ve always been willing to give him; it’s how your relationship has always been, and yet you’d give him everything and more if he asked you to. 
Steve kisses you and holds you at arm’s length and tugs you back in every time. 
You always allow yourself to be pulled in. 
One night Steve crawls through your window and reeks of alcohol. He trips over himself as he enters, his hair a mess, still grown the length you once suggested to him, and his jean jacket hangs loosely from his thin frame.
“Steve?” You rush towards him and help him through your window, holding your breath as you do so.
He leans heavily against you and slurs his words. “‘M here.”
“You’re here.” You confirm for him, setting him gently against your bed. As he stares at your ceiling with blurred eyes from the alcohol, you start removing his jacket and shoes. He’s not going home tonight in this state, you know his dad will only send him back here again anyways. 
“Always here,” he slurs again, rolling his head to the side as he does his best to look at you. He squints, studying your side profile and it takes everything within you to not face him. You busy yourself with his clothes, giving yourself something to distract yourself with. He frowns, even in his drunken state he can read you so well. “Always… here.”
“You are always here,” you untie his shoes and place them against your wall. “It’s late, Steve. Let’s go to bed, okay?”
“No,” he now tries to fight against you. Words float through his mind, in a haze of letters and sentence fragments, and vaguely there’s something there that he knows he has to say. Some grand epiphany in between his sixth and seventh beer tonight. “I wanna–I wanna talk.”
You freeze. 
He sees your discomfort and feels something break within him. He tries desperately to grasp at the words within his mind. “Here. It’s… You’re here.”
“I live here, Steve.” You’re not sure what he’s trying to tell you, but you know that if he keeps talking, he’ll ruin the last remaining line that tethers you to him. “Please, just close your eyes and sleep–”
“You’re always here.” His voice has strength to it now, as if the confession has sobered him up. His eyes are now focused, though his mind is still a haze of everything he hasn’t told you. His movements are still slow, his breath still reeks, and he knows that this isn’t what you deserve. “W-why?”
You close your eyes. 
You’ve always known how this would end. 
“We can talk in the morning.” You try to appease him, now gently crawling over him so that you can lay his drunken state to rest. “How about you just hold me tonight, okay?”
Steve is gone again, now lost in the alcohol he’s consumed once more, and your offer of him being able to hold you is all he can focus on now. Exhaustion washes over him and he wraps his arms around you, distantly he thinks he remembers someone else doing this to you once. The thought makes him hold onto you tighter, though he thinks that this isn’t fair to you. 
Lips close to your ear, he whispers, “We shouldn’t be doin’ this.”
“I know,” you close your eyes again, scared he’ll see the tears within them. 
Neither of you know how it started.
The undoing of whatever you had started long before either one of you truly knew what it was.
One day you were both eleven and Steve had been drawn towards the naivety within you that he never had himself.
Tonight, you’re both seventeen and the naivety is gone, and as the alcohol burns through Steve’s system, he knows it’s because of him. 
You’ve always known how this would end.
Steve has only realized it tonight.
⌑ writing masterlist
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glowfangs · 6 months
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aurorangen · 14 days
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Like my first love that September
Transcript & Context:
[The trial was an eye-opener for us and we shouldn't be afraid to reach out to help cope with trauma. We both went to therapy, my mum felt brave enough to open up about her mental health and I went to talk through my fears and distress and how to gain control of it. In the end, we decided to move to Henford-on-Bagley]
[The countryside promoted healing and we were less likely to be triggered by places or people. It was really an escape from the big city. Settling down was easy since my grandparents lived there. It was also my first time visiting the family farm and I loved every single moment in that house]
[Most importantly, I felt more relaxed in Henford-on-Bagley. No more pestering reporters or prying eyes of the neighbours. No more trouble sleeping or flashbacks to all the difficult times. Instead, it was a warm welcome from the villagers, who did not ask too many questions, well most of them anyway]
[Our wellbeing improved and we immediately fitted in with the community. It was a new beginning here which meant a different school, routine and people. And one person in particular stood out from everyone else]
[Henford-on-Bagley was where I met Nancy Montford. She was my first love]
The remaining story parts (the first love and the one after 👀) are the ones that I have most been looking forward to! And look who is his first love...Nancy (tjolc)!!! It is perfect with her cooking roots and how city detective also explores food. I've mentioned that Vincent likes cooking and you will find out how it came to that. Now the two legacies link 🤗 One more thing is Oscar has NO RELATION to Strangerville even though I initially created him to be the mysterious guy.
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thesoftestcowboy · 1 month
I'm curious about something... (and fucked up the last poll. if u saw no u didnt)
*As in, you enjoy listening to it, like it aesthetically, think of it as attractive, whatever. This is NOT about whether or not you understand the language or if you like whatever you associate with it or whether or not it's "useful" (e.g. If you do not speak a single word of japanese but really love how it sounds, vote for it. if you think italian sounds sexy but don't really care about visiting Italy, vote for it. If you like the look of the hebrew alphabet but not how it sounds, DONT vote for that. It's about the sound.)
Before you come at me: These categories are not perfect. Some of them are sub-categories of a bigger family (Indo-European), some languages are in the same category but sound really different etc etc. I had to leave out or group some of these together in a way that I felt made most sense for what I wanna know & the demographics of this site. I'm not a linguistics expert.
Feel free to share your thoughts in comments or tags! 👍
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crushedsweets · 9 months
Does Tim hate Toby?
nope! but honestly i cannot blame him even if he did.
for starters, toby has been incredibly sadistic to victims even when he's not fully under O/S influence. he's been cruel for the sake of cruelty, and while tim is by no means innocent, he has rarely hurt people just because he can. toby gets a lot of satisfaction and has huge power trips when he kills, and while he eventually works through it or whatever, it's hard for tim to get past that.
additionally, tobys generally a dick. he purposefully argues with tim about EVERYTHING. tim could so much as ask where toby's going, and toby gets pissy about 'why the fuck are you asking youre not my fucking dad fucking weirdo' . toby initiates most of their fights at the start, both verbal and physical. for a while, tim would never lay his hands on toby first. eventually he'd start shoving toby back before toby has a chance to swing. but he still wouldn't hurt toby unprovoked
toby is quite literally the issue. like he's completely the problem. but toby gets over shit pretty quickly, he'll be petty and hold a grudge but eventually move on and be cordial. meanwhile tim lets single interactions and first impressions really shape his entire view of a person and relationship. thats why its hard for him to start hating brian even after all the shit brians done TO him, and why its hard for him to start liking kate/toby after all the shit they've done FOR him. tobys a persistent asshole, tims a stubborn asshole. bad mix..
but again, he doesnt want the worst for toby. he knows toby was just some kid who went through hell and back, and he wasnt always this way, and he was a victim of O/S too. he brings toby groceries, he got toby a job at the farm, he's kept Toby grounded when necessary, he's given toby advice, taught him how to drive. he's taken care of toby like a guardian would. but his temper with toby is so short
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manzanerodiaz · 6 days
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i found serenity in the strands of your hair, and again, in the burn of your stubble
despite being in the spn fandom for years, this is the first time i’ve ever drawn dean. so if it looks nothing like him, that’s my excuse. i hope to get better over time as i draw destiel more
(hands are a pain to draw but they’re also fun idk how to explain it)
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disgustinggf · 7 months
If you have a bf why you showing yourself naked
i mean the answer is pretty simple? i wanted to? but also dont be fucking stupid and notice how i have not posted anything new since summer?
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Sally, picking up Percabeth from Camp at the end of Summer: So, how was your break? Percy: We almost got surprise adopted! Sally: What? Annabeth: We almost got kidnapped Sally: Oh, ok Sally: slams breaks YOU WERE WHAT?!
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spacedlexi · 2 months
Kenny and Violet anon here YES.
Violet is upset because someone she defended against her found family of 8 years let her get taken by brainwashing adults for 2 seconds and everyone flips their lid.
But Kenny refuses to stop a train, and gets into a whole fight with Lee over it (AND REFUSES TO HELP YOU FIND A LOST LITTLE GIRL WHILE YOU’RE FIGHTING OFF AN INFECTION, where as Violet always defends you in Episode 1 regardless of whether you ignored and/or antagonized her or not), and gets mad at an 11 year old for not being able to handle helping someone in labor by herself and everybody’s like “Nah it’s okay, his family died years ago so he gets to do whatever he wants.” as if Violet didn’t witness one of the only consistent family members in her life die in front of her 💀
There’s so many comparisons I could make and one day I’ll make a Venn Diagram about all of their similarities but for now I’m glad someone pointed this out.
there are some things kenny does that have No excuse (like refusing to help bitten lee look for missing clem all because hes mad you didnt side with him enough. leaving lee to singlehandedly save himself in the pharmacy because he got scared. threatening to slap clem for blaming herself for lees death. off the top of my head). but his behavior on the train is annoying yet understandable. he doesnt want to admit his son is dying and he feels like duck dying in the first place is his fault for not saving shawn. you can convince him to stop without things getting physical
the Problem comes in when people can understand and sympathize with kennys annoying/shitty actions, but when it comes to violet (who has the same "my family is dead and its made me bitter and closed off" backstory (and her whole arc is about learning to love and care again)), suddenly all understanding goes out the window. even tho shes not even a FRACTION as annoying and shitty as kenny can get 😭😭
violet is mean to clem for the One scene where youre introduced to her (ignoring your first moment with her in the courtyard where shes smiling at clem so you already know her shitty attitude later is a lie. louis even defends her. wingman lol. and depending on what you say in response to her you can Immediately see the regret on her face LOL). but before the scene even Ends shes complimenting clem and clem loves it. then youre forced to talk to her and tenn about the twins, you have a nice card game where you can joke around with her, then she shows up at the dorm and they have a nice heart to heart about how theyre BOTH struggling with the loss of people theyve loved, and they can sympathize about both being harsher than they intend (THEY GET EACH OTHER CANONICALLY)
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and vi not being "a people person" is a huge part of her arc?? she doesnt like that shes like this 😭 but shes also better with people than she gives herself credit for and its why she makes a good leader. (and even if you pick the "came off strong" option clem is OBVIOUSLY teasing about it but vi cant tell and gets defensive ("its not like im trying to be bffs or whatever. sorry" is so "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" of her)
and then after this shes never mean to clem again?? (unless you antagonize her but even then its mostly just about her standing her ground and not taking shit she doesnt deserve. which is fair). shes only mean to brody while fishing (and shes mean to brody because deep down she blames HERSELF) and the whole POINT of that scene is to try and mend their broken relationship which immediately makes vi a happier/nicer person if you do (also interesting how louis doesnt get any shit for His behavior while hunting 🤨 no hes just cool and fun). violet also apologizes for being "weird" in the dorms the previous night as well (bby girl why are you afraid that everything you do is weird 😭 she says that word a lot)
violet will Always have clems back (in EP1 and 2!!) No Matter What you do or say to her. i think people take her loyalty for granted. so if you dont save her in EP2 and expect to continue to have her unwavering loyalty in EP3? thats a You problem. she is Fucked Up mentally on that boat by lilly and her not-exactly-ex, and then gets caught in the explosion she didnt want anything to do with. AND THEN SHE APOLOGIZES because she recognizes she was WRONG
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(not her literally trying to make a joke about it to ease the tension 😭 people dont give her credit for also having a sense of humor. like louis is the only one who cracks jokes around here) but again when it comes to kenny his actions are understandable and defendable even without an apology 🙄 i literally side with kenny on Everything except the larry thing and if you dont make the right dialogue choice with him? he will not help you look for clem. because of larry 😐 i killed your son for you bro and then took care of his walker doppelganger so you didnt have to. and this isnt even touching his behavior in S2. and yet despite everything he does hes still one of the most beloved characters in the fandom 🤨
i just have to remind myself sometimes that all vi options were made 53-61% and the vi haters are a loud minority. her always being above 50% is so interesting to me because i love when choices are split perfectly 50/50. but the way the fandom talks about her (and the women in general) you wouldnt think shes technically the more popular option (and i Hate playing the popularity card its so annoying, but im only doing it bc people also say shit like "maybe if vi wasnt so mean more people would pick her" they DO pick her!!! you just got mad she was mean for 5 seconds, never payed attention to her again, and used her determinate reaction on the boat as justification for not liking her 😑) (also ignores how mean louis gets in EP2 regardless of choice?? but like kenny His actions are defendable and sympathetic and hers arent 🙄)
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vidumavi · 1 year
I am actually still thinking about what was up with the Galadriel & Thingol relationship. Most of the traits she probably hated in Feanor Thingol also has. And she can't even talk back because she's a guest in his court and his wife's apprentice. Did they get along? If so, did she actually like him or was she faking it?? Did he, guy noted to be obsessed with anything that reflects treelight, ever make any comments about her hair
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threepoint14art · 3 months
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him and his sibling when they were litollll They were so cute it'd be a shame if as teenagers you didn't talk that much. who said that
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sieglinde-freud · 2 months
HELP GRAY FULLBUSTER yknow what i see it. natsu was my fave for awhile before rogue cheney came along lol
u guys have no idea but i had the biggest fairy tail phase when i was in middle school and i was in love with gray fullbuster it was crazy. i dont know why. i really truly dont remember why but i thought he was the coolest fucking guy in the world. i hated juvia. i dont anymore, i think shes actually really cool but to this day im not entirely sure how i feel about her and gray just bc. the stalking 😭 that was kinda crazy. also i was mad cuz i wanted him with erza but also its been like so many years so if my takes suck take it up to 11 y/o me i never finished the series. anyways natsu actually based i loved that guy. i watched fairy tail in english and so when i got to awakening for the first time, i got morgan, he started talking and i was like HOLY SHIT. NATSU DRAGNEEL? like i was floored. insane. i had to look up rogue i forgot that guy but he looks like a pokemon trainer kinda
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