#if Oscar was not drunk any thoughts about his mother would not have left his mouth <3
i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
psst, may i pls request “when did you learn how to do that?” with the delanceys? <3
Nox I am so sorry for posting this at 3am but I hope you enjoy <3
If Oscar hadn’t had a couple of whiskeys he wouldn’t have said it, but as it was his sight was a little blurry at the edges and a warm thrum was echoing through his body. It wasn’t often he could drink at home, usually preferring some cheap pub or bar out one of the shadier sides of town where he could pick a fight and not be noticed in the crowd, but Wiesel wasn’t home tonight, which meant him and Morris were sat in the kitchen together, a half finished bottle between them. The hangover in the morning would probably be hell but he decided it was worth it.
He’d kicked his feet up on the table in front of him, arm thrown casually over the back of his chair, the one that Morris had thrown his jacket over once they’d stepped through the door (he’d have to remind him to hang it up before Wiesel got home)
Morris had been working since they got back, some kind of paper work Wiesel never bothered to hand to Oscar so he assumed there was nothing to read on it. Usually it meant Morris had to get it done by the next morning but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a glass of cheap whiskey sat next to his smouldering cigarette.
Oscar craned his head again to glance at the clean sheet of paper Morris was scrawling on and his frown deepened as he tried to make out the numbers and what the hell they meant. He knew it was something for Uncle Wies, something about the stacks of papers and pay and all the other mathematic stuff Oscar wasn’t involved with but Morris was occasionally asked to look over.
“When did you learn how to do that?”
The question had left his mouth before he even realised he was thinking it.
Morris glanced up at him, brows pulled together, like Oscar was stupid and asking a stupid question. “What?”
He nodded toward the page. “Numbers. Math. I sure as hell didn’ teach you like I taught you everythin’ else.”
Morris took a drag of his cigarette.
“Definitely weren’t you.” He tapped out the ash. “You’re a shit teacher by the way.”
“You’re a shit brother.”
Morris rolled his eyes and turned back to his sheet, scanning it again
Oscar let the silence sit for a second as he watched him, trying to pin down any familiarity in the action, any familiarity in the way his eyes narrowed when he reached something he didn’t quite seem to get.
“Was it ma?”
Morris stopped again, the grip around his pencil tightening near imperceptibly but not subtly enough that Oscar didn’t notice
“Did ma teach you numbers?”
Morris frowned at him, like the question didn’t make sense. And maybe it didn’t, Oscar wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure how many glasses of whiskey were in his system either. Didn’t keep count. Would’ve struggled to keep count if he’d tried.
“Course she didn’t.” Morris said eventually, and then with his cigarette between his teeth. “She teach you numbers?”
“She tried.”
“She failed.”
Oscar sent him a blank stare and a middle finger at that, anger somewhere low in his stomach, weighted down by the alcohol that usually surfaced it. (Maybe it just hadn’t reached that point in the night yet. There was still time for something to set him off)
“You can’t read.” He shot back, childish maybe but not untrue and if Morris was going to be a dick he could too.
“Means’ you failed Os.”
Oscar took a slow drag of his cigarette, staring down his brother as he exhaled smoke, fighting to keep the grin of his face.
“You’re an asshole Mo.”
Morris, he thought, looked unusually like their mother when he was exasperated but a little smug, not tired enough to be looking a fight. (Maybe it just hadn’t reached that point in the night yet.)
His lip pulled up a little at the edge in a rare almost smile, even if it was mocking and crooked. “Learnt from the best.”
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Here's the first half of it :3
Stella Luceat.
The rhythmic beeping of his monitor could be heard throughout the room.  
A reminder of what is soon to happen.
A reminder of my luck.
A reminder of death.
The lights in the dank hospital room buzz. They’re too bright and would give anyone a headache.
I get up from my chair and move it to his bedside to hold his hand for what may be the last time. He and I. It was supposed to be us against the world. Us, against whatever would happen. We had plans, colleges, and lives. But he had to drive. He had to take me to it that night. What ‘it’ is, I may never know, as about 5 miles from the stop, we got T-boned by a drunk driver. Oscar was immediately knocked out. He didn’t feel the pain of the car crushing his left leg. Or the breaking of multiple ribs. Nor the slam of his head hitting the dash.
However, I did. I felt my arm break. I could feel my head slam against the car door. I experienced the pain at seeing the ambulance come and take his limp, cold, bloody, and broken body away. But that body was alive. It was alive, for now.
Oscar now lies upon his hospital bed, surrounded by his family and friends. We are all circled around him. I like to think he’ll make it. He’s more than strong enough to pull through, but I know he won’t. I saw how he looked. He looked dead already…I had thought he was. But these 13 days with him strapped up have done no good. He’s still in pain. He’s going to-
“Addam- “
I look up and I see Ben, staring at me. Ben is Oscar’s twin brother. They have been my best friends for 12 years. The two look so similar. Bright blond hair, green-grey eyes, and tall and lengthy. But Oscar has the height on the both of us. Oscar would always run around us and-
“Addam,” Ben says calmly, pulling me from my thoughts once more. It sounds like he’s talking to a lost child. “It’s time. He needs to leave.”  
“No…no he doesn’t. He could make it. He’s pulled through before and he can- “
“Addam. He’s in pain. He hurts. He needs to go. Even if h- Oscar pulled through, do you think he would be okay? Do you think he could live a normal life? Do you wish for him to feel like that? Pain, all day, just because you couldn’t let go.” Ben knows it is not my choice. I know it is not my choice. Oscar is gone. But he’s here, as a shell of himself. He has been gone since the second they hooked him to the tubes and the wires that made the beeping.  
The beeping.
I will never forget.
I couldn’t ever forget it.
Sitting at his bedside as the color drains from his face. My eyes traced over him for the last time.  
My eyes trace his eyes, which used to light up under the stars. My eyes trace his nose, which he would press to my collarbone as we would dance. My eyes linger on his lips. Oh, how I wish to hear one more word from them. Any word at all. I wish with every ounce of my being for him to say “I love you” once more.  
I wish for him to open his eyes, look up at me, and smile. Good lord, that smile lit up rooms. Brighter than every star we ever looked at.  
One last breath, and he’s free. One last long, unending beep. He’s gone. Behind me I hear Oscar’s mother scream out for her son. I look over my lover’s face. All at once, I realize-  
He’s gone. He is really, truly, gone.
And the world crashes down around me. The stars fall, the Sun stops shining, and the world turns a murky grey. I gasp and sob out. Dead. Oscar is dead. And there is nothing I can do. Nothing to bring him back.  
Tears streak down my face as the families move around me to say goodbye, but I’m too far gone in my own head. The room is spinning, and my body feels like Jello.  
Gone is dancing in his room past midnight, where the only noises that could be heard were our quiet laughs and the humming of his voice. Gone are the stakeouts in the woods at our spot, where we would whisper about the stars that night. Gone is chasing one another through the forest and tackling the other down just to lie on our backs talk our futures. Our future…that was no more.
The future that you ruined. The future that you so cruelly stole from him that night he drove you. He shouldn’t be dead, you should be.
What- what is that? Who is that?
I am you. We are us.  
Why are you…speaking to me?  
Ah, but I am not. You are speaking to yourself. I am merely just a voice that you gave to the thoughts.
I am quickly pulled from my thoughts. My face is wet and puffy, and the room was still spinning. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Earth would crack open right then and eat me alive.
“Addam, it’s time to go. There’s nothing you can do.”
I look around and realize everyone is gone, sans Ben. His mother must have left. No one had moved Oscar’s cold body from the room, and his hand was still in mine. I wished upon every shooting star I had ever seen that he would wake up and move to kiss right there. He always would kiss away my tears.
Once more I take in the room. The blinding bright white lights still buzzed. The room still was small, and the colors were dull and basic. The bed that my lover had spent his last minutes in still took up most of the room. But there was no beeping.
And yet, I heard it. It was there.
The beep, beep, beep, of his heart. His heart, that was no longer mine.  
Ben walks over and rests his hand on my shoulder. He knows the hurt and the pain. He understands, as half of him is gone forever.
“It’s time. You won’t want to be in here when they take his body.” Ben’s voice is comforting, like a warm blanket. It’s keeping me tied to the Earth. If it was gone, I’d surely be sailing through space.
Slowly, and ever so carefully, I rise from the chair. I grasp Oscar’s hand closer to my chest and I commit to memory every line that ran over his body. Every millimeter of him. Then, I lean over him and brush the hair on his forehead away. I press a kiss to his head. I press a kiss to his nose. I press one final kiss to his lips. His cold lips that used to be so full of life. The lips that would have the loveliest words and songs spill from them. I fall into his limp body and hug it close. He smells like himself, but more sterile. Tears pool in my eyes and spill down from my face onto his scratchy hospital gown.  
Ben’s hand rests on my shoulder.  
It’s time. I know it is. But I can’t leave. He’s still in this room, and I can’t leave him.  
“Oscar-“ I hear Ben sob a bit. He’s a mess too. “Oscar is gone, Addam. It’s time to leave.”
Gasping between my sobs comes my reply. “I know…I- I know. I can’t leave him. I can’t. Then he’ll be gone. He’ll be–“
“Addam, he is gone. He’s just…just a corpse now. Lifeless. They’re going to be here soon to take him. We need-“ Ben paused. A few more stray tears left his eyes. “We need to leave.”
Ben knows I cannot handle seeing them take my beloved away. It would break me more. I slowly get up from my chair, gently placing Oscar’s hand back on his bed.  
Finally, I pulled away from the hug. Our last hug. Wiping the tears on my face out of the way, I lean down and press one last kiss to Oscar's forehead. Ben's hand is upon my shoulder, and he is pulling me from Oscar. I wouldn't ever leave.
We walk slowly from his bedside to the door; each step feels like the world is being set ablaze. I stop at the door and take hold of the handle. My hand quivers on the handle
Do it, wimp. You are no good to him now.
You killed him.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault!
Sobbing out, I wrenched the door handle open.  
Step one. My right foot is out the door. Oscar is still gone.
Step two. My left foot is out of the door. My body follows.  
I turn around one more time to see Oscar. He still lies on the hospital bed, in his scratchy hospital gown, under the all-too-bright lights that would give anyone a headache.
I turn around and take another two steps. And then three. Four. Five. The steps continue until I am at the front of the hospital. Turning to face Ben, I realized he was struggling to leave his brother in that room. How it hurt him to take me from that room, because it pained him to leave too.  
We both understand how it's different now. How we have both had a piece of ourselves so crudely taken from us. How we are to move on is beyond me.  
3 months. 3 long, loud, and wretched months since he left me. At every turn, I imagine him. He is everywhere, he is nowhere. Everything hurts too much without him near, so I tend to lie in bed for most of the time.
It is loud in my mind. At all times. It sounds like me, but it is not. It tells me I am to blame for my beloveds, and I believe it.  
Look at what you have done. It speaks to me again. It is never not.
This is your doing. You are why he’s gone. Why must you go, and ruin others’ lives for your own greed? Hm? Why were you so eager to see what he had for you? He would be alive had you just not shown how desperate you were. Desperate for his time.  
I roll over on my bed. The voice…the voice is correct. If I hadn’t been so needy, so desperate, Oscar would be alive. Oscar would be beside me and laughing, not dead and underground. The voice is quite good at letting me know this. It always reminds me.  
How could he have ever loved you hm? How did he stoop so low just to be with you?  
Look at you. You act like this even after realizing it was your fault. Why are you so pathetic?
I know. I know I am. I did this.
It should have been you. It should have been you in that crash. He should have lived, and you should have died. You show no worth to the world, so why stay? They all know it was you that killed him. It was you that allowed him to drive that night.
You’re right. You always are. It’s my fault. I should just end it. Ending it will relieve the others. Then they could move on. Ben and his mother could move on, knowing the murderer of their son was dead.
Yes. This is right. You’re worthless. They won’t care. They won’t miss you. No one will. Let them move on. Let them be free. Let them-
“Addam! Addam, are you there? Addam!!”
I come back to my senses. It’s Ben. Why is he in my room?  
“Addam! What’s up dude! Hey, are you okay? You were mumbling to yourself, and it sounded kind of…not great.” Ben said. He sounded concerned. He shouldn’t be concerned.
“I’m fine Ben…thank you for asking.” I’m not fine. He knows that. Ben has been present for enough of the panic attacks and breakdowns to know I am not well.  
The beep, beep, beep still echoes in my head. It’s like never ending static. The noise will forever bounce in my head.
“Addam, dude, it looks like you haven’t left your room in years-”
I quickly cut off Ben. “It’s only been a few days, Ben.”
“Whatever, the technicalities don’t matter…Here’s an idea! Why don’t we leave the dark dingey despair room and take a walk! Through the woods! You love the woods!”  
You’ll only bother him. Decline
Decline and rot in here. Alone. Like you deserve.
“Err, I am going to have to decline your offer, Ben. I don’t exactly feel up to it…” Hopefully Ben will just leave me here. Here, where I am not a burden.
“It wasn’t a suggestion, Addam,” said Ben. “You need to leave this room dude, or it’s going to start messing with you mentally. That’s not what Osc… he would have wanted is it? He wants you to live Addam.”
It is what he wanted. It’s what you deserve.
“Ben I-“
“Addam. Please, just a small walk through the woods. One small, tiny, walk to clear your head.” Ben was pleading with me now. Why he wanted me from the room confused me.
I sigh out. “…if I go, will you leave me alone?”  
A smile spreads on his face. “Great! Er- I guess I’ll meet you downstairs?”
And with that, Ben turned to exit my room. But, before exiting the room, he turned to look at the wall that my desk is on.  
Above the desk are a multitude of things. Band posters, constellation identifiers, year-round star maps, and pictures.  
Pictures of the three of us growing up, with the earliest one dating to 2 weeks after we met. The most recent was of me kissing Oscar on the cheek, while Ben was in the background, making a goofy face. My favorite ones were from when we were 15. We had gone and slept out in the woods so we could catch a super moon.  
I had three pictures from that night.  
The first one was of the three of us, roasting hot dogs as the sun was going down around our camping spot. Ben was pulling his burnt hot dog out of the fire and frowning in the back. Oscar off was crying from laughter towards the left in the picture, and I was smiling at the front of the photo.
The next one was of Ben sleeping, as Oscar drew a sharpie moustache on him. Ben would wake up the next morning and be so mad. His sophomore photos had showcased the last bit of sharpie moustache that wouldn’t wash away.
The final one was one of my favorite photos. It was of me and Oscar as we watched the super moon. Ben had woken up and took the photo of us while we embraced and watched the moon.  
Ben touched the photo of his brother drawing on him and smiled. He proceeded through the door but stopped again.  
“He loved you more than every star he ever saw. He loved you so much Addam, and it would hurt him to see you like this…so please come with me, out of this room. Take a break from the sorrows and live a bit. Breathe in the woods with me, please.” And with that, Ben left.
Leave him. Stay in the room while you’re full of your self-pity.
I don’t listen to it. I need to have some time. And so, I tied up my all-too-long black hair and grabbed the black hoodie that was at the end of my bed.  
Taking a deep breath, I put one foot out of the door.  
He will change his mind. He will leave.
Another breath. Another foot.
And one more.
And one more.
Eventually, enough steps to make it down the hall. Then enough to make it down the stairs.  
Ben is at the bottom of the stairs. He was waiting. He didn’t leave.  
He should have.
Ben breaks the silence. “Are you ready?”
12 / 22
“As I can be.” I said back.
Out the door we went. Immediately, I am hit in the face by the smell of autumn in the air. It caused me to shiver a bit, which made me thankful for my hoodie.
Ben led the two of us to the edge of the woods. Almost immediately, I calmed a bit. Ben looks over his shoulder to see me. He cracks a smile and walks on.
The woods, for quite some time, were a safe place for the three of us. As we grew, it became an escape from the world. Somewhere where nothing nor no one could get to us. The three of us met in the woods. Oscar and Ben were building a small fort together, and I had accidentally stumbled upon them. In the 12 years that have followed, we made that small fort our little secret decompression area; it’s most common use being for when one of us needed a break from the world.
As we walk through the woods, I am reminded of those wonderful times. It doesn’t hurt to think about it. Out here, the voice can’t find me. We walk onwards, stopping occasionally to see things that we did over the years. A tree or two with carved names, a few more with arrows pointing one way or another. A tire swing that Ben’s mother had helped to set up when we were younger. A little pile of branches that we made as young boys around the time we were obsessed with making forts.
13 / 22
At last, we make it to the spot. Our spot. Where we practically lived for years. Our little spot, where nothing was nor could go wrong. Essentially, all time would freeze whilst in our haven.  
Ben sat down with a huff on the fallen trunk of the tree that passed through the middle of the spot. That trunk had been subjected to many expeditions, shipwrecks, and blast offs. It saw us grow up.
"So," Ben started. "Are you feeling any better?"
I took that question into account. Am I feeling better? If I was honest with myself, I would say no. But, I do feel a glimmer of joy, something I hadn't felt since he died.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a little better." I say, in hopes that Ben wouldn't worry as much.
"Mhm. And how sure of that are you? How okay are you really?" Ben counters.
"Really Ben," I start. "I'm feeling better. This helped."  
I gave him a weak smile to prove my okay-ness. Ben raised an eyebrow...but eventually let me be. We sat there for quite some time until Ben got up to search for something.  
"Ben? What are you doing?"  
"It's here...it's on this log I know it-"
Ben continued to search along the trunk of the tree until he found it.
"Here! He told me it'd be right here!"
14 / 22
With a sigh, I get down off the trunk and walk to where Ben is hunched over.  
There, carved into the trunk of the fallen over tree, is an O+A with a heart carved around it.  
Oscar and Addam.
I felt my knees get weak.  
Run. Run now. Look at what you have done.  
Get out.  
Get out now.
I walk back from the tree, careful not to startle Ben. Just far enough so I can-
Run. Now. Go. You did this.
Far enough away now. Run. I ran through the trees, low hanging branches smacking me in the face. My heartbeat speeds up and my breathing got heavy.  
What am I running from?
I was dead by paragraph two
“6/10” LIES
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eddieismypimp · 4 years
sweet thing
oscar diaz x reader request: oscar having a crush on a cottagecore hippie girl. requested by: @dazed-confused-happy , This is absolute ass but I hope you enjoy it lovey! I don't know anything about the cottagecore aesthetic so I really hope this is good enough!
Introduction: My name is Y/n. I had just moved to Freeridge with my dad after living with my mom my entire life. Don't get me wrong, I have a good relationship with my dad, I just preferred to live with my mom, but my father asked me if I would come stay with him for a while because he missed me and I just couldn't say no. I'm coming from England. My mother and I moved there after she got a job offer. It was a really amazing and beautiful place. Our second year there, we discovered this aesthetic lifestyle called cottagecore and it immediately struck my attention. I decided to change my entire lifestyle to cottagecore and I've been living like this ever since.
I've been living with my dad for almost two months now. I got a job basically as soon as I got here at Dwayne's bbq. Dwayne and my father are really good friends and that resulted in me becoming good friends with Dwayne's son Jamal and his friends. They were pretty great and I got to hang around Cesar's brother Oscar a lot which was awesome. When I first saw him, I was extremely intimidated but he's really not a bad guy. We talk and joke all the time, he's really funny. I don't have to work today because it's a Saturday so I made plans to go hang out with everyone today. I got up, got in the shower and got dressed. I added moisturizer to my hair and then left it in it's natural afro. (outfit):
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I watered my plants and texted Monse to tell her I was on my way. We were meeting at Cesar's place today. They didn't tell me the plans but I'm pretty sure we'll probably just chill in Cesar's room. I got in my car and drove over to Cesar's. When I got there, Oscar and his friends were sitting outside. Everyone else must be inside. I thought. I walked up to the house. "Is Cesar here?" I asked Oscar. "I'm honestly hurt that you came here for him instead of me." He said. I laughed. He chuckled. "Yeah, he's inside." "Thank you." I said smiling at him. He smiled back at me. His smile is the cutest. I walked inside to find my friends chillin in the living room. "Hi guys." I said, setting my bag down. "Hey." They all said. "So, what's the plans today?" I asked sitting on the couch in between Ruby and Monse. "We're just gonna chill here until the party later." Cesar said. 'What party?" I asked. "Oscar's throwing a huge santos party later tonight." He said. "You should come, it'll be fun." He said. He knows I don't do well with crowds so I'm glad he's not trying to force me to go. "I think I'll sit this one out, I got some missing assignments I have to turn in." I said. "Thanks for inviting me though." "No problem, you're always welcome." He said. "If you change your mind, just come by." "Will do." ~time skip~ After about 3 hours of hanging out with Cesar and everyone, I decided now would be a good time to go home before hella people started showing up. "Imma go home guys." I said grabbing my bag. "Aww okay, thanks for hanging out with us today." Monse said getting up and giving me a hug. "Thanks for inviting me over." I said giving everyone a hug. I said goodbye one more time and walked out the door. "Aye, where you goin?" I heard Oscar yell as he walked up to me. "I'm just going home." I said. "You're not gonna stay for the party?" He asked me sounding genuinely upset. "I have a lot of homework to do, I'm sorry." I said. "I might come back over later though, depending on what time I finish my homework." I said smiling at him. "You better." He said pinching my cheek in a playful way. I giggled. "I'll see you later Oscar." I said walking to my car. When I got home, I worked on my homework for a while. When I finally finished all of my missing assignments, it was already 9:30. I decide to go and pick some strawberries from my garden outside and then go to bed. I put on my sandals and walked outside. As I was picking my strawberries, I heard a car pull up and a door close. I turned around and there was Oscar. "Oscar, what are you doing here?" I asked standing up and sitting my basket down. "You said you would come back over." He said. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, I got caught up doing homework." I said as he walked over to where I sat on the ground. He took a seat next to me. "Why aren't you at home enjoying your party?" I asked him. "I would much rather be here with you than at some stupid party." He said. I felt my cheeks get hot, luckily you couldn't tell because of my dark complexion. "Oscar, are you drunk right now?" I asked with a laugh. He laughed too. "Nah, I'm completely sober. I was just missin you." He said smiling at me. "You're goofy." I said. It was quiet for a little while as we sat there picking strawberries. "I really like you y/n" Oscar said. I didn't think much of it.  "I really like you too Oscar." I said smiling at him. He grabbed my hands gently which made me look over at him. "Everything okay?" I asked in confusion. "Yeah, everything's cool.." He said quietly. "I just wanted you to know that I think you're beautiful and really amazing." I didn't really know what to say. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything, I just couldn't hold it in any longer." He said letting go of my hand. He got up and started walking away. "Wait, Oscar." I said getting up too. He turned around. "I really like you too." I said. He looked at the ground and smiled. "That's a relief." I laughed. He walked up to me and kissed me
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purplebass · 3 years
#4 Celebratory Fic! There is another one after this, but I'm still writing it, so it may come in a few days (I also have another, but I'm deciding which one to post)
Characters: Matthew Fairchild, Charlotte Fairchild, Henry Fairchild Words: 1451 tw: mention of alcohol & alcohol abuse Post COI fic. Charlotte goes to confront Matthew. Angst which ends in comfort.
The last thing Matthew expected when he answered the door to his apartment, was to find his mother on the other end. Not that he was waiting for someone. Quite the exact opposite. He didn’t feel like meeting anyone that night, and he felt even less inclined to share space with any member of his family. Well, perhaps not his father. He needed to pay him a visit.
He was in the middle of drinking, and the first thing his mother noticed was the glass of whisky in his hand before he placed it on a cabinet nearby.
He held his breath, ready to close the door in front of Charlotte’s face. He glanced at her quickly, and wished he hadn’t made eye contact at all. His mother often wore a neutral expression. Whenever she was around her family and friends, her smiles always reached her eyes. She radiated positivity, and serenity. He thought perhaps that was from where his attitude came from, except he was anything but positive or serene. Right now, he felt like his mother’s face reflected those same feelings.
“Matthew,” Charlotte muttered, her voice broken. “Matthew, let’s talk.”
How much time had passed since they last spoke to each other?
“You should have sent a message before coming here,” he replied coldly, glancing away, the door shielding part of his body from view. “It’s late.”
Charlotte was aware that it was. She had wanted to come way earlier than she ultimately did, but couldn’t. Her political engagements kept her in Idris for long, but this didn’t mean she had forgotten about her children. She didn’t mention it. “I have given you time,” she said instead. “I knew that you needed your space, Matthew. But I can’t -”
“If you knew that, then you shouldn’t have come here.”
Charlotte opened her mouth, and Matthew believed that she would leave, defeated. Like she had done in the past. She had been against his decision to leave their house, but then she gave in, she let him go. Matthew considered it like that, at least. He had wanted to live alone so he could do whatever he pleased, far from prying eyes. Well, when his mother was around. He should stop blaming her for doing her job, but sometimes, he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t even look her in her eyes, knowing that he was probably exaggerating. And that Charlotte was trying her best, and he was still punishing her for it even though the only one who should be punished was himself.
“I know I said I didn’t want you to leave, Matthew. That it was too early for you to get your own flat, that you weren’t fine because of your drinking,” she admitted, which made Matthew flinch. He hated when someone pointed out about his habit, not understanding that he needed it to survive. “But I should have talked to you about it sooner.”
He laughed. “And you realized that after all these years?” It was a low blow, he knew it. But what could he possibly lose? He had already lost everything.
“I’ve noticed,” Charlotte started, her voice strained, “when you started drinking more than usual. I thought it was quite normal, at your age, to try these things. Getting drunk, going to events, and all of that. Enjoying life while you’re still young.”
Like you ever got drunk in your life, he wanted to tell her, but he refrained. He just listened, his frown deepened after every word his mother said.
“It wasn’t just that, was it? I’ve been away for too much time, that I know. But I still kept an eye on you, Matthew. Even when I wasn’t here, I knew that someone would look after you.”
“I still don’t get the point of this conversation,” he replied with annoyance, checking a watch from the pocket of his waistcoat. “And, I’m past my dinnertime.”
Charlotte shook her head in defeat… or was it frustration? She was desperately trying to get to her son, but he didn’t want to be reached. “I will be quick, Matthew, don’t worry,” she smiled. “I don’t know what triggered it all, nor why are you punishing yourself this way, but I just wanted you to know that I’m here. I’ve always been here to help.”
“You can’t help,” he answered sourly. “Do not waste your precious time on me,” he added.
“Matthew, dear. I wish you wouldn’t see it like that. You are my son, and I love you.”
“So, what? Blood doesn’t require interaction. We can survive even if we don’t meet.”
Was that what he wanted, though? Never meeting his mother again? No, of course. He loved his mother, but he was also aware of what he had done to her, two years prior. And that was the reason why he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. He could push her away. He didn’t think he deserved her concern. Those worrying glances she threw his way, those hands who longed to touch his shoulder or caress his cheek. Things Charlotte used to do when he was little, to show him that she was always present even if he may not think so.
“We just want to help you,” she said, ignoring his last comment. “I’m not asking you to come back home, but I want to know if there is something I can do for you. You need help, Matthew. Do not say otherwise.”
“I just need you to stop concerning yourself with my drinking habits, mother,” he conceded, passing a hand through his hair.
Charlotte’s face crumbled, but she didn’t try to hide it. She wished him a good night, saying that they would wait for him, whenever he was ready. That was it. Once she left, Matthew closed the door with his shoulder. His eyes caught the glass sitting on the cabinet, the ice already dissolving into tiny pieces. Was that how his life had reduced? Was it beyond repair like the particles of water turning to liquid and disappearing? Would he disappear too?
Matthew drowned the remnants of his drink. It tasted bitter. It had lost his spark.
When Charlotte returned to Grosvernor’s Square, her spirits were low, and she couldn’t help but frown. She was worried, and disheartened. But she couldn’t help her son, not until he wanted to be helped. She found Henry in the living room. Perhaps because it was late, but he was not in the laboratory. He glanced at her once she crossed the threshold, and a frown of his own appeared on his face.
“How did it go, Lottie?”
Had it been someone else, she would have tried to conceal her feelings, but she couldn’t with Henry. “He refused,” she sat down beside his Bath chair, and started to cry. “He doesn’t want to understand. He doesn’t want any help.”
“That boy is stubborn,” he tried to comfort her by taking her hand. “Just like you.”
Charlotte raised her chin up towards him. “By the angel, you’re right,” she shook her head, passing a hand on her cheek to wipe a tear. “I think something happened to him, which he doesn’t want to tell us.”
“You can’t expect a 17 year old to tell you what’s going on in his mind,” Henry said.
“And I don’t want him to, since it’s obvious something did happen,” she sighed. “I feel like I’ve failed as a mother, Henry. I’ve been away too much, that I didn’t see the signs.”
“That is not true, dear. You’re an amazing mother, and both of your sons know it. You didn’t fail anyone, and I’m sure that Matthew will come around at some point.”
Charlotte squeezed her husband’s hand tightly, and she hoped that he was right.
She was glad that she had decided to go back to Idris later than planned, because the day after, once she opened the door, she found Matthew waiting on their doorstep, with Oscar in tow. She had hoped he would turn up soon, that he would forgive her. She didn’t think he would do it so soon, which was surprising.
“Matthew, I -”
“Can I come in, mother?”
“I thought you had your key with you,” Charlotte replied instead.
“This is not my house anymore,” he said, and Charlotte thought he would leave now, that she had crossed a line. But he stayed. “I didn’t think it would be nice to surprise you like that.”
“This will always be your home, Matthew.”
Matthew managed a smile. “Then how about we talk in front of a cup of tea? I have something to tell you and father.”
Charlotte grinned. “Yes, I’ll tell the maid to put the kettle on.”
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Overall thoughts on V8? Assuming you didn't answer this already.
I meant to do a volume wrap up review but I got incredibly busy and it fell to the waste side. The thing about me judging RWBY I have to come at it from two angles or I won’t feel like I judged it appropriately. There’s the casual, first time seeing the episodes and seeing this through the lens as a casual watcher who probably only sees the episodes once or twice. But then there’s the other side to that coin. I review these episodes, write aus, theorize, check extended lore, listen to the music, etc; that means I have to go back and watch episodes several times for any given reason and that’s when you start noticing the holes or picking up on things you didn’t before.
As a casual watcher, I’d give this an 8/10. There’s plenty of moments where characters do things that got me excited and plot points I wanted explored. This volume actually gave a decent amount of things I wanted for quite some time and some things I didn’t know I needed. Certainly there are things I don’t like in this but I’m open and curious to see where RT takes their storie because it’s their story.
Okay, now as a someone who’s had to deep dive and take a step back multiple times for a variety of reasons. 6.5/10 maybe a 7/10 if I’m being generous. A lot of my problems with this volume are problems that aren’t new to RWBY and that’s just how surface layer portions of arcs are and how a variety of choices/bonds don’t exactly make sense with what we were previously shown, or they only make sense because the writers don’t want introduce other complexities even though they should be there realistically. I’ll give a couple examples of these and yes, I’m aware what I say doesn’t bother everyone but it bothers me.
Qrow was never angry at or brought up Robyn being the reason their airship crashed in the first place because she started the fight; which aids in Clover dying.
Emerald follows Cinder, not Salem. Even if Cinder is working under Salem, why would Emerald be so willingly to complete shift to the side that actively goes against Cinder? There’s been no grand revelation to make Emerald believe Cinder doesn’t give a damn about her. Leaving made sense because she was about to get tortured. Going full turncoat right now doesn’t. No change happened. Emerald always hated being near Salem but adored Cinder no matter the crimes and the show hasn’t done anything to switch that view point.
I’m happy Whitley and Weiss had a touching sibling moment that implies they’re okay and making/made up, but there was never a conversation about the actual problem and thoughts that had them at odds in the first place. Weiss saving his and Willow’s life shouldn’t be the thing that smooths things over. It would’ve been terrible if Weiss do something to save their life. Whitley helping Penny is okay I guess because he really had no reason to contribute but did anyways. Even so, a person doing a morally correct thing doesn’t automatically warrant the conflict between him and Weiss’s resolved.
We got Cinder’s backstory; it didn’t tell us anything about how she eventually came into contact with Salem. Honestly her back story felt more in line of her main goal through the series was an absolute freedom by the means of breaking down the systems that trapped and didn’t give a damn, rather than her quest for power. Yes you can argue gaining power means it’s easier to maintain her freedom to do whatever she wants but I personally think that’s a little off the mark when you gave her a story that involves her trapped by rules and time rather than being too physically weak to gain freedom.
This show has built up that the Schnee family has suffered various types of abuse because of Jacques and uses Weiss as a medium to build towards breaking free from that. Not just overcoming but confronting the abuse by cementing it’s place below you. We don’t really get that. There will never be a moment where the siblings and mother truly get to break out of Jacques grasps emotionally and then put him in his place because he’s dead! Yeah they never have to worry about him again but even last volume they showed Winter still having turmoil and being able to get strung along by him. We don’t even really know how Whitley perceived his father. It feels so lackluster. Then they care to mention how it’s Weiss’s idea to save him like it’s an empowering moment when in actuality, it would be against her character, values of a huntress, and morality to let a person die in cell when you’re the reason they’re in a cell! Letting him die in there would just terrible. I don’t even know why he wasn’t let out in that scene! He’s a coward! He’d follow their orders to save his skin. All he has to do is shut up and walk through a portal.
Ironwood and Oscar both knew they could remove that staff to use it and Atlas wouldn’t drop immediately. Why did nobody have any kind of compromise with one another since there’s nothing stopping them from using the staff for something and then putting it back? They had this morally gray thing going on which I liked but then they decided to make Ironwood go full evil. I’ve never had to say this before but the song he got in V7 and the character they made him be in V8 just don’t connect. I got upset listening to that song recently because I liked that Ironwood.
Clover’s importance. RT tried making a character who had no more than 9 minutes in the series and one meaningful line of dialogue into the cornerstone of a side plot. Clover is such a nothing character. Vine did more than Clover. They try to make him have such a profound impact to the people around him but we never see him bond with his team; Harriet specifically. We get one scene of Clover telling Qrow the kids are fortunate to have Qrow even if he doesn’t think so. First, I doubt Clover knows Qrow decided to get drunk in a ghost town and the kids nearly died and cellar while he did it so that compliment doesn’t hold much weight for me. Second, We see nothing meaningful between the two. V7 has a time skip and just expects viewers to be on board with Clover being this influential change on Qrow without showing anything outside of a witty remark and Clover flexing his semblance. I would’ve bought it more of Qrow almost relapsed and Clover stopped him then had a real meaningful conversation.
Ruby goes against Ironwood only to then want to do a plan that’s aligned to longer term thinking than even his, talks about how everyone should be working together, but then adds a part in her video to actively antagonize and vilify Ironwood. Afterwards, she wonders where everything went wrong and doesn’t think of a plan or do anything to immediately help either kingdom until the final hour between the ultimatum being made, to everything getting destroyed. The inciting incident was disagreeing Mantle should be left in favor of Atlas but the main character didn’t do anything to help Mantle 90% of the season and hindered Atlas’s safety up until the final plan.
Yang is used to be the devil’s advocate in a bunch of situations, but she’s wrong most of the time or her lines just don’t make any sense. They weren’t doing just fine before Atlas. They almost died every step of the way. The team didn’t beat a Leviathan; silver eyes and a robot take credit for that. Why would Blake think less of Yang for wanting to go save people immediately? Blake was never mad at anyone to begin with. Yang consistently calls out people for following orders as if it’s objectively wrong, but is never called out on the fact she hasn’t followed anybody’s orders but her own and added discourse to every situation. I get RT is making her ask questions because that’s what Raven told her to do, but all she’s really doing is picking fights and disobeying every order. Yang states to Ruby they accomplished more than they expected. That’s false, getting Oscar back is correcting a mistake caused by her own plan that she didn’t even complete.
It took 6 volumes before Yang had anything to do with the Summer Rose subplot again and 7 volumes before her and Ruby had a sister to sister conversations; 5 if you wanna count Yang telling Ruby to leave at the end of volume three. The reason I bring this up is because in V8 , they treat their argument as if it’s a big deal but then have every character say it wasn’t that big a deal; but then have two circle back to that conversation later after having neither character discuss to anybody that the argument actually did weigh on them. Yang doesn’t think about Ruby until she sees her again and the closest we get with Ruby is Blake reassuring her that people need her and how Blake admires her. I like that scene but it’s not the same as Ruby actually airing out the specific point that Yang said something that Ruby found hurtful. Vol8 in general people trying to comfort others but nobody ever actually addresses what made them uncomfortable to start with. Except Ren.
This one is a nitpicking but I’ll say it anyways. Penny getting hacked only served as a purpose to go to the vault, a thing Ironwood already wanted them to do. Nobody got her because she was hacked. You can’t even say her getting hacked is the leading factor to her actually dying because Penny became a vulnerable human afterwards that can’t be rebuilt. Pietro was gone, and already stated last volume he doesn’t have the aura to build Penny again. If she died as a robot then it’s still permanent death. No core, no Pietro, and no aura; hacking her was just to create a Hound reveal situation and make them go to the vault on a different set of terms. I’m not exactly upset with this, but I don’t understand why the extra steps. The Hound was hunting her anyways. I would’ve brought some kind of value if she hurt a friend and it caused them to potentially hinder the plan later on or remove them entirely. Penny could’ve rekt Yang and it only adds value to Yang getting one shot later. I don’t know. I’m rambling.
I think I’ve wasted enough people’s time. Honestly, I do like this volume. I’ve enjoyed a bunch of it. But there’s things that legitimately make me think it’s not as good others and makes V7 even worse.
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racetrackhigg · 4 years
Hunger Games AU
thank you so much to @bitchiaintanonymous for helping me with this!!! she wrote all the descriptions of the districts and she helped me figuring out stuff for the characters!
also i wasn’t supposed to make morris’ moodboard, but i didn’t realize until too late- so whoops
please don’t let it flop ive been working on this literally all day akdhsksbw
!!! TW: DEATH (kinda graphic? i mean i say how they died but that’s it), ABUSE, CHILD ABANDONMENT, MENTIONS OF STARVATION !!!
please don’t continue reading if any of those things trigger you
District 1: luxury
They produce jewelry and the people take pride in living there because of it. Most of the people from there are named after expensive material like “Cashmere” and “Glimmer” and as you know, they train and volunteer for the games so they have a higher chance of winning.
Oscar Delancey
Morris Delancey (died)
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Morris lived with his uncle and his brother
He had a fairly privileged life, living in the richer side of the district.
However, his uncle was an abusive drunk and he usually took the hits from him to stop his brother from getting hurt
He trained for the games his entire life and eagerly volunteered to be a part of them when he was 17, hoping that if he won it would mean him and his brother could get away from their uncle and have a better life
Sadly, he died during the games by being stabbed in the back by the one and only Jack Kelly
He made 2nd place
District 2: Masonry and Defense.
These people work on weapons for peacekeepers and even have a training center for the peacekeepers, and they also volunteer for the games. It’s illegal for them, but because they’re so buddy buddy with the Capitol, they’re let off. They usually have Ancient Roman and Greek names.
Romeo (victor)
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Romeo grew up having a somewhat decent life
Hs mother died when he was young, so he lived with his father and younger sister (who’s only 5 when he goes to the games) (he’s 15)
He trained for the games since he was young, and at first. he wanted to volunteer
However, as the reaping came near, he was starting to regret his decision, especially after overhearing some of his friends talk about the true horrors of the games
His dad threatened to kill him himself if he didn’t volunteer, claiming he would rather have no son at all than one who was a coward
So Romeo was forced to volunteer
Jojo (his mentor) becomes like an older brother or even father figure to him
Jojo de la Guerra (former victor, died)
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Jojo lived in the poorer side of the district
He used to work a lot in weaponry to provide for his family Jojo was 17 when he participated in the games, and won
He was 22 when he mentored Romeo
And 23 when he died
He “trained” for the games for years, but unlike Romeo, he never volunteered
By “training” i mean that he was just a sparring partner for people who wanted to volunteer for the games
Because of this, he just picked up different fighting techniques over time
Unlike most people in that district, he hated the games and was not eager at all to be a part of them
He was assigned as Romeo’s mentor
At first, Jojo thought he was just another cocky kid who was overconfident he’d win
But then he actually met him. and realised Romeo didn’t want this
He made it his goal to make sure Romeo would get out of the games alive. After all, he was just a kid.
He was killed by peacekeepers after trying to protect Romeo. Pulitzer wanted to prostitute Jojo, and he refused, so as a warning they went to kill Romeo, but Jojo managed to stop them the cost of his own life
District 3: Technology.
They produce technology and electronics for the Capitol and usually use their knowledge of that in the games. They’re really smart and in the 10th Hunger Games, it’s said that a district 3 tribute hack into a drone that delivered supplies to use for themselves (doesn’t work that great cause they get killed though) but they’re still really smart.
Antonio “Racetrack” Higgins (victor)
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Race never met his mother, She died a few days after he was born
So he was raised by his father
When he turned 6, his father started drinking
When he turned 7, he started hiring him
He met a girl named Sarah after trying to steal from her, and instead of reporting him to a peacekeeper, they actually became friends over time (even though Race was 2 years younger than her)
He often went to hide at the Jacobs’ house when things got too bad at home
Just a year after David volunteered, on the next reaping, Sarah’s name was called
So Race volunteered. (he was 16)
The jacobs’ had already done so much for him, and Sarah didn’t deserve to go through that, chances were she wouldn’t come back alive.
Race knew he probably wouldn’t either, but he had nothing to lose. He wouldn’t be leaving any family behind, because the man that called himself his father was not his family.
David was his mentor.
Much like David had before him, Race used parts of traps to make his weapons better, though he mainly used a bow and arrow.
For most of the game, he made a truce with a guy named Albert from district 4, and they became /very/ close.
He was killed by a guy from district 6, Finch, who was also the last person remaining apart from him.
Race killed him by shooting an arrow directly in his heart. It’s the only kill he doesn’t regret so much.
David Jacobs (victor)
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David lived with his parents, twin sister and younger brother.
He was especially close to his sister.
His father got sick and died a few years later, when he was 15, so he had to work extra hard to help support his family
When he turned 17, his worst nightmare came true and his younger brother, Les was selected for the games
He volunteered to save his brother, and was determined to make it back alive, wanting his family to have a better life.
He trained a lot in physical combat, since he knew that without at least a somewhat proper training, he wouldn’t stand a chance.
Once in the games, he spent most of his time trying to avoid other people, not wanting to kill anyone else and not wanting to risk his own life.
However, he ended up having to kill a boy from district 10, Mike, to save his own life using a makeshift explosive he made out of parts from a trap he disarmed (or however it’s said).
He wins by tricking the last person left, Itey, into eating poison berries.
He never forgave himself for the lives he took, and it’s something that would always haunt him.
Just a year after that, he became Race’s mentor.
District 4: fishing.
First off, people say that this district had the most “decent-looking” people. As you may have guessed, these people specialize in “aquaculture” It sounds useless, but a character named “Mags” actually won her games because she was the only one able to swim the longest when the arena was flooded. They also use tridents and things like that and volunteer as “Careers” too.
Albert Dasilva (died)
Albert came from the more poor side of the district
He lives with his father, who fell ill a few weeks before Albert was selected for the games.
He’s only 16
He never really trained for the games, unlike many people. He didn’t have the time or money for that.
One of his friends, Sniper, promised to take care of his father while he was gone.
Albert knew he probably wouldn’t be coming back.
Early in the games, he befriended Race, and they survive throughout almost the entire games together.
He knew one of them was going to have to die, but Albert decided to ignore that. He was going to find a way around it.
However, while Race went out hunting, the only other tribute left strangled him to death and stole all their supplies.
He never made it back home to his father.
Sniper (victor)
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Sniper was an orphan
Her family abandoned her when she was 5, and she lived in the streets for a short while until a kind man took her in
It was Albert’s father
When she got older, she started working to make her own living
Albert became her best friend, despite being 4 years apart. He became almost like an older brother to her.
Her best friend, almost brother, got sent away for the games and never returned.
Sniper moved back in with Mr. Dasilva to take care of him as he fell ill, and his son was no longer there to take care of him.
He got better, eventually, and was horrified and heartbroken at the news of his son’s death.
A year after his best friend was sent away to die, she got chosen for the games.
She vowed to make it back alive, no matter what.
She learned everything there was to know about the plants of the arena. She was already good at combat.
She won by poisoning the last other tribute.
Much like David, Sniper was never able to forgive herself for the lives she took.
District 5: power.
They specialize in providing power for the Capitol with electricity (they power homes and stuff so not technology like in district 3). They’re pretty smart and they use the coal district 12 mines to generate the power.
Itey (died)
Itey lived with their parents
They were an only child
Their life was pretty good- at least their family life
They were pretty poor, but still better off than a few other people, so they were grateful for what they had.
They were chosen for the games when they were 15
Their parents prayed Itey would make it back alive, but they knew it was unlikely, since he had no training whatsoever
They were right
Itey almost won, but they were starving, and didn’t know that the berries were poisonous
They came 2nd
District 6: transportation
The tributes shown from here are actually pretty nice and cool. During the 75th Hunger Games the tributes were nicknamed “morphlings” because of their addiction to the drug. The male tribute didn’t do much, but the female tribute sacrificed herself for Peeta and jumped in front of an animal that was trying to kill him.
Finch Cortez (died)
Finch lived with his younger brother
His parents died when he was relatively young (12 years old- his brother was 9) but they managed to scrape by
He started working pretty young to make sure his brother could have a roof over his head and not starve.
He was 17 when he was selected for the games, his brother was only 14
He was terrified, but determined to come back home to his only family
He made it to 2nd place
He was killed by an arrow straight through his heart.
Tbh if Race would’ve known Finch had a family to go home to, he would’ve eaten poisonous berries and let him win
District 7: lumber.
They specialize in forestry and wood and paper and all that. They are strong-willed and hard headed, and don’t have many qualms about killing people. but more or less are loyal depending on the situation.
Sean “Spot” Conlon (victor)
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Spot was an orphan
Well, kind of
He lived with his parents up until he was 10, when he ran away
They were both abusive and manipulative, and he knew if they kept this up, he’d end up dead
After he ran away, he made friends with a guy his age named Hotshot.
Hotshot had the perfect family. Loving parents and a younger sister.
Honestly, Spot was jealous
But they became quick friends, and Hotshot’s parents let him move in
Hotshot nicknamed him Spot because of the cigarette burns across his arms and back
He was 17 when he was selected for the games
Surprisingly enough, he didn’t think he’d come back
Because as strong and as much of a skilled fighter as he was, there were people out there that had been training for this their whole lives.
However, he managed to win. Had a pretty big kill count too- not because he wanted to, but because a surprising amount of people went after him. He had many good supplies and they wanted them.
The last person left apart from him was Buttons.
He won by bashing his head against a rock and then pushing him off a cliff for good measure.
In his defence, Buttons had tried to push him off a cliff first. Spot just took his chance.
District 8: textiles
Clothing. They fight for what’s right, and we’re actually among the first to rebel against the Capitol and follow Katniss, which, sadly, also made them the second most targeted district (the first being district 12 which was outright destroyed) A leader from district 8 actually became president after Katniss killed this woman named “Alma Coin” (the president of district 13)
Buttons (died)
Buttons lived with her younger brother, Elmer, and their parents
She was only 14 when she was selected for the games
She knew she wasn’t making it back
However, she let her hopes up w hen she was one of the only two left, and was a bit more careless with her actions
This is what led to her the death
District 9: grain.
They specialize in grain, and salts. It’s the least mentioned of the districts, there is no known character mentioned from here, and all that is known is that both tributes died in the initial bloodbath
District 10: live stock.
Believe it or not, no one except a crippled boy is mentioned from here. This is the second least mentioned one, it’s only known that a refugee from here told Katniss about district 13 so we can assume they know their rights and wrongs.
Mike (died)
Mike lived with his twin brother and parents
He was 15 when he was selected for the games, and he knew there was no chance he’d make it back alive
He was right, since he was killed by David, after trying to kill him and steal his supplies.
District 11: agriculture.
Common traits of this district are “dark skin and brown eyes” They are heavily abused by the Peacekeepers and are the most brutal treated ones. Their electric fences are activated 24/7, they have extreme knowledge of herbs and foods. Again, security here is greatly unforced and there are a lot of harsh measures like summary execution. (an execution where someone is accused of something and is immediately killed without a fair trial) It was one of the first districts to rebel, it was their response for what happened to Rue (a former 12-year old tribute who was Katniss’ ally and was killed during the games).
District 12: coal mining.
This district is divided into housing areas. The Seam is where people who work in coal mines live, and the others are centered around “The Square''. People from The Seam generally have dark hair, grey eyes, and olive skin, and the others have blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Katniss and Gale are from The Seam whereas Peeta is a bakers son in the town. District 12 is the poorest out of the districts, and starvation is a big issue, and because of this, the Capitol usually bends the rules a little by turning off the electric fence surrounding them so people can go hunt for food for their families or sell their catches to the black market for money. District 12 is known for having only 2 victors in the history of the games before the 74th. A female named Lucy Gray Baird who died before the events of The Hunger Games happened, and Haymitch Abernathy. This is why the district is usually a laughingstock and volunteering for the Games is seen as suicide.
Jack Francis Kelly (victor)
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Jack’s parents gave him up at a very young age, when he was only 2 years old
They sent him to live with an old family friend, William Snyder
Snyder was horrible to him.
He constantly abused and starved and neglected him, treated him more like a slave than anything else.
Jack had to balance doing whatever Snyder said and also making his own food and money by working so he could eat
When he was 14, his parents came to visit. He didn’t recognize them, and he didn’t know who they were until the end of the visit- when they were leaving
He was both hurt and furious
Although he was miserable and his life sucked, he did manage to make a friend
He was 3 years younger than Jac k, and his leg was injured beyond repair in a mining accident
When he heard Crutchie’s name at the Reaping, he immediately volunteered
Unlike him, Crutchie had a family. People who loved him.
Jack had nothing to lose
He didn’t expect to come back alive, he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Multiple people tried to kill him throughout the game, thinking it as a fun game since he was of the “worse” district
Jack won by killing Morris
He didn’t know he had a brother, if he did, he wouldn’t have done it. Jack didn’t have anything to come back to, Morris did
He found out about this and his situation a day after his victory.
He was horrified, knowing he killed a man that was just trying to help his family.
Jack didn’t have a family. He just took a poor kids only family away.
So he made sure Oscar was away from his uncle and safe
It was the least he could do.
He was never able to forgive himself.
Charlie “Crutchie” Morris
District 13: nuclear weaponry.
Before they were “extinct” they made and built nuclear weapons for the Capitol, but after they tried to rebel, they were bombed and became “extinct”. In reality they lived underground and struck up a deal with the Capitol, that they’d be able to live in hiding, and in return, they would not rain war on the Capitol. Every food ration is cherished in this district and everything is very orderly as to not rouse suspicion. The lifestyle is very strict because of the circumstances. District 13 is the center for the rebellion in the books, and is where Katniss and everyone planned out the war between the districts and the Capitol.
Mush Meyers and Kid Blink
Blink came from district 12
He was an orphan, and his only family, his younger sister, died from starvation when he was 17, soon turning 18
She was only 10
Not even a year later, Blink snuck out of his district, except instead of just going hunting, he ran away.
He narrowly escaped a peacekeeper finding him
After a few days of being completely alone, he ran into Mush Meyers, who (slightly reluctantly) took him into his distract (he got into a shit ton of trouble for that)
However, Blink was allowed to stay.
Eventually, they got together (because we all need some Blush in our lives)
Katherine Plumber
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
The Innocent 16
It was the day of the baby shower and the Martinez family along with Elizabeth were helping with the decorations and party. However, once Ruby and his mom started arguing about the decorations Elizabeth got a call from Cesar so she picked it up and walked outside.
"Wassup, mano?" Elizabeth asked,
"Why am I on house arrest?" Cesar groaned.
"Because the Prophets are outside and you still have a target on your back and no protection from the Santos," Elizabeth sighed, "look, just hang tight for a little longer, alright?" Cesar reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone.
An hour passed until Cesar, Monse, and Jamal arrived at the Martinez household so they could talk about the RollerWorld money, but since Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with it, she decided to let them do their thing as she went over to Oscar's place. She walked up the steps and walked straight inside to see Oscar, Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca there with the money stacked, but she paid no mind as she laid across the laps of the four boys, her head on Oscar's lap.
"Puta, get the fuck off of me," Lorca pushed her legs off of his lap, "you don't even hang out with us no more,"
"Hey, stupid. I got school, homework, and work so you can bring your dumbass to either one of my jobs or text me since you got my number," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Rico and Sad Eyes text me and I hang out with them because they text and ask,"
Lorca scoffed, "really, manos. Y'all don't invite me to y'alls hangouts?"
Sad Eyes laughed, "because your stupid ass always says some type of fucking excuse so we stopped. Don't come over here crying over that shit,"
Oscar groaned, "why did I introduce you pendejos to her? What the fuck is this friendship you got goin' on with my girl?"
"Oye!" Rico raised his voice, "it ain't our faults that she loves us more than you,"
"Awww!" Elizabeth saw Oscar glare at his boys, "don't say that to my little Spooky," she jutted out her lip and sat on his lap, putting his head on her chest, "mi precioso es mi número uno por vida,"
Oscar grinned at her before flicking off the three laughing boys that sat next to them on the couch, "alright, I'mma spend time with my girl so take all this shit somewhere else, yeah?"
Lorca nodded and grabbed the bag filled with money, but Rico rolled his eyes before grabbing the bag from Lorca's grasp, "fool, we ain't lettin you hold the damn money with your stupid ass," the three boys started arguing as they left the household to go somewhere else.
Oscar made Elizabeth straddle him, "wassup, mamita. Thought you were helping out Mario and little man with the baby shower?"
"I was," Elizabeth paused, "but they didn't need my help so I left and came here to hang with you. Oh! I got us something, but it's back at my place so let's go on an adventure to my place!" Elizabeth got up from his lap and pulled him off the couch.
Oscar chuckled, but grabbed his flannel and walked out behind Elizabeth to his car. The two drove to her house with the music on blast until they got to her place to see her mother's car in the driveway. The two got out and went inside to see Leticia laid down across the couch fast asleep so Oscar went to the hardworking mom and carried her to her room so she could sleep in her bed. When he left her room a minute later Elizabeth was holding up a bottle of peel-off charcoal face mask and a couple face masks.
"We, my handsome lover, are gonna do some self-care and if my mom is not up maybe we can give each other some attention," Elizabeth winked at the older man.
"Oh, you know me so well, hermosa," Oscar chuckled, "you got some snacks and movies ready then?"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "when have I ever been around with no snacks in my hand? Of course I got snacks and the movies ready. We can even order some Postmates or take out too. Babe, we are going to have a blast,"
"ok, self care day then and since it is your birthday, anything you want to do I will do," Oscar laughed then winked at his girl who was blushing.
"Damn, you remembered? I didn't think you would to be honest. Alright, my love, it's 17th birthday vibes so sit down and let me put this on for you," Oscar sat down in front of Elizabeth, holding onto her legs, "alright the peel off mask is gonna be done in 10-15 minutes then we're gonna do the moisturizing mask after. Thank you, baby, for doing this with me,"
The two put on the peel off mask and watched Shameless on Netflix, letting the mask dry to peel it off. While they were waiting, there were a lot of laughs that caused Leticia to wake up and walk into Elizabeth's room only to see the two with animal themed face masks on their face looking at her like two deers in headlights. Leticia laughed, pulling out her phone and taking a picture of the couple shaking her head as she left, happy that her daughter had found happiness and let go of some of her responsibilities.
It was time for the baby shower so Leticia and Elizabeth were able to go over to Ruby's house as Oscar went back to his own to try and get the Santos to not trash his place. The mother and daughter duo walked into chaos around the house as bleeding kids were ushered into a room and Geny was way too drunk. Elizabeth walked up to Ruby, "yo, what is going on? There are bleeding kids, a drunk Geny, and Jamal and Cesar are in what looks like an argument," Ruby was about to speak, but Elizabeth stopped him, "never mind. I'm gonna go over to Cesar and Jamal then I am going to Monse,"
Elizabeth walked up to the two boys when she heard Cesar say, "I smashed Paula and I think Monse and I are back together," Jamal had a big outburst on health violations, but Elizabeth walked up to them, "it isn't your problem because, one, she ghosted, two, you gave her that ultimatum, and three, you were broken up or on a break, either way, you guys weren't talking to each other. Alright, now I'm going to Monse and see what she's doing," Elizabeth walked inside Mario's room to see the white girl and Monse talking on the bed, "oh, sorry, I will let you guys talk,"
Elizabeth walked around with a plate of food, but felt down because no one really remembered her birthday except for Oscar. She would have thought they would remember, but she let it go as she plastered a big smile on her face and took care of Geny who was at this point word vomiting.
"Oh, Eli! You know, I always thought you and Mario would be a great couple, you're smart, he's smart, great match," Geny giggled, "sure you were a freshman and he was a senior, but still. He was also in love with this skank, Angelica. Oh well, do you have any boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I do, Geny," Elizabeth chuckled, "You're not going to know who it is either,"
Geny groaned, "why not? I want to know to see if you and Mario can still have a shot to be together," Geny's eyes widened, "Oh! Maybe you can be with Ruby,"
Elizabeth gagged at the thought, "thanks, Geny, but my boyfriend is pretty great right now,"
Geny ran away to go into the bouncy house and Elizabeth saw Jamal there so she stayed inside since it was cold out and went to her mother, "hey, ma. This party is about to go into a disaster," Leticia laughed along her daughter.
It wasn't until Jamal and Geny came back inside that Elizabeth saw Jamal with a bleeding face and Geny apologizing after him. She stood up to help them out, but Ruby started yelling, "Ok! Party's over, everybody out!"
"Wait, wait, wait, what's happening?" Mario asked.
Monse ran out of the room, "Amber's having the baby!" Mario threw Jamal into Cesar's arms and into the room that Amber was in while Leticia ran inside with Geny.
"Who's Amber?" an Asian lady came up to Ruby.
"Do we get paid the whole night if we leave early?" Another white guy asked.
"Who are these people?" Monse looked at Ruby dumbfounded.
"Extras," Ruby muttered, making Elizabeth and Monse look at the people wide eyed, "What? She didn't gave any friends or family so I had to improvise. Fifty bucks plus some food isn't a bad gig," Ruby handed out the money.
"Where did you get that kind of money," Cesar asked.
"I know those bills," Jamal said, "What the hell are you doing?"
"Using against my twenty five percent. It's permitted in the bylaws," Ruby said.
"There are no bylaws!" Jamal whisper-yelled, flailing his arms.
"There are bylaws!"
"Give me this!" Jamal took a hold of the money as the whole gang did as well and Geny went back out to the living room, "The ambulance is on its way! The baby is coming now! Everyone needs to pray!"
When Geny went in the room again, Jamal started talking, "Guys, guys, it's the curse. Don't you see? This is all building to something. I found the money then Olivia died, and now we're back at the scene of the crime, money in hand which means-"
"Someone else is going to die," Monse said.
"The baby," Ruby zoned out, looking at the money.
"We have to get rid of it," Cesar stared down at the money in his hand.
"Technically, we just gave a bunch of cursed money to all of those extras," Jamal looked at the front door.
"They're actors. No one is going to miss them. Let's go!" Ruby said.
"Wait, we don't know how to get rid of a curse!" Elizabeth said, "curses have rules. We can't just throw it away," Abuelita walked past.
"Abuelita!" Jamal called, "The money is cursed! How do we destroy it?"
"Burn it! Burn the money," Abuelita went inside the room.
The crew went out to the backyard and grabbed the trashcan and the bag of money, "You've torn our neighborhood apart," money was thrown in, "you've ruined relationships," another group of money was thrown in, "and stolen our youth," the last bit of money was thrown in, "but it's over. Curse be gone!" Jamal lit the money on fire, but Abueltia came running out.
"Stop! Stop! Jamal! Don't burn the money!" Abuelita threw the money on the ground, "the money isn't the thing that doesn't belong in this house! The money is not cursed!"
Now everybody was back inside, eating the gender reveal cake and laughing, "oh, I'm gonna lie," Ruby said, "this cake is good,"
"It just should've been chocolate," Jamal shrugged while everyone laughed, Mario scoffed, "too soon, man!"
"Mario, I want you to now that if that beautiful baby was yours, I would've loved it, but woo! Thank God, you're not gonna be a daddy just yet,"
"You dodged a bullet," Elizabeth looked at Mario.
"We all did," Ruby said.
"That girl really didn't know. And that was a big ass bun, fully risen. Ok!" Jasmine said.
"The truth always comes out," Abuelita said.
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merakiaes · 4 years
Comfortable - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
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Pairing: Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x reader 
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None.
Warnings/notes: This is really quick and really shitty, I’m sorry😭 I’ve been really stressed lately and it’s ruining my ability to concentrate and work creatively </3 But I hope you like it anyway, let me know what you think. Not proofread, and Spanish translations at the end. 
Wordcount: 2952
Summary: A part two to ‘Pussy Whipped’. You’re on your period, grumpy and really easily vexed, and Oscar makes sure you’re comfortable. 
After Oscar went out to do whatever Cuchillos had him and the Santos doing this time, you went back to bed and fired up some Netflix on your laptop in the wait of your boyfriend’s return.
Runs like these usually took between one and two hours, sometimes more and sometimes less, but never longer than three hours. So you waited, for your boyfriend to return home to cuddle you and provide you with the food you had been craving ever since waking up.
One hour passed, two hours passed, and you began coming to terms with the fact that this was one of the odd jobs that were going to take longer than usual.
The movie you had been watching was over in an hour and fifty-three minutes, and the heating pad you had brought with you to the bedroom was turning cold and not providing you with much comfort anymore.
Unfortunately, your abdomen was cramping too much for you to be able to stand up properly so you couldn’t be bothered to get up and reheat it, instead just closing your laptop and falling asleep, expecting Oscar to wake you up when the time did come that he got back home.
That, however, did not turn out to be the case.
Rather than waking up to the gentle touch of your loving man, you woke up to a not-so-gracious thud against the wall over your head, followed by loud laughing and noisy ruckus coming from the kitchen, sounding an awful lot like your kitchen cabinets were being rummaged through.
The mere sound of the repetitive thudding against the wall was enough to make your blood bubble with the already existing annoyance that seemed to constantly follow you around wherever you went whenever you were on your monthlies.
And that irritation only increased when you properly came to it after your nap and realized that the bedroom door was still closed, just like you left it, meaning Oscar hadn’t even been in to check up on you.
If he had, the door wouldn’t have been fully closed; he always left a small gap open behind him.
It would have been okay if he hadn’t been home, but with the way the boys were calling out for him from the kitchen, you knew for a fact that he was and it made you pissed because you knew that he knew exactly what you wanted at times like this, and he wasn’t there giving it to you.
Grumbling sourly under your breath, you pulled yourself out of the warm bed, pushing the pain radiating from your abdomen away to your absolute best ability and heading out into the hallway.
The headache you’d thought was gone returned in a sharp jab in your head the second you stepped out of the dark bedroom and into the sunlit hallway, which did nothing to calm your annoyance.
By now, the voices that had sounded from the kitchen a minute ago were instead speaking from outside where you from a glance through the living room window could make out Oscar and the Santos chilling on the lawn like any other day.
Throwing a glance to the clock ticking away in the dining area of the open space, the pointers were showing twenty minutes past four in the afternoon. 
That meant you had been asleep for well over two and a half hours, and who knew how long Oscar had been home throughout that time, without even coming to check up on you.
You scoffed, shaking your head, and before you could even process your own actions, you had marched over to the front door, ripped it open and stepped out onto the porch.
No one even seemed to notice you, Oscar sitting with his back to you in the sofa on the lawn and everyone too busy either drinking or checking out their own muscles to know what was going on around them.
The sight was one you saw every day, and yet on this particular day, it caused you to want nothing more than for them all to go away.
So like the grumpy party-pooper you were, you walked right up to the boombox that was placed on the wall of the porch, singing out some Spanish song, and hit the OFF button with one quick motion of your finger.
Only then did all of them turn to look at you, finally noticing your presence where you stood at the head of the porch steps with your arms crossed over your chest and your face pulled into a fierce glare.
“Buenos días, la Bella Durmiente.” Sad Eyes was the first one to speak up with a playful smirk, watching you from his seat beside Oscar on the armrest of the sofa.
All of their eyes were squinted in order to see you through the bright rays of sunshine shining right down at them, but your eyes were fine with the ceiling of the porch protecting you from the sun, allowing you to glare harshly at each and every one of them.
“Nice bedhead.” One of the older Santos pointed out before you got the chance to say anything, sending the rest of them into a fit of chuckles.
Your eyes automatically flickered to Oscar, watching as he raised his eyebrows at the comment and raised his bottle of beer to his lips in an attempt to hide his smirk. But the way his body was shaking with coughs gave him away immediately, only causing you to get even angrier.
Your hands instantly flew up to your hair to pull at the hairband holding your hair up in a very messy bun, putting it back on your wrist while ruffling your locks as you stepped down the porch.
“What’s the matter with you?” You called out to all of them as you approached them, their eyes trailing after you.
You stopped by the closest Santo and grabbed the weight he was holding just in the middle of a curl, dropping it back to the ground and completely ignoring the annoyed look crossing over his face as you moved on to the next person and repeating your previous actions.
Once all of them were relieved of their weights, you moved on to the sofa where the rest of them were sitting around, wasting no time in starting to grab the bottles of beers from their hands while scolding them.
“All you do is sit around in this nasty ass couch all day, lifting weights and getting drunk from the early hours. Haven’t you got your own houses to hang around?” You questioned, grabbing Sad Eyes’ beer just as he was about to take a sip. “Are you homeless? Or why do you insist on being on Spooky’s ass all day, every day? You’re grown men, for fuck’s sake, get a life. Go on, dip.”
Now balancing six bottles of beer in your hands and arms, you waved your hand to your best ability as a sign for them to fuck off.
They wasted no time in doing as told, getting out of their seats while grumbling under their breaths. They weren’t happy to be bossed around like this, but at the same time, they had learned a long time ago that they did not want to be in the line of your fury.
Sad Eyes gave you an amused smirk but stood up, too, bumping Oscar’s fist and squeezing your shoulder as he moved around you and in the direction of his car.
Oscar, himself, didn’t move a muscle, simply watching you boss his boys around angrily with a proud and amused smirk playing on his lips while sipping on his beer.
As he was about to take another sip, however, your hand shot out and ripped the bottle right out of his hand, and before he could even think about protesting, you had walked over to the trash can at the side of the porch and dumped all of the bottles in.
Without as much of a glance backward, you then stomped up the porch steps and back inside, leaving the front door open and plopping down on the livingroom sofa bitterly.
You listened as Oscar chuckled outside, followed by the sound of his feet dragging over the pavement path to the porch, and a second later, he was walking inside and closing the door softly behind him.
You kept your eyes set on the black screen of the TV, feeling his amused stare burn into the side of your face.
With another chuckle, he wordlessly walked into the kitchen and without turning your eyes away from the flatscreen, you could hear him opening a cabinet and rummage through something plastic.
You then heard him close the cabinet back up, the sound of the fridge opening and closing following shortly after, along with the ‘psst’ sound of a beer bottle being opened.
You rolled your eyes at the latter, but you didn’t get much time to think about it before he re-entered the living room and walked over to you at the couch, flicking on the TV on his way.
“Move over.” He told you and nudged your legs that were spread out over the couch, and you finally allowed yourself to look up at him, seeing that he was now holding a fresh bottle of beer and a bar of the chocolate he had promised to bring back for you before he left earlier.
The sight of the sweet, chocolatey goodness instantly made your anger decrease, causing you to move your legs away from the couch to allow him to sit down.
“When did you get home?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched the re-run of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ now playing on the TV.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught him throwing a glance at the clock on the wall. “Half past two.” He replied simply, taking a gulp of his beer before setting it down on the coffee table and leaning back into the sofa, getting comfortable.
You scoffed, quickly doing the math in your head and figuring out that this meant he’d gotten home not long after you’d fallen asleep, and been home for two hours without waking you up.
He took one look at you from the side and immediately understood what you were thinking, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. “I didn’t want to wake you up, figured you needed the sleep.”
You pouted, turning to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“I didn’t want to sleep. I only did because I got bored while waiting for you.” You whined lightly, touching the hem of his tank top and looking up at him through your lashes. “I wanted to be with you.”
He chuckled at you, bending his head down to kiss your temple. “I’m here now, mamas. Bring your grumpy ass here.” He said, attempting to pull you closer.
You rolled your eyes, but nonetheless you moved into his side, cuddling up to him and sighing in contentment at the feeling of his warm hand resting on your bare upper arm.
He wordlessly reached around you to grab the blanket hanging over the back of the sofa and unfolded it with his free hand, pulling it over the two of you before leaning forward to grab the bar of chocolate and his beer from the table.
While balancing the bottle between his thighs, he broke open the plastic of the chocolate and broke off a piece, which you gratefully accepted despite still being annoyed for no apparent reason.
“You could’ve at least checked in on me, you know.” You pointed out as you took a bite, the anger slowly starting to melt off the more comfortable you got at his side.
His feet kicked up on the coffee table in front of the sofa and he sipped at his beer while his hand rubbed small, warm circles on your arm. “I did.” He mumbled lowly, both of your eyes stuck on the TV even though neither of you were watching the show that was on.
“No, you didn’t. The door was closed.” You grumbled, your face pulling into a glare again.
“I closed it.” He answered, and you turned your head to look at him, raising an eyebrow.
“You?” You asked. “You closed a door?”
Chuckling, he leaned down to press a light, quick kiss to your lips, mumbling against them. “The homies were being loud. Like I said, I wanted to let you sleep.”
At this, you couldn’t help but smile against his lips, the remaining anger melting right off and your body turning warm with contentment instead.
You shared another few kisses, Oscar clearly savoring the taste of the chocolate with the way he was humming quietly and his tongue was poking out of his lips ever so slightly.
His cheeky antics brought a chuckle from your lips and he broke apart at that, rubbing his forehead against yours playfully, smiling when it made you crack another laugh.
“The cramps gone?” He questioned, his thumb still rubbing your arms.
Only then you became aware of the pain jabbing you in your abdomen again, your face instantly pulling into a distasteful frown. “No.”
He hummed, and moved his hand down from your arm to your stomach, where he moved his fingers underneath your shirt and began rubbing slow, soft circles over your abdomen.
You instantly relaxed at the feeling, your head lulling against his chest and your legs pulling up over his lap on the couch. He pressed one kiss to your temple, and then another and then a third, all while holding the remote out toward the TV and switching channels.
Netflix popped up on the screen and he nodded to the TV, looking down at you questionably. “Clueless?” He asked, and you instantly smiled up at him,  
“You know me well, baby.” You raised your head up to capture his lips in another, longer kiss, rubbing your hands over his chest.
When you broke apart, he leaned his head down and pressed a kiss to your neck. 
“I know I do.” He mused, looking back up and turning his attention back to the TV where he typed in the name of the movie and wasted no time in putting it on, rewinding it to the start after the other countless times you’d force him to sit through it.
Once the movie was playing, he put the remote on the armrest of the couch beside him and took his beer from between his thighs, bringing it up to his lips while you continued nibbling on the chocolate.
While you stared at the screen concentratedly, he gazed at you from above, admiring every feature of your face and feeling amused at how easily pleased you really were.
You liked to convince yourself and everyone else otherwise, but he knew you like the back of his own hand and therefore knew exactly how to make you happy, and it didn’t take much.
As long as he was there, you would get happy by pretty much anything; even something as small as a bar of chocolate, belly rubs and your favorite movie when you were on your period.
Feeling his stare burning into the side of your face, you glanced away from the movie to look up at him, your glare now long gone and instead replaced with a wide-eyed, content expression.
“What?” You asked, clueless as to why he was watching you with such a soft expression. But it still didn’t fail to cause a flutter of butterfly to spread through your body.
He smiled at you, raising his thumb to your lip to rub some chocolate off. You watched with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile as he brought the thumb up to his face and put it in his mouth, and then, he took your face in his hand and pulled you into a kiss.
Your fingers automatically wrapped around the fabric of his tank top, your lips smiling against his as they moved together.
He tasted bitterly, of beer and cigarettes, two things you didn’t necessarily enjoy separately. But still, it was the most delicious taste you knew, blending together with the chocolate still on your lips.
You broke apart for a brief second but he quickly latched his lips onto yours for another quick kiss, before finally pulling back to allow you to breathe. 
His thumb caressed your cheek and his eyes searched yours, lips pulled into a fond smile.
“Te quiero, gruñona.” He told you, Spanish words tumbling out of lips so easily it was as if they were the only words he’d ever known.
The first two caused your face to break out into a large smile, but the last one automatically caused you to shoot a hand out to slap his chest. 
“Watch it.” You mused, chuckling, and he chuckled with you, grabbing your wrist to protect himself from any possible eventual hits.
His chest shook with laughter under your touch and you smiled, adoring the way he always let his guard down when you were alone.
Moving your hand up from his chest to his face, you cradled his cheek, pressing your forehead against his. 
“I love you, too.” You answered and as his chuckling died down, you pressed your lips to his in another kiss before the two of you cuddled up to each other and turned your attention to the movie playing in front of you, his hand returning to rubbing soothing circles on your stomach until the pain was completely gone, and your foul mood with it. 
He may have been a fearless gang leader that constantly needed to assert his dominance, but there was nothing in the world that would keep him from making sure you were comfortable. 
Translations (I’m not a native Spanish speaker so this might not be a hundred percent accurate):
Buenos días, la Bella Durmiente – Good morning, Sleeping Beauty
Te quiero, gruñona – I love you, grumpy
Tagged: @babienay​ @firebenderwolf​ @fairygardenss​ @moanlightbaby​ @dolanackles​ @marvelously-flawed​ @jazzwhitlockhale​ @spookysnena​ @joyrivh​ @socialistavocado​ @clemmingstylins0n​ @chaneajoyyy​ @ugh-jalynn​ @turn-diamonds-into-snow​ @bxmaaa @shadow-of-wonder
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r-cabrera · 3 years
Princess of Gotham
Chapter 1: Eclipse
Gotham, the city of crime. Where you could be assaulted at every corner. You live in fear of death to more than one psychopath.
Among the shadows of those alleys lit only by the moon and the streets little-traveled wandered with total tranquility, or at least disguised fear.
I did not bother anyone, but everyone bothered me, even the huge sign in the sky for the bat, for the savior of this city.
I stopped as soon as I spotted a motorcycle, and not just any motorcycle, looking for the owner. And, knowing that it had a burglar alarm, I took the shadow and moved it a little, so that in a few seconds, he came out of the fifth-floor bar on the other side of the street.
A tall, black-haired man, quite tall and quite drunk, ran out as soon as he heard that annoying noise coming from his motorcycle. And as soon as he realized who was responsible for interrupting his peace of mind, he relaxed his muscles and put an adorable smile on his face.
-If you wanted to talk to me you would have called, texted, or sent a postcard, you didn't have to cause me to go into cardiac arrest on a Friday night.- said Jason Todd, as he pulled the keys out of the bike and turned off the alarm.
-It's good to see you too, Father.- I replied. I sat down on the sidewalk, making room for the man who had adopted me years ago to join me, in a silence that was not at all uncomfortable, just admiring the street lights.
-When did you arrive?- I asked him, restraining my desire to hug him. It had been a long time since I had seen him. One day he took his things and left, leaving me alone. And as soon as I found out he was in town, I couldn't help looking for him in the places he frequented most.
-About two hours ago, I didn't know if you were at Wayne Manor, at the apartment, or with Major Arcana*.- he replied as he took a pack of cigarettes out of his leather jacket and then threw it on the floor.
After a few years of taking care of me, Todd started to give up some habits that were harmful to him, because they also affected me. But some things are hard to give up.
His little Jane Todd. The biological daughter of Oscar Hart, a not so well-known but very dangerous criminal. That cruel man had left me in an orphanage after my mother was murdered in front of us when I was just 6 years old.
I spent many years in that place, with little food, not sleeping well, getting sick every month, running away at night, and stealing from convenience stores so my friends wouldn't suffer from hunger, 6 years passed until a strange man arrived at the orphanage, greeting the owner of that place as if they had known each other for years.
An attack on that place by an enemy of Red Hood, almost ended my life, being wounded by that guy. From that day on Jason decided to give me his last name and gave me all the protection that the second son of Bruce Wayne could have.
-What are you thinking about?- Jason asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. It's not like I don't dive into my mind very often, but he more than anyone else knew what inner demons were.
-I thought about what my life would be like if you hadn't adopted me four years ago.- I replied. -I was just checking to see if you had arrived and if you were okay.- I stood up and shook out my pants. I put a hand in the pocket of my sweatshirt, reaching for the copy of the keys he had forgotten, and gave them to him. -Olive invited me to the Mansion, apparently, they are having a little sleepover, tomorrow morning I will go to the apartment.
-I'll take you there. I need some documents I forgot in my room and I need to talk to Bruce.- Jason said as he got up and took the keys out of the motorcycle.
-But I'm driving.
-You're a bad driver.
-If I fall off in the middle of the road it's your fault.
Next part
Note: I used a translator for this, if there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. I don´t have the long dash in my laptop's keyboard so, sorry for that
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chasing-classics · 4 years
Somebody to Die For- Oscar Diaz x Reader
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Oscar ‘’Spooky’’ Diaz x Reader
Warnings: none, maybe a little sad and angsty
Summary: You and Oscar had grown up together, being the best of friends, being each other’s ‘’first’’ everything, but once he had joined the Santos you slowly drifted apart until he ultimately pushed you away when he was locked up. Now that he’s had time outside of prison to think about things, he realizes all he’s ever needed was right there in front of him.
A/N: Takes place in season 3 of On My Block, shortly after Oscar and Cesar’s argument and the treaty with 19th Street is settled. Inspired by Sam Smith’s ‘’To Die For.’’ Enjoy!
                                                                                                                      Pink lemonade sipping on a Sunday Couples holding hands on a runway They're all posing in a picture frame whilst my world's crashing down Solo shadow on a sidewalk Just want somebody to die for Sunshine living on a perfect day whilst my world's crashing down
Oscar angrily swatted at the tears, kicking at the empty boxes of beer that were a frequent sight on the Diaz’s lawn.
 ‘’Fuck!’’ he growled, rubbing his hand down his face.
 Everything was going to shit, just as it always had. Ray left them again, but this time Cesar was old enough to feel the same pain Oscar had gone through when their father left them the first time. Cesar hated him. The only difference between now and sixteen years ago was that his mother was either dead, in prison, or too doped up to care about anything and everything at all. Either way, she was gone, his father was gone, and he felt Cesar begin to slip away too. He had hoped that by Cesar joining the Santos he’d be protected, that others would see him as ‘’Little Spooky’’ and know not to fuck with him. That he’d be free to live his life however he wanted to just because of his affiliation to the gang. He’d been wrong. . .and he never felt so alone in all his life.
 Oscar immediately straightened up, clenching his jaw until he met those doe-like eyes of yours.
 ‘’Y/n. . .’’ he whispered, praying that you wouldn’t notice how absolutely broken he sounded right now.
 You, of course, did notice. You knew Oscar like the back of your hand. Before the world went to shit, you were best friends. Living right next door to him and Cesar all of your life made it easier. It was fate, your mothers were childhood best friends prior to Mrs. Diaz becoming a drug addict thanks to her husband’s lifestyle and your mother, in some twisted poetic way, died when you were young when a drunk driver collided with her on her way home from a late night shift at the hospital. You and Oscar had always been close, but after your mother’s passing, you depended on him. He was your protector, your ‘’Osky.’’ Even when he joined the gang, even when he went to prison, you never left his side. It wasn’t until you visited him in jail one particularly depressing winter morning that it all changed. You never let him see you cry when you visited, you knew it wouldn’t do anyone any good; you had to be strong for him. ‘You need to stop coming here y/n,’ you remember he had told you. You hated the way he looked at you that day, like you were a stranger.
 Now here you were, years later and still absolutely in love with the boy who never let anyone see him cry. The boy you took bubble baths with when you were toddlers. The one you spent all day going on adventures and playing basketball with. The boy who was your first kiss, your first boyfriend, and the only man you had ever been intimate with. He may have been ‘’Spooky’’ to Freeridge, but he was and would always be your ‘’Osky.’’ And he looked absolutely broken right now.
‘’What happened?’’ your car keys were still in your hand as you had just pulled up into your shared driveway, coming home from your shift at the same hospital your mom worked at.
‘’I’m fine,’’ he growled.
I long for you Just a touch (does that scare you?) Of your hand You don't leave my mind Lonely days I'm feeling Like a fool for dreaming
‘’Bullshit,’’ you hissed, catching your ex-boyfriend off guard.
‘’It’s none of your business, y/n. Go home,’’ he said in a slightly less aggressive tone.
You were quick to stand in front of him, preventing him from running away from you and the conversation that was years overdue.
 ‘’Why do you shut me out? For as long as you’ve known me you have never once been able to lie to me. Quit fucking hating the world and shutting everyone out!’’ you demanded.
 ‘’You think I want to?! You think you know me?? You see this, I’ve killed people!’’ he growled in your face, pointing to the teardrop tattoo on his face. You didn’t back down. You weren’t going to leave him. Not again.
‘’Why are you so afraid?’’ you whispered, eyes locking his in a standoff.
 Oscar’s jaw visibly clenched, his eyes narrowed as he stared down at you. You could see the tears threatening to fall at any minute.
 ‘’I don’t want to be alone.’’
 For a split second the macho man was gone and you were talking to that little boy from all those years ago who was forced to grow up before he could truly enjoy childhood. Your eyes softened, hand cupping his chin so that his gaze remained on you. He flinched, but didn’t make a move to push you away or chew you out.
 ‘’You’re not alone Oscar, you have me. You have Cesar-‘’
 ‘’No, I don’t. I fucked up like I always do, y/n. I fucked up Cesar’s life and he hates me for it. I fucked up my one good chance at a real life by pushing you away. I was born a Santo, I’ll die a Santo. And I’ll die alone,’’ Oscar couldn’t stop the tears from falling at this point.
You held him to you, the best you could given he was nearly a foot taller than you. He held onto you, crying into your neck and shoulder as you rubbed his back and shoulders to soothe him. You didn’t notice you were crying until you saw your tears soaking his shirt.
‘’I don’t want to be alone,’’ he whimpered.
‘’You’ll never be alone,’’ you swore to him.
Both of you knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Nothing had been for either of you. Oscar was dealt a shitty hand in life, but you were determined to pull him out of this. You both worked hard, everyday and day by day. There were fights, times you screamed your lungs out, times he slept on the couch of your shared house. But, before either of you could fall asleep one or both of you would apologize and he’d end up back in your bedroom. Things weren’t always perfect, but that was life. And when you showed him that little stick with a small pink ‘’+’’ sign, life had once again spun you both on a loop. What’s that old saying? When you make plans, God laughs? Nothing could’ve prepared either of you for the birth of your daughter, who looked exactly like her father, same pitbull-looking face when she was angry and all.
And that’s where you were, smiling at the kitchen counter as Oscar could be heard talking to your baby girl, positive that her curly brown hair bounced as he played and laughed with her. It wouldn’t be long before her tio Cesar and the Core 4 would show up, along with other family and friends to celebrate your daughter’s first birthday.
You were pulled from your thoughts as Oscar pressed a kiss to your cheek, your daughter giggling and reaching for you.
 ‘’Woooow, you want me? Daddy’s little princess wants me today? I’m so honored,’’ you beamed, making Oscar laugh out loud.
You pressed a kiss to Oscar’s lips, his eyes full of light and utter love for his girls.
 ‘’Thank you,’’ he whispered, hand on your growing tummy. You just smiled and soaked in the warmth of your little growing family. Soaking in your own little forever.
Sunshine living on a perfect day I just want somebody to die for I just want somebody to die for (to die for)
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angelmavmurdock · 4 years
• Babysitting •
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A/N: I have such a huge soft spot for Tom with kids like 😭 my heart. this is one of my favourites if i'm being honest 🥺
You and Tom have been dating for 4 months now. He's met your 2 year old son a few times but he hasn't ever been alone with him. But tonight was one of your friends' birthday party and you wanted to go without Oscar but your parents were out of town. So Tom had agreed to babysit him. He seemed a little nervous but mostly excited.
"Okay! Mummy's going to go now!" You said to Oscar, lifting him out of his high chair and sitting him on your hip.
"Bye-bye." Oscar said cutely and waved his arms frantically, nearly whipping your eyelashes off.
"I'll see you in the morning, baba." You kissed his head.
"Can I get a kiss?" You asked, looking at him hopefully.
A cute, lopsided smile grew on his face and he leaned into your cheek and left an open mouth kiss on your cheek, probably taking half of your makeup off but you didn't care.
"Okay, here we go." You handed Oscar over to Tom and he took him with ease, propping him up on his arm. Oscar started to wail a heartbreaking wail. A pout grew on your face watching your baby cry.
"Go, I've got this." Tom smiled.
You smiled and kissed him softly. He lingered for a moment, touching your side gently before you parted.
"Have fun! I love you both!" You blew kisses as you clicked out the door, watching Oscar cry at you leaving and Tom smiled at you.
"Alright, alright." Tom said, placing Oscar back on his bare feet.
He kept crying, padding up to the apartment door and standing, hoping you were coming back.
Tom sighed, he didn't know what to do with crying babies.
He looked at the list you had written out and stuck to the fridge.
If he's crying, give him some water in a sippy cup and turn on paw patrol.
"Sounds good to me. Come on Oscar! Come on!" He held his hand out for Oscar to take but he didn't budge, he stayed at the door crying his eyes out.
Tom went into the cupboard and took out one of Oscar's many sippy cups. He filled it up with water then walked over to Oscar.
"Look! I've got some water!" He held it out in front of him. Oscar took it but then threw it on the floor, luckily nothing spilled.
"Right, come on." Tom lifted Oscar up and then the sippy cup. He walked him over to the couch where he sat him down in front of the TV. He quickly turned on the TV and put on Paw Patrol.
The theme song immediately made Oscar's ears perk up. His crying stopped and he turned to the TV, his mouth agape with wonder as he watched. Tom smiled as he sat the sippy cup on Oscar's lap.
"Good boy." He ran a hand over his thin blonde hair.
He sighed with relief as he went back to the kitchen and started clearing up. He wiped down Oscar's high chair and put all the crumbs in the bin. He sweeped the crumbs off the floor and then he went into the fridge, about to grab himself a beer.
"Nope, can't do that tonight." He said to himself before opting for a bottle of water.
He opened the bottle and sat down next to Oscar, wrapping his right arm around him.
"Rubble!" Oscar squealed and bobbed up and down on his bum as he saw a dog with a construction helmet come on the screen.
"Who's that?" Tom asked with a smile.
"Rubble!" Oscar said again.
Tom smiled down at him. Oscar was the cutest baby he had ever seen. Fair skin, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He had a baby blue onesie on paired with his white nappy.
Tom watched the Paw Patrol episode with Oscar - well, he was more watching Oscar watching Paw Patrol but...same difference.
Just before the episode ended, Tom got up to check the list.
Bed time at 8 o'clock.
Brush teeth GENTLY .
Change nappy - instructions on changing table and take him out of onesie.
Give him my breast milk in the fridge. You've done that before.
Read a book to him - anything with animals is a winner.
Turn on sound machine and close the door.
I'll be back at 9:30. I love you <3
He smiled at your handwriting and your note.
He checked his watch and it was just coming up for 7 pm.
"Well I guess we have a few more Paw Patrol episodes to go." He said to Oscar as he jumped back on the couch.
"Peek-a-boo!" Tom came out from behind the couch and Oscar laughed his little head off.
"You have your mother's laugh, Oscar; loud and completely adorable." Tom said with a smile as he came back to the fluffy rug that Oscar was sitting on.
"What's your favourite toy, huh? Which one?" Tom pointed to the box full of toys he had brought out from Oscar's nursery.
Oscar stood up, nearly tumbling over but Tom managed to catch him before he did. He stood straight then wobbled over to the box. He rummaged through it, throwing things out that he didn't like very dramatically.
"Woah, Oscar." Tom laughed as a toy car nearly crashed into his face.
"Ba-bee!" Oscar pulled out a half-dressed barbie doll.
"You want the barbie doll?" Tom asked.
"Yeah! Ba-bee!" Oscar giggled.
"Okay, well first we have to dress her don't we." Tom said and he searched the box for some barbie clothes.
He was aware that Barbie's were considered a 'girly' toy. But he wanted Oscar to have a male figure in his life that was okay with him playing with Barbie's or dressing up as princesses, because most boys don't get taught that. And that's what toxic masculinity is. He didn't want any toxic masculinity in this house.
Tom played Barbie's with Oscar for a while which was a new experience but he didn't mind it one bit.
He checked his watch after a while and it was 7:45pm already.
"Oscar, we have to clean up now." Tom pouted his lips sadly.
"No! I wan more ba-bees!" Oscar copied Tom, pouting his lips.
"Why don't we bring barbie with us? Does that sound good?" Tom said as excitedly as he could, trying to get Oscar more enthused about going to bed.
"Yey!" He bobbed up and down on his bum again, a few spit bubbles popping and drooling down his chin.
"Let's go!" Tom stood up and as he did, he scooped Oscar up in his arms and threw him over his shoulder. Oscar squealed and giggled with delight as Tom whooshed him like he was flying through to the bathroom. He sat him down on the counter top with a robotic sound and Oscar laughed, showing his incoming front teeth.
Tom sang a random song as he put the toothpaste on the small toothbrush and began brushing Oscar's teeth.
"Oh baby give me one more chance! To show you that I love you!" Tom sang 'I want you back' to Oscar as he brushed his teeth gently so he would be entertained.
After brushing his teeth and rinsing the brush, Tom continued his wooshing and robotic sounds as he moved Oscar into his nursery and onto the changing table.
"Okay...let's do this, little man. We can do this." Tom said to himself more than to Oscar as he read the instructions you left for him.
"Let's take this off then." Tom removed Oscar's nappy and scrunched his face as he saw what was on it. He wiped Oscar's bum gently and threw the wipes and the dirty nappy into the bin.
He took a new nappy out and carefully placed it underneath him. He dried him with a soft towel then put some nappy cream on his skin.
"All moisturised. You'll have great skin, mate." Tom held his thumbs up and Oscar laughed, still clutching his barbie.
He fastened the back panel to the front panel relatively snug.
"Oscar! I did it! I changed your nappy!" Tom danced a little, making Oscar giggle again.
"Okay changing time then bed time." He carefully slipped Oscar out of his onesie and Oscar immediately started clutching his feet as he folded the onesie.
"Right, let's get you in bed." Tom lifted him up and placed him in his crib. As soon as he stood back, Oscar started crying.
"Hey, shhh, I'm here." He held a hand down and Oscar clutched his pointer finger.
Tom felt some weird surge flow through his body.
It was love.
He loved this wee guy.
And he loved you.
"Okay, don't tell your mum I'm doing this." Tom lifted Oscar back out and held him against his shoulder. He brought him through to your room and he lay him down on the bed. He wrapped him around with blankets and pillows so he was secure, then he went to the kitchen. He washed his hands then went into the fridge and got a bottle of your breast milk out.
Tom was still amazed that you could do that, he's just sit and watch as you worked and breast pumped and he was confused but in awe every time you did it.
He quickly came back through and handed Oscar the bottle.
"Here you go." Tom got onto the bed with him and snuggled up next to him, taking his shirt off and grabbing an animal book.
"Okay...I'm dyslexic so don't mind my shi- my BAD reading." He stopped himself from swearing and smiled at himself as he imagined your reaction.
"Once upon a time..."
"Hello?" You whisper shouted as you closed the front door behind you and kicked off your heels.
"In here!" You heard Tom whisper.
You were slightly drunk and had to pump and dump but you were excited to see Tom.
You opened your bedroom door and your eyes widened at the sight you were seeing.
Tom shirtless on your bed with a book in his right hand and Oscar snuggled into his left armpit, covered in blankets.
"How are my two gorgeous boys doing?" You grinned with joy as you sat your bag and jacket down and walked over to them, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"We watched paw patrol, then we played Barbies," Oscar interrupted by waving his barbie around with a giggle.
"Oh wow!" You gasped, taking Oscars hand, stopping him from the waving and just because you wanted to hold his hand.
"And then we were reading but I'm not very good at that am I?" Tom asked Oscar and Oscar thought about it before shaking his head.
"Well, Oskie, we need to get you in bed. It's way past your bed time, baby." You glanced at Tom.
"We were having too much fun." He smiled.
You couldn't help but shake your head and smirk at him. Oscar yawned and stretched as Tom passed him to you.
"Come on sleepy head." You said, taking him from Tom and walking to his nursery, placing him in cot and putting his sound machine on. You closed the door behind you and then went into your bedroom.
"Was it fun?" You asked, unzipping your dress then jumping in bed next to Tom.
"So much fun." He said with a huge smile.
"I love you." You said, snuggling into his chest.
"I love you more." He said and kissed your hair.
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
The Little Girl and The Dinosaurs
On a dark cold December night, there was little four and a half American/Italian girl was coloring on a piece of paper in the carpet near the fire. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes, and slightly tan skin; she was wearing pink nightgown and a silver whistle attached to her neck. Her name was Valentina Rosalina Grady and she was waiting for her parents to come from work. Truth be told, this was no ordinary little girl. She was different from the rest of the kids in her neighborhood. She had unbelievable powers. Ever since she was born, strange things happened. Animals from shape and sizes would come near her and tried to make her smile or laugh. And when she was in the backyard, flowers and plants would grow. It was really strange but her parents accepted her gift but they had to keep it a secret. So her parents decided to keep her home schooled so the kids in her school won't be scared at her.
Speaking of her parents, they were really good people. Her dad was name Oscar Grady. He had light brown hair and adventurous blue eyes. He used to be a Navy soldier but he retired to become a collage history teacher. He loved to teach others to learn but during his free time, he would play with his baby girl and make her smile while teaching her how to do combat to control her powers and even though she was small, she was a fast learner. She was smart for a little girl but her curiosity got the better of her and she would get into a little trouble. Her mom was name Alma. She was a beautiful Italian woman. She has dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. She was a doctor and was very kind to her patients. Every man wanted to marry her but she chose Oscar because he was very funny and smart. Valentina loved her parents with all her heart and soul and would stay by their side no matter what. Well, except when she had to go to the bathroom.
Then a teenage girl with blond hair and chocolate brown eyes; She wore a red sweater, brown pants and cowboy boots. She was about the age of eighteen. She came out from the kitchen. "Val, it's almost past yer bed time." She said in a sweet western accent.
Val looked at her almost pleadingly, "Awww… but Abby, can I stay up fow five mowe minutes? Mommy and Daddy pwomise to wead me a bed time stowy."
Abby smiled at her, "Alright but remember yer ma and pa ain't gonna like it to see their little baby girl still awake and energetic."
Val smiled brightly, "Thanks Abby! You'we the best babysittew evew!"
Abby's real name was Abigail Starious. She lived down the block with her big brother, Joshua or Josh, close to Valentina's home. She and her brother moved from their family ranch to study in the big city to be doctors. Abby worked as a full time babysitter for Valentina also a waitress in a cafe and her brother Joshua worked as a mechanic, for cars. They knew about Valentina's power and would keep it a secret because they took a liking to her.
"Ah shucks, yer making me blush." Abby smiled then she noticed Valentina's drawing, "Watcha drawing there Val?"
Val showed Abby a red long neck animal with a crocked drawing of a tree. "It's a Ba-wo-sau-wus." She said trying to say the name correctly. It's correct name was Barosaurus.
"Is it a dinosaur?" Abby asked playfully, knowing the answer. Val loved dinosaurs so much that she had stuffed dinosaur toys in her bed room. She always dreamed of meeting one in Jurassic World but her parents were busy with their jobs so they didn't have time to go there. Not that she was complaining but Val understood her parents and would listen to them always.
"Uh-huh, they awe pwant eatews and they awe weally big!" Val said with a big and bright smile.
"Wow! I bet they can reach the tallest of all trees!" Abby said playfully.
Val nodded, "Yup! But they have to stand on theiw back wegs."
Abby smiled before going to kitchen to make some hot coco. Val went up to the sofa and looks at the window to wait for her parents. Val waited and waited and waited but her parents didn't come home yet. She fell asleep when the clock strikes nine. Abby became worried. Why didn't Mr. and Mrs. Grady come home yet? Abby pickd up Val and puts her to bed. She looked at her phone and sends an e-mail to Mr. Grady.
Mr. Grady, it's me Abby. I was wonderin' why ya aren't home yet with Mrs. Grady. If ya'll have an extra shift in yer work, I'll watch Val till tomorrow.
Abby went to the couch and fell asleep as she waited for the text of Oscar. On the next day, Abby woke up and prepared breakfast. It was pancakes for breakfast. She heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. She turned and smiled to see Val holding her stuff honey colored raptor doll named Honey.
"Mornin' Val," Abby gave Val her breakfast. Val sat down and yawned before eating her breakfast. Abby opened the mini TV on top of the counter and let Val watch Disney Junior. Then the news appeared.
"I interrupt this program for this breaking new. Two married couples were killed on a car accident when a truck hit them last night. Police discovered the truck driver was drunk. The two married couples did not survive the crash."
Abby froze. 'Oh God! Please don't tell me!' She thought in fear.
"The married couples have IDs and their names are Oscar Grady and Alma Grady. The drunken driver was survived and his sentenced will be in soon after he recovers."
Abby's eyes widen in horror. She looks at Val and her heart broke at the sight. Val's eyes were wide as she broke down in tears. Abby comforted Val as she and Val would have to visit the police station to inform them about Mr. and Mrs. Grady having a four and a half year old daughter and retrieve their bodies to be buried. The funeral started early morning. It was cold and the snow fall down at them slowly. Val was wearing a black dress and shoes. She was in a graveyard with men and women that were friends with her parents. Abby was there by her side, wearing a black dress and her brother Josh, who had green eyes and blonde hair, was wearing a black clothes as well. Val placed a red rose on her mother and father's coffins as they were buried. Val put her picture in the middle, on her parents' grave, so they can see it in heaven above.
After she did she went to Abby and Josh and started crying, Abby and Josh comforted her. As the funeral was over everyone went home. Val was staying with Abby and Josh for a while until they can find any relatives that Val had. But the problem was that no one knew who was the closest family member.
Val was sitting on a couch, wearing her black dress. She has a red scarf that belongs to her mother; her whistle was buried in it, and her father's black beanie hat. She had dry tear stains on her face as she looked at a picture of her with her parents. Josh and Abby watched her with sympathetic looks.
"Is there any news 'bout her relatives?" Josh asked.
Abby shook her head, "Not yet, I'm still lookin'."
Josh sighed and he looked at Valentina sadly. Val wiped her tears away. "We can't just stand here and do nothin'." He looks at Abby, "We have to find her a family or at least part of her family. Do you remember if Mr. and Mrs. Grady havin' relatives?"
Abby tapped her chin with her index finger before snapping, "That's it! I remember seeing a picture of Mr. Grady with his brother. I think his name was Owen and he works at Jurassic World."
Josh smiled, "That's great! Do you know his number?"
Abby shook her head, "No but I bet Oscar has his number on his phone."
Josh nodded and the two went upstairs in Valentina's temporally room and went to her father's things and grabbed his cell phone before looking for Owen Grady.
"Let's see," Abby looked at the names inside the phone. "Here it is." Abby found the name Owen Grady and she calls him.
In the Isla of Nublar, a man with green eyes and light brown, hair wearing a blue shirt, with a black vest full of pockets, brown pants and shoes. He was in his bungalow fixing his motorbike. Then another man came. "Owen! Still enjoying your afternoon?" he asked with a strong African/French accent.
Owen wipes out a sweat from his forehead, "Yeah, taking a break from the girls, Barry." He throws his wrench in a toolbox.
Then Owen's cell phone rang. He picks it up to see a picture of a man with brown hair and blue eye. "Oscar? Huh, it's been long since I seen him."
"How long you haven't seen him?" Barry asked.
Owen counted his fingers, "I think about sixteen years."
Barry rolled his eyes at him as Owen answered his phone, "Hey Oscar! It's been long time since we spoke."
"Ah…howdy," Abby's voice answered, "Is this Owen Grady?"
"Yeah this is Owen and who are you and how the hell do you know my name and also how did you get my brother's phone?"
"I'm Abigail Starious." She answered, "I know yer brother because I and my brother, Joshua, lived down the blocks close to his house."
"Uh-huh, yeah and why are you calling in me using my brother's phone?" Owen asked.
"Didn't anyone tell you?" Abby asked.
"Tell me what?"
"Owen, your brother Oscar and his wife died in a car accident."
Owen froze, his phone was still in his ear and his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide as dinner plates, "When did this happen?"
"A week ago," Abby said, "Look, I know we just met but yer brother has a little four in a half little girl, who needs a family and yer the closest family she's got."
Owen didn't say anything. He and Oscar use to work at the Navy together until Oscar retired to be a history teacher in a university college and married an Italian woman name Alma. He and Oscar rarely talk due to the fact they were very busy in work but now his big brother was dead along with his wife and now his niece- one that he didn't know he had- was now an orphan.
"What's her name?" Owen asked, wanting know his niece's name.
"Her name is Valentina Rosalina." Abby said, "So are you going to take care of her? She's a very sweet girl and well behaves."
Owen thought about it. He is the only family left for his niece and he did took care of raptors, how hard can it be?, "Alright, I'll send her a ferry ticket next week to bring her here in the Isla Nublar."
Owen could hear Abby and Josh cheering happily, "Thank you! Josh and I are gonna get her a passport. She is goin' to be so happy!"
"Alright and thanks for the information." Owen said as he turned off his cell phone.
"What was that all about?" Barry asked.
Owen looked at him before saying, "Oscar and his wife Alma died in a car accident." Barry's eyes widen. "And I have a niece, that I didn't know I had, named Valentina Rosalina." Owen looked at Barry, "I'm the only family member she has left."
Barry's mouth was hanging open in shock, "Owen, you're going to raise a little girl that you barely know while working with Raptors?"
Owen shrugs, "Hey, I raised the girls and I'm still alive." He said, "How hard it is taking care of a little girl?"
Barry was about to answer but Owen quickly raised his right hand and said blankly, "don't say it."
Barry chuckled, "And how are you going to get a ferry ticket?"
"Easy, I'll asked Claire to give me and that doesn't work I could ask Simon Masrani." Owen looked at him, "But first can you help me buy the things that little girls like." Barry rolled his eyes but he decided to help because that little girl might not survive here. Barry and Owen went to the park to buy stuff for Val.
Meanwhile, Abby and Josh told Val everything. Val was shocked, happy, and worried. Shocked that she had an uncle that she didn't know she had, happy that she had an uncle and she wasn't alone and yet worried that her uncle might not like her. Abby helped Val pack her things like clothes, some toys, her Mandora Lute and her pink Ocarina. Val likes to play music. Her mom would teach her during her free time.
Josh bought Val a passport. They were lucky because Oscar used to work in the Navy. Owen was able to make Claire give him a ticket for Val after hearing the event and send it next week. After a few weeks, Josh was driving his car with Abby in the front seat. Valentina was wearing a red t-shirt with gray long sleeves, brown combat pant and orange shoes. She has mother's red scarf and her father's black beanie hat on. Her dark hair was tied into pigtails. As Josh parked the car, they went inside and saying their goodbyes to Val.
Abby was hugging little Val, "Bye sweet pea, I'm gonna miss you so much."
"I'll miss you too." Valentina said then she hugged Josh. "Bye, Josh."
Josh hugged her back before he let her go and he took out a small red box with a ribbon, "Yer Pa wanted to give ya this on yer birthday but since he can't I was wonderin' if ya wanted yer birthday gift a little early."
Val took the box and opened it to reveal a raptor claw fossil necklace. Val smiled and she put it own. She loved raptors as they were her favorite dinosaur. "Thanks Josh."
Josh smiled until the airport voice speaker's announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen the plane will leave in twenty minutes."
"Well, go on, ya don't wanna be late." Abby said with a smile.
"Yeah, yer gonna see many dinosaurs there." Josh then added, "And if somethin' cashes you...run." He whispered the last part, alarming Val.
"Josh!" Abby scolded.
Josh chuckled, "I'm just kiddin'. Jurassic World has tight security; ain't nothing gonna hurt ya."
Val nodded and went in line while she waved at Abby and Josh. Val sat near the window and put on her seat belt when the airplane took off. Val looked at the clouds in the sky. She took out the raptor necklace and held it tight. "Please, please, please, please like me." Val whispers before going to sleep.
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beyondtheciouds · 4 years
Part 29. 3 of 3
Twas the night before Yulemas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for a small brown mouse.
The children were all snug tight in their beds. Smiles on their faces as dreams of sugared plums danced in their heads.
Outside, the snow fell in droves and filled the streets, impassible for cars and carriages. The windows were frosted; icles hanging like glittering packages.
The brick and mortar chimnies chain smoked; pairs of lungs coughing ashes.
Dust saturated the fresh snowflakes on snowcapped rooftops; heavy as Lucie's lashes.
The moon was nearly full; the fringe of dawn barely a heartbeat. Lucie didn't hesitate getting out of bed when she suspected Henry and Charlotte were fast asleep.
Her secret plans were already in motion; she was in far too deep.
Tonight Lucie and Grace would wake the one lost in an eternal sleep. The anticipation ran through her bones; sidewinding up her veins like an ivy on a chase.
The candles on the Yulemas tree were long snuffed out; the yuletide log smoldering in the fireplace.
The only sound downstairs was the incessant scratching inside the walls. A mouse was hunting about, searching the halls.
The manor was festive; the decor just right. Charlotte had decorated in odd bright colors; glitter and gold balls. A sight to behold, a treasure left scandously untold.
Mugs of cold, sugared tea and burnt biscuits were dutifully set out by Matthew's sisters in hopes of toys being brought.
They were antsy and fought before bedtime. That is, until Lucie sang them a sweet rhyme.
Earlier, Lucie had been filled with warmth as Henry played carols on the pinafore and the girls sang loudly and off key.
She had spent the evening after supper with Cordelia and Charlotte, knitting sweaters for the three.
Now she felt bitter and upset, but the night wasn't over. No, not yet.
The conversations had flowed so easily between the women in the hours before. Lucie had almost forgot the other demands; the baby she tried to ignore.
But the truth was, she was happy to be doing something productive with her hands.
Lucie enjoyed the conversations even if listening to Charlotte was quite the chore.
Tomorrow was Yulemas but Lucie could not have felt less festive.
Yes, the girl Herondale had become rather quite obsessive.
A solid glance over her shoulder gave her courage in the dark. Cordelia was fast asleep on the opposite bed, stiff like chalk.
Lucie stilled, thinking she heard Oscar bark.
Cordelia's back was turned to Lucie; the long braid resting against the comforter like a serpent.
Cordelia was the only one who wouldn't help and the lack of support streamlined Lucie's determination like a torrent.
Lucie felt guilty, like a sneaky child as she opened her door. She crept out into the candle-lit hall ignorant of the consequences her actions might cause.
A familar frown pressed her lips as she closed the door and paused.
For weeks a string tugged at her, knowing that her freedom was slipping through her finger. Each free moment was ready to disappear; the life with a drinker.
Everything seemed doomed; so unfair.
Selfishly, she assumed tonight was only a prelude to the tired life she would soon have living in the walls of Fairchild Manor or worse: Matthew's downtown London flat.
For hours, Lucie had tried to sleep after adjusting the ribbons on an old hat.
She read Cordelia a chapter or two of a mystery book, then finished with a cup of warm milk.
Poor Lucie begged her brain to shut off long after she was wrapped in cotton and silk.
But Charlotte's voice kept droning on in her ears, until her heart was able to tilt.
"I am really happy that Matthew is with you, Lucie. You do know he is trying quite hard to be a better man for you and the baby. You will be quite a good match for my wild child, and quite happy I assure you."
Lucie was uncharacteristically careless in her response. She had only thought about her own wants.
She whole heartedly disagreed before silencing herself much to Cordelia's horror.
Many times Lucie Herondale had tried to imagine being married to Matthew, just for a minute or an hour.
She pictured having a family, a normal Shadowhunter life with him at her side. A family life like her own.
But she just couldn't picture herself being trapped inside. A bird in a cage; her wings barely flown.
She couldn't stay in the net waiting up for him every night. It was just too much to ask.
Worrying. Wondering if tonight would be the night he'd get in a fatal fight or worse; death by her own axe.
How they would feed their family if he died. How would she live, crumbling on the inside. She didn't even have the faintest idea how he felt about women writers or the socially responsible duties they were to provide.
Lucie didn't have a clue how to be a mother or run a household.
This much she'd been told; they'd be wed under the sacred Shadowhunter vows; their bodies marked each with a matching rune.
After they would go on living as two separate people under the light of the moon.
He would conquer binges of weeks where he'd be drunk daily and purges where he would be sick and sober.
She'd stay home; keep house and take care of the children, and he'd lovingly call her his good luck clover.
This would be a cycle that wouldn't end. It would only grow worse with each year; each baby born on the cusp of regret and condenscend.
That didn't mean living with Matthew Fairchild was hopeless as a snowflake in the rain. Perhaps Lucie was wrong. Perhaps Matthew Fairchild was only in pain.
What the cards were showing Lucie now was just a reality she didn't think she could endure.
The truth was, part of Lucie did love Matthew, so much more. When he bled, she bled in her core.
Nightmares and dreams about him had often haunted her into rejecting his previous advances and now she knew why.
She presumed the dreams were omens; warning her not to abandon the sky.
The Fairchild/ Herondale union had been long awaited for by both families, but particularly by the Consul.
Lucie knew what Charlotte expected of her future daughter-in-law was damn near impossible.
Change Matthew. Fix him.
Lucie dreaded every moment spent under the Consul's watchful eye. Every minute she was in Charlotte's company was as unpleasant as a stye.
As Lucie passed Matthew's room, thinking about the last time he'd held a sober smile, she slowed her pace and stopped short. A groaning noise came from within and Lucie wondered if Matthew had overdone it on port.
His door was open just a crack, enough to see into the chaos of his existence; a dream. The stench of stale cigars and regurgitated gin spilled into the hall; hitting her nose like steam.
Lucie gagged and her heart broke at the sight of him laying like a rag doll among dirty linens.
She hadn't expected him to be home and was shocked to see him in such a position.
Lucie had never been able to read Matthew's mind. Now, she wondered if it might have been a good find if she'd had the time.
Her heart had conceded and concluded any type of relationship with him was out of the question.
Being Matthew's bride had never been a suggestion.
She pretended that had been the reason she never reciprocated his feelings. Not until she plainly understood him and his bad dealings.
A well of sadness filled up inside her as she reached out her hand, shining the witchlight into the darkness of the room. The bed was empty except for Oscar, a pillar in the sand.
As usual, the golden retriever was unaware; sleeping loyally ontop of a ragged blanket tucked under his hand.
She shined the light just above Matthew's sleeping body. His arms were spread, legs tucked tight together; a disgusting hottie.
Distracted by the way the light sweat on his chest gleamed pale under the flickering witchlight, Lucie thought about that night. The sweet smirk that swelled on his face was a haunting memory; a sin and a show. One she had hidden in her bones reminding her of a promise she made to him that felt so long ago.
The breeze was cool; the night hot. Cicadas and crickets staged their favorite tunes in an effort to provide a sonata. Not a cloud nor haze flooded the starlit sky; only fireflies lit up the night. Shades of blue from the lake lit her eyes with a warm glow. Lucie watched Matthew with anticipation as her skin grew warmer from every sip of his flask.
Do you love me? Matthew's hot breath on her neck. His lips were fire; hot cinnamon liquor burning her skin with each devious kiss on her flesh.
Yes. Everything would have been yes to him in the heat of that moment. Her hands were beyond confinement and reached eagerly for the buttons on his waistcoat.
Do you promise, Lucie darling? His green eyes were dark, serious under the stars.
I promise. And she meant it. Or she thought she did.
I love you, Lucie Herondale. You're the only one besides James that means anything to me. This is for forever. I swear on my life.
I love you too. Her lips against his were ice on fire; electric and numbing the voice screaming in her head.
Lucie blinked, rolling out of her reverie with the grace of someone used to disappearing into herself.
Matthew was still sprawled out, drool trickled down, out of his mouth.
His hand rested among the fresh vomit and spit on the rug. He was still in his rumpled navy pants and his belt was half undone; broken as the wings of a dead bug.
Stained socks and muddy shoes were discarded in a heap. It was as if he meant to climb in bed and instead just collapsed on the floor, fast asleep.
Lucie wondered if she should wake him; maybe help him into bed or the bath.
Matthew was snoring loudly; the sound sheilding his lips like a mask.
Lucie frowned, watching him and the moment of charity pass.
Matthew stirred and kicked out his leg. He groaned and rolled his head in torment and wrath. "Luce...Lucie. please. PLEASE. Forgive me. Forgive me."
Lucie sighed and flipped the braided pigtails over her shoulders, disgusted and disappointed instead. She shook her head at Matthew, her heart turning to ice.
How could she ever love him like this? The strings of her heart pulled her into a vice.
Lucie knew she wasn't entirely being nice.
At least now she knew Math was safe and breathing. One crisis averted. Now she could stop caring for awhile and continue seething.
Butterflies rolled inside her belly as the baby turned; shifting positions as if it sensed his father's presence and his mother's disgrace.
Lucie tried not to cry as she quickly shut Matthew's door, glad for him to be out of her sight at least for the night.
Lucie Herondale knew she'd be learning a hard lesson in faith.
The manor was cold, bitter like her uncharacteristic temperament. It was just the way Lucie liked things lately; quiet without comment.
The cold made her feel closer to death; closer to Jesse's spirit.
He was quite the opposite of Matthew who had the most obnoxious tendency to be satiric.
She warmed her heart as she thought about the ghost and his quiet, melodic ways. She imagined him in the sunlight; alive during the days.
Lucie became once more determined to save his soul. A debt that was unpaid; a secret not to be told.
Christopher and Grace had snuck downstairs after the lights went out. They were headed to the lab without a doubt.
Christopher thought he might have figured out a chemical compound needed in the spell Grace had shown him during tea and lemon tarts that afternoon.
James promised to guard the door as Thomas occupied the insomniac old housekeeper with a card game and some gin. Every one was in their places; helping Lucie's cause and Lucie shivered, feeling Matthew's hands still on her skin.
A whistle helplessly escaped her lips as she moved down the hall. She felt slightly more optimistic, smiling and all.
Lucie could feel the hairs on her arms rise, theories becoming reality. She felt Grace and her were getting closer to the right order of the specialty.
Goosebumps coated her bare arms as her feet padded quietly towards the music room; the hem of the nightgown billowing around her ankles like a flowers bloom. She tried not to skip like a schoolgirl.
The witchlight she cupped in her hands bounced off the walls; reflecting the contemporary colors in various variations of self portraits and Lucie couldn't help but look down at her hand; Matthew's ring and his pearl.
Suddenly, she was breathless. She stopped; reckless.
Something was wrong.
Someone was watching.
Someone was waiting.
Most of the walls were covered with expensive self paintings. Here and there; scattered were exquisite Idris countryside landscapes which Lucie found intoxicating.
Minature statues and other odd art were strategically placed on pedestals along the walls. Flowers on tables; Oscar Wilde inspired green carnations graced the hall; smelling pecularily of mint and clover during the fall.
This was Matthew's wing and it was freely decorated over. An artist's heart trapped in a body lacking talents. Everything was either beautiful or tragic to him; a man of great gallant.
Nothing was traditional or logical. Should it be to a man of illogical graces?
Lucie noticed the bright green of his eyes in some of the faces. They seemed to move slowly and appeared to be following.
She ignored their name calling as she caught her breath and moved on into the fray. The eerie feeling reminded her of Matthew's favorite legend; Dorian Gray. The fear that story brought back drowned out any other excuse she may have had for being frightened.
Lucie shook slightly as she quickened; her toes were red and numb as her limbs tightened. She scolded herself for venturing this far in the manor for a waste of a shortcut. Down this demented, self loathing hallway she desperately desired a peanut.
She hated that she discarded Matthew's privacy so blatantly. Even moreover her eagerness to meet Jesse hastily.
It had been almost a week since they'd met in private. The time spent apart dramatic.
In all the time she had been in the manor, she had never been in one of the extravagant rooms he uses. He had always forbid it and come to her; insisting she was the favorite among his muses.
Lucie was reminded of the story of Beauty and the Beast, which she found odd and sad at the very least.
Down the stairs, nearly tripping over her feet. Lucie felt a strange tingle on her sheet of skin as she reached the doors to the music room. She took a deep breath and pulled the solid oak doors open and slam against the wall with a boom. "Jesse?"
The moonlight greeted her; pure and silver like a star. Lucie was awestruck by what she saw.
In it's center was a black grand piano; to the left was another Yulemas tree twinking with candles, surrounded with gifts. The branches were strung with gold ribbons and mistletoe adrift.
The shapes of the gifts were shadows on the ceiling; fingers beckoning to the great beyond. Lucie could sense other spirits shamelessly coiling in the dark corners; not ready to move on.
Jesse was tired, trembling and translucent. Lucie felt like she on a boat on the rocking seas. His body was perched on the bench; his hands poised above the ivory keys. His head was lowered; ink stains on the pure, paper skin of his face.
Lucie gasped, parched. She could see he was singing an old Welsh song quietly by the light of a illuminating hearth. She smiled as his fingers instinctively played the tune in the air.
He was beautiful and fair.
Lucie hushed the intrusive and intricate shape of a story taking place in her head. She didn't want to break the moment, but she had to say something to make her heart stop racing and her breath like lead.
"Hello," she whispered to the dead.
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rachetmath · 4 years
Reverse Bumblebee vs Bumblebee (PART 1)
Request Being Answer 
Grimm were about to attack to Yang.
Blake: Look out Yang.
Yang notice too late and was about to die until a man in black robes with a naginata piercing through. He defeats the Grimm and was about to introduce himself only to be shocked by Yang’s face. So was Yang with his.
???: Woho what the hell!? Mom!?
Yang: Mom!? I’m not your mom, dad!
???: Dad!? I’m not your dad! What’s going on here!?
Blake: Yang, are ok- *sees the man* who is he?
Yang: I am wondering the same thing.
???: Yin.
Blake looks towards the distance and see a familiar face, and when approached she drew her sword terrified.
Blake: *terrified* Adam!
Adam: *terrified* Blake!
Adam draws his sword as well, ready to fight until Yin, his partner stopped.
Yin: Woah Adam, calm down. Look.
Yang: Blake, relax, that’s not Adam. Well he is but not the Adam we dealt with. See he doesn’t have a scar.
Yin: Look her hair shorter, her nails aren’t long, and her teeth aren’t sharp.
Adam and Blake look at each other, seeing the difference and calmed down.
Adam and Blake: *sigh* Thank you. I can’t go through that again.
Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, Ren and Nora caught up to them. Only to be surprised.
Ruby: Yang? Blake? Are you- oh my- Dad?
Yin: Ruby?
Ruby:  Dad what are you doing here?
Yin: What? Ruby I’m not- Jaune do you recognize me?
Jaune: Sir, we never met before. How do you know my name?
Adam: Jaune, come on, you know us. Ren?
Ren: Umm.
Yin starts to think a little and realizes what’s going on here. Jaune put some thought into it as well and both have made a conculsion.
Jaune: Bingo, I get it. You guys must be from alternate dimension.
Yin: Yeah. I was just thinking that.
Ruby: Jaune, explain.
Jaune: Umm…
Nora: Well, Ruby, dimensions are basically different timelines, each with their own way of life. Basically, Yin is Yang if she was boy. Adam must be a different Adam if he never joined the White fang.
Adam: Oh I did join, but not willingly. I was forced.
Nora: Okay then. Really it’s basically us people making different choices to situations that may or may not lead us here.
Jaune: Wow Nora. Well said.
Nora: I try.
Yin: Well now that we’re settled on this. I think we should-
Yang: Hold it. I say we make good on this time before you think about leaving.
Yin: Umm…
Yang: I want to know all about you two.
Yin: Oh. Sure, but Adam…
Adam: No worries. We can chat about this.
Blake: Question then, are you two--?
Yin: Yep. He’s my boyfriend.
Adam: Hmm.
Yang: Well surprise she’s my girlfriend.
Adam: Oh.
Blake: So how you start?
Yin and Adam: Well…
After Yin and Adam explain their story.
Blake & Yang: What?
Yang: You fought each other!
Adam: Yeah. Can blame us? There was a lot of tension.
Yin: I mean, come on, your partner leaves you when you were need and then decides to come back all of sudden, says they’ll protect yet in the past they couldn’t and all of sudden everything was suppose to be good? That’s crazy and stupid.
Adam: My actions came back haunt me. But I took responsibility for them.
Yang: Okay fine but why trust Ironwood over your Ruby.
Yin: Like your Ruby, mines left me alone. My mother in replacement of your father was the only one member of the family to helped me get back on my feet. Ironwood gave me a new arm, which came in handy in fighting your Adam who is Blake in ours universe.
Adam: Plus, Ruby still a kid, she doesn’t know everything. We’re now hunters. We should no longer be bound by just assigned teams. We were no longer team RYAW but a whole new team all together.
Yang: Okay so how did you handle the Robyn.
Adam: Simple, we trusted Jaune.
Jaune: Me?
Yin: Of course, you didn’t have much of reason to trust James anyways. Heck the only reason you had to help him was because we needed the whole world together again.
Blake: So, you guys didn’t tell Robyn about the new tower.
Adam: No, in fact, we told Jaune that we only told Robyn that other people were causing her problems and blaming James for it.  Why would we tell her something that she could use to blackmail him or jeopardize the project?
Blake: Oh.  
Yin: OH, HELL NO! You trusted Robyn over Ironwood!?
Yang: She was on our side.
Yin: She was going to fight and maybe kill our sister. How is that trust worthy?
Yang: Why did trust Jaune then? He almost got Weiss killed and he drove Oscar away once.
Yin: Bitch? Could you blame him? Ozpin, Ironwood and our uncle, barely, did their jobs right. In a way, Pyrrha’s death didn’t need to happen. Qrow arrived at the last minute to save Ruby all because he was drunk somewhere. Oscar is a reincarnation of Ozpin, the one, who gave us all false hopes and lied to our faces. Also, Jinn said, Ozpin learned how-to live-in harmony with his host. So, what happened to his last few victims? And James, though I trust him, was repeating the same moves he made at Beacon.
Yang: Oh.
Adam: Plus, he not only helped in finding Oscar. He saved Oscar from our Blake, who was trying to kill him considering he was associated with me.
Yin: And speaking of Jaune’s recent actions. Did any of you confront him on them?
RWBY: Well, no.
Nora: Only with his encounter with Cinder.
Yin: Hang for second. Jaune can I talk to you?
Jaune: Sure.
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janisarkisian · 4 years
This is an Osby fic where Ruby gets grounded for getting drunk at a party (hosted by Danna) and the rest of the team is going to the mall. Well maybe not the whole team.... 
Word Count: 838 
Ruby could hardly remember why she was grounded. At the time, it had seemed like a totally normal thing to do. Turns out, drinking a little alcohol at a party was not normal for her mother. 
Maybe the reason she couldn’t remember was the alcohol kicking in. She would never know. 
Danna had been hosting a party. Her parents were one of the few in Gatlon who had a home. They had left on a trip for the south, and Danna had taken full advantage of the opportunity. 
It had been more than just the team and Narcissa. People had spread the word, and Danna’s party and gotten crazy a little too fast. She didn’t remember much, but she did remember taking a little alcohol and making out with Oscar afterward. Now that she thought about it, there might have been more than a little alcohol. Adrian was the only one who stayed sober. 
She had tried to sneak into the apartment after her mom and dad had been asleep, but there had been no luck. During the supernova, her dad had acquired powers of motion-detecting, which ultimately made sneaking around a lot harder. When they had caught her, she tried to play it off, but that was pretty hard to do drunk. She was grounded for two weeks. Which wasn’t all that bad in hindsight, but still. 
Now, the team was going to the crappy old mall, and she couldn’t go. So much for Danna’s fantastic party. 
She sighed and turned up her music. Jade and Sterling always hated when she did this, but if she was home all the time, then she had to at least have some good music playing. The song was pretty old, but good none the less. Ruby couldn’t recall the name, but it was old. Not that she was complaining, the style of music now was terrible. It had no rhythm in her mind. 
Ruby had to remind herself that she wasn’t even in a quarantine. Poor Max had spent his whole life in quarantine and was just now getting to do things. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like if she had to live alone for ten years. 
Out of nowhere, she heard a pounding. She opened the door, but no one was there. Jade and Sterling were out “training” and her dad was in the living room with the TV blasting. Her poor grandma had fallen asleep, but if her dad kept the volume up, she might wake up soon. 
She looked around, but there was no one around. That was until she looked to her window. Oscar was perched on the window sill. Why was Oscar on her window sill? 
Opening the window, Oscar climbed inside. “I was starting to think you’d never let me in,” he shook his head. 
“Why are you here?” she asked with dismay. Then she smiled. Having Oscar here was the best thing that had happened since she got grounded. 
“If you think that I’m not going to let you have any fun while you’re grounded, you are most certainly wrong. I also brought snacks.” 
Her grin was getting wider by the second. “Okay. We can watch a movie if you want,” suddenly, she was dying to be kissed, “Or we can do something else.” 
They were both grinning now. “Something else sounds fun,” Oscar grinned, before leaning in to kiss her. 
Kissing Oscar had become something that was common to her now. Even though it was common, it would still remain as amazing as the first time every time it happened. Her hands found their way around Oscar’s neck, and she pulled him closer. He moaned in response. 
Oscar’s circled Ruby’s waist, and they separated for a moment, only to get a breath. Before Ruby could really process what was happening, they were kissing again. 
They stumbled through the room and collapsed on Ruby’s bed. Oscar kissed her harder, which resulted in a moan from her. They were so occupied that they didn’t hear the bedroom door open. 
“What the heck is going on here?” Sterling’s familiar voice asked. They pulled away quickly, but it was too late. Jade entered the room and gawked at them. 
“Can you guys keep a secret?” Ruby asked her brothers. 
Jade was about to nod, but Sterling intervened. “What’s in it for us?” he asked. 
Ruby pretended to consider the question. “Hmmm. When you two get girlfriends I’ll let them sneak in, and won’t tell Mom.” 
Sterling stuck his tongue out at her. “Fine, we’ll let him stay, but you two can’t kiss or be disgusting.” 
Jade piped in, “And we know he brought food. He always does, so you have to share some.” 
She stuck her hand out for Sterling to shake. “Deal.”
They ended up all watching a movie on Ruby’s laptop. The snacks got divided equally, but the twins got the smoothies Oscar had initially bought for the two them. At some point during the movie, Ruby looked at Oscar and smiled. He smiled back.
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princepondincherry · 4 years
Wish RWBY was better? Try ATLA
To start: Yes, I’m aware ATLA and even LoK probably have much larger fandoms than RWBY already. I think they also have more content and were produced with a larger budget, which means we have to give RWBY some slack. It doesn’t mean criticism isn’t valid.
Since Avatar came out on Netflix, I watched both shows, and I can’t help drawing parallels with RWBY since they’re both animated shows I’ve loved about badass kids/teens with magic powers. And Avatar is SO MUCH better. For instance, inter-party conflict. The Gaang argue ALL THE TIME, and it’s just presented as the normal state of affairs, not some dramatic, crazy detail when one sibling has a slight disagreement with the other sibling. And as much flak as the Mako relationship drama gets in Legend of Korra, at least it had substance to it. We still don’t really know what the problem is with Ren and Nora. Oh, and The Last Airbender handled an unwanted kiss forced on someone who didn’t think it was the right time for romance SO MUCH better, with an immediate, “I SAID I was confused!” and the instigator having a scene right after where they called themselves an idiot, instead of the Renora kiss being presented as romantic or something.
Now I kinda want to write a list of things I feel Avatar does better. There’s a poorly-argued word vomit below the cut:
- The dead mother thing--Salem mentions Summer once with no details, and Ruby completely breaks down? What? Like, grief is fine, but this has literally no foreshadowing since the songs don’t count as full canon, and it made no sense given Ruby’s established (ha) character and the situation. Katara would have flown into a rage, and it would have been so much better.
- Arguments with adults on your side--Pakku was set up as an asshole teacher from the start, and he when confronted with the consequences of his misogyny, he changed his ways for the better. Zuko arguing with Iroh is never intended to have Zuko be in the right. Korra argues with Tenzin all the time, and usually they’re both right, but have to come to a better understanding of each other’s perspective that helps them grow as people. In fact, this conflict drives a lot of the story for the first two books of LoK. Unfortunately, RWBY seems incapable of this sort of nuance. Qrow is just drunk until he isn’t, but then later gets Clover killed, and Ozpin is supposedly just awful.
- Arguments with adults who should be on your side but aren’t--Long Feng SHOULD be on the same side as the heroes, defending the Earth Kingdom, but he isn’t for pretty stupid reasons. But, unlike Ironwood shooting people like a maniac, Long Feng is against the heroes for stupid reasons that (mostly) make sense in-universe: he wants to remain in power. (I still don’t understand why he didn’t just quietly explain that he had the real power in the city, not the king, and shuffle the kids off to whoever was running the military defenses that allowed him to pretend there was no war. I guess he thought if he just gave them the cold shoulder long enough, they’d go away?) Whatever problems there were with Long Feng’s storyline, at least he was consistently written as a bad guy. In contrast, Ironwood is inconsistently written as a good guy who has all the trappings of a tyrant but doesn’t act like it AT ALL, except when he occasionally does something extreme like shoot Oscar. He’s written (I guess unintentionally?) as a subversion of the military tyrant, except when he suddenly acts like one again. It’s like they were shooting for a Tarrlok (sketchy government official who’s both bad for the obvious reasons AND worse than he appears beneath the surface, even though he often works for the side of good) but actually wrote Suyin (someone who could easily be a totalitarian dictator, but decided not to be because of her moral principles, and is actually nice), except occasionally she attacks her allies for disagreeing with her.
- Costume design--I loved Ruby’s, Weiss’s, Ozpin’s, Qrow’s, and a few other original costumes, and Ruby’s had some very solid costumes. However, Volume 7 was terrible. The animation looked weird on Weiss’s braid, Jaune’s hair was awful, and a bunch of them weren’t really dressed for the weather. In contrast, the Avatar characters change outfits whenever it’s appropriate. You know, like real people. (If this is a “3D animation makes outfit changes harder than 2D animation” thing, then maybe 2D animation is just a superior art form when you’re on a budget.)
- Consistent power levels--Katara starts weak and gets stronger. Aang starts as only an airbender and consistently gets better at everything else. Toph invents metalbending and gradually gets more proficient with it. In contrast, RWBY’s Volume 1-3 feats are often better than their later feats, and Aura strength blatantly depends on plot. Yang’s gotten *slightly* better at fighting, Weiss learned a new skill and promptly got her butt kicked by focusing on it too much, Ruby supposedly learned hand-to-hand combat but really just did a headbutt, and RWBY SOMEHOW beat the most premiere team in Atlas after training with them for a few weeks. Sure, Toph, Katara, Azula, Aang, and Sokka are all ridiculous prodigies, but they’re established as such from the beginning. Katara still loses soundly to Pakku before he trains her. (Despite the memes about her kicking the ass of the patriarchy, he’s obviously going easy on her and still crushes her.) Aang gets beaten by Ozai without his OP special ability. Azula gets beaten easily the one time we see her go up against an adult (Iroh, on the ship in the beginning of book 2). And Toph is more like Pyrrha than anyone on Team RWBY. Honestly, this is one of my weaker points, but I still stand by the fact that the Avatar kids’ victories felt much more earned.
- Bad Fights--Yes, I know, heresy. I actually think the best of RWBY’s fights (RWBY vs. Torchwick’s mech, Ozpin vs. Cinder, Pyrrha vs. Cinder, RWBY vs. the Nevermore, Qrow vs. Tyrian) are somewhat more exciting, visually interesting, and (sometimes) emotionally charged than even the best of Avatar’s fights (Aang vs. Ozai, Zuko vs. Azula, Kya vs. Zaheer, Korra vs. Zaheer, Tenzin and his siblings vs. Red Lotus, Suyin vs. Kuvira). But my actual point is that RWBY’s bad fights are BAD, whereas I can’t even think of what the worst Avatar fights are. Sokka vs. Zuko in episode 1 was pretty bad, but that was more of a gag than a fight. Umm...Big Glowy Korra vs. Unavaatu was kinda cheesy, but I still liked it. Meelo fartbending vs. the Equalists? Idk. Meanwhile, RWBY has the Scuffle of Haven, that time Ilia seriously hurt Sun somehow, Qrow vs. Tyrian vs. Clover (visually impressive, but made NO FUCKING SENSE), Oscar landing a massively-telegraphed blow on Neo...well, okay. Maybe there weren’t that many awful fights. I still think I came away from more RWBY fights disappointed, but I can’t really argue my case very well.
- LGBT representation, normalized to the time period--Yes, Korrasami never got past handholding in the finale, but somehow Yang and Blake haven’t either? Even though it’s 2020? Actually, this is a symptom of a larger problem:
- Romantic relationships being ignored--Why won’t RWBY explicitly confirm anything? The RWBY cast are closer in age to the LoK cast than the ATLA cast, but it feels the other way around. Kataang was both heavily present in ATLA the whole time and by no means taking over the plot. And, okay, there was Jaune/Pyrrha, but she’s dead now, so the most-developed ship is Renora. Who held hands, then didn’t talk about their relationship at all for a full volume, and then had a nonconsensual kiss handled worse than the Kataang kiss in Ember Island Players. I’m glad there haven’t been any Romantic Plot Tumors in RWBY, but something would be nice. Or just don’t bring it up at all if you’re never going to develop the relationships.
- Sibling relationships--Yang and Ruby were great as sisters in the early volumes, but lately it’s just been Yang deciding to yoke herself to Ruby’s judgement, until suddenly she’s not anymore. I feel like they barely talked in Volume 7.
- Villains--If Salem wants to kill everyone and collect the Relics, why hasn’t she? She’s invincible! Ozai at least was still human, but he left to handle things himself as soon as he got a power-up. More vaguely, I just find Avatar’s villains more interesting than RWBY’s most of the time.
I’m aware that some/most of these are unfair. It’s more intended as an incoherent rambling to get my views out of my head than as any sort of persuasive argument.
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