#one peice roleplay
roleplayfinder · 9 months
One Piece (Live Action) CCxOC Roleplay (Doubles Welcomed)
I’m 18+ and all participants must be 18+
Okay about me and some rules:
Heya my names Kim! I’m 21+ I rp in third person and am semi literate. I only rp on discord and I am only comfortable rping with 18+ because of the content. NO ONE LINERS!! I cannot stress this. I love love detail and it doesn’t have to be novella but I would like maybe a paragraph or two but with DETAIL!!! Please only rp in third person!
Please 🙏 be able to write the Canons good. I will also try my best and I ask you do the same. Another thing! I’m tired of this! NO NO GHOSTING ME OR BLOCKING ME!!! If we are not compatible please just let me know. I hate getting really invested and then someone just pulls the plug.
I do work Monday thru Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm so I will reply after workSome days I’ll reply fast others I may be on and off but I will let you know.
Now onto the rp. I AM BACK IN MY ONE PIECE PHASE!!! LIKE ZORO!! DAMN!!!! 😩😩😩Anyways I want my oc to be paired with Zoro. I also love Sanji but Zoro stole my heart besides I can see Zoro giving Aelora my oc private lessons hahaha. I can also see Sanji flirting with Aelora to make Zoro pissed off and jealous.
Anyways I want it to follow the series and maybe we can add more to the plot. We can also change it up a bit doesn’t matter. Or if you have a AU idea feel free by all means. I would like the rp to have 50/50 mature scenes and stuff I’m okay with everything except r*pe, child harm,I can list everything else when you dm me or like this post. I do also want to talk about ocs and be friends and just get all cute with our Ocs hahaha and their respective partners.
Anyways if interested say your favorite color and any ideas you have for the rp not just hi. Also tell me what rp ad your interested in since I have so many hahaha
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crossovermadness06 · 1 year
i just wanna play with funny lil wizards and pirates and their funny little adventures 😭😭
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tittysuckersworld · 3 months
birthday dtiys!!!!
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hello so, its my birthday(july 13th) in a few days and i have spent.... so long on this. so! im holding a dtiys!! rules under cut
so the only rules are to make a peice working off of this scene. you can make it through digiral art, fic, roleplay, physical art, or just any way you want. and to tag me/tag your work to the tag #froggodtiy2024 in this month of july so i can see it! this will end on august 7th to keep things simple
prizes will be:
first place, fully rendered multi character scene
second place, colored character scene(2 if simple)
third place, one character sketch
there will be multible places for each place but also know that i am only one man- so it will take me a wile to get all the art done. but uhh yeah! heres the background for if you dont want to draw your own(it was so complicated so thats undersgandable)
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and ya! dont spend 19 hours on this ;]
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writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Nerdy S/O 🎮 📖 🧛
The guys and their uniquely nerdy S/Os who they love!
Soap 🧼, Ghost 👻 , König 👑 x GNREADER
Soap + Cosplayer 🧛
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• Johnny had met you when you were both at a bar, You typically werent too into the bar scene but it had lead you to meet the man of your dreams.
• Afterall who could resist that Scottish Charm?
• It had been 3 years of bliss shared between the two of you-
• Johnny knew from the beginning you were- quite the Nerd. He found it cute however! Even if he didn't understand it fully-
• Often getting back from deployment in the nice flat the two of you shared to see you dancing around listening to music while stitching some sort of fabric together.
• Johnny spent hours with you, Enjoying the craft of building your costumes and often wanting to join in the fun. Even if he knew nothing of the media this was involved in.
• "What is this costume for again?" He asked setting down the freshly cut foam to the side while you glued your peices down on some fabric-
• "This my Darling is a costume from the 1999 Mummy with Brendan Fraser" You say cheerfully as you stitch the costume.
• "Movie?-" He questions and you comfirm "Movie-"
• Will eventually start watching the Movies and TV shows with you. And gets really really into them as well- Turns into a big fantasy guy
• "Love- I want to cosplay with you at the next convention.. I wanna be a elf" He said shyly
• You damn near cry at this and hug him "Oh Honey I've waited to hear those words!"
• "I need to do the inseam-" You mumbled as you measured inbetween the man's leg to get the measurment.
• Will definitely want to roleplay in the bedroom. Feels like it has opened a new door for him and is more then excited-
• Comes in dressed like Han Solo with a wide grin- Fake gun and all on his hip as you laid on the bed in your own costume. "I do believe that you ruined my last smuggling trip- Sorry darling but you'll be paying for that another way"
• Will show you and his costumes off when he visits friends on base. Showing the last convention the two of you went to together- if anyone gives him shit he has no issue punching them.
Simon + Book Nerd 📖
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• You and Simon had been married for years, the famed Lieutenant knowing from when he first met you that you were a book fiend
• It was a major part of you- And one he adored
• Simon was quite the reader himself but truthfully not as deep as you. Havibg seen you so engrossed in stories before that you forgot to eat.
• But books were also how you showed love.
• "Love, I know this is a long deployment for you.. so I want to send these with you so you don't get bored" You say softly, holding up a 3 book series to your husband as he prepared for his job.
• Of course he accepted and read them while on his missions.
• Enjoys whatever you give him, be it fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction or what have you. He will always read them through and even take a note so he can talk to you about them later.
• Will also love when you read outloud to him
• "Honey I just got this series I want you to check out" You called out excitedly as you rush to your husband who is watching his Football (Soccar) game and sees you holding the collectors box. Calmly mutes the TV and gestures for you to sit and read out loud to him the new book.
• He had built you a library and Many shelves to store your hoard of books and got you a special couch to sit in and read.
• Does have a deep appreciation for Spicy Books and will happily warm up to prepare for your want to experiment.
• He had gotten you the book 'Den of Vipers' and had heard from the book store owner it was a spicy one- so he waited.. It took a few hours but you came into the bedroom flushed face. Simon having already stretched and was ready-
• He also knew about your fanfiction even if you were embarrassed and secretive about it. Occasionally you'd let him read over your work, which he would appreciate and genuinely enjoy the stories.
• Also will grab books while he is on his deployments or secretly read your fics on his phone.
• Buring a Mission he is stuck in a book store, as he is ready for the attack he spots one of the fantasy books you had wanted that had sold put before you got your little hands on it... so he slips it into the vest of his armor and goes on with his mission.
• Saved him 50£ anyway-
König + Gamer 🎮
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• When you and König start dating he is a bit surprised by you playing video games.
• He was taught it was something children do- so to see his Partner playing is a big surprise for him.
• However you help him open his eyes to the media and introduce him to the fun interactive stories and escapism that video games help you with.
• This peaks his interest and ask to join your gaming adventure.
• "Schatz are you sure about this?" He ask softly as you get him to play some Mario Kart 8. He's nervous at first but after a round his competitive spirit comes out and gets very good quickly- Cheering loudly as he wins and gets first place.
• After this a massive gaming room is built in his home for the two of you to share. König now understanding why you love games so much and supports you hobby fully.
• Even if it's a very expensive one.
• The two of you having funny cute arguments over the games subtitles or language.
• "I want it in German with English subtitles so I can practice" You wine as König shakes his head- "Liebling I want English with German subtitles"
• This often ending with the two of you giggling together over it and a passionate session between the two of you.
• Will support you wanting to decorate the home with some gamer merchandise and even gets his own to throw in there.
• Will eventually start playing some other games without you. Something to help him relax and take his mind off things-
• Mainly Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing are his favorite at the moment. It helps him unwind after his deployments
• After the hardest of deployments will just want to relax with you and watch you.
• Will love to just have the two of you cuddle in a warm bed and watch game play videos if you guys aren't up to playing a certain game. YouTube being a wonderful addition
• Will download some games on a burner smartphone he keeps and play it in his bunks. If it's multi-player will invite you to join him so the two of you can spend this time together even at a far distance.
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
i had an idea of m/c x vminkook where they're roommates, and drunkenly one night- the m/c confesses she writes a/b/o fiction....unaware that she's been living with three werewolves and that werewolves are even real, and that vminkook are one dynamic a peice.
just imagine beta minnie putting her to bed in jungkook's nest while she's drunk, "i think if someone scent marked me i'd moan." "can you imagine a knot minnie? i can't think of regular sex scenes anymore" (jimin- blushing- supremely aware of what taehyung's knot feels like) "seems overrated to me" taehyung twitches. barely managing to keep a straight face.
"if i got called pup i'd cry- why is dating so hard minnie? why can't a sexy alpha meet me and fall in love with my scent- what about fated mates too!!!" jimin- completely aware that the very thing happened with pack alpha tae "i don't know honey we can call you pup if you want us to 😳" very very aware that pup is something that /only/ packmates call each other.
maybe it escalates, and omega jk helps her make her 'nests' to fulfil her touch starvedness, pulling her in for omega snuggles, giggling when he licks at her chin "you're getting really into this roleplay kookie! you're such a good friend" jungkook (slicking up in his shorts because she tastes really good) "no problem!"
maybe tae starts to get more comfortable scenting her, dragging her close oblivious to the way he's drenching her in his scent so that any wolves she might meet will know she belongs to a pack already.
maybe in this universe, werewolves can be turned- but they're a little bit different- a little bit more /volatile/ when they're turned and not born. what if something really really bad happens to the m/c- like she gets lost in the woods after her car crashes and nearly dies of hypothermia- only to be found by pack alpha hobi 🥺 who has his beta namjoon turn her (only beta's can turn others) because it's very very clear from the scents leaking off of her that someone loves this human very very much, and if it was one of their pack members so hurt- he wouldn't want them to die.
Queue a very difficult pack merger when vminkook hunt her scent through the woods and find her in namjinseokgi's extensively large mountainside cabin- healing from the bite and adjusting to the change. and they have to explain to her- yes we kept it from you- no you can't be in our pack anymore because officially- you belong to hobi now...
only- why is tae's alpha rolling over on his belly when alpha jin noses at his neck? why are yoongi and jungkook building nests together? whats more is that in the first few years of being a turned wolf- she's got to get used to all the new scents and sensations 🥺 and she pretty much has to be wrapped around hobi at all times for things not to feel so scary- new instincts that feel so intense.
what with her presentation as an omega too- it makes it that much more important that she stay safe at the cabin and not return to her life in the big city, and vminkook aren't gonna give up yet 🥺 she's their pup.
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
I'm gonna be real, I'm very worried that Larian is going to try & make AA even more overtly the "bad choice" in their next patch (they promised some epilogue animations). I just really don't understand why the antis have to be so obnoxiously loud telling a company to change THEIR game because of a way they choose to interpret something. Isn't the whole point of an RPG that you're allowed to craft a narrative around the narrative-- but to pressure the writers into editing their hard work because they "don't like it" is just so,,,,..ugh
I just wish people would stop infantilizing the crap out of Astarion as a character. They give him all these sweet HC when half of them are just Wyll.. Like the "I can fix him" complex has rotted our society
Honestly? I'm not worried about it at all.
Mostly because I don't think Larian cares lmao At least, not in that way.
Get ready, it's 1am, I had my meds, and had some caffeine, so here comes ramble :D
They want to please their fans, and while spawn fans make up a majority of the Astarion side of the fandom, and there may be (speculated) peices in place to make AA seem worse in-game with these updates....I honestly don't think Larian as a whole cares enough to join in on the one-sided righteousness battle.
They made this game for the purpose that most AA fans (at least, ones I know) use it for: roleplaying, as you pointed out. And I'm very sure they aren't blind to just how one-sided the discourse is.
For example, on the official Larian Discord server, AA fans voiced their opinion on the Tav/Durge expressions in the new AA kisses. And from what I saw, the opinions were presently respectfully and with the roleplay experience in mind. How the expressions aren't ideal for evil roleplay. But after that, the same suggestions thread got clogged with anti-AA players begging Larain to "not destroy the narrative" they've apparently been telling and to not listen to us "delulu" AA fans. And the threads were locked by a mod and cleaned up, to "prevent bullying". I think Larian sees clearly who is focused on quality of roleplay and who is focused on arbitrary arguments.
Because the evil endings aren't supposed to be satisfying to those who don't play them. They aren't supposed to be a moral lesson to the player. It's not that meta (no matter how some people want it to be). It's not that type of game. The evil endings are supposed to be satisfying for those who enjoy playing those endings.
It's supposed to be a different experience. Empty and lonely, sure! But it's still meant to be rewarding for the player. Otherwise, it would be pointless to offer as a roleplay style.
I don't think Larian anticipated so many of us would prefer playing evil like this. I think the idea was for it to be a thing you do after you get bored of playing a few good solo runs. It also doesn't make any sense to spend time and money on an ending, just to slap the player on the wrist for choosing it. They see from the stats how often people make certain choices. People play evil in this game for a lot of reasons, but one big one is because it's just good, devious fun! And without any actual, real world consequences. And I think they see that more than anything. I assume you're also talking about the new evil ending updates?
This phrasing from the first article I saw about it is promising to me that these updates will be satisfying for those who actually enjoy playing/romancing evil--as a positive dark romance and not as some abusive romantic tragedy.
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I hope "satisfying narrative conclusions" means that the player can enjoy it for their roleplay. And doesn't just mean the endings are rounded out, but the player gets "punished" in the end. I mean, what are you being punished for exactly? Having fun? SERIOUSLY. Any anti-AA fans lurking the tag care to explain exactly WHY you want people to be punished for playing evil in a video game? I really don't get that. And I don't think Larian cares to do that to their consumers.
Truthfully... I'm hoping the new evil ending fixes will fix Minthara's bugs for one thing. But I also am hoping that it will give us some good AA content. I don't even want to speculate... I'm just gonna wait and see!
AND YES. The infantilization of Astarion and the whole concept of "oh what a cute helpless silly lil bby gorl who needs saving from himself, must be protected and shown who he should be because my Tav/Durge knows best for someone they barely know who's a different creature from them entirely" is...just...
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They want a mix of Wyll and Gale but with Astarion's face, voice, and body.
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speakeasyaoi · 1 year
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Serafine Savoy x F!Reader
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> Requested by @snakesart | I got so wrapped up in roleplay + work recently I haven't been able to work on these- but this was fun!!
If it's not how she initially met you, she's more than eager to recruit you into her voodoo congregation, which...includes her carving the sigil into your chest, same as she did to Mordecai. Something that has nothing to do with her wanting to see you topless. At all. (Totally.) Now, she's willing to put it off for as long as you might need if you're anxious about the idea or don't want to rush into it, but in the end it's pretty much a non-negotiable, the most you'll be able to do is get her to make it smaller and less extreme of a scar. If you're really all that nervous, she'll just let you drink some of her rum until you're too drunk to be lucid or feel the pain, and dress your wound while you're intoxicated and half-conscious, and go through with it as quick as she can without messing up her linework.
And if you're not drunk during the process and still sensitive to the pain of it, she'll shush you and sweet talk you and try to keep your mind off it by peppering kisses along your neck and collarbones. She'd still poke fun at you for it, though, but it's all in good fun.
She will take the masculine role in the relationship, regardless of your masculinity and/or dominance. She's the one to take you out places, buy things for you and cover your bill if you're out to eat, and in general likes being the one spoiling you and I'm control of things.
During her little 'parties' hosted with her, Nico, and the rest of the congregation, she finds it more than entertaining to parade you around on your arm like a peice of eye candy. She flaunts you and shows you off and probably even does some PDA in front of everybody; it's just as much a challenge for her to make you flustered as it is to make everyone else jealous of her, and she's determined to reach that goal.
And on the topic of PDA, Serafine loves it. More often than not she uses it to affect those around her (she finds it especially entertaining to be all lovey-dovey and handsy with you around Mordecai to watch his reaction), but in more genuine moments, she has no reservations about being intimate in public and around a crowd.
If you're in any kind of relationship with her, it's unavoidable that you'll also be involved with Nico somehow. That might consist of a romantic, polyamorous-type relationship, similar to the dynamic they share with Mordecai, or it could just as well be him serving as more of a familial, brotherly figure. Either way, they're inseparable, and dating one is more a buy-one-get-one-free.
Expect to be covered with numerous lipstick stains, bite marks, scratches and hickeys, especially so on your neck and arms, where other people can see them. It gives her a bit of an ego boost to see your body marked by her, and finds your attempts to remove them or cover them up adorable.
Her and Nico would probably end up inviting you to stay with them at their suite in the Maribel hotel rather early on in the relationship-- they've never been one for slow-burn or subtlety. You'll be given the choice to sleep in Serafine's bed with her or just crash on the couch, but unless the suite is bigger than I imagine it is, you won't be getting your own bedroom. (Serafine's big spoon.)
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Other notes: I've found that when it comes to F!Reader or M!Reader I really struggle with not keeping things gender neutral out of force of habit- I should probably work on that
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ivadoesstuff · 1 year
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so I knowww I said That a Fairydog fusion is in order but THESE TWO HAVE BEEN LEFT AS A SKETCH FOR 2 WEEKS YOU GOTTA UNDERSTAND
Now Lemme explain why I chose these gems
before I continue,I drew this for a gemcyt rp I'm in, and the person who roleplays as Bad contributed to the design and chose the gem, and since they haven't written ato backstory him, most of the rant will be about Skeppy (Cause I RP as him and hes a silly sad guy)
Skeppy is a Blue cubic Ziriconia, a gem that was man made that serves as a replacement for diamonds - what does this mean for Skeppy? Why I'm glad you asked!
His gem was made by a human who, I imagine, laid eyes on Blue Diamond, managing to find an empty kindergarten and deciding to try and create a gem in the diamonds image - as his gem as made, it was placed near an injector, and as he was made, he was poofed and taken with the human to homeworld who ended up in the zoo
the diamonds hated what he was.
a disgrace to the gem race.
and they made sure he knew that.
Testing just how much he mimics a gem - leaving him with scratches and the tiniest of cracks not only permanently on his form, but on his gem aswell. (Those miniature peices ended up in clusters)
nowadays he hides his face with a box, letting no one see the shame behind it.
One day he snuck into a Garnets ship - unaware that he too was fleeing to Earth.
He was soon found by the Garnet, and despite himself, he let the unknown gem tag along, even deciding to explore Earth together - quickly growing fond of each others presence
They choose their names, the Garnet will soon enough experiment with his hair and start wearing a cloak, and The Cubic Ziriconia will start feeling a lot more comfortable around the other
also yes they find Lucy and Rocco and just decide they're theirs now
Gemcyt AU by the very epic @chrisrin
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tgirlwithreverb · 3 months
Cute little peice by Luka rejec, shoulda workshopped that last joke just one more time though, it's obviously: "I suspect roleplaying as a folk art will do just fine, Hasbro or Hasbron't
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geraniumplant · 11 months
Welcome to my roleplay blog. Here is the general info: private/ selective /mutuals only / 20+. I am not affiliated with any fandom. I am not pro or anti ship. I ship what I want & that's the end of it. If you have a problem with that you do not need to follow. I like to keep my dash & blog tight-knit, but I'm not against meeting new people if we vibe.
About the mun: My name is Wolf. I am 25+ she/her/they/them. I have a learning disorder, dyscalculia & dyslexia. Please be patient with me. I tend to switch between past & present tense & write in a stream of consciousness. Spelling mistakes & grammar mistakes are likely on my end, as this isn't my strong point. (but I try) I love writing regardless & use it as a form of escapism, but also to meet cool people with similar interests. I'm always happy to chat or plot with mutuals. I'm very easygoing & I care about the comfort of my writing partners.
My writing tends to deal with themes of identity, gender, sexuality, trauma, mental illness & sometimes suicide. I will tag these themes to the best of my ability with the main tag #usfw (unsafe for work). That being said, it is possible themes such as homophobia might come up in my writing. This will never be glorified or encouraged as its purpose is to explore the negative effects it has on my muses. If you have any concerns you are more than welcome to message me privately.
Anyone younger than 20 who follows/interacts with me will be blocked. I am not comfortable roleplaying with anyone under the age of 20.
The main muse of this blog is Vash the Stampede from Trigun. If you do not specify a muse in asks & tagged content I will answer as Vash.
This blog is mobile based. 99% of the time I am on mobile. If I can’t read your rules, muse list, writing, etc. because of small or fancy font I most likely won’t follow.
If I follow you that means I am interested in roleplaying with you. Think of it as me giving you permission to write with me & send me things.
You do not need to ask to turn asks into threads. I encourage this. If I send you something it means I am eager to write with you.
I am fine with shipping but I will not force someone to roleplay a pairing they do not like. I ask that you do the same in  return.  
Smut in roleplays will be asked to be continued on Discord if possible. This applies only to smut. Kissing, making out, etc. will be present here.
I am selective with OCs due to bad experiences in the past. Please  do not pester me if I decline an offer to roleplay with your OC. It  isn’t anything personal. This is for my own comfort. If you're an OC blog & I follow you first or follow back then that means we're good to write.
I will roleplay almost anything except for the following: Do not  ask me to have my character rape or violate yours. Relationships must be  consensual. No  underage ships or sexual relationships with minors. No dead baby jokes, severely harming, abusing or killing children & animals. I do not wish to read or write detailed scenes of birth, abortions, miscarriages, genital mutilation, or anything too graphic regarding medical procedures, injury, piss, vore, or extremely graphic body horror.  (light body horror is fine)
I will not tolerate: drama or call out posts, anon hate, racism, any kind of homo or transphobia, bashing people for their religion, politics, ethnicity, or beliefs. I tend to unfollow people who post too much ooc negativity, or politics of any kind. Roleplaying is my escapism & I’m not here for any real world drama.
The respect you give will be the respect you receive. ♥
( Please like if you have read & agree to the rules. This is not required but it does make me feel better. )
The following is a list of Fandoms/characters I have no interest in interacting with...
Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss // FNAF // My Hero Academia // One Peice // Naruto // Harry potter // video games such as Mario, Sonic, & Pokemon. // Comics such as Marvel & DC. (No hate towards these fandoms or anyone who likes them. I just have no interest in roleplaying them. I am unlikely to follow blogs related to these fandoms unless you're a multi-muse. )
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bekandrew · 6 days
"Gather 'Round the Trashfires," a Deviant: the Renegades horror/comedy fiction podcast Mon, 16 Sep 2024 03:27:07 +0000
Robert has a new problematic hobby that threatens to bring law enforcement and Society attention to the cohort.
Also, the cohort explains to Madison about the conditioning project the Society uses, and that she's a victim of it.
Get your snack and beverage of choice ready.
It’s time to “Gather ‘Round the Trashfires” for a tabletop roleplaying story! I’m your host, Bek Andrew Evans.
My current and main running story for this podcast is the misadventures of the cohort from the Deviant: the Renegades chronicle I’ve been playing in since early 2021. And I play Geri.
For those of you unfamiliar with Deviant, it’s a TTRPG about people who were formerly human but were irreparably changed in traumatic ways to the point their very Souls broke and they became something Other. They seek vengeance on those who made them, those who hunt them, those who seek to exploit them for what they are and will never leave them be.
As such, this podcast will feature heavy themes and content throughout. There’s an overall content warning for language, violence, criminality, homelessness, substance use, human experimentation, cults and religious extremism, mentioned torture, kidnapping, implied incest and incest-related comments, and abusive relationships. On episodes where there is a new content warning or a particularly notable instance of one of these, I’ll call it out.
I hope y’all enjoy hearing about my cohort’s antics and stumbling headfirst into the mysteries of the world as much as I have.
[Music Intro: "_violence" by Avantist]
GCC Episode 15: Madison's Conditioning
By the time the cohort gets home from the Air and Space museum, there's a video going viral on social media. It's a cell phone video from the museum of a stretched-looking, tall and pale Robert suddenly blurring in a bee-line for the back exit. He then stops in the parking lot. His skin and muscles shift like Hollywood-level special effects to Robert's normal form. The video captures Robert speed-walking deeper into the parking lot at a normal human rate.
The viral video isn't up for long, though. It suddenly gets taken down 12 hours later.
In the days since, Robert's been mysteriously disappearing at night. Surely just a coincidence, a lot more Snowdale Park Rangers patrol the area than previously after they discovered evidence of poaching. Alerts and fliers in the area say there's a $100 reward for any information that leads to the poacher's arrest. Thankfully, they haven't gotten close enough to the cabin to set off any of Grant's deadly traps.
Madison writes a notice in the information journal that they need to meet to catch up, and so they do.
One afternoon, Robert is carving bird bones into jewelry peices in the living room of the cabin. He's wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and shorts. Geri's busy cleaning something in the kitchen, wearing lounge clothes and barefoot.
Madison joins soon after from outside, wearing a pastel plaid pleated skirt, a long-sleeve tee shirt and tennis shoes. She wears her hair in a high ponytail and sips a sakura frappe. 
Geri and Robert greet her and she gets right to the point: she tells them they need to talk.
Geri sprawls on one couch and Madi takes a seat on the other next to Robert.
Madison asks where Robert's been going at night, uncomfortably watching him carve the bird bones.
The look Geri gives Robert then is not warm.
Robert admits to hunting, and casually says he really should get a permit now that he's left some traces.
Geri asks why the fuck he's hunting and what purpose does it serve. He could, after all, simply NOT.
Madison reminds Robert that they're all supposed to be in hiding, not even her parents know they're at the cabin. She says the government-lake people are gonna take them to hospital-prison if they find them.
Geri also brings up how Robert Could Have Simply Not been the Flash in front of a ton of witnesses.
Robert thinks the super speed thing wasn't too bad since he had his mask on so no one could recognize him. He also doesn't see why they're picking on him for hunting when Madison goes out to a ton of free-WiFi places.
Geri doesn't care that Robert was wearing a mask, and Robert weakly defends himself saying it wasn't a conscious decision. Geri doesn't believe him.
Madi says she's about to risk getting killed by a Phantom of Elm Street to get a botnet to hide the cohort's tracks, but all that risk and effort will be useless if Robert gets them caught by the department of fishing and wildlife.
She reiterates she's always disguised when she goes out, and switches up which cafes she goes to. She goes on to explain her data security protocol... she's taking great pains to make sure she isn't tracked.
Robert thanks Madison for her efforts and promises he won't hunt anymore until he can get a permit.
Madi asks what name and address he's using for the permit. He hasn't decided, and is considering maybe bribing a park ranger.
Geri suggests again he could simply not. Robert immediately dismisses that option.
He asks them to trust his judgment, because he trusts theirs when they come up with plans.
Geri says the rest of the cohort wasn't making boneheaded decisions, and Madi scolds her for being so aggro.
Robert claims hunting helps him control what he becomes, and claims sometimes he becomes someone else.
Madison says they can't stop him from hunting, but she demands he do so safer and discreetly - so he doesn't bring law enforcement or the evil lake people to them.
Robert promises he'll be discreet as possible, and still thinks getting a permit is a good idea.
It's real hard, but Geri keeps her mouth shut and doesn't snark at Robert.
Madi reminds him he needs a fake name and address, so Robert comes up with "William Thompson" on the fly. This placates Madi.
He then tries to convince the two that they need balaclavas, or other full-facial masks so if they get into superpower fights in public, they can keep their identities safe.
Madi gently points out that that's just gonna draw more attention, and they should disguise by trying to look like normal people. Madison's stuck on why they would want to use their powers in public, though.
Robert thinks it might be necessary sometimes, so a mask could help for those situations, but says the hiding in plain sight is good for everyday disguises.
Madi points out if they're not expecting a fight, it'll be too late to put on a mask once it starts. Robert thinks they should still keep masks around for emergencies, and Madi says she can pick some up soon.
She also says they might, she guesses, need them if they ever decide to rob a bank - but no one tell Zuse that idea!
Robert suggests they could keep the masks while contacting other supernatural things, which he isn't keen on doing.
Madi reminds Robert she's dating a lake spirit. So yeah, they're gonna end up talking to other supernaturals.
Robert's afraid other supernaturals are gonna be more powerful than the cohort, and Madi confirms Camille sure is. Besides, the cohort's still learning and they need to learn to work together better, too! But it doesn't matter if they're less powerful than Camille or other things, they just have to learn to work with the hand they've been dealt.
Geri runs a hand through her hair and admits she needs to work on keeping Society thoughts from leaking into the Mindcraft. Madison's alarmed it might mean the link's two-way, but Geri assures her it isn't - just the song they think... disorients some of the cohort.
Robert wants to make himself bigger and stronger, and maybe be able to control his clones.
Madi says she finds The Long Man Song calming, and says Dr. Werner used to play it for her during therapy - mindfulness meditation sorta thing.
Robert says they should be wary of anything the Society did that made them feel good.
Awkwardly, Geri explains that yeah it makes you feel calm... but it's a Society tool to condition powerful Remade. She admits they tried it on her, too but they probably didn't have enough time to make it take.
She's scared now. Madi asks what Geri means by "condition." Robert says it's like the dog with the bell.
Geri cautiously, slowly explains that if one of them panics, it's meant to calm them instantly and stop whatever they were doing. But it's not strong enough to make them do anything else.
Absolutely not asked for, Robert says if you're conditioned once, it'll be way easier to condition you to do more things. When poor Madison starts shaking with terror, Robert assures her conditioning is a long process.
Madison asks what else they can do with it. She figures AJ's probably fine because his uncle Gabe loves him. Geri promises he is, all of them actually, but the Society members in the know can still weaponize it when the cohort has revenge time.
Robert suggests Geri or Grant overpower the song by screaming in the Mindcraft. No one acknowledges to his suggestion.
Madison gets increasingly worried and claims making someone calm isn't what conditioning is.
Geri tries to explain it by referencing the bar fight scene with River in the movie Serenity. This doesn't help much because Madi's never seen it. Then she thinks she had but mixes it up with Inception.
Robert wanders off to train, leaving the job of reassuring the baby living nuke to Geri.
AJ joins the group, just barely missing Robert. Not that he would have noticed, since he's so exhausted and un-caffeinated he's shuffling in like the walking dead. He's sipping on an over-sized beer mug filled with iced coffee. He groans more than speaks his greeting, and then flops into one of the couches.
Geri moves the unkempt curls out of his face and tells him she's trying to get everyone on the same page. She turns to Madi and explains the scene from Serenity, how the girl with superpowers started a fight in a bar and her brother told her a secret word and it made her drop to the floor asleep.
This doesn't have the intended effect of reassuring Madi. Instead, she panics worse. She wonders if that's why she got extra therapy sessions.
AJ gets momentarily distracted by the Serenity discussion. He's wistful about how hot he thinks Simon was, but says Kaylee the mechanic was the character he related to the most. He then asks Madison how she felt when she heard the Long Man Song.
She doesn't know, and starts spiraling into a full electrified panic. She babbles about how it was used in therapy and worries that the Society will make her hurt people because they wanted to make her an "asset."
AJ takes his turn trying to reassure Madi. He gestures for her to retake her seat and explains the conditioning can only make you do very specific things you're conditioned to do instead of a full sort of mind control. He says he knows it's scary and enraging, but promises they'll all figure it out together.
Violated, Madi asks how they undo it, to keep the Society out of her head. She worries more that the specific purpose could be using her as a weapon. She doesn't want to be made to hurt more people.
Geri says she can check for her just like she checked for AJ, and besides, she's seen Madi space out at the song so it's probably just that effect like Zuse said.
Madi snaps back that Zuse also said Dr. Werner didn't torture anyone. AJ says that's why they're gonna verify it together and not rely on Zuse's opinion. But they need Madi to calm down. He says he can help her, but she needs to trust him. He offers his hand to the sparky girl. He says they're all in this together.
Madi drops her cup and spills frappe all over the floor. She says she's trying to be calm, even as she's sparking and visibly panicking more.
Geri fetches the mop to begin cleaning the mess and says it's alright, they're a found family. Madison begs Geri to rip the conditioning out of her head.
Geri gently explains that she doesn't know if she can even do that, but the first step is figuring out the extent of the conditioning, which she CAN do.
AJ goes off on a tangent in trying to comfort Madi, that it's not a death sentence, and even if it was it wouldn't be valid. Even Judge Judy would sideye it.
Madi's insistent they have to figure out more about her conditioning! She can't bear the idea of putting her new friends in danger. AJ promises she won't do that, and Geri promises she'll figure it out.
With a terrible realization, Madison starts panicked-rambling wondering if any of the therapy was real therapy or if it was all just experiments and torture. She slides against the wall to the floor.
AJ's momentarily upset at the mention of Gabe, but pulls it together almost immediately. He says parents, older generations make you believe they're powerful and infallible, but they're fuck ups like the rest of everyone. He sits with Madison.
Geri kneels down beside her and offers the girl a hug. She says to keep anything from therapy that may have helped and ditch the rest.
Reminded of her own parents, Madi laments her family never returned her calls. She only got her dad's secretary. At this, Geri goes in for a protective hug... and is a champ about pretending she isn't getting shocked.
AJ watches the painful hug and manages, barely, to not tip Madi off about it.
She's too distraught to realize the pain she's causing. AJ says Madison's parents screwed up BAD not realizing what an amazing, brave, and sweet daughter they have. Now the cohort has her.
Madi looks up with wide, teary eyes and asks if he really means that. Geri says since Madi's parents don't appreciate her, Geri and AJ are her new parents. AJ smiles and says she's stuck with them. They're a super dysfunctional family that drinks together and fights crime.
She says the two are the sweetest, but says Lucas'll probably kill AJ if he kisses her again. AJ says that would be a glorious death, and fake swoons.
Geri gives AJ a light kick to the shin and releases Madi from the shocky hug. She has some minor electric burn marks.
AJ joke-defensively says he has needs, but he's an explorer and doesn't visit the same port twice.
Madi laughs and says that's a new term for fuckboy, but after a moment, looks to Geri with worry etched on her face. She asks if Geri can check her head.
While the other two go back to silly banter, Geri connects to Madi. She finds out Madi thinks the therapy helped her, but she's unable to find information
Madi doesn't know herself. She can't figure out the extent of the conditioning this way, but is able to confirm that the lack of knowledge isn't from repressed memories. Unfortunately, Geri attunes to Madi so intensely that she's momentarily overwhelmed by all the layers of Madi's terror about conditioning.
Meanwhile, AJ and Madison are still bantering about AJ's fuckboy-ness and other silly euphemisms AJ can come up with. When she doesn't understand one of them, AJ says she'll understand when she's older.
Madison insists that she totally understands well, she went to Catholic school.
AJ's confused. He thought Catholic school was all about teaching abstinence. Madi gives an unconvincing affirmative, but it's enough to keep AJ confused.
Then, Geri's overwhelmed by Madi's fear. She pales, breaks into a cold sweat, and scarlet wisps of psychic energy form around her, singing the floor and some of Madi's clothes.
AJ stops trying to decipher how a catholic school student would possibly know about anything sex-related to check on Geri. Madi worriedly asks if Geri's okay.
Geri's still shakey, but she manages to compose herself and tries to play it off as nothing, just a little backlash, no biggie. She says she'll have to check another way since Madi has no knowledge what her conditioning might do beyond the calming.
Madi begs her to do it, whatever it is. Geri replies it's her dream power. Madi warns her to be careful and not look in on the experiment memories.
Geri says she'll try but it can't possibly be worse than dying.
AJ says he's really in the mood for raiding the food stash and making some trashy food like jalepeno and turkey bacon cheese quesadillas. Then he remembers Madi's vegetarian and suggests blue cheese poppers. He gives Geri puppy dog eyes.
She's very drained, but Geri agrees to help cook.
When AJ runs into the kitchen to gather stuff, Zuse pops out of the fridge and announces he wants whatever they're having, too... and then has to rush to find his clothes.
AJ yells at Zuse for popping out of the fridge (again) and streaking in the house... (again).
That night, Geri goes to sleep for an Astral Travel dream. She asks the universe for more insight about Madison's conditioning.
She has a brief dream about Madison. She sees Madison as she was in the ward, when she first got brought in. She sees some staff reviewing a report about the freak storm that slaughtered nearly an entire high school football team and cheerleading squad from a Tulsa private school. Then Geri hears the Long Man Song.
Later, after she wakes up, Geri decides to get more information about the Church of Charismatic Virtues. She goes to a cafe with a computer and checks the church's website. She also makes a sock account on social media, pretending to be a tech-illiterate middle aged church lady.
She learns Vacation Bible School is coming up in June, the week after local schools let out. The church calendar has a ton of VBS activities planned through June. More importantly, she learns of a summer kickoff event on Memorial Day, later this month. It'll have fire dancing and a youth BBQ.
Memorial Day is quickly coming up.
[Music Outro: "Time Will Fail Us" by Troigo]
Thanks for listening, This has been Gather ‘Round The Trashfires with Bek Andrew Evans. Please subscribe to this podcast for future updates and leave a review or comment, I’d love to hear what you think. You can follow me on a few different social platforms with the username "bekandrew." That's [spells username] on tumblr and bluesky, mainly.
If you'd like to support me, subscribe to my Patreon at Patreon.com/BekAndrewTTRPG and purchase my art prints and tabletop products, including my Deviant: the Renegades community content novella related to this chronicle via my linktree in the description.
AJ is played by Roen,
Geri is played by me,
Madison is played by Syn,
Robert is played by Pandito,
Grant is played by Jaxon,
And our Storyteller is Casey Grant.
The intro theme is "_violence by Avantist" from the Free Music Archive, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0.
The end theme is "Time Will Fail Us" by Troigo from the Free Music Archive, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0.
If you like the songs, I encourage you to check out more of their work. I've linked their Bandcamps in the description.
Until next time.
Follow my Patreon at Patreon.com/BekAndrewTTRPG Check out my other work at linktr.ee/bekandrew Check out the Intro and Outro artists' Bandcamps! https://theavantist.bandcamp.com/music https://troigo.bandcamp.com/ Remember to subscribe and see y'all next week! Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gather-round-the-trashfires/donations Transcript:
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breadpandabread · 9 months
Been working on a plan in a table top roleplaying game for months in and out of character. Something that would shake up the whole status quo of the setting, create interesting character dynamics and introduce something fresh into the game. The whole party has known about this plan and the GM has been involved from step one. The plan involved no triggers, no betrayal of the party.
Today one player said that he wouldn't like it and asked me out of character to not do it.
I'm not going to do it because his enjoyment means more than my plan but god do I feel deflated. I've been making plans and manoeuvring peices into place for so long and for nothing.
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All the notes so far for my minecraft youtube roleplay: "Shadows Of The Future" im really proud of the lore so far and the terrain I've made thus far! Series inspirations below the cut
A major inspirations for lots of the creative endeavors i have been doing since I was little would be @/aphmau and her mystreet/MCD series. Especually for this one as its a primarily set in medevial times. And yes, I am aware there are many M A N Y medevial minecraft series out there but aphmau's were the first peice of minecraft media i ever saw. So thank you Aphmau, for introducing me to this amazing form of creativity.
Also, a major thanks to three teachers who encouraged my creativity. Mrs. Davi, Mrs. Carlone and Mr. Brodie. These three teachers always gave me writing tips, especially when my stories were more gore then lore.
Thank you to my inspirations.
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pleasantspark · 1 year
Why The Shattered Multiverses Server was TRULY deleted.
Alright, I'm sick and tired of everyone claiming I'm a big poopy stinky manipulative peice of shit, what we're NOT going to do is assume shit.
I have DID and Autism.
Why that coorelates with the story? Well.
During that time period, I was going through a stressful life sityation which caused me to switch alot, and during those time periods, my Alters took over the server pretending to be me, I own two alternative accounts that said Alters stole and I have no access to, that being the PicaPeaches Account and the Seiko Shinohara account, usually the Alters love roleplaying as different people to fool others, and I had no reasons otherwise to suspect they were up to something. That is, until the whole drama with Wrathe, Jess and Omen took place.
I'm not a fucking jealous person, I am not jealous to people I barely even know, yes, I can be a clingy overbearing bitch to others but NO CURCUMSTANCES am I ever jealous. The server was planned to be deleted since only two people were active in that server, and I realized it wouldn't work, but I was planning to keep it up to see if it would change, then started the vents, the fucking vents, usually my alters vent about trauma alot, they don't listen to other people bc they are too prideful. Too prideful to admit they weren't me, so here it goes slandering my godamn name constantly trying to "protect me" they kept fucking up shit with people they talked to, trying to "mediate the situation" making me look bad. I come back to this shitfest, completely blocked by Wrathe, and a server I CURATED deleted. I am more pissed than anything.
I don't fucking remember the conversations, I don't remember shit, and Jess/Omen is in my Inbox on Anon harassing me over something I cannot control, and quite frankly, you don't have to deal with that shit at all bc yo'u're not the one constantly switching. I'm truly sorry if they incovienced you, but I'm not the one to be blamed, even though you should, this alter spent mental gymnastics trying to convince people they'll change and I had NO say in what. They trying to paint them as bad people when I literally have no ideas, they constantly been a pain in my ass, and I made another server on a new account I ended up keeping after they stole my old account, I have no control or access and can't remember the password of that account.
I'm sorry, but don't bother coming to my new servers. I don't know why you're mad at me for doing something that is completely out of my control, just. Don't try and reason with me. I am in a better place now mentally.
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royleteas · 2 years
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
Ok so this is a big question right. Like I'm a sucker for a good romance, it doesn't have to be the defining genre, honestly it's stronger when it's included in a setting really. I could say super hero with the amount of comics I read, fantasy given how much I'm actually putting into a D&D world. Period peices never hit me the right way so trying to write that seems weird to me. In the end, I like too much to say just one thing is my favorite or that I get the most out of. Too many possibilities to nail down one as the best.
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