#it's always just 'tysm i'm so glad you enjoyed'
me: *is a writer*
also me: *can only ever seem to think of one way to say 'thank you' to the people who are kind enough to comment on my fics 🥲*
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pxuvalentinx · 3 months
Oh my lord, the aventurine hcs had me with heart eyes blushing
I was thinking
Aventurine x reader cuddle hcs or like kissing hcs >0<
Don't forget to eat and drink, and get enough rest!!
hey there !!<3 i'm so glad you enjoyed the hcs (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ your wish is my command so lets get into it! also this has slight angst ! i like to think of aventurine as a really touchy guy as soon as he gets comfy enough around you. in public he'll act all confident, throwing an arm around you while flashing a cocky smile to anybody who looks at you two, while in private he'll just bury his head in your chest as you play with his hair. it took him a while to let his guard down, to actually stop acting like the 'big strong and confident man' around you. but as soon as he did he'll be the clingiest thing ever, always trying to make you stay in bed for a bit longer, being scared that you maybe won't return some day. but you always do, you always come back to him and embrace him in your arms. as i mentioned earlier, he'll always have an arm around you, so he can just pull you into a hug whenever he wants. he'd always press a kiss to your forehead before he lets you go. (can you tell i like forehead kisses) but your lips are one of his favorite things about you, sometimes brushing over them with his thumb before chuckling and then giving you a quick peck. if it's a deeper kiss, he'll always cup your face with both hands, again not letting you go. i feel like aventurine is the type to not move at all while sleeping, so if he's spooning you, you're gonna have to get used to sleeping on one side the entire night. don't underestimate the strength he has in those arms. this man loves laying on your stomach while you're on your phone or doing anything really, one hand in his hair. other times he'll let you sleep on his lap instead, but instead of being on his phone or whatever he'd just admire your sleeping state/you in general. already speaking about laps, he loves it when you sit on his lap and hug him really tightly, because he'll hug you right back. burying his head in your neck, basically inhaling your scent. this man will kiss every single part of your body, no matter how much you hate a specific part of your body. you're insecure about your stomach?? he'll kiss and compliment till you're a blushing and smiling mess. don't like your face? again he'll kiss it, compliment it and squish it while giving you the sweetest smile ever. his voice always goes so soft whenever he speaks to you. (i wish he was real :') tysm for reading, this was so much fun. again if you have any ideas you want to see me write (fluff or smut), don't be scared to shoot a little msg in my inbox<3)
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roosterr · 1 year
white flag ✹ ch 1
note: tysm for all the support on the first part! it made me so happy to see that people were enjoying it!! also sorry if you're not british bc i'm british-ing the reader in this story lol.
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 3.2k
no use of y/n reader's callsign is 'stingray'
summary: you decide to walk to work with ghost instead of driving yourself. what could possibly go wrong.
warnings: ghost is a bit mean again, reader is going through it, some angst, a lil bit of fluff at the end
【prev】 || 【next】
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you didn't sleep well these days. your dreams are more often than not consumed with your newfound fear of fire – something you'd be taking to the grave, rather than give ghost something new to grill you about. the memories of waking up to your house filled with smoke haunted you, ever present in the back of your mind, even as you slept. it was all you could think about. distracting yourself with work had been effective so far, so that was how you'd continue until it either went away or became a bigger problem.
in the week since the fire, you'd yet to actually see ghost in the morning before you both went to work. it was like you were living with an actual ghost. you would never see him, but every now and then you'd hear a noise from upstairs and be reminded that he exists. honestly, it was kind of a relief – he obviously didn't want to see you any more often than necessary, and as much as his avoidance hurt you, you're not sure you could handle being berated before you've had your morning coffee.
he stayed out of the living room, for which you're thankful. you're overly aware of how unhappy he is having someone who is essentially a stranger occupying his home, and you're glad he's allowed you some modicum of privacy.
today, however, you'd woken up early by some grace of the gods and decided that, instead of going back to sleep for an extra forty-five minutes, you'd get an early start to the day.
that of course meant that you encountered your ever elusive lieutenant in the kitchen, as you sit at the incredibly small table drinking your mug of incredibly sweet coffee. you'd just finished off a bowl of cereal when he appeared in the corner of your vision, and you jump slightly when you notice him.
"...morning." you utter, somehow surprised to see him standing in the doorway as if this wasn't his house in the first place. unsurprisingly, ghost doesn't respond, he simply puts the kettle on and starts making himself a cup of tea, all without looking at you once. you can't help but sigh at how he blatantly ignores you, but it's not out of character for him, so you resign yourself to sipping your coffee in silence.
you watch as he shuffles around the kitchen, his large frame making the space look even more tiny, if that was even possible. somewhere in the back of your mind you wonder if he sleeps in his balaclava, since it didn't look like he'd even washed his face since you saw him yesterday.
when he suddenly turns and meets your eyes, you freeze and quickly look down. of course he knew you were staring at him, why wouldn't he? he always seemed to be acutely aware of every mistake you make, much to your chagrin. heat rises to your cheeks and you subtly clear your throat from the embarrassment of being caught. you can't see what expression he's making, but you'd be willing to bet he was giving you that patented death glare.
"do you walk to base? every morning?" you ask, if only to break the painfully awkward silence between you. a moment passes of you looking at him expectantly as he finishes making his tea.
"yeah." his mumble is barely audible, and you have to strain to hear it despite sitting less than two metres away from him.
"but it's, like, a half hour walk," you muse, tilting your head at him. it made sense, you supposed, you already knew he didn't have a car, and it would explain why he always left so early.
"twenty-five if you're quick about it." he mutters, turning away from you to face the window. you see him lift his mask over his nose and bring his cup up to his lips. there's another beat of silence between you as you stare holes into the back of his head.
"do you, uh… want a lift?" you ask, hesitancy lacing your voice. he's still facing away from you as he downs the rest of his tea, setting the cup down in the sink. 
"okay…" your voice trails off, quieter than before. it doesn't matter that you expected it, his blunt dismissiveness never fails to make your stomach sink. as you finish off your own drink, an idea lights up your eyes. you stand up, bringing your cup and bowl and placing them in the sink, before turning to ghost. "then i'll walk with you." you give him a warm smile, taking note of how he quickly pulls his mask back down as you look at him and the way his eyes widen the slightest amount at your words.
"no–" he begins, shaking his head, but you're already set on the idea.
"just let me grab my jacket," you give him another small smile, and without another word, you disappear into the living room – your very makeshift bedroom – to search for where you discarded your jacket when you got home the night before.
when you come back out to the entryway, hiking your jacket over your shoulders, the first thing you notice is ghost's boots are no longer by the door. you poke your head into the kitchen, and find the spot in front of the sink where he was standing distinctly empty.
the bastard left without you.
with a whispered string of curses, you pull on your own boots as quickly as you can manage, and race out the door after him. you get a few paces down the path before you remember you have to lock the door behind you, practically sprinting back to it and securing it at record speed. in less than a minute, you're running down the road after ghost's retreating form, swearing under your breath the whole way.
when you finally catch up to him, he doesn't even spare you a glance as you try and catch your breath beside him.
"damn you walk fast…" you huff, straightening your jacket and looking up at ghost. he gives you a look out of the corner of his eye, but still doesn't say anything. "well, you're not shaking me that easily, l.t."
"anyone ever told you you're a pain in the arse?" he grumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets.
you mirror his movement, raising a brow at him. "yeah, you do – all the time actually." 
his gaze darts to you for a split second, almost unnoticeable, and then he's back to looking straight ahead like you're not there. there's nothing you want more in that moment than to know what he's thinking, but you'll just have to make do with his blank expression.
"so, uh…" you clear your throat, drawing a blank on anything you could talk to him about. "so, what's your favourite colour?" you cringe as soon as the words pass your lips, but it's too late to stop yourself now. "you strike me as a forest green kinda guy."
"god, shut up sting." he sighs, glancing briefly at you with a frown you can see through the balaclava. you frown back, throwing your hands out in exasperation.
"so you really wanna just walk in silence all the way to work?" you ask, jogging slightly to catch up with him as he takes a corner you weren't expecting.
"didn't wanna walk with you in the first place." he says, his shoulders hunched with tension. "you're more than welcome to drive yourself."
"i'm just trying to be friendly."
"well… save your breath." he mutters. you think you hear a hint of sadness lacing his tone, but you can't be sure.
"then i won't bother on the way back, how about that?" you reply, hoping that your voice doesn't betray the disappointment you feel.
he doesn't say another word for the rest of the time it takes the two of you to walk to base. you're left essentially talking to yourself, while he gives you the silent treatment. it's disappointing, but not at all surprising – a feeling you've become familiar with around him.
you point out a woman walking her dog that you thought was cute, but he only hums and continues staring ahead. you comment on a fox in the road, but he pretends not to have heard you. any attempt you make to get him to engage again, he shoots you down every time. it's almost enough to make you give up, but you really do want him to like you, if only because you live together and not because of your admiration for him.
when you finally arrive at base, you don't bother trying to keep pace with him anymore. the commute, which in reality was only about thirty minutes, felt more like hours thanks to ghost's avoidance. you watch with a defeated expression as he disappears around the corner ahead of you and decide to go to the rec room, in the hopes that your more friendly teammates will be there.
"sting! there you are!" soap's voice from your left draws your attention as you walk through the door, and you give him and gaz a smile as you make your way over to where they're sitting. "was worried you got lost or somethin'."
"did you walk with ghost?" gaz asks. you nod, flopping down onto the sofa next to him with a quiet groan.
"yeah, but he basically just ignored me the whole way." you sigh, your disappointment evident in your voice. they both nod in understanding, having expected as much from your icy lieutenant.
"surprised he didn't shove you into a bush and leave you there." gaz chuckles, patting your shoulder as you rub a hand over your eyes.
"honestly? me too."
soap jumps up from his seat next to gaz and comes to sit on your other side. "how's it been, living with him?" he asks, his voice teasing. you groan again, and squeeze your eye shut.
"it's great," you grumble, resping your elbows on your knees and hiding your face on your hands, "now i get told i'm annoying at home and at work."
before either of them can respond, price's voice interrupts from the doorway "come on, you lot get a move on, we've got work to do." he commands, and with a quiet 'yes sir' the three of you get up and follow after him.
the rest of the day went by in a blur, in part thanks to the unfulfilling sleep you'd been having lately; the sofa-bed left a lot to be desired, paired with the adjustment period your body needed whenever you sleep somewhere new.
thankfully you didn't need to do anything too taxing today; paperwork, training, and due to an unfortunate bet, you were stuck doing inventory for the next month. it was your own fault, really, you should've known better than to make a bet with soap.
by the end of the day, you're practically dead on your feet and more than ready to get home and collapse into your horribly uncomfortable bed. you're on your way out when you remember, you don't have your car, because you walked here. so you have to walk back. with ghost.
as you drag your feet through the winding corridors, your eyes drift to the window to see that it's now raining – and quite heavily, at that. as luck would have it, you actually keep a spare umbrella on top of your locker for situations exactly like this. rolling your eyes to yourself, you turn around on your heel and make your way quickly back towards the locker room. the sun was already setting, and you still had to find ghost, preferably before it got too dark.
well, you didn't have to find him, but since you'd walked here together, you wanted to walk back with him too – no matter how grumpy he was. even if you walked in complete silence, you'd still enjoy the company.
you push the locker room door open with your shoulder, beelining for your locker along the back wall. you reach a hand up and feel around for your umbrella on top, cringing at the feeling of dust all over your hand. when you don't find it, you frown. you could've sworn you left it up there. you step up onto one of the benches nearby to get a better look, but it's still nowhere to be found.
someone stole your fucking umbrella.
you let out an irritated groan. did the higher powers have something against you? why has everything been going wrong for you lately? you have to take a second, standing on the bench in the empty locker room, to compose yourself before you burst into tears from the frustration of it all.
more than anything you just wanted to go home; but your home was gone, and now you live in a house with a man who probably couldn't care less whether you made it back or not, and to top it all off you had to walk back in the pouring rain with him with no umbrella.
now, as you make your way back to ghost's office, you're marching through the corridors with frustrated desperation; you needed to go to sleep and not wake up until you need to go to work again on monday. you're not even sure you could face going to the pub with the others this weekend, something you usually enjoy no matter how much you're aching.
you arrive outside his office, but the light is off and the door's locked when you try it. you get a sinking feeling in your chest as you think back to this morning. maybe he was just waiting by the exit?
as quickly as you can manage, you head to the front of the building, where you'd come in that morning, but when you round the corner, there's no one there. you sniffle, trying to bottle your frustration for when you're alone, and decide to try one last option before calling it a day.
you lean around the door into the rec room, spotting a group of a few privates you don't know the names of sitting around a table, playing some card game.
"have you guys seen lieutenant ghost?" you ask them, your exhaustion clearly showing on your face by the way they look between themselves before responding.
"uhm, yeah, i think i saw him leaving about an hour ago?" one of them answers.
"oh." you mutter, blinking dumbly as you process his words. "right, thanks."
the bastard left without you.
it takes you a great deal of restraint not to scream.
the journey back in the dark, by yourself, is painful, to put it lightly. you get splashed by passing cars exactly twice, and you're practically soaked to the bone within the first ten minutes of walking.
the lights are on when you finally round the corner and have the house in your sights. you almost slip on the small patch of grass outside, but manage to save yourself that embarrassment and stay upright.
you wrench the door open, stepping inside and dripping on the entryway floor as you slam it behind you. you wipe your hand over your face, flicking the excess rain onto the floor as well before sharply tugging your boots off and dropping them next to ghost's.
you move to stand in the doorway to the kitchen, glowering at your lieutenant who stands in his usual spot by the window with a nice warm cup of tea in his hand.
well, good for him.
"dickhead." you hiss, taking note of how he seems to be perfectly content and, most importantly, dry. he sets his cup down on the counter next to him and turns his body to face you, expression consistently unreadable with the mask covering him.
"...figured you'd left already." he mutters, his eyes flickering to your soaking wet clothes and then back up to your face, not quite meeting your seething gaze.
"no you didn't." you spit, wiping your eyes sharply as more water drips into them. "you just didn't wanna deal with me. well, you got your peace and quiet, i hope you're happy."
"thought you had an umbrella?" his voice is quieter still, and you think you see his eyebrows pull upwards with what could've been concern, but you brush the thought off.
"i did, before somebody fucking nicked it."
you appear back in the kitchen doorway, throwing your hands out to your side with a wobbly frown. "you win, alright? i'll–" you can't help the way your voice cracks, "i'll stop trying to be friends with you. i'll leave you alone. you win."
and with that, you storm into the living room, slamming the door behind you before he can get another word in – before the dam breaks and you can no longer stop the tears from falling. your knees give out and you sink to the floor where you stand, leaning your back against the door and burying your tear-stained face in your hands.
you just want to go home, but this isn't home and you're afraid it never will be. it hurts, a lot, that no matter how hard you try, you never make any progress with him, and even though you said you'd give up trying, deep down you knew it was a lie. more than anything, you just wanted him to like you; it didn't even matter of he never cared about you the same way you cared for him, you were just so tired of being hated.
it takes you the better part of ten minutes to gain control of your breathing again, and another five to gather the strength to stand. you muster just enough energy to tug your soaked clothes off and change into your pyjamas before collapsing into the sofa-bed and burying yourself in the blankets.
you must've drifted to sleep at some point, because the sound of the door opening startles you awake. with a tired frown decorating your face, you sit up and turn around. to your utter surprise, you see ghost standing half in the doorway, illuminated from behind by the hall light, holding something out that you can't quite see in the darkness.
for a moment all you can do is sit in silence, staring and waiting for him to say something.
"...what's that?" you finally ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"hot chocolate." he replies in a similar tone, taking a small step forward. you blink and open your mouth to say something, but no words come to mind. so instead you take the cup from him, and let it warm your hands as you take a sip.
"how'd you know i like hot chocolate?" he's about to leave when you ask, his body already poised to disappear. he turns his head back to look at you, never quite meeting your eyes.
"belarus, last year." he mutters, "you ordered it. in the caff."
you're not quite sure what to say, so you settle on a confused, "...thanks?"
"if you get a cold, it'll be your head, sergeant." he tells you, the slightest trace of something teasing in his voice, before stepping out of your sight.
"copy that." you mumble after him, a faint smile pulling at your lips as the door clicks shut again.
maybe he would warm up to you after all.
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taglist: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @rafaelcallinybbay , @shuttlelauncher81 , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry!
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megistusdiary · 1 month
hi ! i adore the way you write for arle ໒꒰ྀི´͈ ᵕ `͈ ꒱ྀི১ your writing in general is just always so amazing. i was wondering if you could write something for arle x chubby fem reader ? i feel like people rarely write for chubby reader, so it would be nice if you could whenever you had the time. 🩷 btw can i be 🪷 anon ?
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hiii tysm i'm glad you enjoy my portrayal of arle ♡♡♡ also, yes!! emoji anons are always welcome.
i totally hear you, though. it's tough finding wlw fics already 😓😓 i hope this is okay!!!
(also, i got another ask for a similar concept, so i combined it here and got 2 birds with 1 stone)
(nsfw utc)
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her claws, always so sharp, yet dulled on specific days- for moments like these. she kept them sharp enough for you to feel them, blunt enough to not hurt you.
her left hand slides up to your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss while you shift around on her lap, trying to lean up on your knees. she grunts, moving her hand back down to your hips, shoving you down and holding you still.
"must you squirm around so much?" she asks, brows furrowing when you look away. she guides your chin back up to face her, frowning.
"aren't i... a little heavy to be sitting on your lap like this?" you ask, leaning back, gasping when her sharp nails dig in further to keep you in place.
"excuse me?" she asks, silencing your soft protests. "you think i cannot handle you? is that what you're implying?"
"no- i... i just..."
she squishes your cheeks together, pulling you in so your fuller chest presses to hers. she secretly indulges in the plush feeling, enjoying how cute you look with your lips puffed into a pout.
"do not presume to tell me what i can and cannot do. you are mine, and i am yours. i love every inch of you to pieces, just as you promised me the same. or do i need to remind you?" she asks, preventing you from speaking still.
you whimper, feeling her push you down to lay beneath her, shoving your shirt up and off of you. her nails lightly scrape over your stomach, cupping your breasts.
"perfect." she mumbles, pinching your nipples before leaning down to lap over them, feeling them peak under her touch. she kisses down your body, tenderly holding your waist, leaving little bites at your stomach, sliding her fingers into your panties.
you moan as her fingers swipe over your cunt, sliding your panties to the side to expose you. her eyes trace your slit, leaning down to place a kiss on your clit, eyes finding yours.
she shoved your thighs up, hands squishing them down against you, gripping the thickest part of them, leaving indents from how firmly she held you down. your moans increase in volume as she keeps you in place, sliding her tongue over your pussy, dipping it into your fluttering hole every so often.
she mumbles to herself in a language you're not sure you understand, considering your mind has gone fuzzy from her tongue on your clit. you can only assume her words are loving from how tenderly she sucks your clit, fucking you with her tongue.
once you cum on her tongue once, she lets your thighs sink back down, instead reaching up to kiss you again, hearing you whimper at the taste of yourself on her tongue.
"beautiful." she praises you, kissing down your neck, listening to your gentle moans. "you're perfect."
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fictoculus · 3 months
Dunno if you've done this before, but characters with tall reader!
This is mostly me being sick and having OC obsession brain rot, but the majority of my OCs are 5'9–6'0+ for reference by what I mean for "tall".
Love your writing, by the way! Keep yourself safe and make sure to treat yourself for all the joy you bring your viewers with your writing<3. Also, this is my first request:D
(Thinking about characters like: Venti, Diluc, Zhongli, Traveller, and whoever else you want to write/if you don't write for some of these characters, that's fine!)
౨ৎ them w a tall partner...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... aether, venti, itto, alhaitham, diluc
A/N... hiiii anon tysm for the request!! i loveee this idea it's so cute so i'm more than happy to write it ^^ unfortunatelyyy i wasn't able to write anything for zhongli as i js couldn't think of anything, i hope that's ok!!! also thank youuuu! i'm so glad you like my stuff, nd please make sure you take care of yourself too!! hope to see you again soon, enjoy ♡ alsooo i tried out some new colouring!! i hope you guys like ittt i think it's prettyy :3 oh and disclaimer these heights may not be accurate!!! i got them from this website but it seems pretty reliable to meee
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✧ aether. - 5'4"
the traveller, the honorary knight, the swordfish II captain, the first sage of buer: just a few of the multitude of titles aether has earned from the many battles he's fought for teyvat. he's always fighting for people, protecting people, blindly jumping head-first into danger; he needs someone to protect him for a change, and that someone is you.
he always feels safe with you, and the way you stand behind him when he's chatting with friends or purchasing items from vendors makes him feel untouchable; evident by the way he practically melts under your touch.
one of the first things people tend to notice about you is your height, and although it doesn't really bother you, aether thinks it's ignorant and unfair. don't get him wrong, he loves your height, but there's so much more to you than that. he wishes people would notice your style, or your personality, maybe even your smile, anything. as long as nobody tries to steal you from him, he doesn't mind.
he'll often find himself being the little spoon while cuddling, and honestly, it's the thing he most looks forward to after a long day of completing commissions and collecting resources.
he loves how tall you are, how gentle you are, how loving you are; he loves all of you, and he hopes you love all of him too...
✧ venti. - 5'5"
venti loves the way you tower over him, and finds your subsequent protectiveness rather endearing.
your height sometimes intimidates people, and discourages them from wanting to strike up conversation with you. venti, however, was never bothered by it, and had no problem shamelessly flirting with you the very second you entered angel's share that fateful day.
the bard struggles to understand how people could possibly be afraid of you. of course, he knows how strong you are, and is aware of the lengths you'd go to in order to protect him, but nothing about your personality was something to be scared of.
the more he got to know you, the quicker he came to the realisation that you're really just a big softie - a gentle giant, if you will.
your impressive stature also means that you can carry him around. venti loves nothing more than being in your arms, face nuzzled into your chest as you take him to bed after a long day, or resting his head on your shoulder and forcing you to lift him up when he 'falls asleep''.
all in all, your boyfriend views your height is anything but negative. he loves you the way you are, and, as cliché as it sounds, wouldn't change anything about you for the world...
✧ itto. - 6'1"
no matter how tall you are, itto will give you piggyback rides. and you will enjoy them. to put it quite frankly, you don't have a choice.
even though you're taller than him, he still loves to have you in his arms, whether that means cuddling, carrying you around, or simply just hugging you from behind. something about having you in his hold makes him feel stronger and more confident than he ever has before.
the members of the arataki gang were shocked when they first met you, genta mistaking you for itto when he caught sight of your silhouette. nonetheless, they have all grown to be quite fond of you, and often leave small gifts on your doorstep which never fail to bring a smile to your face.
your height was something you sometimes felt ashamed of, however, itto always makes sure you feel happy within yourself, and will do everything in his power to wash the insecurities away; showering you in kisses and telling you just how perfect you are...
✧ alhaitham. - 5'10"
at first, alhaitham was slightly embarrassed that you were taller than him, not because of your appearance, but because of how he'd been relentlessly teasing his roommate for his height while having a partner who stands at an impressive 6'5"...
nevertheless, the scribe truly admires everything about you, and will often just stare. even though he wants nothing more than to have you in his arms, he's more than happy to admire you from afar, to watch you go about your day or make idle chit-chat with the local vendors so that he can just take you in; "archons, they're beautiful".
even though he stands shorter than you, he is extremely protective over you; intertwining his fingers with yours whenever he has the chance, and staring down anyone who 'looks at you wrong'. you often tease him for this, poking fun at his pout before kissing it away with a smile, only for it to return as you pinch his rosy cheeks.
the love alhaitham has for you is immeasurable, and the (not so) little things like your height only make him fall harder for you. his heart skips a beat when he feels your arms snake around his waist from behind, being pulled into your chest as you rest your head on his shoulder. yes, you could still do this even if you were shorter, but for him, nothing compares to being able to sink into you; he rather enjoys feeling smaller when he's with you...
✧ diluc. - 6'1"
you and your husband, diluc, stand at a similar height, him just slightly taller than you at 6'1". people often stare when you walk into a room hand-in-hand, but the darknight hero couldn't be more proud.
he never misses the chance to show you off, introducing you to everyone he knows while making sure to subtly flash the wedding ring he oh so gently slides onto your finger every morning. however, as soon as someone dares to make a rude remark about you, your husband has no problem stepping in front of you and handling the situation himself. yes, you're capable of looking out for yourself, but the redhead always feels the need to protect the ones he loves most.
the two of you are a package deal, and are rarely seen apart from each other unless absolutely necessary. diluc can't stand being away from you, and often finds his mind flooded with thoughts of you when he should be focused on the financial papers spread out on the desk before him.
being the taller ragnvindr, diluc often takes it upon himself to hand you items from higher up shelves, knowing full well you can reach them just fine by yourself. "given my stature, wouldn't it be rude not to hand my partner the things they couldn't possibly reach?", he always asks, pressing a loving kiss on your forehead and handing you whatever you were reaching for. such a tease...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST... @maopll . @nyxmainex apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
The Wrong One...
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Pairing: Sergio 'Checo' Pérez x celebrity!fem!reader, (platonic) Max Verstappen x reader
Warnings: Some swearing. Badly translated Spanish (I'm sorry).
Notes: Anon ilysm. I'm so glad that people want to read stuff for him. I've been meaning to write for him and idk how I haven't yet (says the woman currently in the SP11 shirt...).
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N visits the red bull garage and everyone thinks she's with a Red Bull driver... except they all guess the wrong one.
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Yourusername: What great fun in China and thank you @redbullracing for inviting me!!
Liked by schecoperez, redbullracing and 123,789 others
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Redbullracing: It was an honour to have you Y/N. It was truly a great weekend because you were in our garage.
↳ Yourusername: ❤💙 I'm sure it was mainly a good weekend because of your 1-2 finish...
↳ Redbullracing: It didn't hurt...
User1: guys, I don't think that's max
↳User2: No, it kinda looks like him
↳User3: Ha. It looks more like Checo than Max lol
↳User1: Shit... maybe oomf on twitter was right...
User4: Y/N can act, model, draw, be gorgeous etc. What can't she do?
↳User5: Yeah I do love her stick man drawings
↳User4: They show pure talent!
↳User5: Support a good F1 team
↳User6: 💀 what and the one with the 1-2 finish wasn't good enough for you?
User7: Someone said that that dude looks like Segio Perez...👀
↳User8: Yeah but even if it is, it doesn't mean they're dating... Two people are allowed to just hang out platonically
↳User9: Bro look at that photo. He has her hand comfortable around her waist and they look like they're they're in love that they're about to get married
↳User8: It depends on how you view it
↳User7: Omd...
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Yourusername: Loml and apparently my best kept secret.
Te quiero cariño. Gracias por tantos años maravillosos juntos. No puedo esperar por el resto de la eternidad contigo❤ (I love you darling. Thank you for so many wonderful years together. I can't wait for the rest of eternity with you)
Liked by Redbullracing, Schecoperez, maxverstappen and 3,432,789 others
View all 54 comments
Redbullracing: We love you Y/N
↳Yourusername: Lym admin💙❤
Schecoperez: I love you more mi amor. No puedo esperar para pasar el resto de mis días contigo. (I can not wait to spend the rest of my days with you)
Maxverstappen: Well done on finally coming out you two
↳Yourusername: Tysm Max. Doesn't mean I won't run away with your gf though😏
↳Maxverstappen: 😮
↳Schecoperez: ¿Qué? ¿Querida?
Tysm for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome.
Taglist (idk if this is your thing so if not then sorry) :
@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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s1m0nth3swag · 2 months
Hello, Simon! I enjoyed reading some of your recent works for Francis Mosses 🥺 is it okay to request for period comfort? keep it SFW please! I'm just in a emotional rollercoaster right now because of it and I don't see much sfw works of Francis here on Tumblr. Thank you so much in advance! 🤎
Tysm for the ask anon, so sorry it took this long!
I've been working on some personal projects recently and have had less time to write (especially since I now have to actually take care of some of my grades because some aren't looking too good.... whatever, though I'm balling through, it'll be fine)
Also, I'm so so sorry this is short because, uhm, how do I write about period comfort when all I usually do is ball through and act like the tough man I totally am (not)
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; GN!Reader but mentioned to be afab due to having Periods, established relationship but not having been together for that long, Francis is a little silly and unsure at first because that man wouldn't know what to do and I stand by that statement.
When you had woken up this morning, you had immediately known. Just that feeling of being uncomfortable, as if your body needed to make extra sure to signal you that you weren't pregnant. You groaned in annoyance, wanting to sleep for a little longer, but if you did that, you'd probably end up having to change your bedsheets, and that's the last thing you wanted to do right now. So, instead, you trotted to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, your boyfriend Francis was absolutely confused. You weren't the type to get up early, especially not when he was staying over. Usually, you'd snuggle up to him, wrap your arms around his waist to keep him in bed with you. He figured you maybe just needed to go to the toilet, though something seemed a little off. He didn't pay it much mind, though, simply drifting off into a state of being half asleep again. At least until you practically fell into bed, making the mattress creak. "Francis." You grumbled, moving to press your face against his neck like you'd always do when he stayed over and was still with you in the morning. "Mm?" He hummed, his hand coming up to carefully run through your hair. "Got my period." You huff, your face scrunching in annoyance. Francis is caught off guard for a moment. "At least you aren't pregnant?" He mutters, trying to lighten your mood, though that only results in having you hit his chest softly. He really doesn't know what to do. He never had to deal with this before. "What usually.. I don't know.. helps? Makes it better?" He asks. Francis has heard of buying chocolate or making a hot water bottle, though he really wants to make sure not to just assume what might be good for you. "Just stay for now, okay?" You ask, snuggling further against him.
The two of you stay cuddled up in bed for a while, with you getting into some, for Francis, very weird positions just to relieve some of the pain. He starts massaging your lower belly at some point, which makes you comfortably rest against him so he can keep going. He figures that this helped your cramps, though you aren't really a big talker right now. He's just glad you aren't getting sappy on him or worse. Francis reminds himself to stop thinking in stereotypes. You fall asleep at some point, and he has half a mind to get a blanket over the two of you while he tries not to fall asleep as well - he feels like he should be awake once you wake up. He wouldn't want to have you have to do something alone when he could be helping you.
The next few hours are mostly you being asleep and Francis drifting off just to jolt awake again. Once you wake up, Francis gets you water and, because you now specifically asked for it, made you a hot water bottle to help the cramps. You put on a movie while he was gone, some romantic one that he knew you had watched at least twice before already. Not like he minded, though. Wasn't his place to judge. He settled beside you again, making sure to carefully place the bottle on you, letting you adjust it yourself. "You alright?" He hums, resting his head against yours. "Obviously not. I'm actively bleeding, Francis." You huff, rolling your eyes playfully as you shift closer to him. "Honestly, though, as good as I could be right now." You then answer, sighing as you close your eyes to bask in your boyfriends presence.
You stay cuddled up like that, watching the movie together. Francis gets up at some point to make both of you a tea, making sure yours is a Green tea after searching for what tea helps with cramps. He's generally just very mindful of you, even offering to run to the store to get you anything you want - which in all honesty almost makes you tear up because he's just too sweet - but you just want him with you, and that's all that counts.
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nedseii · 6 months
hello omg I just wanted to thank you for the robb/margaery art even though I haven't been into asoiaf in ages bc it's absolutely beautiful 💕 they remind me of like. when you're a young high school student and this is the It couple like the undisputed prom king and queen, leadership in prominent school organizations, popular and well-known around everyone, headed to really really good schools, but the thing is they're so genuinely nice to everyone, esp underclassmen, you can't help but root for them and their success like they're the older siblings you always dreamed of.... and that art of them dancing!! I swear my heart fluttered 🥺 the way margaery looks unflappable as usual yet softer to the trained eye (robb) and the way robb looks at her like 'I know you like me as much as I do you anyways.' wow. wow
sorry for the rambling, anyways here are my fic recs!!
Playing Politics by BerryBagel
dreams of wolves and roses by twistedsky
There Are Wolves About by madeinessos [web archive]
softens by tinytendril
trapped by jaimelanniser
bet on it (bet on us) by anniebibanananie (modern au!!)
though the winter have begun by highgardensansa
castling the king by brokentombstone (this one has jonsa!)
The Queen Gambit by Nectere
hope you enjoy these as much as I do your art!! 💖💖💖
No need to thank me for the robbaery food op!! I'm so glad you like it! I love how you described them as prom king and queen 😭 They really do embody that vibe ejdozefoerzfo tysm for sharing your thoughts :')
Also here's a robbaery I never posted I hope u like it 👉👈
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pokechbi · 1 year
I love your writing so much!! I was wondering if you could write about könig and ghost finding out that y/n is a couple years older than them! How would they react? If you’re not taking requests feel free to ignore this!!! Thank you!!
Hi ♡ Anon ♡ !!! Tysm !!! I'm so glad you love my writing. Thank you for the very unique idea !! I was so lost at how to even go about this at first but once i started i literally could not stop! So ty! Ya'll are bringing me out of my writers funk fr im so so grateful 💗
JSYK: I know zilch about military stuff so forgive me for any inaccuracies!
WC: 1.1K ♡
Enjoy 🎀
♡Konig & Ghost find out you're a few years older than them...♡
During the time that the KorTacs and T141 had joined forces, you had gotten pretty comfortable around the newcomers. Specifically one big, mountain of a man named König. He was a no-nonsense man when it came to his work, but aside from his duties he fared to be a pretty decent friend that you often hung around in your free time. You often asked him about his life in the military, learning many skills of the trade since he was a Colonel, and you had only managed to grow yourself to second lieutenant, the lowest commissioned officer rank.
While you were on the topic of years spent in the army, somehow your ages came into play and while he was still protective of revealing his exact age to anyone, he lead you on with the fact that he was in his mid-thirties. You were no priss, so talking about your age was something you didn't mind. When you revealed to him that you were a few years older than him over lunch, he paused, taking in your new revelation.
"You're older than me? How can that be? You look so...young" He trails off, stabbing at his lunch with his fork. You glanced at him, a surprised look on your face as you chuckled. He wasn't the kind of man to give out compliments very often, so it scratched a new itch hearing him use them on you. "Well thank you, that's very kind of you, König" She replied, her eyes darting from his eyes to the table.
"You carry yourself very well. Physically and emotionally, so I guess it's no surprise that you're older than some of us." He continues, his German accent thick on some words more than others. You smile at him as you blush slightly, waiting for him to finish chewing so he can continue speaking. "There's a quote, by the German novelist Franz Kafka. Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." He clears his throat. "So...never stop seeing your beauty, I guess." He pauses after speaking, standing suddenly as he walks away from the table, striding towards the door before you could begin to reply.
You knew his social anxiety had caused him to distance himself from people sometimes, but you had no idea why he was still anxious near you after all the time you'd spent together. You were only just friends, right?...Right?
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Ghost was fond of you, unlike some of his other unit members of T141. He admired the way you carried yourself on the field, possessing a natural leadership instinct that he had worked endlessly, for years to attain. He envied you at times. He envied your ability to take risks without much thoughts of consequences, and you always trusted your gut. Which 100% of the time proved to be right. He knew it was some weird woman's instinct that always overpowered him. It sometimes embarrassed him when you outdid him mentally, standing your ground and showing him who's boss in front of his soldiers. While you were still under his command, he saw you as his right hand woman, always by his side to have his back when he needed you.
The team had just finished a debriefing for the new upcoming mission that you all were set to leave for in a few days time. You reeled at the information that was revealed, running your hands over your face in frustration. He sat by your side, trying to cheer you up with his sarcastic jokes and self-deprecative witticisms. Ignoring him, you shook your head as you flipped through the classified files once more.
"In all of my 37 years of living, I haven't come across a terrorist quite like him. Jesus." You sigh, standing to your feet as you begin to pace the room.
"Excuse me?" He stood suddenly, pacing over to you slowly. Your neck cranes as he approaches you, towering over you like a building. You hated when he did this. You placed a hand on his chest, trying to push him backwards. "Come on, Simon. Back up. You know I hate when you do that." You say frustrated, your hand meeting his hard chest as you swallow hard. He doesn't budge, staring down into your eyes as he bores a hole into your very soul.
"Never mind that." He disregards her demand, stepping closer to her. "You're...older than me? Since when?" He asks in disbelief.
You chuckle at him, the smile falling from your face as you realized that he wasn't making one of his stupid jokes. "Yeah... so? What's wrong with that?" You say, crossing your arms over your chest, causing your breasts to perk up the slightest bit. His eyes slyly graze over your covered cleavage under your tight black turtleneck, so quickly you wouldn't have caught it if you blinked. Realizing what he was staring at caused your stomach to flutter, your gaze shying away from his as you drop your arms to your sides. You were alone in the room now, the silence thickening the air between the two of you and making it hard to breathe.
"Uhh... No. Nothing's wrong with that, it's just..." He trails off, ending his sentence with a chuckle. "It's just that what, Simon?!" You press, raising your voice at him the slightest bit. Your blossoming friendship with him was on the line, and you gave him a stare that read: choose your next words carefully, boy.
"It's just that...It explains a lot. How you've always been so... confident. So right about everything. I get where that's all coming from now." He chuckles softly, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, scratching under the hem of his balaclava. "Trust me, I like it more than you know." He finishes.
You smile at him slightly and nod your head, suddenly understanding why Simon had favored you all this time, the puzzle pieces all fitting together now. You realized that he liked the fact that you acted older than him. Your usual feminine maturity making him feel secured in his team. You made him feel confident in his actions, as long as he was by your side. There also might have been another reason he wasn't upset at all at this news, and that was because Simon "Ghost" Riley, had a thing for being controlled by a woman in power.
There was now a clear cut reason he'd tag along next to you in his free time more than usual, asking for your advice on career-altering and mission-making decisions. He trusted you, more than a friend, more than his soldier. He trusted you as his woman, even if you didn't know you were his yet.
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amateurasterism · 1 year
I'm just so in love with the way you write for Jeonghan! I was wondering if you had any domestic ideas, headcanons, or stories you could write for him?
ahh yes tysm!! im glad you like my writing<33
domestic headcanons — y.jh
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Yoon Jeonghan, whom you spend every night and every morning with at your dual bathroom sinks, enjoying each others company as you run through your separate hygiene routines. Its always filled with secret yet not-so secret glances at each other in the mirror. This time, you catch his eye stealing glances at you while brushing your teeth, poking him at the side teasingly.
“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror,” he suddenly says.
“Yeah. Then I rejected you twice before agreeing to a date only because you were annoying,” you roll your eyes and hide the blush on your cheeks.
He flicks your forehead on his way out the bathroom. “Well look at where we are now.”
Yoon Jeonghan, whose closet isn’t his anymore. It’s yours too now, but he secretly doesn’t mind. In fact, he loves it. You in his clothes, perfectly oversized on you, does something to him.
“Did you put our jacket in the washer?” Jeonghan asks from his closet, searching through his clothes.
“Our jacket?” you look up at him curiously.
“You wear it more than I do, it might as well be ours.”
Yoon Jeonghan, who always asks you to do his tie and help him button up for special events because he “doesn’t know how.” Also because he couldn’t help that your flustered expression looked especially good when he was looking down on you so closely. He loves to see you fumble with the fabric of his ties when he says a sly flirt only you can hear, but you never notice the pink on his ears that matches your cheeks. Little did you know, he knows how to tie his ties perfectly well.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it one of his favorite antics to toss popcorn and other little snacks into your mouth out of nowhere in attempt to make you catch them because he loves seeing you get slightly frustrated when it just barely misses your mouth, and the specific laugh you let out when it gets in.
Yoon Jeonghan, who eats all your leftovers. You’ve gotten to the point where you can’t leave anything in there. You never see anything that goes in come back out. But Jeonghan only does it because he knows it will always result in you cooking in the kitchen more often, and he would never admit it but helping you in the kitchen and coaxing you into letting him taste testing your meals by hugging you from behind and kissing your neck until you let him have a spoonful straight from the pot is his favorite thing to do.
Yoon Jeonghan, who always sleeps in. (“Five more minutes…”) But on the occasions where he has to leave early in the morning, he tries to have breakfast ready for you on the bedside before you wake up. (which is often a toast with avocados and eggs, because he can’t cook for shit. At least he tries…)
Yoon Jeonghan, who knows exactly how you like your coffee and/or tea and all your favorite snacks.
Yoon Jeonghan, who grows his hair to his shoulders because he knows you love playing with it. And he loves it too. Nothing can compare to your fingers carding through his hair, massaging his scalp and making hair dos that you have an album in your phone dedicated to.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it routine for the two of you to fall asleep together, at the same time every night, in the comfort of each others embrace. He has never been able to put his finger on why, but you in his arms (or sometimes even the other way around, which he’ll never admit he loves) makes it so much easier to sleep.
Yoon Jeonghan, who never hated nor loved books, but found that they held value when you started to read their words out loud to him. Honestly, sometimes he he’s too tired to listen to what you’re saying. Instead, he drowns himself in the sound of your voice, enjoying the occasional stumble over words like a particularly rough ocean wave, which lets him know you’re about to fall asleep.
You’re nestled in between his thighs as he gently grabs the book from your hands and places it on the bedside table, simultaneously shutting off the lamp. “We’ll read tomorrow. Go sleep, love.”
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one reblog = love for domestic jeonghan
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
HII ur aesthetic is just so pretty and the way you write is so shekehsjjdkd fell in love when I read the first sentence, I'm not even joking😕
BUT ANYWAYY could I req diasomnia, heartslabyul, and/or octavinelle with a gn!reader who has a habit of squishing peoples cheeks whenever they hold eye contact 4 too long? /*flutters eyelashes cutely*/
THANKYOU PO IF YOY ACTUALLY DO THIS HOPE U DONT DROWN IN REQS OR SMTH HAVE A GREAT DAY MWAMWAA also i don't even know which characters are good with this kinda prompt so honestly im dependin on u 2 choose whoevee u want 🙇‍♀️ bye sissymars 🥺🥺🤭🤭🤗🤗
      TWST x gn reader
    『 malleus ,, sebek ,, riddle ,, cater ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> reader who squishes cheeks when ppl stare too much
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — TYSM 😭♥️♥️ this made my day omg ,, so glad you like my writing ,, i kinda did a few from each dorm you asked for except for octavinelle bc character limit is 5 for me 😭💔 but youre more than welcome to request for others ! :D hope you enjoy this 🙏❤️
    - malleus
| • he usually doesnt mean to stare for too long ,, always knowing it was rude and how it feels to be stared at by others
| • though he was focused on talking about the gargoyles at the gates and hadnt tore his gaze away for a moment
| • he shut up immediately the moment you reached out and squished his cheeks ,, eyes wide in astonishment
| • how fearless you are ,, child of man
| • he does ask about it ,, wondering what the reason was for ,, and when he learns why he apologizes and promises not to do it again
    - sebek
| • bro was on another rant abt his master ,, how courageous and how kind he is for putting up with these stupid humans everyday
| • oh how he adored his master ,, how pure and wonderful he was
| • it got to the point he was shaking your shoulders and making direct ,, intense ,, eye contact
| • annoyed with how long he was staring ,, you reached up and squeezed his cheeks
| • he jumps back ,, so confused and offended
| • why would you do that !?? explain now human !!
| • he huffs and puffs about the reasoning ,, but listens and respects your boundaries
    - riddle
| • he was probably ranting about another reckless first year making a mess of the kitchen or some students ignoring the queen’s rules
| • he didnt mean to stare for too long ,, most likely already knowing about how you get about it
| • when you squish his cheeks ,, he may or may not have let out an embarrassing squeak
| • he’ll puff his cheeks and apologize ,, telling you not to talk abt the squeak to anyone
| • his face is so red by the end ,, embarrassed he let himself stare too long and let out a squeak
    - cater
| • knowing how observant he is ,, he’d know about it immediately when he sees you do it to ace and deuce
| • he’ll be quick to discard his eyes when he realizes hes been looking too long
| • though he sort of stared a little too long once ,, trying to take a selfie with you
| • when you squish his cheeks outta nowhere ,, he’ll jump back a little and almost drop his phone
| • he apologizes and says he was adoring you for the moment ,, before taking the selfie and moving on to focus on that
    - floyd
| • he probably stares on purpose when he gets ahold of this information
| • its only so you can squish his cheeks ,, hes a bit weird abt it ,, craving your touch and if staring at you long enough grants him that then he will gladly do so
| • but if you get rlly bothered by it than he will stop
| • this time he just happened to do it accidentally ,, trying to memorize your smile as much as he could while it was there
| • he didnt realize what he was doing until you squeezed his cheeks with a huff
| • he blinked a few times before giggling and pulling you into his lap ,, wrapping his arms around you
| • “ ahhh sorry shrimpy ~ i didnt mean to stare too much ,,” he purred before pressing a kiss to your head
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Hello! May I request bitey!child! reader with the housewarrdens and they find out why reder is like that.
Also love your scenarios! Just make sure to drink water and get enough reast!
Riddle & Leona find out the reason for the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes [pt 1]
Word count: 1k
A/N: Aww tysm! I'm glad you like them! You too hun! I hope you enjoy it. I was originally planning on doing them all at once but I just got too excited to share it so here is pt 1, and I'll post the rest soon.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has hated your biting from the beginning, and has wholeheartedly believed that you were just a miss behaving child
and no matter how fond of you he begrudgingly gets. he will always believe that
but that 'always' got cut short around the end of B4 and the beginning of B5 right after winter brake.
Riddle was in his room unpacking his things, he had just gotten back from winter brake and was ready to jump straight back into work. But he didn't, he was going to give himself the day to prepare and destress from the brake. He had spoken to his mother about his life and how she raised him, but he didn't want to think about that now, he was just going to unpack, get all his books in order, maybe he get have one of Trey baked goods he brought back-
Riddle jumped at the bagging coming from his door but quickly composed himself and answered it. Before he could begin to lecture the person about how to properly knock of someone's door, the Heartslabyul student just shoved Yuu in between themself and the Housewarden. Yuu didn't waste a second before the hugged onto Riddles lags.
"Watch your child!" Was all they said before quickly leaving to avoid that inevitable lecture Riddle was shocked but quickly snapped out of it and led them to his bed.
He took a deep breath before he started talking, "Ok. What did you do? Did bite them?" His stern voice did nothing to shake Yuu, they had grown used to it at this point. Yuu simply nodded their head with a smile before climbing onto his bed. Riddle felt his face grow redder with frustration. He had tried for months to get them to stop this violent behavior, but it never worked.
No matter what he did it never changed.
No matter how many collars he put on them.
Or how many lectures he gave them.
They. Never. Stopped.
His patience was running incredibly thin.
Riddle breathed in slowly then back out at the same speed, trying to do those breathing exercises Cater had shown to him. He didn't want to get too mad at them, but it was getting increasingly hard not to. As They sat there, happily laying on the covers, Riddle started to pace, both trying to calm down and think of any more possible ways of stopping them.
Then it hit him, why hadn't he thought of it sooner? Riddle stopped in his tracks and slowly walked back to his bed.
"Yuu, may I ask you a question?" Riddle pulled them up so they were sitting upright and facing him.
Yuu just hummed in acknowledgment. Riddle sighed and continued, "Where did you learn to bite people? Did anyone teach you too? Or did you perhaps see someone else do it?"
"Huh...?" They tilted their head, not understanding what Riddle was asking "What...?"
He breathed in deeply again and pushed the frustration back down. "I mean... You bite people, that is not good. I want to help you change that, but first I need you to tell me where you saw it, or who taught you to do it."
"Oh... I dunno... I just do, I don't want 'em to hurt me i guess..."
Riddle's breath hitched and his heart started to race, his mind instantly went to the worst-case scenario. Did someone hurt Yuu so badly and so frequently that they had to bite and make it a habit??
"What- What happened!?"
After hearing your story, Riddle breathed a sigh of relief
what you went through was horrible
but at the very least it wasn't as terrible as the things he was imagining.
After this he becomes far more patient and soft with you, and he works with Grim to help you feel safe
he also checks up on you far more often throughout the day.
Riddle feels quite idiotic now that he looks back on it, for not figuring out sooner who you have bitten,
I mean, now that he thought about the people you had bitten, most either fit the typical intimidating person or just gave off a bad feeling.
He made you stay the night at Heartslabyul that day, and it also became more often for him to invite you over as well
he just wants to reinforce the knowledge that you are safe.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona never cared all that much for you, but he'd be lying if he said he doesn't find you amusing, like when you try to help out Ruggie with making/bringing him his lunch, doing his laundry,
or when he finds you had cuddled up into his side while he was napping, even when you'd play with his tail while you thought he was asleep.
He never cared about why you'd bite people, just as long as you kept being funny and biting others and not him
but he did end up finding out why, not through you, but through Cheka, just a couple days before winter break.
"Unca! Unca!!" Leona groaned and turned over at the sound of his young nephew, who was running towards him in the botanical garden. Cheka was meant to be with Yuu at Ramshackle right now, so Leona assumed that you two were coming to bother him. But when the footsteps got closer he noticed there was only one pair and turning over, and sure enough, there was only Cheka coming his way. It was strange, the two of you were never far from one another when Cheka came to visit.
"What'd you want Cheka" He grumbled and closed his eyes again, instantly shutting down that ever so small carious, and maybe even worried feeling. "It's Yuu!" Cheka said trying to catch his breath "They need to come with us back home next break!". Leona groaned again, this was far from the first time the little lion had demanded Yuu stay with them. "Why this time?" Leona lazily replied, deciding to entertain the young boy so he leaves faster. "So they won't be alone anymore." The look on Cheka's face was pure determination, and Leona already knew it was going to be a pain to try and deter him. "I already told you, they won't be alone, they've got the Grim and the ghosts." The grumpy lion turned back over, his back now facing his nephew.
Cheka huffed and plopped onto his uncle's side "That's not what I mean!" "Then what do you mean?" Leona replied in a bored tone, already regretting his choice of staying awake. "I mean they should live with us!"
Leona nearly chocked on his own spit at his nephews words. Yuu? live in the same building as him?? For who knows how long??? AGAIN!?!? He'd rather actually choke then that ever happening. "And why the hell would they need to live with us?? They already live in Ramshackle."
"But they disserve an actual home for once! Please Unca! Please!" Cheka slid down his uncles side to the front of him and showed off the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. Those words confused Leona, what exactly did Cheka mean by 'Actual home for once'? "...No. They already have a home." He huffed and closed his eyes once more. "Besides, Crowley's going to send them back to their actual home soon enough."
"What?!?" Cheka shot up "No! They can't go back! They'll be alone with those mean store people again!" The small boy claimed up up onto Leona's side once more and started to shake the man as best his small arms could. "Come on Unca! You gotta stop him from sending them back! you gotta!!"
Cheka continued to scream and shake his uncle until he had enough, he sat up and garbed the boy to sit in front of him. "Ok- ok- oK! Why in the great seven can't they go back!?"
Leona had expected Cheka to say that he would miss them or smth like that
not your entire life story.
In all honestly he doesn't know how to feel
but he does understand your reasoning and why you and Ruggie get along so much.
He never confronts you about this and doesn't change the way acts around you
except he is just slightly more gentle with you if you squint.
Oh and he just told Cheka to talk to his Dad about you staying with them.
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ragnviindrz · 1 year
I like your writing so much. Can I request a yandere!Kaveh x f!reader but its somnophilia and when reader wakes up he doesn't stop and keep non-conning her? Sorry if its sounds hard to understand, English isn't my first language.
I understand if you're uncomfy to write!
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did you sleep well? // kaveh x f! reader
info: ever since you moved in with your cousin alhaitham, kaveh's had his eyes on you... but you seem to be oblivious to his advances and he takes you whilst youre a sleep instead.
this content includes: NONCON, somnophilia (unconscious people dont want tea), unprotected sex, piv, creampie, dacryphilia, spanking ig, p*rn without plot, drugging, panty stealing, hes cooch drunk, overstim (both parties), multiple orgasms
note: ive been CRAVING for kaveh stuff now, ever since ive started trying to build him and baizhu. tumblr stop flagging my posts pls :(
tysm for requesting, im glad you like my writing and ur english is perfect dont worry! <3
two more works coming in soon, sorry for inactivity as i'm so busy.
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Ever since you moved in with Alhaitham, being introduced as his cousin (with Kaveh being surprised because how can you be related to him?!?), he's always had his eyes on you.
He cannot help but jerk his dick whilst imagining it was your hand. You were just so pretty. He's even stolen some of your panties from the wash, using it to jerk his cock off and having to shove it deep in the bag to stop anyone from seeing the thick gooey liquid on it. Hell, he's even taken on the laundry much to Alhaitham's surprise.
Today, he insisted on making dinner - which the scribe wasn't too bothered on, as he just nodded and went back to his own thing.
Little did the two of you know, Kaveh had slipped something in your food - a drug that'll help you fall asleep so he can do whatever he wants.
That's how he's in this position right now, his face buried between your legs as he flicked his tongue on your clit. You were wet, and let out tired moans and whimpers. You've already came twice, but he hasn't stopped yet.
Unconsciously, your hips bucked to meet his face - more reason why he thinks you're enjoying it. His trousers were tight, his erection wanting to be free. God, he was so hard already. Letting out groans of satisfaction as he dived in your wet slit, he unzipped his pants finally allowing his hard cock be free.
He wrapped his hands around it, jerking it slowly as he ate you out. For the third time, you squirted all over his face. He thought the sight was absolutely stunning, his mouth and face dripping with your juices as he came on your sheets. He'd have to clean that up later.
Kaveh wiped his mouth, and kissed you deeply, shoving his tongue in your mouth as he aimed his erect cock against your wet folds and slid in. He let out groans in the kiss, as he came once again - this time deep inside your pussy.
This doesn't stop him, of course - as he slowly thrust in and out of your wet folds. It was easy, since he had prepped you before.
He pulled away from the passionate kiss, a string of saliva connecting the two of you before it snapped. His thrusts got faster, as you start to stir - though he hasn't noticed yet.
Slowly, you opened your eyes - feeling filled up and extremely sore. Your pussy unexpectedly clenched around his cock, squirting once again. Looking up, you saw your cousin's roomate - seemingly deranged and absoloutely out of it.
"Kaveh.. What are y— Ah!~" Your sentence was abruptly stopped as he thrust inside, hitting a sweet spot.
"Shh... F*ck. That dose wasn't enough to knock you out. Whatever. This is better when you're awake anyways." He grabbed onto your arm, holding it against the bed as he practically pounded into you like a madman.
"Kaveh.. Stop~!" You groaned out when he hit that sweet spot inside you. He seemed to take notice of it, and continued his never ending pouding. Some of his cum, from the previous load has been bulldozed out of your tight pussy.
"You feel so good.. I can't... Please cum with me.." He whispers in your ears, placing a wet kiss on your cheek. He kept hitting that spot, making your eyes roll back. His thrusts, although sloppier - still made you feel good. He removed one of his hand from holding your arm, and started to rub your clit in a circle.
Clenching around his cock even more, making him almost unable to pull out as he let out gasps. He watches your tears, biting his lips and his thrust got even more sloppier.
After three more consecutive pounding, you two came together. Clenching hard against his hard dick, he finished inside you again. He teared up from the overstimulation, but he kept himself buried inside your wet pussy.
He hoped that his seed would take...
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deerspherestudios · 7 months
I've really, really enjoyed the demo! All of it was great but I'd like to point out my favourite bits.
I loved the colour palette you have chosen. It looks so soft and cosy, from the starting screen, to the character design, environment design, too. The little mushrooms next to the choice options are such a nice touch and even the food managed to envoke a very homely feel. (And listen, seeing the chickens? I just about melted, I adore them.) You just make the player feel so safe at Mychael's home! Why would you ever want to leave, right? :)
Which brings us to the man himself. I want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair and tell him that he's a cootie patootie. He's just so sweet and non-threatening until he actually is a threat to the player character. And he's so well-meaning about it, in theory, right? more like self-serving He just cannot let you leave, for good reasons! Gotta find your cat still after all! It has nothing to do with the fact that he wants you to stay around. And that he's manipulating you with false information. And, see, the forest is so pretty to look at and if there's danger, he has a crossbow! Mychael will keep you safe and sound. Even though he seems so harmless...
He's so well written and I want to point that out, specifically. You've created a solid character with him, very much a fantastic job.
Bonus: I greatly enjoyed the screen and text effects, oh man. The 'dripping' letters especially.
Overall, thank you for your hard work. The game's been lovely thus far!
Owaaa tysm for the-- everything ? ? ? Reading over this message just about overdosed me on serotonin im sobbing. I'm soso happy you enjoy Mychael as a character!!! I always worry if he's badly written or unconvincing but I'm glad so far I'm doing ok!!! ;;;v;;;
I can't take credit for the magic text however!! All of that is owed to this wonderful project called Kinetic Text Tags by Wattson!! I highly recommend for other VN devs to check it out if possible <3
Ty again for this lovely message, definitely one I'll re-visit in the future <3!
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mizu-nights · 6 months
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# enemies to lovers
★ — char ; akito
★ — notes ; HIIII I'M DOING WELL I HOPE U ARE TOO!!! and tysm hehe i'm glad u like my theme <3 HOPE YOUR WEEK WASNT THAT BAD ^^ i've never written enemies to lovers before but i hope you enjoy nonetheless! also tgswiiwagaa pfp ... i haven't read it in a while but hai i love mitsuki :3
★ — notes (2) ; set in kamiyama/academic setting , not really enemies , open ending (?) , this ended up being a lot longer than expected ( T T )
★ — requested by ; @toadistoast
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★ shinonome akito :
the reason why you're 'enemies' in the first place is just because of a terrible first impression of each other. akito tends to have another side to him when he's in front of new people, and unfortunately, that slipped when you two met.
then you were both convinced that one hated the other. i mean, why be friends with someone that dislikes you, right?
that was until both of you were paired together for a group project. you could literally hear the most annoyed groan ever from across the classroom once it was announced.
which you quickly returned with a similar pissed off scoff. neither of you tried to hide it, either.
it really didn't help that your friends would always tease you about how akito secretly has a crush on you.
"[name], akito has been staring at you a lot since it got announced you were partners... mayb-"
"oh, shut up... have you seen the way he looks at me? it's pure hatred!"
surprisingly, while working on the project together, you two... tolerated each other. turns out akito wasn't as bad as you thought—you were even willing to befriend him now.
"...are we friends now or-?"
"don't finish that question."
though, that little smile on akito's face was a good enough answer.
you still had your moments, though.
"jeez, this is so tiring..."
"...jeez, this is sooo tiring..."
"are you seriously mocking me right now."
as the days went by, the both of you ended up bonding. you learned about his dreams, his friends... plenty of things about him. he was actually rather admirable, maybe even charismatic?
you even found yourself missing him a bit once the project was over. nothing was stopping you from continuing talking to him, of course—you just didn't know how. there wasn't any reason to since the project was over.
you even took a bunch of horrible photos of akito just to piss him off. some of his forehead, some of him doing dumb things... and yet he still looked good in them. how unfair.
eventually, after a few minutes, you figured out that maybe, just maybe, admiring someone's photos like this might not be normal. or platonic at that.
scratch that, you were missing him a lot. not only that, but you might even have a crush on him now. how amazing.
and it seems like akito felt the same way since your phone randomly flashed open with a call notification from him, asking you to meet him at weekend garage tomorrow.
"oh? miss me already, akito? are you asking me out on a date?"
"...you're insufferable."
"yeah, yeah... i'll be there at 2pm."
if you listened closely, you could even hear a small chuckle from the other side of the phone.
as much as you hate to admit it, you really couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive... how silly—it's only been a few days since you last 'hung out', and yet you can't wait until you see him once more.
love truly makes you feel peculiar things, doesn't it?
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waechan · 4 months
hi~ I loved your nct dream small moments (the maknae line is def my fave but alsksksk all of them are cute!) so my request (it could be a blurb or a drabble) is this: meeting nct dream for the first time (as strangers, coworkers, idols, classmate?) 🥹 it's okay if you can't get to it asap^^
hi! first off tysm for reading my work, i'm so glad you enjoy it! and second, ty for your request bc this idea is adorable so im making little drabbles for each member separately. first is mark:)
pairing: mark lee x reader
genre: fluff
wc: 1.1k
meeting mark for the first time (classmates)
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he seemed cool.
everyone loved him. he was popular for being a genuine, kind soul. you had never understood what the hype was about him. you guess, sure, he was cute, sure, he was kind. but whatever, right? you two were classmates, and shared a couple of classes together. you were both unsure of what your major was, so it was quite funny how the two of you somehow ended up taking the same random classes.
at the moment, your class was at the aquarium on a trip for marine biology. it was a fun class, and on the plus side, you got to learn about animals and stuff so that was pretty cool.
"circle up guys!" your professor, mr. johnson, calls out. you walk with your friend yeri towards him, staying close together, just in case he would try to split the two of you. "alright, we're taking a break from some serious learning today, and we're just gonna soak in the beauty of the ocean and its wildlife." little drabbles of conversations and mumbles start to form, but then mr. johnson puts his hands out.
"now, before you guys get too excited, i do have a scavenger hunt for you all, so don't get too excited!"
you give yeri a look and shrug a bit. "could be worse." she says. "i will number you off into groups!" mr. johnson says as he starts to scramble around, and immediately starts counting people off. "you were saying?" you deadpan as you look at yeri and the two of you roll your eyes at the exact same time, smirking a bit in amusement. of course, the two of you end up getting separated and you go to find your group, but you can't find the one with your number. "uh, mr. johnson?" you call out as you raise your hand up tentatively, and he walks right on over to you. "yes, what is it y/n?" he says distracted, not really listening as he looks around, checking to make sure everything is in order. "um, i don't have a group? can't find my number." you exclaim as you shrug. it didn't really bother you, you could just go with yeri.
he scans the area as he purses his lips, as if searching for a group to put you in. come on y/n, take your chance.
"uh- it's okay! i can just go with yeri-" you don't get to say much as he cuts you off before you can continue, and smiles wide as he starts speaking to another student who starts to walk your way.
"how about you go in his group?" he suggests, not really giving you a choice as he shoves you towards the unknown figure of a person who is now next to you.
"who's-" you turn around.
"oh, hey." he says, waving a bit awkwardly.
just wonderful.
"y/n, meet mark. mark, meet y/n. now the two of you have fun." he gives you both a pat on the shoulder and immediately walks off, shoving a clipboard with a list in your hands. you wince as you force yourself to look up and acknowledge the boy in front of you.
okay, cool.
scavenger hunt with THE mark lee? no big deal, stay calm. calm.
"so i guess we're partnered together?" he asks as he runs his hand through his hair, doing that squint thing with his eyes he always does when he's thinking. damn. you kinda get it now. "yeah, um. i'm y/n, but you already know that, cause. well."
just stop talking.
"OKAY! let's go look for the first item. or fish, or whatever." you say as you start walking off without him, and you hear him follow you. "okay, yeah, alright. i guess." he mumbles, as he trails behind. on the way to the section of the aquarium you have been directed towards, you sneak a look back, just to make sure he was still following you. and he was, but... you had never seen anyone look at something with such admiration in ones eyes before. he was standing there, frozen, as he stopped by one of the glass windows that displayed the fish behind them. your heart stops for a second as he turns around and your eyes meet. he smiles. at you.
"i think i found it."
you walk over to him, forcing yourself to snap out of your gaze as you stop, standing next to him, and you look at the fish. it was something you had never seen before, a gorgeous coral and white color.
"woah." you whisper, and he chuckles.
"i know."
"it's beautiful." you say softly as you grab your phone to take a picture of the fish. "who knew this class could be cool?"
"i know." he repeats, gently, as he turns his line of vision towards you and he stares at you for a couple of seconds, the corner of his mouth tilting up in amusement at your reaction. "maybe this will get you to stay awake in class?" he whispers this into your ear, then pats your shoulder as he starts to walk away, eyes sparkling.
your jaw drops open almost immediately, and you blush a bit in embarrassment as you go to catch up to him. "hey!" you call out as you walk quickly to go and catch up with him. "you know those rants that mr. johnson goes on, he's always rambling on and on about his new home renovation that he's getting, and his new date that he has each week. oh, and his new diet that doesn't ever work out for him! i don't get how you could find that interesting-" mark chuckles a bit as he shrugs with his hands in his pockets. "i don't know about you, but i love to hear about mr. johnson's love life. and the diets." he stops walking, and you do as well, crossing your arms as you look up at him. all of a sudden, he leans forward and bends down so his eye level is at yours.
the air inside your lungs and the words you are about to say back to him disappear instantly.
the quietness of the room is deafening, and you swear you hear the sound of your heart beating in your chest.
"it's alright, y/n." he looks back and forth between your eyes. "i'm sure he forgives you." he says quietly, before he ruffles your hair and walks off once again without you. you stand there, still. your heart, still racing.
you stand there for a couple seconds until he turns around, tilting his head at you as he smirks in success. "you coming?"
lmk what u think! my first drabble<3
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