#like yeah it would mess up the entire status quo of the show and have to introduce new characters and all
wayward-wren · 5 months
Maybe this is me being bitter because of 10+ moves in my childhood but I'm always a bit disappointed and see it as a cop-out when children's shows tease the main family moving and then don't follow through
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scattered-winter · 2 years
yeah i’ll bite what’s ur more correct hoo? 👀
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for friends who have not yet read the series this is gonna spoil pretty much ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, everything. heroes of olympus, trials of apollo, etc etc so on and so forth. i am full of Opinions and by god's big green tits i'm gonna make them Heard.
alright listen. I have so much beef with heroes of olympus because like. the things it could've been. I'll list all my grievances first to get it all out of my system before telling you about my more correct version. if you'd like to skip the salt and get to the good bits, scroll down to the bolded text xox
gaea was a weak-ass antagonist with no real motivation outside of "she's trying to destroy humanity because she's evil." arguably, kronos was the same way, which when you look at him from a mythological standpoint it makes sense because his whole thing is trying to overthrow the gods (and really, the same could be argued for gaea; mythologically, she tends to cause some shit on occasion). but kronos had the lesser gods/demigods on his side, which added a fascinating aspect to the conflict in the og series, especially since, in the end, percy realized that they were right. everyone who had fought for kronos had justification for it. the gods used them, abused them, and abandoned them, and they were tired of being tools. and percy realized that, and changed the status quo so it would never happen again.
fast forward to heroes of olympus. gaea and the giants are destroying the world...........because they want to. there were no other arguments. there were no other motivations/antagonists to add a more interesting aspect to it. it was a classic good vs evil conflict with little to no grayness which,,,,isn't a bad thing, but it just wasn't as compelling.
camp jupiter. boyyyyyyyy howdy do i have a ramble for that. it's so insane to me that the camp was defended by kids and teenagers when an entire city full of adult demigods was literally just a short hike away from the camp itself ????? like. I get it was because camp jupiter was meant to be camp half-blood's opposite force or whatever but come on. one could argue that camp half-blood is similar because chiron is training kids to go on quests, but like......that's his mythological role. in the myths, that's what chiron does. and without an established city/safe place other than a summer camp, the greek demigods are child soldiers by necessity, but the roman demigods are child soldiers for literally no reason other than that the plot needs them to be. which ,, i'm not saying that's bad. i'm just saying it's not as good as it could be.
also the 7!!!!!!!! THE 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly, I think their whole deal is boiled down to a classic case of TELLING, not showing. we were told all throughout the series that the 7 are all best friends ,, a family, even. we were consistently told that. but there was very little actual instances of this being shown. group interactions were uncommon, and relationship dynamics were limited almost exclusively to romantic relationships or surface-level friendships that were explored only as an opportunity for quips and funny moments, but nothing deeper than that (percy and jason, for example). even the romantic relationship that preceded the series, percabeth, was broken down into a blander, flatter version from before, and both characters suffered for it. piper/jason was also flat and flavorless for most of the series, and frank/hazel is just. a mess. a 13 year old dating a 16 year old is squeamish in any context, and throw leo into the mix to make a weird, unnecessary love triangle, and it's just. even more of a mess. throw in the fact that every single character was motivated purely by romance and romantic relationships, and that every character ended up in a romantic relationship, and well. y'all know I'm aroace, so that's fairly self-explanatory. nothing worse than a piece of media claiming to be found family but focusing only on romance. kill die die die maim tear.
also about the 7, but it seemed to me that.......rick was trying to mimic percy's inner monologue with all of them--the sarcasm, the dark humor, etc. we all fell in love with percy in the og series, and I think he was trying to make us like the new characters in the same way, but in doing so he just made them all mini percys while also sandpapering the real percy. give each member of the 7 a different sense of humor/personality is what I'm saying. come on.
calypso. the only reason she was even in the books was to give leo a love interest, because apparently the single worst thing that can happen to a character is to not have someone to kiss (sarcasm intended). the gods not freeing her from the island just threw literally everything won from the og series out with the trash, and like. we know the gods are just Like That sometimes but look me in the eyes and tell me percy jackson, the boy who had just fought for so long and lost so much to get the gods' heads out of their asses, would just assume they followed through and not even check to make sure that another person wronged by the gods, someone he was very close to, got freed from her prison. that's right, you can't. my percy would never.
in that same vein: caleo. not only was the relationship kinda shaky in the first place because it was only there to give leo someone to kiss, it's also....not very good. calypso spends all her time belittling, talking down to, and sometimes even hitting leo, a character who canonically grew up in an abusive household. idk about y'all but.....an abused character already being thrown into a relationship for no reason, and then having that relationship be abusive?? and portrayed as the height of romance????? not a good vibe. I also really hated how, on top of all that, leo left his found family (canonically the only people who have ever made him feel loved/like he belongs) to go travel the world with calypso. which. another classic instance of familial/platonic relationships always, constantly being on a tier lower than romantic relationships. and y'all know how I feel about that.
the poc characters. I'm not the best resource on this one, since I'm not a poc, but there are plenty of people in minorities who have spoken out on this point, and I urge you to listen to them, because those arguments are all valid ones. (here is a good post that provides a good overview). I also remember seeing a really good post about piper's indigenous heritage as well, but unfortunately it's been lost to the void of tumblr.
aphrodite cabin. rick riordan seems to have this complex where the only female characters he can write about are tomboyish, tough, and badass. which isn't bad, of course, but it becomes a problem when all the more feminine female characters are portrayed exclusively as bullies/wimps. smfh there's more than one type of character in this world, richard
octavian. I get it, I hated him, everyone hated him, but I really can't deny that he had the potential for a compelling story. being manipulated by the oracle spirits into playing right into gaea's hands????? it COULD have been sooooo good, but octavian had hardly any development/focus, and I think him being manipulated only came up once or twice. storywriting equivalent of "he a little confused but he got the spirit."
now, for my more correct version :]
gaea's whole deal is completely different. instead of destroying humanity just because she Can, gaea is destroying the gods because she's furious and grieving her children, the titans. kronos was chopped into pieces and cast into eternal oblivion by the gods and demigods, and the other titans were forced back into subjugation, and gaea, who's been dealing with the gods' shit for thousands of years, has had enough*. so she rallies her other children, the giants, to bring down the gods and western civilization to avenge the millennia of heartbreak and injustice. which, yeah, fair enough. the gods suck and they've done some shitty things.
*this was actually touched on in the books when piper was using her charmspeak on gaea during the final battle. and I don't own physical copies of the books and tried everywhere to find the exact quote but it eluded me so I'll do my best to paraphrase from memory, but piper was sympathizing with all the grief and loss gaea has suffered over the centuries. tartarus banished, kronos defeated twice, etc etc. and I feel like that had potential for gaea's motivations but it was literally only brought up that one time smh
bonus points if there was some nuance to both sides. a few monsters who fight alongside the protagonists because they rely on western civilization just as much as the gods/demigods do, or even some gods or demigods who fight alongside gaea for one reason or another (like octavian, if he had been better developed). something to add some new facets to the conflict, because that was part of what made the conflict against kronos so damn compelling.
the 7 would be a found family FIRST, and a group of individuals w romantic relationships SECOND, if at all. percabeth can stay, as long as it's. actually the percabeth we all know and love, not whatever the fuck we actually had. piper/jason is on thin fucking ice, and only happens with the caveat that both their characterizations are my more correct versions (see below). hazel/frank is NOT a thing. piper, annabeth, and hazel have on-page interactions and friendships, and they have conversations about shared trauma and bonding over their common pasts in abusive households and shit like that, instead of talking about boys every fucking time. there are complex and multifaceted interpersonal relationships within the entire 7, and each friendship/dynamic has a chance to shine.
jason and percy. oughhhhhhhhh I have sooo many thoughts about them. they're character foils. percy had to fight for respect. jason had to fight to be treated normally. they're sons of arguably the most powerful gods of all time. they're opposites in nearly every way, but in the very same breath they're mirror reflections of each other*. I'm all for them being best friends, but the "sharing a braincell" himbo thing they had going on? that was played off purely for humor? hell no. they have a very deep and complicated friendship because they recognize themselves in the other and yet they're so completely different that they're on opposite ends of a spectrum. sure, they can hang out and have fun, but at their core, they have both a deep-seated understanding for each other but their personalities also grate a bit because they're so completely different. maybe there's a sideplot of them learning how to get along/be amicable with each other because they're both very traumatized TEENAGERS with so much pressure and stress to deal with, which, combined with the inherent complications of their relationship already, would make them a powder keg ready to blow. and I'm here for that. *the groundwork for their relationship being "two sides of the same coin" was already laid with hera switching them, and even with some characters stating how similar they were in some ways, but of course it was never expanded on so that's why it's here in the more correct version :]
piper. sooooooooo many complicated feelings about her. at first she was a generic Not Like Other Girls type, which. felt soooo cheap to me and is probably why piper/jason felt so. meh. because they were BOTH very flat and one dimensional at first. but in my more correct version, piper and drew were able to bond over being underestimated/ignored as daughters of aphrodite and as women of color, and I also hold the concept of piper being more feminine soooo close to my chest. I love characters who are so tough and badass who aren't allergic to dresses and makeup. her sexuality is also explored/brought up before she suddenly has a girlfriend.
jason doesn't DIE right when I start to actually LIKE him. smh (I'm sorry but it felt SOOO cheap to me. like it was purely for shock value. killing and biting). I do, however, love the concept trials of apollo introduced of jason being much more relaxed and comfortable with himself both as a greek-leaning demigod and as a kid who no longer had to deal with all the weight and pressure of being a Leader (tm). and jason acting more like a greek demigod vs percy acting more like a roman demigod can be another aspect of them being mirror reflections of each other. as percy begins to pick up more roman traits (because i LOVE to study how trauma/circumstances can change a character), jason starts to pick up more greek traits. it's another facet to their very complicated, very deep relationship with each other.
i ALSO love the concept of jason having a villain arc. he was a mirror to luke in so many ways; child soldier, abandoned by his godly parent, huge responsibilities on his shoulders, etc. I'd even argue jason had it worse than luke since he was a son of jupiter and thus had the constant pressure accompanying that. I think he deserved to go a little apeshit instead of that "high priest of the gods" bullshit
leo started out as my favorite, but as the series progressed, his character development stayed right where it was in the lost hero. I would have loved to see him change and grow as a person; maybe having a sokka-style arc where he grows out of his misogyny and sexism, and also gains some maturity (I liked his jokes, but come ON.) he would also have a different sense of humor, because as I said earlier it felt like rick was trying to make everyone into a mini-percy. I would also have loved to see a character not end up in a romantic relationship, since leo canonically had a lot of complicated feelings about family; it would have been great catharsis for me, someone who also has a lot of complicated feelings about family, to see a character I could relate to be able to find a family all of his own, with people he genuinely cared about and who loved him back.
hazel gets more development in how she was literally from the past. she died. I want more development and focus on that smh!!!!!!! how much is different in the modern age?? how many times does she walk down the street and do a double take because something's so completely different??? how many nightmares does she have about dying???????
frank stays chubby throughout the entire series. he does Not have a sudden glowup where he's No Longer Fat. he also doesn't date a 13 year old godbless
NICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nico. first of all, him being gay is built up from day fucking one. maybe not said outright for a while, but it's at least CODED. it's not suddenly flung out of nowhere. for that matter, him being forcibly outed against his will is talked about more!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, jason was probably one of the best people he could have been forcibly outed to, but STILL !!! the trauma of having the choice taken away from you!!! especially for someone like nico, who was 1) raised in the 1940s where being gay was practically a death sentence and 2) sooo slow to trust. I need him to have some focus on that shit because it was fucked!!!!!!
in that same vein, solangelo is sooo much different. will solace gets some characterization in the pjo series to build him up beforehand, and he and nico interact a few times on-page in pjo as well to give their relationship some foundation as opposed to just. throwing them together for no reason. I would've really loved seeing them working together during the battle of manhattan!!! nico canonically has an admiration for will's bravery during the battle, and I would've loved to actually. ya know. see them work together on the page. I also think their dynamic has SOO much more to it than "sunshine bf/goth bf" that everyone+rick have turned them into. one of them is the son of death. one of them is a healer. will's probably lost so many of his friends because he was unable to save them. nico's lost so much of himself. they're soooooooo <333 by the time blood of olympus rolls around, they're already good friends, and almost losing each other in the battle only brings them even closer <3
annabeth and percy are still the same fucking couple/characters that i fell in love with in the og series, not the watered down romance we got
the final battle is much longer with much higher stakes (I want the camps having 24 hour watches while waiting for the enemy to attack again!! I want makeshift hospitals!!!! I want!!!!! a war!!! not a battle!!!!!!!!!)
the greeks are actually. taken seriously. on god. they're a highly competent force of fighters, not a bunch of immature idiots. rick riordan i am biting you (derogatory)
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hms-no-fun · 1 year
hey can you just generally ramble about your terezi (and (terezi)) choices? I am interested in your process for her characters this chapter.
yeah! naturally i have a lot to say about a lot of things so spoilers for godfeels 3.2 A1 solo below the break!
let me just start this by saying that (Terezi) has been the BIGGEST pain in my ass of the entire core cast since beginning godfeels 3.
getting A1 out the door in general has been something of a nightmare, in part due to inconvenient irl circumstances but also because this track had a LOT of heavy lifting to do. Double Album is an ambitious project --too ambitious, arguably, considering how much time it takes to write (lots) and how little it pays (nothing)-- and this first glimpse into what's to come needed to do a lot of recapping prior events, moving pieces around on the board, clarifying character motivations, giving everyone a reason to be staying/going, and setting up several hefty dozens of plot threads in both major and minor ways, all while simultaneously being entertaining enough to read that old and new readers alike don't just get bored and peace out before we even get to the stuff that this story's actually about.
i think on balance A1 is going to wind up being sort of an odd duck among the tracks for this reason. i've been thinking of it as sort of a pilot episode, very much in the mold of the pilot of LOST whose very minimal flashbacks belied the load-bearing structural centrality that the flashback device would come to occupy in the series. but it's also a pilot episode for a series that's already three seasons in, which just further complicates the logistical job it needed to do. here again i took inspiration from LOST (get used to this comparison, btw-- everything from chapter 8 onwards has been/will be heavily inspired by LOST in theme and structure), where the season openers always had to pull double duty of cleaning up the mess from whatever bomb dropped in the season finale to completely change the status quo AND giving the core cast time to acclimate to the new status quo in a way that sets the audience up for what this season's gonna be about. it's a fun and punishing challenge that takes a lot of trial and error. there have been so many versions of A1 that all conveyed largely the same information in completely different ways to wildly different ends.
i'm glad i put that work in, because i'm really proud of how A1 ultimately turned out. i think it accomplishes the goals i set out for. and in a serial work like this you just don't get a chance to redo your first episode. if this part didn't work, if every character wasn't utilized with absolute precision, everything that followed would be at a disadvantage. i feel more confident in the future of this side of the story than i did when i first started writing it. but it was hard!
and at the center of that challenge was (Terezi), the character whose desire to go with Silverbark is easily the most obvious of the departing cast and yet simultaneously the most mysterious. i have a document for every writing project where i save cut material just in case, and the one for A1 is over 8000 words. of those, just shy of half are scenes involving (Terezi). because ever since the start of gf3, she's been a delightful, infuriating wrench in all my plans. it's easy enough to understand why she would want to go with Silverbark, but what does she feel about it? how does she feel about what she did to June, what June/Risk did to her, or about the state of Earth C today, and especially about the medicated domestic 30-something Vrisrezi who've just shown up out of the blue?
i wrote the dream strangulation scene in 3.1 chapter 1 knowing it would put a dent in her and June's relationship that would be a pain point through the rest of 3.1, but i'd always planned for them to get on better terms before the end (until Vrisrezi showed up, at which point all that progress would be painfully backpedaled). but as soon as she left the house, (Terezi) completely closed herself off and refused to come to the table again. throughout gf3 and especially chapter 8 i tried to find ways to let her talk about what was on her mind, and she just wouldn't. the Host-intruded memory of them getting into an argument watching Consort Jerry Springer and the birthday flashback where (Terezi) eats leafs both wound up defined in their conflict by (Terezi)'s own silence, her refusal to say what's really bothering her. even as she opens up some in the latter scene, she remains infuriatingly closed off to Risk and us. the question she thinks she's answering is why she's uncomfortable on Earth C, but the question June and Risk are really asking is, why am i not good enough to make this place feel like your home?
this is a dominant theme of Divergence Syndrome-- characters ensconced in noise looking for silence, or characters sick of silence hurtling mortally towards cacophony. the strict meaning of silence vs noise change depending on the person. all the circus flashbacks are moments where characters just can't quite bring themselves to say the thing they really want to say. silence and noise, secrets and truth-- you might draw some comparisons here between this theme and the concept of Voidthought as introduced in A1. i try not to push my hand when it feels like characters don't want to be accessible. it's easy to want to give everyone center stage all at once, but it gets to being too much very quickly. you've got to pick your battles, give everyone their moment when the time is right, when you and they both feel ready for it.
but with (Terezi) i genuinely was like. hey. tell me the thing you really want to say. give me something to work with here. i'm trying to understand how you got here from where we left you in gf2. were you just lying when you said you loved how unpredictable June was? were you lying to Kanaya when you said you liked how boring Earth C was compared to Alternia? what changed in those eleven months between gf2 and gf3 and why didn't i see it until it was too late?
and she just WOULDN'T. every time i've tried to get her talking it felt forced and wrong. she only talks in narration when she wants to. she refuses to humor her guilt even to herself. i wrote a complete version of the scene in Dave's room where Silverbark is much, much meaner, just to try and get a rise out of her. but it was so out of character, it was too much, too forceful. you just can't drag secrets out into the open like that. not with a Mind player as stubborn as (Terezi).
that scene was for me, really. i needed to write it because i was mad at her. i won't share it here because i think quite a lot of it will end up recycled in some form down the line. i don't exactly want to give the impression that (Terezi) is a distinct entity, because none of these characters are. it's more that i see the narration itself, and each characters' varying awareness of it, as having strict rules and boundaries. there's that moment at the end of A1 where Vriska pops into the narration just to say, actually no i don't want my feelings on display right now. i'd planned to have a whole lot of prose there! but when i wrote that interjection, it felt right. it showcases a different form of closing one's self off-- where (Terezi) is doing bullheaded self-harm in her silence, Vriska there is being mature and recognizing that sometimes you just have to let things go. good characterization in this story isn't just about dialogue. every word you read is a function of character in some form. 3.1 was narrated largely by VV. 3.2's narration/structure is what i've been calling "paramniscient epistolary" --basically a roving narratorial eye that can take the form of disconnected third person narration but give way to direct influence from characters whenever they desire. the epistolary part will make more sense come future tracks. but all of that is to say that yeah, to let that device be honest in what it is, to really fulfill VV's promise of letting these characters have genuine agency, i need to be willing to step back and let them be obtuse sometimes.
the original version of that scene between (Terezi) and Silverbark broke rules i didn't yet know, and it taught me a lot about what this story wants to be. gf2 was so much about June expositing her every thought, having revelations, working through shit, coming to terms with her Self. gf3, at least so far, is the opposite. (Terezi)'s lack of answers, her refusal to self-examine, is a protest against the kind of sincerity that June often embodies.
the horror of encountering a Terezi who's well-adjusted and happy is that for (Terezi), it feels inevitable. like a death sentence, a sword hanging over her neck. it's proof that if she ever got what she wanted, she would have to lose so many of the things that she still feels are essential to her Self. i think she tried to force herself to get better in gf2, under the assumption that simply being with someone you love who loves you is enough. but getting better requires work. i don't like the pervasive idea in fiction that couples getting together is the Solution to interpersonal problems, because it's not. it can help! but when you're accustomed to being alone, it's easy to stay alone even when you share every waking moment with someone else. i think Terezi is proof to (Terezi) that getting better takes work, and she despises the notion that she needs to do that work, that this version of her "getting better" is obviously preferable to who she is now. it's revealing that she imposes parentheses on herself so immediately upon meeting Terezi. it's worth noting that when Vriska tries to talk to (Terezi) in the A1 solo, she doesn't use those parentheses.
i think (Terezi) knows that if she even started to have a conversation about all this stuff, she'd lose. there are so many little moments where you can see her resolve shake a little. her harshness is a manifestation of instability. to open that door even a crack is to consent to demolishing the whole house. so she closes herself off altogether. she tells Terezi she'll kill her if she speaks to her again, and when Vriska begs her to seek help, (Terezi) spits in her face.
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infinite credit to janet girlpillz for all the art in A1 solo but this panel especially. it took a lot of work to get the mood and tone just right. i cannot overstate how lucky i feel to have her in my camp. this moment would be nothing without her.
it was important for me that the impact of this particular patooie be almost entirely on (Terezi). Vriska's shocked, yes, but in the way of being interrupted mid-sentence more than anything. i wanted to see the moment right before Vriska can emotionally process what's just happened. nonverbal, not overly emotive, surprised, taken aback. but not mad. not sad. not angry. it's (Terezi) who's angry. Vriska laughs it off pretty fast once the fluttersled departs, because she sees the gesture for what it is. it's not really about her or for her. it's (Terezi) kicking the dog to chase it away, maybe because she thinks its for the dog's own good, or maybe because she just doesn't want the responsibility of taking care of a dog, except she IS the dog and she might not even know it.
as to (Terezi)'s turn towards "Justice," i'm not even sure she really believes it. does she actually think June is guilty of a crime? or is this just an extremely elaborate means of tethering her fate to the woman she used to love? and in fact, is that love truly in the past tense for her?
right now, (Terezi) and the rest of the crew are in a state of transition, carried forward by the high-stakes manic momentum of chapter 8 into a new life with new rules without really knowing what that actually entails. i think their commitment to any idea of their role in that future is highly precarious, especially as we proceed out of that manic phase into what will, eventually, become the new normal. right now their motivations are all hypothetical, contingent, abstract. that is not enough in the long term. it will take something real, something personal, to get them not just to stay in Silverbark's company, but to live there. Silverbark has sown the seeds of these in each of her conversations with the core cast. but to paraphrase VV, their ultimate reason for choosing to do what they will do is theirs to decide.
it wouldn't take much to shake (Terezi) out of her present self-destructive funk. it's just that there aren't very many things that could, and most of them are on Earth C. the question for me going forward is, what will it take to transform (Terezi)'s present verve for becoming "a detective" from an elaborate larp into a genuine career conviction? she can't maintain her delusion of moral superiority without that. (Terezi)'s a real piece of work but i don't think she enjoys lying, even and perhaps especially to herself. but she is a serial lifelong liar-by-omission. the currency of her deception is silence.
and that's something that (Terezi) and Silverbark have in common.
my final note (dear god does this woman ever shut up) is on the characterization of Terezi. she obviously doesn't get many lines in this chapter, and that's interesting. I have a hard time imagining that even a medicated 30-something Terezi is particularly good at holding her tongue. part of it is just sheer practicality. there are ELEVEN characters with speaking roles in this chapter, and of those Terezi is the least... i don't want to say "important," because she IS important. least relevant, maybe? none of this interpersonal drama has anything to do with her. when you think about it, Terezi is in a similar position now to the one Silverbark was in when she returned to Earth C. older, wiser, fundamentally different, while simultaneously stepping into the role her less mature younger self occupied in all these people's lives. i think she recognizes that the only thing she can do in this situation is cause trouble, so she mostly avoids contributing altogether. her home base in the scene is Vriska, until at last the space opera drama mamas fuck off to their Very Important Story and she can safely make jokes again. wow, what a bitch. let's go get omelettes.
it'll be interesting to see (when we get to it, which will be a long time from now) how Terezi fits in with Jane and Karkat, and on Earth C in general. how will the media respond to her? how will culture at large respond to her? jesus christ man, it's gonna be such a fucking mess.
anyway, those are some rambling thoughts on Terezi and (Terezi)! i hope your thirst is sated, or at least that you didn't drown.
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Wow these episodes are releasing fast
Yes hi determination released I know I’m late but I’m here now, let’s talk about this show.
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all the love square shippers for finally having the love square reverse! Like, I’m not the biggest fan, and as I’ve said before in my reviews of the recent season 5 episodes, this relationship has been so many shades of messed up for me that I’m past the point of ever rooting for them and them getting together just leaves a sour taste in my mouth as it ignores all the messed-up-ness of this dynamic
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Alsoooo because I’m a pessimist, I will point out that I’m worried this thing won’t last? Like no offense this show is known to be episodic and inconsistent as hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show just put this thing in one episode and will kinda ignore it? Or quickly turn back to the status quo of things
That’s my pessimist ass talking tho✨
Speaking of, an I the only one that feels like this season is not even the original show anymore? Like, up until now, despite miraculous being absurd as hell, it always felt like a part of the original show, but season 5, with a combination of the love square fixing immediately (despite the last four seasons of unresolved fucked up shit) and the rings still breaking every miraculous rule, this honestly feels like cursed fanfic at this point!
Also this might be me being petty as fuck, but the amounts of times the show makes the “bad people” of the show rightfully say how Marinette fucked up in season 4 to have all the good guys of the show tell her she’s fine and what she did was totally not fucked up is giving how people will only criticize marinette for being obsessed with Adrien during Lila episodes (aka if the bad guys are encouraging the good things, then the good things must automatically be bad too, and anyone who thinks otherwise is also bad)
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Like hell even adrien’s no longer feels like a character! I liked seeing him doubt ladybug and have ideas of his own in previous seasons, but nowadays it feels like his one person is to be the love interest! Like even his entire modeling struggling with his father has been “solved” so Adrien feels like he has been fully downgraded to love interest.
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But I’m getting off track, this is an episode analysis
Reverse love square neat but sus, marinette tries to lie to Adrien to not deal with her problems and force him with Kagami (why is she better then Lila again?) the wax museum WAS ROMANTICIZED (the show really fucking went “no no kids, he was uncomfortable at the prospect of marinette sniffing him and trying to kiss his statue, he was into that and just didn’t understand it yet” INTO WHAT??? NO CONSENT???) and should not have been mentioned again, the day is saved over a fucking technicality (yeah like we didn’t need the Ladybug miraculous to be more OP, now while it’s technically a magical power it’s also not and therefore even if you’re invulnerable to magic she wins) and…
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The two characters that were either done dirty enough or had no character which I believed would not fucking force things… FORCED THINGS??? I hate everything
(Also real quick, my theory is because Marinette’s still ogling Adrien for hours, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m a few episodes she’s like “No I have the right to live Adrien” and go back to stalking him but this time it’s fine because ADrIen’s InTO IT)
But yeah that’s my review, the akuma this episode looked like a candle and entire episode made me cringe from embarrassment more than anything
Also someone edit Adrien’s line to “I don’t know why but I want to be in Marinette’s place” for the gays to have scraps
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call-me-aesthetic · 3 years
If Twisted Wonderland was an American Public School
WARNING: There are some slight sensitive topics that are featured in here! Reader discretion is advised!
Part 2 can be found here
Riddle Rosehearts:
- That one preppy girl who takes all honors and AP classes 😑
- Wants everyone to know that he’s becoming a doctor one day for his strict parents or he’ll dishonor the family
- Reminds the teacher about homework, knowing well that he’ll get slander for it
- Complains about how he got a 90 on his test or a B on his report card, a try hard much?
- Wears a cardigan with thicc but cute glasses since he’s one of those people with can’t see shit on the board so he has to move to the front of the class
Ace Trappola:
- The SoundCloud rapper, that’s it
- “Wanna listen to my mixtape? It’s pretty fire, my guy.” 😩🔥
- You will not miss him BLASTING out some song on his Bluetooth speaker, that shit be echoing through the hallways
- Tells you to stop what you’re doing only for him to either sing horribly or do a backflip, thinking that he’s so cool
- Wears a Supreme jacket with AirPods and waves on his head
Deuce Spade:
- Assuming that he’s still a delinquent, he’s that kid with the most fucked up school record
- Not much of a bully but will still talk shit to your face without caring, might even throw stuff at you during a lesson and you would be the one getting in trouble instead of him 🗿
- If he ever gets mad, it would be overdramatic like kicking the desks, punching the lockers, or walking out of the classroom unannounced and everyone would look at each other wondering wtf happened
- Covers the entire desks with drawings of skulls and those “s” if you know what I mean
- Wears Champion hoodies, wants you to know that he’s broke and rich at the same time
Trey Clover:
- The guy that’s not really popular but everyone knows him since he’s in all their classes
- Most people might have a crush on him because he’s REALLY nice 😳👉👈
- Gives off “older brother” vibes based on the way he looks and acts, like offering you a ride home if you beg ask nicely
- Secretly bakes creme brulee but doesn’t want to mess with the flow so he sticks to the status quo
- Wears the school’s hoodie just because he thinks it looks good on him, and the fact that he doesn’t know what else to wear
Cater Diamond:
- Hot Cheetos girl 🥵
- Has a whole buffet of food in his backpack and will not hesitate to eat them during a lesson, no sharing either sorry
- Excuses himself to the bathroom or full on skips class just to film a Tiktok
- Has about 100 followers on Instagram Magicam and brags about how he’s famous
- Wears a Thrasher hoodie with large hoop earrings and his hair in a bun
Leona Kingscholar:
- The kid who flunked their freshman year that also sort of vibes with new classmates
- Always gets mistaken as a teacher by people since he looks and sounds old
- Knows the lessons but still fails them anyways, didn’t really give a damn either 🙄
- Captain of every sports club you can think of, never actually plays but has a lot of knowledge on them
- Wears the school’s letterman from years ago since it used to be his brother’s and that he’s too lazy to buy a new one
Ruggie Bucchi:
- That one kid who NEVER has money for the book fair or any other school event
- Always has to ask his classmates for some cash
- If he somehow does, then he’s one of those kids who buys Diary of the Wimpy Kid or the World Record books
- If he’s feeling cheap, he’ll buy the “cool stuff” like the chocolate scented calculator or fruit snacks 😭
- Wears oversized hoodies and basketball shorts that are clearly hand-me-downs
Jack Howl:
- That one athletic kid who’s both scary good and competitive when it comes to school games like football or soccer
- Literally the best player on his team and without him, they’re trash as hell 💀
- Tries his absolute best to support his teammates without yelling at them for how dumb they are
- Wears the school’s jersey just to show off his “school spirit”
Azul Ashengrotto:
- The kid who sell snacks for “charity” but everyone knows he’s keeping the money to himself
- If you don’t have cash or try to negotiate with him, the only thing he’ll do is raise the price up
- “What do you mean you don’t have ten bucks? I can see it in your pocket.”
- Just bring nothing with you, he’ll doing anything to steal your stuff 🤭
- Wears a collar shirt with a tie and khakis that have pockets to keep his glasses and money in
Jade Leech:
- The kid who puts on a goody two shoes facade but is actually a stoner
- Only does “safe” drugs like vape but occasionally smokes weed, mostly in the bathroom or behind the school 🌬
- Can play it off and hide the scent when he’s high, teachers never suspect anything from him
- No one really cares to stop him unless he gets caught or something idk
- Wears clothing that either makes him look like a businessman or a junky, there’s nothing in between
Floyd Leech:
- The kid that’s plays basketball or volleyball just because he’s hella tall, and is actually good at the sports but doesn’t put much effort into them
- Always stays behind after gym, even though the teacher tries to make him leave for his next class 😬
- “I swear after this one shot, I’ll go to class.” *He never made that shot*
- Will jump you no matter who or where you are, and will get angry if you step on his new shoes
- Wears the jersey of any famous team with the latest pair of Jordan sneakers
Kalim Al Asim:
- VSCO girl at best, don’t lie to me now 🤡
- The only words he knows are “And I oop– sksksk.” and “Save the turtles.”
- Walks during a track meet while everyone else is running and sweating hard, the teacher doesn’t care either
- Doesn’t really do anything in gym but talks to his classmates and stands near the water fountain to refill his Hydro flask
- Wears tie dye shirts with cute scrunchies
Jamil Viper:
- That one quiet kid who everybody thinks is a serial killer but he’s actually not, I swear
- He just wants school to be over and spend the rest of his summer relaxing 😔
- Although he shouldn’t abuse his “power,” he‘ll move his hands in his pockets or backpack to make it look like he’s about to pull a weapon out.
- “Chill, I’m just grabbing a pencil.” *Everyone in the class started crying*
- Wears dark colored hoodies that intimidates people but are actually comfy
Vil Schoenheit:
- The baddie popular girl 😌💅✨
- Arrives to school late with a Starbucks in hand from his local Target
- Fixes himself every 5 seconds like reapplying his lipgloss or spraying Bath and Body Works cherry blossom perfume
- Uses acrylic nails and long hair extensions as weapons during a cat fight
- Wears a crop top with ripped jeans and those clout sunglasses
Rook Hunt:
- That creepy guy in the hallways who tries to get your attention, even if you don’t know him
- Scares people when he says, “Ayo, where my hug at?” 🥶💯
- Uses at least 10 cans of Axe body spray a week after gym class, which stinks up the locker rooms
- Waves at you if he passes your class, even walking into the room just to say hi
- Wears literally anything but always include a hat
Epel Felmier:
- The artist girl who just wants to be alone 🧑‍🎨
- Purposely draws in front of you but pretends like you’re not looking
- If you complement him, he’ll just brush it off and proceeds to diss himself
- “Thanks but I’m not THAT good at drawing, teehee.” *Insert Radio Rebel face*
- Wears a hoodie or a cardigan with big pockets to put his art supplies in
Idia Shroud:
- I don’t even need to tell you who he is, y’all already know ahaha 🥴
- Sneaks a whole PlayStation in his backpack so he can play with it during lunch
- Is on his phone 24/7 even in class to the point where teachers don’t care anymore
- Tries to get people into anime but only to little success
- Wears a shirt of any anime character or that damn ahegao hoodie, girl bye
Ortho Shroud:
- The nerdy kid who’s known for destroying others at many games
- Plays classics like D&D, Yugioh, Pokémon, the whole shabang
- Daily Beyblade battles during recess with everyone surrounding him, the menacing aura radiates off of him
- Will steal your things if you lose to him but gives it back a week later cuz he’s sweet 🥰
- Wears light up Sketchers shoes and those Minecraft shirts you find at Old Navy
Malleus Draconia:
- The theatre kid who also goes to band practice, change my mind 👁👄👁
- Takes his role seriously when it comes to school plays and concerts, even if he gets casted as a damn tree or doesn’t go solo
- Remembers the songs and their lyrics to any musical you name, a really good singer at that too
- Plays almost every instrument, you definitely know this since you can hear him down the hallways during a test
- Wears a white button up shirt, black pants with fancy dress shoes, and top it all off with a fricking Rolex watch
Lilia Vanrouge:
- The weird guy who pranks people and vandalizes school property in every way possible
- If you ever get a textbook with a message that tells you to go to a certain page only for you to found a picture of a dick, yeah that was him 😒
- When using a Chromebook, he’ll leave a tab open on YouTube so when the next person uses it, pray that your ears will still work by tomorrow
- During lunch, he is a literal DEMON that mixes milk with chicken nuggets together and having the audacity to eat it too
- Wears an oversized raincoat or a windbreaker but idk wtf kind of things he has hiding underneath
- That guy in class who consumes Monster energy drinks and falls asleep 99% of the time but somehow manages to pass the class 🤷
- Whenever he’s awake, he’ll talk to the teachers since he’s basically friends with them for some reason
- Writes his name out of boredom on any desk you sit on but in different places, sometimes around the corners or the sides
- Has a sixth sense because he’ll wake up if you try to draw on his face and if you did get something on him, it’s on sight
- Wears those colorful hoodies that zips all the way up to cover his face with a matching backpack, it’s pretty cool ngl
Sebek Zigvolt:
- That kid who literally knows everything about historical wars and will show it off during class
- Also has knowledge on weaponry, which has people questioning him but he’s just very dedicated on serving his country and people
- Knows how to fight and defend himself from a bitch since he spent his summer at a military boot camp, put respect on my man’s name 😤
- Honestly a great partner for a group project, actually does the given work but not the whole thing for you
- Wears anything that has camo pattern and chunky combat boots
I only made this because me and my friends were talking about our school memories so yeah. This is based from my experience so they might not be exactly accurate. Might even be a part two if you want.
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thejudgingtrash · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion;I'd rather have show!Annabeth as a kid with dark hair and eyes. Honestly,the whole "grey eyed blonde Athena kids" was odd in the books,and would be even worse in live action,IMO. While I like seeing fanarts of show!Annabeth with blonde hair and/or grey eyes,I don't see why this detail has to be faithful to the books. Besides,I feel the same about Percy,if to a lesser degree.
Sorry for answering this so late, I’m not really active on Tumblr therefore I tend to forget to check whether or not I’ve received some asks and I tend to take a while for answering them anyways. Also, this is going to get very long and rambly, so prepare yourselves!
My opinion on this whole casting situation and book accuracy is: I legit don’t give a fuck. More than that, I just side-eye people that were freaking the fuck out.
I essentially cut contact with 98% of this fandom (aside from few core groups) and left Tumblr last year because it’s a toxic mess and I try to avoid other PJO related social media branches (with the exception for AO3 for dumping my Percabeth fics, next one coming up soon <3) because they’re more than often even WORSE (!) than this hellsite but I still can’t escape casting news. So it’s incredibly hilarious to see so many people freaking the fuck out over something they have little to no control about.
My wonderful friend @mapendo-c essentially brought it to the point with this post but let me add my two cents to this entire situation:
2020 was hell on tumblr for the black crowd, let’s not act like it wasn’t (it was hell for black people in general if you care enough to remember). From harrassing the black PJO Tumblr side, to straight up lying to us, to doxxing, to us being called slurs in DMs and asks, to receiving open death threats and being sent lynching videos, we had it ALL. Some people that were directly confronted with this shit victimized themselves and fled the scene to this day, literally going out with a bang. Congratulations for that, BTW.
And that was only because a few people started to create PJO artwork that involved Percy of Color. Being more open to otherness. Critizing the white status quo and branching out. Questioning the constant projection onto these characters. That set a chain reaction into other endeavors and arguments but alas, this is already enough babbling. 
The fact that we had over 17 years of artwork and fics and videos and movies filled with Cocaine White Percy wasn’t enough for some of you. No, you had to break the spirits of those that are a minority and do not look like you. All of that shit was so unwarranted and unnecessary.
And then when you got warm to the idea of Token Black Percy (in 2021 might I add), you were delighted to see that he would be indeed white in the TV series as announced in the past few months. But oh wait… What was that?? Is it a bird, is it a plane? No?
The whole world just got hit by a big rock and the apocalypse is nearing. The way some of y’all acted… Doing the same exact vile shit that you were doing in 2020 to a twelve year old, because she got the role of her life (so far) in portraying a major fictional character… The fact that y’all lost your goddamn mind without having even seen Leah act is MIND-BLOWING.
The same people accusing the black side of the fandom of likely being aggressive towards White TV Show Percy (before casting confirmation which also — newsflash — didn’t happen) are now the same fucking people freaking out about Leah as Annabeth. Tale as old as time.
I said this two years ago and most of y’all stank bitches proved me right: “Let’s be real: if Annabeth Chase would be black for example with the way she behaves, 85% of the fandom would hate her, cry for Perachel and Percabeth would be the least popular ship. I don’t trust people who are saying the opposite.”
As if anything else was about to happen… if I’m to believe certain Twitter threats and Reddit posts (taken with the biggest grain of salt ofc), some people where close to unaliving themselves because we all seemed to collectively have forgotten that Annabeth stans (this is coming from a core Percabeth shipper, so don’t come for me!) are fucking INSANE. Imagine loosing your shit on a harmless decision like a differing casting choice. Some of y’all need psychiatric help, ESPECIALLY looking at you 
“I can’t be racist, because I’m neurodivergent” crowd!!
I absolutely do not get why people get worked up about this. The minute a live version (aka NOT animation) project was announced, all of you should have collectively kissed the idea of a 100% book accurate adaptation goodbye, just as with the movie version. 
Do I think the show version will be closer to the books? 
Do I think it’ll be a 1 on 1 adaptation? 
Absolutely not. 
The announcement of the blind casting and therefore going for talent approach should’ve cemented the fact that this show won’t be book accurate at all.
How difficult is it to understand for some of you that the image of Annabeth, Percy, the storyline and everything else that you made up in your mind will NEVER be depicted on screen??? This is purely from a logical standpoint. I know Disney has resources and shit but they aren’t infinite. They have to break even eventually. I guess none of y’all have absolutely any idea how the medium of film works behind the scenes. 
Even Riordan’s (as the author with actual authority) initial version is impossible to bring to the screen. Trust me, there will be other things omitted or added to the show. You can either tune in, or don’t. It’s as simple as that. That is the only thing you can influence.
Coming to the next point: do all of these changes even matter?!
Stripping Annabeth and Percy of their default hair/eye/skin color doesn’t really change anything that significantly imo?? 
If you are reducing Annabeth and Percy to their appearance and not the character, what they have as traits and could represent that’s on you, sweetie.
Additionally, most of y’all are ignoring the polar opposite: the nuances and depth Black Annabeth (less so White Percy tbh) could add are entirely forgotten. How they could enrich the story, bring other perspectives in and give in Annabeth’s case the opportunity for black girls that are sexualized and treated like complete shit everywhere else on the planet (anti blackness and misogynoire say hello!) a chance to see themselves portrait in a multi-dimensional character but NOOOOOOOO!
Y’all act as if Californian Dream girl blonde, tall, tanned Anna Bethany “my father went to Harvard and I’m a descendant of Scandinavian royalty and only white people live in Sweden” Chase lives the same life and is equally as oppressed as characters like Hazel or Beckendorf. You know… the little black girl that lived through segregation, got cursed, killed and resurrected and has Hitler as her fucking half-sibling, and the token negro who was one of the very FEW diverse characters in the OG book series that got BLOWN THE FUCK UP as a plot point.
Like GIRL?! (Nella Rose voice:) ARE YOU NOT EMBARASSSSSED?!
I’m not saying that Annabeth doesn’t have her fair share of issues, all I’m saying is SHE’S NOT FUCKING OPPRESSED. Her problems are not the same in comparison to Hazel, Piper, Leo, Beckendorf, Reyna and others. I know white women loooove playing the victim (see: current real world issues where instead of listening to the warnings of black and brown women and people decades ago, they just sat around until they were on the receiving end for once), but no. This is not the fucking same.
Don’t act like it.
“Oh but the dumb blonde stereotype...“
Not only that, you could use that for show Percy for all that I care now that his actor won’t be forced to dye his hair/wear contacts. Percy gets treated by all fronts like an idiot (thank you, Annabeth), let him be the one proving people wrong about the dumb blond thing.
As if there aren’t other white female (main) characters that you can latch yourselves onto if you feel like projecting. And you still can, because the OG book series is still a fucking thing!! This is all about the show!
Like you, @mrhomerxsimpson have said, the OG descriptions sound unrealistic and would look tacky in the live action. Fanart ≠ real portrayal of characters. Having sparkly glowing sea green eyes would look weird in reality. The focus of Annabeth’s on her gray eyes… this is readable but would likely transfer poorly onto the screen.
And let’s not forget the trashy exotic portrayal of Cinnamon Toast Hazel and Kaleidoscope Eyed Piper. Let’s just let people and characters of color chill for a while. Please.
I’ve said it ages ago and I’m too lazy to look it up but I think that as long as Percy and Poseidon reassemble each other slightly, the show will be fine. And if these people can act. Also important.
Which brings me to my final point/question: How are some of you unable to understand that different adaptations of the same enterprise can coexist and be just fine?
Book Annabeth 
Movie Annabeth
TV Show Annabeth
There is a reason why you can filter the universe (book, tv show, movie, etc.) in which your story is set on AO3 and FFN. Because not all universes are the same!!!
Rowling is trash but as an easy to understand analogy: if you think about the Harry Potter franchise…
is Emma Watson automatically Hermione Granger for you? Is Daniel Radcliffe automatically Harry Potter?
Because whenever I’ve read a HP Fic they’ve NEVER come up in my mind. Emma Watson is Movie Hermione, but she’s not THE Hermione. She isn't any better or worse than Stage Adaptation Hermione. Watson certainly isn’t the Hermione in my head.
Dr. Who is a sorta weak comparison but there are a million different Doctors sooo what??
Can’t you separate different versions of the same medium? The same core story just with different faces for the same role? Am I in the minority with this??
Book Annabeth is Book Annabeth, Alexandra Daddario is Movie Annabeth and Leah will be TV Show Annabeth. And none of that is in conflict with each other.
If you still want to create moodboards and artworks with Surinamese!Percy, Haitian!Grover and Desi!Annabeth, no one’s stopping you!
If you see Aryan, Walker and Leah as the new default and want to create artwork with their likenesses, also fine!
If you want to go all white like Burdge and Viria have over ten years ago… lame and side-eye worthy but ultimately your decision.
If you want to do all of the above, go ahead!
Just chill and wait till next year when the show finally hits before y’all start throwing tantrums, jeez. Oh wait. Too late!
Peace out.
TL;DR: It really doesn’t fucking matter how TV series Annabeth or Percy look like. Their actors need to act and that’s about it. However, I agree that the book portrayals (at least to a certain degree) would look tacky on screen. Also, this fandom is trash. 
Stop being dickheads and I’m out until November or so for my new finished fic.
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featherfur · 3 years
Meng Yao should have been around when Jiang Cheng was running around with his head cut off trying to make disciples out of rogues and convince everyone to get started on the war. I just think he’d see this, probably manic, idiot who needs help and is 100% willing to be bossed around and who really doesn’t care about Meng Yao station in life because he’s just fucking desperate and wants to die but can’t because Yanli and just go “actually I’m interested”. Because Jiang Cheng would riot if he knew Meng Yao wanted to go back to his dad, and well Jiang Cheng is very pathetic when he thinks he’s being left behind (“You’re leaving me for the Jin just like Shijie? Tears and loud words for you! Tears and loud words dor a thousand years!”)
And Meng Yao would have a spot in Lotus Pier where he is VERY clearly wanted, he probably doesn’t become sworn brothers with anyone (or LXC and NMJ realize that no one needs to give the Jin any more influence and become sworn brothers with Jiang Cheng) unless it’s Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian (unfortunately WWX will still probably be killed or hunted at the very least but atleast Qin Su is alive? Maybe having MY around will help calm JC into the fact that LWJ wants to bang his brother and help him so JC can convince WWX to let LWJ atleast play for him, then maybe WWX can accidentally let slip about him already destroying one half and LWJ can help destroy the other half… Dunno if the Wen Remnants survive either sorry, honestly I don’t know if anyone can stop JGS in the long run)
So there’s two ways this goes: (under read more I have Thoughts)
Meng Yao DOES go to the Jin Sect still because JC gets wanting your Dad’s Approval even when he’s a dick AND he protects Yanli who immediately adopted him when JC showed up to the war with him. Without being stuck between a Rock and a Hard place (sorry NMJ not everyone is a annoyingly stubborn with their morals as you and MY is being hurt :( leave him alone :(( ) MY is able to continue being pressured without breaking and even though JGS keeps trying to get him to manipulate JC, MY won’t and won’t manipulate NMJ either and every time he goes to Lotus Pier to ‘look into’ the Jiang Sect he actually just spends the week being plied with children and listening to Jiang Cheng explain the fashion industry Again and talk about silks vs cashmeres vs wool so he just gets a vacay and is more prepared to stand up against his dad.
Also JC and Yanli catch on pretty quick to Madam Jin abusing MY because they were there after Madam Yu would hurt WWX and they know the signs of trying to hide the pain and Yanli suddenly starts Show Up whenever Madam Jin tries anything because that is her Didi now and she will protect him and if anyone ELSE tries to mess with him she will rip them apart like when Jin Zixun tries to bother WWX.
JGS does eventually manage to frame something on WWX but MY intervenes immediately by telling JC the truth and without the ‘did my kinda insane PTSD ridden brother so this?” Panic thoughts JC gets his people and is waiting for the force of Jin and smaller sects, with his two sworn brothers on either side. Because yeah NMJ absolutely hates the Wen but can he really ignore LXC and JC? Plus NHS on the side? He’s only there to protect WWX, anyone else can get fucked and even then he’s only protecting WWX because JC asked him too because NMJ thinks WWX sucks for choosing the wens because he’s very much of the one track ‘the wens suck’ mind. MY pretends he has no idea what’s going on but he does summon Jin Zixuan on ‘accident’ who shows up, annoyed he had to leave his kid, and is like “are we really going to accuse Nie Mingjue, known Wen hater, of protecting Wei Wuxian and lying about his innocence? Because his sword is the same size as my body and I’d rather Not”
(okay he’s more polite and subtle but that’s the gist) somehow Jin Guangshan dies, I’m voting Yanli poisoned him because I think Meng Yao is 100% willing at this point to simply take the abuse because Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen aren’t essentially telling him to murder his father and that he’s stupid for not holding harder to his morals (sorry NMJ,,, you just,, I love you but MY is hurting and he’s not as stabby as you) NMJ is still very much crankily telling him his dad sucks whenever they meet but Jiang Cheng gets all sparkly whenever MY is around because MY will say he’s Doing Good, so there’s only so much room before JC start just biting anyone who even looks at MY wrong. (NMJ says he’s proud of JC once and JC just starts crying and NMJ UnderstandsTM why MY won’t leave him alone)
But Yanli has to be the one to kill him because MY wouldn’t because he’s a filial son and probably hasn’t lost his hope he will be Loved, Jin Zixuan wouldn’t because he’s like the only one in the entire show not down with murder, Madam Jin is not about to give up the power and money that comes from being the wife of Jin Guangshan even if JZX would take care of her because Yanli clearly is willing to rip everyone apart who fucks with her family and unlike Jiang Cheng is willing to change the status quo, and if JGS dies on a hunt they’ll blame WWX so Yanli just poisons him slowly and he dies from ‘illness’. JZX takes power, Meng Yao is told he’s amazing twelve times a day because JZX can do busy work and argue against anyone but he cannot have a small talk conversation to save his life. Life continues peacefully, Jiang Cheng keeps kidnapping JZX’s advisor because he misses him. Meng Yao knows how to control literally every single great sect but he’s busy chasing down his nephews and helping Jiang Cheng avoid marriage offers to do anything.
Once Jin Guangshan died, LXC and MY both swooped in to have the Wen Remnants moved somewhere else to ‘civilize’ them (using LXC’s own words here) and WWX is very much caught between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji arguing over who he’s going home with and he’s honestly never felt more Loved TM. WWX spends six months to break the rest of the tiger rally under the grumpy/watchful eye of NMJ who still isn’t happy anyone from the Wen’s is still alive but he’s weak to puppy eyes and also when he’s being strong armed by his sworn brothers, MY, and NHS (though he still keeps an eye on the actual cultivators, he’s pretty much forgotten the rest of the Wen Remnants exist he just cares about the ones who know how to use a sword). Wangxian happens, idk how I’m voting for a wild Jingyi another orphan decides that he wants to meet the Purple Angry Man and body slams into WWX’s legs trying to get to the Purple man and LWJ catches him and it’s a full on romantic moment of staring into each other’s eyes while Jiang Cheng makes disgusted noises and Meng Yao pats his hand and just tells him to accept it.
Or Meng Yao stays in Lotus Pier because Jiang Cheng has problems and Meng Yao loves a messy loudmouth aggressive bitch with a secret heart of gold. Also Jiang Cheng is the exact kind of Demi-aroace dummy to not realize Meng Yao has a crush on LXC and keeps sending him over to Cloud Recesses to help with trade or something and MY gets to hang out with his crush constantly.
MY is Jiang Cheng’s personal advisor since WWX is currently refusing to process his trauma and staying in a very traumatic place. MY does try to help but WWX doesn’t trust him and probably only half trusts him around JC, BUT MY is very good with kids and helps work with JC on how to slip WWX supplies while negotiating directly with Nie and Lan without Jin glaring over him this time, and Jin Zixuan is more than happy to help when he can because again he’s just like the only one with modern morals and wants Lotus Pier to be strong since if all the sects fall then well the fucking demons/ghosts they hunt will eat them. So WWX is slowly atleast not ready to kill him, Meng Yao finds out WWX already destroyed half the Tiger Tally and tries to get him to let NMJ and LXC help him destroy it further (because that ties the three sects closer and so WWX won’t just stab someone if someone isn’t happy about the Wen’s existing)
Yanli poisons Jin Guangshan again because I think that’s the best way for him to go, Meng Yao does grieve but also that lasts for three minutes before Jiang Cheng shows up with some children he found in Yunmeng and Meng Yao needs to explain to him again that just because the kid latches on doesn’t mean you can take them home. But with JGS out of the way it’s a lot easier to strong arm NMJ into letting the Lan take the remnants (JC and NMJ still aren’t happy about it but NMJ can’t fight the three other sects and JC is getting his brother back and he’ll take the Wen living if that means WWX is too) and WWX returns to Lotus Pier. The truth of the golden core comes out probably via WWX having a flashback or panic attack or something (or that one theory of Yanli knowing,,,) words happen, WWX storms off to find LWJ.
Meng Yao wonders why he likes messy cry babies but still helps out Jiang Cheng because they’re technically brother in laws and also because he really does care about him. Wangxian happens and now Jiang Cheng is really pissed but WWX also said he wasn’t going to just up and leave so they’re on a rotating system but honestly everyone’s just waiting for them to move permanently to Lotus Pier because Lan Wangji has this giant hole in his heart for kids who love Wei Wuxian and Lotus Pier is filled with kids who are Jiang and therefore are insane ans love WWX.
Personally I think this one is the least likely but it sounds very nice right?
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ーー Screams echo through the castle halls.
No, not just inside the castle either.
When we stepped outside,
I realized those sounds were coming from all across the Demon World.
The final thing,
Karlheinz-san left behind...
It was a new world,
where a newborn species would live.
This world does not need demons nor humans.
Therefore, he will end them.
My body would not stop shaking. 
However, I managed to keep going,
because Ayato-kun was there besides me.
His kindness transmitted through our connected hands,
is what pulled me back,
right before I got swallowed by the dark pits of despairーー
Male Vampire A: Gyaaaah!
Female Vampire A: No...Nooooooo!!
ー The scene shifts to the burning forest
Yui: Oh no...!! This is horrible...!!
Ayato: Is this...Is this the world he wished for?
All for this sake...!
New race, my ass. Fuck all of this...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
???: Ayato-kun! Bitch-chan!!
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( This voiceーー )
ー The other Sakamaki’s approach them
Ayato: You guys...
...Look at that. Still refusin’ to die, huh?
Laito: Nfu~ Of course we’re alive.
Kanato: I actually agree with Laito for once. We are not that weak to be done in by a few flames.
Ayato: Heh...Guess that’s true.
Yui: ( Thank god...I’m so glad to see everyone alive...! )
Reiji: More importantly...What is going on? The evening gala’s entire venue has gone up in flames.
Subaru: Che...There’s piles of corpses everywhere you look.
Yui: ( No way... )
Reiji: So? Where is Father? We must update him on the status quo.
Ayato: That...won’t be necessary.
Reiji: ...What do you mean?
Ayato: He died.
Reiji: ...
Shuu: ...Died?
Ayato: Yeah.
Reiji: This is not the time to joke around...
There is no way that man would die.
Ayato: It’s not a joke. He’s no longer around.
...And it was exactly what he wished for.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Also...Kanato, Laito.
Kanato: Yes?
Ayato: Mom died as well.
Kanato: ...
Laito: ...I see...Okay...
???: That man...has passed away...?
ー The Mukami’s appear
Ruki: In that case...Sakamaki Ayato. Does that mean...You are Adam?
Yui: ( ...Did the Mukami’s know about this as well, perhaps...? )
Azusa: Eve...Ayato-san turned out...to be your Adam, huh...?
Kou: ...We...
Yuma: ...Ugh.
Reiji: Adam? What exactly are you talking about? Explain this at once!!
Yui: Wellーー
In the following minutes,
we told them everything which had happened up till now.
Including the full details,
on the plan their Father - Karlheinz-san - wished for.
And thenーー
Reiji: ...Unbelievable...You claim that was Father’s wish...?
Ruki: And Adam and Eve were born right now...
Ayato: Adam? Eve? My ass!
I’m Yours Truly and Chichinashi is Chichinashi! Simple as that.
Shuu: ...Sounds like something you would say...
And? What are we going to do now? We can’t just sit around and do nothing forever, can we?
Ruki: We’re returning to the human world. Then I can think, about my path in life...
Kou: You mean ‘ours’, right?
Yuma: Exactly. Don’t talk as if you’re all by yerself now.
Ruki: ...You guys...
Azusa: ...Ruki...It’s just like they said. We’re brothers, remember?
Ruki: ...Yeah, you’re right.
There you have it...So long.
ー The Mukami’s leave
Yui: ( ...Guys... )
Ayato: They left...
Shuu: They sure did...I mean, it fits them so I see no problem? Pwaah...
ーー So, Ayato. What’s your plan?
Ayato: Well...
Yui: ( Right, we can’t stay stuck in place forever either. )
( We have to think about the future. )
Ayato: ...
I’ll stay here. With Yui by my side as well.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Laito: Look at you talk, Ayato-kun! I’m impressed!
Kanato: ...Well, I suppose that’s fine. However, as you can see, Eden has been completely destroyed.
Ayato: ...Hehe. Oi oi, who do you think I am?
Don’t underestimate the Great Ayato-sama!
Yui: ( Ah...! Eden has stopped crumbling apart...? )
Reiji: ...I see.
If Father’s magic is what caused this destruction, then I suppose you can use your newly earned powers to stop it...? 
Ayato: Haah, haah...I could have done this much with ease even without that jerk’s powers!
Subaru: ...I wonder...
Ayato: Aah!? What didya say!?
Reiji: Good grief...We just went through all of that, and look at you guys going at it again...
Yui: ( Reiji-san may say that but...I’m happy to have met up with everyone and be able to talk to them like this... )
Ayato: ...Tsk. ...Oi! Chichinashi!
Yui: Y-Yes!?
Ayato: Why do you look so relieved? Now that everything’s settled, you gotta get ready!
Women love that sorta stuff but they always take forever, don’t they?
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Haah? You really don’t get it at all, do you?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re so dense, Bitch-chan.
It’s a little broken down, but when a guy asks you to live together in a castle like Eden...
There’s only one thing that could imply, right?
Yui: ...Um...
Ayato: Aah, god! You know...
ーー I obviously mean we have to get everythin’ ready for the wedding ceremony!
Yui: ...!
The two of us will...?
Ayato: Y-Yeah! I’ll make an exception for you. Only ‘cause I’ve got no other choice though!
Laito: ...Looks like someone can’t be honest with himself.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Laito: Oh, nothing~! Nfu~!
Yui: ( Ayato-kun and I will... )
( Oh no, this feels like a dream... )
Shuu: ...I mean, suit yourself.
Subaru: I don’t mind if that means less trouble for us.
Reiji: If you do not burden me, then please be my guest.
But, well...Since I am the only person here with some common sense, allow me to say one thing.
ーー Congratulations.
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Ayato: I decided I’m gonna do this shit so l will, regardless of what you guys say!
Ah, right. I guess I wouldn’t mind employin’ you guys as my servants at the castle?
Reiji: I kindly refuse. Haah...I am leaving now.
Ayato: Aah? Where exactly?
Reiji: Does that matter?
Honestly...Any place will do.
Father is no longer around. In that case, I see no reason for me to stay here.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: That’s why I asked wheーー
Subaru: I’m dippin’ as well.
I didn’t exactly live with you guys out of my own free will anyway. See you.
ー Subaru leaves as well
Shuu: I’ll go too then...Pwaah...Guess I’ll finally get some peace and quiet...
ー Shuu follows suit
Yui: ( They all left. Which leaves... )
Ayato: What ‘bout you two?
Laito: Hmー Let me think. I guess I could stick around.
There’s so much fun to be had with a newlywed couple, don’t you think~? Right, Kanato-kun?
Kanato: I’m afraid I can’t agree. I’m leaving as well.
ー Kanato leaves
Laito: Eehー Boring! Oh well...I guess it can’t be helped this time.
See you~! Ah! Send me an invitation to the ceremony, okay~?
ー Laito follows after Kanato
Yui: Ah...
...They all left.
Ayato: Hmph! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders, honestly!
Now it’s finally just the two of uー Woah.
...Come on, let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー Ayato steps closer
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: Wha...!?
Ayato: Guess I’ll kiss you before that at least.
Yui: ...B-Before? You already did, Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Shush!
Well, I guess kisses aren’t half bad.
Okay! Now we’re headed off for real.
Yui: Yeah...!
Ayato-kun pulled me by my hand,
as I once again faced Eden.
This place is currently in ruins.
However, in my eyes,
it looked more beautiful than anything.
I wonder why?
That question immediately disappeared from my mind.
The answer,
more than anything, or anyone,
was right next to me after allーー
Ayato: ーー Oi, why are you takin’ forever?
Come here already.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I won’t let you go, no matter what happens. You better don’t take my love lightly.”
“I hope you made up your resolve when choosin’ me, Chichinashi? ...’Cause you’re mine forever now.”
Yui: ( Aah...What a peaceful day. )
( I’m so glad...Our ceremony is today. )
Ayato: Oi, whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout? Did you have other stuff on your mind when I’m here right in front of you?
Geez, I can never leave my guard down with you.
Yui: Fufu...Sorry...
Ayato: Hmph...
Those guys just filled their belly and went on their merry ways afterwards. Same goes for those darn Mukami’s.
Who knows what those dudes have been up to this whole time, but for these occasions, they all show up all of a sudden.
Well, I guess it makes sense for them to show up, seein’ as I’m basically the King here now.
Yui: ( I wonder if I’m the only one...Who believes they’re actually looking out for us? )
Ayato: Oi, let me tell you, just in case.
Yui: Yes?
Ayato: I’m not with you ‘cause that’s part of his stupid plan.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: I don’t give a damn ‘bout becomin’ the ‘saviors’ he talked of.
The Demon World’s a hot mess. But...
You’re right here in front of me.
That’s why I want to touch you. Want to embrace you.
Don’t want to let you go. Want you by my side...
In short, um...How do I say this...?
Aah, right!
ーー I love you, Yui.
...I love you...
No matter what becomes of the world, let’s be together.
That’s simply how I feel.
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Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( I love you too. )
( From here on out, I’ll only ever trust you...and continue to love you. )
( Together...Forever... )
ーー THE END ーー
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
The boys.. Just. Yeah. I had high expectations going into the last episode. A lot had happened leading up to that episode, and I was like cool okay how is this gonna go and then I was left being a bit like. What. The only actions that really made sense (to me) was soldier boy not wanting to go back to a cage. And then when I look back at s3 it doesn't look like a narrative. It's a few pieces. Kripke using his fave boy as a little action doll (which I do appreciate but yanno). Maybe it's just a stepping stone to s4 but yeah... A bit of a let down for me
Yeah, I'll def still be watching the next season of the boys but this is the first finale (and season) they really whiffed. The sheer amount of weird bad character decisions makes me wonder if there was writer turnover? Like the show has never been perfect but at least the characters have all felt pretty consistent- this finale felt like they needed characters to be in a certain place to establish the main conflict for next season with no build-up to believably get the characters there. (cont'd)
(pt 2) Like the twist with Ryan, who has barely been in this season and is apparently now evil enough to smile when Homelander brutally murders a dude in front of him. It doesn’t work with the sheltered kid vibe we’ve gotten from him for the past two seasons. If they wanted to focus on a toxic evil father-son duo next season they should have just kept Soldier Boy around, someone who could at least shake up the status quo and be a threat to Homelander without necessarily wanting to kill him.
Combining these into one answer:
"It doesn't look like a narrative" and "no build-up to believably get the characters there" are both really good summaries of whatever the hell happened in s3.
Structurally and logically, the whole thing was an absolute mess. I've thought of like six ways to fix it but I find it bizarre how much of a fail it is on just a basic thinking level. Apparently they had some Covid restriction issues and some actors who became unavailable, etc, which I guess would cause problems. And anon, to your point about wondering if there was writer turnover -- I wondered that too, although my bigger question is why the showrunner isn't enforcing some kind of throughline in the writer's room. Like. It isn't hard to quickly and effectively come up with good characterful solutions to problems, especially when so many of them could be done with relatively quick setups. On greenscreen, even.
It really did feel, though, like they only came up with what the story was actually about like halfway through, which is a goofy writing choice on par with someone posting chapters of their big bang and only 20k in going 'oh wait, *this* is the main pairing!' For the The Boys Season Three: Cycles of Abuse, we really started off with just fumbling and tedious moving of setpieces and no real... focus.
It is instructive, though, as far as writing is concerned. You've got the plot you want to work through and the characterization beats you want to hit: how are you going to show the reader/viewer the things they should be taking away from it and feeling?
It's wild to me how much of the season would have been entirely reframed if they'd started with a flashback of SB's coldly emotionally abusive father talking shit to young Ben, instead of the splashy doofy exploding penis. Cheaper, too. Think of how we'd have an emotional framework through which to see character behavior and choices; think of how that would set up Butcher and then Homelander's interactions with Ryan, and how we see who children choose to trust and the sort of people they'll become as a result.
Am I a fool for expecting more from the show that was always going to choose the exploding penis? Maybe. But I get very annoyed when millions of dollars are dumped into something that could have been great, and the writing --- the part you get to spend the most time on, the part that should be clearest and best --- lets it down so hard. #BeBetter.
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flightfoot · 3 years
That ask about the Instagram edit with Nino and Luka had me thinking, and I’m genuinely curious about why some fans are praising Luka for his mistake while simultaneously bashing Marinette, Alya, and Nino for their own identity related decisions. I’ve seen handfuls of posts placing Luka in a pedestal and raving about how he “knows how to keep his mouth shut”, and how that makes him more trustworthy than anyone, even though that’s not at all how trust works! I’ve seen that one post regarding Marinette’s comparison to Luka, and the post for Nino too, so I’ll leave those, but one I haven’t see anyone bring up is how people are trying to compare Alya and Luka’s predicaments.
Narratively, Luka’s situation is VERY different from Alya. Alya is a permanent Miraculous chosen who was being forced by the status quo to lie to the people she loves, and was expected to risk or potentially sacrifice said relationships in the name of Rena Furtive. Not agreeing with the set precedent, Alya tells Nino the truth, and it’s framed as a good thing! Of course, there will be a brief period of strain on Alyanette’s friendship because of it, but ultimately it will lead to some sort of beneficial resolution, likely in the form of Ladynoir finding solid ground again and being more transparent with one another.
Luka, on the other hand, found out about Ladynoir’s identities and doesn’t tell Ladybug the truth when she asks if he knows, and this scene is framed to be an “uh oh” moment. Luka has a good heart and only wants Marinette to be happy and free of anymore stress (also, I agree with your take on Luka’s thought process; I’d like to see if there was more to his decision than just Marinette’s stress), but this decision is a guaranteed mess. There are no benefits to be had of this choice. However, his choice is entirely understandable! It makes total sense why he did what he did.
All in all, what’s rubbing me the wrong way here is the blatant cherry picking of what defines someone as “trustworthy”.
Luka is apparently trustworthy because he “knows how to keep his mouth shut”; however, people are choosing to ignore the fact that this secret is about the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, the owners of the two most powerful miraculous, which Shadowmoth wants, and the fact that said secret is with someone who has no protective charm and (unlike Alya and Nino) has not been shown to be capable of fighting off Shadowmoth’s attempts at influence. He also blatantly lied to Ladybug about it (an act that violated Marinette’s trust).
Alya is apparently untrustworthy because she told Nino that she was still Rena Furtive; Marinette asked her to lie, and she decided against it in favor of being truthful, so it was a violation of Marinette’s trust (Luka also violated trust, but that tidbit is often mysteriously left out…). Alya, prior to making her choice, however, asked for Marinette to put her faith in her; this shows that Alya was only going to make this choice if Marinette believed and trusted in Alya’s judgement (Like Luka, Alya made this choice because she genuinely feels that it was the right thing to do, but while this is praised for Luka, it’s not for Alya).
Both Alya and Luka made their decisions, pursuing what they think is the greater good. Both went behind Marinette’s back in order to do so. But while Luka’s being slapped on the back for his choice, Alya is being slapped on the wrist for the same thing.
(I hope this doesn’t come off as Luka salt. Luka is actually one of my favorite characters, but with Alya as another character I adore, it’s rather glaring how both are being faced with different standards they need to meet to be worthy of Marinette’s trust by fans)
Yeah I don't get why Luka should be considered more "trustworthy" here, especially since he's the only one who blatantly lied to Marinette's face. Like... yeah I think he's unlikely to just spill the secret, but there are other definitions of "trustworthy".
I'm not upset at either Luka or Alya for their choices. It makes for a more interesting story, and in both cases it was understandable. Well, if Luka's reasoning really is "Marinette will have a breakdown if I tell her the truth and I don't want that". I'm not 100% convinced that that is his reasoning.
But for Luka it really confused me that people are apparently cheering on how trustworthy he is? Because he lied about knowing Ladybug's and Chat's identities when Ladybug directly asked? Like this wasn't about him needing to keep it secret that he knows their identities for a security reason or to prove that he knows when to keep his mouth shut about identities, this wasn't some Secret Test Of Character.
I'm actually glad that the show's having Alya and Luka make decisions that go against what Marinette's asking for, each for their own reasons. It introduces some conflict and drama to the show that can push character development.
As for Alya and Luka being treated so differently in different portions of the fandom, I suspect a lot has to do with how much that person liked the character to begin with, along with their thoughts on why they made the decisions they did. For Luka, it's generally presumed that he lied to Ladybug because he thought it would be best for her own sake. While Alya going against Marinette's wishes was about what she thought was best for herself and Nino, rather than what she thought might be best for Marinette. So if someone was more concerned about Marinette always being a person's top priority rather than making decisions for their own sakes, I could see them siding more with Luka while disliking Alya's actions. Don't agree with it mind you, but I could see the thought process.
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Oh my gosh-I thought you were dead! Shoutout to whoever that sent you that question as a thank you for letting me know :D
Alright, back to the question! How do you think Freddie and Velma's process of realizing their feelings for each other (in my opinion they'd deny it themselves for a while) would be like? And how would they (finally) confess? Do you think they will need a bit of encouragement from the rest of the gang?
Feel free to write as much as you'll need, I won't mind it! ♥️
Yeah we're still alive and I definitely wish I could be more active but creating content is super time consuming and honestly if I'm in the mood the watch Scooby then I'll watch one of the movies while doing my homework or something. But I am still totally passionate about Shaphne and Frelma and I'm super glad that other people are as well! It may take me forever to write fics but I am always eager to provide in other ways.
As for the actual question...
Freddie and Velma are definitely a slow burn with a capital SB and I will argue this to the end of my days. I know that I typically portray Shag and Daph as a sort of stretched out pining because of the fact that they are two totally different people. Because of that both of them have doubts regarding whether the other is even a little into them (spoiler alert: they are). It's the classic, "Why would she like me when she could literally have anyone she wants?" And vice versa. But that's more for a pinch of drama and it always works out right at the end.
But Fred and Velma might as well be stretched out twice as long because they are both IDIOTS. Especially Velma who definitely knows damn well what's going but chooses to ignore it. In most of my writing I have it so that Velma is aware of her feelings but - like anon said - she denies them vehemently. I can imagine her figuring out is a slow process too, I mean they've all known each other since they were kids. No matter which iteration of the show you watch, Fred and Velma are typically the defacto detective duo. They're the ones that have an active interest in mystery solving while Shag and Daph are kinda just along for the ride. I'm sure that because of them acting as partners, they have a deeper understanding of each other. Like Velma knows how Fred thinks and he knows how she thinks and that all comes from the fact that they work together a lot. So even though it's easy to label Fred as the basic white boy that leads the charge, Velma has seen where his passions lie and gets how his brain works. And I'm sure that all it would take is her staring at him just a little too long for something to click in her head. She watches him try and sing along to the radio while driving them no doubt towards their next crazy adventure and she realizes she likes this. Sitting in the front seat with him.
And this is just a total no bueno for Velma because falling in love with big blonde jocks isn't her thing. She started high school early and needed to claw her way through the status quo and all of the silly high school conventions to gain respect. Velma Dinkley doesn't care about what everyone else is doing and walks to the beat of her own drum. To start trying to pursue a relationship with Mr. Popular would immediately render her a hypocrite and that's something she can't stand. So - like a moron - she ignores her feelings and expects them to go away. All the while growing closer to him.
Freddie on the other hand is an odd hat. He's like the trifecta of oblivious, has tunnel-vision, and sucks at spelling out what he wants. Which is just a nightmare when you're the lead in your own romance. It's not even like denial that we're dealing with here it's the Jones boy having trouble interpreting his own feelings. I like to think it's almost like an Ouran High School Host Club situation where he's Tamaki and Velma is his Haruhi. The gang are his best friends and they're all like a surrogate family for one another and Fred feels responsible for keeping everyone together. Velma is one of his best friends and if that were to change the the dynamic of their family would be all messed up. And it's not like she's given any sort of sign that she's into him anyway so it all works out fine! Velma is his short, snarky best friend who likes to solve mysteries with him. And make him laugh. And be honest with him when nobody else will. And is somehow patient enough to teach him to play chess. There comes a point where all of his feelings for her are so close to being discovered, but they're trapped behind a wall labeled, "Family."
The two of them seem to be at a permanent stalemate.
And then Shag and Daph start going out. Both parties are instantly effected. Freddie because the family dynamic he's been clinging to has just completely shifted and it's totally out of his control. Velma because she sees how Ms. Follow Every Societal Convention has started locking lips with Mr. Screw Society I Am Who I Am. And neither of them really sacrifice their beliefs in the process of falling in love with each other. The main thing they get from it is they're more understanding of the other's position. Velma realizes that her being in love with Fred doesn't automatically mean she needs to become more like Daphne in order to suit the world he lives in. Fred realizes he can be with her without the entire Mystery Inc. gang caving in on itself. But now they still have one major hurdle to jump over.
They still think they're both trapped in the friend zone. And neither of them are willing to risk the partnership they've cultivated through several years of friendship.
And that's where Daphne comes in. She's the kind of girl that likes to make everyone's business her business and sees no harm in playing a little Cupid. Shaggy has absolutely zero interest getting involved in his friends' love lives so he opts to play the innocent bystander. I think after some prodding on both sides (over the course of maybe a year or two) the detective duo finally decide to give romance a shot.
Of course it's nothing like Shag and Daph who dive in head first and almost start building their life together immediately. They take it slow and steady, figuring it out one small step at a time. And that works just fine for both of them.
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sepublic · 4 years
I just want to mention that Lilith and Eda had actually met Belos back when they were kids, according to Eda’s anecdote at the Covention. We don’t know if Lilith and Belos interacted directly, face-to-face... But given how Lilith thought about what Belos would do in her situation (wanting to join the Emperor’s Coven yet being unable to compete with Eda), and thus decided to curse Eda... I think this makes Belos even MORE responsible for Eda and Lilith’s broken relationship, and not just in the indirect way he always had with his Coven System.
Lilith is obviously still to blame too... But if Belos deliberately took the moment to teach her some toxic ideas at such a young and impressionable age, then it’s all the more eerie the impact he has on entire generations of witches- Like how in the show’s ending, we see a pair of kids building his castle out of sand, because at such a formative age they’re taught that Belos and his home is a wonderful place to fantasize about! Something fun and normalized, just a part of everyday life... And it’s so much more messed up and understandable that kids would really dedicate their dreams and lives towards joining Belos, and basically look to him as a mentor- Potentially in the absence of parents. And the worst part is that Belos knows this and it’s EXACTLY how he wants it to be... It’s so difficult for kids to unlearn that kind of thing because all of society around them is brought up under the idea that THIS is the status quo! It’s so hard to get away from this sort of thing, it’s like an abusive relationship...
So again, Lilith is still at fault- But it’s like she was almost directly manipulated and misguided in this scenario by her role model, and it’s kind of terrifying... Especially since Eda used to look up to Belos, too. Belos knows he’s a role model and thus a teacher to kids in a lot of ways, so it’s all the more terrible how he violates the sacred responsibility behind this role, and is so neglectful and disregarding of the impact he has, and/or deliberate about it... And so he’s abusing that power and influence to indoctrinate generations of witches into his control, it’s insidious. It’s a cultural impact that will be so hard to cleanse society of, to distance itself from that; Propaganda that came underneath such an innocent and innocuous disguise... It’s a moral dissonance that’s just normalized and arguably cult-like, grooming society to join the Emperor’s Coven or at least serve it. All of it is just downright predatory.
There’s a trust there that Belos is betraying and exploiting, and it’s such a contrast to how Eda avoids imprinting and projecting her beliefs onto Luz, encouraging her to form her own opinions and always be critical of what adults tell her- Eda doesn’t want to indoctrinate like Belos does, possibly after seeing how it harmed her sister... Yet at the same time, we have Odalia, Alador, and Boscha’s mother enforcing onto their kids toxic ideas of hierarchy and elitism, as well as vicariously living out old grudges through them- Using then more as tools to pass on their own ideas and agendas, rather than actual kids to carefully nurture and teach, and enable to grow healthy and independent.
It’s so heartlessly thoughtless about the kind of power they have and are abusing, the imbalance there is in the dynamic, and just how dependent and vulnerable these children are to them... It’s a blatant disregard towards letting these kids become their own people, and these people either leave children alone to figure this out, without consideration to the kind of horrible effect their influence is causing... or even intentionally keeping it this way. Careless neglect or calculated abuse, it’s still awful.
There is no consideration for a positive impact or how a kid will operate when alone, how one’s influence can have an indirect presence even when this child is by themselves and making their own decisions... That someone is going to use you as an example on what to do, they’re going to become like you- And do you want more people like yourself out in this world? Do you want to make a kid become yourself, and not their own person separate from that? They might be out of sight, out of mind to you- But for those kids, you’re always on their mind for better or worse... So you’d best be a good thing for them to think about, or else you WILL screw someone up.
Kids still make their own decisions, especially when they become adults- But there’s a reason why the choice of a child is always taken with a grain of salt, as they lack the permanence, wisdom, and independence to really account for who they are. They’re so liable to influence that you can’t quite trust if this is what they really choose, or just what someone else has imprinted upon them either intentionally or by accident... Yeah, people are always the product of their external influences, but still. Kids can’t exactly consent for a reason, and you should always seek to protect them from something they can’t take back, because they’re too young to fully consider and accept the consequences, nor deal with them if they come about.
So don’t encourage them to go down a harsh path, or at least don’t recklessly hasten them down towards it, when there’s still so much time and thus potential for other possibilities... You want to open such opportunities to someone, not cut them off and restrict them to a path predetermined by someone else, because then they’ll never be themselves. They’ll always be defined by something or someone else and never get to choose for themselves, never get to know themselves as JUST themselves...
And it’s an utter travesty to basically cripple someone like that, much less a child who has an entire life ahead of them that you cut off and destroy, a life they can’t so easily take back because they’re a kid and might not even realize what they’re losing. It’s a destruction of diversity and clipping of exploration, of new ideas and growth and possibilities. It kills off any chance of something else and thus sets in stone what is there, it’s bleak and so much more difficult to break free... You’ll never find out if they can grow or not if they don’t even have the room to do so.
You’ll never know for sure and just like the kid, you’re keeping yourself dumb and limited. You don’t just fail to pave the road for the future, you’re actively salting its earth and killing off what should’ve come to pass, preventing what should naturally occur on its own. And that in itself is a death- To mourn the happiness this kid could’ve had, the freedom and care they were entitled towards but then had taken away from them, just to further service someone with so much more power and control anyway.
It’s... a waste, really, taking away from others what they need for something pointless and unnecessary- Such as the propagation of a dictatorship or the pride of abusive parents. People like Belos or the Blight Parents didn’t just fail to provide, they kept kids from receiving and gaining in the first place, blocked this off from anyone else kinder and better and more thoughtfully responsible. They didn’t just give nothing, they added genuine ruin as well and made things worse instead of leaving them as they initially were- Because for a kid, without careful support and care to constantly uplift them, they WILL naturally get worse, it’s why you have to be so diligent to nurture, because they’re not independent yet and will collapse without care- They can’t stand on their own yet, and maybe never will if not properly taken care of.
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts (oral, handjob, masturbation); tags to be added throughout series
This is dark!Bucky and dark! Loki and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father was a bookie and taught you everything you know about numbers. After his death, you were taken on as a bookkeeper for Loki Laufeyson, resident crime boss in Manhattan. But can you keep your place in the background when a man from Brooklyn threatens to drag you to the forefront?
Note: I don’t know how much I’ll be writing of this since I’m totally wiped out by my cramps and hormones sucking ass! But hey. we’re onto the next ‘phase’ of our story and it’s gonna get wild. I hope.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Loki didn’t let you out of his sight for a week. Those nights when you did return to your own apartment, it wasn’t for long, though your days were. Your workload doubled as you went over the new list of expenses acquired along with the casino, not to mention Loki’s increased attention. He went out of his way to try to distract you with his lingering glances and unwanted touches. You had yet to fully accept the new status quo, not that he cared.
And Bucky disappeared. 
Despite your hopes, you just couldn’t imagine that he had been deterred by Loki’s little show. He wasn’t the type to tuck tail and run. Perhaps, he had simply got what he wanted and had moved onto the next unlucky soul. You wouldn’t mind that so much, but something told you that wasn’t so. 
When the time came for the weekly collection, your confusion was heightened as Bucky did not arrive to take his cut. Instead, he sent Steve, who didn’t even try to hide his smirk from you. Loki handed over the money and swiftly sent him off. He voiced his own curiosity at the sudden elusive nature of his adversary. You shrugged and went on with your numbers.
One morning you were filled with a gloomy sense of deja vu as you entered the office. Thor sat behind Loki’s desk once more. He grinned as you tore your eyes from him and went to your own desk. You set your purse in your chair and fished around for your phone. The door opened once more as you went to the safe you paused to glance back at Loki.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” He bid you as he strode over to his desk and turned to Thor. “We’ll be off shortly. You recall what I told you.”
“You worry too much,” Thor leaned back and lifted his feet onto the desk, crossing one leg over the other. “You know, London isn’t so different.”
“Thor,” Loki arched a brow. “I have too much too worry about to be--”
“You sound just like father,” Thor waved his brother away like a gnat. “If I have any trouble, trust me, you will be the first to know. As always.”
“And be the one to clean up your mess. As always,” Loki countered wryly. “You make me wonder if you left London on your own accord.”
“London is tied up neatly with a bow. Val has it all in hand,” Thor assured him. “Besides, you said you needed muscle. I brought you my best men.”
“And what have they been doing, yeah? Lazing around in my warehouses, smoking and gambling,” Loki scoffed.
“So they will be great patrons for your new venture, eh, brother?” Thor taunted.
“Eh,” Loki echoed mockingly. “You,” He flicked his fingers at you. “Get your stuff and let us go.”
You kept quiet as you opened the safe and retrieved the ledger. You shut it and spun the dial. You grabbed your bag and passed behind your desk as you crossed to Loki. You were tired. Sore. He held the door as he watched Thor. 
He followed you and the door clicked shut behind him. He told Lopez he’d be back the next day and ushered you out of the shop. You hoped that the ledger would save you from his games. He led you to his car and you climbed into the passenger seat, your purse at your feet and the thick book across your lap.
He turned the engine and sighed as he pulled away from the curb. You could sense he was in a mood. You didn’t dare to ask where you were going. It was easy enough to guess.
“Next time he’s there before me, you call me.” He said. “And wait outside with Lopez.”
You peeked over at him and ran your nail along the edge of the ledger. 
“Understood?” He snarled.
“Yes,” You said. “Got it.”
He was quiet until you hit the parkway. You were too. The wind formed a tunnel outside the car and you leaned back as the subtle vibrations lulled you. You felt the ledger move and looked down as Loki’s slender fingers slid it off your lap. You grabbed it before it could fall entirely and he gripped the other end.
“Darling,” He warned. “Don’t make this difficult.”
You clung to the ledger and stared at the mirror. His green eyes met yours then flitted behind to the reflection behind him. He veered into the other lane recklessly and received a honk from another driver. You squeaked and released the book. It fell heavily onto your purse and caught between your feet.
“It’s gonna be a long day,” He grasped the bottom of your skirt and pushed it up to your thighs. “So why don’t you help ease the stress?”
“Can’t this wait?” You looked out the window as a car passed in the other lane.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be doing all the work,” He leaned in his seat and took your hand. He pushed it between your legs. “Go on. Let me hear you purr, darling.”
Your lips parted in disgust and you shoved his hand away. You crossed your legs and sidled to the edge of your seat.
“Why don’t you focus on the road?” You hissed.
He reached over and grabbed the back of your neck, the nose of the car swayed slightly as he did. He squeezed until you whimpered.
“You can do what I say now or when we arrive.” He sneered. “I’m certain Diablo and his men wouldn’t mind the show as much as you, darling.”
You gulped and uncrossed your legs. His fingertips dug into your neck and made you cry out. He drew back and gripped the steering wheel. 
“We’ve got a couple hours,” He intoned. “Let’s not make them tedious.”
You huffed and lifted your ass to roll up your skirt. You sat back down and rested your hand on your thigh. You closed your eyes and held back the bile. Loki tisked and you looked over at him sharply. Once more you met his gaze in the mirror and you pursed your lips. You slid your hand down and pushed aside the crotch of your panties.
“I want to hear you cum, darling,” He smirked. “And if it is not to my liking, you will keep on until it is.”
You rolled your eyes and stared at the dashboard. You tried to focus as you rubbed your fingers along your folds. There was a slight tickle and you squirmed in your seat. You delved deeper as you spread your legs further apart. You bit down as your finger flicked over your clit and sent a chill through you.
The car was uncomfortably quiet. You could only hear Loki’s breath, your own, and the muffled noise of the highway traffic. You kept your fingers moving along your folds and back over your clit. You circled the sensitive bud and felt yourself getting wet. Your cheeks burned as your breath hitched.
“Don’t be shy,” Loki taunted. “I think we are past that.”
You let out a mewl as if on cue. Your fingers swirled instinctively and you could hear how slick you had become. Your thighs tingled and your spine arched as you leaned into the pleasure. Your moans grew louder as you pressed yourself back into the seat and looked to the roof of the car.
You bit your tongue and whined as you sped up. You were startlingly close. You had so quickly worked yourself up. It was humiliating and yet you couldn’t stop and not just because of the man beside you. Your knee pressed against the stick and your other was lodged against the door.
Your cries got loudly and spiked in a pathetic keen as your body shook. You came as you played frantically with your clit. Your other hand flew back and gripped the headrest and you writhed in your seat. Your moans petered out and your hand dropped weakly against your thigh. You let out a long breath and covered your face.
“Mmm,” Loki hummed. “Impressive…”
You closed your legs and felt your wetness on the seat below you. You wiped your fingers on your bunch up skirt as Loki snickered beside you. He peeked over, just for a second, before he focused once more on the road.
“My turn,” He said. “Take your time with me, darling.”
You blinked at him and his lips curled. His tongue poked out and he wetted his bottom lip. He sped up and you shakily reached over the console. You twisted your body awkwardly as he eased up on the gas and you pulled his jacket aside. You fumbled with his buckle just above the bulge already straining against his trousers.
You finally got his belt undone and his breath trembled as your palm brushed him. You unbuttoned his fly and carefully unzipped it. Your mouth was dry and you could only focus on what you were doing to keep from being overwhelmed in your shame. 
You pushed the front of his boxers down as you slipped your hand down them. You gripped him and stopped. It was as if you’d been slapped across the face. What were you doing?
...Surviving. At least that’s what you told yourself.
You pulled him out above his boxers and stroked him slowly. He groaned in delight as the leather of the steering wheel echoed him. You grasped him more firmly and kept your motion steady. He purred louder with each descent of your hand and twitched as you rolled your hand around his tip.
“Faster,” His breaths turned thick and carnal.
You obeyed and grunted. His body tensed and his leg shook. He reached over to pet your head as his other hand clutched the wheel.
“Darling, you’re going to make a mess of me,” He slithered. “Best use your mouth to finish.”
You closed your eyes and shivered. You reached back to unbuckled your seat belt and bent over the console. You paused as you watched your hand glide up and down his length. Trapped between him and the wheel you pressed your lips to his tip and your mouth followed your hand down his shaft. He hit the back of your throat and you pulled back sharply.
He grabbed the back of your head and forced you down. You choked as he slid down your throat and you strained awkwardly to take him. You bobbed your head in tandem with the movement of your hand. His groans grew louder and louder as he urged you on. You bided them if only to have it done with. 
His entire body stiffened as he came and you tasted his hot cum as it filled your mouth and throat. You coaxed him through his climax and tried not to wretch as you drew away from him. You sat back and covered your mouth as you fought to swallow. He snickered and you gulped loudly, holding back a gag.
“Good girl,” He teased. “Don’t get too cozy. I’ll not be long…”
You were both reviled and astounded by Loki’s stamina. Another tortuous blowjob and you were sick to your stomach, all while he grinned and sent you flagrant looks. You were relieved to arrive in Atlantic city and yet anxious. You were certain that any could see it on your face. That it wouldn’t be so hard to guess what you had just done.
You fixed your skirt as he drew up to a boarded up building, a familiar vehicle just ahead of him. You squinted, certain that your own lack of automotive knowledge was getting the best of you. You got out as he did and ignored the exaggerated way he straightened his jacket. You retrieved your purse and the thick ledger before you gruffly swung the door shut.
You turned as he came around the car and stared up with him at the fading moniker. You frowned and crossed your arms. You chewed your lip.
“Is this it?” You wondered. “Loki, I would say you’ve been grifted.”
“It is an investment,” He argued. “I was made well aware of the state of things.”
“Do you know how much it will cost to get this place--” Your voice caught in your throat as the front door opened and a blond head emerged from within. 
Steve Rogers strode out as he chuckled over his shoulder at another familiar man. Bucky wore a button-up decorated with flamboyant petals, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he rubbed his hands together. He stopped dead behind Steve and grinned between you and Loki.
“Did he really make you aware?” You muttered to Loki.
Loki stepped up and met Bucky’s proffered hand with a firm shake.
“Barnes,” He greeted tersely, though his confusion glimmered in his eyes.
“Sweetheart,” Bucky nodded at you as his lips remained in a coy arc. “I tried to wait but we figured we’d have a look around.”
“Wait?” Loki repeated. “What do you--” He blinked and recoiled. His confusion mixed with anger and his face paled with realisation. “Pray tell me what you’re doing here. At my property.”
“And mine,” Bucky announced. “I believe I own half. Or to be more specific, fifty-one percent, which would make me the majority shareholder. That’s what my lawyer said.”
“Fifty-one?” Loki reached into his jacket. He shook his head as he pulled out his phone. “Excuse me for just a moment.”
You felt like laughing as Loki marched away as he held his phone to his ear. Bucky seemed unfazed as he kept his attention on you. Steve shuffled around beside him restlessly as he searched his jacket for a lighter, a cigarette hanging from his lips.
“So, sweetheart,” Bucky said. “You look… great.”
You glared at him and said nothing. You hugged the ledger to your chest and turned away to watch Loki as he paced along the pavement, waving his hand as he snarled into the phone.
“Don’t worry about him,” Bucky came closer, his arm touching yours as he gazed over at Loki. “He will be much too busy to worry about us.”
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beelsbaby · 4 years
could you do the obey me undatables for the girl dad thing too please?😁
Of course! I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it, I got carried away a lot WHOOPS but here ya go!
Undateables as girl dads
* OKAY he wanted a son
* I don’t know he just gives me boy dad energy
* But you said no sir we having a girl
* I love that for you 😌
* But he didn’t get upset because he knew no matter what the gender was, his child would be powerful
* Insert "good for her" pic
* He reads books on how to be a dad
* How to be a dad for dummies LMAOO
* He makes sure to be fully prepared
* What a dork HA
* Her room probably has a lot of purples
* It’s very whimsical
* When she’s born, he instantly forgets about being the most powerful in the room
* All those pacts he’s made with demons mean nothing
* He is hopelessly devoted to her
* When she gets fussy, he just sprinkles a little magic and she’s giggling again
* She’s just so fascinated by it
* He loves carrying her around while doing mundane things
* He’d be reading a grimoire with her resting on his hip
* She said papa first and he was WEAK
* He did shed a tear or two but he’ll never tell
* He can put her down to sleep in record time
* He just makes up a story about magic and she’ll happily go to sleep
* She’s also very fascinated by his magical artifacts
* She’s constantly touching the ones he unsuccessfully tried to hide
* “Sweetheart, that’s papa’s, okay? That’s 380 years old... Let’s put that down, yeah?”
* Looks absolutely baffled when she’d take the artifact and BOLT
* “Y/N, why are you just standing there laughing, help me!”
* She is very sneaky and cheeky just like him
* She knows just to give her dad her cheeky little smile and he’s putty in her hands
* He’s so whipped
* But she’s also pretty sharp
* Solomon brags that she gets her intelligence from him
* Fool slept on the couch for that comment
* He has a ring with her initials on it
* She likes listening about sorcery
* “Papa papa! I want to have magic like you!”
* “One day, petal, one day”
* “Pinky pwomise?”
* He’d chuckle and intertwine his pinky with hers
* He spoke to soon because she started showing signs of sorcery at 6 years old
* He was so proud
* He taught her how to control it, how to maneuver it, and how to use it properly
* This definitely brought them closer together
* He’s just so happy to have her and she’s changed him to become a better person in just a few years, he loves her to infinity and beyond. He’ll protect her until his last breath 😭✋🏻
* This angel was ELATED
* He thanked you endlessly like the true gentleman he is
* He didn’t care if it was a girl or a boy he was just happy to have a child with you
* When you tell him it’s a girl he immediately starts getting things ready for her
* Her room is so angelic
* The walls are painted like the sky
* It’s so beautiful
* The day she was born, he swears he finally understood what happily ever after meant
* He didn’t know if life could get any better, he was just so happy
* And she was GORGEOUS
* She looked exactly like him
* His beautiful skin tone, eyes, everything
* I’m crying at how pretty she is 😭
* He cried too, she was a literal angel
* He helped you out with everything
* He fed her, changed her, whatever you needed
* He sang her to sleep whenever she refused to sleep
* She’d stare at him with adoration
* He liked carrying her around, even if he was busy
* Multitasking king we love to see it
* Whenever he was caring her, she would grab his cheeks and babble at him
* His heart melted every single time
* Her first word was “up”
* She liked her dad picking her up and putting her on his shoulders
* So she asked him to pick her up
* He gladly did so with a huge smile
* She LOVES his wings
* She likes playing with Luke !!
* She also likes playing dress up with her dad
* She dresses up as a princess
* She has him dressing up like a knight
* He has to come save her from the dragon
* Luke is the dragon
* And He hates playing dress up lol
* She loves hearing all about angels
* And Simeon loves telling her about them
* When she’s five, she sprouts wings!
* She’s so happy
* “Look papa I’m just like you now!”
* He cries, she’s just so beautiful
* “Yes, angel, you’re like me!”
* He teaches her how to control and maneuver her wings
* She’s very clumsy at first, but he’s always there to catch her
* Simeon vows to always be there to catch her whenever she needed him, he loves her more than life itself 🥺❤️
Luke (aged up!!)
* This man passed tf out when you told him
* He was not ready for that bomb you just dropped
* But when he wakes up he asked you how you feel and if you know the gender
* When you both go to your appointment and you’re told it’s a girl, he starts freaking out
* What if he’s not a good dad?
* What if he can’t understand her?
* His mind is literally screaming WEE WOO WEE WOO
* But you assure him that he’s gonna do just fine and she’ll love him unconditionally
* He relaxes a bit
* Like 2%
* But he’s not hyperventilating anymore so you take it as a win
* He make sure her room is as comfortable as possible
* A lot of plushies and toys
* The room is such a vibe
* When she’s born, he passed out again
* Geez Luke get a grip
* You had two precious babies to look after
* But when he came to, he was in euphoria
* His baby girl was a beautiful mix of the both of you
* He was so smitten
* She’s very attached to him
* When she’s fussy he just picks her up and she settles down
* He carries around her diaper bag
* Mammon saw him once and now he never let’s him live it down
* Luke isn’t embarrassed, he’s just irritated because it’s Mammon
* Her first word was “daddy” and Luke felt his heart go BOOM 💥
* He picked her up and gave her a forehead kiss
* “Yes, little one, I’m daddy! Y/N she knows I’m her daddy she’s a genius!”
* You just smiled as he went on and on about how much of a genius y’all’s daughter was
* Proud dad™️
* He loves taking her to petting zoos, aquariums, etc
* Her eyes light up
* As she grows she gets more feisty lol
* Simeon loves comparing her feistiness to Luke’s
* But tbh it just makes Luke smug
* He loves that he has a headstrong daughter
* He knows she won’t take anyone’s crap
* When she was in the first grade, you guys got a call from the school one day
* She punched a classmate
* It was her first offense so the school just let her off of a warning
* But when Luke asked her why she did it, she said it’s because he was bullying her friend
* Prouder dad™️
* She makes him prouder every day and he’s so proud to call himself her dad, his entire heart is hers
* he’s been wanting to have a family with you for a long time
* So when you tell him you both are going to have a baby, he is so excited!
* He’s very doting the entire time
* When you told him it was a girl he’s was very happy and supportive
* It might have been ideal for him to have a boy but we know this man lives to break the status quo
* So he’s happy
* When she was born, Diavolo fell in love all over again
* She was just such a beautiful sight
* ALSO there was a two week celebration and the devildom
* Her room was EXPENSIVE
* He said really said no budget
* Gold things everywhere
* That’s his princess, he’d do anything for her even if it meant hurting his pockets
* Dang I need myself a Diavolo 🤪
* He carries her around in a baby carrier
* She said mama first but it was just with you so when she said dada you let him think it was her first word
* You don’t wanna break his heart lol
* His devilgram is basically now a stan account for his daughter
* If he really misses her, he will take her into meetings with him
* No one dares to argue with him
* She loves being on his shoulders, the view is superb
* First day of school he took her and the entire school went crazy
* She literally told him “ how far you have to leave everybody’s freaking out over you and I’m supposed to be the cool one here!”
* He laughed and kissed her goodbye
* She’s very sweet but pretty commanding
* Diavolo gushes on how she’s totally ready to be queen one day
* All name brands for his princess
* He definitely has had a portrait of her made. It’s probably in like the dining room or the main hallway
* She loves playing hide and seek
* Can you imagine big bad Diavolo running around trying to hide in a bush but he’s too tall lmaoo
* No one ever there is mess with her
* She’s only like five but she has the entire devildom standing behind her just like with her dad, I love how powerful they are. ADORABLE AND POWERFUL ??? Best daddy daughter duo in the devildom
* Poor baby is so nervous when you tell him
* But he want nothing more than to have a family with you
* He starts preparing everything for her arrival
* Baby proofing, preparing her room, anything he can do for her
* He make sure her room was adorable and fun
* It’s a pastel paradise
* When she’s born he’s holding your hand as you carry her
* You looked up to him and asked if he wanted to hold her
* He let out a barely audible “yes”
* When you handed her over to him, she opened her eyes and cooed up at him
* Rip Barbatos.exe stopped working
* #1 dad
* He changes diapers, he cleans up after her, takes care of her so you can get some rest
* What a gentleman 😪
* She said papa first
* He remembers the exact hour minute and second she said it LMAOO
* She’s very very shy
* But he’s helping work through her anxiety and walks her through her attacks
* Wow I’m crying 😭
* They love having little cute picnics together
* She LOVES his baking
* I mean who doesn’t
* She does very well in school
* Loves reading and history
* She really enjoys helping him out in his butler duties
* She even has a matching butler outfit that you got her
* The first time he saw her in it, bby boy couldn’t stop gushing about how cute they were
* They were the best butler duo
* N E WAY before I go on and on about them, he really loves her and you. He views her as the best thing that’s ever happened to him 🥰
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Disney but just the Queer Mood™ Songs, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist with specific lyrics that fuck us all up under the cut:
KEY: A general list of which songs resonate with people. The 🏳️‍🌈is for general songs; if you relate to a song but don’t see ur emoji beneath it, send me a message and I’ll add it!
🏳️‍🌈 General Queer Anthem  🌈 Gays specifically have related to this song  ❤️ Gay Men specifically have related to this song  🧡 Lesbians specifically have related to this song 💕 Bisexuals/Pansexuals specifically have related to this song  💜 Asexuals/Ace-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 💚 Aromatics/Aro-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 🤍 Trans people have specifically related to this song 🖤 Nonbinary/Genderqueer people have specifically related to this song  💗 Polyamorous people have specifically related to this song
Know Who You Are - Moana
They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you  This is not who you are You know who you are...
I Wonder - Sleeping Beauty 
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder why each little bird has a someone To sing to, sweet things to, A gay little love melody I wonder, I wonder, I wonder if my heart keeps singing, Will my song go winging To someone, who'll find me And bring back a love song to me...
Mother Knows Best - Tangled
🏳️‍🌈 honestly this is just... a general song for some of our shitty relationships to guardian figures...
It's a scary world out there Mother knows best One way or another Something will go wrong, I swear
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know? I only bathed and changed and nursed you Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it Let me die alone here, be my guest When it's too late You'll see, just wait Mother knows best
Don't forget it You'll regret it...
Dangerous to Dream - Frozen Broadway Production
I can't be what you expect of me But I'm trying every day with all I do and do not say Here on the edge of the abyss Knowing everything in my whole life has lead to this And so I pull inside myself, close the walls, put up my guard I've practiced every single day for this So why is it so hard?
I can't dwell on what we've lost And our secrecy and silence comes at such a cost
I wish I could tell the truth Show you who's behind the door I wish you knew what all this pantomime And pageantry was for
It's dangerous to wish I could make choices of my own Dangerous to even have that thought I'm dangerous just standing here for everyone to see If I let go of rules who knows how dangerous I'd be?
Reflection - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈🤍🖤- literally everyone requested this. everyone. so im just copy-pasting the entire lyrics sorry not sorry
Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect daughter Can it be I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart
Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I’ve tried  When will my reflection show who I am inside?
How I pray that a time will come I can free myself From their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud They want a docile lamb No one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm Someone else for all time? When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflection show Who I am inside?
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
🏳️‍🌈 when u realize u might not be straight lol
I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong
Everything I ever thought I knew Where I've been, where I'm going Everything I counted on turned out to be untrue Could've guessed, should've known, now I do
If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?
I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame
🏳️‍🌈...yeah. yeah
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth God help my people, they look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will
I ask for nothing, I can get by But I know so many less lucky than I Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast
🌈 when a cishet thinks ur interested smh
Madame Gaston! Can't you just see it? Madame Gaston! His little wife No, sir! Not me! I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life!
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
🌈 SO many people requested this one guys it’s not even funny
Wandering free, wish I could be Part of that world
Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimming Ready to stand
When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?
One Jump Ahead (Reprise) - Aladdin
Riff-raff, street rat I don't buy that If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No, siree They'd find out There's so much more to me...
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
That I've been one rotten kid Some son, some pride and some joy But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times...
Water flows under the bridge Let it pass, let it go There's no good reason that you should believe me Not yet, I know, but
Someday and soon I'll make you proud of your boy Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you...
Someone’s Waiting for You - The Rescuers
Be brave, little one Make a wish for each sad little tear Hold your head up though no one is near Someone's waiting for you
Always keep a little prayer in your pocket And you're sure to see the light Soon there'll be joy and happiness And your little world will be bright
Have faith, little one Til your hopes and your wishes come true
Stick to the Status Quo - High School Musical 
No, no, no, stick to the stuff you know It is better by far to keep things as they are Don't mess with the flow, no no Stick to the status quo
Into the Unknown - Frozen 2
I can hear you, but I won't Some look for trouble while others don't There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
I've had my adventure, I don't need something new I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone How do I follow you Into the unknown?
Go the Distance - Hercules 
I have often dreamed of a far off place Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me
And a voice keeps saying This is where I'm meant to be
I am on my way, I can go the distance I don't care how far, somehow I'll be strong I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to find where I belong
Tomorrow - Annie
🏳️‍🌈 - betcha didnt know disney had an annie movie did u
The sun will come out tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow There'll be sun
When I'm stuck in a day that's gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say, oh, The sun’ll come out tomorrow So you gotta hang on til tomorrow, come what may...
Learn Me Right - Brave
Though I may speak some tongue of old Or even spit out some holy word I have no strength with which to speak When you sit me down and see I’m weak
We will run and scream you will dance with me We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free We will be who we are, and they’ll heal our scars Sadness will be far away...
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too
I will understand you Strange how I'm drawn to the danger I reach out my hand to you
If you're caught in the shadows and turned all around Lost in the darkness, you will be found If you hear my voice, follow the sound Cause I'm here to guide you home... 
I Don’t Dance - High School Musical 2 
🌈 ❤️ 💕 okay so if you weren’t here for the high school musical tumblr revival you may be confused but listen... it’s about being mlm... 
Step up to the plate, start swinging
I wanna play ball Now that’s all, this is what I do It ain’t no dance that you can show me
I’ve got what it takes playin’ my game So you best skin that pitch you gonna throw me, yeah I’ll show you how I swing
I can prove it to you ‘til you know it’s true Cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too You’re talking a lot, show me what you got Stop, swing!
Kiss the Girl - cover of The Little Mermaid 
this version is sung by a girl so 🧡💕
There you see her, sitting there across the way She don't got a lot to say but there's something about her And you don't know why, but you're dying to try You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do It's possible she want you too There is one way to ask her...
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - The Lion King 
An enchanted moment And it sees me through It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you
There's a time for everyone if they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours
And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight? How it's laid to rest It's enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast 
🏳️‍🌈- a lot of queer people tend to empathize with “beastly” characters so we all latched the fuck onto this movie huh
Just a little change, small to say the least Both a little scared, neither one prepared
Ever just the same, ever a surprise Ever as before, ever just as sure As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time, tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change Learning you were wrong...
Healing Incantation - Tangled 
Heal what has been hurt Change the fates' design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine
So Close - Enchanted 
A life goes by, romantic dreams will stop So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting waiting here with you And now, forever, I know All that I wanted to hold you so close
Oh, how could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now?
So close to reaching that famous happy end Almost believing this one's not pretend Let’s go on dreaming though we know we are So close, so close, and still So far...
If Only - Descendants
A million thoughts in my head Should I let my heart keep listening? Cause up 'til now, I've walked the line Nothing lost but something missing I can't decide what's wrong, what's right Which way should I go?
Every step, every word With every hour I'm feeling in To something new, something brave To someone I've never been
Will you still be with me When the magic's all run out?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me Don't know what I'm feeling Is this just a dream? If only I could read the signs in front of me I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
🏳️‍🌈- out of context could be interpreted as romantic, esp since the credits version is a duet (🌈 💕) but the original context is friendship so honestly it’s very 💜💚
I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me
I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far I can only dream of you
But when the morning comes and the sun begins to rise, I will lose you Because it’s just a dream, when I open up my eyes, I will lose you
I used to believe in forever, But forever is too good to be true I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far
I don't know what else to do Except to try to dream of you And wonder, if you're dreaming too Wherever you are
I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) - Hercules
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that
Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to ya Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through ya Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel And who you're thinking of
I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl!" Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈🤍 🖤 
Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream, lost to the night Father, I feel so alone
When will the dawning break, oh, endless night Sleepless I dream of the day
I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours Life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!
No one else can tell you what to do Or who to be! No one gets to say if you will stay or go
Look inside your heart and find the key... And set yourself free!
Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose Why not test your limits? You've got what it takes Let it out and follow where it goes
No more letting someone else define you to a "T" You know that you are strong You've known it all along So seize the day, let down your hair You’ll find a way to set yourself free!
So look to the horizon Open up your wings! Fly away to find your destiny... And set yourself free!
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake 
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under
Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!
Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending "Stay in your place, better seen and not heard," Well, now that story is ending
Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!
I’m Still Here (Jim’s Theme) - Treasure Planet
I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms
You don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand I'm a boy - No, I'm a man You can't take me and throw me away And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I’m not here 
And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man They can't break me As long as I know who I am
They can't tell me who to be 'Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleepin' While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe!
Crossing the Line - cover of Tangled: the Series 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 tfw when u are DONE with that fuckin closet 
This has to stop now This thing where you think that you've been my friend And don't even hear how you condescend The way you've always done
How I've tried to jump that great divide! But I've never got the chances you were given You don't know how much I've been denied Well, I'm not being patient anymore
I'm crossing the line! And I'm done holding back So look out, clear the track, it's my turn! I'm taking what's mine Every drop, every smidge If I'm burning a bridge, let it burn! But I'm crossing the line...
Let it Go - Frozen 
🏳️‍🌈 listen. i do not have to explain this one. you all know exactly why it’s here. we were all tiny gays in 2013 losing our shit in the theater for no discernable reason why. we know
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say!
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all!
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!
I'm never going back, the past is in the past!
Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone!
This is Me - Camp Rock 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 💕 🤍
I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say But I have this dream right inside of me I'm gonna let it show it's time To let you know It's to let you know
Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark? To dream about a life where you're the shining star
This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be...
Breaking Free - High School Musical 
🏳️‍🌈 🖤
You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are Creating space between us 'Till we're separate hearts But your faith it gives me strength Strength to believe
Soarin, flyin There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach If we’re trying, yeah we’re breaking free  We’re running, climbin  To get to the place, to be all that we can be  Now’s the time, so we’re breaking free
True To Your Heart - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
Baby, I knew at once that you were meant for me Deep in my soul, I know that I'm your destiny Though you're unsure Why fight the tide Don't think so much Let your heart decide
True to your heart You must be true to your heart That's when the heavens'll part And, baby, shower you with my love Open your eyes Your heart can tell you no lies And when you're true to your heart I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
Someone ya know is on your side can set you free I can do that for you if you believe in me Why second guess what feels so right Just trust your heart And you'll see the light
Never Knew I Needed - The Princess and the Frog 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
For the way you changed my plans For being the perfect distraction For the way you took the idea that I have Of everything that I wanted to have And made me see there was something missing...
My accidental happily ever after The way you smile and how you comfort me with your laughter I must admit you were not a part of my book But now if you open it up and take a look You're the beginning and the end of every chapter
You're the best thing I never knew I needed So when you were here I had no idea You'd be the best thing I never knew I needed So now it's so clear I need you here always
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
🏳️‍🌈 - colors.... rainbows.... yea
How can there be so much that you don't know? You don't know...
You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew
How high will the sycamore grow If you cut it down, then you'll never know And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon For whether we are white or copper skinned We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains We need to paint with all the colors of the wind...
I See the Light - Tangled 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 - you would not BELIEVE how many of y’all requested this one
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here, it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be
Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here, suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything looks different Now that I see you
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 🖤- that moment when u find another queer person and ur like “holy shit”
I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there
Come with me now to see my world Where there's beauty beyond your dreams Can you feel the things I feel Right now, with you Take my hand There's a world I need to know...
Why Should I Worry? - Oliver & Company 
🏳️‍🌈- we’re queer, we’re here, get used to it 
Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime But I got street savoir-faire Why should I worry? Why should I care? It's just be-bopulation And I got street savoir-faire
Why should I worry? Why should I care? And even when I crossed that line I got street savoir-faire
Welcome - Brother Bear 
🏳️‍🌈 pride parade amirite
Everyone's invited This is how we live We are here for each other, happy to give All we have we share And all of us we care
There's a bond between us nobody can explain It's a celebration of life We see our friends again I'll be there for you I know you'll be there for me, too So come on!
This has to be the most beautiful The most peaceful place I've ever been to It's nothing like I've never seen before When I think how far I've come I can't believe it And yet I see it In them I see family I see the way we used to be...
The Great Divide - Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings
I'm on your side Let's take this ride And together we're facing the world Doing things nobody's done before And the great divide doesn’t seem so wide anymore
With You by My Side - Tangled: the Series 
💗 - tangled the series was so close to being canon polyam istg
Now; now more than ever We must stick together united
If we're destined to head in our own different ways Let's make the most of these sweet final days Why not go out in a glorious blaze
There's nothing I couldn't do Not with you by my side What in the world would I do Without you by my side...
Love Will Find a Way - The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
In a perfect world One we've never known We would never need to face the world alone They can have the world We'll create our own I may not be brave or strong or smart But somewhere in my secret heart
And if only they could feel it too The happiness I feel with you
Like dark turning into day Somehow we'll come through Now that I've found you Love will find a way I know love will find a way
Space Between - Descendants 2
🧡 never have i ever seen gays flock to a song faster
And you can find me in the space between Where two worlds come to meet I'll never be out of reach Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between You'll never be alone No matter where you go We can meet in the space between
Even if we're worlds apart You're still in my heart It will always be you and me, yeah
If I Never Knew You - Pocahontas
And if I never held you I would never have a clue How at last I'd find in you The missing part of me...
In this world so full of fear Full of rage and lies I can see the truth so clear In your eyes So dry your eyes
If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real Never knowing I could feel A love so strong and true
I thought our love would be so beautiful  Somehow we'd make the whole world bright I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong All they'd leave us were these whispers in the night But still my heart is saying we were right
I’d Give Anything - Tangled: the Series 
🧡 rapunzel’s sad breakup song
So if you find that you're in darkness or despair Though you won't turn to me please know I'll be right there Name any sacrifice, I'll pay the price that's due Cause I'd give anything for you Yes, I'd give anything to relive everything we knew...
Someday - Hunchback of Notre Dame 
I used to believe In the days I was naïve That I'd live to see A day of justice dawn And though I will die Long before that morning comes I'll die while believing still It will come when I am gone
Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live
Someday, these dreams will all be real Till then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day Someday soon... 
No One Is Alone - Into the Woods 
Mother cannot guide you, now your on your own. Only me beside you, still you're not alone. No one is alone. Truly, no one is alone…
People make mistakes Holding to their own  Thinking they’re alone 
Someone is on your side, someone else is not  While we’re seeing our side, maybe we forgot  They are not alone, no one is alone...
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) - Moana
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 - it’s about the self-acceptance binch
Sometimes, the world seems against you The journey may leave a scar But scars can heal and reveal just Where you are
The people you love will change you The things you have learned will guide you And nothing on Earth can silence The quiet voice still inside you
I've delivered us to where we are I have journeyed farther I am everything I've learned and more Still it calls me
And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me! It's like the tide, always falling and rising I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me That come what may I know the way
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
🏳️‍🌈 - this one was claimed immediately by the queer community and we all have a stake in it but i do want to point out that i got this from a LOT of 🤍 🖤 💜 💚
I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside You have secrets too But you don't have to hide
I've never felt so certain All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason Could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different Normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?
Oh, show yourself Let me see who you are... Come to me now Open your door Don't make me wait One moment more!
(Come, my darling, homeward bound) I am found!
Transformation / Beauty and the Beast (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast Broadway Production 
We are home, we are where we shall be forever  Trust in me, for you know I won’t run away from today This is all that I need, and all that I need to say  Don’t you know how you’ve changed me? Strange how I finally see  I found home, you’re my home, stay with me... 
Finale / Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈 this makes me bawl so it gets finale
There’s so much I longed to say Then say it all, beginning with today It’s like a dream I thought could never be  Elsa, you’re free 
Here we stand in the light of day Let the sun shine on 
I take this warmth within and send it up above Goodbye to dark and fear, let’s fill this world with light and love And here surrounded by a family at least  We’re never going back, the past is in the past 
Let our true love go  Let it go!
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mistresseast · 4 years
can you explain in more detail why you think the PT weren't good friends for akiren? i'm not asking out of hate or to start drama, i just never interpreted things that way and i'm genuinely curious. i don't think them being brainwashed by maruki makes them "bad friends", but i don't know if that's what you meant either. i'd love to read a proper explanation on this that isn't just people arguing in the notes of that post.
Hi! Yeah, I know the ~discourse~ climate is pretty touchy and not a good place to exchange ideas, so I’ll do my best to put my thoughts on this matter into words. 
Settle in, bc this one is long.
I’ll start off by saying I don’t dislike the PT, nor do I think they’re bad people, and honestly I think they love Joker a lot! Ryuji calling Akira after his fake death and talking about how his ideas on what makes a hero have changed because of Akira genuinely makes me emotional, along with dozens of other scenes with the thieves! They’re good kids who could be really good friends to Akira but that’s not what’s shown in the game. I don’t think it’s controversial to say Akira’s relationships with all of his friends are transactional. That’s kind of the point, all of his confidants arise out of deals, give and take, and in the metanarrative of the game, that’s how it works. You as the player help these characters solve their problems, and through ranking their confidants up, you get access to more gameplay perks. So it’s pretty even!! But like,,Akira, the character, isn’t the player. There’s no in-story mechanic by which he can cash in friendship points for being-good-at-killing-things prizes. Yes, he uses those abilities to not die in the metaverse, but there is no literal, in-universe way to explain how hanging out with someone translates to [insert gameplay perk here]. So you have to look at what is physically happening in the story. Akira hangs out with the PT, stands there while they have drama with another irrelevant character, and then one way or another their problems get solved and they swear to be Akira’s blood brother or whatever. Akira is a crutch for these characters, and they say multiple times that they wouldn’t have been able to do what they did without him. So all of their shit gets handled and Akira gets?? Like actually gets?? What? Inquiries about his well-being? Offers to help him? Questions about his life, his interests? No,,,not really,, But he gets access to a super powerful persona!! Yay!!! Bc everyone knows he’s just a little shadow-killing machine, right? And even the relationships he does get something tangible (as in separate from the mechanics of the game) out of, like Kawakami’s, are built on the notion that if Akira stops providing for whatever reason, the relationship will end. So essentially, Akira is under the pressure of filling whatever role his friends need him in for however long at any time, and he’s been led to believe that if he stops or fails, he will stop receiving any reciprocal care and acceptance.
(And I know this is all gameplay stuff, I know it has to be like this to codify the complicated process of human relationships, I know all of that, I’m just trying to find a deeper layer bc that’s what I do.)
This whole thing comes into pretty clear focus for me during the third semester when you visit everyone in the false reality. Everyone is happy to see him, of course, but they’re clearly wrapped up in their own happiness. Which is understandable, again, I’m not saying the PT need to be attached to Akira to be good friends, but it all still feels off to me.
If they know Joker, then they’d know it’s weird that he just shows up and starts asking these pointed questions while they’re in the middle of something. All of their other interactions with him have been led by them. Yeah, Joker approaches them bc the player has decided to hang out with them, but the other character always chooses the activity and leads the discussion. Akira showing up out of nowhere and asking them to “remember” and “move on” and whatnot should be raising some major red flags. And it clearly does, since their memories do start to return, but they’re all too scared of losing their happiness that they nope out of the conversation as soon as possible, without stopping to consider why Joker might be trying to reach out to them like that. They’re his friends; they should know he wouldn’t just be trying to hurt them or make them unhappy. After all, their entire relationship with him up til that point has been exclusively about Joker trying to help them. This doesn’t make the PT bad people, running away is a totally natural reaction in that situation. They’re just kids, and their minds have been manipulated to a point, but it’s not like they don’t remember Joker or the way they’ve grown since meeting him. In fact many of them mention how much they’ve matured recently, but they never actually relate that back to Akira, despite him being the primary driving force behind most of their personal arcs, even though they definitely remember him. Translation vagueness or deliberate nod to the idea that the PT don’t actually credit Akira with all the hard work he did after their initial lip service? Hmmm. Anyway, their failure to recognize that Joker is struggling just demonstrates to me what was set up all throughout their confidant links, that their relationships are transactional and that they don’t necessarily consider Joker and his individual needs outside of what he provides for them. And when they no longer need him bc that hole has been filled, he simply doesn’t occupy the same place of importance in their lives. 
Makoto’s flashback in particular stood out to me, bc it was from a moment where she was specifically talking about feeling like she finally found a place to belong with the Phantom Thieves (and by extension, with Joker), but then she desperately tries to brush it off. Obviously that sense of belonging wasn’t meaningful enough to her for her to want it back. And I’m not blaming her, of course, any teenager would choose to have their father back over being in a vigilante group lmao, I just thought it was telling that the devs decided to show us a scene that was originally meant to be heartwarming as an example of the harsh reality Makoto wants to forget. All of the flashbacks are from defining moments for the thieves, but that one specifically got me like *thinking emoji*
So his friends are hesitant, despite the fact that they must know something is wrong. It’s understandable, they all stand to lose a lot if someone messes with the status quo. I genuinely don’t think I would react any differently. But there is someone who reacts differently and against his own self-interest. It’s Goro, the one who has arguably the most to lose, who doesn’t turn away from Akira. He seeks Akira out and teams up with him to uncover what’s really going on, even though he has every reason to believe that prodding too deep will literally mean the end of his life. He forces Akira and himself to face the truth because he knows anything else would just be an insult to what they’ve suffered so far. He’s the only one who never flinches, and that, more than any of his friends’ come-to-jesusing (which Akira still has to initiate) is what Akira needs in that situation. For the first time (outside of the brief instances in the tutorial levels), we see a situation where Akira is actually the dependent one, the one who needs help, who needs support. And the only one who has ever provided that, unconditionally, without demanding anything in return, is Goro. I could go into how Goro’s confidant blows all of the others out of the water in terms of building both himself AND Akira as characters, but it’s been said already and by smarter people than me. But basically, despite competition being a core theme of their relationship, Goro is the only character who is portrayed as Akira’s equal. Their contests are all in the name of improving not just Goro, but Akira too. Goro is the only character who expresses an interest in Akira’s inner life and development, and as such he knows Akira better than anyone else. So when Maruki tries to trap them all in a gilded birdcage, Goro won’t stand for it and he knows Akira won’t stand for it either. That’s why he’s so betrayed if you choose to accept the dreamworld. You’re negating the basis of your entire relationship with him and going against your own principles. Out of every character in the game, the one who knows Akira best and refuses to abandon him even when that could mean his own death is Goro Akechi.
I want to reiterate: I do not hate or even dislike the PT!! And tbh I don’t really think they “abandoned” Akira. That post, imo, is supposed to be kind of hyperbolic. Unless it’s referring to how many of them literally sprint away when he comes to talk to them lol. I look at it more like a commentary on how thoughtlessly the PT act as soon as their wishes are granted. I know it’s set up linearly for story purposes, but isn’t it kind of sad how no one checks up on Akira in the week he’s going around talking to people? Especially after he’s been acting so comparatively weird? It’s not unusual that they might be caught up in other stuff, but while you’re going around and visiting everyone, you don’t get a single text or call from ANY of the thieves, for a whole week!! Goro even comments on it directly with his pointed little “I’m sure you’re just as close as you were before” comment. God, he’s such a bitch. Ultimately, the PT do get their acts together, and it’s partially out of the realization that Akira is struggling alone against something and needs their help, which I love and appreciate. I think they are good friends who want to support Akira, but they can’t understand him past the role they’ve placed him in, and until they do, they’ll never be able to be what he needs. Akira loves his friends and knows he can rely on them in most ways, but those relationships will always be dogged by the pervasive fear that he must constantly earn the right to have the relationship at all. What he needs MOST is someone he doesn’t have to perform for, and from what we see in the game, none of the thieves fit that bill. Except Goro. 
I know this was long and rambly and probably pretty disjointed but I wanted to be as thorough as possible and all of my thoughts just sort of gushed out. Obviously ymmv about all of this depending on how you interpret the game, but this is what I arrived at thanks to my analysis so this is what I have for you! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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