#malfoys vs potters
fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
Double Standards: Malfoys vs Potters Edition
It's interesting how people view the Malfoy vs Potter men. The Malfoys are often considered shallow while the Potters are lauded for befriending the "downtrodden".
James Potter befriended Remus Lupin, a disadvantaged werewolf. He and his friends became animagi for Lupin. That's great and all...but then why was Remus so hesitant to go against the status quo and speak out against the marauders - to do his job as prefect?
And James treated Wormtail like trash too.
‘How thick are you, Wormtail?’ said James impatiently. ‘You run round with a werewolf once a month –’
Nice to say that out loud where anyone can hear, Jamie.
‘Put that away, will you,’ said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer, ‘before Wormtail wets himself with excitement.’ Wormtail turned slightly pink, but James grinned.
“Lily and James only made you Secret Keeper because I suggested it,” Black hissed, so venomously that Pettigrew took a step backwards. “I thought it was the perfect plan… a bluff… Voldemort would be sure to come after me, would never dream they’d use a weak, talentless thing like you… it must have been the finest moment of your miserable life, telling Voldemort you could hand him the Potters.”
You really don't get the vibe that Sirius or James held little Petie in high regard, do you?
It can't be more obvious that Sirus and James were top dogs and Peter and Remus were just add-ons.
As for Harry, where to start with him? He shows little empathy for other people and has a nasty habit of describing people in dehumanizing ways (eg. Aberforth, Salazar Slytherin, Marcus etc). He has probably described Tom Riddle, the guy who murdered his parents, as attractive more times than his own girlfriend Ginny. He latched on to Ron because of his family and honestly, Hermione feels like a pity friend at times. Harry hardly likes being around her without Ron. Harry has another nasty habit of giving his best friends the silent treatment until they come crawling back to him, even when he is in the wrong too (re firebolt for Hermione and Ron believing Harry entered his name in the goblet of fire).
‘Hullo,’ said the boy, ‘Hogwarts too?’ ‘Yes,’ said Harry. ‘My father’s next door buying my books and mother’s up the street looking at wands,’ said the boy. He had a bored, drawling voice. ‘Then I’m going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don’t see why first-years can’t have their own. I think I’ll bully father into getting me one and I’ll smuggle it in somehow.’
Yet, no one seems to give Lucius and Draco any credit. These people are supposed to be snobby, pureblood supremacists. Yet, even though Harry was dressed in decrepit muggle clothes, Draco still engaged him in conversation. Draco had no idea who Harry was, had no clue he was famous at the time, and still made several efforts to talk with him and continue the conversation even when Harry was cold and aloof.
And Severus Snape moved off to the other side of the Hall, away from Lily, to where the Slytherins were cheering him, to where Lucius Malfoy, a prefect badge gleaming upon his chest, patted Snape on the back as he sat down beside him …
Lucius knows 'Snape' is not a pureblood name. He could see Snape's clothes were probably old hand-me-downs. He knows Snape is way below his class. Yet, he still welcomes Snape warmly to Slytherin. What reason would he have to fake pleasantries with a poor half-blood? I doubt Slughorn or the other bigoted purebloods would care if Lucius left his seat in disgust at Snape's presence. Even as adults, it is indicated in the narrative multiple times that Lucius holds Snape in high esteem. Draco held Snape in high esteem too despite being a halfblood.
The same Snape that James Potter tormented for no good reason - because Snape existed. Instead of targetting the purebloods like Avery and Mulciber, James and his delinquent loser gang went after Snape, the poor half-blood. Harry literally did nothing as Snape lay dying in the same shack that Lupin almost killed him in two decades prior.
Harry describes Pansy as being pug-faced...yet Draco still dated her. Even though Crabbe turned on him, Draco still grieved for him afterwards. Compared to Harry who only dates the prettiest girls and body shames other girls if they don't meet his standard and only cares about people who do things for him, like him and are loyal to him. It's only when the people he dislikes die for him that he changes his tune and suddenly they become great people.
How can people say the Potters are less shallow than the Malfoys??Draco and Lucius will always be high-class elitists who believe in sticking with their 'own kind' but give credit where credit is due.
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Harry, at brunch with his in-laws: where did Draco go? I just left for like 5 seconds???
Narcissa: he’s trying to fight the peacocks again
Draco, from outside: REMEMBER ME, YOU BASTARDS?
Lucius: we really should’ve sent him to therapy
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inheartofwinter · 2 months
Drarry Fic Rec List: Us Vs The World
The list I want to show you to day is one I especially adore: fics with strong vibe of "us against the world". They could be good, they could be bad, they could save the world, they could destroy it, they could simply go on with their lives. No matter what, they will always have each other.
- Hell & Other Places (M; 2,5k) by @tepre
OR: 9 times Draco said ‘I love you’ and 1 time he didn’t.
Draco & Harry are sent to investigate a haunted Bed & Breakfast.
- Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis (E; 49999) by @vukovich
Harry's assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy's missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who's making withdrawals from Malfoy's vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can't. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry.
- Basement Level 9 (M; 2k) by @fw00shy
Draco was behind the bomb that blew up Level 10, though they didn't talk about it.
- Stay with Me 'Til Morning (R; 8,4k) by Lucilla Darkate
In a once upon a time world, white magic would triumph over black, good would carry the day, evil would be vanquished, the valiant would stand and be true, and always, always, true love would end with a happily ever after.
- Purple Words (E; 67k) by FangirlWolfie
“High five me.”
James immediately put Harry down and gave him a high five.
- In Grey Worsted (M; 2,8k) by literaryspell
Harry's only chance at happiness is slipping away, one piece at a time. He isn’t about to give up, though.
- Ever Fixed Mark (T; 1,1k) by @shealwaysreads
In which Harry decides to burn the world, and Draco watches on with adoration.
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken
Shakespeare, Sonnet 116
- Dead Ends (E; 18,8k) by @toxik-angel & @melcarrianna
Head Auror Harry Potter is the best at his job. Head Auror Harry Potter always saves the day.
But someone has been picking off ex-Death Eaters one by one. Someone has been abducting Harry's friends right out of their homes. Someone is fucking the Minister for Magic.
The Minister for Magic and Head Auror are both very concerned about it.
- Because Potter Is Allergic to Poppies (M; 41,1k) by Lomonaaeren
Auror Harry Potter is in hospital being treated for a curse when someone tries to kill him. Obviously it is up to bored, trapped Apprentice Healer Draco, who was only admitted to the Healer Program in the first place to do the menial work, to find out who did it. Because then they will promote him. No, it’s for no other reason, thanks.
- Toujours pur (T; 21k) by Veralynn
"Malfoy would never confess truth to an enemy, and we’re enemies to him. That’s way I made a plan.”
“A rat,” Harry said.
“Exactly. Someone I can trust one hundred per cent about You-Know-Who. Someone who knows well Malfoy and his past. That makes you the perfect candidate.”
- REVOLVEVLOVER (E; 46,3k) by @firethesound & zeitgeistic
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.
It’s just that he’s never deciphered a kill sheet and seen Draco Malfoy’s name on it.
Career Choices: Harry: Hit Wizard; Draco: Anti-Government Extremist
- Who we are in the shadows (E; 99,7k) by @quicksilvermaid
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
- Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin (T; 34,9k) by sabershadowkat
At the heart of every Slytherin.
- The Boy and the Sleeping Prince (E; 26,7k) by @phoenix-acid & @writcraft
Harry is miserable and tired of being an Auror, coasting through life until he’s forced to make some changes. Spurred on by his passion for drawing and working with best-selling author Draco Malfoy, Harry develops a charm which gives children a magical, interactive reading experience. But when it’s time to test the spell, the two men find themselves trapped in a nightmarish fairy tale world. Can they escape unscathed, or is Draco right in his assertions that there is no such thing as a happily ever after?
Career Choices: Harry: Illustrator; Draco: Writer
- When Death Comes Calling (T; 2,6k) by @mystickitten42
It’s All Hallows’ Eve and as Harry investigates a string of seemingly related deaths, there’s one he hopes to prevent.
He looks over Harry’s shoulder and Harry turns too. They both see it, the dark translucent figure making its way to shore.
~ Or ~
Getting together in the face of Death. Literally.
- Servile (E; 68,5k) by calrissian18
“I would love anything you gifted me, My Lord, but this,” silver eyes, the same shade as the dragon that marked Harry's arm, glinted in his direction under the Death Eater’s hood, “is exquisite.”
- The Corruption Sequence series (E; 94,2k) by beren
Harry Potter is captured by Voldemort and the Dark Lord has plans for him that involve the essence of many different dark creatures. What Voldemort cannot know is that the presence of Draco Malfoy will affect the outcome of his plots and change everything.
- More Powerful Then Experience (M; 89,7k) by flightinflame
Harry's life changes when he is three, when his parents are murdered and the Dark Lord takes him to raise as his own.
Draco's life changes when he is six, when he finds himself given to a strange green-eyed boy who speaks Parseltongue and casts impossible magic.
Remus's life changes three years later, when a chance meeting proves to him that somehow James and Lily's son is still alive.
- The Gryffindor Prince (G; 6,3k) by @mfingenius
“Do not come near us again, evil Slytherins!” he exclaims, pointing his wand towards them again. Pansy and Blaise look more amused than anything, really, but they hold up their hands in surrender. 
“Alright,” Pansy says, agreeably enough, a smirk on her face. “But Potter, Draco’s a Slytherin, like us. He’ll have to come back eventually.”
Harry’s eyes narrow, and, a moment later, he is throwing Draco over his shoulder, arm tight across the back of his thighs so he won’t fall, and Draco yelps.
Have fun reading!
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omniluci-estumbra · 4 months
How it feels to meet Fanon Draco for the first time 💚🍏
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Is it just me or we barely have any tomarry heist au's??? Like, imagine them teaming up and breaking into places — Tom doing the planning/breaking in and Harry doing the stealing and making plans on his feet if they have any problems. Imagine, everyone is after them but no one knows who they are — and they are ALWAYS successful.
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There are sooo many characters I could use but imma try to keep this list short
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the issue with drarry
before you get angry, hear me out.
[ has mentions of sex, although not explicit; don’t read for younger audiences ]
i am a huge drarry fan. i’ve always loved the rivals-to-lovers trope (if you wanna call it enemies-to-lovers, go ahead, the line between rivals and enemies is so blurred in fanfiction) and drarry sets it up perfectly - draco, a normal boy (not some sort of miniature devil baby) who grew up surrounded by bigoted views and a controlling father (not entirely abuse, although i’m not defending lucius here, I’m just saying we don’t automatically have to make lucius abusive because he was on the wrong side) and ended up biting off more than he could chew. he joined the wrong side, and we know that draco sees this, particularly in deathly hallows and the cursed child. then we have harry, the golden boy who was automatically born into the light side, who was forced to believe the world is either inherently evil or inherently good; a black-and-white picture, if you will. either way, draco is the supposed ‘enemy’ and harry is the ‘hero’.
and while this works perfectly fine - both are compelling characters, although harry, in my opinion, isn’t as well-thought out as draco - the way the fandom pushes them into certain characterizations drives me insane.
draco is almost always the mastermind, the trickster, the feminine sub, the one who doesn’t need anybody else because they’re lesser than him, the smooth one, the one who always apologizes to the golden trio when the golden trio did some shit things too, the one who’s despicable but also has a great heart and ‘my dad told me no’, the one who never grows out of insulting harry and his friends. why is draco portrayed like this? why does he always, post-war, suddenly join the golden trio and get on his hands and knees to ask for forgiveness? where are his slytherin buddies? i thought draco saw the slytherins as his friends, not the shit image of them that dumbledore painted when the bastard was alive. yet, he almost never spends time with them in fanfictions, especially post-war. he IMMEDIATELY runs to the golden trio and gets wrapped up in the whole weasley family. what happened to his family? i do know that his parents (or just lucius) are thrown into azkaban, and half of his family is shit, but that doesn’t mean he has to completely dump them, or his friends.
speaking of family, why does harry have SO much more family lore (especially with the Blacks) than draco? draco’s the one who’s related to them! shouldn’t he have some memorable experiences with his family that aren’t just outright abuse? it drives me insane.
and why are draco’s sectumsempra scars sexualized? harry fucking outright attacked him with a spell he didn’t know how to use (kudos to hermione on this one) and then 19 years later, they’re fucking each other and moaning about how pretty his scars look. harry ATTACKED him. draco somehow ALWAYS forgets about his scars until they’re in bed together, and then when harry sees them, he’s like “oh sorry” and draco IMMEDIATELY forgives him, or doesn’t even say anything. What? this also leads towards the helpless, overdramatic princess draco who needs everything done for him. no. draco might’ve been helpless when he was younger, but that’s because his parents - especially lucius - were so controlling. he literally couldn’t do anything. draco knows how to take care of himself.
now. harry. harry is always the masculine golden boy who can’t determine his broom from his glasses, who always needs draco to apologize to him and doesn’t see the world beyond black and white, even after the war. and while harry was forced to believe this by a whole number of people (mostly the order), he never grows out of this. but at the same time, draco is always the one exception to this. draco’s the one who “isn’t like the other girls” and who harry somehow manages to forgive every time. I’m not excusing harry and the golden trio for their behavior, as they did some fucked up shit too, but draco also wasn’t a great person either. he called hermione a mudblood on several occasions, but for some reason, it’s always ron and draco who can’t get along. why is hermione so willing to forgive? in the books, ron should be the one willing to forgive, and hermione the one who doesn’t like draco. and dramione is a whole other post, along with how women are portrayed in the hp universe and in the fandom.
harry is also always putting up with draco’s shit behavior. draco calls his friend a racial slur? well, he doesn’t mean it because that’s how he was raised. draco insults his intelligence every other word he speaks? well, that’s just one of his quirks. no. canon harry would get up off of his ass and say something, but for some reason in the fandom, he’s always this doormat who can’t get over draco’s fucking nose shape when draco is actively insulting him. fanon harry never stands up for himself. he’s always saying how draco is just trying to change, he doesn’t mean to call hermione a mudblood or actively insult the weasleys and the fact they can’t afford a whole fucking mansion like draco can.
and then, for some reason, harry’s always this himbo quidditch jock. while harry isn’t the brightest (“why is roonil wazlib written on the inside of your textbook?” “ah, that’s my nickname” WHAT 😭) he certainly isn’t a complete and total idiot. he’s the chosen one, and i would like to think that harry had to learn a great deal of things to protect himself. maybe harry never studied in school, but god, did he learn expecto patronum quick. just because harry was never really seen traditionally studying doesn’t mean his brain is smoother than ice. give me a harry that is constantly looking for more protection spells to protect himself and his friends, even if it isn’t through traditional means (think hermione the bookworm, if you want an example). give me a harry who spends time with neville studying the healing properties of plants in case he doesn’t have a potion on him. give me a harry who could list out how to brew a polyjuice potion off the top of his head. while i don’t like auror harry that much, i can certainly see that aurors need to have some level of intelligence if they’re actively fighting dark wizards. they need to know the aftereffects of this spell and the cure to fix it.
anyways that’s it for today because my post is so long wtf. i need sleep.
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incorrect-malfoys · 9 months
*on a mission together*
Bellatrix: Okay. I'll take the ones on the right, you take the ones on the left
Lucius: But there's twice as many on the left!
Bellatrix, already fighting them: I know. I can count
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this isn't even a Scorpius Malfoy variant, this just is Scorpius Malfoy
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cadriox · 4 months
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Love of my life
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
Double Standards: Malfoys vs Weasleys Edition
I'm on a roll, baby! TWO double standards today! All from book 4!
Moody’s magical eye spun around to stare at Ron; Ron looked extremely apprehensive, but after a moment Moody smiled – the first time Harry had seen him do so. ‘You’ll be Arthur Weasley’s son, eh?’ Moody said. ‘Your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ago …”
. . . my husband, Arthur, has just managed to get prime tickets through his connections at the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
Fudge, who wasn’t listening, said, “Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He’s here as my guest.”
Bonus from Book 5
Harry distinctly heard the gentle clinking of what sounded like a full pocket of gold. ‘Really, just because you are Dumbledore’s favourite boy, you must not expect the same indulgence from the rest of us … shall we go up to your office, then, Minister?’
What I find most notable here is the difference in nature between the scenarios. The Malfoys' nepotism is more quid pro quo. Charity donations and political bribery. Whereas Authur Weasley seems to have used his position to help people like the Bagmans skirt the law. A government official helps another official's relative with a sketchy situation and in return, he gets expensive, premier seats?! Sounds a bit corrupt to me.
But hardly anyone in HP fandom has an issue with nepotism when the Weasleys do it. Nope, it's only bad when the rich Malfoys do it, duh!
Mum’s writing to the Muggles to ask you to stay. We’re coming for you whether the Muggles like it or not, you can’t miss the World Cup, only Mum and Dad reckon it’s better if we pretend to ask their permission first. Ron, it’s all OK, the Muggles say I can come.
Mr Malfoy’s eyes had returned to Hermione, who went slightly pink, but stared determinedly back at him. Harry knew exactly what was making Mr Malfoy’s lip curl. The Malfoys prided themselves on being pure-bloods; in other words, they considered anyone of Muggle descent, like Hermione, second-class.
Bonus: Weasley hypocrisy
“That’s sick,” Ron muttered, watching the smallest Muggle child, who had begun to spin like a top, sixty feet above the ground, his head flopping limply from side to side. “That is really sick…”
What I found very fascinating is how the discrimination is presented. The Weasleys' disgusting prejudice towards muggles is very casual. It's treated as normal and acceptable: for heaven's sake, Harry (our wonderful hero) even participates in dehumanizing his relatives. I bet most HP readers don't even bat an eye - JKR has trained the reader to accept muggle dehumanization. Yet, what I find strange is that Harry has to literally spell out the Malfoy's distaste for Hermione. Why is JKR wasting her time with this? By book 4, we already know how the Malfoys feel about Hermione. I think it's another indicator of JKR's crappy writing.
Anyway, after we see the appalling way the Weasleys treat the Durselys and the Grangers, JKR expects her readers to swallow Ron acting as a moral compass when he sees the muggle family being tortured? Please.
People need to remember that we are the muggles. Would you prefer the Malfoys who hate all things muggle and mainly want their world to be separate from muggles and keep to themselves (which Draco said way back in book 1 when he met Harry)?? Or would you prefer the Weasleys who have little respect for muggles and have little qualms about invading your home and bodily autonomy?
As a black woman, I prefer a KKK racist who lives far away from me and who I will probably never see in my lifetime. Compared to a white liberal who causally asks me degrading questions every day like why my English is so good when I am from Jamaica. Or anyone else for that matter who makes me feel insecure about my culture and abilities. All under the guise of being a so-called ally.
Truly, between the Malfoys and Weasleys, who has caused muggles more harm on screen or on paper?? I don't know how many people Lucius hurt as a DE besides the poor Roberts family but given JKR treats muggles as NPCs in her books, I guess those rando people Lucius may have killed don't matter :(. And why were muggles there anyway?! At a wizarding event?! That poor Mr. Roberts being treated worse than a dog by people who are supposed to be pro-muggle leaning.
At that moment, a wizard in plus-fours appeared out of thin air next to Mr Roberts’s front door. “Obliviate!” he said sharply, pointing his wand at Mr Roberts. “Been having a lot of trouble with him. Needs a Memory Charm ten times a day to keep him happy.”
Sigh. Muggles deserved better. Forget Draco calling Hermione a mudblood. Like that slur means anything to Hermione anyway. Or has any meaningful impact. Muggles are the true victims in these books.
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the-real-milo · 2 years
harry: you, draco malfoy, are my archnemesis
draco: we’ve literally been married for seven years i’m sorry i gave you a mug for christmas
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celilasart · 6 months
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i managed to put together a small art vs artist 2023 thing, though i didn't even share most of the art on it publicly (yet). and the first one is still a WIP 😅 maybe soon! (small because normally you share 8 images in this "challenge", but i couldn't even find that many ...)
i wish you all happy holidays and all the best for 2024 💕💕💕 thank you so much for stopping by 🥰
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yourbiggestfan2020 · 5 months
Hermione was like "damn that's crazy."
She was unhinged. Luckily, she was on our side. But can you imagine if she wasn't?
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blackcathjp · 4 months
au where harry goes on the amazing race with ron, only to fall in love with their team's camera operator, draco malfoy.
nobody knows where he went, rarely showing face in wizard society, but a muggle reality show was the last place harry expected to see him.
draco's not supposed to interfere, but sometimes he films a specific spot to drop hints (and because harry is always looking at him, he immediately gets it). he teaches harry (only harry) a few words to aid them in each country, a culmination of all the places he's been to because of TAR. his kindness and travel intellectualism, paired with his soft smile when harry cracks a joke or solves a puzzle, makes harry's heart go BADUMP... BADUMP!
the audio person (blaise) tells him off for being too friendly with the team (shows bias), but draco huffs, cause it's not like he's directly helping, right? plus, he has front row seats to harry potter and ron weasley making complete fools out of themselves.
ron dgaf what's happening with drarry - he's determined to beat hermione and ginny's team, who bragged that ron and harry can't outsmart or out-physical them. he's so over harry pining and obsessing over the same guy, still. but he laughs when harry tries to impress draco and fails, and embarrasses harry in front of his crush especially since harry makes it so easy, like ogling draco when he's on a water break.
draco: busy filming, has to run at their pace or faster with a giant camera on his shoulder, not 100% paying attention.
harry: (thinking: look at me draco!) i can outrun them! *trips over literal air, allowing ginny and hermione to beat them to the mat*
also harry: witty, natural yet awkward charisma, does well under pressure, good at deduction but even better with ron, humble and likeable too
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t1oui · 3 days
personally i think love, simon leaving out the book detail of simon and leah shipping drarry was a mistake
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