#ryder of nowhere
abimee · 7 months
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you are my innocent angel
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iconswiser · 2 years
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Meeting a new alien species, and you hit them with that
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musicwithoutborders · 4 months
Charlie Ryder, Pyramid Bloom I Indefinite Leave To Remain, 2023
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tyrilstarfury · 8 months
I'm with you on unbridled cause why haven't those 2 work together and I really don't give a damn about Mandy, her parents and her ranch. I do feel bad for Mc not only got to play parent with 2 grown ass adults but also trying to make a life without the ex.
Exactly why is MC the one sorting things out on the ranch? They literally just started working there a week ago and now they are apparently indispensable and supervising the boss'. Makes no sense!
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saintedbythestorm · 2 years
May or may not have gotten very pissed off at my hair.
Cut off a big portion again.
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contradictivs · 8 months
it's nice outside (like low 40s & sunny and pretty) & that is somehow making ryder's muse like 👀
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billymarvel · 2 months
Do you think that after being shocked by lightning more times than humanely possible, Billys heartbeat has changed to such an irregular pattern? Imagine with me:
Clark and Billy are under the same roof, think something of a journalism convention. Billy was invited due to his outstanding work at WHIZ Radio, and now gets to meet so many people that are both within his circle of work and outside of it.
Clark, while Billy is busy trying to get Jack Ryder to talk to literally Anyone Else, can't help but notice that. The kids heart is fucked. Like, just beyond belief.
It makes Clark's hair stand on end. He doesn't know if the kid knows that he has an arrhythmia. Clark can't tell him that he does either, because thats a giveaway to his identity. He cant just hint for the kid to get an ECG also, because who fucking says that upon first meeting. 'Greetings, nice to meet you! Not to worry you or anything, like, this geniunely comes from nowhere, but when was the last time you got a health checkup? Yeah, haha! Take care!'
Clark has to sit there, being chatted to by reporters, journalists, and others alike, trying not to rip his hair out. He's watching Billy listen attentively as others give him tips and tricks. Clark can't stop listening to the odd thumps of the boys heart.
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storiesforallfandoms · 4 months
the space cowboy and the pa ~ tom ryder;the fall guy
word count: 2869
request?: no
description: in which the big movie star takes interest in the pa of his new movie
pairing: tom ryder x female!reader
warnings: swearing, tom being tom, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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When you were hired as a PA on a major sci-fi blockbuster, you were obviously beyond ecstatic. It was a big deal for many reasons, and it would look great on your resume as the first film you worked on.
What you didn't expect was for your job to essentially become you running after Tom Ryder all the time.
You knew who Tom Ryder was before you were hired on to Metalstorm. Everyone did. His face was on every screen and every poster. But besides knowing him for his work, you were also warned about his work ethic and entitled attitude. You couldn't say you were surprised to hear that. You figured most celebrities of his status were all into themselves. But when you started working with him, you realized it wasn't just his stuck up-ness, it was his lack of work ethic. Truly, you had no idea how any of his movies ever got made.
You didn't agree to work on Metalstorm so you could chase a self obsessed ego maniac around all day and convince him to come do his job. That's now what a PA is meant to do. On the plus side, Jody was very sympathetic and apologetic to you over this. Jody had worked with Tom for years, and had actually been the one to warn you about Tom's behavior. She knew you didn't want to just be a lacky to Tom Ryder, but when Tom's personal assistant was constantly out taking care of his dogs or getting him his super (annoyingly) specific Starbucks order, and everyone else was too busy trying to make a huge blockbuster to do it themselves, the responsibility had to fall to someone.
So, when you arrived on set to see Jody with her head in her hands, a sign that she was stressed, you already knew what was happening.
"He was supposed to be here an hour ago," Jody said, exasperated. "We don't have much time left for this shoot and there's still so much to be done, but he's nowhere to be found."
You looked up at Gail, sipping her usual Diet Coke. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I've already gone to his trailer twice. Each time he said he was on his way to set."
"Clearly he wasn't," you muttered. "I'll go find him."
"(Y/N), no - " Jody started.
"Try to film something with Colt in place of Tom or something," you told her. "I'll get the dickhead to set."
You made off for Tom's trailer. It was incredibly easy to find among the sea of other cast and crew trailers because it was the biggest one. He could probably live out of it if he hadn't gotten a huge apartment to stay in while filming. His name was printed in big, bold letters on the door, as if the size of the trailer alone wasn't enough to signal that it belonged to the star of the movie.
You walked in without knocking, something you'd realize later you might've regretted if you had found Tom in a more...revealing position. Luckily, he was just laying on the trailer couch, a sleep mask over his eyes and AirPods in his ears. He didn't notice you walked into his trailer, so you did something else you'd probably regret: you flicked Tom's forehead to get his attention.
He jumped and ripped off his sleep mask, snapping, "What the fuck?!"
You crossed your arms as his eyes readjusted to the light. He looked up at you and took out a headphone. "What do you want?"
You rolled your eyes. "You, on set, now."
"Gail already came to tell me it was call time. I'll be there in a minute."
"You were meant to be on set an hour ago. There's no more 'minutes', you're coming now."
Tom sat up. "Listen, assistant, I have a very intense process before I start filming that takes time and concentration. Gail already interrupted me, and now that you have as well I'll have to start all over. Tell Jody not to worry a hair on her pretty head, I will be there."
A combination of general frustration with Tom's behavior and the fact that he was dismissing you as just an "assistant" caused you to finally snapped. You grabbed Tom's sleep mask and snatched his headphones from his ears. He protested, but you ignored him as you kicked open his trailer door and chucked the objects as far as you could.
When you turned back to Tom, he was on his feet and he looked furious. But you refused to be intimidated by him.
"You listen to me, Tom Ryder," you said. "I don't give a shit about your stupid fucking pre-filming rituals. What I do give a shit about is this movie, that you're supposed to be the star of. I am sick and tired of chasing you around like a toddle to round you onto set when that is not my job. So, please, get off your ass and do your job."
You turned to leave, but paused to add, "And I'm a PA, not your assistant."
You walked out of his trailer, the frustration slowly starting to evaporate. You didn't think your words were going to have any effect on Tom. If anything, you were sure it would just make him pissed off and he probably wouldn't even come to set at all now. You'd feel worried for your job if you weren't so happy with yourself for finally telling Tom off.
You were planning on how you were going to tell Jody about what happened with Tom when you heard his trailer door open. You turned to see Tom stepping out of the trailer, already dressed in his gold space cowboy outfit which you hadn't noticed before.
He brushed past you, saying, "Let's shoot this fucking thing."
You let out a sigh of relief as you trailed after him.
Tom, luckily, was super professional and fantastic at his job for the remainder of the day. So much so that Jody was literally jumping from her seat to praise the cast, and to show her relief that the day had finally gone well. You were equally thrilled by this because it meant you were finally able to do your actual job.
When Jody finally called it for the day, you were collecting your stuff and noticed someone approaching you. You looked up to see it was Tom. You braced yourself for the verbal berating you were likely about to get.
"Hey," he said. "PA. What's your name?"
You'd be offended if it were anyone else asking. You had been working with Tom for months, so most people would expect that he'd know your name, but considering that he viewed you as just another assistant until hours ago, you weren't shocked that he hadn't deemed you important enough to remember your name.
"(Y/N)," you told him. "And, listen, I'm sorry about what I said earlier - "
"No you're not," Tom cut you off. "That level of verbal smackdown only happens when you've been holding something in for a long time and you've finally had enough. And you're right, I haven't been making things easy for anyone on set this whole filming process."
Was this some sort of joke? Were the cameras still rolling trying to film your reaction? Had you passed out suddenly while filming and now you were dreaming? There was no way that Tom Ryder of all people was admitting to his faults, especially to someone he couldn't even be bothered to learn the name or occupation of until seconds ago.
When you didn't respond, Tom continued on, "What are you doing tonight?"
"Uh...just going back to my hotel room, I guess. Maybe grab a drink with Jody at the hotel bar."
"Change your plans. You're gonna come have a drink with me instead."
It wasn't a question because Tom Ryder didn't have to ask questions. Tom Ryder was used to just smiling at a woman - or at a man honestly - and having them fall to his feet immediately.
So imagine his surprise when you said, "No."
You started to walk away from him, but he quickly moved to follow you. "Uh...maybe you didn't hear me correctly."
"No, I heard you just fine," you said. "The answer is no."
You stopped walking to turn and face him. "Tom, you are the star of this movie, and I am a production assistant. There are so many levels of not right about me getting drinks with you."
"It's just drinks," he said with a shrug.
"It's a date, and I can't go on a date with you while we're working together."
You turned to walk away from him again. This time, he didn't follow. He watched you go for a while before calling out, "What about when we're not working together?"
You looked over your shoulder and smiled at him. "We'll see."
Weeks later, the filming of Metalstorm came to a close. It have become much less painful on set as Tom was always in costume and on set at the time he was supposed to be, sometimes even earlier. Everyone was so shocked by his sudden change, but no one was going to question it. There was too much left of the movie to be filmed to start bringing attention to the fact that Tom was actually being a professional.
During the last few weeks, Tom did not give up on his pursuit of you. He didn't ask you out again, but he was constantly sending you gifts to remind you that he still wanted to go out with you: flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals. The one that really made you laugh was when you found a magazine with him on the cover, shirtless, in front of your hotel room door.
The last day on set, as everyone was celebrating the end of the shoot and saying their emotional goodbyes, you walked up to Tom and slipped a piece of paper into his hand. When he opened it, he saw your number written on it.
You got a text almost immediately after: "drinks, my place. i'll send a car for you"
You got ready at the hotel, putting on the nicest thing you had packed. You hadn't really packed any dresses or outfits that would be date worthy because you weren't expecting to go on any dates. The closest thing you had was a nice pair of jeans and a short sleeved button up blouse that was white with red and pink flowers on it. It seemed more professional work vibes than date vibes, but that's all you had really prepared for.
You also hadn't packed makeup, not expecting to need any when you were just here for work, so you had to hope Tom wasn't expecting you to show up completely dolled up.
The car he had sent for you showed up around 8pm and took you directly to his apartment. He was waiting for you by the door, also dressed more casually than fancy for a date, so you felt a little relieved.
"Hey," he said when you got out of the car. "You look great."
"Thanks," you said. "Are we, um, staying in for drinks?"
"Yeah, I figure that's probably the better option. Less likely to be surrounded by paparazzi or crazy fans if we just hang out in my place."
Right, that would make sense.
You hadn't really thought about the fact that someone like Tom probably didn't get to go out as much as a normal person would. He hadn't been to any of the Metalstorm cast and crew nights out, but you had chalked that up to him thinking he was too good to go out with everyone else. Maybe it was actually because he felt like he couldn't.
You followed Tom into his apartment. Although, "apartment" was definitely an understatement. The place was bigger than the house you had grown up in, and even had two floors and a rooftop pool. You couldn't help but marvel at everything - the largeness of it, as well as all the film memorabilia Tom had placed on the walls and the shelves. And then you came across the walls covered in sticky notes and found yourself confused.
Tom noticed the look on your face as you stopped to read a few of the notes and laughed. "I like to remember things."
"'Next role: paramedic vampire'?" you read, giving Tom a playful look.
"I think that could be a good role. Imagine a paramedic who is also a vampire, and sometimes they have to struggle with all the blood they're exposed to every day."
"So basically Carlisle Cullen from Twilight?"
"I've never seen those movies so I don't know."
You chuckled as you followed him to the mini bar.
"What do you drink?" he asked. "I have...basically everything."
"Give me a whiskey neat." He raised an eyebrow at you. "I had a lot of hard nights during film school. You learn to enjoy the hard stuff."
He smiled and grabbed you a glass. He filled it halfway with a whiskey that definitely looked very expensive, and then got himself a glass as well. He held his glass up to you, and you tapped yours against his.
"What are we toasting to?" you asked him.
"To the movie finally wrapping so I could take you on a date."
You couldn't help but smile as you took a sip of your whiskey.
"There's something I have to ask you before we move forward, though," you said. Tom leaned against the island between you two and motioned for you to continue. "When did you and Iggy stop dating? I mean...obviously you've stopped dating...right?"
Tom chuckled. "Would I have asked you on a date if we hadn't?"
"I don't know how you big hot shot celebrity couples do relationships. Maybe you guys are like...open? I don't know."
"We're not, and we're not together. We broke up just before Metalstorm started filming."
You winced. "That's rough."
"That's acting. You can't just throw away a whole role because you have to act alongside your ex. Besides, it was mutual, and now she's dating Jason Momoa."
"And you're on a date with the PA from Metalstorm."
Tom gave you a look. "Don't say that as if it's a downgrade or something. I like you, that's all that matters."
You were speechless. This was the most sincere you had ever heard Tom be. Usually he was yelling or cursing on set because he felt like the take he did was awful, or he was annoyed by the Australian heat in his shiny gold costume. You had no idea that Tom Ryder had a softer side of him. Actually, you weren't sure anyone knew that.
You and Tom eventually moved from the car to the couch in his lounge. He turned on a movie ("I promise it won't be my own", he had joked) and the two of you sat close but not close enough to be touching. Tom had his arm across the back of the couch behind you, just begging for you to lean into him. You'd keep inching closer every so often until finally your side was pressed against his, and you were able to rest your head on his shoulder.
You couldn't help but think about how surprised you were with how quickly things had changed these last few weeks. For a majority of filming, you had basically hated Tom. You thought he was egotistical and annoying. You never would've thought you'd be on a date with him once filming had wrapped. Sure, you thought he was attractive. Anyone with eyes could see that. But you didn't think he would ever see you as someone to go on a date with, let alone that you would have agreed if he asked.
At some point during the movie, Tom shifted and moved away from you. You looked up at him, confused, to find him already looking down at you.
"I really want to kiss you," he admitted.
"What's stopping you?" you asked.
The answer was nothing, because once the words were out of your mouth Tom was cupping your cheek and pulling you in for a kiss. It was one of those magical kisses that people in TV shows and movies always talk about. The ones where they say you feel a spark and you see stars. You didn't want it to end.
But eventually you had to pull away for air. You looked up at Tom, who now had a small grin on his face.
"I suppose there's no chance you'd want to stay over?" he asked.
You really wanted to say yes, but you knew you shouldn't. You weren't the type of person to put out on the first date, and you knew there was a huge risk of that happening if you stayed at Tom's for the night.
So, you sighed and shook your haed.
"Thought so," Tom said. "I'll just have to get enough kissing in before I have to let you go."
You giggled as he leaned in to kiss you again.
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dopescissorscashwagon · 7 months
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By Ken James: I was so stoked to go take a picture of this barn, but then out of nowhere it decided to rain all day. I was quite bummed because I really had a picture in mind and knew it would be basically impossible because I needed to leave this day. Turns out it rained enough to provide a few nice sized puddles and the photo I took I like better than if it didn't. *However, Ryder had an even better time 🤦‍♂️.
📸 by @Openshutter21_photography
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tangerinesgf · 5 months
yooo, could you write for Thom Ryder (or whatever his name is ) someee maybe hurt/comfort stuff. Cause I love your writings!!!,💋🙏
Tom Ryder x GN!reader
Summary: Tom Ryder is an addict. But only the person closest to him knows that.
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Some fluff, Paranoia, mentions of drugs and alcohol.
A/N: Yaaayy my first Tom Ryder fic!! Tysm for your request. I'm having so much fun writing for this man. I hope you like it. Also Tom Ryder is British right? Correct me if I'm wrong here pls, his accent was so confusing to me
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It was the night after Tom Ryder’s big movie premiere. Or well one of them. Another big blockbuster on his name, another couple million dollars in the bank and like every big occasion in Ryder’s life it called for a party. As his partner you have been to all the premiere's with him. From London to Paris and even Tokyo, all the way back to L.A. You were by his side through it all. The good and the bad. 
Tonight was all good. He just had a busy press tour behind him and was finally ready to unwind. He invited all of his friends and their friends to his house, or as he called it his ‘kingdom’. 
The first few hours you stuck to each other like glue, laughing dancing, ofcours a bit of flirting and kissing too. After a while you told him you were gonna go to the bathroom for a second and after some serious looks that told him that he couldn’t come with you.
When you came back Tom wasn’t in his usual spot anymore, but you didn’t really think anything of it. He was probably outside smoking weed or hanging around with his friends.
At some point during the evering you started to miss your boyfriend and started looking for him across the dancefloor, expecting to find him grinding with some random person he just met.
You’ve come to find his behaviour when high or drunk to be quite predictable. Whenever you found him dancing with another girl he’s quite genuinely confused, saying sorry over and over again, because he thought he was dancing with you. Though you couldn’t entirely blame him for it since he was high off his nuts and completely disoriented. Besides that, he was absolutely adorable while begging for your forgiveness.
Inside that asshole he protrayed himself to be was just an insecure little boy who didn’t get enough validation from his parents. 
So here you were searching his entire loft, shoving people aside left and right to find Ryder, which wasn’t nearly as easy as it appeared to be. His loft was huge with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and just random rooms filled with whatever crazy thing Tom wanted to try this time.
As his girlfriend you were often at his place, which means you were there last week when he turned one of his rooms into a small makeshift jungle for his new Koala. You gave it 2 weeks max before animal protection would show up at his front door. 
His loft felt like an absolute madhouse everytime he held a party there, the music was deafening and the smell of weed and alcohol hung in the air. You were pretty sure Tom didn’t even know half of the people in his house right now. 
To your surprise he wasn’t shagging up with some random girl, in fact he was nowhere to be found at the party. Usually you’d stick by him during parties like this, especially when there were drugs involved. So when you couldn’t find him with his usual group of friends and he hadn’t come to find you, you knew something was wrong. 
You abandoned the party downstairs and went to find the actor upstairs where the guests weren’t allowed. The bedroom was empty, as was his second bedroom and the room he uses to practice his scenes (that particular room had a huge mirror).
“Tom? Love?” You call out in the hallway as you walk past all his movie posters. Then suddenly you stop in your tracks as you hear a voice coming from the bathroom, it sounds like Tom talking to someone, but there’s no other voice talking back. Like he’s all alone in there. 
Silently you walk over to the bathroom, the last thing you wanted to do was scare him right now. The door was open just a bit as you leaned beside it, looking through the little slit in the door. Tom was pacing the room back and forth like madman. You couldn’t exactly hear what he was saying because most of it came out hastily in a mumble. 
You decided to approach him carefully since you had no real perception of the state he was in right now. Ever so softly you knock on the bathroom door to announce your presence. At the sound Ryder’s head immediately snaps up in your direction, he looks like a deer caught in headlights with those wide eyes.
In a split second he grabs his hairbrush from the shelf above the sink and holds it in front of him like you would a knife. Ofcours you knew he wouldn’t get very far with that, but right now you just wanted to make him feel comfortable so you hold your hands up in the air to show him you mean no harm.
“Tom..” You say softly as you take a step closer to him. The beads of sweat on his forehead become apparent to you as do his frantic eyes which are constantly scanning every part of the room for threats. 
His movements are erratic as he holds the brush out in front of him and you wonder if he even reconizes you as his partner at this moment. “Stay back- I know why you’re here… I know it. Where are your friends, hm?” He raises his eyebrow at you, skeptical of your intentions. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” A frown appears on your face as he starts ranting nonsense. You were well aware of Ryder’s drug problem, but you really hated seeing him like this. The poor guy was really in a miserable state.
It had all started quite innocent, just one joint to take the edge off before a press tour or a premiere, you even did it with him sometimes. Then at parties he started to dance on the edge of safe and dangerous. Taking more and more different kinds of drugs with the excuse of ‘just experimenting’. 
In the last couple of weeks you’ve found him throwing up in the bathroom, pale as a ghost more than once. You’ve tried to offer advice but he never wants to hear it. He’s Tom Ryder. He can do whatever he wants. 
“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You came all the way up here to get me alone, right? So there’d be no witnesses when you kill me.” The brush is shaking in his hands and his words are quick, full of distrust towards you.
You can tell it’s bad this time. You’ve never seen him so paranoide before and it’s seriously concerning. Lately one or two hits just aren’t enough for him anymore, it’s like he’s trying to numb himself. From what you wouldn’t know, he’s not exactly open about his flaws and weaknesses. That’s vulnerability and that’s bad. 
“No I’m not-” You step closer, but he cuts you off by throwing the brush in your direction which you just barely manage to dodge. You look at him with wide eyes and before he can grab the bar of soap from the sink to throw that as well you rush over to him to grab his wrists.
“Tom, listen to me- fuck..” You mutter as he struggles against you, trying to push you off him. 
“What do you want from me?!” Ryder shouts desperately. Even after doing all those movies and action scenes he has really no idea how to fight, so most of his attempts to fight you off go nowhere. 
“It’s me, Tom. No one is trying to kill you!” You yell as you finally manage to remove the bar of soap from his hands. You quickly reach your hands up to cup his face. With closed eyes you take some deep breaths to slow down your heart rate. You weren’t exactly sober either, so you took a moment to steady yourself before looking back at him.
It wasn’t that you didn’t understand where the paranoia came from, ofcours you did. Tom Ryder is the most famous actor in the world, everyone who didn’t want to be with him, wanted to be him. Let’s just say that both of you have experienced first hand how far some people are willing to go for celebrities. 
Yet when sober Tom didn’t seem necessarily concerned about it, more annoyed or angry when another fan tried to touch or attack him. And don’t get it wrong, Tom loves the attention and validation, but he doesn’t exactly want those crazies near him.
“Hey, hey look at me, yeah? Look at me.” Your voice is demanding and his eyes immediately snap back towards yours. His sunglasses do a poor job of hiding his wide blown, red eyes. 
“You’re okay.” You gently stroke his cheek with your thumb to try and calm him down like you’ve done countless times before. “You’re okay..” You repeat in a softer tone, a small smile spread across your lips.  
“Baby?” He whispers quietly. His eyes have softened and you can feel the man you love coming back to you. 
“Mhm..” You hum softly. “No one’s going to kill you, I promise.” 
You notice Tom’s eyes starting to water a little as he realizes everything is okay and that you’re with him to keep him safe. He holds his head down in shame.  “I’m sorry..” His voice barely comes out as a whisper as he leans forwards and buries his face in your chest. 
You wrap one arm around him, the other gently stroking his messy blonde hair to comfort him. He’s always had a weak spot for you when you played with his hair. 
“And I’m sorry I tried to hit you with my hairbrush.” He mumbles again.
“I know, love..” You whisper back as you hold him close. Then without warning Tom starts sobbing into your chest, it sounds broken and helpless. Every single thought inside his head just spilt over, unable to keep it in anymore, yet also unable to actually talk about it. 
You pull him into a tight hug, leaning his head on your shoulder as you rub his back. You’ve never seen him this vulnerable before and while it felt a little bit weird, it also felt good that he trusted you enough to let himself be vulnerable with you.
For now you'd just hold him, let him air his heart as long as he needs to. You can both work on your issues later. In this moment being in the comfort of each other's arms is enough.
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A/N: I'm a firm believer that Tom Ryder swings both ways, but cannot hold a normal stable relationship to save his life. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and please if you have any Tom Ryder requests send them in.
I don't have a Taglist for Tom Ryder fanfics yet, so if you wanna be on it lemme know.
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abimee · 1 year
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Ponkotsu is an adjective that describe a useless and/or unreliable character. An individual could be a ponkotsu character, meaning that they often make mistakes and have embraced this characteristic as a part of their persona.
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vodrae · 1 year
Batkids :
Dick : Romani
Jason : Latino, (I think half Bazilian half Mexican but I can go the wrong way here)
Tim : Caucasian
Stephanie : Caucasian
Harper : Caucasian
Cassandra : Chinese (because Asian means nothing)
Duke : Black-American
Damian : Inherits all his mother's genes, Arab-Chinese
It's just funny to me that at first sight everybody would assumed Bruce's bio children are the 3 wild bisexuals (like their dad)
Jason is 100% latino, with black hairs and glowing green eyes, like Damian, all it needs is one picture taken with Selina.
Only one. And all Gotham would speculate to know not if, but how did Bruce and Selina hide their relationship so long.
And then out of nowhere Talia Head, Lexcorp's CEO, would drop the bomb, she's the one in long term relationship with Selina and Bruce had the kindness to...Give a part of him for every kids.
Jason, Damian, and Cass are hers.
Tim, Harper, Cullen are Selina's.
Duke is Alfred's grandchild by Julia Pennyworth.
Dick is the lovechild of them three, only one officialy adopted after the Flying Grayson's murder.
And Stéphanie broke into the fridge one day and Bruce didn't ask question.
I want chaos, I want to see the kids not knowing if they want to to laugh, admire her or puke (of joy to be a real family)
Kate, then annouce she's in the same situation with Poison Ivy for Barbara Gordon, but their lover was murdered, it's logic because...RED. The anarchy ! (If we're going with Barbs being Jim's niece then adopted daughter.).
Why didn't Bruce asked question for the blondie, LEMME TELL YA. Because Steph is the lost daughter he had in college with a certain Harleen Quinzel ! She told Jack Ryder !
And then everybody leaves the gala. Mission accomplished.
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Haunted Pt 2
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the fantastic reception on Part 1, it really made me want to write some more to this little story! Here's Part 2, I hope you enjoy it as much as the last one.
Summary: Reader remembers a party she was at, and the Ghoul causes trouble in a saloon.
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“Are you enjoying the party?”   
I looked over to my left to see Barb Howard approaching me. She was completely impeccable – her dark skin was glowing, and she had the best-looking hair in the room. Her dress was a beautiful peach colour, and she had a string of pearls around her neck that were probably worth more than all the alcohol spilling at the party. Beside her, I felt ever so slightly dull.   
“Oh, me and Jackie are having such a good time,” I nodded towards the toilets, “he’s currently taking a bathroom break.”   
I felt the need to accentuate my husband’s appearance next to Barb, and I breathed a sigh of relief when Jackie appeared from the toilet and smiled widely at us.   
“Barb, this is a spectacular event. You lot at Vault-Tec certainly know how to throw a party!” he laughed, and I felt a wave of jealousy come over me as she laughed alongside him. Jackie was so good at this – talking to people he barely knew, making them feel like he really cared about them even if he didn’t give a whatsits. “Me and my wife here barely get a chance to go out together at the minute, this filming is taking awfully long.”   
I noticed he winced as he said this, and Barb’s face fell ever so slightly. The one thing we’d both agreed not to mention tonight was the film because we knew I was already on Barb’s bad side after she’d seen The Man from Calabasas. I’d never taken her as a jealous type, but after the premier had finished, Barb had become immediately cold towards me. Her irritation at my presence got worse with Under the Covers, and this one we were currently shooting often had visits to set from Cooper’s wife, who apparently was under the impression I was screwing her husband.   
Not even my marriage had convinced her otherwise and she’d been invited to the wedding.  
“Well, you and I are both feeling the loneliness from our spouses’ schedules, although Cooper’s is most definitely busier.”   
I sucked in a deep breath at her veiled insult, but Jackie just put his hand on the small of my back and pointed to the corner.   
“Look, darling, there’s Charlie,” he smiled politely at Barb, and she forced one back at us. “my apologies, Mrs Howard, but I think we’re being waved over.”   
We walked away from her, and Jackie let out an unhappy sigh.   
“God, you’d think that you’d be flirting with that woman’s husband off-camera with the way she acts towards you.”   
“I barely flirt with him on camera, darling.” I chuckled, and he took me in his arms, placed his hands on my waist and kissed me deeply.  
“I love you, darling.” He said softly, and I smiled back, feeling myself getting lost in his gaze.  
“I love you too, Jackie,” I replied, “I love you very much.”   
“Earth to Little Miss Ryder, are you even fuckin’ listening to me?”   
I turned to the Ghoul, who was waving a gloved hand in my face. I jumped slightly and sent him an uneasy nod. We were walking past the remains of what seemed to be a forest, with trees that were coming back stronger than they’d grown before. Walking along the treeline gave us a bit of shade from the burning sun, but the Ghoul had been shifty since we’d left the hut that morning, looking in every direction at once as if something was going to appear all at once out of nowhere.  
“Yeah, sorry. Just got distracted thinking about someone. I mean, something.”   
“Well, you better keep fuckin’ focused 'cause I think I can see what passed that hut last night.” He gestured in front of me, and I gasped as I saw what he meant.   
Up in the distance, shuffling around aimlessly, was another ghoul.   
“Has it seen us?” I whispered, but he shook his head.   
“Nah, I don’t think so,” he hissed back, “but we’re gonna have to pass it at some point, and it’s definitely feral.”   
In front of us, the feral ghoul began to turn towards us and suddenly I was being pulled behind a tree. He pulled out his gun and gestured for me to do the same.   
“Hey, uh, I should probably have asked you this before, but what’s your name? I don’t want to go ‘hey ghoulie’ and have you both turn to look at me.”   
“I don’t have one.”   
“What do you mean you don’t have one?”   
“I. Don’t. Have. One. Okay?”   
“Everyone has a name!”   
“Oh for fuck’s sake, just call me Sherrif!” he spat out, before leaping out behind the tree and shooting the feral in the head.   
“What kind of a fuckin’ name is Sherrif?” I almost laugh at the implications – this fucking Ghoul, who dressed like a cowboy with a secret love of Westerns wanted to be called Sherrif?   
“It’s my fuckin’ name, Missy.”   
“No, it ain’t.”   
“Yes, it is.”   
The feral currently on the floor began to move again, but Sherrif shot it again, still glaring at me.   
“It’s a fucking stupid name – makes you sound like a dog.”   
He lunged at me – grabbed onto my neck and shoved me against the tree we’d just been hiding behind.   
“Maybe I just am a dog, Missy. I certainly seem to be followin’ you around like one.”  
“Yeah, that’s what I’m fuckin’ paying you for, Sherrif,” He let out an irritated huff, and let me go, adjusting his belt.   
“Never meet your fuckin’ heroes,” he sighed and shook his head. I only let out another laugh and shrugged.   
“I was never the hero, Sherrif. I was the always the damsel in distress, gettin’ tied up by some evildoer and Coop’s character would have to rescue me.”   
“You were pretty fuckin’ fiesty for a damsel in distress.”   
“Only ‘cause the old perverts that liked watching Coop’s pictures liked to see a woman’s titties jiggle as she fought off the evil outlaw.”  
Walking away from the scene, the bounty hunter Ghoul became talkative in a way he hadn’t been before last night.   
“What was it like actin’ alongside the infamous Cooper Howard?” I raised my eyebrows at him, but he only shrugged. “I’m just interested to know if he was a fuckin’ arsehole like actors usually are.”   
“What do you know about actors, Sherrif?”   
“Been around a long time, I suppose.”   
“I can fuckin’ believe that one,” he shot me a dirty look, but I only grinned, “anyway, Coop was actually a pretty nice guy, for the most part. Though it is his fuckin’ fault I’m out here and not sittin’ pretty in a vault with my husband.”   
“The vaults aren’t all they were cracked up to be,” the Sherrif grimaced, and adjusted his hat, “you’re probably better off out here.”   
“You might be right, to be fair. But if I saw him walkin’ ‘round today, I’d sock him right on the mouth.”   
“Haven’t you done that before anyway?” I roll my eyes at his attempt at a joke, but I can’t help but smile.   
“We were acting.”   
“Were you?”   
“Of course I was!” I slap him on the arm, and he grins down at me. For a second, I’m not in the wasteland – I’m back on set with Cooper and Jackie or Greg and we’re just laughing about some dumb shit on the script. Then the wasteland appears before us again and I’m no longer home.   
The next settlement we arrived at was substantial but quiet. The people there didn’t seem scared of us as we dragged ourselves to the watering hole, but there was a look in their eyes like you’d see in a prey animal. We handed over a few caps to the bartender in exchange for a drink and some directions to somewhere to kip for the night.   
“Jus’ head over to Mister J’s place. It’s on the high street, opposite the junk shop. Can’t miss it.”   
“Thank you kindly, sir,” I said, turning back to face the Sherrif. He was looking around us with a hint of suspicion on his face, and I handed him his drink. “what’s up, Sherrif? Does this saloon reek of outlaw or somethin’?”   
The Sherrif grunted but nodded all the same.   
“Somethin’ like that, little Missy. Somethin’ ain’t right here.”   
We hadn’t been sitting in the bar long before that something walked right in, a rather substantial gun in his hand and a crazed look in his red-rimmed eyes. The bar went completely silent, and the ghoul next to me immediately put a hand on his own gun.  
So far, apart from the trouble with raiders and fiends and all that shit, we hadn’t faced a huge threat. But between the haunted looks of the settlement inhabitants, and the coked-up-looking man standing next to the bar, I was sure this was going to be trouble. It reminded me of a scene from Under the Covers, where I’d played a sultry young woman hiding a dark secret opposite Cooper’s detective and he’d got into a bar fight over a mafiosa’s wandering hands.   
I shook my head at the Sherrif, who seemed to be moments away from pulling out his gun and firing it at the coked-up crazy man before he decided to fire at anyone else. He frowned but shifted anyway and pulled his hat further over his face. The sudden intruder whispered something in the ear of the bartender, who had become very interested in the glass he’d been polishing. He put the glass down and poured the man a beer, before quickly going back to polishing his glasses.   
From where we were sat, I had a pretty good view of the dude – his red eyes, thick beard, the bloodied fist clenched around his beer glass. I looked back over at the Sherrif, whose eyes were trained on the gun in the man’s other bloodied hand.   
I made eye contact with the Sherrif and then looked over to the door. He seemed to get my meaning, and we were about to get up when the crazed man began to talk.   
“You got the caps for this month, Jim?” he asked, and the barman cowered, before shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Sir, I haven’t been able to make the full amount since that shootout last month, I just need-”   
“So you don’t have my fucking caps, is that what you’re saying?”  
“No, Sir.”   
At this point, I could see that the barman was shaking, and the other man was holding up his gun, not quite pointing it, but holding it up as if he were inspecting it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Sherrif shift in his seat, and his hand returned to the pistol.   
“Well then, I guess I gotta give you a little more time then, eh? A little bit more time to make a few more caps, yeah?”   
“Yes Sir, please. I only need a couple more days.” I was almost certain that the barman was close to shitting himself, and I was beginning to panic that we would be next.  
I remembered men like these – men who would come into the brothel with their guns, pointing them at any whore who dared disobey.  
I remembered shooting a few of them.  
I watched, half in horror and half in dull apathy as the coked-up man raised his gun to the head of the barman, who had resorted to whimpering in fear. There was a click, as he pulled the trigger, but no gunshot ran out.   
The barman let out a cry, but the other man just began to laugh.   
“You got til’ tomorrow. If I don’t get my caps, I’ll shoot you in the fucking head for real.”   
The barman whimpered a thank you and then seemed to crumple to his knees in relief, disappearing from view.   
I let out a sigh of relief of my own, and I saw the Sherrif remove his hand from his holster. I relaxed my shoulders and leaned back into my chair and I saw my companion relax a little himself.   
“Now, what have we got here?”   
Shit. I took a quick look over to the Sherrif, who was currently in a staring contest with the apparent landlord of the saloon.   
“Me and my companion here are just a couple wanderers, enjoying a quick drink,” I hastily begin, “We won’t be sticking around long.”  
“You know, you don’t see many ghouls around these parts.” The Sherrif remained silent, so I attempted to step in again.   
“We’ll be on our way very soon,” I said, “We’re not sticking around, like I said.” I looked over to the Sherrif as I did so, who raised his glass to the Landlord and downed the rest of his drink.   
“You look very familiar, young lady,” the Landlord began, “Have we met before?”  
I shook my head and forced out a smile.   
“We’re nobodies, Sir. Just your average wastelanders.”   
He looked us over, for a moment, before standing aside.   
“Off you go then, average wastelanders.” He had a sneer painted across his scarred, hairy face that I didn’t like but at least he was letting us go.   
We got to the door of the saloon and were about to walk out and find wherever Mr J’s was when the Landlord’s voice called out to us once again.   
“I know where I remember you, Little Missy,” my breath caught in the back of my throat and I clenched my jaw. “You work at that brothel near Scrapheap, right? You were a slave there.”   
“I earned my freedom,” I bit out, “I don’t work there anymore.” 
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just knock you out and sell you back to it? I’m sure they’re missing their best worker.” He leered at me and I felt myself shiver. His eyes felt like they were piercing right through my bones. I opened my mouth to speak again, but I was interrupted before I could make a sound.   
“You try anythin’ and I’ll shoot a bullet through your thick fuckin’ skull, alright?” Beside me, the Sherrif grinned and pointed his gun at the man in front of us. “I’d say that’s one good fuckin’ reason.”   
The Landlord let out a loud, unhinged laugh. A few people around us began to laugh as well, and then the Ghoul standing next to me began to laugh as well.   
He shot at the Landlord, and all hell broke loose. 
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musicwithoutborders · 16 days
The Black Ryder, Outside I Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride, 2009
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aphverse-confessions · 3 months
i disagree with the previous anon who said that ein was only memorable as a villain.
in my opinion:
pre-twist pdh s2 ein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post-twist villain ein.
he was just so much more fascinating, intriguing, multidimensional and complex to me in those early pdh s2 days. he had SO much potential as a character but they had to ruin it.
they should've leaned more into the omega thing.
it was implied he was bullied when he was omega, but it was never explored in depth? they should've dove into how being omega negatively affected him and made him into an emotional mess hellbent on getting power so he can take revenge...
also remove the incest bs please. they should've made his dynamic with aphmau be brother-sister from the very beginning... that would make their falling out much more tragic.
and this advice pretty much applies to any aphmau character if you want to make them more complex and developed than they ever were in canon: HAVE THEM INTERACT WITH CHARACTERS WHO AREN'T APHMAU AND AARON.
pdh s2 had ein interacting with kai, daniel, dottie, rylan, blaze, kacey, katelyn, teony, sasha, zenix, gene, jax, ryder... those interactions were always the most fascinating to me. in ms s4 & s6, his character pretty much revolves around aphmau and aaron, like so many other characters do.
mind you, they literally had a backstory in the works for him, but randomly gave up on it out of nowhere. we should've seen that. it's clear they just gave up on writing a complex character so they could have a 100% evil villain who would serve as a representation of jess' toxic high school ex.
they should've shown us his home life in the western wolf tribe. they should've shown his mother, who probably raised him by herself because zack wasn't around (fun fact: ein's mother was revealed in a gachaverse parody video 💀)
there's just SO MUCH to explore. endless possibilities and potential...
ein had the capability to be another azula or kokichi/komaeda archetype with proper writers.
but instead... he's reduced to a personification-of-evil villain who is promptly killed off and brought back whenever they need tension or conflict in the story.
so much wasted potential... just like so many aphmau characters.
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