#language self-study
Does anybody else have like three-four different voices when they’re learning Japanese or another language? I’ve got:
1. My usual tone and pitch
2. A lower pitch with a little less tone variation
3. A higher, more ‘feminine’ sounding pitch with slightly more tone variation
4. Sounding like I’m auditioning to be an anime VA
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4theitgirls · 1 month
I love your page it’s very inspiring I’m always looking at new updates and I was wondering do you have any channels for Spanish, French, and Italian language learning. I’m trying some new things and language learning is definitely at the top.
thank you so much!
spanish language learning:
♡ spanish after hours
♡ anna lenkovska
♡ butterfly spanish
♡ learn spanish with spanishpod101.com
french language learning:
♡ learn french with frenchpod101.com
♡ learn french with alexa
♡ easy french
italian language learning:
♡ italy made easy
♡ learn italian with italianpod101.com
♡ shea jordan
general language learning:
♡ elysse speaks
♡ jo franco
♡ tanya benavente
♡ veronika’s language diaries
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winningismyjob · 2 months
Late night study sessions might feel exhausting, but they're also some of the most rewarding moments in your academic journey. When the world is quiet, and it's just you and your books, you have the opportunity to dive deep into your studies, to understand, and to grow. Remember, every hour you put in, every note you take, and every concept you master is a step closer to your goals.
It's okay to feel tired. It's okay to take breaks. But never forget the power of persistence. Each time you push through, you're building not just your knowledge, but also your resilience. This is your journey, and while it might not always be easy, it's worth it.
So, surround yourself with what inspires you whether it's a cup of coffee, your favorite study playlist, or motivational quotes that keep you going. You’ve got this. Keep your head up, your mind sharp, and your heart determined. Every challenge you overcome is a victory, every question you answer is progress.
Stay focused, stay motivated, and remember why you started. You’re capable of more than you know, and this is just one step on your path to success. Keep going. The effort you put in today will pay off tomorrow.
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thelailasblog · 1 month
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sneakyneth · 7 months
Poly 141 x gn!reader
The guys come back early from a mission and find you stressed over work
They were exhausted as always it doesn't matter how many missions they went over it never gets easier but they managed to get back earlier and were excited to see you, to surprise you.
Once they got to the apartment they expected to see you in the sofa watching some TV shows o scrolling through your phone but they only found an empty living room, they got their boots off in the entry and went looking for you in the room, maybe you were already sleep after all it was kinda late, but you weren't there so they went to your office.
The apartment only had 2 rooms, the main room were all of you slept and your office since you worked mostly from home, but they had a sofa for when they wanted to be around you while you were working and there you were in front of your computer clearly stressed with multiple mugs (probably coffee) around you.
They were gonna come in but you let out an angry grunt "why it isn't working, why can't I make it work?! Aaaaagh" you pick up the phone probably looking at the time "ugh I should go to sleep but I have to finish this quickly!!! The guys will come back soon and I have to prepare everything!!!" They always found endearing when you talked to yourself mumbling thoughts or songs and when you thought you were alone it helps them to know what you're thinking and now it's obvious that you were under a lot of pressure probably because of the work you were doing since the apartment wasn't really messy nothing that you couldn't fix in less than a hour but they knew you wanted to receive them in a clean house and food ready like you always do.
They entered the room and once they were on your back you turned around scared obviously not expecting anyone but once you saw it was them, your boys, you jumped on their arms immediately they surrounded you in a much needed hug, "I thought you would come back in a couple days" "we managed to finish early" you tried to apologize for not having anything ready but they diminished that, said that they understood that you also had a job that was time consuming, they offered you to go to bed now not only because they really needed to feel you but also because it was obvious you haven't slept well in their absence.
It didn't take long for you to accept, you were stressed and your work wasn't finished but you were so tired and you missed them so much, once you got in the bedroom you took turns to take a shower and later put on some soft pj's all of you got on the bed and after kissing everyone good night you fell asleep in seconds now having your boys with you and feeling there heat, hearing their hearts when you rested you head in their chest you felt like in heaven.
Not used at writing sorry if it's garbage
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Daily Check-in: April 4, 2024 🎀
What a good day! I swear I hadn't had a day so good in so long, but this day was absolutely amazing!
🩷 What I Accomplished Today:
reviewed chapters 8 and 9 of Spanish on Busuu
Studied my Spanish flashcards 1x all the way through
listened to three podcast episodes in spanish
read a chapter of Deep Work, the last chapter of Atomic Habits, and a section from 101 Essays to Change The Way You Think
discovered and listened to "A Better You" podcast by Fernanada Raamirez
Went to my make up chemistry lab
took a make up psyc quiz
met with my psych doctor
had a therapy session
had a meeting with the director of the Dietetic program for my university
filled out an application to become an SI instructor (just not to turn it in to the head SI guy now)
Caught up on my chemistry notes
opened a savings account for my university
searched for nearby places to rent/live (I'm moving out soon, sometime this year)
🩷 What Went Good Today:
Got encouraged to add a 2nd major in Finance
Created a list/schedule of classes for next semester that I'm really excited about
learned about other on-campus job opportunities in case SI doesn't work out
felt confident about my psyc quiz after I took it
the director of the Dietetic program was the absolute sweetest and most helpful, and I am so glad I met with her because she answered all of my questions and gave me some great encouragement
finished my chem lab very quickly
didn't need extra money to open a savings account so a savings account got opened
🩷 What Could Have Gone Better:
I felt like I bugged my dad a lot, but I was just so excited to tell him how good everything was going
Need to re evaluate how much I can realistically save per paycheck at the moment for my housing situation AND the college savings account
got a bit emotional with my boyfriend over some past stuff
did not eat the best or the healthiest
psych doc ordered an EKG because she is concerned that I may have an arrhythmia (had an EKG done in the past for the same reason, but was told it was because of my exercise habits at the time ~4 years ago) and having an arrhythmia will limit the mental health medication I am able to take
Overall, not a bad day whatsoever! I was in a really good mood all day because of how awesome everything was and I'm super grateful that I was able to have such a good day!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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eddis-not-eeddis · 2 months
I got an hourly planner and instead of planning out my day, I just write in it if I’ve done something that I’m proud of or that I enjoy, and it’s amazing how much I’ve gotten done lately and how much fun I’ve had now that I’m trying to impress myself.
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miiyayaya · 1 month
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✩°。⋆ Hello everyone ⋆。°✩ 18/08/24
This is my third day learning Dutch and I must say, I'm starting to already get confident in the language which is kind of a rare thing for me, as I usually am not someone who is really self-confident, but I still am sure that I am making a lot of mistakes while talking or writing.
✩°。⋆ What I did Today ⋆。°✩
Today I actually didn't have that much motivation to sit down and study, and I also watched only one video from the Dutch with Kim playlist, but I did a lot of research about the language on my phone and just translated a bunch of sentences from german to dutch and vice versa.
I focused mainly on my vocabulary and wrote some words down in my notebook, I also looked up some more verb conjugations.
I also stumbled upon something called "het betrekkelijk voornaamwoord" and researching about it kind of led me down a linguistic (?) rabbit hole.
In yesterday's post, I had also said that I would start adding snippets of me writing a paragraph in Dutch so that you too can see my progress and I have kept my promise. :>
✩°。⋆ Dutch Paragraph ⋆。°✩
Het is mijn derde dag dat ik nederlands leer. Vandaag had ik geen motivatie,dus ik heb niet veel geleerd. Ik heb alleen een nederlandse video gekeken en ik heb de woorden in de video die ik niet weet, in mijn notitieboek geschreven.
(Could only write this much, but I will probably keep this section longer in the future as I learn more, and if you can speak Dutch and spot a mistake, please feel free to correct it in the comments!)
Thank you all for reading and goodbye! 💙
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learnukrainian · 1 year
Free online courses about Ukraine
Basics of the Ukrainian Language and Culture - https://www.open.edu/openlearn/languages/introduction-ukrainian-language-and-culture/
Ukraine: History, Culture, and Identities; this course is available in English, French, Italian, and Norwegian on Coursera: https://ui.org.ua/en/sectors-en/the-first-online-course-about-ukraine-in-english/
The Making of Modern Ukraine with Timothy Snyder: https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-making-of-modern-ukraine
Crimea: History and People on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/crimea-history-and-people/
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sonnelstudies · 2 years
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lørdag, 18 marts 2023
studying phonetic writing for danish and exploring københavn!
min dansk er stadig ikke så god, men det er ved at blive lidt bedre
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stepstofluency · 14 days
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follow my studygram for more: @stepstofluency
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darlinguistics · 6 months
a mindset that helped me a quite a bit in the past and still presently whenever studying a language gets really difficult or overwhelming or you feel like you are making no progress/not retaining anything or that its all pointless is that 1, there is literally nothing wrong with slowly learning a language. and more importantly, 2, sometimes shit needs time to sink in! i remember finishing korean 101 feeling genuinely like i had learned basically nothing and still struggled with the most easy concepts but! when 102 came along suddenly focusing on new material made me realize that the old stuff became intuitive! and that same pattern happens over and over, where a concept seems so awkward and complicated and impossible to grasp and then a few months later while focusing on an entirely different concept i realize the old confusing things are somehow now the 'easy' part that comes naturally! so i guess basically what im saying is i learned to MOVE ON! let yourself zoom out from this one little piece of the language and see the pieces surrounding it and overlapping with it! if a lesson was hard, good! it should have been! you probably wont feel confident in it during or even right after! but the work and energy you put into it isnt a waste just cuz it doesnt immediately pay off, sometimes you have to look away and just move on and trust that the knowledge will settle itself comfortably into your brain while you work on other things, especially if you keep reinforcing it here and there. consistent work will never be a waste even if you dont get immediate payoff. and one day youll wonder when the hell you got so quick at reading or when you memorized a rule or when you learned something you literally were never taught but just observed with your own intuition. so much of language learning is trusting yourself, and trusting this invisible force and process of learning thats bigger than you. it isnt all up to conscious studying and conscious effort and learning, you also need to give yourself time to unconsciously internalize things. and that takes much much longer than a week-long grammar lesson!!
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asylumgarden2003 · 20 days
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Learning Languages
Hey! It's Anastasia! I'll teach you how to learn languages, coming from someone who can speak 6 languages, understand 7, and currently learning 2!
Languages I know: 𓉸ྀི english 𓉸ྀི french 𓉸ྀི hindi 𓉸ྀི gujarati 𓉸ྀི marathi 𓉸ྀི hebrew
Languages I understand: 𓉸ྀི all of the above 𓉸ྀི spanish
Language I'm learning: 𓉸ྀི west Frisian 𓉸ྀི italian
How To Start Off With Languages:
𓉸ྀི Find a language you actually want to learn. Motivation is a big thing with language learning. 𓉸ྀི If you find language learning harder, I would suggest finding a language that is closer to the one you speak the most. For example, you may want to try Portuguese if you speak Spanish.
Side note: If you guys would like, I can do a separate post on this.
How To Study A Language:
𓉸ྀི Document your progress! Make your own dictionary with phonetics you can look back on! Write the alphabet, words and sentences you have learned 𓉸ྀི As we all know, Duolingo is a great app for language learning but, Drops is super helpful too! 𓉸ྀི Practice with your friends and watch YouTubers who teach you the language! Repeat after them! 𓉸ྀི Find a TV SHOW/MOVIE you have already watched! Now watch it in the language you're learning! Really helps if it is a show/movie for kids. Like a Disney movie! 𓉸ྀི Learn slang. It's fun!
How To Study While Busy:
𓉸ྀི As a student, I get super busy with homework. I try my best to at least do ONE lesson on Duolingo or Drops daily. 𓉸ྀི I try to translate some of the words I know from my homework into another language. Ex. Drama = Drame (French) Ex. Biology = Biologie (French)
How To Study Multiple Language At Once:
𓉸ྀི As a victim of this, PLEASE don't do this. Even knowing so many languages, I feel overwhelmed that I'm trying to learn two languages simultaneously. Stick to one, move to the next after you've mastered the first.
Thank you so much for reading. We appreciate every like, comment, reblog and follow. Please do follow us for more study, glow-up, and fashion content!
Love, Anastasia
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thelailasblog · 1 month
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renegade-hierophant · 2 months
A table of beginner Ancient Greek courses with chapters collated for parallel study: link to Google Spreadsheet.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Daily Check-in: April 14, 2024 🎀
Hello lovelies! Life is looking better again, but omg was Wednesday thru Saturday morning rough for me. Even last night I was crying my eyes out, but things got better today so I am happy. I want to make a small announcement about the future of my blog: I am changing the theme!! I will still be keeping the pinterest-image, pink, girly aesthetic for my more general posts (lists, routines, etc) but for my daily check ins, I will be using photos I take myself (anonymous surroundings, notes, food/drinks, etc) and colors and emojis that compliment the photos! I have been wanting to change the vibe a bit lately to make it more me, more personal, and I think now is the time to do so! I'm excited to start taking my own photos now, that'll be so fun!!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
washed my sheets, towels, blankets, and comforter
washed and put away all laundry
cleaned the bathroom
packed shoes to ship from my depop shop
cooked chicken fettuccine alfredo from scratch (I made the sauce myself too! it was heavy on the parm and some pieces of chicken were salty, but it was so yummy and rich in flavor!)
planned out some of my week
packed my gym bag for tomorrow (I'm gonna start working out again, I'm nervous)
did my guided journal and morning journal
read 3 chapters of The Untethered Soul (interesting so far, going to keep reading to see how I enjoy it)
wrote out my brain dump for the week
reflected on the week + updated with my accountability buddies
bought groceries (time to make smoothies for breaky this week) and toiletries
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
my pasta was super yummy
had a long phone call with my dad (it was a good talk!)
finally read a physical book and not on my ipad
had such a nice, long shower early this morning
confidently planned goals for the week
my psyc assignment got extended til Wednesday for the whole class
found a recipe for avocado protein smoothie (excited to try it)
🩷 Stuff For Tomorrow
make a breakfast smoothie
gym cardio workout
need to ship shoes I sold
need to complete my homework
studying Spanish (have an italki lesson on April 22nd!!)
read some more
studying chemistry in preparation for my finals
No "what needs to go better" for me today, because today was a really good day. I'm feeling better and life itself is working out the way I knew it would. I just gotta trust in the universe more.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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