#instead of him regularly getting his ass kicked
arabian-batboy · 2 years
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Tim getting the shit beat out of him and still claiming that he's somehow better than the person currently beating him perfectly summarizes his character.
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Older! Boyfriend Toji x Fem Reader pt. 2
CW: weapon play
18+ Headcanons:
Older! Toji, who was definitely a fuck-friend, before he was a boyfriend. At first, it was a once a week occasion, almost like an appointment. Slowly it became twice a week, then four times a week, then almost every night. It became an addiction like no other. He began craving you whenever you weren't with him.
"You free tonight baby? Need to fuck you so bad... haven't seen you in three days, fuck."
Older! Toji who fell first... and swears it was some work of black magic.
"Don't know what you're doing to me, Mama." Toji groans fucking you from behind, watching as a ring of white cream forms at the base of his cock. His hips speed up by the second, realizing that he isn't just feeling lust.
"Tightest, prettiest little pussy I've ever fucked. Sweetest, prettiest girl I've ever met. Put a fucking spell on me."
Older! Toji who is not loud in bed. Sorry to my girls that love the moaners and the whimpering sluts 😔. You'll get groans, grunts, and tons of dirty talk but THAT'S IT.
When you're having make-up sex or when he's angry, he won't make a sound. Just heavy breathing and hard fucking. Kinda scary tbh.
Older! Toji who loves it fucking disgusting. Sloppy, wet, hot, you name it. His favorite thing is to lay down and watch you choke and slobber all over his dick. Chokes you just to have drool spill out of your mouth. Cums all over you, having his seed collect on your shaking body. He's absolutely dead set on making you squirt, training your body as regularly as possible.
Older! Toji who loves experimenting with his knives and handguns in the bedroom. Whether it be pressing his Glock 19 to your forehead while fucking you against the wall, or pressing a blade to your neck while marking you up, he loves the way the danger always makes your breath hitch. Don't worry though, he always takes the bullets out, always uses the dull side of the knife... he'd never be able to forgive himself if something actually happened to you. (When he has basic human empathy 😍🤤)
Older! Toji who first confessed after fucking you raw, going three rounds. He was struck with jealousy after you invited him out to a bar, instead of your apartment like you have been doing routinely for about 5 months. He was having a good time, joking with you, feeling his heart beat a little faster every time your face lit up and your laugh rang out.
Everything was just jolly until some fucking guy walked up to you, introducing himself as Satoru. He began practically begging to buy you a drink, claiming that he's only seen a beauty like yours in a dream about a wild forest goddess he had when he got high for the first time in 9th grade.
Toji rolled his eyes, scoffing at the man who was currently making a fool out of himself. You, on the other hand, found the man's antics amusing, giggling while you allowed him to carry on about his dream, detailing the way the goddess walked towards him, blessing him. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he informed you that the scene was an exact replica of you walking into the bar.
By the time you got back to your apartment, Toji was less than pleased.
"Oh, C'mon Toji! It was funny. I mean, you really didn't get a kick out of him?" You pest as he walks in, taking off his size 13 boots.
"Tsk, no. He was a drunken idiot. Goddess my ass, he wouldn't know how to worship you."
That night, Toji fucked you sweeter than he ever did before. You expected to have your insides rearranged the second you walked through the door. Something was different. The air around you felt and smelled different as your breathless moans occupied the room. More tender, more purposeful, more...intimate. He worshipped you head to toe.
Once he pulled out, he uttered three sentences that changed your relationship forever...
"You're mine, I'm yours. I want you, I need you. I love you."
He reminds you of this moment from time to time, repeating the same three sentences. Not after you fuck, but after you make love.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
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jo-harrington · 3 months
Insouciant (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Pairings/Relationships: Older!Eddie Munson/Reader
Warnings/Themes: Mutual Pining, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Found Family, Allusions to Previously Unmentioned Trauma (Eddie), Suicidal Thoughts
Note: I've been just feeling a way lately. Overwhelmed. A tiny bit hopeless. Unfortunately I have too much I want to do and write before I meet the end so I can't off myself quite yet.
And while this might not be something I do in practice regularly, I wholeheartedly believe that Eddie would. Especially an Eddie who's pulled himself out of the pit of the Upside Down and found a new future elsewhere in Hawkins. Finding hope in the hopeless.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Insouciant - definition, noun or adjective. free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree. nonchalant.
"There you are," Eddie's voice is sharp and clear over the snaps and hisses and crackles of the bonfire that you'd been staring into for most of the night. "I've been looking all over for you."
You don't turn your head towards him. Instead you just take a sip from your now-warm can of Old Style and sigh, "Well it shouldn't have been hard. I don't think I've gotten up from this chair since I got here."
He snorts and falls into the shitty lawn chair next to yours, wallet chain clattering flatly against the plastic. Shit the plastic even groans in protest a little as his gangly limbs flop to and fro so he can get comfortable on this remnant of summers past that has been residing in Jen's mom's garage for the past too-many-years.
It's obnoxious, like him, but you like how obnoxious he is, so you have to hide your smile in your can as you take another sip.
There are a lot of sounds tonight.
The flat thunk of beanbags against the cornhole boards out in the front of the house, Joe over by the grill telling a story and the accompanying laughter as his stories often elicited, the drone of cicadas from the trees past the paint-peeling fence, and the bonfire crackling in front of you.
And you chose to stay right in the middle of it all. Sometimes chatting, sometimes laughing. But silent for the most part.
Together, but somehow very separate from the party.
Alone, yet overwhelmed more by the flurry of sounds--thoughts--in your head, than by your friends.
"You didn't need to come tonight if you weren't feeling it," Eddie offered and sipped his own beer. "Fuck, if I'd'a heard that someone else was gonna stay home, I would've too. It's hot as shit out here; I can feel my balls sticking to my legs."
You can't help the chuckle that comes out of you and you finally turn to look at him.
You look at him, looking at you. You see him. You've seen him all night, even when you weren't looking. It's not hard to see Eddie Munson. It's never been hard.
"You get what you pay for," Joe told everyone when he first brought his new metalhead coworker around to meet Jen and Steph and Ben and you at your first official Jen's Mom's Garage beer session of the summer. New to town, new to the state, with puckered pink scars along his jaw and arms, and a mouth that just wouldn't stop. "Which isn't much."
You'd argue that wasn't the case though; either part. Eddie was everything. The life of the party and a pain in the ass, with too many secrets to boot, but the longer he hung around Joe and Jen's group of misfits, the more he opened up.
At least, he did to you. Because you saw him. Saw the ticks and twitches, saw his little superstitions, saw the way he flinched when birds flew past him, saw the way he called Christopher the Dog Topher instead of Chrissy like everyone else did. There was something there, something etched into his skin.
You never asked, but he always told you. Because you saw him.
And he saw you too.
Which is why he leaned into the arm of the lawn chair and asked, "what's the prob, Bob? You said it yourself, you've been here all night. You're usually out kicking my ass at bags by now."
Your eyes dart back and forth between his, and for a moment you enjoy the way the bonfire warms and melts those chocolate depths.
There's a sparkle there, a spark. Some little bit of joy that was obvious even on the days when he was annoyed or cranky. It's there now, amidst the vast sea of worry he's aiming at you.
You turn back to the fire so you don't have to look at him anymore.
"How do you do it?" you ask after a beat.
"Do what?"
You're silent for a moment before he repeats himself.
"How are you so..." you fight for the word. There's not one that really matches him. So loud and unassuming all at once. "Insouciant."
"I know you know what it means. I've heard you use bigger words than that, asshole."
"Ah, you're swearing," you can hear the grin in his voice. "That's how I know you're fine."
"Answer the question."
"Can you use it in a sentence please?"
"Alright," he scoffs a laugh. "I don't know? Why are you asking me?"
There's laughter from the group at the barbecue and cheers from the few people out front. Joe announces that burgers are almost ready and Jen's mom asks if the cooler needs more ice.
"Because my shit doesn't even seem...important," you wave a hand at the fire. "And it still feels like the earth is gonna open up and swallow me whole at any second."
"And you want to figure out how not to feel like that?"
"I want to know how not to feel like I want to step in front of the Metra during the Monday Morning commute," you snap at him.
Well, not at him. At yourself. At...the world.
You close your eyes for a brief moment and then knock back the can and chug the rest of it so you don't have to talk. Once the can is empty, you make to throw it to the ground, but Eddie's hand darts out to grab your wrist.
His touch is gentle, thumb caressing over your skin for a moment before he speaks.
"What makes you think I don't feel that way too?"
You had considered that before many times when you shot, what you thought was, some secret look across a driveway only to find him watching you. Oftentimes you'd see the flash of self-hatred in his eyes before he turned away from you.
Because you saw him.
But even in that sea of darkness, the spark was still there. He would turn away and could still laugh at a joke or...start a story of his own...or...
And you couldn't.
All you could do was sit in miserable, numbing silence.
"How do you stop?" you whisper.
"Beer," he answers almost immediately. You try to pull your wrist from his grasp but he tightens his grip. "No hear me out. Not like...become an alcoholic beer. But I wanna go and have a Guinness in Ireland beer."
"And candy. Did you know that the Tootsie Roll factory is an hour away from here and they sell 10-pound bags of rejects? I want to get one and see how much I can eat before I puke.
"And you know I write fantasies right? Well I used to play Dungeons and Dragons. That's how it all started. Actually, I guess this is twofold. I want to be able to DM a game with everyone for one thing. And I want to see if my writing is worth anything for another. Can't do that if I'm splattered across the Lake Street Metra Station."
You admit that he has a point.
"But how do you stop it from getting you down right now?" you ask. "How are you so..."
You struggle for a word again but Eddie is quick to supply one.
"Insouciant?" he offers and you nod.
You watch as he takes a deep breath, as he licks his lips and swallows hard.
"Because when everything gets to be too much or I have a bad day, or...or I'm literally back in the pits of hell having bats bite me until I'm ground chuck again...and I think it would just be easier to end it than to keep putting up with that bullshit...I think that I can't do any of that until I can find the courage to ask you out for breakfast. And that's exciting enough that I can forget about my problems. Even if it's just for a little bit."
Your heart stops in your chest.
And damn if he isn't right that for that split second nothing bothers you and there's nothing in your head or your heart except for that.
"See so when I do ask you out," he repeats and your heart goes from petrified to racing, "you have to say yes because otherwise I have nothing to look forward to anymore."
"By that logic," you reply slowly. "You can't ask me out because then how are you gonna look forward to our first date anymore."
"I'll just look forward to our second date."
He says it like it's the easiest answer in the world.
His hand tightens on your wrist for a second and it grounds you back down to earth before he lets go and sinks back into his chair with a beatific smile. He takes a sip from his beer and then looks at the bonfire.
You also turn and stare at it, beer can still in your hand, thoughts flitting through your head at a million miles an hour. Not doom-filled thoughts like earlier, but instead excited thoughts, worried thoughts--but the good kind of worry--and you...you smile.
"Hey!" Joe hollers across the yard. "Burgers are done!"
"Fuck yes I'm starving," Eddie hops to his feet and then holds his hand out to you. "Burgers, sweetheart?"
You look up at him and see that sparkle in his eye, and for a second...you can almost feel one mirroring his form in yours. A little brightness shining through the din.
And your problems are still there. The weight on your shoulders.
It might not ever get better or be ok. Shit it might get worse. You can feel it creeping in.
But at least you have something to look forward to.
Together with Eddie.
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Perhaps Hal Jordan or Clark kent with cuddling. Like just them coming home after a stressed day and you just take care of them the best you can. U offer sex but they don’t want it. Just wanting to be in ur presence for a bit yk yk
Clark Kent x Male reader
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Hey nerds, guess who’s not dead. I feel like I am, but apparently, I’m not. Classes are kicking my ass because of very cramped timelines and long days. Who’d have thought becoming a caretaker (idk the English word) would be so difficult. A shorty, but still something I enjoyed writing.
It wasn’t a common occurrence. For Clark to come home so worn out and tired. As a man powered by the sun, a man of steel as he so regularly gets called, its very difficult to him feeling so worn down.
For the most part, the days he comes home in this mood, is not because he’s exhausted physically, but rather mentally. Be it from difficult missions, or just long days at work where he’s talked down too or pushed aside.
There is something soft and cute about him like this, though you would never tell him that. he’s always a little whinier and poutier, but also cuddlier, if that’s even possible for a guy who seems to live off affectionate contact with you.
The first thing Clark does when he comes home from days like this, is kick off whatever he’s wearing and change into something else. Most days its some ancient washed-out sweatshirts from his university days. The kind that’s been washed so many times the logo is mostly gone, and the fabric is worn thin and soft.
Its either that, or if you’re bigger than him, then it’s one of your shirts. That or just a pair of boxers and socks, so he can crawl into your space and flop down there like a big lazy cat.
If possible, Clark tries to crawl up into your shirt, laying his head on your stomach or your chest, ear pressed against your skin to listen to your heart, even if he can easily do that anywhere on the planet. Being so close just puts him at ease.
You cant hear it, but you know he’s purring, even if it’s a frequency you can’t pick up. At this point you can only really rub his back and let him soak up the affection and touch he needs like a wilted flower in the sun.
When he starts pressing featherlight kisses against your torso, you start to think maybe Clark wants something more, since he starts kneading at your sides, like you’re made from playdough, and he wants to mold you into something else.
His hands are so big and strong that you almost feel like playdough, with how insistent his rubbing and kneading can get. His kisses never go beyond soft pecks and barely there brushes of his lips, Clarks head just moving from side under your shirt as he lays on top of your legs.
You don’t need words in a situation like this, your hands becoming more exploratory, rubbing between his shoulders and tapping your fingers at his spine, like he’s a harp you’re plucking the strings off.
The change in your scent must catch his attention too, as Clark lifts his head just enough for you to see him through the collar of it, his eyes soft and glistening. They remind you of marbles, in a way. So shiny and with that clash of shades of blue.
The small downwards pout of his lips and minimal shake of his head is all you need to know, that going farther isn’t what he wants. So, you just give a nod in reply and place a hand on the back of his head, bringing him back down again.
You don’t really understand why he feels so much comfort under your shirt like this. Maybe it’s the enclosed feeling of it all, the shirt, and sometimes blanket you put on top, closing him off from the rest of the world.
Maybe its just the closure, and being surrounded by your scent, which always seems to put him at ease, or rile him up, depending on your own mood.
You don’t hate it though, you never could, not when its Clark. So, instead you just lay back, rubbing your hands slowly up and down his back and Clark nuzzles deeper against you, letting him rest there for as long as he needs.
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etfrin · 11 months
⤷❝NSFW Alphabets | Jason Todd ❞ˎˊ-
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⇢☾Warning: may the world know I have a horrible crush on this man and dive into this post <3
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⇢☾Pairing: Jason Todd x fem! Reader
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⇢☾A/N: this was self indulgent so be aware!
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| masterlist | bc: @cafekitsune
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
— you'll probably have to teach him about aftercare because he never had anything long-term (just flings) after he's aware though, he will bring you water (because your throat will be sore as fuck from screaming his name), sometimes draw a bath if he was particularly rough but usually, he would just cuddle you while his cock is still buried inside of you.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
— his thighs! He has noticed the way you stare at his bulge and his thighs whenever he sits (manspreads) more often than not he has you riding his thigh.
he does like your hands the most, your hand is like a bridge for both of you to be closer. you show him so much affection with your hands, like holding his hand or pinching his cheeks, stroking his hair. He loves it.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
— he cums anywhere, you are just a blank canvas. Would cum on your thighs, boobs, face, and anywhere, he loves seeing you completely debauched and marked.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory)
— he likes it when you beg, when you can't think because of the pleasure and you're trying to push him away as tears fall from your eyes, it's his favorite thing to deny you. He denies you to cum, he denies you to stay quiet, and he loves to say no to you and hear you whine.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
— Oh, he knows what he's doing. He lies about his body count (not that one) because he doesn't want to put you off but boy, he knows what he's doing.
F= Favorite position
— Doggy style, and mating press. Loves to have you on all fours, sometimes even making you crawl to him, he's so amused when you obey and he's so close to cumming inside his pants from the sight. And mating press because it just hits the right spots of your walls, making you scream that the neighbors have given up complaining about the noise, learning to soundproof their walls instead.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
— yeah, he is goofy though only if it's before patrolling or beating someone's ass, like early in the mornings or something. he would be all giggly and whispering some jokes (with a huge amount of dark humor) while sliding into your cunt and fucking you into oblivion.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
— it isn't wild down there but he doesn't trim as regularly as he should, but he has good hygiene though, it's just hair for him.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
— he's so rough and filthy. Sometimes forgets about his strength and gets so cocky when he sees the bruises all over your body (of course he kisses them better) there are moments he's soft and gentle but it's rare (so cherish it)
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
— yeah he does. Often in the shower or some dark ass alley right after kicking some ass and he can't get home fast enough to fuck the adrenaline out with you. It doesn't happen regularly though, with enough practice he can get to his apartment fast enough that he can pin you wherever it's the closest and have you, and most of the time you both shower together more often than not so shower sex <3
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
— breath play (receiving and giving), pain kink (receiving), pulling his hair, scratching his back, biting him hard, I beg of you, he would just lose all control, whatever sanity he has will go to hell. PRAISE KINK (good boy™), he would fucking melt if you tell him how good he is, how deep his cock reaches, and how much you love it and love him. He eats up every time, it means so much to him even outside of sexual intimacy. Degradation (giving) all of the classics: slut, cumdumpster, whore etc. Dumbfication, how he loves it when you can't process all of the insults (and occasional praises of how good your pussy is to him) and the only thing you do is moan his name mindlessly. Overstimulation because of his stamina he can make you cum several times a night, often losing count after the fourth. Dacryphilia: this one goes hand in hand with overstimulation and dumbfication.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
— anywhere. ANYWHERE. He doesn't care if he gets caught, he can and will fuck you almost anywhere. An alleyway, closets, library, church, ANYWHERE, the sky's the limit for him.
M= Motivation (things that make them tick/turn-ons)
— Domestic acts. Anything like cleaning the house, cooking him meals, washing the dishes. He helps of course, and does his side of the chores but he never had the stability of domesticity before. He never thought he would and he never thought he would enjoy such simplicity in his life.
So sometimes it was just too much for him not to bend you over the kitchen counter, or the dinner table, or the couch, the pinning you on the wall near the bookshelf you were rearranging.
N= No (turn offs or absolutely won’t do)
— knife play & blood play. He doesn't want to hurt you in any sort of matter, sometimes he is rough but it doesn't mean he makes you bleed or would ever want to make you bleed.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
— he fucking loves blowjobs, change my mind. I dare you. He's so mean about it too, fucking your face without care. He gripped your head, keeping it in place as his cock hits the back of your throat with every thrust. You gag around his dick, saliva covering your chin, your eyes glossed with pleasure and tears is a bonus that makes the act so much better.
He wasn't big on giving head before. Well, that was before you, now he could spend hours between your thighs just to be a nasty tease whenever he needs to teach you a lesson. He would languidly lick your cunt without a care, it doesn't matter that your juices are staining the sheets, he's gonna be at it for hours. It gives him a sense of peace and yet again you crying because of the overstimulation (which wasn't the mission, he's just pussy drunk) and broken moans are just a plus.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
— fast af. The sex usually happens after his night activities are done so the adrenaline is still pumping through his body and he has to let out somehow… he has some serious stamina so he can last a while, sometimes you might even black out just to wake up with him still going at it.
"Sorry, baby," he gasps, his cock still splitting your body. His thrusts seems sloppier than before but it was perhaps because of how fucking wet your cunt was with both of your cum that made the glide seem so slick.
He leaned down to press a kiss to your neck. "Am close," he promised, his hips snapping fast and hard, making you unable to think, unable to protest against the overstimulation you have grown to love so much. "Just one more, baby," he lies, as his cum fills you but his cock is still hard and throbbing into your cunt.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
— Oh! He loves quickies, he's the type to sneak into your work and then take you to a closet or just a room where there is no one and have his way with you real quick before you have to head back to work, making sure his cum stays inside. There were so many times you were nearly caught, it was sheer luck that you haven't. He doesn't do it very often, only when he misses you too much, sometimes y'all don't even fuck, just make out or huddle together on the floor of the storage room of your workplace, munching on cookies you bought from the office cafeteria.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
— he would be so open to anything you want to try, and would rarely say no to you. He is very experimental.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
— well like, he's a vigilante who fights crime so like there's no limit to that stamina especially when he is frustrated or anything, expect call out of work because you won't be able to walk. He can easily last a lot of rounds.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
— he would be so game into using toys on you. Vibrators, dildos, and anything else just to be a bastard to you.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
— he's a tease, A VERY BIG TEASE. Like even when he's fucking you, sometimes he would go extra slow to make you feel his length sliding in and out of your sensitive walls before snapping his hips back into you like an animal. He's kinda mean about it, feeling delighted when you whine about him changing his pace so abruptly.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
— he isn't shy to let out his groans, mostly dirty talks, degrading you and making comments about how slutty your pussy is, taking his cock so well like it was made for it (it was) When you scratch his back or tug at his hair, he would let out a whine, praise him and he would like out a breathy moan. He is embarrassed when he realizes it but who the fuck cares?
W= Wild card (random sin canon of any sort)
– Fucked you in the training room once in the Titans Tower, not giving a fuck about the cameras that were recording everything he was doing to you. Dick lectured him for an hour straight for this behavior, did he care? No, but he did get an apartment though, so he could fuck you in his training room.
Oh, he would also take the tape that recorded everything, showing it to you with a proud look on his face.
"Look at you, such a dumb slut on my cock," he said, as moaning sounds came out of the phone. "Dick saw that, saw me fucking you good, does that get you off, Princess? Want me to fuck you in front of Dick next?"
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
— HE'S BIG AND THICK, sorry, yeah 8 inches, and he's pretty girthy, always stretching your pussy to its limits. Uncut, he was a street rat after all.
Y= Yearning (sex drive level)
— it's pretty high, he's so touch-starved, and despite the constant hugs, hand holding, and petting (i wanna play with his hair so badly) sometimes all he needs is a deeper physical connection.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
— he won't be a quick sleeper, even after it's late hours and you're sleeping soundly beside him, the urge to go out and fight would always eat him up, he loved the rush of it even with its risk but then having you in his arms, your head on his chest, he liked this even more and would force himself to get a few hours of sleep. He liked this more than another villain, another fight.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Hi! Can I request a kissing booth with Zoro? I know you already did one but I'm hoping for another! By any chance can you try to do a male reader? If not, gn is grand!
Hi there! I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd write you a one-shot instead of a kissing booth fic. I have been wanting to toy around with a m!reader for a while now, and your ask finally pushed me towards finally crafting one.
Close To You
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 2,300+
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Synopsis: Zoro has been wanting to train with you in hand to hand combat far more often than usual. You begin to suspect that there is more behind his intentions than meets the eye.
Themes: Zoro x m!reader, fluff, training, fighting, sparring, kissing, confessions of love, idiots in love.
Notes: I wanted this to be its own fic so bad. I have wanted to write a fic like this for some time, and this ask was all the prod I needed to get it done. I hope you enjoy.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity
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“Oi, you,” the gruff swordsman barked, prompting you to glare at the corner of your eye at him, “We're sparring. Get your ass up, let's go.” You scoff before rerolling your eyes and leaning further against the mast. Folding your arms and closing your eyes, you simply ignore the first mate and attempt to drown out the noise of the rest of the crew in a bid to fall back to sleep. 
Basking in the warm rays of the golden sun, you had been a whisper away from heeding the call of a much-needed nap after remaining awake most of the night. Watch-shift took it out of you last night, the deep sway and rock of the ship making the task of remaining awake all the more difficult. All you needed was a small nap, and you were going to take it regardless as to who was barking at you.
A heavy boot knocked against your toes, the jolt causing you to groan and look up at the green-haired swordsman with a deep scowl. He narrowed his eyes, kicking you once more to rouse you from your recline. In lieu of rising to your feet, you simply kick him back and roll your shoulders away to make yourself more comfortable. 
“Wasn't a request,” was the only gruff warning you got before two hands shot down to grasp your ankles. Hoisting you from your comfortable recline, you fell flat on your back with a firm smack. Your head hits against the floor, causing you to pant out a soft growl of displeasure. 
“You're an asshole,” you snarl at him, your brows furrowed into a tight line. He sneers down at you and releases your ankles. Holding his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest, his lips pull back into a cocky smirk as he towers over your body splayed beneath him. 
“You'll get over it,” he offers you a hand to raise to your feet, “Up, now. We're scrapping.” You grasp his hand and permit him to hoist you to your feet. Eye to eye with the first mate of the Thousand Sunny, you notice a hidden shine in his eye that you almost miss on first inspection. Gripping your shoulder, he manhandles you towards the lion-shaped figurehead where he regularly trains with a rough shove. 
You dig your heels in the wood, dragging your feet with every step with your head lulled back and shoulders slouched. 
“Why can't you scrap with Sanji, Luffy or Franky?” you whine at him, slowing down your motions further by leaning back against his palms. “They're a better match for you physically right now. Why can't you just let me sleep?” 
He growls at you, shoving you harder up the stairs towards the railing, using his knees to nudge your ass up further. You sharply exhale in a snort in response, finally reaching the lion-head at the top deck. You remove your shirt in preparation for his incoming wrestling grapple, closing your eyes and moving lethargically into a fighting stance. 
He removes his own shirt, flinging it to the side and unbuckling his three hilts and placing his swords gently by the wooden bench beside you. 
“Legs wider, shoulders squared,” he barked at you, gesturing with his chin towards your form with displeasure drawn up his mouth. You furrowed your brows and fixed your stature to appease him, which he offered his praise with a gruff hum. He began to prowl and circle your body in a well-practiced routine, your eyes seeking him out through your peripherals for his upcoming pounce. 
Well timed swings from Zoro were blocked by your practiced and maintained muscle memory. Arms, fists, legs, and feet were all reposed with skilled proficiency. While Zoro was an excellent swordsman, his hand to hand skills did require some maintenance and practice to keep his skills sharp. 
When a swordsman is disarmed, their need to be able to defend themselves from hand to hand combat was a necessity. You were the target for Zoro’s training for this past short while. Thinking more on it, it seemed you were the only target for this style of hand to hand combat. 
Always you. Only ever you. Stripped to bare muscle, sweat glistening in the sun from overexertion, exercise and fatigue, baring your flesh to your crewmate, you. Combatting with intent to disarm and pin, you fought Zoro with all the might you could muster while the combat lingered on. 
Exhaustion was prickling at your neck, your eyes growing heavy, and temper simmering the longer he took in initiating combat. You felt like a wolf being circled by a ravenous tiger, both of you strong in your own elements and more than evenly matched for grappling. Your tiredness began to overcome you, your eyes drooping and actions slowing to a soft reposition.  
After several more moments of lingering circling, you dropped your stance completely and turned to face him. Hands on your hips, your lips curl back into a grimace as you scold him with your ferocity. 
“Look, swordsman,” you pout, raising your palm to him to stop his incessant prowling, “I'm tired. Watch was horrible last night, and you've made me spar with you every day for the past fortnight.” He cocked his head to the side and arched his brow at you in response. 
“I need to-,” he began, halting as you spoke over him in a tone that mocked his. 
“-Keep my skills sharp to become the world's greatest swordsman,” you sneered at him, rolling your head in every word, “That's bullshit. You know it as well as I. If you want to train with swords, train with Brook.” He took to hulking strides forward to close the distance between you both, halting as you snarkily taunted him. 
His eyes widened, his lips parted, his three piercings glinting in the sun and jittering like small chimes on a wind catcher. 
“If you just wanted me close to you, shirtless, panting and sweaty like this: all you gotta do is ask,” you smirk at him, your eyes full of teasing and playfulness. He gasped, the bob of his Adams apple prompting you to become equally as perplexed. 
Mirrored expressions of confuzlement seemed to dawn in the silence, both of you becoming painfully aware that this was exactly the reason he sought you out. Darting your eyes between his, the pink hue began to rise and dust his cheeks with an unbidden bashfulness you had yet to see on him. 
“O-... Oh…” you managed to choke out, taking a step back and examining his form further. He remains stationary in his motions, his gaze falling to the floor in front of your feet. The wind whispers past you both, his earings dangling and colliding in a soft melody in the breeze. 
“If you-...” he began, gulping back his words and turning his head away from you in bashful longing, “...I-...uh-...” The blushed hue rises in his cheeks to coat the tip of his ears and bridge of his nose. You drop your hands and cock your head to the side while watching him trip and stumble over his words. 
“...Zoro?” you ask him, his name feeling foreign on your tongue, but not unwelcome. Referring to each other by grunts, groans and titles was an expression of comradery between you. Saying his name felt almost intimate, which in saying so sprung his gaze back up to meet you. 
His lips curled in a smile, his tongue coated by your name as he spoke it. Each morsel of your being shot alight as he huskily purred your name like the deep rumble of a giant feline. His motions began to again pick up, his prowl and deep gaze searing into you like a branding iron to a prized stallion. 
“...If I did?” he whispered, his breath coming out in a soft pant from the earlier spar, “...would that be…?” he gazed up through his lengthy eyelashes at you, slowly batting them as he further asked, “...Would that be something you'd be willing to explore with me?” 
You gulp back your shock in a soft gasp, your breath halting in your throat and saliva gathering on your tongue. 
Roronoa Zoro was admitting he had feelings for you. His bashfulness and almost somber expression tugged at the winding strings binding your heart. You found him attractive, sure. He was strong, steadfast and true: all of those things you adored in a match, but never truly considered until this very moment. 
Gulping back your pride and mirroring his predatory gaze, you recommenced your battle prowl and rearmed your stance as you circled him. 
“You're into me, is that it?” you snarled, taking a swift step forward to taunt him while holding back any malicious intent. He matched your manuever, prepared to take on your blow with a pre-prepared block. 
He remained silent, his abrasiveness giving you nothing to work with as you stepped back on your less dominant foot and raised your arms in front of your face to ready your block. 
“And what if I am?” he spat, darting his eyes between yours and stepping forward on his dominant foot, “What's it to you?” He tested a step towards you, to which you managed to side step and grip his shoulder and forearm in a grappling stance. 
“I'd say…” you tugged him closer to you, closing the distance in your bare chests and relishing in the body heat smacking against your own, “Give me a sample of the goods before I'm willing to buy into it. Plant one on me, swordsman. I can take it.” 
Without further warning, Zoro closed the gap of your faces and claimed your lips beneath his. His mouth gnawed at yours with passion and hunger you had not known it's equal. Each motion and movement felt like a trial by fire in uncharted horizons. 
Tongues dancing with one another, he wrapped his arms around your mind section and tugged you into him. His lips coarsely ground themselves into yours as you stepped him into the figurehead of the lion face at the front of the ship. Swiping at his ankles, you topple the green-haired swordman and pin him against the hull. 
Your hands search his body, starting with his shoulders and eagerly seeking out his chest and stomach with an inquisitive and passionate touch. He whined against your lips as he felt you interweave your thighs within his own. Nudging him with your chin, he circled his face and tugged you into him further. 
Tripping your legs with his heel, he swiped you to lay you perpendicularly before him, lips still clashing and battling as if engaged in the sparring sessions you had come to both love and loathe. His hand traveled to your shoulder and roughly tugged you into him to lay flush and entangled within his body. 
The sun view down on you the longer you remained lost in one another's breathy grapple. Where war and battle was once mocking fought in practice with one another, passion was ignited with lips engulfing and battling in a wrestle of their own kind. 
Pulling away and breathing heavily, Zoro's eyes were fixated on the bruising he had pressed against your lips while gulping for air. You were no different, your bare chest heaving beside him as you caught up in expanding your Linds with oxygen. Zoro reached up and caressed your cheek with a heavy hand, still panting and fixated on your lips while doing so. 
“How-...?” he began, catching his breath and meeting your eyes with his own, “How was the sample?” You chuckled at him, shaking your head and tracing his chest with your index finger. 
“Sufficient,” you chirped back at him with a knowing smirk pulling at your lips, “But I think I'll need a larger sample size to determine the rank.” He scoffed at you, rolling his eyes and pulling his hand away from your cheek. You raise your hand, clapping your palm over his knuckles and raising it back up to your cheek. 
“Zoro, I meant it was good,” you shake your head with a soft smile, “And I'd like to do it again, if you were willing.” He shook his head while biting his kiss-bruised lips and looking up through his eyelashes at you. 
“I could do that,” he huffed out, drawing your lips to collide once more with one another in a battle of a dominance and lust. Never one to shy away from a challenge, you attempted to dominate the kiss with what little strength remained of your watch shift. 
Overcome with fatigue, you laid yourself back and took all the passion he was willing to press into you with an unbridled amount of longing and lust. 
Remaining locked in each other's embrace, all other sounds and bodies were lost to you the longer his lips met with yours. Hands searching, legs weaving and pelvises touching, you hummed into his lips as each passing moment flowed like water down a river bend. All that existed in this moment was Roronoa Zoro and the way he expertly pressed his desires into you by stealing your breath and igniting your desires. 
Finally pulling away, he pressed his forehead against yours and you both shared one another's breaths. 
“You still sleepy?” he panted at you, his hands seeking out your body and cradling you into his chest, “Want a nap?” You smiled at him, giving him a soft nod and nudging his nose with your own. 
“Only if it's close to you,” you answer, his nose playfully brushing with yours in response. He chuckled, sliding over the rotunda figurehead and dragging you to the ground beside him. He hooked his arm under your head, bracing you into his broad chest and soothing you with his body heat. 
“You got yourself a deal,” he whispered against your temple before pressing his lips atop your cranium pulse point. “Have a rest, I'll stay right here: close to you.” 
You could barely hear those final words uttered, succumbing to the slumber that eluded you earlier in the day. Hearts beating as one, your breaths rose in twin peaks before falling in synchrony. Sleep found you within the arms of your swordsman, as the promise of what was to come awaiting you once you rose together after a few hours.
All you knew at this moment was Zoro was willing to do anything it took to draw you into him. To have you within his arms, to look down at your peaceful form with the doting and intimacy of a lover.
He wanted to be close to you, his prayer finally answered with you nestling against his torso more firmly.
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comicaurora · 1 year
Also in light of the yu-gi-oh! Rewatch, do you have any opinions on the changes to Joey's character and arc(s) in the anime compared to the manga? It always felt like the anime REALLY wants to make him into the class clown and in the process missed/ downgraded some of his stronger moments for me, but I also read the manga first and am probably biased.
I think the one Joey change I disagree with is downgrading how much of an ass-kicker he is in the manga, but I think that was part of the general suite of adjustments they made to center the anime 100% on Duel Monsters, where that was a much more gradual thing in the manga. Several other games and non-game threats took center stage early on, and alongside that, Jounochi's origins as a badass delinquent punk were a lot more centralized in the early chapters. It didn't come up much as the comic went on and got more millennium-item-based, but on the rare occasion that anyone still tried to solve their problems with violence instead of card games, Manga Jounochi just. absolutely spanked them. It was a nice way to reinforce that card games and shadow games were ONE way for the heroes to solve problems, but they weren't the ONLY way - and it also kind of highlighted that everyone the gang was dealing with, no matter how much of a tough-guy gimmick they had, was still - you know - a card game nerd. Manga Bandit Keith got absolutely stomped when he tried to throw hands and it was hilarious. It also helped make Joey's Dark And Brooding Past a little more tangible - like, oh yeah, pre-Yugi-friendship this guy was regularly winning fights with entire gangs singlehandedly, if this were a problem that could be solved with punching he would have already solved it with punching.
It also helped make Yugi and Jou's relationship more of a foil situation in the early manga, a classic Big Guy Smart Guy duo. Jou regularly bailed out Yugi from bullies and bad situations by virtue of being the scariest motherfucker on the block, and in turn Yugi/Yami would only take over and help out when a situation was contrived to be so horribly unfair that Jou couldn't get himself out of it, at which point Yami would resolve it with a combination of smarts and dark magic. This dynamic slapped, but it was mostly relegated to the Season Zero chapters that didn't make it to the anime, so I can see why it got a little lost.
I also think part of why the anime dialed back Joey's ass-kicking is because they wanted to make Kaiba cooler and more consistent character-wise, which was a big struggle with the early manga, and that meant making him a little more of an action star - frequently at Joey's expense.
That said, I don't think the anime does Joey dirty when it comes to what really matters (card games) because they use the medium of card games to highlight Joey's most consistent character trait across both mediums: absolutely refusing to give up on a fight until his body literally gives out. If I had a nickle for every time Joey lost a duel on a technicality by falling into a coma on his last turn, I'd have two nickles.
This is also why I think the non-manga filler seasons and spinoffs are some of the most fun adventures in the show. Not only do they have actual non-card-game stakes, but they let Joey do fun things like wear power armor shaped like his favorite dragon and punch people with it. I'll take the loss of Manga Jounochi if it lets me keep Joey Vs The Evil Bikers From Atlantis.
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teecupangel · 7 months
Rather specific and weird but, how do you think Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and Desmond would react to having chronic migraines? Totally not asking because my chronic migraines are kicking my ass right now. Totally.
I hope you feel better, nonny, and I’m sorry this is so late TTATT
Altaïr had been living with the pain in his head that comes and goes regularly since he was a child.
He knows how to hide it and he has no plans to tell anyone about it.
Al Mualim knows of it and has told him repeatedly how important it was for nobody else to know.
It was a weakness that Altaïr cannot show to others.
So he pretends he’s fine.
Everything was fine.
He’s fine.
He must be fine.
Ezio’s sickness in the mind as the dottore would call it always worried his family. He tried to hide it at times, especially when he knows that Petruccio needed more care and attention that him. He was the older brother. The least he could do was make sure his youngest sibling would be cared for. He can endure the pain.
“You’re an idiot.” Claudia would always say as she drags Ezio to his room and force him to lay on his bed.
“I’m fine, Claudia.”
“I know. You’re helping me practice.”
Ezio had hated this ‘practice’ when he was a child. A practice to when I have my own child, Claudia would say.
It was embarrassing.
But hearing Claudia read out loud a book for children…
Feeling the warmth of his blanket…
The relaxing scent of tea that Claudia would sip from time to time…
The pain in his head was still prominent but… Ezio couldn’t help but relax nonetheless.
“Thank you, Claudia.”
“Shush, babies don’t talk.”
Everyone in the village knew that Ratonhnhaké:ton would have this ‘episodes’ every so often. They always seemed to realize it even when Ratonhnhaké:ton is trying to hide it and tell him to go home and rest or, if Ratonhnhaké:ton is being a bit too stubborn, they’ll let him do something for the village that he could do at his own pace. Nothing dangerous. They’d always check up on him every so often and Ratonhnhaké:ton would try to finish it. But his mother would always come to him before he could and they would go home. His mother would tuck him after they ate and hum some kind of song as she held her son.
When he became an Assassin, he tried to hide it. It was easy to hide it among the people who didn’t know him.
But Achilles always knew.
“You’ll only be a danger to everyone and yourself. Rest and return when you’re better.”
Achilles tried to keep his distance.
But Ratonhnhaké:ton still heard the concern in his tone.
He always watched as Achilles walked away after saying his peace even though the sound of his cane tapping against the wooden floor made the pain in his head hurt a little bit more.
Ratonhnhaké:ton supposed he should take a rest.
He didn’t want Achilles to come back and hit him on the head with his cane later after all.
Not that it ever happened.
It was an empty threat and they both knew it.
Desmond is slave to capitalism. He has no choice but to keep on working even though he has a migraine. It’s absolute hell but Desmond has grown used to this.
Even back on the Farm, he would still continue to train when he was having a migraine. Nothing has truly changed.
Hell, this is an improvement.
The worst he could do was drop some kind of glass or bottle instead of falling or getting hurt himself.
It’ll be fine.
He’ll be fine.
(He does not realize that the lighting and the music of his job is worsening his migraines, he just thinks he need to power through it)
He would probably check online for medicines that can help make his migraines ‘easier’ or remember the medicine his parents used to give him (and yeah, if it needs a prescription, Desmond’s gonna steal it)
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nonbinaryspy · 26 days
Fun Facts About Cheren (mostly from BW2)
- He claims to have given up his glasses so he could focus on Pokémon battles, but someone going by the name "3rdGradeGoodyGoody" wrote into 'The National Gymquirer' after witnessing him "making his thumb and middle finger into a circle like glasses," implying he misses them.
- This contains the broader implication that Cheren's students write in to gossip shows about him.
- According to both BW2 and Pokemas, he loves taking his Pokémon to the salon.
- For tactical reasons, he gives his Pokémon berries.
- An NPC beside the weather institute mentions that you can call Cheren to ask him about Pokémon natures and type advantages. While this is of course a hint to the player, in-universe it implies that people who live nowhere near Cheren have his number and regularly call to ask him to read them the encyclopedia.
- Luckily enough, in many adaptations and spinoffs, he has a nice voice.
- At the shrine dedicated to Landorus, you can fight one of his students. She talks like a valley girl, speaks admiringly about him, and has a Deerling and a Zangoose.
- His Pokémon include a cat, a dog, a bird, a monkey, a chinchilla, two vigilant rodents, a buffalo, a bunny, a mongoose, a blob affected by weather, an upgraded artificial creation, a boulder, a dragon, and Lickilicky.
- He lives in the mountains but hates cold weather. This is the in-universe explanation for why he enlists a preteen to take care of the game's plot despite being among the first to notice the signs of Kyurem's imminent ice age.
- In fairness, on his first day at his second job, said preteen kicked his ass.
- He was a very good sport about this, though afterward he complained about it to the scientist from his home town.
- His favorite people are his childhood friends, one of whom is a legendary dragon's Chosen One and the other of whom is an insecure-yet-peppy researcher with a complementary color scheme to his, and a wandering grandpa who implicitly helped him get his first job.
- Said grandpa compares Cheren, visibly a scrawny nerd, to another mentee of his who is a martial artist. Said martial artist seems to take no offense to this.
- Said grandpa and said martial artist both regularly jump off of cliffs. Amusingly, in Pokemas, Cheren is shown to make multiple dramatic entrances by simply walking around tall places instead of jumping down from them.
- His dog, however, jumps down dramatically in his stead.
- He and said dog are "best buds."
- Though his catchphrase is "what a bother," as 'the one who seeks the right path,' he's incredibly good at making sentimental speeches relevant to the games' themes about ideals and bonds, and has touching dialogue in the post games of both BW (link to no commentary vid) and BW2 as well as in the mobile game's main story and events.
- He doesn't understand why ferris wheels are fun, so he spends multiple rides trying to figure it out, before concluding that he dislikes the fact that the view changes because he prefers things to stay the same.
- He's very tall.
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Random Hashira Post
Went Bowling today so figured why not! Hashira Bowling Headcanons! Let’s goooo! Let’s find out who’s the best Bowler of our loveable Hashira~!
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The Hashira
- Chaotic. Just chaotic. Please send help, this is too much
- A bowling game of the Hashira will never end quietly and composed. It always ends with Sanemi and Obanai attacking Giyuu, Shinobu laughing at the fight, Muichiro wondering off, Tengen snapping pics of the fight, Mitsuri and Gyomei desperately trying to stop the fight and Rengoku downing the rest of his sweet potatoes yelling “Umai”
- They regularly get kicked out of the Alley. They won’t be banned and blacklisted just yet…
- Well, at least these precious beans are all happy, as happy as they can be and it’s relatively peaceful
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Giyuu Tomioka
- Actually very good at bowling but doesn’t try at all so it’s not obvious. He carelessly throws the ball and yet gets a incredible score
- Gets strikes on almost every turn to the point Sanemi and Obanai get very salty
- He is 1st place about 90% of the time
- Suspect to see his face on the Bowling Alley’s top scoring leaderboard cause he may just break records on accident
- He is only at the Bowling Alley because Shinobu dragged him along
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Obanai Iguro
- King of comeback spars. Pulling off a sick spar that boost his score even after getting a poor amount of pins is the dumb luck that keeps Obanai from being last
- Tries to shoot a ball just for his fingers to get stuck as everybody laughs their asses off and Mitsuri desperately tries to pull it off
- Organises the balls during another Hashira’s turn so everybody(being Mitsuri) gets the ones they like
- Gets a perfect strike once throughout the entire game and that’s it
- Has the most average score out of the Hashira. He ain’t last but he also ain’t on the top three as he plays on a “well, I’m here so I’ll join in” motivation
- Sets up the child assistance rail-stand at times so Kaburamaru can roll the ball himself. It’s really cute!
- Also, the king of the Alley’s Arcade games and can actually win claw machines. He always leaves the Alley with some of the arcade’s most expensive prizes(that he, of course, gives to Mitsuri)
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Kyojuro Rengoku
- Can’t get the perfect score he strives for, no matter how hard he tries
- He is still a impeccable bowler that barely screws up but he wants to get a strike every single time
- Yet, he nails the most insane pin fling-knockouts humanely possible and all the Hashira explode in cheers for him(being the most beloved Hashira has its perks)
- Is a very good sport and gathers the right-weighing bowling balls for his fellow Hashira
- Nobody will struggle to hold a ball and/or throw on Kyojuro’s watch. He’ll interrupt a Hashira’s turn to teach them how to throw it better if he believes they are struggling
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
- Prone to a mixed score. One turn, he’ll get a amazing number but then second turn, he gets only gut-balls
- He gets frustrated when any of his fellow get a strike before him! He keeps it to himself though as he is cocky that he’ll catch up
- Challenges Giyuu all the time to get the highest score so he spends ages on his turn looking for the best place to shoot and knock down the most pins
- He may just start a bad fight with the nearby bowling party and throw some of the heavy ass balls at the surrounding people because they took the Hashiras so brace for impact
- Swipes some food before starting his turn, just to throw the food instead of the ball and dirtying up the floor. He just ends up tossing it at the gutter and stomping back to his spot
- He won’t admit it but he does a lot better practicing his bowling with the support railings on
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Mitsuri Kanroji
- Accidentally throws too hard everytime and will eventually create a crack in the floor
- Gets strikes a lot too, possibly from how much force is behind her swing. She usually has a high score, thanks to all those lucky strikes
- Obanai howls to the moon in pride each and every time Mitsuri gets a strike!
- She likes collecting the cute claw machine plushies whilst waiting for her turn and gets Obanai to help
- Has her own huge tray of food and once it arrives, she completely forgets about bowling but she makes up for others doing her turns for her by doing whichever Hashira’s turn for them so they can go to the bathroom/get a drink/etc. She feels guilty for getting distracted
- May end up knocking down pins so hard that they come flying back at her and she has to catch them
- Likes mimicking the poses of the cartoon characters that play to show that a player got a strike/spare after she gets one of her own. She finds them really cute
- Got a outfit solely to be used for bowling. She wants to get matching clothes for the Hashira
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Shinobu Kocho
- Fixated on a very specific ball to use during her turns and refuses to use any other one, so after her first shot, she’ll wait for the ball to return
- Gets hissy when her fellow Hashira have to draw back her attention from whatever she was doing(most likely reading) to start her turn. Jesus, the game won’t disappear if she is a few seconds offbeat
- Practices bowling with the Butterfly Girls on the weekend but still can’t match Giyuu and his flawless score
- Pretends to not care about her ranking but she does. She wants to be on the top three and takes her time to perfect her shot
- Always accidentally picks up a ball too heavy for her and hurts her fingers before getting the right one. How she does this is beyond the Hashira
- Don’t address her until she finishes her turn, like, that’s general advice
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Muichiro Tokito
- He gets a poor score out of his lack of care but if he is really motivated, he cleaves off a clean strike every single time and will flame Giyuu at one point
- This boy is like a flipswitch for real. One visit, he will blandly aim for the gutters but then next visit, he is using very precise techniques before throwing for the maximum chance of a strike
- Knocking pins down from the back is usually how Muichiro gets points in his unbothered mindset
- Spaces out whilst waiting for his turn and has to be shaken back to his senses when it actually is his turn
- Always forgets to put on the Bowling Alley-provided shoes and slips on the floor
- The Hashira only realise until MUCH later that Muichiro is still holding a bowling ball after they pack up and leave
- He ends up being admired by the Bowling Alley’s staff. He stands there very bewildered as nearly all the staff coo happily and pinch his cheeks
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Gyomei Himejima
- How is he bowling? Nobody knows but he is and wonderfully I may add
- One of the two Hashira that can actually challenge Giyuu’s level but he doesn’t want to turn Bowling into a competition so he won’t
- He views Bowling as a way for the Hashira to bond as friends and is quick to break up Obanai and Sanemi’s passive-aggressive altercations towards Giyuu
- Pays for the entire bowling deluxe experience so he takes charge as he usually does. He is the one who picks up the food and the drinks
- Gathers and watches over all the Hashira’s belongings so none of it will get in the way or distract any of them
- Doesn’t give two shits if he has to put his hands near the dangerous pocket of the bowling ball conveyer belt to pick out a ball of choice
- Looks like he throws hard like Mitsuri but he actually shoots very swift and low to the floor, hence why he is so efficient
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Tengen Uzui
- Goddamnit, the biggest try-hard of this group and he isn’t ashamed of it
- Competes with Sanemi, he wants to be the top so he can show off and brag about being the best bowler
- Gets a single strike and it goes to his head, he believes he can just repeat what he did previously and get another strike but this usually is thrown back in his face
- Lives off getting directly 8 pins down on the first section then none or one on the second. At least, he is on the board for running but not as high as he’d like
- Gets his fellow Hashira(either Muichiro or Mitsuri) to record his turns for his wives. He also takes selfies when he first arrives at the Bowling Alley in front of the “flashy palace of neon lights”
- Needs to take a thick chug of his favourite soft drink mixed with sake before going up for every turn of his. Tengen claims to require it so “his shot will be as flamboyant as him”
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miya-twins · 11 months
okay atsumu was a lil upset at first that osamu wanted a restaurant instead of playing volleyball with him forever
but like. he gets over it. by the time the restaurant is actually open, atsumu is 100% invested. this is his brother's dream. his life. his happiness.
atsumu would do everything to help osamu. unfortunately, he can't do too much actual work into building the restaurant up, because he's busy with his own dream and samu would kick his ass if he prioritized his brother's happiness over his own. they got a bet going on, it's gotta be fair.
so atsumu does what he can - he shills for onigiri miya at every opportunity.
and I do mean EVERY opportunity. no interview question is safe.
"what's your favourite food?" "oh, fatty tuna onigiri, specifically the ones my brother makes! taste them for yourself at onigiri miya, right here in osaka!"
"since you've moved to osaka from hyogo, what's your favourite place to visit here?" "well, obviously that's gotta be onigiri miya! great atmosphere and the best food you can get in town!"
"you were in top form today, weren't you?" "of course! I was already feeling great, and then I had a snack from the onigiri miya booth before the game, nothing gives you more energy than that, you should try it!"
"which volleyball player do you respect the most?" "that's gotta be kita shinsuke, my old captain in high school. he always did everything so meticulously, not a single crack in his armor. he's quit playing, but he now grows the rice for onigiri miya, which is how you know it's the best quality rice you can find anywhere!"
it becomes so ingrained in him he just starts his spiel about how great onigiri miya is whenever he can see an opportunity. even if he's just hanging out with his teammates who already know how good the food is and go there regularly.
he also gathers a massive following on social media by posting shirtless gym selfies of himself. but the pinned post is always the current special at onigiri miya. so if you go to satisfy your thirst on his profile you get the message that you should be hungry too
osamu honestly thinks atsumu is making a fool of himself with how obnoxious he is. but he never really asks him to stop because it's good for his business to be mentioned on tv so much without him paying for advertisement, and atsumu would make a fool of himself anyway. (that's what he tells himself. really he's so happy atsumu supports him so much)
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goatcheesecak3 · 4 months
Bus stop part 8
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
M!reader version in my masterlist :^)
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: mention of bullet wound
Summary: two years on from the bathroom incident, Adam decides to make a big change in order to feel like himself again
A/n hello!! It's been a while, but writer's block is slowly dissolving, so I hope you enjoy!!
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10th September, 2003
Today was an exciting day for Adam, he was finally going to say goodbye to a sore reminder of the past. Exactly two years prior, he'd been put through pain so tremendous that he thought he would never see the light of day again, but despite all John kramer's efforts, he had lived. And how far he'd come was nothing short of a miracle, he had a wonderful girlfriend, a nice apartment, and a cat.
He was no longer a stalker-for-hire, nor was he working for an asshole boss at a crummy photography business. A few months ago, a local news station had reached out and asked Adam for an interview regarding his brush with death, and feeling uncharacteristically confident, he'd said yes. The interview had gone down tremendously, and the very same day that it was broadcasted, he recieved a call from an alternative music magazine, (one that Adam had read since he was a teenager), offering him a job as a band photographer, they seemed to like his laid back attitude.
His life had changed in other ways too, somehow he'd let y/n persuade him to reconnect with his estranged family. He called his mother regularly, and he was gradually starting to fix his relationship with his Dad.
It was truly amazing how much had changed in just two short years- yet one thing had remained.
"It's gonna feel kinda weird when it's gone" Adam said, his toothbrush hanging from the corner of his mouth as he stared at his shirtless body in the bathroom mirror.
Y/n hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, but good weird, right?" She asked, wanting to make sure Adam was ready.
"Oh yeah, like, the BEST type of weird. Instead of looking at this ugly thing every morning, I'm gonna see a kick ass snake" he grinned, pointing towards the bullet scar on his right shoulder.
A tattoo cover-up was something Adam had been wanting for as long as he realised it was a possibility, and it only seemed right to get it done on the anniversary of the day he got the scar. He tried to picture himself with a big snake, winding up his arm and across his chest, he thought he'd look kinda badass.
"You sure you'll manage? Your pain tolerance is pretty shit" y/n teased, her cheeky face peering over Adam's shoulder into the mirror.
"C'mere you" Adam smirked, spinning around and grabbing y/n's waist in one swift motion. He held her tightly to his chest with one arm, and tickled her ribs with the other.
"Who's the wimp now?" He sneered, as y/n squealed and giggled, wriggling around to try and escape his grip to no avail.
"Okay! Okay, fine it's me!"
"Nope, I need to hear you say it"
"I'm a wimp! I'm a wimp!" Y/n cried out between giggles, before Adam finally stopped tickling and rested his hands around her waist.
"Thank you.. for y'know, agreeing to come with me today" he said softly, his piercing eyes never leaving hers, "this is a big deal for me"
"Wouldn't miss it" y/n smiled back, kissing Adam gently.
As it would turn out, Adam took the pain of the tattoo like a champ, but he did wince and squeeze y/n's hand a few times as the needle went over the scar. It's not that it hurt all too bad, just that the hot sting in that particular was a little too familiar for him.
"All done man, you wanna check it out in the mirror?" The tattoo artist smiled, wiping down his chest with some antiseptic.
Adam stood up, and slowly walked over to the mirror. His eyes were shut, and his breaths were shallow. He couldn't believe that when his eyes finally opened, he'd be staring at a brand new Adam.
"Hey," y/n whispered, taking his hand, "it looks amazing- you look amazing"
This was all the encouragement Adam needed. He braced himself, squeezed y/n's hand tightly and finally, opened his eyes.
"Wow..." was all he could utter before tears began to well in his eyes. He hastily wiped them away, and swallowed the lump in his throat, not wanting to cry in public.
"Th.. thanks man, it's perfect" he choked out, smiling towards the tattoo artist.
In the small hours of the next morning, y/n woke up to find Adam was no longer beside her in bed. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, until the sound of quiet sobs emanating from the bathroom caught her attention. Fearing the worst, she arose from the bed and made her way to the bathroom door, slowly opening it so as not to startle Adam.
There he stood, much like the previous morning, staring at his shirtless body in the mirror.
"Baby?" Y/n asked softly.
Adam turned to look at her, his eyes red and his hands trembling.
"I can't stop looking at it" he spoke softly, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Oh baby, " y/n cooed, wrapping her arms around Adam in a tender embrace.
He rested his head on her shoulder and began to laugh through the tears, "I feel like me again"
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 Part 6: Read Me 🔞
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With some things more clear now and other problems finally solved, you begin to realize that Jungkook seems to know you better than you thought he did- and you're not sure if that's a good thing, considering the fact that hiding from him doesn't seem to be an option any longer.
Tags/Warnings: mc STILL kind of hates kook, Angst, enemies to ???, past regrets, miscommunication, Fluff, slow burn, sugar daddy Jungkook vibes THEY'RE STRONG IN THIS, minor age gap, sexual thoughts, sexual tension, sexual acts oops, Handjob & Oral (fem. receiving), edging, some minor ass-smacking, mean dom!kook is showing, body insecurities, Jungkook is so ugh in this
Length: ~3.3k.
-> Masterlist
You're admiring the sunset from your spot in the pool at the expensive residence Jungkook had booked solely for you both this time, having justified it by simply stating that he needs 'quality time with his girlfriend' now that you're officially a couple. It's still weird to you- how oddly smooth the transition happened, and how different it feels at the same time. Everything about him is familiar, yet the way he acts now seems oddly strange.
Not that it's a bad thing; you happily get spoiled by him any day.
You can hear the water slosh around behind you, no need to turn to know who's currently swimming over to where you're floating, arms on the edge of the pool while your legs gently move around behind you. "Enjoying yourself?" He asks from behind, successfully caging you in as both his hands hold onto the edge of the pool right next to each of your arms. You nod, letting him tilt your head back with a hand to your throat so he can place an upside-down kiss to your nose, making you giggle. "Almost thought you didn't like the pool. You've not used it before."
"Hmhm, dunno." You shrug. There's no way in hell you're gonna admit to him that you're a little ashamed of not having worked out at all for quite some time now- the chub of your belly clearly noticeable these days, pillowy thighs rounder than they've ever been before. Compared to him, who regularly spends time at the gym, you feel horribly inferior- even though you know, considering your situation, you're not competing at all.
Yet it somehow feels as if you do, considering what he could have with all his wealth and charm.
"Hm, I know you just got in yourself-" He starts, placing kisses over your bare shoulder. "-but I kind of want to see that pretty bikini you're wearing right now." He tells you, making you roll your eyes.
"Then go dive or something." You bite back with no real anger whatsoever- just playful fighting, as usual. Some things, after all, never truly change. "Also, how come you know I just got in too? Have you been stalking me, you pervert?" You scold him, leg kicking out, but he successfully evades the action, pushing himself closer instead, so that your chest squishes against the wall of the pool.
"First of all, I can't hold my breath long enough to eat you out in a pool, and the chlorine stings in my eyes." He responds close to your ear, making you shudder a little, because now it's definitely clear what he's really after. "And second of all, your hair is still mostly dry. That's how I could tell, you brat." He scolds back, his knee pushing into your butt in a teasing manner. "Now get your pretty ass out of the pool, I wanna make love to my girlfriend." He chuckles, as if it's the most natural thing to say.
As if you've ever done it before- which you haven't. Tension might've always been high these past few months, but nothing ever truly came out of it, mostly due to the fact that you didn't want to just have sex and no strings attached, and he wanted the same thing but didn't know that you were on the same page. Your miscommunication really screwed you over big time.
"Oh wow, well maybe I don't wanna though." You pout, making no move to actually follow his request.
"Which is fine too, just so you know." He makes clear, giving you a little bit of space, though he does rest his chin on your shoulder. The action would be almost cute- if he wasn't basically taking away your only form of security that you've always turned to. Hiding. "But can I ask why?" He wonders, and you've already expected it.
You knew him, after all. And now that you're a thing, he won't let you get away this easily any longer.
"Dunno." You mumble again, feeling cornered. You don't want to answer that question.
"Bullshit." He calls you out. "Talk to me baby, don't let me stumble around in the dark like that." He complains lowly, and you sigh. His comment probably wasn't meant to make you feel bad for him, but it still does- because yeah, it's mostly your fault that you've been in this whole mess prior to now. You don't want to talk right now, however. And you know you don't actually ever want to- you always simply hope that he'll let it go, or that he might just forget about it.
Though that might have been before you two got together. Deep down, you know that a relationship can't work like that.
"Just.. can't we just do it somewhere dark, or something?" You ask, trying to move around the whole thing. You do want him, there's no lie about that- but you don't want him to see you. "Like, I do want to, I just.. don't feel very good about myself right now, and I don't want you to see that." You finally confess with a deep sigh, watching the overflowing water from the pool spill continuously into the drains on the sideline in front of you. "S' all." you shrug, defeated tone in your voice.
"Well, I don't wanna swallow chlorine water either, so I wasn't suggesting to do it in the pool-" He offers kindly, trying to keep the mood light so you don't shut him out again like you usually do when things go towards a more serious topic- or anywhere near something you don't like. "-but I also really want to see my pretty girl." He complains softly, swimming away from you before he pushes himself out the pool, muscles of his arms flexing- reminding you yet again of the lack of effort you'd been placing into yourself lately, especially leading up to this trip. "Come on." He coaxes, and you sigh, heaving yourself out as well- though not as gracefully as he did.
There's no use in hiding those sides of you anyways. He'd find out about those unpretty things you do or are at some point or another no matter what you do.
When you step into the shower, you're not surprised that he's right behind you as well- for him, no shame present even when he drops his swim trunks to the floor, uncaring of his own nudity, while you have to look away almost shyly. You've never been someone to be bashful with these things- but now that it's actually happening, right there, you feel a little overwhelmed of sorts, like reality is laughing at your face, testing you. Of course Jungkook wouldn't be self-conscious. With a body like Adonis, you wouldn't be either. But you're simply not Aphrodite at the end of the day- and that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
Because he deserves an Aphrodite.
Almost defeatedly, you let his fingers untie all the knots holding each piece of your bikini together, before he kicks it all aside, starting the shower. You wait for a comment, anything; the natural talk of 'you're so pretty, I love your character most of all' all that stuff you've heard in movies and read in books numerous times.
It's just because he has to say these things. There's no way he finds you pretty like that.
And yet, he says nothing, simply grabs the body wash from the side, before he gently massages it into your skin, soapy suds soon covering you. "This smells nice." He comments like it's nothing, his palms running over each curve of yours as if it's nothing special. Because you aren't special, you scold yourself. Not to him, not to yourself, not to anybody. "You know.." He starts, helping you wash off the soap underneath the streaming water, his palms still running over your skin, but now different in nature- almost soothingly.
"..I honestly would've never guessed how much you seem to hate yourself." He says, and your eyes widen at that.
"What-" You start, turning around, but he just looks at you, blankly almost, as if there's no emotion quite right in his mind.
"I don't know." He shrugs, washing himself as well casually, pulling the hairtie out of his by now long enough hair to set it aside somewhere. "I always thought, you know, you'd be confident. Happy with your body. I know I'd be, if I was you." He explains.
"I don't.. understand." You mumble dumbly, pushing your wet hair away from your face as you make room for him to wash the soap from his skin. This is awkward. Why is he speaking like you're discussing nothing but the weather, or something you saw this morning at breakfast down in the hotel lobby?
"Yeah, I know." He just nods, letting the water run over his face for a moment before he turns towards you. "I don't know either. Everything about you always seemed so pretty and endearing to me that I just, never really thought you'd be unhappy with yourself." He offers, and you can't help but stare.
"You think I'm pretty?" You quietly ask, and he chuckles, backing you against the shower wall.
"Very." He nods. "Especially now, all barefaced and mine." He tilts his head a bit, as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips. And in that moment, you do actually feel a little better about yourself. Because he didn't say these things in an overly cheesy manner to get into your pants. He said them because he truly believed them- no other reason.
And that alone makes you trust in them.
And just as you begin to get lost in his kiss, he begins to softly chuckle-
Before he turns off the shower, leaving you by yourself, rhythmic drops of water the only noise left.
"Well if that isn't a dream coming true." He chuckles from the door to the bedroom at the residence, having just come back from an actual meeting he'd had to attend last minute. He's still dressed up in his black button up and jeans, only his shoes missing as he looks at you on the large bed- in comparison to himself, wearing almost nothing.
"Why am I not surprised you've been dreaming of half-naked women in your bed, pervert?" You giggle to yourself, putting your phone down as you look at him. You've just showered, gotten ready for bed maybe, since he was taking pretty long at his meeting tonight.
"Hm, no. I wasn't dreaming of any woman in my bed, darling." He tells you, crossing his arms, his words making your ego swell as he stares you down from between his hair in front of his eyes. "Now come on, let's go out for dinner." He tells you.
"Buuut!" You whine, putting your phone back in front of your face. "You've been gone the entire day anyways, I wanna play my game now.." You mumble, not paying attention to what Jungkook is doing behind you-
And that's your first mistake.
The slap isn't even hard or anything, but it comes by such a surprise that you squeak out, instantly turning around to see his shit-eating smirk on his lips, the hand that's been smacking your butt innocently back at his side. "I can play a game too." He suggests, looking at you as he straightens up again, standing tall with his hands in his pockets. "It's called 'how fast can my baby get dressed before I'll do it myself'. It's fun." He explains, tilting your head to the side. "Wanna try?"
You stick your tongue out at that, earning another slap to your bare bottom again, making you turn around fully, legs tucked to yourself now. "Hey!" You complain, staring him down while he just looks at you.
"You can be glad I'm only using my hand, princess." He tells you, arms crossed. "It's alright if you wanna stay and not go out tonight- but how about you stop being such a brat now, hm?" he asks, and in a way, you don't want to. Not because you wanna get onto his nerves right now- even if that's usually a lot of fun- but because you want to test his patience.
"But it's fun." You say, shrugging.
"Why do I get the feeling that you're aiming for something entirely different here?" He exposes your game, making you pout to yourself as you cross your arms now too. "If you wanted me to fuck you, all you gotta do is ask." He bluntly says, making your eyes widen for a split second.
You're not a virgin, and neither have you ever been shy about the whole topic- but the way that he's just so boldly talking about it does make you a little shy almost. Mainly because yeah, your feeling had been blossoming even though you're already a couple now-
You just have such a huge crush on him, it's embarrassing.
"Hm?" He coos, crawling onto the bed where you're still laying, sitting on his heels while he pulls you close by your legs, rather roughly bringing them close enough to rest over his thighs, leaving you spread wide open for him to admire. "Is that what you need? You're soaking up those new panties baby, what's gotten you so riled up huh?" He teases, grabbing onto the front of the underwear before he pulls it up, so much so that it slips right between your lower lips.
You really never truly thought how he might be like in situations like these. Needless to say, he seems simply like a cruel, cruel man because who else would hold their girlfriend by their panties high and dry like this?
You try and trick him by moving your hips, using the fabric to rub against you for any sort of friction- but much to your dismay, that seems to be exactly what he was thinking of you doing for him. "Smart girl, aren't you?" He praises, as he watches you move. "Didn't even have to tell you anything. You're so needy." He teases, watching you simply avert your gaze as you look somewhere else-
Which is something he does not like, at all.
"Nuh-uh, look at me baby." He tells you, one hand pushing your hips down so you cant move, having let go of you as well so you can't get any friction at all now. You whine immediately, and he imitates it playfully, leading you to glare at him now. "Cute." He simply comments on that, before he moves your legs, pulling off your underwear that he lets fall somewhere onto the floor, adjusting your legs back into their earlier position.
"Please-" You huff out, unsure what you're actually asking for. Maybe you want him to finally get to the fucking point of this-
But he shakes his head. "Nah, I want our first time to be special, love." He tells you almost sickeningly sweet, palms running over the sides of your thighs. "I mean it. But until then-" He chuckles, one of his hands finding your heat, finally. "-I can make you cum in other ways." He simply tells you, rings on his fingers cold on his hands, making you jerk a little away from him as soon as they touch your heated skin.
It makes him laugh a little bit. You're just so cute sometimes without realizing it.
He doesn't apologize for it however- why would he? He's not stupid- he's seen the way you look at his hands whenever he's wearing any form of jewelry on them. He knows what you're thinking- it's pretty obvious for him. He knows you well. And he's going to use that to his own advantage.
"Maybe if I tire you out you'll listen to me hm?" He tells you, leaning back a little while his middle finger slips inside, curling a little while his thumb presses down on your clit. "Maybe playing with my baby makes her a good girl?" He chuckles, making you whine underneath him.
"Please-!" You beg again, unsure what you're asking for, still- but maybe if you're whining and complaining enough, he will still fuck you properly. Or maybe you need to rile him up again? Maybe trying to hit his ego will make him do what you want?
But in a way, you don't believe that yourself. He'd probably just leave you high and dry, and won't allow you to cum or something similar. You wouldn't put it past him- he seems mean.
"Hm?" He tilts his head, watching you as he intensifies his movements, another finger joining in pushing in and out of you- but it's not enough. You need more. "You're so whiny." He teases, laughing to himself.
"That's-" You're interrupted by a particularly intense movement he does- something he instantly picks up on, repeating that action yet again to interrupt your attempts at actually speaking. He just loves playing with you.
"Jungkook please!" You sob out, realizing the way he keeps slowing down what he's doing as soon as he notices your desperation rising at any point- edging you on, more than you think you can continue to handle.
"Please what, hm?" He wonders, faking innocence as he slows down yet again, making your hips stutter around, something he pushes down with his other hand that's not literally occupied inside you- his eyes hooded as he watches you intently. "Nuh-uh baby, be patient." He scolds, making you kick your legs out.
"No!" You complain, pushing your head back into the pillows. "Come on, we- it's not that big of a deal anyways, let's just-" but he doesn't let you finish that sentence, pulling both his hands away as he shakes his head.
"It is a big deal to me." He explains rather softly now, moving to get up and leave the bed- something you immediately cry after, desperate for any kind of release. He simply laughs. "No need for tears baby, I'm not gonna leave you hanging." He chuckles, getting onto his knees at the edge of the bed before he pulls you closer to it, core right at the height of his face. "Here's how it's gonna go;" He starts, hands running from your ankles up your legs, before they lift them over his shoulders. "I'm gonna eat you out, make you cum, get you all nice and tired-" He continues, eyeing you from between your legs. "-so you'll be a good girl when I take you out to dinner later. I've got a reservation we're probably already late to, and it was pretty hard to get a table there, so I'm not wasting it." He jokes, before leaning down.
"What if I-" You squirm a bit, aching. "-if there's nothing I like to eat there?" You mumble in complaint, trying to get him to change his mind maybe.
"Oh they got something for you, I already checked." He promises, before he dives in, lips on your cunt while his tongue doesn't start slow at all.
Your head is spinning.
It doesn't take long at all for him to get you to cum at all considering the immense amount of edging he's put you through earlier- so he isn't surprised when you actually unravel rather quickly from his efforts, hand helping you ride it out to it's fullest until you complain of being overly sensitive. "There we go."
"Hm.. imma go shower.." You say after a moment, slowly sitting up on the bed with somewhat closed eyes. It's when a hand is placed onto your head, Jungkook pressing a kiss on top of it, that they open again, the tender gesture almost shocking to you, while he simply walks past you.
"Go take your time. I'll pick out something for you to wear when you're done." He simply tells you, moving to roam through your suitcase, leaving you to shower and think about what just happened.
And somehow feeling more energized for the dinner now, finally deciding to let him take care of you from now on.
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lonslibrary · 2 years
best characterization lines from the crows—matthias helvar
“This was something different. If the demon Brekker spoke the truth, Matthias would get to go home. The longing for it twisted in his chest—to hear his language spoken, to see his friends again, taste semla filled with sweet almond paste, feel the bite of the northern wind as it came roaring over the ice. To return home and be welcomed there without the burden of dishonour.” 
when you consider him as the teenager that he is, matthias has also been to hell and back and his homesickness always reminds me of it :(( the fact that he chooses nina over everything he knew and loved is the reason why i believe in love
“Even so, the words were bitter in Matthias’ mouth when he said, ‘I’ll do it.’ 
Brekker winked at Nina, and Matthias wanted to knock his teeth in.”
OK this is just my personal bonus bc i love this trio’s dynamic so much and i’ll never get over how they could have made kaz more like he is in the book in the netflix show bc i feel like kaz is not as outwardly dark and brooding as ppl think !!! he’s moody as shit but he’s seventeen and playful sometimes and he snorts and winks and is sarcastic and sometimes "played along with one of [jesper’s] jokes” and says things like “i’ll just hire matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass” LIKE PLS. but this is not abt kaz and we will now return to the regularly scheduled program...
“Matthias returned his mentor’s embrace. 
‘I don’t know if you’re wrong about the Grisha,” he said gently. ‘I just know you’re wrong about her.’ 
He held Brum tight, in a hold Matthias had learned in the echoing training rooms of the drüskelle stronghold, rooms he would never see again. He held Brum as he struggled briefly and as his body went slack. When Matthias pulled away, Brum had slipped into unconsciousness, but Matthias did not think he imagined the rage that lingered on his mentor’s features. He made himself memorise it. It was right that he should remember that look. He was a true traitor at last, and he should carry the burden of it” 
matthias’s honor comes from his loyalty and honesty and i love that he admits he still isn’t sure about the other grisha yet, just nina. a turning point for him for sure, and i’ll forever be in awe of his character development. 
“Matthias was running through the streets of a foreign city, into dangers he did not know, but for the first time since he’d looked into Nina’s eyes and seen his own humanity reflected back at him, the war inside him quieted. 
We’ll find a way to change their minds, she’d said. All of them. He would locate Nina. They would survive this night. They would free themselves of this damp, misbegotten city, and then...Well, then they’d change the world.”
this entire chapter !!!! matthias has never been my personal favorite but he is such. a. well. written. character and i will never get over him d-wording. he realizes that his duty to his god and nina can be one and the same and that it was Djel who caused the shipwreck and his fateful meeting with nina and finally, is able to accept himself as not a traitor, but instead a revolutionary !! when i think about him sleeping and eating with nina just days before he died, my heart breaks for the future he could have had. 
“Matthias wanted to scream as the wolf’s teeth sank into his forearm. He toppled to the ground, the wolf on top of him, the pain beyond anything he’d ever known. But he did not make a sound. He held the wolf’s gaze as its teeth sank more deeply into the muscle of his arm, a growl rumbling through the animal’s chest. 
Matthias suspected that the wolf’s jaws were strong enough to break bone, but he did not struggle, did not cry out, did not drop his gaze. I won’t hurt you, he swore, even if you hurt me.”
is matthias’s promise to trassel not his promise to his country? despite his realization about grisha, his loyalties lay with his home. the one that brainwashed him, forced him into a way of life, taught him everything he knew. the boy matthias faces at his death is also just another version of trassel: matthias holds up his hands, tells the boy he is unarmed, tells the young soldier he can take him to the law if he wishes. matthias’s only fault is his faith—faith that resides in his people until even the last moments of his life.
kaz’s version | wylan’s version | jesper’s version | nina’s version | matthias’s version | inej’s version
and that is it, people! the series that took more than a year to finish comes to an end with our favorite blonde soldier. i’m personally waiting to watch until friday, but happy shadow and bone season 2 day!! 
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captain-mj · 1 year
Hello, do you remember the offering of bones? * hold lamp in your face* Yes you were offered bones for a bad ass Horangi kicking Krüger ass. *slams hands on table* and König was proud of his tiny boyfriend *trows papers on table dramatically*
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I actually had yours in the drafts because i started it but like always you understood the goddamn assignment Hiriko so I’m using the new ask instead ☺️
Horangi was... Horangi. Always would be.
On the sparring mat, he and Koenig were evenly matched. It usually depended on if Koenig could catch him. Once Koenig had him, he could pin him down and thanks to his size, Horangi had a difficult time taking control of the situation. On the flip size, Horangi was fast and as long as Koenig couldn't grab him, he could knock him down.
Seeing Krueger rather quickly pin Koenig down made something mean bubble in Horangi's chest. Horangi was competitive by nature. Being one of the few people that could take Koenig down was a point of pride. And this bastard. A few other members of KorTac congratulated him, impressed. Impressed by that bastard.
So Horangi watched him spar a couple more times, paying attention to how he fought. He planned. This wasn't Koenig who he wanted to improve his skills with. They would regularly try new tactics and work to improve. If one got better, the other did. But with Krueger? His only fucking goal was winning.
"Hey Krueger." Horangi said cheerfully. "Want to spar with me?"
Krueger looked down at him. He couldn't see his eyes since he still wore his full sniper hood while Horangi was substantially more casual. He had a black neck gaiter instead of his normal full mask, short sleeved shirt so the scarring down his arms were visible and shorts. Maybe, just maybe, he had purposely made himself look less threatening. It worked.
Krueger tilted his head. "Are you sure?" There was a hint of amusement in his voice and Horangi knew that regardless of what happened, he was going to win. If he had to kill himself to do it, he would.
"Positive! I need to improve my skills against opponents my size," Krueger's face scrunched enough the mask moved at that comment, as if the two inches separating them in height was a huge difference, "and you seem rather skilled."
"If you insist." Krueger walked with him to the mat.
Koenig stopped lifting weights, actually putting them away to go watch them instead. His interest meant Horangi had just another reason in a long list on why he had to win.
They stalked around the center, eyeing each other. Krueger struck out first, managing to strike his stomach and sending Horangi quickly stepping back. His eyes widened and he quickly stepped back. Krueger immediately lunged again but Horangi dodged this time. He started to lead him around, trying to get him to strike out more. Like a stupid fucking fish.
Horangi used his speed to his advantage. Krueger focused on trying to knock him down but he couldn't get close enough.
With no warning, Horangi slammed all of his weight directly into his chest. It was a risky maneuver since it put him in arm's length, but fuck that. The satisfying sound he made as he hit the ground let Horangi know it was worth it.
He quickly retreated, leaving Krueger to swipe at thin air. They traded blows, Horangi aiming for his chest and shoulders while Krueger seemed determined to hit his fucking kidneys.
Horangi leaned forward. "Koenig is watching. Can't wait to wipe the floor with you."
Krueger stared at him and flew at him again. They both hit and dodged around each other, neither able to get much of a blow in until Krueger sent Horangi reeling with a well calculated blow. He lunged at him but Horangi hooked his foot around his leg and knocked him off balance, sending them both tumbling.
Horangi slammed his knee into his chest and then pinned him. He took a deep breath and started counting when Krueger managed to throw him off, rolling them. It wouldn't work on the battlefield where weapons were involved, but it did work here.
Horangi wrapped his thighs around his head and pinned him down, watching him claw at him. Krueger's feet kicked but he couldn't get at him.
"Dirty fucking move."
"Barely even got a hit on me."
"3. Now, don't be a sore loser." Horangi kicked him off and got up, exiting the ring.
Koenig immediately grabbed his hands, inspecting them as if Horangi hadn't bandaged them properly. "That was amazing!" He sounded so giddy, eyes full of pride. "I've never seen you fight like that."
Horangi smiled. "Wanted to try a new strategy! I didn't think it would work on you." He pulled his mask down to drink and noticed Koenig's eyes following him. Koenig glanced around and when he saw a bunch of people looking, he changed his mind about whatever it was.
"You really looked amazing out there. You so rarely fight other people, I forgot how lethal you look." He sounded shy and Horangi's heart started to stutter.
Stepping a bit closer, he put Koenig's hood over his head so they were both hiding in it.
"Thank you, yeobo."
Koenig's face was bright red, as it always was when Horangi acted like this in public, but he smiled immediately. He kissed his cheek softly. "I can see why you were named Tiger."
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crxwnedalex · 3 months
Discduo Tangled /TTS AU
Yes, another random discduo au, I just love these two, alright?
anygays, Basically Tommy is Rapunzel, Dream is Eugene, Phil is Mother Gothel (called Father Philza or Father) basic Tangled stroyline, Tommy wants to see the lanterns that light afar every night on his birthday. (I would use fireworks since it fits tommy better idk, but thats from Yong's country which doesnt come up till wayyyyyy past the TTS, much less tangled Timeline. I guess they give corona fireworks for the occasion but i feel like they'd use their own things for such a thing idk rambling here)
Dream is a theif who just stole the royal crown from Corona (idk what to rename it or who would run it, maybe Eret, sam, ponk, ranboo, tubbo and callahan r royals or in the circle? Techno isn't supposed to be there but everyone likes him so ye)
Dream gets knocked out by an enchanted disc instead of pan, and bested by a 16 y/o raccoon child, Instead of Pascal we have Clementine.(cause raccoon companions are reserved for Varian eternally)
They go out adventuring, when they go to the snuggly duckling, Quackity (owner) and las nevadas crew is there, slime basically is hookhand. Fundy is the clean up, foolish the bartender.
they journey, chaos and hijinks ensue. The boat scene where the Stabbington brothers betray Eugene(aka Dream) plays out, Philza gives Tommy the crown, blah blah, Dream gets arrested and is about to be hanged oop.
Tommy however, is very stubborn, and instead of going home w Phil, chooses to go after dream (and kick his ass). Tommy ends up revealing himself infront of everyone (including the royals) what he looks like while saving dream, he saves dream, tries to run away but one of them realizes its tommy and thinks dream kidnapped him only for phil to be betrayed by the stabbingtons and handed in but Phil holds Tommy hostage, kills dream, but gets tommy's hair cut, tossed into a river as he turns to dust, dream revived by magic jazz hands and happy ending until TTS timeline rolls in
How Tommy's powers would work- basically like rapunzels, but his hair is not 70ft long thank god, his hair and eyes glow red and it's more like a hand magic that's stored in his hair and makes it float.
TTS Timeline-(spoilers for the show if you havent seen)
basically everything is regularly the same except that Cass aka Tubbo doesnt become moonstone drugged cause fuck that shit.
basically everyone gets replaced by a dsmp member except for Varian cause he's perfect(maybe, maybe not)
so character list
Eugene Fitzherbert/Flyn Ryder- Casper(cause clay as a name is weird /no offense lmao) /Dream Wastaken
Rapunzel -Tommy
Mother Gothel- Father Philza
Stabbington brothers- same (or maybe Punz)
Hookhand- Slime/Charlie
Unicorn Man- ssame
other men at the snuggly duckling- other las Nevadas members.
Fredrick(bitch) and Aurianna(King and Queen)- idk who yet but the royals r Sam, Eret, Ranboo, Purpled(?), Techno(?), Tubbo, Puffy and maybe also Nikki
Cassandra-Tubbo or Purpled
Varian -either the same or Ranboo
Lance- Sapnap (imagining sapnap as the childish adult kleptomaniac friend is hilarious)
King edmund- XD
Hector, Adira and Qurin - idk yet
I think that's all, I'm adding a few VAT7K characters that I think would appear even though they are from Varian's show so ye
Hugo gives me Purpled vibes but idk
Yong is Tubbo but innocent
Nuru is like Nikki the most,
Donella is maybe BBH? idk? There isnt really any 100% evil badass women in dsmp sooooo
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