#maybe im aroflux but idk
usakkhae · 1 year
Questioning and having a hard time finding an aromantic label that fits me while having no one to talk to is awful
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kingxgarm · 2 years
Would you date any of the new ninja? Or who would you NOT date
That's a weird question
They're kind of annoying... I like the pink and teal one the most tho
NOT date... do you mean in general or out of the new ninja?
New ninja: Magenta ig, the ladies also kinda go here since I'm achillean (which means I prefer men)
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littl-vs · 1 year
maybe im aroflux
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narutomaki · 2 years
every relationship either lasts forever or fails so like. idk why I'm surprised and upset about another one not lasting forever.
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talekinesis · 3 months
Am I the only one who thinks the Aroflux flag just isn't appealing to look at
I've seen maybe one other post say they didn't like it
Like yeah it looks like watermelon but it's just not pretty to look at lol
I just think the stripes that are fading between green and red, the ones bordering on brown, they're not appealing
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The alternate flag is a little better but not by much. The only thing it has on the other one is the fact that the green and red are separated and not bleeding into each other
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Everyone else in the aro community has such pretty looking flags and their art looks so pretty, but when I spot the aroflux colors im like "Oh, you're here too-"
But like its my flag, I want to like it 💀
I tried to like it when I first saw it, I was like "Oh it's kinda like watermelon..... Green and red don't go together but it's okay, it's a pride flag, it's not about aesthetic or looks, the colors probably represent something,"
idk, I'm probably being too harsh or judgemental
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 10 months
Hey Jamie, thought maybe it was better to send an ask instead of texting idk.
I'm confused :(
I can't tell the difference between platonic, sexual, and romantic attractions.
Bc the thing is, I'm polyamorous, sexual, and have made out with friends and such. My views on platonic relationships aren't the most common.
And I crave love and a romantic relationship. I have been in several, I've also been in love (which is quite distinct from crushes so I don't put those 2 in the same box). And there's a few ppl I could be interested in/see myself with...
However, even in my prev relationships, it's like I only gain romantic feelings after we start dating. Before that it's just like we hv chemistry and so I'm up for it. But I'm not crushing on the person, yk? I usually don't develop feelings unless the other person has them too.
Do I want to date these people bc I have feelings or bc we're friends and they're nice and hot? Idk, is this an arospec thing...? Help-
I missed this, fuck im so sorry Jaylien-
I got you're message about maybe grayromantic but heres a few more just in case :)
Aroflux: People who identify as aroflux may experience their romantic orientation as fluctuating between experiencing and not experiencing romantic attraction, or that attraction is being experienced to alternating or changing degrees Cupioromantic: describes those who do not experience attraction but do desire a romantic relationship Demiromantic: describes people who do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone, grayromantic includes, but is not limited to, people who feel low amounts of romantic attraction, rarely feel romantic attraction, only feel romantic attraction under specific circumstances, or are not sure if they experience romantic attraction
Hope this helps and again im so fucking sorry
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our-aro-experience · 6 months
For the most part, my sexuality has been bisexual. I've had many crushes on boys and girls. For a few years now, I've been losing that, idk, spark of love? I have no idea how to describe it except: I haven't felt romantic or sexual attraction. People in my school are all about love (as in romantic) and for Valentine's they did this whole dance, decorated the school with hearts (yknow, the basics but more extreme) and I got like 3 invitations for the dance (2 boys and 1 girl bcuz they know im bi). Those 3 people were like, according to my friends, "super hot" but i really wasn't feeling it. At first, i just thought: Maybe it's just my preference, I'm just being mean, maybe I just dont like them. But the more I look at it, the more I realize I wouldn't go out to the dance with anyone, in my school or not. Now I'm thinking, cmon, there's like 8 billion people on earth, I just havent found someone I think is my type. And the more I think about *that* the more I think I would be more happier if I just went with one of my friends or straight up alone. I feel like I'm a piece that doesnt fit in the puzzle right now. I really just wanna go to the party with my friends, eat the food, dance, joke and mess around and do silly stuff without having to like put a string of spaghetti in my mouth and put the other bit in my "lover's" mouth and like eat it until we smooch or something. Sadly, It's the point of the dance to come with only one person and not alone and if I know my friends, I know they'll be focusing on their partner only so I didn't go to the dance. I'm probably being dramatic but
Am I aromantic?
(disclaimer) i can’t tell you for sure if you’re aromantic or not because i’m not in your brain and body
from what you’re saying, i think you could be somewhere on the aromantic spectrum! this part really stuck out to me - “I haven't felt romantic or sexual attraction” - because aromanticism is defined as “feeling little or no romantic attraction” (and then asexuality is feeling little or no sexual attraction).
there’s also different types of attraction you could have been experiencing with your crushes before, which i can go into depth a bit more about if you’re interested (that wasn’t the focus of the ask so i don’t want to give you advice you don’t want, but if you are curious, just send another ask!)
some arospec identities you might want to explore are:
aromantic - a person who feels little to no romantic attraction
aroflux - a person whose feelings of romantic attraction fluctuate (whether that is in terms of strength or in terms of whether or not you actually feel romantic attraction)
greyromantic/grayromantic - a person who very rarely feels romantic attraction or feels romantic attraction very weakly
quoiromantic - a person who has a hard time distinguishing platonic and romantic attraction or doesn’t know if they feel romantic attraction
i hope this helps, and don’t forget to drink your water and eat your garlic bread!
disclaimer: this isn’t meant to exclude anyone or make anyone feel left out! everyone’s experiences are different!
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lunar-lair · 1 year
busts down the door fuck it. off the cuff gender/sexualities headcanons for the rise boys/whoever else i decide. i havent fully considered these/written these out so it might be a hot mess have fun (its also 1 am this is your warning)
see leos a little Special. surprise trans leo is my fav thing ever so what I like to do is ambs (assigned male by splinter, he didnt know the cloacas were in different areas or to start squinting when leos shell got more concave. no i did not know those facts before surprise trans madness/my egg doc i made a whole cloth new however the fuck you say it reproductive system for this fucking turtle so he and his bunny boyfriend could have kids and i could torture him with sliders being oviparous. thank you less-depresso-more-expresso for your leo egg post in december it changed me fundamentally) -> oh . those are eggs. ok *whistling sound as he continues w his life* -> wait gender is a construct. maybe this is a gift -> genderfluidity slaps the kid in the face when theyre abt 17. also hes gay cause it feels right. so does some form of demisexual or romantic but i have a lot of opinions on how his dating life would go and how it would impact his character (rhinocio gets it if u know them. were besties u see) so i think that woudnt hit until more like 18 or smth like that maybe idk
in much more basic terms. genderfluid gay leo ftw we love a trans leo in this house. this goes whether or not you believe in Egg this kid is not cis mark my goddamn words
raph has always screamed she/he to me as she has to most people. im feeling bi. double bi also feels both very right and very funny his siblings would have a ball w that
if mikey doesnt use neopronouns whats the point. gender is a game and mikey is winning. sexuality is also a game and mikey is Still winning. goes w pan but literally would nebulously date anyone as long as they seemed cool and he liked them well enough. they and leo are shaking hands except leo is hoarding like she, he, they, and maybe a couple other neopronouns meanwhile mikey is like im everything all at once fight me abt it. so nonbinary in the everything kind of way. maybe. i have no idea what the name for this is but i know exactly the kind of vibe im talking abt
and ofc donnie is in the absolute opposite direction. he/they, more nonbinary than anything else. rise apritello star lastknownstatus-alive has allured me with aroflux donnie and considering i know like two things abt the aro and ace label existence im absolutely listening. definitely think hes on that spectrum though, it just fits. think hed look at the sexuality thing and go ...none of these are right. and then forgo it entirely. their sexuality is whoever is hot and whoever they fall in love with die abt it
this is where i say that trans man draxum means everything to me and also that man simply isnt straight nor is he allistic (i mean allo as in like hes definitely on the ace/aro spectrum and i didnt realize until rereading a while later but he is also not allistic tbf)
also splinter is bi i rest my case. pretty normal gender on that rat though, even with the gnc everything
april is so . that gender is so everything. hoarding genders like mikey but less so and also less aggressively. less everything all at once and more somethings sometimes and sometimes not other things. shes a solid inbetween of mikey and leo. my brain clocked bi but i honestly dont know why. help i dont know that many names and also i havent been in love in 4 years idk how the sexuality half of this works
also as a disclaimer we as a system (not in our bio bc Fear) identify as genderfluid (not that i know what the flag looks like . look i keep forgetting to look it up ok) but thats because its easier. a lot of us are sort of genderfluid or use multiple pronouns but remembering those gender experiences is HARD . accordingly any discussion of gender and the experience might be totally fucked bc were only so many genders bc there are so many people in this brain. ok im getting off the stepladder w my megaphone where i make separate points now onto casey
my baby my little guy. think the fam wouldve given him the opportunity to explore that stuff as much as he could in the apocalypse. im feeling he/it. thinks gender is a construct. too busy to find a label. would probably like bigender or genderfluid. kind of like mikey, technically works w pan but would date literally whoever whenever wherever as long as there was a preexisting relationship. dont tell him but hes probably demiromantic
and casey sr!!! my girl my lady! i could go either cis or transgirl on her, or even she/they or she/they/he, she does whatever she wants any day of the week. absolutely a lesbian though thats undisputed. also feeling demiro And demiace
this is your last warning that i sussed half of these out based on vibes Right Now. except for leo theyre on my mind 24/7. and mikey mikey felt patently obvious. same for donnie but only gender wise
ok im done now prommy. may or may not fuck around and make a background + oh yeah! thats me!! style fic for these guys if i feel like it. probably wont come out during pride but hey. you dont stop being gay when june ends yk. either way tada ill come back if i decide i was talking bullshit and correct myself later. bc i usually decide i was talking bullshit eventually lmao. probably partially cause im like 18 its a natural side effect of growth occuring at a faster rate due to my younger age. anyways this has been your twice annually actually long and headcanons/fun filled luna post. ill see you in like, october probably, unless i get ballsy, see you then either way lmao
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myersesque · 3 years
me infodumping to my bedroom abt the doctor's identity shifting between regenerations and yet still distinctly being Them and keeping some of the same beats:
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aceiduna · 3 years
so ok maybe it’s just sleep deprivation but like. i think im bi
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unseentrauma · 5 years
maybe i am super romance + sex repulsed (sighs) like if i think abt sexual stuff i feel like puking . i cant joke abt it or even talk abt it without triggering myself and i genuinely feel so sick  thinking about it, i dont think its healthy. and im romance repulsed but like. general attraction is fine like men are hot and all but if i think abt specifically being attracted to a man i feel super sick. on the other hand i have a romantic crush on a friend but like.. we’re friends already so its different ig. idk.
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littl-vs · 1 year
thinkin about how i was so concerned i didnt love her but i actually have been so happy and giggly while talking to her today
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closet-begone · 3 years
I’m coming out as a bi aroflux ace who uses she/they pronouns. I’m fluidflux and most of the time I just sort of roll it’s what I’m feeling because I can’t always identify the feeling. I’ve already come out to most of my family, and they have been super supportive but I can’t come to not of my extended family, but really want to. Also, any tips on how to tell my best friend? She’s queer too but I have said that I’m cishet my whole life and have had a crush since I’m aroflux, and Idk how to bring it up.
welcome to the community !!! glad you found a label for yourself even if you cant identify w it a lot thats awesome fluidflux fits you !! thats awesome how your family has accepted you very proud of you !!! maybe w extended family you can ask your family and talk about it !! maybe explain to your friend that “ hey i found out im not allocishet would you be willing to listen ?? ” and go from there !! i hope this helps anon have a good rest of your day !! mod spacedog
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thesoupisarchive · 3 years
Greystone Secret LGBTQ+ Headcanons :D
hi im a nerd and i love this series WOO (i realize their kids but kids can be gay smh /lh) also im only up to Chapter 18 on the third book  👍 👍 👍 Greystone Kids: Chess: Demi Straight Ace, He/Him, Demiboy Emma: Mean Lesbian Demi, She/They/It/Three, Girlflux Finn: Probably Pan or Bi in the future, They/He/Bug, Genderfawn Buggender Natalie: Deffo Bisexual (maybe omniromantic aye aye?), She/They/Rov, Genderdoe Kate Greystone (aka girlboss mom): Bi., She/Her/They, Cis Woman The Deweese Family: Joe: idk straight??? maybe bi curious with 70% women 30% enbys, He/Him, Cis Man Kona: AROACE!!!!, They/She/He/It/Xe, Nonbinary Fuckyougender Kafi: ok babies cant have a preference yet, She/Her, um its a baby The Mom: Deffo Pan vibes, She/Xe, Transfem MtF Misc:  Susanna Mayhew: Demi AroAce until she bonds w someone dont know the label and then shes pan, She/Her, Cis Woman Other Natalie: Lesbian Aroflux, She/Xe/They, Huliogirl That’s all I have :P
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crttvset · 3 years
falls through your window. ello it;s flippy aka ohhitherehuman scratchgh real typing from her crusty musty dusty pc as an anon anyways uhhhhhhhh chiaki and ibuki for. ask meme pleading fingers
HIIIIII OMG. I MISSED UU….and ya ofc!!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian!!!!!!!!!! when chihiro programmed ai chiaki she was like hm. maybe ill make her exactly like me. but different. and shes ace. also irl chiaki is like. soooooo wlw its unreal
Gender Headcanon: TRANSFEM and xenogender hoarder…..she has SO MANY…..mainly she/her but she likes video game themed neos
A ship I have with said character: SONIAKI IS SO GOOD……….in a qpr way. and kuzunami. in a qpr way. and mikan. and nanabuki. andkxnxkxjdjdjxkn
A BROTP I have with said character: HER AND HAJIME <3 trans besf friendz <3333343
A NOTP I have with said character: hinanami :( that is a lesbian gal and a bi (w a lean for dudes) man :( same w her and komaeda. also her and chihiro thats her mom thats her sister thats her clone. stop
A random headcanon: irl chiaki and chihiro are sisters! chiaki takes more after their mom and chihiro takes more after their dad
General Opinion over said character: i used 2 dislike her but shes cute :) i might be biased tho since she’s basically chihiro but sleepier
Sexuality Headcanon: omni maybe. and aroflux
Gender Headcanon: trans 100% idk if shes transmasc or transfem or idk if he even HAS a gender. xeyre so full of gender its unreal. she/he/xe/it and more
A ship I have with said character: MAHIBUKI HHDHFHBGVFNGGGGNNNBNHHNGNH. REAL. and him and sayaka :•) also nanabuki!
A BROTP I have with said character: her and peko would be cool!! imposter and ibuki are fun together too
A NOTP I have with said character: gngnngngfnnf her and gundham. im sorry. theyre siblings. its gross
A random headcanon: xeyre jewish!
General Opinion over said character:
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
Idk if this is okay to ask but what's it like being cupioromantic and having a girlfriend? How do the two of you navigate attraction that isn't typically romantic?
yea thats fine to ask!
me and my girlfriend are both arospec, and she herself is more the type to be indifferent on if shes friends with someone or actually dates them- romance isnt really a high priority for her, as long as shes with someone she loves in some way it doesnt matter much to her!
for me i am a bit more interested in being in a romantic relationship than her, but probably not as much as most people still. and while im soo in love with the idea of love and romance, the thought and act of actually being all really romantic and lovey dovey n stuff irl feels really weird to me, and the same goes for her.
so our romantic relationship is pretty much just like, casual and more lowkey compared to most. we pretty much act exactly the same as we did when we called each other just friends ("just" as in instead of "friends And girlfriends") except we call each other girlfriends, playfully do our thing of "I LOVE U. BITCH." "WELL I LOVE YOU TOO. FUCK YOU," when we meet irl were wanting to kiss :'3 (bc were long distance atm! and also kiss in just like. peck kisses bc were both grossed out at the thought of using Tongue jgkdjf), and etc stuff like that.
for specifically our attractions, im not completely sure the specifics of what hers is like besides the fact that shes defintely some kinda arospec, but i believe her attraction tends to lean on aesthetic? mine does as well, but i do still experience Some romantic attraction (i think my gf does too maybe? but just doesnt care if its acted on or not? idk), but it is kinda confusing to me 😅 i defintely have felt romantic attraction to my gf but i think it tends to fluctuate? so maybe im aroflux or somethin?
honestly its kinda hard to explain it all because being arospec is just. makes attraction So Fuckin Confusing. and i dont really try to focus on figuring it out a ton bc its not like, super important to me to do so ? it doesnt really matter too much to me ig since romance itself isnt really a big thing for me irl (most of my focus on romance is like... with like fictional ships). i just stick with cupioromantic bc it pins down my general feelings of being arospec but also would like to date (even tho idc too much if i dont), essentially getting that "loving (romantic) love more than i actually feel it" feeling down and thats kinda all that matters for me.
SORry this may have got a lil rambly, im just bad with wording my thoughts on attraction stuff since its all just kinda... not really clear in my head to begin with. Essentially though its just, me and my girlfriend both have similar relationships to romance and attraction (and sexual attraction, with us both being sex repulsed aces), and were incredibly close to each other, closer than to most other ppl in our lives (i havent ever been as close to anyone as i have with her), and we love each other so much- whatever kinda love it is- and it feels comfy n fun to call each other girlfriends, so we do! thats kinda all that matters to us- we love each other, want to spend so much time together and live together- whatever kinda labels we put on it isnt too big a deal. i hope any of this helps answer the question even tho i think i got sidetracked a lot gkdbjfb
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