#oc: Bartie
lexithwrites · 4 months
Justice for Barty and Lily for always being made out to be shitty exes, getting cheated on or used just so jegulus can get together
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mo0ns-and-stars · 3 months
Rosekiller as girldads:
Evan: B did you know our daughter punched a boy today?
Barty: *silent holds their 5 year old daughter in his arms*
Evan: That wasn't the first time apparently the teacher said it happens quite often...
Barty: *still silent*
Rosalie(their daughter) : *giggles* Pa said if a boy bothers me I should punch him on the nose.
Evan: *Glares at Barty trying to surpress his laughter* B...
Barty: *looking at little rosie* traitor *smiles and gives her a kiss on the head*
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loving is easy | poly!rosekiller x Black!oc
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pairing: poly!rosekiller x black!reader, regulus’ twin warnings: fluff, gn!reader, not edited wc: 427
“finally! you’re back!” barty had announced with a smirk as evan entered the dungeons, his feet dragging along the cold stone floors. the slytherin common room was characteristically cold, the only warmth came from the fire in front of the you. as the night wore on, the number of occupants dwindled, yet the fire remained steadfast. all that remained were you, barty and regulus as you waited for evan to return from the library.
you and your twin turned to face the blond when the only reply he could muster was a heavy sigh. catching evan’s eye as he approached, you exchanged a small smile, though it seemed to take some effort from him.
“come sit, evan,” you gestured to the armchair opposite the three of you. “you look exhausted, my love.” evan only hummed in response. he slowly made his way towards the couch where his two lovers and friend sat, briefly caressing barty’s neck before stopping in front of regulus.
“shift it,” he murmurs to your twin.
“evan, there’s an empty chair right behind you,” regulus argues.
“reg,” evan sighs, “now if you’d please.” his tone left little room for argument.
regulus grumbles about his audacity now that he’s dating his sibling, but reluctantly moves anyway. evan slumps into the space next to you, arm resting on the back of the couch and legs spread in front of him. regulus and barty ease back into their conversation before evan’s arrival. you watch his face closely. feeling your gaze, evan tilts his head and offers another small smile that reaches his eyes, looking a little more relieved now. you return his smile with a wink and run your hand through the hair at the nape of his neck, his eyes couldn't help but close at the feeling.
as evan relaxed into the couch, he eased into the animated conversation. His arm slid from the back of the couch to around your shoulder. The comfort of your presence and the brush of barty’s arm against his fingertips gave him the solace he had being craving for the whole day. he sighed once again, shoulders drooping.
your eyes start to ache and grow heavy as it gets later, it takes all your effort to remain upright and attentive as the three boys converse spiritedly. you quiet down, and opt to listen to them talk in front of the crackling fire. but your head seems to grow more and more heavy as the late night turns to early morning. your head drops to rest on barty’s shoulder. noticing this, evan pulls your legs over his lap, guiding you into a lying position where you rested your head onto barty’s bouncing leg that stills almost immediately.
that’s how the rest of your night passed, your head in barty’s lap and evan gently caressing your ankles as the three of them talk and you offer a remark or a laugh at their bickering. eventually the conversation drowns out and your eyes begin to drift closed, and the only thing you can hear is the muffled conversation and the roaring fire. the only thing you can feel is the scratch and tug of barty's fingers at the hair near the nape of your neck, and the worshipping, barely-there drag of evan's palms against your ankles.
across from you, regulus watches evan pause the delicate attention on your ankles to pull the blanket draped over the back of the couch over your unmoving figure, and barty pulls the blanket to cover your shoulders that shiver underneath your thin pyjamas. the moment lasted only seconds, before his sister’s lovers return their gaze to him to quietly continue their playful banter in the glow of the fire.
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disasterchild20 · 25 days
Meeting them for the first time (Boys)
Bump into each other after a Quidditch game
He accidentally walks into you while celebrating the win
"Sorry, Love, I didn't see you there."
"You need to get your glasses checked then."
Immediately loves your sense of humour
Get teased by Sirius for watching you walk away
Gets paired with you for potions
Amazed by how good you are
"How come you never answer any of the questions Slughorn asks?"
"Hard to answer them when he clearly has favourites."
Asks for help with potions homework
You agreeing as long as it's in the kitchens
Helps get a book down off a shelf in the library for you
"Here, let me get that down for you."
"Thanks, I've been trying to get it down for at least ten minutes."
Asks you about the book
Two of you getting lost in the conversation
End up being kicked out by Madam Prince due to the library closing
You cover for him when he hides in a classroom cupboard after pulling a prank with the marauders
Surprised that you covered for him
"Why didn't you tell McGonagall where I was?"
"Eh, you guys always do funny pranks."
Thanks you at least three times
Brings you a bar of chocolate a couple of days later to say thank you again
Bumps into you on the train
Knocks you to the floor by accident
"Didn't know I could make someone fall for me so easily."
"When you're not paying attention, it's easy."
Helps you to your feet, smiling at your attitude
Apologises and buys you something from the trolly
Sits next to you in Charms
Doesn't really pay attention to you until he sees how meticulous your notes are
"Your notes are meticulous."
"Thanks, it helps when it comes to revising and homework."
Asks if you'd be willing to revise with him in the library
You agree, telling him that you're there everyday between last class and dinner
Gets paired with you in Defence Against the Dark Arts
Cocky until you manage to get him to the floor easily
"How... How did you do that?"
"It's easy when you know the theory like the back of your hand."
Asks you if you could teach him
You agree as long as he brings sweets as 'payment'
Sits opposite you in library when everywhere else is full
Notices your text books are covered in notes
"You take notes in your text book?"
"I add stuff that it misses, you'd be surprised how much they miss."
Smiles slightly, realising that you do the same as him
Asks if you want to compare notes
Finds you in the greenhouse working on the plants
"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here."
"That's alright, I was just tending to the venomous tentacula
Immediately asks you about your favourite plant
Two of you discussing plants for the next hour
Lends you his book on rare plants
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charbroiledchicken · 13 days
alright *cocks gun* which one of you gave my favourite blorob a tragic backstory and horrible coping mechanisms
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les-fleurrs-du-mal · 23 days
ao3: les_fleurrs_du_mal (26 chapters posted and ongoing)
regulus black x original muggle character
[enemies to lovers]
Flora, the muggle half-sister of protective older brother Remus Lupin, finds herself hidden away during the First Wizarding War for fear of werewolf attacks. Her life is lonely and quiet until Regulus Black, a former Deatheater and an insufferable bigot, is also in need of sanctuary.
Chapter One
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Summer, 1978
It was some time after midnight when Flora awoke suddenly. Her curtains, which she’d left open after falling asleep from the sheer exhaustion of homework, twitched in the soft summer breeze of the still night. Welsh summers were never particularly warm, but this year had reached soaring temperatures. The air was still muggy when Flora woke in confusion, her skin prickly with sweat. The light of the full moon spilled into the room.
She moved only to push the books off her bed so she could get under the cool bedsheets, but was gripped with a sense of unease as she shifted her body and opened her eyes properly. A distinct creak on the stairs made her start. It was a slow, hesitant creak, like somebody was trying to be quiet.
Her parents had surely gone to bed, and it certainly wasn’t Remus. Not on a full moon. Flora pulled the sheet around herself, holding her breath to listen closer. She could feel and hear her pulse beating fast, gripped with a sudden certainty that she was about to die. She couldn’t move, insensible to all action. The footsteps continued up the stairs and moved down the hallway towards her bedroom. She hid deeper under her bedclothes, laying in dread of every second, her heart beating so hard and fast she was sure the intruder would hear it.
The door opened slowly and a small glowing light illuminated the room—a wand light.
“Flora?” A voice whispered, nervous.
Flora let out the breath she was holding and hastily threw back the covers, sitting up at once. “Sirius?”
His handsome face appeared in the dim glow of the wand light. His eyes widened and then softened with relief.
“Flora,” he rushed to her and took hold of her shoulders, looking her over quickly. “Are you alright?”
Flora noticed he was trembling. He stared at her like he wasn’t sure she was real, or more chillingly, alive. Flora was too bewildered to answer for a moment, wondering why she would not be alright, and why he didn’t turn the light on.
“Yes,” she answered distractedly, her eyes roving over his face. “Why are you here? Is Remus okay?”
Sirius blinked a moment, preoccupied with the inner whirlwind of his feelings. He looked at her softly and touched her face with platonic, brotherly affection. With the way he was constantly attached to Remus, Sirius may as well have been her brother. 
She became suddenly aware of a second presence in the doorway. Sirius calmly turned his head and greeted a bespectacled boy with black hair, who also had his wand raised with a light emitting from the end of it.
“She’s fine,” Sirius said to the boy, who quietly breathed a sigh of relief.
“We’d better take her now,” he replied, stepping further into the room with a deeply disturbed look on his face.
Flora raised her eyes to look at James Potter, a boy she had heard plenty about from Remus and Sirius, but had never met until now.
“What’s happened?” Flora asked, her confusion and fear mounting as she observed the troubled looks on their ashen faces. “Where’s my mam? My dad? Remus?"
They didn’t answer her. They began to talk between themselves in low, anxious tones about taking her somewhere. When Sirius turned to speak to her again, he took hold of her hands and squeezed them gently. “I’m going to take you to the Potter’s house, alright? His mum and dad are there. They’re kind and they’ll make sure you’re alright. You’ll have to side-along apparate with me. Have you ever done that before?”
Flora shook her head slowly. “No, but why—”
“It will feel a little uncomfortable,” Sirius cut her off, standing up. “Like a tight squeezing, but it won’t be for long.”
James regarded Sirius with uncertainty. “Are you sure you’re alright to do it, mate? Maybe we should wait until Moody or someone more senior gets here.”
“I can take her,” Sirius replied.
“I think we should wait.”
“No, it could be a while yet. We need to get her out of here and somewhere safe,” Sirius insisted firmly.
Flora felt a sudden urge to scream as the realisation dawned on her, that something truly awful had happened. Perhaps she'd anticipated it for a while, unconsciously, through snippets she'd heard in murmured voices between her parents and Remus. Conversations she was not meant to be privy to. She understood there was unrest in the wizarding world, that her brother and his friends were helping. Now something had happened. She didn’t realise she was screaming until she felt Sirius’ arms around her, his voice trying to soothe her. She crumbled into hysterics, begging an explanation and fighting against him in order to flee the room and find out what it was for herself. Sirius held her fast, gripping her shoulders and looking to James for help. He looked just as lost as Sirius. They needed Remus. Flora knew as well as they did that she needed her big brother.
“Flora, Flo, please,” Sirius pleaded, “Calm down. Please calm down.”
“What’s happened? Tell me right now!” She sobbed wildly. At only fifteen years old, nothing terrible had ever happened in her life. She studied and worked hard at school, went to the pictures sometimes, read books. Bad things didn't happen to her. She was the 'normal' child, the one who sorely wished sometimes that she was magic like her older brother just so interesting things would happen. Now suddenly she didn't want it. 
“Please,” Sirius tried again, speaking calmly. “Let me take you to the Potters. I’ll explain things there, I swear.”
“Is Remus there?” She asked hopefully, knowing it was a silly question. “And my mam and dad?”
Sirius shook his head. James hesitantly stepped closer and knelt down in front of Flora, looking at her. “We will explain everything shortly,” he said with solemn eyes. “But right now, you need to leave. It isn’t safe here.”
“Why isn’t it safe?” Flora asked with wide, tearful eyes. “This is my house.”
“Let us take you to my parent’s house. Everything will be alright.”
Sirius was able to ease Flora to her feet, rubbing her back in a useless effort to calm her down. In only her nightie, she was swiftly removed from her quiet home to face the worst news she could possibly imagine.
Autumn, 1980
Flora stood at the kitchen sink, yawning and contemplating an early night with a warm drink and the new book she wanted to start. Darkness had gathered around the little stone cottage, summoning the owls that Flora presently heard hooting in the surrounding blackness of the trees. She scratched the side of her head and pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear, splashing bubbles on her cheek as she did so.
Her days were slow: peaceful, mundane. She wondered when her brother would arrive — if he would arrive. He’d promised he would, but Order meetings often kept him late or away altogether. She tried hard to stay up on the nights he promised to come back, the nights he brought fresh food and provisions and the occasional gift to lift her spirits, but quite often she would secede waiting and go to bed. In the morning she would find that everything she needed had been restocked in the night, like some elf or fairy had been. He did not usually stay. But tonight, Flora so terribly wanted to talk to him, to see someone, anyone, and so she fought back the temptation of an early night. For someone who was only seventeen, going to bed each night with only the company of one’s inner voice was a dreadful thing. It made Flora feel like an old woman who had already lived the excitement of youth, and yet Flora had yet to experience it.
A long shadow outside caught Flora’s eye and she lifted her head to peer out. Her heart lifted the moment she recognised the tall, wiry figure of her brother at the ancient stone gatepost with his wand illuminating the darkness. She drew back from the old sink, shook her hands dry of water and bubbles, and rushed across the kitchen to the door. Without slippers and in only her pyjamas, she ran outside and down the path. It was dark and wet outside, but she hadn’t been out of the house all day and liked the cool, late summer air on her face as she hurried to meet her brother. It braced her, filling her lungs with the scent of damp moss and earth.
“Remus,” she half walked on the tips of her toes over the dirt path, careful to avoid treading on any sharp stones. She lifted her eyes and noticed there was a second person with him. Not that that was unusual. Sirius Black went wherever Remus went, like a pair. Sirius gave Flora his typical charming smile, a smile that admittedly always made Flora blush just a little too much, as he walked beside Remus. The young man was almost dwarfed by the latter’s height. Half a dozen shopping bags of food floated a little way behind them.
“Where are your shoes? Go back inside,” Remus said as he fixed his eyes on his younger sister.
“I’ve been inside all day. Did you get everything on my list?” She asked in a rush.
He shrugged his thin shoulders. “Most of it, I think. Sirius lost the list before we got there.”
Flora’s eyes sharply darted to Sirius, who quickly sought to defend himself. “It's fine. I’ve got a good memory.”
Remus snorted lightly. They all walked into the little cottage. It was a venerable, white-washed stone building with two ground-floor rooms and four upper rooms, rooms which had been added to over the years. The building itself was at least three hundred years old and had changed relatively little as far as anyone could guess.
Wales was an ancient land. There might have been an older building on the location of the present one, and the magic was heavy here, heavy enough that even Flora could sometimes instinctively feel it. It was not uncommon for her to go walking in the forest and stumble across fairy rings, which she was careful to avoid stepping in. As a child, if she listened very closely at night, she was sure she could hear the soft tinkle of music outside. Remus told her it was the elves, though Flora had never quite believed him, thinking he was winding her up because he was magic and she was not. But then her mother — their mother, who was a muggle — confirmed it to be true and so Flora believed. They were half-siblings, Flora and Remus, but close enough in age and upbringing to consider themselves full siblings. It didn’t matter that Flora wasn’t a witch. Frankly, Flora didn’t mind so much anymore, not with everything going on. 
The cottage was firmly situated amongst the rolling green hills, overlooking the granite coastline of North Wales and little seaside town far below. The wizened old cottage was also heavily warded with protective and defensive charms, charms which protected its singular occupant. Remus said to protect, but to Flora, it felt like imprisonment. Worse still, she was almost always alone. The siblings had nobody but themselves to rely on, and increasingly Remus was unable to visit his younger sister. It was too dangerous, he said. Reports of werewolves in nearby towns and villages were becoming worryingly more common. He came now more out of necessity to deliver food and shopping and take a list of anything she needed or wanted. Today he had gone overboard, Flora thought, probably due to Sirius losing her carefully written list. But it quickly struck Flora as curious—there was too much food here for just one person.
“Right… bread, milk, eggs,” Remus began to empty the shopping bags onto the large kitchen table, which Flora sat down at and watched. He placed three loaves of bread down, two boxes of a dozen eggs, three pints of milk. “Jam… soup… uh, got you lots of fruit this time…chocolate…”
Flora studied him with a small frown, her chin resting in her hands. “Why’ve you got so much of everything?” She half exclaimed. “Half of this will expire by the time I get round to using it.”
Remus and Sirius shared a very brief, but tense look. It was a look that Flora caught immediately and it caused her to sit up straighter.
“What is it? Tell me now,” she demanded. Her soft Welsh accent lilted up and down as she spoke, which somewhat diminished the vexation in her tone.
Sirius smiled at her, speaking quickly in an attempt to distract her. “Shall we have a cup of tea?”
He flicked his wand at the kettle across the room and it began to heat up. Flora sat back in the wooden kitchen chair and folded her arms, eyeing them both with suspicion. Remus looked distinctly uncomfortable. He ran his hand through his thick fluffy hair and sighed through his nose quietly while Sirius busied himself with the tea. Sirius liked making tea. In fact, he enjoyed doing a lot of mundane household tasks (magic or no magic) simply because he never got to do it as a child. His absolute favourite was the microwave, which seemed to endlessly fascinate him no matter how many times he used it. He lived in a small flat with Remus in the muggle side of London, which Flora had only visited once.
Remus sat down opposite his sister. There was just a few years difference in age between them, but Remus always treated Flora like she was much younger. Since their parent's death, he had dutifully taken on a paternal role for his sister. 
“Remember I told you before that things are getting more dangerous out there?” He began.
“No,” Flora replied dryly. “Tell me again."
Remus gave her a steady, stern look. “Flo.”
“Does bringing extra food make it less dangerous?”
Remus decided to ignore her sarcasm, continuing to speak levelly. Flora always thought he would make a very good teacher when he started talking like this.
“Well, every time I come here it does get a little more dangerous than the last.”
“Why’d you keep coming back then?”
“Flora,” Remus huffed, beginning to lose his patience. “Would you please be serious for a minute.” Flora glanced at Sirius, but he was fixated on making the tea with a faraway look on his face and clearly in no mood for jokes.
“I need to explain something to you—ask something of you, actually,” Remus went on.
“Me?” She frowned. “Why? What?”
“Well, I do really,” Sirius suddenly came to life, straightening up and looking over his shoulder. His face remained neutral, controlled. Flora waited, confused.
“Let me explain something first,” Remus looked at Sirius, “Before we get to that part.”
Sirius shrugged and resumed making the tea. Remus turned back to his sister, his face set and grim.
“The werewolves—”
Flora sighed heavily and turned her head away, not letting him get halfway through his sentence. “Not the werewolves again. I've not heard or seen anything."
“Flora, would you be quiet for five minutes,” Remus snapped with a deepening frown. He leaned forward across the table. “Just listen. Werewolf attacks have been reported close to this area. They’re getting closer and I’m seriously worried they’re looking for you specifically.”
“Why would they?” Flora replied, feigning an air of indifference. But her skin prickled slightly at this awful suggestion. That awful night was recalled back to her memory. She dreamt about it sometimes, only her dreams filled in the horrors she’d never witnessed. Remus had never told her what really happened, perhaps to spare her the thought of how their parents died, but in her heart she knew. 
“Because they’re also after me. I’ve told you this before. Greyback wants me to join his—his pack. The Order believes that they believe hurting or kidnapping you would give them leverage. I’ve spent one full moon with them, but they don’t trust me. This isn’t just about protecting you as a just-in-case precaution, it’s crucial now that you stay put while I do what I need to do.”
Flora felt indignant at this. “I already do stay put! Where am I going to go?"
“You’ve left the wards several times. I know you go down to the beach, to the shops."
”I’m not likely to be attacked by a werewolf in broad daylight,” Flora said moodily. 
”No,” Remus agreed, “but there are spies around. Someone could still easily grab you, daylight or not. I need you to stay here.” 
“But it’s boring!”
”It’s safe.” 
“Flora, listen,” Sirius began now in support of Remus. He brought over their cups of tea and sat down next to Remus. “You can’t leave.”
“So you’ve brought me all this extra food to prevent me from going anywhere? Half that bread will go mouldy before I get to open it.”
“No,” Remus rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand, stretching his long fingers out and burying them in his hairline. “No, that’s not it.”
“This is the second surprise,” Sirius said as he sipped his tea. He glanced again at Remus, who was now rubbing his eyelids with the heel of his palm. When Remus lowered his hands, his eyes were a little watery and red from the pressure of his hand. He looked suddenly very tired, older than his twenty-one years. 
“The other thing…” Remus started. His eyes met Sirius’ eyes.
“It’s my brother,” Sirius blurted out quickly.
Flora blinked. “Brother?”
“Yes, my younger brother.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.”
“That’s because he’s a little prick. We don’t talk about him. He's, um, he was on the—you know, the other side of things. A Death Eater.”
Remus sighed heavily. Flora noticed he was gripping his cup of tea very tightly as Sirius struggled to explain whatever it was he was trying to explain. And this was odd because Sirius was never lost for words. He was always so sure of himself.
“A Death Eater,” Flora repeated when Sirius trailed off, prompting him to continue.
“Yeah, uh… well, ex-Death Eater I suppose now,” Sirius coughed softly to clear his throat. He swallowed thickly and his Adam’s apple bobbed noticeably in his throat. “He abandoned it all and came to find me. He’s hurt. Badly hurt. I still don’t fully know what happened to him because he won’t tell me. I thought maybe You-Know-Who had done something to him. But he's talking, giving us information that is useful to the Order, and so far it's been accurate, reliable."
Flora nodded slowly, keeping her large eyes fixed on the two young men. “Okay…”
“He’s not safe where he is,” Sirius continued. “We’re hiding him in our flat at the moment, but he can’t stay there.”
Flora was not stupid, and the realisation of what he was trying to ask hit her very quickly. But she held back, not speaking, and she waited for the horror of the situation to descend.
“Just to be clear,” Remus spoke up in a low, glum voice, “I don’t want this. I wish this wasn’t happening at all and I’m sorry.”
“Are you going to tell me that you’ve invited a Death Eater to come and live with me?” Flora demanded now, her voice growing increasingly higher as panic set in. She looked to her brother for help, but he was looking down obstinately at the table.
“Ex-Death Eater,” Sirius quickly corrected.
Flora glowered. “Oh, that's alright then."
“He won’t hurt you,” Sirius floundered. “I trust him.”
Flora scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.
“Please, just listen to me” he pleaded. Remus was clearly sitting out on the discussion, having known exactly how his sister would react. It was down to Sirius to convince her, and so far he wasn’t doing a very good job.
“He won’t have access to his wand,” he continued. “He won’t be able to do any magic."
“So he is dangerous?”
“No, it’s just…” Sirius rubbed his face now. “He’s not dangerous. Not really—”
“Not really?”
“Fuck’s sake,” Remus muttered with another very heavy sigh. “Let me explain it to her.”
“I wish one of you would,” Flora snapped in irritation. 
“I was against it too, okay?” Remus began calmly. “I still am. I don’t like him but he’s been fairly reliable so far. He’ll be killed if he’s found. By the look of things, he nearly was killed."
Sirius’ face had grown rather pinched. He held his chin in his hand and frowned down at his mostly untouched cup of tea. His whole body, which he usually held in a careless, relaxed way, was now very tense and hunched.
“I just want him to be safe,” Sirius murmured without raising his eyes.
Flora was quiet for a long moment, glaring at the two of them. “So the extra food,” she began after a minute, “That’s for him?”
“I’m sorry we didn’t ask you first, Flo,” Remus answered softly. “We need to move him quickly though. It probably won’t be for long, mind. The Order will eventually find somewhere more permanent for him to go, maybe. But he’s not exactly their priority right now. He’s just a runaway, at the end of the day.”
“More like an escaped lunatic," Flora said indignantly. "I don’t want him here. I’m telling you no.”
“Flora, please,” Sirius looked up now. His soft eyes were huge and desperate. “I’ll be the first to admit he’s an insufferable little prick. He has his ridiculous airs and prejudices, but I swear he won’t hurt you. I wouldn’t have asked if I thought for even a moment that he would harm a hair on your head. Maybe it’s stupid, but I truly believe he can change. He just needs the chance.”
Flora sat back, halfway defeated. She found it very challenging to argue when Sirius was looking at her with eyes like that, and it did not help that she’d had a foolishly desperate crush on him since she was eleven. She knew she would cave the moment he asked. She reasoned she could handle a rude houseguest — she’d helped at the village pub when she was fourteen during the summer holidays — but she wasn’t so keen on her houseguest being a dark wizard who openly hated muggles. This would be odious, but she couldn’t deny Sirius anything.
“We already broached the subject with him,” Sirius went on when she didn’t respond. “We’ve made it very clear that he has to behave himself.”
“How long will it be for?”
Sirius shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. If he becomes too much to deal with, we’ll take him back to the flat until we can find another arrangement.”
“What exactly do you mean by ‘too much to deal with’?" She questioned carefully.
“Exactly what I said before. He’s a prick. I’m going to be completely honest with you, he will likely treat you with a lot of disdain because you’re a muggle. But whatever he says, take no notice. Just tell me and I'll sort the little bastard out."
“So he’ll just be rude?”
“At best, yes.”
“What about at worst?”
Sirius drummed his fingers on the table top. ��He can be hateful.”
Remus sat up a little, as though a thought had just occurred to him. He touched Sirius’ arm lightly and shook his head, “Let’s not do this. We can find somewhere else for him to go. Why destroy her peace? She doesn’t need to know what people like him think of her.”
Sirius’ face dropped slightly. He looked a lot like a small child who had just been told no. Flora watched them curiously, feeling an odd swelling in her heart as she observed the pain and anxiety in Sirius’ eyes. Besides that, she was undeniably interested in doing something other than sitting around the house reading novels. When Flora had said life was boring, she meant she felt she was fading into the wings, always waiting, stagnant. She was so bored, lonely, and she resented her brother more and more everyday for keeping her here.
“Where’s he going to go, Moony?” Sirius was speaking in a low murmur to Remus. "He's not safe."
“We’ll find somewhere,” Remus replied with little certainty in his voice. “I promise.”
“He’ll be killed,” Sirius hissed. “They’ll find him.”
“They won’t.”
“One week,” Flora spoke up quietly, barely believing her own words as they left her mouth. She couldn't bear witnessing this. She didn’t have it in her to be cruel, and right now she felt cruel if she said no. “If he can behave himself for one week, he can stay.”
“Flo, you don’t have to—” Remus began hesitantly.
Sirius’ eyes lit up with new-founded hope though. “One week?” he replied quickly, latching to her words.
Flora nodded slowly. Her heart felt heavy but she couldn’t go back now. One week was fair, she reasoned. It wasn’t such a long time. And if Sirius’s brother turned out to be alright, then perhaps she would have a friend to fill her time with. As he was younger than Sirius, she assumed he must be her age. Either way, she reasoned, she had quite literally nothing to lose in letting him stay.
“One week. Okay,” Sirius nodded eagerly, “and we’ll visit every morning and evening to check how he gets on.”
Remus frowned. “I don’t think we can do that.”
“Well, I will anyway,” Sirius said. He then leaned across the table and clasped hold of Flora’s small hand. “Thank you. Thank you,” he whispered with great sincerity.
Flora coloured with pleasure, smiling a little in spite of herself as she relished in his joy and relief — joy and relief she had given. She knew her actions weren’t motivated out of any concern for his brother. Her motivation was purely for Sirius and herself.
“What’s his name anyway?” Flora asked, realising she’d never considered it.
“Of course it is,” she rolled her eyes gently and shook her head.
Sirius smiled, still grasping her hand in his tightly. He then kissed her hand, just like a knight in storybooks, placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles. Flora blushed to her ears and looked away, mortified and thrilled. And that was that. Regulus Black would be arriving the very next day.
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foursaints · 1 month
barty rarepairs .. i don't ship it but barty x mary? the pretty popular girl with self-esteem issues and the sleazy academic weapon with a convoluted sense of self ........ hm
hmm 4/10 solely because i don't think mary macdonald would ever touch that man with a 10ft pole 😭
however these two could be FANTASTIC as codependent best friends in a modern au. sloppy, sparkly, and outrageous!! mary macdonald is loud and hilarious and refreshingly warm in a way that charms everyone around her positively silly. she wears flip-flops and cork-wedge espadrilles, strappy victoria's secret bras underneath ribbed cotton tanktops, headscarves and sundresses and fur coats.
she meets barty crouch jr freshman year, when he locks himself out of his first-floor dorm room and drunkenly mistakes her open window for his. he climbs shirtless into her dorm at 3am, only to be met with a very angry mary in a lacy pink robe and bunny slippers, brandishing a hairbrush like a weapon. 
& from that moment they're inseparable. YEAH THIS IS GOOD
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percesdead · 4 months
me, crying over my own writing: this guy's a fucking bitch
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sailorgoon13 · 5 months
Regulus Black
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Full Name: Regulus Arcturus Black
Nickname: Reg, Reggie
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 28 June, 1961
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Walnut, Phoenix feather, 11", Rigid
Hair Color: Black hair, natural curl
Eye Color: Grey eyes
Skin Tone: Light
Height: 5'9"
Body Type: Slender, lean.
Style: Tailored robes of rich, deep colors—charcoal black, midnight blue, and emerald green. Beneath his robes, he favored crisp, white shirts paired with fitted trousers. His hair, dark and tousled, fell effortlessly across his forehead. Around his neck, he wore a simple pendant
Features: His hair dark and possibly slightly unkempt. His stormy grey eyes. Stoic exterior
Traits: Determination, Integrity, Compassion, Selflessness
Likes: Music, Art, Nature walks
Dislikes: Arrogance, Close mindedness, Prejudice, Injustice
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading
Fears: Voldemort, What Voldemort planned on doing
Family and Friends:
Father: Orion Black
Staunch believers in the supremacy of pure-blood wizards and witches
Likely authoritarian parents who expected strict obedience and adherence to family traditions from their sons. Their rigid upbringing likely contributed to the conflicts and tensions within the Black family.
Mother: Walburga Black
Was infamous for her enchantment of the Black family tapestry, which displayed the family's tree.
She blasted off the names of any family members who were disowned or deemed unworthy, including Sirius when he left home.
Friends: Regulus upbringing within the pure-blood supremacist Black family, suggests that he may not have had many genuine friendships, especially outside of those who shared his family's beliefs. His relationship with his brother Sirius suggests that he may have harbored feelings of loyalty and affection towards him, despite their differences. Though strained by their ideological divide, their familial bond could have provided a foundation for understanding and mutual support.
Special Abilities: Was taught Dark Magic at a young age
Boggart: Voldemort
Patronus: He could not produce one
Polyjuice: Would appear to be black with silver specks. Smells like old parchment and ink, mixed with earthy tones. The taste would be subtle and similar to dark chocolate with a hint of bitterness.
Amortentia: Subtle undertone of smoky incense or burning parchment, a faint scent of lilies and fresh air after a storm
From a young age, Regulus Black was groomed to uphold the traditions and beliefs of his prestigious pure-blood family. His parents, Orion and Walburga, had high expectations for both him and his older brother Sirius, expecting them to excel in their studies at Hogwarts and uphold the family's legacy of loyalty to the Dark Lord Voldemort.
As children, Regulus and Sirius were inseparable, bound by their shared experiences and the weight of their family's expectations. They dreamed of making their mark on the wizarding world together, fueled by their ambition and thirst for recognition.
But as they grew older, Sirius began to question their family's beliefs and rebel against their parents' authority. His defiance strained their relationship, leaving Regulus torn between his loyalty to his family and his affection for his brother.
Desperate to prove himself to his parents and earn their approval, Regulus stepped up to fill the role that Sirius had abandoned. He embraced the teachings of Voldemort and joined the ranks of the Death Eaters, believing that he was serving a noble cause and fulfilling his family's expectations.
However, as Regulus became more deeply involved in Voldemort's dark agenda, he began to witness the true extent of the Dark Lord's cruelty and ruthlessness. Horrified by the atrocities committed in his name, Regulus started to question his allegiance and the values instilled in him by his family.
It was during this tumultuous time that Regulus learned of Voldemort's Horcruxes—objects containing fragments of his soul that ensured his immortality. Fueled by a sense of duty and redemption, Regulus resolved to atone for his past mistakes by destroying one of the Horcruxes—the locket hidden in the cave.
In a daring and selfless act, Regulus defied Voldemort and ventured into the treacherous cave, facing countless dangers to reach the locket. Though he ultimately succeeded in retrieving it, he paid the ultimate price for his bravery, sacrificing his life to ensure that Voldemort's reign of terror would be brought to an end.
Regulus Black may have started his journey as a pawn of his family's ambitions and Voldemort's manipulation, but in the end, he found redemption in an act of courage and self-sacrifice, leaving behind a legacy of bravery and defiance that would inspire others to stand up against darkness and tyranny.
Best Subject: DADA
Favorite Subject: Potions
Favorite Professor: Slughorn
Worst Subject: Muggle Studies
Least Favorite Subject: Divination
Least Favorite Professor: McGonagall
Student Life:
Regulus was quite active and had a love for being on the Quidditch team
Was in a few extracurricular activities such as Dueling Club and also Slugclub
He was one of Horace Slughorn's favorite students and excelled at potions
As Sirius began to rebel against their family's beliefs and traditions, tensions between the two brothers would have escalated
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Template: @hazyange1s
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okay but Barty is the type to crash Evan's wedding.
like a marriage to a pureblood girl from his parents and none of his friends (minus Reggie) are allowed and then at the "does anyone object to this union" part, Barty just comes striding in.
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bugtoonz · 4 days
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Violet and her cadet
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deathnguts · 1 month
Academic rivals to lovers Bartylus, my interpretation yippee
Regulus is the golden spare child that needs to be number one to convince himself and his family he’s worth anything, let alone nearly as much as his brother was, and is constantly working himself to the very bone to try and prove to literally everyone watching that he’s something. He doesn’t have real friends, his family barely acknowledges him anyway, he doesn’t have a single hobby that he doesn’t turn into a competition with himself, all he has is results. Everything he does, he needs to win. Everything he does, he never does well enough. He’s a tortured student/artist who knows how to play every instrument, memorized every dance, studied for every test, and made it all look flawless just so that no one would see how hard he had to work to be flawless. No one can know he isn’t actually good at anything, not to himself anyway, not right away anyway. Not in a way that matters anyway. And people are blinded by gold, so he’ll get it every time to distract them. And it works. People love the idea of regulus, he’s popular for his name and for what he’s accomplished and people find how driven and mysteriously closed off he is endearing. He knows this, people liking the look and first taste of him has always been the norm for him, it’s just part of his life. Part of the image that’s built itself for him as he just helplessly watched.
Barty who’s the only child, the perfect son, who has just always been number one. He was never challenged academically and never thought it needed to challenge himself, who needs to do that? Things are easy for him and they always have been, he takes pride in that. Getting everything right and being told how good he did is his norm. He’s always glazed past average, and never broken a sweat, He understands and excels at everything the first run through, he flashes a smile and people fall in line, he plays a ditz or oblivious to make it fun, but he knows what he is. Everyone sees the brilliantly bright boy, the minister’s perfect son who would surely never step out of line and surely acts with the good intentions his father surely has and passed down to him, and he lets them believe that. He molds himself so they will, actually. Work is easy, interaction isn’t. Numbers are easy, people are not. That’s the challenge. And he doesn’t know how to rise to it. Everyday is a battle for him to desperately keep a delicately sifted image together and puppeteered to perfection every single day. No one truly knows him, he’s not even sure he truly knows himself. He just knows that if anyone did, they’d run. There’s something wrong with him and he knows it, he just can’t let anyone else catch on.
So you take these two absolute messes who no one else even suspects are messes and you put them in a room and they sniff each other out immediately. No one else has ever looked beneath their surfaces and no one else has ever done it so well, and that’s terrifying. They look at one another and they see a threat to eveyrthing they’ve built for themselves. They look at each other and they see how one carelessly excels where they desperately claw to be average at and they practically itch with hate.
Regulus meets Barty and his fists clench with how easily everything comes to him and easily the praise follows. Barty meets regulus and his eye twitches from how easily people fall in line around him and he won’t fall in line for Barty. Barty’s the first person Regulus has met who’s undeniably considered his level without working for it or even taking it seriously. Regulus is the first person Barty has met who has seen right through him and glared back into the void that is himself instead of running away.
They hate it. They hate being seen this way: at their truest, at their worst. And they take it out on each other. It turns into not only a game of who gets first place, but who can expose the other as a fraud first without ruining their own reputation in the process.
It’s starts as childish and purely spiteful with little to no actual ammo from either side because all they actually have on each other is a ‘bad feeling.’ But their weird obsession with one another quickly leads to them learning things and the using that to either beat them or embarrass them. Sometimes it’s a battle of words, sometimes it’s sabotage, sometimes it’s socially networking a downfall, but it’s always reliant on wits. As they get older it goes from blind seething rage to just the status quo. It’s known they don’t like each other but it’s more a running joke to everyone watching. It’s never a joke to them but it does start to become just an idea. They go from fighting like cats when in the same room to biting but playful banter when left alone together.
Because there is something in being seen. It’s scary, but it’s not anything anyone else will give them. Being perfect is tiring, being themselves is tiring. Sometimes it’s actually nice to know in full confidence there is someone out there who knows you aren’t and will act the same as they always have in the face of that. Begrudgingly, they understand each other and that leads to an understanding that no one else does and no one else will so who cares. They have their perfect images, the poke at each other and always take the opportunity when it comes to mess with them, but when they’re alone they feel more real and strangely comfortable than ever. It’s hard not to crave that, or at least take solace in it.
So when they have this realization, at first it’s polarizing on both sides. They don’t want to acknowledge their feelings might be changing or at least softening over time because that would be admitting they were wrong. About each other and about themselves and about everything they’ve done. So they don’t, for a really long time. But they do come to a silent and sobering agreement in inadvertently searching for one another in crowds at parties and then disappearing together to get away from them to just breathe. They do learn that the other is actually an invaluable ally to have in many places, and they learn on top of that they’re actually privy to that help now.
Since when, who knows, and it always comes with jabs and smirks and rolling eyes to match, but deep down they’re craving that too? They like being around each other, both for the release it offers themselves, but also for the release it offers the other? They like being safe to someone, especially if it’s them? They like letting the other win sometimes because they like seeing their smile? They like being teased when it’s them because they like talking to them? Fuck… they’re in deep shit, aren’t they?
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anxious-copper-wp · 25 days
GUESS WHO FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING TO GET THEM BACK INTO THEIR WRITING GROOVE!- yeah- okay, that’s right, it’s me, who else would it be- (I’m talking to myself ಥ‿ಥ )
BUT- I had like a really random thought about the marauders and spider man, I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THERE WAS MARAUDER SPIDER MAN AUS- sooooo, I’m now thinking of a modern spider-man poly marauders (+ oc, cause I’m pathetic.) soooo, I’m thinking the oc is Spider-Man, because I’m sad that I’ve yet to make my own spidersona so this is my way of making up for it-! Okay, so maybe the oc is their friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, while also being a regular high school student (like a typical Spider-Man story-) and he’s some how recruited into something similar to the order of the Phoenix, to take down something similar to the death eaters, and he’s just brought really closely to James, Remus and Sirius. BUT! It could also just be this silly litter story with fluff and goofing around- hmmm
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marsabillions · 28 days
ik its not that serious like at all but dumb barty hcs pisss me offfffff like omg like whyyyy do you want an entirely different and worse character who made you like this
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disasterchild20 · 22 days
Dating Him Would Include
Him showing off with a snitch
Stealing his hoodies, especially his quidditch one, and him loving it
“You comfy, Love?”
“Very… plus it smells like you.”
Cuddles. Lots of them
Always makes sure that pranks won’t get you
The marauders teasing him for it
Is always touching you in some way. Whether it be holding your hand, or gently brushing arms
Always checking in on you when he sees you, asking how your day has been or if you need something
Surprising you randomly with small gifts; flowers, chocolates, ect
I’m always serious jokes
Arm always round you
“Siri, can you please be serious for one minute?”
“But, Darling, I’m always Sirius.”
Likes it when you play with his hair
Gets you to do his eyeliner
Randomly pulls you onto his lap, burying his face in your neck
Loves it when you ramble about what you’re passionate about
You wearing his quidditch jersey on game days and not giving it back
Painting each others nails
Sharing books and reading them together
Reading aloud to each other
Stealing his sweaters
Him pulling you into his chest when you’re sitting on the sofa together
Burying his face in your hair
“Is that my sweater?”
Eating chocolate in his dorm together
Telling him he could never be a monster
Nose kisses
Cuddles. Lots and lots of cuddles
Raising his sweet draw in his dorm
Him cuddling into your chest/neck
“I’m bored.”
“Okay… you want cuddles, don’t you?”
Loves you running your hands through his hair
Will kiss your cheek every time he sees you
Loves making you blush
Marauders all calling him a love sick puppy
Always asks for your help with homework or revision just to spend time with you
Always needing to be touching you in some way
Wraps his arms round you from behind and burying his face in your neck
Neck kisses
Him lying on you for cuddles
“You’re always so warm.”
“And you’re always so cuddly.”
“You playing with his rings
Love playing with your hair
Sneaks into the kitchen with you to bake cookies with you
Gets you flowers every weekend
Speaks French to you
Forehead kisses
Let’s you draw on his hands and arms
“What are you drawing today, mon ami/e?”
“Stars and flowers, they represent you and me.”
Him letting you paint his nails, returning the favour
Takes you star gazing, telling you what stars are where and the stories behind them - making you wear his quidditch jumper if it’s cold
Writes you poetry, slipping them into your books
Links pinkies on the table when sat with you
Loves you playing with his curls
Loves putting his face in your neck when cuddling
Let’s you choose what earring he wears that day
Loves it when you read to him
Interested in your rambles
“Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“No, continue, I’m interested.”
Writes little notes and slips them into your pockets or bag
Let’s you do his makeup
Makes sure you’re eating while revising or doing homework
Asks your opinion on his outfits
Takes time to explain the theory behind potions to you
Loves holding hands
Plays with your fingers
Studying under trees together
“Told you this place is a perfect place to study.”
“It is, thank you for bringing me here.”
Blushes whenever you kiss his cheek
Sneaks snacks into your bag
Legs touching when sat together
Compare notes after class to see if the other has something different
Rambles about different plants
Let’s you name his plants
“This is Sally.”
“Okay, Sally can go between Brian and Samantha.”
Knuckle kisses whenever you’re holding hands
Gives you a flower everyday for two weeks leading up to your birthday
Helps you with Herbology if you need it
Buys you a small plant because you like helping him with his
Napping together
Cuddly when sleepy
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crimsonlovebartylus · 29 days
i'll say it now (& claim it), short n sweet is bartylus coded. <3
but genuinely in the pop verse way that takes me back to my please please take, girlypop (boypop) singer regulus and actor barty.
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