#other than like the possibility of her getting brutalized or traumatized
dateamonster · 1 year
i have such a lovehate thing going on w muu's character bc i am so familiar w this kind of person and they are soooo frustrating.
like its easy to write her off as like a two-faced manipulator hiding her true nature until the second trial but she absolutely reads more to me as someone who is like. just chronically incapable of acknowledging the harm she can and has caused.
i think she truly honestly believes her murder was justified because she is so completely focused on how bad it felt to have her friends and her own bullying tactics turned against her that it never even occurred to her to think about her past behavior and why this might be happening. shes muu! cute, delicate, sheltered, a bit naive, she could never hurt anyone! so the fact that she did must mean they started it. oh shes waaay too much of a weakling to do something scary like that on her own! her no good friends were putting so much pressure on her! she was under so much stress! and it would just break her heart to think you were mad at her, so youll forgive her, right?
shes so frustrating because she doesnt see her own actions as malicious, she only sees herself versus the vicious mean bullies who are attacking her, so even if shes declared guilty i cant envision her like learning anything from that. she'll just decide es is another meanie attacking her for no good reason.
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duckysprouts · 1 year
current bat games au lore
ok so here is part of what we have so far:
jason is no longer from district 2, he was originally a scrappy orphan from 12; he changed his name to "RED" after lazrus therapy and becoming a gladiator
Nightwing has a notorious reputation in the capitol as vain and bitchy. he constantly gets procedures done to look as young and beautiful as possible and will actively sabotage the new tributes' relationships with the capitol citizens. in reality, he is trying to protect the younger victors from being sexually exploited by putting himself on the front lines as the sex symbol
tim is the newest victor of the games. his mentor was barbara and they are both secretly working for the anti-capitol resistence.
damian is the political baby of a strategic union between talia and bruce to unite their clans without drawing suspicion from the government on why they're working closely. his parents are both big players in the capitol.
the al ghuls are the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists of the capitol who believe the revolution is nigh. but instead of underground bunkers they prepare for the apocalypse by training their children in several warrior arts
bruce's alter ego is batman, political terrorist who is working behind the scenes to take down capitol corruption (good luck buddy)
the capitol has a capped maximum on how much wealthy citizens can donate as sponsorship because otherwise bruce wayne would sponsor all the kids in an effort for them to live
when jason was thrown into the arena, he had no living mentor and had to fend for himself. batman secretly helped him with tips and advice on how to survive
Nightwing tried to talk bruce out of sponsoring jason in the arena. it wasn't out of cruelty; he just thought it would be a better investment to sponsor a child who is more likely to live instead of a starving little boy from the weakest district bound to die. bruce sponsored jason anyway
bruce's parents were assassinated for the treasonous act of believing district citizens deserved human rights
jason's abundance of sponsorships made him a target in the arena. he got really messed up and had to go through a brutal, traumatic, and experimental rehabilitation called the lazarus project. he came out of it brain damaged and now most of his body consists of lab-grown flesh or robotic parts. (notice his fake eyes and how most of his body is covered up)
the hunger games are like the annual SuperBowl. for the rest of the year the capitol citizens enjoy entertainment like celebrity escorts (Nightwing) or gladiator games, which is basically the WWE but more deadly and no predetermined winner (RED)
gladiators all have a number that is worn by players and fans alike. most gladiators wear theirs on their armour but RED wears his as a corpse identification tag on his ear
tim purposefully makes himself seem boring and unlikable so that the capitol will allow him to go home rather than stay at the capitol like nightwing and RED.
tim is probably on like 10 different government watchlists
damian keeps nightwing around as a friend/babysitter, since he gave every other one he had a mental breakdown
damian keeps jason around as a personal weaponsmith/arms instructor (hired by talia)
talia and bruce have split custody of damian
nightwing and RED are top-celebs in their fields
bruce's name is brucellosis I'm sorry that's just the way it is
bruce stopped sponsoring for a while after jason's injury cause he blamed himself
hunger games sponsors are like gambling or horse race betting. if your sponsored victor lives you get more money back. but it is so costly with such high stakes that most people don't do it
nightwing volunteered for some random kid who he had no connection with because he has no self-preservation and is kinda self sacrificing like that
nightwing's mentor was starfire. he had a massive crush on her and she'd pat his head
RED has a tense relationship with bruce and Nightwing but also trusts them more than anyone else
there are more but they require more context and characters so hang tight. suggestions welcome! just dm me in my inbox
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tumbleweed-writes · 4 months
#22 and #97 from your smut prompt list, please? 🥹 whit chibs of course. thank you 💘
Sweetness: Chibs Telford X Reader.
18+ only of course.
Sweetness was not something Filip Chibs Telford was accustomed to. In fact, he would most likely argue that there had never been any place for a sense of sweetness in his life, not even during his childhood.
He’d been raised on the streets of Glasgow and Belfast running wild and causing havoc more often than not. His poor sweet mother had worked so hard and so often that Chibs had been left to his own devices which usually consisted of running amuck with the other kids in the housing estate he’d been raised in.
It was in the housing estate in Belfast where he’d met Fiona Larkin who had shown him more than one way to get into trouble. She’d introduced him to the cause; a fight for a free and independent Ireland. 
There was no room for sweetness in the fight. That world was one filled with chaos and violence. 
He had known so little gentleness during that time. His Kerrianne of course had given him a sense of peace even with all the savagery that had been required by the cause.
That sense of peace had been so cruelly ripped away from him though. The peace he’d known for such a little amount of time had been yanked out from under him leaving him a broken shell of a man. 
When he had been so violently and traumatically banished from the cause, losing his family in the process, he’d found himself lost until SAMBEL had come to provide him with shelter.
That shelter was another environment where violence and ruthlessness was a natural part of life.
He’d embraced the ruthlessness and mayhem telling himself that he no longer cared about what happened to him.
He’d lost his wife and child and no longer had a place in the cause. He had thrown himself into SAMBEL with everything he had.
When SAMCRO had required a patch over from the Belfast Charter to ease tensions between the charters and the IRA, Chibs had been a natural choice. He was a loyal Son with knowledge of the cause. 
The MC had been his salvation and he’d thrown his loyalty fully into both charters.
SAMBEL and SAMCRO had offered a sense of belonging and a purpose. The belonging had a price though. The world of the MC was one of brotherhood but the brotherhood required sacrifice. That sacrifice meant embracing danger and brutality without question or fear.
Gentleness was not something Chibs had been allowed. Even when his Kerrianne had been brought back into his life; he could not fully return to a life of gentleness. 
Chibs had felt as though his life was far too often one of harsh violence. It was the reality of the life he’d chosen. He had accepted the reality of his world. 
He loved his brothers deeply and he loved his daughter, but he was comfortable with doing what was necessary for SAMCRO. He was a loyal Son after all. He would do what was asked of him no matter how brutal it might be. 
He’d never thought it would be possible to ever feel any sense of gentleness. He’d told himself that sweetness was not meant for men like him. 
So, imagine his shock when she came into his life.
Y/N was the definition of sweetness. He guessed it made sense given her line of work.
If anyone had told him that the nanny Tara had hired to help with Abel Teller, during her husband and a few other members of SAMCRO’s fourteen month stint in the San Joaquin County Correctional Facility, would be so appealing Chibs would not have believed it.
When he heard grumbles from Gemma about this new nanny, Chibs had been expecting some older lass. He’d been anticipating some grandmotherly type.
Y/N was no one's grandmother.
She was far younger than he’d been anticipating and far more alluring. Chibs had  almost felt guilty finding her so seductive considering the very first time he’d laid eyes upon her she’d been doing something quite innocent; coloring with Abel Teller.
He’d told himself that he was a total pervert, almost Tig-level, to be staring right down at Y/N’s cleavage when she’d been doing something as pure as coloring with a toddler.
It had been lust at first sight. Then she’d gazed up at Chibs and given him a demure little smile, and then he was certain it had been love at first sight.
It was in that moment that Chibs Telford had realized he was absolutely fucked just not quite in the way he’d like to be when it came to the young pretty nanny. 
He’d tried so hard to deny exactly what his heart and the lower region of his body was screeching it wanted. 
He’d told himself that there was no use finding Y/N attractive or admiring her sweet little smile. She most likely would have zero interest in an aging outlaw biker. He’d figured that a girl as sweet and as appealing as her most likely had a man. 
Besides, he’d tried to convince himself, he had so much work to do. This was no time to be distracted by a pretty young thing. 
The majority of his brothers were locked up and there were only a handful of guys keeping the club afloat. His focus had to be on SAMCRO. 
This was no time to even entertain the concept of romancing Abel Teller’s pretty nanny.
It seemed that fate had decided to laugh in his face though as it constantly seemed to plant Y/N right on the property of TM Auto and the Sons clubhouse.
With as much of a fuss as Gemma had made about the hiring of Y/N, the Queen of SAMCRO had grown quite fond of little Miss. Y/N. 
In fact, Chibs had gotten the strangest inkling that Gemma had hopes to set up the pretty little nanny with a Son. He’d maybe accidentally overheard Gemma’s attempts to point out available Sons to Y/N and the little causal questions about if Y/N had a man. 
He’d hated to admit that Gemma’s clear attempts to sniff out Y/N’s interest in a Son did trouble him quite a bit. He’d maybe felt the slightest smidge of annoyance when Gemma would mention Kozik to Y/N or even his incarcerated brother Juice. He’d found himself mentally grumbling that neither man seemed worthy of Y/N though he’d felt like an old fool for the thought. 
It seemed that Gemma’s approval of Y/N was born out of the fact that the woman was a godsend to Tara during such a trying time. 
She had to admit that the young woman was a great help to her pregnant daughter in law. 
The young woman was good with Abel, which was a high task. The little boy was high energy and required some extra care given the heart condition he’d been born with required medication and a watchful eye.
Y/N had proven to be a responsible caregiver with a seemingly endless sense of patience.
Chibs hated to admit he’d noticed and admired the way Y/N seemed to take on the Teller boy without ever breaking that sweet demeanor.
It seemed that Gemma had been approving of the fact that Y/N was comfortable enough around TM Auto and seemed to be wise enough not to question the legality of the men her boss was so acquainted with. 
Most of the time Chibs had been able to avoid making nothing more than polite small talk with Y/N. She was usually a little busy with Abel after all. She was even on occasion willing to watch over the Winston children as well as Lyla’s boy which Lyla and Opie were happy to pay for.
So, given that Y/N was usually surrounded by children, Chibs had found that he could not do much more than make some polite small talk…that he might on occasion be bold enough to tack on just the slightest hint of flirtation to.
He had been relieved that if she’d noticed the flirting she’d not seemed opposed to it. In fact, at times it had felt as though she was even flirting back just a little. 
The change from polite acquaintances to friendship had come when Y/N’s car had broken down on the side of the road.
When a tow truck had been called from TM Auto, Chibs had been the one to answer the call. In fact, he’d been the one who had practically tripped over himself to answer the call once he found out it was Y/N who was calling. 
The ride to TM Auto had started with small talk until Chibs had found himself asking a bit of a deeper question.
“How’d ye get into child mindin? If ye don’t mind me askin?”
Y/N had shrugged her shoulders, a small sheepish smile crossing her features as she toyed with the strap to her purse. “I have always been good with kids…even when I was a kid. It’s a long story…but I guess to make the long story short, I grew up in and out of foster homes. More often than not they weren’t great homes, and there were usually a lot of kids. The last few I lived in, they kind of sucked. Someone had to look out for the kids.I had to grow up fast, but on the bright side it gave me a skillset that I can use”
Chibs furrowed his brow, something in his heart twisting at the tale. He spoke before he could stop himself. “What bout yer family? There was no one?”
“Not anyone responsible enough nor willing. My parents just weren’t…ready. The rest of my family was in trouble with the law more often than not, so I wasn’t really able to go to any of them. The second I turned eighteen I was officially aged out of the system. I had to find a path on my own and figure it out. I waitressed for a few years, but the money wasn’t too great. The nanny thing seemed like a better path. I found an ad in the paper looking for a nanny that had decent pay and I applied. I lived in a bigger city back then, down in Southern California, and there were some affluent families that were willing to pay me pretty well even if I didn’t have the same qualifications as some other options. They liked how good I was with the kids and they liked that I was a student at the time. I was able to take a few classes while I nannied, art classes, ceramics and painting…I had hopes at one point I could make a career out of that, but life doesn’t always turn out the way we hoped.”
“What brings ye to Charming, we ain’t exactly a big city? Doesn’t seem like many nanny jobs out ere compared to the city.” Chibs blurted out a frown still written across his features as he thought of her past and how it seemed she’d had no one to care for her as a child. He could relate to a sense of feeling alone and abandoned by those who should protect you. 
He felt his heart twist even more at the mention of life not turning out the way she’d hoped. He could relate to this feeling as well. 
Y/N paled at the question gazing at the older man beside her. She debated telling the truth. She feared what his reaction might be to the truth. Even worse, she feared he’d go off and share the information with Tara who would only view her as a risk to keep as an employee.
She sighed deciding that there was no use in lying. She had to hope and pray that Chibs Telford would not betray her secrets. “I was dating this guy…he got kind of intense and I decided that I…I just, I needed to get away…I wasn’t happy in the city. I was lonely more often than not…I needed a change. Charming seemed like as good of a place as any. I needed a break from school anyhow, I think I just wanted some change.”
Chibs furrowed his brow a sense of something that unsettled him settling down in his gut at the mention of this ex. He held back any further questions about it, unable to keep the flirty tone from his voice, the words leaving him before he could stop them. “Aye, I know the feeling, bein lonely…I’m glad ye chose Charming, Love. If ye ever feel lonely around here, I’m around. I find I’m pretty good company.”
Y/N felt that warm feeling blossom in her chest the way she’d noticed it did far too often when it came to Chibs Telford. “Me too, I am happy here. I’ll keep that in mind.”
The conversation had helped build an odd sort of friendship between the pair. In between dealing with club business, Chibs had found himself gravitating towards Y/N and she’d seemed willing to accept his company.
She usually wound up bringing Abel up to TM Auto at least twice a week at Gemma’s insistence. During those visits Chibs found reasons to visit with her. 
The change in the odd friendship they’d developed had come when Lyla had invited Y/N to a Friday night bash. She was off nanny duty and Lyla had coaxed Y/N into a fun night out.
She’d insisted that a woman Y/N’s age needed to let loose. Y/N had anxiously accepted the offer telling herself that a night out couldn’t hurt even if it was in SAMCRO’s clubhouse. 
Nothing had prepared Chibs for the sight of Y/N walking into a Friday night party clinging close to Lyla, wearing the most alluring little lilac dress.
He’d noticed that he was not the only man admiring her that night. When a club hangaround had taken too much interest Chibs had felt a much needed push to make his move.
He’d approached her with enough brazeness, his arm wrapping around her waist the words leaving him. “Let me get ye a drink, Love, come keep a lad company.”
A few shots, some lingering touches, and a game of darts had been all it had taken for Chibs’ lips to land against hers.
When they’d parted, doubts had begun to plague his mind, the words flying from his lips. “I am such a prick, ye have been drinkin an ye aint in the right state of mind to allow this shite.”
She’d rolled her eyes staring up at him like he was an idiot as she’d spoken. “I have been trying to get you to want to kiss me for months now, Filip. Just because we have both had a little liquid courage to push us towards this doesn’t mean I’m incapable of knowing what I want. What I want is you.”
He sighed his throat tightening up the words leaving him praying he was not dropping a bombshell on her. “I aint what ye need, Love. I know yer a smart lass…ye probably have noticed that yer boss and her associates ain't exactly operating on the right side of the law.”
Y/N took him by shock, the words leaving her. “I had my suspicions. I didn’t exactly come from saints, Filip. I wasn’t brought up around people who walked on the right side of the law both within my own family and in the occasional foster home I wound up in. It’s nothing new to me. I figured out just who and what my boss’ husband was the first time Tara had me take Abel by TM and I spotted the clubhouse and the kuttes. I won’t pretend that I wasn’t a little freaked out…but I am not about to bite the hand that feeds me, or pays me in this scenario.”
She paused, staring into his eyes her words earnest. “I find it hard to think you aren’t what I need. I have never felt as though I wasn’t safe around you or the people you associate with. I don’t particularly care what side of the law you’re walking on. I enjoy being around you. I am pretty accustomed to not feeling like I have a place in the world, it’s a feeling that’s always followed me, but when I’m with you, I think I might just have found a place in the world.”
She’d paused, spotting the doubts in his eyes before she spoke again. “You kiss me again tomorrow, the answer isn’t going to change. I know exactly what I want.”
He’d not had a chance to give a kiss the next morning as she had been the one to do it. She’d proudly knocked on his dorm room, her lips meeting his as the door had opened the words leaving her. “See, told you so.”
He’d stared down at her dumbfounded as she spoke, her shoulders slumping, fearing she’d misread this entire situation that she was sure had been building between them. “Am I wrong about any of this? You can tell me if I am totally misinterpreting anything. I’m a big girl, I can take rejection, Filip. We can just pretend that this never happened if that’s what you prefer.”
He’d shown her that he was very much not rejecting her, his lips meeting hers. His hands had taken hers dragging her into his dorm room where he’d shown her that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.
That sense of want had not disappeared in their time together.
Y/N had shown Chibs Telford a sense of sweetness he had never thought possible nor had he ever believed he deserved. 
Much to his relief she’d proven that she did not mind what side of the law he walked on. She had proven to him time and time again that she was remaining by his side no matter what chaos his life might bring to her feet. She was loyal and trusting. She was willing to accept who he was in its entirety. 
She had time and time again reassured him that he was good to her and that was what mattered to her at the end of the day. 
She had spent a year by his side thus far and had become his greatest support and his most cherished treasure.
She no longer worked as the nanny for the Teller-Knowles family, but had still remained by Chibs’ side and a part of the world of SAMCRO. She’d become his ol lady. 
Her place as his ol lady had of course meant that her career path had taken a turn. Not many people were thrilled to hire a woman who very bluntly ran around with the local outlaw biker club. 
Chibs had felt guilty at first, fearing he’d taken her from a job she loved.
She had embraced the change though. She’d taken some shifts helping Gemma out in the office at TM Auto and had begun to take classes online with Chibs’ encouragement. She was trying her hand at art again, hoping that she might make a career out of it selling paintings and ceramics online. 
Being practically self employed meant that no one could judge the man she had fallen in love with.
For Chibs it was a love he was thankful for. He had devoted himself to being worthy of the love she so willingly gave him. 
He never thought he could have someone who treated him with such gentleness. 
She might have told him that she felt like she’d found her place in the world beside him, but he had to think it was the other way around. 
He had found his place by her side. 
Much to his delight the crow that had recently been inked onto her skin confirmed that she wanted to be by his side as badly as he realized he needed her there. 
He knew of course that no one would take a look at them and think they belonged together; the sweet former nanny and the outlaw biker. They were an odd match but he was pleased that she was willing to accept the world he came with. 
He couldn’t help but to feel a smug sense of satisfaction in this moment knowing no one would surely believe that the sweet young woman would love the outlaw biker enough to currently be engaging in this activity with him.
He sat on the edge of his bed in his dorm room, the stresses he’d endured today too far away to grasp as Y/N knelt between his parted legs. She rested on her knees, her lips wrapped around his aching cock.
He knew no one would ever believe that his sweet ol lady would so eagerly drop to her knees for him with so little coaxing on his part.
He groaned, his hand pressed to the back of her head, his fingers wrapped in her hair holding it back so that he could have a full view of her treatment of him. 
He spoke the words low and filled with praise. “Oh, Love. So good fer me. Shite, ye love this, don’t ye?”
She hummed around him in response, clearly giving him an affirmative answer, the action making him groan.
He spoke, continuing to stare down at her. “Fuck yes, ye love takin care of this cock. Ye fuckin thrive on wrappin those soft lips round me and takin me down yer throat. No one would believe my sweet lass loves suckin me off.”
She moaned around him again the act causing a pleasant vibration around his aching member. He responded by pushing her head down further, a deep groan leaving his lips as he hit the back of her throat causing her to gag ever so slightly.
She reached forward grasping onto his balls massaging them as she hallowed her cheeks making him groan her name.
She pulled her lips from him and her hand from his balls causing him to let out a disappointed whine. 
The disappointment did not last for long as she wrapped a hand around him, stroking him. She gazed upwards towards him as she spoke her voice so pleasantly raspy given her most recent activity. “I love you.”
“Love ye too, Christ, I love ye.” He groaned, his hand pulling from the back of her head reaching down to caress her cheek.
She leaned into his touch a little pleased soft sigh leaving her as she continued to stroke him. 
He turned her head, her lips running along his palm. He ran his thumb along her swollen lips, she taking the hint wrapping her lips around it sucking the digit with the same intensity she would suck his cock.
He groaned his cock twitching at the action. She ran her tongue along the pad of his thumb the same way she ran it along the tip of his cock when she felt like teasing him.
The action made him groan he pulling his thumb from her mouth placing his hands at her cheeks as he spoke. “Get up ere, Love. Don’t make me wait.”
She obediently released his cock causing a groan to leave him. He spitting in his hand before reaching down and stroking his cock his eyes on her as she stood up.
He spoke his voice a low growl. “Take off those panties, sweetheart. Let me see ye.”
She did as he said shimmying out of the thin cotton fabric allowing it to fall to the floor before kicking it off.
“Get rid of the bra too.” He demanded as he scooted back in his bed resting his back against the headboard he reluctantly releasing his aching cock to do so.
She did as she was told unable to resist the urge to run her hands along her bare breasts. Chibs watched a groan of approval leaving his lips as she tugged at her nipples the little buds hardening to a point.
He spoke his voice low and filled with admiration. “Yer so fucking gorgeous. Perfect, Love.” 
“You’re gorgeous.” She was fast to respond earning a deep chuckle from him a smirk crossing his lips.
“Aye, pretty lass, but terrible taste.” He teased causing her to roll her eyes as she sauntered towards him.
She spoke as she stared down at him her hand reaching out to stroke his cheek he leaning into her touch on instinct. “You are a terribly handsome man, Filip Telford.”
He felt the genuine smile tug at the corner of his lips he quite sure he did not believe her, but the praise was nice all the same.
He patted his thighs he reluctantly pulling from her touch. “Ride me, Love. Been thinkin bout this all day. Fuckin shite with the Irish has pissed me off. Need my ol lady to take care of me.”
She willingly straddled his lap placing either leg on the side of his thighs. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders pressing her body close to his.
He groaned at the feel of her body pressed so snug against his the wet hot heat of her center so close to his aching cock and her hard nipples pressed to his chest.
He reached up massaging her breasts his thumbs sliding along her nipples causing a pleased sigh to leave her her head falling back. He pressed soft kisses to her exposed neck knowing he’d already left a few love bites in his wake earlier this evening.
She would most likely have to use quite a bit of concealer to cover his marks, but this had become a familiar task for her. Though to be honest on occasion when she was feeling particularly cheeky she might forgo the concealer and let the hickeys he’d branded her with be on full exposure knowing he got a certain sense of pride when his brothers teased him over the marks on her neck.
She grinded her hips against him her center sliding along his aching cock teasingly not giving in to taking him just yet. 
He leaned down just enough to wrap his lips around one of her nipples suckling eagerly at the little bud rolling it between his teeth as his hand massaged her breast. The action worked a moan from her lips her hips grinding against him even more fervently.
He gripped down onto her backside, with the hand that was not occupied by her breast, his fingers digging into the flesh a groan leaving his lips vibrating against her breast.
She spoke her mind feeling hazy lust overtaking any sense of shame she may have had. “Oh, Daddy, you feel so good and you aren’t even in me yet.”
He pulled from her breast almost uncertain he’d heard her correctly. 
She felt her hips still dread washing over her as her lust filled brain cleared enough to realize what had just been said. 
He spoke questioning the comment. “Did ye jus call me Daddy?”
She buried her head against the nape of his neck a whine leaving her her skin flushing from far more than arousal. She spoke her words muffled against his neck. “I just killed the mood didn’t I?”
She spoke another mortified whine leaving her. “Can we forget this entire conversation?”
“Not a fuckin chance.” Chibs remarked coaxing her into pulling back she groaning fearing the worst almost sure she’d turned him off.
She spoke the words frantic. “I don’t have daddy issues…I mean, I might…but I probably have Mommy issues too…I don’t see you as some kind of father figure, I swear to God. This isn’t some kind of fucked up thing where my desire for a father figure somehow got crosswired with sexual attraction. I promise that this isn’t some weird kink for me. I can not imagine how uncomfortable blurting that out must make you feel when we never even discussed it. I mean…you’re a dad and it’s so fucking weird. I promise you I will never do this again. I am so so so sorr…”
He spoke interrupting her before she had a chance to keep spiraling. “Lass, calm down and take a breath aye? Yer makin me outta breath with yer ramblin.”
He spoke again before she had a chance to apologize. “Ye didn’t make shite weird. It ain’t weird. As far as kinks, it aint the weirdest one out there. I know ye don’t see me as some kinda da figure. I ain’t relatin that word to me bein a parent. My daughter calls me Da fer fucks sake. As far as daddy issues…I got em too, Lass. Barely knew my own Da. Most people got daddy issues in my experience at least in the crowd we know. I got plenty of my own shite feelings bout my father. I know neither of us are workin out shite from our childhoods on each other, Love.” 
He groaned at the mention of his own childhood and his status as a parent; it not quite something that he enjoyed discussing, especially when he had a beautiful nude woman still pressed so close to his bare cock.
He pressed a kiss to her cheek his voice reassuring. “As far as ye callin me Daddy…I like it. Reminds me that I protect ye, take care of ye. I like takin care of my ol lady.”
He paused pressing another kiss to her cheek. “Ye can call me Daddy all ye want, Love. Trust me, Daddy wants to make his ol lady feel so good.”
He took her hand in his pressing a kiss to her knuckles before guiding it down his body pressing it against his hard cock the words strained as she touched him. “See what ye do to me, Love? This aint a turn off fer me.”
She whined her center clenching at the words and reassurance. She felt her cheeks flush as she spoke, deciding to dip her toes in the water. “Does Daddy want me to ride his cock?”
“Fuck yes, always my Love.” He groaned a whine leaving him as she pulled her hand from his cock.
He reached down between them taking himself in hand. He ran his aching cock along her center a hiss leaving him. “Yer so wet, jus drippin Sweet Love.”
“Just for you Daddy.” She replied preening at the groan that left him at the words his eyes staring into hers dark with lust.
He positioned himself at her, opening his hand placing against her hip encouraging her to lower herself, taking him in slowly inch by inch.
He stared up at her in awe moments like this always taking his breath away. It was that first initial press of his cock into her aching center that just did it for him. It was something about the sight of her; her head fallen back, her lips parted a soft gasp leaving her, her skin flushed. She looked so serene and almost angelic an amusing thought given that they were doing something so far from innocent.
She whined as he entered her to the hilt, he always feeling as though he was almost too much at this angle. She was always overtaken how full and deliciously stretched she felt in this position.
Chibs Telford’s cock was far too magnificent though she would not often praise him over it. The man didn’t need another reason to be cocky, no pun intended.
He pressed his hands to her hips massaging the soft skin letting her adjust to him his breathing deep and steady as he tried to resist the urge to thrust up into her. 
He spoke his voice filled with adoration. “That’s my Love, takin me jus right. Feels like home in ye. Could stay here forever. Needed this so bad Sweet Love. After the fuckin horrible day I had, needed my girl.”
She moaned the words washing over like a caress making her heart ache with adoration.
She knew things had been tense as of lately dealing with club business. She could remember how hesitant he’d been to share the reality of just what SAMCRO did with her as their romantic relationship had blossomed.
It had taken a lot of reassurance and coaxing from her to make him believe it was okay to open up to her about it. She had to remind him that it was not just his burden to carry. She loved him and love meant sharing burdens and holding one another up.
She had found that even if the details he shared with her could be disturbing at times and terrifying at others, she adored him enough to want to listen. She wanted to reassure him when he needed it and comfort him when reassurance did not seem enough.
She pressed her lips to his her voice soft. “Love you Filip.”
“Love ye.” he replied the words barely leaving him before she began to rock against him, his hands gripping down onto her hips encouraging her movements.
He groaned at the heat of her and the soaking silken feel of her around his aching cock. He was not lying. She felt like home. No matter how chaotic and frightening his life felt; her body always gave him a sense of comfort and security.
He pressed his forehead to hers, his hands caressing her hips and bottom as she found a rhythm back and forth up and down. 
She placed a hand against the back of his head stroking his hair, her lips pressing to his their tongues teasingly sliding against one anothers in open mouthed kisses. They moaned against the kisses becoming lost in the feel of one another’s bodies.
He groaned the sensation of her sinking down on to his cock and rising before repeating the action making him feel dizzy. He gazed down at her breasts a groan of approval leaving him as he watched them bounce with the movement. The sight was always a pleasing one.
She giggled spotting where his gaze had landed. He was and had always been a breast man, though Chibs was quick to claim he tended to like every part of a woman. She would quickly point out to him though that upon their first meeting she’d noticed his eyes locked on her tits.
She spoke a gasp leaving her as Chibs gripped down onto her hips pulling her down harder onto him he hitting her at a deeper angle reaching so far into her that she had to tremble at the feeling. “Jesus, Fuck, Filip, right there.”
“Aye righ there? Ye like it when Daddy fucks ye like this?” He teased a moan leaving her her clit throbbing at the words any shame she may have felt earlier a little too far away to grasp.
“I do, does Daddy like this pussy?” She asked the question earning a smack to her backside, the action making her let out a delighted squeak.
“Ye know I do, Love. Love this pussy. Fuckin heaven on my cock.” He praised her, giving her backside another smack smiling at the little noise that left her.
She moaned as he continued to encourage her to bounce on his cock his gaze going back and forth between her breasts and the look of pleasure on her features. It was at times like this that he wished he had two sets of eyes so he could admire both sights.
He spoke encouraging her movements. “That’s my good girl, ridin me, takin care of me. Jus like I take care of her, aye?”
“Uh huh, takes such good care of me, Baby.” She whined her hands caressing his body her nails digging into his scalp and shoulders causing a hiss to leave his lips.
She tugged at his hair forcing his head up so her lips could meet his a groan leaving his lips at the dominant action. She was the only woman in the world who he would willingly allow himself to show such a submissive action to.
He had found that he enjoyed little peeks of domination in her. She’d been so shy the first few times they’d made love. Anytime he could encourage her and make her comfortable enough to take the reins made him harder than he was sure he’d been in his entire life.
He spoke his voice soft, his grip tightening on her hips. “Touch yer clit, Sweet girl. Come on, help Daddy get ye there.”
She did as he said her hand trailing down her body finding the oversenstive little bud knowing any stimulation to it always made her pussy drenched. 
During her single years she had quickly learned that any toying with the sensitive bundle of nerves would make her cum far too quick. It was helpful when she needed to get off and didn’t have much time.
She rubbed circular patterns into the bud, a moan leaving her lips. “Fuck, Filip, Oh shit.”
“Feel good, Love?” He teased already knowing the answer judging by her reaction.
He’d spent long enough rubbing her clit and overstimulating her as he ate her out and fingered her. He’d learned long ago how to pleasure her to the brink of insanity. He took pride in taking care of what was his and making it clear to her that he was capable of making her feel so good.
“Shit, yes. Fucking feels so good, Oh God.” She whined her thighs trembling at the action she struggling to keep up a rhythm as she grinded against him.
He placed his hands at her hips strong enough to guide her hips, his eyes studying her face wishing he’d thought to lie back for this so he could have a clear view of her toying with her clit.
The closeness of sitting up while she rode him was too tempting to ignore though. He’d needed the closeness after the stressful awful day he’d had dealing with club business. 
He wanted to be as close as possible to the love of his life as she rode him out. He didn’t want to think about anything but the woman straddling his hips riding his cock. As far as he was concerned nothing existed outside of this room at this moment.
She whined a heat pooling deep in her abdomen, her body spiraling closer and closer to release the feel of his cock inside of her and her fingers on her aching clit pushing her close to her end. 
She spoke her voice broken curses and his name spilling from her. “Filip, fuck, fuck, fuck, Oh Filip.”
He groaned, his fingers digging into her hips, he speaking, encouraging her. “Fuck yes, Cum on this cock Love.”
She whimpered, feeling lightheaded and shaky, her body trembling as the pleasure became blinding. Her center clenched around him, her orgasm hitting her hard.
He grunted at the sensation of her center fluttering around his aching cock her center so soaked and hot he was certain he could die at this moment and be utterly pleased as he went out. 
He encouraged her movements even as her body jerked she falling apart above him cries of his name leaving her between moans that could only be described as carnal.
He did his best to dig his feet into the bed, bending his knees enough to help him thrust up into her as she fell apart above him. He grunted his balls aching drawing up close to his body signaling all amazing things had to come to an inevitable end.
He huffed out heavy breaths , his brow furrowing in concentration trying not to blow his load so quickly, wanting so badly to draw this out.
He spoke his voice thick with lust. “Shite, Love, ye feel too good.” 
She whimpered her body growing limp against him, she feeling as though her limbs were made of jello as her orgasm tapered off.
She wrapped her arms around him, her body feeling too spent to bounce on him with as much enthusiasm as she’d previously had.
He kept his hands on her hips rocking her against him as he fucked up into her his voice needy his accent deepinging all the more. “Yer such a good girl, Yer going to make Daddy cum.”
She whimpered the words making a pleased shudder wash over her, she spoke her voice quivering her clit aching her body feeling oversensitve the movement in her almost too much. “Please, do it. Cum for me.”
She ran her hands through his hair gripping onto the back of his head forcing him to stare into her eyes as she spoke. “Please, Daddy.”
He groaned losing it at the words his hips moving at a frenzied pace his balls throbbing as he found his release. He felt himself fall over the edge shockwaves of pleasure washing over him. 
He felt almost intoxicated at the sensation, his cock twitching as he spilled ropes of hot cum into her; she feeling him pulse inside of her a sense of warmth washing over her.
He murmured words of praise, his voice low and pleased. “That’s my girl, such a good girl fer me. Shite, Love. Jus what I needed.”
He sunk against the headboard, his own body feeling heavy and spent as the last of his release spilled into her.
She stroked his hair, his hands caressing her body as they both panted against one another. 
He whined as his cock softened feeling oversensitve as she reluctantly pulled up off him not moving her body back from his wanting to remain pressed close to him.
He pressed his lips lazily against her skin his voice low and drowsy. “Love ye, Lass. Such a perfect love. Makin me feel so good.”
She pressed her lips against his her voice soft. “Love you too Filip.”
He spoke his voice teasing daring to gaze up at her the look on his face easily described as lovesick. “Did Daddy make ye feel good?”
She rolled her eyes a huff leaving her knowing that this newfound kink was not going anywhere any time soon. 
She pressed her lips to his deciding to embrace it. “So good Daddy.”
Her lips left his she burying her face against his neck feeling adored and protected against him. 
He smiled holding on to her hand undeniable sense of comfort washing over him. He stroked her skin a soft content sigh leaving him
He had never anticipated that a man like him would be allowed such sweetness, but he knew he would do whatever it took to keep it in his life.
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luimagines · 14 days
"Hello, this is not a request, but I want to share an idea I've had for a while.
Can you imagine a FNAF reader?
Now, do you remember the 5 missing children?
One of them was the older brother of the FNAF reader, adding a touch of anguish. FNAF reader witnessed how the Purple Guy killed her brother and the other children. She was spared from being murdered because her brother hid her in a desperate attempt to protect her. FNAF reader was so traumatized, so scarred by the death of her brother and those children, that she was never able to tell anyone what happened, developing such deep post-traumatic stress that a large part of her personality changed after that. FNAF reader became terribly protective of those close to her, especially if they were young or children. It didn’t help that she couldn’t trust people easily, as she could see and know when someone was a danger, especially if that threat was directed at a child.
Now, when FNAF reader meets the Chain, it’s hard for her to trust them, but that changes thanks to Wind, who reminds her so much of her late older brother with his cheerful and mischievous personality. It also didn’t help that he was a pirate, which only heightened the memory of those happy days full of innocence.
To the Chain’s confusion, they don’t understand or associate why FNAF reader is so brutally protective of Wind. Even Wind doesn’t understand why she’s so protective of him—he’s a hero, after all, and can take care of himself.
It’s not until they’re in Warriors’s Castletown, and most of the group has left their weapons at the inn while they go to the market, that FNAF reader sees it—a predator in the crowd, with their eyes on Wind. She does everything possible to make sure Wind doesn’t get separated from her, not even for a second, but the worst happens.
In a moment of distraction, Wind gets separated due to the crowd at the market. The Chain tries to calm FNAF reader, but she’s unable to tell them that Wind is in danger. Her desperation grows with each passing second as she searches everywhere for him. When she finally finds him, oh no. Wind is in an alleyway, frozen with fear, with that same person about to kill him. She dissociates; she no longer sees Wind and a man, but the Purple Guy about to kill her older brother. She sees red, and years of pent-up rage explode.
With a ferocity that would scare even a certain god of war trapped behind a mask, FNAF reader attacks this predator mercilessly to save and protect Wind. Her mind only repeats, ‘Protect’ ‘Not again,’ as she punches the child-killer with her bare fists. When the Chain arrives, they are horrified and can barely pull FNAF reader off the man. Even Time, with his strength, can’t contain her savage state.
If it weren’t for a group of guards passing by, no one would have been able to stop FNAF reader from beating the man to death.
If it hadn’t been for a disturbed Wind’s statement about what happened, FNAF reader would have barely escaped imprisonment, as she had acted in defense of Wind. It also helped that the man who tried to kill Wind was already being sought for other child murder crimes.
When everything calms down and they are back at the inn, with Wind still clinging to FNAF reader, trying to process what happened, Time is the first to demand an explanation. He asks why she attacked like a rabid animal without thinking twice about the man who had already been arrested for attempting to murder Wind. FNAF reader, after so many years, is finally able to tell someone through tears what happened to her when she was young, how, as a little girl, she witnessed her brother and his friends being cruelly murdered by an adult, and how she was only saved because her older brother had hidden her to protect her from the man. And she couldn’t bear the thought of it happening again, especially to Wind, who is only a few years older than her brother was when he was killed.
There is complete silence. None of the Chain can believe it, but at the same time, it all makes sense—why FNAF reader is so protective of Wind. What she experienced as a child was undeniably traumatic, and it’s impossible not to be scarred after something like that.
I don't much about FNAF. I lost contact with the plot after like... game 2. XD
I've never been good with horror so I avoid it as much as I can.
I don't think we've ever had a FNAF! reader though. I know someone brought up a Poppy Playtime a little bit ago.
You must have been sitting on this for a while then, huh? ^.^*
This could easily be a full-scale fic. Granted, I don't see it being more than a one-shot but it's very impressive none the less.
Poor Wind. When you said Predator though, my brain went to a different place instead of just... direct murder. Torture beforehand was completely where I thought it was going to go.
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moonspirit · 4 months
Hi Moon!
It is likely that the warriors were experimented on by the Marlian government, especially Annie due to the Females titan mimicking ability.
Do u think this will affect them still? How if so? Maybe they have a fear around medical settings, or just tests in general. Considering that Annie is also likely going to be the first ex shifter to have a kid, the doctors are likely to be interested causing this to come up again?
Linking to this, most Titan shifters are careless when it comes down to injures (except the colossal holder cause that won’t end well) so do u think they will constantly be clumsy and hurting themselves without thinking? I like to think that Annie has a nervous habit or playing with her ring, which obviously causes damage (possibly stitches at one point) and Armin lots of stress.
Hello hello!
(Quick edit to add: two fics I've read that talk about this are Little Bird by @aquietjune and Miracle by @flailingkittylover )
You bring up an interesting point! We actually have these pictures of the warriors unit files and the "tests" performed on them. It's in Marleyan, so unfortunately, unreadable, but the photo on the right is of Reiner's legs, I believe. It looks like a leg in the middle of regeneration, but if Annie underwent "experiments" that eventually gave her Zeke's Scream and Reiner's hardening, then it's reasonable to assume the others underwent various such experiments too, atleast in regard to their endurance and titan-specific shifter abilities.
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Obviously, they would've been brutal. These were terribly young at the time, a little more so than when we see them on Paradis. I think going through the whole "succession ritual" would've been traumatizing in itself, so to be studied in a lab and have tests performed on them while in human form and also without anaesthetic (because why would they be offered anaesthetic when they weren't even seen as humans) - enough to put a real fear of needles and any sort of medical equipment.
I'm no expert, but trauma of such nature can last years, I believe. Even if you no longer have visceral reactions to needles or tourniquets, the sight of such things can pull severe anxiety and stress out of the body. Thinking about it, I can see RBA having to undergo tests on Paradis too for enlisting in the military. Perhaps blood draws, respiratory fitness and related things. It might've been horrifying to sit through them calmly so as not to arouse any suspicion. Annie especially, since she internalizes a lot of things without sharing and might've suffered through it all alone.
So even when the years pass post-rumbling, there could be a fear of medical settings, as you've mentioned. As for the doctors' being concerned, hmmm, I can see it, especially if Annie's overly concerned with getting tested, treated, checked and such during a pregnancy.
Now, coming to clumsiness!
Personally, it's not as much being clumsy as it is a densensitivity to prolonged pain. I think that to the contrary, RBA would've actually been very careful not to get hurt unnecessarily, as anyone noticing a scratch or a wound healing with steam would be dangerous to keeping their identities secret.
Pain on the other hand, is a different matter. Whenever they had a limb torn or a deep gash opened on their skin as shifters, it would heal within a matter of minutes to hours, with the pain never lasting too long. So prolonged pain for Annie, Reiner and Pieck, would be a foreign thing and quite difficult to get used to. (In contrast Armin, as a shifter from Paradis, would know what continued pain feels like since he inherited the CT only much later in his life).
Annie's ring though... nice headcanon! It's easy to see her playing with it nervously, expecting even the lightest of scratches to heal, but welp, now it doesn't anymore and WHOOPS, lots of blood - Armin's calling that ambulance and crying all over the place.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Yandere Seth x reader
Notice: a girl who is a fan of the ennead manhwa and has a crush on Seth. One day she wakes up as a new manhwa character, as the eldest daughter of Osiris and Isis. He decides to support Seth, trying almost not to alter history. After so many adventures and starting a romance with her favorite character Seth. It seemed like he no longer missed his previous life. But one day he begins to notice that his body is beginning to disappear. He thinks about ignoring this fact and hiding it from Seth. But when he sees that he will soon return to his previous world. She confesses to Seth that she is not of this world and then Seth himself witnesses her becoming transparent. Seth somehow tries to avoid it, but he can't even touch her. Until the fem reader disappears asking for forgiveness. How Seth reacts.
(Sorry if something sad happens to me again. I'm a fan of love stories that end in tragedy. It also occurred to me when I saw Barbie's version of the Nutcracker. Thank you very much for inviting me)
Ooooh, a isekai!reader!! Nice 😁
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere romantic charcter, and others.
Character: Seth
You had always loved mythology so when you came across ennead, a manhwa having Egyptian gods in it, it was a dark manhwa that’s for sure but you loved it, though you just want to kill Osiris for the evil and trauma he had caused in the most brutal way possible.
On a random day that you didn’t recall as you didn’t really think you needed to pay attention to it you had suddenly transported into one of your favorite manhwa’s known as ennead.
You apparently reincarnated into the manhwa as a character that wasn’t there before who was the daughter of Osiris and Isis, the elder sibling to Anubis and Horus, you were honestly shocked to be reincarnated as a character that wasn’t even supposed to be there but decided to make the most of it.
You supported Seth; though sept for the killings of innocent people but that was mostly cause of the traumatic experience Osiris gave Seth and such. You try to stay mostly in the back ground as you know your now father wasn’t above killing his own child as what had happened to anybody when Osiris was trying to make Seth be able to have a baby and also you didn’t want to change a whole lot of what happened as you then wouldn’t know what would happened next so you kept a low profile while maybe changing a few things that had originally happened.
You tried to act what the previous host had acted but some of your personality let out and apparently that peaked Seth’s interest; which you fangirled in private about. That interested became more apparent that Seth started to have feelings for you especially with how you try to discreetly defend him when you could.
You had followed him after he was exiled and demoted from being a god to help him and to also not get more traumatized than he already and prevent some of the things you think was unnecessary for him to go through which further his feelings for you and made him aware that even though you ‘shared’ blood with Osiris that you’re nothing alike between your father.
Sadly the adventure was coming to an end once you noticed some of you were starting to become transparent and disappearing starting with your fingers which at first was easy to hide with long thin sleeves until it soon became hard to do things without your hand to help the other, you decided to ignore that you’re most likely leaving this world and leaving Seth all alone but subconsciously knew that this wouldn’t have lasted as much as it did and at least you helped Seth with all you could.
Seth didn’t know what was happening with you until you came to him in a hurry as parts of you were disappearing, you had explained that reincarnated into this girl and that you weren’t from this world but you never regretted being transported her and that you loved him and always, sadly before he himself could confess that he also loved you you disappeared from his sight in light particles. He soon went into a deep depression hole as he tried ways to find you and make sure you come back to him and make sure you stay with him no matter what happened and how you might resist.
Until one faithful day he woke up in another world, he hoped that this is the world you were in, though thankfully it didn’t take long as you had brought him to your home after finding him soaking wet from the rain, the only problem now is that he is now a cat in this world, well that won’t stop the god of war in fact it makes him more determined to keep you from escaping him now.
(A/n: hope y’all liked it!! And also hope y’all liked the little ending part lol 😂 thought that would be funny 😂🤣 anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I get why the discussion is being framed around SA survivors, because y'all should have the loudest voice
but I'd like to widen the scope for a sec if I may. I feel like it should have occurred to Viv & others that putting a sudden scene of graphic SA during a pop song would be upsetting not just to SA survivors, but to her audience as a whole
from leaks and the script it seems clear to me that the tone of the first couple of episodes is pretty light hearted. We have Angel Dust joking around about how his body should be exploited, for Pete's sake!
it's a massive whiplash to any audience, victims of SA or not, to just dump something that heavy on them with potentially no warning. even outside of traumatic experiences everyone has a different threshold of how much explicit content they can handle, be it SA or gore.
I have seen movies/dramas/etc that have had either scenes of murder/suicide/SA that I've found genuinely distressing. Sometimes the creator has tried to portray the subject realistically, but it's still difficult to watch onscreen. And sometimes it's for shock value. That's usually worse. Even outside of people who have first hand topic with having lose someone/tried to commit suicide/experience SA, some people will still find depictions of any of those things hard to watch. It's just basic human empathy to warn for it properly and consider the effect on an audience.
and it can be dangerous if you get it wrong - 13 Reasons Why had a graphic suicide scene and it's notorious for causing an uptick in suicides among teens (there are news articles on this for those who would like to know more).
Saying people 'knew what they were getting into' with HH is unfair, imo - it's entirely through the lens of a presupposed viewer who is familiar with the show and has probably read the Angel Dust prequel comic or seen Addict. But with a new show on Prime there will be viewers who are going into the whole thing without context (some of whom will be critics watching the thing for work, of course).
Is it fair for them to be sideswiped four episodes in with a scene of graphic SA with potentially no content warning, in a show that's been pretty goofy and silly up to that point?
Extremely good point, Anon. Thank you for this.
It's entirely possible, more likely than not even, that after the episode officially airs, it's going to leave some people -- who may or may not be survivors -- feeling like they were blindsided by a brutal rape scene. They have a right to be upset about that, and as much as Viv might insist she'll be fine with taking criticism after that point, nothing she's ever done has indicated that that'll be true.
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phoenix-king-ozai · 6 months
Live footage of Azulon when the son he treats like trash and obviously wants his attention to the point he legit names his kid after him but with a more feminine sounding ending kills him after forty years of him being an awful parent: Shoced Pikachu face.
Yeah you can't tell Ozai didn't want to kill Azulon but simply never had the courage to go through with it. A part of me feels he was waiting for the bastard to kick the bucket and I'm of the opinion that outside of fear, the other reason he didn't try tripping the bastard down the stairs was because Iroh would get the throne anyway and whilst Azulon's death can be brushed off as the fucker just getting old, Iroh dying at the same time would raise red flags and it's only when Lu Ten dies and Iroh retracts his birth right does Ozai dare to even try insinuating he should get the throne.
I believe that Ozai and Azulon had a very complex, turbulent, and strained father-and-son relationship. My theory regarding Fire Lady Ilah's death is that she had complications while giving birth to Ozai and died in a traumatic childbirth scenario. Perhaps, Fire Lord Azulon desired to have another child in case of Crown Prince Iroh's death on the battlefield. Ilah probably was at the age where having another child was risky in her mid-40s or possibly infant Ozai burning Ilah alive from the inside out causing the Fire Sages to perform a bloody C-Section which led to her death due to immolation, blood loss, and overwhelming pain.
If this scenario is truly the canon case regarding Fire Lady Ilah’s death. Then I could see Fire Lord Azulon scapegoating Ozai for being the cause of Ilah’s death especially if Azulon forcibly demanded Ilah to conceive another child as a potential backup replacement heir for Iroh’s death in warfare along with the return of Sozin’s comet coming in the next half century. I can see both Azulon and a teenage Iroh resenting, neglecting, and verbally abusing Ozai during his childhood due to their beloved wife and mother dying horrifically in tremendous tormenting pain. Adult Iroh probably later resents and regrets how he and his father treated Ozai during his early formative years as a child and the negative effects it had on their relationship and Ozai’s own relationship with his own personal family with Ursa, Zuko and Azula…
However, I believe that despite the hateful resentment and negatively neglectful child abuse. Ozai during his youthful childhood and teenage years greatly appreciated, admired, and respected his father as Fire Lord and Supreme Commander of the Fire Nation Military and brother as Grand General of the Fire Nation Army. Ozai probably very much idolized and worshipped his father and brother as legendary war heroes and genius strategists who followed in his grandfather's legendary footsteps in achieving absolute victory for their homeland and people against the “barbaric snow savages” of the Water Tribes and “incompetent dirty filthy” Earth Kingdomers. Ozai probably later on during his adulthood began to resent Azulon for his maltreatment and neglect of him despite him being his ultimate idol as shown by his naming of Azula after him. Ozai also probably resents how Azulon values and has a better relationship with Iroh and Lu Ten than him due to Ilah’s death. I can definitely see Teen Ozai being fanatically loyal to Azulon just like Zuko was for Ozai due his exile.
Ozai is more ruthless, brutal, and vicious than his older brother Iroh. Iroh had taken after Ilah's influence and parenting style whereas Ozai had taken after Azulon’s influence and parenting style. Iroh probably is brainwashed and naive to believe that the Fire Nation truly cares about the prosperity of the other elemental nations whereas as Ozai is extremely realistic and pessimistic regarding the so-called “benevolent” plans for the other nations by their grandfather Sozin. Ozai probably internally realized and demoralized himself regarding the Fire Nation's true brutal, vicious, cruel, and selfish desire for imperial conquest. Which is why personality Ozai is much more strict, cold, ruthless and serious than his brother due to their different outlook on society and what it means to be a parent, warrior, and Fire Prince of the Fire Nation.
Ozai's parenting style is very authoritative, demanding, controlling, and ruthless like the Fire Nation Empire itself. Ozai most definitely inherited this style of dominating and vicious dictatorial parenting method from Azulon who inherited it from Sozin. Ozai treats his children more like soldiers and pawns for the Fire Nation's grand schemes and designs. Their happiness, wishes, and desires mean nothing to him to the cost of his family's Imperial Legacy. Ozai and Ursa used to have a happy family with Zuko and Azula, but Ozai "changed" when the children became older. I believe Ozai decided to allow Zuko and Azula to have a happy and "normal" childhood that he didn't experience as a child. However, once Ozai saw a chance in becoming Fire Lord and fulfilling Sozin's dream and legacy. Ozai gave up on the lenient and caring fatherly act because it was unnatural to him given his own personal childhood and relationship with his own father Fire Lord Azulon. Along with the fact that Ozai probably believes that with Ursa gone; he finally can stop coddling his children after their childhood has ended.
Unfortunately, Ozai cares more about the Fire Nation's imperialistic ambitions than the happiness of his wife and children. At the end of the day, Ozai doesn't understand and value the unconditional and pure love of a parent because he probably has never gotten to experience it with Fire Lord Azulon probably being resentful over Fire Lady Ilah's brutal and horrific death in childbirth!
Ozai's harshness and brutal parenting style and domineering expectations are because Ozai wants Zuko and Azula to both prove themselves. Ozai doesn't favor Zuko or Azula. It is about which child will succeed Sozin, Azulon, and his legacy as future Fire Lord. In fact, Ozai doesn't want Zuko or Azula to think that they are the “favorite” child. He wants Azula and Zuko to improve through competition. Because of the “only the greatest of pressures can forge diamonds” & “steel sharpen steel” mentality. Ozai has the mentality of an imperialist warlord. Ozai isn't trying to be the world's most loving and caring father but rather continue and build upon a powerful and dominant legacy that his forefathers had created before him. He wants Zuko & Azula to be cold, ruthless, heartless, vicious, and brutal imperialistic warmongers like him (Ozai), his father (Azulon), and his grandfather (Sozin).
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razzberrydazz · 11 months
Me, realizing one of the many reasons I like Shadowheart and Astarion so much is because they read as having BPD to me, because I am a person with BPD and I project myself the hardest on characters I see myself in. It's MY comfort characters and I'll project on them however much I want 🤡😈
So I broke down the base criteria of BPD symptoms (you only need to tick 5 of the 9 criteria to be able to be diagnosed with BPD) and how both Shadowheart and Astarion can be interpreted as having and expressing the various behavioral criteria.
The main criteria: Fear of Abandonment, Self-Harm and/or Suicidal Thoughts, Chronic feelings of Emptiness and Dissociation, Unstable Self-image and sense of identity, history of unstable relationships, impulsive and self-sabotaging behavior, mood swings, extreme anger, Paranoia and disconnect from reality. It's not explicitly a criteria, but it's incredibly common if not a prerequisite that people with BPD have prolonged past trauma that caused them to have these maladaptive behaviors.
Both Astarion and Shadowheart have the traumatized unstable past to explain their behaviors (Shadowheart DEFINITELY has SEVERE childhood trauma since she got kidnapped and forced into a horribly abusive and manipulative cult, while Astarion has the trauma from Cazador's centuries of abuse and manipulation)
Both of them have SEVERE trust issues (Shadowheart from being in a cult as well as her attempts to pit Tav against Lae'Zel because she's distrustful of her {she has good reason to be when she's carrying a Gith artifact, as well as the Githyanki's long history of brutality and oppressive regimes}, Astarion from being so severely abused by Cazador despite his attempts to please the vampire lord, both of them can latch onto Tav and trust Tav entirely too Much once they're shown a shred of decency)
Both have Extreme fear of abandonment that they deal with in different ways (Shadowheart avoids abandonment by generally pushing people away and keeping them at arm's length so she can't grow attached especially if she stays Sharran, then latches onto the player far more than she should if no longer Sharran because Tav is her last tether of trust and warmth; Astarion avoids abandonment by trying to seduce you and get in your good graces as quickly as possible)
Both have unstable self-image and identity (Astarion doesn't even remember his own face before turning into a vampire, Shadowheart has to double down and recite the Sharran dogma to herself near constantly because she is unsure of her faith and by act 2/3 has QUITE an existential crisis on her relationship with Shar and Selune and cuts her bangs and even dyes her hair if no longer Sharran)
Both have a history of unstable relationships (Shadowheart can't even remember most of her possible past relationships due to the memory wipes, the main relationship she does remember is that of her with her cruel capricious goddess Shar, and if you go Selune route in Shadowheart's personal quest she will latch onto Tav and ask them to be with her forever with the clear implication that she's afraid Tav will leave her; Astarion hadn't been able to maintain a single good relationship in his entire time under Cazador because he had to lure his lovers to his master)
Both have impulsive and self-sabotaging behaviors ESPECIALLY Astarion imo (Astarion's perceived initial hypersexuality and inability to say no to sexual intimacy for most of the game, his want to do the ritual which overall has a far worse outcome for himself and others, his attempt to feed from Tav without their consent and possibly kill them in the process, his approval and encouragement of evil actions that reinforce that Tav is not trustworthy; Shadowheart's attempt to kill Lae'Zel by holding a dagger to her throat while she slept was definitely an impulsive act, and if she throws away the spear of night in act 2 that was Definitely done by impulse and not of active thought, and her cutting and dying her hair was most definitely done on impulse imo)
Both appear to have chronic feelings of emptiness and dissociation (Astarion largely because of the chronic vampiric gnawing hunger as well as him appearing to dissociate during some sex scenes, Shadowheart feeling emptiness largely due to the loss of her memory and mind as well as her dissociating via prayer because Sharrans try to empty themselves of all emotion to feel the emptiness and loss that Shar upholds)
Both of them have appear to have varying anger issues (not as much as other characters at times, as both Karlach and Lae'Zel DEFINITELY have worse anger issues at first glance if you ask me) and different ways they deal with it (Astarion is quite murder happy about it, such as when he can kill the Gur bounty hunter without caring for Tav's input, and Shadowheart's anger and resentment towards Lae'Zel and Selunites causes her to verbally lash out at any mention of Selune while at one point physically threatening Lae'Zel with her dagger and possibly killing her if Tav doesn't intervene or eggs her on, though I think most of Shadowheart's anger is turned inward and turned into her mentally anguishing that she's not a good enough devotee to her goddess)
Both have Extreme paranoia and suspicion of others (Shadowheart is distrustful of others by default and is especially paranoid about Lae'Zel due to her being Gith, Astarion is paranoid of being taken back to Cazador and holds Tav at knifepoint at first accusing them of being the one that kidnapped him before Tav assuages his fears)
Of the BPD criteria, I'd say outright Self-Harm and Suicidal Ideation shows up in both Shart and Astarion the Least (Gale has EVERYONE beat in the suicidality department); they both most definitely want to live, though they both still do Self-Harm usually through their self-sabotaging actions. I wouldn't count Shadowheart's stigmata hand wound as Self-Harm since it was Shar that inflicted that on her and not Shadowheart inflicting it on herself. If anything, it could be argued that Shadowheart purposely doing things she knows Shar would dislike in order to activate the wound is some form of self harm possibly? Shar is her abuser so I still am firm that her wound is not Shadowheart harming herself even if she knowingly does things to activate it because it is the fault of her abuser for hurting her.
As for extreme mood swings, often times those can be pretty well concealed and be mostly internal instead of external if someone is good enough at masking their emotions. Of the party members, Shadowheart and Astarion and Gale mask their emotions the most. Karlach has pretty outward mood swings, she's very expressive, while both Shadowheart and Astarion (and Gale) are typically pretty withdrawn and wear a mask of false smiles. Shadowheart definitely seems to be chronically depressed or otherwise ruminating and not having a good time mentally. If she has mood swings they are likely turned inwards and not outwards. She does have outbursts of anger and panic indicative of rapid mood swings at times, however. Astarion's dramatic catty antics could be read as mood swings judging how he reacts to Tav's various actions. Both he and Shart are very catty.
Overall, both Shadowheart and Astarion can be read as having enough matching behaviors to the BPD criteria for me to confidently say they're coded to have BPD, even if it's not explicitly stated as such.
Sidenote, sometimes people with BPD can experience minor hallucinations especially auditory hallucinations, and Shadowheart most Definitely had auditory hallucinations of Shar judging and shaming her if you ask me. It could have actually been Shar in her head yes, but it could also just as easily have been Shadowheart's own mind tormenting her.
BPD can also possibly predispose people towards Psychosis, black and white thinking, and delusions, though it's not a definite. Astarion's obsession with completing the ritual insisting it will protect him for good could be seen as a possible delusion of grandeur. Shadowheart definitely has black-and-white dogmatic thinking while under Shar's thumb. They need so much healing.
All of this is my interpretation to support my headcanons of course, these also enable my shameless projecting on these two catty characters. I'm a borderline bitch and if I can't get a stable personality myself, store bought is fine!
A lot of stuff is speculative and that's fine with me.
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i think there’s an interesting bit about how magnus vs alex are perceived with the way alex is often perceived as more cold and closed off despite both of them displaying a similar level of bitterness (which is only natural, both of them are homeless kids who die brutal deaths).
part of this, of course, is that the narration is told from magnus’ pov, fundamentally he doesn’t read as closed off as alex because the readers have direct access to all his thoughts and backstory without him having to say it out loud to another character, but i think there’s an interesting bit of difference between them: alex is trans. any trans person will tell you that telling anyone you’re trans leads to this awkward bit where you’re expected to explain yourself, share a bit of highly personal information and disclose the intricacies of your identity even if you don’t want to. and alex has to state her transness in order to be respected, she can’t go stealth because she’s not a binary trans person. he has to yield some sort of explanation, even if it’s as simple as “use she/her until i tell you otherwise”. even when he presents as different genders he doesn’t do so in a cisnormative way, there is no way for you to not misgender him without him fundamentally disclosing a personal bit of information about himself.
and, combined with her homelessness, this creates a kind of inherent disclosing of information about that, as well. once you know she’s homeless and trans there’s already a mental link between those two events regardless of whether that’s fully accurate or not. even magnus himself makes this link, saying that yes, plenty of homeless queer kids are homeless because their parents kicked them out. for magnus, it’s relatively simple to keep the reasons, realities and traumas of his situation private: it’s considered generally bad social practice to casually inquire about the specifics of the traumatic experiences of one’s life, so he has relative control over the information he discloses to other people.
alex, fundamentally, does not have that privilege. she has to tell people she’s trans to not be misgendered, and she understands fully this will not only lead to further questions about her identity but also an inherent disclosures of her trauma. her entire introduction is about how everyone around her makes assumptions about her based on the little information they get, and how much she doesn’t like it. i think it’s an important bit to consider that her situation inherently leads to her implicitly having to disclose deeply personal, traumatic information about herself and there’s nothing she can do about it.
alex reads as more closed off because she’s closed off in a different way to magnus. she has less control over how much information about herself she keeps private than him because her existing comfortably in a space means she has to disclose information about her that will lead people to knowing more than she probably wants people to know upon them just meeting her. she is forced to provide explanation of herself almost immediately after meeting a person in order for them to have the ability to engage with her basic personhood.
so, of course she’s more ‘cold’ and ‘brash’ than magnus. while magnus can relatively successfully keep from commenting on or disclosing certain topics, alex has to, and so she does it in the most pragmatic, authoritative way possible. while magnus can tactfully avoid talking about himself (regardless of whether he chooses to do it tactfully or not), alex has no such ability, as doing so would only lead to more questioning. she has to do it curtly and directly because that’s the only way she can cling onto her privacy and retain some control over how much of herself she discloses to people. and of course that makes her come off as more bitter, anyone would be bitter if the only way to avoid being hurt by other people was to almost immediately disclose personal information about oneself, regardless of whether you want to keep it private or not.
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altschmerzes · 9 months
6. A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engel. a timeless classic that i love love love. meg is such a fun protagonist and i really enjoyed experiencing this as an adult again. the whole like… helpless devastated rage she feels when she realizes that adults can't just. fix everything? that sequence will always rattle me around like a mason jar fulla beans. she's such a like… man. the way the narrative was like. this isn't fair. it isn't right. it's happening anyway. i'm so sorry, but it's happening anyway. that really got me.
Protagonist: Meg Murry. Most Likely To Have A Profound And Life Altering Impact On Adolescent Weird Girls Who Read Her Book.
7. Whiskeyjack by Victoria Goddard. third book in the series, slightly less fun than the others but only very slightly. i cannot emphasize enough how difficult it was to rank like, 2-8. had some VERY fun stuff with like…. things you learn that then go back and recontextualize everything else. ended on a scene that made me fucking sob which is always a plus in my book. themes of FAMILY and LOYALTY and SACRIFICE. my fucking beloved. yes please. the pov character continues to have a horrible little time. also love that.
Protagonist: (again, series has dual protagonists, so switching back) Peregrine Dart. Most Likely To Be The Unwitting Conduit Of The Deus Ex Machina. Deus Ex Dart.
8. One By One by Ruth Ware. just a really good classic mystery thriller. i love a mystery thriller, and ruth ware seems to always hit for me. managed to pull off a pov switch between two pov characters one of whom had a massive, MASSIVE secret without it seeming completely nonsensical once revealed or relying on the pov character talking in deliberately obtuse or evasive ways that would be really tiresome and insulting if carried through. there was a set of tech bro startup characters that were obnoxious and infuriating in exactly the way that those people are in real life, so points for that for SURE even though i did wanna throttle them.
Protagonist: Erin (Lastname). Most Deserving Of A Tropical Vacation.
9. The Ritual by Adam Nevill. this is the most brutal book i have read in recent memory. possibly at all. this guy gets put all the way through the wringer physically and emotionally and it is visceral in the way it is described. the protagonist was a profoundly unpleasant person a lot of the time but this was deliberate and really engaging, honestly. there were some moments of stark self-reflection from him about the ways in which he did not like who he was and the things he did, and when he recognized how like. unfair and cruel he was being to the others in his head. wasn't as good as the movie, imo, but the changes that they made between the book and film made total sense given the sheer level of interiority in the book. and boy howdy how much interiority. whoof.
Protagonist: Luke. Most Surprising Survival.
10. I Am Not Who You Think I Am by Eric Rickstad. i think the most damning thing that can be said about this book is that i literally can't remember almost anything about it. it was compelling in some ways and there were a few very specific moments that i was really gripped by but most of it was like. a really flat letdown. it was interesting enough as a mystery that i finished it but i don't even really remember why, now.
Protagonist: Wayland Maynard. Most Forgettable Guy.
11. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. just. ugh. dystopia ya in a bad way. too complicated and not well established. dumbass colour coding system. it could've been so fun, i love traumatized teenagers with powers and an evil government in all sincerity but this just did not do anything good with it. it looked like it COULD have but it DIDN'T. the love interest character was a DICK. there was some weird gender takes that popped out of nowhere. jump-scared by gender. did enjoy watching the movie though because it was fucking insane and gave me a scene where the protagonist and the love interest shared a passionate embrace over what fully appeared to be the dead body of the love interest's theoretical best friend. amazing. no notes.
Protagonist: Ruby Daly. Most Likely To One Day Decide She's Tired Of Being Nice And She Does Want To Go Apeshit Actually.
12. Reputation by Sarah Vaughan. [VIDEODROME PRESCREEN AUDIENCE REVIEW WHERE THEY JSUT WROTE 'SUCKED' AND GOT SO UPSET ABOUT HOW BAD IT WAS THEY MARKED THE WRONG GENDER] this book was BAD. the writing was bad. the characters were bad and not on purpose. the politics of the book were uh. whoof. what if white girlboss feminism was a novel. points for some of the hardest i've laughed tho at Nice Dick Mike the journalist that the protagonist cannot respect after she sleeps with him and Lady Cop With Bangs, the traitor to womanhood.
Protagonist: Emma Webster. Most Likely To Submit An Extremely Long Post To Reddit Dot Com Slash Am I The Asshole That Leaves Out A Lot Of Like, Extremely Critical Information That When Uncovered All Makes Her Look Really Fucking Bad While She Seems To Still Think It Was Entirely Irrelevant And Honestly Unfair To Even Consider. Gd Forbid Women Do Anything.
UNCATEGORIZED: 21st Century Jocks: Sporting Men And Contemporary Heterosexuality by Eric Anderson. there was simply no way to rank this among the others, it was too completely different. they were all very different books but this was just. entirely different. had a wonderful time with it though!! gave me a lot to think about as someone who thinks a lot
thank you for joining me on this journey. i loved reading books again this year and would wholeheartedly recommend anything ranked 1-9 on this list, provided you like the genre/vibe.
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marley-manson · 4 months
Xena season 4 finale(ish) post, warning for spoilers for certain mutuals who are currently watching the show, or anyone else.
FANTASTIC climax to Gabrielle's arc this season, good god. When she throws that fucking spear... chills. This is another contender for favourite Xena scene of all, it's so incredibly effective. The way these last few episodes have really hammered down Gabrielle's pacifism with her arguments with Amarice, her choice to let Brutus go instead of having him executed, her stupid powder and non-lethal fight shenanigans, the return of Eli in this episode - and it's all there just to make the moment where she picks up that spear as impactful as possible, and it works. Even her first kill and that fallout all the way back in season 3 now feels like it exists just to set up the emotional impact of this scene, it's that good.
And god the scene itself is amazing to watch. The way she mows down soldier after soldier as brutally and efficiently as possible, the way she visibly shifts from fighting to protect Xena to lashing out in frustrated rage as she realizes that escape is impossible, her lack of regret afterwards. The cheffest of kisses.
This episode was fantastic in other ways as well. I love that the show makes it clear that Xena only lost here because Callisto is a fucking cheater lmao. She would've killed Caesar when she intended to if Callisto hadn't intercepted her chakram, and she would've escaped the prison if Callisto hadn't broken her back. Caesar didn't defeat Xena, Callisto did, and only because Callisto has ghost magic going on. And that's very fitting too, because if it was just Xena vs Caesar it might've felt a little thin for an epic conclusion - but with true fan-beloved archnemesis Callisto involved, it feels appropriately impactful. Also love that Xena intended to just quietly assassinate Caesar lol. Circumstances are a little different than The Debt, since Caesar did declare his murderous intentions first, but the vibes are similar and I love them.
Also Caesar's sexualized vulnerability in this ep sure was a choice, but a good one imo - the sex nightmare (including a prolonged shot where they're positioned to mimic gender-reversed missionary) as well as Callisto getting handsy with him. And again like, idk exactly what the intent was here, but the vibes do feel like a call-back to his dubconny sexual encounter with Xena, and the fact (? taking their exchange in When Fates Collide into account, when Xena says she must've been his worst nightmare) that he was/is afraid of her. Idk, it adds a nicely complex layer to their interactions and mutual enmity, not quite undermining Xena's resentful hatred, but suggesting it's a two-way street, and for a good reason, especially with v traumatized Callisto drawing a parallel between the two of them in how Xena fucked them up. And given that they both simultaneously die by each others' hands-by-proxy in a pair of intercut scenes at the end, it does fit this story nicely. Both achieve a cathartic, and arguably deserved, vengeance.
Idk if I can say that was the intent definitively, I mean, the show also just has a hard-on for dominant women lol, it doesn't frame Xena as an actual rapist at any point, and it certainly hasn't made an impression on fans either based on the fact that I've like, never seen this dynamic between them discussed before. But Caesar waking up in terror after dreaming about Xena fucking and then stabbing him - in a context that suggests this is a recurring nightmare, given Caesar saying "dreams" plural and the fact that he hasn't even seen her recently - sure is a striking image to start us off with and contextualize Caesar's obsessive hatred, yk?
Oh man and finally I adore Callisto in this ep, and not just because she looks good with short hair lol. Also like, that shot when Xena and Gabrielle are being brought out to the crosses and she catches a snowflake on her tongue like a delighted child might be my favourite Callisto moment of all <333 And speaking of that moment, the direction and editing of this episode was also just amazing. Beautiful, many striking images, excellently paced.
Basically this was a nearly perfect episode, extremely satisfying and poignant and engaging and intriguing, and if it had actually been the end of the series it would've been a very fitting end. In some ways seasons 5 and 6 almost feel like bonus seasons lol, take them or leave them, with this as the true thematically resonant and emotionally satisfying ending.
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robinpixels · 5 months
Have you ever thought about how much worse the dynamic between Beta and the Zeniths are, when you do up the timeline and realize she could be as young as fourteen/fifteen? In no way a developed socially adept child because she grew up with freaking holograms and had no positive physical contact?
If you ignore the age bit. Beta probably only knows physical touch through the Specters and maybe some robotics around the ship. The first time she has physical contact that’s nice isn’t even from Aloy. It’s from Varl. And then he gets brutalized and she has no one to hug her or pull her close because Aloy is also socially inept (and possibly 19/20). Zo is trying to deal with the loss of not only the guy she liked but her baby’s dad. The others aren’t even sure how to connect. Though Erend might cause he’s a sibling.
But just. Does anyone else realize how traumatized Beta actually is and how much worse it is for her?
Opinion or your own thoughts? Cause this has me very concerned for how Beta could be mentally for the next game.
oh hello!! haha, god its been so long since i've put my hzd/hfw thinking cap on but i love chattin' shop and opinions and i've a few to toss around
to start around my thoughts personally i've always interpreted beta from the time we know her to be about 18! not from any hard concrete evidence, so this is definitely not a correction, i just gleaned so from initial impressions and from a personal bias in my head how its quite poetic to me if Aloy were staring back at someone that could resemble a version of herself back when she first started her journey. Then lending to her personal frustration when said mirror doesn't in actuality resemble her (or Lis, in her view) at all. its even more devastating to me in this sense too 'cuz what she could have had as a 'childhood' is essentially already all gone. but yeah, long story short - while if i'm honest i don't think she's a child anymore, she is definitely very much so floundering and struggling in her young adulthood (i still stand by how she's depicted in False Negative, like that's just Her to me, Tessa u absolute wonder u).
god, ur probably right about her not having positive physical contact all this time - either violence or nothing up until the point she meets the GAIA squad. the concept of the bond beta and varl could have had always makes me SO sad to think about, it could have been so good, and personally it does frustrate me how they never leaned more into it to the detriment of both varl and beta. they could've had such a beautiful meaningful friendship (please pardon 'Ro is Annoyed at How Varl was Treated as a Character In-Story, Part Infinity, but this does touch upon it). It's undeniable she's been through a whole hell of a lot in that brief span of time she was on Earth and away from the Zeniths - the whole crew has, and as trauma does it's definitely gonna leave them all scrambling.
but in my wholesale opinion i gently pat ur head and assure you she will probably be alright at the end of the day! while FW was imo incredibly garbled in its delivery in places it does make clear that coming together to form a community to withhold against adversity is the goal here, and one everybody at Base recognizes and I feel are making great strides to get there! i have faith in this motley crew - Alva is Alva, bubbly and cooperative as ever; Kotallo's stoic but incredibly warm and well-meaning; Erend is Erend, he's always been good to his friends; Zo as an Utaru probably knows better than anyone the importance of community support and cooperation. as for Aloy i think she's taken that good bopping to the head in regards to learning to depend on people and letting people depend on her - she's got a lot of solitude issues herself as is to be expected but it really did warm me seeing how she's trying to get over them for the sake of everyone around her, and is enjoying finally leaning on that community too. my most precious babygirl. i'm very proud of her
i'm absolutely positive beta is in astoundingly good hands - they're all in astoundingly good hands w one another! it's been so cute to me how post game you can tell she's starting to heal and engage with others, just how the team had done before and after her. While absolutely I think they're all going to have their missteps and stresses and maybe a falling out here or there as they try and adjust, I honestly think the horizon series is at its core all about having compassion and care for your fellow man (albeit taking no shit from them at the same time) and the world you live in, so I doubt any of them will even accidentally leave Beta behind. she's got a sister, a mom, and a wholeass family now!! i adore how all the post-game content has been beta shyly but slowly but surely getting better, determined as she is to contribute the ways she can now.
hahaskdaflj; you were probably expecting an angstier response out of me and oh believe me i love the angst!! but i also have such a soft spot for when horizon goes all Indomitable Human Spirit on us it makes me go all gooey. i think the kids will be alright <3
on a funnier note to an extent i believe in beta precisely BECAUSE she's already a little unhinged. girl came in with the box already banged up and inherently fucked up. yeah miss beta 'let me just knock myself out cold and tear this implant directly out of my head that'll thwart em' sobeck will fit right alongside that hall of madness now known as Base GAIA she'll do just fine and dandy. i've gotten such a taste for unhinged sapphics lately and when horizon delivers it DELIVERS
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juniperhillpatient · 10 months
ok I’m like… back to this. I do love that the coffin of andy & leyley is so brutally bluntly HORROR as in not pg 13 blumhouse ghost horror movies that shy away from anything too taboo but horror that’s meant to offend & upset. I like the way it sees shit you’re not “supposed” to talk about & goes as hard as it can like - I don’t think at this point it’s a secret to literally anyone who follows me or has ever discussed fiction with me ever that the controversial or daring are obvious draws for me in any genre but particularly my favorite genre of horror.
like an anon suggested this to me, I saw the words “cannibalism” “incest” & “botched satanic ritual” as soon as I googled & was ready to check it out BUT I think it’s worth noting that it’s not the dark concepts themselves that got this game its well earned hype or that ensure that it lives rent free in my head & the heads of other fans.
I think the writers have created really compelling & complex multilayered characters & a fascinating storyline with a lot of questions left unanswered about the nature of these demons & of human souls & the world these characters inhabit & I’m being so sincere here I also think it’s a really thought provoking critique or at least exploration of the american nuclear family.
I already said this but I would’ve stopped caring pretty fast if andrew & ashley were not more than their archetypes which SURE are fun we love a quirky evil girlboss & her simp boyfriend brother but the fun archetypes are not enough on their own to keep me hooked. luckily, these are some of the least 1 dimensional characters I’ve ever seen. this got carried away talking about how good I think the game is & giving an obligatory disclaimer that yeah, I totally got into it initially for shallow & edgy reasons lol but I actually wanted to talk about the themes because I genuinely think it’s an incredibly well crafted story. anyway -
I think it’s really interesting that ashley is the one that is originally shown believing / hoping their mom hasn’t truly abandoned them. andrew discourages her from having hope in their mom or considering trying to find her until it’s about finding sacrifices for the demon & getting money. yet this initial dynamic is totally forgotten once they’re home. ashley just wants to kill these motherfuckers while andrew is busy playing mind games & - one might argue- playing house / pretending be a happy family. it’s andrew who is offered the olive branch. who we see considering sparing his parents or at least feeling conflicted about killing them. in the flashbacks we see that “andy” was forced to take care of “leyley” & she uses it against him “mom says you have to play with me.”
ashley is so depressingly achingly desperate for any hint of affection & it’s so obvious the reason she’s latched into andrew is that he’s the only one who’s ever chosen her. that’s why she’s so obsessed with calling andrew “andy” despite the conflict it constantly creates. andy helped her hide a body. a possibly hot take but I don’t think leyley was going “yay murder” in her child brain - I don’t think she cared that the girl died don’t get me wrong - but I do believe it was an accident. this is a happy memory though because it’s the only time in ashley’s entire life that someone has chosen her with that level of commitment. yet for andrew it’s horrific & traumatic & he wants to get away from it - or so he tells himself. maybe his parents were decent to him or at least not actively hateful how they were to ashley but it’s abundantly clear based on the fact the story’s premise relies on them leaving him to fucking starve to death that they do not give a fuck about him.
when mrs. graves tells andrew that there’s still hope for him & that she always cared about him the compliments she chooses are telling - they thought he was easy, quiet, a good kid - they thought they could have another (& hand her off to him to take care of). and ofc it’s worth noting mrs. graves only says all this to save her own skin & would never freely talk about caring about andrew.
so andy is living this cold not abusive but certainly empty & devoid of nurturing life & along comes leyley. she’s annoying & needy but she loves him with such reckless abandon. adult ashley’s words say it all. “If only you could love me with half the heart I love you with.” but he DOES he just doesn’t know how to show it the way she does. so he chooses her again & again & tries to make her happy with violence & bending to her will & showing her he’d do anything for her with everything he can except the one thing she wants which is simple affection.
as things get more & more dire ashley gets more abusive, controlling & manipulative embodying the worst aspects of her mother - a cold heartless bitch who never cared about anyone but herself - & andrew gets more & more apathetic just like his worthless father who’s barely even a person in his wife’s shadow.
it’s a really tragic story & I love this idea of characters on the run but they’re really running from themselves & that’s something you can never escape. how telling is it that the one thing ashley doesn’t want is to be buried in the same grave as her parents? but this story is about a grave it’s always been about a coffin in one way or another, they thought they escaped when they got out of the apartment but they’re still in it because they’ll always still be in it, you can’t escape from who you are at your core & there’s a reason ashley having tarred soul is such a glaring theme & episode 2 (in some versions) ends with andrew gaining a mark on his hand from the demon. they’re marked & there’s no escape. I’m sorry it’s just REALLY good horror. ok I’m done for now
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beeben · 6 months
hi, i was a previous victim of ultimatehater/realultimatehater, i can go message you off anon if you wish
i have a gif aesthetic side blog and in my main blog i post media edits. i posted a gifset from each hh on my main, and reblogged some of them to my aes blog bc i have more followers there.
anyways RUH sent my over 50 death threats that i decided not to acknowledge at all. i did delete them so i have no evidence. many of them felt ai generated, just generic 'your edits are ugly, no one likes you, kill yourself' messages. nothing really outside that, i didnt receive any doxxing/rape threats
anyways i DID answer one ask, and then she proceeded to claim i somehow edited the ask???? that is literally not possible, and more concerning people believed it???
BUT ALSO before ultimatehater was deleted, if you went back enough to her blog, you can see her original url was a bunch of numbers. before getting to hazbin discourse she baited scott vs the world fans, calling them pedophiles. it seems she just wants drama and rn she's making some bold statements in her new blog, that i'll be completely honest and also is just my opinion, i think she is lying.
I feel the same thing ngl.. i don't like to discredit someone's trauma but shes been copy pasting the things she's said to me and then sending them to other people unedited. I genuinely think shes a troll, and attacking random people with fandom blogs hoping to lure in and harm a child. It seems that way from the types of media she obsesses over (hazbin hotel/helluva boss, she ra) ive never heard of scot vs the world but id guess it's probably in that same category tbh. Im really not worried about her claiming to doxx people, claiming to add people to a hit list, i dont believe it. What i do worry about is children interacting with her and thinking she is legitimate. Thats what i mean by luring children. Shes goading people into responding to her and hoping they take her seriously. Children online who watch shows like hazbin hotel (most likely with unrestricted access to the Internet) are EXACTLY the type of "im more emotionally mature than my peers" type of kid that gets pushed into these harmful and frankly predatory groomer esque situations. Even if she's a troll and this is all fake, traumatizing children isnt. She's trying to perform a power play on these kids who are just beginning to understand themes like rape or abuse or racism or brutality and care about them so emotionally as children do, and trying to use it against them. Trying to hurt them
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blade-that-was-broken · 5 months
As we know why Bruce changed from Spruce to Bruce to leave the whole band thing behind in the original (If I’m correct-)
But there’s some AUs of yours that the band doesn’t exist, but Spruce still did change his name to Bruce, why did he do that?
About Solder AU
For some reason I’m mad and disappointed in BroZone’s parents.
Do Mom really hates John Dory? Do Dad not care about his four young sons?
Why did they keep their sons away from seeing each other?
What they did was really stupid and worse. Divorced or not, having siblings separated isn’t great idea. Poor Branch…
(I know he doesn’t remember John Dory)
I’m glad that all brothers are finally going to reunite and Bruce and Clay giving John Dory a chance even if John Dory wasn’t sure if they want him back.
This gets just a bitttt long.
For Bruce's name the short answer is I'm just kind of lazy lol.
In my other human au, Half Life, there is a notion that Spruce doesn't like his name. It has nothing to do with a band or an old identity, like in canon but it does kind of include him moving on. It's actually kind of the opposite a little bit of canon and the band thing? Like, in Half Life, Spruce moves on my owning his name and learning to like it. It's his and no one can take that away. Sure, it's kind of weird and yeah, his parents gave it to him - but it's something that he confronts and works through, kind of like a metaphor(?) for him confronting and working through his feelings on what he has been through.
In Soldier On, I was mostly just lazy. I didn't think about it. The whole concept was really just that little snippet and I wasn't planning on doing anything else at the time so I just wrote Bruce. So, idk, maybe he changed his name in this au or maybe he was born/named Bruce. You can decide lol
As for Soldier On Specifically in the other questions...
Luckily, none of the bros actually blame John for pretty much any of this. Granted, it would be hard to be upset at all considering what he has been through and also that they kinda forgot about HIM. John Dory has some feelings and some reservations about all this. He loves them but he knows he's not always easy to get along with and considering the last part of his upbringing, he's got some doubts, mostly in himself.
Branch doesn't remember JD but he remembers little things, feelings, mostly. He can hum/possibly sing an old song that no one knows how he knows. No one knows where it came from. Well, no one knows because it was JD who made it up and sung it to him as a baby. A lot. So, it's almost kind of engrained accidentally? They do end up getting along.
As for their parents...
The mom doesn't hate John and the dad does care about his other kids; it was just the tail end of an extremely long and drawn out fight where no one really won. The divorce was brutal, bitter and messy. I'm talking no holds barred nasty. Now, I do want to say, that the dad was not abusive; he didn't beat up his wife or make the whole thing traumatizing for her. They aren't divorcing because she's trying to get away from her crazy ex husband. That is NOT what happened. They were mean and cruel to each other but this is not one sided and the mom is not a victim of domestic violence. I'm not saying the dad is better than her but I do want to point that out.
The only - sort of - compromise that the two of them were ever able to make was the dad getting the oldest son, aka John. There are reasons for this, partially because John could live where their father was going to take him and not be super dependent, partially becomes lets face it, courts will favor the mother and if he fought her more over the kids, he was going to lose. Not because he's worse (they both kinda suck) but because that's the way things work.
The mom dealt with things by cutting out her ex husband. Instead of trying to work together for the sake of their kids, she shut down and didn't want to think of her ex husband at all. She literally tried to cut him out of her life and since John had to go with said ex husband, she put him in the same boat. She erased his memory, as if he was never there. She did a lot, moving away and didn't tell anyone, got new phones, erased phone numbers and contacts and call history. She did not want her ex husband to have any influence or thought in her life and since John was with him - that included him.
The dad kind of lost fight. He was able to have the company of one kid - the kid who liked the outdoorsy things - and knew the future would not include the others. He moved up north into a place that wasn't very populated. Lived a very, very simple life. More survived than lived. I'm talking probably a log cabin in the middle of the woods kind of living. He accepted what happened and just kind of stopped. He did things with John, mostly fishing, hunting, other outdoor-nature things and he didn't systematically destroy his son's memory like their mother. However, he didn't talk about them either and eventually come to prefer the company of the bottle or a smoke when the subject of his other sons come up. John became extremely self-sufficient very quickly.
There grew some resentment in JD, for sure. Neither parent dealt with any of this really well and in the end, it's not technically what killed them, it was definitely a contributing factor. Both parents died pretty young, although of different causes. The kids were really the ones who lost. In their fight against one another and trying to forget about one another, they brought that all on their kids instead.
While the younger boys lived a busy life with a semi struggling mother trying to drown out any memory or talk of their father and brother, John spent his teenage years in loneliness and virtual silence.
It shows.
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