#maybe i shall do that tommorow
lilwarrior · 8 months
oh shit *remembers I have an agere edit board I need to upload to*
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flowerisevil · 2 years
Please do a Harwin Strong where he meets the reader (Tyrell) at Harrenhall and then again when he comes to Kings Landing. They marry after Rhaenyra and for some reason Rhaenyra gets all crazy with the reader getting into a fight causing the reader to find out she is pregnant. Or something along those lines please
that's a great idea but may I ask, are they gonna get wed after Rhaenyra and the reader fought and found out they're pregnant? or before? (btw I'll edit this after i finished the story)
Field of Roses | Tyrell!Reader x Harwin Strong.
a/n: hope I did your request right, English is not my first language so expect grammatical and typos errors. also I love Rhaenyra with all my heart but I have to paint her as the bad one here.
Growing Strong.
That was your house motto and what your ancestors wants for the next generation to strive to be, a house where you can have the best bride-to-be.
And you are one of the best examples of it, smart, elegant, graceful, obedient, and of course undeniably gorgeous. Many men tried to have you in their arms but no one succeed no one until he came.
Harwin "Breakbones" Strong strongest knight in the Seven Kingdom had win you heart. You both first met when your father and brothers decided to visit the Harrenhal for some political reasons you didn't want to come at first, you heard the stories about the castle and it really scared you to go there but when you arrived there with your family Harwin made sure to always look after you and never leave your side he found out through your brother about your fear in their castle so he decided you always accompany, as days goes by you can't help but to fall for the tough knight he was such a gentleman when it come to you.
But it wasn't easy even you two are now together, you're scared how your father and brothers will react about it, they trusted him with you and thought that he only treated and saw you as his younger sister. Also Harwin is involved in a rumor in King's Landing about him being the princess Rhaenyra's secret lover and the father of her children.
"You shall not worry my love I understand" is what he answered when he told you that you still can't tell them.
You sob on his chest feeling guilty that you have to hide your relationships, Harwin rubbed your back and use his hand to lift your chin up to him as he connect his lips to you.
You snaked your arms around his neck locking him in your embrace as you played with his curls, he smirked as he slowly walked carrying you with him and dropped you to your bed.
"Let's make this night unforgettable" he whispred to your ears.
He caressed your hair as you were laying your head to his bare and hairy chest, you always love his chest hair it makes him look hotter.
"Can I ask something?" you said, you're voice sounds weak and soft probably it's because of the muffled scream you made last night.
"What is it darling?"
"Were you really Princess Rhaenyra's secret lover in King's Landing?"
She felt him stiffened, she looked away from him ashamed of her question, maybe it's too personal you thought.
"No, I am not I knew this day you would ask about that and I'm assuring you I am not the father of his sons, though me and Rhaenyra was once infatuated with each other but I realize how wrong was that so I stopped" he explained and stroke your hair.
You felt you heart relieved, you smile and looked up to him before placing a short kiss to his chin.
"Thank you for explaining to me"
"I have to say too" Harwin states, "I'm going back to King's Landing tommorow" your heart dropped.
He's now leaving of course he will, he's the Commander of City Watch now he has bigger duties and responsibilities. You looked at his hand when it reached for yours and place it on his chest.
"Do not worry, your family and mine have convinced the King for your siblings to visit and stay at the Keep, King Viserys also offered your brothers a job in the council and you..." he trailed and kisses between your brows.
"The King had requested you to be the Queen's lady-in-waiting" you sat up instantly, mouth open and eyes widened, the King had requested for you?
"How? I mean- I haven't been there how-"
"I told them about you when they're looking for a lady in waiting for the Queen I immediately thought about you, with that we can stay close to each other so I told them how smart and honorable my darling is and then my father mentioned your brothers then its settled, we talked about it with your father and he was okay with it" he proudly said, your heart was flattered how he did this for you.
"I love you" you blurted and hugged him, he chuckled as she hugged you back.
He just wants to be with you without separating you from your family sadly only you and your brothers can come since no one will look after in Highgarden, Harwin loves you more than anything, you matter to him, your smile, eyes, body, face, soul, literally everything.
The day you and your brothers have to leave was sad, you cried before saying goodbye to your father it's your first time being away from him and you just hope that he would take care of himself.
When you arrived at the castle the royal family welcomed all of you and even invite all of you in dinner, both King Viserys and Queen Alicent complimented you.
"It's such a surprise how you're still not wed, you are very beautiful Lady and based on Ser Harwin you are also intelligent" the King said.
"Indeed she is your Grace" Harwin answered, while everyone is having fun and laughing you can feel someone throwing dagger looks at you and saw princess Rhaenyra glaring at you beside her is her husband Laenor with their three kids, you examined the three kids.
They're no Harwin's you can tell the only similarities they have is a brown hair and nothing at all you studied the whole history of the noble families and found out that princess Rhaenyra's husband Ser Laenor Velaryon's great grandmother was a baratheon with brown hair perhaps that's where they get their genes from.
You're stay in the castle was great although you're brothers can't stay there because they're always sent somewhere far away but they never forget about you everytime they come home they make sure that they have gifts for you though it didn't bother you whenever they're away it only gives you and Harwin more space and alone time.
"So has anyone had caught your attention lately?" you looked up when you heard the Queen speak.
"Oh no one had caught my attention your Grace, I am here to serve you not find myself a man" you said while folding her new dried clothes, it wasn't really necessary for you to do that but you also don't want to just stand there.
"Really? Not even Ser Harwin Strong?" Alicent looked at you while a small smirk appeared on her face.
"You both are two obvious come on, those stares from afar, the small talks you both do and don't get me started everytime he make excuse so he can have you all for himself" she added and put her hand to your shoulders.
"We're just friends your grace, our family is so we are too" you tried to protest but Alicent just smiles not believing to your lies.
They both looked at the door when it opened revealing the Queen's sworn protector Criston Cole "Your Grace, princess Rhaenyra had asked for Lady Tyrell" Alicent instantly looked at you and looked back to Criston,
"Tell her Lady Tyrell is busy" Alicent answered, you're thankful that she didn't let you go to Rhaenyra god you have no balls to see her after the impression she made to you when you first arrived here.
"I think it's about you and Harwin god that girl can't really move forward with her life" she whispered and walked out of her chamber. You were alone there so you just decided to clean the Queen's room.
While cleaning her bed you can feel cold sweats forming on your forehead, you started to feel dizzy so you decided to go on the infirmary. You squealed when someone pulled you while you're walking, you saw the princess looking at you and pushed you against the nearest pillar.
"My lady-"
"Don't my lady me! you're the reason why Harwin left right? the reason why he abandoned me" she shouted, you looked up to her and can't help but to frown in outrage.
"Abandon? you're a married woman princess" you spat venom, you watched how the cat caught her tongue but Rhaenyra didn't back down.
"You know marriage between royals are political so you don't have any say to my decisions!"
"What decision? for you to make Harwin your personal whore?!"
"I am warning you, stay away from him or I will have your head" she warned you but you weren't scared not even a bit.
"Even if you killed me or not, he wouldn't go back to you anymore princess" you replied, you didn't care if she's a princess or not.
"He wouldn't choose someone like you, a woman that is nothing without her father's name" with that your fist met her face and grabbed the collar of her dress, you finally snapped you can even feel your forehead burning.
"You're fucking childish and pathetic! you forgot you're also nothing without Viserys atleast I, had earn a clear reputation for myself not like you" you said and let her go you thought you could finally walk away not until Rhaenyra reached for you and slapped you. Hard.
It was so full of force that your feet stumbled and your back hit the edge of the window near the both of you making you dropped on the ground.
"Learn your fucking place" she said and looked at you who's now groaning and crying in pain, the princess looked at you through your thighs and saw something dripping down on it.
You cried as you felt pain forming in your stomach and back, your scream caught the attention of some guards walking by they were all horrified when they saw your state and grabbed you, someone carried you but that's all you remember as you blackout
You woke up and saw the Queen's and King's worried eyes staring at you beside them was Harwin that's holding your hand.
"Finally you're awake, now tell us what happened? the guard saw you bleeding on the ground while you're with Rhaenyra" The King said, you looked to all of them as they waited for your answer.
"I was feeling dizzy and I accidentally slipped on the floor perhaps the princess saw me" you lied and Alicent definitely didn't bought it before she can even speak the Maester entered the room.
"Sorry for being late your Graces" he started and stand beside you on your left side.
"So? why did she bleed?" Harwin asked.
"I presume it's because of her tiredness and it's all the works here in castle, you just need to take a rest especially for someone like you Lady Tyrell" all of your frowned of what the maester said.
"What do you mean by that?" The Queen asked.
"Lady Tyrell is six weeks pregnant you're grace" he announced.
You froze at your position, pregnant? Harwin's gaze dropped to you he was nervous when he saw your reaction.
"Pregnant?" Viserys chuckled awkwardly "That can't be Lady Tyrell is always in the Keep" he insisted, god the Lord Tyrell trusted him with his daughter if he found out about this there's high chance that man will have a problem with them.
The Maester just shrugged before excusing himself, tears was flowing down to your cheeks you can't be pregnant..... not if you not even married yet.
"Lady Tyrell we deserve an explanation, now." the King demand Alicent gave him a warning looked to not pressure or stress the girl.
Harwin sat on the bed and held your hand gently caressing it he heard how the Queen whispered to Viserys that they should give them privacy and leave.
"My love please speak to me...." he plead.
"My father will be mad and disappointed to me if he found out I'm pregnant with a bastard" you let out a cry as you hugged your knees.
"You're not gonna bear a bastard! I'm gonna marry you"
"Marry? how? clearly that princess' Rhaenyra of your still haven't get over with your little lovey dovey before!" you spat.
Outside your angry but inside is mixed emotions angry, sad, nervous and worried your father has a high expectations from you, what will happen if he found out his only son is carrying a child after she left their home.
Harwin leaned closer to you and hugged you "I am gonna marry you, I promise I will send ravens to your brothers and father so I can formally announced to them your pregnancy and ask for your hand in marriage after" he told you his plain actually he's been thinking for days how to propose to you he just hopes this is the right time and with that he pulled away and kneel in front of you.
"My love, Lady Tyrell, my beautiful rose will you accept my offer of marrying you? cherishing my time with you? serving you? protecting you? and loving you?" a happy small tear formed in her eyes.
You nod to him and jumped out of the bed to hug him, your nose touching his curls makes you giggle.
"I will marry you, we will make a great and happy family" you told him, Harwin pulled his face away and held both sides of your face.
"I will make my new life with you and this little buddy we have here" he said and dropped his hand to your stomach.
You both just stayed there hugging each other, you felt contented, you're still nervous about your family but you know Harwin wouldn't leave your side, you trust him with everyting, heart, life, soul, everything.
a/n: I'm not satisfied with this but I also felt like it's enough? what y'all think?
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AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOMMOROW I SHALL FINALLY HAVE A ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN ACCOUNT!! BWABWABWABWA! oh wait i just realized how do i keep it from going into spam email? but besides that, I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO COMMENT ON EACH OF THE CHAPTERS OF THE FICS I READ, NOT EACH REBLOG, IF THEIR ON TUMBLR. BWABWABWABWA!! And who knows, I might even get around to writing my own fic, if I have the attention span. my account name will probably be btop (bengal-tigers-on-petunias) if bengal-tigers-on-petunias is too long, or who knows, maybe, siberian-tigers-on-hydrangeas (stoh) if I'm feeling a little wild, that's all for now, good night y'all!
oh wait wait, just wanna know two things, do y'all like my new icon? i know im not really active in the bofuri fandom, but I still think Maple's cute. im not gay though, its just cause she's a magical girl so... y'get it right? but also where do you get ao3 from archive of our own? well, I mean I get the "ao" part but where did the 3 come from? explain.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max: Bad Day on the Moon Review (Comic and Cartoon, Comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police. 54 years today a bunch of brave explorers took one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. And sometime in the 90's a dog and a lagomorph decided to take another step and also do some bloodshed on the side. Today we honor these brave men and whatever max is with a look at Bad Day on the Moon. Yes folks it's time for the moment i've been waiting for since this project began: a look at the comics that spawned the games and tv show. Sam and Max started as a comics trip Purcell did in high school and then college. Years later when a friend needed a second title for his comics imprint, he asked Steve for help and thus sam and max lept to the page, eventaully leaping to screen as Purcell started working at LucasArts. He made a total of four issues which were collected in "Surfin the Highway", a 90's collection that now goes for around 150 dollars.. as does the reprint from 2008 which Kev has, but unlike other times he's sent me stuff to review, he had.. shall we say ENTIRLEY VALID reasons for not sending me this. Why Skunkape hasn't tried to do a reprint yet I do'nt know, but i'm hoping they do and i'll be first in line. Thankfully the internet exists, so I could still get my greasy mits on these stories.
As for why this story in paticular out of all the comiic stories there's a few reasons: the first is later today (or tommorow if all dosen't go well) we'll be looking at "Bright side of the Moon" the duo's second trip to the moon, and it only felt right to do the first. The second is that it's the ONLY story out of the four (All of which I intend to cover at some point, don't fret), that got adapted for the cartoon. Yeah weirdly despite being an adaptation they only did this one story. Are the others too inapproriate or did they just have too much fun making up their own stories? did they just not fit?
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Having only read this story I can't answer that. What I can tell you is that i'll also be looking at the adaptation, hence the comic and cartoon in the title. Since the plots are near identical with simply a few little tweaks in presentation here and there i'll primarly be following the comics version, for the nifty and easily accesiable visuals, while pointing out what the cartoon changes or how it presents certain scenes. Finally this story is notable for being the only one from any other medium refrenced in the telltale games, so to hearld the end of the first of that trilogy , it only felt right to get the story behind that picture in the office. Though honestly continuity wise.. I just consider all three versions in the same canon. There's nothing really contradicting it other than this adaptation and since bad day goes about the same way, we can just say the comic happened and the animation is just a pared down version of the actual events.
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And yes Darla's absent, but she likely jsut went to college, is doing some goverment work or got tired of her adopted fathers weird shenanigans and while still sending them a postcard and a father's day card now and again, moved to michigan to work in peace. Maybe something for me to pick up on someday. For now let's see why this day's so bad and maybe if we laugh at it it'll go away.
The opening of BDOTM is the biggest change between mediums. In the cartoon it's a pretty simple but fun cold open: Sam and Max are chasing a perp, the perp turn out to be a rat named Sticky who stole a popsicle and this being sam and max they naturally come at him with a tank.
The Comics version is a tad more complicated, with them taking Sticky back to the ice cream man they stole some. Tragically it's not clint howard so when the rats show up instead of ending up in ice cream treats and woefully outclassed, the guy is HEAVILY implied t be dead. OUr heroes decide to nope out of this by threatning the rats with horrible experiments. The experiment gag is a little chuckle, but I really loved their pitch black interactions with the ice cream man afterwords.
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I will NEVER get tired of these two bloodthirsty weirdos. NEVER. Point and click gameplay yes, this no. I can see why the intro was cut down as it's just not as funny without the corpse, much like Weekend and Bernies: The Animated Series, and honestly.. I prefer the shorter version. The Ice Cream Man jokes are funny.. but their only two panels. The protection racket rats, while neatly wearing various garbage (and my faviorite wearing a whole tomato), as their disguises , are just kinda there. And as much as the cartoon got away with including gay marriage, tones of pretty horrifying subtext and max really being just as deranged as ever, a dead body is asking a LOT. And the tank gag is simply punchier, quicker and acomplishes the same stuff. A nice extra the comic does have though is Flint Paper, the duo's neo noir roomate. It's essentially if Dirty Harry had an office next to IMP.. which given how he lived his life is not only probable but entirely canon now in my head. We get our ususual phone call shenanigans with Sam just.. standing on max this time, hilaroiusly, and we also get my second faviorite gag of the comics version
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It's simple. Flint Paper also casually stabs a mailman. Geee I can't imagine why he never showed up in the cartoon.
From here the plot and MOST of the jokes become the same for both versions: Sam and max gather some junk food and assorted doodads, then take the desoto to the moon somehow.
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And on the moon their protected by some really fun looking penny concious moon gear
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Though eventually Max, being max just takes his off, Sam ends up following suit, and they can just breathe on the moon, likely because Purcell either didn't want to draw the penny concious moon gear the whole comic.. or he just thought it'd be hilarious to set up them needing it.. only for max to just take the bag off and be fine
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We also get Max's brilliant theory as to WHY no one found this out sooner
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Our heroes soon get picked up by a lunar lander driven by two mysterious greasers wearing a gorilla mask and a zebra mask
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They appricate the lift but not so much the two punks holdling up a convience store.. said hold up does reveal something of vital importance
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My sentiments exactly fellas. As you can see just from what bits i'm showing, the humor here is every bit as good, and it honestly surprises me: mostly indy comics take a second or two to really become what the franchise is known for, and while I can't vouch for the first story, this one still seems pretty early on yet is just as fully formed as the cartoon or telltale series. It's telling that the only changes needed to make this an episode.. were simply toning it down slightly. It's also my biggest guess as to why they didn't do more: it's not tha thtey couldn't it was just more fun to do weird shit that fit into the cartoons structure better than reuse the comics and have to deal with all the rigamorle needed to compress it into 11 minutes.
There's a minor joke change here or there, but like I said the plot is mostly the same. Since our heroes succesfuly foiled the robery, the shopkeep figures they might be able to help them and takes these two strange spacemen to their leader. We also get what is EASILY not only the best joke of both versions of this story, but one of my personal faviorites across all three versions of sam and max
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It's a nice simple visual gag, puncuated perfectly by Max not letting go of it expsite it not affecting him in any way, that helps move the exposion along.. and honestly ends up overshadowing it. I also love how both versions have a great take on it. Here max never lets up about it but ti's done more casually till the explosion. In the cartoon the gag is longer, but every bit as good as they go through some beauitful moon vistas in the city this time including a people mover.. while max asks every few mintues for him to put his arms down. The ending is also diffrent in both versions: in contrast to the above the cartoon has max's shouting back the guy into a fountain.. where he Still dosen't put them down. I honestly prefer the cartoons version for it's pacing and ending, but the comic's is still plenty funny.
So as it turns out rat people have gone missing, so their big floating head in charge tasks our heroes with solving this crisis, but to do so they'll have to head to the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON!
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With that our heroes head to the dark side.. and find something truly horrifying
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Yeah i'm not fond of roaches on a good day. I will give the comic credit though for making them both bigger and more realistic and thus more horrifying. As for what their doing...
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Again the cartoon tones it down.. it also left out the horrifying mouse bran muffin. Me I think the horror adds to the black humor of them just, lik ea human, casually using these poor beings, while still keeping the horror aspect. Naturally max gets them chased, but our heroes manage to escape.. oh wait no for once only SAM does, max gets vaporized but someone managed to latch his soul onto sam who makes him into a nifty handpuppet.
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Yeah that's the trouble with reviewing sam and max.. sometimes all ic an say is that's funny or in this case
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One of the only diffrences left between the two narratives is that the big head comes to pick sam up in a limo in the cartoon and they simply go back to the castle he's at in the original. The rats are able to reconstitute max, who we find out is also considred more of a mineral, and Sam already has a solutoin to the roach problem.
So cut to... the roaches being celebrated with a parade on earth as they'll help with earth's garbage, in echange for leaving those rats behind, still getting their creature comforts. We also find out it wawasn't flint who stabbed the mailman but a roach who didn't want them going to the moon because he's a xenophobic little shit. Our heroes thwart him, Sam sings a horrible tune and max either joins in or merficully ends our suffering depending on the medium. Happy day. Bad Day on the Moon is a pretty good sam and max tale. The only real place it lacks polish is the ending which just kinda.. happens and in the comic loops the roach in because. It has probablyt he thinest plot of any of these. What makes it work so well though is the barrage of great jokes. THe plots one of the weaker sam and max plots i've seen but jokewise this comic has so many bangers i'ts hard to keep track and easy to forgive the weak third act when you have greatness like "You can put your hands down now". All in all a solid recommendation Next Time on Sam and Max: I'll be wrapping up save the world as our heroes have ot head back to the moon, alice, to save the world from Hugh Bliss and his space cult. Stay tuned and thanks for reading
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Tell me about the crime fic
oh I love you so much for asking about this!! ok so 'be gay do crime' (this name is truly growing on me maybe ill just keep it) where do I even begin???
ok I think I will just start by writing some of my ideas for it and see where this goes...
right so one of the story lines I am most excited to write about, funnily enough, is Peter! I have so many ideas for him. first of all he has a mad scientist vibe in his lil poison making underground bunker lab. this guy has zero fear. like, there are no windows in this bunker. he is experimenting and creating new poisons. no fucks are given he is just down there living his best life. OH And his friendship with jamesss!!! god I am so excited about this it is so fucking intense but like in a very weird way. when I finish working on regulus's pov chapter and start working on peter's just know that I will be sending you extensive voice notes about them. (I don't want to say too much here because yknow, gotta keep some things a mystery). I will say though that I am very excited to write his childhood bits because the scene where he comes out as trans to James is so precious to me.
oh and JAMES. god what a mess. he thinks he has everything under control. he thinks he is such a chill guy. honey... sweetheart... I love you... I adore you... but you are a MESS. like, there are so many complicated things going on for him and I will be focusing quite a lot on his relationship with his parents. I know that probably some people will not like that they aren't portrayed as the perfect family but that is just not them in this. the fact that Effie is in the assassin network but Fleamont isn't?? like thats just such a fucked up situation. because when the moment comes for him to choose whether he will also 'sell his soul' to the network he has to betray one of them. and already his parents have a complicated relationship because of their crazily different views on morality and just life in general so being in the middle of that? yeah James has a lot of things he needs to address in that brain of his. it also doesn't help that his bestie sirius is also a MESS so together... yeah
I wrote this whole thing without even mentioning regulus who's chapter I have been working on this whole time... but YEAH so regulus is a force to be reckoned with. you know how in the vampire diaries they can just switch off their emotions? yeah so that is what regulus thinks he has done. he is very delusional. but it works for him (I mean, it doesn't, he is fucked. but he thinks he is in control so thats all good... it isn't... but-) what else? oh yes how could I not mention how fucking sexy this lil guy is when he murders people? fucking hell. oh and also him and James. lol. hehe. giggling.
ok I really do need to go to sleep soon so I shall do remus and then perhaps another post for the girls tommorow because I have PLANS for them and they are all so sexy and smart and insane and psychotic and - <3 oh and also Evan and Barty!!! i love them In this so much and you will love Barty. I will make you
REMUS. hehe. I am blushing... psychological torture. the power this man holds without having to raise a finger. I just- like he is just a man on a mission and I love that for him. he truly does not let anything get to him. well I mean there's sirius but ummm... nah... there isn't... remus told me to tell you there isn't... he is actually threatening me right now so I must shut up because he is just such a mysterious guy... can't have people knowing his secrets. and by secrets I mean anything about him. I am afraid I have already said too much.
ok I will just end this on- PANDORA. lobotomies. cannibalism. the need to consume the ones you love.... hmmmmmm
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fabddd · 1 year
reconciliation between two worlds
I am always in a state of disalignment. My thoughts if left out for a second bridges to a world beyond what my waking consciousness is directly seeing. I am here and there at the same time. I am a dreamer, an active one. My mind wanders through the explicitness of life, 'explicitness' may be a poor choice of word. I am just going to state what 'visions' indirectly procured throughout the day.
This afternoon we had a discussion about labour, how to check the position of a fetus inside the mothers womb, how to handle a client giving birth, what to do if you are placed in that kind of situation, etc.,. Suddenly, I was struck by one of the other-worldly reasons why I chose this kind of profession( I am a nursing student), I was reminded by a lightning thought: I walked this path as it is closer to life and death. Two polar opposites, or maybe our predisposed concept between these two are errored. Life and death are not opposites, to place them in one spectrum another term for them is alive and dead. They are both part of life. We fear the other and celebrate it's opposite. I was always fascinated by this approach. I haven't witnessed death personally, what I have witnessed is a burial. What came to mind upon seeing the coffin slowly being covered by dirt, until that six feet square hole filled up was, 'is that it? ', after a tumultuous 70 years of existence in this world, was that it? Yeah, In conclusion there was nothing.
We shouldn't really worry what life has the end for us, what we should do is, I do not know. I've no wisdom and age to give advice.
I've lost the thoughts of today as another emerged just now. We, humans, are the only creature that has consciousness, what the definition of this is, I also don't know. To simplify it, we can think. The future, present, and past can be grasp within our mind simultaneously, maybe not but you get the point. That is a blessing of for man, and a curse. We are prosperous because we can think of the future. Even if a man is so sullen in the present to the degree that he is paralyzed and cannot engage in activities, what gives him the courage to rise in his pitiful state is the thought of a better future. Consciousness is a blessing. It is also a curse as it gives no hope to a man who thinks that the light at the end of the tunnel is just another train rushing at a speed he cannot fathom just to crush him down.
I have now wasted time on writing nonsense. Nevertheless, let me continue. That written above is the world within myself that produces nonsense, with the perspective of this world in which I shall call the 'rational'. This world thinks of the practicalities of life. For instance, now at this very moment I am fighting the urge to stop writing and study the materials for tommorows activity. Or to stretch out the rational world, it plans out my whole life in detail and in a yearly time frame. I am not accustomed yet to this world as I had always indulged in the 'nonsense'. However, I think I need to reconcile the two. I cannot live with just the other. My soul will die if the rational is what always occupies my mind. It's insipid, lifeless, and dull. Then if the nonsense is what's allowed to live, left out responsibilities will kill my conscience.
There should be a line where the two world meets. I've no age to have the answer, life is long, relatively, I should wait then, and I hope the light is not a train, but something divine.
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crazysleepydreams · 2 years
This happens when during class you think about ur fic and where it might go in the future.
*Karl and Theo are watching a movie marathon on TV, when Karl's telephone starts ringing* Karl: Karl Vreski. Unknown: Karl I need your help! *whispering* Karl: Hans? What do you need me to... Hans: I don't need you to blow anything up! *Still whispering* Karl: Ok. Who do I need to beat up? Hans: None! Karl: ... Ok, no explosion and no beatings allowed. How come this is a me problem then? And why are you whispering? Hans: I don't know I need help! I can't have Deborah discovering me on the phone! She is so excited for tommorow and I compleetly forgot... Karl: You forgot your fifth wedding aniversary!? Theo: He what!!! Hans: Yes, yes I know I need help! If not for me for her! Karl: You know that beating the hell out of you is still an option? I mean I'm pretty sure I'll be able to beat you enough to get you a hospital stay... Hans: ... *Thinking hard* Karl: Hans? Hans: Let's do it! But we need a cover story. Karl: Hansa Rostock plays against Hallenscher? Can you get to a bar to see it? Hans: Yes I'm sure I can. Thanks. *Hans cuts the line leaving Theo looking at Karl with a raised eyebrow*
Theo: So what is the plan? Karl: Look football, get half drunk and beat the crap out of Hanschen and take him to the hospital. Theo rolling his eyes: Fine you go do that. I'll make a reserve at that place Dee loves and call the florist so she shall recieve some pretty flowers from that Idiot on her anniversary. I'll also take a look into some jewelries maybe they have something nice she'd wear I'll be sure to slip whatever I buy into his jacket when I visit with Dee so it looks like the fool actually did something... Morrons. Karl: Do I call him to can... Theo: No you go and beat his sorry ass while I more or less fix his mess.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Tickle tickle tickle
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I stood cutting up the potatoes that I needed for dinner tonight making sure to try and make them all a nice similar shape and size. Humming the little tune in my head as I worked I heard the pitter patter of feet heading down the stairs and soon enough the slender brunette arrived in the kitchen he cleaned his glasses on his shirt giving the left lense a run before sitting them on his face which allowed him to notice me there.
"Oh, hello y/n"
"Hello isaac, how'd it go?" I asked
"Uuuuuuughhh... Alright I suppose" he shrugs opening the fridge biting his lip a little as he surveyed the various options
"No" I told him shutting the fridge "I am making dinner. Right now. This very second"
"But I wanted a babybelle" he pouts
"Well dinners cooking if you still want one you can have one after dinner" I told him
"Umm or I could just have this snuggly little babybelle" he smirked giving me a cuddle wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his nose into my neck
"Isaac!" I complained
"What? Don't you want my love and affection?"
"I do but not while I'm trying to cook" I told him pushing him away "tis not time for cuddles when I have knives in my hand"
"Fine, I shall go pick us a documentary while you finish up with dinner" he says giving my cheek a kiss and heading off to the living room.
I sat in bed with my book pondering weather or not to start the next chapter tonight, when the light turned off in the bathroom and Isaac wondered in climbing into bed in his boxers and tattered old black tee, "hello"
"Hello" I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder
"Ohhh so now you wanna cuddle? When I wanna cuddle it's all noooo but now you want a cuddle?"
"Fine no cuddles" I laughed moving away
"No no! Come back my little snuggle bunny" he cooes wrapping his arms around me sitting his hand on my waist pulling me back to lean on his shoulder giving the top of my head a gentle little kiss "there all better now" he smiled "what do you wanna do tommorow?"
"I don't know?" I shrug
"Maybe go shopping? Or take a drive somewhere? Go see a movie? Go out to dinner? Or stay here and snuggle" he suggested giving my waist a little tickle instantly I pushed his hand away "what?" He asks but I didn't reply "oooohh" he smirked
"Shut up isaac" I said moving away as he tries to get closer
"Ooohh is my little snuggle bun ticklish?" He smirked
"No? So if Im fine to tickle you then"
He smirked and grabbed my waist tickling me making the squeal and kick trying to make him stop "awwwww you are so cute" he cooes giving my lips a kiss
"No tickles"
"No? Why not? I thought you weren't ticklish?" He smirked tickling up my waist, and my arms and my neck anywhere he possibly could "my god is there anywhere your not ticklish" he chuckled
"Isaac! Stop it!" I giggled trying desperately to push away his hands
"Awww fine" he laughs moving away "your too cute" he smiled giving me a kiss
I put my book away and turned away slightly pouting, he slipped off his glasses and turned off the light coming over and spooning me closely
"Love you"
"Humm" I huffed
"Awwww I only tickled you? Does my little snuggle bun not love me anymore?" He whines
"I love you isaac"
"Umm I love you too y/n" he smiled kissing my cheek "nightie night"
"Goodnight" I smiled trying to get a little sleep starting to drift away when I felt his hand
"Tickle tickle tickle" he whispered gently tickling my tummy
"Isaac!" I yelped pushing him over to his own side of the bed "if your gonna do that you don't get a cuddle"
"Awwww no no I'm sorry I want a cuddle"
"Nope. You have lost cuddle privileges"
"Fine. Goodnight y/n"
"Goodnight isaac"
I stood making cupcakes mixing up the nice batter humming along with the tune playing on the radio, I heard the door creak but he didn't speak so I just pretended not to noticed, he then attempted to sneak across the kitchen floor trying to be quiet and stealthy until he was pressed against me
"What do you want isaac?"
"Nothing, just wanted to give the woman I love a hug"
"Alright" I chuckled focusing back on my baking
"Tickle tickle tickle" he whispered tickling my neck
"Isaac!" I whined pushing him away "no! No tickles" I warn grabbing my wooden spoon
"Or else what?"
"Or I will give you such a spanking" I warn him hitting my spoon on my hand, I tried not to grimace given it hurt my hand
"Ooooooh" he smirked "spank me mistress" he smirked playfully
"Get out of here you god damn boy!" I complained playfully hitting him with my spoon hearding him out the kitchen and away from me, I returned to my baking putting my cakes in the oven and starting in the buttercream for the top working hard to get the nice butter to incorporate with the icing sugar pouring a little more sugar in as it wasn't quiet the right ratio of icing sugar to butter and just as I did I felt
"Tickle tickle tickle" he playfully whispered ticking my waist making me squeal jumping slightly tightening my grip on the paper bag of icing sugar of course sending a large puff of icing sugar into the air and it went everywhere. On my dress, my aron, the countertop, the floor, the cupboards my hair, and of course all over isaac too ironically everywhere except the bowl. I coughed a little as some had got in my mouth and I could taste the sugar in the air "I am so sorry"
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just-genshin-things · 4 years
With love, your Venti
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"You saved my life", he finally gasped out. 
Liyue has been quiet those days — like nobody has been there for years. Xiao, due to the silence, was feeling like he was the only person in the world. That feeling made him very melancholic and brought back some memories — if he was to be the last human, nothing would have change. Because he has always been alone.
Xiao couldn't fit it with any people. They were leaving him, every time— death or fear — they were all gone.
Nothing was immortal for Xiao, except his own feelings and associations. Flowers were rotten, animals were dying, people were dying and only the sky was still blue. It has never been and never will it be different. Even if he tries to beg Rex Lapis to return his life, he was stuck with his polearm, watching Liyue and taking care of all mortals.
And he was good with that. If he was to keep his memories of a flute melody, he could do his work for eternity.
How many years have passed since he last heard that sound?
Xiao missed that night and he only ever slept in order to return specifically to that scene. For green bard with two braids.
Liyue was quiet these days and he couldn’t repair that. Only things that he could do was getting rid of any danger to protect the people. He could not sing nor play flute to calm any person down. His bloodstained hands couldn’t create anything beautiful, like he did.
At night, nothing was changing — Liyue was still silent. At least, he killed a few monsters and took bath in the adepti lake to finally get some rest. He must distract himself from his thoughts. The need to hear that melody again was too strong for him — all because of this calm day. The silence took him to remember that night, when negative karma took over his body for his endless slaughter. It was quiet then and nobody was there.
To be honest, Xiao thought he was just about to face the death. Like his comrades did.
He couldn't accept that — he couldn't die that fast, he still had a contract to fulfill, for Rex Lapis. Then Xiao screamed agonisingly, punching the ground with his fist. Maybe Rex Lapis could hear it? Maybe he was already on his way to help him, the last yaksha.
Yet it wasn’t Rex Lapis who heard his screams. Barbatos did.
Then, he heard a flute . A pleasant sound with melancholic and cold breeze. His whole body got relaxed and the mask disappeared. Xiao could finally breathe again with ease, his eyes stopped flooding from the huge pain he had just been in. Negative karma was all gone so fast as if it had never been there.
The archon of wind was gone too before the Yaksha could thank him. Xiao remembered the song and sighed, closing his eyes. That  always made him feel safe and sound. But why was that feeling so real? Did he remember it so well? No, this couldn’t be true...
He open his eyes extremely fast, when he realized that melody was playing right there, in that exact moment. He couldn't believe that. He looked up to the sky and saw a bard sitting one the hill, looking at the full moon and playing the same tune, just like years ago. He sounded longing which was what made the song more than magnifincent.
Barbatos was there, in front of him.
That couldn’t be his imagination or just a dream. Xiao was recalling seeing the archon of wind right there and couldn't believe this. Has he heard Xiao’s pathetic prayers? For many years, he prayed for him to meet again, as all he wanted wanted was to his ballads yet one more time.
Xiao really felt guilty while praying to Barbatos. The threat of Rex Lapis hearing him, being disappointed or angry scared him to the bone. After all, Archon of Geo named him and gave him life, gave him a chance, so why was he to feel closer with lord Barbatos? Could that be due to him once saving Xiao’s life? Rex Lapis also did save him, pulling him out of the Mad God’s trap.
So why was his feelings so deep? Was it because he has never forgotten that one night?
Xiao knew. It was his only chance to met lord Barbatos in a while, maybe in years or even millennials. For himself, for so many years of waiting for that moment. He might regret it, if he doesn't do it. Rex Lapis... forgive me, he thought. He felt like he commiting a crime, a betrayal to his lord. Yet, he couldn't help himself.
Xiao used his anemo vision to teleport to lord Barbatos on the hill. From this distance the melody was clearer and even more gorgerous than before. He felt hypnotised and couldn’t push himself to take a step, just as if he has got in a trap. He was in a trance, a wonderful trance which he could be stuck in forever.
Then, Lord Barbatos stop playing his flute. World had stopped for a while for Xiao, when the bard turned around, feeling someone's presence. But he didn't look scared — just composed.
Xiao has never thought he would be that charming. Wind caressed his face and then he started breathing again. He felt a familiar scent of Mondstandt flowers when Barbatos smiled, looking at him very gentle and satisfied.
"I remember you", he said.
Xiao blinked, when he heard his voice. He was so solicitous and just... delicate, as if he was talking to a close friend. Nobody had ever been like that to him, except for praying people from Wangshu Inn. They knew and trusted him, so it wasn't unusual. But Barbatos was the archon, he shouldn’t  be compassionate to him. Xiao didn't deserve this treatment. He never helped, he had never even made a sacrifice for him, only a quiet prayer said a few times.
He was devoted to Rex Lapis, except for his moment of weakness.
"You saved my life", he finally gasped out.
Xiao frowned. Did he just... laugh at him? Xiao felt how his fingers tremble, when he clenched his fist on his polearm. His stomach cramped and his throat hurting. Xiao felt so stressed and uncomfy, but still very felicitous.
"I-I mean... thank you, lord Barbatos, you—"
"Call me Venti!", he overtook him. "No need for any thanks! I would do it again with pleasure, adepti Xiao." he said with sweet smile.
He knew my name, Xiao thought. He was in shook, he didn't expect their meeting would be... anything like that. As if it was only a few days that had passed. But the most important thing was Venti always remember that unfortunate night. He had to ask him to get the most significant answer of his life.
Xiao took a deep breath, looking at him very embarrassed.
"Lord Barbatos, why did you help me that night?" he whispered, abashed. Venti narrowed his eyes. Xiao felt like his heart was going explode, when he just threw up his arms.
"I don't really remember." he just said and then grinned widely. "Hey, adepti Xiao, can I ask you for a little favor?", Venti asked just like that.
"Of course, lord Barbatos', Xiao muttered, still shocked with his answer. He just... don't remember? He waited for his reply for several dozens of years just to hear that? He didn't sleep at nights, missing his melody and thinking about their possible reunion, yet he wasn't disappointed? Was it because he could just be with him right now?
"Buy me some alcohol, please", he said imploringly. "You look older than me".
Xiao thought that if they were to meet again, Lord Barbatos would give him the most bloody and difficult mission in his life.
But then, he just asked him to bought him alcohol. That’s it. Without any hook. Without any contract. As if they were friends long time friends and Xiao owed him a favor.
"Alcohol, please. Maybe a beer? Or Liyue wine? I don't know, what is most popular liquor in Liyue. Can you show me, Xiao?" he smiled again, as he hid his flute in his bag.
"Of course, Lord Barbatos. I'll show you the finest alcohol in the most luxurious place", he said very seriously. If he have to do anything for him, he have to do the best he could.
"I told you. Call me Venti."
"Yeah... Venti." Xiao bit his lips. "But... Why are you in Liyue, if you don’t mind me asking?".
"Just going to meet my old friend and share some new gossips with him", he smirked and walked past him. Xiao shuddered, but didn’t say anything. He was constantly unsettled, feeling like it was a stupid dream. But Venti's touch on his arm; warm and delicate was real and brought him back to earth.
"Everything okay?", he asked gently, looking in his eyes. Xiao felt warmth covering his cheeks.
"Yeah, please hold on to me, Lord Barbatos".
Venti nodded as he tightly grasped Xiao’s foream and hand. Then, everything became dark and blurry.
"Yahoo, Liyue Harbor!", Venti said, when they had landed on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. Xiao let go of bard’s hands and sighed, looking at him.
"Is not a Liyue Harbor. We are in Wangshu Inn".
"Ohh... Why?".
"Because it is the only place where I can buy you any alcohol, lord Barbatos", Xiao answered him. "I'll take you to Liyue Harbor tommorow. First, you have to get some rest".
"Thank you for taking care of me, adepti Xiao", Venti smirked. "I'll put in a good word for you with Morax".
Xiao lightly blushed and quietly coughed.
"Thank you, lord Barbatos, but please don’t bother.. Actually, Rex Lapis hasn’t contacted me in years".
"I'll beat him up for that, don't worry!", Venti laughed, but then realized, that Xiao look turned a little dark when he mentioned the Archon of Geo. He quickly changed subject. "So, shall we have a drink?".
"Can I?", Xiao asked, startled.
Venti narrowed his eyebrows. He knew that Liyue’s culture is a little more respectful than in Mondstandt, but little did he know it was that much of politeness. He sighed and licked his lips.
"Of course you can, Xiao", he smiled. "It's like a date".
Xiao looked at him, he seemed so uncertain, that Venti felt like he didn't get his jokes, not making him laugh at all. Zhongli, you really don't care about your protégés, Venti though.
Venti knew that Xiao was a lonely spirit who didn’t have many friends, It was as clear as day, even at the first glance. He felt a little anger boiling inside him, when he realized the Geo of Archon didn't really pay attention to his adeptis, his prayers and guardians. Maybe he did that several years ago, but definitelly not now. It’s like he left them alone.
Venti used to always take care about Vennessa, as he is doing now with the knights and guardians of Mondstandt. He tried to make his people feel happy and safe. He of course knew that Zhongli had some specific methods, but didn’t he notice how badly he ruined the last yaksha? It's certainly not his bussiness and country, but Xiao... was very different. Venti didn't help him for no reason, but it wasn’t for Xiao to know, at least yet.
"Let's take a sit", Venti finally said. Xiao nodded and took him to his favorite place on the balcony. The scenery is really amazing, Venti thought, as he now remembered how impressive Liyue looks at night.
"I'll go to the chef".
Venti sighed, when Xiao headed inside. Maybe he shouldn't have asked an adepti for help like that. Although, Morax wouldn't mind. If the adeptis decided to choose their own path, he surely wouldn’t have anything against it. At this point, Venti was lucky that he met Xiao. It was relieving to meet him healthy after all these years.
Venti wanted to stay in Liyue a while—Mondstandt was really safe and independent those times, so he could take a small break. But had his priorities, he needed to try Liyue local alcohol first. He looked at Xiao, who was back from the kitchen. He sat in front of him and Venti saw that he took off his sleeve and the rest of his armor.
"Where is the rest of your clothing?", he asked.
"In my room. Should I go and put those back on, Lord Barbatos?".
"No! I was just... asking.", Venti laughed nervously. "I'm glad to know you feel safe around me".
"Of course I do," Xiao murmured, "You saved my life".
"It's not a big deal, trust me", he smiled. "I just like playing flute. If you want, I can play something for you later".
Xiao looked at him and Venti could to God (to himself?) that he seemed like a small puppy. Maybe he's a powerful and immortal adepti, but he's also a human. Even if he denied it, he still had weaknesses and things that he enjoyed. Venti was glad that he noticed it and smiled to him.
Xiao didn't answer, as a staff member of Wangshu Inn came with the order. Venti choked on the air, seeing it.
"Is something wrong?" Xiao asked calmly.
"It is too much!", Venti answered. "I just asked for alcohol, like one beer or a bottle of wine. Not every position on the alcohol card", he gasped, yet his eyes glowing with admiration.
Xiao raised his eyebrow.
"I didn't know what you like, so I asked for all of this".
"That’s not good. We can’t drink all of this". Venti said. "As much as I want to, the outcome might kill me".
"Wait. Alcohol can kill Archons?".
"... You’ve never drunk alcohol before, right?".
"That's for humans. I don't care about any of that".
Venti burst out with laughter.
"Let me show you what you missed", Venti said with a twinkle in his eye. He picked up a bottle of vodka and put it away. "That's not for us. It's Snezhnayan speciality, it could kill us both. First, you can try some beer".
Xiao sighed and took a glass of berry beer, looking at it with disgust.
Venti poured himself some wine made from lotus heads. It’s going to be a long night, he thought, when he noticed the aversion on Xiao’s face caused by sipping his drink.
Two glasses of beer and one bottle of wine later, Venti started regretting the fact that he invited Xiao to drink with him.
"I must protect Liyue", he hiccupped.
"I know, but first you need to go to sleep", Venti stated, holding on his slim waist tightly, not wanting him to fall on his face.
"Where is my polearm?", he asked.
Venti groaned, leading him to the room. Xiao had a smaller capacity than Venti thought, but on the other hand it was obvious. After all, he never drank before.
"Where is your room?".
Xiao looked at him tired eyes. For the first time Barbatos felt guilty for inviting someone for a drink. It always ended up funny, but Xiao was the guardian of Liyue. He didn't care about humans and things like liquor or meals. However, Venti still though that Xiao is more human than him. He was just hiding it very well.
"Here", he whispered, pointing at the nearest door on the right side. Venti nodded and tightened his grip on adepti’s waist. Finally, he led him to his room and looked around. What he saw was a very simple bedroom, as simple as it can be, with dark curtains and some antic decorations. Surprisingly, Xiao had many books and lectures. He felt a familiar scent, which made him blush.
He really keep it, Venti thought with a little smile. He looked at barely conscious adepti, who seemed very innocent in that state.
"Venti," Xiao suddenly spoke up, when Venti seated him to bed. "Can I try to play on your flute, please?".
"It is a bit unexpected, but sure", he smirked, stroking his head. He pulled out the flute, looking at Xiao.
He didn't seem like he could play any instrumment, but he could certainly try. Xiao had small and slim hands, a bit rough, but it didn't bother him at all. Actually, it was an advantage.
Venti sighed, playing a simple melody to show him what to do. Then, he just gave the flute to him, looking at him with cheering smile.
"Here you go. Just try it".
Xiao did the same thing like Venti, putting flute onto his lips. His fingers moved on the holes, creating a very clumsy, but cute song. Venti laughed, then started helping him with the holes. After that, it sounded a bit better. Venti smiled, enjoying the sound and looking gently at Xiao.
Then, he realized something.
"It's like an indirect kiss, don’t you think?", he asked him with spark in his eyes.
Xiao stopped playing, sighing. His cheeks blushed a little bit, giving flute back to Venti.
"It's like a date, after all.", he whispered.
Venti was speechless, his cheeks turned soft pink like silk flowers. He had not expected this, his heart started beating faster.
"You’re cute when you’re drunk", Venti laughed, pretending he didn't get shy. He got up from the bed, but Xiao suddenly grasped his hand. Venti startled, his face was still blushing, looking kindly at the adepti. For a moment, it was silent.
"I'm sorry, Venti", He looked at him with pure trust, having a very sleepy look on his face. "Can you play me a lullaby before you leave, please? I won’t ask you for anything else".
He was surprised by the question, but he immediately nodded and smiled to him. Venti was not able to deny him hanything, when he looked like that. "Of course, Alatus".
Venti reached out for his flute again and sayt on bed. Sheets smelled like Xiao, like the flowers that grow on top of the Liyue mountains. He didn't remember what they were called, as they wasn’t common in Mondstandt. Venti inhaled slightly and started playing.
It wasn't a ballad from that night. It was a new song, that he created specifically for the Guardian of Liyue. Venti made it that moment, thinking about Xiao and his ethereal eyes.
The same eyes, different color, but the same determination, had his old friend. An old friend, who helped Mondstandt gain freedom, but never saw it. When Venti missed him badly, he was playing that song, the one that helped Xiao that night.
And he did that, because Xiao reminded him of that person. They both were just as willing to sacrifice themselves, even If it was going to kill them.
When Venti stopped playing, he noticed Xiao long gone into the dreamland. He sighed and headed back to the balcony to drink some more. His head ached, when he took a long sip. Why were people dying so fast? Why couldn’t he stop the world? Even if Xiao was not affected by the passage of time, he could still die.
This is why Venti did not come near him for several years to visit, knowing that his feelings could kill him.
Xiao didn't say a word to Venti, when he woke up the next day. He wouldn’t admit to his head hurting and throat burning so bad. His hair was messed up, eyes looking very sleepy.
"You have a hangover", Venti laughed, looking at him. They were sitting on the same balcony as the day before. "Drink some water, you will feel better".
"I don't have hangover. I'm not a human", he said resentful, even though Venti was right.
"Then you don't want my water?".
"...I do".
"Here you go, my Xiao".
Xiao grasped on his glass of water, chugging it all down. When he finished, he looked at him with a little embarrassed look on his face. Venti smirked at him, shrugging his shoulders, as if nothing happened.
"I've got experience".
"I see", Xiao sighed, feeling much better. He refused to admit to not remember a single thing. "I hope you enjoyed the last night".
"Of course I did! I played you a lullaby", Venti chuckled.
And we kissed indirectly, but it was still a kiss, he thought, smilling. Xiao looked at him, surprised. He regretted that he couldn't hear that again, because he didn't really remember anything. He had fell asleep just like that, lulled by his sad ballad.
For the second time in his life.
What a shame.
"I see. Thank you, Lord Barbatos".
How could he agree to get drunk with an archon? Xiao felt disgrace. Although, if he refused, he would actually feel the same, because refusal to an archon was just ill-mannered. In addition to that, he was an adepti. He just hated human’s creations like alcohol and any stimulants, which bogged down minds. Xiao knew that this drinking session was the first and the last in his life.
Though, if Venti asked him again... No. Certainly no.
Xiao just hoped that he would never be in that position again.
"I told you. Call me Venti. Just Venti", he said, rolling his eyes. "After breakfast, are we going to Liyue Harbor?".
Xiao broke out of his thoughts and nodded, sighing. Venti grinned at him. "I cannot wait to see Morax", Venti stretched out his arms, looking very happy on his face. "We are best friends".
"I never heard about it".
Venti looked at him gloomily. His eyes turned dark, but he still smilling. He was looking literally sadistic. Xiao shivered, frowning his eyebrows. Maybe he shouldn't have said that, looking at his scary reaction.
"Long story short", Venti sighed, his aura was deadly and cold. "He used to be a villain to me. He once said he didn't like my music. So I brought tornados to Liyue. Then, we became best friends!".
Xiao’s eyelid twitched, when Venti came back to his charming version. He was looking like he enjoyed that old memory, even if he had almost turned Liyue to dust.
The adepti has never truly understood archons, so why did this one’s joke made him want to laugh? Xiao snorted and turned his head with his cheeks slightly blushed.
Xiao spoke up, a bit uncertain.
"Pack your bags, lord... Venti", he looked at the mountains from viewpoint. He made a decision. "We're leaving".
Archon of Wind smirked at him and left him to gather his luggage. Among with other things, was a collection of wine, which he assembled. Xiao rolled his eyes, but then, he unconsciously smiled at him.
He hadn't had so much fun in ages.
When Venti came back, he looked at him with his typical smile and took his hand, waiting for the strange feeling of teleporting.
"Let's go, adepti Xiao", he grabbed his waist as if it wasn’t the first time. The scent of the flowers hit Xiao's nostrils again, he blinked and took a deep breath. "Yahoo!".
Liyue Harbor was the same like he remember. A place full of happy people and cats to which he was allergic.
"Achoo!", Venti sneezed, hiding behind Xiao.
"I didn’t know archons can be allergic".
"You don't know a lot of things yet", Venti smirked, holding his arms. Xiao shuttered. "You must be allergic to humans, I suppose".
After those words, he released him and looked around. They weren’t in the center of the town yet,, but Venti could have already felt the aura of Morax. He sighed when he saw a bridge to the city full of guardians and slowly looked at Xiao. He was looking as if he didn’t want to be there.
"Won’t you go with me?”
"I must escort you safely. Go, Lord Barbatos. I'll be right behind to you". Venti rolled his eyes. Why Xiao was so stubborn?
"Don't be overdramatic and come with me. NEXT to me", he demanded, crossing arms on his chest. Xiao sighed, his eyelid trembled when he went to stand next to Barbatos. Whenever he stood by him, he could smell that delicate scent of Mondstandt flowers.
One time Qiqi gave him a couple of cecilias, claiming them to be a gift from an unknown traveller. That person asked her to pass these flowers to an adepti with amber eyes. Unfortunately, they had withered before she found him. But still these flowers smelled so pretty and Qiqi suggested him to dessicate them. Xiao did it and put the dried flowers in a pillowcase — magnificent smell helped him fallasleep, although he rarely slept. But thanks to them, he had only serene dreams.
The unknown traveler never came to Xiao’s mind, not bothering his head at all. He always thought that had been some stupid human, who tried to thank him for help or anything like that. For sure, that couldn't be Venti.
"Here we go!", Venti hummed, taking in Xiao’s arms.
The scent of flowers was almost suffocating, yet his silky touch was very calming. Xiao, looking at happy Venti, realized that, in fact, he too had blood on his pretty, yet harsh due to instruments playing hands. They were similiar on this aspect, but neither of them would admit it.
"Liyue is so biiiiig", Venti groaned. "I hate being here".
Xiao sighed, not knowing what to say.
"Me too".
Venti wanted to say something, but then he noticed the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor on their way. He let go of Xiao’s hand and ran up to the door, knocking on it with all of his might. When nobody was opening for a while, he just kicked door open and bursted inside, to Xiao's dismay. He didn't know if he was to go enter as well, but it was a better idea than standing in street full of people. Before he could go inside, Venti caught him by his clothes and pulled him in. Then, just closed door.
That was fast, Xiao thought.
"Morax!", he said with excitement, saw him sitting on the table while calmly drinking tea. Zhongli didn't look moved by their presence. "I missed you. Your valiant, lovable and charming yaksha escorted me to you. He deserves a reward".
"Xiao?", Zhongli said, startled. Then, he just sighed. "First, please sit down". Venti, smilling, took his seat and looked at Xiao. He was looking very awkward so Venti pulled him into a chair. Zhongli raised an eyebrow, looking little suprised.
"How did i earn this pleasant meeting?", he asked, looking at Venti. "Do you want anything to drink?".
"A wine, please. Just not lotus head one. I drinked that one yesterday", Venti smirked at confused Xiao. A moment later, Zhongli took the liquor and poured some of it into an elegant glass.
Zhongli looked at Archon of Wind expectantly.
"I have news from Inazuma", Venti suddenly said, drinking his alcohol. He didn't looked at anybody. "Baal got tricked and had her gnosis stolen by the fatui. Now, traveler is going to Sumeru".
The atmosphere tighten, became grim and significant. Zhongli clenched his hand of his cup, his eyes looked angry, which was rare. Even the Xiao felt uncomfortable, bitting his lips.
"Xiao, leave", Archon of Geo said. "Now'.
When Venti came back out, he was already drunk.
"Take care of him, Xiao", Zhongli asked, sighing. "He need to get back to Mondstandt. Unfortunely, I cannot escort him. Can I rely on you?'.
Xiao blinked, when Venti rested on his arm, gibbering. He gently grabbed his waist, holding him firmly. He expected that their meeting wasn’t calm at all, looking at Zhongli with slight worry.
"Always, Rex Lapis", he said, nodding.
"Thank you. You’ve done a good job,", Zhongli added. "You need to take break, I suppose".
Zhongli looked at him. It was they first meeting in a few years, he not changed anything about his character or apparence. And still he was so overprotective towards him.
Xiao felt as he was still a child when he was with the Archon of Geo.
"I'm an adepti. I never get tired," Xiao answered him, looking into his eyes. "But thank you, Rex Lapis".
Zhongli fell silent, looking at him, worried.
"Xiao. I'm never going to be mad at you, you know that. You are my adepti, I trust you with everything", he suddenly confessed. He looked at Venti, his old and the only friend. "You can fall in love and you can sacrifice your feelings to any other Archon, if you are still going to protect Liyue for me". Xiao choked on air, almost letting Venti from his arms. He grabbed him violently, blushing badly and looking at Morax, quite embarrassed.
"No, i'm not a human. I'm never gonna fall into...".
Venti hiccuped and Zhongli smirked. It was a very funny and enjoyable view, that was warming up his petrified heart.
"I understand. You don't need to explain that to me. I just wanted to say that, because I heard your prayer for forgiveness", He crossed his arms.
"You had never have to do that, because you have never dissapointed me, Alatus. Remember that".
Xiao felt a cold wind of his face, when Venti embraced his neck. He definitely craved attention right now.
"Of course, Rex Lapis", he said calmly with relief.
To be honest, Xiao always thought that Zhongli never heard his prayers. That confession made him feel safe and serene — after so many years of doubt. He had no grudge against him, Morax was always his lord, even if he got lost.
He looked at him for the last time, with trust in his gold eyes, then he jumped and teleported himself and Venti to Wangshu Inn, to his room.
Those days in Liyue, that he called silent, they weren't like that at all. They were the loudest ones in his entire life — he finally met Barbatos and Rex Lapis for the first time in years, fulfilling his biggest wish. It took the weight off his shoulders, even if he didn't know everything.
Xiao was just cheerful and a light smile was on his face, when he started putting Venti to his bed. As he was jumping into teleports, Venti asleep on his arm, drooling over him, but Xiao wasn't angry at all. Actually, he could never be angry at Venti.
In the morning, he'll have a hangover, Xiao thought, undressing him from uncomfy garderobe like his jacket and the hat. Venti in his sleeping state looked like a normal young man. So innocent and pure, overall — he wasn’t dreaming nightmares, just smilling and snoring softly. Xiao wanted to lay down next to him, just so he could observe the touching sight.
"For the first time in my life, can I pretend we’re just humans?", Xiao whispered to himself, laying hesitantly next to Venti.
He gave himself up to his own desire, trying to stop his fast beating heart and the feeling of warmth, when he was looking at the sleeping bard.
"Of course you can. You’re still a human in your heart, Alatus", Venti suddenly said, opening his eyes and looking gently at startled Xiao. He wanted to get up from the bed, but Venti caught his wrist. "I'll sing a song if you stay with me".
Xiao blushed and nodded, adjusting himself to feel more comfortable. Venti smirked at him, stroking his hand. He looked worried, bitting his lips. Then, he looked at Xiao eyes with sorrow.
"I lied to you".
There was silence, and beating of Xiao's heart sudden sped up.
"I saved you, because you resembled a certain gallant human to me. I heard you praying, so I came and played the flute which belonged to my dearest friend,", he said with melancholy in his green eyes. "And the worst of all, it is not the end of my confession".
Xiao closed his eyes, concetrating on his soothing voice. He was too scared to hear the rest of his words, still unable to realize the previous ones.
"I gave you the anemo vision".
"What?", Xiao opened his eyes widely, his fingers tightened on Venti hand.
"I'm was always sure that Rex Lapis gave me my vision".
Venti chuckled, closing his eyes.
"When the unknown God enslaved you, I heard your agony", he whispered. "I wanted to reduce your torture, so I gave you a vision. I couldn't do anything more for you, I'm so sorry".
Xiaoe was silent for a moment, analyzed those words in his head.
"So you didn't save my life once. You... were always with me and have always protected me", Xiao said, his hands shakes. Did Morax lied to him too? "And I always thought it was Morax".
"No, it is not like that", Venti interrupted him. "Morax took care of you, he saved you from the unknown God and named you. He did all things I couldn't do myself".
Xiao calmed down, his eyes got weirdly wet. After so many years, he got the answers to all of his questions that he was always too scared to asked. He thought that everything was already behind him, but he was wrong all this time.
"And now, you are the last yaksha, the strongest adepti in Liyue. You are a hero to so many people, even If they don’t know your name. Also, you’re still a human if you can cry", he said with smile, wiping the tears from his cheeks. Xiao didn't even knew when he started crying. He felt so weak. "I'm so proud of you, Alatus".
Venti hugged him kindly, trapping him tightly within his warm arms. For Xiao, it was a strange feeling, so he didn't hug Venti back. Just tighten his fingers on the white chemise, like he was to left soon. Xiao wanted to be with him as long as possible.
Then, Venti started singing a song, without any instrument, just only using his lyrical voice — Xiao could swear that he was in Celestia at that moment. He closed his eyes, feeling safe in his arms and forgetting about the rest of the world. The only thing that mattered was that he knew everything.
Xiao wanted to fall asleep in his embrace, but then he heard the silent snore. He opened his eyes, looking at Venti with amusement. "He was still drunk", Xiao realized, hitting his forehead with embarrased. But then, he just smiled and hugged him, inhaling the scent of cecilias and closing his eyes.
Dear Xiao, I'm sorry for I didn't said goodbye to you, but you were sleeping so sweet, so I didn't want to wake you up. Thank you for taking care of me and letting me make lovely memories with you. I'm never gonna forgive that and I have hope you won’t either. You showed me the best liquor in Liyue, that’s a honorary act for me! I'll visit you in future. I have to wait in Mondstandt till the world affairs end. I'm gonna miss you and our drinking so badly... Anyways, I left you a small gift. I have hope that you like it. With love, Your Venti
When Xiao woke up and sat up on bed, all that was remaining of Venti was his charming scent. On cupboard next to his bed was lying a letter which he took and opened slowly. He smiled after reading it as he saw a few of fresh cecillias, that fell out of the page.
"I knew that it was you", Xiao said, sniffing the flowers. He put them back into the envelope and sighed. Then, he opened his eyes widely, when he realized on the table was lying something else.
It was a flute.
"No way" he swallowed.
Xiao looked at it from all sides, before he put it slowly up to his mouth. It was like an indirect kiss and he knew it well. He blushed softly, hugging flute to his heart.
"Thank you, Venti", he looked at flying birds on the sky. "I'll be waiting for you. But I swear to Rex Lapis, i'm never gonna drink with you again".
He stared at the letter lying on the cupboard with longing.  He frowned, when he saw that in the corner was a small note.
Ps. I’m hoping to get a chance to directly kiss you one day.
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ndoandou · 4 years
I saw your requests were open again. I got so happy. If it’s ok if I can request how would the ikevamp boys would react to over hearing mc talk to someone else. Like venting about having a wet dream about them? Could be nsfw or sfw i don’t mind either way. 💕
Hello! Thankyou for the i n t e r e s t i n g request! 💜💜💜
//i had too much fun with leonardo's part HAHAHAHAH
//i appologize if i did a shit job, i waffle too much especially since i wrote this as 2 am x.x
Mild NSFW (suggestive themes)
Hmm in this case, id imagine her venting to sebastian in the kitchen ( lets imagine they decide to speak french to eachother instead of japanese) , cleaning up at night. one of the vampire boys would head over to kitchen to get something/look for MC but stops when he hear the conversation going on in the kitchen.
He would find this adorable lowkey tbh
He would lean over the wall, waiting for her to leave the kitchen
I think it would be a turn on for him? But he finds it more cute than arousing- okay maybe VERY arousing
He can't wait to tease his hondje with the info he has just heard
Wants to make her "bark" in bed
MC walked out of the kitchen after venting out her T h i n g to sebastian. To her surprise, theo was leaning on the wall with an amused expression.
"T-theo? What are you doing here?" Mc said as she was not expecting him to be there.
"I was looking for you. Thats when i heard.... an interesting confession from you hondje" theo said smirking
He walked over towards mc, causing her to walk back, her back eventually hitting the wall. Theo placed a hand on the wall, next to her face, kabedoning her. MC let out a yelp and Theo leaned over to her ear.
"You sure do have the wildest things to say hondje. Why dont we recreate those naughty dream of yours tonight, hm?"
He would be amused lowkey horny 😳
He knew that MC always had something funny or cute to say, but this? Very interesting
I feel like he would write a small note telling MC to meet him in his room
When MC is in his room, that's when the fun and teasing begins ;)
Comte initially came looking for MC in the kitchen but to his surprise, he heard something rather interesting.
"I.. had a very questionable dream- me and comte was doing uh- i-"
"Deep breaths MC, speak slowly"
"Oh? What is this?" Comte whispered softly to himself as he stood by the closed door listening to their conversation.
"He touched me everywhere and the he uhhh... well..long story short, it was a sexual dream that involved intercourse..."
"My, oh my"
Comte's lip curved into a smirk. He quickly walked over to his room to write a special note. As soon as he done that, he walked over to the kitchen door. He placed the note by the door.
MC left the kitchen feeling embarrasment and guilt after what she confessed to sebastian. That was when she stepped on a piece of paper. Mc picked it up to examine it
"To MC..Meet me in my room..abel" mc read aloud to herself
She froze
Had he over heard what she had been talking about to sebastian??
"There is a good chance that.. he had been eavesdropping on us" sebastian said teasing MC
MC glanced over to sebastian with a confused expression, which she then ran off towards Comte's room.
She slammed the door open, revealing Comte who was sitting on the bed with a mysterious smile
"Good evening, mon amour. I take it that you read my note?" he said calmly as always
"You.. heard everything did you" MC said full off embarrasment
"Yes, and now we will do whatever you dreamt about here" Comte said patting the bed with a devilish smile
Big horni but he tries to act cool
In reality hes losing it🥵
Big big horni, straight to bed as soon as he and mc meet eachother
Would want MC to retell her dream to him in absolute detail as he rails her
Btw take a shot whenever i say "ciggarilos"
"She had a lewd dream about me?" Leonardo thought to himself as he inhaled his cigarrilo
He was eavesdropping on MC and sebastian. He had his ear placed over the wall far away from the door, as he didnt want them to smell the scent from his ciggarilos. This was the only time he found his enchanced hearing usefull, as a pureblood.
His member was throbbing against his pants as MC's description got even more detailed as it went on. At the same time he inhaled his ciggarilo sharply whenever MC said something that is a big turn on of his. His ciggarilo was the only thing stopping him from going insane from arousal.
Eventually he inhaled too sharply, causing a coughing and wheezing fit, alarming MC and Sebastian.
"Merda!" Leonardo swore under his breath as he quickly ran away fron the scene towards his room
MC knocked on leonardo's room
"Come in."
MC invited herself in. Leonardo was sitting on his bed with his cigarrilo.
"Are you alright? I heard you coughing earlier and it sounded intense" MC said worriedly
Leonardo inhaled his ciggarilo as he scratched the back of his head
"About that..." he trailed off
"Well?" MC raised a brow
"I was eaves dropping on your naughty conversation cara mia. i wasn't expecting that much lewdness from you which caused me to choke on my cigar." Leonardo said as he chuckled, glancing over to MC who was trying to process what he had just said.
"You.. heard everything?!" MC said in disbelieve. That was when she glanced over to his pants, revealing a huge tent.
"Well.. yes. And it has caused a rather BIG problem, as you are looking at it right now.." he said suggestively
Leonardo crushed his cigarrilo onto the ash tray.
"Care to help cara mia..?"
My man would straight up open the kitchen door too confront MC like its nothing
Actually glad that MC has such dreams because as embarrising it is to admit, he had such dreams about her multiple times
He wish she would have told him directly as its a good reference for bed ;)
"And he was touching me down here.."
"Oh? She had a rather naughty dream about me?" Arthur said to himself
He initially came looking for MC bit was presented with something interesting..
He opened the kitchen door open causing MC to jump and sebastian to look over to the door
"Arthur?!" MC exclaimed full of surprise
"Well, well. What an interesting story, love. Im rather upset that you didn't tell me first~" arthur said as he walked slowly into her direction, eventually pinning her on the wall
"Lets have some fun shall we?" Arthur said, whispering into her ear earning a soft gasp from her
"Ehem. I shall leave you both together" sebastian fake coughed as he exited the kitchen pretending to not have seen anything.
Long story short, arthur railed MC in the kitchen like no tommorow 🤭
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mother-snake · 3 years
Okay, so. I have decided that if I have free time tommorow after I've eaten dinner, I shall see if I can get a stream going.
Remember that I will be taking in people's opinions on their favirout dsmp places and writting a description, story style about it.
If it works well, next time we will do an empires themed one, and then maybe we could use Google for images?
That's if it goes well. If it doesn't work I'll see if there is a way to make it a bit interactive. Perhaps using tts where someone says a word and I have to imbed it into a story? This can go on until I think I'm ready to stop. And gives you guys something fun to do aswell!
Please remember to follow me to watch if I'm able to do it! : spruce_racoon
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angsty-omi · 4 years
Tumblr media
wakatoshi ushimjima x reader
lowercase intended
warnings: insecurity, anxiety, unrequited love, and pure angst
part 2
ever since middle school, you’ve fallen for the giant. he was the tallest guy in your class, and you were the tallest girl. a whopping 5 ‘8. it was no wonder your music teacher always partnered you guys together for every musical play. that year you had to tango, and the year before that you had to square dance. although, you guys were never close. only when dancing season came around is when your friendship ignited again. his face may seem chilling, but he really was an interesting person.
during your water breaks, he would always talk about his love for volleyball, and you couldn’t explain how the way he talked about it made you feel excited. he saw it in your eyes how intrigued you were and you swore he even smiled a little at you. that was the first time your heartbeated a little too fast. you wanted to see what other emotions only that could be unlocked, you started to become more attracted to him. it really made you feel special.
now in high school, you’ve been close friends with him ever since the tango assignment two years ago. you followed him to shiratorizawa. there was a moment of hes i stance if he wanted you there, but when you asked if it was okay with it he only grunted and nodded like a sexy caveman. but, seriously around you, he was a much more outgoing person. you just had to beat the level to unlock it. you’ve spent so much time investing in his life, like going to his games and waiting for him after practice.
you hoped that one day when he retires from volleyball, you’ll be the first person he will draw his attention to. that’s why you haven’t confessed yet. you knew that volleyball was his number one priority and you were perfectly okay with it. right now, he needed to only spend time on volleyball. it just wasn’t the time for either of you. you had academic awards you wanted to achieve, and he wanted to win at nationals. you decided to play the long game. he’s never hinted that he wanted a relationship, so much so you even questioned if he was gay. whatever the case you’re both busy and it’s not like he’s looking for a girlfriend right?
you were waiting for him outside the school gates. he usually walked you home and maybe you guys would stop at a bakery, sharing a piece of cake to applause you making it through hell. you saw his figure walk towards you, waving at you. and then a second later, you see another figure trailing behind him. “toshi, don’t look now but there’s a girl following you,” you whispered with a detective like voice. he looked behind him and laughed. as she walked closer to you guys, you couldn’t help but notice her big boobs jumping up and down everytime she took a step. looking up and down at her, mesmerized. “y/n, i’d like you to meet my girlfriend, rin,” toshi said with a big grin.
your skin turned pale.
his what?
“n-n-nice to meet you rin, i’m l/n y/n,” you shook her hand with a little too much strength. she just stared at you. which made you even more anxious. a few awkward seconds later, toshi coughed, “well we should start heading home shall we?” he says. you took the first step in stride onto the winding road. stopping in your tracks when you noticed you heard one too many footsteps behind you. you look back, “oh does she live this way too?” you asked, hoping he would get the hint. “no, but the train station is the same way, so i’m walking her,” toshi replied. you glanced at rin only with her teeth grinning widely. you swore for a flash second you saw her smirk devilishly. maybe you’re just jealous. your mind is just playing tricks on you.
after toshi walked her to the station, he caught up with you. “so what’dya think? she’s hot right?,” toshi snickered. you already having a poor image of yourself, was not having it. “yeah, she’s cute,” you said, looking down on the ground. he didn’t even notice that you felt down. could he not see that i’m unhappy? you could always tell if he was ever sad or not, just by looking at his posture. maybe it just wasn’t mutual.
the shoes pattering on the sidewalk filled the empty silence between the two. toshi lived six houses down from you, and thank god you weren’t neighbors. but your families came to be super close. dinners every wednesday together, which you didn’t mind whatsoever. since today was tuesday, it meant that tommorow toshi would be at your house. “maybe then we can have some alone time to talk,” you said to yourself. “were you seriously thinking about confessing to him?” you frowned to yourself. you decided to do it. it would change his mind about her, and you are now aware that he does look for a relationship.
on wednesday, you had your gameplan set out. you looked at your front door, “toshi will walk in and before the table is set, i’ll bring him in my room,” you grinned. then point at your desk, “he will sit there and i will sit on my bed facing him,” you grinned even bigger. “then i will confess my love, and he will be all oh my god y/n! i like you too!” you said, flopping onto your bed hugging your pillow. “this plan is an absolute solid, there are no plot holes or errors,” you whispered to yourself, when you heard the doorbell.
you opened it with open arms, first to his mom, dad, him and rin. you turn your head to guide them, until your neck came into a full 180 degrees. you were unbelievably shocked. mouth agape.
“wait, RIN IS HERE, OH GOD WHY? I DIDNT EVEN TAKE THIS IN CONSIDERATION,” you mentally screamed in your head.
you gritted your teeth, “hey rin, suprised to see you here.”
toshi replied with “oh i invited her, i hope that’s okay”
“y-y-yeah of course, more the merrier right?” you answered with the fakest smile, you were suprised your family didn’t see past it.
a/n; this part was definitely not the most entertaining, but i gotta create a backstory for the painful angst in the next part >:) beware. like, repub, or follow if you want to see another part of this or more of me in general!
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biglion2 · 4 years
I did an AI dungeon and thought "Hey that's cute" so I decided to take the ai dungeon, post it here, and fix it, but I have no motivation or time to do that, so I'm gonna give this away. General summary is
Link is soldier. Link like horses. Link go to Ranch. Link meet Malon. Malon like Link and Link like Malon. They sing and play ocarina (unrelated to Saria or Time) . Link get ring because Link like like Malon. Blue Lynel kill one of Malon's cows. Link fights the Blue Lynel. Link kill Blue Lynel. Link propose. Happily ever after.
I post this cause I want this shit out of my drafts. Feel free to take it and make it your own. I really don't care, just give some kind of credit and change it around for the better. Maybe fix it so it's not first person, that's weird. Anyways, here ya go.
Haha AI Dungeon go brrrrrrr
This is Link. Link is a Knight in the kingdom of Hyrule. Link is living the simple life of the Hylian soldier, when a lovely red head peasant known as Malon has caught his eye, and he wishes to meet her. The only problem is that he has no money for a carriage ride, let alone a date with this pretty girl. In fact, you don't even know where she lives!
> You ask someone of where Malon is. "Hey, do you know where Malon is?" A young man with a long ponytail answers. He looks like he's about your age, but his hair is wilder than yours. He says she lives on Lon Lon Ranch, and that you ought to ride there. "Wow, thanks for the info!" You say. You thank the man and ride off to get yourself there as quickly as possible.
> You find Malon milking the cows. You ride up to the barn, smiling. "Hello!" You call. A young girl with a mess of curly red hair and a kind face walks out. It's Malon. She smiles. She says "Hello, what can I do for you?" Her voice is beautiful. "I'm Link. You're pretty." You say, trying to make your voice sound less... manly. She laughs.
> You say "So what do you do? "
"Oh, nothing much. I just milk the cow, fill jugs with milk, and sometimes... I give fresh milk to people." She says.
> You say "Oh, that's an... interesting life you lead"
"It's boring, but it's simple, so I sleep well at night." You nod. "Where are you going to next?" She asks.
> You say "I don't really know. There are no conflicts right now so me and the rest of the soldiers are just around. If you'd like I can come back tommorow. "
"That would be nice." You nod. "Okay then. See ya later." You wave, and walk back home.
> You travel back to Lon Lon Ranch to meet Malon again on the break of dawn. You arrive at the small house you saw Malon enter earlier. A thought strikes you. "It's odd. I've never had my heart taken before. But then again, I've never really had a..." Malon comes out of the small house and greets us again as if nothing happened the day before. "Hello." She says. "Good day." you say in return. "So... what shall we do today?" You have a few suggestions in mind.
> You say "We could have a walk around that horse stable. It's pretty large."
"Yes, I'd like that." You lead the way as you set out to explore the stable. The stable is large, with room for multiple horses to graze and even a small stream with a fountain.
> You say "I'm sorry if I'm prying, but how do you afford this? "
"Oh, you'd be amazed at what people will pay for." You nod. "How come you don't have a husband?" You ask. She laughs.
> You say "Can I ride one of the horses? "
"Of course." She says, leading the way to the stable. You look at the a few of the foals. They're so young! You just want to pick one up and take them home with you.
> You say "Can I ride this horse here? It says it's name is Epona. "
"Oh, of course!" You pick up the small foals tail and jump onto the horse. You hold on to her mane as she stands still for you to get a good grip.
> You say "This horse is strong"
"It is." You stand up in the stirrups and try to spot something in the distance. As you're turning your head, you feel a little bump in the head.
> You brush it off and ride Epona through the horse riding field. Over the period of some hours, you and Malon have been riding back and forth across the same fields. You stop riding for a moment when you notice the sun beginning to come up.
> You say "How long have we been out here?"
"Oh... I think it's almost dawn." She points to the east, which is just beginning to glow a soft pink. "You know, horses are very social animals. They like being with other horses."
> You say "That's nice. Let's get some sleep. I'll come back tommorow. "
"OK..." She nods, then trots over to a small stream. She stops, nudges the water with her nose, and looks up at you expectantly.
> You go back to your home in Castle Town and rest, it's a quaint little home, possibly a little too small, but it works. The next day, you come back to Lon Lon Ranch and continue with your time with Malon from the previous day. "Yes, that would be nice. I have a few of the cattle drivers in my employ."
"OK. What about musicians? Do you need them? Malon says "No, that won't be necessary I think I can manage to sing my way out of any trouble that may arise." She smiles and stares down, thinking.
> You say "Can you sing for me? My best friend had given me an Ocarina a while back, and I always carry it. i can play it with you while you sing. "
"Yes, that would be lovely!" You smile and fiddle with your ocarina. You play a little melody, and Malon looks positively beaming.
> You say "Can you sing for me your song now? " She nods happily and starts to sway her body to the music. As she starts to sing, you close your eyes and become immersed in the music. You really think that nothing could be better than this.
> You start to play your ocarina in harmony with Malon. You and she begin to play the song in perfect unison. Her emotions are clear in her voice, though you are trying hard to keep focused and just play the ocarina. "That was lovely."
> You say "It truly was. Can I teach you a song? It's called the Minuet of Forest. I learned from an old friend, and I want to teach you the song. "
"Yes, please!" You begin to play the song, and you're a little surprised at how quickly she picks it up. She matches your timing note for note.
> You say "You learned very quickly! Now can you teach me your song?" She nods and begins to play. It's not the same melody you heard from her before, but it's still very pretty. She begins to sing, and you close your eyes and focus on the music again. You and Malon play songs and sing and dance and laugh for hours. It seems that the more you do this, the more you have in common.
> You say "I've never felt such joy in such a long time! Thank you Malon. "
"You're welcome." You place your ocarina back in your pouch "I'm exhausted now. I'll come back the next day, if you don't mind."
"I don't" She beams "Thank you for this. This is the best day in too long."
"It's my pleasure." You go back to Castle Town. This time, to the Jewelry Store instead of home. You enter the store, and the jeweler smiles at you. "How are you today?"
"Fine thank you." > You say "How expensive is this silver ring? "
"Well, it's silver..."
"I mean in terms of money." He sighs. "That depends on what you want it for."
> You say "It's for a special someone. How many rupees is it worth? "
"Hmm, that depends."
"On what?"
"Whether you want to buy it for your wife, mother, sister or yourself." Your face grows red.
> You say "Wife." "Oh, then it's only 500 rupees." You're still a bit red. "OK." He takes out the ring and puts it in a little box. "That will be 500 rupees.
> You give the jeweler 500 rupees and leave. You walk out of the store, and you head back home. You travel back to Lon Lon Ranch the next day to meet Malon yet again. You feel really good when you know she's probably waiting for you. When you arrive, Malon is already there. She looks a little sad though. "Oh... you're back." she says.
> You ask "What happened? " She sighs. "Nothing. That's what happened." You frown and she continues.
> You listen to her. "There was a big storm last night, and I lost Miss Minnie, one of my cows.
> You say "I'm sorry to hear about that. "
"There's more. A huge beast came and killed my other cow!"
"That's horrible! How were you able to fight it off?" Malon answers "I couldn't! It left after a while. Now I only have one cow left, so I can't get enough milk to sell. Not only that, but that beast is still out there, probably not that far off." You look out into the distance and can't help but agree. The beast really could be anywhere.
> Link decided. "I'll find it and kill it."
"You will?" she asks in surprise. "Yeah." you say confidently. She squeals and hugs you. "Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart!
You think that it's still nearby, but you can't tell. You never see it, but you're sure it's there.The beast arrives. It has horns the size of a Blue-Maned lynel, hooves as sharp as of a Blue-Maned lynel, a mane the color of a Blue-maned lynel- it's a Blue-Maned Lynel! You try to take a stand, but your sword is deflected by it's powerful spear. The beast charges at you, and you barely manage to escape it's path. > You mount it and attack it from the back. You gallop around it, circling it so you can attack from the back. You go for a backstab, but the creature easily turns around and deflects your blade with it's spear. > You stab the jugular. You drive your sword into the creature's neck and try to stab it, but the creature turns around again and manages to knock your sword out of your hand. You're left unarmed and at the mercy of the beast. The beast readies a fire ball, but you deflect it back at the beast, stunning it long enough for you to get your sword back. It charges at you, but this time you dodge out of the way and run up to it. You plant your sword firmly into it's head while it's still running at you. The beast is killed instantly. You're exhausted, but happy that the beast is dead. > You tell Malon of what you've achieved. You return home with your dead foe, and all the while Malon looks on in shock. "You've done it! You've saved the farm!" she squeals. "I'm so happy!" > You say "I know, but it got me bad, so can I have somewhere to rest please? " "Of course." Malon says. You lay down on the floor and drift off to sleep. You begin to feel a warm, comforting sensation. It feels like you're being hugged, and you feel at peace. The next morning, you go to speak with Malon. She's relieved to see that you're back to your old self. "Thank goodness! I was starting to worry about you, what with the beast attacks and all." "Yeah, well I killed the beast." > You say "Now, I have a question to ask of you. " "Oh?" she responds. You take the ring out of your pouch and ask her the question. "Will you marry me?" Malon doesn't say anything for a moment, then she answers. "I'd be honored to marry you." > You lift Malon up into the air with a great big hug. You lift Malon up into the air, and the pair of you hug for a long time. This is definitely how it should be. The next week, a ceremony is held to celebrate your official marriage. It's a simple event, just you and Malon, the Kakariko villagers, your friends, some of the army soldiers, and of course your new horse, Epona.
But it was good. It really was.
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thebluenebula · 4 years
So todays my birthday so I figured I'd write a birthday fic for Ashleigh. I really enjoyed writing this. This take place about three to six months after she arrived, so she is much more comfortable around the Batfam.
The Day After (Coming Soon)
I sat at the breakfast table, reading todays paper. I never really read them. I just skimmed through them until some picture or crazy headline caught my eye. Bruce sat across from me.
"So." He loudly said.
I looked up from the paper. "So?"
"What about Sunday?"
"It's your birthday."
"Oh." I was genuinely shocked. It didn't feel like a year had passed. I guess when a lot happens, you don't notice the time go by.
"I was just wondering what you wanted to do for it?"
"I don't really want to do anything." I explained.
"No party?"
"You're only eighteen once Ashleigh."
"And I'm quite content not to celebrate it."
"Alright." Bruce looked a little disappointed. "How about a gift, what kinda gift do you want?"
"Gift." I looked at Bruce with genuine shock. "Bruce you've literally given me everything I could have ever needed in the last six months."
He grinned. "Thats my job."
"I dont need anything else."
"I know you don't need anything, but so you WANT anything?"
"How about my own house?" I joked.
"If you want one." Bruce replied, deadly serious.
"No." I quickly responded. "I'm not going to get kicked out am I?"
"Of course not."
I sighed with relief. I may be about to be eighteen but I'm in no way prepared to be on my own.
"If I was going to kick out any of my kids, don't you think Dick and Jason would already be gone."
"What's this about me getting kicked out?" Jay asked as he walked in.
"Don't worry Jay, I'm not kicking you out. Yet." Bruce assured him. "Just making a point."
"Wait," Jay leaned against the table. "I understand why your using me as an example, but why would you want to kick out Dick?"
Bruce shivered. "I have heard him say things I never wanted to hear any of my kids say."
"God." Jay yelled and slammed his head into his hands. "I'd repressed that memory."
"What happened?" I cautiously asked.
"Well there was this one time Dick and Wally were fu-" Jay began to explain.
Bruce elbowed him. "She does not need to know. No one needs to know."
I looked at the two curiously. I wonder what Dick and Wally got up to.
That night before I lay into bed, I looked at the photograph on my locker. Siobhan, Sean, and I. We all looked so happy. It felt odd, this would be the first year I'd have a birthday without Sean, and the first in years without Siobhan. I grabbed the photo and lay into bed.
That Friday I was lying on my floor, texting Cassie. "Artemis seems crazy."
"She can be, thats why her and Jay get on so well. So it's your birthday Sunday. 🎉🎉🎉" She text me.
For a moment I wondered how she knew, then I remembered that it was on my Pixtagram account. "Yup."
"You doing anything for it?"
"Not a thing."
"No party?"
I wish. "Not much of a party person."
"Dick or Steph will through you one regardless."
"Bruce made Dick promise not to and I don't think Steph even knows."
"Wait you didnt tell them its your birthday?"
"Nope. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Kate knows and I'd  rather keep it that way."
"Okay, mind if I come around tommorow? We can just hang out or something to not celebrate you're birthday."
I giggled. "That'd be awesome."
"How's 12 sound?"
I yawned. "That'd be awesome. If it's alright, I'm going to go to bed."
"Goodnight Ashleigh. I'll text you in the morning."
I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Cassie text me the next morning and we confirmed are meet up. A little after one Cassie arrived. We got to togetehr with a couple of the other kids and played video games and chatted for hours. Cassie had to leave in a bit so the two of us headed up to my room.
I sat down on my swivel chair and Cassie plopped onto the bed. "So any idea what Bruce is getting you for your birthday?"
"Nothing, I think."
"Well he asked me what I wanted but I couldn't think of anything else I could want"
"Maybe you could ask for a car and give it to me." She joked.
"You can fly though."
"It would be a tad questionable if I FLEW to school."
"Point taken."
"Speaking of gifts," Cassie pulled a wrapped box out of her bag. "Since I won't see you tomorrow."
"Cassie you didn't have to."
"I wanted to."
I took the box from her. "Thank you. Do I open it now?"
"I'd prefer if you did." Cassie said. "You can't imagine the amount of thought you have to put into getting a gift for the child of a billionaire."
"I'm not picky." I explained, then pulled off the wrapping paper. A photo frame. A blue frame surrounded by little clouds and bats. "Cassie, its adorable."
She smiled. "The clouds were already there but i stuck the bats on cause... you know."
"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I love it."
"Well I seen that you had that photo by your bedside and thought you might use this frame for another. Maybe you could put like a picture of everyone in in it or something.
"I don't have a picture of everyone in the house together. That'd be nice."
"That's it!" She exclaimed.
I jumped. "That's what?"
"Your birthday gift. Ask Bruce for a picture of you all together."
"I'd love that but I'd have to blow on a hell of a lot of candles for that wish to come through."
Cassie laugh was interupted by a ding from her phone. She checked the phone. "Diana's outside, I've got to go."
"I'll walk you out."
We headed down to the entrance. Cassie opened the door and prepared to leave. "I guess I'll see you again Ashleigh." She said as she stepped out the door.
She stopped and turned. "Yes?"
"If you aren't busy tommorow... maybe you like to come around."
She smiled. "I'd love to."
"Yeah. I'll remember to bring those extra candles for the wish."
I laughed. "I'll need them."
"I won't forget." She promised. "I'll see you tommorow then."
"One other thing, when is your birthday?"
"So I can remember to get you that car."
She giggled and walked down the steps. I wonder if Bruce would actually let me buy her a car.
I got up early the next day and to my delight. No big deal seemed to be made of my birthday. Dick, Bruce, and Alfred wished me a Happy Birthday but that was it. Everyone else seemed clueless to it.
Around eleven Cassie arrived and her, Carrie, Harper, and I ended up in the den playing video games again.
About one Bruce dragged me out of the den. "What's up?" I asked him.
"Someones here to see you."
"Who?" I asked as we stepped out into the hall.
"Hey Ashleigh." Kate stood just inside the door. Arms open.
"Kate!" I hugged her. "I didn't know you were coming today."
"Thought I'd surprise you, considering it's your birthday." She ruffled my hair. "Happy Birthday, by the way."
"Thank you." I smiled. "How'd you know?"
"I always know."
"Bruce told you?"
She nodded. "Bruce told me."
"I felt it was necessary." Bruce added.
Kate held a box. "A little something."
"Thanks but you didn't have to."
"I know, Bruce said that. Which is why I distinctively ignored it."
Bruce scoffed. "I shouldn't be surprised."
Kate looked to Bruce then back to me. "I'll hold on to it for a little while."
"Sure." I looked to Bruce skeptically.
"Follow me." He said.
I followed Kate and Bruce towards the Dining room. "Where are we going?"
"I just want to say, that this was primarily Dicks idea." Bruce said.
Oh no. I already knew what this is. I put on a smile as we walked through the doors into the dining room. It was decorated to the nines with birthday banners and other colorful decorations. Sometimes I hate Dicks insistent to go over the top with everything.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled as I entered. I smiled at the large gathering of people. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. But just for a second. Before, when I had parties, it fwlt like a lot of the smiling faces were just that, smiling face, no genuine emotion behind them but not this time. This time the smiles held happiness, love. I could feel it
All the nervousness I should feel, melted away. I don't know of it was Kate's hand on my shoulder or the smiles of my family and Cassie.
I was quickly tugged to the table by Steph. In front of me sat a large chocolate cake. On it, there had to be about fifty candles. "I told you I wouldn't forget." Cassie smiled.
"Come on!" Dick shouted excitedly.
"Can't we just skip that part?" Jay moaned.
Dick ignored Jay's remark and burst into song. "Happy birthday to you!"
Dick was quickly joined by the others, even Jay mumblwd along. After the song was over, I blew out my candles. Downside of so many candles, took quite a few blows.
"So what'd you wish for?" Steph asked.
"She can't tell you, that ruins the wish." Dick said.
"I didn't wish for anything." I said. "I have everything I could ever need."
Damien scoffed. "Corny. You sound like Grayson."
Cassie nudged me. "Do it."
"Fine." I sighed. "I did wish for something."
"Anything." Bruce said.
"I wish for... a photo. Of all of us. Together."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"That's doable." Bruce turned to the kids. Jay and Damien in particular. "Isn't it."
Jay sighed. "Just this once."
Damien scoffed. ""Yes, as Todd said."
"I shall get the camera." Alfred stated.
"No need I have one here." Steph said, handing a camera to Alfred. "I have been capturing every moment of this."
"At this point, I'm surprised you don't take pictures of us sleeping." Tim remarked.
"Maybe I do."
"I'm double checking the locks in my door tonight." Duke commented.
"I'll always find another way in."
"You are the creepiest blonde I've ever met." Jay said. "And thats not a low bar."
"But you love me for it."
Jay sighed. I turned to Alfred. "You're  not going to be in the photo?" I asked.
"Someone must take the photo."
"I can take it Alfie." Cassie said.
"I will allow you to take this photo, Miss Sandsmark, on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Never refer to me as Alfie ever again."
"Fiiine." Cassie snagged the camera. "Now go join them."
"Okay," Bruce said. "Tallest to the back."
Dick, Kate, Bruce, Alfred, and Jay stood at the back in that order. Damien, Babs, me, Harper, Carrie, Duke, Steph, and Cass stood in front.
Dick picked up Damien. "Let me go Grayson!"
"Chill out." Dick said as he placed Damien on his shoulders. "Don't want you cut out of the photo.
"This will suffice." Damien huffed, pretending to be upset.
Steph turned to Cass. "Pleaaase."
"Sure." Cass lifted Steph onto her shoulder.
Bruce smiled at his children and place an arm around Alfred. I felt Kate place her hand on my shoulder.
"Say cheese." Cassie said.
"Cheeese!" We all shouted as Cassie snapped the picture.
We all walked over to her. "How's it look?"
She through an arm around my neck. "Smile."
I looked at the camera in surprise as Cassie snapped a picture. "What was that about?" I asked as Cassie let go of me.
She shrugged. "You needed a photo of us."
She handed me the camera. I looked at the photo of us. Cassie looked perfect but I had a look of absolutely confusion plastered on my face. I smiled and looked at the family picture. Everyone looked perfect in it. Even Damien and Jay were smiling. The camera was quickly passed around everyone as they looked at the photo.
Afterwards we cut the cake. I could tell by the way that Cass and Steph watched me as I took the first slice, that they had baked it. "Best cake ever." I said after I took a bite. The two girls had huge grins plastered across their faces. The cake was quickly devoured by everyone.
A pile of gifts sat on the table from each of the Batfamily. I figured I'd open them later and we went to play party games. For a moment I thought they be boring but the look on Tim's face when the donkey tail ended up pinned to his back, courtesy of Steph, proved me wrong.
Eventually we all lay up and watched some movies. By eleven everyone was clearly knackered. I could barely even keep my eyes open. Carrie was sound asleep against Bruce and most of the others weren't far behind. I was almost asleep when I felt a small weight on my shoulder.
Cassie looked half asleep as she leaned against me. Maybe she was asleep, just with her eyes open. I couldn't tell.
"Is she asleep?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.
I looked over my shoudler. Diana stood in the open doorway. "Diana." Bruce slid out gently from under Carrie and stood up. "I didn't hear you come in."
"I knocked. I assure you." She said. "No one answered, so I let myself in."
"Sorry, Miss Prince, I was preoccupied." Alfred stated.
I hadn't even noticed Alfred in the armchair in the corner. Jay was curled up beside him and appeared to be sound asleep.
"No worries Alfred."
"You've come to pick up Carrie. I assume." Bruce said.
"Yes. I'd leave her here but I promised her mother I'd bring her home tonight."
"Of course."
I shook Cassie. "Wake up."
She looked up at me groggily. "Huh?"
She sat up straight and looked to Diana. "Oh hey."
"Time to go."
Cassie stood up and stretched. "Sure, I'll juat grab my bag, i think it's in the kitchen." She turned back to me. "See yah Ash, and Happy Birthday."
I smiled. "See yah."
Cassie and Diana left and I looked back at the TV. I didn't recognise the movie that was on. I didn't even know who picked it. Slowly I drifted off to sleep on the couch.
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fifteenskies15 · 5 years
Moon Viewing Bliss
(Tokito Muichiro x Reader)
Summary: It's almost Otsukimi day and you decide to take Muichiro with you...
Admin's Note: Ayy @brinthie I know you didn't ask for this but consider this as my token of appreciation for you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Tommorow is otsukimi day, the harvest moon, the night when moon shines brilliantly, and you were thinking to take Muichiro to watch the moon together, you decided to take him because lately your lover, who is a mist pillar has work his shoes off, fighting demons tooth and nails, protecting the innocent people from those foul cretins, and what couldn't be more perfect than watching the moon while munching some moon dumplings?
You just came back from your mission today, after get some check ups from Shinobu in butterfly estate and make some lunch for him, you go straight to Muichiro's estate, as you arrived there, his crow greet you with a shrill caws "(Last name) is coming!! (Last name) is coming!!" You chuckled at that long lashed crow and let her land on your shoulder as you pat her small head with your finger.
Now you may wonder, how is it that his usually mean and full of malice crow is so tame to you? Simple, Muichiro told her to behave with you or else he's going to ignore her if she didn't.
As you walk in, you could see Muichiro in his plain white kimono and dark blue hakama stare blankly at the now ruined dummy with sword in his hand, you smiled and called after him
He looked up at you and a bright smile decorated his once blank face "(Name), welcome back!" He put his sword back to its sheathe, as he wiped his sweat off with towel and drink some water, he walked up to you as you laid out a plum riceball and two steaming cup of green tea "dig in, Muichiro, you need more energy after your long solo training" he smiled gratefully at you as he take a sip of his green tea "Thanks for doing this, (name)"
"You're welcome, Mui"
You both just sip your tea, enjoying the peaceful autumn, the leaves on the trees turned red and yellow, the wind blow the fallen ginko leaves in Muichiro's estate garden gently, the view is definitely picturesque, the wind gently carried the scent of a autumn flowers, you sighed contently at how peaceful autumn season is.
"The autumn is very nice, don't you say, Mui?" He looked at you, tilting his head a bit "Is it? What makes it so nice and peaceful?" You giggled at him, oh sweet and naive Muichiro...
"Well, what do you think? What makes it peaceful to you?" He hummed and scratch his chin as if deep in thoughts and closed his eyes as he looked at you with a smile.
"Huh? W-what do you mean, Mui?"
"Your presence made it so peaceful and filled with tranquility"
You sip your green tea to hide your smile "You're being too much, Mui" he just let out a low chuckle as he take a bite of his nosh, "I have a feeling that you came here for another reason" you smiled at him, a bit cheekily "Guilty, well are you free tommorow?" Muichiro shrugged "Oyakata-sama didn't assign me on mission, so I'm pretty much free, what's up?" You scoot closer to him "You see, Otsukimi day is tomorrow and I was thinking... Maybe we could go to the small hill near the estate to watch the moon?"
He tilted his head in confusion again "Why should we? Can we just do it another time?"
You smiled at him, playing with his hair "Well tomorrow, the moon will shine brighter than the usual, besides that Mui..." You took both of his hands as you pout and give him your sad eyes "You have been working too much lately, you need to straighten your legs and let it loose for once, please Mui? Won't you humor me?"
Muichiro let out a soft sigh as he smiled and cup your cheeks "How could I say no to my precious (name)-chan/kun?"
You laughed and playfully shove him away "So it's a yes then?"
"It is indeed a yes"
He take another bite of his rice before he stand up and take his sword "Well I feel rejuvenated, thanks for the meal, (name)"
You smiled and nodded at him "You're very welcome, Mui, and I guess I'll take my leave"
As you're about to head back to your estate, Muichiro tugged on your sleeve and looked at you like he's a lost puppy
"Can you stay please?"
Well, who would have say no to those big sad eyes?
"Fufu... Alright, if you insist"
The Otsukimi day is here, you already make a bunch of moon dumplings for you both to enjoy while looking at the moon, you smiled to yourself as you bring the basket of moon dumplings, as you're about to get Muichiro, you stopped on your tracks because he's been waiting outside your estate
"Oh, Muichiro! Good evening! I was about to come over and pick you up"
He just smiled "Well I'm here now aren't I?" He then offered his hand to you with a smile on his face "Shall we, my dear?" You giggled at him and gratefully take his hand "Yes, we shall"
As you both make your way to the hill, you and Muichiro started a small talk as the sound of chirping crickets accompany you "So... Why is it so special about the moon viewing festival?"
"Well Mui, it's to celebrate the harvest moon, I'm sure you're aware that autumn is the season of bountiful crops, and this is another way to celebrate it! And did you know that this is the perfect opportunity to see the moon rabbit"
Muichiro raised his eyebrows, he seems to be visible intrigued "Really? So there is a literal rabbit on the moon?"
You giggled at him "Goodness Mui, no! There's a tale of a virtuous rabbit that gave its life to feed a Buddhist deity disguised as a poor, elderly man. Touched by the rabbit’s selflessness, the deity drew the rabbit’s shape into the surface of the moon where it remains to this day"
You looked at him and to see him with his mouth slightly ajar, he's mildly impressed.
"Wow... That's amazing"
"It is indeed, so every full moon night we should definitely bought a rice cake because the rabbit is known to always pounding rice into a paste and speaking of which, here we are"
You smiled as both of you eventually reach the small hill, a sturdy birch tree standing proudly on it. As you put down the basket of moon dumplings, you see Muichiro sat down and looked at the majestic shiny moon.
He looked like he was spellbound by the moon, you smile and sit next to him "Here Mui, I made you moon dumplings, help yourself" you say as you offer him the dumpling, he smiled and take it.
"Thank you, (name)" he took a bite and smiled "it's delicious" you smiled as you take one for yourself "I'm glad then"
You both enjoyed the dumpling while while look at the moon.
You sneak a glance at Muichiro, his handsome face were illuminated by the moonlight.
Is it possible for someone to look that divine?
"What is it (name)?" He asked you with a playful smile on his face, you blushed and look away, muttering a quiet "... Nothing..." He just chuckled and scoot closer to you
And lay his head on your lap, making himself comfortable, you smiled at him as you run your fingers through his hair "Are you comfortable there, Mui?"
"Mmm, very...I had a great view too..."
You playfully arch your eyebrows "Are you talking about me or the moon?" He then put his gentle hand on your cheek, as he admired you and how the moonlight illuminated your (s/c) and your (h/l) (h/c)
"The moon is beautiful but the view above me is more beautiful, because right now, I'm looking at the most beautiful person that ever walked on the earth"
There he go again, he surely know how to make you blush, gracious alive...
"Muichiro, you flatter me too much" he just smiled and sat up, giving you a sweet kiss on cheek "You deserve nothing more than praises and appreciation" he just lay back down on your lap as you just bashfully smile at him, a faint blush on your face.
You lean in to give him a sweet kiss on his lips, you could feel his smile amidst the kiss
"Have I told you how much I love you, (name)?"
"Nah, I don't think you have today"
"Well in that case (name), I love you, I love you so much, because you give me courage and you opened my eyes, you made me see the beauty of this world and I don't know if you didn't came into my life, if you didn't, I can't even see something magnificent as this" he said as he pointed at the moon
You smiled warmly at him "I love you too, Mui, I will always find my way into your life and show you happiness even if that means I have to move the heaven and earth just to be with you"
You both share each other smile before you looked up at the shining moon, faintly, you can see a figure of a rabbit pounding rice, you smile to yourself.
"That rabbit just witnessed my undying love for you" Muichiro said out of the blue, you raise your eyebrows "You saw it too?"
With a smile, you looked up at the moon
"Well then, virtuous rabbit, you did just witnessed our love for each other"
With that being said you smile at Muichiro once again as both of you bask in the moonlight together...
Admin 15: Tumblr, I'm angry at you for having an error when I publish the original version of this story now everyone is going to be confusion, but anyways... I hope you all enjoy it, I'm so sorry for the grammar error too!
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kamenridermach · 4 years
actually maybe i shall do that tommorow i dont have the raincells today
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