#relating function
lexosaurus · 2 years
special shoutout to all the 50+ year old men who record 2min basic tutorial videos for simple tasks with their shaky cell phone vertical camera and upload them to youtube to get like 20 views. y'all are the true backbone of society
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feralboo-the-weirdo · 11 months
You know what is just mind boggling? Neurotypical people exist. Like there are people who can just DO things and not have depression, anxiety (in every form ever), RSD, sensory overloads, and not get overwhelmed. Like there are people who can work for eight hours every day and still do things after. People who can make phone calls with no struggle. Who aren't constantly bombarded by a cacophony of thoughts both good and bad when they do things. Who have anxiety but it isn't crippling. who can spend hours, WEEKS with people and not get tired or fear that everyone there hates you. People who have no idea what Depression or intense trauma feel like. People who hear instructions and do it right first go. People who can follow a conversation without zoning out, or having to mask.
Like. Do neurotypical people actually exist?
Because I can't even imagine what it would be like to be neurotypical. Or mentally healthy. Both sound alien and foren. But like. Obviously they exist because neurodivergent people wouldn't struggle so much if not for how the world was structured for Neurotypical people but I don't know if I've ever met a neurotypical.
idk. food for thought I guess.
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dykepaldi · 4 months
why is there such a big thing in dw fandom that people think the companion needs to be relatable to the audience. do u not sometimes want to see someone in completely different circumstances/with different traits and flaws to u. personally i would find it incredibly boring if i could relate to every single companion
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justanotherhh · 19 days
smthin about blitzø's romantic relationships defined by him as bodyguard, with fizz, with verosika, and with stolas. something about that being a part of his core, either as a negative (it's all about putting his body in front of theirs because he's the "less important" factor and it's the only real thing he feels has to offer alongside sex) or as a positive (he likes protecting others, he likes being of use, it's a good way of communicating how much he cares and he's good at it)
but yeah, that forming part of the foundations of those relationships from his side
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delzinrowe · 24 days
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THE GOLDEN GIRLS (1985-1992) A Little Romance (S01E13)
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squidpedia · 2 months
Snooork mimimimimi snooooooork mimimimimimi
Alright i think the coast is clear, kanako integrity duo GO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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I think they’d have fun sharing a half melted amalgamate body and have riveting conversations
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damian wayne is an emotionally stunted child, that much is true. irrevocably so, even. and yeah, most of it is due to the leagues influence and training especially in his formative years, but also bruce wayne (or even dick grayson) is not an emotionally-responsible poster child.
in a way, his negative behaviors are reinforced through bruce and dick’s (and possibly alfred’s?) way of parenting him. (lack of deeper conversation, not setting healthy boundaries or expectations, not setting consequences or explaining why his actions were wrong, etc) and yeah he’s an assassin child, he’s not going to be the paradigm of mentally and socially stable, but they way they handle it is a disservice not only to him, but also to those who face the brunt of his actions.
that leads to one tim drake. he was robin when damian was brought into the family so naturally that’s where a large bit of his own insecurity of his place in the family (because he focuses on securing his spot in the family, rather than looking around and realizing he had one as soon as he was introduced to bruce wayne; again tho not his fault) is focused on. it’s a disservice to tim because he keeps getting the shitty end of the deal, while damian faces no real or meaningful consequences. on top of this, he receives no real apologies from either damian or the adults in their lives who are supposed to protect them.
(and yeah they’re teenaged vigilantes, there’s only so much danger the adults can protect them from but a better effort could be made easily.)
not only does this hurt the future social and familial relationships of damian but ALSO tim. it gives tim a reason to feel mistrust in not only his brothers but also the adults in his life. i see a lot of people defending damian (in relation to tim) by saying “he’s a kid, he was trained by the league of assassins, it’s not his fault, he’s just trying to find his place.” and to some extent they’re not wrong, but they’re also neglecting the fact that TIM is also just a kid. not only was he just a kid, but a emotionally (and physically) neglected kid. these behaviors could set him back emotionally as well.
it is important to remember that this isn’t necessarily damian’s fault. his actions? yes. should he take responsibility for them and own up to his mistakes? also yes. but i can also acknowledge that he’s a teenager— a young one at that. mistakes are going to be made, but it’s also the adults’ responsibility in his life to make him understand the weight of his actions and their consequences for others.
granted, these are fictional characters so take everything i say with a grain of salt, this is just stuff i’ve been thinking on when interacting with the fandom (specifically focused on the realm of fannon) anyways sorry for the essay
tldr: damian and tim are somehow both failed by the adults around them, even after leaving one shitty environment for a better one. it’s not their faults entirely, outside factors, especially in the forms of guardians, also play a role.
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astraltrickster · 11 months
I want to introduce a disability concept that I've been calling paradoxical stigma.
What is paradoxical stigma? It's the stigma against:
1) The actually disabling traits of a disability that's in the spotlight for the parts of it that are convenient to accommodate, and/or
2) The diagnosis of such a disability itself,
Due to the assumption that the spotlight renders it "destigmatized" and no longer in need of support.
As of right now, at least around this corner of the internet, the most obvious examples of this are autism and ADHD. It's become disturbingly common for people to treat those like Diet Disabilities That Don't Actually Count. It's been really interesting to watch the popular attitude about these disorders shift from "autism is either a tragedy or an excuse depending on 'severity', and ADHD is just a myth used to drug kids into complicity instead of teaching them actual skills", to "actually these are real disorders that affect people in all aspects of their lives", to "I GUESS they're real disorders but honestly EVERYONE has them can't we worry about more SERIOUS ones?" and...not in a good way.
It comes up...partially as a legitimate backlash to people with these disorders who think that invisible disability and/or neurodivergence begins and ends at their experience, and...yeah, that's a problem all right, in fact if I had a dollar for every asshole who looked at my struggles with things like keeping my space clean or not fucking up my medication doses DUE TO ADHD and went "well I have the same diagnosis and I don't have THAT problem to THAT extent, obviously you're just lazy and careless", or saw me having an AUTISTIC meltdown and called it "bullying" or worse because I get loud and insisted that I NEED to CONTROL that CHOSEN BEHAVIOR if I want to not be a Bad Person, or heard about how AUTISTIC overstimulation defense measures play into my trouble with cleaning and insisted that well THEY'RE autistic too and don't have that specific problem so this is clearly weaponized helplessness because I just don't WANT to learn to do better, I'd...probably have a lot more assistive tech. I also get really, really frustrated and upset when people use RSD to mean "if you ever criticize me that's the height of ableism, no matter how much I'm actually fucking up and hurting you" - especially since it's so often invoked as a defense against being lightly criticized for ACTUALLY harmful behavior and as much as it sucks there IS no substitute to make that more emotional-dysregulation-friendly beyond basic kindness in criticism. That attitude exists. It's bad.
And yet, theoretically, I think we could all agree that the response to that should NEVER be to reinvent the old "ugh, those aren't REAL disabilities, those are just EXCUSES that LAZY PARENTS make for kids being kids, what they need is DISCIPLINE" stereotype of the 90s-2000s, just now aimed at those same kids as adults, in ostensibly supportive spaces - or arguably worse, to revert all our understanding of support needs to the externally judged high-functioning/low-functioning dichotomy.
What really sets this apart as paradoxical stigma, rather than just garden-variety lateral ableism, is that 1) we CAN theoretically all agree that reinventing those stereotypes is a terrible response, yet many people do it anyway, and 2) these stereotypes are invoked not only because of that intracommunity misbehavior, but both within and outside of disabled spaces, because of the illusion that you can bring up those disorders and have them taken seriously because fidget toys and stim videos and weighted blankets are popular now. An event having quiet rooms, or backlash to Autism Speaks being visible outside of autistic spaces, will be taken as "proof" that autism stigma is over forever and anyone who complains about it is just a whiner who doesn't know how good they have it...even when what they're complaining about is, say, being barred from migration. Paradoxical stigma is enacted by people who think that they, alone, are standing up against someone who's throwing others under the bus to continue to progress their own limited agenda...when in fact they're speaking a very popular shitty opinion, that MANY of the people making that claim would disagree with HEAVILY once separated from the "crab bucket reflex".
As a personal example, the result is that when I'm looking for assistance, I'm...hesitant to bring up those diagnoses, because I know I'm going to be written off as "obviously a high-functioning low-support needs scammer who just doesn't WANT to CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY and EARN things" - even by people who otherwise agree that people should be allowed to survive even if they truly are the living strawman lazy bum who has nothing wrong with them but just WANTS to lay around eating junk food and doing drugs all day, AND that disability deserves to be respected, isn't black-and-white, and affects everyone differently; somehow when these combine in the context of my diagnoses that have had a very sanitized version of themselves "destigmatized" on TikTok, they cancel out into blatant reactionary sentiment indistinguishable from what I'd hear from my shitty token Republican uncle.
So, that's paradoxical stigma. Feel free to use the term if you find it useful.
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myriadeyed · 1 month
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frogs-in3-hills · 2 months
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my piece for missing years: @7yeargapzine, which just opened leftover sales! this is one of my favorite projects i've worked on and i couldn't be more amazed with how the zine turned out, so please consider checking it out!
[ID: A digital illustration depicting Vera Misham from Ace Attorney, sitting in a chair with her knees up and her back turned to the viewer. She works at a desk filled half with art supplies and half with machinery. A thin desk lamp looms over head, along with four static-filled screens, all of which illuminate where she sits like a spotlight. The edges of the light are textured like fingerprints. Strewn across the floor is a vast collage of maps and newspaper clippings relating to the events of the seven year gap and the dark age of the law. In the background, two of Kristoph's hand-shaped bottles of nail polish hang in front of a map clipping, with the lines of the roads segmenting the collage like cracked glass. 13 of the various newspaper clippings, from left to right, are as follows. 1) "State v. Blackquill Results in Yet Another Prosecutor's Arrest. Protestors Claim The Dark Age of the Law Has Arrived." 2) "Wrongfully Accused: An Exclusive Interview With Max Galactica." Beside the headline is a photo of Max dressed in a white sweater and crying. 3) "Execution - Date After." 4) "Turnabout Terror Disbarred After Shocking Revelation in the Courtroom." Beside the headline is an obscured photo of Phoenix pointing and objecting. 5) "Gramarye Troupe." The rest of the headline is obscured. Under it is an illustration of someone wearing a pink magician's hat and cloak, a question mark over their face. 6) "Forgery - Unprecedented." 7) "Opinion: The Three Day Trial System Has Failed Our Country." 8) "Los Tokyo Residents Face Unrest as Guity - Rate - 99%." 9) "A New Turnabout Terror on the Rise? Kristoph Gavin Sweeps Courtroom - Legal." 10) "Did the Dark Age of the Law Really Begin With Phoenix Wright's Disbarment?" 11) "A Candid Retrospective on Demon Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth's Messy Legacy." 12) "Public Trust - Japanifornia Courts." 13) "Impossible Turnabout Captivates Courtroom: Evidence Real or Fake?" End ID.]
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dhmis-blog-poncho · 1 year
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 9 months
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Batman Annual #25
Before Talia took him in, before he was dunked in the pit to have his memories restored, even when operating purely on survival instinct, he always split a meal with the other homeless people. It may not have been essential to his survival, but caring about and helping other people when he couldn’t even help himself was just always such an intrinsic part of Jason’s core.
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veveisveryuncool · 9 months
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uhh some doodles of @camachine's animeverse susie design bc it's a really neat design + some queen quotes because i think it would be funny
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teecupangel · 1 month
Okay, I was going to reblog @avoidantvoidd's reblog of my post but I feel like I need to know what others think first...
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Photo for reference: William Miles to the left, Al Mualim to the right
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hawkogurl · 3 months
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#oh? you’re characters in a three part iconic series that came out in the mid 2000’s#and one of you is a wealthy abused child with heavily symbolic burns scars who undergoes a redemption arc that concludes in the third part#of the franchise who’s villainy is defined by an attachment to an abusive father and a need to please him despite him not at all deserving#your loyalty and your redemption is internally motivated by your own experiences and defined by a moment where you realize who you want to#actually be? and you’re connected to a lot of shipping drama despite honestly seeming gay as fuck?#and a consistently heroic male lead with romantic drama including a brief relationship with a light haired woman that you have regrets about#and a lighter haired woman who majorly influences your character arc and you can tell is cool as fuck because men hate her? and your arc#revolves around maturing and going through various circumstances that basically function as a mini coming of age story in a piece of fiction#not of that genre? and you have baggage related to family members who you feel responsible for the fates of? and you put an intense amount#of personal pressure on yourself because you see yourself as a protector and if you can’t do that you’ve failed?#and you’re emotionally superglued to each other despite lots of disasterous first interactions?#atla#avatar the last airbender#sokka#atla sokka#zuko#prince zuko#harryposting#harry osborn#raimiverse#raimi trilogy#spider man#spiderman#peter parker#parksborn#zukka
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sesamenom · 8 months
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Working out the logistics for idril's mobility aids
I'm thinking she has crutches for when she's using her feet (+ a baby sling for earendil since she can't carry him while using the crutches). she can lean on one for long enough to smack someone (cough maeglin cough) with the other, but can't get around for an extended period of time with just the feet. on worse days or when she's not wearing her prosthetics she has a wheelchair and a maid to push her around.
-- disclaimer: i am not disabled, if anything here wouldn't work please tell me! --
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