#poems from my fiction
The kiss of twilight upon our eyes
As galaxies fall and rise
Beyond time
Beyond sound
In a place we've always found
Deep within our memory
Of Endless
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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When Keith says he'd break the world in half to protect him, Lance says he'd put it back together for him.
Out of all the Universes they got to know, the other is still closest to home.
Prints on pre-order -> linktr.ee/mezzy
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thewaitingluna · 13 days
I am uncomfortable even when held.
Is there a place where I can put this baggage down without drowning myself and others?
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poemsonmars · 1 year
and it always comes back
to your willingness
to destroy yourself
for the slightest chance
that someone might
care enough to stop you.
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gluedonpapers · 9 months
Ribbons and Stars
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He shined for her and she tied him together
For when she was down and he was falling apart
He loves the stars because it reminds him of her
And she loves the ribbon because he gave it to her
“Return my ribbon” she chided, chasing him
“You have my stars, therefore I shall have your bow” he replied, running
For their love burns as fiery as her bow and as bright as his stars
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fatimaamerbilal · 2 years
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fatima aamer bilal, from her garden yearns more for visitors than water.
[text id: i still don't know how to hold your hand without regarding the ugliness of my own, / but i can't contain my soul from enveloping yours.]
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mytalesandyou · 4 months
" I feel either you'll make me kneel for you this time Or win this argument cause the way you unravel me everytime brings me to my fucking knees and yet I can't help but worship you just like the way you are, Magnificent. "
- Rz
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strawberrywinter4 · 6 months
Forbidden Love
An impossible feeling that consumes the very soul.
At first it’s subtle, a spark that lights between them, creating a dim flicker of possibility.
They attempt to ignore it, but when they’re unable to clear the thought of each other out of their mind, it’s like a growing addiction which they haven’t even tasted.
Unspoken words, speeches of pure interpretation, suggestive stares that halt the heart in a stutter.
Heavy breaths, “accidental” touches, lips brushing hesitantly, though desperately.
Seeking quiet corners, craving a sanctuary for solitude, quick declarations of desire, grappling onto one another’s shirts for leverage of the fact that they are in deep conflict.
This is against the rules. This is a path to a ruinous result.
They know it will end in sorrow. They know it will crush both of them, rip them apart in every accessible way.
But when their lips touch and when they hold onto each other for dear life, their breaths shallow and their hands wandering in need to feel, it’s worth the inevitable destruction.
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ghostoffuturespast · 8 months
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Incoming, motherfuckers.
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A Paladin's Remorse
I watch blood drip from shining steel As widows and orphans scream Over righteous proselytizing zeal
Where is God in this hell we have wrought? Where is Deuhiim's divine loving grace? Where is His Holy embrace?
Is it in the ditch we set the pyre? Is it laced in the corpse scented plumes? Is it in their temples we set fire?
"Blessed, are thou, who share My love!" "O'believer! Through faith you are set free!" "Rest, ye weary, under My palm's canopy."
Words I read with starry eyes of youth Were hallow lies of hate and ire Peddled as divine words of truth
If this work of mine be the work of God If it truly be His sacrement Let me burn in the fires of Infernal torment.
    -Unsigned poem from a Paladin, serving in Deutoria's Divine Legion. Discovered under his hanged corpse, somewhere in the Vuhn'dahar Mountains.
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thewaitingluna · 6 months
I cannot afford to be vulnerable, I hope you’ll love me in consideration.
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Maybe I should dabble a little more in poetry
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early-october-snow · 1 year
My mother created this version of herself in my mind. This person who tells me no one loves me, I don’t deserve it, the people around me are disgusted by me. She whispers cruel words in my ears, pointing out every roll, every extra bit of pudge, every pimple, every unattractive curve, every wispy strand of hair out of place. 
She makes me hate myself. 
Some women they- they aren’t made to be mothers.
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fatimaamerbilal · 1 year
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fatima aamer bilal, from all hunger is, is love.
[text id: my heart knew no name more furiously than yours.
a scripture that burns beneath my tongue.
the mere glimpse of you clogs my lungs as if the butterflies have deemed them their home
but when you leave my sight, i can’t bear the thought of it being forever.
oh, lord, how i am willing to embrace you until all the love in my being seeps into you.
[and i can’t bring my myself to imagine a world with you,
this world is pure agony without you.
this world is my grave.]
these hands, attached to my wrists, with no purpose other than to hold yours— weep.
my palms are heavy with the emptiness of your hands.
it was inevitable.
you could have marched towards me, parading your teeth like hands, tearing all the meaningless flesh apart, turning my ribs inside, and taking a bite out of my heart—
and i would have done nothing, not when i couldn’t look past your eyes.
so warm. even the sun yearns to bask in them.
sick. sick. sick. how i would have waited for you to take another bite. then another. another. devour me whole. all hunger is, is love.
and i hope you’re hungry, dear darling.
“you have always been like this?”
“no.” yes.
oh, how i would pray to get sick, so my mother would take care of me.]
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Head Over Heart
He looked at her one last time before saying goodbye
The look in her ocean-blue eyes told him what he needed to know
He had completely shattered her
She wasn't the same woman as before
It was time for her to go
-Sometimes life stops us in our tracks
It makes us doubt and fear
It makes a girl like her ask...
Why am I here?-
The tide was strong, pulling those ocean-blue eyes away
What can I do? He asked
What do I say?
I broke her heart...
Can she ever forgive me?
-She will eventually-
Forgiveness is the way to break the chains off your very own wrists
There's no point in hanging on to them anymore; just let go
Your enemies are running around free
While you place yourself on deathly gallows
Please let go
Break the chains before they take you
It's time to rise up again
Brush yourself off
I know it's hard and it hurts but you can do it, my friend
This is not the end
A beautiful future awaits you
Sons and daughters...
Sadness and laughter...
Accomplishments and failures
Her ocean-blue eyes now have a golden glow
They sparkle when the sun sets
Because she broke the chains on her wrists
Those who don't rid of them usually spiritually die
Your heart will beat faster for certain people
Unfortunately, your head doesn't work the same way
So many situations will pull at your heartstrings
It's kind of a tragic beautiful human work of art
Just remember, head over heart
Emotions fade away
You're still here
Live for now
Use your head
Live for today
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final workshop of my degree is happening today :)
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