#sad day to be a writer
melodygatesauthor · 1 year
The Blue Pill is Postponed :(
Hello everyone!
It’s with a VERY heavy heart that I need to postpone the release of The Blue Pill for a while. I have never announced a fic that I didn’t release on time, and I can’t tell you how disappointed I am to have to put it aside for now. (Details below the cut)
When I first planned out TBP, my schedule was a lot different, and I had a lot more time on my hands. Right now I’m pushing 60 hours a week at work and finding it insanely difficult to keep up with my personal life (family, housework, time with my dog e.t.c.) never mind my favorite hobby, writing.
That being said, I have really struggled to get my outline and plans ready for this fic, let alone actually sitting down to write it out. I wrote the first chapter, and I was really unhappy with it because my heart wasn’t in it and that’s now how I want to approach it.
I think at this moment in time, A Bit Dodgy is the only chaptered longfic I can handle. My heart and soul is really into working on some of my smaller side projects (one-shots and mini-series), and the requests that some of you have submitted. (this includes more Blue content, he's still making me scream inside)
I really learned a lesson with this, and I’m sorry for getting anyone’s hopes up only to not follow through. It was really hard for me to come to this conclusion. As I go forward, I’ll only be announcing things as they are underway (meaning I have them planned out and have been actively working on them) so that I can avoid doing this in the future. My eyes were bigger than my stomach on this one and I took more food than I could manage to eat.
You’re all so wonderful, and I’m sorry if anyone is disappointed, I’m disappointed too.
TBP is still going to happen, I just can’t promise you when. I’m very excited for it, but I need some more time, and I don’t want to keep stringing you all along. Thank you for understanding!
When I DO get around to it, I'll make sure to tag anyone on the taglist below. Thanks again!
@y0urvalent1ne, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @ninebluehearts, @steven-grants-world, @gay4magneto, @midgardian-witch, @loki-hargreeves, @kittyofalltrades, @welcometostayingawake, @360iris, @thatmomwitchfriend, @abbessolute, @campingwiththecharmings, @romanarose, @grumpyahjumma, @moonknightly, @pimosworld, @purplefancybitch, @in-between-the-cafes, @saraicus, @blue-jones-simp, @caloetta, @flordelalunas, @hausofwhores, @the-queen-of-fools, @lunar-ghoulie, @justmaragudytha
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Quotable quotes.
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"As cruel and painful as it may seem at times, we have to accept that some people can only be in our hearts, not in our lives."
—  Juan Francisco Palencia.
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originalferal · 2 months
no one ever told me i would spend so many nights forgiving people who didn't even apologize.
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writerfae · 5 days
Also when Talon remains crown guard instead of taking over the lead at his house, I imagine he’d end up as guard of one of Henry’s children (you know once Aiden isn’t there anymore or even while he’s there still cause he only visits)
And I think he’s considered part of the family at that point and in my heart I know that even after Aiden is long gone the kids still refer to Talon as their “uncle”
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 4 months
me to me: girl, don't do it.
me: *imagines an au where the show didn't practically forget about merlin and gwaine's friendship after series 3, and gwaine found out about his magic sometime in series 4, and merlin got to have a friend again who knew everything about him and who he could be his true self with and tell everything to and share sneaky, knowing looks with when he secretly performed magic and—*
me to me: well, now you've done it. enjoy the pain.
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amateur-scribbler · 5 months
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I am an artist, or I guess something of the such, I write and paint and read and devour art with a longing lust.
But lately I am messy, maybe I always have been; I can’t count how many times I’ve been caught with flecks of paint buried under my nails or charcoal smudged on my skin.
Even when messy, I know what I want to do. I want the mess I create to be something beautiful; art asks for us to take tragedy and transform it into something the masses can relate to.
So, I’m smashing perfect tiles to create some new mosaic but, it all is just starting to look eerily similar to the normal messes I make.
The shards of ceramic are askew and won’t sit how they should, so now I’ve got this frown on my face tugging down and taking with it everything that makes art feel good.
But, I see it in the shards and shapes, right there is a trail of every single idiotic mess I have made.
It’s all the drunk kisses that leave my lips bruised, or the weeping tears to be a version of myself whose ribs protrude.
It’s ugly and never looks how it should; it’s throwing daggers with my tongue at those I love to see if they come back, even if they’re staggering from their wounds.
I am an artist. I create all the time but, it’s not always pretty pastels or delicate little words spoken with a small smile. It’s messy and cruel, which are two traits that stick to me like tar.
Because I am an artist, and I have mastered the art of fucking up as well as the stars have mastered dancing in the dark.
the artist - t.k.o
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liahleeh · 1 month
Passa tempo, passa tempo... E chegou novamente agosto. O mês difícil. Não, não é nenhum tipo de superstição. É apenas um mês difícil. Triste. É difícil ver a todo momento a palavra pai estampada em cada canto. Em cada comercial, propaganda, anúncios de lojas. É difícil ficar olhando sempre sugestões de presentes. É triste ver este dia chegar, e com ele a saudade. A saudade existe sempre, mas neste mês ela vem com mais intensidade, mais força. Se eu soubesse que aquele seria o último dia que te vi, teria te abraçado com tanta força. Se soubesse que seria a última vez que ouviria sua voz, te pediria para ouvir um último eu te amo. Nenhum abraço, nenhuma palavra de amor jamais terá o mesmo valor. Eu daria tudo para ter seu amor de pai. Para ser amada por um pai. Ter o privilégio deste amor. Você dizia que eu era sua princesinha. E que saudade de me sentir uma princesa, de ser tratada como uma princesa! Nenhum homem no mundo jamais amará uma mulher como um pai ama sua filha. Nenhum é capaz de cuidar, de admirar, de valorizar, como um pai. E é por isso que minha vontade é gritar bem alto para todos que têm a sorte de ter um pai, para que não só neste dia, mas em todos, os valorize, os ame, os abrace, beije, e aproveite cada instante junto deles. Muita saudade. Muita falta!!! ❤️‍🩹🖤💔❤️‍🩹🖤💔
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sher-ee · 2 months
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- Dante Stewart
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sh1-n0bu · 3 months
everyday i look at the hoyoverse fandom and go “wow… media literacy IS dead😃”
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lrsamantha · 1 month
I mistook his age for wisdom,
attention for love,
filling the void you left
with borrowed affections
It all feels familiar,
like a pattern I can't break,
seeking in them
what I once needed from you
But the comfort is fleeting,
and the ache remains,
because I’m still searching
for something I may never find
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solitude555 · 28 days
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Mình bị trust issues rất nặng nên đều rất khó để tin tưởng một ai đó. Chính vì vậy khi đã bước vào một mối quan hệ , mình thích thử thách sự kiên nhẫn của đối phương. Nếu cho đến cuối cùng, họ vẫn nhẫn nại ở lại với mình thì mình sẽ yêu họ tuyệt đối, yêu hết lòng và bù đắp lại tất cả mọi thứ bao gồm cả những thử thách vô lý mà mình tự đặt ra. Vì vậy hãy " Yêu tôi lúc hoen ố, đừng yêu tôi khi rực rỡ. Bởi khi tôi rực rỡ, ai cũng yêu tôi"
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The problem with having a tender heart is that every touch hurts.
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fluffyydumplings · 3 months
Stop x (,) . !
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You were my entire world
A galaxy made up of stars, planets and constellations I couldn’t even begin to explain
But to you
I wasn’t even a single star in your galaxy
Just a dot on a blank piece of paper
Drawn on with a white marker
Its ink cartage quarter filled and leaking from all corners
Just like my poor heart that bleeds
Bleeds in my love for you
The dark red stain an inconvenience in your life filled with peachy pink
The reason you accidentally burned your tongue while drinking coffee this morning
The reason it will rain tomorrow in the area across from your house
The reason you are currently tripping on your own feet
I make your eyes filled with joy morph into gloom
I make your smile of utter euphoria drift off into breaking waves of sorrow
Your sadness is a collateral to my love
Your contentment is a forfeit of my devotion
To me
You are the raindrops of silver that fall from the sky to refract into rainbow bridges over my burning heart
To you
I am the wet mud that clings to your shoes after a storm visits your backyard
Only to be washed away
And to be never thought off again
To me
You are a golden flower in a meadow of burning flowers
But to you
I am a single amber of flames that has diminished into a particle of ashes
Ready to be blown by the wind and end up in a vessel of forgotten water
To be evaporated away by the sun
Just like my love for you should
I am done with you
But.. I still love you
I still hold you dear
I’d tell you
What place does a lion with no mane or name like myself have in your heart of perpetual chill
I’d just freeze to death and become another rug for you to rest on and throw away once I’ve rotted down like the flesh I am
This is the last thing I will ever do for you
Well.. You wouldn’t want me to tell you that either
(p.s: neither do I)
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originalferal · 4 months
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coffeexxcigarettes · 7 months
I'm sorry my mind is made of the broken pieces,
Others left behind.
You can call me a bit of a collector,
A hoarder,
If you will.
I see the most beautiful shine,
To something that is cracked-
What once was whole,
Now in pieces before me.
Of course I'll reach for you tenderly.
Of course I'll hold onto you gently.
I'll admire your markings,
Like a child first discovering the stars.
And you are breathtaking.
And I kinda have a thing,
For slicing myself on all your edges.
Leave your mark on me,
Leave when you must.
I'll keep the remnants of you behind,
And love them into dust.
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srtruth · 4 months
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I still don't know how to improve the quality of my illustrations ksksksks
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