#like that feels like it should not be possible but here we are somehow
theladybrownstarot · 2 days
Pick-A-Card: What messages your future spouse wants to give you ?
𐙚˚ Here's my masterlist for more !
𐙚˚ Make sure you like/follow/reblogg and comment for pacs like these !
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Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading:
Hey love , don't be hopeless but hopeful okay ? I feel sad when you are sad .. I will come soon to meet you!
You should go outside more and socialise. Don't be a hypocrite! Live your life yes !
Damnn man you so brainy like me ! I will plan study dates often yay !
Don't be a coffee/tea addict and take care of your health okay ?
Don't you think that you are being quite lazy now days , huh ? Get your ass for work !
Don't be too selfless because people ain't that good in this world but somehow seeing you I feel happy that you are among those who are rare gems for this world.
Pile 2.
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's get with your reading :
Listen to me you can do it because I believe in you than anyone in this world . You understand me ? I belive in you and with you because we are in this together.
You appear to be more angelic when you are calm not when you are/will be shouting on me .
I just feel so attracted towards you like man why are you so damnn attractive without efforts, huh ... ? Like how is it possible On this earth ? O lord take me up away from her !
You are that light for me and others in this world we look for up to In our dark time .
Umm wait bro you gotta change your curtain and walls .. modify or change them.
You are that great opportunity I would never let go from me because I know you are my one and last time ...
Pile 3.
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's get with your reading:
Wake up . What is that you truly want ? Don't get nervous or scared believe me it's not that hard .
Hehe finally we are going to be a family/ we gonna meet each other's family and have fun !
Let's go somewhere around the beach or water and make sand castle !
I want to suprise you everytime but I'm surprised when you get surprised from small small things you know ... you teach me that's there beauty in everything.
I really want us to go together ahead in life and have fun and also I wanna grow with you in our career together side by side... I want to enjoy each and every moment with you.. I want to give you everything I have with Me so to just see you smiling .
Gosh you gotta see me only when my friend around cuz they like you a lot meh
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aster-draws · 4 months
Hi hi, did you know that on ao3 if you filter the Trans Danny Fenton tag by kudos, Wanted: Dead or Alive is number 1?
Just wanted to say congrats and that I love your art in both its written and drawn/painted/digitally painted form.
Hope you're taking care of yourself and having a lovely day or night!
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What?! No I did not know that?!?!?? Holy cow that's like crazy to me
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thirdeyeblue · 4 months
“Nine would have treated Martha better than Ten did”
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I need to talk about this argument that never seems to stop circulating.
Note: Not a venomous/anti post. There’s more than enough of that across fandom spaces as is, and this is supposed to be a place for ✨sweet, blissful escapism✨
When making this argument, people seem to envision a scenario in which Nine never met Rose.
While I can appreciate a good hypothetical, recognizing Rose's significance to the Doctor (Nine and Ten) is essential to understanding why things with Martha played out the way they did in the first place.
In the third series, the Doctor is grieving. This grief is deliberately threaded into nearly every script, whether spoken aloud or not (and these are just a few examples):
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He's burning in Rose’s wake the entire time Martha travels with him, which is why it’s so frequently called upon: It’s 100% deliberate in framing his grief. He grieved as Nine too, of course— having been fresh on the heels of the Time War — but then he met Rose, which changed everything.
Back then, he was still a rude, traumatized pain in the ass, but we watch Rose soften more of those jagged edges with every episode as they grow closer; as he lets his guard down and forms a deep connection with her.
He falls in love (against his better judgment) and it's game over.
And yes: provided S1E1 had been titled 'Martha', one can realistically assume things might have unfolded similarly to how they did with Rose. However, it wouldn’t have been that way just because the Doctor was Nine and “Nine was different” — it would be because he wasn’t already in love with someone else. The same can't be said for the start of S3.
Think of it like this: if Rose AND Martha had been in that cellar — if Nine had taken both of them along with him in S1 — we’d eventually be looking at the most melodramatic love triangle ever, what with him living in close quarters with two brilliant, gorgeous, compassionate young women... But Doctor Who is plenty “soap opera” as is with just one woman in the TARDIS.
(I certainly wouldn’t object to reading that fic, though)
Now, regarding the unrequited elephant in the room…
His inability to be romantic with Martha isn’t because he thinks her lesser, nor is it for lack of compatibility. It isn't because Rose is any better than her. It certainly isn’t just because he’s Ten.
It’s really only for one reason, which can't be denied — and now I’m a broken record:
He is still in love with Rose.
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(cut from a tenrosedaily gif)
Nine is Ten, and Ten is only such a mess in S3 because he’s just lost the love of his life. Martha merely got caught in the crosshairs of a volatile Time Lord in mourning, and yes — it sucks. Absolutely.
But it also feels dismissive to chalk Ten and Martha’s relationship up to little more than some sort of mindless dance of pining, jealousy, and toxicity.
Ten trusted Martha with his life over and over again — and hers, with him. He constantly praised her brilliance, happily carting her around time and space with no intention of letting her go. In the BBC’s extended universe of novels/comics/cartoons/etc, there’s so much depth to their relationship: love and trust and trauma and sacrifice. They had their own special bond as mates, their own complexities — so it’s a bummer that it's forever overshadowed by the other things.
I’m not denying that there was a lot of stuff that sucked/was for sure toxic about Ten's S3 behavior, but so many of the things I've seen him catching flak for can be directly attributed to being A Clueless Fucking Alien Idiot (not a trait that’s unique to Ten) — as well as his flat-out obliviousness to Martha’s feelings.
So yes, I agree: if Rose never existed, he would have treated Martha differently as Nine. He also would have treated her differently as Ten. Certainly.
But Rose did exist, and when discussing canon, it matters.
“He tells me that he absolutely, 100% loves Rose... He tells me how my daughter; my wonderful, beautiful, clever little girl saved him from himself before… And he says that’s all because of me! I made her into the Rose Tyler that saved him.”
-Jackie Tyler, Flight Into Hull!
Martha got the short end of the stick in S3. She came round at the wrong place and time, but that doesn't mean it was all bad. It doesn't mean the Doctor didn’t adore her. It certainly doesn't mean the time they spent together was wasted or worthless. They were brilliant!
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Sure, he could be a twat, but let it be known that he was a twat with Rose as well, both as Nine and Ten. I’m sure Tentoo can be plenty infuriating, too. So while I'll defend Ten (and Tentoo) into the ground forever and ever and ever, I'll concede that he's fucked up.
The Doctor is a certified Pain In The Ass. It’s one of the things I love so much about this character — dynamics.
But never forget that Martha was goddamn tough as nails and overcame every bit of it. She moved on with her life, and the Doctor moved on with his. One can only pray that, when they inevitably drag her back onto the show (which feels inevitable if I'm honest), we see at once that she's been living her best life for all these years.
#I'm paranoid af about posting this but also feel like maybe two people will read it so perhaps I'm safe#doctor who#tenth doctor#ninth doctor#rose tyler#martha jones#baby's first meta#dw meta#I hope this wasn't just a mess of discombobulated stream-of-consciousness chatter#try as I may to avoid it#I'm somehow still aware of the sea of bad fandom vibes surrounding almost every character mentioned#besides Nine - who for some reason seems to be above reproach#there's a painful absence of civil discourse#especially where shipping is concerned#but let me tell you#I've vibed with T/M people about T/R and T/R people about T/M and it is a beautiful thing#I wish we could all just get along#also I've got so many more thoughts about this topic#like an embarrassingly long list of thoughts#I tried to scale it down as best I could while also being as inoffensive as possible#gonna crawl back under my rock now#also you should all go read Peacemaker#best DW novel since the Stone Rose#belated tag added way after the fact but:#for some reason I’ve yielded so much hate mail since originally posting this#because I suppose some people have only cottoned on to my enjoyment of T/M#but please note that I’ve been writing my T/M series since 2022#it’s had no bearing whatsoever on my love of T/R+T2/R aka the OTP of all time#but I’m also a grown-ass woman in my thirties and we are all playing with dolls here#I just wanna spread love and write smut and I do this for fun so if you can’t be nice - then I don’t want you reading anyway
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sweetteaanddragons · 2 months
I have been thinking lately about a universe where Bruce Wayne killed the Joker.
I want to be clear here, since there are so many longstanding debates on this topic: I do not think Bruce Wayne should kill the Joker. I have just been wondering what would happen if the circumstances aligned in such a way that he did.
And to be clear on a related, yet slightly different topic: when I say I have been wondering about what if Bruce Wayne killed the Joker, I do not mean as the Batman. I mean Bruce "Brucie" Wayne.
Maybe it's kind of an accident? Like, he definitely did intend to hit the Joker, but he's Brucie right now, so he's trying not to look like he knows what he's doing while still doing enough damage to keep the Joker from killing someone, and meanwhile the Joker makes just the wrong move and -
And here we are. Brucie just killed the Joker.
Bruce's reaction here is one thing; he has his one rule for a reason, he's just broken it, he's determined to turn himself in -
His family's reaction is a whole different story. How does Cass feel about this?
How does Jason? Bruce has killed the Joker, just like he wanted, but it wasn't for him, not really, and -
And meanwhile, this happens in front of, say, a gala full of people, so now all of Gotham gets to react to it too.
Average Gothamite, seeing the words BRUCE WAYNE, JOKER, and KILLED in the same headline: OH, NO.
Average Gothamite, once they've processed the order those words are actually in: . . . I did not have that on this year's bingo card.
The city's most famous mass murderer has just been publicly killed by the city's biggest employer/philanthropist/source of tabloid harmless nonsense! Three days before Brucie was making tabloid headlines by tripping into a fountain and somehow losing his shirt in the process! Two weeks before, the newspaper was running a retrospective on the Wayne murders and what donation Brucie was making to help the families of victims this year! The article mentioned how one of his adopted sons had also tragically become a murder victim!
Now this has happened, and Bruce is having a breakdown over breaking his one rule, and the rest of Gotham just assumes that this is because poor Brucie thinks this somehow makes him like the man who killed his parents. They send a huge outpouring of support his way. This in no way helps Bruce's actual breakdown.
Ninety percent of Gotham is sure Brucie didn't actually mean to kill the Joker, and pretty much a hundred percent of them support him whether he meant to do it or not. No one wants to have anything to do with prosecuting this mess. Bruce is trying to make it as clear as possible that he will fully cooperate with the justice system and meanwhile an entire gala full of people is suddenly acting like they could in no way have possibly witnessed events that took place ten feet in front of their faces. Did Bruce kill the Joker? Is the officer sure? That doesn't seem like him. Maybe the Joker just tripped on his own. Marble floors, you know. Very slippery.
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im-poe-dameron · 2 months
Okay last one I swear "You want me. I was inside you. I tasted you. That is a truth you will never escape." with… do I even need to say his name?? RAT BOI QIMIR
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a/n: the way i was determined to write this. my laptop committed itself to death and i hand wrote this until i got a new battery. but anything to appease the current brain rot that has overtaken me. i love that we have a feral sith again. rip maul and revan you would have been obsessed with our boi.
summary: balance - the power of light and dark and everything that lingered between. a truth you held onto tightly for fear of losing yourself. but when false hope begins to fade and power tastes sweeter on your tongue than truth, you're left with what remains.
word count: 3.5k+
pairing: qimir x f!reader; the stranger x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, angst, lightsaber battle written messily, corruption, corruption kink, cumplay, choking, dubcon (possibly but just in case), the arc of a fallen jedi.
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Petrichor lingered in the air as you stepped off metal and down into the soft soil below. The holomap still glowed inside your small ship. Illuminating the darkened space with a familiar blue you’d caught yourself staring at while the cold temperatures from hyperspace sunk into your skin. The name listed beneath caused your heart to leap into your mouth—the bitterness of him stuck to your tongue.
An unknown jungle planet along the outer rim. The last place you expected to visit.
The cover of darkness and clouds blocked even the moon’s soft gleam. Your hand twitched, fingers stretching inadvertently to your lightsaber attached to your hip. From where you could see, the soft silver practically held its own light. As if to tell you this was not a path you walked alone—you would not carry the heaviness of your heart in solitude.
If you focused long enough, you could practically feel the leather grip along your fingertips. The urge to flick the switch and bring forth the comforting teal you’d come to rely on, nearly overtook you. But darkness was your ally on a hunt this straining.
For weeks you’d traveled between planets, digging for any information. A piece of a map that would eventually lead you here.
Though the one you sought out remained unknown, similar to the far reaches of the galaxy, you somehow managed to pick up a trace of him. Of the Force signature that nearly burned its way through your own. Where you expected a shimmer of light, a void of nothing welcomed you. Begged you for a sliver of company: in the hopes that you wouldn’t be able to resist.
The feeling sunk down into your nerves, echoing in your chest even now. A song you wouldn’t soon forget—yet craved to hear more of.
Darkness remained a Jedi’s sole enemy. Even while the tantalizing remnants of something so forbidden threatened to unravel you. The threads you kept a tight hold of were now frayed. And the more time passed, the more you felt his pull. The way his fingers had gripped you tight—leaving invisible marks you’d trace later in your mind. Shards of that cataclysmic emotion which tumbled through you like a tidal wave.
Jedi weren’t meant for this. For silent hopes kept in secret—the yearning for more clawing at your insides. Attachment held many names and you’d seen its power. Yet this…was raw uninhibited need. A hunger for his flesh, his mouth, his taste, for words that spilled so carelessly. But held enough freedom for you to grasp.
You weren’t stupid. You could see the breadth of his power that lingered under the surface. The signature of something foreign, something ancient.
That alone should have sent fear curling around your spine, stiffening your movements. You were taught as a padawan that Jedi fear nothing. They were the symbol of peace; a beacon of hope for the galaxy to look towards.
No matter how much you tried to fight it, that didn’t rid you of the way your body practically flinched at each sound. Your throat, tight and unforgiving the longer you trekked into the forest.
You knew the terror housed in your body didn’t stem from the thought of facing him. The realization bled through your heart the longer you were out there—you were going against the code you promised to uphold the day you were knighted. A vow that would one day cost you your life. But thus was the price to pay for knowledge, for training, for a purpose. Betrayal from another Jedi was a blow to everything your faith centered around. And what you thought was merely a faint blistering second of desire, fanned the flames of something worse.
A searing ache that refused to be ignored.
Your boots sunk into the ground with every step. Clear footprints now marked into the soil for anyone to follow. Forgoing your robes on the ship, you did what you could to look like a passerby. Someone here for peace and a stolen moment of tranquility. Hopefully they wouldn’t spot the heavy breaths you took, or the way your body was wracked with a type of suffering you weren’t used to: guilt. 
Trees engulfed your line of vision, blocking what you hoped was a path. Instead you were left with a vacant hole in the Force.
What once was loud—the embodiment of chaos—suddenly fell silent.
As if it never existed at all.
“You’re still here,” you murmured, eyes falling shut. The pulse of your own heart filled your senses. A reverberation that grounded you to the planet below. “I can feel you.”
Sucking in a lungful of air, you allowed everything else to melt away. The trees, the earth, the glow of the moon. Until you were left with the steady thump, thump, thump, that rang in your chest. The inky black mess of darkness shrouded your vision; hindering what you could reach. Forgoing a river blocking your only way forward.
You did what you could to push through it. Past the barriers of good and evil; beyond life itself. Until you reached the middle, the balance of everything that lingered between.
Your own soft blue green signature wrapped around your body, acting as a shield to what lay beyond. Pressing further, you felt the icy cold bitterness of him. It spread down your spine, wrapping around bone and marrow. A threat layered as a promise.
The obsidian emptiness was tinged with a soft gleam of crimson. Blood. Spilled by the very hands you craved to hold you.
The vibration of power nearly rattled you from the inside out. The amount of his capabilities that once beckoned you forward, now creeped closer. Mirth and malevolence seeped into the air, invading your senses. Until the pungent taste of copper spread across your tongue. Burning you within moments.
The hair stood up on the back of your neck, chills overtaking you with a wolfish eagerness. And you gasped. Calling your saber swiftly to your palm, you spun—the teal igniting like a flame, illuminating the area. Your eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of light, but in the darkness—melted into the shadows—you caught a glimpse of him. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you swung it forward, until the all too familiar sinister hum of a second lightsaber filled the area.
Red clashed with teal—sparks flying into the air—and you were met with the eyes of your mark.
The man who split you open down the center.
He stole the lid from Pandora’s box and watched in glee as every emotion you kept locked away, spilled free.
“What took you so long?” His lips curved into a smirk. Satisfaction gleamed from his eyes—a red reflection cast itself along his brown irises.
“You knew I’d come.”
“I hoped.”
“Hope…” You scoffed, attempting to steady the beat of your heart. “A dangerous thing for someone like you.”
With the tilt of his head you felt the ground level beneath you. “One could say the same for your kind.”
Heat from your blades clashing bled into the air. Yet neither of you backed away. This was no longer a fight of enemies, but rather you claiming back what he so callously stole. The sanity you once prided yourself on. Death would be an honor if it were to occur in battle. A worthy end to a Jedi as prideful as you, but the doubt he placed began to rise to the surface.
The answers to your myriad of questions—desires you sealed away—were gifted to you by him. As if he’d been waiting with baited breath for you to simply…ask him.
His smile deepened. “I can’t heal what’s been broken.”
You pressed your saber down, victory filling your chest at the sight of him sliding back. He’d been expecting a fight. Not your rage.
“Stay out of my head,” you spit.
“But it’s fun.” He huffed, standing to his full height, the strength of his body shoving you back. “Watching you grapple with the meaning of good and bad.”
“Shut up.” You swung at him again. Only for the attempt to be met with a slice of his blade. It nearly toppled you to the ground.
“It’s a lie. Everything the Jedi told you.” He advanced, his steps steady—measured. “There is no such thing as light or dark. It is just power.”
“You’re trying to get in my head. To tear me apart.” The clash of your blades pierced the air with a crack as you rushed at him.
“No,” he whispered, allowing his Force signature to brush against yours. You fell away, fear lacing your heart. “I was already in your head.” He swiped at you, the red crackle of his lightsaber singed your face as you ducked. “You let me in. You let me see every doubt, every fear, every desire. Willingly.”
“Shut up!” you cried, anger forcing its way forward. Hatred for everything you felt blinded you as you lashed at him with vehemence.
Loathing at the lust you gave into, the fear you let consume you. He worked his way into your heart and there was nothing you could do to combat it. You wanted to strip him from your body, tear away the flesh he touched. Yet the memory of how you begged, how you fell to your knees for him ripped through your head—punching the breath from your lungs.
Blow after blow, you watched as he fought you with ease. His slight shifts were enough to keep you off balance. Right where he wanted. Sweat prickled at your throat, pain spreading down your arms. He was purposefully wearing you down. Until your body gave way to exhaustion. Yet that’s not what fueled the rage you did your best to tamp down.
He was enjoying this. The way you struggled.
The final frail thread in your mind snapped and for the first time, you allowed your anger to bleed through. You let it fuel the adrenaline that filled your veins, pushing your body to keep fighting. With a hoarse shout, you shoved what Force you could his way and watched him slide back along the ground. Falling to one knee with a grunt.
Air burned your lungs as you gasped in time with the beat of your heart. Your arms shook with an unforgivable ache.
But you lifted your lightsaber. Teal casting a soft glow on your sweat slicked face—the echo of wrath glinting in your darkened eyes.
“You are the last person I’d let corrupt me.” You weren’t taught to despise someone this viciously. The Jedi spoke against it, but something hot burned in your chest. A promise that you would return to Coruscant with the handle of his lightsaber. His defeat would be your penance for the pain you caused.
“Why do you lie to yourself?”
“You’re wrong—”
He laughed, his foot slamming into your hip hard enough for you to hear a pop—pain rushing down your thigh. “I’m wrong? Tell me Jedi. What do you think they will do to you when you return corrupted? What will they do…when they find out how much you wanted me?”
Your scream pierced the air, burning your lungs. Ignoring the pain, you leapt to your feet, swung your blade in parries he quickly blocked, at a speed you’d never before witnessed. He fought against you with ease, but your refusal to back down is what threw him off. You wouldn’t let him win, refusing to back away from something like this. If he wanted to finish what started weeks ago, he’d have to impale you with his blade.
To your wonder, he seemed to avoid doing exactly that. Even as you fumbled, weariness settling deep in your bones.
With a twist of your wrist, his blade flew from his hand and landed mere feet away in the dirt. You half expected him to call it back, to end you where you stood, but he fell to his knees when your boot slammed into his leg. The teal of your saber now pressed close to his sweat glistened skin.
His head tilted up, eyes darker than you remembered, yet he never lost the mirthful smile that graced his lips.
“I didn’t want you,” you lied, in the hopes that he wouldn’t prod out the truth.
One final swing would silence him forever. You could release the Jedi from his threat, return home the same person you were before coming across him. And yet…you hesitated. Your eyes met his, the burn of tears welling up until you could barely see straight. His smile deepened, victory painted across his face, as you both came to the realization that would damn you right along with him. He could see it in your stance, feel how your Force signature begged to sink beside his, to feel the strength he once showed you—the tenderness that you knew existed beneath the surface.
Killing him ceased to be an option the second he opened your eyes to the truth.
“You do,” he said, his voice soft and raspy.
“No,” you whimpered, blinking back the tears.
He laughed, his hand calling his saber in the blink of an eye. Red flashed in the air, before your lightsaber was knocked out of your hands, now on the forest floor.
Instead of striking you down, he dragged you forward, your body forced to submit as his hand gripped your chin, angling you to face him. Your mind screamed at you to fight him, to resist the temptation, but his grip merely tightened. His eyes falling to your lips, to the way your jacket fell open at your chest, before finding your gaze again.
“You want me,” he whispered.
Where you expected to struggle against him—to flinch from his touch—you found that you craved more. You wanted him to bend you to his will, to show you the path to the dark side that remained like an echo in the back of your mind. A promise of more, wrapped in the threat of everything.
A gasp tore through your chest when he dropped his blade, his other arm hauling you against him as he walked forward. Your back scraped against a tree. Blood sprouting to the surface on the back of your neck. And if you had the ability to…you’d beg for more.
He grinned, seeing the flicker of uncertainty in the Force, the brightness of your familiar teal now a shade darker. His thumb pressed down, forcing your lips to part. To let him in.
Obedience was never difficult for you; having gone your entire life following orders left and right. But this…this knowledge that to follow his rule, to submit to his words, left you breathless. You were nearly angry at the person you let yourself become. Perhaps the Jedi were lying. You’d never know unless you asked, but to do so was to put a sentence on your head. To put questions in theirs. To push for more would reveal what you’d already done—what you couldn’t take back.
He watched the turmoil stream through you with interest. His eyes grasping what he could as you struggled with the truth he already gave you. Desire, want, hunger, it all stemmed from a place of power.
What mattered wasn’t that you needed it. You wanted it.
“I—” Your eyes fell to his lips, greed screaming through the Force as it all clicked into place.
With a snarl, he turned you, his hand wrapping around your throat as the other delved between your thighs, beneath layers of fabric you longed to get off. “I was inside of you.”
Breathing became secondary when his touch burned everything out of you, leaving a path of fire behind. Where he once caressed you with tenderness before, now turned rough. Shame should have ripped you from this intoxicating high, but the smile pressed to your ear when his fingers met your pool of slick, left you lost in the destitute darkness that consumed you.
“I tasted you,” he murmured, the rough pads of his fingers circling your clit—your mouth parting with a broken moan.
Dignity meant nothing to you when pleasure burned at the edges of your vision. Effectively blocking anything that might have come before.
“That is a truth you will never escape.”
Gripping his arm, you focused on the heavy breaths he exhaled, the shift of his body as he held you up where you couldn’t anymore. And beyond that, in the expanse of his darkness, you allowed light to pour through. To blanket him in what was once familiar, what remained buried in the depths of his mind. You gave him a piece of his past as he drowned you in your future.
“The Jedi will reject you,” he gasped, two fingers pressing into you, the memory of before sparking to life in your mind. “And when they do. You will find me again.”
“T-They’ll brand me a traitor—” If you were to return, you could never be a Jedi again. Never go back to the person you were before him.
Pleasure blinded you with every thrust of his fingers, the stillness of the forest now echoed with the mix of your breaths. You sunk into him, nails digging crescent moons into his skin, and he tightened his hold on your throat. He liked you this way. Pliant beneath his touch, eager and desperate for whatever he could possibly offer you. Being your prey was a mere fantasy, an act he allowed you to divulge in for as long as you needed.
Until the time was right.
His lips slid against yours, the kiss wet and heady. All the things you longed for, the past that you could not escape from. He kissed you without mercy. And you met him with an urgent acquiescence. The memory of his tongue against your clit pulsed in your mind, brighter than the day it happened as he stole the breath from your lungs. Saliva dripped down your chin, connecting you to him.
“Don’t you see?” he breathed, fingers curling forward—searching for something. The sharp inhale of satisfaction nearly tore you apart when your torso crumpled forward, a whimpered moan ripping from your throat. “You became a traitor the day you followed me into that temple.”
The heel of his palm roughly pressed to your clit; your hips—acting on their own accord—sought his touch, grinding down with a pleaded out cry. You needed the bliss he once gave you. The sensation that haunted your every waking moment; that threatened to break you down and ruin all that you built for yourself. The feeling you were prepared to give up everything for.
“I can give this to you, all the time.”
“Please,” you sighed.
“Whatever you crave, will be yours.” He felt your walls tighten around his fingers, the hitch in your chest burned a hole through his. And like before when you cupped his face with reverence glowing in your eyes, he ignored it. Shoved it down into the pit with the remainder of his memories and feelings.
Your teeth dug into your lip nearly drawing blood when he sped up. The plunge of his fingers wet and loud in the air. To have you like this. Out in the open for anyone to discover, nearly drove him mad. He wanted to see your face, watch you shatter like before, witness the erosion of the Jedi spirit within you.
He wanted to bear witness to the corruption he caused.
“Say you’ll join me.”
Warning bells rang in the back of your mind, teal bleeding into your vision—the final hope of light that tried to pull you away from him. To remind you of why you were there.
Until darkness swallowed it whole, submerging it beneath the waves of a sea you’d never swim out of.
Grasping for the release you knew wasn’t far away, you bucked against his hand, mouth falling open as a cry pierced the air. With a grunt, he pushed his hips against your back, his teeth clamping down on your shoulder as you came with the taste of him on your lips. White flashed behind your eyes, hot and all consuming, your Force signature slamming into him with enough strength to send him stumbling. All with you still in his arms.
He collapsed to the ground, arm wrapped like a vice around your waist and fingers swirling around your pulsing clit.
“Yes,” you gasped, thigh quaking and face contorted in pleasure. “I will.”
Soft green began to morph behind your closed eyes. Dimming and bleeding to the edge of your senses, something brighter taking you over with a hunger you’d never experienced before. A raw ache that thumped in tune with your own heart. He turned your head, his lips finding yours, as your crimson signature called to his, bending and curving where his led.
He smiled, thumb running along the edge of your jaw. “Welcome my love.”
Your eyes fluttered open, lips pulling into a smile, as yellow slowly seeped into your iris. “Thank you.”
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ceilidhtransing · 2 months
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I've cropped out the username because I have absolutely no desire to start drama or make a personal “callout” or have people go harass someone or anything like that (and if you take this kind of thing as an opportunity to go and be horrible to another Tumblr user then that is terrible and you should stop), but wow, I have never seen such a clanging example of amatonormativity. I don't think OP necessarily meant it this way, I don't think they meant any harm, I don't think they're consciously arophobic or something - it's far more likely that they're simply unfamiliar with aspec issues, and I always prefer to assume good faith - but I want to talk about this post anyway because it provides a really good and explicit example of the way society just sort of... asserts the centrality of romantic attraction and entirely forgets aromantic people exist.
I do want to first say that I actually agree with the initial point this post is making. Romance as a genre is unfairly derided as some kind of “lesser” form of art, and this derision very frequently comes with generous helpings of misogyny. I totally agree that romance is not at all an unintellectual or superficial thing to write about, and it's bad that it gets treated that way and that readers and writers of romance get so often mocked and condemned. Romance is a totally valid genre and enjoying it doesn't make you vain or stupid or superficial.
HOWEVER. As an aromantic person I find the rest of the post just... I don't know, it's just so perfect as a probably unwitting expression of baked-in cultural amatonormativity. It's brilliant. It's so funny to me. I can almost do a line-by-line breakdown of the way it so completely forgets the existence of aromantic people. In fact, let's do that.
It is so fundamental to us. The issue here should be pretty obvious. The assumption that romance is some integral part of The Human Experience and that it's fundamental to All People is pretty much amatonormativity 101. It reinforces the idea that people who don't experience romantic attraction are “lacking”, forever sitting apart from The Human Experience, and possibly in some way not quite fully human, since we don't experience the thing that is apparently so fundamental to humans.
To want to love and be loved. The post seems to be incorrectly equating “romance” with “loving and being loved”, when in fact there are many people who don't experience romantic attraction yet absolutely love and want to be loved. (And of course loveless aros, aplatonic people, various folks who don't “want to love and be loved” also exist, and it's important to emphasise that this desire, just like romantic attraction, is also not necessarily integral to all people.) “Love” is not automatically “romantic love”, but this post seems to imply that romance is the only, or default, form in which love can exist.
If you don't think every great work of literature. philosophy. metaphysics. was ultimately about romance. I don't think you were paying enough attention. OK this is the line that elevated this post from “sigh, more casual amatonormativity to scroll past” to “I just have to respond to this”. Where to even begin with this assertion. This is a level of “assuming romance is central to everything humans ever do and ever create” that I've almost never encountered before. It feels like a manifestation of the tendency for alloromantic people to declare that, because romance is very central for them, it is thus central to Everything. And I'm homing in on “romance” because the post doesn't say “ultimately about love” - which would still be a reach, but less of a reach - it specifically says “ultimately about romance”. As an aromantic person who is an academic at heart and highly educated in the humanities and social sciences, the idea that my ability to understand literature and philosophy and metaphysics is somehow greatly hampered by the fact that I don't experience or relate to romantic attraction is just... what??? This idea is really very funny to me but also genuinely pretty insulting, even though I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. Not only does it feel like the summation of every patronising “oh, you couldn't possibly understand” directed to aromantic adults who are, in fact, entirely capable of understanding, but it also flattens the incredible breadth of human intellectual experience into “being about romance”. I sometimes find myself wishing that alloromantic people would peak outside the bubble of amatonormativity and realise that actually, there is an enormous swathe of human experience and intellect and creativity and expression that has nothing at all to do with romantic attraction and romantic relationships. And no, stating that, I don't know, the Book of Job is not actually about romance has nothing to do with our society's misogynistic denigration of romance as a genre; it has everything to do with the fact that the Book of Job is not actually about romance. (And if you aren't familiar with Job or for some reason don't consider it a “great work of literature”, replace with whatever other example you can think of; there are many.) It's insulting to imply that aro-spec and/or ace-spec people are somehow less able to participate in art and literature and philosophy etc because we might bring a perspective that doesn't include romance or sex at all and we're just not capable of understanding that Actually Romance And/Or Sex Is Central To Everything. It's genuinely absurd to argue that all the pinnacles of human intellectual achievement really, at their core, come back to romance, and it speaks to our very blinkered society's tendency to declare things like “everything is really about sex” or “everything is really about romance” or “everything is really about breakups” or whatever and then look at aro-spec and ace-spec people like we're aliens and go “but like... how do you even live?” Newsflash, there is so much more to life than romance and love and sex. You can live an entire, very fulfilling, very meaningful, very thoughtful life without these things being at all relevant to you. That's not to dismiss those things as minor or unimportant - they are indeed very central to a lot of people's lives, and they're not “dumb” or “shallow” or whatever - but they're not central to everyone's lives, and they're hardly The Only Things In The World.
And if your response is something along the lines of “well OK there's a tiny minority of people who don't engage with romance and/or sex, or relate to it in the same way most people do, but that doesn't mean that romance isn't still at the core of humanity, or that all the most important things don't still have romance at their heart”, imagine telling a woman that “well, you can focus on a career if you want, but what's really fundamental to being a woman is being a wife and mother - in fact, motherhood is the most important thing in the world, it's fundamental to women, it's what all women's literature is about”. Or, hell, telling a person of any gender that “parenthood” is the central pillar of all of humanity and that every great work of art ever produced is ultimately about parenthood and obviously parenthood is fundamental to everyone's being - forgetting that actually some people will never be parents, and implying that their childlessness makes them less able to understand The Human Experience. That might give you some small idea of what it's like to be an aspec person and be repeatedly told that feelings you don't experience and relationships you don't have and attractions you don't relate to and acts you don't engage in are somehow Fundamental To Humanity and are what lie at The Core Of Everything: how excluding that is, how alienating that is, how oppressively stifling that is.
Feeling that love and/or romance and/or sex are very important to your own life is totally valid, but I wish alloromantics and allosexuals could be more capable of opening their minds and imagining and empathising with an existence for which these things aren't central. Our lives aren't lesser, or emptier, or sadder, or shallower for lack of romance or sex. Our experiences are part of The Human Experience. Our perspectives on art and life and relationships and philosophy and humanity and everything else are just as valid. We are just as capable of profundity, of creativity, of insight - because romance and sex aren't “at the core” of any of these things. We are here, and we're tired of being forgotten, ignored, sidelined, dismissed, erased, talked over, talked past. It would be great if society at large actually remembered we exist once in a while, and that our lives are just as beautiful and important as anyone else's.
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Lesson 7: "That's the Black one!"- Imagery and "Black-Coded" Characters
Now, you see me writing it!! I'm writing the lesson on Black-coded, non-human characters!! Y'all better go tell your friends and reblog, y'all been asking me forever about it!
This one was a bit hard for me to write. It didn't feel… New. It felt like a regurgitation of everything I'd already discussed. I was honestly confused every time people sent me questions; I thought we all understood how it worked. But I realized: that's not a bad thing! We can consider this an application of everything we've learned so far, because that’s all coding is, is an application!
The Definition
Coding (in media): giving a character or a group certain traits (physical or cultural experiences) that are similar to/that of a real-world specific group, without explicitly saying this fictional group is the real-world group. One may or may not mean to do it in their writing (which is where the opportunity for racist stereotype can leak in).
E.g., “queer-coded characters” gets used a lot on Tumblr; whether accurate or not, it is understood to mean that the blogger sees their/a queer identity portrayed by that character, or that the character was written with ‘queer’ traits in mind. Another example; Darwin Watterson is a goldfish in a world with no humans, but Darwin is Black-coded. The Fishmen in the One Piece Live Action are fantastical creatures, but they are Black-coded (of a very specific type of Black person; even!)
Youtuber KermitCurry explains and reinforces what I’m also going to explain here, but with a cool drawing of (the gorgeous) Grimmjow. She’s a Black artist and animator; go check her out and support her!
Here is a list of a few characters both canonically and Black-fanonically Black-coded:
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When Coding Characters as Black
To keep it simple: if the rules apply when designing and writing a Black character, the same rules apply when designing and writing a Black-coded character! The moment you decided that this nonhuman entity was going to resemble a human group of people, you were obligated to be aware of the cultures and stereotypes of those people!
You can’t have a Black-coded character, emphasize a stereotype of Black people, and then say “oh, well, it’s not actually racist because they’re actually a cat-wolf creature!” Yes, it is. You’re still being racist, and upon noticing or being told, there’s no need to be defensive about it- just acknowledge ‘ah yes, I’ve messed up, I'm sorry for my actions’ and then actively work towards a better design or writing that does not include those things.
Example: Hair
Let’s say you want to draw hair on a fish-like Mer species, and you want them to be Black-coded. It would still be racist to give that Mer-woman pickaninny hair, even if "well they're not really Black!" You could find fancy fish scales or seaweed or something fish related to draw ‘Black hair textures’, so that we understand what it’s visually supposed to represent while still being fantastical. Or a robot! Someone mentioned tubes for locs, and you could do curly wires for twists. It's possible! Get creative!
I’ve been asked numerous times about Black hair on furries. Not that I’m the most educated on furries or furry culture- I am not- but they’re already anthropomorphic animals that talk, have human hobbies and habits, and often have pretty rainbow colors. It should not, then, warrant a complaint of “unrealistic” if you respectfully add Black hairstyles to them.
Example: Species
The point about furries actually brings up another good point. Watch out when you're coding Black characters on animals or animal-like species. Often people will have the “dark-skinned, struggling with balancing their humanity monster” Black/Black-coded, and the “pale skinned monster that somehow understands this battle more than them and can save them from themselves”. This is rooted in racist imagery.
I have mentioned it before in response to an ask, but if the only people you find yourself coding as your ‘monkey/animal/monster/beast’ creations are Black and/or dark-skinned, you are- however intentional it is or isn’t- replicating a racist, dehumanizing pattern in league with King Kong and ‘ravishing the white woman/body’. I’m not inherently ‘rugged and masculine’ as a queer Black woman, thus meant to be pushed into the werewolf role. Black men aren’t beasts that can’t control their violent impulses, thus meant to be pushed into the animalistic role. Why do you think Black bodies being beast-like is sexy? Why do you think we are not physically capable of delicacy? Of gentility?
This doesn’t mean that Black characters can’t be werewolves or those sorts of creatures- but you need to be writing/designing with intent, and that means recognizing when you just ‘thought it looked cool’, and that thought turned out to be a racist belief upon further reflection.
Example: Skin
Let’s say your demon species has dark grey skin bc they're rock people or something- yes, the grey skin is because it's a demon species, we recognize that it's not desaturated brown skin. Fine. But God forbid that this grey-skinned ashen group of Black-coded characters are the unequivocal villains? And everyone else that isn’t Black-coded are the ‘good guys’? But ‘it’s okay, because they’re not Black, they’re grey!’? Yes, this is still racism. There’s no getting out of it.
Example: Intelligence
If your Black-coded species is the one that is ‘less cultured’, ‘talks funny’, supposed to be ‘stupid’, or in need of some good (white) character to ‘change their ways and become better people’… Just don't do that. I should not have to say this. Black people are not less intelligent, or ‘more inclined to brawn over brain’, 'more likely to act out of instinct', ‘in need of more education/direction’, or every other reason that was used to justify our enslavement and now, present arrest and imprisonment rates.
Example: Culture
This segues from my last point on intelligence. There’s arguments on coding species that are meant to be "savage" or "inhuman", giving them stereotypical loin cloths or tattered clothes and having them "need to be saved". Now, I'm not informed enough about D&D to make valuable commentary on the existence and history of orcs. However, if you've decided to create an Orc culture, and it's clear that your imagery is taken from Black and/or Indigenous cultures, in addition to the language of savagery and white saviorism itself… That's extremely racist. And if you're thinking "Ice, of course no one would do that in 2024", Yes. Yes, they would. The bar is low, but don't ever assume people can't, don't, and won’t find a way to limbo under it.
Black and Brown people don’t need to be ‘saved’ from our own cultures or ‘introduced’ to anything. We don't need to be 'made better'. If that’s the narrative that you find yourself buying into while you write your story, Black or Black-coded characters, you need to step back and evaluate.
How This Imagery Lasts
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Jim Crow Museum- Racist Cartoons and Anti-Black Imagery
This is obviously not everything I could put here as a example, but I wanted to offer a small example of how heinously racist imagery has made its way into the present. From depicting Serena Williams as an overgrown, childish, large-lipped Black woman (and whitewashing Afro-Japanese woman Naomi Osaka into the ideal, victimized blonde white woman), to Lebron James’ Vogue photo (this Black, married man now suddenly slave to the intensity of ball and white women for this cover), to the entirety of the Black Pete festival in the Netherlands.
This is imagery and behavior that evolves and lasts. What you put to paper will have an effect on someone else's ideas. You might not even think you believe these things, but someone looking at your art or reading your work will think you do! You should not want to be evoking any of this, coded or not, regardless of ‘if there’s a human involved’ because frankly… well, people already don’t see Black people as humans. We need to be treating our Black and Black-coded characters with care, and that means doing good research and avoiding replicating caricatures.
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riality-check · 1 year
Steve, realistically, shouldn’t even be at this show. He doesn’t care about the band, he didn’t want to make the drive, and he had to bring Anna along because he couldn’t find a babysitter.
But he was going to suck it up to go with Dustin, who immediately bought tickets to see his favorite band when they went on sale. Who called Steve this morning to inform him, somehow both solemnly and frantically, that he had the worst food poisoning known to man, and, that until he stopped puking and shitting at the same time, he could not leave the bathroom.
Steve very much did not need to know that.
With Dustin went the rest of the Babysitters’ Club, all of them having eaten the same shady pizza and suffering the consequences. The only exception was Mike, lactose intolerant but cursed to take care of his idiot friends.
He texted Steve to ask if he had extra bleach. Steve dropped it outside the house because no way in hell was he entering that building.
Dustin assured him, amidst too much detail and shockingly disgusting background noise, that both tickets shouldn’t go to waste, and with no one able to babysit Anna, Steve should take advantage of both.
So, here he is. Standing in the first level - Dustin couldn’t get floor tickets, thank God - of a show for a metal band he has no intention of ever listening to and holding his four-year-old daughter, who has bright pink ear defenders looped around her neck in preparation for when it gets really, really loud.
“When are they starting?” she asks for the fourth time in as many minutes, with a sigh too big for her little body.
“In a few minutes,” Steve says, keeping an eye on the stage, where he watches the crew set up. Mad respect for them hustling so hard. He could never.
The seats are slowly filling up, and Steve feels a little sad for the first opener, a little sad that they don’t have a full house for their set.
A group of four guys takes the seats right next to Steve, with a pale, long-haired, big-eyed guy right next to him. He’s got tattoos on his arms and rings on all his fingers and a silver bar through his upper ear.
And he’s arguing emphatically with his friend next to him.
“I’m telling you, American Psycho is more recognizable!” he says, hands flying. Steve discreetly makes sure he and Anna aren’t within striking distance. “Not to mention cheaper!”
“A prop chainsaw,” his friend - a short white guy with shorter but equally wild hair - says, “can’t possibly be that hard to find by tomorrow.”
“We already have the axe!”
“I’m with Eddie,” the big white guy at the end of their group says. “I’m a sucker for American Psycho.”
“Okay, but I’m the guy who has to use the props,” the fourth friend, a Black guy with short braids who looks annoyed at this conversation, like they’ve had it before. “And I think I’d have more fun with the chainsaw.”
Eddie - the guy with long hair and heavy jewelry and hands with a mind of their own - rolls his eyes. It’s a full body movement, one that has him spinning to face Steve. When he does, his face cycles through a myriad of emotions too fast for Steve to really track.
“Hi, pretty boy,” he says. His eyes then dart down to Anna, who stares at him with her head cocked to the side. “Pretty dad. Dad. Pretty. Hi.”
“Eddie,” the short guy cautions.
“Yeah, sorry, anyway, can you be a tiebreaker for us?”
“Sure,” Steve says. Anna squirms, so he lets her out of his lap to stand, holding her hand all the while. “What do you need?”
“American Psycho or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?” the big guy asks.
“You gotta give him context.”
“No, I don’t, Jeff.”
The guy who said he’d be using the props - whatever that means - rolls his eyes and stops fighting.
“What’s American Psycho?” Anna asks, choosing the best time to pay attention to the conversation, like always.
“A movie you’re too young to see,” Steve says. “And the one I’m picking out of those two.”
“Oh, thank you,” Eddie says, using a tone that better fits Steve saving his drowning dog or something. He then turns to the rest of his friends and says, “I fucking told you!”
Anna gasps. “You’re not s’posed to say that!”
Jeff smothers a laugh behind his hands, while the other three guys stare at Anna, half confused, half admiring.
Eddie clears his throat, looking significantly abashed. "Sorry, Miss-"
"Anna," she says.
"Anna," Eddie finishes. Then he turns to Steve. "And you are?"
"Steve. No Mister for me though. I might be a dad, but I'm not that old."
"You are old, Daddy," Anna says.
Steve frowns down at her, where she stands at his feet. She's smiling, mischievous like she always is when she says something along these lines. "I'm not that old."
"Yeah you are! You're like, you're like, like, fifteen."
Jeff gives up on hiding his laughter.
"I'm older than fifteen," Steve says gently, trying not to laugh.
Anna’s jaw drops. “You are?”
“Thank God for that,” Eddie mutters, then shuts his jaw with an audible click.
Steve tried to come up with an answer for that, but someone comes on a mic and starts playing the drums, so he moves the defenders over Anna’s ears and pays attention to the show instead.
It's... fun, he guesses. Fun if he were into it, maybe. The first opener has a lot of energy, even if the music isn't melodic enough for Steve's taste. He finds himself tapping along to the steady beat, moving slightly in his seat to the music.
It's nice background noise. He'd put this on while he grades papers. It's steady enough to fill his head but doesn't have a whole lot of lyrics he could get distracted by and sing along to.
Eddie and his friends, meanwhile, are having the time of their lives. The short guy - Gareth, Steve thinks his name is - mimes the drum part of each song with startling accuracy. Archie jumps up and down, Jeff absolutely screams along, and Eddie-
Anna stares up at Eddie, eyes wide and jaw slacked as she watches him bang his head to the music.
Steve almost snaps a picture of it, this little moment, before the second song ends and Eddie snaps out of his zone.
He shakes the hair out of his face, then looks down at Anna, who's still staring at him. "What?"
She cocks her head to the side in a mirror of his. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The," she pauses, then starts shaking her head really hard, side to side. Steve puts a hand on her shoulder before she slams into the chairs in the row in front of them.
Eddie laughs. "The headbanging?"
"Yeah," Anna says, nodding.
"It's a way I move to the music," Eddie explains.
"Like dancing?"
"Sort of," Eddie says. "It's easier. I look stupid when I dance."
"You're not s'posed to say that," Anna tells him solemnly. "Right, Daddy?"
Steve meets Eddie's eyes. Even with the lights down, they're big and pretty and reflective, and Steve is going to kick himself so hard if he chickens out before he can get his number.
"Right," he says, still looking at Eddie. "We're not supposed to call ourselves stupid."
"Sorry," Eddie whispers.
"Don't be."
Anna tugs on Steve's hand, then Eddie's. "Teach me."
"Anna," Steve cautions.
"Can you please teach me?" she corrects.
Eddie glances down at Anna, then back up at Steve. "If it's-"
"Go ahead," Steve says because Eddie has more than passed the vibe check at this point.
Eddie crouches down as a new song starts up, and while Steve can't hear what he's telling her, he sees her smile, bright as day.
By the last song of the first opener, Anna is headbanging along with Eddie, off-beat in the say little kids always are but more than making up for it with effort.
Steve gives into the impulse to take a picture.
When the first opener finishes, Steve picks Anna back up and takes her ear defenders off.
"Woah," she says. "Can I keep them-"
"Nope," Steve says. "They stay on when the music is on. You heard it fine, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you-"
"I have my earplugs in," Steve says, pointing at them.
"So do I," Eddie says, and when he moves his hair back, sure enough, there are black earplugs nestled in his ears.
"You don't seem like the kind of guy to wear earplugs," Steve says.
"You don't seem like the kind of guy to come of a metal show," Eddie counters.
Anna climbs out of Steve's arms and onto his back, where she loops her arms around his shoulders and just hangs, like she does sometimes when she gets bored.
Weirdo kid, Steve thinks affectionately.
"That's because I'm not," Steve says. "I was supposed to come with a friend, but he got sick."
"Yikes," Eddie says. "You coming tomorrow, too?"
"I am," Steve says. "Are you?"
Eddie raises his eyebrows, like he didn't expect Steve to ask that. "Yeah, we'll be here. Not in these seats, though."
The lights go back down before Steve can ask what he means by that. He reaches behind him, scoops Anna back down on the ground, and puts her ear defenders on by the time the second opener strikes a scary-sounding opening chord.
Anna doesn't look scared at all. From the moment the music starts, she looks up at Eddie, and when he starts headbanging, she does, too.
Yup. Steve has effectively created a monster.
He contemplates, if Dustin is fine by tomorrow, skipping out on the show and giving his ticket to Anna, but that means not seeing Eddie again.
He really wants to see Eddie again, even if he won’t have the same seats.
Whatever that means.
Steve decides not to focus on that. He decides instead to focus on the moment. He listens to the music. He lets Anna take his hand and dance with it. He bops his head along with hers, but not too hard because he can’t risk aggravating his whiplash.
He enjoys the show, even if it’s not his cup of tea. It’s easy to enjoy the show, with Eddie next to him. It’s easy to enjoy his wild hair and pretty jewelry and big eyes and contagious enthusiasm.
It’s easy to see the way Eddie looks at him.
It’s also very easy, after the venue clears and Anna falls asleep in the car on the way home, to forget to ask for his number.
(Part 2 is alive!!)
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Male Reader x Nayeon
Tags: 17k, smut, cheating
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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The clean swish and smack of Nayeon’s golf club broke the air as she tee’d off, her driver swinging high over her head as she sent the smart white ball flying down the fairway of the expensive club. It was a good strike and you watched as she made the yards to the green, setting a decent marker.
She is a good golfer and it was always fun to play with her because she gave a great challenge. Another benefit standing behind watching her tee off, seeing the skirt of her golf outfit fly up as she bounced and twisted, how her perky tits jiggled when she put herself into it. Nayeon watched it land then stepped aside to offer space for you to follow.
“Oppa, your turn,” she said, smiling at you.
“No problem,” you said, stepping up. You’d been working together for years now. and you were part business partner, part friend frankly. You weren’t perhaps the typical kind of person she was friends with and she knew other companions of hers looked down a little on you, but she enjoyed your company and you’re good at golf. You had rather an over-the-top frat boy kind of reputation, someone who somewhat hadn’t grown up in ways and yet you were well off and in business with her.
Your investment was invaluable so she had no reason to change things, and whenever you were together, you’d always a bit flirtatious with one another. It had always been that way despite you knowing full well she was taken and she figured it was a harmless joke, on top of that she figured that charming you would only be a benefit to her company as she kept you sweet.
That was what she told herself, but truth was she rather enjoyed the attention you paid her even if it did mean you was staring at her ass while she swung, but lots of men did that and plenty of women too so she wasn’t too concerned. Today though things felt a bit different, somehow more intense or at risk of going further, she didn’t know why but couldn’t help but play to it.
“Ok, watch this,” you said, lining yourself up and reaffirming your grip on the handle of the club.
“I’m gonna,” she smiled, teasing you a little as she was in the lead. Her skill matched her beauty and she was as keen a competitor for you as you were for her. With a strong smack you sent the ball down the fairway, seeing it drift as it was caught by a gust of wind.
“Aishh,” you said, watching it sailing towards the rough at the side, far from where you had intended.
“Ooh another bad drive there,” she said, knowing it had possibly bought her the game.
“That wind, just completely the wrong timing,” you said, sighing as you walked back to grab your bag and prepare for the next shot.
“Sure, the wind, not that lack of skill,” she teased with a wink as she stepped past you.
“We’re not all as perfect as you Nay,” you shot back, reached out to smack her ass on the way past as she giggled. You both seemed more playful that day like there was something in the air; started out with a drink before playing which you didn’t normally do and maybe that was part of it, Nayeon feeling energetic and loose as you both headed out on the beautiful day to play some golf. The course was quiet, and you had plenty of time to enjoy yourselves, alternating between banter and strikes as you worked your way around.
“Maybe you should focus more on the game” she murmured, glancing back temptingly.
“It’s hard when the view right here is so good,” you replied.
“Learn to multitask,” she countered as you followed her down the fairway. You walked deliberately behind her to watch the short, caramel pleated skirt she had on sway side-to-side around her toned thighs, showing off her shapely legs and giving just a glimpse of her panties when it flicked up. Normally she’d wear shorts underneath for modesty reasons but she’d felt more fun and wanted to play around today so had a pair of bright pink cotton panties on instead which gave you a colorful glimpse any time she moved right.
“You’re gonna need a good shot to get back on it here,” she marveled, seeing your ball well off course now.
“Just take your shot, show me what you got,” you said, indicating her ball.
“So you can stand back and look at my ass?” she asked.
“Sure, if I’m gonna lose I may as well get something out of it,” you smiled.
“Well fine, watch my ass as I beat you,” she said with a playful roll of her eyes, selecting a club and stepping up to her ball. She took a moment to set herself up then swung an excellent shot to get it straight onto the green, bouncing firmly without too much momentum to roll in close to the pin.
“Very nice,” you commented.
“My ass, or my shot?” she joked, glancing back.
“Both, as you well know,” you replied.
“Always good to hear it,” she said, turning and stepping out the way. You went to your ball and eyed it up, knowing your shot wouldn’t be so easy as it had rolled into a bit of a dip down from the edge of the fairway, just making it that bit trickier as it rested in the rough. You took the club and set your feet, eyeing it up, imagining the perfect way to make it work. You took a breath and steadied your grip before striking it cleanly, a good hit but you’d already left yourself work to do from the first shot.
“Not bad, Oppa,” Nayeon called, seeing you get it onto the edge of the green. It would leave a long putt but was a decent recovery.
“Could have been worse.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway, I’m done here,” she smirked, stepping up with her putter. You just watched her take a strong stance, loving her legs as she firmly positioned herself, pushed her ass out and then putted neatly, sending her ball rolling tidily across the cropped grass to dip perfectly into the hole.
“Told you,” she said, grinning as she walked over to pick up her ball. You gave her a congratulatory clap as she bent over to fish it out, making sure not to crouch and instead bending at the waist to let her skirt retreat over her peachy ass and show it off in her cute pink panties for you. Nobody else was around and she wanted to have some fun, and besides it could only put you off your game.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” you said, rolling your eyes, stepping in with your own putter. Nayeon just watched on as you made your long putt, missing the hole though not by much. You let out a disappointed sigh as it came to a halt near the hole before walking over and tapping it in, nudging the pin as it dropped in, leaving you one over par.
“Damn, could be worse,” you mused, picking it up and carrying it to your clubs.
“Could be better, too,” she smiled.
“I know, I know.”
“Still behind me,” she teased, tipping her bag onto its wheels and starting for the final hole on the game.
“There’s worse places to be,” you replied, watching her go as you put the putter away, sure she was swaying her hips a bit more than usual.
“You’re about to get beaten by a girl, yet again,” she teased as you caught up to her.
“No way, I’m gonna turn this around.”
“Not a chance, Oppa,” she smiled, “it’s not your day.”
“We’ll see,” you replied.
“Yeah, we’ll see me winning is what,” she says as she stopped at the tee for the final hole.
“No way, I’ve got some magic here for the last hole, gonna be a cinematic victory,” you said determinedly.
“You haven’t been able to find the hole,” she laughed, knowing the two shot lead she held would be plenty to win it on the final par three.
“I’ve got this,” you boasted, your confidence irritating her.
“Well you know what, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is,” she said, a slight snap to her voice.
“How so?”
“A bet, if you can pull back and win this game,” she said.
“What do you want? What do I have that the lovely Nayeon could possibly want?” you asked.
“Your car,” she said after thinking for a moment.
“My car?”
“Your car, that black Porsche you love so much, I want it,” she said. She knew you loved that car and had spent a lot of time on it, so taking it off you would be a kick in the teeth and really take you down a peg.
“And if I win?” you asked after a measured pause to consider it, “you’re gonna streak around this course naked.”
“Naked?” she said, heart surging as she was caught a bit by surprise.
“In your birthday suit,” you said with a smirk. You’d intended it as a joke and a bit of banter more than anything and was stunned when she answered.
“Deal,” she said, holding out her hand to shake on the deal. She was so sure she’d win the bet even if you did a good job on the final hole that it wouldn’t matter and she’d never have to pay her end. She was gonna walk away from this with your Porsche.
“Then let’s go,” you said, offering her the tee.
“Thanks,” she said, finding her driver and stepping up.
“Tell me, Oppa, how many girls you fucked on the back seat of that Porsche?”
“A few, why? You wanna be one of us?” you replied.
“Maybe, but I’ll do that when it’s my car. I’ll get it all cleaned first,” she said, blowing you a somewhat venomous kiss as she lined up her drive.
“We’ll see,” you said, watching her take position. You were quiet as she took her shot, putting her off never an option as you both wanted a clean fight despite the ribbing. She swung strongly, smacking her ball down the fairway nicely on target though it pulled a little to the left and ended up near the green but with a slightly longer shot than she was hoping for. With her skill however she had little concern of making par.
“Good start,” you said, watching her walking back to you.
“Good enough. Kiss your Porsche goodbye,” she smiled.
“It ain’t over till it’s over,” you replied, swapping with her to take the tee. Nayeon stood back and watched you set up, taking a few more seconds than normal as you scouted out the pin in the bright sunshine, watching the trees swaying with the breeze. You stood up, straightened your back and took position, hands settling on the club before you pulled back for the strike. Your club swung high over your head and then swept back down in a perfect arc to hit the ball cleanly and send it arcing into the air.
The tee snapped cleanly and flew down the grass a few feet as Nayeon watched it soar into the air, knowing immediately it was a good drive and so did you, staring in joy at the quality strike. You both followed it intently, watching it land onto the green with a bounce, then another, rolling perfectly on track for the pin.
“No, no!” Nayeon almost shouted as her heart rate raced, seeing what was about to happen.
“Yeaah, come on, come on!” You shouted with ascending volume, willing the ball to make it. Both of you stared for a final second as it trailed to a near stop—then dropped into the hole.
“Oh come on!” Nayeon shouted in anguish as you leapt into the air, whooping in joy and knowing you’d made a huge step forward.
“How’s that for a cinematic finish?” you said, grinning broadly. You grabbed the bag and pushed the driver back in, hoisting it onto your shoulder so you could get to the green and admire your incredible shot in person.
“You haven’t won anything yet,” she countered miserably, feeling the pressure immediately and knowing she had to stay cool. She had to finish on par to end the game on a tie, meaning neither of you got the prize.
“Heat’s on, Nay” you smiled, heading down the course ahead of her as she wheeled her bag behind you. You took a moment to lift the ball from the cup and hold it up for her.
“Hole in one! You never expected that did you?” you shouted, relishing your incredible drive and fortune.
“No, but it won’t matter,” she replied, heading for her ball off to the side of the green. You walked off and tucked your ball away separately, wanting to keep it to remember your victorious moment.
“Time to shine, Nayeon,” you said, standing back to watch her lining up her next shot. She’d been under pressure before and knew she was fine, breathing calmly and taking her time to get ready. With a neat swish of the club the ball flew up over the crest of the green and rolled towards the pin, stopping around six feet away for what should be an easy putt to draw the round.
“I’ve got it,” she nodded to you, steely and cool.
“All rides on this, you gotta finish this right here,” you said, still smiling as she swapped over to her putted.
“No problem, I can do this in my sleep,” she replied, shutting you from her mind as she stepped up onto the green and focused. You didn’t disturb her, watching her legs and taking another glimpse of her panties again as the skirt fluttered in the wind, seeing how focused she was on her shot. It was the shot to tie it up and she breathed calmly and took a neat, short putt of the ball. It rolled directly towards the pin, on target, moving swiftly...a little too swiftly, as at the last moment it hooked round the rim of the hole and trickled away again.
There was silence except for the wind for a second, Nayeon’s heart pounding as she realized what it meant. She’d missed...and lost the game, and the bet along with it.
“I thought you could do that in your sleep?” you smiled. She said nothing, just staring at the ball.
“And I must be dreaming, because you’re gonna be getting naked in a minute,” you grinned.
“Shut up,” she said, hiding a blush as she stepped to the ball, “let me finish.”
You just watched as she resumed her game and lined up the easy, very short putt. It hardly mattered now, if she made it, she’d be one shot down, if she didn’t and took another, she’d be two. Either way she’d lost and that meant your Porsche would stay yours...and you’d get to see her run about naked. Nayeon easily made the short putt, the ball tricking the foot or so it needed to drop into the cup. She swiftly picked it up and headed back to her bag as you clapped for her.
“Good game, good game,” you said.
“That was close, you lucky bastard,” she replied, smiling at you. It was good fun there was no doubt.
“And you get to keep your car.”
“And I also get to see you naked,” you added immediately.
“Oh come on, we were just messing around, just a joke right,” she said, trying to play it off and diffuse you immediately before it got going.
“Not a chance, you’d have wanted the Porsche wouldn’t you?” you said.
“Yeah I want it, but I wouldn’t have actually expected it,” she said hurriedly. It wasn’t true, she knew she’d have demanded the car.
“Bullshit, a deal’s a deal,” you said.
“Come on, no way. This place is too open, what if someone sees me?” she replied.
“That’s the idea, and you took the bet.”
“How about I flash you? Come on,” she said, trying to buy you with a quick glance at her tits.
“No chance. We had a bet, and you lost,” you said, looking at her sternly.
“I know,” she replied.
“So take your clothes off,” you ordered. She dropped her putted back into her bag, turning around to look at you.
“Seriously?” she asked, hoping for a last chance to back out of the bet she’d just stupidly made.
“Yeah, seriously. Hold up your end of the bargain,” you smiled. Nayeon gave a sigh and had a quick scout round, looking for anyone else.
“Longer you wait the more chance someone else is gonna come up here,” you teased.
“Ok ok!” she snapped, irritated at losing the bet but knowing it was only her hubris to blame. She took another glance around as she grabbed her top and pulled it up over her head quickly, throwing the caramel cotton aside to expose her black sports bra that supported her perky tits nicely...but didn’t stop her nipples poking through.
“You’re the first guy to see me do this in quite a while,” she commented.
“I’m honoured,” you replied, just taking in her stunning figure and tight body, muscles toned as she quickly reached down to undo her shoes. She pulled them off with her socks and then stood back up to grab her skirt, casting another look around and undoing the zip before she let it drop round her feet to reveal the pink panties she’d been teasing you with.
“Very nice,” you smiled as she kicked the skirt aside, standing in just her underwear as you took in her slender figure, loving her round, firm ass and the sweet bulge of her pussy. Nayeon hoped it’d be enough and you’d let her get away with just seeing her in her bra and panties, feeling the fresh breeze blow around her exposed body.
“Keep going,” you said.
“Come on, this is more than you’ve ever seen,” she argued.
“That’s not the bet.”
“Screw the bet, nobody else gets to see me this way,” she said.
“The bet was naked,” you replied.
“Come on this is plenty, aren’t you pleased?” she said, jiggling herself a little as she giggled, arching her back to push her chest out.
“And you get a good look at my ass this way,” she said, turning to shake her hips at you, letting you see her lovely ass.
“Not just those little peeks up my skirt that you take,” she teased, chiding you playfully.
“I’ll get an even better look if you take those panties off,” you smiled, pointing at the hot pink cotton.
“I think it’s better when something’s covered up, more mysterious,” she teased, flicking the elastic of her panties.
“You’d best take them off so I can compare,” you offered.
“I can do something else for you, how about it?” she tried.
“I don’t want anything more than this right now,” you smiled.
“You kept your car, how about I get you something for it?”
“Unless you’re joining me on the back seat that’s not gonna top this,” you grinned.
“Come on,” she tried again, “you don’t need to see me naked.”
“No, but I want to,” you smiled.
“We’re friends though,” she tried.
“And you lost a bet. You shook hands with me on the agreement that you’d streak naked around this golf course if I won the round,” you pointed out.
“And you bet me your car, bet you wouldn’t have given me it,” she protested.
“How long have we been friends? You know I’m a man of my word, I’d have given you the Porsche,” you said.
“This isn’t fair though!” she complained.
“How isn’t it? We had a deal, a straight bet, and you lost. You just got cocky,” you replied.
“And you got lucky!”
“Maybe so, but the result is the same, so pay up,” you ordered her.
“Not gonna let me out of this one, are you?” she said with a resigned smile and a sigh.
“Not a chance, so strip naked,” you said. Nayeon breathed deeply and steeled herself, knowing she was blushing as she felt the heat of her face as she reached for her sports bra.
“Quickly you’ve already wasted enough time,” you teased.
“Don’t you ever tell anyone about this,” she warned, looking at you sternly then peeling her sports bra over her head to let her perky tits bounce free.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, eyes locked onto her gorgeous tits with their firm nipples as she stripped off and threw her bra aside with her other clothes.
“And your fans think you’re so innocent,” you teased as she pushed her hands into her panties.
“Shut up, just...enjoy,” she said quietly, unable to think of anything else as she pushed her panties down and let them drop to her feet. You watched as the thin cotton was moved and she straightened up nervously, glancing around as you took in her stunning body complete with her totally smooth, shaven pussy.
“Oh, very nice,” you said, as she blushed heavily.
“You keep your pussy shaved, that’s hot,” you said, your cock stiffening fully in your shorts as the stunning idol stripped naked in front of you
“Shut up, it’s just how I like it,” she said.
“Shave or laser?” you asked, seeing how smooth she was.
“Shave,” she replied.
“You do a good job then, damn that’s smooth,” you said as your gaze fixed on her pussy.
“Thanks,” she muttered at the sort-of compliment.
“Now get running,” you said, indicating the wide open space that was still thankfully deserted.
“What?” she blurted out, mind not keeping up, still too embarrassed.
“Come on, streak, as you bet you would,” you ordered.
“Come on, go!” you said, smacking her ass hard and spurring her into action, Nayeon running away from the green on her bare feet. Her toes pressed into the neatly cut grass, feeling the cool vegetation between her toes and under her heels as she ran down the fairway and into the rough. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she looked around for anyone else, hearing your whistles of encouragement as she ran naked around the golf course.
You watched her round ass jiggling as she ran, working with every step of her strong legs that powered her rapidly down the fairway towards the tee, hoping nobody else saw her do it. She breathed hard as she got near then turned around, heading back to you, her tits bouncing hard as she ran, her slender body on full display. She knew you were taking everything in and absorbing it all, knowing you’d jerk off at the thought of it later on as she glanced around.
She realized that she was having fun though, performing for you and taking a chance, showing herself off for you and anyone else that might catch a glimpse of her. The exhibitionism was exhilarating, freeing almost as she shed her clothes and showed off for the world and despite the fear she loved it, feeling the characteristic tingle as her pussy wettened and excitement ran through her. Turned on, she slowed a little to make it last longer, for herself as much as for you, smiling at you as she dropped to a walk on the last few feet towards you that gave you ample opportunity to take in every detail of her naked, shaved body.
“You seem to like this,” you commented, watching her walking up to you. She was dripping wet and feeling horny, just ready to go as she approached you, not caring at that moment if anyone was watching or not. It wasn’t like she had anything to be ashamed of apart from doing it in public as her body was tight and toned, in great shape and plenty of people would just be happy she was there.
“Well, it’s a good bit of fun,” she mused, smiling at you as she approached, your eyes roaming over her nude body to drink her in. It didn’t really matter now and she was proud of how she looked, getting over the embarrassment of doing it in public. A quick scan around showed nobody else and she was thankful somehow landed in this quiet time at the golf club. She realized however that you had grabbed her clothes and was holding them hostage, out of her reach neatly stacked behind you with little intention of giving them back.
“Come on, give me my clothes, I’ve gotta get dressed,” she said, pointing to them.
“No, they’re mine now,” you smiled.
“Give them to me, that’s not fair,” she complained.
“Nobody said this was fair,” you smirked.
“Please, Oppa, give me my clothes,” she said, casting another gaze around.
“I don’t want you to get dressed, I like the view how it is,” you teased.
“I bet, but I can’t stay like this, what if someone sees?” she said.
“There’s nobody around, just enjoy it,” you replied.
“Please, don’t make me beg,” she said, looking into your eyes.
“I’d quite like you to beg,” you smiled.
“What, down on my knees?” she replied.
“Absolutely, that’d do nicely,” you grinned.
“Fine,” she said, flicking her hair back and steadying herself, making as if to get down and physically beg. She lowered herself, then abruptly lunged forward, shoving with all the power of her legs to try and lurch past you and grab her clothes...or at least some of them.
“Hey!” you shouted, reaching down to grab her as she tried to slide past you, your hands grabbing round her body, one squeezing her firm breast as the other pulled into her slender waist to restrain her.
“No!” she cried playfully as she was denied her outfit, you hauling her back away from it with strength that easily overwhelmed her own. It didn’t stop her though and she kicked forward, pulling against you as you restrained her, making you lurch on your feet and stumble, dropping her in the process. Nayeon managed another quick grab for her clothes, almost getting them before she was pulled away and up by you once more, her prize slipping out of her reach as she was manhandled.
She tumbled into you and wrenched to get away but was held tightly, your arms around her as she tried to break free, then shoved off her feet again to use her powerful legs. Nayeon giggling loudly as you two fell in a scramble of limbs onto the neatly kept grounds. Nayeon fell on top of you, sitting up but you grabbed her wrists before she could escape, basically riding you as she knelt on top of you.
“Oppa, stop,” she playfully chided, “I have to get dressed.”
“No deal,” you smiled, all of these flirtatious frustrations coming to a head as you wrestled. You pushed her back and Nayeon sat on your cock, feeling your rock hard dick pressing up through your shorts and straight into her slick, engorged pussy. She gasped as its shape easily split her puffy, shaven lips and her clit brushed over it, making her body surge in delight for a millisecond before she lifted up again, not letting you to see it.
“Well I’ll have to break free!” she whispered huskily, yanking her hands off yours and reaching forward but your arms locked round her back, exactly as she’d expected, to keep her in place on top of you. Your hand grabbed her tit and took a shameless grope of them as your arm stayed round her back to hold her down, easily over powering her as she struggled to break free. You squeezed hard enough to make her grunt, then pulled your fingers back off her hard nipple, making her tingle.
It only helped to accentuate the wetness of her pussy, hand trailing down to push into her hips and draw her back down, switching hands to grab a good feel of her ass next and sample the result of her all her workouts. Your hand pulled her ass open, revealing her puffy pussy, just wet and ready though she didn’t want to admit it, renewing her struggles as she got a foot under herself and pushed up again to change it up.
“No you don’t,” you smiled as she almost pushed away, hauled back down by a strong grip on her hips, being greeted by several hard, stinging spanks to her ass that made her cry out in pain as they spread through her. Your fingers shoved between her thighs as she struggled to break away, Nayeon’s hands pushing at your wrists to try and break the grip before her movements shoved your fingertips over the back of her slick lips, coating you in her hot, slick juices and making her quiver.
“Fuck, you love this,” you smiled, cock hardening even more if that were possible.
“Shut up, no,” she hissed, looking up to hide her blush as you hauled her down on top of your cock again and your hand reached up to grab her tits again, squeezing tight at one then the other as you took advantage of your position. She might be on top but had no way to get away, grunting and groaning as you gripped at her, more spanks landing on her ass.
She took advantage of an opening however when you let your guard down, too busy feeling her up when she suddenly jolted away, breaking your grip in that moment and lurching forward towards her clothes. Unfortunately, she broke free but lost her footing, toes slipping on the grass and making her stumble, leaving her vulnerable which let you grab her ankle and hold her back.
Nayeon whined in disappointment as she was pulled back, you surging up and yanking her down as she kicked and fought you playfully, rolling around on the grass as you struggled to control her. You hauled her down on her side, your arm over her shoulders as your leg hooked over hers, leaving your hand free, which soon connected with her as you smacked her tits. She gasped hard as you did, not having had her tits slapped in years, the sharp sensation shocking her into stillness and almost surrender for a second.
Her perky tits bounced and shook as you rolled her onto her back more and slapped her chest, Nayeon giving hard, rasping breaths as her breasts shook, your hands raining blows onto them to make her sting. She was sure there would be red marks and tried to get away again, finding her strength and kicking out, digging her toes into the grass and shoving forward to break your hold on her. She wriggled out of your grasp somewhat but you had hold of her intently, restricting the struggling idol easily with significantly more strength than her.
She succeeded in getting your grasp somewhat off her but you went with her and pulled her back, Nayeon fumbling onto her front now with you behind her. Your hand smacked her ass again and grabbed it for a hard grope, making her grunt then shudder as your fingers played along her slick, waiting entrance again to give away how hot she was. She loved being dominated and taken, she always had, so now it was just tingling her entire body with excitement.
You pinned her down and rolled on top of her, Nayeon totally helpless as you held her wrist down and stopped her legs with your feet. She pushed up and tried to escape, her strong thighs pushing her ass up, but all that did was give you more access to her. You couldn’t wait any longer, not wanting to miss out on your chance with her, so you reached down to yank your shorts out of the way and free your hard cock.
You aimed your cock towards her opening, though unintended, prone bone position you thrust yourself forward and buried your cock inside her easily in a single stroke for your second hole in one of the day. Nayeon’s pussy split easily around your swollen head and her body welcomed you inside her as you effortlessly drove your cock deep and pinned her down to the grass as you’d always wanted. Like so many men you’d wanted to fuck her for years and finally had the chance, groaning in pleasure as her silky smooth vagina swallowed your cock.
Nayeon’s eyes popped open wide and she moaned loudly as you slid inside her, her soaked pussy just waiting for your penetration, body shuddering as her nerves lit up and made her tremble. You forced your hips down to get your cock as deep as possible inside her, Nayeon responded by pushing her ass up for you, assisting in getting it as far inside as she could while you both grunted with heavy breaths.
“Oh fuck, Oppa...” she managed, overwhelmed as you started fucking her, slowly at first, hands moving down to pin hers to the grass. She interlocked her fingers with yours as you built up speed, thrusting busily onto her hot love tunnel, loving how intensely her cunt hugged your cock, how hot she was around you, her slick velvet walls an absolute pleasure. Nayeon groaned heavily in pleasure, so turned on and hot as you penetrated her, the first new man to do so in years and your cock felt heavenly.
All of your sexual tension was released as you fucked, and that was what it was; not making love or some sweet affair, you both were fucking, pinned down on the grass in the open at a semi public place no less but those thoughts didn’t cross your mind as you started to work your hips harder, cock deep inside her, shoving right into her as her body easily took it and let you get full depth inside her as she moaned.
“Fuck, don’t hold back,” she gasped, wanting all of you in a fast, aggressive fuck that she was sure would satisfy you both. Her rasping grunts became louder and more intense, letting out her sensations vocally as you fucked her, pushing her ass up as you slammed your hips into her, squashing perfectly into her firm, round booty to bury everything you had inside the groaning idol. She squeezed and jolted as you penetrated her, only encouraging you to stay deeper as your cock brushed her G-spot.
She cried in pleasure to the open air as you pounded down into her, pace picking up faster, strokes short and intense as you took your chance and just let out your long restrained lust for her. Your cock pulsed rock hard inside her, the hardest cock Nayeon had felt in a long time as you pumped down against her most sensitive area, her slick, sweet pussy letting you slide in deep again and again as your hips reciprocated above her. Her knees dug into the grass to hold her ass up for you, legs wide as her arms stretched out in front of her.
Pinned down under your fucking and with no intention of stopping it, Nayeon cried out her pleasure, getting rather loud much to your surprise. She was a screamer, something you somehow never expected of her but you loved it, loved how much she was enjoying your fuck and it spurred you to go faster and harder. You had to hold yourself back but pumped her hard, wanting to make her come all over your cock. Your hand pulled from hers and you grabbed her long hair, twisting it in your fingers before yanking it hard to make her scream.
“Fuck! Oh fuck me!” she screamed, even making you look around to check that you didn’t have an audience as your hips slammed into her. Her face was screwed up in sheer pleasure as she cried and screamed out her ecstasy to the world, pain of her hair being pulled mixing with the ecstatic sensations spreading from her G-spot, your cock so perfect inside her as it stroked every nerve ending and built her up. You tugged at her a few more times then abruptly shoved her head down, Nayeon gasping as she was cumming.
“Fucking slut,” you murmured, making her tingle as she loved you calling her that, knowing she was being exactly that as she being fucked by you. Your hands hooked under her hips and you pulled her back, up into a doggy style position somewhat though she was still laid on the grass, arms out in submission until you finished with her. You leaned back and smacked her ass, making her cry out loudly again, followed by another and another as you spanked her thoroughly.
You loved watching her take it, Nayeon gasping and crying out as you smacked her ass through grunts of pleasure, continuing to fuck her hard. You had her hip held tightly and pulled her back, giving her no way break away not that she was trying anyway. You gave a squeeze of her booty then your fingers played between her cheeks, making her shiver as a naughty tingle spread through her body. Her breath caught a moment as she felt a fingertip pressed at her asshole, knocking on her back door seemingly as you teased her for a moment.
She gasped loudly as it suddenly entered her, sliding deeply into her to surprise her, another sensation to mix in with the hard fucking you were giving her and the pain that still tingled her body. You probed her deeply and stretched her ass a little, making her moan at the illicit sensation while your cock still buried inside her, feeling her pussy clench tighter around you, gripping your shaft hard and helping your surge and pulse more intently.
You held your finger up her ass for a moment as you fucked her, jamming your cock inside her over and over again to make her scream again. She was just completely lost the pleasure of it all, her orgasm cranking up before she gasped as you pulled your finger out, the speed jolting her before you grabbed her hips tightly and pushed up over her. You knew what she needed and slammed down hard, pushing your cock deep and keeping it there as your hips let loose a flurry of thrusts.
“Oh fuck, fuck, I’m...” she whined, your bulging head slamming into her G-spot repeatedly with a rush of intense strokes that were the final steps to heaven for the idol. She screamed with every one until she rolled her eyes in a silent expression of ecstasy and came hard, eyes clenching shut as she shuddered intensely and inhaled deeply. Her next breath was a long, loud scream of pleasure as she shook hard, legs trying to kick out, fingernails twisting into the grass as you rode her ass all the way through.
“Yeah that’s it, come on,” you groaned, smiling down at her climax, loving making her orgasm as you pounded on her hard. Her grass stained knees dug into the green as she shoved against you, her pussy squeezing intently, so tight around you as you continued to drill into her hottest depths. It was more than enough to trigger you, the sensations of her body and the sheer mental stimulation of it all overwhelming as you held out.
You fucked her hard as her orgasm faded out, ignoring her feeble pulls to get away from the intensity and hands that tried to stop you, riding her hard for several more seconds to pound your aching cock deep inside the idol you’d wanted for so long. A final burst of energy from you saw her chokingly grunt at the intensity as you suddenly pulled out, making her inhale sharply as her pussy was empty and gaping wide, completely at your mercy though as you hopped off her and shoved her over in the process, tumbling over onto her back.
Before she even knew what was happening your hand grabbed her hair and yanked her head down hard, holding her in place as you aggressively stroked your cock, managing a few slippery jerks before you aimed it at her face and exploded with a long, guttural groan of ecstasy. Nayeon managed to shut her eyes just in time for the hot load to strike her face, gasping hard as the hot come landed across her pretty face.
It was abundant and intense, your orgasm strong and sending your cum bursting out in hard, fast jets that you aimed straight across her, the first across her cheek, nose and forehead before a second hit her eyelid and trailed into the front of her hair. She gasped in surprise and shock as you emptied your balls on her with many more shots hitting her cheeks, lips and chin before you leaned forward and shoved your bulbous tip into her mouth for her to suck the last of it from you.
She did as you wanted, sucking firmly and tasting your salty cum as it spread across her tongue, feeling the last twitches before your hand softened in her long hair and you gave a final strain before dropping aside, sitting down on the green beside her as you let her go.
“Fuck...” you groaned, resting back on your hands as you breathed deep, your heart racing from the exertion.
“Yeah...” she agreed breathlessly, feeling her chest thumping, splayed out naked in the warm sunshine on the golf course, completely exposed with a thick load of come drying on her face. you could do nothing but recover for a minute, both of you breathing deeply, hard breathing combining with the breeze and pulse in your ears before she felt very self conscious, pushing up on her elbows and opening her one free eye.
“I’ve got some tissues in my bag there, grab them,” she ordered, pointing back towards it as you looked over. You quickly moved, knowing you needed to get decent, pulling your shorts back over your still semi-hard cock as you fumbled with her bag and patted down the pockets. Luckily they were easy to find and you pulled them out, quickly putting them in Nayeon’s outstretched hand where she got to work. She yanked one out and pressed it to her face, absorbing your load and wiping it carefully from her eye.
“Get my clothes,” she ordered, glancing round in case someone had seen. There was nobody but she could swear she heard voices on the breeze. Maybe it was just paranoia seizing her in the wake of her orgasm but she wasn’t taking any chances, hurriedly grabbing another tissue and wiping her face, trying to methodically cover her skin from her forehead down to her chin as she rolled her lips to swallow any remaining load on her lips. The salty taste was of little concern as she threw the tissue aside, satisfied she was clean enough, grabbing her top.
You stood carefully keeping look out and leaving her to get it done, knowing you better not interfere at that moment as she shook the top out and hauled it over her head, foregoing her bra and simply covering herself up. She pulled it down then grabbed her skirt, flicking it over her bare feet and yanking it over her grass stained knees, cringing a little as she knew how that would look to anyone that saw her. She stood up fast, giving the course a last flash before she pulled it over her smooth, pristine pussy to gather it round her hips and fumble for the zipper.
She yanked it up breathed a sigh of relief that she was decent, flicking her panties out and reaching down to step into them. Nayeon was glad you hadn’t given her a cream pie for a multitude of reasons but right now primarily so it didn’t leak thickly into her pink panties, pulling them up determinedly to conceal herself. She grabbed the bra along with the tissues and stepped quickly to her bag, reaching down to snatch the socks from her trainers, bundling them all together and shoving them into a pocket of her bag.
“Did you hear someone?” you said, voices on the breeze again.
“Maybe,” she mumbled, knowing it wasn’t such a big deal now but the thing to do was focus on getting dressed so you both could make a hasty exit. She wasn’t sure sticking around was the best idea even if you had gotten away with it so she sat down hard on the grass, grabbing her shoes and shoving her feet into them. She managed to deftly tie them, not getting into a tangle as she rapidly secured them then stood up, zipping her back shut and checking nothing was left on the grass, or her face as she swiftly checked for anything she missed.
“Fuck that was close,” you said quietly as you saw someone just about come into view, the voices having been real. They’d just about got away with it as Nayeon tipped her bag onto the wheels, ready to leave.
“Yeah, let’s get outta here,” she said, nodding back towards the clubhouse.
“Got it,” you said, hefting your bag and walking with her, next to her this time as you both headed to the exit as if nothing had happened, the players behind were unconcerned, except for some strange noises and screams you thought you heard on the bright Seoul day.
Nayeon trailed you back into the clubhouse, dropping behind you as sanity returned and she felt very self-conscious about what you’d just done. She knew she shouldn’t have done it, should have made that stupid bet and even so much as entertained it given, she knew how you felt about her. Sure you were friends but she should have realized you’d have gone for anything like that.
“Nayeon, you alright?” you asked, stopping in the car park and putting your bag down.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she said, even as her mind raced.
“Look, that was...” you started but she quieted you immediately.
“Nothing, that was nothing and never happened,” she said firmly.
“Nothing? You didn’t like it?” you asked, a little surprised.
“Be smart, you know full well I did,” she admitted, her huge orgasm giving that away as clear as day.
“But I’m taken, and this never happened, got it?” she said.
“Got it,” you smiled, giving her a wink.
“Good game though, great finish, you really took me, I mean it on that last hole,” she said, cursing her stutter over the words.
“Yeah a great game, really tight at the end there,” you smiled.
“Another one soon?” she offered. She genuinely meant golf, though she was sure you might infer something more.
“Absolutely, we’ll make arrangements,” you said, giving her a brief hug.
“I gotta get going now, business to attend to,” she said.
“Got you, until next time,” you said, picking up your bag and heading for your car, the black Porsche sitting there in the parking lot like a taunt to what she’d been blinded by...and lost.
“See ya,” she murmured, turning to pull her bag to her SUV. She hauled it into the trunk and slammed it down, getting into the drivers seat and sagging back against the leather, hearing the rumble as your drove past.
She was embarrassed, she internally hated herself somewhat for what had transpired but fuck...she’d loved it, and she couldn’t wait till the next game.
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One month later—the next game.
Nayeon walked along to the next tee, scuffing her toes in the grass on the beautiful day, the sun beating down on her. And you were following along behind her, hauling your bag while checking her ass out. You both never spoken explicitly of your little adventure on the golf course a few weeks before where you’d fucked her hard on the final green in full view of anyone that might have been watching, but things had changed.
The flirting and playfulness had become very direct and overt since things had boiled over and her misguided bet had landed her in hot water. Both acted on attraction to one another, well...she’d finally given in and slipped up, letting herself get carried away and it had gotten way out of hand, but she’d absolutely loved it. As a result you both were freed from those chains, that barrier no longer existed between you and your private interactions had become so much more intent and explicit.
Flirting was out of control, when you were alone of course. She was absolutely never behaving that way if anyone else was around to see it and she knew she shouldn’t be doing it but that only made it hotter. Getting fucked by you in such a primal, passionate fashion had unleashed her and she was being so playful and dirty with you. On one hand she would die of shame if it came out, her relationship would be shattered. but on the other she was lustfully falling for you and couldn’t resist the thrill.
You both arrived at the next hole and set your bags up, Nayeon sliding her driver out and giving a stretch as you placed the ball down and paused to look at your phone.
“Come on, some of us are waiting to play,” she scolded playfully.
“Patient, we’ve got nothing but time,” you replied, and it was true since it was a quiet day on the course and nobody was immediately behind.
“What’s so important that you have to interrupt our game huh? Am I not enough for you?” she teased, walking over to you. As she peered over your shoulder to the screen, she saw a notification for a voice message come up from a woman who you had saved with a gratuitous picture of her stretched holes, her own hands clearly spreading her legs for it. It made Nayeon pause, shocked by the depravity of it, thinking it rather misogynistic that you displayed her in such a fashion as a fuck toy...but equally she found it hot, the kinky factor of giving her a thrill.
“Aish, you fucking perv,” she snorted, turning back to the game and stepping away.
“What’s your problem? This is how I save all my fuck buddies and they love it,” you said with a grin. Nayeon just rolled her eyes.
“I should save you like this too, technically you deserve the same treatment, the roll of honor,” you added.
“Fuck you, no way I’d do that,” she retorted. Stepping back but not entirely, she listened as you turned away and went to your voicemail, playing it with the loud speaker on rather than pressing it to your ear. She was sure it was to let her hear it, and she tried to pretend that she didn’t care even as she leaned a little closer to make sure she picked up every word lest the wind blow it away.
“Hey Oppa,” the message started, a girl giving a sexy, girly tone to her voice, hamming it up in a way that made Nayeon roll her eyes again.
“I really loved that dinner we had, that was a great place,” she continued, Nayeon listening in as whoever it was enthused about the date I’d been out on, innocent enough at first but it devolved very quickly.
“And when we went home...oh my God, I’ve never cum like that before,” she said as Nayeon’s ears pricked up.
“That anal orgasm you gave me, fuck, that was so hot!” she rambled on, making Nayeon blush as she heard it. You looked around at her, caught her little gasp and knew she was listening, grinning as you watched her retreat back.
“Oh very interested now I see,” you teased her, hanging up the phone as the other girl rambled about how you should see each other again, clearly trying not to beg for your attention in the process.
“Wanna hear all about how I fucked some other girl in the ass so hard she came, huh?”
“That’s bullshit,” Nayeon shot back, spinning on her heel to face you, “she’s lying. Girls don’t come from anal.”
“Really?” you asked with a smile, loving her reaction.
“No, women can’t come from straight anal without some kind of vaginal stimulation, rubbing the clit or something,” she said.
“How do you know what went on?” you smiled.
“So you did rub her clit?” Nayeon asked quickly, scolding herself for seeming so eager, like she’d just won or something.
“Nope, all anal, that’s all I did to make her scream,” you grinned, loving how the idol was so invested in it.
“Bullshit,” she said again, more forcefully this time.
“Just because you’ve never come from anal doesn’t mean other women can’t, you just need to get fucked by the right guy,” you shot back.
“I don’t even like anal,” she snapped.
“Just haven’t had the right guy to fuck your ass, that’s all,” you said smugly.
“Fuck off, what is it with guys and anal sex? Why do you always wanna fuck a girl in the ass so much?” she replied fiercely.
“When women have great asses like yours, guys want to fuck it,” you said with a shrug.
“This chick, has she got an ass like mine?”
“No, better.”
“Bullshit, bet she doesn’t,” she bit back, immediately defensive that you would dare another woman had something she didn’t when she knew you’d lusted for her for years.
“Truth hurts, doesn’t it?” you smiled, loving egging her on.
“No, because I know it’s lies,” she said, turning and shaking her ass at you to make her point.
“Keep telling yourself that. You’re the one missing out if you don’t give anal a proper try.”
“That’s what all the boys say,” she smiled, rolling her eyes.
“Your loss.”
“No way you’d make me come, or anyone else for that matter, if you fucked my ass. It’s all empty promises,” she retorted.
“You think so little of me?” you laughed.
“Frankly, yes, since you ask,” she replied with a smile.
“Bet your ass it’s possible,” you muttered quietly, but in the quiet kind of way that let her hear everything you said.
“Alright, fine! Let’s bet,” she demanded, making you immediately turn back to her.
“You wanna bet?”
“Yeah, let’s settle this, since you’re so fucking sure of yourself.”
“Ok, what are you proposing?” you asked.
“We fuck, and you only get to fuck my ass, nothing else. You don’t get to touch my pussy and no rubbing my clit,” she said.
“What’s the catch?”
“If you can’t make me come by fucking my ass, or if you come before I do, then I get that sweet Porsche of yours after all,” she finished.
“And if I win?”
“If you win, which you won’t, then you can take all the slutty pictures of me that you want.”
“Anything?” you confirmed.
“If you can make me come through anal alone, then yes, anything you like,” she said.
“Deal,” you said, extending your hand to her. Nayeon hesitated briefly before going for it, shaking hands firmly with you to secure the bet.
“Get your stuff,” you said, quickly turning to pack yourself.
“What? We’re not finishing our round?”
“Nope. I’m gonna collect on this bet,” you smiled back at her.
“Right now?”
“Yeah, right now,” you said. Nayeon glanced at her watch, knowing she had hours free for you and that it was as good a time as any.
“Ok then, show me what you’ve got, tough guy,” she teased with a little flick of her eyebrows, spinning her driver over in her hands to slide it back into her bag. You turned and headed back to the clubhouse, again behind Nayeon as you checked out her ass, the one you would shortly split in two.
“You coming in?” you asked as you shoved the golf bag into the trunk and shut it, closing the perfectly styled fastback of the black coupe.
“No, I’ll follow in mine,” she said, passing you and heading to her own SUV, huge and hulking in comparison to yours.
“Suit yourself, follow me,” you said, opening the door and sliding into your bucket seat as Nayeon opened her own trunk to load her bags. You didn’t even offer to help. you waited as she sorted herself out and got into the vehicle, signaling she was ready to go and waving you out of the parking lot. You started up the Porsche with a rumble, the throaty sound breaking the beautiful afternoon before slotting it in gear and pulling out.
Nayeon waited a moment and followed, keeping a little distance behind as you led the way. She’d put herself in your control and left it up to you to lead her, in more ways than one. She’d challenged you because she wanted to win, not because she particularly wanted your car as she could easily buy one herself, but because she still felt raw from the jammy way you’d beaten her the first time around with your incredibly lucky hole in one. You’d got more than one hole in the process too.
Nayeon followed your Porsche through the streets away from the golf course and out of town a way, away from the bustle of the city to a more quiet, run down area. Nayeon grimaced as you turned into a small, seedy looking motel where she was sure plenty of tricks got turned when the sun set. You parked up and got out, heading into the office as Nayeon pulled in beside you, choosing to stay in the car and wait until you told her what was going on. There was nobody else around save for a cleaning cart outside one of the rooms, suggesting a maid was making some effort with the place.
you strode back out a couple of minutes later, key in hand for a room paid in cash. The owner knew exactly what you wanted it for, though he had no idea with who, assuming it was another guy stepping out on his wife or vice-versa, having no stake and even less interest in the morals of it either way.
“Come on,” you called Nayeon, the gorgeous idol skulking down behind the steering wheel in her big sunglasses, waiting just a moment longer for you to get to the motel room and start unlocking the door before she hopped out and hurried over, hoping nobody saw her. She flicked the locking on her SUV as she got to the door, you opening it wide to usher her in before you stepped in with her and closed it tightly.
Nayeon looked around at the less than stellar abode; it was just about clean but little more, old and outdated with dodgy looking repairs to the walls and a carpet that looked well past its retirement date. you however were busy yanking the curtains around to block the window and anyone looking in as she took it in, dropping her bag aside on the small table it had.
“Charming place Oppa, couldn’t think of anything better?” she commented.
“You don’t deserve anything better,” you said firmly, immediately grabbing her from behind and pulling her close, your hands cupping her firm breasts neatly with a good squeeze. She gasped and shivered as you kissed at the side of her neck, Nayeon wilting in your arms as your teeth teased at her skin, threatening to leave telltale marks.
“You’re my nasty girl, Nayeon, and you’re gonna get your ass fucked, so who gives a fuck about the room,” you breathed, hands grabbing the bottom of her shirt to pull it over her head where she obliged and put her arms up so you could strip her. Her hair tangled and yanked a little as you aggressively wrenched her top over her head and threw it to the floor, hands immediately squeezing her tits through her bra, harder than she’d normally like but she couldn’t help but love it and the rough, unrelenting way you touched her.
“Fuck, take it easy,” she breathed, even though it was a lie. You saw straight through her of course, knowing she didn’t really want you to be gentle with her.
“I’ll do what I fucking want and you’ll love it,” you hissed over her shoulder, making her tremble, so slender and petite in your arms as you dominated her. Your hands slid down and pushed her shorts down, sending the smaller than necessary garment to her feet. She’d worn them for you, to give you a good look at her ass, playing up to your interest in her and it had helped lead to this moment. Well, her attitude and refusal to back down had, actively inciting the conversation really after she’d nosed on your business due to some jealousy.
You exposed her simple but sexy black thong, hardly ideal attire to play golf but you both knew why she’d chosen it. Your fingers slid into the waistband and pulled it up a bit tighter for a moment, toying with it before you shoved it down and sent it sliding down her smooth legs to join the shorts. Nayeon obediently stepped out and kicked them aside, panties flicking up from her toes onto the bed as you ran your hands down the curves of her waist and over her hips to grope her ass. Her firm booty, your prize, that you would imminently split in two with your cock.
She was nervous, the trepidation of anal sex gnawing at her a little but she couldn’t wait for you to do it, to make her take it and try to make her come. Confident that she wouldn’t and that she’d soon be driving your pretty Porsche home only made her give in. She figured if you were going to prove your point then it was only fair you got to run things, to fuck her your way and enjoy yourself in mission to make her do the same. She comforted herself that it was just playtime, it was fun for both of you until she inevitably flaunted your Porsche the next time you played golf.
“Oh no, no,” Nayeon chided softly, shivering as you reached round and ran your fingers over her smooth pussy, taking in the perfectly shaven lips and letting your middle fingertip just run down her slit. She shuddered at how expertly you split her puffy labia just a little so it brushed over her clit, stimulating her ever so lightly through the hood and making her tremble. But it wasn’t part of the deal.
“That’s off limits,” she said, pulling forward in your grip a little and reaching down to reluctantly stop your hand stroking at her soft, enticing pussy. She knew you could feel that she was already wet.
“I thought I got to do this my way.”
“To fuck my ass, yeah,” she said bluntly, blushing a little as she just blurted it out, “and that’s all. You don’t get to rub my clit first.”
“Suit yourself,” you said, then turned her to push her down on the bed, straight onto all fours in front. Nayeon playfully posed for you, sinking her back and letting her knees slide wider to show herself off. It showed off her smooth, bulging pussy perfectly but more importantly let you see her tight, forbidden asshole where even an hour before she’d never have let you consider squeezing your cock in.
“Perfect,” you smiled as you shed your clothes, stripping yourself as quickly as you’d done her, though she still had her Converse shoes on as she knelt on the low quality bed. She was sure she might be adding some more dents to it imminently and there would be no opportunity to sleep, so it hardly mattered what state it was in.
“Show me what you’re made of, tough guy,” Nayeon murmured, glancing back over her shoulder at you. Her gasp was immediate and sudden as you dived down and pressed your tongue against her asshole, grabbing her hips to hold her in place as you licked over her tightest, naughtiest hole. She choked in surprise and illicit sensation, the feeling like nothing else as you attacked her with power and precision from the off and gave her no chance to ease into it.
She’d never had it before and it completely caught her off guard, just thrown straight into it and she could tell you wasn’t going to let her take it easy, not give her a break or gradually get started. No, you were going to throw it all at her hard and fast, run things your way and keep her on her toes to make her sensations tingle and tremble in every possible direction to overwhelm her. All she could comprehend was the shock of it as your tongue got to work lashing and circling her most forbidden hole.
Her gasps became heavier, groans breaking through as she relished the new and unique sensation of your tongue devouring her asshole, tingling as it almost felt too much to handle. Your fingers dug into her soft skin and pulled her back dominantly, restraining her on the bed as you buried your tongue into her. Her shock turned to willing pleasure, letting her legs slide a little wider, arching her back to push back into you and feel more of your sensual touch over nerve endings she’d never explored.
It started to feel good, really good as the excitement of how new and naughty it was overtook her and she moaned helplessly with pleasure. A tingle ran through her whole body, hands tightening in the cheap sheets as she shivered, body trembling, a stuttering groan escaping her mouth that only told you she loved it. Her clit tingled, hoping you’d swoop down and run your tongue over it even though she’d forbidden it. Instead, you spread her ass wider with your thumbs to expose her more and let you press your lips completely against her, shoving your tongue properly into her now, feeling her sphincter instinctively squeeze and then relax to let you inside her, Nayeon moaning gutturally as you shoved it in.
Nayeon moan whorishly, letting out every expression of pleasure as you buried your tongue inside her, her asshole giving way without a fight as she arched her back and shoved into you, only wanting more of it. You barely needed to hold her as you ferociously eat her ass, thrusting and pumping your tongue inside her, feeling her squeeze tightly as you invaded her most private space. The pretty idol just gasped hungrily, desperately wanting more of your illicit touch as you tongued her asshole, a new and utterly unique sensation that she’d just discovered.
It crossed her mind that things were already not going her way as she was immensely aroused, pussy soaked already with trembles running through her as she knelt completely at your mercy. She’d promised herself she would surrender to you since it was your job to make her come—that was her excuse at least. She just wanted to give herself up to you and get fucked again frankly, she needed it, and the premise of the bet had been straight forward enough though she wouldn’t have necessarily have chosen anal sex.
And then she was abruptly interrupted as you pulled away from her, leaving her ready as she gasped in shock and looked back at you. you pulled some lube from your clothes on the floor and turned back to her, Nayeon’s eyes locking onto your thick, throbbing erection as you uncapped it. She wasn’t sure where you got it from, it didn’t really matter as you squeezed it out and rubbed it over your hard cock, slicking the bulging head as you stepped up behind her. She inhaled as you slicked her tight ring with the thick, silky jelly and then wasted no time in getting straight to it.
Nayeon breathed deeply to calm her racing heart rate, the excitement and nerves rushing up on her, sending adrenaline through her as you reached down and grabbed a rough handful of her long hair. She felt thoroughly controlled as you twisted your grip on her enough to make her wince and pushed your straining cock to her tight, waiting asshole, not being overly gentle with her as you teasingly thrust against her and felt how she resisted, just feeling her out. You held her dominantly in place as you worked against her and eased her open, the thick lube helping ease into her already tongue teased asshole.
Your pace was steady but inexorable, not giving her a chance to resist or pull away, holding her back as you squeezed your cock inside her. It was tight but she gave away, feeling herself stretch naughtily over its invader, using just enough pressure to drive your thick cock inside her without going too fast. She still winced and let out a sharp breath as you popped inside her with a distinctly tight snap, her ring of muscle stretching over your bulging tip as her body finally gave up and let you in.
Her grunt only turned you on more and you grinned to yourself as your cock flexed at the pleasure of her tight asshole, her body gripping your cock as you sunk inside her. You didn’t let it bother you however and started pumping into her steadily, holding her hair still as your other hand slid to her curvy hip to hold her in place and resist her attempts to pull away. She didn’t mean to but it was uncomfortable, struggling with the sharp pain where her sphincter had given way at the last moment.
“Like that, Nayeon?” you teased, “just another one of my little sluts.”
Nayeon seethed a little at that, being just another one of your women with your cock up her ass but she didn’t say a word. She’d literally invited it and had to take it, to let you work your supposed magic on her and bring her to climax like you promised you could.
“The famous idol is on her knees, taking it in the ass like a slut,” you continued, seeing her twitch as she held her temper back, refusing to engage as you started thrusting yourself deeper inside her, making her tightest hole take more of your cock.
“Knew you’d love this,” you added, smiling as you shoved yourself into her firmly, but carefully. Your pace was calm and measured, taking your time with her and letting her ass handle your cock whilst pushing her a little, just finding the right balance with her. Your thrusts were controlled and purposeful, working deeper inside her with your thick prick in longer strokes until her pain faded. Pleasure melted into it all as she felt the full, satisfying sensations of anal sex, nerve endings stroked for the first time by your cock as you pumped her deeper, working all its way inside her until your hips pressed to her toned ass.
“Oh fuck...” Nayeon muttered as she shuddered, the unique sensation of you bottoming out making her quake quite intently. you knew you had her, broken in and able to take it and so started picking up your pace a little. Your pumps got harder and more intent, making sure to go full depth every time so she took all of it and had every nerve ending tingled in the process. She gasped in pleasure, her heart racing as she immediately blushed, barely able to believe she was enjoying it.
Anal sex had always been a painful and undignified experience for her, with guys shoving in far too hard and fast for her to handle, but you had taken your time and warmed her up just perfectly ready for you. As a result, your cock had popped neatly inside her and slid deep with little problem, easing her past the discomfort as you took your time and was now starting to make her tingle in all the right ways.
Her breaths became harder, more intense, more involved as you pumped your thick cock into her, Nayeon thinking about how lewdly stretched her asshole was, how hot it was that it was wrapped rightly around your cock as you pumped into her, flexing all the areas of her that’d never been touched. Your hands still pulled at her, fingers pressing into her soft skin as you readjusted your grip on her hair, keeping her tugged back and dominated, under your full control. She wasn’t going to fight, it was your show and besides, the cascade of building sensations within her as you fucked her ass were overwhelming her.
Her legs twitched, feet kicking as she dug her toes into the bed, twisting the cheap sheets as she arched her back and tried to push back more. Her encouragement made you smile, loving how Nayeon was getting into it, knowing you was pushing her buttons just right and building towards something completely new for her. You held her tightly, your prize the famous idol, down on all fours to fuck like every other girl you enjoyed and absolutely loving it as you picked up the pace to thump on her with harder, shorter strokes that buried as deep as possible.
“Fucking love this, don’t you?” you asked, rhetorically really as Nayeon only moaned a response, shivering and rolling her hips on you, changing the pleasurable feeling of your cock. She never imagined she’d be able to enjoy anal sex, figuring your Porsche was hers the moment she made the bet, but right then she wasn’t so sure. It certainly felt great and there was a deep, building sensation that was gaining momentum within her. She wasn’t entirely sure it was an orgasm, or going to lead to one, but it was certainly nice...and different.
“if only your fans and friends could see you now,” you teased, slapping her ass hard to make her gasp.
“Your precious fans and friends. Bet they’d be shocked if they saw you doing this,” you grinned, fucking her harder, letting yourself get a little more carried away with the sensations of her tight asshole gripping around your shaft. You held onto her and fucked her harder, really taking a step up that knocked the breath out of her for a moment, Nayeon hauling in a huge breath as you plunged deep into her hot asshole.
“Fuck...” she winced, gritting her teeth as the pleasure started to build up rapidly on her, far more distinct and obvious as you pumped her with shorter, faster thrusts, holding her body tight and prone for you to fuck, existing solely for you to enjoy it seemed even though it was her that was starting to struggle towards climax. Her clit throbbed with every thrust and she could tell how wet she was, practically dripping on the bed as you fucked her ass.
Her hands twisted up big fistfuls of the passable sheets, holding herself down as much as bracing for it all as you continued to pull her hair back as you aggressively fucked her. You were working with a clearly practiced rhythm as you hammered into her hard and fast, not overdoing it but more than enough pressure to tell her you were in charge. It was clear to her as her orgasm continued to build, the familiar sensations deep within her telling her that a climax was imminent, her body twitching with little jolts of pleasure and bolts of electricity through her.
Nayeon tried to fight it, to push it down and tell herself it wasn’t happening, that she wouldn’t let it but it only seemed to make it more intense. It was like pulling back a rubber band, the harder she tried the more powerful it became and she just knew it was going to overwhelm her if she let go. She wanted to come, to let that orgasm take her as she already knew it was going to be something different, but she hated the fact that you’d win the bet...again. She just wanted to beat you and had been so sure you had no chance this time, but instead she was on all fours gasping hungrily as you pounded her ass to climax.
You both knew what was happening and you kept going hard, knowing you was hitting the right spot as she twisted and writhed on your prick, clearly wishing she wasn’t enjoying herself like she was but shoving back anyway to maximize your penetration. Your hands held her tightly, Nayeon is all yours as you plundered her ass, something she didn’t even let her boyfriend do and you absolutely loved that. Another your little anal slut, the highest profile you had by miles of course and the fact you could bring her such illicit, unexpected pleasure was a treat.
“Come on, Nayeon, just come for me,” you teased, fucking her ass intently, shaking her whole body with your pounding.
“No, I don’t want to...” she gasped, still fighting it and trying to hold out to win the bet, hoping it would pass and fade.
“Just let it happen,” you laughed, knowing she’d never stop it and that it was already overwhelming her. Nayeon just groaned helplessly as she shook, trembling in pre-orgasmic sensation as it began overtaking her. It still felt different, something new and unique that in some ways didn’t feel like an orgasm but the intensity was powerful, telling her something big was coming. You kept pumping, your rhythm and pace impressive as you thumped your big cock into her stretched asshole and jolted her towards climax.
“Fuck...” Nayeon said, her voice strained, struggling to get the words out as her heart raced, breaths catching in her throat as she tried to rapidly inhale, body just rushing as it all seemed to happen so quickly. It was all new and exciting, but totally overwhelming, something that she’d never experienced before and as a result she couldn’t entirely handle it. Her body bubbled and tingled, coming to the boil slowly but then suddenly rushing up on her all at once as her lithe, toned body gave a sudden quake and her breaths gutturally choked from her in a hard, shocked gasp.
“Oh...god!” She struggled as the huge orgasm hit her, seemingly rushing up from nowhere before either of you knew it was happening. She lost the bet in spectacular fashion as she quaked like never before, body losing all control for a moment it seemed as she hit her peak and lost her breath, so overcome by it all she couldn’t even pull any air in. She gasped desperately as she got past it and took some control, the ecstasy hitting her so intently she didn’t know which way to go, shoving her ass back into you even though it felt too much, her body prickling with pleasure.
It was all too much and she tried to pull away but you kept riding her, holding her back tightly and not letting her escape from the sensations. It was almost a punishment for losing as she bucked and strained under your hold, her mind tumbling, lost in the eclectic blend of all the different feelings rushing through her. The humiliation at losing, the incredible pleasure of a new kind of climax, the dominating feel of your cock thrusting into her ass and the helpless way her body was kicking and fighting it, the explosion lighting up her nerves and throwing her control completely.
Her hand fumbled up from the sheets as she tried to reach back to slow you down, straining away as it became too much, more overwhelming than anything else. Her grunts of pleasure became tight and uncomfortable, wincing as you rode her to the very end of her orgasm and pressed her down into the bed. Pinned down, she gasped helplessly as you fucked her firmly for the final few seconds and made her take your cock deeply, as deep as you could get it to finish off the whole sordid event completely.
You slowed to a stop but remained buried in her asshole, balls deep, not giving her the respite she needed as she helplessly crumpled on the bed beneath you. She was absolutely exhausted and needed time to recover, body feeling completely disconnected from her mind in the wake of her first anal orgasm. Just took a minute or so, gasping sweatily as you pinned her down on the cheap mattress. Nayeon heard a mumble of people through the wall and wondered how much they’d been able to hear of her climax. It didn’t matter, they had no idea who she was, but she still felt somehow exposed.
“So Nayeon, what just happened?” you smiled.
“You won the bet Oppa,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I did, but how? What did I just do, Nayeon?” you questioned.
“You made me come by fucking my ass,” she muttered, blushing as she sheepishly put her head down, spelling it out directly as if she knew what you wanted to hear.
“Yes, I did,” you smiled, rocking your hips into her a bit to press your still hard cock into her ass to accentuate the point.
“Have you got a vibrator?” you asked.
“Uh...yeah, why?” she asked, taking a moment to find clarity of thought.
“With you?”
“Yeah, in my bag,” she replied.
“For those little treats on the go, huh?” you teased, climbing off her to slide your cock out of her strained asshole for the first time since you’d stretched her open, making her grunt, feeling so empty and used. you slid off and grabbed her bag, tipping the contents out onto the bed next to her and searching briskly through the abundance of make-up, chewing gum and other objects to easily locate the small, hot pink sex toy.
“Perfect,” you said as you grabbed it, sweeping the other stuff aside a little more, out of the way as you focused on her once more. you laid back on the bed next to her and flicked the toy on, checking it had charge as you looked to the exhausted idol beside you.
“Get up,” you ordered her, reaching over to smack her ass. She did as she was told, on autopilot and doing as you told her, pushing herself up onto her knees where you grabbed her hips and pulled her over, facing away into a reverse cowgirl position. Nayeon fumbled sluggishly as she climbed on, her legs heavy after her huge orgasm and still not quite working right. That new, different type of climax had hit her co-ordination and she clumsily slumped into you, taking a moment to get herself together.
She gasped loudly as you wasted no further time and pulled her back down, your hand on her hip to dominantly direct her down and back onto your cock, which you slipped straight back into her ass with no fuss at all. She felt the stretch but it didn’t hurt, her ass already loose and ready, easily wrapping around your cock once more as you pulled her down and buried it into her ass once more.
“Ride,” you commanded her, swatting her ass to spur her on. Nayeon immediately complied and pushed on with her legs, strong things shakily getting to work as she carefully rose up then sank down to work your cock into her tightest hole, the first time she’d ever ridden a cock during anal sex in her life. You didn’t try and run it, letting her set the pace and stroke as you knew she had to get into it, simply laying back and enjoying the sight of the gorgeous Nayeon slowly riding your cock.
Her tight asshole wrapped around you so perfect, stimulating your thick shaft and pulling at your head when she dared to get high enough that you might slip out. As she got more confident and bobbed up and down with ease, getting over the initial trepidation of it all, you flicked on the vibrator and reached over her hip to press it to her clit. She jumped suddenly, not expecting it or the sensation it caused to be so violent, her body ultra sensitive in the wake of everything.
She squealed in pleasure and sensation, your other hand holding her down lest she jolt up and off, her ass squeezing nicely as she shuddered. You gave her a minute to take it all in, quite literally, working against her as she got past the shock and recovered herself.
“Now ride,” you ordered once more. Nayeon hesitated, rocking her hips forward into the vibrating bullet you held on her clit for a second longer before she got to it, pulling her feet underneath her and crouching over you. It folded her legs tighter and changed her position, sitting down more directly into your cock so you could penetrate her deeper, the full length of your cock sinking into her ass as she sat down onto you again.
“Oh fuck,” she whimpered, shaking as your cock drove full depth inside her again and made her tingle, shaking as you pressed the vibrator into her clit more intently. But she did as she was told, obediently now, pushing up to start riding, thrusting herself down onto your impaling cock with careful squeezes of her asshole as she got bold enough to try it. You loved it and she was spurred on by your groans of pleasure, riding a bit faster, getting into it and giving in to the pleasure she felt. It wasn’t just from the vibrator either though that was a major part of it, the intense tingle spreading from her clit.
No, the pleasure of your cock plunging deep into her ass as she forced herself down was deeply satisfying, enjoyable in a unique way and she chased that feeling as she rode. She did as she was told, a good girl, your good girl, riding energetically as she lost herself to all the sensations and stimulation. The full, different feeling of your cock pumping into her ass combined with the intense tingle of her vibrator was like nothing she’d felt before and as a result she lost herself completely, unable to formulate clear thoughts as she was overwhelmed.
Nayeon was completely overstimulated, reaching down to try and pull your hand away with the toy, needing a break to pull her thoughts together. Instead, you just pressed it hard against her, ignoring her feeble attempts to get you to back off, crying out hard but not once slowing her stroke as she continued to ride your cock. It pulsed and flexed inside her enticingly, impossible to resist as she kept fucking hard even as she was desperately trying to get a break from the bullet.
“Fucking love this, don’t you?” you teased.
“Uhhhh...” Nayeon moaned incoherently, adrift in the wash of sensations.
“Love being another one of my anal sluts,” you continued. Nayeon just rasped hard, loudly breaking the air as sweat prickled her brow and she winced at the intense feeling running through her, muscles tightening.
“Another pretty Idol who just loves getting fucked hard.”
She was stung by it but frankly it was true, that moment proved it but she didn’t care, only focused on the overwhelming pleasure as she fucked you hard and made sure to drive your cock as deep as possible inside her with every stroke. Her grunts became loud and heavy, gutturally intense as she just gave in and rocked against the vibrator again, her body awash with the sensations as thousands of nerve endings were stimulated in different ways at once.
“Grunting like a slut as well,” you commented, but Nayeon didn’t care, barely hearing you as she grunted hard and fast, on the brink of another huge climax. It was rising in her and just as she was about to give in to it, to simply let it happen, you changed things up and grabbed her hip, holding her tightly and stopping her shoving down so you could pump up into her. Nayeon’s grunt turned to a scream as you turned it up to eleven and pounded up into her ass with short, hard strokes, the gorgeous idol held tight and clenching around you to make it more intense.
She screamed long and loud, overwhelmed as you thumped the sound from her lungs with your rapid, powerful thrusts that slammed up into her ass as you drove the vibrator intently into her clit. Nayeon had nowhere to go and just screamed her pleasure to the bedroom and anyone near enough that could hear her as her body suddenly boiled over in ecstasy again and she shook powerfully on top of you. She drove herself down, breaking your grip to impale herself fully again as she quaked in orgasm, giving a series of piercing screams of pleasure as she came hard, grinding her hips and working on her clit against the vibrator so it worked over her clit repeatedly.
She wasn’t sure she’d ever come so hard in her life and ached to prolong it, driving her hips hard with a primal rhythm to make it endured as long as possible. Her screams went silence, twitching and bucking in sharp, sudden surges as the pleasure became too much for her, the bolts of electricity more intent and effective as her body shook uncontrollably, fading into stillness as her climax faded and dissipated to nothing but a racing heartbeat and hungry breaths, reaching down to desperately shove you away from her clit in the process.
Before she even had a chance to do anything else you grabbed hold of her and wrenched her off, the idol tumbling off your cock onto the bed beside you. She was at your mercy, flapping limply in the aftermath of another orgasm as you swiftly took charge of her and rolled her onto her back, dragging her slender figure easily to where you wanted it. You were on her in a flash, once more ready to impale her on your thick cock as you threw her toned legs over your shoulders and yanked her into position before you.
“Go easy,” she breathed, wanting a break but knowing you were unlikely to give one. She wasn’t wrong as you completely ignored her, lining your cock up and plunging straight back into her tired, loosened asshole with ease and shoving your hips down to get full depth inside her. Nayeon cried out and weakly tried to stop you, her body surging in a rush on sensations as your bulging head drove deeply inside her again.
You ignored her and drove her down into the cheap mattress, her hands digging into the sheets as she gave up to simply cling on and take it, you in total control as you immediately began pounding into her. There was no mercy, thumping your cock hard and deep inside her, the hardest you had so far as you focused on your own enjoyment and took all you wanted from her taut, tired body. Nayeon groaned heavily, struggling as you smashed her hard and thumped the air from her lungs, her fingers digging sorely into the bed once more as she held on.
It was only fair since she’d had hers and now you will get yours, slamming yourself down against her with powerful grunts, breaths hard and intense as you put it to her and chased the illicit sensation of her tight asshole wrapped around your straining cock. You were completely into it and treating her like a cheap whore you’d picked up, slamming her intently without a care in the world, holding her toned legs over your shoulders as you gave her everything you had whilst ignoring her completely.
Nayeon was spiraling as she held on and took it, her asshole aching from the attention as she gasped desperately. She cried out as you suddenly reached down and slapped her across the face, stinging her, jolting her awake almost as she flinched and recoiled.
“Don’t mark me up,” she gasped, not wanting to explain to her boyfriend where a hand print had come from.
“I’ll do whatever I want, you slut,” you snapped in response, reaching down to grab her throat and choke her. Nayeon’s breath caught sharply, eyes wide as she surged and struggled a moment in shock more than anything else. You held her just long enough to make her squeak before letting go, the idol giving a huge gasp as you did, heart racing as you shoved her across the bed with your brutal pounding of her asshole. She never believed she’d be in such a situation, cheating on her boyfriend and getting hard anal sex in the process but here she was.
You reached out across the bed, slowing your pace momentarily as you grabbed her panties that were clinging onto the corner of the sheets, hooking the black thong onto your fingers before leaning back over her. She grunted as you thrust hard again to swiftly regain the pace you’d had previously, wasting no time in enjoying her sweet ass as you balled up the simple, sexy thong in your hand. Without hesitation you leaned down and stuffed the underwear straight into her mouth making her give a loud, shocked sound that was immediately muffled through the material.
“This’ll keep you quiet. I only want to hear you grunt,” you smiled as you shoved them right into her mouth, your fingers pressing them deep to make her gag, body heaving as you tripped her reflex when they touched the back of her throat. You just relished the chance to treat Nayeon so roughly and flexed your cock as you pumped it deeply inside her. Your pounding was hitting the spot again and she couldn’t quite believe she was enjoying it so much, your domination and dismissal of her just so hot, fucking her ass to your ultimate pleasure. Her hand pulled from the bed and reached down to touch her smoothly shaven pussy, not stopping her and just watching as she quickly located her stiff clit and started massaging it.
Her groan and shudder only made her asshole clench tighter for you and that was nothing but a good thing, pumping your hips and driving your thick cock into the snug, twitching hole. You reached across the bed to the tumble of her stuff, left from where you’d emptied her bag to find her bullet and grabbed hold of her lipstick. It was bright red, slutty, not a subtle everyday shade that she might wear. You uncapped it and twisted it open as you continued to pump your hips forward, revealing the bright stick.
You suddenly buried yourself deep and leaned over her, grabbing her hair to hold her still as she let out a muffled protest and stared widely at you. You used the lipstick to scrawl “SLUT” on her forehead in big bold letters before you knelt back up with a grin and threw it aside, grabbing her thighs again to crank into her as you started thrusting once more. Nayeon wasn’t sure what you’d done but assumed you’d written something derogatory on her, expecting little else, but it didn’t matter as she was simply losing it then.
Her fingers got back to work at her clit, rubbing busily as you started really pounding her, leaning over her and rolling her hips back to you could plunge deep and hard into her asshole. Your hips shoved hard against her sculpted ass, pressing into her booty over and over as you jammed yourself into her with short, hard thrusts. She was propelled towards the edge of the bed, sliding on the passable sheets as you fucked her harder than she’d ever imagined she’d be able to handle, your cock splitting her tight asshole in two as you drove into her.
Nayeon was completely lost to it as you pounded her asshole hard, harder than she’d ever experienced, her fingers dancing so easily on her clit, her well practiced technique doing the job to accentuate the sensations of the fucking. Anal might not be her bag, or so she claimed, but mixed with her fingers it was more than enough. After another minute or so of you ploughing her ass hard and her touch getting harder, faster and more aggressive she shuddered hard as another short but powerful orgasm quaked her soul.
Her noises were muffled by her panties, the black thong still stuffed in her mouth where she obediently kept it despite the humiliation of it, grunting hard through it as her eyes squeezed shut, body shaking and clenching around you. It was a bit too tight, rather uncomfortable as her stretched, strained asshole was at breaking point, barely able to keep it together before it lost all sense of strength under the energetic fucking. You’d shoved her to the edge of the bed in the excitement and with her shakes she was suddenly over the side, squealing through her makeshift gag as she tumbled back off the bed onto her shoulders.
Her legs flailed as she landed with her ass up in the air, still twitching and kicking in climax as it faded as she was suddenly presented in the perfect piledriver position. She was barely conscious of it however as she passed out, overwhelmed by it all, the sensations of another orgasm mixing with the relentless anal pounding you were putting on her. It was all too much and her world faded, slumped back on her shoulders by the bed as you just kept going, riding her over the edge and slamming down into her.
You didn’t care that she’d passed out either, smiling to yourself in sheer enjoyment as you kept fucking her exhausted body, stepping off the bed and over her for maximum penetration, driving yourself down hard into the collapsed star. Your cock throbbed and tingled with pleasure, letting yourself really feel it as you worked to the finish, the idol slumped under your efforts and completely fucked out. Making her come from anal sex, like you’d promised, had been another personal triumph and you enjoyed that as you pounded her hard and deep, your cock bucking as you approached climax.
You relished that final few seconds, pounding into the wrecked star, her legs flopping as she laid helples. you felt the inevitable tingle and your cock stiffening fully, taking a chance on a final few strokes into her before you yanked it out and grabbed hold of yourself firmly, stroking fast. Jerking your cock furiously, you held on as long as you could possibly handle and then aimed down at her pretty face, between her folded legs and exploded with a grunt of ecstasy. Your first thick spurt was perfectly on target and spattered across her gorgeous features, Nayeon twitching as it shocked her a little and spurred her back towards attention.
Your aim was locked in and you grunted hard with every subsequent burst from your cock, ejaculating thick, salty come down over her for an impressive facial. By the time you were shivering and squeezing out the last of your load she was covered, coated with a facial she fully deserved, your prize after fucking her so impressively to the orgasm she’d claimed was impossible. Well, one of the prizes, as you still had to claim what she’d actually bet on which was photographs of her.
You stepped off her, straightening up with a shiver and a smile, grinning to yourself as you breathed deep to recover in the wake of a job well done. You wasted no time however and quickly found your phone from your pocket, flicking it onto camera and stepping back to the exhausted idol, still practically unconscious at the side of the bed. You steadied yourself and perfectly framed her asshole, loose and open in the wake of intense fuck, her legs slumping back only helping to spread her for the camera. you snapped several shots, getting exactly what you came for, before you stepped back to grab a couple of pictures of her wrecked form.
Seeing Nayeon slumped back, just about coming round in the aftermath of it all, was hot and you loved the way she was then compared to her hot headed attitude just a little while before at the golf course. Before she had a chance to completely come to you stepped over her and got pictures of her face with your thick load splashed across it, your masterpiece almost but it was also just fantastic to have a photo of Nayeon in perhaps the sluttiest state she’d ever been.
“You alright?” you asked, throwing the phone aside as Nayeon stirred, mumbling and inhaling deeply as she came around, trying to stop her spinning head as she looked around blearily.
“Yeah, just...yeah, give me a minute,” she murmured, pushing away from the bed and rolling down onto her side, getting the rush of blood away from her head as she dropped her legs.
“Sure,” you smiled, turning back to get dressed again. It was a quick and easy process and as she laid on the questionable floor breathing hard, trying to process everything, you got your clothes on and tucked your phone safely back in your pocket. You smiled as Nayeon slowly pulled herself onto her knees, one of her eyes closed from your handiwork, yanking herself up onto the bed as she reached out to grab a tissue from the side. Cheap as the motel was, at least they offered that.
She contemplated what had just happened; she’d cheated on her boyfriend, again, unable to resist the temptation on what she’d thought was a safe bet. An easy way to restore her pride and take your prized Porsche off you, but all it had led to was her passed out on a cheap motel room floor with an aching asshole and embarrassingly huge orgasms in her wake, not to mention a massive boost to your ego. She was mad, or rather wanted to be mad, because the fact was you’d made her come like she never had before and the climax had been massive, totally new and overwhelming. It was hard to look back at it with much regret.
“That was something else,” she said as she wiped her face, giving a wince as she moved a little and strained herself, a twinge running through her gaping, exhausted asshole. Completely destroyed and she knew it would take days to recover from what had just happened.
“You can say that again, that’s two nothing to me,” you grinned.
“I’m sure you won’t let me forget it,” she mumbled.
“Nope. You’ll have to try and even the score.”
“Maybe I’ll quit making these stupid bets, I don’t seem to have much luck,” she replied.
“I dunno, there could be worse ways to lose a bet,” you said.
“I guess.”
“Anyway, I’m outta here, we’ll catch up for some more golf soon,” you said abruptly, turning to the door.
“What?! Wait, what do you mean you’re going? What the fuck am I supposed to do?” she exclaimed.
“Take a shower, get dressed, then take the keys back to the desk,” you smiled, throwing them onto the bed in front of her.
“I can’t do that!” she said.
“Well, you’d better, someone has to check out of this flophouse. I’ve got a Porsche to drive,” you smiled and with that opened the door and walked out, Nayeon cowering behind the bed in case someone was outside. You pulled it shut but not fully, leaving a gap as you laughed and walked across to your gleaming black car in the parking lot.
“Fucking asshole!” she snapped to herself, quickly throwing herself over the bed and towards the door with another wince of pain from her ass, staying the side away from the opening to slam it shut and lock it. It was an irritation, part of your game, on top of the final humiliation she’d have to face in checking out of the place. She only hoped that whoever was at the desk didn’t recognize her when she did it, not wanting even a hint of what she’d been up to getting out.
Nobody was going to know besides you—nobody. But she knew temptation would get her again, knew she’d give into it, especially if you were gonna fuck her like that, like nobody else ever had.
She was always going to be weak to your evident skill. She just prayed you would be as quiet as her.
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feyascorner · 7 months
at the end of the day
summary. you and astarion have your first genuine fight and the other companions try to patch things between the two of you.
warnings. comfort/fluff
pairing. Astarion x GN!Reader
a/n. have not written an actual one-shot in a while omg,...
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Breakfast is eaten in silence. One that's been extending far past its welcome date now.
Shadowheart grips her fork, feeling the flitting glances exchanged amongst the others around the table while she maintains focus on the two individuals sitting on opposite sides of the table. Your eyes remain trained on the bread sitting on your plate and Astarion swirls his chalice aimlessly in his hand, neither of you even acknowledging the presence of the other. The cleric grimaces as you stand suddenly, your chair scraping against the floor as you do so.
"Thanks for the food, Gale," is all you mutter before leaving the room with your plate in hand. Astarion rises from his own chair in an instant, huffing.
"I must take my leave as well."
When both parties have left the room, all five other companions stare at one another in a knowing silence. Lae'zel is the only one who doesn't seem the slightest bothered. Wyll is the one to break the uncomfortable tension in the air, clearing his throat after Lae'zel nearly bites her fork off. "I see they're still amidst their lovers' quarrel."
"What are they even fighting about?" Karlach groans, slumping into her chair with an exasperated groan.
"It was nice the first few days to have a good night's sleep without their incessant noises," Shadowheart grumbles, shoving an egg into her mouth. "But now, this is arguable worse."
"Should we...aid them somehow?" Gale blinks.
Lae'zel snorts. "They're adults, we don't need to coddle them, wizard."
Despite her words, they do find themselves a few hours later in unanimous agreement to do something to ease the unfamiliar dryness of the camp dynamic. It comes in multiple attempts. And to say few---if not all--were unsuccessful, is an understatement.
First, when out in the woods, Gale makes an effort to spark a conversation that would prompt both you and Astarion to join in. You nod occasionally, though lost in thought, while Astarion promptly ignores whatever he's talking about. It's a pathetic attempt that has nobody but himself babbling away, which earns a grunt from Shadowheart. It's enough to shut him up, thankfully.
Second, Karlach uses her uncanny ability to lift someone's spirits. Jokes, dancing, all that jazz. Even booze. She urges you to let loose, but all you do in response is smile at her apologetically while Astarion just glares off into space. Another failed attempt. Lae'zel pats Karlach on the shoulder.
Wyll tells stories of his monster hunting days which you usually take an interest in. Astarion naturally listens to what a monster hunter does when he's not hunting monsters, but that's all it is. You and Astarion only listen. There are quips and lingering questions, but neither of you ever direct it at one another, or bother to add into the conversation either. The sheer amount of teasing questions has Wyll's head spinning by the end of it. Lae'zel rolls her eyes.
Just when things couldn't possibly get any worse, you're ambushed. It's a small horde of goblins---nothing beyond your capabilities, but your companions do take some small scratches here and there. Somehow, though he rarely does, as he prefers staying behind you or Karlach, Astarion does too. And despite his efforts to hide it behind his back, you also didn't miss the cut lining Astarion's arm to his elbow. It's not deep by any means, and if it were your own injury, you'd likely just brush it off.
But it's on his skin, and he'd gotten it when taking a hit from an arrow that should've cut your arm.
Blasted hells, you think, as he shrugs it off. Even when you can clearly see him clenching his jaw to bite away the pain.
If battle won't be the end of you, you're sure your idiot of a boyfriend might be instead.
"Come here, you fool," you mutter, holding out your hand. He doesn't even consider the fact that you're mad at one another and immediately extends his arm to you. Habits, you suppose.
You mumble out a weak scolding as he watches you wrap the wound through his lashes. He shivers as you lather a cool ointment on the cut, hoping it's enough to soothe the pain before Shadowheart's recovered enough to properly heal him. He lifts a pale hand to your face, and for a moment, you think he might pinch you. Instead, he runs a thumb across your cheek, spreading the ointment on a scratch you hadn't even realized was there in the first place.
You meet his eyes, your own softening as he cups his fingertips around your cheek. The way he looks at you is overwhelming sometimes---like you're the only thing he gives a damn about in this world---but it's a welcome feeling when he hasn't even looked you in the eye this way in days now. For a moment, you realize you don't even remember why the two of you were mad at one another in the first place.
A laugh threatens to escape your throat. How childish, truly.
And then he flicks your forehead, unable to help the grin etching onto his lips when you blink in surprise.
"That was for making me sleep by myself for three nights."
You swat at his arm while he dodges each of your lazy attempts to get back at him. And though the two of you continue bickering, unbeknownst to you, you have an audience a good bit away, watching you return to your old ways after making them worry for so long.
"What a sight it is--to see young people in love again," Wyll smiles.
Shadowheart deadpans. "Isn't Astarion nearing 240?"
"Who cares?" Karlach shrugs, slinging her arms on either side of her companions with a toothy beam. "What matters is that they made up...and we didn't even have to help them."
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eyeheartboobiez · 15 days
shower sex w/ jason
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ask: I’ve been craving backshots with Jaybird(possibly in the shower)and reader being blackout cockdrunk, I don’t know if you’re comfortable with degradation, praise/degradation or slightly mean!Jason so I’ll leave that optional(if you’re not comfortable with that forget I ever said that). And ofc filthy dirty talk is always welcome 😉
wc: 800-ish
tw: subspace themes, spelling errors…
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"Shut up and take it."
The steam radiating throughout the bathroom was nothing compared to what was actually happening in the shower. What was supposed to be a simple wash after a night out, abruptly turned into something much more pornographic.
For hours now, Jason had been plowing into your entrance, not thinking too let up in the slightest. You were surprised the water hadn’t gone cold considering the two of you had been at it for hours now.
Despite the hot water cascading down your skin, your nipples grazing the tile of the wall, or even the slight clutch of Jason’s hand around your throat, you felt completely stripped of all your senses. 
Absolutely weak in the knees by now, your body had gone completely limp from being handled so brutally. The sobs of pleasure slipping from your lips were the only signs of life from you. 
As the rhythm of Jason’s thrusts shook your entire body, you were sure you’d have fallen over by now had it not been for his iron grip around your torso. "Jace,” you huffed, “Jus’ gimme a sec-"
A piercing smack shrilled through the air, loud enough to be heard between the pouring water and your shameless moans. You didn’t even realize how much your rear stung until you noticed callused hands teasingly rub at the stricken area, “Nuh uh, you don't get to talk. Not right now."
The vigilante moved to grip you by your elbows, his hips still thrusting at an unforgiving pace. Tears stained your cheeks as you began to cry, the saltiness of your cries somehow finding a way to stand out against the tap water around you. 
"Aww, you crying sweetheart? I thought you wanted to be treated like a whore t’night, hm? Thought this was what you wanted, baby.” His teases did nothing but add to your arousal, only hurting you on a surface level.
“I should just spread you open and pound you till tomorrow, huh?" He cooed. “I’d finally fuck the brat outta you. Maybe then you’ll start being good ‘fa me.”
You practically shuddered at the thought, desperate to be filled with more of Jason’s cum. His feigned sympathy made your eyes water even more.
However, that dream was quickly shut down. His sudden talkativeness was a telltale sign that he was close to reaching his peak.
Not even a minute later, you felt his hips shudder vigorously against your backside, the grip on you tightening as he was pushed over the edge. Ropes of cum pulsed from the girth between his legs, penetrating deep within your sensitive hole
“Mmmf, there we go.” Groans sputtered from his mouth, languid praises rumbling from chest, “That’s it hon, give it to me.”
Following him in sequence, you reached your final orgasm of the night. Your knees buckled and convulsions took over your body as you felt the climax rush through you. 
Before you could hit the floor though, the Gothamite was quick to catch you in his arms. Gently, he sat you down on the floor of the tub, making sure to angle you away from the pouring water.
Feeling the ground beneath you, your senses were slowly coming back to you. While you weren’t necessarily dickmatized anymore, your thoughts were still a bit hazy.
The water rinsing you down, a fresh towel drying you off, butter massaging its way into your skin; everything happened in a blur. But, even while your mind was still trying to catch up with the world around you, you knew that you were in good hands.
“C'mon doll, help me out a little here.” Blinking into reality, you looked to see you were sat on the edge of your bed, dressed in one of your boyfriend’s tee shirts. Jason was standing between your legs, attempting to wrap your hair for the night, but your drowsy figure was no help whatsoever.
Straightening up, you moved to make the job easier for him. “There ya’ go,” he muttered, the low timbre of his voice only lulling you further to sleep, “Look at you bein’ so good for me now.”
Once your mane was taken care of, you hastily made your way under the sheets, the soft fabric covering you in a blanket of warmth. After making sure you were comfortable, the batboy made his way over to his side of the bed, settling himself in right beside you.
Although, just as you were about to clock out for the night, Jason squished your cheeks together, forcing your eyes to meet his, "Maybe next time think twice before flirting with the bartender, hm?"
You knew he was still irritated with you, but the goodnight kiss he left on your forehead told you he’d get over it. Sooner or later.
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a/n: this reads like a wattpad fic (derogatory)
920 notes · View notes
mononijikayu · 28 days
drunk tonight — ryomen sukuna.
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"Yes, we can." he murmurs, his voice a soft, dominant caress that contrasts sharply with the intensity of the moment. His lips press against your jaw with a sharp, possessive kiss, and you feel your head loll against his, unable to escape the overwhelming sensations. His words are both a promise and a demand, a statement that attempts to bridge the gap between the pain and the passion you’re experiencing. "Because I love you. And you love me."
GENRE: alternate universe - modern au!;
WARNING/S: nsfw, angst, toxic romance, hurt/no comfort, break up, fighting, crying, hurt, physical touch, sexual content, sadness, pain, grief, unhappy ending, depictions of toxic relationship, depiction of grief, depiction of fighting, depiction of sexual content, depiction of loneliness, mention of grief, mention of sexual context, mention of loneliness, toxic ex-boyfriend! sukuna, long suffering ex-girlfriend! reader;
WORD COUNT: 9.4k words
NOTE: the thought bubble says "yes, we can." and "because i love you. and you love me."; i wrote this a while back but i was waiting for the poll to end. but if sukuna wins, then he definitely has his stuff posted first. somehow, sukuna always wins my polls 😆😆😆 anyway, i hope you love this one too!!! i love you all 🫶🫶🫶
if you want to, tip! <3
YOU DON’T WANT TO ANSWER THE PHONE. Late at night, your phone buzzes, its vibration cutting through the silence like a knife. You glance at the screen, feeling a chill run down your spine as you recognize the number. It’s a number you know all too well, one that you’ve tried to erase from your mind but could never quite forget, no matter how hard you tried.
A sigh escapes your lips, your heart sinking as Sukuna’s name flashes across the screen. It’s a name that once brought you comfort, excitement, even love. But now, it’s just a reminder of everything that went wrong, of the hurt and the scars that never fully healed.
You’ve blocked him on everything—social media, messaging apps, even email. You thought you had cut off every possible avenue for him to reach you, but he always remembered your phone number. 
He was always good at that—memorizing details, knowing exactly how to reach you when you least wanted him to. It was one of the things that drew you to him in the first place, his ability to know you so well, to be so in tune with you. But now, it’s a curse, a reminder that no matter how far you try to run, he can always find you.
The text is a mess of jumbled letters and half-formed words, the kind of message that only makes sense to the sender. You can almost hear his deep, slurred voice in your head as you read it, the way he used to talk when he was too far gone, too deep into the bottle. He’s drunk, that much is obvious, and the thought makes your stomach churn.
You roll your eyes, frustration bubbling up inside you. There’s nothing worse than a drunk ex-text. It’s a toxic mix of emotions—regret, anger, longing—all wrapped up in a few poorly typed words. You know how this goes, how the night will unravel if you let it. 
He’ll keep texting, maybe even call, and each message will be more desperate, more incoherent than the last. He’ll say things he doesn’t mean, make promises he can’t keep, and you’ll be left holding the pieces of a conversation that never should have happened.
For a moment, you consider ignoring it, just turning off your phone and pretending you never saw it. But you know that won’t make it go away. You know that as long as Sukuna has your number, as long as he has a way to reach you, this cycle will keep repeating itself.
You take a deep breath, your fingers hovering over the screen. You could respond, tell him to stop, to leave you alone once and for all. But part of you knows that won’t work either. You’ve told him before, and yet here you are, staring at another late-night message from the man you once loved.
Your thumb hovers over the message, the words blurring in your tired eyes. You want to be strong, to resist the pull of old emotions and familiar patterns. But there’s a part of you that’s still connected to him, a part that wants to reach out, to understand why he can’t just let you go.
But you know better. You’ve been down this road too many times before. And as much as it hurts, as much as it feels like tearing a piece of your heart out, you know what you have to do. With a sigh, you delete the message, your chest tightening as you do. You close your eyes, trying to block out the guilt, the sadness, the tiny voice in your head that says maybe this time will be different. But you know it won’t. It never is.
You can’t even muster the energy to be angry. It’s all too familiar, the cycle of hurt and regret that you both keep getting sucked into. You start typing back, your fingers trembling slightly with the weight of it all.
“Sukuna, stop. Wherever you are, just stop.” You hesitate, your thumb hovering over the screen. But you need to say this—you need to finally put it to rest. “This hurts, all of it. It’s a mess, and we’ve broken up. You need to stop chasing after me. We can’t go back.”
There’s a long pause. You wonder if he’ll leave it at that, but another text pings through.
“I can’t… I can’t live with this without trying. Please…”
You swallow hard, feeling the ache in your chest, but you’ve made up your mind. This is a wound that needs to heal, and reopening it will only make it worse.
“Sukuna, I’m done. You need to be, too.” You send the message, and this time, you turn off your phone. The silence that follows is almost deafening, but it’s the first step towards finally moving on.
You purse your lips, staring at the screen as his last message burns into your mind. You know he’s just too drunk tonight. He doesn’t really want you back—not the way he thinks he does. He’s just broken inside, sad and high, and you can feel the weight of his loneliness pressing through the words.
A lump forms in your throat as the urge to cry wells up again. It hurts because deep down, you know the truth. He doesn’t want you back. He’s just lonely, aching for something familiar to fill the void. You’ve been there before, reaching out in desperation, hoping for comfort in the arms of someone who used to mean everything. But that was then, and this is now.
You type slowly, forcing yourself to keep going, even though each word feels like a knife twisting deeper into your heart. "Sukuna, you’re not really after me. You’re just lonely and sad, and I get that. But this… us… it’s over. We ended things for a reason."
Your fingers hesitate over the next part, but you push through the pain. "We hurt each other too much. I didn’t want to be with you anymore because all we did was tear each other apart. And I don’t want that for either of us."
You take a shaky breath, knowing what you need to say, even if it feels like ripping off a bandage from a wound that hasn’t fully healed. "So put down the phone, Sukuna. It’s time to go home. You’re just drunk tonight.”
You hit send, and the tears that you’ve been holding back finally spill over. You’ve been strong for so long, but tonight, in the quiet of your room, you allow yourself to feel the full weight of everything you’ve lost and everything you’ve chosen to leave behind.
You ended things because you knew it was the right thing to do, but that doesn’t make it any easier. And even though you’re telling him to move on, a part of you is whispering the same words to yourself. It’s time to let go, for real this time. It’s time to heal, even if that means facing the pain head-on and accepting that some things can never be fixed.
Your phone rings, and your heart sinks as you see his name flashing across the screen. You hesitate, your thumb hovering over the decline button. You know you shouldn’t answer, know that nothing good can come from this. But some part of you—maybe out of concern, maybe out of habit—hits the green button.
“Sukuna, don’t—”
“I’m on my way.” he interrupts, his voice slurred but filled with a determination that chills you. “I need to see you. We need to talk.”
Your stomach drops, and a sense of dread washes over you. “No, Sukuna. Don’t do this. You’re not thinking straight.”
There’s a pause on the other end, a brief silence where you can hear him breathing heavily, as if he’s fighting to keep his composure. “I have to see you.” he repeats, softer this time, almost pleading. “Please. I…..I want to see you. I wanna…I wanna be with you.”
“Sukuna, please.” you say, your voice trembling. “You’re drunk, you’re not yourself. Turn around and go home. You’re only going to make this harder—for both of us.”
“I don’t care.” he snaps, and you can hear the desperation creeping into his voice. A desperation that’s never been there before. “I can’t keep living like this, pretending I don’t need you. I’ll be there soon.”
Panic starts to set in. You feel trapped, knowing that no amount of reasoning will get through to him tonight. “Sukuna, if you show up here, I won’t open the door. I mean it.”
There’s a harsh laugh on the other end. “You will. You always do.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut because they’re true, or at least they were. You can’t deny the history between you two, the countless times you’ve stood at the edge of this same precipice, teetering between resolve and surrender. 
How many times had you given in, opened the door, and let him back into your life, even when every fiber of your being screamed that you shouldn’t? You’ve lost count, the memories blurring together into a painful montage of late-night confessions, tearful apologies, and broken promises.
Each time, you told yourself it would be the last. You would stand firm, hold your ground, and finally cut the ties that bound you to him. But then he would show up—vulnerable, raw, and desperate—and the walls you had so carefully constructed would crumble in an instant. 
He knew exactly how to reach you, how to twist the knife just enough to remind you of what you once had, what you once were. And for a fleeting moment, you’d believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be different this time.
But they never were. The darkness that surrounded him, that clung to your relationship like a shroud, always found a way to seep back in. It would start slowly—a harsh word here, a lingering silence there—but soon, it would consume you both, dragging you back into a toxic cycle of pain and regret. Each time you let him back in, you lost a little more of yourself, a little more of the light that once defined who you were.
But you can’t do that anymore. You can’t keep losing pieces of yourself to a love that no longer serves you, to a relationship that has long since become a shadow of what it once was. You’ve fought too hard to reclaim your life, to step out of the darkness and into the light of something better, something healthier. You’ve built yourself back up, brick by brick, and you can’t let him tear it all down again.
This time, it has to be different. This time, you can’t open the door, no matter how much he begs, no matter how much it hurts to turn him away. You can’t let him drag you back into the darkness that you fought so hard to escape. You deserve more—more than late-night texts filled with empty promises, more than a love that only thrives in the shadows. You deserve peace, stability, and a future that isn’t haunted by the ghosts of a past you can’t change.
So you take a deep breath, steeling yourself against the familiar pull of his words, the seductive lure of what could have been. You remind yourself of the pain, the nights spent crying, the days filled with anxiety and doubt. You remind yourself that you’ve survived without him, that you’ve thrived in ways you never could have imagined when you were still caught in his web.
And as much as it hurts, as much as it feels like a betrayal of everything you once held dear, you know that you have to let him go. You have to close the door, lock it, and walk away—this time for good. Because if you don’t, you’ll never truly be free. And freedom, you realize, is worth more than any fleeting moment of comfort he could offer. You can’t let him pull you back into the darkness. You’ve come too far, and it’s time to finally step into the light.
“No, I won’t.” you say, forcing steel into your voice. “Not this time. If you care about me at all, you’ll turn around and go home. You’ll stop this before it gets worse.”
He doesn’t respond right away, and for a moment, you think maybe, just maybe, he’ll listen. But then he speaks again, his voice rough and broken. “I’m almost there. Just… wait for me.”
Your heart is racing now, your mind scrambling for what to do. “Sukuna, if you come here, I’ll call the police. I’m serious.”
There’s a sharp intake of breath on the other end, and then, finally, silence. You think he’s hung up, but then he speaks again, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry for everything. But I have to try.”
He hangs up before you can respond, leaving you standing there, staring at your phone with your heart pounding in your chest. You feel sick, torn between the history you share and the need to protect yourself from the man he’s become.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside you. You don’t want to call the police, don’t want to escalate things that far, but you need to be ready. You need to stay strong, for your own sake.
With trembling hands, you lock your door, turn off the lights, and sit down on the edge of your bed, phone clutched tightly in your hand. You wait, praying that he’ll turn around, that he’ll finally realize that what you had is gone, and it’s time to let it go. But deep down, you know this isn’t over—not tonight, not until he’s standing at your door, and you’re forced to make the hardest decision of your life.
The minutes tick by slowly, each one heavier than the last. You sit in the dark, your breath shallow and your nerves frayed, listening for any sound that might signal his arrival. Every car that passes by your window makes your heart jump, your mind conjuring images of him stumbling out, determined and reckless.
You think back to the times when things were good between you two, when his intensity was something you admired, even loved. But that intensity had turned into something else, something darker and more destructive, and you couldn’t let it consume you both any longer.
Your phone vibrates again, pulling you out of your thoughts. Another message from Sukuna:
“I’m here.”
You freeze, your blood running cold. He’s close, maybe right outside. You stand up slowly, moving toward the window with a mix of dread and resolve. Peering through the curtains, you see his figure in the dim light, leaning against a lamppost across the street, his silhouette unmistakable.
He looks up, and even from this distance, you can see the torment in his eyes, the way his shoulders sag with the weight of whatever he’s carrying. But you can’t let that sway you. You’ve made your choice, and you need to stand by it.
Your phone vibrates again, the familiar buzz sending a jolt through your already frayed nerves. You don’t even need to look at the screen to know it’s him. The notification hangs in the air like a weight, pressing down on your chest, making it hard to breathe.
With a trembling hand, you unlock your phone, the brightness of the screen almost blinding in the darkness of your room. His message is there, short and desperate, the words filled with a plea that you’ve heard too many times before:
“Please, just open the door. We can talk, I swear. I won’t make a scene.”
You close your eyes, willing yourself to stay calm, to keep the tears at bay. His voice echoes in your mind, the deep, gravelly tone that once brought you comfort now only serves to break you down. You can almost picture him on the other side of that door, his eyes wide with that familiar mix of anger and sadness, his posture tense with anticipation. He’s close, so close that you can feel his presence like a shadow creeping over your heart.
It would be so easy to give in, to let him in one more time, to listen to whatever promises he has prepared for tonight. After all, you’ve done it before—opened that door despite knowing it would lead to nothing but more heartache. But tonight feels different. Tonight, there’s a finality in the air, a sense that if you open that door now, it won’t just be another mistake; it will be the last one, the one that shatters whatever remnants of strength you’ve managed to hold onto.
You swallow hard, your throat tight with the urge to cry. You know him too well; you know he won’t leave unless you confront him, unless you face him head-on. He’s stubborn like that, relentless in his pursuit of what he wants, even when it’s something—or someone—that’s no longer his to claim. 
But you also know, deep in your bones, that opening that door is the last thing you should do. It’s a line you can’t cross, not this time. Because if you do, you’ll be dragged right back into the storm you’ve fought so hard to escape. You’ll be pulled into his orbit, where everything is chaotic and intense, where love and pain are intertwined so tightly that you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.
You take a shaky breath, your hand hovering over the door handle as your mind races. What could he possibly say that he hasn’t already said? What could he promise that he hasn’t already broken? The answers are clear, but the pull of the past is strong, and it tugs at you with a force that’s hard to resist.
But you have to resist. You have to stay strong, for your own sake. Because you know that once you open that door, once you let him back in, all the progress you’ve made, all the nights you’ve spent rebuilding yourself, will be undone. You’ll be right back where you started—lost, hurt, and wondering why you ever let him back into your life.
Your heart aches with the weight of it all, but you know what you have to do. You know that tonight, you have to choose yourself, even if it means walking away from someone you once loved with every part of your being. 
So you close your eyes, forcing yourself to breathe through the pain, to let it wash over you without letting it consume you. You clench your fists, nails digging into your palms as you fight back the urge to cry, to scream, to throw open that door and let everything unravel.
But you don’t. You stay where you are, standing firm in the decision you’ve made. Because tonight, for the first time in a long time, you’re choosing to protect your heart instead of breaking it all over again.
You steady your breathing, forcing yourself to stay calm as the reality of the situation sinks in. Each vibration of your phone feels like a pulse of pain, a reminder of the emotional battleground you’re standing on. You know that answering the door would only open the floodgates, allowing the turmoil and chaos of the past to flood back into your life. You’ve fought so hard to reclaim your peace, and you refuse to let it slip away now.
With a deep breath, you take a moment to center yourself. You remind yourself of the reasons you’ve decided to cut ties, the countless times you’ve faced heartache, and the strength it took to rebuild your life. This decision, though painful, is a necessary step to ensure you don’t lose everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
You get up and move to your front door, standing just a few inches away. The cold, unyielding surface feels like a barrier between you and the chaos you’ve left behind. You listen for any sounds—footsteps, a knock—but the night is eerily quiet, punctuated only by the occasional rumble of distant traffic. It’s as if the world itself is holding its breath, waiting for you to make the choice that will define this moment.
Another message from Sukuna pings through, and you resist the urge to check it. Instead, you focus on the decision at hand, the choice you’ve already made. You know that the best way to move forward is to keep the past where it belongs—behind you.
You glance at your phone once more and see that Sukuna has called you again. Your heart races, but you refuse to answer. You let the call go to voicemail, the familiar chime sounding distant and detached. Each unanswered call is a step towards reclaiming your autonomy, towards making it clear that you will not be dragged back into the emotional mess that has defined your relationship.
The minutes tick by slowly, each one feeling like an eternity. Finally, there’s silence—no more texts, no more calls. You take a deep breath, letting the calm settle over you. You feel the weight of your decision settle into your bones, a mixture of relief and sorrow. You’ve chosen to protect yourself, to preserve the hard-earned peace you’ve fought for.
As you turn away from the door, you feel a mixture of sadness and strength. The pain of seeing Sukuna’s name, the torment of his pleas, is still fresh, but you’ve managed to hold firm. You’ve chosen not to open the door, not to let him back into your life. This choice, as difficult as it was, is a testament to your resolve, to your commitment to yourself.
You sit back down, wrapping yourself in a blanket of quiet determination. The tears you’ve fought so hard to keep at bay finally come, not as a sign of weakness but as a release of all the emotions you’ve been holding inside. They’re a reminder of your humanity, of the depth of your feelings, but they’re also a sign of your strength—strength you needed to make the right decision, no matter how hard it was.
You’ve done what you needed to do to protect your heart, and now, you allow yourself to grieve, to heal, and to move forward. You close your eyes, letting the tears flow, and in the silence of your room, you begin the process of letting go, knowing that you’ve taken a crucial step toward finding the peace and happiness you deserve.
You reach for your phone, your hands trembling slightly as you begin to type out a message. You need to be firm, clear, and compassionate, even if you’re struggling with your own emotions. You know that any form of communication right now will only complicate things, but you also want to make sure Sukuna understands the finality of your decision.
With a deep breath, you type:
“Sukuna, I can’t talk to you right now. Please, just go home. We can’t have this conversation tonight. I need some space, and I need you to respect that. Please understand and go home.”
You hit send, watching as the message is delivered. For a moment, you feel a flicker of hope that this will be the end of it, that he’ll respect your wishes and leave you alone. You’ve made your boundaries clear, and now it’s up to him to honor them.
Minutes pass in tense silence, and your phone stays quiet. You sit back down, trying to calm your racing heart, focusing on the quiet around you instead of the anxiety that has taken root in your chest.
But then, a new message comes through. You don’t even need to look to know that it’s from Sukuna. With a heavy heart, you open it:
“I just need to see you. I’m sorry for everything, but I can’t let this end like this. Please.”
You can almost hear the desperation in his words, the anguish that comes from knowing he’s losing you. But you also know that this isn’t just about you and him anymore. It’s about your own well-being, your need to set boundaries and stick to them, even when it’s incredibly hard.
You type back:
“No, Sukuna. This is not the time. I’ve made my decision, and I need you to respect it. I can’t keep doing this. Please, just go home.”
You hit send, feeling the weight of your words settle heavily on your shoulders. You’re asking for something that feels almost impossible—to respect a boundary when emotions are high, when both of you are vulnerable. But it’s necessary. 
You put your phone aside and try to find a way to soothe the emotional storm inside you. You remind yourself of why you made this decision, of the personal growth you’ve achieved, and the need to maintain your peace. You try to focus on the positives of your life and the future you’re working toward, hoping that with time, the pain of this moment will fade and you’ll find a way to heal.
Hours tick by slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity. Finally, there’s a quiet relief in knowing that, at least for now, you’ve done all you can. You’ve set your boundaries and communicated your needs as clearly as possible.
You let yourself close your eyes, allowing the exhaustion to wash over you. The road to recovery will be long and fraught with moments like this, but for tonight, you’ve taken a crucial step toward reclaiming your life. As you drift into a fitful sleep, you hold onto the hope that tomorrow will bring clarity and a renewed sense of peace, allowing you to continue moving forward.
IF THERE WAS A LOVE STORY WORTH MENTIONING, IT’S YOURS. Because in truth, it wasn’t a love story. It was a painful hurt instead. The romance between you and Sukuna was a tumultuous symphony of passion and pain, a story that oscillated between intense highs and devastating lows. It was a love that consumed everything in its path, leaving behind a trail of broken dreams and shattered hearts. 
You, the good girl with a heart full of hope and idealism, and him, the quintessential troublemaker whose very presence seemed to stir chaos wherever he went. It was a match made in hell, an explosive combination of purity and defiance that sparked with an almost palpable intensity. 
From the beginning, there was an undeniable chemistry between you two, a magnetic pull that drew you into Sukuna’s orbit. You were drawn to his raw energy, the way he seemed to live on the edge of every emotion, pushing boundaries and challenging norms. His life was a whirlwind of excitement and unpredictability, and it was a stark contrast to the more controlled and orderly world you inhabited.
At first, the contrasts were thrilling. Your calm demeanor and responsible nature seemed to balance out his reckless tendencies, creating a dynamic that felt electric and invigorating. You believed that your love could be the force that tamed his wildness, that your stability could anchor him amidst his stormy existence.
But as time went on, the initial thrill gave way to a more complex and painful reality. Sukuna’s troublemaking ways began to seep into every aspect of your relationship, turning what was once exciting into something exhausting. His impulsiveness, once charming, became a source of constant stress and conflict. The very qualities that attracted you to him started to feel like burdens, and the harmony you sought began to slip through your fingers.
The highs were dizzying—moments of intense connection and fiery passion that made you feel alive and on top of the world. But the lows were equally devastating, each conflict leaving deeper wounds, each argument a reminder of how differently you saw the world. The love that had once seemed like a perfect escape from your own constraints now felt like a whirlwind of chaos that you couldn’t control.
Your attempts to bring order and stability to the relationship often clashed with Sukuna’s need for freedom and rebellion. The more you tried to ground him, the more he resisted, and the cycle of conflict and resolution became a relentless pattern. The love that once felt like a daring adventure turned into a series of battles, each one leaving both of you more scared than the last.
Ultimately, the contrast between your worlds proved too great. The boundaries you set were repeatedly crossed, the promises made were broken too many times. The passion that had once ignited your connection became the fuel for your destruction. What began as a match made in hell had devolved into a battlefield of emotional devastation.
You were left to pick up the pieces of a love that had burned too brightly, too destructively. The remnants of your time together were a stark reminder of the dangers of mixing such opposing forces. In the end, the love you shared was a powerful testament to the intense beauty and agony of a relationship that, despite its fiery start, was doomed from the beginning.
From the beginning, the relationship was marked by a magnetic pull that was impossible to ignore. Sukuna's charisma and intensity drew you in, his presence filling every space with an almost palpable energy. There was a fire in his eyes, a promise of something deeper and more profound, and you were captivated by the allure of his raw power and unfiltered emotions.
At first, it felt like a dream. His touch was electric, his words charged with a potent mix of desire and vulnerability. You would get lost in his gaze, swept away by the intensity of his kisses, believing that this was what true love was supposed to feel like. Every argument, every make-up, every moment of passion felt like a confirmation of the bond you shared.
You couldn’t stand it anymore, how tired you were. How truly full of it you were. how emotionally drained you’ve been. You found yourself face-to-face with Sukuna in the dimly lit living room. He stood close, his gaze intense and his voice almost a whisper, yet filled with an undeniable gravity.
"I'm sorry." Sukuna said, his eyes searching yours for some sign of forgiveness. "I never meant for things to get so out of hand. I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you."
You could feel the weight of his words, the sincerity mixed with a touch of desperation. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.
"You say that now, but it feels like we’re always back here, fighting and making up," you replied, your voice trembling slightly. "I thought this was supposed to be different. I thought we were building something real."
Sukuna reached out, his fingers brushing against your cheek with a gentleness that belied his earlier anger. "It is real. What we have is intense, but it’s real. I know I mess up, but I need you to understand that I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re everything to me."
You looked at him, feeling the familiar mix of pain and passion. “I don’t know if I can keep doing this, Sukuna. Every time we fight, it feels like we’re tearing each other apart. Maybe this intensity isn’t what I thought it was.”
He stepped closer, his voice filled with an earnest plea. “Please, don’t say that. We can work through this. I know I’m not perfect, but we have something special. We just need to fight for it, not let it slip away because of a few mistakes.”
You shook your head, tears welling up. “It’s not just a few mistakes. It’s the pattern, the way things keep repeating. I want to believe in us, but it’s getting harder every day. We’re not just having moments of passion anymore; we’re living in a storm.”
Sukuna’s expression softened, and he pulled you into a tight embrace. “I don’t want to be the storm in your life. I just want to be with you. Please, let me show you that we can be more than this.”
As his arms wrapped around you, the warmth of his body was a stark contrast to the cold reality of your situation. You said nothing as you leaned into the warmth of his body. The intensity of his words and the fire in his eyes were a powerful reminder of his hold on you. You forgave him that night once again, as you always did. And once again, you were trapped.
But beneath the surface of this passionate connection lay a darker undercurrent, one that grew stronger with time. Sukuna's emotional volatility was not just a fleeting characteristic; it was a core part of who he was. His moods shifted with little warning, swinging from intense affection to cold detachment. What seemed like an endearing quirk quickly revealed itself as a source of profound instability.
Sukuna's massive hand moved to your hair, his fingers tangling in the strands you had painstakingly did. You were ignoring him again after your recent fight. You just wanted peace of mind from him. And you knew that he hated being ignored. You know he hated being forgotten. You were the only person in his life that dealt with him, all his everything — and to not have you there shatters him. As much, you suppose, when he shatters you by loving you.
His other hand wrapped around your side, pulling you closer against him with a possessive strength. You felt the heat of his body pressing against yours, his touch both demanding and overwhelming. He leaned in, his breath hot against your neck as he started to kiss and nibble along your skin.
The kisses were intense, growing more fervent until he bit down, his teeth breaking through the delicate skin. A cry escaped your lips, a mix of pain and confusion. You could feel Sukuna speaking against your skin, his voice muffled and indistinct, but the words were lost in the haze of sensation and hurt.
The pressure of his hand on the back of your neck was unrelenting, anchoring you to him and heightening the intensity of the moment. It was only when his fingers pressed firmly against the nape of your neck that everything snapped into focus. The sharp reality of the situation cut through the fog, pulling you back to the present.
The biting pain, the tight grip, and the overwhelming closeness were all too much. You could see the raw, unfiltered emotion in his eyes, the storm of feelings that often clouded his judgment. In that moment, you were starkly aware of the power dynamics at play, the fine line between passion and control, and the deep-seated turmoil that defined your relationship.
The kiss, now a blend of pain and longing, was a stark reminder of the complexity of your love—both fierce and destructive. The intimacy of the touch, the raw intensity, and the sharp bite were all part of the same emotional spectrum, where passion and pain were often intertwined in ways that left you feeling vulnerable and conflicted.
You could feel your skin growing moist, a cold sweat breaking out across your entire body as you struggled to maintain your sanity against his relentless touch. Ryomen Sukuna had a way of overwhelming you, of winning you over even when you were trying to resist. His touch always managed to reach places you thought were well-guarded, stirring up sensations that you couldn’t ignore. You could feel your body betraying you, slick pooling between your legs, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside your mind.
With a swift movement, Sukuna pinned you against the wall, his body pressing hard against yours. His kisses grew even more rough and demanding, each press of his lips a reminder of the intensity and chaos that defined your relationship. His hands roamed over your chest, fingers pinching and teasing, heightening the mix of pleasure and pain.
"Sukuna, slow down. It hurts." you cried out, your voice wavering as you tried to make yourself heard over the roar of conflicting emotions. The rawness in your voice was a plea for understanding, a desperate attempt to make him see the damage being done. "Sukuna, we... oh, we won't fix anything with this."
His grip faltered for a moment, but only just. He paused, his breath ragged and heavy against your skin, his eyes dark with a mixture of frustration and desire. There was a flicker of hesitation, a moment where he seemed to question the reality of the situation. But the tension in his body remained, the emotional storm far from over.
Your heart pounded as you struggled to maintain your composure, to hold onto a shred of clarity amidst the haze of his touch. The physical connection was undeniable, but it was the emotional wreckage that left you feeling most exposed. The passion that once felt exhilarating now seemed like a dangerous force that threatened to consume you both.
"Yes, we can." he murmurs, his voice a soft, dominant caress that contrasts sharply with the intensity of the moment. His lips press against your jaw with a sharp, possessive kiss, and you feel your head loll against his, unable to escape the overwhelming sensations.
His words are both a promise and a demand, a statement that attempts to bridge the gap between the pain and the passion you’re experiencing. "Because I love you. And you love me."
The declaration hangs heavily in the air, mingling with the heat of the moment. You mewl softly, a sound of both surrender and confusion. His touch and words are a potent mix, stirring emotions that you’ve been trying to keep in check. 
In your turmoil, you find yourself grappling with the truth of his words. The love you shared is undeniable, and it’s clear he still feels it deeply. Yet, the intensity of him and the roughness of his touch make it hard to reconcile with the pain and frustration that have become a part of your relationship.
"Even if you love me….." you manage to say, your voice trembling. "We can’t fix everything like this. We’re hurting each other, Sukuna.”
He doesn’t pull away, his gaze fixed on yours with an intensity that makes it difficult to look away. The struggle between your emotions and his unyielding desire leaves you feeling torn, caught between the remnants of your past connection and the harsh reality of the present.
Sukuna’s grip remains firm, his dark red eyes not leaving yours. In this moment, the lines between love and pain blur — as it was with your relationship. The declaration of love feels both comforting and confounding, leaving you with the painful realization that while feelings might persist, the way you’re handling them is only adding to the emotional wreckage. You were in love with him as much as he was with you. But what was the point of this? Of this suffering?
But as he pleasured you, you never said anything. You just let him love you painfully, because that’s all he knew. It was a raw, visceral form of connection, a way he expressed what he felt, even if it was damaging. It was all he could give, the only way he knew how to bridge the gap between you.
As you felt him inside of you, there was a deep, painful connection that mingled with the physical sensations. It was a painful reminder of the way your love had always been—intense, consuming, and sometimes overwhelmingly conflicted. The pleasure was intertwined with the hurt, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other. 
You accepted it, allowing the moment to unfold as it did. In your mind, you grappled with the reality of your situation—recognizing that this was how Sukuna knew to express his love, even if it was fraught with pain. And so, in the midst of the storm of sensations, you let yourself be caught up in the complexity of your emotions, trying to find a semblance of understanding amidst the chaos.
Arguments became frequent, fueled by misunderstandings and a growing sense of frustration. The intensity that once seemed thrilling now felt suffocating. Sukuna's need for control and dominance clashed with your desire for independence, creating a constant struggle for power. What was once exhilarating now felt like an endless cycle of conflict and resolution, each cycle leaving deeper emotional scars you didn’t want.
The tension in the air was palpable. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, your hands clenched in frustration, while Sukuna stood across the room, his posture rigid with anger and jealousy. His eyes were fixed on you, his gaze fierce and unrelenting, the result of a recent encounter with one of your friends who had been a bit too touchy for his liking.
"You’re always so quick to run off." Sukuna snapped, his voice sharp and laced with irritation. "Why can’t you just stay and deal with things like an adult? I’ve seen the way you look at others. Do you think I’m blind?"
You turned to face him, your heart pounding with a mix of anger and desperation. "It’s not about anyone else. It’s about us. You’re always so controlling. You want to dictate every part of my life. I need space, Sukuna. I need to be able to breathe."
His eyes flared with frustration as he stepped closer, the intensity of his emotions almost tangible. "Space? That’s what you call it? I saw the way you were with him tonight. It’s like you’re trying to push me away, like you’re looking for excuses to slip through my fingers."
You stood up, feeling the weight of his words pressing down on you. "It’s not about looking for excuses. I’m not trying to push you away. I just need to feel like I can make my own choices without feeling like I’m under constant surveillance. This isn’t about him. It’s about the way you’re smothering me."
Sukuna’s frustration was evident in the way he paced the room, his fists clenched at his sides. "Smothering you? I’m just trying to hold onto what we have. If you’d stop running and actually listen, maybe we could work things out. But every time I turn around, it feels like you’re slipping further away."
"You’re not holding onto what we have, Sukuna." you said, your voice trembling. "You’re suffocating me. Every time we have an argument, you try to control me even more. I need space to figure out what I want without feeling like I’m being watched and judged every second."
Sukuna stopped pacing and looked at you with a mixture of anger and hurt. "I don’t want to control you. I want to be with you, but it feels like you’re constantly pushing me away. I just don’t know how to handle it when I see you getting close to others. It makes me feel like I’m losing you."
The room fell silent, the air thick with unresolved emotions. You could see the pain in his eyes, the fear of losing you. But you also felt the deep, suffocating grip of his jealousy and control. The love that once felt exciting now seemed like a battleground, and the constant cycle of arguments and attempts at resolution were leaving both of you emotionally drained.
"I don’t want us to keep going in circles like this, Sukuna." you said softly, your heart aching. "We need to find a way to be together without this constant struggle. Otherwise, we’re just going to keep hurting each other."
Sukuna’s gaze softened slightly, but the tension remained. "I don’t know how to change things if you won’t let me in, you know that." he said, his voice a mix of vulnerability and frustration. "I just want us to be okay, but it feels like we’re constantly fighting against each other."
You took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the sting of his accusation. "That wasn’t flirting. I was just being polite. And even if I was, what does it matter? You can’t keep trying to control me like this. We can’t keep doing this.”
He stepped closer, his anger palpable. "You think you’re so perfect, don’t you? Always so independent, always so self-righteous. I’m the one who’s always fighting to keep us together. And this is how you repay me? By pushing me away and seeking attention from others?"
His words cut deep, each one a painful reminder of the control he exerted over your life. "This isn’t about repaying you. It’s about being true to myself. I’m tired of feeling like I have to constantly prove my loyalty to you. I’m not your possession."
Sukuna’s face contorted with frustration, and he slammed his fist against the wall. "You think this is easy for me? Watching you slip away while I’m left here fighting to keep us from falling apart? I’m trying to hold onto something real, and you’re pushing me away."
The hurt in his voice was undeniable, a mix of jealousy and desperation. But you could see the cracks in his control, the way his need for dominance had become a cage that both of you were trapped in.
"I’m not trying to push you away." you said, your voice trembling. "I’m trying to find a way to be myself without feeling like I’m suffocating under your expectations. We’re stuck in this cycle of fighting and making up, and it’s tearing us apart."
Sukuna’s expression softened for a moment, the anger giving way to a look of vulnerability. "I just don’t want to lose you. I know I’m not perfect, but I need you to understand how much you mean to me."
You sighed, feeling the weight of his words. "I know you care, but the way you show it is suffocating. We need to find a way to be together without this constant power struggle. Otherwise, we’re just going to keep hurting each other."
The room fell silent, the intensity of the argument leaving both of you exhausted. The love that once felt like a thrilling adventure now seemed like a battlefield, with each conflict leaving deeper scars. The vibrant energy that had once sparked between you was now overshadowed by an unrelenting cycle of discord and unresolved tension.
You wrapped your arms around your chest, as though trying to hug and comfort yourself amid the emotional wreckage. Your shoulders shook slightly with the effort to maintain composure, but even more tears were inevitable.
Sukuna’s posture was a reflection of his internal struggle, his anger giving way to a raw vulnerability. He took a hesitant step towards you, his voice trembling. “What do you want me to do?” he whispered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “What can I do, to…to make you stay?”
The softness in his voice, the genuine plea for understanding, struck a deep chord. You could see the pain and desperation etched into his features, the realization of how precariously close he was to losing you. Yet, amidst the raw emotion, you felt overwhelmed and trapped.
“I don’t know,” you replied, your voice breaking as the tears began to fall freely. “I’m tired, Sukuna. I’m tired… of loving you and losing you all at once.”
His shoulders sagged as he absorbed your words, the weight of your exhaustion evident in his expression. The tears that prickled at his eyes now spilled over, reflecting the depth of his own despair. His gaze fell to the floor, unable to meet yours, the crushing reality of your relationship settling heavily between you.
The room was filled with a profound silence, broken only by the soft sounds of your sobs and his choked breaths. The love you shared, which had once been a source of exhilaration and passion, now felt like a relentless cycle of joy and pain that neither of you could escape.
Sukuna’s voice was barely audible as he spoke again, his tone carrying a sense of helplessness. “I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t know how to make things right when everything feels so broken.”
You wiped at your tears, the exhaustion of the emotional turmoil leaving you feeling drained. “Neither do I.” you admitted softly. “I wish I had the answers. I wish I could find a way to make things work, but right now, it feels like we’re stuck in a never-ending loop of hurt and confusion.”
Sukuna’s silence was heavy with resignation, a poignant acknowledgment of the struggle that had become an inescapable part of your relationship. The love that had once been a source of strength and excitement now seemed overshadowed by a painful reality that neither of you knew how to navigate.
In that quiet moment, both of you were left grappling with the depth of your feelings, the complexity of your relationship, and the painful truth that sometimes love alone isn’t enough to overcome the barriers that keep you apart.
Sukuna's tears continued to fall, and he moved closer, his steps hesitant but deliberate. He reached out tentatively, his fingers brushing against your arm in a gesture that was both gentle and desperate.
“I never meant to make things so difficult,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “I thought... I thought if I held on tight, if I tried harder, we could work through it. But now, I see how much I’ve pushed you away.”
You looked at him, your own tears blurring your vision. The sight of him, vulnerable and torn, added to the weight of your own sorrow. You wanted to reach out, to offer comfort, but the chasm between you felt insurmountable.
“I know you were trying,” you said, your voice cracking. “But the way you tried to control things... it pushed me away more than anything else. I felt like I was losing myself in trying to make things work.”
Sukuna’s hand tightened around your arm, his grip firm but not painful. “What do you need from me?” he asked, his voice desperate. “Tell me what I can do to make things right, to fix this.”
You shook your head, struggling to find the words to express the depth of your exhaustion and the confusion that clouded your mind. “I don’t know if there’s anything that can fix this right now. I just feel... lost.”
His expression softened, the realization dawning that perhaps the damage was too great to repair immediately. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice breaking. “I’m sorry for everything. I never wanted to hurt you. I just didn’t know how to handle my own fears and insecurities.”
You nodded, the sadness overwhelming. “I know. And I’m sorry too. I’m sorry that we couldn’t find a way to make this work without hurting each other so much.”
The silence between you was heavy, filled with the echoes of what had been and what might never be again. The love that had once felt so alive now seemed like a distant memory, overshadowed by the pain and the sense of inevitability.
Sukuna’s hand slowly fell away from your arm, and he took a step back, his shoulders slumped in defeat. “Maybe... maybe we both need some time apart to figure things out. To heal and find ourselves again.”
You looked at him, a mix of relief and sorrow washing over you. “Maybe you’re right. I need time to understand what I really want and to heal from all of this.”
Sukuna nodded, his face a mask of resignation and understanding. “I hope... I hope we can both find a way to be okay, even if it means being apart.”
With that, Sukuna turned and walked towards the door, each step heavy with the weight of what was ending. As he left, the silence of the room seemed to deepen. You sat down on the edge of the bed once more, your emotions a tangled mess of sadness and relief. The path ahead was uncertain, but in the quiet that followed, you felt more alone than ever before. But free. Freed from your own ruin.
YOU COULDN’T DO IT ANYMORE IN THE END. In the end, you did break up with him. The cycle of arguments and reconciliation had become a never-ending loop, a house of cards that seemed destined to collapse no matter how carefully it was built. You loved him deeply, that was undeniable. But you also realized that rekindling the relationship would only lead to more pain, more hurt that neither of you could bear.
As you stood by the window, the first light of dawn was beginning to creep across the sky, painting the world in soft hues of pink and gold. The sight was starkly beautiful, a contrast to the turmoil that had been raging inside you. This was what life should be like, you think. You shouldn’t settle for less. You shouldn’t settle for hurt.
Outside, you could see him—still there, lingering near your door, his figure slumped against the wall. He had a cigarette against the burrow of his lips, smoke filling his face. The remnants of a wild night clung to him; he was drunk and high, his posture wavering as he waited for you. The sight of him, lost and desperate, broke your heart in a way that felt both familiar and foreign.
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of your decision settle heavily upon you. You knew that as much as you loved him, returning to him now would only mean opening the door to a love that had become toxic, a love that had already left you shattered too many times.
“I can’t go through this again.” you whispered to yourself, your voice barely audible. The realization was painful, but clear. The cycle of breaking up and making up had drained you emotionally, leaving you with scars that were too deep to ignore. “Not again.”
As the sun continued to rise, its light growing stronger, you turned away from the window, feeling a sense of finality. The decision to end things was not made lightly, and the pain of walking away was immense. But you knew it was necessary for your own well-being, for the chance to heal and find a path forward that wasn’t mired in the constant heartbreak that your relationship had become.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts as you reached for your phone. With a heavy heart, you composed a message, knowing it was the last thing you needed to say to him. Your fingers hovered over the screen, the weight of your decision pressing down on you as you typed:
"Sukuna, this is the last time I’m reaching out. I can see you waiting outside, and I need you to understand that this is over. I love you, but we’ve reached a point where continuing this relationship will only lead to more hurt. The cycle of breaking up and making up has left us both wounded, and I can’t keep going through it. I need to move on and find healing for myself. Please respect my decision and let this be the end. I wish you well, but I can’t be with you anymore. Goodbye."
You stared at the message for a moment, feeling a mix of sadness and relief. With a final press of the send button, you put your phone down and took a deep breath. It was done. The words were out there, and now it was time to let go and start the process of healing. You took a deep sigh and pursed your lips into a flat line.
As the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the room, you felt a glimmer of hope amidst the sadness. The end of this chapter was painful, but it was also a step towards a future where you could rebuild, where you could heal. It was a chance to find peace and to rediscover yourself, away from the shadows of a love that had become more damaging than fulfilling.
With a final, lingering glance at the window, you steeled yourself for the difficult road ahead. The love you had for  Ryomen Sukuna was real, but the decision to move forward was the right one. As the sun rose higher in the sky, you began to prepare for a new day, one that would be marked by both the pain of goodbye and the promise of new beginnings. You hope the best for him, as much as you hoped the best for you. 
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
The Freak and The Princess -Eddie Munson
Authors Note: I think I wrote this one back when the new season first came out? Cleaning out drafts and for a couple months I was on an Eddie track fr fr
Word Count: 13,441
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT - Eddie and reader are mean to each other for a bit.
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(Thank you for the gif @johnclaytonmayer)
It was amazing to think how much things change. 
There had once been a time where you considered Eddie Munson to be your best friend, that and your brother Gareth. There had been a time where you thought Eddie Munson was one of the most perfect people in the world, where you had craved to spend any possible second you could with him. 
Now, sitting in the back of his van soaked to the bone as you sob, you find that you’re somehow sitting across a stranger. He watches you closely, eyes stern as he wraps a blanket around you to try and help the shivering. 
It was weird to recognize every single detail of him and still feel like you didn’t all at once. 
“Do you want to smoke? Will that help?” He asks, already reaching for the lunch box hidden in the back so he could grab one of the joints you had seen him roll earlier in the day. 
“I want to go home.” You cry, a shiver going down your spine. “But I don’t want them to see me like this.” 
“Okay.” He nods, and you can see him try to come up with a plan. “I can take you to my trailer for a bit, you can shower and sleep some of this off. Okay?” 
“Okay.” You nod, hands still shaking. “Thank you….. thank you Eds.” 
He stills at the nickname, eyes catching yours for a moment before he is shuffling to get into the driver seat without another word. 
You felt silly, calling him his nickname after everything that’s happened, shuffling to lay on your side to help ease some of the pain built up. You hear him shuffle around with the music, debating if he should have it up or down. 
“Do you want music, bugs?” He asks, your chest warming at the nickname as you close your eyes, inhaling the scent from his sweater and blanket as you fall asleep. 
You had met Eddie your freshman year of highschool, before that he had always been Gareths mysterious friend that you had never seen before. 
But now that you went to school with them it seemed that Eddie was everywhere, not that you minded. 
You had quickly become a main member of their group, sitting with them at lunch and going to their band practices. You and your brother had always been close, so it wasn’t anything different than how it used to be. You were just hanging out with your brother…… and his extremely hot friend that you sometimes imagined kissing. No biggie.
But being completely honest everything about Eddie to you was a huge biggie. 
Like right now, as he glared at you while angrily breaking pretzels with his teeth, and all you could do was smile at him. 
“What is wrong with you?” He snaps and you preen under the attention. 
“I said what I said.” You simply reply, flipping your hair over your shoulder with confidence. 
“How can you hate Texas Chainsaw?! It’s such a classic movie! First of its kind!” He whines, snatching a fry from your plate. 
“You say that about every slasher movie, Eds.” You grumble, snatching a pretzel from his bag. “They’re all new and amazing to you. 
“Because they are!” He sighs, obviously frustrated that you wouldn’t agree. “You’re just upset that we didn’t watch that new goonies bullshit.”
“What’s going on?” Gareth asks, sitting beside you with his own lunch tray and snatching one of your fries even though he had some of his own. 
“We were just talking about movies.” You mumble, a blush rising across your skin. Wednesday nights Gareth had to work at the gas stations over night shift, so you had begun hanging out with Eddie when your brother was busy. That had turned into spending the night at Eddie’s and telling your older brother that you were spending the night at your friend Abigail’s since you knew he would get butt hurt that you hung out with Eddie without him. 
“Bugs here thinks Texas chainsaw sucked.” Eddie grunts, throwing a pretzel at you. 
“Oh no way! It’s so good!” Your brother gasps as Jeff joins the table and soon Paul joined. Suddenly the table was packed and chaos filled the once normal conversation. 
You allowed them all to talk over you, choosing to look around the cafeteria as they do so. Everyone today seemed to be in a flurry of excitement, laughing and dashing across the cafeteria. 
You make eye contact with Adam Hanson, one of the schools popular basketball players and he gives you a wide smile, winking as all his friends talk around him. 
At first you pass by it, not really thinking he was looking at you until he waves his hand to get your attention again, smiling like a goof as he wiggles his fingers right before he winks again. 
A small touch at your wrist pulls you back to the table, where Eddie is peering at you with wide brown eyes as the boys yell at each other about something. His thumb is rubbing your wrist softly as you try and smile. 
“You okay?” He asks, looking past you to where Hanson sits before looking back to your eyes. 
“I’m fine. Hanson has always been a clown.” You mumble back shrugging. 
“Okay well I was asking you if you want to retry.” Eddie mumbles, thumb still rubbing your wrist. 
“Movie night.” 
“I’m not watching texas chainsaw again.” You laugh which makes him smile. 
“I meant we need to make up for it. Get a movie you might actually like.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Gareth works tonight and Wayne is going to be doing an all nighter at work so we can get another movie.” 
“That sounds like fun.” You smile at him, watching his shoulders relax a bit. 
“What sounds like fun?” Gareth asks turning to you. 
“Burning the government down.” You reply, smiling innocently. 
“That sounds like fun, count me in.” A new voice emerges from behind you, making the rest of the table blink slowly as you turn to see Adam Hanson standing there smiling wide. “What time should we meet up? I’ll bring the gasoline.” 
“I think our rebel van is already full this time. Maybe you can catch the next round.” You smile. 
“Burning down more than one government are we?” He laughs with raised eyebrows. 
“Mmm. Maybe a monarchy next.” You offer, shrugging a bit as he laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world. “I like to keep my options open.”
“Can we help you?” Gareth scoffs, glaring at Adam like he was being a huge issue. 
“Hey, take it easy. Just trying to join a revolution.” Adam teases, hands held up in a surrender way and winking at you once more before walking off to join his friends at the door while your brother glares at you like you had done something wrong. 
“That was gross!” He scoffs. “Dude was ogling at my baby sister.” 
“No he wasn’t.” You scoff back, blushing a bit as your brother rolls his eyes. Risking a quick look to Eddie, nervous about his reaction, you find him wide eyed looking between your brother and yourself. 
“Wasn’t that disgusting, Eddie?” Gareth snaps, pulling the poor dungeon master into it. “The kid barely notices you then you hit puberty and suddenly he’s all over you? Fucking perve.” 
“Why are you making such a big deal about this? He was just being nice.” 
“You’re a child. And he was not just being nice.” Gareth scoffs again, smacking the back of your head. “It’s called being a pedophile.” 
“Doesn’t count. They are both minors.” Jeff reminds through a mouthful of pizza. 
“Yeah well it’s still gross.” Gareth snaps. 
Now, completely embarrassed by this whole ordeal, you risk one more look at Eddie only to realize that he was avoiding eye contact and pretending to read the textbook in front of him. 
“I’m gonna go to my locker.” You mumble, the embarrassment eating you. You grab your stuff quickly, dropping off the tray into the trash before exiting all together. 
Eddie’s trailer had once made you nervous, the idea of being where Eddie lived and slept. 
But now? You were very used to it, excitement fills you whenever you come over. 
Knocking, just as you always do, after parking your bike by the side so it doesn’t get stolen. Soon enough the door was cracking open and Eddie’s face came into view, a smile breaking out on his face when he sees you, opening the door wider to reveal he is only in sweats with his torso of tattoos that has your eyes widening. 
“You’re early.” He mumbles out, rubbing his eyes to try and wake up, pulling you in so he can shut the door from the cold. “Jesus. Why is it so chilly?” 
Within moments he is pulling you in for a hug, rubbing your back in an attempt to warm you up. You’re body is immediately ablaze, cheeks warm from blushing and skin hot. 
“It’s this funny thing called fall.” You joke, hugging him back tightly before he tries to shuffle you both back to his room without breaking it. A giggle escapes you when he trips slightly before you let go so he can walk normally and moves to his room with you close on his heels. 
It’s a routine that you both follow easily when you arrive, going to his room to change out of everyday clothes and into something more comfortable. 
He lets you wear one of his band tees and sweats, snatching the pillows from his bed as you change, and then he leads you back out to the living room. 
“I went ahead and got the goonies for you, because you’re a nerd.” He grunts out, moving to put the tape in. “Why are you so early today?” 
“I didn’t go home, I had a meeting after school and came straight here.” You answer, watching his interest peak as he raises an eyebrow. 
“What meeting?” You wait for him to sit on the couch, laying down before extending his arms to grab you so that you both could lay down, pressed to each other as you fixed the blanket. 
“Cheer. They have an opening so I signed up for the auditions.” You mumble, using his chest as a pillow while he looks down at you. 
“You want to cheer?” 
“Yeah. I always have. I used to do it all the time, cheer camp and everything but when I first came to Hawkins someone told me I shouldn’t.” You answer, adjusting the blanket so it covered you both as his hands move to play with your hair. 
Something about Eddie? He was ALWAYS touching you. Found every excuse in the book to do so. And it annoyed you to no end because he was so casual about it and it always left you flustered and a mess. 
“Is that why that kid came up to talk to you today?” He asks, something off about his tone. “Seemed like you knew him.” 
“I have math class with him.” You yawn, closing your eyes and keeping your nose pressed into his chest as you fall asleep. 
Sometime later he wakes you up, half asleep himself to get you both to his room, falling into the mattress and pulling you in to fall back asleep. 
“You’re being so weird today.” Gareth snaps through a mouthful of cereal, leaning against the locker next to yours. 
“Shut up.” You mumble out, not daring to look him in the eyes as he draws attention to you both. 
“Why me shut up? Dude this isn’t a good idea.” 
“Gareth. Take it down a notch.” You warn. 
“You want to be on the cheer team? Really?” He scoffs. “That lame group that shares maybe one brain cell between them?” 
“With me there might be more” you try to tease, watching him roll his eyes before another figure emerges. 
“Dude. Where were you last night? I called like 6 times.” Gareth sighs, and you’re just thankful that the conversation moved on from you for a moment. 
“I went to bed. Take it down a notch.” Eddie shrugs, looking at you the same time you looked at him. 
Technically he wasn’t lying. He had gone to bed. “What’s the problem?” 
“My sister wants to join the world of bimbos and stds.” Gareth snaps, and you feel Eddie move forward to avoid being pushed in the crowded hallway, his chest hitting your shoulder with warmth. 
“You want to date Steve Harrington?” He laughs, making you smile back. 
“She wants to be a cheer slut.” 
“Who does?” This time it’s Paul that asks, with Jeff right on his tail. And once again you’re thrown in the center of their arguing. 
“Seriously?” Paul laughs when he is told, blatantly laughing in your face. “That’d be so hilarious!” 
“Hey, come on.” Eddie warns. 
“I mean she’s….” Paul trails off a bit and you find yourself filling in on the words he didn’t say. You’re what? Lame? Ugly? Unlikable? 
“It’s not gonna work.” Gareth shrugs.”I just don’t want you to get hurt buggie.” 
“She’s not gonna make it. And even if she does it’s not like she’ll be on long.” Paul giggles to himself. “You’d have to put out to the-“ 
Eddie and Gareth both punch his shoulders on either side, as hard as they can. 
“See you at cheer practice, ……” a soft voice rings out, drawing your attention to Chrissy Cunningham, a girl in your class. 
She held a small smile, one that said “I got your back.” And you realized what she must have seen, you surrounded by a bunch of guys making fun of you. 
So you give a tiny wave, which makes her smile widen and suddenly you were smiling too, a little happier when she walks off. 
Something light fills your chest until you look back to Gareth who glares at you. “You’re not even in yet and you’re already acting like one of them.” 
“I don’t get why you’re so mad. Paul, you said last band practice that I annoy you guys.” You remind, snatching one of your books as Eddie stands straight suddenly. “Being a cheerleader means I don’t sit in on practices anymore.” 
“Wait; you said that?” Eddie asks, chest still pressed into your shoulder as he holds out his hand to Paul in a shocked way. “Why?” 
“Cause she always-“ 
“Can we get back to the problem at hand? You’re gonna be all cool and popular and lose all your personality.” Gareth snaps. “Just another girl with a pretty smile that the jocks use and abuse.” 
“I’d still hang out with you guys?” You laugh, closing your locker. “What are the chances that we all stop being friends? I live with you, remember Gary?” 
“Whatever bugs.” He huffs, a small smile playing at his lips. 
He waltzes off after that, bowl of cereal in hand as Paul and Jeff follow him to class. Eddie remains, watching you. 
“I don’t know why Paul said that but-“ 
“Eds, it’s fine. He’s a little right at the end of the day. I mean there’s only so much I can talk to you guys about so maybe it’s time I make a couple more friends.” You shrug. 
“You can talk to me about anything though.” Not about the huge crush you have, or the way every time he touches you your heart beats fast. 
“Not about periods or bra sizes.” You joke, moving to walk away, surprised when he follows you. “Aren’t you supposed to be on the other side of school?” 
“You can talk to me about anything.” He states again, this time more serious. “Periods. Bra sizes. Anything and everything.  I just want you to know that.” 
You smile at him, shrugging and walking away to class. 
Two days later you’re rushing home with excited news, a smile splitting across your face as you run to tell everyone.  
Tonight was band practice, which meant all the boys would be in the garage so you’d probably tell them first, your new cheer uniform clutched tightly in your hands as you make your way up. 
You see Eddie’s van parked in the driveway and excitement fills you at the thought of telling him, so you cut across the lawn, just at the point where they can almost hear you when you hear them talking. 
“-I think it’s great that she’s going for the cheer team.” Jeff’s voice rings out, catching your attention “she used to cheer when she was younger right?” 
“Yeah. She stopped when she got to high school. I don’t know man, I just think it’s going to ruin her you know?” 
“At least she won’t be following us around all the time.” Paul grunts out, and your heart clenches. “She’s always there!” 
“That is a good point.” Gareth sighs. “Maybe go and make her own friends.” 
“She’s so annoying. Always talking our ear off about everything and always asking us if she can play DND.” 
“She doesn’t ask us if she can play. She asks how we play and if she can watch.” Jeff corrects. 
“For what though? So she can start coming to those hangouts?! She ruins everything!” Paul snaps and you suddenly feel really stupid. 
“I think you’re right.” Eddie laughs, which makes Jeff and Gareth laugh too and you completely shatter there. 
What happened to you talking to him about anything? 
“I’m just saying man-“ 
“Yeah yeah, we know what you’re saying Paul.” Eddie interrupts him, still laughing. You can’t hear anymore, you turn to head through the front door rather than the garage, storming up to your room and slamming your door. 
Eddie was anxious, had been all day since he found out the cheer tryouts were today. 
He didn’t know what he was so worried about in general, and no matter what he tried to talk himself out of he always found something else to worry about. 
What if you got in and stopped hanging out with all of them? No more secret movie nights at his trailer or sneaking you into the hideout so you can watch their shows. 
No more of you coming to band practices and cheering them on. He wouldn’t get to be near you as much. You wouldn’t sit at the table with them and he wouldn’t get to talk to you everyday. 
Or worse, you become one of them and you end up hating him just like they do.  
But then he tells himself that neither of those would happen, you would still be their friends and you loved movie night as much as he did. Or.,….. well he hoped you did. 
Besides, he would be upset if they turned you down. He knew you would be upset and he just wouldn’t be able to handle how sad you would look. 
They would be idiots to turn you away, he’s seen you dance at the hideout….. well more so like he watched you intently like a perv, scared your brother might finally notice just how much Eddie liked you. 
That had been his biggest concern as of late, Gareth. Watching your brother freak out everytime someone tried talking to you or everytime Paul hinted about you, well it made him feel like a shit friend. 
Not to mention it made him feel bad for you. You just wanted to hang out with your brother and his friends, you didn’t need him being all weird about it. 
You especially didn’t need him trailing after you like a lost puppy all the time. 
Which was why he was getting so anxious at band practice, listening to Gareth get into it with Paul over you. 
“This is such bullshit man, I already got you drooling over my sister at every turn-“ 
“I do not!” Paul snaps.
“-and not the rest of the school will be too!” Gareth yells, frustrated. 
“Just wait until she starts dyeing her hair and sucking faces with all the boys on the team!” Paul gags, which makes Jeff roll his eyes. 
“You’re just saying that because you’ve been head over heels in love with her since middle school dumbass. We all see it. And personally I think it’s great that she’s going for the cheer team.” Jeff adds, always the calm one.  “she used to cheer when she was younger right?” 
“Yeah. She stopped when she got to high school. I don’t know man, I just think it’s going to ruin her you know?” Gareth sighs, and Eddie finally recognizes what the biggest problem here was. He was afraid he wouldn’t have your back anymore. 
“At least she won’t be following us around all the time.” Paul grunts out, and Eddie finds himself clenching his fists and trying not to lose his cool. “She’s always there!” 
“That is a good point.” Gareth sighs. “Maybe go and make her own friends.” 
“She’s so annoying. Always talking our ear off about everything and always asking us if she can play DND.” 
“She doesn’t ask us if she can play. She asks how we play and if she can watch.” Jeff corrects which makes Eddie nod. He had countless nights planning the campaigns with you and always offered to teach you, but you never wanted to actually play, instead you gave him ideas on his campaigns. 
“For what though? So she can start coming to those hangouts?! She ruins everything!” Paul snaps. 
“I think you’re right.” Eddie laughs loudly, turning to Jeff in reference to Paul’s crush on you as they all laugh at Paul, who gets completely red in the face at the way they are all calling him out. 
“I’m just saying man-“ 
“Yeah yeah, we know what you’re saying Paul.” Eddie interrupts him, still laughing even though he feels like pummeling his face in. “You’re madly in love with Gareths little sister and she doesn’t like you back so you have to be angry at her for it.” 
“Back off my little sister you freak.” Gareth laughs at paul. “She’s too good for you.” 
She’s too good for everyone, Eddie thinks, turning towards the open garage door waiting to see you. “What time was that shit supposed to end anyways?” 
“All I know is she said she’d be home for dinner.” Gareth shrugs and Eddie still can’t decide if he wants you to make it on the team or not. 
All he hopes for is that they are nice too you. 
So he waits, and waits. Even when they are playing their songs he keeps his eyes on the door for you to emerge. 
Finally Gareths mom comes out smiling to call them in for dinner. 
“What about sis?” Gareth asks as everyone helps his mom set the table. 
“She’s upstairs.” This catches Eddie’s attention, heart thundering as he tries to play it cool. 
“I didn’t see her come in?” Gareth asks, moving to the stairs in an attempt to call you down but your mom is quick to stop him. 
“Don’t. She’s upset and trying to lay down.” 
“She’s upset?” Eddie asks, chest aching. “What happened?” 
“I don’t know. I went to check on her and she was crying. Said she didn’t feel well.” Your mom answers and Eddie’s fist clenched. 
They probably made fun of you, they probably made you cry at the try outs. Jeff taps his shoulder, mouthing a ‘chill out.’ That makes Eddie worried. 
Did Jeff know he had a crush on you too? 
Did Gareth know? 
“Eat up boys.” Your mom orders. 
The next morning was rocky at best. 
You got up and got dressed into your cheer uniform, and then at the last second decided that since you were wearing the uniform why not do your makeup? You wanted to look cute for your first day on the team. 
You hadn’t thought about what you overheard until your brother barged in your room, giving you a confused look as you finish up the final touches on your face, suddenly embarrassed as it all comes rushing back. 
“You made it?!” He asks, which makes you roll your eyes. 
“Yes. Shut up.” You grunt, pushing him out of the way to grab your shoes. 
“Mom said you were upset yesterday, so I figured you didn’t make it.” He shrugs, admiring himself in your mirror before throwing your own brush at you.  
“I just had a migraine.” You lie, trying to play it off. Don’t cry. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry. 
“Damn. Sorry bugs. I’ll grab time Tylenol before we leave in case it comes back.” And with that he is gone, you hot on his heels to catch up as you dash to pack your lunch. 
“Eddie is swinging by to pick us up.” Gareth informs, snatching an apple and the bottle of Tylenol before moving to count the money in his wallet for lunch. 
“Why?” The only times eddie took you to school were after your movie nights when you were at his house anyways. 
“He offered last night. Let’s go.” Your brother sighs, ushering you to the door. 
“We’ll I don’t wanna intrude and I have something after school so I can just ride my bike.” You’re quick, moving away from your brother in attempt to make it look like you forgot something. “Go on without me.” 
“Bugs, I’m sure Eddie or Paul will give you a ride after your meeting thing. Let’s gooooo.” He groans, pulling you by your hair and out the door. 
When he manages to drag you to the van Eddie leans over to open the door and Gareth waits for you to hop in. 
“I should just ride my bike. I’ve got something after school later and you guys won’t want to wait around-“ 
“We have DnD tonight.” Eddie shrugs. “We’ll be at the school late anyways.” 
There was no winning with these two, so you nod and hop in, trying not to take up too much space as Eddie stares at the uniform. 
“You got in?” 
“Why is everyone so shocked?” You snap, embarrassed and upset. They thought you were annoying and always there and apparently no one believed you would get in the squad. 
“It’s just-“ 
“Is that a donut?” Gareth asks, snatching it from the console. 
“I got it for bugs to cheer her up-“ Eddie starts right as Gareth shoves half of it in his mouth. “Nevermind.” 
“Can we just go?” You snap, attempting to avoid eye contact with both. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie asks, walking with you on your way to your locker after 3rd period, his eyebrows pinched in worry and his eyes wide. 
“I’m fine.” You lie, trying to smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Maybe because I overheard people I thought were my friends making fun of me, or maybe because the guy I’ve been madly in love with since I met him thinks I’m clingy and annoying. 
“I just wanted to make sure because-“ he grunts out as Steve Harrington elbows him to get past, accidentally shoving him into you and sending you both into the lockers. “God damnit.” 
Eddie is quick to give you space, reaching for the arm that hit the lockers to make sure you’re not hurt as he blinks. 
“I’m fine.” You smile, enjoying the feeling of his hand on your skin. “Did you pack lunch today?” 
“No. But since I stopped to get you breakfast, sorry about that by the way, I picked something up.” He explains, walking with you and dropping his hand. The way he’s staring at you makes you nervous, In the best way. And you try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as he attempts a smile, until you remember what was said yesterday and those butterflies find themselves in a blender. “Might you be interested in sharing a store made sandwich and sun chips milady?” 
“Oh how thoughtful-“ you begin, joining him in the lunchroom before you see Paul and Jeff already sitting there, panic rising. “But I realized I forgot my lunch. I’ll go get something.” 
“Okay, I can walk up with you-“ Eddie starts, but you stop him. 
“I’m fine! I’ll be good.” You mumble out. “Besides, Paul’s already calling you over.” 
Eddie gives you a worried look, but nods and heads over to the table anyways, all the boys matching in their hellfire shirts as Paul starts loudly complaining about something. 
You realize halfway to the line that your excuse didn’t make sense since you did pack lunch, and you hadn’t grabbed your wallet since this outfit didn’t have pockets so you had no money to buy anything. 
And while you stood there, debating what you should do, you see Chrissy walking towards you in her uniform as well. 
“Hey!” She smiles, moving in to hug you. “I’m so happy you made it! I was worried when there was only two spots and you were soooo good!” 
A small burst of pride settles through you as she compliments you, linking your arms together as she heads to the cheer table. “I was also worried I'd be left alone. But you’re here and we’re gonna be so awesome!” 
She leads you to the table, and takes a seat like it was the most natural thing in the world, meanwhile you were panicking. What would the boys think? Would these girls want you to sit with them? 
You risk a look over to the hellfire table, seeing all of them staring at you with wide eyes, especially Eddie, who had saved the seat next to himself. 
“Girl; come on! We want to do your hair!” Sarah, the captain, giggles and pulls you to sit. 
It was for the better, all the boys thought you were annoying anyways. Maybe they would get a break from you. 
One lunch wouldn’t hurt and you wouldn’t be so annoying. Right?
“Too cool to eat with us now?” Gareth teases, waiting for you after practice. The sun had gone down in Hawkins, and the sweat from practice clung to you making the night air twice as chilly. 
He had a red mark on his cheek, which told you that he probably was being overdramatic during the campaign and smacked himself again. 
“No. I…” you start to explain, right as Eddie comes out of the doors and spots you. “I was going to get lunch, but Chrissy pulled me to the table.” 
“How was it?” Eddie smiles. “You got to see how the other side lived? Any exciting news to report back?” 
“Nothing much,” you smile, walking with them both as they head to Eddie’s car. “I got to know them a little better and they all talked to me about my routine because they like-“ 
Your brother does an overdramatic yawn, tossing the back door to Eddie’s van open and throwing himself in. “Boring already.” 
You roll your eyes, shutting the door on him before moving to hop into the passenger seat. Eddie gets into the driver side, looking to where your brother is already lighting a cigarette. 
“So they liked your routine?” He asks, looking at you as he starts the van. 
“They did!” You smile, excitement bubbling in you as you move to start talking again. 
“Oh my god. No one cares. Are any of them single?” Gareth smiles, and you lean to smack his head before sitting in silence the rest of the ride. 
When you get home you’re the first to hop out, turning to grab your bag as Gareth crawls out. 
“I can get you guys tomorrow? If you’d like.” Eddie offers, face red for some reason. Gareth narrows his eyes at his friend, while you shrug. 
“Actually the girls are gonna come get me early. Thanks though Eds.” You smile, walking away as Gareth says he’ll be ready by 8. 
One lunch turned to another, then another. Then that turned to going and getting a milkshake with the girls after practice and rides from them in the mornings. 
You went from always being around to never in sight, which absolutely shredded Eddie to pieces. 
It’s not like he wasn’t happy for you, you seemed to be always smiling and giggling with them. You went to the mall with them on weekends and always came back ecstatic about everything you got because the girls all said it looked great on you. 
You definitely grew into the feminine side, and his heart exploded everytime he did manage to see you….. and he was ashamed to admit his pants always got tighter whenever he saw you in uniform. 
You messed around with makeup and you always had a style for you hair. 
Eddie loved it for you, he loved that you seemed to go from stunningly beautiful to so stunningly gorgeous any guy at school wanted you. You seemed to enjoy your new look and he was happy for you. He wasn’t happy about the fact that he never saw you anymore. 
So, on a Wednesday afternoon, when he was dropping off a new cover for Gareths guitar while his friend was at work he was excited to see your shoes in the doorway. 
He waltzed up the stairs and knocked on your door, heart hammering through his ribcage as he heard you jump to answer it. 
Then there you were, as beautiful as can be, with nothing on but a tank and shorts. Excitement courses through him, a smile spreading across his face, it has been weeks since he last saw you and now he could ask about movie night. 
“Hey I-“ he stopped short when he saw Adam Hanson sitting on your bedroom floor, staring at him like he was crazy. Of course he was staring at him like he was crazy, Adam was probably wondering why the school freak was at your door. “I was just dropping off this new cover for your brother. Make sure he gets it, yeah?” 
He practically shoves it into your hands, heart thundering and desperate to get out of here. 
“Okay!” You smile at him and he feels his heart clench through his chest. “Actually Adam and I were finishing up homework if you wanted to watch a movie-“ 
Hanging out with you? Dream come true. Hanging out with you and your boyfriend? Fuck. No. So he finds himself lashing out, a mix of embarrassment and jealousy made for a bad situation. “No thanks. I have better things to do than hang out with Gareths baby sister. Or should I say better girls to do.” 
He pairs it with a bullshit wink in adams direction, not daring to look at you as he moves to walk away while you slam the door. 
“Does the freak always talk to you like that?” Adam asks, and Eddie can only hear ringing at the blood rushes to his ears. Freak. 
He doesn’t bother waiting around, instesd he marches straight out of your house and leaves. 
You’re in shock when you close the door, eyes welling with tears. 
“Does the freak always talk to you like that?” Adam asks, pulling your attention to him. “Woah, hey don’t cry.” 
“He’s not a freak.” You defend, as you had been doing the past two months. “And he’s never….” 
What? Talked like that before? You didn’t know that, and you knew he had talked about how annoying you were behind your back? So maybe he’s said more things too. 
“Never to my face.” You shrug, wiping away the tears that kept coming. 
Adam sighs, moving to hug you and let you cry. 
“I’m so telling my boyfriend about this.” He sneers and you laugh lightly. 
“I don’t really know what you’re long distance boyfriend will do to help.” 
“Send me treats that I can share with you obviously.” Adam laughs. “Hey, I can stay and watch that movie with you-“ 
“No it’s fine.” You sniffle. “You have a curfew.” 
And he soon enough leaves, worried about you but you keep telling him it’s fine, anger coiling in your gut at every pity look your friend gives you. 
How dare Eddie. How dare he embarrass you and say that. What had you ever done to him? 
Sure you were the annoying little sister but it’s not like he had ever told you to back off or anything. He had always made it seem like he wanted to hang out. 
You couldn’t shake the anger as you went to bed, and suddenly you found yourself in a weird spot. 
The line that had originally been drawn in the sand, on whether you remained their friend or not, had quickly dispersed after that. 
In fact the sand had been kicked through  and suddenly, without warning, you and eddie had been thrown to war. 
Gone were the cute nicknames of Eds and bugs, now when you addressed each other you referred to him as freak and he referred to you as wannabe. 
You let the basketball players push him in the halls and he threw food at you and your friends in the cafeteria. 
When the winter formal rolled around Adam took you, and you had been so excited for it until Eddie made some snide comment when you came down the stairs which sent you into a sour mood the rest of the night. 
When winter break rolled around Gareth had let them come over nearly everyday for stupid band practice and whenever you came home you made sure to enter through the garage just to piss them off, making sure to unplug the amps each time. 
Like today, hands filled with shopping bags as you came home, saying bye to Chrissy as she drove off with a wide smile, and then turning to the garage. 
“Hey bugs.” Gareth greets, which you simply glare to, making sure to hit Eddie’s shoulder with your own as you pass which makes his curse out and spill his drink. 
“Freaks.” You snap, unplugging their amp and hitting the light switch as you head inside. You hear them all groan, and then you take it one step further and turn off the lights in the garage completely by the power box in the kitchen. 
“Damn it!” Gareth snaps when he realizes and you pick up the phone, dialing adams number since you promised to call him earlier. 
He picks up right as the boys all dash inside, Gareth glaring as you pretend like you don’t even see them. 
“Hey handsome, thought I’d call to check in.” You smile through the phone, hearing him laugh. 
“Hello back beautiful.” Adam says, matching your tone. “You bothering the boys again?” 
“Oh. My favorite thing to do-“ you giggle, slapping Gareth's shoulder when he reaches to hang up the phone. “Back off.” 
“I’m getting mom.” He snaps out while Paul and Jeff disappear to the garage again. He dashes to go find your mom which leaves just Eddie in the kitchen, glaring at you. 
“I miss you too.” You coo into the phone, enjoying the way Eddie’s jaw ticks as Adam laughs and plays long, enjoying the game himself. 
“What’s your problem lately, brat?” Eddie snaps, his eyes angry and set. 
“Hold on baby-“ you say into the phone, covering the mouth piece and giving Eddie your best uncaring face. “Can I help you, freak?” 
He reaches forward, cursing under his breath as he reaches around you to hang up the phone. 
“What the fuck-“ you start before he is snatching the handle from your hands and slamming it into the receiver, turning to you fully. 
“Why are you being this way? What the fuck did we do to you?” 
“I’d love to stay and chat, but I have better things to do. Or should I say better men to do.” You smile, moving to stand quickly as his eyes widen. When you move to walk away he goes to grab one of the bags in attempt to keep you in the room, the paper of the bag rips and suddenly everything you bought at that store falls to the kitchen floor. 
Your mouth falls open as Eddie’s eyes widen at the sheer amount of lingerie sets that fall out. 
Not really lingerie, but close to. All lace panties and bras that Chrissy said would look great on you. 
“I’m-“ Eddie begins, moving to help you grab them at the same time you bend to grab them so your heads hit each other. 
“Damn it-“ you gasp out, rushing to grab all the underwear as he helps you to try and shove them all in the bag.
“I didn’t realize you were so into Adam.” He sneers. 
“Oh shut up.” You sneer back, snatching everything into your hands. “Not everything is about sex-“ 
“Of course it is”. He laughs bitterly. “You’re their new play toy.” 
“I swear to god freak-“ 
“What you gonna do brat?” He seethes, getting into your personal space. 
“Everything okay here?” Gareth asks, making you and Eddie jump back. 
“Whatever Gareth.” You push past him, ignoring the excited buzz you feel from Eddie. 
“Are….are you guys good?” Gareth asks eddie the next morning, making Eddie turn to glare at him. “Don’t bite my head off, okay? I just….” 
Eddie stays silent, starting the car as he watches you waltz across the lawn in the cheer uniform. 
“It’s just that she’s been so different lately and for the past couple weeks you have been too. Did you guys break up?” 
Eddie, who had started driving, immediately hits the brakes and whips to look at Gareth. “What?” 
“Did you and my sister break up?” 
“I’m not- what- we never- Gareth-“ Eddie panics, trying to find the right words. “Listen-“ 
“Dude it’s fine. I always knew okay?” 
“Wait wait wait. We never- she and I never-“ what the hell was happening. “Okay let’s back up. You thought we were dating?” 
“Oh come on. All your secret sleepovers? You really thought I didn’t know about those? You know how many times I pretended to call her friends house for you guys so mom didn’t catch her? And all the small little touches you always had or the way you looked at her. Not to mention all the paragraphs about you in her diary-“
“We never dated.” Eddie cuts him off. “She didn’t like me like that.” 
“No man. She did.” Gareth laughs. “She has always liked you like that.” 
He ignores the feeljng bubbling in his chest at the thought, shaking his head. “Why haven’t you tried to kill me if you thought we were dating?” 
“You’re always freaking out about her and guys, and you always threaten Paul whenever he-“ 
“Guys are gross and I don’t want them hurting my baby sister. Paul is a lame excuse for a human beings.” Gareth shrugs. “And I always figured if my sister was going to date someone it should be you. You are…..semi decent.” 
“We never dated. And she hates me now so I hate her.” Eddie starts driving again, shrugging like it didn’t matter. 
“Why does she hate you now?” 
“Not a clue.” He had a slight clue after the other night. 
“Okay well, do you think you can like… fix whatever it is?” Gareth sighs. “I miss my sister.” 
Eddie missed you too. 
He didn’t try to talk to you, he had debated it for all of 4 hours before you had to go and ruin it. 
Just when he was starting to talk himself into apologizing he turned the corner to find you, giggling and blushing with none other than Steve Harrington. 
Upon hearing his footsteps you turn, face falling when you see his glare before that bitch look you’ve perfected the past couple weeks falls in its place, making his heart thump wildly as he walks closer. 
“Your brother asked me to apologize.” He bites out, hands catching themselves behind his back as he glares. “Sorry.” 
“Wow. What a great apology.” Harrington smiles making you slap his shoulder with wide eyes until he laughs and nods. “I’ll see you later okay?” He smiles, tapping your nose before walking off with a simple “Bye Munson.” 
Eddie watches him leave before turning back to you with a raised eyebrow, and suddenly he was desperate to piss you off. Desperate to get under your skin the way you got under his. 
“Oh I see. You didn’t get all the panties for one guy, you got them for the whole school.” He smiles, watching your face fall into one of shock. “What’s the deal? Tap you and then get to keep the panties? Having a buy one get one free sale?” 
“Calling me a slut?” You seethed . 
“If the shoe fits baby.” He coos, smiling from ear to ear as you slam your locker and move forward. 
“I hate you!” 
“I hate you back!” He snaps back, matching your tone as you get closer and closer until your chest are pressed against each other. 
“What did I ever do wrong?” You snap, eyebrows pinching in anger and confusion. “I thought you all liked me and-“
He’s confused now, racking his brain for what you mean before he settles on an answer. “You thought the guys you’ve slept with liked you?” 
The second the words come out he hears how bad it sounds, watching as your face falls and he rushes to explain that he was just trying to understand what you meant. But it’s too late and you reach a hand up to twist his nipple. 
“OW! Holy Jesus-“ he gasps in pain, moving his body to try and pull away but you follow easily, pushing him into the nearest supply closet you can. 
By the time you actually let go he is red in the face, using his hand to rub the sore spot and trying to glare. “Do I wanna know where you -NO OW!” 
“Take it back!” You order, already twisting his second nipple which makes him gasp and move to twist your ear. 
A gasp of pain slips from you and you let go of him to pull back, both of you glaring at eachother. 
He’s panting, and so are you, adrenaline coating your nerves. 
“What’s going on lately?” He snaps, still rubbing the sore spot as you glare back. 
“You tell me.” 
“No you tell me! What did I do? Do I embarrass you? Or maybe I just annoy you-“ 
“Bold of you to say! All you and your friends can talk about is how much I annoyed you!” You snap back. 
“Who said that? Tell me and I-“
“You said it!” 
“When would I ever say that?! Is it that night at your house, because sorry if I didn’t want to hang out with you and your boyfriend!” You shove his shoulder lightly and he gasps before doing it back. Acting like literal children. 
You keep shoving each other, back and forth over and over until a laugh slowly starts leaching from both of you. And suddenly it was normal again, not that angry yelling that’s been between you guys for months. 
“Freak.” You giggle.
“Princess.” He laughs back, but then he is peering at you, hands on his hips as he tries to figure out how to fix this. 
But then, without really thinking, you are on him. Your arms wrapping around his neck as you shove your lips to his, his hands immediately flying to your hips as he lets out a surprised grunt while he catches you. 
He’s still as a board for the first second, his brain taking a moment to catch up before he is diving into the kiss himself, grip on your hips tightening as he devours you in the kiss. 
A small moan slips past his lips into yours, pulling you in as tight as he can, making sure to wrap his arms around your waist to make sure you stay close. 
When you manage to pull back you smile, seeing his eyes closed and eyebrows pinched as he takes a breath in. “Gareth was-“ 
“OH YOU UTTER-“ in an instant his blissful daze is broken as you tear yourself from him, snatching the handle of the closet and storming out leaving him confused and breathless. 
His brain registers finally, managing to pull himself together the slightest bit so he can chase after you, reaching for the handle and giving it a pull as he thinks about what he will say. 
You just kissed him, you just did what he has been dying to do for years and then you ran. 
“What the fuck?” He snaps when the door won’t open by the third pull, the handle stuck. “YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!” 
It’s another 30 minutes before someone is there to help him out, the janitor giving him a confused look as Eddie hauls out of there. 
You kiss that man child, give it your all and the first thing he says once you’re done is your brothers name. What a freaking imbecile. What a dumb ass. What a-
“Hey girl, you okay?” Someone asks, pulling your attention to where Maria is standing, wearing her cutest party outfit with a small smile playing off her lips. “You were mumbling angrily about a man child.” 
“I….. ugh.” You groan, dropping the brush as all the girls turn to you with excitement. 
“Tell us everything.” Chrissy smiles. 
“How did he feel? Were there fireworks?” Maria asks. 
“Oh my god, he definitely seems like he knows what he is doing.” Abigail giggles and you watch them all in shock as they stare back. 
“Your first kiss! How was it?” Chrissy explains, eager to know. 
“I….. I didn’t kiss Steve Har-“ 
“Ew, of course not you have standards.” Maria laughs. “But you’re obviously frustrated about a boy and I’m betting you finally kissed Munson.” 
“You….. you guys know I-?” You can’t find the words, embarrassment clawing at you as they all giggle and cheer at having caught you. 
“Oh my god, were his lips soft?” Abigail squeals. 
“Was he gentle? Or like possessive? I love possessive guys.” Maria groans. 
“Did he treat you like heaven? Oh he’s always got this love sick look when you walk by!” Chrissy kicks her feet, all three really excited. 
“Yes. Yes and yes. And no, he actually- ugh- he only sees me as Gareths little sister.” You whine, falling into the bed. “I kiss him and for a second it’s just like, amazing, and when we stopped kissing I was expecting this romantic thing. Maybe he would be all like ‘wow’ or tell me I’m beautiful. You know what the first word he said was?” 
“Gareth.” You explain, and they all gasp like it’s the worst thing in the world. So, ever the amazing friend, you sit up and start telling them everything. 
“I kind of like the way your brother protects you,” Maria blushes. “I mean the boys at Hawkins are all so…. “
“Sex crazed?” Abigail finishes the thought. 
“Yes. And Gareth has always been respectful to me.” Maria smiles. 
“Do you have a crush on my brother?” You giggle, staring at her. 
“No!” She blurts, then smiles a bit. “Okay maybe.” 
And just like that all 4 of your are laughing and planning for the party. 
The party at Jason Carvers house was the last place Eddie Munson wanted to be, truthfully he wasn’t even sure he was allowed. The good news is he hadn’t been kicked out because he was the dealer. 
So he pretended like he was there to sell, really he was looking around for you. This was a last minute plan to talk to you, figure out where he had went wrong and try to fix it. 
Figure out how to kiss you again but he’d take anything at this point, even a friendship. He’d keep his feelings in check. 
30 minutes in to the party and he was beginning to think it was a bust, but then there you were, surrounded by 3 other girls he was sure were on the team, as they all passed by glaring at everyone like they were the queens of the universe. 
And they were, all of them beautiful and untouchable. Especially you. 
It’s like the earth stopped spinning whenever you walked in the room, Eddie’s lungs expanding as he stared at the way you greeted everyone, or rather everyone lunged to greet you. 
Eddie went to greet you, then thought vetter of it and moved to the back of the room and started to talk to the kid that had money waiting for him. 
He keeps along the sidelines of the party, letting you do your thing as he tries to come up with what to say. 
Remember when you rocked my world less than 7 hours ago? Yeah that was amazing and I miss you. 
“You okay there bud?” Someone asks, pulling his attention to where Maria, co captain of the cheer team, is smiling at him over her cup. 
“Yeah, just came in for a refill.” He nods to the keg, an obvious lie since he would never drink that piss water. 
“Right. Okay.” She smiles, and he moves to grab a cup and fill it up so it looks like the truth. “It’s cute, the way they all crowd around her.” 
He, without needing to ask, looks for you immediately . Spotting you by the pool surrounded by a bunch of guys, all desperate to talk to you. 
“Yeah I guess.” He shrugs, spine tense and doing his best not to clench the cup in his fist. 
“Well the guys surrounding her aren't what’s cute. It’s the way she keeps looking for you.” Maria giggles, obviously too drunk to keep her eyes open. “Look, right there.” 
Sure enough he sees you look around, bored of the conversation at hand as one of the guys snakes his arm around your waist. 
He doesn’t know what he’s doing, feet already moving as Maria giggles out while he dashed outside right at the moment the tool throws you both in the booth as you scream. 
His breath stops and he waits a moment for you to emerge, your eyes immediately meeting as you struggle to get to the edge of the pool, the strap of the dress you wore broken. 
The girls are all there to help you as the tool, Tommy something, reaches to pull you back in. Eddie makes quick work of pushing him in with his foot, and snatching you from the water while doing his best to make sure you’re not too exposed. 
“You okay?” He whispers, hand sliding up your body to cover your breast as you try to fix the strap quickly. 
“Y-yeah.” You sniffle, obviously holding back tears. “I’m fine.” 
The girls, your friends, are all yelling at Tommy and the other cheerleaders soon join and start throwing stuff at him in the water, Harrington pushing him back in whenever he tries to crawl out. 
“He was just being silly.” You try to ease yourself, struggling with the strap of the dress. “I don’t know why I’m upset.” 
“You were just thrown into water. It’s okay to be upset.” He smiles, shrugging off his jacket and moving to place it around you so you’re covered. “You wanna leave?”
“Yes please.” You nod, and he gets to moving, pulling you with him as your 3 friends all wave and smile like they know something, cooing out a “bye eddie.” At the same time. 
He gives them a tight wave, helping you out since you seemed to have lost a heel in the pool. 
“Is this even considered a dress?” He scoffs, leading you to his van. 
“It’s very popular in france.” You answer, letting him pull you down the street where his van is hidden, helping you into the back of it. 
By the time he pulls into the trailer park he can’t hear you, which means you're definitely passed out back there, and he feels guilty over every pothole and bump he hits before he is pulling into his regular parking spot. 
Wayne’s car is gone so he assumes his uncle is already at work, hopping out of the van and going along the back to open the door you’re closest to. The blanket had moved around a bit, exposing your legs to him and the smallest sight of your panties that has him feeling guilty and quickly readjusting the blanket as he rubs circles on your back to wake you up. 
“Let’s go princess.” He hums, helping you crawl out and get into the house. 
“It smells like….” 
“Sorry.” He blushes, embarrassed. “I didn’t really clean like I normally did whenever you came over.” 
“It’s fine. I was gonna say it smells like you.” You mumble, waiting for his cue to go further into the trailer. It was odd for him, watching you wait, and he’s suddenly reminded about all the time you’ve been separated. This wasn’t a regular movie night, you hadn’t had one of those in months. You probably didn’t feel comfortable being here. 
“I c-can go turn on the shower so it’s hot for you. Give you a moment to relax.” He offers, smiling when you nod before moving to the bathroom to start the shower. He knocks on Wayne’s bedroom door just in case before waltzing into the bathroom and starting the water, making sure the shampoo and body wash are both ready for you and setting up a towel for you to use. 
When the bathroom starts steaming he moves to go get you, jumping a little when he runs into you at the door. 
“Sorry!” He blurts, trying to step out of your way. You shrug, moving past him and into the bathroom, not waiting for him to leave before you shuck his sweater off and move to take the dress off. 
“Help…” you mumble, struggling to roll the fabric off since it was soaking wet and unable to reach the zipper. 
So he moves forward, ready to help you, until you stop him. “Shut the door Eds, you’re letting all the warm air out.” 
He rushes to shut the door for you, tripping over his feet and accidently falling into the door which makes it slam shut and you gasp out. “Are you okay?” 
“Yep. Yeah. Fine.” He mumbles, standing straight and trying to play it off like it was smooth. “Y-you still want help?” 
“Yes.” You nod, watching him closely to make sure he is okay before turning back around and fixing your hair so he can see the zipper. 
With shaky hands he slides it down, enjoying the way your skin shivers at the feel of his fingers down your back, before he helps you slide the fabric off your hips for it to land on the floor. 
Your skin is cold from the fabric, and it reminds him of coming in after a snowball fight and having to fight to get the jeans off leaving him in the damp but not yet wet skin.  
Without meaning to his eyes trail across your exposed back, heart stopping when he realizes you had forgone a bra and only had a pair of panties on. 
“I….” He tries to find words, watching you turn your head to peer at him over your shoulder. “I’ll go.” 
“You’re gonna leave me to shower in silence?” You scoff, slipping the panties off, obviously unaware of the torture you are inflicting when you toss them with the dress and move to step into the shower. 
Your legs are shaky, and he’s panicked. You might slip so he moves to help you step into the tub, his hand wrapped around your elbow gently as he makes sure to keep his eyes on your face. 
“Stay and talk to me?” You ask, and he’s sure you’re just messing with him. Torturing him as payback as you close the curtain and step into the water. 
He sits on the toilet, using the towel he had gotten you as a cover on his lap just in case you peaked your head out, he didn’t need you seeing his massive boner like the freak he was. 
“Why were you at the party?” You ask after a moment. “You hate Jason Carver.” 
“I needed to sell.” He answers a little too quickly.  
“Did I ruin your sell’s since you had to help me leave?” You ask, guilt in your voice. “I’m sorry I-“ 
“I made enough.” He interrupts you, struggling to breathe in the shirt with the steam. “Why were you at the party? You used to hate Jason Carver too.” 
“I still do. Ugh he’s the worst and he’s always following Chrissy around like a little puppy. And he’s so mean to everyone.” 
“He’s friends with Adam isn't he?” He finds himself asking, and never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would be gossiping about the jocks. Especially with you. 
“Not really, Jason said some really messed up things when Adam told everyone he’s gay.” You explain and Eddie snaps his head towards the direction of the curtain. 
“He’s gay?!”
“You can’t tell anyone okay? It’s a secret and he wants to come out himself.” You answer back, and Eddie finds himself standing up. 
You must see his figure get up through the curtain, because you open the curtain and peak your upper body out. “You’re not leaving are you?” 
“N-no. I’m just shocked. I thought you and Adam were…” 
“Absolutely not. Mom would never allow Adam in my room if he we were.” You laugh. 
“So that night you invited me for the movie, you weren’t dating him?” He was stupid, so entirely stupid.
“No? Why would I invite your for a movie in front of my boyfriend?” You laugh, and he can’t seem to process anything. Stepping forward so he was within arms length of you. 
“So you weren’t inviting me to hang out with you and your boyfriend. You were actually wanting to hang out with me?” 
“Yes?” You roll your eyes. “And I know it’s lame. I’m just Gareths little sister and all that-“ 
You disappear from his view once more, pulling both the curtains into the middle to close off the shower again as you keep going. “But I actually thought you liked hanging out with me. You know? And maybe if I gave you guys space I wouldn’t be the annoying little sister all the time but then that day rolled around and you…. It was silly. I shouldn’t have asked you-“ 
A small shriek falls from your lips as he whips the right curtain open, glaring at you. 
“What the fuck do you mean give us space? Who said what?” He’s angry now, jaw set as he glared. “What’s all this about being annoying and suddenly giving us space. Is that why you don’t sit with us?” 
“Yes! You guys just think I’m Gareths annoying little sister!” You snap, and Eddie realizes that you’re completely naked right now, so he quickly shuts his eyes with a groan and pulls the curtain back sharply, keeping it clenched in his fist as he tries to relax. 
“We don’t think that.” He snaps, eyes still squeezed shut. Truth was he always tried not to think of you as Gareths little sister, with the amount of times he’s imagined you-
You snap the other curtain to the side, letting some of the water hit his jeans and making his snap his eyes open right as you push your face close to his. “I heard you guys!” 
“You heard us? When was this, Princess? Cause I’ve never-“ 
“The day of my tryouts! I came home and you guys were talking about how annoying I was and-“ he realizes then what you had heard, his eyes widening as he stares at you before he leans forward to catch his lips onto yours, a small gasp falling from you as he lets go of the shower curtain to wrap around you. Only problem was he was leaning into you and you didn’t have a proper stance so you slipped, and he fell forward into the tub, cursing out to try and catch you both as you accidently bit down on his lip. 
He keeps one arm around your shoulders, his other catching the tub floor just in time as his body lands on yours. 
The water is hitting his back, soaking his clothes as his boner pressed into your naked form, blood leaking from his lip where you bit. 
“Are you okay-“ he begins to panic, but you’re already pushing up to pull him into another kiss, moaning at the taste of iron as your hands slide up his hips until they manage to crawl beneath his shirt and feel at his back, trying to inch the shirt off. 
He pulls back to lean up, whipping the shirt off and flinging it out of the tub, panting as you try to move so the water doesn’t hit you in the face while he moves to help you. 
“It was Paul that day.” He explains. “I don’t know what you think you heard but it was only Paul saying that. Jeff was making fun of him because the tool has a massive crush on you and- shit I’m no better am I? I’ve been dreaming about you every fucking night since I met you.” 
And once again, like two magnets, you find yourself kissing him again and he is obsessed with his. Obsessed with your taste and the way your body melds into his own as you press your chest into his. When you reach for his belt buckle he moves a hand down to stop you, shaking his head through the kiss and moving to stand with you. 
You follow, clumsy and confused, especially when his hands slide to your hips to turn you around so your back is to his chest. 
“What are you-“ your question is met with his hand sliding across your stomach and further down until his fingers find purchase in your folds, a soft moan slipping past your lips that has his blood thrumming. 
“Is this okay?” He whispers, feeling the water hit both you as you nod quickly, his name slipping past your lips. “I need to hear it, please.” 
“Yes!” You snap, your hand moving to push his wrist to apply pressure. “Eds please!” 
So he lets himself, pressing his thumb into your clit as he leans to kiss at your neck, his lip stinging against your skin as you mean out when he moves to slowly press a finger into you. 
“You’re not just the annoying little sister.” He whispers into your skin, fully pushing his finger in and wiggling it until he was ready for another, pulling it out to press both in. “I’ve never seen you like that.” 
“Eds.” You gasp out, keeping one hand on his arm as the other flies to his hair, clenching and pulling it into your fists. 
“If anything princess, I’ve tried talking myself into believing it.” He grunts out, pushing his fingers in quicker than last time. “But you’re not. You’re my girl. Right?” 
“Yes.” You blurt quickly, tugging at his hair and tilting your head to try and kiss him. He doesn’t let you, keeping his own lips pressed into your neck. 
“You’re my girl?” He asks again, voice deeper as his fingers speed up, his thumb circling your clit. The feeling of your body pressed to his, the way your hips rotate ever so slightly to try and match his movements and accidently rub your ass against his crotch. 
His jeans are now soaked, even if they weren’t from the water he is sure he’d have a wet patch from all the pre cum leaking out as he grunts out at the friction. 
“Yes. Always.” You answer, gasping at the pleasure. 
“Promise?” He grunts, nipping a bit as you try once more to kiss him. 
“Eds please!” You cry, hips moving faster as you chase your high on his fingers. 
“Promise me princess.” He growls and your eyes squeeze shut, eyebrows pinching together as your face contorts into one of pure pleasure. You barely manage to yell out a quick “swear it.” as you shake against him, making a smile spread across his lips. 
“Atta girl.” He coos, finally allowing you to tug him into a kiss, biting down on your lip as you kiss him like your life depended on it. “You wanna go to bed?” 
“Yes please.” You sniffle, swiping the bangs from his forehead as he leans to turn off the water; keeping a hand on you at all times while he manages to get you both out of the shower. 
Wrapping a towel around you and snatching both your clothes quickly before leading you to his room.  
The second he shuts the door behind him he sees you drop the towel and crawl across the bed to fall into the pillows, not even giving him a moment to grab you a shirt. 
“Wait. Lemme grab you-“ he starts, struggling to shuck off the soaked jeans and boxers before you are moving to help, helping him step out of them and dragging your hands up his thighs until they reach his hips and you’re pulling him into the bed with you. 
“I thought you wanted to sleep?” He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your collarbone as you both crawl up the bed. 
You fall into the pillows, hair splayed out as you smile at him, wrapping your legs around his hips while he covers you both with his comforter, trying to warm up. 
“I said go to bed. Not to sleep.” You mumble with a small attitude, canting your hips up into his own which makes him moan loudly. “This is bed, isn’t it?”
“Oh, smarty pants are we?” He laughs, pressing a kiss to your temple as he melts into you. His forearms slid under the pillow as he let his body weight lay against yours, kissing you ever so slowly as you tried to wiggle around and make it work. He lifts his hips for a moment to help you out, and once you’re settled he presses into you, beginning to grind himself against your folds as you hug each other close. 
“Jesus Christ.” He gasps, eyes squeezed shut as he presses his forehead to your own. 
“Who knew the satanist was so religious ?” You tease, pushing your hips forward trying to gain more friction. 
“Gotta be right now. It’s not everyday a freak like me has a cheerleader in his bed.” He smiles, kissing the corner of your lips softly. 
“I mean it could be.” You offer, making him freeze for a moment. “Or maybe in the drama room. I’ve had tons of ideas about the locker room too.” 
“Princess-“ he grunts, reaching a hand to cover your lips. “Please. You’re ruining me.”
You lick his lips and laugh when he pulls away to reach for his nightstands, moving your hips against his and kissing at his chest as he searches, getting more and more frustrated. 
“Come on- shit baby- I- please- I gotta find a condom just give me a moment please.” He gasps out, and you smile at him. 
“Forget it. I want you. Come on.” You coo and watch him physically shutter, hips pressing into yours tightly as his hands roll into fists and his eyes shut tightly. 
“Stop. Give me - fuck- a moment princess.” He grunts, shaking a bit. “I’m gonna bust before I even start.” 
So, being the brat you are, you push your hips up until he is entering you, moaning a bit as he gasps loudly. 
“No no no no.” He gasps out, which makes you freeze.
“Is it wrong? I’m sorry?” You panic, moving to pull your hips back quickly which makes his hand snap out to stop you. 
“It’s not wrong. I just- I refuse to cum.” He blurts, keeping you in the spot with a tight hold. “I can’t cum so soon.” 
“You can.” You whisper, kissing at his neck and nipping at the skin here and there. “I wanna feel it.” 
“I hate you.” 
“I hate you too.” You giggle. “And I need you to move.” 
He takes a deep breath in, giving himself one more moment to try not to cum and then begins moving his hips. Slowly at first, moaning softly as you wrap around him perfectly, moving himself so he was laying on top of you and hugging your body to his before he begins a brutal pace of snapping his hips into yours. 
You stay close, both hugging each other as he moves, the bed thumping against the wall with each thrust. 
Your moans quiet the closer you get to finishing, turning into strangled grunts and mewls as both of you focus in. The sounds of skin slapping just adding to the pleasure of it all as you come undone around him, making him gasp out as he lets go, filling you easily. 
“Oh my god.” He breathes out, shoving his nose into your neck as you try to breathe. 
“There’s that religion again.” You tease, eyes closing as your body finally relaxes. You don’t hear his response, numbing out a bit, snuggling close until his warmth is ripped from you and you have no choice but to open your eyes. 
“No no. You’re not sleeping yet.” He grunts, slapping your thigh lightly before helping you shuffle. “I’ll help you to the bathroom.” 
So he puts on a pair of boxers, putting you in one of his band tees and helping you shuffle to the bathroom to pee, and grab a warm washcloth so he can clean you up while kissing all over your face and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. 
“My good girl.” He murmurs, leaving a kiss on your ear before leading you back to the room and shoving the towels and dirty clothes in his hamper with the washcloth. 
You tuck yourself into his bed, waiting for him before you close your eyes and get comfortable. 
“Freak.” You whisper out, face pressed into his chest.
“Wannabe.” He murmurs back, playing with your hair as you finally fall asleep.
You’re woken up by the shrill ringing in Eddie’s trailer, snapping awake as he lunges up and blinks. 
The ringing stops after a minute, and then Wayne’s voice breaks out calling for Eddie. 
“The phone!” He calls, making Eddie roll over you to pick up the phone. 
You giggle when his body collapses on top of you as he answers, catching the smile he sends your way. 
“It’s Eddie.” He grunts, eyebrows shooting up when the person on the other side yells. 
“You know where my sister is?! She was supposed to be home last night and-“ 
“She’s here, calm down. She slept in the couch.” 
‘Liar’ you mouth as he rolls his eyes, pinching your side. 
“Okay. I’m coming to get her.” You hear Gareth snap before Eddie shakes his head. 
“No. I’ll drop her off when she wakes up. I’ll be by for band practice anyways.” 
You hear Gareth mumble something out before the receiver clicks and Eddie hangs up on his end. 
“How’d he know to call here?” You ask, reaching a hand up to play with his hair. 
“He thought we were dating already.” 
“Oh?” You laugh before he bites on your collarbone. “Freak.” 
“Wannabe.” He grunts out, and before you know it you both are stripping once more, being quiet since Wayne is in the other room. 
The cafeteria is a mess Monday morning, everyone yelling as some music plays over the speakers to get everyone excited for the game later. 
You took a moment to look across the room, not really being able to see much due to how crowded it was, but you made it to the cheer table, saying hi to the girls as they all giggled over the mark on your neck. 
“You wanna go sit over there?” You ask your three closest friends, wiggling your eyebrows. 
“You’re out of uniform aren’t you?” Jason asks, eyes narrowing at your shirt. Today you had chosen to wear a hellfire shirt over your cheer uniform. 
“Technically not.” Steve adds from the next table over, glaring at Jason. 
“What happened to your face?” You ask, eyes wide at how bad he looked. 
“Byers.” Steve grunts, and you laugh before the girls get up to follow you to the table. 
All four of you, (Chrissy, Maria and Abigail) walk up slowly, making all the guys stop and look up.
“Can we sit?” You ask, watching Eddie’s face burst into an excited grin as Gareth quickly snatches a chair for Maria. Abigail and Chrissy take the last two open spots and there was no more room. 
“I can grab a chair-“ Eddie starts, already standing to grab one before you shake your head, moving to sit on his lap. 
“I’m good here.” You smile, making him smile back and kiss your shoulder through the shirt. 
“Are you coming to DnD?” Paul asks as Gareth pretends to gag at you and Eddie. 
“No, we have a game tonight that I have to cheer at. But I figured I can wear this until then.” You shrug. 
“Where’s yours Eddie?” Paul asks, glaring at the dungeon master. 
Eddie raises a brow, and the entire table seems to freeze as they slowly realize that Paul hasn’t figured it out yet, even with you in Eddie’s lap. 
“What?” He asks, looking around. 
“This is mine.” Eddie mumbles, pinching some of the fabric of your shirt between his fingers. 
“You’re wearing his shirt? Gareth, you’re gonna allow that?!” 
Another moment of silence passes before the entire table is laughing in his face, Eddie pressing his nose into your back with his hands on your hips as he cackles. 
“What’s so funny?! Gareth said none of us could date his sister!” 
“No, I said you couldn’t date my sister, nerd bomber.” Gareth laughs. 
“What does it matter?” Eddie laughs. “I thought she was Sooooo annoying!” 
He imitates Pauls voice for the last part which sends the table into another fit of laughter. 
“Don’t you have a girlfriend in canada?” Chrissy asks, turning to you. “That was him right, the one dating the model in canada?” 
“W-we broke up. I dumped her.” Paul corrects which makes the girls laugh harder. “You guys suck.” 
“And you swallow!” You snatch one of Eddie’s pretzels to throw it at his forehead, hitting him perfectly as he glares. 
“Not funny.” He mumbles, and the table absolutely loses it. 
You’re surprised when you see Eddie leaning against the bleachers that night, now in his hellfire shirt and leather jacket as you get ready to perform with the girls. 
When he spots you looking he sends a wink, crossing his arms as he watches the routine. When you’re done you dash over as the game starts, giving him a quick kiss. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be-?” 
“I had a couple minutes. Thought I’d come see what all the excitement was about.” He smiles, surveying the game going on from your spot in the corner. 
“What do you think?” 
“Well seems pretty boring to watch Harrington and Carver fumble around, but there was this really smoking cheerleader.” He chuckles making you roll your eyes. 
“Princess.” He smiles, kissing you one more time. “You wanna come watch the campaign?” 
“I have to dance at halftime and cheer them on. You’ll tell me about it later though?” You ask, giving him your best doe eyes. 
“You got it.” He smiles, bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles before shaking it so the Pom Pom shakes. “Decide on what movie for tonight?” 
“I might be willing to give Texas Chainsaw one more shot.” You smile. “I think you deserve it.” 
You already know he won’t make it 10 minutes into the movie without jumping your bones anyways. 
“I was thinking breakfast club.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?” 
“Cause I might actually want to watch the movie.” You tease before Chrissy calls you. 
Giving him one more kiss before dashing to cheer with the girls, Eddie watches you for a moment before leaving to go play DND. 
The second you both are done you meet by the drama room doors so that you can go to his place for movie night, a new routine you had built up. 
Weekends were for your friends; these nights were for just you two.
TAGLIST :: (Lmk if you want removed or added for more Eddie fics.)
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
bother figures * fem!driver
being the designated baby sister of the grid by default is never as easy as you think it would be
pairings: alex albon x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver, george russell x fem!driver, lando norris x fem!driver
warnings: ugh annoying men
notes: this is hardly funny but like i've had to take inspiration from my bother-less life rn so i'm like rly going through it rn LMFAO and it's almost 5am here but as far as i'm concerned, it is night time somewhere so teCHNICALLY i'm not late to an update!
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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in the almost empty room, she sits in the corner seat as she taps away on her phone a message to reply to her siblings' group chat. she had arrived early for the driver's briefing and decided to take solace in the corner with a cup of hot chocolate.
she was enjoying the peace and serenity with the soft chatter in the background as she tried to lock herself in for the race weekend. that was until she felt a presence looming behind her with an aura she couldn't possibly ignore.
she slowly lifts her head up with a mean glare. she turns her head and meets max's blue eyes and sly grin. "what'cha doin'?"
she puts her phone on her lap as a scowl replaces her dead expression. "what do you want?"
"what are you doing?"
"does it hurt you when you see me and like... not do anything to annoy me?"
"yes, actually. i like talking to you."
"i just wanted to talk to ciara."
"now you can talk to me."
"but i don't really feel like doing that."
"why not? i'm here in front of you and not behind a phone screen. where's ciara?" he looks around, then at her with a beaming smile. "oh, would you look at that? not here."
"because she isn't an f1 driver."
"still not here to talk to you and provide you the joys of interacting with somebody face to face."
"times like these i remember you've got a younger sister."
"what's that got to do with anything?"
"you've mastered the practice of being annoying growing up, obviously. you're such a pro at it."
"how can you say that?" max cries, hand on his chest to feign hurt over her words. "i'm not annoying. please take that back!"
"you realise you made me stop my conversation with my lovely sisters because you saw me sitting alone."
max reaches out and pinches her cheek, grinning when blood rushes to her cheeks. "you were just looking a little lonely. just wanted to make you feel a little accommodated to, that's all."
she stares at him, lips pressed together. "okay, that's actually pretty sweet. i kinda feel bad now.”
“and you should!” max frowns, folding his arms over his chest. he leans back into his seat and rests one leg over the other. “you’re mean, you know?”
“i’m an oldest sister.”
“i’m an oldest brother.”
“i have three younger siblings that made me wanna shave my head bald.”
“that’s kinda crazy.”
“i know,” she sighs tiredly. but she smiles slightly. “but it’s kinda nice. with oscar and logan taking over those responsibilities growing up, we never had a moment of boredom at home.”
“cute!” max smiles. “if i lived with you growing up, you might’ve actually run away for good.”
“i could run away for good now if you’d like.”
“seb wouldn’t like that.”
“you’d have to deal with it. i’ll leave a note on my team’s fridge with your name on it.”
“you need to put the reason underneath. if not, your team will think you’re just naming the most handsomest driver on the grid,” max shakes his head in disappointment. “don’t wanna give off the wrong idea, you know?”
“if you say ‘handsomest’, it doesn’t need a ‘most’ before it,” she says, lips parted slightly at the atrocious grammar. if there’s one thing she can’t stand, it’s most definitely the reigning world champion making simply grammar mistakes. “you should get more sleep.”
“i do! i slept like 10 hours last night!”
“somehow i find that hard to believe with the bags under your eyes.”
“what are you two bickering about?” a hand lands itself on the back of her chair. carlos stands next to her with one hand on his hip. “i could hear you from the hallways.”
“damn, you should really keep it down, max,” she chuckles, sending him a shocked look before she clasps her hands together and rests it on her stomach. “you’re too loud.”
“i’m sure he meant you. you like… swallowed a mic as a kid,” max scoffs. he looks up at carlos. “tell me she was louder than me.”
carlos sighs. “you were loud on the same level, i believe.”
"see? i told you."
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"you're moving in with logan?" alex's jaw drops, the tiktok video no his phone left to play on repeat as the younger girl dropped the news that logan's moving into her apartment. "mate, what?"
she looks up at him with a confused stare. "what?"
"i thought you said you didn't want people talking about you like that?" alex asks, raising an eyebrow. "people will definitely talk if you move in with a man."
she presses her lips together. "you've got a point, i suppose. but logan's my best friend. we've been talking about moving in together forever! since i was 15!"
"i'm just looking out for you, kid. you should really think this through," alex sighs as he slumps his shoulders. of course, he knows just how close she and logan are on a day-to-day basis. but people tend to be quite ruthless with women and he just can't see this going any other way. "you know how people are."
she sighs, shaking her head. "i don't know. i just don't think people would pay attention to that aspect of my life. i still deserve to make decisions that wouldn't be at risk of scrutiny, right?"
she takes a step forward towards alex. she hadn't exactly thought of the public implications that this would cause her. all she knew was that they'd talked about this for years and were ecstatic when logan shyly brought up their conversation from years ago.
"that's the basic that we all hope for," alex frowns. "but you know how people are. you've seen how they treat you just being here. imagine the chaos."
"maybe i'll just keep it under wraps and hope for the best," she suggests with a small smile on her face. "that could work, right? i don't wanna have to put down something i spent forever talking about."
"if you can keep it under wraps, i applaud you," alex smiles, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "and i thought you've had enough of men - why are you still moving in with one?"
"to save money, really," she smiles. "and with kidnapper and stubby at home... i think living with another person is best."
"but doesn't logan like dogs more?"
"yeah, but kidnapper's taken a very weird liking to him. he doesn't wanna admit, but i know logan really likes kidnapper a lot."
"typical logan, really."
"you'd be surprised how much feelings that loser's holding in."
"oh?" alex smiles mischievously. "tell me more?"
"nice try," she scoffs with an eye roll. "i'm not spilling the beans about logan's love life. that's lore you've got to unlock the longer you race with him. just hope he's feeling friendly enough to share, yes?"
"so true," alex frowns. "but what if he's not friendly enough? means you are my only source for material to piss him off with. so, 'fess up!"
"can't betray my best friend like that, i fear," she frowns. though, her smile grows slowly. "but i can be bribed."
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a scowl carves her face as she stares at the roll-in whiteboard with pictures held up against it with sesame street magnets. she sinks into the plastic chair she's given and tilts her head at the men gathered around her.
"and that's why i think you should get the same car as me," lando says simply, recapping the marker in his hands. he turns to her with a proud smile after his presentation.
her lips part. "so that we can matchy and..."
"and fuel rumours," lando repeats. "i'm involved in too little drama this year. it's always 'no wins' this, and 'no podiums' that... i want more."
"that's not a very good argument," she answers slowly, confusion contorting her face that almost makes alex laugh. "i said that i want an easy car, not a supercar. i've made that clear to almost everyone on the grid, yes?"
"yeah, but like," lando whines, throwing his head back as he stomps a foot into the ground. "seriously? you can't do this one thing for me? i'm asking you a favour!"
"to spend big money on a supercar i have to drive like it's made of glass!" she laughs dryly, hands thrown in the air in disbelief. she looks around at the men that have forcefully pulled her out of her garage and put her in this private room, in this plastic chair when she could've been taking a power nap. "is this what i'm here for? you lot are trying to convince me to finally purchase a car?"
"as per logan's request," alex shrugs, sipping on his juice box. "he said you've been putting it off all year. the season's about to end."
"and you listened to that nonce?" she cries, pinching the bridge of her nose. "you guys are absolutely unbelievable. i can't believe i'm wasting my time here!"
george, sitting next to her with a picture in hand, points at the whiteboard timidly. "i really put in a lot of thought about a car you should get," he says softly, looking slightly disappointed that she's caught on a lot faster than they predicted. "can i at least show it to you? i don't have to present."
"aw, george," she sighs, shaking her head. "it's not another supercar, is it?"
"it's not, i promise!" he perks up with a small smile on his face. he turns to lando with a small scowl. "only lando did this presentation with his best interests in mind. alex and i took the task seriously - just hear us out!"
she looks between george and alex, contemplating if the brit is telling the truth. instead of getting up like she had initially planned, she leans back into her seat. "fine. if it's anything like lando's, i'm leaving immediately. i don't care who has yet to present."
"but this ferrari looks so pretty," charles frowns, turning the picture in his hand to show it to her. "it's matte black and all. i thought we could match."
"that is also a supercar."
"he's presenting last, so i really don't care what he says," george mutters, shoving lando away from the whiteboard. he picks up a big bird magnet and pastes his picture between lando and max's proposal. "so, i think you should get this super cute toyota car."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts
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rose-pearls · 9 months
Healing one cut at a time
Summary : Clarisse first goes to the med bay because she is forced by one of her siblings but the following times are just to see the daughter of Apollo again.
Requests are open!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
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“I told you; I am fine!”, you can hear someone grumble from behind you but you turn back to the twelve-year-old girl in front of you that had fallen and twisted her ankle.
“And I am telling you that you should just go to make sure it is fine,” as you turn around to find what the squabbling is all about, you find Clarisse and one of her brothers glaring at each other.
You couldn’t help but swallow hard at the sight of Clarisse, she had her hair down after capture the flag, and somehow still looked beautiful after running around for three hours.
Clearing your throat, you smiled awkwardly at the two Ares children who looked surprised at your sudden appearance.
“How can I help you?”, you ask softly, after a few seconds of awkward silence. Clarisse seems struck as she watches you with wide eyes, her brother has a smirk as he turns back to you.
“Right, this one was hurt during capture the flag and although it doesn’t look too bad, we just wanted to be sure.”, he says, and you can see Clarisse coming back to herself at her brother’s words.
“You wanted to be sure,” she says with a scowl on her lips, and even then, you can’t stop thinking that she looks stunning.
“Well let’s just make sure, we never know,” you tell them before nodding towards the small bed in the corner.
She doesn’t look so hurt, so you’re surprised to see a cut in her leg, probably done by a sword but she doesn’t look affected at all.
“The good news is that it doesn’t look too deep so I just need to disinfect it and it will be all new after that,” you tell the two as you look over the cut.
As you look up from the wound you see a wide-eyed Clarisse staring back at you, rosy cheeks and owlish brown eyes making your stomach flutter.
“Great!”, you hear suddenly as her brother claps in his hands making the both of you jump in surprise.
“I’ll go get the product.”, you quickly whisper, feeling slightly embarrassed at having been caught looking at the girl.
You can hear the both of them arguing, particularly Clarisse scowling her brother, while he seems far too happy to be in the med bay.
“Someone needs to push you,” you hear him say before you arrive and the both of them turn to you, their conversation suddenly over.
“Hope I’m not interrupting,” you can’t help but say and the both of them shake their heads in disagreement.
“You didn’t!”, her brother says, and you nod slowly before taking the product and softly taking Clarisse leg in your hand.
“This might hurt a little,” you warn her even though you know that the girl will probably not show any type of weakness.
You whisper a few words under your breath as you pass the product on her cut and after a moment it starts healing itself.
“There you go, all new,” you say, and Clarisse seems a bit disappointed at the sight.
“Right, thank you I guess.”, she says after clearing her throat.
“Thank you for the help! We better get going,” he says before taking Clarisse with him, the girl looking back one last time with a timid smile, one that you would’ve never thought you would see Clarisse wearing. 
She was being stupid, she knew it, hell her whole cabin knew it too, but she just couldn’t stop going to see you at the med bay. She would use every excuse possible, hoping to catch a glimpse of you and you sweet smile.
“Clarisse, what happened this time?”, she hears you ask, your voice like music to her ears.
“My idiot of a brother didn’t watch where he was throwing his arrow,” she says, feeling slightly ashamed of the fact that she had been here every day until you smile at her warmly.
“Come sit down, I’ll look over it,” she does as is said and can’t help but feel a little excited at the prospect of you taking care of her. 
She didn’t want to feel weak, and the way she felt weak at your touch made her scared, but she couldn’t help coming back and having your whole attention solely focused on her. Her father would probably be telling her that she was weak but when you would talk with her softly, as to not disturb the sleeping children, she couldn’t help but forget all about him.
“You’re beautiful,” she realizes she has said the words before she can think not to say them. There is a loud silence, as you look at her slightly in shock, like a fish out of water.
You open your mouth to say something but before she let’s you have the opportunity to respond she fled the scene. Her face is hot with shame and embarrassment at her slip up, already making a plan at how to best escape the situation, and you specifically. That is until she feels a hand on her arm, making her turn around to face you.
You look slightly breathless from having ran after her, but you still look as beautiful as the first day she had seen you. She had fallen for you the moment she saw you; her siblings had quickly caught onto her crush and as much as they teased her, they would often tell her in the quiet of the night that she should go for it, go for the little sunshine that she could have. 
“You often leave a conversation without letting the other person answer?”, she hears you say, making her look at you in surprise.
“Guess I didn’t know how you would react,” she can’t help but say as she looks into your sad eyes.
“Well, maybe if you had stayed a bit longer you could have heard my response,” you say with a soft smile.
“What is that?”, the curiosity is killing her, but she also feels scared for the first time in a long time. 
“That I think that you are beautiful, probably a thousand more times than me,” she hears you say, and she suddenly feels breathless at your words but can’t help but disagree with a scoff.
“Please, you are the most beautiful woman, even Aphrodite herself would be jealous of your beauty,” the words are filled with passion, a passion that she usually only held for fighting and capture the flag. The surprise in your eyes make her feel suddenly shy, but as you get closer to her, she gets a whiff of your perfume making her relax slightly.
“That is probably not true but thank you,” you whisper, now closer to her than you have been before, but she still scoffs as she hears you disagree with her previous statement.
She gets ready to argue but before she can start, she feels your lips against hers, and for a moment she can’t think. Her stomach is bursting with butterflies and the smell of you is all around her.
Just as she feels you stopping the kiss, she wraps her hands around your cheeks, bringing you into a passionate kiss, hoping to make you understand everything she feels for you.
“You drive me crazy, sunshine,” she whispers, breathless, after the most dizzying kiss and she wants to kiss you again until she has no air in her lungs.
Your small giggle makes her smile and peck your lips softly.
“Who knew you could be so sweet La Rue,” she hears you whisper teasingly against her lips, and she can’t help but roll her eyes at your words.
“Only for you. Better keep this to yourself because it could ruin my reputation,” she says, a small warning in her voice but you just nod in agreement.
“We should go back to the med bay to look at that cut of yours,” she hears you say, a worried tone coating your words.
“Don’t worry beautiful, I’m fine. The only thing I need right know is you close to me and kisses,” she says as she brings you even closer by the waist, with a smirk as she sees you blushing.
“That can be arranged,” you whisper against her lips before she brings you back into another mind-blowing kiss.
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solaireverie · 11 months
cl16 | are we out of the woods yet?
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summary: [ charles leclerc x f!driver!reader — social media au / fic ] after you get into a rough crash, charles is faced with difficult decisions
request: can i get a female driver reader injury/crash angst with daniel, seb or charles pls love your fics!
warnings: crashes and injuries, general medical stuff, unspecified mentions of death (implied to be jules and hervé), open/unclear ending
author’s note: hihi lovely!! tysm for requesting <3 hope this is enough angst for you ;) also i have no clue how to write injuries soooooo just roll with it
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ynupdates y/n has been taken to the medical center following her crash in the #brazilgp. no further news has been released yet. we're all behind you, y/n! 🤞
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user did anyone see if she was able to get out of the car by herself?
↪ user no, i think she had to be extracted by the medical crew 😬
user i hope she's okay...
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Charles' phone is halfway out of his pocket when it starts ringing. Glancing at the screen, he swipes to accept the call when he sees that it's from your mother. He had called her a few minutes ago, when the sight of your crash had first appeared on the screens in the Ferrari paddock, but she hadn’t picked up. Her voice filters through the speakers of his phone, worry tinging her tone. 
“Do you have news yet?” she asks.
“Don’t know,” Charles replies, “I’m on my way to see her now. It… might be good to book a flight — and soon.” He doesn’t want to alarm your mom but it seems inevitable and he knows that you would want her next to you. 
“Okay,” she breathes shakily, “and Charles?”
“She better be okay when I get there.”
Charles winces. Of all the people in the world, he knows all too well why you can never make any promises, especially in Formula 1. 
“I’ll do my best,” he says and ends the call.
There’s a marshal waiting for him in the tiny waiting area in the medical center. He’s pacing nervously and immediately strides towards Charles as soon as he sees him. 
“Mr. Leclerc,” he begins, “the doctors wanted to see you before they take any further action. You have medical power of attorney for Ms. L/N in case of emergency, correct?” 
Charles nods numbly. It had been a precaution at the time because you had insisted that out of everyone in the paddock, you trusted him the most. He had accepted it without thinking twice but now the weight of the responsibility settles heavily over his shoulders. He follows the marshal past empty treatment rooms until they reach one with its door thrown open. 
Charles feels his lunch crawling back up his throat as he stares at your figure. You’re laid out on a stretcher and you’d almost look peaceful if not for the numerous medical apparatuses connected to you and the thin trickle of dried blood on your temple. He somehow finds his voice again.
“What happened?” he asks, almost afraid to hear the answer.
A paramedic steps forward. “Ms. L/N took quite a knock in her crash, I’m afraid,” she explains gently. “Something came loose in the cockpit and hit her head. We’re not sure if there’s any further internal injuries, but our professional opinion is that she should be moved as soon as possible to a hospital for further testing.”
Charles swallows around a lump in his throat. “Is there any particular risk with transporting her in this state?” 
The paramedic shakes her head. “No more than the usual, which is relatively low compared to the risk that we run by keeping her here without knowing if there’s anything else wrong.” 
Charles follows your ambulance all the way into the hospital in a haze. He barely registers the press grouped outside the entrance, pushing through them, always keeping you in his sights. He waits outside of the examination room they bring you into and follows as they wheel you around, receiving god knows how many tests. 
After a while members of your team start showing up, although they keep a respectful distance from Charles. He’s glad. He knows, rationally, that you were just unlucky, but the irrational and protective side of him is screaming at him to place the blame at someone’s feet. He knows you wouldn’t appreciate him blowing up at your team, though, so he doesn’t say anything to them and keeps vigil by your side as the doctors poke and prod.
Eventually you’re carefully placed in a hospital bed and Charles is pulled aside by what seems to be the main doctor assigned to you.
“Unfortunately, it seems as if we will have to operate on Ms. L/N,” he says gently. “Someone else will go over the details with you, but long story short she’s bleeding internally and it’s imperative that we get to it as soon as possible. Of course, any operation of this size could potentially be dangerous, but I strongly recommend taking action sooner rather than later.”
Charles shakes his head, the words not yet registering in his scattered mind. “Is she going to be okay?” he mumbles, not meeting the doctor’s eyes.
He can feel the doctor’s pitying gaze on him and Charles doesn’t have it in him to tell him that he’s been here before — not this specific hospital, no, but he’s been on this side of the conversation that they’re having already, and it tears his heart up just as much as the first time. The only difference this time is that he’s the one who has to make the choice, not anyone else.
“We can’t make any guarantees,” the doctor cautions, “but it would significantly raise her chances of survival if we act now.”
Charles winces at the doctor’s words. Survival. Drive to survive, surviving to drive, the irony of the situation isn’t lost on him. He uncurls his fingers gingerly from where he had been unconsciously gripping his pants. 
He wants to avoid the decisions he knows he will have to make in the next twenty-four hours. He wants to pretend that nothing happened, that you’re still on the track, passing everyone in your way. He wants to go back to this morning, when he had kissed you goodbye before jogging off to get ready for the race. He wishes he had taken time to do more than peck you and throw a “love you!” over his shoulder. Charles wants to hide from the cold, stark reality he’s faced with. Your life lies in his hands and Charles is so, so tired of bleak hospital hallways.
He wants to scream at the heavens. He’s suffered and given so much already. Is one shred of happiness too much to ask? Charles had known the risks going in when he started dating you — one Formula 1 driver was usually more than enough jeopardy in a relationship, let alone two — but he’d never really thought that the day would arrive where he would have to make decisions about you, without you. 
Charles stares at your face through the window to your room, tracing the curves and slopes with his eyes. It’s the face he wakes up next to almost every day and he curses himself for not cherishing the time he’s already had with you more. His brain is moving a mile a minute, running through all the possible outcomes. At the end of the day, though, he’s only got one choice.
Charles Leclerc has always been selfish and he’ll be damned if he lets another person he loves slip through his fingers.
“Where do I sign?”
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masterlist | taglist: @boiohboii @vellicora
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