#n i could do so much damage he 100% deserves
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 5 months
tbqh I did seriously consider just walkin out on him
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 11 months
Mercs proposing hc?? So basic but Im literally one corny mf
The TF2 Mercs proposing to their partners
WARNING: Mild gore gifts because this is the Mercs we’re talking about here.
- Biggest panic attack of his fucking life. Has no idea how to function like a normal human being anymore. It was that feeling of being in love with somebody all over again and needing to tell them. What’s worse about this though is that marriage is a huge commitment. One that many aren’t ready for yet. What if you reject him and he messes this relationship up?
- Goes to Spy for comfort. In all honesty he’s just a very damaged little boy on the inside and scared that he is incapable of receiving unconditional love. The other Mercs catch him behind the base crying into Spy’s shoulder on the curb while Spy holds him. He’s telling Spy how much he loves you; and how terrified he is that you cannot return that same vow. Spy knows the feeling. “Shh, mon lapin.” Boy howdy Spy’s certainly grateful that Scout’s mom didn’t teach him a word of french.
- Spy has to shove Scout into your room to actually finally get him to do it. “Your idiot boyfriend has a few words for you, and apparently I have to be present or i’m certain he’ll break down crying again.” He says to you. While poor Scout curls up into a ball on the floor.
- First of all, why him? Second of all, this is the type of guy to go all out and spend half the money he earned in mercenary work to get one of those “will you marry me Y/N?” banners hooked up to a plane. Complete with the pilot being ejected and the plane crashing nose first into a rock formation. Apparently that was 100% intentional because a bunch of confetti came out of the explosion. You don’t know if you should be horrified at the audacity, or head over heels.
- Brings you an entire necklace of ears. But that’s not all! For limited time only you can get one of soldiers’ severed heads that was purposely boiled and skull cut into the shape of a helmet! Great, right? “Wow, what type of animal is this?” You ask. “A DOG. PACKAGED WITH PURE, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, PASTEURIZED AMERICAN GLORY!” well that’s not reassuring. “OOOHH SAAAAY CAAAAN YOU SEEE—“ Soldier immediately gets hit over the head by Heavy and knocked unconscious.
- After the initial silliness dies down you see adoration as you tend to his awful head wound. Maybe Heavy knocked the stupidity out of him? No. He’s still insane. Soldier grabs your wrist as you apply alcohol to his wound and squeezes your hand. “Somebody like me doesn’t deserve somebody like you.” He says. “Bullshit, Soldier.” You say, leaning in for a kiss.
- He can only achieve this when drunk off his mind. Not to mention it arrives in the most unromantic way possible. But it doesn’t make you love him any less. He holds you close to him after a New Years party at the base and pats your back. “Jus’ so you know, you’d look mighty fine with a ring on your finger.” He flirts, getting incredibly physically affectionate. He makes sure never to cross your boundaries.
- “Me mum would kill me but fuck all. y’know? Old wench’s days are numbered anywae. We could live ina nice cottage by the sea.. If ya want wee lil’ bastards I’ll actually take care of em. I’d have to stop me drinkin tho.” He says, pecking your neck. His remaining eye is pleading with you to say yes. “Pleaaase?”
- Has no recollection of these events in the morning so imagine his dumbfounded expression when one of the Mercs asks about his new fiancé. Cue the embarrassment mixed with pride and excitement.
- Will 100% go to your window in the dead of night and sing a song for you on his guitar. Particularly I imagine this would be the contender. You have no idea this is even a marriage proposal. You just think he’s being incredibly sappy. Imagine the surprise while mid song he pulls out a small box and throws it up and down recklessly like a baseball. You’re slowly beginning to catch on as he opens it with his free fingers after finishing the song.
- Complete overconfident show off. He pep-talked himself before all this and rehearsed his performance repeatedly. By using the wrangler and effortlessly throwing the box up in the air and propelling it forward with a single bullet, the sentry successfully aided in getting the box up to you. You don’t even know how you managed to catch it, to be honest.
- Tips his hardhat to you. “Whadda say? Marry me?” He can barely contain his smile. Both excited and somewhat relieved he pulled that off.
- “Heavy made you dead person crown..” He walks into your room one day and puts it on your head. It’s a bunch of severed ears meant to resemble a flower crown. “Hey, thanks big guy.” You’re grateful for the gift, being a crazed Merc yourself is it really any surprise? You give him a huge kiss on the cheek. Heavy looks thrilled that you accepted his gift. Which is very much unlike him. Usually he’s reserved. Maybe he’s just having a good day?
- Well.. you eventually find out why. That was apparently his way of proposing to you. Soldier nudges you the next morning and teases you for being engaged to Heavy. You’re horrified to say the least. You had no idea this meant marriage. Not that you wouldn’t marry him. But what about his gun Sasha? Wouldn’t she feel jealous? You’ve been with Heavy so long you keep referring to that damn thing as a person.
- Immediately upon seeing you; goes up to you and gives you a list of stuff he wants at this wedding. There’s even a blank page for you to write your own needs. He seems oddly motivated to plan this out months before it actually happens. There is countless mentions of Russian authors he wants to attend the wedding. As if they’d ever consider going to a stranger’s wedding. “If they won’t come then Heavy will crush them..” He says. Same goes for your guests.
- Wow.. Kind of the most normal out of all of them. For the most part. If TF2 took place in modern day they’d propose with a ringpop but all they have is a bag of candy and an actual ring (That they may or may not have stolen from someone in Tuefort.)
- They get on their knees and offer the ring to you in an extremely professional manner. It’s quite surreal to see Pyro pull off something so domestic and normal when he’s always destroying stuff with fire. In fact this is a little too normal.. This is Team Fortress we’re talking about here. Shouldn’t something be wacky happening right about now? It’s like the perfect opening for slapstick. Through your cries of love and laughter you begin to feel anxious at the back of your head.
- Yup.. There it is. Pyro tells you that Scout offered to be the ‘Ring bear’ for the wedding. There’s Scout dressed up in a cutesy teddy bear costume. You’re certain that’s not how it works. “Just for the record, if you tell anybody about this, I’ll fuckin’ saw off both your knees boston sandwich style. Capeesh?” He says. You have no idea what that means so you quickly agree.
- Afraid he’s going to mess it up, much like Scout. Gets incredibly physically ill as a result from stress and isolates himself in his camper van. You’re convinced he wants to tell you something but you have no idea what it is. One day on the frontlines an arrow narrowly misses your face and embeds itself into the wall next to you. You were about to turn around and bombard Sniper until you saw the note attached to it. “Pardon, Will you marry me? -Sniper.” With a very worried sad face drawn next to the note. He even bothered to draw his hat on it.
- Disbelief clouds your face at first. Sniper? Marry another Merc? You’re in shock. This isn’t something you’d ever suspect from a guy like him. But your initial thought makes way for an uncontrollable smile.
- He literally will not approach you first after this. You have to knock on his camper van because god knows he won’t be even able to face his team for months. As you jump into his arms and kiss him he immediately pulls you inside to love on you in private.
- Just kidding. But he wishes he were dead right now. How could he do something so… Un-mad-sciencey? Marriage is just a concept brought upon by money hungry people. It only exists within the mind… Yet, that’s how he feels. An eternal vow to you is something he wishes to do. He’s already planned to make you a god alongside him once the time came so you could be his beloved consort forever. It reminded him of the greek story of soulmates.
- Gets a little fruitier than usual. The most feminine moan you ever heard left this man’s body as you brushed against him while trying to help him grab a syringe he dropped. This man gets unusually hornier and that’s how you know something’s up.. “Looking up my skirt, I see!” He says, as you glance up his long lab coat. There isn’t anything there but his pants so you roll your eyes. “Ah yes.. “ You respond. You decide he’s just clingy and horny as usual and carry about your assistance. You’re not in the mood for that. He never even bottoms so he’s feigning it anyway.
- “Err—Uh— Ho! Wouldn’t it be just shameful if I knew what was going on inside your head?” He asks. “Alright, i’ll bite. What are you saying, Doc?” You sigh. He fixes his glasses back up on his face thoughtfully. “One body, one mind. That would be quite intriguing don’t you think? If we were to.. Become one.” He placed an odd amount of emphasis on that, as if the thought was simply music to his ears. Lord he’s creepy. Medic grabs you and holds you close to him. “Think of the possibilities. We’d never be lonely again. I could stitch our bodies together and we could feel each other’s essence. Forever.”
- “Medic, you good?” You ask. Although his words were strangely flattering nonetheless in their own way. You smile at him. He seems to be lost in the idea. Fantasies of being with you for eternity flood his head. Particularly ones where you’re both a weird hybrid god. Weirdest marriage proposal world record goes to Medic.
- No, no no no no no. He can’t do this again. Marriage never worked out for him. After losing Scout’s mom and many partners that followed, he couldn’t bare hurting somebody like that again. His job always got in the way of what he truly desired but he had to live with it. This life chose him after all. His hand was forced into this position. Seeing your bright smile for the rest of his days was all he ever wanted. His urges to get up and say something to you were too strong.
- Has to metaphorically slap himself in the face and remind himself to act like a fucking adult. He wasn’t a little rambunctious teenager in Paris anymore. Yet he felt like one whenever he saw you. Such boyish feelings for an old put together gentleman like him. Spy decided to trust you and himself. But if something went wrong he wouldn’t hesitate to jump off a fucking cliff. Spy would stare at his reflection in the bathroom mirror for hours and contemplate his decision before making it.
- He proposes to you under a starry moonlit night. Not even bothering to kneel down, he slides the box across the balcony to you. “Well?” he asks, taking a long drag of his cigarette. His eyes fixated on the horizon. “Do I have to say it?” He asks. “Yes..” You tell him. Your eyes gleaming with joy. You never felt happier in your entire life. “Fine.. Will you marry m—“ He couldn’t even finish before you jump on him, ultimately knocking you both down.
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drjohndisco · 9 months
Title: First Encounters
Pairing: n/a
Word Count: 600+
Summary: Wesley and Yarrow meet for the first time, and Yarrow isn't impressed.
Warnings: mentions of blood/potential feeding on a human, minor spoilers for season three of buffy the vampire slayer.
( Ao3 Link )
[ Sunnydale School Library ]
With a quiet sigh, Yarrow took hold of the box. They’d been in the library longer than usual, and the bloodlust (and the fidgety-ness that came with it) was beginning to rise.
(In fact, Yarrow was almost 100% sure that Giles had offloaded Wesley onto them so he wouldn’t have to pay proper attention to his prattling any more - especially since he’d absconded to his office five minutes ago.)
‘You’re cold, are you sure that you’re okay?’ Wesley asked.
Shocked that he’d noticed Yarrow let go of the box -- dropping it directly onto Wesley’s foot. He cried out, and stepped backwards towards the railing behind him. Then, within seconds, Yarrow had caught him by the tie, halting him in his tracks.
(After all, they didn’t want to injure a third watcher (no matter how much he was getting under their skin.) Giles would kill them if that happened.)
But, now that they were closer to him than before, Yarrow was able to sense just how loud (and fast) his heart was beating.
Surely it wouldn’t matter if…?
‘Uh, Yarrow?’ Wesley said awkwardly, breaking their thought process. ‘I think you can let me go now. You’re going to choke me if you’re not careful.’
So, Yarrow let Wesley go -- dropping him unceremoniously onto the hard wooden floor.
‘Oh!’ Wesley groaned. ‘Thank you.’
‘No problem.’ Yarrow replied curtly and (before Wesley could notice they’d gone) Yarrow had disappeared into the shadows.
[ Giles’ Office ]
‘Yarrow?’ Giles asked, concerned. He’d stopped in the doorway, and was watching them thoughtfully. ‘What happened? Are you all right?’
Yarrow shut the door to his fridge, taking a mug of blood (and a pink curly straw) out of it, before turning around to face him.
‘I dropped a box on his foot and then, unfortunately, had to catch him.’ Yarrow replied, nonchalantly.
‘I do hope you didn’t damage any of the books.’ Giles replied.
‘Of course that’s what you got from that sentence, Dad.’ Yarrow laughed, leaning backwards against the wall. ‘Also, it’s not like he didn’t deserve it. He’s very punchable.’
‘I will neither confirm ‘nor deny that statement.’ Giles said, then paused. ‘Do you think you’ll be comfortable enough to join us again after you’re done here?’
‘I will be.’ Yarrow stated, taking the straw into their mouth.
‘Good.’ Giles said, leaning down and quickly pressing a kiss to Yarrow’s head before straightening back up. ‘Then, I’ll see you again in a bit.’
[ Yarrow’s House - Evening ]
‘What…?’ Yarrow said, opening their door to see Wesley standing there. He’d been the last person they’d expected to see, especially this late at night.
(Thank goodness they were still wearing their outfit (a blue shirt and brown pants) from earlier, and hadn't opted for their sleep clothing - which was decidedly less professional.)
‘Uh, I need a place to stay.’ He replied awkwardly. ‘Giles told me you had a spare room.’
(Ah. Offloaded once again.)
‘I do.’ Yarrow said, knowing they couldn’t (unfortunately) leave him outside in the cold. ‘Please, come in.’
‘Thank you.’ He said, as he stepped past Yarrow into the house. Yarrow watched as he carefully attempted to balance his luggage (a bag and two suitcases) between his arms.
‘Is it okay if I leave my stuff downstairs?’
‘Sure.’ Yarrow replied, knowing that disaster would strike (again) if he didn’t. ‘We can deal with them tomorrow.’
‘Great.’ Wesley mumbled, leaning the suitcases against the wall and shuffling the bag over to his other arm. ‘Now, where am I headed?’
‘Your room’s upstairs, on the left.’ Yarrow explained. ‘You’ve also got a bathroom attached, but I’d advise you to be careful with the taps, as they’re a bit rusty. Cupboard hinges and curtain rails should function perfectly fine, and there’s a linen cupboard in the hall - for sheets and other stuff, since the bed probably isn’t made.’
‘Okay.’ He replied, as he began to slowly trudge his way up the stairs.
‘Oh, and Wesley?’ Yarrow called out, after shutting the door behind themselves. ‘I’m very sorry that we got off on the wrong foot this morning, so to speak.’
This statement was met only with a loud groan, which made Yarrow grin.
(Maybe this unexpected ‘arrangement’ of theirs could turn out to be fun after all.)
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atlabeth · 3 years
tis the damn season part one - rafe cameron
masterlist | part two
summary: When your roommate Rafe lies to his family that the two of you are dating, you agree to go home with him for the holidays to help sell it as his fake girlfriend after a generous bribe. It's just two weeks in the Outer Banks with one of your best friends -- what could go wrong?
a/n: okay so technically i AM ignoring all my other wips and my two other series but we don't need to worry about that. this is my first time actually writing for rafe on my own! this is 100% non canon rafe, he's a lot more chill because i think he deserves it <3 im excited to get into this mini series so i hope you enjoy :-)
warning(s): food/eating, cursing, talks of murder (just jokes tho), tiny argument but it's all friend stuff
wc: 2.2k
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For the first time in three weeks, you weren't stressed out of your mind.
You finished your last final that morning, you had the apartment to yourself for at least another hour, and you actually had a good tasting cup of coffee for once. (Melanie was on coffee duty this month, and she always splurged on the expensive stuff.) With a bad Christmas movie playing in the background that you weren't not paying attention to as you scrolled absentmindedly through Instagram, you were truly living the life.
Your phone buzzed, drawing your attention to the notification at the top of the screen, and when you clicked on it you frowned. It was from one of your roommates, Rafe — last you knew, he was out buying presents for his family before he went back to the Outer Banks for winter break.
rafe: Are you home right now?
Instead, apparently, he was texting you with suspicious questions.
rafe: Just curious
rafe: Are Mel and Ayden there too?
mel’s taking her last final and ayden is off doing god knows what
why lmao
rafe: Just preparing for how much damage control I have to do
wtf does that mean
rafe: 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
rafe: You’ll find out soon
rafe: You’re in a good mood right
rafe cameron what did you DO
oh my god.
you can’t just say something like that and then not respond
im locking you out of the apartment
You sat up from your spot on the sofa and frowned, staring down at the messages. With Rafe, you had no idea what was going on. It could have been anything from him committing a murder to someone messing up his hair to the thing he wanted being out of stock. The man had a flair for dramatics, and combined with his lack of communication skills these situations had been a lot more common since you moved in with him at the beginning of sophomore year.
But he was your friend, and you cared about him — whether it be a hair emergency or an actual emergency, he had you worried. You almost wished Melanie and Ayden were home just so you didn’t have to drive yourself up a wall alone. You considered sending more texts, but going off the fact that he hadn’t answered you since the last one you were pretty sure you won’t get a response.
It had been ten minutes straight of worrying and wondering if you were about to get a call for bail when the door opened. Your head snapped up instinctively, and you immediately pushed yourself to the edge of your seat. It was Rafe, and he didn't look like he murdered someone. In fact, he actually looked pretty good. With a bunch of bags in one hand and a Starbucks cup in the other, you assumed that his afternoon was quite pleasant.
“What the hell did those texts mean?” you asked instantly, eyes following his movements as he set the myriad of shopping bags on the floor and faced you.
“I got you this,” he said, completely ignoring your question as he placed the Starbucks cup and a small pastry bag on the coffee table in front of you. “Oh, and—” Rafe kneeled down next to one of the bags and took out a box, and when he set it down next to the other things you recognized it as a warm vanilla sugar candle. Awfully convenient, considering it was the one you just ran out on. “This too.”
“Oh my god, you got pre-conversation gifts?” You grimaced, and even though you would normally be ecstatic over some free coffee, pastries, and a candle, it told you that he actually was in trouble. This was what he meant by damage control. “Rafe, now I really think you murdered someone.”
He huffed a laugh and sat down on a stool at your kitchen island. “No murder, I promise. I just… I messed up, and it’s something involving you. I thought that maybe those would help a little with the news.”
“What?” You picked up the remote and muted the Christmas movie playing on the TV — you didn't even know what’s happening there, but Rafe had you worried and you didn't really care about Hallmark anymore. “Rafe, just spit it out.”
“Okay,” he nodded. “You have to promise not to get mad, though.”
“I can’t make promises when I don’t even know what you’re about to tell me.”
Rafe ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Okay,” he nodded again, but it took a second for him to actually say it. “My family thinks we’re dating.”
“That’s your big news?” You couldn't help but laugh with the question, and you almost felt bad for all the things he got you for a matter this small. The tension started to dissolve in your shoulders — flair for dramatics indeed. “Rafe, people think we’re dating all the time just because we live together. Just tell them we’re not, and your problem is solved.”
“I, uh—” he coughed, and you didn't think he had ever been this nervous around you before. It was making you nervous. “I can’t do that.”
You frowned, faint alarm bells going off in the back of your head. “Why not?”
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “Because I’m the one that told them we were dating?”
It took a moment for you to process what he said, and you just stared at him like an idiot for a few seconds. Rafe just stared back. When it finally got through, you still couldn't really believe it.
“You what?”
“Look, before you actually get mad—” he held up his hands in defense and gestured towards the things he got you. “Just remember that I know your favorite coffee order, and I got you one of those cinnamon buns you love, and that candle, and you promised not to get mad—”
“Rafe,” you interrupted, unable to keep the annoyance out of your voice. “Stop with the bribes and get on with the explaining.”
“It’s not as bad as you think!” he insisted, though you didn't really believe him. “It’s just— I was on the phone with my dad when I was out picking up gifts. Standard stuff, just him asking about finals and the work we’ve been doing together for the family business. But then Rose joined in, and somehow it got onto the topic of relationships and then they were on me again about still being single. She— it’s like she doesn’t care about anything I’ve accomplished here, just whether I’m presentable or not. She’s brought it up so many times, but today I just lost my cool. I told them I actually do have a girlfriend, and when they asked for details, I— I gave them your name.”
You tried to ignore the twinge of sympathy in favor of your frustration. It definitely wasn't the first time Rafe had complained about his family — more than a few nights between you and your roommates had been spent drinking while Rafe ranted about how overbearing they were — but it wass the first time you had gotten caught up in it like this.
“Why did you give them my name?” you groaned. “There’s girls all over you, all the time — why not one of them that would actually want to date you?”
Rafe frowned. “You wouldn’t wanna date me?” You glared at him, and he held up his hands. “Sorry. Not the time.”
You sighed and shook your head. “It’s just… Let me get this straight.” You sat up from the sofa and placed your hands on your knees, looking directly at Rafe. “So. From the beginning. Your parents are constantly pestering you about getting a girlfriend because…”
“For business reasons,” Rafe supplied. “They think it makes them look better, like we’re all a big happy family or whatever.”
Your browed crease almost instinctively. That wasn't helping his case. “Right. So your parents are freaks, and they won’t stop annoying you about getting a girlfriend.”
Rafe nodded, and you nodded. “Right,” you repeated, and you couldn't stop your hands from bunching into fists in the fabric of your leggings. “So how the hell did you end up giving them my name?!”
He ran a hand through his hair then held it up in defense, gesturing with it as he talked. “Look! I— I just panicked. You’re someone that I hang out with and talk to everyday, we live together— they wanted a name, and yours just slipped out. It’s a compliment, really.”
“Okay, but that’s not all.” You gestured at the gifts on the counter. “I know that’s not all. Because all this—” you looked at him pointedly. “This isn’t standard apology stuff. It gets worse, doesn’t it?”
Rafe didn't meet your eyes but you could see the guilt painted on his face as he mumbled out an answer. You raised your eyebrows and tilted your head forward.
“What was that?”
“...they want you to come back to the Outer Banks with me so they can meet you.”
You took a deep breath in then let it out as you tried to compose yourself. You failed. “Are you kidding me?”
“Why would I be kidding?” he asked, incredulous.
You pursed your lips and shook your head for what felt like the hundredth time. “Do you know what you’ve done, Rafe? You’ve trapped me in a fucking Hallmark movie with you. That’s what you’ve done.”
Rafe had the absolute nerve to look at you like you were the crazy one. “What?”
“You want me to act like your fake girlfriend at Christmas around your insane family, Rafe.” You gestured with your hands. “That’s like, the essence of a Hallmark movie.”
He laughed and set his feet back on the ground. “You’re thinking way too hard about this. And besides, my family isn’t insane, they’re just… rich. And from the Outer Banks. It’s a lot more common than you think down there.”
“Rafe…” you sighed and shook your head. “After all you’ve told us about your family — about your dad — this really doesn’t sound appealing. Give me one good reason why I should go through with this instead of making you fess up like a normal person.”
“Because you love me?”
“Try again.”
“Because we’re friends?”
“Not good enough.”
He puffed up his cheeks then let it out in a loose stream of air as he thought, and then he snapped his fingers and looked at you. “I can pay you.”
You raised your eyebrows. “How much?”
“That’s what worked?” he said in surprise, but he quickly covered it up as he stood up from the stool and pulled out his wallet. Rafe muttered under his breath as he rifled through bills, then held up a wad of cash. “I have two hundred here. Please tell me that’s enough.”
You gave him a long, hard look as you tried to think about whether or not this was worth it.
PRO: You would be two hundred dollars richer. And you knew that Rafe’s family was loaded, so you didn't feel bad about taking money from him.
CON: Two hundred would pay for like, half of one of your textbooks. You didn't know if that was worth getting caught up in this kind of mess.
PRO: You would have an airtight excuse for not wanting to spend time with your shitty relatives other than just not wanting to be around them.
CON: You might be trading one shitty family for another.
PRO: The Outer Banks was pretty cool, or so you’ve heard. Maybe Rafe could show you around.
CON: Rafe had told you stories of what his high school years were like, and there was a sort of culture in the Outer Banks that you don’t know if you want to deal with.
PRO: Rafe is, admittedly, insanely hot. If you could get over the stigma of fake dating one of your best friends, it wouldn’t be too bad posing as his girlfriend.
CON: Rafe is, admittedly, insanely hot. You don’t know if you can deal with the inevitable judgment from his family and anyone else if they end up deeming you unacceptable for their son.
PRO: You were in a Hallmark movie. Those always had happy endings.
CON: You were n a Hallmark movie. That happy ending always included the two leads falling in love with each other.
But as you really looked at Rafe Cameron, how he was holding his breath and giving you puppy eyes without even realizing it as he waited for your answer, you knew that there was no way you could say no to him.
Besides, it was just a few weeks with one of your best friends. If anything, it was a vacation — one that you were getting paid to go on. You had managed three years of being friends and one and a half of living with him without falling in love with him; a few weeks wouldn't change anything.
And so you let out a long lasting sigh, finally breaking the silence between the two of you as you spoke. “...Okay. If you pay for my cut of the rent next month too, I’ll do it.”
His eyes got even wider, and as the tension in his shoulders dissolved a huge grin broke out across his face. “You’ll do it?”
You tried to hold back your own smile, but Rafe’s joy was contagious. “Yeah. Just don’t get too excited.”
He shook his head, still grinning. “You don’t even know the favor that you’re doing for me. I’m pretty sure I owe you my life now.”
You snorted. “For now, just stick to paying rent. But—“ you picked up the coffee cup from the table and took a sip, humming contentedly. “The occasional latte couldn’t hurt.”
i know its a lil bit of a short first chapter but they're longer as they go on! just some starting exposition lol. and for all my rafe mutuals, this one's for you
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz
obx: @pogueslandia
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Congrats on 100 followers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ you deserve it!!
How about some reactions for Injured Azul, Leona, Malleus, Riddle, Jade and Idia where their fem s!o carries them bridal style? Who's let them and who'd be embarrassed?
Hello!! Thank you so much!!! 🥰 I hope you enjoy these!!! 
Pairings: Azul x Reader, Leona x Reader, Malleus x Reader, Riddle x Reader, Jade x Reader, Idia x Reader
I made these SFW !!! I love fluff!!!!
Important notice: if you like my work, thank you! Keep in mind before you follow me: I post both SFW and (mostly) NSFW, so yeah! Just a fair warning lol
More under the cut for length!
Azul x Fem! Reader
Azul would have just gotten injured in flying classes. Who can blame him? It’s one thing to walk on land as an octomer who usually has 8 legs, now you expect him to fly?!
After he was groaning in pain, you promptly ran by his side, asking if he was okay. The lavender haired boy would verbally tell you yes, but you knew that by the way his body fell, he definitely wasn’t. This prompted you to lift him up into your arms as you started walking towards the infirmary. 
He shrieks and tells you how embarrassing it is! “Y/N, put me down this instant! This definitely ruins my reputation as a business owner, does it not? What if my future clients see me in such a vulnerable state!?”
You tell him to shut it, if he was leaning on you all the way to the infirmary it would have taken 5 times as long to get there.
Azul secretly blushes and leans into your shoulder. He lowkey loves the attention you give to him and being taken cared of.
Leona x Fem! Reader
Definitely would have gotten injured practicing Magical Shift, getting hit in the back of the shin or something causing him to fall flat on his back roughly. You were on the bleachers simply watching until Jack told you what had happened. You both ran over and Jack offered to escort him to the infirmary, to which Leona growled at him.
Leona didn’t make any noises of protest when you approached him, only winced when the pain shot through his body again.
Ruggie also wasn’t allowed near him and he shot you a look of ‘Please help’. 
You opted to carry him in your arms bridal style. “Oi, herbivore, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” “I’m bringing you to the infirmary myself since you won’t let anyone else help you!!”
He folds his arms in annoyance as he continued to be carried by you through the halls.
Leona is embarrassed but he is also impressed with how strong you are, able to carry him so easily! He takes this treatment as it feels like you’re treating him like a king 👑
Malleus x Fem! Reader
I can’t even think of a situation where Malleus would get injured. Is that bad? Like, isn’t he too OP that he could possibly avoid most attacks/accidents? But I digress....
For the sake of the prompt, you didn’t know the circumstances of Malleus’s injuries. Lilia simply texted you to ask you to come to Diasomnia quickly since it was an emergency regarding Malleus.
After you ran into the dorm, you saw Malleus’s large body laying on the couch, and he looked to be in pain. You immediately tensed and ran to his side, grazing your fingers on his body.
“Malleus, what happened? Are you okay?” You stared into his face waiting for a response. Malleus only chuckled. “I’m alright my child of man. I would like you to take me to the infirmary. Sebek’s presence is appreciated but during my pain I would like you by my side.” 
Using the adrenaline in your body, you hoisted Malleus up bridal style as you made your way to the mirror to go to the infirmary.
Malleus says nothing but he widens his eyes, eventually shifting his face into a light smile as he sees how you show such a magnificent display of strength. For his sake, too!
Riddle x Fem! Reader
Riddle must have let his mind slip. The horse he was riding on freaked out during the club practice, effectively making him lose his balance and fall off of the horse with a hard thud to the ground.
You were planning on surprising Riddle by picking him up from his club meeting when it ended, but you ran from your hiding spot as you shrieked out his name, asking if he was okay.
Silver was going to help, but once he saw you he promptly went to calm the horse down, bringing it back to the stables.
Riddle was trembling and had dirt on his uniform, coughing once or twice. He assured you he was fine and that he just needed to go to the infirmary. Once the redhead got up to stand, he tried stepping forward only to have pain shoot back up his back, causing him to fall back.
“Oh, Riddle!” You quickly grabbed him before he fell. He definitely underestimated the damage that fall did to his body.
“Ah- Y/N, may you please take me to the infirmary? I won’t be able to go alone.” His face was already a bit red from the embarrassment and the pain, but he turned crimson once you lifted him up in your arms and started walking!
Riddle was flustered and stammering, but he didn’t tell you to stop! Something about being cradled in your arms made him feel safe, and as much noises of protest as he made he didn’t want you to let go of him.
Jade x Fem! Reader
Jade was fixing a lamp in the Mostro Lounge after it had closed. As he reached over to tamper with another bulb that was farther away, he overestimated his footing on the bar chair and landed hard on his back.
As you were cleaning a table, you noticed your boyfriend fall onto the floor. You audibly gasped and jogged over.
“Jade!! Are you okay?!” a worried voice came out of your throat, only to be met by Jade’s signature face, only his eyebrows were furrowed.
“Oh my, it seems I got into quite the fall. I am not quite sure I can manage my own to the infirmary. Y/N, would you please call Floyd over to bring me there?” Jade only looked minorly inconvenienced even though it was a hard fall. You sighed and told the eel mer that his brother ran off somewhere an hour ago saying he was bored.
Jade only sighed and smiled. But his face shifted to genuine shock when you offered to carry him there! Curious, he would accept your offer, allowing you to carry him to the infirmary. In truth, Jade wanted to see if his lover would be able to handle carrying him in her arms.
Jade was thoroughly impressed with your physical abilities and silently thought to himself. ‘Fufu, I wonder if she would be able to handle my eel form, too?’
Idia x Fem! Reader
Idia was injured in gym class, I imagine he was probably hit with some sort of ball on the head, knocking him down, even though someone already shouted “Shroud, watch out!!”
He was already feeling awful from having to be in an in-person required class, but now having to be embarrassed by getting hurt?! He just wanted to die…
Idia was curled up into a blue and black ball once you finally reached him. You spoke his name and he trembled, quivering even more into the ball.
“Come on Idia, I’ll take you to the infirmary then I’ll bring you back to your room, okay?” You gently spoke, finally getting his head to peek out.
Idia never expected you to scoop him up into your arms and carry you like a bride!!!
“Y-Y/N-shi!!! W-why?! Embarrassing, so embarrassing....” Idia could only bury his face with his fingers, as you chuckled and brought him to the infirmary. Although, he couldn’t help but think this was like some sort of secret SSR situation for him!!
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Oooooo could I get the Brothers and the Undatables.... turned datable....reaction to MC crying after being stood up by a guy?
Obey me Boys + Dealing with an MC who has been stood up HCs
Knew you were going out, since you had to ask for permission to leave, and was surprised you were back so early.
He was confused when he found you crying and tries to get you to explain. Expecting the worst.
It’s not as bad as he imagined, thinking you’ve been physically hurt, but still not great. 
He also can’t stand such poor manners
Offers to have the man eviscerated for you. Which you laugh at thinking it’s a joke, but it’s really not
Goes to find this mystery man, once you’ve gone to bed, and have a stern conversation with him about manners....
Against you going out in the first place. Why do you need to see some other guy?!?! You have the Great Mammon!
Goes to your room to see what was so great about this guy, only to find you crying when you tell him he stood you up
Livid. There are no other words for it.
First you ditch him to spend the afternoon with this jerk. Then his creep has the nerve to stand you up! Has he never met you!?
Threatens to go find him, but when you tell him no he sits back down.
Ponders on calling in some favors though. Being a gambling scumbag in his off time, does have a few less than scrupulous people who owe him some favors. They’d break his legs just for fun.
Being the Avatar of Envy, his base level when it comes to things is to be jealous of others. Especially when it comes to you.
Of course, he understands why you’d want to go out with a supposedly attractive normie, rather than stay in his otaku hidey hole with him. But it still stings. 
When you come back, all red faced and crying, he’s upset for you, but doesn’t know what to do.
Should he go defend your honor? Is hugging appropriate? Should have give you a special high five?
Let’s you come into the safe space of his otaku hidey hole and cry it out and lets you watch all the soft anime, or play as many hack & slash video games, you want until you feel better. 
Secretly happy that that guy stood you up so he can be your knight in shining armor, but feels bad about feeling good about it.
Notices something is wrong when you get back, but doesn’t say anything
He waits until you’re in private to ask. Not want to make a scene like his idiot older bothers.
When you tell him, near on the verge of tears, he gets so angry
Anger is something he is very used to, being the Avatar of Wrath. But this is the first time it’s been so focused and so venomous of a deep hatred. A rage he could do something with.
Tries to keep it under control and to himself, when you beg him not to do anything rash, but finds it hard.
Goes to some secret place to let his anger & magic out secretly and safety. Only for the fact that he doesn’t want to hurt you with it.
Initially excited for you. He has dates all the time, but knows your each others favorites :3
When you come home so early, Asmo is confused what happened. Then even more confused that you’ve been stood up. He’s not familiar with the concept.
After you tell him what happened he’s shocked! Who could possibly stand you up?! His beautiful [Y/N]!
Would hug and console you, and tell you that he’s an idiot and ugly, and that there are plenty more fish in the sea.
Decides that that’s no reason to waste a good outfit, and takes you out clubbing to dance your sorrows away.
Find 100 other boys to tell you your pretty and make you feel good about yourself, because that jerk is not important
Disappointed you’re going out with someone else. But, he’s never said anything to you so he can’t be that mad.
Runs into you in the kitchens, since you’ve snuck in the back so no one can see you, he’s surprised to find you and more surprised to see you crying
After you tell him you’ve been stood up, he’s furious. It take a lot to get Beel mad. But anything happening to you is probably the #1 way to get him there.
Wants to beat the hell out of that guy. Those muscles aren’t just for show.
Reframes, and uses those big strong arms to wrap you in a hug instead
Tell you not to worry about it. That that guy is dumber than he is to stand you up, and makes you a sundae to help you feel better.
Had been giving you the silent treatment since he found out you were going out with someone else. He’s upset about it, but won’t be juvenile enough to tell you that. This is way more mature.
Goes downstairs in the middle of the night, after waking up from his 10th and latest nap of the day, and hears you crying.
You tell him what happened, that were stood up, and Belphie tells you ‘I told you so’.
He hugs you, and takes this opportunity to remind you that no one will love you like he will. So you should just stay here always.
It does feel nice to be appreciated.
He tucks you into bed to get some sleep and you never hear from that guy again. Belphie says he won’t bother you again, but there’s something about the way he said it that was more ominous than reassuring.
He had no opinion when you told him. You’re not his, damnit all, so he can’t say anything about it.
It’s not until after that he gives you a piece of his mind. Hindsight is 20/20 so he tells you all the things he doesn’t like about the guy in one fall swoop.
Solomon does feel bad that you’ve been hurt though. It’s a terrible feeling to be neglected or abandoned.
Offers to hex the holy hell out of the guy for you
He won’t have a moments rest without stinging pain. Or break out in boils. His house will catch fire or fall on top of him like in the Wizard of Oz.
You tell him know, but the thought is appreciated. He instead uses his magic for good in creating a soothing potion to heal your damaged ego. Still up for the house thing though.
Would hate to admit it, but he’s jealous you’re going out with someone else. It’s a terrible feeling for an angel to feel.
He’s surprised, more than anything, when you show up to Purgatory Hall in tears. Then sympathetic when you tell him what happened.
He’d see you into his sitting room and make you some Celestial Tea
Simeon would try to comfort you as much as he could, assuring you that it’s not all that bad and that you’re better off without someone like that.
He knows they are just words. They can’t heal you instantly. But he does hope they help a little.
He makes a point to check in on you every day after, either in person at classes or via text, until you’re back to normal.
He has no right to be jealous of you being escorted to a party at the castle by someone else. Being the Prince of the Devildom, he certainly couldn’t do it and he doesn’t want you to be alone as a secondary.
When he realizes later that you’re not at the party, and goes to find you crying in the hallway, he’s saddened to hear you’ve been stood up.
What a horrible thing to do. And so publicly like this to his favorite transfer student!
Rules be damned. He’s your escort for this evening now.
He doesn’t know who your date was supposed to be, but hopes that they are there to see you be the belle of the ball on the arm of royalty.
You’re his sweet princess. You deserve nothing less.
Heard you were going on on a date, but says nothing of it. As a butler, it’s not his place.
Also as a butler, he always seems to be around when you need him. Appearing, as if mentally summoned, when you arrive in tears.
He offers you a handkerchief and quickly ferries you to bed so no one else sees you. So you’re not embarrassed.
He makes you so tea, with your favorite biscuits, and waits for you to tell him what happened.
Of course he’s irritated that someone would behave so poorly. But there’s little he could do. Well, there’s a lot he could do but his Lord would not approve of maiming others.
Provides the perfect, appropriate shoulder to cry on and asks you for a ‘make up date’ to accompany him to town tomorrow for errands and coffee. He won’t stand you up.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 years
Hi!!! Can you do Hunter/The Golden Guard from TOH x Reader. Maybe an imagine where they are competing to get Belos good side and they end up crushing on each other. Have a nice day! <3
Fluff Imagine | Hunter [Golden Guard]
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thank you for requesting!
I’m not 100% confident in the characterisation in this short, so this may be reworked in the future.
word count : 870
reader is written using they/them pronouns
He was sure that this was a cruel and unusual punishment from his uncle. Maybe he'd failed one too many missions, maybe he was too pushy about wild magic and helping him deal with his curse, or maybe it was something entirely different. Whatever it was, he was certain that he didn't deserve this treatment... hell, he'd rather deal with Kikimora's glaring and plotting than be forced to work with them.
(Y/n) (L/n), a nobody witch that had quickly risen through the ranks of their coven and caught the emperor's eye because of their pure determination and strength within their specialised area of magic. They had somehow picked up the label of "Silver Servant", what he saw as a sign of subservience but others seemed to revere as a symbol of their unwavering loyalty to the emperor and their determination to prove themselves to him and to the public.
Yet despite all of his protests, his uncle's word was certain and final; he was to take them with him on this particular gathering mission (part of him wondered if the emperor was starting to doubt him after his failure to retrieve the owl lady those weeks ago). So there he found himself, walking side by side with the common witch and making a point to stay out of sight and retrieve what they were sent for.
A half dozen palismen, all in some way damaged and left to rot amongst the gnarled roots of this wooded outcropping of the Isle; out of sight and out of mind. But there was a small settlement of exiled and cursed witches not too far from there, so they still couldn't let their guard down... even if they seemed to be doing everything they could to make him open up to them, much to Hunter's open annoyance.
"Do you ever relax?" They teased politely, gesturing towards his tense posture with one hand whilst the other shoved a serpent palisman into their cart. "I don't think I've ever seen you look anything but stressed in all the time I've known you."
"We have known each other for three hours." He reminded harshly, not even looking towards them as he strode forwards. "Besides, you shouldn't be so loud—unless you want to be caught?"
He heard them huff from behind him and smiled in satisfaction, sure that they'd at the very least try to keep to themselves as he caught sight of another wooden creature. His approach was gentle, slow and deliberate as he took great care to avoid startling it, reaching forward and making himself appear as non-threatening as possible, just about to reach them and—
"Gotcha!" The masked witch leapt in front of him and grasped it tightly in their hands, laughing almost manically before turning to the frozen teenager and tilted their head in jest. "What's wrong, Goldie, have you finally realised that I'm better than you?"
"I'm the emperor's most trusted advisor," he started slowly, glaring at them through his mask, "you, on the other hand, are a wannabe who doesn't know when to shut their mouth."
“Wannabe?” They asked incredulously, stepping forwards to punctuate their words as they continued. “You have no room to talk about that; I worked to get where I am, to get the emperor’s approval. You? You came out of nowhere and were praised like to so-called ‘protege’ the coven claimed you are.” Now they were mere centimetres away from him and they moved to press the tip of their gloved index finger into his chest, their voice low and their tone practically imploring him to prove them wrong. “But we both know that you wouldn’t be here if the emperor didn’t play favourites, you’re too weak. Face it; I’m better than you in every way.”
Hardly expecting that defensive response Hunter fell silent, simply swatting their hand away and clearing his throat as he gestured towards the cart. “Fighting is a waste of energy, (L/n), we should focus on our mission.”
They scoffed at him in response before taking off their mask and showing their bare face to him in a show of equal-parts openness and daring—paying no mind to the way his body stiffened as they spoke. “You started it, Goldie, so finish it; or I will. Take off your mask.” The smirk on their features was daring as they glared at him with mischievous (e/c) eyes, an expression that left him feeling oddly exposed. “Or are you scared of me? I thought I was just a wannabe?”
Hunter sighed at that, walking towards them until their back hit the rough bark of a tree before reaching for the edge of his mask. The focused expression on their features and the hitch in their breath was something he revelled in, pointedly ignoring the fluttering of his heart and the burning of his cheeks as he leaned down as though to whisper in their ear—waiting for them to loosen their grip before grabbing the palisman and hurrying back to the cart; laughing as they chased after him, equally irate and flustered from what he’d done.
Maybe working with (Y/n) wouldn’t be all that bad after all…
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teebarnes · 3 years
Idk if your request are open but I try anyways. How about readerxcevans in which the reader is really cold and doesn't trust people so well bc of past relationships went wrong and Chris tries to win her being sweet and romantic?
Hello lovely anon! my requests are 100% open, thank you so much for your suggestion. I hope I did your request justice, I enjoyed writing it. 🥰🥰 (I'm sorry I got carried away with this one).
Title: And Then He Came Along...
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader {Request}
Summary: You haven't had the best record when it comes to relationships, you thought you couldn't be loved. Until one day as you sat on the beach shivering, everything changed when Chris came along.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning(s): Mentions of past abuse, angst, fluff, sad, I'd say a bit of PTSD.
A/N: Requests are open, I hope you enjoy this one. I won't be posting for a few days as I am going on a little trip. I think I nearly cried writing this one though...
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A broken heart and empty promises are all you had gotten out of your past relationships. One by one, you gave your heart, time and soul to love a person so much that in the end, they had given you nothing but broken promises and the vague idea that you could never be loved for who you are.
The last relationship you had was an abusive one; it mentally drained you until you had nothing left. You were so broken and so far from home, you didn't know what to do anymore. It was the same cycle with you, and you didn't know what you did to deserve the men with no chivalry, the men who couldn't love, the men who couldn't love you.
There were so many parts of you that you thought were so unlovable. You told yourself you were meant to be broken and meant to stay that way forever. You wished every day, how long would it be until you found the one, the one who loved you for you, the one who wouldn't hurt you, the one who would be there for you on your most challenging days and the one who would help mend your heart from how damaged it was.
And then he came along…
Here you were a year later, knees tucked tight into your chest as the sand hugged the mould of your body. Your arms wrapped tightly around your legs that you could almost fall if the wind had blown softly against your weight. The dishevelled bun and the fly-aways of your hair getting into your face every now and then. It was a while since you wanted to try dating again; your trust was so broken that you couldn't even trust yourself to choose another person to be in a relationship with.
You were sitting on this very beach, wearing nothing but shorts and a singlet. It was late at night, but you had walked all the way from your apartment to the beach just so you could listen to the waves and watch as the stars paved the skies and the moon brighten the night.
"Hey, are you alright there?" A masculine voice sang softly from behind you; you jumped a bit, activating your fight mode. You turned around to see a handsome, tall man with light brown hair smiling back at you. "Sorry… sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", he smiled again. You sat there looking at him. He could tell you were shivering. You were stupid enough to set yourself on autopilot, leaving the house with nothing warm to wear. "May I sit next to you?" He asked kindly; you looked at him with a soft look before slightly nodding your head.
You turned back to watch the water softly crash into each other, hands gripping a bit tighter on your arms to warm yourself. You felt the tall man sit close to you before he softly wrapped a blanket around your shoulders, again causing you to jump. "W-what are you-" "You're cold" your body softened from the tense state it was in as he continued to wrap the warm fuzzy blanket around your entire body.
"I'm Chris, by the way", he smiled; you had turned to look at him wary of his presence. Your hands gripped the lengths of the blanket "y/n", you whispered softly to him. "Nice to meet you, y/n", he spoke in a gentle voice, "likewise".
"What is a beautiful lady like you doing out here late at night?" He asked curiously. A solemn grin tugged at your lips; Beautiful, you thought. None of your past relationships ever thought you were beautiful to them, so why would it be different from him.
"Please don't call me that", you responded. Chris' head tilted slightly in question "beautiful?" He was taken aback by your reply, "why not?" "Because I'm not", you quickly spoke. "What makes you think that you aren't" he questioned; you went to talk but promptly closed your mouth. This was the first time in months someone had made you doubt how you thought of yourself, and you didn't know how to respond.
Then he began to talk again, "You know, I've seen you coming out to this beach every day for the past few months… sitting in the same spot for hours into the night" he had scooted a bit closer to you, which you very much noticed as you moved slightly away from him. "I like the beach… it- it makes me feel safe", you spoke benevolently.
"Same", he chuckled, "the only reason why I moved here," he said, looking out to the water. You turned slightly to look at the man who sat next to you; you didn't know whether he was genuine or ready to murder you within seconds. "U-uh", you quietly cleared your throat. "Thanks for the blanket", you gestured a small smile. "Don't worry about it." He smiled back at you "you were cold.. and like I said before, I couldn't let a beautiful person like you sit in the cold".
You were taken aback by him; you had only met him a few minutes ago, but he made you feel something you had never felt before. You felt safe for once, trepidation to his presence, but nonetheless, something was telling you that he was genuine.
Of course, from past experiences, you were anxious about how you reacted around him or just about anyone who showed you an ounce of kindness.
"D-do you think I'm beautiful?" You softly questioned him.
Chris peered back over to meet your eyes, giving you a soft nod to his head "very much", he quirked, resting his head on the top of his shoulder as he mimicked the way you were sitting. "Do you not think so?" he asked honestly, which broke you; a tear fell as you blinked "n-no", you muttered out to him.
You sniffed to yourself, using the blanket to wipe the stream of tears coming from your face. Chris could see it, he could see how broken you were, he didn't know why but knew that he wanted to spend his days trying to help you. Slowly and gently, he let his hand rise to wipe the tears from your face, you flinched your face a bit, but as soon as you knew what he was doing, your body let him.
Chris felt something; he knew that this was his now or never chance. Watching you make it to the beach simultaneously every day, sitting in the same spot. He knew that he wanted to try and talk to you. Chris had already seen a side of you that you so desperately tried to hide. Your eyes explored his facial features, as did his. The pair of you sat in silence; it wasn't awkward but serene.
"Would you mind if I took you out on a date?" Chris asked you gently. Your mind sunk back in from the daze that was experiencing. You genuinely didn't know if he was asking you. "with me?" "Of course with you", he smiled. "who else would I ask?" he chuckled. "There is only one y/n on this beach tonight", he looks left and right before leaning close. "one y/n that I know of", he smirked, "… and I'd very much like to take you out on a date."
You chuckled, looking at him, "are you sure? You're probably only saying it because I'm crying", you laughed lightly. He shook his head, resting a hand on your shoulder; you looked down to where his hand was touching you, "I've been mustering up the courage to ask you out for a while now," he nervously but reassuringly told you.
You smiled, the first genuine smile you had in a while. "I'd love that" you bit the bottom of your lip out of nervousness. Taking your hand out from the blanket, you let your hand rest on top of Chris', "Be warned though… I'm quite broken," you joked. Chris looked at you light-eyed and wholeheartedly spoke, "You don't look broken to me, you just look like someone who is waiting for the right person, and if you'd give me a chance, I'll show you". The slight uneven breath you took, it was like he knew everything you were thinking. How could a man be this kind to you?
After that night, Chris kept up to his promise; you were tough, and Chris was willing to work hard to show you he was undoubtedly falling in love with you. There were days where you'd sabotage yourself and your relationship; your tendency to self-sabotage your relationship with Chris never worked, though. He'd always be there to pick you back up and show you that there was no need for worry. You were cautious of him, but you knew that you were falling for him.
"You look beautiful as always", he smiled, handing you over a bundle of your favourite flowers. Chris leaned in to kiss the side of your cheek, making you blush. He was and still is a chivalrous man, had been since the day you met him.
Today you were going on what would be your tenth date. It had been five months since you met Chris on the beach, and you were genuinely easing into the idea that you had found your person. He knew all about your past relationships now; there was nothing to hide from him, he knew it all, and he built that trust with you. Slowly, day by day, those long late-night conversations on the beach had given you a reason to be happy again. He was slowly mending your heart, showing you what real love looked like.
"You look just as handsome", you shyly spoke; he chuckled, extending his hand out for you to hold. "I thought we could have dinner on the beach tonight?" smiling, you took his hand into yours. Chris had been planning this date for a few weeks now; he knew how important it was for him to gain your trust, to meet each other halfway. And all the while doing that, both of you had fallen madly in love with each other.
Holding Chris' hand, you walked out with him onto his deck, smiling at the glimpse of a candlelit dinner; nobody had ever done something this romantic for you and Chris… well, he had already topped all your past relationships at the romance bit. He opened the sliding doors leading you out to the table before pulling your chair out "for you", he smiled, you laughed lightly, sitting in the seat as he moved to the other side to take a seat.
On the table sat a whole bunch of Chinese food; he learnt that Chinese was your favourite type of cuisine, so he knew that you'd love this. It was simple, and you liked simple; you hated when people spent money on you because you felt you didn't deserve it. But with Chris, he loved to spoil you, surprise you with dinners, small little gifts and flowers when he knew you needed them. The tall, thick wall you built around you was slowly but surely tumbling down at the likes of Chris' love."Let's dig in", he smiled; you were excited and begun to dig into the food.
Sitting with Chris in the living room, both of you were playing a board game. You found out that Chris was very competitive and didn't like the fact that you were winning. The laughter and chuckles as you bet him at three rounds of monopoly and a round of cards. He was losing his touch, but he didn't care because seeing the joy on your face was something he loved, and if it meant purposely losing the games just to see you smile, he'd do it a thousand times again.
It was when he flung his hands up in defeat that you jumped back; your instinct kicked in, raising your hands to protect yourself. Your eyes were clenched shut as you turned away from him. You prepared to be hit, but once you realised what you did and who you had done it to, you gasped. You feared he was going to hit you.
Chris moved closer to you, taking your hands into his; he lowered them before pulling you into his arms, embracing you in a hug. Your eyes opened, looking up at him as he held you in his arms. You were attempting to apologise to him, but all he did was look down, a small smile on his face, kissing your forehead.
"you don't need to worry love, I'm not going to hurt you, never going to hurt you."
Melting into his arms, Chris held you rocking the pair of your side to side just so he could comfort you. He understood that you were scared, and he was willing to replace all your fear with love and trust so you wouldn't have to worry about ever being mistreated again. That was the first time you let your past creep into your present, assuming it would repeat; Chris broke that cycle.
"That was some good Chinese food", you smiled, leaning back into your chair. Chris nodded in agreement "definitely was" "We have to eat there again sometimes", you spoke, paying no mind to what you had just said. Chris backtracked on your comment. This was the first time that you had ever suggest future plans to him. He smiled to himself, which you noticed "what?" you said with your eyes fixed on his smile. He shook his head "nothing, was just thinking that you're right. We do have to go back there again".
"We surely do." you smiled, turning your head back to watch the waves. "Hey y/n", he spoke. You looked at him. He was smiling brighter than before, and you didn't know why. "did I do something?" you lightly asked wide-eyed.
"No… no- it's just. I love you."
your brows furrowed; you couldn't believe what he was saying. "I…" your lip quivered. He had stood up, moving towards you, Chris kneeled next to you. Taking your hands into his, he looked up into your teary eyes, caressed his thumb over your cheek. "I'm in love with you y/n, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?" he sweetly smiled. You rested a hand on his cheek. "I'd love to be your girlfriend; I love you so much", you whispered. Resting your head on his, you blinked your tears away "thank you for loving me, Chris", you softly spoke.
"Thank you for letting me love you", he smiled. He took you into his arms as you both stood; leaning down, he planted soft kisses on your lips. Your arms cupping both his cheeks, you brought him closer to you. He had lifted you up onto him, and you wrapped your legs around him to stop yourself from falling. He spun the pair of you around, the two of you laughing. "God y/n. I'm going to love you forever," he said wholeheartedly; you could see the twinkle in his eyes, something you had been waiting so long for.
"I believe you".
Over the next few years, both you and Chris worked together as a real couple. He made you promise to tell him when there was something wrong or when you were struggling. Chris would bring you home flowers when he had been away for a while on filming trips. Chris would read you stories as you snuggled next to him, would read them until you fell asleep in his arms. He would go for walks with you at any time of the day or night and would sit with you in the sand on the days you were struggling.
And when those days came, he was there whispering in your ear how much he loved you, would go above all to make sure you knew that. When you would flinch at small things, he would reassure you that he wouldn't lay a hand on you, and if anyone did, he would protect you. Chris was the sweetest person you had ever met; he worked hard for your trust, and you really trusted him.
There wasn't a single day you and Chris weren't together. He introduced you to his family, which he was so excited about; his family embraced you with open arms and loved you so much. Then, Chris took the chance and asked you to move in with him. Somewhere in the mix, he told you that he was an actor, you were so surprised, but nonetheless, you made an effort to learn more about his life. Then two years later, he asked you to marry him, and of course, you said yes.
If you hadn't gone to the beach that night six years ago, you wouldn't know where you would've been. You had come a long way from where you were, and Chris helped you mend your broken love that he still claimed wasn't broken to start with. He was the one to show you how someone should be loved and how a relationship should work. Like any relationships, there were always ups and downs, but Chris never failed to fight for what he wanted, and he always made sure to tell you that all he wanted was you.
Chris gave you the love you were looking for. That stupid type of love, the making food at ungodly hours of the morning love. The kind of love where he'd sit there with you in his arms all day. The love where you didn't have to question his love because you knew.
Six years later…
You sat on the beach watching the waves crashing, the sun was setting, and the stars were beginning to cloud the night skies. It had been a while since you were back here, you were travelling a lot with Chris, of course, there was never a dull moment, but you loved this place. Deep down, this would always be your safe place. You had your knees tucked into your chest as your chin rested on the top of your knees.
You felt a warm body sit behind you; Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close into his chest. You chuckled as you sat between his legs. He smiled, kissing the back of your head before wrapping the pair of you in the big warm blanket.
"Hey, my love", he spoke.
You rested back into his chest with your head resting on his shoulder. You smiled up at him. "Hello, love. you finished your meeting already?".
"Left early, couldn't leave my beautiful wife out here in the cold, could I?" He said, hugging you in his big warm arms, swaying you both side to side as he rested his head next to yours.
You smiled at the faint memory holding his hands in yours.
"You probably thought I was a weirdo when I asked you out that day" Chris smiled.
"I thought you were going to kill me", you quietly joked "thinking about it now, you could've killed me", Chris replied.
"Lucky I didn't then." you teased.
"Chris?" You looked back at him. He was looking at you in wonder "hmm?"
"I love you so much, and I hope you know that." you smiled, turning to rest your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, the soft, calm patterns.
Chris rested his chin on the top of your head, "I've always known that, my sweet girl. You know that I love you too, right?" his thick Boston accent came through, making you smile.
"of course I know that. You haven't stopped telling me since the day you first said I love you" you grinned.
"Mhm, mhm okay.. just checking", he joked.
You wrapped your arms around Chris' torso, letting your eyes close to the sound of his heartbeat.
"Chris..." you looked up at him, you took his cheeks into the cup of your hands", I never thanked you for everything you did. Loving me the way you do, I am so lucky to have you; you pieced me back together" he smiled pulling you into peppered kisses against your lips. "I told you, you weren't broken. You were just looking for me," he chuckled.
"I will love you forever, Chris. You're mine as I am yours; I'm never letting go."
"You can't get rid of me. I am stuck to you by the hip, my precious girl", he spoke.
"Wasn't planning on it", you whispered. "Oh, I know you weren't… you love me too much" "that is very much true."
You two sat there, in the silence, listening as the waves crashed against each other and the stars twinkled brightly. Your years of pain had vanished; all that was left was love. Something it took until Chris for you to believe love existed; he loved you fervently.
Chris didn't need to work hard to win your heart; all he did was show you how much he loved, in more ways than one. He gave you reasons to be loved. Above all, he always met you halfway, Putting equal time and love into your relationship. People hurt and get hurt, but it takes that one person to show you that you are worth loving.
And for you, Chris was it.
Chris Evans' Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12@afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro @livstilinski @sohosteve @morganwilliams @hiddlespiddles @mollyscoffe45
(feel free to message me if you would like to be removed from the taglist 🥰)
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hi! omg i luv ur blog 💘 can i request/suggest (kinda angsty but then fluffy) where r has trouble sleeping and a lot of nightmares/anxiety & mother!nat is there to comfort her? 🥺 like the whole team is super understanding and comforting but especially nat (bc we love mom nat around here!) anyways thanks so much ily bestie!
Hey Bestie! thank you so much for being patient and for supporting my blog! I know this has been in my inbox for so long but still! here it is. Sending my love to you <3 i have just realised that there is not a lot of comfort in here oops.
warning: this does include details of death and blood so keep that in mind if you read this <3
It’s Okay
You had always gotten nervous in public spaces 
Or at night when you couldn’t sleep
Or when you didn’t know all of the details of a plan 
Or when it was 3am and you were too scared to sleep
The point is you always seemed to have 100 thoughts plaguing your mind 
“Y/n sweetie I’m gonna need you to concentrate on my voice okay?” Wanda's voice waded through the watery noise in your head. You knew she was right and that logically there was no reason to be so upset, but you just couldn’t help it. It had all started after the group had decided to not tell you about the meal they had planned at this fancy restaurant that Tony wanted to try and of course this had sent you into a spiral and you were now very very aware of every possible outcome. “Come on kid, you’re alright, breathe slowly” Tony tried, or was it Steve maybe it was Bruce. When you got like this, voices sounded the same and nothing felt real. You couldn’t breathe and that was your main worry.
The team had gotten used to it and always reassured you that it was okay 
They didn’t mind and would always be there
And no matter how much you appreciated all of the support there was 1 person the team always knew to call
Crash, thud, bang. The noise coming from outside the room had woken you from the sleep you had allowed your brain to indulge in for once. Whenever you did this though your mind would be over run with the horrors of life and death. 
Peeling the covers off of you, you slowly crept from out of the bed. Where was the rest of the team? Had they woken up? You hadn’t heard anyone else get up but in your hazy state of mind shrugged it off as them just being deep sleepers. Something you would later regret telling yourself. 
As your hand pulled the handle of your room down to open it you heard another noise. Laughter? Hesitating you looked around in the hope of finding a clock but as your eyes frantically moved in an effort of finding one the floor seemed to start to sway beneath your feet. Soon the darkness engulfed you.
For the second time that night your body jolted forward and you gasped for air, the dryness of your mouth hitting you like a punch to the gut. When was the last time you had a drink? Where did the laughter go? Why had you passed out? So many questions and yet it felt like you were trapped in an endless game of hide and go run with a twist, you didn’t know who you were running from and how much time you had before they found you. 
Before you could even begin to think logically again the loud twang of metal hitting the ground sounded from down the hall. Slowly stepping outside the room you had woken up in which you had realised wasn’t your own, you guessed you had been in Steve’s bedroom which was odd given that he wasn’t in there. Maybe he was out helping Bucky with his nightmares? 
Bare feet slapping against the cold marble floor of the tower you tried to navigate your way through the dark to wherever the team had gone. The sounds of machines whirring stopped you, the lights must be getting turned on. Sure enough, bright white light blinded you, spreading through the faster Pietro could run. Blinking away the pain and blind spots from your eyes you were met with big red letters painted on the floor.
 ‘The crowds will come and flood your world, yet you will remain empty and incomplete’ the red bleeding off into a winding path that would probably lead to whoever had wormed their way here. Even with this in mind the words seemed to swim through your mind; you had always felt empty even when your life was full but you never told anyone but Natasha and she would never tell anyone your secrets she had promised. She wasn’t like that. Repeating that phrase like a prayer that would save you, you followed the red wet paint. 
Red can signify many things: energy, passion, lust and the one you should have paid more attention to. Danger. 
Instead of being faced with some psycho who broke in all you were greeted with was the horrifying image of your family dead on the floor. Blood trickled out of anything it could noses, ears, mouths. Eyes open with a stare of pure terror. A scream tore its way though your throat. The familiar metallic substance flooding your senses. 
Knees crashing to the ground as you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Because when you have nothing, when all you have is gone, what can you do but cry yourself a river and let your soul float away on the memories of simpler times? 
You knew your knees would bruise from the mpact but you didn’t care. You didn’t deserve to go through this painlessly after what they had gone through in their last moments. 
A creak made itself heard above the sound of your cries, head slowly lifting to see what it was, damaging your throat further when you saw the lifeless bodies of the avengers sitting up and staring back at you. Salty tears streaming even quicker as you tried to scramble away. Slipping on nothing. Suddenly the lights shut off again. You didn’t move. You didn’t scream. You didn’t even breathe. 
“Wake up y/n”. What?
It had been Nat that woke you up from the nightmare
Even though the whole team had been aware of what was happening all they could do was watch in horror as your body writhed in fear
After making your way to Nat’s room where you knew you would spend the night
Unable to brave it alone
You finally found it in yourself to talk
“You were all dead” you croaked from the cocoon of blankets the redhead had wrapped you in. sitting down next to you and wrapping her arms around your body, you found yourself desperate for the comfort of her hugs. “We don’t have to talk about it right now, just know that I will never ever abandon you. How could I leave my little sunflower to fend for themselves? You give me a reason to be better and I will never leave you. Nor will anyone on this team for that matter” she spoke softly, as if cooing a terrified animal out of their hiding spot. You had and always will have a family as long as you have Natasha. She would make sure of it. And soon you drifted off into a peaceful slumber to the sound of her sweet hums. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don’t take my sunshine away”.
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
natasha romanoff x f!reader
word count: 8.9k (haha)
warnings: swearing, cheating!natasha, sad!reader, uhm this is angsty for me, asshole!natasha, sort of asshole!team, more angst, sort of happy ending sort of, secrets™️
this is inspired by taylor swift’s cardigan. folklore and evermore are really getting me through this i swear
obviously i do not own this song, picture, or any of the warped lyrics that i attempted to slide in as creatively possible :) this is also my first one shot and my first reader insert ever- i tried to not go into any physical details about miss y/n but i hope y’all like it!
No editor. All mistakes are 100% mine!
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You couldn’t have been any more excited to see Natasha. She had been gone for what felt like forever on a mission with Steve, Bucky, and some agent that was on her first big mission, a girl that you recalled to be named Abigail. Regardless of what her name was, they were all heading home today after so long, nearly two months.
There was no telling how much you were ready for the return of your fiancée. The two of you had promised to get married nine months ago, and you were already deep into planning. You were going to your dress appointment at Kleinfeld’s (your literal childhood wish) in two days. You had the venue picked, the table accessories done, the seating chart already filled out and sitting pretty in laminated sheets in a binder. The day was going to be perfect, and it was what you and Natasha deserved after so long. Especially Natasha, after every single thing that she had been through just to save the world and to help those who weren’t able to help themselves.
Natasha was your angel.
Your heart was racing in your chest as you waited for the quinjet to land, the ring feeling light on your left finger as you rolled back and forth on your feet. You couldn’t hold back a toothy grin as you waited for them to fly back in, and to hug Natasha again. That was the most important part. To have her back in your arms so that you could do things like stay in together for the weekend and stay holed up in their room just doing innocent things, like counting each other’s heartbeats.
You stood with your hands clasped in front of your body as they landed, a dopey grin on your face and the same nervous glint in your eye that was there every time that you waited for your fiancée to come back home. You knew that Natasha would always find her way back to you, but there was no telling what condition she would be in.
The moment the doors opened, Abigail ran through them, and down the ramps nearly knocking you over. You reached your arms out to steady the other girl, who looked like she was about to burst into tears at any second. As much as you wanted to just hug Natasha and go home after you ate and sleep in bed with her, you couldn’t leave a girl in tears like that without checking on her. “Woah, are you okay, sweetie?”
The girl’s bottom lip jutted out, like she was about to cry just because of you asking the question. She didn’t say anything, but she was obviously falling apart from the inside, and it made you more than mildly concerned. You didn’t like to see anyone cry, let alone a girl who had just come back from her first big mission. “I’m fine.” Her voice cracked.
“Are you sure?” You were no medic or super soldier or even assassin-spy, but you were nothing if not rational and sympathetic. You were so in tune to the poor girl that you didn’t feel the palpable awkwardness of everyone else who walked off of the quinjet, almost all of them cringing. “Do you need to talk to someone?”
“I- I’m sorry,” Abigail said, and she was running away from you faster than you had ever seen anyone run before.
You frowned as you watched her run. “I hope she’s alright, poor thing. I can’t imagine how a first mission feels,” you murmured, turning around and seeing the slightly spooked eyes of the rest of the team. You smiled at them cautiously and walked over to Natasha, arms already raised as you went to embrace her tightly. You breathed in and put your face in her neck, nearly crying tears of joy as you smelled her shampoo, a rich scent that meant the safety and comfort of them both. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
You were so happy to hold your fiancée again that you almost didn’t notice how standoffish she was being, and her lack of enthusiasm. She had never been not enthusiastic to see you, especially after going so long without seeing each other. After too long of her not reacting to your warm embrace by kissing your hair or murmuring her usual missed you, princessa, you pulled away and looked at her, a questioning look on your face. “Are you okay, my love?”
Natasha stepped back, not looking you in the eyes and choosing to just smooth out the sleeves of her combat attire, eyes on the floor. That was very unlike her. Something must have gone terribly wrong. “I just want to get home.”
Your vibe visibly deteriorated. It was obvious that Natasha had just popped your bubble and left it as an empty shell, but you were still smiling anyway. Like you always did. “Okay, Nat. We can do that.” You reached out for Natasha’s hand and grabbed it after waving goodbye to the other team members, who all looked either extremely displeased or like they had been caught doing something very awkward.
You walked back to your part of the tower together in silence that wasn’t characteristic of the two of you. You were a known chatterbox, happy and always starting meaningful conversations, but also one of the best listeners to ever grace the earth. Natasha liked to listen, too, and she had the best words and the best voice to listen to. One of them was always talking. The silence between them was almost haunting.
Natasha went straight into the shower. She didn’t offer for you to go in with her, which was what the two of you always did after a mission. You got to see Natasha at her most vulnerable, and Natasha was finally allowed to let down the shroud of strength that only lasted for so long without being damaging. It was the thing that kept you close and often the action that got Natasha to open up about what happened and how she truly felt. Natasha skipping out on that time hurt you and made you expect the worst. 
She turned the lights off the minute that she was out of the shower, not speaking to you or even offering any physical assurance, which was something that Natasha knew that you needed after she came home.
You just prayed that she would be ready to talk in the morning.
Natasha wasn’t there when you woke up. You frowned and patted the empty spot in the bed beside you even though you knew that she was probably at the gym or running around doing errands. You sighed and crawled out of bed, doing the daily routine that you usually did with Natasha, and leaving the room to go make some breakfast.
There were whispers that hissed like snakes when you came around the corner, and they came to a screeching halt when you bounced into the room. You grinned at everyone sitting or standing in the kitchen, ignoring their deer-in-headlights looks and searching for the woman you were set to get married to. You frowned a bit when there was no sign of her.
“Good morning!” You hummed out anyways, going towards the pantry once you saw that no one had made food yet. Because you were staying there and you had no other skills, you had been the one to take up personal chef for the entire team just to pull some weight, even though they insisted that you didn’t need to do a thing. As long as you “kept Nat happy”, they said. 
It took a second for any of them to respond. “Good morning,” Steve said, his voice oddly clinical for the way he usual greeted you. He was the morning person of the bunch, and probably your closest friend other than Wanda. 
You took the supplies out of the pantry with a thoughtful look on your face. “I’m not trying to pry,” you started softly, back still towards them as you started with the pancake mix. “But, was the mission bad?” No one spoke for a few heavy moments. 
“We succeeded,” Bucky finally stated vaguely, his voice floating through the room.
You never the type to spill all of your personal business to people, but these people weren’t just anyone. These were your closest friends, the people who were going to be in the wedding, either in one bridal party or the other’s. “Nat’s not talking to me,” you sighed out, and turned around to see all of them stiff as boards. “Was it hard for her?”
No one said anything.
You pursed your lips and turned your back to them again, looking away from them to gathered your thoughts for a second. You took in a deep breath and told yourself not to pry, not to think about what Natasha would surely tell you when she was ready. You turned your head and gave them your trademark grin. “Who wants blueberries in their pancakes?”
You sat in your shared room after a full day of Natasha blatantly ignoring and avoiding you. You were patient, because that was what you had to be to date an Avenger, but Natasha had never straight up ignored you before. You learned very quickly that it called for a different type of patience than the one you were used to.
   In the kitchen when she was forced to be present after you cooked a huge welcome home meal, she didn’t hug on you or kiss your cheek or even look you in the eyes. It wasn’t like her. You came to the tough conclusion that it wasn’t because of the mission, because she had never done that before, not even after the one where the children were caught in the crossfire. You were always the one that she talked to, no matter what.
The lamp light was the only light on in the room, because you knew that Natasha liked it better that way. Maybe less light would make her open up a bit, and the two of you would finally see eye to eye after the annoying stalemate that felt eternal.
You didn’t know how long Natasha would take come back and speak, but you knew that it wouldn’t be too long. Natasha liked to talk, and she had said multiple times that she liked to talk to you the most. It would be any time, right? That’s what you thought until the hours crept by, and you saw and heard no sign of anything. Not even the ding of an elevator or the shutting of a door, or her soft footsteps that she made on purpose because her natural steps were so quiet that she scared you when she appeared. 
When Natasha finally came in, it was late in the night, morning time. Three in the morning, to be exact. You shook off your nerves and smiled at her, and the smile wasn’t returned as much as it should have been. “Hi,” you said, almost a little star struck by finally seeing her. It brought you back to the time you didn’t truly know her. 
You had always admired Natasha. Not even because of her being Black Widow, but because she was Natasha Romanoff, an enemy spy and assassin turned good. And it brought you pure joy knowing that you would soon be taking on her last name, which you secretly thought of as your greatest achievement. Natasha was the one you wanted with for life, and you were steps closer. 
You waited to hear Natasha’s voice. You waited in anticipation for her to run to you and start to spill immediately. You were waiting to wipe her tears and assure her that it wasn’t her fault, and that she couldn’t have done anything differently. “Hi.”
You frowned. Confusion flooded your senses at the short greeting. “Huh?”
“Why are you up?” Her tone sounded almost accusatory, like she had caught you doing something that you weren’t supposed to do, like you were intruding on her time. The frown on your face turned into a slight scowl, and then you reminded yourself that patience was key with Natasha.
“I’m allowed to wait up for my future wife,” you teased, but the look in your eye was serious. You could see how the red head lingered at the doorway, like she was trying to decide whether to bolt or leave with grace. You weren’t going to give her enough time to make the decision. Come sit, please.” When Natasha didn’t move an inch, your facial expression fell. “Please.”
Natasha walked over to the bed slowly, like she was being forced to move or die. You shook your head side to side, eyeing her up and down like the answer to the problem that you didn’t know yet was written on her body somewhere. “I’m here,” she said quietly, like a distant whisper.
“Are you really?” You asked quietly, and it felt like your voice echoed like the beating of drums in the nearly silent room. “Can you please tell me what’s going on?”
“Nothing happened.”
You knew that you shouldn’t pry. You both hated prying, but you were also both naturally transparent. You two had never truly had to pry with each other before. The truth was, you didn’t know how far you could push until she snapped on you. “Are you sure?”
Like someone had flipped a switch, a small smile lit up on Natasha’s face. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to sate you for a while. “Yes, princessa. I’m very sure. I’m tired.”
That was all it took. All it took was Natasha muttering the sweet nickname to you, and it was all as good as talked about. You could rest for a moment.
“Then we can go to bed, my love.” You reached out to touch Natasha’s face, loving the familiar feeling of her soft skin. “You know, you don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me anything, Nattie.”
You stared at Natasha for a while, just admiring her face and everything about it, almost missing the way that she didn’t do it back. This was something that you two did nearly every night before going to sleep- you just watched each other. A slow, dopey grin slid onto your face, and then you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her nose, then her cheek, and then to her pink lips in a soft yet passionate kiss, as soft as rose petals.
You pulled away and smiled at her with your eyes closed, nuzzling your face into her neck. You took in a deep breath, inhaling her sweet smell and feeling the comfort was over you like waves in the ocean. You could have told her a thousand things in that instant, but they all revolves around one master idea. “I love you so much, Natasha.”
You brushed a red strand of hair out of her face before reaching up to kiss her forehead, and then you were back in her neck, trying to sleep.
There was no response, just Natasha’s arm’s getting tighter around you and squeezing three times, each harder and shakier than the last. That was all it took for you to fall asleep.
When you woke up the next morning, you recalled having a dream that featured a woman crying, the sound distant yet close.
You had a feeling that Natasha was going to do the exact same thing that she did the first time, and you assumed correctly. You took it in stride this time and went to the flower store to pick out your bouquet that you would walk with, and probably throw. It was something that you wanted to do on your own, anyway. Like most brides, you didn’t want your future spouse seeing anything that you were going to be wearing until the big day. Not even the veil or the flowers that you would be carrying.
“That’s gorgeous!” You grinned at the employee, who mirrored your excited look. “That’s perfect, she’ll love it.”
While you gushed about your flowers, you also wondered if Natasha was doing a bouquet, too. You hoped that she had someone that would help her out with it, maybe Sharon or Wanda. Natasha wasn’t really big on the planning of the wedding. In fact, she wanted it much smaller than it was going to be, but you had convinced her to do it your way. Maybe it was your natural charm that helped you swindle the spy, or perhaps it was because she just secretely wanted the same thing.
As you walked away from the flower shop after placing the order, you walked by the busy donut shop that Natasha loved going to. Usually, it would be Natasha that stopped by and brought you some donuts, but maybe the other way around would be enough to make the red headed woman smile a bit. You stopped for a second and then didn’t hesitate to go in, pulling out a couple dollars for a tip, too.
Natasha loved chocolate donuts, even though she tried to resist eating them. You liked glazed better, but it was alright. You’d buy chocolate for her. You had hope that they would get Natasha to open up just a little, as dumb as it sounded. But a bribe never went wrong, and what was the harm in donuts?
“Thank you, Sarah,” you said after you got the box of donuts, walking out of the sweet smelling shop and down the street towards the tower.
When you got back, it was loud. It usually was pretty loud, with everyone and everything going on, but this was a different type of loud. It wasn’t the tinkering of metal in the lab or the sounds of sparring or elevators going up and down. It was shouting. A full on shouting match that was loud enough to be heard from floors down was happening. You nearly dropped the box of donuts as you hurriedly pressed the level that you and Natasha stayed on, hoping to find her in the room and out of the fight. The ride up the elevator was almost too full of anticipation as you waited in what would have been silence, if not for the yelling.
“No, because you can’t control yourself!” The voice was now obviously Steve’s. You were shocked. You had never heard Steve so riled up, ever. It was out of character for him to be so angry at someone, even if that particular someone fucked up royally. “You did something stupid, and now you’ll own up to it. Simple.”
“I fucking can’t!” You frowned. That was without a doubt Natasha. “I can’t, not right now. So fuck off.”
“I can’t fuck off after you’ve done something like this, Romanoff.” You winced as the elevator doors opened. Steve didn’t use Natasha’s last name anymore, not since they got close. And he certainly didn’t use the f-bomb much. “This is… it’s beyond-”
“What happened?” You shoved the donuts into Sam’s waiting hands, which were open for business when he saw you coming out of the elevator. “What’s all the yelling for?”
Everyone was staring at you like you were a ghost that wasn’t supposed to show up even though they had called on you. No one had an immediate answer, and so you put your hands on your hips. “Is everything okay?”
Tony looked at Natasha with sharp eyes and took a step back, raising his palms. “On you.”
It took a second for Natasha to say anything to you, and it was clear that everyone was waiting for something. It was even more clear that everyone was equally pissed at Natasha, for whatever reason.
“Everything is just fine, princessa.” Natasha’s voice carried over to your ears, smooth as honey, even though she wasn’t looking up into your eyes. “Don’t worry.”
You didn’t really believe it. How could you? She wasn’t talking to you, she wasn’t lying with you, she wasn’t counting your heartbeats like you did with her. There was something wrong, something had to be for Steve to be yelling like that, in front of everyone else. You eyed Natasha for a few extra seconds and then took the donuts back, muttering a thanks to Sam.
“Alright.” As if seeing the box made you remember why you went out in the first place, your trademark grin was back. “I ordered my bouquet today,” you hummed, walking up to Natasha and planting a kiss on her lips. When you pulled away, you murmured the customary I love you under your breath, like you two did every time you kissed. The one who initiated the kiss would say it first, and it would be answered by a quick “always”.
“A-always. Oh?” You realized that Natasha’s voice fluttered when she said it.
“Yeah, you can’t see which one, though.” You winked at her playfully, trying to ignore the way that the others looked mildly uncomfortable. You were used to uncomfortable looks, but never from them. You knew that it wasn’t homophobia, because they were never that way. So their behavior ran deeper than that. What the fuck happened? “My dress appointment is tomorrow.”
You were too busy getting a donut from the box to see the looks that everyone else shared when you spoke again. “How’s the girl who went on the mission with you? She seemed a little upset when you guys came back.”
Natasha’s hair nearly bounced with how high she shot up, her body going straight at the mention of the other girl. She looked away from your eyes for a split second, and then back. “Fine.”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, eyes on Natasha. “Is she good with fashion? Maybe seeing dresses and all that would make her feel a little better.”
Natasha looked horrified as she realized what you were insinuating. “No. No, she’s fine. She doesn’t need to be invited anywhere.”
“It’s just to sit and watch me try on dresses. Wanda, Sharon, and Pepper are going, right?” You looked towards Tony to confirm, and he nodded his head firmly before looking at Natasha again, a serious look in his eyes. “Maybe Abigail can go.”
“No. She’s not going.” There was something in Natasha’s tone that sounded so final, so adamant, that you knew in your heart to just drop it. It saved you both in that moment.
That didn’t mean that you weren’t allowed to make a face of disapproval. “That’s not nice at all, Nattie. I hope you weren’t the reason she was crying. You’re known to be a little mean.”
Natasha looked away from you, taking a step back. Her eyebrow was twitching, a sign of stress that you picked up on like it was your own. “I have to go.”
“Wait, I got these for-” Natasha left in a hurry, so fast that you barely even registered that she had left. She left awkwardness in her absence. “Well, she can eat them later. Feel free to have some, guys, just save one or two for her, okay?”
They were all quiet for a few seconds, like they were in the midst of a special moment where they were all feeling the same thing, everyone in the room except for you. Finally, Wanda spoke. “Okay, Y/N.” You smiled at them, gave them all sweet hugs, and left.
You were bursting at the seams at being seen for a dress appointment at Kleinfeld’s. Wanda was with you, and so were Sharon and Pepper. They were excited for you, but no one matched your energy.
You were a girl finally getting what she had been dreaming of her whole life; to get married in a beautiful dress to the person she loved. You would soon be walking down the isle to see Natasha waiting for you, flanked by everyone else that was ever important to them.
You must have been the luckiest woman in the world.
“You’re really excited,” Sharon mused, but it was more of an observation than a statement.
“I’m so excited,” you confirmed. “I’m marrying the love of my life in what’s going to be my dream dress, I know it.” You grinned as the four of you watched people bustling around the shop. There was a bride near tears, just like on the TV episodes, and you watched fondly. Seeing people get what they wanted made you happy.
The search for the perfect dress went nothing less than perfectly. Within the first two sweeps, you managed to get into a dress that everyone thought was perfect for you, and you loved it, too. It even brought the three out of the haze that they were in, out of focus and minds so far gone that your excited squeals were all that broke them out of their thoughts.
“It’s gorgeous, Y/N.” Pepper said, her voice soft and cautious as they walked up to pay. It was silent as you waited for an attendant to come to the counter and check you out.
“I- I think there’s something you should know.” The other girls’ head whipped Pepper’s way, and she gave them a look that told them that she wasn’t going to back down from whatever she had to say.
You had what felt like a permanent grin on your face as you thought about the dress. It was a dramatic ball gown, blush pink and flowy. You were almost as in love with it as you were with Natasha, and the matching heels that you got and the gorgeous veil that matched topped it all off. You and your soon to be bridal party walked out into the crisp air, and you turned your head towards Pepper. “Sure, what is it?”
There were a few beats of silence. “Let’s go sit in the car,” Pepper insisted, and so they walked back to the car that Happy was driving for them, where he was sitting with the partition rolled down. He gave them a half assed greeting before they all piled in. “Can I start off with saying that… I’m sorry if you feel like any of us betrayed you.”
You trusted them all with your life, but that didn’t stop your heart from starting to race at the words Pepper said. Whatever this announcement was, it wasn’t good at all. “What?” When no one said anything, you laughed a little. “What, is the dress actually ugly and you didn’t say anything while we were in there? Do I need to go back?”
“No, the dress is beautiful.” The other girls nodded, and then you were sure of yourself and your taste again. “It’s just… Abigail.”
You frowned a bit, immediately thinking of the tragic scene where the girl rushed out of the quintet, breaking down by the second. “Oh, poor thing. Is she not doing as well as they say she is? I know a first big mission can be tough.”
There was a thick silence before Sharon blurted it out. “I am so, so sorry.” You leaned forward, heart skipping a few beats while Sharon took in a deep breath. You knew that some kind of blow was coming just by her apology, and you were bracing for it. “Natasha and Abigail had an affair on the mission.”
In the movies, it was like an instant shattering of the heart when news was broken like that. Immediate tears, automatic screaming and cursing and wanting to call up the other person to threaten them. There was lashing out, the breaking of glass, all the cinematic things that made actors on screen look better and less awkward when they broke down. You always thought that they were overreacting.
Now you knew that they weren’t. You felt that way on the inside. Your mind was raging like a hurricane and a tornado all at once, one disaster coming from the east and the other from the west. Your anger was the tornado, whipping around and threatening to destroy everything in your path and lash out at every single damn person in that car. But just like a tornado, you wore out and disbanded, all in your head. All that was left was the hurricane. The sadness. The disappointment. The heartbreak.
You had never even entertained the thought of how you would be after getting betrayed by her, but if you had, you probably would have imagined that the tornado would have acted first. But it didn’t. Unlike in the movies, all you did was tilt your head to the side and ask for the words to be repeated, even though you didn’t even listen for a second. You couldn’t believe it. Not Natasha. Not your Natasha. Not your angel.
“Natasha and Abigail slept with each other on multiple occasions on the mission, by word of Steve,” Sharon pointed out, her voice similar to the way a doctor sounded while delivering bad news, only a little shakier. “Abigail ran out crying because she fell in love with Natasha and knew that it would never really happen, not because she ruined the mission.”
Not only had Natasha slept with another person, but she had somehow convinced the girl that they were going to be together. Natasha didn’t have a ring, and the girl was new. There was no way she would have known that you two were together unless someone explicitly told her, and there were better things to do on a mission. It wasn’t her fault. Even if she had known, it wasn’t Abigail’s fault. Natasha Romanoff knew better. She knew a thousand times better.
“I don’t think either of them meant for it to happen,” Pepper said, immediately trying to calm you down, even though you hadn’t even spoken an angry word yet, and you looked like you weren’t even close to shouting.
The distinct sound of the partition rolling up was what brought you back to the present.
“But it did happen,” you said slowly, not even realizing that your teeth were gritted. “It happened.”
You couldn’t believe it. You didn’t want to, you wanted to believe it was a lie and calmly confront Natasha, but Steve was the one who had said it, and Steve didn’t lie. Why hadn’t he told you before?
Now that you knew what went on during the mission, you could see that everyone was acting weird. Everyone knew, there was no question about it. Which meant that everyone knew, and no one told you. They didn’t even hint toward anything, and they knew that you were supposed to be marrying the woman who went behind your back and did the unforgivable multiple times.
“We- we’re supposed to be getting married.” The pitiful sentence was all that you could string together in a thought as you looked out of the window at the traffic. You wished that the cars would just go, fly around so that you could cry by yourself. “I don’t even know what to say.” There were a million things happening in your mind at once, and trying not to cry in front of everyone was the biggest effort.
“I’m sorry,” Sharon’s voice said, and she really did sound apologetic. But it wasn’t enough in the moment. You wanted to hear Natasha say it, if all was true. But you knew it was. “We’re all sorry. We were waiting for Romanoff to own up to what she did.” Sharon said, obviously trying not to feel the wrath of you that was surely bubbling beneath the surface.
You could have been angry towards them. You knew that you felt betrayed, by everyone that knew and chose not to speak, that was a no-brainer. You could have been a lot of things at the moment, but there were bigger fish to fry. You clenched your fists and looked at the window, blinking rapidly as you grappled for composure. “Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t think you-”
“I get it. It’s alright. I just prefer not to speak right now, ‘s all.” And conversation ended. But that was when the turmoil in your head and heart started to crank up the energy.
Your first instinct was to bust in there and look for the Black Widow herself, to yell until you lost your voice. Your first instinct was to cause a scene and embarrass her as much as Natasha did to you. You couldn’t believe she had gotten everyone to lie for her. You couldn’t believe that she had an obvious affair with a new agent. You couldn’t believe that you walked around thinking that nothing was wrong while everyone else pitied you behind your back.
Unfortunately, you were quite used to not being enough. Not enough to make it into ivy leagues, not enough to make the track team, not having enough to afford to buy all of your clothes without cringing and thinking about putting some items back. But you were never going to be used to not being enough for Natasha Romanov.
The drive back was the most awkward drive that the four of them had ever been on, without question. You had tears streaming down your face but you were still as silent as the night, just like everyone else. You hardly ever cried. You were always the ray of sunshine and rationality in the tower, and now everything positive had been blown out by the darkness that Natasha created.
When everyone got out of the car, it was sluggishly. Everyone knew what was bound to happen, but it was questionable whether or not the end of the blow out was going to result in settlement or people storming and and leaving. You already knew how it would end.
The second that the elevator landed on you and Natasha’s floor, you shakily thanked the girls for their honesty and walked right out, knowing that it was probably the last time that you would ever be going up in Stark Tower. In your angry fantasy about confronting your fiancée, you imagined storming in and shouting her name, getting her attention and then breaking her down into pieces like the words did to you in the car.
But once you were in your room, you found that the fantasies were just that, and you couldn’t say a word or do a thing but find your suitcase and pack, all the fire leaving your body the second that you saw your room.
You were halfway through gathering everything that was yours in the room that you and Natasha shared, tears streaming down steadily, when you registered that it was real. Natasha had really done the unimaginable, and there was no turning back. A small sob escaped your throat when you saw the sweater you had gotten Natasha hanging up in the closet, the same one that she wore when she got down on one knee for you. Did that mean nothing, too? Was the meaning and emotion of that and everything that led up to it blown to smithereens by something as trivial as two months?
The door flung open. “What are you doing?”
“Don’t talk to me.” You blurted, turning your head to not look at Natasha, trying to avoid her blue gaze. If you looked, you had no doubts that you would turn to stone, and that you would never find the strength to leave the woman who you loved the most and hurt you the most, all within three minutes.
Natasha looked bewildered by the suitcase on the bed. “Are you- are you leaving?”
“What the hell else am I supposed to do?” The temper that was kept just below simmering in the car was finally starting to boil over. “I can’t believe you, Natasha!”
“I-” She sputtered, and you gave her a pointed look in response. “Who told you?”
The question brought fire into your veins. She knew that you knew, because she knew that it was the one secret that had the power to make you so emotional. You two kept no secrets, and for this to be the first? That was painful.
You knew that Natasha would sense your lie about who told you and who didn’t, but you told it anyway. There was no use in causing a riff between the team because they wanted to help you. “I figured it out myself. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Natasha held her hands out in front of her body, and the gesture was so similar to the way that she used to hold her hands out in a silent ask for you to hold them. You hated the way that your heart lurched, and the way that you craved the feeling of her hands even more. “It was an accident.”
An accident? A two month escapade with another woman was an accident?
“After that long ass ride home on the quinjet, you could have at least come up with a better lie.”
“I- fuck you.” Your voice cracked in the middle of the explicative, tears falling into the suitcase pitifully. It made your raging temper even worse. “Fuck you.”
“My love-”
“I don’t understand why!” You couldn’t contain the waves of emotion you felt anymore as you slammed the top of the unfinished suitcase closed. “I give you everything I have every single day. Every day. I love you with all of my heart and I do everything I can to make you happy and you give me this? I tried so hard to make sure that we were both happy together, and we were. So, why?”
The look on Natasha’s face wasn’t unfamiliar to you. You knew it well, but it had never been used on you before. It was the look of a spy who didn’t want to say a damn word, silent resistance that you knew would be unbroken. That’s when you knew that you may never know the real reason. And it broke you. “There isn’t a reason.”
You crumbled faster than you ever had before “Natasha, we were- how could you do this to me?” You collapsed into sobs, falling onto the bed and putting your face into your hands. You didn’t know how long you cried for until you felt a hand on your shoulder, very hesitant to even attempt at being comforting. You didn’t have the energy to tell her to fuck off.
“I’m sorry,” Natasha cooed, and for a second, it felt like something was right again. Natasha being gentle was a regular occurrence, a side to the famous ex assassin that only you saw. It was your biggest safety blanket in life. But when she opened her mouth again, you were brought back to why you two were even doing this in the first place. “I didn’t mean for any of it to happen.”
You shook your head out of anger. The fact that the lie was shitty made it worse, made it hurt more. She didn’t even want to come up with a lie that would make you stay?
“Somehow you convinced that poor girl that you were going to be with her. How did you manage to do that on accident? How did you sleep with her multiple times on accident? You lead her on emotionally.”
“Yes.” You pushed her hand off of your shoulder. “You told her some pretty little words and she fell for them as most do, right? Like I did, I guess. Just tell me the truth.”
“I didn’t-”
You remembered the way the girl was so distraught. You remembered the amount of tears that she had. You remembered the way that she avoided looking in your eyes, the way that she looked completely heart broken. Just like how you looked. You scoffed. “She told you she loved you, didn’t she?”
Natasha’s light blue eyes were boring into yours as she was silent. For the first time in a while, there was no telling of what Natasha was thinking in your mind. You were disconnected. “Yes.”
The words hurt to get out, but you had to know the answer to them. At any cost. Even at the cost of your own heart and sanity. “And you told her the same.”
There was a thick silence that spanned across multiple frantic heartbeats. “Yes.”
The next words were automatic. “I’m done.” You opened the suitcase again. The tears were coming harder than ever, warping your voice so much that your not Natasha hardly recognized it. “Done.”
“You can’t just-”
“Yes, I can!” You whipped around, eyes nailing Natasha right in her place. “Unless you can give me a good reason for what the hell you did, I’m done.”
Excruciating silence. It struck like lightning on the last tree in a struck down forest.
You turned on your heel, but then, words bubbled up in your throat, and you couldn’t shove them down. “When you miss me after you’re done, don’t come back to me.” Your voice cracked in the middle, but you kept pushing. “When you stop and think about what we could have been, do not come and find me. Because you’ll figure it out one day, and it’ll get through that thick skull.”
Natasha’s eyes were slightly watery as she looked on, taking a few steps forward with on outstretched arm, looking to latch on to you. “Love, please.”
You scoffed and ran out of the door, with nothing but a suitcase and a bag in your hands. You cried all the way to the elevator, ignoring the fact that Wanda and Vision’s room was right there across the hall, and how they without a doubt heard everything. Hell, everyone had heard everything. The argument weren’t exactly quiet.
You cried even harder when the doors of the elevator closed. Your hands shook as you brought them up to your face, remembering far too late that Tony Stark sometimes watched the tapes, especially elevator ones. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care. You turned into yourself and sobbed as your body and head shook, trying to rid herself of everything that happened. You cried more when you realized that you hadn’t meant a word of what you said to Natasha.
Deep down, through all of the emotions, you wanted her to seek you out when she learned her lesson. You didn’t know why, and you knew that you didn’t want it any time soon, but you knew that you wanted it.
It was supposed to be a magical day. The day you got the dress was the day it all became real, the day that solidified the fact that you would be getting married to the woman that you loved. You were heart broken. The familiar sound of the elevator stopping and the doors opening barely snapped you out of your well deserved pity party.
You only took one look at the new arrival, and that was when it was decided that the universe, was indeed, very unkind.
Abigail stood there like a deer in head lights, swallowing and looking with wide eyes, certainly unsure about whether or not she should just leave or apologize and hop in and pretend like she didn’t know what was going on. She looked like she expected confrontation.
Your wobbly smile shocked her. “You don’t have to be scared. Come in.” Your voice was just as shaky as the smile you offered, stepping to the side a bit and giving the other woman enough room.
You felt bad. Abigail was young, even younger than you. There was no way that she knew. No one really resisted the charms of Natasha Romanoff, anyway, and you knew it. Especially not a wide eyed newbie who was desperate to please on her first mission with the big guys, some of the original Avengers. There was no doubt that she felt terrible based on the way that she didn’t look you in the eye, and how she avoided everyone. There was only one person in the wrong, and it wasn’t this poor girl.
The doors dinged as they reached the bottom, and right before they opened, you smiled at her. “It’s okay,” your voice was a strong whisper. “It’s not your fault.” You gave her one look as you wheeled your suitcase out of the elevator, taking long strides to reach the huge front door of the tower, praying for no more interruptions.
You didn’t want to stop at all. You knew who’s commanding voice it was, and stopping to talk didn’t seem like an option. You preferred not to talk to anyone on the team, especially not one of the people who went on the mission. You wiped your cheeks and turned around anyway. “Yes?”
Steve stood before you, a sincere expression on his face as he looked you up and down, your obvious and inevitable departure making him wince. “I’m sorry.”
There was nothing that you could really say to him. He wasn’t the point of your anger and he was a friend, even if he had kept something from you. “You’re not the one who did it.”
“I could have told you.”
“No, she should have, a long time before someone else did. You didn’t do anything wrong.” The story of infidelity that happened was Natasha’s story to tell. While you still felt a little more than bitter about being an idiot in the dark about the whole thing, you would have preferred to hear it from her, one hundred percent. “I’m just pissed I found out after buying the perfect dress and veil and all of it. I was so ready.” You felt like a fool.
“I don’t know why she-”
“I don’t know why, either.” You admitted, shaking your head slowly. “But one day, maybe I’ll figure it out.”
“You’re leaving.” Steve saw it as a closed chapter now that you were storming out. Anyone would, but you knew better. You knew how Natasha worked, you knew how you worked, but most importantly, you knew how you two worked together. “You and Natasha- you and Nat are special. I’ve never seen anything like what you two have in my life, no one has. That’s why we’re all so mad. She ruined the one relationship that everyone obviously knows is true love, for no reason.”
“I know.”
He looked guilty for even saying the words. “You’re not going to try and work it out?”
“Don’t you think that I know what we have is special?” You asked him, new tears welling up in your eyes as you spoke. “I’m leaving this to her because I trust her with it. I don’t forgive her, and maybe I never will, but this is for her to decide.”
“What makes you think that she’ll decide right? Or what she’ll even decide at all?”
“She’ll come back.” You stated with certainty, and these were the first words that hadn’t had a crack or wobble in them since you started talking to the red head. “She’ll miss me and she’ll be over the thrill of whatever happened on the mission, and she’ll find me, wherever I decide to go. She’ll come back to me, just like I would come back to her. It could take weeks or years, but she will. That’s how we work.”
Steve was momentarily stunned, but after a few short moments, you knew that you had convinced him. “And you’re willing to wait for her? However long it takes?”
You lifted your lips at him, even more tears building up in your eyes as your answer flew up to your lips without even thinking. “She’ll come and find out.”
You walked away with heavy steps, already feeling her lingering on your skin, and the haunting memories of the two of you as happy as could be swirling around in your head.
You were well aware that removing Natasha from your life would hurt. But you never could have anticipated how much it would hurt.
Natasha was the safety net you never knew you needed. She was the one person on earth who made you feel truly wanted, needed even. She knew everything that you required to feel loved and you knew her just the same, and you both did those things. And that’s what made you two different.
You had been cheated on before. That was how Natasha had met you, actually. Your last boyfriend had cheated on you like the dirty dog he was with nearly every woman he was cute enough to be with for a night, and Natasha met you while you were getting hammered at a bar because you found out. Natasha met you at your lowest point and raised you up with all her might, and still had energy to love you. You felt useless and discarded, thrown under the bed and tossed to the side of the road, but she found you and made you something new. She made you her favorite.
Natasha was everywhere.
She was in the way that you made your coffee, because you hated it before you met her, and she introduced you to a kind that you liked. You got as addicted to it as you were to her.
She was in the way that you walked around the park at night instead of in the morning like you did before you met her, because she liked looking at the stars together.
She was in the way that you searched for her next to you in your sleep and when you first woke up. She was in the ring you still had. She was in the way you wrote your letter ‘n’ now, because you wrote her notes for years and always made the ‘n’ fancy just for her. It stuck. She was somehow related to every show and every movie and every brand of ice cream, and from the second week of suffering without her, you knew that she would linger on you like a faded tattoo.
During the third week, you swore that you could smell her perfume, though it made no sense. You had done laundry many times, and all of a sudden the smell popped up, like she was dropping in to spray the perfume and then leaving as soon as she came. The rich smell was something that you would never forget, and it hung around like thick smoke in your mind. You wanted it to leave.
You cursed her name all throughout the fourth week of being alone in your small apartment in Brooklyn. Everything was her fault. The washer broke, Natasha somehow did it. If you woke up with makeup still on your face from the past night, Natasha was at fault.
You went shopping during the sixth week, and you swore you saw flashes of her red hair in the grocery line, pitifully walking faster with your cart to both flee and go towards it. A part of you knew that she would never shop this far out, but you couldn’t help it. You missed her. You missed her a lot.
But that didn’t change that it stung so, so badly.
It was disgustingly close to what the wedding date would have been when you were lying in bed with a stray cat that you had managed to nurse back to health and call your own about two weeks prior. In a way, it was freeing. Natasha hated animals. They were a responsibility in her mind, nothing more. You loved the cat quickly, and named him Henry.
There were three sharp knocks on the door that you would have taken for strokes of thunder if they weren’t so close. You frowned and stood up, walking to the window to peak outside and see that there was a thunderstorm rolling through, the wind higher than usual and the rain coming down sideways.
You walked to the door with the small cat trailing behind you like a loyal companion. You cracked a smile when he meowed, and you looked through the peep hole, the bright porch light shocking your eye for a second, and then you saw.
Natasha Romanoff was standing there, soaking wet with her arms hanging at her sides, trembling from the cold.
You took two steps back that startled Henry, causing him to meow louder this time. You breathed in, trying to be quiet, but you knew that she knew you were there. She was so trained that you knew she heard you approaching, and when you took your steps away from the door. You both knew each other were there.
You had indirectly told her to seek you out when she was ready, and here she was.
Were you ready?
Like you were a child trying to eavesdrop, you held your breath as you leaned into the door, putting your ear on it as you struggled to hear something, anything, from her. She wasn’t talking. You looked up into the peephole again, and she was looking at her feet, waiting for something to happen. She knew that you were deciding.
You had spent time looking for her in places you knew she would never be, running to and from things that looked like or reminded you of her, and now the real thing stood in your porch light in the rain. She came back to you.
She came back, but that didn’t erase everything that happened. Not at all. Her two months of fun and new experiences acted as the eraser, painting over everything that they had ever done in black paint. The joy of dancing with her under street lights and kissing in Tony’s limos and her hand under your sweatshirt didn’t amount to the pain it felt when she ripped herself from you.
But why did it hurt so much if they weren’t the same amount of emotion, if not more? If you looked at it with a rational mind, was the joy not worth more than the pain?
The pain weighed like bricks. There was one big brick that weighed half a ton on one scale, nearly tipping the other side.
But the joy? It weighed like clouds, because that’s what joy was. It was the feeling of being above the clouds. And you found that every moment of joy that you had Natasha, even though it was the weight of clouds, still outweighed the fat brick.
But were all of the cloud moments enough to possibly take another brick?
Your hand moved before you knew it, and you were undoing the chain and unlocking the door, yanking it open roughly and staring her down.
She was shocked. Her eyes were wide as she stared at you without any barriers, automatic tears welling up. Had she come all that way to not even know whether or not you would answer? Hell, you had done all of that while in limbo with yourself.
But now, without even knowing how Natasha truly felt, without even hearing one word from her mouth, you knew something changed.
“I knew you’d come back.”
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x-childish-x · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Fandom: Marvel
Warnings: mentions to break-up, cussing, fighting, reader preference to coffee
Word Count: 1,462
A/N: Song is not in order! The long awaited part is here! I truly hope that you all enjoy! There will be more! Thank you so so much for all the support and endless motivation. I’m so happy to write things you all enjoy. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated! Sorry by Halsey
Summary: Bucky sees your treats and plates in the garbage while you're having a great time across the city with a certain someone.
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(gif not mine!)
Bucky sighed at the sight of Alpine sitting at the front door, meowing loudly and waiting to be let back in. He opened the door, allowing Alpine in first and following suit. The house was oddly quiet as Bucky moved to hang his keys on the key rack. Slight dread took over the man’s emotions as his peripheral vision took over, his eyes catching on an all too familiar plate. Slowly Bucky moved towards the trash, his chest tightening at the sight of not just one of your plates but multiple cupcakes and cookies you must have brought.
Bucky was coming to terms with the fact that he never deserved you. You were always too good to him, and it was things like this that proved it. You would go out of your way to bake and cook everything Bucky liked. You'd do your best to spoil him and ensure that he understood how much you loved him.
Yet, Bucky had such a hard time understanding that.
I run away when things are good And never really understood The way you laid your eyes on me In ways that no one ever could And so it seems I broke your heart My ignorance has struck again I failed to see it from the start And tore you open 'til the end
Why would you love him? He wasn't anything good. Instead, Bucky was always running from good things. He wasn't a hero. He saw himself as a rogue assassin trying to make up for all the damage Bucky had caused. He was a monster, and there was no reason for you to have ever loved him. Bucky fully believed that nobody truly loved him, he would always be second to somebody else, and that's what tore you apart.
Bucky tore you down, piece by piece, slowly but surely. He destroyed your beautiful relationship and had been so afraid to admit the truth. But now Bucky had, he'd matured, grown, developed. He realized it was his fault, and all your angry outbursts were completely justified. Nobody was perfect, and the relationship was flawed from the start. He knew exactly what you would say if he spoke to you.
"It's not all your fault, Buck. We're both to blame."
He shook his head as he looked down at the plate. Maybe you were right maybe you were both to blame. But he knew he tore you apart. He knew that he could accept now that you had loved him, exceptionally and unparalleled. But how could he fix the mess he'd created? There was so much left unsaid and so much to be done. All Bucky knew was that he needed to find a way to sort everything out.
"Chloe!?" Bucky called out as he pulled out your plate.
"In the bedroom, Babe!"
His eyes remained glued to the plate as Bucky walked the familiar path to his bedroom. Bucky paid absolutely no attention to Chloe in nothing but shorts and her bra, sprawled out on their bed trying to gain his attention. Instead, the 100-year-old man simply raised the plate with a deep frown on his face.
"Is this (y/n)'s?" Bucky asked softly, his thumb absentmindedly stroking the plate.
"Yea... she stopped by, brought some of those awful treats," Chloe rolled his eyes, leaning forward and pushing his chest out more.
Bucky looked at Chloe with a glare, "They're not awful... why were they in the trash?"
"Because," Chloe groaned, standing up, "She's coming in between our marriage. I, frankly, don't like her and don't see why you should pay any attention to her."
"She's not coming in between our marriage, and what is so bad about me trying to be on good terms with someone whose life I practically ruined," Bucky snapped, his tone turned dark at Chloe's disgust due to the mention of you.
"Oh please, James. Forget the damn girl!"
Bucky's blood immediately boiled. He'd spent so long being terrible to you, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone else hurt you. He would spend the rest of his life trying to prove how incredibly sorry he was, and he would start by protecting you from everyone else, even if that included his own 'wife'.
'Cause I can change my mind each day I didn't mean to try you on But I still know your birthday And your mother's favorite song
The conversation exploded into a screaming match. The married couple yelled continuously at one another, all of Bucky's pent-up anger finally being released. Bucky wanted you back, he felt like he needed you back. He'd started therapy. He'd cut his hair. Bucky had started to get better all for you. He was no longer the Winter Soldier, he was James Bucky Barnes, and he was trying his best to get better for you.
He knew he never should've gotten with you back then. He should've asked you to wait, wait until he was better. He was too conflicted, constantly changed back then because the Soldier had still controlled a part of him. The absolute last thing he wanted was to hurt you, yet he'd done that by himself.
But you'd always be Bucky's one love. He knew your birthday by heart and still remembered your mom's favorite song and how the two of you danced to it every Sunday morning. There was so much bad in the relationship. So much bad that you had both forgotten all of the good.
Bucky wanted to scream uncontrollably. He wanted to get as far away from Chloe as possible. Bucky wanted to run to you, confess his love and beg you to give him one more try. He was so incredibly sorry for everything and so incredibly angry, that all he could do was scream at Chloe.
And somewhere, across the city, you were walking to your favorite coffee shop, a small smile gracing your lips. Sam did wonders to cheer you up yesterday after your awful visit with Chloe. He tried each dessert you had made and dramatically reacted to each one. After the party, you'd come to terms with the fact that you still weren't fully over Bucky, but that you needed to better yourself because the routine you'd formed was incredibly unhealthy.
So now, you walked towards your favorite coffee shop with full intent on getting your favorite coffee, only to bump into a firm chest. A yelp tumbled from your lips as you tripped backward, expecting to hit the ground. However, before you could, a firm hand clasped onto your arm and pulled you back up.
"You should look where you're going," A smooth voice flooded your ears.
"I was..." You responded, your voice trailing as you looked up, "Loki?"
"Hello, Darling."
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on Asgard with Thor?"
You'd only met the mischievous brother of Thor once before, and it'd been very brief. It'd (of course) been at a Stark party, and Loki had been quick on his way out after the arrival of Bruce Banner. It'd been an entertaining sight to see the powerful God scared at the idea of simply being in the same building as the Hulk.
"Is there not always somewhere else to be? Can't I enjoy the existence of the midgardians?" Loki questioned, looking down at you.
You tilted your head, taking in his all-black suit before smiling sweetly, "I suppose you're right."
Loki, seemed shocked at your reaction, and frowned slightly, "I-I am?"
You nodded, offering that same sweet smile the God remembered Bucky mentioning time after time, "Why not enjoy Midgard together? I was gonna get coffee, then head to the park. You're more than welcome to join Loki."
Watching you walk away, Loki shook his head before catching up to you, "So... (y/n)... what is this... coffee?"
"You've never had coffee!?" You gasped, looking up at Loki, "Oh.. wow, wow, wow! This coffee shop is the best in New York. They have coffee, tea, hot chocolate, boba... you name it, they've probably got it!"
Loki's eyebrows scrunched at your incredibly excited reaction, and decided to go along with it, "I haven't the slightest clue what you said... but you're quite adorable so I'll trust you."
Immediately your cheeks flushed with a bright blush at Loki's compliment. Biting the inside of your cheek, you smirked at the mischievous comment filling your head.
"I'll let that comment slide, as long as you don't turn into a snake on me."
Loki laughed at your comment, realizing you must've been closer to Thor than his brother had let on, "Now, (y/n), why would I turn into a snake when I'm with someone as darling as you?"
This time you laughed, smiling widely and enjoying the compliments Loki seemed to enjoy giving, "You truly do have a silver tongue. Thor and Bucky were correct... I should watch out for you!"
Loki smiled, enjoying the fact that he'd made your ex feel threatened, "You've only missed out on fun, that I can assure."
"Well... I'm sorry I waited so long to meet you formally, Mr. Laufeyson."
"No need for apologies," Loki winked, "How about you just show me this coffee place you rave about."
"That I can do!"
Taglist: @vicmc624​ @thesneakylittleminx​
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes - Pt 14
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Click Here for a full list of other parts! Part 15
Warnings: Fighting. Kinda mushy feelings? Dabi is a simp for you. 
Word Count: 2.4 K
If you were supposed to be tagged and I did not include you or I tagged you wrong please message me and I will get it corrected. Taglist is always open. 
TAGLIST:  @superblyspeedydragon​ @jparra4587​ @flyingowls​ @emrysaaryn​ @imuziawi​ @sheedaabee​ @peculiarinsomniac​ @littlelovebug98​ @plutoneu​ @giftofwonder​ @kitty-kat-ash​ @fukyouthink​ @anarchys-bnha-mess​ @threbony​ @orenjineki​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @bamf-barnes​ @x-a-delama-x​ @inanabsentia​ @reallyshey​ @godsblesstheboi​  @drownedbytears​ @emilymikado​ @fluidfandoms​  @mikasackrmann​  @bohica160​ @andrastesbeard​  @percabethismyotp14​ @celestiallustre​ @moon-spirit-yue​ @hecatve​ @bakugoshrimp​ @vanillanjin​ @toshiuwuu​ @rxinbowrena​ @therealwalmartjesus​ @callmepopcorn​ @xxdumb-bitchxx​ @medicinalkiwis​ @kat-unzel​ @headfirst-halo​ @capricorn-nightmare​ @annie-daetris​ @skumtrash​ @totorotoni​ @kst-chernish​ @itsmysticalmystery​ @the-occasional-artist1125​ @beautifulparisiangirl​ @stanzastic​ @helena-way07​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @cth-l​ 
Dabi was quick to react, his phone dialing Kurogiri before you could even sit all the way up in your nest. There was absolutely no reason why anyone should be knocking on your door. The league members knew better. They could text you or have Kurogiri warp them here. So who is knocking?
You could smell the stress creeping into Dabi’s scent, unsure if he should mask himself or pump it out to cover your own.  You tried to mask your own scent and stay quiet but you knew with your heat it would be impossible to cover it all of the way. The scent blockers should make it so that no one outside of the small apartment could smell the two of you at all, but neither of you trusted it 100%.
The line went to voicemail, and you and Dabi shared a look, the worry obvious on your face. The knock sounded again and Dabi handed you his phone, the line already ringing again for Kurogiri as he got off the bed and made his way down the hall to the front door. You creeped out of your nest after him, staying in the hallway your eyes fixed on him as he tried to check through the peephole of the door. He shook his head, glancing back at you, before moving away from the door, pulling you behind him the memory of a similar trick being used back when the heroes came to rescue that explosive brat.
He was prepared when the outer wall caved in sending debris scattering everywhere, the red eyes of the rabbit hero Mirko latching onto the two of them, clearly being the one that kicked down the wall. She had to dodge out of the way when Dabi’s fire shot out at her, white hot and already catching the walls on fire as well as the furniture of the small apartment.  
Red feathers flew into the room aimed at you and you ducked behind Dabi to avoid them only for blue flames to engulf you both, incinerating the feathers immediately. You would need to watch out for those, you had seen how strong Hawks could be, if his feathers got you he could drag you out of here before you could even blink.  
The line against your ear connected and the calming voice of Kurogiri spoke into your ear.
“Dabi what is it?”
“Kurogiri help!”
Dabi shoved you out of the way just in time as a wall of ice erupted, separating the two of you. You barely had enough time to brace for the impact as you fell to the floor, the phone ended up being tossed several feet away, completely shattered from the impact. Your eyes flew up from your position on the floor to meet the half and half ones that you had grown so accustomed to over the last few years, guilt tugging at your chest at seeing his expression.
“Y/N…” The calming peppermint scent that he was pumping out was clearly tinged with distress his eyes latching onto your neck. Your exposed, freshly marked, neck. His eyes flicking back and forth between you and Dabi. The anger clear on his face at the later. You had never seen Shoto so full of hatred as you did in this moment.
He took several steps towards you, you scurrying back away from him and onto your unsteady feet, eyes focusing on his. You could hear the other’s fighting, the heroes desperately trying to fend off Dabi’s growing fire, only for Endeaver to scream at them to get out of the way, his red fire bursting through the hole meeting Dabi’s with just as much strength. Red and blue flames fighting for dominance, fighting to see who was stronger. The other heroes were yelling at Endeavor to stop or else he would burn the whole building down. Shoto had to build an ice wall to protect himself from the growing heat, completely blocking the two of you off from the others, distracting him long enough from you for you to turn and run towards the small bedroom, shutting the door behind you and locking it.
Your mind was reeling, your omega screaming out for her Alpha. You really hoped he was okay. You really hoped Kurogiri got him out, but you couldn’t focus on that. You needed to get out of here. Rushing to the window you felt yourself go cold. It was frozen over. Shoto had completely locked you in. There was no escaping this room. You could hear the frantic knocks on the door, Shoto’s voice ringing out in attempt to comfort you.
“Y/N, come out please! I promise no one will hurt you. No one blames you, it’s okay. I know he forced the bond on you. We can work it out. I promise I will protect you. That villain will get what he deserves. He won’t ever touch you again.”
You threw yourself into your nest, pulling the closet door closed as much as possible, tears streaming down your face as you buried your face into the hoodie covered pillow releasing several chirps of distress. You could barely hear your whimpering over the sounds of the fighting outside, or Shoto’s increasingly stressed voice.
“Y/N I’m coming in.”
You heard the fighting outside settle down, panic clear in your mind, as you heard the bedroom down break open with what you assumed was Shoto’s kick.
The soft whimper that released from your lips immediately let Shoto know where you were, his steps sounding extremely loud in the sudden silence seeping through the walls.
You wracked your brain for anything to say or do that would get him to let you go. To let you leave and never return. To let you go back to the league where you hoped your alpha would be. Where you had finally started being seen as apart of the team, where they cared about you even when they didn’t have to. Where your pack was. Where your home was.
You weren’t sure when exactly the villains had crawled into your heart like that, you hadn’t really gotten to spend a lot of time with them, but you knew you were right. They were your home.
You could hear his soft sigh of relief, like he was so glad to have finally found you, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes and burry yourself farther into the scent of your alpha knowing that soon Endeavor would be in here and would destroy everything you had built and would force Shoto to scent you until there was nothing left of him.
This was it. You were going to loose everything you loved.
“Y/N… I’m sorry. I sh-“
The sound of Shoto’s voice cut off, his calming scent being replaced with the barely noticeable one of mist and raindrops. One that made you relax almost instantly, thankful that you did because all at once you were dropped harshly onto concrete flooring, majority of your nesting items cushioning the blow, spreading out across the floor.
You sat up letting your eyes focus on the scene around you, them barely adjusting before you were snatched off the floor into a bone crushing grasp. Dabi’s face burying into your neck rubbing along your scent glands, you releasing a sob of relief as you pulled him closer to you.
The tears streaming down your face stained his shirt, but you didn’t care, only pulling back to look him over and see if he was hurt, your hands flitting across his skin searching for damage.
He was okay. Scratched and bruised, his skin having a touch of frost burn where Shoto’s ice grazed him but he was okay. He was practically doing the same to you, checking you over and rubbing his scent all over you until you were dripping in it. The two of you couldn’t help but purr to each other, trying to calm the other down.
“This is kind of gross to watch.”
“I think it’s cute.”
The sounds of Toga and Twice’s voices made you pull away, Dabi letting out a soft whine that was covered by a cough it seemed, rushing over to Toga only to hear a soft squeak leave her lips when you caught her in your own bone crushing hug. She was frozen for a second before she gently patted your head with her hand, stroking your hair to sooth your sobs.
“I thought I lost you guys. I thought …”
“Hey, relax, you’re not getting rid of us so easy.”
“I apologize, Y/N, I tried to get all of your nesting supplies but I may have missed some.” Kurogiri’s voice sounded behind you, and again the tears spung out as you turned to face him.
“No, no it’s fine. Thank you so much. You saved me.”
Kurogiri simply nodded, Dabi stepping towards you, pulling you back into his arms. Glancing around the room it looked to be a small warehouse, Toga and Twice were leaning against some wooden crates and looked like they had just been woken up. Shigaraki and Spinner were talking off in a corner, and once they saw that you had settled down they made their way over to the group.
“What happened? How did they find you guys?” The words were out of Spinners mouth before Shigaraki could even get a word out. The concern was evident on his face, but quickly changed to something else, his hands coming up to cover his mouth and nose.
Shigaraki even wrinkled his nose, his red eyes latching onto your form, quickly grazing your bond mark before looking down at all of the nesting material scattered underneath you.
“That’s rather… pungent...”
The snort that left Toga’s lips and the growl that left Dabi’s had you tensing up. Would it be omega-ish to snatch up your nesting material right now?
“Wait what did I miss? I completely know what is going on.”
Everyone stayed silent for a minute, no one wanting to point it out, your anxiety spiking and you couldn’t keep yourself from stooping down to pick up the hoodie covered pillow pulling it close, feeling like you were going to combust when Twice took the biggest inhale you had ever heard in your life.
“Gross! Spicey.” He covered his mouth and buried his face against Toga’s shoulder inhaling like he was trying to rid himself of your oozing scent, only to let out a whine when he could still smell you. You couldn’t help but notice the way that Toga’s face turned pink and she hesitated before petting his hair soothingly just like she had done minutes ago for you.  
“Weren’t y’all in a scent blocked room? I doubt that is how they tracked you.” Spinner was talking through his hand that was covering his nose and mouth, you felt bad, wishing that your scent wasn’t so intense right now.
“Dabi did leave to go nest shopping for a bit. Maybe they tracked him from there?”
The glare Shigaraki sent the two of you had you pretending you didn’t exist, trying your best to mask your presence which wasn’t working.  
“Don’t start. She’s in heat, what was I supposed to do?”
“Well if that’s the case, we need to find a new place for the two of you to stay for awhile until this all blows over. The rest of us should move locations as well, just in case they located the other safe houses.” Kurogiri stood by Shigaraki, almost like he was trying to provide a calming presence, but Shigaraki still glared away.
“Wouldn’t it be better if we were all in the same location?” Toga’s voice rang out the question but Twice was quick to respond.
“And choke to death on her fumes?” The pitiful look on your face must have upset Toga somehow, as she shoved Twice off of her and moved off of the crate grabbing a broom that was leaning against the wall before she started to carefully shove all of your nesting material closer to you with it, for which you were grateful as you bent down and started to gather it all as much as you could.
“I just think it would be easier to protect them if we were all together. Sides we can’t do much planning if we aren’t together and I for one really miss Kurogiri’s cooking.”
This earned a comment from twice asking what about his cooking.
“I don’t need help protecting her.” The snarl that left Dabi’s lips tugged at your heart. Even though it sounded strong and loud, everyone could tell the hesitance behind it. He did need their help. If Kurogiri hadn’t of warped them out of there…
“Don’t be stupid-“ Shigaraki was cut off, Toga getting right up into Dabi’s face, a seriousness that you had never seen before on her features.
“We are a pack. Packs take care of each other. That means all pack members, no matter what their position is.”
A weird look crossed Shigaraki’s face, and you couldn’t help but notice his fingers were once again scratchy at his neck, tearing apart the empty bond mark.
“I agree with Toga, as much as it will be a hinderance to deal with … her scent, it might be better and safer for all of us to stick together. We haven’t had an issue sticking together until now. Why don’t we go back to the home base, I don’t understand why we left there to begin with?”
Shigaraki grumbled to himself in thought for a minute before looking at Kurogiri who nodded in agreement.
“Okay fine, we can go back to home base. We need to double up on the scent blockers though and be prepared for an attack. Who knows how they tracked you two but we need to be prepared in case they do it again… and Dabi,”
“What ashtray,”
“She needs to learn how to fight.”
Dabi glanced at you before nodding, stooping down and picking up the rest of your nesting material that you couldn’t carry yourself and you couldn’t help but feel your heart warm as everyone burst into discussions on different fighting styles they thought would work best for you. Toga immediately asking if she could teach you to knife fight. This was it. This was your pack.                                                                                                                                                                ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Want to show your support? Buy me a coffee!          
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Bad day for the pros w/ Bakugou, Shinsou and Todoroki
Request: May I ask for some headcanons of pro hero Bakugou, pro hero Shinso and pro hero Shoto, they had a very very bad day at work, some heavy stuff happened and it was their fault, but fear not! y/n is here to save the day with love, good cooking and cuddles to be their hero. (Fem reader if possible)- anonymous 
I haven’t written for Shinsou in a while, same goes for Bakugou. Shoto is baby, I can never go for too long without writing for him. My midterms are coming up so I won’t be posting next week at all, I’m stressed and depressed and whenever I think that in June I’ll be taking my university entrance exams I wanna wretch. So yeah life is going great. Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules 
warnings: tired babies, fluff, some angst, self doubt.
Bakugou Katsuki
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-People really have no chill and poor baby is barely keeping it together. 
-He’s minutes away from committing mass murder and man slaughter.
-It’s common knowledge that he has no patience whatsoever and people today seemed to be testing his control. 
-But alas finally this awful day was over and he could go back to your shared apartment and relax, eat something and sleep. 
-Stepping into the apartment he dropped his duffel bag with a loud thud letting out a sigh as he slowly peeled off his jacket and slipped into his slippers. 
- “Katsu?”
-Your sweet voice rang through the halls, your head peeking out from the corner eyes landing on his slumped shoulders and tense features.
-Wordlessly you gently grabbed his hand and guided him into your bedroom. 
-Passing him a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie you pushed him into the bathroom where the tub was already filled with steaming hot water. 
- “Dinner is almost ready, take your bath and I’ll be waiting.” 
-Giving him one last kiss on the lips you exited the bathroom. 
-Almost 20 minutes later he came into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist as you stirred the soup. 
- “Bad day baby?” 
-He only answered with a grunt as he buried his face in the crook of your neck nuzzling his nose in your hair. 
-Mumbling something under his breath you let out a chuckle as you gave him a plate and guided him to the living room couch. 
-Settling down next to him you kissed him again before digging in. 
-Soon enough you were cuddling on the couch, his head on your chest and your hands intertwined. 
-You’re running your fingers through his spiky hair, smoothing down the knots as he goes on and on about his awful day. 
-People really were pushing his buttons today.
- “You wanna go to bed then?”
- “But it’s early for you.”
-Shrugging you got up taking him with you. 
-Once in bed you cuddled again with you being the big spoon since your mans needs some well deserved comfort.
-“No matter how bad your day is I’ll always be here for you.” 
- “I know shitty woman.”
- “Awww I love you too.” 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-He was tired of people doubting his motives. 
-Really it was getting old.
-The mocking and the lingering fear even after five years in the hero industry. 
-His agency had booked another meet and greet so they could do some damage control with the hate Hitoshi was getting and of course he couldn’t bring you along. 
-He was kinda jealous of your day off. 
-Jealous because he wished he could spend time with you and Mochi rather than deal with random strangers changing sidewalks during his patrol. 
-He was exhausted as he stepped into your shared apartment that night, Mochi sprawled on the hallway carpet waiting for his other owner. 
-Awaiting for his belly rubs with open paws, Mochi ignored the dark aura his master was emanating , or he just chose to ignore it. 
- “Didn’t Y/N give you belly rubs? I bet you have been taking my place all day mister.” 
- “You know he can’t replace you, love.” 
-He looked up only to be met with your dazzling smile and bright eyes although he could see the faint signs of sleepiness clinging to your eyelids.
-He could feel your eyes inspecting him and soon enough he would be kissed and pushed towards the bathroom for a much needed shower because you would see how tired and drained he was. 
-He could never get away. 
-It was a power you had since high school and try as he might he could never hide his fatigue. 
-Before he knew it he was up on his feet, capture tool placed on the hanger near the door and slippers on his feet, a kiss on each cheek and one lingering one on the lips. 
-Soon he was soaking in the tub with you behind him massaging his scalp with that special lavender shampoo while humming a soft tune. 
-It always amazed him how you could calm him without using words and if he was being honest he wanted to keep it that way, the silence was always nice and he loved basking in your presence but today he really needed to be reassured. 
- “Why do you stay with me?” 
-Your movements stilled at his words and he could feel your eyes widening. 
- “It’s bad publicity for you, you’ve been held back on hero ratings because people believe that you are conspiring with me in some master plan.” he sighed before continuing leaving you no space to speak. “You could have anyone you want. It would make your life 100 times easier if I wasn’t in it.” 
-You would have never guessed that those thoughts were running through his head when he walked through the door moments earlier. 
-Hugging him closely to your chest you finally spoke. 
- “I fell in love with you and you alone. I would never leave you because some pompous asshats keep saying that you are a villain. Hero rankings can go suck it for all I care along with anyone who wants to call you a monster.” Turning around so now you were straddling his lap you cupped his cheeks connecting your foreheads. “I love you with all my heart ‘Toshi, don’t ever forget it.” 
-You might be a witch putting him under a spell with your sweet words.
-He believed you and with that he relaxed in your grip, hugging you like his life depended on it because in his eyes, it did. 
Todoroki Shoto
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-He couldn’t even count how many times he was told he looked like his father today. 
-He couldn’t begin to describe how gut wrenching those comments were.
-One would believe that being compared to the retired n.1 would be a big fit for an upcoming hero but not for Shoto. 
-The first thought that always runs through his head when those words are heard is his mother. 
-The fear in her eyes and how much she hated his left side, to the point of scarring him for life. 
-He begins to wonder if you too look at him with such disgust and hatred from time to time. 
-He knew of your dislike towards his father since you two were in high school and he finally shared his past with you. 
-This undying dislike carried on into your adult life even after multiple family dinners and warm, friendly exchanges with Endeavor. 
-Did you also think he was like his father? 
-Did you see Endeavor when he walked inside your shared apartment at night?
-He got home before you or at least that's what he remembers.
-You found him with his head resting in his hands and back pressed against the hallway’s wall when you returned from your patrol. 
-At first you thought that he was hurt but after he didn’t answer to your fifth call of his name you knew it was more of a mental struggle. 
-Crouching down to his level you slowly pried his hands from his face, giving him a smile once his eyes came into view. 
-Cupping his cheeks, you brushed your fingers over his scar once, twice before leaning in and giving him a little peck on the nose, then on his forehead, then on each cheek, on his scar and last on his lips.
- “Sho my love, what’s wrong?” 
-Your hand was now running through his hair, untangling the soft locks of white as your other still lay on his other cheek, your thumb making small smooth circles on his scar. 
- “Do you see me as Endeavor?” 
-Taking in a sharp breath you stopped your ministrations for a moment before shuffling closer to him and raising his chin so he would finally meet your eyes. 
- “I see Shoto when I look at you. I see the shy boy who wouldn’t sit next to me during movie night in our first year so he wouldn’t make me uncomfortable. I see the boy who overcame his fears and used his quirk. I see the pro hero who has saved hundreds of lives in the three years he has been in the industry. I see the man I’m in love with. So no, I don’t see Endeavor.” 
-He looked at you then, really looked at you. 
-You were smiling at him, one of your sweet as honey smiles while your eyes almost sparkled as they were locked with his. 
-In one swift movement he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you flush to his chest a thousand I love you’s leaving his lips as he kissed senseless. 
- “Now would you like some takeout soba from that place you like or homemade soba with my lovely cooking.” 
- “I wanna actually eat so takeout.” 
- *le gasp*
@the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @storage11037​ @dnarez​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​
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Reality Check - Chapter 2
Oh my Odin!  I can not thank you all enough for the love you gave Reality Check’s first chapter.  Each and every comment has brought a smile to my face.  Thank you so much.  Seriously.  And I can’t wait for you all to see where this goes.  We’re only going up from here on out, so buckle up. 
Summary: Y/N and Wanda were very close after returning in 2023.  The two bonded over the loss of their partners.  It wasn’t enough to keep Wanda grounded after she found Vision’s body though, and Wanda wants the best for her friend.  Unfortunately for Y/N, this means she’s going to be thrown into a reality she wasn’t expecting.
Taglist (Let me know if you want to be a part of it!): @dpaccione
Missed the first part?  Read it here! 
Running through the eternal palace halls to hide from the God of Mischief seemed like an impossible task.  You had to find a hiding spot soon.  Unfortunately, the halls were open wide.  The golden pillars were large, and wider than three men, so maybe you had a chance behind them.  You could give it a try since you had nothing to lose.  
With the book gripped tightly in your hands you ran behind the pillar, leaning your back against it.  It wouldn’t be much longer until you could hear his footsteps approaching.  As long as you run around the pillar at the right time you should be able to escape him.  
His footsteps came rushing towards you and then stopped suddenly.  You held in a breath, fearful that he could hear even the slightest noise right now.  If there’s one thing you could remember at the palace halls, it’s that a pin dropping could echo through them.  You tried it once.  
You started to look to the left, taking a glance around the pillar.  You didn’t even hear him approaching you from behind.  His hands quickly stole the book from your hands as you jumped, turning around faster than lightning to look at him.  He was smirking at you.  “If you’re going to steal my book, at least don’t get caught walking out the door.” 
“Well maybe I wanted to get caught.  If I hadn’t, perhaps you would never come out of that library.”  You huffed, causing him to laugh.  
“Oh come now, I’ve only been in there for a few days.  It hasn’t been that long at all.” 
“Only a few days?  Loki, you’ve been in there for a week.  There are three hundred thousand books in that library and I guarantee if anyone has read every single one, it’s you.  What are you doing in there?” 
“Reading, isn’t it obvious?” You rolled your eyes at the response.  
“Why are you shutting everyone out and simply reading all day every day?” 
He hesitated before answering you.  You knew him well enough by now, after several decades together being each other’s confidant.  “It’s nothing.” 
“If it were nothing you wouldn’t seem so determined to return to that library as soon as possible.  Is it about the coronation?”
“In a way, yes.” He couldn’t lie about the situation to you.  If anyone deserved to know the truth it would have been you.  “Don’t worry about it, love.  There’s nothing that can be done about it now anyway.”  He said it almost as if he was trying to convince himself that it had no effect either.  
“Do you promise there’s nothing on your mind?” 
“I promise.” 
“Are you sure you’re alright, Loki?  I’m worried you’re going to make your fingers bleed at this rate,” You said, watching him practice a song on the guitar for the hundredth time in a row.  
“I’m 100% sure that I will be fine once I’m able to perfect this song.” You raised an eyebrow at his statement as he tried to restart the song again, this time ending up with a broken string.  The canned laughter you heard in the back of your head was (for once) hidden by your own stifled laughter.  Loki glared playfully at you. 
“This is just a talent show, you know.  You don’t have to be incredible.  The fact that you’re willing to do this at all is admirable.” You smiled.  
“If I’m going to do it I may as well be the best one in it, darling.” 
“It’s just a talent show for the children!” You exclaimed, laughing at his ability to make anything a competition.  
“And the children deserve only the best.” 
“Yes, well I doubt the children will care if you mess up a single note.  Your wife, however, will care if you manage to hurt yourself by the end of this.” You walked up to him, slowly taking the guitar out of his hands.  “How about this?  I’ll go down to the store to pick up some new guitar strings for you while you focus on… Anything else.” 
He pretended to contemplate it momentarily while you grew impatient.  “Well considering I can’t exactly play with a missing string I suppose this will have to do.” 
“Alright, Hank Williams, go work on the car or something.  I’ll be back before you know it.” You kissed his cheek and walked out of the house.  You spun around quickly to see Loki smiling softly at you as you closed the door.  Despite the fluttery feeling you had in your chest by his reaction, a sense of dread was quickly replacing it.  
You began to walk across your lawn, taking a glance at the neighborhood.  It seemed slightly different than yesterday.  Newer cars?  New designs for your homes?  You couldn’t tell exactly, but it was just enough for you to wonder.  Maybe you weren’t the most observant person in the world, but you assumed you would be able to take note of someone getting an upgrade on their house.  
As you started making your way down the street and to the store, you spotted Agnes across the street with Wanda.  It looked like the two were politely chit chatting about something before you saw Dottie walking closer to them.  You internally groaned at the idea of having to talk to Dottie.  She always seemed pompous and uptight to you.  You’ve never had to deal with her face-to-face thankfully, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t hear about her from neighbors who knew her.  
You decided to walk past them, waving to both Wanda and Agnes.  Agnes smiled brightly towards you and it almost froze you in place.  Agnes out of everyone here frightened you the most.  She was too nice, too neighborly.  It seemed like all she ever did was try to butt in to everyone’s lives.  There was something off about the look in her eyes.  She looked at Wanda with an almost kind of sadness when she said something.  Wanda seemed to be amused by whatever she had said, so why did Agnes seem so disheartened? 
Perhaps it wasn’t your place to ask.  You had to get to the store.  Talking to Wanda and Agnes could wait.  
You walked into the store and were greeted by no one.  At least the world was working in your favor for that one, you didn’t have to dodge people left and right just to grab a few things.  
As you walked down the seemingly endless aisles of the store you could find a couple people every once in a while.  They seemed to be stuck though.  They would just stare at a single item as if it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.  It sent chills down your spine as you passed by them, not a single word being spoken.  You don’t even know who these people were.  None of them looked like they wanted to be there. 
Fortunately, there was no one in the music section of the store.  The section had countless musical instruments including guitars, flutes, and drums.  Each one was uniquely designed, with price tags on every single one of them.  When you tried to read them, you couldn’t figure out what they were saying.  The numbers were blurred and blended in with one another.  
Maybe they were removing the tags because there was a sale going on?  You looked around for any indication of that and found nothing.  Maybe water got on to the tags and the ink leaked, but there was no damage or any sign of a leak anywhere around the store.  
That’s when you noticed the bright red guitar pick on a shelf.  It was an electric red, far brighter than anything else in the room.  You walked towards it, confused by the color.  When you picked it up, it slowly lost its color.  The red that seemed to radiate off the pick faded until it was a dull grey.  
“Excuse me, miss-” 
You jumped at the sound of someone’s voice.  You turned towards the man, noticing that he was the one you bumped into only yesterday.  Once again his green eyes were what caught your attention.  He was dressed in a suit, his hair slicked back.  “Oh!  I’m so sorry, you startled me.” You laughed breathlessly.  
He smiled politely.  “No, I apologize.  I didn’t mean to frighten you.  I was just wondering if I could ask you a question or two.” 
“Of course you can!  Although I believe a proper introduction may be needed beforehand, especially after I ran into you.  I’m Y/N,” You held your hand out and smiled. 
“I’m-” He stopped himself for a moment before shaking your hand, “I’m Scott.” 
“A pleasure to meet you Scott!” You smiled.  “It’s nice to know more people around here.  Are you new here?” 
“Well, it seems like it.  I don’t really know if you could call me new to the town though.  I just know that I feel out of place here.  They all seem to cast me out before I can even have a chance to introduce myself,” He chuckled.  
“Yeah, I understand that feeling.  Right now it seems like something’s changing around here.  I can hardly keep up with it!” 
“It’s nice to know I’m not alone then,” He smiled.  
“Agreed.”  A brief moment of silence was shared before you remembered he wanted to ask something.  “So, you said you had a couple questions?” 
“Oh yes, but I would prefer if we talked about it outside.  The walls have ears around here, you know.” He said it with such a serious tone that you were almost afraid to question him.  His eyes held a level of somber that you hadn’t seen in anyone in years.  Whatever he wanted to discuss, it had to be something that you wouldn’t forget.  
“Who’s going to want to listen to our conversations?” You laughed, attempting to lighten the mood a little. 
“You may not want to know.” 
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flyersheartbreaker · 3 years
Forever By Your Side| Isaac Ratcliffe
a/n: this is my first imagine that I am officially publishing! I am very excited to share all of my writing content and series with you guys :)
Pair: Isaac Ratcliffe x reader
Summary: Watching your boyfriend Isaac get seriously hurt during one of his home games and watching him battle through the toughest injury a hockey player could battle, so he can continue on with dream playing in the NHL
Warnings: Hockey Injuries, Cussing, Cute Fluff
Word Count: 3,321 words
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It was just another ordinary Sunday afternoon watching a game live from the PPL center here in Allentown, Pennsylvania or so I thought. The game was going really well with the Phantoms up 3-1 on the Hershey Bears half way through the second period. There was your beloved star-studded boyfriend number 19 carrying the puck up against the boards through the neutral zone when suddenly bam everything went to complete silence, except for that shear sound that you wish you could so badly get out of you head.
I jumped out of my seat and darted up the stairs from the lower-level seats that I was sitting in with some of the other girlfriends. I can hear the god-awful scream ringing in my ears over and over again that was coming down from ice level. The crowd was silent, so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop and when that happens you know for a fact that it isn’t good. Nothing ever good comes from silence at a time like this and I needed to get down to the locker rooms as quick as possible.
Isaac got hit hard up against the boards and fell awkwardly down to the ground, and his right foot looked like it twisted the wrong way. He's had rough collisions before, but never like this. Isaac is a big dude that you surely didn’t want to ending up colliding with, but this time it looked like Isaac got the wrong end of the play. I never in my life ever heard him yell in absolute pain like the wat he was when the trainers and his teammates were trying to help his 6-foot-6 body off of the ice.
My heart was in my stomach as I was racing down the stairs that would lead me to the home locker rooms. I quickly flashed my team badge to the security guard Frank without saying a word. He must have known it wasn’t good either, as he told me to breathe and be careful myself as I jumped down the last few steps.
If Isaac had a season ending injury, it would kill him. He was just heating up and playing his best hockey yet and working his ass off day in and day out so he could eventually make the Flyers roster within this season or even next season for sure. But if his season is over that means his chances of getting to the NHL level could be too and that would just destroy him completely.
As soon as I rounded the corner to the trainer's office, I saw him being helped on to the examine table. His face was as red as a cherry, and he was in a lot of pain. The trainers quickly started icing the area the best that they could as they slowly untied his skate and too it off of him.
“He is definitely going to need some X-Rays done immediately and possibly an MRI as well depending on what the results of the X-Rays are.” The Phantoms trainer Brian Grogesky said to Neil who was one of the Phantoms physicians.
“Jeff and Robert are on their way down from the press box and getting the emergency X-Ray equipment ready. In the mean time you need to relax the best that you can Isaac.” Neil said to Isaac as Isaac tried his best laying down comfortably on the examine table.
Both Brian and Neil noticed me standing outside of the door of the trainer's room and signaled me to come on in, in hopes that Isaac could ease up and relax a little bit more with me by his side.
“Hello, y/n! Looks like we got a live one here and that big boy landed pretty hard on that ankle of his.” Brian said trying to make light of the situation.
Isaac sat up on his elbow and looked me dead in the eyes. I can see and feel the pan behind them, my heart sank even more for him. I just want him to be okay, I want him to be able to play the rest of this season, he worked way too fucking hard for this to happen to him.
“Hey babes, how is the pain?” I said walking over to Isaac and grabbing his hand while kissing him ever so lightly and carefully.
“It's a bitch babe if I am being honest. I’m trying not to think of the worst, but I can’t help it. This isn’t fair, why me? Why fucking me?” Isaac said in more frustration.
“Isaac, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. We don’t know the actual results just yet. But whatever the outcome is you can come back from it stronger than ever. Hockey injuries is sometimes apart of the game as silly and stupid as it sounds, but you’re a fighter and you got this.” Neil said as he placed another bag of ice on Isaac’s ankle.
“They are right babe, your team trainers, physicians and any other doctors have your best interests. Let’s get you into the X-Ray room and then go from there okay big guy.” I said while planting another kiss onto Isaac’s lips.
Jeff brought in some crutches for Isaac to use, so they can take him down the hall to get the X-Rays taking care of. I am hoping that is all that Isaac is going to need and that whatever it is, it's a quick recovery.
After a few short minutes Isaac was crutching back out of the X-Ray room with a look of disappointment on his face.
“Oh no babe...how bad is it?” I asked him while he collects himself.
“It’s not broken...but they are sending me for an MRI early tomorrow morning to see if that shows up with anything and then go from there.” He said in a low tone.
“Well, that is a plus sign that it isn’t broken. You got to be positive about this honey, you need to be optimistic. You can't be negative. Everything is going to work out for the best. Hopefully it's just a minor sprain and you will be back on the ice in no time.” You told Isaac as you wrapped yourself around his side.
All of Isaac’s staff and trainers helped Isaac out of the arena and to his car and safety got him into the passenger seat while, I got into Isaac’s driver's seat.
“Alright, make sure when you get home you put more ice on that ankle for at least 15-20 mins on and then same time off. Do it throughout the night if you can and also, make sure you are using the crutches as much as possible and for the love of God Isaac do not put any pressure on that ankle until after we get the MRI results and see exactly what is going on. We don’t want to make the injury any worse than what it could already be. Try to get some much-needed rest and we will see you in the morning.” Brian said closing the passenger door.
The ride back to Isaac’s apartment complex was extremely quiet. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, so I just let Isaac sit there and pounder in his thoughts alone without me distracting him. Which probably wasn’t a good idea, because I know my boyfriend, I know for a fact that he is thinking the worst possible scenario that he could think of right now.
I helped Isaac out of the car and into the elevators up to his apartment and got him comfortably settled on the couch with his foot/ankle elevated and two ice packs placed on the injured area.
“Do you want or need anything? You want me to bring out another pair of comfy clothes for you?” You asked Isaac as you placed a pillow behind his head/back and placed a blanket right by him as well.
“No, I’m fine...” He whispered as scrolled on his iPad to rewatch the ending of the game and rewatch highlights and the moment of his injury.
You so badly, wanted to say something along the lines to him like "babe don’t be watching that now, it wasn’t your fault, there was nothing that you could have done to prevented that from happening, so on and on.” But deep down you knew nothing would make him feel better until he knew what the main results were. And as the night went on, you could see the realization hit him that this was going to keep him out for a while. He just looked sad, and drained.
After a couple of hours, another X-Ray, and an MRI later, you and Isaac were sitting there waiting in the trainer's office for the results from both the trainer and team doctors.
Both Brian and Jeff walk in with a folder which I assume held the test results for Isaac’s ankle/foot.
“Well, the good news is the second X-Ray that we took this morning once again showed that there was no brake in both the ankle and the foot.” Brian said.
“And what about the MRI? What did the MRI show?” Isaac asked nervously.
I grabbed Isaac’s hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I could see the look on both Brian’s, Jeff’s, and even Coach Gordon’s face that this news that they are about to give doesn’t seem to be very promising.
Jeff cleared his throat ever so calmly and spoke. “The MRI came back with a high ankle sprain injury which means we really don’t have a timetable for you to return to at this point of time. This type of injury is extremely difficult to recover from quickly. So, with that being said we need to place you on injury reserve indefinitely until we get more of a clear view on this injury.”
“Out indefinitely...so that could mean that I might be done for the season?” Isaac ever so softly spoke.
“Unfortunately, yes Rat...I am so sorry and with it being late into the season already we don’t want to risk anything further and do anymore damage to the ankle. Brian, Jeff and myself all agreed on shutting you down for the remainder of this year. So, it’s better for you to take this time to heal carefully and properly and then eventually rehab it back to full strength without any other necessary tests or worse case scenario surgeries. Then once you have healed properly, we can train and get you back to 100 percent for next year's rookie and training camp.” Coach Scott Gordon said while looking at both Isaac and myself.
My heart broke ever so much for Isaac, this isn’t fair. I know injuries can be a part of the game sometimes, but why did this have to happen to Isaac and why now?! He has been killing it day in and day out since being drafted in 2017. He deserves his chance at playing at the NHL and now with this setback is he ever going to make it to that level?
The ride to Isaac’s apartment was once again a quiet one and this time I don’t blame him. I mean how is he supposed to react to something like this? What is he supposed to say or do when your head coach, trainer and team doctor shut you completely down for God knows how long.
Isaac settled down on the couch and tossed his crutches to side and unstrapped his high ankle boot so he can comfortably rest his ankle on the pillow in front him.
"Baby, I am so fucking sorry that is happening, it’s not right nor is it fair to you." I said, resting my head on his shoulder while getting cozy next to him.
"What if this is it for me? What if I can't play anymore after this?" He asks, eyes filling with tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, don't say that.  You being negative will only make that happen. You are a fighter Rat...you are one tough, strong as hell hockey player who will power through this. I promise you that." I said grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers together, while placing a kiss on his hand.
A tear rolls down his cheek ever so slightly. "All I wanted to do was be that excitement that both the Lehigh and Philly fans need. All I wanted ever so badly was to have my chance to make it to the NHL level and it got taken away from me. Why do bad things happen to good people?" Isaac asked broken and frustrated.
Once he started crying, I had lost it. Nothing I could do, or say would take that pain away from him and it just broke my heart. I went into the kitchen and I just cried as grabbed him more ice packs from the freezer. How am I supposed to look at the man that I love, and not have my heart shatter like glass when I look into those eyes that were once so shiny, and bright, but now shows nothing at all?  I have no idea the pain he is going through or the frustrating emotions he is now going through as well and I feel terrible.
I eventually collected myself and walked back out into the living room and ever so easily and softly place the ice packs on the injured area and took my seat back on the couch next to Isaac.
"That's the crappy thing about life.” I breathed as I took a deep breathe myself and continued on. “For some reason, it always attacks the good ones, and praises the hell out of the bad ones." I sob, wiping away not only my own tears but also his tears once again. "We'll get through this. I promise. It'll be hard, and it'll be long, but we're going to pull through this." I tell him as I run my hand through his hair.
He squeezes my other hand tightly. "What if during my time out things don’t get better and I need to get surgery, and it's worse than they thought? That could happen. What if they see that my injury is worse than what they thought and that I am out on the shelf even longer and I completely miss this upcoming season as well? Or worse they tell me that I can't do this anymore?" He asks, gasping for air. "I don't want that to happen and I'm scared to death that it will."
I snuggled beside him even more then I already was, resting my head on his chest, sobbing harder than I was before, because I honestly hate when he thinks that he isn’t good enough or he thinks his career is over because of a minor setback or in this case a possible major setback. "Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? Just for now, it's a bump in the road. No journey to greatness is a smooth one Isaac. Whatever the hell happens next, we'll face it together as a team, because I am not leaving your side and letting you fight this injury alone. I know that you so badly want to break and that you feel like this the end of the road, but you need to keep pushing and listen to the training staff and follow their instructions."
"I love you so much." He tells me, sniffling. "Thank you for helping me with this, baby, I couldn’t do this without you" Isaac said while planting a soft and slow kiss on my lips
"I'll help you through anything. No matter what." I said while smiling and kissing him softly back.
It was battle to get Isaac’s ankle back to a healthy, normal, and stable ankle for a hockey player at his height and weight but we were able to do it. It was a long road and journey until Isaac was back out on the ice skating again and preparing himself for this upcoming training camp season.
Isaac looked and felt good, until one day right before the Flyers condensed training camp something didn’t seem right with him.
Isaac met up with Flyers trainer Jim McCrossin and after a deep examination we found out that Isaac was suffering from a fractured rib and a collapsed lung. We don’t know how exactly this had happen or when it happened. It could have been from when he fell during his ankle injury or from being hit during Rookie Camp, we don’t have the answers right now. And once again, here I am watching my boyfriend being completely destroyed and devastated all over again.
Isaac became instantly depressed, and much worst this time around because he knew there was no chance of making the Flyers squad this season and who knew when he could lace up for the Phantoms season as well. But thank God for Jim McCrossin who helped Isaac get the right and special care that he needed and got him completely healthy so he could play for the rest of this Phantoms season as well.
Isaac was getting game day dressed for a home game here in Allentown. I sat on the bed and watched/admire him as he fixes his tie in the mirror.
"Try not to worry about tonight so much baby, you are going to absolutely kill it out there like always. Once you get out on that ice, I have no doubt in my mind you will play just like how you used to before all of these setbacks. And just remember that no matter how easy, or how hard tonight’s game is going to be I'll be here for you always. But also, please promise me one thing, that if you don’t feel right to let your staff know immediately because I never want to see you get hurt like this again.” I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his torso.
"I promise babe, I know that I need to take my health more seriously and whatever happens, happens. One day I will make my dream a reality and officially play in the NHL, but for the time being I got to focus on the now and my health." He said as he spun around and kissed me.
Watching Isaac warm up made my heart race and beat fast. But it was all worth seeing him back out there skating with the team and his boys. He looked so good and happy out on the ice and that is all that I could ever ask for.
The journey was extremely hard and long this past summer and fall for both Isaac and I, but in the end it definitely made us a stronger unit in our relationship and it has totally made Isaac a stronger hockey player both physically and mentally.
After the game, I bolted down to the locker room this time excitedly to see my boyfriend, not in a complete shear panic like last time and waited for Isaac to come out after he was done with the media.
The door swung open and I immediately saw Isaac and jumped right into arms like a little high school girl. “Babeee, you were beyond amazing tonight! I am so very proud of you, how are you feeling?” I asked nervously but giddy at the same time.
Isaac picked me up and kissed me ever so passionately before answering any of my questions that I just threw at him. “I felt good and still feel good. It was awesome to be back out on that ice again playing with the boys in front of our home crowd, their excitement and energy helped out a lot. But truthfully, I couldn’t have done any of this without you, y/n. I love you so much and I can’t wait to continue this amazing hockey journey with you right by myside.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚗
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Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging nor trying to romanticize or promote yandere behavior. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationship, violence, torture, murder, death, degradation, sexual scenes that might disturb some readers, and other yandere behavior. Read at your own discretion.
Tag list: @seacottons
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚗
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟽𝟻 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟻'𝟿 𝙵𝚃
𝙰𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■□90%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
•𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚖.
•𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚟𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛.
•𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙱𝙳𝚂𝙼 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜.
•𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍.
•𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
It was his sweet and innocent smile...
That's how it always starts with him.
Everyone falls victim to that smile that radiates happiness with dimples that captivate your heart.
But he never chases anyone down.
San wants them to chase him, so he plays hard to get.
And he's not looking for a relationship, he just enjoys hooking up with people.
No strings attached, no commitments, his booty call list is miles long.
And then you came along.
What was it about you that drew Choi San to you?
Was it your pure and intact body?
Was it your curious and inexperienced eyes that begged for excitement and adventure?
Perhaps a mix of both aspects?
Whatever it was, the day you crossed paths with San, was the day you crossed paths with the devil himself.
"Hi. I'm San....pleasure to meet you."
San's first goal with you was just to get in your pants like he did with the rest.
But you weren't easy, and when he found out you were a virgin, the goal changed.
Now he wanted you.
He became obsessed with owning everything about you: your mind, body, heart, and soul.
He wanted it all and he'd get it no matter the cost.
So he plays the sweet caring boyfriend for a while.
Yes, Choi San was exclusively yours, much to the shock and disappointment of others.
As a boyfriend, he was very caring to you.
Perfect gentleman that held you in high esteem and made you feel like you were the most important person in the world.
You truly fell deeply and madly in love with his charms.
So you had no qualms about letting him take your virginity, letting him be your first.
After all, he did love you.....right?
Well he did love corrupting you.
And after your first night together, he became more demanding and started showing aggressiveness towards you.
He'd never hide his displeasure if he saw you wearing something he didn't like.
"Why are you wearing that in public? You look like a whore."
He'd make you tell him your every move about where you went and with whom.
And if you didn't answer or reply to his messages, he'd somehow always find you.
"Why the fuck weren't you answering me? When I talk to you, I demand an answer."
And if there was a particular thing he absolutely hated, was your male friend that you often saw.
"I don't want you hanging out with that friend of yours."
"He's my childhood friend? He's like my brother. " You told him.
San just glared at you. "I don't care. I don't want you hanging out with him. That's final."
You rolled your eyes at him and thought he was just being jealous.
It was wrong of you to disobey him.
Next time he came over to your house, you were there with your friend...
If that scene alone didn't make San angry, the fact you were wearing a very thin tank top and revealing shorts made him get rigid.
"I thought I fucking told you never to see him again!" He screamed at you, striking fear in you at the way he raised his voice.
Your friend, however, wasn't scared of San and decided it would be good to stand up to your possessive and controlling boyfriend.
"You need to leave Y/N alone. She doesn't deserve to deal with someone like you."
Grabbing your hand, your friend tried to take you away from there, but San wasn't having it.
Roughly, he gripped your arm and pulled you away from your friend, placing you behind him.
"She's not yours to decide what to do. She's mine. Got it?"
Your friend wasn't going to give in that easily. He shoved San which culminated in fists flying from both of them.
"Stop! Stop it! Both of you!" You begged, covering your eyes at the violent scene.
They ended up in the kitchen, with your friend gaining the upper hand and holding San down against the counter.
It all happened too fast for you to react:
San grabbing a knife which was withing his reach, coming up and striking your friend in his lower abdomen....
And it didn't stop there.
San took out the knife and began to repeatedly stab him until his body collapsed on the floor, completely lifeless.
You were in such shock you couldn't find your own voice to scream for help.
The last thing you saw was San's diabolical eyes looking at you, his footsteps getting closer to you before you passed out from shock and the intensity of what you just witnessed.
You woke up approximately 12 hours later, feeling sore and somewhat sticky.
You let out a mix between a whine and a moan when you feel something very familiar sliding in and out of you.
Turning your head, you're met with a smirking San, his hands on your hips as his cock thrusts deep inside of you.
Looking down, you notice your hands are bound by handcuffs that are tied to the bed.
You jostled the handcuffs, trying to get them off you but were met with a harsh slap to your ass by San.
"Don't you dare." Was his only warning before snapping his hips even harder, making you come all over him in mere seconds.
For the first few days, he kept you handcuffed to his bed, refusing to let you go.
"If I let you go, you'll try to run away. I can't have you doing that."
So your days consisted of waking up with San next to you, having him feed you things which you swore had something in them since you always ended up feeling drowsy afterwards.
And of course having him fuck you like you were his personal sex toy every single night.
Finally one day, he removed the handcuffs from you.
"Try to run away and I will break your ankles."
He often had to leave the house for work, so the first day you were left to wander around, you stupidly tried to check if any windows or doors were left unlocked.
But they weren't. They were all bolted in and out.
And San walked in just in time to see you try to smash open one of the windows.
"Seriously?! I give you a simple order and you disobey me?!"
You ended up not being able to walk for 6 weeks because San was true to his word: he broke your ankles.
Now you were deathly scared of pissing him off.
So you tried your best to just please him, do whatever he asked you to do.
Whether it'd be cooking him food, cleaning the house, sucking him off or letting him do any of his depraved sexual acts on your body.
The only request you actually enjoy doing for him is when he asks you to cuddle up next to him.
Feeling his chest move up and down, hearing his heartbeat while his hand strokes your hair, you think maybe.....just maybe.....there's still a hint of the sweet man you met at first, the one you fell in love with..
But that image is quickly shattered whenever he pushes you off him or strikes you across the face because you 'glared at him or rolled your eyes at him.'
And you can't even cry in front of him because it just angers him even more.
Once, he held a pillow over your face so as to muffle your annoying little whimpers.
And another time he almost drowned you in the bathtub.
Sometimes you really did wish he'd end your misery.
As the days passed by, it was getting harder and harder to deal with his violent mood swings.
Nothing was ever good enough for him, and if anyone from the outside world angered him, you were the one who had to bear the punishment.
Either in the form of harsh beatings or so many overstimulations.
"San...." You whined, tears falling out of your eyes as your body couldn't handle another orgasm.
San merely slapped your swollen and red pussy, making you hiss at the stinging pain.
"I'm not done with you yet my little slut. This dirty hole of yours belongs to me and I'll fuck it as many times as I want to." He growled in your ear.
You were often left limping for a day or two, while San merely snickered under his breath, proud of himself for ruining you yet again.
With how much sex he was making you two have it surprised you how you never ended up pregnant, considering that he always went in raw with you.
Your question was answered one day when your period came late and it was excruciatingly painful.
You were bleeding more heavily than usual and it felt like your guts were being ripped apart.
San took you to the hospital, warning you not to say anything.
It's not like you could anyway, you were in so much pain and under heavy medication that you never got the chance to say anything.
Especially not when San took you home early so you wouldn't get the chance.
"What happened? What did they do to me?"
Grudgingly, San handed over the hospital papers to you.
You felt like you lost the ability to breathe when you read that it was necessary for them to remove your uterus since it had been severely damaged by some weird chemical substance.
"I don't understand! I've never taken anything! Have I?!"
San only blinked at you, then looked down and walked away from you.
That's when it hit you: every time he made food, and you always ended up feeling weird.....
San had been altering with your own body all this time!
You were beyond disgusted, you were repulsed and you hit your breaking point.
Something in you snapped as you marched up to San and pushed him into the wall, demanding to know why he would do that.
"So you wouldn't get pregnant! If you had gotten pregnant, I would have had to be soft to you. I wasn't going to do that." He admitted that so casually, as if there was nothing wrong in the way he treated you.
And that was it for you, the last straw of your sanity left as you slapped San harshly across the face.
Of course he retaliated, but you weren't going to give in so easily.
Using whatever strength you had left, you tried to fight him off, even going as far as breaking a vase over his head, which rendered him immobile for a while.
You ran to the basement, and picked up a can of gasoline and a couple of matches.
Running back inside, you spilled the contents all around the hallway, the living room and in the dreaded bedroom that you loathed with every fiber of your being.
Then you struck up a match and let it fall, watching as part of the house burst up in flames.
You went to a part of the house that you left intact, where there was a window.
Picking up a baseball bat, the same one San had used to break your ankles, you tried to break it open, succeeding only in cracking it...
Before a pair of bloody arms pulled you back and dragged you deeper into the burning part of the house.
You struggled to get out of his grip, but he was much stronger than you and the black fumes that you were inhaling were only debilitating you more.
The last thing you remember was San glaring at you, wrath written all over his face as he said his final words to you:
"If I'm going to hell, I'm dragging you down with me...."
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