#imagine them forming a team tho
episims · 9 months
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Becca "Oh, maybe Irida could join our double games-"
Ruby "It's been a while since we've had those!"
Becca "Cloud has a spare partner, anyway."
Sara "Hey, I could join, too! You play in that hangar, right?"
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Becca "In the same you used to always sing in when you were a child."
Irida *chuckles* "How cute!"
Sara "Seriously, mom??"
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Sara "The guest bathroom is downstairs, if you took a wrong turn or something."
Irida "Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy."
Sara "Nono, it's fine! That's another bathroom there, it's just messy."
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Irida "Tch... here I wander like your house was a labyrinth. Must be living in a trailer."
Sara "Oh my watcher, you live there?? I used to live there as a kid, too! I literally slept in the kitchen."
Irida "Ah...! You must be a good sleeper if you didn't mind the generator noise."
Sara "Daaaamn, I had forgotten! Haha. I was so used to it that when we moved here, I had trouble sleeping without it."
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Sara "You know, would be kinda cool to see what the place looks like nowadays."
Irida "You're welcome to visit if you wish! Although I must warn you that my roommate is, hmm. A tad cranky."
Sara "Nah, it can't be that bad. You're so nice, I can't imagine you'd be together with a total ass."
Irida "Oh... not together, no. We're strictly colleagues! In fact, it's been a while since I dated anyone."
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halflifebutawesome · 4 months
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BEHOLD! FOR THE SECOND TIME, THE GBVRAI LINEUP! now with another weird old dude!
waves my hands around vaguely I wanted to make a nicer looking lineup and more coherent post actually explaining the au. I've now made 2 gbvrai lineups but never a plain old hlvrai lineup. Whatever.
There's a complete AU explanation and individual character profiles (?) under the cut! check it out! ASK ME ABOUT IT !!! SMILES!!!!!
The basic gist of this au is that the science team, are a group of ghost hunting paranormal researchers. The Ghostbusters. You mightve heard of them. This isn't a 1 for 1 au where certain characters take the role of others, it's more just. What if the science team existed in the Ghostbusters universe. They're just the Ghostbusters now.
On a particularly odd case, they bust a ghost that seems... off. It's sentient, it's talking back, and it's psychokinetic energy is off the charts.
Thinking nothing of it, they return to the firehouse and prep the trap for containment disposal. Gordon's the new guy, so he's the unlucky dude who's been assigned the job of disposing of the traps. All the while the ghost will NOT shut up. It's weirdly powerful and seems mostly unbothered. It's name is Benry, and he's a little freak.
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the ghost containment unit has been unstable for a while, overfilled with ghosts, but they have to dispose of Benry somehow, so they go ahead with it.
In this AU I'm kind of combining the Resonance Cascade with the Manhattan Crossrip (the Manhattan crossrip is the big scary ghost event that happens at the end of GB1). Basically what happens is that Benrys weirdly powerful ghostly energy, combined with an unstable ghost containment unit, tears a big rip in the fabric between the ghost realm and ours, letting all sorts of ghouls and specters free.
Imagine the Resonance Cascade, with all the aliens getting out and ravaging Black Mesa, but it's a bunch of ghosts getting out and ravaging New York. Gordon and the rest of the team have to fight their way through the ghost filled streets of NYC, and close the crossrip.
Heres some closeups and more individual info/thoughts for the gang!!
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GORDON FREEMAN! The new guy. Again, this is less a direct 1 for 1 swap au kind of deal, and more just putting these guys in situations. Gordon's HEV suit, tho, I wanna talk about.
In Ghostbusters canon, they DO have a weird fucked up hazard suit. It first appears in the TRGB episode "Xmas Marks The Spot", where Egon uses it to travel into the ghost realm. I know it makes another appearance in the comics, in a way that's more HEV-esque, but I never finished the comics so idk. It's real tho.
I imagine here that the ghost containment unit is more like the reactor in half life, where it's hazardous to be around for too long, probably bcos of like. I don't know. Concentrated psychokinetic energy. Sure. In any case he needs to wear the HEV to use the containment unit.
My design here is taking the chest piece, helmet, gloves and belts and modifying them to look a little more HEV-esque.
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Bennyyyy. Benrey benry beny. He's a ghost, as far as they can tell. It would be more appropriate to call him an entity of sorts.
He's not a ghost simply for the fact that he wasn't ever human. He wasn't ever a living person that died. He's some pure, really powerful, concentrate entity/being that leaked through from the ghost realm. He looks like. A guy, for the most part, but he's a mimic. Something pretending to be human. He's been around for a while, and has settled into this form. He's mostly corporeal, but can phase in and out as he pleases (noclipping) Switching from corporeal/incorporeal when it's funny.
He met Tommy when they were both a lot younger, Benry being fresh out of the ghost realm, and have been bestfriends ever since. ☝️ my au my weirdly specific tommybenny dynamic. Dw about it
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TOMMY & SUNKIST!!!! Tommy has grown up around ghosts his whole life, and is pretty in-tune with them. This is proven with his bond to Sunkist, who's decidedly not a real dog, and his longtime friendship with Benry.
I gave him the goggles cos. Tommy's my fave and Ray's my fave and I think they're fun. Also cos if it WAS a 1 to 1 swap I would def have Tommy as Ray. Anyway. He's been a part of the Ghostbusters since he was little, like I said he grew up with them and around them. He's really knowledgeable about ghost types and physics. He knows all the ghost rules.
Sunkist isn't like. His dead childhood dog cos that seems. Kind of sad. Instead she's kind of a church Grimm or hell hound. An entity taking the form of a big huge dog that Tommy befriended when he was a kid, and has now kind of bonded to him. She's pretty corporeal as far as ghosts go, and can interact w the physical environment pretty well.
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DARNOLD ^^ my friend darnold. Darnolds not usually super involved in the actual ghostbusting, and prefers to stay behind. He's more of the research and tech kind of guy, he studies the readings and takes measurements.
He's interested in psychokinetic energy and ghost residue and all sorts of like. Ghost sciences. Why some people stay behind, why some people just seem to die and disappear, the properties of the ghost realm and the ghosts themselves. Corporeality and degradation of personhood the longer someone's been a ghost.
When the Resonance Crossrip happens, he opts to stay behind and observe the effects of the insane amounts of ghost energy on the corporeal world.
Hes also a transfer over from the ghost engineers! That's a fun thing for me. I love the ghost engineers idc frozen empire gave me everything I wanted
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FORZEN. Forzen is... the same thing as Benry. A mimic, something taking the form of a normal ghost to blend in or hide in plain sight.
He came through with the Resonance Crossrip, but obviously like. He knew Benry before (we WERE bestfriends..). He's not as powerful, which is why he wasn't able to sneak through when Benry did. He's also not super corporeal. He can only interact with the physical world if he's exerting a LOT of energy. Prone to flickering in and out of vision.
Upon coming thru the Crossrip, he kind of just. Decided to hang around the firehouse. Didn't wanna go much further, for fear of being ghostbusted and sent back into the containment unit. The source is the last place they'd look for him!
Darnold, who's holed up in the firehouse, is more than delighted to meet a ghost who's sentient and willing to cooperate to do some tests and experimentation to get never before documented results. They bond and they're cutesit. ☝️ DARZEN WIN. hi splash 👋
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Dr Coomer and Dr Bubby are two of the three original founders of the Ghostbusters! They've been around for a looooong time. They're also married obviously but that's like a given.
They helped found the Ghostbusters, having met in college while both were studying parapsychology. I imagine their like. Parapsychology -> Ghostbusters pipeline was very in line with how GB1 starts, where they used to work in an academic environment before getting kicked out and founding the GB.
They're also both. Psychic. Because frozen empire has once again given me everything. Coomers got some like. Idk something that lines up with his self awareness in HLVRAI, maybe prophecy? Vauge visions of the future? Bubby has pyrokinesis. Duh.
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and... Mr. Coolatta..... Tommy's dad...he was one of the founders along w Coomer and Bubby and at some point he. Died. And is now a reeeally really powerful ghost. maybe from the exposure to ghost energy or smth?
Now hes got gman powers and just kinda hangs around. Pretty corporeal and solid and. Present. For lack of a better word. But he IS a dead guy. Used to be human.
This is why Tommy kind of grew up around ghosts and knows alot about them :) Mr Coolatta is pretty benevolent, and mostly just kind of spooky and fucked up.
And that's. About it? I believe?? PLEAAASE ASK ME QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS I have so many thoughts. I've been working on this for like 2 months now. Lol.
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puppetwoman17 · 4 months
Justice Lords scenario with Captain Marvel as the fallen teammate.
He’s the League’s designated little brother. Always there with a smile. Always brightening up their gloomy days. Always reminding them why they fight so hard to keep their world safe. It doesn’t matter how invincible he is in his champion form, they can’t help but worry.
So when something does happen, you know shit’s about to go down. That boy was like the son most of them never had. They watched him grow up. And they could’ve watched him do so much more.
The Justice lords begin their takeover of the entire world in the name of bringing everyone together. They think it’s what Billy would’ve wanted. Diana even starts consorting with the gods, doing everything she can to bring her brother back to life. They, of course, want their champion nowhere near the dumpster fire that was his home. Yeah, he’s staying far away from his old team.
For some reason, tho, Fawcett city is untouchable. It’s not trapped in any kind of dome, but not even Superman can get in there without being shocked by Lightning. Fawcett citizens tell them it’s a sign that Cap would’ve never agreed to this, but he brushes them off.
I’m just imagining the Billys of other universes feeling their counterpart die and shrugging because it almost always happens. One of them might get curious and come over. And then he see the statues. And the banners. And the holidays named after him. And the military weapons named after him.
All he can think is: Shit, this is actually worse. I think I liked it better when no one cared.
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serxinns · 8 months
Mocha bunny reader Headcanons!
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A yandere class 1a (plus maybe some teachers) x reader
This fic was inspired by my beloved friend and mom @lady-ashfade and her strawberry bunny reader here
Info: Your quirk was a bunny but you were a mocha bunny your ability was speed, Strength in both arms and legs , amazing sense of smell and have super hearing and sharp claws you have 3 forms your normal form (basically a human form) your rabbit form when ur basically a whole rabbit and a gremlin form when ur half rabbit half bun but is smol
•Your classmates are obsessed and abored with everything you do they instantly fell in love with the 1st sight of you
•They would fight over about who would pet your ears or touch your fur or even your little tail (you bite denki hard for pulling it)
• Izuku would research about bunnies and you and would ask you millions of questions about you and the bunnies Ochako and mina would pinch your cheeks too hard which u had to told them off about but dismissed cause you were too cute at times but if you actually wanted them to back off they'll pout whenever you did something cute in front of bakugo he will either call you carrot muncher or cotton bitch and blushes to look away
•You and kota and also kota's bunny are bestie in when nobody is around you and kotas bunny will talk about EVERYTHING even bunny related stuff how hard it is and what delicious food are there
Kota's rabbit: *Speaks,
Reader in the bunny form: THATS WHAT IM SAYING these people have no respect for bunnies
Kotas rabbit: squeak
Reader: Woah woah that's some strong language you have
there dude don't let your owner hear that
•Kota is like your mom's friend since he knows EVERYTHING about rabbits he makes sure you eat the food you need and make sure to slow you down on treats he even makes izukus job easier don't be surprise if these two team up
•Sato will still make sweets for pastries for you but puts ingredients and stuff you like or ur tolerable with and out bunny like puns on there
•Aizawa is the only person you can trust to be in your bunny form he would invite you to cuddle in his sleeping bag or create a best by him so y'all can sleep and cuddle with each other whenever your classmates are overwhelming you Aizawa will lecture the students whenever they give you a hard time
•Mic will make sure to lower his voice because of your sensitive hearing he will make funny bunny puns at you which you'll groan at but he doesn't care he'll spoil you with gifts and hugs and he's VERY overprotective if anyone talk to you in a mean way their eardrums are about to be broken beyond repair
• Mirko is just in AWE she's so glad there's another person with a rabbit-like quirk so it's easier for her to teach you her skills she'll always give you tips about your abilities and encourage you to use every one of them she also give you tips about being a bunny hybrid
Bonus headcanons
•When your Classmates discover you make little squeaks in your sleep the class was holding their selves BACK from either squealing or screaming they all whisper and yelled at themselves to be quiet some tried pulling out their phone but Iida warned them not to since the flash were alert you awake
•Mirko LOVES to talk about you everywhere from her fans to her coworkers even to the number 1 hero Shes always mentions you she even imagines you working at her agency when you grow up you in a copy of her hero costume she's just dying of cuteness
•Denki and Seek love using cheesy bunny flirts to tease you which makes them giggle every time it gets annoying when they spam text over it (denki)
•You and Tsuyu are besties you both chat about your favorite foods and facts about your quirks y'all exchange baby photos of each other and Tsuyu is just dying when she sees you in a cute outfit ur little ears perk up your cute smiling face showing your little tail she keeps these photos to her self tho
•tokoyami is also a great person to hang out as well the two of you would often hang out at a park he would always get nervous about asking you questions that are bunny related afraid that he'll might say something offensive (poor bb) he even let's you sleep in his dorm room whenever you wanted to et sway from your classmates overbearing nature he would even bring snacks for you
•The bakusquad and dekusquad fight over who gets to baby you more which turns into a war when the other students join in Shoji says he wants a turn with you Momo offers to go shopping with her while Hakagure tries to steal you away and attempts to run off it was chaos in the end Aizawa heard and they all got detention while Aizawa was comforting you putting you in your bunny form while having a proud smirk on his face
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honeynclove · 6 months
twst pokemon teams - diasomnia
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Lilia’s Noivern isn’t cropped properly don’t point it out or I might cry… same as ignihyde I can’t form new coherent thoughts so u guys r getting my Pinterest thoughts from when I first made these
lilia vanrouge
thoughts: original idea was fairy/dark types with the exception of the bat pkmn, but sneasler i added bc hisuian pkmn r a few milenia old just like lils <3 and after that i just lost the theming lmao, most of what i picked was based on vibes alone and i think they fit fairly well?
sebek zigvolt
thoughts: ELLLEEETRIC POKEMONNNN. also i think lilia gave him a toxel as a kid ☝️☝️ i made a note to give first years unevolved pkmn EXCEPT for Sebek bc i think hed be training since a kid n Ortho bc hes not human and can get away w it. him n silver’s pkmn playfully fight all the time n sebek gets onto em for it
thoughts: i didnt have a specific typing in mind, my thoughts were just what pre evo pokemon could i see him befriending in the woods as a child and just went with that. Tho, with Corviknight i picked because of the knight theming, and Shiny Sylveon (my fav pkmn!!!) bc it reminded me of Aurora’s dress in Sleeping Beauty, and Galarian Rapidash because Silver’s in the equestrian club (and im saving reg rapidash for another character) I specifically see his sylveon as his ace pkmn and it would be common to see them walking around w the sylveon’s feelers wrapped around his arm in case he falls asleep at a poor time + imagined his whole team snuggling with him if he’d fall asleep in a safe area/guarding him in a less safe one. Idk. Also his team all really likes Lilia and Malleus too <3 Except for his Sylveon Whom Just Glares at the Big dragon Man 😭
malleus draconia
thoughts: dragon types 👍
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sexydoffyman · 9 months
Ik it's like many days from now but for the age gap could you do price👀?
(x male)
With soft gentle smut, nothing too wild, a bit of angst, and lots of fluff
Please and thank youuuu
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day 29 - AGE GAP
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John Price
male reader
genre: smut
A/N: Sorry for the late post. Also, didn't know how to add angst in there, but I can make a new fic with some fluff and angst.
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You were quite a young lad to join such a dangerous task force as the 141, but you were exceptionally skilled. Price has a tendency to adopt strays to his team. People who don't really fit anywhere. People who joined the military in search of a way to forget their past.
Laswell saw your file and immediately knew that you'd be the kind of person John would want. He was given your files first, getting scared that Laswell would even think of putting someone so young to such a dangerous task.
She only asked him to go see you for himself. He did as she told him and understood. You were a balloon packed with emotions that were ready to come out in the form of fuel to your never-ending energy. He had seen a lot of soldiers who had been bottling up their emotions, but none of them were able to use them in such a creative way.
He took a liking to you, and eventually, you were assigned to the task force. You weren't all cold. You just needed your time to find out if you want to be around a certain person or not.
You warmed up to them and were happy that you could share a laugh with someone. Although you loved it there, you noticed a certain someone staring in a different way than others. John was staring at you like he wanted to spend the night with you.
It amused you for many reasons. You never imagined that he'd be gay, but what was bugging you a little more than that was his age. You were in the belief that older men liked more mature people than people like you. You chuckled at the fact that John had a taste for the young blood.
Thanks to your young spirit, you decided to fuck with him a little. Giving him smiles every now and then. Patting him on the shoulder more often. And touching his hand, then winking at him when you were in the mood.
He realised what you were doing pretty quickly. He was a little annoyed, but holy shit, you don't know what you're doing to him. He is unable to focus with his hard-on. He has you on his mind almost all the time.
You enjoyed every second of it. That playful young mind inside of you wanted more. You wanted him to do something. Anything. You didn't want it you needed it. You wanted him to flirt back. Or to order you to fuck off.
It was excruciating that you weren't able to get a single reaction out of him. And at the same time, it made you want to chase your goal harder. You were really ambitious when it came to Price. You were chasing his approval like you chased the approval from your dad. The one you never truly got.
He noticed your chase and found it strangely adorable. Even tho he always gave you the cold shoulder, you never gave up. That was what attracted him the most.
It was a cold night, a very cold night. The heating system at the smaller base where you and the task force were stationed was broken. Hell, it probably never worked in the first place.
You were just at the smoke pit alone. You held a cigarette in your fingers and sat there on a rusty old guardrail. You were looking deep into the cold, dark night. You suddenly heard his voice.
"Aint ya too young for that?" He asked in a cocky tone. You ignored him completely which was fairly surprising since normally you'd be going at him already.
He observed you. You were shivering and all you wanted to do was to find a warm place to rest. He sat down next to you, flicking the cigarette out of your hand. You looked at him annoyed and he just laughed.
"You cold?" He asked you as if it wasn't obvious. You rolled your eyes to which he responded "I can make you warm." He even whispered it. That asshole. You shivered as a blush appeared on your face. You never expected him to make the first move. You were the one who always went to lick his feet.
You finally understood. He enjoyed it. Before you could think about it more he got up and said "Common now." He walked away and you ran after him, trying to catch up.
You were in front of his room, which he opened for you to get in. You waited for him to get in, not wanting to be rude. "Common, don't be shy." He was always able to turn people's actions against them due to his profession. What was different was that it wasn't him being an asshole. It was more of a teasing way.
You sat on his bed, and he sat next to you. You were still shivering, unable to control your body. He found a perfect opportunity to act. He pulled you down on the bed, pulling a blanket over you. He warmed you up by rubbing his hand on your arms.
The blanket caught the heat, and since you didn't want to be cold again, you were basically stuck with him. Not that you minded it or anything. He pulled you into his embrace, his hand exploring your thighs.
It got hotter very quickly. You decided to also make a move rather than just staying completely still. You moved your leg for him to have better access to you. He immediately took the hint and went for your belt.
He softly unbuckled your pants and put his hand inside them, feeling around your boxers. He played with you, and you could do nothing, then melt into his arms. He knew what he was doing. He doubled you in age, after all. (I believe his cannon age is 35, but let's pretend that he's 40+. Just for the sake of the fic.)
He knew right where to touch you, using only your almost unnoticeable reactions. He used his leg to pull your pants down completely and moved on top of you. He put his fingers under the waistband of your boxers, lifting them up.
"You ever done this before, darlin~?" You shook your head. You weren't a virgin, but this was your first time with a man, so you didn't know what to expect.
He chuckled, whispering "Tell me when it hurts." He said it like he knew it was not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. You got prepared with his statement.
He pulled down your boxers and unbuckled his own belt. You tried looking him in the eyes since you didn't want to make things awkward. He teased you, "You sure you don't wanna take a look?" You eventually beat yourself to look down, seeing his size. You got startled but remained courageous.
He slipped into you, thrusting lightly. You expected a lot, but you never imagined this. He stretched you perfectly. He pushed his body down onto yours, whispering "Good boy~" and groaning every so often.
You finally understood. Price was waiting for this moment.
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11queensupreme11 · 27 days
AB Percy in The Little Mermaid :
Percy as Ariel (girl just wants to go up to the surface world and be with her beau 😭)
Poseidon as King Triton (definitely won’t let girlie go to the surface world “it’s too dangerous Ariel”)(precedes to lock her in the palace)
Prince Eric as Anthonius (this is the human she has fallen in love with and wants to date)
Ursula as Beelzebub (will do everything in his power to prevent Ariel (Percy) and Eric (Anthonius) from getting together and becoming end game
Sebastian as Proteus (just wants to serve his king and protect his charge—the lovable but kinda slow Ariel—from the “evil” humans)
Flounder as Grover (he’s just a gullible, sweetheart looking for his chaotic bestfriend whose trapped in another universe🥺)
Scuttle as Adamas (a loud moron but has nothing but good intentions towards his niece and just wants her to be happy)
P.S. Apollo, Loki, Hades, Anubis, Cu, and Poseidon are also close contestants for the Ursula spot since they also which to break up Perthonius (Ariel and Eric) but—plot twist—it’s so that they can all become Ariel’s psychotic Eric (…once the OG Eric is DEAD asf!!)
RIP Eric u will be missed 🥺😢
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if you go back to chapter 21 "the devil is my part-time babysitter" i wrote:
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and also when they do the whole "kiss the girl" scene where ursula sends her two eels to make sure they don't kiss, i can imagine all the yans actually working together for once to try and make sure she and anthonius never kiss, not because the kiss means she wins the deal, but solely because they're just too jealous and possessive 😭
also, you know that scene where ursula turns into vanessa to enchant eric and steal him from ariel???? there's no damn way beelzebub would EVER turn into a woman to seduce anthonius, but i can see loki taking one for the team only for THIS scene to happen between him and percy (and percy doesn't know that she's actually loki, just knows that there's a rando woman trying mind-control anthonius and we all know how protective she gets when it comes to her loved ones):
and even tho that plan failed, the yans would just take a step back and let it happen because "whoops loki's getting beat up, oh well, back to the drawing board men!" 😭😭
it's just basically all of them doing their damnest to prevent perthonius from happening while also trying not to get caught by percy (i know some yans wouldn't bother being discreet, but let's just pretend for the sake of the AU) 💀💀
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eisa-core · 9 months
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SEVENTEEN's signature chase game 'HIDE N SEEK' is back 🤫
???: isn't it like... better than 'MOUSEBUSTERS?'
What awaits at the end after a crazily genius round of hiding and seeking? 😎
[Rules] - [Divide into two teams of six and switch roles for each round]
The first team had been formed, Dino as leader only had the support of Daisy while the others (Minghao, Woozi, Mingyu, Seokmin, Vernon) were forced to join. Never a day will pass where Daisy and Dino do not play each other's wingman.
«We will definitely win» - The opposing team led by Seungkwan was already starting to provoke Dino. «I don't know what it is but I get competitive with him» - Dino rolled his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders, starting a typical BooChan scene in GoSe.
At the beginning of the first round Dino and the "Not Logical" team had to deal with hiding objects and then finding the hiding team.
«Is it camouflage?» - Mingyu was trying to hide the megaphone as best he could. «It sticks out tho» - Daisy had joined him in hiding the objects, as well as Vernon who was standing next to the two of them. «Yeah it's too clean, clean and new» - Mingyu was holding the object, squaring its details until he pressed the power button which made, of course, noise.
«What's wrong with you?» - Vernon and Daisy said in unison, giving a side-eye to Mingyu who stood still to take the rebukes of the other two. Daisy hurriedly went to hide other random items: a poster board, a stuffed animal, a pillow. «Guys, it's time to go» - Dino shouted as soon as the staff began to keep track of the time available before the offense team Hot Pack advanced in looking for the items, but also to hide.
«Do you think they will find the objects?» - Minghao asked while waiting for the opposing team to hide. «I don't think so, Woozi and I did our best» - «Me too!» - Mingyu added, catching his second side-eye of the day.
«Okay, let's go! No wait, Daisy and Mingyu stay here with me, without fighting, the others will do all the work. You know, the beauty of having so many members» - Dino lay down in one of those lounge chairs inside this huge indoor playground, with Daisy on his right and Mingyu on his left, while the others split up to look for members of the opposing team.
«There's one there» - Daisy had seen very well one of the boys hiding behind some bushes and pointed him out without much gesture to Dokyeom who had approached them. «He's hiding there» - She continued to give directions. Do you want to know on whom? Jeonghan. He was hiding but knew he had been seen and begged for silence and not to go chasing after him.
[It's so good to see you]
«Should we chase him?» - Dokyeom looked at the three members who were relaxing. «No, leave him» - Dino replied as he closed his eyes, thus not seeing that Daisy and Dokyeom had already set off running in hopes of catching Jeonghan. «My soldiers are working hard» was the last thing he said before the shift ended. [Creative and funny moments].
[Round 2]
«I need to warm up» - Minghao said as he waited for the other team to hide the items, already inventing a way not to be found. He got under a box, all crouched down. «He fits!» - «He looks like a luggage!» - The others laughed at his choice of imaginative hiding while Daisy covered her face in embarrassment. He's her boyfriend after all. «I'll try it» - Minghao chuckled and once the go to hide had been given, he took Daisy by the hand wanting her help. «Put the box on me please» - They were close to Wonwoo who, unable to play, also laughed at the hiding places. «Alright, don't let them find you right away» [Spoiler: he is found right away] - Daisy placed the box on him not before giving him a kiss hidden by the cameramen.
«Why am I so happy about this?» - Daisy jumped as she looked for a good hiding place; She enjoyed games like that. She initially decided to hide by crouching behind a pillar, but once Joshua found Minghao she changed her mind.
She sat in the chairs placed next to Wonwoo, where those who were found also sat, including not only Minghao, but also Dino, DK, and Woozi: They had no hope of winning. «Did they find you?» - Minghao turned to her mimicking the words, since Jeonghan was there to guard them, but she waved off. «I'm hungry» - so she pretended to be caught by sitting there. «Want some?» - The guard Jeonghan pulled out some chips from his pocket which Daisy took in her hand to open but met Dino's gaze. «Give it to me» - «Here you go boss» - Daisy laughed and then Dino in turn handed the chips to Minghao, who had a lost look. «You take it» - Dino laughed even more and at that moment Daisy decided to release everyone by touching her hand first to Minghao's [A free woman] [Freedom is contagious] «You're free! You haven't got me yet!» - «Get her!» - Jeonghan shouted shocked at being teased.
- [Staff] «Here are the final results»
[Team Hot Pack 1pt; Team Not Logical 0pt]
«Team Hot Pack won against Team Not Logical» - Seungkwan was all too pleased to have defeated Dino after nearly 3 hours of recording. «Too bad» - «We tried so hard actually» - «Knew it» - were the comments of DK, Minghao and Mingyu instead. But not Daisy.
After the recording was finally over, and everyone had gone to take off their microphones and change, she approached Kim Hyunseok, the director of Going Seventeen. «Hyunseok-nim, I heard things earlier: when I was hiding, Jeonghan and Hoshi were talking about photos they took but airdropped with each other! Please check them I swear I heard so but don't tell them now or they will torture me all the time!!!» - What Daisy had heard was true, she was also conflicted about unmasking them during the announcement of the results but it was already funny to her that way!
What will happen to the Seungkwan Team after the spy reveals these secrets?
ー☆ ͏
oc's masterlist.
going seventeen.
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asarajaa · 5 months
hi sarah 🥰
it’s so hard to find regular blue lock writers omg
can i make a request? it’s alright if you can’t tho
can i request the reader meeting chigiri’s mother and sister after the u20 match? i feel like it’d be so funny bc they kinda embarrassed him during the match by calling out to him lmao 😭
imagine him getting embarrassed by them in front of his gf (who they didn’t know about until they saw her at the u20 match, she’s like the manager of bllk) and he tries to drag her away but ends up getting teased by his sister 🥰
Hii, ikr? I'm dying to find a good bllk ffc author 😩
Just woke up, had breakfast and went straight on it 🫡
Hope you like it!
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Warnings: Implied fem!reader Words: 627 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
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The stadium buzzed with excitement as the U-20 match between Blue Lock and their rivals reached its climax. Chigiri's performance on the field was incredible, his skill and determination evident with every move. Meanwhile, in the stands, you watched intently, the official manager of Blue Lock, cheering on the team you had grown so close to.
As the match concluded with Blue Lock's victory, the players celebrating in the field with the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd as background. You couldn't be more proud of them, a bunch of teenager boys- your teenager boys- just win against profesional team. Chigiri, in the middle of celebreting his win with his teamates, locked eyes with you.
You smiled brightly, so brightly that your watery eyes were half-closed by your big smile. Chigiri start running at your spot in the stands, ready to start a conversation with you.
"Hey, we win" he said breathlessly, a broad smile on his face as he reached you.
"I know, baby! You did it so well I'm so proud of you!" you replied with enthusiasm, jumping to give him a big bear hug. "You guys did it! You guys won- and you're my guys! My boyfriend just won against Japans u-20!
Chigiri just laughed as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around.
Before your conversation could continue, a voice interrupted from behind. "Chigiri!"
Letting you down, you turned around and you saw a woman approaching, her features mirroring Chigiri's in a softer, maternal way. Beside her was a younger girl, who bore a striking resemblance to Chigiri.
"Mom, Sis," Chigiri exclaimed, a mix of delight and apprehension in his voice.
His mother's eyes twinkled with pride. "You were amazing out there, sweetie! We're so proud of you."
Chigiri's sister nodded in agreement, but whe her gaze shifted to you she grinned mischievously. "And who's this? You're not gonna introduce her to us?" she asked, her tone playful.
Chigiri's cheeks reddened slightly. "Uh, this is y/n," he introduced, glancing at you nervous but happily. "She's the team manager... and my girlfriend." He ended up with a big soft smile
Both his mother and sister looked pleasantly surprised. "Oh, we didn't know you had a girlfriend!" his mother exclaimed, her smile widening.
"And a beautiful one!" his sister continued while she gave you a smile. "Damn, Chigiri," she teased, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You never told us you had such good taste in girlfriends."
Chigiri's embarrassment finally showed, and he tried to subtly nudge you away. "Mom, Sis-please." he muttered.
Chigiri's face turned an even brighter shade of red, much to the amusement of his family. You couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before you.
"It's a pleasure finally meeting you, Chigiri has told me a lot of things about you." You decided to step in, giving them a little but a respectful bow.
His mother beamed. "Well, it's lovely to finally meet you too. You must come over for dinner sometime."
"Who knew that the boy who used to make dance shows for his family would get a girlfriend? Where did our little singer, dancer and hairdresser go huh?" His sister said teasing.
Chigiri shot you an imploring look, silently begging for some form of rescue. But his sister only grinned wider, clearly enjoying her older brother's predicament.
As you exchanged pleasantries with Chigiri's family, you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for this young man who had captured your heart. Despite his embarrassment, seeing him interact with his loved ones-and knowing you're one of them made your heart skipped a beat- filled you with warmth. Maybe, just maybe, these unexpected family encounters would be a new chapter in your relationship with Chigiri—a chapter that both of you will be expecting with enthusiasm.
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Idk what I just write, I did my best so here you go :)
Please, feel free so send more request! I have a whole month free 'cause I'm getting recovered from a surgery so I have a lot of time.
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
I just thought of the perfect excuse for Wukogn to come down from the mountain in Soft Boiled au! If Yuebei is a ribbondancer, she had to start young. This means Wukong had to enroll her in classes for it at some point. Imagine if, after winning some competition, Yuebei was actually IN the parade as one of the dancers! This means she, unfortunately, was smack dab in the middle of the chaos, hidden behind a glamour. This could be both how her dancing troupe and otber friends finds out about her being a monkey... and the world at large discovering Sun Wukong had a daughter if she hadn't been known about beforehand.
To make things angst, imagine if she had left her asthma inhaler with Wukong so it wouldn't get lost/damaged in the performance. And unlike Redson, Yuebei didn't escape without being captured. Luckily, SQ isn't willing to actually harm a little girl like that, even if she is Wukong's daughter. In fact she finds the fact Yuebei is such a Daddy's Girl and Wukong is so protective of her extremely amusing and kind of sweet! Unfortunately Yuebei ends up having an asthma attack tho, just form a mix of tbe bad quality air in the mech, the excitement and exercise she had, and jsut waking up feeling kinda bad. And since Wukong has the inhaler and both are currently trapped, they have to rely on their captors to be kind enough to get Yuebei her inhaler from Wukong's pocket. And it isn't SQ who is in the room when it happens.
Macaque was spying on them from the shadows and watching as Wukong damn near begged LBD to let him save his little girl, actually crying tears as the bone witch just laughed in his face, not caring about the girl. She grabbed the inhaler andjsut threw it on the ground in front of him, stepping on it, before walking out. Once he was sure LBD was gone, and Wukong was distracted trying to help his daughter and keep her calm, Macaque made his move. The medicine disappears into a shadow portal and Macaque slides out next to Yuebei, inhaler in hand. It's a very tense moment before Macaque proceeds to help Yuebei use said inhaler, but he won't cut them free.
Not without a VERY overdue conversation with his ex.
Oohh that would be so cute <3
Wukong noticed Yuebei's interest in ribbon-dancing a long time ago, and found it a good way to get her to interact with regular kids roughly her age but under supervision. Wukong may be a bit of a helicopter parent, but none of the other guardians or teachers judge him for it when he expains that Yuebei is health-compromised.
Yuebei thinks her dad is super embarassing, sitting on the sidelines with a whole doctor's office in his bag, cheering for her and her group for every bit of progress, bringing fresh fruit for everyone, calling her his little Moonlight - UGH!
But she'd rather have he there and keep going to class than not go at all so...
At New Years, Yuebei's school gets a prestigious role; acting as junior dancers in the parade! They've done competitions and live performances before, but New Years!? :D
Yuebei does not stop fretting about it when she gets home or meets up with the Noodle Gang. She's low-key panicking since it will be her first time in a parade at all. All that anxiety makes her start to wheeze a bit...
So on the evening of New Years; Wukong tells MK to go hang out with his dads and friends for the day - and maybe take a break to watch the parade! MK and Mei are super excited to see Yuebei perform for real, and convince Pigsy to close the food truck for a few minutes when it's time for her school's progression.
Then the spiders attack.
Yuebei is scream-wheezing with anger by now. She's spent days preparing for this parade! How dare these B-Tier villains wreck her and her team's performance!? Nearly aflame with rage, her glamour falls apart, revealing a very familiar-looking monkey demon...
Spider Queen is quick to capture this one, even if the little Monkey Princess is too cute to eat. She's perfect bait for catching her Daddy.
Wukong is captured alongside DBK as in canon, with the addition of Yuebei in the web next to him. Weirdly, the spider mech seems to "glitch out" a bit when it draws energy from her.
As Wukong soothes his crying little girl that it's ok and that they'll make it out of here, he notices how here breathing is Off.
Yuebei's asthma had gotten better as she grew up, but it never went away. And now she was in the midst of a massive attack.
Wukong panics as he struggles to reach for the inhaler in his pocket, gritting his teeth as the contricting webs pull at his strength, still assuring his daughter that everything will be okay.
Then the strange little girl appears... and Wukong pales at the sight of her. He weakly asks for assistance to help his child, only for the Bone Demon to mock him for having "such a weak progeny" and crush the inhaler underfoot. She leaves the room, threatening her future goals.
The other demons in the room now fully realise that Sun Wukong, The Monkey King, is terrified in this moment - terrified for his child's life. Wukong is trying his best not to cry, still trying to keep his daughter calm and breathing, but hope is running thin....
Until a shadow leaks into frame.
Anyone whos broken an inhaler casing will tell you that you can still release the medicine if the cartridge is intact, its just a little awkward.
Macaque fumbles with the cartridge as Wukong instructs him how to use it to help Yuebei, all three monkeys breathing a sigh of relief as the youngest's wheezing calms and breathing steadies.
Macaque is about to ask Wukong a much needed question when DBK manages to break free from his own webbing, terrified for his niece's well-being.
Ripping the webs asunder, DBK brushes the tears from Yuebei's eyes, asking if she's indeed ok before heading out to look for his own child. Wukong thanks his brother sincerely. And thanks Macaque too.
Macaque acts non-chalantly about it, and finally gets to ask;
"Who's kid is this?"
Wukong and Yuebei's faces tells him it's not a question they expected him to ask. Or one they would need an answer for. Macaque mentally panics as he calculates all the similarities between his ex-mate and the little monkey demon he just helped save.
Macaque blinks as the realisation comes to him; "Oh sh-"
And then the gang's airship releases the spider venom antidote throughout the city. More questions for later!
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jazzycarethnot · 2 months
Deadass came up with this in the middle of the night. Decided to post it this morning. Opinions? :3
(Narrator x Glitch! Reader, enemies to ???)
At first, Narrator hates you. He's curious, sure, but- ultimately- he just hates you.
To be fair, you're a glitch. You shouldn't exist. A mistake in the coding that he can't fix no matter how much editing he does.
Imagine your breakdown when you realized (and eventually got over) the fact that your life was a game and also a complete accident. Lol.
Plus the fact that Narrator is constantly trying to delete you. How fun. :D
Oh! And you make the biggest messes!
It's not like you intend to... Well, at least not the first time.
The second time was just to piss him off.
You two hate each other.
Eventually Stanley started up the game and you stood aside to watch for a few routes, to Narrator's relief and suspicion.
You got bored, tho, and started to interfere.
Stanley liked you!
Narrator despised you further.
Your squabbles grew in quantity. Stanley would mentally compare them to an old married couple.
During a particularly bad one, Narrator looked away from him for a second and that's all it took for Stanley to find a weak spot in the game and fall through.
Colossal freak out. Both of you.
Narrator couldn't get him- "human" (for lack of a better word) form, disembodied voice, or otherwise- so you two had to team together.
Not even begrudgingly at the time, you two were to focused on getting your wayward son.
Narrator told you what to expect on the other side and you glitched through.
It was really freaky outside of the map.
You eventually found Stanley though! :3
As soon as you brought him back, you two were nagging him just like the parents y'all basically were.
A developer came around to check the code after hearing of the incident.
Did Narrator hide your existence from them? Yes. So you wouldn't be deleted? No, of course not! It was only to save his pride! What type of expert game maker would mess up so bad as to make a glitch?! Surely not him!
Did you ever find out? Also no.
No reason to pointlessly stress you out, after all. He knows it's an anxiety of yours, you're so obvious with it (but he'll never approach you about it, no, absolutely not).
He doesn't care, though.
Right? Right
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nishnormp · 5 months
cheavy ramblings
Been thinking about the stinky BLU classic heavy from the comics lately. He's basically the villain of the final issues, and was practically built to be unlikeable from the start so his defeat could be more satisfying; buut since its been years since an update came out and I am slowly going insane, I think it would be funky to explore him more (bonus cmedic feature)
Few disclaimers: I'm not excusing his actions (I myself think hes a bitch) and I do NOT ship him with tf2 medic (also I dont think tf2 medic is unmasked cmedic bc 1)why would he sabotage himself in the issues by acting like That 2)uhh reasons later 3)this panel) also some of my takes aren't original, but I've expanded on em a bit
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P1: Medic hater activities
As we all know, cheavy's greatest sin was dunking on + killing tf2 medic
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Somehow he and tfc demo got sidetracked by medic's question, but the most hostile he gets towards tf2 medic here is jeering at the fact that they're going to hunt down his old team; which tf2 medic doesn't seem bothered by.
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( @number1yisuchongfan actually brought this up before me) This panel pretty much sums up why cheavy is pissed: medic was implied to have a record of being weird with parts (he lost his license bc he stole a man's skeleton), he blew ALL of his budget meant for healing on exotic parts (that he put in cheavy's teammates), AND he revived the enemy (said enemy slips away a few panels later just as cheavy gets informed that three of his mercs died).
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(also, the weird p3do tfc scout and soldier arent included in the 'three good men', since they died much later) Speaking of the 'good men' comment-
P2: Good leader at some point?? Not anymore tho
Hes gruff and an ass, but cheavy has a soft spot for his team; the tf2 mercs call each other strictly by their classes, but the tfc ones know each other names (also see cheavy's way of describing his dead teammates and his immediate reaction to go over there rather than curse/assume their incompetence)
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He gets curious about australium, and from here on out he gets fixated on it- enough to be more unreasonable than usual. Cheavy is pretty amicable with Bea, and the way he acts with her is probably more in-character for what he was like back in his prime rather than the hot-tempered man that the later panels show.
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I mean . He and his team were highly recommended and even took out ALL of the admin's elite teams, leaving the tf2 team for last. He may be a drill sergeant, but I don't think he was a genuine tyrant for most of his career; they aren't purely business-basis with each other (some of them formed close bonds, like fred and virgil), plus- any elite team would be able to capitalize on an overly prideful and control freaky leader (+a constantly demoralized team) sooner.
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With three of his mercs dead and his plans failing against a team that he saw as rejects, the mental strain is showing badly. Tfc mercs don't have much personality in their games (or their own comic about them during their prime) but one of the few dynamics mentioned is between the Heavy and the Engineer+Medic. Tfc engie is the one who stepped up to ask about cheavy's plans, and he also gets the brunt of his anger. Earlier, cheavy answered bea's question and encouraged her, but now he's yelling and mocking the capabilities of one of the men he coordinates with the most.
Tfc scout's line may just be him not understanding/underestimating australium (esp since apparently cheavy had to ask grey mann what it even did), but it also reads as him seeing cheavy having officially gone off his rocker; his shaky grasp over leadership might kill the team before being deprived of yellow rocks does. Both scout and engie are thrown off by his attitude, implying that cheavy isn't usually like this (I can't imagine them being coordinated if they all shrimp away like that).
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His line of thinking for both of these situations are pretty questionable. For the first one, he knows that the bots extract australium from the body, but he also knows that the mercs likely have nothing in them anyways (note the emphasis on his dead mercs, this is him taking revenge but also he is NAWT going to get any australium for those extra immortality machines which is still a pressing issue for his engie). In the second one, he first tells medic that they'll try figuring out how to stitch the machine on him, which leads to medic stabbing him and cheavy retaliating. Cheavy then goes all the way with attempting to kill him, stating that he'll just gets his answers from the administrator. Its soon revealed that he wants to fight tf2 heavy, but even that is ??? Like cheavy knows that he and his team are old as hell, but he's going to try having a fair fight with a guy in his prime anyways? He didn't even know that he could just slap on the machine at the time, and the unnecessary risk for what seems to be a quest to satisfy his ego is antithetical to his supposed goal of getting the rocks and making his team immortal. At this point, his hatred of medic has completely overridden his rationality; there were many ways for him to have killed both of them, yet he didn't take em.
P3: Cmedic
I saw some posts abt how cheavy is likely coded as homophobic due to how he treats medic (a presumably gay-coded character) bc of the "stay in the kitchen"-esque dialogue, and the way cheavy undermines him in verbal + physical ways. I do not have a very solid defense for this . aside from everything I listed before.
Just to clarify, I think its cheavy's fault for alienating medic from the start: loss of medical license aside, medic's inventions DO work splendidly for healing. Would it have been more concerning since medic is . meant to heal? Maybe. But mercs are literal murderers for hire, personality quirks should be the last of their priorities. The guy is passionate about showing off his stuff, and he was even enthusiastic about getting on the battlefield and healing cheavy. I'm not saying medic was going to be 100% loyal, but he's willing to do his job for the classics as long as he wasn't disrespected so damn much.
The tfc mercs with personalities are ones that oppose their tf2 counterpart; tfc sniper is a sadist rather than a swift professional, tfc pyro is...also a sadist rather than having tf2 pyro's misguided bubbliness, and cheavy does not respect his team's (current) medic. This in conjunction with the complete and utter lack of not just presence but also mention of tfc medic leads to the popular belief that the guy just up and left because of the disrespect.
(Writing inconsistencies be damned I like to cope) so what if it wasn't the case?
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These are one of the few lines in tfc that describe a cooperative nature between certain classes. Like I mentioned earlier, tfc has less media compared to tf2 so its easy to slot personalities onto them as villains (tfc sniper's gun blowing people into giblets kinda helps), but I don't think these can be ignored. Fred was the one who represented the rest of the team's opinions to cheavy, and the phrasing in the second pic is even stronger; the heavymedic duo was always a thing, even in tfc.
Sort of. Gameplay-wise, cmedic is more like a roided out scout armed with a medkit that can give enemies and disguised spies tuberculosis, grenades that can send him across the map, and a gun that can destroy sentries (situational). He doesn't need to cling to his more offensive teammates as much as tf2 medic, and while his kit can instantly heal a teammate to full no matter the percentage + give overheal- its strictly melee ranged and has no ubercharge. In a narrative sense, cmedic would most likely oppose tf2 medic as a more 'grounded' healer. He prevents damage to his team by erasing enemies himself, doesn't go too overboard with his biochemical arsenal (his brew is potent but hes stuck with the melee-ranged kit and no crazy mechanic like uber), and can typically run off by himself (provided he isn't jumped by two soldiers or smth). Its a matter of game design, but can translate to the comics in an interesting way.
Medic is the only one who speaks of cmedic, and while the mention itself has no violent reaction- no one else speaks of him. I can't imagine him being easily forgotten since the heavymedic duo is just too iconic, so what if smth exceptionally horrible just happened to him? If cmedic was close to cheavy than everyone else, his loss/disappearance could explain cheavy's immediate dislike for tf2 med; not only replacing his own med, but with the complete opposite in terms of personality as well.
(I could expand on cmedic more, but this post is already long enough as is so I'll probably just make a separate one gah)
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cak3o · 7 months
quick question (pun intended, even though I’m not asking abt him XD) what is Shadow Man’s role/personality like in your AU? From what I’ve seen, it’s like he’s pretty young and Top Man is kind of his friend? Guardian?
Hiiiiiii, ur ask got me so excited I yelled in my car on my way home from work/so so so positive
So. The 3 bots!!! They are so so cute to me (I call everything cute) because I love that they were made to function specifically as a team! A team to travel space together and mine power crystals?? They are so fun.
After the events of the 3rd game (which I will. Hopefully draw out one day) the 3 bots actually get to do their job!!! (After a lot of convincing from dr.light to the government or w/e that these robots will not go rogue again.)
Top (the leader), Needle, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Snake and Gemini all travel into space in a giant ship (I like to imagine they reused gamma in some way for this…I haven’t drawn it out yet tho) and investigate interstellar power sources!
Their missions are going great and their reports back to Light are pretty normal! Until…
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During one if his expeditions, Top stumbles upon an injured robot…in the middle of space??
Concerned, they take him back to their ship where he quickly charms the entire crew with his odd personality and adowable face. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s super excited to meet everyone, especially Top.
Eventually, they go back home to Earth and bring the mystery robot to Doctor Light but for some reason-
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They have *absolutely* not clue what the hell he’s made out of. Although he has the looks of a robot, he seemingly doesn’t have any actually mechanical components! Anytime they try to get a reading on what’s goin on in there, the images come out blurry and weird. Light worries about what would happen if Wily heard about this mysterious life form….(spoiler alert. He totally hears about it later)
In the meantime, the 3 bots offer to keep an eye on him. Light allows it, and thus, we have the final full 3rd group!
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With a great team spirit and hardworking attitudes the 3 bots have a bit more spice added to their lives with the addition of “Shadowman”! Named such due to his tendency to hide behind others like a shadow :^3
It must’ve been fate that lead them to each other…
Or was it?
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(Spoiler. It wasn’t)
Anyways. TLDR- yes, Top is like a guardian of sorts for Shadow lmao. He found a weird space baby and said “yeah, I’ll adopt him.” Little did he know that the space baby had this all planned from the beginning.
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OK OK HEAR ME OUT, tav/reader/whatev and haarlep tormenting raphael.. bonus points if reader is his own warlock. and by "tormenting" i mean tying him up and double teaming him :3 what does he have horns for if not to be used as handlebars...also i think haarlep would enjoy oral from him if not just for the power dynamic. bc raphael only cares about his own pleasure so why would he give them oral.
bonus bonus points if aftercare cuddles!! being half human i think he would yearn for non sexual physical touch but in a sick and twisted and evil way. but he would be too embarrassed to ask for anything like that. he is like a cat. I want to see him give in to the dark side... (receive cuddles) (even tho he doesnt deserve it)
i imagined this as reader/tav having a wiener/strap and being nonbinary (toootally not my own tav haha whatttt) but id love to see what u decide to write if you want to make anything out of this idea!!
gn tav, he/him for haarlep
“So…what are we thinking?” The demon croons. He's a wicked creature. Tav can only dream about reaching that level of dark allure one day. Haarlep's claws drag ever so gently up Raphael’s thick, naked thigh as he circles the bed like a predator toying with its food. The muscles beneath Raphael's ribbed cherry-red skin are taut with tension. The devil's expression is molten, either with desire or burning rage – likely both. “He's been very well-behaved, but I still want to play a little more…”
On their haunches at the foot of the bed, Tav observes their Patron. Raphael is spread out across his own silk red sheets, infernal rope around his wrists and ankles. Sweat dampens his temples, broad hairy chest, and strong shoulders. His cock strains, stiff and weeping, between his legs. His tail thumps. This isn't the first time Tav has witnessed him debauched in such a way. Far from it, now that they've been included in the devil's naughty games. Raphael’s sexual appetite was a surprise, but not unwelcome.
Sometimes you just want to get fucked really hard, a wise man once said. Tav hopes Astarion is doing well.
“You've played enough,” Raphael growls. He tests the strength of the bonds holding him. It's mostly for show. He could easily free himself if he wanted to. That, Tav thinks, is part of the thrill. Raphael is a magnanimous and generous enough master to allow his pets their fun. That he receives worship and satisfaction in return is surely just a bonus.
“Oh, but we haven't,” says Haarlep, pouts his lips. He crawls onto the bed up near Raphael's head, trailing his hands down his borrowed bare body. Squeezes his borrowed cock. Raphael inhales sharply. The incubus in his shared skin smiles. “I'm all hot and bothered, you see. Your little mouse is, too. We want to enjoy ourselves.”
Haarlep isn't wrong. Tav's been aroused and aching since they started. Raphael always makes them feel wild and out of control of their body. Something the devil likes to take advantage of sometimes. Tav says nothing, though. They like Haarlep (a lot) but Raphael is the fount of their power, and Tav is a good, obedient little warlock. Mostly.
“Do not forget your place, Haarlep,” Raphael snaps. “You are to serve me, not the other way around.”
“I could hardly forget when you make me wear your skin all the time,” says Haarlep, airy, unconcerned. He absently rubs his hands over his own chest, plucking his nipples with a serene smile. Raphael hisses. His poor nipples are deliciously sore, overstimulated, fat and hard just like his cock where his pets have been toying with them. “But that does pose an interesting question for me. Since I’m in your form, and you’re the master of the house…doesn’t that make me the master, too?”
“That is not how this works and you know it,” Raphael scoffs, almost amused. Until Haarlep presses the pad of one clawed finger into his cock’s tiny slit, drawing forth a sticky string of precum. Tav hungrily watches the incubus rub that glob of cum between his fingers and thumb, then stick them in his mouth to lewdly suck them clean. Raphael watches, too, jaw clenched. Haarlep smiles. He adores attention.
“Oh, but I think it might,” he says, wetly smacking his lips. “I think, when you’re laid out like this, drenched in lust and desperate for release…you are in my domain, and I am absolutely the master here. Fitting that I wear your skin, I suppose, though I’d hardly need it to take you apart. Isn’t that right, Mousie?”
“Uh, well…” Tav fumbles, unprepared for being put on the spot. Haarlep laughs, a little cruelly.
“Not a thought in that sweet, empty head of yours, is there? I’d say it’s because you’re so loaded up on my venom, but we both know you don’t need it to start falling all over yourself for me. Ah, and for our true master, of course.” Though Tav squirms, they aren’t really ashamed. The incubus speaks the truth, and they’ve long-since learned to come to terms with it. Being in the Hells, being a warlock of Raphael specifically, has done wonders for their inner hedonist. Haarlep’s tail sways lazily to and fro. He’s clearly having a fantastic time. He doesn’t get to indulge like this too often.
“Haarlep,” Raphael barks. Tests the bonds again. Their infernal runes flare.
“Someone’s getting impatient,” Haarlep says to Tav, who grins. The demon leans down to catch Raphael’s mouth in a filthy kiss, forked tongues entwining. As they kiss, they bite and snarl like the hellish creatures they are, and Tav stares, mouth dry, heat pulsing between their thighs and in their belly.
Watching these two handsome fiends carnally feast on each other is one of the most erotic things they’ve ever seen. They crush their legs together, flush with desire. They think they might understand why Raphael enjoys watching his pets kiss and fondle each other the same way. Of course they know Haarlep is also doing this to load Raphael up on aphrodisiac. It makes their master much looser with his inhibitions, allowing him to deny culpability if pressed (the sex pollen made him do it!) He’s already been dosed, but Raphael’s tolerance for incubus spit is high. Tav knows when it hits him because they see the devil’s dick twitch, a fresh pearl of cum ooze from his little hole and dribble down his ribbed cock. Tav can’t resist; they crawl on hands and knees to lick up that hot, salty trickle of cum. Raphael’s cock is warm and unyielding under Tav’s tongue and he jerks his hips, groaning into the humid cavern of Haarlep’s mouth. Haarlep breaks their noisy, violent kiss to tut at Tav.
“Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” He coos, condescending. A thin ribbon of bloody saliva still connects his lips to Raphael’s, the devil looking wrecked already. Cheeks dark with blush, pupils wide. He pants for breath, fangs shining, expression stormy. Haarlep strokes one claw along the edge of Raphael’s harsh cheekbone, smirking at the way the devil unconsciously leaned into the touch. “That’s alright. I want to use his pretty mouth in other ways. What do you think, Mousie? Should I stuff my cock down his throat? Or should I make him put that silver tongue to use and lick my cunt until I come all over his face?”
Both are amazing possibilities. Which one should Tav choose?
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bwoahtastic · 1 month
i love the idea of dragon shifter max being charles's racing dragon! them not having liked eachother much when they were young but both wanting to race so much that they learn to get along and by the time they've reached f1 being so tightly bonded that charles doesnt want to race with any other dragon and max doesnt want to let anyone else ride him. i can totaly imagine that max in dragon form gets a reputation for being really hard to find outside of races even though it really shouldnt be that hard to locate a giant black & gold dragon because max just turns human and wanders off to find food or hang out with charles when he should be wherever the racing dragons are kept when they arent on track
Charles having been seen with a blonde man that no one recognizes and refusing to answer any questions about it which just makes people even more curious
ALSO, dragon cuddle piles would be the best! In either form!
Plss!! Maybe they met when Max was pretending not to be a dragon at all because his sire had told him he would never be fast enough as dragon, the only way hr could race was as a rider. Charlss and Max bickered a lot while riding the lil kiddie dragons in races and Charles was always a little confused as Max seemed to understand dragons so well, but also the dragon he rode seemed really confused by him ksks
Then Charles finds put Max is a shifter and has this really sleek, fast looking dragon foem and he sees potential okay! It takes him a long time to convince Max to let Charles try riding him and Charles giggles so much the firdt time he puts the equipment on dragon Max who is just standing hunched and awkward and forgot how his legs worked sksk
They are an amazing team tho and they get so far! Getting signed by red bull but moving to Ferrari later on ans so many times Charles is asked to ride other dragons but refuses, and will get so angry when someone tries to get him to sell Max! They are so tightly bonded😭 max asks Charles to keep it a secret thst he is a shifter because he doesn't want people to realise he is Jos's kid. Charles is fine with it and besides maybe some other friends and riders, Charles is the only one Max really is comfortable with in human form.
Fia being so confused when sometimes they can't seem to find this big gold and black dragon lmao, but Charles always manages to find an excuse and claims Max just likes to stretch his wings kdkd! Oh and the blond man sometimes seen eith him? That's his pr manager don't speculate so much!
Pls dragons cuddle piles! They are basically just big warm puppies with wings and will tangle up together especially if it's cold! But Max prefers to cuddle with Charles in human form most of the times
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erumai-maadu · 1 month
YOU KNOW WHAT I just read your post about the Kohona 12 hc and one thing I gotta mention: TEAM 10 AND TEAM 8 BEING BUDDIES YES PLZ THIS IS SO IMPORTANTE!!! Not just bc of their senses dating (which is also a factor) but-- Team 10 is an intel-gathering team, Team 8 is tracking and capturing, CAN YOU IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES????
These two teams would have been the BEASTS of the spy network. Ibiki is desperately trying to convince everyone to join the Anbu squad. The biggest hurdle is Hinata being a Hyuga (her eyes can get stolen) and Shikamaru (he's just lazy).
Ino makes sure everyone looks polished. They're gonna learn what you had for breakfast 12 years ago, hunt you down and drag you back (dead or alive), looking like models whilst doing it ✨
(i'm so normal about this, I totally don't think about them all the time)
YOUR BRAIN >>>>>>>>>
every day Ibiki goes to Asuma and Kurenai and is like “please make ur kids join ANBU in the future pls i’m begging u” and their kids r all like haha no thanks. hinata is like “maybe” for one second and her uncle is immediately like NOT THE BYAKUGAN. ibiki is so sad. he just wants some good spies. he’s trying his best.
anyway some random side thoughts i have about them.
In the part 1 anime filler Shikamaru does call on Shino and Neji for tracking a lot. I guess because Hinata’s a girl and they can’t let her do anything ever :/ truly bizarre. there’s literally a filler episode where Hinata goes “I can see paper bombs all over the village!” and everyone immediately turns to Neji and doesn’t do anything until Neji confirms it. i hate this show.
doyalist sexism aside, Shikamaru heavily relies on Shino and the Byakugan’s sensory abilities to formulate his plans and so I think he very quickly grows used to having team 8 with him when Tsunade lets him form a squad. It helps that they spend a lot of time together (thank you senseis dating) and I’m sure that aside from his own squad, they’re the ones he relies on most.
Choji and Kiba are probably the front line fighters, with Shino and Ino backing them up and Shikamaru at mid-range advising/strategizing. Hinata probably pulls double duty as their long-range sensor and a close range fighter/flanker when things get hairy.
everyone on both teams gets along well but it’s a struggle to get Kiba and Choji to get along at first. Kiba is a bit of an asshole (understatement) and Choji isn’t a huge fan of how aggressive Kiba is. Kiba, for some fucking reason, just canonically doesn’t like Choji when they’re younger. I’m sure there were a lot of fights and a lot of insults thrown around before Shikamaru and Ino got them to sit down and shut up.
Ino tries her best to keep the squad polished but it doesn’t work so well when they’re younger lmao. When they’re older tho…. most fabulous and on point squad out there. your other faves could never.
kiba the leather jacket wearing hottie, ino ‘every outfit i wear has been on point since age 12’ yamanaka, choji who is canonically referred to as the most handsome chubby guy in the leaf (insane statement but still), shikamaru who somehow serves while wearing the standard chunin uniform, shino’s mysteriousness inherently makes him hot, and hinata with her silky hyuuga hair and flawless skin
their formations are tight, their teamwork is seamless, their communication is solid, and they look good while doing it all. ibiki is in a corner crying. he wants them to come work for him so bad.
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