#it's one of those 'cool if i get in chill if i don't' situations i think.
yuri-is-online · 1 day
List of characters that i think smoke a lil weed:
Riddle. He needs to chill the fuck out. I don't think he'd be able to handle smoking though, physically or mentally, so like. Trey should maybe slip him a strawberry tart with some ganja in it
Cater. Let him find the will the live and spiritually high five Morgan freeman or smth idk
Ace and Deuce. Another day, another heart attack cause Yuu got into a situation again
Trey. Partially because we both know damn well how stressed he is on a daily, but mostly because I just want the strict "Rule Following Dorm" to just be chalk full of stoners. Never let them know your next move! 🤙
Ruggie. He deserves it. Weirdly enough, he actually preforms better at his jobs when he's high as balls (this is based on one of my brother's. He can't drive for shit but he can smoke a blunt and then suddenly he turns into a chauffeur???)
Jade. I don't think he would need it or even really feel a desire to do it; he just wanted to know what it felt like the first time he did it, but then Yuu shotgunned him once and now he's much more willing to smoke. Probably makes the best food ever when he's high
Jamil. Look me in my eye and tell me he doesn't need Marijuana like a white mom needs a live laugh love sign. You cant. He can't do it too much though cause whenever he gets high he ends up just. Melting into his floor and stares at the ceiling for the next few hours and he can't do shit.
Kalim. He wants to be included. Also I think he would be a crier cause Lord knows he needs a good sob
Epel. He'll do just about anything if he thinks it'll make him cooler, and in his mind, weed is pretty cool. It is significantly less cool when he starts coughing like he's trying to puke out his organs though.
Vil. I don't really know why, he just would. He wouldn't smoke it though. Probably just eat an edible, and not the normal ones like a brownie or a cookie or some type of sweet, nah. He's going for the peanut butter. "Vil why is your peanut butter green?" "It's made with pistachios" "Ok but why are your eyes so red" "it's windy out here". He's so good at lying through his teeth when it comes to this but come on! He needs a break! Let him do this or he's gonna bite neiges head off!
I dont think Rook would. I don't why for this either, it's just the vibes. Rook is staying sober.
Idia tried it once to see what the hype was about and started choking. He's one if those people who isn't affected by Marijuana so he didn't really do it again. Until those cotton candy vapes came out and then he tried it again.
Lilia. I don't think I have to explain this.
Yuu. They were the one that got everyone else smoking. The probably grow it in their garden and tell people it's mint (also inspired by my brother). They're stressed constantly and making out with their boyfriend doesn't always take that stress away, so why not make out with their boyfriend, but high.
Honorable mention: Sam! He's just cool like that.
Honorable mention: Chen'ya! Cause I feel like he would.
I know nothing about smoking weed because the smell makes me kind of sick so I will take your word for it that this list is accurate. I do know a decent bit about drinking vodka straight from the bottle so allow me to give you my list of people who I think would do that:
Crewel- i think he's a cocktail guy but sometimes he just doesn't have the patience. He also has a big bottle of absinthe for emergencies. It's been getting a work out with all the overblots this year.
Lilia- used to back when he was traveling the world, nowadays he prefers not to so he can set a good example for Silver. Probably sticks to weed since it's more natural
Floyd- I feel like he makes those toxic jungle juice mixes that you can't tell the alcohol content of for "funzies" but then refuses to drink it himself and just drinks it from the bottle.
Epel- again he thinks it makes him look cool. He hates vodka because as a proud citizen of Harveston he strikes me as more of a cider guy but he still assumes he looked cool.
Sebek- he did it on a dare and he hated every second of it.
Ruggie- he does the thing where he gets cheap vodka and puts it through a brita filter to make it better.
Leona- he is too lazy to get himself something better. Do you think he smokes weed or sticks to catnip? And if you asked him that how loud do you think he would laugh before trying to beat your ass?
Yuu- at all times they look like this to me:
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daz4i · 2 months
me: i hate doing things i wish i could do nothing always
also me: *jumps at every chance to do anything*
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renku · 2 months
aespa Karina x Male Reader
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As a lookout for people passing by, Karina catches the slow and cool breeze of wind that brushes against her wet skin, giving her the chills. She tries her best to not make it obvious what's been happening underwater; holding tight on the surface of the edge with a straight face.
You've trained since childhood how to swim that's why you know all the techniques to control your breath. Putting all those skills and luck into test by doing an act that might put both of you into a bad situation if caught. But hesitation is not part of your vocabulary, you love and live to feel the thrill whenever it presents itself.
You sank yourself in the water earlier going straight to Karina's hidden cavern between her luscious thighs which you placed both on your shoulders and giving her ass a light squeeze which Karina felt releasing a short gasp.
Pushing aside the clothing that blocks her pussy; you already see her clit poking, licking it right away and pushing your middle finger right away inside her. Her warmness and the cold water completely negates each other. You thrust right away into her with speed and stimulate more her clit due to your limited time. Karina squirms that she bites her lower lip hard and places her right hand on your head grabbing a handful of hair from you to contain letting out the overwhelming feeling she experiences.
"Shit... fuck..." the words she can only muster while lowering her head down almost frowning. Feeling her thighs coming together from the sides of your head, you know she's close so you increased the pace not just to make her orgasm but to also not letting yourself drown in the process. Curling up your finger thrusting faster and flicking your tongue hard on her clit, she clenches her fist hard on your hair.
"Hmmpp! Ah- cu- cumming!" she whispers, trying not to make it audible as possible. You feel her spasms and without a doubt she came. Slow finger thrusts with in between licks to finish pushing back aside the cover of her pussy right away, making your way up back to surface.
Fixing your hair and wiping your face, you and Karina looked at each other letting out a smile and small giggles because of the daring act that both of you just pulled off.
"Do you think anyone noticed?" you ask.
"I don't know, but who cares anyway?" she replied. "But the one thing I noticed is..." she says getting closer to you, "...this." She palms your already hard shaft that formed a tent in your trunks that surprised you.
"Should we get out of the pool so I can take care of this?" she whispers while rubbing your clothed cock before looking back at you.
"I would love to. Please, ma'am." you answered with a grin.
She gives you a quick peck on the lips before getting out. Karina looks back winking before heading to your room swaying her hips. You were in a trance for a moment by her actions that you almost can't believe it.
"I guess I'm waking up late for tomorrow." your final words before chasing her for a hot and steamy session all night.
A/N: Just shamelessly reposting my old work from my previous blog.
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 month
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
I try to keep my Reader description vague but she's a she and above average height
Here goes nothing
Chapter 1
Warnings: Swearing, mostly angst, eventual happy ending.
Y/N, or Cookie to her friends, was at her desk, trying to finish her report so she could leave work early for one of Tony Stark's parties. This wasn't her first time but tonight her bff and mostly secret crush, Bucky Barnes, was escorting her. It wasn't the first time for that either but tonight felt different. Usually they met at the elevator but when they spoke earlier he said he would pick her up at her room. They had been getting closer in the last few months and even Steve and Sam had commented about Bucky's behavior towards her.
The night was everything she had dreamed, Bucky was attentive and always had his hands on her, respectfully of course but more intimate than he usually was. They danced much of the night and when slow songs came on he pulled her close and she could feel his breath on her neck, causing chills.
Towards the end of the night, Bucky pulled her to the elevator and kissed her until they reached his floor. They were in his room, her dress gone before she could think twice, not that she would have.
She could taste the Asgardian ale on his breath, blending with the tequila on hers. Everything was a blur of flesh and feelings she had never experienced before. She couldn't get enough, neither could he.
Y/N opened her eyes to bright light and a bedroom that wasn't hers. The pounding in her head a reminder of how much she drank last night. She looked around and realized it was Bucky's room, where she spent so much of her time. Suddenly, she realized that she was naked and her stomach dropped. She had hazy memories of shots and kisses that turned into more. The kiss in the elevator. She smiled even though her head hurt, she had been crushing on Bucky since the day they met and was amazed that he actually wanted her too.
Cookie wasn't your typical beauty, taller than most girls and with more curves than your typical agent. Of course, she wasn't a field agent but was the lead intelligence analyst on the east coast reporting directly to Maria Hill.
She reached over to find his side of the bed was cool but figured he must have gone on his morning run with Steve and Sam. She sat up and saw a bottle of water next to some pain killers, which she downed, grateful that Bucky was so thoughtful. Drinking the entire bottle of water she realized she really needed to pee. Standing slowly so as not to irritate her headache she grabbed one of Bucky's t-shirts to cover herself and went to relieve herself. When she was done she went back to sit up in bed and check her emails for today's agenda.
When she was responding to a message from Maria Hill the suite door opened and Bucky came in, sweaty and gorgeous. He saw her curled up on his bed and smiling up at him.
"Morning Buck. Good run?"
He nodded and smirked "Yeah, Sam whined at us to wait up but we just lapped him until he shut up"
"Sounds fun. Since it's Sunday and nothing is scheduled, why don't you take a shower and come back to bed?"
Bucky felt his heart stop "Look doll about last night. You know you're one of my best friends and I love you but I don't feel comfortable getting into a real relationship right now. I still have so much work to do on myself. Last night was great and I was thinking we could have one of those friends with extras, or whatever it's called. You know, to blow off steam."
Her stomach dropped and she felt her eyes filling up "You mean friends with benefits?"
He nodded enthusiastically "Yeah, that's it." he smiled hopefully.
Y/N was quiet for a minute before responding, was it worth the almost guaranteed heartbreak to have more nights like last night? She shook her head, unwilling to take that risk again.
"I'm sorry Buck but I can't do that. I get attached and end up heartbroken. I can't sleep with people that I don't have romantic feelings for."
His eyes grew wide "Wait, that means you have feelings...." He trailed off.
She nodded whispering "Yeah, I do."
Bucky's face dropped "Shit, Cookie, I'm sorry. I thought we were on the same page last night. I don't know what to say. I mean, I might develop feelings over time but I don't know. I don't want to make any promises, you know?"
She swallowed the sob that tried to escape "You don't have to say anything, we can just pretend this never happened. Ok?"
She got up from the bed, clutching the sheet to her and desperately searching for her dress from last night. When she found it she quickly put it on not realizing it was inside out.
He nodded but wasn't feeling too sure of that, he could hear her heart speed up and see her hands shaking "Yeah, sure, nothing has to change."
She smiled at him sadly, tears escaping "I uh I just remembered some paperwork I needed to finish up. I'll catch you later."
"Wait doll. I-"
"Don't worry it's fine." She cleared her throat "I could use a little space and just have work to do." She kissed him on the cheek before rushing out.
Bucky stood there, not sure how to proceed. He didn't want to lose his friend but really didn't feel like he could handle a relationship now. The stress relief from the great sex they had was something he could handle and he did have feelings for her, since the day he arrived at the compound but he knew she deserved a better man than him.
Y/N was in her office reviewing some reports to glean even the smallest details before they went to the appropriate briefing packets that the field agents would use to form their strategy, when she received a text from Captain America himself, requesting her presence in the common area.
She put away all of the classified info on her desk, locked it and locked the door on her way out. She took the elevator which opened into the common area and was surprised to see a large group of agents already there.
She heard Steve shout her name "Cookie! Over here." and saw his hand waving so headed in his direction.
Steve gave her a hug and pulled away excitedly "Look Cookie, it's my friend, Bucky."
Cookie smiled and offered her hand. When Bucky looked at her she felt her breath catch, holy shit was he gorgeous, way hotter than the pictures in his file "Pleased to meetcha Sargent Barnes"
Both of them felt sparks when they touched but Bucky responded like she had burned him pulling away quickly. Cookie's smile dropped for a second before she forced it back.
Bucky looked at her through his long hair "You too, ma'am."
She could see how he was shrinking into himself, trying to look smaller so she stepped back to give him space.
Steve looked at them both oddly but smiled softly when he heard how fast her heart was beating and the slight blush on Bucky's face. That was a look he remembered from so many years ago, when Bucky met Dot.
**end flashback**
The next few weeks were tense, Y/N and Bucky barely spoke outside of Avengers business. He was always busy, rushing to train or something every time she tried to talk to him. The guilt on his face showed everything, he hated that he hurt her but missed their time together. As soon as he saw her look at him longingly, before she realized he was looking and wiped that look from her face, he had to leave. He hated himself because he knew it hurt her more every time he avoided her but he just couldn't handle seeing her and being reminded of the pain he caused.
There were other, senior agents being trained by Steve, with Bucky and Sam, to prepare for an upcoming mission. Sifting through all the related Intel was keeping Y/N up at night and her haggard appearance had been noticed by most of the team.
They had a meeting to start going over the Intel to plan their strategy. On her way in, Y/N ran into Sharon Carter who she had worked with previously.
"Hey Agent Carter, good to see you."
Sharon laughed softly "Please, Y/N, we've worked together enough for you to call me Sharon."
Y/N laughed awkwardly "Um yeah, Sharon. So how have you been? Any luck finding the power broker?"
Sharon shook her head obviously frustrated "No, he's crafty for sure but we'll get him. Rumor is this mission relates to him."
Y/N nodded, "yeah, all of the serious crime in eastern Europe seem to lead back to him." She looked up and saw Nick Fury striding towards them and straightened her shoulders "Director Fury."
He nodded at her "Agent Y/L/N. Carter. Why don't we get this started, Cookie." He looked down at the container on top of her papers.
Y/N went to the front of the room to sit next to Fury's spot at the head of the table, setting the container in his place. She saw that Sharon sat next to Bucky and started talking to him, touching his right arm and laughing softly. Y/N saw Bucky smiling and felt her chest ache, her stomach cramp up and her throat dried since apparently all the water went to her eyes. She sat down and Sam, the only one who knew what happened with her and Bucky, gave her a sad smile and squeezed her hand.
They held hands through the entire meeting, Bucky and Sharon touching hands under the table. He never liked people touching him except for Y/N but apparently he made an exception for Sharon because he just sat smiling. He never even looked towards Y/N.
When the meeting ended, Bucky and Sharon were the first ones out the door as he quickly led her to his room.
Y/N could barely breathe and rushed to her own room, glad it was on a different floor from Bucky's because she didn't think she could handle hearing him and Sharon go at it.
For the next couple of months it went like that. Bucky and Sharon spending most of their time in his room and Y/N trying to stay busy so she didn't think about it. They were hands off outside of his room and insisted they were just friends when Sam mentioned they were always together. Bucky heard Sam grumble about how Y/N used to be the one he wanted to hang out with, but blew it off. Nothing wrong with having a couple of friends. And Y/N didn't want a casual relationship while Sharon was down for everything and was teaching Bucky a lot.
Sharon was friendly with Cookie in the beginning but started being nasty to Y/N, calling her names and throwing out barely veiled insults when Bucky wasn't around, and did everything she could to keep them apart. Not that Bucky ever seemed to notice, too wrapped up in the constant sex to see much else. Even at team functions Sharon worked to keep her away from Bucky, so much that Y/N just avoided the both of them when at all possible.
Y/N was depressed and missing her friend. She had lost weight and had dark circles under her eyes which she claimed were from working all hours. Time wasn't helping at all, she still had dreams about that night and felt an ache in her chest every time she saw Bucky. A couple of times he tried to talk to her, invite her for the movies nites that she never attended anymore but Sharon always started whining for him and Y/N took the hint and made excuses that she had paperwork or needed sleep, anything to avoid them.
Bucky, Sam and Sharon were offsite for a few days so Y/N could pour herself into work and not worry about running into them.
Late one night she was talking to one of her informants in Latvia and the connection was weak. She claimed to have the details on the Power Broker but static kept interfering with the connection.
Y/N heard banging
"Marta?! Marta are you ok? What's going on?"
There was more banging and a clicking noise then she heard Marta crying and begging.
A muffled womans voice came on the line "You better back off of the Power Broker or you will regret it"
Y/N was pissed "Who the Hell is this? Where's Marta? What did-" she heard a gunshot and the crying stopped.
The voice chuckled "She's unavailable and if you don't wise up, you will be too."
The call disconnected.
Y/N had tears in her eyes. She had met Marta a few years back, she had kids, a family. Now Y/N took that weight and swore to whoever was listening that she would make sure the Power Broker paid for this on top of all the other death and destruction.
Y/N refused to stop and eventually passed out on her laptop. She woke to a loud knocking "Y/N you in there? Fury got a package and wants you in his office 20 minutes ago."
Y/N sighed, Maria Hill. "I'll be down asap."
15 minutes later she was out of breath on her way into his office. "Cookie, there you are. I don't know who sent this but both of our names were on it so I'm hoping you know what's up."
Y/N looked over the package, Latvian stamp no return address. She sighed "Looks like it's from one of my informants in Latvia. I was on the phone with her last nite when she was shot. And a distorted womans voice told me to back off of the Power Broker or I'd be next."
Fury nodded "Alright well let's see what she had."
Y/N carefully opened the package which included a large white envelope that felt like it was full of pictures and a zip lock with a post-it that said 'fingerprints'.
Fury called an intern in to take the prints for processing as Y/N pulled out a stack of pictures. Her jaw dropped as her heart sped up and she began to shake. There was one thing the pictures all had in common......
Sharon fucking Carter.
Chapter 2
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fizzy-blood · 2 months
["Are you lost?"]
Ticci Toby🪓 x GN!Reader (Smut)
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Not a request but I'm bored and wanna write something... Idk man. This is definitely going to be way longer than my headcanons because this is an actual story so yk.
18+ Warning
This content includes: Choking ig, Slight degrading, Hatchet fucking (if ykyk), It's one of those "I'll let you fuck me if you let me go after" type things, Dom Toby, Blood kink, kinda public? (Like, you're in the middle of the woods but...), Reader is way to horny lmao, Reader also has a pussy because it's easier to write for me (no gender mentioned tho).
It was a cold, late night. You had been walking through the woods for hours, completely lost. Maybe if you didn't decide that it would be a good idea to go off the path to find cool trinkets and animal bones you wouldn't be walking through the woods feeling like something was watching you. It wasn't all bad though, you did eventually find a lake in a clearing, you could finally see the moon again. The lake was peaceful and still, a small breeze passed by as you stepped out into the moonlight. You sat down on a rock next to the water, still unable to shake the feeling of someone's eyes on you. Little did you know that you weren't being watched by an animal, in fact the person was hiding in a tree nearby. He watched you as you sat down on the rock, staying as still and silent as he could.
He had picked you as his next target, you looked so small from up there in the trees, he couldn't just let you walk out of the woods unharmed. He slowly climbed down from the tree he was in to get a closer look at you. He began to walk towards you as you closed your eyes and sighed loudly, it was clear that you were stressed about being lost. You didn't hear him approach as you were to in your head thinking to hear him.
Finally he was right behind you, he tapped you on the shoulder to let you know he was there. You quickly whipped your head around and scrambled away from him, almost falling in the water as you did so. You looked up to see a scrawny looking man holding what looked to be a hatchet standing over you, he had a mask and goggles covering his face and a hood over his head. His head twitched and your eyes widened as he took a step closer to you, kneeling down and wrapping a hand around your throat. He tightened his hands around you only to immediately let go after the word "H-harder-" slipped out your mouth.
"W-what the ff-fuck?" He said, staring at you with a concerned look on his face, you couldn't see it though since his mask was in the way. "W-what the fuck is wrong with y-you?", you paused for a moment, he took a step back when you didn't respond. "I guess it doesn't matter n-now does it? You-you are going to d-die anyways.." he said with a sadistic look on his face. You looked up at him with a strange look, you were clearly embarrassed from what just happened and didn't really know what to do about the situation you were in. "Wait wait wait! Can't we figure something out?" You stammered. "Like-like what?" He said softly, his voice sent a chill down your spine causing you to blush slightly. This put a very... Interesting image in your head. "Uhhh- you could uhmm..." You sighed, knowing that you were probably going to regret suggesting this "I'll... I'll let you.. fuck me?" You said nervously, your face clearly a bright red. His eyes widened as you said that, clearly intrigued by the idea. "Hmm, You sure you want that? You don't even know my name and you wanna fuck me?" He slowly pulled his hood down and his goggles off, he had hazel eyes and dark brown hair. "If I do will you let me go?" You asked, clearly terrified of him rejecting the offer and killing you.
"Fine, on one condition-"he said, placing his free hand under your chin and tilting your head up,"-you can't tell anyone about this..", you agreed, face still red from asking. He smirked at you and removed his mask, you immediately took note of the large gash on his cheek. "My n-name is Toby, by the way.. feel free to ss-ay it as much as you'd like while we do this~". You basicly died when he said that, reality was going to hit you like a ton of bricks after this but you didn't care.
He got back down to your level as you were still sitting down on the rock, he crawled towards you and lent you a hand, gesturing for you to take it. Once he had ahold of your hand he pulled you in closer to him, he put his hatchet down beside him and held you in his arms. He let out a small laugh as you looked at him, you seemed tense, unsure about how to feel about the whole situation. Toby knew this, so in an attempt to make this a bit easier on you a bit less tense he kissed you. No hesitation whatsoever, he just kissed you. You closed your eyes and leaned in, you wanted this. The idea of the man you were kissing being a literal murderer was reaching out to the most depraved parts of your mind.
He started to become more needy as the kiss continued, he pulled you in tighter, feeling you up through your clothes. He pulled away and started to pull your shirt off. You didn't struggle, Infact, you helped him. Toby seemed confused by your sudden change in mood but he didn't complain. He pushed you onto your back and kissed your neck, causing you to moan at the feeling. "S-so nice, such pretty s-ounds~" he whispered into your ear, "w-whats your name.. I f-for-got to ask y-you...". You looked up at him and said your name, "Such a nice name~" he muttered as he nuzzled into your neck. He began to kiss your neck, nipping at the skin trying to find your more sensitive spots. Finally you let out a small whimper letting him know that he had found it. He began to bite and suck at the skin, listening to every little sound you made.
[Small Time Skip]
You two had been like this for a couple minutes now when you felt something tug at your belt, Toby had started to undo it. He finally let go of your neck so he could take off your pants. You looked down as he finally got them off, you gasped loudly as he began to rub your clit through your panties. "H-holy shit, how are you th-this wet already? Y-you fucking slut, you wanted th-is to-to happen didn't you.." he smirked at you as you squirmed under him. He moved his hand away making you whine at the lack of friction "Answer me o-or I'll st-stop!" He shouted. You quickly nodded, "Yes, I'm a slut, I wanted this to happen~ please- just keep going~". This answer obviously pleased him one way or another because he began to pull down your panties and suck at your clit. "Fuck- T-toby~" you moaned loudly as pulled your thighs up onto his shoulders and started to eat you out. You continued to moan and whimper as he did, placing your hand on the back of his head to pull him in closer.
Your body was so warm compared to his despite your lack of clothes. He could feel your thighs squeeze his head as you inches closer and closer to your orgasms, you were so close that you had started to shake. Just as you were about to cum he took his mouth off of your pussy, leaving you uncomfortable as the cold air touched it. "Why'd you stop..." You whined at him, "I wanted to see your pretty face~" he seemed to like the anger and pain in your eyes. "Don't worry, you'll feel full again soon.." He sighed, picking up his hatchet from the ground. "Calm down sweetheart, I'm not gonna kill you.. I have a better idea~" the sadistic look in his eyes set you off a bit. You watched him move over to the water behind you and dip the handle of the hatchet in the lake, slowly taking it out and wiping the water off with his sweater. "Hold this." He demanded, holding his hatchet out to you, you held it in your hands as you watched him pull his now damp sweater off of his body.
He took the hatchet back, "You ok there? You seem nervous again..". A stupid question really, of course you were nervous, he looked like he was about to kill you. You nodded your head, "Yeah... I'm fine..". Toby crawled on top of you again and lined up his hatchet with your hole, that's when you realized what he was doing, "I really don't need you getting pregnant on me.. after all, I did say not to talk about this with anyone.." he smiled at you.
You arched your back as he began to slide it in, trying your hardest not to moan. You could feel every little detail of the wooden handle as it entered your body, he slowly began to pull the handle out of you and back in again. "That hurts-" he ignored your crys and continued, taking off his belt and pulling his own pants down. You watched him touch himself as you continued to cry and whine from the pain, he seemed to be getting off to it. Soon enough the pain turned into pleasure as your body got used to the hard wooden handle inside of you. He began to rub himself against your clit, you could tell he was hard, it was starting to affect him too much. He continued to rub his dick against you as you whimpered from the feeling, the handle was too hard, too big, and he really wasn't helping with the overstimulation by rubbing against you. Toby placed his free hand on the back of your head again, watching small tears run down the sides of your face from the overwhelming feeling of the hatchet. He began to kiss you again, it was much slower, much softer than the first time. You gave into the feeling and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in closer.
You both continued for as long as you both could handle it. You had placed a hand on his hardened dick and had been jerking him off for a couple of minutes. Finally he came on top of you, he moved his body up a bit out of your reach to watch it slowly drip off of you. Toby had finished, but you were still chasing your orgasm, he could see the pain in your eyes so he decided to do something to ease the pain. You groaned as he pulled the hatchet out, it had a small amount of blood on it now from how hard it was and how much it was stretching you out. You watched as Toby licked the blood off of the handle, his face had a noticeable blush on it, clearly he had been enjoying himself... He was also enjoying the blood a bit to much, maybe he had some kind of a blood kink? You didn't bother to ask him as he placed the hatchet back on the ground.
"Toby? What are you doin-nghh~" You moaned softly as his tongue touched your clit again, it was a nice change from the hatchet, much more soft and warm. You could feel his tongue work through your folds as he licked and sucked at your pussy. It felt like heaven as he licked up the blood that had been slowly dripping out of you. Did it hurt? A little... Did you care? Not really.
He eventually managed to find a sweet spot that was closer to your entrance and began to attack it with his tongue, soothing the pain as best he could. He let go for a moment and placed a finger inside of you and began to move it in and out only to return to your clit so he could still taste you, so wet, so sweet. You squeezed his head in-between your thighs and finally came undone. A wave of euphoria washed over you as he continued. A couple seconds later he finally stopped, he was pleased with how the whole thing had went.
He dressed you and put his sweater back on, picking both you and his hatchet up off of the rocks, carrying you out of the woods. He placed you down next to a tree near the path and sat down next to you slowly falling asleep.
The next morning you woke up peacefully, it was a Saturday so you did have any work. You felt a small pain in your abdomen as you stretched your body, looking over to see Toby's sleeping form next to you. The memories of last night came flooding back to you as your face went red... Did you regret it? Not at all.
HOLY SHIT!! (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
I almost lost this whole post over a notification about penises and I really don't know how to feel about that....
Idk, hope you enjoyed it!! -Fizz
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
JOHN: why do they always show cranberries in those big pits and it's implied it's wet and possibly swimmable. do cranberries really grow like that. what.
ROSE: You've never heard of The Bog?
JOHN: th. the what?
ROSE: Hm. I forget some people don't understand New England.
JOHN: each additional comment you add makes my blood run cold.
ROSE: Well, then, yes, cranberries grow in large clumps called bogs. Once they're ripe, the bog is flooded and the cranberries are harvested, basically by using big floating nets to round them all up and scooping them out of the water.
JOHN: ok thank you. i hate it a little less. the horrible little man in my head is still screaming "BOG BODY BOG BODY BOG BODY", but i appreciate the education.
ROSE: Additionally, you don't just flood the bog and then go around it in a boat, or whatever. No, you use hip waders to get in there and put the big floating nets where they go and get all the berries and such.
ROSE: And many cranberry farms opt for organic or sustainable pest control methods, one of which is encouraging wolf spiders to live in the cranberry field and eat the bugs to keep insect damage down.
JOHN: wait.
ROSE: And, well, when you're in the bog in hip waders, that makes you the tallest thing. Wolf spiders can swim a bit, but they don't like it, so they are, quite understandably, looking to climb out of the water onto a tall thing. So you will probably have, like, a hundred wolf spiders trying to climb your eyebrows. You have to be chill, though, because the spiders are also employees.
ROSE: If you ever want to go wading in a cranberry bog, just make sure you're cool with spiders.
JOHN: ...i want you to know, really truly know, that "make sure you're cool with spiders" is not a specific enough statement for that situation.
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
Pull - a Push Mini Epilogue
Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
@halibanana requested: Oo! It's so good! Can I request a part 2 where they resolve how he ignored her? I'd love to see their relationship evolve!
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Summary: I love a good grovel
Warnings: fluff, (aged up) nsfw, oral (fem receiving), jealousy, slight angst, poor bby Neteyam is on the struggle bus fr
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Being with Neteyam is like swimming at first morning light.
In the beginning, the water is freezing. It prickles your skin, chills your bones, sends a shiver up your spine. Then, gradually—sometimes without notice—it warms. It envelopes you, soothing tense muscles and unfurling clenched digits. But, the second you leave the precious cocoon of serenity, the breeze hits your skin and you're trembling all over again.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan is an enigma.
He's soft edges, smooth skin, tender embraces. When you're alone, he can't keep his hands off of you. In those private moments, he pulls you in close, back against his chest, and simply adores you. He's gentle, lips and fingers caressing glowing freckles so lightly, you wonder if it's all a dream.
In front of the clan, however, it's as if another being inhabits his body entirely. The weight of expectation forces your loving Neteyam to retreat, replaced with a cool indifference that makes your heart sink.
It's not like before he claimed you. His eyes don't narrow into that challenging glare anymore. He doesn't prod you with sly insults, or watch your every move with distain. He simply goes about his business, a confident assurance that now he has you.
Sometimes, you wish for the malice. Then, at least, you'd be getting something.
His love slips through the perfected restraint occasionally. Like one day, when you were practicing a new technique with your bow. He happened to walk by, gaze instantly zeroing in on you. He came in close, murmuring a low hello, sevin (pretty) beside your ear, hand snaking around your middle from behind.
Your lips barely had time to pull into a soft smile before he retreated, the sight of a few clan members cutting through the trees enough to make him recoil. You frowned, turning to scold the odd behavior, but he was already gone.
And another day, you sat beside Kiri, weaving and talking quietly. He saw you through a gap in the vines, and quickly changed course to greet you. He approached carefully, a big grin splitting his face. He started to say something that sounded like ma narlor (beautiful). The moment his eyes glanced past his sister, his back straightened, expression dropping to one of casual familiarity.
It eats at you, a nasty, ugly feeling knotting your stomach. This dance has gone on for three weeks. In the last twenty-one days since he made you his, you've been pushed away, then pulled back in, a never-ending cycle of hurt and comfort.
You've started slipping into that old way of thinking, before the two of you crossed an imperceptible line. When you were calculated, when you decided you would get his attention one way or another, no matter what it took. No matter who you had to use.
That's what led you to the situation you're currently in.
You had to admit, though a tiny flame of guilt still flickered inside your chest, that you were having a blast.
Your face tilts toward the sky, a joyous laugh bubbling in your chest. One hand firmly grips the place where your queue is connected with your Ikran's, the other thrown up to feel strong wind blow through extended fingers. The animal swoops down at your internal command, narrowly missing the other, slightly smaller beast flying beside you.
“Hey!” A rough voice shouts, shakily leveling out.
Big yellow eyes narrow in your direction, irritation twinkling beneath the surface. He guides his own Ikran closer to yours, and she calls out before twisting in a graceful barrel roll above the clouds.
“Gotta be faster than that, Lo'ak!” The taunt floats over the wind as you speed past him, a boyish grin splitting his lips before he chases after you.
You play this game of cat and mouse until the sun's eclipse is nearly complete. Only then do you set course for home. Truthfully, when Lo'ak asked you to fly with him, you didn't intend on staying out so late. You didn't even want to agree at first, but the thought of doing something slightly risky, slightly forbidden made your heart flutter with excitement.
It was low, using the well-established competition between brothers to your advantage. But the thought of getting a rise out of Neteyam for the first time in weeks justified the potential consequences.
The second you land, he's barreling through the trees. His eyes find yours first, then Lo'ak's as his Ikran lands beside you. His brows are pinched, hands clenched into tight fists at his hips. Heat blazes behind his narrowed gaze, and you fight a smirk when it sweeps toward Lo'ak again.
“What do the two of you think you're doing?” He can barely get the words out through clenched teeth.
When he realized Lo'ak was missing, he began leisurely exploring the village. He figured his brother hadn't strayed far and was simply avoiding his duties around Home Tree. After several hours, though, anxiety clouded his mind, making him fear the worst. He went to find you, to confide his worries and maybe even convince you to help with search efforts.
But he couldn't find you either.
Your family was no help, they hadn't seen you since morning. He became slightly frantic, strides quickening to a jog as he looked in every nook and cranny of the village. There's no way, he tried to reassure himself, there's no way they're alone together.
He'd just called for his Ikran when he heard it. Heard the familiar call of your bonded animal—and his brother's. He all but sprinted toward the clearing, heart plummeting at the sight of you, head thrown back with a hearty laugh. Lo'ak's expression mirrored yours as he landed next, amused gaze locked on you.
“Aw, come on, bro.” He finally looks away from you, eyes rolling toward the sky with an annoyed huff.
“You were supposed to be back hours ago. I almost started a search party.” His glare slides back to you, the latter part of his sentence a pointed warning.
“It's not a big deal.” Lo'ak tries to assuage him, tone dismissive as he deftly jumps from his Ikran.
Your feet hit the ground with a soft thud, palms smoothing over thick skin to keep your animal calm. The muscles between Neteyam's shoulders bunch, heart thrumming wildly between his ribs.
“Get outta here Lo’ak, before I tell mom and dad.” His voice drops to a gravely rumble, anger clouding his vision. He can't believe you've actually done something like this. You really ran off with his brother of all people, doing Eywa knows what. The possibilities make his blood run cold.
“Dude!” Lo'ak's face scrunches with petulance, but he begrudgingly obeys at the sight of barely contained emotion in his brother's eyes. “At least let me get my—hey!”
Neteyam shoves against his shoulder lightly, urging him along. “Go. Now.”
The younger Sully throws his hands up in surrender, grumbling under his breath as he quickly disappears through thick foliage.
Your gaze, wide with uncertainty, meets molten yellow. Lips part to begin damage control, but all that comes out is a surprised yelp as his fingers clamp around one of your arms.
“Nete—” You stumble to keep up with his hurried pace as he turns and walks briskly toward Home Tree.
He ignores you entirely, dragging you through the village until he finds your shared tent. It's newly formed walls should provide enough privacy for him to deal with you, to figure out how far you've gone this time. With a gentle push you stagger through the door, woven flap slamming shut at your back.
He turns on you, narrowed eyes brimming with anger and something else. Something darker. It wells in his chest, the green flame of jealousy burning through his sternum painfully.
“How could you be so careless?” His chin drops, heated gaze pinning you in place.
“Mawey (calm), Neteyam. It’s fine. We were just having fun.” Your hands lift, palms barely brushing against his chest before he moves away as if you've cut him.
“You do not have fun with my brother.” The deep timbre of his voice sends a shockwave of desire between your legs.
You fidget slightly, rubbing your thighs together, and he misinterprets the motion as one of nervousness, of guilt.
“He is reckless. And a bad influence, clearly.” His jaw clenches so hard he fears he may crack a tooth.
“It was just a quick flight, ‘Teyam, I don’t see what—” You step toward him again, but stop short as he advances on you, one hand moving to cup the back of your neck.
A gasp fills the small space between you as he firmly tilts your head back, leering down at you hotly. “You not getting enough attention, yawne (beloved)? Is that it?”
Your heart soars, despite the fact that he's upset because of you. The hard edges you haven't seen for weeks have returned with a vengeance, that possessive glint in his eye you've been dying to see finally back in full force. It makes your core clench with anticipation.
It's not that you don't appreciate how careful he's been with you. It's sweet, loving, the way he appears almost afraid to hurt you in those intimate moments. But you crave more. You want every piece of him, this rougher side of him, as much as the rest.
You gulp down a course swallow, trembling with steadily rising emotion. “You've been cold, Nete. You act like we aren't even mates in front of the clan.”
It's a sore spot, a point of insecurity. Though he claimed you as his in the forest all those nights ago, he refuses to mate before Eywa. You've asked, and every time, he's dismissed you. You're trying to give him time, to wait until he's ready, but the rejection stings.
A rough breath falls from his lips, corded muscles loosening slightly. His shoulders drop, eyes pinching closed for a brief moment. Regret grips his heart when he looks at you again, seeing moisture gather along your lashes.
“Oh, baby girl. I'm sorry.” His hand slides away from your neck, instead winding around your back to pull you in close.
You curl against his chest, arms latching around his middle. His embrace brings you comfort, eases the ache a bit, but you still yearn for answers. Your head tilts away from his warmth, eyes searching his in question.
One of his large hands smooths down your hair, another sigh fanning your face. “I just—I don't know, sweetheart. I feel like if I touch you in front of them, I'm sharing something too intimate.”
You can understand it to a degree, you know he's reserved by nature. But what you don't get, what you can't accept for much longer, is his refusal to be fully yours in the eyes of the Great Mother.
“But why won't you mate with me?” You decide to ask outright, though your chest tightens with uncertainty, the words falling from trembling lips.
His expression sours, and he reluctantly tears his gaze away from yours. He tries to remove himself from you, but your arms only tighten around him.
“I don't deserve it.” When your brows pinch with confusion, he continues, fingertips ghosting your cheek. “All those years I spent ignoring you, being cruel to you...I can't, yawne (beloved). Not until I've earned it.”
“Oh, ‘Teyam...” You coo, heart shattering at his inner turmoil.
You had no idea he felt this way, was punishing himself in this way. Your hands frame his face, pulling it back up from where it'd fallen against his chest with guilt.
“I can see that I've already failed you.” He grumbles, lips pulling into a frown as he thinks back to all the ways he made you feel less than over the last few weeks.
He was caught up in his own idea of being a respectable mate. He thought if he gave you space, wasn't too overbearing in front of others, you'd be more comfortable. It was a big shift, going from adversaries to lovers. He figured you wouldn't want to flaunt your relationship with him, given the way he'd treated you for so long.
Apparently, he couldn't have been more wrong.
“I’m sorry, sevin (pretty).” He repeats, voice dropping to a low murmur. “Please, don't hate me.”
“I could never hate you, ‘Teyam.” You assure, lips ghosting over his in a chaste caress. “Even during those years...I've never hated you, yawnetu (love).”
His chest swells, feeling so unworthy, but so grateful for your unconditional love. He captures your lips in a passionate kiss, fingers threading into your braids gently. You sway with the force of his mouth on yours, humming contentedly against him.
He walks forward, until the backs of your knees hit the woven mat the two of you have spent many nights tangled on. With a gentle shove you break away from him, panting lightly as strong elbows catch your fall. Your breath hitches when he slowly kneels before you, heavy lidded eyes never leaving yours.
“Let me start making it up to you, narlor (beautiful).” He murmurs, peppering gentle, open mouthed kisses along your thigh.
Long fingers wrap around your knees, tenderly easing them apart. He settles between them, nostrils flaring at the sight of your covered core. Within seconds you're bare before him, glistening sex on full display for his waiting mouth.
He licks his lips, eyes catching yours again as he dives in, tongue lashing a languid stroke along your pussy lips. He mutters a quiet sorry with every tiny kitten lick, until you're shaking with the effort of remaining still and patient. He hums against you, fingertips prodding at your entrance.
“‘Teyam!” You instantly cry out, head dipping under the bloom of pleasure.
“That's it, baby. Make those pretty noises for me.”He pulls back, lips and chin glistening, eyes boring into yours intensely.
A broken moan fills the tent as he slides two fingers inside you effortlessly, soft walls fluttering around the intrusion. He pumps them slowly, tongue diving back in to circle your clit. You fall against the mat, arms trembling from holding yourself upright. His pace only quickens as he adds his third and final finger.
Your back arches from the bed, pleasured sighs filling the otherwise quiet room. He pulls his fingers almost entirely free before slamming them back into you, grunting at the way you spasm around the digits. You mewl, hips jerking up toward him as his mouth latches onto your clit again.
“‘Teyam! I—I...” The words dissolve into pitiful moans as your lower belly tightens.
“Atta girl, come on, cum for me.” He pulls back just long enough to groan the praise before he's back on you, lavishing your pussy with apologies.
Your body instantly obeys, orgasm ripping through you forcefully. You clench around his fingers, hips trembling as white hot pleasure causes you to shudder beneath him. Your chest heaves with ragged breaths as you come down from the high he'd given you. He mercifully abandons your clit, moving up to hover above you.
His fingers never leave you, pumping a steady pace as he quickly works you up to another release. He grins down at you warmly, free hand smoothing along your cheek.
“Catch your breath, baby girl. I have many years to make up for.”
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neet-elite · 16 days
↳ EVENT 20. M!Alex DOL (Breeding & Jealousy Sex)
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Pairing: M!Alex / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 4,642 Warnings: breeding, fluff, established relationship, pregnancy ment, very vague mention of typical DOL trauma Prompt(s): 04 — breeding + 06 — jealousy sex Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: oh alex </3 i love both alex's so much, and i think it's so cute that the dol alex is a farmer, whereas sdv alex is pursuing a farmer hehe... nice parallels! anyway. love me some big beefy himbo men so thank u for this request!!! i also can't imagine alex being too rough even when jealous, more like a petulant child... so i hope this vibes well with u !!
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After a strong urging for you to take a much needed break in the midst of moving into the old farmhouse, boxes piling up as high as they can possibly fit—honestly, he's got no idea how you could have packed so many items from what sounded like a relatively small room back at the orphanage—he takes the opportunity to sift through your belongings for you. Not in a snooping way! He'd just like to help you as much as possible, seeking your consent before even opening a new box. Once you nod at him though, he gives you a hefty pat on the back to help scurry you away for some relaxation, his voice cheery and loud despite the tiredness that rests in his bones from already helping you lift everything up the stairs. "Don't worry, by the time you're done chilling I'll have most of this done for you!"
And he means it, because he wants to be dependable. Wants so desperately to be someone you can rely on, who you can seek strength and stability from— in all senses of the word. But right now, he means physical strength. Making sure you're settled enough in the kitchen with a nice cool glass of lemonade before he heads back up stairs, eager to get the bulk of the unpacking done tonight so that the farm feels just as much of your space as it is his. Seeking to drench you in as much of married life as possible, even if he's yet to propose. It's just, well... He can't imagine sharing the farm with anyone but you. Pretty little you, God, even just the thought of calling you his wife genuinely fills his chest with butterflies. But a princess needs a throne, and he's eager to situate you on his bed by the time night falls.
Which means doing the dreaded unpacking. Better him than you, he thinks. You can rely on him for whatever, okay? Even something as simple as picking items up and placing them down; he'd do just about anything for you.
"All right," He lets out a loud sigh, tightening the belt looped around his ratty old trousers to show the room itself he means business. Ain't no one, and no thing, gonna stand in the way of the love of his life enjoying her time in the farmhouse, even the messy room created by your overabundance of things. "Time to get to work."
And he's quick with it too, all those days training in the barn, tending the fields, carrying and counting inventory; it's all lead up to this moment. Unknowingly training to move his love into his room, the shared space quickly becoming more and more your own with how much he pulls from the boxes, the thought of which causes his chest to tighten with adoration. A dumb smile plastered on his face as he finds and looks through a small photo album. He's not sure if he was the intended audience, but he takes the private opportunity regardless. Wouldn't you? A secret glimpse into your life before him, soft little aww's and quiet little laughs shared only between himself and the precious versions of you in the album. It's nice getting to see this side of you, learning all about what sort of memories you hold close enough to your heart to add to the book. His thumb smooths over a couple of really endearing photos of you— particularly when you were younger. He can only hope to be added to your collection some day in the future, his cheeks heating up at the mere thought.
Carefully, he places the book into your bedside cabinet for safe keeping. Intending on talking to you about all of the pictures later on tonight, whether they embarrass you or not. You were a cute kid, too. In the meantime though, he keeps sifting through your boxes to find and place more sentimental items.
And, oh! There's another album. A bit bigger, and a whole lot fuller than the other one. Giddy with excitement to explore more of you, he tenderly picks it up to flip through. Except, what he doesn't expect is the contents of this album, thought it'd be difficult to describe his feelings as anything resembling disappointment.
"Oh, wow." He gasps to himself, marvelling at the professional quality of the images in this album; almost as if you had them done at a studio or the likes. His curiosity piqued, he continues to flip. One after the other, his skin slowly prickling with heat the further he progresses.
With each new page, another item of clothing seems to disappear from your body. A sickly feeling bubbling away in his tummy, like a car crash. It feels bad to continue looking, like he's found something he really shouldn't have, but he just can't stop. A shake in his hands present as he turns page after page, his heart sinking at the sight of you eventually stark naked in photographic form. An evidence trail of your life before him, God, fuck, he knows he shouldn't be feeling so sick to his stomach but he can't fucking help it.
You're just so pretty in the photos, posing perfectly, like a practiced model would. Fuck, you should have told him you had these photos done, even if only to satiate his own perverted curiosity. Cock tenting in his tight jeans, regret mixing with the jealousy in his tummy from tightening his belt earlier. The more he stares, and the more he flips, the bigger his bulge grows. Not just because of how pretty you look, but because he's envious. Red with selfish resentment— not at you, God, never would he be mad at you for something like this. But at everyone else? Fuck, of course he's upset! Angered at the mere idea of anyone else seeing you look so pretty and exposed, and more than likely not appreciating you for how precious you are. Sick with worry over whether you had intended on him seeing the pictures or not, and then even more troubled at the prospect of these images being the product of coercion; he's not forgotten about all of those horrible stories you told him of your life before the farm, his heart hurting for you even now as he recalls the shared tears late at night.
He feels a lot of things, really. Jealousy mixing with lust mixing with worry mixing with fear. He's so... So in love with you that he just wants to make sure you're okay, yeah. That's all. Tossing the album to the side unlike how delicately he treated the previous photos, and swiftly undoing his belt buckle, adjusting his half hard cock up to rest at his waistband for now. Hard on aside, he stomps down the old creaky stairs with his cheeks ablaze, tunnelling straight to the kitchen where your pretty face is illuminated by the golden hour sun.
Shit, he's immediately out of breath. The sight of you tilting your head back at him so curiously like that is so cute, and for a moment he forgets all about his worries in favour of simply watching you, looking at you with hearts in his eyes as if you were the sun itself. You've got no idea—no matter how often he tries to show you—just how much he loves you. How a single glance from you is all it takes to have his cock twitching in his pants out of sheer love, greedy with how much he desires you, to make you feel okay, to place a balm over those old wounds you've shared with him by pulling you into a tight unprompted hug.
"A-Alex—! What's gotten into you?" You giggle all cute and shit as you gently wrap your arms around his neck in reciprocation and it's probably his most favourite sound in the whole wide world. So soft and light, a reminder that there is good yet on this awful Earth.
He takes a moment before replying. Keeping his hips away from your tummy in fear of ruining the soft moment with his unfortunately hardening cock; he just loves you a whole lot, okay? Too busy tightening his arms around you, squeezing your body against his own, arching over you to inadvertently press your head right against his chest. "I uh... Found your lil modelling portfolio upstairs and—" Well, there isn't an and. Or, there is, but there are too many of them. Various questions swirling in his occupied mind, he can't decide which one to settle on first, leaving dead air between two bodies that he resolves simply by inhaling your scent. A soothing balm to his anxious mind.
You're the first to actually break the silence. "Oh, I see... They're nice pics, right?"
"Too fuckin' right they are," He laughs above you, squeezing you once more before letting go, only so that he can easily lift you up in the air and place you gently down on the kitchen counter; the sun hitting your face in such a sweet fashion that he's almost pouty about it. "So fuckin' pretty, God... Can't believe yer all mine now." He huffs, knitting his brows together out of unadulterated frustration for how attractive he finds you. It's a bit of a nuisance, especially as his cock presses heavy against the edge of the counter, made worse only by the way your legs innately hook around his waist like he was home, pulling him closer so that he's in reach to lightly rub his nose against yours.
The way you're acting almost unbothered in response to his prompting just about calms his racing mind and heart completely, a large hand coming around to wrap securely at your back, the other playing with stray strands of your hair between his thumb and forefinger. It's difficult to ignore just how hard he's getting, not only from the close proximity he's sharing with you right now, but because he feels this primal urge to prove his worth. A deeply buried nature of his to be on top, secure his position by your side by any means possible. Dumb caveman brain convinced he has to show you exactly that with his cock, which he'll get to, he just has to completely settle the score first.
"Were they... Y'know, consensual?" He whispers, afraid that if he were to ask any louder then the worst could come true. His grip on you is equally as careful, unwanting to damage you during such a vulnerable conversation.
And the brief pause you offer him before replying, simply blinking at his intense gaze, fills him with even more worry. Though it's easily and promptly forgotten about the moment you open your pretty lips again. "Oh, yeah! I just needed a bit of extra cash and— Alex... I hope you aren't upset about them?"
No, fuck, he didn't mean to worry you in return! Doing his best to rectify his misgivings by offering you a quick peck on the lips, worsening his already swollen and twitchy cock that just begs for release, now that he knows that you weren't at all tricked into revealing your pretty body. Your comfort is his top priority, first and foremost. Cock be damned.
"No it's— I don't mind, I get it." He swiftly reassures you, making a point to rub soothing circles against your lower back. The world is a scary place, and he'd never shame you for whatever you had to do to survive, y'know? "It's just... I mean, I dunno, fuck," He sighs, frustrated with his inability to verbalise his feelings accurately, all his wants and wishes getting tangled up due to the lack of blood circulating his brain. S'your fault, he muses to himself. If his cock wasn't so hard, he's sure he'd be able to articulate exactly why he's feeling so conflicted right now, pressing his erection against the counter edge to seek some release.
He exhales, and he tries again.
"Y'should take some just fr'me next time. Can't believe the whole town got t'see ya like that before me." All huffy and pouty sounding, resting his forehead against your own when you laugh sweetly at him again. He knows he's acting childish, but when it comes to you, he can't seem to help himself from acting so petulantly. Doesn't the universe understand who you belong to?
A low hum breathed against his lips pulls him back from his indulgent thoughts, your tone genuine and sincere when you regard him. "... Are you jealous, Alex?"
His back straightens at your accurate assumption. "Sure am! You got no idea, babe," playful paws tug at your top, an indication of want, or need? He settles on the latter, given how hard his cock throbs for you when you smile gently back at him, like you understand his plight. "Wanna show everyone that yer mine now. S'at okay?"
"Course it is, whatever you'd like."
With your blessing, he decides to immediately indulge. Maybe a little too much to your liking, keeping his idea of claim a secret for now as he eagerly paws at you. Not out of a genuine attempt to withhold information, but rather, he's far too focused on the pretty girl right in front of him to even think about spilling all of his thoughts. Too busy unbuttoning his pants and swiftly throwing his shirt to the side, prompting your legs to reattach to his hips once he's helped you undress your lower half too.
But when you move to take off your shirt too, he stops you. Tense fist wrapped a bit too tightly around your wrist in his utter urgency to stop you.
"Keep it on. Y'look so nice right now, the way the sun is hittin' ya?" He wolf whistles, a boyish smirk plastered on his face when you shy away from his affections, instinctively closing the remaining gap between two bodies only to feel his already drooling tip press between your folds. Accidentally, at first. And then more purposefully when you don't pull away, his ego stroked tremendously when you cling to his neck once again, seeking comfort in the form of his upright, clenched, toned body; just how he likes. Rely on me, he begs of you with a slow push of his hips forward, gasping openly at how sweet you sound when his tip rocks lightly against your clit. Need me, he implores when he settles his hands on the edge of the kitchen counter, grasping on to it for dear life as he resolves to a simple back and forth. Slow enough to relieve some of the built up tension in his body, to ease the ache of jealousy coursing through him, aiding his lewd actions; but also slow enough to tease you. To get your nails digging into his back out of sheer desperation to see how far he can go, how jealous can he get?
You'll see. Fuck, you'll see soon enough, cause he's so hard. Can you feel how he throbs against your puffy clit? Dripping jealousy from his tip, fat beads of precum trailing down your pretty little slit as a confession of love. See how much I spill for you? he asks with every hump, pace increasing minimally with every thrust. A promise for more, his mind full of nothing but love for you. Or, maybe horny love suits better. A man dumb with it, peering down at you with a half lidded gaze and drooling all over your cunt with affection. From his point of view, he can see down your shirt too. Salivating at the sight of your hidden tits, raising one hand up just to play with em. A light squeeze here, a full grab there.
"What, um... What are you planning on— Oh—" His tip catches on your hole, effectively shutting you up for a second or two as he continues to rock against you. Not inside yet, just taunting you from above, teasing his fat tip in circles around your hole until you finish your words.
He only wishes the world was here with him to witness how easily you fall apart on his cock. How well he treats you, cooing down at you with only the utmost amount of love and affection. Doting on you like he's never been in love before, pecking your forehead as a reminder to continue in spite of the cock between your legs and the hand on your tits.
You gulp before replying, and he takes it as thanks for making you feel so good. Good enough to distract you from your train of though, even if only momentarily. "What are you planning on doing, Alex?"
To show the world who you belong to? Well, he thinks to himself. There's really only one way to completely claim you, isn't there? A knowing smirk making its way to his lips, quickly turned into an open mouthed moan at the way you angle your hips against his tip; a silent plea for more. And who is he to deny his future wife anything that she wants? Helping you into position with big strong hands, keeping you pinned on top of the counter and dipping his hips down, only pushing them up and forward when he's sure he's got your attention on him for the big reveal. "Just—" He pushes forward a little more, sinking into the feeling of your cunt accepting his tip by dropping his forehead to your shoulder, moving the groping hand on your tit to the small of your back to help pull you closer to him, to meet his hips. "Gonna knock y'up, 'kay? That way," He stops mid sentence again, spurred on to hold his breath by the extra tight squeeze of your cunt upon hearing his words; pretty pussy likes that idea, doesn't she? Stretching you out with his words, cock pulsing against your squishy insides with the promise of breeding you so full that there's no way anyone would not know that you were taken. That the pretty girl they must have seen all over town, pictured on billboards, magazines, wherever the fuck your images were used, is not single, but a loving, gorgeous, beloved mother. Pinned down to his used kitchen counter, panting heavily against his bare chest, angling her hips towards him until he finally gives her all of his cock and she's flush to his own body. That's who you are, aren't you?
"That way, nobody will touch y'ever again." He finally finishes his sentence now that he's buried balls deep into your little cunt, humming lowly to himself from how soft and warm it is inside of you, how your walls thrum along his length with pleasure. Pretty girl, you're always so good to him, you'll let him show his love for you in the most permanent way possible, won't you? A little breeding, just a smidge, really. Heavy breeder balls taut between his legs as he warms his cock inside of you, inhaling sharp and deep through his nose due to how annoyingly good it feels to just rest his cock inside your cunt. Little hole twitching around him, insides squirming as if begging for him to continue.
And so he does; slowly. A lazy draw of his hips back, a gentle push of them forward again, really making you feel every single inch his cock has to offer your perfect angel cunt. A sigh escapes him in return, partly due to how in love he is just rocking into you like this, how completely adorable you look when shivering on the countertop before him, the feeling of your thighs shaking around his fit waist coaxing more precum out to coat your insides sticky. But also, sighing because he's so happy. For once, a lazy afternoon is spent nicely. "Pretty little things like you have t'be knocked up, y'see," He elaborates, flashing you a signature smile to allude to his joking intent. Though, his smile is quickly wiped off his face and replaced with a more serious furrow of his brows when you pout so prettily up at him, bottom lip quivering from how fat his cock is; splitting you in two, is he?
"Otherwise—" He thrusts, hard. A full length fuck inside of your tiny little hole so that you're forced to accommodate his size, the resulting high pitched whine you let out from the unfair entry leaves him more than a little breathless. Gasping for air, wanting so badly to prove himself not just to you, but to the whole fucking world that he's worth you. He's worth all of your love and attention, above all and anyone else. And that starts by impregnating you, right? I mean, it makes sense in his lust addled mind right now, looking down between your legs only to get hypnotised by the sight of his big cock disappearing into such a little space over and over again. "Others might get the wrong idea, right? That yer free, and I wont let that happen t'ya ever again. Promise, fuck— Keep, keep squeezin' me like that 'n I won't last long, babe."
Your hands scratch and tug on his skin, grasping for any semblance of stability as he pounds you into the counter, fast fucks that have your body rocking back and forth with him. "Can't—" You whine pitifully, but you sound oh so cute when you can't help but express enjoyment for his rough fucking, both hands planted firmly on your ass to lift you mid air a little, allowing him an easier leverage to fuck you as fast as he wants to now. "Can't help it, Alex— Ah! You feel so good—" Absolute need present in his touch given your ego stroking words, how greedy he is with fistfuls of your ass, desperately leaning closer to you just so that he can shove his tongue into your open moaning mouth and suckle on your tongue. Dripping saliva for you to swallow as much as he sucks all of yours down his throat. Greedy with his thrusts, hammering his hips into you at such a speed that he even feels a little dizzy with it, but he can't seem to stop himself from humping forward again and again when your angel cunt sucks his cock off so well, fuck.
You've ruined him, truthfully. His heart happy at the thought of being not only your husband, but the father of your future child. Knowing that you think he's an acceptable enough partner to care for your child turns him on so much, it's a little silly. Has him moaning loud against your lips and drooling precum about as much as he drools over your tits. Sloppy with his kiss and his fucks, his hips stuttering into you when you pull away from his face just to pull his body closer.
Can you feel how hard his heart beats for you when you snuggle your face against his chest? Feel the tacky sweat coating his skin, the amount of effort he's putting into pounding you in the kitchen is proof of how much he loves you, y'know? Perhaps a bit too possessively so, seeing as when he lifts you higher to instead place you gently down onto the much more suitable cock height table, he's still fucking into you with each step he makes towards the old thing, like he can't even fathom the thought of giving you a slight break from his heavy balls slapping against your ass with the promise of seed.
But you look so cute under him like that, his hands at either side of you mussed up hair, taking in the sight of your heaving chest with an almost pained expression himself. It only takes a single look down at your hole, a ring of cream marking his cock as if it were your own claim, for him to start thumbing away at your pretty neglected clit. So glossy and shiny for him, the feeling of your slick gushing out with every frantic fuck he gives your hole causing his head to be thrown back momentarily; he can't keep his eyes off of you for too long.
"Gonna be such a good mom, I jus' know it." He slurs above you, voice strained from how fast he fucks, barely able to catch his breath enough in time to dote on you some more. "Even better wife, if y'ask me—" A smile breaks out on his face, borne out of how well your tight little cunt attempts to milk him already, as if asking: please!
But, to show just how serious he is about reminding the town of who you belong to, he indulges you first. Flicks his thumb over your swollen clit with purpose, still yet fucking into you, but with imprecise thrusts. Too fixated on how your back seems to arch every time his thumb circles your clit, aided by the copious amounts of slick you drip onto his cock. Dipping his hand down to collect some more before returning back to your sensitive spot, pressing down a little more firmly until he feels that tell tale quiver of your insides.
Still hammering his hips into you, helping you remain in place as his thrusts threaten to fuck you off the table, loud with how hard his body smacks against your own, he encourages you. "C'mon," He leers at you, sending you a lopsided smirk at the way you writhe and wail for release. You're so close, he can tell. "Go an' cum on my cock, it's okay."
And to show just how much you accept his affections, to reply with yes, you've proven yourself worthy, he watches with dirty intent and narrow eyes as you do exactly that. Convulsing around his fat cock to beg for his seed, your hands on his own to coax his orgasm out, the tender domestic nature of your touch as you cream his cock goes right through him, straight down to his taut balls before he even has a chance to warn you of how close he is. Simply folding in on himself, pressing his toned chest against your smaller body as he rocks his hips into you with milking purpose. Moaning a cry of your name, pressing his lips against your cheeks, neck, lips, fuck; wherever he can reach, really. Babbling nonsense praise at you as he idly fucks himself empty into your abused hole, bullying his fat load as deep as possible in hopes of impregnating you on the first fuck.
Though, now that he's gaining a bit more clarity to be able to think about the ramifications of that, having to fuck you several times until his seed takes root doesn't sound too bad, actually. Breathing heavily against your face when he holds himself up to take in the sight of how ruined his future wife looks when full of cum. To the brim too, some of it seeping out around his cock from how fat he still is, still giving you miniscule little humps as he comes down from such a powerful high.
"You uh— I mean, fuck," He laughs above you, the dumb dopey smile you flash him has him a little awestruck, if he's honest. His fingertips just itching to squish your chubby little cheeks for eternity so that he can always place kisses upon such a cute expression. "I meant it, jus' so y'know. Wanna make ya a mommy."
"I know, Alex."
Three words. Quite simple, really. But they're all it takes for him to know that he's found his future wife for real, and that he need not worry about the town ever again. And as such, neither will you. Not while he's still by your side.
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Party squad but jealous headcannon (not of each other) love your work 🫶🏽
look i KNOW it was most definitely a typo but "Party Squad" got me giggling and stuff ngl--
♥️🖤💙 Partner Squad Being Jealous Headcanons ♥️🖤💙
❤️ Barb ❤️
How easy is to make her jealous: 8/10
When she gets jealous she tries to not let it show, but, let's be honest here, she's terrible at it and it's very, very obvious. She's this 👌 close from outright snarling at whoever got her jealousy senses going. It not common for her to get jealous but it can sometimes happen and she's too stubborn to admit she's feeling that way, so you have to really talk her through it if you want her to feel more at ease.
Best way to reassure her: Quality time! It's as simple as that. Especially if it's with a lot of nose nuzzles and tiny kisses, those are her weakness and will help her forget about whoever set her off.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
How easy is to make her jealous: 3/10
She knows better than to be jealous (she's one of the hardest to get jealous out of the whole Squad actually), but sometimes she can't help it. There are moments when she sees other trolls outside of the polycule being a bit too friendly with you for her taste and she gets kinda restless about it. She won't be outspoken about it but it's very obvious when she's upset about something because her smile looks way more forced and she laughs a lot to cover up how tense she feels.
Best way to reassure her: Just. Talk her through it, really. Remove yourself and her from the vicinity of the troll that got her feeling jelly and give her some smooches, tell her how much you love and appreciate her and it'll be like night and day in no time at all.
🩵 Branch 🩵
How easy is to make him jealous: 9/10
It is very known already he gets increasingly grouchier whenever he gets jealous, which is not that often but his Jelly-Meter™️ can very easily be triggered. He will pout, he will sulk and he will make a lot of passive aggressive comments about the troll that was getting too comfy with you in his personal opinion. But even if he can be very easily set off in this aspect, he's never been wrong about his assumptions before, and he knows when someone outside the polycule is flirting with you and when the conversation is entirely friendly and harmless.
Best way to reassure him: Distract him first to help him cool off and then let him vent about it, because trust me, he'll have a whole monologue to destress about the situation. Also, validate him so he doesn't feel like he's overreacting, because he will kinda feel bad about it if you don't.
💙 Trollex 💙
How easy is to make him jealous: 5/10
Trollex can be a bit oblivious at times when it comes to this kind of stuff. He's blissfully aloof because more often than not his focus is on you and you only. But, once he catches someone getting a bit too close to you, or making a few out-of-pocket comments about your appearance or personality, that's when he snaps out of Heart Eye Land, that's his "hol' up" moment. He gets pouty, grumbles a lot and he'll be wearing this half pout half scowl look when he talks to the troll that made him jelly. It's comically obvious he's upset.
Best way to reassure him: Stepping away from the situation and talking about it it's the best route to take with this fella, but it'll help his peace of mind a million times over if you blow off whoever was flirting with you yourself. He'll also get super giddy if you add any remarks towards your happy position inside the polycule, so please do add those remarks, please.
💚 Tresillo 💚
How easy is to make him jealous: 7.5/10
Tresillo’s a cool guy, he usually very chill about other trolls interacting with you, not even blinking an eye when someone else hugs you or hangs out around you frequently. But things change once he knows that someone has ulterior motives and it's clearly flirting. He'll get vocal about it right there and then, fuming at the lack of shame the other troll has for daring to act like that right in front of him. To keep things from escalating further than this, you'll have to drag him away while he grumbles and curses in Spanish under his breath.
Best way to reassure him: Once the situation is over, he'll need a lot of hugs and cuddles to help him cool off and go back to his calm persona. He'll be sorta pissy about the whole thing for a few hours but that'll pass eventually, just keep those cuddles coming and he'll be fine.
🧡 Hickory 🧡
How easy is to make him jealous: 2/10
Hickory almost never ever gets jealous. Not even when someone comes up to you to flirt or whatever, because on top of being a calm soul, he's cocky as hell. He knows very dang well you won't give pay the time of day to any attempt at seduction from some rando troll outside the polycule, so he just watches with a knowing smirk, snickering to himself and lets you deal with the situation if you're up for it. He'll only intervene if you too fed up and then he'll simply wrap and arm around your waist and pull you away to go somewhere else. Easy peasy.
Best way to reassure him: In the very, very, very rare case that he does get jealous of someone else, he won't actually need you to do anything at all. He'll keep his frustrations to himself and he'll deal with them on his own and it'll be as if he wasn't bothered at all cuz he's got an image to uphold, okay?
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Something I noticed a lot that I wanted to share was that in Percy's or any of the Seven's povs, Olympus is a pretty chill place where the gods have it all and are assholes because of it. Zeus isn't a great person, but he isn't really bad, everyone seems to be on an equal footing, not Zeus just being the head
The Olympians are arrogant and there is nothing holding them back, Zeus is elected fair and square, sure things seem a little sus sometimes, but it's just normal and nothing terrible, but that's Percy's pov.
And then you see Apollo's pov and everything has drastically changed. You can actually see how Zeus is a tyrant and every single one of them is abused, it's there in sort-of plain sight. And I think that's really cool and actually true in real-life situations
From an outsider's pov, everything looks normal, but as soon as you get an insider pov, suddenly everything is totally different. You can see how everyone is actually faking it to survive, and no one is happy at all. They're just really good at pretending for those who don't really know them.
That being said none of this excuses their behavior, which is still awful. They too are abusers in their own way (well, most) and even though they were treated badly, that didn't stop them from doing what they did. Even if they weren't abused, I know most would still continue what they do.
They might not have been as bad, since a lot of them did self-project harm on others, an example being Apollo and Harpocrates. But they might be the same regardless. Mind you, Zeus had supporters as well.
But it makes me wonder if things were different and other people knew, what would change?
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polyklok · 5 months
Omg omg i love your writing!!! No words can describe how much I love it!
Imagine muderface with a s/o or crush that says the weirdest stuff, like some stuff that they have been through. It is so random! Like those tik toks that say "the Egyptians believed the most significant thing you could do is die" in the most randomest of situations.
Like imagine just chilling out doing nothing and y/n looks over at muderface and says "would a zombie apocalypse be a formal event? Like your buried in your best clothes?"
It woukd very so cool if you could write something for this but if you don't want to that's cool!
Just wanted to share my thoughts. No one I know watches Metalocalypse.
Thank you!!!
Have a wonderful day or night!!
(I didn't really check my grammar or spelling that well, I am sorry)
Murderface with an S/O that says ~random~ things!
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“The color is actually named after the fruit.”
You baffle him daily. He never asked to be spoonfed random trivia, shower thoughts, or absurd hypothetical questions. And yet, here he was, eating it all up.
When William was first met with your verbal hijinks, he was just so, so confused. Why did you know this? Why were you telling him this?
“Orange. Like, people just described the color as yellow-red or something before the orange fruit was spread around Europe and they got a new word for it. The color is named after the fruit.”
For a while, he thought you were trying to give him clues about something. He was just extremely suspicious of you. Like, surely there had to be a reason behind it, right? Well, no, and he soon just found it was a quirk of yours.
He was always told to shut up whenever he tried to pipe in or had an interesting fact to share, so you defying one of the fundamental rules of his life is a bit jarring.
As he grows closer and more comfortable to you, he gets used to your pondering and even begins to consider them. Maybe you have a point?
“What’s the minimum amount of ducks do you think it would take to fully kill an adult rhino?”
“I don’t fuchkin’ know. Probably a schit ton.”
“I bet, like, five. They’d just swarm him.”
“You are scho wrong. He’d schtomp them all to a pashte.”
Well now he’s gonna stay awake all night thinking about it. He can’t decide if you’re the stupidest person he’s ever met or the smartest. Either way, he gets a little flustered when facing the seemingly infinite expanse of your mind.
After a while, he begins to pick up your habit. In his own Murderface-way, of course. He had a pretty obvious interest in things like car mechanics and war history, but now he’s more willing to share all of what he knows with you. He’s really excited that someone finally seems interested in what he has to say, no matter how meaningless it is.
And once that door is open, he becomes more willing to open up on a deeper level. Even though he’s a dumbass, he does have a depth of intelligence, even if he isn’t great at articulating it. Be patient and you’ll get some fascinating conversation from him.
“Even if there isch a God…like, what the fuck, man?! You juscht gonna leave us all down here to suffer and schit? I might as well ignore you juscht to schpite you! What a dick move.”
William never realized how valuable it was to him just to be listened to. Simply talking to you slowly becomes one of the better parts of his day, everyday.
It takes a lot for Murderface to love and it takes even more to love him back. But the effort is well worth it with these types of riveting discussions;
“You have to fight a bug that’s 100 times its original size and you get one weapon from the medieval era. What is your bug and what’s your weapon?”
“Easchy. Butterfly, Croschbow. One arrow for each wing. Instant win.”
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goldenempyrean · 9 months
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A Lesson in Self-Care
〚 Day 1 - Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care 〛
〚 Pairing - Wanda Maximoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - When you don't know how to look after yourself, Wanda steps in. 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Sicktember 2023 Masterlist 〙
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“Oh, darling how did we get into this position.” A quiet soothing voice lulled as you struggled to stay awake against the seemingly endless pull of exhaustion tugging at your body. You were hot, far too hot. Wanda was trying to best to keep you cool as she gently dabbed a wet cloth to your forehead and cheeks, every so often dunking it into the cool vat of water beside her. 
You managed to crack open your eyes, the room appearing blurry and hazy. Your body felt heavy, weighed down by the fever coursing through you. The soft glow of Wanda's powers illuminated the room, casting a comforting light as she continued to tend to you. 
“I... don’t know?” You croaked out, your throat felt like it was lined with thousands of tiny shards of glass, each one tearing into your raw flesh with every word you spoke. Of course, you knew why – it was beyond obvious. 
You tried to recall the events leading up to your current state. It started with a mild headache a few days ago, which quickly escalated into body aches, chills, and a high fever. You had hoped it would pass, but it only worsened with each passing day. Now, you were confined to bed, weakened and unable to do much for yourself. Maybe you should’ve taken it easy... those brutal training sessions you’d forced yourself through as a test of endurance probably weren’t a good idea in hindsight. 
Wanda dipped the cloth into the cool water once again and wrung it out, then placed it gently on your forehead. The soothing sensation brought some relief to the burning heat radiating from your body. You closed your eyes, letting out a soft sigh. 
“This is why we have to take care of ourselves, we could’ve avoided this, couldn’t we darling?” She sighed, as her hand came to enclose your own. 
"I'm sorry.” You managed to whisper; your voice barely audible. Guilt gnawed at you, knowing that your reckless actions had not only affected yourself but also burdened Wanda with the task of nursing you back to health. 
Wanda's thumb gently stroked the back of your hand as she said, "There’s no need for apologies, my love. I just wish you’d look out for yourself the same way you do for others.” 
You tried to nod, but the effort was too much. Instead, you squeezed her hand weakly, trying to convey your gratitude and understanding. Wanda always had a way of calming you, even in the worst of situations. 
You tried to nod, but the effort was too much. Instead, you squeezed her hand weakly, trying to convey your gratitude and understanding. Wanda always had a way of calming you, even in the worst of situations. 
As the night wore on, you drifted in and out of consciousness, delirious with fever. Wanda stayed by your side, never leaving, her powers continuously working to ease your discomfort. She had created a small barrier around the bed, ensuring no one would disturb your rest. After all, you’d done it for her countless times already and despite your hopelessness at taking care of yourself, there was nothing wrong with returning the favour. 
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
If Lookism Characters (and Y/N) were in horror movies
WARNINGS: mentions of death (not too graphic/explicit) mentions of paranormal/disturbing stuff (mentions with the word killer/s), cursing/swearing
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Daniel Park/ Y/N
Would probably be the main protagonist (lmao)
Plot armor 100%
Will tell everybody to calm down when things go wrong "C'mon guys calm down! It's probably just an animal or something".
Will 100% scream and have a mental crisis if one of their friends died.
Zack Lee/Eli Jang
That one motherfucker who's always loud (especially Zack when things started going wrong, Eli's calmer though)
Will have a mental breakdown when his friends (Mira for Zack and Yenna for Eli) was put into danger.
His vengeance will get in the way and they'll seek revenge and has the balls to fight off the killer.
"I don't give a shit Daniel! They're in danger and you're expecting me to chill the fuck out! You're so pathetic I'm killing that little d*ck!"
Jay Hong
If someone's always the quiet one in horror movies, they're probably the killer.
Lol kidding he's not he's just being framed (either by Samuel, Ryuhei or Goo those mfs.)
Tired of everyone's bullshit but still willing to help for the sake of everybody.
Will risk his life to protect everyone especially Danny, I need this boy so much.
Vasco/Warren Chae/Jerry Kwon (add in Alexander Wang)
The dumb one lmao
Will probably die first if they're not careful enough (NO VASCO/WARREN/JERRY/ALEXANDER STOP)
Or, he'll be the one who will be seeing abnormal/paranormal stuff (monsters/killers/ghosts). "Did you see that?" "Wait is that a white lady?" "GUYS I JUST SAW SOMEONE WEARING A WEIRD LOOKING MASK HE'S RUNNING LIKE A MAD MAN!"(will talk and ask a lot).
Zack and the others will probably not listen to him since he thinks they're so "dumb" (bitch listen to them they're being honest).
Goo Kim/Samuel Seo/Olly Wang/Vin Jin/Kuroda Ryuhei (add in Gun Park and James Lee: well a little bit)
The fucking menace who won't listen.
You said to not open the door? Bitch he'll kick it down.
And will pick fights with the others (especially with Zack or Eli). Wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice somebody lmao.
Believes ghosts are stupid, yet thinks killers are cool (they're probably the killer).
Crystal Choi/Sally Park/Jace Park/Mary Kim/Xiaoleoung/ Gun Park/James Lee/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Hudson Ahn (add in Daniel Park/ Y/N)
Another one who's tired of everyone's crap
Will make the escape plans for the team
Calm outside, angry and scared inside
"Why did I get into this position?" type
Zoe Park/Mira Kim/Yui Kim/Mitsuki/Vivi/Doo Lee/Alexander Wang (edited: add in Heather)
The ones who will cry af (or pretend they're not scared: Doo Lee and Alexander)
Will have a mental breakdown bc they're scared that they'll be dying later or be the first one to die (it's both scary for them).
"I just wanna go home!" type
Will be so worried about themselves and their friends.
Jake Kim/Johan Seong/Kwak Jihan/Hudson Ahn/Sinu Han (add in Zack Lee, Kuroda Ryuhei, Doo Lee and Vin Jin)
"Wtf just happened" type.
Would not believe anything that's happening is real (Fuck this shit I'm out type).
Will curse a lot when the killer/ghost is coming.
"Oh shit, shit, SHIT RUN!" type.
Gun Park/James Lee
This mfs
Will smirk or laugh when somebody dies (I swear to God)
Everybody will probably ditch them for being a sussy baka thinking they're the killer (can you blame them?)
Doesn't give a sh*t since he can either solo the killer or he is the killer (if it's a ghost they just won't care or accept their fate lmao).
A/N: For Y/N you can be anything you want since we all have diff. personalities and ways to handle problems and situations and yeah hope you like it :).
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Marriage candidates reacting to being called cute by their crush/the farmer/what have you?
Bachelor/ettes When They're Called Cute
Thanks for the request! My brain's weird right now so these are pretty short. I tried to make them as long as I could.
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He stops wherever he is and just sort of... Stares. He's starring ahead because his brain needs time to process what's going on. He's all 'what? what now?' After a second, he comes back to reality and apologises for leaving you hanging like that, rubbing his neck or something in the process.
"Aw, shucks, Y/N. Thanks."
He's taken by surprise a little, but we both know Elliott still has that higher confidence. He's got his insecurities, sure, but socially he's a champ at taking compliments. Depending on how big the crush is, he might get a little shy, but not by much. He's got it under control. Leans forward and gives your hand a kiss (if you're okay with that).
"Thank you, Y/N."
HA he's embarrassed. The only person to tell him that is his mother, so things feel pretty awkward for him. Like Sam, he'll advert his eyes and try to figure out a response. In the end, it's awkward, but gets the job done (kind of). His face is so, so red, too. But please don't comment on that or else it will get worse.
"Uh, yeah, thanks, I guess."
Harvey's either even redder than a tomato or chill. It depends on if he's in Doctor Mode or not. If he is (and this is only really when giving you a checkup), he's all 'uhhh not rn bro.' But if he's not, well, he goes a colour only visible to shrimp. Okay, I'm half-joking there, but he's extremely flustered and gets all nervous and plays with his hands.
"Um, thank you, Y/N."
If he's got a drink, he'll choke on it. While Sebastian's only gotten this compliment from his parents, he's only got it from his childhood. Which, since he's old, is a long, long time ago. He's confused if anything. Partly because 'what? Why?' in the self-deprecating way but also 'what? Why?' in the why the flippity-fuck are you telling him this and what purpose does it serve?
"Huh? What?" (he's half-laughing)
Alex man, that confidence I keep talking about. Okay, so, if you're not aware, I HC Alex's confidence to be a total sham. I mean, you've seen his heart events, right (/lh)? Anyways, he goes beetroot-red. Tries to flirt back, sure, but it doesn't work as well as he wants it to. But his crush just called him cute, so give him some slack.
"Hey, uh, thanks. You too."
Penny's the most affected out of all of them. Normally, she'd be a little flushed but is able to handle the situation. But since, of course, her crush had to say it, she's worse for wear in the way that she is an absolute wreck. If she has her book with her, she hides behind it and goes all 'wow, thank you so much you didn't have to say that shucks um wowee hehe' (or something like that).
"Oh, um, thank you."
If you know my HCs, you know I think Leah's chill. She laughs it off with a bit of blush on her cheeks, but all-in-all everything's fine. Might flirt back, might not - all depends on what you're comfortable with. But she's totally going to get you back at it, whether it be making you a little gift ('cute, just like you!'), or sending you some 'totally platonic' red roses (P.S. it's the yellow roses that symbolise friendship).
"Hey, Y/N, feeling a little flirty today, huh?"
Abigail's taken aback, but she's not letting that stop her. She's going to flirt back instantly and with as cool and quick of a comeback as she can. She also compliments you a lot more afterwards on whatever you're doing or wearing or anything you're comfortable with.
"Not as cute as you." *continues playing her game*
Maru never really gets those kinds of compliments. She's not starved for affection - not at all! She just never gets called 'cute' per se. So, she gets really flustered when you call her that. To be honest, I don't know if she'd be comfortable with it straight up. She'd prefer to be the one to take the initiative and say it first, so you know she's good to go.
"Wow, um, thanks."
Emily loves compliments. Whenever she gets one, she gets all excited and says thank you. It's just nice to know people care, y'know? It's also why she hates passive-aggressiveness so much. Anyways, she gets a little flushed and tucks her hair behind her ear. It's always nice to get a compliment, but even better from you!
"Aw, you're so sweet, Y/N."
Haley's surprised. Despite thinking so highly of herself (and looking absolutely stunning in my opinion), she doesn't get many compliments outside of Alex and her sister. So, when she gets one from her crush of all people, she's pretty taken aback. Her first reaction is to go 'yeah well, duh,' but she's learned not to do that. So, instead she gives you a warm smile (literally, those cheeks are red hot) and says thank you.
"Thanks, Y/N. You're pretty, too."
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Congratulations on the milestone!✨✨
I wanted to request a bts headcanon! There was this one trend on tiktok last year that was like “you’re not dating but you’re not just friends either” lol so I guess like a bts in a situation type of thing? Thank you thank you! 💕
i know exactly what trend you're talking about and i was never sure if that was supposed to be, like, an actual situationship or like that more cutesy in-between crush & dating stage so i'll try to do both.
once again tag teamed this with @hot-soop bc i have no original thoughts.
come tell me how wrong i am :)
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headcanons: bts in a situationship
seokjin —
has the least situationship energy out of all of them imo. mr. domestic king of commitment probably wouldn't be able to handle the uncertainty of it, but could be convinced if the other party wasn't ready/didn't want to commit.
(let's be real, it's impossible to not be in love with him, so [rihanna voice] good luck with booking that situationship u speak of.)
thinks he's being chill and in actuality is being the least chill person alive. red ears & neck 25/8.
does the "let's just play one more round of mario kart" con until the next thing you know it's 2am and the only way you're getting home is an overpriced rideshare, so whoops, might as well stay over, what would you like for breakfast?
strikes me as the type that'd be similar in that in-between stage, too, but way more acts of service.
picnics in the park, polaroid pictures of things that remind him of you, beats that video game level you're stuck on without you even having to ask, rambles on and on about his webtoons, chill weekends spent together at home.
yoongi —
completely down for a situationship. might be made for it, actually. you don't even need to ask.
however. realizes he's Emotionally Compromised and has his "oh shit wait what the fuck" moment months in. good luck sorting that mess out!
yoongi: it is very obvious i have feelings for this person and it is very obvious where we stand with one another.
also yoongi: disappears for a week bc of work and doesn't say a word.
also also yoongi: casually shows up at 3am and wants to hang out like disappearing without a word wasn't at all weird and confusing as fuck.
also also also yoongi: has the nerve to be confused when you call it off because he doesn't seem interested.
spends the next few months overthinking literally everything and reappears with a wall of text detailing everything he likes about you.
in that more cutesy in-between: playlists, "do you wanna hear what i've been working on?", open the door please it's 1am and yoongi's outside with takeout, absolutely giddy when he gets to teach you about his interests.
hobi —
can't see him being all that different from the way he'd be in an actual relationship, tbh, which is both a blessing and a curse.
a f f e c t i o n a t e
(but is it "i like you and want to be with you" affection or "i do this with literally everyone there is no way to tell if it's something more" affection?)
king of overcommunicating! good morning texts, phone calls before bed, memes and silly pictures throughout the day.
wants to trade ootd pics. sends you one everyday even if you don't reciprocate. pouts for days if you playfully roast his fit, but sometimes he needs someone to be honest about those questionable shoes he wears.
somehow knows literally every person to exist. has a friend who works at that cool new club downtown. the gallery with that hot new exhibit. knows someone who knows someone who works with that band you can never get tickets to see.
ensures you will never want for anything while you're with him.
namjoon —
ooh boy.
quiet. a lil obsessive. observant. can definitely be jealous. the kind of guy who loves to think he's good at situationships until he's in one and realizes very quickly he's not.
has a natural urge to play games to test you then have an existential crisis about whether that makes him a bad person.
wants to have all of your attention but will not ask for it. wants intensity but questions whether that’s sustainable long term.
ghosts when he’s in his feelings but writes you long, thoughtful paragraphs when he’s drunk. "that one guy who jerked you around in college" vibes.
will break your back and your heart at the same time.
in that cute in-between: museum dates. meetups in the park in the middle of the night to stare at the stars and get all philosophical. let's go try out that new distillery and catch that new arthouse film after. does this guy even have friends? because it's been 8 years and you still haven't met them.
jimin —
fun until it isn't.
lively and sweet and easy until it isn't.
flirts with literally everyone but gets real petty and kinda mean if you do the same.
thinks he isn't good enough. wants compliments and validation. another chronic overthinker. playful banter until he takes it too seriously and needs reassurance that you do actually like him.
not a ghoster but also not good at ending things so just lets it go stale and wither away.
dates? drinking and dancing. maybe one of those sip and paints. tickets to the ballet. competition shows at his place with takeout.
cuddly and affectionate but why does he call all of his friends his soulmate?
in the in-between: loves showing you off. would probably love to do your makeup. sickeningly sweet comments on all your ig selfies. always holding your hand.
taehyung —
intense. has a tendency to get a lil self-centered and disappear in that big noggin of his.
physical rather than emotional. will blow your back out in 10 different ways before he tells you he likes you.
(and only does this at 5am when he's drunk and just spent the last half hour crying to jimin on the phone.)
insecure so he plays it carefree and silly, but, dear reader, it was not, in fact, carefree and silly.
golden hour. takes the best photos of you on film. paints you silly things and nearly cries when you actually display them. can't cook but tries making a date of cooking together anyway; cons you into paying for the takeout after it inevitably fails. record stores. red wine.
jungkook —
either a major fuckboy or the most sensitive man on the planet there is really no in between here.
either never commits or is ready to get married the second time you hang out.
no chill. someone please remind him to be normal about this.
j e a l o u s !
facetimes you in the middle of the night just because.
learns all your favorite songs on guitar. loves a photobooth; keeps the film strip in his wallet. teaches you how to play video games but gets really pouty when you wind up being better than him. diners at 2am; a milkshake with two straws. obnoxious gym selfies. pretends he doesn't want to sing your girl group songs at noraebang yet suspiciously knows all the choreography.
shy shy shy
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