#potentials sun sets and comic books
curiousbristories · 1 year
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Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash
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numinous-void · 24 days
disclaimer: this is the first comic project ive ever done. i welcome constructive criticism though!
it’s mostly a comic, but each one will have little written blurbs. like a half fic, half comic!
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New York City 1921.
Hidden under Lady Bloom’s Book Store is perhaps one of the most ritzy speakeasies around, lush, extravagant, flashy and swimming in snobs, celebrities, and rising stars. In turn, this makes for the greatest hub for foraging a name and connection with others. Whether or not bridges are built or burns depends on the mind of the player. A striving theatre actress and bold clothing designer, Rosalia reclines on a dark brown leather couch with a glass of red wine and tells herself it’s to loosen up before she gets on stage. Truthfully, she earns some extra income by performing at night as a flapper as her fiery and boisterously proud attitude gets her glares from potential scouters- not to mention her unconventional appearance of strawberry blonde and red hair and tall stature can make her a hard sell, not meeting the typical vision for a woman. She scoffs at every glare and remark. She knows she should lower her head to achieve her goals but she’s much too proud to let herself get treated any less than how she feels she deserves.
Her recent move from Boston, Massachusetts down to New York has proved beneficial- and many more men are less willing to fight with her as she’s sure there’s no shortage of women like herself there. Perhaps tiring men was a hobby of hers.
For the past 2 weeks in Lady Bloom’s Bookstore, she’s been making quite the name for herself as a flapper- but someone’s name she doesn’t know, someone’s name she absolutely wants to know, sits at the bar. He never seems to drink too heavily- sometimes he seems to drink water or nothing at all. He seems to have quite the tall stature but Rosalia is almost certain she will dwarf the man as that occurs as many times as the sun sets and rises.
She swirls the wine around in the glass cup, not quite as beautiful as the red color of blood but perhaps that could be fixed should someone lack decorum. Mimzy, who honestly serves as the manager for the speak easy as she’s always there to perform, approaches her. They always appreciate a good gossip session.
“My dear Missy Mimz, what your opinion,” Rosalia asks with a quirked brow without giving time for a proper hello,
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She continues, “on Mr. loner there?”
Mimzy swivels her head around to follow Rosalia’s gaze.
“Hah! Thats Alastor… Ya gonna take a crack at ‘em?” Mimzy teases.
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Rosie is almost taken aback. Not in any offensive manner, however it was odd to hear as she has been able to charm any man, should they be they object of her desire.
“Am I that obvious?” Rosie curiously asks, Mimzy gives a giggle.
“Nah! Ya’d just be damned if you thought YOU’RE the first one.”
“Ack- what? He some lounge lizard?” Rosie asks.
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“Haha! You’re killing me, hon. He’s quite the opposite. Al only ever shows up alone and leave alone. 100$ ya can’t break em!” Mimzy challenges.
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Rosalia feigns hurt, scoffs and playfully rolls her eyes.
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The pair move from the couch, rising from their playful little deal. Rosie being the confident individual she is has zero doubt in her ability to win. She had been able to woo any man she wished to, that is until Rosies fiery flam of an attitude never settle. Rosie dusts her dress, ready to change and doll herself up for the night…
thank you for getting to this point if you have🥲🥹
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
i’ve thought carefully about it, and there really isn’t anything defensible about dragonball evolution (2009). however, it does provide a case study for the weaknesses many early 2000s comic book films suffered from. despite stephen chow’s name in the producer’s spot, this film is hollywood through and through, and is undeniably a part of the wild west that was pre-mcu comic book film, a period ranging from blade (1998) to the league of extraordinary gentlemen (2003) to the green hornet (2011). although the period also produced gems such as v for vendetta (2005) and christopher nolan’s dark knight trilogy—gems that show a deep love for their source material—many films seem to telegraph a disdain for the original material and harshly adapt them to make them as easy for a mainstream american moviegoer to understand as possible. even for a viewer like myself without much familiarity with the dragonball manga, it is obvious that this film is an extreme victim of this phenomenon. goku is changed from a sun wukong successor to a knockoff superman, a conventionally attractive white high schooler who is a cartoonishly bullied loner for reasons the film does not bother to make more than arbitrary. indeed, every step on his hero’s journey is arbitrary, jerked along by a blandly snarky, hyper-standardized plot. although the film hints at some assets it could have had, its stripped-down budget, stripped-down script, and apathetic directing guts them before the audience’s eyes: a few shots indicate an interesting blend of sci-fi, fantasy martial arts, and early 2000s high school settings, but rather than giving an even cursory glance at the lines where those genres intersect the film leaves them utterly separate and unincorporated; a few of the actors, most notably chow yun-fat, give very energetic performances, but the script hardly even leaves them a two-dimensional character to perform. the most tantalizing thing about this film—as with most of the worst of this period of film—is that individual scenes, individual performances, individual moments of fight choreography are colorful and intense and stamped with the shape of the beloved original work. scattered throughout the film are brief, campy visions of what it could have been. but the tragedy of dragonball evolution (2009) is that it neither trusts its audience nor values its premise enough to fully grasp or commit to this potential incarnation; contrary to the film’s own catchphrase, it does not remember to have faith in who it is
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siancore · 1 year
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You slowly getting to me. My dashboard is being swarmed with Sam Bucky stuff lately outside of you….I’m becoming interested.
Got to see what this is all about..you’re getting me curious every day🤭🤭🤭
You should be interested! They’re such a good pairing. So much potential. I mean, this is how it started:
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Then they walked off together under the setting Louisiana sun:
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Not to mention Bucky looks at Sam like THAT. And like this:
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Well, they look at each other like this:
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And they’re pretty much dumbasses around each other. Bucky jumped out of a plane with no parachute to follow Sam. Sam went along with Bucky’s half-assed plan. Then there’s the banter. They’re like that in the comic books, too:
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ALSO, the fic writers in the SamBucky fandom are some of the best in the MCU fandom.
The actors have the most entertaining press junkets ever, and are a delight to watch in general:
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I hope you become more and more interested in SamBucky. I’m here if you ever need to scream about them 🧡
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Hello! May I request a Ericson group x reader, not any of the younger kids, with a partner who doesn't know how to give like affection? Like it's something they're not used to, maybe jumping when touched or feeling bad bc they can't give them the affection the character deserves But one day, reader is sorta tired and works up the courage to actually sit with their partner, and just sorta put their head in their lap ig and fall asleep all happy v they finally did it? Thank you! Love your writing!
this is part 2 to this post here!
Marlon: Marlon was sitting in the library, flipping through the old, withered comic books Willy had found in storage - in the confiscated locker, of course - with Y/N at his side. Y/N was attempting to flip through their own book, but their mind kept wandering. Their eyes kept wandering tot Marlon’s shoulder. Would it alarm him if they just decided to place their head there? Would he hate it? Y/N didn’t want to risk the potential embarrassment. But, deep down, they knew it was the only way to get accustomed to being affectionate. Marlon deserved that. Finally, Y/N closed their eyes, took a deep breath, and leaned over, cautiously resting their head on Marlon’s shoulder. Marlon froze, eyes darting dead ahead, completely past his book. Not wanting to make a big deal - because he didn’t want to freak Y/N out - he simply leaned to his side and rested his cheek against the top of their head and flipped to the next page. Y/N’s face was on fire but did it. Even if Marlon didn’t say it, he was beyond proud of them.
Louis: Louis was stumbling his way through a new song on the piano, mindlessly scribbling notes down on a scrap piece of paper, then returning to playing random keys until he found the one that founded the bets. Y/N slowly entered the room. Even if they had made noise, Luis seldom heard when he was being creative. He was in his own little world. Gradually, Y/N drew closer and sat beside him. He jumped at first, shocked to be pulled out of his trance, but smiled the instant he recognized who it was. “Y/N! I’m so glad you’re here.” He turned to his sheet, sitting it upright for him to look at the notes. “UI want you to tell me what you think about this so far.” Just as Louis placed his hands on the proper keys and began, Y/N leaned over and rested their head on his shoulder, closing their eyes, listening to him play. Louis flubbed a note, stunned at the sweet gesture. “Keep playing.” Y/N said softly. Stunned, and cheeks flaming from being shown such kind affection, Louis smiled to himself and did just that, adoring every moment he got to spend with Y/N being close to him.
Violet: Violet smiled Y/N’s way as they wandered up to her. “You came to visit me in my favourite spot,” Violet said, grinning from ear to ear. It always meant so much to know how well they knew her. Even more so, it meant a lot to know they wanted to share in the things that she loved. “I always love it when you come up here to sit with me,” Violet said. She was fully laying down, hands tucked behind her head. As she was in the middle of speaking, Y/N laid down at her side and rolled into her chest, resting their head there. Violet could feel how tense Y/N was as they did so, and placed a single hand on their shoulder. “Thank you.” She said softly. It was all Y/N needed to hear. They were seen. They were understood.
Mitch: Mitch smiled as he watched Y/N approach. He was almost done with his watching shift and was waiting by the gates for Louis to arrive and trade off with him. The sun had just set, signaling the end of his shift and the start of free time with his sweet someone. “Hey,” he said softly as they approached. Y/N didn’t say anything. Their hands were balled up and their expression was strict. He suddenly frowned. “Are you--” Without warning, Y/N leaned forward, held one of his hands in theirs, and placed their lips against his for a brief, tender kiss. As they packed away, Y/N saw how flushed and stunned Mitch was, despite the kiss being nothing more than a peck. “Uh,” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. He hadn’t realized he’d dropped his bow and arrow during the kiss. “Wow, uh,” he fumbled, “are you busy right now?” It sounded beyond lame, but it was the only thing he could think to say.
Aasim: Aasim was mumbling to himself as he sketched on some scrap paper Tenn had given him. He was absentmindedly scribbling building ideas, doodles, and writings, scattering as much of the page as possible. After all, they didn’t want to run the risk of wasting anything. Y/N spotted him and smiled to themselves, their heart racing in their chest. They began to approach and, hearing them, Aasim turned around. He beamed. “Hi!” he said excitedly. He worried maybe he sounded too excited, but who cared. They were together. What was wrong with that? “I was about to ask if you--” He was stopped by Y/N setting their hands on his shoulders, their chin resting on the top of his head: a good way to view what he was sketching while still being able to talk to him and be close to him. Y/N briefly closed their eyes, taking a deep breath in to calm themselves. “What are you making? Tell me about it.” Aasim knew how big this was for YN, but didn't want to dwell on it. “U-Uh,” he stumbled, “I’m glad you asked,” he began mindlessly babbling about what he was working on, but couldn’t really focus. Not with such a huge moment for the two of them happening in real-time.
Ruby: Ruby was humming to herself, whittling a stick absentmindedly by the fire. Omar had just left for the night - the last Ericson kid with her - so she sat by herself, absentmindedly working on her hobby as the fire died down. Despite having already dismissed themselves for bed, Y/N approached behind her, taking a seat beside her on the log. She jumped at first, then smiled, noticing who it was. “Hey you,” she said sweetly. Every nickname Ruby called them always felt sweet. “I thought you went to,” just as she set her stick down and turned to face them, her forehead was met with a sweet kiss from a flustered - and very red - Y/N. She blinked, then burst into a bright grin. “Honey!” She squealed, throwing her arms out and wrapping them around her partner. “That was so sweet of you!” Y/N tensed, again, attempting to get used to the affection. Suddenly, Ruby remembered and snapped away. “AGH I’m so sorry!” She began to ramble off apologies and all Y/N could do is smile. That’s how they knew Ruby was the one for them.
Omar: Omar was humming to himself, mixing food for the group for dinner. His favourite time of day was whenever he got to hang out in the kitchen, deciding what he could make with whatever they had. He sometimes described it to Y/N as a puzzle: piecing together what little they had to make the most. As he was stirring, adding whatever herbs and spices they had started growing in their garden, Y/N watched from the stool in the corner. Omar would occasionally chatter with them, not expecting anything back in response. Cautiously, Y/N stood. Hearing the chair slide, Omar turned. “Want some water?” Without waiting for an answer, he reached for a clean glass and began pouring some out of their pre-made reserve. But that wasn’t what Y/N wanted. They wandered forward beside him, sliding their hand into his free one. Omar froze, setting the glass off to the side as he turned to face them. Y/N was avoiding eye contact. Omar’s cheeks burst with colour. “Wow,” he said softly, more so to himself than anything. What a big step they took. And they took it just for him.
Brody: Brody was relaxing on the front steps of the school, watching the stars sparkle in the sky. That was the one thing that the apocalypse had, ironically, made better: the night sky. No light pollution, no highway noises, just peace and beauty. Speaking of which, Brody turned around and smiled as Y/N approached, sitting down beside her. “Hi,'' Brody said softly, as though not wanting to disrupt how pretty the sky looked or scare it away. Before Y/N fully eased into their seat, they leaned in and pressed a quick, sweet kiss to Brody’s cheek. Brody froze, cheeks exploding in colour, and slowly turned to face Y/N. “Wow,” she managed to squeak out through her embarrassment. “That was really nice.” it sounded stupid, but it was all she could think to say.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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fantomcomics · 11 months
What's Out This Week? 10/18
Y'all coming to our Furry Nite event this weekend??
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Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #1 - Patrick Horvath
Don’t. Murder. The locals.
This is small-town serial killer, upstanding citizen, and adorable brown bear Samantha Strong’s cardinal rule. After all, there’s a sea of perfectly ripe potential victims in the big city just beyond the forest, and when you’ve worked as hard as Sam to build a cozy life and a thriving business in a community surrounded by friendly fellow animal folk, warm décor, and the aroma of cedar trees and freshly baked apple pie…the last thing you want is to disturb the peace.
So you can imagine her indignation when one of Woodbrook’s own meets a grisly, mysterious demise—and you wouldn’t blame her for doing anything it takes to hunt down her rival before the town self-destructs and Sheriff Patterson starts (literally) barking up the wrong tree.
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Cyberpunk 2077: XOXO #1 - Bartosz Sztybor & Jakub Rebelka
Beneath the skin, flesh, and cyberware lies a beating heart--and only two things can stop a heart from beating: love and death. It's gang on gang violence as the Maelstroms target the Moxes for an ambush. Is a bloodbath underway or could this be love at first sight?
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BRZRKR #1: Pen & Ink - Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt & Ron Garney
For those that couldn't get enough of Keanu Reeves' record-obliterating jump into the comics world, BRZRKR returns in a new format while fans eagerly await the Netflix feature film, the Netflix anime series, the novel, and more comic books!In addition to enjoying the brutality in the refreshingly bleak black and white of BOOM! Studios' Pen & Ink line, series artist Ron Garney brings some method to the mayhem with brand new exclusive commentary!
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Crypt Of Shadows #1 - Rebecca Roanhorse & Karen Darboe
The heroes of the Marvel Universe spend most of their time in the bright sun, flying high above it all…but every once in a while, they venture into the darkness that lurks in the hidden corners of the world. There lurk the creatures, the monsters, the vampires…the ones who prey on innocence and goodness. Join us, and some of your favorite heroes, for tales of fangs, claws and silent, stalking swamp creatures to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve!
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Fear The Funhouse: Toybox Of Terror One-Shot - Timmy Heague, Danielle Paige, Michael Northrop, Ryan Caskey, Ryan Jampole, Tango & Sweeney Boo
In Riverdale, even the toys are terrifying in this anthology one-shot set in the universe of last year's successful Fear the Funhouse comic. Three tales of dolls, robots, and puppets gone awry all thanks to the work of a shadowy toymaker and a young girl intent on revenge, in the vein of the widely successful M3GAN movie and Child's Play franchise.
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Gargoyles Halloween Special One-Shot - Greg Weisman, Bonesso Diego & Matteo Lolli
It's young Gnash's first Halloween in Manhattan, and you're invited to come along as he heads out to find friends on the one night of the year when Gargoyles can roam the city unbothered! Unfortunately, he's about to run afoul of the masked Quarrymen, who are out to hunt down any Gargoyle foolish enough to brave the streets on All Hallow's Eve. That means Brooklyn, Katana, Lexington, Broadway, Angela, and even Goliath are in real danger! Will they survive this cruel trick, or become a treat for the marauding Quarrymen? Find out in October with this all-new 40-page special featuring a 28-page main story written by Gargoyles creator GREG WEISMAN!
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Hack/Slash: Back To School #1 (of 4) - Zoe Thorogood
Slasher hunter Cassie Hack is only just getting used to her man-monster partner, Vlad, when she's drawn into a new case involving a murderous bunny mascot, dead kids, and an entire squad of maladjusted teenage serial-killer hunters!
A completely new chapter in the beloved, long-running series that's perfect for new readers and old fans alike, just in time for Halloween.
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Headless Horseman Halloween Annual #1 - David Dastmalchian, Valeria Burzo, Phillip Sevy & Lukas Ketner
Boils, ghouls, vampires, monsters, and creatures of all kinds, welcome. Take a seat, go on, fill the aisles, relax your fangs, and sit with us for a while. Join us in a macabre and magical journey through all the haunts and spooks that keep you up at night for here we revel in the darkness and present to you a chilling, nay petrifying experience as the Headless Horseman presents a collection of five terrifying tales to warm up your cold soul. Hurry up now, you won't want to keep them waiting...
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My Little Pony: Black, White & Blue One-Shot - Tee Franklin & Agnes Garbowska
Sorry, everypony, it seems our printer ran out of pink, purple, yellow, green, red-uh, well, all the colors except black, white, and blue! What to do with all this blue? Hmm... OH! Drumroll please...In Misty's first comic appearance, everypony's favorite blue pony is in Maretime Bay for a sleepover with the Mane 5! But when everypony wakes up...all the color is gone! It kinda looks like Violette and Skye's favorite old TV show, Betwitched-at least the years it was in black and white-but everypony can still see blue for some reason. Determined to make the best of a gloomy situation, Vi and Skye put together a plan to spread cheer. Meanwhile, Izzy helps the distraught Misty see the beauty in messy situations using the power of unicycling! Join us for a magical one-shot of color calamity before returning to your regularly scheduled programs.
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Sensational She-Hulk #1 - Rainbow Rowell, Jessica Gao, Genolet, Andres, & Jen Bartel
THE SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK IS BACK! Jen Walters is dusting off her adjective and kicking off a new era! The best hero slash lawyer in the Marvel Universe is going to remind you why she's so SENSATIONAL, going up against her deadliest challenge yet! PLUS: MARVEL STUDIOS SHE-HULK series writer JESSICA GAO makes hers Marvel in a short story with the Jade Giant!
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Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #1 - Saladin Ahmed, Juan Ferreyra & Rod Reis
Terror continues for the Web-Slinger! After a fight with SPIDER-CIDE, Spider-Man gets taken on the most terrifying ride of his life. If you think you've already read the scariest Spider-Man story ever, you may stand corrected after this one!
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Subgenre #1 - Matt Kindt & Wilfredo Torres
A man is living two lives. He is a private detective in a dystopian cyberpunk future trying to solve a triple murder. But when he falls asleep... he wakes up as a wandering adventurer in a barbaric fantasy world where magic exists. Is he two separate people? Or is he a third person that has undergone a psychotic split? He jumps back and forth from sword-wielding barbarian to jaded private eye trying to solve the brutal crime. But the bigger question is, can he merge these realities without losing himself?
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A Splatter Western One-Shot #1 (of 4) - J M Brandt, Tom Napolitano & Garry Brown
A chance encounter between a sideshow owner and a man with his fair share of secrets unleashes an unholy terror on the folk of Randall's Oasis and Professor Morris' Pageant of Curiosities. A grisly murder brings the attention of fastidious Sheriff Jacob Dillon. What will he discover in the desert, and how will he stop it? Read the darkly comedic Splatter Western Swallower of Shades to find out those shocking answers!
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TMNT: The Best Of Bebop & Rocksteady - James Biggie
Elegant. Mild-mannered. Graceful. Two upstanding gentlemen eager to help their neighbors. Just Kidding! Bebop and Rocksteady are wild, angry degenerates with muscles the size of sedans. And they're charging toward your local comic shop to relive their greatest hits! Try not to miss the party, will ya?
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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mywavesyourshore · 1 year
Red White and Sexy Blue
From the premise, this appears to be a modern day romance akin to Disney fairytales designed to make readers swoon. And while it partially delivered on that front, cheeky fluffy romance and all, what happened in between never went in any directions l had expected. By the time I finished the book, I was left with a sense of uncertainty and raised eyebrows, in the end, what was all that about?
Was it a fairytale? maybe. Was it an advocate for social injustice? Maybe. Was it about bisexual inclusivity and representations? Maybe that also. The book bears an incredibly intriguing and sexy premise, but Casey Mcquinton's attempt to tackle every social justice issues under the sun sometimes bogged the central love affair . At times, it can seem as though the entire book is being used as a platform to make political statements rather than to tell a compelling not-your-everyday romance between a prince and first son of the president.
But amidst the political noise, the books maintain and delivered its romanticism. The novel's most quiet and vulnerable moment comes in when Henry sneaked Alex into the Victoria and Albert Museum, which reminded me of the Planetarium scene from La La Land, in timely pauses like this that the book finds itself right back where it started, as a love story between two confusing teenagers trying to find their place in the big big world.
The characters are well-rounded and complex, and their humors as well as struggles feel genuine and relatable enough (even if our protagonist comes off as unbearable sometimes). The novel (while briefly) explores themes of bisexuality identity, family in a way that feels fresh and engaging, also addresses issues like homophobia and racism, making it a timely and relevant read. There's lot to redeem if we leave out the political ranting.
Overall it still it serves its purpose of being a young adults novel that intend for you to swoon over. Though hardcore "enemy to lovers" fan might feel underwhelmed, as tension was laid out but never pushed to its full potential. The build-up between Alex and Henry lacked the necessary intensity to create friction between them. (spoilers: it took them about 100 pages to get to sex). Personally the book doesn't owe anyone to adhere to the typical enemy-to-lover formula, but in settings like these, smart exposition will go a long way in crafting timeless chemistry.
At it's best it's a sexy, fluffy contemporary romance, that (occasionally) nails teen-angst, witty coming-of-age humor, and the crisis of being in love and confused in your 20s. At it's worst it's a predictable rose-colored view of society infused with on-the-nose political propaganda. Final Rating: B-
(Spoilers ahead)
What I like The humor (Henry trying to hum God Save the Queen to get rid of a boner was hysterical) The witty bantering, not just Henry and Alex, but also June, Nora and Ellen create fantastic chemistry, and really portrays politicians as comical and troubled as all of us normies are.
My favorite characters undoubtedly Henry, but what's attractive, beyond his intelligence and wit, is our insight into his complex personality. There is certain endearment in seeing the depth that someone kept hidden behind their reserve and guarded public appeal, a kind of wonderfully earned intimacy, the more sexier when its the prince of England.
What put me off Given the context that Casey McQuiston was motivated to created this perfect liberal world (according to the book' note, she felt hopeless after the 2016 election's results) it makes sense that she would draw up this magical rose-colored political landscape as a way to cope with the situation. It is undoubtedly the world we all hope to live in, but the overall execution felt forceful, even for someone who isn't well-versed in American politics like I am. Even I can tell, some of the UK's representation sounds rather stereotypical and misleading.
It would be better if had it been a piece about the cultural clash between American and English's culture. Both Alex and Henry have very rich and fascinated background, they are both knowledgeable in their respective nationality and heritage. It's gonna be fascinating to see to see these two banter on their differences.
Would I read it again? Yes, the book is generally quite entertaining and Henry and Alex have impeccable chemistry, the overall premise is simple enough to get me off my reading slump (if you only include the spicy parts and exclude whatever migraine-inducing politics there was in between)
This is perfect for when you need to pick up a hopeful, lighthearted and enemy-to-lovers story that will make you inevitably blush not recommended for Republican, conservatives, or someone who hates getting involved in politics at all.
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treesandwords · 1 year
1, 5, 10, 17, 19 for the weird writer asks meme?
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
A lot of the time I write in a font that makes it Look Like A Book. So Times New Roman or something similar/adjacent, especially at the beginning it helps to get me engaged and take the work seriously.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Ok contrarily to above: the comic sans hack DOES work! This is something I often do when I've been working on a piece for a while and need to ~spice things up~ to get my inspiration back. Switch the font to comic sans. It works.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yes and yes. When it comes to other pieces of writing, I think it's what's left unsaid that haunts me the most. 'Haunting' to me is all about absence, about what we don't see and hear and feel but is there all the same. In terms of writing, it's about themes that are never stared but are lurking beneath what's actually said, it's about characters who live (or die) in a way where what they might have become is a mystery, it's about people never saying exactly what they mean.
In regards to my own writing, usually it means just. Hm. Things (characters, settings, plots) that like...don't really feel like they come from me? Where did this idea originate? I have no idea who's brain was that born in???? Not mine.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So I can't talk too much about this or I will talk all day BUT there's a very specific element I've been going Unhinged over and do really really want to talk about so here it goes. I really want to try the idea of subtly comparing the magic within my world to real-world energy sources. Specifically, electricity and nuclear energy. Hear me out. While harnessing the power of the wind, sun, tides etc. are also of course valid forms of energy in our own world (and historically in some cases) they aren't exactly mystical. We know what the sun and wind and water are, and the ancients would too to a degree. But something like electricity, which occurs naturally in lightning, and radioactivity, which exists in certain earth minerals, while more recent forms of energy harnessing, are still forces that have existed in the world for as long as we know. But they aren't things you can experience as tangibly (nor would you want to) or on a daily basis, so to a society inspired on Medieval times with roughly the same knowledge of science and technology, the concept of lightning and of radioactivity (or the effects of exposure to it, since they wouldn't understand what it was) seem...more Eldritch Horror to me? These are forces that exist, but we Don't Understand - and yet people in the far future will use them as a means of energy. HOkay so where this comes in is like. Hmm. I have a few instances in the book where characters who aren't used to handling magic or being around it, are affected by it in ways that resemble exposure to these forces. Hair standing on end + what is basically the feeling of an electric shock when touching magical objects, or touching something that feels cool but seems to heat your hand as you hold it, long term effects that resemble mild to severe radiation sickness - all this to say my version of magic isn't one or both of these forces, but I'm doing this knowing/hoping a reader will see the resemblance and understand it as an existing force within the world that is a) essentially an untapped and potentially very very powerful energy source that can (and may in the future) be used as one by people who know what they're doing and b) if handled by people who *don't* know what they're doing can cause A Lot Of Dying and c) know that while they as a modern reader understand these things, the characters do not. I've even thought of mages having some kind of containers they use to magically hold the remnants of the magic they've tapped into that is no longer usable bc if they don't it just kinda. lingers in the air and Kills Things Slowly -- basically like a medieval fantasy version of nuclear waste disposal.
tl;dr: Magic = a super powerful energy source that people are scared of harnessing because in their minds it's an eldritch horror thing the equivalent of nuclear energy and/or electricity (symptoms to magic exposure in this world resemble symptoms of exposure to either/both so the reader will make the connection) and if handled wrong can be Bad
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
SO I've been writing or trying to write since I was a little kid, and didn't actually finish a draft until my current book. I started it in the middle of a high school math class (lol) and was inspired initially by a facet of Greek mythology we'd been learning about in a different class. For some reason this idea stuck and I just...kept going with it. Rn I've written two-three drafts and I'm finishing up the one I'm currently on, after that I'll go back and edit (no more rewrites!) and then...keep editing until it's time for beta readers I guess.
Thanks for the questions sorry for the Long Long responses I ramble
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helloparent · 4 months
Easy Drawing ideas for Nursery Kids
Teaching children to draw is a fun approach to improve their fine motor skills, creative expression, and observational abilities. Drawing is not just an artistic medium in the vibrant world of nursery education; it is also an essential teaching tool that enhances the Nursery Class Syllabus. It offers a basis for critical thinking, reading, and numeracy. In order to provide every child with the opportunity to discover their creative potential in a joyful and encouraging setting, this book examines basic yet captivating drawing exercises that correspond with early learning objectives.
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The Role of Drawing in Early Education
Drawing is more than just a leisure activity for nursery kids; it's a gateway to learning and development. It supports the enhancement of fine motor skills, encourages observational learning, fosters creativity, and aids in emotional expression. Incorporating drawing into the nursery curriculum through a school parent app can also facilitate a collaborative learning experience between educators, parents, and children, making learning a cohesive journey.
Key Benefits of Drawing for Nursery Kids
Enhances Fine Motor Skills: Gripping pencils and crayons improve dexterity.
Promotes Creativity and Imagination: Allows children to express their thoughts and ideas visually.
Supports Emotional Expression: Offers an outlet for emotions and feelings.
Encourages Observational Skills: Helps children notice details in their environment.
Simple Drawing Activities for Nursery Kids
1. Basic Shapes and Lines
Start with the basics. Introducing simple shapes and lines can help children understand the foundational elements of drawing. Activities can include:
Drawing circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles.
Connecting dots to form shapes.
Creating patterns with different types of lines.
2. Nature Drawing
Nature offers endless inspiration for young artists. Simple nature drawing activities can include:
Drawing flowers, trees, and leaves using basic shapes.
Creating simple landscapes with the sun, mountains, and rivers.
Observing and drawing animals with simple geometric shapes.
3. Characters and Faces
Drawing characters and faces can be a fun way for kids to explore expressions and emotions. Activities might involve:
Drawing stick figures and adding simple features like eyes, mouth, and hair.
Creating cartoon characters from shapes.
Expressing emotions through facial expressions on drawn characters.
4. Objects Around Us
Familiar objects provide excellent drawing prompts. Suggestions include:
Drawing everyday items like fruits, vegetables, furniture, and vehicles.
Encouraging kids to draw their favorite toy or book.
Using blocks or other toys to create a scene and then drawing it.
5. Storytelling Through Drawing
Drawing can be a powerful storytelling tool. Encourage children to:
Draw a sequence of events from a story or their imagination.
Create a comic strip with simple characters.
Illustrate their own stories or experiences.
Incorporating Drawing into the Nursery Class Syllabus
Integrating drawing activities into the Nursery Class Syllabus ensures that art becomes a fundamental part of learning. Here are some strategies:
Daily Drawing Time: Allocate a specific time each day for drawing, allowing children to explore different themes and techniques.
Thematic Drawing: Connect drawing activities with current themes in the curriculum, such as seasons, festivals, or animal life.
Show and Tell: Organize sessions where children can share their drawings and explain their ideas, promoting language skills and confidence.
Leveraging Technology
The use of technology, such as a school parent app, can enhance the drawing experience for nursery kids by:
Providing access to digital drawing tools and apps that offer a different medium for creativity.
Allowing parents and educators to share children’s artwork, fostering a sense of accomplishment and belonging.
Offering tutorials and drawing prompts that can inspire children and support their learning.
Conclusion: Unleashing Creativity Through Drawing
Easy Drawing for Nursery Kids is only one of the many advantages that come with including drawing into early childhood education. Easy, entertaining drawing exercises can be incorporated into the nursery curriculum, and parents and teachers can use resources like the school parent app to create a rich, nurturing environment where young students can express themselves, explore their creativity, and gain critical skills for future learning.
Early drawing instruction benefits children not just by developing their artistic abilities but also by establishing the foundation for future academic success, emotional maturity, and a lifetime enjoyment of the arts. Let's keep in mind that each child's artwork is a window into their imagination, providing insights into their ideas and experiences as we support this creative journey.
Check: Preschool in Wagholi, Preschool in Noida
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doamarierose-honoka · 5 months
Earlier today, we got our first look at the Superman costume that David Corenswet will don as he replaces Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel. But there's a lot going on in the background...
Predictably, the first look at David Corenswet's Superman suit from the James Gunn-directed reboot is going viral on search engines and social media.
However, while most comic book fans are focusing on the nature and potential origin of the costume (whether it's something Kryptonian or a Ma Kent original) it's worth noting that there seems to be a gigantic planet/ship/alien attacking Metropolis in the background.
Given that James Gunn has asserted that the main (and potentially only) villain in Superman is Nicholas Hoult's Lex Luthor, it's something of a headscratcher to see the giant object attacking the city.
Below, we'll examine some possible identities for the floating object but we'll also caution that this could be an original creation for the film.
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First appearing in All-Star Superman, the Sun-Eater resides in the Fortress of Solitude and is something of a pet for the Man of Steel, albeit a powerful one, as the creature literally eats suns. When the villainous Solaris (more on him later) comes to attack Earth, the Sun-Eater comes to aid Kal-el but ultimately meets his demise. We know the Fortress of Solitude is set to appear in James Gunn's reboot, so what are the odds that the Sun-Eater makes a cameo?
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As Superman is said to be taking inspiration (partly) from All-Star Superman, another giant entity that appears in the comic is Solaris. It's an artificial solar computer that works with Lex Luthor to depower the Man of Steel by turning the sun red. While Superman manages to defeat the powerful computer, it uses the last of its power to turn the sun blue, a condition that usually gives Kryptonians more power. However, in the case of All-Star Superman, the Man of Steel was already dying due to having his cells oversaturated by solar energy and the sun turning blue merely sped up his demise.
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There's been no hint that Mongul will show up in Superman (although his daughter did show up in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad) but the sphere attacking Metropolis definitely seems eerily similar to the villain's ship, Warworld. More of a mobile planet than a space ship, Warworld serves as an irreplaceable asset in Mongul's quest for galactic domination. If the DCU wants to distinguish itself from past cinematic iterations of the Man of Steel, there aren't too many better options than introducing Mongul and Warworld.
Brainiac Ship
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This is likely high on the wishlist of many DC Comics fans. Though the image lacks the distinguishable tentacles that typically adorn Brainiac's ships, various versions of the Kryptonian computer's spacecraft have been known to have retractable tentacles...As mentioned above, there aren't many villains better than Mongul for the Man of Steel to face on the big screen, however, Brainiac is one of them.
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curiousbristories · 1 year
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Photo by blocks on Unsplash
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theboysfromaustin · 1 year
July 4, 2004
Kazuo wiped his brow as he set up Ian's assortment of late-70s vinyl lawn chairs and threw a checkered cloth over the picnic table. People were starting to arrive, and Ian was tending the grill. He swung by to pinch Ian's ass, the older man yelping and ineffectively swatting at him with a spatula. Kazuo grabbed a Shiner Bock, and flopped into a chair to bask in the Texas sun, eye shut.
Someone sat next to him, and he looked over. It was a woman with freckles and dusty grey-brown hair. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. "Hey there." "Hey, kiddo. Good to see my boy's finally gotten himself a good man." Kazuo cocked his head, "I'm glad to be that man. I…" He paused, "I needed someone like him in my life."
"Your mother was always very kind. Good to see you inherited it." Kazuo froze, "You…knew my mom?" "For quite a long time." "What's your name, miss…?" "Shirley." "Shirley, that's a nice name, you know, Maureen's girlfriend was…" Kazuo had glanced away for a moment, his eye darting back towards Shirley, going wide.
He shook his head. Shirley was still there. "You're her, aren't you?" "Sometimes I have to check up on my family." "They miss you." "They were always good to me. I'm glad I had Ian as a son. The man loves fiercely. You and Maureen are in good hands." Kazuo looked over at Ian who was crushing a beer can against his forehead, apparently to prove a point to Morrigan and Petersen.
"He's a dork, though." "That's why I love him. He saw the good in me, and he let me stay. If he hadn't given me a chance, I think I'd be dead." "He did so much for me, and at the end, I never got the chance to properly thank him for everything." "He's spoken so highly of you." "He…gives freely. He paid for my surgeries, then for our food and our bills while I recovered. Then…when I got pancreatic cancer, he paid for my chemo, for any treatment that might help me. Anything that could potentially save me, he tried."
"He blames himself…I know he did everything, you know he did everything. He loved you. Just like he loves Maureen, and me…like he loved my family…" "Your mother had a crush on him." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, she adored him. Idolized the man. She drew that whole series of comic books about him." "Yeah, she'd read those to me." "She was a good person. Her only real fault…" "Loving my dad?" "Yeah. He isolated her quite effectively."
Ian glanced up from the grill, watching Kazuo talk to thin air. He cocked his head, wondering if his partner was talking to himself. Maybe the Texas heat was getting to him. "You know what, though?" Kazuo's voice was soft. "What's that?" "I'm not sure if I can tell him this, but…" He bit his lip, "I know if my grandpa Kensuke had gotten custody of me, then we couldn't be together. I would rather go through the misery that I did, just so that I can be with him."
"Did your father hurt you?" "Emotionally and physically. He preferred emotional trauma. Less blood and screaming. But he wasn't averse to hitting me." "Bastard. At least he didn't beat that out of you." "I couldn't let myself become him." "Ian needed a man like you. It hurt Maureen and I to see him struggle with relationships. He needed a strong, sweet man, and you fit the bill perfectly."
"Sometimes people look at us like we're doing something wrong. And I can't decide if it's the gay thing, the interracial thing, or the age gap thing. Or all three." "Maureen and I faced similar issues - interracial lesbians, and I'm transgender? People couldn't keep their mouths shut." "A lady got in Ian's face the other day. Yelling. Flustered him terribly. I got in her face and yelled right back."
"He's never been very good at conflict outside of the courtroom." "The lady kept throwing slurs at us. The typical ones, but also racial ones at me. Kept screaming about how…how…disgusting old faggots shouldn't be preying on young men…Like, she had this fake concern for me, but not enough to not throw slurs at me." "I'm sorry, honey. You'd think people like that would have died out by now."
"I wish they had." Shirley looked up as Maureen arrived. Ian greeted her with a tight hug, handing her a Boddington's, "You think Kaz is okay? He's been talking to himself, and I can't get away from the grill…" Maureen glanced over, freezing. Shirley sat in the chair next to Kazuo. She blinked, and her partner disappeared, "I think he's talking to someone very important." Ian looked over, nodding, immediately understanding, "That's good. He needed to meet her," he prodded a hot dog, putting it into a chafing dish, "She always loved things like this." "I know she really appreciated you bringing her good food while she was in the hospital." "Anything I could do to make her feel better."
Shirley looked over at Maureen and Ian, "Go see your mom and man. Tell them….I love them. And tell my boy thank you. For everything. You're doing great, kid. You've earned this happiness," Shirley touched his shoulder, fading away. Kazuo blinked back tears, standing up. He made his way over to Ian, leaning on his arm. Immediately, Ian slipped an arm around him, "Hey, babe. You alright?"
"Hey love, hey Maureen. Um, yeah, not sure how to exactly bring this up, but…Shirley says she loves you guys. And Ian…she says thank you for everything." Ian and Maureen looked at each other, both blinking back tears. The silver-haired man brought Kazuo and Maureen into a tight hug. "Thank you…" "We love her too…we love you, Kazuo."
Kazuo sighed, embraced by his loved ones. Shirley was right - he had earned his happiness. This was the place he belonged, the people he belonged with.
This was how he was supposed to live.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Something in the Orange
Chris Evans x Reader
When two people from different industries come together, the media just can’t ignore it. The teasing is endearing until it isn’t.
Note: This is based on this request. I used some creative freedom with the plot, but kept the musician reader. I promise it’s got a happy ending despite being named after a song that doesn’t lol. I hope you enjoy!
Chris Evans Masterlist, Main Masterlist
You still remember that first night you met Chris. He was standing across a crowded room when he caught your eye. You had just finished a set, so naturally you had the confidence to cross the room and speak to him.
It was a soft interaction. Chris complimented you easily and you told him of your love of his work as well. You talked for hours, not even realizing you forgot to canvas the room for potential producers or record labels. You were perfectly content talking to Chris.
Two weeks later you ran into him again while at a studio in LA. Your band had been asked to do a song for a movie that Chris happened to be acting in. That’s when Chris decided it had to be fate and he asked you out to dinner that night.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to realize that there was something special between the two of you. Every conversation was meaningful, and you were falling quickly for each other. You laughed in the kitchen every morning and evening, dancing to music only the two of you could hear. An actor and a singer from two similar but very different worlds.
That’s what everyone teased you and Chris about. You were so different from each other, and in the beginning that’s something the two of you found exciting, endearing, and almost comical.
But when the media changed from teasing to critiquing, your relationship started to change. You felt a lack of support from those around you, despite you and Chris knowing you were good for each other.
Months of this critiquing of your relationship occurred. Chris was in another state filming, and you were writing an album with your band when it all came crashing down. The media had started proposing that Chris needed to find a different partner.
He called you when his publicist had showed him the news. You felt insecure, not good enough, and you started a fight. Chris didn’t argue back. He only listened to you and then booked a flight home. You said maybe you needed a break. He wanted to fix this relationship the right way.
Hours pass and Chris shows up at your door.
“Hey y/n, can I come in?” he asks, his voice is soft, attentive.
You step back and let him into your home.
“You know they’re wrong, right? The media,” Chris says. You nod. You know it, but you aren’t sure you feel it. “Baby, please I love you. I have always loved you.”
“I love you too, Chris,” you say, he releases a breath. “But it’s just different.”
Chris’ eyes reflect the sadness of his heart, and you start to tear up.
“Do you remember how we used to cuddle together? Your head between my collar and jaw and it all felt so simple? I felt so weightless. Like I could do anything as long as I had you,” Chris explains, tears of his own slide down his face.
“I felt that way too. We used to dance, and the floor creaked beneath our feet. That was the best time of my life,” you say.
“So, let’s not take a break, y/n. Let’s find our love again. We can’t let the sun set on our love, please,” Chris begs. He moves closer to you, his strong hands hovering over your cheeks. He dares to softly run his knuckles over your cheek while he kisses your forehead.
“Chris, to the world you are just a man, but to me you’re all I am. I need you to tell me you get that.”
“I do, sweetheart. I’m going to stop this media frenzy, okay? We’ll take back control of the story. Just please let’s stay together,” Chris says. “You’re all I am too, I promise.”
“Together,” you agree.
You lean forward and kiss Chris for the first time in months. It feels so right as his lips connect with yours.
And when the sun sets that night, your love doesn’t fade away with the light. The orange is a sign of hope, one that you will hold onto forever.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @idkwhygregg @be-missed @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @likefirenrain @mrswidowjohansson @natashasilverfox @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @raajali3 @sarahdonald87 @pandaxnienke @mrspeacem1nusone @wandas-slut-heart @patzammit @charmingprincess
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Family in Myth and Marvel (Comparison)
Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/youkai-no-shimo/art/Colouring-LOKI-s-FAMILY-260392721
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The family that is ready to begin Ragnarok in order to defend your honor. It’s a tragic tale, but family is something worth fighting for!
Follow me as we explore this crazy, wonderful family that is probably the most famous of the Myth’s. 
We may not know much about Sigyn’s side, but Loki’s side is one that legends are made of. 
From the Norse Myths, to Marvel Comics and the MCU, we will see the similarities and differences for each member in the different universes as well as learn facts about each one and why they are important. 
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Laufey (or Nál) - Loki’s Mother 
She is Loki’s Mother in Mythology.
Mostly mentioned by the matronymic, “Loki Laufeyjarson” meaning: Loki Laufey’s Son.
Her name (Laufey) is typically thought to mean leaves/foilage. Nal means Needle. 
Not much is known about her. We don’t even know if she was a Goddess, human or giant so it is assumed Loki gets his godhood from her. 
In the poem Sörla þáttr, Nál and Laufey are portrayed as the same person: "She was both slender and weak, and for that reason she was called Nál [Needle]." 
Laufey is listed among Ásynjar (goddesses) in one of the þulur, an ancestry that perhaps led her son Loki to be "enumerated among the Æsir", as Snorri Sturluson puts it in Gylfaginning.
Related to nature like forests and leaves.
Laufey is Loki’s Father in this universe. 
As Loki was born small, a motive of embarrassment for his parents, his existence was kept a secret.
A younger Loki sends Laufey into a fateful battle between Odin, leading the All-Father to claim Loki as a son. Laufey was left for dead, wounded, but alive, leaving a future Loki to kill him. 
A group of Frost Giants try to revive Laufey by retrieving his skull. It ends with Malekith performing a spell to resurrect King Laufey. 
Laufey hates Loki and thinks of him as a disgrace
It ends with Loki killing his father again after he tries to steal the Casket of Winters and kill Frigga. 
Same as Marvel Comics Counterpart. Appears in the first Thor movie. 
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Fárbauti - Loki’s Father
He is Loki’s Father in Mythology. 
Attested in the Prose Edda and in Kennings of Viking Age Skalds.
A Jotunn
The Old Norse name Fárbauti has been translated as 'dangerous striker','anger striker',or 'sudden-striker'.
Related to lightning
Mother of Loki in this universe.
Gave birth to an unusually small child to the annoyance of her husband.
It is said the night Loki was born that she stabbed her own heart with an ice dagger, but Loki suspects Laufey is the one who killed her. 
Appears as a figment taken on by a parasite. She’s mostly deceased in the comics. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Loki Laufeyjarson - Son of Laufey & Farbauti. Lover of Sigyn & Angrboda (and many others honestly)
Everyone already knows the tales about Loki, so I won’t repeat it all again. It’s pretty lengthy. I’ll just point down the basics for him with it. 
He’s famous for causing trouble among the gods as the Trickster and God of Mischief. Not a bad guy, but misinterpreted that way, although he can be a dick too. Despite how much he causes trouble for them, he also helps them out of situations too. He just wants to have fun, even if he takes it overboard at times.
Some sources put as Jotun and some say he is Half-Jotun, Half-Aesir (on his mother’s side.) 
A well-known Shapeshifter who can be anything: Salmon, Male, Female, Horse. The list just goes on. 
A really handsome being who loved to get it on. *finger guns*
Blood Brother’s with Odin. How? We don’t know. It’s interpreted as a friendship or foster-brothers. It’s unclear really.
Gonna start Ragnarok for valid reasons honestly after having his entire family taken away from him or killed by the Gods. #TeamLoki
Far too many appearances to document here from 1942 to present. There has been some retcons as well with the fact the current Loki has been reborn in a new incarnation also known as Ikol.
In the comics Loki is the adopted son of Odin and Frigga and Adoptive brother to Thor & Balder. 
He’s depicted as being the God of Evil in the classic comics serval times. In fact, it’s one of his titles. 
Depending on the writer for the classic comics, Loki can have moments of humanity, but all around he causes trouble.
Just wants to rule Asgard and get rid of Thor who is his enemy. 
He’s honestly a bad guy most of the time in the classic comics #VillianTrope
I personally have yet to read any current comics of Loki that aren’t the classics so this is where my knowledge and research stops. 
First off, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is just *chefs kiss* perfection. 
Pretty much the same as comics except for the fact he isn’t really a villain. He plays tricks on people for fun and laughs and truly cares about his family. 
However, things change when he discovers the truth that he is a Jotun and has been lied to about it his whole life despite being told countless stories of how Jotun’s are monsters to be slain (You fucked up a perfectly good kid, Odin. Look, he has anxiety and trauma.) 
He develops major identity problems on top of others things, but despite it, Loki tries to still do best by his family as he wants to belong. Yes, he becomes a villain in The Avengers movie, but not for the hell of it. #Thanos
Honestly, he just deserves better. That’s where this leads. Thank you.
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Angrboda - Loki’s Consort/Lover (Fenrir, Jormungandr & Hel’s Mother)
She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda describes her as "a giantess in Jotunheim" and as the mother of three monsters: the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent Jörmungand, and the ruler of the dead Hel.
A Jotun known as Mother of Monsters and Giantess of Ironwood. 
In Old Norse, Angrboda means: 'the one who brings grief', 'she-who-offers-sorrow', or 'harm-bidder'.
According to scholars, the name Angrboða is probably a late invention dating from no earlier than the 12th century, although the tradition of the three monsters born of Loki and a jötunn may be of a higher age.
Some scholars say she was a very powerful witch and that she had the ability to see into the future. She was confined to Hel and would not be released from the realm of the dead until Loki was unbound.
In some versions of the Myth’s she knows her children will bring about the end of the world (Ragnarok) as well as being a witch set on fire three times before Loki eats her heart. 
A giantess of Jotunheim and a Witch.
Born to Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna.
She mated with Loki and gave birth to Fenrir and Jormungadr. Legends say she also gave birth to Hela, but it seems to be nothing more but legends. 
Angrboda died of unknown causes and was sent to the Underworld of Hel. 
When Thor needed to know how to get to Hela's realm because she had been taking mortals to Niffleheim, he went to the Hlidskjalf and summoned Angerboda from the underworld, forcing her to tell him how to get there. Once she revealed to Thor the path he had to follow, she tried to take him with her to the underworld.
Only has one appearance in the comics -- Thor #360 (1985)
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sleipnir - Loki’s Son
Attested in the Poetic and Prose Edda. In both Sleipnir is Odin's eight-legged steed and child of Loki by Svaðilfari. He is described as the best of all horses.
The Prose Edda contains extra information saying he is grey. 
Old Norse meaning: Slippy or the Slipper. 
Sleipnir is also mentioned in a riddle found in the 13th century legendary saga Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, in the 13th-century legendary saga Völsunga saga as the ancestor of the horse Grani, and book I of Gesta Danorum, written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, contains an episode considered by many scholars to involve Sleipnir. Sleipnir is generally accepted as depicted on two 8th century Gotlandic image stones: the Tjängvide image stone and the Ardre VIII image stone.
Scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Sleipnir's potential connection to shamanic practices among the Norse pagans.
Sleipnir was born when Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard.
There are two different origins for Sleipnir in the comics: 1. Thor fighting off an army of the undead on Midgard. He promised to help as long as his horses weren’t eaten, however, Thor was betrayed and took his horses remains back to Asgard, coupling it with Asgardian Magic to create Sleipneir. 2. Loki had hastily agreed to let a Frost Giant re-build the wall around Asgard, in exchange for the Moon, the Sun, and Freya, only he had to do it in six months. The Frost Giant had only asked to use his grey stallion, Svadilfari. Right as the last brick was about to be placed, Loki transformed into a beautiful white mare, and lured Svadilfari off. Loki later gave birth to Sleipnir. (Just like in the Myths.) 
Odin’s eight-legged steed. 
Sleipnir’s origins are unknown. He appears in the first Thor Movie. 
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Fenrir Wolf - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda as the first son of the Jotun couple. He is a wolf destined to kill Odin. So, they bind and seal him when he's still young, with Tyr losing his arm in the process. When Ragnarok comes, he indeed kills Odin, but is killed by Odin's son Vidar in return.
Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson. 
In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr.
No chain can hold him, except for Gleipnir, a rope made by Dwarves containing the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the sound of a cat's footfall, the sinews of a bear, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird, all of which were impossible items to obtain.
Pretty much the same as his Mythos with some additional storylines. 
When Raganrok happened, Fenrir was reborn with the other gods on the New Asgard universe on Midgard. No details of his fate on Earth have been revealed.
Fenrir helped the mutant Wolfsbane as she was carrying the child of one of his descendants. 
It is one of the few individuals believed to be more powerful, or equally as powerful, as Dormammu; the others being galactic entities like The Beyonder.
Fenrir is Genderfluid in the comics. 
Fenris is a giant Asgardian Wolf who serves under Hela and is portrayed as Female. She resurrects her as they take over Asgard. 
Instead of being her brother, Fenris is her loyal companion and mount. 
Fenris ends up getting into a fight against Hulk as he pushes her off, sending her falling into the void below to her supposed death. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok. 
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Hel - Loki & Angrboda’s Daughter
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda. She is a giantess/goddess who resides over the Underworld that is also called Hel, a place where many of the dead reside. She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, sister to Fenrir and Jormungandr and usually depicted as the youngest of the three.
Goddess of Death and Graves and ruler of Hel who welcomes the souls of those who died of old age, disease or by accident.
Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim.
The Prose Edda details that Hel rules over vast mansions with many servants in her underworld realm and plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr.
Old Norse Name Meaning: Hidden
She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.
Renamed Hela in the comics.
Allegedly the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, but it’s never made clear or stated. Hela's genealogy is the subject of controversies and retellings. 
Her path pretty much follows her Mythos where she is destined to do terrible things and Odin makes her the ruler over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim until maturity. 
At some point, she was considered the daughter of Odin and of a long-lost goddess.
Honestly, she usually tries to expand her powers, wanting to rule over Vahalla and obtain Asgardian souls. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok as Odin’s firstborn and only daughter. Sister to Thor and Loki.
Kinda pissed her dad locked her away and wants to rule Asgard and take revenge.
The cause of Ragnarok and supposedly dies on Asgard after everything is said in done in the movie.
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Jormungandr - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Usually depicted as the middle child of Loki and Angrboda, he is known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent who is a giant snake. When Odin takes Loki’s kids away from him, he tosses Jormungadr into the ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that is was able to surround the Earth and grasp it’s own tail. When it releases it’s tail, Ragnarok will begin and he will fight his arch-enemy, Thor. 
The major sources for myths about Jörmungandr are the Prose Edda, the skaldic poem Húsdrápa, and the Eddic poems Hymiskviða and Völuspá. Other sources include the early skaldic poem Ragnarsdrápa and kennings in other skaldic poems; for example, in Þórsdrápa, faðir lögseims, "father of the sea-thread", is used as a kenning for Loki. There are also several image stones depicting the story of Thor fishing for Jörmungandr.
Both Loki and Angerboda were descended from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and were of humanoid appearance; however, the sons Angerboda bore Loki, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf, did not. It has been suggested that Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf were born as sentient animals because their parents each had the magical ability to change his or her own shape. Hence, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf each bear the form of the animal that their parents had assumed at the moment they were conceived.
Jormungandr follows the same as his Mythos to a certain degree with his fate to fight Thor during Ragnarok as the God of Thunder would die from his venom. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sigyn - Loki’s Wife
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived to this day. She is only attested in the followings works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. 
The most famous of her story tells of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”
Old Norse Name meaning: Victory Girlfriend. 
Lonely and looking for female companionship, Loki ends up coming across Sigyn and plans to make her his. However, she is already engaged to a warrior of Odin’s Crimson Hawks -- Theoric. Hence, Loki sets up a trap to have Theoric killed during a mission so Loki can disguise himself as Theoric. Once they are wed, Loki reveals himself and despite Odin attempting to annul the marriage (which goes against Asgardian Law)), Sigyn tells the Allfather that she will follow the duties of a loyal wife since she is Loki’s now. 
This is when Odin proclaims her to be the Goddess of Fidelity. This was a thing first started by the Marvel Comics.
Sigyn doesn’t have much of an agency in the comics except being a loyal wife to Loki, sometimes going along with his plans or getting on him for it. 
I personally haven’t been able to find any evidence of Sigyn’s parents being Iwaldi and Freya in the comics, so I’m not sure if this fact is Fanon or not. 
Sigyn has suddenly seemed to vanish from the comics with her last official appearance being in 1996. It has been allueded at that she died or was killed during Ragnarok. 
Her relationship with Loki in the comics is...complicated and changes a lot depending on the writer. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Narvi/Narfi & Vali - Loki & Sigyn’s Sons
Not much is known about Narfi and Vali except for being Loki & Sigyn’s sons with Vali being transformed into a wolf by the gods and killing his brother whose inners are used as a chain to bind Loki in the cave. 
Narfi and Vali are referred to in a number of sources. According to the Gylfaginning section of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, he was also called Nari and was killed by his brother Váli, who was transformed into a wolf; in a prose passage at the end of the Eddic poem "Lokasenna", Váli became a wolf and his brother Nari was killed.
Snorri also names "Nari or Narfi" as the son of Loki and his wife Sigyn earlier in Gylfaginning, and lists "father of Nari" as a heiti for Loki in the Skáldskaparmál section of his work.
Narfi’s name could mean “Corpse” in Old Norse, relating to how he was killed by his brother. 
There's no mention of what became of Vali after he became a wolf.
Narvi never makes an appearance in the comics and is only mentioned in: Free Comics Book Day Vol 2018 Avengers. 
There is a Vali in the comics called Vali Halfling. He is the son of loki and a unnamed mortal woman. So, I don’t consider this to be the same Vali that is the son of Loki and Sigyn. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
Thanks for reading everyone. This required a bunch of research, but I hope this helps and has been educational. We only have what we can work with considering the surviving myths, but there is so many stories out there that we don’t know of that aren’t clear because of it. 
I tried my best to cover everything I knew about them in Marvel too, but sometimes so many retcons is too much to keep up with. I know there may be some errors in places, but it’s the best I could get this with what we have to work with.
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outoftheframework · 4 years
characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
Hey everyone! I had the idea to compile a comprehensive list of different traits and attributes for each member of the batfamily based off of both canon and fanon interpretations. I think this could be useful for new members to the fandom, or those looking to write and/or draw for these characters. Remember that these will have a slight bias considering I, a fanon creator, am creating the lists. But I’ll try to make them as accurate as possible.
Appearances vary from artist to artist, so I’ll try to stray away from general details and add more little things you can consider in your art.
Bruce Wayne:
Age: 35-45
Appearance: Extremely physically fit, but signs of aging and prolonged exertion can slip through. Has a collection of scattered scars varying from fresh to fully healed. Strong, dark features. Conventionally attractive, but can easily switch to be foreboding/intimidating. Well kept in public appearances, but can look like death incarnate when in private.
Personality: Dual personas: “Bruce” (at home, but not as batman) and “Brucie” (public appearances like galas, news interviews). Bruce is stoic, well-read and educated, well-mannered, and occasionally can be witty and laid-back. Smirks rather than smiles. Brucie is loud, spontaneous, charming, and sometimes oblivious. He is the womanizer and scandal-maker. Often the actions of Brucie are motivated by Batman’s interests.
Speech: Bruce was mainly raised by as English butler, so his speech patterns are proper and smooth. Rarely uses speech fillers such as “uh” and “um,” except when interrupted while concentrating. Despite living in Gotham his entire life, he has not picked up the accent. His voice is newscaster American, almost impossible to pinpoint to a certain region. His speech as Brucie changes to relate more to the audience he is addressing. Speeches to Gotham high society will sound different than those aimed to the general public.
Additional Attributes: Bruce Wayne in all of his personalities is fiercely protective, and can easily slip into a deeper voice to intimidate. Bruce can be extremely empathetic and slightly impulsive when it comes to children who have lost their parents. As learned through his training to become Batman, Bruce is disciplined and can work for hours straight.
Dick Grayson:
Age: 23-29
Appearance: Dick Grayson mirrors a young Bruce Wayne despite their not being blood related. This could be a subconscious action by Dick to absorb traits of his father figure. His lean acrobatic body starts to set him apart from Bruce’s image. Dick manages to be well-built but still limber and flexible. His feet and hands are rough and calloused. His hair can get long but usually stays at a length in between Bruce’s and Tim’s. His eyes are bright blue without even a hint of green or brown. 
Personality: In one comic I believe it was Superman who said that Dick Grayson is a universal constant, meaning that on every alternate earth or timeline, you can always rely on him to be good and pure. I think this really sums up who Dick should be. He is kind to a fault, and can sometimes be naive and not think things through. He loves to love, be that in his family, in his romantic relationships, in his friendships, and even in strangers. He is a chronic hero who only wants to see the world as a better place. But it’s important to note that Dick can get angry when pushed, and holds grudges.
Speech: Dick is an extremely interesting study in speech patterns. As a child he traveled with the circus, until he lived with clear-spoken Bruce Wayne and a proper English butler. So influences to his speech and accent come both internationally and locally to Gotham and Bludhaven. As a child living at Wayne Manor, Dick picks up a slight Gotham tinge to his accent with some British flourish in his vowel sounds. He regularly speaks in slang. As Nightwing he is able to suppress his unique speech to sound more evenly American.
Additional Attributes: Dick acts differently around each of his family members as to be what they need in a big brother. For example, he is more fatherly to Damian while to Tim he is more an equal. Dick can fidget and has less of an attention span than Bruce. He can use jokes as a coping mechanism.
Jason Todd: 
Age: 22-26
Appearance: Hair is often long on top and shorter on the sides, sometimes with a white streak as a side effect from the Lazarus Pit. Tallest and heaviest of all the kids, very physically intimidating. Has a lot of scars and burns, and in some fan works he has a “Y” shaped scar the length of his chest from his autopsy. Never skips leg day. Green/blue eyes.
Personality: Jason goes through a lot of character development, but for this list I’m going off a timeline of post-Under the Red Hood, where Jason is on okay, yet still a little shaky, terms with the rest of the family. Jason has a hard time separating vigilante life and civilian life; his death as Robin ended his life as Jason Todd, blurring the lines between the two. Jason is legally dead, so he is basically building an identity back up. He holds some attributes from childhood: brave, impulsive, loud-mouthed, and street-smart. But his experiences post-Robin have made him a hardened loner. He lives modestly and with some semblance of order. He’s hard to foster a relationship with, but can be a passionate friend/family member when he opens up.
Speech: Jason probably has the least influence from Bruce and Alfred’s speech patterns, seeing as though he spent a lot more time with his biological family/on the streets than he did as a preteen in the manor. He is the definition of Gotham vernacular, with a rough edge. So much so that as a child, the high society gala attenders sometimes had a hard time understanding him. Often talks in curt, short sentences.
Additional Attributes: He has trouble expressing his emotions, more specifically anger and/or grief. Can both love or hate furiously. Inherently good, but sometimes does “bad” things. Protective over children, especially those living on the street. Very much a believer in “the ends justify the means.”
Tim Drake:
Age: 17-20
Appearance: Pale skin, dark hair. Sharp cheek bones and jawline, mostly from how skinny he is. His body isn’t technically “built” to be extremely athletic, but he’s forced a nice lean build from stringently working out. Easily loses and gains weight as a direct result of his work, causing fluctuations in his build. Five foot something, will eventually be out-grown by Damian. Long hair that can still be styled to look professional.
Personality: Tim Drake is very passionate in pretty much everything he sets his mind to. He feels as though he imposed himself onto Batman to become Robin, so he works twice as hard to prove his worth. He can be self conscious and deprecating. Tim as Robin or Red Robin is very different than civilian Tim; his hero personas can be bolder and more confident. Despite dropping out of high school, he values education.
Speech: Tim grew up rich, and his speech reflects an intelligence gained from private tutors. Despite this, he knows how to interact with those his age in using less formal language and slang. Often quotes books and movies. Can be awkward and stumble over his words when teased by his friends/family. He can manipulate people easily in business settings by talking fast and confidently while explaining complex topics.
Additional Attributes: Tim’s demeanor is directly tied to his varying levels of confidence and anxiety. Tim is has above-average intelligence and is diligent in detective work, but can still act like a teenager. He can be stubborn to extremes and will patiently play the long con. He does not cope well with loss.
Duke Thomas:
Age: 17-19
Appearance: Short dark hair, shaved on the sides and/or the back. Often wears the colors yellow and black. Around the same height as Tim, but a little taller. Stronger and heavier build more alike to Jason than Dick, but he’s still light on his feet. Expressive face that can give away his feelings easily. Still a bit of a baby face, but he’s still well-proportioned and conventionally handsome.
Personality: In my works, I’ve often described Duke as having a “sun-shiny” personality. He is one to not even think twice about putting others before himself. Duke uses his own personal experiences to guide him as a hero rather than suppress his emotions. Duke went from being an only child to having a large family, so he can sometimes feel overwhelmed. He is on friendly terms with every member of the batfamily, as well as many other heroes. Duke is self-sacrificial and is still learning how to effectively work as a detective.
Speech: Duke grew up in a middle class Gotham family, so his speech is influenced by his parents as well as his city environment. Duke has a mild Gotham accent and speaks a lot in modern slang. He hasn’t had much influence from Bruce and Alfred, considering he hasn’t lived with them for long. It’s possible that as he grows he will pick up some influences from Bruce and Tim’s way of speaking, but will most likely hold onto the accent of his childhood.
Additional Attributes: Duke is a metahuman vigilante in a city where Batman typically bans them, which causes a bit of an insecurity and a perfectionist drive. These are exasperated by the long line of history preceding him, as well as the fact that he involved himself in the Robin movement rather than being handpicked by Batman. He and Tim can relate in that way. Duke is an ardent student of Batman and is dedicated to the cause.
Damian Wayne:
Age: 10-14
Appearance: Looks similar to Bruce when he was the same age, yet stronger and with tanner skin. His hair is expertly cut and styled, but still age-appropriate. He is the shortest of the batkids, but still has a lot of time and potential to grow. He pretty much won the genetics lottery with Bruce and Talia as his biological parents, and is made for athletics. He has some scars that stand out with their pale coloring against his tan skin. 
Personality: Damian is slowly becoming less of a brat, to put it bluntly. He admires his family and tries to mimic them, but will never confess it. Damian is quick to judge and will voice his opinion no matter how scathing it may be, both as civilian and hero. Damian is slowly realizing he may not want the Batman mantle as quickly as he planned. Jon is a perfect foil to Damian, and often makes him a better person when they’re together. 
Speech: His speech is proper and formal. Prefers formal titles: ex. “father” over “dad” and last names over first. Damian is at least bilingual (Arabic and English), and can switch between languages easily. Most of his speech patterns developed from his tutors in the League, and more recently, Alfred. Influences like Jon and Dick have introduced him to a more modern, laid-back way of speaking, which he sometimes utilizes when relaxed.
Additional Attributes: Damian has problems with authority, especially those that he doesn’t respect like his teachers at school. He can be arrogant and childish ever though he often acts like he knows everything. Damian is still a child and has much to learn from batman and family as well as unlearn from his time at the League. Dami was forged to be a ruthless warrior, but now has to find a balance between the hero Robin and the child Damian Wayne.
Hope this helps someone! Feel free to add on if you think I missed anything. Just please remember to be civil and respect different interpretations of these characters. Let me know if you want another one of these posts outlining the girls or other characters.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 142
Another late chapter... I’m really batting a thousand lately, seems like.
So, work has been insane, but @baelpenrose reminds me to post when I forget, thankfully. And this is SUCH a fun chapter.  I hope you all enjoy!
I dropped into a seat in Mess Hall Seven with a groan, so exhausted that I barely managed to get soup and a grilled cheese from the console.  Tyche yawned and nodded in agreement before poking at her sushi bowl idly. It was six Von-days after the last drill, and between coordinating increased training schedules for Shelters Three and Seven and helping Charly plan kink-night at the Undine, we were wiped.
“People are ungrateful,” she muttered before managing to barely balance a piece of salmon into her mouth.
I muttered something that hopefully sounded like agreement before I scooped up a bite of my soup with one wedge of sandwich, too lazy to even bother with the spoon. “Remind me why we don’t have Vati and Hannah handling the practice schedules?”
“Because they are handling the extra evacuation drills with Jokul and Arthur.”
Personally, I thought they were getting the better end of this deal, but since the raging success of their first Food Festival, it really was only fair. “And the relocations for those who need it,” I admitted. “Except mine.”
“Conor may actually strangle one of them if any of your plants don’t make it,” she pointed out, gesturing with her chopsticks for emphasis after having given up and using her fingers to eat her lunch. “Not to mention I wouldn’t wish packing with Maverick on anyone.”
“He’s letting me pack the books and textiles.” I shrugged in acceptance after taking another bite of soup-dipped sandwich.
We picked at our food in silence after that, grateful for something resembling a reprieve, before we were interrupted by a flurry of grey hair and enthusiasm landing in one of the nearby chairs with a heavy thunk. “Good afternoon, Madams Reid.”
“Hey, Jokul,” I muttered as Tyche just waggled her fingers at him. I really think I liked it better when he was trying to kill me. Right now, I might even let him do it.
“I know you are both on your meal period, but I wanted to test the waters on potentially scheduling a community activity,” he rushed out.
Tyche guarded her lunch with an almost feral aggression, having heard what happened the last time Jokul had interrupted my lunch. “That should really be something you run by Al-”
“Worthington, yes, I know,” he interrupted. “However, I know you are both quite busy and I wanted to be respectful of your time. As such, I will make this as brief as - ow!” He snatched his hand back away from the other half of my sandwich, rubbing where I had slammed my spoon down onto it.
“I have no idea where the food stealing comes from, but don’t,” I warned him.
“Rude, got it,” he nodded in a terrifying impression of Charly’s normal demeanor. “As I was saying, I recently learned a new type of game from Terra, from the Before.  It involves teamwork, and encourages creativity and escapism, and I think it would be a very good community activity - “
I surrendered to my urge to groan. “We are not doing a redux of Settlers of Cattan. Arthur stabbed someone last time.”
“I didn’t press charges…” Jokul pouted, glancing at the scar on the back of his wrist briefly. “Besides, it was only a fork. Clearly he didn’t mean it, there were four knives in arms reach counting my own.”
Tyche cocked an eyebrow at me. Seriously?
I pursed my lips and wrinkled my nose in response. Yep.
“So what game is it this time?” I asked hesitantly.
I was reward-bombarded with a grin. “It’s called Dungeons and Dragons! Somewhat like a video game, but with more people, and using writing implements and paper. Oh, and different kinds of dice, very important. One person is something of the narrator, to give the game a kind of structure, while the other players act as characters in the game… Ivan introduced me to it, and it is quite challenging with the right people.  The dungeon master - that is the narrator - has to re-evaluate the story based on the actions of the other players, but the players themselves don’t know what the dungeon master is going to do. It is very much a social diversion, and there are many classes….”
As Jokul continued to gush, he was rather oblivious to the fact that Tyche and I were stuffing our faces as quickly as possible to avoid interrupting him or laughing. We had both played when we were younger - in fact, we had been introduced to the game by our mother.  There had even been a very overwhelming pop-culture movement in our youth around the game, which further emphasized just how far out in the boonies Jokul had grown up.  As shocking as it was that he was just now discovering the game, it came at exactly zero surprise that he enjoyed it so much - it was right up his alley of interests.
About fifteen minutes and two more grilled cheeses into his retelling of the campaign he was part of, Charly and Arthur squeezed in with us, their own lunches in tow.  As seemed to be a growing trend, Arthur reached over and snagged one of my sandwiches before I could react, shoving half of it in his face.
That was apparently enough to snap Jokul out of his story. “Hey! Why didn’t you hit him?”
“His deathwish, not my problem,” I shrugged.
Around the remains of my lunch, Arthur managed to enunciate. “Told you, Noah fissed the dairy allergy.”
“Bleargh,” I gagged comically. “It’s okay, think I’m done anyway.”
Jokul’s hand swatted Arthur’s out of the way to steal the rest of my food. “As I was saying, Ivan was quite clever with his resolution to deal subdural damage to the player who was very much ruining the storyline by insisting his character was immune to magical sleep…”
“Oooooo! I love tabletops!” Charly squealed, bouncing in her seat. “What setting are you playing in right now?  My favorite was always Exalted…”
“Miss Harper, I think we are discussing different activities.” Jokul sounded supremely confused, but my heart broke a bit.
Arthur shook his head. “Maybe not Exalted, but what about Ebberron? Swordhaven, maybe?  Just tell me it isn’t Ravenloft… I know you haven’t been fucking around in a Dark Sun, but I beg you to tell me you aren’t playing Ravenloft.”
“I’m not sure what those are… Ivan introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons. There is only one setting.”
“So… Greyhawk or homebrew,” Arthur nodded. “Best place to start, get the basics down.”
Jokul’s head pivoted toward me and Tyche, squinting in annoyance. “You knew, didn’t you? And you let me prattle on…”
“You were so… happy….” I explained plaintively. “We didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
Tyche nodded. “We both remember how fun that first campaign is. And honestly? We’ve been having a kind of crappy day.  It was nice to hear someone be excited about something that isn’t work related.”
“But I came to you to discuss making it a ship activity…”
“Originally, yeah,” I shrugged. “That was maybe the first thirty seconds.  After that, you were doing what literally every tabletop roleplaying person has done since the beginning of time… telling stories about the fun, dramatic, and frankly stupid shit the people in your party are doing.”
“Says the two-foot eight halfling rogue,” Arthur scowled.
“I rolled it at random, it was fifteen years ago, get over it!” I threw my hands up dramatically. “At least I wasn’t mated to a frickin’ deity.”
Charly giggled uncontrollably while Jokul goggled at us. “Exalted is broken in all the fun ways.”
“You literally sacrificed, and I quote ‘all of your fucks to give’, for necromancy.”
“That was your idea!”
Jokul turned toward Tyche, waiting for her to say something. She just held up her hands defensively. “I was a murder monk-bunny.”
Arthur snorted. “You were the Black Rabbit of Inle….”
“Well if my wife would have just stopped dying…!”
“At least none of us were the Platinum Knight who pissed his pants every time he confronted his favored enemy,” I laughed. “He never did live that one down. Every. Single. Dragon. He would crit fail his roles.”
“Oh, please,” Arthur intoned drily. “Did I ever tell you about the time one of my players managed to make ‘Notice me, Senpai’ into the most terrifying in-universe warcry imaginable?”
Charly choked before swatting his shoulder. “Not in front of my pasta. Please.”
Jokul, however, looked both horrified and intrigued, egging Arthur on. “Barbarian whose entire clan worshipped a god named The Senpai…. Just imagine, a barbarian in a rage, bellowing ‘NOTICE ME, SENPAI!!!’ before just scything down thirty men with a broadsword.”
At this point, I was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down my face. “Please, please tell me there was a kilt and pigtails involved….”
Jokul touched his own hair, before straightening as seriously as possible. “They are warrior’s braids, Councillor.”
That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore. I just put my head down on my folded arms and waiting to either pass out from laughing so hard or from exhaustion.  A few deep breaths and a spinning head later, I managed to wipe my face on my sleeve and realized the conversation was continuing without me.  Just as I was clearing my throat to let Jokul know he should be fine to start organizing something and to send me a rough outline, Arthur dealt the final blow.
Leaning over, he whispered over my shoulder. “By the way, the barbarian’s name was Drystan of the Doki-doki tribe.”
I was proud that I managed to get up and dash into the hallway before collapsing against the wall in maniacal laughter.  I barely registered Hannah’s voice behind me asking everyone at the table if I needed medical assistance, and that did not help.
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