#in no way related to how sick I currently am
briedegilles · 1 year
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silouvertongues · 5 months
gotta get up early for class tomorrow im so sleepy but i suddenly felt the urge to calculate how much money's been spent on my post secondary education till now and i literally feel nauseous
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gremlinmodetweeker · 23 days
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Second part of the comic! You can read part one here. I hope y'all enjoy this little drabble of Gaz being a fish dad.
Btw, some notes, Gaz upgraded the tank to a 100 gallon with a hang on back filter and an air pump powered sponge filter. He also put in some Christmas moss to provide some live plants and has a sand bottom substrate. Gaz only upgraded to the big tank a month after setting up the rescue tank and used the filter media from the first tank to be able to jump-start the cycling process on the second tank, because he's a responsible fish dad.
While I'm at it! A few fish facts:
Every fish (including goldfish and betta fish) need a filter
A betta fish also need a heater, but goldfish is a cold water fish so that means it's fine at room temperature or cooler (think koi ponds)
A betta fish needs a 5g tank minimum, but goldfish get way bigger than betta fish. A single goldfish needs a minimum of twenty gallons, and each additional goldfish needs an additional 10 gallons of space
Speaking of how much space goldfish need, they need a lot because they can easily grow to be a foot long in length. The reason they don't get so big in bowls is because they either die young or they are crushed to death over time by their internal organs growing but their bodies not being able to grow bigger because of the size of their containers (or at least this is what I've been told)
Most goldfish die young. They can easily live to be 20 years old, but many can also live much longer. They are related to koi (which is a big point to make because goldfish and koi are both species of carp!), which easily live to be 100 years old in proper care
Why am I saying all this? Because if you can, please take proper care of your fish. Please get a large enough aquarium for your fish. And as I said, every aquarium needs a filter. EVERY FISH NEEDS A FILTER AND A PROPER AQUARIUM, NOT A BOWL.
In fact, there's a trend amongst goldfish keepers where many people don't keep any substrate (because goldfish can accidentally eat the substrate and get sick) or plants (goldfish tend to eat the plants), though this is currently being challenged by some aquarists.
Also, goldfish are very messy eaters so they need frequent water changes to keep their water clean and healthy for them.
Don't keep your fish like Soap. Be a good fish parent like Gaz.
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teliphone · 1 month
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Summary: I sometimes question why the universe made Jang Wonyoung and me best friends. Sure, we relate to many things. We enjoy the same makeup brands. We laugh at the same jokes. But there is one clear difference: Wonyoung always gets what she wants. I secretly loathe that and I sometimes wonder if Wonyoung notices. Just this once I beg this statement to be false when it comes to my long-term crush Kim Jiwon (Liz). I’ve had a crush on her for so long that Wonyoung has gotten sick of listening to me gush over her. If Wonyoung knew I had a crush on Liz, she wouldn’t make a move on her right? 
MeanPopular!Wonyoung x PrettyLoner!Liz x FemReader  
Warning(s): Everyone is toxic but in a tasty way, Smut, Secrets, Exposing, Fingering, Oral, Praise Kink
Word count: 5k
The school lunch in front of me doesn’t seem that appetizing today. Maybe it was because I felt a lack of hunger. I push the silver tray aside with the tip of my finger and examine my friend, Wonyoung, who is on the opposite side of the table. She is currently busy applying lip gloss. I watch how she tilts her face from side to side to check herself in her small mirror. She rubs her lips together as she clasps the mirror shut. Without asking she hands me the lip gloss and hand mirror. An unspoken action is usually done between us. We love to share everything. I don’t know if it’s because we are friends or the secret craving I have to be just like her. She’s the perfect Jang Wonyoung. Smart, cunning, funny, beautiful, and alluring. For as long as I have known her, she always gets what she wants and I can’t help but feel the jealousy grow over time. Every attention passes by me and goes directly to her. I can’t hate her though. Yes, she can be mean but without her I am nothing. With her status, I was able to make my name known. 
“Not hungry?” She asks me as I start to apply her gloss to my lips. I pucker my lips to look at the glossy shine and hum the answer, “No.” She sighs and looks around the lunch room. Judging by her face, I can tell she is bored. I hand her products back. She aimlessly drops them into her bag and then rests her chin on her fist. 
“You’re bored?” I laugh. 
“So bored,” She sings out. Her heavy-lidded eyes scan the room til she stops on a student. Her pink lips turn into a smirk, and then her tongue sticks out to touch the corner of her upper lip. Her eyes twinkle with a mischievous glint. She leans her upper body over the table. She brings her hand to cover her mouth to whisper gently in my ears. Her long smooth black hair tickles my cheeks. 
“Liz is over there,” She breathes. My heart rate starts to pick up. She chuckles and leans back to her straight upward sitting position. She brushes her hair to the right side which reveals her neck. She smiles so brightly that it reaches her eyes. I nervously rub my upper arm and avert my eyes to the table. I don’t want to look at Liz. It will be too obvious. 
“She looks dolled up today,” She chirps. I fail to be nonchalant and snap my neck to look over. Liz’s hair is in a long braid and her bangs are perfectly curled. Her head slightly tilts back to laugh with a hand up to cover her mouth. Her hand lowers and I catch a view of her cute dimple. I subconsciously smile. I feel a kick under the table which brings me back to the table. Wonyoung is staring at me with her arms crossed. I look at her with a confused look. 
“Call her over,” She suggests. I immediately widen my eyes and shake my head no. I didn’t understand why she was suddenly acting like this. I can’t help but feel like she is doing this out of boredom. Was this entertaining to her? She examines me a little bit before I notice her eyes shift. A change so fast I wasn’t able to stop her. She stands up and turns her body. 
“Liz come here!” Wonyoung beams with a cheeky smile. I’ve never seen her smile this bright. She brings her hands up and gestures for Liz to come over. I feel my heart hammering against my chest. My clothes suddenly feel tight and stuffy. 
“Are you crazy?! Please stop!” I whisper. She ignores my plea and urges Liz to come over. I quickly glance to see Liz looking surprised, probably because Wonyoung had called her over. Liz shyly points a finger towards herself. 
“Yes, you. You don’t want me to keep on waiting, do you?” Wonyoung pouts and playfully crosses her arms. I hear students around us whispering with each other. It doesn’t seem to bother Wonyoung. She is too immersed in whatever plan she has in mind. Just as expected, she gets whatever she wants; Liz starts walking towards our table. Her eyes shift to look at me for a split second before she returns her attention to Wonyoung. I feel my insecurities creeping up my neck. Being next to Wonyoung with my crush was the last thing I wanted to happen. I quiet down and curl my hands into a fist on my lap. Wonyoung cutely chuckles and twirls the end of her hair with the tips of her fingers. 
“Where did you get your hair done?” She asks while batting her eyes. Liz subconsciously starts touching her braid with a shy smile.
“Oh, this? I actually do it myself,” She responds timidly. Wonyoung gasps and reaches her hand over to touch Liz’s hair. I feel anger spark the moment I see my friend touch her. I glare at Wonyoung hoping she can see or at least feel it, but she is too busy chatting with Liz.
“Wow, that's impressive! It looks so good on you,” Wonyoung sugars. Liz lowers her gaze as her cheeks turn bright red. Wonyoung halts her movement for a moment. I can see the gears in her head clicking into place. It doesn’t take a psychologist to find out that Liz has an attraction to Wonyoung. Something deep in my heart starts to ache. It didn’t shock me that Liz would like her. It’s Jang Wonyoung. But still, I feel so unseen and unattractive. I have never seen them talking together before and all it took was one compliment from Wonyoung to get Liz blushing. Wonyoung tilts her head to make eye contact with Liz again. 
“You should totally do this hairstyle on me next time,” Wonyoung requests. Liz widens her eyes and it took every muscle in you to not get up and leave.
“Y-you want me to do this to you?” Liz blushes. Wonyoung lightly laughs, her eyes sparkling. Usually, her laughs sound cute but with the anger fueling in me it sounds like nails against the chalkboard. 
“Of course! Who else can do a pretty braid like yours?’ Wonyoung pouts, ‘Hm… you should hang out with us more often. I always see you by yourself. Doesn’t it get lonely?”
Liz shifts a little uncomfortable. She fidgets with the hem of her school uniform. Wonyoung isn’t wrong. Liz doesn’t really have friends. She goes to school and immediately heads home after. It’s rare to see her hanging out with friends outside of school. In my eyes, Liz is too pretty and nice to not have friends. I wonder if she prefers that way or if she can’t socialize. Wonyoung is the complete opposite. She is chatting with different people each hour. She goes to parties and hangs out nearly every weekend. She has no choice, people are always coming up to her. Besides, she told me she loves the attention. I felt like that question was pushing it too far. Wonyoung doesn’t know what goes through Liz’s life. I finally have to courage to speak up. 
“Don’t push her,” I insist. This grabs Wonyoungs attention. She tilts her eyebrows up in curiosity. I clench my jaw and glare deep into her eyes. This seems to amuse her. She stares back at me, her eyes not moving away. We study each other quietly. 
“I would love to join you guys,” Liz breaks the silence. Wonyoung snaps her neck to Liz and smiles.
“Great! Let's hang out tomorrow!” Wonyoung chirps. I nearly roll my eyes, but I stop myself. Liz shyly brushes her fingers against her skirt to straighten it. 
“Bye Wonyoung…,’ she turns to look at me, ‘Bye Y/n.” 
It irritates me how much my heart quicken at her saying my name. Why is it so easy for her to make me react? I break a smile at her and gently nod my head to acknowledge her goodbyes. Her eyes brighten and she grins wider. She spins her heel and heads away from the table. Once she’s far enough I snap. 
“What was that?” I nearly cuss. My hand is starting to cramp at how hard I’ve been clenching it. Wonyoung tilts her head back and lets out another laugh. 
“Don’t be so jealous,” She giggles. I suck in a deep breath to prevent myself from lashing out. I embarrassingly let out a shaky breath. 
“You were so touchy over her. You know I like her,” I whisper cautiously. Wonyoungs smiles drops into a blank stare. 
“I do know that. That’s why I invited her over,” She states like it’s obvious. 
“Ugh. I made her become friends with us so she can get closer… which means you would have a better opportunity to make a move on her,” She explains. The fist I was clenching relaxes. Oh, so she was doing this for me. I am a little confused because she could’ve been less flirty. Her plan seems to favor her more. Nevertheless, I guess I should thank her. 
“Thanks? But it’s so evident that she likes you,” I mumble. 
“That was something I didn’t really expect. I can’t control what people like,” She shrugs her shoulders. She gets up from the seat and swings her bag over her shoulders.
“Come on let’s skip,” She beams. 
It’s been several days since Liz started to hang out with us. I am still a nervous wreck around her. I can’t keep eye contact with her long before I need to break it. Our interactions have increased thanks to Wonyoung. Her calculations where I can get closer were a little right. Liz and I share inside jokes and water bottles. I got to learn a new side of her. I can tell her walls are breaking down around us. She is not as shy or quiet as I thought. I find her so funny and cute while Wonyoung finds her interesting. It might be because Liz obviously turns red whenever Wonyoung leans close to her to grab something. Or the fact that Liz starts to slip on her words when Wonyoung playfully flirts. Wonyoung playfully flirts with everyone, she calls it being cute. I can’t be upset she’s treating Liz the same way she does to everyone else, right?
We are sitting in the library to try and study for the upcoming exam. I spin my pen against two of my fingers. The study paper is starting to merge and make no sense. Liz sits next to me while Wonyoung is sitting on the opposite side. A few textbooks lay open but unused in front of us. None of us are really studying. 
“Oh my! You’re so funny Liz!” Wonyoung laughs and slides her hands on top of Liz’s. A quick move that doesn’t go unnoticed by my eyes. Wonyoung is always giving her long deep stares and small touches. I am starting to realize that Wonyoung might be enjoying Liz’s blush a little too much. Liz calms down from her laughter and reaches into her bag to pull out a familiar lip gloss brand. I can immediately recognize it by how many times I’ve used Wonyoung’s gloss.
“Is that…” I pause as I watch Liz apply the product over her plumpy lips. I shamelessly stare at her lips. She rubs her lips together to spread the shine evenly. They look so plump, pretty, and glossy. A blush creeps up my cheeks because I realize I know exactly how her lips would taste if we shared a kiss. 
“Yup, I told her to buy this product. Doesn’t this shade look so pretty on her?” Wonyoung gushes. Liz shyly smiles, hiding her blush by pretending to look busy with putting the lip gloss away. Wonyoung leans her face closer. 
“You’re already blushing,” She teases. Liz nervously laughs and waves her hands no. She scoots herself closer to me to avoid Wonyoung. I can feel her body heat against mine. I press my lips together and straighten my posture. Liz places her head against my shoulder and nuzzles closer. My heart leaps out of my chest. 
“She keeps teasing me,” Liz complains against my neck. I nervously gulp like a touch-starved person. I mumble out a word. My brain is not functioning right with how close she is pressed against me.
“What did you say?” Liz asks lifting her head to look at me. I turn my head to face her and my eyes widen. With how close her face is to me I lose all sense of cool. There is almost a golden glow around her. I can smell the lip gloss from her lips. She flutters her eyes slowly and I forget how to breathe. 
“I…” The cat caught my tongue. Liz’s lips curl into a sly smile and she narrows her eyes. Her eyes glitter a little with amusement. I think she is starting to figure out my attraction towards her.  Wonyoung crashes in by sitting next to Liz. She wraps her arms around Liz’s biceps. She complains about something, but my head is humming too much to hear. I am sort of thankful because it took some attention off me. Every time Wonyoung rubs against Liz, it causes her body to grind against me. I lift my head and shut my eyes as I silently pray. I don’t know what I am praying for. Should I pray for this to stop or continue? Am I secretly enjoying having her body press against mine? 
Over time, all that teasing from Wonyoung eventually made Liz bolder. She’s learning from Wonyoung and the shy girl is no longer there. She is starting to wear more revealing clothes that emphasize her hidden curves. She has caught me staring a couple of times. We are currently in the bathroom of our school checking ourselves. Wonyoung slides her fingers between her hair to volumize it. 
“You’re getting prettier,” Wonyoung states as she eyes Liz fixing her necklace. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I had always known Liz was pretty and she is now finding out. Instead of the usual blushing Liz, she smirks and laughs instead. 
“You think I’m pretty?” Liz hums and bats her eyes. My jaw nearly drops at how confident she has gotten. Wonyoung blinks quickly and a disbelief laugh comes out. For the first time, she is a bit stunned to say anything back. Liz returns her attention to the mirror and fixes her top. She moves her hands over her chest and gives it a push. Her eyes glaze over to look at me. I flinch and avert my eyes to the sink. I feel her presence gets closer to me. Her finger touches my chin and she tilts my head up. She leans close to my face. 
“Do you think I’m pretty?” She asks slowly. I feel butterflies flutter their wings all over my stomach. I wanted to press my lips against hers but I didn’t dare. 
“I always have,” I confess. Her smile drops a little and a soft pink shade appears on her cheeks. Her pupils glance down to my lips for a second before she turns away. She lets out a low fake cough. Wonyoung watches the whole scene with heavy-lidded eyes. She nibbles and bites her bottom lip. Her fingernails dig into the sleeves of her uniform. 
The rest of the day was a little weird yet nice. Liz kept touching me and whispering in my ears. Of course, I turn red every time she gives me attention. I am not used to her teasing me. Not only does she tease me but she also checks up on me. Making sure I have eaten or drank water. When I responded that I hadn't drunk water, she got up from her seat to go buy me a water bottle. She then would unclasp the bottle cap and hand it over. 
It has been a couple of months in the friendship before I hear Wonyoung groan: 
“Don't you think Liz has gotten too… I don’t know… dominant?” 
It is just Wonyoung and I relaxing in her room. The sunset is glowing brightly through the window. The curtains sway slightly by the wind. I lay on her pink carpet with my legs swinging up. The book between my hands is no longer interesting. 
“What?” I laugh as I lower the random book I picked from her selves. Wonyoung rolls over on her bed til she's on her stomach. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. 
“No, I am serious. It was so fun teasing her and making her blush, but now she doesn’t react anymore. She is starting to flirt and tease me… me!?” She complains as she points to herself. 
“What’s wrong with that?”
“What's wrong with that?! What’s wrong, is that it feels too neck to neck. I like it when the other person is flustered and squirming under my stare,”  She puffs out her cheeks. I look at her in disbelief. I can’t believe this is something she is complaining about. 
Like Deja Vu, here I am sitting on the school bathroom sink countertop with Liz next to me, applying lip gloss. I tilt my head as I closely examine her. There’s no one else in the bathroom but us. I like it this way.
“I think Wonyoung doesn’t like it when I flirt back,” She chuckles. She turns her head to look at me. Her glossy lips distract me. 
“Mm?” I hum out, looking from her lips to her eyes. I innocently smile hoping she didn’t catch it.
“I said… I don’t think Wonyoung likes it when I flirt with her,” Liz repeats, slowing her words. I couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. 
“It’s true. She told me yesterday,” I confirm. She pouts a little and places a hand on the sink counter to lean her body towards me. 
“Really… that’s a bummer. I thought we had a fun little secret going on,” She sighs. I couldn’t help but frown. My jealousy has reached up my throat. 
“What secret?” I fume. 
“Like a secret relationship,” She continues. Her eyes darted to the way my hands curl into a fist. Relationship? I feel poison sting my tongue.
“I don’t like that,” I mumble honestly. She scoots closer til her hip touches my thighs. 
“Mm how come?” She hums. She waits patiently for me to find the right words. I don’t want to expose myself too much. 
“I… I don’t like seeing you guys flirt with each other. I get jealous,” I mumble the last part, but she hears because of how close we are. 
“Why would you be jealous?” Her eyes begin to dim. I nervously gulp and avert my eyes to her uniform skirt.
“Wonyoung was my friend first. I miss how she would only do it to me-“
“Don’t lie to me y/n,” Liz whispers. She moves her body til she is between my legs. I feel the material of her skirt grind against the flesh of my thighs. Her hands press on the counter beside my hip. I feel my heart rate increasing. My breathing hicks. I peek up to look into her dark orbs. Her cheeks are red and I feel my pride soar. She’s blushing… for me. 
“I-I’m not,” I painfully lie. Liz rolls her eyes in annoyance and I can’t help but find it attractive. 
“Wonyoung told me about your silly big crush on me. I didn’t believe it at first… until I saw it in your eyes. The panic you revealed when I touched you. It’s adorable,” Liz giggles as she touches the side of my cheek. Her thumb rubs my skin gently. Her other hand reaches up against my thighs. Something in my lower stomach feels weird.
“Tell me. Is it true?” She whispers. She stares so deeply into my eyes as if she’s trying to read my soul. Making sure the next thing I say is completely true. 
“Yes… I like you,” I confess. My eyes start to water a little. I feel a little embarrassed to be confessing to her this way. Is this one of her fun flirting moments? I would like the earth to swallow me right now if that is the case. A glare reflects off her eyes. She leans her head close to my ears. 
“Good. I like you too,” She purrs. She can’t tell how wide my eyes widened. Her head dips toward my neck. I grip the counter and squeeze my legs together. She gives my neck a soft kiss before facing me again. I can still feel the glossy lip product lingering on my skin. 
“Do you want me?” She asks. I’m starting to feel shy with the amount of questions. I turn my head to the side. 
“Yes,” I answer. She places her fingers under my chin and turns it to face her. 
“Don’t look away,” She mumbles as she leans in for a kiss. I immediately shut my eyes close. Her plump lip brushes against mine slowly. She presses her body closely against me. Her mouth moves smoothly. My tongue brushes against her lips and I taste the lip gloss. Her other hand runs against my spine before she pulls my waist closer. I let out an embarrassing grunt. 
Liz pulls away, panting heavily. Her eyelids are heavy and her cheeks are bright red. I lick my lips to taste her mouth again. My chest moves up and down fast. 
“Kiss me again?” I beg. She returns her soft lips to mine. This time with more urgency and pressure. She hums and opens her mouth slightly. Her wet tongue brushes against mine. She tilts her head and kisses me deeply. Our bodies start to move against each other. Once her skirt grinds along my core I let out a soft moan. She pulls away again and a saliva trail connects between us. She grabs my hands and pulls me off the counter. She drags me into one of the stalls. I stare at her in shock. Adrenaline rushes in my veins. She locks the doors and then pushes me against the stall walls. I wrap my arms around her neck as we kiss. Her hands sneak around the edge of my skirt. I can feel her finger drag up towards my panties. I gasp which breaks our kiss. She looks at me with her sweet dark eyes. 
“Would you be able to handle this?” She asks quietly. Her fingers are hooked around my panties. I nod my head quickly. 
“Yes,” I breathe out. She tugs my panties down to my knees. Her mouth starts kissing my neck as her finger starts to explore my core. I spread my legs a little more for her. I feel her middle finger rub against my wet cunt. She moves it up and down my slit, collecting the silky substance.  She chuckles which vibrates against my neck. 
“Hurry,” I grunt. She bites my neck which causes me to hiss. She drags her tongue along my skin before sucking again. 
“Don’t rush me,” She warns. I bite my lip and lean my head back against the stall. I feel her adding another finger to the action. Suddenly her two digits rub against my clit causing me to gasp. I shut my eyes tightly. My clit gets rubbed over and over. My wetness increases, making it easier for her to rub and squeeze my clit. 
“Liz,” I softly moan. She pulls her head away from sucking on my neck. She looks at my flustered face. Her fingers never stop moving. 
“You like that?” She blushes. 
“Mm yes,” I moan. She enjoys watching how breathless I am starting to get. She loves how my legs are struggling to keep still. She pats my thighs to signal me to spread them more. Suddenly the doors to the bathroom swing open and a couple of girls walk in. Liz halts her movement. They chat and laugh amongst themselves. They stand in front of the mirrors to check up. 
“Can you keep quiet?” Liz presses her lips against my ears. Before I could answer I felt her slowly push her two fingers into my cunt. I let out a gasp but was immediately silenced by Liz’s palm. Her hand presses against my lips as she slowly pushes her fingers in and out. 
“B-be still,” Liz warns. She is flustered by how wet my cunt feels against her two digits. She nearly lets out a moan at how warm my core welcomes her in. She starts increasing her pace and my thighs begin to shake. Tears start to collect in the corner of my eyes. I fear getting caught, but I also feel too good. I wish for her to go faster, but with her hand pressed against my mouth, I can’t speak. 
“Be good and I’ll go faster,” She promises. I quickly nod my head. I close my eyes to distract myself from her fingers. Anything to prevent me from moaning and shaking. The girls seem to be gathering their makeup and starting to leave. Each minute feels long. Each second they take is the same amount of time Liz thrusts her finger deep into me. Once the doors shut Liz removes her hand from my lips. She places it on the wall beside my head. 
“Let me hear you,” She demands as she quickens her fingers. She curls her fingers and it presses against my soft walls. I let out a moan followed by a whimper. She continues to thrust deep into my core. I feel something build in my lower stomach. My hand shoots down to grip her wrist. 
“I-I’m close,” I warn. She slaps my hand away and deeply chuckles. Her pace seems to increase. This menace is going to make me cum in a few minutes. I embarrassingly let out a moan at her fingers abusing my cunt. 
“Fuck, Liz, I feel so good,” I express. She doesn’t slow down.
“Cum for me Y/n,” She whispers as she feels my walls tightening around her fingers. I whimper and moan as I feel myself getting close to my high. I feel so sensitive and hot. My hand grips her back and my core chases after her digits. My hair starts to stick against my forehead and neck. 
“You look so hot,” Liz blushes. I let out a loud squeal as I reached my orgasm. My wetness runs down my leg. I cuss and whimper as Liz continues to move her fingers. She seems too deep in awe to stop. I clench my hands on her wrist. 
“Slow down,” I beg her. She gives me a deep kiss as she pulls her fingers out of me. I am breathing heavily, using the walls to keep myself up. My heart is hammering against my chest. She gently pats my cheeks to get my attention. I feel a little dizzy as I look at her. 
“Kneel,” She demands. I blink and feel my cunt squeeze at nothing. She looks so needy and horny. I tiredly smile and lower myself to my knees. I place my hands on her thighs and stare up. She quickly removes her panties and lifts her skirt up. She spreads her lips apart with her already silky fingers to expose her wet pink cunt. She looks so hot in this position. 
“Come on. Use that pretty mouth,” She sighs. I scoot closer with my tongue out. My tired eyes never leave her needy ones. I lean my mouth onto her core. My tongue starts to move up and down her wet cunt. She lets out a hiss. She places her free hand on top of my head. I feel her fingers gently push my face in. I moan at her taste. Her scent drowns my senses. 
“Your mouth feels so good,” She compliments. She thrusts her core into my mouth. Dragging her clit against my tongue. Her head tilts back and she lets out a cute squeal. I tap onto her thighs to warn her to keep quiet. I continue licking and sucking her clit. Her legs twitch and her stomach flexes. 
“Keep doing that. I’m so close,” She pants. Her grip on my hair is starting to get tighter, but I don’t care. I want her to come into my mouth. I want her to feel good. 
“This will be our little secret,” She grunts out. Secret? I feel jealousy rise again. No, I want the whole school to know she’s mine. I flick my tongue faster against her clit. People need to hear her moaning because of me. I suck harder, causing her to close her eyes and cuss. At the end of our session, she will soon figure no one can make her feel as good as I can. Her moans start to become high-pitched and my lips curve into a cunning smile. With one last suck, she lets out a loud squeal. She presses my head into her cunt as she rides her orgasm. I lick every drop of her juice. Humming at her sweet taste. 
She tugs my head away from overstimulation. Her legs shake adorably. I wipe my lips with the back of my hand. I get up from my kneeling position to give her a sweet kiss. I pull away and lean into her ears. 
“If this is our secret, I’m going to try my best to get you caught,” I whisper. 
Wonyoung jumps up from her seat once she lands her eyes on us. She rushes over and clings to Liz’s arm. 
“Where were you guys?! I was waiting for so long. I missed you,” She pouts. Liz softly chuckles while I keep my mouth shut. I can still taste Liz on my tongue. 
“You were? Sorry. What’s for lunch?” Liz changes the topic. She glances over to look at me. A small smile appears on her lips. I smile at her back. 
Our little secret. We’ll see how long we’ll keep this up. 
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sayruq · 4 months
I am Alia, 35 years old, a Palestinian from Gaza. I currently reside in Gaza.Right now I have 7 members of my family, including 4 children, my mother, my father. I am starting a fundraiser to save the lives of my immediate family members, I am their only hope to get out of Gaza to Egypt and then to Germany in order to be safe again. Please help me save my family's lives. Whenever I have a chance to sleep, I wake up right away to see if my family is still alive, it is hard to live here due to the current situation where there is no electricity, connection, fuel, water or food, which makes our health condition worse, I am worried that I will lose my family any moment. Due to the war that's been going on in Gaza Strip for 200 days, which has targeted civilians, they're struggling right now, and genocides are happening in Gaza every day. At the beginning of the war, me and my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighborhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 23 years is gone, and we're homeless now. Currently, there is no safe place for us to live or to go, as of now we are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people. On top of that, after a hard 110 days during this war, I'm worried about my children not getting food or sleep because they don't have the basic necessities of life. Hearing bombs and explosions scare us, so we flee from place to place looking for safety. We can't find any medication and we keep getting sick and we don't have access to health care. Many of my family members have been killed, and many other members are missing under rubble, we don't know if they are alive or dead. Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for seven people.To facilitate me and my family's evacuation from Gaza and to Germany I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise $30,000. Here is the breakdown of the funds: • It is estimated that $3000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family including their accommodation, food, and other essentials.Has to be allocated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to $6000 per person (3 people). 3000$ for children under 18 years (4people). The cost of travel from Gaza to Germany $3000 . The cost for visa applications and all the costs related to reunion is $700 per person. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to the safety of me and my family. We'll use the money raised in a transparent and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe. Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give during this difficult time. Help me reach my goal and provide safety for me and my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
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shalotttower · 9 months
The Devil Is a Gentleman
Title: The Devil Is a Gentleman
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night with a headache.
Word count: 800+
Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader
Notes: Yandere Chrollo, captive Reader, my head is murdering me so I wanted some soft Chrollo stuff.
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You shift under the covers and for a moment it seems that maybe this state of half sleep, half consciousness is here to stay. Just for a bit, until you slide all the way back into a dream, where the dull throb in your skull doesn't matter. No such luck; angry blurred dots start swarming behind your eyelids and the longer you lie there, the more evident it becomes that sleep isn't coming.
3 AM.
The red numbers from the alarm clock glow way too intensely in the dark. It's quiet. Chrollo's breath tickles your shoulder. No matter the position, he somehow manages to do this every single time - wrap himself around you like it's no tomorrow, with tangled legs and chest pressed to your back. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes sickly comforting, but not now. There's a faint feeling of nausea in your throat, the whole world is spinning and swaying from side to side even though you're lying still.
Sharing a bed is a recent development. Previously the floor was your choice, but two weeks ago Chrollo simply carried your sleeping body to the mattress. You woke up trapped between him and soft pillows, then the pattern repeated two times, four, six, until it became clear that this arrangement was going to stick.
Carefully, inch by inch, you wiggle out of his embrace. An awful taste coats your tongue, clings to the palate - not something you expected upon waking, but not unusual either.
The kitchen light is bright and unpleasant. It stabs right through your eyes without remorse, making you promptly settle for a dimmer one above the stove. One cabinet after another, the fridge - no pills. Of course, why would Chrollo keep anything like that lying around? You probably have to wake him up for medicine, but it's honestly the least tempting scenario. You don't want to talk to Chrollo, don't want to ask him for help, don't want him to see you in pain or sick.
So you brew a cup of coffee and hope that the nausea plaguing your throat will eventually subside. What you should know by now, however, is that Chrollo doesn't need more than you breathing wrong in order to wake up.
His voice has a slight raspy edge to it.
You glance over your shoulder and see his figure standing at the door frame. The light from the hallway throws a shadow cutout across the floor, and it's the only time beside after shower you ever see him all mussed hair, loose pants and, of course, no shirt. You suspect its absence has some relation to the attempts at wooing you which range from subtle to not so subtle these days.
You make a non-committal sound.
"It's 3 AM," Chrollo says and steps into the kitchen. "What are you doing up?"
His fingers brush a strand of hair away from your neck, linger there, feather-light and warm. You take a small sip of coffee.
The pulsing in your skull feels like someone decided to tap a small hammer against your brain. Well, he's up, so might as well do something.
"Headache," you say and press your forehead to the cool marble of the counter. It feels nice for a short moment.
Chrollo doesn't respond. He does place a hand on your nape though, thumb drawing circles, massaging the tension there. It's so peculiar. His tenderness leaves marks wherever it goes - light trails on your skin, hands on your forearms - a constant reminder that in this current reality he's everywhere and everything.
'Stop,' you want to say, but instead a quiet "mm" comes out. Maybe you're too tired to muster up any spite. He takes the cup out of your hand and sets it aside with a quiet clink.
"How bad?"
"Bad. Don't get too close," you warn. "I feel like throwing up."
He does anyway, and wraps an arm around your waist. Chrollo knows very well that you'd rather jump into boiling oil than lean on him out of your own volition, maybe that's why he uses every given opportunity to hold you.
"You should have woken me up," his words are muffled, lips pressed against your temple. Chrollo smells of shampoo, sheets and himself. "I'll get you something from the pharmacy later, but for now you should try and sleep, dear."
Then you're up in the air, carried out of the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" you frown, fingers gripping the muscles of his arm.
He hums something akin to a simple melody, the devil. "Taking you back to bed, where you can keep being miserable with more comfort."
This time you don't protest; the pillow has cooled down, and as soon as you lower your head on top of it, it feels like bliss. The bathroom door opens and closes, followed by quiet splashes of water. There's a pause before the mattress dips on your right.
Cold cloth covers your forehead.
"You should have woken me up," he repeats. "Next time do it, dear."
"Mm," is all you manage, when the bedside lamp clicks off, and then there're covers lifting, fingers rubbing your temples and a low hum somewhere above you.
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kaleldobrev · 10 months
When You're Ready
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: A case hits you particularly hard and all you want to do is be alone
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Cursing (3x), Mentions of violence/blood, Pestering Sam, Fluff, Dean being a good and supportive boyfriend
Authors Note: I did a “Dean version” of this called Hauled Up where reader comforts Dean after his experience with Michael | These aren’t related in any way, but they’re just similar in nature | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Three Days Ago…
Your hands were hot, sticky, and covered in blood as you held the large hunting knife in your hands. As you held the knife with a firm grip, you stared at the lifeless body of the creature under you. You felt tears start to well up in your eyes, and a few hot tears fell down your cheeks. This particular kill had hit harder for you than it should have; and you were currently debating if you had done the right thing in killing it. The creature was killing in order to provide for its sick child, a child that’s now dead because of the three of you.
“Sweetheart…” you heard Dean say, but his voice sounded so muffled like him or you were under water. “Sweetheart…” he said again, his hands on either side of your shoulders now. He looked down at the body, and then looked to see that the knife was still firmly in your grasp. “Wanna hand me the knife?” He asked, and you shook your head; unsure of why you had said no. “Okay, you don’t have to,” he reassured. “You wanna stand up for me at least?” You hesitated for a moment before nodding; and you carefully started to get up, with Dean holding onto your shoulders in order to help you up smoothly.
You looked down at the ground, almost refusing to look at him. "Hey," he said, tilting your face to almost gently force you to look up at him. "You did the right thing, she was going to kill you," he told you. "You protected yourself," he added. His words somehow seemed so meaningless to you, as it didn't feel like you had done the right thing.
Without a second thought, you instantly wrapped your arms around him; gently crying into his chest. His hands wrapped around you as one of his hands started rubbing your back, quietly shushing you as a way to try and calm you down. "It's alright Sweetheart. Let it out," he whispered into your hair before kissing the top of your head.
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Present Day…
Dean was in the War Room with his feet propped up onto the table reading more on the creature that the three of you had killed a few days ago. He knew that you guys had done the right thing, but it was killing him knowing how hard you were particularly taking this case. He wanted so much to help you, but he knew the only way he could was to just let you come to him — not being forced to talk about it when you weren't ready; the same way he processed things.
“She still hasn’t come out of the room uh?” Sam asked, walking into the War Room. Dean looked up and shook his head. “It’s been three days.”
“And?” Dean asked, sounding slightly defensive. “If she doesn’t want to come out of our room, I’m not going to force her.”
“Has she talked to you at all about what happened? Why it affected her so much?” Sam asked. He was genuinely worried about you, as he’s never seen you this affected by a case before.
“No, she hasn’t said anything to me,” Dean stated. “She’ll tell me when she’s ready.”
“Have you asked —” Sam started to say, and Dean quickly cut him off.
“I’m never going to force her to talk about something she doesn’t want to,” he said, as calmly as he could muster, even though there was slight annoyance in his voice. “If this is how she chooses to process, who am I to tell her she can’t?”
“Well, you are her boyfriend and —” Sam began to say, but again, he was cut off by Dean.
“And? Just because I’m her boyfriend, doesn’t mean I have a say in how she chooses to process something,” he stated. His emotions starting to become heightened; more defensive. “She’ll talk about it when she’s ready.”
“As her friend I’m worried,” Sam said, his voice sounding the tiniest bit sad. “I’m gonna go talk to her.” He got up from the chair he was sitting in and turned on his heels, about to walk out of the room. But Dean’s voice made him stop in his tracks.
“Talk to her if you wanna get chewed out,” Dean said, turning his attention back to the book he was reading. He knew if Sam went to go and talk to you about this; ultimately forcing you to talk about it, it was not going to end well for him in the slightest.
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Lying underneath the covers alternating between sleeping and crying was essentially all you had been doing the last three days. The only times your routine was disrupted was when Dean came to bed at night and held you, or rubbed your back as you cried gently into his chest; or when he had forced you to leave the room to take a shower, a shower that consisted of you just sitting on the floor and him doing the washing for you.
You were thankful for Dean, thankful that he didn’t force you to leave the room nor did he force you to talk about what had happened; why you had reacted so strongly. You felt as though he was the only one that really understood, understood the fact that this was the way you processed things, as he was similar in this way.
But you knew that it wouldn’t be long until Sam would come and talk to you, or at least attempt to, as you had no desire to talk about it; at least not now any way. You knew that he deeply cared for you as a friend, deeply cared for you like a sister; but you hated how he would force either you or Dean to talk about your feelings when neither of you had wanted to. He was doing it out of pure concern of course; but neither you or Dean liked being pestered, when neither one of you did the same to him.
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There was a light knock at the door, and you knew that it could only be one person: Sam, as Dean didn’t need to knock — it was his room too after all. “Y/N?” Sam asked, his voice slightly low. “Can we talk?”
“Is Dean hurt?” You asked, your voice was a little muffled, but you tried your best to speak loudly as you had no desire to get out from under the sheets.
“No but —” Sam began, but much like Dean did earlier. You cut him off as well.
“Is Dean dying?” You asked.
A puzzled look appeared on Sam’s face. “No but —”
“You can leave then,” you said. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“But the hunt the other —” before he could finish his sentence, you unearthed yourself from the sheets and grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and threw it in Sam’s direction, promptly hitting him just below the neck. “I’ll uh…I’ll leave,” he said, quickly shutting the door and leaving.
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Sam walked back into the War Room, and Dean didn’t even bother looking up. “How’d the pep talk go?” He asked, turning the page.
“She threw a pillow at me,” Sam replied, sitting across from Dean.
“Ha!” Dean said, laughing. “That’s my girl,” he smirked. “Told you it wouldn’t end well for you brother.”
“I’m sorry if I’m the only one that’s concerned,” Sam stated.
Dean looked up now, closing the book he was reading; and shot Sam a stern, pissed off look. “You don’t think I’m fucking concerned about her?”
“Well you’re not acting like you are,” Sam replied.
“And how would you like me to act umm?” Dean asked. “Enlighten me.”
“I don’t know. Actually trying to get her to talk about what happened!” Sam exclaimed.
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that this is how she just fucking processes things,” Dean said, his voice getting more angry and annoyed by the second.
“Well the way the both of you process your emotions is fucking jacked,” Sam knew that he had crossed a line with his comment, as Dean’s face looked like he was about one more sentence away from punching him in the face.
“I’m sorry we don’t process our emotions like you do,” Dean said; getting up from his chair and walking out of the War Room, leaving Sam who was currently holding his face in his hands.
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If there was something that Dean hated and loved about you, was the fact that the both of you were so similar. He loved it because you two were always on similar wavelengths; almost as if you could read each others minds and emotions. The two of you just clicked; clicked to the point that sometimes it scared him how perfect the two of you were for each other. But at the same time, he hated it; hated it because he could see how stubborn he could be through you. But the thing that he hated the most, was that because he couldn’t help himself with certain things, he couldn’t help you with certain things — and now was one of those times.
He would never force you to talk about why this case had affected you as much as it did, as he knew that you would talk about it when you were ready. But what Sam had said to him really hit him hard because he was worried about you; but he didn’t want to show it because he knew that if you saw him worried, it would force you to talk about it when you weren’t ready just to appease him — and that was the last thing that he had wanted. He always wanted you to do things at your own pace; much like how you had let him do things at his own pace.
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When he had entered the bedroom, the light was still off and he could see your outline underneath the covers, barely moving. “Hey beautiful,” he said softly.
“Hey stud,” you mumbled from underneath the sheets.
“Mind if I come and lie down with you?” He asked, already making his way toward the bed.
“I’d like that,” you said. You lifted up the sheets on his side of the bed so he could easily slide in. “Can I be big spoon?” You asked.
Dean smiled. “Of course.”
Stripping out of his jeans and flannel, he slid into bed and got underneath the covers with you; completely encasing yourselves. You wrapped your arms around him, and snuggled your face into his back, giving it a small kiss. “Thanks for not forcing me,” you said, after a few minutes of silence between the two of you.
“I’ll never force you to do anything Sweetheart,” he replied back, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. “I love you, and I’ll always support you no matter what.”
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @octoberclidan @kidwhofixates @crystal555 @hannahisthebanana @seamlessepiphany @madzzz0797 @livingordeadwhoknows @writinginfear @Roskar16 @syrma-sensei @k-slla @justletmereadfanfic @deans-daydream @midorimachisenpaii @rachiem4-blog @taraswifes @zepskies @jackles010378 @mrsjenniferwinchester @globetrotter28 @deans-spinster-witch @mrlonelycat @frozenhuntress67 @coldspoons @androah @savagemickey03 If you’d like to be added to a tag list please follow this link
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awad-palestine · 5 months
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I am Awad, 40 years old, a Palestinian from Gaza. I currently reside in Gaza.
Right now I have 5 members of my family, including 3 children.
I am starting a fundraiser to save the lives of my immediate family members, I am their only hope to get out of Gaza to Egypt and then to Germany in order to be safe again. Please help me save my family's lives.
I am unable to work due to war, there is no work here, and whenever I have a chance to sleep, I wake up right away to see if my family is still alive, it is hard to live here due to the current situation where there is no electricity, connection, fuel, water or food, which makes our health condition worse, I am worried that I will lose my family any moment. Due to the war that's been going on in Gaza Strip for 200 days, which has targeted civilians, they're struggling right now, and genocides are happening in Gaza every day.
At the beginning of the war, me and my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighborhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 23 years is gone, and we're homeless now.
Currently, there is no safe place for us to live or to go, as of now we are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people. On top of that, after a hard 110 days during this war, I'm worried about my children not getting food or sleep because they don't have the basic necessities of life.
Hearing bombs and explosions scare us, so we flee from place to place looking for safety. We can't find any medication and we keep getting sick and we don't have access to health care. Many of my family members have been killed, and many other members are missing under rubble, we don't know if they are alive or dead.
Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for five people.
To facilitate me and my family's evacuation from Gaza and to Germany I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise $25,000. Here is the breakdown of the funds:
• It is estimated that $3000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family including their accommodation, food, and other essentials.
Has to be allocated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to $6000 per person (3 people).3000$ for children under 18 years (2people).
• The cost of travel from Gaza to Germany $3000
. The cost for visa applications and all the costs related to reunion is $700 per person.
Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to the safety of me and my family. We'll use the money raised in a transparent and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe.
Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give during this difficult time.
Help me reach my goal and provide safety for me and my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
Thank you our compassionate friends and supporters.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Helloooo, Shan! This is a bit out of left field but it’s something I’ve been wondering for a while. BL has developed more as a genre and shown itself to be increasingly sociopolitically aware (whether or not it effectively engages with that awareness beyond marketing is another thing), do you have thoughts on any sort of progression of how women and girls have been portrayed? Or observations on the general state of women and girls in BL? It seems to me their roles have become meatier, not just one-dimensional femme fatales or fujoshi. Or am I projecting a false narrative of genre evolution? 🤔
Hey Megan, thanks for sending! I love an out of left field ask. And I agree with you, I do think there has been a clear evolution in the way women characters are portrayed in BL, and I have been making note of it where I see it.
It used to be that female characters in BL were mostly just there to be antagonists, either as villainous femme fatales trying to break up the couple (like Plern Pleng in TWM) or fujoshis inserting themselves into the main couple's relationship in really inappropriate and fetishizing ways (like Pang in Love Sick). Even the precious few decent women characters from early BL (like Manow from UWMA) are still really only there as side characters who provide support to the boys and/or a bit of comic relief. Women in early BL were either problematic or kind of an afterthought in the narrative.
But more recently there have been BL dramas featuring women who are more fully fleshed out and actually a crucial part of the story. This is not linear and consistent, of course--there are BLs airing as we speak, like Knock Knock Boys and Blue Boys, that are still relying on women as primary antagonists--but there has been some growth. Here are some of the characters I find particularly notable in regards to the role they play in the narrative:
Ae Ri, The Eighth Sense
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Ae Ri was a notable character because the narrative set us up to think she was going to be a typical femme fatale. She seemed to like Ji Hyun and we were naturally inclined to assume she would be an obstacle to him pursuing Jae Won, until the show completely turned that on its head and made her a knowing ally instead. It was a delightful surprise and she remained an important support and get a grip friend for Ji Hyun throughout the story.
Nara, La Pluie
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Nara is another in the category of the subverted femme fatale trope, but this show took that much further by writing her with so much empathy and making her a fully fleshed out character with her own arc and even the start of a new romance by the end. It is still the best treatment of an ex-girlfriend character I have ever seen in a BL.
Fujisaki/Pai, Cherry Magic
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Speaking of trope subversion, let's give a shoutout to these two corrective takes on the fujoshi archetype. Each version of this story did it a bit differently, but the common thread was that Fujisaki and Pai only wanted the best for their friends, and kept a firm line on how much to interfere in their relationship. Fujisaki is gentle and kind, offering small encouragements and nice gestures. Pai is much more of an enthusiastic fangirl so I was a bit weary at the start of her story, but the show used her fannish interests as an opportunity to model respectful fan behavior and I was quite pleased in the end.
Yiwa, Wedding Plan
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And of course, I have to mention the current title holder for best female character in a BL, Wedding Plan's Yiwa. She is not only a great character in terms of having a fully formed personality, clear motivations, and a great set of relationships, she is also the engine that drives the entire narrative. I am still kinda amazed she exists.
This is separate but related to the recent increase in GL content and GL side couples in BLs, which is also getting steadily better. And I want both! I want solid GL dramas where the girls own the narrative, and I want BLs to write women better when they choose to include them in the story. I'm encouraged by the progress we've already seen.
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
Current day Wolfstar(let me preface this by saying, you should take liberties when it comes to these character, JKR sucks, these are just my gripes with how the fandom currently perceives these two)
Aka I’m annoyed so I’m making it everyone else’s problem. The “stupid feminine Sirius who’s 5’4 and who’s oh so much uglier than Remus, and he’s basically just a charity case!” STOP IT, stop it stop it, stop it. I have zero problem with feminine Sirius, go wild, my problem is with relating femininity to weakness and stupidity.
Also, I am so, SO sick of “big alpha 6’5 hot Gryffindor Casanova Remus Lupin”, not only does it not make sense, it’s annoying, and it reinforces gender roles. Remus Lupin spent his whole life being told he was basically a big scary monster, who can’t be around other children, HOW do you think he would react to being perceived as this big angry asshole with no regard for the people around him?
ALSO, Remus Lupin was NOT drop dead gorgeous, I’m sorry to say, he was not the hottest guy around(that is still my darling man and I will not tolerate anything against my darling man), he was a scrawny werewolf with scars, and premature lines and shabby clothing, if anything, he looked like an anemic average British man in the seventies, if not below average.
Sirius was literally “Hogwarts’ pretty boy”. I’m not saying this to make Remus seem like a charity case, because, wolfstar is pointless when you make one the “man” or “woman”, or “hot” and “ugly”, i’m saying this because Casanova Remus Lupin annoys me, if ANYONE was “Casanova of Gryffindor Tower” it was Sirius Black. (I also think people forget the negative connotation with the term “Casanova”, which is sometimes annoying to see when talking about Remus, or Sirius)
Also, I could talk about how canonically, Sirius was the tallest marauder, or how a huge part of his character was HOW hot he was, I could talk about how he was hotter than Regulus, i COULD talk about how Remus wasn’t the smartest marauder, I could talk about how Sirius is canonically an overly clever wizard, I could talk about how if anyone is aggressive between the two, it was Sirius, but, I don’t think I will, because that will seem like I’m trying to push Sirius being the “aggressive man” of the two, and Remus being the “ugly woman” of the two, and I don’t believe that,
Wolfstar has now become just a way to reinforce gender roles on two characters, and that’s gross, making Remus the smart aggressive “man” of the relationship, and Sirius the stupid small “woman” of the relationship, is just gross dude.
Wolfstar doesn’t HAVE to fall into gender norms, that’s not necessary, neither of them HAVE to be the “man” or “woman”, that’s NOT necessary.
Remus being a funky looking guy, while Sirius is a hot nepo baby, is so beautiful, and it makes their relationship so much more interesting than “man aggressive and hot” and “woman ugly but pretty and pathetic”.
Anyways, let Remus be a skrunkly little man, and let Sirius be hot, also STOP ASSIGNING GENDER ROLES TO THEM OH MY GOOOOOD DHFBFJDJCJ
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Also preserved on our archive
By Kelly Betts
People can’t see my disability from the outside. I worry that in this current political climate and with the new law, it may not end at the comments and harassment I already face.
On Thursday, officials in Nassau County, New York, where I live, signed a mask ban into law, one of the first of its kind in the country. And while to most healthy adults it doesn’t mean much, to those with serious health conditions, like me, it makes getting out into the world a lot harder.
The ban was touted by lawmakers as a public safety measure after reported antisemitic incidents and protests at various New York universities, many involving people wearing masks. Those who violate the new law face a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. And while there are exemptions for people with religious and medical reasons, it’s not dealing with the law that I’m afraid of. It’s dealing with the “citizen cops” of the world who will be using their discretion to enforce it.
I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in February 2023. It’s a fast-growing type of blood cancer. I underwent more than five rounds of chemotherapy, and the following July, thanks to an amazingly generous donor, I had a stem cell transplant, something I knew nothing about until I got sick. I was given some of the most powerful chemotherapies to kill my old immune system and any remaining cancer cells. Then I was given my donor’s stem cells to help build a brand-new immune system.
There are a lot of risks that come along with the transplant, especially in the early stages as the stem cells are engrafting and you have no immune system. The first 100 days are the riskiest, and you must watch everything from what you eat to how it’s prepared, and most of all the people around you. Your body is starting from scratch, so you have almost no immunities. Any vaccinations you’ve had over your lifetime have been wiped out. For the last year since my transplant, my immune system has slowly been getting stronger. But building a new immune system takes years, and I have a long way to go. So, wearing my face mask whenever I go out is essential.
That brings me back to the new law. I wear a medic alert bracelet and would hope that showing it to the police, should it ever become an issue, would be enough. But that’s not guaranteed, because anyone can just order one. Would I be forced to show up in court to prove my medical condition to a judge? And what cost and time could that take, all to protect my health? And what about my family or people who act as caregivers, who don’t technically have medical conditions of their own, but still wear masks to protect me? Would there be an exemption for them?
Most of all, I worry about those who have strong feelings against masks. As we know, many people read headlines and not always the full story. And just reading most of the headlines, all someone will know is that there’s a mask ban in Nassau County. Even at the height of my illness, with no hair and really looking like I had cancer, I still got comments like “Covid is over” or “that’s not protecting you.” And while the few comments hurt, especially while I was battling for my life, I could shake them off. I had a bigger fight ahead of me.
Now, healthier with hair again and 43 years old, the comments continue. But I worry that in this current political climate and with the new law, it may not end at that. People can’t see my disability from the outside. It’s been hard to get back out in the world, as many can relate to after going through a global pandemic. Even being as careful as I am and just starting to let my guard down a little in outdoor settings, I caught Covid. And it took my body and immune system down hard. Luckily, I’m recovering and back to wearing my mask diligently, even outdoors.
I want to be able to return to my normal life. And go out with friends, see a Broadway show, and one day get back to my office in the city. But now with New York City considering passing its own mask ban, I don’t know when I would feel safe enough to do that. Is this law really protecting the masses?
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Like I know I said that I was going to stop the Izcourse but some of you guys are getting homophobic again. Imagine saying that Izzy is gayer because unrequited love is more relatable to queer people than what Ed and Stede have going on. Yes absolutely all gay people are little incels who can't take no for an answer this is absolutely true. There's no such thing as a gay couple who immediately click and the phrase lesbian U-Haul has no basis in reality and we're all just being sick creeps to people who don't want us and think of us like how they think about their abusive dad. This is true and doesn't reflect at all on you as a person for thinking it's universally relatable or on the way you think about gay people.
Like bestie I hang out in drag spaces I am telling you that these people have partners. My core friend group is all queer except for one guy. Not counting the aroace, guess which people in my core friend group are not currently engaged? If you guessed me and the straight guy you'd be correct. Gay people get so fucking laid it's unbelievable.
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antispopausandstuff · 9 months
you guys know the s5 scene where catra left adora to die?
here's another thing i noticed.
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she's apologizing for dying. while it's really fucked up, it is within adora's character to apologize for something she couldn't control. i can't recall, but she did something similar to glimmer and bow a few minutes prior to this.
however, while the writers may not have intended for this, adora is also apologizing for this:
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now, you might be drawing a blank at how this is correlated to her apology, until you remember what exactly catra and adora were talking about here:
adora is about to die.
originally, the conversation was about adora somehow choosing shadow weaver over catra ( which did not happen ), but when catra wasn't winning the argument, she shifted it to be about adora practically being led to her death.
catra's wording starts out as her acknowledging that adora doesn't have a choice in this ( which goes against her earlier reaction to just crying and running away from her when she gets the failsafe ), but then it changes its tune and becomes an accusation of choosing this path, when adora has been forced to take this.
basically, adora is apologizing to catra in the finale as if to prove that catra was right, even though she's literally dying right in front of her.
and catra never apologizes for leaving her.
speaking of which, would this apology even work on catra?
because we all know the real reason she left.
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she left because somehow, someway, she twisted the entire conversation and everything related to shadow weaver as adora actively wanting to be around their abusive mother, despite showing multiple cases to catra herself that she doesn't.
adora doesn't like being around shadow weaver. she doesn't like her at all. she may not want the woman to suffer harshly, adora did heal her when she was sick, but she doesn't want to be around shadow weaver if she doesn't have to be.
and catra knows that. there's several instances throughout the show that she's smart enough to see and understand that. she even uses a torture method sw used on her previously on adora and swift wind in the previous season, because she knew it would severely hurt her. especially since catra, for whatever reason, put the electrocution on steroids.
so, it's not like catra has been blind to adora's distaste, she just chooses when to acknowledge it.
catra sees adora eventually dying as 1. choosing to die and 2. choosing shadow weaver over her, in this current scene.
adora has no idea catra thinks this way, so her apology for just dying is not only really fucked up, but is most likely entirely pointless.
these two don't see the same problem. at least, not the exact same one. catra may still be pissed off at adora daring to "choose" the universe over death, for daring to choose the lives of literally everyone on the motherfucking planet over herself, but she's still more upset at adora "choosing" their mother over her.
so, what is adora apologizing for exactly?
yes, for dying, but how does catra see it? knowing catra, the best case scenario is she probably sees it as adora apologizing for being "wrong" ( because she says "no matter what happens, i am staying with you", but then gaslights adora into staying ), and for choosing their mom over her, even though neither of those are true or correlated within the context.
this level of thinking is on par with stans, so i'm not surprised catra herself acts this way.
it sure did hurt my brain when i realized it, though.
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How do you make Virgils boards, is there a system or do you just like go ham? I find them very neat and am curious
(idk if this has been asked before but if it has i couldn't find it so-)
I don’t think it’s been asked but I would LOVE to ramble about it omg for sure-
It’s sort of a mix of both! I have the advantage of like,,, Virgil canonically thinks the way I think, when it comes to connecting dots, so it’s sort of just a visual representation of my brain and how I picture the lore, lol. In terms of a “process” though:
I tend to start with a list of important plot points, bits of information, and character details Virgil does know. And obviously most of the time, it’s a a bunch of questions that he’s asking, which I’ve woven those into
From there, I make a list of assumptions Virgil makes based off those facts. Sometimes those are correct assumptions that I know are right because they’re planned lore. Sometimes they’re things that I’m spitballing because we haven’t landed on an actual answer, and it’s sort of like,,, testing the waters with an idea I think is fun, but that might not be canon. Sometimes, my favourite, they’re just completely bullshit assumptions that make sense but are so wild and silly, either for the comedic effect or as a red herring.
Once I’ve got all of those, I do just sort of go ham sketching them out! I tend to cluster them based on vibe and theme, so it looks like an evolution of thought. Here is this idea, here is this idea that relates to it, kinda thing. I also try to make sure that there’s a drawing or diagram per cluster of information, to add more visual interest! I tend to shuffle things around once they're drawn out, trying to see what fits best where, the sizing of things, and whats like, an appropriate connection/space for things to go! (for example in the upcoming draft of the board, I had to decide if i put the section on Luxtant near Avianism, near the Avicane, near the Sorcerers, or near Vast and Rune!)
Also before I do the line art, I tend to add the strings on a seperate layer to test the placement! actually connecting things with the red string is less important to me then how it looks visually. I want “main things,” whether it’s drawings or notes, to be visible. Like I try my best to not have string lines being directly over the top of people, or important concepts! You can for example in the current board in Virgil’s office that like,,, the note about Kalia isn’t covered, or the pictures of Vast and Pietro, but things like random questions about Viviana are covered by strings, because they’re less important to notice upon first glance. It’s a lot of finding a way to use the strings to draw the eyes in places I want them to go.
Then the last step of the process is line art and colouring and finalising placement :D
That all makes it sound like it’s a properly like, thought out process but honestly it’s a big mess of back and forth editing and scribbling and deciding last minute to add things to fill up space and just hope things turn out looking okay lol! But I have a lot of fun with it, Virgil and his investigations and investigative process (especially upcoming with things like Void Sickness) are very fun to play out 🫶
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zooliminology · 5 months
Update/What's in the Future
[Hey guys, you probably have noticed that this is going to be likely the longest dry spell of real Zoolim content in a while. I apologize for this. Life has gotten in the way of a lot of things.
-I'm an art student in college, and last semester I didn't take any art classes so I was basically free to do whatever, but this semester I've taken three studio art classes, which are all very intensive and in honesty I would not recommend it! If you're a studio art student stick to 1-2 studio art classes a semester so you don't go insane please! I'm currently absolutely SWAMPED with work right now. -The Golbo video and the video that is imminently due this Tuesday (that i am writing this post about instead of working on) are the results of my New Media class. Considering the ten thousand million fucking art assets I have to draw for these it's been very time consuming (still want to do it though.) -A lot of life things have happened to me recently, not to be super personal but a family member of mine is sick and my living conditions are not the absolute Best, so it's been taking a heavy toll on my health.
All of these combined, especially the studio classes part because I've been bled dry of creativity energy relating to zoolim basically, has caused this dry spell basically. My hopes are that after the semester ends (which is soon) I'll be able to work on things more. I feel bad about not working on it more but I have to draw things other than zoolim to literally stay sane because it's a lot.
So I guess that leaves us with one question: what's in the future?
Well, a lot of things... maybe? I'm a little dry on entity ideas right now but i have a few, and I'd like to revisit some entities more and expand on them. And while I enjoy the videos and the non-entry ideas I have for material, I would also like to continue the 'traditional' paintings and entries. So I hope I can work on that alongside other things! I also have more ideas for videos, but considering how I have to do nearly all of the work, aside from the narration (thanks Darvinos) any video production will likely slow down dramatically after the semester is over. Until my next New Media class at least, but IDK if it will let me make the same shit.
I also have some deeper lore and a story semi-figured out, along with characters (you ever wonder who's taking the pictures? not the same person who's writing the captions!!!) but they would be hard to implement in this tumblr blog organically, so maybe they'll show up in some videos. I've thought of asking more people for help for this purpose, though I'd need to work out completely how that would work, and the moment that zoolim becomes more than some backrooms world i work on mostly by myself will become scary.
Sorry that this post is a big ramble, I hope yall understand and I swear the Longlegs video will come out pretty soon, it will be worked on again right after I post this lol. But please take care, and thank you for all the support you've shown me so far. It truly does mean a lot to me. I've said it several times but I'll say it again, I never imagined this shitty little art project about weird goobers in the backrooms would get so much attention lol.
ok end of post]
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rorywritessmut · 1 year
You hate your asshole boss. So, after an interview you two decide to take something for a spin
Kinktober 2023: Hate Fucking
As usual, minors DNI. Please interact with this if you liked it ❤️❤️ Enjoy!
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You hated Bakugou Katsuki. He was arrogant, entitled, and full of shit. You wouldn’t let him know he got under your skin, though. You knew that would boost his ego to know the super positive and happy person you were, hated him. He was also your boss. Being the number 2 hero was already inflating his ego. Always going on and on about his obsession with beating Deku.
You are a people pleaser. Even when that person is your self absorbed boss.
So, you spent every day of your life kissing Bakugou’s ass. “Yes sir” this and “Please, don’t, sir” that. You are his relations manager so trying to control him was a pain in your ass and was wearing on your patience. You begged your company to let you be Chargebolt’s assistant when he harassed the other way. You’d rather be flirted with than yelled at constantly for using your quirk.
Gentle Touch is the name of your quirk. This entailed that just a gentle touch could calm down the most anxious person. You were also in school to become a therapist for traumatized civilians after Villian attacks. You needed a job to pay for school and your company scooped you up and paired you with your current pain in the ass.
Your quirk was used often when it came to the explosive man that is Bakugou Katsuki. You took a lot of pride in showing him how to calm the fuck down from time to time. His gravelly voice telling you to quietly “Fuck off” would make your entire day better.
Today, you broke. Bakugou had an interview with some popular gossip channel and your quirk was all used up before the first 10 minutes of it. Bakugou was pissed about the interview and the two of you almost didn’t make it on the ride over to the building.
“So, Dynamight, any special ladies in your life?” The hostess leaned over and you got a good whiff of her perfume.
“Just this bitch right here.” Bakugou pointed a finger at you, “Keeps me in line and shit”
“Oh-ho-ho, you’re in a relationship with your relations manager?”
“No!” You quickly interjected, “He means that there are no women in his life other than the women he works with, respectfully.” You always did this. You always had to clean up his crass language to keep the gossip media out of his business. Frankly, you were sick of it.
“Yeah, whatever she said.” He crossed his arms aaaand he was gone. While he was physically there, he was emotionally gone. This usually meant that you were going to be stuck answering his questions.
“Not even your mom?” The hostess teases.
“That hag-”
“No, Dynamight loves his mother very much.” You physically put your hand on his shoulder, signaling him to shut up.
“Ah, you two seem close. Tell me about yourself, oh great Relations Manager.”
“I have a useful quirk that calms Dynamight down so I was hired to keep him in line.” You regret saying that when the hostess raises her eyebrow.
“I see, so, you keep him in line and he pays your way through school? Sounds like a sugar daddy exchange to me.” She sneers, how did she know you went to school and that Bakugou paid for it??
“Listen,” Bakugou growls but you make a low sound.
“Ma’am, my desire to go to school has nothing to do with Bak-Dynamight,” You take a deep breath in, “I am just his relations manager.”
“A bitch too.” Bakugou sneers at you, narrowing his ruby red eyes at you.
“Looks like we have an enemies to lovers situation-ship!” The hostess is covering her mouth as you stare at Bakugou.
His lips quirked ever so slightly at the sight of your rigid body. You wanted nothing more than to walk off set and never see him again. Every damn time your relationship came up, Bakugou’s answers became more and more vague making it seem like you two actually engaged with each other beyond work.
“I’m done.” You clipped off your mic set, threw it on the ground, and stormed off.
You could hear Bakugou right behind you, stomping through the corridor. He called your name a few times and you felt tears come to your eyes. This job was ruining your life, if you were being honest.
“You’re not done.” Bakugou snapped and grabbed your wrist. You were brought back to reality.
“Bakugou Katsuki, I am done with this job. I went on two dates with a guy and when I asked why he ghosted me later it was because he didn’t want to be involved with “Dynamight’s Girl,” what the hell does that even mean?!” You’re pushing on h8is chest with your finger, getting up in his face.
“It’s because you are my girl,” He sneers and corners you in the hallway. His arms are on both sides of you, trapping you.
“Since when?!” You’re looking up at him now.
“Since you first used your quirk on me”
“You don’t even know me” You push him with both hands and storm to your dressing room.
Of course, he follows you into the room and locks the door behind him. He stalks towards you, something unreadable behind his eyes. You back away from him until the back of your legs hits the desk behind you. You’re reminded of why you hate him so much. Of course he thinks you belong to him. He thought he was entitled to everybody around him.
“Listen to me,” He starts but you’re not having it.
“No! I am done working for you, I’ll find a different job and get myself through school.”
“No, you won’t,” He grabs your wrist and yanks you towards him. He pulls said wrist to his lips and kisses it. Never once did he break eye contact with you. You’re left speechless at his actions. “Now, quit being a brat.”
“Stop telling me what to do!” You scream and trash against him. “I don’t like you. I hate you” Venom laces your voice and you see something dark in Bakugou’s eyes.
He takes off his mask and ear pieces with one hand. He tightens his grip on your wrist and he pulls you impossibly closer. He leans in and licks a stripe from your collarbone to the shell of your ear.
“You hate me?”
“Yes, I hate you so much.” You whisper, closing your eyes. You’re losing control of yourself and you can feel your sex dripping with sudden need. Sudden need for your asshole of a boss.
“I can smell you, you know, dripping with desire,” he whispers in your ear, “I want you to turn around, pretty girl.” You stay put. When Bakugou notices your disobedience, he grabs your shoulders and turns you around.
Now, you’re looking into your eyes in the Vanity. You flicker your eyes up to Bakugou who has a Cheshire grin on his face. Your chest is tight and your thoughts are running a million miles a minute. It’s obvious from the way he’s tracing lines along your bicep, that he’s not going to hurt you. You can’t help the sudden feeling of dread and desire pooling in your stomach.
“Now, quit being a brat and listen to me,” He’s talking to your reflection in the mirror, “I always get what I want. What I want is to fuck you until you’re a blubbering mess.” You swallow something thick.
“Katsuki. If you’re going to be my little fuck, at least call me by my first name.” Bakugou coos and runs a finger down your neck and along your collarbone.
“No. I fucking hate you, I won’t call you anything.”
“What happened to Yes Sir?” Bakugou teases.
You look at his reflection and suddenly he’s gagging you with his pointer and middle finger. Your eyes go wide and you can’t find it to be scared. Instead, you’re insanely turned on and pissed off. You bite down on his fingers and he jerks them out of your mouth. The asshole grabs your jaw and forces your hips against the vanity. You can feel his erection against your back.
“Bitch.” He sneers and you smile at the name calling. “I won’t do anything you don’t want. I am a man, though, I want to fuck you.”
You contemplate for a second, did you want this? The traitor between your thighs begged for him to fulfill his promise. Your brain though:? It was still unsure of what it wanted right now. Suddenly, you felt a tapping sensation on your temple. You looked at Bakugou and saw it was him tapping on your head.
“Don’t think too much. Just go with your gut.” Easy for him to say, your guts wanted rearranged. Slowly, you nodded your head.
“I warned you.”
“I’m going to tell you this won’t happen again,” You sneered at him. “You’re probably a pathetic fuck anyways.”
“I’ll prove you wrong.” You snorted at that remark.
With all this tension, he grabs your jaw and forces you to look at yourself in the mirror again. You grab onto the vanity and prepare for the worst dicking you’ve gotten in a while.
“I am going to tell you one time and one time only, keep your eyes on the reflection in the mirror.” You quirk an eyebrow as he begins to disappear behind you.
It doesn’t take long before he’s pushing your skirt above your hips. You try to crane your head back but you receive a swift slap to the ass. You yelp and turn your attention back to your mirror image. Bakugou makes haste by pulling down your underwear. He groans at the aroma of your gushing arousal.
You’re not prepared for him to lick from your clit to your asshole. A moan escapes from your plush lips and you feel your face heat up at the sound. Grabbing onto vanity with a vice grip, you’re prepared for the second lick. Bakugou doesn’t spend much time assaulting your clit from this position. Instead, he opts to tongue fucking the apex between your thighs. You try to not let his pride swell by wantonly moaning every time he hits something right. Which happens to be a lot.
Bakugou taps your ass cheek and teases your lips with his fingers. Is he asking for permission to finger fuck you? You make a whining sound to confirm that you need something inside of you.
“Good girl,” He praises and plunges his fingers past your labia.
“Fuck” You curse.
You can feel him smile against your sex as he slowly inches towards your tight hole with his tongue. You gasp at the sensation of his fingers curling inside your spongy canal and the assault on your asshole. Moaning his name, you look at your face and you’re surprised at the look that’s there. Your lips are torn from biting them to keep the sounds to a minimum. Your eyes have tears brimming in the corners. Bakugou continues to lick and thrust, driving you mad.
“Please,” you beg, “Please fuck me.” You can’t believe you are actually begging him to fuck you. The very man you hated so much.
“Have you been good enough? Want to see yourself fucked out of your mind? Bakugou stands and grabs your jaw. You nod your head with the little movement you’re allowed. You hear Bakugou shed the rest of his hero attire but you don’t dare turn to look at him.
“Hurry,” you plead.
Bakugou wastes little time in lining up with your entrance and beginning at a brutal pace. Letting out a strew of curse words, you let out a long drawn out moan. Using a staccato beat, Bakugou grips onto your hips to lift you up off the floor and changes the angles. He sets yet another brutal pace and you drop your head in pleasure. Bakugou slides out and pulls your hair by the scalp, making you look at yourself.
“I said to keep looking,” He growls out and you lazily look up at your image in the mirror.
You’re definitely fucked out of your mind. Your hair is disheveled and saliva runs down your chin. Your breasts have come out of your bra and shirt, nothing like you’ve ever seen before. Bakugou hums in your ear and slides back in. He thrusts and thrusts until you’re almost screaming in unison with them. There’s a tension building in your core that is threatening to snap. You grip the vanity as hard you can before your tipping point is reached.
“Katsuki,” You cry, “I’m coming.”
“Fuck, me too.” He grunts and you’re both moaning as you come down from your high.
Everything is silent as you clean up, head out, and go your separate ways. You leave in the same car but never say a word to each other. Soon, you’re home and you pass out from exhaustion.
The next day? Well, gossip gets around quick.
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