#neurological disorder symptoms
aitadjcrazytimes · 9 months
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Non-ADHD and non-autistic disabled people whose only idea of ADHD and autistic people is shaped by media depictions of a nerdy white boy or a quirky goth girl with low support needs: "Yeah ADHD and autism are destigmatized and we should ignore people with ADHD and autism in favor of real disabilities. I am very smart and progressive."
Lateral prejudice towards other disabled people will get us nowhere.
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Ablebodied keep saying that cripple punk is "excluding the brain" and "creating a dualism between the brain and the rest of the body" when it is not. People with a neurological disorder can call themselves cripple if they want to because neurological disorders are a physical disability.
There is no denial some physical disabilities often come with psychiatric symptoms and vise versa, but it is not the same as a mental disability or a physical disability.
Autistic people often experience motor difficulties but it is not the same as someone with mobility issues. People with multiple sclerosis often experience cognitive symptoms like executive dysfunction, but it is not the same as someone with ADHD. It's not harmful to acknowledge the differences between mental and physical disabilities.
It's possible to acknowledge interactionism without saying the two are identical and speaking over people with a physical disability.
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angelcatsiel · 1 year
FND stands for Fucking Nonsense Disorder
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deplcythebattery · 1 month
holy fucking shit guys. i have FND. my neuro officially diagnosed me with FND i have a diagnosis i don't have to wonder any more it's no longer question mark after question mark i have FND and it makes sense
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spookietrex · 6 months
I should have known better than to dig through my old stories from when I was a teenager. There's so much trauma packed into them.
So I tried to unwind with a nice little video game (a new dating sim/visual story) since I'm having a high support needs day (high pain, poor mental health, increased confusion, anger, etc.) Anyway, I wasn't expecting the little platformer game. Usually not a problem.
Except today I'm not able to do hand-eye coordination well.
Today I'm not able to problem solve well. Today I'm barely able to get out of bed and am at a 12/10 on the pain scale, have negative spoons, and have the patience of my poor traumatized toddler self whose parents told them at age 10 they were a mistake (accident while on birth control) long after the divorce and whose parents should have never been together to start with.
Today, I had a meltdown because I tried to play a free to play video game, I couldn't edit the settings to make it disability-friendly, and struggled for 15 minutes with a task that in not unsimilar to a level in Mario Maker/Flappy Bird. I cried, screamed, and hit things. I wanted to hit my laptop/self-sabotage. But I didn't. I rage screamed (accidentally left the windows open, oops), tried to control the hitting to pillows only, and sat with my feelings.
I am tired of being exhausted all the time. Reparenting myself when my teenage self hates all adults and doesn't trust them is hard. Being kind to myself when everyone else treats me like scum is hard. Melting down over something I wanted to do to cope but suddenly can't do and can't change that is hard. But I will continue to fight for myself and others because no one deserves to be silenced.
My story matters. I owe it to myself to remember, even if it's hard. I can be kind to myself and not push myself.
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930pm will hit and well-adjusted neurotypicals will be like Yawn oh gosh I’ve been u p since six a m can y ou believ it
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fndandme · 1 year
Introduction to FND
Introduction: What is FND?
FND or functional neurological disorder, previously known as conversion disorder and sometimes called functional neurological symptom disorder (FNsD) is a type of somatic symptom disorder is a disorder in which there's a problem with the way the nervous system and how the brain sends and receives signals. There are many risk factors that can cause FND like physical/psychological causes that lead to a wide range of physical, sensory, and cognitive symptoms that have yet to be explained by a recognized neurological disease. FND is multifactorial, therefore has many factors that can contribute to the development of these symptoms. FND was a very misunderstood disorder but the symptoms are very real and have caused many impairments to many peoples lives. 
FND symptoms
  On the DSM-5, the symptoms of FND are:
Weakness or paralysis
Loss of balance or difficulty walking
Tremors or seizures
Vision problems, such as double vision or blindness
Hearing problems or deafness
Difficulty speaking or inability to speak
Difficulty swallowing
And to be diagnosed, one or more of these symptoms need to be present and have an effect on your body. If you experience any of these symptoms, I recommend you contact a neurologist.
There is no medication that can treat FND and neither can it be cured, but cognitive and behavioral therapies can help manage FND. For children, symptoms can be resolved after months and may never return.
Anticonvulsants can help manage symptoms like myoclonus and tonic-clonic seizures.
FND has been commonly mistaken for Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, MS, and other diseases/disorders
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drummuso · 1 month
listening to the audio book of "awakenings" but oliver sacks, and i'm so taken aback by how many overlapping symptoms there are with encephalitis lethargica aka sleepy sickness and fnd, as well as pans/pandas. has anyone mentioned this before?
the fact it's likely a post viral syndrome also seems similar to pans/pandas, me/cfs, and a lot of fnd cases. obviously not all of them, and they're not perfect copies or anything, but the huge variability in them is yet another similarity.
a thing i really like about the book is how sacks treats the patients with a lot of respect. he sees the functional-like symptoms likes tics and seizures as hugely influenced by emotions and subconscious associations, but still treats them as real and disabling, and stemming from their unknown organic cause.
i'm not a doctor, i'm not an expert. i don't even have any of the conditions i've mentioned here. i'm just disabled and like to read. and i've dealt with a huge amount of medical neglect and dismissal. and i can't shake how weird it is to hear these very familiar stories and symptoms, but to hear a doctor take them seriously. to see them as part of a bigger picture. and to accept that medicine just doesn't know everything.
i'm gonna be doing a lot more reading into encephalitis lethargica and it might dismiss all the eerie similarities i see. but wow, it won't change how bittersweet it is to see a doctor, 50 years ago, admit that medicine is a work in progress. that doctors don't know everything. and that gaps in their knowledge doesn't mean they're undermined or useless, and doesn't mean they have to blame the patient for their symptoms that are unexplained.
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roachemoji · 9 months
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also I'm never going to the doctor again if literally everything ever is always caused by 'stress'
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So I was going through some papers and there might be a possibility that I have FND...
Probably not going to bring it up with my doctor right now, since I don't think another diagnosis is needed right now, I have all of the accommodations and resources I need already, and I have way too much happening to go through the whole diagnostic process,
but it would explain some of the more recent symptoms & changes, and has a high commorbitity rate with my other things,
Mostly I was doing research for a friend (because his doctors are all fucking useless), but a surprising amount of it is applicable to me as well.
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machinedramon · 9 months
legit wondering if when I start going to the doc for all my physical shit I should ask abt who I should see abt maybe getting mood stabilizers
i'm sick of this unending cycle of getting eight million ideas and scrambling from one to the next before burning myself out on all of them and falling into a depression and hating myself for not doing any of the eight million things I was excited about
#i am losing my fucking mind here i cant fucking take it anymore#i dont think im bipolar i just think the adhd takes the wheel and fucking floors it#i dont have delusions of grandeur (not more than a flight of fancy that i know is unrealistic anyway) or like. euphoria.#i also dont not remember stuff from from those surges of inspiration#i mean i might forget something but thats bc i got distracted and my brain dumped it to focus on New Shiny Thing#this is the equivalent of my 2AM mental breakdown so bear with me here i am Going Through It when i should be sleeping#also it feels like theres shit crawling on me and there isnt but i cant sleep bc i am ITCHY WHY AM I ITCHY WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE THIS#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#fun fact: the sensation of shit crawling on you is called formication#which is really fucking funny#like i understand its from formica meaning ant but it is literally one letter away from fornication#anyway doing my usual webmd doom spiral and guess what gets formication as a symptom sometimes: bipolar disorder#im gonna laugh if i get a bipolar dx but it doesnt seem right#all the other options were autoimmune disorders like parkinson's and MS and fibro and RA#which. i might actually have rheumatoid arthritis. but the others? theyre scary. i dont wanna deal with that.#i dont even wanna deal with RA lets be real#farmer voice: i was just fine before i went to the doctor and now all of a sudden ive got an immune disorder#wait i dont think parkinson's is an autoimmune disorder thats a neurological condition#ok carry on#more fun facts since i am now down a wikipedia rabbit hole to distract myself from my itchy self#the process of ur limb falling asleep and going numb is called obdormition#then when the feeling starts coming back the pins and needles feeling is paresthesia#formication is an uncommon kind of paresthesia#obdormition is our funny word of the day and i look forward to telling someone about it randomly or for it to show up in a crossword soon#bc u know how u find something new and suddenly it's everywhere?#yeah. i get the feeling thats gonna happen here.
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
Me: *Decides to write Jacob as having legitimate NPD rather than wiping away all his canon symptoms*
Me: “Wow, it’s gonna be pretty hard to write an actual narcissist in a manner that you can legitimately sympathize with. And it’s probably gonna be even harder to create one that eventually manages to grow and evolve as a person and learns to maintain healthy (platonic) relationships that aren’t harmful to either side. This is gonna be the toughest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to do it.”
Me: “Oh well, might as well give it a try!”
Me: *Writes an outline explaining how it will fit into the story*
The Story: *Barely has any changes besides little differences in character dynamics and small interactions, but basically no changes in story beats*
Jacob: *Becomes a legitimately more interesting and complex character with a better character arc that the one I originally wrote, and is honestly more likeable to me for some reason*
Jacob and Coco’s Dynamic: *Somehow more healthy and wholesome than before once their character arcs start kicking in* (Jacob’s reasons for caring about Coco are still a bit self centered, but he’s better at treating them correctly. I somehow gave them a mutually positive relationship whilst keeping the NPD part consistent)
Themes and Message: *Appear out of thin air*
The Entire AU: *Improves in every way*
Me: “........................................”
Me: “Huh, that was surprisingly easy.”
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bluegoblinfox · 10 months
I have a lot of symptoms which match with lupus. I've had lots of infections this year...8 so far.
I found out yesterday that my mum had a positive ANA (anti-nuclear antibodies) blood test in the 1990s and again in early 2000s. Docs haven't really followed up on this though.
So today I've got put on my big girl pants and sent a message to my GP surgery with all of my symptoms and some pics of rashes and white fingers. I've done this in hope that I am not blown off and told I'm just stressed or anxious.
Like I am anxious about my health because I feel like shit and I've had 8 infections this year. EIGHT!
So I think my anxiety is founded and proportional to the issue.
If they don't offer me an ANA I'm going to pay for one next year. To rule out autoimmune issues if nothing else.
I just can't deal with more medical gaslighting. After being told last time I raised this it was all because I was stressed.
If anyone's interested here are my symptoms:
* Hair loss
* Fatigue (debilitating)
* headaches and migraines
* Joint pain and stiffness and inflammation
* hearing loss
* dry gritty, itchy eyes (in the middle) which water at the edges.
* rash on checks and nose and sometimes chin
* skin which goes red, then pink and then loses pigment although. Leaving white patches.
* Serum creatinine levels at the highest reference point or just over. Have been for over a year.
* stage two liver disease
* cardiomyopathy
* digestive problems
* three recent UTIs
* One recent skin infection
* three recent respiratory infections
* one recent ear infection
* one abnormal ESR recently
* one high CRP recently
* feeling generally unwell often
* apparent but as yet undiagnosed Raynauds.
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