#open play school franchise
swatimehra · 5 months
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birlaopenminds · 2 years
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sunaluv · 2 years
more "come get your man"❗❗ with some more haikyuu boys maybe but honestly? whoever you want 🙏
i got u 😉
part 1 here
pairings: osamu, atsumu, kuroo
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onigiri miya was due to close in the next two minutes. you watched your boyfriend close up the counter from your spot on the stool. you liked sitting in when his shop was empty like this, it felt kinda…domestic.
it triggered your thoughts on the future with the hotter twin (in your opinion), you could see yourself walking down the alter to meet him, eating on the floors of your unfurnished home, him standing behind you whilst you rocked your child to sleep—
“hey samu what should i do with these!” you almost rolled your eyes at the voice shouting from the kitchen.
osamu had explained to you how he hired one of his friends from high school to work for him as a favour. she had just finished getting her degree and was looking for work in the area.
you didn’t mind, you were secure in your relationship so there was no reason to be pissed. that was until you had met her and introduced yourself to her as his girlfriend. like a switch had flipped, she instantly started to openly show her hatred for you behind sugar coated insults and not so subtle faces she made only when your boyfriend was out of sight.
you watched osamu’s chest expand in a deep breath. he ran his fingers through his disheveled hair before flipping his cap back on, pecking your temple before heading to the back. “i’ll go see what she wants then we’ll leave, ‘kay?”
you nodded and packed your bag, leaving your space clear and waiting by the counter for your man.
a whole five minutes had passed. you haven’t heard anything which was a sign that you should go investigate, given that girls record.
“…i thought we had a rule for customers showing up before closing time.” a hushed voice whispered.
“we do, there’s no customers here.”
“so who’s still sat out front, you always do this sam—”
two faces looked to your spot at the door opening. one looking guilty, one relieved.
“you ready to go samu?” you asked sweetly. “it’s been five minutes and it’s movie night, you know i’m dying to catch up on our franchise.” you not so subtly bragged.
he breathed out through a chuckle. “of course baby, sorry for the hold up. i’m done here anyways.” he walked towards you, missing the dropped jaw of his employee.
you wrapped your arm around his waist before you left, not before smirking at the red-faced girl who was shaking in anger? sadness? embarrassment? you didn’t care.
your shoulders dropped at the chime of the bell followed by the nights breeze as you began your comfortably silent walk home.
“you’re cute when you stake your claim on me ya know?” osamu flicked your forehead.
“shaddap.” you retorted. “if she doesn’t understand boundaries i’ll set them.”
atsumu was a textbook example of a frat boy. the parties, the girls, the popularity, the girls.
the only stereotype he’s not playing into is dating the leader of the girls sorority house, and some people felt like he’s doing it all wrong.
“omg hi! welcome to—” the cheery voice dripped upon seeing you at the door. “the boys house, who do you know here?”
the girl you recognised as the sorority house leader shamelessly eyes you up and down, twirling the ends of her blonde hair.
if she was here, the rest of the girls were too. they did everything as a culty pack: traveling, partying and even dating. you always thought it was weird how they were all paired with a frat boy, but you never said anything. maybe to them at least.
they obviously hated you for being a rock in their river.
“i’m here for atsumu,” your brow quirked.
her face hardened before plastering into a plastic smile.
“sorry ya just missed him! maybe if you go to—”
“BABY IS THAT YOU!?” a loud, excited voice belonging to your boyfriend shouted.
looking over her shoulder, you watched his blonde locks fly with the wind as he shoved past the girl who let out a disheartened gasp, and picked you up before picking you up and twirling you around.
“i missed you so much,” his soft lips continuously pressed against your face before pouring all his emotion into one last kiss on your lips.
“i missed you too tsum,” you giggled “i was only gone a week though.”
“a week to long! come i have so much to catch you up on.”
again ignoring the fuming girl who had watched the whole interaction, he damn near dragged you up the stairs past all his frat bros who you made sure to shout a greeting at as you passed.
you could hear the rest of the girls from the sorority comforting the girl who was now crying, talkin bout ‘he’ll come around, you two are destined to be together. but you didn’t care, you knew atsumu knew about his rep as a frat bro and he has explained to you about how much he doesn’t care about the ‘dumb stereotypes’ and ‘he likes what he likes, and thats you’.
“you know she likes you right?”
“does she, i thought the only reason she wants me that bad is so their matchup can be completed…”
“that’s part of it, but i feel like she genuinely likes you…” you trailed.
“hey, hey,” he held your cheeks tuning your focus on him. “i don’t care about all that okay? i’m yours and yours alone”
you nodded, placing your hands over his.
“now,” he pulled out his phone going straight to the photos app “let me show ya all you’ve missed.”
“tetsuro stopppp,” the girl who had been partnered with your boyfriend for a science project whacked his arm playfully. “omg girl tell your boyfriend to stop.”
you looked at her, then him, then back at her. “stop being a bitch tetsuro.” you played into her antics, drawing out his name like she did.
“not like that, you don’t need to be mean. it was literally a joke.” she mumbled.
kuroo’s eyes met your rolling ones across the table as he shrugged.
“so what are you guys doing after this,” she asked the both of you, but stared at kuroo.
you had explained how you were going to the mall after, so they should probably finish up so you can make it soon.
“you’re going on a date? that’s so cuuuute, there’s actually this really cute place we saw together when—”
“i’ll be right back. toilet.” kuroo stated tensely, sending you an apologetic look as he saw your panicked expression. the both of you knew what her intentions were.
she watched him leave, all the way until the toilet door closed then she turned to you. “can i be real with you a sec, have a heart to heart you know as a fellow sister.”
she didn’t let you respond before she spoke out. “i highkey think tetsu deserves better, he seems really tense around you and i know your dating or whatever but i feel like i could treat him better. i know him.”
“no!” you took a deep breath in, before calling her name. “i know you like him, you haven’t even respected me or him enough to hide it. but if you really loved him or knew him, you would know how uncomfortable he feels with you openly flirting with him while he’s in a committed relationship.”
your words hit her like a truck. “you’re not listening to me,” she reached for your hands across the table which you retracted before she could reach. “he needs someone like me, i’m not trying to diss you but you dress kinda bland, your not in many classes together, he doesn’t even talk about you all that often.”
“i do when you overstep, but otherwise i’m just trying to do my work and leave.”
she turned around to see her dear tetsu, arms folded, hurt look on his face. you knew he didn’t like confrontation, so he must have been feeling a strong type of way for him to talk like this.
“tetsuro,” she stood up placing an arm on his arm which made him step back. “please just come to me, you know we’ll be good together too…”
noticing your boyfriends drastically increased discomfort, you stepped in. “i think you’ve done enough,” you put yourself between the two of them.
wordlessly, you took his larger hand in yours and left the library. after checking up on him, the two of you decided to have a home date instead.
“thanks for stepping in by the way” his voice came out small.
you squeezed his hand. “anything for you tetsu”
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thealexandriaarchives · 5 months
I can't stop staring at Feyd-Rautha's walk here and what it implies about his fight with Paul now that I'm able to stop just comparing it to Timothy's killer body work matching it (or vice versa).
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Villeneuve takes the book canon, that the Harkonnens took the Atredies's morbid heirlooms of an oil painting of grandfather's death and the bull's head with his blood still dried on his horns to hang above the arena as trophies to the next level: making Feyd-Rautha the victorious young matador with the guards dressed as bull-minotaurs, circling to play banderillos and sink banderillas into the backs of the Atredies bull if it gets too close before the final faena has Feyd-Rautha pulling his opponent past him in the close, intimate passes that show off his athleticism and skill before his false blade is exchanged for the one that will be used for the killing blow and oh my god there are whole schools of thought on coming forward to meet your opponent vs waiting for them and killing with a single blow to the heart and honoring the fight and if anyone who knows how to make gifsets wants make one about this to I'd LOVE to rant more about the breakdown of these two fights and how Feyd is 1001% Matador Machismo but my point to all of this is:
Look at that Sand.
Look at his feet dig deep and kick it up as he strides out into the heart of that arena. Is it a rhythmic walk? Oh yes. Confident. Powerful. In the book this will be his 100th arena kill as he comes of age. This is his natural habitat. Where he learned his skills, for us to parallel with what we saw for Paul in Part 1.
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This matters, because it's one of the main premises for why the Fremen are so Good At Fighting. When everyone is trained to fight with shields (stun then slow) and bulky armor, and on flat, solid ground with lots of cover, it's easy to be fast and silent and terrifyingly effective against them. Gurney Halleck is shown to be one of the best fighters in the franchise and the film makes a point of showing how his (recognizable) footsteps are not suited to move quickly, lightly, and with stability on sand like they are on solid ground.
Only... Bullfighting rings aren't sandy. They're fairly hardpacked. Earth for the bull and Matador to maneuver in quickly. There is a layer of albero traditionally layered on top, a chunky yellow clay dirt that serves aesthetics but also absorbs blood quickly. The idea the sand may not be white because... With Giedi Prime who knows?! Is Fantastic.
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Paul Muad'Dib became the only Atredies to be recognized as Fremen, to see his father's dream of Desert Power recognized, to fight as Fedaykin, to be recognized as the Mahdi, the One Who Points The Way, and it is made clear to us from the opening words of a Child's History of Muad'Dib that Arrakis was his Home, and yet every major one-on-one duel he had from Jamis to Feyd-Rautha was on solid ground, giving him an advantage that made him respected as a fighter among the Fedaykin right away as part of his training.
Feyd-Rautha was the one Harkonnen who may have learned combat primarily or even exclusively with sand beneath his feet, and he died on Arrakis on the polished stone floors of a palatial residence, still trying to play by Matador rules.
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thank u for coming to my Ted Talk
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hi!! I have a question if that’s okay!
How is house rivalry at Hogwarts? Is there a lot of house pride/division between the houses?
Also during quidditch season, do people know the players of the teams (kinda like football)? (do people root for individual players?)
I’m so interested in how the vibes would be during quidditch season and if people get really intense into showing house/team/player pride bwjahshd
yes of course! i love answering questions and they are always welcome!!
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for house rivalry, it is very toned down during the average school day than what it is portrayed in the original series. now that I've gotten into advanced level classes, there are students from every house in my classes and it is very standard to have good friends from every house! the school also has lenient rules about sitting with other houses during meals, and we usually only have to sit with our assigned house during important meals (start of term feast, meals with speeches, etc).
however, when it comes to quidditch, everything gets so crazy. even with the teams in the League, every person usually has a team that they root for (sometimes from where they are born) and it is very common to see students wearing team merchandise or sporting a team pin on their school bag. it can start some great conversation and there are even mini-clubs and friend groups that are formed over the obsession of a certain League team!
quidditch at Hogwarts probably has the wildest division between the teams / houses, but only if your house is playing, usually. for example, the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game (which is the first in the season) is one of the most highly anticipated and conflict inducing games of the season, i'd say. the weeks leading up to this game are full of older students dragging the newer students to the practices to watch, and even those who swear they hate quidditch seem to make time for it. it really joins us all together, and I especially love how in my desired reality the winner sometimes throws a party and everyone is invited. I can't wait for the season to start again so I can experience it firsthand!!
also, there are definitely "quidditch celebrities" at Hogwarts. because the sport is so vital to student life at hogwarts, if you are on the team it is kind of an automatic popularity marker. even the substitute players who don't join in the actual game very often are so well known and the team really is like a family. one thing that is so similar to the franchise is how popular the seekers are. students band together to cheer for their favorite players, but i've noticed that the seekers / captains are the most anticipated members of the season. in my DR, gryffindor and ravenclaw are opening up the spot for new seekers this year and the speculation has been INSANE. people are so eager to see how this season plays out, as Cedric Diggory and Elsie Smithey (the slytherin seeker) have stolen the hearts of everyone in the castle and those two are pretty unbeatable.
(( i scripted that I would become the gryffindor seeker I AM STRESSING SO BAD))
as for house pride, everyone takes part in creating banners and creative posters, and dressing up for games is an absolute must. in addition, I also own some things for different houses, as it is so common to support the other teams if yours is not playing! it all depends on how the season works out in your team's favor, so some students change what team they cheer for each year IT IS SO FUNNY.
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I hope this answered some of your wonderings!
thank you so so much for the ask <33
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minweber · 18 days
Replaying DAO all those years later it really jumped out at me how humble the origins - pun not intended - of the series are. And I do not mean the game's technical state and limitations, I mean the actual story.
It certainly did not feel so at the time, but now, with the context of the rest of the franchise... You really are starting in the bumfuck nowhere, saving the arguably one of the least politically prominent kingdoms on the continent from a crisis that will go on to have barely any influence on the overarching story of the series.
Hawke's story begins as that of a humble refugee, but it is a superhero origin story, told by a charismatic rogue, in an interrogation room, to a fierce warrior in a position of power. Inquisitor's life before the mark is almost completely eclipsed by their grand calling from the very second the story starts. And Rook seems to be hyped up as someone very competent and important before their story has even begun. On such a world-saving scale the Warden starts out as an actual nobody, a minor noble in their highest-born incarnations, a criminal saved by their conscription in most other origins.
It is easy to forget this with their later prominence, but when compared to the menagerie of champions and experts from later games, Origins companions as you meet them are also kinda just nobodies. A couple may seem like exotic strangers in the land of Ferelden, but that's it. The one with highest claim to any sort of special role and expertise enters the story by getting his ass kicked and then failing to open every chest in the game. None of them are legendary warriors or mages, and most get roped into the adventure by the virtue of Just Being There, and more than half of them are likely teenagers (I seem to recall that math of Alistair's canonical age in DAO adds up to fucking 19, and Morrigan, Lelliana and Warden are contextually presented as more or less his peers, with Zevran at most a little ahead).
The aforementioned technical limitations also play their part. Ferelden looks dingy and lower fantasy than the rest of Thedas. Local Grey Wardens famously did not get their snazzy uniforms, every building looks like its held together with duct tape and even qunari look like they are missing something in this land of browns and greys.
It all comes together to make the whole thing feel so... charming. Like, fuck yeah, this is The Origins! This is how it all begins! The earth-shattering political shifts and battles against the very gods will come, but they wouldn't be able to without this! Now gather your school field trip of an adventuring party and venture forth!
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New post: "Eddie Redmayne to reprise Fantastic Beasts role in new scenes for Universal experience tying Beasts to Harry Potter films".
EW has confirmed Redmayne filmed new scenes as Newt Scamander, while Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint also appeared in Universal Epic Universe’s preview.
Have you ever dreamed of traveling the Floo Network like your favorite Harry Potter stars? What about taming a fantastic beast (or several) with the flick of a wand in Paris? Universal Orlando's upcoming theme park, Universal Epic Universe, is set to cast a spell that will turn that fantasy into a reality when its new Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Ministry of Magic land opens in 2025.
Entertainment Weekly has confirmed through a source that franchise star Eddie Redmayne will reprise his Fantastic Beasts role as Newt Scamander in the new land, with his new, already-filmed scenes set to appear throughout. Ministry of Magic is touted as the most elaborate of the planned park's five new themed areas, fusing timelines from the eight main Harry Potter films with the three Fantastic Beasts movies. The narratives will converge on a massive plot of land spanning 1920s Paris and 1990s London as guests travel to and from both destinations using the Métro Floo transportation network to dart back and forth.
Partially set within the British Ministry of Magic, the land's marquee attraction will be Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry, which will take travelers on a first-of-its-kind adventure using new omnidirectional technology that allows ride vehicles to travel through sprawling environments in vessels that move up, down, forward, backward, and sideways along one of the company's "most impressive attractions to date," according to a press release.
The ride's story puts guests on a journey from Paris to the British Ministry of Magic for the trial of Dolores Umbridge (played by Imelda Staunton in the films). Visitors enter through the organization's grand atrium (as seen in the Harry Potter movies) ahead of the trial until things go wrong when Umbridge attempts to escape. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), and a house elf named Higgledy eventually accompany riders along the pursuit of Umbridge. (EW has reached out to representatives for Radcliffe, Watson, Grint, and Redmayne for comment on their potential return.)
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Outside of the main ride, the Ministry of Magic section will feature a live show, Le Cirque Arcanus, billed as a full-scale theater experience with live performers and aerialists, puppetry, special effects, and fantastic beats appearing throughout the production, which follows Ringmaster Skender after he steals Newt Scamander's suitcase.
Consistent with Universal's other Harry Potter-themed parklands, the Ministry of Magic section includes merchandise locations that sell wands and other franchise materials, namely the focal wand location Cosme Acajor Baguettes Magique. Here, attendees can purchase wands and then use them to interact with fantastic beasts sprinkled throughout the Parisian locale.
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Harry Potter characters are also set to roam the land, including exchange students from Hogwarts and Ilvermorny schools, an Auror from the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France, and even talking portraits.
Dining locations include Café L'Air De La Sirène, Le Gobelet Noir, Bar Moonshine, and a Bièraubeeurre Cart (translation: this is where you can get Butterbeer) — all joined by other smaller shops like Les Galeries Mirifiques, a sweets shop cleverly named K. Rammelle, and Tour En Floo, a gift store inspired by the magic of the Floo Network.
📷 Eddie Redmayne, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe in Universal Epic Universe preview. Universal Creative
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i-can-read-to-him · 2 months
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The Wesper Fic Club's Author Spotlight is a post series that aims to feature two to three fic authors a month, randomly selected from a pool of names put forth on our server. The authors are then asked to answer three interview questions, select up to five of their fics for us to feature, and finally, recommend three fics by others in the fandom.
(Note: Our spotlighted fics are not limited to Wesper, though they tend to be a central pairing in most of our authors' featured works.)
This week, we are putting a spotlight on Ashlynn's writing!
Socials: @oneofthewednesdays (Tumblr) | oneofthewednesdays (AO3)
Part One: Author Interview
Q: What’s something you haven’t written yet, but want to write in the future?
A:  So, one of my favorite series when I was in high school was The Mediator series by Meg Cabot. I was absolutely obsessed with the budding romance between Jesse and Suze. In fact, I used to write for the fandom back in my fanfiction.net days. Those early fics have been purged from the Internet as far as I can tell. Anyway, I want to write a Mediator AU for the Six of Crows fandom. Instead of zowa powers, Jesper can see dead people. These dead people may or may not include the ghost of his mother. In his first year at university, he ends up moving into a room in a building that used to be an inn back in the 1800s. Wylan is haunting his bedroom. (He was murdered en route to a music conservatory back in the day). Jesper decides to solve the mystery of Wylan’s murder, at first because he is annoyed by his ghostly roommate. He wants to force Wylan to move on so he can have his room to himself. But later Jesper begins to care about Wylan, even falling in love with him. If you have read The Mediator series, you already know how it is going to end…. Also, Paul Slater will be played by Kuwei Yul-Bo. If you know, you know.
Q: If you could travel anywhere in the Grishaverse, where would you go?
A: I would travel to Ketterdam to study at the university. I absolutely fell in love with the description in the book, with its crooked little alleyways filled with bookbinders and apothecaries. It reminds me so much of Oxford University in real life. I had the opportunity to conduct archival research at Oxford as a visiting scholar when I was in graduate school. During my two summers in England, I spent hours nestled in the Bodleian Library, surrounded by stacks of books. The design of the Boeksplein is basically the same, but with more interesting gargoyles. I am also about to begin my career as a university professor, so the University of Ketterdam just seems like a good fit… as long as gunfights don’t break out in the reading room.
Q: Apart from sight, what is your favourite of the senses to describe when writing?
A: I absolutely love writing with sound, especially words with subtle onomatopoeia. I love the rustle of leaves on a crisp autumn morning, and the murmur of the wind through the branches of a willow tree. I draw quite a bit of inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe here. When I was young, I fell in love with his description of a heartbeat in “The Tell-Tale Heart.” His poem “The Bells” is absolutely mesmerizing to me, and I borrow sounds from it all the time. Indeed, Poe talks quite a bit about the importance of sound in creating mood in one of his essays—“The Philosophy of Composition”—and it is something I think about quite a bit when I write. I love to use the ticking of clocks and the dripping of water to stretch silences. Finally, I absolutely love movies like the Quiet Place franchise because they are a study in soundscapes. In another life, I think it would have been really cool to become a foley artist in the film industry.
Part Two: Selected Works
Sleep No More
Teen | 51.1K | Wesper Modern AU, NYC, Homelessness, Angst with a Happy Ending
Sleep No More is my love letter to New York City. In the opening scene, Wylan wakes up on the 7-train as it leaves the tunnel at Hunters Point Avenue. The glare flickers beneath his eyelids, making it impossible to sleep.  I took the same commute on the 7-train for several years when I was working out at a school in Queens. I would spend over an hour on the train, listening to Crooked Kingdom and other audiobooks on my commute. On one of those commutes, I started to consider the challenges Wylan would face as an unhoused teenager in the city. The story evolved from there to include alternating point-of-view chapters between Wylan and Jesper, and of course, some guest appearances from other crows, as they work together to outwit Jan Van Eck.
Musée des Beaux Arts
Teen | 24.6K | Gen with background Wesper, Kanej Friendship, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Ableism, Happy Ending
I wrote Musée des Beaux Arts during the Six of Crows Big Bang event back in 2022. I wanted to explore how Wylan and Kaz complement each other as character foils throughout the series. Therefore, the story includes alternating point-of-view chapters, starting with the Queen’s Lady Plague. The title comes from a poem of the same name by W.H. Auden, and I tried to incorporate themes from that poem throughout the story. The poem, in particular, discusses a Pieter Bruegel painting called Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. Therefore, artwork plays a central role throughout the narrative. Each chapter shares a title with a famous painting from the Dutch Golden Age. My favorite chapter is probably the third because I had so much fun writing Jesper. 
Sankta Margaretha and Other Tales Of Sorrow
Teen | 18.4K | Kanej  Hurt/Comfort, Family, Angst, Implied/Referenced Non-con
This was the first story that I ever wrote for the Six of Crows fandom, and it is easily my most popular fic. It follows Mama and Papa Ghafa on their journey to Ketterdam to reunite with their daughter. I had so much fun developing the unique narrative voices for both Mama Ghafa and Papa Ghafa. The Lives of the Saints features heavily in this fic as well. I fell in love with the story of Sankta Margaretha when I first read it, and I wanted to infuse as much of that mythos into the story as possible. It is, at its core, a story about faith and forgiveness. Plus, I got to write one of my favorite interactions between Papa Ghafa and Kaz Brekker. 
Teen | 2.2K | Gen  Modern AU, Escape Rooms, Friendship, Humor
Escapology is such a self-indulgent little fic. I am an escape room enthusiast in real life. I have traveled to multiple cities with my friends to complete escape rooms. We have, to date, done thirty-nine rooms together as a team. I wanted to explore the chaotic energy of a Modern AU where the Crows work together to escape an Ice Court-themed escape room. Kuwei is their poor, exhausted gamemaster.  If we ever get our Six of Crows spin-off, I need Netflix to create an exclusive Ice Court escape room in real life. Can you imagine how fun it would be? 
Pas De Deaux 
Teen | 9.7K | Wesper Holidays, Healing, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Post-Canon
I am so fond of this little fic, and not very many people have read it compared to some of the others, but I am not surprised because it was a winter fic that was published well after the winter holidays. It is heavily inspired by the Soldier Prince story in The Language of Thorns, which was in turn heavily inspired by The Nutcracker Suite. Wylan is struggling with less-than-happy memories during Nachtspel, and Jesper helps him make new memories. I started this story writing the kiss at the end, and then had to write nine thousand words to actually get to the kiss.
Part Three: Author's Recs
Bright Morning Stars by endoftheworld 
Mature | 163.5K | Wesper Hunger Games Crossover, Canon Typical Violence, Rebellion
This is the second story in Now We Are All Chosen Ones. While I would encourage you to read the opening story in the series first, it can absolutely stand on its own as a self-contained story. Jesper has always known that he would be reaped for the Hunger Games. It was only a matter of time. Meanwhile, Wylan is the son of the president, and he begins to realize that he is being watched. Bright Morning Stars keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, and I absolutely love how the author wove together Six of Crows and the Hunger Games. 
hybrid signal by pyrrhlc
Mature | 110K | Kanej with background Wesper, Helnik  Fairy Tale Curses, Haunted House, Monster Kaz, Hurt/Comfort
Written through the lens of a Beauty and the Beast AU, this is an absolutely gorgeous exploration of not only the love between Kaz and Inej, but also the meaning of forgiveness in all its forms. The worldbuilding is stunning, and I loved how the enchantment transformed each of the crows. There are tragic notes to it, of course, there is an eventual happy ending. 
crystal cut by twosoulsinonehome
Mature | 107K | Wesper Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Figure Skating, Hurt/Comfort
I have reread this fic at least three times since the final chapter was posted in February. It is a figure skating AU. I know nothing about figure skating. However, I was absolutely entranced by the annoyances-to-lovers dynamic throughout the fic. Wylan is a figure skater. Jesper is his coach. Will they kill each other before the end of the season? Or will they kiss each other senseless instead? (Who am I kidding? You already know the answer to that question.)
Please support our authors by commenting and leaving kudos on any stories of theirs you read and enjoy! Don't forget to also reblog this post and check back soon for our next author spotlight to come.
Interested in joining our server and getting to know our community? Feel free to request an invite via the @i-can-read-to-him ask box.
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lemonmaid · 2 years
I'm liking having a mental breakdown and stuffing my fatass with popeyes anyways here is...
Chick Flicks that I think the Dorm Leaders have a guilty pleasure for.
Do to that this a different world everything that is popular reference is going to be different! I don't think TWST world has guns or bombs?? So Legally Blonds JFK reference could refer to a King in Port o' Bliss (since Sam is from there, which is a reference to New Orleans). Heather's reference to the Vietnam War could be an overbolt war between kingdoms (obviously for the very very wrong reasons) and JD could've overbolted and Veronica had to kill him.
And I think TWST do have its own fairytale, Enchanted is one of them like "omg what if magic doesn't exists and someone from our world goes there!"
Riddle Rosehearts : Legally Blonde
I feel like he was forced to 'catch up' on pop culture, Cater showed him ( this world's equivalent movie). Out of all the movies he was shown, he liked this one the most.
"So what what's you're favorite part?"
"I loved the fact she proved to everyone that she wasn't a bimbo. Like, seriously? Fashion merchandising is a business school, she wasn't taken seriously because of her greek fraternity? I'm sorry that pink is "too girly" to be taken seriously".
Leona Kingscholar : Heather's
He only watched it because he crashed moive night at Ramshackle. He actually stayed awake for the musical.
"I didn't take you for someone who liked musicals"
"I don't but this moive was enjoyable. You're not supposed to cheer for the cast but to see their flaws which I understand wanting to fit in"
"So you wanna see the live performance?"
"This is on Broadway?".
Azul Ashengrotto : Mean Girls
Azul wanted more guest to come into the lounge so he opened a moive night, Mean Girls was a popular request so popular it is played every Wednesday.
"You know what Azul, you remind me of the mean girls group"
"How so?"
"Well, you're not a fashion statement but you, Jada, and Floyd are kinda of the "It" group. As in "don't fuck with us".
Kalim Al-Asim : Enchanted
Kalim has forced everyone who befriends him to watch this movie, he is obsessed with this type of romance, the very naive and the smitten serious type.
"Oh Yuu! My favorite scene is obviously the dancing in the city!"
"Aww that's so cute Kalim!"
"Yeah! I love this moive! My parents funded the company to make a second one!"
"Oh... Kalim that's .. precious"
Vil Schoenheit : Crazy Rich Asains
This is definitely Vil's favorite moive, like, we've both cried to it. Because for real best romance movie in decades.
"Vil why are you crying?"
"Shut up, you're crying too! I wished I had someone who didn't care about my appearance or my background. I wish I had someone who stood by my side untill the curtain fell"
Idia Shroud : A Slient Voice
I couldn't think of a live-action Idia would genuinely liked, but this counts. Anyways, we had to show him this movie.
"but he... and she....AHHH"
"You know this is rumored to be based off a true story but the guy actually died"
Malleus Draconia : Twilight
You wanted to try and binge watch this entire franchise with the gang one night for a goof, you happened to see Malleus outside and invited him to watch with the gang. To say he was very very interested in this series was a understatement.
"Child of man, explain to me this. Why is she choose the guy who wants nothing to do with her but stalks her?"
"Malleus, I couldn't tell you but don't be an obsessive dick who tries to have an off and on relationship. That's toxic".
"I think I see, but can you explain why the grown man imprints on a literal baby?"
"I cannot tell you".
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dianels · 1 year
Willow 2022 In Memoriam (for now)
Willow 2022 is no longer available for legal viewing in any format, anywhere. We hope it will be resurrected at some point, somehow, but TPTB at Disney have given us no concrete reason or timeline to expect its return. (Jon Kasdan, the show runner, has tweeted cryptic messages but is not in a position to make key decisions, nor to share details.)
First and foremost, I grieve for kids who now will not have the chance to stumble upon this wonderful show with a diverse/queer cast on a platform with the reach of Disney+. I can’t express in words how much I appreciated being able to watch this show with my enby 11-yo kid. Of course I also regret losing the opportunity to build the fandom over time with new viewers, as the Princess Bride did after a lackluster box-office opening in 1987, and I feel so angry on behalf of the creatives who poured their efforts and craft into this project. But I grieve even more the potentially life-saving representation that young people might have benefited from, and I fear for the chilling effect Disney’s decision might have on greenlighting queer/diverse projects aimed at younger audiences in the foreseeable future.
On a personal note: Actor Erin Kellyman has mentioned in interviews that playing the role of Jade Claymore helped her work on childhood issues, and I feel similarly about what watching the show has done for me. I was raised in central Kansas in the 1970s and 80s, a gender-non-normative “tomboy” lacking any mainstream queer representation. I don’t recall even learning the words “gay” and “lesbian” in the queer context until high school, and of course when I did, they were corrupted by ridicule and shame. Fortunately, I had a very strong sense of self and managed to survive and to thrive as a lesbian as soon as I went elsewhere for college.
I grew up as a fan of all the Lucasfilm franchises (including the original movie Willow, released in 1988). While I identified with both Leia and Han to a degree (and shipped them), something always felt off. There was something lacking in that magical Lucasfilm world. It was not just overt queer and diverse representation; it’s also the case, for example, that the entire original Star Wars trilogy does not pass the Bechdel-Wallace test. The original Indiana Jones trilogy barely does. (Criteria: there must be at least two named women who talk to each another about something besides a man.) Willow 1988 is the rare exception in early Lucasfilm that satisfies the Bechdel-Wallace test without our having to squint. As a fan of the original Willow, I found that Willow 2022 matched its spirit brilliantly and expanded its potential in such interesting directions.
I can’t begin to say how much it would have meant to me growing up to have had Willow 2022 within the Lucasfilm universe, for all these reasons. I really believe that a series like this would have changed the whole trajectory of my life - I am turning 50 soon - even when I count myself so very lucky to have had a supportive family and a strong sense of self. I am grateful that the first season of Willow 2022 exists at all, and it truly has propelled me to do a lot of important healing work around the childhood trauma of growing up queer at a time and place that was totally lacking in positive mainstream representation.
But it’s not enough: Willow 2022 should be made available for legal viewing in some form as soon as possible to keep saving lives and changing lives for the better.
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An Americano, Please? Part 2
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Word Count: 757 A/N: italicized text within quotation marks means that the person speaking is using Romanian instead of English
Y/N's POV:
I haven't seen Jenna for five days, so she was probably just a tourist. It's not uncommon for a tourist to pop by the shop asking for a coffee but not being able to speak Romanian, so I have no idea why I'm so sad that she's not coming back. 
I thought the idea of a "hallway crush," (someone you've interacted with once or twice for a short or professional amount of time, but are attracted to nonetheless), only lasted through high school. I guess I was wrong.
Friday morning, the shop is quiet because of how early it is. I shovel some coffee beans into the grinder. Despite the annoyingly loud noise it makes, I find it an oddly satisfying process.
I yawn, getting out of bed at four thirty for a five AM shift is nobody's idea of a good start to a day.
Once the coffee's all ground up, I put some in the drip coffee brewer and the rest next to the espresso machine.
In the back, I can smell my coworkers taking today's baked goods out of the oven.
"Hey, L/N, want a cinnamon bun? It's a little 'burnt', so we can't sell it," my coworker and friend Nessa asks. Every Friday is the same, Nessa and I are two of the only people around the shop this early, so we'll sneak a pastry and say it was burnt if anyone asks.
"Sure, Thanks!" I reply, taking the warm pastry from her. Taking a bite, a smile creeps across my face, "did you guys change the recipe? This is even better than last week's!"
"Yeah, boss asked if we could add a few more spices to the dough," she explains, "I'm a pretty big fan of the new recipe if I do say so myself."
It's not long before the cafe starts to smell like cinnamon and coffee, a perfectly inviting scent in the gloomy fall weather.
Five twenty and it's time to open up the shop. Of course, no one actually arrives until six, usually. Nevertheless the owner says being open early is best for business.
As I wait for the first customers to arrive, I zone out. There's not much to do except for sitting alone with my thoughts.
I'm so lost in thought that I'm thoroughly shocked when I hear the bell on the door ring, indicating that someone has entered the shop. I look up to see who it is. Then it dawns on me. She's a little paler than last time, but it's still her.
"Jenna?" I ask incredulously, I thought for sure she was gone.
"You remember me?" she raises an eyebrow.
"I remember most people who can't speak Romanian," I lie.
"Sure," she giggles.
"What can I get for ya today?" I ask.
"You know, I think I'll take your joke from the other day seriously," she replies with a faint smirk, "I'll have an Americano with oat milk please."
"Alright, an Americano for the American," I laugh, mixing the drink, "so, what brings you to Romania?"
"Could you please repeat that?" she asks, "sorry, I've been having trouble focusing lately."
"Well, you're clearly not a tourist, because most tourists don't stick around for more than three days. So I'm just wondering, what brings you to Romania?" I repeat.
"Oh, uh, I'm filming a TV show," she explains.
"You act?" I ask. I don't know why I'm surprised. She certainly has the looks and charisma for Hollywood.
"Yeah," she smiles, "this is definitely one of the bigger things I've done though."
"Congrats on that! What are you filming? Are you allowed to tell people?"
"It's a show about the Addams family," she tells me.
"Oh I love that franchise!" I exclaim, "Are you playing one of the family members?"
"Yeah, I'm Wednesday, which is both exciting and nerve wracking." 
Okay, so I'm literally talking to a celebrity. 
"Woah... That- that sounds like an awesome job," I smile, "good for you. So you'll be in the area for a while?"
"What's it to you?" she smirks flirtatiously, "you wanna take me out on a date or something?" I feel a blush start to creep it's way to my cheeks.
"That depends, you gonna be in town for a while?"
"At least six more months."
"In that case, how about I show you around town sometime?"
"I'd like that," she smiles. As much as I would love to keep up this banter, there's too many people in the store now.
I hand her the receipt, my number neatly scribbled down on the blank side, "reach out when you're available," I wink.
She heads out and I watch as she leaves.
On with the day. Only four hours left of this shift.
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
could you please do an amelia shepherd (or any greys female character) where reader has a bad day at school and she tries to cheer her up by having this cute little movie night with readers favorite movie franchise and eating all of her favorite snacks?? 💜
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As Amelia Shepherd reached the elementary school parking lot, her heart was pounding like it did every day with anticipation of seeing you again after a long day of school and work. Normally you were full of energy and beaming with joy, but that day Amelia sensed something was different. As she got out of her car, she noticed the other children running, jumping and laughing exuberantly towards their parents. But you walked down the front steps at a slow pace, your shoulders slumped and your eyes dull.
The brunette neurosurgeon frowned as she stepped towards you and lifted you onto her hip. "Hey, love," she said softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before hugging you tightly. "Are you ready to go home?"
You sighed heavily and nodded just barely, the corners of your lips still turning downwards. "Yes Mama." You replied quietly without looking at her and rested your head on her shoulder, away from her gaze. That wasn't your usual demeanor, Amelia thought worriedly as she made her way home with you in her arms. During the drive she tried several times to start a conversation, but you only responded with monosyllabics and seemed lost in thought.
When you both finally got home and the brunette turned off the engine, she turned to you and gently placed a hand on your knee before you could even unbuckle yourself from your car seat. "Honey, did something happen today? You look so sad."
You lowered your gaze and began to play with your fingers, letting out a small gasp. “It was just a stupid day, Mom,” you mumbled between the tiny tears that made their way down your cheeks. "I failed the math test that Link and I practiced a lot for. Also, today Mrs. Kayo kept ignoring me when I knew the answers and only took me up on it when I didn't know something and I just feel terrible."
Amelia felt her heart clench when she saw your tears. She gently stroked both of your knees before encouraging you to climb forward where she pulled you into a tight hug and stroked your hair soothingly. "I'm sorry you had a bad day, love," she said softly, giving you a kiss on the forehead before continuing. "But I know what we can do about it."
You sniffled and hugged your mother tighter. The sky may have been cloudy for you today, but tonight the sun should shine for you again.
When you entered the house, Amelia still felt the tension in the air that accompanied you. You let yourself retreat to your room while she went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. Amelia opened the cupboard that was kept secret from you and looked for your favorite snacks. She pulled out a bag of popcorn, a few of your favorite candy bars, nachos with cheese sauce, and a bowl of freshly cut fruit.
As she placed the snacks on a serving plate, she thought about how she could cheer you up. She remembered how much you loved having movie nights, especially your favorite movie, and with a smile on her face, she returned to the living room and called for you.
A short time later you came out. Already in your pajamas, you were wrapped in a light blanket, a sad expression still on your face. "Yes Mama?"
"I have a surprise for you." She spoke softly as she placed the snacks on the table and you quickly raised your head, looking at her curiously. "What surprise?"
Amelia smiled and gestured to the entire living room, eventually to the snacks and the flat screen. "How about a little movie night? We could set up a tent, hang some fairy lights and watch Maleficent. What do you think?"
Your eyes began to light up with excitement when you heard the idea and a wide smile stretched across your lips. With a strong nod, you set up the tent together in the living room, stretched colorful blankets over it and hung up fairy lights that bathed the room in a warm, cozy light. You snuggled into your blanket while Amelia started the movie.
As you watched the adventures of your favorite character together, you forgot the worries of the day and laughed at the funny scenes. As the plot slowly unfolded, you began to feel the dark clouds of your bad mood being dispelled. The colorful images on the screen and the familiar story captivated you and made you forget everything around you for a moment. The tension you had felt all day dissolved and was replaced with a feeling of relaxation and pleasure.
As you sat on the sofa with your mother and your mother gave you popcorn and nachos in between, you felt a deep warmth. Your mother's embrace and loving care helped you feel safe and secure. You felt loved and understood, and that gave you the strength to enjoy the moment.
With every laugh and every snack you shared, you felt your heart lighten. The darkness that had surrounded you gave way to a feeling of happiness and contentment. You could feel your mother's love at every moment.
As the last movie ended and the credits rolled, Amelia looked over at you and smiled. “Did you enjoy the movie night, darling?”
You beamed with happiness as you looked up, letting the last nacho on the serving plate disappear into your mouth. "Yes, Mom. That was great! Thank you for always knowing how to cheer me up."
She took you into a tight hug again and nuzzled her head close to yours. "You are my everything. I am always here to support you and be there for you no matter what."
In that moment, Amelia knew that the love between her as a mother and you was stronger than any challenge life might throw at you. And as you dismantled the tent in the living room together, you both knew that no matter what the next day brought, you would get through it together.
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biconickyoshi · 9 months
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9 years ago today, I watched the LoK finale on my little Google Chromebook alone in my bedroom. I was 17 and had just finished my first semester of my senior year of high school.
I had known I was not straight since I was 8-9 years old, but was ashamed of it - the Bible Belt is not a friendly environment for anyone who doesn’t fit into the cishet mold. I’d resolved to never reveal that part of myself to anyone.
I wouldn’t say that I was an open, active Korrasami shipper before this point (due to internalized homophobia). However, one of my guilty pleasures was reading Korrasami fanfiction, and I had keenly noticed the change in the way they behaved around one another starting in S3 - the way they grew closer and more comfortable around each other, bonding over their failed romances with Mako, the way they looked out for one each other, Asami taking Korra’s hand and comforting her after she helps her get ready for Jinora’s ceremony, Korra only writing to Asami during the three years she was gone…
But there was no way in a million years that they would ever actually make them canon. Right?
When Korra and Asami walked into the spirit portal, I was shocked, but also immediately in denial. I told myself, “Nope, they’re just friends :)”
But deep down, I knew that their ending was romantic. Friends don’t look at each other like that! And they even played a tiny bit of “The Avatar’s Love” at the very end! I’m an AtLA superfan! I noticed that!
Then, Bryan Konietzko made a tumblr post clarifying that yes, Korrasami was canon whether we liked it or not. And once again, I was dumbfounded. A franchise that I had loved so much since childhood had just done something groundbreaking. For the first time ever, I saw people like me portrayed in media I loved. And when I read Bryan’s words about how important queer representation like this is, it clicked for me.
From that point forward, I started to acknowledge my queer identity. I went to college, became a vocal ally, and eventually started coming out to family and friends. Today, I’m not only out in my personal life, but also my professional life.
I’m so, so proud of my identity. And it’s all thanks to what Bryke and the LoK team fought to give us nearly a decade ago.
Happy 9 year anniversary, Korrasami. 💙❤️
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baby-alien11 · 5 months
Blurb: Abigail Premiere (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
A/N: this was inspired by the video of some of the Scream cast going to see Abigail and support Melissa, hope you like it
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Ever since Melissa unjustified firing from the Scream franchise for speaking against the genocide in Gaza, your support and love for your half fictional sister increased even more, along side her new projects, specially Abigail since she talked with you about the movie a lot (without spoilers), and when the trailer dropped your excitement for the movie was bigger
When the premiere day of Abigail arrived, some people of the cast including your dad, Matthew, Mason, Tony, Dylan, Liana, Jack and you, and since you love to coordinate your outfits with the ocassion, you chose to wear a long sleeved dress, along with black high heels, your Baby Vamp ring, a black clutch, your hair straightened, a glittery smokey eye make up and red lip gloss
Arriving at the event, none of you wanted to take the attention from the main cast, all of you went direct to the teather, and grab something to eat and drink during the movie
"I can't wait to see the movie", you smiled grabbing your popcorn and drinks, "And I really hope it makes more money than any Spyglass movie"
"Specially Scream 7", Jack mentioned
"Specially that, and I can't believe they offered me to be head of the VFX make up, like, the audacity"
"They were fools thinking you were going to accept it"
"Besides it ended good with the last one, except for the part where you die"
"So you don't care that Ethan would go around killing everyone?", Jack joked knowing your answer
"Absolutely no, Ethan defender for life, it's a Ghostface loyalty, the Ghostface princess needs her Ghostface prince"
"Kids, come on!", Matthew exclaimed from the entrance of the cinema, "We don't want to sit apart from each other"
"We're coming!", you exclaimed back, "I'm bitting my tongue just because I don't want him to block me again on insta"
"It would be like the third time"
"Yeah, and I don't want that"
Entering the cinema both of you spotted the Scream family group sitting with them in the two seats they guarded, and also Skeet with your purse who took it while you were getting the snacks; when the cast went on stage to say a few words about the movie, you filmed the entire thing and cheered the most when Melissa spoke
And at the end, it become one of your favorite scary movies and also gave it five stars in letterboxd
"I'm so fucking proud of you", you said to Melissa after the movie while hugging her, "And I love the movie, like every other project you've been"
"Having your support means a lot to me", Melissa responded, "And I can't believe you watched the entire Club de Cuervos and in spanish with english subtitles"
"I mean, you are in there, and it helped me with my spanish"
"Tell me a phrase you learned"
"Me vale madres", you said with a bit broken spanish
"Okay, let's go to meet Alisha"
"Yes, Matilda's crossover", you exclaimed since you played that character in one of your school plays and she played it in the musical adaptation
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boyincel · 3 months
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hi :3 I wanted to finally publicly share somewhere a little passion project of mine!
date with death is a fictional slasher franchise invented by me! I’ve never really considered it to be an oc universe, more like movies that existed in an alternate universe, so it is meant to be as period accurate/realistic as possible. it has a tiny fandom of my friends but is always open to more members :) under the cut I’ll talk more about it and my plans. I will be talking about it like it exists so mild warning for unreality if that kind of thing bothers you
If you have any questions PLEASE ask away
date with death has three films, date with death (1995), date with death 2: summer break (1997), date with death 3: school reunion (2005).
the films revolve around a masked killer with no name, but sometimes referred to as john doe or nicknamed masky, as he wears a prom suit and a white bird/plague masquerade mask. in the films, masky stalks and picks off various popular teenagers in cliques in a twisted display of love
date with death: in the days leading up to prom in a small town, teenagers in a popular clique are getting mysteriously picked off, their bodies displayed in strange and grotesque ways. as the teens fight amongst themselves, revealing petty rivalries and secrets, can they come to their senses in time to make it to prom, or will the killer find his perfect prom date?
date with death: summer break: gracie returns to her old town to take care of her ill mother over summer break, and with the killer dead there should be no threat, right? when more murders begin, gracie tries to leave, but finds herself stranded. will she be able to face her past at the biggest party the teens of the town have to offer, or will her killer return to take her as his prom queen?
date with death: school reunion: past memories bring gracie back to her highschool for the ten year school reunion. despite living a peaceful life now, her old friends missing at the event stir up former fears, and that night she goes to dig up the killer’s grave just to make sure. to her horror, it’s empty. the killer is back, and he’s picking off all the popular, bitchy, self absorbed no-longer-teens he missed the first time around. will gracie finally escape the killer from her past, or will it be til death that they part?
some other stuff!!!
the DWD franchise also has a graphic novel based around april fools and one based around valentines day. i have various trivia about the behind the scenes of the films and also about the fandom surrounding the movies. I have details about all the characters in the first movie and the actors that play them, and some details about the songs in the film (more notably, I think we’re alone now by Tiffany plays in an iconic scene in the first film)
future plans!
I really want to write up actual full film scripts off the films and potentially novel adaptations since the full plots exist only in my brain right now! I wanna draw thumbnails of shots I have in my brain and I have a film nerd boyfriend who wants to help me with some photography and short segments of filming! I doubt I’ll ever create it fully in the way that it is in my head but it’s an ongoing dream of mine :)
I’ll elaborate more on this if asked!! I may post random stuff on this blog like it exists so uhhh yeah! feel free to join the date with death fandom!!!!!
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