#okay got lost in the sauce of my point here this is turning into a different post dkskdhkdh
blushweddinggowns · 7 months
His mind was such a mess, Eddie barely knew what he was thinking anymore. But he did know to be annoyed as fuck when his phone rang. He had kept the ringer on high, despite the fact that the only calls he got were from his inner circle asking what the hell was going on. He managed to ignore most of those. But on the off chance it was Chrissy stuck on her layover he didn’t want to miss it.
He didn’t bother checking who it was when he answered. He knew it wouldn’t be Steve. 
“Hello?” Eddie mumbled into the receiver, “Chris?”
“That better mean Chrissy,” Someone huffed, “If you’re seeing someone else already I think that gives me a legal right to kill you.”
Eddie jolted up at the sound of Steve’s voice, “S-Steve?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” He sighed on the other end, sounding way too casual for someone who just turned Eddie’s world upside down, “So how has Europe been? Or was it California?”
Eddie cringed, at a loss for what to say. It wasn’t helping that his heart was nearly pounding out of his chest, “Oh. I-I didn’t- I mean- I’m sorry.”
Steve snorted on the other end, “Yeah, you are. No social media my ass.”
“It’s - I don’t usually use it that much?” Eddie stammered out, “It’s uh, mostly managed by a team but I have the password and - and this is not helping me at all. Is it?”
“No,” Steve agreed, “No, it’s not.”
“Steve I- I know I can’t say anything to fix this. But I-I didn’t want things to turn out like this. I get it, I’m an asshole but you weren’t a joke Steve. I’m the joke. I’m the idiot-you- I mean- I,” he was rambling, badly. Trying and failing to get everything out. 
He had been too lost in the sauce of his own pity party to ever think about this point. Now he was blowing it.
Or so he thought.
Steve sighed again, “Okay, that’s enough of that. Come open the door. I’m outside.”
It took a second for that to compute, “Huh?”
“I’m outside of your door,” Steve said again, “Are you going to let me in or not?”
Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. 
Eddie rushed to stand, almost instantly eating it when the blood didn’t catch up to his brain. He might have neglected a few bodily needs during the past few days. It just wasn’t enough to stop him from rushing to the door, knocking into every other thing on the way. 
But what was a broken lamp and a few bruises compared to true love?
He wretched the door open, his phone still stupidly at his ear. 
There Steve was, waiting for him. Eddie’s mind had decided to keep the idiot routine going because all he could really do was stare at him, at a total loss for what to do next. 
Steve frowned at him, “Jesus, Eddie. You look… not good.”
“I know,” Eddie agreed, running a hand through his greasy hair. He hadn’t exactly been checking any mirrors but he could do the math. No showers, barely any sleep, constant crying. Now that he thought about it he’s pretty sure he hadn’t even changed since their fight. It was bad. Only made worse by the fact Steve was here to see it.
Steve was still frowning as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him to lean on. 
They stared at each other while Eddie’s heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Is this what a heart attack fet like?
“I don’t really know what to do now,” Steve admitted after another beat of silence, “I kind of thought I would but… I don’t.”
“That’s okay,” Eddie tried, taking a cautious step forward. But Steve put a hand up, stopping him in his tracks.
He took a deep breathe, “Eddie, what I’m about to say isn’t to hurt you, okay? I’m not trying to make you feel bad.”
Eddie swallowed, his throat dry and his voice quiet when he answered, “Okay.”
“I think you should go take a shower,” Steve said gently, “Then we can talk.”
from the next chapter of this fic
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0cta9on · 8 months
Unlikely Duet - 5
length: +5k words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
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Yuno’s POV
The light patter of the rain was a reminder of how this all started. A chance encounter, a gut feeling, a gesture of kindness, all of these different choices were woven into the fabric of fate and led me here - eating dinner with Minji and her rich (and terrifying) parents. No matter how I twisted it, this is not at all how I thought I would spend my friday. 
“The rain is getting bad out there. I’m so glad we caught you before you went out in the rain, we would hate for a friend of Minji’s to get sick,” Minji’s mom remarked, her warm, motherly smile concealing something that set off alarms in my head. I kept my guard up, no matter what.
Minji sat next to me, a worried expression painted on her face. She hasn’t said anything since discovering the blood stain on my sleeve from my altercation with Tyler. I wanted to say something to her, anything, but it was impossible in this tense atmosphere. The guilt of not being able to tell her the truth was eating me up inside.
“Dinner is served. Eat as much as you like, dear,” Ms. Kim says, gesturing to the food she had set on the table. An array of different side dishes I had never seen before surrounded a large roasted fish adorned with sauce and vegetables. My stomach grumbled at the sight. It was more food than I had ever seen in my entire life, and it didn’t help that I was also starving from not eating anything the entire day. Without thinking, I quickly grabbed a little bit of everything and piled it onto my plate. Right as I was about to dig in, I noticed the shocked expressions of Minji’s parents.
“S-sorry… I-I’m hungry,” I stuttered sheepishly, earning a small chuckle from Minji. I felt the heat cover my face as her parents got their food, taking much smaller portions than I had. Right as I pick up the spoon to my lips, Mr. Kim clears his throat.
“So, Yuno,” he begins, focusing his gaze on me. “How long have you been friends with our daughter? Minji never mentioned you before.” 
Regretfully, I place down my spoon as I think of an appropriate response. “Uhh, we’ve been friends for…” I turn to look at Minji, hoping to find an answer, but her eyes are glued to her plate as if she’s lost in thought. “Three days. We’ve been friends for three days.”
Mr. Kim’s eyebrow rises slightly in surprise. “Really? And how did you two end up meeting?”
I gulped, my mind going back to the circumstances of our first meeting. Sure, I’ll tell one of my only friend’s parents that I met her in the detention room after beating someone up to the point of hospitalization. They’ll totally love me after that, right? Thankfully, I have an easy out due to Minji’s lie from earlier.
“We got partnered together for science class,” I state, trying my best to sound confident. Mr. Kim narrows his eyes as he studies my expression. I stare back, not wanting to show weakness in front of him. 
“What do your parents do for work?” he asks. The questions were starting to feel a bit too personal, but I would rather not risk going against him.
“My dad works the night shift as a security guard,” I responded. Despite seeing him passed out drunk everyday, he somehow managed to maintain his job all these years. Either that or he never bothered to tell me he got fired.
“And your mom?”
“She’s, uhh…” I glance at Minji for a brief moment, hesitating to answer. “She’s dead.” The room falls silent as each member of the Kim family looks back at me with a mix of shock and sympathy on their faces.
“I-I’m sorry to hear that, dear,” Ms. Kim says, her intimidating demeanor replaced with genuine compassion.
I shrug in response. “It’s fine, it was a couple years ago. I’m okay now.” I stare down at my plate, unable to look any of them in the eye. Truthfully, I was never completely okay with my mother’s death, but what was I supposed to do? Cry in front of them?
Mr. Kim opens his mouth to say something, but his wife stops him. “Honey, you should let him eat,” she says in a stern tone. Mr. Kim relented, and a sense of relief washed over me as I was silently grateful for her intervention. Not only was the onslaught of questions exhausting to face, but I was also still hungry. The rest of the dinner was spent in silence, aside from the clinking of silverware against porcelain and the rhythmic downpour outside.
I lean back in my chair, completely stuffed. Every single bite of food had more flavor than I’ve ever had in my entire lifetime. As intimidating as Minji’s parents were, they were also amazing cooks. I peer outside and notice that the rain had stopped. Taking my chance, I stand up and excuse myself from the table.
“Thank you for the meal, but I should really get going now.” Before they had a chance to respond, I swiftly exit the room, grabbing my backpack. Right as I reach the front door, Minji’s voice calls out to me.
“Wait!” she exclaims, trailing after me. “I’ll walk you home.” I give her a confused look as she turns to her parents. “It’ll give us a chance to talk about the project some more. Just like you say, every second counts.”
Mr. Kim contemplates for a moment before nodding. “Alright then. Be careful, and don’t be out too late. Your mother and I want to talk to you once you get back.”
Minji follows me outside and shuts the door behind us, releasing a long sigh as she leans against the wall. “That was soooooooooo stressful. I’m sorry you had to go through all that, Yuno.”
I chuckle lightly, joining her on the wall. “It’s alright. I’ve survived worse.” We stood together in silence for a while, the chilly evening air gracing our faces, infused with the lingering scent of rain. Minji is the first to break the silence as she turns to me, a look of sadness in her eyes.
“I’m sorry about your mom. I had no idea she was…” Her voice trailed off as she avoided saying “the word”.
“It’s okay, Minji. Really.” I give her a reassuring look as we both head start walking towards my house, the gentle moonlight guiding our path. 
“She died in a hospital fire three years ago,” I began, my voice carrying the weight of the past. Minji looks up at me, listening intently. “She was a nurse. Very caring and loved helping people. Even as the building was burning all around her, she spent the last moments of her life helping people.” I fall quiet as my gaze falls to the ground in contemplation.
“Yuno…” Minji reaches out and pats my shoulder reassuringly. “I’m so sorry.”
My legs freeze in place as I turn to look at her. The chorus of chirping crickets and the subtle howl of the evening wind created a backdrop as I met Minji's saddened eyes. What was she apologizing for? The fire wasn’t her fault. It was an act of fate, a cruel twist beyond anyone’s control. Some higher power up there decided that my mother’s life would be cut short, whether I liked it or not. There was nothing I could do about it.
“Minji…” I call out her name as I unravel my sleeve, revealing the blood stain. “I got into another fight. Tyler McGraw.” I did my best to keep a straight face, but my heart was thumping with anxiety. “He was beating up a freshm… He was beating up my friend. I couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry.”
Fate has a sick and twisted way of working. It brings people together, and tears people apart. Any single one of us could drop dead without a single warning if it willed it. Our entire lives we spend making decisions that we think will matter in the end, but at the snap of a finger, all those efforts could be in vain. Yet, here I stood, disclosing my vulnerabilities to the person I expected the least. Whether this is a blessing or a curse is yet to be seen, and I’ll be damned if I don’t see this until the end.
Minji’s expression shifted from sadness to disappointment to confusion as her mind processed the information. I could do nothing but stand there, vulnerable and exposed as I awaited her response. 
She lets out a heavy sigh. “How is your friend?” she asks, her gaze fixated on the ground. Her disappointed tone felt like a knife stabbing through my heart.
“He’s okay, I think. Your friend with the glasses helped us out.”
“Danielle?” she says, looking up at me with a surprised look before clearing her throat. “Well, that’s good. What about Tyler?”
I scratched my head, averting my gaze as I searched for the right words. “He’s uhhh… He’ll be out for a few days. Maybe a week. Or two,” I admitted sheepishly. Minji pinched the bridge of her nose as I stood there like a child who was caught red handed. 
“You were just… protecting your friend. I’m not gonna fault you for that,” she says, pushing past me. I was left in shock at her unexpected understanding. “What are you standing around for? I said I’d walk you home. Come on.”
I pick my jaw up off the ground and catch up to her, leading the way to my house. We spend the rest of the walk in silence, tension hanging in the air. I stole a couple glances at her, but I couldn’t read her expression at all. Is she mad? Disappointed? All of the above? Before I knew it, we were face to face with my front door.
“This is my house,” I say bluntly.
“Okay. Bye,” Minji says with an unusual coldness, turning to leave. 
“W-wait,” I stammer, calling out to her.
She turns around, her expression blank and unreadable. “What?”
“Are we… still friends?” I cringed, feeling a pang of embarrassment at the vulnerability of the question. Minji chuckles in response, a genuine smile gracing her face for the first time in a while.
“Yes, we’re still friends, silly.” The tension in the air dissipated and my heart felt as light as a feather as a sigh of relief escapes my lips. “You’re a good person, Yuno. I just wish you would stop getting into trouble.”
“Cool. Um, good night, Minji.” I wave awkwardly at her as she leaves. “U-uh, get home safe!”
Minji giggles, the sweet sound  of her voice echoing through the air. “Good night, Yuno!” Her smile imprinted itself into my brain as I watched her silhouette fade into the night. 
I’m greeted by the dark and desolate state of my living room as I enter my house, but all of it fades away as an unfamiliar feeling of elation stirs in my chest. I trudged to my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed, the events of the evening taking their toll on me. Meeting Minji’s parents was exhausting, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t happy that she considered me as a friend. As my eyelids slowly flutter shut, visions of Minji flashed through my head, invading my dreams.
Minji’s POV
As I walk through the door, I see my parents sitting on the couch waiting for me. I gulp as a steady tension fills the air.
“Minji. Have a seat dear, your father and I want to talk to you,” my mom says in a serious tone. A thousand thoughts fill my mind as I wonder what they could possibly want to talk about.
My dad clears his throat, his eyes meeting mine. “This Yuno boy… We don’t want you hanging around him.”
I felt my heart drop in my chest. “W-what? Why?”
“He seems… sweet, but we don’t think he’ll be of any benefit to you in the future,” my mom explains. “Once you two are done with your science project, we want you to cut all contact with him.”
A mix of anger, confusion, and sorrow welled within me. “B-but-”
“No buts, Minji. You should be grateful that we still let you talk to Hanni,” my dad interrupts. “If you want to be successful in life, you must surround yourself with those that are like minded. Frankly, I don’t see that boy amounting to anything.”
I tried to argue, but my voice got caught in my throat. It would have been pointless anyways since they never listened. Without another word, I stormed upstairs to my room.
“Minji!” I ignored my father’s calls as I slammed my bedroom door behind me before collapsing onto my bed. Why were they always like this? Why couldn’t I just be friends with anyone? Tears welled in my eyes as I pulled out my phone, calling Hanni. After just one ring, she picks up.
“Hey girl, looks like you got your phone back, I wonder who gave it to you,” she answered, giggling.
“Hi Hanni…”
“Oh no, what happened?” she asked, her tone shifting as she noticed the sadness in mine.
“I’m just so… frustrated with my parents. It hasn’t even been a full day since they’ve been back, yet I’m already so exhausted.” I snuggled with my bear plush, hoping it would make all my problems go away.
“I’m so sorry, Minj. Do you wanna talk about it?”
I let out a heavy sigh. “Not really. I’d rather forget all about it.”
“Hey, I have an idea! Why don’t we go to the fair tomorrow with the girls? You’ve been stressed enough with all the prom junk, you deserve to have a break.” she suggested.
“Ehhh, I’m not sure, Hanni. I would love to, but I’m not sure if my parents would let me go.” 
“Girl, just tell them you’re going to the library with Dani to study. They’ll have to say yes!”
I hesitated for a moment, contemplating the pros and cons. On one hand, my parents would absolutely kill me if they found out, but on the other hand, a break does sound nice. For the past couple months, my life has been nothing but school work, studying, student council meetings, and prom preparations. I’ve rarely had any time to just have fun. Steeling my nerves, I made up my mind.
“Okay. Let’s do it then,” I say, my heartbeat quickening with excitement and anxiety.
“WOOOOOO!!!” Hanni cheered through the phone. “We’ll pick you up at three, you better be ready by then.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at her elation. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night, Hanni.”
“Good night, girllllll.”
I hang up the phone, placing it on my night stand before falling onto my pillow with a sigh. Tomorrow would be fun for sure, but what about after that? What if my parents found out that I lied to them and went to the fair? Would I be able to live with the consequences? I shake my head, trying to dispel the worries from my mind. Regardless of what will happen afterwards, I was determined to have fun and mess around for one day. 
Yuno’s POV
I jolt awake from an aching pain shooting down my back. My body had gotten so used to sleeping at Minji’s house that I forgot how shitty my own mattress was. Heading downstairs, I’m surprised to see my father not only completely conscious, but he was also cooking breakfast. And it smelled amazing.
“Uh, hey dad,” I grumbled, half-convinced I was in a dream.
He startles, almost as if he was surprised to see me. “Yuno. M-morning,” he stuttered nervously. “U-uh, why don’t you have a seat? I cooked up some breakfast.”
My hunger trumps my confusion as my legs carry me to the table, adorned with a traditional breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I quickly dug into the feast, almost choking on a piece of bacon in the process.
“Slow down there,” my dad chuckles lightly. “I guess I haven’t been doing a great job of feeding you, huh.” The gloom and regret in his tone were palpable while his eyes were fixated to the floor, avoiding mine. 
I pause mid-bite to look up at him. “It’s fine. I managed.”
“It’s not fine.” Anger tinges his voice, directed more at himself than anyone else. “S-sorry, I just… I should’ve been taking care of you. Your mother’s death was hard on both of us, but that’s not an excuse for me to neglect you. I want- No, I need to make things right, Yuno. Will you ever forgive me for being a terrible father?”
A flood of emotions overwhelms me, freezing my body in its wake. After my mom died three years ago, my father turned to alcohol to numb the pain. I never blamed him for it; she was a bright light in both of our lives and her absence left us completely shattered. 
I gulped, suppressing the swirl of emotions bubbling within me. “Y-yeah, dad. I forgive you.”
A smile grows on his face - the first time I’ve seen him smile in years. “Thank you, son. I promise I’ll be here for you from now on.” A strange choking feeling constricts my throat as tears begin to well within my eyes. I rise from the table, turning my head away. 
“Where are you going?” my dad asks. “You should eat some more if you're hungry.”
“U-uh, I just remembered, I uh have plans with some friends today,” I lied impulsively. I’m not sure why I lied, but all I knew is that I needed to get out of the house.
“Friends? That’s great, Yuno. Go out and have fun, don’t worry about me.” The smile that grew on his face only made me feel worse about lying. I quickly grab a hoodie and $20 from my room, not bothering to change out of my sweatpants. Right before I leave through the front door, I turn to my dad, who’s washing the dishes.
“Bye, dad,” I called out to him, a memory of my five year old self doing the same thing flickering in my mind.
“Bye, Yuno. I’ll see you later,” he waves as I close the front door behind me.
My dad sobering up after all these years is a great thing. I should be happy for him. Yet, I couldn’t knock this strange feeling in the back of my head. I took a deep breath in, hoping the cool morning air would help clear my mind. The sun casts its warmth on my face as I begin walking aimlessly. With no plan in mind, I decided to head to the convenience store.
The familiar jingle of the convenience store door chimes as I step inside, the pungent scent of cooking hotdogs assaulting my senses.
“Good morning, welcome to- Yuno!” Winter greets me with a mop in her hand, her demeanor much more upbeat than what I’m used to seeing from her.
“Oh, hey. Didn’t know you were working today.”
“I’m just filling in for one of my coworkers who’s out sick. Are you looking for anything in particular? We just restocked on the ramen you got last time,” she offered.
I hesitated, contemplating the answer myself. “No thanks. I just needed to get out of the house.”
“Are you alright, Yuno? Did something happen?”
“No? I don’t know, I’m all conf-”
A short figure appears out of nowhere and attempts to tackle me from the side. My instincts kick in, allowing me to dodge the attack and grab the back of the assailant’s collar.
“Who the fuck-” My eyes widen in shock as I see that my attacker is none other than Yujin. A white medical eyepatch covers his black eye, but the rest of the wounds on his face seemed to have healed overnight. “Yujin? What are you doing here?”
“He came to visit me at work,” Winter answers, mopping the floor. “It’s been a bit slow this morning, so he offered to come hang out until my shift ends.”
“Yeah, I even told her all about your epic battle with Tyler!” Yujin says, beaming up at me. I release my grip on the back of his shirt as my cheeks burn slightly from embarrassment.
“It wasn’t epic, it was… Whatever. Where the hell is the ramen?” I groan as I drag my feet towards the ramen aisle. 
The three of us sit at a table in front of the store, enjoying the gentle breeze. Warm, spicy ramen broth slides down my throat as I finish the bowl.
“It’s such a nice day outside,” Winter comments. Her eyes are shut with contentment as she leans against the table.
“We should all do something fun since the weather is so nice!” Yujin suggests, his eyes beaming with excitement. 
With no actual plans for the day, I had no choice but to agree. “Sure. Why the hell not.”
Winter nodded in agreement. “Where do you guys wanna go?”
My mind went blank. I have no idea what people do for fun, let alone these two. When was the last time I had fun anyways? 
Yujin hopped out of his seat, a twinkle of elation in his smile. “We can go to the fair! It’s been forever since I last went. What do you guys think?”
I scratched my head in contemplation. It’s not how I imagined spending my weekend, but my life hasn’t exactly been predictable as of late. The fair did sound… intriguing. “Okay. I’m down.”
“M-me too,” Winter added. “I haven’t been to the fair since I was seven. I wonder if they still sell those chocolate chip cookies I used to love.” As if on cue, her stomach loudly grumbled. I couldn’t help but chuckle as her cheeks grew pink with embarrassment. A group of students walked past us, entering the store.
“I-I should get back to work now. I’ll text you guys when I’m done,” Winter said before disappearing into the store. 
“We’ll see you later, Winter!” Yujin called out to her before turning back to me. “Hey Yuno, what’s your number? I’ll make a groupchat with the three of us.”
“Don’t bother. I don’t have a phone,” I said before walking off. Yujin followed closely behind me, bewilderment painted on his face.
“What?! What do you mean you don’t have a phone?! How do you even live?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Never needed one,” I answered simply. It was the truth - up until now I had no one to text or call. Social media seemed like a waste of time and my dad was always too drunk to wonder where I was when I went out. 
“That’s crazy. Let’s stop by my house real quick, I can lend you my old phone,” Yujin says.
“You don’t need to do tha-”
“You helped me out twice, alright? This is the only way I can repay you, so just take it.” There was an adamance in his voice that made it difficult for me to refuse.
I relented with a sigh. “Fine. Lead the way.” Yujin grinned at me before pulling me in the opposite direction towards his house. The bright rays of the sun washed over us, filling me with a sense of calm. With how weird the last couple of days have been, it felt nice to be outside.
“By the way, my grandma doesn’t speak much English, but I can translate for you. I don’t bring friends over often, so she’ll probably want to talk your ear off,” Yujin says, chuckling to himself.
“That’s fine. What about your parents? I ask rather bluntly. His expression darkens, sending a pang of guilt into my chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, Yuno,” Yujin reassures me. “I lived with my parents back when I was still attending my old school. I wanted to stay with them, but they thought it was best for me to live with my grandma after they found out how bad I was being bullied. They would freak out if they ever found out I was being bullied here too…” His gaze fell to the floor and his shoulders slouched, his usual vibrant energy dissipating in front of my eyes. Feeling guilty, I place a hand on his shoulder supportively.
“Don’t worry about it. No one’s gonna mess with you anymore.” I awkwardly patted Yujin on the back, hoping it would cheer him up even a little bit. Thankfully, it ended up working as his frown was replaced with a small yet hopeful grin.
“Thanks, Yuno. I think my parents would like you.” I kept my mouth shut, grappling with the uncertainty of whether Yujin’s parents would like their son hanging around with someone who kicks the shit out of bullies just because he can. We soon arrived in front of Yujin’s house, which was similar to all the houses in the neighborhood, save for the pair of rocking chairs decorating the front porch. 
“Before my grandpa died, my grandma and him would sit in those chairs to watch the sunrise together. That’s kinda cute, don’t you think?” Yujin’s words hung in the air as he unlocked the door. I could only offer a nod as my understanding of romance and the like was nonexistent. 
Upon stepping into his home, we were immediately greeted by Yujin’s grandmother, resting in a large reclining chair. The two of them exchange words in a language I can’t recognize, and Yujin says something makes his grandma smile.
“Grandma said that you’re very tall and handsome,” he says, chuckling. A rush of warmth tinges my cheeks, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment.
“O-oh, uh, tell her I said thanks. I guess.” Yujin relays my message, triggering a bout of laughter from his grandma that eventually transforms into a coughing fit.
“Yujin, are you back alre- Oh jeez.” Danielle suddenly rounds the corner, carrying a saucer with a cup of tea balancing on top of it. Her casual attire of a simple yellow t-shirt and jeans was a far cry from the cold aura she normally exuded in her school uniform. She places the cup of tea on the table next to Yujin’s grandma before turning her attention back to me. 
“Yuno. Hello,” she greets, glaring at me through her glasses. I nod back, bewildered by her presence in Yujin’s home.
“Danielle and her mom are helping me take care of grandma. They’ve been really helpful ever since yesterday.” A genuine smile illuminated Yujin’s face, inadvertently softening Danielle’s expression. It immediately hardened as her gaze went back to me. “I just stopped by to give Yuno my old phone to borrow since he doesn’t have one of his own. Isn’t that crazy?” he explains to Danielle.
She scrutinized my expression with steely eyes, sending chills down my spine. Minji’s parents may have been scary, but Danielle was a completely different beast. “You’re just giving it to him? He’s not, I don’t know, threatening you to give it to him?” she interrogates. I instinctively rolled my eyes at her words while Yujin simply laughed it off.
“It’s the least I could do to repay him for…” He gestures to his eyepatch, cautiously glancing at his grandma, who drifted off to sleep without anyone of us noticing. Yujin’s phone suddenly buzzes in his pocket, revealing a text from Winter. “We should hurry, Winter’s shift is ending soon. Come on, Yuno!” he says before running up the stairs. I quickly follow behind him, not wanting to be left alone with Danielle.
Yujin’s room is the epitome of a stereotypical geek’s paradise. The walls are lined with a colorful variety of superhero posters, accompanied by some drawings he had done himself. On the far side of the room, a shelf is filled to the brim with action figures, fake weapons, and a single first place trophy for a “Junior Art Competition”. His desk is the complete opposite of Minji’s, half-finished drawings, eraser shavings, and colored pencils scattered along its surface.
“Sorry about the mess, I would’ve cleaned up if I knew you would be coming over,” Yujin says as he rummages through a drawer on his desk, pulling out a phone. “Here. It’s not much, but you’ll be able to call and text people, and you can download some games on there if you want.”
 It was smaller and less impressive than most phones I’ve seen people carry, but I couldn’t complain. It was better than anything I’ve had before (which was nothing).  “Thanks,” I utter as I take the phone from his hands. “I’ll, uh, keep it safe.”
Yujin chuckles as he leaves his room. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, he suddenly stops. “Oh shoot, I should probably give you the charger too,” he says before darting back to his room. I turn around to wait for him in the living room, only to find Yujin’s grandma beckoning me with a wrinkly hand. As if I was in a trance, I suddenly started inching towards her, like a snake being hypnotized by a flute. She muttered in my ear in perfect english: “Please take care of Yujin.” Her message was plain and simple, yet I was still filled with questions. Before I could ask any, however, she was already fast asleep. I was starting to wonder whether or not I imagined the whole interaction.
“What are you doing?” Danielle asks from across the room. Somehow, I failed to notice her presence this entire time.
“N-nothing, she just… Sorry,” I stutter awkwardly. With impeccable timing, Yujin appears from the stairs with a phone charger in hand, saving me from this awkward situation.
“Here you go, Yuno. We should head out now, Winter oughta be done with her shift by now,’ he says. “Bye, Danielle!”
Danielle waves at Yujin as we leave, shooting one final glare directed at me right as the door closes. I inspected his old phone, turning it around in my hand. Aside from a couple essential apps, it was completely bare bones, and even the lock screen was nothing but a plain blue rectangle.
“I should probably add your number to the group chat now, huh,” Yujin says, pulling out his phone. After a brief moment, I feel the phone vibrate in my hand with an audible buzz. A notification on the phone reads, “You have been added to a group chat!” 
“There you go! If you ever need to talk to either of us, just send a message and one of us is bound to answer!” He flashes me a wide toothy grin that I silently snicker at. A vivid memory of my childhood suddenly plays in my mind - a timid only child playing with his imaginary siblings. I never brought it up with my mother when she was alive, but I always wanted a younger sibling to play with and take care of. That want manifested itself into an imaginary younger brother that played with me when no other kid would. Of course I’ve long outgrown that phase by now, but something about Yujin is eerily similar to the imaginary younger brother I had before. Or maybe I’ve finally gone insane.
“So.. the fair. What’s it like?” I ask him.
“What?! You’ve never been to the fair before either?! How on earth are you even alive right now?!” Yujin exclaims, his eyes growing wide with disbelief. “As your friend, it’s my job to ensure that you have a fun day at the fair. Now let’s hurry up, Winter is probably waiting for us.” He grabs my arm and pulls me forward, running to the convenience store. A small grin grows on my face as the wind blows past my ears.
“Are you two ready?” Winter asks us as she steps out of the convenience store. She’s dressed in a flowery sundress with a forest green cardigan layered over the top, a contrast to her plain work uniform.
“Yup, we’re all ready! I got some extra cash for the subway,’ Yujin says.
“Subway?” I ask. My hand shoots into my pocket, fingering the $15 I have left and regretting my decision to buy ramen that morning. 
“Don’t worry about the subway, we can just use my metrocard,” Winter says, pulling out a shiny plastic card from her purse. I let out a sigh of relief, although I can’t help but feel bad for not being able to pay for myself.
“Alright, let’s hurry before the lines get too long!” Yujin skips ahead of us with the excitement of a child bringing home a new toy, eliciting a giggle from Winter. 
The sun flashes its light into my eyes, casting its warm glow on my skin. A light fluttering fills my heart with each step, and for the first time in years, I felt hopeful for what the day would bring.
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heyclickadee · 8 months
Okay, a few thoughts on the trailer now that I’ve collected my thoughts a bit:
1. Between the shots of the crashed ship and Omega in the cockpit, it’s looking like a self-rescue on Omega’s part. At this point I’m thinking she gets herself and Crosshair out, and then, based on the shots of Cross with the batch, gets separated from him at some point. He rejoins the batch, and she is…somewhere else. Though I don’t know if that means she goes back to Tantiss.
2. It’s entirely possible that she gets got by one of the bounty Hunters in the trailer, and that’s what separates her from Crosshair.
3. I do think that it is Crosshair in the armor, but other possibilities include: one, Tech, who may not have his own armor anymore and needed to wear something protective on short notice, and; two, Hunter’s having a real bad time and is actually hallucinating Crosshair being with them. I don’t think that’s the case though—I think it really is Crosshair.
4. It’s also possible that those shots with Crosshair are from a little later on in the season.
5. Poor Omega’s going to be in Tantiss for months.
6. I swear Hunter looks like he’s lost weight. Like. I know a lot of the fandom is deep in the Crosshair and Tech are twins sauce (and honestly, I am too, I adore that head-canon and basically think if it as canon), but darn it if Hunter isn’t getting so drawn he’s starting to look a little like Crosshair.
7. I find it weirdly amusing that the half the trailer in which the bad batch actually features is mostly taken up by Hunter and Wrecker doing Adventure Man things. I get the sense they were scrounging to find shots of the batchers that weren’t massively spoilery (and they still put those shots of Crosshair in. Which, admittedly, is one of the things that makes me slightly suspicious of that being Crosshair at all, because that could be a misdirect, but only slightly).
8. I’m going to laugh if it turns out that Cid hired all of the bounty hunters we see to find Omega. Like, if that’s what she uses the money she got from Hemlock for, and she’s basically trying to get Omega out of the situation she got Omega into and goes a little overboard on the means.
9. Ventress! I’ll be honest, Ventress has never been at the top of my favorite character list, though I’ve warmed up to her quite a bit (I used to like the idea of her more than the execution), but I always love Nika Futterman’s performance, and I’m intrigued to see Ventress here at the very least. Because. How. She was very dead. Very, very dead. Not “fell into The Mists” dead—she had a funeral after being dead for months. My only thoughts are that were either seeing her in a flashback sequence that takes place before Dark Disciple, or it turns out that nightsisters can use their force magic to do some weird shit after getting hit by lightning. Either way, I don’t think she’s fighting Wrecker and Hunter here—that’s just some misleading editing.
10. Man, I hope Hemlock dies a lot.
11. Anyway, speaking of the dead and those back from it, Tech is so alive and I’m trying to not be the Smuggest of Gremlins until we for sure see him, but jeez are they making that difficult. (I checked the trailer release blurb on the Star Wars dot com page—it doesn’t mention Tech being dead. It just says the team is “scattered” after the events of season two. Like. Guys, you’re not even trying anymore.)
12. And more on Tech, I do think it’s possible—possible, mind you—that Tech is the guy we see in the clone X armor in front of what looks like the Archium. There are some small differences between that armor and both the armor we see on Clone X in season two, and the Clone X we see speaking later in the trailer—namely, the shoulder straps, what looks like a glass visor covering the two eyeholes, and *sigh* the pouches. And it’s the straps and the pouches that are giving him a bit more of a Tech-ish silhouette—especially the pouches, and especially from behind. If it is Tech, though, I don’t think it’s a brainwashed Tech at all (and honestly, it’s the pouches that make me lean towards not brainwashed if it is Tech in there, because a shin pouch is just a very Tech-and-not-blank-slate thing to wear).
I actually think it’s more likely that it’s Tech in disguise and having taken the armor from the Clone X we see later in the trailer (with some adjustments of his own), and that that’s what’s being referred to by the titles “Infiltration” and “Extraction;” Tech infiltrating imperial forces, and then the others having to get him (and probably the people of Pabu) out. And, if that’s the case, I’m banking on these shots being from the midseason. (I know I said I wasn’t going to speculate on the episode titles. That was aspirational.)
Basically, I could be persuaded that it’s Tech in there or that it’s not. I’m less likely to be persuaded that it’s a brainwashed Tech in there—I still don’t think that’s happening.
12. Whether that is Tech in that armor or not, I do think that the clone X we see speaking in the trailer isn’t the same guy in the armor in the Archium shot.
13. I am SO HAPPY to see Phee back THANK GOODNESS. I was a little worried they’d drop her like a rock, but nope! She’s here! She’s got her cool jacket! We see her ship!
14. There is a criminally small amount of Echo in the trailer, but I’m not giving up on seeing more of him. It’s possible that he’s either a walking spoiler, or that he features a little more heavily in the back half of the season.
15. “The Cavalry Has Arrived” is the most optimistic episode title in the whole damn show and, yes, I will die on this hill.
16. Crosshair. Oh, Crosshair. Someone please save him immediately.
17. There’s a lot of early doom panic around, well, everyone and everyone (especially Hunter) dying that I’m honestly going to ignore going forward. For reasons.
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crazycurly-77 · 24 days
Lost in the Jungle - pt. 3
Up in the air the pilot ordered his co-pilot to take the helm and left the cockpit to speak to Gibbs and Tim. 
“Hey Gibbs. Nice to see you again.” he said and shook Gibbs’ hand. Then he turned to Tim, reached out his hand and stated “Stan.” Tim shook his hand and replied “Timothy McGee.”
Stan nodded, then pointed at his co-pilot and said “that's my fellow co-pilot Olli.”
Gibbs and Tim looked at him stunned, then Stan began to laugh “yeah, I know. Stan and Olli. But that's our names.”
He shrugged and asked "where are we exactly heading to?”
“La Nueva Esperanza” Gibbs answered. 
He opened a map and Stan and he checked it. “Look there. A little bit north is a free space where we will possibly be able to land.” Stan explained. 
Gibbs nodded “good. There we can set up our base camp.”
“Okay. You know where the plane is?”
“Somewhere between Sauce Gigante and the river Rio Napo. Approximately 4 km north from the village.”
“Okay, then we will go down there,” Stan stated and went back into the cockpit. 
For the rest of the flight, you all silently thought about what awaited her once she landed. Gibbs alternately stared out of the window, walked up and down the plane or seemed to sleep and Tim wrung his hands madly all the time. 
Eventually he couldn't take the silence any longer and said cautiously “boss…what should we expect when we land?”
Gibbs paused his walking and looked at him, then he answered “we will be in a part of the Amazon rainforest, which means a high temperature and an even higher humidity. You will sweat to no end and you will have difficulties in breathing. Additionally you should pay attention where you walk and what's above you. There are many animals that are potentially deadly.”
Tim gulped and became big eyes and with every fact Gibbs mentioned his eyes grew bigger and bigger until his blood nearly froze in shock at the mentioning of the deadly animals. Tim was sure this would be a trip to hell, but since he was your best friend he took it upon himself voluntarily to search you and bring you home. 
Which suddenly led him to the question what Gibbs’ reason was to take this risk. Surely that was because you were one of his teammates and he knew he would do anything to protect you all. 
But there was another reason why Gibbs was doing this and why he was so troubled, except Tim didn't know that and Gibbs won't tell him on his own. 
So they sat respectively walked in the case of Gibbs in silence once again until they landed in Ecuador. 
When safely back on the ground they immediately got to work and the tent and so on were standing in no time. 
Tim tried to help, but the others were so experienced because of their time at the Marines that he was simply too slow to be of use for them. So he checked the material. 
As all was ready they checked the map and the time again. 
“In two hours it will be dark, Gibbs. It then will be too dangerous to walk through the jungle,” Stan said. 
“McGee, how far is it from here to the signal?” Gibbs then asked. 
“It's approximately 4 km,” he answered. 
Gibbs pondered the options as Olli spoke up “let's get some sleep and start tomorrow as soon as the sun rises.”
“We have no time to lose. If she is injured she needs help as soon as possible,” Gibbs argumented. 
“Yes, but we will be of no help to her, if we die because of any dangerous animals” Stan stood his ground. 
Then Gibbs lost it. He slammed his hand on the table and yelled “dammit! We have to find her as soon as possible. No matter what!”
Stan watched him suspiciously as Gibbs stared into his eyes, trying to intimidate him. Then he replied “we have only four flashlights, one for each of us. With them you won't see exactly where you are and what's around you. Gibbs, that's way too dangerous! Let's go tomorrow right in the morning!”
That only increased the fire of Gibbs’ fury. But as he wanted to shout at Stan again, Tim laid his hand on his shoulder and said calmly “Gibbs, let it be. They are right. We won't be of any help to her, if we are dead. It's too dangerous. As her best friend I want to find her as badly as you do, but we have to wait until tomorrow.”
They looked each other in the eyes and communicated with their looks. Then Gibbs hung his head and nodded “okay, we will wait ‘till tomorrow morning when the sun rises.”
“Then that's settled,” Stan concluded and he and Olli went to prepare food for all of them. 
While the four of them were eating, they talked about the possible dangers that are to expect on the journey to the plane and what they will do in case she's injured. 
Finished eating, they cleaned up and Stan and Olli went to sleep. 
Tim and Gibbs remained seated, lost in their own thoughts. 
But as they stood up to went to sleep too, Tim asked quietly “why are you so determined to find her? I feel that it's more than her being a teammate.”
Gibbs stopped, turned to him, looked at him and said smiling sadly
“She's my girlfriend.”
(To be continued...in Chapter 4)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Won The Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: A continuation of Score A Goalie. Might be a bit of a long one.
Spain may have ended up losing in the quarter-finals of the euros, but Clàudia had still scored a goalie, your relationship with the Barcelona player stronger than before after the competition, spending as much time as you could together before your respective preseasons began and new transfers were being announced.
With the retirement of your captain, Sampedro, Lola was now team captain and number one goalkeeper for Atleti. This wasn’t the end of the constant changes that you took like punches to the gut. Deyna and Laia had left for Manchester City, Vir was dating someone, but you weren’t sure who, and Carmen and Lola were both being weird.
This meant that Lola fueled her energy into adopting the new youngest player of the team, Andrea Medina, with you being teased that you now had a team baby sister, since Lola was your team mum. However, everyone forgot a common worry that some families have when new baby siblings are introduced. The older one being forgotten about.
Tapping your foot against your kitchen floor, you stirred the pot carefully, trying to stop any of the food from burning to the bottom of the pan. Your tablet starting to ring caught your attention though, a smile creeping onto your face as you hit the answer button.
“¡Hola, cariño! I liked your tiktok!” your girlfriend’s face appearing over the video call lifted a weight from your shoulders, continuing to stir your dinner as you looked at the tablet camera.
“Thank you, baby! Wait, do you mean my ‘teenage dirtbag’ one or… the one where Lola bribed me to dance with her and Vir… because I don’t think those ones will be happening anymore, Lola stopped asking me since Medina will do them voluntarily… sorry, I’m rambling…” you apologised, turning away to look at the pan of food again, not seeing how your girlfriend’s smile turned into a concerned frown at what you said.
“I like both, we will have to go dancing together next time! It is weird here too, Jenni has left… we both lost our team madres, but Alexia is still here, recovering.” Clàudia pointed out, you both pausing to reflect on the number of teammates who had left Barcelona and Atlético Madrid over the summer.
“Jenni moved to Mexico, whilst Lola… is too busy to have to worry about me. How is Alexia anyway?” you enquired, turning off the hob as you went to serve your food.
You didn’t expect to hear Alexia herself answer, splashing the sauce down your shirt instead of into the bowl as you flinched, Alexia’s voice startling you since you expected an answer from your girlfriend.
“Are you okay, chica?” Alexia frowned as you disappeared off camera with a slight yell.
“Just a second… I need to change my shirt… got sauce all over it!” you called out, hurriedly throwing your stained shirt in the sink before grabbing one of your girlfriend’s hoodies that she’d left with you (or you’d stolen, you were not going to disclose which it was).
“You are cooking?” Alexia began to tease, but you tried to hide the sad look on your face.
“Don’t you have dinner with Lola and Carmen on this day every week-” Clàudia cut herself off, realising what had gone on, “They forgot about you?”
“Lola’s busy, she barely has time during goalkeeper training now, so I am trying to cook dinner. Carmen’s coming over, but my cooking might scare her off. Unless I ditch this, and make pancakes… those pancakes I made for breakfast were okay, right?” you looked at Clàudia on the screen, who immediately flushed red as Alexia raised an eyebrow at you cooking Clàudia’s breakfast.
“When was this? In Paris?”
“Uh, no, it was…when Clàudia stayed with me here, in Madrid before pre-season…” you bit your lip, realising Clàudia had gone redder than you thought was possible under the teasing gaze of her captain, who hummed as she processed what you had said.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, until you heard the buzzer go off, “un minuto!” hurrying over to check who it was, then let Carmen into the building.
“Carmen?” Clàudia asked knowingly, but she still tilted her head slightly, wondering if it was just Carmen.
“Yeah, just Carmen. Everyone else… has better things to do I guess.” Shrugging, you went to open the door, waiting for a second before Carmen pulled you into a hug, walking into your kitchen with a shocked expression.
“¿Qué ha pasado aquí? Hola, Clàudia, hola Alexia!” Carmen’s gaze changed from where you’d splashed sauce everywhere, to the t-shirt in the sink, to the tablet set up on video call, as she asked what had happened here, in your kitchen.
“I tried to make dinner, but Alexia scared me and the sauce splashed a bit.” You explained, grimacing as Carmen looked over what you had made, grabbing a spoon to try it.
“Well, it is not poison. Good job!” Carmen chuckled, raising her hand to offer you a high five, “but you only made enough for two?”
“Lola and Vir have other things to do,” shrugging, you gently high-fived Carmen before moving to sort out the food, Carmen talking to Alexia and Clàudia about something as you zoned out trying to find the cutlery in your kitchen.
“¡Hola, chicas!” you almost dropped the spatula you were holding as you heard now Jenni’s voice over the video call, looking at Carmen with wide eyes as she shrugged at you. Apparently Jenni had time to video call even with the seven hour time difference.
Walking back into frame, you passed Carmen a bowl of the food you’d made, the two of you watching the video call like it was reality tv with the bonus of food.
“Quiet in Madrid? Where are Lola and Vir?” Jenni raised an eyebrow, spotting how you and Carmen were the only ones in frame at your apartment, Carmen explaining whilst you picked up your drink.
“I will add them to the call!”
Clàudia’s eyes widened as Jenni put her foot in it, sending call requests to Lola and Virginia whilst you had a much more vivid reaction. Choking on your drink, you surprised Carmen who hurried to help you, whilst Alexia and Clàudia were stuck watching the chaos from Barcelona, as Lola eventually appeared on the call.
The goalkeeper raised an eyebrow as you dropped out of frame quickly, the choking noises alarming her and confusing Andrea who was in the background of Lola’s screen. 
“¿Qué está pasando?” Lola frowned, her question repeated as Virginia graced what had now become a group video call with her presence, asking what was going on.
“What’s happening is- this turned into a group call and dinner went cold, hey, babe, were the pancakes okay? I’d rather not poison Carmen, or myself, by making them again?” you hesitated as you spoke, directing your eyes on the one camera where Clàudia and Alexia were. Alexia was giving Clàudia an amused look as your girlfriend paused in her answer.
“Babe?” Jenni began to tease, spotting how Clàudia had started to blush again.
“When did you make pancakes for Jenni’s child?” Lola raised an eyebrow, realising that you had never mentioned this before.
“When she came to Madrid after the Euros and stayed here…” you trailed off, eating a mouthful of the food you had left over, Carmen doing the same but hiding the shit-eating grin she had on her face as Jenni, Lola and Virginia processed what you had just said.
“When did you go to Madrid?” Jenni enquired, wondering when Clàudia had time to visit where Jenni was from.
“You stayed at mini-Lola’s place?” Virginia added, about to smirk but Lola’s frown stopped her.
“Together? When was this? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“No, she stayed at mine and I slept at a hotel- we both stayed here!”  you deadpanned, shrugging as Carmen face-palmed, raising an eyebrow at your boldness, “I tried to tell you, but-”
“Mini-Lola?” you froze as Andrea spoke, Lola’s focus completely gone as she gave Andrea a recap of last season, how you were Lola’s mini version, and you and Clàudia had met then started dating, to what Lola was just finding out now.
“You two are having sleepovers?” Alexia smiled as Clàudia was forced to explain, realising that you had gone out of frame to try to make the pancakes.
“Uh, cariño! The pancakes were great, just not the first one-”
“The first one is supposed to go wrong! It’s a test pancake!” you pouted, appearing back on screen holding a bag of plain flour, not realising there was some on your nose until Carmen had thrown a tea towel at you, everyone else bar Lola, who was still talking to Andrea, trying to hide their amusement at you.
“How did this go from video calling one person… to a group call?” you enquired as you began to mess around with the pancake batter, ignoring how everyone was now watching you like it was a reality tv cooking show, instead trying to direct a wink at Clàudia. The wink clearly failed as you heard the older players’ reactions whilst you were whisking the batter, rolling your eyes at their teasing.
Your focus remained between the pancake batter that was currently cooking with the frying pan that Carmen had found in one of your cupboards and your girlfriend on the video call, ignoring everyone else as they chattered amongst themselves. The occasional question was thrown to you, but you would hum, watching the pancake batter begin to bubble.
“Are you having pancakes instead of dinner?”
“If you weren’t so busy, we could have gone out to that place we talked about weeks ago, for the weekly meal but those don’t really happen anymore, and I can cook pancakes… sorry if you wanted something more healthy Carmen, I think I have salad in the fridge?” You answered Lola’s question without looking up from the pan, carefully using the spatula to flip the pancake, allowing the other side to cook as you gestured for Carmen to look in the fridge.
You could feel the awkwardness radiate from the call as Lola said what you knew she would say. She was busy as the new captain helping the new players fit into the team and helping the team with the league, but… it was like you didn’t matter anymore. You couldn’t say anything because it was too logical as to why Lola was so busy, so it didn’t matter what you thought. Your eyes remained on the pancake in the frying pan, fighting back tears as you let out a choked sigh.
“¿Estás bien, cariño?” Clàudia looked concerned as you managed to force yourself to look up from the pan, ignoring Carmen’s concerned gaze as you let out a breath and nodded.
“I’m going to finish these pancakes, have a nice night everyone.” You forced a smile, leaving the group video call quickly as you propped up the tablet to open the direct messaging to your girlfriend, typing a message to her before leaving the tablet alone.
“So, how many pancakes do you want?” you turned to Carmen, who raised an eyebrow as you removed the latest pancake from the pan, trying to hide her shock as it was not burnt.
It didn’t take long for things to get even worse. Lola hadn’t told you about what was going on with the Spanish national team, but Clàudia filled you in, and you were ready to fight, even though you’d never played at an international level, or even been called up. The October international break rolled around, and your teammates, and some of Clàudia’s headed to Mallorca, after the requests of the fifteen players, including your girlfriend and (former) team mum, were aired out to the public by the RFEF.
Whilst everyone was enjoying Mallorca, you stayed in Madrid, spending the first few days completely alone, with only contact from Clàudia, before she ended up joining you in Madrid, keeping you company. You were laying with your face in her lap, her fingers drawing patterns on the back of your neck as you hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her thigh before turning your head to look up at your love.
“Tengo miedo de no jugar esta temporada.” You admitted, chewing your lip as Clàudia processed what you had said. You were scared you would not play this season.
“¿Por qué?” Clàudia asked why, her focus on why you did not think you would play.
“Lola is playing every match, she is captain every match… there is no sign that me, or Paula, will play. Atleti need Lola, not me. I- I can’t just analyse how Lola plays every match, I need to play, but… what do I do?”
“Go on loan?”
“But, what if I end up even further away from you?” you rolled onto your back, head resting in Clàudia’s lap as her hand rested on your collarbone, her thumb running circles on your skin.
“What if you end up closer? We will be okay, cariño. We will see each other at breaks, and games, and te amo, cariño.” Clàudia reasoned, not expecting you to sit up, straddling her lap as you sat in it, your hands cupping her face, looking into her eyes.
“Yo también te amo.” 
Clàudia smiled as you admitted you loved her too, leaning forwards so her lips met yours, the kiss shifting from gentle to more passionate as Clàudia’s hands gripped your waist.
October to November, another international break incoming but this time you had plans. Your request to go on loan was pending, and if things went well, you would be going on loan to another Spanish club that needed a goalkeeper from January. A key detail of the loan though, you had to get minutes. You’d seen social media talking about a player Arsenal obtained from Barcelona, but they sent her on loan to Everton, to end up not getting enough minutes for the world cup, and Arsenal admitted to re-evaluating the loan in January if things did not change. Another key detail from the loan came a lot later however. The option that the loan could become a transfer if things played out differently.
Lola and Vir were still wrapped up in what they were doing, and Carmen did spend some time with you, but nobody really noticed you were slipping away from Atleti. Only Clàudia knew what was going on, but her team mums were also getting insights into it. Jenni only knew from the video calls, when time zones were in the Spanish players’ favour, whilst Alexia could talk to Clàudia herself whilst recovering from her ACL injury.
Clàudia seemed fine, until the November international break approached, and you were a lot harder to get hold of. You’d left Madrid, heading to England to spend a few days in the Lake District, and the last thing you’d posted was peaceful.
You stood near the lake, chewing your lip as you walked back towards where you were staying, with the wifi struggling to upload your photos you’d just managed to take. You had your back towards the camera, looking out at Windemere in the one you chose for your Instagram post, whilst your Instagram stories got the rest of the photos, plus a specific song you chose, having the lyrics appear on the screen with the photo as the song played. The Lakes by Taylor Swift. You decided to make a travel tiktok for England later.
Walking back out to the lake, you didn’t think your feed would refresh and show you a photo that with a second glance, had you wanting to wash your eyes. Instead, your phone slid from your grasp and you heard a splash. 
“Ew! Ah! No, no no! Please still work… fuck! Rice, I need rice!”
Luckily you still had your tablet, so you could video-call Clàudia and explain that all you had managed to save from your phone was the sim card, which somehow still worked, but the phone itself was gone. Your texts went unread, Whatsapp inaccessible, and phone calls were not getting through. 
This meant that you didn’t see Lola, Carmen, Vir, even Jenni and Alexia, all separately trying to contact you, everyone scattered slightly as they were all between Madrid and Barcelona, but you had gone radio silent at an English lake.
You somehow made your flight back to Spain, even though it had been delayed by an hour. Phoneless, you were unable to ask anyone to pick you up, instead getting a taxi to where Clàudia had told you that everyone was going for dinner. Jenni was back in Spain after Pachuca lost the quarter-final against Monterrey on aggregate.
None of them expected you to walk in the door, but Clàudia had been awfully quiet about you, while everyone else was still trying to figure out if you were still even in England or not. None of them realised how far you’d slipped away, how fraying your friendships with them were getting, even when they realised none of them knew when your returning flight was. Nobody but Clàudia knew you had requested to go on loan yet either, Lola even taken unaware at this point, but her focus was the transfers and the rest of the team. Maybe she figured since you were her mini-her, you could handle yourself and be fine on your own.
“You’re here!” Leila cheered, hurrying over to hug you after Clàudia had got up from the table, having spotted you walking into the restaurant late. 
“You’re back? When did you get back?” Jenni had to hide the excitement in her tone, noticing how Lola had tensed up at your arrival.
“What are you wearing?” Patri tried to avoid laughing but she gestured to the clothes you’d worn on the flight.
“Cariño, how was your flight? I saw it was delayed.” Clàudia asked, holding your hand as she brought you over to the table, where an empty seat had been left for you.
“You just flew back? Did you eat anything?” Carmen raised an eyebrow, about to ask for a menu to be brought over, when Lola finally spoke, and everyone else fell silent.
“We tried contacting you, we were worried.”
You didn’t look at Lola, or Jenni, as you revealed something in a plastic bag full of rice.
“I got jumpscared by Instagram, dropped my phone in the lake. Now it’s just a decorative paperweight.” You shrugged as the bag of rice with your broken phone in was taken from your hands for closer examination.
“You brought it back, in the bag of rice?” Carmen hid her amusement behind her hand, not realising you were avoiding looking at Lola and Jenni. Instead you took the menu you were given and asked Clàudia about the food, trying to ignore how Patri and Leila were making fun of your comfy airport clothes.
“Evidence. It’s not like I just wasn’t replying because I was too busy… my phone went for a swim, and I haven’t bought a new one yet. That flight was…” you shivered, remembering the flight as Clàudia frowned, immediately reaching over to you, talking you through the menu and what the others ordered.
The slight dig at Lola made her eyebrows raise, but instead, she was handed the bag of rice with your paperweight of a phone in it, distracting her as she saw what you had in your phone case. Two small polaroids that were now slightly stuck together with the water. One polaroid was of you and Clàudia, whilst the other, was you, Carmen and Lola. Lola’s arms were around you protectively, whilst Carmen was holding the camera, and you were holding up a peace sign with a grin.
Lola glanced up from the polaroids to where you were talking to Clàudia, a grin on your face that Lola hadn’t seen in a while now. Even during goalkeeper training you didn’t smile as much as you did last season.
“What was the instagram post that scared you? Can you find it again? I want to scare some people!” Jenni asked, about to pass you her phone, but you zoned out, a shiver running over you as the post popped up in your head again.
“I would rather never see that image again, to be honest with you, Jenni.”
Alexia found out you were back in Spain when her teammates began posting stories and instagram posts that had you in, although your comfy airport clothes contrasted their dinner clothes massively.
It took a video call to Patri for the Barcelona captain to get a glimpse of you, alive, walking through a phone shop looking for a new phone with Clàudia helping you. Your Atleti teammates were busy, but that didn’t matter to you as much when you were with Clàudia, although Patri and Leila were third and fourth wheeling, slightly.
Patri began to explain the bag of rice with your broken phone that you had brought to the dinner, confusing the captain until Leila added you had dropped it in the lake in England, seeing something on instagram that had scared you.
You’d withheld the information about the post in question, only telling Clàudia what you had seen, leaving her to tease you about Spanish girls, but you frowned, admitting the only person you wanted to kiss on the mouth was her, since she was your girlfriend. Clàudia smiled softly, admitting the same thing before she was about to lean in and kiss you, only stopping when Leila walked over, asking if you’d picked out a new phone yet, because she and Patri were bored.
You had to return to Atleti for training to begin the next day, so you stuck to Clàudia as much as possible, setting up your new phone, importing your old data but also creating new memories, and taking new photos with the girl you love.
Lola and Jenni did not expect a venmo request from you, the attached message explaining why your phone ended up in a lake in England. Jenni’s photo of her and Lola had horrified you, and your phone ended up going for a swim.
Neither of them paid the request, Jenni more amused than anything that it was her photo that had jumpscared you, whilst Lola was more confused, and a little annoyed, calling you when she had a free moment.
“That is why you got the newest and expensive version? Because Jenni posted a photo of me and her?”
“Hola, ¿cómo estás?” you began to sass, saying hello and asking how are you, since Lola forgot, “I didn’t need to see one of my former- my team mum being kissed by one of my girlfriend’s team mum’s, okay? I did not need to see that, ever. I needed the storage anyway…” you replied, shrugging but Lola couldn’t see that, she hadn’t video called you. If she did, she’d know you were wide awake, sitting on your balcony instead of being in bed.
“To lose more when you throw it in a lake again?”
“Hilarious. But no, I needed more space for photos, and my apps keep updating and eating all my storage. Tell Jenni she’s on thin ice, she sent me the photo again and I almost blocked her, something about how it should be the first photo on my phone… but this is my first new photo…”
Lola pulled the phone away from her ear as it buzzed, revealing you’d sent her a selfie of you and Clàudia.
“Cute, but is sorry not enough of a payment?” Lola chewed her lip, waiting for your answer.
“I’d like to think I’m worth more than that, especially since I was in another country, with no phone… you’re lucky I had my tablet with me.” You began to bargain, hearing Lola sigh.
“How much more?”
A venmo reminder gave her the answer, asking her to cover half the cost of the phone, whilst Jenni was reminded about the other half.
“You always told me I was worth more than what people thought.”
“I guess I brought that on myself… but I was right there, mini-me.” Lola hummed, smiling slightly as she called you the nickname.
“Gracias, but you still owe me money for the phone, Jenni won’t pay.”
“I will talk to her. You will have your money tomorrow, but don’t ask me to do this again.” Lola warned, her tone making you pause slightly, letting out a breath.
“Pleasure doing business with you, and, if you’re going to kiss your friends on the mouth, warn me to avoid social media. I don’t need more reasons for therapy… no offence, I love you, but the only girl I will be kissing on the mouth is Clàudia.”
“I cannot say it has been a pleasure for me, your reflexes have always been… creative, but throwing your phone in a lake? You worry me sometimes. I am glad Pina is the only girl for you.” Lola admitted, glancing at the time, but she couldn’t help but admit it. She had missed talking to you.
“England was fun though, weather sucks, but the WSL? Tempting…” you joked, but Lola frowned, unknownst to you.
“You want to leave Atleti?”
“I haven’t gotten any minutes this season, Lola. I’m bored, and everyone’s… this is the longest conversation I’ve had with you since before the euros. I miss you.” You sniffled slightly, trying to fight back any emotion in your tone.
“I’m always here, mini-me.”
“It doesn’t feel like it, but I don’t blame you. You’re one of the captains now, you have other responsibilities than having dinner with me once a week, so… I’m sorry I brought it up, I’m going to go… buenas noches, Lola…” you hung up before Lola could process what you had said, leaving your captain confused and shocked at her home, and you hiding your sobs as you sat on your balcony, fingers shaking as you called Clàudia next.
It hadn’t taken your girlfriend long to answer, hearing your voice as you tried to explain, she reminded you that she was still in Madrid and would come over.
Luckily, Clàudia had a key to your place, ever since she had stayed with you in Madrid over the summer. This meant she could walk in and lock the door behind her as she spotted you sitting on the balcony floor, crying.
“Cariño, estoy aquí, estoy aquí…” Clàudia wrapped her arms around you, whispering that she was here as you sobbed, taking a while before you explained to her what had happened when Lola called you.
Clàudia ended up staying the night, snuggling in bed with you instead of going back to where she was staying with Patri and Leila in Madrid. She had some leftover clothes but liked stealing yours too, the green hoodie she was wearing left you looking at her appreciatively before you had to head off for training, dropping Clàudia off to where she was meeting Leila and Patri for breakfast on the way.
Lola had tried to talk to you when you got to training, but you ended up being unable to answer as her captain duties took over, and you went over to work with Paula, and the goalkeeper coach. Your captain had tried to talk to Carmen, and Vir too, but the training began to get more intense, and then Lola ended up in a meeting.
You didn’t realise at first how much of the training had been photoed and videoed, until you saw the Atleti instagram, videos of some of you in goal on the stories, reminding you that your request to go on loan had been put in for January, your agent telling you that a few Spanish clubs would be interested, even with the condition that you had to get minutes. The loan would be announced during the January trade window. You were yet to know which club you’d be with after the winter break, and where you would be staying/living until the end of the season. It didn’t occur to you that Real Madrid or Barcelona could even be on the list of Spanish clubs, in all honesty, but you would have had one preference over the other. You may live in Madrid now, but your love was in Barcelona.
You smiled at the message you’d gotten from Clàudia about how good you were looking in training, and how she’d enjoyed your tiktok montage of some of your best saves last season. You hadn’t expected to see a message from her team mum who still played at Barcelona, even when you were pretty sure she wasn’t in Barcelona for the international break, but Alexia had messaged you last night.
Messaging her back before morning training, you’d found out that Clàudia had admitted you were not having a great time at Atleti, not giving away anything else, but Alexia had asked how you were doing, especially after she couldn’t ask you herself, due to your phone taking a swim in the Windermere lake.
You didn’t expect Alexia to ask if you had considered going on loan, since the Barcelona captain was Barcelona through and through. You, however, were into your third year at Atleti, and you wanted, no, needed minutes, and you hadn’t played yet this season. You couldn’t tell Alexia about the loan request though, especially since you weren’t even sure Lola knew yet, and she was your captain. You didn’t lie when you said it was an option in your reply to Alexia after training though. You never lied.
Checking your phone, your venmo lit up with two transactions. Lola had spoken to Jenni it seems, so you quickly texted her a thank you, and a compliment you forgot to give her when you first saw the media footage from the gala. The gala where Lola had ended up going to, and some of Barcelona ended up going too, including Clàudia, and Alexia. Keeping the compliment short and sweet, you told her she looked amazing and you were sorry you took so long to tell her that. You’d messaged Clàudia almost instantly after she sent you a selfie showing you what she was wearing to it, but it was harder to talk to Lola these days, a lot harder.
You had stopped giving the cameras any attention during training, regardless of who was behind the camera taking the photos or filming. Your focus stayed on training, even as your emotions fizzed beneath the surface of your skin, eyes prickling with frustration as you were applauded for one of your saves. You had no confirmation of playing at all this season, and your loan wouldn’t be organised until the January transfer window. Then there were also no more international breaks, so you wouldn’t see your girlfriend until December, unless you were impulsive and took a three hour train like you would last season. Your teammates probably wouldn’t even notice you had gone.
Wiping your face with your gloves, you hadn’t seen Andrea taking photos of you training in goal whilst you had your existential crisis. It was only when Lola and Virginia went over to see Andrea’s photos that you got their attention.
“Are they-” Virginia murmured, but Lola was looking over at you having a water break and talking to your fellow goalkeeper, Paula before she was called over for her turn in the net.
You stood on your own, watching everyone else train when Lola walked over, pulling you into a bear hug. Your body clammed up as arms wrapped around you, only relaxing into the hold when you realised who it was.
“I’m here.” Lola whispered, feeling you relax against her in the hug, burying your face in her shoulder as you fought to hold back the sobs trying to escape your mouth. Your arms were looped under Lola, clinging to her in a tight hug that almost shocked the captain at first, but holding your trembling body in her arms reminded her of why she had taken you under her wing when she returned to Atleti after her year at Lyon. You had already been at Atlético Madrid for a season when Lola came back, but you had grown a lot since Lola was first introduced to you. 
Lola assumed you would be fine as she focussed on the transfers and settling the team down for the league, but she had assumed wrong by the tear stains she could feel developing on the shoulder of her training top. One arm held your back whilst the other cradled the back of your head, Lola knowing how to comfort you as you finally broke. Everything had gotten too much.
Vir bit her lip in thought before making sure the photos of you crying never went onto the Atlético Madrid social media pages. Meanwhile Carmen kept the team distracted, letting you and Lola be undisturbed. 
You ended up going inside with Lola, exhausted from crying as you splashed water on your face in the sink. About to dry your face with your sleeves, Lola let out a grumble as she took some toilet roll for you to use instead, kissing your forehead after you launched the toilet roll into the bin with a flick of your hand.
After the day at training, Lola ended up staying with you, glancing around your place to notice the small changes that had occurred since she had last been over, which happened to be during the previous season.
Her gaze drifted over the hoodie you had pulled on, the Barcelona logo almost making Lola’s heart break before she realised it was your girlfriend’s hoodie, not yours. You had Clàudia’s jersey in a frame on your wall, from the game during the Euros that Alexia had told Lola about after. How flustered the two of you looked flirting in public, and how you had gone to England to watch Clàudia play. Deep down, Lola knew you had been watching her too, but you were like her baby sibling, whilst Clàudia was your girlfriend.
Two multi-photo photo frames caught Lola’s attention after you went to grab her and yourself, a drink from the kitchen. One frame was full of pictures of you and Clàudia together, whilst the other was full of photos of you with your Atleti teammates. There was a photo of you and Carmen, one of you and Virginia, but in the middle was a photo of you and Lola at the beginning of last season.
“You got shorter.” Lola pointed out as you passed her her drink, but you rolled your eyes.
“I used to stand on my tip-toes for photos with you.”
“When did you stop?” Lola enquired as you sat down on the couch, grabbing your tv remote.
“I… I don’t remember. I just stopped, I guess?” turning the tv on, you began to search for a movie to watch, setting on Encanto, “like I stopped thinking I’ll get to play this season. I do my best every training session, but there can only be one goalkeeper on that pitch, and you’re a captain too. I know I’d break if I saw you get hurt, so…” you fell quiet, gaze shifting back to the screen as Lola processed what you said.
Atleti needed to figure out some sort of rotation, or they were at risk of losing a goalkeeper. Lola didn’t think you would leave Madrid, but there was no way she was letting Real Madrid have you. Lola sat watching Encanto with you, the film only being paused when you noticed the time, disappearing from the living room to come back with your tablet.
“I’m going to video call Clàudia… you can stay, her teammates like to be included anyway.” You explained, tapping on the screen as Lola leaned into view of your camera.
“Hola, bebé! Oh, hola Lola!” Clàudia couldn’t hide her surprise as she realised Lola was on the video call with you, leaving you to nervously chuckle before cracking a joke.
“I mean, you two saw each other at that gala, so… saying ‘long time no see’ doesn’t really work…”
Clàudia rolled her eyes at your joke, whilst Lola managed to hold back her laugh, realising how much she had missed talking to you, and how much she had missed about your relationship with Clàudia due to how busy she had been. The call ended up being crashed by an excited Patri, but you were willing to admit that spending your evening with Lola and in turn, over video call, Clàudia had made you feel a lot better.
After the panic that was the home game against Barcelona, having watched Lola kick the goal post in frustration and the 6-1 loss, you didn’t expect to wake up unable to breathe through your nose. Turning onto your side to reach for your phone in the dark, the bright screen left you bleary eyed as you took in the time. You didn’t need to get up for another hour for training, at least. Sitting up with your blankets wrapped around you, your heavy mouth breathing was louder than your phone volume, even as you opened tiktok to see the interactions with your newer uploads, from your travel tiktok in the Lake District (before your phone took an involuntary swim), to your goalkeeper content from last practice.
Your face fell as you saw it, realising just how many tiktoks Lola was posting with Andrea, and all the comments calling them mother and daughter… clearly her eldest team child had gone forgotten, but you knew you couldn’t complain that much, you had struggled with the dance videos Lola wanted to do anyway. Maybe uploading a tiktok at 5am wasn’t the smartest decision, but you hadn’t posted your second part of the ‘teenage dirtbag’ video, with more photos of you as a teen, including some early Atleti ones. You didn’t want to admit you had thrown in a favourite from when Lola had returned to Atleti, but now the photo of a younger you and her was out there, stirring things up.
Your head was beginning to pound as you put your phone down, turning your alarm off without thinking as you buried yourself back in your bedding.
Lola was the first one to realise you weren’t over waiting by the goal posts for training to start, even looking to see if you’d tried to climb up onto the crossbar, but you were nowhere to be seen. Paula shrugged as Lola asked the goalkeeper if she had seen you, leaving Lola to head over to see if you were with Carmen or Virginia. But you were nowhere to be seen, and neither of them, nor the rest of the team had heard from you.
Calls went to voicemail, and texts were unread, the running theory being you overslept since you had posted a tiktok at 5am. The tiktok in question was full of comments about the time in Spain, plus some fans remembered the bond between you and Lola last season, bringing it up in the comments about how you weren’t in Lola’s tiktok videos anymore.
“Maybe they overslept, they’ll probably come running soon, they love being in goal.” Carmen suggested, but the team was getting more and more worried as practice went on, and you still hadn’t shown up.
Training finished for the day, but you never turned up, or tried to contact anyone that you weren’t coming in today.
“The phone calls go through… I don’t think they dropped their phone in another lake.” Virginia explained after trying to call you, a conclusion being made to go over to your place and see if you were home.
“Wait, do you have a key?” Vir turned to Carmen as they arrived outside your building, the buzzer going unanswered, but Carmen shook her head.
“Lola and Pina do.”
“Clàudia is hours away… call her, I will call Lola.” Virginia suggested as she got her phone out whilst Carmen raised an eyebrow, wondering how she was supposed to contact Clàudia, eventually finding a way to contact the Barcelona player.
“Not answering Clàudia either, something’s very wrong.” Carmen replied, turning to look at Virginia, who had hung up and was now looking down the street for something, or someone.
“This is going to end well.” Carmen murmured as Lola drove up, with Andrea in the passenger seat.
“No answer?” 
“Pina has heard nothing too.” Carmen added but Lola had already tried the buzzer, pausing as she heard nothing over the receiver, pressing more call buttons and eventually the door was opened.
“You watched Hawkeye with them, didn’t you?” The reference went unanswered as Lola led the three to the lift, pressing the button for your floor.
“They live here?” Andrea asked, looking up at the numbers on the lift before they arrived at your floor, Lola heading towards your door and knocking on it, key in hand when she got no answer.
Your place was dark, none of the blinds were open and there were no signs that you had even been in your kitchen or living room. Andrea stuck close to Lola as she beelined for your bedroom, whilst Carmen examined your kitchen, and Virginia checked your balcony.
Your bed covers were all scattered as Lola ran her hand over the bedding, finding it was slightly warm, but damp with sweat. Lola’s suspicions were making more sense as she knocked on your bathroom door, peeking her head in when she heard a whine.
“Ah, bebé…” Lola murmured, finding you curled up on your bathroom floor, looking sickly. Your pyjamas damp from your fever and your hand covering your eyes from the light coming into the room.
Lola turned to Andrea, who looked shocked at what she was seeing, but immediately went to get Carmen and Virginia, leaving Lola to dig through your bathroom cabinet, looking for a thermometer to confirm your fever.
“La gripe?” Virginia asked if it was the flu, but Lola didn’t respond, instead asking Andrea to get you some clean clothes, whilst Carmen turned the shower on, checking the water was on lukewarm as she saw the thermometer in your ear.
Whilst Lola and Carmen tried to cool your fever in the shower, Virginia took Andrea into your kitchen, looking for any tea bags or soup ingredients that you may have that they could use.
“¿Está bien?” Andrea asked Virginia if you were okay, but Viriginia shook her head, you were not well, and nobody knew until now.
“You can’t carry me. You’ll get sick.” Your voice was croaky, the shower having helped your head pound less, but you were still wobbly on your feet as Lola managed to get you to the couch. You needed fresh bedding before you could lay in bed again, so curling up on the couch with your hands over your ears would have to do.
Your body shivered before Carmen wrapped a blanket around you, frowning as you grimaced at the smell of the soup. Lola ended up on the couch next to you, pulling you into her embrace as you gave up trying to fight her.
“You’ll get sick.” 
Lola shushed you, cradling your head as you leaned into her, your breathing heavy as your nose was still blocked. Your eyes were closed as you almost went back to sleep, but your kettle boiling made you stir, Andrea walking over with a cup of tea for you.
The rest of the day was a blur for you, even when Lola ended up uploading a photo to her instagram, you were sleeping curled into one side of her, with Andrea curled up on Lola’s other side, all three of you covered in blankets, as Lola rested her head on yours. The photo ended up being captioned ‘hijos’, Spanish for children.
Lola ended up staying put, the whimpers that left your lips when she went to move alarming the captain. She had never heard you sound so vulnerable, even when you had cried into her shoulder during practice.
“Lo siento.” Lola barely heard you as she went to shush you, smiling slightly as you nuzzled into her.
“I woke up at 5am, couldn’t breathe, then my head was pounding. The nausea. It was so hot then cold… then hot, the bathroom was cooler… I don’t want any of you to get sick.” you explained, keeping your eyes closed and nose covered by the blanket as the soup was almost done in the kitchen, the smell wafting into the living room.
You had no memory of Lola trying to persuade you to have some soup, or how long you ended up sleeping on your captain, or when Andrea ended up on the other side of Lola, moving the blanket back over you as it shifted slightly off of you.
Or how Carmen and Virginia ended up trying to figure out how your washing machine worked so you could have clean bedding. But you could remember the comfort that your teammates provided, and how Clàudia called you once you felt well enough, having received updates from Virginia when your eyes were too sensitive to look at your phone.
You had seen Clàudia back when Barcelona came to play Atleti at the Metropolitano Stadium. But you wouldn’t see her for longer than those minutes where you stood hugging each other until Patri came over to retrieve her teammate, and you went to check on Lola, after she had given you a fright during the game, requiring the physios on the pitch. You never told Lola how much that had terrified you, or how Virginia held your hand to try to comfort you.
There were a lot of things Lola wasn’t aware of, but one of the bigger things was your loan request. There were three more games left for Atleti before the break, and that meant you had three more games left with Atleti, before your loan was announced in January and you would be going to another Spanish club for the rest of the season.
After beating Valencia 1-0, the El Derbi was something you were massively looking forward to, with one more game before the end of the year. You hadn’t realised until you were sitting on the bench in the Estadio Alfredo Di Stefano that you would be heading to New York for your winter break soon. Then you’d be returning before Three Kings Day to spend some time with Clàudia, then after that you needed to get ready for wherever you were being sent on your loan.
You only hoped that you’d get to play wherever you were going, it was something that your management and Atleti themselves had reinforced. You were their second choice goalkeeper, but you were a rising star with what some had referred to as a bloodlust when in goal last season. That bloodlust, or drive, as others saw it, turned into a drive to get minutes, even though you were leaving your Atleti family for the rest of the season. 
Lola and Andrea were starting, Carmen was still out with injury, and Virginia was sitting on the bench nearby. Lola had given you a scare the other day, sporting a black eye that had made you panic, even when she wouldn’t tell you how she got it, instead holding your hands gently as she saw the concern on your face, flipping the table as she asked how you were after you’d recovered from the flu.
Wrapping the blanket further around yourself, you watched the ball intently. The first half went goalless as you buried your nose in your coat, trying to keep warm. Real Madrid made two substitutions before the second half had started. You would have stood up when Ajibade went down, but that would have meant your blanket would fall off, so you shifted in your seat, watching more intensely, especially since Andrea had ended up rolling around the grass a few times.
The good thing about the Atleti goalkeeper away kit was that the bright green stood out against the red and white Atleti kit, and the white Real Madrid kit, so you could see Lola standing besides Santos who required medical treatment as she sat on the ground.
You let out a breath at nearly the 69th minute, a ball from Toletti going into Lola’s arms, somehow finding space through the Atleti defenders. Atleti made two changes at the 71st minute, whilst Real Madrid began to prepare their third change of the match, a change that ended up happening before the free kick to Real Madrid.
Andrea getting a yellow card at the 79th minute had you on edge slightly, glancing between the defender and your captain, before you sat back, watching the game and trying to keep warm. You grimaced as Real Madrid managed to head the ball into the goal from a set piece, seven minutes left not including stoppage time, Lola stopping Real’s attempt at a second goal before more substitutions happened.
Real Madrid’s captain ended up with a yellow card in stoppage time, whilst Andrea sat down next to you, not expecting you to offer her some of your blanket, but you two curled up in your seats on the bench, watching the final minutes of the El Derbi.
The announcement later that Óscar Fernández would no longer be in charge of Atleti was released to the public later that night, you read the statement Atleti had put on the website, citing the situation with where Atleti was in the table not being able to access the UWCL as why he was dismissed.
Clàudia texted you not long after you had sent an email to your management asking about if your loan would still go ahead during the January transfer window. You hadn’t played a single match this season, and with Atleti’s match against Real Betis being the last one of the year, you weren’t hopeful at all.
Your loan was unaffected but you felt nervous as the club’s traditional holiday meal at the Metropolitano Stadium, you wanted to skip it, but Carmen ended up asking you to ride with her there, the two of you heading inside to spot Lola doing captain duties, and Virginia was somewhere too.
“What is with that face? The team will return here on Saturday.” Carmen whispered as you stayed off to the side, glancing between everyone mingling.
“I’m going to miss this.” You admitted, smiling sadly as Carmen raised an eyebrow.
“You’re not staying in New York forever, plus, Madrid is your home.” Carmen pointed out, not realising the bigger picture as you sighed, nodding in agreement as Lola spotted you both and started to walk over. 
Madrid had your Atleti family, but Barcelona had your love. Shaking your head, you pushed away the thoughts to enjoy the time together, smiling as Lola hugged you and tried to ignore your concern over her healing black eye.
Saturday was nearly here, and with Carmen medically cleared for the last Atleti game of 2022, you couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic. The last training session of 2022 had everyone buzzing with different emotions, but yours were enigmatic to the eye. Especially since Lola had spotted you in a deep and serious conversation with one of the Atleti staff members. Carmen didn’t ask you what the conversation was about, instead squeezing your shoulder to settle you, whilst Lola’s inquisitive gazes turned into comfort. Both of them could tell you were nervous, but they had no idea.
Virginia couldn’t get anything out of you either, only picking up what you had said to Paula and Andrea during a moment at practice. Take care of Lola, Carmen and herself, for you. She found it a little odd you asked them that, especially since it wasn’t like you were going anywhere, even if you and Virginia hadn’t been rotated in much, or at all this season so far. The new manager would hopefully help with that.
Your knee bounced up and down as you sat on the bench next to Carmen, biting your lip as Real Betis got a corner almost immediately from kick-off, the ball being headed over but you felt your heart skip a beat for a moment.
Four minutes in, and one of your teammates was on the sidelines getting medical treatment, the team on the pitch down to ten. Six minutes in and Banini’s shot at goal was stopped by Real Betis’ goalie. Nearly ten minutes in, Real Betis had their first yellow card of the match, but the set piece shot went over. 
Your face fell into disbelief when the ref decided against the penalty at the twenty-second minute, before grimacing at the thirty-fourth minute as Atleti’s shoot on goal went wide. 
Andre was dodging challenge after challenge until the third took her down in the forty-third minute, limping from the sidelines back onto the pitch in the hopes of sticking it out until half-time.
A shiver ran down your body as the half-time whistle went, following Carmen back into the locker room, where it was warmer at least. Virginia and Carmen both noticed the spacey look on your face, but you paid more attention to Andrea, checking on her after she’d been taken down minutes earlier. You’d come around to accept the young defender, but even she didn’t know about your loan request. You’d voiced your worries to Clàudia, who pointed out that you yourself did not know enough to even tell your teammates anything. You didn’t know where you would be going yet, for all you knew, you would still be in Madrid.
You watched the rest of the half slightly out of it, even as Atleti made a substitution and another Real Betis player got a yellow card. Andrea bumped her knee against yours as she sat down on the bench, having been subbed off at the 81st minute.
Holding back curse words, you remained quiet like the Atleti fans in the stands as Real Betis’ Babajide rolled the ball into the goal past Lola, watching as Atleti tried desperately to get an equaliser, but every shot was heading over.
Cardona’s equaliser lit up the Metropolitano Stadium right before stoppage time, the stadium lighting up again as Cardona scored again, earning a brace as Lola hurried out of goal to celebrate with the team. The game ended 2-1, with you, Carmen, Virginia and Andrea heading back onto the pitch, you making a beeline for the rest of your teammates with Andrea on your back, a sight that had Lola grinning as you walked over to your captain. Taking in the energy of the win, you almost forgot it would be the last time you’d be on the pitch with Atleti, for a while at least. It took until you were in the locker room, glancing around at everyone that you felt that ache in your chest.
An ache that followed you to your final trip of the year, one that you had asked if Clàudia wanted to go with you to, but she had the final Champions League group stages match against Rosengård and then you knew she’d want to spend time with her team and her family. You would be in New York for the rest of December, flying out from Madrid but your returning flight from New York was heading to Barcelona to spend time with Clàudia before Three Kings Day, with the transfer window opening on January 2nd, leading to your loan being arranged and announced.
Documenting your trip on your social medias, your aeroplane journey and arrival in New York had Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift as a backing track, whilst your exploration of New York’s skyline had What’s Up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar, you had an entire tiktok on the New York Christmas markets and the Rockefeller Centre tree, whilst your instagram was full of photos you’d taken, including one where you were video calling Clàudia whilst watching the fireworks on New Years. The tattoo you got in New York wasn’t something you posted, but Clàudia knew you were getting it, having helped you with your idea, whilst Lola teasingly asked you if you had gotten one, not expecting you to admit you had.
You had even taken a short video at the Empire State Building, which also had a backing track for it, but the New York footage soon turned into footage of Barcelona as you reunited with Clàudia as she and Patri picked you up at the airport. You were in Barcelona when your management called about your loan details, the transfer window had opened and a few Spanish teams had taken an interest.
Clàudia and Patri watched as you paced up and down the kitchen, on the phone to your management as you went over everything, asking questions that had them raising eyebrows, but they made sense. You were a goalkeeper who wanted minutes and that determined your contract, yet Atleti were loaning you somewhere that already had three, technically four, goalkeepers.
“Wait, I’d be their second keeper, how is that fair to- because this club rotates their goalkeepers?” Patri looked confusedly at Clàudia, but your girlfriend also shook her head. You primarily spoke Spanish with Clàudia, and you were speaking quickly, and not in Spanish until you hung up the phone, and walked over to them, nervously smiling.
“I guess we don’t have to worry so much about long distance… Atleti are loaning me to Barcelona for the rest of the season.”
Clàudia flew into your arms as Patri cheered, making an excuse to head out as your lips met Clàudia’s, the two of you only interested in each other.
You were curled up in bed with Clàudia when your phone began to light up with messages and calls from your Atleti teammates, who had just seen your message that you were going on loan for the rest of the season. They also saw the announcement on social media.
Barcelona had won the goalie.
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ladygatuna · 4 months
Chapter 2: Welcome back
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"I'm sorry, Lydia," Veronica said once again that night, her voice a whisper between the beats of the rain.
The world outside was collapsing in a fierce storm. Lydia had dragged Veronica inside, under slaps and hair pulls, whispering curses as tears rolled down her face. Now, she was in the kitchen, hitting everything in sight, murmuring and sometimes shouting curses in her native language, making it all the more terrifying.
Veronica couldn't blame her for acting this way. She had promised to return in the blink of an eye, when they were just sixteen and shared dreams of college, dormitories, joint graduations, and eventually being neighbors so their children could grow up together.
But those were Lydia's dreams, the American dream. Veronica followed because Lydia wanted it, and that had never been a problem.
Until Veronica met the other spiders and her plans changed. Lydia couldn't come with her; it would be selfish. So, she promised to return as quickly as possible. But she got lost in the travels between the multiverses, forgetting about Lydia.
For eight years, more or less.
"Lydia…" Veronica got up, staggering, toward the kitchen. Of course, she had slipped up, but everything could be resolved with an apology and a good explanation. "Traveling between universes is complicated…"
"Shut up, you wretch!" Lydia shouted, pointing a knife smeared with homemade sauce. Her eyes blazed with anger, and her cheeks were a deep shade of pink that Veronica had never seen before. "Do you know how hard things have been here?"
Veronica shook her head negatively, raising her hands in a calming gesture.
"Of course you don't know!" The knife swung menacingly in front of Veronica's face, making her wish she had stayed on the couch. "I waited for you like an idiot, redoing my plans. And where were you?"
"Swinging on webs with my new friends," Veronica murmured without emotion. "But I already apologized, orange!" She whined like a child, and if she weren't in so much pain, she would have been throwing a tantrum.
"Stop calling me that!" Lydia screamed, throwing a glass jar from the table. She didn't expect to hurt Veronica because she had never managed to due to the spider-sense. However, for the first time, it failed. The large pickle jar hit her head squarely, making everything spin and her vision darken. Lydia's voice grew distant.
Something warm ran down Veronica's face.
It was her blood.
"You've been practicing your throw, orange," Veronica laughed, leaning against the kitchen counter. "No one wanted you on the team, remember?" Another laugh followed by a groan of pain.
"You were supposed to dodge, you always do!" Lydia's voice was full of panic. She ran to grab a dish towel, trying to stop the bleeding. "Why didn't you dodge, idiot?" Her tearful voice broke Veronica's heart into a thousand pieces. Once again, her only friend was crying because of her.
"I'm fine, orange," Veronica said, patting Lydia's leg. "It's just a little cut!" Her voice was slurred, lacking the strength to get up. Everything had turned to jelly. Fatigue would win, and she didn't expect it to be now, while bleeding in her friend's kitchen.
Her eyelids grew heavy. She felt slaps on her cheek but struggled to stay awake.
How long has it been? Did your mind go blank for a few seconds?
"Don't sleep!" Lydia shook her harder, getting little response beyond groans of pain. "I'm going to call for help; they're trustworthy!" She ran to the other room to get the phone, hands trembling and slipping because of the blood. Her vision blurred with tears, on the verge of a breakdown.
Her childhood friend lay on the kitchen floor, head bleeding, practically immobile. The anger had passed, and now Lydia saw other injuries, the dislocated shoulder. If she had noticed earlier, she would have thrown a cloth, not a glass jar.
Her breathing normalized when she heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line. "Lydia, are you okay?" the man asked.
"I need your help, Dick," she whispered. "Come quickly, please!"
She heard things falling, identifying people being thrown to the ground, gunshots, and curses.
"Hide in that place we set up…"
"It's not an invasion, I just need someone to come quickly!" she shouted, watching the white cloth turn red. "I'm safe, Richard!"
"Damian should be there in a few minutes!" More shouts and gunshots. Lydia shivered, holding her friend's body. "Are you really safe?" The man's concern was evident.
"Yes, Dick." A sigh of relief was heard. "Thank you."
"Always at your service, love." And with a beep, the call ended. At the same moment, a shadow passed by the window. Damian entered through the door Lydia had forgotten to lock, observing the room cautiously, his serious expression softening upon seeing Lydia kneeling in the kitchen, holding a complete stranger.
"All clear, Dad!" he shouted to the tall, imposing figure of Batman behind him.
The boy ran towards Lydia, taking bandages from his utility belt.
"She's my friend, please help her!" Lydia whispered to Batman, grabbing his hand. "I didn't mean to hurt her!"
"That doesn't matter now, you can tell me later," Batman said in his gravelly voice, patting the girl's head and looking at the fallen figure of Veronica.
Strange things were still happening in Gotham, and as Bruce said, she was one of them.
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radiowallet · 1 year
Eyes Open - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Amy Oliver (ofc) Summary: Marcus and Amy finally get their date. WC: 3.4K Warnings: 18+ MDNI Canon-typical violence, talk of police work, a blatant show of testosterone, blood, injuries, kissing, making-out, dry humping, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, a smidge of dirty talk hurt/comfort, slow burn, yearning, idiots friends to lovers, financial stressors, second chance romance, workplace romance (sort of), older love interest, single parents, DID I MENTION THE YEARNING?
Series Masterlist II Main Masterlist II Marcus Moreno Masterlist
Cross-Posted to AO3
Part 10 >>> Epilogue
For any new writing follow @radiowallet-writes and turn on notifications.
The first thing Marcus notices is that he’s hot. Too hot for a bed where most of the covers have been kicked down to the floor. The next is that there is something heavy laying across his chest. The third is that his back is killing him. 
“Next time we do this,” he hums, trying hard not to let it sound like a groan, stretching his legs where they dangle off the side of the small bed frame, “we’re staying at my place.” 
Amy makes a similar noise from where she shifts on top of him, her chin digging into his bare chest, propping herself up, half-lidded eyes soft in the early morning light. 
“Next time?”
Marcus takes care to smooth back the loose tendrils of hair that had tangled overnight, before cupping her cheek, letting the pad of his thumb trace the crease of sleep around her eyes. 
“Next time.”
Already he’s thinking of Friday - tomorrow -  and the date he’s been planning for what feels like forever now. The night before still feels lost in a haze, the two of them more exhausted than either cared to let on. By the time they got back to Amy’s apartment, they had just enough energy to stand in her kitchen, trading cold leftovers back and forth as they watched each other with hungry but tired eyes. 
“I don’t know if this is okay,” he had murmured through a bite of chicken, his gaze tracing the curves of her form slowly from top to bottom, “but I really like how you look in my clothes.” 
Amy looked down, tugging at one of the buckles on his vest before looking back at him, her smile more than knowing. 
“You mean this?”
It was impossible to respond, his tongue dry, sticking like glue to the roof of his mouth. He stepped in closer, dragging his thumb across her bottom lip, wiping away any phantom trace of barbecue sauce before leaning in for a kiss. 
“You need to take this off.”
“Why? Is it distracting?”
It seemed stupid to lie at that point, even to tease, so he nodded instead, hands dropping to the buckles and snaps, pulling them free with the slightest of tremor. His own sob came out of nowhere, tears tracking down his cheeks as he pulled the Kevlar off of her, letting it land somewhere by their feet. Amy had moved in time with him, pulling him to her own shoulder for comfort, but Marcus held his ground, backing her into the counter and caging her in with the width of his arms. 
“Never again,” he growled in her ear, a possessive thrill chasing his spine when she shivered at his words. 
They had fallen into bed shortly after, tears traded for laughter as Marcus did his best to fit his broad frame on Amy’s twin-sized bed. By the time they had settled into a position resembling comfortable (Marcus on his back with Amy curled half lying on top of him) they were too tired for much more than a few languid kisses before sleep claimed them both. 
Amy hums again, parroting his promise of next time back to him before sliding out of bed, stretching her arms overhead. Despite his complaints, he’s reaching for her, beckoning her back to the too small space. She shakes her head, the sweetest smile teasing her lips in an apology. 
“Chris will be here with Harris soon.” 
This has him sitting up, eyes cheating between Amy and the front door. 
“Should I go?”
She shuffles back and forth, tugging at the hem of her sleep shirt - black and dirty and very much his - her bottom lip snared between her teeth. 
“I don’t know?” She perches her small frame on the arm of the sofa, head falling into her hands. “I probably should have figured that out before this morning.”
Marcus moves over to sit on the couch beside her, his hand finding the curve of her knee easily. “Did I ever tell you about the first time I brought a woman over?”
She turns to him, brow arching in mild disbelief. “When was this?”
“A couple of years ago. Missy was around 14.”
“How did you handle it?” 
“Badly,” he admits through a nervous laugh. 
“Was Missy home?”
“Yes,” he can’t help but groan, letting his head fall back into the couch. “It was all very spur of the moment. I was out with some friends for drinks and I spent the night talking with this girl. She wasn’t my soulmate or anything but she was nice and there was a mutual attraction. And… fuck, I was horny, Ames.”
She looks like she wants to laugh but she holds it back, instead putting her hand on top of his where it rests on her knee. “I can relate.”
“It was so late. Almost past one. I was sure Missy would be asleep.” 
“But sure enough, open the door with what was basically a stranger on my arm and there she was, watching some weird cartoon in the living room.” 
This time Amy does laugh, a small chuckle breaking past her lips. He pulls her down off the arm of the sofa and into his lap, fingers digging into her ribs as he does so. Her laughter turns frantic, and Marcus is quick to swallow the sound, kissing her firmly on the lips until she finally settles. 
“So was that the end of Marcus Moreno’s adventures in dating?” 
“It was the end of random hook-ups, that’s for sure.”
“Excuse me for being a bit obtuse, but that story didn’t exactly clear up my confusion,” she quips, leaning in to nudge her nose into his bottom lip. 
“My point,” he admonishes, grabbing her chin between his thumb and forefinger, an attempt to keep her attention on his words, “is that Missy is no worse for the wear. And no matter what you decide, Harris will be too.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know you.”
They part ways after that, Marcus partially taking the decision on himself and saving Amy a difficult conversation so early in the morning. 
“I’ll pick you up around 7 tomorrow night?” He asks between their fourth and fifth kiss goodbye. 
She nods and smiles, before stealing kiss number six. “Any hints on what the plans are?” 
His only response is kiss number seven. 
There hadn’t been a lot of cause for dressing up over the past few years, leaving most of Amy’s nicer dresses to be shoved to the back of her closet. She hasn’t thought about them much, the short skirts and tight tank tops feeling like they belonged to a different person most days. But now she thinks maybe she’s not so different, and maybe, just maybe, it’s time to rediscover pieces of herself she had set aside. 
She smooths at the black lace, admiring the way the fabric falls around her waist, refusing to second guess her choice. Marcus hadn’t given her any hints about his plans for tonight, but she had reasoned that some things would always hold true, like how good she looked in (and out of) a little black dress. Chris had assured her it was perfect when she walked in, a knowing smile when she spotted a small overnight bag next to Harris’s. Amy only shrugged in response. 
Before they had left, she took care to bend down, straightening Harris’s jacket and smoothing back her curls, doing her best to appear calm. “Are you sure you’re alright spending the night with Auntie Christine again, Jellybean?”
The 7-year-old had rolled her eyes, grabbing Amy’s cheeks between her small hands, schooling her tiny features into an attempt at something serious. “We are going to see Spiderman,” stomping her foot for emphasis. “Do not screw this up for me, momma.”
The dramatics had been enough to wipe away the last of her anxieties, and she waved all of them off with just enough time for one last primp in the mirror before Marcus was knocking on her door. 
“You’re early,” she teased, opening the door wide enough to let him in. 
“Can you blame me?” he fired back, admiring her with hungry eyes. 
Amy can feel herself blushing beneath the heat of his gaze, the look enough to remind her of every touch and every kiss they’ve already shared, and the promise of more to come. She bites her lip and grabs for her bag, holding it up for Marcus to see.
“I didn’t want to assume.” 
“Always so prepared,” he hums, taking the bag from her hand before offering his other arm for her to take. 
“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?” She asks as they walk outside, the two of them parting only long enough for her to lock up. 
“I was thinking, you got to show off your cooking skills. So maybe it could be my turn?”
“So that means…?” she asks, the answer already pulling a smile to her cheeks and a pull deep in her core. 
“Amy,” he starts, his lips turned up into something wolfish, eyes burning dark with want. “Can I take you back to my place?”
Marcus had plans. A menu with wine and dessert. Ingredients stacked neatly in the fridge. There had been candles and an empty house and a chance for him to pamper Amy in all the ways he knew she deserved. 
But then she answered the door in that little black dress. She packed a bag and took his arm and smiled. She let him rest the palm of his hand on her thigh as he drove them back towards his home. And slowly, then all at once, his plans fell apart. 
He blames that first kiss. 
Seemingly innocent and pressed to his cheek as he unlocked the front door, the smell of her perfume overwhelming his senses. What else was he supposed to do but turn and kiss her fully? How could he do anything else? But slant his lips over hers and pull her close, letting the door close soundly behind them. Pull her up the stairs and back towards his bedroom, a broken plea moaning out between each and every kiss. 
Amy is quick to follow, her hands clinging and grasping and pulling at the barriers between them. Somewhere between the bottom step and the top, laughter breaks out, the two of them stopping to take in their disheveled state of affairs. Marcus trails the tip of his finger up her shoulder, pushing the strap of her dress back into place, watching with rapt attention as a shiver follows his simple touch. 
“I had planned on cooking you dinner.”
“You still can,” she promises, leaning up on the balls of her feet to kiss him on the lips, the briefest of tastes, the brown of her eyes bleeding darker by the second. When she pulls away, the strap of her dress has fallen back down, and this time he can’t resist helping it along, fingers following the thin piece of fabric along to the curve of her breast. 
It’s a bit of a fumble from there, anxious legs moving too fast while careful hands try to savor each piece of skin exposed. Marcus feels a tremble, the flutter of her heart catching beneath his shaking fingers. And he can’t ignore it, his grip slipping as he tries and fails to unzip Amy’s dress. Smaller hands find his cheeks, her lips pressing into his, and together they breathe in and out. It’s more than enough to steady his touch, and finally, finally, her dress falls to the floor. 
“I feel like I should say something romantic,” he admits, refusing to look away as Amy sinks to her knees. 
“Like?” She teases, her smile doing little to hide her intent. There are words burning at the back of his throat, his own jokes that he could make, but every thought leaves him when the tip of her tongue finds the underside of his quickly hardening cock. 
“Shit…Ames….,” he half groans, eyes falling shut as he savors the feeling, then, desperate to see her again, he forces them open. And not a moment too soon, her lips stretching around him, the weight of her tongue heavy beneath his length. 
His hands find the back of her head just as she swallows around him, her own moan vibrating through him, his knees buckling around the sensation. Her pace is slow, steady, bobbing up and down his cock while she watches him from below. He moans again, all of it so good so soon, and he can feel the way Amy smiles around him in reply. Delicate fingers find the back of his thighs just as she sinks all the way down, burying her nose in the patch of dark hair around the base of his cock. It’s then that Marcus loses some of his senses, hand digging into her hair, hips bucking, just once into the wet warm heat of her mouth.
“I…fuck…it’s been so…l-long,” he chokes out, legs shaking harder with each stuttering breath he tries to take. 
Amy pulls away in the cruelest of mercies, pressing a gentle kiss to his trembling muscles, shushing him softly. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” 
The gentle adorations coupled with the sweet touch of her fingers, petting along the back of his thighs is all of a sudden too much. He drops to his knees, framing her face between his hands, kissing her as hard as he can. There’s the faintest taste of himself on her tongue, the realization enough to drag another moan out of him. 
He pulls back after, giving them both enough space to take each other in. Marcus reaches behind her, then waits, watching Amy with a shy smile. She laughs, and nods, and then he’s unhooking the clasp on her bra with shaking fingers. He takes her in, each scar and every wrinkle, and he aches to press his lips to them all. Amy seems to have a similar need, her fingers teasing along his bare thighs, pressing to a constellation of freckles across his skin. 
They move to the bed after that and though he tries to hide it, Marcus is sure Amy can see the relief on his face when his knees hit the pillow top of his mattress. She falls back into it with her own satisfied hum, restless hands pulling him down on top of her. 
“Okay, you win. Your bed is better.” 
“Mmm, though I’ll admit yours has one thing mine doesn’t.”
She juts out her chin, a challenging tease in her voice. “Oh, what’s that?”
Marcus leans in closer, letting his lips graze across the beat of her heart, the pad of his thumb finding the sensitive skin just below her breast. “You.”
Her fingers thread the curls at the nape of his neck, holding him close even as she continues to tease from above. “Well I’m here now. You plan on doing anything about it?” 
Marcus growls, fingers finding her ribs, laughter peeling out of her immediately. He grins at that, the darker side of him pleased how responsive she is. It only spurs him on, and soon her laughter is choking off, his lips closed around one of her nipples. 
He sucks hard, feeling the bud harden beneath the flick of his tongue. Amy arches into him, fingers bruising where she holds him tight, soft gasps gifted to the ceiling above. Her other breast gets the same attention, a gentle kiss followed by a searing bite, nipping his teeth as he pulls away. He doesn’t go far, lips trailing down down down to her core, and just as promised, he presses a kiss into every dimple, every crease, each part of her that’s been hidden from him for so long bathed in his attention. 
Her legs fall open for him, and Marcus wastes no time in settling between them, the tip of one finger dragging between her folds. Soaked. She’s already soaked. He tilts his gaze up, catching her eyes where she’s watching him, waiting with barely tethered anticipation. He doesn’t look away as he pushes his finger inside, watching her face break apart around the pleasure. 
She’s tight, blissful heat squeezing around his finger, and he groans at the sight of her thrusting down to meet his touch. She mewls his name, hands fisting into the comforter, eyes wild and body writhing, a plea for him to move. Marcus can’t help but give her what she needs, pumping his finger in and out, a slow drag that has him aching for more.
One finger becomes two becomes three, his thumb drawing concentric circles around her clit. Amy’s cries grow louder, lips parting around the guttural sound. Marcus shushes her gently, a kiss pressed to the flush of her thigh, coaxing her through each new stretch. 
“P-please…Marcus, please,” she begs, the sound more desperate as the seconds tick by. 
“I’ve got you,” he echoes her sentiment from earlier, pulling his fingers slowly from inside her aching core, an indulgent kiss pressed to her clit to ease the loss.
She tastes every bit as good as he knew she would, and it takes the last of his strength to pull away, climbing up the length of Amy’s body to meet her in a searing kiss. 
“Now I feel like I should say something romantic,” she teases from below him, the smile shifting into another sigh when he notches the tip of his length at her entrance. 
He rests there for a moment, forearms framing her head, the tips of his fingers smoothing along her temple. She isn’t wrong. This is the moment to say something, and the words seem so obvious now that they’re here. 
Love, Marcus thinks. This is love. What else could it possibly be? The way he knows her and sees her and wants her, good and bad and in between. How he can’t look away when she works, the tap of her restless fingers and the way she scratches her pen. How she takes entirely too much milk in her coffee and uses coupons to buy her daughter’s favorite cereal. The second hand records and the chipped coffee mugs and the mismatched wine glasses. 
He loves her. He loves her and the time that stretches out in front of them feels like the most wonderful gift. 
He doesn’t say it. He doesn’t need to. Not yet. Just the comfort of a realization is enough to bolster him. Now that they’ve finally found their way to each other, Marcus knows the rest will fall into place, as long as he’s patient the rest will come. For now he takes heart in the words in his head and the breath in her lungs, leaning down to kiss Amy with everything he has, before sliding fully inside of her. 
Marcus. Marcus, Marcus, Marcus. 
He is a steady beat inside her heart, her head, her core. Every nerve is on fire with his touch, the drag of him inside her overwhelming to the point that she can’t seem to find the words. None except for the chant of his name, a perfect match to the cadence of his hips, meeting hers again and again, pushing the pleasure deep. 
It feels like they should be savoring the moment, taking their time to work towards the ever inevitable crash of ecstasy, but their bodies can’t seem to cooperate. Amy pulls Marcus in, close enough to brush her lips along the moan on his, the steady pace of their hips picking up speed.
She can feel it, racing towards them at breakneck speed, fingers clinging and lips gasping, everything too tight and too good and too soon. In her ear Marcus chants his own prayer, a plea for only her to hear begging her to hold on tight. To stay with him. 
To keep her eyes open. 
And when they come it’s together, somehow still together and she doesn’t look away. 
Later, Amy wearing his shirt, Marcus only wearing his boxers, they make their way to the kitchen for the lingering promise of dinner.
“Was grilled cheese and cabernet your plan all along?” She teases from where she watches him butter bread with careful concentration. 
“Only the best for my girl,” Marcus jokes, but Amy doesn’t miss the way his eyes soften and his voice strains around the last two words. 
My girl. 
My friend. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
Part 10 >>> Epilogue
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harpieisthecarpie · 6 months
Harp's Kongzilla (Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire) Thoughts
(Update ??? 6: [Mission log. I can't tell if it has been 6 minutes since I lost contact with the outside world, or 6 years. Time doesn't move the same in this space. Will I ever be home again, or will I have to make this hellscape my "home"?] Even if you don't care about Godzilla this might be fun to watch the ✨ chaotic progression of my mental breakdown✨! Who needs Kongzilla, when you can pop some corn and watch a ✨ timelapse of Harp's kaiju-inspired demise✨?)
Just got back from seeing Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire in a really nice, really big theater and I have a torrential hurricane of thoughts I MUST get out RIGHT NOW.
(Edit: [kind of an edit I haven't posted this yet] It has been an 1hr and 1/2 since I started typing and I haven't gotten through my spoiler-free review. Kongzilla was only 1hr 55min bro. I am so fucking lost in the sauce bro.)
(Edit 2: [still haven't posted] sorry about the colored text and the bolding and the effects. It is the only way I could keep myself sane. Yes it will continue into the spoiler reblog.)
Usually the first thing I do after seeing a movie at the cinema (not including rambling about it with whoever went with me to the theaters) is look up what other people are saying on the internet. Reviewers, Tumblr, general internet surfing (I'm a nosey bitch who likes to see who I disagree with, sue me).
But I COULD NOT with this one. I turned all my notifs off. They are staying off until I fucking finish this post.
(Edit 3: [I'll post eventually] YES I intend to keep that promise until I finish the spoiler-filled reblog. I took an extra of my ADHD meds to stay up this late. I HAVE to expend that energy somehow.)
Also, I am going to refer to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire as Kongzilla going forward. I still haven't checked tumblr so it's probs a ship name but it's what I've been calling the movie in my head since I was told I was going to watch it in theaters.
Big Godzilla and Kaiju buffs PLEASE take all my commentary with a grain of salt. I don't know goddamn ANYTHING in depth about Godzilla movies or lore.
Also this is a sequel! I haven't seen the first one!! But I didn't even need to see it bc there is just the right amount of context that you don't have to have seen the 1st to watch this one! So, truly not a point against me. Rather, a point TOWARDS this movie.
The only reason I've seen so many Godzilla movies in theaters is because my brother has been OBSESSED WITH and ENAMORED BY classic kaiju movies and their successors since before my brain was able to make long-term memories, probably even before I was born.
So I go to all the big Kaiju blockbusters with him because he is my big bro and I care about his interests (and also because no matter the movie quality, I didn't pay for the ticket and I probably also got free popcorn). Pretty much ALL of what I know about Godzilla lore is from him and also manga that have kaiju (or are at least kaiju inspired).
Okay, I am gonna ramble all my thoughts. BUT!!!! If you are like me and end up checking Tumblr to see if you'll like a movie, I'll leave something for you. It starts at the TL;DR in purple and goes past the read more.
(Edit 4: [This rambling review I initially wanted to make for the tumblr interaction for fun has turned into my own personal Purgatory/Saw trap. Free me.] Moved the read more cutoff further up because I rambled MORE during my read through. I also ended up removing most of the purple emphasis coloring, bc if people don't read this fucking thing because of too much color I'm EATING THIS FUCKING LAPTOP.)
I was gonna do my spoiler rambling here too but I have been going for over and hour and several paragraphs, so the spoilery rambling will be in a reblog of this post. If you're even interested. IF YOU EVEN CARE.
Even if you're not the biggest Godzilla or kaiju buff, even if you haven't seen the first movie in this series. WATCH IT.
Also, once more I am a Godzilla layman. The lore is my brother's zone. I do not speak for what Godzilla and kaiju buffs would think. Please Godzilla Tumblr fandom don't kill me!!!! If I say I thought Kong and Godzilla were kinda hot ( I mean this in the monster fucker way NOT the furry way [not that I'm bashing furries. I'm not a furry tho.]) will that make you like me more or less?????
It is fucking fun!!!!! And also the WEIRDEST whiplash between heartwarming and funny that I have never seen work before. BUT IT WORKS HERE!! SO WELL!!!!!
Even if you are jaded about seeing movies (especially franchise films, reboots, and actions) I recommend it. I am also jaded, it's been so long since there has been something I wanted to see in theaters.
And as of 1:26 AM my time, about 1hr and 30min since I left the theater (please let me ouuuut) I AM 100000% WILLING TO SEE IT AGAIN. I'D PAY FOR MY OWN TICKET !!!!! (I never pay for my own ticket! People have to bribe me into the theaters!)
The only other recent one I've enjoyed has, funnily enough, been Godzilla Minus One. And for similar(???) but also very different(!!!!) reasons.
Godzilla -1 was very thoughtful and painful and it made you sit in the despair the characters felt as their lives were razed to the ground. I also 10000% recommend you see Godzilla -1, but only if you want to experience a story that flays open a lot of the devil-may-care destruction that action (and monster) movies revel in.
Kongzilla didn't give me any fucking time to think (I mean that in the BEST way). It was 1hr 55min long (very refreshing) and it was batting me around like a fucking pinball in a Godzilla-Kong-FoundFam pinball machine. I was just along for the ride, but now I am left bereft in my many many thoughts. Which is why we are here.
Jesus I am rambling more than I expected okay uh uh. Now for a DO WATCH IF vs DON'T WATCH IF, in case my words have failed to compel you.
Pros Coloring Code
Pink = Emotional reasons to watch Blue = Action reasons to watch Orange = Horknee reasons to watch (hey, it happens) Green = ????
DO watch if:
You are a sucker for found family
You are a sucker for big monster found family
You have been looking for a heartfelt, yet funny (and fun) action that actually feels like it has a heart (I am subtly critiquing you superhero movie industrial complex)
Pretty ladies!!!!! (I could see the main lady's shimmery gloss and freckles in hi def it was a spiritual experience. God shes gorgeous I'm gonna reblog so many gifsets)
Pretty men!!!!! (Australian vet weirdgirl [but man] was treated as the seductive hottie by the movie and goddamn they were RIGHT. Also conspiracy theorist dude was so fucking handsome too. I don't even LIKE men!)
A cute kid dealing with the loss of her entire world and thrust into a place she doesn't feel she belongs.
That cute kid being the DAUGHTER of the main lady. They communicate in sign and it is so fucking heartfelt and genuine!!! (more l8er)
Unexpected (to me) polycule???? Not ACTUALLY canon but bro it felt like it (even more l8er). Idc if some element was queer/ship bait. I fell hook, line, and SINKER. Get that kid 2 extra dads with her order of mom!!!!!!
Silver fox (ba dum tss) grizzled GILF Kong???? I was not expecting that the wet meow meow of the movie would be KONG, but... here we are
Seriously an alt title could be Kong and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Godzilla destroys a nuclear facility in France.
Bro this got so long I had to go back and fucking color code.
(Edit 5: You have no fucking idea bro. Your rambling [and emotional state] gets worse!)
DO NOT watch if:
You have photosensitive epilepsy or if you feel there is ANY chance flashing or flickering lights might trigger a seizure. It fucking sucks how few movies are safe for people dealing with photosensitive seizures (or any photosensitivity issues) but this IS one of the ones that'll fuck you up. Do NOT risk your health for GILF Kong. He would want you to stay safe and healthy!
I'm 10000% serious about the warning. There is a scene where they were warping into Hollow Earth and the flashing and flickering and general sight fuckery got bad enough to make ME have to look away. It lasted for at least a minute too. Jesus.
In a similar vein, if you experience vertigo or really bad motion sickness this movie will be hell. The story deals with gravity and spacial fuckery and the cinematography reflects that. The opening shot was REALLY COOL but it was dizzying. You could probably get away with watching it at home, but it'll FUCK YOU UP at the cinema.
You just in general don't like back-to-back always bumping action. If you wanna see a newer Godzilla movie but don't fancy the roller-coaster movie feel, look into Godzilla Minus One.
Okay!!!! I think this is finally fucking it? For the spoiler-free discussion at least. God. Whatever is happening to me is unholy.
If i wake up tomorrow (today) and I'm still as fucked up about this movie, if this isn't just the fucking extra ADHD med, if it turns out my newest hyperfixation is a fucking Western Godzilla x Kong movie series????
I think I'll have to toss myself into a panic chamber, in case I am suddenly overcome by the impulse to buy kaiju models worth hundreds of dollars (I know there are more expensive ones but I am poor enough to know my own limits) for ME to keep instead of for my brother.
Oh Jesus, I won't even be able to ramble with him about it because I'd become fixated in a queer/monsterfucker way and either he wouldn't at all understand or I would be forced to reckon with a reality where I know my brother's romantic preferences and those preferences are giant monsters. I couldn't take that man it'd be joever for me.
That's it for the spoiler free section! Either I will pass out as soon as I hit post or I'll end up writing for like 3 more hours regarding spoilers.
SO CHECK THE REBLOGS (not right away give me time) FOR MY SPOILERY THOUGHTS!!!!!!
I am NOT allowing myself to look this fucking thing over again. I need to have self control.
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lokilickedme · 2 years
Since I’m now apparently this town’s version of Steve Harrington I’m going to have to start an OPC ISTG tag (Other People’s Children I Swear To God) because the generation I’m working with have zero peopleing skills and even less common sense and if I have to say “that’s not how life works babydoll” one more time I’m going to stand with my mouth open under the hot caramel dispenser on Monday morning and dare management to say a word to me.
Last week a teen girl who’s been working there only slightly longer than I have was following me around, micromanaging literally every move I made with the haughty tone of a boss trying to bully a worker into quitting.  She’s recently turned 18 and acts like this to everyone.  I, being the mom of two boys (one of whom is a teenager almost as old as this girl) have complete mastery over the unconcerned dismissive “Okay thanks” response that precedes turning around and walking off to the point where I can do it without the victim even realizing I’m humoring and subsequently ignoring their annoying ass.  But this girl is relentless and after just about two hours of nonstop badgering I stood up from where I’d been loading the vanilla sauce and said our manager’s name, loud enough to be heard in the lobby.
Teen girl stopped where she stood, silent for the first time all morning, obviously confused.
And then she started in on me again.
“Actually the way we normally do it is you - “
“Okay thanks hon, why don’t you go take care of your own business now I got this.”
“Well actually - “
“Okay, I guess we’re doing this the other way then.  KATRINA!!”
Our manager (Katrina) pokes her head out of the office and I head straight for her and proceed to spend the next two minutes telling her why I’m going to walk out and unlock my bike and go for a nice long ride around town during the upcoming lunch rush if she doesn’t do one thing and one thing only, and that is to get Teen Mansplainer away from me so I can work without the constant haranguement of a know it all child yammering at my face.
Manager immediately sends Teen Mansplainer home, because of the two of us I’m the only one who does much of anything besides talking and I’m also the one she hopes won’t quit because I’m literally the only adult on staff except her (and I’m 20 years older than her as well).  Teen Mansplainer grabs her gear and leaves without a word, but I yell “Be careful going home babe!” as the door slams behind her.
She’s off the schedule for the next two days, which are coincidentally my two other workdays for the week.
Have I mentioned that I love Katrina the manager?
So on Friday I’m home enjoying the start to my weekend when I get a call from an unknown number, but it’s local and I’m expecting a call from my maxillo-craniofacial surgeon, so I answer it.  It’s not my maxillo-craniofacial surgeon.
It’s Teen Mansplainer.
She proceeds to whine to me that she didn’t get enough hours last week and she’s not going to get enough hours next week either because she’s suddenly only scheduled for two days instead of her normal five (coincidentally her two days on are my two days off LOL) and anyway, could she have my Monday shift?
I think I must have sat there with my mouth open and speechless for a full minute.  She got sent home and taken off the schedule for harassing and constantly bothering me and then had the unmitigated balls and testicles to call me up (dunno how she even got my number) and ask if she could have one of my workdays to make up the time she lost by being an annoying little asshole...to me.
My my my, what do we have here?  Is it a consequence?  Oh my goodness look at all this consequence coming back on me as a result of my own actions, wow, didn’t see that coming!
I tell her no and hang up.
Other people’s children, I swear to god.
This week should be interesting if she’s managed to wrangle any days out of anyone else and we happen to overlap in the process.  I’ve made it clear to management that I have two other places ready to give me better positions than this one and the only reason I chose this job was because it’s right next to my house, but I can absolutely ride a little bit further to get away from the noxious self importance of kids that don’t belong to me, all she’s gotta do is not take me serious.
My manager is extremely understanding on this matter.
Today is Sunday.  She’s called me twice to make sure we’re cool and that I’m coming in on Monday.
Watch, in just about two weeks I’m gonna get a raise.
I give Teen Mansplainer just about the same amount of time before she’s turning in her application at Wendy’s.
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embroidery-pro · 2 months
Monogram Fonts for Machine Embroidery:
The Ultimate Guide to Monogram Fonts for Machine Embroidery:
FAQs and Tips
Hey there, embroidery enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the world of monogram fonts? Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, choosing the right font for your machine embroidery projects can be a game-changer. So, let's unravel the mysteries of monogram fonts and answer some burning questions you might have. Grab a cup of coffee, and let's get stitching! FAQ #1: What's the big deal about monogram fonts in machine embroidery? Okay, so you might be wondering why we're making such a fuss about monogram fonts. Well, here's the scoop: monograms are like the secret sauce that adds a personal touch to your embroidery projects. They're not just letters; they're a way to make your creations uniquely yours (or someone else's if you're gifting). Monogram fonts can transform a plain old towel into a luxurious bathroom accessory or turn a basic tote bag into a personalized fashion statement. They're versatile, classy, and oh-so-customizable. Plus, who doesn't love seeing their initials on stuff? It's like leaving your mark on the world, one stitch at a time! FAQ #2: What are the best fonts for machine embroidery monograms? Alright, this is where things get exciting (and a bit overwhelming). There's no one-size-fits-all answer because the "best" font depends on your project, style, and personal preference. But don't worry, I've got your back! Here are some top contenders: - Serif fonts: These are the classic go-to's for a timeless, elegant look. Think Times New Roman, but fancier. - Sans-serif fonts: For a clean, modern vibe, sans-serif fonts are your best buddies. They're like the cool, minimalist cousins of serif fonts. - Script fonts: Want to add some flair? Script fonts bring that handwritten, personal touch to your monograms. - Block fonts: Bold and attention-grabbing, these are perfect for making a statement. - Decorative fonts: When you want to go all out, decorative fonts with flourishes and ornate details are the way to go. Remember, the key is to match the font with the project and the recipient's style. A frilly script might not be the best choice for your brother's gym towel, you know? FAQ #3: Can I use any font for machine embroidery? Hold your horses there, partner! While it's tempting to use that super cool font you found online, not all fonts play nice with embroidery machines. Here's the deal: - Embroidery-specific fonts: These are designed with stitching in mind and usually work like a charm. - Regular fonts: Some regular fonts can be converted for embroidery, but they might need tweaking to look good when stitched. - Thin or intricate fonts: These can be tricky. Tiny details might get lost or look messy when embroidered. Pro tip: Always test your chosen font on a scrap piece of fabric before committing to your final project. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of headaches (and possibly tears). FAQ #4: How do I choose the right size for my monogram? Size matters, folks! But don't worry, it's not rocket science. Here are some guidelines: - For small items (handkerchiefs, cuffs): Stick to 1-2 inches. - For medium items (towels, tote bags): 3-4 inches usually works well. - For larger items (blankets, jackets): You can go up to 5-6 inches or even larger. Remember, these are just starting points. The best size depends on the item, the font style, and your personal preference. When in doubt, print out the monogram on paper and hold it up to your item to get a visual. FAQ #5: What's the deal with monogram etiquette? Oh boy, monogram etiquette – it's like a secret handshake for the embroidery world. Here's a quick rundown: - Traditional order: First name initial, Last name initial (larger), Middle name initial. - Couples: Her first initial, Their last name initial, His first initial. - Same initials: You can use all the same size or make the middle initial slightly larger. But here's the thing: rules are made to be broken (sometimes). While traditional etiquette is great for formal items, feel free to get creative for casual projects. The embroidery police won't come knocking, I promise! FAQ #6: Can I create multi-color monograms? Absolutely! Multi-color monograms can add an extra pop to your projects. Here are some ideas: - Use different colors for each letter. - Stitch the outline in one color and fill in with another. - Add a colorful border around a single-color monogram. Just remember to consider the background color of your item when choosing your thread colors. You want that monogram to stand out, not blend in! FAQ #7: What are some trendy monogram styles right now? Trends come and go, but some current favorites include: - Minimalist monograms: Simple, clean lines for a modern look. - Botanical monograms: Incorporating floral or leaf designs around the letters. - Vintage-inspired: Think old-school charm with a modern twist. - Geometric monograms: Using shapes and lines to create unique letter designs. - Watercolor effect: Soft, blended colors for a painterly look. Remember, while it's fun to follow trends, choose a style that resonates with you or the person you're creating for. Trends fade, but personal style is forever! FAQ #8: How do I maintain the quality of my monogrammed items? You've put in the effort to create a beautiful monogrammed piece, so let's keep it looking fabulous: - Wash with care: Turn the item inside out and use a gentle cycle. - Avoid harsh chemicals: Skip the bleach and opt for mild detergents. - Iron with caution: Place a cloth over the monogram when ironing to protect the stitches. - Store properly: Hang or fold items to prevent creasing of the monogram. A little TLC goes a long way in preserving your embroidered masterpieces! FAQ #9: Can I combine different fonts in one monogram? You betcha! Mixing fonts can create a unique and eye-catching monogram. Try these combos: - Script + Block: Elegant meets bold for a balanced look. - Serif + Sans-serif: A classic pairing that never goes out of style. - Decorative + Simple: Let one letter shine while the others play supporting roles. The key is to maintain balance and ensure readability. Play around with different combinations until you find your perfect match! FAQ #10: I'm new to machine embroidery. Where should I start with monograms? Welcome to the club, newbie! Here's a beginner-friendly game plan: - Start simple: Choose a basic block or serif font for your first attempts. - Practice, practice, practice: Use scrap fabric to test different fonts and sizes. - Invest in quality materials: Good thread and stabilizer make a world of difference. - Join online communities: Connect with other embroidery enthusiasts for tips and inspiration. - Don't be afraid to make mistakes: They're part of the learning process! Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Take your time, enjoy the process, and soon you'll be monogramming like a pro! Well, folks, we've covered a lot of ground in the world of monogram fonts for machine embroidery. From choosing the perfect font to mastering monogram etiquette, you're now armed with the knowledge to create stunning personalized projects. Remember, the beauty of monogramming is in its personal touch. So don't be afraid to experiment, break a few rules, and most importantly, have fun with it! Whether you're stitching gifts for loved ones or treating yourself to some custom swag, your monogrammed creations are sure to impress. Dicover our great collection of fonts for embroidery machine  Now, go forth and monogram to your heart's content! And hey, if you come up with any cool font combinations or monogram hacks, drop them in the comments below. Let's keep this embroidery party going! Happy stitching, everyone! Read the full article
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD ”Diabolik ★ Aesthetics ~The Soul, Body and Blood Kept Beautiful with Sadism”
Tumblr media
Original title: ディアボリック★エステティック~心も身体も血液もドSに美しく~
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Takahiro Sakurai, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: You know, part of me wanted to believe that this weird trivia about Ayato rubbing takoyaki sauce on Yui/the MC was nothing but a fever dream...Unfortunately it is not because it’s in this CD. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have these boys run a beauty salon, but it’s a disaster waiting to happen lol. Even though there’s plenty of funny moments, I needed 200% brain power to translate this one because there’s no visuals so they have to explain the massage techniques with words and well...Let’s say that my knowledge on different muscles in Japanese is very limited. Especially Ruki’s explanations left me going ??? and scrambling to open my online dictionary.
Yuma: Haah~ Honestly…That Reiji guy is such a slave driver. Can’t believe he’s expectin’ me to put out the signboard first thing in the mornin’. …Heave-hoh.
Yuma: There, that’ll do. ーー Anyway, what’s the point in advertisin’ with a billboard when the damn beauty salon is already fully booked as is? Haah…
Reiji: …What are you mumbling about?
Yuma: …Ackー!? Reiji!? N-Nothin’, really!
Reiji: Oh my, really? I am fairly certain I heard something about a ‘slave driver’ earlier, no? 
Yuma: Guess ya must be hearin’ things? …Oh. Seems like the customers are already coming in.
You arrive at the beauty salon.
Yuma: Welcome! We’re pleased to have ya here at ‘Diabolik Aesthetics’! 
You seem confused by his attitude and mannerisms. 
Yuma: Aah? I’ve got the wrong place? Hell no! I can tell ya were ‘bout to enter!
Reiji: Aah…Ahem. Yuma. I shall not allow such crude language to be used towards a customer. 
Yuma: Woah…Anyway…It’s already past your reservation time, so hurry up get into the store…No, I mean…If you’d be so kind to… (1)
Reiji: Haah…Good grief…He is a lost cause… 
Reiji turns towards you.
Reiji: Well then, my dear customers. Please allow me to escort you instead. You see, this gentleman over here was hired only very recently, so he is still learning. Please forgive me. This way, please…
Reiji escorts you.
Ruki: I’m delighted to see you here, Livestock. 
Reiji: Ruki! You as well!? How dare you address our customers as ‘Livestock’!? 
Ruki: It’s part of our store’s aesthetic. Bear with it. In exchange…We guarantee only the finest quality. You will be made beautiful from head to toe, I can assure you that. ーー You made a reservation for the special course. This treatment is quite lenghty, so we do not have any time to waste. Please hurry your way over to the dressing rooms and change into the right attire. 
Ruki: Oi, Shin. 
Shin: What?
Ruki: Please escort the customer to the dressing rooms. It appears to be their first time here, so explain to them how things work over here. 
Shin: God…Why do I have to do this stuff? …I mean, sure. Oi, you. Don’t stand there spacing out but follow me. This way.
Shin escorts you.
Shin: You can put all of your personal belongings in one of these lockers. Ah, you’re responsible for taking care of any valuable items. We are not liable for potential loss or damages so don’t forget to lock it, okay? 
Once you’ve taken off all your clothes, you can put on this gown over here, okay? I mean, you’re gonna have to take this one eventually too, so if you’d rather not wear anything, that’s fine by me too.
You seem shocked about having to take off your clothes.
Shin: Isn’t that obvious? What? Would you rather…have me strip you down?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: I wouldn’t mind giving you a massage here either if that’s what you want. I could always lock this room…Hehehe…As long as we don’t exceed the original time of your appointment…I won’t charge you any extra either. So, what will you do?
You shake your head.
Shin: Eh? You’re passing up on my offer? What a waste! I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about us Founders and our ‘godly’ fingers, haven’t you? So, what do you say? You and me, right here, right noーー
Kanato enters the room.
Kanato: Shin. What are you doing?
Shin: …Woah. Che. Seems like someone’s here to get in the way.
Kanato: I was wondering what could be taking her so long to get changed, but I guess you were holding her up.
Shin: Not really. She’s just slow as hell, you see? All I did was give her the usual explanation. …Well then, leaving the rest up to you.
Shin leaves the room.
Kanato: Che…He ran. 
Kanato approaches you.
Kanato: Anyway, what are you doing? We are pressed for time here so please get changed already. Come on. 
You nod.
Kanato: Haah…I don’t care for you response. Come on, chop chop. 
You ask him to leave the room. 
Kanato: Haah…? You want me to leave? Who do you think you’re talking to?
You defend yourself. 
Kanato: I don’t want to hear any protest! Uu…You…Sniff…think…hic…of me as a nuisance, don’t you? Uu…Hic… ーー You shall not get away with treating me in such a way. I shall…punish you personally. 
You try to get away but Kanato corners you.
Kanato: Where do you think you’re going? You can’t get away. …Not from me!
Kanato: Fufu…Fufufu…But I still haven’t done anything, have I? So please don’t be so frightened. I was going to make you feel amazing, you see? 
You ask him to let go.
Kanato: You really think I’m going to let you go now? After all, you are just so…
Reiji enters the room.
Reiji: …! K-Kanato…!? 
Kanato: What do you need, Reiji? I happen to be quite busy at the moment so please do not get in my way.
Reiji: T-That’s easy for you to say, but I have no other choice! Come on! Get away from her!
Reiji: She is a customer of ours, remember?
Kanato: …!? What are you doing!? Let me go! I wasーー
Reiji: Yes, yes, I know. But your time to shine will come later. Now hurry up and leave.
Kanato leaves the room.
Reiji: You should finally get changed as well. Understood? 
You nod.
Reiji: Haah, good grief…Our staff is quite the handful. While they may be skilled at what they do, they’ve all got very eccentric personalities. It is highly troubling. At this rate, if our business does not run well, we will not reap any benefits. This is the concept I came up with myself: we guarantee a pleasurable experience for our customers and in return…we get something amazing out of it as well..’ It is truly a ground-breaking system…
Ayato: Zz…Zz…Nn…I’m completely stuffed…Idiot…Who puts soy sauce on Takoyaki…Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Hm? Haah…? What do you want?
Ayato gets up and opens the door.
Ayato: Who the fuck are you? 
You explain.
Ayato: Ah…? A customer? …Wait! It’s already that late!? God, I overslept!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There we go!
Ayato: Couldn’t you have told me sooner? Come on in already, god!
You step inside.
Ayato: For now, just lie down.
You hesitate. 
Ayato: Hurry up!
You seem skeptical. 
Ayato: Haah…? A medical interview? That’s Kanato’s job! He should have come to you to ask a bunch of questions, no?
You frown.
Ayato: If what happened earlier was part of the interview? Beats me! Oh well, all women worry ‘bout pretty much the same thing, don’t they? No point in asking. …Besides, I only need to take one look at you to figure out what weighs on your mind. Hehe…
Ayato: It’s this, isn’t it? …Your non-existent chest. 
You protest.
Ayato: What? I’m spot on? That sorta stuff happens to be my area of expertise tho! Come on, we don’t have much time. Hurry up and lie face down on this table. 
You get on the table with your gown still on.
Ayato: Haah…? How am I supposed to do anything when you’re wearin’ this damn gown?
He attempts to take it on as you protest.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Why would you try to hide your body when there’s nothin’ to see anyway? Your front is just as flat as the back. 
You get upset.
Ayato: I’m only statin’ the truth. …There. 
Ayato: Okay. I’ll start with a massage, so relax, ‘kay? 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Yours Truly will get rid of all the stress and pressure built up in your body. Hehehe…
Ayato: I’ll start with your calves. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Woah there…What are you twitchin’ for? …Could it be you’re gettin’ a kick out of this? 
Ayato: See? You did it again? How fascinatin’...You must be sensitive, huh? But we’ve only just started, you see? My hands will travel across every nook and cranny of your body, makin’ you feel amazin’...
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: See? Just like this…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: How’s that? You can feel your body gradually heatin’ up, can’t you? I’m gonna move all the way down to your ankles…
Ayato: Whoops. Before that, I gotta take this bad boy, don’t I? 
Ayato: A lovely scent, don’t you think? 
You frown.
Ayato: Exactly. It’s a body oil which smells just like takoyaki sauce. What’s better in the world than sucking the blood of a woman who smells like this? 
Your eyes widen in surprise. 
Ayato: …Oh no, I’m just talkin’ to myself. 
Ayato spreads the oil on his palms. 
Ayato: First I divide the oil amongst my own hands and then I’ll massage your legs with it.
You giggle.
Ayato: It tickles…? Don’t you want to say that it feels good? 
He continues massaging you. 
Ayato: Come on…Go ahead and feel my hands…Can you tell? …Why are you tremblin’...? Hehehe…You’re way too sensitive. If you’re reactin’ this strongly just from your legs, then I’m starting to fear what’ll happen once I move on to other parts of your body. 
You wince. 
Ayato: Ah…? You’ve gotten me kind of excited. Come on…I’ll do the back of your legs next and last but not least will be your thighs.
Ruki enters the room. 
Ruki: Oi, Ayato. How are things goーー …Ugh. What’s this smell? 
Ayato: What do you mean? It’s the smell of takoyaki sauce!
Ruki: I can’t say I understand your choice. 
Ayato: Like I give a damn!
Ruki: Oh well. …Anyway, we’re running behind, so I’m going to start with my procedure as well. 
Ayato: Be my guest. …Knowin’ her, I bet she’d love to get doubled teamed on.
You grow flustered. 
Ruki: Livestock…Ah, you are curious about my nickname choices? This is how I address all of our customers. I will not take any complaints. 
You frown.
Ruki: I will now commence the upper body massage. By focusing on your back, it will not only boost your metabolism, but also help relieve the pressure in your muscles. Allow me to remove the towel. 
Ruki: Hah…? Why do you seem so surprised? …That caught you off guard? In that case…Should I warn you first every time before touching you? 
You nod. 
Ruki: Oh well. …In that case, I will now touch your right shoulder. 
Ruki: How’s that? Now there’s no more surprise, right?
Ayato: Che…Look at Mr. Nice Guy over there. 
Ruki: If she moves around too much, it will hinder the procedure. That’s all. …Well then, I’ll massage out the knot. This will help your muscles which might have dilated from the increased blood flow return to their original shape. 
Ruki: Keep still. Did you not hear me earlier? Just leave everything up to my hands. 
Ruki: Relax. Your whole body. If you tense up, I cannot apply pressure correctly. Down to your very core…
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oh? You’re still having trouble relaxing? I suppose you leave me no other choice. 
Ruki: I will have to use force then. 
Ruki: Ugh…Well then, I’ll move on to your back now. I will align my fingertips with your spine and press down. 
Ruki: This should help get rid of the pressure in your muscles. 
*Knock knock*
Ayato: Haah…? Who’s that? ーー Come in.
Reiji opens the door. 
Reiji: It appears that things are taking longer than expected. There are other people waiting in the back, so I suggest all four of us work at once. …Is that okay with you, Yuma?
Yuma: Hell yeah! I finally get to do somethin’! 
Reiji: What’s the matter? Do you not like the idea of having all four of us treat you at once?
Yuma: Shouldn’t ya be happy instead? 
Reiji: Exactly. If you simply behave and let us do our thing, then you will surely feel as if you have ascended to Heaven. Or perhaps…It might be the pits of Hell instead? Fufufu… ーー Well then, Yuma.
Yuma: Roger! 
Yuma walks up to you. 
Yuma: Sow. Imma massage yer head. Ya know, this thing called a ‘scalp massage’. 
Reiji: I shall be in charge of your hands and arms. By focusing on the pressure points in your palms all the way up to your shoulder, I can even get rid of the cellulite on your upper arms. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oi, don’t move. The massage is not over yet. I’ll move on to your pelvis next. 
Reiji: Well then, I shall start with your right hand. 
Reiji: Ah…You are too tense. Please try to relax a little more. 
Reiji: Or does it simply feel too good? 
Yuma: I’ll start by a general rub-down of yer head to improve the blood flow. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Hehe…How’s that, Chichinashi? You’re getting the full treatment here!
Reiji: It truly is a shame we cannot see the expression on her face. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Hey there. Did we not tell you to keep still? If not, you will receive a severe punishment. Just like this…
Reiji: Fufufu…Did I not warn you? I pressed a pressure point on the palm of your hand just now. If you experienced pain, then it means that there is a problem with the organ connected to it. (2) Fufufu…Listen carefully. If you do not wish to be in even more pain, I suggest you keep still. I want to make you feel good. With my very own hands and fingers. After all, a happy body harbors a happy soul. 
Reiji: Our store’s selling point focuses on delivering the ultimate pleasure to our customers. …Well, what actually matters happens only after that though.  
Yuma: Come on, yer head’s startin’ to feel good too, right? I’m the one workin’ my magic after all. In that case…I don’t mind if ya make some noise. No need to hold back…
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: I bet ya can’t get enough of the way my fingers massage yer head, before runnin’ across yer nape and pressin’ down?
Yuma: I can tell, don’t worry. Yer body’s heatin’ up…Hehe…What do ya say? Want me to keep goin’?
You pass up on his offer.
Yuma: You’re good? I see. In other words, you want more, huh?
You protest.
Yuma: Hehe…Ya can no longer run. Not until you’ve surrendered both your body and soul to our fingertips. Just give in already. No point in fightin’ back forever…Just fully submit to it. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Fufu…Your breathing has become quite ragged. I suppose we are almost there? 
Ayato: Seems like it. I can feel heat radiatin’ all the way down to her toes.
Ruki: Finally? Good grief, she was a stubborn one. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Oi, oi…Try a lil’ harder. I’ve only just gotten started, ya see? 
You protest.
Yuma: You’ve reached yer limit? But the real fun has yet to start.
Ruki: I cannot let you go yet. I’m not done with the treatment of your pelvis. 
Reiji: I am nowhere near finished either. 
Ayato: Well, I’ve done a pretty good job so far.
Yuma: Oh…You’ve got goosebumps. ー Oi, Ruki, lower the pressure a bit.
Reiji: Ayato, so shall we. 
Ayato: Gotcha.
Ruki: If you are wondering why, we do not want you to indulge in the pleasure too much after all. 
Reiji: Fufu…First we build up the pleasure, then right before the climax, we hold back. By repeating this process, you will eventually get a taste of true ecstasy. 
*Knock knock*
Reiji: …Oh? What is it?
Shin and Kanato enter the room. 
Shin: How are things looking over here? 
Kanato: We finished the treatment of the customer in the other room, so we’ve come to check up on things.
Reiji: I see. In that case, please join us in massaging the lady over here. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Whatcha twitchin’ for, Chichinashi? Aah?
You beg for them to stop.
Ruki: You’ve had enough? You are our customer. No need to be modest.
Shin: Right. You didn’t get to have a taste of my skills earlier, did you? This is where the real fun begins. 
Kanato: Exactly.
Shin: Okay. Ready when you are. 
Kanato: I’m good to go as well.
Reiji: Well then, dear customer. You get the unique experience of being massaged by six people all at once. Please enjoy it to the fullest. Fufufu…
Shin: Haha…Are you shuddering from anticipation? I can tell you’re already gasping for air and I haven’t even done anything yet. 
Ruki: Let us get back to business. 
Shin: You can no longer get away…from my fingers.
Kanato: You do know what will happen if you dare feel good from someone else’s touch, right?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Oi…Don’t move. I haven’t even touched you yet, you know?
Kanato: Come on…Focus on me. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Chichinashi. You’ve worked up a sweat. Hahaha…
Ruki: Her metabolic rate must have improved. 
Shin: …Don’t tell me that was enough to satisfy you?
Kanato: Go ahead, let everything go.
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: The Heaven you have been waiting for is just around the corner. ーー No, the gates to Hell will open instead.
Yuma: Hehe…Just lose yerself in the pleasure. Come on. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Oh dear, oh dear, seems like she lost consciousness…
Ayato: Aah? What a weakling. I know she got the special treatment but still? 
Ruki: Well, I suppose it cannot be helped, considering our skill.
Shin: What a shame. I haven’t even gotten a chance to show off my techniques. 
Kanato: Says the guy who tried to get her all for himself before any of us had the chance.
Reiji: The same can be said about you.
Yuma: Oh well, I guess we’re done here. Ahー I’m beat. 
Ruki: Yuma. Shall I give you a massage? 
Yuma: Ah? Fuck off. I’m good. 
You wake up. 
Kanato: …Hm? Have you woken up? You slept for quite some time, you see? It’s already evening. Come on, get off the bed. Our store will be closing soon. 
Reiji enters the room. 
Reiji: Oh? Seems like she finally woke up. How do you feel? Well, after undergoing our treatment, I cannot imagine you could be feeling bad. 
You grow flustered.
Reiji: Your cheeks are flushed. Fufufu…In other words, it felt nice, did it not? 
You thank them. 
Reiji: No need to thank us. We are no charity organization after all. That being said, Ruki, please fetch her ticket. 
Ruki: Ah, yes. Here it is. 
Ruki: Livestock, we accept payment by credit card as well, so feel free to use that option if you’d like. 
You seem shocked. 
Shin: Hm? What’s wrong? You look shocked. …? The price is too high? …You’re kidding, right?
Yuma: I mean, ya made a reservation knowin’ damn well we aren’t cheap, didn’t ya? All the prices are on the website after all. 
You explain.
Yuma: Ah…? Ya never booked a session? Why the fuck are ya sayin’ that now!? 
You insist that he dragged you inside. 
Yuma: Ah!? It’s my fault!? 
Reiji: Now that I think about it, Yuma, I do recall you dragging her inside the shop rather forcibly. 
Ruki: That being said, she could have still refused. After receiving the entire treatment, it only seems fair that she pays. 
Yuma: E-Exactly…! What Ruki said!
Ayato: What’s wrong, Chichinashi? Don’t tell me you don’t have that kind of money? 
Reiji: Good grief…Well, I do admit that the special course is somewhat on the pricey side. What shall we do? 
Ayato: In that case…She’ll have no other choice but to pay in ‘that’ way, right?
Kanato: Fufu…You’re talking about ‘that’, right? I honestly prefer that over actual money. She’s been giving off a lovely scent this whole time after all. 
Kanato moves closer to you. 
Kanato: I can no longer hold back. 
Shin: I mean, if that works for you guys, I’m on board as well. …Of course, I’ll get the first taste, okay?
You ask for an explanation. 
Ruki: …Isn’t it obvious what we’re talking about? Livestock. We want…your blood.
Your eyes widen in horror. 
Reiji: Well, if you cannot pay us the money, it is simply the only other option left. 
Yuma: Hehehe…Brace yerself, Sow!
You ask if that was their goal all along. 
Reiji: Oh dear? You realized only now? Exactly, we only have one objectiveーー not the money, but the customer’s blood. 
Ruki: We make their blood more tasty by providing pleasure, then indulge. A very efficient system, no? 
Reiji: Well, I am the one who came up with the idea. Fufufu…
You try to escape. 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Fufufu…Please don’t thrash about. You got to feel good, so it only makes sense for us to get something in return now, right? 
Ayato: Chichinashi. Behave!
Yuma: Oi, Ayato! Why are ya tryin’ to get first dips here!? 
Ayato: Aah!?
Yuma: I’m up first!
Shin: Don’t be ridiculous. I obviously get to go first. 
Ruki: Wait. Seniority (3) is the deciding factor here. I go first.
Kanato: Hold up! That’s unreasonable! I’m first!
Reiji: May I remind you all that I am the owner of this store! You should allーー 
Ayato: Look, take it down a notch, okay? 
Reiji: Excuse me? I could say the same to you. 
Ruki: I cannot say that it is very admirable to try and abuse one’s authority to get personal gains. 
Yuma: Keh…! Stupid rich folks think they can have it all!
Shin: Well, if you want to use that argument, I have the most authority of us all, being a Founder. …Right? 
You suddenly push them aside. 
You make a run for it.
Ayato: …!? Chichinashi, you bitch! Get back here!
They start chasing after you. 
Kanato: Wait…! I won’t let you get away from me!
Yuma: Fuck, that sneaky Sow…! Hold it!
Shin: Ah…? God, this happened because you guys just had to get into a ridiculous argument!
Ruki: Good grief…I wonder why it always turns out like this? I cannot comprehend. 
Reiji: You have the nerve to say that!? 
Ruki: What do you mean? 
Reiji: Haah…Why does this happen time after time? Well, I suppose I was wrong to assume that things could work out with this group of individuals. 
Ruki: Think of it this way, they might successfully drag her back here. 
Reiji: Well, my expectations aren’t very high, but I suppose we shall eagerly await their return. Haah…I wonder when we’ll actually get a taste of some delicious blood? Right now, all the trouble does not weigh up to the benefits. 
However, it would be a waste to let this fateful meeting go to waste…
Translation notes
(1) Yuma is struggling to use correct keigo or formal speech here. Since English lacks similar structures, I had to adjust some things for my translation.
(2) A lot of Chinese medicine (which is also highly celebrated in Japan) focused on internal organs and its relationship to pressure points. 
(3) Ruki refers to the ‘nenko system’ which is common at most Japanese firms and companies. The longer somebody has worked at one workplace, the higher their salary and the more benefits they get.
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americasass91 · 3 years
Baby Fever
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Hello lovelies! I hope everyone is well! This little fic is for the amazingly talented @buckyownsmylife​ 2k/Birthday Challenge! Which the theme for it was breeding kink. Which how could I not participate in that? Breeding kink just happens to be one of the biggest kinks I have(and i don’t even want kids, go figure) So I looked through my Masterlist and realized I didn’t have a breeding kink fic with Steve. Well, I can’t say that anymore!
Thank you for hosting this challenge you lovely, beautiful human! And congrats on the 2k!! You deserve that and so much more! I hope everyone enjoys!
Rating: Explicit (duh, it’s a breeding kink fic)
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: breeding kink(again, duh), Professor!Steve(I feel like he’s a warning all by himself, language, age gap, unprotected sex(I mean, it’s kind of implied but I’ll put the warning anyway)
“How long do we have to stay at this thing?”
You help can’t but roll your eyes at your husband of 4 months. “I told you I’m not sure. It’s my niece’s 1st birthday party. You could’ve stayed home you know.”
Steve pulls up to your sister’s house and parks among the other vehicles in the front yard. “Yeah and give them even more reasons to hate me? No thanks.”
See, Steve wasn’t your family’s favorite person. It all has to do with the fact that he’s 10 years older than you and how you guys met, which was during your freshman year of college. You were the innocent student and he was your history professor.
The attraction was instant and very mutual between you two. But dating students at this particular university was frowned upon and Steve could have lost his job. So, you admired each other from afar….that is until the semester was over. You went to visit him in his office after your last class and he eagerly bent you over his desk and ruined you for any other future man you may have.
Well, that was 6 years ago now. Your family of course didn’t approve and thought he was just taking advantage of a young, naive student. Your mom was the first to come around when she noticed a change in your demeanor and how happy he made you. She talked some sense into your dad and he eventually backed off as well.  
It took until Steve put a ring on your finger for your sister to accept him. Although you know her and her friends still judged you two. You could tell by the looks you guys always got whenever around them. You learned to not let it bother you. Steve was amazing. He was attentive, caring, and he loved you with everything he had. The only flaw he had was that he didn’t want kids.
It almost made you consider not marrying him. You had always wanted kids. But, in the end you realized you wanted Steve for the rest of your life more than a baby. But he did adopt a kitten with you. So it’s a win, win.
He gets out of the car and grabs the gift out of the trunk. You had gotten her an outfit that says ‘My aunt is cooler than your aunt’ and various toys that she would enjoy. Plus, being the book editor you were, you couldn’t not get her a book. So, you got her the very first Harry Potter book. When Steve saw you wrapping it with a questioning look, you told him it was never too early to start a child’s transition into being a Potterhead.
You skipped excitedly next to Steve as you made your way to the front door. He couldn’t help but chuckle at your enthusiasm. “You excited or something, sweetheart?”
After ringing the doorbell, you turn towards him. “Of course I am! I love my little niece!”
Truth was, you knew you were never going to have a baby of your own. So you poured all of your love and joy for a baby into your niece.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when your brother-in-law, Matt, answers the door.
“Mr. and Mrs. Rogers! Glad you made it! Come on in!” He ushers you 2 inside, helping you both hang your coats up in the hall closet. He then points to the obvious gift table. “You can just set that down there, Steve. And if you’d like, me and a bunch of the other husbands are downstairs in the basement watching the game. You’re more than welcome to join us.”
Steve looks at you, silently asking for permission. You give him a quick pecking the lips. “Go have fun. Just make sure to come back up for food and presents.”
As Steve heads downstairs with Matt, you can’t help but take in all the decorations. Little Miss Lindsey just happens to currently be obsessed with The Little Mermaid. So of course the theme is under the sea. Your sister really went all out. Streamers, balloons, and even mermaid figurines were everywhere. There’s even mermaid confetti on the tables.
You head in search of your sister and the birthday girl, one of which you find in the kitchen. “Hey sis! Need any help?”
Your sister, Rachel, turns from the hot dog sauce she’s stirring on the stove and gives you a big hug. “Oh, thank god you’re here! Can you grab the vegetable tray and potato salad out of the fridge and put them on that table over there?”
“Sure! Where’s Linds?” You ask as you grab the requested items out of the fridge.
Your sister returns to the sauce on the stove. “She’s still napping. I should be getting her up soon. Where’s Steve? He stay home? I know this isn’t really his thing.”
You take the plastic wrap off the potato salad and sit it amongst the smorgasbord of other food on the table. “Of course he’s here. He’s down in the basement with the other men.”
You sister lets out a sigh. “Yeah, I told Matt they could only watch until everybody got here. Ah, shit. I think I hear Lindsey crying.”
“I’ll get her!” Quickly jumping at the chance to see her.
“You sure? That would be great! The outfit I want her to wear is on the changing table. And can you do her hair up in the bow, too?”
“You got it!” You make your way down the hall towards Lindsey’s room, her crying getting louder. You open the door and see her sitting up in her crib. Her crying quiets the moment she sees you. She gets a big ole smile on her face and reaches out for you. “Hi, sweet girl! How is the birthday girl today?” You pick her up and give her a big hug. “How about we get you changed into your party outfit?” She just coos back at you in response.
You push her outfit aside and lay her down on the changing table. Quickly realizing she’s wet, you give her a fresh diaper. She attempts to ‘help’ as you try to change her into her party outfit. Which after it’s on her, she looks like a little mermaid. You quickly brush her hair and pull as much of it as you can into a ponytail on the top of her head and add the matching bow. You stand back a little from her and clap your hands. “What a pretty girl! Are you ready to join your party?” You pick her up and turn around to head out of the room. You’re surprised to see your husband standing in the doorway.
“Hey, I thought you were watching the game?” He shrugs his shoulders and walks towards you two. “I missed you.” He tickles Lindsey’s side, causing her to giggle. “Happy Birthday, little one.” You can’t help but feel your heart warm. That always happens anytime your husband interacts with a baby.
“I was just helping Rachel out by getting her ready. She seemed a little frazzled in the kitchen.” You turn your attention back to Lindsey. “Come on, sweet girl. Let’s go join your mommy in the kitchen!”
The next hour goes by in a blur. You weren’t really paying attention to anyone else. All of yours on Lindsey. The only food she seemed to want was what was on your plate. You didn’t mind sharing. Then she got to ‘smash’ her cake. Which for Lindsey it meant taking delicate little bites from said cake, mostly of the icing. She did still manage to get it all down the front of her though. But that’s okay, Rachel of course had a back up outfit ready.
You had just polished off your hot dog when Rachel walked back into the room with a now clean Lindsey. Steve grabbed yours and his plates to go dispose of.
Rachel sat on the floor with Lindsey who immediately started crawling towards you. “I think you’re gonna have to join us, sis.”
You can tell it’s hurting Rachel’s feelings a little that Lindsey is so attached to you today. Nevertheless, you join them on the floor, placing Lindsey in your lap. “Ready to open presents, sweet girl?”
Rachel turns to Matt. “Honey, could you start handing out the presents please?”
He nods and goes to grab the first of many presents. He sits it down in front of Lindsey who immediately goes for the tissue paper. She doesn’t even seem to care about the present in the bag. You laugh and try to get her attention on the gift inside.
You look up and see everyone laughing at the birthday girl who only wants the tissue paper. You notice Steve towards the back of the crowd, only he’s not laughing. He’s giving you a look. You’ve seen that look before. It instantly sends a shiver down your spine and makes your panties wet. He wants you.
You try to give him a stern look. He shouldn’t be looking at you like that in the middle of your niece’s party. He puts his hands up in surrender.
After taking almost 2 hours to open the rest of the gifts, Lindsey was a sleepy girl. You were sitting on the couch with Lindsey cuddled up into your chest. You were gently rocking her back and forth. You look over at your sister who was cleaning up the mess from the presents.
“I can go put her down for a nap, Rach. I don’t mind.”
“Thanks, sis. You seem to be her favorite person today so she’d probably scream if I tried to do it. Matt! Could you get a bottle ready for Lindsey so my sister can put her down for her nap?”
A few minutes later he comes out with the bottle and hands it to you.
You stand up and look over at Steve. “I shouldn’t be too long. Did you want to head out of here after I put her down? I know you still have those papers to grade.”
He nods. “Yeah, if you don’t mind. Thanks, sweetheart.”
You squeeze his bicep as you pass by him. “Of course not. Like I said, this shouldn’t take too long.” You glance at Lindsey and notice she’s having trouble keeping her eyes open.
Just like you predicted, it only took Lindsey about 15 minutes to fall asleep. You take one last glance at her, your heart tugging a little, knowing you’ll never have one of your own.
You quietly close the door and don’t even take 2 steps before the door across the hall opens to reveal Steve. You look at him in confusion. “Babe? Why are you in the laundry room?”
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he grabs your arm and pulls you into the room with him. He makes sure to shut the door behind him.
“Steve, what are you doing? I thought we were leaving?”
He pushes you to the front of the washing machine and presses himself up against you, immediately making you feel how hard he is. “Need you, baby.” He reaches around and starts undoing your jeans.
You start pushing his hands away and try to turn around. His hold on your waist tightens, stopping you.
“Steve, we are not doing this here. You can wait until we get home.”
You are suddenly pushed until your front is resting on the top of the washing machine, Steve covering his body with yours. He lets out a low growl in your ear. “This” he presses his bulge more firmly against your ass “is your fault. So, you’re going to help me with it.”
You turn your head to the side as he pushes your jeans over the curve of your ass. “Me? What the fuck did I do? I haven’t even really talked to you today. Been with Lindsey all day.”
He fastens his pace in removing his own jeans, only lowering them enough to free his aching cock. He lands a smack to your panty covered ass. “Exactly. Made me so hard watching you with the baby. Made me think what it’d be like if we had one. What you’d look like swelled with my kid. Knew I had to have you.”
You managed to push him back far enough to stand up straight and turn around to face him. “Steve, I’m not going to let you fuck me in my sister’s laundry room.” He launches at you, trapping your body between his and the washing machine. “It’s cute that you think you’re in charge. Now, I’m going to fuck a baby into you. And I can either do that here or I’ll take you out in the living room where everyone is and bend you over there.”
Fuck. These panties are officially fucked. Still, you have questions. “I thought you didn’t want kids, Steve? Plus I’m on the pill.”
His face turns soft for a second. He cups your cheek in his left hand. “I didn’t think I did. But seeing you with her today? Now that’s all I want, all I can think about. You with our baby. You’d be the best mother. And you’ll just stop taking your pill. Starting today. We’ll keep trying until it takes. Is this something you’re even still wanting?”
You grab onto his wrist and push your cheek against his palm. “Of course it is.” You turn back around and bend over the washer. You lower your panties to your knees and shake your ass in his direction. “Well? What are you waiting for? Fuck a baby into me, Steve.”
He growls and closes the distance between you. He grabs the base of his cock and rubs the tip through your dripping folds. “Don’t have time to stretch you out first, sweetheart. And I’m really worked up, so this will probably be quick.”
You push back against him, eager to get him inside you already. “Don’t care. Just please, fuck me Professor Rogers.” You knew that’d get him.
“Fuck.” Is the only warning you get before he buries himself in you to the hilt. He just gets his hand over your mouth before your moan escapes your throat.
He only gives you a second to adjust to his size before he starts a bruising pace. After a few thrusts, he removes his hand from your mouth and smacks your ass. He feels you clench around him. “Yeah? You like when your professor fucks you?”
You quickly nod your head. “Yeah. You fuck me so good. Need your cum. Need you to fill me up.”
Steve quickens his pace even more if that’s possible. He moves his left hand off your hip and moves it around you to find your clit. He presses quick circles against it. “Need you to cum first, sweetheart. Need to feel you squeeze me.”
You start pushing back to meet his thrusts. You can feel the coil inside you ready to snap. You just need a little something more.
Steve leans over you and starts pressing kisses up your spine, his pace never faltering. Once he reaches your shoulder, he bites down lightly. He moves his mouth next to your ear. “Come on, sweetheart. Cum for your professor. Then I’ll fill you up nice and full, get you pregnant. Cum for me, Y/N.”
You press your face into the crook of your elbow to muffle your scream as you cum undone on his cock. Your orgasm triggers his. He cums with a quiet shout as he fills you full of his spend, some of it leaking out around him. He gives a few more shallow thrusts before stopping and catching his breath.
He rubs his hands up and down your back. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
You turn your head so you can look at him. “Mmm, i’m great.” You can’t help but let out a little giggle, feeling drunk on sex.
Steve smiles down at you and moves his hand until it’s resting on your lower stomach. “I hope it worked.” He slowly pulls out and watches as his cum starts leaking out of your pussy. He quickly scoops it up and pushes it back inside, causing a whimper to escape your lips. “Sorry, sweetheart. Can’t let any of it go to waste.”
Once he’s sure he’s got it all, he quickly pulls your panties back into place. He stands you up and turns you around to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you so much, thank you for being mine.”
You give him a big smile. “I love you, too. And thank you for picking me.” You bend down to pull up your jeans, Steve mirroring your actions. Once you’re both redressed, you wrap your arms around his neck and press a firm kiss to his lips.
“Now, let’s hurry up and get home. Want you to fill me up again.” You give him a wink and turn to head out the door. “You coming?”
He smirks as he starts following you out. “Oh, I will be.”
Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @lllols @patzammit​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @bluemusickid​ @wanderinglunarnights​ 
Steve Taglist: @donutloverxo
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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forgetmenots0250 · 2 years
Platonic Big brother figure reader x Bruce Yamada HCs
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You met Bruce when he was walking home from a baseball game and spotted a Chinese food place that wasn’t there a month ago, he had only seen these types of places on the highway while passing by
He decided to go in and the smell of chicken hit him but it didn’t smell like normal chicken it had some sort of sauce but then he was approached by you
You were the cook there and offered him a plate since he was your first customer
“Oh I couldn’t I don’t have any money”
“It’s on the house”
“Oh come on I just want to cook something so don’t sweat it, can’t you see? No ones here yet so don’t worry”
“Well Okay”
He gave in and ordered something small and cheap, and definitely with chicken
You got to cooking and decided to make a show for the kid, you upped the fire a flipped it in the air
Bruce watched in amazement as you did tricks with the food
Once you were done you gracefully placed it on his plate
Bruce clapped, “That was amazing!”
Bruce’s compliment really made your day, “Here get whatever you want”
You handed Druce a soda cup and pointed to the soda machines
Bruce joyously went and poured some soda and sat down to eat
You watch as Bruce finishes his food and waves
“Next time I come I’ll definitely pay!”
He ran out with a smile, you hoped to see him soon
The next day Bruce came in immediately looking for you, he spotted you preparing food and called out for you
“I’m back!”
Bruce came practically dancing to the front counter
“Well hello-”
“Bruce, my name is Bruce Yamada”
“Nice to meet you I’m (Name) (Last Name), nice to see you again”
 “You came to pay or what?”
“Of course could I get the same thing from last time with the soda?” 
“Of course mister Bruce”
After that Bruce came in almost every day to have a chat with you as you work
After some time he invited you to one of his baseball games and you took it, you went and he saw you
He felt so pumped knowing you were watching him and even a little nervous
He won the game and you congratulated him with a free meal on you
You two became close and even hung out outside of the restaurant like going roller skating, going to the library, bowling, and playing arcade games 
You were in your late teens but you were going to college at the time and were going to a university soon
You helped Bruce with any homework or projects
Being the oldest son in his family he was expected to be great but he struggle to juggle his home life, school life, and social life, you gave him advice that kinda turned into therapy sessions about how to manage stress and other things
He came over to your house a lot to do projects or just to read, being in your presence is relaxing and you know how to cook bomb-ass food
You started cooking lunch for him every morning that he would visit
Bruce likes to run his hands through your hair when he sleeps over and in the morning his hand is still in your hair but you don’t mind
Bruce likes to sleep over since you have a king-sized bed and you don’t mind if he sleeps with you
Bruce started a pillow fight and he lost miserably
You volunteered as a chaperone on Bruce’s baseball team and donated so they can go on a field trip to a baseball stadium
When Bruce saw you he instantly ran up and hugged you, you hugged him back but once he realized he did that in front of his whole baseball team he got embarrassed
Bruce’s teammates asked who you were and Bruce answered, “He’s-He’s my brother!” of course it was a lie but you went along with it, and you were dubbed Bruce’s cool older brother when you got them all ice cream
You brought a lot of money so you could splurge on the food stalls
Bruce stayed close to you during the field trip because he doesn’t get to see you every day but it was nice
You eventually met Bruce’s sister and she was a sweet little girl and you bought matching hats for Bruce and his sister, she wears them to Bruce’s games
Bruce’s parents eventually found out who you were and had to have a talk with them while all of them were in the living room
“How do you know our boy?” 
“I’m his friend Misses Yamada”
“Why is a young man like you hanging out with a 14-year-old boy?”
“Oh I’m sort of like a brother figure to little Yamada don’t worry I’ll take care of him Mister and Misses Yamada”
It took a bit of convincing but they permitted you to be a friend of Bruce
It terrified Bruce that you were going to not be his friend if his parents demanded it so when he went to your house he was attached at the hip to you
You comforted him the best you could and you guys slept well that night
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Not really the Schneider-verse (or it could be, who am I to say) but Jess and Rory getting the catch up they deserved in Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out - either Logan not turning up or them meeting up between that and the Prodigal Daughter Returns, either or neither, just some Literati love please <3
They find a tiny Vietnamese place open late in Hartford, with enormous bowls of Pho, and overstuffed Banh Mi sandwiches.
Jess pours a disgusting amount of sriracha and hoisin sauce into his soup, before squeezing an obscene amount of lime wedges in, and Rory follows suit. The soup is divine, the broth clearly simmered for days on end.
"So?" Jess asks as he uses his little ladle and chopsticks to shovel broth and noodles into his mouth.
"So," Rory agrees as she takes her own mouthful.
"You left Yale," Jess states.
She nods slowly. "I...did. I did. I left Yale. It was for the best."
Jess looks at her as if she's lost her mind. "That's not-"
"It is," she insists. "Look, I...I had this internship, and it- it didn't go very well. The person who gave it to me told me I don't have what it takes to be a journalist. And I came to realize that he was right, so I...stopped chasing something that's not going to happen."
Jess gazes at her a little sadly and it makes her avert her eyes. "Okay. So...what's the new dream?"
"I don't know yet."
"Have you thought about it at all?" he asks, slurping down more broth, grabbing a piece of beef from his bowl to munch on.
"Can I say something you don't wanna hear?"
"I'm gonna say it anyways," he announces, setting his utensils down. "I you worked yourself so hard, and you're so used to people telling you what you want to hear? That you had a breakdown."
Rory stares at him silently.
"And that's actually okay," Jess insists. "Breakdowns happen. I had mine. Running away to California like a fucking idiot."
"I don't want to talk about that," she says quickly.
"My point is," he says, getting back on track. "That no matter what happened at that internship? It doesn't matter. It's a drop in the bucket. One guy told you you're not good enough. Sucks for sure, but also fuck that guy. You work hard, Rory. You've always gone after what you want. Why stop now?"
Rory stays silent, looking down at her soup.
"You're really gonna let some crusty jerk get in your way?" Jess asks.
"He's not a crusty jerk - well, he is, but he's a very wealthy, powerful, crusty jerk," Rory says.
Jess smirks at her. "And won't it be the best feeling when you make him eat his words?"
Rory laughs a little. "I guess you have some experience with that."
He shrugs. "Well, all of Stars Hollow thought I'd end up in jail, and here I am. Paying for dinner with money I made from writing a book and editing for an independent press. I stopped by Stars Hollow and sold Andrew a few copies. I wish I could see Taylor's face when he sees them."
“Taylor may die.” 
"I hope he'll at least have heart palpitations, I'll take that," Jess volleys back.
Rory takes a breath and goes back to eating her soup. "What if you're wrong? What if I really am not good enough to follow this path?"
"There's no 'good enough,'" he points out. "You either work your ass off to make it happen, or you don't. And considering all of those Friday nights we spent in senior year, where you studied, and I napped until you were done...I think you've got this covered."
She huffs out a breath. "I miss school. Logan...- Logan, my boyfriend - Logan and I do a lot of partying, and I just...feel..."
"Bored?" Jess supplies.
"God, I'm so bored."
"Ivy league drop-out," Jess sings in a terrible voice, trying to emulate Grease for her. "Go back to college..."
She bursts out laughing, almost spitting her soup out. "Oh, my god do that again, I want a recording."
"Eat your soup. You've got a sandwich coming, you don't want 'em to overlap."
He drops her back at her grandparents' place, only to find another car waiting there.
"Logan," Rory smiles as she gets out of the passenger's side.
Jess joins her, handing her her leftover dessert.
"No," Rory says, whirling around. "You keep them."
Jess laughs. "What? No more mung bean bonbons for you?" he asks. "You're missing out."
"Yuck," Rory complains. "Logan, this is Jess. He's an old friend from Stars Hollow - Luke's nephew. Jess, this is Logan, my boyfriend."
Jess nods. "Hey."
Logan nods, looking wary. "Hey, man, good to meet you."
They shake hands briefly, and Jess holds up the bag. "Mung bean bonbons?"
"We got Vietnamese food," Rory explains. "Jess got adventurous with dessert."
"They're not that bad."
"Yuck," Rory repeats, making Jess laugh.
"Seems like you two had a grand old time," Logan remarks.
"We haven't seen each other in a long time," Rory explains.
"You two date?" Logan asks.
"Yes," Rory responds truthfully. "But that was a long time ago. Jess wrote a book, and he's been going to small bookstores, selling copies. He was in the area."
"A writer. You a writer, Jess?" Logan asks.
"Sure," Jess responds slowly, lifting an eyebrow.
"Got many influences? Hemmingway? Proust? Kafka? Tolstoy?"
Jess turns to Rory, looking a little weirded out. "Is this guy a real person?"
Rory gives him a stern look. "Jess..."
"I'm just sayin', if Mattel made a Ken doll that was supposed to encourage little girls to go to an Ivy League school, it'd probably look like him."
"Oh, he's funny," Logan snarks. "Funny guy, huh?"
"And on that note, I'm gonna head out," Jess tells them. "Rory. Happy early birthday. Logan...you were also here."
Rory huffs. "Jess, wait."
"Let him go, Rory," Logan tells her.
She narrows her eyes at him and follows Jess to his car. "Hey."
He turns to her, raising his eyebrows.
"Sorry about him. He's...he's just..."
"An asshole," Jess tells her. "You're dating an asshole. Can I bribe you to break up with him if I sing the Grease thing again?"
Jess grins and leans in, kissing her cheek. "Go back to Yale, Rory. Stop boring yourself."
With that, he squeezes her arm gently, and hops into his car, driving off.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 23 - Haunted Heart [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Coming home can cause issues.
Series Masterlist
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                          SIX MONTHS LATER
You flipped the knife in your hand as the guy tied to the chair glared at you.
“You know,” you trailed off, “I’ve had a really shitty couple of months, Johnny- can I call you Johnny?”
“Rude,” you commented, “Fine. John. I’ve had a really shitty couple of months so you really don’t want to try me right now. Just tell me where I can find your boss.”
“You’ll never find him you stupid bitch.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Since I’m going to kill you in a couple of minutes I feel like I can share some things with you,” you said, “My best friend says I keep everything bottled and I should talk about my feelings.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“See, that’s exactly how I feel!” you pointed at him, “Thank you. I mean, I feel angry at myself. I kind of fucked up with the man I love.”
“Jesus Christ, just kill me already.”
“I’m waiting for a text to do that Johnny,” you pointed out, waving your phone at him. “So, I tricked him and used him and threw him to wolves. And then Accords 2.0 didn’t pass and he has been pardoned once again, and he’s a free man now. I have a strong feeling that he’s not the ‘forgive and forget’ type of guy. You know, assassin to assassin.”
“You’re the chattiest assassin I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you, I’m trying to improve myself,” you said, “I mean what exactly should I do? I don’t even trust my agency at this point, my handler lied to me and I have been at this fucking place for six months now, hunting you down. Well, your boss but…”
“You’ll never find him.”
“We’ll see about that my friend,” you said, “So anyway, like what am I supposed to do? I lost the one guy I actually loved. How do you cope with that? Because drinking doesn’t work, sleeping with others doesn’t work…. Nothing seems to—“ you were cut off when your phone vibrated and you touched the screen to open the text message.
From: Julian
Go for it.
“Wait, no no no, I’ll talk—“
“Kind of too late,” you pointed the gun at him, “Nice to meet you Johnny.”
With that you pulled the trigger, silencer doing its job as there was no loud bang or anything. His body fell back with the impact, and you heaved a sigh.
“Maybe I need a therapist I can’t kill,” you mumbled and walked out of the warehouse to approach the car before opening the door to the passenger seat to get in.
“Is it done?” Julian asked and you nodded, rubbing at your eyes.
“Are you hungry?”
You made a face, “Just because the General sent you here does not mean we’re going to become buddies.”
“I’m not trying to become buddies with you,” Julian stated, “I just want to eat fries and there’s a two for one deal.”
You eyed him up and down.
“Fine, I could eat fries.” You leaned back in the seat as he started driving, keeping your eyes on the road. Soon enough, you reached the city center and Julian got fries from a food truck, then sat across from you.
“So,” he said, “You do realize this whole thing would’ve been over by now if we actually worked together?”
“I’m not going on the field with you.”
“The General sent me here to help you.”
You dipped the fry into sauce, then popped it into your mouth, “You can help me by pretending you’re not here.”
“You know what they say Julian. Fool me once…”
“Don’t tell me you’re still holding that grudge.”
“You mean when you left me behind to die on the last mission we were together?” you asked back, “That grudge?”
“I told you—“
“I’m not going to talk about that with you,” you cut him off, “And I work better alone. Who told you we could waste the guy by the way?”
“The General.”
You grabbed the salt shaker to pour some salt on the fries, causing Julian to make a face.
“Are you kidding me? That was salty enough-“
“Why did he not text me?”
“No idea. Maybe he’s avoiding you because he promised you handler and here you are. Field spy.”
Your jaw clenched.
Or maybe he’s avoiding me because he fucking lied to me.
You had to give it to him, it was the perfect plan. The moment he had suspected you were getting too close to Bucky, he had come up with the one thing he knew that would make you switch sides.
And that-
That was below the belt yes, but that was also masterly.
But at the end of the day, you barely had two people to trust in the entire world, and you seriously doubted you could ever forgive the General for what he had done. You knew he held duty above all, above family and surely above you, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
You shook your head at yourself and grabbed another piece of fry.
“So um…” Julian shifted his weight, “Are you okay?”
You shot him a glare, arching a brow, “Peachy.”
“No I mean… About Barnes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“This whole Accords 2.0 failure, there’s no way we could go after him again.”
“I don’t want to go after him again.”
“You don’t want revenge?”
That made you straighten up your back and you put the fry down, “And why exactly would I want revenge?”
That made Julian fall silent and you nibbled on your lip.
“What exactly did the General tell you before you came here?”
“That there was a job here.”
“Bullshit,” you replied way too quickly, “Did he send you here to be my babysitter? He thinks I’ll go after Barnes myself is that it? That’s why they sent you here months after I left the country but right after Accords 2.0 didn’t pass.”
Julian licked his lips.
“Listen, the agency wants to keep you safe—“ he started but then his phone beeped. He grabbed it to take aa look at the screen, then cussed under his breath.
“Check your texts.”
You touched the screen and frowned as your eyes skimmed the text.
From: General
Time to come home.
“Well,” you muttered, your heart dropping to your stomach, “Shit.”
Coming back home was harder than ever now. After catching up with Keith and Chloe, you were taken to your new apartment that was given to you by the agency as usual, and for the whole night you couldn’t sleep.
Even if there was no trace of Bucky in your new apartment –in your new life, you still couldn’t shake off this feeling. It was as if the moment you had entered the country, Bucky had entered your life in an instant.
Odds were, you wouldn’t really see him again. After all it was a big city, and Bucky wasn’t exactly the social type.
So your first week back in New York wasn’t exactly terrible. You were still waiting for your orders while getting to know to the city slowly, because after long missions it always took time for you to remember you had a real life there, real memories—
Well, as real as it could be, for a spy.
“Just see it as a vacation,” Chloe had said, “They threw you into another mission as soon as you got out of the country, it’s just a delayed vacation.”
As far as vacations went though, this one just sucked.
Maybe it was because you couldn’t keep away from places you and Bucky had been too, like this coffee place where you had first officially met.
You sipped your coffee, scrolling down on the news website as your eyes skimmed yet another article about Accords and whether you could trust superheroes or not, but you were soon distracted when someone pulled the seat across from you, making you look up from your phone.
And as soon as you did, your heart dropped.
You had to give it to the General, he was manipulative, he was a liar and he had betrayed your trust terribly but the one thing he had done right was training you well. Aside from that one second, you managed to adapt a look of nonchalance on your face, slowly putting your phone down.
“Hello Cap.”
Sam raised his brows and eyed you up and down.
“You’re back?”
You could swear he could hear your heartbeat and you shrugged your shoulders, looking around.
“Yeah,” you said, “Big apple and everything.”
“So much for the small town girl.”
“I have never been a small town girl,” you drawled, “Never been to Oregon either.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
You turned your coffee cup on the table just so you could do something with your hands.
“Why?” he asked after a beat and you shifted your weight despite your whole training of feeling calm and collected, nervousness hitting you out of nowhere.
“You’re a veteran, Wilson,” you managed to say, “You don’t need me to tell you how the chain of command works. Army doesn’t care how we feel about orders.”
“I’m very familiar with how chain of command works,” he pointed out, “But you’re not a soldier, Y/N. You’re a spy.”
“That makes it even worse,” you stated, “I know it sounds like an excuse, but… you don’t know how my agency works. I don’t get to say no to orders, and I sure as hell don’t get to blow my own cover.”
“But you wanted to, didn’t you?”
Jesus Christ, Wilson was really good at this observation thing.
“Doesn’t matter what I want,” you said, “I’m no use to anyone if I develop a conscience.”
“But you did,” he insisted, “Why else would you come to help us? Why else would you warn him beforehand?”
“He told you about that?”
He shot you a look, “What do you think, Y/N?”
You scoffed a laughter. “I was feeling generous,” you said, “No other reason.”
He kept his gaze on you for a couple of seconds, as if trying to see whether you would cave before he took a deep breath.
“You know he was going to propose, right?”
That was just too much. You could feel your jaw hanging as you stared at him in complete silence, his words echoing in your ears.
“No,” you said after a moment, then shook your head fervently, your nose in the air, “No you’re wrong.”
“I’m not,” Sam said, “Apparently he was looking for this… house painted in white with—a red door or something.”
Don’t cry.
Do not fucking cry.
Spies don’t cry over heartbreak.
You clenched your jaw and blinked back the tears, straightening your back.
“It’s a good thing he didn’t get to, then.”
“Y/N, he loved you.”
“No Sam, he loved someone who doesn’t exist,” you replied, “Sweet small town girl with sundresses and smiles and some house in the suburbs with kids and all that shit. Girls like me don’t get that ending, I have way too much blood on my hands.”
He pressed his lips together and you cleared your throat.
“How much does he hate me?”
“Why do you think he hates you?”
“Assassins aren’t good at forgiving,” you said, “I would know, we don’t have that talent.”
“That’s not a talent, that’s a choice.”
“It really isn’t,” you muttered, “So?”
“Why don’t you ask him?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “Yeah no. Actions have consequences and I’d rather not cross paths with the deadliest assassin in the world after double crossing him.”
“But you want him to forgive you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Intuition,” he said and pushed his chair back to stand up.
“He didn’t kill your father, Y/N.”
You heaved a sigh.
“I know,” you said, “Trust me, I would’ve walked away so much easier if he had.”
“Enjoy your coffee,” he said and walked out of the coffee house. You threw your head back, closing your eyes.
“Yep. I shouldn’t have come back.”
“I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of hate that we’re not living so close anymore,” you pressed the phone between your shoulder and your ear and opened the door to your apartment as Keith chuckled.
“I knew you’d miss me.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re a softie deep inside. Very very deep inside.”
“If you repeat that in front of anyone I swear to God…” you muttered and he groaned.
“Have I told you they’re putting me in the same team as Julian?”
“You guys have a new mission?”
“Not a long one probably.”
“Why the fuck am I—“
“Because you’re on a vacation,” he cut you off, “And also they’re probably going to make you a handler, that’s worth waiting for.”
“That or….”
“We’re not talking about that on the phone,” Keith said quickly, “Amateur.”
“Careful there, I’ll outrank you soon enough,” you said, walking to the bathroom to wash your hands. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Alright, see you later!” he said and hung up. You put your phone into your pocket, then washed your hands and made your way to the kitchen.
It was only when you put the wine bottle back into the fridge that you noticed something was off. Your body moved on its own accord, before you knew it you had already grabbed the knife in your boots and threw it to the figure in the dark corner of the room but he easily caught it, metal hitting what sounded like another kind of metal before he stepped out of the corner. Your breath caught in your throat, and for the first time in your life you froze, all the training leaving your mind.
You were supposed to be looking for a weapon, any kind of weapon but somehow, your body refused to move.
Bucky turned your knife in his hands, his gaze pinning you to your spot before he tilted his head.
“Hi honey,” he said, his voice way too cold. “I’m home.”
Chapter 24
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