#palaye royal imagines
grav3yardbb92 · 10 months
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Sebastian Danzig x f!reader
"We're the Baby Bats, thank you so much for having us. " I shout to the crowd of the sold out show " now, I'm proud to introduce, the real reason you guys are here....Palaye Royale"  the crowd erupts in loud screams as my band mates and I pack our instruments and exit the stage. We are met with smiles and high fives from the Kropp brothers as we pass them. But I'm suddenly stopped by Sebastian,  when his hand grasp my wrist.
" your voice is amazing" I studdered  out a  thanks, and I'm sure my face is cherry red right now, thank God for the darkness of backstage. " I'm seb..." his introduction is interrupted by Emerson yanking on his ear.
" I'm y/n" I shout back, hoping it wasn't drowned out by The Royal Council.
*6years later*
" y/n, I know you're nervous, but if you don't  quit squirming,  this iron will burn you" my best friend warns me, as she holds a fistfull of my hair, attempting to curl it.
" I'm sorry, I can't help it" I explain, trying my best to be still. I look down at my phone, smiling at the picture of me and my fiance, then quickly glance to my left at my wedding dress. Oh. My. God. I'm getting fucking married.
Hair. Curled.
Make up. Perfect
Dress. Laced up
Flowers.  In hand
Music. Playing
Here I come Sebby.
My father and I make our way down the gold carpet in the tea room of a gorgeous, vintage style Hotel  I smile wide and concentrate on breathing slow and steady. In, out, in ,out. My e/c orbs meet his beautiful green ones, and his smile mimics mine. I fall in love all over again. It seems like forever before I am finally beside the man of my dreams and my father removes my hand from his, placing it in Sebs.
Twenty minutes, vows, tears,  two " I do's"  and one deep passionate kiss later and I'm walking back down the isle, hand in hand with my husband.
The reception is just as insane as I expected. Pictures, cake, toast, dancing, laughter, and many more kisses. Hours passed and my shoes are now in my hands as we say goodbye and goodnight to all the guest. Seb and I have the honeymoon suite for the night before leaving tomorrow for our honeymoon, to where? Only Seb knows. He insisted on planning it to a surprise destination.  And I'm so excited to find out where we will be spending the next two weeks. But,  that will have to wait till morning, because the night is not over.
We walk hand in hand, to the elevator, which we have to ourselves and of course he takes the moment to share our first private kiss since we tyed the knott. The doors open and our fingers are intertwined again and he leads me to our  grand suite .
He slides the card, opening the door slightly before smoothly scooping me up into his arms. I giggle softly and kiss his neck as he enters and closes the door behind him. He then places me back on my feet and i immediately connect our lips.
His scarf is removed and his shirt is unbuttoned and he slowly unlaces my dress, and it becomes a pool of lace at my feet. His eyes widen at the sight of my light purple, lace lingerie, and I smile at his reaction.
" see something you like Mr.Kropp?"
He pulls me close, leaning into my ear before responding with a whisper..
" you are stunning Mrs. Kropp"
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strange-birb · 8 months
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Finally finished I actually had such a hard time with him Ngl but I love him
He is backup guitar sometimes lead
Him and Jason had a make out arch while guitar barreling ….. how you ask ? No idea but they did lol
He is super fun with the crowd
Matches Jason with subtle green stiches and jewelry
Flips while solos
Climbs on shit
Upside down I’ve the crowd playing
Smashed guitar at end of show
Neon green strings that light up under black light
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Every band has….
The parental entity that makes sure no one dies.
The one with an arrest record from here to Chicago, probably for doing alot of dumb things
The really nice/wholesome one… who would kill you in your sleep if you crossed them. They know where you live, and will see you under your bed tonight
The one who could throw you into the sun with their pinky finger, either through strength or determination
The overgrown twelve-year old
These can mix and match even if there are two members and can apply to more than one person/ same person.
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sleekervae · 11 months
Spooktober 👻
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Happy Halloweekend, babies! I know I haven't been keeping up with my content as much as I would love to, but I wanna spotlight some of my recent supernatural/halloween fics that have been giving major 🥺🥵🤣👀. Give some of these creators some love and be safe out there this weekend!
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Cherry Bomb - @retrievablememories
pairing: jungkook x fem reader
summary: “get fucked or die” becomes the motto to live by when a serial killer begins targeting virgins on your campus.
genre: smut, horror/slasher, college!au
Untitled - @talkfastromance4
pairing: calum hood x fem reader
summary: reader meets werewolf!calum at a party
genre: smut, fantasy
I Want to Bite You - @talkfastromance4
pairing: luke hemmings x fem reader
summary: reader wants vampire!luke to bite her
genre: adult (no explicit smut)
Dragon - @the-world-is-spinning-round
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: dragon!remington takes pity on a human sacrifice
genre: fantasy
Haunted - @the-world-is-spinning-round
*honestly everything that this author writes is amazing so definitely go check out some of her work!
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: Bonnie discovers a ghost in a haunted house
genre: fantasty
kinktober day 10 - @floralcyanide
pairing: Austin butler x fem reader
summary: A little naughty fun ensues with you and your boyfriend, Austin.
genre: smut
Happy Halloween - @krreader
pairing: jackson wang x bambam x fem reader
summary: a maid outfit isn’t exactly the best idea when having two jealous boyfriends, you know?
genre: smut
Descend - @sombreboy
pairing: kim namjoon x fem reader
summary: ‘’I’d say you are wasting my time, but that was before I saw you..’’ he tugged her face closer to his crotch, the bulge underneath the fabrics visibly twitching from having her attention. ‘’You will make it worth my while.’’
genre: smut, supernatural
Summoned - @emoboijk
pairing: poly!bts x fem reader
summary: You repeat their names as a mantra, as a prayer, as a guiding light when you feel scared. How were you to know it would summon them? You accidentally summon the 7 demons that make up BTS and they tell you to fulfill your contract they have to fuck you.
genre: smut, demon au
That Boy is a Monster - @wildernessuntothemselves
pairing: werewolf!woosung x vampire!reader
summary: You had sworn you would never feed on a human again, and for centuries you had kept your promise. But now, with your blood supply suddenly cut off, that primitive hunger you thought you’d conquered so long ago comes back with a vengeance and you find yourself on the hunt for human blood once again. Only it turns out that the hot boy you’d picked out wasn’t so human after all. Feat. baby Hajoon
genre: smut, violence
If anybody has any other recs I should add to this list just give me a shout!!
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grav3yardbb92 · 10 months
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Remington leith x f!reader
I woke up in the small cubby, that I currently call my bed. I pull back the curtain and step down into the small hallway that separates the two rows of bunks. I then walk into the main living area of the tour bus, expecting to find my boyfriend, Rem, or atleast one of his brothers or band mates. Instead I found no one. I then realize that the bus is stopped, so I slip on my Chuck's and step outside. I notice Daniel smoking in front of the steak & shake. 
" hey there, sleepyhead" he says to me as I approach him. " where is.....?" " inside, corner booth" he answers simply, gesturing toward the door. I smile and thank him as I head into the restaurant, the smell of fresh coffee hitting my nose. I turn toward the corner and spot REM, with his back facing me, laughing with his brother Emerson. Em looks up and smiles at me. I place my finger over my mouth, gesturing for him to be quiet as I sneak up behind Rem
" oh My God! You're that vampire guy from that band! " I shout, making my best impression of a fangirl. Remington looks up at me and smiles. Emerson slides out of the booth and exits the restaurant, laughing his ass off.
" oh my god, you're that vampire guy's amazing girlfriend " Rem responds, imitating me. I laugh and slide in where Emerson just was. When I sit, Rem leans in to kiss my lips.
I then notice an almost empty plate of fries, so I snag one and eat it. He then slides his half gone milkshake in front of me.  " what is it?" I ask. " guess" he answers simply. I look at him questionably but accept the offer, taking a sip. I taste chocolate along with something else undetectable. " chocolate?" I question " nope" he says shaking his head. I take another sip. " reesee" I guess again.
He gasp and holds his hand to his chest. " how dare you insult my baby." He says shocked. He then stands up and walks away toward the door. " hey, wait" I shout, following him" I know it" I say, catching up to him. " nutella " I whisper in his ear. He smiles and turns to face me. He nods, then grabs my hand and we walk out.
" I thought I was your baby" I say, faking a frown
" you are" he answers smiling " but don't tell nutella that" he adds in a whisper, kissing me again. " o..kay" I respond, rolling my eyes. " you're a weirdo" I add jokingly. " yep. But I'm your weirdo, right?" He ask. " of course" I respond as we enter the bus.
Cuddle time!
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strange-birb · 1 year
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More Remington Tim lol
I can’t get it out of my head… tim would . He would….
He would be a menace in stage and I want his family (except Jason and Steph) to be horrified!!! 🤣
first post
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hildegardladyofbones · 2 months
going to see palaye royale in december which can only mean that i must become as unbearable as possible as i can about them. for my dignity
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This Grave I Call My Home - Palaye Royale fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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He’s still going at it, still ignoring everyone. Can you get here any quicker?
Vic slammed the car door shut, shouldering her rucksack as she headed towards the football pitch.
Across the car park, her younger sister watched her with wide eyes - but Josie didn’t move away from her boyfriend’s side to come and talk to Vic. It wasn’t just because Andrew had an arm wrapped around Josie’s waist; Josie was one of the ‘cool kids’ now, and Vic most definitely was not.
Neither was the reason Josie had texted her.
Remington was in the middle of the football pitch, shovel in hand, dressed only in a cheap (and thin) looking black slip, digging what looked disturbingly like a grave.
It was no wonder Josie had asked her to come talk to Remington. Despite their separation, Sebastian and Emerson - two of Josie’s friends, who happened to be the leaders of their little clique, and Remington’s brothers - still cared about Remington…at least in their own weird, shallow kind of way. And what they cared about, the rest of the group cared about, in their even weirder, even shallower kind of way.
Hence why Josie had text Vic. As Remington’s…sort-of friend, Vic was probably the only one who might be able to talk to Remington when he was in his current state.
Not that she was overly hopeful.
Still, she made her way over to where Remington was clambering down into his makeshift ‘grave’, disappearing from view entirely when he lay down inside it, and plonked herself down on the edge, legs dangling into the hole.
A hand shot up to grab her ankle, but Remington didn’t shove her foot away or pull her leg any further into his grave, he just…grabbed her ankle, and then seemed to freeze.
“So, I’d ask if you’re okay…but I have a feeling the answer is no.” Vic announced, knowing that she was unlikely to get a response.
Remington was capable of speaking, but he didn’t do it often. He was quiet by nature, and even more so when he was in this kind of headspace.
Fortunately, Vic could speak enough for both of them: “I’m pretty sure if nothing else you most be fucking freezing. It’s cold as shit out here, even for October. Not that the dress doesn’t look amazing by the way, it’s great, but it just seems like more of a summer night kind of dress than an autumn-winter night dress, you know?”
Still nothing, but Vic could tell Remington was listening to her - if only because he was starting to frown at her like he was talking absolute nonsense.
Which, to be fair, she was.
Because she knew it would eventually get a response.
She just had to be weird enough.
“Do you think I’d look good in a slip like yours?” Vic asked, saying a quick prayer no-one would remember this part tomorrow morning, before she reached up to push her tits together and up, like she was wearing a push-up bra: “I think my tits are too big. Or not big enough. I think they’re kind of an awkward size, you know? Like, too big to be small, but too small to be big.”
Remington was frowning even deeper now: “Too…big to be small?”
“Yeah! Like, mid-sized, but…also not, you know? Maybe if I got some interesting tattoos, like a treasure map with some dragons and flamingos, it would be a distraction? Or maybe I could get a desert scene with a cow’s skull…”
Eventually, Remington laughed: “You’re…you’re just so fucking weird.”
Vic grinned: “You say weird, I say interesting.”
“Interesting?” Remington repeated, still laughing: “Okay, let’s go with ‘interesting’.”
Vic nodded in agreement, but let the conversation drop.
She could tell Remington was more present now; his grip on her ankle had moved so he could tug absently at her laces, wrapping them around his fingers before unwrapping them, flicking at them before catching them again. Vic was kind of reminded of her cat, Walter…and honestly, Remington probably wouldn’t mind that comparison. He’d be the first to say he was cat-like - although he’d probably like Vic to say it was because he was graceful and mysterious, rather than because he was sometimes weirdly obsessed with odd bits and pieces shoelaces.
In truth, it was a bit of both.
Remington could be extremely self-confident and could carry himself with all the grace and self-assurance in the world…and then other times he could be her dork of a friend who just wanted to be near someone. Vic wished he had more options than just her for times like that, not because she didn’t want to hang out with him, but because she wanted him to be happy…
…but as it was just her, Vic would try and do her best to make sure her friend was okay.
So she sat on the edge of this grave Remington had dug, lightly swinging the foot Remington wasn’t holding onto back and forth, until Remington was ready to speak.
Eventually, he sighed, and leant up on his elbows: “Are they all watching?”
Vic didn’t turn and look, but given that she had been ignoring the feeling of eyes digging into her back the whole time she’d been sitting here: “Probably, yeah.”
“I…I don’t know why I did this.” Remington admitted with a weak voice: “I just sort of…did what I felt like I had to do.”
“Fair enough.” Vic nodded, knowing it was best not to question Remington when he was feeling a bit fragile: “Want me to get rid of them?”
“If you think you could…”
Vic pulled her phone out of her pocket and pulled up her texts with Josie.
Can you get everyone to go somewhere else? He doesn’t need everyone staring at him.
Yeah, give me five minutes.
“Five minutes.” Vic told Remington: “Then I’ll check.”
“Thank you.” Remington sighed, clearly relieved: “And thank you for, you know, coming down here.”
“Remington,” Vic said softly: “You don’t have to say thank you for that. If you need me, then I’ll be here.”
Despite the stragglers of the group behind them still being in view of the pitch, Remington carefully clambered to his feet so he could stand in front of Vic and throw his arms around her hips, burying his face in her shoulder.
Vic didn’t hesitate in hugging him back, wrapping her around his neck, holding him close.
They held onto each other in silence, waiting for the last of the group in the parking lot to leave and for Remington’s shivering became too noticeable to ignore before eventually separating - maily so Vic could open up the rucksack she’d brought with her.
Remington smiled when he saw the blanket she pulled from her bag, and dutifully allowed her to wrap it around his shoulders.
“You kept it?” he asked, running a hand over the faded chequered pattern.
“Of course I did.” Vic responded, getting to her feet and reaching down to help pull her friend out of the pit: “You gave it to me for sake-keeping.”
“Like five years ago.”
Remington accepted her hand and clambered up out of his pit, and hanging onto Vic’s hand as they headed towards her car - the only one left in the parking lot. Josie had been as good as her word, and gotten rid of everyone, but Vic didn’t doubt that she’d be grilled about what happened later.
She couldn’t bring herself to care - it was a problem for another time.
Perhaps after she worked out how Remington could not get caught for digging a fucking grave in the middle of the school’s football pitch if they were caught by the groundskeeper locking up for the night.
As if sensing her thoughts, Remington looked over his shoulder to the pile of mud and hole n the ground he’d left in his wake, and then looked back at Vic: “I’m a little bit fucked, aren’t I?”
“Not if we get out of here quickly.”
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My shower thoughts:
A Festival with all my favorite artists:
Imagine Dragons
Palaye Royale
Cage The Elefant
Arctic Monkeys
Twenty One pilots
The neighborhood
I could go on for ages. Harry Styles and Hozier would be sickkkkk too but they are another vibe 😂 also Joris (German artist) would be nice
And on top of it the last show would end at 10pm, party until 11 pm cause I'm not a night person xD
Who's in? 🙌
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sleepisoverrated · 6 months
Hey here's some songs that I think match (, but keep in mind I was reading Angst fics when collecting the songs)
Jason- Mad Hatter Malanie Martinez, Control Halsey, I'm gonna show you crazy Bebe Rexha, Ain't No Rest For The Wicked Cage The Elephant, House Of Memories Panic!At the Disco, I'm Just Your Problem Adventure Time(Bruce), War and Apologize by grandson, Wonderland Caravan Palace and Boy in the Bubble Alec Benjamin
Dick- Sarcasm Get Scared, Favourite color is Blue Robert DeLong, SAD Young Rising Sons, Novocaine and Last of the Real ones by Fall out boy, Lonely Palaye Royale, Wolf in Sheeps Clothing Set it of(id crisis), Shit Bo Burnham(depressed),Burn the House Down AJR, Teeth 5 seconds of summer(SlaDick), Lotta True Crime Penelope Scott(rape, dark), Best Friends grandson, Wake me up and Hey Brother by Avicii, Medicine Artist vs Poet and Victorious Panic! At the Disco
Damian- Bones Imagine Dragons(Robin is magic), If I Killed someone for you Alec Benjamin, parents YUNGBLUD(his perspective/scared of saying he's gay), Love Like You and Here comes a thought Steven Universe,and Immortals Fall out boy(mini SuperBat)
Tim- I'll Sleep when I'm dead Set it off, Crazy=Genius Panic!At the Disco and Two Birds Regina Spektor
Bruce- Teenagers and Welcome to the Black parade by MCR and Wilson(Expensive mistakes) Fall out Boy
There are less songs for Tim and Bruce because I don't know their lore that well or don't listen to music that matches them.
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honeydais · 5 months
Hey friends! I returned a month later and brought for you a list of songs with which I associate the characters.
And with it you can determine my favorite characters :)
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Jeff Woods ( Jeff the killer)— Psychosocial (Slipknot)
Americano ( Lady Gaga)
Lights out ( MSI )
Enemy ( Imagine dragons)
Liu Woods - Hayloft II (Mother Mother);
GOSSIP ( Måneskin )
Replay ( Lady Gaga )
Two birds (Regina Spector)
Lira Rogers - Looking at me ( Sabrina Carpenter )
Jane Richardson ( Jane the killer )- Telephone (Lady Gaga)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Bad girls ( M. I. A. )
She wants me dead ( Cazzette i AronChupa )
Jane Arkensaw - Genesis (Grimes)
The mess you made ( AJA )
Nina Hopkins ( Nina the killer ) - Mamma Mia (HUGEL)
Vicious ( Bohnes )
Criminal ( Britney Spears )
Take your shirt off ( Millionaires )
Toxic ( Britney Spears)
Nina Hopkins(new) - Toy ( Netta Barzilai )
Slumber party ( Ashnikko )
Troublemaker ( Olly Murs )
Jack Nairas ( Eyeless Jack)- HURT ( 1 800 PAIN )
Ate my heart (Lady Gaga)
Valentino ( Olly Alexander )
Devil town ( Cavetown ) 
Mama ( My Chemical Romance)
Benjamin Lauman ( Ben drowned )- That That ( PSY )
Don't try sucide ( QUEEN ) 
Tobias Rogers ( Ticci Toby )- My alcoholic friends ( The Dresden Dolls )
Teenagers (My Chemical Romance)
Mama's boy (Dominic Fike)
Blow ( Kesha )
Natalie Ouellet ( Clockwork )- People I don't like (Upsahl)
NO ( Meghan Trainor )
Haunted house ( neoni )
Seventeen ( Marina and the diamonds) 
Tim Wright - GRRRLS (Aviva)
Older ( Isabel Larosa )
House of memories ( Panic! at the disco)
Brian Thomas - Guys don't like me ( It Boys )
Don't trust me ( 3OH!3 )
Kate Millens (Haze) - She homeless (Creep - P)
Helen Otis ( Bloody painter)- dump dump (mazie)
yes & no ( Paige Duddy )
She likes a boy ( Nxdia )
Dina Angela Clark ( Judge Angel )- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land ( Marina )
Mary on a cross ( Ghost)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Jonathan Blake ( The Puppeteer)- Drunk-Dazed ( ENHYPEN )
Lost in the fire ( Gesaffelstein )
Look what you made me do (Taylor Swift)
EYES ON ME ( asteria)
Ann Luzen Mia ( Nurse Ann ) - Take a hint (Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice)
Sweet dreams ( Eurythmics)
Primadonna ( Marina )
Emra Amelia Aldridge - Dance to forget (TryHardNinja)
Cake ( Melanie Martinez )
Oh no! ( Marina and the diamonds)
Material girl ( Madonna)
Zero - Hole-Dwelling
Hermit the frog ( Marina and the diamonds)
Jason Meyer ( Jason the toymaker )- DARKSIDE ( neoni )
Super Psycho Love ( Simon Curtis)
Sexy dr_g ( Falling in Reverse)
Jealously, jealously ( Olivia Rodrigo)
Louis Vuitton Body Bag ( Jeffree Star ) 
Laughing Jack - Lonely (Palaye Royale)
Happy face (Jagwar Twin)
Backstabber ( Kesha )
Bad feeling ( Jagwar Twin )
Laughing Jill - Lone Digger (Caravan palace)
What are you watching for?  (Gwen Stefani)
Applause ( Lady Gaga)
Maniac ( Michael Sembello ) 
Shoot him down! ( Alice Francis)
Candy Pop - HIP ( mamamoo )
Nathan Nobody - Gladiator ( Jann )
Beautiful is boring ( BONES UK )
Mammamia ( maneskin )
Sally Williams - Who is she?  (I Monster)
Dollhouse ( Melanie Martinez)
Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
Lazari Natalie Svong - I hate my mom ( GRLwood )
Lucille Tiffany Greatfield( Lulu ) - Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
How do you sleep? ( AJA )
Slenderman - I didn't find the right song 
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isadollie · 2 months
★ isadollie's 100 followers event! — matchup for @karusenka
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♡ eren jaeger is your match!
here's how i imagine you two together:
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★ 12 year old humor you say? oh i'm afraid that's him. when others are giving you weird looks, he just says that no one has a good sense of humor like the two of you do
★ he's a big physical touch guy, loves to hold you
★ won't ever admit it but he loves when you come to him for comfort, he loves knowing that he's the one you trust enough to cry against
★ would make sure that you think of yourself more, instead of caring about others all the time
★ buys you everything you lay your eyes upon without blinking
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"i'm home!" you said as you walked through the door, taking your shoes off. you heard steps echoing through the house, and soon eren was by your side.
he was wearing a cute, pink little apron, holding a spatula in his hand. you couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. he looked so funny, yet pretty adorable as well.
"welcome home." he said simply, wrapping his arms around you in a quick hug. "had a long day?" he stroked your hair.
"mhmm" you hummed in response, but when you wanted to hug him tighter, he pulled back.
"c'mon. i made your favourite for dinner." he motioned for you to follow him into the kitchen. "it's almost ready."
you happily followed him into the room, but then the smile quickly faded away from your face, replaced by a frown.
"oh my, eren, what is that smell?"
he scoffed, turning back to the stove. "dinner."
"dinner?" you walked closer, peaking from behind his shoulder. "it's burning!"
he sent you a glare. "do you want me to remind you what happened when YOU were making dinner last week?"
you sighed and took a step back. "fine, you win... I'll go light up some candles." you mumbled. "if one thing's burning, we might as well burn some candles as an addition."
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something about eren always screamed palaye royale to me, and well, i think it's a very good song anyway, so there you have it
i think he'd relate to this song and would like it
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your second choice? armin arlert! he was originally my first thought but you said you like the opposites attract trope, therefore i settled for eren in the end:3
also, did i just spot another polish person on tumblr for the very first time???!?!
jeśli tak, mam nadzieję, że się podoba hihi<3
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surr3al1sm · 4 months
Chapter 5 of Maybe Loving You is Dangerous is here! ✨🌹
I don't have alot to say about this chapter that I didn't mention in the notes already, so be sure to check those out!
I will say that I have been incredibly stressed for my exams this week, so I imagine that this chapter suffered a little due to that. So maybe lower your expectations, idrk.
I really do hope you enjoy the chapter! If you do take a moment out of your day to check it out: thank you for that!
"The fighting that I keep inviting could lead me to grave. I keep feeling like I'm not enough, not enough, not enough. But I don't run away from you. Knock me down and twist me up until I'm all fucked up. But I don't run from you. I guess I'll asphyxiate, let my heart break straight in two."
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sleekervae · 11 months
Surrender | Remington x Eva
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A/N: Happy Halloween! I've got a cold like you wouldn't believe so I figured it's time to bless you guys with some treats. A little vampire-esque fantasy blurb based on this ask.
Summary: Remington catches Eva writing about her fantasies
Warnings: fanfiction writing, some tumblr angst, light but tantalizing smut, a lot of hickeys
⋆ WORD COUNT — 3.6k
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Slowly, Victoria pushed the bedroom door open, contrasting against the quickening of her beating heart. She had given him time and he had found no cure for her. She was ready to embrace death if it meant him and his brothers could be saved.
Skin still damp from the pouring rain she clung tightly to her cloak, making her way downstairs in his eerily homely home. It was warm, as it has been throughout her stay there. Usually he would never feel the need to turn on the heating, but with a human under his roof he’d grown considerate of her comfort. Aldous basically did what he could to keep Victoria alive, all while staying well out of her way and in turn not killing her himself.
Before she even had the chance to call out his name in the open living area, he was resting against the doorway in front of her – as though he sensed her coming. Water beads trickled down her face when she stayed completely still, frozen, staring at the vampire who’d been hellbent on protecting her soul.
Aldous swallowed, wetting his lips all while his eyes slid over her body and drinking in her silhouette in her dainty, floral corset. Unlike herself, he was dressed more casually in a loose, puffy shirt and suspenders drawn tightly against his torso. All tied together with black slacks and bare feet. His disregard for colour palettes or themes when it came to fashion choices never failed to amuse Victoria.
“Did you need something?” His voice was flat, unreadable, much like the expression blanketing his sharp profile that only softened by the wavy locks of blonde hair tickling his thick brows, “Did you leave another book here?”
“No… I just-, I just wanted to see you I guess," she sighed absentmindedly, shaking some excess water from her hair, “It’s pretty lonely up there,”
The look on Aldous' face was nothing short of pained when his eyes squeezed shut, he looked almost guilty before he pinched the bridge of his nose, “Victoria… I’m sorry. But it’s for your own safety,"
“You’ve never hurt me before,” she mumbled, averting his gaze.
And he hadn’t. Initially when Victoria first met Aldous all those months ago, she was terrified of him and the prospect of what he could do to her. He was strong, a lot stronger than a regular bitten vampire, he’s a Blackwell vampire, he was born for this life. It was in his veins and always had been. Even before he and his brothers secured their place in the immortal world, the monster he became lingered beneath the surface. Waiting. Begging to be freed.
But then she got to know Aldous on a personal level, and he would do anything to keep her safe. The fact she was standing in his house proved the fact on some level, despite having no soul, he did care about her. There had been moments together, heated moments, moments that would last an eternity in his mind, where he could’ve succumb to his inner demon and blood lust. But he didn't.
Aldous' features soften upon meeting Victoria's eyes, his doe-like eyes may be raven black in colour but they were swimming with emotion, enough to make her drown in them, “Truthfully I don’t know what’s worse,” He frowned, pink lips parted, “Staying away from you makes me crave you more, but being near you…”
“Makes you want to kill me,” Victoria cleared her throat, somewhat overwhelmed by his presence.
A while ago he’d asked her if she believed in fate, soulmates, convinced that she and he were tied by the beauty of the moon. But as she watched the man in front of her physically struggle to breathe around her, Victoria was reminded that it was nothing more than the curse of the Blackwell bloodline.
The corners of his lips quirked up into a soft smile, “It’s not the curse,” His voice was low, still equal parts infuriating and endearing that he could read her thoughts and she'd never get used to it. “You’re… It’s…. It’s more than that. If I were only interested in you because of the curse you would’ve been dead a long time ago. The curse complicates things, but, well…”
“Maybe it’d be better for everyone if I just died already and got this over with.” she chuckled, while simultaneously trying to ease the budding tension with a joke at her own expense it was obvious Aldous didn't see the funny side. His frown deepened, a small hum escaping him.
“Is that how you really feel?”
“I’m just saying…” she sigh, squeezing the cloak around her body a little tighter, “I give my life in exchange for the Visigoths leaving you alone… And you won’t have to waste time searching for a miracle. You can go back to your normal life before we met—”
“My time will never be wasted when spent on you.” He took a step forward, surprising her, his jaw clenched so tight she wondered if vampire bones were capable of shattering, “If it takes me forever to get ride of Lilith then so be it, I’m not prepared to let you die.”
She tried to reason with him, shuffling a cautious step in his direction, “I don’t want you to be in pain anymore, if dying is the only way—”
“I’m not going to let that happen!” The projection of his voice startled her, but not as much as the loud bang followed by bricks crumbling around his feet after he punched the door frame did. She stared at him wide-eyed and frightened, unable to peer away from the way his chest heaves up and down with each angry breath. “I need more time… I’ll find a way.”
At this she lost it, laughing humourlessly before she matched his volume and rage, “There isn’t another way Aldous! You’ve tried!” she rushed over to him, until she was in arms-length distance and being mindful not to step in the aftermath of his temper, “I can’t live like this anymore, knowing that it’s hurting you and your family… I just-, I want this to be over with. I’m ready,” she sighed, eyes fluttering shut. It was such a relief to say that out loud.
Aldous swallowed, dark eyes zoned in on her face, “Well I’m not ready to lose you, Victoria,”
“It has to be this way, to save --”
“I'm not letting you go, not yet. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you,” He began, trembling boney hands gently finding purchase on her shoulders, “You’re the poem the universe wrote only for me.”
A tiny gasp betrayed her when his cold fingers found her chin, tilting her face up to meet his. It was indescribable how beautiful the man was standing before her, even in his human life he must’ve been the most handsome person around. His eyes were dark in colour, framed by even darker delicate lashes. The pits of her stomach ignited with desire, along with an uncontrollable need to be closer to him. A pull so inhumane and sewn deep into her soul that Victoria struggled to compare it to anything she'd ever experienced. It was Aldous' breath, warm against her lips that broke her from the trance, gazing up at him with big eyes.
“I know you feel this too… This comfort, this desire…” He whispered, until his lips were a hair away from hers, his own eyes sliding shut, “The ache in your heart, is my promise to you that this is more than the curse. You belong with me,"
“Then change me,” she pled quietly, cupping his angled jaw with her hands, “There’s no way to beat the curse, if it’s death that completes his transition… Technically I’ll be dead. Change me.”
“There’s no guarantee it’ll save you or us, there’s no guarantee you’ll even survive it… Not every human is strong enough to withstand it. It’s too risky. Your life isn’t something I’m willing to take chances on.”
She sighed again, pressing her forehead to his, “Please, Aldous...”
"Whatcha' working on?"
Eva nearly jumped out of her seat, moving swiftly to change the tab on her laptop, "Remington!" she spun around in her chair, coming face-to-face with her moppy-haired boyfriend. He gave her a curious glance, his brow popped and she prayed he couldn't hear her heart thundering in her chest, "I -- I didn't hear you come in..."
"Yeah, I just got home," he chuckled, "Did I startle you?"
"Just a little bit," she nodded sheepishly as she glanced around their shared space. It was bright out when she last checked, now it was bordering on the sun setting, the clouds blanketing the sky a dark, dull bluish grey, "Oh my gosh, it's late. I totally forgot about dinner!"
"Don't worry. We can order in," he bent down to give her a kiss, smoothing her hair out of her face with a gentle stroke of his fingers, "What were you working on?"
Eva shrugged back, "Oh, just... more paperwork and stuff. Client reports... taxes..." she hated that she was such a bad liar.
"Taxes aren't due until spring, babe," he tutted.
"And why not start now rather than later?" she replied with a simple shake of the head, getting up in search of her cat, "Where is Pluto? I gotta' feed him,"
"I think I saw him dart under the couch," he noted, glancing at her computer from the corner of his eye. Eva groaned aloud.
"Not even a smoke bomb's gonna' get him out," she turned around and to her horror, Remington was hunched over her computer, skimming through the blank article she clicked to, "What're you doing?" she asked, her tone sharp and swift.
He turned back to her, a small smirk curling at the corners of his lips. She loved that smirk as equally as she did hate it, "Are you hiding something from me?" he asked, two fingers scrolling up and down on her track pad.
She scoffed back, shooing his hand away, "Of course not,"
"You sure?"
"Yes, yes I am,"
He took a step forward to which she took one back, "You were just working on taxes?"
"... yes," she stiffened.
His smirk grew, trying to stifle his laugh. He found her so stupidly adorable when she was flustered. Eva winced when the backs of her thighs hit the edge of her desk.
"... And is Aldous Blackwell your financial advisor? Or is he an accountant?"
Remington was delighted when Eva smacked his arm repeatedly with her sweater paws, her hands stuffed into the cuffs. He laughed as he grabbed ahold of her, awing at her pouty lips and her averted blue eyes.
"Shut up! You saw -- you dick!" she whined.
"Well of course I saw!" he cackled, "If I walk in and Pluto's the only one who greets me I know you're working on something important. Clearly -- my alter ego is very important to you," he winced and cringed as she smacked him again, "Okay, okay! Calm down! It's okay!" he assured her.
Eva wasn't one for hearing his assurances. She buried her face in her hands, grumbling to herself, "Please don't tell anyone,"
"Are you crazy? I'm not gonna' tell anybody! C'mon, look at me," he replied, taking her hands away and placing them around his waist, "How long have you been working on that?"
She huffed, debating whether it would be more worth her while to kill him or herself in that moment, "I -- Billie and I were going through some of your videos and we were watching Tonight is the Night I Die and... I just had this idea and it fit so well into your story line..."
Remington stepped back, taking his spot in her chair. The screws squeaked under his weight and the padding on the arms were worn, but it was comfortable for him nonetheless, "Tell me about it,"
Eva sat on the edge of her desk, she thought about telling him to fuck off, or she'd simply walk away and try to change the topic. However, she began to laugh. Not a full belly laugh, a bashful stream of giggles that matched the tinge of blush on her cheeks.
"I -- there's no -- I can't," she stammered nervously.
"Oh, c'mon Eva," he drawled, pouting his moist, pink lips at her. Eva looked away, knowing she was always unable to deal with that pleading look he perfected, "Or I could just read the blog post if you prefer..."
"Absolutely not," she shut that down very quickly. The only thing she treasured more than her cat or him was her secret blog, still swearing up and down that she'd never show him, "... I wrote about this girl who owes a debt to the Visigoth family, so they send her into the Blackwell manor and they give her this potion that infects her blood so if one of the brothers bite her, they die. The catch is that the potion is slowly killing her until vampire saliva is injected into her arteries. So the only way she can save her life is if the brothers bite her, but she ends up falling in love with one of them and yada-yada-yada. It's so cliché," she huffed, crossing her arms across her chest like a child.
Remington was amused to say the least. He rolled closer to her, his hand brushing up and down her bare knee, "I don't think so. It's an interesting angle. What part were you at before I came along?"
This had to be a test from God, it must've been a biblical test of patience for her. Eva shook her head, "I'm not answering that,"
He lifted her feet into his lap and rolled the chair closer, her legs bending so he could rest his chin on her knee, "C'mon, please? I swear I won't laugh. I can't speak for Pluto,"
Eva rolled her eyes, nevertheless she knew he wasn't going to let this go. If there was one thing Remington had going for him, it was his persistency, "I was right about to dive into the cesspool of animalistic vampire sex that was so carnal it would make Morticia Addams blush,"
"... And your female protagonist -- does she bare a striking resemblance to someone I know?" he asked.
"... Maybe..."
He quirked his brow again, his intrigue fully peaked now. His fingertips tickled at the undersides of her thighs, reaching the hem of her cotton shorts and drifting down again. Eva swallowed back whatever uneasiness was bubbling in her throat, could pick off by the darkened look in his eyes that Remington was already up to no good.
"What?" she asked suspiciously.
"What?" he echoed back, feigning innocence.
"I get nervous when you look at me that way," she replied, her giggles bubbling with apprehension.
"Why? I could offer you some inspiration, if you need," he said.
"I don't have writers' block,"
She couldn't lie that the masochist in her enjoyed how he toyed with her nerves. That being said, she enjoyed playing hard to get even more.
"You're ridiculous," she pushed him back with her foot before hopping off the desk.
"Me?" he gaped with mock insult, "You love me so what does that say about you?"
She smirked back, rocking back and forth on her heels, "That I probably need a psych eval,"
Remington's eyes narrowed and he gripped hard on the armrests of her chair. His head leaned back against the rest, his dark eyes fell into slits and his long dark hair fell at the sides of his face, and Eva swore she only saw him look so brooding once before.
"C'mere," he waved her over with his hand.
Eva shook her head, "No,"
"Please?" he leaned forward.
"Nope," she took a step back.
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Oh, you have no idea," and with that, he took off out of the chair. Eva took off a second later, a chase ensuing throughout their apartment. Squeals and childish laughter echoed through the air, likely heard by their neighbours but they couldn't give two shits.
Remington finally slid across the floor to grab Eva, lifting her by her waist and tossing her over his shoulder. She slapped at his butt, a futile attempt to get him to put her down but she was awash in joyful giggles that were just music to his ears.
She was still laughing when he tossed her down on the bed, quick to pin her arms over her head as he crawled on top of her. His lips crashed over hers in an instant, messy and rough and so devilishly hypnotizing. In and instant the mood in the room went from playful to carnal; no matter how Eva squirmed or tugged Remington refused to let her loose.
He was careful not to smother her with his weight, a sly smirk tugged at his lips as he watched her, "You're so cute,"
Eva's only coherent response was to stick her tongue out at him. Remington chuckled darkly, "I'm gonna' bite that tongue, young lady," he mused.
Remington wet his lips, flashing her a lascivious grin before he moved forward, bringing his lips just before hers. He breathed against her, teasing her with the idea of a kiss, before turning to the side and finding her neck.
 Goosebumps freckled her skin as the heat of his breath hit her pulse point, and within a hot second, Eva was a goner. Remington's lips pressed against your throat, and the connection was so incredibly electric, her body tensed, currents crackling throughout her veins. 
Eva squirmed as his teeth scraped across her skin, applying enough pressure in his bites to certainly leave a mark but not to puncture the skin. He let his lips brush back and forth over her collarbones, kissing her lightly before suckling hard. His teeth grazed over the warm skin, leaving soft red imprints, tongue darting out to lick at any marks he might have left behind, but before he could actually get his lips to suck the hickey he desperately wanted to lay on her skin, she called out to him.
"Remington," a moan of his name and he was pulled from her neck, lips detaching, still parted slightly, puffs of air slipping through his teeth. Driven on instinct and fed on her whines he craved to hear the moan again, see the marks imprint his mind once more,
“What is it?” he cooed, taking her face in his with one hand, eyes still lingering to the pretty marks, “Tell me what’s wrong?” he smiled when she bashfully looked away.
"Nothing's wrong," she groaned, but it was more than the eye could see. She was consumed by the power he had over her, was torn between how gentle he was being with her and simultaneously craved him to ravage her.
"I never thought about it until now," with no objections, he tore away the shorts and slowly from her body, gliding them down her legs, "But I think if Aldous had a lover that he would be very passionate... but he'd also be very impatient if he didn't get his way,"
Eva exhaled heavily, squirming as his fingers slid over her slit through her panties, "And if he was here right now what would he want?" she asked.
" -- He'd want to hear all the pretty sounds you make when your pussy is played with... just like this," two fingers were on her clit, rubbing in short, concentrated circles, "And if his lover liked to put up a fight, then he wouldn't stop until you surrendered to him; doesn't matter how many times he has to fuck you,"
Make noise she did, not that she could help it. Her hips bumped up with every pass, every twirl and manipulation on her clit had her silently begging for more. She mewled, struggling to pull her arms down for some little seam of control but Remington was relentless.
He pushed her against the mattress, looming over her with his incredible body. He completely swathed her, entirely controlling her pleasure as his lips drew sinfully arousing kisses on her neck, hungry and lustful while his fingers played calculated chords between her legs. 
 His teeth lightly nipped her skin before his tongue smoothed the ache, and he moved onto another part of her neck, ravaging it. She wriggled underneath him, exhilarated by his body pinning her into the wall, his hips pressing into hers — she didn’t ever want him to stop.
“It's okay, baby,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head while he curled his fingers down and then upwards, brushing against that spot deep within her, “Talk to me,” he encouraged. 
“Feels good,” she whimpered, almost whining when he slid his fingers out of her and dragged his fingertips over her clit, “So fucking good.”
“I can tell,” he chuckled, sliding two fingers back in, “You’re opening up for me,”
“F-fuck,” she moaned brokenly, turning and burying her face into the crook of his arm. Remington sped up the pace of his fingers after, her sinful moans only spurring him on.
“You gonna come?” he whispered and she nodded, gaping when his lips reattached to her neck and he sucked hard, “Go ahead baby, come for me,"
“Rem,” she gasped, her back arching against his chest when he used his thumb to brush against her clit. 
“Be good and come on my fingers baby,” he whispered, filthy words pushing her over the precipice, her orgasm rippling from the top of her head to the ends of her toes.
Remington felt a surge of power, easing her legs wide as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her, lips dragging down to fresh skin around her chest and bringing more hickeys to the surface, sucking on her like a god damn vampire.
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
OH JESUS, alright.
First off, the timing was right on point. I celebrated by 25th birthday by seeing Palaye Royale in Poland and now Im going back home (enjoying my 17 hours long bus ride).
So I got to read it on my way back home, and made my ride 2.5hours shorter because I was so invested I didn't notice how fast the time went by.
Alright, now, I was smiling like a silly goof, but then the camera broke and I was trying my hardest not to tear up, it was hard.
But ayy, one bed is the only solution 😂 loved it.
And lmao I was trying not to laugh out loud when I read the part about Noah and his tomato and THE CONVERSATION AAHHH😂😂😂
Also, I KNEW, I FELT THAT ANGELS DAD DIED WHEN I READ JP. But omg Im scared for the next part of JP, because funerals are so sad 😭 I can already imagine Angel and Noah crying oh pls nooo😭 So please, I hope there is some super hyper fluff after because my heart needs it 😭
Anyways, love ya❤️ and Bryan also needs someone, otherwise Im just gonna put him in my pocket and run away😂
Funny story about that whole tomato video, @thatchickwiththecamera mentioned how great it would be if I added it in so ofc I had too. I’m glad it worked so well!
Matt finally got his happy ending with his little fairy 🧚
The next chapter of JP will hurt. That’s for sure.
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strange-birb · 1 year
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My palaye royal Tim drake
Idk why but i 100% would think Tim drake sings like Remington form palaye royale
I think something chaotic comes out during a show and he climbs on rafters and is an absolute feral punk menace :)
I think I want to do a secret band AU where Tim and Jason are secretly doing battle of bands and batfam doesn’t know but go to watch.
Tim sounds and performs like Remington leith
Jason sounds like Ivan moody but performs differently
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