#parenting journey.
pritiblog1992 · 1 year
Prenatal Classes
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Prenatal Classes
What topics do the prenatal classes cover?
The online prenatal classes cover Pregnancy,Childbirth, Postnatal Recovery, Breastfeeding and Babycare advice.
Additional prenatal classes include Maternity leave planning, transition back to work and a guide for spouses on how they can support the pregnant spouse throughout pregnancy, birthing, and after. (Coming soon)
We are constantly adding new topics as per feedback from our early users.
When I sign up for a prenatal class, what will I have access to?
Every prenatal education class/module comes with:
1) High quality research-led, curated information for each phase of your early motherhood journey
2) Engaging Multimedia Content designed by medical, perinatal experts and prenatal educators.
3) Videos and audios as step-by-step guides for prenatal and postnatal yoga, labour support etc..,available for future reference
4) Downloadable and interactive resources – booklets, planning templates, journals, checklists, shopping lists and many more
Note: If you are accessing Veira Life as part of your corporate benefit, you might have free or discounted access to some or all of the online prenatal classes. Check the welcome email you received on registration under the corporate benefits programme. Alternatively click on the Corporate Benefits page in the top menu when you log in.
How are the Veira Life prenatal classes different?
Traditional prenatal education is offered face-to-face and requires one to travel to the venue and sit in for many hours of lecture-style classes over a few days or weeks. (Let’s be real…they’re often incredibly boring). With COVID, a lot of these classes have moved to online delivery, which is often recorded or live video of the same lecture-style classes.
Our prenatal classes are:
available at your convenience (on-demand on any device)
based on content from expert sources, further vetted by doctors, doula/midwife and childbirth educator. A conscious effort has been made to keep the content unbiased and cover all options available to you at each step.
designed in partnership with educational experts to cater to diverse learning preferences (aka make them interesting!).
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 167
Honestly, Danny is having such a good time right now. He gets to travel with Ellie, explore space, just have fun. Plus his secondary protector-instincts are having soothed despite him not technically doing any hero-ing anymore. Really his sister had the right idea when she decided she wanted to become a doctor, this is honestly a blast.
And if someone does end up passing away, well, Ellie is always happy to help soothe their spirit and guide them to the Realms where they can reach their respective afterlife. Or become a ghost. 
They are completely oblivious to the fact that there are now legends and entire temples dedicated to them now. Apparently accidental ascension is in fact a thing, as Dan later laughs at them about. 
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ash-says · 3 months
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 2:
1) Get your basics straight. Education. Boundaries. Financial independence. Further breaking it down and linking it if you get proper education at some point you are bound to get an awareness of this world, if you are able to adapt and improvise yourself and develop your emotional intelligence and get your boundaries straight you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary drama and problems. Education (formal and informal) both will help you in gaining opportunities and if you are financially independent, you are holding the power to make your own decisions.
2) Develop thick skin. Your mom is calling you names. Slut, whore and what not. Your dad doesn't trust you and abuses you physically. So, what now? Are you going to let them define what you are or internalize the anger and use it as a fuel to become successful? Choice is yours.
3) They say you don't owe an explanation to anyone. Sorry to burst your little bubble. Actually you do. We live in a society and have relationships that we need to maintain for survival. This hyper independent stuff is only good to read. We have responsibilities that we need to fulfill. If you don't owe an explanation to anyone then don't cry about a closure from someone too. If you can live by this go ahead and practice it.
4) Stop isolating yourself. That's it. That's the point.
5) First kill the fear inside you. Being a rebel outside the house is no good. Be disciplined. Know how to manipulate your family members in your favor and if you can't just find the weak points and threaten. I know it's difficult to implement but you learn through trial and error. Plus something is better than nothing.
6) Stop glorifying people who treat you with kindness and love. That's the bare minimum. Just because you didn't get it served in a silver spoon doesn't mean it is not served in a silver spoon. People can have ulterior motives and even if they don't fix it in your brain that's normal. No rose colored glasses allowed.
7) Don't be afraid of indulging in your sexuality. No I am not saying go and have sex with people. I mean it in a deeper sense. Connect with the repressed sexual side and try to find healthy outlets. Don't dim yourself to fit in others'expectations or to ease someone's insecurity. Be unapologetic about your wants and desires. Know yourself. It's a powerful energy source if you know how to use it positively.
8) Cry, cry and cry. Wail like a child. No need to keep it all in. No need to act like a macho woman BUT only in front of your god or your belief system. Max in front of your truly trusted people.
9) Question everything as easily as breathing. Doubt every thing. Every action. Every person. What proof do you have to not doubt ? Stop giving benefit of doubts. Stop looking for excuses on how they could be good and instead look for ways in which they can harm you. That's your lottery to be poised and composed. It's just what it is.
10) Obsession. We have it in loads. That's natural to us. So the trick here is to be obsessive. Hella obsessive but about things, topics, goals, subjects, inanimate things,etc. God forbid but never be obsessive about a person. Not even over your dead body. Why? For that I need to make another detailed post I think.
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sunshines-child · 4 months
Circe, Witch of Aiaia
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I have drawn Circe so many times and i've finally settle on a design that is largely different but I like a lot
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zoeves · 6 months
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kidnap the high summoner: mission complete!
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kittyfrisk9 · 5 days
Idea Dp x dc - Amnesia
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't understand the idea.
What an unpleasant color. That was the first thought he had upon waking up in a hospital and seeing the white walls.
They told him he had amnesia due to the damage caused to his head. It wasn't that he had simply forgotten everything; he still remembered what common objects like a door or an apple were. He also knew what eating, going to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, or any other daily activity was. But he simply couldn't remember... certain things.
Like his name, important events in his life, people... He couldn't remember anyone. Not even the boy who threw himself on him, crying and apologizing, saying that all of this was his fault for being too slow.
Apparently, this boy was his boyfriend.
And he was right, because something in his chest twisted when he saw that cute boy crying. He doubted it was his heart; it was more like a kind of feeling, a sort of instinct that hated seeing that cute boy cry.
"It's okay, don't cry, it's okay, I'm fine." He hugged the other man, stroking his hair and saying sweet things to try to calm him down.
Jason Todd started crying again.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't understand the idea.
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cool-thymus · 10 months
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Today i finished watching Naruto! And i found this gem in the ending credits: one pure team Minato hug! 💜🧡🩶
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annephibia · 4 months
it took me a bit to warm up to how childish fern is sometimes- shouldnt a full-fledged mage and young adult know better than to pout when something annoys her? but then i realized something important.
fern is childish because frieren treats her like a child.
and i dont mean she does it in a condescending way or that it discredits parts of fern's maturity, of course not. but when fern feels down and she starts pouting and giving people the silent treatment, frieren gives her whatever she asks for. buys her a good meal, snacks, goes for a walk. its how a parent would give in to their child and give them a toy to calm them down. and fern hasnt grown out of it because frieren hasnt stopped spoiling her like that.
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liquidstar · 11 months
but for real i love adventure time bc in the face of shitty family members that are also space war criminals, most kids show protags would be all "guys lets not fight... we're family! we can be friends! peace and love!" but finn is like "im going to personally rip off my dads arm because i hate him"
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insomniphic · 2 months
Parent!Narry going out to show his kid his pet fish-eel-thing….
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pritiblog1992 · 1 year
Baby Care Advice For New Mom
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What are the different types of events that Veira Life runs?
Veira Life runs online and face-to-face events.These events are designed to support new mums and families.
They include workshops, expert panels, meetups with other new mums and families, Structured webinars on a variety of topics which will be lead by experts such as lactation consultants, nutritionists etc, The topics would range from breastfeeding issues to problems in pregnancy to baby care advice.
Our goal is to help new mums and families gather insights and advice and get guidance through the challenges of their motherhood/parenting journey.
More Information For New Mom
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sluttyhenley · 11 months
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Bruce Springsteen Series
If I hadn’t gotten up, I would’ve missed it.
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Learn To Love Yourself & Heal From Toxic People
Allow yourself to feel all your emotions and thoughts, authentically and without self-criticism or judgment: Acknowledge that you're grieving. Accept that you need to mourn your loss. Even if it is better to move on in life without these people, it is healthy and completely valid to grieve the relationships you had with these people – regardless of whether they were one-sided, deluded, or otherwise toxic. Allow yourself to cry, be angry, lie in bed, etc. Hit a pillow, sleep in all day on a weekend, or wear a set of pajamas for a WFH day. Give yourself permission to engage in self-soothing behaviors without any type of self-harm or self-sabotage.
Rest, relax, and pamper yourself in your leisure time: Spend time taking it easy – reading, watching TV, doing a face mask or another indulgent skin treatment, using a body massager, cooking dinner in a silk robe and slippers, lighting a candle, cozying up in a blanket, etc. Allow yourself to feel at peace. Create a sanctuary in your space.
Take time for introspection and self-discovery: Being in any type of relationship with toxic people is draining and can cause you to feel as though you've lost a part of yourself by trying to make the relationship succeed. Now, it's time to reclaim yourself after you've courageously cut out these toxic people from your life. Consider and honor your deepest desires, values, interests, hobbies, lifestyle, goals, aesthetic, food, sexual, entertainment preferences, etc. Go on a self-discovery journey to figure out who you really are, what you believe, and who you will work to become as you enter this new, exciting chapter of your life.
Journal, read, eat healthily, work out, drink plenty of water, and sleep: Go back to the basic healthy habits. Try to journal for at least 5-10 minutes a day (using a 5-minute journal, morning pages [writing 3 pages of stream-of-conscious thoughts first thing in the morning], journal or shadow work prompts), make 2-3 whole food, plant-based meals with carbs, veggies, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats, find some ways to incorporate movement into your day – 30-minute walk or yoga session is enough if that's all you can manage consistently, have your body weight in ounces of water daily, and sleep for around 7-8 hours a night. Do some inner child healing by taking care of your core needs.
Indulge in all of your favorites: There's a lot of fun you can have when you have total freedom regarding your daily activities and choices. Give yourself permission to enjoy this solitude. Wear your favorite outfits every day (occasion-appropriate options, of course), including pajamas, loungewear, lingerie, and accessories. Make your favorite meals and snacks throughout the week (incorporating some healthy options in there to feel your best – I love a good oatmeal bowl, frozen grapes, baked Japanese sweet potato, or a hummus and vegetable plate). Watch your favorite TV shows or movies. Indulge in a glass of wine you love or reread a favorite book. Create a masterful playlist. Plan a day of your favorite activities (a long walk, getting a coffee, indulging in a spa day, going to a farmer's market, going to a yoga class, etc.) Treat yourself like your own best friend.
Get comfortable doing things alone: Honestly, no one cares or is paying attention to if you're doing activities alone or with someone else. If someone shows too much interest in your solitude, they're probably projecting their own insecurities regarding their perceived social ridicule. Take yourself shopping, to the nail salon, out for a meal, to the movies, etc. alone. Personally, I love doing most of these things alone anyways. Running errands alone gives you some space to clear your mind and think freely.
Define what an ideal social life and/or relationship looks like for you: Once you've become comfortable with yourself and living life on your own terms, it's time to embrace your desire for human connection and socialization. Consider the types of people you want in your life – their values, personalities, interests, goals, favorite activities, relational boundaries, etc., and where/when/how often you want to interact with them.
Create an action plan: Reconnect with the people in your life who continue to show up for you and have been a light through these toxic relationships and their lasting effects over the months or years. Decide on the places, groups, and ways you'll reach out/try to meet these people. Figure out how to expand your network, and make new connections. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You won't vibe with everyone you meet, but it is worthwhile to engage in small talk with several strangers if even one of these new faces, later on, becomes a good friend or acquaintance. A varied social circle is a great way to enrich your life.
Take small steps, then strides: Be gentle on yourself throughout this entire process. It is perfectly okay to take one day at a time during the grieving process. Everyone's healing journey will look different and evolve at a different pace. Don't let these toxic people remain in your heart, mind, and spirit. Remember that you deserve love, kindness, happiness, success, peace, and patience.
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bitchycatpeanut · 1 month
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Your favourite trans queen
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xiaolanhua · 6 months
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A Journey to Love 一念关山 (2023) Dir. Zhou Yuan Zhou, Zou Xi – Ep. 21
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strawbebbiesart · 1 year
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chimckens 🐓🌽
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