#jack gray
patch-357 · 3 months
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backshot roulette i man backshot-
i mean backshot-
i mean buckshot-
(jack gray owned by @rainubabusparkshy)
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Zephyr: Here we are! What do you think?
Jack: I think I’m going to need a minute to recover from the trip though that portal before I start looking around.
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womblegrinch · 2 years
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Jack Lorimer Gray (1927-1981) - The bell buoy
Oil on canvas. 22 x 30 inches, 55.9 x 76.2 cm.
Estimate: US$12,000-18,000.
Sold Shannon’s, Milford, Connecticut, 27 Oct 2022 for US$16,250 incl B.P.
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sethgraysupremacy · 2 years
new hc: seth’s parent’s names are arlene & jack. i am open to discussion but i feel like we must give them names
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amidst-wonderland · 4 months
pairing: general gray family warnings: mentions of predatory behaviour that are implied, underage smoking is mentioned, strong language. 'queer' used casually, not homophobically - also, jack is gay and i'm queer. summary: rosie's not keen on her dad's new star hot-shot actor.
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"she fancies him,” rosie knowingly hums but bitterness lingers in its delivery. hovering by the window and peering down at her baby sister who’d now draped herself over the yellow cab’s door like a mewling lovesick pup. she can’t see violet’s face but rosie’d put money on the expression not being too far removed from that adoring smile she’s perpetually wore across the dinner table. “can hardly blame her, but–”
    nora lightly scoffs at her elder daughter, flicking over the worn script. “she’s jist taken a likin’ tae ‘im. he’s a sweet-talker in a nice suit here tae impress yir da. can hardly try it on wae you.” she waves a hand motioning it in the general direction of rosie’s prominent bump, ash dripping from the lit straight. “got one of those hollywood types already, don’t you? speaking of, yer da’s got some work on offer if he’s lookin’ ‘something-hoaliday’ ‘hink it’s called – continent shite.’”
   the brunette ignores the offer, jibing again at her sister’s crush on the upcoming actor. “you know what she said to me, the minute i walked in the door? no, ‘hello’, no ‘how’s the baby’ just, ‘he says i could be the next doris day, ro!’ clearly never heard the wean bloody sing.”
    “or seen ‘er dance.”
     he has.
     rosalin hadn’t been home to her siblings much since falling pregnant but tonight's dinner guest had become quite the regular visitor in their home. she’d heard from her younger brother. jack explained this new mystery man, a friend of george’s who he met at a co-worker’s engagement dinner. he was from the stage now wanting to branch into film, “mum’s taken to him, well, said to aunt linda she sees a bit of dad in him, which is rather queer if you ask me considering vi’s stropping around the apartment like he’s the gentleman caller. georgie’s stopped picking up the telephone because of the pestering, had to tell her off.”
     jack continued ramble with general observations: the brief and playful pokes, rosy cheeks, the giggles and hair-twirls also how he’d caught them sharing a cigarette in the kitchen during george’s thirtieth birthday then a dance to one of sinatra’s. not to mention - although jack made sure to - the teen had gained a rather affectionate pet name, "flower".
     rosie frowns as her nostrils flare when catching a glimpse of violet’s pink skirt disappearing into the back of the cab before michael shuts the door behind her. she hastily decides to play devil’s advocate before his return, continuing to watch him instead of turning to her mother. “do you think dad would entertain it? he’s only a little older than me.”
     nora pauses, her pen’s scribbles halting in its tracks, scrapping against the paper. michael had a way about getting what he wanted, after all the shelby inside him was grimly decaying like some sticky, clingy tar as opposed to dissipating, but he consistently left his children out of the equation. much to his own detriment whilst they were little but there was no gain in this specific hollywood game. he’d won. gotten his lead actor, there was hardly a need for the hook, line and sinker foreplay act played subliminally through his freshly seventeen-year-old daughter. “wouldn’t feel the need to.”
     rosalin grimaces at her mother’s admission.
     she didn’t really know.
     “she’s just a kid–”
     “swallow it hen. filmin’ starts in the next few weeks and him’n’ that leigh-lassie will be all over the papers.”
     feeling a light burning sensation in her chest and bile rise in her throat causing a strain, “i hope he’s nice.”
     “well, if ‘es no, he’ll have tae deal with her glesga-bred brother, that an yir faither's kilt three blokes.”
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so, i saw priscilla and wanted to write this, i did explicitly write this as open-ended, take it how ever you will with rosie's last line. i've never really written for violet and i thought it would be fun - don't worry this very year this is set (50-'51) she does meet someone her own age, however it was james dean - vi really knows how to pick a bi doesn't she?
anyways it's pretty obvious who this is about but i didn't want a name drop, similarly with rosie's husband who i have named elsewhere (it's weird because i wouldn't consider it rpf, but it technically is).
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tvmblrluv · 26 days
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pbeltarts · 1 year
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It’s late and idk when I’ll be able to color these so have some design lines
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daisyjoyflower · 5 months
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youcalledsworld · 10 months
DP x DC prompt
The Justice League mistakes Danny for being older than he looks not because of historical texts but because they met him in the past.
Batman met Danny during his time as a pirate. Batman remembered fighting alongside Danny and an young African woman freeing innocent men and women.
Wonder Woman was sent back to ancient Rome and looking for a way back. While she was there she watched the fights in the Coliseum. She then noticed when one fighter lost his helmet and she saw her teammate Phantom. She was surprised to see him also fighting along side a tall redhead who fought like an amazon.
Barry met Phantom before he even became the Flash. It was a late night at work and he was walking home when a mugger attempted to rob him. Before he knew it the mugger was knocked unconscious and he was looking at a flying boy and girl with white hair. Barry was surprised and grateful when he was flown home by the strange duo.
The Bat family were sent back in time together when Ra's had just gotten control of the league. They also saw him trying to woo a redheaded woman while Phantom was beside her. When Ra's threatened to kill the woman's husband and raise her kids as his own, they watched the woman knee him in the nuts and heard Phantom ask the woman why she attracts creeps like him.
Zatanna and John Constantine were somehow sent back in time during the Salem Witch trials. They were both captured by a witch hunter and about to be set on fire. Then a man looking a lot like the witch hunter tackled the man and knocked him out. Phantom flew out of nowhere and untied them and took them somewhere safe.
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vectorisheree · 1 month
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Honk mimimimimimi
(Alternate versions and close ups under cut ^^)
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pricklenettle · 9 months
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As promised, here are all of this years invisobang illustrations in one post! I had so much fun with my ink pens and @wingedflight’s hamlet au
if you haven't already you should read her fic, it turned out so amazing!! Something Rotten
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theillustraitor · 16 days
Figured id try to post my danny phantom stuff on here too!
I drew these headshots as quick practice to figure out how i wanted everybody to look. Its pretty much just canon with a few slight color tweaks and making vals mask opaque lol
(Btw i have more fanart on my insta(same user) if anyone is interested. Ill be posting all my dp stuff here eventually once i get the time though)
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Jack meets one of the Sages, Simeon Silversweater. He asks Simeon if it’s true that the Sages have the power to bestow magical powers on regular humans like himself.
Another one of the Sages, Morgyn Ember, overhears this conversation while walking by. They do not seem to approve.
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lolottes · 6 months
amity park in the non-ghostly chaos after the departure of the youngest fenton
The situation with the GiW had gotten worse. Even Vlad was starting to get sniffed at by them after the GiW heard things about Vlad election.
The three halfa came together, despite the tension between them, for a common plan.
Danny couldn't leave until the gate closed.
Vlad couldn't leave while he was still attached to Maddie
both were endangering the halfa's secret existence and so Dani was worried. but she owed Danny a favor.
Danny was going to tell these parents, without transforming himself, just making his eyes shine at the end. If it goes well, so much the better! they will have help for the rest of the plan!! Otherwise Vlad would intervene to prevent the worst while sending a message to Dani who would trigger the Fenton sensors and pretend to be Danny Phantom and Vlad intervene immediately physically.
Why? Vlad thought it was the best way to make the parents believe that Danny had only tested them and that they had failed.
…What happened
Maddie didn't hesitate to shoot Danny when Danny's eyes started to shine. Then the detector distracted her while Danny ran. The Parrent duo followed Danny BUT were stopped by Vlad, who argued with them, taking out a bottle of shiny green ecto contact lens while taking out custody waiver papers which a still very tunned Jack signed while declaiming that they were coming to show where their priority was and it was NOT Danny and his well-being!
when Maddie? ... she didn't stay to listen to Vlad and went running after Dani Phantom.
Suffice it to say, Danny wasn't entirely happy with this "little" addition to the plan on Vlad's part, but it worked, vlad knew how to put pressure on people to sign his papers after all, he did not succeed in the business world ONLY thanks to his ability to own people. These parents seemed to question themselves or at least jack but Danny no longer had enough confidence to stay at Fenton Work. Vlad convinced them to close the portal. In any case, even if they had refused, Vlad would have just sabotaged the machine without blowing up the whole neighborhood, he has the knowledge to.
Once that was done, Vlad and Danny no longer had any ties to Amity Park other than friendships and the position of mayor. After all, Maddie reacted like that to her son ... so Vlad resigned himself, he didn't think that Maddie would be the one who would react ... react like this and not even stay to hear all his talk....
Danny chats with his two best friends and these two both intended to aim for Gotham University knowing that it was the best choice of city for the three of them. So they would meet again, just for a few years of long-distance friendship.
Danny even told Valerie what happened, without the part where he was Phantom, although some implied that Valerie was thinking about the implication for her. Danny didn't insist.
Dani decided to stay a little longer at Amity Park. After all, if Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom moved at the same time, it wouldn't have been for the best.... But Vlad threatened, she won't stay at Amity Park for long, Vlad will officially adopt Dani but he had better be correct! otherwise she will run away!!!
Danny and Vlad move to Gotham after Vlad's resignation speech on the importance of family over career and another snap election.
Dani, under the title of Phantom, warned the few Danny "enemy" arriving at Amity Park without any portal of the situation. But the closure of the fenton and vlad portals caused ghost attacks to drop sharply. Soooo, Val asks Dani about the situation and listened about the fenton portal....
and valerie was not silent about this sudject!
She was also very verbal at school, like it was normal that he was always so tired! he had to sleep above the point of ghosts entering the living world!! he who was so afraid of the slightest ghostly appearance!!! how do you want to sleep like that?!? why didn't anyone visit the Fenton home with Danny's grades dropping and falling grades! his overall change in behavior!!! In hindsight it was normal that Jazz was so mature if she had to hold the bar !!! why had no teacher sounded the alarm! What do you mean, Mr.Lancer, you did it but it didn't work? !!! How? or did it block?
Quickly Vallerie was not the only one to search and ... it was Tucker who said the passing remark that ignited things: Maybe it was the government that didn't want the only designer of anti-ghost weapons to be distracted from their work after they signed their government contract
Meanwhile, Danny was preparing for the first gala as Vlad's child in the mansion of the richest family in the city and in the top three in the world.
no pressure
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 9 days
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New header image for the blog!
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hithisiszooz · 27 days
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Don't You Forget About Me
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