#philosophy of living
theaskew · 5 months
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André Gide (French 1869-1951). The Journals of André Gide, Volume III, 1928-1939. [New York : A.A. Knopf. 1949]
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eccentricphilosoph · 1 year
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It's also not about making the movements anti-man, anti-white, anti-straight. Very important to remember.
And it's NOT ABOUT YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL either if you're a part of these groups. It's about the GROUPS.
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normiree · 3 months
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Dr. Ratio but it's a College AU
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novastellavox · 1 year
I need this to go viral for the sake of everyone with ADHD / Autism / Neurodivergence
Do YOU chase dopamine by learning new things? Do you learn new skills and don't know why you want to do that but do it anyway?
well, I might have THE ANSWER for YOU!
There is a certain effect called the Eureka Moment. That moment when you FINALLY understand some topic that didn't seem impossible to learn, but out of reach for you to master at the moment.
This is a so-called Eureka Moment. The intensity of that moment rises, when you know less about a topic prior to the moment.
When learning a completely new skill, learning a new language, a new instrument, learning something about philosophy or science... all these things can trigger it in intense ways.
The journey of your life is like a puzzle. You build a personality, a life, an archive of knowledge and skills of sorts. And when learning a new ability or skill, you find singular pieces... they may fit into a 'sort of' shape... but the bigger picture is out of reach. Then one crucial moment, you learn a random thing that wasn't particularly grand or anything... and THAT puzzle piece brings everything together. The pieces literally fall into place.
And it's very likely that there's a bio-chemical reaction in your brain... which overloads your brain with dopamine... but that is exactly it.
Your brain is still chasing dopamine by learning new things... but what it really wants... is that Eureka explosion in your brain. It wants to be loaded to the brim with free flowing dopamine. Suddenly you feel unstoppable and ... you feel like all the work you did was worth it. At least I do now.
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nicheguides · 4 months
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First Date Ideas
Skip the coffee date! Entice the next hottie you meet with a brand new experience✨
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waterghostype · 4 months
do people actually believe jay is dumb? like emotionally yeah but when it comes to book smarts i thought it was well established that hes smart and mostly exaggerates being stupid for the lols. did i make that up is that something most people dont see where am i
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makluhr · 14 days
One day it will all be worth it <3
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Nights like this can be so draining and tiring but posting stuff like this remotivates me to keep going. Struggling so hard to not be distracted but it will work out…
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philosophybits · 8 months
What I prized most was freedom, freedom to do my work, to give myself spontaneously and not out of duty or by command. I could not submit to such demands; rather would I choose the path of a homeless wanderer; yes, even go without love.
Emma Goldman, Living My Life
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kacievvbbbb · 7 days
I need someone that believes in magic to get ahold of Batman again. He is an overly serious man that runs around in an admitted bat suit fighting a gimmick rouge gallery. And he is doing it because he sincerely believes in a better tomorrow and somewhere along the way we have lost the plot. Batman wasn’t created to punish the guilty that is actually completely antithetical to his beliefs he is not the fucking punisher.
Batman just like wonder woman and Superman primarily wants to save people! sure he doesn’t do it in a sunny way but that is still what drives him. Hell he even goes a step further and actually builds a case he’s not just waiting for criminals to commit the crime he is shutting down smuggling and trafficking rings foiling plots he is a detective! For Christs sake it’s what made him so unique and fun as a superhero.
Also His desire to save people is literally what compels him to adopt Dick, Jason, Stephanie. Cass because he wanted to give these kids a chance, to save them in ways 8year old him wasn’t. Someone who just wants to punish the guilty wouldn’t do that, And now they have turned him into a borderline physically and emotionally abusive absentee parent all in the name of making him an edge lord. Where is the heart! Where is the fucking heart in it all! Where are the kids and the bright colors and the zaniness. Let Batman and Gotham be FANTASTICAL! I’m tired of the greys and the browns.
I’m tired of “grounding a story” meaning sucking all the joy and color out if it. Also superhero stories don’t need to be grounded in your fucking abysmal reality they are literally superheroes they exist outside of reality, let them!
A story does not have to be joyless to have depth and it does not have to be nihilist to be compelling.
I am sick and I am tired of it. 😔
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bibxrbie · 6 months
It is so difficult loving Luke Skywalker and being Jedi positive.
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theabigailthorn · 2 months
Thanks so much to all my patrons from supporting me this month!
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 8 months
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circle-around-again · 6 months
Rebels Maul and yoda had so much in common being creepy old freakish men living in fetid squalor. they were on opposite ends of the space magic political spectrum but by god they wouldve been bros
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imagopirateversion · 5 months
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It’s a skull
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sculkshrieking · 8 months
COULD I GET A 3L SCAR... or cat hybrid scar... or both....
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
My ADHD tip of the day/new personal philosophy is: BUY MULTIPLES.
Anything you spend a lot of time looking for, have a bunch around the house. There's no reason you can't have three sticks of deodorants in different rooms or masks in every coat pocket or anxiety pills in every cabinet (the literal worst thing I can ever imagine is being unable to find my propranolol during a panic attack)
I'm old enough to know I'm never going to be a "just leave it in the same place every time" person so I'm just leaning into it. I can always find *one of* the hair brushes after all.
[do make sure you don't drive your roommates crazy leaving shit all over the place though]
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