#not specifically these ones. just little guys
whatsk-poppinhomies · 16 hours
Pairing : OT8 x F!Reader TW : reader death ; heavy angst. (Bangchan : hospitals ; Chan in denial) (Lee Know : sudden reader death) (Changbin : drowning ; mention of police) (Hyunjin : reader has seizures ; reader in a coma) (Han : car crash ; descriptive scene of the crash ; mention of blood) (Felix : reader suicide ; Felix is angry ; slightly descriptive post mortem reader) (Seungmin : car accident ; Seungmin in the hospital ; Seungmin injury) (Jeongin : really nothing descriptive ; nothing but angst) Word Count : 3.7k A/N : This one was really sad to write, but I love angst so it was kind of fun too! I hope you enjoy! I know they’re kind of short though, I’m sorry! Request : @moon0fthenight : “24 hours after skz’s s/o death”
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Sitting in the hospital room, the buzzing of the fluorescent light bulbs that hung above his head filled the silence from the lack of your heart monitor beeping. He stared at the empty bed, refusing to take his eyes off of it. Maybe if he stared hard enough you’d finally show up.
He didn’t want to leave the hospital without you, even though the doctors, the guys, his managers, his parents, even your parents had told him that he couldn’t wait there forever, that you weren’t coming back.
How long had it been since you had been rushed out of the little room? The TV was still on the same channel, the tray of food that had been brought to you still sat on the little pull up metal table. He wouldn’t let the doctors take it away. “She’ll be hungry when she gets back.” He would say every time someone would come in to try to clean up the room. Pity would have the doctors and the nurses relenting, backing out of the room to leave him with his grief.
24 hours he’s been without you, and he had only truly had you for less than a year before you had fallen ill. It wasn’t fair. You had been stolen from him so quickly, he didn’t have the time to process what had truly happened. He was in denial, and in the back of his mind, he knew that you weren’t coming back. That didn’t stop him from sitting and waiting still, because he wasn’t leaving. Not without you.
Lee Minho
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“I’m fine.” He lied, sitting in the dorm room surrounded by all of the guys who were trying their best to be there for him. “I just want to be alone.” Not exactly though, he didn’t want to be alone, he just didn’t want to be around anyone if it wasn’t you.
Waking up in the morning beside you, it was always like waking up in a dream, the way your eyelids would flutter as the sun shone through the window, waking you in the most beautiful way. It’s how every morning began… So why did that morning have to be any different? What had gone wrong?
His eyes opened that morning, landing upon you as they would, but this time, your skin was colorless and your lips were blue… How did you still look so peaceful? It took him a moment to realize what was truly going on, and he wished that he didn’t realize at all. Would he have been able to just fall back asleep beside you? Would you be okay when he woke back up?
No one could give him answers, there was no definitive cause… You just… Decided that it was time to go, and you did. How could you just leave him like that? You didn’t even say goodbye. You didn’t give him the chance to say goodbye.
24 hours later, and he refused to go back to the apartment he shared with you. As long as he was at the dorms, he could continue to believe that it never happened, that he had never even met you, because he once he stepped through the front door, all of those memories would come rushing back, the good and the bad, and he’d have to face the fact that you truly were gone.
Seo Changbin
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It was supposed to be a fun little vacation for the two of you to celebrate your 3 years anniversary. He had been so excited for it, you had been excited, everything was perfect. The trip was specifically for you, all you had talked about was how you felt bad that you had come down with the flu during your honeymoon, having to cut the trip short. This was the chance to try it again, and you both were ready for honeymoon take 2.
The current was strong, there had been warnings about it posted all over the beach, the lifeguards had warned everyone that it wasn’t safe to go far out in the water. “You’re stronger than the current, Binnie.” You had chimed, his ego swelling as you clung onto him. He just wanted you to have a great time, he wanted you to be happy, he loved seeing you smile…
He wasn’t stronger than the current, but the sound of the lifeguard whistle blowing hadn’t stopped him from carrying you out, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as waves crashed against the both of you. It only took one wave though, he lost his footing, and that’s when he lost you. He just wanted to make you proud, he wanted to make you happy, he wanted to have a real honeymoon with you…
“She’s not gone…” Changbin kept repeating. The guys were currently flying to him, police filled the hotel room where your suitcase still sat propped open in the corner. It had only been 24 hours and the interrogations seemed never ending, but he wouldn’t give up on you, not when you were still out there somewhere. You’d come back to him, you have to.
Hwang Hyunjin
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A seizure. That’s all it was… you had them rarely, but he usually knew how to handle them and how to make sure you were okay. Why was this time different? Why did it have to be different?
His hands had been shaking when he tried to call for help. He misdialed. Was it his fault? He was already crying by the five minute mark… Was he too focused on crying? Could he have done more? He tried to hold you up to keep you from choking as he waited for the paramedics… What else could he have done?
You were flailing so violently, he could barely hold you still. It was terrifying, but still, not as terrifying as seeing you strapped to a gurney and rushed out of the house as your body still seized against the straps that held you down. He felt guilty for not riding in the back of the ambulance with you, but the paramedics had told him to follow behind, and in his state of shock, he didn’t have the mental capacity to argue.
Would you have been okay if he rode with you? He got stuck at a red light as the ambulance sped forward in front of him. It wasn’t long, but it was long enough he supposed. By the time he reached the hospital you were already being rushed down the hall, and he could only stand there and watch as the emergency room doors shut right in front of him, his last view of you was through the tiny rectangular windows.
A coma… It had been 24 hours and you still hadn’t woken up. The breathing tubes and IV’s that were connected to you had him crying every time he looked at you. He couldn’t even stay in the room longer than an hour before he started hyperventilating from crying so much. You weren’t dead… But the way everyone was talking, they made it seem like you might as well have been.
He wasn’t going to give up on you though, he’d pay as much as he had to, he’d visit the hospital every day for the rest of his life just to tell you he loves you, that he’s waiting for you, just in case you can hear him. But for today, he’d sit by your bedside and hold your hand, singing to you songs that he knows you love, hoping that you can still hear his voice.
Han Jisung
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Your hand was in his as you walked down the road, streetlights and the bright headlights of passing cars illuminating the two of you, your journey aimless, just enjoying the time you get to spend together. The silence was calming, there was something about just simply being the company of someone that you love so deeply that can put your mind at peace. That’s exactly where he was, a peace that was unreachable unless he was with you. That’s how he knew that you were the one, the only one for him.
Headlights moving closer, becoming brighter, enveloping the two of you in a shroud of a nearly blinding white light. Tire squeals and the honking of a horn… It was too late. No more than a second was how long it took for your hand to be ripped from his, and it was like everything was moving too fast for his mind to fully adjust. The sound of your body colliding with the steel frame of the car, the sight of you being thrown yards along the road before you fell back to the ground with a muted thud. The crumbling of the car as it smashed into a light pole, metal wrapping around metal, like nails on a chalkboard and emitting a horrid stench.
A couple more seconds to process, and then a guttural scream as he ran over to you. The lingering warmth that was left from when your hand was still in his wasn’t enough to keep him grounded. Your body was mangled, your arms twisted in a way that he had only seen in the horror movies that he’d watch with you. A pool of blood forming beneath your head, your eyes still wide open in a perpetual state of shock. It didn’t take a genius to know that you were gone, you had literally been ripped away from him in the worst way possible.
Sleep wasn’t an option, no matter how tired his body felt, whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was a constant replay of you on the ground, or you moments before hitting the street. The first and only time he had even attempted a simple nap, he had woken up screaming and all of the guys had to run in and try to help him.
“Ji…” Minho whispered as he walked into Jisungs room, the lights were all out, the man's face illuminated only by the phone screen, the brightness turned all the way up, making the dark circles under his eyes more visible and more prominent. “This isn’t good, you need to sleep… Please…”
“I should have been walking on the road side…” Jisung mumbled back, his body already beginning to rock and shudder, the incoming tears were unavoidable. “I should have moved her away faster… it should have been me… I saw her… I watched it… I didn’t know what to do… She was just… She…” Along with the tears came hyperventilation, and then retching once all the mucus built up in his throat. It happened almost every hour, his guilt eating away at him, his brain working overtime to try to think of a way that things could have ended differently.
It’s not like it mattered though, he couldn’t change the way it all happened, you were already gone. All he had left was the phantom feeling of your hand in his, a feeling that he clung onto, because once that feeling faded away, that’s when you would be fully gone.
Lee Felix
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“You know that I love you, right? It’s not your fault… I want you to always remember that, no matter what. I don’t deserve you though. I don’t deserve anything… And I’m tired. I’m just so tired, Lixie… I’m sorry.”
It was sent at 3:38am eastern standard time… He was sleeping… 2:38pm korean time… If he was there he would have been able to stop you. He was on tour, you were back at home. Everything seemed fine when he left, he told you that he’d be back in 2 months, it was one of the shorter tours… It was like you waited for him to be gone… Like you didn’t want to be stopped, you didn’t want to be saved.
As soon as he saw the message when he woke up, he sent one of the managers to the apartment. He knew what they would find, he already knew, and he was already booking a flight back to Korea. The emotions hadn’t fully hit him yet, they were there, but they didn’t have a chance to really kick in until he was sitting in the airport, a text from the manager confirming what he already knew to be true.
He cried himself to sleep on the flight, and even while sleeping, his body shook from his raspy breaths and tears seemed to subconsciously fall from his eyes. All of the guys went with him, not wanting him to be alone, but most of them were in a state of shock as well, and a majority of them just cried with Felix when he did wake up.
By the time he had gotten back, you had already been identified by your parents. Felix went to visit them, offering his condolences and apologizing for not being able to save you. They didn’t blame him, but they didn’t have to, he was already blaming himself. There had to have been something he could have done to keep this from happening, and it only made him angry when everyone would tell him that what you had done would have happened regardless if you really wanted to do it.
“I want to see her… One last time, I need to see her…” 23 hours and 45 minutes, that’s how long you had been gone, and up until now he had been too scared to even think about seeing you. But it was getting closer to the funeral and he knew that he wouldn’t have any other chance to, and he would only be able to rely on pictures and videos of you afterwards.
“Felix, that’s probably not a good idea. You shouldn’t… You don’t have to do that to yourself.” Chan tried to reason, placing his hands on Felixs shoulders. “She wouldn’t want you to see her like that… Just, wait until the viewing… Then you can say goodbye.” Goodbye? There was nothing good about this, and Chans words only angered him more.
“I’m going. I need to see her.” He said more sternly this time, pushing past the oldest member and walking out the door. Maybe he should have listened, maybe he should have just held onto the memories of you that were living in his mind and in his phone. Once he saw you, he felt everything at once, and he couldn’t stop crying, he couldn’t stop screaming, he was losing his mind.
“Why did you leave me?! Why would you do this?! Fuck!” This image of you was one that he wouldn’t be able to forget, cold, lifeless, laying on the metal table. It looked like you were sleeping, and he wished that he could just make himself believe that you were. “Wake up! You need to wake up now! We have so much to do and… And you just really have to wake up, angel! Come on!” Once he tried to lift you off the bed, that’s when the doctors rushed in, having to pull him off of you. He was thrashing and kicking and screaming, and all anyone could do was cry as they watched from the hallway. He had lost you, but they were slowly losing him because of it… Felix was gone, replaced by a bitter sadness and an anger towards himself that would never go away.
Kim Seungmin
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“Seungmin, I think that person behind is drunk or something. You should really just let them go around…” You had said, turning down the radio and watching through the rearview mirror as the car behind you swerved in and out of lanes, coming closer and closer to the back of Seungmins car.
“We’re fine. It’s probably just one of those assholes that’ll weave in and out of traffic and piss everyone off.” Although you saw his eyes narrow as they flashed up into the rearview mirror, cursing under his breath before flicking on his blinker to change lanes. Just as he began to move into the other lane, the car hit the back of Seungmins. It happened in a flash, his foot slamming on the brakes as his right hand flew out to hold onto you.
That was the last thing he remembered before waking up once again, the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles and the sound of metal scraping metal as the car door was being cut off. He tried to turn his head, but that’s when the pain kicked in and he let out a scream… And then the panic set in when he didn’t hear you. Had you already been taken out of the car? He slowly moved his head in your direction, biting back the scream that threatened to escape him as the pain shot through. “Y/N…?” He whispered your name when he saw you, but there was no response. “Honey… Answer me please…” He pleaded, his breaths coming faster, but they were restricted as the seatbelt strained against his chest. This couldn’t be happening… This was a nightmare, it had to be…
“How are you feeling?” Hyunjin asked from the couch at Seungmins bedside. He was still in the hospital, being monitored for the concussion he had gotten from the accident. It had been 24 hours, and soon he would be discharged, but he’d be walking out alone, he’d be going home alone. You didn’t make it, the airbag on your side hadn’t deployed and… He didn’t want to think about what the doctors had told him, he was trying to hold himself together, at least when the guys were around.
“I’m fine.” He muttered, staring straight forward, refusing to look at Hyunjin because he knew that if his hyung saw the tears that had begun to bead up in his eyes, he would only make things worse. “I really just want to go home now. I’ve got a lot of stuff to sort through, I’ve got a lot of phone calls to make.”
“You really don’t have to do all that by yourself. The guys and I… we can help, we want to help. We know that-” Seungmin groaned loudly, cutting off Hyunjins words before he could finish them. He had heard this before from Chan and Changbin. Yes, you were gone, and yes, he was devastated, he was broken, he was pissed, but he knew that if he was given time to dwell on it, things would only be worse.
“I’m gonna sue him, I’m gonna sue him for everything he’s got. I don’t care about the money though, I don’t want his fucking money, I don’t need him to pay my medical bills, I don’t want anything from him but his suffering. I want him to suffer… I want his life to be living hell because that…” His voice broke, his fists balling up the blanket that covered him as a choked off sob escaped him. “That is how my life is now… Without her… So if you could just… Kindly let me handle this… On my own… That would be great.”
Yang Jeongin
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“Robbery at local store : 4 Injured and 1 Dead in a Robbery Gone Wrong”
“Isn’t that the Alexander McQueen that Y/N works in?” Jisung asked as he watched Jeongin scroll through the news article that was still live at the moment. Of course it was the same store that you worked in, that’s why he was reading the damn article… Although he didn’t say that though, he wasn’t going to be shitty towards one of the guys just because he was panicking a little bit (a lot).
“I’ll just call her real quick… They already caught the person who did it. She should be okay now.” Jeongin said, trying to keep his voice from wavering. He didn’t want to let on that he was slowly but surely losing his mind not hearing anything from you.
The line rang a few times before it was picked up, and after some silence, a throat was cleared. “Hello.” A male's voice came through the speaker and Jeongins heart sank. “This is Detective Lee, who is this?”
“Her boyfriend. Where is she?” Jeongin didn’t introduce himself as anything but your boyfriend, right now his only worry was your whereabouts and why you hadn’t reached out to him. If something like this was going on in his building he would have called you already to let you know that he’s okay.
“Sir, I’m… I’m very sorry… But-“
“Nope!” Jeongin cut the detective off, pushing himself up off the couch that he had been sitting on, catching the attention of the other guys that sat around the room. “That’s not funny, don’t mess with me like that. I-I’d really like to speak to her now. C-can you put her on the phone? Please!”
“I know that this is hard for you… But we need you to come down to the hospital… and identify her…” The detective said solemnly, feeling Jeongins pain through the phone.
He broke, right then and there, he broke down. He threw his phone across the room, not caring as the screen shattered to bits against the wall before crumbling on the floor. His hands flew to his hair, pulling at it as he let out the most pain filled scream. The guys caught him before he could fall to the floor, their arms encircling him and trying to hold him up.
No amount of time would make this easier for him, but the hardest was the first 24 hours. His eyes were burning from crying so much, his throat burned, his chest hurt. He couldn’t even move, he felt so weak, his head hurt and he felt sick. He couldn’t stop crying, whenever he would stop, he’d think about you and he’d cry again, the sobs were heartwrenching, curled up in the fetal position and clutching onto your pillow.
You’d never lay beside him again, he wouldn’t be able to wake up to your morning kisses, he wouldn’t be able to cuddle beside you on the couch anymore. You were gone, you’d always be gone, you were never coming back. A piece of him died when you did, and that would piece of him, his heart, would always be with you, wherever you were, and he’d wait forever to finally be with you again.
Perm Taglist :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
@his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67
@randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @lixpixstix
@felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @delululi @insertsomethingaboutanimehere @karlitaburrito @laylasbunbunny @chimicurri-a @bandolls
@syuuji @moonlight-the-writer @smutdumpskz @extrhotjne @manuosorioh @yeonjunsfox @jazziwritesthings @itshannjisung
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supernovafics · 2 days
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•*⁀➷ ❝ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑. ❞✭・
✭•*⁀➷ a modern fake dating steve harrington series ·。.·゜✭·.·✫·゜·。.
in which a friendship is surprisingly born in an elevator, and a crush that feels hopeless is developed very soon after that. for what feels like forever, you debate whether or not you should be honest with eddie and see if he maybe feels the same way as you. but, you upsettingly miss your chance to say anything when he gets into a relationship with someone that’s not you. ultimately, you decide to push everything you feel to the side so that you don’t potentially ruin everything between you and him; because at the end of the day, he’s still your best friend. now, two years later, things have changed— there’s a break up, reignited feelings, and pining that feels worse and even more helpless this time around. a blind date leads to you fake dating some guy you barely even know with the hopes of finally getting eddie to see you as more than just a friend. at first, you’re hesitant and you honestly think that steve’s suggestion sounds a little insane. but, then you decide that perhaps it could actually, somehow, maybe work? you and steve haven’t even known each other for a full twenty hours before you two are shaking hands and agreeing to fake date for a month, and hoping that you both get what you want out of this abruptly thrown together arrangement.
warnings: modern au, college au, fake dating trope, Big Big slow burn, bestfriend!eddie, slight fuckboy!steve vibes, unrequited feelings, pining, angst, specific warnings will be tagged per chapter
author's note: ah i'm very very excited for this series! i had this idea since like december and have been up and down and back and forth with outlining and writing it for the past few months (its been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least lmao). but here it finally is woooo !! i'm gonna actually do a taglist for this one so let me know if you wanna be added<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
prologue — can't go back (coming monday!)
chapter one — from the start (coming thursday!)
(the entire series will be twenty chapters and an epilogue!)
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nina-ya · 2 days
Digital Temptations
Synopsis: You and Zoro are roommates with opposite schedules. You spend your alone time in the apartment streaming on a camgirl site to make some extra cash. One day Zoro finds out about your little secret and can't help but indulge. CW: AFAB reader, use of sex toys, masturbation (reader and Zoro), fingering, oral (male receiving), orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie i think I covered it all let me know if i missed anything! WC: 5.6k Tagging: @tetzoro @eelnoise @sleepymarimo @faglegsanji and thank you @uminozerol and @nc-vb for helping me beta this!!
Living with Zoro was a perfect arrangement, mostly because you and him had nearly completely opposite schedules. You worked in the evening, your job only allowing you to take shifts in the evening, while Zoro was a teacher at a martial arts academy during the day. This setup meant that the apartment was empty and quiet most of the time, and both of you had the time and space to do whatever you guys wanted. 
You often crossed paths, though. Sometimes he would come home early and you two would eat dinner together before you headed off for work, or if either of you had some down time, you might lounge on the couch together watching movies and just enjoying each other's company. These fleeting moments were cherished, each filled with easy conversation. You knew each other very well despite not spending a lot of time together. 
During the day, while Zoro was out instructing at the dojo, you found your own way of earning some extra cash. As a camgirl, you had developed a following online. The time alone in the apartment was perfect for you to stream without any interruptions. 
You had a routine: Zoro would leave for work, and you would transform into your online personality– something only the viewers behind the screen got to see.
As soon as Zoro was out the door, you would set up your space. You’d pull out your camera and lights, setting them up to capture every angle of your body perfectly. You’d lay out your favorite lingerie, picking the ones that had your viewers tossing their money at you. Today, you chose a sheer black lace set that left little to the imagination. 
After changing, you’d apply your makeup, much more dramatic than you would ever wear out in public since the harsh lighting washed you out. You’d do your hair in the chosen hairstyle of the day, finalizing your look for your viewers. 
Your laptop, propped on the edge of your bed, was already open and waiting. You’d log onto your account, checking your messages and comments left on your last stream. There were always requests, some more explicit with others. You were more than happy to oblige, especially when the requests were paired with the promise of payment.
Once everything was ready, you’d start the stream and watch as the viewer count began to climb. The chat would explode with greetings and compliments, your regulars eagerly awaiting the show. You would always start with some teasing, running your hands over your body, adjusting and playing with the lingerie to give them some glimpses of the skin underneath. As the show progressed, you would spread your legs for the camera, letting them see everything as you slid the vibrator inside of you. You’d often fulfill specific requests. One regular loved watching you bounced on a dildo in nothing but thigh high socks. Another preferred when you brought out the restraints, binding your wrists and pretending to struggle as you performed various acts. You’d oblige in them all, watching as dollar after dollar came through just for you.
To Zoro, you were nothing but his roommate who worked late nights. Little did he know, while he was teaching martial arts, you were on your bed, legs spread wide, putting on a show for hundreds of strangers. 
Zoro had his own way of unwinding after a long day at the dojo. He loved teaching martial arts to the students, but he needed to release his tension. While you were out in his evening classes, Zoro found his relief in the corners of the internet. Camgirl sites have become a guilty pleasure of his; a way to indulge in fantasies and relieve stress.
He had his favorites– girls who knew how to work the camera, who could tease and please in ways that left him breathless. One evening, he grew tired of the same routine. The live streams felt repetitive, and he found himself scrolling through the archives of past streams, hoping to find something different.
That's when he saw it. A thumbnail that caught his eye. The person in the image looked familiar. Too familiar. He clicked on the video, a sinking feeling in his gut as he let his curiosity get the best of him. The video loaded, and there you were, staring back at him from the screen, dressed in an outfit that allowed him to see way more of you than he ever has. 
For a moment, Zoro froze,conflicted. Should he be watching this? Was it wrong to invade your privacy like this? But his curiosity got the better of him. He didn’t watch the video at first, closing the browser and trying to push the image out of his mind. But as the days went on, he could not stop thinking about it. He could not make eye contact with you around the apartment without flashbacks to the few seconds of the video that he saw, knowing that he accidentally discovered your secret.
He eventually gave in. He found himself back on the website, clicking on the video again, his heart beating hard in his chest. He watched as you teased the audience, your hands running over your body, the chat exploding with comments. It was so surreal seeing you like this. This version of you is so much different from the person he knew. 
The more he watched, the more aroused he felt. He couldn’t help it. His hands moved to the waistband of his pants, fingers slipping inside to grasp his growing erection. He freed himself, his cock already hard from the sight of you on the screen. His strokes started slow, matching the pace of your movements, his breath catching in his throat as he watched you slide the vibrator over your most sensitive spots. 
Zoro’s hand moved faster as you spread your legs for the camera, the sight of you pleasuring yourself driving him mad. He imagined what it would be like to be there with you, to touch you, to feel what it’s like to be inside of you. His strokes grew more urgent, grip tightening around his shaft. 
He then watched as you pulled out a dildo, sliding the toy inside of you, watching as your face contorted with pleasure, and listening to each and every one of those pretty moans of yours. His hand pumped faster, his hips bucking into his fist. His gaze was locked onto the screen as you brought yourself to your orgasm, watching as your body shook as you clenched around the toy--the faces you made, the sounds you produced, the way you looked; it was all music to his ears. The sight of you so lost in ecstasy pushed him over the edge and a low groan escaped his lips as he came, his cum spilling over his hand. He continued to stroke himself, milking every last drop, his eyes never leaving the screen. He was left trembling, his chest heaving with each breath. 
He closed the video, feeling a mix of guilt and satisfaction. Watching you had awakened something in him, something he couldn’t ignore. He knew how wrong this was, but he couldn’t help himself. You were his roomate, his friend, but now you are the star of his fantasies.
Zoro couldn’t get you out of his head. It’s as if a switch had been flipped inside of him, one that he could not turn off no matter how hard he tried. Each day after that first video, he found himself sneaking back to a site, searching for more of your past streams. It became a nightly ritual: you would leave for your evening classes, and Zoro would settle into his room, laptop open, itching to find the next video of you. 
The guilt gnawed at him, but the pleasure he derived from watching you overpowered it. Each and every video was a deeper dive into you. He watched as you used different toys, different positions, each one driving him crazier than the last. He studied every detail of your body, memorized the sounds you made, the ways your body would react to certain stimulations. 
It wasn’t long before he built a habit. Every evening, without fail, he would find himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, gaze glued to the screen as you performed. He’d fuck his fist to the sight of you every night, and each orgasm was even more intense than the last. 
The guilt became harder to bear in person. During those rare moments when your schedules overlapped, Zoro found it difficult to look you in the eyes. He couldn’t shake the image of you on screen, the sounds of your pleasure bouncing in his mind. When you would sit across from him at dinner, chatting about your day, he would nod along, but his mind would drift back to the videos, to the things he had seen you do.
He began to watch you more closely around the apartment, stealing glances when he thought you weren’t looking. When you’d bend over to grab something from the fridge, his eyes would trail down to your ass, imagining lifting your skirt and taking you right there. If you were doing laundry, he found himself fantasizing about bending you over the washing machine, your moans and cries muffled by the sound of the spin cycle. Even mundane tasks like washing dishes became erotic in his mind; he’d imagine coming up behind you, pressing himself against you as he tore your clothes off. 
The fantasies were constant, and he couldn’t escape them. Each time he looked at you, the scenes that played out in his mind were vivid and intense. He was drowning in his desire for you.
As fate would have it, one afternoon, Zoro came home quite early from work, an unexpected event that gave him the afternoon free. You were surprised to see him walk through the door, but you both fell into your usual comradery, sharing lunch together and chatting. The tension that had been building in his mind was ever so present, but he had to push it aside in your company. 
As the afternoon wore on, you glanced at the clock and realized you needed to start your stream soon. The realization that Zoro would be home while you streamed had anxiety bubbling up within you. But you couldn’t cancel, your viewers had come to expect your regular appearances, and you didn’t want to disappoint them. You scurried off to your room and quickly put yourself together.
A sense of nervousness filled your gut as you set up the streaming equipment. The thought of Zoro being able to possibly hear you made your mind race a million thoughts a minute, but you just had to stick to your schedule. 
You flicked the ring light on, and then turned on the camera. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your heart. You greeted your viewers with the usual smile. 
“Hey everyone. Ready for another fun night?” you whispered.
The usual routine started, slowly undressing and teasing yourself. Nothing much has changed other than your lack of vocalizing. Any moans that escaped your lips were soft, barely able to be picked up by the microphone, and you often bit your lip to prevent any other noises from escaping. As you slid a dildo inside of you, your breath hitched, and you almost whined out, but stopped when you remembered that Zoro could be listening.
A comment popped up on the screen: “why are you so quiet tonight?”
You stared at the comment, and your eyes then flickered at the wall that separated you from Zoro’s room. “My roommate is home tonight,” you muttered. “I have to be quiet.”
Another comment: “Does he know what you do?” 
You shook your head, softly laughing. “No, he has no idea,” you whispered.
As you continued to fuck yourself with the dildo, you couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper. The toy felt so good inside of you, but you just had to keep it down. You moved slowly, savoring every inch, every ridge, every vein as it slid in and out of you, your eyes fluttering shut as you concentrated on keeping your voice low.
“I bet your roommate would love to see this,” another viewer commented. You almost paused your movements, caught off guard by the thought of Zoro watching you like this, but you played into the idea, since other viewers seemed to be goading you on to talk about your roommate more.
Unbeknownst to you, Zoro was on the other side of the wall doing just that: watching you. He had the live stream opened on his laptop, headphones in his ears, as he watched you. He was rock hard, eyes blown with arousal, watching you as you fuck yourself, the knowledge that you were on the other side of the wall driving him mad.
He couldn’t help but palm himself through his pants, breath catching in his throat as he watched you. His thoughts were interrupted by your next words.
“You know, my roommate, he’s quite the built man,” you started. “He’s probably bigger than this old piece of silicone.” He watched as you moved the dildo deeper, the stretch making you gasp softly. Your hips bucked against it, and you had to bite your lip even harder to keep quiet. “He’d probably fuck me like this,” you nearly moaned out to the audience, your eyes half-lidded with lust. “Slow at first, then much, much harder… until I can’t help but cum all over his cock.”
With his free hand, Zoro couldn’t help but give in and start typing out “Tell us more about this roommate of yours.”
Your eyes scanned over the comment, “He’s strong,” you whispered, sliding the dildo in deeper. “I bet he’d pin me down and fuck me hard, just like this,” you emphasized your words by diving the dildo rougher into your cunt, using your free hand to cover your mouth to muffle any moans that escaped.
This sent Zoro’s hands flying to unbutton his pants. He freed himself, his hand wrapping around his throbbing cock as he watched you. The thought of you imagining him while fucking yourself was almost too much, and he stroked himself in time with your movements, his gaze never tearing from the screen. 
“He’d probably take control,” you continued, your voice in a trembling whisper. “He wouldn’t hold back, would make sure I feel every inch of him. I bet he’d love to watch me fall apart, love seeing how desperate I would get for him.”
Zoros hand moved faster along his length, the sight of you fucking yourself while fantasizing about him was making his head spin. His fingers flew over the keyboard again, typing out “bet you would look good wearing nothing but his red and white striped button up.”
Your eyes glanced over the comment, and you breathlessly laughed, “Yeah, maybe I should wear that striped…” your movements slowed down, and your breathing slowed down as a look of confusion crossed your face. Then, with no warning, you pulled the dildo out of you and launched over to your computer to stop the stream. 
You had realized that the commenter in question was Zoro. That comment about the striped shirt was too specific. Who else in the world would know that information but him?. You grabbed a large t-shirt and tossed it over your head, barely covering yourself as you stormed out of your room and down the hall to his.
You barged into Zoro’s room without knocking, catching him frantically trying to adjust his pants. His laptop was still open, the streaming website on full display. 
“Zoro!” you exclaimed, your voice a mix of anger and embarrassment. 
He looked at you, eyes wide with panic. “I- uh…” he trailed off, unable to find any words that could save him.
“You were watching me!” you accused, your chest heaving with emotions. “How long have you been watching?”
Zoro’s mouth opened and closed, his usual composure having shattered. “I found one of your old streams on the website, and, well…” he trailed off again, face flushed with embarrassment.
“You’ve been getting off to me,” you said, more a statement than a question. “This whole time.”
Zoro swallowed hard, nodding slightly, eyes darting to the ground. “Yeah…”
You couldn’t deny all of the times that you had fantasized about him, either. He was your muse, and the thought of him fucking you was what got you off every stream. Being faced with your fantasy, knowing that he also had the same fantasy, you didn’t know how to go on. You couldn’t pick whether to be angry at him or to pounce on him. The arousal eventually won. 
“I don’t know, I... I just couldn’t help myself,” Zoro stammered out.
“But you just couldn’t resist getting off to your roommate,” you stated. Zoro’s gaze met yours, slight confusion evident as he realized how calm you were about this.
You took a step forward, and with your voice lowered, “You couldn’t resist getting off to me.” 
Zoro was silent, watching as you stepped forward, stopping in front of him and locking eyes. Silence stretched between the two of you as you thought of what to say. Then, your mouth opened; you took in a breath,  hesitating before asking, “So… which part did you like best?”
This question caught him off guard. He looked at you with slight shock and he stammered, trying to figure out how to respond. “The… the part where you talked about me.” he finally stated. 
Despite all of the shock, all of the anger, you could not deny the arousal simmering beneath the surface. “Well, let’s take a few steps back before we reach that part,” you said as you played with the hem of the shirt.
His gaze followed your movements, watching as your fingers played with the fabric. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. “What do you mean?” he asked, his tone a mixture of arousal and confusion.
“You’ve been watching me,” you said, taking another step closer to him, your voice lowering to a sultry whisper. “Now, it’s your turn to show me.
The combination of the tone of your voice and your words caused a flush to spread across Zoro’s cheeks. “Show you… what?” he asked, though he had a pretty good idea of what you meant.
You took his hand and guided it to the bottom of your t-shirt, encouraging him to lift it up. “Show me what you’ve been doing while watching me,” you murmered.
His hands trembled slightly as he raised the material, exposing your bare skin underneath. He let out a shaky breath,his eyes swirling with desire as they raked across your body. “You want me to…?”  You cut him off with a nod. 
“Yes,” you whispered, leaning back to sit on the bed. “I want to see you.”
His eyes darkened as his hands flew to unbutton his pants once more. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze meeting yours, in search of any sign of hesitation or uncertainty from you. But all he saw was the same arousal and yaerning that mirrored his own.
With a deep breath, he dropped his pants down to his ankles, freeing his throbbing erection. You couldn’t help but gasp softly at the sight, your eyes widening in appreciation of him. “Zoro…” you breathed out, reaching to touch him. 
He shuddered at the contact, his hips bucking involuntarily into your hand. “I want to see you touch yourself,” you told him, your voice laced with anticipation. “Just like you did when you were watching me.” You shifted to lay back on the bed, bare body on display for him to gawk at.
Zoro’s breath hitched as he wrapped his hand around his cock, his strokes slow at first. His eyes never left your body. “Like this?” he asked, his voice low.
You nodded, your own arousal growing by the second. “Yes. Just like that”
His strokes grew faster, breath coming out in ragged gasps as he looked at you. The sight of him pleasuring himself, knowing that he had been doing this while watching you, was almost too much to bear. Your own hand moved to your dripping core, your fingers dipping into your wetness as you plunged them in and out, mirroring his own movements.
“Fuck,” Zoro groaned, his eyes glazing over with lust as he watched you. “You’re so fucking hot.” 
You couldn’t help but moan at his words, your fingers working faster as you moved to rub your clit. “Zoro,” you whimpered, the sound of his name on your lips almost sending him over the edge.
Suddenly, he reached out and hoisted you up, pulling you against him, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. The feeling of his body against yours, his cock pressing against your thigh, it was intoxicating. You kissed him back with equal energy, your hands quickly moving to take off his shirt. 
Zoro’s shirt hit the floor with a soft thud, and your hands immediately started roaming over his chest and abs, feeling the heat of his skin under your fingers. His mouth trailed from your lips to your neck, planting hot, opened-mouthed kisses along your throat.
You slid down his body, hands tracing trailing along his abdomen until you were on your knees before him. Your eyes locked with his as you wrapped your hand around his cock, giving a few, slow strokes. His breath caught in his throat and he let out a low groan as he watched you.
You leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on the tip before taking him into your mouth. You could feel his body rumble as he let out a groan, his hands threading through your hair as you started to take more of him, your tongue swirling against his length,
Your free hand moved between your legs, fingers slipping past your folds as you started to rub your clit as you sucked him off.
You hollowed your cheeks, sucking harder as you moved up and down his shaft, your hand pumping what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. “Fuck, that’s so good,” you heard him groan above you. “Keep going, just like that.”
You moaned around his cock, the vibrations making him shudder. You needed him desperately, evidenced by the way your wetness was building up to the point that it started to drip onto the ground below you. The sight of you on your knees for him, taking him deep into your mouth as you pleasured yourself, was a sight to behold.
But he wanted more. More than just your mouth. He wanted to be inside of you, to feel you squeezing around him. He pulled you by the hair off his cock, chest heaving as he tried to hold onto some semblance of control. “Come here,” he murmured, voice laced with desire as he lifted you onto your feet. He pushed you backwards until you landed on the plush bed, your body bouncing slightly on the mattress. 
You barely had time to catch your breath before he was on top of you, his lips crashing onto yours in a bruising kiss. His hands were everywhere, rough and greedy, exploring every inch of you. When his fingers found your dripping core, he didn’t waste any time, plunging a finger deep inside of you. You gasped against his mouth, your hips jerking up to meet his hand. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” he muttered against your lips. You could feel his smirk against your mouth as he added a second finger, thrusting them in and out, a squelching sound filling the air from the motions. You cried out when he curled his fingers to hit that perfect spot, back arching off the bed in your pleasure.
“Zoro,” you whimpered, your hands grabbing at his shoulders as he finger-fucked you mercilessly. 
He watched as your jaw went slack as he added a third finger, stretching you wide. The feeling of his fingers dragging in and out of your gummy walls was overwhelming; you could feel that familiar coil tightening in you as he hammered that one spot that had you seeing stars. You were so close, right at the edge-- 
“Not yet,” Zoro commanded. His movements stopped and he pulled his fingers out of you, a string of your slick still connecting you to his fingers. You whined out at the feeling of him leaving you achingly empty. “Just a bit longer. I want you to cum on my cock.”  He brought his fingers to his lips, licking your slick off of his fingers. The sight alone made you clench around nothing, aching for his touch.
“Turn over,” he growled. You complied embarrassingly fast, rolling onto your stomach and lifting your hips for him.
His hands gripped your ass, kneading the skin before he positioned himself behind you. You felt the head of his cock teasing your entrance, and you couldn’t help but push back against him, desperate to feel him inside of you.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” he mocked, his voice dripping with amusement at your actions. He grabbed your hips and, without warning, thrust into you, burying himself into the hilt with one swift motion. You cried out, the sensation of his thick cock stretching you completely.
Zoro groaned above you, “Fuck, you’re so tight,” his hands squeezing your hips tightly as he began to move. He started slow; you could feel every ridge, every vein, every detail of him as he pulled out almost entirely before slamming back into you. 
The room soon filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, and your combined sounds of pleasure. You could feel that coil tightening again, the familiar pressure building within you as he fucked you sensless. He leaned over you, his chest pressing against your back, “Touch yourself,” he ordered, “I want to feel you cum all over my cock.”
With that, your hand snaked down between your legs, fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in tight, desperate circles. You whined out, burying your head into the mattress below you, profanities and pleas spilling from your lips.
Zoro’s hand combed through your hair, tugging hard and pulling your head off the mattress. “What was that? Hmm?” he growled. 
You cried out, your head arching back. “Zoro,” you whimpered, voice strained and filled with need. “Oh god, you’re so fucking deep. K-keep going!”
You heard him chuckle behind you “I bet your viewers would love to see this.” he murmured, pausing momentarily as a groan escaped him. “Bent over, getting fucked sensless, begging for more.”
The thought made you clench around him, your walls tightening around his cock in response to his words. “Oh, you like the idea of that, don’t you?” Zoro taunted. He pulled all the way out, pausing momentarily before slamming right back in, making you gasp and cry out. “You love the idea of them seeing you like this, don’t you? Bent over and fucked until the only word you know is my name?”
You could only moan in response, your fingers working frantically on your sensitive bud as he pounded into you. “Y-yes,” you managed to stammer out, admitting to liking the idea. 
“Good,” he growled, his thrusts becoming even more forceful. “Maybe one day we can show them that roommate of yours you were moaning about.” He chuckled, amused by just how easily he’d turned you into a mess.
You whimpered, body trembling as you tried to hold back your orgasm. Zoro’s hand left your hair, trailing down your back until he reached your ass, grabbing it tightly before giving it a harsh smack. “Keep talking,” he commanded. “I like it when you beg.”
“Please,” you cried out, your voice  whiny and desperate. “Please, Zoro, l-let me cum. I need to.”
He chuckled lowly. “Not yet,” he murmured. “Hold it just a little longer for me.”
You sobbed in frustration, your body shaking as you tried to hold back. “Ngh~ I can’t,” you pleaded, your voice breaking. “Please, Zoro, it hurts-- I can’t hold it.”
“Yes, you can,” he snarled, his hips slamming into you with a bruising force. His hands slid up your sides and he firmly grabbed your waist, hoisting you up until your back was flush against his chest. One of his hands was firm around your waist, and one hand on your chest, squeezing one of your breasts tightly. "Keep holding it for me; you're almost there"
You were overwhelmed, so, so close to euphoria. “Please, Zoro,” you whimpered out,a desperate plea. “I need to cum. I need it so bad.” 
He bit down on your shoulder, pulling a gasp from your lips as he groaned into the skin underneath, the sound vibrating against you. “Fine,” he finally relented, “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
This permission was all you needed. With a scream, your orgasm crashed over you, your body quivering as your walls clamped around him. The intensity of the pleasure was nothing like you’ve ever felt before; it left you seeing stars. 
“Oh, fuck,” Zoro groaned, his thrusts speeding up and becoming more erratic as he chased his own orgasm. The feeling of your hole squeezing him so tightly was the last push he needed before he was pushed over the edge. His hips stilled against you and he came, his seed painting your walls and groaning your name. His hips bucked a few more times as he emptied himself inside of you, holding your limp and spent body close against him, his body still shuddering from his orgasm.
For a moment, the room was silent except for the sounds of your heaving breaths. Zoro finally let go of you, letting you collapse onto the bed. He pulled out of you slowly, his softening dick connecting to you with a string of your shared fluids until it snapped. He collapsed beside you, panting as he tried to catch his breath. 
He pulled you against him, murmuring, “That was much better than I imagined.” He let out a breathless chuckle, the sound rumbling through his chest as you lay there tangled in each other's limbs.
You smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction and intimacy that was far beyond what you had ever felt during your streams. “Yeah, it was,” you agreed, your voice soft.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, basking in the afterglow. Zoro’s hand gently traced patterns in your side, his calloused fingertips leaving goosebumps in their trail. “Do you think,” you started, your voice hesitant, “that this will change things between us?”
Zoros paused to think, his fingers stilling. “I believe it already has,” he answered. “But I like you, and I think you like me, too. We can figure out the rest together.”
You took in his words and nodded. “Yeah… I suppose we can.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.” With that, he sat up, and offered a hand to you. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up.”
You tried to join him, but your body protested, a dull ache spreading through your muscles. You groaned, flopping back onto the bed. “I’m too sore to move,” you whined out. 
Zoro chuckled, shaking his head at you. “You're hopeless,” he teased. Without another word, he scooped you up effortlessly, lifting you into his arms in a bridal carry.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head against his chest. “Show off,” you murmured playfully. 
He carried you to the bathroom, the sound of running water quickly filling the air as he’d turned on the shower. “Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” he repeated, stepping into the shower with you. He carefully set you down, still holding you up as you struggled to find your balance with your newfound sore legs.
You looked up at him with a playful glint in your eyes. “You know, I could get used to this kind of treatment,” you said, your voice teasing.
He smirked, his hand moving to grab the soap to begin gently washing your body. “Oh, I’m sure you could,” he replied. “But I think I deserve something in return.”
You raised an eyebrow, curious at his words. “Oh? And what would that be?”
His hands ran across your body, lathering you up with the soap, before they landed on your chest to give it a squeeze. “How about I get some more of you?” he suggested. 
You glanced down and you could see him hardening again at the proposition, and you couldn’t help but give in. “Are you really up for more?” you asked, a smirk playing on your lips. 
Zoro leaned in, his own brushing against yours as his hands continued to squeeze you. “I’m not the one who can barely walk right now,” he reminded you.
You giggled at his words, and he silenced you with a kiss, slipping his tongue in as he pressed you against the shower wall. “I guess we’ll just have to find out,” you whispered back, ready for whatever he had in store for the two of you.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 3 days
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice (1)
VA! MC x OM! Characters
TW: Eh it's more fluffy than smutty I'd say, but minors DNI. Loads of random lore for the sake of immersion. Now to brainstorm the rest of the characters.
Tagging: @romaissa @eliciana @your-favorite-god @april-notthemonth69 @ikevampharem @k8tznd8wgz @futureittomain @m-majoko @the-auguer @yurinayumi @i-am-empress-irish @deepazur @rippedbutnotamasterpiece @pomegranateboba @ra1ns70rm @anjodedesgostoeerros @sammywo @annoyingbiscuitathleteland-blog @ourfinalisation @creativecupcake @snowthatareblack @angelofbooksworld
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"After a freak accident, you and a group of 5 people get teleported into a fantastical world together. Who will you team up with to try and leave this place? Or will they convince you to stay and have a new life with them here instead? Or will you stumble across the biggest secret that this new world holds...?"
You read out the summary for them at a group dinner at Diavolo's castle. Apparently, it was to celebrate your debut as a VA. They all clapped and bombarded you with questions. You tried to answer as many as you could without any spoilers.
They were supposed to have already started playing the game but the game servers got a little overwhelmed and had to go under maintenance with so many people downloading and making accounts at the same time. So Diavolo hosted this party instead.
"So how many endings can you get with a single character?" Simeon inquired.
"Well on an average there's around 12 endings per character, but there's a varying number of endings depending on the character you choose. I'm not sure I remember for all of them-"
"We just want to know yours." Belphie smirked.
"Oi come on, it makes it sound like you're all just going to play my character, don't do that! The other characters are also incredibly well written!"
The sheepish grins and side glances told you that they were clearly going ignore your last advice.
"Honestly you guys, one of the characters here has a teleportation ability, one can read minds, and another one has insane fighting skills - the only thing you know about my character is that I don't have a name!"
"Omg this means they are definitely building you upto to have the most OP ability of them all!" Levi exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh yes that's usually how it goes in these tropes. The most unassuming character ends up giving you the secret ending." Solomon nodded in agreement.
"Both of you, shush! Just play the game normally okay?! You will get to interact with all the characters anyway until the second phase." You reprimanded, sighing, knowing no one would listen anyway.
Lucifer - Saved by the Belle
"Before Tyla takes us home tomorrow, would you like to spend your last day here with me, Lucifer?"
Lucifer and you worked with loyalty and rigor under Tyla, an old world Sorceror. It was because of you two specifically that Tyla's magic was powerful enough to create a portal back home. Your character was so much like you - it felt like he completed this whole journey of freedom with you, and not just an image on screen.
> "Of course, MC. In fact...I would like to spend the night with you too."
MC blushed on screen, looking away and nodding. "Oh? Well then... I'll look forward to it."
He enjoys this way more than he thought he would. He visits for the last time, all the places you both had been together. The first tavern, the first forest path, the first temporary abode - the HumbleBee Inn.
> "It's late. Should we go back here again, for old times sake?"
"Why not? Maybe they'll accidentally put us in the same room again and get overbooked so we have no other choice. Maybe this time it'll be a bit more...eventful." You said with a sly and knowing smile as you skipped ahead.
Lucifer's knee jerked upwards, hitting the table. Just what kind of lines are these? And what are those expressions? Who else was in there listening to you when you recorded this? The way your voice sounded, Lucifer was convinced you were thinking about someone special. If only you saw the effect you were having on him.
> "I've been holding back all day. Forgive me if I'm too rough."
Lucifer pushes you against the wall, caging your body. You blush in the dark, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. It was driving him insane. He could feel his pants getting tighter at the crotch.
Last time he endured the sexual tension of sharing the bed with you, constantly trying avoid your body even though he was desperate to feel it's warmth. This time there wasn't any reason to deprive himself.
"It's okay...I can take it. Please don't hold back..."
Oh hell, you were about to be the death of him. These...are these really the sounds you'd make in bed? Godamnit you are ruining his mind. He can't relax until he's jerked off now. And it's all your fault.
The next couple days, you notice Lucifer hesitates to keep eye contact with you. In fact, he has a rather visceral reaction every time you simply call his name, standing at his door. Only he knows how badly he wants to pull you into his bed to ravage you - practice your lines with him, why don't you?
Mammon - Stranded Together
"Guess they didn't want either of us huh, Mammon?"
Nah Mammon was mad at this ending. He gets why the group left him behind - he made too many questionable choices like stealing the last reserves of food or money (so you never went hungry), running away from the monsters instead of staying and fighting with the group(with you ofc so you wouldn't be in any danger), finding new shelter and not telling anyone (except you).
> "I'm so sorry...it's because of me that they left you too. You did nothing wrong yet...no this will not stand! I'll go threaten them into taking you too!"
"Mammon wait- no don't! Alright fine I was lying! They didn't leave me...I chose not to go!"
Mammon was stunned. He stared at your character blushing and looking elsewhere while holding onto his arm. His heart beat just a little bit faster.
> "Wait...what? But you wanted to...don't you want to go back and keep looking for your family?!"
"Who knows if the family I was looking for even exists?! But you...you are real. And you are so kind to me, and so great. So..."
Your character moved in closer and closer to him. Mammon leaned back too far from the screen, falling backwards on the floor. He was not ready for what was about to come.
"If I really want a family that bad...I can just make one here...with you. But only if you wanted that too ..."
> "I do! Of course I do! We can both find work and home in the kingdom now that big monsters are all dead! I'll be yours and you'll be mine!"
Mammon pressed it on instinct, not knowing his character was gonna grab yours and pin them to the ground. His face burnt up in excitement seeing you all cornered like this. You blushed and whispered as you leaned in to kiss him.
"Hehe...Mammon...I'm all yours already. But there's others ways you can claim me if you like..."
Your sleeves fell loose, and off your shoulders and his hands began to wander. Mammon almost screamed the house down, grabbing at his sheets, humping his pillows, struggling to look away from the screen. But he couldn't stop.
How the fuck was he supposed to face you tomorrow at the breakfast table?! Yet, Mammon re-played that part at least 30 times. And now every time you whispered to him in class, Mammon had to grip his knees and stop himself from imagining the unholiest things.
Leviathan - Power of Friend-ship??
"We did it! We actually did it, Levi! Can you believe it?! Look even the people are cheering for us!"
Levi punched the air in glee, he definitely must have gotten the best ending right?! That was such an intense combat scene - he almost cried when he thought you got swallowed by the Giant of The Depths, then he watched you burst out of its stomach with all the other victims while he slashed through its neck. You and him - the two underdogs dealt the final blow. At this point, every other character was shipping you two together.
> "Let's go Army of the Third Lord!"
MC cheered and high fived him from the screen, while the rest of the group danced in celebration! Ah MC had already become one of his favourite characters of all time. He had already preordered the action figures, posters and a body pillow (yes the ecchi one).
"Come on Levi, won't you join the celebration feast!? Everyone is calling for you!"
Oh no this was Levi's nightmare. Loud and crowded parties - but it was you asking him to go, what if he missed out on an important secret ending. Just to be safe he chose a neutral option to see what you would prefer.
> ... I'm not too sure.
"Then...would you like to celebrate in private with me? I know a quiet place with a good view."
Levi almost fell out of his seat. It's happening. This is where he unlocks the hidden erotic ending. The blush on your face, the way you held out your hand for him to take - biting down on his knuckles in excitement.
> I'd really prefer that! Thank you!
You smile and nod, leading him by the hand to a nearby pond. The moonlight shimmered on the water, the reflections dancing on your skin as you both lay down next to each other. Levi could feel himself falling for you all over again.
"Look Levi, in the pond! The Gloriees are back! Aren't they beautiful?"
Levi looked at the pond in awe, glowing orange fishes swam around in the waters, jumping in and out. He watched the fishes swim around the hand you put in the water. It was like you and hundred Henries in the water.
> "So beautiful..."
"They are my absolute favorite....they have the same color as your eyes..."
Your hands reach up to touch his face, pulling him closer and Levi feels all his self restraint jump out the window. He tried to grab and kiss you but ended falling in the water with you instead.
"Oh? I didn't know I excite you so much... don't worry, it makes me really happy..."
You rose from the water, laughing and coughing slightly, your entire body now laid bare through the transparent white cloth. And if that wasn't already bad enough, he heard your moans as his character started going at it with you in the lake. You were so professional, so skilled at it...he thought he was prepared for it but he clearly wasn't.
Levi couldn't resist jerking himself off there and then, soiling his computer screen with light ropes of his cum. Now every time you announced you were going to shower, this image just popped into his mind, giving him instant boners at the most unfortunate times. And god forbid he sees you walk out of the shower with your hair wet - he'll have to rush to his room to hide that he's creamed his pants.
Satan - Bridge to Televithyia
"Satan, I will be waiting for you always. I know if fate wills it, I'll definitely get to see you again."
Satan cursed himself for this ending, almost chucking his phone at the wall. His magical powers no longer worked since the portal now connected him to his own world. And while you could use all your magic here, it would lose all power in his world. With both worlds needing help after a long and destructive battle, you both knew it was selfish to abandon your either of them - especially since you two were the only Great Guardians left.
> "I will find a permanent path between our worlds. I swear upon my life, MC."
Damnit this game had better not cut his story short. He was willing to keep going, trying to fix the playthrough so he could make a good ending out of this. Just you wait MC, he's not letting you go. A part of him wanted to go into your room and hug you, just to make sure you're there atleast in real life.
Satan rubbed furiously at his eyes as you waved him goodbye. His total playtime could rival Levi's. After gathering enough resources and magical knowledge - he could finally get started on creating the bridge. But to his pleasant surprise, he only needed to build half of the bridge, because there you were standing on the other - building your own path towards him too.
"Satan...is this a dream? Are you really back? Or is this another magical illusion again...?"
Satan blushed as you rushed to hug him peppering kisses all over his face. He had to physically get away from the game, walk around, and silently scream into his hands before he could calm himself down. Because he knew even better things were yet to come.
> "It's really me, MC. I'm sorry did I make you wait too long? I missed you so terribly...I have so many things to tell you about..."
"Come with me, we've been rebuilding our town. I know a place we can catch up...it's a special place I helped build with you in mind."
Satan follows you, your arms intertwined. You point out places to him - old renovations and newer projects. You tell him about everything that's been happening since he left.
How some endangered species came back to life, how the remaining smaller beasts were tamed and how the cursed were given peace. You stopped suddenly in front of a quaint little cottage.
"Welcome to my humble abode. I'm sorry I didn't prepare a separate room for you...because I thought you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me..."
He blushes and grips your hand as you open the door to your room. He sees pictures of both of you on the wall and next to the bed.
> "You already built a home...with me in mind. *Smiles* Yet...the bed looks in it hasn't been slept in for a while? Did you get no sleep for the past few days?"
"Actually I haven't slept in the bed yet. I sleep on the sofa - I know it's silly but I really don't like sleeping alone in a place of two..."
Satan grips the phone tighter, as he makes his character push you on the bed. How sweet - you both get to enjoy it together for the first time. He climbs after you, trapping you underneath him.
> "Good thing I'm here now, MC."
He cups your face and trails his hands downwards, undoing some buttons on your clothes. You kiss his palms and tug down his collar.
"It's a pity though...I don't think we'll be using the bed for sleeping tonight afterall..."
He watched the screen, slack-jawed as I heard your sultry voice echoing through his room. He fell back on his pillow, hurriedly attaching his earphones. It proved to be more lethal. He could almost imagine you in his bed right now, kissing your way down his chest, while he fondles your bottom.
When you approached him later asking if he liked your work in the game, he had to cover half his face to hide the redness. He couldn't possibly tell you that he had downloaded snippets of all your moans and saved them to a secret folder. Or that he listened to them quite frequently.
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zeldasnotes · 2 days
Guys these debunking posts…😔 You not agreeing or relating to another blogs post is NOT = them being wrong. Im a Virgo for example and Ive never been a clean freak but that doesnt mean im gonna demand astro tumblr to stop saying Virgos are clean freaks because I know a lot of Virgo placements actually are.
I see so many posts every week that looks something like this: ”I see a lot of posts saying Pluto 1st house are intimidating ITS FALSE! Mars 1st house are the intimidating ones not Pluto” MAYBE BOTH ARE? Maybe YOU dont find Pluto energy intimidating?
Please guys before you do these debunking posts where you are clearly pointing at specific blogs make sure its actually misinfo and not just your own opinions. Try and remember that there can be a thousand reasons why you didnt relate to what another blog said, it doesnt always have to be them being wrong.🤍
P.S. I have to be a little bitchy and add that Ive actually seen some pretty serious misinfo and I mean serious MISINFO (like claiming a planet rules something that its actually proven it doesnt) from the same blogs that Ive seen do debunking posts.🤭
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sourmiguel · 3 days
Hi there!
Biggest sterek fan here, could you recommend any Alive Hale family fics where they love Stiles and want Sterek to happen.
Bonus point if Peter plays the matchmaker and tell Derek to stop being uptight
Pretty please 🙏.
Also thank you for the amazing work you’re doing with your blog, much appreciated 🫶🏻
Hey! I have so many Alive Hale Fam fics bookmarked it's crazy! I love them so much. I'm not coming up with any Peter ships Sterek specifically, but here is a wide variety of some fun Alive/Meddling Hale Fam fics:
Blind Date With a Book by thepsychicclam (wc30361, mature)
Summary: Stiles thought the Blind Date With a Book trend was a great way to drum up business for his small bookshop. He definitely thought it was a great idea after the hot guy kept returning and buying more blind dates with books. Derek didn’t know how he kept getting set up on blind dates by his family, or why he kept going on them. The highlight of his night was when the date was over and he could go to the little bookshop in town and buy something to read for the rest of the night. He wanted to read, not date.
I’m totally obsessed with this fic. So cute. I love Derek and his aversion to his blind dates. I love Stiles and how cute and eager he is. I love their game nights. I just love this.
Follow the Jelly Beans by @afailureandamasterpiece (wc5793, teen)
Summary: Derek waves hello to everyone else who is gathered around a bare tree and hops up the stairs to his childhood bedroom to put on his soft flannel bottoms. Gracie had picked them out especially for him last Christmas and he made sure to pack them for the traditional pajama decorating party. Only his pants aren’t in the bag. In fact, none of his belongings are in the bag. It’s not his bag at all. “Oh no,” he mutters, sifting through the contents. “Who the fuck packed this?”
I love: meet cutes, Hale family love, single father!Stiles, fluff. This has all of that.
Just a Hobby by kaistrex (wc3009, teen)
Summary: Five times Deputy Derek shelters his partner from the world of the supernatural and the one time he discovers he’s just been making a fool of himself.
Silly Derek, trying to shelter Stiles from the big bad world of the supernatural.
When You’re Close I Feel The Sparks by Leslie_Knope (wc39671, mature)
Summary: The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles’ poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year. “We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
This is the best kind of HSAU - still in the ‘verse, just everyone lives. I love the progression of their relationship and the twists and turns of this fic!
Hale’s Modern Encyclopedia of Playing Cards (and Dating Humans) by thepsychicclam (wc49698, mature)
Summary: Wolves don’t date humans. And Derek’s okay with that. He’s got his Pack, his friends in the Pack network, and lacrosse. Plus, he plays cards with his grandma all the time. Stiles Stilinski definitely doesn’t factor into his life - no matter how much of a crush Derek has on him. But when bird creatures attack Derek, Stiles, and their friends in the Preserve, Stiles finds out about werewolves and things get pretty complicated. For Derek at least. And he thought school was his only problem, but now he’s grounded and Stiles is hanging around way too much for Derek to ignore him any longer.
I adore Derek and Stiles’s relationship and the growth it goes through in this fic. I think Derek with an uncontrollable crush that makes him wolf out in Stiles’s presence is so cute. I also love the Hale fam and the way Stiles (and Scott and the Sheriff) just get folded in after the crazy. So good.
Children’s Tales by @artemis69 (wc4690, general)
Summary: Be careful, little girl. Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, little girl, because the Hales live there. Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. – Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. Then Kate comes in. Well. Tries to.
There are so many things about this fic that I love - the Sterek friendship, the Hales protecting the town, and the town protecting the Hales right back. So great.
Followers, let us know if you have any Peter ships Sterek / Alive Hale Fam fics for us!
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originalartblog · 16 hours
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A little event to close off the tiny daycare saga, for those with little guys in need of supervision to have an enriching time with other tiny guys in the brand new daycare enclosure!
In practice, what this means is I'll be taking submitted tiny/chibi bsd characters until Thursday, June 20th and adding them to this background:
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Submissions accepted until Thursday, June 20th.
The tiny has to be a bsd character.
Only submit art you made yourself! Use whatever medium you wish.
The space allocated per tiny will be around 100x100 pixels (see the picture above). You don't have to submit a file this size, just keep in mind your tiny friend will be compressed to approximately that size and smaller details could disappear. This size is flexible and could be even smaller, or slightly bigger.
The character should be on a transparent or uniform background. For traditional art, be sure the pencil lines are clear on the submitted picture.
Keep it family-friendly, please! Wholesome vibes for this.
One or two tinies per person.
People who have submitted tinies and taken them back are free to resubmit them or submit another one. Tinies currently with me will be added by default (send an ask if you don't want me to add yours!)
*Since everyone is going in blind, be aware that if you rely too much on a specific accessory, it could become a problem if others did the same. I suggest picking a pose that could be used in multiple places to be safe, like sitting, standing, leaning, lying, hanging on, etc.)*
I'll see how many tinies I get, and format a way to include credit with the corresponding art under a cut within the same post.
I await your little guys for this grand finale! 🎉
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carmenized-onions · 14 hours
Ad Interim. | No Service
logline; The days and doubts and desires; the air, underneath the shoe.
[!!!] series history, this is the ninth; the amount of links are getting nauseating just go to the landing LMAO.
Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin’ added to. I listen to this playlist too much in my day to day now, fr.
portion; 3k+
possible allergies; you're almost ten chapters in, you know very well by now that these two are rife with anxiety and insecurity.
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader (gets she/her'd mb)
fun fact: i finished this one 19 hours after the last chapter, whoops, but let it sit in my drafts to give some breathing room and do some rework
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It is t-minus three days, until the worst Friday of your life.
But today’s Tuesday, and though you feel a touch uneasy, you figure it’s probably just the breakfast from yesterday at La Mattina settling in your stomach— Or, at least, hope it is.
You’re at home, sitting on your couch, pensive, haggard, leaned over. Elbows to knees, prayer hands to face, staring at your phone on the coffee table in front of you.
Just send it. Just send the text. Don’t be a fucking wuss. You’ve re-written it in your notes app like five fucking times— He does not care this much, he doesn’t even have basic reading comprehension— Okay, that’s mean— But it’s just not that deep. Just fucking! Send it!
Actually no, no, upon sixth review, the paragraph you had written out was way too intense, way too presumptive. Backspace, backspace, backspace—Just say hi. Let’s just start with Hi.
Are you fucking possessed? Good Lord. How is he already typing he never used to reply this fast, what the fuck—
‘Are u fucking haunted?’
‘Fuck is yooooooo’
‘Yooo to you too, cousin’
Faster texter now, but Richie is still the same guy, at the end of the day.
‘this is a loaded fucking question’
‘but do you think you’ll be free any time this week?’
‘not unless ur dead or dying’
‘are you dead or dying?’
‘not that I’ve heard’
‘but I was thinking maybe we could like, get food or smth’
‘chat one on one. Been a minute, yknow’
That was too much. You didn’t need to do all that. Now he’s gonna go well who’s fault is that? And it’s yours. You know it’s yours. And then you’re gonna have that fucking conversation— Which is what this whole meet up thing was supposed to be about in the first place—
‘can’t get time off but fak needs to have his training wheels ripped’
‘could have dinner at the bear this week? Like 2 hours. Then I can watch him and keep him from shitting the bed’
‘and still get to do a fucking one on one, you corporate speak ass’
‘I didn’t know how else to fucking say it alright!!!!!!’
‘Dinner @ bear sounds good to me’
‘but probably ask carm/syd first if it’s cool’
‘yea yea I’ll fuckin check in with daddy don’t worry’
‘that sucked for me. That sucked to read. Go to jail.’
‘already have.’
‘I’ll let u know a time when I know. See u chip’
You heart it. The classic signal that it’s the end of a conversation. Holy shit. You did it. You actually texted someone that you miss that you miss them— Not directly, but you know Rich knows. And specifically, to book a dinner, to talk about what happened, to apologize for it. That’s pretty fucking huge. Which means—
It’s time to eat a whole freezer cake and lay in your pyjamas all day and interact with not a single soul on this entire planet. You’re absolutely at your social limit, for the day. Maybe you’ll talk it through with Mikey, actually. To the air, more accurately, but, y’know, same thing.
You’re gonna get dinner with Richie. You’re gonna get dinner, with Richie, this Friday. And it’s not gonna be awkward or weird, at all.
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It is t-minus two days, until the worst Friday of Carmen’s life, so far, at least. There’s always next year.
But today’s Wednesday, and though he feels a little nerve-wracked, he’s pretty sure it’s just because the kitchen was so fucking dysfunctional this morning, and now that their prep’s off, the tempo of the whole fucking day is off, and they're behind on two tables. And fucking seriously this time, can someone get him a fucking marker that fucking works.
Okay, maybe it’s a little more, than nerve wracked.
Sydney is ever the intuitive, and always correct, at the station next to him— Because yes, they’re still down a hire since the meth guy, so now Carmen is on line.
She can tell, that somethings wrong with him, something’s always wrong with him. “Take your ten, Chef.”
Carmen shakes his head, obviously, there’s still prep to catch up on. And if he doesn't do it, it's not gonna get done, and even if it does get done, it's not gonna get done right. He’s pressing the dead sharpie down on the tape, like if he just brute forces it, it’ll start to work. “M’good, Chef.”
“Carmen.” She turns to him fully, stopping her work. And so, he does too. “Take your fucking ten.” She deadpans, she’s not taking no for an answer. She rubs her fist over her heart.
Carmen takes a beat, before nodding, doing the same. “Heard, Chef.”
He needs to look over expense reports that he can’t quite comprehend, anyways.
He really needs his sister. He steps into his office. Despite the fact that they re-constructed just about everything in the restaurant, this musty office remains the same. Untouched. After caving down walls, they had to cut the budget somewhere. He’s glad though, that it's untouched. It might be crowded, poorly organized, have an off smell (probably because of the birth in here, just a few weeks back), but it’s exactly as his brother left it, and that helps him feel… Connected, somehow.
What the hell is Var vs Budget? He’s googling every other word, here. He’s more than grateful, that before going home on mat leave, Sug set up a good enough automated Excel sheet that he could just plug in numbers and it did all the calculating for him. Doesn’t mean he knows what any of the numbers mean, but, they’re there.
He knows that red equals bad. Natalie told him that very specifically. Which did seem like she was calling him fucking stupid, but he let it go. There’s a lot of red. That’s a lot of bad. Well, not a lot, but like, a third of this is red. That’s probably more than it should be. How many months do they have again? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He is never gonna get to pay himself, he’s never gonna be able to pay Syd, he's never gonna get her a star, she’s gonna live with her dad for the rest of her life, you are never gonna get to work here, you’re gonna work as a bottle girl for the rest of your life, he’s never gonna get his shit together so he’s never gonna get to call you his, he’s gonna have to hand the deed to Cicero and then fucking everyone is gonna to lose their jobs and he’s still gonna be him. He’s still gonna be him. Carmy Berzatto, the chef that lost everything, little brother to everyone's hero who blew his brains out. Starless in Chicago, unable to feel anything more than sorry for himself. Carmen’s gonna die as Carmen, and nothing more. At the end of the day.
Take a deep breath, Bear. Relax.
He’s catastrophizing. You told him that. He forgot to look into it. He googles that, instead of another business term he doesn’t understand.
‘Fixates on the worst possible outcome and treats it as likely, even when it is not.’
Well, it does seem pretty fucking likely that he’s doomed to fail and fall into a Sisyphean nightmare of opening restaurants and falling on his fucking face, dragging everyone he loves down with him with his stupid failed pipe dreams. He's no better than his brother.
He tries his best to think of whatever level-headed bullshit you'd give to him, right now, tries to taste the hot chocolate, the lavender and cardamom coffee. He smells your shampoo, in his hair, that helps.
Maybe, maybe it’s just been a bad week. Maybe there will be a lot of bad weeks, maybe there won’t be. Maybe things will be fine, maybe they won’t. You and Syd will still succeed, even if he fails. Everyone will, even if he fails. He has a very capable crew. And while he cannot escape the thought that failure is around the corner, at the very least, he is comforted by the idea that at least he will be the only one sinking with the ship he commands.
The thought of drowning alone is still impossible to rid of. Though.
But you’ve sent a text. And isn’t that a wonderful distraction?
Your connection results in response to his, from this morning, of course. You actually got it today. He swells with what feels like pride, and despite the fact that no one's looking at him, he has to hide his smile with his hand, embarrassed by how happy he is, when he sees the photo you’ve sent, just now. A selfie, sitting next to an oven, Other Tony’s oven. You’re holding a fried wire in your hand.
The text below it is a wonderful salve, ‘If you ever fuck up your ovens, I’ve got like, 10 thermocouples in my personal stock now :))’
So good to him, too good to him. Too good to anyone. ‘Heard.’
Carmen so, so fucking desperately wants to ask you to come to The Bear, right now. You’re only two blocks away, at La Mattina. You’d come, if he asked. He knows that. But he also knows that even if you calm him down, in the long run, it’ll set his day even further off tempo, he’ll be distracted the rest of his shift, and that’s the last thing he needs. He can handle this himself.
‘:)’ For levity. Or something. He’s trying. You give it a heart, so that means he’s done something good, he’s pretty sure.
There’s a knock at his door. Richie does not wait for an answer before coming in. His knocks are more like warnings, really. Carmen’s quick to tuck his phone away, he knows it’d be perfect cannon fodder to be teased into oblivion.
“Aye, cous—”
Carmen does not let the man get a word in inch wise, “Who’s on expo?”
Richie grimaces, this fucking song and dance, again. “Syd.”
“Who’s on her station, then?”
“And hers?”
“She’s doin’ fuckin’ both Carmy— And—” Richie pulls a sharpie out of his breast pocket, throwing it at him. Carmen catches it. “Fuckin’ works. Alright?”
Marker works, and the system works. He catches the double meaning, too. Carmen nods, “Heard.”
“Christ.” Richie looks to high heaven, looks to his best friend, really, to give him strength. “Can I take my fuckin’ turn now?”
“Yeah, yeah, go ‘head.” Carmen turns to his desk, looking over the excel sheet, again. He can’t imagine Richie needing all of his undivided attention, right now, he’s not you.
Speaking of you, he can’t find your repair expenses anywhere on here. He needs to text Sug, about that. No, she’s got a fucking baby, he’ll at least look for a physical copy, first.
“I need to take two hours, on Friday.”
“Huh?” Carm’s head snaps up. Okay, maybe he does need to give his full attention to Richie, right now. “Eva got a fuckin’ recital, or somethin’?”
“No, no, uh— Chip wants to get dinner.” Rich scratches his nose with his thumb. “Thought since Fak's been training to host f'like, the whole fuckin’ month, could do dinner 'ere, let him do a run on us. Two birds, one bullet, y’know.”
“It’s stone.”
“I’m not fuckin’ high, cousin—” “No, it’s— Alright.” Carmen closes his eyes, hand over his face, deciding this is not the fight he wants to choose. “Tony’s getting dinner with you?”
“If I’m allowed, your fuckin’ Majesty.”
If it were up to Carmen? He wouldn’t be. But you specifically asked. Why, he has no idea. Carmen crosses his arms. “Yeah, yeah, s’fine. Just start at like, a not peak time. Like 4:30? Then when rush starts after 5 Fak’ll have a lil' momentum.”
“Heard. I’ll tell ‘em.” Richie nods, turning to make his way out.
Carm’s leg bounces, a tick that he’s pretty sure he’ll never get rid of. “… Ey Rich?”
He stops, turning back to Carmy, “Yeah, cousin?”
Carmen taps the end of the sharpie on the table, not looking at Richie, “What’s uh— Why d’you call Tony ‘Chip’?”
Ever so slightly, Richie’s brows furrow. “Did'j'ya ask her?”
Carm shakes his head, “S’why I’m asking you.”
Richie takes a beat, head rocking to the side, “Y'should ask her, she’ll tell you.”
Carmy squints, at that, “Is it fuckin’ dark or somethin’, cousin?”
What’s so secretive about Chip? He figured it would be some stupid inside joke with chocolate chips, like Sug with the salt mix up. Richie swallows, frowning just a bit. He clearly does not know how to answer this question, which just makes Carmen even more curious.
“S’ not dark, kinda, it’s just, y’know. Personal.” Since when the fuck did Richie have respect for personal? Probably since he sent him to stage. Goddammit.
“Did you not coin it?”
“Mikey did.”
Mikey got to do that first, too, eh?
“But, y’know, ask her, she likes you well enough to tell you, I think.” Richie shrugs, palms out. “Kinda tells stories like that better than me, anyways.” That's high praise— Not in the sense that Richie's a great storyteller, but that he's willing to admit it, for you.
“Oh, she doesn’t bury the fuckin’ lead?”
“Oh, fuck you.” But it’s true, so Richie’s amused. There’s something nice, about being known. Even if it’s to tease.
There’s a lull of silence. Quite frankly, Carmen’s hoping that Richie’s general disdain of silence will force him to confess your nickname backstory, just to fill the void. It doesn’t. Instead, it just gears him up, in the worst way, able to read the look on Carmen’s face.
“You really wanna fuckin know, huh?” Richie tilts down his head, teasing. Carmen groans. Oh dear god, why him. “Oh, fuck, you fuckin’ like her, don’t’chu, cousin? You fuckin’ dog.”
“Shut the fuck up, Rich—”
“Aye, Chip’s a real catch, I gettit— Works hard, plays nice, cleans up good— Y’have my blessing.”
“Didn’t ask for it.”
“Aye,” Richie snaps his fingers, pointing at Carmen like he could smite him. “Don’t gimme no talk back, she was my boy first, a’right? One bad word from me, n’ your lil’ fantasy—” He gestures an explosion with his hand, making a ‘pop’ sound with his lips.
“Gone, cousin.”
Carmen leans back in his seat, playing with the sharpie in his hand. He’s essentially Kubrick staring down Richie, but the guy is unaffected. “Friday, 4:30, two hours. If Fak fucks up, you’re on deck.”
“Jeff, can I please get an all day, baby?” Baby is Tina’s new HR approved version of ‘for the love of fucking god’ She’s definitely at her limit, meaning Syd’s definitely at her limit on expo. Richie starts to step out, walking backwards.
“You comin’ cousin?”
Carm scratches his nose, straightening up back to his desk. He wishes he could go back to the kitchen, where he knows he’s good, instead of in here, with some goddamn spreadsheets that he cannot comprehend beyond bad. “Uh, one sec, I just need to finish this fuckin’—” He shakes his hand in the air, “Whatever the fuck this is.”
Richie nods, tapping the doorway on his way out. “Heard… g’luck.”
Carmen does not look at the spreadsheets. No. He thinks. He doesn't think about business.
That wasn’t true, was it? A phone call from Richie wouldn’t be the end of him, end of you, would it? Carmen is on the losing playing field here, practically everyone here has more history with you than he does. If he had a… lapse in behaviour, and it got back to you, would that ruin him? God, even his work family ruins things for him. Or could. Which means they will. Catastrophizing.
Whatever. What the fuck ever. He needs to find your invoice. After some flipping through last month’s file, he finds a sticky note from Sug between loose pages.
‘reminder: ask carmy 4 tony invoice’
He squints. You said Nat took care of it. Maybe it’s an old sticky note, he’ll text her about it, it’ll be a solid forty hours before he’ll get a response, anyways. Mom stuff. He really needs to go visit his niece again, soon. Maybe this weekend. Take Richie’s car. But then he'll probably will be forced to take Richie, too. Maybe he should just ask you, instead. Let Nat thank you for the heating pad she’s been loving, properly. Have dinner, all together, in an actual family home, instead of just each other's apartments. That'd be nice.
Yeah. Yeah. He’ll ask you on Friday, when you come for dinner. He grabs a pad of paper, biting the cap off his sharpie. He’ll make you something off menu, on Friday. You’re coming before the rush, anyways, he’ll have time to play, on Friday.
He’s gonna do right by you, this Friday.
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Tomorrow, you’ll be getting dinner with Richie, and it’ll be the worst Friday of your life.
But right now, it’s Thursday night, and you’ve finally finished Carmen’s piece for The Bear. You know you told him if he didn’t like it, he didn’t have to put it up, but admittedly, if he doesn’t like it, you will be crushed.
One big white canvas.
Nine perfect squares, perfectly equidistant from each other at all angles.
Each square a snippet, a photo transfer. The squares themselves are messy, sun damaged, bleach stained, light flared. All twinged blue and yellowish. But so perfectly cut and curated.
Each image, something new. Starting at the top left, it’s The Original Beef. Then, the inside. Then the booths.
Then the second row, the sandwiches, held in hands.
The center photo. You've taken almost all of these photos on a disposable from yesteryear, but this is the one you like the most.
Mikey. The only transfer completely unbleached, unaltered, unruined. He’s holding two cut outs. One, Food & Wine and the other, a small section in the off off off pages of the New York Times.
Both specifically the one’s that mentioned Carmen, winning Best Chef and the James Beard.
Mikey was so proud. So so proud, silently, just with you— Couldn't look soft. Carmen does not know this photo exists. No one does. You hope this piece will act as the catalyst for you to be able to talk about the elephant in the room you’ve yet to open for him.
Right next to Mikey, is a balloon on a pipe— A photo you grabbed from Sydney and printed. You can only imagine the stress you could’ve eased, during their fire safety test. C’est la vie. Fak got to prove himself.
And on the last row, the new, ritzy, booths. The Seven Fishes dish— Also a photo you stole from Sydney. And finally, The Bear’s sign. Taken at night, lit up in all its neon glory.
Though the images are disconnected, starting from Mikey in the center— Clean, the flaring and staining grows more intense at the pictures in the corner. Just bordering on illegible. It all feels interconnected, woven.
It’s Carmen. Or, at least, you think it is. That’s what you were trying to achieve. You took inspiration from the way his brain works, the way he cooks messy but produces orderly, the way he’s grown something out of what was barely more than nothing. The way love and grief is at the center of everything. He’s awfully inspiring.
You’re excited, to show this to him tomorrow, on Friday. Hopefully all goes well, on Friday. You’re coming before the rush, you’ll probably have a little time to talk, on Friday. You won’t be able to get into everything, no, you’ve promised most of your bandwidth to Richie, but you’ll make a good start, on Friday.
You’re gonna do right, by Carmen, on Friday.
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i've still got 2k of beats to cover for the next chapter, and have 7.9k already written out, for it. This is going to be fun. lmao. I'm genuinely very very excited for you to see it, when it comes out. Cannot believe I thought like 4 chapters ago that'd this next chapter would be the one to be released next. I almost briefed over all of these past few chapters to be nothing more than snippets in a chapter, I would never forgive myself if i went through with that plan, fr.
Anyways, no time for the future, this is NOW!! I hope I described Tony's paintin' good. I think it'd be nice. MBMBAM reference in the intro, are you fucking HAUNTED? ARE YOU FUCKING POSESSED? Love griffy, had to. Carmen CANNOT stop having anxiety attacks, someone get him on prozac frfr.
Tell me your thoughts or I'll eat my hat, I'm gonna need some words to chew on while I write, anyways. Hitting a wall choreographing this back half of chapter ten my GOD. Also oh yeah, silly aesthetic thing. I dunno if anyone noticed or cared, but i do a different ombre banner when it's carmen's perspec-- Did it last chapter too, aint that cute?
Also, I must finally give in, I was lazy to do taglists, but have folded, so here u are mfs. If you'd like to be added, you gotta leave me an essay somewhere. It's the RULES! Well, leave an essay and also ask to be added to the taglist that is but IT'S THE RULES!!
@anytim3youwant @navs-bhat @whoknowswhoiamtoday @gills-lounge @slut4supersoldiers @sinceweremutual @itsallacotar @catsrdabestsocks101
fully added people that never asked to be on here, you're just like, top fans, so i thought it would be nice, but if you WANT TO BE TAKEN OFF LET ME KNOW I'LL DO IT IMMEDIATELY ALSO IF I'M FORGETTING ANYONE WHO ASKED PLEASE DO REMIND ME
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thir10th · 1 day
The getaway pt.1 - Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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summary: you and Emily have been dating for several months now. When you finally get a free weekend, you decide to go on a little secret romantic getaway. tw: nothing yet, just fluff, a tiny bit of suggestive content but it's literally just a conversation, nothing else. secret relationship. a/n: you guys seemed to really like the idea so here it is! this first chapter so it's mostly to set the mood
Your leg shakes under the dinner table, waiting for Emily to finish up cooking dinner, her body swings around the kitchen, moving fluidly and confidently at the rhythm of the music she had chosen to play to set the abience.
You know she loves cooking, but you also know after getting home from a week-long case, this is the last thing she wants to do.
She always insists: "no baby, i'll cook, you can just sit there and look pretty, let me take care of it" and you loved her for that, but it hasn't been 12 hours yet since you had chased an unsub for three blocks.
She deserved a break. You both did. You had already decided that.
The pasta plate she sets in front of you with a big smile takes you out of your head, you smile back, it smells amazing, there's no doubt about it.
"I'm starving" she says, dropping on the seat in front of you, grabbing a fork and rolling up the spaghetti.
You move the pasta around, looking at her eat, trying to decide how to phrase it.
"what?" she asks mouth-fulled, noticing your stare.
"I wanted to ask you something" she leaves the fork, slurps up one last spaghetti hanging from her lips, and wipes her mouth with the napkin. Now you have her full attention.
"ugh, I'm... flattered, but-" she says in a sarcastic tone, but you cut her.
"relax, Em, I'm not asking you to marry me" she chuckles "i was thinking... you know how, if no case comes in tomorrow by five, we are having the whole weekend for ourselves, right?" you start.
"yeah, why?" she asks impatiently.
"well, I was talking to Penelope the other day, about how she had found this amazing hotel with Kevin, how they had had the best time, with activities for couples, good food, a big pool, you know, all that" she listens carefully at your words, without interrupting you, takes a sip of her wine, and nods, considering the idea.
"ok look" you grab your purse, taking a booklet you had printed out specifically for this conversation, hoping the images would convince her, you hand it to her so she can take a look.
She runs her eyes, scanning the photos on the booklet and reading over the information.
"it's been a long week, you deserve a break. We deserve a break" you conclude.
"Ooh- each room has a hot tub, and full time room service! and a steam room too?" she points out, looking at the pictures.
"And a balcony with views of the pool from every room! this could be it, Em, it's perfect for us." you add, after spending the whole trip back on the plane looking at their website, you had pretty much memorized it.
Emily angled her head to meet your eye. “If I have my way, you’ll be too occupied to appreciate the views.” the playfulness of her words making you smirk.
"So is that a yes?" you sigh in relief.
"Of course, sign me up!" a wide smile of excitement crosses her face, you let out a triumphant sound, shooting from your seat, walking up to her to grab her face and kiss her lips.
She grabs you by the waist and pulls you to sit onto her lap, your arms surround her neck, her grip tight on your hips to hold you in place.
"Oh, this is gonna be so nice! Think about it, no kids, all inclusive hotel for couples, no more hiding, nothing to worry about, just swim, and sex, and food" she grins at your words, her thumb traces slow circles on the skin left uncovered your shirt
"I could get used to that" she says kissing you again, this time longer, lovingly.
"honey?" she says, pulling away. "Yes?"
"You have already made the reservation, haven't you?" her profiling skills really never fail to amaze you.
"they had an excellent limited time offer, and i was pretty confident you were gonna say yes once I'd show you the booklet" you admit, and she chuckles, instead of getting upset, she just smiles at you and pecks your lips
"what have i done to deserve you?" she says, the dreamy sound of her words making you blush.
"well, dinner just now, and i believe i heard you say something about that balcony? with the views?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
She frowns at her computer, sitting on her desk, she has been staring at the screen for a considerable amount of time now, you quietly walk behind her.
"exciting, isn't it?" she doesn't hear you coming by, your words startle her making her jump in her seat
"you scared me" she mutters so no one can hear the conversation.
"sorry" you sit on her desk, right in front of her "i just thought if you're gonna spend the last fifteen minutes staring at the clock, we should do it together"
She tries to fight the smile that threatens to spread on her face, she bites her lip and gives you a loving look with her big doe eyes.
"you know, this room is full of profilers, if they saw you here in my desk only a couple of minutes far from five, they might suspect something is going on here"
"something like what? no one has even noticed i'm here, i seat on your desk everyday, nothing new" you say, her eyes leave the computer screen to look at you now.
"oh, i don't know, something like: we have been dating for three months and as soon as we leave this building we are driving two hours to spend our weekend on a hotel resort for couples?" she says sarcastically.
"i just thought it would be fun to watch when the clock strikes 5:00 together, you know, just like in new year's eve, but without the kissing for obvious reasons. Although there will be plenty of that this weekend" she bites her tongue at your words. Teasing Emily has always been so much fun for you, since it's usually the other way around that she teases you.
"the last thing i want you to remind me is how we are actively lying at the people we care most about" she argues, trying to keep her cool
"well, no need to worry about that anymore" you say, and when you both look at the screen, the clock has turned. 5:00 pm, no case has come in, we're free" you state. You stay there, sharing a moment, you stare at each other's eyes.
"god, but how i wish i could kiss you right now" she mutters breaking the silence, her eyes move down to look at your lips, and just for a moment you consider the possibility of sending it all to hell and kissing her senseless right then and there.
"y/n, any plans for the weekend?" Morgan's presence takes you by surprise, he comes behind you carrying is bag, so close, it had been so close, but you'd have to pull up with your coworker's teasing too.
"uhm, yeah, well, not much, no, just, a movie maybe, but who knows really?" you say, Emily tries hiding her grin, but fails.
"did you hear about Prentiss' weekend?" Morgan asks, you shoot a look at her
"ugh, no, big plans?" you say looking at her, lifting an eyebrow in faked confusion
"She, is going away with her girlfriend" he teases, a cocky smile on his lips.
"a girlfriend?! Prentiss! who is the lucky girl?" you say, a little louder than intended. She looks annoyed now that you're joining the teasing from you coworker.
"it's a secret, apparently" Morgan explains, Emily opens her mouth to speak, but only a defeated sound comes out.
"what? really?" you keep up the play, but she shoots you a look of warning, one eyebrow up, her arm on her hip.
"ok, you know what? I'm gonna leave now, you guys can speculate all you want" she takes her bag, and walks to the elevator, you and Derek follow her closely, she does her best to hide her smile.
"hey, I myself feel pretty offended that she won't tell us, after all we've been through, don't you think I deserve a little better?" he says, holding his hand to his chest, while you three wait for the elevator.
"Now, I'm having some ideas of what you deserve right now" the slightly threatening tone of her voice makes your heart throb. You just want to let her push you against that elevator door, let her do whatever she wants to you.
"you know what, I think I'm gonna keep it to myself, just this one time" she concludes, getting out of the elevator, Morgan whines, but she doesn't let it go.
"ok, this way for me" he says, turning right to go find his parking spot
"I'll walk with you" you tell Emily, the corners of your lips curving into a smile. You both say goodbye to Morgan, he leaves with one last "i hope you have a nice one, Prentiss!" and leaves.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Entering the room, you realize how more spacious and comfortable it is that you though, although you should've guessed, considering the fact that i could fit a hot tub on one corner, a full bathroom and the king-sized bed without making it feel narrow.
The hotel bellboy opens the room for you, hands you both of your keys, and leaves. Emily had already taken it upon herself to carry the bags, as they aren't all that heavy. Plus she loved doing those kinds of things for you, carrying your bags, the kind of things you would tease her about for being the chivalrous kid of girlfriend.
After all, you're only staying for a weekend, even if Emily didn't really understand that you don't actually need that many pairs of shoes for only just two nights total.
You look around everywhere, walk to the bathroom, the shower is perfectly big enough to fit you both, and two sinks. You check the hot tub, nd finish your tour by walking to the windows and opening the curtains.
The broad balcony has two chairs, and direct views to the pool, you're high enough to go completely unnoticed by anyone who looked up from it.
You drop to the big bed, star-fished out, meanwhile Emily leaves both your bags right next to the bed.
You sit up, standing to meet her as she looks around the room herself, appreciating the size of it.
"wow, this is almost bigger than my living room" she says, still surprised.
You walk up to her, grab her by the hips and pulling her to you "what do you think?" you ask, she surrounds your neck with her arms, and kisses you sweetly.
"mh, i love it" she purrs, a soft smile on her lips, and kisses you again, this time softer, longer, her lips soft and reassuring, making sure you knew how much she loved it.
"and I love you" she says, her hands running through your back now, "even if you just spent a considerable amount of time mocking me" she adds, and you chuckle.
"it was perfect, he doesn't suspect a thing!" you try to defend yourself, but she's already kissing your neck, finding your pulse point that she knows drives you crazy
"yeah but you didn't think i'd let you just get away with it just like that, mh?" she says, trapping your earlobe between her teeth and biting it softly.
"well, as much as you know i want this, we have to go down for dinner, because someone claimed she didn't need any directions to find the parking lot, and that took about, half an hour" you say teasingly, giving her a soft swat on her ass, unwrapping your arms off her waist to hold her hand.
Emily pouts at the loss of contact, interwining her fingers with yours "well, i found it didn't i? yes, it might have taken me a little longer than expected...."
"half an hour, Emily! We are gonna miss dinner, c'mon, and you can think about how to 'not let me get away with it' when we get back" you grab the room key, and pull her with you, walking out and heading to the elevator door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
okkk what are we thinking? this was an introduction more than anything, just to set the story.
Feedback here would be greatly appreciated, specially because if you guys have any ideas on how i should continue, or any specific scenarios, i'd be happy to try to add it!!
Like & reblog as always, I'll be publishing the next chapters as i write them so stay tuned for that <33
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lorethebookworm · 3 days
Okay so we need to talk about helluva boss actually. More specifically I'm going insane over one or two certain characters.
I have been staring at the ceiling for awhile trying to make sense of blitzø. He is a badass , a mastermind and a skilled killer . He is a fucking loser , he loves his friends so much his apartment is filled with pictures of them. He adopted a bloodhound because she seemed as alone and hopeless as he was. He would do anything for her. He was so alone he started to adopt everyone in sight and make them part of his team. He's a selfish bitch. But is he really? He thinks he can't be loved. He yearns so much for a connection that he lives vicariously through his friends' love life. He doesn't care about anyone except he remembered about stolas after years. He could have left him tied on that bed and taken the book but he stopped and stayed because stolas called him his first friend. He hates stolas and doesn't care about their relationship. "he can get hurt?". He has a picture of stolas asleep. He refers to his co-workers as his family. He's terrified to die alone. I'm actually not okay you guys he's so complex but also just a wet little meow meow I'm in shambles actually
Then there's stolas and I like him so much it's embarrassing to be honest. He's a royal. He never acts entitled and accepts no as an answer. He saw some clown when he was a child and fell in love with him. He saw him again years after and his first response was " yes , this man clearly wants to fuck me ". And then got shy when blitz played along. He's such a loser. His whole flirty filthy persona exists only because he thinks that's what blitzø is into. He suffered years in a toxic relationship just for his beloved daughter. He's the biggest nerd and adores books. He is a badass and extremely powerful. He crammed his big owl ass in blitz's van instead of using a portal because he wanted to spend more time with him. He loves him, he loves him not.
Yeah I'm done for now but I haven't seen full moon yet so expect even more rambling in the immediate future
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chaoticallyfluffy · 3 days
To celebrate pride month I’m gonna get myself cancelled by saying my sexuality headcanons for DC characters! Most of which I know pretty much nothing about! Please don’t kill me :D
This is a long post and NONE of this is canon. I have very little knowledge on any of these guys these headcanons are based purely on vibes and it’s all for fun so take it with a jar full of salt.
He would be bi. I have no doubt about it. His Brucie persona would be very open about it, flirting with potential sponsors at galas no matter the gender to convince them to donate more to his charity as well as flirting with the reporters just to spread the rumors that he's a playboy. As Batman he’d be much more quiet about it. He never talks about himself so no one knows anything about him. No one ever realizes he is bi until he reveals his identity and as one of the most prominent openly bisexual celebrities in the world, they realize right away.
He was born a man and understands and supports transgender people but he never thought too hard about it for himself and is very confident in his gender being male. He is comfortable with being feminine at times without it reflecting his gender and sometimes dresses in drag for photoshoots and paparazzi.
Diana/Wonder Woman :
She lived in a society of exclusively women where lesbian was the default. You either liked women, or you liked no one at all. She was the latter for many years until she met Steve and then she felt something strange for the first time. It took her a long time to realize it was love and that she was only attracted to men which is why she never felt anything for the women in her previous home.
When she hears about transgender people she’s a little bit offended by people ‘deciding’ not to be a woman at first but that’s because she misunderstood the concept. After a bit of explaining she not only accepts it, but becomes a huge ally and will defend their rights fiercely. She has never considered she would be anything but female and is incredibly confident in her own gender.
He’d be just a tiny bit bi but he doesn’t know since he never put much thought into it and much prefers women anyway. He gets a bit uncomfortable when people talk about lgbtq+ things since he doesn’t understand it but he supports it anyway and will fly over pride parades with various flags given to him by Bruce.
He knows transgender people exist but doesn’t understand that being trans is an possibility for him specifically. It just never crossed his mind. When asked his pronouns he says “I’m a man :)” and he’s so kind about it and clearly trying so most people just smile and nod and don’t bother explaining that that isn’t an answer.
Barry Allen/Flash:
He definitely experimented in college and wasn’t exactly opposed, but romantically he is only into women and after marrying Iris he had no reason to keep trying new things. He loves his wife and that’s all that matters. When Wally comes out to him as gay he’s very supportive but doesn’t understand much and promptly researches every single lgbtq+ label in existence.
He doesn’t fully understand transgender stuff but he’s trying really hard. Right now he’s too busy memorizing the names and flags of every sexuality. Check back in a few weeks when he realizes theres more to it than that and actually pays attention to things like transgender rights and homophobia. He will be a changed man and a fierce ally, trying hard to shed light on these issues and change the laws to be more inclusive.
Martian manhunter:
Gender and sexuality are human concepts. Biological sex is irrelevant to a shapeshifter so why would he let it limit him? He doesn’t understand why it matters so much to humans but he tries to understand. He knows a lot more about the lgbtq+ community than most people and fights for their rights but still doesn’t care much about his own labels.
He accepts whatever pronouns other use for him. He literally could not care less.
(I just wrote so much stuff and it all got deleted. Pain.)
Hal Jordan/ Green Lantern:
After travelling through space for so long you start to realize that human gender norms are kinda stupid. When you meet enough sexless space blobs who’s pronouns are based on developmental stages or races with thirty seven sexes and only one set of pronouns for all of them, you start to question if “male” is really the only optjon for you. He doesn’t know his gender quite yet but he’s pretty confident he’s not exactly a man. He doesn’t talk about it much except with people he’s very close to. He has noticed that he has a heavy preference towards 'women' no matter the species, as long as they're sentient.
Billy Batson/ Captain Marvel/ Shazam:
I think he’d be biromantic asexual trans man because hes my favourite boy and I say so. Again, do not kill me. He’s canonically dated and had crushes on girls but I feel like the whole ‘sometimes looks like an adult’ thing would really complicate things and he would try to push away any romantic feelings to not let it distract him from his work or cause any problems. It would probably take him a good few years to realize that he also likes guys and even longer to realize he never really felt anything further than romantic about anyone.
He knew he was trans since he knew what gender was. He has never identified as a girl and as soon as he could talk he told his parents he was a boy they were like “alrighty then!” And treated him accordingly. Hair cuts, pronouns, clothing and such. He didn’t even realize it was seen as ‘abnormal’ until his parents died. his uncle refused to call him by the correct pronouns and all his foster homes after that were similarly transphobic. He never faltered though and when he started living on the streets, he threw away all the dresses and bows his previous fosters got him and never looked back.
Batkids lightning round:
Richard Grayson/Nightwing:
Very openly gay while in costume. Still open out of costume but is just the teeniest bit quieter about it (aka when he’s out of costume he can’t yell at villains about being homophobic for hitting a gay man every time he takes a punch)
He’s a man (either trans or cis, i havent decided yet lol) but he isn’t afraid to wear a dress and makeup every once in a while and is very comfortable with his femininity and masculinity.
Jason Todd:
Who cares? He sure doesn’t. He’s dated women and doesn’t think it’s necessary to explore any further.
He’s never explored his gender and is a bit toxicly masculine but he can, will, and has killed people for being transphobic or making a transgender person feel even slightly uncomfortable. Huge ally though he doesn’t talk much about lgbtq+ rights, it’s just so obvious to him that he doesn’t think it needs to be talked about. A fan group online keeps a tally of how many homophobes and transphobes he's sent to the hospital and the number is unbelievably high.
Tim drake:
Unlabelled. He doesn’t have time to think about any of that but he knows he’s probably not straight, especially considering he has dated men, women, and nonbinary folk. It doesn’t really matter much to him.
Same thing for gender, who has the time? He identifies as male because looking too deep when he feels just fine as a guy would be a waste of time to him. If he had a transgender friend suggest it though, he would look a bit deeper and find that he’s either cis or gender apathetic. At that point he'd get bored and stop again lol.
Damian Wayne:
He has other things to worry about. Like eliminating all crime, for example. And polishing his swords. He'll deal with the whole 'romance' thing when he is the appropriate marriage age and will select if he wants to date a girl or a boy then. (He has not yet realized that isn't how it works. He'll realize hes aroace eventually but for now teaching Alfred the cat how to steal from Tim is much more important)
Other misc hero’s:
Zatanna: bi with a preference for women.
John Constantine: (edited this one because it was misunderstood) Bi but that’s none of your business. Won’t go out of his way to hide it but isn’t gonna tell you about it either unless it’s actually relevant.
Kon-el/Conner Kent/ Superboy: Gay. Maybe one day he’ll try dating a woman or something just to see if he’s interested but for now he knows he likes men so he’s sticking to that. They use He/they pronouns.
Wally west/ kid flash: Gay. Thought he was bi for a bit but realized he was just trying to hold on to a tiny bit of normalcy and accepted he would never be ‘normal’. He’s very happy with his boyfriend now! Experimented with different pronouns for a few months but ended up being a cis man. The experience really helped him understand the community better and hes glad he tried it out even in it didnt result in a big self discovery or anything.
And thats it! If you have a different headcanon please tell me in the comments/reblogs/tags/whatever!! I’m super interested to hear them.
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fixfoxnox · 3 days
Okay I was thinking about Roach again (big surprise I know) and I was specifically thinking about his callsign.
Usually the story I go with for how Roach God his callsign is simply because he's so prone to mishaps on missions (nearly falling off a cliff, having a building break under him, etc) but always makes it out alive he ended up getting dubbed as being "just like a Roach." And thus, the callsign.
However, I was thinking about the theory that I've seen some people drop about him getting his callsign because he survived several explosions or even one big one. And during explosions the Roaches always seem to come out alive. But, more specifically, that Roaches are far more resistant to radiation than humans. Meaning nuclear radiation.
Now some of yall probably know where I'm going with this, but for those of yall that don't, let me tell yall about a little guy named Paul Jackson.
Paul Jackson is one of the 2 main characters of the original modern warfare and he and several others end up dying when a nuke is set off. I really enjoy pairing Jackson and Roach together as friends and while I would usually place Roach as a former US Army Ranger, perhaps he was USMC. With Jackson.
Consider Roach having been present during the push on OpFor in the middle east. He's in the same squad as Jackson or possibly even worked under Griggs. When the nuke gets set off, Roach is one of the people in on of the planes that gets knocked down by the aftershocks. He's one of the only one's to survive the crash. He's got to navigate his way through enemies, dangerous terrain, and the danger of spreading radiation to get to safety.
Roach comes out of it alive and gets his callsign because of it.
Alternatively I also love the idea that he got his callsign because he's terrified of Roaches and screamed when he saw one crawling across the floor in the barracks. Thats probably the more realistic one lol
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ponytarot · 3 days
pick a garf ! what does your crush think about you ? (tarot reading)
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Garfield 1 ( windy , static hair )
this is one of the funnier things i've read in awhile ... pile 1 you may be very emotive , and come up with very creative ways to describe things , maybe you're interested in theatre or are very fond of comedy movies ... regarding your crush , you're very off an on . for a week or two i see you being very needy , texting them often , wanting to be around them 24/7... and then the next couple of weeks you have a "resting period" kind of lay off on messaging them or interacting with them . you ... are very confusing ?? but also not really , because this is kind of in your nature . that's what your crush thinks . youre so confusing , in an ... endearing way ? i guess ????? a little scary and intimidating but whimsical ... i like you pile 1
song - big weenie by eminem
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Garfield 2 ( sleepy , angry )
you have a very hot girl summer vibe to you , you may be drawn to aesthetics like clean girl , maybe a little basic but that doesn't have to be a bad thing ! ( this reading isn't gender specific by the way ) i think your crush assumes you have too many options to be concerned with them , you may be very stuck up when it comes to your friends ... not in a bad way just extremely close nit to them , not opening yourself up to others . i feel like your crush is ... more of a secret ? your crush may be very non-conventional compared to what maybe your other friends would like , or maybe compared to what you like . i feel like theres some dangerous territory to admitting you like this person , there may be some kind of backlash from people if you admitted to liking this person . anyways though , i think they notice you stare .. like ... a lot . i just see your eyes darting to them immediately , almost in a comical way .
song - the ? remainz by gang starr
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Garfield 3 ( playful , aggressive )
i think the gif speaks for itself as to who you are , you can be very aggressive towards this person in a flirty way ... i think they like aggressive people , and even if you are mean in some ways you appeal to their emotions heavily . it feels a little toxic , almost like you say something rude in a joking way and make up for it immediately . you're kind of the same as pile 1 , you're super confusing . i think also , you've genuinely hurt this person with some of your words , so be careful with what you say . this person is very hard to read , they hide their feelings a lot . you guys may text through instagram a lot , or just text in general ( but for some reason i see instagram ) ... i think this person has a hard time texting , but you're almost addictive to talk to . try inviting them out if you can , i feel like they'll open up a lot more .
song - its on by eazy-e
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stoneagedevil · 21 hours
They’ll Understand (Somethin’ Stupid pt. 2) | Alastor x f!Reader
Part 1: “Somethin’ Stupid”
TW/CW: Angel being Angel. Anxiety and fear. Allusions to murder.
“Wear this little number? He won’t be able to resist ya!” Angel was keeping you captive in his room, currently raiding his closet in search for something you could wear to impress Alastor, and according to Angel, once you “reeled him in with your pretty face” and “rockin’ body” you’d be able to “bed him.” You weren’t necessarily pleased with his wording, your face turning as red as your dreamboat’s hair.
“Angel, while I appreciate the gesture, I’m not comfortable wearing a leather bikini.” You deadpanned. Your anxiety was nipping at your heels, and you felt the urge to run. From what? Most likely confessing. To where? You didn’t know. But you hated how it was bringing the skittish deer out of you, as it was truly embarrassing. Alastor and you often confided in each other on how your demonic forms had caused you numerous headaches, and you felt comforted that someone you admired so much also experienced the same things you did, just as he felt that way about you. But you didn’t run from things, as they typically ran from you. You stood from Angel’s bed and started pacing again in an attempt to quell the instinct to run.
“Even if he reciprocated, what am I meant to do with love? What happens after?” You tilted your head at Angel, and he dropped another inappropriate article of clothing in shock at your question.
“You mean you’ve neva seen those cheesy romance flix before?” Angel’s eyes widened. This was the saddest thing ever. Identifying these feelings was one thing, but the fact that you didn’t know how to act on them was so depressing to Angel. Just how emotionally constipated were you? Hadn’t you felt love before? What kind of life had you led that you didn’t know the feeling at all?
“I can’t say I really watched much TV. Just the same few movies I really enjoyed over and over again when I wanted to hear another’s voice. Definitely not romance films.” You contemplated. No, you couldn’t recall ever watching romance films. You weren’t particularly keen on watching much TV, and you only went to the movie theatre when something truly interested you. However, you would occasionally put on a movie in the background while doing chores such as laundry, as it filled the empty space; if it wasn’t a movie, it was music, and it most often was.
“Well sit your ass down then, because class is in session.” After unceremoniously pushing your shoulders down to make you sit on his bed once more, Angel immediately went to where he kept his romance movies, pulling out a handful and explaining each one to you, before making you watch the best scenes from each.
Initially, you were quite apprehensive. Angel the Love Doctor’s license was certainly questionable, especially with this prescription of mushy movies. But eventually, you resonated with a lot of the characters, specifically the ones who were troubled with their feelings, like that one “Edward Cullen” guy.
From your understanding, love was one of the most powerful emotions a person could feel. It drove these characters to do insane things that furthered the plot of the movie; things you’ve done because of your feelings for Alastor: like hurting people you felt threatened by. Through these scenes, you learned about jealousy, of so-called “butterflies,” how people apart hurt inside.
But love made them…happy. Happy. Content in domestic bliss. You felt a pull in your chest, realizing you couldn’t ever remember feeling that way. You hadn’t had anyone around you interested in the same things you were. You were always the outlier. Always the one picked last for things. It didn’t particularly bother you at the time; back when you were alive. You didn’t have much to care about. But now, you felt you had something good to die for, which made it that much more beautiful to live.
Your brows were furrowed in concentration, and you were so focused on the screen and the interactions between the lovers that Angel sat you in front of, you failed to notice a stream of tears coming from your eyes.
Angel quickly took notice, pausing the TV immediately. “Woah woah woah, why’re you crying babe?” He plucked a tissue from the box beside his bed and dabbed underneath your eyes. Fuck. He didn’t think he’d be making you feel bad.
“Crying?” You brought a hand up to your cheek, surprised to find it damp. You marveled at the way the films made you feel, how imagining Alastor and yourself in their shoes made you feel, staring at the teardrops on your fingertips. “I- I feel like I understand. Like a want has just become a need. It’s truly wonderful. Like a breath of fresh air.” You smiled softly, moving to look into Angel’s eyes.
“Sheesh dollface, you had me worried.” Angel rolled his eyes playfully, internally relieved that he hadn’t just made an overlord cry, but most of all, that he hadn’t made a friend cry. “So now that you kinda get it, what’re ya gonna do?” You brainstormed for a second at the question, as it didn’t take long to figure out what would make Alastor the happiest.
“Alastor is a musical man.” You stated, instantly becoming more analytical and focused on the best way to get your feelings across to Alastor. “He’d never shy away from listening to a good song…” You trailed off.
“…so? Are you thinkin’ what I think you’re thinkin’?” Angel smiled smugly. He knew you sang to yourself during daily tasks, but you weren’t much of an extrovert, only making scenes when you had to establish your title as an overlord whenever demons seemed to forget. He imagined if you knew he could hear you singing in the shower next to his room, you’d be mortified. It was funny how you and Alastor could be so different, yet so alike, as Alastor was an extroverted entertainer.
“I’m thinking that in order to make him listen, and to make this special, I should sing for him. People always say the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but Alastor is quite adept at cooking. He wouldn’t need me for that.” You smiled to yourself, thinking back to times when Alastor would have you taste test a dish. Perhaps food was the way to your heart too, specifically his cooking.
Charlie was currently helping Alastor come up with sure fire ways to make you his officially (in his head you already were). Her notepad was filled with things her and Alastor knew you liked, hoping to put the information to good use.
Charlie had become wildly animated, smile stretched from cheek to rosy cheek. “You should tell her with a grand gesture! With fireworks and flowers and confetti and chocolates and singing and-“ Alastor raised a hand to stop her barrage of outlandish ideas.
“Charlie, I’m afraid that’s a bit too much.” Alastor stubbed out her sparkling ideas like a cigarette. While he was known to be grand in his executions (literal executions as well), he wanted this to be more personal. More intimate. Part of it was that he was incredibly shy about his romantic feelings for you, though he’d never let on to it. You were an intimidating woman, it was one of the reasons he fell in love with you, so he preferred to do this in private where no one could see his facial expressions. In addition to that, he knew how introverted you were in comparison to him; an incredibly private person.
“Okay, what about dinner at a super fancy restaurant? And flowers. You have to give her flowers.”
“And how do you propose I do that?” He summoned a rose, which had begun to rapidly wilt and die soon after the stem had touched his fingertips. It irked him. Something he previously didn’t have a problem with now stood in between him and your heart.
“Oh…” Charlie’s head hit the table. How was she supposed to help Hell’s population problem if she couldn’t even help Alastor express his romantic feelings for you? This was so hard.
“Fret not my dear, your dinner idea was exceptional! However, I think I should be the one to make the dishes.” A candlelit dinner with your favorite food being brought to you by him? You’d already expressed how much you enjoyed his cooking every time he held a spoonful of food up to your face. Feeding you and hearing you sing his praises on another culinary success made him feel as though he were floating. With you by his side, he was sure he wouldn’t have to walk anywhere ever again.
“That’s a great idea! I bet that would really impress her! And I can be the one to put the flowers on the table so they don’t wilt!” She clasped her face in between her hands, almost as if she was trying to stop her smile from getting any wider.
Immediately after establishing their plans, Alastor and his wing-woman Charlie had begun to research the best recipes pertaining to your tastes.
This had to be absolutely perfect, Alastor thought.
Music. It was what you and Alastor had bonded most over. He showed you Jazz’s greatest artists, the pioneers of brassy sounds, and you adored his passion in the genre. You listened to what you liked, as simple as that sounds. Your tastes often surpassed any one genre, and you found yourself dipping your hooves into anything; even just to give it a chance.
If music had brought you so close to Alastor, surely it would bring you even closer. Once you left Angel’s room, you dove into your collections of vinyl and CDs you acquired over your time in Hell. The greatest hits pertaining to love flooded your room, and you listened intently to the lyrics. Looking down at the notepad in front of you, you began to write about the way Alastor made you feel. This had to be absolutely perfect, you thought.
A couple days passed, and as Alastor opened the door to his hotel room to step out and retrieve the suit he was having pressed, a note taped onto it caught his ruby sight. With an eyebrow raised, he skeptically plucked the note from his door and began to read it.
“Dearest Alastor,
I hope you’ll find the time to come to the ballroom located in the hotel at 6pm. I’ve made a gift for you, and I’m hoping you’ll accept.
You sat writing many iterations of that damned letter. Was “With love” too much? “Forever yours” most certainly was, no matter how true it was. “Sincerely” was stupid. Maybe you should just keep it simple.
“From, Y/N.” Simple. Simply stupid. But you went with it anyway.
Alastor’s heart leaped up to his throat, he was sure if he opened his mouth, it would jump out and find its way towards you. He retreated back into his room, opening one of the drawers he dedicated to you. It was filled with notes containing songs you’ve written down for him, and songs he wrote down that you recommended verbally. The wilted rose he wished so desperately to give to you that was used as a demonstration to Charlie on why he couldn’t. Receipts from outings you two accompanied each other on, and his ticket from your trip to the movie theatre that was playing one of your favorite movies at the time. He truly tried his best to pay attention to the silver screen, but he mostly found himself enamored with the way the light from the screen lit up your face.
He gently placed his newest treasure in the drawer, excited to see what you had in store for the night. Though, on the other hand, he was a bit nervous and disappointed. He’d planned on picking up all of the ingredients for a dish that would knock your socks off, in addition to picking up his pressed suit. If you had something to give to him, he wouldn’t have time to cook this night. His heart and shadow were getting antsy, the latter outwardly showing his deepest desires which he adamantly detested. He’d catch his shadow practically making heart eyes at you, and Alastor found himself wishing he would wave his hands at it to make it diminish like cigarette smoke in the air.
No matter! Perhaps after whatever you had planned, he’d ask you to a dinner cooked and presented by him. Closing the drawer, he made his way out to the dry cleaners to ensure he wouldn’t forget his suit when the time came to woo you. However, what he did forget, was letting Charlie know of this change of plans, who had already helped in setting up a table for two with red roses and unlit candles in a candelabra sitting in the center; all set up in the very room you wished to deliver your gift.
You had spent quite some time writing your song dedicated to Alastor, and soon after its completion, you enlisted the help of your souls-turned-shadows to play instruments and do background vocals. There was no way in Hell you’d allow a demon to aid in this. You rehearsed a few times before deeming it a perfect performance that you were willing to give to Alastor. The time was now a little after 4, and you decided to get ready.
Your hair was curled, makeup to your liking, and you wore a black tea-length dress with an abundance of white tulle underneath the skirt to make it flare out more. The sweetheart neckline sported a small, white, satin bow in the center. You slipped on a shiny pair of black kitten heels, opting for more of a comfortable dress shoe - your nerves were sure to make you incredibly uncomfortable, so you attempted to counteract that a bit by making your physical self as comfortable yet stylish as it could be. As a finishing touch, you clasped a string of pearls around your neck. They were a gift from Alastor when he found out that it was your birthday. You told him you didn’t need anything, and that birthdays sort of lost their meanings when you lived for so long in Hell, but he wouldn’t hear any of it, adamantly telling you that your birth was something to be celebrated. If you had figured out your feelings for him by then, you’re sure you would have kissed him.
You turned to look into the mirror wondering if Alastor would think you looked nice. Nervously, you made your way to Angel’s room beside yours. Hesitantly you knocked, opening the door when a muffled “come in” prompted you to.
“What’s up toots? Hey! Don’t you clean up nice!” He exclaimed, getting up from his bed and taking your hand to spin you around, dress flaring out around you as you spun.
“You don’t think it’s too much? Or too little?” You looked into Angel’s mirror, your hands worrying over any perceived imperfection. Angel once more grabbed your hands to stop them from flying around.
“Girl, you look great, and I know he’ll think so too.” He quelled your nerves. Then you did something out of character, you hugged him. Initially taken aback, Angel’s arms tightened around you.
“Thank you Angel.”
Alastor arrived at 6 on the dot. Not always punctual, never late, and always on time. Although he did want to arrive at the ballroom earlier, he didn’t want to seem too eager, even though he most certainly was. His excitement rolled off of him in waves, making the demons he met along the way to pick up his suit even more uneasy than usual.
When he walked through the grand doors, he saw his little setup that he and Charlie planned to set up for the dinner date. He contemplated hiding the table, conjuring a portal to a shadow dimension and pushing the evidence of his feelings for you into the dark abyss, but before he could act on this, he heard the clicking of heels making their way across the stage portion of the ballroom.
You were a vision, and he considered pinching himself as he thought he was looking at an angel. He hadn’t mistakenly enrolled in the redemption program, did something good, and then made his way upstairs, did he? You stood in front of a silver microphone, your hands shakily grasping it to keep yourself steady. Alastor clumsily grasped the back of one of the chairs meant for the two of you, slowly lowering himself into the seat and never taking his eyes off of your form.
“My gift is a song I’ve written with you in mind.” You said simply, and although you outwardly looked as confident as you always did, internally you were sure you were dying a second time.
The sounds of a glockenspiel sounded throughout the room signifying the beginning of the song, followed by background vocals singing “Anyone.” You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and stepping closer to the mic before beginning your song.
“You can blame me,
Try to shame me,
And still I'll care for you,
You can run around,
Even put me down,
Still I'll be there for you,”
You knew he’d never do these things to you, but you wanted to tell him that no matter the hardships, you’d always be there for him. Alastor’s heart was beating faster than it ever had before, was this a love song? No…
“The world
May think I'm foolish,
They can't see you,
Like I can,
Oh but anyone,
Who knows what love is,
Will understand”
It’s amusing to think that not too long ago, you were someone who didn’t understand. But here you are now, singing that you couldn’t care less about what others would think if they knew the depths of your feelings for Alastor.
Speaking of the devil, these blasted eyes of his kept fogging up, making it difficult to see you. Nobody has ever done this sort of thing for him, and he was absolutely enamored with your voice and the lyrics you wrote about him. He gripped the chair that he was sitting in, afraid he’d float away and miss the rest of your carefully crafted performance. He’d never seen you with so much emotion on your face, these visual feelings you possessed highlighted by pink and red lights. He would’ve been grateful for the color choice, as it hid his bright red face, but he couldn’t find it in him to care, much less even notice the effect you had on him. All he could see and hear was you, and he wanted it to be that way forever.
“I just feel so sorry,
For the ones,
Who pity me,
'Cause they just don't know,
Oh they don't know what happiness and love can be,”
You opened your eyes to stare into Alastor’s as you delivered the next few lines.
“I know,
I know to ever let you go,
It's more,
Than I,
Could ever stand,
Oh but anyone,
Who knows what love is,
Will understand”
You thought about how Angel had helped you understand in his own strange way, and this verse was almost like a thank you note to him. The music began to lull as you sang the last few lines.
“Oh they'll understand,
If they try love they'll understand,
Oh try to understand”
The last line was for Alastor, and you almost prayed he would try and understand your feelings for him, and hopefully realize any feelings he had for you.
The song had finally finished, and if Alastor had a time machine he’d travel three minutes into the past in order to hear you sing again. Then he’d do it over and over and over again. Making your way down from the stage, Alastor shot up from his seat. He’d rehearsed how he’d proclaim his undying love for you, but now that you’d done it first, he was scrambling.
He panicked. He actually panicked. He ripped the red roses from the vase sat on table and held them out to you, the both of you watching in shock (Alastor mostly in horror) as the roses had the life sucked out from their stems and the vase tipped over causing water to spill onto the floor between you both. His smile tightened, eyes snapping shut as he debated teleporting far, far away from here; never to return. But his jumbled and anxiety ridden thoughts were cut short when he felt soft hands gently pry open his larger ones, taking the flowers. It was you, and you were smiling the biggest smile he’d ever seen you make, and it was directed at him.
You lifted the dead roses to your face and inhaled the remnants of their floral scent, and Alastor’s heart melted at the gesture.
“Your song was wonderful my dear. May I ask for an encore?” He said, shyly. Your cheeks turned rosy, and you bashfully looked away.
“You didn’t think it was ridiculous?” You asked hopefully, tightly clutching your dead bouquet.
“Ridiculous? It was nothing of the sort! For a moment I thought I was in Heaven and I was most-“
You tugged him down by the collar of his shirt and pressed an unsure kiss to his lips. His ears stood straight up, tail secretly wagging behind him, just as yours did. He melted into the affectionate gesture, moving his claws to cradle your neck and the small of your back in order to bring you closer. Pulling away, you lovingly gazed into each other's eyes.
“Y/N, your performance was absolutely astounding. I’d trade every vinyl in my collection for just a second more.” And that was the truth. He was sure no song would ever compare to the masterpiece you crafted for him. Because of him.
“Then I suppose I’ll just have to record it and have it pressed just for you. You wouldn’t happen to know a guy with recording equipment, would you?” You flirted.
“My darling, of course I do! He’s quite the catch too, though using the equipment comes with a price.” He smiled smugly, cheeks just as red as yours.
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“You’ll have to allow him to call you his girl, it’s just the rules my darling.” Internally, he was nervous you’d reject him. Why? You just wrote, composed, and performed an entire song for him. But it was you. Anyone would be lucky to have you, and he couldn’t believe quite yet that you returned the feelings he’d been trying to grapple with for some time.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving a kiss mark (one he’d refuse to wipe off for some time). “I’d love nothing more.”
Later that night, Alastor and you had retired to your room. You sat at the end of your couch, his head resting in your lap as you told each other stories about what you had stupidly done in the name of your unknown love for each other.
“It’s funny, that table was in the ballroom because I planned on taking you on a dinner date tonight. Charlie lent a hand in planning it.” Alastor revealed.
You tilted your head at the fact that Alastor too had a “wingman” as Angel had put it. “Charlie? How funny, Angel helped me with some things too. He actually helped me realize my feelings for you.”
“Charlie helped me the same way. She said that you obviously fancied me.” He had a smug smile on his face, looking for your reaction.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline at the allegation. “What? How? Was I truly that obvious?”
“Yes, well, a little birdy told me about a certain carpet incident with Mimzy, my darling.” That was his favorite story. He’d often imagine you glaring angrily at a clueless Mimzy, lifting a manicured claw and causing the poor blonde’s face to harshly meet the floor.
You turned your nose up indignantly. “Incident? I was merely helping her get a better look at the carpet she continuously complimented you on picking out.” You huffed, crossing your arms. Alastor laughed at your adorable behavior, loving the jealousy that came off you in waves at the mention of Mimzy.
“Don’t worry my love, no other woman could compare to you. Anyone who knows what love is could see I only have eyes for you.”
I hoped you all enjoyed that, and I really appreciate the love you all gave to part 1!
Taglist: @alastruist @martinys-world @ustulia
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scary-grace · 2 days
WIP GAME: The Shigaraki x reader phone sex AU
@sophsiaaa requested more info about the phone sex AU, and it’s pretty straightforward. in short, the reader works as a dispatcher at a high-end end escort service, answering questions, doing admin, and keeping phone sex clients occupied while waiting for an operator to open up. On one particular night, she finds herself on the phone with a client who’s a different kind of weird than usual:
You’re in the middle of familiarizing yourself with all the parts of the cell when your headset starts beeping — and when you check your screen, you see that every single operator is busy. Again.
You get paid a flat hourly rate, but you really should negotiate that up for nights you spend keeping clients occupied while they wait. You answer the phone and run through your spiel — your operator’s not ready yet, but I’m here, and I’m super psyched to talk to a weirdo just like you — and wait for the inevitable question about what you’re wearing. You wait. And wait. And keep waiting, so long that you start to wonder if the call’s dropped when you weren’t looking. That, or the client got so wound up hearing a woman’s voice on the phone that they had a heart attack and died. You try again. “Hello?”
The call’s still live. You hear your voice echo on the other end of the call, and when you listen closer, you can hear someone breathing. Breathing sort of heavily. Great. “You know I get paid whether you talk or not, right?”
Oops. You shouldn’t have said that. Your boss will be pissed, and if whoever this is pays up, does it really matter if he says anything? Maybe he just wants to breathe heavily into the phone until time’s up. You’d like to think you can sit quietly while some guy does — something to the sound of you breathing on your end of the line, but it turns out that’s beyond your power to cope with. “Um, do you want to know what I’m wearing?”
“Clients usually ask that,” you say, trying to cover your shock. This client sounds young. Shiroiwa’s price point is so high that next to none of the clients are younger than forty, but this guy sounds like he’s barely out of high school. You should know — you’re barely out of high school yourself. “They want to know what I’m wearing so they can — um, imagine a little better.”
Silence. The breathing sounds a little less heavy and a little more hyperventilating, and you resist the urge to bang your head on the table with an effort. Why do you always get stuck with the weird ones? “So, like I said, I’m not actually the person you’re supposed to talk to. I’m just here to keep you company until your partner’s ready for you. We don’t have to talk at all.”
You’re rapidly coming to the conclusion that not talking is the best outcome for this situation. You and the client can pretend each other isn’t there until you can transfer him to somebody else, somebody who’s good with the weird ones or the shy ones. Kayoko, maybe. She’s great at bringing clients out of their shells. The fact that she and you and anybody else who listens in wishes they’d never come out of their shells in the first place doesn’t really matter.
“What are you, then?” The raspy voice is in your ear again. “If you’re not who I’m supposed to talk to.”
“I’m admin. Kind of a secretary.” You kick yourself instantly for the choice of words. “Not the sexy kind of secretary. Just — I’m the one who routes the phone calls. And the messages from our chat service. Unless it’s busy.”
“It’s busy?”
“Saturday night? It’s really busy,” you say. He sounds disappointed. “Is there somebody you were hoping to talk to specifically? I can let you know how long a wait there will be.”
“I don’t care who I talk to,” the client says. You hear that from new clients a lot, before they pick a favorite operator. All the regulars have a favorite. “This was stupid.”
“No, it wasn’t,” you say hastily. Your boss will kill you if you lose a client. Even a weird client. “Tell me what you want to talk about. That way I can pick the right partner to send you to.”
“I don’t know,” the client says. You glance at the info Mizuho sent and get a shock — the client’s nineteen, same as you. “It’s — fuck. It’s my birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” you say on autopilot, which is apparently the wrong thing to do. You can practically feel the client’s embarrassment oozing through the phone, and you spin off into a sales pitch that sounds terrible even to you. “Well, you’ve called the right service. I know a ton of our companions who can make your day really special.”
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Imagine meeting Rob Lucci again on Egghead Island
Warning: Contains spoilers! If you aren't caught up in the Egghead arc and don't want spoilers, don't read.
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Rob: [tied up and unconscious on the floor of Vegapunk's lab]
You: [glaring at him from the other side of the room]
Stussy: Oh my, that's quite a scary look. It's almost like you know him.
You: I do know him, or at least I thought I did... A little over two years ago I lived on Water 7 where I worked for an engineering firm, and had a life, and a boyfriend.
Stussy: {looks shocked and points at Rob] Was he your boyfriend?
You: Yup, but I got transferred here shortly before he tried to kill Iceberg, who is my adoptive father. We used to exchange letters, and then one day they just stopped, and then three weeks later I got a letter from Iceberg that explained everything.
Stussy: That must have come as quite a shock.
Kaku: [wakes up] what the? [looks around, before cringing away when he notices you] oh dear.
You: [glares] Is that all you have to say to me?
Kaku: Listen, it was just a job, it wasn't personal.
You: Really? Because trying to murder members of my family feels really personal to me, buddy.
Kaku: [Nods to Robin] Technically, she shot Iceberg.
Robin: I shot him the first time, and I didn't feel I had another choice because you were threatening my friends and I didn't know what to do.
You: The second time was Blueno, and then you and Rob beat Paulie, and then left both Iceburg and Paulie tied up inside a burning building!
Kaku: we did do that, didn't we...
You: not to mention Rob played with my feelings by pretending to be a loving boyfriend.
Kaku: I swear that wasn't pretended Lucci really does love~
Rob: That's enough, Kaku.
You: You can talk! Why am I surprised, everything was a lie, wasn't it?
Rob: .... not everything [looks up at you, clearly pouting that he's being admonished]
You: I don't believe you.
Rob: ... can we discuss this in private, please?
You: no, we can't, I do not want to be alone with the World Noble's attack dog.
Rob: I'm a cat.
You: Excuse me?
Rob: I am a Zoan-type devil fruit user, the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, specifically.
You: I don't care, because then you're just plain bad at being a cat.
Rob: Bad at being a cat!
You: yes, because if you knew a damn thing about cats, then you'd know you don't ever actually own a cat, you just live with one. They don't listen, they don't obey, and they most certainly don't respect you. So, I suppose, you were good at being a cat when it came to me, but bad when it comes to the world nobles.
Rob: That's not true...
You: save it, I don't want to hear your excuses.
Rob: [Takes a deep breath] They're not excuses, it's true I got close to you in the first place because of Iceberg, but I grew genuine feelings for you once I got to know you. I know I hurt you, it's why I stopped writing you after what happened in Water 7.
Nami: And because his ego was bruised because our captain whooped his ass.
Kaku: He was also in a coma for like a week afterward.
Rob: I figured by then you would have already had word from Water 7 of what happened, so I didn't want to rub salt into the wounds by trying to stay in your life, and that a clean cut was best for you.
You: [remembering that Iceberg had said he wouldn't be upset with you if you elected to stay with Rob] ... Where is Hattori?
Rob: what?
You: Where is Hattori?
Rob: He flew away when Stussy attacked.
You: I'll go get him...
Rob: [smirks[ thank you, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again. Although he might not recognize you, you've glowed up since your Water 7 days. [winks]
You: [rolls your eyes] I know single life suits me, so save your smooth talk tough guy, it doesn't work on me [lying].
Rob: uh huh
You: [feels your cheeks heat up as your heart flutters, and you avoid eye contact with Lucci] Whatever, I'll go look for your bloody bird.
Rob: [eagerly watches the door slide shut behind you] It's still there
Stussy: What's still there?
Rob: I believe most people call it, "a spark between us'.
Nami: [dramatically gags]
Kaku: Dude, they always liked Hattori more than you, don't go getting a head of yourself.
Rob: [kicks him] zip it.
Stussy: [sighs] men are so stupid.
Robin: [nods in agreement]
Shaka: [judges in silence]
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