#or tell me about it phrased as a question! like yes ask me abt stuff but maybe make it smaller questions/one question at a time bc i wont
cathalbravecog · 1 year
long ramble, haven't had one of these in a while! if you read this, have fun. it's headcanons/thoughts on some stuff. i don't talk about my thoughts on story stuff publicly much anymore especially because 1) i'm shy 2) trust issues 3) bad rsd 4) i forgot the last point
i was writing for oNCE yesterday (some headcanon stuff, for myself, won't be posting that unless i change the wording of some of it to make more sense because i ramble a lot and it's a mess. like i am doing right now. also that turned into being mostly about hr in the end because i am ill. now hopefully this motivation will get me to write my mary and archie stuff.)
and when i went to bed i was thinking about some stuff in toontown, mostly the cogs - and how things work. these are things i ponder on very often and have talked about with my friends many time, throwing ideas back and forth and my headcanons for how things work.
though, there's one thing i really wonder about, and that's where cogs come from in ttcc exactly. in 'that' way though of course to keep things on the same rating as the game is i won't discuss anything explicit so don't worry. (besides they're robots and also are sexless to me, anything related to gender is purely cosmetic to them. you are usually assigned a certain expression when built though, but can change that later on. that's how i explain trans cogs.)
i think about how there are canonical families and children, and that they have "built" dates and places where they've been built. it's obvious as they're robots, they're not born they're built and made.
it's a bit difficult to explore with the limited info we have, which is kind of both an hassle to work with, but also beautiful because you can let your creativity go and make up your own headcanons, without things being set in too much canon. it's also difficult due to how different the suit culture is to us humans and also what we see from the toons which is by nature more familiar to us.
we also do not know much about suitopia, or other possible places where cogs live.
(i, personally, imagine suitopia as essentially a big country where most if not all cogs live. it has it's own regions, cities... all that. where as c.o.g.s. inc has built itself to be essentially it's own small country/community, if that makes sense. though cogs don't always only mention suitopia, at least once 'the whole world' is used. this is irrelevant tho so i won't discuss that but it's still a 'core' headcanon i have - as other things i may hc rely on this personal interpretation / headcanon.
but be aware i do not know everything is canon and can discuss things outside my realm of HCs and interpretations, but if i go deeper into like, let's say, analyzing a cog and imagining their backstory, instantly assume i'm using all these things. sorry for the side ramble, i want to make things clear for possible future reference.)
i wish it will be expanded upon slightly in the future, even a slightest crumb of what it's like out there and i can have a field day with it. i do enjoy the vagueness tho, again, as i've said we do not need to have all the information out there and it's not necessary to the main stories that are being told but MAN my brain itches for MORE. i demand EXPLANATIONS. and so i make up my own lol and i love that i can do that /gen (there's some stuff i do have an issue with that it was not explained better, but again, fixed that with hcs. talking abt atticus but im not getting into that rn)
there also may be things i am missing - i have known of ttcc's existence since it's early days, but i wasn't there for it and missed being there in person for any lore until i started playing for real in early 2023 and became a part of the community. like, there ARE things i have missed AND small details i am missing. that's one criticism i have about some info being more difficult to access now, but the main stuff is on the wiki an all luckily.
anyways that ramble out of the way... how the heck are cogs made? there's a few ways, that seem contradictory in some ways at first but i just see it as different methods.
we know cogs can change their appearances (their shell) and be "upgraded". we know cogs can even choose to be just their skelecogs (Atticus) and i suppose every other skelecog we see.) we know cogs have families and have their own kids. (cathal and bobby jr come to mind, and also belle's own kids and grandkids. not to mention, we have siblings too - thomas and robert. and their whole family drama DOES involve their unseen parents.) we know many cogs, mostly the managers, come into the company as their are - but also new parts are built, at least for the employee cogs in sellbot hq. (recently re-read the dialogue which confirmed this - literally as you're building your sellbot suit.)
we know cogs are more than just some working machines and do have deeper lives and desires and even relationships, though all instances of a parent/child relationship in ttcc have only one parent. makes sense after all they don't reproduce sexually to put it that way, again they're built and they're robots.)
it's easy to conclude, that, cogs are just built. which is true. but it just makes me wonder. we know they age. we have at least 1 cog who is a literal child, and bobby, in human years at least, looks no older than like, 8 years old. (we also don't know how cogs age. we also know cog's don't die like that, due to the whole deal with atticus. i will talk about this one day i have so many thoughts on it)
we know they grow up and even have schools - they're not programmed with everything. they earn experience as they live life and even have?? education systems? like they're more like people than we thought. (ttcc does make cogs more easily sympathized with and gives us INDIVIDUAL cogs and not just... 'The Cogs'. cogs are the focus of ttcc so of course they're developed more and are more 'human' despite being machines.)
so clearly, there's cogs like bobby. who are built young and eventually grow up. we have not seen a cog growing up yet, at least i don't think. but i wonder how that works. through cartoon logic, do they just grow up? their skelecog and perhaps their shell, too? or do they periodically get upgraded to be larger - wouldn't it make sense to built a cog as, well, an adult already? to program all these things? there may be more limits to this than we think, but also just... cultural things possibly.
the only cog CHILD (not just the child of someone - cathal's an adult. also, redd mention, but redd's adopted so he doesn't count) we ever see is bobby and, he is the child of robert, who is known to be very short. we don't know if bobby's going to grow up, or if this height is what he's just going to be like. we have one image where he's way smaller than robert, and other, more recent ones, where they're a similar heights. is that just art inconsistency due to the nature of all the (amazing) artwork being, well, volounteer work and that not everything is (or has to be) perfect? or did bobby really grow up. i'm talking about the wallet picture and the comics featuring bobby, by the way.
though, as things are, i'm sort of assuming that bobby's going to grow up or be upgraded in some way to "grow up"? i don't think we need an clear explanation for that, and in a universe like this 'cartoon logic' would be enough, but it's still something to think about.
like...how do cogs go about having kids, anyways? all instances we see are visually similar as well. cathal has the same gear for his neck as allan's body does, and they have the same head lightbulbs and wires. bobby jr and robert are both furniture.
i've always assumed that it's like in robots (the movie, that i havent watched in years which would be helpful for all this, probably.) if you decide to have a child just for the experience of raising a child, to have a legacy, or due to a bond with a partner - you literally just build one. perhaps not in the same way as in the movie - in here it definitely requires more paperwork and blueprints. but again, it's interesting to think about! hey company i want a CHILD. i look like this build them like me thanks here's some blueprints. (this also explains the amount of single parents. though belle has to have been married/is married as her honorific is listed as mrs. hey fun fact, non native english speaker here. i didnt know 'mrs' means a lady is married until like this year. i've been on this earth for 19 years.)
like the concept of family is possibly just more social there than anything. duh... can't exactly have the same oil and wires inside of you as Robots .
anyways, so that explains kids... but what about the others? some cogs don't have any families mentioned but it's not hard to assume they come from families with parents and siblings as well. what about the employee cogs? who are quite literally very disposable in a way?
we do have to take into account that after all, employee cogs we see just on and about on the streets are mostly a game mechanic, and there are some individual cogs who ARE cogs who would typically be employees cogs. (jennifer comes to mind first, she's a micromanager but also a secretary and counts as a manager. same goes for judy and so forth.)
and y'know, the game won't have a personality and backstory for each random flunky on the streets you fight. but with often they get destroyed and repaired and that there's just... so many of them! of the same model and appearance... makes you think. is that why they were made? are they truly more robotic than the others, more devoid of 'humanity'? or were they different cogs, perhaps more lower class, who's appearances were changed entirely to fit into more easily fixable and replaceable shell forms? something that's less expensive for the company and for them? i swear i am missing some details on this, but that's for me to re read the wiki and cogs ink for on my own later. (i need to have full info n everything and if i dont bring up that i know one small detail i will explode bc someone will bring it up and make me feel dumb and that's the rsd part and it's often physically painful!)
very hard to tell, i'm sort of content with my thoughts on how cogs have kids, but i hope we ever get a bit more clarity on employee cogs - though it is a bit problematic as these are the guys you beat up on the daily who don't have individual personalities.
like i'm just rambling as i go here man, it was gonna be cohesive but i'm just spitting thoughts here now. like, we have 3 seperate skelecog types - all cogs come with a skelecog like we have a skeleton so that also comes into play. it can be adjusted in ways, most notably the head and also in size. though we do have a 4 arm cog. jason please i love you /p we need more jason content. it's wacky, it's tacky - it's toontown!
fun stuff to think about but i just deep fried my brain. tdlr i guess.
how cogs made. how cogs have kids. how cogs work in general. very swag very cool. guzma cathal spades spamtongender goes on 1568854 different tangents while saying they wont aka your swagesty your adhd symptoms are showing
that's it fellas enjoy 2k words of incomprehensible rambles that i am happy to finally get out! you see the way i explain things is precisely why i almost never do it publicly and i need practice shortening things.
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nothirstonmain · 11 months
HELLO!! Its 🦇 anon <333 first time requesting and i am v scaref
But ummmhmn do you think you could do like a male (or gn) vampire reader with toya, akito, mmaybe gorou and xiao??? :3 I just wanna be someones hot, gay vampire bf tbh i'll take anyone
I domt have a specific scenario for this so i hope its okay...! Love u bye ^_^
- 🦇
["just wanna be someones hot, gay vampire bf" is the most relateable phrase ever. Thank you for calling me out 🦇anon, live ur best life also ily2 /p remember to drink water]
[Warnings: at least a bit OOC, we always be OOC. f!readers better run its male reader time !!!!]
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♡ I think he always found vampires a bit interesting at the very least ♡ mf watched twilight as a kid in secret /j- ♡ He asks you questions abt it a lot ♡ "Does the sun actually kill you?" yes you poor sweet man ♡ Would let you drink from him. idk ♡ He does his best to accommodate u and stuff ♡ He is whipped he always will be its you after all ♡ He really likes your fangs, y'know ???? ♡ Like he loves your fangs ♡ If he was a more talkative person he'd never shut the fuck up abt them ♡ If you want to keep your vampirism a secret he doesn't mind ♡ He is very good at secrets, me thinks ♡ Also finds your bat form adorable !
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♡ He does not care about what species you are ♡ Akito is chill. Very Chill. ♡ Your species means not, he will love you regardless ♡ He finds it quite cool though ♡ Be real he'd be into werewolves and vampires nd shit ♡ Barely ever asks questions just goes along with it ♡ He just makes mental notes of random Vampire Information. at least that's what it looks like ♡ Ena once walked in on him obsessively researching vampires and laughed so hard ♡ Doesn't just let you drink from him, wants you to ♡ Very interested in how it'd feel and stuff ♡ Simply casually interested in your vampirism ♡ You want to keep it a secret? He doesn't mind. ♡ Isn't the best at keeping secrets. Ena knows. Oh well. ♡ He'd find bats silly-looking but at the same time if you're in your bat form he will have you near him. ♡ No unsupervised bats, thanks
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♡ Gorou doesn't often have time to read methinks ♡ Mf lives under a rock ♡ Asks a ton of questions. Just to understand better ♡ Another one who loves your fangs ♡ Very readily lets you drink from him also ♡ He's head over heels your species, once again, doesn't matter to him ♡ Tries to make more time to read and research vampirism more ♡ Will randomly jumpscare you with knowledge you didn't know he learned ♡ Finds it cool ♡ Will keep it a secret if you want ♡ When he's off working for Kokofish there's a little hidden place in his house for you to chill in bat form. ♡ Often cuddles you to keep your Natural Coldness at bay
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♡ You cannot keep this a secret from him ♡ He can just. Tell. ♡ He doesn't mind ♡ Asks you a few questions, but is still pretty knowledgeable already ♡ Prefers to use you as a Source for vampire info ♡ He doesn't have one single ability he finds coolest ♡ He thinks your vampirism's interesting overall ♡ Doesn't treat you differently, he doesn't mind ♡ Will keep it a secret without even being needed to asked ♡ A bit more open about his adeptus form with you because Neither Of Ya Are Human
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irrealisms · 8 months
hello! :] character ask game: princezam + any combination of [4, 12, 21, 23] ?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? GOOD question. probably a very earnest shonen. i wouldn't watch it but it's what he deserves
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? psychotic c!zam (s4) you will always be famous to me. no one else is allowed to write this bc i Do Not Trust Most Ppl With It but it's so so so dear to me. is it mostly projection Yes. still! still!!!!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? facetious answer: favorite thing is watching vods for reference. least favorite thing is also watching vods for reference. less facetious answer: my favorite thing is-- watching vods for reference but like ... specifically noting his ~voice? ive got a little list of Zamisms which are like, particularly characteristic turns of phrase and i love including those. in general i love writing dialogue and zam is No Exception. my least favorite thing is-- man, this is probably going to come off as parasocial but i've talked abt it before on discord-- the thing with lifesteal being Very Very Unscripted is that it is hard for me to tell sometimes when people are Just Acting and when people are actually genuinely ooc upset or frustrated. and it feels bad watching that and it sucks when stuff that i think is very interesting and good to write about from an in-character level is sort of ... inextricable from that. also in general i dont like writing stuff that is very low-dialogue. i love writing dialogue but Prose Is Hard. unfortunately 1/2 of my next ideas for a fic abt him would be also low dialogue Sadge
23. Favorite picture of this character? im gonna assume this means 'fanart' and not 'screenshot'? my playlist for him has its cover from this fanart by ssseriema which i think does a beautiful and perfect job of capturing his character. there are a few other fanarts i'm particularly fond of--e.g. i really love cogmented's zam design--but the other two i'm gonna shout out are my commission from beck idalus ctommy of my pmmm au zam and this gifset of a scrub daddy being hit with a hammer
(character ask game!)
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icarianiscariot · 1 year
4, 5, and 6 for where the tear stain dries 👁
AHHHH ITOSHI BROTHES MY BELOVEDS time to reread this fic for the 23492384 time (yes i reread my own fics, i wrote them for me. also i have the memory of a goldfish i need to reread to answer these)
4. What detail in [where the tear stain dries] are you really proud of?
i realllyyyy love adding parallel stuff into my fics, esp in the beginning/ending, with phrasing and things. one of my fav little things is "Sae stays to make Rin stay" at the beginning, compared to "Yet again, he feels thirteen, watching Rin being invited out with teammates, and something in him still thinks, I have to go so that Rin will. In reality, he knows that if he goes, Rin won't." OH ALSO "Sae isn't there to hit his own reflection." - being one of the boys who makes rin cry, except it's right at the conjunction of when sae himself is at his most defeated, breaking both their promises to each other in one fell swoop... and the next time sae comes up in the fic, he's earned the epitaph "promise-breaking"
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [where the tear stain dries]? Answer it now!
AHHHHH UHHHH i feel like the thing i most love/crave when it comes to having readers is ppl being like "hey was this detail intentional? oh i noticed this play here, that's because of this other thing, right?"/aka getting to gush abt particular details like i got to w question 4 SO. IDK I'M JUST HAPPY TO TALK ABT MY WRITING - if i think of smth better i'll lyk LMAO
6. What’s one fact about the universe of [where the tear stain dries] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
whenever i write the itoshi brothers they r both autistic. it's not explicitly stated in the fic anywhere but sae's canon characterization very much mirrors a lot of my own neurodivergence. sae "i hate talking, can't you just read my mind, this fucking sucks" autism vs rin "i need you to explicitly tell me what you mean and will take your words directly to heart" autism. miscommunication abounds. they figure it out as they get older tho
send me fic questions!!
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troglobite · 1 year
idk how streamers function
if i had to deal with ppl asking fucking ridiculous questions that they have 10000 different ways to find an answer on their own, i would lose my fucking mind.
even the constant refrain of like "oh what's happening in the stream, what did i miss?"
idk why don't you chill tf out and just watch the fucking stream as is and figure it out, dude
or maybe read the title or the description
what the FUCK man come ON
like literally i'm just watching someone reset their acnh island and there are people in the chat asking for tips about how to play the game
....google is right there. it has been THREE YEARS. there are SO MANY beginner guides. just ??? look it the fuck up yourself????
someone asked what happens with the fruit on the trees after you shake it and pick it up
have you ??? never watched her play acnh before ??? what the fuck is happening.
like she literally has three fucking islands and has been streaming for well over an hour and you're asking what happens to the fucking fruit???
i literally could not stream and if i did
my audience would either be full of assholes i'd constantly have to chastise or ban
or the most helpful people on the planet answering every stupid as fuck question for me so i wouldn't have to lol
i'd probably have it set up to have a command or something that tells them my policy abt stupid as fuck questions
obviously phrased more kindly than that
like bro i'm happy to talk to chat but don't ask me ridiculous fucking questions
like that's the thing, she's SO attentive to EVERY person in chat asking shitass questions like that
that she is fully not even paying attention to the fucking game
so for example she didn't realize she picked up a weed and two fruits instead of the third fruit bc she wasn't even looking
but yes by all means please ask her to explain the basic functions of the fucking game
y'know what i do when i watch someone streaming a video game i've never played?
i shut the fuck up and watch
i'm such a mean person. lol
literally like--i'm bitching abt this without any specifics (beyond acnh and one or two real questions that were asked) under a cut on here where no one fucking reads it bc i feel mean abt it!
like i sincerely mean this shit
i don't think they're the scum of the earth or need to be bullied or anything, that's fucking ridiculous
i'm basically saying
what the FUCK compels people to interrupt a stream w their asinine questions that have really simple answers they could just google?
and how do streamers have the fucking patience for questions like that instead of having their mods field the questions or directing people to aforementioned google (or duckduckgo, etc.)
like i know i'm a traumatized person and it's Not That Okay for me to be constantly worried abt irritating people at all hours of the day
but also it just seems courteous to me to keep your fucking yap shut and not clog up the chat with asinine bullshit that eats up the streamer's attention
like commenting on stuff, making jokes, offering opinions, asking a question abt something Specific that is like a callback to earlier in the stream or something--i'm not saying "don't chat"
i'm saying if you have a question
please consider if you can look this up yourself
or if you, specifically, actually need this question answered right fucking now by the streamer
fuck me, man.
i am intolerable and could never make it as a streamer, not even if i was a vtuber. i'd have to start off by having 10 mods in rotation to field the irritating questions, and i'm not joking.
like i have heard this streamer explain approximately 10 fucking times what she's doing (resetting vs. flattening, what resetting means), why she's doing it (she wants a different color themed island, now), no she didn't delete her original island (that's on her other switch), no she didn't delete her florida island (that on the OLED), why she restarted 4 times to try and get a yellow airport (the fucking color theme again), she had to update her switch so she went villager hunting on a different switch to kill time earlier (that's why the stream has been going on so long but she's just now beginning her island)
i am such an insufferable person.
i don't think people should stop asking questions altogether
i don't think asking questions is bad
in general i encourage them
i don't really think there are stupid questions
but there are questions that are asinine, annoying, and can be asked of somebody else
like sometimes your question doesn't fucking help anybody, including yourself, and sometimes you'd have the fucking answer to your question if you shut up and waited 2 fucking minutes
or just paid attention
or just searched for it yourself
idfk man a streamer's job is to be entertaining, imho
not answer a bunch of basicass questions about what they're doing every second of every stream bc OBVIOUSLY NOT EVERYONE CAN BE THERE FROM THE VERY FIRST MINUTE
it's also not their job to explain the fucking game they're playing unless they want to
like holy fucking shit
nobody should have to explain what happens with the fruit in animal crossing 3 years after the game came out, 3 years FILLED with streamers and youtuber playing NOTHING but animal crossing, and when a search is right there
okay i have to stop.
i am mean and insufferable and i'm sorry but i have to vent my irritation somewhere
me: wanting to watch an acnh stream w a reset island bc it's fun to live vicariously bc i will never reset my islands
the streamer: [babbling nonstop answering the most insipid questions i've ever heard that DO NOT NEED ANSWERING, especially for the TENTH FUCKING TIME]
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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Could you Not?
Pairing: Techno x Reader
Request: yooo remember a while ago when we were talking abt Techno hiding you from the yandere boys?? that would be hella neat to see ngl —
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: yandere, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, panic attack at end
A/n: yan!minors are mentioned, that’s why there’s a yandere warning.
The day was predestined to be great; a day full of sunshine and peace. So many potatoes would be tilled, the dog army would grow exponentially and other calming hobbies.
Now let’s be honest, that isn’t the reality of things at all. Nothing is ever nice and simple. Life always needs to throw a curveball at people; keeping them on their feet, on edge for their entire existence. Techno was no exception from this rule. His life had been plagued by tragedy and hardships. It made him calloused and desensitized towards the world and whatever challenges it had to throw at him. Though nothing could have really prepared him for what came next. Well he actually did, in a way. Similar in reasoning yet very different in the reaction and how the problem was presented to him.
Puffy stood at his door, struggling to hold someone the size of her. They were thrashing around, screeching to be released from their confines. She looked exhausted and beyond worried. There were few words to describe her state. Sadness painted her face like clouds painted the sky; it was evident with every feature of her face, every movement of her brow and reddening eyes. Pants escaped her lips and the struggling wasn’t helping her catch the escaping breaths.
The person Puffy was holding wasn’t any better. They looked malnourished, dirty, panicked, stressed. Those were just the obvious and quick observations. There were probably so many other hidden issues with this person. Honestly, Techno didn’t want to deal with them or Puffy. He was absolutely done dealing with people.
He’d have to get over it though, as Puffy asked him to care for this mystery person. She pleaded so much, saying that if they couldn’t stay with him, they’d be in terrible danger. Techno was her only option in protecting this person. There were some horrible people looking for the person in her arms and she couldn’t protect them on her own. Honestly he was only half listening. He really didn’t want to hear about another person’s sob story and how they so desperately needed his help. How they just couldn’t make it without his help. Occasionally Techno nodded or gave a “mhm” to indicate he was listening. Because that’s the polite thing to do, even if you aren’t listening. It shows you are listening and seems polite. Though he should’ve paid a bit more attention because the next thing he knew a fucking child was getting shoved into his arms.
They were so tiny that they could qualify as a child. So frail, too skinny, hair matted and looked too pale for their natural complexion. Horrified couldn’t even describe how he felt; he did not want to be holding this person, they looked so fragile and could be hurt so easily. Plus they were screaming and crying, still fighting to get out your captor’s grip, which was currently him. Distressed and crying people weren’t the most pleasant to be around especially when you’re a seven foot tall, socially awkward piglin hybrid.
Techno tried to return them to Puffy’s possession. She refused, pushing them further into his hold. She kept insisting that he let them stay with him, at least for a little bit. There was little time to prepare a place for them to stay and they needed the constant protection and some care. Techno kept arguing with Puffy, saying that he really didn’t want, need or have the time to care for them.
It wasn’t long when Puffy finally ended the argument with one phrase; “you still owe me an IOU.”
“So is this it,” Techno reluctantly asked, gently bouncing the slumbering stranger. It was and wasn’t surprising how worn out they ended up after the argument. Half-way through the arguing and accommodations, they finally calmed and soon fell asleep. Though they were violently shivering; this conversation couldn’t keep going like this. They both looked at them and looked back at each other.
“Yes. Please,” Puffy whispered, gently putting her hand onto their arm. “Please take care of them for now. You don’t have to care for them long. I just-i just need some time to set them up a place and some help. There were few options to go with and you were the best one.”
Silence settled over them once again. Techno sighed, building his resolve to care for another kid. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
Puffy awarded Techno with one of the most relieved smiles he had ever encountered. She was visibly relaxed, not holding herself up like a puppet who’s tense strings were being tugged. “Now get going Puffy,” Techno ushered. “I can take it from here.”
With that, Puffy started her trek back home, through the unforgiving tundra. As Techno watched her walk away, he wondered how she managed it. How she could carry someone the size of herself for god-knows how long.
He couldn’t ponder long. The person in his arms was still out in the harsh cold and definitely not dressed or prepared for weather like this. A very vulnerable position. With that, he opened the door with his foot and brought the two of you inside.
There weren’t many places to lay someone down. The floor was an option, but it was probably super cold. Techno wasn’t too sure, but he also didn’t want to risk it at the moment. Scanning around reveals a small issue; Techno’s reading chair is the only place to sit that isn’t the damn floor. Crackling fire brought his attention to the welcoming presence of the hearth. So either the floor with the fireplace or the chair which was a decent distance from the fireplace. Was it really a question at that point?
Walking over to the fireplace, Techno tried to disturb the person as little as possible. He started to slowly place them onto the ground. They wouldn’t really notice if they were as exhausted as they looked. When they touched the ground, they stirred and groaned at the change in temperature. Swiftly Techno place them on the floor and held his hands up; a way of saying “okay i’m not touching it so it shouldn’t break now- don’t break”. After a few moments of stillness, Techno deemed himself to be in the “all clear”. With that, he walked off to a different part of the house. He had to start setting up a room for his new guest. And get them food and proper clothing-
A ruckus from the living quarters disturbed him. Oh god what was going on now? Without much thought, he ran to the noise. When he arrived, he frantically looked around. He was looking for anything, but more specifically a danger. But it was much the opposite.
There, at his front door, trying to get out like their life depended on it, was that stranger. Well, it wasn’t a stranger. He couldn’t keep forgetting that. It was ______. Though it was hard to do that; they looked so different. Panic seemed to just possess them; their eyes were wide and bloodshot and their face was even paler than he remembered them in their pale state. Which was an odd statement but it was oddly true. He hadn’t thought that you could get any paler, yet here you are proving him wrong.
You two were in a stare off- trying to figure out what to do. It would be somewhat hilarious if the situation wasn’t so serious; a person trying desperately to get out of someone’s house in some of the most comical positions while a seven foot piglin just awkwardly stared from the other side of the room. The semi-trance was broken by you. Tears started to fall down your face, body started to violently shake, and then you started to try and destroy the door with your body.
Techno was holding you in a heartbeat. Once again, you were dangling and struggling to get out of his grasp. Last time it wasn’t his grasp you were trying to escape, but it was all the same in the end. Your crying soon reverted back to sobbing and screams. Flinching, Techno contemplated just dropping you. Yet he couldn’t; you were trying to escape and that wasn’t a good idea.
Carrying you around the house was a challenge; you were swinging what little weight you could and it was working. He barely got to the other end of the room before he got fed up with your little tantrum. Without a second thought, he just dropped you like a bag of potatoes. The moment you hit the ground, you scrambled to get as far away as possible. That leads you to a corner. You kept an eye of him yet curled up so much. He couldn’t tell if it was because you were cold or scared.
“Please let me go back.”
That catches Techno off guard. It was obviously you voice; he wasn’t talking and you were the only other thing that could talk here. Yet it didn’t sound like you. Your voice was now so gravely, scratchy and heavy. Like you hadn’t properly talked in a while. Though your crying definitely wasn’t helping. Even taking that into consideration, you sound way worse than someone who is just crying and occasionally screaming.
“Excuse me,” he mumbles, staring at you. Waiting for you to answer or proof that he was actually imagining stuff. It could’ve easily been a voice though-
“I said please let me go back,” you sniffled, turning to look at him more. Your eyes held such sadness, besides the tears. The yearning in them hurt. It was obvious you were missing something.
“Go back where,” Techno prodded. He tried his best to make it gentle so you wouldn’t close up again. So he slowly sat on the ground with you, scooting towards you as a pace you could easily stop.
“Back to my friends, obviously,” you stated, keeping a steady and guarded eye on Techno. “I want to go back home. Back to Tommy and Tubbo and Ranboo an-and Purpled.” Suddenly you started to cry much harder. So hard it was practically impossible to speak. Only hiccups and gasps left your lips.
“Let me go, I won’t bother you again.” You kept repeating that phrase. Even rephrasing it, but it was muffled. Well not muffled, but extremely hard to hear through your crying. Techno let you keep saying that in hopes you tire of it, yet it seemed to have the opposite effect. You only started to say it more clearly, louder, and more assertively. It was obvious you were bound and determined to go back to wherever the hell you were before.
“Hey kid,” Techno does his best to stop your babbling. The pleads had just digressed to nonsense, so it was more accurate to call that mess babbling. “I can’t do that.”
His answer wasn’t well received. It only made you sadder and madder; you even deployed the puppy dog eyes. You really wanted this.
“It’s not safe with them,” he reiterated. “You look sickly too. Did you not care for yourself with them?”
Silence consumed you; maybe now you were finally thinking more clearly.
A meek “no” left your lips. Realization seemed to hit you, at least somewhat. It was a step forward, and Techno was taking it wholeheartedly. Anything was progress and he just wanted this over. Some of the voices whispered that they wanted you to get better, but he ignored them.
“Then it’s settled. You’re staying here.”
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
I have this short one shot in mind. It’s essentially abt the entire Batfam gathering up together (and its also the anniversary of Jason’s death but that’s kinda jus a background detail).
Anyways, everyone gathers round the dinning table, eating, laughing, etc etc. And when I mean everyone, I fucking mean all the Batkids, which include but are not limited to:
Anyways, Alfred and Bruce are obvi there as well, eating, and talking and stuff.
Suddenly, some fucking kid bursts through the fucking window, does a mid-air flip, and lands smack dab in the middle of the dining table, on their hands, which is conveniently holding onto this package.
All hell breaks loose, as various Bats (and birds!) start throwing various items. Then this kid sends out this weird ass pulse, that makes everything freeze in place. Only this kid and move.
The kid slowly floats up, cross legged in the air, moving a batarang, and throwing knife away from their face. They announce, “Hello, the Wayne Family and Friends! Who are also... Gasp, the infamous Bat and Bird themed Vigilantes of Gotham?! Now, to quote John Mulany, “we don’t have time to unpack all of that” which is fine! ...Why are none of you responded—oh sorry! I froze you all in place, my bad.”
The kid snaps their fingers, allowing the Batfam & Co. talk but their still frozen in place. Immediately Damian starts antagonizing the Kid. The Kid responses by literally zipping close Damians mouth like a Looney Toon cartoon.
The Kid sighs but continues on, “C’mon now! Don’t shoot the messenger as they say, whoever they is that is. Anyways, I have a package for one: Jason Peter Todd!”
“Who the hell sent you?” Jason askes.
The Kid shrugs, “No clue, they sent it in anonymously. Though, from what I know, there is a card inside the package so that might offer you some clues.”
“And what exactly are you?” Bruce inquires.
The Kid’s lips stretch out as wide as they can go, their pearly white, jagged teeth on display. Their eyes glow slightly red, as their neck cranes forward at a tilt. Their neck seems to extend a lot further, and their face tilts at an inhuman angle. They open their mouth, with rows of teeth on display for everyone too see.
“Why don’t you find out?” Their once chriper, goofy, kid like voice contorts into a deep, distorted version. Everyone freezes, at the Kid simply stares back at Bruce before their fave goes back to “normal” as they laugh their collective ass off.
“Ahaha... You know, that trick never does fail to make me laugh and all of you freeze in fear—then again, your already frozen but still!”
The Kid continues, their face still stretched out in a smile. A smile a little to sharp and inhuman for them. “But, you should know that’s quite a rude thing to ask! Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?! Then again, they are dead.”
A beat of silence.
“What? Too morbid? Seriously, what a tough crowd! But hey, everyone has their sore spots, so I can’t blame ya. Anyways, I’m guessing all of you have questions. So, fire away!”
They snapped their fingers, making the literally zipper on Damians face disappear.
“Who are you?” Damian seethes.
“I’m Ty Kidd! But call me Kid. Oh and, my pronouns are she/they, thank you very much. I am also a delivery person for—” Kid pulls out a business card, which start to multiple and appear infront of everyone. “—the Multiversal Express Delivery Service, or MEDS for short!”
“And what exactly is MEDS?” Dick asks.
“It’s literally in the name.” Kid deadpans, before another inhuman like smile spreads across their face. “I travel from parallel world to parallel world! Fun fact: there’s a world where you guys are just fictional characters who’ve existed since the 1930s! Isn’t that cool?! One of the many reasons I love my job.”
“Yeah, yeah, fun stuff, but who sent you?”
Kid shrugs, “I dunno. Sender was anonymous. But no worries! At MEDS we ensure that none of our packages include any sort of life threatening object, material, and etc! So, no need to worry about releasing a plague that would decimate this world in a blink of an eye or a nuclear bomb that would wipe this continent out of the map! But, if you do want to send world ending plagues or bombs, you must submit a form and blah blah blah HR bullshit.”
“And... how do know right trust you?” Tim spoke up.
Kid’s face once again spilts in half into a smile, their jagged teeth slightly teasing her lips. Her eyes turned into black silts. “You don’t.” Their voice reasonated throughout everyone’s ears, deep and contorted to the octave.
She pulled back, face once again going “normal”. “But! You can trust MEDS! Trust me when I say, nothing like a bomb, plague or that sort of item is inside this package. Anyways, I’m on a schedule, so—“
They snapped their fingers, a small device and pen appearing infront of Jason. “—please sign, and I’ll be on my merry way. Don’t worry about the window, I’ll fix it!”
Jason was momentarily stunned wondering what the fuck is happening? Why is their probably a fucking eldritch-demon-person in front of me? What is my life?
Before Jason could even tell what was happening, he picked up the floating pen and signed his name on the little device thingy. When his name was signed, the pen and device poofed! away in a plume is smoke.
The Kid, still smiling that inhuman and unsettling smile, snapped their fingers, fixing the broken window, and putting away all the various knifes and objects that were still floating in the air.
“Thank you for your service! If you ever want to send anything to a parallel universe, just give us a call and we will send it! No matter how desolate the Earth, no matter how frankly strange item, we shall send it! Anyways, happy Death day Jason Todd. Kid Out!” They said with a salute, before disappearing in a plume of smoke.
All hell breaks loose and after some arguing and lowkey existential breakdowns everyone converges to the Cave.
Bruce being paranoia incarnate, makes the package go through numerous tests. All being negative. They can’t even identify what it is.
After some more arguing, Jason slips by everyone, and tears open the box. Everyone tries to stop him, but it’s already to late, he opened it.
Now, no one can see what’s inside since Jason is blocking them with his gigantic ass figure. Bruce is the first one to realize that Jason freezes up, and goes to him, worried that something happened.
“Jason, whats wro—“ Then Bruce sees what’s in the box and pales. Everyone sees how Bruce freezes, just looking at the box.
Soon, one by one, it revealed: its Jokers decapated head.
Or alternatively, Jason is the last one to see what’s inside (Damian or someone else being the first). Up to you.
Anyways, there’s this card. Jason picks it up, and it reads:
As the Persians say: an eye for an eye. But the world doesn’t go blind. Happy Dead Clown Day, Jason.
—[Insert an intial or some shit]
Cue some time later, and, yes, it’s confirmed, this is Jokers head. You see, Jokers been awfully quiet for two years, as he went missing after an explosion rocked Arkham Asylum. This, is proof that Joker is finally dead.
News breaks that Joker is dead, and it follows Jason reaction to his death.
In my opinion he’d be lowkey angry that it wasn’t him who killed the damn Clown. But, holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. He’s... He’s dead. He’s finally fucking dead.
Cue some more time later, after everything has cooled down. Jason is in Robinson Park, sitting at a bench, when another kid (who kinda looks like Kid but Jason is too busy inner monologuing to care).
The kid speaks up, “You know, before I use to hate the phrase, ‘an eye for an eye’ ‘cause, the world would go blind.”
Jason freezes, and the kid continues. “But, now I get it. An eye for an eye, but the world never goes blind. Simple as that, since, sure, your blind in one eye, but justice was finally served, right Jason?”
The kid turns to him, and smiles. Not a too large, too sharp, too inhuman smile, but a sincere, warm one. “Y-Yeah.” Jason finally manages to choke out.
“It’s a nice day out, you know. It’s real nice. I know, that, at least you get to see more of these nice days.”
“You day that as if you can’t see days like these anymore.” He blurts out.
The kid sighs, with a bitter smile on their face. “Yeah, I can’t see or experience days like these anymore. I haven’t been able too for three years. But hey, an eye for an eye, but the world never goes blind.” As the kid speaks, their voice fades away. In a blink of an eye, the kid disappears, leaving behind daffodil and a note.
The note is an invitation for a funeral.
Jason goes to the Manor, specifically the cave, and conveniently everyone is there. Damian, Stephanie and Cass are sparring. Dick is using the aerial equipment. Bruce and Tim are working on some cases with Barbara helping. Alfred is done, handing out snacks.
Jason immediately shoves the card to Tim, who’s confused and then sees how utterly shaken up and pale he looks.
“Tell me what happened to this kid.”
Everyone immediately turns to Tim, as he types in their name, date and etc.
What they find out, is that, this kid, who died three years ago, died in the last ever attack wide scale attack the Joker committed. They were the only casualty in said attack (surprisingly).
And they were only 13. Like Jason. And the date of the attack... is the same day Jason died all those years ago in Ethiopia.
“I saw them.”
“...what?” Dick said, in an incredulous voice.
“I saw them. At Robinson Park. They even said that exact same phrase in that fucking card: an eye for an eye—“
“—and the world never goes blind.” Everyone says the last part in unison.
Then the Bats get news that rest of Jokers body was sent to the GCPD, addressed to—
Basically, that’s how the one shot goes. If anyone wants to use the idea:
Jason gets a package while he’s at the Manor. They test said package and nothing comes up. Some start arguing and someone opens the package (which is more dramatic, Jason seeing it first or last?). They see: Jokers decapiated head. Chaos ensues and a metric shit load of testing later, it’s confirmed: thats Jokers head. And Jokers been missing for [insert amount of time]. The Batfam then deal with the fallout of Joker being (finally) dead.
If anyone writes this, please tag me! I want too see ANGST, and FLUFF, and GOOD DAD BRUCE, and, DRAMA, and ALL THE BAT KIDS.
(I can’t delete the fucking pic below me and I refuse to rewrite this entire post. Lowkey it’s kinda ironic too lmao).
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angeltrapz · 3 years
SAW ask time 💚 wld love to hear abt chainshipping + Adam bein autistic— maybe like what Lar notices abt Adam’s stims, things he does for him/ways he helps when Adam needs it. Also for Eric/Adam, maybe any thoughts on Eric finally like.. realizing he’s got a special interest?? ik we’ve talked abt how hard he masks but bein around Adam (n Mallick) helps him relax abt that, so like maybe how does he react + what is th special interest? anything u wanna dish abt!
thank u it’s always SAW ask time in my heart <33
!!! I was just thinkin abt tht!!! our minds 💫
I think th first time he rly sees Adam stimming (i.e. flapping his hands) he’d be like “what’s that?” but not in a rude way - genuinely a tone of “I want 2 know more abt this thing, pls tell me” rather than anything anywhere near condescending/annoyed/mean-spirited like Adam has dealt w fr YEARS at this point. so he’s definitely put on edge a lil bit bc he can’t help it, maybe he starts to like wind down and force himself into quiet hands, but Lawrence is immediately like “no I wasn’t making fun of you!! u don’t have to stop doing it!” which kinda stops Adam short like. what r we doing here. usually when ppl ask me tht they’re also telling me 2 stop. finally Lawrence says “I was just wondering what kind of stim tht was,” like he didn’t almost (accidentally) uproot Adam’s whole shit + is currently Doing So Now by using actual terms tht Adam didn’t know he knew, n so he like takes a moment to absorb tht comment n then he’s like. “oh. it means I’m happy or excited?” and honestly? when Lawrence hears tht? he’s like “oh... so then you’re rly happy? 🥺” n it’s just like. a moment fr both of them lol. (Adam feels Much safer discussing things after tht too, in several ways. it definitely helps w building trust between them!!)
after that though Lawrence definitely takes notice of more things! he’s not afraid 2 ask questions, so tht’s smth tht’s rly good fr them - Lawrence being able to seek information (he also does his own reading + research) to better understand, n not in tht shitty mommy blogger “I know yr in there somewhere” way. he doesn’t want 2 change Adam. he wants a better grasp on wht Adam’s experiences r like so he can help n minimize stress abt certain things. fr Adam tht’s definitely like.. foreign territory, bc as u’ve mentioned b4 + my personal hc as well, his parents didn’t really care 2 get him formally diagnosed + even acted like there was No Way he cld be neurodivergent in any sense, so 2 have some1 who is interested n respectful is So important 2 him. (personal hc time: I hc Adam as both adhd AND autistic like me so there’s tht!!)
so like he takes notice of th way Adam likes 2 roll things btwn his fingers (shirt sleeves, shirt hems, hoodie drawstrings, blankets, soft fabrics he likes the texture of, etc.) n is just like Oh Idea. I like 2 think he gets Adam one of those bead lanyards (like this one, which I also have!) fr him to fidget w n he kind of presents it like “I thought maybe u wld like smth like this?” n honestly he’s a lil nervous abt what Adam is going 2 say. but Adam takes it n holds it fr a minute, rolling th beads n messing w th lanyard itself 2 kind of test it, n he just looks up n smiles n he’s like “I love this. u’ve been paying tht much attention??” n fr Lawrence it’s just like “yes? of course? bc I love u?” like it’s th simplest thing in th world n Adam’s just. Huh. no he does Not tear up, if Lawrence told u tht he’s lying. he’s just Rly not used 2 ppl who want 2 know more without wanting to “get inside his head” or belittle him fr it (ties into my hc tht fr th most part, Adam hasn’t rly had any Good friends...) so it takes a lil getting used to.
another thing!! Lawrence does is ask 2 listen 2 Adam infodump abt his special interests - esp photography!! like they do this thing where if it’s not too late at night by th time Lawrence comes home frm work, Lawrence will take a quick shower n then get into his pajamas n into bed (just fr some quiet quality time b4 they go to bed, bc he still tends 2 come home a bit late), n he’ll have Adam sit next 2 him n he’ll be like “what do u want to tell me?” bc tht’s another thing tht Adam was entirely unused 2 - having ppl who didn’t just tolerate his infodumping, they wanted to hear it. Lawrence might be th first person to not actually give him shit fr it/tell him he’s being annoying/shut him down completely. again, it takes Adam a lil bit to b fully comfortable w it, but once he is he adores having tht time to be excited abt things w another person! who he knows Wants to listen!! (if we’re going th route I personally like 2 think abt sometimes too, where Lawrence is autistic as well, I feel like they infodump back n forth abt photography n medical stuff. do either of them rly know what the other is saying? not rly. are they listening happily bc that’s their partner n it’s smth they’re excited abt? oh absolutely!)
I think Adam has a tendency to eat a lot of th same foods bc they’re safe n he knows he likes them/doesn’t mind their texture (which is a big issue w trying new foods fr him), which is smth tht Lawrence also takes note of and as such, he likes 2 make sure they’re regularly stocked up on at least some of tht stuff. it’s not even smth he tells Adam he’s doing, bc it’s rly tht simple 2 him - Adam likes these things n therefore we shld have them at th house - but fr Adam it’s just One Of Those Things, y’know?? he got so much shit as a kid fr being such a “picky eater” n got shit fr it as a teenager too bc “why don’t u ever try anything new??” was smth his friends/parents Loved 2 say. it’s th fact tht Lawrence rolls w it so easily, doesn’t poke or prod for reasons he eats th way he does, and doesn’t get upset w him fr it/try 2 force him into things he isn’t comfortable w. it means a lot to him, more than he’ll ever have words 2 say (but he does always kiss Lawrence’s cheek when he gets back frm th store n he sees some of his same foods, which is just as good). it’s loving tht he’s autistic because it’s a part of him, a fact, not despite or in spite of. tht’s what’s so nice n kind of healing abt it; feeling safe 2 express yrself as u are w a partner who u know u can trust. who maybe words questions a bit funny sometimes, completely unintentionally, not out of malice (where allistic Lawrence is concerned, anyway). Adam feels Safe, n tht means a lot 2 him.
as fr ways he helps him!! a big thing is tht Lawrence is observant, esp as they spend more n more time together. a lot of th time, even when it’s just th two of them alone, Adam might have trouble maintaining eye contact fr an extended period of time, n Lawrence might not know how much it Actually helps, but he doesn’t mind tht Adam doesn’t always look at his face when they’re talking. it’s smth tht takes a little getting used 2, but he was never shitty about it w Adam. the way he sees it is if it makes Adam more comfortable, why shld he get upset abt it? it’s not like he doesn’t know when Adam’s talking 2 him anyway, or tht he can’t tell if Adam is listening; Lawrence knows both of those things, so Adam not making eye contact isn’t a problem, y’know? it’s okay. n I rly don’t know if Lawrence is fully aware of how much Adam appreciates tht.
another thing is he’s patient + understanding when Adam is nonverbal, whether it be bc he’s having a shutdown/meltdown, sensory overload, or just plain Difficulty w speech. it kinda depends on what I’m writing at th time, but I feel like Adam might have picked up at least a lil bit of sign language here n there; mostly simple phrases tht get th point across. I like 2 think Lawrence learns what they mean so he can take tht stress off of Adam’s shoulders, but most times, Adam is just comfortable sitting in silence w someone he cares abt.
OH brief thing Lawrence is RLY good at helping w pressure stims. he gives amazing bear hugs n I feel like he’d also probably let Adam lay on him if they’re on th couch/in bed. I just Feel It.
OHH I think abt Eric finally developing a special interest now tht he feels more comfortable w doing so a lot. honestly I kind of rly like th idea tht his special interest might be info abt rats! it kind of hits him when he catches himself writing down lil facts (tht might not even be related to pet care!) in his notebook so he’ll remember them + always being excited 2 learn more n share what he’s learned. it makes Adam SO happy to see him being comfortable w tht aspect of himself, esp now that he’s safe to explore it w ppl who understand n who won’t discourage him/belittle him for it,, Mallick too of course, but Adam knows how much Eric struggled w tht kind of thing for such a long time so he’s just. Ah. 🥺🥺
like they’ll all b chilling on th couch (Eric, Mallick, n Adam) n Eric will have his head against Adam’s shoulder while his hand is on Mallick’s chest, who has HIS head in Eric’s lap w his legs dangling off th armrest, n he’ll be like “did u know tht when rats r happy, they grind their teeth together? it’s called bruxing n then sometimes their eyes move in their sockets rly fast while they’re doing it. tht’s called boggling.” n Adam will be smiling so wide when he says he didn’t know tht but it’s rly cool!! n then Mallick will start asking questions n he n Adam just listen while Eric infodumps fr probably th very first time since he was very very young, before it was masked out of him by his parents. n he finds tht he Doesn’t feel so bad abt it anymore, not when he’s around ppl who want him to be happy and want to see him be happy - esp ppl who encourage it n let him know it isn’t smth he has to hide/keep locked away. it’s hard 2 b ashamed of himself when Adam n Mallick r looking at him w genuine interest in their eyes n so so much love.
he might still like, slip back into masking behaviour every now n then, bc it’s something he’s still dealing w n learning 2 leave behind, but after he discovers his first special interest it gets a little easier, letting go of that way of life. it was smth he was forced into by adults who didn’t actually want th best for him like they said they did when they put him through “therapy,” but w partners he knows understand n who are even autistic themselves, Eric slowly learns 2 be more comfortable w it. it’s slow, but it’s progress. bit of a learning curve. he’ll get there.
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summercurial · 4 years
yesterday with aidan was really eventful!
okay so first of all he spanked me considerably harder (and in closer succession), which was hot and interesting, because on a physical level it switched from pleasant pain to genunine pain, made me feel very weak and powerless, decidedly hot
he also said something along the lines "who's my good slut" a lot (changing the phrase from use to use) , which was also interesting and hot. erotically condescending, sort of pet-adjacent
anyway the centerpiece of the night was less sexy and more complex. okay so like in the little beginning part when we were hagning out, like not doing sex yet, he mentioned having a moment with his therapist where he realized something he thought he wasnt over something
and then later after sex when we were doing pillow talk she was like "do you wanna hear about the thing i wasnt over" so i said sure and apparently he told his ex about some confusing gender feelings and she got all emotionally detached and thought he was telling her he didnt love her, which is...rough! and then a bit later he asked if i wanted to swap questions, and i said sure, so he asked a throwaway question and then...
i asked if he still had confusing gender feelings, he said yes, he asked if i wanted bottom surgery, i explained the position i have on here (incidentally, he mentioned he also doesnt like vaginas aesthetically), i asked what percent sub/dom he was, he said 60/40, and then we just said some flirty stuff and went back to fucking
so yeah! complicated! i mean, ive talked about this before but theres a lot of responsibility when youre doing sex stuff with people with complicated unresolved gender feelings! so theres, idk, some fears there. i should probably like, talk abt it with him. idk. i like the way he doms me, but its interesting that hes not naturally inclined toward domming. much to consider
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mxgvmiii · 4 years
Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kageyama and Daichi having an Egyptian s/o
So um remember how I said I was thinking of making this? I decided imma do it.
@ non Egyptian Arabs who might see this : If yall don’t get some words, don’t feel dumb it’s the just the difference in dialect. I know I feel dumb sometimes when I don’t get words in other dialects :)
Thank you @iwaixiumi for helping pick out the characters <3
IMPORTANT: the cursive is the translation and (s/n) is sibling’s name :)
this ended up really long um yea
Kuroo Tetsuro:
- He knew you weren’t Japanese but didn’t know where you were from and didn’t want to ask you cuz he didn’t want to hurt your feelings
- ngl he v curious
- anyways
- one time you were hanging out with the vbc cuz you’re the manager
- yall were goofing off and then your phone rang
- it was your mother
- they were planning on making weird noises and comments to annoy you
-bUT THEN they heard the words coming put of your mouth
Y/N : allo? Aywa ya mama? Hello? Yes mom? 7adretik 3ayza laban mn el supermarket w ana rag3a? You want me to get milk from the supermarket on my way back? 7aga tania? Anything else? La2a? No? Ah sa7 mama! 2a2oul le zamayli 3an el 3ozuma beta3t el 2esbou3 elli gay? Oh right mom! Should I tell my schoolmates about the gathering next week? Ok, tab salemili 3ala (s/n) w baba! Ok, greet (s/n) and dad for me! Bye!!
- Floor, meet the nekoma boys volleyball clubs’ jaws 
- Floor 🤝 Nekoma boys volleyball clubs’ jaws
- their initial reaction was
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- ahem
- “WHAT WAS THAT????” that was Lev & Yamamoto voicing everyone’s thoughts
- you’re just like “???? I was just talking to my mom”
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- this is you rn
- This is where Nobuyuki comes in
- “I think they mean what language were you speaking”
- “Oh that was Arabic.” 
- “Why do you speak Arabic with your mom?”  Lev & Yamamoto voicing everyone’s thoughts pt2
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- this is you rn pt2
- “Ummm I’m Egyptian???”
- “Since when????” ngl this was all Lev and his poWERFUL brain
- hold up imma set the scene for yall
- we have a group of relatively scary looking guys (and a girl)
- and I kid you not this is the expression of the whole team is this
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- they’re just trying to put the pieces together
- “Did you guys actually think I was Japanese?”
- “No, we wanted to ask you where you were from but be thought that would be insensitive” - kuroo
- we love a thoughtful king 👑🤧
- now that everyone’s caught up to date, you tell them that you decided to invite them over for Egyptian food next week and how that was one of the things you were discussing with ur mom
- at the mention of food they get exited
- now they can’t wait for next week
- “WAIT!!! don’t Egyptians speak Egyptian????” Lev and his poWERFUL brain pt2
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- this you again
- from then on Kuroo decided to learn about Egypt and the culture cuz he felt like
- you know so much abt his country and culture, the least he could do is know the same about yours, right?
- he tries to say cute things and actually succeeds
Bokuto Kotaro:
- you, Bokuto and Akaashi are at your place watching a movie
- then your mom shows up
Mama (L/N): (Y/N) 2oul/2ouli le as7abak/as7abik en el 2akl gahez w 2is2al/2is2ali lau akl masri msh moshkela lihom. (Y/N) tell your friends the food is ready and ask if Egyptian food isn’t an issue for them.
(Y/N): 7adr ya mama. Teslam 2ideki. Yes mom. Teslam 2ideki is what you say to a person who cookes as appreaciation. A semi direct translation would be bless your hands.
- ngl all this Egyptian food talk is getting to me imma go grab some myself
- I’m typing on my phone rn while waiting for the microwave to finish
- you had already told them before hand that they would be trying traditional food
- they just didn’t know what country it was from
- or Bokuto at least
- “So that’s what Egyptian Arabic sounds like. Huh 🤔” - brain babie Kaashi
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- literally bokuto
- “yoU’RE EGYPTIAN?????”
- “Ummm yea?????”
- “How do I know but you don’t, Bokuto-san?”
- you tell them about the food being ready and talk about Egypt over the meal
- Now that he knows
- tries to say cute things but fails
- like he tried to say ana ba7ebak/ ba7ebik I love you and ends up saying ana ba7la2ak/ba7la2ik I’m shaving you
- you’re just dying of laughter the whole time
- but it’s the thought that counts 🥰
Akaashi Keiji:
- ngl this by will figure it out on his own
- he’s just that smart
- he hears you talking about it with your classmate and that’s how he finds out
- then one day while out on a date your grandma calls
- “what the ..?” confused Y/N
- “what’s up?” concerned Akaashi
- “my grandma’s video calling me”
- “well pick up then”
- “but we’re on a date rn???”
- “just pick up”
Y/N: allo?? hi Nanna!!!!! Hello?? Hi Grandma!!!!!
Grams: hi 7abib/7abibet Nanna! Hi Grandma’s dear! enti fen delwa2ti ya 7abiby/7abibty? Where are you right now dear?
Y/N: ana 7aleyan ma3 sa7bi benetmasha. I’m currenty walking with my boyfriend 
Grams: Eh da fe3lan? Really??? Tab warili weshou. Show me his face 
Y/N: O.o
- ngl my granda would ask me to do that
- “she wants to see your face” 
- “mine?”
- “yes”
- “o-oh”
- cue Akaashi standing behind you and resting his head on your shoulder
- uwu
- the next thing he did was a shocker
- ngl I’m writing this and I’m schocked
Akaashi: hi ana esmi Keiji hi my name is Keiji
Grams: Eh dah Y/N enta/enti ma2oltelish enno beyetkalem 3arabi Y/N you didn’t tell me he speaks Arabic
Y/N: wallahi makont 3aref/3arfa. Lau kont 3aref 3arfa kont 2olt le 7adretik. I swear I had no clue. If I had known I would have told you.
Grams: tab ana hasibko testamte3o wa2toko ma3 ba3d. I’ll let you enjoy your time together now. Bye! kobulat! Bye !kisses!
Y/N: Bye! kobulat! Bye! kisses!
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- this is you rn
- “oh I heard you talking to a classmate about being Egyptian so I thought it would be good if I could introduce myself in Arabic.”
- bless his heart ISTG
- he knows a lot about the culture from research and stuff
- enjoys it when you make things like koshari for him to try
- also likes foul w ta3meya after trying it in your bento once
Kageyama Tobio:
- ngl this boy doesn’t use his brain that often except for volleyball
- he never thought of the fact that you’re not Japanese
- he finds out about it when Hinata asks what in your bento
- when you answe torli (A tray of baked potatoes, carrots, onions, and tomato sauce. eaten with rice)
- he’s like ????
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- dis him rn
- when hinata asks what that is and you explained it and that you’re Egyptian
- he was hiding the fact that this is new information to him
- then hinata opened his mouth
- “Kageyama did you know that???”
- yea that’s where everything went south
- he was stuttering and in the end the tangerine never got his answer seeing as the bell saved the blueberry in question
- from then on he tries to take note of everything when it’s you
- he’s not gonna try to learn phrases from you he’ll forget them 0.2 seconds later
Sawamura Daichi:
- he probably finds out when Oikawa ( with whom you attended middle school with and maintain a good friendship with) asks you how to compliment girls in Arabic
Daichi: ??? Y/N doesn’t speak Arabic
Oikawa: OHHHH you haven’t told him yet? Anyways Y/N is Egyptian and so is the girl I’m trying to impress so pleassseeee
Y/N: no ........ fine later tho
Oikawa : YAY thank youuuu
- asks you why you didn’t tell him
- is a bit worried
- but calms down when you explain how it never came up
- asks you abt Egypt and the culture
- imo he won’t try to learn phrases
- he LOVES Egyptian food 
- I can see him liking Koshari a lot
- also LOVES Basbusa
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gayregis · 5 years
angouleme can have little a avuncular guidance. as a treat ... heres some semblance of a compilation of regis being a guardian to angouleme, things i think about . both funnie and sad moments included i think
angouleme sneaks out at night to get into trouble / does other questionable things around the palace nocturnally, regis always catches her and it’s always on accident since they just have very similar time schedules. angouleme stares at him intensely in “oh fuck i just got caught” like O_O for a good 30 seconds EVERY time this happens but regis is just like :| and shrugs saying “i didn’t see anything, i’m a human, i can’t see at night or whatever” and walks off. also the next morning geralt always questions him as to what angouleme was doing, if he saw her when he was coming home, and regis always denies knowledge or says smth along the lines of “i’m not a narc, geralt :/”
angouleme yelling/losing her shit/saying wildly inappropriate things ... regis produces a ye olde granola bar from his bag and gives it to her and she quiets down immediately and is like :) content eating the granola bar. you can also substitute the granola bar with a bag of baby carrots.
similarly angouleme saying crazy shit and geralt telling her to be quiet and asking regis to recount this instead and regis says something incredibly similar/the exact same
that one time that milva was teaching angouleme to shoot and angouleme clear missed the target and got regis instead and actually for the first time was incredibly upset and regretful and guilty that she had inflicted pain and potentially death upon someone and was very worried and apologetic and ashamed ... but also when regis inevitably just plucks out the arrow and hands it back to her and says “oh i think this is yours” angouleme is like wait so he litcherally cant be killed... this is epic
basically angouleme who’s been abandoned having an immortal protector and mentor. peace
as i said in the tags of this post here: regis comes of as so peaceful as an individual that at first angouleme resents him a little, because she associates peace with arrogance... like, oh youre content with your life and dont hate yourself? so you think youre better than me? fucker. and she’s so used to asshole men being creeps in her life that this company still seems really bizarre in the regard that none of these men are dangerous. but then she learns about what ... who ... regis was in the past and she realizes that they’re similar, and then does the math and realizes that maybe one day she’ll also find this inner peace and can stop hating herself so much for the things she’s done and the things that have happened to her. angouleme not feeling as though she's so alone and such a fuckup that only she could ever get into such a mess like this... i feel like she has an unhealthy amount of survivor’s guilt, as in she blames herself for not dying while everyone else in her band did, and she also feels like what the world has given her she deserved because she was a fundamentally bad person from birth bc of her status, and that she will be stuck in this violent hellscape of a life forever and thats just how it is and she has to continue violence... but i think when she meets regis (and also milva) she realizes that violence does not need to be a cycle and change is possible.
also in the tags of that post: i think... regis developing more understanding/empathy and putting ethical philosophy into actual practice where it actually has stakes (haha haha haha stakes haha haha haha haha haha). i think in the hansa he learns what humanity actually means
also bc vampires just... do not parent, it’s not in their culture to, regis learning what guardianship actually means and growing into this position where he protects this child and begins to understand humanity on this deeper level of the feeling of protecting a child, because that’s very human, valuing and protecting the progenity for a new generation is incredibly human
also geralt arguing with regis that “humans don’t regrow their heads” so he can’t just be supporting her doing all sorts of dumb shit just bc he did it and he turned out alright... they kind of have to argue on how to parent i’m saying bc again vampire parenting is not much parenting at all. just let them go wild what’s the worst that could happen... they’ll learn sort of thing. so regis has to confront the idea of human fragility and mortality
i think regis also learns from angouleme in that it’s very easy to hate and loathe your past self and curse your past self, asking “what could i have possibly been thinking, what an idiotic thing to do...” when your past self was not actually devoid of any redeemable qualities and was actually just misguided and without hope... regis condemns his past self quite harshly but because he would never admonish angouleme in such a way i think he realizes that the self-loathing is excessive and unproductive and potentially harmful
i said this in a post already, but geralt is overflowing with fatherly vibes and milva is also stern so i think there is a lot of value in regis to angouleme , in that she can tell him practically anything and he won’t get on her case for it . she finds this kind of amnesty in him whereas with the other members of the hansa they’d freak and start asking her all these questions. regis is just like “hm ok” and maybe discusses a little but doesn’t give her shit for it. this allows angouleme to confide a lot of stuff that she wouldn’t normally feel safe to tell someone else, and also probably gets her out of a lot of trouble bc someone (a very powerful someone) will know where she is and what she’s doing... so if she gets into trouble, she has a lifeline
this also means she can tell him a lot of funnie stories that she doesn’t have to stop herself with because “was gonna say smth funny and then remembered it involved murder.” also regis has like a thousand stories too obviously so he counters her wild tales with smth even crazier and then they’ll try to compete for a bit like “well ONE TIME i...” but angouleme actually always wins and neither knows how she does
surgery lessons, or basically regis was sewing someone up and angouleme invaded the scene going “can i watch can i watch”
also alchemy lessons, which turns into basically “so that’s how you make fisstech... interesting”
i think also in these mentorships regis quizzes her lightly like “and what reactions does this species of plant produce in the human body...?” and angouleme says the right answer, “oh they drop dead” and regis is like “very good!” and angouleme kind of goes insane with happiness a little at being called ‘good’ / being praised by a parental figure for maybe like one of the first times in her life. similarly, i think regis would attest to angouleme’s character at the breakfast table in discussions, and say things like “well our angouleme is very smart” and she’d be like >:3!!!
as in canon, adopting each other’s speech mannerisms... not just regis adopting angouleme’s unique phrases, but i would also like to think abt angouleme saying smth pseudo-philosophical to throw someone off of her tracks... like “so, i owe you money... but what is the concept of debt and ownership, anyways? isn’t it all just a construct by society? by humanity?” and then she bolts and evades her creditors
regis trying to teach angouleme stuff and then being like “oh wait i forgot you can’t fly, hmm... ” “oh wait i forgot you can’t hypnotize people, hmm....... that complicates things...” ... jokes on regis though bc apparently angouleme can scale buildings and talk her way out of a lot of situations, so that’s almost as good as flight and hypnosis
im trying to not be sad rn but i think regis would be a very good person to cry on. like his cloak is very soft. and he smells like herbs. so there you go. but i think also angouleme having a breakdown would be cathartic for both of them because angouleme realizes that she’s being vulnerable around an adult and she isn’t afraid of them and regis realizes that he has a responsibility to not treat physical wounds, but rather to treat emotional ones and that’s infinitely more difficult
i think angouleme would have breakdowns to regis about: her family/her mother, geralt taking her into the hansa but she feels like he probably just sees her as a replacement daughter, i think also she gets into too much trouble one night and regis has to get her out of trouble and she kind of just breaks down because her life is crazy and has always been crazy and there’s no way out because this is all she has
i think angouleme also gets pretty upset at seeing children/teens with “perfect lives,” like she just gets crazy bitter about it... and there’s no shortage of nobility around the palace, so she’s constantly reminded of her background. i think regis’s not-being-a-human-isms and philosophy that stems from an immortal perspective that all humans are equal in life and death can help with this. but also he kind of has to learn that you can’t just talk about smth abt society or the past that is fucked up and solve it by having had said it... it will always remain an issue...
i also think that regis has his ravens scout around for angouleme’s lost pendant with a sea-cat on it, but when she gets it back she gets mad and says that she doesn’t want it because she doesn’t want to be reminded of her mother, regis is like “ok” but angouleme is still mad, she realizes she’s mad because she doesn;t think that regis realizes that he’s actually become more of a guardian to her than her biological mother was, and tries to provoke him but regis is unprovokable ofc so he’s like hm explain that and angouleme just spills her emotions
to bring this back to happy i think they could also prank geralt pretty hard. and or eavesdrop. plus there will be times like where angouleme is waiting by a door trying to listen in and straining and regis stands like 3 feet from the door and hears everything perfectly, just recites it all aloud and she’s like oh this is so much easier. 
also once angouleme was eavesdropping on geralt and dandelion arguing and regis approached and was like “angouleme :/” and angouleme was like >:/ “get out of here i’m tryna eavesdrop” and regis was like “there’s a more professional way to do this” and disappears through the door, angouleme is like “showoff!” ... geralt smells sage and throws a moon dust bomb at him and regis coughs up silver shards for the rest of the day. also when angouleme hears the explosion she jumps in, so this was a failed attempt all around
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zenosanalytic · 5 years
House of X #1: The Complications of Trees
Ok so, with that Intro Out of the Way, Here’s me talking abt the intro image of House of X #1 for 1500 words :| :| :|
For Context:
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Father and Mother
Ok let’s get into it. The central image of page 1 is of 3 pillars of light pouring into the cavern from above, triangulating a Tree of Roots. Right off the bat this is Chthonic: “Chthonic”(pronounced thahnik, tho if you wanna sneak a barely perceptiple “ch” at the front of it, I’ll respect you u_u) means “of the underworld” or, less ominously, “subterranean”, and here we are not only literally in a cavern, but dealing with a tree made out of the subterranean PARTS of a tree; its roots. Strange eye-like fuschia circles seem to look on from the cavern walls, pupil-less, insectile, and, to me, especially reminiscent of the eyes of the Ohmu from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. For comparison:
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Strange orange chrysalis-fruit grow at the bottom of the root tree(whether from it or placed near it isn’t clear). From these chrysalises hatch the X Men, beginning with Scott and Jean, to be welcomed by Xavier.
There are clear mythic elements to this image. Representing the X Men first with Scott and Jean, the prototypical m/f couple of the series, is an obvs reference to Adam and Eve. Having Xavier standing above them, looking on, welcoming them to life within a plant-space, a garden, obvsl casts him in the position of God, The Father, in the abrahimic creation myth and suggests his responsibility for this event, even though they are hatching from the eggs(?) growing on the tree, and not being made by him directly.
It isn’t only abrahimic, though; those Chthonic elements again. Gaia, the Greek Mother-Earth, was at once human and Earth; her anatomy analogized to physical geography. Caverns are enclosed interior spaces; wombs are enclosed interior spaces; caverns are wombs. Xavier’s costume furthers the Chthonic connection through oblique reference to other subterranean Greek deities: he is dressed is a form-fitting black jumpsuit. I cant speak to how Hades was colored in the classical era, but in the modern day he is typically depicted in blacks, dark-greys, and dark or grey blues, matching Prof X’s costume here. This visual connection to Hades goes further(though I can see this one being unintentional; Plouton’s epithets arent exactly common knowledge): X wears what looks to be a portable version of Cerebro which completely covers his eyes. A common Epithet for Hades/Plouton is “The Unseen One”; Xavier’s SEEMING sightlessness calls this to mind without being a direct reference, or undermining the larger visual(which his being invisible would certainly do). And we could take that further to an even more oblique, even subtextual, play with inversion&paradox, with resolution of opposites, with things being both themselves and their negation: Sightless, Xavier Sees; Seen, he is Unseeable. The Chthonic staging and symbolism, pairing Xavier with this environment, strengthens the Hades connection(Hades is the “Lord of the Underworld”, Xavier is in an Underworld place, in a “Lordly” position), and conversely the parallels are strengthened further by knowledge of Hades/Plouton’s Marriages. Originally he was husband to Demeter, variously etymologized as Mother of the House or “Great/Rye/Divine/Earth Mother”, seen in the subterranean setting, and then Persephone, a Goddess of Spring, Harvest, and Vegetal Fertility, which we see in the seeming-birth-giving tree. And the mythic symbolism of THAT goes further still, given how common humans and animals growing from plants are in myths all over the world. The image is layered in creation-myth, birth-imagery, and the supernatural or superhuman(the last bits resonating, obvsl, with the XMen’s own history&mythology). This works on both an immediate and meta level; not only is this scene taking place within the context of the story Hickman and his team are trying to tell, but it also takes place at the beginning of a reboot of the XMen franchise; in a literal meta sense, this scene is a “rebirth” of The XMen into this new “Dawn of X” era.
Returning to the cavern(but staying with Greek myth, cuz I’m predictable), it potentially presents another mythic aspect, though this is PROBABLY an idiosyncratic read and not intentional. Caverns are dark places; literally the epitome of darkness in the mythic Greek sense through Erebus(non-night darkness, the darkness of deep shadows or caverns), the husband-son of Nyx(Night). Erebus is more than just the son or the husband of Nyx, however; Nyx created Erebus from herself, by herself. In a real sense, Erebus is, simultaneously, apart from Night and a part of Night; Himself and Herself, Darkness and, at the same time, Night writ small. Coincidentally(and apropos for this story), within some Orphic traditions Nyx is tasked with ensuring the passage of divine leadership from one generation to another, and choosing who will lead.  Which leads us to...
Ambiguity cuts through all of this, undermining the notion of clear oppositions; clear beginnings and clear endings. Xavier, small and masculine on the first page, is on the second towering and in a classically feminine pose(I’ve seen this in dance and modeling approx a BILLION times, but I dont know the name of it, and I cant seem to land on a search phrase that’ll get me decent stills of it. If anyone does, or can point me to an instance of it, I’d appreciate having the name so I could search & plop some comparison images in here) which combines with the conflation of his will, the Tree, and the birth above to present him as ambiguously mother and father. While possibly unintentional the same is repeated for the cave itself through the Erebus connection: an underground womb, it is Feminine; a “place of darkness”, of Erebus, it is Masculine.  And of course in the earth is where ppl are buried; a place both of birth, and death. Likewise a tree’s roots usually take nutrients from the earth, feeding on decay and decomposition, yet here they do the opposite “fruiting” the X-Men from themselves like moths from a cocoon.
There’s a particularly interesting depiction of X in this two-page spread that, at first glance, is symbolically masculine but, on further thought, I think its very masculinity works to play into this thematic ambiguity. On page 1 a tiny erect person stands before the Tree on a large mound, dwarfed by the uterine tree dominating the cavern&scene. The masculine symbolism of that figure in its context is obvious. However that context also subtly subvert it through a pun. Obvsl I go LOOKING for puns, so maybe this is a wholly idiosyncratic read of it, but part of why the tiny figure reads as masculine despite its lack of definition is the pun in “mound” being popular vernacular for vagina(more specifically the vagina’s external features, and most specifically the mons pubis/mons venus). So the first image we have of Xavier(though we aren’t SURE it’s him yet, or if it’s a man) is of him as a tiny man on a mound; symbolically atop a vagina :| A popular vernacular phrase for the clitoris is “a small man in a boat” with the “boat” also being this anatomic context :| :| Visually, Xavier is a Clit :| :| :| Again: Masculine and Feminine combined rather than opposed, and it goes all the way down(yes this wording is both awkward AND intentional u_u u_u).
His ambiguity crystalizes and embodies the general ambiguity of the scene: eggs that are chrysalises; new-born adults; a Tree that is only roots, birth underground in a place of burial, Light in a Dark Place, and mammals born through insect-imagery by a tree. This last image, the central action of the two pages(beyond the plants-fruiting-animals stuff mentioned before), contains so much ambiguity just on its own: Plants typically possess both ”male” and “female” parts(neither of which honestly mirror the animal counterparts for which the words were coined); the XMen “hatch” from chrysalises but chrysalises arent eggs they’re a stage in transition from one form to the next; they are human, but the process of their “birth”, with its eggs and cocoons “fruiting” from a plant, is everything BUT mammalian and human. 
This ambiguity extends to the moral realm. Large, bald heads, masks and helmets, eggs, sightless or hidden eyes, dark colors --especially black and purple(the fuschia circles, but also some lighting effects)--, gender ambiguity, pod-people; all of these are also conventional signs of the nefarious and villainous. While we know the X Men and Xavier as heroes, and while the event is presented as unquestionably mythic perhaps even miraculous, the moral quality of it, and of Xavier’s wider actions, isn’t clear. But again this is an ambiguity of inclusion rather than one of either/or; it merges the masculine and feminine, rejecting the boundaries set between them, rather than asking which is which. So I take this moral ambiguity similarly; not as a question “is Xavier right or wrong?” but as suggesting there are both morally “right” and morally “wrong” elements to these events(and to the comic series proper), existing side-by-side.
All of this ties into the theme of cycles, and from there into repetition and rebirth. A Cycle has phases which can seem to be in opposition(day and night, for instance) but which are actually part of a larger whole, leading one to the other. Death and Life are one such seeming opposition; living things die, an end for them, but that end feeds other living things. Life feeds from itself through death, to perpetuate itself in new beginnings. Appropriately this ties back into the mythic elements: the best guess as to what the Eleusinian Mysteries --dedicated to the Chthonic deities Demeter, Persephone, and Plouton-- were about was the descent, stay, and ascent of Persephone to and from Hades; in other words the cycle of life, death, and new life(though there doesn’t seem to be agreement over whether this was new life or an afterlife in the scholarship. Given the much under-discussed, and under-recorded, Greek belief in reincarnation, it could have easily been either).
All of which raises a central question: Is Xavier Banging that Tree :| (I kid, I kid! What can I say but: Comedy demands  -___-)
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
me yelling abt the new sander sides episode because i have no chill
under the cut, friendos!
i’m typing this as i listen/watch the video btw so it’s all in order! also this is very long
that’s... an intro.
i love joan so much hghfhgjfdhjk
new channel news yay
Tweet Tunes blz come back
“give me my shirt back!”
i still love the intro to sander sides so much
thomas what the fuck. i’m so confused
“Cast: Thomas Sanders” that’s sander sides in a nutshell
also thats a big fuckin wine glass
dont eat bad chicken wraps blz
“yeah but what’s your actual job?” oof
the beginning is very slow paced imo blehh. a good reflection on thomas’ mood in the video tbh
“i feel bad about feeling bad” me all the time
i cant believe roman got slapped in the face
roman x katana otp uwu
“Logan!!! It’s Patton!!” that was both cute and kinda odd? did he think logan would be suspicious of him being deceit? probably not
logan really goin for those claps and syllables
“Although I am overcome by a titillating, tingly sensation whenever deadlines are met” l-logan? what??? did you just say?? i agree with roman’s reaction on this one.
the poor 4th wall. also i’m not belittled
patton called himself, roman, and logan daddy
virgil flapping as he’s like “Are you serious??”
the countless amount of beeps as roman and logan argue.
bestest duo
god the stretching shit
i mean we been knew he’s insecure but still
“do you know how dangerous that is?”
“I’m shooting straight, even though I’m gay”
dfkghdfkjhdskj patton knows what everyone calms down with hghghgfh
i love how logan just immediately starts solving the cube lol
it was 25 seconds jfc logan
tfw you’re just so good at being creativity that you color the mona lisa with shitty colors
are.. are they making a vine reference?? with the loop thing??
F r o o t
S am e  s i  es  logan s w ea t y B L Z
“get naked??” ROMAN PL E A SE
he was ready to strip what the  F UCK
intact and wet?
hfgjkhdjk logan’s trying his best
Sometime’s we don’t know that there’s a question to be asked: clarified
i want a cogitating cap but it’s $25 sobs
textbooks, m I S T A KES (roman jfc), PUPPETS!!
yes virgil defend pat
tbh i had the same thoughts as logan at first abt the adult thing..
roman you over did the chin, buddy
“you are unbelievably extra any time you get” “put a sOCK IN IT!”
and then virgil becomes a sock puppet
sweet coraline!!! BA BA BAAAAA
“if by up you mean the opposite of down to do this” that was very convoluted
what is with roman not liking the word figuratively??? are you ok?? is there some secret angst behind the meaning of that word?
patton cursed again
is... 5 by 5 a thing???
jfc logan, you wear light wash jeans?? i thought they would be dark
oh and you hit roman in the eye
ngl i laughed because he’s a puppet and couldn’t blink
oh my god logan looks so regretful w h a t?
also L is a new nickname
“Maybe I should go” “NO”
o shit
slight throwback to when Logan left in moving on part 1??? :3c
hfdjkhfkjd like mAR IA
ew feelings
“i’d rather go live in a garbage can” same
thomas we love you so much feelings are weird
jfc patton.
“oh i’m sorry, EXCEPT I’M NOT!”
big oof at roman being called out
“oh my gosh, what is up your butt?” “... an  ARM”
i mean he’s not wrong but i feel like he could’ve thought about that phrase a little more carefully
i really liked the text stuff when logan was talking about “Why?”
solid electric company reference yeet
logan flailing his arms is a mood
“i could list off several factors that very well could be contributing to your doubts” someone let him sp e a k
and it’s virgil.
lmao that was a big “I’ll take what I can get” bit for logan ngl rip
hfgkdhjdkfs virgil as the count i’m
logan’s looks he’s giving virgil are m o o d s
“three depressing speculations, ah ah ah...”
“four uncomfortable characters in this room”
“jeez you slobbily eat some jam and accidentally make a jew puns and now you’re suddenly sensitive about being taken seriously?” “I’m not a joke!”
the logan angst i’ve been craving
logan blz hhhhhh
headcanon: adjusting his tie is a big stim
you can see virgil’s expression in the puppet when patton calls him a cute muffin wowie puppeteering is neat!
roman ur being an ass
“it’s too bad your brain isnt as big as your chin” “well you smell like FOOT” hfdjhgjfkdhs
there’s so many more logan screenshots i gottttttt yessss
“what? no-” too late, it’s musical time
“another song, really?” logan, you literally sang last episode
this patton angst return
“Did that work?” “Nope!” logan’s face at that. b o i did you not pay attention? to moving on pt 2? he was kinda there as thomas right?? maybe?? oh no
“I knew you’d listen to me as too scary to ignore” hello @asofterfan got that thing down to a T.
logan just looks so shook like “oh shit”
“but when you lo-care for someone...” virgil, we all heard it.
logan breaking down the musical into just the keyboard was p cool
hghgnhghfhsg THE ONE SHOT SLAM
ahdsdshjkdfsk i love this part with logan and thomas so MU CH
ALSO! I think there was a key change to something minor? sounded much more overlooming/scary as they ended their verses
“You’re lost” “I’m right here” “It’s okay. I was lost once too...” i’m just shook.
roman just hangs his actual dirty socks jfkdkfdh
that trumpet thoooooo
virgil just callin everyone out today
logince angst content yeet
“logic always has a part to play, logan” ye  s s s s ss  validate him, virgil
virgil is callin out and validatin everybody today
dont hug me i’m scared ref, nice
moxiety hug!!
“that god i can move my arms again”
i can’t say i was surprised with logan becoming a robot sorta puppet
“iron giant nerd!” yeah
“I’ve never felt anything in my life” no patton squeal?
oh my god logan just said beep boop what a nerd
virgil telling patton about the innocent talks thing was something i really liked and was expecting eventually tbh
logan giving roman a high five!!!
“you did the stretchy arm!” “it’s not as gross when a robot does it” i need to see the arm thing jfc
“Can you tell me how to get-” “How to get to sesame street!” they just all... left him. rip
logan can’t summon well or control his shapeshifting powers that well?? hmm?
i love that ending with the sesame street throwback again aaaaaa
the way roman and patton laughed in the end card?? what the hell lmao
thomas throwing shade at himself with his own characters is a mood
Thanks to everyone who works on Sander Sides!! This was the longest episode yet, I think. The team grew so much
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yewphoric · 2 years
AH. I forgot to submit the ask but I'd like to hear more about Hadrevan from the questions you reblogged!!
5, 9, 15, 16 and 10 especially!!
Also I know 12 doesn't apply to him but I thought it would be cool to reverse it: How do they show dislike towards people they hate? i.e. passive aggression, trading one liners, ignoring them etc
HI tbh im glad you asked abt him bc this forces me to develop him DSLDKFJSLKD though a lot of these are just gonna be speculation bc he is RLLY early in the works rn
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
Ok honestly I imagine him as a bad liar so this is probably a yes. I think this dude has 0 charisma bc he spent all his early years learning how to sneak around people rather than talk to them. I think his tell (aside from looking visibly nervous) might be that he starts lilting his voice up with every sentence? Like he's asking a question? Even if the situation is totally serious and he's definitely not lying? Like this?? skdjflsk I also think that once he started with the Blades in Morrowind, he started learning how to actually interact with people better, including how to lie, so he did that less. However, I also think he would lean really into the like guidebook of "how to be a good liar" and his tell would be that he would suddenly become weirdly smooth and good with eye contact
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
I have no idea :pensive: probably something but. They're so early in development and I've never written or roleplayed as them so I have honestly no idea what they sound like or how they talk and what words they use
15. Are their greatest flaw and their greatest strength related and in what way? (ie very caring and helpful but a doormat, or very observant and shrewd but often paranoid)
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABT THIS A BIT okay so. actually like in the question, I think the observance thing comes into play as he gets more mature and stuff. He's always had a good eye for just, stuff, but as tensions rise and things get more stressful for him, he starts to get paranoid and distrust almost everyone, mainly bc at that point Dagoth Ur has really got into his head and he doesn't get much sleep if he can help it.
It also relates a bit to something I've been thinking about for him. So he's really quite young, and early on he relies a lot on other people, specifically Caius, to tell him what to do and when and how to do it. That's how he's lived his whole life so far, having previously been in the Dark Brotherhood as a low rank that just took orders. Once Caius has to go back to Cyrodiil, Hadrevan is forced to grow up and start relying on himself for once. And that becomes a huge strength! He's able to make decisions confidently by himself and operate efficiently alone, but it also becomes a detriment because he begins to lean too far into it when he gets to be a paranoid insomniac. All the groups he ends up working with to take down Dagoth Ur start to regard him as a bit of a mystery because he becomes scared that they'll betray him.
So yeah like. I think eventually he becomes a very efficient and observant lone wolf, but his lack of trust in anyone becomes very toxic and he ends up in dangerous situations quite often, as well as the fact he has absolutely nobody to lean on or vent to.
16. How has their childhood affected the way they view an aspect of their life (people, education, society, themselves, etc)?
HMMM okay I'm still not totally set on their upbringing, but I do think perhaps that they were orphaned at a young age (to align with the "born to uncertain parents" part of the Nerevarine Prophecies), and either was raised in or joined the Dark Brotherhood at a pretty young age. So I'm thinking that like, their perception of maybe like... how the world works is affected by this? That they might lowkey think that society is full of scumbags because they were part of an organization that well KILLED people for profit, so that must be something everyone is involved in in some way or another... idk honestly. I do think for sure that they might have a longing for a parental figure, and it always boggles their mind when people take having parents for granted. Poor dude tbh
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)?
Hmmm.... haven't thought about this ngl! Okay actually I don't know if it's "weird" because it's definitely some kind of stim thing, but he's just. Always got something in his mouth. Oral fixation ftw like if he can put it in his mouth and it's got a good feel, it WILL be chewed on. I think it's something that keeps him relaxed and feeling regular <3
12. (Changed) How do they show dislike towards people they hate? i.e. passive aggression, trading one liners, ignoring them etc
SO I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little bit back to square one on his sexuality. Particularly I keep flipping back and forth on whether to keep him aro, particularly loveless. I do REALLY want to write a loveless aro character one day, definitely, I'm just.... really attached to NereVoryn as well, and I like the idea of the Nerevarine still having complicated feelings for Dagoth Ur. I'm still very undecided though </33
NONETHELESS THOUGH: I think if Hadrevan doesn't like you, it's pretty obvious. Lowkey think they'd just flat out ignore anyone they didn't like, and getting angry if they're forced to talk to them for something and generally just being rather quipped and to the point. I think that's in sharp contrast to how they normally behave, because I'm lowkey thinking they talk a LOT generally.
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fyars · 7 years
171216 Premium Unit Event #1 Jinyoung & Youngjae Full Fanacc
They were dressed in their Kono Mune Ni stage outfits - Jinyoung in a white shirt and Youngjae in a black silk shirt.
When they went up stage, Furuya-san (MC) asked them to introduce themselves. Basically it must be → "Hello! This is GOT7" then their names, but since JB was not here, the 2 stumbled a bit and said the phrase "We are GOT7" unsynchronizedly, then giggled in embarrassment.
When it's Jinyoung's turn to introduce himself, he lifted the mic to fast with exceeding strength, making it collide into his own teeth with a "BANG!". JY immediately held his lips like a kid clearly suffering but YJ just laughed loudly bc his hyung's accident is just so cute 
Since the event hall is very small, the "Bang!" sound from Jinyoung's mic even echoed harder, making it even more embarrassing for him. To cover up that embarrassment, JY quickly said "Everyone, I'm okay, I'M OKAY!" while his plumped lips from just got even redder ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
JY: (still embarrassed) Hmmm... Japan is really hot eh?  MC+YJ+Agases: ?????  MC: You meant like.."hot"? Really? In this winter weather?  YJ: Not...cold at all?  JY: Totally not cold at all. But hot. Since everyone is here~~~  MC: You meant Korea is SUPER COLD, while Japan is a bit warm, but here is TOO HOT bc your fans are here?  JY: *shy* MC: Everyone~ Is it hot in here?  Ahgases: Yeah~ㅋㅋㅋ  MC: Hey (that reaction is) cold~  JY: Sorry~ (for the lame joke)  MC: It's okay, took only 2mins anyway  YJ: AHAHAHAHAHA
MC: How do you feel working as an unit and having unit event like this, just 2 of you?  JY: It's the first time we do this as an unit right? Well after all, aren't we the best (among the 3 units)?  MC: You even make ranking of the units in your group???  JY: Of course! ㅍㅅㅍ JY: It's special. Since this is the 1st time we promote in this form, I'm super happy to be able to do event like this.  YJ: It's somehow "fushigi" (=strange)!  MC: Strange?  YJ: *innocently* Yeah strange desu yo↗︎!   JY: I'm sorry this kid says strange stuff sometimes. YJ: Uhm can we...sit now?  MC: Of course of course!  YJ: *in tiny voice* Uhmm and...I need water..please... (HIS OTTERING IS SHOWING!!)  MC: Ahaha okay~ *calls staff*   YJ: Oh and...uhm.. 2 water please For Jinyoung hyung too~  JY: Awww *holds YJ's hand* (my child is) so kind!♡♡♡
Furuya-san then asked some staff to get water for them immediately (seemed like they didn't expect Youngjae to ask for water so they didn't prepare) while 
JY: *raised both hands to clap nobly* Water please~  MC: Wow such a courteous way of ordering, sir!  YJ: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When Furuya-san was asking for water into his mic so that the background staff could hear, Youngjae even said in tiny voice "Everyone, please gimme water~" in that super adorable expression while bringing his hands together. He's not an idol. He's an otter ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MC: I went to your Osaka TURN UP show last time!  JY: Alone?  MC: Yup  JY: After the show we would definitely want to greet you, but you didn't show up..  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  JY: It's totally okay though....  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  MC: ...... JY: No, really, it's okay  YJ: I WAS OKAY TOO! But this place hurts a bit *places a hand on his chest*  MC: ...  JY: Why~  MC: Hey it's premium unit event today and you two came just to bully me??  YJ: Teehee sorry~  JY: He must have been "I forgot ehe~"  MC: NO I DIDN'T  JY: ㅋㅋㅋ MC: But the live was really amazing! Your stages were so cool! "Kono mune ni" perf was splendid too!  YJ: Oh really? So among 3 units which one is the best match to your style?  MC: ...  JYYJ: *turns to interpreter noona* Tell him he must answer right away! Must answer right away! MC: After all, it's "Kono mune ni" for me!  YJ: But after one show when we  asked which stage he liked best he said "Bam's 97 Y&R stage was~"!  MC: Oh no no I didn't say such terrible thing!  JY: Wow~ *unbelievable face* MC: *tries hard to convince 2young* I'm just a man seeing life in rose color  JY: Woa~ "life is colored rose" huh?  MC: Yea "life is colored rose"! This gentleman here really says something impressive!  JY: *giggles with his wrinkled eye-smile* ㅋㅋㅋ
MC: Let's talk abt their unit song. What thought did you have in mind when you wrote this song, Youngjae?  YJ: Its original name is "Daijoubu" (It's alright). Geunde...demo... (both mean "but")  MC: Awesome! Translating by himself!  YJ: AHAHA~  JY: *pats YJ* It's okay, just go on! :)
YJ: Its original title was 괜찮아/Daijoubu, but during the process of translating the lyrics I wrote, many changes occurred gradually too. 괜찮아 means "Wherever you are it's still okay, I'm still here. As long as you come back to me it'll be okay". That's what I had in mind.
MC: Jinyoung, when you first listened to the song how did you feel?  JY: I thought it's a very well written song. It's a song containing so much of Youngjae's own color, that's why it's really fun when we practiced it. MC: So you mean you can feel the emotions in this song while practicing, that's why it's enjoyable right?  JY: Honestly speaking if a song sounds so-so to me I wouldn't want to practice it, but this song is different! It inspires me!  YJ: AHAHAHA~  JY: Gotta do what you want right!? MC: So basically you won't feel the urge to practice songs you don't like?  JY: But not this song!! What I said is just for example!  MC: If your company gives you songs you don't like you'll be like "I don't wanna practice~ don't wanna~" too?  YJ: AHAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY XD MC: Also, the piano scene in your unit teaser is awesome!  YJ: Oh really? You saw it?  MC: Wh...what did you mean by "saw it"?  Of course we saw that's why we are talking about it now, right?   YJ: AHAHAHAHA OH RIGHT HAHAHA  OUCH *almost choked on his own spit*
YJ: I just wanted to play the piano, since it's how I made "Kono mune ni". I wrote lyrics for it first, then made the melody after using the piano. That's why I wanted to put the piano playing scene into our video too. My scene was filmed as exactly as how I created the song.
Since YJ's Japanese is still limited, all the explanations on Kono mune ni were in Korean and got translated. But YJ always ended his long explanation with Jpn phrases like "imi desu" (It means~) or "deshita" (that was), which was really cute 
 JY: He's really studying Jpn hard!
JY: YJ's scene was easy. Mine was hard tho. At least YJ still could play the piano, while I had nothing to do!! Like, just sit there and made blank face. PD would tell me "Look that way!" and I was like, *looks*. When it's done, I was just "Thanks for the work!" then went home  MC: "Kono mune ni..." stage was great, but of course we're also looking forward to Budokan live too!  YJ: Yes please look forward to it! Because~  All: OOOHHHHH~~  YJ: WOOOHH~ hehe let's stop here! I will just reveal this much! JY: So, who are going to Budokan!?  Ahgases: \\٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و//  MC: ' v ' JY: WHO. GONNA. GO. TO. BUDOKAN??  MC: *finally realized he is targeted* Wait, are you bullying me now?  JY: *shrugged* Again, who gonna go to Budokan? *turns to look at interpreter noona*  YJ: She has schedule alr~
MC: Let's move to Unit song associated game. It's confession time!!! Please give it an applause everyone! *Kono mune ni is playing*  YJ: Why did you play Kono mune ni when the atmosphere is about to hyper up like this?  MC: Now using your song title "Kono mune ni..." (In this heart), let's try confessing something you can't say normally to each other! Since today there're only the 2 of you here, I think it will help strength your bond too.  YJ: *already places both hands on his left chest* MC: Youngjae, you feelin' it? Anything (confession) came out (from your heart) already?  YJ: *tugged the shirt's neck to look at his bare chest inside*  MC: Wait this is getting strange!  YJ: Still nothing~  MC: GYAAA WHADDA YOU LOOKING FOR FROM THERE!?  YJ: Nothing coming yet~  MC: Jinyoung first! Confession please!  JY: *Thinking REAL hard*  MC: Wow his head gear is running desperately at the moment  JY: Can I have some times? I can't recall any, so maybe I'm just gonna make one.  MC: "Making" something to confess, okay.... ^^'' MC: So Youngjae, your confession?  YJ: *also thinking hard* Hmmm.... I ONLY like everyone right now~ HAI IT'S A JOKE! HAHA~  JY: Oh wait, how about everyone? Do you have something to confess to us?  MC: What a splendid thing! Now they totally kick the question to their fans  YJ: Anyone wanna confess? You! *points at a random fan*  Ahgase: Gyaa kawaiiii!  YJ: Kawaii? Okay so her confession to me is I am kawaii 
Youngjae then went off the stage all the way to a fan at 3~4th row to ask her confession. But her voice was small so 
YJ: I can't hear you. Let's speak louder, like this *places the mic to his mouth* Ah AH AHHHHHHH And it was very explosive. I hope the fan was alright.
Another ahgase: Actually I want to ask a question more than a confession to JY. 「Jinyoung-san」「Jinyoung-oppa」「Jinyoung-hwangjanim」just「Jinyoung」&「Jinyoung-chan」which do you like best? 
YJ: From my perspective it's Jinyoung-chan~♡  JY: Hmm I'd like to be called "Jinyoung-oppa" MC: Everyone let's call "Jinyoung-oppa" together!  Ahgase: Jinyoung-oppa~~  JY: Hey, are you alright? That noona over there clearly looks terrified by the "oppa" thing. She kept shaking her head like this *imitates*  Ahgase: No I don't~  JY: Noona if it's hard you don't need to try, okay~ 
JY: I now got one confession to YJ. It's an apology though. In the van that takes us around for activities, YJ always practices his singing and enunciation. But I'm really sleepy... and it keeps blasting to my ears...  MC: Always?  JY: Yeah always... YJ: Because I'm a singer, and I got a super loud voice. Plus the van is small so my voice echoes even more...  JY: So when YJ isn't looking, I....secretly turn UP the volume in my earphones....  YJ: I gotta confess to hyung too! Everytime JY hyung feels cold he'll turn on the heater full-fledged. When he does that, it's super hot for me, so when he's sleeping I secretly adjust the temperature DOWN All:   YJ: Bc the hot air can't flow outside, I just switch it OFF~ MC: Well then, with these confessions as an opportunity, will anything in the van be changed in the future for the 2 of you?  JY: I will...just turn up the volume of my earphones louder~   YJ: And I will turn down the temperature of the heater more lol~
After this was the fansign segment, and last greetings before the event ended. Both of them said they're looking forward to seeing Ahgases again in Budokan. When they both exited already, JY playfully peeked out from the stage wing again to wave at fans and tease Furuya-san lol.
fanacc by coded4d9dc
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