averagehaloplayer · 10 months
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tempestgnostic · 8 months
listen i know that not everybody who can be considered ‘queer’ identifies with that word. that’s fine. but y’all, ‘queer’ is one syllable and has a fuckton of history. ‘queer theory’ is an established academic staple. it’s punchy, it’s recognizable, it’s still not something you can put on a t-shirt at Target. the acronym has ballooned out of control because we feel the need to add a letter for every identity that could otherwise be left out, instead of just affirming, for example, ‘asexual people can identify as queer’ or whatever. there’s a whole BBC article out there referring to us as ‘the LGBTQQIAAP community.’ the most horrific linguistic monstrocity i’ve seen is one i learned about today: ‘LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA,’ which i’m choosing to believe is a joke that got out of hand.
please, i’m begging you, just say queer. please just say queer. lgbtq+ if you must use an acronym. holy shit.
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oldmanlanvincat · 7 months
성적인 것은 정치적이다 / 슬라보예 지젝
... 그것은 (상징적) 거세에 대한 불안이다. 내가 젠더적으로 어떤 선택을 하든 나는 뭔가를 잃게 될 것이다. 성별을 구분한다는 일에서, 그 자체에서 어떤 무엇인가는 회복 불가능하게 상실되기 때문에(거세되기 때문에) 두 성별은 함께 전체를 형성하지 않는다. 그러므로 성적인 선택을 할 때 나는 상대방이 가진 것을 상실한다고 가정할 수 있다. 이는 나의 ​​부족함을 채워줄 X를 상대방이 갖고 있다는 환상을 버려야 한다고,도 말할 수도 있다. 그렇다면 트랜스젠더리즘은 궁극적으로 거세를 회피(불안)하려는 시도임을 짐작할 수 있다. 이러한 트랜스 젠더리즘 덕분에 나에게는 다양한 선택이, 거세의 흔적을 남기지 않고 평면적인 공간에서 가능해진다. 
문제의 핵심은 바로 그것에 있다. LGBT 경향은 표준적이고 규범적인 성을 “해체”하고, 그것을 탈존재화하며, 그 안에 긴장과 불일치로 가득 찬 우발적 역사적 구성을 인식한다는 점에서는 옳다. 그러나 이러한 추세란, 이들이 가진 긴장감이 남성과 여성의 이분대립이라는 규범적인 구속처럼 강제적으로 좁혀진다는 사실로서 ----- 나는 정확히 알아보고 서술할 수는 없지만 올바르지 않아진다는 이야기이다. LGBT역시 남녀의 성구분과 똑같이 긴장적이고, 표준적인 하나의 적대적 권력형태가 되어간다는 사실이다. LGBT라는 다양성을 제시하면서 나는 나 자신을 게이, 양성애자 등으로 완전히 인식할 수 있다고 가정한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 라캉의 관점에서 볼 때 적대적 긴장은 성적인 것 자체를 구성하기 때문에 환원될 수 없으며, 아무리 분류적으로 다양화하고 증식해도 우리를 젠더로부터 구할 수 없다.
+에 집중하는 슬레보예 지젝
This deadlock of classification is clearly discernible in the need to expand the formula: the basic LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) becomes LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual) or even LGBTQQIAAP (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual). To resolve the problem, one often simply adds a + which serves to include all other communities associated with the LGBT community, as in LGBT+. This, however, raises the question: is + just a stand-in for missing positions like “and others,” or can one be directly a +? The properly dialectical answer is “yes,” because in a series there is always one exceptional element which clearly does not belong to it and thereby gives body to +. It can be “allies” (“honest” non-LGBT individuals), “asexuals” (negating the entire field of sexuality) or “questioning” (floating around, unable to adopt a determinate position). 
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kaplisbelial · 3 years
*looks at you lovingly while you talk about a first degree murder*
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ace-of-none · 2 years
I was in a mood for drawing and thinking about stuff. I’ve seen so much queerphobic stuff  lately so I made some doodles. I’m no professional and I’m not a big tumblr user but I just wanted to share
I’m using my own sona and such but I just wanna tell people that. I might do more.
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The full acronym is lgbtqqiaap, and each a has several meanings.
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
I've seen the full elongated LGBTQ+ acronym written out as LGBTQQIAAP, which doesn't include nonbinary as a term. I'm guessing that this is because we're supposed to be included under the trans* umbrella, but I personally don't consider myself trans even though I'm an enbie (I feel like that's controversial but I don't know). Do you think we should add another letter or is it not worth bothering because no one really writes out LGBTQ+ in its entirety anyway?
I do understand why it bothers you, and I’d like to have it in there too, since trans is an umbrella term, but so is nonbinary, and if they have lesbian when there’s already gay... Idk. I do agree though. Granted its true that most people don’t type out the entire thing though.
(I think it might be controversial, but it’s different for every enby so no one should fight about it)
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Sing Along with Me!
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dark-angel-wish · 5 years
You know what I don’t get? How some parents, after years of raising and loving your child one day when you find out that they are part of the LGBTQ+ community you just abandon them? As if they’re all of a sudden a different person and not the child you’ve had for years?
I mean, when a couple is expecting a baby, all they’re hoping for is the baby to be happy and healthy, they don’t give a shit about the baby’s sexuality or gender situation, because in the beginning, they knew that that wasn’t important enough to care about but all of a sudden it’s a big deal?
People like that don’t deserve to be parents.
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davidrobertscotland · 5 years
LGBTQQIAAP: A Choose Your Own Adventure Story
I am currently taking part in ‘Like the Prose’, a challenge run by The Literal Challenge where you are provided with a writing brief every day for 30 days and are required to submit a piece of writing within 36 hours of receiving that brief. 
One of the most recent briefs was to write a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ story - you know like the Goosebump books? 
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, one of the questions I am most commonly asked is what each letter of the acronym stands for and the definition of each term. With that in mind I decided to fashion a CYOA story that covered as many of the members of the community as possible. 
I’ve already had some lovely feedback and think it could be a good resource so I am posting it here to get feedback from other members of the community. Any tweaks or suggestions for improvements would be greatly appreciated. Also if any of the language used is outdated or incorrect please do let me know. The story follows below: 
1. Would you like to explore your gender or your sexuality? If you would like to explore your gender please go to number two. If you would like to explore your sexuality go to number three.
2. Sorry to get personal so early but to carry on with this gender study we have to know whether you have male or female biological features. If you have male biological features go to number four. If you have female biological features go to number five. If you have both male and female biological features go to number 6.
3. In order to establish your sexuality, first we need to know your gender. If you identify as male go to number 17. If you identify as female go to number 18. If you identify as both genders, a third gender, three genders, many or all genders or you move between genders go to number 19.
4. You have male biological features. But how do you identify? If you identify as male go to number 7. If you identify as female go to number 8. If you identify as both genders, a third gender,  three genders, many or all genders, no gender or you move between genders go to number 9.
5. You have female biological features. But how do you identify? If you identify as female go to number 12. If you identify as male go to number 13. If you identify as both genders, a third gender,  three genders, many or all genders, no gender or you move between genders go to number 14.
6. Because you have both male and female biological features, you are Intersex. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community, you may also choose to identify as Queer.
7. You have male biological features and identify as male. If you were born with male biological features go to number 10. If you created your male biological features with the assistance of hormones and/or surgery please go to number 11.
8. Because you have male biological features and identify as female, you are a Transgender Woman. If you desire to permanently transition to the female gender you may also choose to identify as a Transexual Woman. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
9. Because you have male biological features but identify as either both genders (bigender), a third gender (third gender), three genders (trigender), many or all genders (pangender), no gender (agender) or you move between genders (genderfluid), you are Non-binary or Genderqueer. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
10. Because you were born with male biological features and identify as male, you are a Cisgender Man.
11. Because you have male biological features which you created with the assistance of hormones and/or surgery and you identify as male, you are a Transgender Man. You may also choose to identify as a Transexual Man. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
12. You have female biological features and identify as female. If you were born with female biological features go to number 15. If you created your female biological features with the assistance of hormones and/or surgery please go to number 16.
13. Because you have female biological features and identify as male, you are a Transgender Man. If you desire to permanently transition to the male gender you may also choose to identify as a Transexual Man. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
14. Because you have female biological features but identify as either both genders (bigender), a third gender (third gender), three genders (trigender), many or all genders (pangender), no gender (agender) or you move between genders (genderfluid), you are Non-binary or Genderqueer. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
15. Because you were born with female biological features and identify as female, you are a Cisgender Woman.
16. Because you have female biological features which you created with the assistance of hormones and/or surgery and you identify as female, you are a Transgender Woman. You may also choose to identify as a Transexual Woman. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
17. You identify as male. If you are attracted to men go to number 20. If you are attracted to women go to number 21. If you are attracted to both men and women go to number 22. If you are attracted to people with gender not a factor being considered go to number 23. If you aren’t sure which gender you are attracted to go to number 24. If you are not sexually attracted to others go to number 25.
18. You identify as female. If you are attracted to women go to number 26. If you are attracted to men go to number 27. If you are attracted to both men and women go to number 22. If you are attracted to people with gender not a factor being considered go to number 23. If you aren’t sure which gender you are attracted to go to number 28. If you are not sexually attracted to others go to number 25.
19. Because you identify as both genders, a third gender, three genders, many or all genders or you move between genders (Non-binary/Genderqueer) you may simply choose to identify your sexuality as Queer. If you are attracted to both men and women you may be happy to identify as Bisexual. If you are attracted to others with gender not a factor being considered you may be happy to identify as Pansexual. If at times you identify as a woman and are attracted to women you may be happy to identify as Lesbian. If at times you identify as a man and are attracted to men you may be happy to identify as Gay. If you aren’t sure which gender you are attracted to you may be happy to identify as Questioning. If you are not sexually attracted to anyone you may be happy to identify as Asexual.
20. Because you identify as male and are attracted to men, you are Gay. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
21. Because you identify as male and are attracted to women, you are Straight. Sorry about that. Don’t worry, you can still be an Ally by supporting the LGBTQIAAP community.
22. Because you are attracted to both men and women, you are Bisexual. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
23. Because you are attracted to people with gender not a factor being considered, you are Pansexual. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
24. Because you identify as male and aren’t sure which gender you are attracted to, you are Questioning. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer. You may at a later date choose to identify as Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual or Asexual.
25. Because you are not sexually attracted to others, you are Asexual. You may still fall in love with someone, be in a relationship with someone or be attracted by someone but you have no need to act this out sexually. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
26. Because you identify as female and are attracted to women, you are Lesbian. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer.
27. Because you identify as female and are attracted to men, you are Straight. Sorry about that. Don’t worry, you can still be an Ally by supporting the LGBTQIAAP community.
28. Because you identify as female and aren’t sure which gender you are attracted to, you are Questioning. As a member of the LGBTQQIAAP community you may also choose to identify as Queer. You may at a later date choose to identify as Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual or Asexual.
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auxiliary9 · 6 years
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#Repost @thrivelgbtq with @get_repost ・・・ Guess what #thrivetribe?! . . We are hosting #thrive at Marina Park in Ventura this Thursday May 24th! . . The picture above describes where to park in the parking lot when you first arrive, our meet up location at the pirate ship and our Tribe spot which is further down the peninsula. . . 5-5:45 is guided meditation and 6-7:30PM is our community meeting and clean up/pack up from 7:30-8PM. . . Please bring some grub! We are all gonna chow down while we basque in the California sun, meditate and connect with the rest of our community! . . RSVP to Audrey and tell her what grub you'll be bringing 8056251369 🌈🍇🥑🌮🍕🥗 . . #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqqiaap #ventura #beach #venturabeach #marinapark #ThriveLGBTQ #ThriveU #ThriveThursday #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #queer #questioning #intersex #asexual #pansexual (at Marina Park Peninsula)
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You guys need to watch this! It's incredibly powerful and so special. I cried so hard watching this!
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jamicha · 4 years
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I’ve been feeling awfully prideful today
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I am tired at the moment but I do want to thank you all who have been there for me not just for my transition but also for my Drag persona, Maximum Volume, who is still a developing and growing character in the Drag king community. Drag has helped me get through my dysphoria and boost my confidence. Also please follow @elizabethwintersqween who is an AMAZING drag queen👏🏽❤️ Top surgery was a success!!! And now in less than a week I'll be going back to San Francisco to Dr. Mosser to remove my drains😁 If you want to follow my journey please follow everyday account @kaisonorion 🏳️‍🌈 . . . #dragking #dragperformer #drag #ftm #transgender #topsurgery #drmosser #trans #femaletomale #transcommunity #lgbt #lgbtqqiaap #loveislove #gay #queer
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kaplisbelial · 4 years
Tfw your family wants you to be in the holiday spirit but youre a queer trans witch
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crowleycrawley · 7 years
Hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that not all trans guys and girls are changing themselves because they like someone of the other sex. If it was that simple, then we could all just be gay or lesbian, no need to go all the way to transgender. The reason why trans guys and girls want to be the opposite gender is because they IDENTIFY with the opposite gender. And identifying with the other gender isn’t as simple as “oh, I like what that guy likes and I’m a girl, I must be trans!” or “hey I put on makeup and I’m a guy, I must be a girl now!”. Being transgender means that you feel more comfortable identifying as someone of the “opposite gender”. HOWEVER! It doesn’t mean that you need to go out of your way to be like that gender! For example, I identify as a boy, but I can still wear dresses and makeup if that’s what makes me comfortable, and still identify as a boy! Also, as an aromantic, I’m not changing my gender because I “like someone”, or “I want to date the other gender”. I am changing my assigned gender because I WANT TO. It is NOT for someone else, and should NEVER be for someone else. It is YOUR CHOICE, and you should do whatever makes YOU feel comfortable and happy. Being transgender in a lot of cases isn’t a “choice” as well. You can’t control how you feel. If I could, I wouldn’t EVER be trans. Not because I’ve got anything against being trans, (hell, I AM TRANS), but because it’s just easier for everyone, and there’s no dysphoria, or worrying about bathrooms, or anything that goes along with being trans.
And one more thing. If a friend of yours tells you they want to change their gender and want you to call them by a different name and use different pronouns, DO NOT. SHOOT. THEM. DOWN. You can express that it makes you feel uncomfortable, and the two of you can work together to come to a compromise, but do not EVER tell them “No, that’s so WEIRD I’d NEVER do that for you!” or something along those lines, because as someone who has had to do it before, telling other people has been the HARDEST PART YET of being transgender. Dysphoria sucks, but telling my parents and friends has been a nightmare of panic attacks and fear. If someone trust you enough to open up to you? DON’T SHOOT THEM DOWN. FOR THEIR SAKE. PLEASE.
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nikkilev78 · 5 years
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This Saturday, celebrate my B'Day, Bi Visibility and the LGBTQQIAAP and Ally Rainbow at Bi Bar Gets Totally Local: Nikki Lev's Birthday Edition! At Local Lounge (Official)! Dance party, sexy performances, Pisces birthday dances and access to my booty for birthday spankings! It's gonna be a blast. Let me introduce some more fabulous performers... Two veterans of The Velvet Rope's sexy show Velvet Strip, Persephone and John Kilo are known as "Booty and the Beef" by me mainly, but it'ss been said into a microphone, so it'ss official! Persephone also debuted in a feature performance on the Blow Pony stage last month and John is a performer at Stag PDX! Don't miss these hella hot people in a special duet performance at Bi Bar! $6 to enter! DJ starts at 9, Sexy Variety Show Starts 11ish! Burlesque, Drag, Stripping, GoGoing and such from Nikki, Rogue Safari, Mis Monsta / The Lady Monsta, John Kilo, Persephone and Miss Amanda! Birthday Lapdances being given (and received?) by Nikki too! Bi Bar and Bi Brigade swag from Lisa Bogan and crew! If you didn't know: Bi Brigade hosts a number of Bi social events including the monthly Bi Bar at Crush Bar. Nikki and Lisa decided to add a "few times a year" dance party into the mix, and here we are! We hope you will join us for this delicious evening at Local Lounge! #bibar #bibrigade #bivisibility #lgbtqqiaap #localloungepdx #bipdx #lgbtqpdx #nikkilevtheglitterbeast #nikkilev #nikkisbirthday (at Local Lounge (Official)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BurICN1gHz2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z6ygb5s01zf1
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