#queer psychology
blarvinkkaynbred · 1 month
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‘Homosexuality’ from The Encyclopaedia of Psychology New & Updated (1981)
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tumbler-polls · 11 months
When you picture yourself in your mind, do you imagine yourself precisely how you look in real life, or do you see something else (an alter ego, a person who looks differently, another being, etc.)? When you're visualizing from the first person's pov, whose hands are you seeing? If you have aphantasia, consider "seeing" as a metaphor for the way you think of the concept of yourself.
The main options (we put them here due to the character limit):
🪞: I only imagine myself the way I look like irl.
🪆: I imagine someone/something that represents me.
✨️: I imagine myself in multiple ways: the way I am, as another being, as an abstract concept, you name it.
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to expand on your answer in the comments / tags!
Credit to @anon (we added a few options).
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l0ve-sicc · 1 year
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queercodedangel · 1 month
The non-binary urge to be in a state of non-belonging because you feel too trans for cis people but not trans enough for trans people
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macdenlover · 4 months
i really can not stand the “fandom is so fun we’re all just projecting and making shit up” thing. because no i actually deeply admire the canon of my favorite media and all the intention and care and craft put into it. we are not the same.
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dykealloy · 5 months
“we sent yuan away so his feelings could subside” you sent him to gay rizz bootcamp is what you did
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. This is the finding of a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by researchers from the University of Basel and the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. According to the study, people who are perceived as less gender-conforming are more frequently socially excluded. This could also affect heterosexual people if they deviate from traditional gender roles. In three studies with a total of more than 3,200 participants in Germany and the U.S., the research team investigated the experiences of exclusion of sexual minorities.
Continue Reading.
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copperrust · 7 months
genuinely every single expression of nonhumanity is so beautiful
i love therians and otherkin spiritual psychological or otherwise
i love otherhearteds and copinglinks
i love physical nonhumans of all kinds including zooanthropes endels and holotheres
i love alterhumans
i love real-life and fictional theriotypes
i love animal-related xenogenders and neopronouns
i love connecting to nonhumanity or being nonhuman due to neurodivergence
i love nonhumans due to delusions or trauma
i love furries and i love people who feel like their true selves wearing a fursuit
i love pups and horseplayers and queer people whose sexuality is connected to their nonhumanity
i love people who are fully 100% nonhuman and i love people whose nonhumanity is wearing cat ears and a tail
i love puppygirls and catboys and werewolves
i love people who connect nonhumanity with them being outside traditional gender norms
i love how making a human-lion was one of the first product of artistry ever made by humans (and the oldest statue that we discovered)
(this is mostly animal-focused but i love people connected to flora and still life and machines too and everything related to that)
we see ourselves in everything around us as if it were our reflection
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honoraryfairy · 4 months
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queerly-autistic · 8 months
In 'things that Erin did not expect to say today', Psychology Today has published an article about the campaign to save OFMD.
And it has this slam-dunk in it.
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powerful-pleasureful · 2 months
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Thank you to all who have participated in my study from Tumblr! I am so immensely grateful for your time and support.
I need two more interviews to complete my study! My study needs to be completed by the first week of the Fall 2024 semester (August 19th 2024) to keep my dissertation on track!
We are interested in recruiting Asian and Asian American individuals who identify as transgender, non-binary, and/or non-conforming who drank alcohol during their teenage years (i.e., had full drinks of alcohol prior to age 18).
Complete the pre-screen survey to see if you are eligible for the study: https://tinyurl.com/RAEPreScreenSocial
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sunny-rants · 4 months
between The Creature’s diy bottom surgery, and Isabel’s diy top surgery, it’s a big year for trans horror icons
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tumbler-polls · 11 months
There's been a lot of talk about the relationship between neurodiversity and gender identity, but what about neurodiversity and sexuality?
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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leebrontide · 8 months
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Hi everyone!
I'm asking for a (free) favor from y'all.
I'm trying to get more people to sign up for my free monthly author newsletter, and I'd love for you to help me find people who might enjoy it.
Every month, I write an essay about a subject. I'm not just collecting contacts to send ads to!
Sometimes it's about writing process
A Unique Character Development Technique 
The Golden Girls, D&D, and The Newest Way I’m Refusing to Make Writing Solitary 
The Bananabook Method
Lies I Tell Myself, Security Blankets and Backstitch Drafting
On Listening When You Want to Throw Things and Break Stuff
And other times it's a deep dive into a research topic for my books
Why I’m Researching a 19th Century Cult This Month
Spider Goat is Real but is Not Marvel Affiliated
People Just Really Want to Say "Enhance"
That Most Intimate of Thrones
Whose Side is Your House On?
The Care and Feeding of Dream Homes
What Arguing About Captain America Taught Me About Psychotherapy
Nuclear Waste and the Ray Cat Solution
Sometimes it's about mental health, especially through the lenses of fantasy and scifi
Of Flesh and Gundams
What Feeling Are You Most Afraid Of?
Sometimes it's even about legal systems and their interactions with the medical field and expanding medical technologies
Tractors, Cybernetics and the Radical at the Radioshack
Because Everybody Was Calling for YA Scifi About HIPAA, Right? 
Or queer stuff
What Do We Celebrate?
What Stories Are You Made Of?
Or disability
Another Kind of Coziness 
Tinkering With Cyberpunk
Things I Stole from Julian Bashir
What Does Time Feel Like?
Or it could be anything else that I'm willing to think deeper about that month. You can browse the full archive over here.
AND it almost always includes pictures of my very cute cats!
So could you please boost, if you feel your followers might be into that?
The subscription signup is right here.
Help an indie author out?
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musicalmonomania · 2 months
i saw the tv glow is an example of what psychological horror SHOULD be.
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i absolutely adore psychological horror as a film genre and i saw the tv glow is the PERFECT example of what makes psychological horror “psychological horror.”
it’s a movie that sticks with you and makes you feel dread. the idea of telling a story about the trans experience through a horror movie is such a unique concept, and jane schoenbrun does it in such a beautiful manner. the whole birthday party scene at the end? absolutely phenomenal acting. justice smith the legend that you are!!! and he does such a great job at conveying the horror that trans people experience, especially if they’re struggling to accept their identity.
this is what psychological horror should be. it should stick with you and fuck you up and make you feel empty and dreadful. bonus points if, like i saw the tv glow, there’s some kind of message/meaning to the movie. that really makes it all the more impactful. the fact the people who don’t understand this movie are (most likely) cisgender is very telling. i wonder why? that is a rhetorical question, by the way.
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in a way, being transgender can feel like you’re starring in your own psychological horror movie. i am grateful that i learned to accept my trans identity, because after watching i saw the tv glow, i’ve come to realize i truly wouldn’t be happy if i continued to identify as cis. this movie is a harsh reminder of what i could’ve been now and back then. an alternate unhappy ending.
but then, there’s the whole “there is still time” message — a reminder that it’s never too late.
to all of my fellow trans friends — you’re going to be okay. hang in there.
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esqueletosgays · 9 months
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Director: Anthony Minghella Cinematography: John Seale
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