#malibu rescue
what's your favorite obscure movie?
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crippling-pages · 4 months
Watched Malibu Rescue (movie) last night, loved it, THEN I watched the first few eps of the TV series, and this morning I watched two or three. (I'm on ep6).
Kinda obsessed with it right now tbh.
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batfamgalore · 1 year
Bruce: Promise me you’ll win this thing today.
Dick: I promise you we won’t give up!
Bruce: That’s not what I asked you to promise me.
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springzero123 · 4 months
✨ all the barbie themed portrait wallpapers i have because im insane (steal it or use it if you like idc) ✨
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NST #868: Malibu Rescue: The Series s01e08 (2019)
Multiple string boards appear, lining the walls of a small room in Malibu Rescue: The Series s01e08 (Netflix, 2019).
From contributor Chris Aldrich.
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theoihalioistuff · 5 months
"In regard to myth, although there does not exist a female equivalent of the well-known loves between a god and a young mortal (e.g., Apollo and Hyacinthus), a motif of interest appears in the story of Callisto: according to one variation, attested by scholia on Hesiod and Aratos, Zeus adopts the guise of Artemis in order to engage in a sexual relationship with the goddess’s preferred companion." Oxford Classical Dictionary, Female Homosexuality, Sandra Boehringer
This first surviving mention that Zeus disguised himself as Artemis in order to approach Kallisto is (quite upsettingly) from a lost comedy by Amphis (4th C. BC), where the butt of the joke is that a naive Kallisto accuses Artemis of having gotten her pregnant:
"But as Amphis, writer of comedies, says, Zeus, assuming the form of Artemis, followed the girl as if to aid her in hunting, and embraced her when out of sight of the rest. Questioned by Artemis as to the reason for her swollen form, she replied that it was the goddess' fault, and because of this reply, Artemis changed her into the shape we mentioned above [bear]." (Amphis fr. 47 Kock, as quoted in Hyginus Astronomica 2.1.2)
Whether Zeus' disguise was invented by Amphis for "comedic effect" or was part of an earlier tradition is a matter of conjecture, but it is certainly well attested later on and by roman times it had become the most popular variant.
(Amphis fr. 46 [Schol. Aratus 37-44]; Hyg. Poet. Astr. 2.1.2; cf. Apollod. Bibl. 3.100f.; Nonnus Dion. 2.122f., 33.288-92, 36.66-74; Ov. Met. 2.401-530; Schol. Callim. Hymn 1.41; Schol. Lycoph. Alex. 481).
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~Artistic sources for Kallisto's transformation are very sparse, which I think is kind of a pity considering how hauntingly beautiful and awesome surviving images are (in order):
LIMC Kallisto 5, Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Kallisto transforming into a bear.
LIMC Kallisto 18, Sammlung Herbert A. Cahn Basel. Bear-headed boy next to bear-headed woman, most likely Arkas and Kallisto.
LIMC Kallisto 7, Private Collection. Kallisto with the infant Arkas on her lap.
LIMC Kallisto 6, J. Paul Getty Museum Malibu. Huntsman, Kallisto turning into a bear, Hermes rescuing the infant Arkas.
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stevetonyweekly · 3 months
SteveTony Weekly - July 7 - Week 27
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Sorry this is so late in the day, friends! I spent most of the week visiting my ailing grandfather--we know he’s got very little time left, so grabbing a chance to get to see him was really great, but it’s got all my days off and I just realized it’s Sunday! So you get six fic today as a bonus for being so late in the day. Remember to leave some comment/kudos for the authors who’s stories you enjoy! 
how light carries on endlessly by meidui
“I'm fine. I always heal up fine.”
“Do you?” Tony asks, two little words flaying Steve open. Steve looks up at him, and against the dusky light, Tony Stark strangely looks nothing like his father.
Between a near-drowning in the Hudson River, a panic attack in the middle of a mission, and a kidnapping, Steve learns to be happy.
my thoughts: ok. So. Listen. If you read one fic off the list this month, make it this one. The care in how Steve’s mental health is handled in this fic, both by meidui and Tony, is just very very special to me. I loved the twists on canon, and the slow growth of their relationship and just how broken Steve is allowed to be, because he never gets that in the MCU and dammit, he lost his whole world he should be given time to grieve and heal. ANYWAY. It’s excellent. Go read it. 
you've really missed a trick when it comes to love by meidui 
Steve thinks he’s happier than he’s ever been, or at least he should be. This is the closest he’s ever come to having everybody he loves in one place and the Compound doesn’t echo with emptiness anymore, and he’s seen more of Tony in the past few months than he has in the last seven years.
He’s still getting used to being with Tony again, this softer, older version of him, and how difficult that makes keeping his hands to himself because all he wants to do is touch him.
my thoughts: i’m a huge sucker for the way that @meidui portrays Steve and how soft she is with him, and this was just--incredibly well done. 
good enough for you by tinystark616
Steve is having self-esteem issues because he feels like he isn't good in bed. Tony finds out and decides to do something about it.
my thoughts: Steve being so worried and Tony being so incredibly satisfied with their sex is just. So good. 
Through the Dark Tide of Memory by scifigrl47
As the Human/Kaiju war drags on, with no end in sight, the occupants of the Malibu Shatterdome have come to be known, worldwide, as the Avengers. No matter how many Jaegers fall, how many battles are lost around the Pacific rim, the Avengers will always come to the rescue.
Until, of course, there's no one left...
my thoughts: Pacific Rim is my not so secret guilty pleasure, and this fusion is just so well done, I love it, especially that @scifigrl47 delves into not just the pilots, but the people who make the jagers work, and why they are so important. Utterly perfect. 
Heavy is the Head that wears the Crown by BladeoftheNebula
“Just remember, and this is essential, you call the King ‘Your Majesty’ during the first introduction and afterwards it’s ‘sir’. Queen Maria is likewise ‘Your Majesty’ and thereafter ‘ma’am’, and Prince Anthony is ‘your royal highness, the Prince of Wales’, and ‘sir’ thereafter.”
Steve was never going to remember all this. Thank god he was never going to meet any of them.
When Steve Rogers moved to London he was expecting the bad overpriced flat and the metric system.
What he never could've expected was that the heir to the throne would fall for a skinny asthmatic from Brooklyn.
my thoughts: i am picky about pre-serum steve fics, but this series does it so well, plus the royal Tony aspect is just--perfection. 
The Song Without Words by Lelantus
Everyone knew what happened when soulmates touched each other. Whether it was hands clasping together, fingers brushing across a jaw, or lips meeting in a kiss - it didn’t matter. Any skin-to-skin contact and chests started glowing with soft, white-blue light. Soul-light, it was called.
Tony woke up in a cave in Afghanistan with a hole in his chest and wires coming out of it and felt his blood run cold. He knew instinctively what it meant. He’d lost his ability to produce a soul-light. And so no matter how much he yearned for it in the secret, hidden corners of his heart, Tony would never find his soulmate.
my thoughts: i’m such a sucker for soulmates and the way that they chose each other and loved each other despite Tony’s inability to have a soulmate is everything to me. 
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redfurrycat · 9 months
🤠🥐☕🐓Bakery & Coffee Shop AU Fic Recs🐓☕🥐🤠
(Includes B, CS and the lovely combo of the two)
(May also include AUs close to B and CS but not quite)
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Bahjrc, Curapick, Dalearden, Fuddlewuddle, Greenstuff, Haridwar, Infinitejaust, Nimuetheseawitch, SunMonTue, Winterbucky, Xo_em.
Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor AU > Mechanic AU > Chef, Bartender & Waiter
Can I take you to go? by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Jake Seresin only went into the coffee shop to get a drink. He didn't expect to meet the love of his life.
The Way to a Man's Heart by dalearden {T}
Jake Seresin is a pilot, currently on medical leave from Naval duty as he recovers from injuries sustatined in an ejection during a training exercise. He's grumpy and bored when he takes a chance on a random coffee shop on a rainy afternoon and meets one Bradley Bradshaw, manager and possibly world's best barista. Bradley wastes no time taking such a pretty broken bird under his wing, winning Jake over through pastries and charm and also by being insanely hot. Then therer's an attempted robbery on the premises, and everything accelerates.
The Color of Malibu Blue by curapick {G}
Or, simply put, I've liked you long enough to remember all your likings and hope to make them right for you only to bring a smile to your face. But no, I won’t tell you all these… at least not just yet, Bradley mutters to himself. or - in which Barista Bradley's secretly in love with his blond customer with blue-green eyes without him knowing... until one day.
A Brand New Start of It by xo_em {E}
“When you asked me out for coffee I didn’t think you’d be the one making it.”
lover be good to me by haridwar {M}
Jake picks a random coffee shop to go be pensive in when he receives a birthday card he doesn't want and things turn out better than he ever could have imagined
Extra Hot by greenstuff {E}
Of course it’s Extra-Hot-Means-180 Degrees guy, in his absurdly tight black Las Vegas Fire and Rescue t-shirt with his abysmal personal mug that never fails to rub off a smudge of permanent marker onto Jake’s palm once it’s hot. And it’s always Jake’s palm because of course Las Vegas’ hottest man insists that only Jake makes his triple grande blonde latte (extra hot) correctly. Features flirting via coffee cup, hand holding, rock climbing, and a daring rescue.
a spoonful of sugar (helps the medicine go down) by bahjrc {G}
Bradley Bradshaw is a tired college student coming home for summer break. All he wants to do is come home, catch up on sleep, help his family's business and maybe figure out what the hell he's going to do with his life. He's not expecting a mysterious man and his weird cat that just moved into the apartment down the street to become a thing in his life. And he's definitely not expecting that golden cat to be such a pain on his ass.
31 Flavors and Counting by infinitejaust {G}
Jake has a terrible sweet tooth. He doesn’t indulge it much - you don’t get to have great abs and dessert every day. But there's something about that little concessions stand down the beach... For the prompt: Meet-cute at the beach! Bradley works at an ice cream shop and meets lifeguard Jake.
Baker Bradley by nimuetheseawitch {T}{G}
Bradley owns a bakery. Jake can't sleep. They meet in the hours before dawn when only bakers and insomniacs are awake.
The Roost by SunMonTue {T}
The Dagger Squadron have put Jake in charge of organizing a cake for Mav's 60th birthday and retirement celebration. Little does he know he's about to ask Mav's son to make it.
Jake's Cakes by SunMonTue {T}
Iceman has tasked Bradley with organising Maverick's 60th birthday cake. This goes as planned until Mav decides to be a gremlin.
coffee court dates by winterbucky {T}
An assignment in a coffee shop isn't what Special Agent Bradshaw dreamed about, but it's not half-bad. The only downside (aside from the mafia meetings that take place there) is a particular blonde mafia member who can't seem to take a hint that Bradley is not interested Though, it turns out, that maybe it's not all as it seems and it's Bradley who can't take a hint or coffee shop au with special agents and mafia (but not really) and stupid bradley who should really learn to read assignment files
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 9 months
hi there! im wondering if you have any fics recs for an au where peter doesnt get blipped? or also any OP/insanely strong peter fics you enjoy? i’m fairly new to reading spiderman fics and would love any recs! thanks!! 💖
Hi!! Sorry it took so long to respond. It's been a busy couple of weeks!! But I totally have a few BAMF Peter Parker fics in my bookmarks! And one very good fic where neither Tony nor Peter blipped.
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🕸 to fear and to fly by idyllic_dae Rated T
“You’ll come to learn that there’s only one thing worse than having nothing.” Trying to hold onto his fight, Peter shoots back, “Yeah? And what’s that?” “To have nothing, after being able to believe you could have everything.”
The streets are dirty, crowded, and the jagged bumps in the asphalt are hardly comfortable to sleep on. They’re home, though.
Peter is just about finished with New York City. It’s gotten impossibly harder to find even a scrap of food, and what little belongings he does have are unlikely to keep him alive through the winter. And the memories. God, the painful memories here.
So he saves up. Makes a plan to get out of there.
Then, somehow, he accidentally saves Tony fucking Stark from a gang of eight mercenaries, and the majestic plan disintegrates into ash.
The worst part about it, he knows, isn’t even that he met Tony. It’s that Tony met him.
^^ This one is incomplete still but it is SO VERY GOOD.
🕸 Trojan Teenager by Sara (ctrsara) @ctrsara Rated T
Tony, Peter, Happy, and Daren make a trip to California during Peter's Spring Break, both to get some business done at SI-Malibu, and to look into another hotspot for the human trafficking ring they've been trying to break down. As it often does when self-sacrificial Spider-kids are involved, things go a little off the rails.
^^ This one is part of a series but can be read alone. However, I highly recommend the whole series! It's crazy creative and super well-written.
🕸 turn back the clock (and I'll try again in the morning) by madasthesea @madasthesea Rated T
Peter gets stuck in a time loop. In it, he lives through some of his worst nightmares, only to wake up that morning and have no one remember. He needs Tony to help him get through.
And if that isn't bad enough, his identity is revealed over and over, every day.
^^ This fic has me on the edge of my seat every time I read it, I swear
🕸 The Worst Field Trip by mak5258 Rated G
Peter's kidnapping (Before You Go, chapter 40) from other POVs.
^^ This is part of a much larger series but can be read alone. It's sooo good! If you're looking for a longer read, it's parent fic, Before You Go , is also great.
🕸Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spider by Bergen Rated T
“Tony fucking Stark,” Clint says, and he points at the black smoke. “Did you blow up that base, you piece of shit?” “Absolutely not. I almost got blown up with it.” Clint is not alone. A few yards behind him, a scrawny figure halts and squints at Tony from underneath a frayed baseball cap. Sunken eyes. Dressed in a black undershirt and cargo pants. Can’t be older than eighteen. “What are you doing here?” Clint jerks his head at the boy behind him. “SHIELD mission. Extracting a hostage.” Tony glances back at the teenager, whose face has now morphed into something entirely impassive. “He seems thrilled about his rescue.” — Tony is roped into a mission to transport a teenager to safety. But when things go south, it soon becomes more and more puzzling who the teenager is and what ‘safety’ means for him.
^^ Oh my goodness. This one has a super strong stoic Peter, who also manages to (eventually) be so super soft. I love everything by the writer, honestly.
🕸 Peter Protection Protocol by JAWorley Rated T
"The hell?" Knife guy breathes. He looks at Tony, and then back at the suit. Ned can hear the wheels spinning in his mind. If I have Iron Man, then who is in the suit?
There’s silence for a second, then another. Everyone waits with baited breath until Peter’s tinny voice comes out of the suit. “Give me back my Tony.”
Peter’s class barely makes it in the door to Stark Industries for their field trip when they find themselves in a hostage situation. Peter and Ned know exactly what they have to do to save Mr. Stark from the bad guys. A short fic that’s supposed to be fun and easy to read. Not crack, just fun. Minor angst near the end.
^^ This author has SO MANY super fun and amazing fics, but this one definitely fits the BAMF Peter Parker bill.
Insane Mistakes Everybody Makes by Fluencca Rated T
The Avengers' kids are kidnapped for leverage and ransom. Tony tries to find them, while Peter--who somehow is part of this mess--tries to keep the kids safe.
^^ Love this one so much. It has all the amazing BAMF Peter.
🕸 Survivor's Guide to The Galaxy by fanfic1892 Rated T
Space rock crunched under Peter’s armor-clad feet and he dropped his hand from his eyes, turning to Tony. "Mister Stark," he said softly. "What do we do now?”
The question was entirely reasonable, Tony supposed, but being the one expected to answer it was like an infinity gauntlet punch to the gut. (Now there was a unit of measurement he could submit to the CGPM.)
Or: In a billion-to-one cosmic fluke, Tony and Peter both survive the snap and are left alone on Titan with an alien spaceship and no plan in sight. Peter’s presence brings Tony to make a tough call: diverting their course away from Earth in search of food and fuel. With the galaxy in shambles and no clear route home, the two survivors must carve out a path of their own somewhere in the great infinity.
^^ This is one of my favorite fics of all time.
As usual, I could go on for days with fics I love and would love to share with others. But we'll stop here for now. lol. And look! I didn't even self-promote this time! Thank you so much for asking. Don't forget to leave kudos and comments!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
I saw the Ken man ask (the one with the Ken who's supposed to be an overdramatic superhero) and I wanted to know if you'd be cool with a follow up, when the events of kendom happens in the movie Ken man Is having the time of his life since he can now do what he was meant to do and save barbie land from the forces of beach ken, but while he's doing so he and beach Ken at some point have an overdramtic confrontation about how the other betrayed them
Yeah! I'm glad you liked the hcs!
Here's the post of Ken-Man if anyone wants to read em!
As the Kens on both sides of the beach shouted their war cries and charged at each other, you, Barbie, Gloria, Allan, Sasha, and all the other dolls freed from the brainwashing observed the battle from the safety of Weird Barbie's manor.
"And so it begins...they're so wrapped-up in their egos that they cannot see that they're tearing each other apart...and destroying the beach Barbieland knows and loves." You murmured, crouching along the ledge of the building. "I know what I have to do."
"Yeah, you go....do your superhero stuff or whatever. Stall 'em if you can," Weird Barbie suggested as she peered through her binoculars, before turning to the others. "As for us...I think it's time we put our freaking constitution back together."
There was a unified agreement, so while they all headed down to the Pink House to cast their votes, you donned your mask and flew towards the shores.
Finally, you could fulfill your purpose as a hero by saving this world from the forces of Beach Ken and his tyrannical Kendom! You refused to be part of his empire, knowing how badly it was hurting the Barbies despite his insistance that things were better this way.
All your life you've been living in the shadows, rescuing the dolls from mundane situations. And while you did receive acknowledgement and praise, you felt like something was lacking..
Seeing the Kens attacking each other so viciously with tennis rackets, beach balls, frisbees, and pool noodles....that was dangerous in your eyes. People were getting hurt. Your people.
You may just be one man.
But you're Ken-Man.
And it's about time you saved the day.
The beach was in total chaos, but conveniently you had gadgets and fighting skills that most of these Kens didn't have. All the Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Justice League media Ken brought back to this place couldn't prepare any of them for what you had in store.
You dodged a frisbee, grabbing it and flinging it right back to a Ken, hitting him on the back of the head before he fell to the ground. Then you narrowly missed an arrow by doing a flip, kicking up sand as you landed.
Hearing the familiar shout, you spun around, cape swishing dramatically, and suddenly found yourself in a clearing.
Amidst all the Kens fighting around you, there was only one you were focused on:
Beach Ken, donning his lightning bandanna and a black fringe open vest, staring you down with such fury.
"You....TRAITOR!!" He charged at you, ready to swing, but you intercepted his fists, standing nose-to-nose. "What ever happened to being your sidekick?!! You promised I would be as cool as you!! Did that mean nothing?!!"
"I think you got this all backwards." You retorted. "I offered you a place by my side, but you abandoned me the moment you heard Barbie was going to the Real World!"
"Well maybe if you taught me how to do better flips, we wouldn't be here right now!" He pushed you back.
"That's crap and you know it. I taught you every flip in the book! Am I to blame for you not retaining it-?!!" You moved aside as he attempted to hit you with a foam sword some other Ken tossed his way, quickly disarming him. "Look, I know you're sick of living in the shadows. Trust me, I've been that way all my life-"
"Which is why I thought creating Kendom Land would make you happy!! You could've had so much power, a new suit, and recognition!! But you still chose the Barbies..and they convinced you I was the enemy-!!"
"They didn't convince me, Ken. You did that yourself."
For a moment, Ken stood frozen in shock, taking in your words for a moment or two. He didn't expect for you to say them so...coldly.
He clenched his fists, trying his hardest to contain his anger. But even you could see it was gradually fizzling out as he observed all the fighting surrounding you two.
"I never wanted it to be like this...I just wanted her to see me..." He murmured, eyes now cast down to the sand.
You shook your head. "You still don't get it. No amount of backflips or cars or cool clothes will get her to like you."
"....I thought superheroes were supposed to be uplifting and inspirational...and I definitely don't feel uplifted or inspired right now." Ken glared back up at you, eyes glossy with painful emotions.
"Not always. There comes a time where we have to unveil the truth...even if it hurts both sides." You huffed, relaxing your shoulders. "You can stop this. All of this can end right now."
"....can it really?"
Your heart sunk a bit at how lost he sounded. It's obvious that he wasn't fit to be this great and powerful leader the other Kens believed him to be after he brought great "manly wisdom" back from the Real World.
He thought he'd feel better.
But if anything, he only created more problems, and he didn't know how to cope.
He didn't wanna be the villain of this story...and neither did you.
"Of course it can." Smiling behind your mask, you extended your hand out. "The only one stopping you is...well..you. At the end of the day, you're still my friend. And together we can restore this wonderful beach. So...whatdya say, sidekick?"
He blinked a few times as he stared at you, almost considering taking your hand.
"Ken-Man, I-"
Out of nowhere, you were tackled from behind by a random Ken, although you wasted no time in flipping him over your shoulder and slamming him to the ground.
"Way to ruin the moment, Ken.." You sneered, kicking him down before glancing up to see that Beach Ken had ditched you, having his sights set on Tourist Ken from across the way.
AKA the one who "stole" his Barbie when all the Kens were playing guitar at their girlfriends last night.
'Well...can't say I didn't try to talk some sense into him..' You watched as he fought his way to him with noogies and his "hotness", before you decided to flee back into town, breaking up a few fights between Kens along the way.
This wasn't your war to finish.
It was Ken's.
But you're certain you did the right thing.
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crippling-pages · 2 months
~mya's (new) intro post~
Hello there! My name is Mya! And this is my intro post! <3
Facts About Me:
Mya [] Girl [] She/her [] Minor [] 13-17 [] Aromantic Asexual (Aro/Ace) [] Arab [] Bookworm [] Writer [] Quotevain [] Swiftie [] OneRepublic Fan [] Pinterest Addict [] Tam Song Obsessed [] Tam Song x Biana Vacker is my life []
Keeper of the Lost Cities [] LEGO: Ninjago [] LEGO Friends [] Percy Jackson [] Hooky (Webtoon/Book) [] Lockwood & Co. [] Shatter Me [] The False Prince/The Ascendance Trilogy [] The Land of Stories [] A Tale of Magic [] A Good Girl's Guide To Murder [] Five Survive [] Trolls [] The Reappearance of Rachel Price [] The Inheritance Games [] Fairy Tale Reform School [] Royal Academy Rebels [] Miraculous Ladybug [] Malibu Rescue [] Erin & Aaron [] Sonic the Hedgehog [] Richie Rich (2015) [] Ducktales (2017) [] and more! <3
KOTLC: Tam and Biana {} Dex and Stina {} Sophie and Keefe {} Fitz and Dex {} Keefe and Fitz {} Linh and Marella {}
PJO/HoO: Percy and Annabeth {} Nico and Will {} Frank and Hazel {} Jason and Piper {} Leo and Calypso
Ninjago: Cole and Vania {} Nya and Jay {} Zane and Pixal {} Kai and Skylor {}
LEGO Friends: Mia and River {} Emma and Ethan {} Emma and Matthew {} Olivia and Jacob {} Mia and Martin {} Olly and Paisley {} Leo and Zac {} Zac and Sky {} Nova and Liann {}
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy and Lockwood {} George and Flo {}
Hooky: Dorian and Monica {} Dani and Nico {} Will and Damien {}
Miraculous Ladybug: Chat Noir and Marinette {} Ladybug and Chat Noir {} Marinette and Adrien {} Marinette and Luka {}
Sonic the Hedgehog: Silver and Blaze {} Sonic and Amy {} Amy and Shadow {} Knuckles and Rouge {}
FTRS/RAR: Gilly and Jax {} Heath and Devin {} Sasha and Logan {}
The Inheritance Games: Max and Xander {} Avery and Jameson {} Nash and Libby {}
Other: Pip and Ravi {} Bel and Ash {} Red and Arthur {} Conner and Bree {} Branch and Poppy {} Chote and Gina {} Tobias and Amarinda {}
-My Quotev Account
-My Ao3 Account
Some of My Fanfics:
"Hashtag Hilarious" - A KOTLC Human AU, with Tam and Keefe being besties and roommates; one day, Keefe convinces Tam to make a shared social media account together. Chaos follows.
"Lilies For Lilly" - A Ninjago fanfic in where it's the anniversary of Cole's mother's passing, and this time, he goes to drop off some Lillies.
"Don't Touch Me (Don't Talk To Me)" - A Trolls one-shot, in where Branch let's himself be rude to John Dory (A second part to this is called "Wet William" which is Bruce's turn).
"Random Hooky Stuff" - Just some Hooky content there's almost 0 out there. Drabbles, headcanons, incorrect quotes, ships, fluff, and angst. All of the above!
"Tiana One-Shots, Skits, Memes, And More!" - A Quotev book with a bunch of Tiana (Tam and Biana) related content is in, blessing the world with more Tiana.
"KOTLC Characters React And Have Fun!" - A Quotev fanfic in where the KOTLC crew react to human stuff and just have fun.
"5 Days {KOTLC Sleepover Fic}" - A KOTLC Sleepover Fic on Quotev, and this sleepover lasts all week. Drama appears, and fun memories are made.
Some Fanfics in The Drafts (or in my head)
KOTLC Human Coffee Shop AU ("Keepers of the Coffee")
KOTLC Rewrite
KOTLC Human Musician Mash Up Tour AU
KOTLC Road Trip AU
Ninjago Movie Secret Identity AU ("Two Faces Of the Same Life")
Ninjago Regular/Human Tea Shop AU
Ninjago Normal Life ("Cuckoo Crazy")
Hooky High School/College AU
Percy Jackson x KOTLC Crossover
Ninjago x KOTLC Crossover
Hooky Coffee Shop AU
KOTLC Hogwarts AU
KOTLC Song Twins Circus AU
Some Quotes:
"Because when I annoy, I annoy hard." -Tam Song, Nightfall.
"Look, I know I don't talk about it, but it happened to me before. Losing someone dear to me. I can't let that happen again." -Lockwood, to Lucy.
"Better question; are you a narc?" -Tiny Diamond
"I am the M.C... the Mighty Cole!"  -Cole, Rebooted
"I guess I'll just send some happy shadow thoughts into your head." -Tam Song, Flashback 
"-And dying to see Tam. My sister's a fan of silver bangs." -Fitz Vacker, Unlocked.
"Quick, quick Tell me something awful Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy" -I Hate It Here, Taylor Swift
"Kill him then claim my throne and my queen." -Dorian Wytte, to Monica. 
"I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid" -You're on Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift
"Dude, save your daddy issues for another time." -Tam Song, Neverseen.
"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean you stop trying." - Tam Song, Legacy.
Side Blogs: @flasher-boi-endal @a-poet-yet-forced-finance-guy
DNI IF: Homophobic, racist, sexist, Trump fan, Israel supporter, etc etc. THIS IS A SFW BLOG! PLEASE RESPECT THAT!
That's about that! <3 Have a beautiful day or night! Mya out!
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sungbeam · 2 years
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crowd favorites ✶ sungbeam's faves 𓆝
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love in unity (college au, series) ✶
office au, but you're the ceo (headcanons) 𓆝
no drama! (98z idol au smau)
lights down low (est. relationship, oneshot?)
two months (suggestive, drabble)
party people (teaser)
party people (f2l, oneshot) ✶
in malibu (est. relationship, drabble)
boyfriend headcanons (bulleted)
kitchen table universe — husband cobie au
— tangerine stains
— good morning
at your convenience (teaser)
at your convenience (f2l, oneshot)
ain't no romeo (teaser)
ain't no romeo (f2l, oneshot) ✶
a little mercy (suggestive, drabble)
10:57pm (platonic, timestamp)
circles (ex bsf au, oneshot)
love loud(er) (soft pining, drabble)
9:47pm (frat au, timestamp) 𓆝
3:34pm (est. relationship, timestamp)
fall apart (comfort, drabble)
counting stars (forbidden love, text oneshot)
rescue protocol (teaser)
rescue protocol (summer break, oneshot)
moon river (bittersweet nothings, oneshot) 𓆝
simple gifts (model au, oneshot) ✶𓆝
ghost of you (grief is love, oneshot)
more than you know universe — my emotional support motorcyclist au
— rush
— risk
my love ricochets (est. relationship, drabble)
off the record (teaser)
off the record: part one, two (ex bsf2l, oneshot)
trigger warning (whump trope & innuendos, drabble)
swan song universe — my emotional support royalty au
— serpent and dove
— the food chain 𓆝
night terrors universe — my emotional support demon au
— night terrors (teaser)
— night terrors (part one, two) ✶𓆝
casino royale (james bond au, oneshot)
subtle poetry (pure comfort, drabble) 𓆝
daybreak (est. relationship, drabble)
hoodie talk (est. relationship, drabble) ✶
far from home (spiderverse au, oneshot)
rhapsody anonymous (teaser)
rhapsody anonymous (fanboy au, oneshot) ✶
collateral damage (agent au, oneshot)
8:32am (comfort, timestamp)
flight risk (teaser)
flight risk (f2l, oneshot) ✶
swing my way (country club eric, oneshot) ✶
on the bright side (f2l, oneshot) ✶𓆝
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js-a-writer · 1 year
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People I Write For :
Stranger Things
El Hopper (fem, gn, male)
Max Mayfield (fem, gn, male)
Dustin Henderson (fem, gn)
Will Byers (gn, male)
Lucas Sinclaire (fem, gn, male)
Mike Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Steve Harrington (fem, gn, male)
Nancy Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Munson (fem, gn, male)
Robin Buckley (fem, gn)
Billy Hargrove (fem, gn)
Sidney Prescott (fem, gn, male)
Randy Meeks (fem, gn)
Tatem Riley (fem, gn male)
Stu Macher (fem, gn)
Billy Loomis (fem, gn)
Derek Feldman (fem, gn)
Mark Kincaid (fem, gn)
Kirby Reed (fem, gn, male)
Marnie Cooper (fem, gn, male)
Amber Freeman (fem, gn, male)
Chad Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Mindy Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Wes Hicks (fem, gn)
Tara Carpenter (fem, gn, male)
Sam Carpenter *Loomis* (fem, gn, male)
Liv McKenzie (fem, gn, male)
Anika Kayoko (fem, gn)
Danny Brackett (fem, gn)
Ethan Landry (fem, gn)
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron (fem, gn)
JJ Maybank (fem, gn)
Pope (fem, gn)
Kiara (fem, gn, male)
Cleo (fem, gn, male)
Carl Gallagher (fem, gn)
Ian Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Fiona Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Debbie Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Liam Gallagher *aged up* (fem, gn)
Tim McGee (fem, gn)
Tony DiNozzo (fem, gn)
Gibbs (fem, gn)
Jimmy Palmer (fem, gn)
Abby Scuito (fem, gn, male)
Ziva David (fem, gn, male)
Caitlin Todd (fem, gn, male)
Greenhouse Academy
Haley Woods (fem, gn, male)
Leo Cruz (fem, gn)
Alex Woods (fem, gn)
Brooke Osmand (fem, gn, male)
Max Miller (fem, gn)
Sophia Cardona (fem, gn, male)
Daniel Hayward (fem, gn)
Parker Grant (fem, gn)
Jackie Sanders (fem, gn, male)
Ryan Woods *young* (fem, gn, male)
Fuller House
Stephanie Tanner (fem, gn, male)
Jesse Katsopolis *young and old* (fem, gn)
Ramona Gibbler (fem, gn, male)
Max Fuller *aged up* (fem, gn)
Steve Hale *young and old* (fem, gn)
Jackson Fuller (fem, gn)
Jimmy Gibbler (fem, gn)
Matt Harmon (fem, gn)
Ethan (fem, gn)
Ginny and Georgia
Ginny Miller (fem, gn, male)
Abby (fem, gn, male)
Marcus Baker (fem, gn)
Georgia Miller *young and old*(fem, gn, male)
Maxine Baker (fem, gn)
Zion Miller *young and old* (fem, gn)
Paul Randolph (fem, gn)
Brodie (fem, gn, male)
Norah (gn, male)
Padma (gn, male)
Matt Press (fem, gn)
Joe (fem, gn)
Jordan (fem, gn)
Charlie Spring (gn, male)
Nick Nelson (fem, gn, male)
Elle Argent (fem, gn, male)
Darcy Olsson (fem, gn)
Tara Jones (fem, gn)
Tao Xu (fem, gn)
Imogen Heaney (gn, male)
Isaac Henderson (fem, gn, male)
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe (fem, gn)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (fem, gn, male)
Diana Barry (gn, male)
Jerry Baynard (fem, gn)
Cole Mackenzie (fem, gn, male)
Sebastian Lacroix (fem, gn)
Billy Andrews (fem, gn)
Charlie Sloane (fem, gn)
Nate (fem, gn)
Prissy Andrews (fem, gn, male)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
John Ambrose (fem, gn)
Josh (fem, gn)
Peter Kavinsky (fem, gn)
Lucas (gn, male)
Gen (fem, gn, male)
Chris *Christine* (fem, gn, male)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie (fem, gn, male)
Luke Patterson (fem, gn)
Alex (gn, male)
Reggie (fem, gn)
Nick (fem, gn)
Flynn (fem, gn, male)
Willie (gn, male)
IT (Chapter 1 + 2)
Stanley Uris (fem, gn, male)
Richie Tozier (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Kaspbrak (fem, gn, male)
Beverly Marsh (fem, gn, male)
Ben Hanscom (fem, gn)
Mike Hanlon (fem, gn)
Bill Denbrough (fem, gn, male)
Henry Bowers (fem, gn)
Belch Huggins *Reggie* (fem, gn)
Patrick Hockstetter (fem, gn)
Victor Criss (fem, gn)
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak (fem, gn, male)
Stanley Barber (fem, gn, male)
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes (fem, gn, male)
Tewksbury (fem, gn)
Sherlock Holmes (fem, gn)
The Kissing Booth
Noah Flynn (fem, gn)
Lee Flynn (fem, gn)
Marco Peña (fem, gn)
The Imperfects
Tilda Webber (fem, gn, male)
Abbi Singh (fem, gn, male)
Juan Ruiz (fem, gn)
Sydney Burke (fem, gn, male)
P.J. (fem, gn)
Malibu Rescue
Tyler (fem, gn)
Dylan (fem, gn, male)
Lizzy (fem, gn, male)
Gina (fem, gn, male)
Eric (fem, gn)
The Package
Sean Floyd (fem, gn, male)
Sarah (fem, gn, male)
Becky Abelar (fem, gn, male)
Purple Hearts
Cassie Salazar (fem, gn, male)
Luke Morrow (fem, gn)
Frankie (fem, gn)
Armando (fem, gn)
Riley (fem, gn, male)
Wednesday Adams (fem, gn, male)
Xavier Thorpe (fem, gn)
Enid Sinclair (fem, gn, male)
Tyler Galpin (fem, gn)
Rowan Laslow (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Walker (fem, gn)
Ajax Petropolus (fem, gn)
Heartbreak High
Spencer White *Spider* (fem, gn)
Anthony Vaughn *Ant* (fem, gn, male)
Darren Rivers (gn, male)
Amerie Wadia (gn, male)
Quinn Gallagher-Jones *Quinni* (fem, gn)
Dustin Reid *Dusty* (fem, gn)
Harper McLean (fem, gn, male)
Douglas Piggott *Ca$h* (fem, gn, male)
Malakai Mitchell (fem, gn, male)
Hype House (All time)
Vinnie Hacker (fem, gn)
Taylor Holder (fem, gn)
Jack Wright (fem, gn, male)
Jett (fem, gn, male)
Barron Sho (fem, gn)
Ryland (fem, gn)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger (fem, gn, male)
Harry Potter (fem, gn)
Ron Weasley (fem, gn)
George Weasley (fem, gn)
Fred Weasley (fem, gn)
Bill Weasley (fem, gn)
Charlie Weasley (fem, gn)
Percy Weasley (fem, gn)
Ginny Weasley (fem, gn, male)
Mattheo Riddle (fem, gn)
Theodore Nott (fem, gn)
Dean Thomas (fem, gn)
Lee Jordan ( fem, gn, male)
Seamas Finnigan (fem, gn, male)
Pansy Parkinson (fem, gn, male)
Lorenzo Berkshire (fem, gn)
Tom Riddle *not Voldemort* (fem, gn)
Blaise Zabini (fem, gn)
Luna Lovegood (fem, gn, male)
Regulus Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Sirius Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Remus Lupin *young* (fem, gn, male)
James Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Lily Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Nymphadora Tonks (fem, gn, male)
Narcissa Malfoy *young and old* (fem, gn, male)
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scammander (fem, gn)
Queenie Goldstein (fem, gn, male)
Credence Barebone (fem, gn, male)
Theseus Scammander (fem, gn)
The Black Phone
Vance Hopper (fem, gn)
Finney Blake (fem, gn)
Gwenny Blake *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Robin Arellano (fem, gn)
Bruce Yamada (fem, gn)
Billy Showalter (fem, gn)
10 Things I Hate About You
Kat Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Cameron James (fem, gn)
Bianca Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Patrick Verona (fem, gn)
Michael (fem, gn, male)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Jacob Portman (fem, gn, male)
Emma Bloom (fem, gn, male)
Alma Peregrine (fem, gn, male)
Enoch O'Connor (fem, gn)
Victor Bruntley *alive* (fem, gn)
Olive Abroholos Elephanta (fem, gn, male)
Millard Nullings (fem, gn, male)
Horace (fem, gn male)
Fiona *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Bronwyn Bruntley *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Hugh (fem, gn, male)
Sturniolo Triplets
Matt Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Chris Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Nick Sturniolo (gn, male)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (fem, gn, male)
Jack Dawson (fem, gn, male)
A Quiet Place
Marcus (fem, gn, male)
Evelyn (fem, gn, male)
Regan (fem, gn, male)
Lee (fem, gn)
The Office
Jim Halpert (fem, gn)
Dwight Shrute (fem, gn, male)
Pam Beesley (fem, gn, male)
Five Feet Apart
Stella (fem, gn, male)
Poe Ramirez (gn, male)
Will (fem, gn)
That I don't already have as characters (cuz I write for the haracter and the actor)
Nils Kuesel (fem, gn, male)
Jack Harlow (fem, gn)
Dua Lipa (fem, gn, male)
Olivia Rodrigo (fem, gn, male)
Jenna Ortega (fem, gn, male)
Dove Cameron (fem, gn, male)
Benjamin Wadsworth (fem, gn)
Girl Meets World
Farkle Minkus (fem, gn, male)
Riley Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Maya Hart (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Friar (fem, gn)
Isaiah Babineaux (fem, gn)
Isadora Smackle (fem, gn, male)
Auggie Matthews *aged up* (fem, gn)
Josh Matthews (fem, gn)
Boy Meets World
Shawn Hunter (fem, gn)
Eric Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Cory Matthews (fem, gn)
Topanga Lawrance (fem, gn, male)
Jack (fem, gn, male)
The Notebook
The Breakfast Club
She's the Man
Duke Orsino (fem, gn)
Hazbin Hotel
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How to Request :
Make sure to state what you would like in the imagine/story and what genre (?) Like angst, fluff, smut (sometimes). Also what character or person you would want in the imagine. 🙃
I write for all of these characters and their actors and if you have someone else you would want me to write for be sure to put that in your request these are just the characters I could think of off the top of my head
P.S. I also do some ship imagines like Nick x Charlie (heartstopper), etc. So if you want ship imagines be sure to send them in and I will try and get to them.
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ejzah · 7 months
Collateral Damage, Part 6
Kensi stumbled through the wood. It turned out that her legs were less stable than she’d thought, and it was taking considerable effort to stay upright.
Damn concussion.
She’d been going for about 15 minutes and heard no signs she was being pursued, so when she came along a thicker patch of trees surrounded by brush. Choosing a spot the would allow her the best vantage point, Kensi slid down the trunk of the largest tree.
She tipped her head back, willing back the lingering ache and nausea. She didn’t know if the rolling in her stomach was thanks to being knocked out or morning sickness. Either way, she really didn’t want to throw up right now. Drawing in several deep breaths, Kensi waited for her stomach to settle.
In her desperation to get out, she hadn’t taken anything besides the pocket knife. Her own knife had been tucked in the side of her boot as always this morning, and she wondered if anyone had thought to check for it. She reached down, wiggling her index and middle fingers into the shaft of her boot, smiling in triumph when she felt the familiar handle of her knife.
She secured her borrowed knife in the waistband of her jeans and kept her own clenched in her hand. It wasn’t as good as her Glock, but gave her a small sense of security. At least now she had some way of protecting herself.
Her stomach had mostly settled by now, so Kensi gave herself two more minutes, then pushed up against the tree trunk to stand. Although her head still hurt, thankfully the nausea didn’t return. Taking stock of her location, she headed in the direction that seemed less densely populated.
As she walked, Kensi found herself talking to the twins. She didn’t know if they could feel her fear or anything else that was going on, but once the idea occurred to her, she couldn’t shake it.
“Don’t worry, we’re going to get out of here soon. Before you know it, we’ll be home and maybe Daddy will make tacos or frittata.”
She pressed her palm over her abdomen, reassured by the slight bump underneath. The thought of Deeks sent a sharp wave of pain through her chest. He’d be terrified right now. Usually he channeled that terror into anger, and she imagined him punching through the closest thing at hand.
“I think I might take that time off Kilbride keeps offering. We could go to Malibu again. Or finally go on our honeymoon, five years too late,” she said, thinking it sounded like something Deeks might say.
Continuing on with her one-sided conversation, Kensi walked for about 15 minutes before the foliage began to decrease and she saw the hint of road through the trees. She broke into a run, tripping slightly over roots in her hurry to reach the road, and possible freedom. When her boot hit the worn asphalt, Kensi let out a quiet gasp of relief.
She swiped a a few strands of dirty hair off her damp cheek, ignoring the exhaustion weighing on her body, determined which direction led away from the house, and started off at a slow jog.
Not more than five minutes had passed when Kensi heard the unmistakable sound of a vehicle quickly approaching. She stood frozen, caught in indecision.
Did she wait and see who was coming, risking running into the third kidnapper? Or hide and lose a chance of being rescued.
At the last second, she backed up into the woods, crouching among bits of fallen trees, and waited.
A/N: This one’s a little short and not the most interesting. Although Kensi is being her usual amazing self.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this Smithsonian story:
Several hundred starving, sick or injured brown pelicans have turned up on beaches throughout California over the past few weeks, with wildlife officials still unable to pinpoint the cause of what they are calling a “crisis.”
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and other non-governmental partners, have been working to collect and rehabilitate the birds, many of which are anemic, dehydrated and underweight.
“They’re in really poor physical shape. They’re starving, and they haven’t gotten enough nutrition,” Russ Curtis, a spokesperson for the nonprofit organization International Bird Rescue, which is helping in the rescue efforts, tells KQED’s Annelise Finney.
“When there’s not the fishing stock that they can find, they take chances around fishing piers and fishing boats and places where there are people with fishing tackle,” Curtis says, explaining that some pelicans have been hurt by fishing hooks and lines they encounter near the shore.
As of this week, the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center (WWCC) in Huntington Beach and Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network have admitted more than 100 pelicans each, while International Bird Rescue has taken 260 pelicans into its two California facilities—one in Los Angeles County, and one in the San Francisco Bay Area, reports Cheri Carlson of the Ventura County Star.
Other birds have been found dead on beaches. Necropsies have revealed starvation as their cause of death, which has puzzled scientists. Populations of fish that pelican forage, by all accounts, remain abundant off the Pacific coast.
We also know that there’s supposedly plenty of anchovies and their food out there in the ocean, so we don’t really know why they are not able to forage yet,” Debbie McGuire, executive director of the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center, tells Eugene Garcia of theAssociated Press.
Brown pelicans are known to spend their non-breeding months throughout the entirety of the state’s coastline, and the sick birds have been found in a variety of locations. In northern California, most birds have been rescued around Monterey and Santa Cruz, while those in southern California have been found by officials in a variety of traditional and non-traditional habitats. Two dozen pelicans were found on Newport Beach and dozens more were picked up around Huntington Beach—but sick birds have also been identified in a lake at SoFi stadium, the home of the NFL’s Los Angeles Rams, and at a Malibu fire station, the Guardian’sDani Anguiano reports.In rescue efforts, the first step is to support the birds with warmth. “The great news is the vast majority are recovering if we can get them through those first couple of critical hours of hypothermia,” Elizabeth Wood, the WWCC’s veterinarian and medical director, says in a video posted to Facebook.
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Just for the Weekend 2/10
Summary: Your flight to Malibu is... lets say interesting.
Pair: Reader x Jason Todd
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+ Only. Mutual Pining, swearing, proximity.
Part 1
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"My cars this way!" You call out to Jason who's rounding the back of the manor.
"Bruce said we could take the jet, it'll be faster." He shrugs, not even bothering to look back at you.
"Jet?" You ask, unsure what he means until you see it. Nestled behind the Wayne Manor is a landing strip and sitting on it is a small black passenger plane, "but my plane tickets were expensive,"
"You can get them reimbursed, no need to waste your money, '' he says as he approaches the man dressed in a suit. Is he the pilot?
"Hey Julian," Jason approaches the man by the plane, "just us today. Bruce give you the details?"
"He has. Should only take us a few hours to get to Malibu. Good morning Miss, do you have your luggage?"
"Right here," Jason says, "I'll put it away," He steps onto the plane before turning back, "you coming or what? This was your idea."
"Actually, it was Dicks," you scurry up behind him almost knocking yourself out when you bump into him.
"If you'll both take a seat we'll be in the air momentarily, '' Julian says as they move to step into the cockpit, Jason runs up behind them. It looks like Jason's whispering something, but Julian just nods before closing the door.
You sway on your feet, suddenly feeling awkward at being alone in a small plane with Jason. Fuck, you have to spend all weekend with him. What are you even going to talk about? How hot he is? How he get's his hair to do that curly thing? What brand of aftershave he uses to smell like a fucking forest?
"We should talk about boundaries," Jason says, taking a seat on the plush leather seats the jet had instead of the crappy vinyl ones you expected to be sitting on right now.
"Right, of course," taking the seat opposite him, a small back coffee table between you. This feels more like a business meeting than a weekend long date. Which it definitely is not.
"What are you expecting me to do on this fake boyfriend trip you've planned?" He asks, unsure if he even wants to know. Is he going to get to kiss you? Dance with you? Or is it just boring surface stuff. Like lie?
"I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with. It's just important that we sell how in love we are to my stupid- I mean to my old friends."
"Well, why don't we just take it as it comes and if either of us is uncomfortable we can have a sign."
"A sign?"
"Yeah, so you can tap my shoulder or blink really fast or-"
"Tap on my nose like a spy?"
"Sure, if that's what you want." He relaxes in his seat as the plane lurches forward. You realise as you topple forward over the table and onto Jason's lap that you hadn't put a seatbelt on.
"Ah shit, shit. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" you begin to scramble back but the force of the plane lifting sends you flying back into him. You hope that somehow the plane is about to crash and your untimely death with save you from actually dying of embarrassment.
"Already can't keep your hands off me. And here I thought you hated my guts," he laughs at your attempts to move, "we'll be stable in a second, relax." His strong hands hold you in place and you resist the urge to snuggle into him. This was such a bad plan. The weekends only just started and already you're making a fool of yourself.
As the plane stabilises Jason helps you to your feet but not before laughing at you a bit more. You're pretty sure he's enjoying this, but at least he's smiling and not glaring at you like he usually does. He thinks you hate him? You thought he hated you? The way he's laughing though? Maybe he came just torture you.
"What's our story going to be?" He asks when you retake your seat opposite him.
"We can keep it close enough to the truth, nothing too elaborate that we might mess up."
"So no forlorn looks through a bookshelf or enemies who find common ground against a greater foe or daring rescues from a wedding to someone else or forbidden romances from neighbouring countries? How boring. Thought a best seller would make up a more daring story,"
"Jason Todd, are you a romantic?" You're surprised at his suggestion given that at least 2 of those are from your books.
"I dabble, so what's it going to be?"
"How about, you're my best friend's brother and one day we clicked?"
"At a party?"
"Sure, Dick is know for those amongst my friends."
"We locked eyes across the room and the rest is history,"
"Ok. Though I don't think I've ever seen you at one of Dick's parties," you lie, you always saw him. Sulking in the shadows staring at you, like you've stolen his brother away from him.
"I've been to all of them," he says quietly, dejected he turns from you, "I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when we get to Malibu."
"Late night?"
"Something like that," He stands, turning away from you and laying down on the sofa you hadn't seen.
If he's going to sleep you can get some work done, pulling your laptop from your bag you try not to listen to the soft noises Jason makes while he's asleep. How often he tosses and turns. No, you're focusing on the next chapter and before you know it the pilot announces you are about 5 minutes from landing.
"Jason," you poke him in the arm, "Jason we're landing," you poke him again.
"5 more minutes," he mumbles, turning over.
"Jason, you big dummy! You're going to be thrown from here if you don't get up," He ignores you, fine then. Perching yourself on the chair he was sitting in earlier you whip out your phone, hitting record and wait.
As the plane descends, he slowly but surely falls ass over head off the sofa. You try very hard to keep the giggles in, but when he sits up after his back hits the wall and he starts rubbing his head you can't keep it in any longer.
"Give me that." he snatches for your phone but the plane keeps pushing him back.
"Missed me," you smirk, "I can't wait to send this to Dick, he's going to die of laughter." You laugh even harder, but the plane jerks and sends you flying over the back of the chair straight into him.
"Whoops," you smile up at him but you can see the frustration in his eyes,
"Delete it or I'm having Julian turn the plane around and you can go by yourself to this stupid wedding,"
"Fine fine, spoil sport." You shrug, acutely aware of how you're sitting on him like he's a chair made just for you. How tight his arms are wrapped around you like he's keeping you from flying back again.
When plane comes to a stop. Jason sit's for a moment longer than is really needed before he stand's up, placing your feet on the ground. Before you can turn around to thank him he's disappeared into the bathroom. So you decide to gather your bags and wait for Julian to open the door.
Part 3
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