#kate harbour
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esqueletosgays · 3 months
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Director: Ang Lee Cinematography: Rodrigo Prieto
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kate-komics · 2 years
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Alright, rugged but soft Easter Bunny Pedro is my personality this week.
For those of you super confused, David Harbour in an interview for his movie Violent Night (in which he plays Santa Claus) said they should get Pedro and Oscar to play the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy… so here we are.
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steven-g-rogers · 2 months
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fleursfairies · 9 months
i just read the silliest review for brokeback mountain
here are some quotes
"I can't relate to this at all. This is a film about the closet, but the two closeted queer men never vocally admit their queerness."
bro. its the 60s, they both, but especially ennis, have deep internalized homophobia, plus if they say it out loud then that makes it "real" AND they could literally die and jack DID
"It's two men, masculine, white, tough, cowboys, literal goddamned cowboys, whose identities are not (noticeably) wrapped up in their sexualities. And sure, people like this probably exist, but one of the worst parts of the closet was not being able to be who I am. And so, I can't relate to these guys."
wtf does this mean. just because they dont start shitting rainbows as soon as they realize their feelings for eachother doesn't make them any less real. they are who they are. even if they got to live in a world without homophobia together they would still be grumpy old cowboys.
"But, you ask, wasn't the point that they couldn't be who they were? And the answer is, no. The point was to make them as blandly straight as possible for mainstream Hollywood audiences so they might remotely identify with them somehow despite their (denied) queerness. The idea that they couldn't be who they really were is belied both by history and the fact that the bulk of their relationship takes place in the middle of nowhere. The point of their escapes into the wilderness was that they could be who they were--we could see their boyish play together especially in the beginning. So the least we deserved from this movie was a moment where their queerness was addressed frankly, directly, unavoidably, without all of the macho cowboy bullshit."
bro forgot that the only requirement for being gay is loving the same gender
macho cowboy bullshit is still queer if they love eachother!!!
"It avoids the issue in favor of making this about love instead of queerness."
????? im tired of some of yall tbh
idk if yall know this but some people can just live their lives and go with the flow
"I like love. I love love. But I want my queer love to be queer."
two men that kiss eachother so hard they almost break eachothers nose seems pretty queer to me
"A lot of heterosexual misery what about the poor straights bullshit."
? im thinking "awe i feel bad for alma" not "awe those poor straight people" this is such a wild thing to have to say but straight people can have meaningful storylines in queer movies.
anyways, macho cowboy bullshit = gay and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
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gameofthunder66 · 2 months
'Revolutionary Road' (2008) film
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=watched 7/14/2024- 2 [1/4] stars- on DVD
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providence-park · 2 years
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David Harbour as Shep Campbell
Dir. Sam Mendes
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camyfilms · 1 year
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You know, friend, this is a god damn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation.
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everythingilearned · 2 years
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Revolutionary Road (2008)
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mceproductions · 2 years
Best of 2022 TV Shows #2: Stranger Things (NETFLIX)
If one thing can come out of 2022. It’s that the 80s have not fully evaporated from our mindsets.
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Case In point Stranger Things long awaited 4th and penultimate installment.
1986, With Will, Johnathan, Eleven and Joyce setting up a new life out west life goes on for the rest of the upside down gang as they enter Hawkins High.
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Mike and Dustin seek out membership with the schools D&D Brigade known as the Hellfire club, led by the season’s breakout star Eddie Munson.
Lucas seeks to grow beyond his stereotypical persona with basketball and hair styles.
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Max sees more than trouble with visions of her late brother.
And Nancy joins with Robin and Steve to seek out a mystery involving the disappearance of local residents starting with Eddie’s close friend Chrissy.
All the while a darkness surfaces once again finally giving a face to what has made the previous 4 years memorable.
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And an unexpected return sets in motion a journey that will alter things.
What the duffers continue to do with their magnum opus is to allow not the decade to overwhelm the nostalgia but the blend to beautifully craft a unique experience.
And everybody has their major moments with the standouts being.
Joseph Quinn’s Eddie who rocked things on his version of Master of Puppets.
And, of course, Sadie Sink who will be given the full in depth look with the companion entry.
How will this end as Things get really interesting for the final chapter.
SUM 22: The runner up for years best show has things continuing to be Strange in Hawkins and the Upside Down.
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Note: Before anyone mentions it, I know Dwayne Johnson is attached to the project. I just think he’s better suited to play Hakim the Book of Love than Cody, mainly because I can’t see him playing “boring, insecure suburban dad”.
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kate-komics · 2 years
Hello! :)
Will you be making any of the Violent Night drawings you’ve done into prints or stickers on your Etsy shop? I’m not saying I need them, buuuuut… lol Pedro Pascal with bunny ears has changed me. I’m obsessed with your concept.
My bf surprised me with tickets to the movie tonight and Easter Bunny Pedro is all I’ll be thinking about.
Okay, first of all your boyfriend is the best.
Secondly… yes I’ll be making prints! Just ordered the paper yesterday! I’ll be selling 8x10 gloss prints of our sweet boys. Maybe some stickers too 😉 aiming to have them out in about a week (if the paper comes in time)
I added a boarder to make the image a little more dynamic and this is roughly what they’ll look like! (I gotta fix Oscar’s wings a little)
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I also have a very VERY cool series of new Star Wars prints coming out before the holidays too 😘
Thanks for asking!
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glitter-stained · 2 months
Batfam magical girl AU where a magical villain's spell fucks with the Gotham smog and causes the constellations of the Gotham night sky to shatter and fall. People who were standing there in the street at that moment are suddenly hit with magical fragments and becoming the Galaxy, also known as Stars of Gotham, magical protectors of the city now that the power of the enchanted Gotham night sky is broken and can't protect it from the forces of evil anymore (which explains why the city is so ridden with crime).
Bruce's new ward, Dick Grayson, is running away from the manor to try and hunt down his parents' murderer, Bruce hot on his tail. The two of them arrive to the harbour during the Starfall. Dick is hit with two fragments, the Constellation of the Robin and the dormant Constellation of the Bird, which get lodged in his heart. Bruce is hit with the Constellation of the Bat in a similar manner.
Barbara Gordon shouldn't be sneaking out, really, but her dad still hasn't come home from the police precinct and she just wanted to walk there and take him home when she is struck with the dormant Constellation of the Whispering Woman.
A couple alleys over, a very young boy is hiding from his mom's dealer in the alley near his apartment complex when he is hit by the dormant Constellation of the Wolf.
Over in the Bowlery, Crystal Brown is walking with her baby in her arms when said baby is hit with the dormant Constellation of the Closed Fist.
In the Narrows, Ellen Thomas is struck with the power of the dormant Constellation of the Eclipse.
Bruce becomes Batman, holder of the most powerful constellation in Gotham, with Dick's Robin at his side. But the fragment of the Bat constellation is too powerful and unstable, threatening his life as Bruce's crystal core grows inside his heart. Him, Kate and Barbara work together to stabilize the crystal, which works, but in the process of its extraction it shatters in four, one part in Bruce's chest, one part that they protect in a glass case, and one part in Kate's and Barbara's chests.
Dormant fragments tend to awaken in situations of crisis or great changes in somebody's life. This is how Dick's Bird fragment awakens as he fights with Bruce over firing him and taking in a new kid without telling him. Because Dick can't take the strain of two star fragments, he gives it to Jason after spending a day getting to know eachother and bonding as brothers, and the start of Nightwing and Robin.
After Barbara is shot and paralyzed, the fragments of the Whispering Woman awaken and keep her alive long enough to get to the hospital, but the cohabitation with her bat fragment endangers hers, so she eventually gives it to Bruce's newly adopted daughter Cassandra.
When Jason dies, they extract the Robin fragment from his heart because an awoken fragment in a dead body is a recipe for a big explosion. Tim fuses with the Robin fragment in the Batcave in order to save Batman's life. Steph has a turn with the Robin fragment when Tim has to retire because of his dad, until she is kidnapped by Black Mask and her closed fist constellation awakens, enabling her escape with an awesome burst of power but endangering her, leading to Tim reabsorbing the fragment.
Jason's wolf constellation awakens while he's in the coffin, and the strength of this magical disturbance brings him back to life, though it's unfortunately not enough to heal his brain damage.
Damian is a special case, a child born of someone with a crystal core (since Bruce was already a magical girl when at his conception). Because of this, he has a natural crystal core which is compatible with the reception of another fragment, so when the Robin fragment grows uncontrollably in a bid to make up for Bruce's absence, Damian absorbs part of it and his powers become a hybrid of the Robin and the Bat's, and he inherits Robin while Tim becomes Red Robin.
Duke, similar to Damian, inherits his powers from Ellen, and they begin to manifest as he finds himself in foster care and joing a gang of Robin fan children, leading to being eventually taken in by Bruce.
All of them have magical girl transformation sequences complete with glitter, diamonds and classic magical girl anime costumes.
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There's a bit in the Day of the Doctor novellisation where Kate remembers the last words her father said was him hoping The Doctor would come and visit him so she harbours some resentment towards them and I wish that was played up more in her character
It works to recreate the tension between 3/Brig without it being a carbon copy as this is more of an emotionally complex one rather than a moral one that broke down into a friendship
She wrestles with the fact that her dad's best friend-this beautiful mad wonderful being-also let him down majorly in the last moments of his life
So scenes where she says "You bring joy" and then stares him down icily when his actions get somebody killed have a lot more weight
Because it's once again a figure her dad saw the world in just failed to live to the standard of someone she-in turn-thought the world of
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adnauseum11 · 7 months
Bottom Line Up Front (John Price x Reader)
Kate updates John on what her reconnaissance has uncovered.
1k words
CW: swearing, allusion to past sexual assault
feedback welcome!
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Kate checks the incoming number on her ringing cell before swiveling away from her computer screen and answering. Her favourite current retiree is checking in, right on schedule, saving her a call. 
“John, how are things?”
“Alright Kate, any news there?” John asks, paused at a stop light after dropping his love off at work. 
“Yeah, actually. Let’s start with if you’re aware that there’s a photo of you and your lady on the internet, shall we?” 
Kate asks, already knowing the answer. 
It gets John’s full attention. He’s navigating back to his love’s place, and nearly misses his turn at Kate’s revelation.
“Yeah, were you at a pub recently?”
“A few.” John stays cagey, unused to his habits off duty being under a microscope. 
“Well, there is one over on Beecher’s Lane using a photo of you and a woman to advertise online.”  
“Ah Christ, I knew that was trouble. She does trivia nights with her mates there.” He says by way of explanation. 
He leaves out the part about her triumphant face at finally making it on to the leader board swaying his better judgement about the photo. Years of scrupulous image control to maintain his professionalism undone a few months into dating. Bloody hell. 
“Well, they scanned it and posted it up. I can see why though, she’s very pretty. Well done, John. I can see why you kept her to yourself.”
“Alright, easy, you’re happily married Kate.” 
John reminds her, a wave of possessiveness sweeping through him. 
“Yeah, married but not dead.” 
“She’s spoken for.” John growls, navigating a roundabout while Kate irritates him from afar. 
“Obviously. I did some digging on my end on the name you gave. It’s come back with some colourful info. He’s ex-army, dishonorable discharged for sexual assault years ago. He’s done contract work in the past; one was with some of Col. Norris’ men. Ring any bells on that name?” 
John’s processing as he drives, a sinking feeling in his gut.
“Of course, you think there’s more of a connection there?” 
John’s memory of threatening the Colonel is clear as day, although it had been years and a long road since that incident. The mention of sexual assault has him tightening his grip on the steering wheel unconsciously. 
“Norris is involved in the contract you turned down, that Gaz is on right now. Not sure yet, it is unusual that there would be a connection for a random B&E. I’m going to keep poking around. Certainly, it feels off. Your instincts remain sound, Captain.” Kate acknowledges John’s talent for uncovering bullshit.
John hums, internally thankful he’s already on his way to his love’s place to poke around and doubly grateful he turned down the contract weeks ago. He adds stopping by the pub to his list of errands.
“He didn’t put up much of a fight when I got there. You say he’s ex-army?”
“Well, personally, I think your reputation may have preceded you. If connection to you is what brought attention on her, they’d be looking to confirm they have the right woman, not rob her. He likely would have known you on sight, probably chose the best course of action to preserve his neck in the moment when the wrong person turned up.”
John’s blood runs cold as he pulls into his love's driveway. He idles in the car, staring at the door and the busted doorhandle, still unfixed, as dread sits like lead in his stomach. John’s done too much to be naïve to the potential outcomes.
“You think someone wants to leverage her against me? Norris?” John’s putting the information together quickly, following instincts.  
“Maybe. You’ve certainly given him no reason to like you, and he could be harbouring a grudge for the way his men were treated. He’s got an ego and a chip on his shoulder. Like I said, I’m going to keep flipping stones. There’s nothing solid there yet.”
John sighs, scratching his cheek before replying.
“Alright, thanks Kate. I’d hate to be right on this, but better to get ahead of it. Maybe let Gaz know something is up, if it’s connection to me they’re after. Better safe than sorry.”
“Already in motion. In the meantime, it goes without saying that I would encourage you to keep her away from the apartment.”
Kate swivels back to her computer, a notification blinking in the bottom corner.
“She won’t be going back. She’s moving out.” 
“You found a place that quickly? Impressive, John.” 
Kate’s tone is vaguely distracted as she reads the incoming message.
“She’s moved in with me.”
There’s a pregnant pause on the other end of the line for a moment. John has a feeling he has her full attention once again.
“Well, I suppose that makes sense, but that’s moving faster than I would have expected from a bachelor like yourself, Captain. What’s next, going to marry her before spring rolls around?” 
John presses his lips together in exasperation. Kate is teasing but there’s a vein of incredulity running underneath her comments that John can hear. He can’t totally blame her; this part of his life had been strictly off-limits. For the exact reason unfolding now, to his immense frustration. From the outside looking in, it would look like sudden madness, he’s sure. On some level, he wonders if it is, a man like him trying to retire into a normal life. 
“I don’t need time to get to know her Kate, I’ve known her forever.” John reminds her.  “Christ, you’re making me miss dealing with Simon. He doesn’t ask this many questions.”
“Who do you think found the photo, John?” 
He finally turns the car off, exhaling into the phone. 
“Jesus Christ, Kate.”
“He was concerned that you were slipping, letting that get posted. He’ll be relieved to know you sniffed this out.”
“Him and I both. Keep me posted on what else you find.”
John’s back to giving orders he’s no longer got any business giving and Kate humours him, the stress in his voice evident to her long-trained ear.
“Rog that, John. You keep yourselves safe until we get more details.”
Next Chapter
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