#pandora x effy
isabel-lillah · 1 month
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 27 - Birthday
@jegulus-microfic March 27 Word count 902
Previous part First part
James arrived at his parent’s house the next morning with Sirius in tow. 
“Jamie!” Effie greeted him enthusiastically. Throwing her arms around him and hugging him so tightly, she lifted him off the floor. “Happy birthday, darling!” 
“Hi, Mum,” James beamed, feeling the love his mum gave him. She put him back on his feet and grabbed Sirius. “Hello, Sirius, sweetheart. How are you? You haven’t been around for ages, darling.” She released a guilty-looking Sirius. 
“Sorry, Effie. Moody wouldn’t let me out, and then we’ve been busy.” He pointed to James. “I promise I’ll make it up.” 
“Don’t be silly, Sirius. You don’t have anything to make up for. Just make sure you pop in when you can. We’ve missed you.” She smoothed his hair in a motherly way and herded them into the kitchen, where Monty was fighting with a frying pan.
“Effie, my love.” He didn’t need to say anymore as Effie swooped in and rescued the pan from him. He kissed her on the cheek in thanks and then rounded on his boys. 
“You don’t write, you don’t visit?” He joked as he scooped them both into his arms in a bone-breaking hug. 
Lunch was a jolly affair. Effie had cooked all James’s favourites and baked him a Victoria sponge cake. He blew out the candles after a rendition of Happy Birthday, and they sat in the living room enjoying a slice of cake and a cup of tea. 
Monty handed James a small pile of gifts, and Sirius pulled out a bottle of Ogden’s best firewhisky from Godric knows where complete with a huge red and gold bow. 
“We can crack it open tonight.” Sirius grinned, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Oh, are you having the girls over? How lovely.” Effie smiled as she watched James open the rest of his presents. He looked up at Sirius before he answered her. 
“Erm, no. Just me and Sirius. The others are busy.” He wasn’t sure if they were busy or not, but he couldn’t exactly tell his parents about the party his Death Eater friends were throwing him. 
“Oh, what a shame. I do miss Marlene and her crass mouth.” 
“Mum!” James cringed. For some unknown reason, his mother doted on Marlene, especially when she said the most outrageous things that you don’t say in front of your friend’s parents. 
They spent the rest of the afternoon chasing each other around the back garden on their brooms. They finally came back indoors, tired and sweaty but very much looking forward to the party later. 
“We’re going to get off, Mum,” James said as they walked back into the house. 
“What’s the rush? You and Sirius are just going to be alone drinking. Why not stay here, and I’ll make you my famous hangover breakfast for the morning?” They shuffled awkwardly. 
“Leave them be, Effie. They’re young men. They’re probably going round town.” Monty came to their rescue, giving them a cheeky wink as he ushered them towards the door. “Don’t leave it so long next time, boys.” He said as he hugged and kissed both of them before Effie could get her hands on them.
“Happy birthday, darling,” Effie squeezed him. They waved goodbye as they apparated back to Sirius’s flat. 
A quick shower and a change of clothes, and they were ready for Evan’s. 
Everyone was waiting for them when they arrived. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” They chorused as they dragged the pair into the ballroom. It had been decked out with hundreds of balloons that drifted around the room, illuminated by the fairy lights artfully looping around the room. 
They’d set up a table with food and drinks on it. In the centre was a beautiful golden cake decorated to look like a snitch. It had delicate spun sugar wings that fluttered gently as though the cake were flying. 
“Wow, guys, this is amazing. Thank you.” James couldn’t believe how much effort they’d put in for him. It hadn’t been very long ago that they’d have happily hurled curses at him, let alone plan a birthday party for him. 
Regulus tucked himself under James’s arm and handed him a small flat box. He gladly accepted it. It was very light, and he couldn’t even guess what could be inside it. He opened the black box, and there, nestled inside, were season tickets for Puddlemere United. His eyes went wide. 
“There’s two in there,” Regulus told him. “Hopefully, after the war is over. I’ll be able to use the other one. Until then, I suppose you can take my idiot brother.” James wrapped him in a hug and kissed him passionately.
“Thank you, Regulus. It’s my favourite gift ever.” He kissed him again, enjoying the pink flush that coloured Regulus’s face.
“Oi, and what about my gift?” Barty came over, breaking them apart. 
“Barty, you got him broom polish.” Regulus rolled his eyes at his friend. 
“Yeah, the best broom polish on the market. His broom’s going to be so smooth he’s going to slip right off it.” 
Sirius got the music playing, and then they were dancing. 
“James couldn’t believe he got to spend his birthday with his closest friends and his boyfriend. This was shaping up to be his best birthday ever, and when Regulus reached up and whispered in his ear and pulled him out of the room and upstairs, he decided it definitely was his best birthday.     
Next part
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qtkat · 2 months
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more than god loves them
“freddie! mate, the sun’s shining, we’re bevvied, spliffed, and sorted. this feels like the beginning of something.”
in which y/n miles travels back to bristol for college and befriends her form mates, getting swirled into all the drama that comes along with them.. accidentally catching the eye of a weird guy with a weird name
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READER, is female and uses she/her pronouns — is described as having longer hair and blue eyes to match chris’ since she’s his little sister. she is sixteen at the start of this series and she ages along with the characters. hair color/texture and skin color are not specified.
WARNING, this story contains explicit and mature content and themes such as drugs, sex, and very bad decision making. throw yourself off the deep end here instead of in real life lovelies. this does contain spoilers for both gen one and gen two of skins uk.
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chapter index.. 𓏲ּ
𐝃ْꦌ prologue
𝜗𝜚 chapter one.. wip
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uncloseted · 26 days
Effy seems to like Naomi and seems to dislike Emily a little, but she nevertheless supports their relationship. On the other hand, she treats the Pandora-Thomas couple coldly. Isn't it out of possessiveness towards Pandora?
I actually don’t think that’s an accurate read on what’s going on. At the beginning of series 3, I think Effy likes both Naomi and Emily fine, even if she feels like Emily is a little bit of a doormat. In series 4, Emily seems like she’s kind of tired of Effy’s shit, but Effy still seems like she likes Emily; they’re just not really close friends. I think she sees a lot of herself in Naomi and a lot of Freddie in Emily, so part of the reason she supports them together is because if Naomi and Emily can make it work, maybe she and Freddie can as well. By the time Naomi and Emily’s relationship is really on the rocks because of the Sophia thing, Effy has her own mental health stuff going on and I’m not sure she even knows what happened.
When it comes to Pandora and Thomas, I think she’s supportive of that relationship until Pandora starts sleeping with Cook. Effy doesn’t like that Pandora “surfed and turfed” “her man” when Pandora said earlier that same episode that that’s the reason they’re friends. Effy also seems like she doesn’t like cheating, so she thinks that Pandora should have stopped sleeping with Cook if she was going to be in a relationship with Thomas. And then in episode 402, she encourages Pandora to break it off with Thomas because he cheated on her with Andrea. She doesn’t support the Pandora/Thomas relationship because both of them are consistently cheating on the other.
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maelovesmarlene · 9 months
Marauders x AFTG
This idea came to me a few months ago, so here it is:
Really none of the plot from ATFG is included other than exy, the moriamas as the sacred 28/the black family, and some of the ship dynamics :)
the lions:
-effie - Coach
-monty - assistant coach
 -James-  striker 
- Sirius - defender
- Remus - defender or team manager, probably team manager whose a exy player who suffered a career-ending injury
- marls - striker
- lily - defender
- peter - goalie
- Alice - dealer striker
- Frank - defender and goalie
- Mary - defender 
The snakes:
Orion - Coach
regulus - striker
Evan - defender
Barty - striker
Pandora - defender
Dorcas - striker
Emalane - goalie
Narcissa - defender
Bella - striker
Andromeda - goalie
definitely needs some more workshopping but some other little ideas I came up with for this AU:
dumblewhore as the head of the exy board who knows about Orion's treatment of his players and does nothing
Sirius is in the hospital, waking up to James next to him, recruiting him for the lions, Knowing each other from school and little leagues besties
Mcgonagol as Bee??
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grvnge-archive · 4 months
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Effy & Pandora x Wednesday & Enid
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sunchasingstar · 1 year
Just woke up with a twilight x marauders idea
Carlisle and Esme Cullen are Fleamont and Effy Potter (giving esme the personality she deserves) Emmett and Rosalie are Marlene and Dorcas, Alice and Jasper are Lily and Mary (Mary is NOT a confederate solider) Edward is Regulus. Bella would be James’ dumbass, book Bella specifically. Sirius gives me Garrett vibes and then Remus would be a mix of Kate and Jacob ( I still want him to be a werewolf but like Sirius mate)
James, Remus, and Barty are apart of the tribe and Fleamont and Effie are the Elders. That would make the Cullens be Minnie and Poppy as Carlisle and Esme, Emmett and Rosalie are still Marlene and Dorcas, (Marlene just gives me major Emmett vibes) Alice and Jasper would be platonic Pandora and Regulus leaving Edward as Sirius. Idk what to do w Lily or Mary tho because I thought ab making them apart of the Denali coven alongside like Peter but idk 
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As you all know, the Femslash February event of this year is pretty close so I decided I’ll be taking prompts and posting them in my account on AO3 (@/ant1hero) and pseud sunkissed (ant1hero). Here’s the list of all the fandoms and ships I want to write next month, you can send me an anonymous or non anonymous inbox with your prompts and you can even say in the inbox, in case you have an AO3 account, if you want me to gift the fanfic to you!
Wed & Enid
Wed & Bianca
Larissa & Morticia
The Selection
America & Celeste
America & Kriss
Celeste & Kriss
America & Fem!Aspen
Eadlyn & Fem!Kile
The 100
Clarke & Lexa
Clarke & Raven
Clarke & Octavia
Octavia & Raven
Octavia & Emori
Octavia & Lexa
Clarke & Fem!Bellamy
Clarke & Fem!Wells
Raven & Clarke & Octavia
Octavia & Clarke & Lexa
Hunger Games
Katniss & Johanna
Primrose & Rue
Katniss & Fem!Peeta
House of The Dragon
Rhaenyra & Alicent
Helaena & Rhaena
Rhaenyra & Fem!Aegon
Fem!Lucerys & Fem!Aemond
Stranger Things
El & Max
Robin & Nancy
Robin & Chrissy
El & Fem!Mike
Nancy & Fem!Jonathan
Max & El & Fem!Mike  
Star Wars
Padmé & Sabé
Jyn & Leia
Leia & Holdo
Rey & Rose
Rey & Connix
Padmé & Fem!Anakin
Sabé & Fem!Anakin
Leia & Fem!Luke
Leia & Fem!Han
Rey & Fem!Ben
Fem!Poe & Fem!Finn
Sabé & Padmé & Fem!Anakin
Fem!Poe & Fem!Finn & Rey
Kate & Yelena
Carol & Valkyrie
MJ & Shuri
Natasha & Maria Hill
Natasha & Carol
Natasha & Wanda
Natasha & Cap Carter
Carol & Cap Carter
MJ & SpiderGwen
Wanda & Christine (Earth 838)
Natasha & Fem!Clint
Rogue & Kitty
Illyana & Dani
MCU & X-Men
Yelena & Illyana
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Toph & Katara
Adventure Time
Bubblegum & Marceline
Yor & Fiona
Yor & Fem!Loid
Yor & Fem!Loid & Fiona
Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Teruhashi & Yumehara
Teruhashi & Rifuta
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura & Tomoyo
Sakura & Fem!Syaoran
Steven Universe
Peridot & Lapis
Pearl & Amethyst
Pearl & Bismuth
Pearl & Garnet
Pearl & Rose
Pearl & Lapis
Amethyst & Rose
Peridot & Amethyst
Nini & Gina
Ashlyn & Maddox
Ashlyn & Val
Nini & Maddox
Nini & Val
Val & Maddox
Gina & Kourtney
Noora & Eva
Eva & Vilde
Sana & Noora
Michelle & Cassie
Effy & Katie
Naomi & Effy
Mini & Franky
Ginny & Georgia
Ginny & Abby
Ginny & Fem!Marcus
That '70s Show
Donna & Jackie
Donna & Fem!Eric
That '90s Show
Leia & Gwen
Gwen & Nikki
The Wilds
Shelby & Toni
Leah & Fatin
Leah & Rachel
Leah & Nora
Dot & Fatin
Dot & Shelby
Doctor Who
Rose & Martha
Martha & Donna
Amy & Clara
Clara & Rose
Clara & River
Clara & Missy
Clara & Ashildr
Amy & Fem!Rory
Ashildr & Clara & Missy
Emma & Regina
Mulan & Aurora
Belle & Red/Ruby
Regina & Red/Ruby
Regina & Belle
Emma & Red/Ruby & Regina
The Walking Dead
Amy & Beth
Andrea & Michonne
Andrea & Maggie
Teen Wolf
Lydia & Cora
Malia & Kira
Malia & Lydia
Allison & Erica
Erica & Cora
Lydia & Erica
Allison & Cora
Malia & Allison
Allison & Fem!Scott
Allison & Fem!Isaac
Lydia & Fem!Stiles
Cora & Fem!Stiles
Malia & Fem!Stiles
Fem!Stiles & Fem!Derek
Erica & Lydia & Cora
Malia & Lydia & Cora
Malia & Lydia & Allison
Harry Potter
Hermione & Fleur
Hermione & Ginny
Hermione & Pansy
Ginny & Fleur
Cho & Ginny
Cho & Fleur
Parvati & Pansy
Luna & Padma
Luna & Cho
Padma & Fleur
Lily & Petunia
Lily & Bellatrix
Lily & Narcissa
Lily & Molly
Lily & Pandora
Bellatrix & Petunia
Narcissa & Petunia
Narcissa & Astoria
Narcissa & Pansy
Rowena & Helga (Hogwarts Founders)
Leta & Tina (Fantastic Beasts)
Lily & Fem!James
Lily & Fem!Snape
Lily & Fem!Sirius
Bellatrix & Fem!Voldemort
Narcissa & Fem!Snape
Leta & Fem!Newt
Helga & Fem!Salazar
Rowena & Fem!Salazar
Hermione & Fem!Ron
Luna & Fem!Harry
Ginny & Fem!Harry
Ginny & Fem!Neville
Ginny & Fem!Tom Riddle
Fem!Harry & Fem!Draco
Hermione & Fleur & Ginny
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onthemerits · 2 years
okay what do we think about a buffy the vampire slayer au done proper crimson rivers style?
all the human characters would be aged up to be in college. it would probably be rated m with mcd and and graphic violence. more proposed details below the cut
jily, jegulus, wolfstar, pandalily, bartylus, pandora x xeno, marylily, narcissa x alice, narcissa x lily, rosekiller, and dorlene (all genuine and given their own "screentime")
also some very very brief prongsfoot, lucius x narcissa, and bella x voldy
im not going to say which ships are endgame but some of the character mapping makes it a little bit obvious
The Scoobies (Marauders): Slayer!James, Watcher!Remus, Wicca!Lily, MayorsOfficeIntern!Peter
The Messy Vampire S(quad): EvilVampire!Bellatrix, SoulfulVampire!Sirius, PoetVampire!Regulus, and WizardVampire!Barty
Others of Note: Wicca!Pandora, Seer!Mary, Werewolf!Xeno, MayorsOfficeIntern!Evan, Vampire!Lucius, Vampire!Narcissa, Slayer!Marlene, VengenceDemon!Dorcas, Slayer!Effie, VampireHellGod!Voldemort, Mysterious!Harry, Watcher!Alice, Watcher!Frank, Watcher!Dumbledore, Watcher!McGonagall, Watcher!Moody, Watcher!Pomfrey, MagicShopOwner!Aberforth, IncelTrio!Snape, IncelTrio!Mulciber, IncelTrio!Avery, Himbo!Monty, Molly Weasley, Gideon&Fabian Prewett, Slughorn, Flitwick,
im also interested in doing it episode/season style; im so excited because as ive typed this up ive come up with like fifty million different ideas
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zapphic-zel · 10 months
Hi! I’m zel. Also I have not got a clue how to actually do this but oh well…
Red and Black Room 1/1 One Shot
8k Black brothers marvel red room au. gen.
2.5k. murder mystery/casefic after dorlene die. following dorcas + figuring out exactly what she did between marlene's death and hers. canon compliant
The dandelions will continue to grow. 4/4 completed
22k. Dorlene AU where Dorcas is the goddess of war and Marlene is a General. Fantasy setting. PLEASE read the tags.
The telephone box 1/1 One Shot
1k. Regulus centric. Regulus has run away from home and has to call Effie for help. Just a chill little one shot.
A little kissing can go a long way 11/11 Completed
22k. Basically a chill Voldemort-less Au where a bunch of ships get together. Jegulus, Dorlene, Wolfstar, Rosekiller and Marylily. its very friends-to-lovers based. Complete.
Pet Panda 1/1 One shot
3k. Petunia centric. Ship is Petunia x Pandora (which I dubbed petpanda and that's where the fic came from). First meeting/ gay crisis. Petunia goes to the fair with lily and spots a Panda teddy that she absolutely needs. One-shot
Quiet questions in the kitchen. 1/1 One shot
2k. Petunia centric. Petunia x Pandora (petpanda!!!) Established relationship, mental health issues, hurt comfort and a panda mug!
I may post some of my art on here but I am most active for art on @madgeniusminusthegenius <- this blog
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 30 - Diamond
@jegulus-microfic March 30 Word count 992
Previous part First part
Peter cowered in the middle of the cell. James and Sirius stood in front of him, glaring down at the pitiful man. 
Evan had put a block on Peters's magic while he’d been unconscious so he couldn’t transform into his animagus form. 
Sirius twirled Peters's wand in his hand, looking eerily like Regulus. Peter didn’t stand a chance. 
They’d decided, in case anything went wrong, that it was best if only the two of them were seen by Peter. Remus was supposed to be with the werewolves. Regulus, the Rosier twins and Barty were supposed to support Voldemort. If Peter somehow wormed his way out of this, he could potentially ruin everything they had so far accomplished and put them all in danger.  
“James, please!” Peter begged from the ground. “I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing.” James clenched his jaw. Peter was lying to him. He caught the back of Sirius’s robes to stop him from leaping on Peter. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing, Peter when you got me to reveal that Sirius was still alive. You took me out to lunch and wheedled it out of me, and then you went straight to your master and spilled your guts. How could you betray me? How could you betray Sirius?” He was spitting by the end of his tirade.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The Dark Lord he—he threatened my life if I didn’t do as he said.” Peter was crying now. Fat tears dripped down his face and turned the stones beneath him black.
“And Sirius would die if Voldemort decides to send someone after him because of the information you fed him.” He had to stop as his voice began to feel thick. 
“We were your brothers, Peter! We would have done anything for you! We would have died for you. You could have come to us if you were scared. But you know what? I don’t think you were sacred. I don’t think he did threaten you. I think you went to him yourself. You always were a little rat.” Sirius pounced, his hands curling into claws as he attacked the screaming Peter. 
James dragged his friend off the quivering mess on the floor. 
“Sirius, calm down. We need to find out what he knows.” James whispered harshly into Sirius’s ear. Sirius growled and spat on the floor beside Peter. 
“Then, let’s hurry up and do it, James. I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from turning into Padfoot and using my teeth.” Sirius gnashed his teeth together as though Padfoot was already trying to break through. James ran a calming hand down Sirius’s back, and his friend immediately unpuffed his chest and backed away from Peter a step. 
“Come on then, Peter. What else have you told Voldemort?” James’s voice was cold. He’d never been betrayed like this before. Even Regulus had never hidden his intention to join the Death Eaters, though, with Regulus, it was because his mother had given him no other choice. Peter had had many options, and he still chose Voldemort. 
“N-n-nothing. I haven’t told him anything else.” Peter whimpered. 
“Liar,” Sirius snarled. His eyes twitched as he stared at Peter. It took James a second to realise Sirius was performing legimency on Peter. 
After a few minutes, Sirius turned away and strode out of the cell. James conjured heavy manacles and chained Peter to the wall. He found Sirius curled up in Remus’s lap. He looked up when James walked in. His eyes were dull. The usual diamond gleam and sparkle that resided there had been ripped away by whatever he’d seen inside Peter’s head. 
“He told them everything.” He croaked. “Everything we’ve ever said about our assignments, everything from the meetings.” He let out a sob. “James, he was planning to help death eaters get into your parent’s house.” James felt the blood drain from his face and Regulus’s arms wrapping around him. 
“How—how far along was his plan?” He choked out, looking back at the door he’d just come through. 
“Not very. He hadn’t even mentioned it to Voldemort yet. I think they’re safe.” Sirius still looked panicked. They were his parents as much as James’s. 
“Anything else?” James asked, not sure if he wanted to hear anymore. 
“I was right. He joined them voluntarily.” James felt any loyalty he felt for Peter slip away. That man wasn’t his friend, and he couldn’t believe he’d ever trusted him. 
“What do you want to do?” Regulus asked, holding him close. James bit back the pain. He’d deal with it later. 
“We need to give him to Moody and make sure he knows he can’t make a deal with him.” 
It took some juggling, but they eventually managed to get Peter to one of the Order safe houses, and Moody appeared moments later, wand raised. 
“What are you doing here without permission?” He barked, still not lowering his wand. 
“We caught your spy. You’re welcome.” Sirius growled at him. 
“That wasn’t the plan, Black.” They were glaring at each other. 
“Yeah, well. He was planning on killing the Potters, among other things. He went to Voldemort and asked to join them. It’s time he was caught.” Moody didn’t argue. Effie and Monty Potter were loved by all, and even the grizzled Alastor Moody didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. 
“Fine, I’ll get the rest of the information out of him and find somewhere to keep him.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder and began shoving him further into the house. 
“No deals, Mad-Eye.” James’s tone was a warning. Moody scrutinised James from head to toe and snorted through his nose. 
“Fine, no deals.” 
James and Sirius went to the Potters house, needing to see they were safe and hug them. James had a quick conversation with Regulus, explaining what had happened between them and Moody, and then he was in Effie’s arms. 
Final part
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smnthwrd · 3 years
If the writers weren't cowards they would have given us a slowburn panda x cook endgame and if we lived in a perfect world they would have given us panda x effy
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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favorite platonic relationships: effy stonem and pandora moon “You're mental and I'm useless.”
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whoreicf · 2 years
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whenilostyou · 3 years
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iconic toxic duos
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