#my ovaries be feeling things they should not
euphor1a · 2 years
why do i always end up biasing the menaces WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF
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tacticalprincess · 6 months
your writing is literally incredible 💗 may I please request könig who puts his big warm hands on your stomach when you have ovulation cramps?? bonus points if he fucks you from behind at the same time because you’re so needy :((
cw breeding kink | i couldn’t write this without it... sorry
who needs heating pads when you have a mountain of a boyfriend with hands so big they engulf the entire expanse of your lower belly? that’s what könig thinks, at least, when you mention being too achey and sore to get up and heat one up in the microwave. instead of doing it for you like you requested, he’s reaching under you from behind where you’re laying on your tummy, leg perched to the side, as he wraps his hands around your womb, emanating heat from his body and soothing the pain.
“you know why this hurts, ja?”
“my ovaries hate me?” you complain sarcastically.
from behind you, you feel könig shake his head. “your eggs are being released. just right here.” he applies more pressure to the spot, the action making your cunt pulse between your legs. “your body’s getting you nice and primed to take a seed.”
you whimper involuntarily at his words, pushing your ass back against his broad body and feeling his hard dick twitch in response through his sweats. he reaches down with just one of his hands to feel inside your panties, cursing under his breath at how wet you are. it’s fascinating to him how you’re never not wet during this week.
“see, schatz? soaking. this pussy’s crying to get filled.” he hums nonchalantly, his thick finger gathering slick from your tight hole and using it as lube to rub at your puffy clit. “poor thing, and so empty. no wonder you hurt.”
you shamelessly beg for him, knowing his fingers won’t be enough to satiate the emptiness you feel in your pulsing hole. you need something bigger, something you know can stretch you out and fill you to the brim.
“don’t know if i should. could fuck a baby into you if i’m not careful…” he sounds contemplative, though his hips are grinding down against your ass, knees planted on either side of you. “it’s the perfect time for it, and my sperm tends to like it in here. won’t want to leave… might catch.”
“please, köni, don’t care. it’ll help the— with my cramps.” you babble for any excuse, grinding down against the fingers shoved into your soaked panties. you’re overheating at this point, and if you don’t get him inside you, you might scream.
a wave of relief temporarily drowns out your desperation as you feel his hands leave your body to pull his pants down, returning to pull your wet panties to the side shortly after.
“shh, that’s enough talking, hase.” he coos sweetly once he bottoms out, slipping inside so easily. he holds you up by your lower tummy until you’re hovering just above the bed to fuck deeper into you, his pelvis slamming against your ass on every thrust. “gonna give you what you need, ja? ein kind. make the pain go away.”
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My girlfriend requested this
Hazbin men trying the period simulator. Somewhat of a follow up to my period post so this is based on the reader having severe period pain due to PCOS/ENDO
The man is sweating before you even attach the simulator. He knows he fucked up. He only agreed to this because he loves you a lot.
He handles the first 3 levels ok. You tell him very few women experience that little pain and that usually 4-6 is the average.
Those levels make him tense. He's uncomfortable, but still pretty able to work and do normal things. 5 has him pausing to do deep breaths every now and then. (If this is the canon timeline where he birthed Charlie he compares it to bad kicks).
6-8 he's pretty much doubled over. If you tell him that's the level you experience, he will cry. Literally begs forgiveness since again, period and labor pain is technically his fault. He is so sorry. If he didn't have issues with his Dad before he does now because this is fucked up. God's fucked up for doing this.
He doesn't make it to 10, he's crying by level 9. This is labor levels of pain. He gets why all you do is sleep. Treats your period like a sacred ritual after that. Preps for weeks. He goes full Bible, sheltering you for the duration of it so you can have peace and quiet. Please never hook him up to this again.
If you wear it at anything from an 8-10 and tell him "It's close, but I've hurt worse" he's gonna sob and then try and fight his Old Man again. He'll settle for offering to have your bits removed for you.
Once again this man hates admitting he was wrong. And yeah he knows your periods are really bad, especially now he's witnessed it. But it's still a huge knowledge gap for him and he doesn’t really take the time to think about it.
He handles 1-5 well. He's mildly uncomfortable by 5, but thinks that if this is the average experience, then it's not such a big deal. Tell him the statistics on how many people with periods actually experience 6-8 because that's actually the majority, and he's just confused. How is the average pain level not the most common?
6-8 has him gritting his teeth and glitching, but he refuses to stop and keeps trying to work. Is starting to wonder how you went so long working with this level of pain without him noticing.
He makes it to 10, but by then, he's unable to move, clutching his abdomen and sparking and glitching. Tells you it feels like his entire insides are being squeezed. The fact that he can feel it in his groin. He's kind of afraid of period sex with you after that because of how much he felt it. And you said it's caused cramps from your ribs to your knees. He's like... genuinely scared of your period and pain tolerance.
He's going to snuggle the fuck out of you afterwards and apologize for not appreciating how much you still do for him when you're not feeling good. How he didn't see how hurt you were. He does a lot of research after that and not only does he spoil you by buying whatever you need for your periods and giving you time off, he looks into treatment options. Even if that means chopping the useless fucking things out. Sinners can't have kids anyway so who needs ovaries and a uterus?
He's more convinced you should just be rid of the damn things when you wear it and 8-10 is "Yeah, this is close, but it doesn't really cover how much of my body hurts".
Is only doing this because he was dared to by Velvette. Or if this an au where he's trying to be a less toxic person. But really I think it's also to prove that you're all being dramatic. It's a perfectly normal body function and his employees are just trying to get out of work.
He gets all the way to 6 before he starts to realize he may have fucked up. Especially when it's explained that this is what most people experience.
By 10 he's gritting his teeth, chain smoking, clawing at things. He refuses to give in, but he can count on one hand the number of things in his entire life and death as a pimp and a whore that he's experienced that come close to this level of pain.
No one told him his dick was gonna hurt. Sitting hurts. Breathing hurts. He doesn't even try to eat. He won't ever admit to being wrong, but he does behave more leniently with his actors when they're on their periods.
If you put it on (and lets say he actually cares about you) and setting 8-10 is "Yeah, this an average day for my cramps. My bad days are like..5 or 6 levels worse" it's gonna rearrange his brain a little. He might be a little afraid of you and some of the other actors with periods because your pain tolerances are so high. It threatens his ability to control you and them. But on the other hand, that's kinda hot???
Has never once doubted that people who experience periods undergo serious struggle and has nothing but respect for women (and trans people he just associates it with women more because of the time period and his mama) who work through it.
He is actually the one who heard about the simulator through Rosie and asks you to show him your experience. Just to better understand you. He knows you're the type to try and function through the pain (probably because society ingrained into you that your pain doesn't matter).
Initially, he wants to skip the lower levels and just have you set it to your pain level. You tell him that's a bad idea, and to be honest, you're not sure if this thing goes that high. He asks you to check and you set it to the highest setting and say, "It's pretty close. It's been worse, but this is a rough idea," he's a little frustrated but still tries it.
You agree to set it to 4 and tell him 4-6 is what most people report feeling. He acknowledges it, registers it as unpleasant, but otherwise is fully capable.
7-9 has his ears flat, his smile is more a snarl. This is uncomfortable. Not what he considers painful but certainly irritating. It makes sitting, stretching, and eating feel much more difficult.
10. There's static visble around him. His teeth grind. Actually painful. Not the worst pain he's experienced, but he hates it. He hates the way he feels it in his back and hips as he walks. He hates the way taking deep breaths (which for someone as dramatic as he is and with the transatlantic accent, breathing technique and posture is important) stings. He hates the way it causes his stomach to cramp and churn. He hates the ache in his thighs and groin that make sitting feel stiff and ackward. He can only picture how blood loss would make this worse. Tired, losing nutrients, the headaches, the increased moodiness. It's no wonder you sleep, so much, but he wonders how the Hell you sleep like this? He's snappy and short tempered because of the pain (and again he gets why you would be if you weren't sleeping so much).
How does this affect how he treats you?
Not much. He still expects you to know your body and your limits. He would never dare to presume otherwise. He still helps prepare whatever you need for your time of the month and still meal plans for you, though he perhaps finds ways to ensure you get all the iron and vitamins you need without cooking steak and other big, heavy meals, since he now understands how bad your stomach hurts.
The only really noticeable change is how much more protective of you he is. Your time of the month hits, and Alastor hates being more than a few moments from you. He growls, pins his ears, and his antlers grow when people get too close to you. He's more prone to letting you snuggle with him when you want, trying to comfort you.
Angel Dust
Another who volunteered. His girl besties insist he doesn't have to do this, he's got the pass. He still wants to do it though, for solidarity.
He also starts on 4 and handles it well. He handles all of the levels pretty well, even 10. By 7 it's obvious he's sore, maybe a bit more withdrawn, exhausted, trying not to move too much or eat too much. Just trying to find a comfortable way to exist. The sad problem is, Angel already has to do this after rough nights at Val's.
He's used to sitting being uncomfortable and aches in his groin and thighs, cramps in his stomach from muscles clenching constantly. 10 is the only level where he's visibly ill, hunched over, lower arms curled around his midsection protectively.
He and the girlies all curl up together and nap and chat and snack on easy to digest junk food and granola bars. He's the first one to say "I bet it's even worse for you gals, but I tried".
He gets it. He's one of the girls. Honestly, kind of becomes a favorite when the ladies have period problems. (If you're dating any of the others and Angel is openly your favorite after this it is gonna cause a lot of dramatic pouting, posturing, and tantrum throwing.)
I'm going full balls to the wall on Veteran Husk. This man has seen some shit and dealt with his fair share of pain. Like Angel he takes it the best, with very little outward reaction. He's used to stiffness and nausea. The pain in his crotch is a little off putting, but it could be worse.
He's more cautious how he moves, rests more, occasionally a cramp causes his ears to pin back or a small hiss. Overall he takes it like a champ.
Offers you endless amounts of supportive words for dealing with this as well as you do, for days on end. Also is deeply sorry you even have to put up with this shit. Offers all sorts of tips on how to do stretches that help with easing cramps and stiffness without pulling something. Tips of foods/protein drinks to keep on hand to make sure you're maximizing how much nutrition you get. Man's a whole ass survival guide.
He only offers advice if you ask, though. He's not mansplaining how to handle your own body. He genuinely wants to help you, and that's the best way he knows how.
When you're on your period and just want something soft and warm he doesn't even bitch about it, he just settles on top of you and purrs, offers a massage, maybe offers a sly grin and a "no man left behind" joke as he helps you through these dark times.
Would only do this if you challenged him, he has to prove his masculinity. He is definitely nervous as fuck though because he's seen yours. You and Lute already forced him to sit through a whole PowerPoint on women's anatomy and shit. He remembers how shitty he was to Eve, even if hers were in comparison, not that bad, just scary and new.
You forcing him to learn about and acknowledge female health is making him scared of pussy. This isn't gonna help.
3 and 4 make him whiney. He's uncomfortable. His groin feels weird. This sucks. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T EVEN THE AVERAGE?!"
By 5-7 he's actually on his knees, curled over his stomach. He tells you getting stabbed hurt less. This is making him re-evaluate his entire view on women (again he knows about trans people, but because of personal history equates periods to women. Wouldn't hate if a trans person had a period, it would just take his brain a second to process). He whines that you and Lute shouldn't be more badass than him.
"I thought men were supposed to be tougher and stronger. This pain tolerance horseshit is a lie. You guys suck."
He insists on going to 10 because quitting is for losers. He may actually throw up at 10 though. Every time the stupid simulators sends out a pulse and his stomach clenches, he groans. He's in the featal position, there are tears. One hand clenches his stomach the other is cupped around his groin. He's apologizing so much and he doesn't even remember what he's apologizing for. At one point its just "I'm sorry...oh fuck this...sorry about...ugh just...just men?! I guess. Fucking shit ass. Men suck. Women are...fucking great. Aces. You do this shit every month? For like 5 days....what the fuck. What the fuck what the fuck."
You feel a little bad, but Lute is definitely filming this. Afterwards, he tells you you're a badass and any person shit talking people for bitching about period pain (Not that a lot of Winners do, but ya know, obviously they let some questionable people into Heaven if Adam and Lute got by) he's gonna beat the shit out of them. Like "Do you even fucking know, bitch? They're literally so much fucking better than you. Absolute queens. You try doing literally anything when it feels like your dick is falling off and your insides are trying to claw outside your body!"
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creative-crybaby · 17 days
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PAIRING: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
GENRE: crack? crack. | smut (18+)
Minors DNI
TAGS + WARNINGS: fingering, oral (m receiving), praise kink, dacryphilia (?), cum eating, squirting
Let me know if I missed anything.
SUMMARY: Two things can be true at the same time. Does Gojo make you want to hit him upside the head with a frying pan, should his Infinity allow it? Yes. Does he also know how to make your ovaries explode with his fingers alone? Also yes.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Heeeeyyyy~ yes it's been several months without a fic and this comes out under 2k words buuuuuutttt~ u get bitchass!Gojo (we love him)
© creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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You’re going to kill him. 
He’s a walking, talking headache. Questioning your teaching methods for your students, eating your sweets even though you’ve labelled them (it’s right there!), swooping into your missions like he’s saving the day. Those are just a few of the many examples, but he does it all on purpose, you’re sure of it. 
So to be sitting between his long legs with his slender fingers knuckle-deep into your sopping cunt feels like a blow to your integrity and pride. 
Especially since he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“So,” Gojo drawls, pausing his ministrations between your trembling thighs, “how many orgasms was that?”
Your face is boiling. From rage or embarrassment, you can’t decide. “Fuck you.”
The sorcerer hums at your crude remark before slipping his digits out of your pussy, holding his hand a foot away from your face to catch your essence blanketing his skin. 
“Patience, patience.” His easy-going tone makes you want to jab your elbow into his stomach. “Jeez, someone’s eager. You finally warming up to me, Princess?”
And that damn nickname. Either Gojo genuinely doesn’t know how much you hate it, or he’s just trying to push your buttons some more. With the clueless grins he’d offer as he’d call you that, you’d assume the former. But with his explanation for calling you that being that you always stick your nose up at him, you don’t think he deserves any benefit of the doubt. 
You hate that nickname, yet you find yourself clenching around nothing just from hearing those familiar syllables. 
His first question came out like he was asking for the time, yet with the number of times he’s made you see galaxies, you ought to be grateful that his tone holds no cockiness. No, actually, you might prefer that instead—how dare he handle this victory with grace and nonchalance?
“This doesn’t even make us friends,” you manage to stammer through gritted teeth. Your glare remains on his hand, still drenched before you, though your frustration lies more down south than anywhere else. 
You can hear the taunting frown in the sorcerer’s voice. “Guess you won’t care for this anymore, then.”
His arm, responsible for putting you in your puddle-like state, slowly retracts, and you can feel the sorcerer take his time raising from his seated position. 
Now he’s finally giving you the space you always wanted from him, yet you surprise yourself by grabbing him by the wrist. You let go as soon as you recognize your action, but the deed has already been done. 
An overly enthusiastic gasp. “You do like me!”
“Oh, my God—If I say yes, will you just finish the job already?” you groan. 
Gojo plops back to his seating position behind you, nestling his chin onto your shoulder as he teases his hand to return between your thighs. His warm breath fans your cheek while his lips graze your earlobe. Miniscule actions that have your body heating up. Intentional on his part, most likely, though you refuse to give him any more ammo against you. 
A heavy sigh. The feigned disappointment in his tone has your brows furrowing so intensely that you worry you might pop a vein. 
“No gratitude for the hand that feeds you, huh?” The special-grade sorcerer nuzzles into your neck, his woe-is-me attitude soon replaced with a blinding grin and boyish giggle. “Oh, but you know I can’t be mad at you for long!”
Long and slender fingers bury themselves in your weeping cunt before you process his mood swings. A trembling moan slips from your mouth as his skilled ministrations resume, your sweet spot welcoming the familiar touch. His speed and rhythm return as if he never paused, further turning your brain to mush as your thighs tremble. Gojo chuckles childishly once more, the charming melody syncing with the embarrassingly loud squelching of your soaking pussy. 
Multiple orgasms later, and you ask for more. The heat from the situation must be melting your sense of reason because you can’t tell if you’re greedy or just plain stupid. 
“You crying?” Gojo’s voice carries its usual teasing lilt, the one he has specifically for you. You don’t even realize how the fresh tears glaze your vision—as if he didn’t already have enough fuel for the fire.
But you bite your tongue. You bite your tongue because there’s no convincing anyone that he’s crazy and seeing things and the last thing you need is for him to stall some more when you’re already sososo close to the edge.
A slight change in angle. It does the trick, his fingers still bullying that one spot while his palm brushes against your throbbing clit with just as much vigour. Your body tenses, a choked sob escaping your glossy lips as your orgasm hits you like a tsunami. Warm liquid follows soon after, the blue-eyed sorcerer’s movements refusing to halt and making lewd splashing sounds in the process. 
Even once everything simmers down, the impact decides to remain a bit longer. With a heaving chest and stuttering hips, the room stops spinning, slowly but surely.
A low whistle. “If you had to pee, you could have just said so.”
“Why are you like this?”
Gojo hums before slipping his fingers out of your pussy, earning him a slightly pained whimper from you. He stands back up as you wipe away the evidence of your crying, peering up at him when his shadow blankets you. His towering frame never fails to catch you off-guard, but what currently has your attention is the Special Grade sorcerer sucking his digits clean of your juices, a satisfied mewl coming straight from his throat.
“Welp,” he stretches his arms above his head, “we still have a bit of time left before we have that meeting with good ol’ Principal Yaga, so,” the sound of a zipper reaches your ears, and it's only a few seconds later that he pulls out his cock—long, stiff and painfully ready, “why not return the favour?” 
You’re too fucked out to argue against him. That’s the reasoning you’d think of using should he confront you about your willingness to comply. You can’t help it if you’re losing the staring contest against his cock, saliva pooling on your tongue as he taps his vermillion tip against your cheek.
Your lips part as your eyes flutter closed, unable to bear to look at the Special Grade sorcerer as you take him down your throat, inch by inch. The gagging sound that erupts from your throat halfway through makes your brows furrow, and you can only hope the man above you doesn’t comment. With clenched fists sitting on your lap, you further shield your sight with screwed-shut lids as you push yourself to take more, using your tongue for good measure.
A shuddered sigh leaves Gojo’s soft lips when you tease one of his veins. “That’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
You moan in response, feeling bold enough to create a steady pace to bob your head. Whatever you couldn’t reach, your hand took care of, a part of your brain urging you to squeeze him just a bit harder. His responses only grow louder, his groaning and panting setting your face on fire.
“You’re so good at this,” he rasps, his large hand finding the top of your head. Despite his gentle touch, you furrow your brows at the contact. “Too good…” You don’t expect him to slip himself out of your mouth, holding his base away from your mouth and making you finally look up at him. Gojo tilts his head to the side. “You’ve done this before?”
You'd have thought he was teasing if it weren’t for the pout on his lips. You look at him for a moment with an incredulous expression.
“What are you talking about?” You swat his hand out of your hair. “You seriously think being with anyone outside our line of work would be easy?” The male sorcerer’s gaze carries hope at your words, a noticeable shine in those cerulean blues that make your heart stutter. Unsure of what to do next, you continue the lost momentum by pumping his pulsing cock in your hand. “I’m stuck with you, Gojo.”
You figure his shuddered gasp is from your returning touch, especially with the combination of pinched brows, quivering lips and heavy blush on his cheeks and ears. But his large hand on top of yours–the one doing all the work–tells another story.
“You really do like me, Princess!” The sorcerer exclaims, his voice wavering halfway. 
At this point, you don’t care to dissect whether or not he’s pushing your buttons. Even at a time like this….
“I meant I’m settling for you,” you grumble, ignoring how his hand practically devours yours. You manage to retract your hold from his. “Don’t make me bite you.”
Gojo giggles at your threat, his bottom lip slipping between his teeth when you plop his dick back in your mouth. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Without warning, you graze his shaft with your teeth the more you take him in your mouth. Not enough to hurt, but enough to send a message, if your irritated expression wasn’t already doing the job. 
Although, you suppose it is your fault for not taking him seriously either. Your actions earn you a whimper from the Special Grade sorcerer. Not a second later, he has his head thrown back as he pours his load down your throat. Your eyes widen at the overpowering taste, doing what you can to swallow every drop without choking. Even through his orgasm, you find yourself thinking about how he ought to cut down on the sweets. 
You’re quick to pull back for air once Gojo comes down from his high, sputtering in your hand as he sighs happily. 
“Told ya,” he muses, tucking himself back in. You wipe your mouth, glaring at him from your spot on the floor. 
“Whatever,” you grunt, putting your clothes back on before attempting to stand. If he notices your legs still wobbling, he thankfully doesn’t comment. “Let’s just hurry and get to that meeting before Yaga gets mad.”
Gojo hums with a tilt of his head as he watches you dusting off your pants.
“Oh, yeah!” He drops his fist into his palm. You throw a wary look his way when he grins. “We’ve been late this whole time, actually.”
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© creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
*Girls only*
I am so glad that 'the bomb' decided to drop yesterday instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or next Sunday! Why, you ask? Cause imagine having to sit in a car for hours driving to Pennsylvania and worrying about possibly messing up the nice leather seats in your papa's nice fancy truck. Or sitting in the theatre for hours hoping you'll be okay until intermission. Or messing up the hotel sheets (mortifying!!). Or having to sit in church for three hours on your heaviest day. And THEN imagine having to entertain a guest (who happens to be your crush) while also hiding the fact that the literal Battle of Agincourt is going on in your uterus.
Bottom line is, I am so thankful that I'm getting the worst days of my cycle over with before my trip to Sight & Sound (SO EXCITED!!) and my birthday dinner.
#personal#Abby's rants & rambles#Girl problems#I am so thankful I was born a woman and dealing with menstruation makes me feel like super human but man am I glad when I happen to avoid#getting it at an inconvenient time#REGARDLESS... it's kind of a cool thing though?#Like your body literally throws a fit when she doesn't get pregnant#Like GIRL!! I am SORRY that I don't have a husband who can fix your problems! Ever wonder that maybe I wish I had one too??#What she doesn't know is that I just so happen to have my eye on someone... I'm just waiting to find out how God feels about him.#Or maybe she does know... and the reason they've been more uncomfortable than usual is because she's mad that this process is so slow lol#Girl relax! All in God's timing if it's His will - and if it is then you'll eventually get your way and skip as many periods as God allows#ANYWAY... just ignore these tags lol#I'm at the age where I should start having a moment of silence for a wasted egg though... :(#This is my last one as 27 - the last of my mid-20s and it's actually really depressing...#I'm getting closer and closer to 30 and you know what that means for a woman? Its when her ovaries begin to shrivel up and die :'(#The sunset starts to appear in the distance...#I also have this nagging feeling in my gut that I may be infertile anyway... Don't ask me why I feel that way - I just do.#And I don't want to think about it...#I mean I don't know if I even want children because they don't like me and because of how the government tries to own them#But I still want the option just in case ya know???#Oh well... like Mama says: Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
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masonmyluv · 10 months
Birthday present - Pedri Gonzalez
A/N: A little something I wrote for his bday🤭 Happy birthday to this cutie aka Pedri Potter Gonzalez Lopez 💙🎉
Warnings: smut 18+ 🔞🔞🔞
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"Pablo, I told you I don't want to celebrate"
"But it's your birthday!"
"We have an important game tomorrow" Pedri said. "So? We should at least sing you happy birthday" Pablo said, dragging Pedri inside the locker room. Pablo double-checked your text earlier, saying that you landed safely and were about to pick the cake.
"Happy birthday!!!" Everyone yelled when Pedri entered the room. "Yeah thanks guys" he smiled. "Happy birthday my guy" Ferran said, hugging him. "W-what..." Pedri was at loss of words when he noticed you behind Ferran's back. "Surprise" you giggled. "How... you..." he was at loss of words as he pulled you into a tight hug. "I feel betrayed" Ferran joked. "Missed you" Pedri whispered into your neck. "Missed you too, my love" you said, pecking his lips. "Happy" kiss "birthday" kiss "to the best" kiss "boyfriend" kiss "in the world" kiss.
"Okay get a room" Ferran shouted. "You brought cake?" Pedri asked. "Yes, and everyone is allowed to eat" Xavi said, already on his second slice, which he thought no one saw, but you did. Hehe. Everyone sat down, eating cake, all except Pedri. He was looking at you and playing with your fingers. "You okay? The cake is really good" you said, mouth full of cake. "Yeah... just happy you're here" he said, kissing the top of your head. "You don't seem really happy" Pablo butted in. "Tomorrow I'll be at the game wearing your t-shirt" you whispered. "And tomorrow I'll give you the other present" you added so that no one could hear. "Now he's smiling" Pablo smirked. "I wonder what you told him". "Nothing" Pedri replied too fast. "Mhm" Pablo said. You shot him a look, but couldn't be mad at him. After all, he was the one who helped you plan the surprise for your boyfriend, so you were thankful to have a friend like him.
—— day of the game ——
"Good luck, guapo" you whispered, kissing him passionately. "Mhm... don't want to let you go" he said, hands squeezing your ass. "Get a room" Ferran shouted. "I promise. Tonight" you said, pecking his lips again. Little did he know you will be busy that night, but not in the sexy way.
After the game, in which he scored, you were on your way to his place. "Are you okay? You don't seem that excited after a goal" you asked. You knew something was wrong with him since you kissed him after the game. Usually, he would talk you through the whole game, but now he was surprisingly quiet. "No, sorry, I really am. But..." he said. "I wish my parents were here. And Fer. He didn't even wish me happy birthday" he said and you could cry in that moment, telling him that they were waiting for him at home. "Oh Pedri, I'm sure he will" you said, texting Fer that you were on the way. This man, this man right here made your ovaries explode at how much he cared about his family. "I wish they were at the game too. Together with you. Supporting me. But they said they were too busy to fly here" he said thought greeted teeth. You bit your tongue, not wanting to ruin the surprise, but he was making it hard. Fucking ovaries, slow down. "They said they'll come in the weekend, no?" You asked. "Yeah, but it's not the same thing" he said defeated, parking the car. "Hey... look at me. It's your birthday and they love you, I'm sure they have something for you" you said, pecking his lips. "I hope you're right".
Pedri remained like a statue in the door when he saw his family inside his house. "Don't you think we forgot about your birthday, you fucking idiot!" Fer said, hugging his brother. "You're an idiot" he repeated, fighting his little brother. Pedri then went to hug his parents. "If it wasn't for Y/N..." Fer said, bringing his attention back to you. "It was her idea. All this. And we were her accomplices" Fer grinned. Pedri ran to hug you tightly, whispering just how much he loves you. "I love you too, guapo. Now, let's celebrate" you said as Fer handed you a glass of champagne.
You talked with his mom about the match, then Pedri was curious how they couldn't make it to the game. Their flight got delayed, but you had this brilliant idea to wait for him home. "Wow... my girlfriend is really special, isn't she?" Pedri said, kissing the top of your head. "And now she'll say oh no, I didn't do anything" Ferran said, imitating your voice. "Hey!" You pouted, but still laughed at his joke.
"Hey! Where is the birthday boy?" Ferran asked after you had dinner. The birthday boy was sucking his girlfriend's face in the kitchen. "Tell me they aren't sleeping here" Pedri asked, sucking on your neck. "No. They're staying at Fer. Be patient, Pedri" you said, pushing him away. "I want you, amor" he whispered. "I know. I want to properly wish you a happy birthday too" you said, hugging him. "Ah he's here, where else he could be?" Fer said, seeing your flushed faces. "Slow down, cabron. We'll leave in a minute" Fer said. You bid your goodbyes to his family, promising to have breakfast with them in the city. "If you won't be busy" Fer winked before the left.
"Finally" Pedri said, hungrily kissing you. "Pedri... stop" you said, pushing him away. "What? Did I do something?" He asked panicked. "No, I just want to properly give you my present" you giggled, taking his hand and running to your shared bedroom. "Just wait here and be naked" you winked before disappearing into the bathroom to put on the new set of lingerie you bought special for this occasion. Meanwhile, Pedri undressed himself until his boxers, impatiently waiting for you. "You ready?" You asked from the bathroom. "Yeah..." he replied instantly.
"Fuck baby... I could come in my pants right now" he groaned, as you cat walked to him, pushing him down on the mattress. "What do you like more, Papi?" You asked, pulling his boxers down and eyeing him up and down. "Fuck me" he groaned as you sat on his thigh. "What do you like, Papi?". "Those panties, princess. I can feel you dripping on me" he smirked and you blushed. "Let me make you feel good, papi" you said, kneeling in front of him. "You wanna suck me? Come get it" he smirked as you lowered your lips to brush against his tip. He shuddered as you lips wrapped around him. "Looks so good princess. My cock into your pretty mouth" he said. When he hit the back of your throat, you both let out a moan. "Fuck baby... just like that" he praised, fucking your face. Your nails dug into his thighs, leaving marks behind, but he didn't care. He wanted you to mark him up for everyone to see.
"Let me give you your present Papi" you pouted when he pulled out of your mouth. "Wanna come inside your pussy, baby. Now lay back and relax" he said, dipping his head into your core. "But Papi, it's supposed to be about you tonight" you moaned as he pleasured you with his tongue. "It's also about you, mi amor" he said. "Giving me, hm, let's say, 5 orgasms" he said. "It's too much, Papi" you moaned, already close to the first one. "I know you can. You're my good girl" he said, sucking harshly on your clit, triggering your orgasm. "Fuck Pedri..." you moaned when he pushed a finger inside. "So sweet for me, love" he praised, seeing how you closed your eyes in pleasure when he added another finger into your hole. "F-fuck..." you moaned again, his fingers brushing your G-spot. "Orgasm number 2 incoming" he chuckled as you rode his fingers and came.
"Papi please fuck me" you said as he teased your hole with the tip of his dick. "I'll fuck you so good, baby... you won't be able to walk tomorrow" he said. "Good thing you have the day free" you said as he pushed all the way in. "So tight and warm" he praised, moving a little to test the waters. But after two orgasms, you were more than ready to take him, so he thrusted harder. While he fucked your cunt, he suck on your breasts, pleasuring your hardening nipples while you were a moaning mess. "Orgasm number 3... let go, love" he said and you moaned louder as you came on his dick. He pulled out, waiting for you to regain your breath before flipping you on your stomach. "Pepi... can't" you whined as he helped you on all fours. "I know you can" he said, harshly slapping your ass. "You're my good good girl" he said, plunging himself back into you. You moaned, over sensitive, his dick feeling much deeper as he fucked you from behind. "Papi... fuck..." you moaned as he continued slapping your ass. "Take it like a good girl" he groaned and you could feel his breath on your neck. "You're doing so good for the birthday boy" he praised, pressing a kiss to your ear. "Only for you, Pedri" you moaned, feeling another orgasm coming. "Yes, baby, only I can fuck you like this" he groaned as he felt you clenching again. "Let go when you're ready, love" he whispered. You cried as you came and he spilled himself into you, breathing heavily. He didn't pull out right away and you knew why. You squirted all over him, your wetness dripping down your legs. He finally pulled away, helping you on your back as you were too embarrassed of what just happened. "I'm... I'm sorry" you shuttered, seeing what a mess you made on the bed. "Love, hey... that's the best present you could've given me" he said, pecking your lips. "I'm helping you clean yourself yeah?" He asked and you nodded, him bringing a wet cloth to wipe everything off.
"The best present ever" he said as you laid your head on his chest. "Happy birthday, Pedri. Love you so much" you yawned. "Love you too, baby. You still have to give me one orgasm, so don't forget about that" he chuckled. "Of course, Pepi. But I have to rest, you know" you said, blushing. "I know" he smirked. "Night Pepi" you said, falling asleep on his chest as he played with your hair. "Night, love" he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
— next morning —
"Mhmm Pedri" you moaned as his head was between your legs again. "Pedri!" "What?" He asked. "We had to have breakfast with your parents" you said as he continued pleasuring you with his tongue. "I'm having my breakfast right now" he smirked, licking your wetness. "Fuck... we'll go after this" you moaned. "If you're able to walk, love" he grinned. "Pedri... fuck" you moaned as you came on his face. "And that's the fifth orgasm. You're welcome" he grinned, hugging you. "Te amo, Papi" you whispered. "Still want to go?" He asked. "No" you yawned, cuddling into his chest. "Good. Prepare for a lot of teasing from Ferran" he laughed. "I don't care when I have you" you mumbled. "I know. Me neither. Plus, he's jealous he ain't got a chick in his bed" he joked. "Good thing you have" you replied. "I have a girlfriend and that's even better" he said, pecking your lips.
Hope you like it 🩷
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w2sology · 1 year
can you do a harry dating headcanon pls? thank you!
headcanons are my absolute fave form of writing honestly 🤭
me + you, harry lewis.
summary: what it's like to date harry!
warnings: language, that's about it!
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you guys have been together since you were quite young
probably around 16/17
honestly there could be different stories of how you two got together
harry was always outgoing, especially if it was just between you guys
he brought the energy out of you and it made you love him for all he was
having been together for such a long time, you definitely know almost all there is to know about each other
"she doesn't like tulips as much as she likes baby breaths, so maybe get some of those"
"hm, i don't know, harry's not too fond of buttons so maybe not that top"
introducing you to the boys was one of the most nerve racking things for harry
but he knew that if he loved you, then so would they
play fighting. no doubt.
it could start off with something like harry not giving you the tv remote
and from there it's just... full on wwe
but of course harry goes gentle snd trues not to hurt you
harry loves physical contact between you guys
like when you'd both be laying in bed under the sheets, he had to be touching you in some way
whether it was an arm around your body or his head on his chest, he'd be content with whatever
but there are sometimes where harry's insecure about his clinginess
he doesn't want to come off as too clingy or needy, but he wants to literally live in your skin
and you'd always welcome him with open arms, catering to his needs as well as you could
you two love to spoil the other, not even with just gifts, it could be something like affection, date nights, or something harry randomly came up with
having to deal with harry's random bursts of energy
also having to deal with broken chairs, controllers, and a whole lot more thanks to your boyfriend's game rage
having your own groupchat with the sidewomen and spilling all the goss and whatnot
harry wanting in on the goss
harry becoming one of the girls in the sense that he's always ready for whatever gossip you have for him
forehead kisses !!!! literally yours and harry's brand at this point
you hurt yourself? here have a forehead kiss. you had a good day at work? forehead kiss. you're looking pretty today? forehead kiss.
harry becoming visibly flustered whenever one of the boys mention you on camera
he goes all shy and smiley and shit
and everyone is in love with you two, they see how happy you make each other and honestly that's the most important thing
begging harry to get a pet but also having to school him on how to take care of one properly
baby feverrrrrrrr goes through the roof when you see how he is with olive
it's enough to make anyone's ovaries burst
"look at how tiny her feet are!─── why're you looking at me like that"
"we should have a baby"
going on the most random dates
one week could be the movies the next could be go karting
going on girls trips with his sister, leaving harry feeling betrayed and sad (he hates sharing you)
both of you are the duo that everyone hates to look after when drunk, you're either giggly or obnoxious, but the good type of obnoxious
"they're on their what, seventh drink?"
"ethan, they've been at it all night, that's not drink number seven"
"for fuck's sake, someone cut them off ─── harry! get down from the fucking counter???"
complimenting him no matter what and he never fails to blush
literally just having a good time. you're relationship is so fun.
him using you as a sofa/bed and literally flopping down on you
you never complaining too much because you do the same
bickering non stop but knowing where the line is so it doesn't become a full blown argument
wearing his clothes all. the. time.
"babe, have you seen my beige hoodie─── of course you have it"
accidentally being in the frame of his streams sometimes and his chat going wild
hugs from behind !!!! harry always snakes his arms around your stomach and pulls your back into his chest, he finds those times of hugs much nicer
hand holding is a must, even if just your pinkies are holding on to each other
harry being a little shit and teasing you all the time (both in that way and not in that way)
he has a folder in his camera roll full of pictures of you
never failing to express to each other how much you love each other
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madamechrissy · 25 days
Up in The Air
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Suguru Geto x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Little violence here. Breeding kink (Suguru needs twins duhh) Car blow jobs, cunnilingus, rough sex, hair pulling, very very very sexy Sugu (help my ovaries)
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ You have been jilted at the altar by your abusive groom, Mahito, who has led you on for years. Your best friends, Maki and Yuta, suggest to go on this Honeymoon alone, to get away and find yourself again. On the plane ride, you run into a gorgeous man on a business trip, who holds your hand when you say that you're terrified of planes, Suguru Geto. You all fall into easy conversation, and there's chemistry, he makes you feel better than you had in a long time. You think to ask his number, when he realizes that his room has fallen through.
Well, you have a big honeymoon suite, and you suggest he stays with you. What can go wrong? Not like you don't wanna straddle him or anything...
Chapter 9 - Masterlist
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Chapter 10
You stand outside Mahito’s house the next day, watching as Suguru marches up to the door, one hand holding yours in its big grip. He’s so tall, so powerful, and you realize that you’ve never seen him like this before, in pure fucking anger. It’s intimidating, but also incredibly hot, the normally calm Suguru Geto just on fire right now.
Fuck you love him.
He’s banging on the door  loudly with three sure knocks, and when Mahito opens it, his face drops when he sees him in confusion, but when he looks at you, he smirks instead, making you feel disgusted. As you look at Mahito’s little frame and then look at Suguru’s tall, broad form you’re confused that you found Mahito attractive, he looks like a little boy compared to him.
You’d had the image but now you see them, Suguru towering over him in the doorway.
“Aww, coming to bring her back? Do you have a receipt maybe, I don’t know… she looks more damaged now.” His eyes assess you, and you instantly feel awful, but Suguru smirks at him, walking right past him to his house.
Mahito’s house is a chaotic mess, lines of coke just sitting on a black tray on his table, clothes scattered everywhere. Suguru cracks his knuckles, the sound echoing in the room, even through the loud music Mahito is blaring. He rolls his blue eyes, swiping back his long light blue hair, and you can’t believe you found any affection from him, he’s clearly so cold.
“Yeah, come right in.” He shuts the door, crossing his arms then, in a ripped up shirt while Suguru is wearing a goddamn suit looks so fucking hot you can’t even deal with it.
You really upgraded, you think with a little smile.
“What’s got the stupid smile on your face? Getting used like a whore got you that happy over there-” And that’s when Suguru grabs him by the neck, slamming him into the wall so hard you can hear the thud echo. You flinch a bit at that.
“Keep your mouth shut, before it’s permanently shut. Got me?” Mahito is strangled then, clinging to Suguru’s hand to breathe, turning red.
Mahito laughs maniacally like a psycho as Suguru lets him down, coughing and rubbing his throat. "Ah, the new boyfriend. You're really playing this role huh?" Mahito says, his eyes glinting with malicious amusement.
"You're gonna regret the day you laid a finger on her," Suguru growls, his voice a deep rumble that sends shivers down your spine, but Mahito just smirks, his eyes flickering with something dark.
"I don't know what you're talking about, she begged for me.” Suguru scoffs, grinning then and looking over behind his shoulder at you.
“She only begs for me.” That makes you giggle, and you see Mahito finally glare over at you. “I should thank you, for letting her go finally. But… nah.” Then Suguru slams his fist into his stomach with a swift move.
“Oh my-fuck!” He cries out, huffing, holding his stomach bent over and honestly pathetic. Your torn between thinking Suguru is hot as fuck, being disturbed by the violence, and a little bit of sickness at such a thing.
It is mostly Suguru being super hot, though.
"You think I'm playing a role? This isn't a fucking game." Suguru's fists are clenched, his knuckles white with rage, and Mahito stumbles back, sneering.
"Look at you, fighting for nothing. She’s nothing.”
“You want her awfully bad, don’t you? Why don’t you admit it, that she was too good for you, so out of your league you had to manipulate her.” Suguru’s words run through you as he is snatching up Mahito by his shirt.
Mahito just looks right at you, somehow still grinning. He was truly crazy, you know that punch had to have hurt. “Her mouth was pretty good-”
"You're a pathetic excuse for a man, just a whiny little bitch." Suguru has punched him again, this time even harder, and you wonder if the crunch you hear is him breaking a rib.
“You know her mouth is good, has she shown you yet? I taught her everything she knows.” He blows a kiss, somehow still standing and laughing, fuck dude is disturbed, and you were with him.
Suguru pauses, and you see the veins in his neck pulse. “Suguru… maybe that’s enough?” You murmur then, but you see his dilated eyes, like pure black nearly the pupils are so big.
“Aw, you still care sweetheart? Are you desperate for him like you were me? Begging for a touch?”
You glare over at Mahito. “Never mind, go for it,” you say, and Suguru has his hand back on his throat, shoving him up on the wall.
 "I like you feisty, hmm. Kinda making you attractive.” Mahito is speaking even as Suguru’s hand tightens.
“Listen, this is just a warning. Stay away, or I’ll bring my friends, and I promise you’ll regret not taking this offer.” Suguru lets him go again, after shoving him onto the floor. 
Mahito laughs, the sound grating and cold. "You think you know her? She's pathetic, and she'll come crawling back to me when she's had enough of your pity fucks."
The words are like a slap in the face, and you flinch. Suguru's eyes narrow, and he bends over and hits Mahito again, sending him sprawling to the ground. You wince a bit, the hit so hard it had to hurt, and finally Mahito’s just coughing up on the floor, and his laughter is gone.
“You don’t get to manipulate her anymore. All because you wish you could have ever gotten anyone like her, this is the only way you can, isn’t it?”
“Fucking… she’s not yours. She won’t ever be. She knows I’m the only one who will take her as broken as she is.”
“She doesn’t want you. And if you touch her again, I’ll make sure that hand will never fucking work. I’ll shatter it so you can’t even jerk yourself to the thought of her. You think you were ever good enough?” Suguru is on his knee now, pulling him by his collar, and Mahito finally sighs, looking at you, then him, saying nothing.
“Sugu… maybe time to…” You’re murmuring, and Suguru nods, letting Mahito go, and he falls with a thud to the ground, coughing up, suddenly quiet.
“Princess, you don’t want to hit him? I’ll hold him for you.” Suguru’s dangerous glint in his eyes shows you an entire new side of him, as he protects you, as he cares for you, and you fall deeper, in the living room of your ex.
You had faced so much abuse, mentally…
Now physically.
“I can’t.” You whisper, and Mahito is staring up at you in confusion, brows drawn together, and Suguru sighs, letting him go.
“Touch her pretty face again and I’ll make you look unrecognizable. Don’t come near her. Got it?” Mahito says nothing, he is still staring at you, and the look makes you shiver in fright for some reason.
“Let’s go, Sugu.” You say again, softly, holding out your hand for him, and he takes it, leading you out, and you can just feel the eerie stare like a hole burned in your back.
“You all right, Princess?” Suguru asks softly, and you nod, clinging to him then, electricity rushing through your veins like nothing you’ve ever felt.
“I love you, Suguru Geto.” Is all you whisper, and he exhales then, picking you up and holding you off the floor, you’re just dangling there, arms wrapped around his neck, enwrapping in his silky hair.
“I love you, Princess. I hope I didn’t scare you… I held myself back.”
“That was holding back!?”
“Oh yeah. Wanted to fucking kill him.” You tremble a bit, and he carries you to the car then, popping you on the hood for a moment and kissing you right on it, in front of the quiet neighborhood, in front of Mahito’s house.
You feel so good in his arms, strong and safe, and you ache to be there forever, brushing his long, silky hair back and kissing him over and over, sighing as you feel the adrenaline in your veins from how good you feel. Then you shiver, and see the blinds open and you freeze. Suguru looks down at you, caressing your face gently.
“Ready to come to my place?” You nod, focusing on him now, and he pouts a bit, running his hands down your arms gently. “It’ll be okay, I’ll keep you safe.”
You exhale, falling against him and letting him hold you close, you inhale his perfect scent, the intoxicating sandalwood that always lingers, as his big arms hold you so tightly. You do feel safe, even with Mahito’s gaze burning a damn hole in your back, you just worry that you’ve brought Suguru trouble, and you hate that.
“Let’s go, love.” You swoon at the word damn near, and nod, sliding into his fancy sports car, and soon you’re back on the highway, as the morning sun keeps rising, brightening everything around you all.
“I’m so excited!” He chuckles a bit.
“I should have brought you last night but we were…” His hand is on your bare thigh, fingers gripping the soft inner part. “Occupied.”
Your heart flutters in your chest, but as you look down at his hand you frown, seeing the knuckles all reddened and chafed. “Are you okay, Sugu?”
“I used to get into brawls, that was nothing.” You tilt your head curiously, watching two pieces of hair fall out of his bun then. You realize you still have so much to learn about him.
“Can I clean these up?”
“If you want to, Princess. I’m good though.” He smiles at you, and your heart flutters at the look in his eyes. “I won’t let him touch you. If you gotta move in…”
“Suguru! That’s crazy talk though, yeah?”
“I don’t know, is it?” Your mouth drops open, and he focuses on the road now as you all drive, squeezing your thigh now with his big hand.
“You can’t just have me move in to protect me. I don’t think he’ll really hurt me, I think he-”
“He already hurt you.” He says with a glare, and you sigh, because he’s right, you don’t really know what he’s capable of. “Something about him is fucked. How the fuck did you think that was a good dude to be with? No offense, please love. But…”
“No, I never thought he was a good dude. It was that I thought he was what I deserved though, shit better than I deserved.” Your voice is quiet as he continues driving, you watch his hand clutch the steering wheel, the perfect jawline clench.
“I hate that you felt that way.”
“It’s because… well, my dad left me, so it fucked my mentality.” You look away a bit, and he squeezes your thigh reassuringly again.
“I heard some in your sleep, I didn’t wanna pry.” He says softly, and you feel embarrassed, as your mind whirls.
“You did?”
“Yeah, but I wanted to wait for you to tell me. I don’t want to hear something you didn’t want me to know yet. So I just pushed it away.” You all come to a red light, and the soft glow of the sun makes Suguru’s golden skin glow so beautifully. You scooch closer, caressing his cheek, watching his dark lashes lower over those chocolate eyes of his.
“Thank you for that, really. I was planning to get into that soon.” You kiss his lips as the light goes green, and he pulls you against him, huffing a breath.
“Whenever, Princess.”
“Dad left me and mom when I was young, and well… I tried to connect with him, I didn’t wanna believe he’d just leave. So I was a brat you know, to mom, I feel horrible.”
“You were a kid.”
“I know. But…”
“Nah, a kid doesn’t know or realize why someone would do something so shitty, so don’t put that on yourself. You put enough.” You blink back emotion, snuggling against his strong arm now, sighing.
“Thank you for that, Sugu.”
“Anything for you, Princess.” He murmurs, kissing your head then, and you inhale his scent, letting it fill your senses, as you feel his warmth.
“I tried to connect and eventually he came out and said he had never wanted me, wanted a kid at all.”
“Oh fuck…”
“Yeah. Um, that hurts.”
“No shit that hurts. Fuck him.” You giggle then, unexpedtedly, peeking up at his perfect profile. “Fuck whoever didn’t want you, first off, second off how do you not want your own kid?”
“I agree, if I have a kid I want to be the best mom ever.”
“I bet you will cry over all their boo-boos.”
“Hey!” He’s grinning, looking so damn handsome you have to peck more kisses along his cheek bone. “You’re right though.”
“You want kids?”
“Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a mom. You seem to wanna make me one!?” He chuckles again, and you giggle along with him, as you come to another red light, and he plants a soft kiss on your lips, hand sliding higher and making you ache.
“I’ve never thought about it until my best friend got his wife pregnant, when I was on that vacation with the prettiest woman ever.” You flush bright pink at that, as he purrs the damn words.
“You’re too charming, should be illegal.”
“Mmm, it should be illegal to look that good.”
“No, because I mean it, Princess.” You sigh, running a hand along the back of his neck, against his silken hair.
“I love you, Suguru Geto. You make everything in my past seem like… stepping stones almost, to get to you.” He exhales at that, eyeing you carefully, emotion on his features clear as day.
“That’s what they are, but I wish you didn’t have to go through any of it. I wish I could take all your hurt away.”
“Oh, Sugu… I’ll never stop crying if you’re so sweet!”
“I’ll stop being sweet then.” He murmurs, then he’s sliding his hand up, finding you under your skirt, soaking wet. You whine then, as you grow wet so quickly it’s embarrassing, and he groans as he feels it. “You’re fucking soaked.”
“Mnh!” Is all you manage, as his finger circles your little clit, and your hips jerk up, craving more of his touch, and your hand starts sliding to his lap, rubbing him over his slacks, feeling the bulge already pressing.
“Fuck.” Is all he murmurs, then he sucks in a breath as you unzip him, flipping your position until you’re on your knees in the seat. “Princess…”
“Let me suck you, please Sugu?” You pout up at him as he comes to a stop for a moment, then he curses under his breath.
“How am I gonna say no to this offer?” You grin as he helps release himself, his thick cock springing out when he undoes his pants and yanks down his boxers. You damn near drool, bending down and licking hip up his length, following the vein that wraps his cock. He groans out, hand shaky as it brushes your hair back. “Jesus fucking christ, Princess.”
“Mmm. Yummy.” You whisper, and he’s driving on the road, while your head is bobbing, and he rolls up the tinted windows then, kicking on the air as you suck him up and down, swirling on the tip.
“F-fuck! You’re doing so good, love.” He murmurs, and it urges you on, as one of your hands starts pumping up and down and you focus on the tip, tongue on the sensitive ridge of his, lapping up salty precum. He’s inhaling and exhaling so loud, as his hand grips in your hair now, and you’re soaking wet, dribbling out of your little hole, down your thighs.
The engine of the car hums as you suck him off, eager and desperate to taste him, to please him, to hear his every moan and sigh. Suguru’s cock is thick in your mouth, twitching as you suck hard, your cheeks hollowing, making his hand tighten in your hair, and you moan around his cock, the vibrations sending shivers through his body.
“Princess, oh my god- I- will you slow down!?” You pull away with a popping sound, licking your lips and peeking up at him, his adam’s apple bobbing, hand in your hair even tighter.
“Too much, Sugu?” You tease, earning a glare, and it just urges you on. “You can eat me out and make me cum like five times, let me get you off.”
“Not this quick, nuh uh.”
“Yes, huh.” You both glare, but as you stroke his cock, twisting your little hand you watch him melt. “I wanna swallow your cum. Let me.”
“Where did you come from? I’ll never know.” He gently strokes your cheek, as he hits another light, and at that point that touch alone gets you close to cumming, the thrill of being in this car, the taste of him, it’s all too much. “Let me just…”
Suguru’s hand reaches around, and now he’s playing with your cunt, sinking a finger in, watching as you shiver, as you whimper out from pleasure, gushing down his hand, before sticking his fingers back in his mouth, moaning as he sucks your arousal off. “Sugu! Why do you gotta be so hot!?”
“Says you. You want all this cum in that throat, Princess?” You nod, eagerly, then he grips your hair, arching up his hips and shoving his cock so deep, you drool as you suck it down, eagerly taking his cock down to the base, your throat tightening around him. He’s fucking your mouth now, your nose brushing his pelvis, and he’s groaning, breathless.
He’s back to touching you again, only to suck on his fingers, tasting you each time, and the way he wants to so desperately urges you on more, as you swallow around his cock, your throat working, taking as much of him as you can. You feel his cock swell, his balls tighten under your touch as you drool down them, his thighs tense under the hand braced there.
Fuck he’s sexy.
“You’re too good at this, mmm- ah - Princess. You’re so good.” You eat up every bit of his praise, as you feel him throbbing now, and you know he’s close. “I’m gonna cum, fuck, back up, don’t want you- hey! I said- ah fuck, you’re such a brat!”
You don’t back up, you know he worries about choking you, but you’re so ready, as your cunt is so wet and there’s pressure in your tummy, just from sucking him. Suguru  starts to spurt his hot, thick cum into your mouth, and you take all of it, your throat contracting as you swallow everything.
“F-fuck…” His breathy cry shows you how sensitive he is, as you ease up, lapping every bit up and pressing little kisses to his tip, he jerks, sensitive, as you finally sit up, licking your lip.
“Yummy.” You murmur, and his lidded eyes drink you in, pulling over to the side of the road then, and your giggle is stopped when he slams his lips on yours, hands pulling your hair back roughly. “Mnh!”
“What do you do to me?” He whispers softly, cupping your face in his big hands, as cars whirl past you all. Your pussy is soaked when he’s touching you again, endlessly teasing your little clit, to where you can’t take it anymore.
“Suguru, I'm dying. Let’s get to your place. Please.” Suguru is kissing down your throat, and you’re crying out as his wet, hot lips decorate the delicate skin, your head tilting to the side.
“Wanna lick you right here.” His husky words do more damage to your already addled mind, as you lose sense of where you even are.
“How far? Mnh!” He nips your neck, his hands squishing your breasts in his grip, your nipples hardening to little peaks against his palms, your own hands are gripping his shoulders so tight.
“Twenty minutes. Ugh. Need you though.” You’re both desperate, as you kiss messily, teeth clicking together. “When you get there I don’t know if I’ll let you leave.”
“You gonna kidnap me? Yandere much?” He laughs, as do you now.
“You’re such a little nerdy brat.” You both kiss again, a little easier now. “I can’t ever get enough of you.” His eyes are dilated now, blown out, and you see him hardening again, making your eyes dart to it, then back to his, he flushes.
“I can do it more?” He groans, shaking his head.
“No, no, uh uh. Can’t take more, I’ll fucking wreck the car. Too good at it.” He speaks through gritted teeth, and you can’t stop the blissful, flushed feeling you get from his words, his touch, his energy. You bite your lower lip, hands sliding up his hard chest, sighing.
“Then let’s get to your place. Need the tour.”
You don’t see much of his house at first, it’s little glimpses more than anything, as you and Suguru Geto tear into each other, lips melding, until he turns you, your ass against him, kissing down the side of your neck. It’s tickling and tingling, every nerve ending is on fire as you focus, trying to take in the sleek, modern home Suguru lives in, beautiful and wide open.
“Oh fuck, it’s so pretty here, Sugu.” You murmur softly, he’s too busy touching you to respond more than a little grunt in your ear. Your hands hold his as his arms wrap around you, drinking in every detail now, noticing little paintings along the wall over the pretty fireplace. “Ooh!”
“Knew you’d like those.” He murmurs, and you turn to look up at him, damn near with hearts in your eyes, you adore him so much it just hurts.
“Can I go see?” You ask softly, Suguru nods, and comes to your side, guiding you by holding your hand. “Who even has fireplaces?”
He smirks at that. “I’ve only used it once. We could try it tonight?”
“That would be so cool!”
“You’re adorable.” You lean up on your tiptoes, to get a better view of the pretty paintings that adorn them, noting the oil texture, and you gently run your fingers on the air over it, not touching, but you can feel it, the emotion in them. The room is cool, as the air blows gently down your skin, sending a slight chill, making you shiver as you look at them intently.
“These are gorgeous. Who is the artist? I see no signature.” Suguru sobers up a bit then, and you look at him curiously, as he hunches just a bit, a hand running through silken locks, long and blown in various directions from the drive. You gently touch his arm then. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, of course it is.” He gives you a small little smile, one that breaks your heart then, with the sadness in his eyes pouring through. “My mother did these.”
His mother.
Fuck you know nothing yet, do you? You see the hurt clear as day and it breaks you, as you feel your throat tighten with the emotion, as you feel his energy. You look back to the beautiful paintings, the one in the middle catches your eye, it’s a dark figure but swirled with stars, as if the person was just outer space itself. It was so well done, and you could feel the passion she poured into it.
“Suguru, she was so talented, truly. I look at art all day. This is so beautiful, you can feel the… longing almost? The open mind, was she a bit of a daydreamer?” His mouth parts, and you tense then. “Shit, I should not assume! I shouldn’t-”
“No, she was. Um. She was always one with her nose in a book, head in the clouds, kind of spacey in places.” His voice takes a pained tone, and he sighs a bit, looking down.
“Like a dreamy smile on her face?” You ask, his eyes lock on yours, going wide then for a moment.
“How could you know that?” He asks, and you step a little closer, hands gently holding his own, feeling how stiff they’ve gone.
“Art can tell you so much about a person. I bet she was so beautiful. One day, if you want, you should show me. Is that okay to ask?” His eyes glitter then, and he opens his mouth, then closes it, as you realize you must have overstepped. “Oh my god, please don’t feel you have to. I don’t want to be disrespectful.”
“No, you’re not.” He says stiffly, and then he looks back at the painting, then back down at you. “When are you gonna show me your art?”
“I’ll show you whenever you want. At my apartment it’s there, but we were… occupied.” You blush, and he smiles just a bit.
“You remind me of her? Is that weird to say?” Suguru’s voice breaks you, and you can’t stop the fresh tears that build in your eyes.
“No, not at all. That’s a huge compliment. I imagine who raised a man like you was an incredible person.” Suguru turns away then, covering his face with a hand, and you gently touch his back.
“I don’t ever really talk about this.”
“You don't have to. I’m too much! Please… I’m so sorry-”
“No.” He turns now, taking you in his arms, and you see the redness right around his eyes, as he bends down, holding you so tightly. “Mom would have loved you. I wish… fuck.”
“Suguru, I’m so sorry.” Tears pour down your cheeks as your heart aches for him, and then he’s kissing you, drinking the salty tears up, and you cling to him tightly.
“I don’t… talk about them. Ever.” He whispers, and you shatter, you hurt so badly for the man you love, it’s like you feel it all, his grief, what he holds in.
“It hurts to talk about them, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, it does, but then… I should remember them. How did I not realize how similar you two are?” He kisses your forehead sweetly, exhaling, as you two hold each other in front of the fireplace, soft lights from outside filtering through.
“I wish I could have met her too. I’d thank her for having you.”
“Why do you do this!? It’s not manly to fucking cry.” You both laugh through your emotion, and he’s cupping your face, shaking his head as he studies you. “You bring out too many things in me.”
“You do too, Suguru.”
“No, you’re a little open book, miss tears.” He swipes them away as he speaks, and you tremulously smile. “I fall deeper every moment.”
“Suguru, so do I. Every second I breathe, I fall more.” He takes your lips back in his, gently holding you close, and you fell into the embrace so easily, fuck nothing feels more right than being here, in his arms.
“I would love to show you some photos sometime. And talk more.”
“Really!?” He nods, and you smile brightly, his breath catches, chocolate eyes lidded then.
“You’re the most beautiful person there is. You know that?” You look down, flushing with his praise, but he tilts your chin up. “You are.”
“Thank you, Suguru Geto. You make me feel beautiful every day. I don’t even know what life was before you.” Your arms wrap around his neck, popping little kisses along his jawline, feeling him tense now, your breasts pressed on his chest.
“I feel this place was lonely without you.” He says then, and your heart pounds in your chest, as you snuggle into his warm embrace.
“Oh Sugu, that’s how I feel about my place. Lonely now. We really got spoiled with that trip.” His lips are hot on your cheeks, as he plants kisses across your face gently.
“We did. Are you hungry, love? Thirsty?” You nod, and he chuckles, breath tickling your neck. “Which one?”
“Both. For you.” Your eyes lock onto his, and you watch those full lips part open, his gaze getting glazed over, you feel him getting tense against you.
“I wanted to kill him today.” The change in subject surprises you, and your eyes dart up to his serious face nervously, making you gulp a bit, throat dry. “I want to kill him, still, for everything he fucking did.”
“Suguru, I’m yours though. Yours.” He exhales, then he’s picked you up, and you cling to him, legs around his hips, his hands gripping your ass tightly.
“All mine, and no one else can touch you.” His words send shivers down your spine, and now you remember just how wet you were, how ready. How much you crave to fall in his arms, always.
“Show me that bed, Sugu.” You whisper against his lips, and before you know it you’re up the stairs, and you’re pressed against a huge, soft bed, with black and red blankets and pillows.
“Didn’t I promise you’d love when I pushed your head into it?” Suguru’s voice makes you tremble with need, you eagerly lick your lower lip and turn around, ass in the air, Suguru’s sharp intake of breath urges you.
“Like this, Sugu?” Your head falls, ass pressing back, then he grips you tightly, shoving your skirt up and yanking down your panties, all sticking to you.
“What good have I done to earn you in my bed like this?” He’s pulling you then, to the edge of the bed, your knees up and spread, and you’re open and waiting, shaking as you feel his breath on your cunt, just that alone has you whimpering. “Mmm, are you so easy for me, Princess? Haven’t licked you yet.”
“I could cum from a flick. I'm so sensitive.” You grumble, and he’s chuckling now, even more hot breaths as he grabs your ass, hands digging in and squishing as you jerk like crazy, wetness drooling down your lips.
“Let’s see if it’s true.” Then he’s there, his tongue sliding along your slit, making you jolt and arch up, grip the bed tightly.
“Sugu!” You cry out, legs trembling at how good it feels, and he keeps licking you, his hot tongue so fucking good as he’s tasting you, his teeth scraping your little clit, his chin against your entrance.
“You taste s’good, mmm.” He whispers against your folds, between more sloppy kisses, and you bite your lip to keep from screaming out, your eyes rolling back, your hips rocking back to meet his mouth.
You start to cum hard, and he keeps licking, keeps working you, until your thighs are trembling and your knees threaten to give out, but he’s got you, his arms around you, holding you up, his mouth never leaving your pussy, never letting you go. Your legs are just giving out, toes curling up under knee high socks he hadn’t taken off yet, fabric brushing the blankets with each movement.
“Suguru! Oh my- I- ngh!” You let out strangled, muffled cries, face still pressed in the bed as you shatter, as your oversensitive cunt is just gushing all over his face. You can hear him lapping you up, sipping your cum, before you hear him unbuckle his belt, and you get even wetter, craving him to fill you.
“Need you, now, Princess.” His voice is gruff, you arch your ass more, making him suck in a breath, then he’s got his cock in his hand, guiding it into your eager hole. Fuck he’s so deep like this, slamming through your slit straight to your cervix, making you scream out, pushing up on your arms.
“Suguru, so so good, yes, yes.” You’re mumbling incoherently, and he grips the skirt you still wear, using it to anchor himself deeper, in a brutal thrust that nearly knocks you over, and it pushes you over the edge again. “Ah!”
“Can you take it rough, love? Need to… claim… you’re mine…” He’s frenzied, as he struggles to hold back, sliding in and out of your cunt as gently as he can. You peek back at him, still in his dress shirt, his beautiful hair flowing over his handsome features, and your cunt throbs around his cock, as you nod.
“I can take it. Swear. Want it.” You urge him on, hearing his moan behind you, desperate grip on your hip as he starts pounding into you, the sound of skin smacking loud in Suguru’s big bedroom.
“If it’s too much… Tap me yeah?” You nod, then he’s pressing your head down into the mattress and fucking into you, bruising your cervix with each thrust as you’re cumming all around his thick length, as he’s stretching you, and you feel yourself clenching around him, close again. “Fuck you feel so good. Made for me, aren’t you Princess?”
He lifts your head, and you catch a quick breath, as he’s pulling your hair so hard tears prick your eyes, but you love it, you nod eagerly as he’s pulling, cumming all over his cock, his thighs, down to the pants still half on him. He’s sucking in a breath, the hand gripping your hip digging even deeper, thumb against your hip bone pressing and giving you even more pain, but fuck you love it.
“Sugu… sugu… mnh!” You can’t manage to speak, as you see little stars, as he’s fucking you brutal, and you don’t even know how you’re taking it, but you want more, so much more. “Y-yes, yes!”
“Perfect - ah - fuck you’re-” Suguru breaks off with a shaky groan, pushing in and rocking then, he feels himself bottom out in you, and you’re squeezing him like a vice, so tight he can’t move for a moment. “Princess…”
“Sugu…” You whine out, your voice is shaky and hoarse, as your toned thighs are shaking under you. Sugaru’s hands slide down the sides of them, feeling the muscles contract as you back your round ass up for more, he yanks those thigh highs down, to feel more. Fuck he loves your legs, loves your ass, loves your entire body, especially when it’s melting under him.
“Need you naked.” He murmurs, and then he’s pulled out for just a moment, unzipping your skirt to reveal that perfect ass of yours, the one that jiggles so goddamn good, and those sexy dimples in your back. He pulls you to your knees, to slip the top over your head, his hands running over your ribcage, to grip right under your bouncy breasts.
“Suguru, I love you.” You whisper softly, and you’re grinding on his thigh with your hot, soppy cunt, drooling on his pant leg. Huh. Suguru still has those on? He is too absorbed with feeling every inch of you to notice. He feels every inch of you as he lets you grind eagerly.
“I love you, Princess.” He murmurs, then he’s sliding his cock back inside you, as you’re on your knees, and now he holds your firm hips, urging you to bounce on his cock, and you whine out, barely able to grind. He chuckles, inhaling your scent, as he brushes your hair off your delicate neck. “Can’t move, love?”
“N-no, too much. Thighs hurt.” You mumble, and he’s rubbing them then, pressing his fingers into the muscles, so tense, and you shiver, head falling back against his chest. “Mmnh, thank you.”
“Mmhmm.” He bucks his hips up, watching your mouth open wide, eyes scrunching together as you turn your head towards him, and he feels your walls fluttering, making him sensitive. “Better?”
“Y-yes. Mnh…” You can barely speak, Suguru loves getting you here, fuck he loves watching you fall apart for him, loves feeling your abdomen tense, loves feeling that bulge as he slides in so deep. He’s pressing hard, and you’re screaming out, pausing your movements, shaking.
“I can feel my cock here, can you Princess?” He takes your little hand, putting it on your lower tummy, and you gasp as you feel his cock, eyes opening wide to look back at him. Cock drunk eyes, glittering, so beautiful it makes him closer just from that look of yours.
“That’s your- ah!” He shoves up deep again, grinning as your hand presses in, as you feel him, and you start losing the last bit of control.
“You feel it, don’t you?” You nod, grinding on him now, and he’s losing his own control, you’re so hot, wet and tight, your hand clutching his as he moves.
“I feel it. Oh my- cumming- Sugu cum in me. Please.” You beg now, and who is he to turn down such a pretty offer?
Suguru can’t wait till that flat tummy is round with him.
“Cum in you, you want me to fill you up?”
“Please, please… put those babies in- ah- me!” You beg now, and you feel your every nerve on fire, everywhere he touches is making your muscles tense, your body is going weak, twitching as you feel his huge bulge in your tummy.
“You’ll look so fucking beautiful, filled with me.” His husky voice kills you, and now he grabs your face with one hand, slamming his firm lips on yours, and you’re screaming out into them, letting him drink your cries. You’re shattering around him, blinded by the force of your orgasm, and then he’s pushing your hips down, and pumping in you, groaning.
His hot cum fills you up so full, you can’t even take it, so hot as it coats your walls, you feel his panting breaths on your lips, feel him shiver under you as his cock twitches. Your aftershocks are milking his cock for every bit sucking that cum up in deep, making him softly whine out, so sexy you can’t take it.
“You ovulating or something? Fuck.” He groans out, and you giggle.
“I wouldn’t know. Why?”
“It’s like you want all this cum, sucking me dry.” You giggle again, leaning your head back on him, your entire body weak from your exertions.
“I think I always am for you. Ever since you said you wanted twins in here.” You pull up his hand, putting it on your tummy.
“It would be so sexy round with me. It’s true.”
“Freaky Sugu.”
“Says you.” You’re bright pink, as he eases out of you, making both of you hiss out a bit at the sensation. “Did I go too rough?”
“No, I liked it rougher.” You’re even pinker now, and he smirks.
“You’re so cute. My little virgin.”
“Not at all now! You’ve done all kinds of things.” He chuckles, caressing your cheeks gently.
“Still lots to try with you, pretty.” Your mind runs rampant, but soon he’s helping you clean up, being so gentle and careful with you, it melts you. “Ah she’s all red.”
“I don’t care, she’ll be okay.” He just shakes his head, grinning up at you, stopping your heart with how gorgeous he looks, how much you adore him damn near constricting your throat. You brush his hair back, all wild and messy from fucking into you, he kisses the hand that caresses him.
“Shower?” You nod, and then his phone goes off. He peeks at it, sighing. “Your bestie?”
Suguru snorts, rolling his eyes. “Of course it is. Is it okay-”
“Of course!”
He kisses your cheek, swiping a thumb along the screen, and he puts his friend right on speaker. “Hey Satoru.”
“Sugu! Buddy you put a baby in her yet?” Suguru is bright red, and you are too, to the tips of your ears, looking to Suguru in shock.
“You’re… on speaker, Satoru.” He mumbles, and now you really wanna know just how close these two are.
“Oh shit, hey island babe!” You giggle at the deep voice on the other end, rolling your eyes a bit.
“Hello, Gojo. How are you?”
“How are you? Bet he fucked up your-”
“Satoru!” Suguru growls out, and you hear raucous laughter.
“Sorry, sorry. You good though? I heard some asshole touched you. Need me to pay him a visit?” He doesn’t even know you and he already would protect you, something about that makes your heart swell. You snuggle up to Suguru then, and he wraps an arm around you.
“I’m good now, Suguru decked his ass.” Gojo laughs at that.
“Good, but if it happens again he’s so fucked. Mmm, listen I called because we’re doing a get together at our place. I’d love you to come meet everyone.”
“I would love to!”
“We’ll be there.”
“Good deal. See you heathens tomorrow, I can’t wait for the wifey to meet you.”
“I can’t wait to meet her!”
“Have fun, brats.” Satoru hangs up then, and you look at Suguru with narrowed eyes for a moment.
“You told him you wanna… knock me up!?”
Suguru sighs, covering his face with a hand for a moment. “Listen, we are really, really close. Too close? I’m sorry.”
“How close?”
“Like y'all were together?” You ask curiously, and he chuckles, shaking his head at that.
“No, like best friends though. Like we may have. Fucked women together?” His last words were a mumble, and you blink for a moment.
“Oh god, you were a hoe, huh?”
“Not that big of a hoe!”
“Uh huh.” You poke at his strong chest, fingertips sliding down the lettering of the tattoo you love.
“Are you jealous?”
“Very.” At that he’s grinning, and yanks you against him.
“My hoe days are way behind me. This beautiful girl reformed me. She also has a big ass and-”
“What!?” You both laugh, then he’s dragging you to his bathroom, it’s sleek, modern and huge, the shower alone is bigger than your bathroom.
“Oh it looks so nice, Sugu!”
“Let me wash you, Princess.” He starts the shower, and soon you all are inside of it, the hot water pounding on your already overheated bodies, you get heady as he washes your hair, washes your body, spending too much time on your ass.
“You’re such an ass man.” You tease, and he is smirking behind you, gripping it with soapy hands.
“It’s a perfect match. Are you excited about tomorrow, or nervous?” He asks, rinsing you with the detached head.
“I’m nervous they won’t like me. But excited to meet them!”
“Nah, they’ll love you, promise. You’ll love Gojo’s wife. She’s also one of my very good friends. God, Satoru is such an idiot I was surprised.”
“An idiot huh?”
“You’ll find out.”
“And you fucked girls with him.”
Suguru chuckles at your tone. “I didn’t even know you yet!”
“You’re hot when you’re  jealous.” He’s wrapping his arms around your waist, and you feel so goddamn good, this morning seems so distant. You’re still afraid, but with Suguru, you feel like you can handle it, though something about that look… “You okay Princess?”
Mahito’s cruel words still eat at you, you shove them down, looking up at the man who is your everything. “I’m so good, Suguru. Just thinking… how I want nothing to mess this up.”
He frowns a bit then. “I won’t let him touch you.”
“I know, Sugu, I know.” Suguru kisses you deeply, desperately, in his pretty black and white tiled shower, and you try to shove that fear away, but it wants to linger, until you finally lose yourself in him, in his touches, in his taste, in his hold. “Mnh, you’re my everything.”
He pulls back, now you’re facing him, head tilted back, and he’s running a hand down your slick body, down your little waist, up the side of your breast, as his other hand cups your face. “You’re my everything. That’s why I’ll keep you safe.”
“I love you.” He exhales, and you fall into each other.
You don’t want anything to fuck this up.
You don’t know if you can take it.
Chapter 11
Ao3 chap:
70 notes · View notes
The Wayne girls on their period and how the boys handle them. My Aunt Flo is visiting this month and period woes should be told. All right, let’s do this thing!
Stephanie rested on the floor in the fetal position. She groaned from the intense cramps her period bestowed to her. Tim walked into the living room spotting her on the ground next to the couch. Tim, confused: Why are you on the floor? Stephanie, uncomfortable: I attempted to readjust myself on the couch then I was on the ground. That's when the stomach cramps entered the mix and I am in too much cramp pain to want to get up. Why are these always so intense? This is the worst. Tim: You might have a medical condition related to the- Stephanie: I need you to stop doing what you usually do. I seriously don’t want to kick you in the crotch and mind you I’m at the level to do so. Tim, not concerned: Sorry, it's hard turning it off. Um… Do you... Do you need anything? Stephanie, sardonic: For us to switch places and you go through this. Tim shakes his head: Nah, I'm good. Stephanie: It feels like an elephant is standing on top of my ovaries and then… bouncing. Tim: That is… descriptive. Stephanie chuckles raising her hand to talk with it. Stephanie: Because it’s real, mon frère. At least I still have my humor. She moans once more from the elephant bouncing pain. Stephanie: I think this is it, Timothy. Leave me here to die. Tell my family I loved them and tell Kite-man not to attend my funeral. I’m serious, lock the doors if he tries to step foot at my burial service. Tim rolls his eyes and helps his sister up. Tim: At least lay on the couch. Stephanie: Yes, I'll lay here and suffer. Tim lays his sister on the couch and places a pillow behind her head. Tim: I can get you an ice pack or a heating pack. That helped when I got kicked in the stomach. Stephanie: Hmmm, bring me the warm one and Nutella and more carrots... And pain meds. The kind that will let me sleep like a baby. Tim: Gotcha. Anything else? Stephanie, raising her pointer finger. Stephanie,sounding like an old lady: Blanket, child. A fuzzy one. Tim, kind tone: You just rest. I will take care of you until your period ends. I'll also tell Bruce you're too... Sore is the word I want to use, yeah, too sore to go out tonight. Stephanie: Thank you. You're the best. Tim: I try to be.
... Dick Grayson got the angry side of the menstrual cycle. Something he has dealt with since knowing Barbara and it was never a fun time.  Barbara is not happy with her replacement cake. A vanilla and chocolate mix cake that Dick bought at the grocery store. Barbara: This isn't the same cake! It has vanilla in it! You bastard! Barbara tosses the cake at Dick, hitting him in the face. The cake falls off his face, leaving only icing and bits of cake on his face. He breathes heavily. Dick: Maintain peace. Maintain peace. Barbara, crying now: Why did you eat my cake? I needed it at this time! Dick wipes cake out of his eyes. Dick, as calm as he can sound: Maybe you shouldn't have said I could eat the rest. Barbara: You shouldn't have listened to me! I was naive back then. Dick: It was… two days ago! Barbara pouts and then bursts into more sobs. Barbara: You YELLED AT ME! Dick: Don’t cry- How was I supposed to know your period was coming on?! Barbara: You live with Bruce Wayne! The man tracks everything! I thought you'd have the knowledge to do the same. Dick: I really don't. You seemed to fail at that too. Barbara: I was a few days off okay?! This is such shit! I’m tired and bloaty, and I can’t focus! I want to get to work, but my brain is foggy. Worst of all you made me cry! Barbara sobs covering her face while doing so. Dick sighs, cautiously walking over to her. Dick: You are going through a lot due to… a specific week of troubles and I really can't go through a sore foot again. I can do this for you, you just take a break, shut down this room for the night and rest up. I can buy you a big box of... Your favorite chocolates and a teddy bear that you can hit instead of me and give you some space until you’re up to going back to work. Barbara, sniffling: That might help. Okay. I'm sorry for yelling at you and rolling over your foot. The cake throwing was uncalled for too. My PMDD makes me a little bit difficult to deal with. Dick, sarcastically: No really I couldn't tell. Barbara: Can you not tell anyone I cried either? Dick: I’d rather forget all of this, secrets safe with me. ... Jason got lucky with the chill side of the cycle although Cass is shy about this stuff. Her birth father wasn’t the type to want to raise a daughter correctly, Bruce tried, but it was awkward with him as well, but Jason was a better person to drag to a local convenience store for menstrual supplies. Cass walks over to Jason, holding four different brand boxes of menstrual pads. Cass: I couldn't figure out what to get so I picked each brand they had. I swear you think one brand will do its job and then… it doesn’t. Jason shakes his head not wanting to think about what she meant. Jason closes his eyes, regretting what he's about to say. Jason: Never tell anyone this, but Artemis recommends the Playtex. Just get that so we can go. Cass: Artemis suggested that? Okay, that’s the one to buy. Cass hands Jason the playtex box then shoves the other brand boxes on a store shelf.  Jason: All right, take this back please. Cass giggles. Cass: I'm glad you took me to the store, you’re the best. Cass attempts to hug her brother, but he steps to the side.
Jason: Don't hug me in a convenience store as you're shopping for pads. I’m just as uncomfortable as you. Cass, smiling: I'll give you that hug later then. Oh if it's okay can you buy me a lot of caramel candies? I'm not a chocolate person honestly and these pads are expensive.  Jason grabs five bags without hesitation. Jason: As long as I'm not paying for the...  Pads. Cass: You so silly. You said Artemis has her own time of the month. Jason, blushing: Yeah I don't- I don't help her out with that. Amazon women... not nice during that time. She screams at me if I talk to her during that pe- ti- situation. At least you're not as... Punchy as she is. Cass: Yeah I'm pretty mellow during this time. Just bad cramps and feeling mushy. Jason: That's... not mood swings, good… for you. I think. Cass laughs, patting Jason on the arm. Cass: Pretty much. I'm surprised you came in the store with me though. Jason: I mean I wanted to help you out... because I care about you and I saw how nervous you were. Cass sniffles with a smile. Jason: Yeah I know I'm awesome. Let's check out. You go first. Cass: I don't blame you.
... Kate and Bruce are at Chili's (Not by Bruce's choice) and talk about menstrual cycles. Kate does all of the talking, Bruce is regretting ordering the burger. Kate, chewing: I swear this one week is the bane of every woman who has to suffer through it. Blood coming out of that area, the aching and throbbing can be intense when my cramps start. It’s like someone is drilling a corkscrew into my uterus. The entire week is nothing but exhaustion, even walking is difficult. Then there’s the diarrhea and your breasts- Bruce drops his fork and slams his fist on the table to stop his cousin from talking. She chuckles. Bruce: Why are you telling me this while we're at a chain restaurant? Kate laughs, taking another bite of her steak.  Kate: You're my cousin and that gives me the right to gross you out. That and you have to know this by now. You have daughters. Bruce: I'm starting to wish I had all boys. Kate, mockingly: You boys are so sensitive about this stuff. How do you think we feel?  Kate takes a fry from Bruce’s hand and eats it. He was going to eat that. Bruce, monotone: You want the rest of my fries? Kate: N- I’ll take a couple. Kate grabs a fist full of fries and plops them on her plate. Kate: Brucie, just support us like you do already and we won't cuss you out. Bruce, doubtfully: Yes you will. Kate: I’m lying you got me. You're doing a great job though, cuzzo. Bruce, sweetly: I’m glad that I am.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Cheater : Dick Grayson!version
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WARNINGS : SMUT, cheating, unprotected p in v (cause you know fanficion is not real life), teasing, angst, reader going against her own morals - so hypocrisy and poor life choices
„Dick we need to talk.” She texted
Of course they needed to talk. Or rather Y/N was going to talk and Dick was going to listen. At least that was the plan.
She was getting tired of playing cat and mouse, sneaking around and constantly watching her back. Damn it, she loved Dick Grayson with all her heart, but the thought that she was the second girl was slowly killing her.
Yes. She knew that Dick had a girlfriend.  And despite that she started meeting him. It was going like that for a few months now and there was definitely more of the tension between them. And someone had to be smart about it, before something wrong would happen.
As much as she wanted and craved his touch, needed to feel him and imagined all the things she would let him do to her…… she just couldn’t let it happen. It was wrong on so many levels. Not only because of ovary solidarity, but she simply couldn’t bear the thought of making someone unhappy. And this was the way it was going to end up.
And that was the reason behind her text to Grayson, who were surprisingly quiet for too long and it got her spinning. What if his girl was around and saw the message? What if he was busy with her at moment, getting so loud he actually missed the notification.
She didn’t want it, but the jealousy creeped inside her. This was so damn wrong! She never should have started that drama in the first place, but the heart and the body wants what it wants.
“Damn it, Dick. Answer me!” she almost begged, furiously poking the phone with her thumb, trying to refresh the conversation.
“What about?” he finally favoured her with the quick response
“You know what.”
“come at my place then.”
“Is she around?”
“No. She’s out for some convention. I’m alone for the whole weekend L Could use some company ;)”
“You’re not gonna like it.” She warned, biting on her lip and hesitating for a moment before sending that.
“Oh, sunshine, I love whenever you are around. Come on over, I am waiting for you.”
So that was it.
Tonight she was going to break this crazy, inappropriate deal. 
The way to Dick’s apartment was most likely the longest and worst drive she ever had in her entire life. It gave her mind way to much time to wonder how they met (at the Wayne gala), how she found out he actually had a girlfriend (well, to be honest, he pretty much told her that) and how she was going to let him go.
Yes. It just had to be done.
Even if her body and heart were screaming something completely different.
She had only been at Dick’s place for a couple times, since for obvious reasons, it was rather him to visit her. Even if nothing explicit ever happened between them. It was all innocent kisses and hugs and cuddling. However, anytime she actually managed to come, the magnificence of the apartment took her breath away. Grayson was the oldest son of the multimillionaire and it was definitely showing.
Once she stopped her old and a bit rusty car, next to his shiny porshe on the driveway it was clear that they did not fit each other. Taking her sweet time, almost like her legs were begging to turn around and keep things in the same way Y/N managed to walk to the doors and gathering all her strength knocked a few times.
“Baby!” Dick was so fast to open that if Y/N didn’t know better she would think he was actually waiting for her. But no, it was just his Nightwing instincts.
Yeah, right. Nightwing. That was just another little thing he was using in their relationship.
Did his girlfriend even know about that other side of his?
Did he even love her?
Because it was obvious that his girlfriend loved him. But if it wasn’t reciprocated than maybe……
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Dick became a bit alerted watching her blurry and distracted gaze. If only he knew how she was fighting inside. “Come on, talk to me….” He whispered, putting one hand on her waist, the other on her chin making her look up straight at him. Straight into those pretty, honest, blue eyes, she learned to love so much.
“I….I’m fine.’ She stuttered, raising on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek briefly, pulling away almost immediately.
“Nah. Give me a proper kiss.” He leaned forward and captured her lips into his again, this time with more urgency, passion and way more touching her body.
“Dick!’ she struggled free taking him by surprise ‘come on, stop. We really do need to talk.”
“Oh, no.’ he let out a chuckle “is it one of those it’s not you, it’s me situations. Cause I…..” he stopped in the middle of the sentence noticing her stern gaze.
“Can just come inside?” she sighed deeply.
“Of course. I suppose it’s not the kind of conversation you can have on the threshold?”
Dick led her through the maze of corridors and just following him got her a bit dizzy. Finally they ended up in the living room,  as he motioned for her to seat down on the couch, which she refused and completely unable to stay put started walking around watching all the bibelots on the shelves.
“Would you  like something to drink? Seems like you need it.”
“I don’t.” she mumbled, still walking around. Shit. How was she even supposed to start talking. Not even a single word could get past her throat.
“Sunshine.” Dick took a step forward and reached for her hand.
“We need to stop this.” She burst in response
“End what?”
“this….” She waved her hand around between them “this crazy shit going on. I don’t even know what we are anymore. I don’t know who I am!”
“You’re the woman I love.’
“Oh, really.” She scoffed “than how come you still have an official girlfriend and …. Me? I am some sort of distraction for you?”
“Baby…..” he sighed
“Stop calling me that!”
“I told you, I’m in this official relationship, because of ….”
“Bruce. Yeah, I remember you saying that. But this secret mission or whatever you say you need her for, is taking way to long. And becoming way to real for me to like it” she pointed at the photos on the shelves in those tiny, cute little frames. “It’s not a mission anymore, Dick. You have a life with her. Not me. And every time we meet in secret it makes me feel dirty. I feel like a fucking whore, Grayson. Even if we never….. you know….”
“You’re not a whore. You could never be, my sweet girl.” Before he could reach for her she jumped away and turn her back to him, now carefully observing all the other pictures hang on the walls. Photos of him, of her, of them together. Laughing, kissing, fooling around. Just simply being happy.  She just couldn’t handle it anymore. She wanted him, but not for such price. Not for the price of another girl’s broken heart.
“Do you love her?” she cried out when the tears started falling. It took him a bit too long to answer “do you love her, dick!?” she repeated this time yelling and facing him through her wet eyes. “Do you…..?” her voice broke
“I…..” he started, but she didn’t let him finish.
“Fuck you, Grayson! Look what you made out of me!” she clenched her fist, barely holding back for throwing something at him. It was crazy. All the contradictory things she felt just found a way out and instead of confronting him calmly, she was ping-ponging, torn between begging him to choose her,  shouting at his face or running away, slamming the door behind her and never getting back here. And the realization that she was acting crazy actually made her calm down in a blink of an eye.  “That’s it, Dick. It’s over. I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired and sick of myself. I’m leaving.” She spun around but before she could really leave, he grabbed her arm and that sudden touch made her freeze on the spot.
“Why?” he simply asked.
“Why?” she repeated, eyes growing wide, not that he could see it “are you serious?”
“Yes.” He took a step forward pressing his chest to her back tightly, moving his hands up and down her sides “you know I want you, baby. Why do you keep resisting me?” now his lips were kissing her neck. So lightly, almost impalpably  and yet sending shivers down her spine and making all her noble impulses crumble.
“Dick….. I …..” she moaned unable to hold back due all his touches and nibbling on her skin. She was literally on fire and even if she knew that at this moment there was no way out, she was still trying to fight.
“yes, baby?” he whispered against her skin, hands sneaking under her t-shirt and travelling onto her belly and lower, playing with the hem of her pants and panties.
“this is wrong….. “ she whined and squirmed a bit, fighting the urge to grab his arm and guide him where she needed “this … this will be cheating. You’ll be a cheater.”
“Then tell me to stop.” He bit on her earlobe “tell me you don’t want this the same way I do and I’ll let you go. You’ll be free of me. Forever. Tell me if that’s what you want.”
“Fuck.” She hissed when his fingers dig under her underwear. Now she just couldn’t hide how much she wanted him as well. She was soaked and he felt that.  
“so, what’s it gonna be?”
“Ah!” she threw her head back onto his shoulders, feeling the tease on her folds “Dick!”
“What do you want, babe?”
“Fuck me….” She breathed out.
And just like that she relented to him. She was just a girl and he knew how to use that.
“Finally….” He groaned spinning her around and in a blink of an eye, pinning her to the wall “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for you?” her shirt was gone, all that soft skin exposed and it was impossible for him to keep his hands from touching, caressing and pinching it “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve dreamed about having you like this? How many patrol nights I spend with your body on my mind?” he released her from her bra in one single motion taking just a second to gloat the sight of her bare breast, bouncing up and down because of her heavy breath “but you were just so stubborn, baby.” He put his lips on hers kissing her with fire that was burning inside him. God, he was going to devour her, trap her underneath him for hours, teach her a lesson for all the times she turned him away “your girlfriend this, your girlfriend that” he mocked, playing with the button of jeans and pulling the zipper down “fuck, you are so much better than her. You’re the one I want. Shit, you’re the one I need.”
“Dick…” she whined, arching her back to him, embracing him, wanting him closer to her. Impossibly closer. She craved the feeling of his naked skin on hers, but knew he wouldn’t be the one to satisfy that need too easy. Oh, that little prick was in a teasing mood. “Please… don’t …. Talk about her. Not now.”
“Right. Sorry.” He whispered, running hands thought her hair, tilting her head back in the process, kissing the column of her throat. Oh, that sweet view was making him impossibly hard. Painfully hard. She was right in front of him, almost completely naked except for that little piece of material that were her panties. “It’s just you and me now.” he grabbed her hips and grinded on her clothed pussy, earning a loud moan and scratching on his back “you’re mine.”
‘I want you, Dick!” She cried out, once again trying to lift his shirt up but he caught her wrists in one hand and lift her hands above her head.
“Not just yet, love. You’ve been a bad girl, you know. Making me go through a lot of trouble to help myself….”
“I’m sorry!” Y/N screamed when he leaned down and focused on her tits, nibbling, kissing and sucking on the nipples, alternatively “I’m sorry, Dick, oh, god, this feels so fucking good. Don’t stop, please.”
“I’m only getting started.” He smirked and before her lust-driven brain realized what was happening he tore her panties away, grabbing her backs of her thighs and wrapping them around his waist, holding onto her tightly. He had her. Absolutely exposed, clinging onto him with need, want, lust. She wasn’t running or denying what they had. Not anymore. And after tonight he was going to make sure she would never do that again.
“Dick…” she squirmed in his embrace, creating a bit of friction she so desperately need, those soft hands cradling through his hair, mouth on his, unable to pull back even for a second. She was going to burn if they were separated for barely a second. “I want to feel you.”
“Here?” he smirked
“No.” she whined “take me to bed. Take me to your bed and make me yours.”
A minute later she was laying in the same sheets, the other girl used to be in, her hands tied to the headboard. Fuck, Y/N was going to have sex with Dick in the same bed, she was sleeping in. And when he throw her on the mattress and climbed all over her, caressing her whole body and pressing into her, that though suddenly became so hot, rather than repulsive. She was in his bed cause of some crazy scheming, Y/N was here cause he wanted her to. And his every touch and movement were proving that.
“please take it off.” She glanced at his shirt and this time he listened, pulling it away and throwing somewhere on the floor, immediately focusing back on her.
“Y/N….” he groaned “you’re better than I imagined. So much better.”
“Please let me touch you….” those stupid ropes, he was so good at tying were biting onto her oft skin but surprisingly even to her, this pain was strangely turning her on.
“are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
‘Yes, yes, please, anything you want.”
‘I want those hands on me while I fuck you. I want those eyes staring into mine when I make you feel good. Can you do that, Y/N” he lift his head a bit and glanced at her.
“Yes…” she gasped “Please….”
“Hmmmm.” He tapped his chin “I thought you wanted my pants gone, before…..”
“I do. God, shit, fuck, Dick. I want everything! I want anything! Whatever you give me, just please do something ‘cause I swear I will combust!”
“We don’t want that, do we?” he smirked and did all of those things at once. His cock was free, as well as her hands and she wasted no time in wrapping all her limbs around him.
“You want me ?” he asked eyeing her
“So bad, dick, so fucking bad.”
“you have me.” He pushed in, slowly, not to cause her any pain. It was  their first time after all, and since he was planning on many, many more, it wouldn’t be wise to give her any trauma. It took him a while to bottom put, all while feeling that sweet scratching on his back, and when he did they both moaned in unison, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of one another.
“You taste to sweet, so good. So much better than….”
“Sh!” he kissed him only to shut his mouth up “don’t talk about it.”
“Sorry baby.” He extended his hand towards her right side of the bed reaching for something that sparkled a bit in the dimly room and throwing it away. The thing ended up on the floor, broken, judging by the sound.
“What was that?”
‘nothing important.” He responded, resuming worshiping her and moving slightly. Even though at this point he didn’t have to do a thing since she was desperate enough to fuck herself on his cock, he wanted to make her feel good.  To prove all those words from before. Her hands digging into his shoulders, grinding on him, lips being connected, teeth clashing, hair getting pulled at was telling him that he truly was doing a good work. She just wanted him closer, deeper, railing her stronger, faster, harder.
“more dick, more…”
“I love you.” he whispered, now complying to all her wishes ‘only you. I want to be with you.”
“We can talk about it later, now just give me an orgasm Dick. Cause fuck, I’m so close, so fucking close!”
“What do you want?”
“You. All of you. Give it to me Dick.” Y/N tightened the grip on him, opening her legs a bit more, allowing him to reach her g-spot, pressing her body tighter, spasming underneath him “just give it to me. Ah! I’m …. I’m gonna cum”
“Look at me baby. Look at me when you do.”
“Ah! DICK!” she screamed when the high hit her, almost making her black out, the only word on her mind being limited to him. “Dick, yes, oh, yes, yes, so damn good. So good, baby, so good. Don’t pull out….” Y/N stopped him when he tried to move away from her body
“Inside?” his eyes grew wide.
“Yes. I told you, I need to feel you.”
“shit, you’re so hot” their mouths crashed again, swallowing each other’s moans and groans when his cum filled her up completely. Their bodies sweaty and trembling due to extortion, but not ready to let go of each other yet, instead holding close and kissing, but this time slower, gentler without the urgency from before. Now they had each other, for good and for worse.
“Stay with me tonight.” He whispered leaning his forehead on hers “don’t go back to your place.”
“I’m not. But……”
“I mean what I said before, Y/N” he confessed “I love you.”
“I love you too, Dick.” She sobbed and let him hold her and soothe her and whisper sweet words inside her mind.
Was it wrong? Yes.
But was it the best sex they both ever had? Also yes.
And they could think about the future and clearing all this shit out later. Preferably much later. But for now, all they needed was the bliss and aftercare and maybe round two. No talking and no thinking about the future.
Even if the future was heading their direction with the speed of light, since the convention was cancelled.
To be continued? (if someone wants.... :D)
Edit: part 2
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projectbluearcadia · 5 months
[P2] My Love, I Am Drinking PLeNTy of WAteR
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NSFW Lucifer x F!MC Spice Rating - 4/4 HOLY F*CK THAT'S HOT
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]
I fully support Luci having a praise kink, full stop. :) @ourfinalisation the food is ready muahaha.
Wordcount: 2470
smutty notes (consult if you haven’t read my smut before.)
“It’s so hot in here,” he complains, still picking at his buttons and undoing them all out of order. It would help if you didn’t keep your fireplace lit all the time, you think as you help him take his vest off. “Mmm… aren’tchu hot too?” 
“...yes,” you reply honestly after a moment, almost unconsciously helping him out of his shirt to leave his chest exposed. 
“Then… let’s cuddle naked!” 
Oh good lord… you think, not quite sure how to respond to the innocent way he said that. Neither of you kept your hands off each other when the clothes were gone. But then you’d be taking advantage of a drunk. Though the only reason Lucifer would be upset about you doing that to him is that he wouldn't remember the experience. 
Of course, Lucifer’s jumping full-steam ahead as he takes your shirt off and presses his face into your belly as he hugs your lower abdomen.
“C’mere, MC… stop just standing there holding my mug like a pretty mannequin… Let me love you!” He pulls, and you half-stumble your way to half-sitting on him. He takes the mug from your fingers, sliding it open and taking a drink before he grimaces at you. “That is the most watery coffee I have ever tasted,” he says in the most grave tone of voice that you can’t help yourself from bursting out laughing. “You should be ashamed of yourself, MC; why are you laughing?” 
“You’re already wasted, Lucifer; I’m not giving you caffeine too,” you reply after you recover, belatedly realizing that his hands are shimmying your pants off you. He started this, you think before you unzip him, and, amused, watch him try to take his trousers off with you sitting on one of his thighs. 
“You’re mean,” he says as you laugh again. “You know I’m all…” He makes a vague gesture, and you smile as you obligingly help him undress the rest of the way. You worry your lip lightly as your eyes carelessly absorb him for a moment, half-fantasizing about absolutely wrecking him so that he wakes up embarrassed without even remembering why. No, MC, only if he pushes it. Still… naked cuddles. On his bed. Where we’ve had sex several times.
You don’t even get to the cuddling part because Lucifer had already pulled you on top of him, kissing you. You have the sudden and distinct suspicion that the conniving little shit had been actually planning to make love to you since the moment he came home. Yeah… come to think of it, the way he looked at you at the door was pretty close to his “I want to fuck you so bad right now” face. 
“MC… I wish you were always here,” he mumbles before he kisses up and down your neck. “Every time I think of you, I want to hug you, and then I get hard thinking about you, and then I feel bad when you’re not even there…” 
“I can’t be in here perpetually,” you joke, though he obviously takes it seriously. 
“You could if I tied you down,” he grumbles, nibbling on your collar. “Then I could do anything I want whenever I want.” He pauses before he groans and butts his head softly against your chest. “I’m sorry that I fantasize about that. I’m not an asshole that would use you and do bad things to you and, I just… want more of you…” You pet his head sympathetically, surprised by his consideration. 
“I fantasize about slightly concerning things too, Lucifer.” Some things I wish I had the ovaries to ask you to try with me. “So don’t worry about it. We’ll talk about it if it’s a problem.” 
“You're so sweet… what’d I do to deserve you???” Lucifer squeezes you tight to him. “Can I thank you? Can I eat you out?” You decide to throw away how startled you are by the sudden offer. Oral from you? The person who rarely does it unless I (sexually) beg for it? You think I’d say no? 
Saying “yes” would quickly become a regret. But all in good time. 
As it turns out, Lucifer’s drunken stupor meant he was a lot more into making noise during sex, and that included while he was busy thrusting his tongue inside you. Not to mention when he was busy licking the hell out of your clit like it had something sweet and sticky on it. And there he was, flushed and naked between your legs, eagerly taking what seemed like mouthfuls of your slick and heartily groaning like it was his first meal in five years. 
You thought he wasn’t lucid enough to pleasure you with his fingers, which was why it was taking you a little bit of time to cum. Oh, how wrong you are. No, this fucker is playing with you. 
Which is why you’re so surprised when he starts giving both your clitoris and your eager pussy attention, nibbling and sucking and rubbing. Your orgasm at that point is very forthcoming. 
As is the one directly following it. 
“Lucifer,” you gasp, squeezing his hair in your hands. 
“Mmm… I’m not finished drinking my water~” the little shit teases into you, and you’re quickly learning that his desire to see you overstimulated is even more pronounced than usual. 
Which is why it was a mistake. Because you’re now on your fourth orgasm, and he didn’t seem like he was going to stop until he had destroyed your sanity. 
“Lucifer… please… can’t,” you try between gasps, and he kisses your thigh. 
“Just a little more? You’re so good for me; just let me do everything, okay? Just a little more… want you to like it.” He gives you another lick that practically sends stars to your eyes, looking up at you as you try in vain to squeeze your thighs closed. 
“Bad…Lucifer,” you mewl as he keeps giving your clit attention, his long fingers still nursing your ever-tightening insides. He stops, right as you were reaching another peak.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, not seeming to realize the fact that he’s edging you. “I wante’to see your face when your brain has nothing in it but me…” Didn’t you get that out of me the first time!?!?
“Lucifer, I’m already thinking just about you, so please let me finish…” 
“No, not that, I want to see your fucked out face. The way you drool and cry and stop being able to form a sentence.” Fucking hell, he’s remembering that? Now? “But I can’t?” Lucifer makes a face like a kicked puppy, making an x with two fingers, one of which was struggling to separate from a wet membrane attached to the other finger. 
“Goddammit, do whatever you want, just please!” You groan, covering your eyes and feeling your cheeks warm. You can practically feel him brighten as he dives back between your folds. Not long afterwards, your most intense orgasm makes you scream his name while you grip his hair frantically like you’re trying to shove him even closer than he already is. 
Calming down is almost an ordeal as he licks at your convulsing, needy hole that was currently spilling your release like it was water. 
“I think this is better than demonus,” he mumbles, probably to himself, but your ears catch it just fine. You really can’t tell whether he’s referring to your pleasure or messily drinking in your natural lubrication. Is this what he fantasized about without telling you? Getting on his knees and tongue-fucking you so hard that your entire body was left buzzing afterwards? “MC?”
“Wh… What?” you gasp, faintly realizing he’s finally risen from his position on the floor, his lips and the tip of his nose still shining. 
“Love you,” he says sweetly, kissing your lower stomach and almost making you convulse in the process. Especially because the rosy head of his cock is very much visible from between your knees. “Did you like my thank-you? You did, right? I was good, right?” He looks up at you like he wants to be petted, and you just can’t help yourself from fluffing his hair. He leans into your touch, letting out a satisfied, deep hum. You internally promised to tease him later for this. As payback. 
“Yes… you were good.” It seems like your praise just makes his cock stand up even taller, and you feel your insides twitch in response. You have your doubts that he can stay concentrated enough to keep it up, but God, you’re wishing he would. “I never knew you liked it this much whenever I praise you,” you tease him. 
“...maybe I have a kink for it.” Lucifer slurs. “Izzat a bad thing? Can I be a top with a praise kink?” 
“Of course, silly.” You ruffle his hair some more, just messing it up even further. There is certainly a quiet yet powerful satisfaction in knowing you’re the only one allowed to see him like this. To do this to him. “Everyone likes being praised for doing something well. Even you.”
Lucifer giggles a little and says, “How come you’re so wise when you’re less than a hundredth of my age?” 
You have to bite your tongue to avoid calling him an old man and killing his happy mood. He’s already insecure about that no matter how many times you told him that you didn’t care because he (and his brothers) never acted like, thought like, or looked like his age.
“You’re drunk, one, and two, you restrict yourself too much for the sake of your pride, so you don’t use that wonderful brain of yours.” 
“Mmm…” Lucifer kisses you, and for a moment you cringe at the taste of yourself before you get used to it. In another moment, your body is pressing harder into his lavishly soft bed as Lucifer’s hovers over you. “Fucking hell, I love you so much,” he mumbles before he dives back to your lips, the wet sounds of his kisses echoing through your ears. “Want you… Want to put it in… mn… what position do you want? Missionary? Please say missionary.” You must say, Lucifer’s flushed, hopeful expression is a sight to behold as he eagerly waits for your response. 
“Missionary is fine,” you reply with a soft grin as you rubbed his cheek. He pushes into your touch, closing his eyes and savouring it. “Come here.” 
“Cum where?” he asks, blinking at you with a dusting of pink on his ears. “I-I mean, it’s not a problem, I um… I would like that a lot actually…” Lucifer’s blush turns darker. “Wait… shit.” Lucifer buries his hot face in your chest. “...sorry.” 
“What are you apologizing for? That’s a normal mistake in this setting.” 
“No, I’m apologizing for the image that popped into my head.” 
“You don’t have to be shy; you can tell—” 
“MC, please, let this one just… stay in my head. It’s really bad.” 
“...I won’t press you right now because you’re making me impatient, but I’m going to find out later what kind of dirty shit is going through your m—Aghnnn!” 
Lucifer groans into your neck, softly panting as he shoves his last inch into you. He throbs against your walls, and you cling to his sweating back, softly digging your nails in from his size. 
“Don’t ask…” he mumbles, drawing himself out as he traces over your nipples, the pads of his fingers circling the hardening nubs. He snaps his hips forward again, leaving you gasping as stars flicker brightly in your eyes. “But… it made me really excited, so…” 
“Ughn ah…! Ahh!” you moan out, your voice abruptly starting to fail as Lucifer grips a tight hold of your hips and starts slamming himself into you over and over again. Your overstimulated clitoris seems to thrum with static, and it thrums harder when Lucifer presses close to messily kiss your neck. 
“Gh… Every time…” he groans, his voice strained. “Your pussy always sucks me in so hard… Hghn. it makes me feel like… I’ll lose it right away.” And as if he wants to prove himself wrong, he starts going at you faster, leaving you gasping and crying at the ceiling, speechless as you actively claw at his back.
Your clit, alongside the place deep inside you that loves Lucifer's thrusts, are receiving such great stimulation that you can barely say anything. All that comes from you are your incoherent whines and raspy croaks alongside the creaks of the bed and the lewd slurps of your soaking wet hole taking Lucifer in over and over again. 
And then, all movement ceases, leaving you looking up dumbly at his concerned face.
“MC? Are you okay?” he murmurs. “Am I hurting you?” God bless this sensitive dingbat, but fucking hell, why does he always stop at the worst damn time? 
“Hghhn… n…no,” you manage to moan out, your vision flickering with how tight your lower abdomen is. You just barely manage to urge him closer, squeezing him with your legs before he throws your ankles over his shoulders, his hands squeezing your thighs as he climbs back up to his earlier pace.
“MC,” Lucifer gasps, dropping his head down to yours, digging his neatly trimmed nails into you as he falters. “MC.” He kisses you again as your nails score scratches into his back that, if anything, just egg him on. “MC, going to… together… please…”
“Yes,” you cry out. “Lucifer…!” With your vision dyed a startlingly brilliant white, your body floating somewhere in the sky, attached only to the electrifying feeling of Lucifer’s body against yours, you’re left to soak it in while you try to get your bearings back. 
It’s as you’re calming down that you realize Lucifer is drowsily wrapping his arms around you, squeezing your sweaty bodies together in the center of his bed. He snuggles you, getting himself comfortable as he whispers half-broken sweet nothings in your ear. Just a moment later, and he falls sound asleep, his soft breathing falling on your flushed skin. 
“Well… I guess the shower can wait,” you croak as you nuzzle him, your own drowsiness sweeping over you in the warmth of Lucifer’s embrace. Not a bad reward for looking after his brothers while he’s gone… I can’t wait… to see his sleepy face in the morning…
Lucifer woke up first about six hours later, painfully hungover and not quite remembering why he was still inside you. Almost everything came back to him however when you explained to him what had happened, and he proceeded to apologize several times, his cheeks flaming red behind his hands. 
You later shared a bath together, Lucifer insisting that he should spoil you for behaving in such a “boorish and absolutely unacceptable manner unbefitting of a responsible demon.” He cleaned you up with meticulous care despite the fact that he was nursing a very stubborn case of morning wood.
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youkaiyume · 1 year
Hello, it's been a while since I did a rant. But WARNING for gross medical things:
SO it turns out my old nemesis the ovarian cysts have plagued me again. I found out about three weeks ago when a weird pain wouldn't leave my pelvis and went to urgent care and they suggested a CT scan. ONLY! for my insurance to deny me cuz they think I needed more probable cause for one so my doctor just recommended I go to the ER (which ironically is way more expensive for insurance to pay for than a simple CT scan but they did it to themselves lol).
Turns out I have cysts on BOTH of my ovaries FUN. But the left one is very concerningly big and probably needs to be removed but I can only do so by getting an approval of an OBGYN. So after finding one and waiting for my blood tests to come back so she can determine if she can surgically remove it--
YESTERDAY I had a SUDDEN AND SEVERE pain that hit me. I was at a solid 10 on that pain scale and vomiting and sweating so I drove myself to the ER again for the second time in two weeks. Frustratingly, the MALE doctor came back and was just like "well it looks like while we were doing your ultrasound you weren't consistently experiencing pain" which I was ready to bite his head off because let me tell you. While I was laying stretched out letting them do the ultrasound I was in the worst pain the ENTIRE time. And it was not a short ultrasound. It lasted over 20 mins and even after they asked me if I could survive sitting through the vaginal ultrasound after which would be another 25 mins. And those are painful just for the stick poking around in your yoohoo alone. I begged for pain relievers and when I described it they were like "oh that's labor level pains"
SO Mr. I don't have a Uterus doctor, DON'T TELL ME that your machine says I wasn't in pain. He even hit me with a "well I don't know what your pain tolerance is" as if to minimize or make me feel like I was overblowing what I was feeling. Like, fuck that guy. But because technically the imaging showed that the cysts haven't ruptured or caused my ovaries to twist it was considered "non emergent" and so the just gave me painkillers and then sent me home and reiterated that the only way I could get it removed at this point was to beg my OBGYN and convince her it was an emergency. In the meantime it was "oh you'll have to live with LABOR LIKE PAINS 24/7 until they let you have surgery." In the meantime they said I should only return to the ER after I've took all my pain meds and my pain doesn't improve OR if something worse happens. like a rupture.
WHICH btw are the exact same symptoms I have today so I was like how will I know cuz I can't imagine a worse pain than this one to which they were like "shrug"
I was in tears. Oh but it gets EVEN BETTER. Called my OBGYN this morning and she said my blood tests came back and that unfortunately they detected higher than usual levels of cancer markers in the cyst so that means she can't surgically remove them for me, she has to foist me to an Oncologist so THEY can remove it. She tries to say it doesn't necessarily MEAN cancer but hnnnnnggg that does not help with my anxiety at the moment.
Now calling the Oncologist to make an appointment today was a whole ordeal itself cuz their system kept going to voicemail so I had to call all the departments until they finally let me through but I had to run back to the hospital to try to get my Ultrasound discs for them. But even then they were like "your appointment isn't until next Wednesday" because THATS when the doctor meanders into work. So I'm like OH so like, in the meantime what if something happens??? And they're like well you gotta call back your OBGYN to see if you have other options. Which turns out she is also out. Until Tuesday. So I'm like. Guess I'll die then!
I don't even want kids!!! These ovaries have caused me nothing but trouble!!! Please rip them from my body!!
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rheasonly1 · 1 year
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Daryl Dixon imagine ~
This content is 18+ and is more for mature users. But if you can handle it read till ya hearts content.
Also I used pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ to make it feel like it’s about you and him when you are reading it.
Lots of love x
It was the crack of dawn when Rick decided to call everyone for a group meeting. These big wake up calls had been happening for around two weeks now, and I had become accustom to his short notice. As per usual Rick had sent Carol to ‘politely’ wake everyone up instead of her usual ‘shout until they sprout’ tactic.
Well, this time if he was going to call her bashing pots and pans against the cell doors ‘polite’ then I would happily go around telling everyone that we weren’t in the middle of an apocalypse.
Not that I needed to state the obvious but clearly wasn’t going to fuckin’ happen.
Besides the point, it was around the time where everyone was stood around the room yawning and groaning to try and diffuse the awkward silence that bounced off the walls, before Rick decided to use words and tell us why we were gathered here for the hundredth time this week.
Oh and it was the same boring shit every time.
“We need to come up with a plan-“
Blah blah.
“Someone needs to go on watch-”
Blah blah blah.
“We should clear more walkers from the yard-”
Blah blah mother fuckin’ blah.
I was at my wits end with this bullshit and in all honesty, I was so close to callin’ it. However I had to remember how if I did, I’d have to deal with a very VERY pissed off daryl. And despite his tantrums nearly giving me the biggest orgasm I had ever had, (mainly because I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at the way his muscles bulged when he became angry or how that one vein in his neck suddenly made me want to become a vampire) the shouting and silent treatment wasn’t a pleasant experience to say the least.
But In this moment I had locked eyes with the blue eyed redneck and I could instantly tell that he was as sick of Ricks crap just as much as I was and that sent tingles electrocuting around my body.
A form of excitement I couldn’t contain.
And just as I thought that it was the only piece of him I was going to get today, my attention was snatched by Daryl suddenly leaving the room and I could see the smirk slowly creeping on his mouth, only one that was made for me to see.
It felt like my ovaries were about to explode. This man made me feel things like never before. The things I could fantasise him doing to me, he made me squirm when he stared at me, his piercing gaze sending flutters in my stomach. And it was no secret how he made me feel, I had ranted to Maggie numerous times about how I just wanted him to total me into the ground.
He made me feel special in ways I’d never imagined possible.
He made the impossible, possible.
I snapped out of my day dream and remembered how he hadn’t long left the room. I definitely did not want to keep him waiting, so quietly I sneaked out the room unnoticed.
I followed his soft whistles guiding me to his exact location. And I ended up in the boiler room underneath the prison, we hadn’t long cleared it from walkers so it was as good as knew. Whatever that meant these days.
I slowly walked into the middle of the room and stood there for a second until I felt his undeniable presence enter.
I heard his footsteps behind me and his shadow appeared over mine. I could hear his feet dragging against the ground, as I hadn’t bothered to turn around to face him yet. Suddenly I felt these strong, tense arms snake around my waist, holding on tight and then a head rested upon my shoulder.
“Oomf.” A raspy voice let out.
I leaned my head back onto Daryl’s shoulder allowing him to bury his head into my neck.
All of a sudden I felt a sharp, biting pain going all the way down on the side of my neck and into my collar bone. I moaned softly and lowly at the satisfying feeling of Daryl nibbling on me.
He bit down harder at my response, I felt my eyes grow heavy and not in the tired kinda way. I let my hand travel to the back of his head, taking a handful of his hair and gripping it tight.
The purr which escaped from his mouth sent butterflies swarming in the pit of my stomach. Slowly, Daryl turned to stand in front of me, pushing hairs out of my face. His eyes were locked on mine but often quickly glancing at my lips and then back to my eyes again.
leaning in, he places small tender kisses on my lips and cheeks whilst cupping my face in his big calloused hands.
Along with more gentle and loving kisses, his arm slides around my waist pulling me closer to him. He hums lightly whilst rocking me slowly against him. I felt him harden against my pelvis.
I push my self further into him, and he chuckles huskily as he slides his hand down my back and rests it on my ass.
“a bit needy this morning, aren’t we?” He growls.
“Mhmmmm” I hum.
With one hand now squeezing my ass and the other wrapped around my neck, he leans closer to my ear and whispers.
“don’t worry you’ll get what you want sweetheart.”
His eyes were fixated on my lips and body. He leaned in, and for a moment it felt like time was standing still. The tension in the air was so thick I could feel it pulsing between us. He was close…so close. And my heart was racing, pumping a million beats per second.
Before either of us had chance to move, our lips crashed together and all my thoughts were blocked by how intense and passionate the kiss gradually became.
I pushed him hard up against the wall he hadn’t long appeared from behind, he groaned loud in response. And I continued to run my hands up his shirt feeling his chest.
His hands moved to my hips which were bare from the low waisted jeans I was wearing and he harshly pulled me into him. Then his hands traveled to the back of my thighs when he lifted me up into a sitting position with my legs wrapped right around his waist.
Gently and slowly he knelt down onto both knees and lowered me onto the ground, with my legs still around his waist. Quickly he slid his shirt over his head and threw it into a corner far from the room.
“I won’t be needing that anymore.”
I chuckled as he leant down towards me and his big broad body hovered over me. He stared at me for a few seconds while tracing my lip with his thumb, wiping the saliva away and then proceeding to lick his fingers afterwards.
Placing both hands either side of my head, he leaned into me and started to give wet, passionate kisses on my neck and down to my collar bone.
He stopped at the hem of my vest and then looked up at me. Tugging at the bottom of it, he gently lifted me up into a sitting position and brought the shirt up over my head and chucking it into the same corner as his.
I was left in my pants and bra. He admired my breasts for a few moments and then hugged into me whilst sneakily un-clipping my bra at the back.
Letting it fall I felt my boobs against his chest, and softly groaned at the feeling. He leaned back to admire them again in full view. Gently pushing my chin upwards, he placed kisses at the tip of my chin all the way down onto my stomach. Harshly, he sucked in a breath and at first I had no idea why.
Until suddenly I felt his big erection grow underneath me. I couldn’t resist. I turned him over so he was now laying on the floor and I was on top straddling him.
Daryl let out a deep moan as I rubbed myself against him and his eyes widened as his body began to respond.
I started grinding against his now giant erection and I could see it bulging through his pants.
“Just say the word.” I whispered.
He was breathing heavy and so was I. And oh we were not even half way through. He let out a controlled breath and that was him telling me he was ready.
I started to unbuckle his pants and then he took over pulling them the rest of the way down. I could tell it was throbbing by the look on his face he was yearning for me to help him release.
I’d give him more than just a release. I’d tighten him back up just so I could make him release again, again and again.
He couldn’t bare it anymore, he ragged off his boxers and he laid in his birthday suit underneath me.
“Happy birthday to me.” I chuckled.
I slowly and teasingly edged my way towards him, he was too impatient so he grabbed me by my hips and practically placed me on top of it. Just so I was hovering over the tip. It was pulsing like my heart beat and I couldn’t wait to give him what he wanted. My Daryl.
And just like that, I pushed myself into him.
A loud, deep moan escaped my mouth and echoed throughout the room. I had forgotten the amount of pleasure it would give me just as much as it would give him. Only now my plans were discarded as I could barely contain my bodies reaction to him inside of me.
I could feel it pumping inside of me as I slowly moved up and down.
“Fuck. Are ya really gonna do me like that?” He growled.
“Oh I’ll do ya, don’t you worry.” I cheeked.
I knew exactly what he wanted. My pace wasn’t fast enough for him. Not enough him to release. It was still pulsating and it was getting worse and he was closer to his limits.
I quickened up my pace, moving back and forth faster. And faster. And faster.
All of a sudden I felt his hot sticky cum erupt from his cock. We both moaned in unison, and loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if the group heard us up in the cell block. Not all the walls were sound proof. He was whimpering like a dog as I didn’t stop grinding on him, giving him more than what he asked for.
He leaned up and wrapped one arm around my waist and leaned on the other for support. His breathing had calmed down and he was staring into my eyes appreciating everything I had gave him.
“Time for me to return the favour.” He said sternly.
I Held my hands up in surrender. He looked up at my hands and slowly intertwined our fingers and brought them down so they were resting on his lap. He effortlessly lifted me off him and sat me between his legs, and then ran his hands under neath my thighs making me bend my knees up to my feet were pressed against the ground, and my legs were open wide.
He let go of my hands and traced both of the inside of my thighs coming closer and closer to my sweet spot. I had beat him to it, as I went to reach and down and release my throbbing slit, he snatched my hands away.
“Ah, ah, ah. No.” He said.
He pushed my hands behind my back so I wasn’t able to free myself from his grip. Teasingly his rubbed the sides of my clit, tickling my lips every now and then. Eventually he ran one finger down the middle and put his finger in-front of my face.
“Already wet. All this for me?” He whispered.
I nodded, confirming his statement. My breathing was now shallow and I didn’t know how much longer I could take his stalling.
However I was shocked to feel that I didn’t have to wait any longer as he harshly slid his fingers inside of me. Once again moans were abruptly escaping my mouth and it made him excited as his worked his fingers in and out of my cunt. He could tell how desperate I was for my release and he was going to give it to me.
“nearly there darlin’.” He spoke softly.
Finally his magic had payed off and now his fingers were covered in my hot and sticky cum. He played with it between his fingers whilst smiling and laughing.
“Open.” He demanded.
I opened my mouth, as he rubbed his fingers all around my gums and tongue.
Soon enough we were both back to our original state. And we were both dressed.
“I think it’s about time we get back, don’t want their minds wandering to far about our absence.” I joked.
“Shut up.” He said as he draped his arm over my shoulder whilst we walked back to the cell block.
Prompt: “Happy birthday to me.”
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mitsundere · 3 months
gepard omegaverse headcanons
so this has been cooking in my head for quite a while now, but i've only just typed it up.
⚠️ cw : internalized homophobia , internalized discrimination against omegas (?) 
can be taken as reader-insert, gender-neutral, but there's one (1) mention of a hypothetical scenario where they have a vagina / ovaries. like 1-2 bullets only, about pregnancy. i'll put it in color red if anyone wants to avoid it. feel free to send me a message on how to word it properly, or if i should change anything
general headcanons
omega. smells like winter pine with a tad of cinnamon and a lingering floral scent. the more pleased he is, the more prominent the floral tones.
no one knows of his dynamic except for his family, and a few high-ranking senior officers and doctors of the guard (including the supreme guardian and pela, a family friend). he’s been raised as an alpha, and everyone in belobog sees him as one.
uses both scent-blocker patches and heat suppressants regularly. it’s a must for any member of the silvermane guards, especially those in the frontlines and on patrols. while his scent normally wouldn’t be a problem, it gets sickeningly sweet during pre-heats, so he has to use the patches. fortunately, he hasn’t experienced any problems with heat suppressants yet.
prefers to spend heats alone. while the original gepard wouldn’t even think of having a vacation for himself, in this verse he’s more likely to do it (whether he wants to or not). at least once a year, he tapers down his heat suppressants to maintain his body’s natural hormone cycle— letting him have his heat. 
he’s ashamed of it, wishes that he was born as something else. but it didn’t matter what he wanted. the people need him to be this indestructible shield for belobog. a powerful alpha, not… whatever he was right now. it’s even worse when he remembers how his sisters were both alphas. why was he the only one burdened with this? he tries not to think about it by drowning himself in work
with an alpha
it takes a while for him to warm up to them. after all, he’s been raised to act like one. he doesn’t want to give in to his instincts. it was a good thing he was pretty disciplined! (read as: used to not getting what he wanted / not being in control of his life)
you need to be a gentle alpha to win this captain’s heart. he still has to come to terms with and be more forgiving of himself. let him touch you freely. explore your scent glands and canines. it gives him a sense of control, making him more relaxed
steals your clothes. yes, even if you’re smaller than him. if you lose an article of clothing, it’s most likely with gepard as he stays at the restricted zone for months. be careful when sending him letters with items like a handkerchief, anything with your scent. he might just go into premature heat (and he’ll be sent home. whether this is a win or not is up for debate)
with a beta
the most comfortable match for gepard. there’s no pressure to conform with the standard alpha/omega partnership. he won’t accidentally go into heat with a you due to lack of a strong scent, and you won’t go crazy when you smell him. he can just be a normal person around you
your lack of strong scent won’t stop him from nuzzling into your scent glands, though. you do have a scent, it’s just a bit.. subtle. not overwhelming like an alpha’s or omega’s— and he’s obsessed with it. like drinking cold water on a hot and humid day, it has no taste but you can’t help but keep drinking it, right? be prepared for a lot of cuddling!! he’ll do anything to get a whiff of you
in my verse… unfortunately, if the beta has a vagina / ovaries / uterus etc. as their reproductive system, they cannot get an omega pregnant. they can get surgery for this, but i imagine it isn’t quite available in jarilo-vi yet
if this is the case, gepard would be quite sad as he wants a family. but maybe after a long talk, he’ll come to accept that there are other methods of having one.
with an omega
gepard appreciates that there’s someone who can understand him. raised in a conservative family (i imagine, have you read “landau’s choice?”), it would bother him first. internally. but he’ll come around later on to accept that he liked you.
afraid of exposing his dynamic at first. would you still accept him? he’s hidden his dynamic all his life. what if you leave him after? would you be disgusted at the idea of him, an omega, liking you, another omega? please be patient with him. he’ll tell you when he’s ready
being with you also makes his alpha upbringing come up. he thinks that you should be protected, and doesn’t mind if you use him as a shield for any other alphas that want you (one of the benefits of appearing as an alpha to the masses)
out of all the relationships/dynamics listed, i think this is the most likely one that doesn’t start off as love. it’s more of a shared comfort or friendship, and gradually becomes something more. 
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riley-coyotl · 3 months
Hello! I saw a post about your dog recovering from ovary-sparing spay and as someone else interested in this route, I am curious what made you choose it.
Sure, I'm happy to explain! :)
So, especially if it is done earlier in life, there are a lot of health concerns associated with traditional spaying (orthopedic issues, urinary incontinence, even certain cancers,) as well as behavioral ones. Of particular concern to me, more and more data is showing an association between spaying and increased anxiety-related behaviors... Which, for Juniper in particular as an already anxious dog, I really did not want to risk making that worse for her.
The timing of spaying is however a balancing act with the increased risk of mammary tumors (early spay reduces the risk for this.) So it's kind of a tough balancing act and a really personal decision, but for me, I feel it's better to wait to spay until maturity, for both physical health and mental maturity/behavioral issues. For most breeds of dog this would be around at least 1.5 to 2 years of age.
That said, the increased risk of mammary tumors seems to rise quickly with the first and second heat cycles, but then pretty much plateaus around that point. In other words, doing a traditional spay on a dog 2+ years old is unlikely to reduce their risk of mammary tumors. (During my research I also found a bit of conflicting data about the conventionally accepted information on mammary tumor risk, which gave me even further pause in accepting that keeping a dog intact increases risk as much as we've assumed it does.)
So, since my only real remaining health concern with a completely intact female dog is first and foremost pyometra (infection of the uterus, which is not an uncommon condition and scares the crap out of me,) and of course, risk of pregnancy (I feel confident in my own management and don't even have any male dogs living here anymore, much less intact ones, but crazy accidents can always happen, male dogs can be VERY determined...) Ovary sparing spay takes care of both these concerns (a proper OSS that removes all uterine tissue + cervix should carry no risk of "stump pyometra") while avoiding any of my concerns with traditional spay.
Also, some dogs do seem to struggle/not feel well during heat cycles (which, since Juni still has her ovaries, her body will still go through heat cycles, she just can't get pregnant and will probably not have any bloody discharge, but if she does it will be reduced,) or have distressing false pregnancies etc. But Juni has none of these issues and her heat cycles are easy on her and not stressful. So I wasn't concerned about that either.
So that was our logic for the decision! Personally, unless and until there is further research definitively conflicting with the conclusions I've drawn about this, I intend for all of my future dogs to have an ovary sparing spay vs. traditional spay (full ovariohysterectomy) done.
(In addition, ethically I just don't jive well with the idea of surgically altering an animal if it's not necessary/not to their benefit (e.g. things done purely for aesthetic, or done largely for human convenience, etc.) In many countries, routine spay/neuter is practically unheard of--it's really only here in the United States that the general consensus is that spay/neuter is the objectively correct and responsible choice... And, while this is a bit more personal and emotionally driven, I have had an ovary sparing spay done on myself and have had a really great experience with it and the outcome for my own body, and I feel like it is intuitively correct that keeping our bodies working hormonally as naturally as possible is just...typically healthier and better for us. I wasn't going to remove my own ovaries for the health risks and other effects that would have on me, so I didn't want to do that to my dog either. I wanted to give my dog the same healthy outcome I wanted for myself.)
I hope that helps! :) And if you are interested, here are a few studies that I read during my research that helped me reach my decision: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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thekitchenywitch · 9 months
Alright I’m so sick of the fact that AFAB people don’t understand their own reproductive system. I have several issues with my own so for my fellow young AFABs:
What is and is not normal:
Irregular or unexpected periods: when you first start having your period they typically won’t be regular and you may even have spotting (bleeding between periods) sometimes as an adult
Having an increased amount of discharge before periods: you will typically have discharge when ovulating and it may even happen more often and more heavily in the days proceeding your period. This is in fact normal and you can help protect clothes and underwear by using panty liners
Pain or discomfort during your period IN MODERATION (more later): of course you will have cramps during your periods and of course it’s not going to be easy. However you should definitely learn about pressure points to help with abdominal pain as well as using heat packs and learning what works best for YOU.
Not normal(please keep in mind that this is if these things happen consistently):
Excessive pain/soreness: If you have pain all throughout your period that does not stop or you have pain during intercourse when not on your period talk to your ob/gyn and if your doctor tells you that it’s normal/something you need to get used to, or dismisses it that IS NOT the doctor you need or want.
HEAVY periods: if you are changing pads meant for heavy flow every four-six hours I’m begging you to talk to your doctor, it is not normal or safe to be losing that much blood on a regular basis
(There is more I can put here but I can put them on as I remember)
IUDs are intrauterine devices that look like little plastic Ts. These are a form of contraceptive that are also used to treat things like Endometriosis (a disorder when tissues from your uterine lining sits on the outside of your uterus and ovaries, though it can move to other places in the body). If you have an IUD you or your partner may be able to feel string coming from your cervix out into the vaginal canal. This is normal. However if you feel the plastic connected to this string call your doctor, your IUD may be leaving your uterus and that is not a fun experience.(it’s happened to me.) When your doctor puts in your IUD they will open to your cervix (this does actually hurt) to insert it. Once the IUD is in your uterus you may have irregular periods as the IUD takes a while to work. (I had a 208 day cycle when I first got mine)
tell me if there is more you’d like to know more about, I will help as best as I can
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